The Crying Sinnes REPROVED.

WHEREOF The Rulers and People of England, are highly guilty; With additions to their own Confessions held forth by them in a Declaration of their own, bearing date Septem. 23. wherein these three Nations are called to a day of solemn Fasting, &c.

WITH MEEK EXHORTATIONS To this present PARLIAMENT, That they take heed to themselves lest they make the guiltless to suffer upon the account of Blasphe­my or Error, &c. while the evil doers go free, and the false Prophets defended.

And this in love to all their souls is a warning to them By one that loves Equity and true Judgement, and hates every false way, and is a friend unto the Common­wealth, waiting till true justice be exalted in this Land, who for want thereof is a sufferer with the Saints; who bears the reproaches for Jesus Christ.

E. B.

London, Printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bul and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1656.

A sober REPROOF Of many particular SINNES: WHEREOF The Rulers and Teachers of England are guilty.

HOVV long? How long shall Gods righteous soul be grieved, and his pure Spirit vexed with the vain oblations and offerings of them whose heart is far from him, even after their Idols, and in their covetousness, and earthly honors of this vain world, while they honor with their lips and profess love with their mouthes in outward observances? How long Lord shall thy enemies lean upon thee, and say, Is not the Lord amongst us? while they oppress the innocent, and make a prey upon the upright, and tread thy glory underfoot, and despise thy Law and Ordinances, and set at nought thy children, and causes them to suffer grievous burdens under heavy hands of cruelty, every one smiting with the fist of wick­edness? Wilt thou be pleased Lord with a sacrifice of the unclean hands, [Page 2] given unto thee from polluted hearts, offered upon the [...] own precepts in set times? VVilt thou be worshipped in [...] and traditions, in a set day, of hanging down the head li [...] [...] for a moment? Canst thou accept a Fast appointed by the will of [...] while the bands of wickedness are not loosed, nor the oppressed set [...] And wilt thou be found in a way decreed by the children of men, [...] way is corrupt before thee? Yea Lord God men seeks, but not [...] o [...]n way; and they call upon thee, but not in thy Spirit; and they [...] towards thee, but not at thy door; they ask of thee the Ordinance [...] Justice, and they delight in approaching to thee, and they are as a Nation that works righteousness, yet doth their sins cry aloud in thy [...] and their oppression and backsliding calls for vengeance upon their o [...] heads; VVhen will you be wise yee Rulers, and learned you Iudges of [...] earth; for now the jealousie of the Lord burns like fire, and his wrath is kindled more then a little; and yet you do not trust in him, but in the day of [...] Fast you finde your own pleasures, and in the day of your humiliation your hearts are lifted up in vain glory, and you presume in his presence, and call him Lord, but doth not that which he commands; for the oppressed is not eased, [...] the captive is not freed, nor the hungry fed, nor the naked cloathed; the Lords soul is wearied with you, and your offerings unto him is as if you cut off a [...]gs neck, and your incense is unto him as if you blessed an Idol; you neglect the Fast which God hath chosen, and makes unto your selves a Precept and a day in which your work is not accepted; while your fear towards God is taught by your own Precepts, and they that fear the Lord mourns for you, and they that know his way wisheth good towards you, that your eye might see, and your hearts understand that which belongs to your peace; but you despise the repr [...]f of instruction, and chooseth your own wayes, and doth that which is right is the sight of your own eyes, and you weary the Lord from day to day, and [...]e is pressed under iniquities, as a cart is pressed with sheaves; and shall not his soul be avenged upon you, and upon such a Nation as this, whose fear towards him is taught by the Precepts of men, and whose worship of him is exercised is the vain Trad [...]tions of their own inventions; hear ye deaf, and look ye blinde, behold the Lords hand is upon you, and you know it not; his judgements [...] nigh you, and you are not aware, but exalts your own horn, and some of [...] seeks unto your selves a Kingdome to rule in oppression over the poor and needy, who cryes to the Lord day and night under the heavy hand of cruel burdens which lyes upon the innocent, but you will not touch them with one of your little fingers, woe is me for you, for your destruction comes upon you as an armed m [...], and your desolation as an unresistable flood; for you regard not the oppressi [...] of the poor, but makes it a thing of nought you that pass by: Hear and consi­der ye Parliament of England, ye are something concerned herein, if you m [...] to be established, loose the oppression of the innocent, and let the oppressed goe free, for this the Lord requires of you more then your oblations and set days of humiliation, wherein you make a shew of repentance to the Lord, and hangs [Page 3] down [...] for a day like a Bulrush, when your hearts are not truly upright [...] L [...]d.

