SHEWING, That the beginning and the obstinate pursuance of this accursed horrid Rebellion is principally to be ascribed to that Rebellious City.

—En quo discordia Cives?
Perduxit miseros.
Virg. Egl. 1.

Printed, 1643.


Good Brother RUSTICUS,

THough there have been some unkinde jars between my brother Aulicus and me, yet my earnest desire is to keep a good understanding between your self and me: I cannot but congratulate your happinesse that breathe in so free an ayre, wherein it is lawfull to heare and speak truth: O Truth, sacred Truth, whither art thou fled? if you at Oxford did not give her entertainment, I know not where she would find a place of aboad, for here at Lon­don we fortifie against her to keep her out: Nay with us in the City it is come to that passe, that it is almost as dangerous to speak truth as Love the King: you know how famous we have been here for publishing and printing Lyes, he that will not lye to ad­vantage the great Cause in hand, is not amongst us thought fit to have accesse either to the Pulpit or the Presse. And therefore when I was first set on work to communicate Intelligence to the King­dom to indear my self to them that imployed me, I played my part reasonable well, I Lyed my share; but at last admonished by our brother Aulicus, and to confesse to you, touched a little in con­science, I began by degrees to take off my self from that unwarran­table course, and did here and there sprinkle a little truth, yet very [Page 2] sparingly lest I should be thought to be turned Malignant or Ca­valeer: but as little as it was, it was distastfull: for hereupon Mr Pim and the Remainder of the five Members, assisted by Mr Martyn, illiterate Serjeant Wild, Peard (that hath lesse Law if it be possible then the Serjant) & some others that have sworn ne­ver to indure truth again, since they have thriven so well by Lies, moved at the Close Committee to have me silenced: yet to blind the world, as if their ayme were not at me alone, they involve o­thers in the same doome, and for Intelligencers, by an Order they bung up all our mouths at once: yet knowing how much it cōcer­ned them that the old trade went on, though since they have per­mitted another to make use of my name, yet at first they gave au­thority to one man onely to lye for all the rest: him they call the Parliament Scout, not Bulmore the Scout that was slain at Whet­ley bridge neer you at Oxford, I meane not him, yet if you look in­to his weekly Pamphlets, you would sweare that he had no more braines in his head, then Bulmore had when they were shot out.

This man indeed tels you some truths, but such antiquated ones that they were stale newes above a Thousand yeares since, as that on the borders of Scotland, there dwelt a People whom they cal­led Picts, that there was a Wall built between England and Scot­land, and the like: while he keeps at this distance and comes no nearer, he never needs feare that the heeles of the times may chance dash out his teeth: he may write on! but if once he come to publish any Moderne truths, as that his Excellency durst come no nearer Oxford then Thame, that Fairfax is beaten in the North, and Waller and Warwick in the West, or the like, he were best looke to himselfe, he may read his fate in us: These new Re­formers will never Brooke it.

Since therefore we are here inslaved either to Lies or Silence, that the world may not for ever be kept hoodwinkt, goe on (I pray) as you have begun to let her see the Miseries under which she dayly suffers. But me thinks it would be a work well worthy your endeavour, to let the Country see not only their miseries, but to point them out the fountain & source from whence they flow: This discovery hath beene within me as wine that hath no vent, redy to burst like new bottles, yet as ful as I am, I dare not vent my thoughts concerning this here, but have chose rather to whisper [Page 3] them to you: for it is in vaine to dissemble it, your sad stories of the Ruine and devastation of the Countrey are ecchoed in our Streets, and though we beare it out in a Vaunting way, as if these things concerned not us, yet I assure you there are many soules that mourne in private, (for in publique we must be as mad as the rest, or else we suffer as Malignants) as knowing how justly we stand charged with all those Calamities, which the sword of Rebellion hath brought upon you: I never heare that of the Pro­phet read, Woe to the bloody City, it is full of Lies and Robbery, but I cannot choose but think of London.

It is too too manifest, nor can it be denied, but that all your Suf­ferings have been derived from us: when Common-Prayer was in use amongst us, I remember such a Query in one of the Pro­phets, Is there any evill in the City and the Lord hath not done it? But you may aske, Is there any evill in the Countrey, and the City hath not done it? You have made us Rich and Populous, and we in foule Ingratitude have prodigally powerd out both our Wealth and Strength to make you and our selves miserable.

Well might the Incendiaries of this present Rebellion (so I dare call it to you, though I dare not speak so plain here) bring vi­olent affections, eager endeavours to set this flourishing Church, and Kingdom in Combustion, but alas! all this had signified little or nothing, had they not gained our consent, and we resigned up our persons and estates to their disposall to be made the base in­struments to compasse their most Trayterous designes: Could Say or Pim, and their beggerly Confederates have found money to Le­vie an Army against their Leige Lord, that had not money to pay their own Debts, had not we furnished them? If we shall with­out partiality consider the severall helps which this City hath Contributed to this Rebellion, we must confesse that both the be­ginning and continuance of this unnaturall Warre may be ascribed to us: So that in all England there is but one Rebell, & that is Lon­don. To reflect a little & look back on those times when this Re­bellion was but am Embrio, or else did begin to creepe into the world, (for we may not think that this Monster was a Brat of a suddain birth) though it were conceived (some Say) ne [...]re Banbu­ry, & shaped in Grays-Inne-Lane, where the undertakers for the Isle of Providence did meet and plot it, yet you know it was put out to Nurse to London.

[Page 4]For first you may well remember when the Puritans here did as much abominate the Military-yard or Artillery-Garden, as Pa­ris-Garden it self: they would not mingle with the Profane: but at last when it was instill'd into them, that the blessed Reforma­tion intended could not be effected but by the sword, these places were instantly filled with few or none but men of that Faction: We were wont you know to make very merry at their Training, some of them in two yeares practice could not be brought to dis­charge a Musket without winking; We did little imagine then, that they were ever likely to grow formidable to the State, or ad­vance to that strength, as to be able to give the King Battle, but after a while they began to affect, yea and Compasse the chief Offices of command, so that when any prime Commanders dyed, new men were elected, wholy devoted to that Faction; and it became a Generall Emulation amongst them who should buy the most, and the best Armes.

Secondly, that they might fill all places of authority with such as should advance the designe, all care is taken to fill the Bench of Aldermen, and the Common-Councel, with men disaffected to the Government, both Ecclesiasticall, and Civill. To this purpose if London did not afford men bad enough, they would call them from other Corporations, as Alderman Atkins from Norwich and the like: but if he had been Amsterdam or had been an Adventurer to New England, or been the host of the silenced Ministers, he was a jewell: Nay some will tell you, & I am much of their opinion, that the Faction have had so great a Care of this, that they have chosen some men to places of the best esteem in the City, whose estates were not able to defray the Charges, but have been sup­ported by a Common Purse, and if you have not forgotten it, there was a Motion you know made, That Honest men, so they cal th [...]e­selves, might beare the Magistracy, and the Citty beare the Ex­pence: some men thought that this proposall had especiall Rela­tion to those two beggerly Captaines, Ven and Manuring, who having nothing either within or without them to render them fit for government, yet in this Rebellious City, were thought most fit, because most averse from what was by Law established.

Thirdly, because all this could not compasse the end they ay­med at, unlesse the Clergy did conspire with them and contribute [Page 5] their help, and because they found very few of the Setled Clergy here in the Citty, (except Dr. Gough, M. lackeson, Votier, Simons, Walker, and a very few more) Compliant with their indeavours, they laboured by all means possible, to introduce that Gibbus or excrescency, of the Clergy called Lecturers over their Parochiall Ministers heads, whose maintenance being dependent (yet a portion by double Leases and other Sacralegious devices stolne from their owne Parsons, so that the barren Mountaines of Wales afford not so many poore, and as Sir Benjamin Rudyer was wont to call them, scandalous Livings together, as are to be found with­in the walls of London) must preach such Doctrine as may fo­ment disloyalty, and instill such Principles into their Auditors as may first dispose them to, and after engage them in Rebellion, when things were ripe, or else they shall want bread to put into their heads: The Truth is, Brother Rusticus, these Military prepa­rations had effected Little, had not the fire been given from the Pulpit.

