PROOFS of God's Being, and of the Scriptures Divine Origin. With DIRECTIONS for profitable Reading of the Scriptures.
The Arguments by which the Holy Ghost refresheth Souls, with the revived Sense of God's Being, are principally these.
Arg. 1 MY Conscience is as a thousand Witnesses to me, that there is a God. For, within me I have it sitting as an Inferior Judg, and still acting in the Name of a Superior. Even a supreme one, and infinitely above all Mortal ones. When I do what is Evil, tho ever so secretly, and both without Mens Knowledg, and beyond their Power to Revenge; this inward Judg puts me to Shame, [Page 8] and fills me with Fear. Telling me, there is an All-seeing Eye that observes me, and as just a Hand that will punish me, sooner or later. And, when I do what is good, tho it thunders, I am secure. Tho wild Men scoff, threaten, and even persecute me for it, yet I am easy. This inward Judg telling me, there is one above all, who will see that nothing shall harm me while I follow that which is Good.
Whence, I wonder, rose this subordinate Judg, if there be no supreme One?
A. 2 The Ʋniversal Consent of all Nations witnesseth to me, that there is a God. As Conscience within me, so all the World before me, and round about me, does witness it. The Inhabitants of some Countries do wear no Clothes, and dwell in no Houses; but they do own some God, all of them. And alas, when, or where met they all, to conspire in this Creed? Or, what was it that moved them all to agree in it? In short;
If there be no God above the Heavens, what has kept alive the Notion of one, through all Ages?
A. 3 The Confession of his worst Enemies witnesseth to me, that there is a God. For, could ever any Atheist free himself from the Fear of a God? And, have not Cains, Balaams, Judasses, Neros, Julians, and the like, been made to see, feel, and confess God to be? It is true, Aelian observes, that usually the Vulgar [Page 9] People were most deeply impressed with the Sense of a God; and that learned Men made so ill use of their Art and Subtlety, as to dispute themselves into Uncertainty. But, it's sure, their wicked Wits could never find a way to extinguish their tormenting Fears of an invisible God and Judg. And,
If there be no God, how came all Men to be thus afraid of one? And, his Enemies to confess him?
A. 4 The Beginning of this material World witnesses to me, there is a God. For, Testimony I have, that it was not from Eternity. Aristotle says, the Philosophers before his time were of opinion, that it had a Beginning. And, better Witnesses are not to seek. Reason also I have, which convinces me, that the World was not from Eternity; but was, at a certain time, made, as the Chaldeans, the Greeks, and Latin Poets, and Philosophers, held it to be. For, could it make it self? That is as impossible, as for a House to build it self. And, if it be supposed to have been from Eternity, why hear we of nothing that is six thousand Years old? How comes it about, that it is not yet inhabited, all of it? yea, and overstock'd too. But, if it was ever made, there must needs be a Maker; that is, a God.
If there be no God, how came there to be a World? If no Builder, how came there to be so large a City?
A. 5 The excellent Contrivance of all things [Page 10] in this World, witnesseth to me that there is a God. For, there is not one Blot in the whole Volume of this Work. In the Heavens, on the Earth, in the Sea, we have nothing but Wonders of Wisdom. The Returns of Night and Day, of Winter and Summer; the Production of Minerals; the Growth of Plants; the Generation of Animals. And, the admirable Instinct by which they are all inclined and enabled to preserve themselves and their Young. The apt Disposition of the several Parts in all Bodies, for their proper Ʋses. How astonishing are these, all? And, unto what Cause can they be ascribed?
If there be no infinitely wise God, from whence rose all this Exactness? From whence is this so God-like Work? Regular Work, and worthy of a God, whose Way is perfect?
A. 6 The Human Nature especially witnesseth to me, that there is a God. For, such a Son could never have been without such a Father. What a Body is Man's? Galen, a Man little inclined to Religion, was driven to acknowledg a Deity by his consideration of this Body. Of Parts, so numerous, various, beautiful, and durable. And, almost all the internal ones unknown to the Fathers of our Flesh. And, as for the Soul, what is like it? What a Mind, what a Memory, what a Conscience, &c. has it? In a word; what a Principle hath it, inclining it to seek well-being? What another Faculty, to judg of the Nature of things, [Page 11] fit to serve him, or to disserve him? And, another, to chuse and prosecute things accordingly? How like is the Human Spirit to the Father of Spirits? And, what is to be thought of the inexplicable Ʋnion betwixt our Soul and Body? Our thinking Spirit, and our shining Clay.
If there be no God, how came there to be such a thing as Man?
A. 7 The Continuance and the Quietness of the things of this World, witnesseth to me that there is a God. For, what is it that holds the Heavens above us, the Earth under us, the Life in us? Why are not all the Lamps of Heaven burnt out? Why is not the Earth, that hangs upon nothing, long ago fallen down? How is it that not one Species of Creature is yet lost? That of the vast Army of them, none do so mutiny as to destroy them that are most contrary to them? That the Fire doth not make the Air too thin for our Use; boil and consume the Water; scorch, and make a Brick of the Earth? That the Water doth not drown the Earth and all things on it? That the Earth doth not drink up the Water?
If there be not a God, and Lord of Hosts, how stands the World, and the Host of jarring Creatures keep their Ranks and Orders, so sweetly as we see?
