A General Epistle TO ALL THE SAINTS; BEING A VISITATION OF THE Fathers Love, Unto the whole Flock of God; who are called and gathered into the Spiritual King­dom of Righteousness and Peace; To be Read in all the Assemblies, of them, that meet together to Worship the Father in the Spirit and Truth, in the si­lence of all flesh.

E. B.

LONDON, Printed for Robert Wilson, at the Sign of the Black­spread-Eagle and Wind-Mill in Martins l'Grand, 1660.

[...] live unto God, in all that which is answerable unto him; and your words and works will be accepted of him, and well-pleasing to him, even because it is him that worketh in you to will and to do all good things, and he alone exalted in you, and you subjected, and the Maker is be­come the Husband, and you married unto him; and he lives in Power, and Rule, and Command, and you live in subjection unto him, and in fulfilling his Will in what he guideth in by his Holy Spirit; And this life is very pretious.

Oh Friends! live in it, and dwell in it alwayes, and then your Ioy and Peace will be with you over all this world, and you will be Comforted, when Fear and Ter­rour comes upon all men; for the Lord God whom we serve and worspip in the Spirit, will cause his Enemies to know his Power, and that he doth and can do what­soever he Will, and will smite his Enemies, and wound them in their Consciences; for all Power, Dominion, and Authority is with him, he is mighty to save, and mighty to destroy, and his Reward is to every one according to their deeds; and this is the God whom we fear and worship, and all flesh must bow before him, when he shews his presence; though men be high and lifted up, and go on in Rebellion against him without fear, yet the hand of the Lord will be upon them, and he shall smite them with the Rod of his mouth: Wherefore all Friends, have respect unto the Lord in your hearts in all things that you do, and in all things that cometh to pass, for that is blessed in a people; and they shall prosper, their Souls shall be nourished, and their lives refreshed with the mercies of the Lord, even all they that do wait upon the Lord, and have respect unto him and his Eter­nal Power, which doth and suffereth all things that be; In which Power you must dwell and walk, and feel it in your hearts, and it will be your Armour and Defence in [Page 5] all things, and it will carry you through all that which worketh contrary. And it is very pretious to be Armed with the Armour of God, in the Day of Temptations and Tryals, that you may not be overcome of the wic­ked, nor spoiled of the heavenly Inheritance. Oh Friends! put on strength, that you may stand, and ne­ver be moved from the hope of Eternal Life, and feel the renewing of your inward man, even the increase and growth of the immortal Life in you, that you may live in that unto the Lord God, and Covenant with him may be preserved, whereby, you may be a praise and a glory to him in your Generation in the sight of the whole world, even all you who have tasted of the Presence and Power of the Lord, and who have known his Mercies and Iudgements, and been acquainted with him, that you may be kept faithful unto the end, and not be sub­verted by the wicked one, nor drawn from the Obedience to the Truth, nor loose your Crown of Immortality, neither by the flattery nor terrour of the ungodly, but that you live in the Dominion of Immortal Life, which keeps above all Mortal Temptations and Mortal Terrour, and gives Authority over all: And this Life is blessed, where the Glory and Peace of this world, & the Troubles & Sorrows of it also, are seen over, & felt beyond, & nothing of it can move the Heart, nor disquiet the Spirit, nor work any Separation from the Fathers Love; and in the Seed of God, where it lives above mortal, is this enioyed by us and all the faithful: But if the mans part live above the Seed of God, that, will be drawn aside by the love or by the terrour of this world, for that is changable, and the evil one hath a part in it; so that part is to be kept in sub­jection in you, under the Seed of God, and it must bear the Cross of Christ alwayes, else you will be overcome of the wicked, for in that part (the mans part) which is of this world, the Devil hath something, a place to receive [Page 6] him, and a part to obey him; but in the Seed of God he hath nothing, neither place nor part: And so Friends, live in the Seed of God, for in that is your Victory and heavenly Dominion; and also your Ele­ction and your Assurance for ever, even in the second birth, begotten of the Father, for that is the Heir of God, and therein doth man inherit Eternal Life, and Rest, and Peace, to his Soul, and therein is Blessings and Peace, and life inwardly and outwardly, and all ful­ness is enjoyed, where the Lord is the Teacher, the Fa­ther, the Shepheard, the Master, the King and Iudge; and he is become to us the all in all, and the Kingdom delivered to him, and all subjected under him, even God with us, the substance of all, the end of all, and all the contrary put under, even the Lyon and the Lamb laid down together, and man lives in Peace ac­cording to the Promise; and the Mountain of the Lords House is established on the top of all, in which nothing can destroy or hurt the pure Life; but life is in Dominion over all, and Death is swallowed up of it.

