TRUMPET Of the LORD sounded out of SION: Which gives a certaine sound to the eares of all Nations, and is a true noyse of a fearfull Earthquake at hand, which shall shake the whole fabrick of the Earth, and the pillars of its standing shall fall, and never more he set up againe.

Fearfull voyces of terrrible Thunders, uttered forth from the Throne, to the astonishment of the Heathen [...] all Quarters of the earth who are not sealed in the forehead.

And is an Alarum, and preparation for War against all Nations where Gog and Magog resideth.

And sheweth the wounding Sword of the mighty God, from whose blow, the Kings, nor the Captaines, nor the mighty men, cannot fly to escape

Declared and written by a Son of Thunder, as a warning to all the Inha­bitants of the Earth, where the great Image is standing, or any part of it worshipped, speedily to meet the Lord by Repentance, that in the day of his fierce wrath they may be hid.

WITH A Salutation to the Seed who are gathered into the [...]old and with the [...]hildren of the King; The tongue that was dumb sings a joyfull Song of Sion, in an unknown Language, which none can understand, save the redeemed of the Lord.

By one whose name is truly known by the children of the same birth, but unknown to the World, though by it called EDWARD BURROUGH.

LONDON: Printed for Giles-Calvert at the Black-spread-Eagle, near the West end of Pauls. 1656.

[Page] BY Order, and Authority, gi­ven unto me, by the Spirt of the Living God, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, the 31 day of the 10 month, in the year of the worlds ac­count 1655, about the 4 houre in the mor­ning, when my Meditations was of my God, upon my Bed in Kilkenny City, in the Nation of Ireland, at that time the Word of the Lord came unto me (from the righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth, who was, and is, and is to come, who sitteth on the throne of righteous Judgement Judging Nations, and Kindreds and Tongues, and peoples equally) saying, Write my Controversie with all the Inhabi­tants of the Earth, unto all sorts of people as I will shew thee; By this same Authority and Commission declared, this I send unto you, the Tribes of the Earth, and this upon your heads shall stand for ever, to be witnes­sed [Page] by the Light of Christ Jesus, in all your consciences, in the dreadfull day of Venge­ance, which upon you O Inhabitants of the Earth is coming. Prepare, prepare to meet the Lord, O Nations, Tongues, and people unto you all, hereby a Warning is come, and a Vi­sitation from the presence of the living God, which you are straightly required to put in practise, as at the terrible day of dreadfull Vengeance, you will answer the contrary.

Given under my hand, and sealed by the Spirit of the Eternall God who lives for Ever. Through a Servant of the Lord.

E. B.


O Earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord, and awake, awake, awake, all ye inhabitants thereof, and give ear, give eare, unto the controversie which the Lord hath with you, Noble and Ignoble, listen unto the word of the Lord, Men of high degree, and Men of low degree, be not stouthearted, nor stop not your Eares, for the Lord hath spoken, People of all sorts and men of all con­ditions, the word of the Lord is towards you, even from the [Page 2] Princes and Nobles that sits upon the Throne, unto the Slaves and Bondmen that are made a prey, The Lords Controver­sie is against you, and the mighty terrible day of the Lord is coming upon you wherein He will plead with you, because of your Transgressions which cannot be numbred, but doth ex­ceed theirs in former Generations, who was cut off by his outstretched arme. Therefore thus saith the Lord, now also will I arise, as a mighty man of War, and will appear in my Majesty, to gather the Nations, and to fan them, and to try them, in the wind of my wrath, and to purge them, and to refine them in the furnace of my fire, of indignation, and jealousie. And this from my mouth is a warning to you, and a sound in your ears, by Authority from my Spirit.

To thee Oliver Cromwell called Protector.

THus saith the Lord, My Controversie is against thee be­cause thou hast not been faithfull to the end, in my work, but hast taken thy Rest and Ease, and pleasure, upon thy high and lofty Mountaine of Pride, and vaine Glory, and hast set up thy selfe to be worshipped, exalting thy own horne, and hast not fully given Glory and Honour to me, of that which I have done by thee, but in thy Heart boasts thy selfe against me, who hath hewed with thee, and made thee an Instrument in my hand to doe my will upon my Enemies, and now thou performest not thy Vowes made to Me in the day of thy di­stresse, but thou hast broken truce with me, and now thou suffer grievous and hainous Oppression and Cruelty, and Tyranny to be acted in thy name upon my people, whom I have chosen, and elected to exalt my name by, by unjust im­prisonments, and grievous persecution doe they suffer in thy name, which the cruell hearted makes a cloke of for their cruelty, and even such who have been thy Enemies, thy name is a cloke unto, to hide their cruell intents, and wicked pur­poses against my People, whom they tread upon, and this is not unknown to thee, and therefore the lesse excusable art then in my sight, and the greater will my judgements be up­on [Page 3] thy Head, which suddenly I will bring upon thee, except thou repent and returne to thy first integrity, which if thou doe, I will honour thee next unto my chosen, and give thee the Necks of Princes to tread upon, and their Dominion for thy Inheritance, otherwise thus shall it be done unto thee if thou wilt not hear, and obey my voyce, saith the Lord.

To all yee his Counsell.

THus saith the Lord, My Controversie is against you, because you are one with him, and every whit fully guil­ty of his transgressions, and feeds him and your selves in the vallies of vaine glories, with vaine shewes and hopes, and your indeavour is more to secure your selves from misciefe, and plots, and wicked intentions, which remaine in the hearts of the Rebellious against you, then to defend and preserve the innocent, for your neglect to take off Oppression and to ease the oppressed, but makes your fingers as heavy as your fathers loynes, who were cast out before you, and the same Lawes stand still in force, by which tyranny and Oppression is acted, and the same false Prophets you establish by a Law, which deceives the Nations, and flatters you by subtile spee­ches, and there is no pure Reformation wrought in the Earth, but you with your power joynes with the first Beast, who was wounded by a grievous blow of fury, to make war against the Lamb, and his followers, and you seek to set up that which I am about to throw down, and you are not ignorant of the grievous Cry of the Poor, under the Burden of Op­pression, laid upon them by your Lawes, by which they un­justly suffer, the imprisonment of their bodies, and the spoi­ling of their Goods, and you suffer this wickednesse to be done, and shuts up your compassion, and the hands of Evill doers hereby is strengthned, through your forbearance they are hardned in their cruelty, and because you professe more of the name of the Lord, then some that have gone before you, and performes as little, the greater is your abomination, and the deeper is your hypocrisie, and the greater will my judgements be upon your heads, except you speedily repent, [Page 4] and walk in my counsell, which if you doe, honourable in counsell will I make you, and your renown, shall generati­ons to come exalt, otherwise if you refuse my word to hear, I will make you a Reproach, and a curse to ages for ever.

To all ye Judges, and Lawyers, and your traine, and to all that handle the Law.

