Religio Medici.
FOr my Religion, though there be severall circumstances that might perswade the world, that I have none at all, as the generall scandall of my profession, the natural course of my studies the indifferency of my behaviour, and discourse in matters of Religion, neither violently defending one, nor with that common ardo [...]r of contention opposing another; yet in dispight hereof I dare, without usurpation, assume the honourable stile of a Christian: not that I meerely owe this stile to the Font, my education, or the clime wherein I was borne, as being bred up either to confirme those principles my Parents instilled into my unweary understanding; or by a generall consent proceed in the Religion of my Countrey: But having, in my riper yeares, and confirmed judgement, seene and examined all, I finde my selfe obliged by the principles of Grace, and the law of my [...]wn reason, to embrace [Page 2] no other name but this; neither doth herein my zeale so farre make me forget the generall charity I owe unto humanity, as rather to hate than pity Turks, Infidels, and (what is worse) Jewes, rather contenting my selfe to enjoy that happy stile, then maligning those who refuse so glorious a title. But because the name of a Christian is become too general to expresse our faith, there being a Geography of Religions as well as of Land, and every Clime distinguished not only by their lawes and limits, but circumscribed by their doctrines and rules of Faith: To be particular, I am of that reformed new-cast Religion, wherein I dislike nothing but the name, of the same beliefe that our Saviour taught, the Apostles disseminated, the Fathers authorized, and the Martyrs confirmed; but by the sinister ends of Princes, the ambition and avarice of Presbyters, and the fatal corruption of times so decaied, impaired, and fallen from its native beauty, that it required the carefull and charitable hand of the times to restore it to its primitive integrity: now the accidental occasions whereon [Page 3] the slender meanes whereby the low & abject condition of the person by whom [...]o good a worke was set on foote, which [...]n our adversaries beget contempt and [...]corn, fills me with wonder, and is the ve [...]y same objection the insolent Pagans first cast against Christ and his Disciples.
Yet h [...]ve I not shaken hands with those desperate Resolvers, who had rather ven [...]ure at large their decaied bottome, then bring her in to be new trim'd in the dock; who had rather promiscuously retaine all, then abridge any, and obstinately be what they are, than what they have beene, as to stand in diameter aud swords point with them: we have reformed from them, not against them; for omitting those improperations and termes of scurrility betwixt us, which only difference our affections, and not our cause, there is betwixt us one common name, and appellation, one faith, and necessary body of principles common to us both; and therefore I am not scrupulous to converse and live with them, to enter their Churches in defect of ours, and either pray with them▪ or for them: I could [Page 4] never perceive any rationall consequ [...]nce from those many texts which prohibit the children of Israel to pollute themselves with the Temples of the Heathens; we being all Christians, and not divided by such detested impieties [...]s might prophane our prayers, or the place wherein [...] we make them; or that a resolved conscience may not adore her Creator any where, especially in places devoted to his service; where if their devotions offend him, mine may please him, if theirs prophane it, mine may hallow it; holy water and the Crucifix (dangerous to the commonpeople) deceive not my judgement, nor abuse my devotion at all: I am I confesse, naturally inclined to that, which misguided zeale tearmes superstition, my common conversation I do acknowledge austere, my behaviour full of rigour, sometimes not without morosity; yet at my devotion I love to use the civility of my knee, hat, and hand, with all those outward and sensible motions, which may expresse, or promote my invincible devotion; I should cut off my arme, rather than violate a Church window, than deface [Page 5] or demolish the memory of a Saint or Martyr; at the sight of a Crosse or Crucifix I can dispence with my hat, but not with the thought or memory of my Saviour; I cannot laugh at the fruitlesse journeys of Pilgrims, or contemne the miserable condition of Fryers; For though misplaced circumstances, there is something in it of devotion: I could never heare the Ave Marie Bell without an occasion, or think it a sufficient warrant, because they erred in one circu [...]stance, for me to erre in all, that is in silence and dumbe contempt; where therefore they directed their devotions to her, I offe [...]ed mine to God, and rectified the errours of their prayers by rightly ordering mine owne; at a solemne procession I have wept abundantly, while my consorts blind with opposition and prejudice, have fallen into an excesse of scorne and laughter: there are questionlesse both in Greeke, Roman and Africa Churches, solemnities, and ceremonies, whereof the wiser zeales doe make a Christian use, and stand condemned by us; not as evill in themselves, but as allurances and baits of superstition [Page 6] to those vulgar heads that looke asquint on the face of truth, and those unstable judgements that cannot consist in the narrow point and centre of justice, without a reele or stagger to the circumference. As there are many Reformers, so likewise many Reformations; every Countrey proceeding in a particular way and Method, according as their naturall interest with their constitution and clime inclined them, some angerly and with extremity, others calmely, and with mediocrity, not rending, but easily dividing the community, and leaving an honest possibility of reconciliation, which the peaceable Spirits doe desire, and may conceive that revolution of time, and mercies of God may effect; yet that judgement that shall consider the present antipathies betweene the two extreames, their contrarieties in affection and opinion, may with the same hope expect an union in the poles of Heaven; but to difference my selfe neerer, and draw into the lesser circle: There is no Church whose every part so squares unto my conscience, whose articles, constitutions, and customes [Page 7] seemes so consonant unto reason, and as it were framed to my particular devotion, as this wherof I hold my beliefe, the Church of England, to whose faith I am a sworne subject, and therefore in a double obligation, subscribe unto her Articles, and endevour to observe her constitutions: no man shall retch my faith unto another Article, or command my obedience to a Canon more: whatsoever is beyond us, as points indifferent, I observe according to the rules of my private reason, or the humor or fashion of my devotions, neither beleeving this, because Luther affirmed it, or disproving that, because Calvin hath disavouched it: I condemne not all things in the Councell of Trent, nor approve all in the Synod of Dort: In briefe, where the Scripture is silent, the Church is my Text, where that speakes, it is but my comment, where there is a joynt silence of both, I borrow not the rules of my Religion from Rome or Geneva, but the dictates of my own reason. It is an unjust scandall of our adversaries, and gross [...] error in our selves, to compute the Nativity of our Religion from [Page 8] Henry the eighth, who though he rejected the Pope, confuted not the faith of Rome, and effected no more than what his owne Predecessours de [...]ired and assayed in ages past, and was conceived the State of Venice would have attempted in our dayes.
It is as uncharitable a point in us to fall upon those popular scurrilities and opprobrious scoffes of the Bishop of Rome, to whom as to a temporal Prince, we owe the duty of a good language: I confesse there is cause of passion betweene us; by his sentence I stand excommunicated, Heretick is the best language he affords me; yet can no [...]are witnesse I ever returned to him the name of Antichrist, man of sin, or whore of Babylon; It is the method of charity to suffer without reaction: those usuall Satyres, & invectives of the Pulpit may perchance produce a good effect on the vulgar, whose eares are opener to Rhetoricke than Logicke, yet doe they no wise confirme the faith of wiser beleevers, who knowes that a good cause needs not to be patronized by a passion, but can sustaine it selfe upon a temperate dispute.