[...]claration I have viewed, proceeding from you, as the first work [...] h [...]nds, and therein you declare your selves to these three Nati­ [...] seeming relentings before the Lord, [I wish your hearts were as [...] [...]fess] and first you say, Such hath been the out-going of God for his [...] this our generation, that none as men but must say, It is marvellous in [...]; and none as Christians, but must cry out, It is the Lords doings.

[...]to which I ansner: Indeed true it is, that the out-goings and dea­ [...] of the Lord have been and are mighty and wonderful in this Na­ [...], [...] cr [...] for his people, which now are trodden upon, and oppressed, [...] the shame of some of you; and indeed some of you were partakers [...] a good degree of his power, and outgoings with you, while you stood in his counsel, and then it was marvellous in your eye, and you could cry o [...]t, It is the Lords doings; but Friends, will you consider how you [...] stand, and into what ye are fallen, so as that instead of being the Lords people, you are turned enemies to the Lords people, and he is de­parted from you, and hardly goes out with you any more: while you [...]ere little in your own eyes ye loved justice and judgement; but now you are exalted and lifted up, and hath forgotten the marvellous doing of our God, and Judgement is turned backward, and Equitie is fallen, & the hand of oppression is laid heavy upon the Lords servants; Oh that you would lay it to heart before the decree be sealed against you, when no time of repentance can be found by you. And further you say, [He] the Lord hath always been a ready help in time of need, & never did his poor ser­vants seek his face in vain, neither did he ever lend a deafe eare to the voyce of their weeping. To which I answer, Verily it's true, he is always a ready help for us his servants in time of need, neither did we ever seek his face in vain even when we lay under the grievous oppressions of the enemy; nor you your selves (some of you) sought not in vain while your hearts were up­right with him, but had the deliverance desired by you out of the hands of all your enemies, & their necks to tread upon, but it is not so now, inas­much as you are become vain, formal seekers, & hypocritical fasters, & a deaf ear will the Lord lend to you, & to the voice of your weeping, til you remove the oppression from off the neck of the distressed, & you shal seek his face & find no answer from him; for the vision shal fail unto you, and though you houl unto him, and call upon him, yet will he hide his face more & more, & leave you to your selvs, & wil not regard the voice of your crying & though you have found him a present help in time of trouble & of your need in the day of your integrity, yet trouble & destruction shall come upon you, & no help from him shal you find, till you return to him with all your hearts and spirits, and lay down your own crowns, and exalt him the Lord of glory, who is now appearing in power. And further you say, in the midst of such unequalled & signal mercies, how great hath been & is your ingratitude and unfruitfulness.

To this I answer: Truly have you spoken to your own sha [...], [...] ingratitude and unfruitfulness exceeds many that went before you, [...] justly were cut off for the very sins of which you are highly guilty; and more may I add unto your confession, how great hath been and is yo [...]r oppressions, and pride, and vain-glory, and self-exaltings, and hypocri­tical fastings, and confessions with your mouths, when your hea [...] are far from the Lord; yea, as your mercies hath been unequalled, so your sins cannot be numbred, as though you sinned that Grace might abound; or did evil that good may come; or took liberty to your own hearts lusts, from your former mercies and deliverances received. Then further you say, Should the Lord say unto you as once he did unto Ephraim, Ephraim is joyned to Idols, let him alone; that same Sentence would be your desert; as insensibility is your crime, so it might be too justly made your punish­ment.

Answer; Yea verily the Lord may say so unto you; many of ye Rulers of England is joined to Idols, let them alone; and that same sentence is your desert; but Insensibility is not wholly your crime; for you have had a day of visitation from the Lord, in warning of you by the mouth of his Servants; and you are not altogether unsensible of your crime of great oppressions, and false worships, and Idol Shepherds Oblations, which you are joined unto, and your punishment will justly be the same; for the time comes that it shall be darkness and night upon you, and you shall seek the Word of the Lord but shall not finde it; for God will smite your Idol Shepherds, and break down your Idol Altars of vain Tradition, and the Lord will leave you to your selves to wallow in darkness and in the way of death; and the Servants of the Lord shall let you alone, and shall no more weary themselves with seeking to reclame you. And further you say, VVho hath been melted with mercy? who hath been broken by Iudgements? a sinful Nation; a people laden with iniquity; a seed of evil doers; children that are corrupters; they have forsaken the Lord; they have pro­voked the Holy One of Israel to anger; they are gone away backward; why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more. And further you say, As those sad words do Characterise us as fitly as these of Iuda; so if that sad destruction should also be our doom, we could not but acknowledge the Lord is righteous in all his wayes.

