A True Narrative Of the Late DESIGN Of the PAPISTS to charge their Horrid PLOT UPON THE PROTESTANTS.
By endeavouring to corrupt Capt. BURY and Mr. BROOKS of Dublin; and to take off the Evidence of Mr. OATS and Mr. BEDLOW, &c.
As appears by the Depositions taken before the Right Honourable Sir Joseph Williamson, Knight, one of His Majesties late Principal Secretaries of State; And the several Examinations before Sir William Waller, Knight, One of His Majesties Justices of the Peace.
Published for General Information.
Reprinted at DUBLIN, 1679.
THIS Narrative of the late Design of the Papists, &c. Published for general Information, doth exactly agree with the Examinations taken by Sir Joseph Williamson and myself.
ON the 11th of this Instant January, I received the annexed Note from Mr. James Nettervile, on the 13th I went to him; as soon as I came, he told me, he had something to impart to me in private; We went into a Room alone, and he asked me If I did not here that there were persons making inquiry to find out some that would amuse those that had impeached the Lords, and those concerned about the Plot. I told him I heard nothing of it. He told me there were such, and that I should find the Game would turn another way; and that I might do my self a kindness, if I pleased. I told him my affairs called me for Ireland, that I must be gone on the Thursday following. He told me it would be worth my while to stays and asked me if I could nor prove that one Mr. Digby had meetings With Mr. Oats and Mr. Bedlow. I told him no, for he knew there had been no great friendship of late betwixt us (this I lookt upon as an introduction to the design); but he came close to me, and told me, a person had been with him concerning this matter, and that indeed they had a jealousie of Mr. Blood; and if I would discover any thing of that nature against him, I should have 4 or 500 l. for my pains. To this I seemed to hearken (but was much surprised at this unexpected discourse) and did plainly see their design was to turn the Game another way, as he said before. I did not discourage him, but told him I would consider of it; and if I did not go on Thursday, I would see him again; and that he knew well I was very hard to believe this plot; and then he told me that he could bring a prisoner in that place to drink a pot of Ale with me, that could give me an account what a Rogue Mr. Bedlow was; but I being in haste, took my leave of him, he injoyning me to secresie. At my return I could not meet with Mr. Blood, but haveing some business with Sir Ralph Dalaval, and the Lady Elizabeth his Daughter, and being full with this devilish design, I told the story to them, and said, when I was in Ireland, I should hear, and they should find that this was the Game they intended to play, To turn the plot from themselves, and doubted not they would find some to carry it on.
On the 14th (in the morning) I went to Mr. Bloods house, and acquainted him with it; he desired me to meet him in the evening, because he desired to consider of it; but told me then, he had no reason to flight it, because the morning before, a Knight [Sir Thomas Longvile] had been with him, and told him there was a design against him of the same kind, and desired him to inquire after it.
In the evening I met with Mr. Blood, who desired me to keep my correspondence with the said Nettervile, and to know or him how I should be secured my payments, and what it was they would have me do.
On the 16th. I went accordingly to him, and told him I had considered of what we had discoursed before, and had stopt my Journey as to that day; he was very glad to see me, and told me, that the party [Russel] had been with him again about the business, and I might get 500 l without any prejudice to my self, I told him that Money would do me a great kindness at this time (for he knew I had waited a long time here, and that it was very [Page 4] hard with me), therefore desired to know what they would have me to do, and how I should be sure of the 500 l, for I expected it should be a person of good credit that would lay down the 500 l. He told me I should not need to question that, for they were of credit enough. But he that came to him [Russel], was only imployed to pay the Money; and if I shall tell him that you will do the business, you shall be sure of the money; not so, said I, First let me know what it is distinctly, and how I shall be sure of the 500 l. or I will not stir a foot in it, but begon on Monday. Saith he, Would you have the money before-hand? then it may be you will not do it. No, said I, that I do not desire. But will you deposite it in a third hand? Truly, said he, that is very fair, and I doubt not but they will do it (for I told him none was betten able to carry it on than you; for Mr. Blood's man was formerly your Servant, and preferred by you to him) and told me, that on Saturday by two or three of the Clock, his friend would be with him again; but that he would be shy of discoursing with me; and desired that I would come to him [Russel] on Munday, and then I should understand more. Upon my return I acquainted Mr. Blood with the whole discourse, and that I was to leave the town on Munday, haveing stayed my utmost time, because I had a Suit depending in Chancery, at Dublin; and that if I were not there the beginning of the Term, it would be great damage to me, because my absence would be looked upon as a contempt; but Mr. Blood requested me to stay untill he had acquainted His Majesty, or one of his Secretaries with it, to know his pleasure as to my going or stay.
