AN Historical Declaration OF THE LIFE OF Shem Acher.
PAƲL had Act. 13. 9. Gal. 1. 1. Acts 9. 1, 4, 8, 11, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26. and in many other places. another Name, which was Saul: This other Name was an Hebrew Name, signifying, Asked, Desired, or Petitioned.
Shem Acher is an Hebrew Name, signifying an After-Name, or a Name an After one; to which he was directed by the LORD, in a suitable Isa. 65. 15. Scripture, upon that new State, which he through Grace passed into.
Phil. 3. 4, 5, 6. Act. 21. 39. & 22. 3. Rom. 11. 1. 2 Cor. 2. 22. Act. 24. 14. & 26. 6, 7. & 28. 17, 19, 20. Rom. 9. 3. & 11. 14. Act. 22. 3. Gal. 1. 14. Acts 23. 6. & 26. 5. & 7. 58. & 8. 1. & 9. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 21, 26. & 22. 4, 5, 19, 20. & 26. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 1 Cor. 15. 9. Gal. 1. 13, 23. 1 Tim. 1. 13. Mat. 23. 13,—33. If outward Priviledges had had any thing in them to have bin boasted of, he had enough to say concerning that; For, he was by birth an Israelite, or Jew, an Hebrew of the Hebrews, both his Parents being such: which race of People had many Favours and Dignities conferred upon them by the LORD, beyond other Nations; He was of the Tribe of Benjamin, which was a Tribe signally honoured in many respects: He was educated in Jerusalem at the feet of Gamaliel, a Disciple and a Pupil under the teaching and tutorage of that Doctor of the Law, thus bred up in their School and College: He was instituted and instructed in Pharisaism, of which Sect and Way his Father and other Ancestors were; and thus was he trained up from his Youth, being very zealous for their Common-Prayer-Book and Church-Canons, and other human Traditions. And thus he continued till about the three or four or five and twentieth year of his Age, when in a false and blind Zeal he cruelly persecuted Christ, and the Church and Disciples of Christ, breathing out Threatnings and Slaughter against them; thinking verily with himself, that he ought to do many things contrary to the Name of Jesus of Nazareth: which thing he also did in Jerusalem, and many of the Saints did he shut up in Prison, having received Authority from the chief Priests; and when they were put to death, he gave his voice against them. And he punished them often in the Synagogues, and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly mad against them, he persecuted them even unto strange Cities.
He was descended from the Fathers and Mothers side of two Families of the greatest Name and Note, some of them, in all Devonshire; of one of them P. 147. Clara & perantiqua familia. Guillim's Display of Heraldry, pag. 107. Cambden in his Britannia doth record, that it is an Honourable and very Ancient Family; and of the other, Guillam in his Display of Herauldry, mentioneth concerning one of that Name especially, that his Merits do require, that, his Coat Armour should be expressed in that selected manner of Blazoning, which is fitting to Noble Personages, in respect of his noble Courage and high Attempts atchieved, whereby he merited to be reckoned, The Honour of our English Nation, and of Naval Profession.
He was born of Religious Parents, according to the measures of Light▪ in that Age, who gave him up to the LORD for the Ministerial Office and Work; and accordingly he had his Education in the Families of Professors of Religion; His Heart was enclin'd to love Books, and to delight in Learning from a Child; and he doth not remember that ever he gave way so much as to any on [...] approving thought of stepping into any other Calling: Answerably unto this, he was instructed by some of the ablest Masters of Grammar-Knowledg, and for some time was the highest of the Scholars in one of the most eminent Schools of all that County.
About the beginning of the seventeenth year of his Age he was sent to the University of Oxford, to be skilled in the Arts and Sciences, in that corrupt unscriptural way and manner as then it was, and still is; there he took two Degrees, tho little advancement he made in such Scripture-Learning, as since through Mercy he has experienced to be found and useful: There he remained till the three or four and twentieth year of his Age.
In this Time University-Wits had somewhat tainted and sowred him with a bad Ferment, that he was somewhat swoln and prejudiced against the strict Profession of Religion amongst the Puritan Party, (the Land being then mostly divided into but Two Parties, Puritan and Prophane) though still his Convictions, and the power of a Religious foregoing Education, secretly, held him in his retired serious considerate thoughts in some better liking with the way of a strict holy Conversation even whilst, rather than part with a witty Jest amongst his Ingenioso's, who were too much his Companions, he would have a fling at times at the Nonconformists; of whom he was no open Persecutor, but gave vent unto some Corruptions of another kind; of which more towards the close about the Evidences of Grace. During this time he held on in the Common-Prayer-Book track, even to the exposing of his Life to open danger, when Souldiers came in upon him with Swords and Guns, whilst he was at his superstitious Worship.
Acts 9. 3, 4, 5, 6. & 22. 6, 7, 8. & 26. 13, &c. Gal. 1. 15, 16, 22, 23. Phil. 3. 7, 8, 9. 1 Cor 2. 2, &c. 2 Cor. 5. 11,——15. He had a Miraculous Conversion; for, when he was in the heat of his Persecuting the Saints, being injurious to the Christian Churches, and a Blasphemer of God, of Christ God-Man, and of his Truths, Worship, Cause, Ways, and Disciples, suddenly there shined round about him a Light from Heaven; and he fell to the Earth, and heard a Voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And he said, Who art thou, LORD? And the LORD said, I am JESƲS whom thou persecutest. It is hard for thee to kick against the Goads. And he trembling and astonished, said, LORD, What wilt thou have me to do? And the LORD said unto him, Arise, and go into the City, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.
The History of this wonderful Work he is now ready to own, and to declare before Princes, Priests, or People, where he had a Call and Opportunity; preaching up that Christian Doctrine and Discipleship, which but a little before he endeavoured to persecute down; counting all his former self-righteousness, formalworshippings, creature-advantages, outward Church-priviledges, vain affectation of human wisdom, by Philosophic Studies, to be as dung, and as Dogs-meat, for the excellency of the Knowledg of Christ Jesus his Lord, for whom he suffered the loss of all things, that he might win Christ, and be found in him▪ not having his own righteousness, which is of the Law, but, that which is through the Faith of Christ, the Righteousness which is of God by Faith. And now he lays aside [Page 3] his old human Set-Forms, and prayed in the help of the interceding Spirit, Framing of such arguing Requests within him as his present Case called for. Thus, he, who had been one of the prime of Sinners, is now become one of the greatest Exal [...]ers of the Father's rich Grace and free Love, of Christ's Alsufficient Satisfaction, and prevailing Intercession, and of the holy Spirit's powerful gracious working.
The way and manner of the holy Spirit's working upon him hath been various at several times, yet in a marvelous gracious manner; even from his Childhood, and in his Youth, oftentimes by Terror, now and then by Bands of Love. He lay for many years under a spirit of bondage to Fear, being very often frighted in terrible Dreams, wherein he fell into deep Waters, the Earth sliding away from under him, whilst he endeavoured to climb up to the top of an Hill or Rock for safety, which he was not able to do: falling over Bridges into the Sea, and down from thence into the Gulph and horrible Pit (though at that time he little understood that thus was the positure of the Creation as to the lowest World.) The Devil many times seemed to be at hand, running to lay hold on him, though always he escaped, yet so terrified as awakened him, and left cold sweats upon him: yet this kept him several years in aw, and held him back from many Sins. Once when he was tampering about one Sin, which was preparing for another Sin, though he did not then actually commit either the one or the other, a Voice with power smote his heart as with a Thunder-bolt from Heaven, What if God should strike thee dead and damned upon the place? which quickly sent him to his private Chamber, and set him about Praying, Reading, Confessing, Humbling work; and at other times he was put upon Fasting, thinking with himself to conquer Corruptions and Temptations, too much going forth in his own strength, and depending upon Duties; which yet Experience told him were all too weak in this Combat without help from Christ and his Spirit. At other seasons there were sweet Allurings, especially upon reading the History of Christ's Life, Sufferings and Death, which did very much melt him into Tears, and kindly affect, and winningly overcome the Heart.
Though he dare not say, as one Minister told him concerning himself, he was [...], A Self-Father, or, his own Spiritual Father; his meaning being, that he was his own Converter, begotten and born by that Word which he preached to others. If any would have Shem to name his Father, He, of and by whom he was born from Above, was Abi-jah, Jah my Father; Abi Ael, the mighty God, my Father: Abi-hu, He, and the Alone my Father He.
As Shem has been in the lowest World in his Spirit, in the Gulph, and somewhat in Hell; so also there have been two more remarkable passages at special seasons when his Heart was taken into nearer union to, and closer fellowship with Christ in the uppermost World.
The one was, when solemnly and seriously setting himself to enquire into the safety of his Spiritual Estate, he was held strictly to these Terms, That he must burn his Papers with his own Hand, and his former Collections out of humane Authors of Philosophical Learning, wherein much of that which was corrupt was heaped together, amongst a little somewhat that was true and good: and that he must begin (as it it were) Religion, and all anew, and take all from Christ, and from his Word purely and only, with a Promise, That, then he should be better taught, and not lose any thing that was useful of what he knew before, and should have a better and richer stock given in. About which time it was clearly revealed to him, and in him, by a passage in an Author, who so opened that word, in 2 Tim. 3. 16. The whole Scripture which the English Translation doth render All Scripture, that for the whole and every part of his Religion, in all Doctrine and Duties, he must take the whole Scripture along with him, both Old and New Testament to be for him, where-ever the holy Spirit doth take occasion to [...]reat of any such particular subject-matter; which Word-Rule in the harmoniousness and uniformness, or oneness of it throughout, has been of singular unexpressible usefulness to him ever since in this Age of growing Light. This put him to a kind of offering up his Isaac: But Jehovah, his Aelohim framed his Heart to it, and he readily answered the Call, and sacrificed with his own hand in the Flames several [Page 4] years Labours, of great value in the esteem of some, (for he had still an industrious mind, trying many ways of heaping up Learning, but was not set right till now.) And from that day to this he has found the LORD True, and Good as his Word, so that he can say, to the praise of this God of all Grace and Mercy, That scarce one week for many years has passed over him without some special Teachings, the holy Spirit opening some Scripture or other before him, and then opening the Eyes of his Understanding to take in the light and meaning thereof, of which he has gathered much, and it is laid up by him as his rich Treasure in and under Christ: yea, it is a very black night and dark day with him, if there be any one such whole natural day in any one week, wherein there is not somewhat of this: All the Glory be to Jehovah Aelohim.
But, how now? what shall be done to carry on Preaching and Praying Work? (for, he was a Teacher of others, who much needed to have been instructed himself, though he had a great Name amongst Ministers and People:) The Forms of Prayer were gone, the Fire had turned them into Ashes. He had composed many of those Forms of his own, upon several Cases, with great variety; most Hearers could scarce discern it to be a Form of humane composure: but the LORD took him at his Word, and he must now trust to the assistance and inworking of the Spirit of Grace and of Supplication, who has not been thus far wanting when aright depended on.
About seventeen years since, when the Act for Ʋniformity came forth, and the Profession of Assent and Consent, and Subscriptions were required, the LORD soon stated the Case, and resolved the Question upon Shem's Mind and Heart, not so much as to touch that unclean Constitution of humanely invented Worship, and so he has continued ever since, a total thorow Nonconformist, though Afflictions and Persecutions have abidden him from that time.
After this the LORD honoured him with somewhat of a Vision in the Spirit, wherein two of the choicest Revelations were made manifest to him and in him: For, in a very dark evening, whilst a Prisoner, a little before his going to his Lodging, he bowing his knees in Prayer, was on a sudden taken up in his Spirit as if he had been actually in Heaven, (This was about fourteen years ago, answering somewhat to that of Paul 2 Cor. 12. 1,—4.) where he had a clear view of Christ in his Glorified Humanity by an Eye of Faith, He sitting in the sides of the Iob 23. 3, 4, 8, 9. & 26. 6, 7. Psal. 48. 1, 2, 3. & 75. 6, 7. Isa. 14. 9,—15. North; which was as real to him as if he had conversed with Christ personally in the flesh; and it is still so, when he is in a right worshiping Frame: being led to him as to the one Mediator and Advocate to carry on all his Affairs in the Court above. The other was 2 Cor. 13. 14. 1 Joh. 1 3, 7. Mat. 28. 19. John chap. 14, 15, 16, & 17. 2 Cor. 3. 18. Ps. 11 7. Their Faces, or, His Faces. (His, or their Aspects. See Ainsworth in loc.) Numb. 12. 8. Heb. 6. 19. 20. & 10. 19,—22. A Self-evidencing view of those Glorious Appearances of Father, Son, and holy Spirit, and distinctness of Communion with each of these in their several subsistences, shining forth in the Face of Jesus. This sight covered his Spirit with such a shining Light and bright Glory, that, their faces viewing him, was such an heavenly Manifestation of unveiled Aspects, as dwells with him to this hour, and is more or less in every solemn Duty of Instituted Worship, a guiding of his Spirit into that within the Veil, whither Jesus the Fore-runner is for him entred. And this has been revealed to him to be his being baptised with the holy Spirit, Mat. 3. 11. Act. 1. 5. & 11. 16.
This Object raised him into an higher way of Later-Day-Glory-hymnifying, than his former way of singing by Mens Forms, read out of a Book, could reach unto. And thus it is through continuance of special Favour with him to this day, and will ever live with him; for, it espoused and somewhat married his whole Man, Body, Soul and Spirit, to each of these Three in One Jehovah, Isa. 54. 5. Psa. 149. 2. Job 4. 17. & 35. 10. Eccles. 12. 1. as to his Husbands, Creators, and Makers; To the Father, as the Father; to the Son, as the Son; to the holy Spirit, as the holy Spirit; Makers, Husbands, Creators.
Act. 26. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Gal. 1. 1. Eph. 1. 1. & 3. 7, 8. Act. 9. 15. Ro. 11. 13. 1 Tim. 2. 7. Gal. 1. 16, 17, 18. He had such a Call to the Office and Work of the Ministry as was not common; for he was an Apostle by the Will of God, and not of Men, neither by Men, but by Jesus Christ; neither was the Gospel, which was preached, of this Servant of Christ, according to Man; for he neither received it of Man, neither was he taught but by [Page 5] the Revelation of Jesus Christ, who at that very time, when he so remarkably converted Paul, called him hereunto, saying to him, Arise, and stand upon thy feet; for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, To make (or ordain) thee a Minister, and a Witness, both of those things which thou hast seen, and of those things in which I will appear unto thee, delivering thee from the People, and from the Gentiles, unto whom I now send thee: To open their Eyes, and to turn them from Darkness to Light, and from the Power of Satan unto God: That they may receive Forgiveness of Sins, and an Inheritance amongst them who are sanctified by Faith, that is in me. Whereupon he was not disobedient unto the heavenly Vision, but shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the Coasts of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent, and turn to God, and do Works meet for Repentance. This preaching Office he presently set about: Immediatly he conferred not with Flesh and Blood, neither went he up to Jerusalem, to them that were Apostles before him, being 2 Cor. 11. 5. & 12 11. Eph. 3 8. 1 Cor. 15. 8, 9, 10. & 3. 5, 6, 7, 22. nothing inferior to the chief of the Apostles, yet calleth himself the least of the Apostles, and an Abortive, and pronounceth himself unworthy to be said to be an Apostle, because he persecuted the Church of Christ. He was but a Minister, by whom many of the People believed; yet appointed of God for those great Ends, of bringing in of Sinners to Christ, and of building them up in Christ, that the LORD might have all the Glory, for Paul was not any thing in and of himself.
The LORD wonderfully owning him, and blessing of his Labours, in such large-spreading and deep-rooted Conversions, in planting of New-Testament-Churches, and many other ways; false Apostles, and others, envying and opposing of him, do now call into 1 Cor. 9. 1. 2, 3. 2 Cor. 13. 3, 4, 5. question his Call to the Ministerial Office and Work, whether it were lawful and right or not, because it was not some way as theirs was, which they would have imposed upon him, to which he could not submit.
This puts him upon making of an 1 Cor, 9. 3. Apology, to defend and magnify his Office, wherein if he were a Fool in glorying, if any so thought or judged him, it was chargeable on those who so compelled him thereunto, that the Minds of young Converts might not be troubled, nor the Work of the Gospel other ways hindred.
Those Arguments which, among others, he doth urge for the Proof of the Lawfulness of his Call, were drawn from his being Gal. 1. 15, 16. So was Jeremiah; ch. 1. 5. So was John the Baptist, Luk. 1. 15, 16. So Christ, and so Isaiah, chap. 49. v. 1, 5. separated thereunto from his Mother's Womb.
He was eminently gifted by the Holy Spirit for this Office.
He was much Graced by the same Holy Spirit for this Function.
See before, pag. 6. He had a special Call thereunto by Christ himself.
1 Cor. 9. 1. He had such a Sight of Christ, and such a Voice from Christ, relating to this, as was extraordinary.
2 Cor. 13. 3, 4, 5. 1 Cor. 9. 12. He had sealing Testimonies from Heaven, in the Hearts of Multitudes, of his Ministerial Call.
Acts 14. 1, 2 3. He had a Miracle-working Power communicated to him, for a further Confirmation of the Lawfulness of his Call, and Truth of his Doctrine.
His Call to this Office and Work of the Ministry, having somewhat in it which is outward, common, and ordinary, referring unto Men; and somewhat which is inward, special, and more than ordinary, relating unto God: it may therefore have some good Use, and profitable Tendency, to speak distinctly unto each.
That of it which refers unto Men is this: Let any almost plead and urge what they will or can, as to this, he has somewhat or other to say for the stopping of their Mouths; and all of it put together, is at least more than he knows of any one Man, who justifies his Call from Men, can say for himself. Tho Shem Acher doth mainly and ultimately resolve the Warrantableness and Rightfulness of his Call into somewhat else, as you will hear quickly, when his Case shall be compared with Paul's, in several Particulars, as to the Ministerial Office, wherein yet he doth give the Preheminence unto Paul; and this not only as to the degrees and measures, which were higher and larger, but also as to one or more of the kinds; particularly, as to Paul's God-inspiredness, and Infallibility, in being the Holy Spirit's [Page 6] Penman of much of the Holy Scriptures, and somewhat else, which was then peculiar to his Apostolical Office, and Miracle-working Power.