[Page 9]I could never divide my selfe from any upon the difference of an opinion, or be angry with his judgement for not agreeing with me in that, from which perhaps within a few dayes I should dissent my selfe: I have no Genius to disputes in Religion, and have often thought it wisdome to decline them, and especially upon a disadvantage, or when the cause of Truth might suffer in the weaknesse of my patronage: where we desire to be informed, it is good to contest with men above our selves; but to confirme and establish our opinions, it is best to agree with judgments below our owne, that the frequent spoiles and victories over their reasons may settle in our selves an esteeme, and confirme opinion of our owne. Every man is not a proper Champion for Truth, nor fit to take up the Gantlet in the cause of Verity: Many from the Ignorance of their Maximes, and an inconsiderate zeale to Truth, have too rashly charged the troubles of error, and remaine as Trophees to the enemies of Truth: A man may be in as just possession of Truth as of a City, and yet be [Page 10] forced to surrender; tis therefore farre better to enjoy with peace, than to hazzard her on a battell: If therefore there rise any doubts in my way, I doe forget them, or at least defer them, till my better setled judgement, and more manly reason be able to resolve them; for I perceive every mans owne reason is his best Oedipus, and will upon a reasonable truce, find a way to loose those bonds where-with subtilties of errour have enchained our more flexible and tender judgements. In Philosophy where truth seemes double forced, there is no man more paradoxicall than my selfe; but in Divinity I keep the road, and though not in an implicite, yet in an humble faith, follow the great wheele of the Church, by which I move; not reserving any proper poles or motion from the epicycle of my owne braine; by this meanes I leave no gap for Heresies, Schismes, or Errors, of which at present, I shall injure Truth to say I have no taint or tincture; I must confesse my greener studies have beene polluted with two or three, not any begotten in the latter Cen [...]uries, [Page 11] but old and obsolete, such as could never have been revived, but by such extravagant and irregular heads as mine; for indeed Heresies perish not with their Authors, but like the River Arethusa, though they lose their currents in one place, they rise up againe in another: one generall Councell is not able to extirpate one single Heresie, it may be canceld for the present, but revolution of time and the like aspects from heaven, will restore it, when it will flourish till it be condemned againe; for as though there were a M [...]te [...]p [...]ucho [...]is, and the soule of one man passed into another, opinions do find after-revolutions, men and mindes like those that first begat them. To see our selves we need not looke for Plato's yeare, every man is not onely himselfe; there have been many Diog [...]nes, and as many Timons, though but few of that name; men are lived over againe, the world is now as it was in the age past, there was none then, but there have beene some since that paralels him, and is as it were his revived selfe. Now the first of mine was that of the Arabians, that the soules of men [Page 12] perished with their bodies, but yet should be raised againe at the last day; not that I did absolutely conceive a mortality of the soule; but if that were, which faith, nor Philosophy can throughly disprove, and that both entred the grave together, yet I hold the same conceit thereof that we all doe of the body, that it shall rise againe; surely it is but the merits of our unworthy natures, if we sleepe in darknesse untill the last alarme. A serious reflex upon my own unworthines did make me backward from challenging this prerogative unto my soule: so I might enjoy my Saviour at the last, I would with patience be nothing almost unto eternity. The second was that of the Chiliast, that God would not persist in his vengeance for ever, but after a definite time of his wrath he would release the damned soules from torture; which error I fell into upon a serious contemplation of the great attribute of Gods mercy, and did a little cherish it in my self, because I found therein no malice, and a ready weight to sway me from the other extreame of despaire, wherunto melancholy and contem [...]lative [Page 13] natures are too easily disposed. A [...]hird there is which I did never positively maintaine or practice, but have often wished it had beene consonant to Truth, and not offensive to my Religion, and that is the prayer for the dead, whereunto I was enclined by an excesse of charity; whereby I thought the number of the living too small an object of devotion; I could scarce containe my prayers for a Friend at the ringing of a Bell, or behold his corps without an oration for his Soule: It was a good way me thought to be remembred by Posterity, and far more noble than a History. These opinions I never maintained with pertinacy, or endeavoured to inveagle any mans beliefe to mine, nor so much as ever revealed or disputed them with my dearest friends: by which meanes I neither propagated them in others, nor confirmed them in my selfe, but suffering them to flame upon their owne substances, without addition of new fuell, they went out insensibly of themselves; therefore those opinions, though condemned by lawfull Councels, were not Heresies in me, but bare Errors, [Page 14] and single Lapses of my understanding, without a joynt depravity of my will: those have not only depraved understandings, but diseased affections, which cannot enjoy a singularity without a Heresie, or be the author of an opinion, without they be of a Sect also; this was the villany of the first Schisme of Lucifer, who was not content to erre alone, but drew into his faction many Legions of Spirits; and upon this experience he tempted only Eve, as well understanding the communicable nature of sin, and t [...]at to deceive but one, were tacitely & upon consequence to delude them both. As for the wingy mysteries in Divinity, & aiery subtilties in Religion, which have [...]nhinged the braines of better heads, they [...]ever stretched the P [...]a Mater of mine; me thinks there be not impossibilities enough [...]n Religion for an active faith; the deepest mysteries ours containes, have not onely beene illustrated, but maintained by syllogisme, and the rule of reason: I love to lose my selfe in a mystery to pursue my reason to my ob altitudo. It is my solitary recreation to pose my apprehension with those [...]n [...]olved [Page 15] aenigma's and riddles of the Trini [...]y, incarnation and resurrection. I can an [...]wer all the objections of Satan, & my re [...]ellious reason, with that odde resolution I [...]earned of Tertullian, Certum est quia impossi [...]ile est. I desire to exercise my faith in the difficultest point, for to credit ordinary and visible objects is not faith, but perswasion. Some beleeve the better for seeing Christ his Sep [...]lchre, and when they have seene the Red Sea, doubt not of the miracle. Now contrarily I blesse my selfe, and am thankfull that I lived not in the dayes of miracles, that I never saw Christ not his Disciples; I would not have beene one of those Israelites that passed the Red Sea, nor one of Christs Patients, on whom hee wrought his wonders; then had my faith beene thrust upon me, nor should I enjoy that greater blessing pronounced to all that believe and saw not. Tis an easie and necessary beliefe to credit what our eye and sense hath examined: I believe he was dead, and buried, and rose againe, and desire to see him in his glory, rather then to contemplate him in his Coenotaphe, or [Page 16] Sepulchre. Nor is this much to beleeve as we have reason, we owe this faith unto History: they onely had the advantage o [...] a bold and noble faith, who lived befor [...] his comming, who upon obscure prophe [...]sies and mysticall Types could raise a beliefe, and expect apparent impossibilities [...] Tis true, there is an edge in al firme belief, and with an easie Metaphor we may say the sword of faith; but in those obscurities I rather use it, in the adjunct the Apostle gives it, a Buckler; under which I perceive the wary combitant may lie invulnerable. Since I was of understanding to know we knew nothing, my reason hath beene more pliable to the will of faith; I am now content to understand a mystery without a rigid definition in an easie and Platonick description. That allegoricall description of Hermes pleaseth me beyond all the metaphysicall definitions of Divines, where I cannot satisfie my reason, I leave to hammer my fancy; I had as leive you tell me that anima est angelus homini [...], est Corpus Dei as Entelechia, Lux est umbra Dei, as actus perspicui: where there [Page 17] is an obscurity too deepe for our reason, tis good to set downe with a description a periphrasis, or adumbration; for by acquainting our reason how unable it is to display the visible and obvious effect of nature, it becomes more humble and submissive to the subtilties of faith: and thus I teach my haggard and unreclaimed reason to stoope unto the lure of faith. I believe there was already a tree whose fruit our unhappy parents tasted, though in the same Chapter, when God forbids it, tis positively said, the plants of the field were not yet growne; for God had not caused [...]t to raine upon the earth. I beleeve that the Serpent (if we shall literally understand it from his proper forme and figure) made his motion on his belly before the curse: I find the triall of the Pucillage and Virginity of women, which God ordained the Jewes, is very fallible; experience, and History informes mee, that not onely many particular women, but likewise whole Nations have escaped the curse of childebirth, which God seemes to pronounce upon the whole Sex; yet doe I bel [...]eve [Page 18] that all this is true; indeed my reason would perswade mee it is false; and this I think is no vulgar part of faith to believe a thing not only above, but contrary to reason, and against the arguments of our proper senses.
