Disputandi Sobrietas, Ecclesiarum Medicina.
A true Account of a Dispute at
Winchcomb-Parish-Church November 9. 1653. Written by a careful Observer
November 11. and Printed with Licence
November 16. for the satisfaction of the People at and neer
Great is the Truth, and it will prevail.
UPON the ninth of this
November, between nine and ten in the Morning, Mr.
Barksdale Minister at
Sudeley the Respondent having waited a while for the comming of the Opponents, first enters Mr.
Helm Minister at
[Page 4]
Winchcomb, immediately after him enters Collonel
Aileworth Justice of peace, Mr.
Tray Minister at
Oddington, Mr.
Wells Minister at
Tewksbury, Mr.
Chaffy Minister at
Naunton, and some other. 1. After they had taken possession of the Ministers Pue, all together, the Respondent ascends a Pue
ex opposito, which he had caused to be erected for the purpose (his friend Mr.
Towers Minister at
Toddington, and some other Orthodox Ministers taking up a lower seat next unto him on the right hand:) where, first falling on his knees, after a short ejaculation he shews himself, and saluted his Opponents, and after some little Pause the Question was proposed,
Whether it be lawful to Minister and Receive the Holy Sacrament in Congregations called mixt? (Or, in our Parish-Churches?) Aff. The prior Opponent Mr.
H. desired to begin with prayer.
Take your liberty, said the Respondent, who after the Preface (wherein like a good Orator, the Opponent told the people that Truth must look for opposition, and that the Respondent was a native of the place, and himself a stranger) and the prayer done, spake thus: You will now give me leave also to speak three words, 1. To God. 2. To the Hearers. 3. To the Opponents 1. To God I make my humble address, and intreat you to lift
[Page 5] up your hearts with me, that he would be pleased to open our eyes that we may see the Truth, to open our Hearts that we may embrace the Truth, and to give us courage to confess the Truth, and to hold it fast unto the end, for Jesus Christs sake, to whom be glory for ever. 2. To the Hearers my earnest desire is, that you would lay aside all prejudice, and partiality, and listen to what shall be said on either side with silence and patience. And because I am a man of a slow Tongue, of a tender Forehead, of a frail Memory, of a weak Judgement, I have the more cause to beg of you my friends, your secret assistance by your mental prayer, that God would support me so far as I defend his cause. For I declare in the presence of God, the searcher of hearts, that I do verily think that to be true which I maintain, and that I am not willingly an enemy to true Reformation, or the work of God in this place (as I have been grievously charged,) nor am I a friend to any thing that can justly be called Popish, or Antichristian, God knows I detest and abhor it. 3. Lastly to these Gentlemen my Opponents my request is, that you would deal with me fairly and Scholarlike. Take you your turns, and give me mine to speak: come you on, one after one,
[Page 6] and let me have liberty to repeat, to deny, to distinguish, to explain what I say, so far as is needful. And to conclude, if we cannot agree in our opinions, let us yet (I pray) be one in Affection, and preserve amongst us that Christian Peace and Charity which is the mark and the honour of the Disciples of our gracious Lord and Master.
The Respondent in one of his papers afore this exercise had called the publick Meeting place (as they term it) the House of God; But one of the Opponents Mr.
W. put forward, and, omitting the Question, began in a light velitation about that Appellation after this manner.
The House of God, it is Superstition to call the place so.
I deny that proposition; prove it.
The People of God are alone his House: God dwells in the Hearts of his Saints.
I Answer, the House of God, is either the
Spiritual House, or the
Material House; The Hearts of his Elect People are the Spiritual House wherein it pleaseth God to dwell and reside; This place built by our pious Ancestors, and separated from other uses to his Honour and Service, may without offence be called his Material House.
This House was not built for the Honour and Service of God.
I expect your proof of that Proposition.
Thus: The House built in the reign of Popery, and for the Honour and Adoration of Saints, was not built for the honour and Service of God: But, this House was built in the reign of Popery, and for the Honour and Adoration of Saints; Therefore this House was not built for the Honour and Service of God.
I repeat,
The House built, &c. And I answer to the major by distinguishing of the end for which the House was built. The
End is either
principal, or
less principal: This House was built for the Honour and service of God, as the
principal End; it was built for the Honour and Adoration of Saints as the
less principal End. In the Reformation of Religion our Church reteined the first End, and rectifyed the second, Honouring the Saints with a
pious Memory, not Adoring them with
divine Worship. Hear the Church her self speak in her excellent Liturgy.—
W. & H.
Away with it, we will hear none of your Liturgy and old Forms.
But I must clear the Church from all suspicion of Adoring the Saints, and make the Truth evident out of the Collect for All-Saints
[Page 8] day, and 'tis worthy to be heard of All: Almighty God, which hast knit together thy elect in one Communion and fellowship, in the mystical body of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord; grant us grace so to follow thy holy Saints in all vertuous and Godly living, that we may come to those unspeakable joys which thou hast prepared for them that unfeignedly love thee through Jesus Christ our Lord,
Amen. I beseech you All to take notice that our Church is free from that superstition, or whatever it be called, wherewith the Church of
Rome is justly charged. The Saints are in our Prayers for
imitation, not for
adoration. Our Houses therefore being truly built at first for God's Service, and now used by us for the right end, the setting apart of such places for divine Worship, makes them
relatively holy, and gives God a peculiar Title to them, and he owns them for
his; My House shall be called a House of prayer.
Your own House may be as well used so, and called Gods House, and a holy place.
No, Though God may be served in every place, and I serve him dayly in my own house, yet the
publick place
separated for his service, I say, becomes his by a peculiar right. All the world is his, but our Churches
[Page 9] are his to a singular and holy purpose, by a singular dedication. As he hath his
Day, so also a
place for his Worship, both
‘Keep ye my Sabbath, and reverence my Sanctuary.’ For your satisfaction see Mr.
Mede's Divine Treatise upon
Hallowed be thy name, and his letter to D.
Twiss. Now let us
Hoc agere, and come to the business of the day.
To the Question of the day, my first Argument is this. That it is not lawfull to administer the Sacrament in your Parish-Churches, thus I prove: If you have not a true calling in your Church of England, then it is not lawfull for you to administer the Sacrament in your Parish-Churches: But you have not a true Calling in your Church of England; Therefore it is not lawfull for you to minister the Sacrament in your Parish-Churches.
I repeat,
If we have not, &c. I deny your minor, and affirm, we have a true calling in our Church of
If in your calling by the Bishops you are engaged to superstitious and unlawful practices, then your calling in the Church of England
is not a true Calling: but in your calling by the Bishops you are engaged to superstitious and unlawful practices; Therefore your Calling in the Church of England
is not a true Calling.
I deny your minor, and affirme, we are not engaged to any superstitious and unlawfull practices is our Calling by the Bishops.
The keeping of Holy-dayes [I do not mean Holy-dayes upon occasion, as our Thanksgiving dayes, but your set holy-dayes] the keeping of your holy-dayes is an unlawfull practice: But in your Calling by the Bishops you are ingaged to the keeping of Holy-dayes; Therefore in the Calling by the Bishops you are ingaged to unlawfull practices.
I deny your major, and affirm, that the keeping of our holy-dayes is not an unlawfull practice.
A practice against Gods command is an unlawfull practice: But your practice is against Gods command; Therfore your practice is an unlawfull practice.
Not against God's command; how prove you that?
My text is in 20. Exod.
where you shall find it a part of the fourth Commandement, Six dayes shalt thou labour and do all that thou hast to do: Therefore, it is against Gods command to keep any one of the six dayes holy.
I answer two wayes, 1. By retortion. 2. By interpretation. 1. By
retortion, I say your Argument rebounds upon your self, and condemnes your own practice; and that Text
[Page 11] in your sense, that we are commanded to labour six dayes, takes away as well
occasionall holy-dayes as set and recurrent. For our Thanksgiving dayes are not dayes of labour. 2. By
interpretation, the words you urge are not
preceptive but
permissive. God requires one day in seven, and allowes us six, not denying us the liberty, if we be so devout, as to consecrate some part of them also to his publick Service. The Jewes had among their holy-dayes the feast of Dedication, of human Institution, which yet we read that Christ himself observed.
Worship not instituted by God is unlawfull Worship: But your Holy-dayes are a Worship not instituted by God, but by human authority; therefore your holy-dayes are unlawfull Worship.
I answer to the minor, and say, that our holy-dayes are not the
Worship it self, but a
circumstance of the Worship: and circumstances of Gods Worship may be ordained lawfully by
Well, your calling by the Bishops (however) is not lawfull, and thus I prove it. If the Scripture allowes of no Diocesan Bishops, then your calling by the Bishops is not lawfull, But the Scripture allowes of no Diocesan Bishops; Therefore, &c.
I deny your minor, and affirme, the Scripture does allow Diocesan Bishops.
There is not so much as the name of a Diocesan Bishop in all the Scripture.
But there is more than the
Name; there is the
Thing, there is the
Office. The word
Trinity is not in the Scripture, yet we Believe the Trinity.
Where doth the Scripture shew us any such office? bring forth your proofe of it.
'Tis my part to answer your proofs. Now you put on the
Respondent the part of an
Opponent. Let them that have been bred in the Schools judge whether you do like a fair Disputant.
Our dispute is not an University Dispute, but for the clearing of the truth to some Godly People.
Do you think the University Disputations (which are the best in the world) are not for the clearing of the Truth? But what saith Mr.
Tr. shall I propose my Argument, to prove
Diocesan Bishops by the Scripture?
You have liberty to propose your Argument, and shew in what part of Scripture you can find the Office of any Diocesan Bishop.
I allege principally the Epistles of S.
Paul to
Timothy and
Titus, and particularly
Tit. 1. 5. For this cause left I thee in
[Page 13]
‘that thou shouldst set in order the things that are wanting, and ordaine Elders in every City, as I have appointed thee.’ Out of which Text I will prove that
Titus was a Bishop, and
Creet his Diocese, and therefore here we have found the Diocesian Bishop. But before I proceed, let me aske you, Gentlemen, do you not put me upon this to ensnare me? Do you mean no harm to me?
No I assure you; wherefore in Gods Name speak freely.
I humbly thank you: but first let me openly declare before all this Assembly, that I have no mind to oppose any act of State, nor will I meddle at all with the
Lands and
Lordships of Bishops, only I plead for the
Order and
Function of Bishops, I plead for the primitive Apostolicall Bishop and no other; And that this Text is for me, thus I prove: He that hath a power to ordaine Elders, and set things in order in the Church is a Bishop: But
Titus hath a power to ordaine Elders, and to set things in order in a Church: Therefore
Titus is a Bishop.
But you must prove him to be a Diocesan Bishop.
So I do.
Creet was his Diocese; the whole Iland was committed to his Goverment.
Diocese, my friends, is a Greek word
[Page 14] (
[...], to order and administer the affaires of Gods House) signifying the territory or circuit of a Bishop. So
Creet may be well called the Diocese of Bishop
Titus, having under his inspection (as tis plaine) the Elders of the Cities there.
The Cities were not under Titus
his Government, he was not a Ruler of the Iland.
He was Ruler of all the Christians (I mean onely them) through all the Cities and Country.
But Titus
was an Evangelist: Therefore no Bishop.
I deny the Consequence: He was an
Evangelist, while he went about Preaching and Planting the Gospell, And he was the
Bishop of
Creet when he was fixed there by
‘to Ordaine Elders, and put in order the things that were wanting.’