SAturday the 18th of January, I was with James Nettervile in the Evening; he told me his Freind [Russel] had left him about half an hour before I came, and that he acquainted him with what I propounded (to wit) that 500 l. should be deposited in a third persons hand; and he told me his friend was contented it should be so, and thought it but reasonable, and therefore was willing to put it into a Goldsmiths hand I asked him if they had considered the method we should carry this on? and whether they had drawn up the heads of what I was to swear? He told me, no; but his Friend would be with him again upon Wednesday, and that all things should be prepared and ready for me by Thursday Morning. I asked him if it would be convenient for me to meet his Friend? He told me not as yet, for he was very wary, shy, and fearful of being betrayed. I told him I thought my meeting with him was not material; only, said I, let him be sure to secure the money, and he needs not doubt of effecting the business. But, said I, 500 l. is not all that I expect from him for this service, that is but a melting Cash, and I have a great Charge, and a Wife and six Children, and you know I have lyen a long time waiting here, almost to my utter ruin, and have been very hardly dealt with. Now, if I accomplish this, I shall lose my interest in all other parties, and therfore expect he should make me a very good interest with that party. Never fear that, said he, you shall have interest enough with them; and if we can but turn off this Plot, there is no danger of effecting our business; for, saith he, the King will believe nothing of it. Well said I, I must trust to you to make my interest; but I partly see how things are like to go, and think it wisdom to come in with the beginning of the Game. Saith he (swearing by his Maker) Never fear, if we turn off this Plot, we do our business, and you will be made for ever. But, said I, Why will you defer this while Wednesday? That is a great while, and delayes are not good. Said he, I did not expect you till Sunday: But if I hear any thing in the mean time, I will write to you, and it shall be left at Mr. Brooke's Lodging. I hear, said I, the Parliament is Prorogued; and that is true enough, [Page 5] said he; and till they meet again, we can receive no great damage [...] hear the Apprentices are ready to rise and pull down Newgate. Said I, then I suppose that is, because the men [Jesuits] are not executed. What else, said he? and that is our great danger; that the people should run into a Rebellion before we accomplish our business. I asked him if he had taken an abstract, as he said he would, of what that man in the prison could swear, to take off Mr. Bedlow's Evidence. I have not yet, said he, but we are sure enough of him, and shall make Bedlow Rogue enough. Pray, said I, what will he swear? That the very morning the Proclamation came forth concerning Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, Mr. Bedlow came to his chamber, and asked him if he had ever seen Sir Edmundbury Godfrey: For, said he, if I knew what a like man he was, I could easily get 500 l. and however, I am resolved to hazard my Neck, but I will have it; and that he would have had this man go with him to Somersethouse to see the Rooms, and promised to get him money, if he would go with him. But, said I, Mr. Nettervile, it is said Mr. Bedlow was out of Town before the Proclamation came out; that is not so, saith he, for this mans Wife went into the Countrey with him. A great deal of discourse more we had, all tending to the incouraging of me to carry on this business, to turn this plot to be a Protestant Plot for the destruction of the Papists, and then I should be made for ever. When I paid the Reckoning, and was coming away, said he, you will always come to your charge, but I hope the end will pay for all.