In my solitary and retired Imagination, Neque enim cum porticus aut melectulus accipit, desum mihi; I remember I am not alone and therefore forget not to contemplate him and his attributes who is ever with me, especially those two mighty ones, his wisedome and eternity; with the one I recreate, with the other I confound my understanding: who can speake of eternity without a soloecisme, or thinke thereof without an ecstasie? Time we may comprehend, it is but five dayes [...]lder then our selves, and hath the same Horoscop [...]; but to retire so far back as to apprehend a beginning▪ to give such an infinite start forward, as to conceive an end in an essence that we affirme hath neither the one nor the other; it is reason to Saint Pauls Sanctuary; my Philosophy dares not say the Apostles can doe it; God hath not made [Page 19] a creature that can comprehend him; it is he priviledge of his owne nature; I am that [...] am, was his owne definition unto Moses; [...]nd it was a short one, to con [...]ound morta [...]ity, that durst question God, or aske him [...]hat he was; indeed he onely is what o [...]hers have and shall be; but in eternity no [...]istinction of senses; and therefore that [...]errible terme Predestination, which hath [...]roubled so many weake heads to con [...]eive, & the wisest to explain, is in respect to God [...]o prescious determination of our estates [...]o come, but a definitive blast of his will [...]lready fulfilled, and at the instant that he [...]irst decreed it; for to this eternity which [...]s indivisible, the last Tru [...]pe is already [...]ounded, the reprobates in the slam [...], and [...]he blessed in Abrahams bosome.
Saint Peter speakes modestly, when he [...]aith; a thousand yeares to God are but as one day; for to speake I [...]ke a Philosopher, [...]hose continued▪ instances of time which [...]low into a thousand ye [...]res, make not to [...]im one moment; what to us is to come, [...]o his Eternity is present, his whole dura [...]ion being but one permanent point without [Page 20] successions, parts, flux, or division; there is no Attribute that addes more difficulty to the mystery of the Trinity, where though in a relative way of Father & Son, we must deny a priority. I wonder how Aristotle could conceive the world eternall, or how he could make good two Eternities; his similitude of a Triangle, comprehended in a square, doth somewhat illustrate the Trinity of our soules, and that the Triple Unity of God; for there is in us not three, but a Trinity of soules, because there is in us, if not three distinct soules▪ yet differing faculties, that can, and do subsist in different subjects; and yet in us are so united as to make but one soule and substance; if one soule were perfectly three di [...]stinct bodies, that were a pretty Trinity conceive the distinct number of three, no [...] divided nor separated by the intellect, bu [...] actually comprehended in its Vnity, and that is a perfect Trinity. I have often admired the mystical way of Pythagoras, and the secret Magicke of numbers; Beware o [...] Philosophy, is a precept not to be received in a narrow sense; for in this masse of nature [Page 21] there is a set of things, that carry in [...]heir front, though not in Capitall letters, yet in stenography, and short Characters, somthing to Divinity, which to wiser rea [...]ons serve as Luminaries in the abysse of knowledge, and to judicious beliefe, as [...]scales and roundles to mount the pinnacles and highest pieces of Divinity. The severe Schooles shall never laugh me out of the Philosophy of Hermes, that this visible world is but a picture of the invisible, wherein as a pourtract, things are not true [...]y, but in equivocall shapes; and as they counterfeit some more reall substance in that invisible fabrick. That other attribute wherewith I recreate my devotion, is his wisedome, in which I am happy; and for the contemplation of this onely, do not repent me that I was bred in the way of study: The advantage I have of the vulgar, with the content and happinesse I conceive therein, is an ample recompence for al my endeavours, in what part of knowledge soever: I know he is wise in all, wonderfull in what we conceive, but farre more in what we comprehend not, for we behold [Page 22] him but a squint upon reflex or shadow; our understanding is diviner than M [...]ses his eye, we are ignorant of the backparts, or lower side of his Divinity; therefore to pry into the maze of his Counsels, is not only folly in Man, but presumption in Angels, like as they are his servants, not servators; he holds no Councell, but that mysticall one of the Trinity, wherein though there be three persons, there is but one minde that decrees, without contradiction, nor needs he any; his actions are not begot with deliberation, his wisdome naturally flowers, what best; his intellect stands ready fraught with the superlative & purest Idea's of goodnesse▪ consultations & election, which are two motions in us, are but one in him, his actions springing from his power, at the first touch of his will.
These are Contemplations Metaphysi [...]all, my humble speculations have another Method, and are content to trace and discover those expressions he hath left in his creatures, & the obvious effects of nature, there is no danger to propound those mysteries, no Sanctum Sanctorum in Philosophy: [Page 23] The world was made to be inhabited by beasts, but studyed and contemplated by man: it is the debt of our reason we owe to God, and the homage we pay for not being beasts; without this the world is as though it had not been, or as it was before at the first, when there was not a creature that could conceive, or say there was a world. The wisdome of God receives no honor from the vulgar heads, that rudely stare about, and with a grosse rusticity, admire his workes; those onely magnifie him whose judicious enquiry into his acts, and deliberate▪ research into his creatures, returne the duty of a learned and devout admiration. There is but one first, & foure second causes of all things; some are without efficient, as God, others without matter, as Angels, some without forme, as the first matter, but every Essence, created or uncreated, hath its finall cause, and some positive end both of its essence and operation: This is the cause I grope after in the workes of nature, on this hangs the providence of God; to raise so beautious a structure, as the world and the creatures thereof, [Page 24] was but his Art, and their sundry divided operations with their predestinated ends, are from the treasury of his wisdom. In the causes, nature, and affection of the Eclipse of the Sun and Moon, there is most excellent speculation; but to propound farther, and to contemplate a reason why his providence hath so disposed and ordered their motions in that vast circle, as to conjoyn and obscure each other, is a sweet piece of reason, and a diviner point of Philosophy; therefore there appeares to me as much divinity in Galen his Booke De usu partium,; as in Suarez Metaphysicks: had Aristotle been as curious in the enquiry of this cause as he was of the other, he had not left behind him an imperfect p [...]ece of Philosophy, but an absolute tract of Divinity.