We find Titus
in other places beside Creet,
and Bishops of those times were not nonresidents: Therefore he was not Bishop of Creet.
Bishops may lawfully be (and were antiently)
non-resident for some time, to wit, while they attend the business of Religion abroad, and procured the greater good of the Church: In which time of their absence their places are supplyed at home by their
But Sir, I pray, consider Titus
was an extraordinary Governor, and therefore no Diocesan Bishop. And you dispute fallaciously, unless you put in the word Ordinary.
I say he was a Diocesan Bishop, or (if you will) rather an
Archbishop, For I conceive the Elders of every City to have been
Bishops and
Overseers of severall Ministers and Congregations: therefore he was an ordinary Governour. Thus I argue: He that ordaines Elders, and orders the things in the Churches, is an Ordinary: But
Titus ordaines Elders, and orders things in the Churches; Therefore
Titus is an Ordinary.
But I mean he was called to that office in an extraordinary manner.
No neither. He was called in the same manner as
Timothy and others, by Imposition of the Presbytery: Therefore He was called in an Ordinary manner.
A. Timothy
was called (saith Paul
in another place) by the laying on of his hands.
Noble Sir, you say very true; and the places are easily reconciled thus: Divers Elders laid hands on
Timothy, among whom S.
Paul probably was chief.
And was Paul
too a Diocesan Bishop?
The Apostles
common Diocese was the whole world, which by agreement they divided
[Page 16] among them: and S.
Paul was
especially the Apostle of the Gentiles. But in the
Apostles I grant some things are
Pray, make it out cleerely that Titus
his case is not extraordinary, otherwise you dispute fallaciously.
Truth needs no sophistry. Thus I make it out. The office that is to continue in the Church, and to be succeeded in through following ages, is no extraordinary office: But this office of
Titus is such; Therefore, &c.
What? is it to continue to the worlds end?
Yes, to the worlds end. For it is Christs Promise; I am with you alway even to the end of the world.
Mat. ult. ult. What say you to my argument? Ordination and Jurisdiction are Offices or Powers needfull to the Church in all Ages: This Office of Power or
Titus was Ordination and Jurisdiction; Therefore this Office of
Titus is needfull to the Church in all Ages, and therefore no extraordinary Office. And my Brethren, I would have you to know, we are able to shew out of the best Records and Monuments of the Antient Church, that there was a
succession to the Apostolicall Bishops in these parts of their Office; And the
Catalogues of succeeding Bishops in severall Apostolicall Sees are
[Page 17] yet extant: And the Fathers and Councills and Ecclesiasticall Histories come in here with undeniable evidence, that Diocesan Bishops are successors of the Apostles in the Government of Churches.
See, godly Brethren, the subtilty of this man: He will not contain himself within the Holy Scripture, but tells us of Fathers and Ecclesiasticall Stories, and human Authorities.
Who succeeded in the government of Churches after the Apostles, we must learn out of the writings of the next Ages. And I tell you not only Fathers and Church-story, but all other good learning is requisite in a compleat Divine. Mark this, you bold unlearned new-speakers and expounders of Scripture; Mark it and remember it well. And for the question of Church-government especially▪ it is impossible to find a better way to understand the Scripture, than by the
practice of the primitive times of the Christian Church.
Expound Scripture by the practice of the primitive Church? Do ye heare him brethren? as if Scripture needed the help of the Church. We thought we should finde him enclining to Popery.
I detest all
Popery, charge me not so ignorantly. Upon my life I will make it good
[Page 18] by the judgment of the most learned▪ and sound
Protestants, that the practice of the primitive Church is a great light to Scripture. But this requires the searching of Books, which at your lesure I should be glad to shew you.
Protestants, Whom do you mean by Protestants?
I mean those that protest against the Errors & Innovations of the
Roman Church in latter times, and endeavour to reform Religion according to the Scripture, and the primitive pattern.
You see he takes in the practice of the Primitive Church again.
I do and must; and thus I argue: That Government which in the primitive Ages took place in the Churches planted by the Apostles, is the Apostolicall and Scripture Government: But the Government of Diocesan Bishops took place in the Churches planted by the Apostles; Therefore the Government of the Diocesan Bishops is the Apostolicall and Scripture Government. Now let me see who will answer me.
Antichrist, Antichrist was working betimes.
Whether it be
Antichristianism to establish, or to over throw the Function of Bishops,
[Page 19] let all considering men judge by the Premises.
But why do you take in any thing else with Scripture, as if that alone were not sufficient for us?
Yea Scripture, Scripture, we are contented with Scripture.
Give me leave to explain my self to All, and I entreat you, Harken, The Scriptures perfection I do thankfully acknowledge: but the things conteined in the Scripture are some of them conteined in it
plainly and
expresly, to be apprehended by every Reader; other things are conteined there
implicitely, virtually, and so as there is need of many helps to make our deductions thence. And for the Scripture-government I know no better light to shew it than the practice of the Antient Church. I argue thus: They that have commended to us the very Books of Scripture are fittest to give us the sense of them, especially in point of Government: But the Antient Church hath commended to us the very books of Scripture; Therefore the Antient Church is fittest to give us the sense, &c. And I pray Mr.
W. how will you prove that the Scripture is the Word of God?
I know it by the Testimony of the Holy Spirit in me.
But how will you convince another that will not believe your Spirit, that the Scripture is divine? Here you may make very good use of the Testimony of the next Ages, that received it from the Apostles and gave it down to their Followers.
W. and H.
Popery, to depend upon the Testimony of the Church.
Since you are many at once upon one (which is not fair) give me leave to put in sometimes in behalf and for the case of the Respondent. We say, we depend upon the testimony of the
Antient Church, not of the
now Roman Church. The Roman Church is a very corrupt Church, the Primitive times were far more pure.
What do you talk of Purity after the Apostles times? Did not many Heresies creep in?
By this Argument you will condemn the Apostles times also: for even then were not wanting Schismes and Heresies.
Will you leave this as it is, and proceed to some farther Argument, and come close to the business of the Sacrament? I say, it is lawfull for me to Minister the Sacrament in the Congregation at
Thus I proceed to shew, that your calling is null: therefore you cannot Minister.
[Page 21] Ministers that Prophane the holy things of the Lord, their calling is null: But many Parish Ministers prophane the holy things of the Lord; Therefore their Calling is null.
You should say
All Parish Ministers: for you hold it is not lawful to Minister in any mixt Congregation, and such you say are all Parish Churches. But say neither
All, nor
Many, but apply the
minor to me, whom you have publikely in your Sermons condemned (before you used the Christian wayes of more private Admonition:) and then I deny both your premises, both
Major and
Minor, both are false and Scandalous. Neither doth the prophaning of Holy things null the Ministers calling: nor have I prophaned the Holy things in the said Ministery.
First then I prove the major
fully: you that have Bibles, Brethren, pray turn to the places. Ezek. 22. 26. & 44. 13.
What prove you thence?
That prophaning the Holy things nulls the Priesthood, for they shall be no Priests unto me, saith the Lord.
I answer to the Text, by distinguishing between the
Order of a Priest, and the
Office of a Priest. They shall be no Priests
unto me: here is a suspension from the Office and work of the Priests, no nulling of the Priesthood it self.
Then it seems by you. They were Priests and no Priests. God saith, They shall not; you say, they shall remain Priests.
He hath shewed you how. They were Priests and no Priests in divers respects: They were still of the
Order and race of Priests, they were not to
officiate any more in the Priestly office. God would not accept them, he saith,
They shall be no Priests unto me. Yet who knoweth but upon their repentance God might readmit them, not by a new Consecration, but by
Absolution. And so Ministers, when they are restored after suspension, are not new
Ordained, but only the
Censures taken off.
Well, you grant at last a removall and suspension from the office, though the calling be not nulled: And so you will confess you deserve to be removed from Officiating, if you prophane the Holy Things of the Lord.
I will grant, that a Minister, if he be so prophane, ought not to officiate: but I think the proceedings against a Minister must be tender and wary;
Receive not an accusation against an Elder without two or three witnesses. Conviction must go before Censure, and upon Repentance restauration followes. And I refuse not to be so dealt with.
Proceed therefore, and prove your minor,
[Page 23]
that he doth prophane the holy things of the Lord.
They that administer the Sacrament promiscuously to All, do prophane—But you so administer; Therefore, &c.
Your minor's false and Scandalous. The Congregation of my hearers, I will confess, is mixt: not so the Company of my Communicants. Understand what my practice is. After divers preparations, when the Sacrament is to be administred, I proclame,
All that are not prepared Depart, You that are prepared, Stay. These, after the departure of the rest, I look upon as prepared in some measure, and so I go on.
If you do administer the Sacrament to the unregenerate—
No, no, say thus—to the ignorant and Prophane.
You Minister the Holy Sacrament to the ignorant and prophane.
You do well to prompt one another. Prove it. Or, if you please, I answer, persons may be ignorant and prophane, either
in the eye of God, that searcheth the secrets of the heart; or
in the eye of the Church, that looks upon the outward appearance. In the former sense some of us may be such, we are not so in the latter.
Pray Mr. B.
let me ask you, Do you know every one that you Minister the Sacrament to?
I will give you an ingenuous answer: I do not know every one.
O! how can you justify your self in this?
Why here's a confession of the fault we lay to your charge: you give the Sacrament you know not to whom? We have done now.
We thank the Lord, Brethren, that the good work is so happily brought to a conclusion this day. You hear what he confesseth, he doth not know some of them, who they are, and yet he should know them to be visible Saints. A good Shepheard knows his flock.
Hold a little, my Masters, and take me with you. Have patience while I give in my Answer. I do not know them, and yet I do know them. I know them not, some of them, by name, I have no familiar acquaintance with them, I do not know them in civil relations: but I do know them, and own them in a religious relation. I know no hurt by them.
You Know no hurt by them. Alas, Alas, poor creatures!
Hear me out. I do not only know no hurt by them, but I know much good by
[Page 25] them, their visible and cheerful
profession of the true Christian Faith, their reverent behaviour at their Prayers, their humble Confession of Sins, earnest desires of pardon, hearty promises of new obedience. An appearance of
Faith and
Repentance, joyned with
Charity and
thankfulness satisfies me very well for the time, till I find they do deceive me.
You are deceived with too good an opinion of them. If I durst, I could say somewhat against some particulars.
God forbid you should have hurt for telling any one a
necessary truth. For my part, I think and hope the best of all, that promise fair, I Judge according to
charity. I know one may act the
Saint to day, and the
Devil to morrow. Let me tell you, 'tis the judgement of our Church, after the Fathers, that
Christ delivered the Sacrament to
Judas also, who went out immediatly after to betray him; and, before that, was discovered by his Master to be a Devill. You will not grant this: however, you know
Peter himself, that was so zealous, upon triall, the very next day denied his Master, yea denied him with
cursing and swearing. All the rest forsook him and fled. Their strength was little, and their knowledge was less: witness
[Page 26] the Disciples going to
Emaus, fools and slow of heart, and the question proposed about the Kingdom,
Acts 1. What is the lowest measure of grace I will not determine. Where I see any hopes or weak beginnings of Christianity, I embrace and cherish them. In the School of Christ there be many little ones, that must be gently used; and there be some great ones, that must not be offended, but upon great reasons. Why should I not think better of others than my self, when the
B. Apostle calls himself the
chiefest of sinners, and less than the least of Saints? He that hath beams to cast out of his own eve, must not be picking motes out of his Brothers eye. 'Tis true the Brother must be admonished, especially by the Minister: but this must be done discreetly and orderly, and with meekness of spirit. He that obeys
one, or a
few, scapes the censure of the
Many: and may not be reckoned as an alien. None is so, but he that proves obstinate after the methods of Counsel and Reproof. And verily, Mr.