Answ. Verily few of you have been melted by mercies, or broken by Judgements, but are a sinful Nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil doers, and ye have read your own character fully, for you have forsaken the Lord, and are children that are corrupters, and are gone away backward, and provokes the holy One of Israel to anger; and true is it, why should you be stricken any more, or warned, for you will revolt, and turn aside more and more; how truly have you numbred up the sum of your own Estate, even to your shame and confusion of face, and to the justifying of the Lord when he in vengeance appears to [Page 5] judge [...] even assuredly that sad denounciation will be your doom, [...] Judgements shall overtake you when the Seed is gathered [...] among you, even desolation of Cities, and madness of Prophets, [...] will smite you together with confusion, and you shall not bring [...] deliverance in the Land, neither shall the Nations have peace in [...] [...]yes, while you revolt when you are stricken, and persecute the [...] when they warn you.

And in the day of your recompence, you shall indeed confesse to your [...]mnation, that the Lord is righteous in all his wayes; and fur­ [...]r you say, How deeply have you grieved your God, in not mourning as you [...]ght for that prophanenesse and barrennesse that is so ripe amongst you, even [...] such meanes of knowledge and grace, and in not being sensible under, [...] making a sanctified use of those rebukes you have of late received.

Answer. Yea, you have, and doe daily even in your set daies and [...]nes of Fasting deeply grieve the Lord God, in not mourning and fa­sting, with a heart prepared to the Lord, but in hypocrisie and even for strife and debate: indeed ignorance, and prohanenesse, and barrennesse abounds among you, and you are ripe therein to be cut down for the fire, even the more ye are inexcusable, because you have neglected the messages of the grace of God, and means of knowledge from the mouth of the Lords despised servants, whom you have persecuted even in cru­elty, some of them unto death, and have imprisoned others unjustly, while your false Prophets and Diviners have been set up by you, who have dawbed you with untempered morter; and you have made your hearts unsensible, by hardening your hearts against reproof and re­bukes, which some of you of late have received; the messengers of which rebukes have been evil and shamefully entreated in your Towns, Steeple-houses, and Highwaies, and elsewhere in your Dominions; and how should you but be ignorant, and prophane, and barren, while you cannot receive the message of Light, but stumbles at Christ Jesus the Light of the world, and cannot believe in the light wherewith Christ Jesus hath enlightned every one of you which is the way to knowledge, and to receive righteousnesse into your soules, and therein to be fruit­ful to the Lord.

And you say, Every individual man hath helped to fill up the measure of their sinnes; First, in not improving mercies so fully as might have been to his glory from whence they were received.

I Answer. Indeed I believe not one of you may be excused in the sight of God, but are all guilty in filling up the measure of transgressi­on, and even in not improving mercies to the glory of God; for had you improved the great mercies of your Deliverance and Conquest over your En [...]mies, the Nations had been in peace and rest before this day; but you strove to glorifie your selves, and sought a Kingdome of riches and honour to your selves, and who might be the greatest and highest, [Page 6] to the pleasure of some, and to the grief of others; and [...] mercies to your selves, and not to him that gave them; and [...] your Dominions filled with distractions, and feares, and [...] every side, and your Dominions are as broken vessels th [...] [...] joyned together, but is full of wickednesse, and false Sects, [...] worships, and in your own Counsels are you filled with [...] And thus it is justly come to passe upon you, because of your tr [...] sions.

Again you say, In the sad neglect and want of Activity, Resoluti [...] [...] Integrity in Magistrates and others impowred therein for the punis [...] [...] suppression of vice and crying enormities.

I answer. True, it is a sad neglect, and want of Activity and lo [...] in the Magistrates hath been, and is, to punish and suppress vice; [...] therefore it abounds in all fulnesse in the very streets, and it hath [...] wholly contrary; for vice hath gone at liberty, while the Magistr [...], and such who have been impowred, have been active, and full of [...] gour, and no neglect found in them to punish (or rather to opp [...] and suppresse) the innocent and meek of the earth, and even they h [...] done violence to the harmlesse, witnesse most parts of prisons this d [...] in England, how many have been beat and abused, and haled, and knocked down with staves, in the sight of some of the Magistrates, and how many have been imprisoned for passing on the highwayes, and through their Towns, and some for declaring against Vice and crying Enormities, which one day must be laid to yours and their charge; f [...] a sad neglect hath been for want of justice and true judgement, and they that have been impowered, have turned their power against [...] Lord, and have been active to lay their sword upon the guiltlesse, while the guilty have gone free; witnesse many who have been bea [...] i [...] your Steeple-houses by violent men, and afterwards committed to prison, while the peace breakers and violent have gone free: And in­deed it is time to lay these things to heart; for till you purge your selves from these iniquities, you shall never be established, nor your Domini­ons in peace; for, for these things, and such like abominations are yo [...] filled with distractions, and feares compasse you about, and that just­ly from the hand of the Lord, as the light in your consciences shall an­swer in the dreadful day of account, which commeth suddenly upon you.

