¶ A Proclamation commanding all His Majesties Subjects and Servants that have any Office, Place, or Fee, of His Guift or Grant, forthwith to give their attendance upon His Person.

WHEREAS by a Statute made in the Eleaventh year of Our Royall Progenitor King Henry the sea­venth, all Our Subjects (other then those that are excepted in that Act) having any Offices, Fees, or Annuities of Our guift or grant (besides their common bond of Allegiance) are bound under the penalty of loosing and forfeiting their Offices, Fees and Annuities, to give their Atten­dance upon Us, when We shall fortune to goe in the Warres in Our own Person, for the de­fence of the Realme, or against Rebells for the subduing and suppressing of them: And whereas diverse of Our Subjects that have Offices, Fees or annuities of Our guift or grant, and diverse of Our Meniall Servants, who by their Places and Offices ought at all times to give their atten­dance upon Our Person, have neglected their attendance in the time of this Rebellion, when We have been engaged in the Warre in Our own Person; some upon pretence of leave, or dispensation from Us, and some upon other pretences, which We shall no longer permit, as well in regard of Our Honour, as Our safety, being resolved to goe in Person, for the subduing and repressing of the Rebells in Armes against Us: We have therefore thought fit to publish this Our Proclamation, and doe hereby Command and Require, all Our Subjects and Servants whatsoever, that have any Offices, places, Fees, or Annuities from Us or of Our guift or Grant (other then such as are in present Service or imployment in Our Armies, or are otherwise imployed in Our speciall service by our immediat Command) forth­with to repair to Our Court at, Oxford, and give their Attendance upon Our Person there with all convenient speed, and at the farthest, before the twentieth day of Aprill next comming, any leave or dispensation, or pretence of Licence from Us, of any other pretence or excuse whatssoever notwithstanding letting them hereby know, that in case they shall faile in their attendance at the day before prefixed, contrary to Our Cormmand published in this Our Proclamation, or shall notafterwards continue their Service and Attendance upon Us according to their duties, they shall incurre Our just displeasure, and We shall hold their Fees and Annuities as void and determined, and dispose of their Places and Offices to others, as lost and forfeited by their absence. And We doe hereby revoke and recall all licences, leave or dispensations for absence formerly granted or obtained.


Printed at Oxford, by Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the University. 1643.

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