THE Invisible Power Of GOD Known in Weakness.
WITH A Christian Testimony of the Experience and Sufferings of Edward Brush, Aged Ninety One Years.
BY HIM Tenderly recommended to all moderate and well-inclined People.
LONDON, Printed and Sold by T. Sowle, near the Meeting-House in White-hart-Court in Gracious-street, and at the Croocked-Billet in Holy-well-lane, near Shoreditch, 1695.
The Invisible Power of GOD made known in Weakness, with a Christian Testimony of the Experience and Sufferings of EDWARD BRUSH, Aged Ninety One Years: By him Tenderly Recommended to all moderate and well-inclined People.
OH, All People and professors of the Christian Religion, my desire is, you may see and be sensible, how that the Lord God of Life and Power, hath manifested his Love unto the Sons and Daughters of Men in general, and put his Spirit in their Minds and Consciences, that thereby they may come to the knowledge of the Truth, and be saved by Faith in Christ Jesus. Oh! How greatly doth my Soul and Spirit Travel for your Souls Everlasting good, and that you may be gathered by Gods Spirit, and power of Holiness, out of Sin and Transgression; which all have fallen into by Disobedience; which Sin stands as a Wall of Separation betwixt God and all Souls, in which State all Perish, except they come to know a timely Repentance. But the great and glorious God in his eternal Love, that made mankind for a purpose of his own Glory, and to serve and Worship him in his own holy Spirit, would not that Man should perish; but waits to be Gracious to all the Sons and Daughters of Men; And in the Riches of his Love, hath found out a way in his Eternal wisdom, for to restore Man out of his perishing Condition, and hath Freely given his Son Christ Jesus, to lay down his Life a Ransome for those that truly believe in him; and in the fulness of time, prepared him a Body to do and suffer his Heavenly Father's will for us all, that were by Nature Children of Wrath. The Righteous and Holy God, Cast out the First Adam out of Paradice; for Transgressing his just & Holy Law, and notwithstanding Man's disobedience, [Page 4]God hath sent forth his only Son a Light into the VVorld, who hath Enlightened all Men that came into the VVorld, that by his Grace and Light which shines in their Hearts, they might receive the knowledge of God in the Face of Jesus Christ.
And this Inward and Spiritual appearance of Christ in your Hearts and Consciences, you must all believe in; which lets you see your States and Conditions, and whether you be in a State of wrath and unbelief, or in a State of grace, and have obtained that Faith in Christ which overcomes the VVorld? In the days of Christ's Flesh, he did many Glorious things without us, and Dyed for our Sins, and was Buried, and Rose again for our Justification; but until by Faith in Christ Jesus we are turned from Darkness to the Light of Christ's Spirit within, which makes manifest Darkness, none can truly Judge what Condition their Souls are in, nor see from whence they are fallen: Therefore my Friends, it is in mine Heart to perswade all to turn their minds inward, and wait on God's witness that he hath placed in your Consciences; for that will give Righteous Judgment. Come home to Gods blessed Spirit, to be your Teacher and Leader into all Truth, and out of all Errour, that so your Souls may Feed in the green Pastures of Life. And Oh you Professors of all sorts! There is a Travel in my Soul, that you come of the Barren Mountains of Profession without, into the possession of Christ the substance within; who by his invisible Power, Renews and Regenerates our Souls to God again, out of that deplorable State into which Adam and Eve fell, by hearkening to the subtil Serpent.
I now remember my Darkness and Ignorance which I was in, when a Professor of God, Christ, and Christianity, and a Zealous Professor without true knowledge; and therefore my Soul is still in Tarvel that all may know God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent, in Spirit and in Power: For I was seeking the Living amongst the Dead: And the last time I broke Bread and drank Wine, as an ordinance, I heard a Voice within me, saying, What doest thou here, seeking the Living amongst the Dead? He is not here he is risen; and I can truly experience, I found not that inward refreshment and satisfaction, until by the Power and Spirit of God I was delivered from the Empty Forms and Shadows: Therefore my Soul [Page 5]Breathes to God on your behalf, that you may retire your minds inward, to be taught of God, as the Scripture often testifies, They shall all be taught of God, and that the Lord will Teach his People himself, and the humble God will Teach of his Ways, &c.