THus saith the Lord, My controversie is against you, be­cause of your abominations, for you are the very actors of the allowed oppressions, and in judging for Gifts and Re­wards, and Bribery, some of you have exceeded all that ever went before you, and many just causes of the poor hath been neglected for want of a large Gift, and many unjust actions of the rich men have you pleaded, against equity for advan­tage to your selves, your counsell have respected persons, and in Bribery and Gifts, have you delighted, and thereby have made your selves as Lords in the Earth, and have set your selves upon high hills, and you have followed the counsell of your own hearts and your humane wit and learning in seek­ing out the justnesse of a cause and in judging thereof, and my righteous Law of justice, have you not regarded to be your Rule, but through the pollicy and craft, have you hid­den the simplicity of the Law from the ignorant in unknown languages and obscure sentences, and your wills many times hath been your Law, and true judgement have you turned backward, and made a fence against equity that it could not enter. Some of you are guilty in a high degree of that cruelty and tyranny which of late years hath been acted upon the in­nocent, yea, you have grinded the face of the poor, Impri­sonned the harmlesse, and laid heavy burdens and oppressive bonds upon the guiltlesse, who have not transgressed any Law, much lesse the Law of righteousnes, you have made my freeborn children your slaves, and have highly attempted to sit Lords in my Throne, of conscience and some of them have [Page 5] suffered, by some of you for the exercise of their pure Conscience, because they could not swear, or worship and respect your persons, nor pay Tythes (that grievous oppression) nor bow to your wills and lusts, in things of the like nature of Cruelty: And you are guilty in a gross sum, of upholding the false Prophet, which prophesies lies, and falsly, with flattering words of guil, and he co­vers himself under your shadow, and under your unjust Law, which is his staff and strength, and he rides upon the Beast, till you be both taken alive, and cast into the Lake of everlasting indignation. The cup of my venge­ance will awaken you, and my Law will for ever condemn you, and my counsel of Equity shall plead against you in the Court of Justice, and my eternal Judgement from my Throne of Righteousness shall proceed in sentence of wrath, and my faithful evidence, the light in your Con­science, which hath been eye witness of your vilany against me, shall testifie against you, and shall accuse you guilty of everlasting torment except you repent.

To all Astrologers Magitians, Southsayers, and Wise-men.

THus saith the Lord, my Controversie is against you, because of your Witchcrafts and Inchantments, you have digged deep as the pit of hell, to hide your counsel from the Lord, and have discovered your selves, in find­ing out secrets to another, then me, in your natural Arts and knowledge you are corrupted the ground being cur­sed in which you stand. You have in policy and witch­craft sold your selves into the Power of darkness, and your Original of Science and Languages, is the Serpent, whose image and mark you bear; your wisdom is divelish, gain­ed by the strength of corrupted reason, which is the ha­bitation of the Serpent, whom you have chosen to be [Page 6] your Instructor, and exalted for your God: There is a secret sealed from you, and a Star whose course you do not know, and a Sun eclipsed, of which you make no mention, and a circuit of heaven, of which you know not the Compass, and you cannot find out the secret by Divination; but the discovery of it will be the discover­ing of your sorceries, and the making bare of your In­chantments; your knowledge is in time; and leadeth not into the understanding of things everlasting, which are without beginning; my flaming sword is against you, and doth divide you from the Tree of eternal life, of which you cannot touch and live; My wrath shall sweep you out of the land of Peace, and my eye which seeth you, shall be the Star of Condemnation, and Darkness un­to you, to the confounding of your Sun and Moon for ever.

To all you Generals, Colonels, and Commanders, and Officers and Souldiers, in England, Scotland, and Ireland.

THus saith the Lord, my controversie is against you, for some of you are wofully fallen from that Up­rightness and Integrity which once was in you, and you are abundantly waxed fat and exalted through victories and deliverances, and now you kick against the Lord, that hath handled you as Instruments in his hand to do his will, and many of you who hath been raised out of the dust, are set down in your high nest of liberty, in the lust and pride, and filthiness of the flesh, and vain glory, and fleshly exaltation abounds, and with greediness you divide the spoil, and some of you takes more by your [Page 7] cruelty and hard heartedness, then justly was given you in victory, and now you being at ease, have forgotten many former straits and dangers delivered from, and in your hearts you say, our hands have gotten the victory, and doth not exalt the Lord herein, who somtime emi­nently hath appeared for you. your enemies themselves being Judges, and now you [...]read under foot by your might and beastly power, many of my innocent and harm­less people, some of which have served you in many try­als, and now they being redeemed from that nature of strife; you hate them, and doth and suffers violence to be done unto them, and regards it not, but sets it at naught, and though you have said you have labour'd for liberty of Conscience in your long Travel of War, yet in the Birth you have turned your victory into carnal and flesh­ly liberty to your selves, and into bondage to your Brethren, and many promises have you vowed, which you neglect to perform, and the same Oppression and kingly power of cruelty stands in dominion under another appearance and member of the great Image, the Head being but one, and you have only slain the name, and liveth in the nature, and while some of you have been zealous to break down the Idols and Images without, and herein have served the Lord▪ you are now become worshippers of Idols within, and of Images set up in your hearts, to the greater dishonour of the Lord, who are turned in spiritual Idolatry, and more subtile hypo­crisie, and secret whoredom, and herein also liveth in the nature of that which you have cut down in the name and the founder of Images is not yet confounded, and you are not the least of all that are guilty (for it is not unknown to you) of that grievous Oppression, and Tyrannie, and Cruelty, acted upon my servants, who in times past have born a part of the burthen with you in the heat of the day, and though some of you see these iniquities abound­ing, and the neglect of fulfilling your own vows, and are already asham'd of the Oaks which you have design'd [Page 8] and of the Gardens which you have chosen, and now is accused guilty in your own Conscience for pulling lown and setting up, one thing in the nature, though different in the name, yet you are greedy of your prey and spoil, and doth not confess truth against oppression being bran­ches of the same root, lodging amongst the boughs▪ and thus are you fallen from your first integrity into pits and snares, and are become one with the harlot, and parta­kers of the Adulterer, murthering and crucifying the just, loving to be blinded by the God of the world, for love to his Treasure: Mine Army terrible shall come a­gainst you, and my force shall compass you about, and my sword shall cut you off, and with a mortal blow I will wound you, and deliverance to my chosen will I bring another way, and though I have reproved Princes by you, yet you will I reprove, and though I have chastned the mighty and the rebellious by you, yet you will I correct, and all your might and power will I take away, and your weakness shall appear, and dispersed shall you be, before the Arrows of my wrath, my Alarum will I beat against you, in defiance of your power, and through you, by my weapon of war, will I charge to your overthrow and defeat everlasting, except you repent▪ saith the Lord, in this the day of your visi­tation▪ wherein you have a time given to make your peace, and to return to your first Integrity out of your rebellion against me, that my hand may be towards you, for my great work is yet to do▪ which I have thought to bring to pass, and this overturning was but a making way for it, and yet again will I overturn, even you and all that opposes me herein: That my Son may reign in his Kingdom for ever, whose bondmen and slaves ye shall be, if you submit not, before you be conquered, And this to you is a Message for Reconciliation, sent from me, and sealed with my Spirit saith the Lord.

To all you who are, and have been always, enemies to the very ap­pearance of Righteousnesse, who are called Delinquents and Ca­valiers.

THus saith the Lord, my controversie is against you, even my hand in judgement is upon you already, and you are become cursed in all your hatchings and endea­vours, and from time to time my hand hath been against you in Battel, and you have been, and are given up to be a prey to your enemies, for the purpose and intents of your hearts have been known alwaies to be against the form of Truth, and much more against my powerful truth it self and because you attempted to take my throne (Consci [...]nce) therefore I rose in fury against you, and will have war with all your followers herein for ever, and though my hand hath been evidently against you, yet to this day you remain in rebellion in your minds in hat [...]hing murder and cruelty in your wicked hearts, and though your Kings, and Princes, and Nobles have been cut off in wrath, and your cruel desperate Inventions, and plots of wickedness (conceived in your cursed womb) have been broken, and you cut short in your desires, yet you repent not, nor will not see how you are given to be a curse, and a desolation, and a prey, in houses, and lands, and persons, to them whom I raised against you and gave power over you, yet you are hardned, and your cruelty in the persecution of my servants cannot be measured, where you have any power, you smite with the fi [...]t of wickedness, and count it your glory to despise my name, [Page 10] in the Vallies of vain hopes you feed, and on the moun­tains of foolish expectation, and conceive in your cruel womb of Tyrannie, the overthrow of the Nations, but in the bringing forth, your selves are overthrown, and it is not for well doing that you suffer, but my hand is against you, and my judgements are upon you, and ex­cept you repent, shall continue upon Earth with you, and follow you, and pursue you to the lake of destructior, where there is no repentance, and you and your King, and lordly power, (by which you have thought to exer­cise Lordship over my heritage) shall be enslaved by th [...] Divel in the Pit of darkness, in everlasting bondage, where he shall reigne your King and Lord for ever­more.

