A Short Catechism; CONTAINING Those Fundamental Points OF RELIGION, The Knowledge of which is necessary to Salvation.
Compiled for the Examination of COMMUNICANTS, before they be Admitted to the SACRAMENT. According to the Rules in the Ordinance of Parliament, of Octob. 20. 1645. in that case made and provided.
The entrance into thy Word giveth light, it giveth understanding to the simple.
London, Printed by R. W. for Nevil Simmons, Book seller in Kederminster, 1660
To the Reader.
when I considered the necessity of Knowledge, and the danger of Ignorance; I thought it was my duty to teach and instruct those under my charge, especially in the Fundamental points of Religion; and therefore I set upon the needful, though much neglected duty of Catechizing, as the likeliest way to ground my people in the Truth, and to establish them against Error. But after divers years experience, I found not the desired effect of my labours; many (especially of the elder sort) complained, the Catechism that I taught (which was the Assemblies) was too hard, and long, that they had not time to learn it, nor memories to retain it. Now to leave these men without excuse, I have drawn up the chief heads of Religion, in as short a compass and plain a manner as I well could; not that I [Page]would hereby discourage any from learning the other (which questionless is well worth their labour, it being the exactest that is extant) but my desire is to encourage those to learn this, which otherwise would learn none at all: if thou reap any benefit by it, Bless God with me, who remain
A Short Catechism.
OF what Religion art thou?
Of the Christian Religion,
Act. 11.26. 1
Pet 4.16.
Act. 26.28.
Quest. What Religion is that?
Answ. That which teacheth us to look for Salvation by Christ alone, Act. 4.10, 11, 12.
Quest. Where is that Religion taught?
Answ. In the holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, 2 Tim. 3.16. Rom. 15.4.
Quest. What do the Scriptures principally teach us?
Answ The knowledge of God and our selves, 2 Tim. 3.16. Joh. 17.3. Col. 2.12.
Quest. What knowledge of God is requisite?
[Page 2] Answ. We must know that he is, and what he is, Heb. 11.6.
Quest. How know you that there is a God?
Answ. By his Word, and by his works, Psal. 19.1. Exod. 34.6, 7.
Quest. What is God?
Answ. God is a Spirit, Infinite, and Eternal, Joh. 4.24. Job 11.7, 8, 9. Psal. 90.2.
Quest. How many Gods are there?
Answ. There is only one God, distinguished into three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Deut. 6.4. 1 John 10.7. Mat. 28.19.
Quest. What are the Works of God?
Answ. Decree, Creation, and Providence, Act. 2.23. Ephes. 1.11. Gen. ch. 1. Act. 17.28.
Quest. What is Gods Decree?
Answ. His fore-appointing and ordaining whatsoever comes to pass, Ephes. 1.4, 11. Rom. 9.22, 23.
Quest. What is Creation?
Answ. Gods making all things of nothing by the word of his power, Gen. ch. 1. Heb. 11.3.
Quest. What is his Providence?
Answ. His wise and powerful preserving, and governing all his creatures, and all their actions, Mat. 10.29, 30, 31. Heb. 1.3.
[Page 3] Quest. In what estate did God make man?
Answ. In his own Image, holy and happy, Gen. 1.26. Col. 3.10. Ephes. 4.24.
Quest. For what end did he make him?
Answ. For his own glory, and service, Rev. 4.11. Psal. 95.6.
Quest. How must he be served?
Answ. As he hath appointed in his Word, Deut. 12.32.
Quest. Do all men thus glorifie God, and serve him?
Answ. No, neither are they able, Rom. 7.15, 19.
Quest. Why so?
Answ. Because their whole nature is defiled, and the actions thence proceeding are polluted, Rom. 5.12, 19. Eph. 2.1, 2, 3. Mat. 15.19.
Quest. Man being made holy, how came he to be thus defiled?
Answ. By Adams first transgression, Gen. 3.6. Eccles. 7.29.
Quest. Did all men fall in Adams first transgression?
Answ. All mankind being in his loins, sinned in him, and fell with him in his first transgression, Rom. 5.12. [...] Cor. 15.21, 22.
Quest. In what estate are all men then by Nature?
[Page 4] Answ. In an estate of sin and misery, Rom. 5.12.
Quest. What is sin?
Answ. Sin is any transgression of the law of God, whether it be in thought, word, or deed, 1 Joh. 3.4. Gen. 6.5. Gal. 5.19.
Quest. What is the Law of God?
Answ. It is a perfect rule of righteousness, commanding good, and forbidding evil, Psal. 19.7, 8. Deut. 12.32.
Quest. Where is this Law written?