And I Testify in the Fear of God, that none can VVorship God acceptably, until in some measure they are made partakers of the Spirits Teaching, and have an understanding by the Inspiration of the Almighty, and as they come to believe in Christ's Spiritual appearance in their Souls, he gives them that Living Faith which purifies their Hearts, and by his Spirit they come to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God: And until the holy Apostle was Enlightned, and was obedient to God's Power, and made partaker of the Divine Nature of Christ within; he did not Preach the Gospel; neither can any among all sorts of Professors assure themselves, that they are true Christians, without a sensible feeling of the Life of Christ revealed in them; for it is not the Name but the Nature that makes true Christians, and without true Faith we cannot please God.
Therefore it is of absolute necessity, that all wait to know a through Change and Renewedness to God in Soul, Spirit, and Body; for God hath put his pure witness in all Men that never consented to any Evil. And it is God's witness that secretly Checks and Reproves for Sin in all Men and Womens Consciences; therefore my Soul desires, that all People do mind the reproof thereof in themselves, which is the way of Life, to all that are obedient thereunto, and to abstain from all appearance of Evil, which is made manifest by the Light; and until People be turned to the Light, which makes manifest the deeds of Darkness, they cannot see the Broad way, which leads to Destruction; and also in the Light of Christ Jesus we come to see the Straight and Narrow way, which leads to Life and Salvation: But I do speak in grief of Soul, there are but few (in Comparison with the many Professors) that are found walking in the straight and narrow Way: Therefore be you considerate, and turn in, to the way of God, which is the Light of Christ within you. Do you as David did? He considered his ways. Christ Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; and if any Climb up any other way, they are Thieves and Robbers, he is the Door of entrance into Heaven: Therefore I beseech all Professors and [Page 6]Prophaness, not to content themselves with shadows any longer; but come to believe in Christ Jesus the Substance, the Light, the Life, the Door; the Way, the Truth; and all that truly believe in him, for Life and Salvation, they come to an inward Injoyment of him, and feed on him, who is the Bread of Life, which Nourishes their Souls up to Eternal Life; and it is the Experience of a Remnant, that until you all come to retire your minds inward, to the Grace and Spirit of God, there can be no spiritual Growth Heaven-ward, yet there may be a Literal knowledge of God, but that is not saving, because the letter kills, but it is the Spirit that gives Life to the Soul.
And it is my rejoycing in God, though in time of Ignorance I went astray (and then my Soul did mourn before the Lord) that through the Grace and Mercy of God, my Soul is come to know my Teacher within, that Teacheth me to Profit; giving me an understanding in the Mystery of Godliness; for great is the Mystery of Godliness, God manifest in the Flesh, as the Scriptures Testifies.
Forms of Religion without Life do not profit, and I have often considered how few in my Native Country of England, who made great Profession of Religion, and think themselves good Christians, know little of the Life and Power of Godliness; and though they say the Scripture is their Rule, yet walks much Contrary to Gods Command therein, and are far short of being Real Christians; walking in Darkness, not knowing whither they go. I speak not this to reflect upon any, but to Caution all to examine their selves, and see how it is betwixt God and their Souls; for the Light clearly shews, such do not do the will of God, nor do they Consider their later End; and that the All-seeing God is nigh to Judge, who will Judge both quick and dead, who is Striving by his Spirit Immediately, and by his Spirit Instrumentally in his Servants and Messengers, which God hath sent forth to warn all to repent, and to believe in the Light Christ Jesus: Therefore let the pure mind in all be stired up, and let all be awakened out of their Spiritual Slumber in Sin, and awake to Righteousness, and let the time past be sufficient, that hath been spent in Vanity, and Redeem your time, and turn to the Lord by true and unfeigned Repentance; for he or she that regards Iniquity in their Hearts, the Lord will not hear their Prayers. Therefore it concerns all to wait upon God, that [Page 7]he may give you Repentance unto Life; for true Repentance God's gift, and they are blessed that are truely Humbled under the mighty Hand of God, in the sense of their Sins: 'Tis not every one that says, Lord, Lord, but he that doth the will of God is Justified: And the truely Penitent mind is in a Praying Frame, and and there is a Praying continually by those that believe in the Light of Christ; and Christ ever lives to make intercession to God for us, and the faithful and obedient shall Eat the good of the Land, and they Worship God in Spirit, and have no confidence in the Flesh; but rejoyce in Christ Jesus, and are made New Creatures, and have put off the Old Man with his Deeds.
