THE Storming or Totall Routing OF TYTHES, Or the humble Representation, Declartion and Protestation of EDWARD BARBER, in behalf of himself and many thousands of the Freemen of the Common-wealth of England.
SHeweth that whereas at the beginning of the Parliament, upon the consideration of the abuse done by the Prelates and their adherents to this Nation, both concerning the souls and bodies of the people, the Parliament was pleased to put forth a Protestation, wherein themselves and the Kingdom amongst other things did protest to defend and maintain with life, power and estate the true reformed Protestant Religion, expressed in the Doctrine of the Church of England, against all Popery and Popish Innovations contrary to the said Doctrine, the lawfull rights and liberties of the Subjects (or rather the freemen of England) and (note this) every person that maketh this Protestation in whatsoever he shall do, in the lawfull persuance of the same, and to their power, and as far as lawfully they may, oppose, and by all good waies and means endevour to bring [Page 2] to condign punishment all such as shall either, by force, practice, Counsels, Plots, Conspiracies, or otherwise, do any thing to the contrary of any thing in this present Protestation contained, &c.
Also in the Explanation thereof, it is said that whereas some doubts have been raised by several persons out of this House, concerning the meaning of these words contained in the Protestation, lately made by the Members of this House, viz. The true reformed Protestant Religion, expressed in the Doctrine of the Church of England, against all Popery and Popish Innovations within this Realm contrary to the same Doctrine, this House doth declare that by these words, was and is meant onely the publick Doctrine professed in the said Church, so far as it is opposite to Popery and Popish Innovations [and that the said words are not to be extened to the maintaining of any form or Worship, Discipline or Governdment, nor of any Rites or Ceremonies of the said Church of England] Resolved that what person soever shall not take the Protestation, is unfit to bear Office in the Church or Common-wealth again.
2. Again by the Vow and Covenant, we are injoyned for the defence of the true Protestant Religion and Liberties of the Subjects, and this is made in the presence of Almighty God, &c.
3. We are ingaged in the Reformation of the Churches of England and Ireland, in Doctrine, Worship, Discipline and Government, to have it according to the Word of God, and the example of the best Reformed Churches.
4. That we shall without respect of persons, to wit, from the Prelate to the Sexton, in like manner endevour the exterpation of Popery, & Prelacie, that is, Church-government by Arch-Bishops, Bishops, their Chancelours Commissaries, Deans, Deans and Chapters, Arch-Deacons, and all other Ecclesiasticall Officers depending upon that Hirarchy (which these Priests extent do) Superstition, Heresee, Schisme, Prophanenesse, and whatsoever shall be sound to be contrary to sound Doctrine [and the power of godlinesse] least we partake in other mens sinns, and thereby be in danger to receive of their Plagues. Revel. 18. 4.
The performance of which Protestation and Covenant concerning the said Minestery and Popish Tythes, so cruel and burthensome to all inlightened conscientious men hath been often desired, as by the Declaration of the Army, and Petitions of diverse Countries to the House may appear, &c.
Now forasmuch as the Lord saith Eccles. 5. 4. 5. When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay therefore that which thou hast vowed; better is it that thou shouldst not vow, then that thou shouldst vow and not pay. And Deut. 23. 21. When thou shalt vow a vow [Page 3] unto the Lord thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it; for the Lord thy God will surely require it of thee, and it would be sin in thee. Compared with vers. 22. 23. And Psal. 76. 11. Vow and pay unto the Lord your God This David performs Psalm. 66. 13. 14. I will go into thy house with burnt-offerings, I will pay thee my vows which my lips have uttered, and my mouth hath spoken when I was in trouble.
For the not performing whereof, I believe with Jeremiah the Land now mourneth, Jer. 23. 10. And Jer. 6. 14. They have also healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, peace, peace, when there is no peace. Compared with Isa. 9. 15, 16. The Prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail; for the leaders of this people cause them to erre: And they that are led by them are destroyed.
1. They Preaching for hire, and divining for money; and yet will lean upon the Lord, and say, is not the Lord amongst us? none evil can come upon us, Micha. 3. 11. Pulling down poor Wooden and stone Crosses, and yet leaving that cruel Popish burthensome Crosse of their Priests and Tythes remaining.