If those who do place the Authority and Power in the Magistrate, to give a Call to the Ministerial Office, should question Shem Acher's Call, he has by him to shew it under the Attests, the Hands and Seals of two Kings, and of one Protector; tho as to this last, and one of the other, they were other Men, who volu [...]tarily of themselves procured this for him, without his seeking.
If those who lodg this in Episcopal Jurisdiction, call upon him to give them some account of his Ministerial Function, urging for a Succession of lawfully called Ministers, ordained Ones, (besides the extraordinary Prophets) Such were the First-born of Families, from Adam's time to Moses, Exod. 19. 22, 24. & 24. 5. Numb. 8. 5,—22. In Moses's Days it passed from the First born unto Aaron and his Sons, and unto the Tribe of Levi, Exod. chap. 28, 29. Mal. 2. 4,—10. Thus it continued all the Old Testament through. After the Jews return from the Babylonish Captivity, the Reformers sought for the Sons of the Priests in the Register, such as were reckoned by Genealogy; those who were not found such, as polluted, were put from the Priesthood, Ezra 2. 61, 62, 63: In the New Testament, there was John the Son of a Priest, honoured by the Prophecies of Isaiah and Malachy; Christ ordained twelve Apostles, and seventy Disciples, and called Paul to the Office and Work of the Ministry; and they from Christ ordained others. As to this, Shem Acher has to say, that he has it to shew under the Hands and Seals of Bishop Hall, for Deaconship, and for laying on of Hands, (who putting him to the question, Whether he was persuaded in his Heart, that the Holy Spirit called him to that Office? he answered, That he was so persuaded) and of Bishop Skinner, for the Ministry.
If such as are for Ordination by a Classical Presbytery, (I meddle not here with that Controversy, Whether a Bishop and a Presbyter be both but one and the same Officer?) object against his Commission, and if they should take in Independent, or Congregational Ministers to join with them in the same Charge, he can return this, That he has the Approbation of a Dean, and of Canons, of Associated Ministers, both Presbyterian and Independent; also of Tryers in the Protector's Time, who were appointed for the examining, and the sending forth of able fit Men to preach the Gospel, and to take upon them the Care and Charge of Souls, tho he never was before them, neither did he apply himself unto them for such an end, either by himself, or by others.
If such as do seat this in the Peoples Choice and Call, do reason the Case with him about it, that it must be received from them, as if the Power were originally there, he has much to offer unto such to be considered by them. The People of that Parish where he lived before, refusing to submit to Church-Discipline, when, his Heart being set upon Reforming, according to what knowledg he then had, he propounded it to them; (for at that time he kept up a Meeting most Evenings, for sometime, to speak to some practical Case of Conscience, and had written diverse little Books of Diaries of his own Experiences.) They thus rejecting to be governed by the Laws of Christ's House, hereupon Providence gave him as large, full, and clear a Call to one of the most populous Towns in all Dorsetshire, by some Thousands of that Town, and by Multitudes of other neighbouring Places thereabouts, as any Minister in England, that he knows of, had in that Day. And after about two Years waiting by them, and referring the Case of Removal to them, into the Arbitration and Judgment of some Presbyterian Ministers of other Counties, besides the Encouragement of other Ministers of the same County, both Presbyterian and Independent, who exhorted to, and approved of such a Removal; he had as solemn an 1 Thess. 2. 1. 19, 20. This Scripture was [...]he Subject Matter of his first Sermon at his Entrance there. Entrance into the taking charge of the People of that Town, as any Pastor that he has heard of in that Age: For, besides what hath been already mentioned, there was one solemn Day of Fasting kept publickly there, carried on by Presbyterians and others, in a great Assembly, to prepare that People, and to direct them in their Choice, where he was present, yet did not at that time, either as a Mouth from God in Preaching, or as a Mouth to God in Praying, openly appear. And afterwards, at another solemn Fast there, on the Day of his Reception, when the Publick Work and Worship of that Day was performed by [Page 7] one Presbyterian Minister, and another Independant Minister, which was closed up by Shem Acher himself, and all to such satisfaction and with such rejoycing, of about two thousand or more present, as that the Memory thereof, he supposeth, is still kept alive in the Hearts of some hundreds of them.
After this, about five years and half after, he being honoured with an Imprisonment for Christ's sake, for the Gospel sake, for Righteousness sake, for the Elect's sake, he gathered a Church there in that place of Confinement, towards the end of which Imprisonment, upon a solemn Fasting day, so far as their light in those matters did attain, the Brethren and Sisters then present thankfully owned their profiting under his ministerial Labours, and gave a large Testimony to his ministerial Office and Work; only this must be remembred, that, at several times upon several occasions, he in the hearing of several of them, did always reserve to himself the liberty of answering of Christ's Call to any other Place or People; for, he was the LORD's, having given up himself unto Him, to be wholy and only at his dispose, and not to be during Life staked down to any particular Place or People.
Once more, since his coming to London, he has been gathering of another People; and that Church with whom he now walks, did all such of them as were then actually in Fellowship, upon a Solemn-Fast-assembling, communicate their Experiences to one another, how much the LORD had blessed his Labours upon their Hearts, and towards the close of the work of that day, (not by Imposition of Hands, or Ordination to the ministerial Office, or any thing of that Nature, which was openly so declared both by him and them.) One of them in the Name of the rest, in Prayer to the LORD, did by stretching out of his Hands, as others also of them did, commend him unto the LORD in a special Message to the Sabbath Churches in Wiltshire, Hampshire, Dorcetshire, Glocestershire, and Berkshire, which was undertaken by him, and prospered with desired Success, the report whereof at his return, caused Joy to all the Brethren and Sisters in Fellowship.
This is somewhat of that, which he here brings in as an Argument unto Men, who are urgent for such outward, common, ordinary, Calls to this Office from Men.
This was a choice piece of the Beauty of this Providence in this his age of growing-Light: For, let any one convinced of the Seventh-day-Sabbath, have been of what Judgment soever, yet still there had been a Receiver of him into Church-Fellowship, whatsoever his Principle had been.
If after all this, it be more deeply researched into, and he be close and home put to it, what he himself doth mainly and ultimately resolve his inward, special, more than ordinary Call into as to the ministerial Office and Work; he desireth, that, so far as the Case will run Parallel with Paul's, (though he here, as before, gives the preheminence to Paul) it may be in a Brotherly manner and Christian way admitted and received.
He was set apart to this Office, from his Mother's Womb: For, his Father and Mother related to him, when he grew up to some capacity for the taking of this in, that, (if not whilst he was in the Womb, in case he should prove a Male perfect Child, yet at least) upon his being born a Male Child with perfection of Limbs and of Parts, by Vow or some religious Promise made to God, they would give him up unto the LORD, to whom they dedicated him for the Office and Work of the Ministry, which has since been suggested to him by the Holy Spirit, and confirmed by many Experiences according to the Word, which he doth embrace with a thankful joyful Heart, as a more than common Favour from that good Spirit. His Parents, as they had thus designed him to this special Course and honourable Calling; so accordingly, they were at the care and cost to train and breed him up in such Knowledg and Learning, as the Principles and Attainments of that Age and Day directed them to. As he grew up, his strong Propensions, and continued Inclinations were for this Calling, as the only proper course of his Life intended for him; tho by invitation thereunto by his Father, and from others he has since discerned; that, he entered upon somewhat of it too soon and too unfurnished; for the longer he doth live, and the more spiritual discerning he hath, still the more he sees and feels of his 2 Cor. 2. 16, 17. Insufficiency for so high, honourable, and great undertaking, and would gladly sit at the Feet of others, every way more accomplished, and more 2 Chron. 24. 20. Margin. clothed [Page 8] with the Holy Spirit for it; and he is grieved at Heart, and afflicted in Spirit, to behold the over forwardness of so many in the present Age, who undertake to be publick Teachers of others, when divers of them do need to be catechizinglytaught themselves.
Since his more thorow passing into this Office, the Holy Spirit, who doth divide his Gifts to every Man severally as he will, hath in some measure Ps 68. 11. 18. Eph. 4. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Gifted him for it: (which he would speak thankfully, as acknowledging it to be meer Grace and special Favour; for, he ascribes nothing of the Spirituallity of it to his own former Philosophick Studies or self Acquirements or human Instructing, but, it was divine Teaching, and Gifted infusing from Heaven: so withal, humbly with selfabasing, that, all this while he has made no further progress in a Fittedness and Ability for this Calling in the proper peculiar Endowments for it: though this he can say through Grace; that, for these last seventeen years, more especially for the last fourteen years, he has had in the Strength and Supplies of the Holy Spirit, an industrious mind to trade with his Talent received; and there is seldom a day, wherein somewhat more is not, according to the Mat. 25. 29. 1 Pet. 4. 10. Rom. 12. 3, 6. 1 Cor. 12. 3,-11. Luke 19 12,—26. 1 Cor. 7. 17. Promise given unto him: and he remembers well, that, for about seventeen Years ago, though he h [...] some knowledg of the Hebrew and Greek Tongues before, yet this Meditation taking sensible hold of his Heart, that, when he went thorow the Bible, and examined the Gifts of Ministers there, he could not find any one Minister of Christ lawfully called by him to that Office, who did not understand the Words of Jehovah Aelohim in their Original Language; that which did so quicken him up to pray for, and to endeavour after a more growing Skilfulness, especially in the inner knowledg of the Hebrew Significations by the Holy Spirits Teachings, that, the serious Thoughts of, and unexpressible Advantages by, this Scripture Learning, do abide with him to this Day: and he doth judg it very requisite for those who conc [...]rn themselves in this Calling, to lay this more to Heart; had not the Holy Spirit somewhat Gifted him for this employ, he should still fear and doubt, he had never called him to it.
The same Holy Spirit has in a measure Graced and Sanctifyed him for this Holy Function. This also as before concerning Gifts, he doth write with the same thankful humble Acknowledgments. It is not every one, who doth pretend and pride himself as Gifted, yea suppose him to have great common edifying Gifts, who is thereby presently commissioned by Christ for the Ministerial Office; seeing some such are notoriously scandalous Livers, bitter Persecuters of the Saints, open declared Enemies against the Power and Purity of right Worship, and of other true good Religion, against which they sharpen and set the edg of those Weapons of Knowledg which they have: who, whilst such are so far from being to be admitted Administrators of Church-Ordinances, that, they ought not to be admitted to, or continued in, a state of Church-Membership, but should by the due regular exercise of Church Discipline, be shut or thrust out from such Communion. And here, when he duly considers, and seriously ponders, 2 Tim. 3. 17. 1 Tim. 6. 11. 1 Sam. 9. 6, 7. Lev. 21. throughout. Ezek. 44. throughout. 1 Tim. 3. throughout. Tit. 1. 5,—9. Rev. 1, 2, 3. cha. 1 Pet. 5. 1,—4. Tit. 2. 1. Acts 6. 2,—4. what Men of God, what chief Men among the People, how holy, how unblemished, how unblameable, how sober and vigilent, how temperate, how moderate, how sound minded, how wisely circumspect, how modest, how well behavoured, how fitly attired and well adorned, how hospitalish and harbourous in a courteous receiving and entertaining of Strangers, how apt, able, fit, apposite to teach, well-habited and disposed for orderly-clear-convincing-teaching; endued with a good Faculty of instructing and and of discipling of others, how not given to Wine-bibbing, or to Excess in any other Strong Drink which makes Drunk, not an Ale-stake, or common Tipler, not one that loves tossing of Cups; not a striker, smiter, or beater of others, not one of ungoverned heat, or of military Fierceness, not filthily-gaining, not covetously intent upon dishonest base gain; how equal, full of Equity in all things: how, courteous, gentle, patient, how unbrawling either as to Speeches or Actions, declining the offered occasions of sinful contendings: no lover of Silver nor Idolizer of Money: how well governing his own Family, Houshold; having his Children (if the LORD give him any) in Subjection, under Discipline, in good order; faithful Children, not refractory, not obnoxious to the Sin of Luxury: not one who is but newly ingraffed or implanted in Christian Profession in God's House, such as ought to have a good Testimony from those that are without, such a one [Page 9] as cannot justly be called into question, or into Court for any manifest Crime: what a Dispenser of God, as his Steward; not pertinaciously pleasing of himself: not prone to anger, not hasty, not spirited for rage: what a lover of goodness, of good, both Men, Truths, and Things: how Just, how Holy, how Pious, how Continent: how firmly adhering to that faithful Word which is according to wholesom Doctrine, that so he may be able also to exhort in Doctrine, such as is healthful and sound, and to convince such who are contradicting and gainsaying ones; not attending to Jewish Fables, or to Precepts of Men averse from the Truth, or turning Truth away, or turning from the Truth, one speaking those things, which do become sound Doctrine; a Feeder of the Flock of God where he is: a carefullywatchfully-overseeing one, not forcedly, but willingly, freely, with a prompt or ready Mind; not imperiously domineering or lording it over those allotted to his Care and Charge: being Exemplary to the Flock; one, who believeth and prepareth for the Appearing of the chief Pastor, to receive and carry away an unfading Crown of Glory: one, who gives himself to Prayer, and to the Word; whose Wife must be one who is honest, who proves constant, no Calamniatrix, not a devilish Slanderer, or false Accuser, no malicious Detracter, one sober, faithful in All: what a Star, what an Angel! When these Qualifications, and many more that might be added, are brought and put together, to measure, as by a straight Rule, many of those by, who lay claim to this Office, that doth put Shem Acher upon deep Sighing, and makes him ask this Question in his Thoughts, Where do the able faithful Ministers dwell?
He has had some signal Calls to this Office by Christ, especially at three times, one about fourteen years ago, another about seventeen years since, of both which an account has been given before for some other purpose, and once before both these, when with the former of these last two he did set himself, by Fasting and Prayer, to know the Mind of Christ, whether he had indeed set him apart to this Office: in all which times he had satisfying Answers, and Signs fulfilled quickly after in some remarkable returns by eminent Conversions.
He has had such a sight of Christ in the North, as was clear and evident to his Eye of Faith, chiefly more at one Season, mentioned before, which was made so real to him, and has more or less so continued for so many years Night and Day, as doth leave it out of doubt with him, in a degree, as if he conversed with the Person of Christ himself, so far as Shem Acher in this state of Imperfection, has a Capacity of walking with an exalted Christ in his state of Glory.
As for the Sealings on Earth, of his Commission received from Heaven, in the Hearts of converted Sinners, of edifyed Saints, of comforted Souls, he had rather, others would speak and declare than himself; however seeing somewhat may be expected from him, as to this Parrallel, he doth 2 Cor. 2. 14.—17. give thanks unto God, who especially for twenty years or more, has caused him to triumph in Christ, and has made manifest the favour of his Knowledg by him, more or less in every place, as he has travelled up and down with the blessing of the Gospel of Christ. For, (besides some ownings of him and of his labours before whilst he lived in a little Parish) when he was called to that Neighbour Town spoken of before, there was as hopeful a budding and blowing of young ones there and in the Neighbourhood, and he hopes much good brought forth to the praise of Grace in and by many; there being yet alive several scores who can, as he supposeth, somewhat sensibly call to mind the Truth of this: besides what the LORD hath done by him in two Counties during his Imprisonments for above nine years, at which time some were begotten again in the bonds of the Gospel; and also what good and gracious effects his preaching of the Gospel has brought forth, by the Spirit and Blessing of God upon his Works since his Liberty, in any other place, particularly near and in London; For, 1 Thess. 2. 19, 20. what is his Hope or Joy or Crown of rejoycing? are not even a converted, edifyed, comforted, confirmed People in the Presence of our LORD Jesus Christ at his coming? For, these are his Glory and Joy.
As for a Miracle-working Power, such as Paul had, he doth not pretend to this, either for all the Kinds, or for those high Degrees, and great Measures, as Paul was honoured withal: yet this he can say in Truth to the Glory of Jehovah, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, that his Aelohim hath done wonderful things [Page 10] for and upon him, and marvellous Works by him for and upon others, as to healing Cures both upon Spirit, Soul, and Body, and also as to the executing of very sore threatned Judgments against and upon divers of his implacable Adversaries: whereof there be Witnesses, as to what was open and publick: the particulars whereof would make this Narrative too long: only one Experience he shall impart, which was a great secret of the LORD Christ's using him as his Administrator upon himself. Having, by much labour in his work in the forementioned Town about twenty years since, broken his Strength, which caused a Rupture, he used such means for a Cure, as the most skilful Physician, and some others most experienced in such cases could help him to, all which proved ineffectual; whereupon his Thoughts were inwardly at work, upon this Enquiry, whether there were not some other way for his Cure to be sought after? This was brought upon his Heart, that, Jam. 5. the Ordinance of Anointing the Sick had not been used: he was convinced of the need and use of this Ordinance, of the standing preceptive and promising part of it; but, knew not whither to his satisfaction to go, or send for a right Administrator, the Ministers generally in those parts at that time, eirher not having Light or Faith therein, and some of them openly opposing of it: hereupon a secret Voice whispers, that, as a Messenger from Christ, he should administer it upon himself, the case being so circumstanced; which accordingly he did, and felt the healing strengthning Effect of it quickly: which has continued for many years, so that, he knows not, but, that Joh. 3. 25, 26, 27. Sanative Virtue having been drawn down from Christ, by a touching of him, by the Hand of Faith, in a way of believing on him and on his Word, he is well healed, though still under and for Christ he use apt means for the continuance of this great Mercy in order to Service: all the praise be to him for his Mercy, and for his Truth.