H. it had been a good method for you, to have admonisht me and the rest of the Congregation, whom you are offended with, and to have received our Answer, before you condemn'd us in your Pulpit. And that Answer will serve now: In what we have offended God,
[Page 27] we ask his pardon: In what we have offended you, we will give you satisfaction. Thus doing, we shall not be excluded from Communion by any just sentence.
You have some that might be named, that both before and after the Communion, have shewed themselves no sober men.
That may be, and I shall desire to be informed of them, that I may labour to reform them, or exclude them if they be proved open and notorious evill livers. And I do often commend and endeavour to bring into better practice, the Duty of fraternall Admonition and Correption, which is now the more necessary, because we want publick Discipline [see D.
Hammond of Fraternall Admonition] Having declared my self thus, I must conclude your Argument against my Communicants, till you prove your Accusation better, to be only an Argument of your own uncharitableness.
I cannot yet allow of your Call to Minister: For Ministers truly called are appointed and ordained by the Godly people: But you are not so appointed; Therefore—
You will, I hope, hereafter allow me equall liberty to oppose your Orders: I have mine from a Bishop assisted by his Presbyters, according to Apostolicall Institution,
[Page 28] and the constant practice of the Church. The People cannot confer on us our power: They may approve and assent to our Calling, and give testimony of our good conversation, and receive us when we are sent unto them. I am owned as a Rector of the People to whom I Minister.
We are servants of Gods people. Paul,
I am sure, saith so of himself.
He saith so, and so doe I, their servant
for Jesus sake. Let them acknowledge us their spirituall
Rulers and
Fathers in Christ, and we will in all humble condescension, be their
Servants for Jesus sake. Jesus himself, our Lord and Master, stiles himself a Minister or Servant of his Servants: and he hath said, He that will be greatest among you, let him be
Servant of all. 'Tis easy to distinguish between a servant
by voluntary condescension, and a servant by
necessary subjection.
You said before, that in case of prophaning the holy things, you would confess a Minister deserves suspension. Who shall suspend him, but the Congregation? What other power is there?
I confessed the prophaner of Holy things to deserve great punishment: but, after due
Admonition, and upon his
obstinacy, not else.
[Page 29] Yet, I cannot see, how the
people have any Authority to sentence him.
Who would you have to do it? Who?
To speak freely, I would submit my self to my Ordinary, the
Apostolicall Bishop (or, if you like the Latin word better, the President or Superintendent:) for whom I have spoken before. And I am ready to joyn with you in a
Petition, that we may have an Apostolicall Bishop set over us, as it was in practice of the antient Church.
You stand too much upon the practice of the Antient Church: come to the Scripture.
I am sorry you value the practice of the antient Church so little. Pray, where is your maine strength in Scripture for your
Independent or Congregationall Churches.
Let us read the famous Text, Mat▪ 18▪ 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. 20.
Out of which Text I frame this Argument: If here, be meant by the Church a Congregation from which lyes no Appeale, then is the Independent Church founded upon this Text: But here is meant a Congregation, &c. What else will you conceive by the Church?
I am very inclinable to Saint
Chrysostome's interpretation, who by the Church, understandands the Elders and Rulers of the Church.
The word Church is no where so taken in all the Scripture, and therefore it cannot be so taken here: shew us any place.
It doth not follow: for some word may possibly signify that in one place, which it signifies no where else; and again there may be other places, though I cannot readily shew them: I will consider of it.
No, I doe assure you, tis never so used: and therefore I hope you will yeeld to the Word, that we may go on with one consent in the work of God.
God grant it, if it be the Work of God: but you have not cleered it yet. I cannot yield to your sense for this Reason: That sense of Scripture (concerning Church-government) which was never received by the Doctors of the Antient Church, is not the true sense of Scripture: But your sense of the place was never received, &c.
Still, still he declines Scripture, and would lead us to human Ordinances.
As for human Ordinances, I can embrace them so far as they are not opposite to Scripture: but now we are upon the Interpretation of Scripture, I must profess I have been ever bred in the Church that requires all her Ministers to receive the Scripture, as interpreted by the Antient Fathers, and to propose
[Page 31] nothing to the people, contrary to what was derived out of the Scripture by them. I am not ashamed of my Mother the Church of
England, nor (by Gods grace) ever shall I. And I doe heartily warn all that hear me, to take heed (as they tender their Soules) of departing rashly from the Communion of of the said Church.
I thought where we should have you.
You have me where I have ever been, and where I mean to abide, till I am convinced. I am not unwilling to learn of any one. And pray Mr.
W. tell me, whether you hold not a Synod of chosen men, gathered out of your Churches, to have authority over them all?
No authority at all; such a Synod may be of use for advice and counsell, not for goverment, or for the exercise of any jurisdiction.
Then as I conceive your modell is very imperfect, and me thinks your Ministers in their severall Congregations look like so many little Popes, For, the Pope is the Great Independent, and will allow of no Appeal from him, no more will you.
Pray Mr. B.
quiet the People.
I beseech you good people, I beseech you attend with silence and patience.
Where presently followes Execution▪
[Page 32] there can be no appeal: But after the sentence of the Congregation presently followes execution; If he hear not the Church, let him, &c. Therefore from the sentence of the Congregation can be no appeal.
Well argued: I repeat.
Where presently, &c. I answer first to the
major or first proposition. There may be an appeal after execution of the sentence of the Congregation. [In your own way may not the wronged person appeal from you to your selves?] In the
Presbyterian you know there lyes an appeal to the
Classis: but that I take not on me to maintain. I know no power to excommunicate but
Then it seems by you, the Bishop is the Church, and the sole judge of the Congregations.
Not so neither. Hear my Answer, I pray, and do not you ignorant fellowes laugh at that you do not understand. The Bishop is considered, either
Sole or alone, or as he sits
in Cathedra crowned with
Presbyters. In this later sense▪ I humbly conceive the Bishop is (or ought to be) Governour of the Congregations within his Diocese: And such Bishops we can shew innumerable in the ancient Records of the Catholique Church. I am very sorry these Gentlemen are so ill read
[Page 33] in good Books of our own English Divines, as to deny a truth shining so bright upon them. Mr.
Tr. have you not seen the learned
Thorndike of the primitive Government, &c?
We cleave to the Scripture, and call you to the foresaid text. Can you shew one place where Church is taken for the Bishop and his Presbyters?
What if I cannot? The Authority of the antient Fathers is sufficient for the present to commend my interpretation to such as reverence
Antiquity. But because I would gladly please you, I will
offer another sense of the words in question, which will come neer to you, but is not fully yours, That is, after the first admonition by
one, and the second before
two or
three, it is the mind of Christ, that a greater number should be made acquainted with the business, tell it to the
Many for the shaming of the offendor, as the Apostle somewhere speaks; the words may the more probably be taken in this sense, because as yet the Disciples were not setled under a Church-government, and so there remaining no more to be done, after this shaming of the offendor before a good number of Fellow-Christians, i. e. the Church, he was to be henceforth, till his amendment, accounted as
[Page 34] a heathen, and might be prosecuted for any offence before the heathen Tribunalls, Which prosecution was not lawfull against those that would hear the Church. [See 1
Cor. 6.] But this will do you no pleasure, unless that which followes in the next verse belong unto the Congregation too: but that cannot be, if Christ spake the words to his Apostles, and gave the Keys, and Power of Binding and Loosing to them and their successors, as I believe he did. Consider of it.
See the learned Dr. Hammond
of binding and loosing.
Give me leave to add somewhat here in confirmation of what was last said. Scripture you know gives light to Scripture. Christ elswhere saith to
Peter that he would give the Keys to him,
Matth. 16. 19. And
John 20. 21, 21, 23. he speaketh to his Disciples and thus enstateth them in that power:
Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you, as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you; And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said unto them, Receive yee the holy Ghost, whosoever sins yee remit, they are remitted unto them, and whosoever sins ye retain, they are retained: these are the solemn words of Ordination.
The words are spoken to Peter,
and to the Disciples as they were Christian professors,
[Page 35] (
and so they do belong to our people) not as they were appointed by Christ to be Governours of his Church.
The words signify a power committed to them, which they used as
Governours ('tis plain) and which they left to the Bishops their
The Apostles had no successors being gifted with a miraculous power.
The Apostles are to be considered in two respects, either as
planters of the Churches, and to that purpose endued with a miraculous power, to make way for, and to give confirmation to the Gospel, or else, as Governours of the Churches, invested with the ordinary lasting power of ordaining Elders, of binding and loosing, and of setting things in order: herein who were their Successors, you may see if you will inform your selves in the book of
binding and loosing, and in the
Latin dissertations against
Blondellus. Pray take it not ill that we often assert this: it is of such concernence, that with this truth the Ministers of
England must either stand or fall. We speak not for Bishops to be
Lords of Lands, but
Fathers of the Church. You must all mark that.
The difference 'twixt us appears plainly, you are for Bishops, which you call the Primitive
[Page 36] Apostolical Bishops, and in them you place the power which Christ hath left to his Church: We are for the Bodies of Congregations, which we say are under no superiors neither Bishops nor Presbyters, but absolute and independent in respect of man, and immediatly under Jesus Christ.
Bishops and Presbyters are all one in the New Testament, namely Acts 20. 17. Paul
sent to Ephesus,
and called the Elders of the Church
and v. 28. the holy Ghost hath made you overseers,
Therefore Presbyters and Bishops are all one.
Noble Sir, I answer,
Bishops in the new Testament, are also called
Presbyters, but they are more than those we now call Presbyters, who are to be ordained and governed by the Bishops. Any Presbyter may be called Bishop or Overseer of his own Parish, but those we eminently stile Bishops now, who are Bishops, or Overseers and Rulers of those Parish Bishops or Presbyters. The Presbyters St.
Paul sent for from
Ephesus were properly Bishops.
No, Hear my Argument. The Church of Ephesus
was but one Congregation. I prove it out of Eph. 2.
the two last verses: In whom (Jesus Christ) all the building fitly framed together, &c.
A building fitly framed
[Page 37] together is but one Congregation: But the Church of Ephesus
was a building fitly framed together; Therefore, &c.
To the Major. Not only one single Congregation, but many united under one Bishop may be so called. And that
Ephesus was not a single Independent Congregation, but a Metropolitical Church, you may learn of the most Reverend Primate Dr.
Usher, a man I think of great Authority among you also, as among all Scholars, most justly. I refer you to his Geographical Tract of the Asian Diocese.
Return to the Text, Mat. 18.
v. 19. I shall prove it undeniably, that a single Church hath an independent power. But first will you grant me, that two or three may be taken for a small Congregation?
Yes, I desire to grant you all I can, without injury to the Truth.
Then thus I argue: Where is the Duty and the Blessing, there is the Power: But in a small Congregation [where two or three, &c.]
is both the duty and the Blessing; Therefore there is also the Power, namely of Excommunication.
Where is the duty, &c. You leave out a very necessary word,
Independent. For supposing that a power of Excommunication
[Page 38] were in a particular Congregation, I cannot grant it is there
independently, but there may be an Appeal: But did you ever hear of an Indepent Church of two or three?