Answ. In the holy Scriptures; but the sum of it is in the ten Commandments, Deut. 10.4.
Quest. Rehearse the ten Commandments.
Answ. God spake these words, and said, I am the Lord thy God, &c. Exod. 20.1, 2, &c.
Quest. What do the Commandments teach us?
Answ. Holiness towards God, and righteousness towards our Neighbours, Rom 7.12. Luke 1.74, 75.
Quest. How are these Commandments divided?
Answ. I [...]o two Tables, or parts, Exod. 31.18.
Quest. What do [...] Commandments of the first Table teach us?
[Page 5] Answ. Our duty towards God, Luke 10.27.
Quest. What do the Commands of the second Table teach us?
Answ. Our duty towards man, Matth. 22.39. & 7.12.
Quest. What is the sum of all?
Answ. To love God above all, and our Neighbour as our selves, Matth. 22.37, 38, 39.
Quest. Why did God give us this Law?
Answ. To be the rule of our obedience, Rom. 2.14, 15. & 10.5.
Quest. Can any man perfectly keep all these Commandments?
Answ. No, we all break them daily in thought, word, and deed, Eccles. 7.20. 1 John 1.8, 10. Gal. 5.17. Rom. 3.9, 10, &c.
Quest. What punishment is due to the breakers of these Commands?
Answ. All miseries in this life, death it self, and the pains of Hell for ever, Ephes. 5.6. Gal. 3.10. Mat. 25.41, 46.
Quest. Do all men perish in this estate of sin, and misery?
Answ. No, Some shall be saved by a Redeemer, Rom. 3.22. Gal. 3.27, 28. Acts 4.12.
Quest. Who is the Redeemer of lost man?
Answ. The Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Tim. 2, 5, 6.
[Page 6] Quest. What is Jesus Christ?
Answ. The Eternal Son of God, very God, and very Man, John 1.14. Gal 4.4.
Quest. How did Christ the Son of God become Man?
Answ. By taking to himself a true body, and a reasonable soul, Luk. 1.31, 35. Gal. 4.4.
Quest. Why must he be God and Man?
Answ. Because as God he could not die, and as Man he could not overcome death, both which were necessary to our Redemption, Heb. 2.14. 1 Cor. 15.3, 4.
Quest. How did Christ redeem lost man?
Answ. By satisfying Gods justice in suffering what was due for mans sin, and so reconciling him to God, Heb. 2.17. & 9.14, 28.
Quest. How was this effected?
Answ. By his Death and Passion, by his Resurrection and Ascension, and by his continual Intercession for them, Luk. 23.33. 1 Cor. 15.3, 4. Acts 2.27. Mar. 16.19. Heb. 7.24, 25.
Quest. Are all men partakers of Christ, and the benefits purchased by Christ?
Answ. No, only those that lay hold upon him by a lively faith, Joh. 3.16. & 1.12. Acts 13.39. Ephes. 1.13, 14.
[Page 7] Quest. What is a lively Faith?
Answ. It is a divine grace, whereby we do not only believe all things necessary to salvation, but are also enabled to take Christ upon his own terms, and to rest upon him alone for salvation, Act. 16.31. Psal. 2.12.
Quest. Rehearse the Articles of your Belief.
Answ. I believe in God the Father Almighty, &c.
Quest. How many Articles are herein contained?
Answ. Twelve.
Quest. Have all those justifying faith that believe the truth of these Articles?
Answ. No, this may be done by an Historical faith, which an hypocrite may have, Acts 8.13.
Quest. How then may Justifying Faith be known?
Answ. By the fruits and effects of it; for true faith purifies the heart, when all other faith lets the heart alone, Act. 15.9.
Quest. What will become of those that have not faith?
Answ. They shall never see life, but the wrath of God abideth on them, Joh. 3.36.
Quest. How is faith wrought?
[Page 8] Answ. Ordinarily by the Word and Spirit, Rom. 10.14. Acts 16.14.
Quest. What Word of God is requisite to the working of faith?
Answ. Both the Law and the Gospel, Rom. 7.7. Gal. 3.22. & 4.4, 5.
Quest. How is it encreased?
Answ. By the same means whereby it is begotten, as also by the Sacraments, and prayer, 1 Pet 2.2. Luke 17.5. Gen. 17.9, &c. Rom. 4.11.
Quest. What is a Sacrament?
Answ. It is a Sign and Seal of the Covenant of Grace, Gen. 17.11. Rom. 4.11.
Quest. How many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in his Church?
Answ. Only two, Baptism and the Lords Supper, Mat. 28.19, 20. Luk. 22.19, 20.
Quest. To what end did he ordain them?