So that what John the Baptist said in the same case, both as to his Baptism and Ministry, A Man can receive nothing, except it be given him from Heaven, Shem Acher doth apply to his own Case, who hath not in this Matter, so far as the Resemblance here doth answer, taken what is lawful and good, but what has been given unto him thus from above. In the Hypothesis or Supposition, that one special Argument or Matter upon which John was then disputing, those Words are referred to what went immediatly before, relating to the Ministerial Office of Christ, or of John, or of both, as to Teaching and Baptizing: Both John the Minister, and Christ the Master, having received Gifts, Graces, and a Call from Heaven to exercise this honourable Function, or delegated Employment; they both having been owned and dignified with a Divine Testification from above, which gave and confirmed them in their lawful Authority so to act, ( Mat. 21. 25. John 1. 23. & 3. 11, 25, 26, 27, 32, 33.) These right Words, altho more generally laid down, have great force of strong Reason, and of convincing Argument in them, to prove, That a Man can receive nothing, take nothing to himself, as to such a Call and Office, and the Execution thereof, in a regular way, and right manner, by due Commission, and warranting Authority, except it were first given him from Heaven: For tho legitimately to give, and legitimately to receive, are related to each other, and so are together at once; yet in order, to give is first: And therefore tho the Verb be in the Present Tense, [...] 3 Sing. Praes. Subj. yet the Participle is in the past Time, [...], Partic. N [...]ut. Praet. Pass. Not any, no Man of right good Conscience, Heb. 5. 4. is to take this Honour to himself, but he who is called of God, ordained and appointed thereunto by his Word-Warrant, ( Numb. 16. 10. 1 King. 13. 33. Luke 3. 2. Acts 23. 5.) Not any taketh: As to the matter of Right none can justly take, none ought to take; tho many as to matter of Fact have taken, and do take, without Gift from Jehovah Aelohim, the great Lord over all. It being a Function of Divine Institution, and of special Favour, of great Honour, and of weighty Charge, both ordinary and extraordinary Ministers must be able to prove their Call, Heb. 5. 4. & 3. 2. Jer 17. 16. Amos 7. 15. Rom. 1. 1. 1 Pet. 1. 1. 1 Tim. 4. 14. Ephes. 4. 11. Exod. 28. 1. 2 Chron. 13. 9, 10. 1 Cor. 12. 28, 29. 1 Sam. 23. Where any have upon their own Heads set themselves a running, or have been pushed forwards by others, whom the Lord never sent, it concerns them to consider how they will answer it.
And this is one Ground and Reason for this present 1 Cor. 9. 3. Apology, which is an Answer with a Defence as to Men's false chargings, 1 Cor. 4. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. wherein he can justify himself and plead his Office in their Day and Court, though in some particular Circumstances of his Case, the Searcher of Hearts, and the Tryer of Reins, can find matter enough against him for which to condemn him: O how much Wisdom and Love has the righteous Judg manifested towards Shem Acher, in that he has found out a way, wherein to justify him from that wherein he can and doth comdemn himself?
He has patiently born the secret Artifices, and open Attempts of some to defame him and to decry his Ministry for about these six years last past, as being made willing to deny himself, to take up his Cross dayly, and so to follow Christ: but having long observed, that such do still trouble the minds of divers, who have been hopefully coming on, and do lay stumbling-blocks in the way for the hinderance of others, whereby Gospel-work has been at a stand, the Sabbath Cause wronged, many Souls prejudiced, and the Honour of our LORD at least darkned, to say no more, he doth now judg it high time (having had several louder Calls thereunto of late) to do publick and open right to this Cause (and to some other after Causes and Cases) where others have done it such publick and open wrong, which is but an act of warrantable regular love towards himself and towards others: and also an act of due Equity, and of distributive Justice, for the wiping off of unkind Calumnies and injurious Aspersions imputed and cast upon an honourable Office; about which he hath been many and many a time Prov. 18. 13 prejudged and condemned (as also in other cases) before his Matters of Fact and of Right have been known, or he himself heard; thus has his silence in this cause been misinterpreted a confession of Guilt. If any ask, why this had not been brought forth sooner, he has much to say in answer, if he would enlarge: but in short, some hints he has already given which carry forcibleness of right Words in them, to the impartially intelligent and spiritually discerning; and he hoped, that, the Experiences of many in this City, upon whose Hearts the LORD had sealed to the Office of his Ministry, might have put some timely stop to the further spreading of such defameings. Besides, it is evident to him, being led far into the mystery and meaning of this Providence; that, this is the fittest season for the making of the present Apology: and, if, either some will charge him with Vanity and Pride, with Folly and Vain-boasting, in writing so much upon his own Defence, or, if it have another effect than many are well aware off, for the putting of separate Churches upon a further search into the Scriptures of Truth, about the right constituting of Churches, the lawful Call to the Ministerial Office and Work, and some other weighty Ordinances, spoken unto in this Paper, it will much concern those, who make the exception duly to ponder, who is chargeable, Whether the Apologist, who in a Cause and Case so circumstanced doth make his honest Defence and just Plea? or, those unfriendly ones, who have compelled him hereunto? which advocating for Innocence, so far as it is Innocence, has Scripture-Warrant Joh. 29. and 31. Chap. and elsewhere in that Book. Acts 22. and 26. chap. 1 Cor. 4. 1.▪ 5. and 2 Cor. 11. throughout, and 12. 11▪ both in the Old and New Testament; so that, if he have been a Fool in glorying, they are others who have necessitated him thereunto.
Acts 19. 18. and 22. 16. 1 Cor. 1. 13.—17. He was baptized upon this eminent Conversion, and clear Call to the Office and Work of the Ministry.
He being sent more to Preach the Gospel, than to Baptize, though this were in his Commission too. They were not very many whom he did Baptize, lest any should misjudge that he had baptized in his own Name, which he doth expresly deny and disown. He is called upon not to tarry, but to arise, and baptising to be baptized, and wash away his Sins, calling on the Name of the Lord; whereupon he doth submit to this Baptismal Ordinance.
He having had such Calls, and such clearings up of this Call, to this Ministerial Office, of which so large an Account has been given, especially at those solemn [Page 12] Seasons of Fasting and Prayer, when he set himself more in serious earnest to be satisfied concerning this his Call from Heaven, by the Holy Spirits leaving some sealing Testimony thereof upon his Heart, according to the Word, at such a needful time, when he was under some perplexing Doubts and distressing Fears, about this Call. Being thus prepared for it, as is already rehearsed, the Light of (amongst some others) two Truths and Duties of this Age were evidently made known unto him, the one of the Seventh-day weekly Sabbath, the other of perfecting Believers Baptism (he doth leave others here, whose Case at present is, or hereafter may be more concerned in this Matter, if it be not already perfected upon and in them, to consider, whether then, if there be otherways a fittedness for, and a Call to, the Ministerial Function, it may not be proper and useful to enter upon this Office with such Heb. 6. 1, 2. Mat. 3. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. and 4. 1.—17. Act. 9. 18, 20. a [...]d 26 16.—20. Exod. 29. 4. Le [...]. 8. 6. perfecting of Baptism now they are grown Believers? so were the Priests under the Old Testament, (which is mentioned not at all to reinforce any Old Testament▪ Shadow, Figure, Type, or Ceremony, now under the present New Testament Administration of Grace) so was Christ; so were his Apostles: so was Paul, let the Spirit of God from his Word speak with Men's Hearts about this. I forbear in this place, to add any further Arguments for, or Advantages by, this.)
The occasion of his passing into the Scripture-Path, of the weekly seventh-day-Sabbath was this: A near and dear Brother, and Friend of his from the Country, wrote this Case of Conscience to him; whether, the first day of the Week, as commonly observed by almost all Christians, or the seventh, which is the last day of every Week, in the weekly returns of it, were indeed the weekly Sabbath, according to God's Command? or in words to the s [...]me effect, for it is now about sixteen years since; and he earnestly desired the Opinion and Judgment of Shem Acher upon this Case. Upon the Receipt of this Letter, he was somewhat startled at this new Proposal, though he was not so fully satisfied for some years before about any word-Institution, for observing the first day (as a Sister in Sabbath-Fellowship, converted under his Ministry, a shining Ornament to her holy Profession, whilst here below, but now above with the LORD, informed and reminded him, that, when she propounded the very same Case to him about six or seven years before, he gave her a very faint unsatisfactory answer, as if he scarce were then a cordial Favourer of that first day; for, tho he preached up Sabbath-Duties and Priviledges in that Town, yet his Assistant was, as one part of his Work, to engage in the Controversy, which was the limitted day.) At the first receipt of that Case, he was full of other work and employ, about his own and other Cases, and laid it aside for near a Month; the Brother whose Spirit was tender in this Case, as in many other new Cases, sent a second Letter, with renewed importunity, requiring and expecting a speedy Answer; Upon this, Shem Acher speaks to Jehovah Aelohim, to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to Christ God-Man, in Prayer about it, and then makes Scripture-Testimonies to be Psal. 119. 24. the Men of his Counsel: and being under an Obligation to take the whole Scripture along with him, for the resolving and determining of this Case, and to lay aside all his former Apprehensions, and no longer to parle with Humane Traditions, Philosophical arguings, Carnal reasonings, or any other unscriptural Authorities, he took his Bible, which he has now had about forty years, and to which he was well used, and so could with the more readiness turn unto apt places, beginning with the first Week of the created World, and there he found that, Gen. 2. [...], 2, 3. the weekly Seventh-day-Sabbath had Foundation, both in Jehovah's Word, and in Created Nature, as being the only day of the whole Week, on which the Creator and Redeemer rested, which day he Blessed, and which day he Sanctifyed, for Sabbath-Purposes and Priviledges, and not any other Day of the Week, neither first, second, third, fourth, fifth, nor sixth, but only the seventh. On he goes with his enquiry through the whole Book of Moses, and finds the seventh day Sabbath Exod. 16. 22.—30. reinforced, and the neglect and profaneing thereof reproved, before the solemn proclaiming of it at Mount Sinai; where the very next step in his Travails he hears Exod. 19, and 20 chap. particularly chap. 20. vers. 8, 9, 10, 11. the trumpeting promulgation of this Kingly Law of the Seventh day Sabbath, sounding loud in his Ear and Heart: and still, the further he passed on in the after Writings of Moses, and of the Prophets, the more he is led along in the Seventh-day-Sabbath-way, till he came full home to the close of the Old Testament, with this Seal put upon this Scripture-Canon or Rule by Jehovah himself, Mal 4. 4. Remember ye the [Page 13] Law of Moses, my Servant, all and every, both of the Commands for keeping holy of the weekly Sabbath day, and of the Promises of Blessings and Sanctifyings of weekly Sabbath day to right Observers of it, and also of the Threatnings denounced against Profaners of the weekly-Sabbath-day, relating only to the seventh, the last day of every week, and to no other day of the week. He was now in a short space of time, the very same day of entering upon this enquiry, got so far forwards in this way, of the seventh-day Sabbath from that Light and Truth which Jehovah Aelohim sent forth from his word by his Holy Spirit, that, he forthwith concluded, there was no either going back, or stepping aside, for him out of this Scripture-Path: For, if all the Old Testament were for it, the New was not against it, seeing if any had preached up the first, or any other day, except the seventh, of the whole week, at the beginning of the New Testament-dispensation of Grace, those who were more Acts 17. 1 [...] noble-raced Believers on, and Disciples of Christ, before the Writings of the Evangelists and Apostles, who searched the Scriptures they then had, whether the first-day-pretended-Sabbath-Doctrine were true or not, they could not find that written Word, which they then enjoyed, had any such Institution at all in it, but, the weekly Sabbath's Exod. 25. 11, 16, 21, 22. 1 Kings 8. 9. Jam 2. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. crowning honour was all through visible and legible upon the head of the seventh day only. However he narrowly examined, and diligently compared the whole New Testament Writings by the Evangelists and Apostles: and there he soon discovered, that, the LORD Jesus Christ, whose 1 Pet. 2. 21. 1 Cor. 11. 1. 1 Joh 2. 4, 6. and 4. 17. Example he was to follow in all the Acts of Decalogical Obedience, or Obedience to the Laws of the ten Words, and whose exact perfect Holiness and Righteousness both of Nature, Heart, and Life was fully every way answering to all the demands of this Law, which was to be both imputed to Believers for their Justification, and conformed to by Believers in their Sanctification; this Christ all his Life long, in the weekly returns of the Sabbath, kept the Luk. 4. 16,—31. & 23 56. & elsewhere. seventh day Sabbath, and no other day of the week as such, to which the Gospels give abundant Testimony. Now he begins to be more confirmed, and wondereth how he could so much overlook, so self-evidencing a Truth and Duty so long: he converseth further with the Records of the Apostles, whether their Doctrine and Practice did Harmonize, and tune in the same Concord with this new Ps. 92. Title. Jer. 6. 16. & 17. 21, &c. Song, Psalm, and Hymn of the true good old weekly seventh day Sabbath. His only remaining work now left, was to consult the Apostles Writings, and therein he reads in plain legible Characters, that, as Christ's Custom, Manner, or constant practised Usage was; so also was Luke 4. 16. Acts 17. 2, 3. & 18. 4. Paul's (the Expression is one and the same in the Greek) to observe the seventh-day as the only weekly Sabbath day, and that, no other day in the whole week has both the Name and Nature of a weekly Sabbath-day given to it by the Holy Spirit, but only the seventh day: and that Obedience to these Laws of Christ is so often called for both Mat. 5, 6, 7. chap. Joh. 14. 15. Luk. 10. 25, 26, 27, 28. Rom. 4. 15. & 5. 13. & 13. 8, 9, 10. Jam. 2. 8, 9, 10, 11, 13. Heb. 5. 9. Rev. 12. 17. & 14. 12. & 22. 14, 15, 18, 19. by Christ and his Apostles, as an evidence of Love to Christ, and of other Interest in him, as a Saviour; and that the new Testament Scripture was also closed up with Christ's Seal of Blessing to those who doing these his Commandments, and of pronouncing a Sentence of Excommunication against any Man, who should either add to, or take from this written Word, Will, and Law of Christ. The whole Scripture being thus profitable for this Doctrine and Duty of the weekly seventh day Sabbath, Christ sate as one expecting an answer, readily, heartily, whereupon Shem Acher was not disobedient to this heavenly Teaching by the Holy Spirit; but resolves in the strength and supplies of the same good Spirit, to set about the Practice of it; and this State of the Question he sends to his enquiring Brother, who also forthwith embraced the same Truth, and reduced it to Practice.
And now lo, a very formidable Sight stares him in the Face; for he saw such an Army of Opposers, not only profane, but professing, not only Foes, but Friends, all almost as one Man up in Arms against him, as soon as it should take Air abroad, (for he was then the LORD's Prisoner) and be known, that it was his Principle † Ps. 119. 165▪ and Practice. He also foresaw, that tho this was no * Stumbling-block at all to him, neither any disturbance to his own great Peace; yet many others would throw it as a Stone of Offence in their own and others ways, to the troubling the Minds of young Ones. In such Multitudes, who promised so fairly, and came on so towardly, how many were likely to be much prejudiced [Page 14] against him, and his former and after-Ministry? And what was most terrible of all, Acts 28. 22. how evil (tho injustly) many were likely to speak against the Word and Ways of the LORD, and to blaspheme Jehovah's fearful, glorious and holy Name. Christ still held him to former Terms, of bringing All to an whole Christ, and his whole Word; and suitably the good Spirit framed his Heart to this holy Resolve, Duty is mine, the Issues and Successes of things are the LORD's, and do belong to him.
He privately obsevred the Seventh-day-Sabbath for some time, but with great Difficulties, and sore Trials, and distressing Hardships in the Prison: He imparts the LORD's Teachings of him to one, and then to another privately, who gave place in them to this Word-Truth and Law; and so unto some others, as they were capable of receiving it. And when four or five were hopefully gained over, he could hold no longer, and could not but speak the Truths and Things of Christ in a more open Declaration, and publick Profession; which being understood by some Ministers and others, two Ministers came to him in the Prison, a little before the end of the sixth day, with vehement earnest importunate desirings, beseechings, and entreatings, and other arguings and charmings, that, he would forbear, tho but one day, the next day, which was the seventh day, to consult and consider of so weighty a matter, in so great a change for one week, Oh for one week longer! His Answer was quick; short, full, and resolved, in the Strength of the LORD, No, he would not put it off one day more, it was clear as the Light to him through the whole Scripture, and if he should put away from him this Statute of Jehovah, tho but for one day, he knew not, but that the Holy Spirits quicknings, teachings and comfortings of him, might withdraw, and Convictions be darkened and deadned: From this time, tho Sufferings for Christ came on, yet Consolations by Christ did abound, and the Scriptures did look with a clearer Face; such is also the Experience of many others, who are upright-hearted walkers with Christ, and thorow followers of Christ in this way of his Command. The very next day, therefore, the seventh day, he celebrated as the weekly Sabbath day, openly witnessing to it, and publickly declaring for it, from the Word: remembring, Joh. 18. 37. that of his LORD Christ, To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the World, that, I should bear witness unto the Truth; every one that is of the Truth, heareth my Voice. This was the saying of Christ himself a few hours before his Death. Since that, Shem never met with any Objection, that could shake or stagger him, but all wrought for his fuller Confirmation and Establishment.
In the next place, his perfecting of Believers Baptism comes to be considered. Convictions about this also, did quickly spread in the Prison, and from thence in other places. Having no convenient Accommodations for Dipping, under close Confinement, he and two more took up Resolutions to pass under that Ordinance, when the LORD should give his Prisoner Liberty: when he was set free, he and the other being at a time in London, two Brethren and one Sister, being throughly satisfied in each other, took Boat and rowed down to Battersey near London, and having discovered a convenient place of passing into the Thames River, intended there to submit to this Appointment of their LORD the next Morning, if not prevented or hindred. There they kept Sabbath: before the ending of which day, somewhat providentially fell out by a difference in Judgment, which did put a stop to that whole Action for that time. Thus the LORD wisely ordered, and graciously over-ruled this Affair for Good.
For he, having before been wrought off from all other whatsoever, to bring all entirely to an whole Christ, and to his whole Word, to Him and to it only, had the fairer and fuller opportunity to consider before hand, how it might be done in the purest way, and to compare what he could meet with afterwards, if it might tend to his clearer Inlightning, or further Establishment; that no one Mark of the Beast might be found upon him at Christ's coming to Glory.
Before, he therefore writes downright to the Case for matter of Fact, he will set down, what both before and since, he hath met with for an answer to this Question, Who should be the Administrator, and who is fittest for it?