Yes, there may be a Church of so few, and that independent.
private Church, I grant▪ not a
publick, enabled with power of Excommunication, a power supreme. Lo you, here is Popery in a little volume: an independent, absolute, supreme Church made up of two or three.
Did you not grant to Mr. Tr.
that two or three may be taken for any small number? now you recall your words. You know, if there be twenty in a company, we sometimes say there be two or three.
No indeed, that's too far wide. Let the people judge of this, whether any will say there be two or three, if there be twenty persons met in a room. Two or three, that is, twenty. (silence I pray!) But Sir, the words of Christ are verified, if there be but barely two. And therefore I may justly think it too small a number to make the Church, mentioned v: 17. It cannot be for this reason. The Church in the 17. v. is of more authority, and more in number, than the two or three mentioned in the second admonition, v. 16. But two or three v. 19, 20. are not of
[Page 39] more authority nor more in number, than the two or three mentioned v. 16. Therefore the two or three v. 19, 20. are not the Church mentioned v. 17. Answer this, and you shall hold your Supremacy to the worlds end for me.
You hold an Appeal from the Church to the Civil Power, which is plain Erastianism.
Erastianisme? I shall make it appear to be Christianisme. But what was
Erastus, pray?
I came not here to be Catechized by you.
Erastus was one that denied the power of Excommunication in the Church: which I do not, but desire it may come into practice upon true Rules. If you would know
Erastus, see the Book of Binding and loosing, at large. And noble Sir, you that are a Civil Magistrate, let me call you to witness, that I stand here an Advocate truly to plead for the Supreme authority of this Land, and I undertake to shew that the Highest powers in the Commonwealth have also the Highest Rule of the Church, and may receive Appeals from any Christians that complain of wrong in any Congregation whatsoever.
Col. A.
The Highest Powers haply doubt
[Page 40] of that Authority, and forbear to execute any such, till they be more fully satisfied.
Were I worthy, I would request them to know their power, and use it for the restitution of Primitive Episcopacy. They doubt, you say; but Sir, these men flatly deny that authority of the Civil Magistrate in matters of Religion.
And how I pray do you prove it?
Let every soul be subject to the Higher Powers. Every man, saith St.
Chrysostome, whether Lay or Clergy.
Col. A.
There is no such distinction of Lay and Clergy in the Scripture. All the Lords people are
[...] his Portion.
Sir, you say most true, that All the Lords people are his Portion, that is, as selected and called out of the World: but his Ministers are more peculiarly his, as called from among his People, and admitted nearer to him, being separated for the Ministration of Holy things. But however, all sorts of men, I say, whether Ministers or others, must be subject to the Highest powers.
Yea, in Civil things they must be subject, not in Ecclesiastical. The Powers are distinct.
They are distinct in their
Objects or Matters about which they are exercised:
[Page 41] they are united in the same
Subjects or Persons that are supreme in all causes both Eccleclesiasticall and Civill.
You were wont to pray for the King in that stile.
Yes, when the King was, and now they that have the Kingly power may withall assume the same title, if they please.
By no means, Temporall Governors, power Spirituall?
The power of Civill Magistrates, in matters of religion, is called Ecclesiasticall or Spirituall in respect of the
object of it, about which it is conversant, not in respect of the manner of
operating: For the supreme powers do not minister in holy things, in the Word, and Sacraments, and censures, but they take care and provide, that these ministrations be rightly and orderly performed.
But how prove you an appeal to be made to the highest power in a Church-case?
Saint Paul appealed unto Caesar,
Acts 25. 10, 11.
Yea but that appeal was in a cause concerning sedition.
Hear himself speak, For the Resurrection of the dead am I called in question,
Act. 23. 6.
That was said in policy to divide the Pharisees and Sadduces.
However the Apostle spake nothing but the truth, as appears also by the words of
Festus, Act. 23. 19. The question was whether he might preach Jesus and the Resurrection.
That Caesar was Nero,
a heathen tyrant and persecutor, a fit man to meddle with Religion.
He was, it seems, fir for
Paul to appeal unto, for want of a better, and had he acquitted the Apostle, he had thereby given him a right against the Jews [
See Grotius
of Authority, concerning this particular and the whole matter:] As for the Supremacy of Christian Kings this is one argument: If the Jewish Kings had power in matters of Religion, then have the Christian Kings the like power: But the Jewish Kings, &c.
Let me adde another Argument out of the Prophet, concerning the Christian Church, Kings shall be her nursing Fathers, and Queenes her nursing Mothers.
Read out the verse, and you are answered:—They shall bow down to thee with their faces to the earth. Is. 49. 23.
Here is subjection rather than superiority.
A superiority of Government and Patronage is included in the name of
Father: but these Fathers are
Sons of the Church too
[Page 43] in another sense, and subject to the spirituall guides of their soules; subjection and Government may consist together in severall respects.
Will you turne to the Text in
Matth. 18. once more, and hear a fair Interpretation of it out of the Excellent Paraphrast:
Tell it to the Church] i. e. to the Rulers of the Assemblies.
Verily I say unto you] to you the designed Rulers of the Church, and your Successors the Bishops—
Enough, enough, pray who is your Author there?
Regard not so much,
who, as
what. No matter whose the words are, if they cleer the Text. This Author Mr.
Tr. shews you the true sense of the next verse concerning two or three. It is the manner of Scripture, where severall things are mentioned, to resume the last first, and so go back. In this retrogradous order, the Power of the Church which was last mentioned is spoken of
v. 18. and then the two or three are again mentioned, which were spoken of
v. 16. I will cleer it, if you please, by sundry the like passages. [
See in of Binding and Loosing pag. 12. &c.
We have enough of you already. I would not goe over the door sill to Dispute with
[Page 44] one▪ upon whose spirit I see so much of the Pope.
Gloster-Hall man would say so, but you. And you say so, because you have nothing else to say. I am far from Popery, and I doubt you are neer it, with your Independency.
Col. A.
But Pray-thee, what Author have you there on the Text?
I will obey you. It is the great ornament of the English Church, the Learned and pious Doctor
W. &c.
An Arminian, an Arminian!
To. That's a very indirect answer, when the words alleged tend not to Arminianism, but to the support of Christianism.
I feared you would cast some aspersion upon this Brave Man, and therefore would have concealed his name under a silent veneration. But you are mistaken when you think the Doctrine of Universall Redemption Arminianism. It was the Doctrine of the Church of
England before
Arminius was born. Wee learn it out of the old Church-Catechism.
I believe in Jesus Christ, who redeemed me & all mankind. And the Church hath learned it out of the plaine Scripture, where Christ is the
Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the World, &c.
God would have all men to be saved: Therefore Christ is the Redeemer of all men.
Col. A.
Paul in that Text to Tim: speaks de generibus singulorum,
not de singulis generum.
Paul speaks
de singulis generum: for elsewhere it is said, Christ tasted death for every man,
Heb. 2. 9. a convincing Text.
There is a distinction of voluntas signi, & beneplaciti.
If God hath signified and revealed to us, that he would have all men to be saved, then it is most true, that he would have All men to be saved. But he hath signified, &c. He knows not to lye or to dissemble.
I desire to propose an Argument in this Question, if you please to answer me.
Most willingly. You are a courteous Gentleman.
If Christ died for all men, then shall all men be saved: But all men shall not be saved; Therefore—
I deny the sequel of your major.
Christ cannot fail of his intention: Therefore if Christ died for all men, all men shall be saved.
I deny your Antecedent.
To fail of ones intention argues imperfefection:
[Page 46] But you must not lay any imperfection upon Christ:—
No, by no meanes. Therefore I answer. One may fail of his intention two waye: either
by ones own fault, or
by the fault of another to whom good is intended. Christ failes of his intention, not through his own fault, but ours: he is not wanting to us, we are wanting to our selves. And I beseech you all, dear Christians, take heed of conceiving hard thoughts of God & of Christ, as if he would the death of a sinner.
God in his eternall Purpose hath appointed to save some, and to damne others.
The purpose of God is
absolute or
conditionall: God purposeth not the damnation of any absolutely, but Conditionally upon his refusall of the meanes. [And for election, consider what the Apostle saith, He hath chosen us in Christ,
Eph. 1. 4. See also the judicious Mr.
Hooker's distinction of Gods generall inclination, and his occasioned Will:
lib. 5. s. 49.]
Wherefore Beloved, I charge you again, Take heed, that you think not ill of God and of Christ, as if he were not really and sincerely willing you should be saved. Hear Christ mourning affectionately over Jerusalem,
How oft would I, and thou wouldst not! Hear
[Page 47] God speaking most pathetically in the Prophet:
As I live saith the Lord, I desire not the death of a sinner. Will you not take his word? Take his Oath:
As I live saith the Lord, I desire not the death of a sinner, but that he turn from his way and live. Turn ye, Turn ye, why will ye dye, O house of Israel! Turn yee, Turn yee, why will ye dye, O yee opposers of the Truth▪
You see, Brethren, what he is: we have enough of him. It is high time to conclude. Sir, I desire to conclude all with Prayer.
Sir, I have answered your Objections, and I take my leave of you. For, to your Prayers, I fear, I shall not be able to answer
PSAL. 115. 1.
‘Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy Name give the Prayse, for thy Mercy, and for thy Truths sake.’
Testimonies pertinent to severall passages in the Letters and Dispute, Collected out of Protestant Divines as they came to hand, to be referred to their proper places by the diligent Reader.
Dr. HAMMOND Of Binding and Loosing,
Pag. 74.
THey quite deform the primitime Institution (
of Excommunication) who deny the Sacrament to Whole Congregations at once, without any charge laid to all or any part of them (save only that they are a mixt Congregation, wherein there are some evill men, which yet is not legally proved neither:) and they also who deny it to particular men sufficiently catechised, without any publick cognizance of their crime, or process of admonition first and second; or that designe
[Page 67] that exclusion to any other end, than
ut peccantes resipiscant, the reducing sinners to repentance: and therefore no small petty trifle is a sufficient matter for this, but contumacious▪ continuing in some scandalous sin after admonitions: from which when they return again by a sincere approved repentance, they are to be absolved.
In his Preface.
THat the power of Binding and Loosing may be restored to its full vigour in this Church againe, and, wherever sobriety shall advise, by addition of penitentiall Canons be reformed or regulated; and being put into the primitive chanell, may there be permitted to shew forth it self in the native purity and brightness; and so being ordered according to Gods designation, obtain Gods blessing to make it effectuall to its end, shall be the prayer of him who professes to love and admire the beauty of this fabrick [of the Church of
England] even when it lyes polluted in its blood, and to wish no greater blessing to its dearest friends, or, for whom he daily prayes, most implacable enemies, than that the scales may fall off from all our eyes,
[Page 68] that we may see and value what is so illustriously conspicuous and estimable in it self, &c. If the abuses and excesses and mistakes were removed, and that which is Christian and Apostolicall revived and restored in prudence and sobriety, might yet again shew the world the use of that Prelacy, which is now so zealously contemned, and recover at once the order, and the estimation of it; set more Saints on their knees, in petitions for the reducing and restoring, than ever employed their hands toward the suppressing of it.
D. Jer. Taylor
in the Dedicatory before his Winter-Sermons. Of preaching.