To all the Priests, and Prophets, and Teachers of the people.

THus saith the Lord, my controversie is against you, above all other, and my judgements shall be upon you to the uttermost; for you in hypocrisie, and deceit, and abominations, hath exceeded all other that ever went before you, and are less excusable then they, and more vile in my sight then they that have been made an ut [...]er desolation, abominable, and loathsome, and hainous, is your filthiness in preaching for hyre, and for gifts, and rewards, and in making a prey upon the people, through divining for money, even feeding your selves with the fat, and killing them that are fed, and have wofully wasted the heritage, and scattered the flock upon the barren mountains, where you treoherously have devoured them, and made merchandise of their souls, and have cryed Peace, Peace, unto the wicked, one of you building a wall, and another daubing it with untempered morter, you have not stood in my counsel, but have erred from my [Page 11] way, and have not known my judgements, but through covetousness have dealt most wickedly, and profaness is gone forth from you into all corners of the Earth, so that none could turn from his evil way, nor learn the way of righteousness and salvation, how shall it be declared and laid open, your transgressions hath much more abounded then in former generations, ye have shut the kingdom of heaven against men, to the destruction of thousands, and ten thousands who have perished under your ministry, whom you have caused to err, and led them out of the way, and the blinde hypocrites have led the blinde, till ye both fall into the ditch of perdition; It was your ge­neration of the same seed that put the Apostles to death, and now you make merchandise of their words, and ex­ceeds in hypocrisie and double-heartedness, and have turned every way according to the changing of the power of the Beast; Some of you were Teachers for the King and Bishops, and were ordained by their Law, and your Prayers have been to your Idol God, for all sorts from whom you could receive a reward, or be advantaged: and you are now divided in many Sects, and judgements, and false Opinions, and have divided the people into di­vers ways of Idol-worship, throwing down one part of the Image, and setting up, and exalting another, and your Offerings, and Oblations, and Prayer, and Praises, hath been a burthen and weariness to my soul, saith the Lord, and you now are at war in your minds one with another, divers in your Language (though but one Original) which is the womb of Witchcraft, and your Kingdom is dark­ness, and a heap of confusion; under the dominion of death reigning, but you are at concord in war against me, and against my servant whom I have chosen from among you, to bear witness against you, & you are the most of all guilty of that great persecution and unjust suffering and Imprisonment through Tyranny laid upon them, for you stir up, and intercede the Power of the Beast thereunto, upon which you sit, till you both be cast into the Lake, [Page 12] you are risen in all your power to manage War against my Kingdom, which is appearing to make yours a desola­tion for ever; The Beast is risen in defence of you already, and you pray to your dead gods, and preaches to your ignorant people, against my Heritage, deceiving thou­sands. whose blood will be of you required, who are ever learning of you, but never able to come to the know­ledge of the Truth by you, being kept in infidelity and blindness under you, whose blood you are absolutely guilty of, your Rebellion is the crime of Witchcraft, who cannot cease to do evil, for you have bound your selves in the Covenant with hell, and are at agreement with death while you are upon earth, and would bind the peo­ple with you in the same Faith (or rather Unbelief) that none can be perfectly saved from sin while they live upon earth; but you are the filthy dreamers, which doth de­file the flesh, and when you awake, you will be found empty of all righteousness, your cup is full of fornication, and of the wine of Whoredomes and Idolatry, my pati­ence will be turned into fury against you, and my cup of indignation is the assured portion of your lot, and blood shall you have to drink as your gift and reward from me, and your present pleasure shall be turned into howling everlasting, and your songs shall be changed into Wo worth the day, my plagues shall remain with you upon Earth, and follow you to the lake, and your staff and strength in which you trust, even the power of the Beast shall be broken with you, and be buried in the grave of everlasting contempt to arise in reproach unto my heri­tage for ever, and my fire of Indignation is already kind­ling upon you, which will burn for evermore, and not be quenched.

To all you called Papists, to your whole Body and Head at Rome, the Word of the Lord reacheth.

THus, assuredly, saith the Lord, my Controversie is against you, and my vengeance, and wrath, and fury shall for ever world without end be upon you, though you pardon one another, yet will not I pardon any one of you, for your grievous Adulteries and Abominations hath sur­passed all other generations, in the womb of whoredoms your children are conceived, begotten by the seed of adul­teries in the very strength of the man of sin, and at the Breasts of murther and cruelty, you are nourished, in suck­ing hainous and cruel Tyrannie, you are seated upon the highest mountain of Oppression and Idolatry: Peter was not your Predecessor, but the Divel himself you succeed, in blood, and envie, and cruelty, and he is your Rock, with whom you shall fall in everlasting perdition; being upon him builded, in your whole Body, and he is the Fa­ther of your Faith, received from him by succession, t [...]a­ditionally, and your Religion is of Cain's antiquity, who was the Ancient in your profession of offering sacrifice, and killing the just, your sword hath been made fat in the blood of the innocent you have sought to slay, even the very likeness of Righteousness, and hath stood armed with cruelty against the upright, waiting for the blood of the guiltless to asswage your thirst, and your Seat at Rome which once had the Faith of Jesus Christ in purity, where members of his Body inhabited, you have turned into the habitation of Divels, and it is become the open Mother of profess Whoredoms, which brings forth cursed children of witch cra [...]t, and is the abiding place of members of an abominable harlot, and the profession of Jesus have you [Page 14] turned into a cruelty against Jesus, and into the murther of him; Some of you are made a curse already, and with vengeance and indignation shall the rest be pursued, till your Body be rooted from off the Earth, you have been strong in your Seat of darkness upon your seven moun­tains of perfect abomination, and none was able to en­counter you in your strength of Infidelity, but it shall be turned into weakness, and your whoredoms shall appear, and your present honour shall be turned into contempt everlasting, for while you say, you have wrought to me­rit life eternal, your unbelief will bring death everlasting, and your Works merits my fire of eternal judgement and condemnation, and while you have said you eat and drink the Flesh and Blood really, you have crucified his life to­tally, and your consecrating of things unto you [...] Idol god, hath been your defilement and pollution in the sight of the true God, to Images and Pictures have you bowed, and have worshipped the Saints Days and Names, and bowed to their likeness of mans inventions, but have slain their life, and trodden under foot their nature and glory and buried their righteousness and knowledge in the grave of your wickedness and ignorance, and in imaginations have you rested, and in vain superstitions have you hoped, honouring the name of Christ, and killing his life, the womb of darkness are you shut up in upon earth, and it will be your bed for ever in hell and death, and your Pur­gatory will deceive you, and your clensing will never come; Defiled, defiled, and loathsom are you in the pure eye of light, which the secret of your deceit searcheth, and your darkness feeleth, and shall judge you for ever. Rome, Italy, France, and Spain and your Dominions to all your Kings, Princes, Bishops, Priests, Je [...]its, Pre­l [...]tes, and Fr [...]rs, and Nuns, and whole Train of Idola­ters; The Cup of my vengeance is towards you, and the dregs thereof shall you drink and my overflowing whirl­wind of wrath as an irresistable flood is against your banks, and thy fire of eternal fury shall b [...] through [Page 15] your stubble, and my everlasting light shall make search and Inquisition for the blood of my Elect, which is found in thy skirts. Thou abominable harlot of lothsome adul­try. Tremble, tremble, tremble at my dreadful living pre­sence, ye worshippers of dead Images, the day of repen­tance is well nigh past, your long Idolatry, will my long patience turn into everlasting misery and judgement, and Nations shall see your shame, and in the sight of your Lovers shall you be tormented. And this from Authority by my Spirit of Glory is sent you a warning, and is the voice of a Trumpet, which gives a certain sound against the mighty dreadful day of the Lord, which upon you is coming, to make you an desolation for ever and ever, and the eternal Decree is sealing against you, never to be al­tered.

