A Catalogue of BOOKS of the Newest Fashion, to be Sold by AƲCTION at the WHIGGS Coffee-House, at the Sign of the Jackanapes in Prating-Alley, near the Deanry of St. Paul's.
- 1. ECcebolius Anglicus: The Oxford [...], or the Duty of conforming to all Times and Circumstances of prevailing Wickedness and Injustice, and the unlawfulness of the contrary, by Hum—y H [...]y, an humble Assertor of that Doctrine, dedicated to his Master St—.
- 2. Mercurius Deformatus: Or the Picture of Mercury with a Calf's Head on and no Brains in't; by that Contemptible Witling the Weekly Observator: Dedicated to the learned and worthy Dr. Wel—d.
- 3. Lues Germanica: The Dutch-Pox in Folio. A Modern Treatise, holding forth a surer way of clapping our Consciences, than a Land Fire-ship can our Cod-pieces.
- 4. St fortuna velit fies; de, &c. Gravel-lane to Day, D—n of P—l's to Morrow, and Gravel-lane again, as moody Fortune or Spouse pleases: By Smock-peckt Sh—k.
- 5. Quos Jupiter vult perdere, &c. England first made a Bedlam by Priests of Latitude, and then an Aceldama by the Dutch Pilgrims in Sohoe; published as a Specimen of the Blessings we may rationally expect from a general Comprehension of all Religions, as well as of a general Naturalization of all Nations.
- [Page 2]6. Non magna loquimur sed, &c. By the pious Author and religious Practiser of the Letter to the dying Lord Russ—l, addressed chiefly to his Arch-Brother and quondam Pupil Dr. Sh—, as an Antidote against Shame and Remorse; with a Use of Instruction, that those things you cannot get fairly rid of by Argument or Banter, you must learn solidly to out-face.
- 7. Clodius accusat maechos: Or three Discourses against Tom Fir—n, and a fourth against Hell-Torments; the first Tract extorted from the Author by the importunate Clamours of those who hate Hereticks in Masquerade, as the Author himself tells you, least you should think he drew his P [...]n in the defence of Christianity voluntarily; the second published as a brief Summary of his Creed, by way of communicatory Letter: Dedicated to his Sub-Intruders.
- 8. H [...]u quantum nobis profuit, &c. A Treatise shewing that Hypocrisy's the best Religion, by him that has gain'd 6000 l. per An. by't; these three last by the same Hand.
- 9. Dux foemina facti: Conquest the best Title to Body and Confcience, by Dr. Sh—k's Wife, dedicated to her Humble Servant her Husband; wherein these two Points are proved at large: First, That no Man is a good Husband who will no [...] sacrifice his Conscience to the importunity of a Wife: And Secondly, That [...]he Doctor was visi [...]ly under her Power, and therefore he was forced to submit, and might do so according to his Hypoth sis of Force, which dissolves all Obligation, especially since the Female Usurpation had been for a l [...]ng time, and throughly settled.
- 10. Dum vitium fugiunt stulti. &c. An infallible Cure for the Cramp in the great Toe, by cuting both Leggs off, the Operation performed by the Asso [...]iated Conventioners of 88, and approved by some of the Task-masters [Page 3]of last Session: Together with Apologies for the same, by those two Foxes John—n and Bur—t, each of which, though their Heads stand different ways, has the Firebrand of Rebellion in his Tail.
- 11. Parturiunt montes nafcetur, &c. An exact List of all the Countries, Cities, Towns, Fortresses, Castles, Laden Vessels, Cannon, Prisoners, Baggage, &c. taken from the French since the Commencement of the last War; by Johannes Pudendus a Speaker of Short-Hand: Dedicated to the invisible, invulnerable, and thrice puissant Protector of these three once flourishing Kingdoms.
- 12. Manus manum fricat: Or a King maker deserves to be a Wages-taker; by a Club of those confiding Kn—s that sold their Countrey last Session; dedicated to their Pay-master; wherein they gratefully own they have taken his Money, but withal tell him they have not been behind-hand, but for every hundred Pounds they have received from him they have given him ten thousand.
- 13. E quovis ligno non fit Mercurius: Clearly demonstrating that you'l sooner make a sweet Punch Bowl of a wooden Close-Stool, than an Orthodox Bishop of an old stinking Phanatick; humbly offered to the Crack-brain'd Frantick Window-breaker of Cripplegate, a lively and living Testimony of the Truth of that Treatise.
- 14. Semper idem: Or a Covenanter in 47, an Engager in 52, a Negative and &c. Oath-man in 57, a Surplice Renouncer in 61, a Conformist and Covenant-Renouncer in 64, a Rebel in 88, a scandalous Intruder in 90, and a Judas always; by R—d K—r, and several others: Dedicated to undipt John, and are to be sold at the Windmill in Turn-coat-Alley, where are Alcorans or Bibles, Common-Prayer or Mass-Books, Geneva Cloaks or Gowns and Cassocks, Miters or Turbants of all sorts and sizes, for the use of the persevering Confessors aforesaid.
