Ancient Histories
M. S.
- LIber Carthusianorum de Perth▪ seu Scotichronicon abbreviatum. 4
o It beginneth at the rise of the Nation, and endeth with an Epitaph upon King James
the first.
Andrew Winton his Chronicle in Scotish verse, a large and thick 4
o consisting of 212 Chapters▪ beginneth at the Creation, and is continued till the year of our Redemption 1407. with it is joined
- Brevis Chronica in prose from the rise of our Nation to King
Robert Stuart, who succeeded to King
- Beda de Gestis Anglorum 4
to in Parchment.
- Chronica Henrici Archidiaconi Huntingdoniae 4
to in Parchment in 7 Books, it containeth the History of Great-
Britain from
Julius Caesar his entry to it, till King
Stephen of
England's Reign.
- Chronica Fratris Martini ordinis Praedicatorum▪ 4
o in Parchment, a Româ conditâ ad
annum Christi 1277. with this is joyned
- Historia
Alexandri Macedoniae Regis Metrica per Wilikium Civem Spoletanum in Parchment too.
- Suetonii Historia 12 Caes
[...]rum Primorum.
- Egesippi Historia, a Passione domini ad suam aetatem 4
o Parchment.
- Eutropii Historia.
- Heraclides Episcopus de Vitis sanctorum Patrum 4
o Parchment, with this is joyned
- Historia Persecution is Africanae tempore Genserici & Honorii Regum Vandalorum, a victore Episcopo Patriae Vitensis parchment.
- Historia Belli Trojani Daretis Phyrygii ex translatione Cornelii Nepotis 4
o parchment.
- Raimundi Martiani Clavis Commentariorum Caii Julii Caesaris.
[Page 6] 15 Galfridi Arthuri Monumentensis Historia de Brittonu
[...] origine & rebus gestis 4
to, parchment.
- 16 Chronicon Volumen a tempore
Alexandri Magni a primum Christianum saeculum, a long Roll, writte
[...] in parchment, and curlously drawn in various F
[...] gures.
Modern Histories
M. S.
- HEnry Maule of Melgum his History of the Picts, F
[...] lio.
- 2 Vitae pontificum Scti Andreae, fol.
- 3 Annales from King
Malcolme the 3
d. his time, till th
[...] death of King
James the sixth written by Sir
[...] Balfour Lyon King at Arms, folio.
- 4 Annalles of what was done in King
Charles the 1st h
[...] time from the beginning of his Reign till the ye
[...] 1641, written by Sir
James Balfour, folio.
- 5 A Description of the Western Islles of
Scotland by M
Donald Monro Dean of the Isles: with this is joyned
- 6 The Genealogie of the chief Clanes of the Isles by th
[...] same.
- 7 Descriptio insularum Orchadiarum per
[...]en re
[...] dente there,
anno 1529.
- 8 Captain
John Anderson his fourth Voyage to the Eas
Indies, containing the Course he kept, the Winds an
[...] Weather by the way, and Description of the chi
[...] Places frequented by the
Europeans, folio.
Manuscripts concerning the Affairs of th
[...] Church of
- 1 THe Affairs of the Church of
Scotland, from the ye
[...] 1610, to the year 1625, 1 Vol.
- 2 THe Affairs of the Church of
Scotland, from the ye
[...] 1610, to the year 1625, 2 Vol.
- 3 THe Affairs of the Church of
Scotland, from the ye
[...] 1610, to the year 1625, 3 Vol.
- 4 The Proceedings of the General-Assembly, holden
Glasgow, November 21. 1638, folio.
[Page 7] An Exhortation of the particular Kirks of
Scotland to the Kirk at
Edinburgh, folio.
Ancient Charters and Records.
- A Collection of very Ancient Charters Granted by our Kings and others, battered upon a Book folio, most of them parchment.
- Antiquum Chartularium Monasterii Sanctae Trinitatis de Sconâ, 4
to parchment.
- Liber Sctae Mariae de Balmerinoch; 4
to parchment.
- Liber Sctae Mariae de Dryburgh, 4
- Liber Arbrothiensis, 4
to parchment.
- Chartularium Magnum Monasterii de Aberbrothock, folio, parchment.
