AN EPISTLE TO FRIENDS, Shewing, The Great Difference between a Convinced Estate and a Converted Estate; And between the Profession of the Truth, and the Possession thereof; With the Comfort and Sweetness to the Soul it Affordeth.

With a Few Words of Good Counsel and Wholesome Ad­vice both to Parents and their Children.

By One, that Travels for Sion's Prosperity, known by the Name of Iohn Banks.

London, Printed and sold by T. Sowle, at the Crooked-Billet in Holy-well, Lane in Shoreditch, 1693.

An Epistle to Friends, shewing the great Dif­ference between a Convinced Estate, and a Converted Estate; And between the Profes­sion of the Truth, and the Posession thereof, with the Comfort and sweetness to the Soul it Affordeth, & c.

SInce the Dawning of the Heavenly Day and living Ap­pearance of the pure God, and Rising of his Glorious Son by his Light, Grace and Holy Spirit, many have been called and Convinced of the Truth and way of God, what it is, and how they might walk therein: This Know­ledge hath been given to many, of God in and through Jesus, Christ, his Son, by his Light, Grace and Holy Spirit put and placed in the Hearts and Consciences of the Sons and Daugh­ters of Men.

Now that which the Lord requires thereby, is Obedience and Faithfulness thereunto, according to the Knowledge so given, which is to deny Self, and take up and willingly bear the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, which Crucifies to the World, and the World to them with all its vile Affections and Lust; these come to know not only a Convinced Estate, but a Conversion in their Hearts and Souls.

Now the Counsel of God, that in my Heart and Soul re­mains, in Bowels of true Love, Tenderness and Compassion, and as a Faithful Warning also unto all such, who have re­mained (whether many Years, or few) under a Convincement, or in a Convinced Estate, is, That you carefully and in true fear yield pure Obedience unto God, according to the Knowledge he hath given you by his pure Light, Grace and Holy Spirit; be­ing no Sacrifice short of this, doth find Acceptance with him: who by the same lets you see, and accordingly teaches you what you shall deny your selves in: What you must part with [Page 4] and forsake? What you should do, and what you should not in order to your Conversion: and Sanctification.

I say, as having a Stress upon my Spirit, in the Love of God unto all you, as before; Yield Obedience unto God accor­ding to the Knowledge you have received from him, and do no longer satisfie your selves, nor speak Peace to your selves, because you are Convinced of the Truth, and because you know the Truth and Way of God, what it is, and so make a Profession thereof; think not that this Knowledge will serve your turn to justifie you in the sight of God, short of Obedience. Heb. 5.8. For Christ himself, though he was the Son of God, he learned Obedience; and how much more ought the Sons and Daughters of Men learn Obedience, though never so Rich, Wise, Great and Potent in the World, or never so much Accounted of a­mong the Sons and Daughters of Men: That so through Obedience to the known Will and requirings of God, you may come to feel and be sensible of the work of his Power and Holy Spirit in your Hearts, there to Change you, to work, and Convert you into the nature of Truth, to the bearing of the Heavenly Image thereof: The working of which, as it's truly waited for and kept to ( viz.) the Power, begets fear towards God, least such should disobey him, or grieve his good Spirit; and so effects Brokenness and Ten­derness of Heart and Spirit before the Lord, and works in­to lowliness of mind in carriage and Behaviour before all people; softens the hard Heart, brings down the high mind, and proud and lofty Spirit, and subjects the stiff and unruly will and Nature. And they who come to know this Work wrought in them, in order to their Conversion, come to know it in and under, and after their being so Convinced, they must and do come to know it through Judgement, which they must love, and patiently dwell in, if ever they come to know a Converted Estate. Through the same (to wit Judge­ment) be set up and kindled in their hearts as a Fire, and know the Word of God as a Sword and Hammer, yet not­withstanding it must be loved: For so said the Prophet; How do I love thy Judgement: And Christ said, I will not break [Page 5] the bruised Reed, nor quench the smoaking Flax, untill Judgement be brought forth unto Victory.

So have a Care (all, who are Convinced, and do make a Confession to, and Profession of the Truth) of presuming upon the Mercies of the Lord in your Disobedience, and flying Judg­ment, or that which Judgeth you because of your Disobedience, and flying the Cross.