And I must needs say, my Soul is still in Travel, that all People may have their minds on Heavenly things, and make your calling and Election sure; and while they have time to prize it, for none can promise to themselves one day: You are often saying, We must all Dye; but I would have you reflect upon your selves, and see whether you believe in Christ that Enlightens all that comes into the World: And whether you bring your Deeds to the Light, and know them wrought in God; for the Light of Christ will give righteous Judgment, whether they be wrought in God: And we must all give Account to God, and receive a Just Reward according to our doings. Therefore deal faithful with your own Souls, and see what is the Frame of your Spirit, and consider your ways and doings.
And know that he or she that Bridles not their Tongues, all their Religion is Vain: Therefore it is my Soul's desire that you believe in Christ, and come to partake of his Divine Nature, that so you may know Christ in you the Hope of your glory; for if you know not this, you are in a Reprobate State: And therefore let all be deeply concerned to lay hold of Eternal Life, and know Christ dwell in your Hearts by true Faith that stands in the Power of God; for it is not the Traditional Faith, nor Historical Faith of Man's making, will stand you instead in a Dying Hour; but the true and living Faith which saves, is wrought in the Soul by the Spirit of God: Therefore my Tender desire is, that all may retire inward to the gift of God's Grace and Spirit; because what is to be known of God, is manifest within, 1 Rom. 19. and my Soul with many more, doth witness the same, and the day is come, in which God hath fulfilled his promise, and poured out his Spirit upon many Sons and [Page 8]Daughters, and they Prophesie, Joel. 2.29. And God hath raised many Sons and Daughters, Servants and Handmaids, to Preach the Everlasting Gospel again in this later Age of the World, and Endued them with Wisdom from above, and given them knowledge in the Mysterys of his Eternal Kingdom; and in measure hath made my Soul Partaker of his Love in Christ Jesus, and of his Spiritual Appearance in the Inward Man. And to the Praise of God I can say, the grace of God hath so Qualified my Soul, by its secret Teachings within, that when the Ministers and Messengers of God came out of the North and elsewhere, to Preach the Gospel of Glad-Tidings to the Poor, about Forty Years by-past; what was Preached in me, was openly Preached as on the House-Top in the Quakers Meetings, and my Soul did Cleave to them, and Readily embraced the Gospel, which is God's Power to Salvation in all that believe, and which hath been Life to my Soul ever since; and my Soul was brought near, and into Acquaintance with God, and his Messengers were Instruments in God's Hand, to open the way of Life to me; all Praises be given to God through Christ Jesus. And now Life is with them, who truly Preach to the Spirits, yet in Prison amongst the Children of Men, to deliver them that are in Bondage; and the Presence of God with them, hath caused many to incline to God's Spirit's Teaching: For the great God that made Heaven and Earth, is setting up his Kingdom in the Hearts and Spirits of his People that believe; and is Calling to come to his Holy Mountain; and for ever blessed are all they that hearken to his Heavenly Voice in their Souls: And my Soul's desire is, that both Priests and People, would consider in themselves, to come out of Spiritual Babylon, and deny the Spirit of the World, and come to the Spirit of God; for the Children of God are led by his Spirit; and the reason why many are yet in Mystery Babylon, is because, the Blind lead the Blind, and both remain in Death and Darkness through unbelief, though the true Light now shineth in the Sons and Daughters of Men.
Therefore I beseech all in the Love of God, to hearken to the Council Christ gives in the 2. and 3. Chapter of the Revelation; To hear what the Spirit saith; and until you feel the Spirit of God to quicken your Souls, and make them alive to God, and open your understandings, you are in Darkness not knowing what you [Page 9]say, nor whereof you affirm in the Mysteries of God and Christ Jesus.
For our God hath appeared to his People in his Light and Grace, and given us an understanding to know him that is True, and we are in him that is True; and by a living Faith, are united in Spirit, and are not of those that draw back to perdition by unbelief, (as some do) but believe to the saving of our Souls, and by Vertue of the Light of Christ revealed in us, we feel a Spiritual Growth towards perfection: And though the Enemy be near to assault and tempt, and Transform himself like to an Angel of Light, and calls good evil and evil good, whereby in times past he deceived me, to my great sorrow; but by God's grace, which was nigh to let me see the danger, he gave me Power to Abstain from the appearance of that Evil, of which I speak to God's Eternal Praise; and where Sin abounded, the grace of God did more abound, and where grace abounds, self is made of no reputation: And it is God in Christ that works all in us and for us, blessed for ever.
