An Account of the Original, Nature Preparation, Vertues, and Ʋse of the Vatican Pill, Famous for many Years past, unto this day throughout Europe; and particularly in this Kingdom, for the many great, and Remarkable Cures wrought by it. Prepared exactly accord­ing to the most Correct Process: And Recommended to Publick, Ʋse,

Medic. Lond.

I Should not have suffered this Excellent Medicine, call'd the Vatican Pill, to have been detained so long from Publick Knowledge, and Use, had I not Expected, that some person of greater Authority and parts then my self, should have given it its deserved character, and thereby a more hopefull and universal reception. But I find the cause of this reserve, to have been the fear of Censure, because this fruitfull Age, doth every day prodigally create, More Doctors then Masters of Art: But this consideration hath not altered my purpose of doing this intended good; for it is not a Strange thing, acquired by long Study, hard labour, and far travel, which I offer, nor to be vouch'd by a volumn of precarious testimonies; But I only recommend to the use and benefit of infirm Persons, a Medicine, which from many years before my time, unto this day, hath (by infinite Experiments) advanc'd its fame, and repute, above Detraction: Be­ing well known to many Persons of great quality (who (the more the pitty) Keep and value it as a Grand Secret) to be [...], the most powerfully operative Remedy of this kind, in all extreams, which Europe in this Age hath afforded.

Its Original was from the Imperial Court in Germany, Orige. the Author (famous as well for his great learning as his Dignity) was Archiater or Cheif Physitian in ordinary to the Emperour 1693. Es tempore Lues Ve­nerea Ger­maniam Obrepit. Maximilian; from whence it was at first called the Imperiall Pill. Afterward being transferr'd to Rome, and new proofs given continually for many years together of its wonderfull Vertues, it was by the Speciall command of Anno 1534. Paul the third, committed to (that Noble treasury of learning) the Vatican Library, that it might not be lost to Posterity, and so it was called the Vatican Pill; and the rather, to distinguish it from the Imperiall Pill of Mesue then Extant; since which, in the time of Ʋrban the 8th. it was revised by the most acute Physitians then being, from [Page 2] whom it received a very great improvement both in the Preparation and Operation: And was made more appropriate to some severe Di­stempers, then raigning, and at this day distributed universally into all Europe.

The Nature of this Pill, Natura. is to Penetrate, Digest, cleanse, attenuate, discuss, and open all obstructions, to attract into the Stomack and inte­stines; and then carry off from thence all crude, indigested, and corrup­ted humours, and such juices as are unprofitable to the body, yet not by any violent, acrimonious quality therein, which may furiously pro­voke the Expulsive faculty to a promiscuous discharge of all humours at once, both good and bad; and so with the Tares, root out the Wheat too: But being received into the stomack, doth vertually convey it self into all parts of the body, and by a certain familiarity and affinity with each humour, and assimilation of Substance doth draw forth and expel each offending humour, and whatsoever is Supervacaneous, and un­serviceable to the conservation of the whole. And by this Energy a­lone, doth cure all humoral diseases. This is the true genuine property and Nature of this our Vatican Pill: Which both in the Election of materials, Praepara­tio and a peculiar and most elegant Preparation, is brought into the highest perfection of any such medicine now in being. Every parti­cular ingredient herein being singly extracted by a dissolvant analogous to its own Nature; whereas Spirit of Wine, the common dissolvant of extracted Medicaments, cannot equally act upon all; for some being of a more hard and fix'd substance, resist its force, whilst others of a more airy and light body, have their volatile Essences totally exhal'd and devout'd by it.

So that such an imperfect composition, must consequently have an imperfect and deficient operation, whilst ours, severally imparting their essences to appropriate, and adapted Menstruums, or dissolvants, have their virtues exalted to an exquisite perfection, at length all those im­pregnated liquors being conjoyn'd, are united into that Mass which is the true Substance of this famous Vatican Pill.

The vertues hereof are manifold, Vires. it being as was said, extensive to all parts of the body, (viz) from the stomach, to the Liver, Spleen, Gall, Mesentery, and all other parts ordained to convey to the Body its nourishment, thence to the more remote and solid parts, as the Muscles nerves tendons, joynts; and habit of the body.