Again you say, In the abominable blasphemies vented and spread of late through the apostacie of, and the abuse of liberty, by many professing Reli­gion.

Answer. No doubt but blasphemy is a crying sin, whereof the Lord is guilty, if you were able to judge thereof, but rather indeed this cause is not rightly stated; for you call that blasphemy, which is truth, such is the grievous ignorance of some of you: And this, I am sure, is your [Page 12] greater [...] [...]demning the guiltlesse, rather then suffering the guilty [...] [...]lar. Friends, beware, lest your judgement be so corrup­ [...] [...] evil good, and good evil, and thereupon approve the [...] the good, being given up to hardnesse of heart, and [...] [...]i [...]de; and such were the sins of the Rulers in Israel, who [...] the true Prophets under the account of Blasphemie, and [...] and approved of the Prophets that Prophesied falsly, and of [...] that bore Rule by their means; for the people loved to have [...] 5. My soul wisheth that you Rulers may be wise, and ye Judges [...] in this particular, lest you go in the way of your Fore­ [...] to destruction, persecuting the innocent without cause, through [...] [...]gement of the way of truth, which may be called by you He­ [...] [...] Blasphemie, who in the blindness of your minds cannot dis­ [...] of the things of God; for in that way which the wisedome of the [...] calls Heresie, do we worship the true God of our Fathers; and [...] so much the more I may warn you herein, to take heed for the [...] come, because you have some of you been highly guilty of this [...]gression of late, even in condemning the guiltless concerning this [...]; so that thus for you I may more truly state the particular. In [...] [...]bominable violence and oppressions acted of late upon the inno­ [...], [...]d them who have worshipped God in the Spirit, through the wick­ [...] of some Rulers, and the abuse of liberty, by them which have [...]ssed love to God and his way, through the false judgements, and [...]ry opinions of many, who have called truth errour, and the [...] of God blasphemie: And this is your sin, of which if you that [...] guilty repent not, and turn from it, and beware of it for time to come, your honour shall fall into the dust, and your fall shall be more deeper into confusion and destruction then any that have yet gone before you; for of late the Lord powerfully hath begun to work, and to vent his truths through the mouths of his servants, and to bring out of the Apostacie and Blasphemies (which hath reigned since the daies of the Apostles) the true and pure Religion, which stands in the exercise of a pure Conscience.

Again you say, In the little love and tenderness which is even amongst Pro­fessors themselves towards one another, who whilest they contend for things disputable, lose that which is certain, even charity; without which they be­come as sounding brasse, or tinkling cymbals.

Answ. This is also your sin, and the sin of the Nation, want of love and tendernesse in Professors towards God, and one towards another; and that love which appeares, is but in the shew, and in the forme and likenesse of things, and not from the true ground of love and peace; and these are they that hate the Light, and walk not in the Light wherewith Christ Jesus hath lighted every man that comes into the world, in which the unity of Saints do stand, and in which their love [Page 8] is one to another; and they that are out of the Light, are [...] [...] ritie, which is the bond of perfection; and these that know [...] of Christ, to guide them in the waies of God, are in all [...] and words, and actions, as sounding brass, and as a [...] and these are they that are in the Disputes, and Co [...]ti [...]s, [...] about the Leteer, drawing their own consequences and deduct [...] [...] it, in their own wisedome, and knowledge, and sensual under [...] and those lose the substance, and know not that which is certain, [...] Jesus in them, to be Ruler over them, but are as dry trees, to be p [...] up; and all their Profession will wither, and all their pretended [...] will perish, and their shew of things in the outward appearance [...] be confounded, who know not the Light of Christ to guide them; [...] Light is the ground of true love and tenderness, and brings to the k [...] ­ledge of things certain out of the contention of things disputable.

But further you say, In allowing difference in Formes, more power [...] divide Christians then agreements in Fundamentals has to unite the [...], [...] of the dangerousest and fruitfullest seed that hath been sown by the E [...] ­ous One.