2. Observe that whosoever shall submit to and receive any Ministery, ordained by virtue of a forraign power from Rome, is a Traytor by the known declared Laws of this Land: Now whether men receiving their Ordination beyond the Seas or here; it being done by one and the same power, springing from one and the same root, for as the root is, so is the branches, Rom. 11. 16. Ye shall know them by their fruits, do men gather grapes of thorns, or figgs of thistle? And have not the Ministery of England their ordination from Rome? As by their Book of ordination appears, as also confest by many of them; yea, all that are true to their own principles, and therefore to be protested against, by all that have taken the Protestation or Covenant &c.
3. Christ saith, John 10. 1. to the 19. He that enters not in by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber, &c.
And are not these Tyth-takers guilty of the same Judgement, as Psalm 50. 16. to the 19. To wit, these that enters not in by the door Christ Jesus, that is, by his way, Laws and Ordinances? and are not the Ministers of England such, Ergo, are they not such as are there spoken of, Judge ye Noble Bere [...]ns.
Hath all our Fasts and professing Liberty, taking of Oaths and Ingagements, with the free-will-offrings of the Nation, bloud and taxations produc'd this, to wit, Ordinances for Tythes, with treble damages for those who much like Eliahs sons 1 Sam. 2. 13. to the 17. who came with a [Page 4] flesh-hook of three teeth in his hand, while the flesh was in seething, and he strook it into the Pan or Kettel or Cauldron or Pot; all that the flesh-hook brought up the Priest took for himself; also before they burnt the fat the Priests servant came, and said to the man that sacrificed, give flesh to rost, for the Priest, for he will not have sodden flesh but raw, and thou shalt give it me now, and if not, I will take it by force, (note this.) The like is these mens practice whereby they rob Christ of his Honour & Priesthood, poor people of their goods, and without repentance, of their souls, as Isa. 9. 16. Revel. 14. 9. 10. But would these consider Deut. 18. 1, 2, 3. The Priests, the Levites, were to have no part nor inheritance with Israel; but were to eat the offrings of the Lord made by fire: and his inheritance, therefore shall they have no inheritance amongst their brethren; the Lord is their inheritance, as he hath said unto them. But if these Priests will be circumcised and do the work, slay the Beasts &c. As Levit. 14. 13. Then shall they have the wages Deut. 18. 1. 2, 3. the shoulder, the two Cheeks and Maw also, the Tyth of the increase Deut. 14. 22. But out of that must be relieved the Levite; because he hath no inheritance; and the stranger, and the fatherlesse, and the widow, vers. 29. which these men perform not in the least, neither were they to take Tythes of any but of their brethren the Jews, not of us Gentiles, Heb. 7. 5.
4. Christs Ministers, Ambassadors, or the servants of the Churches must be content with their Masters wages, and not to trouble the Civil Magestrate, to have Statute-Laws or Ordinances of Parliament to strain on mens goods, or have them committed to Prison without Bayl or Mainprize, untill they pay treble damages besides costs and charges, the which hath been inflicted on divers to the utmost; whereas for the duest debts men are so tortured in Law, that many choose rather to loose their debts, then to endure the torture of the Laws as they are now administred, wherein this Clergy makes good that Scripture Revel. 9. 10. In making the Civil Magistrate the Tayl of the Beast; for their strength is in their Tayles, and with them do they hurt, to wit, force and strain mens consciences and goods; and therefore if these men and the Synod would have given themselves to have truly Translated the Bible, knowing there be many grosse Errours, they would have much discovered the mystery of iniquity and their own deceits, done the best service they could to this State, brought much glory to God as Balaam did in acknowledging the Truth, dealing plainly with King Balack, who told his servants that if he would give him his house full of silver and gold, he could not go beyond the word of the Lord to do lesse or more, desiring to die the death of the righteous, and that his last end might be like theirs, Numb. 22. 18. 38. and 27. 8. 10. which if these had [Page 5] done, thus they would have brought much glory to God and peace to this bleeding nation.