There were divers of the Perswasion and Practice for Believers Baptism, some who had been his Fellow Prisoners, others of the same mind who gave him Christian [Page 15] Visits: but, his Spirit was not satisfied with any one of them. For, as for the Objection that has been made, that, a dead Man cannot bury himself, as if therefore, a Man could not baptize himself: Such arguing from some Similitudes are often mistaken and misapplyed, and recoil upon the Objecter. As in this Case, a grown Believer, if in any circumstanced Case he have a sufficient Call to baptize himself, yet is supposed to be not altogether dead, but, alive both in Nature and in Grace too: and a living Person may do such an Action, as may set out a dying, burial, and rising again. Let a Swallow speak in this Case; See Swan's Spaeculum Mundi, p. 408. History writes of this Bird, that, in the beginning of Autumn, it gets among the Canes or Reeds, where it sinks it self into the Waters, thus dying and burying it self, and at the beginning of the Spring it riseth up alive again. Being in London, and making enquiry there, his disatisfaction grew on: For, upon search made concerning, either a First-or-After-Administrator of this Ordinance, he was informed, either by printed Records, or by credible Witnesses, that the Administrator, was,
Either, a Self Baptizer; such he knew not one lawfully authorized thereunto: (which yet) he will not totally condemn, especially, if a Call can be cleared up thereunto from the LORD. The Grounds and Reasons whereof are not fit to be brought in here, particularly, tho the discerning Reader may catch at Hints enough in what doth follow. There are Hebrew words, which do set out some such Washings, that are in two Conjugations, one of which Conjugations, Hithpahel, is always so, and the other Passive in Niphal is often, significantly Such as Ruchatz, and Hithrachatz, Nibtal. Nishtaph. Shuttaph. Heb. 9. 10. Lev. 15. 6, &c. Gen. 17. 10, &c. Rom. 4. 11. Col. 2. 1, 2. In the Greek a Passive Verb, has often an Active signification. See for this Pasor's Greek Sacred Grammer of the New Testament, p. 147, 148, 149. in many Scripture-Instances. Thus also in the Latin there are divers Verbs, which are called [...], such as Passively do work Actively upon a Man's self. See Danesius his Paralipomenae. p. 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83. In the Greek, Words of the Middle Voice have often an Active signification, sometimes a Passive, now and then both. 1 Cor. 10. 2. [...] 3 Plur. aor. 1 Med. They baptising (themselves) were baptized in the Cloud and in the Sea: Thus it was i [...] [...]he Types, which Moses sanctifying by the Word and Prayer, the Israelites went in and under of themselves. Thus, Act. 22. 16 [...], aor. 1. Imper. Mood baptizing (thy self) be thou baptized. Shem Acher will not say, there was nothing at all of this self-baptising by Christ's appointment upon himself, tho he resolves it into the Act of another, of Christ himself, upon him, he being the princiipal Baptizer of him. Act. 22. 16. The deeper research that Shem Acher doth make into this Scripture, the more Note-worthyness doth he see in it. There are two Verbs in it, [...], and [...], both of them relating to one and the same thing; that is, to Baptismal Washing, and they are both of them of the same middle Voice, of the same Imperative Mood, derived from the same first Aorist, of the same Number, of the same Gender, and of the same Person, and therefore both according to consenting Scripture, and in right Reason, should have the same signification, either Active, or Passive, or both Active and Passive; let it then and therefore be here minded and considered, that, whatever of Passive Significancy the latter of them may have in part, as the same Verb of the same middle Voice has in another Mood, 1 Cor. 6. 11. which must be made up by the supply of some Preposition hereof [...], saith Piscator, which is wanting, and must be put before the Accusative Case, [...], wash thou off according to, or concerning of because for, or by reason of those Sins of thine; yet still at least mainly according to Grammar-Syntax and Propriety, it must be Active here; and such a Syntax is found in other Authors, particularly in Homer, Iliad. σ. ———— [...] [...]. Ʋt quàm celerrime Patroclum abluerent a sanie sanguinolentâ. So that, the foregoing Verb also, [...], is to be allowed the like Active meaning, in this place, Baptize thou, (thy self, and others, Christ putting baptising into Paul's Commission, as one part, tho not the principal part of his Ministerial Office.) It is gra [...]ted, that, the same Verb, referring to the same Baptism, in the Passive Voice, has a Passive Signification, Act. 9. 18. which Passive Voice it often Reflexive, that is Actively-Passive: However, in Act. 22. 16. all the words of the Verse do carry an Active Sence with them. God can make a Man, especially a Minister, an Active Administrator of an Ordinance, and upon himself, so it is in that other Ordinance of the Supper. Thus, in the Syriack, the one Verb here in this place Active, the other Reciprocal and Reflexive. Pegnil, Ithpegnal, and Ithpagnal, are much after the Use and Form of the Hebrew Conjugation Hithpahel, which doth signify the Action of one upon himself, such an Action as is Reflected on its own Subject; for which cause the Hebrew Grammarians do generally affirm, that, this Conjugation doth want a Passive Form. Conjugatio haec parens est & proles; and so, it is sometimes rendred, 2 Sam. 20. 10. Cavet sibi. Gen. 49. 1. Congregate vos. Isa. 52. 2. Excute te. Luk. 13. 24. Cavete vobis. Isa. 29. 9. Cogitabundi estote. Act. 9. 26. Ad adjungendum se. The Hebrew [...] in Daniel and in Ezra, Hith, is in some of those Scriptures used for, [...] Aith, in the Chaldee and Syriack. If any after all this will alledg, that Ananias did baptize Paul; when they have first, if they can, make it clear, convincing, and evident, that he did so, let them bring forth such an Ananias, who has an express immediate Call by a Voice from Christ out of Heaven, confirmed also by a Miracle wrought, that, he has such a Call and Commission thereunto, and Shem doth purpose to consider of it. Reflective both Active and Passive upon a Man's own self: And there being some Typical Baptisms by the Institution of Jehovah Aelohim in the Old Testament; as also another Ordinance [Page 16] of the same Institution, which has much the same Significancy with Baptism▪ even Circumcision, which doth denote the mortification and putting off of the sinful body of the Flesh through the Circumcision of Christ, being buried together with him in Baptism, the Sign and Seal whereof Abraham at the first passing into it, did both actively and passively administer from the LORD upon himself, by the cutting quite away the Flesh of the Foreskin; and Circumcised the rest of the Males in his Family: of which no more at present, till Controvertists leave their heats of Passion in contending and grow cool, and become Men of Understanding, of a more excellent Spirit.) But, he knew no such Administrator to his satisfaction: For, if the Historian have not wronged some of the first so baptized in Holland, which is too usual, one John Smith, a Member of Henry Ainsworth's Church there, being excommunicated for some scandalous Offence, is reported to be one of the first, who baptized himself first, afterwards baptized others: and this Story brought no good report of such an Administrator to Shem Acher.
Or two Men according to their Principle in their Judgment altogether unbaptized before, did baptize one another at the first, and afterwards did baptize others: and so were many of the Baptizings in London, reported originally to be in one if not in two Instances, where also no extraordinary Call from God thereunto, that ever he yet heard of, is pretended or pleaded.
Or else a private baptized Brother, no lawfully called Minister of Christ, nor rightly ordained Officer in a true Church, did baptize others: and so he understands were some of the choicest and best accounted Baptizings in the esteem of many, of several of the baptized ones in London, carried on by one who always refused to be any Minister, or ordained Officer in the Church. He has been credibly informed by two yet alive in this City of London, who were Members of the first Church of Baptized Believers here, that their first Administrator was one who baptized himself, or else he and another baptized one another, and so gathered a Church; which was so opposed in Publick and in Private, that they were disputed out of their Church-State and Constitution, out of their Call to Office; that not being able to justify their Principle and Practice by the Word, they were broken and scattered. This, together with that which goes immediately before, he was and is dissatisfied about: because, when he doth look into both the Typical Administrators in the Old Testament, and Antitypical ones in the New, still they were in Both, 1 Pet. 3. 20, 21. Gen 6, 7, 8 chapters. 1 Cor. 10. 1, 2. Isa 40. 3, 4, 5. Mal 3. 1. Mat. 3. Mark 1. Luke 3. Joh. 1 & 3 chapters. Mat. 21. 23-27. Joh. 3. 22 -26. & 4 1, 2. Mat. 28. 18, 19, 20. Acts 8. 12, 26, 39. Commissioned, Ordained Ministers and Officers appointed thereunto, either extraordinarily and immediately by the LORD thereunto; a Call from whom they could evidence by somewhat extraordinary to themselves and others, that it was a special call from Jehovah Aelohim: such an Administrator was Noah in the Ark; such was Moses under the Cloud and in the Red Sea; such was John the Baptist, whose Baptism was from Heaven: (Let the Question here be asked, and a sound Answer well returned, Who baptized John? and whence was his Baptism?) Such were the Apostles of Christ, and other Ministers and Officers ordained by them, or extraordinarily and immediately sent forth, specially gifted, graced, and called by Christ thereunto.
Or else such one or more, whom such a company of Believers who had no lawfully called, rightly ordained Minister or Church-Officer amongst them before, nor any such Minister or Ministers, Officer or Officers, to ordain or commission such, and yet do chuse, and undertake to ordain by laying on of hands, they being all private Brethren, some private Brother or Brethren into the Ministerial Office, and to send him or them forth to preach and to baptize: neither could this quiet his thoughts, or satisfy his spirit.
Or else some such one, who however pretending to be called and sent forth by Men, yet is not gifted, graced, and qualified according to the Requirements of Christ in his Word, for such an honourable Office, and weighty Work: here also he was to seek, and could not so acquiesce.
Or otherwise, some such who say they were at their first passing under this Ordinance, under an unavoidable necessity of doing somewhat this way beyond and besides the ordinary-stated-Scripture-Rule and Way, which they hope the LORD did accept of, they giving to him the best they had according to their then-understanding: whereunto Shem Acher has only this to desire of such at present, that, [Page 17] they see well unto it, their pleaded necessity be such an indispensible real urgent unavoidable necessity, as the holy Scriptures do warrant; and that, they impose not that on him as a standing Rule to submit to, and to walk by, who is under other manner of Circumstances, and doth derive all his Satisfaction from an higher and purer Spring. And if that Necessity which they plead, have led them into a private Path, which is besides the ordinary beaten High-way of King Jesus in his Word, they have need to bring forth somewhat extraordinary, which may carry along with it true-and self-evidence.
What other way was there then yet left in this case, but only this one, to his satisfaction; He having been before so quite taken off from all Men, and all Creature-Authorities in these matters of Religion, and having given up himself wholly and entirely to Christ as his one and only LORD and Lawgiver, and to the Word of Christ as the one and only Rule of Faith, Worship and Life, and compleat Summary of all useful Arts and profitable Sciences; and having had so many sealing Experiences of Christ's more immediate and extraordinary Teachings, Callings, Healings of Him by his holy Spirit from his Father in his Word, and having passed before under a being baptized with the holy Spirit, he with one more travelled from London to Salisbury, where, about the middle of the Day, in the broad River of that City, which runs with living water, he received his being baptized as by the Hand of Christ himself, in the Face of the Heavens, and so passed under Wa [...]er, and baptized another: and further also received Imposition, Act. 10. 41. [...]. They were before-chosen and ordained of God to this Office of being Witnesses of Christ's Resurrection, by his lifting up, stretching out, laying on of Hands: It was God's Hand who thus set them apart: (The compound Word is afterwards used for Ordination of Ministers to their Office, Acts 14 23.) or stretching out by laying on of Hands▪ as from this God Man, from Christ, tho sitting in the higher Heaven in his glorified Humanity, Christ being the Author of this both Water and Spirit-Baptism, and stretching out and layingon of Hands.
The Reader or Hearer of this Narrative, is desired to make a little stand in his thoughts, and here to ponder a while upon this weighty Considerable. In two grand parts of this Historical Declaration, the LORD has graciously given unto Shem Acher somewhat of 1 Cor. 2. 9,—16. & 12. 10, 11. a Spirit of Discerning, whereby to discern Spirits for the present, and to foresee some of those Prophesied Methods which he will use, to set in order the Affairs of his House towards and in the latter-day-Glory, whereby Shem is enabled to trust Christ for Afterwards, or Afternesses, or what shall hereafter come to pass; The holy Spirit working and distributing what Gift he will to whom he will. These two Parts are his more than ordinary, both Call to the Ministerial Office and Work, and way and manner of his Perfecting of Baptism. Both which being more immediately derived from Eph. 1. 20,—23 & 2. 19.—22. & 4. 7,—16. Christ, that Head Officer of the Church he has the advantage and opportunity of holding forth before others, this, as one of the great Truths of the 2 Pet. 1. 12. present Age, the way and means of Jehovah's bringing his People Ezek. 43. 10, 11, 12. & chap▪ 44. throughout. Psal. 74. 9. to measure all Administrations according to the Prophetical Pa [...]tern and promised Platform will be, by raising up, by gifting, graceing, calling, and sending forth some extraordinary Messenger, as from Heaven, to open, interpret, apply, and promote this revealed Mystery, relating to the a [...]proaching Glory of the latter days. Do not now over-hastily conclude, that, this is a rare Artifice, and a witty Invention, for Shem hereby to point out himself to be this special Prophet, by a new Name, which he assumes to himself; as if the foregoing Prophets did direct as with a Finger to him, as that Elijah the Prophet, or one in the Spirit of that Elijah, who was to come, and to restore all things, and so to take this glorious honour unto himself. For, he doth not cry up hims [...]lf to be this very Messenger: tho Jehovah Aelohim may use and employ whom he pleaseth in this honourable Work, and Shem is somewhat prepared in Heart, by the Holy God Spirit, greatly to rejoice, and to give all the Glory to the LORD, might he live to see in his day and time, such a Gentile-Minister or Ministers, as an Angel or Angels from * Ps 12. 6. Isa. 34. 16. Rev. 11. 19. Heaven to come forth with the pure Word of God, altogether freed from all corrupt humane Mixtures whatsoever, either the very Original it self or an exact Copy word for word, and being clothed with the Spirit may preach it abroad with Power and Success, tho Shem as to this more eminent Honour, were laid aside, and might be priviledged with sitting at the Feet of such a one, to receive words as from Christ by such an extraordinary Messenger. But, this is that which he has further to say in this matter; that, he takes it for a special Favour freely bestowed upon [Page 18] him, that, the LORD has revealed this inner Secret to him, and has so far made use of him as to assert and revive the Doctrine, and somewhat to prepare the way for the coming of Jehovah Christ in the conspicuous Appearance of his Personal Presence: before which time he will by Voice direct, and call and send some peculiar Officer or Officers of his, as Isa. 4 [...] 6, 7, 8, 9. & 42 4, 16, 21. 1 Pet. 1. 23, 24, 25. a publick Cryer, with this Royal Proclamation: That, this Christ as King of Kings, and LORD of Lords, is about to come to crown his Kingly Law, his written Word and revealed Will therein, as the one, and the only living abiding Rule, for all Churches and States to walk and to measure All by: let the Scriptures in the Margin be noted well. These Cryers and Proclaimers are publick Officers to give open notice of some State or Church-Affair, whereof the supream King, Priest, and Prophet, the LORD Jesus Christ, thinks good to advertize his Subjects, as by sound of trumpeting Voice; that, all and every one who are concerned may have the certain knowledg and timely warning thereof; It must be with such a vehement sound as is heard at a far distance, that, no one may pretend or plead Ignorance, when within hearing; with the Voice of one crying, calling by Name those he meets, and by express Word, gathering a Convocation and Assembly, reading some part of the Book and Law and Will of God, preaching some Evangelical Word unto them, who give the hearing: For, this Voice, in the 6, 7, & 8, ver. of the 40th chap. of Isaiah, is distinct from the foregoing Voice, in the 3, & 4, ver. which was more fulfilled in and by the Ministry of Mal. 3. 1. Mat. 3. 3. Mar. 1. 2, 3. Luk. 3. 2,—5. Isa. 52. 7, 8. & 60. 5, 10, 16 & 61. 4, 5, 6, 9. & 62 6. & 66. 12, 19, 20, 21. John the Baptist. John delivered his Message faithfully both as to his Ministerial and Baptismal Office, at the enterance of the New-Testament-Administration of Grace, when Christ was coming shortly after in his state of Humiliation. But, some other or others, will be called and sent forth about this latter, and toward the latter-day-Glory, a little before Christ's coming in the Clouds in his state of Exaltation, as the 9, 10, & 11, ver. of the formentioned Chapter will evidence, to a discerning considerate Reader, when the Sioners shall be Evangalized and gathered into Church-Flocks, unto a purer way than ever yet. When the Jews shall be in a preparedness for this great turn, and thereby made ready for the LORD, at that time, Song. 8. 8, 9, 10. as at the beginning of the New-Testament-Dispensation of Grace, some Ministers from among the Jews were employed in converting and baptizing of the Gentiles; so now in these later days, some of the Gentile-Ministers, may have the honour to be Instruments under Christ, of converting and baptizing of the Jews: And where can that People find a meet Administrator, if the LORD do not more immediately send them some Prophet, who can prove his Mission and Commission to be from on High? They still requiring a Sign, 1 Cor. 1. 22. For, as for those few of their Brethren in this day, who by outward Profession and Confession do own Christ to be the true Messiah already come in the Flesh, Shem Acher never yet met with any of them, (he has conferred with about five or six of such) who come forth with any thing extraordinary, visible mark and gift upon them, as to a being clothed with the Spirit. And that Baptism which they have received, at least some of them, if not all, has been from corrupt hands in a corrupt way: And Shem doth bear good will towards that People, praying for Jerusalem's Peace, and for Sion's Purity, seeking the good of her Sons and Daughters, and having experienced the Truth and Goodness of that Promise more ways than one, that, such shall prosper who love her. Besides, there may be divers of the Gentiles, who a little before God's thus favouring of Sion, may be brought more throughly into a perfecting of their Baptism, from among the Seekers, non-Church-Men, and several others, upon some of whose Spirits this doth lye with pressing weight; whither shall we go to meet with a lawfully-called-Ministry, and a lawfully-constituted Church? where is there a wellwarranted, heavenly attested-Administrator? Shem in this doth speak out some of the Thoughts of such dissatisfied ones, and he is so far ready with an answer, which he can give to those, who ask him a word concerning his Ministry and Baptism; Whence is thy Ministry and Bap [...]ism, and from whom thy Ministry and Baptism? as to the perfecting of both, it is from Heaven not from Earth, from Christ more immediately and not so from Men. Here, in the way, let it be remembred, that, the reviving of the Seventh-day-Sabbath, doth make way for the later-day-Glory-Conversions, and Ingatherings of the Outcasts of Israel, Isa. 56. 1,—8. And that, the Prophecies and Promises of building the old waste places, and of raising [Page 19] up the Foundations of many Generations, and of being called the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer and Paths to Sabbatize is made over to such Revivers of the Seventh-day-Sabbath. This great useful Truth is therefore not only received in the Principle, but also closed with in the Practice, by Shem Acher: wherein he doth sweetly acquiesce to his own satisfaction, whilst others do dispute, preach and print, to defend and justify their various Calls to both, by Arguments mostly drawn from Men, tho running down to them in a very corrupt Channel; and if his LORD should say to his Servant Shem, as once to Chap. 12. v. 13 Isa. 58. 12, 13, 14. & 66. 21, 22, 23. Daniel, And thou, Shem Acher, Go to the end, and thou shalt rest, and shalt stand in thy lot to the end of those days; let it suffice thee, that Jehovah thy Aelohim hath revealed this in thee, and done this for thee: but the larger pourings out of the Spirit, and more signal ownings are reserved for some others: yet even this is a special honour, and the Glory be to him.
