A Seasonable Word of ADVICE Unto all that are or may through the subtlety of the Enemy, backslide from the Truth.
WHen the life in you all doth arise, it shall witnesse me, and answer the word of the Lord unto life, or unto death: Friends, all you to whom the word of the Lord came, and unto whom the way of truth was made manifest, hear and consider how great hath the love of the Father been unto you, how many and [...]nfinite hath been his mercies from day to day; often visiting you [...]th his power, and with his presence, yea when you sate in darknesse [...] in the shadow of death, his merveilous light appeared unto you; [...]d when you were held captive in the Covenant of sinne and death, he stretched forth his hand to redeem you, he loved you while you [...]ew him not; and he brought deliverance out of a strange Land, wh [...] yee were strayed among devourers, and scattered as sheep with [...]t a Shepheard, yea when yee were dead in transgressions, he sa [...] unto you live, and he bound you up, when no eye pitied you, [...]en when you were enemies to him; walking in the vanities of yo [...] own hearts, and knew not him that lives for ever, who had [...] sought of you, but not found, in the very day he sent to visi [...] [...]ou, with his everlasting Gospel of Peace and Truth, to ga [...]er you unto himself (I am a witnesse) and he caused his powerful voice to be heard, and his name to be published among you, [...]d his truth was declared in the demonstration of the Spirit, and th [...] Power of the Lord was made manifest in you, to the bringing [...]f you from darknesse to light, and from death, which had reigned [...]er you, to know a measure of the life of God; yea the way [...]f Life eternal was set before you, that you might not perish, but [...], and his witnesse in you all, which is but one, the Word of [...]he Lord reached unto, by the mouth of his servants, to the reveal [...] sinne, and judging it by his righteous Law set up in your [...]earts, causing his terrour to be known among you, and his judgem [...]nts reached your hearts; and in that day beautiful was his pre [...]ence unto you, and precious was his truth among you, in your first [...]ve, and his light and power; and the knowledge of his wayes [...]ere pleasant to you, and the seed of the Kingdome of God you rec [...]ved with joy, grew up in you, and you prospered at that day, [...]nd the Lord loved you, and his presence was with you, as among h [...] own children, whom he begate by his everlasting word, that [...]ou should be a praise unto him for ever; and then the fear of the [...], and his judgements were placed among you, and your [...]earts were broken, and while you were of a hungering soul, and thirsty after the Lord, then was it well with you, and the day of peace dawned unto you, and the word of the Lord was swe [...]t unto you, and he was gladly received, that cometh in the name of the Lord: But, oh! how have some of you lost your first love, and are again darkened, and ready to faint, and to turn aside for a thing of naught, and how doth such grieve the Spirit of the Lord, and vex his righteous soul, and are become a burden to him, in dishonouring his name, the envious man having entred and sowen his seed in some of you, and brought forth strife, and divisions, and disorders among you, which is not of the Father, nor of the truth; and prejudice, and evil surmisings, and secret jealousies one against another is risen in you all, which is to be condemned with the light, for the fire: I judge it all under my feet in the power of the Lord God, and is in that which reignes over it all; and thorow these things unity is decayed, and love is waxen cold, and there is a fainting in the way, and that zeal for the Name of the Lord perisheth, which ought to be among you, and rendings, and tearings, back-biting, and devouring one another; and striving for Mastery, there is which ought not to be, which the wrath of God is against; all this is out of the light, out of the Wisdome and Counsel of God: My Spirit is vexed, and my heart is troubled within me, because of these things (not for my self but for you, and for the glory of the Lord) over whom I am jealous with a godly Jealousie, that you may not perish, nor his glory be despised among the Heathen. What mean you thus to deal against the Lord, in dishonouring his Name in the sight of the enemy, even to the wounding of your own souls, and to the piercing the heart of the faithful, who hath watched over you, and been Messengers of glad tidings unto you from the Lord; every one of you in particular be awakened and stirred up, and fear before the Lord, and come to the light which the Son of God hath lighted you with all, and search your own hearts, and try your selves, that the ground of these things may be seen, and condemned, and removed, and love may yet spring amongst you to the Lord, and one to another: Oh friends consider, it was one Father that begate you into the Truth, which is but one, by one word of Life, which is not divided; and you were begotten to live unto him, and not unto your selves; and Christ Jesus which is but one, the same to day, yesterday, and for ever; who is the foundation of God, and abides for ever, was preached unto you all, to be the Way, the Truth, the Life and Salvation, and there is none besides him; Why then are these divisions among you, and some for one, and some for another, and herein are you carnal, and your minds abroad, and not stayed upon him that gives the encrease, and all this is to be judged with the life of God: Wherefore I beseech you in the fear of the Lord, as you love him and his glory, yea as you love your own souls, come to the light which lets you see all this, and condemne it, and strive not one with another, nor exalt not your selves above another; but let all this be condemned, and all your evil surmisings, and foolish jealousies, and secret whisperings, and back-bitings, be brought to judgement, and let condemnation passe upon it all, never more to appear, to hinder the fellowship of the Lord, and know the life of God in you all, which is but one, which is not at strife, nor divided; and let that arise, that all vails may be taken off, and hardnesse of heart judged, and the countenance of the Lord may shine upon you; when that exalted spirit which hath appeared in some, is brought down; of which I charge you all to be aware; lest there be a total departing from the Lord, and his Name be reproached through you among the Heathen, and it had been better for such that they had never been born. Therefore I say unto all, lay it to heart▪ till the judgements of the Lord take it away, and purifie your hearts from all these things, which ariseth out of that which is not of the Father; that my joy may be renewed, who have been in travel for you, till Christ be formed; that he alone may rule in you, over all these things which is at enmity against your life, and hinders your growth; and if you yet harden your hearts against reproof, who are stubborn: Well the Lord will ease himself of his Adversaries, and break you as a Potters Vessel, and though you oppresse the life of God for a moment, yet my peace with him shall these things never take away; but over all these things I tread, and am not offended in him, who is my peace for evermore; and though these things cause sadnesse of heart, yet the Lord gives no cause of sorrow to them that are faithful to him; but will arise to confound all deceit, and deceitful workers, who erreth from his way, and counteth the knowledge of his way as a burden; and of you all, though you perish, I am clear, who is not hated of the Lord, though falsly judged by his enemies, over whom I trample as the dust, and the living God gives victory over them all.