- Liber Monasterii Fermelodunensis, folio parchment.
[...]anuscripts relating to Government and Policy.
- ARticles and orders anent the Watches kept upon the English fide of the Borders in
Edward the sixth his time, folio.
- Tractatus Scotici, or the Leagues betwixt
Scotland and
England from the year 1069, to the year 1603, folio.
- The Account of what past when the Prince
Charles was in
Spain, folio.
- The Castilian Project against
England, with an
Advertisement for preventing thereof, with a View of Great-
Britain, and a Comparison between
Britain and
Spain, with Directions for a Counsel of War for the raising of 25000 Foot, and 5000 Horse.
- Epistolae & Mandata, per Reges, Optimates & Magistratus Scotiae ab
anno 1505, ad
annum 1626, folio.
- Epistolae a Regibus et Gubernatoribus Scotiae ad Imperatorem, Papam et status Europae ab
anno 1500, ad
annum 1525, 4
[Page 8] 7 Epistolae a Jacobo 5
to Rege, Marià Reginâ & Guber
[...] toribus ad
annum Christi 1545. 4
- 8 Secreta Secretorum, sive de Principis Institutione Alexr. Magnum per Aristotelem; ex Graeco in L
[...] tinum Sermonem translata per Joannem filium Pat
[...] cii, 4
to parchment.
- 9 Le Livre des meurs, du Gouvernement des Seig
[...] ours, Appellez les Secrets des Secrets de Aristo
[...] Translatéz en Francois, 4
The following
Manuscripts, are most
[...]them the Original Papers Collected by S
James Balfour, and Bound in Books u
[...] der these Titles.
- 1 LEtters to King
James the 6
th. from his Queen
[...] his Children, folio.
- 2 Letters to King
James the 6
th. from Learned Men
- 3 Negotiations with the Kings of
Poland, Sweden,
[...] diverse German Princes and States, Reg. Jacobo
[...] &
Carolo, 1. folio.
- 4 Negotiations with
Denmark and
Norway, Reg. Jac
[...] 6
to & Carolo 1. folio.
- 5 Negotiations with
France, Reg Ja. 6
to & Carolo 1.
- 6 Several publick Papers relating to the Scots Guard
France, folio.
- 7 Negotiations with
Spain Reg. Jac. 6
to, et Carolo 1.
- 8 Negotiations with Italian Princes Reg. Jaco. 6
to, fo
- 9 A Memorial anent
Henry the 4
thth in
France by the P
[...] dent
Jeanin, folio.
- 10 Treaties in French betwixt
France and several o
[...] Kingdoms and States, folio, in French.
- 11 Treaties, Instructions, Powers, Commissions, R
[...] cations, and other Acts of the French Court,
[...] in French.
[...]anuscripts relating to the Affairs of
Scotland and
England the time of Queen
Elizabeth, King
James the 6
th, and King
Charles the first.
[Page 9]THe Account of the Government of
England: with this is joyned
- A Discourse anent the Marriage of the Queen, and other Matters. folio
- English Bussiness Reginâ
Elisabetha, folio.
- Negotiations with
England, Reg. Elizabetha, et Jaco. 6. fol. 1. Vol.
[...]tate Bussiness concerning the Western Isles ab
anno 1606, ad
annum 1616. folio.
- English Bussiness Reg. Jaco. 6. fol. Vol. 1.
- English Bussiness Reg. Jaco. 6. & Carolo 1. fol. Vol. 1.
- English Bussiness Reg. Jac. 6. et Carolo 1. fol. Vol. 2
- The Plea against the Earl of
Bristol for his Negotiations in
Spain, and his Defence, folio.
- State Bussiness the years 1603, 1604, 1605, 1606, Reg. Jaco. 6. folio.
- State Bussiness the years 1607, and 1608, Reg. Jaco. 6. folio.
- State Bussiness the years 1609, 1610, 1611, Reg. Ja. 6. folio.
- State Bussiness the years 1612, and 1613, folio.
- State Bussiness the years 1614, fol.
- State Bussiness the years 1615, Reg. Jaco. 6. folio.
- State Bussiness the years 1616, Reg. Jaco. 6. folio.
- State Bussiness the years 1617, and 1618, Reg. Jaco. 6. folio.