It is well worthy of an observable Remark in Scripture, that, besides the stated Ministry, the LORD has sent forth special Prophets and Apostles, upon urgent occasions: Some of these were of another Education and Profession, such as Amos 1. 1. & 7. 14, 15. Acts 7 42. & 15. 15. Amos, who had been no Prophet, nor Prophets Son, but an Herdsman, and a Gatherer of Fruit. Thus also Mat. 4. 18, 19, 20. the Apostles in Christ's time were some of them, poor plain Fishermen. Jehovah communicated Himself and his Will unto such in extraordinary Revelations, and confirmed their Office by miraculous attests from Heaven. In other Instances, he has dignified some with such special singular Employs, in a Ministry not common, Acts 7. 22. Dan. 1. 4, 17. Acts 22. 3 2 Cor. 12. 11. 1 Cor. 14. 18. who were skilled in great variety of Arts and Sciences, especially in Scripture-Knowledges, in which latter he blessed their Studies and Labours, and encouraged their Diligence and Industry. So it was with Moses, Daniel, Paul, and others. Jer. 28 8. Luke 1. 70. & 11. 50. Act. 3. 21. Prophets there have been in all the Ages of the Church, besides the standing Ministry. Before Moses there were, Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph. Afterwards, there were, Moses, Joshuah, Samuel, David, Solomon, Nathan, Gad, Elijah, Elisha, Michajah, Esaias, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Zecharias the Father of John the Baptist. In the New Testament, Simeon, Agabus; the good Apostles, by Name particularly, Peter, John, Paul, and others. 1 Cor. 12. 28, 29. Eph. 4. 11, 12, 13. Act. 13. 1. 1 Cor. 14. chap. Apostles, and Prophets, are expresly mentioned as established Officers, set and appointed by Christ in his Church. This was not confined only to Judea; for, in other parts of the inhabited Earth, there was Job, Eliphaz, and others in the East, who were eminent Leaders of Congregated Societies, and there was a Balaam of Syria, Mesopotamia, who had a Prophetick Gift.
To distinguish of Prophets, and of the several kinds of them, and of the distinct parts of their Office, is not my present work: let it suffice at this time to shew, that, the LORD has not been wanting to his Church and People, when he has been sought unto aright; as to his gifting, gracing, calling and sending extraordinary Officers (with a larger Commission than only to a small gathered handful of Disciples of Christ) when the ordinary ones have been corrupted or negligent, ignorant or unfaithful, or upon some other special Occasions.
Shem in his own case, tho altogether unworthy of the least and lowest place of Service ministerial in Christ's House, yet for about these twenty years last past, having been Christ's Servant, to gather, feed, and rule a particular Church, or particular Churches, and to this day is so, he has declared against his being staked or teddered down to any one Place or People, he being Christ's Servant, at his Masters dispose, to do what publick work his LORD shall call him unto, wheresoever, to whomsoever it be, having never as yet, either singly by himself, or jointly with others, laid on his Hands upon any one, as to an ordaining of him to the Ministerial Office.
This part of Shem's Narrative should put some dissenting Brethren upon more serious considering, whether, they have not been very short of their Duty, who have cryed down, and run down all gathered Churches and Church-Ministers, (because of some Antichristian and Unscriptural Principles and Practices corruptly crept in) some for five, others for ten, some others for twenty, othersome for thirty years together, not seeing, or not believing, or not acknowledging, or not promoting, any extraordinary Ministry over gathered Curch, or Churches, set up [Page 20] by Christ in the room thereof? And, O! who will give, that, this seasonable Word might fall and abide with kindly in working Efficacy, in the demonstration of the Spirit, and with power upon prepared Hearts, and unprejudiced Minds; both as to non-Church ones, and also as to the present Claimers of Ministry, by Office, whether National, Classical, Congregational, pleading for a right in their Tenure, whether by Succession, Authority from the People, or what else? That, one and another may yet be think themselves of a more Scriptural way, for the informing, setling, satisfying, healing and uniting of Christians. As Scripture-History doth clear it up, that so it hath been, so Scripture-Prophecy and Scripture-Promise will fulfil and accomplish it, that, so it shall be in this latter-day-Glory, even a Prophetick, Apostolick, Evangelick, and otherways extraordinary Ministry, as well as a Pastoral, Teaching, ordinary Ministry, revived and advanced, continued and blessed, such special Administrators in Christ's House, by whom resort shall be to the Mouth of Jehovah, to ask Counsel at an Oracle of Aelohim; who has in all Ages of his Church, both before and since the Apostle's days, sent some special Messenger or Messengers to witness for Himself, and for the Truths of Christian Religion, against the Corruptions of the Times and Age wherein they lived, tho the number of such under many Providences has been but small, and the true Ministry and Churches have not so shined forth with visible Pomp, and outward Glory.
There may, if Jehovah our Aelohim and Adonai, do bring it forth by and in the Hand of his Providence, shortly come abroad a Scripture-Directory, concerning an House for the Sons of the Prophets, for the training up of such, whose Hearts the LORD shall make willing to study useful Arts and Sciences in the Book of Books, the Holy Scriptures of Truth, Inspired Gifts, and Acquired Gifts, where 2 Tim. 3. 14, 15, 16, 17. 1 Sam. 10. 5,—13. 2 Kings 2. 3, 5, 7, 16. & 4. 38. both are sanctified, how useful are they when employed for the Edification of the Church and People of Christ? And, who of us can tell, but that the open declaring for both these by some Gentile-Christians, and Believers, and Ministers, who express their Faith in Prophetick Scriptures, that Isa. 32. 15. & 44. 3, 4. Ezek. 39, 29. Joel 2. 28,—32. Ezek. 47. 1,—12. 1 Cor. 12, 13, 14. ch. 2 Cor. 3. 17. 18. there are near at hand some further more immediate Inspirings from the Holy Spirit with extraordinary Charisms, or edifying Gifts, and those of working of Miracles, and Gifts of Healings, and of Tongues particularly; (For, 1 Cor. 1. 22, 24. the Jews do to this day require a Sign) and who withal do in the use of ordinary means wait upon the Holy Spirit for his inner Teachings, and for his Blessings of their unwearied Endeavours, and diligent Industry, of their serious cryings after Scripture-Knowledg in the Original Language, and giving their Voice for Understanding, seeking her as Silver, and searching for her as hid Treasures: For, (the Greeks do still seek after Wisdom, I say, who knows, but that) both Jew and Gentile may fall in love with this Art of Arts, and Science of Sciences, if Jehovah will in either, or in both these ways give Wisdom; out of whose Mouth Knowledg and Understanding: when Wisdom shall thus enter into Hearts, Oh! how pleasant will Knowledg be to the Soul? Mar. 16. 15. Mat. 28. 18, 19, 20. Gal. 2. 7, 8. Isa. 40. 9. & 52. 7, 8. As the LORD here tofore honoured some of the Christianized Jews to be under him his Apostles, for the converting of the Gentiles; so, in these later Days, he may honour, some of the Christianized Gentiles to be under him his Apostles, for the converting of the Jews and Israelites: Zech. 2. 5. Isa. 46. 13. then shall the LORD and his new created Ones, be the mutual Glory of each other. Oh! how glorious a Day will that Day of such Glory be!
Acts 9. 15,—20. & 26. 16,—20. 1 Cor. 15. 10. Paul being thus put by Christ into the Ministerial Office, sets about the work wherein he laboured more abundantly than all the Apostles: his Travels up and down with the Gospel, as one Historian has computed them, were ten thousand two hundred and seventy Miles, from his first beginning, until his being Prisoner in Rome; and altho he might have required maintenance, 2 Cor. 11. 9, 10, 11, 12. & 12. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. 1 Cor. 9. thorow. yet for the Gospel's sake he did forbear the demanding of it.
2 Cor. 11. 21. and so to the end. & 4. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Gal. 6. 17. Rom. 3, 8. His Sufferings were many and great; his being reproached was his sore Tryal: particularly that, 1 Cor. 9. 5. for his leading about of a Sister a Wife.
2 Cor. 11. 28. He had care of all the Churches.
Act. 9. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 38. & 11. 26. & 14. 22, 28. & 18. 23, 27. & 19. 1, 9. & 20. 1. 7. & 21. 4, 16. 1 Cor. 16. 10, 11, 12. 2 Cor. 8. 16, 17, 18. Deut. 18. 6, 7, 8. 1 Cor. 3. 21, 22. Where he made or found thorow Disciples of Christ in any City, Town, or elsewhere, he had and held actual Communion with them.
Since Christ's more thorow Calling of Shem Acher to this Office and Work of the Ministry, the LORD has given him a willing and ready mind and heart, gladly to spend and be spent in his Service, and for Souls; and although his Travels have not been comparable for Miles and for Countries with Paul's, yet he has had a Desire that way, if Christ had called, and enabled him thereunto; and he had this Honour put upon him, to be one of the first who set up open Separate Meetings in two or three Counties. And for his Diligence in Preaching, it is well known to many, of which he gave good Testimony through Grace (to the God of which Grace he ascribes all the Honour) especially for five years in a great Town in Dorcetshire, and afterwards, whilst above nine years the LORD's Prisoner, towards the latter end of which part of his Confinement in Dorchester he did preach sixteen times a week for some weeks, besides other occasional work; and since his coming near, or into the City of London, he has not been idle.
As for filthy Lucre, he has not greedily sought it. Whilst he received Tithe-Maintenance in a private Parish, which was near one Hundred pounds by the year, it was spent amongst them in Hospitality, in providing for the Poor, in buying of Bibles and such like, in setting the Poor on work; for he suffered no Beggar knowingly of all the Parishioners: and towards parting with them, he laid out about three hundred pounds in building a new House, which he left to such as should after succeed him to labour in the Word and Doctrine. This Estate he freely left, to answer a Call unto a Neighbour Town, where was much Work, and little Wages; For, the small Tithes belonging to the Vicarage were so inconsiderable, that when one whole years Profits were given to the King upon the Benevolence-Act, the Man who was to gather the Profits for the King, had at the years end laid out about five shillings more for decimation and in collecting than he had received: which he doth not mention to reflect it upon the Inhabitants of that Town, some whereof were not backward in contributing; but all that, and fourscore pounds Annuity of his own, setled upon him by his Father, was spent upon the place (except what was laid out in Books, and such like.) He also freely restored Thirty pounds, out of which himself took not one shilling, which was procured by some of the Town, and paid to an Assistant, as an Augmentation, which ran in Shem Acher's other-Name. If any take himself to have been wronged or defrauded by him, let such prove the Charge, and he will make Restitution; Numb. 16. 15. 1 Sam. 12. 3, 4, 5. Luke 19. 8. 2 Cor. 7. 2. For seventeen years or thereabouts, altho he hath refused many pounds, yet he doth remember but one piece of Tithe that he received of any, which was brought to him by a Fellow-Prisoner, conscientiously, as she declared, which was a very little Pot of Honey, the Tenth-part of some Hive-Honey which she had in a little Garden of hers in the Country; which, to satisfie her, he did receive from her hands, but he presently gave it back to her again, and a shilling besides. This he doth mention, to wipe off that Slander of Self-seeking; who during his Ten-days Tribulation, lived upon his Annuity, whilst a Prisoner: and since his coming to London, he has done the same. Tho his Judgment be, that Decimation is the Peoples Duty, about which he hath drawn up several Arguments in another Paper, reserved for such a season, when such Doctrine is like to have a readier reception.
What his Sufferings have been, are well known to some Rev. 2. 10., in nine full years close and hard Imprisonment, and the beginning of a tenth; besides those continued Reproaches, Slanders, and other Opposings which have assaulted him for about these last seventeen years more especially, both from declared Enemies, and pretended Friends: But, blessed be Jehovah, who has enabled him in any good measure 2 Cor. 6. 3.—10. to endeavour to give no just offence, or occasion of falling in any thing, that the Ministry might not be blamed; but in all things has endeavoured to approve himself as a Minister of God, in much Patience, in Afflictions, in Distresses, in Imprisonments, in Labours, in some Watchings, and Fastings; by Pureness, by Knowledge, [Page 22] by Long-suffering, by Kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by Love unfeigned, by the Word of Truth, by the Power of God, by the Armour of Righteousness on the right hand and on the left, by Honour and Dishonour, by evil report and good report: As a Deceiver, and yet true; as unknown to many, and yet well acknowledged by some; as dying, and yet behold he lives; as chastened, and not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing. He forbears to enlarge much more upon this, as not knowing how that will be received which is already mentioned: However, he doth Col. 1. 24. rejoice in his Sufferings for the LORD's People, and by way of Correspondence and Conformity to Christ, is filling up that which is behind of the Afflictions of Christ in his Flesh, for his Bodies sake, which is the Church. Act. 9. and in many other p [...]aces of the Acts of the Apostles. Mat 3. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. & 4. 1,—17. As it was with Paul, and as it was with Christ, so also with Shem Acher, a flood of Temptations and Persecutions brake in upon him when he thus passed under perfecting the Ordinance of Baptism, and into a more thorow discharge of his Ministerial Function.
As Paul was, so also has Shem Acher been much slanderously misreported concerning his Authority and Power of leading about of a Sister, a Wife, in his travels. Historians do differ in their Judgment about Paul, whether he were actually married or not: Eusebius Pamphilus nameth Clemens and Ignatius, and some others there are w [...]o hold that he was married. That which doth perswade Shem Acher that Paul was married, besides somewhat else which he could produce that way, is 1 Cor. 7. 7. that expression of Paul, I would that all Men were even as I my self, which being interpreted of abstaining from Marriage altogether, were a very sinful wish in him: For, if simply and absolutely taken, if such a Will and Desire had obtained, all the Race of Mankind, and the whole Church of Christ, in two Generations had been utterly extinct. However the Case was with Paul, Shem Acher has been very unkindly and injuriously dealt withal about his Marriage with Gnezri-jah. When he (with some other Ministers) had the Honour to be so many years the LORD's Prisoner at Dorchester, it came upon and into the Heart of Gnezri-jah, from the time of his (and their) first Confinement, to be as a common Stewardess and Nurse, to make and bring in Provision of Food, and of other outward Necessaries for them, her Spirit and Soul being much drawn forth in Compassion towards the LORD's suffering Servants, in fellow-feeling of their Hardships, and with great longings after the daily enjoyment of Communion with Father, Son, and holy Spirit, by the LORD's Blessing upon his and others Ministerial Labours: at which time, [...]ho she then had an aged Mother to maintain, she did pinch and straiten her self, in diet and other-ways, to serve and be helpful unto those Ministers; which was afterwards understood by Shem Acher, and considered by him. After some time the other Ministers having obtained their Liberty, Shem Acher's Imprisonment was continued for several years; all which time this Gnezri-jah was a succourer of him, and did continue friendly & faithful to him in all his Temptations, and was very useful, not only to him, but also to many other of the Prisoners in divers cases. When he was set free, his Heart was engaged to preach the Gospel abroad; and having need of help, Gnezri-jah sometimes travelled with him; This being envied and maligned by some, to prevent▪ or remove any occasion of Scandal or offence, he declared unto some of the Church, that he was willing to take Gnezri-jah to him for a Wife, according to the Word, she being every way the fittest for him, she being a Sister in the same way of Church-Fellowship, and a Virgin modest and chast, many ways look'd upon as excelling almost all of her Sex in the whole Town of Dorchester, for Humility, Patience, Mortifiedness, Diligence, Faithfulness, Zeal, and such Commendablenesses as these, in the Judgment of all spiritual Discerners, who had any intimate acquaintance with her; and she having undergone so many Hardships and Difficulties for him, and after so many years experience of her fittedness for such a Yoke-fellowship, Shem Acher married her. When this was made known, the Tempter bestirred himself, and set some upon opening of their mouths both against him and her, that he had married one who had been a kind of Servant to him, one much beneath him for Birth, a poor Maid without a Portion: which was so odiously and unjustly aggravated and spread abroad by some, who should have been more friendly, (both he and she before then, and since, having been friendly unto them) that his Ministry was in a great measure rendred much useless and successless in those Parts; which purpose [Page 23] of Marriage a little after compleated, together with the Advice of several of the Friends in Fellowship with him, to publish a Treatise in the Defence of the Cause of the Seventh-Day-Sabbath, was somewhat of the occasion both of his coming to, and continuing near and in the City of London. Thus must any thing a little colourable, serve for a Charge against Shem Acher, who has met with a passage in Clarks Lives, where he makes mention of a Commendable Act of one Minister of Christ, who having bin helped by a mean Handmaid, a Virgin, during his sore Imprisonment for the Gospel's sake, when he was set at Liberty, thought he could no other way so requite her, as by marrying of her. This is recorded to the praise of that Minister; but, if Shem Acher do the same, it must be look'd upon by many as a Scandal and Crime in him. As for a Portion, he prizeth Grace at a very low rate, who doth not really in a case of competition, esteem and prefer it above and beyond many Bags of Earthly Treasure: And altho Shem Acher might possibly have had several Thousands with another Woman, where there was not such a suitableness in other respects; yet it was a sweet sensible Evidence upon his Heart in his Conscience about that time, that being closely held to that Psal. 119. 72, 127. Scripture-term, he readily complied with it, and conformed to it, in the strength and supplies of the holy Spirit. The Law of thy mouth, O Jehovah, is better unto me than Thousands of Gold and of Silver. Therefore I love thy Commandments above Gold, yea, above fine Gold. Shem Acher having an Annuity of Fourscore pounds by the year, setled upon him during his Life, This provided Food convenient, and other outward Necessaries for him, and out of the rest he was ready to distribute out of the Decimation, and otherwise, to the Necessities of others proportionably as far as it would go; so that now, after twenty years or more enjoyment of that Annuity, he has not laid up one shilling out of that Means, if he die before Gnezri-jah, what he has to leave her is mostly his Study of Books, and some Houshold-stuff. They have not wanted Conveniencies since they came together, neither shall either of them want when they are parted asunder by Death; for they have Bonds by gracious Covenant under the Hand and Seal of the faithful God, to be cared and provided for: But, Shem Acher not having an Estate to settle any Jointure upon a Wife, if she survived, he never had any considerable Proffer made him, neither did ever meet with any pure Virgin so every way a meet help for him. The common corrupt practice amongst many of the Gentry, being to settle almost all their Estate upon their Eldest Son (which has brought a Curse upon, and has bin the Ruin of many Antient and Honorable, wealthy Families, the LORD in the way his Providence frowning upon such an unscriptural distribution, He allowing a Deut. 21. 17. double portion of their Father's Goods to the First-born) whereas younger-Brothers are often put off with some small Allowance to keep them alive. This Shem Acher doth mention, not at all out of discontent at his Allotment; for, he doth write as he hath long experienced, that his Annuity is the wisest and best Portion and Provision for him, it bringing in unto him a Competency, and discharging him from Worldly Cares, and Earthly Incumbrances; all his labour about this being once a Quarter to receive Twenty pounds, and to give an Acquittance: Only he brings in here this Testimony against the fore-mentioned common corrupt Practice. As for Gnezri-jah's Family and Relations, An ancient Justice of Peace did declare, that her Grandfather was one of the First who appeared for a Reformation against the Superstitions and other Corruptions of the Times, to the endangering of his Liberty and Life; and that he, and a Kinsman of his, did lend one hundred pounds to Mr. White of Dorchester for his encouragement, who was one of the first and foremost and forwardest of all the Puritane-Ministers in the West, publickly by Preaching, and otherwise, to promote a Reformation. He dipped all his Children. This Mr. Slado her Grandfather had a considerable Estate in England, which he sold, and purchased somewhat in Ireland; he had a numerous Progeny, and they most of them have prospered well in this World, and divers of them fear the LORD: several of them are still living. Whilst he lived in the City of Limerick in Ireland, the Lecturers were entertained at his House; Two of his Daughters were there married to Ministers. One Mr. Town, who married Gnezri-jah's Mother, Shem Acher has heard was a Doctor of Divinity, having Preferments in Ireland worth Two hundred pounds by the year, [Page 24] he kept seven or eight Servants and well bred up a fruitful Family. Her Father according to the Light of that day was zealous against Popery, often exposing his Life to danger in defence of the Protestant Religion; once the bloody Papists attempted to bury him alive: but, the LORD delivered him. In the Irish Rebellion about forty years ago, this Doctor with all his Family were persecuted; he left his Estate for the Cause of Christ; and after many wonderful deliverances in Ireland and at Sea, during that Rebellion, several of his Family came for England, where the LORD took care of them; but now they are scattered into several Countries. Yet notwithstanding this just Defence made as to Men, some do still go on with their defamings both of Shem Acher and of Gnezri-jah about this Matter, who leave their Cause with the righteous Judg, who knows, how they both for several years have much endeavoured to sweeten the Lives of others, and to promote Peace and Purity in the Churches: tho ill requited by many, whose unkindness have contributed much towards the breaking down of her Constitution, and the sore distressing of her Spirit; so that, it is a wonderful Power and Preservation, that, both her Husband and she are yet alive.