It works by stoole, and urine; by sweat when required, and also by vomit, when the stomack is overcharged, else not; by which means the body is discharged of all Superfluous, corrupt, unnecessary, and ex­crementitious [Page 3] humours which tend to the forming of diseases, the whole mass of the blood purified, all obstructions of what kind, or in What part soever opened, and the cause thereof removed; The stomack is cleansed from all crudity, and foulness; lost appetite restored, dige­stion perfected; fumes, windiness, heaviness, swelling, and flushing heats after eating, dissolved; also difficult breathing, movable pains, in the joints, back, hips, leggs, and elsewhere; palpitation of the heart, faintings, sick qualmes, troubled and uneas, sleeps, stinking breath, violent, and lasting pains in the head, Catarrhs or rhewms falling upon the lungs, and other parts; and all evills which may any way happen to the Reins, seminall vessels, and other parts, designed for generation in man or woman; and in a word (not to trouble the Reader with a tedious Catalogue of Diseases) all soul mixtures of the blood, cor­ruption of humours, discrasy, or intemperature of the whole Sub­stance of the body, caused either by Surfeits in Eating, drinking, labour, watching, exercise, passions of the mind, immoderate venery, vehe­ment paine; or whatsoever elss may (by oppression of the Spirits, or dissipation of naturall heat) drive the body into extreams, pervert the course of nature, create or nourish Diseases, are by vertue of this Excellent Medicine, wholly subdued, carried off, and the body re­stored to is wonted health and Vigour. These are the generall vertues of this Pill.

In the use of which, (that I may not amuse the Reader with many unnecessary Rules) observe, Ʋsus I. That the stomack be not overcharged with meat or drink when you take this Pill, for thereby is its operation disappointed, and the stomack disabled to work a due concoction of the meat.

That the Dose or portion hereof to an ordinary constitution, 2. is 5 or 6. Pills; and more or sewer, as each one finds their own ability; which is easily found, by begining with a Small Dose, and encreasing, as you find your strength to answer the operation of them; and so continue with that proper dose. Having now found the quantity agree­able to your Body, 3. Observe well, that they are not to be taken all at once but some at night, & the rest in the morning. As for Example, if your Dose intended be 3 Pills or 4, take one at night, going to bed (3 or 4 hours after a very light Supper;) and the rest in the mor­ning following. If your Dose be 5, 6, or more, take 2 at night, and the remainder in the morning; with this farther Caution, that your morning dose be double the quantity at least, of those you take over­night, and the reason is this (viz) that this little dose taken at night, is [Page 4] intended only as a preparative to tnose you reserve for the morning; that is, to loosen, dissolve, and make thin such gross, and tough humours, as lye deep, and remote from the immediate attaque of the Medicine, and dispose them to Evacuation, which is performed by the following greater dose, more Effectually, and with more ease and profit to the body, then if the whole number had been taken at once.

After that your Pills taken in the morning, 4. have wrought once, you may drink either clear posset drink, or thin broth, and not before; and drink not too often, least they be forced through the bowels, be­fore they have perfected their work.

Let your diet be of good nourishment, 5. easy of digestion, and mo­derate. Salted meats, old cheese, and such course fare are to be avoi­ded, during the use of the Pill.

These are the generall rules, which I propound in the use of this our Vatican Pill Which being duly observ'd, I am well assured, that they who shall use them, will find happy Success, and the desired effects thereof; and shall have cause to bless God for them, in whose hands only are the issues of life.

There are yet some particular Diseases, Scurvy. which by a specifick, on more appropriate Quality they Cure, in which is required a peculiar Regiment, or order, in the use of them: The first, whereof is the Scurvy. A Diseases which holdeth a secret and dangerous faction in the body; and though its first assaults are light and more tolerable, yet it insensibly undermines it, and brings on certain (though gradual) ruine: its easier symptoms, are loose teeth, sore gums, and mouth; little Spots in the skin, faintness, and stiffness of the Limbs. Which do in time amount to soul ulcers, larger, purple, or dark and dusky spots in divers parts, whitish crusty scabs like leprosy, hard to cure; sharp pains in the legs, arms, and solid parts, which are still attended with wearyness and indisposition to move; the whole oeconomy of the stomack is deprav'd, appetite lost, much crudity and indigested matter load the spleen and parts adjacent, which cause stubborn obstructions there, from whence the reall Miasma, or Originall infection of the Disease ariseth; and yet— in varias ins est transire figuras: it takes upon it the shapes of other Diseases, as Apoplexy, Palsey, Feavers, Agues, Dropsy, Plurisy, intolerable Head-Ach, Gout, Cholick, Gripings in the guts, and many others, and often the Pox. Which it so exactly imitates, that they may be judged to be twins of the same Parent: Yet in all these, it retains its Scorbutick Idea, tis still the Ass in the Lyons skin; and though it puts on these various forms, tis still the Scurvy. Which by the use of this [Page 5] Excellent Pill is perfectly cured; and they are to be used according to the rules before prescribed; only the drink here appointed, is to be constantly taken during the cure, viz.