For when the Corrupt Nature bears sway in us, such cannot stand in the Cross of Christ, which is the Power of God to Salvation; to save from Sin, and to deny their own Wills and Affections, and Fleshly Lusts that Wars against the Soul; but they that wait on God in his own Light, they see when good comes, and may see the Enemy in all his Appearances and Temptations; and by Gods grace resist the Devil, who seeks to Devour that precious Seed of Life, that God hath sowne in all; you have Read of Four sorts of Ground, but one good, which is an honest and upright Heart to God in his Truth, and brings forth good Fruit: I cannot but remember that some of you that are now Professors, were so about Sixty Years ago; and it will do you no hurt to examine your selves, and see whether you are grown nearer to God and Christ, and what Fruit you bring forth: I know you have a Form of Godliness, examine whether you do not deny the Power thereof? Are you not as formal as ever in the Worship of God, whom you confess to be a pure Spirit? Are your understandings made more Heavenly? Or do you not keep up the Form without Life and Power, which causes many to leave you? And are not some of you Proud and Vain in your Dresses? and Ignorant of Christ's appearing in your Souls, [Page 10]and do you bring forth the Fruits of the Spirit, as Love, Joy, Peace in believing? &c. or rather the Fruits of the Flesh, whereby you cannot please God? Let the witness of God in you answer.
You know that the Great and Glorious God, in the beginning, made Mankind the Chiefest of his Creation; but you Read in Holy Writ, Man fell from that pure State by disobedience, and know that until he be Regenerate and Born again by the Word of Life, and raised by Christ, who is the Resurrection and Life, Man is in a perishing Condition: And it is the desire of my Soul, that all People may come to witness the Power of his Resurrection in the inward Man, which Destroys the works of the Devil and Sin, which stands as a Wall of Separation betwixt Man and his Maker; for God is Holy, and of more pure Eyes than to behold Iniquity. Therefore Fear and Dread before him, who is the Living God, that Changes not, but the same Today, as Yesterday and for Ever; there is no God like unto him; for he is a present help in the time of need, and universal in his Love and Power, Mighty to save all that believe in his Spiritual appearance. Therefore all Friends and People every where, let none go about to Diminish or Slight the appearance of Christ's Spirit and Power in the Soul of any Man or Men; for God hath made me a living witness with many others, it is our great Comfort in all streights and necessities, Spiritual and Temporal. But some that are now Wise in their own Eyes, who were concerned formerly to appear for the Inward appearance of Christ, (with whom I had then Unity) now their Love seems to be abated to that, and they like the Foolish Galatians, though they begun in the Spirit, now seek to be made perfect by the Flesh, that is, in their Fleshly Carnal wisdom, and Literal understanding, wherein they are contending, Conceiting themselves to know more than what has been manifested and made known to the Worthies and Elders in Spiritual Israel, in this day of Light and Life, wherein the Holy Unction is known, which Teacheth us of all things; for he that first descended, who is the same that ascended, and is Set on the Right Hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the Heavens, he is our High Priest and Minister, Heb. 8 and lives for ever to make intercession for us, being the only Mediator between God and Men, which they receive the benefit of, who are [Page 11]truely Humbled in the sense of their own nothingness; these do not exalt their own Fleshly Wisdom, but stand in a Cross to their own will, and are easily Entreated, such Demonstrate the Fruit of the Spirit in Meekness, Gentleness, and Patience; which carries a greater Evidence with it, than any Testimony in words only: And it is in vain to Preach from other Men Lines, and speaks from the Letter only, those things they do not Experience, such Preaching doth not profit the People, neither can they thereby be edified; for the wisdom from below, and Fleshly knowledge puffs up, and vaunts it self, but the Love of God Edifies: And where the Truth bears sway in the Soul, self is abased, and made of no Reputation.
And the great and mighty God, is making good his Promises, that the People shall flow to his holy Mountain, and flee like Doves to the Windows, Isa. 12.16.