On Wednesday the 22d, at Night, I went to Mr. Nettervile. expecting to have the model how they would have me Swear, and in what Goldsmiths hand they would put the 500 l. But as soon as ever I came to him, he told me that he had been put into such a fright, that he was never in all his life before; for, said he, Mr. Oates, Mr, Bedlow, Sir William Waller, and another Justice have been with me; they called for Irons, one would have fifty pound weight, another would have an hundred pound weight put upon me. At length Sir William Waller began to examine me, and told me, he knew I could discover a great deal; so I desired the rest might be put out of the Room, and I confest all to him and the other Justice, they both prom [...]sing me my pardon. Have you confest all, said I? how could I help it, said he? I was never in such a fright in all my life; and they promised me my pardon. What have you confest, said I? I have told them, said he, that 500 l. was to be deposited in a Goldsmiths hand, and that I had sent for a Gentleman, and treated with him about it. Have you told them my Name, said I? he paused at that; no, said he; but I must tell them, but I thought first to acquaint you with it. Then said I, it seems you have left me in the lurch, and have made no provision for me; therefore since it is so, you will give me leave to play my own Game; and seeing you have confest, let us now play our Game as well as we can on the other side, and be sure to be ingenuous, and confess what ever we know. I will immediately to Sir Joseph Williamson, and declare the whole Story. Pray do so, saith he, neglect no time, but go this night. And so we parted.
The Deposition of Alderman BROOKS.
THat on [...] about the 23d. of December, 1678. I was at the Marshalseys in Southwark, where was one James Nettervile, a prisoner there for debt; who desired me to do so much for him, as to carry a Note for a friend of his that was a prisoner also, unto one Pierce Butler, that lived in Germanstreet, near my Lodging; and said, if I would procure any of his friends to come to his friend there, he would have money enough, whereof he [Page 6] should have a share; and also it would be a great kindness to him; whereupon I told him I would, provided he would write it quickly. Whereupon he called forth his friend, and they two consulted together, and he wrote two or three lines, and gave them me for the said Butler. But when I came to the place where I was directed they told me he was gone out of Town in obedience to the Kings Proclamation. And so I troubled my self no further, but put the Note in my pocket: The next morning he sent a messenger to me, to know what I had done in it; I desired him to tell the said Mr. Nettervile, that the said Mr. Butler was gone out of Town in obedience to his Majesties Proclamation.
About ten days after, I had occasion for some waste paper; and putting my hand in my pocket, I sit on this Note that I should have delivered to Butler, and opened it, and read it, and found in it these words written, or to this effect.
Sir, I am here committed by the name of Daniel Edmonds, by a Justice of the Peace in the Country, as being a Recusant. And therefore I desire of you, that you will come unto me here, that I may advise with you; and in so doing, you will oblige your friend,
This run in my mind, till about the 5th. instant at night; and then being at Mr. Proctor's Coffee-house at Charingcross, I there met with a paper, intituled, Mr. Praunces Discovery of the Plot, and of Sir Edmondbury Godfreys murtherers; wherein (amongst other things) there was mentioned two Irish Priests to be guilty, the one named Gerrald, and the other Kelly; whereupon it came into my mind, that the man that I carried the Note for into Germanstreet, must be the same Kelly, because by that Note he was committed by the name of Edmonds, and his name was Kelly.
The next morning being the 16th of this instant January (thinking to have found the same Kelly there), I came there; and coming to the aforesaid Nettervile, and after some secret discourse, I asked him how his friend did that I carried the Note for? he told me he procured Bail. Then I asked him what he was? he told me that he was a Priest, and one of those that Oats (that Rogue) had impeached. I asked him how he could get Bail, being a Priest; he told me, they did not know that he was a Priest; and those that were his Bail, would be Bail for any for money; and he gave them ten shilling a piece, and the fellow that procured them, five shillings; and he got them the copy of his Commitment for them to move by; and the Priest promised him, the said Nettervile, seven pounds. But he had not left it him as yet; and so we left this discourse, and came to other.