To all you called Protestants of the Eldest sort.

THus saith the Lord, my controversie is against you, and my hand will be upon you, you have a strong taste of the Bottle, wherein the wine of Fornication is, and your scent is leavened with the first vessel of abomination, you are seated in darkness, pitched upon six of the first moun­tains under another branch of the first Tree (Ignorance) and are children of the first womb, begotten in another appearance of the Whores Beauty, and are more comly in stature then your eldest Brethren, and little is your dif­ference to be discerned from the first Beast in your ap­pearance, and nothing at all in the ground; you say you believe for eternal life, but your unbelief will bring upon you everlasting death: your talking of Christ, and his righteousness imputed (which you profess) will not cover your infidelity and filthiness, for you are in the enmity against his life, the working (of the first) for life, and [Page 16] your believing for life, springs both out of one ground; and while you say you eat and drink the Body and Blood of Christ in the figure, you kill and crucifie him in the substance, and art partakers of thy Sisters sins, in whore­dom and Idolatry, and must partake of her plagues. Wo, wo will be your Inheritance in the Pit of Earth for ever, instead of a heavenly glory (which you dream of) above the sky, I have armed my Armies to do my work herein, which hath in part, and will fulfil it, to break you to pie­ces, the intents of your hearts hath been known, to be always against my people, neither could you bear any ap­pearance of me, but blasphemes my name and truth in every discovery; you have loved darkness upon earth; and in its chains shall you be bound in the Lake for ever­more.

To all you that are called Presbyte­rians and Independents.

THe Lords controversie is against you, for you are a higher Branch of the first Tree, deeper rooted in th [...] cursed ground of fleshly and sensual wisdom, and the womb of your conception is the first Whores daughter, more comly decked, and your Cistern holes the wine of fornication, at which you drink in a measure her abomi­nation, and where you say, you beleeves for justification, and applies the promises for salvation, your works of wick­edness and hypocrisie will bring damnation, and gains the promise of condemnation, who are in pride, and high­mindedness, and double-heartedness, which is the condi­tion of that promise, and you are found wanting every whit, the conditions of the promise of eternal life, you have reformed the outward man into obedience unto ano­ther likeness of the truth without the life, and are as vise in the inward in hypocrisie, and self exalting, and hath [Page 17] covered y [...]r selves with the Saints words, and said up more in store, of the report of their riches, then your fore-fathers, and now you are become worshippers of the form and words of the Saints, and are grown in the know­ledge, more then some of your father's children, but in extolling the Saints words, you limit their Spirit, and keeps in death their life, which was not of the world, neither in appearance nor ground; and while you say you eat and drink the flesh and blood of Christ, in secret and separate, you put him to death openly, and among the multitudes, your hearts are ful of bitterness against my remnant, whom I have called, and aloud you cry Heresie, and Error, and Blasphemes my Name, and loaths the honey-comb, in your full Stomacks, you worship the same God, as your fore-fathers did, only in another appearance, more refi­ned through stronger wisdom, and appears in the reform­ed old man, thinking him to be the new man, and deceives your souls hereby, and are zealous in your blindness, in your Will-worships, and fained humility, which is with­out the knowledge of God, and you depend upon your Imaginations, thinking to have life in the Scripture, as they did which put Christ to death, and will not come to Christ that you may have life, you are in the knowledge gathered from without you, which is natural, and in it you are corrupted, and some of you are brutish in your knowledge, and are thereby puft up into pride and vain­glory; your separation from the world is sensual and self separation, and differs but a little in your appearance and nothing in the ground, for the cursed ground stands with­in untilled and unbroken, and you worship God ignorant­ly at a distance, and feeds upon the report of a thing done many hundred of yeers ago, and your faith doth not give you victory over the world, for 'tis set in your hearts, and the vanities of it without is followed, pride, and oppressi­on, and fulness: Some of you are hot and furious in your blind zeal, and cannot endure sound Doctrine, your fruits will wither, and all your knowledge will perish, and all [Page 18] your hopes and expectations will fail, and all your praise [...] and prayers, and all your good works brought forth in your own wills, in that nature in which the enmity lodg­es, is a lame and a blind sacrifice, and of Cains nature: which God accepteth not; you are in the liberty of the flesh, and the daylie Cross of Christ you do not know, but lives daylie to the world, and dies not in it, and your knowledge of Christ is without you; by what such a Pro­phet, and such an Apostle spoke of him; and the witness of the operation of his Spirit and Power you have not in you, nor his Sufferings you do not know in your life, but by your life makes him to suffer in his life; the horrible filthy thing is commited amongst you; and your Teachers are perfect in the false Prophets steps, and some of you are as brute beasts in their knowledge, gathered in by vain study and humane learning, through Philosophy and vain deceit, and hath large quarters from which they seel; their gain, and through covetousness, with feigned words makes merchandise of souls, and are compleat in B [...]la [...]m [...] way of Idolatry, following his Error, loving the wages of unrighteousness, teaching for filthy lucre, devouring souls for dishonest gain, by trading with the Scriptures, and selling their imaginations upon them for money, gaining many thousand of pounds a yeer thereby, having stolen the Saints words into their unclean hearts, uttered forth by them for advantage to themselves, when the Lord hath not sent them, nor spoken unto them, nor or­dained them for his service, but their Call and Ordination hath been by man, and their work and testimony of them­selves, and hath not profited you at all, and yet you have loved to have it so, but what will you do in the end there­of? even you▪ that hath been helped, and they that have holpen shall both fall together in the day of the Lords re­compense, which will fall grievously upon you; and none shall be able for to deliver you, but miserable comforters, and Physitians of no [...]value shall all be unto you, and your long applyed Promises shall suddenly fly away: No peace [Page 19] from God is to the wicked; neither do I sow pillows un­der your elbows, but to the light in your consciences I speak, which Christ hath lightened every one of you withal; which shines in darkness, and you cannot it com­prehend, nor in it believe, But it it stumbles, and by it shall be broken; which if it you loved, it would teach you in the Spirit the living God to worship, and would condemn all your set form of Worship in the Imaginati­ons, the light is given you from Christ Jesus, unto life eternal, or unto condemnation everlasting; when the hand of the Lord in judgement is upon you, Remember you had warning; and when you are in the Lake, and in the Pit, Remember you had a day of Visitation upon Earth; The light in all your Consciences shall witness Gods judgements to be just, and your mouths shall be stopped.

To all you that are called Anaba­ptists.