For Judgement, you must either know and love, and pa­tiently dwell in and keep to, or else your hard Hearts you can nev [...]r know Converted and Changed; and the Word of God as a sharp two edged sword, that will cause pain in your Bowels, and beget Godly sorrow in you to bring you to true Repentance, by weeping and mourning for your Disobedience, you must either know and love, or else the First-Born in you can never come to be slain, which is that Life in that Na­ture, that you have lived after the Flesh in doing and have­ing your own Wills, in fulfilling your own Hearts Lusts; and the Word of God as a Fire, you must either know and love, and patien [...]ly dwell in, and Judgement to be set up and executed in your Hearts, or else you can never know the Combustable matter there Consumed; the Bryars and the Thorns, the Love of the World, the Lust of the Flesh, the Lust of the Eye, the Pride of Life, the Cares of the World which is said to Choak the good Seed, as to the coming of it up in its Growth, in the Hearts of People. I thus set forth unto you that the way of your Redemption out of Captivity and Spiritual Bondage, and to come to a Converted Estate must be in and through Judgement, and that as by a Fire and Ham­mer, or Sword, think it not hard; for i [...]'s the right Door to come in by to receive Mercy from the Lord's Hand; of whom it's said, He mixes mercy with judgement, (but then the Judgement must be owned.) And though many are they in number, that are living Witnesses, this has been the Way of the dealings of God with their Souls; and it was to them and to you in the Offers of it, Gods free Love, in and through Jesus Christ his Son, who said: For Judgment I am come into the World; John 5.22. and all judgement is committed unto him.

[Page 6]So now all ye, who remain in a Convinced Estate, and live and act contrary to that which Convinceth you, ye should not there remain in Disobedience: for ye may see (if ye will but turn to your minds in fear towards God) the great Difference between a Convinced Estate, and a Con­verted Estate. For the Hearts, Souls and Spirits of those that are turn'd to God in Righteousness, and so truly Con­verted and changed, and have known a Passing from Death unto Life the way I have shewed you, they are Broken-hearted, Lowly-minded, and in their Souls and Spirits there remains a true Tenderness; and such are concerned to set a watch before their Lips daily, that they may not offend with their Tongues! and not only in Words but in Actions; and that they may live the life of Truth they make profession of. And it's such that grows in Grace and Saving knowledge, and that prosper in their Gifts given unto them of the Free-giver (who fear him always) and that to his Praise and Glory, and their remaining Comfort and Souls sweet Satisfaction.

And therefore is it, that the Hearts of the truly Converted are sitted and prepared by the power of God to offer Offerings and Sacrifices unto him, that find Acceptance with him.

But the Hearts of the Convinced, that live in Disobedience, and are not willing to bear the daily Cross, nor come under Judgement, are not so, but are hard; and their minds high, not Subject to the Yoke of Christ, nor willing to bear his burthen; and yet can satisfie your selves in com­ing as the People come, Ezek. 33.31. and fit as God's people sit in their Meetings and Assemblies, and like to hear thy Words (as the Lord said by the Prophet) but will not do them; and thou art unto them, saith the Lord, as a lovely Song, as one that hath a pleasant Voice, and can play well upon an Instrument; and they shew forth much love with their Mouths; but their hearts go after their Covetousness. Therefore let these things be as Warnings unto you, all that only remain in a Convinced Estate, and bear Profession of the Truth, short of the Possession thereof: and take warning be­times, receive Counsel and give ear to instructi­on, and own reproof, Prov. 6.23. c [...]p. 15.10. for it is the Way of Life, before Death seize upon you, that will [Page 7] stay no Man or womans time nor leisure to Repent, and Amend their wayes and doings; least that day and Hour come upon you, as a Thief in the night, that you, like the foolish Virgins, are not aware of. And then you finding your selves not sitted and prepared to go hence, be made to cry upon your Death-Beds, when time that you had, is spent (in forgetfulness of God, and the many warnings you have had) Lord, open to us! But if you put off the day and time of the amendment of your ways and doings untill then, you know aforehand, what will be the Answer you must have given you: First The Door of Mercy will be shut against you, Matth. 25.10, 11, 12. that have not loved Judge­ment in your Life-time; and the Answer will be, Depart from me I know you not.