Take of Egrimony, Tamaris, and Roman wormwood each 4 great handfuls cutt Small, Sassafras shaved thin, half a pound; Juniper berries Six onnces. Juices of water-cresses; brooklime, and Scurvy grass, each a quart; beat your berries Small and put them all into a Rundle [...]t of four gallons of ordinary beer or ale; let it stand 4 or 5 dayes, then use it as your common drink, at meat, and all other times; and in the use of this, and the Pill, as aforesaid, doubt not of your Cure by Gods help: where Roman wormwood is not to be had, use common worm­wood, but in less quantity: and put not in your ingredients till the drink hath wrought.

Another specifick Cure wrought by this Pill, is of the Dropsie, Dropsy whose symptomes are so obvious to every Eye, that they need no description, only that there are three distinct species, or kinds there­of, cal'd by greek Authors, Sarcites, Ascites, and Tympanites. The first shews the whole Body tumified with a watery humour between the Skin and the Flesh; the second, the Belly fil'd and distended with water; and this is most dangerous, and (if not taken in time) in­curable, being suppli'd with an uncessant exudation or dripping in­to the capacity of the Abdomen, caused by an habituated weakness of the Liver, and other Bowels. The third, called Tympanites, cau­seth the same Belly to be swell'd and stretched out with wind, as be­fore with water in Ascites. These are all cured by the timely use of this Pill, taken by the Rules aforesaid; only you need not take any over night: for here the humours are thin and fluid enough, on­ly you are to take the drink, before prescribed in the scurvy, ad­ding to the composition, six handfuls of green Broom stamped, and three handfuls of the Roots of dwarf-Elder, commonly called Dane­wort; and use this drink with the Pills till you are well, which will be with as much speed as can be expected; and more then in a­ny other course.

The like success is found in the Gout, Gout (provided that the nerves be not shrunk into knots, nor the substance of the part wasted) for as there is herein a concurrence of two common causes, an afflux of humours, and weakness of the Joynts; so is there in the Pill a two fold opperation; first it removes the offending humour from that part; and then leaves the nerves and tendons so fortified, that no hu­mour shall be suffered to settle there for the future; the same is al­so [Page 6] performed in the Sciatica, or in what part else the Gout shall fasten: The use of the Pill in this Disease, is according to the first directi­on. But in the perfecting this Cure, there is required the Co-operati­on of a Balsamick liquor, to be out wardly applyed, which I pre­pare and keep in readiness by me, which may at all times be had at a reasonable rate: in the use of both which Medicines, I dare promise a perfect Cure. A farther Grand proof of the excellencies of this Pill, POX. is in the Cure of the Pox, whose superficial and lighter Symtomes it soon removes, as litle itchy pustules running over the Body, Ulcers and Warts in the Privities, Gonorrhoea, or involuntary wasting of the Seed (with excoriation, causing a sharp and pro­voking pain. in Pissing.) But when it hath sunk deeper into the Body, seized the Liver, depraved its faculties, infected the Bloud, corrup­ted the humours, weakned the Nerves, and Joynts; loosened the solid parts, caused filthy eating Ulcers, in divers parts; as the Mouth, Throat, and emunctories, in the privities and fleshy parts, and those deep malignant, and hardly: cured also, dry crusty scabs in the Head, about the Eye-Brows and Forehead, the Chin and Beard; when it shall have fastned Nodes, or hard callous knots, upon the Bones of the Scul, Armes, Leggs, Thighs, &c. and these accom­panied with heavy gnawing paines in almost every part, and in the Night (when the languid body expects a quiet repose) which do (if not prevented) wast and wholly enervate the body, and bring on an irrecoverable Consumption. I say, when these horrid and dreadful symptomes appear, which discover a Radicated or deep rooted Pox; then shall this Pill manifest its unequalled vertues; and let the diseased know, to their comfort, that by the use of this Pill, when other means have failed, they shall find their Ulcers dry up, their dry hard Elephantiack crusty scabs fall off, their paines va­nish, their Nodes and excrescencies by degrees wast, and their weakned bodies recover their former strength and vigour. They are to be taken daily after the directions given, Evening and Mor­ning: but the doses ought to be larger, yet equal to the patients strength: continue for twenty one Dayes at least, if your strength will beare it; if not, you may intermit some times; leave it not off suddainly, but by degrees; falling to thrice a week, and then twice, and so by degrees lessen the doses; but leave them not quite off, till you are perfectly well. During your whole course, observe a slender, but wholsome Diet: tis convenient to eat but once a day, yet if your stomack require more, at night you may eat a crust of bread with [Page 7] a few Raisins of the Sun: let your drink be small Ale, well wrought and settled: if your business calls you abroad, cloath your self ve­ry warm, and avoid cold, and drinking: in observing these cautions, you will with great satisfaction reap the benefit.

