Printed, by His MAJESTIES Command, AT OXFORD, February 7.

By LEONARD LICHFIELD Printer to the Vniversity. 1642.

HIS MAJESTIES LETTER OF INSTRUCTION directed and sent to the JUDGES of Assize of the seve­rall Circuits.

TRusty and well-beloved, Wee greet you well. We call to mind, that in former times the constant Custome was, by the Mouth of the Lord Keeper for the time being, at the Court of Star-chamber, in the end of Trinity Terme, to put the Judges of Assize (shortly after to undertake their severall Circuits,) in mind of such things as were then thought necessary for the present, for the good government of the Kingdome. This course in Our Judgement▪ We doe so well ap­prove of, that although We want that oportunity [Page 2] which We and Our Predecessors then had, of Communicating Our thoughts to Our Iudges, for the good of Our People: yet We doe still re­taine the same care for the safety and prosperity of Our good Subjects; And much more by how much the distempers and distractions of the pre­sent times, unhappily fallen, have given Us more occasion. We have therefore thought it fit to supply this defect by these Our Letters; wherein beside the generall care of Our Iustice commit­ted to Us by God, and by Us delegated to Our Iudges by Our severall Commissions, We re­commend unto you in your Circuit, as We shall doe to the rest of your Brethren in their severall Circuits, more especially these particulars fol­lowing.

First, That ye take care by all the best meanes you can, to suppresse Popery in all those Coun­ties whither you are to goe, by putting the Lawes made against them in due execution: And that you take the like care to give a stoppe to the overhasty growth of Anabaptisme, and o­ther Schismes, as farre as by the good Lawes of this Land you may, and to punish the delin­quents with an equall hand; and those especial­ly of either sort, whom you shall discover to be [Page 3] seditiously stirrers and moters of others, to any Act of disobedience to Us, and to Our Govern­ment. And that in your Charges and otherwise, as you shall have fit opportunity, you assure Our good Subjects in Our name, and in the word of a King (who calls God to witnesse of His inte­grity and sincerity therein) That by His gratious assistance, We are constantly resolved to main­tain the true Protestant Religion established by Law in this Church of England, in the purity thereof, without declining either to the right hand or to the left, as We found it at Our Accesse to the Crowne, and as it was maintained in the happy times of Queen Elizabeth, and King Iames (Our deer Father) both of happy memory; and therein both to live and dye.

Secondly, you shall let Our people of those Counties know, That according to Our Kingly duty and Oath, We are also constantly resolved to maintain the Lawes of this Our Kingdom, and by, and according to them, to governe Our Sub­jects, and not by any Arbitrary power, whatso­ever the malevolent Spirits of any ill-affected to Our Person, or Government have suggested, or shall suggest to the contrary; and that we shall also maintain the Just Priviledges of Parlia­ment, [Page 4] as farre as any of Our Predecessors have done, and as farre as may stand with that Iustice which We owe to Our Crowne, and to the ho­nour thereof. But that We may not, nor will ad­mit of any such unwarranted power in either or both houses of Parliament, which in some­things hath been lately usurped, not only with­out, but against Our Royall Consent and Com­mand; And We require and Command you, as there shall be just occasion offered, in a legall way, that you take care to preserve Our just Right in those Cases.

Thirdly, We charge you, as you tender the Peace of the Kingdom, (in the government whereof, according to Our Lawes, you Our Judges of the Law have a principall part under Us) that you take care for the suppressing of all Insurrections (if any such should happen) and of all Riots, and unlawfull Assemblies, under a­ny pretence whatsoever, not warranted by the Lawes of the Land, and whosoever shall trans­gresse therein, that you let them know, that they must expect that punishment which by the Law may be inflicted upon them, and at your hands We shall look for such an accompt herein, with­in your Circuit, as becometh the quality of the place wherein you serve Us.

[Page 5] Fourthly, Because these distempers of the pre­sent times, unhappily stirred up, and fomented by some, under specious, but unjust pretences, are probable to stirre up loose and ungoverned per­sons, under hope of impunity, as farre as they dare, to make a prey of Our good Subjects, We strictly charge and command you to take the best order you can in those Counties, that Rogues and Vagabonds, and other disorderly people may be apprehended, dealt with, & puni­shed according to the Lawes, whereby the good and quiet People of Our Kingdom may be secu­red, and the wicked and licentious may be sup­pressed. And We Charge and Command you to give it in Charge in all the Counties whither you are sent by Our Commissions, that Watches and Wards, be strictly kept in all Parishes & Places convenient, whereby the Lawes made against such disorders may be put in due execution.

Fiftly and lastly, you shall let Our People of those Counties know from Us, and by Our Com­mand, That if they shall preferre unto Us, or unto you in Our stead, any thing wherein they hold themselves grieved, in an humble and fitting way, and shall desire a just reformation or re­liefe, We shall give a gratious Eare unto them, and with all conveniency return them such an [Page 6] Answer, as shall give them cause to thank Us for Our Justice and Favour.

And when ye shall have published Our cleer intentions to Our People in these things, least, at the first hearing, they should not so fully appre­hend Our sence therein, you shall deliver a Copy of these Our Letters to the Foreman of the Grand-jury, and to any other, if any shall desire Copies of these Our Letters for their better infor­mation, you may deliver the same.

And to the end that Our Service in your Cir­cuit may not suffer through the absence of Our learned Councell; Our will and Command is, That you assigne in every place of your Sessions some of the ablest Lawyers who ride that Cir­cuit, to be of Councell for Us, to assist in such pleas of the Crowne, as may be most necessary for Our service, in the examination and punish­ment of notorious delinquents.

Of all these things We shall expect that good Ac­compt from you, as We shall from the rest of your Brethren Our Iudges, to whom We have also written to the like purpose, (of whose fidelity and good affections We are confident,) as becometh Us to look for from you, and for you to render to Us, from whom you have so great a trust com­mitted.

Given at Our Court at YORKE the 5 of Iuly 1641.

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