That he having sent by me a Letter, and a petition to Mrs. Eleanor Wall, a Gentlewoman that belongs to the Dutchess of Portsmouth (whom he calls Cozen), whereby to get him some money for his present supply: but I having no opportunity to meet with her, could give him no account of that matter; whereupon he said that he was in such want, that if he had not help speedily, he should be turned into the Common-side: I told him that money was so scarce with me, that I could not lend him any; but if I could, I would. Whereupon he called me aside into the corner of the Yard, by the Gate, and told me That if I would be rul'd by him: he would put me into a way whereby we should have money enough. I asked him how? he told me, if I would but joyn and assist to vilifie the Evidence of Oats and Bedlow, those two Rogues; whereupon I laughed at him, and said, it is impossible; their Evidence was grounded upon too good a foundation: he told me I was mistaken, and I should hear otherwise in a little while.
Upon the 17th. of January I went again to him, thinking to have gained something of him, what was become of this Priest, but could not; and was taking my leave of him, saying, I must go home, for I had some business to write for Ireland, to send by Captain Bury, who was to go on Monday; he told me, he believed he should stop Captain Bury's journey; I told him, I hoped not so; he answered, it should not be to his prejudice. To which I answered, why then with all my heart, for I would not be against any thing that should be for his good. And so there came in one Russel an Irish man, that had some business with him. And so we parted.
The second information of Mr. Brooks.
I Being with Mr. Nettervile at the Marshalsey in Southwark, Mr. Nettervile desired me I would do him the kindness as to carry another Letter for his Friend to one Captain Kelly, who had three or four Employments in the Tower of London; I told him I would if it was any kindness to him. So Nettervile with Dominick Kelly went together, & wrote a Letter to this Capt Kelly of the Tower; the Contents were much the same with that I carried to Pierce Butler. I carried it to the Tower, and Capt. Kelly was not at home; so I delivered it to his Wife. As soon as she read it, the tears were in her eye; she struck her hand on her breast, saying, Alas poor man, is he taken? I was in hopes he had been safe, of all the rest. She thankt me very kindly, and told me, as soon as her Husband came home, she would give it him. When I went to Mr. Nettervile again, he thankt me for carrying the Letter for his Friend Dominick Kelly to the Tower, and told me Capt. Kelly had been with them, and treated them very civilly with wine and meat, and had spent five shillings upon them. I asked Nettervile what Capt. Kelly was? He told me he was a true Irish man. I asked him if he was a Papist? He hath taken the Oaths, said he; but he is a well-wisher to us. On Thursday the 18th. of January, Nettervile desired me to carry a Letter from himself to Capt. Kelly, which Letter signified to him that his Friend Dominick Kelly was gone, and how that he had promised him 7 l. to discharge himself out of the Prison, but had not yet been so good as his word; therefore desired that he would take some speedy course that he may have the 7 l. to d [...]scharge himself out of Prison: This Letter I delivered to Capt. Kelly's own hand in the Tower. He read it, and told me he was very glad his Friend was out; but that he had never seen him since; pray, says he, remember me kindly to Mr. Nettervile, and tell him, For his kindness to my Friend, I will do him all the service I can.
Upon the 28th. of January I was desired by Sir Joseph Williamson, to go to Mr. Nettervile, to try what more I could get out of him. On the 30th. I went to him, and told him, that I had met with Sir Joseph Williamson; and he seemed to be angry, and thought we had not discovered all we knew. And I told Nettervile, that although he had promise of his pardon, yet it was expected he should do more for it than he had done: As for my part, said I, you know I could discover nothing, but what discourse passed betwixt you and I, and that I have done to the full. Therefore, if you know any more, I would advise you to discover it; for since you have gone thus far, I think you ought not to conceal any thing of what you know more. The Grand thing I perceive they desire of you, and that which I think is all they can expect from you, is, That you would declare from whom the 500 l. was to come. He thankt me for my advice, and told me, that he believed Sir Joseph Williamson had not perused all his Examinations, for he had Answered all the Questions [Page 8] they had asked him. And if they had any thing more to ask him, he would Answer them.