And the great and notable day of God is come, wherein the the knowledge of God shall abound, and cover the Earth as the Waters cover the Seas.
Therefore let every Soul be truly faithful to what they know, and be willing and obedient, such shall Eat the good of the Land, as many do Experience, magnified be the Name of our God, saith my Soul; which hath found the comfort of meeting with his People (commonly called Quakers) to wait on God Forty Years by-past; and such that wait on God in Sincerity and Uprightness of Heart (according to God's promise) shall renew their strength; for the Power and Presence of God is near to help such, against all opposition whatsoever.
But there are many People, that Content themselves with a bare reading the Scriptures of Truth; but do not know that Spirit that gave them forth; therefore such greatly need to wait on God, to be inspired by the same Spirit, that you may understand them; for Christ said to the Jews, you read the Scriptures, for in them you think to have Eternal Life; for they Testifie of Christ, but he blames them, for not coming to him, in whom is Life; and with sorrow I tell you, that Life is wanting among many that make a large Profession of Christ in words, yet slight and reject the Spirit's Teachings; such my Soul pities, and I Pray God to rend the Vail of Darkness, that is over their Minds, who think [Page 12]themselves good Christians, because they have a form of Religion, and speak good words in their own wills, and Practice quite contrary. I accuse none, but let all be cautioned, lest they are found false witnesses; for one speaks in the Light and Life of Truth; but the other speaks by Immaginations: And some outside Professors, that love the praise of Men, and would be thought somebody in Religion, are but Lukewarm, neither Hot nor Cold; such the holy God doth Abominate, except they come to believe and walk more Sincerely; for God loves Truth in the Heart, both of Male and Female.
And the Holy Glorious God, hath Visited my Soul, and hath shewed me, that as little David with his Sling, and Stone out of the Brook, slew great Goliah, that defied Israel, and those that took part with him were scattered; even so the mighty God by his Invisible Arm of Power, will scatter all Feigned shews of Religion without Life, and cause them to Vanish like smoke; for which my Soul magnifies the Glorious Name of our God, in Covenant with his People.
And now I beseech all, that in any measure have tasted of the Love of God, to be still incouraged to wait on God in Spirit and in the Faith of God's Elect, which Purifies the Heart; and Pray to God in Sincerity for Life and Salvation, which is only to be had through Faith in Christ Jesus.
Therefore let all People Dread and Fear the All-seeing and Heart-searching God, both of Professors and Profane, and consider how it stands betwixt your Souls and God; and Examine with the Light of Christ in your Consciences, whether Christ be Revealed in you, without which none can have Acceptance with God, nor Worship God aright, in Spirit and in Truth. And my Soul's desire is, that you do not neglect the Day of your Visitation till it be two late: And in tender Love to your Immortal Souls, I conclude this weighty matter, who truly loves your Souls as mine own;
AND now dear Friends and People, having through some Difficulty and Weakness born my Testimony to the Truth; remains upon my mind, in a sense of the Love of God, to mention what followeth; how that from my Childhood my mind was inclined to Religion, and the Professors of it, above Eighty Years ago; and I can say as Jacob did, when he built an Altar at Bethel, that God was with me, though I knew it not: And I can do no less than admire the goodness of God, in putting his Fear into my Inward parts, that I durst not be so Wanton and Foolish as many other Children were. When I was but Ten Years Old, then I dwelt with a zealous Man called a Puritan, who was persecuted for Religion; and in that day I read the Scriptures with delight, and was many times broken into Tears, and did learn good part of a Book called, The Doctrine of the Bible, by heart.
And about Twelve Years of Age, I came up to London, and served Eight Years of Nine by Indenture, and was tender in my Spirit towards God, and my Master Dyed of the Plague in the Year 1625. and I purchased the Ninth Year, but did not so well improve my time as I ought, which when I came to consider, caused sorrow to enter my Soul, and my Countenance was changed, and I was exercised Inwardly, because of outward straits, but God made use thereof to Humble me; and the word sounded in me, that God would Humble me, that he might do me good in the latter end, and still my mind was exercised about Religion; and I kept House and Servants Twelve Years before I took a Wife, and the Fear of God in my Soul preserved me from gross Evils.