And because they saw how Successefull this Course was, and what strange effects it wrought in our City, a Fourth design was, to place some of their Emissaries in all Corporations (those Nu [...]c [...] ­ries of Schisme and Rebellion) and in the most eminent parts of the Kingdom; for this purpose a most specious and pious pretence is held out to the world, the buying in of Impropriations: Feoffces are appointed, men of publique Callings, as Clergy-men, Lawyers, and Citizens, whose imployments must needs render them knowne to many, and men of noted Zeale in the Opinion of the Wo [...]ld; (such as it was) thereby to gaine the reputation of Reli­gion to the undertaking: the Lectures (and others too) deceived by the outside of this Project, stirre up the Rich and well affe­cted to Contribute Liberally to this so religious an Act, of rede [...] ­ming the Lords portion out of Lay-hands, and amongst the last Counsells given to the dying (and then commonly they make deepest impression) This was never forgotten: by this meanes great Summes were advanced, and the World stood at gaze to see the great returne which would be made to the Church of that which Sacraledge had made a Lay-Fee: after any were redeemed how long the revenues were held in the Feoff [...]es hands, what pittances were allowed to the Incumbents, how they robb'd Pe­ter [Page 6] to pay Paul, and established a Lecture perhaps in Cornwall, with the Tith of a Parsonage in Yorkeshire, or the like, appertains not to my present purpose.

The thing that I shall observe unto you is, the great care and art used in fitting men for their service, and then disposing and securing them in their Imployment, from any Molestation of Ec­clesiasticall Censures. To this end, First, they account it necessary to plant two Seminaries, the first an Initiary Seminary, to this purpose they project the buying of a Headship in one of the Vni­versities for some eminent man of their own party, under whose Influence their Novices might be trained up in their Mysteries: though some houses in both Vniversities were notorious enough in this kind before, and might have saved them this Labour, as Magdaline Hall and New-Inne in Oxford, and Emanuel Colledge and Katherine Hall in Cambridge.

The second was a Practique Seminary, and that was at St. An­tholines here in London, and did in Spiritualibus answer to the Ar­tilery Garden, being a place to traine up their young Emissaries, where they might take an Essay of their affections and abilities, and by the bewitchments of gaine and popular applause deeply ingage them in their Faction: and from this Seminary were most of their new bought Impropriations fill'd. And as they had their Salary from, so they were subordinate to a Classis or Cler [...]-laicall Consistory, who had power to transplant their most hopeful Imps either into their purchased Impropriations, or else into a Lecture in some of the most populous places of the Kingdom, maintained by a borrowed portion from an Impropriation elswhere: yet this Consistory, did not in their choice, strictly tye themselves to the plants of their own Nurceries, but if any man had been a Pseudo­martyr for their cause, or had been sentenced by the high Com­mission for Non-Conformity, or by some Notorious undertaking had evidenced and declared himself, and irrevocably without apparant note of Infamy and Levity (if he retracted) ingaged him­selfe to their party: or had Letters Testimoniall from Patriarch White of Dorchester, Mr. Cotton of Boston, or the like, (for Calamy and Marshall were not, as it is said of Dathan and Abiram, as yet famous in the Congregation.) This man was a choice plant and fit for their Soyle.

[Page 7] Secondly, being planted abroad, their second care was, that whatsoever they Preached, though never so derogatory to the Government either Ecclesiasticall or Civill, yet they might be free from molestation, and Preach on, without danger of loosing their maintenance by Ecclesiasticall censure. To this purpose they at­tempt the buying a Commis [...]aries place there, where they inten­ded to make any speciall plantation: who being after their own hearts, might winke at their irregularities, and though the Church-wardens should by chance be so honest to regard their oathes, and present them, yet by the purchased or bribed Com­missary they may secure them from the danger of the Court.

Lastly, for feare least any of their Creatures should fall from them, and desert the Cause as some had done, when they had got what they looked for; wisely they provide, that their main­tenance shall be dependent, on the pleasure of their good Masters the Feoffees, alterable by addition, or substraction, according to their merits, or demerits, and their persons subject to be Ca­sheered if they Preach not to the advancement of their holy cause, and according to the directions sent unto them from the Conclave of their Elders at London: That so as much as humane Policy could invent, they might (to use Mr Foxlies own words speaking in this argument) Establish the Gospel by a perpetuall decree.

When all things were now ready, their Emissaries having prepared the hearts of the people to Rebellion, first alienating them, by frequent slandering the footsteps of Gods annoynted, decrying the Government both of Church and State, fomenting the causelesse discontents, and aggravating the necessities of State, with the odious names of Tyranny, Arbitrary power, Violation of the Subjects Liberty, and Property, and likewise possessed the credulous multitude, that the conformeable Clergy had made a Revolt from the Protestant Religion, and had an earnest intenti­on to introduce Popery: at last was fulfilled that Prophecy of Iu­dicious M. Hooker, toward the end of the Preface to that incom­parable work of Ecclesiasticall Policy, that after the Puritans have first resolved that attempts for Discipline are lawfull, it will follow in the next place to be disputed, what may be attempted a­gainst Superiors who will not have the Scepter of that discipline to [Page 8] rule over them? Which Prophecy we see exactly fulfilled in our dayes, for the Puritans having first rebelled by a Proxey, they then thought it seasonable to take an essay what an entertainment the doctrine for taking up Armes against the King would find a­mongst their Disciples.

To this purpose Doctor Downing, a man fitted for any base im­ployment, and one that (what ever he counterfeited) ever looked awry on the Church, in which (being setled and in peace) he could never hope to advance farther then Vicar of Hack [...]ney, was to feele the Pulse of the Citty: while therefore discontents runne high in the North, the Scots having in a hostile manner en­tered the Kingdome, the People every where, especially in Lon­don, stirr'd up by some agents to Petition the King for this Parlia­ment, D. Downing Preaching to the Brotherhood of the Artile­ry Garden positively affirmed, that for defence of Religion and Re­formation of the Church, it was lawfull to take up armes against the King.

He having thus Kindled the fire in the City, for feare of being questioned (for as yet it was not lawfull to Preach Treason) re­tired privately to the Earle of Warwicks house in Essex, the com­mon Randevouz of all Schysmaticall Preachers, this Sermon in e­very place administring matter of discourse, People censured it, as they stood affected, which gave occasion to the Ringleaders of this faction to enter upon a serious examination, and study of this case of Conscience: and it seems, consulting the Iesuites on the one side, and the Rigid Puritans on the other, or indeed, because without admitting this doctrine, all their former endeavours would vanish into smoak, they stood doubtfull no longer, but closed with these two contrary Factions, yet shaking hands in this poynt of Rebellion, and subscribed to D. Downings doctrine, as an Evangelicall truth.

And▪ that in this I may not be thought to speak as if I were a Parliament intelligencer still, for the truth of this, I appeale to M. Stephen Marshall himselfe, who being pressed by M. Simons, that her [...]of [...]re he was of another opinion, ingenuously confessed it, but withall affirmed, that on D. Downings Sermon, having a hint given them, the Brethren did enter upon an examination of the Doctrine, and upon examination found it tru [...]: T [...]ough the [Page 9] truth is, they whispered this doctrine long before in their Con­venticles, but never durst proclaime it in their Pulpits, before they saw an army in the bowells of the Kingdom to make it good by the sword, and a Faction in a Parliament comeing on, that would Authorize Rebellion under this pretence, by their Votes and Ordinances.

After it was once owned as a Truth, and a Truth, first scann'd, and then avowed by Marshall, Calamy, Downing, and Colonell Cornelius Burges, and the rest of their Elders, That for the cause of Religion it was lawfull for the Subject to take up Armes against his Lawfull Soveraigne, good God! how violently did the Peo­ple of London rush into Rebellion? how plyable did the Faction in Parliament find them, to raise Tumults? make outcries for ju­stice? call for innocent blood? subscribe and preferre Petitions a­gainst the holy Lyturgy? and the Hierarchy, Root and branch, if Doctor Burges did but hold up his finger to his Mermidons? or Captain Ven send his summons by his Wife, to assemble the Ze­lots of the City?