As by experience with us is manifested, as formerly causing the Civil Magistrate to oppresse the Conscience and take away the life of many, as in Queen Maries, Queen Elisabeths and King Charles his dayes, whose bloud I fear lies fall on this nation, as Barrows, Greenwoods and Penries &c. Also who stirred up the King against the Scots and against the Parliament; but those unclean spirits like froggs, Revel. 16. 13. 14. being the spirits of Devils working Miracles, that go out unto the Kings of the Earth, &c.? Consider again their practice at Zion Colledge, and their morning Lectures, Courts of Justice, yea, at the Parliament and Committees where they like Locusts swarm; And therefore note that as Judgement is to be powred forth upon the nations in general that have given their power to the setting up or upholding that State of Antichrist, without submitting and turning to Christ by Repentance; so upon them in especial, they having been the Instruments whereby they with the Nations their Kings and Rulers have been made drunck and committed fornication, with the Whore, and therefore shall the Jndgements of God be powred fourth upon them, as Revel. 17. 12. to the 14. and 18. 9, 23, 24. Compared with Isa. 60. 12. For that Nation and Kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish, yea those Nations shall be utterly wasted, &c.
Again Christ saith, Mat. 10. 38 to his Ministers as ye go preach, saying, The Kingdom of heavenis at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the Lepers, raise the dead, and cast out Devils, freely ye have received, freely give, compared with 1 Cor. 4. 9. to the 12. Acts 20. 33. 34. where the Apostle saith, I have coveted no mans silver nor gold, nor Apparel; yea, you your selves know that these hands have ministred to my necessities, and to those that were with me, I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said it is more blessed to give then to receive, &c. compared with 1 Thes. 2. 9. and 2 Thes. 3. 8. 2 Cor. 12. 14. 15. or as Fox in his Acts and Monuments saith, The maintenance of the Ministers is the pure Alms of the Church; but have not they, as Christ saith to the Jews, Mat. 15. 6. 9. made the word of God of no effect by their traditions?
Now consider the vast difference between the Commission and Commands of Christ to his Ministers and Servants, Mat. 28. 18. 19. 20. Mark 16. 15. 16.
And the several Cannons, Statute-Laws, and Ordinances of Parliament to their Ministers: as also the administration thereof; and know that their [Page 6] Servants you are, to whom ye yield your selves Servants to obey, whether the Church and State of Rome, or the Prelates and Parliament of England, &c.
5. It being against or beyond the Law of the Land, every free man of Englands Birth-right, to be so by them tyranized over for Tythes, it being first given for the maintenance of Prelates, Priests, Abbots, Moncks, and Friers, as in the councel of Lateren. But now God having discovered them to be Antichristian and Popish; so also must be their maintenance, there being not one word of God for it, but was taken by force and violence, or given for superstitious Tithes of the same nature, Popish and Antichristian, and more burthensome and oppressive then Nebuchadnezars golden Image was to the Jews, which he set up in the plain of Dura; for although he required worship from them to his Idol, yet not maintenance for the Idol-Priests.
6. That these men, as their Fathers have usually been, still are the cause and fomenters of the troubles, and ruine of all or most Nations where they come or have any power, as by experience with us is manifested.
7. Divers faithful Subjects, and good Common-wealthsmen, have been forc't through (their) tyranny to leave the [...]r houses and Kingdom, chusing rather to expose themselves to a desart Wilderness, then to endure that misery at home, by them forc't upon their bodies and minds, others shut up in prison ti [...]l they have paid treble damages; besides Prison Fees and Charges, yea some lost their lives, others having their Cattel strained on, and for legal replying them committed to prison; yea, the Bayliffs and Atourney fined for their prosecuting the same according to Law, who paid 61. per peece by force to escape imprisonment: this was done by the means of the good Lord Say, and the house of Lords in Browns of Hanworths business.
So that from what hath been said it doth clearly appear, that although we are freed from Prelacy, Book of Common-Prayer, with divers other Ordinances, yet do their Sonnes succeed in cruelty, they being as like their Fathers as ever they can look, or Rheoboam-like, exceeding in cruelty: their little finger (as his) being thicker then their Fathers loynes, 1 Kings 12. 10.
And although Henry 8, Edward 6. & Queen Elizabeth took away part of the said Orders; yet as then the maintenance thereunto belonging was continued and inforced from the people: even so now this burthen of tythes, still continues and cleaves close unto us; and that not only on our temporals and estates, but upon our Consciences; for if this Popish Ordinance [Page 7] be continued, for we can judge it no other, being instituted, as before shewed, for the maintenance of Prelates, Priests, Monks and Fryers, &c.