What careful Thoughts Shem Acher has had for the Churches of the Holy Separation according to his Capacity, Opportunity and Ability, is known to the searcher of Hearts, and there are some Friends who have been acquainted therewith; tho hitherto he has been but little encouraged, and cannot effect much: but, some Testimony thereof he has brought in this way, by a Treatise of his published in seventy seven, called, All in One, &c. by the Visits which he has given to Sabbath-Churches, and that Epistle of Love which he this Year sent to them for a Me [...]ting in London, by Messengers, for the promoting of such good Work and great Ends, as were well worthy for the greatest Princes, and ablest Ministers, to countenance and prosecute: had it been entertained and improved according to its just due value; Which Epistle of Love was as followeth.
WE give thanks to God and the Father of our LORD Jesus Christ, who has made known to you and to us his Holy Sabbath, and hath so far favoured and honoured us, as to use and own our open Confessing, and obedient Witnessing of this, and of any other Truth and Duty of the present Age, whereunto he hath called us forth in his Wisdom and Strength, who are but Foolish and Weak in our selves; and we earnestly desire you to help together, by Prayer with us, that, both you and we may walk worthy of God, who hath thus called us unto his Kingdom and Glory; and who has made King Jesus to be Preciousness and Honour to us, and his Kingly Law to be Honourable and Glorious in our Esteem: Both the Old and New Testament towards the close of each, putting us upon a more particular and especial remembrance of Him and of his Law; and pronouncing those to be the Blessed Ones, who doing his Commandments, that, they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the Gates into the City.
There being divers exceeding great and precious Prophecies and Promises, relating more peculiarly unto the Revivers and Observers of the weekly Seventh-day-Sabbath, which shall go a little before the Coming and Appearing of our LORD Jesus Christ in Glory, when he will gather in the out-casts of Israel, and do his other latter day-Glory-works; For, there shall be those of such Christian believing Sabbath-keepers, who shall build all the old waste places, who shall raise up the Foundations from Generation to Generation, and who shall be called Menders of Breaches, Restorers of Paths to Sabbatize in, and, the time drawing on, Christ's Salvation being at hand to come, and his Righteousness to be revealed, so that, [Page 25] we should look up, and lift up our Heads, because such our Redemption draweth near.
We therefore propound this unto your serious Consideration, dear Brethren, beloved in our LORD, that, by two or more Messengers from every such Church in England, or by Letters and Messages from any of such Churches, or of any particular Brethren in Holland, New-England, or elsewhere, we may meet, if our LORD will, once, or oftner upon weighty and urgent occasions and necessities, every Year at London, or elsewhere, at such times as shall be agreed on, to keep days of Fasting and of Thanksgiving together, by the Prayers of Faith, through the Mediation and Intercession of the great Apostle, and High Priest of our Profession, Jesus Christ, to prevail with the Father for larger pourings out of his Spirit upon our selves, and upon others, for his special presence of Grace with us, assisting and blessing of us in all Church-Administrations, and at such a general Meeting by Messengers; so, as that thereby there may be begotten a better Understanding, and a more unanimous Accord among our selves, a more successful carrying on of Truth, Love, Peace, and Holiness in our Churches, a more exact bringing of all the Ordinances of Christ's New Spiritual House to the Laws and Orders of the Prophetical Pattern according to Scripture-Institution, and that, from cool considerate Conferences there may be given forth right statings of any other Questions that may come before us, about which to give our advice mutually to one another, by the Rules of the Word of God, judging righteous Judgment according unto that, without any lording it one over another, but in all lowliness of Mind, in Humility and Meekness, being readily and thankfully made willing to receive further Scripture-Light from any, whom our LORD shall use and honour to hold it forth before us; and that, then and there we may consult which way by a common stock to promote any good work, for the maintenance of any Church-Officers, for the training up of hopeful young, or more aged Men (sound and stedfast in the Faith) in the Knowledg of the Original Tongue, and of other Scripture-Learning, and for the procuring of a more exact literal Translation of the Old-and New-Testament into our Mother-Tongue, and for the more religious educating of Children, in Families and in Schools, and for the relieving of the Poor, and for such other good Works; and to enquire, what may be further a Duty upon us, towards the two, and the ten Tribes of Judah, and of Israel, to help forward their Conversion, as also what the Spirit has to say more particularly and especially to our Churches, and to other Churches, in this great Providential-day, and such like publick-spirited Inquiries: and all this for the promoting of the Honour of our LORD, and of his Word, Works, and Cause, the Purity and Peace of Churches and Salvation of Souls.
Thus, through Grace, and Mercy, obtained from our LORD, we discover and declare our readiness to joyn in with you, in what is the work of our Day and Generation, and so commend you to God, and to the Word of his Grace, which is able to build you and us up, and to give us an Inheritance among all them who are Sanctified.
Now that Shem Acher's Ends towards the latter-day-Glory might be promoted, and that Shem might prosecute so good a design in the use of all those lawful means, which his Line could reach into, in his place, for the finishing of this part of his Testimony for Christ, for the Word of Christ, for the Law of his ten Words and the annexed Judicials, and for the Seventh-day-Sabbath more especially; whilst others were following of the King with Petition upon Petition, subscribed with multitudes of Hands, from Cities, Towns, and Counties: By Shem's direction, this following Address was put into the Hands of the King.
THe Land doth tremble, it is broken, it shaketh: the right Way, and proper Method to heal its Breaches is plain and evident.
You have seen the Hand of the LORD stretched out against the Popish Plotters, in a continued Discovery for many Months of their bloody Design.
If the LORD Jesus Christ, who is the King of Kings, would graciously give you a Heart for it, and then put it into your Heart, openly at the next Session of Parliament, to declare, that, It is your full Purpose, and firm Resolution, in the Strength and Supplies of the Almighty God, to set up the Laws of Christ in the Scriptures of Truth, as the one, and the only Rule of your Government, for which you have their own Authority in express Words, The Law of God is the Law of the Land.
Then will your Name be transmitted to Posterity in the English Chronicle, with a Crown Royal upon it, Those who honour Christ, he will honour.
The Sabbath of my (Mighty) God make thou it Precious, O my God of Deliverance!
A like Address was made by the same Advice and Hand, to the King to the same Effect, in answer to that loud awakening Call, by that signal Blazing Star, for the promoting of the same grand Design of exalting of Christ, and of the Word of Christ.
And a third, sometime after to the present Mayor of London, for the like End.
As Paul's manner was, accordingly Shem Acher in his place, finding some Disciples of Christ, at his first coming to live near London to do work for his LORD and for Souls, they agreeing to desire him thereunto, and expressing this desire to him, that, seeing they were a few scattered Sheep without a Shepherd, not being fully then satisfied to join in Church Fellowship with any particular Church as so constituted, and so walking in London, they declaring their being satisfied in one another and in him, that, he would administer the LORD's Supper unto them; which, after Conference with them, and divers of them having profited under his ministerial Labours, and having been baptized by him, accordingly he did at Bethgnal-Green in the year seventy four, withal declaring both he and they, that, this was a providential Communion in all the Ordinances of Christ's new Spiritual House towards the latter-day-Glory, so far, as for the present according to our Scripture-Light they can regularly come at them, and so long as the LORD should continue them somewhat near together in their Dwellings: this was assented unto and agreed upon by those baptized Believers, and Seventh-day-Sabbath-Observers. A little after this, some difference in Judgment arising amongst them, which Shem Acher foresaw, and told it unto some, a remnant of them, who were more of one Mind, agreed at a meeting in seventy five, to own the LORD Jesus Christ to be the one and only LORD and Lawgiver to their Souls and Consciences, and the Holy Scriptures of Truth, as the one and only Rule of Faith, Worship, and Life, according to which they were to judg of all their Cases. Then did they pass into a Church: For, at that meeting upon this Agreement, without any particular Church-Covenant about controverted Matter, they did firmly lay all their Churchbottoming and building upon this Rock and Foundation, even upon Christ and upon his Word.
A little before their thus passing into this Church▪ State and Relation, the two Sabbath Churches in the City desired his Labours at sometimes with them in the use and exercise of his Gifts, which he consented to upon their importunity, the LORD assisting him and prospering of his Labours upon the Hearts of several, whose longings still encreased, to enjoy more of his Ministerial Labours, after that he had gathered some Disciples of Christ and was in a Church-way with them, and had a distinct Meeting-place in the same City, where he met with the Church, and others who gave their Attendance at that Assembly, where his service was accepted of the Saints; so that, they were mutually refreshed, whereby they had in much experience a savoury taste of the Spirits of one another, divers of the Brethren and Sisters of one of those two other Churches of Sabbath-keepers imparting some of their inmost Cases unto Shem Acher, who has here upon this occasion a weighty Case to propound.
As to the Matter of Fact, which is attested to be true by the whole Church, who knew what doth follow, with whom he doth walk; Shem Acher doth suppose, a Sister▪ of another Sabbath-Church in the same City, imparted this Case of her Soul unto him, reporting to him, that, for some years she had been mu [...]h oppressed in Heart, distressed in Spirit, broken and distempered in her bodily Constitution, for want of that Spiritual Life and Liberty, Purity and Peace, Sweet and Satisfaction, which she enjoyed not where she sat before; but since she came under the Ministry of Shem, her communicated Experience is, that she has met with that Presence of the Holy good Spirit, and of Grace sealed upon her Heart here, to her Edification, Comfort, and Healing; whereupon she desired to be in full Communion with Shem Acher, and with the Friends in Church-Fellowship with him; he laying this Gase in the several Circumstances of it to Heart (the particulars whereof he is not willing to insist upon, as being loth to exasperate the Spirits of any concerned) imparted it to the Friends in Gospel-Fellowship, who upon due consideration and serious deliberation, unanimously received her into Church-Communion, the healing comforting Effects whereof, were quickly felt in her Spirit, Soul, and Body too through Grace.
Upon this Case, as to the Matter of Right, ariseth this Question, Whether, under these Circumstances, either this Sister in so coming off from that former Church, or the Church with Shem Acher in so receiving of her, have sinned and transgressed the Laws and Rules of Christ?
That, neither she nor they are under Guilt in this Matter, Shem Acher and the Friends with him do give these following Scripture-Arguments and Reasons, bottomed upon Scripture-Grounds and Testimonies.
One Argument is drawn from the Principal Efficient Cause of a Church, who is Jehovah Aelohim. He it is Psal. 100. 3▪ & 102. 18. & 149 [...]2. Isa. 43. 1, 7, 15, 21. & 44. 2, 21, 24. & 51. 13. & 54. 5. 1 Cor. 1. 2. Psal. 47. 2. Acts 20. 28. Zech. 2. 8. Rev. 2. 1. Isa. 27. 2, 3. Deut. 32. 28. Isa. 43. 1. & 63. 16. Act. 20. 21. Gal. 1. 3. Eph. 5. 25, 26, 27, 29, 30. Col. 1. 14. Heb. 13. 20. Rev. 1 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 20. & 5. 9. & 14. 4. Prov. 9. 1. Mat. 16 18, 19. Heb. 3. 3, 4, 6. who createth, and maketh a Church. He calleth it, purchaseth i [...]. He feeds it, he loves it as the Apple of his Eye; He walketh in the midst of it; He protecteth it; He doth all things for it; He dwelleth there; He formeth and frameth it; He is the Father of it: As the Father, and his Son, and Holy Spirit, is thus to his Church; so also is Christ the Mediator, the Redeemer of his Church, its Saviour, Deliverer, Purchaser, Buyer, Builder.
To this Jehovah Aelohim she has 2 Cor. 8. 5. given up her self, which is the Primary, Chief, and Special Relation, on which all higher Church-Communion and Fellowship is firmly and principally founded: it is to supersede and over-rule all secondary, meaner, commoner, and subservient Relations, on which all lower Brotherly and Sisterly Communion and Fellowship is more remotely, subordinately, and less principally founded. No after-inconsiderate-Obligation to any People can take away a former higher Obligation, whereby a right doth accrew to another, especially this other being the Supreamest over all.
The Argument runs thus.
If Jehovah Aelohim in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; if the LORD Jesus Christ, God-Man, who is the principal Efficient Cause of his Church, who createth it, and maketh it, &c. If he have this way evidently disposed of her, where she may most and best honour and enjoy him in all Church-Ordinances, and Church-Administrations, according to Word-Rule, she having thus given up her self to him, in a primary, chief and special Relation; then neither she nor we are under Guilt so far in this Matter.
But Jehovah Aelohim, in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the LORD Jesus Christ, God-Man, who is the Principal Efficient Cause of his Church, who createth it, and maketh it, &c. has this way evidently disposed of her, where she may most and best honour and enjoy him in all Church-Ordinances and Church-Administrations according to the Word-Rule, she having thus given up her self to him in a primary, chief and special Relation.
And Therefore, neither she nor they are under Guilt so far in this Matter.
Another drawn from the Instrumental Efficient Cause of the Church of God, which is 1 Pet. 1. 23, 24, 26. Col. 1. 2,—7. Acts 2. 41,—47 & 4. 4. & 5. 14. & 6. 1, 7. & 8. 4, 12. & 9. 31. & [...]1. 21, 24. & 13 49. & 14. 1. & 16. 5. & 17. 4, 12, 34. & 18. 4, 8. & 19. 19, 20. & 20. 28. Mat. 24. 45. Joh. 21. 1 [...], 16, 17. Act. 20 28. 1 Pet. 5. 2. 1 Tim. 3. 1. Heb. 13. 7, 17. 1 Pet. 51,—5. both, sound Doctrine, grounded firmly upon the Word, and faithfully Preached, by which the Church is born and propagated: and also, the Minister or Ministers of Christ, who preach this sound Doctrine, and do administer in the Church, who do feed the Church, who oversee it, who watch over it, who rule and discipline it, who pray for it, and such like.
They argue thus.
If this Sister have put her self in the same City under such sound Doctrine, grounded firmly upon the Word faithfully preached, and under such a Ministry, which is the instrumental Cause of a Church of Christ, where she has wholesome Food more proper and suited to her Cases, by which she is better nourished▪ is every way more advantaged, more profited better cared and provided for, in all Spirituals, as to a Church-State-and-Relation, for Doctrine, Worship, Discipline and Conversation, having all instituted Ordinances more fitted to her Spiritual State, Frame, Acting, and Appetite, her Soul-cases more directly spoken unto, there being more of a sweet Spiritual Accord in Principles, and other ways between her Spirit and the present Church with whom she walketh, which she could not for several years so enjoy in the other Society; then neither she nor they are unde [...] Guilt so far in this Matter?
But, this Sister, &c.
Another is drawn from the Material Cause.