- State Bussiness the years 1619, and 1620, Reg. Jaco. 6. folio.
- State Bussiness the years 1621, 1622, 1623, Reg. Ja. 6. folio.
- State Bussiness the years 1624, and 1625, Reg. Jaco. 6. folio.
State Bussiness Rege
Carolo 1.
[Page 10]1 SEcretary
Alexander his Register of King
Charles t
[...] first his Letters, folio.
- 2 A Conference betwixt King
Charles the first, and t
[...] Scotish Counsel
January 1626: with that
[...] Joyned
- 3 The Copie of Chancellor
Hay his Speech the 16
January 1626.
- 4 The Consideration of Sir
John Scot's Articles an
[...] the Session.
- 5 A Copie of the Letter sent by Mr.
Robert Bruce to
[...] Marquiss of
Hamilton a little after the 17
[...] ber 1597, with his Account of the Tumult th
- 6 The first Beginning and Proceedings of our Pre
[...] terian Discipline at
Geneva, with the Proceedi
[...] of our first Reformation of Religion, written
Bancroft Arch-Bishop of
Canterbury in
anno 16
- 7 A Satire against
- 8 The Answer to it.
- 9 Some Transactions
anno 1629, Reg. Carolo i. fol
- 10 State Business the years 1636, 1637, 1638, 1639,
[...] Carolo 1. fol.
- 11 State Business the years 1640, and 1641, Reg. Car
[...] 1. fol.
- 12 Miscelany papers, fol.
- 13 Liber Domicilii Domini nostri Regis
anno 1525,
[...] cobo Colvillo de Uchiltree ministrante in of
[...] Computorii Rotulatorum, folio.
Law Manuscripts.
- 1 THe old Laws Regiam Majestatem 4
o. with
[...] are joyned
- 2 A Treatise of Tailȝie.
- 3 Leges Marchiarum.
[Page 11] Acta Roberti 3.
- The form of Falsing doom.
- Expositio quorundam Vocabulorum
- Forms of Process
- Tractatus Coronae
- Forma Defensionis Minoris aetatis contra suam partem adversam
- The Form of showing of Holding
- The Courts
- Processus purprusturae
- De quatuor modis tenendi terras de Rege
- Modus duelli, or the manner of Battle within Lists
- Iter Justiciarii
- De Tutoribus & Curatoribus
- Quibus causis amittitur Feudum, and other Questions resolved
- Constitutio de Mercatura.
in Parchment 12.
- Magna Carta
- Carta de Forestis
- Commentarius in eas
- Leges Ludovici Regis M. S. 8
vo parchment
- Treaties anent Scots Merchandise and their Measure, Parchment 12
- Stephani Patersoni Notarii prothologus sive Registrum
- Vol. 1.
- Vol. 2.
- Vol. 3.
- Vol. 4.
[...]o. Lyciothin Notarii Registrum folio
[...]o. Philp Notarii Registrum folio
- Notarii Registrum folio
Manuscripts concerning Herauldry.
[...]Outhhampton's Genealogie de Angleterre, folio
- A large Volumn folio, with the Coats of Arms of the Kings, and of the most of the Noble Families in
England, and the Coats of Arms of the
[Page 12]Kings, beginning at King
Robert Bruce, and rea
[...] ing to King
Charles the first, and the Arms of
[...] Principal Nobles in
Scotland in their proper colo
[...] well done with the Names of them, they bel
[...] to
- 3 L'ordre de Chevalrie par Simphorien
[...] French: folio, concerning the order of Knightho
[...] written
anno 1634.
- 4 The Original Institutions of the Principal Order
Colliers in their collour, with their Moters by
[...] liam Segar Garter in parchment 4
- 5 Bartolus de Saxoferrato de Signis et Armis
- 6 Nicol
[...]us Upton de Militiâ et Nobilitate
liber 1.
- 7 De Bellis & actibus exercitatis in eisdem.
- 8 De Nobilitate colorum in Armis depictorum.
- 9 Regulae per quas co
[...]ores armorum er ipsa Arma clare discernuntur, with several Coats of Arms in their colours.
- 10 The Statutes and Ordinances of the Order of St.