Oh Friends! this is the mark that is before you, press on towards it, that you may obtain the final end of all your travel and waiting, of your obedience and suffering, and the end of your hope and patience, and the very end of the message sent of God, and delivered to you by us; The end of all, is this, That you may dwell in God, and he in you, and be gathered up to him, to be ever with him, and that he may be your all in all, and you may be to him an honour and praise throughout the world in your Generation, even he your onely God, and you his onely people.

And Friends, certain it is, that the way of life, and peace, and of Salvation, is made manifest unto you, and you know wherein Everlasting peace and reconcilia­tion with God standeth; and you also know, what the [Page 7] cause is of all trouble and sorrow and condemnation, the Lord hath opened many hearts, and given unto ma­ny a good understanding: And seeing you know this, live in the way of peace, and escape the other, that you may not come into condemnation; for it is a fearful thing to fall into the condemnation and wrath of the Almighty. And for this cause, that men should be sa­ved from wrath, and have peace with God, the message of Life and Salvation, hath the Lord sent abroad plen­tifully in this Nation, and you have received it and be­lieved the report, though many have rejected it unto their destruction, whose Iudgement will be upon them; but you haue tasted, handled, and felt of the Word of E­ternal Life, by which the Lord hath wounded you, and healed you again; and many hath he slain and made them alive, even through his Word and Power, which hath entred into many hearts, which killeth the enmity, and quickneth the Seed, and which breaketh off from all the worlds fellowship, both in Transgressions and Righ­teousness, and makes all void, all Covenants with Death and Hell, and marryeth unto the Lamb, and the mar­riage of the Lamb is come unto many, even unto all in whom his innocent and heavenly nature is begotten and brought forth; for this is of his flesh and of his bone; and here is his wife that hath made her self ready, and is prepared for the Bridegroom; and blessed are ye, if ye know these things and be witnesses of them, even the marriage of the Lamb, and the making ready of his Elected in you, even the reviving and quickning of his flesh, and of his bone; for this is the Virgin unto whom he is joyned, that hath put away all other lovers, and loveth the Lord with all the heart, and with all the Soul, who is cloathed with perfect beauty and innocency, and covered with Divine Righteousness, in which there is no spot, being delivered out of the wilderness, and [Page 8] freed from her mourning state, and is no more separa­ted from her husband, but she again quickened into Life, and adorned with beauty, and married to the Lamb, to live with him for evermore.