And now I may say something concerning my Suffering and Banishment, Richard Brown in 1660, or 1661. then Mayor of London, sent me to Newgate, only for keeping my Hatt on before him, and there kept me Six or Seven Weeks without Mittemus, and in that time the Power of God in me, prepared me for greater Sufferings by Banishments; but because my dear Wife was very Tender, I kept my Thoughts from her; and afterward I was carried to the Sessions, and was Sentanced to Banishment for Seven Years; but soon after was called to the Bar again, and the Bible was offered me to Swear, I [Page 22]told the Court of the old saying, That those that did Swear would Lie.
Then the Judge said, if I would leave going to the Quakers Meeting the Sentance should be revoked: I answered, that was against my Life. So Alderman Fredrick then upon the Bench, and Mayor Elect, did moderate the Judge; But I was sent again to Newgate.
And next Morning Hurried with Two more by VVater to Gravesend, and many Friends came to take leave of me, which afterward returned to London, with my beloved Wife Sarah, and our Son Isaac; and the Ship sailed away towards the place intended. And though the Ship was Leaky, and wet my Bed, so that I thought she might Sink, yet my mind was sweetly resigned to Dye in the Sea; because my Suffering was for Truth, and that did uphold me, and all thoughts of outward things came not into my mind, but I was in Peace and Comfort all the Voyage, and in good health; and to God's Eternal Praise, I did arrive safely in Jamaico the Fourth Month called June, 1665.
And in a few Days after, the Governour sent for me to his House, and did offer, that if I would give Bond of Two Hundred Pounds, I should have my Liberty in the Island, which I refused, because I was the Lord's Freeman. And after a while, the Governour received an Express from King Charles the Second, to send me home to England. And to God's Praise I still speak, and do testify, that it is a Precious thing to forsake all for God and his Truth: And I now remember the last words I spoke in Jamaico, to Jane Hilyar was these;
That Holiness becometh the House of God for ever, and we parted: And passing from Jamaico by Sea to the Ship, it was in my Heart to breathe to God, to preserve me safe to England, and the answer of God's Spirit in my Heart was, He would be sought unto. Some-time after, the Ship run upon Bohemia Sholes, where we lost Anchor, Cables and Plummet; and in the Night-season I was constrained to break forth into Prayer, so that all in the Ship heard me, and the Wind Turning the Ship, and Passengers were preserved, and the Lord my God was with me all that Voyage, and brought be safe to London, the First Day of the Third Month, 1660.
A Coppy of a Letter, formerly sent to Friends in Jamacio.
MY dear Friends, Breathren & Sisters, I salute you all in the Truth, and in a pure remembrance of our Heavenly Father's Love, which my Soul with yours was made partaker of, when present with you, is never to be forgotten; and in the renewedness thereof, my Soul hath been refreshed, and at present is my Spirit rejoycing in Christ Jesus, who is a Fountain of Light and Life to all that believe, and obey his holy Spirit's leadings: And I having obtained Mercy from the Lord, it is in my mind in a few lines to visit the Seed of Life in you; breathing to the God of our Salvation, that we may be preserved together, in the Holy and Blessed Union, and pure Fellowship with God, and one another, in his Everlasting Truth, which we have long made Profession of.