[...] named the Garter, 4
to, in parchment
- 11 An Account of the Office of an Herauld, 4
- 12 Scrimgeour of Herauldry and Combats, folio
- 13 A full Account of the Office of Heraulds, and o
[...] King at Arms their Institution, Habite and Fee
[...] Emoluments of Her
[...]ulds, Pursevants, and Messen
[...] folio, with which i
[...] joyned
- 14 A Treatise de Gubernatione et Reformatione
[...] ariorum Armorum. H R. V.
- 15 De Officio Comitis Mariscalli Angliae
- 15 The Copie of the Commission of the Earl
[...] the Kingdom of
Scotland, and other Matters.
Manuscripts of Theologie.
[Page 13]BIblia Scti Hieronimi Latina, Parchment, Folio.
- An New Testament in English, parchment, 4
- Bibliorum Summa per Jo. de Vasco, parchment, 4
- A System of Theologie in a Roll of Parchment
- Manuale Sancti Davidis 1. Scotorum Regis, 8
- Paraphrasis, in Psalmum 119
- Meditationes Theologicae
- Dialogus
- Psalterium Abbatiae de deer, parchment.
- Manuale praecum, parchment
- D. Alexandri Scoti nonae distinctiones ordinis Cistertientium, parchment
- Psalterium Recardi Marishel Abbatis de Culross, parchment, 12.
- Manuale Reginae Elisabethae Bourchier, parchment, 4
- Oculus Sacredotum Magistri Roberti Grosseti, parchment, 4
- Anonimi flores Summarum, parchment, 8
- Boetius de Trinitate Parchment,
- Augustinus de cognitione verae vitae Parchment,
- — De Trinitate Parchment,
- — De Paenitentiâ Parchment,
- — De Spiritu,
&c. Parchment,
- Anselmi tractatus varil Parchment,
- Conflictus Babilonis et Jerusalem. Parchment,
parchment, folio.
- Bedae venerabilis opuscula
- Origenis et aliorum Homiliae
- Decisio Wil. Rufi, Regis Angliae controversiae de terris de Fracheham.
- Roberti Grosthead Episcopi Lincolniensis loci communes, parchment, 8
parchment 4
- Rabanus de corpore et Sanguine Christi
- Vinamundus de corpore Domini
- Sermo Augustini de Sacramento altaris
- Liturgia Sancti Columbani Abbatis.
Miscellany MANƲSCRIPTS, MANƲSCRIPTS of Medicine.
[Page 14]1 GAleni Opuscula, 4
[...] 4
- 2 Commentarii Joannicii in libros Galeni de corpore humano
- 3 Ejusdem Commentarii in sex primos libros Aphorismorum Hippocratis.
[...] 4
- 4 Dispensatorium Nicolai
- 5 Summa M. Walteri de Ayelon de dosibus Medicamentorum
- 6 Praxis Medicinae Anonimi, French.
parchment, 4
- 7 Macer de Virtutibus Herbarum
- 8 Euax Rex Arabum de Lapidibus
- 9 Liber Graduum Medicinae
- 10 Anonimus de Medicinâ.
parchment, 4
- 11 Liber Serapionis de Simplicibus
- 12 Constantini Monachi Theorica et
- 13 — Practica.
MANƲSCRIPTS of Philosophie.
- 1 ARistote de diete, 8
vo, parchment.
- 2 Francisus Petrarcha de Remediis utrius Fortunae, parchment, 4
[...] 8
- 1 INvectivarum Ciceronis contra Catelinam
lib. 3.
- 2 Epistola Salustii ad Ciceronem
- 3 Responsio Ciceronis ad Epistolam Salustii.
[Page 15]
parchment, 8
- OVidii Liber de Fastis
- Claudiani Varia Poemata
parchment, 8
[...]apinii Statii Thebaidos libri 12.
[...]irgilii Aenëidos libri.
Parchment, 8
[...]ufi Avieni Fabulae
- Vill. Bibliarii opuscula.
[...]uvenalis, parchment, 4
[...]edulii opera, parchment, 8
[...]erentius, parchment, 4
- Alani de Infulis Anticlaudianus, parchment, 8
- Rentale Episcopatus Moraviensis.
- Ancient Records of donations for Religious Houses 2 Volumns 4