VVIth you also is the controversie of the Lord, for you are children of the same seed, more purged in the fire of blind zeal, and begotten in the transforming of the Serpent, into more secret hypocrisie, and deeper subtilty, your covering being larger, the greater deceit and abomination lodges under, Death reigns among you, and your Kingdom is scituate in the mountains of exalta­tion, and you feed abundantly in the Vallies of Pride and Vain-glory, and are nourished with the bread of prospe­rity, you are grown high and great in your number, and have joyned your selves for advantage, and glories in your strength, having through Policy and Craft, and bowing to the Beastly power, highly exalted your own Horn, and and by Flattery have gained much of your Dominion, which you hold in possession by the Law of guil, many [Page 20] simple ones hath by your curious colour, and bed of fair pretenses been deceived to commit Adultery with your Image brought forth in the likeness of the Saints God: By Imagination from the Saints words you worship the practise and exercise of the Saints, with the same mind that the Papists do worship their Names and Days; You allow not Idols without, nor a vain conversation in the world, but you are strict in observation in your outward conformity, in your self-righteousness, which is your greatest sin; you are clothed with the Saints words and practises, which you have climed up in your own wills to obtain, not having entred in by the door, and while you say you eat and drink the Flesh and Blood of Christ in the Saints manner, shewing forth his death till he come to salvation, you kill him as the Heathens do, till he appear unto condemnation, and you shew forth daylie that you crucifie him in the world, eating and drinking to your selves condemnation; you say Christ died only for you as elect, but your works makes manifest, that he dies by you as Reprobate; you take up a command from the Letter, and imitates the Apostles (some of you in a low­er, and some of you in a higher degree) in that mind and nature which in the Apostles was crucified; and you say Christ commands it, when the Letter doth but declare it. and you are not led with the same light, which gave forth the commands declared to observe them, but saith in such a verse of such a chapter such a command is, not having received the command by the same Spitit. Here you are proved to be them which use your Tongue, and saith, he saith it, when God hath not spoken unto you, but as you read it without you, as the false Prophets might do the words of the true Prophets; and thus you are in the Witchcraft as they were, Gal. 3. who takes on things in your own wills, and observe commands without from the Letter, thereby drawing from the teachings of God within by the Spirit, you are zealous as they were for the Traditions and Figures, and cannot see him, which [Page 21] is the end of all that which perisheth with the using, so you are not dead with Christ from the world, who are yet subject to Ordinances which is of the world; They that obeyed Christ and followed him, was led by the Spirit, and not by the Letter; for they were not Mini­sters of the Letter, but of the Spirit; and such were judged to be in errour; and this is your condition, who saith such are breakers of Christ's commands and makers vold of the Scripture, and destroyers of the Ordinances, who witnesseth Christ the substance, and him to be King, and Judge, and Law-giver, and in whom, and upon whom the Scripture is fulfilled, and so it established, and the commands of Christ kept, which are in Spirit, and his Law daylie walked in, which condemneth sin. And this is not contrary to the Scripture, but a fulfilling of it in Principles, in Doctrines, and in Practise and Conver­sation: The Apostles was sent to preach the Gospel to every creature, and they were all led by the same Spirit, and did not go before it in their own wills▪ as you do, neither did one go from the command which had been given to another, using anothers words, and exercising themselves in anothers practises, when the Lord had not commanded; But such they bare witness against which did use their Tongue and transform themselves into the likeness of true Prophets, and Apostles, as you have done, and are in the love of the world, and only sepa­rated in the appearance, and not in the ground: You stumble at the light, and therefore knows not the door of entrance, nor where the commands of Christ is to be received, and the Will of God to you is to be known; and so your obedience is the conformity in your own wills, to that which was the Will of God to another: This Sacrifice is also lame and blind, and God saith to you, Who hath required this at your hand? For [...] you have observed and done all those things which the Declaration of the Law and Gospel [Page 22] doth require, you are unprofitable servants; and yet one thing do you lack, the Dying with Christ, and the Sufferings and Cross of Christ is not known, but in the liberty of the flesh you are, and not in the condition of the Promise to Life eternal. Friends, You have run into the Form of Godliness without the Power; into a Church which is not in God, but of the World; into a Baptism which doth not wash away sin; for you live in sin, and pleads for it, while you live upon Earth; into a Communion which is not with God, which no unclean can enter into: for the Proud and Covetous partakes with you, and while some of you have said that they that preached for hire, have been Antichristian, you your selves are fallen into the same abomination, taking gifts and rewards, and large sums of money, and upholding such who doth it; Here you are unjust to your own Principle, and are for condemnation with the light in your Conscience. Let shame cover your heads, ye Hypocrites; your covering will not hide you, nor your high talking of Christ without you, so long pro­fessed by you, will not justifie you, while you are found disobeying this Light in your Consciences; which light is one with God, with Christ, and with the Spirit in its measure, and it doth convince you of sin, and is a command to you, and would lead you (if you walked in it) from all Iniquity, which is the will of God to you; and to that mind which is carnal, which ruleth in you, the commands of Christ which are spiritual, is nor given, nor can be received; bye saith. Lo here, and lo there Christ is to be found [...] the Light you are comprehended, which if the least measure of it you did own, it would lead you to the Baptism inward of the heart, and to the Church which is in God, whereof Christ is Head in every [...] and into the Communion with God▪ and to follow [Page 23] the Lamb of God wheresoever he goeth, and out of your imitations, and likenesses, and strife, and conten­tion about the words given forth from the Spirit, who are in your own Unity, in Division, and several mean­ings, and divers constructions, and Judgements, and several ways of Obedience, and Worships, and Be­lief, which by your Imaginations you draw from the Scripture, which is the Declaration but of one God, and one Truth, of one Obedience, and of one Faith, and thus you exalt the great Image of many mixtures: your selves being a chief member of his Body: You say the Scripture is your Rule, but are divided into Opinions and Conceits, contrary to the Scripture, every one worshipping that which you Imagine from the Scripture, not being in the unity of the Spirit, which gave forth the Scripture, which is one, and not divided in Obedience, Worship, or Faith; and while you say the Scripture is your Rule, your lives are squared by the Spirit of the Divel, and hewen out into Pride and Hypocrisie, and love of the world:

And to you who are called Free­willers, who say Christ died for All.

HErein you affirm, that whereof you are ignorant, which may be true in Christ: but a lye unto you; for you are not dead with Christ from the Rudiments of the world, but are alive against him in the world; they for whom he died, are dead; and they who yet lives, puts him to death. Freewill unto the ways and fashions and vanities of the world stands in you, and you know not the daylie cross of Christ, which is unto man's will; nor what it is to follow Christ, and obey him, which is contrary to man's will, You say, He that is condemned 'tis because he will not believe: This is true in Christ, but not in your carnal apprehensions of the natural man, in whom there is no power to believe. He that hath an Ear, let him hear. There is some true desires among you, but your minds are not truly informed, to the ful­filling of your desires, and your minds are outward, and applies peace to that which is for condemnation. Your Reason and Wisdom is corrupted, and cannot receive Truth, but calls it Error, and this is your sin: Death over you hath passed, and reigns over you, as over all men, and your knowledge is in time, and you cannot hear of things which was before the world was; your wisdom is sensual, and your comprehension is strong, and [...]he little simplicity in you is betray'd by the subtlety which hath dominion in your Governour; your Crown must be laid down, and fools must you become, before you be truly wise, or can be crown'd with the Lamb, and among the rest; Remember you had warning, [Page 25] and a day of Visitation before you were destroyed; And this shall be by you witnessed in the day of the Lord.

To all you who say you wait, and be­lieve for the Coming of Christ to Reigne in Person upon Earth.