A. 8 The Works of Providence concerning Mankind do witness to me, there is a God. Both the common ones, which accompany vertuous Actions, and vicious ones, with Rewards and [Page 12] Punishments. These make it plain, that there is a God that judgeth in the Earth. Yet highly reasonable it seems to me, that a Supreme Ruler and absolute Soveraign should sometimes try his Servants by Hardships; and with long suffering, endure his Enemies to insult for a while. Insomuch, that the very Prosperity of Sinners, and Adversity of good Men, is also an Argument to me, that there is a God who governs all things. Again, the extraordinary Dispensations of Providence; in delivering of Josephs out of Prisons, and Daniels out of Lions Dens, and young Saints out of fiery Furnaces. And, in raining Fire from Heaven upon Sodomites, striking dead an Ananias and Saphira, smiting a swelling Herod with an Angel, and the like; these do proclaim aloud, that there is one in the Heavens who neither slumbers nor sleeps.
If there be no God, how is it that ordinarily it goes well with the Righteous. And they who say there is no God, have their Sorrows multiplied? How is it, that Wonders are wrought for Saints, and against Sinners?
A. 9 Miracles do witness unto me, that there is a God. For, can these be wrought, without a Power superior to any that Mortals can pretend unto?
If there be no Almighty God, how were ever the Dead raised? The Winds and Seas checked? The Sun made to stand still, and to go back?
[Page 13] A. 10 Prophecies Fulfilment witnesseth to me, that there is a God. For, who but an Omniscient God can possibly foreknow such future things, as in their Circumstances are most contingent? But of such there have been many plain Predictions, at very many years distance; as the Heathen History, as well as Christian, doth attest. Thus Cicero of old did argue; there being such a thing as PROPHECY, there must needs be a Deity!
If there be no God, how came so many future things to be foretold?
A. 11 Particularly, the State of the Jewish Nation witnesseth to me that there is a God. If not, by what means hath it been with that People for sixteen hundred Years, as it was foretold? And, so as it never was with any People since the beginning of Time. Out of their Land they have been driven; particular Place of abode, as a Nation, they have had none. Scattered over all the habitable World, they have been: And, scorned and hated in every place. Not mixed with other Nations, so as to be lost among them; but still kept up as a distinct People; kept as a standing Memorial to the World, of the Divine Wrath for their Rejection of the Salvation of God, and Consolation of Israel.
If there be no God, whose Wrath is it that is come upon the Jews to the uttermost?
A. 12 The being of such a Book in the World as that of the Scripture of Old and New Testament, [Page 14] witnesseth to me that there is a God. For, if there be no God, who made that Book; which is as much more wonderful than Mens Books, as the Works of the Creation are more wonderful than Mens Works: I can as soon believe that a poor Carpenter raised the Roof of the Heavens, as that any Mortal ever endited the Holy Scriptures. The Design of them is too glorious, the Doctrine too sublime, the Precepts too wise and too impartial, the Threats too awful, the Promises too rich, for Creature to invent.
If there be no God, what Original hath that Godlike Word?
The Arguments by which the Holy Spirit doth confirm his Servants Minds in the Perswasion that the Scripture of Old and New Testament is the Word of God, are principally, these:
Arg. 1 ITS Antiquity commends it to me for God's Book. Novelty might occasion Jealousy. But reasonable it seems, that, pleasing to have a Book in the World, God should order his own Book to have the Honour of being the first.
And, this his Book was▪ surely the First in [Page 15] the World; as the Jews, his People of old, were the first Nation. Homer's Writings, Chronologers make six hundred Years after Moses; and Orpheus his Writings, five hundred.
A. 2 Its Penmens Sanctity doth commend it to me for God's Book. For, of unquestionable Holiness they were, all of them. Humbly they confess their own Faults; and impartially tell the Faults of their dearest Friends. Powerfully they preach all manner of Holy Conversation. Teaching, that of every idle Word there must be given an account one day. And, as they preached, they lived. A straiter Gate than the World's, they entred; and a narrower Way they walked in. Of many things lawful they denied themselves. And of the common Enjoyments of Mankind, many, were deprived. Bonds and Afflictions abiding them, for their Doctrine. Doctrine, which exposed them to nothing in the World, but Pains active and passive.
What then, beside the Spirit of God acting them, could possibly make them so to write? What, but the Holy Spirit kindling in them a Fire which they could not suppress? Exprest in that Saying, We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard!
A. 3 The vast Distance of these holy and harmonious Writers of the Scripture, doth commend it to me for God's Book. The Distance of them from one another, as to Place, and as to Time. For they were of distant Countries, [Page 16] many of them. And lived at very distant Ages. From the first Writing of Moses to the last of St. John, were about two thousand Years. Tho all their Writings seem to be drawn but by the different Pens of one and the same Writer.
Insomuch, that it's utterly impossible that they should have ever conspired together to deceive the World. Or should have wrote so harmoniously, but that they were acted all by the same Spirit of harmonious Truth and Goodness.
A. 4 The Miracles wherewith it has been confirmed, do further commend it to me for God's Book. Moses wrought about seventy six. The Prophets in the time of the first Temple, wrought about an hundred and fifty. Our Saviour wrought innumerable. And, the Apostles an abundance. And such, that the most spiteful Enemies could never detect any the least Imposture in them, but were forced to confess the Evidence.
What then? Can any but God's Almighty Power work Miracles? Or, would that work them to confirm Cheats? If not, the Holy Scripture must be God's own Book.
A. 5 The Accomplishment of its Prophecies doth commend it to me for God's Book. From its first publishing, it hath ever been a Prognostication of things to come. And, as the Events have shown, an infallible one. Yea, and an universal one. For, nothing good or bad befel,