Natura nihil agit frustra, is the onely and indisputable axiome in Philosophy, there is no Grotesco in nature, nor any thing framed to fill up empty cantons, and unnecessary spaces in the most imperfect creatures, such as were not preserved in the Arke, but having their seeds and principles [Page 25] in the wombe of nature, are every where, where the power of the Sun is; in those is the wisdome of his hand discovered: Out of this ranke Solomon chose the object of his admiration; indeed what wisdome may not goe to schoole to the wisdome of Bees, Aunts, and Spiders? what wise hand teacheth them to doe what reason cannot teach us? while ruder heads stand amazed at those prodigious pieces of nature, as Elephants; Dromedaries, and Camels; these I confesse, are the Colossus and Majesticke pieces of her hand; but in these narrow Engines there is more curious Mathematickes; and the civility of these little Citizens, more neatly sets forth the wisdome of their Maker; Who admires not Regio-Montanus his Fly beyond his Eagle, or wonders not more at the operation of two soules in those little bodies, than but one in the truncke of a Cedar? I could never content my contemplation with those generall pieces of wonders, the flux and reflux of the Sea, the encrease of Nile, the conversion of the Needle of the North and have studyed to match and parallel [Page 26] those in the more obvious and neglected pieces of Nature, which without further travell I can doe in the Cosmography of my selfe; we carry with us the wonders▪ we seeke without us: There is all Africa, and all her prodigies within us; we are that bold and adventurous piece of nature, which he that studies wisely, learnes in a compendium, what others labour at in a divided piece and endlesse volume. Thus there are two bookes from whence I collect my Divinity; besides that written one of God, another of his servant Nature, that universall and publique Manuscript, that lies exposed to the eyes of all; those that never saw him in the one, have discovered him in the other: This was the Scripture and Theology of the Heathens; the naturall motion of the Sunne made them more admire him, than his supernaturall station did the Children of Israel; the ordinary effect of nature wrought more admiration in them, than in the other all his miracles: surely the Heathens knew better how to joyne and reade these mysticall letters, than we Christians, who cast a [Page 27] more common eye on those Hieroglyphicks, and disdaine to suck Divinity from the flowers of nature; nor doe I forget God, as to adore the name of Nature, which I define not with the Schooles, the principles of motion and rest, but that streight and regular line, that setled and constant course the wisdome of God hath ordained to guide the actions of his creatures, according to their severall kinds: to make a revolution every day is the nature of the Sun, because that necessary course which God hath ordained it, from which it cannot swarve, by the faculty of the voyce which first did give it motion. Now this course of Nature God seldome alters or perverts, but like an excellent Artist hath so contrived his worke, that with the selfe same instrument,▪ without a new creation, he may effect his obscurest designes. Thus he sweetneth the water with a wood preserveth the creatures in the Ark, which the blast of his mouth might have as easily created: for God is like a skilfull Geometrician, who when more easily, and with one stroke of his compasse, he might [Page 28] describe, or divide a right line, had yet rather doe this in a circle or longer way, according to the constituted and aforesaid principles of his Art: yet this rule of his he doth sometimes pervert, to acquaint the world with his Prerogative, lest the arrogancy of our reason should question his power, and conclude he could not; and thus I call the effects of Nature the works of God, whose hand and instrument she onely is; and therefore to ascribe his actions also unto her, is to devolve the honor of God, the principall agent, upon the instrument; which if with reason we may doe, then let our Hammers rise up, and boast they have built our houses, and our pens receive the honour of our Writings. I hold there is a generall beauty in the works of God, and therefore no deformity in any kind or species of creatures whatsoever: I cannot tell by what Logick we call a Toad, a Beare, or an Elephant, ugly, they being created in those outward shapes and figures which best expresse the actions of their internall formes; and having past that generall visitation of God, who saw [Page 29] [...]hat all that he had made was good; that [...]s, conformable to his will, which abhors deformity, and is the rule of order and beauty; there is no deformity but in monstruosity, wherein notwithstanding there is a kind of beauty, Nature so ingenuously contriving the irregular parts, as they become sometimes more remarkable than the principle fabrick. To speak yet more narrowly, there was never yet any thing ugly, or mishapen, but the Chaos, wherein notwithstanding to speak strictly, there was no deformity; because no forme by the voyce of God: Now nature is not at variance with art, nor art with nature; they being both the servants of his providence: Art is the perfection of nature. Were the world now as it was the sixt day, there were yet a Chaos: Nature hath made one world, & Art another. In briefe, all things are artificiall, for nature is the Art of God: This is the ordinary and open way of his providence, which art and industry have in a good part discovered, whose effects we may foretell without an Oracle; To foreshew these is no prophesie, but Prognostication. [Page 30] There is another way full of Meanders and Labyrinths, whereof the Devill and Spirits have no exact Ephemerides, & that is a more particular & obscure method of his providence, directing the operations of individuals and single Essences; this wee call Fortune, that serpentine and crooked line, whereby he drawes those actions that his wisedome intends in a more unknown & secret way; this cryptick and involved method of his providence have I ever admired▪ nor can I relate the history of my life, the occurrences of my dayes, the escapes of dangers, and hils of chance with a B [...]zo los Manos, to Fortune, or a bare Gramercy to my starres: Abraham might have thought the Ram in the thicket came thither by accident; humane reason would have said that meere chance conveyed Moses into the Arke to the sight of Pharaohs daughter; what a Labyrinth is there in the story of Ioseph, able to convert a Stoicks? surely there are in every mans life some rubs and [...] which passe a while under [...], but at the last, well [...] the meere [Page 31] and of God: It was not a meere chance [...] discover the or [...]owder Treason by a miscarriage of the [...]etter. I like the victory of 88 the better [...]r that one occurrence which our ene [...]ies imputed to our dishonour, and the [...]artiality of Fortune, to wit, the tempests [...]nd contrarieties of winds. King Philip did [...]ot detract from the Nation, though he [...]aid, he sent his Armado to fight with men [...] not to combate with the winde. Where [...]here is a manifest disproportion between [...]he powers and forces of two severall a [...]ents, upon a Maxime of reason we may [...]romise the victory to the superiour; but when unexpected accidents slip in, and un [...]hought of occur [...]ences intervene, these must proceed from a power that ows no [...]bedience to those axioms: where, as in the writing upon the wall, we behold the hand [...]ut see not the spring that moves it. The [...]uccess of that pety Province of Holland, [...] of which the Gra [...]d Seignieur proudly [...]aid, That if they should trouble him as [...]hey did the Spaniard, he would send his men with shovels and pickaxes and throw [Page 32] it into the Sea) I cannot altogether ascribe to the ingenuity and industry of the peopl [...] but to the mercy of God, that