- [Page 4]15. Que genus & flexum variant, &c. Or a Prophesy of the six Grand Intruders; proving them to be Heteroclites and Heterodox, from the Rudiments of Grammar and Christianity.
- 16. Nos patriae fines, &c. Room for Sooterkins, or the neighbourly kindness of a general Naturalization; shewing that since Foreigners have naturaliz'd and adopted all our Money, it is but reasonable that we should adopt and naturalize some of their Men; because we have nothing left now to oblige them with but our Terra firma, and since it is not possible to transport our Mountains to them, we should bring them to our Mountains.
- 17. Graeculus esuriens, &c. A Catalogue of Refugees turn'd Witches, in hopes of the Honours and Revenues of English Bishopricks; By Gil—t Bu—t Founder of that Order: Dedicated to Mounsieur Alix, already a Treasurer of one Cathedral, and a forward putter for the Government of another.
- 18. Exorcista: Or England dispossess'd of a Low-Countrey Devil, by the High-Dutch Conjurer of the Savoy.
- 19. Ecclesi liberata. The Established Church preserv'd by damning her Doctrines to steal her Pelf; By Brother I—n of the Char—r-House: presented for a New-Years-Gift to Sister Sym—n, wherein is learnedly proved, that Possive Obedience without a Parsonage and Prebendary, and Pater-nosters without Pence, are unedifying Tenents, and that no Church is worth the saving that will not allow Tent and Eggs to one's Breakfast.
- 20. Proximus sum egomet mihi: Near is my King, but nearer is my Skin; By that renowned Vindicator of the Church, the Martyr Dr. Pel—g: Dedicated to M. G. Ludlow, as a thankful Return to his last obliging Letter on that Subject; containing the Reasons of Jeshurun's kicking and the Dr's deserting. Printed for Aminadab Rebellis, [Page 5]and are to be fold at the Sign of the Jack-Pudding in Taylors Court near West—r.
- 21. Asperius nihil est humili, &c. A New-invented Mathematical Instrument, by the help of which one may discover, that the higher a Jackanapes climbs, the more he shews his Arse: Published for a Warning to Dr. Birch's Fathers that never were Sons, that they may take effectual Care to double line their Breeches, because there's an old Saying, that Fools will be peeping.
- 22. Octavus Sapientum: Or Bog-witicisms improved for the Diversion of both Sexes; being some small Gleanings from the plentiful Stock of the Worshipful Sir Sal—l Lov—l R—r L—o.
- 23. Asiaus ad Lyram: An Argument in Law, proving that killing of Horses is down-right Murder: Published as a Caution to prevent the Effusion of Christian Blood: By the same Ingenious Author.
- 24. In dubits tutior pars: Or the broad Way to save a Man's Bacon and damn his Soul.
- 25. Junius Brutus Redivivus, The Loyal Converter of the 30th of Jan. into a Day of Preparation for the Sacrament; to be received only by such who make it the first Article of their Religion, That the murdering or driving away Lawful Kings is not only lawful but Saintlike perform'd on the last Anniversary, By W—ms of the Poultry.
- 26. Filius ante diem: A Vindication of Disobedience and Parricide, proving that Children owe no Duty to Parents, unless so long as they did not understand it; but when they come to Years of Discretion, they may and ought to maintain their Liberty of Disobedience, even to the destruction of their Parents, if they but suspect that they will labour to prevent such Undutifulness: Dedicated to a very dutiful Lady at the great House near Ch—ng-Cross; by the Plyer at St. Andrew's Holborn.
- [Page 6]27. Semel insanivimus omnes: Or a Treatise shewing that he's no good Philosopher, that has not committed one Folly: But at the same time shewing, that he's an Ass and a Knave that pursues it when he sees the Cheat: Published by a Club of relenting Abdicators, and by them Dedicated to the several Counties, Cities, Towns Corporate and Burroughs they represent.
- 28. Unguentum Opthalmicum, Sovereign Eye-bright to remove the Mists from the Peoples Eyes, that they may see their Condition and reward their Riders: Addressed to the unfeigned lovers of England of what Condition or Perswasion soever.
- 29. Nolumus hunc regnare. An Epitome of all the learned Reasons given by our Intruders and present Riders, against returning to our Senses and restoring the King; with an Appendix of sear of Punishment and Disgrace: Dedicated to half a dozen Hen peck'd London-Divines.