Answ. Christians are they that follow Christ Jesus, who are not so only in name, but in practice; and they are one, and cannot be divi [...] as they walk in the Light which comes from Christ, who is the f [...] ­tion, or fundamental Principle of the Religion, which is not in for [...], but in power, [...]greeing in the foundation, and in the whole building: But Friends, you seem to charge the late Powers of the Nation, if [...] your selves, yet some part of your Body which now is in power, [...] great things, with no less then to be Satans Seedsmen; for if allo [...] difference in Formes be the dangerousest and fruitfullest seed that ever was sown by the Envious one, as you say it is; then who do you blame, either the foregoing Parliaments, of which some of you have been, and so cannot be clear from that evil, or the Protector himself? and this seems to be a very great charge upon him (whose judgement is appear­ingly to give allowance unto difference in Formes) to be the Seed [...]man of Satan, or to allow the Envious One to sow the seed which you call dangerous; it is not Christians that ere divided it, but the Sects and false Opinions, men of corrupt minds,

Thus much in Answer to the words as they are laid down: But I ra­ther choose to speak to the mind or intent of the Penmans Spirit of your Declaration, which implieth an inclining to be against many Formes, and to bind up all into one Forme of Worship; and so thereby, though some which is evill would be shut out, yet would the true spiritual wor­ship of the Saints above all assuredly thereby be excluded, and the tender spirits of people who truly seek God, would be oppressed: But keep your selves from that evill I warn you, lest you be broken, and never bound up; and lay no law, nor make no law upon Religion, but let Religion [Page 9] defea [...] [...]lf, only lay your Law upon Peace-breakers and violent [...] not mens consciences to a Worship by your Precepts ei­ [...] [...] already, or by such as may be made, if you ease the oppressed, [...] [...]ill establish you in peace if you fulfil his Will herein.

[...] you say, In not being fully sensible, though the Lord in the depth of [...] and righteous Iudgements hath for some yeers last past been over­ [...] several Authorities in these Nations, and hath as it were been pouring [...] fr [...] Vessel to Vessel, he hath been pleased ever since his people publikely [...] for his Truths, still to set up Rulers who have allowed them the free [...]ise and profession of them.

Answ. Indeed you are not sensible of the righteous Judgements of [...] in overturning several Authorities in the Nation, and therefore you [...] the same abominations as they did who were overturned, till you [...]so be overturned as they were; but takeheed to your selves lest you be [...]re then poured from Vessel to Vessel, even spilt in the dust of misery, and never more gathered again: Your last part of this particular is false, [...] that are in the pure Religion, and in the exercise of our pure con­ [...], have not from some of you our Liberty, but are cast into Goals [...]d Dungeons, and banished out of your Towns and Cities, some of us by f [...]e that have been Rulers set up; if this be doubted by you, exa­ [...] through your Nation, true testimony may be given; so that here you have spoken better of the Rulers then indeed it is, and would make the Nation believe untruths to establish you; though I condemn not all, but my words is towards the guilty, that they may repent, lest they pe­rish in their iniquities, and be cut off in their transgressions, and the Curse be upon you all for somes sake.

Again you say, In that Athiestical and luke-warm spirit, too commonly amongst you, whereby not only the form, but the power of Godliness is reproach­ [...], and accounted as a vain thing, but also too many have fallen from their first Love, and others esteem themselves rich while they are miserable poor, and blind and naked; sins which are the highest aggravated by being committed in Countries where the glorious Light of the Gospel shines clearest.

Answ. This you have confessed truly to your own shame, in the sight of other Nations, your spirit is not onely luke-warm unto righteousness, but it is too common among some of you to be zealous and hot in perse­cuting the way of righteousness; and indeed many of you are grosly fal­len from your first Love and Integrity, and thereby the power of godli­nesse is not only reproached by you, but persecuted and counted vile, and they that live in it oppressed; such is your zeal in your dead form, some of [Page 10] you, that even you count the true way and worship of God mad [...]ess, [...] you are the men that esteems your selves rich while you are [...] and blinde and naked, and your sins are aggravated the more and hig [...] because God gives you warning daily by the mouth of his Servants, [...] holds forth the Light of the glorious Gospel, and bears witness unto your face against your abominations and Idolatries committed by you [...] all this you continue in your Iniquities, and evil entreats the Mess [...] of Peace unto your souls, and are the men indeed which is Athi [...] even many by their works, saying in their hearts there is no God; and [...] truly as you have confessed your sins, so must you confess the justness of the Judgements of God upon your own heads if you return not unto the living God, and own the day of your visitation.

Again you say, In being more dissatisfied, that you have not abtained all [...] aimed at, then thankful that you have obtained so much as you n [...]w [...] ­joy.

Answ. Verily this is not the least of your sins, but exceeds so [...] others; for you aim at that which you shal never obtain til you be thank­ful, and walk worthy of what you enjoy; and this is the way, ease the op­pressed, and take off the yoak of the poor and needy, and of the Lo [...]d you may be heard; and seek not your own honor, for that is the ground of dissatisfaction and unthankfulness among you, and the cause why you abuse the mercies which you do enjoy, having lost the sence of the form­er dealings of the Lord with you.