hath dispo [...]sed them to such a thriving Genius; and to the will of his providence, that disposet [...] her favour to each countrey in their pre [...]ordinate season. All cannot be happy a [...] once; because the glory of one State de [...]pends upon the ruine of another: ther [...] is a revolution and vicissitude of thei [...] greatnesse, and must obey the swing o [...] that wheele, not moved by their intelli [...]gences, but by the hand of God, whereby all Estates rise to their Zenith and vertical [...] points, according to their predestinated periodss For the lives not onely of men▪ but of Commonweales, and the whole world, run not upon an Helix that still enlargeth, but on a Circle, where arriving to their Meridian, they decline in obscurity, and fall under the Horizon again. Thes [...] must not therefore be named the effects o [...] nature, but in a relative way, as we terme the workes of nature. It was the ignorance of mans reason that begat this very name▪ and by a carelesse terme miscalled the providence [Page 33] of God: for there is no liberty For causes to operate in a loose and strag [...]ing way, nor any effect whatsoever, but hath its warrant from some universall or superiour cause. It is not ridiculous devo [...]ion, to say a Prayer before a game at Tables; for even in the sortilegies and matters of the greatest uncertainty, there is a setled and preordered course of effects; 'tis we that are blind, and not fortune: because our eye is too dim to discover the mystery of her effects, we foolishly paint her blind and hood winkt; that is the providence of Almighty God. I cannot justifie the contemptible Proverbe, That fools onely are fortunate; or that insolent Paradox, That a wise man is out of the reach of fortune; much [...]esse those opprobrious Epithets of Poets, Whore, Baud, and Strumpet: It is I confesse the common fate of men, and singular gift of mind, to be destitute of fortune; which doth not any way deject the spirit of wi [...]er judgements, who throughly understand the justice of this proceeding; and being en [...]iched with higher donatives, cast a more carelesse eye on the vulgar parts of felicity. [Page 34] It is a most unjust ambition, to desire to [...]ngrosse the mercies of the Almighty, nor to be content with the goods of the mind without a possession of those of body or fortune▪ and it is an errour worse than heresie, to adore the complementall and circumstantiall piece of felicity, and undervalue those perfections and essentiall points of happinesse, wherein we resemble our Maker. To wiser desires it is satisfaction enough to deserve, though not to enjoy the favours of fortune; let providence provide for fooles: It is not partiality, but equity in God, who deales with us but as our naturall parents: those that are able of body and minde, he leaves to their deserts; to those of weaker merits he imparts a larger portion, and pieces out the defect of the one with the excesse of the other. Thus have we no just quarrell with nature, for leaving us naked, or to envy the hornes, hoofes, skins, and furres of other creatures, being provided with reason, that can supply them all. We need not labour with so many arguments to confute judiciall Astrology; for if there be a truth therein, [Page 35] it doth not injure Divinity; if to be borne under Mercury disposeth us to be witty, under Iupiter to be wealthy, I doe not owe a knee unto these, but unto that mercifull hand that hath ordered my indifferent and uncertaine nativity unto such [...]enevolous aspects. Those that hold that all things were governed by fortune had not erred, had they not persisted there: The Romans that erected a Temple to Fortune, acknowledged God therein, though in a [...]lind way, somewhat of Divinity; for in [...] wise mans supputation all things begi [...] and end in the Almighty. There is a neerer way to heaven then Homers chaine; an ea [...]ie Logick may conjoyn heaven and earth [...]n one argument, and with lesse then a So [...]ites resolve all things into God. For [...]hough we christen effects by their most [...]ensible and nearest causes, yet it is God [...]he true and infallible cause of all, whose [...]oncourse though it be generall, yet doth [...] subdivide it selfe into the particular acti [...]ns of every thing, and is that spirit, by which each singular essence nor only sub [...]ts, but performes its operation. The bad [Page 36] construction and perverse comment on those paire of second causes, or visible hands of God, have perverted the devotion of many unto Atheisme; who forgetting the honest advises of faith, have listened unto the conspiracy of Passion and Reason. I have therefore alwayes endevoured to compose those fewds and angry dissentions betweene affection, faith, and reason: For there is in our soule a kind of Triumvirate, or triple government of three competitors, which distract the peace of this our Common-wealth, not lesse than did that other the State of Rome.
As Reason is a rebel unto Faith, so Passion unto Reaso [...]: As the proportions of Faith seem absurd to Reason, so the Theorems of Reason unto Passion, and both unto Reason; yet a moderate and peaceable discretion may so state and order the matter, that they may be all Kings, and yet make but one Monarchy, every one exercising his Soveraignty and Prerogative in a due time and place, according to the restraint and limit of circumstance. There is, as in Philosophy so in Divinity, sturdy [Page 37] doubts, and boysterous objections, wherewith the unhappinesse of our knowledge too nearely acquainteth us. More of these no man hath knowne than my selfe, which I conf [...]sse I conquered, not in a martiall posture, but on my knees: Neither had these ever such advantage of me, as to encline me to any desperate points or positions of Atheisme; for I have beene these many yeares of opinion there was never any. Those that held Religion was the difference of man from beasts, have spoken probably, and proceed upon a proposition as inductive as the other: That doctrine of Epicur [...]s, that denyed the providence of God, was no Atheisme, but a magnificent and high-strained conceit of his Majesty, which he deemed too sublime to mind the [...]riviall actions of those inferior creatures: That fatall necessity of Stoicks, is nothing [...]ut the immutable Law of his will. Those that heretofore denyed the Divinity of the Holy Ghost, have beene condemned but as Hereticks; those that now deny our Saviour (though more than Hereticks) are not so much as Atheists: for though they [Page 38] deny two persons in the Trinity, they hold as we do, that there is but one God.
That villaine and secretary of hell, that composed that miscreant piece of the three Impostors, though divided from all Religions, and was neither Jew, Turke, nor Christian, was not a positive Atheist. I confesse every Country hath its Machiavell, every age its Lucian, whereof common heads must not heare, nor more advanced judgements too rashly censure on▪ it is the Rhetorick of Satan, and may pervert a loose prejudicate beliefe.
I confesse I have perused them all, and can discover nothing that may startle a discre [...]t beliefe; yet are there heads carryed off with the wind and breath of such motives. I remember a Doctor of Physicke in Italy, who could not perfectly beleeve the immortality of the soule, because Galle [...] seemed to make a doubt thereof. I was familiarly acquainted in France with a Divine, a man of singular parts, that on the same point was so plunged and gravelled with three lines of s [...]neca, that all our an [...]idotes, drawne from both Scripture and [Page 39] Philosophy, could not expell the poyson of his errour. There are a set of heads, that can credit the relations of Mariners, yet question the restimonies of Saint Paul; and peremptorily beleeve the traditions of Aelian or Pliny, yet in the Histories of Scripture, raise Queries and objections, beleeving no more than they can parallel in humane Authors.