Oh Friends! wait upon the Lord, that ye may possess these things; for to know them, and be in them, is E­verlasting Treasure and Riches; the possession of them are Riches to the Poor, Bread to the Hungry, and Cloath­ing to the Naked, and Life to the Dead: And if ye know these things, lay them up in your hearts, as your most pretious Treasure, and let none spoil you of it; And if ye are married unto the Lamb, then are you the True and onely Church, even his Body and living Mem­bers of it; for such onely are the True Church, that are married to Christ, and Vnited to him in his own nature; and all such are false Churches, and are even of the great Whore, that hath taken upon them the name of Churches of Christ, but were never lawfully married unto him, and such are deceived, and Deceivers of others with the very Name of Christ, calling them­selves by the Name of his Church, while they are in the nature contrary to him, nor they ever lawfully mar­ried unto him; and this is the great Whore who com­mits lewdness through Nations, in all false worships and Idolatrous practices and Ordinances, and in her false Ministry and false Doctrines; and she was set up in Na­tions, by the force of cruel and violent Lawes and men, and is upheld by Oppression and Injustice at this day; and yet all this she doth under the Name of Holy Church, and useth the Name of Christ, as if she were his Wife, and yet hath other Lovers; and by such means hath this great Whore deceived the world: But now the Day of the Lord is come upon her, and the hour of her Iudgements is at hand, and all that have taken plea­sure with her, shall mourn and bitterly lament, because [Page 9] of her Judgements which cometh in a day; but we are delivered from her Iudgements, because the Lord hath called us from her abominations; and we can no more drink her Cup of false doctrines and Practices, all which are Idolatry, and to be Judged of the Lord, though she should drink our blood, as she hath done the Saints before us; But I say, the Lord hath led us out of this Babylon, He hath delivered us from this great City, and made us Spiritually free from its abomina­tions and Idolatries, though not outwardly free from her oppressions and cruelties: And though this great City hath Ruled over the Kings and great men of the earth, and subjected many Nations through its wickedness and violence; yet certainly its ruine is near to come, Else my Hope is lost, my Life is smitten, and the Lord hath not spoken by me: And the Lord will Reward this false woman, this false Church, that hath deceived the Nations, even according to her deeds, as she hath done to others, so shall other's do to her, measure for measure; and much more might we say concerning her, but the Lord hath opened our eyes and we see her abomina­tions, and she cannot deceive us: And this is the lo­ving kindness of the Lord unto us, for which he is wor­thy to be praised by us, for evermore. And in that ye have received the Truth, and do know the Truth, live in it, and walk in it in all faithfulness; and be not fearful and unbelieving, as though the Lord were not with you, though ye suffer much for his Names sake; for he is not wanting unto that man that doth fear his Name, and that walks in his Way; but for the delive­rance of all such will he appear, he will free the oppres­sed, and the afflicted people he will save, even by his out-stretched Arm: Wherefore let our eye be unto the Lord in all estates and conditions, whether of sufferings or otherwise, for from him Salvation cometh, and not [Page 10] from the Mountains of the earth; and keep your Mee­tings in your several places, and be faithful in all things, that your Consciences may be kept void of offences, both towards God and men, that no disobedience nor load of iniquity may be upon you, but that in the sight of God, you may feel clearness and freedom of Soul and Spirit, from the burden of all transgression, that you may know the Remission of all sin, and all iniquity may be blotted out, and no guilt of transgression may lye upon you, but you may enjoy Peace in your Con­sciences, in the Sanctification and Iustification of the new man; and this is the heavenly Life, even upon earth: And when you are met together in the Name and Power of the Lord, mind his presence amongst you, for that is life, and will make your Meetings profitable and full of Vertue to your Souls, and the Lord will in­struct you in all that which is good, and Christ will be your Minister of Peace and Comfort, and his Spirit will lead you into all Truth, and by his Word, even the speech of God in your hearts, you will be quickned in Spirit, and your strength and Peace in God will be renewed day by day; and walk in all Wisdom, and in the fear of the Lord one towards another, and towards all people, that your Righteous and innocent life, and your Holy Wayes and Works of Truth, may have Evidence in the hearts of your Enemies, that you are of God, by the shining forth of your light before them; and that the Devil, nor all your Enemies may have ought against you, saving concerning your God, and the Worship of him, and the matters pertaining to good Conscience; and then if any suffer affliction and tribulation by wicked men, if it be for Righteousness sake, and concerning the Law of your God, and the matters of his Kingdom, in such suffering the Lord will be with you, and not forsake you, but he will give you Dominion, and carry you through it all, in Pa­tience [Page 11] and Faith which gives you Victory over all Ene­mies; And nothing shall happen to you, nor come upon you in the anger of God, but all afflictions shall be turned to your Comfort, and by Persecutions and Tribulations the Lord will but try you, and not destroy you, you being delivered from his wrath, and from that which is the Cause of it: And therefore Friends, it being much upon my Spirit, I do lay it upon you, to be mindful in this very thing, that you walk in all Wisdom, so that your Enemies have nothing against you, to cause you to suffer for, but onely for Truth, and Righteousness sake, and concerning the Law and Worship of your God; and then if the wicked one take occasion against you, to inflict his wrath upon you by wicked men, because of the exercises of your Consciences towards God, there­by shall the Lord take occasion against your Enemies, to destroy them in his season, and he will deliver you; and for this Cause doth the Lord plead with the wicked in his wrath, even because of the unjust sufferings of his People, for that alwayes drew down the wrath of the Lord upon Nations, and Rulers; and for this Cause hath many been destroyed; and in our sufferings must be filled up the measure of the iniquities, both of Rulers and People in this Nation, that the Lord may over-turn them with his hand, when their measure of oppression is finished, and the burden of its guilt falls upon them.

Therefore let us have Patience towards all men in all Conditions, and Faith towards God at all times, for therein is our Armour of Defence, and our Weapons to resist all our Enemies, and giving up into the Eternal Will of the Father, whether in Life or Death, in Tribulations or in Rejoicing, and giving our Power wholly to the Lord, and not unto any other, knowing, That not one Hair of our Head can fall without him, whose Power is over all, and through all: So that if we Live, it may [Page 12] be unto him alone; and if we suffer, and dye, it may be for him, and herein Peace shall be with us, in whatso­ever cometh to pass upon us, if we can receive all things as from the hand of the Lord; and Live in the feeling of that Power, which doth all things, or suffereth all things to be done.