Upon Friday the 31th of January, I acquainted Sir Joseph Williamson with what he said; he ordered him to [...] brought to the Council on Saturday morning, where I met him at the door, before he was called; I told him, I supposed the cheif Question that would be put to him, would be, Whose this 500 l. was? and begged of him that he would discover what he knew of it. Upon his coming out from the Council, I asked him if that was not the question they put to him? he told me it was: I asked him what account he had given them, he told me he thought they were satisfied, for they were very kind to him, and promised him, that so long as they lived, he should have the protection of that Board.
On Tuesday, the 4th. of February following, Sir Joseph Williamson seeing me at the Counc [...] door, called me in, and asked me if I thought I could get any more out of Nettervile? I tould him I thought he had given him satisfaction when he was before them, concerning whose the Money was. I told Sir Joseph the discourse I had with Nettervile, at his going into the house, and at his coming back; then he told me, that he had not b [...]en ingenious with them, for he would confess nothing at first; but after some questions being asked in general terms, he told them that it was to come from some of the Lords in the Tower; and desired me that I would go once more to see if I could get any thing from him
The next morning the Earl of Essex desired to speak with me; I waited upon him at the Council-Chamber; and he desired me also, that I would go to Mr. Nettervile to see what I could get farther from him.
So on Thursday the 6 [...]h of February, I did go to Mr. Nettervile, and told him I was not come on a bare visit, but I was commanded by the Earl of Essex, and Sir Joseph VVilliamson (whom he knew had both been very kind to him) to advise him, that he would be ingenious, and discover what further he knew in this business. Truly, said I, I suppose all they do expect from you, is, that you would make some clear discovery unto them whose money this 500 l. was; saith he (Swearing by his Soul) I did tell them all I knew, I thought they had been satisfied; no,, said I, they are not; and Sir Joseph VVilliamson saith, you were not ingenious; for you only in general terms told them it was some of the Lords money in the Tower. Now if you can remember which of the Lords money it was, it may satisfie them; for they judg, and so do I, and every one else, that Russel would as easily tell you whose it was, as to tell you it was some of the Lords in the Tower. I could get no more from him a great while; but after we had sate and discoursed sometime, he told me that Brewer was to be before the Council the next day, and he believed he should be sent for to [...]; I suppose not, said I, unless I have some better account to give them from you: so just upon my coming away I told him; Mr. Nettervile, I am sory I can give no better account of my Journey to you; therefore pray, if you have any thing more to say, let me know it before I go. After he had paused a wile. By my Soul, said he, I cannot remember the particular name of any Lord but one. Who is that, said I? my Lord Stafford, saith he; but all the rest were to contribute to it; for Russel told me he was to go immediatly to the Tower, to get the Money raised; and that it was a difficult thing to get all the Lords together; and if he should go to them apart, they might make scruples, and so delay the business; and therefore he should make all the haste he could to get the Money ready.
A Relation of other Material Circumstances and Discourses, in reference to the before mentioned design.
LEst the Jesuitical party should say of the following Proceedings, that they are false and [...]eigned, as their Impudence affirmeth in all other inventions of theirs, when detected; 'Tis necessary the World should understand the occasional circumstances, introducing this hellish attaque to be made upom this honest. Gentleman, Captain Bury, who for his worth and reputation is known to several persons of Honour and good Quality in this Nation.
