A Proclamation for the Adjournment of part of
Michaelmas Terme.
HIs MAJESTY, to His great and unexpressible griefe, finding the Rebellion of the City of London, and the distraction of the whole Kingdome (occasioned principally by that means) to continue, whereby it will be extreamly inconvenient both for Himselfe and to all His good Subjects to make their repaire to the Cities of London and Westminster to the Terme, to be held at Westminster in such manner as it was wont for the whole Terme, Doth by this His Royall Proclamation Order, Appoynt and Declare, That the Court of Chancery, and all proceedings in that Court of what kinds or sorts soever, The Receipt of the Exchequer, and of the first Fruits and Tenths, and of the Dutchy of Cornwall, and the whole Court of Exchequer, (except only the Office of Pleas in that Court) and the Court of Exchequer Chamber, the Court of the Du [...]chy of Lancaster, the Court of Wards and Liveries, and the Court of White-Hall, or Court of Requests, shall be held and continued at His Citty of Oxford in the County of Oxford, (where His Majesties residence now is, and for this Winter season is like to be) for and during the whole Terme of S t Michaell now next ensuing. And that all the said Courts not before excepted, and the said Receipts, shall remain and continue, and be held at the said City of Oxford, untill His Majesty shall otherwise determine thereof and Declare the same.
And His Majesty doth farther Declare, That He doth resolve that the Courts of Kings-Bench, and Common-Pleas, and the Pleas between Party and Party in the Office of Pleas in the said Court of Exchequer, shall upon and from the first day of the first Returne of Michaelmas Terme next, commonly called Tres Michaelis, be adjourned untill the fist Returne of that Terme commonly called Octabis Martini; and that the said fist Returne called Octabis Martini, and the sixth and last Returne called Quindena Martini shall be held at the City of Westminster in the usuall places where formerly they were held, and the residue of the said first Returne of Tres Michaelis. The second Returne of the said Terme called Mense Michaelis, the third Returne of the said Terme, called Crastino Animarum, and the fourth Returne called Crastino Martini, shall be wholly omitted, and all appearances at any of the said second, third, and fourth Returnes to be at and on the said fist Returne called Octabis Martini.
All which His Majesty signifieth to all and singular His Officers and Ministers of the said severall Courts and Receipts, and to all other His loving Subjects of this His Realme, to the intent that they and every of them who should performe any service there, or shall have any suit or other occasion to attend in any of the said Courts of Chancery, Exchequer Chamber, Court of Exchequer (other then in the Office of Pleas there) or the Receipt of the Exchequer, and First Fruits and Tenths, or Dutchy of Cornwall, or in the Court of the Dutchy of Lancaster, Court of Wards and Liveries, and Court of Requests, may take notice thereof, and give their attendances at the said City of Oxford as aforesaid, and not elsewhere, & that such of them as have cause or command to appeare in any of the said Courts ot Kings Bench, or Common-Pleas, or Court of Exchequer in the Office of Pleas there, may also take notice thereof, & give their attendances accordingly, without danger of for forfeitur, penalty, or contempt to be incurred towards His Majesty, or prejudice to themselves in that behalf.
And His Majesties pleasure is, That the Essoynes for the said first Returne Tres Michaelis shall be kept at the usuall times in the said Courts of Kings Bench and Common-Pleas, and Writs of adjournment shall be directed to the Iustices of the said two Courts of Kings Bench and Common-Pleas and Barons of the Exchequer respectively, Willing and Commanding all and every His Majesties Officers, Ministers, and Subjects to whom it doth or shall appertaine, to observe and keep their Assemblies and Appearances, with all their Returnes and Certificates, in His Majesties said Courts accordingly, and to give their severall and respective attendances, and to doe their respective Offices and Duties in every behalfe, as if they were particularly named, and as they will answer the contrary at their perills.
Given at His Majesties Court at Oxford, this fifth day of October, in the Nineteenth yeare of His Majesties Reigne.
God save the King.
Printed at Oxford by LEONARD LICHFIELD Printer to the University.