But because all other attempts had been to little purpose, while the power of the sword remained in His hands, into which God had put it, the Heads of this Rebellion consider, that it was more seazable by secret practises, to render the King unable to withstand them, then for them openly to oppose the King; there­fore their main indeavour is to wrest the power of the Militia out of the Kings hands by degrees, and to put it there, where they might place the greatest confidence.

But this was a work not easily effected, great Changes could not be ushered in but by great preparations to make it way for them; hereupon the Faction in Parliament make it their first work to make this City wholly theirs, that one soule as it were might animate both representive bodies, That of the Kingdome, and this of the City: knowing that it was in vaine for the Faction in Parlia­ment to contrive unlesse the Faction in the Common-Councellin London would execute: for though there were some flourishes made from Buckingham-shire in the behalfe of M. Hampden, and from Leicester-shire in the behalfe of Sir Arther Hasterigge; and the like, yet the standing Guard, and power of the Faction in Par­liament, on which they relied, to affront the King; and save them­selves [Page 10] from the justice of the Laws, was that fixed here in London.

And because where feare doth possesse the multitude, it makes them work not like agents, but like instruments, and moulds them to a Temper, fit to receive impressions, from those, in whose wis­doms or Loves they repose themselves, making them plia [...]le to all directions and Counsells, which shall be given by them, whom they esteeme Patriots of the Common-wealth, and Assertors of the Liberties, and safety of the People, all possible art was used to possesse the Kingdome, but especially the City with strange [...]ea­lousies and Feares, and therefore besides the often inculcating the fained intention of introducing Popery, great preparations in France, and Denmarke to invade the Kingdome, to inable the King to governe Arbitrarily, to the subversion of the fundamen­tall Lawes of the Kingdome, together with the Liberty and Pro­perty of the Subject: (Theames that did continually possesse both the Pulpit and the Presse, which how tru [...], though most im­pudently affirmed, the World now sees:) each day did produce a discovery of some new Treason, and to ind [...]e the City the more it must be so contrived, That in these monstrous fictions you shall continually find the Parliament and City fained to be involved in the same danger.

To possesse the Kingdom how mortally the Parliament and City (the two vitall parts of the Kingdome as Pym calls them) were threatned; in the time of the Recesse they take opportunity of the Petition delivered by the Troop [...]rs from the North, and by an order from the Committee, they appoynt strong watches to be kept in all high-wayes, Villages, and Townes within twenty miles of London, that Travellers into all parts of the Kingdome, passing through these Guards, might report when they came home, in how much danger the Parliament and City were for their sakes.

And that the Credulous People might not think but that this was done on good grounds, a Letter is writte [...] from the Parlia­ment Commissioners in Scotland, M. Hampden, M. Fiennes and the rest to M. Pym and the close Committee here, to inform them of a strange conspiracy discovered in Edenburgh, to seize on the persons of the Marquesse Hamilton, and the Earles of Argile, [Page 11] and Lan [...]ricke: the Committee wisely considering that it was no st [...]ange thing for Treason to make a step out of Scotland into Eng­land, instantly provided against it, (at least so they would be thought) by publishing an Order commanding the Iustices of Peace of Middlesex, Surrey, and Southwarke, to secure the City and the places adjoyning from all danger by strong guards, well armed, and give this reason for their Order, Because the Mis­chievous designes and conspiracies lately discovered in Scotland against some Principall and Great men there, by some of the Po­pish Faction, gives just occasion to suspect, that they may maintain correspondency here and practise the like mischiefe.

Presently upon the neck of this M. Pim's life (to the great de­triment of the Kingdom and Nation) is indangered by a contagi­ous plaister of Plague sore, wrapt up in a letter and directed to him: but God be thanked, the infection did not take, though throwing away the plaister only, he put the letter in his Pocket: he being reserved for another manner of death (we hope) then to dye privately in his bed, with a few spectators to bear wit­nesse of his end.

Then comes a Tailor out of a ditch in Finsbury fields, having miraculously escaped, being runne nine times besides the body, (for like a wise Tailor, wheres [...]ever he made ilotholes, he would be sure to make none in his own skinne, though to gain credit to the relation:) and he tells a strange discovery of a Treason, which he overheard two men talking of, a Conspiracy against the life of the Lord Say, and some of the chief Members of both Houses: A thing so improbable, indeed so Ridiculous, that had they not thought that the world stood prepared to receive any thing for truth which came from them, 'twas a wonder how they durst own it. And now I have named a Taylor it puts me in mind of Per [...]ins my Lord Say's Taylor, who at a Common-Councell pro­duced a copy of a Letter from an I know not what Irish Lord in Paris, to such an other Irish Lord in London, intimating some strange designe against the City, which took as passionately with the People, as if it had been certified from M. Strickeland his worship himselfe▪ Embassador for the two Houses u [...]to the States-Generall of the united Provinces. But the most monstrous of all [...]he rest, a [...]d that which if the people had not been accursed [Page 12] to believe Lies, was the invisible Army quartered under ground at Ragland Castle, discovered by Iohn Davis, servant to Mistris Lewis an Inne-keeper at Rosse, to Alderman Actons Coachman: except the blowing up the Thames with Gunpowder to drowne the City, one of the most dangerous plots that ever affrighted London.

And as by their own fictions they endeavoured to possesse the People with Iealousies, so whatsoever the King did never wan­ted a sinister interpretation, glossed to the multitude, to traduce His actions, as if in them there were ever some evill intended to the City and Parliament. When the King removed Belfore from the Lieutenancy of the Tower, and placed Sir Thomas Lunsford in that charge, the Citizens and their Wives could not sleep quietly in their bedds, for feare of having their houses beaten down about their eares. To satisfy their Clamours, though no­thing were objected against him, the King reassumes the Trust, and presently deposites it with Sir Iohn Byron: the Faction were as ill satisfied in him, yet it was not easy what to object against him: nay it was a Query that did not a little trouble them in what to quarrell him: at last Lieutenant Hooker the Aquavite man, and Nicholson the Chandler, complaine in the Common-Councell, that since Sir Iohn Byron came to be Lieutenant of the Tower, the Mint (to the great prejudice and dishonour of the Kingdome) stood still. Those that knew what trade these men drove, by the poor retaile of Broomes, Candles, and Mustard, their chief merchandize, to improve brasse farthings into Groats and Sixpences, accounted the Objection as inconsiderable as the Au­thors that alleadged it, yet as meane and false as it was, it served some mens turnes to slander the King to His People, and raise a Clamour. The King out of the abundant goodnesse of His Nature, hoping to winne them by some condescendments, (which now the world sees is impossible: Puritans being of another manner of Temper then to be overcome with kindnesse) removes Sir Iohn Byron, and confers this great trust on Sir Iohn Coniers, a man of whom the Faction it seems conceived better hopes, and indeed hitherto if you consider his exaction upon the Kings friends in his custody, or retaining the name of Lieutenant, but resigning the power contrary to his expresse oath, and that on his own Petition [Page 13] to the Train bands of the City, he hath not given them any occasi­on to repent them of their acquiescence in him.

It were endlesse, Brother Rusticus, to relate all the meanes used to heighten the fears of this miserable City, and by consequence of the Kingdome: especially after the Faction in Parliament, had shewen them the way by publishing that great Buggbeare to af­fright the People, the Remonstrance of the state of the King­dome.