I Called and Cried, but ye would not hear; and therefore you shall call and cry, but I will not Answer. Oh! how long has the Lord Called and Cried, and Knockt at the Door of your Hearts, and striven with you by his good Spirit, as by an Immediate Hand, who would often thereby have retained you from your backslidings and unfaithfulness, and Disobedience; who hath not been severe in marking what you have done amiss, and therefore you have presumed upon his pati­ence and long-suffering ( Do so no more, that's Christs Lesson) And sometimes when, because of the Long-suffering of God to you ward, it hath entred your Hearts to consider, how just it might have been with him, to have Cut you off long ere now in his wrath for your Disobedience! No doubt, but sometimes you have made Vows and Promises in Your selves, You would do so no more, as heretofore you had done; And after all this for want of watchfulness over the outgoings of your minds, and for want of taking true heed unto the shinings of the pure Light of Jesus Christ that discovered your State and Conditi­on to you, as it was, and for want of keeping the fear of the Lord before your Eyes, the Enemies of your Souls with his old Baits in the fair proffers of them you have again Eutred his Temptation, and so have sinned and rebelled against, and contrary to the striving of his good Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, and Contrary to his pure Counsel, the Light, wherein the true power is received to resist the wick [...]d one in all his [Page 8] Devices, who believe therein, and keep thereto! John 3.19. which pure Light will for ever be the Condemnation of those that do not love it, and that are not willing to bring their deeds to it, that they may be manifest whether they are wrought in God or no; John 3.21. for all the Children of the Light and of the Day bring their Deeds to it.

And besides the many Visitations of Gods Love to you by an immediate Hand, by the strivings of his good Spirit in your Hearts, or at the Door of your Hearts; O the Labour, Tra­vel and Exercise of God's Servants, Ministers, and Messengers, with which they have been attended, and weightily concern­ed, many times both in Body and Spirit in their Testimonies, in Love, good will and true Tenderness for the good of your immortal Souls. And yet notwithstanding the Lords great and large Love to you, First in calling you by his Grace out of the World, Titus 2.11, 12. and the ways and dead Worships and Forms of it, and in it, and his giving you a knowledge of his Will and Mind thereby, that you might learn Obedience accordingly; and notwithstanding the striving of his Holy Spirit in order to bring you thereunto; together with the great Labour, Tra­vel and Pains, that the Servants of Christ have been willing to take, and Travel many Hundreds of Miles over Sea and Land, through Difficulties and various Exercises, willingly leaving behind them whatsoever is near and dear unto them, or never so good and lawful in it self, for the good of your Souls, with the rest of God's People, yea, in love to all Peo­ple; in and through all which the Love of God has been and is largely held forth unto you. And yet notwithstanding all this, and much more that might be mentioned, hath it not proved the unhappiness of too many of you Professing the the Truth, that are not come to possess the same, because of your unfaithfulness, that you have requited both the Lord and his Servants Evil for Good, and have chosen your own way, and followed the Counsel of your own Hearts Lusts, being un­converted, and spoken Peace to your selves in a polluted rest? And are not some of you too much like those the Lord speaks of by the Prophet Ezekiel, when he said, Son of Man, the [Page 9] Children of thy People are still talking against thee by the Walls and in the Doors, saying one to another, and every man to his Brother, I pray you, let us hear the Word that cometh forth from the mouth of the Lord: Which although, as I have hinted, they confessed unto, and seemingly liked to hear, yet they were not willing to do accordingly. And when this cometh to pass (and it will, saith the Lord) they shall know there hath been a Prophet among them.

Methinks it sounds in my Ears as though they spake mockingly or in derision, Scorn or dislike against the Prophet; and it were well if this proved not the Estate and Condition of too many Professing Truth in our day! But I fear and have a Godly Jealousie, and have seen and felt to much of it, in my Travels and various Exercises, that there are too many that undervalue and dis-esteem the Labour and Travel of Gods Servants, Ministers and Messengers, yea, the very Ancient and Elder Brethren, as well as the Younger, except they appear as these that are very Wise and Eloquent (though in the Life and Power) and by a proud, disdainfull Lordly Spirit, that is of an Earthly Savour, are often busying themselves, and Whispering, and tatling and talking against Faithful Brethren, that have born the burthen in the Heat of the Day. And if you can but espy any Failure or Weakness (as you think) in or by any of them, though but one of a Thousand, as to what you will take Liberties to your selves to do, and yet Justifie your selves therein, though readily Judge and Condemn them, Do not you think thereby to Cover your Iniquity and Disobe­dience: For I must tell you in Love and true Tenderness, you will find your selves greatly mistaken & deceived by the Enemy of your Souls; who through his Subtilty perswades you to believe his Lyes, and that in the day and time of your Account: For according to the Deeds done in your own Bo­dys, or by your selves, so must your reward be, whether they be good or evil.