If this we say be continued to Presbyters, who received Orders from them, as to the said Orders before, then are we forced still to Popery, and Popish Innovations, no lesse sinful then the others.
And whether this be not a breach of our Protestation, Oaths, and Covenant, which we have made with hands lift up to the most high God, we refer to all judicious men to judge: And whether these are not such as the Prophet speaks of, Ezek. 33. 31. 32. 33. And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee as my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them; for with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness, &c.
Again, we desire to declare as believers, Christians & free men of England, that the Lord Jesus Christ as he hath ordained another Ministry, then that under the Law: so also hath he appointed another maintenance for the Gospel-Ministry then Tythes; there being not one word in the Gospel for it, they being to live upon their own hand-labor, as before shewn, or the peoples free gift, Mat 10. 8. And to eat such things as they have by their labor, or is set before them, Luke 10. 7. 8. For the Workman is worthy of his meat, Mat. 10. 9.
Also the first dayes collection, 1 Cor. 16. 1. 2. As God hath prospered every man; who loveth a chearful giver, and for the orderly dispensation of the same, he hath ordained an Office in the Church, to wit, the Deacons, who is to dispose of the said free gift, as every one needeth, Minister or other poor Saint, without respect of persons: now compare Christs Commission, and the Apostles practice with the Ordinance of Parliament, and these mens practice in these times, and you shall find a wide difference between them. And upon examination, you shall find that to set up or allow another humane invention for Ministers maintenance, then the Lords own, who is the only Law-giver to his Church, is to frustrate the Deacons Office, and so make the word of God of no effect by mens traditions, as the Jews did, Mat. 15. 6. 9. and so deny Christ to be come in the flesh, &c.
Again, it becomes not a true reformation, to borrow of a false Church, especially such as Rome, so main a Pillar, as Ministers or maintenance: Inas much as Jeremiah saith, Jer. 51. 25. 26 The Lord is against Babilon, that destroying Mountain, that destroyest the earth, &c. And they shall not take of thee a stone for a corner, nor a stone for a foundation; but thou shalt be utterly destroyed for ever, according to the Covenant, root and branch, compared with 2 Cor. 6. 14 to 18.
[Page 8] The said practice of taking Tythes, also introduceth Prelatical pride, and time-serving with great men in Authority, as Ezek. 13. 1. all the Ministers by that means being lifted up so far above their poor Brethren, which causeth unaptness to teach, their care being set upon the things of this life (as how to get, so also to keep the things of this World; whereby he becomes a brawler, a man of contention, as too sad experience sheweth, Courts of Iustice, Committee for Plundered Ministers, Sessions, Iustices of Peace, by their trouble and daily vexations, & Sutes, through their covetousness can witness, which causeth great covetousness and contention; for the contending of which, as the Apostle saith, is the root of all evil, 1 Tim. 6. 10. for instead of being given to hospitality, these rob the poor that are forc'd to begg, taking that by force which others get by great labor and toyl. All which is clear against what the Ministers of Christ ought to be, yea, and must be, if they perform their duty, as 1 Tim. 3. 2. 3. where the Apostle saith. A Bishop then must be blameless, the Husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good beheaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach, not a brawler, much lesse a plunderer for Tythes, not covetous, &c. And therefore if you will pretend your selves Ministers of Christ, prove your ordination by the word, and be content with your wages.
This is clear, Acts 6. 2. where the Apostles and Ministers of the Gospel of Christ, would not leave the word to serve Tables, to wit, to supply the want of the poor Saints, but gave direction for Deacons to be chosen for that service; much lesse would they look after Tythes, as these do by compulsion and cruelty.
A Husband-man one day declared at the Parliament door, that he rented 300. Acres of Land, and that he proffered the Priest 100 thereof gratis, so as that he would manure it; but he would not accept thereof, now judge ye what a case we are fallen into.
Again, consider how dishonourable it is, that such as pretend that they are put in trust with the unsearchable treasure of the Gospel, should so dishonour their pretended Master, and hinder the receiving thereof by their forcing maintenance from people, which themselves confess, have not received the Gospel from them, nor have they begotten them to the faith; so that they are neither Fathers, Planters, Teachers, Bishops, &c. unto them.