The affairs that brought him into England, from his habitation in the Kingdom of Ireland, was to Petition His Majesty, and the Honourable Privy-Council, touching a debt due to his Father, Sir William Bury of Grantham in Lincolnshire, deceased for his service in being one of His Majesties Lords Commissioners for managing the Government of Ireland; and in prosecution thereof, being several times in company with Mr. Netervile, who was formerly a Clerk in the Court of Claims, in Dublin, and who pretend [...]d to inform the Captain of several concealed Lands and houses in Ireland, which he might place his debt upon; And upon the Captains receipt of his said Letter of the 11th of January, 1678, desiring a speedy conference with the Captain, touching matters which may redound to his advaintage, which the Captain readily embraced (supposing it referred to the said concealed Houses and Lands); and according to Netterviles request by his Note, on the said 13th of January last, the Captain visited the said Nettervile in the Marshalsey in Southwark; when in stead of a communication as to the aforesaid concerns (the said Nettervile being no stranger to the Captains long abode here, and the expence he had been at in his solicitation) took the opportunity to feel the Captains pulse, as to the horrid fact before-mentioned.
Prima facie. It astonished the honest Captain to think that Netterviles had discovered a matter of that nature to him; and considering if he should reveal it to any one, there would be but his asserting it, and Netterviles denial, besides the censure the World would pass on the Captains Reputation, from the apprehension in Netterviles breast, that the Captain would be, or was fit to be profligated in such a concern, which with the danger and hazard he might expose his life to by such discovery, and the urgency of his particular affairs requiring his personal and speedy attendance in Dublin (having two Conditional Decrees awarded against him, which would have been made absolute this last Hillary-term for want of his appearance there). All these Considerations made him sometimes resolve within himself, to stifle the wicked proposals of Nettervile.
But weighing the direful effects of such a contrivance, which if prosecuted by some other Instruments, when he was departed this Kingdom, would not only have been the destruction of his intimate friend, and old acquaintance, Mr. Blood but prejudicial to his Majestie, and the whole Kingdom, in taking off the evidence of Mr, Oats and Mr. Bedlow, and thereby the Papists might still carry on their devilish design and Plot, when they had washed their own hands, and made such an alteration; when the innocent would have been ruined, and the true Bloodsuckers acquitted.
This Consideration so affected the Captain, that he resolved to leave the event o [...] his particular concerns to Providence; and as you read by his Deposition, he repaired to Mr. Blood, and gave him intelligence thereof. And having so imparted the same to him, the goodnes [...] of God appeared much to the Captains satisfaction, touching his troublesome thoughts about his particular concerns, by his Majesties Gracious pleasure, in ordering [Page 10] Sir Joseph Williamson to write to the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, that the Captain might sustain no damage in his concerns, by his non-appearance there, being commanded by his Majestie to attend his Service here, which Letter was sent accordingly.
Upon the 17th. of January last, as the Captain was going to attend Sir Joseph Williamson, to give in his Deposition, meeting with Alderman Brooks, and discoursing with him of Nettervile, he told the Captain he had been at the Marshalseys the day before with Nettervile, and feared he had done a very ill thing; which upon the Captains enquiry what it was, the said Mr. Brooks was somewhat unwilling to acknowledg, until he had searcht further into it. But before their departure, Mr. Brooks told the Captain, that Nettervile had procured Bail for one Dominick Kelly, who was one of the Murtherers of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey; which Relation of the Alderman gave a confirmation to the Captain of the wickedness of Nettervile, and Gods Goodness in animating the Captain to what he was then going about, touching his own Information.
Which when he had signified to Sir Joseph Williamson, he was much affected with it, & told the Captain of what great concernment it was, to have the said Dominick Kelly in custody; and desired the Captain to bring the said Alderman Brooks to him; which the Captain desired respite in, that Mr. Brooks might make some further inquiry, as he said he would, into the concern; and also least the Information given by the said Captain should be discovered, before there was a further progress made for the obtaining a full discovery of the design, and persons acting therein.