WHo would have in him so little of a man as not to be greedy of the Word of God, and of holy Ordinances, even therefore because they are so hard to have? And this evill, although it can have no excuse, yet it hath a great and a certain cause. For the Word of God still creates new Appetites, as it satisfies the old; and enlarges the capacity, as it fills the first propensities of the Spirit. For all spirituall blessings are seeds of Immortality, and of infinite felicitie; they swell up to the comprehensions of Eternity: and the desires of the soul can never be wearied,
[Page 69] but when they are decayed: as the stomack will be craving every day, unless it be sick and abused. But every mans experience tels him now, that because men have not Preaching, they less desire it: their long fasting makes them not to love their meat: and so we have cause to fear, the people will fall to an Atrophy, then to a loathing of holy food, and then Gods anger will follow the method of our sin, and send a famine of the word and Sacraments.
Paulo post. And by the same instrument [
Preaching] God restored the beauty of the Church, when it was necessary she should be reformed: it was the assiduous and learned Preaching of those whom God chose for his Ministers in that work, that wrought the Advantages, and perswaded those Truths, which are the
enamel and beauty of our Churches. And because by the same means all things are preserved, by which they are produc'd, it cannot but be certain, that the present State of the Church requires a greater care and prudence in this Ministry than ever: especially, since by Preaching some endeavour to supplant Preaching, and by intercepting the fruits of the flocks; to dishearten the shepheards from their Attendances.
The same Author. Of Zeal, p. 185.
ANy zeal is proper for Religion, but the zeal of the Sword, and the zeal of anger; this is
[...], the bitterness of zeal; and it is a certain temptation to every man against his duty: for if the Sword turns Preacher and dictates Propositions by Empire instead of Arguments, and engraves them in mens hearts with a Ponyard, that it shall be death to believe what I innocently and ignorantly am perswaded of, it must needs be unsafe to
try the Spirits, to
try all things, to make enquiry. And yet without this liberty, no man can justify himself before God or man, nor confidently say, that his Religion is best: since he cannot without a final danger make himself able to give a right sentence, and to follow that which he finds to be the best. This may ruin Souls by making Hypocrits, or careless and complyant against conscience or without it; but it doth not save Souls, though peradventure it should force them to a good opinion. This is inordination of zeal. For Christ by reptoving St.
Peter drawing his Sword, even in the cause of Christ, for his sacred and yet
[Page 71] injur'd person,
[...] (saith
Theophilact) teaches us not to use the Sword, though in the cause of God, or for God himself: because he will secure his own interest: only let him be served as himself is pleased to command: and it is like
Moses passion, it throws the Tables of the Law out of our hands, and breaks them in pieces out of indignation to see them broken. This is the zeal that is now in fashion, and hath almost spoiled Religigion: Men like the zealots of the Jews cry up their Sect, and in it their Interest, they affect Disciples and fight against the Opponents: And we shall find in Scripture, that when the Apostles began to Preach▪ the meekness of the Christian institution, salvation, and promises, charity and humility, there was a zeal set
[...]o against them. The Apostles were zealous for the Gospel: The Jews were zealous for the Law. And see what different effect these two zeals did produce. The zeal of the Law came to this, They stirred up the City, they made tumults, they sent parties of Souldiers to silence and to imprison the Preachers,
&c. But the zeal of the Apostles was this▪ They Preached publickly and privatly, they prayed for all men, they wept to God for the
[Page 72] hardness of mens hearts, they became all things to all men,
&c. They endured every man and wronged no man, They would
do any good thing and
suffer any evill, if they had but hopes to prevail upon a Soul: They perswaded men meekly, they entreated them humbly, they convinced them powerfully, they watched for their good, but medled not with their interest,
L. Hatton
in the Preface to his Psalter. Of Union.
HE that is ready to joyn with all the societies of Christians in the world, in those things which are certainly true, just and pious, gives great probation that he hath at least
animum Catholicum, no Schismatical Soul, because he would actually communicate with all Christendome; if
bona fides in falso articulo, sincere perswasion (be it true or false) did not disoblige him; since he clearly distinguishes persons from things, and in all good things communicates with persons bad enough in others. This is the Communion of Charity: and when the Communion of belief is interrupted by misperswasion on one side, and too much confidence
[Page 73] and want of Charity on the other, the erring party hath humane infirmity to excuse him, but the uncharitable nothing at all. This therefore is the best and surest way, because we are all apt to be deceived, to be sincere in our disquisitions, modest in our determinations, charitable in our censures, and apt to communicate in things of evident truth and confessed holiness. Since all Christians of any publick confession and Government, that is, all particular and national Churches, agree in the matter of prayers, and the great object, God in the mystery of the Trinity, if the Church of
Rome would make her Addresses to God only through Jesus Christ our Lord, and leave the Saints in the Calendar, without drawing them into her Offices (which they might do without any prejudice to the sutes they ask, unless Christ's intercession without their conjuncture were imperfect) that we might all once pray together, we might hope for the blessings of Peace and Charity to be upon us all.
Hieronymus Zanchius, in Confess. Cap. 24. 19.
De Ecclesia.
NOn enim ab Ecclesia Romana simpliciter & in omnibus defecimus: sed in illis duntaxat rebus, in quibus ipsa defecit ab Apostolica, atque adeo à seipsa, veteri & pura Ecclesia: neque alio d
[...]scessimus animo, quàm ut, si correcta ad priorem Ecclesiae formam redeat, nos quoque ad illam revertamur, & communionem cum illa, in suis porr
[...] coetibus habeamus. Quod ut tandem fiat, toto animo Dominum Jesum precamur. Quid enim p
[...]o cuique optatius, quam ut ubi per Baptismum renati sumus, ibi etiam in finem usque vivamus, modo in Domino. Ego H. Z.
cum tota mea familia testatum hoc volo toti Ecclesiae Christi in omnem aeternitatem.
Huic pii viri sententiae libenter subscribit
Idem in observat. ad Cap. 5.
ATtque haec de patrum autoritate: à quibus nisi manifestissimis rationibus cogar, me pro mea tenera conscientia, vel in dogmatibus,
[Page 75] vel etiam in scripturarum interpretationibus, praesertim ubi plerique omnes consentiunt, deflectere non audere, toti Ecclesiae Christi ingenuè fateor. Et postea.
Hoc ego ingenuè denuò profiteor, talem esse meam conscientiam, ut à veterum patrum, sive dogmatibus, sive scripturarum interpretationibus, non facile, nisi vel manifestis sacrarum literarum testimoniis, vel necessariis consequentiis, apertisque demonstrationibus convictus atque coactus, discedere queam. Sic exim acquiescit mea conscientia: & in hac ment is quiete cupio etiam mori.
Idem ad Cap. 25.
QUid? quòd in Ecclesiis etiam Protestantium, non desunt reipsa Episcopi, & Archiepiscopi: quos mutatis bonis Graecis nominibus in malè Latina, vocant superintendentes, & generales superintendentes? Sed ubi etiam neque illa vetera bona Graeca, neque haec nova malè Latina nomina obtinent, ibi tamen solent esse aliquot primarii, penes quos fere tota est autoritas. De nominibus ergo fuerit controversia: verùm cum de rebus convenit, quid de nominibus altercamur?
Idem in fine.
PRecor omnes Christianos per Dominum Jesum, ut positis vanis privatorum hominum somniis, positis etiam propriis carnis affectibus, odiis, inimicitiis; amplexi verò certum ac salutarem veteris Ecclesiae doctrinam, Christianamque dilectionem; coeamus omnes in unam fidem, sanctamque amicitiam: sicut nobis quoque omnibus unus est Deus, unus Mediator, unum Baptisma, una spes vocationis nostrae: ad gloriam nominis Dei, Ecclesiae aedificationem, salutemque animorum nostrorum. Citius enim quam putamus, sistemur ante tribunal Christi, ut referat unusquisque prout se gessit in corpore, & in hac vita, quando post hanc vitam nulla spes veniae, nullus resipiscentiae locus est.
in his Preface. Sect. 4.
A Very strange thing sure it were, that such a Discipline as ye speak of, should be taught by Christ and his Apostles in the word of God, and no Church ever have found it out, nor received it till this present time: contrariwise, the Government
[Page 77] against which ye bend your selves, be observed every where throughout all generations and ages of the Christian world, no Church ever perceiving the word of God to be against it. We require you to find out but one Church upon the face of the whole earth, that hath been ordered by your Discipline, or hath not been orderd by ours, that is to say, by Episcopal regiment, sithence the time that the blessed Apostles were here conversant.
The same. Sect. 6.
AS for the Orders which are established, sith equity and reason, the Law of Nature, God and man, do all favour that which is in being, till orderly judgement of decision be given against it; it is but justice to exact of you, and perverseness in you it should be to deny thereunto your willing obedience. Not that I judge it a thing allowable for men to observe those Laws, which in their hearts they are stedfastly perswaded to be against the Law of God; but your perswasion in this case ye are all bound for the time to suspend; and in otherwise doing, ye offend against God by troubling his
[Page 78] Church without any just or necessary cause.
The same. Sect. 8.
AGain it may justly be feared, whether our English Nobility, when the matter came in tryal, would contentedly suffer themselves to be alwaies at the call, and to stand to the sentence of a number of mean persons assisted with the presence of their poor teacher, a man (as sometimes it hapneth) though better able to speak, yet little or no whit apter to judge than the rest. From whom, be their dealings never so absurd (unless it be by way of complaint to a Synod) no appeal may be made unto any one of higher power: in as much as the order of your Discipline admitteth no standing inequality of Courts, no Spiritual Judge to have any ordinary Superior on earth, but as many Supremacies, as there are Parishes and several Congregations. Neither is it altogether without cause that so many do fear the overthrow of all learning, as a threatned sequel of this your intended Discipline. For if the worlds preservation depend upon the multitude of the wise; and of that sort
[Page 79] the number hereafter be not likely to wax over great, when (that wherewith the Son of
Syrach professeth himself at the heart grieved) men of understanding are already so little set by: how should their minds, whom the love of so precious a Jewel filleth with secret jealousy, even in regard of the least things which may any way hinder the flourishing estate thereof, choose but misdoubt, lest this Discipline, which alwaies you match with Divine Doctrine, as her natural and true Sister, be found unto all kinds of knowledge a Stepmother; seeing that the greatest worldly hopes, which are proposed unto the chiefest kind of learning, yee seek utterly to extirpate as weeds: and have grounded your platform on such Propositions, as do after a sort undermine those most renowned habitations, where through the goodness of Almighty God all commendable Arts and Sciences are with exceeding great industry hitherto (and so may they for ever continue) studied, proceeded in, and profest. To charge you as purposely bent to the overthrow of that wherein many of you have attained no small perfection, were injurious. Only therefore I wish that your selves did well consider how opposite certain your positions are,
Master Edward Leigh,
a dilligent Collector, in his Body of Divinity P. 454,
THe Socinians say,
Cum adhuc nova, &c. The Apostles had a call when the Gospel was newly published: there needs not a Ministry now that the Gospel is generally taught, and it is promised we shall be all taught of God. If we should look for a Ministry, where shall we find it? Our Ministets were ordained by Bishops, they by the Pope: Therefore their Calling is Anti-Christian.