HEar you the Lords Controversie which he hath against you. The way of his coming is not prepa­red, but Rocks and Mountains are standing, and Val­lies are not filled up, and rough and crooked is your present way, your Hopes and Expectations in that ground wherein they spring will wither and fade away as the grass, for your hope of his coming hath no whit purified you, as he is pure; for you are in the flesh, and in the liberty of it, which is Rebellion to his Reigne, and Christ is kept in Prison, in exile with that mind, and the Divel is yet at liberty working in your earthly mem­bers, and leads you captive into his Covenant in his Government, in seeking your selves, and to strengthen your selves in the Kingdom of the world, and murmures that any should be above you, and that is he, which put Christ to death, and will not have him to reigne in his power over the earth; and to you, what purpose is it for to desire the day of his coming? For with wrath will he come, and with vengeance will he reigne, and will break your Kingdom like a Potters vessel, and sud­denly will he come, but your expectations will be pre­vented, for his Reigne and Kingdom is not of this world. Your high nature stands, and Satan is not bound, not one of the days of the thousand yeers of his limit is not yet come; your minds are outward in [Page 26] your own thoughts, which are vain, and you know not of what Spirit you are; the sufferings of Christ must you know, before you can see him Reigne, and thorow his War must you strive, before you can obtain his vi­ctory, and him must you own, in his convincing you of sin, before you can witness his Reigne in glory upon Earth over sin.

To all you that are called Ran­ters.

THe Controversie of the Lord God is against you, your Seat is in the mysterie of Iniquity, and Satan transformed into an Angel of light is your God and King, and the Kingdom of the second Beast is your Dominion; your deadly wound is falsly healed, and Sathan thereby hath enlarged his Government; you continued not to the end, but the Prince of darkness is more strongly entred, and your latter end is worse then your beginning, and your last end will be the worst of all; while you have scorned self-righteousness, your selves have been impudently poluted with the spiritual wine of whoredom; and though you have cryed against and abhorred the form of Religion, your selves hath been in the highest power of Iniquity, sold to do wick­edly, and given up to commit sin with greediness, glo­rying in your shame, and are become vain in your Ima­ginations, your foolish hearts being darkned, because when ye knew God, you glorified him not as God; The womb of your corruption is the well-favoured Har­lot, begotten by the false Prophet; Plead with your Mother, for she is an Adulteress, and hath abundantly gone after other lovers, loving their Bed of Adultery where ever she saw it; Naked shall she be stripped, and [Page 27] set as in the day that she was born, and no Mercy shall be to you, her children: you had a convincement under the Law, and was brought under condemnation some of you, but as the viperous generation, you have fled the wrath, and now are become enemies to the Cross of Christ, and turns the grace of God into wantonness (which largely to you appeared) which would wholly have sanctified you, if in it you had walked; but having slain the witness of God, you now are in the cursed peace, following drunkenness, and cursed speaking and swearing, and beastly lusts, and beggarly vanities, sport­ing your selves as in the day time, and you are the cruci­fiers of Christ afresh, and putters of him to open shame in the sight of the Heathen; and while you speak swel­ling words of vanity, your selves are the servants of cor­ruption, and of sin in the highest degree, and free from righteousness in the least measure, doing despite unto the Spirit of grace, and being bound in the chains of dark­ness, and your professed freedom is divellish, stolen by you, and is not the freedom of the Son of God, pur­chased through death; you never came through the Law, but by your Oaths, and Drunkenness, and prof [...] ­ness, have cast it behind your backs; you that are in wantonness kills the just, and you that are in pleasures are dead while you live▪ and you that live in fleshly [...]sts, are in the war against your own souls; Jezabel is your prophetess, and the Dog that is turned to the Vomit again, is your example, and seven unclean Spirits worse then the first, is entred upon you, that's your Parable, and your House is become the Den of Robbers, which was once the House of Prayer; the hand of the Lord is against you, and his breath will kindle the torment of T [...]phet upon you, and everlastingly shall it burn upon you, and shall not be quenched, and your professed love shall be turned into my wrath and fury, and sin shall you find in its vengeance, though you have seen none in [Page 28] the action: and my Witness which you have slain, to gain peace shall arise to your everlasting trouble, faith the Lord, and your m [...]th shall be turned into everlat­ing sorrow, and your communion in unrighteousness shall become your unity in the just indignation of wrath; and your liberty enjoyed in the world, shall be turned into your bondage, in the lake of fire, and your Wisdom and Knowledge shall rot in the pit, and your righteous­ness and uprightness which once was in you, shall never be mentioned to you, for your own iniquities shall you bear in the day of the Lord; with the eternal light you are comprehended; your beginning which was in judge­ment, and your time which is in false peace, and false liberty, and love, and fleshly joy, and your end, which will he everlastingly miserable, and though you speak of the light, and what it once wrought, yet being from it turned into darkness, bringing forth fruits of darkness and unrighteousness, the light is your eternal condemna­tion; and because you are the highest stone in the build­ing of mysterie Iniquity, the greater will be your [...] int [...] the Ditch of deeper perdition: you have been the greatest dishonourers of the true God, and in the way of the upright are you a stumbling [...]nto this day: your state is read, and your Portion is fo [...]told, and this Pro­ph [...] [...]e shall not fail, but upon your [...]e [...]ds shall be ful­filled.

[...] you that are called [...] [...] and Waite [...]

THe Lord [...] [...]ny [...]ou, and [...] troversi [...] with [...] [...]st in [...] Image of ma [...] y [...] [...] [...] pitched in the Plains of f [...] goodly biuld­ing stands upon [...]d and beautified by the scattered st [...] [...]nes of the form­er Cities of confu [...] and a c [...]m sp [...]t, [...] to vessel, and [...]r, neither is your [...]ct [...] of Ini­ [...]uity, as by appearing [...] Ser­ [...]nt, you s [...]k [...] [...] [...]e [...]t no [...] at th [...]gates of [...] y [...] before [...]fe [...]a [...] you [...] f [...] you [...]he [...] at the fo [...]dation, [...]nd [...] [...]d, and light [...] [...]ver [...] [...]n t [...]meth [...]rld; you cannot believe, [...]u are [...]ery [...] Wo [...]ds and knowledge, and [...]ks [...] that w [...] [...]ugh de [...]h you never obtained [...] know [...]gh [...]ut it ariseth out of the c [...], [...]ed in you, Forms outw [...] deny, [...] [...] [...] in­ward, and your chiefe [...] [...] in your [...], and while you say you Eat [...]nd [...] the [...] Blood of Christ▪ [...] subst [...]ce y [...]st measure, and your Wills prop [...]fies a [...] [...]hich will be turned into true trouble; and [...]hen [...], the mans head is covered, and the womans head is uncovered, and this is a shame, that the [...] [...] not power on her head [...] your Seeking and Waitin [...] of your [...] and in your own tim [...] [...] the L [...] all, and in all [Page 30] among [...] [...]or y [...]r Mother is not the [...] [...]arried [...] a [...], and your Seed [...] [...]ng [...]dren. A Prop [...]t [...] your [...] Who [...] brought you forth, and your Pro [...] wither as time [...] [...]nd your [...]v [...]ing [...] [...] and [...] [...] regarded then [...]; for [...] [...], as of sin; [...] [...]our [...]nd Depth is [...] Warning, for a [...]tion [...] put away your other Lovers.

[...] t [...]e, World [...] [...]ey whose [...]en in the Lambs [...] He [...]s, [...]s.