I confesse there are in Scripture stories that doe exceed the fable of Poets, and to a captious Reader found like Garagantua or Bevis: For search all the Legends of times past, & the fabulous conceits of the present, and it will be hard to find one that deserves to cary the buckler unto Sampson, yet is all this of an easie possibility, if we conceive a divine concourse or influence but from the little finger of the Almighty. It is impossible that either in the discourse of man, or in the infallible voice of God, to the weaknesse of our apprehensions, there should not appeare irregularities, contradictions, and antinomies: my selfe can shew a catalogue of doubts, never yet imagined nor questioned, as I know, [Page 40] which are not resolved at the first hearing, not fantastick Quere's, or objections of the ayre: For I cannot heare of Atoms in Divinity. I reade the history of the Pigeon that was sent out of the Ark, and returned no more, yet not question how she found out her ma [...]e that was left behinde: That Lazarus was raised from the dead, yet not demand where in the interim his soule awaited; or raise a Law-case, whether his Heire might lawfully de [...]aine his inheritance, bequeathed unto him by his death; & hee, though restored to life, have no Plea for his former possessions. Whether Eve was framed out of the left side of Adam, I dispute not; because I stand not yet assured which is the right side of a man, or whether there be such distinction in Nature. Whether Adam was an Hermaphrodite, as the Rabbines comment upon the letter of the Text; because it is contrary to all reason, that there should be an Hermaphrodite before there was a woman, or a composition of two natures, before there was a second composed. Likewise, whether the world was created [Page 41] [...] Autumne, Summer, or the Spring; be [...]ause it was created in them all; for what [...]oever Signe the Sunne possesseth, those foure [...]easons are actually existent: It is the [...]ature of this Luminary to distinguish the severall seasons of the yeare, all which it makes at one time in the whole earth, and successively in any part thereof. There are a bundle of curiosities, not onely in Phi [...]osophy but in Divinity, proposed and discussed by men of most supposed abilities, which are not worthy of our vacant hours much lesse our serious studies; Pieces only fit to be placed in Pantagrucle Studies, or bound up with Tartaretus de modo coecandi; these are nice [...]ies that become not those that peruse so serious a Mystery. There are others more generally questioned and called to the Barre, yet me thinks of an ea [...]ie, possible truth. It is ridiculous to put off, or drowne the generall Floud of Noah in that great particular inundation of Deucalion: that there was a Deluge once, seems not to me so great a miracle, as that there is not one alwayes. How all the kinds of Creatures, not onely in their owne bulks, [Page 42] but with a competency of food and sustenance, might be preserved in one Ark, and with the extent of three hundred cubits, to a reason that rightly examines it, will appeare very difficult. There is another secret, not contained in the Scripture, which is more hard to comprehend, and puts th [...] honest Father to the refuge of a Miracle and that is, not onely how the distinct pieces of the world, & divided I [...]ands should be first planted by men, but inhabited by Tygers, Panthers and Beares. How America abounded with beasts of prey, & noxious Animals, yet contained not in it that necessary creature, a Horse. By what passage those, not onely Birds, but dangerou [...] and [...]unwelcome Beasts came over: How thereby creatures are there, which are not found in the triple Continent; all which must needs be strange unto us, that hold but one Ark, and that the creatures bega [...] progresse from the mountaines of Ararat They who to salve this would make the Deluge particular, proceed upon a principle that I can no way grant; not onely upon the negative of holy Scriptures, but [...] [Page 43] owne Reason, whereby I can make [...] probable, that the world was as wel peo [...]led in the time of Noah as in ours, and fifteene hundred yeers to people the world as full a time for them, as foure thousand [...]eers since hath beene to us.
There are other assertions and common [...]enents drawn from Scripture, and gene [...]ally beleeved as Scripture; whereunto, notwithstanding, I would never betray the l [...] [...]erty of my reason. It is a Paradox to me, [...]hat Methuselah was the longest liv'd of all [...]he children of Adam, and no man will be [...]ble to prove it; when from the processe of the Text I can manifest that it is otherwise. That Iudas hanged himselfe, there [...] no certainty in Scripture, though in one place it seemes to affirme it, & by a doubtfull word hath given occasion to translate [...] yet in another place, in a more punctu [...]l [...] description, it makes it improbable, and [...]eemes to overthrow it. That our Fathers, [...]fter the Floud, [...]rected the Tower of Ba [...]ll, to preserve themselves against a second [...]eluge, is generally opinioned and bele [...] [...]ed; yet is there another intention of theirs [Page 44] expressed in Scripture: Besides that, it i [...] improbable, from th [...] circumstance of the place, the plaine in the land of Shinar These are no points of Faith, and therfor [...] may admit a free dispute. There are yet others, and those familiarly concluded from the Text, wherein (under favour) I see n [...] consequence, as, to prove the Trinity from the speech of God, in the plurall number Faciamus hominem, Let us make man, whic [...] is but the common stile of Princes, & me [...] of Eminency: hee that shall reade one o [...] his Majesties Proclamations, may with the same Logicke conclude, there be two Kings in England.
The Church of Rome confidently prove [...] the opinion of Tutelary Angels, from tha [...] answer wh [...]n Peter knockt at the doore, [...] is not hee but his Angel; that is to say, hi [...] M [...]ssenger, or some body from him; fo [...] so the Originall signifies, and is as likely to be the doubtfull Families meaning This supposition I once suggested to [...] young Divine, that answered upon thi [...] point, to which I remember the Francisca [...] Opponent replyed no more, but, That [...] [Page 45] [...]as a new and no authenticke interpretati [...]n.
These are but the conclusions & fallible [...]iscourses of man upon the word of God, [...]or such I do beleeve the holy Scriptures; [...]et were it of man, I could not chuse butsay [...] was the singularest, and superlative Piece [...]hat hath been extant since the Creation; were I a Pagan, I should not refraine the Lecture of it; and cannot but commend [...]he judgement of Ptolomy, that thought the [...]lcoran of the Turks (I speak without [...]rejudice) is an ill composed Piece, con [...]aining in it vaine and ridiculous errours in [...]hilosophy, impossibilities, fictions, and [...]anities beyond▪ laughter, maintained by [...]vident and open Sophismes, the policy of Ignorance, deposition of Universities, [...]nd banishment of Learning, that hath [...]otten foot by armes and violence; This without a blow doth disseminate it selfe [...]hrogh the whole earth. Tis not unremark [...]ble what Philo first observed, That the Law of M [...]ses continued two thousand [...]eares without the least alteration; where [...]s, we see, the Laws of other Commonweales [Page 46] do alter with occasions; and eve [...] those that pretended their originall from some Divinity, to have vanished withou [...] trace or memory. I beleeve, besides Zoroafter, there were divers that writ befor [...] Moses, who notwithstanding have suffered the common fa [...]e of time. Mens Work [...] have an age like themselves; and though they out-live their Authors, yet have a stin [...] and period to their duration: This onely is a Work too hard for the teeth of time and cannot perish but in the general [...] flames, when all things shall confesse thei [...] ashes.
