To the Two LIGHTS of ENGLAND; the Two UNIVERSITIES of this Kingdom: And to all their most worthy HEADS and MEMBERS, Truth, Wisdom, and Honour from God our Father, through our Lord JESUS CHRIST.

Ye celebrated Men of Wisdom and Learning,

THe TRIPLE-CROWNED-LITTLE-HORN, hath so worried the Saints of the Most High, out of the World, with his bla­sphemous Endeavours of changing TIMES and LAWS, that Men know not how to keep Time for their Laws, nor have any Law for their Time.

But the Learned Dr. MORE (and several others) in their COMMEN­TARIES on DANIEL, have laid the CHANGE of TIMES and LAWS at the Doors of ROME. Yet because (Dolus versatur in universalibus) they seem not to be concerned.

There wants a NATHAN to say, Thou art the Man. (2 Sam. 12.7.) There wants some to say, what Times, and what Laws, the Angel spake of to Daniel? Dan. 7.25.

To which purpose I did write to the Most Reverend ARCH-BISHOPS, and BISHOPS, on the King's Birth-Day; and the most Honourable JUDGES in Term time, in the very beginning. And now to your Selves (against your Days of Solemnity) that many Hands may make light Work. Plus vident Oculi, quam Oculus.

If then you are pleased to make a Discovery of those TIMES and LAWS, you do well; but if you can restore them, you do better: For (so extrava­gant is yet the LITTLE-HORN in England) that if any Single Pen should draw the Curtain, and discover the Nakedness of ANTICHRIST in those Times and Laws, they would immediately bestow upon him the Curse of CHAM, or adjudge him to Fire and Fagot.

And the SCENT of the HORN is yet so Rank, that it is not in the Power of KING and PARLIAMENT, to make a perfect Restauration.

Yet do not you refuse your helping hand—

Est aliquid prodire tenus, si non detur ultra.

How strange would it appear, if after all your Silence, my Goos-Quill should make a Noise, and awaken the CAPITOL of ENGLAND, to pre­vent a (total) Desolation prophesied by the Lord Jesus Christ, (Mat. 12.25.)

Let not this Service be unseasonable from

Your most humble Christian Servant Peter Chamberlen.

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