ANd [...] Image [...] Earth worshipped by [...]d Pe [...] many mixtures, and it [...] the [...], which strikes at the [...]o [...]ome; [...] sev [...], and divers appear­ances out [...] [...]nd diff [...] [...]dgements and Opinions, will stand [...] dr [...] [...]ful day of the Lord which u [...], [...] glory, Wo, wo [...] [...]ll [...]ession, when Christ comes in [...] [...] way, [...]trary to [...]ll your divided ex­pectations, and groun [...] hopes; He was before the world [...]as; and sha [...] [...]nd doth reigne for ever, when it is [...]; [...]d in this [...]ay will the Lord God setup [...] everlasting Kin [...] of whose [...] [...] D [...] ­minion [Page 31] [...] shall be no end, b [...]t [...] [...] [...], [...]ded Kingdom of the [...]ea [...]ly [...] and [...] [...]e da [...] to pieces, never [...] to be [...]d your Mountains shall be burned, [...] your [...] and your [...] the Pit of ever­lasting wr [...] t [...]al j [...], from him th [...] upon [...]f infini [...] an [...] Glory, [...] [...] i [...] a day, and y [...]h [...] [...] at [...]oon­day, and all your [...] thrown down, and shall bec [...] of Dragons: I have viewed you all [...] you are weighed in the Balance of [...] stumbles at [...] and Christ I [...] light, by whi [...] e [...] [...]omes i [...]to ti [...]e world, o [...] [...] and therefore shu [...] up [...]a [...] gro [...]g as [...]lind me [...] pl [...] i [...] [...]he [...]arren [...]ed [...]o [...]gh you are divided [...]nd [...] selves in on [...] [...] [...]y, [...] a [...] the [...] [...]s Followers, who c [...] [...]ow to you [...] [...]age, and you are li [...]ed in t [...] [...] of Gog [...], [...] whom the Lamb is [...] his [...]ome [...]rth, having the Bowe [...]d, [...] to conquer, and will [...] [...]r e [...]; All your Sacrifice is corru [...] the Lo [...]d G [...]d of Heaven and Earth is wear [...]ith [...]O [...] Offerings, your [...] are f [...]m [...]are full of blood, a [...] the jus [...] [...] of your streets, and [...]he Earth cov [...]e bl [...] [...] inno [...]ent, and the slain cries, how long Lord, how long [...] But he hath heard in an acceptable time, [...] will come forth in his might, and will slay, and [...] shall [...] spare, [...]d will wound, [...] his eye [...] not pi [...]y. Awake, [Page 32] awake, [...]less and s [...]othful, that hath laid at [...] the dar [...]f slumber, and come out, Com [...] [...] upright [...] [...]arted, and separate [...]our sel [...] no un [...] thing, nor no longer [...]artake of [...] latries and [...] Th [...] Lord is no [...] [...]ng [...]o­gather his ow [...] of the despi­s [...]is An [...] fo [...]th to [...]he ear [...]h, to [...]ng in [...]nd th [...] [...]in bundles, for the f [...]ll be thro [...] down, and the [...] [...]ewarded, whic [...] sits upon the Natio [...], [...]nd [...]eople, and the dregs of the cup of [...]ng out unto her, [...]d the K [...] Si [...] shall utterly [...] be [...]tterly driven [...] and all your S [...] a [...]d Forms, and Wo [...]me he [...] C [...]sion for ever. And [...] thou [...] you, so long and [...]ely [...] nor justi­fie you [...]nemies and [...]t in [...]world, which is [...]ch you all [...]ble, and by wh [...]ll be [...]oken, [...]ch sha [...] grinde you to powder [...] [...] your eternal [...]on, in this worl [...], and [...] wh [...]nes [...]n your dark­ness [...] c [...] ev [...] [...]ou of your sin: w [...], [...]way to peace with God eternal, [...] will le [...]o one Truth, to be of one hea [...] one [...], and to serve one God with one [...] wi [...]l the [...]e [...]rt, and your Neig [...] and [...] i [...] sa [...] of the living God only acce[t [...]. And [...]o you all sor [...]s of peo­ple, my Conscience do I [...]r, to the light in all your Consc [...] which i [...] but One) without respect to your persons, whether you [...]ar or forbear: And this to you all is a W [...]rning, and [...]mpet founded out of Sion your [Page 33] many [...] and Idols to forsake, [...]d yo [...] with­ [...] [...]wer to turn away from, and all [...]ven Ima­ [...]our hearts to cast away: [...]is is the [...] the Lord [...]you all, which upon [...] all shall [...]fulfilled, and by y [...] wi [...], [...]en the Book of your cons [...]ne [...]nal i [...]gement rewarded [...] Jud [...]pon [...]ne of tr [...]e [...]t, iu [...]ple ri [...]y.

To [...]ll [...] light of Eternal Life, whi [...]ld, who [...] born from [...]th live for e [...]the ma [...] Opi [...], soul, and spirit, worship [...] with whom there is n [...] c [...] turning, who are [...] it scorn­full [...] calle [...] [...]lso remember [...] ever [...]e lov [...] [...]f [...] B [...]ng and [...]e, and whose [...]th [...]measure [...]not be found [...]; [...]th [...]ll the Families of t [...]ong, and to establish [...]ng [...]ant [...], of Righteousness and [...]r ever [...] Redemption and Salvation [...]ou is [...]t and Mer­cy in [...] is [...] Ri [...] [...]eace in you hath em [...]raced each other▪ [...]n [...] of [...]rnal Love undefiled, was yo [...] Conception begotten by the Word of immortal life, [...] the Inheritance in­corrupti [...]le, whereof you [...] Heirs of th [...] faithful [Page 34] promise, [...] free by the Son, through the [...] of the [...]upon his Cross, whereby [...] rished [...]o immortality, to [...] o [...]er [...] Death, and the [...] [...] [...]ore: Wi [...] [...] of e [...]rnal Lov [...] [...] [...] in the [...]ok [...] [...]al [...]rit, [...] of t [...] [...] [...] Mot [...] is [...] Virg [...] [...] [...] Jeru­salem, come d [...] [...], and full of pleasur [...] [...] you [...] [...] is no need of a c [...] [...]ht thereof, [...] [...]mage, nor [...] [...]eat [...] [...]age you [...] [...]ver you, [...] [...]ur Covenans, and the I a [...] [...]ur God, and [...]e [...] s [...]r [...] De­ [...] [...] [...] Walls a [...]d [...] [...]v [...]rlast­ing [...] re [...]p, and [...]g shall [...] everlas [...] and your pre [...] your Waters sha [...] [...]ver fail, your fu [...]ll [...], [...] [...] [...]ll be enlar­g [...]d never [...] th [...] but your little Seed shall [...]on [...] the [...] earth shall [...]e re [...] [...], [...] [...]our [...]ed Go­ver [...]ent [...] o [...] [...]ingdoms, and [...]ur Laws shall all [...]e [...] the earth become su [...]ect un [...] Ye are [...] part of [...] [...]age of Idolatry, but [...]ur Be [...]g is th [...] [...]one cut out without a hand [Page 35] [...] the Ear [...]h, and [...] [...] moun­ [...] [...]pon [...] Fowls of Heaven [...] be re­ [...] [...]ing [...] [...]esh of [...] and [...]ptains: [...]ou [...] fait [...] [...]s, and the glory of [...]e [...] [...]rts [...] ­not [...] [...] a [...]: Sa­ [...] [...] you [...] ­terly dis [...]r [...] and your [...] [...] es [...] and Ren [...]wn: Your [...] [...]s Government and Domi [...] [...] [...] ­most parts [...] [...] [...]; [...] his L [...]s Eq [...] [...] [...]stice [...]d Judgement [...] [...] Hosts, [...]r G [...]en fou [...]d [...] [...] death f [...] his N [...], [...] ha [...] [...]d [...] [...]own y [...], [...]u might [...] There­fore you [...] [...] [...]ish your Kingdom [...] [...]p in Ju [...] [...]nd [...]ondem [...]d, [...] [...] all your ad­ve [...] [...] [...] o [...] [...]our ever­lasti [...] [...] [...]nd Judg­ment [...] Ea [...] y [...] [...] in e [...]ity, [...]nd [...] born the [...] storm with [...] and have end [...]red [...] joy [...] [...]en of [...]pressor; You have [...] [...] to the [...]me, [...] [...]ave [...]een fo [...]nd innoce [...] and without guil, be­fore [Page 36] [...] of [...] your light [...] and [...]fe [...]lory is [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]ed [...]ur is purchas [...] [...] ­lon is n [...] wh [...] [...] [...]d [...] compared [...] [...] sh [...]ll I [...] [...] of [...] [...] the w [...] forth children [...] co [...]ly [...] u [...] [...] [...] [...] and [...] the [...] [...]d [...] hono [...] [...]ast in the [...] [...]ravity shall be [...] [...]he L [...] [...] Cr [...] [...] inf [...] [...] thee [...] b [...] [...] un [...] [...] w [...] [...]ou [...] [...]d signed [...] Spi [...] [...] before t [...] All [...] [...]ssed, and of your [...] sh [...] par [...] is like un [...] y [...] [...] [Page 37] saved by the Lord, elect, and chosen, and redeemed out of [...]inreds, Tongues, and People, and hath a name better then of Sons and Daughters. I raise ye the Lord, and glorifie him for evermore, young men and maidens, old men and children, and all that breath, praise you the Lord; for hereunto are you called, and for this cause are you brought forth▪ Clap yo [...]r hands and sing for joy of heart, your Re­deemer is the holy One, and your Maker is your Hus­band; I know you, and to you am I known, and I read you within the vail, and doth behold you, the Train of the most High filling his Temple▪ follow him for ever, and [...] his name be [...]sted of through­out the Earth: Make war in righteousness, and pre­pare your selves to do his service, Let not your hands be slack, neither be you slothf [...]l in our Lords Design, but wound the Head of your enemies, and manage war against Gog and Ma [...]og, throughout all ginera­tions, Ride on and prosper; and tread down the [...]en­ced Cities, and enlarge your Dominion, and let the children of strangers, of the seed of Esa [...], be you [...] slaves and Bondmen, an [...] [...]ll the earth with your pre­cious seed, and sow it in the morning, and in the evening with-hold not your hand, though you are despised of men, yet the Lord hath made you truly honourable▪ in his glory you appear▪ and his righ­teousness is your clothing, which will never wither, and though some of you for a moment suffer Bonds for his Names sake, yet you are free ever lasting, and are not ashamed of your testimony before the Princes and Nobles of the Earth. O Sion t [...] art desira­ble, [Page 38] because of thy Beauty, and thy dwelling place is scituate in a very fruitful hill, and thou feedest in the vallies of fat Pastures of eternal pleasures, where nothing that defiles can enter, nor no devou­rer treadeth on thy mountain, nor no Lyons whelp treads in thy path; It is the way of the ransomed of the Lord, who hath blotted out thy transgressions ne­ver more to remember thy sins, thou Seed of Jacob. The Lord is your God for ever, while you be his peo­ple, therefore walk before him in righteousness, and let his own works praise him, and give him of his own, and glorifie him with it eternally. Be low in thy heart, and be not exalted because of thy Beauty and Riches, and glory not but only in the Lord: Be diligent in thy mind, and watch against all thy ene­mies, and be not of a careless heart; Eat not of the Vine of Sodom, nor drink not of the Cup of whore­doms; Give not thy strength to strange women, nor let not thy desirable Beauty be over come of Harlots, but keep thy self undefiled, and mingle not thy seed with strangers: but be fruitful in thy pleasant land upon thy beautiful mountain, and bring forth abun­dantly unto thy God, who hath turned thy wilderness into a fruitful field and taken away thy reproach of barrenness, in conversation upright and blameless do thou daylie appear▪ in praises, and honour, and fear, do thou abound, and let thy God be thy Teacher in his light and truth for evermore, that thy enemies may see and be confounded, and may behold, and be ashamed before thee, unto whom thy Rock of defence is a stumbling stone of offence, wherewith the King­doms [Page 39] of the earth shall be dashed to pieces, and broken as a Potters vessel before thee.