I have heard some with deepe sighs lam [...]nt the lost lines of Cicero; others with as many groanes deplore the combustion [...] of the Library of Alexandri [...]; for my par [...] I thinke there be too many in the world and could with patience behold the urne [...] and ashes of the Vatican, could I, with [...] few others, recover the perished leaves o [...] Solomon. I would not omit a Copy of E [...] nochs Pillars, had they any better Autho [...] than Iosephus, or did not relish too muc [...] of the Fable. Some men have written [Page 47] more than others have spoken; Pineda [...]otes more Authours in one worke, than [...]e necessary in a whole world. Of those [...]ree great Inventions in Germany, there [...]e two which are not without their in [...]mmodities, and it is disputable, whether [...]ey exceed not their use and commodies. It is not a melancholy Utinam of [...]ine own, but the desires of better heads, [...]at there were a generall Synod; not to [...]ite the incompatible difference of Reli [...]ion, but, for the benefit of learning, to re [...]uce it as it lay at first in a few and solid Authours; and to condemne to the fire [...]hose swarmes and millions of Rapsodies, [...]egotten onely to distract and abuse the weaker judgements of Scholars, and to [...]aintaine the Trade and Mystery of Ty [...]ographers. I cannot but wonder with what exceptions the Samaritanes could [...]on [...]ine their beliefe to the Pentateuch, or five bookes of Moses. I am ashamed at the Rabbinicall Interpretation of the Jewes, [...]pon the Old Testament, as much as their [...]efection from the New: and truely it is [...]eyond wonder, how that contemptibl [...] [Page 48] and degenerate issue of Iacob, that are [...] devoted to Ethnicke Superstition, and [...] easily seduced to the Idolatry of the Neighbours, should now in such an obstnate and peremptory beliefe, adhere unt [...] their owne Doctrine, expect impossibilities, and in the face and eye of the Churc [...] persist without the least hope of conver [...] on: This is a vice in them, that were a vertue in us; for obstinacy in a bad cause, [...] but constancy in a good. And herein must accuse those of our Religion; for ther [...] is not any of such a fugitive faith, such a [...] unstable beliefe, as a Christian; none tha [...] doe so oft transforme themselves, not unto severall shapes of Christianity and o [...] the same Species, but unto more unnaturall and contrary formes, of Jew and Mahometan, that from the name of Saviou [...] can conde [...]cend to the bare terme of Prophet; and from an old beliefe that he is come, to fall to a new expectation of his comming: It is the promise of Christ to make us all one flocke; but how and when the union shall be, is as obscure to me as the last day. Of those foure members of [Page 49] Religion we hold a proportion, there are I confesse some new additions, yet smal, to those which accrue to our Adversaries, and those only drawne from the revolt of Pagans, men but of negative impieties, & such as deny Christ, but because they ne [...]er heard of him: But the Religion of the [...]ew is expresly against the Christian, and [...]he Mahometan against both; for the Turk, [...]n the bulke he now stands, he is beyond [...]ll hope of conversion; if he fall asunder [...]here may be conceived some hopes, but [...]ot without strong improbabilities. The [...]ew is obstinate in all fortunes; the perse [...]ution of fifteene hundred yeares hath but [...]onfirmed them in their error: they have [...]lready endured what soever may be in [...]licted, and have suffered in a bad cause, [...]ven to the condemnation of their ene [...]ies. Persecution is a bad and indirect way [...]o plant Religion; It hath beene the un [...]appy method of angry devotions, not on [...]y to confirme honest Religion, but wick [...]d Heresies, and extravagant Opinions. It was the first stone and Bafis of our Faith, [...]one can more justly boast of persecutions [Page 50] and glory in the number and valour of Martyrs; for, to speake properly, those are true and only examples of fortitude: Those that fetch it from the Field, or draw it from the actions of the Campe, are not [...] truely presidents of valour and audacity and at the best attaine but to some bastard piece of fortitude. If we shall strictly examine the circumstances and requisites which Aristotle requires to true and perfect valour, we shall find the name onely in his Master Alexander, and as little in the Roman Worthy, Iulius Caesar; and if any, [...] that easie and active way, have done so nobly as to deserve that name, yet in the passive and more terrible piece those have surpassed, and in a more heroical way may claime the honour of that Title. It is not in the power of every honest faith to proceed thus far, or passe to Heaven through the flames; every one hath it not in the ful [...] measure, nor in so audacious and resolute a temper, as to endure those terrible test [...] & tryals, who notwithstanding in a peaceable way do truly adore their Saviour, and have (no doubt) a Faith acceptable in the [Page 51] eyes of God: Now as all that dye in war are not termed Souldiers, so neither can I [...]roperly terme all those that suffer in mat [...]ers of Religion Martyrs. The Councell of Constance condemnes Iohn Husse for an Heretique, the Stories of his owne party [...]ile him a Martyr; it is false Divinity if I [...]ay he was neither one nor other: there are [...]any (questionlesse) canonized on earth, [...]hat shall never be Saints in Heaven; and [...]ave their names in Histories and Marty [...]ologies, who in the eyes of God are not [...]o perfect Martyrs as was that wise Hea [...]en, Socrates, that suffered on a fundamen [...]all point of Religion, the unity of God, have pityed the miserable Bishop that [...]uffered in the cause of Antipodes, yet can [...]ot chuse but accuse him of as much madnesse, for exposing his life on such a trifle, [...]s those of ignorance and folly that con [...]emned him. I thinke my cons [...]ence will [...]ot give me the lie, if I say, there is not a [...]an extant that in a noble way feares the ace of death lesse than my selfe, yet from [...]e morall duty I owe to the Commande [...]ent of God, and the naturall respects [Page 52] that I tender unto the conservation of my essence and being, I would not perish upon a Ceremony, Politicke points, or indifferency: nor is my beliefe of that untractable temper, as not to bow at their obstacles, or connive at matters that are not manifest impieties: The leaven therefore and ferment of all, not onely civill, but Religious actions, is wisedome; without which, to commit our selves to the flames is Homicide, and (I feare) but to passe through one fire into another. That Miracles are ceased I can neither prove, nor absolutely deny, much lesse define the time and period of their cessation; that they survived Christ, is manifest upon record of Scripture; that they out-lived the Apostles also, and were revived at the conversion of Nations, many yeares after, we cannot deny, if we shall not question those Writers whose testimonies we doe not controvert, in points that make for our owne opinions; therefore that may have some truth in it that is reported by the Jesuits, of their Miracles in the Indies, I could wish it were true, or had any other testimony then their [Page 53] owne pens: they may easily beleeve those Miracles abroad, who daily conceive greater at home; the transinutation of [...]hose visible elements into the visible body and blood of our Saviour: for the conversion of water into wine, which he wrought in Can [...], or what the devil would [...]ave had him done in the wildernesse, of stones into Bread, compared to this, scarce deserves the name of Miracle: Though [...]ndeed, to speake properly, there is not one Miracle greater than another, they being the extraordinary effect of the hand of God, to which all things are of an equall facility; and to create the world as easily as one single creature. For this is also a miracle, not only to produce effects against or above Nature, but before Nature; and to create Nature as great a miracle as to contradict or transcend her; We doe too [...]arrowly define the power of God, restraining it to our capacities. I hold that God cannot doe all things but sin; how he could worke contradictions I doe not understand, yet dare not therefore deny. I cannot see why the Angels of God should [Page 54] question Esdras to recall the time past, if it were beyond his owne power; or that God should pose mortality in that, which [...]e was not able to performe himselfe. I will not say, God cannot, but he will not performe many things, which we plainly affirme he cannot: this I am sure is the mannerliest proposition, wherein notwithstanding I hold no Paradox. For strictly his power is the same with his will, and they both with all the rest doe make but one God.