Jam si quis male fert indignae regna puellae
Ne pereat; nostrae sentiat Artistopem.

Furthermore, in all Womens Distempers, Women. it is of excellent use, to those especially who want their Monthly Issues, by which a mul­titude of evills are are caused; as sweld leggs, great (but fruitless) bellies, weak back, lost appetite, frequent faintings, vomitings, and shortness of breath, constant Headach, and (which is not the least of griefs) loss of Beauty, a fresh, lively, airy, complexion, chang'd in­to a pale, dull, warty hiew, with divers other secret distempers ge­nerally known to Women; for which there is not a more certain and present Remedy then this our Pill; Which is in these cases to be used according to the rules first appointed.

It is a Soveraign Remedy for all intermitting Feavers, or Agues, and Cures them after the third or fourth time taken: Observe strictly the time of the approach of your fit; and about two hours before it, take a large dose of the Pill, 5 or 6, or more if your body will bear it. When you find your fitt coming, drink a large draught of posset-drink boyld with Carduus. If you vomit, drink more, and urge the vomit as much as you can with the posset-drink: and when it works downward, leave drinking, and walk about your chamber to avoid sleeping; for that is of evil consequence in this case.

To conclude, this Pill may be taken at all times of the year, and in all case, excepting acute and peracute diseases, desperate consumptions, great evacuations, with loss of Spirits and strength: and in these cases there ought to be good advice taken, before any medicine be admi­nistred; Moreover, when the body labours under some great distem­per; with variety of strange Symptoms, and accidents not usually met withal; when the signs of the disease are confused, doubtful, and often changing; it is most probable, that it is not one single disease which afflicts the patient, but that there is a complication of two or more diseases a once in the same body: & there being uncertainty in the judg­ment of the disease there can be no certain rule given for the use of any one medicine; and therefore, to whomsoever this shall happen, or any other doubt concerning the use of this Pill, I doe freely invite all persons upon this account, to apply themselves to me, and I shall give my judgment of their distemper, and advice for the better ordering [Page 8] themselves in the use of the Pill. For which, I shall not expect any gratuity. They who are farr Distant, may by Letter, use some freind in Town, to send to me.

In all such distempers, where this Pill is not of use, I have alwaies by me, medicines of Singular Vertue, and Efficacy, prepared with mine own hands, with all care and diligence imaginable; among many others, I have an Excellent Balsamick Essence for the Lungs, which restores such as have languished in Consumptions, cures old Coughs, & all diseases of the Lungs, even to a wonder. Also an Essentiall Spirit called Flammula Vitae, which wonderfully comforts the heart, revives drooping Spirits, restores decaying nature, preserves the Radicall moi­sture, Supports youth, keeps back the infirmities of Old age, and gray hairs; makes the body lusty and Vigorous; helps concoction, and disposeth the whole man to cheerfullness, and health.

I have now only one Objection to answer, in relation to the Vatican Pill. It may possibly be said, that notwithstanding this large Enco­mium I have here given of it, it may not be rightly prepared according to the true Process: I answer, that the true Process of preparing this said Pill, is well known to many persons of quality in this town, who have a very high esteem for it (and not without cause) To any such per­on, I do frankly offer a free access at all times to my Laboratory, where they may see the whole preparation wrought with mine own hands; for I give that trust to none elss. And this I conceive may be satisfacto­ry to all who are doubtful, and also to all who shall use this Vati­can Pill.

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