- 30. Nunquam sera est ad bonos, &c. Or the Resurrection of Allegiance and Discipline from the Grave of Rebellion and Schism, by the oppressed and abused Sons of the old true Church of England: Published to the Confusion of those Sons of Latitude and Belial, that make Heaven Pimp to their Interest.
- 31. Ex nihilo nihil fit: Or a Dissertation of the No Power of a no Parliament, making a no King, that will always be doing us no good, by leaving us no Parliaments without Perjury and Pensioners, no Church without Knaves and Intruders, no Trade without Hazard and Losses, no Credit at Home or Abroad, no Honour nor Conscience, no Bloud in our Veins, nor Money in our Pockets, none but Holland-Frogs and Caterpillers in the Nation, and nothing but Repentance at the last.
Cases of Conscience and Queries.
- 1. WHether a Pensioner be not ten times worse than a Lapland. Wizard, since the latter only sells his own Soul to the Devil, but the Pensioner sells other Mens Souls, Bodies and all?
- 2. Whether a Coachman may not drive post to the D—l by prophaning the Lord's Day, notwithstanding the License of the House?
- 3. Whether the remaining four of the unrepealed Commandments ought not to be cashier'd next Session?
- 4. Whether the Members were asleep in St. Margarets or St. Stephens, when they voted Dr. Birch a Saint in one place, and a Malignant in t'other?
- 5. Whether the Fifth Commandment be part of the Coronation-Oath since our Governours observe it so strictly?
- 6. Whether Protestant Tyranny ben't better than Popish Tyranny by 6000000 per Annum?
- 7. Whether Popish Knives and Grid-Irons have done us half so much mischief as Dutch Declarations and English Pensioners?
- 8. Whether 'tis not a Cordial to an Englishman's Stomach, to hear a nasty Dutchman swear that they have given us a King to wipe their State-holder's Backside?
- 9. Whether 'tis better to have some Religion, all Peace, and moderate Taxes, or no Peace, no Religion, and all Taxes?
- 10. Whether when the Roguy Graver fix'd old Noll's Head on W—m's Shoulders, the Figure were not all of a piece?
- 11. Whether 600000 l. were not too small a Gratuity to our dear Saviours the Dutch, and whether we had not [Page 8]better openly give them all, than let them take it underhand, and laugh at us into the Bargain?
- 12. Whether our Governours do not act wisely in sacrificing our Seamen and starving their Wives, since they design shortly we shall have no Ships?
- 13. Whether i [...] was not a true Blander in him that took the Pope's Picture for that of K. W. since he interpreted the two Keys to be those of our Coffers and Consciences?
- 14. Whether Julian or Sherlock deserve the Whetstone, since Julian has been always true to a false Principle, and Sherlock Traitor and f [...]lfe to a [...]rue one?
- 15. Whether S— ben't the m [...]st excusable Instrument in our present Slavery, since Treason and Rebellion in him are Original Sin?
- 16. Whether Cumb—d and Ten—n ever confuted ten Hobbists by their B [...]wling and Printing? and whether they have not m [...]de ten thousand by their practise?
- 17. Whether Julian, the House, or the Hangman have made the best Second Treble to Gilbert's Pastoral?
- 18. Whether Father Sim—n has been rebapt [...]z'd, sinc he publickly renounced Christianity in Peter—gh Carhedral?
- 19. Whether the S [...]otch-Conferences, and the Friendly Debate are not damnably asham'd of their Rascally Authors?
- 20. Whether the Pilgrim's Progress or the Parable of the Pilgrim had the better Tinker to their Author, since they both set up for a pair of Church Menders?
- 21. Whether Richard of Kidder minister had not much more Episcopacy and Unîformity in him than our Saint Richard Kidder?
- 22. Whether the Latin reason of Auri sacra sames, or the English of the [...], Mare's the better Horse, did operate most in making Sherlock a Changling?
- 23. Whether Bedlam ever produced any thing half so lewd and frantick as Cresner's Lampoons upon the Apocalypse?
- 24. Whether the old Wel [...]h Seer may not with the help of a small Looking-glass see an old crazy-crown'd Infidel since he pawn'd his Creed in 88, that Lewis the Grand and Old Nick should be Chamber-Fellows in t'other World before the end of 92?
- 25. Whether J. C. or J. Y. have not all the reason imaginable to admit Ranters, Sweet-Singers, Muggletonians, Jews, Turks and Infidels to be Churchmembers, since their own Hearts tell them they're as good Christians as themselyes?
- 26. Whether in the next Edition of his Shame, the renowned Author of the Contempt of the Clergy ought not to add one other lamentable reason, besides those of Ignorance and Poverty, viz. Time-serving; together with his own Phizz in the Fr [...]ntispiece?
- 27. Whether Dame Britannia were not less culpable in being forc'd to endure a Thirteen Years Rape from Oliver and the Rump, than by living a Five Years Adulteress now by Consent?