Further you say, all which, with other the grievous sins of these three Nati­ons, call aloud upon all the good people in them, to lay low in the sight of our offen­ded God, and by Prayer ond Humiliation (a way which in our deepest distresses we have found both our duty and comfort to tread in) to seek to appease his wrath, and that he will be pleased for his own Names sake to remove whatsoe­ver accursed thing there is amongst us, and that as he is our God, so we may be his people.

Answ. Indeed, many more grievous sins is highly abounding in these three Nations, your own oppressions and self-seeking honors, and vain glories in your self-performed righteousness, which your persecution of the Innocent by grievous and unjust Fines and Imprisonments, not regar­ding the cry of the poor, which lies under the heavy hand of oppression of you subordinate Rulers; these abundantly adds to the measure of the iniquity of these three Nations, all which abominations cries aloud for vengeance upon the heads of some of you rather then for humiliation, for sin cries not for humility, this is your ignorance; but the good people [Page 11] of G [...] doth lay low in his sight, who ye highly offend every day; and [...] you, and suffers under your iniquities, though you reward [...] them with persecution and hard censures of cruel dealing till [...] your wickedness you repent, and turn from it, all your Prayers [...] H [...]miliations, and set dayes of seeking God in your rebellious Hy­ [...]t [...]cal hearts, shall never appease Gods wrath, but the rather shall [...] [...]ereunto, and kindle it more abundantly against you: away with [...] oblations, and false divining Prophets, they are a weariness to [...]d, and his hand is against them, while your hearts are upright [...] him; and though sometimes some of you have found God near [...] distress when you called upon him, even when your hearts were [...] a measure upright with him; yet in vain you now set your selves to [...] him, and your cry he will not hear, nor his wrath shall not be appea [...] [...] for you have truly confessed the cursed thing is amongst you, even [...] Idolatry of the deepest nature, both in Teachers and people, and [...]ll you repent and remove every burden from off the innocent, the ac­ [...]sed thing cannot be taken away; but for his Names sake which is E­ [...]ty and Justice, Judgement must he bring upon your heads, and unto you [...]e will be a God of vengeance, and unto him shall you be a people of his Curse, except you break of your sins by righteousnesse, and your [...]ities by shewing mercie to the poor.

Further you say, and this you desire, That he will infatuate the Counsels, and defeat the designes of all those that labour to exalt themselves against the [...]terest of his Son and his people.

Ans. Friends, you or some of you are the men which seeks to exalt your selves, (and not with) and therefore against the interest of the Son of God and his people; instance the unjust suffering of many of Gods people, who know the Son in them, to rule them under your Laws upheld by you, and acted in by some of your selves; and you say in your hearts you will not have this man to reign over you, for you own not the bring­ers of that Message, but uphold your false Prophets which speaks smooth things to you, and cries Peace while you follow your own wayes; and ve­rily herein you go to seek God against your selves to your own destructi­on, as being some of you the very men guilty of the Abominations which you set and propound to your selves in your humiliation to pray against; your eye is blinde, and your hearts unbelieving, and ye know not what you do; and your own counsels and designes, or so much of them at least, as is against the Innocent, is sure to be infatuated, and defeated, and you shall receive from the Lord the answer of your requests upon your own heads; for you labour against the Interest of the Son, while you seek to binde any mans conscience to this or that Worship.

Again you say, That he will be pleased in a most special manner to [...] his presence to those who are entrusted with the management of the A [...] these Nations.

Answ. If you do his will, and fulfill his Ordinance of Justice and [...] quity towards all men, not seeking your selves in any thing, [...] Lord in all things, and wait on him in his Light, by which Christ [...] neth every one of you, to be guided thereby in all your wayes, [...] presence you may enjoy in a special manner, in the managing of all [...] fairs to his glory; but if you keep not the conditions of the Lord in f [...] ing his honor onely, and in denying your selves, his presence you [...] not finde with you, but shall be filled with desolations and content [...] and the Nations over whom you are entrusted shall not have peace [...] deliverance in your dayes, but they under you shall have confusion [...] oppressions, and the special presence of the Lord shall not be sho [...] [...] you or to them; and remember this is a warning to you.

Again you say, That he will appear the mighty Counsellor experimentally [...] them.

Answ. If you stand in his counsel, and walk in uprightness of he [...] before him in the Light of Christ Jesus, then will he appear to be migh­ty in his counsel with you and for you, otherwise shall you be given up to follow the counsels of your own hearts, which shall never bring forth good, but evill to your selves, to your whole Nations, and this shall you know experimentally by the Light in your own consciences.