Why talked the People that sat as God's People did, against the Prophet in his Time? Was it for any other thing than speaking the Words of the Lord? What do some in our day speak and talk one to another against the Servants of Christ for, as though (in their account) if every one appears not in [Page 10] their Testimony as an Eye or a Hand, they must have no place in the Work of God; but are cut off and thrown away, in th [...]ir Judgement? Is it now any more than in the Prophets time? Is it for any thing else, but because those that have the Word now, must speak it in Faithfulness unto all that such is spoken against? And are they counted Ene­mies therefore by some? Galat. 4.16. As Paul said, that b [...]essed Apostle in hi [...] time. Oh! when will your minds Ch [...]nge! when will your Hearts be rent and ten­d [...]r'd to the hum [...]ling of you under the Consideration of those t [...]ing [...]! And not so to ab [...]se your own Mercies, or the Mercies and la [...]ge loving kindnesses of the Lord thus held fo [...]th and continued unto you! why is Wit, why is Wisdom in the Man's part, Wealth and the Strength of mans Reason so much accounted of, and such so Esteemed, and others more simple under valued? And why is the Simplicity of the Gospel so trodden down and run over by too many in the overliness? Do no [...] you see, and will you not Consider, how the Lord has and will confound the wisdom of the Wife, and bring to nothing the understanding of the Prudent ones, who exalt them­selves thereby? For he giveth more grace to the humble, and will exalt the Man of low Degree; and such shall be Abased.

The blessed Apostle came not with enticing Words of Mens wisdom, neither the words that Mens Wisdom teacheth; but in the Demonstration of the Power and Spirit of God: So they that exalt themselves, though never so high in words, excellent speeches, and Scholastick Terms, and though they be never so much cried up, the Lord will, as he has done, Cast down such; as by woful Experience too much it is to be seen by those that by a light airy spirit, notwithstanding their words have floa­ted above the pure simplicity of the Gospel. So all keep low, and there is safety.

What do some under a Profession of the Truth, though out of the Possession thereof, and Life and Practice of the same, think themselves so secure, that because of Ease, Peace and Liberty (though but outward) have and do so continue, there is no such need of Diligence and Faithfulness towards God; and as though it were afforded that they might seek them­selves [Page 11] and serve themselves and make use of their time to grow Rich and Great in the World, and as though this Day would still last to such unfai [...]hful ones: Oh, I tell you Nay, you dec [...]i [...]e your selves therein: For God hath determined to Visit this Nation, and the People thereof as by a R [...]d and a Sc [...]rge, because of the sins a [...]d Abominations thereof: For his Soul is vexed, and his Holy Spirit is grieved even into Wrath, and fere Displeasure. And you that make a Pro [...]ession of his Name, R [...]m. 1.18. and not in Truth and Righteo [...]sness, who sow to the Flesh and not unto the Spirit, do not think to escape the Jud [...]ement with­out a timely Repentance: for you are neither one with that of God in your selves, nor in Unity with his People; and in the Execution of his Righteous Judgement upon this Nation you will be found in the Outer Cour [...], to be trode [...] un [...]r the foot of the Gentiles. And yet notwithstanding, whatsoever the Lord sees good to bring to pass in the Earth, Revel. 11.2. as he always had, he hath still a way and place to preserve his faith [...]ul Ones, as in a City within the Gate. within the Door, whose Walls is Salvation, or as those that know Salvation for Walls and Bulworks. So stay not behind in carelesness, neither abide any longer in the outer Court, though seemingly you may enjoy Ease, peace and fulness for a time, Trouble and Perplexity will overtake all such. So make good use of the time, the Lord in love and mercy may yet afford you, and strive with diligence and fear to get within the Wall into the Inner Court, that is, into the Life, into the Power, into the Possession of the Truth, you make Pro­fession of, or else you will be left behind, liable to be destroyed by the D [...]stroyer, and devoured by the D [...]ourer. Then you shall remember, that I with many of God's faithful Servants, have given you a Faithful Friendly Warning.