But, That there is such an Institution of Christ, and this to continue till the worlds end, may be thus proved. First, there are some to whom the word of reconciliation is committed, and not to others. 1
Cor. 5. 18. Rom. 10. 15. there is a peculiar mission: Men cannot Preach as the Embassadors of Christ, unless sent,
Jo. 20. 21. Gal. 1. 1. Secondly, because a special authority is committed to such by vertue of their office, they have the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Is. 22. 22. Mat. 16. 19. The Brownists say, our Ministers are not rightly called into their offices, because we received it from
Rome▪ Ans. Not every thing ordained by Anti-Christ
[Page 81] is forthwith to me rejected, but only that which he doth,
qua Antichristus, as he is Antichrist. But Bishops were before ever Antichrist appeared in the world.—
Brown the father of the
Brownists was the first of note that did separate himself from the Church of
England, and said, that we had no Church; he meant a true Church; But after he went into
France, and being at
Geneva, he saw the Sabbath much prophaned, and the wafer-cake given in the Sacrament instead of bread; whereupon he began to think better of the Church of
England, and returning home he became Pastor of a Church in
Northhampton-shire, called
Achurch. The Church of
Rome was a true Church; the Reformed Churches separated from it becoming a false Church. Though Ministers were ordained in the most corrupt estate of the Church of
Rome, yet if they forsake the corruptions of the Church of
Rome they are true Ministers, as the Church of
Rome it self if it would cast off its Corruptions, should be a true Church.
There is a double
Calling necessary to a dispensor of the Mysteries of salvation,
Inward and
Outward. The Inward enableth men, the Outward authorizeth them to discharge their sacred function. Where there are Gifts, if God encline the heart of the
[Page 82] party to enter into the Ministry, there is an inward Calling: Yet this alone sufficeth not without an outward Calling, either
Ordinary, or
Extraordinary. We are not now to expect extraordinary callings since Miracles are ceased. The Ordinary calling is by the Imposition of the hands of the Presbytery,
Jer. 14. 14. & 27. 15. Rom. 10. 5. No other Ordination was heard of for fifteen hundred years, or at lest approved of.
Dr. Featly's distinction of Clergy and Laity.
In the Reformed Churches of
France and
Geneva, the people give no voice in the Election of Ministers, but are only permitted, if they have any causes of dislike or exception, to make them known to the pastors & guides of the Church, and the power of judging such exceptions resteth wholly in them. When one
Morelius a phantasticall companion sought to bring the Elections of Bishops and Ministers to be popular, and swayed by the most voices of the people, he was condemned by all the Synods in
France, as
Beza sheweth,
Epist. 83.
In Scripture we find Election and Ordination frequently distinguished, not only as distinct acts, but oft-times in distinct hands;
Deut. 1. 13. The people chuse them who shall be Rulers, but
Moses makes them Rulers.
[Page 83]
Act. 6. 3. The people chuse, the Apostles appoint the Deacons. The chusing of a person to an office, is not the authorizing of the person elected, but the designation of the person to be authorized.
See Mr. Gillesp. Miscell. e. 4.
Socinians acknowledge it is fit for Order and Decency to retain Ordination in the Church. Peradventure many of the Sectaries of this time will hardly acknowledge thus much.—Some think, that the Ceremony of laying on of hands may be omitted; sometimes we must be tyed to example in the lest gesture, though not prescribed, and yet men presume to dispense in a circumstance prescribed,
Tit. 1. 5. Timothy was ordained by laying on of hands, and enjoyned to lay hands on others in their Ordination, 1
Tim. 5. 22. Thus were the Deacons ordained,
Act. 6. 6. and thus were
Paul and
Barnabas set apart for the execution of their calling,
Act. 13. 3.
Augustin and
Chrysostom preached every day in the week and year, (at least once or twice without fail:)
Ye heard yesterday, yee shall hear to morrow, is common in their Tractates and Homilies. Mr.
Bull's trial of
Separat. p. 81. The Papists by way of scoff called the Evangelical Ministers
praedicantici. Wheras
[Page 84]
Paul judged preaching his chief Office, and would not baptize lest it should be an impediment.
Bellarmine and the Councill of
Trent style preaching
praecipuum Episcopi officium.
The Question (saith Mr.
Mode on Act. 5. 3, 4, 5.) should not be, Whether Tithes are due to the Ministers of the Gospel, meaning as a duty of the people unto them, but rather, Whether they be not due to God: for so is the style of the Scripture,
All the Tithes are mine; These I give to
Levi, and not you. There are many other uses for the employment of
Bona sacra, if they be more than is competent for them and theirs.
That men, though gifted without being called to the Ministry, and by Ordination set apart for it, should take upon them the office or ordinary exercise of preaching, seems repugnant to those Scriptures,
Rom. 10. 15. Heb. 5. 4. 1 Tim. 5. 22. Christ therefore frequently urgeth this, That he was sent from his Father. Punishments have been inflicted on those that have medled beyond their call, as
Uzziah. Apage vaesanam illam prophetandi libertatem, imo licentiam blasphemandi: ut liceat maleferiato cui
(que) tyroni prodigiosissima cerebri sui phantasmata in apricum producere, & populo commendare & praelo. Concio D▪
[Page 85] Halli ad Syn. nat. Dord. Such as want Authority from the Church, 1. are none of Christs Officers,
Ephes. 4. 11. 2. They are expresly forbidden it,
Jer. 23. 21. 3. The blessing on the Word is promised only to sent Teachers,
Rom. 10. 15. Mr. Owen's duty of Pastors and people distinguished, p. 46, 47. Inprimis displicet mihi illa quam tuentur libertas prophetandi, certissima pernicies religionis nisi cert is finibus acriter coerceatur. Casaub. epist. 320.
The same Collector, pag. 683, 684.
Obj. WE are commanded not to eat with a Brother if he be so and so.
Ans. It signifieth to have familiar civill society with them, in inviting them or feasting them. But, if one may not have familiar civil conversation with such, much less may he eat with them at the Sacrament. It follows not, for in withdrawing our selves from them we punish them, and shew our dislike of them: but in withdrawing our selves from the Sacrament, because of them, we punish our selves.—
Mr. Downame on 1 Cor. 11. 28. saith, None ought to refrain coming to the Lords Table, because they see scandalous sinners & unworthy guests admitted. For, 1. The Apostle here doth not enjoyn us to examin others, but
[Page 86] our selves. 2. Because the Apostles, (yea even Christ himself) did joyn with those Assemblies in the service of God, and particularly in the use of the Sacraments, which were full of corruptions, both in respect of doctrin and manners, viz. This Church of
Corinth it self.) 3. Because one mans sin cannot defile another, nor make the seals of the Covenant uneffectuall to him who cometh in faith and repentance, and even hateth that sin which he seeth committed: especially when he hath no power committed unto him by God and the Church, of repelling the wicked from this holy Communion. 4. Because the punishment denounced against unworthy Receivers is appropriated to them who thus offend, and reacheth not to the innocent because they are in their company.
Zanchy saith,
Non aut ob talem abusum Ecolesia de sinit esse Ecclesia Christi, aut pii impiorum in sacris Communione possunt contaminari. Beza de Presbyt. p. 28.
Etiamsi suis oculis Minister quenpiam viderit aliquid agentem, quod coenae exclusionem mereatur, jure tamen, nec debeat nec possit, nisi vocatum, convictum legitimè, deni
(que) secundum constitutum in Ecclesia ordinem damnatum à mensa Domini cum auctoritate prohibere.
Object. We are commanded to separate
[Page 87] our selves from the wicked, and to come out from amongst thom, 2
Cor. 6. 17. Ans. We must indeed come out from amongst those that do serve false Gods, and separate our selves from the familiar society of wicked persons; but other separation was never practised by any Prophet or Apostle, or ever meant. Immediatly there it follows,
Touch not the-unclean thing: that is, Do not joyn with others in their pollutions.
Ephes. 5. 6, 7, 11. p. 682.
This Sacrament (saith
Mr. Burroughs on Hos. 5. 3.) is not defiled to the right receivers of it, meerly because wicked men are present there, but because the Congregation neglects their duty of casting out the wicked from thence, whence they discover themselves—Particular persons and Communicants come to be defiled in this, if they neglect the duty that belongs to them as Christians,
Matth. 18. 15, 16. If thou hast done thy duty to all scandalous persons in the Congregation, then the sin be upon the Church, thou maist receive the Sacrament with comfort, though wicked men be admitted there.
[p. 481.] Dr.
Ames saith,
Falsum est iniernas virtutes à nobis requiri, ut aliquis sit in Ecclesia quoad visibilem ejus statum. Bellarm.
[Page 88] enerv. Tom. 2. l. 2. c. 1. s. 5. The Apostles at the first gathering of the Church of the new Testament never required any more than the profession of the faith of Christ in fundamentals, and that they were willing for the time to come to walk in Gospell rules.
John Baptist received Publicans and sinners, Soldiers, Scribes, Pharisees, when they confessed their sins, and desired to be admitted into the faith of him whom
John preached. See
Act. 2. 41, 47. Vide Calvin▪ ad Matt. 3. Many a one that may have real grace, yet out of bashfulness, and because he hath but weak parts, may not be able to evidence it to others: and others, who have greater gifts, may carry it away when they are not inwardly wrought upon. I suppose therefore, those are to be received into Church-Communion which profess the faith of Christ, and subject to the rules of the Gospell, if they be free from damnable errors and scandalous conversation.
Mr. Martial on
Rom. 12. 4, 5. I am verily perswaded, that were the union and Communion of the people of God rightly known, there is no Saint in any part of the world, but where ever he comes, might demand upon the profession of his faith, and his voluntary subjection to the Gospell, his right in the Ordinances, hear the Word with them, pray
[Page 89] with them, receive the Sacraments with them.
Mr. Baxter in the Dedicatory of his Rest.
YOu know I never conformed to the use of mystical Symbolical
Rites my self (but only to the determination of Circumstantials necessary
in genere) and yet I ever loved a godly
peaceable Conformist, better than a
turbulent Non-conformist. I yet differ from many in severall Doctrins of greater moment than Baptism, &c. And yet if I should zealously press my judgment on others, and seek to make a party for it, and disturb the
peace of the Church, and
separate from my Brethren, I should fear lest I should prove a firebrand in hell, for being a firebrand in the Church.
Paulo post. Make conscience of the great duty of
reproving and exhorting those about you: Make not your souls guilty of the oaths, ignorance and unworthiness of others by your silence.
Admonish them lovingly and modestly; but be sure you do it, and that seriously. This is the first step in
Discipline. Expect not that your Minister should put any from the
Sacrament, whom you have not thus admonished once and again.—Punish not before due process.
Dr. Ham. Pract. Catech. l. 6. s. 3. Of preparation for the Sacrament.
THat every man is infinitely concernd to have his soul always possest with every part of that preparation. That he careless
oscitancy, & fatal
stupidity of the world, in never so much as considering whether they have any of them or no, is a most prodigious thing. That the time of preparing our selves for the Sacrament (which ought to be
frequent, but how frequent is not defined in Scripture, but left to the judgment of the Church) is a very fit time for that
self examination. That till that be done, and all and each of those graces [
Repentance, faith, &c.] found sincere in our hearts, we ought not to come to that holy Sacrament: which yet will not
excuse any for not coming, because he is not prepar'd, but rather
aggravate the sin upon him, that rather than thus fit himself he will part with so great a treasure.
The same Authour, Of Idolatry, s. 70.