Come forth in thy Beauty, and appear in thy glory unto the Nations; Arise, arise, why should thou sit as alone, as in obscurity and darkness undiscovered, let the Princes of the earth see thy excellency, and ap­pear before the Nobles in thy Robes of perfect Ho­nour wherewith thou art decked and trimmed, as a Bride pleasant unto thy Husband; Do thou judge among the Judges, and give thy counsel among the prudent, and appear in thy authority before Kings and Princes; All the Dominions of the world is not equal in Treasure and Wisdom unto thee, but all the children of whoredoms shall see their shame, and be laid naked when thou appears in thy purity; The Nations longs for thee to be partakers of thy vertue, therefore shew thy self and appear, that the rest of thy Flock which yet remains upon the barren moun­tains may come in unto thy Pold, to rest under thy Shepherds power. O Sion, thou art prepared of thy God to beat the mountains to dust, thou art fitted for his service, to thresh the bills; Make no carrying, but come away, spread thy self into every corner of the earth, for the upright thir steth for thee abundantly; who layeth under the oppression in the land of dark­ness, which may be felt, from whence thou art freed into the everlasting light, and why should thou O Sion lay at rest, while thy own seed, the children of thy womb are oppressed, groaning in the captivity un­der the uncircumcised, who hath driven away thy remnant, and scattered it from thee? Put on strength [Page 40] O Arm of the Lord, for thy [...] age, hath no other Helper, nor none that pittyeth her; and shine forth tho [...] Seed of Jacob, and bring in the Kingdoms of the G [...]tiles, to partake with thee of thy everlasting substance, and lay out thy self to gain in thy holy seed out of the power of Egypts king, O think upon and remember thy own former Bondage, while thou was thy self captive in a strange land, and let thy Bow­els be filled with compassion towards thy own mothers children, and be not straitned in thy help and delive­rance; for thy God hath given thee an instrument with [...] [...]th, to beat the Rocks to powder; He is not wa [...]ing unto thee in power and wisdom thou chiefest Son of his l [...] [...]e. Give up, give up to obey his voice, and love not thy life unto death, till the seed of thy Inheritance, and the blood of thy chosen be avenged upon the [...]ead of Jez [...] [...]l, who hath slain thy Elect in all genera [...]ion [...], and nourished her self with the blood of thy Innocent. Call upon thy God and awake him to vengeance, to s [...]ite and to slay thy adversa­ries, and to consum [...] their habitations from off the earth, who have been too strong for the [...]; why should­ [...]st thou not come forth in the power of thy judge­ment, to judge the earth in righteousness, and to ex­alt thy Name in th [...] glory, which all men hath despi­sed, and seen no excellency in? And thou O Sions King hath been [...] [...] stranger, and unknown in the earth, and thy Treasure hath been masted amongst the Harlots, and empty to this day hast thou return­ed, from gathering fruit off thy Vineyard; for sloth­ful and abundantly [...] ha [...]h the Labourers been in [Page 41] the Harvest, and it is time for thee [...]o arise and work, for thy Law hath been made void, and thy Statutes and Judgements hath been neglected, and all the Princes of the earth contemneth thy laws, and count­eth the sons of thy chosen heritage as slaves and bond­men, and decrees unrighteous decrees, and seals them in the pit of their unbelief upon the mountains of their rebellion against thee. How long Lord? how long? When wilt thou appear to lay their honour in the dust of confusion? Is it not the fulness of thy time which thou hast promised? How long shall the remnant of Sion sit as a Widow, bemoaning her chil­dren? Thy Host and Chosen waiteth for Commission from thee to do thy Will; That thou art our God and our King, our Judge, and our Law-giver, who our souls hath chosen, may for ever be exalted in thy Ma­jesty and Throne of Justice and Judgement, and thy Camp waiteth to see the honour of Kings and Prin­ces overthrown by thee, and thy Dominion set to rule over their heads; that all Nations and Kingdoms may become subject unto thee, and the kingdoms of this world way become the Kingdom of thy Son for ever, and evermore; and saith my Soul, Come Lord Jesus, come quickly.


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