At last to make experiment what good effect all these arts had produced the maine Engineers resolve on Twelfe night to see what partee they had in the City, 1641. and what assistance they might expect (if occasion served) by giving a false Allarme. To this purpose in the night a Rumour is divulged and suddenly disper­sed through the City, That the King and Cavaleers with fifteene hundred horse were coming to surprize the City: you would wonder to consider how this report prevailed, insomuch that in an instant London was in Armes, no lesse then 50000 or 60000 men ready provided to incounter they knew not what: the Wo­men (who as M. Peters did instruct [...] in the Pulpit, have huggd their Husbands into this Rebellion) provide hot water (besides what they sprinkled for feare) to throw on the Cavaleeres: joynt-stooles, foormes, and emp [...]y tubbes are throwne into the Streets to intercept the Horse. Had you been at Lord Majors that night, as I was, you might upon the Aldermens coming to him, to consult against the common danger, easily perceive which of the Aldermen were privy to this designe, and who were not thought fit to be intrusted with so great a Mysterie: some of them (and when time serves I can tell you their names) came so neat as if they had spent the whole day to be trimme at midnight, their beards put into a feasting posture, not a haire awry, a cleare de­monstration that they had not consulted their pillows that night: Their Ruffes set as compleatly as if they had beene to dine with the Masters of their Companies, or were prepared to beare a part in my Lord Majors shew: but the rest that slept in the simplicity of their hearts, and went to bed, so farre from misconceiving their gracious Soveraigne to have any evill intention against the City, that they thoug [...]t themselves safe under his Protection, these came in a farre different garbe, one came in his nightcap & [Page 14] forgot his Hat, another had his Hat, but did not remember to take his Ruffe, one trots along in his slippers, another for haste not stay­ing to garter his stockings, had lost them had not his shoo [...]s [...] on: so that it was easy to distinguish who were Cons [...]iding Ald [...]r­mon, as they call them, and who Malignants.

And as by degr [...]es they wrought the people to this height of Iealousie, so by degrees too, proportionable to their [...] they disarme the King, and Arme themselves. At first they did only wrest the Sword out of the Kings Hau [...], [...] as their party grew stronger, they turned the point upon him. When their Feares were but young, the Faction of the City desired [...] more, but a strong guard of the Train-Bands, and this [...] called The Safety of the City, when their Feares grew Stronger, then in a Common-Councell they move for The Posture of defence, which was the Egge of which afterwards was natched [...]hat Cockatrice of the Militia.

But because it was impossible to disarme the King, as long as the Lord Major stood firme in his Loyalty, and invested in his power; their maine work therefore was, first, to pack a Com­mon-Councell of men of their own Faction, and then by advan­cing the power of their Common-Councell (by the assistance of the House of Commons) above the Lord Majors, to draw the Voting of all Queryes, and the Resolution of all doubts, or mat­ters under debate, unto the decision of a Major part; and if any Obstacle lay in their way to these ends, which was not in their power to remove, presently at a dead lift, Penington or Ven or Vassels bring an order from the House of Commons, which never failed to determine all things, for their own Creatures. And be­cause the Practices of these men deserve not to be buried in Si­lence, I shall give you a short account, how the power of the Militia of the City, came to be taken out of the Lord Major, and Court of Aldermens hands, and [...]eated in a Major part of the Commons; In which you shall see how a Faction in the City con­spired with a Faction in the Parliament, and this Faction in the Parliament with that in the City, untill between both, the King was inforced, for fear of their tumults, and Insolencies, to with­draw himself into the Country.

The time of Election of Common-Councell men comming [Page 15] on, at S t Thomas day 1641. When these feares and Jealousies had distracted the City, it was no difficult matter, for this active facti­on, to instill into their fellow Citizens how much it Concerned them to make choyce of Godly men (so they miscall themselves) and such as would oppose the Popish Party, under which notion, they comprehend all such as stand well affected to the Govern­ment established, whether Ecclesiasticall, or Civill. They accuse the Old Common-Councell-men, as men not Zelous for Religi­on, Ready to comply with the Court for loanes of Monies, and which was worse, many had not only set their hands to, but were active in promoting the intended Petition, for Episcopacy, and the Booke of Common Prayer. These Objections (which duly considered had been so many convincing arguments for them) so prevailed, with these silly men, (who thought all to be in danger, vnlesse the government were put into new hands) that in most Wards, the old Common-Councell men were turned out, and new chosen in, wholy devoted to the Puritan faction; especial­ly in those Wards, where their Aldermen inclined that way: a­mongst these, the most remarkable were Atkins, W [...]llastone, George Garrat the Draper, Wardner, and Towse. Now outgoe all the grave, discreet, well-affected Citizens, as S r George Benyon, M. Drake, M. Roger Clarke, M. Roger Gardner, Deputy Wi­thers, M. Cartwright, and others, and in their stead are chosen Fowke the Traytor, Ryley the squeeking Bodyes-maker, Perkins the Taylor, Norminton the Cutler, young beardlesse Co [...]lson the Dyer, Gill the Wine-Cooper, and Iupe the Laten-man in Crook­ed-Lane, Beadle of the Ward, in the place of Deputy Withers. So that a man would swear, they meant to fulfill, what a wise Lord Keeper once spake to a Recorder of London, dyning with him, upon occasion of a Wood Cock-Py [...] brought to the Table, with the heads looking out of the Lid, M r Recorder, you are wel­come to a Common-Councell.

These new men, though chosen on S. Thomas day, are never returned by the constant custome of the City, before the Mun­day after Twelfe-day: nor have power to [...] in the Common-Councell, or concurre in doing any act, before the Indentures of their Election be returned from the Wardmo [...]e Inquest to the Town-Clark, and a Warrant is sued fort [...] from the Lord Major, [Page 16] to the Serjeant of the Chamber to Summon them. Yet in the Yeare 1641. the small space of time betweene S. Thomas day, and the day of this Returne, was a very active time: and that which laid the Ground-work, of that Revolt of this City, from their Loyalty to Rebellion, which presently followed. Therefore Im­patient to stay the time of their ordinary calling, and knowing the Necessity of their presence for the advancement of the work in hand, when the King, gave order to the Lord Major, for calling that Common-Councell held December, 31. 1641. when the Lord Newburge was sent from the King, to give the City no­tice of the late Tumults at Westminster, and White-Hall, and to recommend unto them the Care of preventing the like disorders, for the time to come. To this Common-Councell, comes Fowks, and with him, all the Tribe of this new choice, and mingle with the old; which being an Intrusion without president, was ear­nestly opposed by them, that loved the ancient order, and honour of the City; and foresaw the Inundation breaking in upon them, yet out of Respect to the Kings Message, and that Lord that brought it, the controversie for the present was hushed up, and generally, they applied themselves to give dispatch to the An­swer, which they were to returne to the King, which was ac­cordingly done, and the Answer presently after published in Print.

So, on the 5. of Ianuary, being the day after the King went to the House of Commons to demand the Five Members, a Com­mon Councell being called by the Kings direction to the Lord Major, to which himselfe in Person came, to impart unto them, the reasons that induced him to goe to the House the day before, and to admonish them, not to harbour or protect these men in the City. Thither came Fowke and his new Elected, but not admit­ted Brethren. Fowke having prepared a Saucy, Insolent Speech, to make unto the King, concerning Feares, & Iealousies, touching the Members accused, The Priviledges of Parliament, and that they might not be tried but in a Parliamentary way. The King heard him with admired patience, and whereas so disloyall ex­pressions, justly deserved his Royal Indignation, to have se [...]t him to Newgate, or Bride-well (especially interposing in that Repre­sentative body of which, as yet, he was no member.) The King [Page 17] onely returned this short, gracious Answer, bidding him and the rest, to assure themselves, That they should have a lust Tryall, ac­cording to the Lawes of the Land; adding, that they were dangerous men, and that neither he, nor they, could be in safety, as long as these men were permitted to go on in their way.

It was observed by some, very wise men, there present, that the King at His comming to the Common-Councell, was recei­ved with Joy, and acclamations; not much Inferiour to those, at His entrance into the City, on His returne from Scotland. But af­ter the reason of His comming was knowne, and the Puritan Party had in [...]tilld into the peoples heads, that the great Patriots of the Kingdome were in danger, to be called to a Legall Triall, for Treason, at His returne, there was a new face on the Multi­tude, and instead of God save the King, there was nothing eccho­ed in His eares, but Priviledges of Parliament, Priviledges of Parliament! Great is Diana of the Ephesians was never roared louder. The King dined that day at Sheriffe Garrets, and the Faction of the Sectaries, Brownists, and Anabaptists having time to assemble, after dinner, the house was beset, and the streets leading unto it thronged with people, Thousands of them flock­ing from all parts of the City: and the clamour still was Priviled­ges of Parliament; which cry first taken up that day, and that, with so good successe, never failed to be Objected to the King, and in­culcated to the People, even unto this day, in all their appeales unto them.