Now through all these things you may see, that are serious and Considerate, the great and vast Difference between a Convinced Estate, and a Converted Estate, and between the Profession of the Truth barely, and the Possessor thereof. For the Professor of the Truth in words, out of the Life and Practice, is dry, barren and empty, and unsensible of Life in their Souls, out of the Faith that gives Victory; Wells with­out [Page 12] Water, Clouds without Rain, minding Earthly things more then heavenly; Reprobate Silver shall men call them, who be­cause of their Extraordinary love to, and gaping after the World in too much love thereunto, more than to God, his Truth and People, or for the good of their own Souls. For if some that profess the Truth, were but as much concerned in faithfulness to God, and for the good of their own Souls, in order to win Heaven and the S [...]lvation thereof, as they are concerned for the Earth, and to heap up Riches they know not for whom, well might it be with many as to their Eter­nal Happiness.

But being that such are many times, more concerned for the Assurance of the Terrestial, than the Celestial (viz.) more for the Earthly than the Heavenly, hence it is, that al­though such profess the Truth and the worship of God amongst his People, they grow very indifferent about the per­formance of it: For they can scarce find any time to come to Meetings, but on the First Day. What differ these from the Professor and Prophane in the World? Let such say so to themselves, and amend their ways and doings. And when such do come to Meetings, its too apparent where their Treasure is, and their Hearts are with it, to wit, in the Earth: And so their minds and heads are pull'd down-ward, by reason of the weight of it upon them. And hence it is, that such are Dead, D [...]y, Sottish, Careless and Sleepy in Meet­ings, which sheweth forth the coldness of their love to God­ward, his Truth and People, and worthy Name of the Lord; and how unconcerned they are for the Management of the Affairs and concerns of Truth in Men and Womens Meetings, and neglect Week-day-Meetings. And yet none readier than such to Judge and Censure those that are faithful, diligent and laborious, and wholly devouted, what in them lies, to serve the Lord, his Truth and People, both in managing and maintaining the Affairs and Concerns of Truth. This is the Trick of all Idlers, that would Eat, but will not Work them­selves, to judge and find many Faults with them that are dili­gent in their Labour and Concern; which maketh the Labour and Travel of God's faithful Servants, that have his Work to do, and his Word to speak, sometimes hard and uneasie, [Page 13] because often the Work is great, and the Labourers but few: So it must needs lie heavy upon some, though censoriously judged for their Pains. Howbeit, notwithstanding some in our day, as the Prophet in his time, Labour in vain, and spend their strength for nought, as to effect good to the unconcerned; yet their Peace is with the Lord, and their reward cometh from him; Praises, pure Honour and Glory be given to his Holy Name and great Power for evermore, faith my Soul, who will not have any to shut a Door in his House for nought.

Go to the Ant, thou Sluggard, Consider her ways, and be wise, Prov. 6. v. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. thou Sleepy Lazy one: For though she hath no Guides, Overseer nor Ruler, that thou Professest to have, that professest the Truth, and yet out of the Possession; yet she, the poor Ant, provideth her Meat in the Summer, and gathereth her food in the Harvest. How long wilt thou sleep, O Sluggard! When wilt thou rise from thy Sleep! thinkest thou? What, yet more sleep, and yet more slumber? and yet more folding of thy hands together? So shall thy Poverty come upon thee, as one that Travelleth, and thy Want as an armed Man.