FOr the
sign of the Cross, used by our Church in Baptism, which hath been by some cryed down under the title of Idolatry,
[Page 91] two things it will not be amiss briefly to have observed; 1. That the same ground of zeal or passion that hath incited some men lately to charge it of a breach of the second Commandement, hath long since moved one [
Parker on the Cross] of the same spirit, to accuse it as à sin against the other nine, and to entitle his severall Chapters of the swearing, Sabbath-breaking, murder, adultery, stealing, fals-witness, and at the last of the concupiscence of the Cross, as well as the Idolatry of it, the reasons being much alike for the whole charge. 2. That the signing with the sign of the Cross in that Sacrament, is somewhat distant from that which the Papists use, and an act of departure from them, in King
Edwards second Liturgy, more than had been in the first Reformation. The former custome was to cross the Child at the Church dore, when it was brought to Baptism, but this of ours as a mark of initiation or reception into Christs flock, immediately following Baptism, and a kind of
tessera, or military sign that the person thus consigned into Christ's
Militia shall for ever after think himself obliged
manfully to fight, &c. A change made meerly out of compliance with them who were jealous of too great an inclination to
Popery, and yet now charged with the guilt
[Page 92] of that, which it was on purpose designed to decline.
The same Author, Of fraternall Admonition, pag. 11.
THis of Correption (saith
Gerson) is by Christ's precept become our duty, whensoever these 6.
Conditions do concur. 1. That I have a
certain knowledge of the brothers sin, a suspicion being not ground sufficient for so doing. 2. That I use all
mildness or mansuetude in admonishing, the angry passionate correption being apt rather to provoke than to amend. 3. If on consideration I discern not that some other is
fitter for that performance than my self;
i. e. either more familiar with him, or els his superiour, that may have some authority over him (as for a third consideration, whether some body els be not more
pious, or better qualified, I shall not put that into the scheme, lest the most pious men being also the most humble, should by that
[...], judge themselves superseded from thar duty:) Yet this also with this limitation, that if all other do appear to neglect that performance, then it must devolve to me again, and as far as concerns that condition, become my duty, if all the other
[Page 93] conditions do concur with it. 4. If I have any probable ground of
hope that he will be reformd or betterd by my Correption: whereas on the other side, if there be no such hope, but rather that he will he provoked, inflamed, and grow worse, I am not then bound to contribute thus to his deeper condemnation. 5. That the matter of the sin be of some
weight: and again, that it were done upon advice and deliberation, not out of
surreption, sudden motion, or imperfect consent. And lastly, if there be not hope of springing some happier
opportunity for this performance at some other time which may make it prudent and charitable to defer it till then. The concurrence of these conditions is that which makes the
exercise of this duty
necessary, and neglect a sin: and the concurrence of at least so many of them, as may give me hope of the designed success (that unto which the first mention of it by Christ was ordered,
to save that which was lost:) the reforming any lapst trespasser, lays it upon me as a most excellent work of Christian mercy: the usefulness of which to my poor brother, is able to commend it to every Christians practice, though there were no obligation, or precept lying on him.
Read the whole Treatise.
The same Author in his preface to, Of binding and loosing.
THe Lord grant us unprejudicate honest hearts to judge uprightly, and every one of us that meekness and quietness of spirit, to think some others may possibly discern betwixt good and evill, as well as our selves; and when that prayer is once heard, I shall then suppose that
[...] that hath given
Themistocles the
[...], or preheminence over his fellowes in the judgment of all posterity (
viz. that every man named him next after himself) will certainly end the present controversy. A
moderate Episcopacy, with a standing assistant Presbytery (and every of these assigned his full task and province of employment also) being the only fourth, which as it will certainly satisfy the desires of those whose pretensions are regular and moderate; so will it appear to be that which all other parties can best tolerate; and which next himself, both
Presbyterian, and
Independent, and
Erastian will make no question to chuse and prefer before any of the other pretenders.—The severall excellencies of the other three, by which they set themselves out amiable and desirable to admirers or followers (the
[Page 95] sharpness and severity against all ignorance and sin, the
Independents zeal against mixt Congregations, and the
Erastians care that the civill power may not be intrencht on, and that they that might receive benefit by the word and Sacraments, should by no means be interdicted the use of them) may all and each of them be found, at least as in mixture, refracted and compounded in this fourth.
The same Author in his Considerations concerning Church-govern-ment. p. 11.
THe restoring
Episcopacy to its due burthen as well as reputation, were a care worthy of
Reformers: and it is so far from my desire that any such care should be spared, that it is now my publick solemn
Petition both to God and Man, that the power of the
Keys, and the exercise of that power, the due use of
Confirmation, and previous to that,
Examination and tryall of youth; a strict search into the manners and tempers and sufficiencies of those that are to be admitted into
Holy Orders, and to be licentiate for publick Preachers; the
Visitation of each Parish in each Diocese, and the exercise of Church-
Discipline upon all offenders; together with
[Page 96] painful, mature and sober
Preaching and
Catechizing; studies of all kinds, and parts of Theological
learning, Languages, Controversies, Wrirings of the Schools and Casuists,
&c. be so far taken into consideration by our Law-makers, and so far considered in the collating of
Church-preferments and Dignities: so much of duty required of Clergy-men, and so little left arbitrary or at large, that every Church-preferment in this Kingdom may have such a due
burthen annexed to it, that no ignorant person should be
able, no lazy or luxurious person
willing or forward to undergo it. And if this might be thus designed, I should then resolve, that the setling and continuing of this Government would prove the common Interest of
All, and only the burthen of those few that have those painful offices assigned to them?
D. Davenant Determin. 42. p. 189.
SIt igitur hoc fixum
& stabilitum, inter multos Presbyteros, qui in una aliqua Civitate Verbum & Sacramenta administrabant, fuisse unum ab ipsis Apostolis
praepositum caeteris, & singulari
quadam dignitate
[Page 97] ac potestate munitum. Hisce Episcopis Apostolorum autoritate sic stabilitis, Constat
perpetua serie Successores
fuisse subrogatos in iisdem Civitatibus: novos etiam ad idem exemplar (quando Ecclesiae sic visum fuit) in aliis Civitatibus Constitutos.
Jo. Calvinus Protectori Angliae.
QUod ad formulam precum
& rituum
Ecclesiasticorum, valde probo, ut certa
illa extet, à qua pastoribus discedere in functione sua non liceat:
tam ut consulatur quorundam simplicitati & imperitiae, quam ut certius ita constet omnium inter se Ecclesiarum consensus:
postremo etiam ut obviam eatur desultoriae quorundam levitati,
qui novationes quasdam affectant, uti eo pertinere Catechismum ipsum ante ostendi. Sic igitur statum esse Catechismum
oportet, statam Sacramentorum
administrationem, publicam item precum formulam.
Doctor Gauden
to the Reader of his Apology.
BUt if the
Sins of this Nation, and the decrees of Divine
Justice, do indeed hasten an utter overthrow here of the
Reformed Ministry, and the
Reformed Religion; If Ministers of the
antient Ordination, lawful heirs of the true
Apostolical Succession, are therefore accounted as Sheep for the slaughter, because they are better fed, and better bred, than others of leaner Souls, and meaner Spirits; If they are therefore to the men of this world, as a favour of death unto death, because they hold forth the word of Truth and Life, to the just reproach of a lying, dying, and self-destroying Generation; If we must at last perish and fall, with our whole function and Fraternity, after all our Studies, charges, labours and sufferings: yet it is fit some of us (and the more the better, lest our
silence may argue guilt) give the world both at present, and in after Ages some Account,
Why and How, in so learned, valiant wise and Religious a Nation as this of
England hath been,
Of the Church of England.
I Cannot but take notice of the style that some Romanists have in these last years chosen to make use of, calling us,
The late Church of England: The interpretation whereof is to my understanding this; that the Calamities under which now we suffer have made us cease to be a Church.—But,
Blessed be God, the Church of
England is not invisible: It is still preserved in
Bishops and Presbyters rightly Ordained, and multitudes rightly Baptized, none of which have fallen off from their profession. And the only thing imaginable to be objected in this point, being this, that the
Schism hath so far been extended by the
force, that many, if not most
Churches parochial are filled by those who have set up a
new, or a
no-form of worship, and so that many men cannot any otherwise than in
private Families serve God, after the Church-way; that sure will be of little weight, when the
Romanists are remembred to be the objectors, who cannot but know, that this is the only way that they have had of serving God in this kingdom these many years; and that the night meetings of the
Primitive Christians in Dens
[Page 100] and Caves, are as pettinent to the justifying of
our condition, as they can be of
any: and when 'tis certain that
the forsaking of the Assemblies Heb. 10. 25. is not our
wilful fault, v. 26. but only our
unhappy lot; who are forced either not to frequent the Assemblies, or else to encourage (and incur the
scandal of seeming to approve) the practices of those that have departed from the Church.
See the eminent Doctor in his new Book of Schism, last Chapter.
Master Medes
answer to Doctor Twiss,
touching Holiness of Times and Places. p. 660.
I Say still, there is
eadem ratio Loci & Tempor is sacri quà talis: to wit, for the sanctification or discrimination due to them both, and the formal reason for which it is due: For the formal reason why a thing is to be sanctified (or
sanctè habendum) is, because it is
sanctum or
sacrum: and whatsoever is appropriate to God and his service is such; be it by Gods own immediate ordination, or humane devotion, it is all one in this point, so the consecration be supposed lawful and
[Page 101] agreeable to the divine will. For this sanctification depends neither upon the difference of the institution, whether divine or humane; nor the diversity of natural and artificial Being, but upon the
formalis ratio of the object, because it is
sacrum. Moreover, I believe the one was intended in the fourth Commandement, as well as the other: not only from that general rule whereby the Decalogue is to be interpreted, but because the Lord himself hath conjoined them,
Lev. 19. 30. Keep my Sabhaths, and reverence my Sanctuary. Why may not I say,
Those whom God hath joined together, let no man put asunder? And it may be, the sanctification of the Lords Day would be urged with more advantage upon the ground I have intimated, than upon that other which is so much controverted. But it is Partiality that undoes all.
Of Christian Prudence.
CHristian prudence forbids us to provoke a danger, and they were fond persons that run to persecution, and when the Proconsul sate on the life and death, and made strict inquisition after Christians, went and
[Page 102] offer'd themselves to die: and he was a fool that being in
Portugal run to the Priest as he elevated the host, and overthrew the mysteries, and openly defyed the rites of that Religion. God, when he sends a persecution, will pick out such persons whom he will have to dy, & whom he wil consign to banishment, & whom to poverty. In the mean time, let us do our duty when we can, walking
[...] (as the Apostles phrase is) not prevaricating in the least tittle: and then if we can be safe with the arts of civil, innocent, in-offensive compliance, let us bless God for his permissions made to us, and his assistances in the using them. But if either we turn our zeal into the ambition of death, and the follies of an unnecessary beggary; or, on the other side, turn our prudence into craft and covetousness; to the first I say, that God hath no pleasure in fools; to the later, If you gain the whole world, and lose your own Soul, your loss is infinite and intolerable.
Doctor Jer. Taylor.
Serm. 20. Sum.
Of Liturgy, and the use of Gifts in Prayer.