This Tumult sweld to that height, that the King in His re­turne was in great danger, the people in a most undutifull man­ner, pressing upon, looking into, and laying hold on His Coach: nay, in defiance of His sacred Person, and Authority, that sediti­ous Pamphlet of Walkers, To your Tents O lsrael, was throwne either into, or very near His Coach: Insomuch, that those few friends, which the King had in the City, were heartily glad when they heard that the King was safely arrived at White-Hall: for I assure you, His fast friends here in the City, as the never enough honoured Sir Richard Gurney, and Sir Thomas Gardner the Recor­der were in great danger, being pursued with outcryes, as Re­member the Protestation, others calling them halfe Protesters; [Page 18] nay the Lord Major had his Chaine torne from his neck by a Ze­lous sister.

This very day, the two Houses (the leaders in both) thinking themselves unsafe at Westminster, affrighted with their own guilt, resolve to take Sanctuary in London, knowing, that what ever they had done, or ever should doe, though never so derogatory to the King, never so contrary to Law, yet the Puritan Faction in the City would afford them not only protection, but power and as­sistance. Both Houses therefore adjourn, untill the Tuesday fol­lowing, and cast themselves into a Committee, to meet at Guild-Hall, or Grocers-Hall.

To the Committee at Grocers hall, come the Five Members in great Triumph, guarded, and attended by the Train-bands, and a strong guard set to secure the place of their sitting. Now, if ever, was the fatall conspiration of Time and Place, for Coyning new unheard of Priviledges of Parliament, not only to the securing the persons of Traitors, but Iustifying Treason it selfe: For here was (before this day) the unheard of Priviledge of Parliament declared, That no Member of Parliament ought to be arrested by any warrant whatsoever, without consent of that House, whereof he is a Member, and by the same Ordinance it was declared, That they that shall arrest these Members are enimies to the State: with free liberty granted for all persons to harbor or converse with them: In all which, it is evident, that the power and strength of London were made the first obstruction of the free course of Iustice, and the City made the Asylum, and Sanctuary of those, whom the King had justly declared Traytors.

And now, having undoubted experience of the affection of the City, all eyes being turned from White Hall, to Grocers Hall, where the Darlings of the People were pompously feasted, and fawningly courted: on Saturday the eight of Ian. 1641. the Com­mittee consult, how the accused Members might come to West­minster; the Tuesday following, and without any long debate, it was resolved upon the question, That the Sheriffes of London should, and might raise a guard of the Traine-bands, for the defence of the King and Parliament; and that they might warrantablely march out of their Liberties, and that you may see that the Scene was right layd, there were some ready at that instant to make a [Page 19] tender of the assistance of the Seamen and Mariners, whose pow­er should guard them by Water, as the Train-bands by Land. Next day being Sunday, every Pulpit that was at their devotion, sounded nothing but the praise of Kimbolton and the Five Mem­bers: inciting the People to stand up in the defence of these w [...]r­thies: else if they permitted the King to take away these to day, he might goe on to seize on as many more to Morrow, untill he had left the Parliament naked of all good Patriots, and Zealous assertors of Religion, the Lawes, and Liberties of the Kingdom.

On Munday the tenth of Ian. 1641. the King hearing of these great Preparations, an Army by Land, and a Navy by Sea, which was to cast ancre against White-Hall, suddenly, (and certainly gui­ded byan immediat providence, which in a peculiar manner wat­ched over Kings) resolved with his ever glorious Queen, the Prince, and the Duke of York, to withdraw to Hampton Court, which accordingly He did: not leaving (though well he might) His curse behind him upon London, as Henry the third of France did on Paris, fowly provoked in the like manner; who flying from the City and the Holy League the Parallell of this Treason here, at Chaliot, turning towards it, said, I give thee my Curse, disloyall, and ingratefull City, The French Hist. p. [...] 805. a City which I have alwayes honoured with my continuall aboad, a City which I have inriched more then any of my Predecessors, I shall never enter within the compasse of thy walls, but by the ruine of a great and Memorable breach.

The King, now, no better then fled from London, and the ap­parent dangers there, the whole strength of the City remained at the disposall of a Faction of Puritans in the Parliament, and a Faction of Puritans in the City. That very Munday, on which the King for his safety from these Tumults, withdrew himselfe (and 'tis a wonder that any man should be so frontlesse to deny, that for that reason, and that reason only, he withdrew himselfe) was the returne made of the Indentures of the Election of the Common councell-men, and if any election was questioned, as some were, and that most justly, 'twas truely observed, that the decision, never failed to goe on their side, who were last elected, whether it were right, or wrong: for whereas formerly all con­troversies of this Nature were submitted to the determination of the Lord Major and Court of Aldermen only, now by the impe­tuousnesse, [Page 20] and Clamour of Fowke, and his adherents, it must be referred to a Committee of the Common-councell, the same Committee which was for the Safety, the first step which the Puritans made towards the Militia.

Having thus put the King to flight, and by most indirect un­warrantable Practices, turned most of the discreet able men of the City, out of the Common-councell, they beginne to put the City into a True Posture of Rebellion, which they called, the Posture of Defence, and was the Second step to the Militia: and for the Committee of this Posture of Defence, they nominate Six Alder­men, and twelve Commoners, most of them being of this last ele­ction. And to have a leader for the intended Rebellion, upon Ven's Recommendation; Skippon for his Councell, and advice, is added as an Appendix to the Committee. And though a great debt lay on the Chamber of London, which was often Complained off, but never paid, yet Serjeant Major Generall Skippon, (so many are the Syllables of his new honours) is ordered by act of Com­mon-councell, to have 300 [...] a yeare, out of the Treasury for Or­phans, during his life, if he should so long continue in the City service.

A strong Party being thus made, they beginne to make all manner of Warlike Preparations, and provide Ammunition of all sorts: they increase the number of the Train-bands, from sixe, to eight Thousand, and appoint over them sixe Aldermen, to be Colonells, each Colonell to have his Captains, Officers, Colours, and Regiment, to be assigned him by the Committee for the Po­sture of Defence: and yet as if all this had been to no purpose, un­lesse they can make the Lord Major (a shrewd rubbe in the way) a meer Cipher, and reduce their Governour, to so mean a conditi­on, as to be only their instrument, they intrench upon his power, and invade it many wayes.

First, therefore, whereas the power of summoning Common-councells, resided only in the Lord Major, who, with the advice of some Aldermen, was to judge of the Reasons inducing him, to assemble this Representative body, now by Orders from the House of Commons, at the instance of Pennington, Ven, & Vassells, the Lord Major is not left to his own judgement, when to call or [Page 21] not to call a Common-councell, but must doe it, as oft as the Men of this Faction shall command him: which usurp'd power, both Ven and Fowkes have used with that insolency, that when they have required Sir Richard Gurney to call a Common-councell, and he hath demanded a reason, they have vouchsafed him no o­ther answer, then this saucy one, that when he came thither he shold know.

Secondly, as the power of calling Common-councels was trusted by their Charter & Long prescription, with the Lord Major, so the power of dissolving them, was put into the same hands, he might rise in the midst of a debate, and dismisse the assembly, and yet was not bound to give them an account, why he did so; but now, part­ly by violence, and partly by pretended orders from the House of Commons, he is fastned to his seat, there he must sit, untill Ven and Fowkes and the rest have no farther use of him.

Thirdly, heretofore, when a Common-councell was called, no­thing could be put to the Question, or proposed as the Subject of their deliberation, but what the Lord Major by the Recorder did offer unto them; but now, when they could not prevaile with the Major to command the Recorder, nor with the Recorder without the Lord Majors consent, to propose what the Faction pleased, by the Omnipotency of an order, from the House of Commons, they make the dumb to [...]eak, what Ven and the rest will have them: or else the Lord Major and the Recorder must answer it [...]t a Committee.