Again you say, That he would in all things spirit you unto the work [...] which you are called, and give you unity among your selves, even the best [...]ty, that of the Spirit, in the best Bond, that of Peace, that as you are a people ab [...] ­ding in mercies, so you may abound in returns.

Answ. The work is great unto which you are called, and shall hardly be accomplished by you, except you receive the Spirit of the Lord to be ruled therewith in your own hearts; for if you rule for him, you [...] first be ruled by him, [mark] and ordered with his light, which will con­demn every evill affection in you, and this is the Spirit of unity in the best bond of peace which is most precious, which brings forth a humble walking with the Lord in all righteousness before him, and being led e­very one in particular with this spirit, and united to God, and one to a­nother, in not seeking your selves, but the Lord: This is the way where Gods blessing is received, and a returning unto him of praise for his mer­cies; but I wish you are not rather adding sin unto sin, and fulfilling the measure more and more of your transgressions, till the wrath of the Lord break forth against you to confound you for ever.

Again you say, And that at last through the unwearied goodness of our God [...] after such memorable revolutions may be setled upon the sure [...] truth, mercie and peace, and his people henceforth being deliver­ [...] [...]ies, may serve him without fear in holiness and righteous­ [...] all the days of their life.

[...] Ver [...]ly the goodness of God ha [...]h been unwearied to these three [...] in many respects it appeareth, and many memorable revoluti­ [...] [...] to pass in this last age, even in cutting down one power [...] of oppressions after another, till many great mountains [...]red, and the Nations levelled; and the Lord is now bringing his [...] [...]rk to pass in overturning once and again, till his Reign and his [...] be exalted over all in truth and righteousness; and if you shor­ [...] your hand in your oppositions and persecutions, your selves shall [...] overturned, that God may in righteousness settle these Nations [...] remains as a wavering leaf, and as an ungirded vessel, full of [...] [...]d distraction, fears and jealousies) even among your own selves, [...] in your ways and thoughts in Truth, Mercy and Peace; but in [...] sayings, and Oppositions, and Confusions, stand tottering like a [...] [...]edge; and the proud is exalted, and the poor is despised, and [...] that love Sion are set at naught; and verily you go not the way to [...] the Nations upon the true foundation, but backsliders from the [...] truth: what is the foundation? upholding iniquity, and establish­ [...] false Prophets and Diviners by a Law; and such who the Lords [...] is against, who upholds the horrible filthy thing, and abominati­ [...] of the earth; and confusion is upon them till they be overthrown, [...]er to deceive the Nations more? therefore hear ye deaf, and look ye [...]in [...]e, and understand ye hard-hearted, love Truth, and Mercy, and [...]ce in your own hearts, and depart from Iniquity; and cast away y [...]r Idols, and cease from evil, and learn to do well; and put away the evil of your own doings, and turn to the Lord in this the day of your consolation, and to the light of Christ Jesus, wherewith he hath [...]ned you; take heed, thereby to be guided every one in particular, [...] fear and tenderness, towards God and towards man; not ruling in Tyranny and Oppression, nor making Laws in your own wills, accord­i [...]g t [...] your own thoughts, as some that went before you have done, till they were cut off, as you are witnesses, who were made in the hand of the Lord their executioners; and if you follow in any measure their example of wickedness, take them for an example in a cursed end; in love [...]o all your souls this I write, and not to shame you in your wicked­ness, but rather that you may repent, and that you may know how to ex­ercise your selves in the Law of God towards the Nations, and that eve­ry burden may be removed, and the oppressed may go free, and the hands of iniquity may be broken; and this is the Fast accepted of the [Page 14] Lord, required of him from you, which if you observe wi [...] [...] hearts, a Blessing will the Lord make you unto the Nations [...] sent age, and unto your selves for evermore; but if you [...] hearts against the Lord, and tread in the steps of your fore [...] seek to limit the Holy one, or to binde the tender cons [...] [...] Lords People, then shall you fall into their perdition, and [...] up in everlasting confusion, and your memorial shall stin [...] i [...] ge [...] ons to come, and shall be a hissing among the Heathen Kingd [...] [...] deliverance will God bring another way unto his people, [...] throw, if you walk not in the council of the Lord.