And blessed is he that is not offended in Christ, who cannot be offended in him, nor separated from him by Principalities, nor Powers of Darkness, nor Death, nor Life of any thing: And in this growth was the Apostle, which the same is to be waited for, blessed is he that ob­taines it; for that which takes offence against Christ, is of the same with that which gives it; for all offences against him, ariseth from the Corrupted nature which knowes him not, and that which receiveth any offence against him, is the same which knows him not; Yea, though an of­fence may be justly given, yet that in which the offence takes place, knowes not the Father nor the Son: And Christ said offences should come, but woe unto him by whom they come, and woe unto that which stumbles and falls through offences. Therefore every one is to minde, the certain evidence of the Spirit of God, and of the Truth and Way of Salvation in his owne heart, and be­ing perswaded concerning the Way of Salvation, by the Spirit of God, that Spirit will judg every offence that is given, and not embrace it; and that Spirit which judges and casts out, that which gave offence against God, in that Spirit may a man be preserved above all offences, so as nothing can separate him from the love of God; but though this offence, or the other, whatsoever may arise, yet such a one feels and possesses the Mercy, Love and Peace from God in his own spirit, and such a one lives in the heavenly Life, and cannot make the evil example of another an occasion of iniquity to himself, but he rather heares and feares, and keeps in more diligence and respect [Page 13] to the fear and presence of God in his own heart, yet he covers not the offence that is given in it self, but with a Spirit of Iudgment treads it down and walks over it; and this is the Right Way for a man of God to walk in; and that Spirit is not right before the Lord, nor that heart which takes unto it self an occasion to stumble at, or deny the Power and Mercy of the Lord, because ano­ther may abuse them: But if one be from the Spirit of God in their own hearts, their minde unsetled upon that, and unseasoned with that, then the offences enter, and works darkness and prejudice in the minde, and the wrong part being up, it receives all things to a wrong end, and it abuses Gods Mercyes, and also wants the Autho­rity to pass Iudgment upon offences, and because hereof is a man undone, for prejudice will eat out the good, and destroy Simplicity, and wound the Soul, and bring men into Death and bitterness of spirit: Therefore this is to all Friends, that you may be kept in the Spirit of Iudg­ment, which will not receive an offence into the wrong part, but will Iudge all offences in themselves, and here­by all will be preserved, and Truth must travel through all his enemies, and blessed is he that is kept faithful to the end, in the Power of the Lord God, that Reignes over, and Iudgeth the Power of Darkness in every appea­rance of it, Inwardly and Outwardly.

And as concerning the times and seasons, and the pre­sent Confusions and Distractions that is amongst men, much might be spoken; but certainly the end of all these things, shall be turned for good unto us, and unto all that do abide in Faith and Patience unto the end; and though the present times be of an heavy countenance to­wards us, like as if we should be swallowed up through the roaring of the Sea, and because wickedness doth a­bound by the Spirit that now is exalted; yet in this let us respect the Lord, for certain it is, that Times and [Page 14] Seasons are in his Hand, to change them at his pleasure, and to take them from one, and give them to another when he will, the day is his, and the Victory is in his Hand: Oh! let not mortal men glory against him, mans time is but for a moment, and it is our Bles­sedness and Peace to be still, to be still; And to have a Respect to the Lord through all these o­verturnings; And though the spirit that now is, be wicked and abounding in iniquity, yet the Lord will limit its way: And as for the men that now are in Power, it is very Just with the Lord, to let them have their Day, even to try them what they will do, many others before those have had also their Day, that have promised great things, as to Liberty and Freedom of the Nation, even much more than these; but they abu­sed times and seasons, and opportunites, and were de­ceitful towards God and Man, and sought themselves more than the good of others, and therefore are they justly under Reproach and sufferings, even for their dis­obedience sake, who would not give eare to the Cry of our oppressions, though they were called unto, but made our Yoaks more heavy, and, our Tasks more great, though the Lord looked for better things from them, yet they were rebellious till they were sunk into Confusion; and we yet stand, and they are fallen, that thought to destroy us. And this spirit, and these men who now are, which once the other had power over, is now Iustly set in Power over them: And all this is accomplished, in the Iustice of the Lords hand, and therefore, Why should we murmure against God? or say, Why hast thou done it? But let us travel in Patience through all the Oppressions, and in the Power of the Lord, we shall work through them, as through others heretofore, even till the Lord deliver us: For this Spirit that now is, must Rule, until the pleasure of the Lord be fulfilled [Page 15] concerning it; May not the Lord do something through it, un­worthy of a better spirit to be imployed in? God hath ves­sels of dishonour; And the King of Assyria and Nebuchadnezzar, must serve his pleasure, when he will use them: And therefore no man at present is found able to divert the Authority of it; for it seems right unto the Lord, that it have its season, if not in love to it, yet in his wrath, that its measure of wickedness may be filled up in this occasion given unto it, that the Lord may destroy it; for though it have all Power to Rule, and to subdue that which riseth against it; yet this is not, because the Lord is on it side; but thus he suffers it, for a Rod to correct others, that have been unfaithful, even till the Lord correct it also with his Iudgements. And the purpose of the Lord is to prove the men, if so be some of them may learn Righteousness and be saved, though some of them want the shew of Religion, which others have had; yet God hath not left himself without witness in them: And the Lord may be nigh to some of them, if he smite, they must be wounded; let us walk in Wisdom and Innocency towards them, and be faithful towards the Lord concerning them, and leave them to him.