Lastly, whereas the Lord Major and Ald [...]rmen sit apart, from the Commons, and are [...], when the others are barehea­ded, and have a Negative Voice, the itch of incorporating two in one, hath been as great in the City, as ever it was at Westmin­ster, and with [...] successe; for the faction here (upon the point) have cast all into a common huddle, blending the Court of Aldermen with the Comons▪ Vpper, and Lower, sound as harshly here, as Westward: And though in outward appearance, they re­main two distinct Members, of one body, yet, in power, they have made both, Levell, Involving the Votes of the Major and Alder­men in the major part of the Commons.

The Puritan Faction, by the assistance of the House of Commons▪ having thus gotten the power to call Common-councells, power to [Page 22] continue them, power to put to the Question what they please, and power to determine all by a Major part, my Lord Major having no more sway then Perkins the Taylor, Rily the Bodyes maker, or Nicholson the Chandler, they may dispose of the Wealth and Power of the City as they please: now the two Factions openly communicate Counsills, walk hand in hand, that 'twas a que­stion, which was the Parliament, that at Westminster, or this at Guile-hall.

Towards the end of Ianuary 1641. the Commons house Pe­tition'd the King touching the Tower, the Forts, and the Militia, and as two strings set to the same tune, though on two severall Violls, at a convenient distance, if you touch one, the other by consent renders the same sound, so, the House of Commons, and the Common-councell of this City, were now grown to such a Sympathy, that the motions, and endeavours of one, were the work of both: that you would sweare, Fowkes was as much a Parliament man here, as Ven at Westminster: for before Februa­ry was tenne dayes old, there was a Common-councell held, in which many things were debated: the Court was continued long, untill one of the Clock: at last, tired out with long sitting, and willing to rise, Ven, taking advantage of the present indis­position of the Court, to sit longer, ready to admit proposalls, without any strict scanning, (especially since whatsoever pas­sed that Common-councell, was to undergoe a second considera­tion at the next, as their constant custome is) produceth an Order from the House of Commons, by which, they were desired to re­turne such mens names, with whom the City thought fit to intrust the Militia of London.

The Court, surprized with so unexpected a Message for the present, not piercing into the reason of it, nor understanding that the Houses were in so great forwardnesse to settle the Militia, as afterwards they found they were, nor imagining that the men, whose names they returned, should have absolute power to exe­cute any thing of themselves, but only as a Committee to consult, and prepare, and report to th [...] Common-councell, as the limited power of all Committees is, and, considering that the Posture of Defence, and the new Militia, though two names, were in effect but one the same thing, Ordered that the names of the Com­ [...]ittee, [Page 23] for the [...], should be sent to the House in returne to their order. The Intention of the House, (as some thinke) in this Message, (though for my part, if I were put to my oath I dare not sweare it) was, to indeare the City, and to lay an Obligation upon them by giving them power to nominate their owne men: But Ven (instructed by some, that had more wit, but as little honesty as himselfe) his purpose in the carriage of this businesse was, to make the Lord Major, the Sheriffes and Court of Aldermen, by their owne voluntary, but Inconsiderate act, to renounce (as it were) their owne Interest, and so, to place this great power of the Militia on the Committee for the posture of Defence, whereof the Major part, if not all, were of his owne Faction.

Many dayes had not passed, before it was generally knowne, to the great Regret of all Loyall discreet men, That the Militia of London, was put in the hands of the Committee for the posture of Defence. Not long after, a common-Councell was called, at which, when the orders made the last meeting, (as the Custome is) were read, at this, many men seeing the snare, into which unwittingly they had cast themselves, beganne to retract, and speake against that order, whereby the Committee for the Posture of Defence, were invested with the power of the Militia: nay, some of the Aldermen, whose names were returned, for the new Militia, utterly protested against it: affi [...]ming, that when they passed that order, they had not the least Intention, to exclude the Lord Major, from having power over the Militia, nor had any thought, to place so absou [...]u [...]e power in their Committee, as (they found) the two Houses had done: and hereupon, by some that stood well affected to the honour, and peace of the City, it was ear­n [...]stly moved, that the Houses might be Petitioned to reverse th [...]ir Order, but all in vaine: the Faction in the common-Coun­cell being instructed by their Leaders, at what advantage they had the City, were resolved, not to Lose it, by giving way to such a Motion: but on the Contrary, to make all sure, Ven produ­ceth another order f [...]om the House of Commons, That Skippon, whom the Committee for the posture of Defence, had associated [...] for his advice, and assistance, should, by their Assent, bee [...]ded to the same Committee for the Militia: which w [...]s no soo­ner [Page 24] move [...] [...] assented unto, the Major part of the Common-Councell (who now rule the rest) will have it so.

The Court of Aldermen finding (but too too late) that this settlement of the [...], would be no small derogation to the [...] and the Government of the City in gene­rall; and being out of all h [...]pe to find the Commons [...]ady to Joyne with them, in such a Petition, resolve (without them) to petition, that this Order of so dangerous Consequence might be [...] and Sheriffes be nominated of the Com­mittee. To this end petitions are [...]amed, and delivered, but to no pu [...]pose; the Lord [...], was too well knowne, to be admitted, to h [...]ve any share in that power which was intended to be imployed against the King.

Notwithstanding this Repulse, divers Ci [...]izens, very Consi­ [...]erable for their number, but more considerable for their Quality and abilities, out of a sence of that great Comtempt and prejudice which this would bring upon that ancient Government, [...] ­der which their City had so long flourished, joyne in a petition in their owne names, to the two Houses, to the same effect, but with worse Success [...]; for the House of Commons, having Infor­mation what was in agitation in the City, send Wa [...] Long to [...]eize on the Petition, and the Subscriptions; by which meanes, the Names of the Subscribers [...] there wanted not arts to make them retract their owne voluntary act: some by per­swasions, and private solicitations, others intimidated by threats, and Menaces, are Compell'd to recent, & because it was a Note of Lev [...]ty, if not worse, so suddenly to protest against their owne voluntary Act, therefore the Decoy to bring on th [...] Rest, to so base, [...]o [...]unworthy a Revolt, was Lemhall the Speakers Brother, which Example (he having broke the Ice) was followed by many, that Loved an Ignoble quietnesse, before freedom, with Trouble.

This last Petition was that which they call Benyons petition [...] and indeed Sir George Beny [...]n was (and he needs not be ashamed of it) a Framer, and a chiefe promoter of that most reasonable, most equitable Petition: which notwithstanding was made that great crime, that afterwards drew on his Impeachment, and hea­vy Gensure in Parliament. Id which Sentence, the World may [Page 25] see what grosse▪ Injustice and partiality was used by them, th [...] would be angry, not to be thought the most upright, unblemished Iustitiaries in the world. The Christmas before (which we [...] now must call Nativity Tide) the Lord Maior, and the Recorder, were convented before a Committee for obstructing the Ap­prentizes petition, against Episcopacy; and learned Peard ( [...]ho hath no more Law then what was made this Parliament) sitting in the Chayre, told them, that it was against the freedome and Li­berty of the Subject, not to permit them (without any Let or Inter­ruption) to present their grievances in paper to the Parliament, Nay for feare they should want worke, there was an order published in print by the House of Commons to that very purpose; yet Sir George for making use of the same Liberty, which themselves had proclaimed, is sentenced thus: First, fined in three Thousand pounds. Secondly, disfranchized, utterly deprived of the privi­ledges of the City. Thirdly, never to beare any Office in the Kingdome. Fourthly, to be committed prisoner to Colchester Gaole for two yeares, and lastly, at the expitation of that tearm to give security for the good behaviour, such, as the Parliament if they then sare) should then thinke fitting, and in case the Par­iament were dissolved, such as the Lord Keeper for the time being should approve of: how will this Sentence, for ever justifie the severest, that were ever given, either in the Star-Chamber, or High Commission, That did doome a man to ruine, for no o­ther fault, then what themselves had authorized, and judged it against the Liberty of the Subject, to oppose it, even by their owne Order.

