HIS MAIESTIES SPEECH, To both houses of PARLIAMENT, JULY the 5 th 1641.
WITH M r SPEAKERS SPEECH, Before the KING, in the Vpper House of PARLIAMENT, Iuly the 3 d, 1641.
Concerning the passing of three Bils, Viz.
- 1 Poll-Money.
- 2 Star-Chamber.
- 3 High Commission.
London Printed 1641.
THF KINGS SPEECH To both Houses of Parliament, the fifth of Iuly, 1641.
I Come to doe that office which I did on Saturday last, to give determination to these two Bills: But before I doe it, I must tell you that I cannot but be very sensible of those reports of discontent, that I heare some have taken, for not giving my Assent on Saturday last.
Me thinkes it seemes strange that any one should thinke I could passe two Bills of that importance as these were, without taking some fit time to consider of them, for it is no lesse then to alter in a great measure, those fundamentall Lawes Ecclesiasticall and Civill, which many of my Predecessours have established, &c.
If you consider what I have done this Parliament, discontent will not sit in your hearts; for I hope you remember that I have granted that the Judges hereafter shall hold their places, Quam diu bene se gesserint.
I have bounded the Forrest, not according to my right, but according to the late Customes, I have established [Page 2] the property of the Subject, as witnesse the free giving, not taking away the Ship-money.
I have establishing by Act in Parliament the property of the subject in Tunnage and Poundage, which never which never was done in any my Predecessours times, I have granted a Law for a Trienniall Parliament, and given way to an Act for the securing of monies advanced for the disbanding of the Armies, I have given free Course of Justice against Delinquents, I have put the Law in Execution against Papists.
Nay, I have given way to every thing that you have asked of me, and therefore me thinkes you should not wonder if in some thing I begin to refuse, but I hope it shall not hinder your Progresse in your great Affaires. And I will not sticke upon triviall matters to give you Content, I hope you are sensible of these beneficiall favours bestowed upon you at this time.
To conclude, you know (by your consent) there is a prefixed time set for my going into Scotland, and there is an absolute necessity for it, I doe not know but that things may so fall out, that it may be shortned; Therefore I hope you will hasten the dispatch of those great businesses that now is necessary to be done, and leave triviall and superficiall matters to another meeting.
For my part I shall omit nothing that may give you just contentment, and study nothing more then your happinesse, and therefore I hope you shall see a very good Testimony of it by the passing these two Bills.
Le Roy Le veult.
[Page 3]This done, his Majestie said as followeth: viz. I have one word more to speake unto you, and take now an occasion to present to both Houses, that whereby I hope all the world shall see that there is a good understanding betweene me and my people.
It is concerning my Nephew, the Prince Elector Palatine, who having me and the King of Denmarke to give to a writing concerning the Dyet at Ratisbone with the Emperour, I could not but send my Ambassadour to Assist him, though I am afraid I shall not have so good an answer as I expect, which my Newphew fore-seeing, hath desired me, for the better countenancing of the same, to make a Manefesto in my name, which is a thing of great consequence, and if I should doe it alone, without the advice of my Parliament, it would rather be a scorne then otherwise; Therfore I doe propose it unto you, that if you should advise me to it, I doe thinke it were very fit to bee published in my name.
THe Government of a Commonwealth rests in the Rules of order, and hath so much affinity and consent with the Rules of Nature, in the government of the World, that the first copie and mutation of the one may seeme to bee taken from the originall and first modell of the other.
This contemplation (most excellent and gracious Soveraigne) casts our eyes upon your Sacred Majesty, as that Celestiall Orbe, which never resting without the office of perpetuall motion, to cherish the lower bodies, not enriching it selfe with any treasures drawne from below, exhales in vapours from the inferiour Elements, what indue season it returnes in showres.
The application makes us consider our selves, those sublunary creatures which having their essence and being from the influence of those beames (as the flowers of the field) open to receive the glory of the Sun.
In this relation both contribute to the common good, your sacred Majestie as a Nursing Father designed to bestow on your people, the blessing of peace and unity, and we as the children of obedience returne our duties and affections in Aids and Tributes. And [Page 7] this compacted in one body by the ligaments of Religion and Lawes, hath been the object of admiration to the whole world.
Amidst the distraction of forreigne Nations, wee onely have sate under the shadow of our Vines, and dranke the wines of our owne Vintage.
But your crafty adversaries, perceiving that the fervent profession of your owne Religion and firme observation of our Lawes, have beene the pillars of our prosperity, By subtile insinuations, pretending a Politike necessity to admit of moderation in our Religion, to comply with forraine Princes, and suggesting it a principall in the rule of Soveraignty, to require and take into, aske & have, that it must be postulare by power, not petere by Lawes, and keep this misery of warre and calamity, betweene Nation and Nation, and put us in the posture of gaze to the whole world.
But when wee behold your sacred Majesty discended from the Royall loines of that glorious King, which by his wisdome and Policie, first ingrafted the white Rose and the Red, upon the same stock, and sheithed the sword that had pierced the bowels of so much Nobilitie, glutted with the blood of people, and then laid the first hopes of the happy union between the Nations.
When our thoughts refresh themselves with that happy memory of that religious King your gracious Father, on whose sacred Temples both Diadems were placed, wrethed about with this motto, Faciam eos ingentem unam, we cannot but believe that God and Nature (by a lineall succession from those Fathers of peace) hath ordained you that lapis Angularis upon which the whole frame settles, and put into the hands [Page 6] of you sacred Majestie, the possibility and power to firme and stablish this happy union betweene your Kingdomes, and so raise your memory a Statue of glory and wisdome from generation to generation.
In all this length of time, the assurance of this Union and peace hath been the chiefe object of our desires, Our Purses have beene as open as our hearts, both contributing to this great work, manifested by so many Subsidies already presented, sufficient in our first hopes for the full perfection.
But finding that faile, have againe adventured upon your peoples property, and in an old and absolute way, new burnisht by the hand of instant necessity, expressed to the World the heart of a loyall people, and howsoever guided with a new name of tranquility and peace to your Kingdome, that with more case the people may disgest the bitternesse of this Pill, yet still our hearts had the same aime and object.
A gift sutable to the necessity of such vast extent that time cannot parallell it by any example.
And by which, if your sacred Majesty vouchsafe your Royall assent, wee shall not doubt you may soone accomplish those happy effects that may present your wisdome the object of wonder, and your policy to bee admired amongst the Nations.