Wherefore there is a Cry in the secret of my Soul unto all you Professors of Truth, that are not yet come into the Posses­sion thereof, to come away: arise, and stand up upon your Feet, both Man and Woman, and shake your selves from the Dust of the Earth: For Dust is a stifling and choaking thing; why are you so willing to Travel with such a burthen upon your heart and mind, as the Earth is? by reason of which the just Pure Seed of God is oppressed in you, which causeth you to Groan in your Travel: wherefore the time of Meeting, and when you should wait upon Worship, and serve God, it's wearisom and tedious unto you. Oh! Come away, come away all you that make Profession of the Truth, and yet feel not of the sweetness and Comfort that it affords to the Souls of those that are in the Posession, and live the Life thereof: Come away, escape for your lives to Zoar, the City of safety, and look not back into Sodom again: Remember Lot's Wife: Luk. 17.32. And once at last, quit your selves like Men and Women for God, and not only like, [Page 14] but really so: And freely and willingly part with, forsake and cast off all those many things that have been so glued to your minds, or your minds to them; that have been as so many Lovers hugged in your Bosoms, all which is but as an Harlot you are joyned unto: So your serving and Profession has been and is in the Flesh, where you cannot please God. Cast off all these letting, cumbring things, that you have too long so much loved, by which the enemy of your Souls hath lulled you asleep, that have hindred you from embracing of the Love of God in your Hearts, in and through Jesus Christ his Son; that room there, and openness there (instead of strait­ness and closeness) may be—For the Appearance of God's Son in his Glorious Rising and living Appearance, by his pure Light, teaching Grace and Holy Spirit; that will not only shine to let you see, but Teach you what you shall deny your selves in and of, but what manner of Lives you must live: And not only so, but as you believe and wait upon God, there­in Power you shall receive, whereby you may be enabled to answer and perform the same; that instead of a bare Professio­on, you may come to know the Possession of Life and Power, true Peace, Sweetness and comfort in your Hearts and Souls, and instead of wearisomness and irksomness in the time of Meeting among Gods people, you may come to have a true Delight in the Joy of God's Salvation, in waiting upon (though in Silence) and worshipping and serving of God in Spirit and Truth, as all the Faithful have, that are in the Possession of that they make [...]rofession of; and that instead of Deadness, Dulness, Sleepiness and Unconcernednes in Mee­tings, and Conversation too, you may come through Faith­fulness and true Obedience, in a self-denial and bearing the daily Cross to feel a change wrought in your hearts through the power that is of God, in and through the execution of the righteous Judgement, and so come to be quickened and enlive­ned by the quickening Spirit of the second Adam, the Lord from Heaven; and so come to have a living concern to attend your Hearts and Minds both in Meeting and Conversation; as all that live the life of Truth they make Profession of, are attend­ed with; which makes them to say, because of the Sweetness and comfort their Souls are in a Possession of, that is as a [Page 15] stream from a Fountain, or a living spring from a Well even the Fountain and Well of Life; Oh, Truth is precious unto me! I would fell or part with any thing that I have, that is to be parted with, that I might purchase more of the fulness of it: But I would not fell it for all the World, nor no En­joyment that is in it, neither a Wife nor an Husband, nor any Possession or Enjoyment here below, though never so great, fair or promising. For such say in their Hearts, that com­mends them to God, My beloved (to wit, the Truth) is mine and I am his, the fairest and chiefest unto me of Ten thousand; And such it is in their heavenly and Spiritual Exercise, that fit where the Spouse of old did, which is under his Shadow, and that with great delight; and his Fruit is sweet unto their Taste.

And these are they, that above all things Truth is precious unto, that feel, pertake, possess and enjoy of the sweetness and preciousness thereof in their Hearts and Souls, as I even at this moment of time, with all the truly faithful and Obe­dient do; to the Praise and glory of the most high God be it spoken. Wherefore my Heart and Soul is broken and mel­ted into true Tenderness before him, which makes me to say again in answer to that weighty concern, that seized upon my Spirit as I was waiting upon the Lord in my own dwel­ling House (when such weakness of Body attended me, that I was not able to go to a Meeting) to write on this wise, for the good of all I am thus concerned for, in this my Epistle; Oh, the great Difference between a Convinced Estate, and a Con­verted Estate! between the Profession of the Truth, and the Possession thereof; and that chiefly, because of the sweetness and comfort it affordeth unto the Souls of the Faithful. So that I was truly willing, in Obedience to the blessed requi­rings of the Lord my God, on this wise to discharge my co­science, and ease my Spirit in answer unto the movings and motion of his pure, Holy, Living Spirit, that (blessed be his Holy Name for evermore) he hath made me, with a large Remnant, livingly sensible of, desiring and heartily wishing, that my endeavours hereby may be truly Effe­ctual for the good of all that may be concerned in this my Testimony.

[Page 16]And now Friends, unto you that are Parents, and that have Children, I have something to say both to you, and your Children.