THough I am not against a Grave, modest, discreet and humble use of Ministers gifts, even in publick, the better to fit and excite their own, and the Peoples affections to the present occasions; Yet I know no necessity, why private and single abilities should quite justle out and deprive the Church of the joint abilities and concurrent gifts and graces enabling them to compose with serious deliberation and concurrent advice, such Forms of Prayers as may best fit the Churches common wants, inform the hearers understanding, and stir up that fiduciary and fervent application of their Spirits (wherein consists the very Life and Soul of Prayer, and that so much pretended Spirit of Prayer,) than any ptivate man by his solitary abilities can be presumed to have: which what they are many times (even there▪ where they make a great noise and shew) the affectations, emptiness, impertinency, rudeness, confusions, flatness, levity, obscurity, vain and ridiculous repetitions, the senseless and oft-times blasphemous expressions, all these burthened with a most tedious and intolerable length, do sufficiently convince all
[Page 104] men, but those who glory in that pharasaick way.
[...]. 16.
Of Moderate Episcopacy.
THe Abuses of Episcopacy deserve to be extirpated as much as the use retained; for I think it far better to hold to Primitive and uniform Antiquity, than to comply with divided Novelty. A right Episcopacy would at once satisfy all just desires and interests of good Bishops, humble Presbyters, and sober people: so as Church affairs should be managed neither with tyranny, parity, nor popularity: neither Bishops ejected nor Presbyters despised, nor people oppressed,
ibid. 17.
Of the Primitive Church and Fathers.
IF the practice of the Primitive Church, and the universal consent of the Fathers, be not a convincing Argument, when the Interpretation of Scripture is doubtful, I know nothing: for if this be not, then of necessity the Interpretation of private Spirits must be admitted, the which contradicts S.
Peter, 2 Pet. 1. 20. is the Mother of all sects, and
[Page 105] will (if not prevented) bring these Kingdoms into confusion. And to say that an Argument is ill, because the Papists use it, or, that such a thing is good, because it is the custome of some of the reformed Churches, cannot weigh with me, untill you prove, these to be infallible, or that to maintain no Truth. And how
Diotrephes ambition (who directly opposed the Apostle
S. John) can be an Argument against Episcopacy, I do not understand.
His Majesties second paper to H.
Of the same.
MY Conclusion is, that albeit I never esteemed any Authority equall to the Scriptures, yet I do think the unanimous consent of the Fathers, and the Universall practice of the Primitive Church, to be the best and most Authenticall Interpreters of God's Word, and consequently the fittest Judges between Me and You, when we differ, untill you shall find me better.
Fift paper.
A pious Offer of the English Clergy, Anno 1644.
I Shall offer in the name of my brethren of the Clergy (not that I have took their particular
[Page 106] votes, but that I perswade my self so far of their piety;) That rather than the Glory should thus depart from
Israel, by laying wast this flourishing Church of ours, every one single of us, that have any possessions or titles worthy any mans envy or rapine (and so are thought now by our own Interests to have been bribed or fee'd Advocates in this cause;) may forthwith be deprived of all that part of the Revenues of the Church wherein we are legally invested; And he that shall not cheerfully resign his part in the present prosperity of the Church, on the meer contemplation and intuition of the benefit, that may now, and after his life, redound to others, let him have the charge of being disturber of the State.—And if the
Function it self, with the necessary adjuncts to it▪ be not swept away in the calamity, we shall be perfectly pleas'd whatsoever befall our
Persons, and desire that tryall may be made of the ingenuity of Clergy-men, whether we have not thus far profited under Gods rod, as to be willing to yield to any possible proposition, which will bring no guilt of sin upon our Consciences, toward the averting the Judgments of Heaven.
Dr. Hammond's Consid. of Church-government.
Of Universall Redemption.
THese two propositions are very reconcilable, that
Christ redeemed all men, and yet that the whole number of the impenitent, unbelieving, reprobate world shall never be saved by him. The great Benefits of Christ's death (which I affirm to be general) are given upon condition, not absolutely: as God's love to the world, and the effect of it, giving his Son, is not designed, that all
absolutely, but that all
conditionally, i. e. Whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life: They which do not perform that condition (as Gods knows a great multitude do not,) shall never be saved by his death. To which purpose is that of
Prosper, one far enough from all kindness to the Pelagians,
Redemptor mundi dedit pro mundo sanguinem suum, & mundus redimi noluit. The Redeemer of the world gave his bloud for the world, and the world would not be redeemed.
Ad Gall. cap. 9.—To that testimony
Heb. 2. 9. (so clear, that it alone hath, to my knowledge, convinc'd one as learned a man as doth in this Church of ours maintain the doctrins contrary to the Remonstrants) I shall
ex abundanti add these other plain testimonies:
[Page 108] Not only that of Gods giving his only Son, mention'd by Christ, as an effect or expression of his love to the world (which it would not be, if he did not give him for the
world, whom he is said to
love;) but, (to prevent all distinctions concerning the notion of the
world, as if it signified only the
elect,) more particularly these two. First, that of 2
Pet. 2. 1. Where the Lord,
i. e. Christ is plainly said to have bought (
i. e. paid the Price, satisfied for them) who deny him, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. The other testimony is that of S.
Paul, 2 Cor. 5. 14. Where speaking of the constraining obliging love of Christ, he said; We thus judge, that if one dyed for all, then were all dead: that is surely
All in the full latitude, not only the elect, but All others; and this conclusion the Apostle infers by this
medium, because One, that is, Christ dyed for
All. Which being a proof of the other must certainly be as true, and the
All as generall and unlimited, &c.
Dr. Hammond, Vindic. of the Prac. Catech. p. 4, 5.
Of set forms of Prayer.
THat it is lawfull to use a set determinate form of words either written or fastned
[Page 109] in our memory is apparent both by the example of Christ, (who in S.
Luke bids us when we pray, say,
Our Father, &c. not only pray after this pattern (as the words in S.
Matthew may be interpreted) but use these very words (when you pray, say,
Our Father, &c. Luke 11. 2.) and of
John Baptist, who taught his disciples to pray in some form, though we know not what it is,
Luke 11. 1. As also of the Priests, that used set forms of blessing the people,
Numb. 6. 24. and of our Saviour himself, who used a part (if not the whole) of the 22. Psalm upon the Cross,
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me, &c. And of the Church of the Jews, and Christian Churches through all times, who have had their Liturgies as ways and forms of serving God publickly, and as means to preserve the true
Religion from all corruptions in doctrine.—Add the great benefit that accrews to the Congregation in having discreet wellformed prayers, and so not subject to the temerity and impertinences of the sudden effusions; and the same still in constant use, and so not strange or new to them, but such as they may with understanding go along with the Minister, and by the help of their Memory the most ignorant may carry them away for his private use.
Pract. Catech. lib. 3. sect. 2.
Melancthon Calvino. 1543.
Maii. 11.
SCio Deum inter fatales Imperiorum tumultus Ecclesiam suam servare mirabiliter. Non igitur frangamur animis, sed dum possumus sonemus, ut conversus Latro in cruce, doctrinam de Filio Dei, de
(que) arcana sapientia, quae est Ecclesiae propria, de magnitudine humanae infirmitatis, de poenitentia & fiducia promissae misericordiae propter filium, de vera invocatione & veris Ecclesiae virtutibus, de mysteriis non polluendis, de Ecclesiae politia, non illa quam fingunt Pontifices, sed qualis fuit Prophetarum & Apostolorum, deni
(que) de vita aeterna. Ad harum maximarum rerum doctrinam ornandam transfer as velim eloquentiom tuam: quae & confirmare nostros, & terrere adversarios, & sanabiles juvare poterit.—Fortassis nostra Germania paulo post à Turcis vastabitur: quod si fiet, eo magis vobis alibi in locis tutioribus studia literarum excitanda erunt, & pugnandum vehementius, ut in reliqua Europa Evangelii lucem accendatis, & retineatis▪ Quod ad quaestionem de praedestinatione, habebam amicum Tubingae doctum hominem Franciscum Stadianum, qui dicere solebat, se utrum
(que) probare, evenire omnia, ut divina providentia
[Page 111] decrevit, & tamen esse contingentia: sed se haec conciliare non posse. Ego cum hypothesin hanc teneam, Deum non esse causam peccati, nec velle peccatum, postea contingentiam in hac nostra infirmitate judicii admitto, ut sciant rudes Davidem sua voluntate ultro ruere: & eundem sentio, cum haberet Spiritum Sanctum, potuisse eum retinere, & in ea lucta aliquem esse voluntatis actionem. Haec etiamsi subtilius disputari possunt, tamen ad regendas mentes hoe modo proposit
[...], accommodata videntur. Accusemus ipsi nostram voluntatem cum labimur, non quaeramus in Dei consilio causam, & contra eam nos erigamus: sciamus Deum & velle opitulari, & adesse luctantibus:
[...], inquit Basilius,
[...]. Excitetur ergo cura in nobis, & laudetur Dei immensa bonit as, quum & promisit auxilium & praestat.—Haec non scribo ut tibi tradam quasi dictata, homini & eruditissimo ac peritissimo exercitiorum pietatis. Et quidem scio haec cum tuis congruere, sed sunt
[...], & ad usum accommodata. Haec Bonnae scripsi apud D. Bucerum, cum eo accersitus est ut Ecclesias in Diocesi Coloniensi emendaret. Haec consilia Deo piis votis commendes.
Of the power of the Congregation.
LEt not any man think now that the Apostle communicateth this power with the Congregation of the Church of
Corinth, when he writeth to them, 1
Cor. 5. 4, 5. being assembled with his spirit, to deliver the incestuous person to Satan. For it is plain, that the sentence is given by the Apostle
vers. 3. where he writeth:
For I verily, as absent in body but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed. And to cause this proceeding to be the better digested, he hath vouched his power in the end of the chapter afore,
verse 18. Now some are puffed up, as though I would not come unto you: but I will come unto you shortly, if the Lord will, and will know, not the speech of them that are puffed up, but the power. What will you? shall I come unto you with a rod, or with the spirit of meekness? Which power otherwhiles he setteth before them, in case of their disobedience. And therefore it must be acknowledged, that he writeth to them to see his sentence published, ratified and executed: which the Presbyters there had either neglected to do, or perhaps were not able to bring the
[Page 113] people under the Discipline of Christ's Kingdom; which must needs oblige the Apostle to interpose.—And this without doubt is the reason why the Apostle writeth in these terms 1
Cor. 5. 12. For what have I to do to judge those that are without? do not ye judge those that are within? speaking to the Church in general, though the sentence passed by Bishop and Presbyters; because matters were censured in the Congregation, and executed by the people. And thus the practice of that time giveth a reason without straining, why our Lord seemeth to refer these matters to the Congregation, when he saith,
Tell it to the Church, because they passed at their Assemblies, though under Censure of Bishop and Presbyters. And great reason there is, why this regard should be had by the Apostle, and by the Church afterwards, to the People; because the Church, being a meer spiritual Commonwealth, and not indued with temporal strength, so much as to execute those sentences which the power of the Keys given by Christ obligeth it to inflict (always setting wide that power of working miracles, which was in the Apostle, upon which some think he reflecteth in some passages of those Epistles;) requisite it was then, the Congregation should be satisfied of the
[Page 114] course of those proceedings which must come into execution and effect by their voluntary submission to the will of God, and the office of his Ministers: And, as the matter is now, that things of this nature proceed not upon mens private Consciences and Judgments in particulars, but upon general rules of Common right, requisite it is, that the Commonwealth have satisfaction of those Laws according to which the Church now must proceed in their censures, it being acknowledged that they cannot proceed with effect but by vertue of those Laws that are put in force by the secular Arm.
Mr. Thorndike of Prim. Government. p. 144.