Upon the [19 January] Sunday morning, Mr. Brooks came to the Captains Lodging, to know whether his Journey held for Ireland the next day; and then told the Captain he had been the day before with Nettervile; and upon the Captains demanding whether he had learnt any thing more touchig Dominick Kelly, the said Mr. Brooks gave the Captain the full account, which the Captain caused to be put in writing, and carried him to Sir Joseph Williamson, to make Oath of the same, which he did, which appears by his foregoing information. And the Captain could not but take notice of a Series of Providence all along in this business; for by what Alderman Brooks attested, Dominick Kelly was so infatuated, as to send the Letter unsealed to Pierce Butler by the Alderman, although he was in such dangerous Circumstances.
Upon Mr. Brooks his free acknowledgment of these passages, the Captain (desireing his secresi [...]) acquainted the said Mr. Brooks of Netterviles prank with him; which on the Monday following, Mr. Brooks (being to meet Mr. Lowman and Mr. Glover, the Keeper and Clerk of the Marshalsey, to consider some way for the discovery of those who were Bail for Dominick Kelly) happend to give some hints of the Captains informatiom to the said Mr. Lowman, and Mr. Glover; whereby Mr Oates coming to have some understanding thereof, with Mr Bedlow, and by an untimely process therein, going to Nettervile with Sir William Waller, spoyled the proceedings, which otherwise might in a little time have produced the 500 l. deposited in the Goldsmiths hand, and full intelligence of the parties concerned in the project, and of the Depositions which the Captain was to have Sworn, when he received the 500 l. from Russel, and the seizure of the said Russel, &c.
Upon Thursday the 23d, of January, Mr. B [...]ooks met with the Captain, and told him what Nettervile had related to him of the business of Captain Kelly in the Tower; He told him the story, as you find in his information. And further told the Captain, that he had another Letter, which he was going to carry to Captain Kelly in the Tower; and Nettervile told him the said Mr. Brooks, that if Captain Kelly did not send him the 7 l. he [Page 11] the said Nettervile did know enough to turn him out of the Tower. I have, saith Brooks, taken a Copy of this Letter; and the Captain desired he might see it, which he did; & the contents were to signifie to Captain Kelly, what a fright the said Nettervile had been put into by Mr. Oat [...]s and Mr. Bedlow, having been with him. And therefore Nettervile desired Captain Kelly to send him the 7 l. to discharge him out of that Prison, lest worse should come on it; and upon the Captains reading the Copy of the said Letter, be desired Mr. Brooks not to be too hasty in delivering that Letter to Capain Kelly; but that he would draw up by way of information what he had told him, and goe along with the said Captain to Sir Joseph Williamson, and give in the information, and take his advice.
So that on Fryday the 24th of January, the Captain and Mr. Brooks went to Sir Joseph Williamson, and gave him the information, and the said Letter wi [...]h the Copy the [...]rof; Then Sir Joseph told the Captain and Mr. Brooks, that the Committee of Lords was going to sit, and that they should attend at the Council-door, and he would call them in, that they might know their Lordships pleasure, as to the delivery of the Letter to Captain Kelly, After debate, their Lordships were of opinion. That the Letter should not be delivered, but thought they had sufficient ground to Seize Captain Kelly, and to search his house for Dominick Kelly, and for papers; in order to which, Sir Joseph Williamson was sent for his Grace the Duke of Monmouth, who immediately came to the Council; where the Lords accquained his Grace with the business, & desired he would give Mr. Brooks a Warrant to fetch Capt. Kelly. His Grace was pleased to send for his Secretary, and ordered him immediately to draw a Warrant directed to Sir John Robinson, to assist them with a G [...]ard, for executing the Warrant, and Nettervile was ordered to be brought to the Council that afternoon.