Eph 1. 22. & 4. 15, 16. & 5. 23. Col. 1. 18. & 2. 19. Heb. 2. 15, 16, 17, 18 & 4. 4. 15, 16. Rom. 8, 9, 11, 14. Eph. 4. 3, 4, 5, 6. Song of Songs throughout. Isa. 33. 22. Eph. 5. 23. Joh. 10. 14▪ Heb. 3 6. & 10▪ 21 [...]2 or. 11. 2. Eph▪ 4 4, 15, 16. & ver. 11, 12, 13. Mat. 11. 20. & 28. 18, 19, 20. The LORD Jesus Christ is the supream Head of his Church, the material Cause of the Church, of the same Nature, partaker of the same Flesh and Blood with all the living Members of his Church, made like him in all, except Sin: the same holy Spirit, who is in Christ, refideth in the Church, and in all and every of the regenerated Members thereof, who by this Spirit are united to Christ, animated ensouled by this Spirit: from this Christ doth flow all Spiritual Life and Motion to his Church: he is by far more excellent than the Church; he has the Empire and Government over the Church; he gives Laws to the Church; he is the Saviour of it; he doth acknowledg it, and is acknowledged by it, he is indissolubly united to it by the strongest, closest Bond; no other besides him is Head of the Church; he is the Husband of it, he fitly joyns the Members of it together into one Body; he doth gift the Church, and its Officers; he is always present with it, having all Authority and Power in Heaven and on Earth given to him for these holy good Purposes.
It is here thus argued.
If Christ in all this have so framed, inclined and led this Sister, and accordingly she have in all this thus submi [...]ted unto Christ in the fittest and best way, where she according to her raised expectation has received more of the Holy Spirit, and of influences from Christ, as a living Member under this Church, as the only Head, and as the Supream Material Cause of the Church; then neither she nor they are under Guilt so far in this Matter.
But, Christ in all this, &c.
This was drawn from the Material Cause of the Church Supream.
A further Argument shall be drawn 1 Cor. 6. 15, & 12. 27. Eph. 1. 22, 23. & 4▪ 4, 12. & 5. 23. 30. Col. 1. 18, 24. & 2. 19. Joh. 10. 16. 1 Cor. 1. 2. and the Titles of Paul' s other Epistles to the Churches. Heb. 12. 23. Eph. 4. 16. from the inferior Material Cause of a Church of Christ, which are the Elect, Believers, and Saints, who are the Members and the Body of Christ, and have mutual care of and for one another, Communion with [Page 29] one another, and are jointly helpful to each other, and do faithfully and friend [...]y discharge the Gospel Duties of Church-Fellowship mutually towards one anothe [...], such as mutual considering of one another, &c.
It is here, thus argued.
If this Sister have joined her self there in Church-Fellowship with them amongst those, whom she charitably hopes may be such living Fellow-Member [...] in Christ with her, more and better suited to her Spirit in such a Church-way of Spiritual Incorporation, where she has more freedom and better agreement in her [...]an, more Spiritual Communion, more really expressed and acted helpfulness. as to Spirituals, more enjoyment of the Gospel-Duties of Church-Fellowship mutually towards one another, than in that Society where she was before, and all this as the Inferior Material Cause of the Church; then neither she non they▪ &c.
But this Sister, &c.
Another is drawn from the Formal Cause of a Church of Christ.
The Formal Cause, or Form, or Eph. 4. 3, 4. Acts 2. 41, 47. & 4. 32. & 9. 31. 1 Cor. 12. 12, 13, 27. & 10 17. & 1. 10, 11. Phil. 2. 1,—5. Eph. 1. 21, 22, 23. & 3. 17. & 2. 19. Rom. 8. 9. 1 Joh. 4. 13. Col. 1. 18. & 2. 19. Eph. 5. 32. that which doth give a spirited Life, Being and Motion, is the uniting Spirit of the LORD enlivening the Church-Body, and that Union of Believers in the Spirit with Christ as the Head, and with and another as Fellow-Members of the same Mystical Body.
The Argument thus presenteth it self to be considered.
If the Spirit of this Sister in Experience according to the Word, both were before Admission, and hath been and still is since her Admission amongst such more knit and united by the Holy Spirit, in Holy Spiritual Union to Christ and to these Fellow-Members, where she has more of spirited Life, Being, and Motion, than when amongst those with whom she walked in Society withal before, which was broken off and taken away from her as to the quickness and comfort o [...] it, as to the former Church, in whose fellowship she could not any longer to any good satisfaction continue, and where she had little or no expectation after much proof and long waiting, to have it otherwise as the Case was circumstanced, she being now made more sensible, that her Spirit doth more close with, and is more one in Union and Communion with the Spirit of that Church in this Church-way of Ordinances, with whom she is joined, and all this as the Formal Cause, or Form, or that which doth give a Spirited Life, Being and Motion to a Church; then neither she, nor they, &c.
But, the Spirit of this Sister, &c.
And therefore.
From the Final Cause a strong Argument may be drawn, and its right words are forcible.
Isa. 43. 7, 21. Jer. 13 11. & 14. 21, Eph. 5. 26, 27. & 4. 11, 12, 13, 15, 16. 1 Cor. 12. 13. & 10. 16, 17. Luke 12. 32. 1 Cor. 14. 3, 26, 40. & 10. 16, 17. 2 Cor. 13. 10▪ The Final Cause, or the great End or Ends, for which Jehovah Aelohim has formed his Church, and for which Christ gave and delivered up himself, in respect of him is his Glory, the Honour of his Name in the World, that it may be as a Throne of his Glory; the purging and cleansing of his Church and People; their enjoyment of Spiritual Priviledges and Benefits purchased by the Blood of Christ, their nourishing, growing more up into, and further perfecting in Christ; their receiving more of all Spiritual Supplies from Christ, their mutual Edification, being built up more and more in their most holy Faith, their possessing of signed, sealed, witnessed, delivered free gracious Grants from the Father through his Son, by his Spirit in the word of his Truth of Grace, and at the last their everlasting Happiness, in a clear sight and full enjoyment of the Heavenly Glory in his Eternal Kingdom, in the better Country: In the mean time, the giving and receiving of Spiritual Alms, Bread and Wine, to hungry thirsting Souls, as necessary Provision in their Voyage, whilst here in the way.
The Argument is thus formed.
If this Sister, after long Experience, and much waiting, and earnest Praying, could not attain the forementioned Ends of Church-Fellowship in that way wherein she walked before; whereas since she passed into Church Communion with others, the LORD has graciously given her to enjoy in growing Measures much of these [Page 30] desired Ends, and some good Beginnings, as she hopes, of the filling up of these in the Heavenly Country, where she longeth and waiteth, prayeth and prepareth to be with her LORD in the most pure and Glorious Church; then neither she nor they, &c.
But, this Sister, after long Experience, &c.
Two other Arguments may be drawn from the just Right and due Property of this Sister.
1 Cor. 3. 21, 22, 23. Deut. 18. 6, 7, 8. The Gifts and Graces and Experiences of all the Faithful Ministers of Christ in the same City especially, being one with Christ and his Word, in the Faith and Order of the Gospel, are a part of every Believers Portion there, which they may use as their own, especially when actually, really more to their Edi [...]cation, as Providence doth give opportunity.
From hence it is thus argued.
If this Sister in this have acted, but as her just Right and due Property is, to enjoy this part of her Spiritual Portion, and if they have but done her Right in granting her what is her own, as due unto her, then neither she nor they, &c.
But this Sister in this has acted, &c.
Also from her lawful Liberty.
This Sister reserved a Liberty, if she found in Experience, that her continuing there were not to her Satisfaction and Edification, that, then it should be free to joyn her self to some other Church of the same Faith and Order, in the main, of [...] Believers, and Seventh-day-Sabbath-Observers, where she might be more to her Soul-profiting [...] and Rom. 13. 7, 8. Prov. 3. 27, 28. Psal. 11. 7. Isa. 51. 22, 23. 1 Pet. 5. 3. 1 Cor. 7. 23. 2 Cor. 1. 24. Ezek. 13. 22. they are to render unto all their Dues, to owe no Man any thing: they may not withhold good from them to whom it is due, (from the owners thereof) when it is in the power of their hand to do it, they may not say to their Neighbour, Go, and come again, and to Morrow they will give, when they ha [...] it by them▪ none may lord it over her, or exercise Dominion over her Faith, but should be helpers of her Joy: the righteous and just Jehovah loveth Righteousness, or Justice; he would not have any to make the Hearts of such righteous Ones sad, whom he hath not made sad.
The Argument is thus framed.
If this Sister in thus coming off from the former Church, joyning of her self to others, have but claimed and taken what was her lawful just Liberty, and upon being admitted by others, have found in Experience, that, she has not gone backward, but pressed forward towards the approaching Glory of the latter-day; then, neither she nor they, &c.
But this Sister in thus, &c.
And therefore.
Further Arguments may be drawn from common and special Bonds both of Humanity and Christianity.
In general, and in common they being with her Fellow-Christian Disciples, and not only so, but also in particular and in special, as they are Fellow-Baptized Believers and Sabbath Keepers, 1 Cor. 12. 13, 27. Joh. 10 9, 19, 11, 16, 28. & 21. 15, 16, 17. Ezek. 34. throughout. Eph. 4. 11, 12, 13. they, standing related to this Sister in the Duties and Priviledges of Church-Fellowship and Communion, and having by the Evangelical Ministry amongst them done in this but such a compassionate charitable Office, as to take a sickly Sheep into such a Pasture, where Christ has given her both Food and Rest, who, as her Case was circumstanced, was Consumptive before, and in danger to be made a Prey of.
Hence they thus argue.
If they stood related in the Duties and Priviledges of Church-Fellowship and Communion to this Sister, not only by general common Bonds, as being with her Fellow Christian Disciples, but also in particular and special, as they are Fellow-Baptized Believers and Sabbath Keepers, and have by the Evangelical Ministry amongst them done in this but such a compassionate charitable Office, as to take a [Page 31] weak sickly Sheep into such Pasture, where Christ has given her both Food and Rest; who as her Case was circumstanced, was Consumptive before, and in danger to be made a Prey of, knowing no other Remedy, as a means, for her Spiritual Relief under her distressing Case; Then neither she nor they, &c.
But, we stood related, &c.
Further, under this Head of Argument.
It is warrantable by the Laws of concreated both Nature and Grace, to take in by Coadunation that, which doth run to them by Phil 2. 19, 20, 21. Acts 9. 26, 27, 28. Judg. 20. 11. 1 Sam. 18. 1. 1 Chron. 12. 17. Col. 2. 2, 19. Rom. 12. 16. 2 Chron. 11. 13, 14, 15, 16. Act. 19. 8, 9. Song of Songs throughout. Eph. 4 4, 5, 6. Spiritual Connaturality. Every thing hasteneth to join with its Connatural: and what is Connatural doth readily receive it, and this by the Laws and Rules both of the first and new Creation by sympathetical Coadunation; like will to like. Thus in Minerals, if divers Metals be melted together, they joyn each to that of its own kind; and Beasts and Birds will flock together amongst those of their own kind; if you put Chymical Spirits and Oyl into one and the same Glass, tho by violence they may be jumbled and shaken into a commixture, yet let the Glass be set down steady awhile, and the Spirits will run to the Spirits, and the Oyl to the Oyl, and they will be distinct, and quickly tell the observing Eye, with whom each of them will be in Society. It is one Property of the Church of Christ, that it is Coadunated into an Oneness and Sameness in Gospel-Duties and Church- [...]riviledges.
From whence it is thus argued:
If this Sister, and They in This, have acted by the Laws and Rules of Concreated both Nature and Grace, She coming in, and They taking in by Coadunation, there being a mutual Motion of Consent for Church-Union and Communion between Her and Them by Spiritual Connaturality in the great and main things of Experimented Christianity; Then neither She nor They, &c.
But, this Sister, &c.
Therefore, &c.
Take one Argument more drawn from Scripture-Precepts and Precedents: Rom. 14. 1. & 15. 5, 6, 7. Joh. 22, 34, 35. & 10. 16. Mat. 5, 6, 7, 13, 23, 25. chapters. Christ and his Apostles, and other ordained Ministers, did, according to Scripture-Rules, so receive Disciples, Believers, and Saints into Church-fellowship. Where Paul made or found thorow-Disciples of Christ, walking in all the Commandments of the LORD blameless, in any City, or Town, or elsewhere, there he held actual Providential Communion with them, as is proved in the Margent, pag. 21, concerning Paul. In one and the same City, where were many preaching Ministers, and several Congregations, the believing baptized Disciples being supernumerary, too many for only one place of assembling for instituted Worship, all of them at one and the same time; Acts 2. 41,—47 & 4. 4, 32. & 5. 11, 14. & 6. 1,—7. & 7. 38. & 8. 1, 3. & 11. 22, 26. & 12. 1, 5. & 14. 26, 27. & 15. 2, 3. 4, 22, 23, 25, 27. Compare also Acts 2. 42, 43, 44. & 4. 23. & 5. 42. & 6. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9. & 8. 1, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14. & 9. 2, 20, 22, 31. & 11. 19,—27. & 12. 25. Acts 5. 42. & 20. 20. 1 Sam. 1. 9. & 3. 3. 2. Sam. 22. 7. Psal. 18 6 & 68. 29. & 5. 7. & 28. 2. Acts 13. [...], 2, 5. & 14. 26, 27, 28. & 15. 21, 34, 35, 41. 1 Cor. 1. 2. & Rom. 16. 1. compared. yet so many of them as were such, were as one Church, even where were several Congregated Churches, and were not so bound up only to hear in one of these Congregations, not only those Ministers who preached more commonly in some one of these Congregations; but, it was their liberty and priviledge to hear in other Congregations of the same City, and other Ministers of Christ, teaching in the same City, where it was evidently more for their Edification. All the believing baptized Disciples of Christ in Jerusalem, are called Peter's and John's, and the rest of the Apostles own Company, their proper ones, tho there were other of the seventy Disciples, Teachers there also. Besides the Temple there were several Synagogues in Jerusalem, which were necessary for Meeting-places, the number of Christian Disciples being so multiplied. The Apostles taught in other Houses as well as in the Temple, in the Synagogues in Jerusalem, there being a necessity of many Meeting-places, when there were so many myriads, so many ten thousands of Believers, as the Greek doth expresly affirm, at Jerusalem, tho the English Translation doth not so render it, Act. 21. 17, 20. And the more General Appellation of the Temple doth sometimes in some places include the Synagogues; so was the Tabernacle called. There were Synagogues in Damascus. There were Churches in Judea, and Galilee, and Samaria. There were several Preachers, Prophets, Teachers in Antioch a City of Syria, too many to be confined only to one Congregation, whom those of the Church in [Page 32] that City might hear as they most could profit; especially was it thus in Jerusalem. There were Synagogues at Salamis, a City in Cyprus. In every City of Judea they had their Synagogues, where was Reading and Preaching every Sabbath Day. There were Churches in Syria and in Cilicia. At Corinth there was a Church, and another at Cencrea, which belonged to Corinth. And this Church at Corinth, the Believers and Saints in Church-fellowship there are highly commended by Paul, for first giving up of themselves to the LORD (Christ) to be wholly his, in all things to be ruled by his Will and Law, and then, under Him, unto his faithful Ministers, so far as these did guide them by the Scripture-Rule according to Christ's Will therein: not only those Ministers of Christ who were more particularly related to some Church there, not only to Apollos, or some one or two more, but also to Paul, Cephas, Barnabas, Timothy, Titus, Sylvanus, or any other such providentially teaching there, they all doing the same work, and being Workers together therein: 1 Cor. 1. 12. & 3. 4,—9, 22. & 16. 10, 11, 12. & 2 Cor. 6. 1. & 5. 18, 19, 20. & 8. 16,—24. & 12. 12, 18. 2 Cor. 8. 5. There were more Ministers than one at Corinth, is clear from 1 Cor. 14. 23-32.
This with more of the like Collections from Scripture, might be improved to great and good uses, when the Churches shall be in a spirit and frame for it.
At present they thus argue from hence: If Shem Acher and those with him, have received into Church-fellowship this Sister according to the forementioned Precepts and Precedents by Scripture-Warrants and Rules: Then neither She nor They, &c.
But, Shem Acher, and those with him, &c.
Thus have they made it appear by many solid Arguments, that they have not done, without great Causes and weighty Reasons, what they have done in the Case of this Sister. If any will be returning an Answer, it is desired and expected, that he would, according to what he sees here before him, first, set down the Scriptures, and then argue from those Scriptures.
They have brought in their Testimony for their LORD in this matter, He having given Authority to his Officers, for the Edification of his Churches and People, and not for their Destruction. They can do nothing against the Truth, but for the Truth. They love the Truth and Peace; they pursue Holiness, and would have their All to be done in Love, in that Love which is of God, and is brotherly and unfeigned. 2 Cor. 10. 8, 10. & 13. 8, 11. Rom. 15. 4,—7. Zech. 8. 19. Heb. 12. 14. 1 Cor. 16. 14.
1 Tim. 1. 13, 15. Act. 26. 9, 10, 11. 1 Tim. 14, 15, 16, 17. Act. 9. & chap. 22. & chap. 26. Eph. 3. 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19. 1 Cor. 15. 8, 9, 10. Consider well the History of the Acts of the Apostles, and the several Epistles of Paul. Eph. 3. 8. 2 Cor. 11. & 12. chap. throughout. 2 Cor. 4. 1, 2. & 1. 12. Heb. 13. 18. 1. Cor. 15. 10. & 2. Cor. 12. 11, 12. Phile. v. 9. Phil. 3. 7,—21. 2 Tim. 4 6, 7, 8. He had sound good Evidences and Assurances of his happy State in saving sanctifying Grace. Altho in the days of his Unregeneracy he had been one of the Prime of Sinners, yet he lived to be one of the most eminent Exalters of free Grace, and most serviceable Instruments in Christ's hand, of any meer Man that ever lived; yet he in great Humility acknowledged himself less than the least of all Saints. O what a Name of Honour has he in Scripture-Records for his Doings and Sufferings for Christ? How much did he commend himself to every Man's Conscience in the sight of God? having this to be his rejoycing, the Testimony of his own Conscience, that, in Simplicity and Sincerity according to God, not in fleshly Wisdom, but in the Grace of God, he had had his Conversation in the World; being confident that he had a good Conscience, behaving himself well in all things. Well nigh about one third part of the New Testament is an Historical Narration concerning him, who tho he were so singularly eminent, and so growingly excelling in edifying Gifts, and in sanctifying Graces, and in extraordinary usefulness, even to old Age, to the very last, yet still forgetting those things that were behind, he reached forth unto those things that were before, pressing toward the Mark, for the Price of the high Calling of God in Christ Jesus, having his Citizenship in Heaven; calling upon others to be Followers together of him, and to mark them who walk so, as they had him for an ensample, so far as he followed Christ, who [Page 33] when he had fought a good Fight, finished his Course, and kept the Faith, passed triumphingly into Glory, being well assured, that, there was laid up for him a Crown of Righteousness, which the LORD the righteous Judg would give him at that day.