And yet will they force maintenance from them, contrary to 2 Cor. [...]2. 14. 15. Behold the third time I am ready to come to you, and I will not be burthensome to you; for I seek not yours but you; for the Children ought not to lay up for the Parents, but the Parents for the Children. And [Page 9] I will very gladly spend and be spent for you, though the more abundantly I love you, the lesse I be loved.
But instead of this I have seen that cruelty exercised by the Magistrate, through these mens means already, that I never saw in four years waiting at the high Commission Court; But why have we not as well a Doctor of Physick, and a Lawyer forc'd on every Parish as these, would it be any more but the like Monopoly? but that we should be forced to pay these men Tythes, not owning them nor their work, they having been the Priests of the Nation, and chief cause of all the blood-shed, yet now oppressing cruelly such as have adventured life and estate for the preservation of the same, yet this to be call'd Primo Libertatis Angliae, when instead of take him Jaylor at the high Commission Court, it is said now take him into Custody; where is demanded 10. times greater charge, Oh Rehoboams Reformation, was such proceedings cruel then, and against Magna Charta, and the Petition of Right? and is it not much more in the first year of Englands Jubilee, Englands Liberty?
Again, consider the great burthen to the Common-wealth, for the free Commones of England do hereby in some places loose the profit of one half of their Land by the year, as may be made appear, if it be duely considered; to wit, to the Landlord and the Priest or Parson, they only being Gentlemen, the rest being slaves, and it were well if they were board through the eares, that they might know themselves to be so, they being under service and oppression, worse then the Israelites, in Egypt who labour with much sweat and pains, hunger and cold, wet and dry: for that which the other like drones or Caterpillers, consume on their backs and bellies, &c.
Therefore our denying the paying of Tythes, is not in the least in any contempt against Civil Authority who are Gods Ministers not onely to take vengeance on them that do evil, and should cause them to work and eat their own bread; but for the praise of them that do well, and should see such not to eat that will not work; but in obedience to God and the rule of the Gospel given forth by his spirit to all Nations that believe and obey him as before is shewed.
2. It is not in contempt to the persons of these men, who pretend they are Ministers of Christ; But rather desire they might be imployed in some lawfull way or calling to get their own bread, that so he that hath stolen (to wit, Minister (or in English Servant) as well as Member) might steal no more; but labour with his hands the thing that is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth, &c. according to the Apostles words Ephes. 4. 28. But [Page 10] our denying the payment of Tythes, is first in obedience to God: all that do pay them, therein denying Christ to be come in the flesh, by their upholding those Jewish Rites and Ceremonies which ended in Christ; which these self-seeking and time-serving men, still seek to uphold so far as they will make for their own ends, robbing Christ of his Priesthood; poor men and women of their goods, and without the great mercy of God of their souls, for might they not as well have their Linnen Ephod, or Surplus Altars, Sacrifices of all sorts, right shoulder and the Maw, Tempel at Jerusalem, none Inheritance for the Priests, yea Circumcision & killing of Beasts &c. is Tythes, that so they that take the wages might do the work injoyned for the wages, as to feed the Levit, the stranger, fatherlesse and widow Deut. 14. 29? But if through pride or Lazines they will not do the work, which they refuse to do, then let them not wrong the people and Nation so grievous as to take the wages: for to him that worketh is the wages reckoned of debt, not of grace; But not to him that worketh not, it must be of grace, to wit, of free gift.
2. Their ordination being false and not according to the rule of the Gospel; But against the Rule, Government and Authority of Christ the Son of God, his Crown & dignity, who is therein the onely King and Law-giver, whom they say is their Master, yet do they as the Heathen Tyrants of old, who clothed men in Beasts skins, that so they might be the more eagerly devoured: so these make the true worshippers of God in Christ as odious as they can by slanders and revilings under the name of Hereticks and Schismaticks &c. Never shewing wherein, much lesse proving the thing true, that so they may make the Magistrates and common people, as those deluded by the Friers and Priests in Germany against the Hugnotes as they called them, cry out against them before they see them, Judging them to be strange Monsters; unhumane Creatures, and so do these, before they know them, &c.