And so the Captain and Mr. Brooks accompanied with Sir William Waller, went to the Tower; and being Guarded by Sir John Robinson, came to Captain Kellys house, and there his Footboy came to the door; and upon inquiry for his Master, the boy replied, he was not within; they ask't him if he knew where he was; the Boy told them no, for he dined abroad: They went into the House, and in the Room where the Lord Stafford Lodgeth, they found Captain Kelly, and brought him to the Council with what Papers they could find; but Nettervile had been examined; and was gone away before, and had confessed the sending the Letters, and Captain Kellys being with them in the Marshalseys, &c.
The Captain thereupon was put into the Messengers hands, and ordered to be brought before their Lordships next morning, and Nettervile also (who were face to face at the Council-Table).
Capt. Kelly denied that he knew this Dominick Kelly, Nettervile told him he would not deny surely that he was with them at the Marshalseys, which Capt. Kelly then confessed; some of their Lordships asked what he did at the Marshalseys? Captain Kelly said, he went to visit Mr. Nettervile, truly said Nettervile 'twas kindly done of you, Sir, for I never saw or heard of you before, until your Cozen Dominick Kelly told me of you and desired me to send a Letter from him to you.
Capt. Kelly after Examination, was committed to a Messenger again; but soon after he put in bail, and I have heard there was an Order of Council to turn him o [...]t of his employment. But whether it be so, or no, I know not.
That Russel (upon the Thursday after Mr. Oats and Mr. Bedlow had been with Nettervile, at the prison) came again to Nettervile and instead of being apprehended, as Nettervile [Page 12] promised Lowman he should, Nettervile gave him notice of the discovery, & he went out immediately & scaped. And after he was gone, Nettervile then told Lowman he had been there; they pursued him, and saw him take Boat, but could not overtake him. But Mr. Brooks had a warrant from Sir Joseph Williamson to search for him at his hoose; but his wife told them, that he was at the French Ambassadors house, and had not lain at home in ten or twelve Nights; which the Council being informed of, were very diligent to apprehend him, and offered 20l, to those that could discover him:
This Russel, mentioned in the deposition, is a Rank Papist, and an Irish-man, who married Madam Rowse, the Dutchess of Portsmouths Gentlewoman: Netterevile and Brewer are of the same Faction, and are now Prisoners in the Marshalseys. The deponents, Capt Bury and Alderman Brooks, are both honest Gentlemen, and good Protestants; and such. who [...]e principles detested either to engage in, or conceal such abominable Villany: however Nettervile was so infatuated, as to conceive them fit to be profligated.
Now Reader, thou hast seen the whole contrivance, &c. and mayest easily discern what intentions of the Romanists were; what the natural consequence thereof would have been, I leave to thy own conjuncture, and shall only add this true circumstance, as a farther confirmation of their wicked design in this matter, viz.
That several persons (by them appointed) were a little before this discovery at the houses of some Persbyterians, well known in the City of London, to pray their charitable contribution towards the maintenance of Mr. Oats and Mr. Bedlow, upon this specious, though false suggestion, That His Majesties allowance was not sufficient for their incouragement; but the parties to whom they applied themselves (supposing their intentions were to abuse their King and Countrey, and to procure Coyn for themselves), rejected them with checks; and it was well they did; for otherwise, who knows what advantage they might have made thereof, in order to the effecting their wicked enterprize?
And thus I have done, trusting to the Readers candor, which if a Protestant, I do not doubt of; if a Papist, neither expect or care for it; I being one of quite different principles, and one whose prayers, as well as endeavours, shall be constantly engaged, for the frustration of their hellish Attempts.
Concerning my intentions in the publication of these Depositions, they were only for the publick good, and to expose to view the wicked subtilties of these men, that the Nation (and all true Protestants) may be made sensible of their devices; that if ever they use the same, or the like again, they may be with the more ease detected, and rendred abortive. And also that all sincere Christians, may ascribe the praise of all their deliverances (as well of this as others) to that God who hath so visibly and constantly appeared for the vindication of his people, and for infatuating the persons, as well as rendring unsuccessful the Attempts of his and their implacable Enemies.