If towards the close of this Narrative any serious Enquirer, do desire to be satisfied concerning his Spiritual State; that no trouble may remain upon their Heart and Mind to hinder their profiting under his Ministry, the God of all Mercy, of all Grace, and of all Consolation has treasured up much in the Heart of Shem Acher, as matter of self-emptying and of Soul-humbling, yet withal of exalting of Jehovah Aelohim in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, of advancing of Christ that Allwonderful one, God-Man: How unsearchably rich has this Grace, how admirably free has this Love been!
A Spiritual Discerner may gather much together by way of Evidence, out of the foregoing History of Shem Acher's Life; one more eminent Passage whereof he would here revive in the Memory, because it has been one of the most eminent excelling Experiences of his whole Life, when his more thorow Conversion, by way of Spiritual Espousals, had such clear full satisfactory self-Evidence in it, as shines in his inner Man to this very hour, altho he had somewhat of it before. It is that shining Manifestation of those glorious Appearances of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in the Heavenly Glory to Shem Acher's Spirit, and of the LORD Jesus Christ as to his glorified Humanity, and the seed of it in the North above this blew visible Expanse, the opening of which Mystery may hold forth a Scripture-Light for the guiding of others, in their turning to the LORD, covenanting with him, and being espousingly united to him; for, it is, where seriously, throughly, and discerningly performed, one of the most solemn Actions in this World. As to a Covenanting with the LORD.
On the part of Jehovah. Deut. 29. 10,—14. & 30 1, 2, 3. & 26. 16,—19. Ps. 110. 3.
He sets his Faces before the convinced Sinner, who is now about to turn unto him.
He shews his readiness to pass into a Covenant-State and Relation with the returning Sinner.
Jehovah makes gracious Offers and precious Promises to such a returning Soul upon certain equal Terms, if it voluntarily (by his enabling and making willing thereunto) choose, and approvingly agree to, and readily close with those Terms.
He declares to such a Soul, that, it will be accursed, if it either refuse this Offer, or be falshearted in its profession of Assent and Consent to these Terms.
He raiseth up and establisheth the Soul in some great expectation of receiving some special Good from Jehovah.
He shews himself forward to take such a Soul to himself, and to acknowledg such a one for one of his own peculiar People.
Jehovah engageth to be a God to such a Soul, if the returning Sinner give (in the supplies of the Holy Spirit) unfeigned Assent and Consent to all this so equal a Proposal, so every way for the covenanting Convert's Good.
He refers this re [...]urning Sinner, as to what Jehovah hath spoken, to his own Conscience for all this
He confirms all these Offers and Promises to such a Soul by Oath.
Jehovah sits upon the Throne of his Grace, expecting an answer from this returning Sinner unto all this.
On the returning Sinners part.
This Soul sets it self before the Faces of Jehovah.
Upon serious deliberation, this returning Sinner is, by a day of Christ's Power upon it, made willingness, voluntarily to choose, and readily to like all the Terms of this Covenant of Grace.
This Soul passeth over actually into Covenant with Jehovah, and acknowledgeth him for its God.
This covenanting Soul submits to the justness of the threatning Curse, if the Soul be false-hearted, unfaithful in this Covenant.
The Soul is made sensible of Jehovah's great Kindness, in making so free and gracious an Offer to it.
The covenanting Convert, doth present, give, and resign up his whole Self, Body, Soul, and Spirit, to this Jehovah to be wholly one of his, altogether and only at his Command, Will and Disposal.
The Soul believingly particularly applyeth this Jehovah to it self, as its own God in Covenant.
This Soul takes this Jehovah at his own Saying, being well persuaded, that, his Word so confirmed by his Promise and Oath, which are two immutable things, is true concerning all this, and upon this Word bottometh its Faith, and adventureth it Self, its Salvation, its All.
This covenanting Convert expecteth, that, Jehovah will make good all this, and ful [...]l and acomplish it in a Scripture-way, as his Word is.
The Soul is duly humbled under all this, going out of it self, off from all meer Creatures, and away from all dependance on any Duty it doth perform, to receive all its Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption from the Father freely, through Christ purchasingly, by the Holy Spirit in workingly, giving all the Glory to Jehovah Aelohim, resolving in his Strength, to know, keep and do, all the Words of this Covenant.
Somewhat of the manner of Spiritual Espousing at that remarkable time of inward Vision and Revelation, was thus.
Sh [...]m Acher, having a distinct view, by an Eye of Faith, in a more than ordinary way and manner, of the Father as the Father, of the Son as the Son, of the Holy Spirit as the Holy Spirit; did orderly pass, being helped from on High thereunto, and assisted therein, into a distinct mutualness of such solemn Contract between him and every one of these, which took up some time in his particular application severally to each from that Scripture, Isa. 54. 5. Thy Husbands thy Maker: Jehovah Aelohim so commending Himself, his Beauty, his Goodness, his every-way Amiableness and Loveliness, to Shem Acher's choise, so utterly altogehter unworthy of such an unexpressible Favour in such a way of condescending Grace, drawing Shem's Heart with such Bands of a Man, and such Cords of Love, in working and outcalling such answerable Affections from him, towards each of them, and so knitting and uniting his very Heart and Soul to every one, as his Tongue cannot utter the whole of; he had rather leave the rest to the admiring Meditations of experienced Believers, who have in any good growing measures felt and enjoyed the same, than to expose any more of this at present to publick view. Only so it was, that Jehovah himself approved of what then passed between him and Shem, the sealing witness whereof was never wholly withdrawn since that time to this day, but still abides and lives there; tho he have been exercised with many humbling Providences, buffeting Temptations, boistrous Corruptions, blasphemous Suggestions, and distressing Cases since that signal Honour: The LORD hath since that Contract all along provided for Shem as for one wedded to him, and the espousing knot between them is declared indissoluble.
He doth not by this say, that the LORD was never graciously at work upon his Heart before; for he has brought in some other Testimonies for that, in some choice Experiences before this more eminent Favour and Honour, tho for several years in his younger time, the work were more from a Spirit of Bondage to Fear, as has also been expressed; one time more especially, when upon Fasting and Prayer, as he remembers, being under the Terrors of the LORD, he was summoned to appear before the Bar of God's Justice, to answer unto such Charges as were to be brought in against him, which were so many, so heinous, and criminal, that seeing himself, before the actual passing of the Sentence, condemned in the Court of the transgressed Law, in the Court of Divine Justice, and in the Court of his own guilty Conscience, he was close and home put unto it; Whether, he would submit [Page 35] to the Sentence of the Judg were it for everlasting Condemnation by an Act of Justice, or for Eternal Salvation by an Act of Grace and Mercy, and whether he would acknowledg God to be just and righteous therein, if he should condemn him by an irreversible Sentence to be deservedly miserable.
Those, whoever were thus exercised, cannot but apprehend, what Horrours and Fears did now surprize and overwhelm Shem Acher: yet was it not long before the Holy Spirit framed him to such a submission and acknowledgment, which with Tears and broken Language he expressed and declared, and so threw himself all along with his Mouth in the Dust, as at the Feet of his Judg, not knowing at first, whether he should be struck dead, and damned upon the place or not: But, the LORD quickly after pronouncing how justly Shem had deserved to be cursed for ever, yet that Christ was made a Curse for him, and presently an Act of Grace in the free and full forgiveness of his many and great Sins was drawn up, signed, sealed, and delivered, received, applyed, and witnessed to his Soul: the Crown of all be on the Head of the free Forgiver! since which signal Pardon, Shem has not, that he remembers, had almost any considerable fears of Hell at all, to speak of, at any time upon him.
Thus there is Mat, 18. 1, 2, 3, 4. Luke 22. 31, 32. Conversion after Conversion. In all which Relation concerning his Conversion, Covenanting, Espousing to, and with Jehovah Aelohim, he doth not impose his Experiences as a Rule for others to measure the Truth and Soundness of their turning to the LORD by, in all and every of the parts, degrees, and Circumstances of them; provided that their Conversion be indeed true and serious, sound and sincere according to Word-warrant and approbation: it highly concerns them to see well to this, and duly to examine themselves by Scripture-Rules about it, that they do not deceive themselves.
If further Evidence be called for, he can add these comprehensive Particulars.
That, Eccles. 9 3. Gen▪ 6. 5. Rom. 1 30. Mat. 15. 18, 19, 20. Mark 7. 21, 22, 23. there is no one Sin in the Seed of it, in corrupt Nature, or in the Thought of it, at least in the Imagination, which ever any of the Sons or Daughters of Adam, on Earth, or in Hell, for the kind of it, either thought, spake, or did, recorded in the Word or communicated to him by the voluntary Confession of others, which he has not had both some sight of, some sense of, and some hatred of: yea, some ways worse than ever he yet read or heard of, by inventing of such evil things in the Phancy, as he doth not know any other Man or Woman in the World did ever contrive. This Universal, both Original and Natural Corruption, which has so defiled his whole Man in all and every of the parts of it, being so direct a Contrariety and Enmity to and against that Holiness and Righteousness which is in God, and in his Law, having been Shem's Burden both Night and Day for many a long Year. Rom. 7. 17,—25. & 8. 2, 3. & 13. 14. & 4. throughout. 2 Cor. 5. 19, 21. Dan. 9. 24. Rom. 3. 19, 20,—26, Isa. 45. 24. Rev. 19. 8. Luke 7. 47. 1 Joh. 1. 9. Col. 2. 13. Isa. 38. 17. Mic. 7. 18, 19. Psal. 103. 12. Isa. 43. 25. Psal. 32. 1,-5. Rom. 1. 17. Isa. 45. 25. Jer. 23. 6. Tho he doth thank God through Christ Jesus his LORD, that the Perfect and All sufficient Sanctification of Christ's Humane Nature, and the through and perfect Obedience performed by Christ in the whole Course of his Life whilst conversant amongst-Men here on Earth, is imputed unto him for Justification in the presence of God, and has been so imputed, he by Faith putting on the LORD Jesus Christ, and being cloathed with his Righteousness; whereby his Sins have been forgiven, cast behind Jehovah's Back into the bottom of the Sea; passed by, forgotten and blotted out, and not imputed; Jehovah Christ being his Righteousness, in which he doth stand righteous before the Judgment Seat of God.
That, he knows not any one Saint, either on Earth or in Heaven, so far as we have Scripture-Records of these in the Word, who experienced, either edifying Gift, or sanctifying Grace, or priviledged Enjoyment, or useful Serviceableness, and such like, which he doth not heartily approve of, and which more or less he hath not both holily with submission 2 Cor. 5. 9. [...] cum Ambitione contendimus, we ambitiously endeavour. aspired after, and some ways so far as he is concerned in his Place and Calling had some workings about it, and by improving of Mystical Membership applied as his own.
That, he knows nothing, either in a whole Christ, or in the whole Word of Christ, of Holiness or of Righteousness, which he would not have an universal growing Knowledg of, and Conformity and Obedience to, in all things in his whole Man.
That, all these have been carried on for several years by a very sharp Contest, and continued Conflict within, more especially against the universal Corruption of his Nature, which has very slily and sometimes fiercely assaulted him; yet so, as that tho there have been many a Foil and Fall in some particular Combates, yet, that the Issue of the Fights have been Victories, Spoils, and Triumphings.
This humble ingenuous Confession Shem Acher doth freely make of those secret Sins, which no Man alive can so charge upon him: which is one part of his Evidence, whereby he doth conform to Christ's Mind Ezek. 43. 10, 11. Lev 5. 5, 6. & 22. 1, 2, 3, 7. Prov. 28. 13. 1 Joh. 1. 9, 10. Psal. 32. 1 [...]—5. 1 [...]im. 1. 13. 1 Joh. 3. 21. & 4. 17. Heb. 4. 16. in his Word where it is required, where Promises are made to it, where Examples are recorded of it, and which will give him the more boldness in the Day of Judgment before the LORD the righteous Judg, and before Angels and Men. For these Considerations have brought his Spirit to this self-shaming acknowledgment, so that he can die with the more Peace of God in his Conscience, when the Hour shall come.
That, the LORD hath graciously in some ascending degree manifested to him, and revealed in him, that inward Mystery of a 1 Thess. 5. 23. Joh. 3. 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Ezek. [...]6. 26, 27. 1 Cor. 2. 10,—16. 2 Cor. 5. 17. Gal. 5. 16, 17,-25. Rom. 8. 1,-27. Eph. 2. 10 & 4. 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24. 2 Pet. 1 3, 4. New-Creature-Spirit in his regenerate State in Christ, as distinct by a New Creation from his own natural constitutive Essential parts as a Man, and from the Holy Spirit, who was, is the begetter of it, by the immortal Seed of the Word, and as contrary to, that Evil Spirit Satan, and to the Spirit of the World, it being of that same Spirit, which Christ as Mediatoral Head received without measure; and is one of the highest Advances of a Believer in a growing and withal an humble frame to partake of the Divine Nature.
That, 1 Cor. 15. 10. Gal. 2. 20. 2 Tim. 2. 1. 1 Joh. 1. 3. 2 Cor. 13. 14. the Steps and Degrees of this Spiritual Growth have been more and more out of corrupt self, off from idolized Creatures, away from Duty-dependances, into more and more of a State of Grace, through and by that into a Life of and in Christ, and through and by him into a Distinctness and Orderliness of Communion with the Father as the Father, with the Son as the Son, and with the Holy Spirit as the Holy Spirit, and thence into a more raised Communion with Jehovah himself.
That, all through Gal. 1. 18. [...] Paul went to Jerusalem to visit Peter, so to visit him as that, he might know from him, or declare to him the History o [...] Persons and of▪ things, especially of Church Affairs. Thus [...]a [...] Shem Acher given the History of his Life, of his Call to the Ministry, of his perfecting of Baptism, of his Conversion, of his Evidences of Grace, of his Church-Affairs▪ and somewhat of an History of some others who have opposed him. this Historical Narrative, he blesseth Jehovah Aelohim, that still more or less he has been pressing onward, and going forward, as the growing-Light of his Age has been, not declining nor going backward in Principle, excepting somewhat in that void space of his time at the University, but getting upward to come at the top of all, having many a contrivement and endeavour to promote the greatest and the best Ends, particularly those that do relate to the latter-day-Glory; which in all the kinds and degrees thereof, he knows not to have been so in the Heart and Mind of the most eminent Believer and excelling Saint alive on this Earth.
[...] having been for many years, through Grace and Mercy obtained from his LORD, Shem Acher's State, Frame, and Acting, to come up in some answering growing proportionedness to all the requirements of Christ's Mind and Will in the whole Scriptures, that he might be a Man after Christ's own Heart, who enabled thereunto by the Holy Spirit, might fulfil all Christ's Wills, Acts 13. 22. and might so serve his own Generation by the Will of God, before he fall on sleep, ver. 36. standing perfect and compleat, or, filled up, in all the Will of God, Col. 4. 12. Heb. 6. 1, 2. and so may be able in some good measure to answer these Questions of his LORD and Judg, What dost thou more? Mat. 5. 47, 48. what excelling, what exceeding thing, wherein goest thou beyond others? What Grace, what Grace, what Grace (which the English Version doth translate three times, what Thank) hast thou? Luke 6. 32, 33, 34. that, according to that Promise, (For so it should be rendred in the Future Tense, ye shall therefore be Perfect, [...], 2 pl. future 1 Indic. ab [...], sum) Mat. 5. 48. he may be still at perfecting work, as his Father who is in Heaven is perfect; tho still he carry upon is Spirit and Heart a living Sence of somewhat wanting as to higher degrees, yet he would in every thing be and do somewhat that doth excel, Psal. 16. 3.
If any after all this will say, That they have now one Charge more against Shem Acher than they had before, in that he has so compared himself with Paul, thereby ministring to the Pride and Selfishness of his own Heart: Such should know and consider;
That, as he must after a while give an account of his writing of this Narrative, and of his Aims and Ends in so writing, so also must they of their Judgings and Condemnings of Christ's Servant: who has for many years been exercised with very humbling Providences and Cases to keep him lowly after the LORD's signal honourings of him.
As for his running Parallel with Paul, the Title-Page in propounding of Paul for an example, doth expresly give the Preheminence unto Paul, and no farther use the comparing, than as it doth run Parallel: There is no difference between the highest and the lowest Saint, but what the Grace of God has made: and an 1 Cor. 11. 1. 1 Pet. 2. 21. 1 Joh. 2. 6. & 4. 17. higher and incomparabler Example than that of Paul should every Believer, especially every Minister, be conformed unto, even that of the LORD Jesus Christ himself.
Had there not been so many years Attempts and Endeavours by some to blast the Call of Shem Acher, and thereby to hinder the Success of his Ministry, to the troubling the Minds and discouraging the Hearts, of several, who were hopefully coming on towards Christ in his ways, he had intended to have lodged this Historical Declaration within him, and when he had died away into Glory, to have made report of it to Heavenly Fellow-Citizens, which then and there would have been more cleared up in divers Circumstances of it, and in many more Particulars, than are here mentioned: Duty and Sin do stand sometimes within an Hairs Breadth one by another; That may look like a Sin, which is a Duty, and like a Duty which is a Sin: If others will count and censure this as Vain-glory in him, it is known to many, that he has been necessitated unto it. The Searcher of Hearts doth know, that Shem Acher hath been made willing, that the Glory of these Holy Experiences, and signal Honours should be ascribed in every part, and in the whole of it, unto Jehovah Aelohim, whose rich Grace and free Love has been in all this, unsearchably Rich, and exceedingly Abundant.
This is that Lev. 23. 37. 1 King. 8. 59. 2 Chron. 8. 14. Ezra. 3. 4. Eccles. 3. 11. Word of the Day in the Day thereof, which was brought upon his Spirit to declare unto others; it being self-evident unto him, that the LORD has put a Beauty upon this, in thus timing of it in its own proper season; the whole whereof is now delivered over unto the Holy Spirit, to work this History and the choise experiences therein, upon their Hearts, into whose Hands, before whose Eyes, or unto whose Ears, it may come, as is good in his Sight; and all is submitted to Deut. 1. 16, 17. Isa. 8. 20. Joh. 7. 24. Scripture-Counsel-Number-Measure-and-Weight, to Word-Rule-Tryal-Judgment-and-Determination; By a Lover and Admirer of Christ, and of his Word and Works.