The Committee for the posture of Defence, being by these dishonest practices made Lords of the Militia, and being armed with as much power as will, to serve the most desperate, Treaso­nable designes, which either Say, or Pym should suggest, they now goe on without checke or controu [...]e, and beate downe all before them that stand in their way. On Triviall pretences, or for necessary obedience to the Kings Iust Commands, they re­move honest Sir Richard Gurney▪ (whose name in after Chro­nicles will outshine famous Walworths, and upbraid this Rebelli­ous City to all posterity) from the Governement of the City, and [...] his place substitute Little Isaac, rejecting the Olive, and ad­vancing [Page 26] that Bramble, out of which I feare will come that Fire, which will consume this seditious City. Now the People are authorized by Ord [...]nance of both Houses, and encouraged and pressed even in point of Conscience, by their Boutefeau Lectu­rers, to List horses in Moorefields, send in money and plate to Guild-Hall for the service of the King and Parliament, and be­cause they would be sure to have an Orator in every Pulpit to quicken the people, to poure out their wealth Liberally, to fur­ther the Rebellion intended, they cause the very dregs, and s [...]um of every Parish, to petition against the Orthodox Cler­gy: who being imprisoned, or fle, they sequester their Livings, for the use of their owne Levites: so that at this day, there is not a true Orthodox Minister left, freely speaking his Conscience, and exercising his Ministery in the whole City: so that whatso­ever they pretend, that they take up Armes for the defence of the Protestant Religion, if they meane the Protestant Religion, as it is by Act of Parliament established in the Church of England, I assure you, Brother, were you here, you could no more see a face of the Church of England, then you can at Amsterdam.

They have not onely banished all Decency and Order, together with the established Liturgy, out of our Churches, but in stead of the Gospel, our new Preach [...]rs entertaine their Auditories with newes, which upon examination prove but fictions and Lyes to blind the people, or else with bitter invectives against the King and his Government: and as for Faith, Charity, and Repentance, they are laid aside as impertinent arguments: all their exhortations now, are to Treason and Rebellion: So that, as in the Holy League of France, as my Author speakes, our pulpits are made the Chaires of Iuglers. Nay, the very Sacraments es­cape not their Blasphemy and Prophanation [...]o these vile purpo­ses: I doubt not but you have heard of M. Case his Invitation of the Congregation to the Lords Table, who in stead of you that do truly and earnestly repent you of your sinnes, and be in Love and Cha­rity with your Neighbours, and intend to lead a new Life, &c. be­spake them thus: You that have freely and liberally Contributed to the Parliament, for the defence of Gods cause and the Gospels, draw neere: To the rest he threatned Damnation, as com [...]ing unworthily to the holy Sacrament: it were endlesse to [...] [Page 27] unto you, (it deserves som [...] mans labour in particular) to ac­quaint you, and the Kingdome, with the Blasphemies, Propha­nations, and Absurdities, which he and his Brethren in Evill, vent every day in their Extemporary Prayers and Sermons.

Yet were a [...]l this Treason set out mix'd with wit, or did they preach Rebellion aduantag'd by the alluring helpes of art and El [...]quence, it might perswade some amongst us not to turne Re­cusa [...]ts from their Assemblies: but they are the d [...]yest, and the dullest beasts that ever peepd over a pulpit: while these remaine in the City, Rotheram the Lecturer, never needs feare to be heard in his deprecation, that we might never see such a famine here in London, as was once in Samaria, where an Asses head was sold for fourescore pieces of Silver, Thankes to him and the rest, wee have great plenty here, and while we have so many, there is no feare that they will ever rise to so high a price.

But when people are disposed u [...]to a Re [...]ellion, small helpes will serve their Turne, a Rams-Horne is as good as Shebahs Trum­pet: yet they have one art (and I may not forg [...]t it, because it takes much with the People) and it is this, you shall have one, and the same argument possesse most of our Pulpit, on the same day, the same matter, is the Subject, [...]i [...]her of th [...]ir rayling in­vectives, or Rebellious Exhortations. The undiscerning multi­tude, not piercing into this Imposture, f [...]ndly are perswaded, that this is no lesse then the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, when God knowes, this is no more, then an I [...]timation given from the Heads of the Faction, to Calamy, and the Iunto that meet at his house, from whom their Emissaries receive direct [...]ons, what concernes the present opportunity, and is necess [...]ry to be pre [...] ­ched unto the people.

By these and the like Arts, 'tis a w [...]nder to see, what [...]orces have been raised, what summes have beene advanced, and pour [...]d out, to further this Rebellion; It is the Opinion of very wise men amongst us here, that have observed the severall h [...]lpes, which the City of London ha [...]h contributed to this present un­naturall Warre, that they have supplyed the Treasury of the Re­bells, with no lesse, then Three Millions of money, and their A [...] ­my with threescore Thousand men, first [...], then recre [...]ing their mangled, b [...]aten Regiments, at so great Expence both of [Page 28] Treasure and Blood hath this proud unthankfull City been, to disthrone the King, and r [...]ine the Kingdom.

And that they might not want supplies of men, to keepe this Rebellion on Foot, they have cancelled, or dispensed with all the Obligations and Tyes of Religion, Nature and Lawes; They have given the Sonne power not only without, but contrary to the pa­rents commands to List himselfe, and take entertainment in their Army, the same liberty they have given to Apprentises, and Servants, to take Armes, not only without, but contrary to the command of their Masters and Mistresses. How many poore P [...] ­rents, how many poore Trades-men, nay, how many poor Wid­dowes, and their distressed Orphans, be here in this City, that had no other Subsistence but what was hardly earned by their Chil­dren, or Apprentises industry and labour, are now all like to starve, or are necessitated to fly to the Almes of the Parish (though the poores stock it selfe be invaded and spent in this Warre) while [...]hose that fed them are left in this unnaturall Rebellion? Nay how many disconsolate parents have you in the Country, that sent their Children hither to this City, and gave great summes with them, to bind them Apprentises to Trades, & Manufactures, hoping that hereafter they might live like men, nay, perhaps some of their Mothers out of an overweaning opinion, might fancy to themselves, hopes, that they might live to see their sonnes Lord Majors of London, (and why not?) that now sit mourning, and wringing their hands, and curse the day not onely in which they sent them hither, but in which they were borne, not because they have lost a Legge or an Arm [...], or returned maimed, so that all they can hope for is to have entertainment in an Hospitall, and that no longer neither, then till the Kings maimed Souldiers shall come, and tell them that that Charity was never provided for men disabled fighting against their King, but because they have lost their lives, and not onely their lives but their pretious souls too, dying in a grievous sinne, in the very act of Rebellion? me­thinks you in the Country, (if there be any bowels of compassion yearning over the fruit of your bodies; if there be any sense of that eternall condition that doth attend them after this life, if there be any hope of the joyes of Heaven, or feare of the Torments of Hell) should be very sensible of this.

[Page 29]And though God hath manifestly fought against them, for the King, giving him victory in many Battailes, when all humane helpes, and advantages were on the Robells side, though God hath miraculonsly, and beyond the hope of m [...]n restored unto Him, the hearts of the people, (which the heads of this Rebel­lion, by slanders had stolne from H [...]m:) th [...]ugh from small, and contemptible beginnings in the eyes of His enemies (few or [...] for H [...]m but God, and the just [...]ce of his Cause) God hath prosp [...]red Him into many mighty Armies, which [...]ender him formidab [...]e to the proudest, and stoutest of the Rebells; [...]ough every Victory hath beene seconded by a [...] of peace, and with an overture of pacification, so that as himself spe [...]kes in [...] Declaration Pu [...]lished Iuly, [...] [...]643. He could not probably [...] unden the Scandalous Imp [...]tion which ha [...]h usually [...] His Messages of p [...]ace, [...] they proceed from t [...]e W [...]ak [...]esse of His P [...]er [...]ot l [...]ve of His People. Lastly [...] though like a [...] ind [...] ­gent Father of R [...]bellious Children, He hath [...] his City, and VVood it, by many pardons, many and often repeated Acts of Grace and Favour to recall us to our former Loyalty, ( [...] we were Loyall) yet, inconsiderate, unthankfull wretches as we are, we overlooke, or sleight all these invitations; For [...] we have added this, as the complement of our other R [...] ­bellions, that (whether more unthankfully or undutifully I [...]not tell) we have cast dirt in our Soveraignes fa [...], and [...] the foo [...]stpes of Gods Anoynted, as if he were guilty of all [...] Miseries, which at this time threaten the subversion of this Na [...] ­on: we will no longer wrong our King secretly, through [...] sides of His evill Counsellors, or Cavallers, but [...]hrage him [...], and poynt blanke, as in that most seditious Declaration, or what every you will call it, presented by Sir Dauid VVatkins, and that broken Citizen, out at elbowes, called Satten Shute, to the Common-Councell, and by them to the remainder of the [...] House, if it be not breach of priviledge to call it so.

