- The Kings most Excellent Majesty.
- Lord Archbishop of Canterbury
- Lord Keeper
- Duke of Lauderdale
- Marquiss of Worcester
- Earl of Bridgwater
- Earl of Essex
- Earl of Anglesey
- Earl of Bathe
- Earl of Carlisle
- Earl of Craven
- Earl of Arlington
- Earl of Shaftsbury
- Lord Newport
- Lord Holles
- Lord Cl'fford
- Mr. Vice-Chamberlain
- Mr. Secretary Trevor
- Sir John Duncombe
- Mr. Chancellor of the Dutchy
- Sir Thomas Osborne
WHereas His Majesty did the Seventeenth of March past, upon the reading in Council His Declaration of War against the States General of the Ʋnited Provinces of the Low Countreys, Command His Grace the Duke of Lauderdale, and the Right Honourable [Page 2] the Earl of Arlington, Principal Secretary of State, to Confer that Evening with the Ambassador and Minister of the said States, to Propose the Observance of the Two and thirtieth Article of the Treaty of Breda, on His Majesties part, for the withdrawing the Persons and Goods of all Dutch Subjects which were either found here, or at that time were voluntarily coming into His Majesties Ports; Provided His Majesties Subjects might have the same Benefit of the said Article; Which overture hath been often Renewed by the Earl of Arlington to the said Ambassador. And it appearing now at length, by a Paper from him of the 14/24. instant (this day read at the Board) That the States have consented to the said Proposition, and will set at Liberty all His Majesties Subjects, with their Ships and Goods, and that they may return without any Prohibition, when they shall see fit.
His Majesty hath thought fit to Command and Order the Right Honourable His Principal Commissioners of Prizes, forthwith to cause all the [Page 3] Ships, Goods, and Merchandizes that were Seised in any of His Majesties Ports, before the Declaration of the War, or which were voluntarily coming in to the same, to be forthwith set at Liberty and Discharged (they having remained still untouched, in expectation of what the said States would do in this point.) In like manner all persons belonging to the said Ships, who are under Detention by reason of the War, are to be forthwith set at Liberty, with Power to return with their Ships and Merchandize, when they shall see fit, according to the Tenor of the said Article; And notice hereof to be given to the Dutch Ambassador, that it may be as ingeniously performed on his Masters part as it is now promised. And His Majesties Commissioners for the care of Prisoners, are required to take notice hereof, and to give Obedience accordingly.
And whereas by another Paper of the 11/23. instant (this day also read at the Board) from the Sieur Boreel, by Order of the said States General of the Ʋnited Provinces, Proposing to enter into some terms of Agreement [Page 4] touching the Exchange of Prisoners of War on either side, His Majesty hath thought fit to Refer the Consideration of this matter to the Principal Commissioners of Prizes, that they may Consider thereof, and Propose to His Majesty such Expedients as they shall think fit.
Likewise all Dutch Merchants or others, who neither in their Persons or Goods are under this Detention, may freely depart the Kingdom, if they think fit, without any incumbrance or molestation.
It was Ordered by His Majesty in Council, That this be forthwith Printed and Published.
In the SAVOY, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1672.