And in the first place, the concern that is upon my mind, and hath often and long remained, Is to give you to under­stand a little of my own Experience and concern in Ordering and Framing up of my own Children, that if happily it may tend to stir up those, or such as may be short in their Duty to­wards their Children.

When it pleased the Lord to give me Children, as Mer­cies from his hand (amongst many more I have received from him) as my Children grew up, a concern many times, very weighty, (the Lords knows) seized upon my mind, both upon my Bed, and many other times, what way I might be­take my self to Train up my Children, as did become the Truth, and that might become a Blessing to them, and a Comfort to us their Parents. And accordingly I saw it my way, as much as in me lay, that as they grew up in years, to mind and take diligent notice of their Natural Inclination, or what it was they most naturally Inclined unto: and when I saw any one of them to Incline to any thing in Word or Acti­ons, that under a serious Consideration was not like to prove, if it was suffered to grow or increase, either to be good for their Soul or Body (for that which is not good for the Soul, it cannot be good for the Body) it greatly became my concern to restrain them from that when it was but little and small, and when they were young; so that it was both easie for me to do, and them to get over. And when I found any thing of stubb [...]rn­ness get up in them, contrary to the Counsel and Advice I had given them. I did not let foolish pity prevent due Admonition and Correction, though I dearly and tenderly did and do love them all.

But some spoil their Children, in letting them have their wills so much, that they become disobedient [...]nd rebellious, and so give away their Power so much to the Will of the Child, and lessen their Authority: That as sometimes I have heard to the grief of my Soul, Parents say to their Children, Do such a thing; they have replied, ( I will not) and whether ought the Child, that doth not yet understand what's good either for [Page 17] its Soul or Body, to have its Will? Or ought not the Parents rather to Constrain them to do what they know is good for them, though they be stiff and stubborn! That so, what way or course in after-time their Children may take when they are from under their power, the Parents may be clear of their Children in the day of their Account.

I say, my great concern was many times, how I might Train up my Children, as did become the Truth, chiefly in what might be good for their Souls; relying upon Gods Pro­vidence for other things, as he did see good. And as they came up in their tender Years one after another, in the Fear of God, I laboured what in me lay, not only by Advice and Counsel and timely Endeavours, to restrain the wild and stubborn na­ture, and keep them out of and from every thing, that had an evil tendency in it; but also what in me lay, to beget Love in them to Truth and Friends, and one to another.

And so, as they grew up in years, did encourage them to go to Meetings: And I hope I may say without offence, my Endeavours (with the Blessing of God) hath wrought a good Effect in my Children to this day, I bless the Lord for it; and I never durst put them forward to Play, as some do; and when they had a Capacity, Educated them in reading the Ho­ly Scriptures and Friends Books: And always had and have a care to keep them out of the vain Fashions of the World; neither could I ever suffer them to go to see or behold any Sport, Game, or Pastime, or Play, that tends to nothing but stirring up of the vain, light mind, and letting loose the wild Nature, and corrupting of Youth. And it was my great Care and concern, to be a good Example, before them and un­to them, according to the Counsel I had often given them. And hence it is, where this Care in Carriage and Behavi­our in Parents before their Children is a wanting, though such Parents may profess the Truth, it tends to drive their Children farther from it, and hardens their Hearts, and so they grow wild and wanton, proud and high minded; and as they get up, run to Sports (and Plays, and to Drinking and Tippling) amongst the wild Rabble, as I have seen, to the grief of my Soul, in Towns and other places; and going to Cock fights and Bull-baitings, and to stand amongst wild rude People, spying a Fool [Page 18] and Mounte-bank, acting Folly and Madness upon a Stage or Rope; against which God's Anger at sometimes by eminent Judgements hath been manifested.

As for Example and Proof: at a certain time, when a Person had acted his Folly upon a Rope, Example. a Wall suddenly fell upon many people s [...]me struck Dead and spoke no more, others their Backs and Legs broken, and others sorely hurt and Maimed, and Bruised, that their blood came out at their mouths. Therefore let the remembrance of this dread all people, so as not to love or delight to behold Vanity, or such like folly and Madness.