How willing have we ob [...]yed every Commandement, except God, and the Kings▪ How forward have we beene, to imploy the large Revenues of our severall Companies, and Brotherhoods, (as heretofore to excesse, and gluttony, so now) to support this, Reb [...]llion? how ready▪ even b [...]yond our Ab [...]lities, have we bin [Page 30] to, submit to every Tax, and illegall Impistion: even to the bon­dage, and sl [...]very of [...], b [...] which we are not so much Pro­prietaries of our owne, as Stewards, or Cashieres to the heads of the Rebellion: and all this to no other end but to keepe up the Rebellion: wee have not only protected, & supported the Kings Mortall Enemies, but as much as in us lay, have persecuted all His Friends, or, if but suspected to stand well-affected to Him, and the Justice of his cause, not sparing the effusion of I [...]nocent blood, as that of M. Tomkins, and M. Chaloner, which like the blood of Abel, calls loud to Heaven for vengeance, on this bloody City, and Q [...]stionlesse will in time be heard; For not Content to buy these mens bloods with great summes of monies which could not be advanced but on this Condition, that M. Tomkins, and M. Chaloner, be delivered up to their pleasure, and murthe­red for a strange Conspiracy called Obedience to the King: but be­ing dead, in an unheard of barbarousnesse they presse into the houses, where their dead bodies lay, before their Funeralls, and thinking they could never be sure enough, of so great a guilt, they will not beleeve that they are dead, unlesse they force the houses to see the bodies of them whom themselves had murthe­red; Insomuch, that to avoyd further violence and rage of the Citizens, they were faine to set open the doores where their bo­dies say, and expose them to the view of all, that so they might glut them [...]elves with beholding that sad spectacle which them­selves had made.

That the Kings Gracious offers of Peace have beene sleighted, and rejected, with scorne, and Con [...]empt, and His Messengers that brought them, (contr [...]ry to the Law of Armes, and Nations) Impriso [...]ed; That those miserabl [...] distractions, which have rent, and [...] this flourishing Kingdome, are so farre from being clo­sed, that they are rather made wider, That the sword of Warre, so long d [...]vouring, is not yet sheathed, except in one anothers bowells, That this Kingdome is still made, the Scene of Mar­thers, Rapines, Oppression, and P [...]nderings, and whereon all the horrid acts of rage, and injustice are every day acted, and the Nation put almost out of hope, ever to injoy her former Peace, and plenty, is our fault and ours wholly: Had not the heads of this Rebellion beene anima [...]ed by this City, and Incouraged by [Page 31] promises of more supplies of men, and Mo [...]ies, They had long [...] this layd downe their Armes, and come with halters about their necks, and cast themselves at the Kings feet, submissely beg­ging those Pardons, which they have presumptuously rejected: Time was, when the two Houses gave a Law to the City, now it is come to that passe, that the City prescribes to the Reliques of the two Houses; They must not Conclude of Warre or Peace, with­out consulting the City; if they doe, they reckon without their Hoste.

Nay, though Fairfax be utterly routed in the North, and Wil­liam, once sirnamed Conqueror, be totally defeated in the West, yet they can neither be perswaded, nor beaten into thoughts of Peace: on the 20 Iuly last, no longer agoe, many Thous [...]nds (as the printed Paper tells you) preferred a Petition to the House of Commons, presented by M. Norbury of the Cursitors office, and Iohn Ha [...] an Atturney of Guild-Hall, both pernicious men: which as it evidently shewes their Obstinate aversion from Peace, so it is the most desperate divellish slander, that ever yet durst looke the World in the Face; for first they tell the House of Commons, and in them, the World, That the King without any touch of Conscience, and in defiance of God, hath raised an Ar­my of Papists, Out-lawes, and Traitors, for the Robbing, Burning, Murthering, and destroying of His Relgiious, Honest, and well meaning People, And then knowing not onely their Interest in, but their power over the House of Commons, they doe not so much Petition, as Co [...]and them to accept of their assistance, for the raysing a new Army, and in expresse Termes prescribe un­to them, and limit them to a Committee of their owne nominati­on, for the seizing and receiving of such Summes, as the willing shall thinke fit to offer, or they shall thinke fit to extort from the [...]willing for this service: And that you may Judge of the whole Bunch, by some, they name Pennington the pretended Lord Major, Strode, one of the five Members, Harry Marti [...] Plunder-master-Generall, and Dennis Bend Burgesse of Dor­chester▪ and P [...]riarch Whites owne disciple, a man of a dou­ble Capacity to be a Rebell, and finding themselves more alone in these undertakings then they did imagine, like desperate Traitors, they call on the whole Kingdome, a [...] one man according to the [Page 32] intent of the late Covenant, to joyne with them in this Rebelli­on. And having thus taken a course to raise new forces, on Satur­day the 29 of Iuly, at a Common Hall, they voted Sir William Waller, Generall of their new intended Army, whom to indeare the more, they interest him in the Governement of the City, ho­ping that being as mad as his Lady, he will hold up the Rebellion, as long as he can, and then be one of the last to runne away: I meane not from Battell, for in that hee shewed himselfe as for­ward as the foremost, but from Iustice, and the due reward of his disloyalty. By all which it is most evident, that this Languishing Rebellion had before this day gasp'd its last, and given up the Ghost, had not this Rebellious City by its wealth, and Multitudes, fomented it, and given it life.

If therefore Posterity shall aske, who broke downe the bounds, to those streames of blood, that have stained this earth; if they aske, who made Liberty captive, Truth criminall, Rapine just, Tyranny and Oppression Lawfull: who blan­ched Rebellion, with the specious pretence of defence of Lawes, and Liberties, Warre with the desire of an established Peace, Sa­criledge and Prophanation, with the shew of Zeale, and Re­formation: Lastly, if they aske who would have pulled the crown from the Kings head, taken the government off the hinges, dis­solved Monarchy, inslaved the Lawes, and ruined their Coun­trey; say, 'Twas the proud, unthankefull, Schismaticall, Rebellious, Bloody City of London, so that what they wanted of devouring this Kingdome by cheating and couzening, they meane to finish by the Sword.

That therefore these dangerous defluxions, and continuall, not small distillations, but floods of Men, Money, Ammunition, and Armes descending from the Head City, and Metropolis of the Kingdome, may not for ever dissolve the nerves, and luxate the Sinewes of this admirably composed Government: it will high­ly concerne this Nation to looke about them, to undeceive them­selves, and to consult their owne peace and safety, by joyning with their Gracious Soveraigne, in chastizing these rebellious insolen­ces, & reducing this Stubborne City either to Obedience or Ashes.

Yet that the World may not thinke, that this inundation of wickednesse wherein the Divels of Rebellion rage in the Chil­dren [Page 33] of disobedience, hath involved all of us in the same disoyalty, let not ( good Brother) the name Rusticus neither deterre you, (as if it were a Solecisme, to tell the Murthers, Robberies, Plun­derings, and other Ou [...]rages, committed in the City, nor deprive us (a handfull of faithfull Subjects in comparison of the Rebells, the Puritans, Brownists, and Anabaptists) of so great an Oppor­tunity, to justifie our Innocence. Let the Country know, that we have been at the charges, to undoe, not onely them, but our selves too, the Collosse which we have built, is fallen on the builders, the Fire which we have kindled, devoures the bellowes which first blowed it up; some of us repent of our fond credulity to be de­ceived, and fooled by the empty name of a Parliament, God grant it be not too late; yet how ever, let Posterity know this too, that the King hath his Martyrs in London, all are not in the Country; And to make this good, secretly (as much as the close obstructions of the wayes of conveyance will permit) you shall not faile of Intelligence from

Your affectionate Brother MERCURIUS CIVICUS.

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