3. It being against the known declared Laws of the Land, as Statute decimo rertio Elisabeth, they not upon every induction into any place publickly Reading the Book of Articles and subscribing it, which by the Protestation and Covenant these cannot do except perjured, are to injoy no more benefit then if they were naturally dead.
4. It being against the Protestation, Covenatn, Declarations of Parliament and Army, that the Kingdom have Generally taken and entred into, to wit, to uphold and maintain the true Protestant Religion in opposition to Popery and Popish Innovations, and as aforesaid they also receiving their Power and Ordination from Rome, yet not performing that they were [Page 11] injoyned, and for what Tythes was given neither in the time of the Law nor by the Counsel of Lateran as before shewed.
5. It being against the Ingagement and Covenant, not onely of the Parliament; but also the Kingdom in general, with their hands lift up to the most high God, the searcher of all hearts, to Root out Popery Root and Branch, and the Government by Lord Arch-Bishop, Bishops, and all other Ecclesiastical Officers depending on that Hierarchy as these do, &c. And each one to go before another in a real (not a fained) reformation, it being better not to vow, then to vow and not perform, &c.
6. The Gospel-weapons being not carnal, but spiritual, mighty through God, &c. 2 Cor. 10. 4. and 2 Tim. 2. 24. 25. 26. The Apostle saith, The Servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle towards all men, apt to teach, patient in meekness, instructing the contrary minds, proving if God at any time will give them repentance. Compared with Mat. 8. 10. 11. 12. and Titus 3. 2. Rom. 14. 11. where the Apostle shewes, we shall all stand before the judgement-Seat of Christ, where every one shall give an account for himself to God, &c.
And surely the way that Christ hath appointed for his Ministers of the Gospel to walk by in all Gospel-Administrations, is the sword of the spirit, the word of God, and not the Authority of the civil Magistrate, or sword of steel, by which Antichrist hath so inlarged his Dominions, as Revel. 13. 3. 7. 16. 17. And therefore to escape his punishment, verse 10. Let all the people of God shun this practice, compared with Revel. 18. 4. where it is said, Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
It being very considerable, whether the civil Magistrate giving their power as to raise so to the upholding of that state of Antichrist, ruling over the bodies and consciences of the people in Ecclesiastical things, by intrenching upon the prerogative Royal of King Jesus, whereas (he) would not intermeddle with that which was their due, Luke 12. 14. whether that I say be not the cause why the Lord lets the sword remain so long amongst us and other parts, even to the depopulating of the Nations of the earth, being now even drunk with the blood of the slain amongst us, for many years past, according to Revel. 16. 6. They have shed the blood of Saints and Prophets, and thou last given them blood to drink; for they are worthy: And as was once said by Jehu to Joram, 2 Kings 9. 22. being asked, Is it peace? what peace answered he, so long as the whoredoms of thy Mother Jesabel and her Witch-crafts are so many? so what hope of peace have we so long as the Whordoms, Witch crafts and Sorceries of that Jesabel of Rome, [Page 12] England & Scotland, that great City Babylon, though divided into 3 parts, Rev. 16. 19. remain with that spirit of persecution, hatred, malice, evil contention, and division, against the Statute Laws of King Jesus, it being contrary to Vows and Covenants, &c. in those that profess themselves Ministers of the Gospel of King Jesus, who is that Prince of peace; seeing the Lord hath said, Isaiah 6. 1 [...]. The Nation and Kingdom that will not serve him shall perish, yea, those Nations shall be utterly wasted, which I cannot but judge to be one cause of the distractions, Warres, shedding of blood in the Nations (of Christians as they pretend) to wit, the civil Magistrate intrenching upon the prerogative Royal of King Jesus, and not permitting him to rule and raign by his own Laws in his Kingdom, to wit, over the Saints in the Churches, as before is shewed.