The Godly care of Parents in time, to train up their Children in the fear of the Lord, and as becomes the Truth, ought to be diligently exercised; for where that's wanting, these disorders too often appear in their Children, that they grow up in wildness and wan [...]onness, and in their behaviour and Apparel to follow the bad ways, courses and Antick Fashions of the World. But who durst do such things in the begin­ning? and Truth is the same; though too many give to their Children, and take to themselves that Liberty that they durst not, nor would truth ever allow of; though I know many neither can, nor do allow, nor give such Liberty, neither to themselves, nor their Children; And blessed and happy are they that so discharge their Duty for that end, they may be clear in the discharge thereof, in the day and time of their Account, which they cannot be, that do to the con­trary.

Therefore Parents and Guardians of Children, discharge your selves in your Duty to your Children, or those with whom you are concerned; and do not think to excuse your selves with saying, There is great difference of Children's Na­ture: It's true there is; but your indulging of them, and Winking and Conniving at their running out into Vanity and Wildness, makes their Natures worse, and your Children more untruth-like; and you are greatly in the blame.

How comes it to pass that so many Children of those that profess the Truth, are scarce come so far as to use the plain Language? What think you, that if you be Rich, and have great Portions for them, will this make them blessed and [Page 19] happy? And must they not therefore have their wills crost? Consider, that they are Rich that God owns and loves, and poor and miserable that he rejects; and they are Rich that are Rích in Faith and good Works towards him, notwithstanding poor in this world. Psalm. 62.10. And the Pro­phet said, If riches increase, set not thy Heart upon them; Note: Prov. 13. for they will make themselves Wings and fly away.

So Friends, take Counsel and be Advised in Bowels of true Love by your Friend, that wisheth both you and your Children Happiness both here and hereafter. And Train up your Children in the Fear of the Lord in all things, as becomes the Truth you make Profession of: and withal, be sure you be a good Example before them, and unto them.

And now Children be subject unto your Parents in that which is good, Eph. 6.1, 2, 3. and none be Stubborn and Rebellious: for in the end, if you do, it will prove your own hurt and loss. Note: Col. 3.20. And if any of your Parents shew forth any evil example before you, take not Liberty thereby to do any thing that is evil or to speak evil of Truth, nor to neglect Meetings; nor none to satisfie your selves with going to Meetings barely, because your Parents go, if you can but have Liberty to your Wills, and do and have what pleaseth you: This is not good for your Souls Health, though you want nothing for your Bodies neither will it make for your Peace with the Lord, when you must be separated from all Wordly enjoyment.

So Dear Children, take my Counsel and give ear to my Friendly and tender advice in true love unto you: let it be the concern of your minds chiefly in going to Meetings, with diligence to wait in the fear of the Lord, to feel the Work of his Power in your Hearts to change your Nature, and sub­ject your Wills to do the will of God, to the weaning of your minds from delighting in Sport or Pleasure, or any Game or Pastime, or Fine Apparel, or in earthly Substance; that so there­by, to wit, by the work of the Heavenly Power of God your Hearts may be wrought into true tenderness and brokenness, and Minds and Spirits into Lowliness and Humility before him; So will you feel Love to increase and abound in your [Page 20] Hearts towards God, his Truth and People; and so will you come, as you carefully mind the shinings of the pure Light of Jesus Christ, and Teachings of his Gracious Spirit, which will manifest all that which is [...]vil in every Appearance of it unto you, and teach you to do that which is good in Word and Action. I say, this is the way for you to come out of Childish­ness and Childish things, and all manner of Disobedience both towards God and your Parents, and to be weaned from all the Vanities and Pleasures, Customs and Fashions of the World; so that you will have no delight in keeping Company with any but such as fear the Lord, which will greatly tend to your Happiness and Prosperity both in this Life and that which is to come, as that which teacheth you his Fear, is by you kept in, That so God alone may be Honoured and glorified by you, and you may be a comfort to your Parents; and the greatest of all in the end will be your own. Unto which the Lord preserve and keep you in his fear in all faithfulness, accord­ing to that knowledge, more or less, that you have received from him, out of the Evil that is in the World, is the hear­ty Prayer, and Souls well-wishing of your Friend, both for You, and your Parents, as for my self and my own Chiidren, in discharge of my Duty in the Love of God. The Lord bring it home to your Understandings; Amen.

J. B.

Let this be Read in the fear of the Lord, and with Vnderstanding, in the Meetings and Families of Friends, wheresoever a service may be seen for it.


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