O how doth it greatly Concern you, and I, and every particular of us, to Answer the Loving kindness of our God and Father, that his Light that in measure hath Enlightened us, and opened our understandings, in the Mysteries of his Kingdom, may shine forth in our Lives and Conversations, to the Men of this Generation, with whom we converse; that we may shew forth the Vertue of his Light and Life, freely given to us in Christ Jesus, to the Praise of the Name of God who made us for a purpose of his own Glory; and that you with me may have an understanding, that a measure of Light is given to every one to profit with? For our God hath not been wanting to us, but hath given his Spirit to help our Infirmities; for of our selves we can do nothing that is Acceptable in his Sight, but he hath blessed us with Spiritual Blessings, that our Souls may thrive, in his Grace and Truth that comes by Christ, who is the Wisdom and Power of God, to all that truly Believe, and Wait diligently in his Light and Spirit; such do witness him to be revealed in them, to give Life and Comfort to their Immortal Souls; and they that in the Living Faith abide, shall obtain Victory over the World's Spirit Within and Without; but if we Suffer our Minds to wander from God, after the fading things of this World, that will bring Death and Darkness over your Minds again, and [Page 24]the Spirit of this World will dceivee you, as he did Eve, by drawing her mind to look out and Eat of that which God had forbidden her, therefore 'tis my hearty desire to God, that you and I watch diligently against the Enemy of our Souls, who works in a Mystery to deceive, and will appear as an Angel of Light, as he did to me to my sorrow; for the Devil knew where to lay his bait in tempting me, and telling me it was good; but when the Light began to shine in my Heart, I found it to be as contrary to God, as Darkness is to Light; and my Soul Magnifies the Lord's Power, over the Spirit and Power of Darkness: Therefore dear Friends, suffer the word of Exhortation through your Weak and Aged Brother, who has long been Travelling towards Sion, in that way of Truth, which leads to Rest and Peace, and in a hearty desire, that you all may be found in a Spiritual Travail, and witness a Spiritual Growth in Christ, and be renewed in the Spirit of your mind; for he is come near to Judge both Quick and Dead; and they are Blessed that do put on the Armour of Light, and are bringing forth fruits of Righteousness before God and Man, they witness the Comfort thereof in themselves. And if any among you hath a Form of Truth, without the Power, such are Spiritually Dead; and Christ said, Ye shall know them by their Fruits: And you that are quickned to God, and have passed from death to life, are witness of those things; for Light makes manifest, and expels Darkness, which deadens the Soul to God, and clouds the Understanding in the Mysteries of his Kingdom.
O my dear Friends, let us Joyn to the measure of Light in our Souls, to know how it stands betwixt God and our Souls; for according to his promise, he will search Jerusalem as with Candles: Therefore let all arise from the Dead, that Christ may give you Light; and if you are Risen with Christ, mind Heavenly things: And it doth nearly concern us, that we believe and pray in the Faith of God's Elect, to do his will on Earth as it is done in Heaven. And as the living Members of the Natural Body are ready to help each other; so much more will the living Members of the Mystical Body, of which Christ is Head, mutually Love each other, Condescend, Sympathize, and Help the Weak, and forbear one another: [Page 25]And if any be overtaken in a fault, you that are strong and Spiritual to restore such an one in the Spirit of meekness is precious, and such a Spirit doth well become the Children of Light in this Day of God's Spiritual appearance, which is broken forth in Spirit and Power within, to Judge and Purge out of his People all that is contrary to his mind and Holy will: Therefore dear Friends, let us all wait to feel his Judgments upon the Transgressing Nature; and this is our Father's Love, to bring us into Conformity to his Son Christ Jesus: And blessed is that Eye that Sees and Understands these things, nothing shall Separate their Souls from the Love of God; that which is near and dear as a Right Hand, or Right Eye must be parted with, yea, even Life it self, if Required; which brings to my mind the preserving Arm and Power of my God, both at Sea and Land, in my going abroad, and in my returning home again, and to this Day he hath given me Health and Life, Spiritually, and Enabled me thus to write unto you, being above Ninety Years of Age, tho' with a shaking hand, I beseech you to Receive these Lines in the Love of God, manifested through this weak Vessel, for the good of your Souls; for with Longing desires, I have some Years waited for strength, thus to signifie the unchangeable Love of God, who brought me thither, where I felt your love to God, his Truth, and me also; and have often thought of the Lord's Servant John, who was Banisht into the Isle of Patmos, where the Mystery of God was Gloriously Revealed unto him, as you Reading with Spiritual senses exercised may understand.
And Pray bear with me, when I was on shore on the Island of Jamaico, a serious mind did possess my Soul, and I said within my Self, now am I here for bearing my Testimony to the Truth, what shall I now do? And the Lord being present with me, did Immediately by his Spirit, Answer me in these following words, My Grace is sufficient for thee, and by his Grace was my mind stayed on the Lord, and tho' weak, God's Power hath been with me to keep me to this Day; all Glory to God, in the beauty of his own Holiness, be returned to him alone, saith my Soul. And God did in measure open the Mysteries of his Kingdom to me, and by his constraining Power, sometimes in the Meetings I broke forth in a few [Page 29]words in Prayer; and I now Pray to God, who is the Giver of every good and perfect Gift, that we may all be kept low before him, and little in our own Eyes; then his own Name and Power will be Exalted over all, and Fleshly Wisdom in the will of Man where the Devil it Seated, will be cast out, and Self for ever abased, and made of no reputation: Farewel.
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