These things considered, we could not but in obedience to God, love to the truth, and ease of our own Conscience, discharge our dutie herein to reminde you of the Protestation, Covenant, Declarations, &c. desiring to be eased of these burthens of popish Tythes, &c. That so the Land mourn not because of Oaths, and no longer to inforce the same for Ministers maintenance, they therein denying Christ to be come in the flesh: As also wherein the civil Magistrate gives his power unto the Beast, in upholding that popish practice and innovation by their Clergy, &c. And let the Ministers or Servants of the Gospel, live upon the Gospel, even upon their own hand-labor, or the free and voluntary gift of the people, which the Gospel allows them, wherewith they will and ought to be content, being better to be without a livelihood, then rob and steal, and sin against God, in getting it by unlawful wayes and means. But I doubt not but all true Ministers will be content with their true wages alotted for them by Christs appointment, which we are confident will sufficiently satisfie all such godly ones as desire and seek not the fleece, but the flock; and with Paul seek them, not theirs; such as take the word of God for their Guide and Rule, they having a word for their warrant, not traditions of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing gain is godliness, or their own covetous hearts, and mens precepts: it being a meanes to hinder the free progress, and imbracing of the Gospel-Administrations: so shall we the Freemen of England be free from that burthen that doth so much inslave us, making our very lives uncomfortable to us, they eating up Caterpiller-like, the best fruits of the Land, and a great part of the Peoples Labours.
But if these Scriptures and Reasons cannot take place, and cease upon [...] [Page 17] your spirits to grant us relief, in freeing us from this more then Egyptian bondage; yet we having declared the truth, we have discharged our duties and shall have peace of Conscience in warning you of it, according to Ezek 3. 17. to the 21. & 33. 2. to the 7. and shall with heart go on in the strength of the Lord, in opposing that state of Antichrist, head and tail, root and branch, Ministery and maintenance, by Tythes or otherwise, if we perish, we perish: and so in all other their practices, that are contrary, or without the word of God, not daring to presume above what is written, submitting our persons with Daniel and those worthies, the three Children, Apostles and Primitive Christians, as in that Catalogue Heb. 11. Passively to the will and command of the Civil Magistrate, as to the Fathers of our flesh; but, unto God who in Christ is the father of our spirits Actively that so we may live, although in sufferings here, yet in Glory hereafter. For such as suffer with him or for him now, shall one day raign Glorified with him, and whosoever shall be ashamed of him and of his sayings, to wit, his Ordinances in this adulterous and sinfull generation of Tyth-taking Priests, of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed when he cometh in the Glory of his Father with his holy Angels, to execute Judgment without respect of persons; and whether these Tyth-takers be not as truly by the Gospel Thieves, as such as Rob by the High-way side, or break Houses, and the upholders by pay or otherwise guilty of as great evils as they that uphold or countenance the other; I leave to every inlightned man to Judge; and although it be not so well known, by reason they have deluded and bewitched the Nations, yet now God having inlightned the Earth, he requires an answerable obedience thereunto: for where much is given, much will be required. Luke 12. 48.
Thus have we declared our resolutions to go on in the Lord and the Power of his might, in whom is our strength, and no more to bow the knee to Baal or those Amalakites or Hamans of the times, to whom as Mordecai, so we resolve not to bow, Hester 5. 9. to the 12. Although it cost us our goods by Plundering; as they have done, or our Liberties; for if we perish, we will perish with them and those worthies, Dan. 3.
The Lord being now at work, intending to Level the Mountains, Psal. 113. 7. 8. He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill, that he may set him with Princes, &c.
Yea, that great destroying mountain of Bable that destroyeth all the Earth, Jer. 51. 24. 25, 26. saying, Behold I am against thee oh destroying mountain, saith the Lord, which destroyes all the Earth; and I will stretch out my hand upon thee and rowl thee down from the Rocks▪ to wit, the shelter of Magistrates and I will make thee a burnt mountain, and they [Page 18] shall not take of thee a stone for a Corner nor a stone for Foundations; but thou shalt be desolate for ever saith the Lord.
This shall be done by the Lord Christ, he being mounted on the white Horse, Riding on Conquering and to Conquer▪ Revellations 6. 2. by the Sword that proceedeth out of his mouth, Isa. 30. 15. not by Carnal weapons, 2 Cor. 9. 10. 4. Zach. 4. 6. Not by might, [or Army or Arm of flesh,] but by my spirit, saith the Lord, this being published for the conviction of the Priests, and direction of all that love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, resting your servant in the Faith and Order of the Gospel of King Jesus,