And as for all the confusions, and di [...]ructions, and rumors of Wars, what are they to us? What have we to do with them? and where­in are we concerned in these things? is not our Kingdome of ano­ther World, Even that of peace and righteousnesse? and hath not the Lord called us, and chosen us into the possession of that Inhe­ritance, wherein strife, and enmity dwelleth not? Yea, he hath broken down that part in us that is related thereunto, and being dead in that Nature of Strife, Bloodshed, and Warrs, how can we live in strif and contention in the world, or have fellowship with any therein? And can we have pleasure in the confusion and distraction amongst men, or joyne in any thing with them, if so be we are quickened in the new life to God, which is a life of love and peace, and free from such things? and if we are crucified in the life to this world, out of which all these confusions and strife doth arise, how can we live therein? and therefore these thing are nothing to us, neither are we of one party, or against another, to oppose any, by rebellion, or plottings against them, in enmity, and striving with them by Carnal Weapons; nor to destroy any mens lives, though our Enemies: so we Warr not for any, nor against any, for the matters of this worlds Kingdom.

But our Kingdome is inward, and our weapons are spiritual, and our victory an peace, is not of this world: And our War is against souls enemyes, and against the powers of darknesse, even by the sword of the [Page 16] Spirit, which God hath given us, and called us to war therewith, to convert people from sin and death, and from the very occasion of wars and contentions about the things that are earthly; and this is our calling and work at this day; and these things all the Children of the Lord are to mind, and to keep over the spirit of this world in all people, which all this enmity, strife, and confusion that is up a­mongst men, lodgeth in, and out of it ariseth; for these things are the fruits of the spirit of this evill and sinfull world, and the fruits of the spirit of God are of another nature, even Peace and meeknesse towards all, and not enmity towards any, in which Spi­rit let us live and walk, admonishing all hereunto, and Praying for our enemies, and not hating them, but doing good for evill, and not rendring evill for evill; but being meek and humble, merciful and patient towards all: and this is the true Christian life learned of Christ, and this life is blessed in this World, and in the World to come; and them that live here are redeemed out of the world, wherein is Troubles and Confusion, Wars and Strifes: But let us not heed any of these things, for they Rise and Fall in their season, and are brought forth and effected in the changeable and erring spirit, which worketh not the honour of God, but is in the dishonour to him; And Friends, let us be a people separate from all that live therein, waiting for the deliverance of the holy seed, in all; and believing, that through all these things the Lord will set up his Kingdome, and thus it must come to passe, BABYLON, MVST FALL WITH A GREAT NOISE; for in strife and con­fusion was She builded, and therein hath She long stood, and there­by must She fall; and Tribulations must come upon the earth, that People may learn to fear the Lord through his Iudgements: And he will speedily do great things in the world, which cannot be believed by many, if it were told them; for Hell and Death must be de­stroyed, and both the Beast, and the Whore, must be taken alive, and cast into the Lake of the anger of God: But blessed are they that do wait upon the Lord, and rest under his shadow, and waits in his Counsel, and receive his Instructions; they shall see the mar­uelous works of his hand; but the wicked, and unbelieving shall be turned into darknesse, and shall not see the countenance of the Lord to re­fresh them, but their sorrow shall be Increased.

And as for me, if I were no more, this is the Testimony of my Love unto the Seed of God, through these Nations, who am a Companion to all that travell after truth and righteousnesse, and that seekes the Lord in their hearts that he may Rule; and these things were upon me, to send amongst the flock of God, to be read in all your meetings.


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