Summons to the City of Glocester
AUG. 10. 1643.
With Their Answer thereunto.
OUt of Our tender Compassion to Our City of Glocester, and that it may not receive Prejudice by Our Army, which We cannot prevent, if We be compelled to assault it, We are personally come before it to require the same, and are gratiously pleased to let all the Inhabitants of, and all other Persons within that City, as well Souldiers as others, know, That if they shall immediatly submit themselves, and deliver this Our City to Us, We are contented freely and absolutely to pardon every one of them without exception; And doe assure them in the word of a KING, that they nor any of them shall receive the least Dammage or Prejudice by Our Army in their Persons, or Estates; But that We will appoynt such a Governor, and a moderate Garrison to reside there, as shall be both for the ease and security of that City and that whole County. But if they shall neglect this Profer of Grace and Favour, and compell Us by the Power of Our Army to reduce that place (which by the help of God We doubt not We shall be easily and shortly able to doe) they must thank themselves for all the Calamities and Miseries must befall them. To this Message We expect a cleere and positive Answer within two houres after the publishing hereof, And by these presents doe give leave to any Persons safely to repaire to, and returne from Us whom that City shall desire to employ unto Us in that businesse. And doe require all the Officers and Souldiers of Our Army, quietly to suffer them to passe accordingly.
WEe the Inhabitants, Magistrates, Officers and Souldiers within this Garrison of Glocester: unto His Majesties gratious Message returne this humble Answere. That We doe keep this City according to Our Oathes and Alleagiance to and for the use of His Majesty and His Royall Posterity; And doe accordingly conceive Our selves wholly bound to obey the Commands of His Majesty signified by both Houses of Parliament; And are resolved by Gods help to keep this City accordingly.
- De. Wise Major.
- John Brewster.
- William Luggo.
- My. Singleton.
- Thomas Hill.
- Thomas Pury.
- John Scriven.
- Nich. Webb.
- Io. Dorney.
- Anth. Edwards.
- Iohn Halford.
- Toby lordan.
- G. Dawidssone.
- Robert Maxwell.
- Edw. Massie.
- Con. Ferrer.
- Hum Mathewes.
- Isaack Dobson.
- Edward Gray.
- Charles Blount.
- Peter Crispe.
- Rob. Backhouse.
- Ia. Harcus.
- Tho. Pury Iun.
- Rob. Stevenson.
- Tho. Blayney.
LEt the World now judge if His Majesty could have sent a more Gratious Message to His most Loyall Subjects, and whether these desperate Rebells deserve any Mercy, who after so many Offers doe still refuse a Pardon. But since their returning this Rebellious Answer, they have set their own Suburbs on fire, which surely is not to keep the City either for the KING or Parliament.