And whereas upon the consideration and purpos [...] [...] said, you have ordered that a day be observed and kept [...] solemn humiliation and seeking the face of God through the [...] diation of Christ, in England, Scotland and Ireland. [...] which in much tendrrnesse of spirit I desire to say, that [...] you seek his face in the hardnesse of your hearts, and in [...] way of your own peecepts, while the yoke of the grea [...] [...] pressions in these Nations are not broken from off the [...] of the poor, his fece shall you not behold though you s [...] it, but in vain shall you weary your selves, and shall tra [...] without issue as to that which you desire, and his counte [...] shall be hid from you till he shew his face for evil against you and not for good; and to you it shall be said, To what p [...] ­dose is your Oblations and Solemn Meetings? Who hath required it at your hand? even your own doings and ap­pointed Altars of Inventions which the Lord cannot accept from you; therefore give ear yee Mountains, and listen ye [...] tall Cedars, if you establish the false Prophets, which makes a prey upon the people through covetousnesse, and which acteth the abominations of Israel in preaching for hire, and in divining for money, and in crying peace to the wicked, by a Law, and maintain them through the oppression of the poor, in the crying oppression of Tythes, or other­wise imposing such things upon the tender consciences by any Act or Statute made or allowed by you, God shall not hear your cry, nor answer your requests, nor ever esta­blish you in peace, nor the Nations over which you are set likewise, if you make a Law, or allow such a one to bee [Page 15] acted [...]ich any way may tye or limit the spirit of [...] any of his servants from reproving the a­ [...]o [...]s of the times in Rulers, Teachers or Peo­ [...] [...] streets, or Temples, or places otherwise, [...] time whatsoever, the Lord will not hold you [...] [...]ay assuredly, if you do but hide your face [...] suffering of such, who through the wicked­ [...] some under you, may be afflicted upon such [...]nt, you shall not be altogether innocent, but [...] shall be upon you likewise, if any for con­ [...] sake deny to answer upon any account, accor­ [...] to the former vain customes of the Nations, [...]d up thereto in ignorance and blindness, in hu­ [...] traditions, and thereupon suffer imprisonment, [...]ing, or otherwise whatsoever, by any order from [...] or from any of your subordinate powers, you [...] be guilty in the sight of God, of that suffering [...] [...]e innocent in such a cause, much more shall you [...]ilty if by any means, in any cause, upon any [...]ition men be compelled by any authority of this [...]ion to swear; likewise if any suffer for not bow­ [...] the hat or knee to any of you, or of your Judges, [...] under-Officers, and thereupon be accounted trans­gressors, the Lord shall account such things oppres­sion from your hands, and tyrannie and cruelty, and you shall not escape unpunished as the Lord lives; these and many more abominations which of late have abounded in these nations, cries for vengeance against some of you who have had your hand deep­ly dipped in such oppressions, and therefore to you this is a warning to break off these sins by righteous­ness, [Page 16] and these evils by true repentance, l [...] [...] Fasts prove onely for strife, and to smite wi [...] [...] fists of wickedness: Clear your selves, and [...] your hands from these abominations, lest the frui [...] them be given you to eat for food; and let this O ye Rulers be acceptable counsel unto you, that the dayes of happiness may appear, and the long expe­cted and wailed for day of liberty may yet dawn, through this dark night of bondage which over­shadows your heads, that you cannot behold the glory of the sonne, and herein shall you be establish­ed, and we shall have cause to bless the Lord for you and with you; otherwise you shal never be renouned, but all your counsels and purposes shall fail and be cursed of the Lord, and evill shall be upon you, and upon the Nations for your sakes.

ANd all you that fear God, listen and give au­dience, and let the fear of the Lord bee be­fore your eyes, and keep your selves pure from the iniquities which the rest loves to drink in; and though your power be shorter, and your vote lower, then the uprightness of your hearts desires, yet unto God be faithful in bearing your testimony for him, and against all that which with the light of Jesus, you see to be contrary to him, and be awakened vnto righteousness, judgement and mercy; the light is springing over your heads, and the day of the Lord is dawning out of darkness, and a seed is sown in your dominions which cannot bee rooted out [Page 17] til [...] over-spread the Earth with the precious [...]of, and though it be striven against to be [...] up, yet shall the branch and root thereof bee [...]gly renouned, for it is of the true Jew, and he [...]lls before it shall never more rise up again.

And this is by a true Lover of your Souls, in faithfulness unto God: Given forth for your sakes who fear the Lord, E. B.


PAge 8. line 34. for ere read are, and add is after it in the same line: p. 10. l. 33. read with for which; p. 11. l. 9. add not before upright; p. 12. l. 22. add and after selves, p. 13. l. 18. r. stands for stand, and in line 21. read backslides for backsliders; and in l. 21. r. which for what; and in l. 22. r. whom for who; p. 14. l. 17. r. great for grean; and l. 19. for fece r. sace: p. 15. l. 11. for answer r. swear; page 16. l. 8. for wdiled r. waited.

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