Answ. To strengthen our Faith, and confirm our assurance, Gen. 17.11. Rom. 4.11.
Quest. What is to be considered in a Sacrament?
Answ. The Sign, and the thing signified, Mat. 28.19. Rom. 6.4. Gen. 17.7.
Quest. What is the outward sign in Baptism?
Answ. Water, which is applyed to the body of the party baptized, Acts 10.47. Mat. 3.6.
[Page 9] Quest. In whose Name are they to be baptized?
Answ. In the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Mat. 28.19, 20.
Quest. What is signified by water?
Answ. The blood of Christ which washeth away the filth of the soul, as water doth the filth of the body, 1 Cor. 6.11. Act. 2.38. Tit. 3.5.
Quest. Who ought to be baptized?
Answ. Infidels converted to the Faith; and Infants of one, or both believing Parents, Acts 8.12, 36, 37. & 2.38, 39. Gen. 17.10. with Col. 2.11, 12. 1 Cor. 7.14.
Quest. What is required of those that are Baptized?
Answ. To die unto sin, and to live unto righteousness, and to fight under Christs Banner, against Sin, the World, and the Devil, Mat. 3.11. Rom. 6.3, 4.
Quest. What is the visible sign in the Lords Supper?
Answ. Bread and Wine which are there broken and poured forth, Mat. 26.26, 27.
Quest. What is thereby signified?
Answ. The Body and Blood of Christ, which was broken, and poured out for the remission of our sins, 1 Cor. 11.24, 25.
Quest. VVho ought to receive this Sacrament?
[Page 10] Answ. Those that upon examination find themselves fit, and can discern the Lords body, 1 Cor. 11 28, 29.
Quest. Wherein must they examine themselves?
Answ. Whether their knowledge, faith, repentance, love and obedience to God, be true and sincere, Mat 22.11, 12. 1 Cor. 11.28, 29. 2 Cor. 13.5. 1 Cor. 11.31. 1 Cor. 10.16, 17. & 5.7, 8.
Quest. Who ought to be excluded?
Answ. The ignorant, and scandalous, 1 Cor. 11.29.
Quest. What is the danger of unworthy receivers?
Answ. They are guilty of the body and blood of Christ, and eat and drink their own damnation, 1 Cor. 11.27, 29.
Quest. What is prayer, that other means to increase faith?
Answ. It is a calling upon God, in the Name of Christ, through the assistance of his Spirit, Exod. 14.15. 1 Sam. 1.13. John 16.23. Rom. 8.26.
Quest. For what must we pray?
Answ. For all things for this life, or that to come, which we stand in need of, and God hath promised, 1 Joh. 5.14.
Quest. What directions hath God given us for prayer?
[Page 11] Answ. The general direction is his Word, but a special direction is the Lords Prayer, 1 John 5.14. Mat. 6.9, &c.
Quest. Rehearse the Lords Prayer.
Answ. Our Father which art in Heaven, &c.
Quest. How many parts are in the prayer?
Answ. Three, the Preface, the Petitions, and the Conclusion.
Quest. Which is the Preface?
Answ. Our Father which art in Heaven, Mat. 6.9.
Quest. How many Petitions are there?
Answ. Six; the three first concern Gods glory, and the three last humane necessity.
Quest. What is the Conclusion?
Answ. For thine is the Kingdom, the power, and glory, for ever and ever, Amen. Mat. 6.13.
Quest. What are the parts of Prayer?
Answ. Confession, Supplication, and Thanksgiving, Psal. 32.5, 6. Dan. 9.4, 16. Phil. 4.6.
Quest. What will become of all men at death?
Answ. Their souls go immediately to Heaven or Hell, and their bodies remain in the grave till the Resurrection, 1 Thes. 4.15, Rev. 14.13. Mat. 5.8. 1 Cor. 13.12. Luk. 16.22, 23.
[Page 12] Quest. What will become of them at the Resurrection?
Answ. Their souls and bodies shall be then raised, and brought before the Judgement Seat of Christ, 1 Cor. 15.42, 43, 51, 52.
Quest. What shall become of them at Judgement?
Answ. Every man shall then be judged according to his works; the godly shall be acquitted by their surety Christ; but the wicked shall be condemned to everlasting destruction, John 5.28, 29. 2 Cor. 5.10. Mat. 25.23. & 10.32. Mat. 25.24.
Quest. What shall become of them after judgement?
Answ. The wicked shall be thrust into Hell, to be tormented with the Devil and his Angels for ever; but the righteous shall enter into life eternal, Mat. 25.46. 1 John 3.2. John 17.24. Phil. 1.23. 2 Thes. 1.7, 8, 9.