But above all things, I wonder how the curiosity of wiser heads could passe that great and indisputable miracle, the cessation of Oracles: and in what swoun their reasons lay, to content themselves, and sit down with such far-fetch't and ridiculous reasons as Plutarch alledgeth for it. The Jewes that can believe the supernaturall solstice of the Sun in the dayes of Ioshuah have yet the impudence to deny the Eclipse, w ch every Pagan confessed at their death: but for this it is evidentt beyond all contradiction, the Devill himselfe confessed it. Certainly it is not a warrantable curiosity, [Page 55] to examine the verity of Scripture by the concordance of humane history, or [...]eeke to confirme the Chronicle of Hester or Daniel, by the authority of Megasthenes or Herodotus: I confesse I have had an unhappy curiosity this way, till I laughed my selfe out of it with a piece of Iustine, where he delivers that the children of Israel for being scabbed were banished out of Egypt. And truly since I have understood the occurrences of the world, and know in what counterfeit shapes and deceitfull vizzards the time represents on the stage things past I doe beleeve them little more then things to come. Some have beene of opinion, and endeavoured to write the History of their owne lives; wherein Moses hath out-gone them all, and left not onely the story of his life, but of his death also. It is a riddle to me, how this story of Oracles hath not worm'd out of the world that doubtfull conceit of Spirits and Witches; how so many learned heads should so far forget the Metaphysicks, and destroy the Ladder and scale of creatures, as to question the existence of Spirits: for my part I have ever [Page 56] beleeved, and doe now know, that there are Witches; they that doubt of these do not onely deny them, but Spirits; and are obliquely, not consequently, a sort, not of Infidels, but Atheists.
Those that to confute their incredulity desire to see apparition, shall questionlesse never behold any, nor have the power ever to be so much as Witches; the Devill hath them already in a heresie as capital [...] as Witchcraft, and to appeare to them, were but to convert them: Of all the delusions wherewith he deceives mortalitie there is not any that puzleth me more the [...] the Legerdemaine of Changeilng; I doe no [...] credit those transformations of reasonable creatures into beasts, or that the Devil [...] hath the power to transplant a man into [...] horse, who tempted Christ (as a triall of his Divinity) to convert stones into bread I could beleeve that Spirits use with man the act of carnality, and that in both sexes [...] I conceive they may assume, steale, or contrive a body wherein there may bee action enough to content d [...]crepit lust, or passion to satisfie more active veneries; yet in both [Page 57] without a possibility of generation: and [...]herefore that opinion, that Antichrist should be borne of the Tribe of Dan by conjunction with the Devill, is ridiculous, and a conceit fitter for the Rabbins then Christians.
I hold that the Devill doth really possesse some men, the spirit of melancholy others, the Spirit of delusion others; that as the Devill is concealed and deemed by some, so God and good Angels are pretended by others, whereof the late defection of the Maid of Germany hath left pregnant example. Againe, I beleeve that all that use sorceries, incantations, and spels, are not Witches, or as we terme them, Magicians; I conceive there is a traditionall Magicke, not learned immediately from the Devill, but at second hand from his Schollers; [...] having once his secret betrayed, are able, and doe empirically practice without his advice, they both proceeding up [...]n the principles of nature: their actives actively conjoyned to disposed passives, will under any Master produce their effects. Thus I thinke at first a great part [Page 58] of Philosophy was Witchcraft, which b [...] ing afterward derived to another, proved but Philosophy, and was indeed n [...] [...]ore but the honest effects of Nature: W [...]at invented by us is Philosophy, learn [...] from him is Magicke. We doe surely [...]we the discovery of many secrets to the discovery of good and bad angels. I could never passe that sentence of Paracelsus without an asteriske or annotation; Acce [...] dens constellatum multa revelat quaerentibus animalia naturae, i. e. opera Dei. I do thinke that many mysteries ascribed to our owne inventions, have beene the courteous revelation of Spirits; for those noble essences in heaven beare a friendly regard unto their fellow [...]natures on earth; and therefore beleeve that those many prodigies and ominous prognosticks which fore-run the ruines of States, Princes, and private persons, are the charitable premonitions of good Angels, which more carelesse enquiries terme but the effects of chance and nature. Now besides these particular and divided Spirits, there may be (for ought I know) an universall common Spirit to [Page 59] [...]he whole world. It was the opinion of Plato, and it is yet the Hermeticall Philosophers; if there be a common nature that [...]nties and tyes the scattered and divided individuals into one species, why may there not be one that unites them all? However, I am sure there is a common spirit that playes within us, yet makes no part of us, and that is the Spirit of God, and scintillation of the noble and mighty Essence, which is the life and radicall heat of spirits; and those essences that know not the vertue of the Sunnes fire, qu [...]te contrary to the fire of Hell: This is the gentle heat that brooded on the waters, and in sixe dayes hatched the world; this is that irradiation that dispels the mists of Hell, the clouds of horrour, feare, sorrow, and despaire; and preserves the region of the mind in serenity: whatsoever feeles not the wa [...]me gale and gentle ventilation of this Spirit (though I feele his pulse) I dare not say he lives; for truely without this, to me, there is no heat under the Tropick; nor any light, though I dwell in the body of the Sun.
Therefore for Spirits I am so farre from denying their existence, that I could easily beleeve, that not only whole Countreyes, but particular persons have their Tutelary, [Page 61] and Guardian Angels: It is not a new [...]pinion of the Church of Rome, but of Py [...]agoras and Plato; there is no heresie in [...], and if not manifestly defined in Scrip [...]ure, yet is an opinion of a good and [...]holesome use in the course and actions [...]f a mans life, and would seeme as an Hy [...]othesis to salve many doubts, whereof [...]ommon Philosophy affordeth no resolu [...]on: Now if you demand my opinion [...]nd Metaphysickes of their natures, I con [...]esse them very shallow, most of them in a [...]egative way, like that of God; or in a [...]omparative, betweene our selves and fel [...]ow creatures; for there is in this Universe [...] Staire, or manifest Scale of creatures, ri [...]ing not disorderly, or in a confusion, but with a comely method and proportion: [...]etweene creatures of meere existence and [...]hings of life, there is a large disproportion of nature; betweene two plant-animals or creatures of sense, a wider diffe [...]ence; betweene them and man, a farre greater: and if the proportion hold on, [...]etweene manand Angels there should be [...]et a greater.
[Page 62]We doe not comprehend their natures who retaine the first definition of Porphiry, and distinguish them from our selves by immortality; for before his fall, man also was immortall; yet must we needes affirme that he had a different essence from the Angels: having therefore no certaine knowledge of their natures. it is no bad method of the Schooles, whatsoever perfection we find obscurely in our selves, in a more compleate and absolute way to ascribe unto them. I beleeve they have an extemporary knowledge, and upon the first motion of their reason doe what we cannot without study or deliberation; they know things by their formes, and define by specificall difference, what we describe by accidents and properties; and therfore probabilities to us may be demonstrations unto them; that they have knowledge no [...] onely of the specificall, but numericall formes of [...]ndividuals, and understand by what reserved difference each single Hypostasis (besides the relation to its species) becomes its naturall selfe.
That as the Soule hath a power to move [Page 63] [...]e body it informs, so there is a Faculty [...] move any, though informe none; ours [...]pon restraint of time, place, and distance.
But that invisible hand that conveyed [...]abakkuk to the Lions den, or Philip to [...]zotus, infringeth this rule, and hath a [...]e [...]ret conveyance, wherewith mortality is [...]ot aquainted; if they have that intui [...]ive [...]nowledge, whereby as in reflection they [...]ehold the thoughts of one another, I can [...]ot peremptorily deny but they know a [...]reat part of ours. They that to refute the [...]nvocation of Saints, have deemed that [...]hey know not our affaires below, have [...]roceeded too farre, and must pardon my [...]pinion, till I can truly answer that piece [...]f Scripture, At the conversion of a sinner all [...]he Angels of heaven rejoyce. I cannot with [...]hat great Father securely interpret the [...]orke of the first day, Fiat lux, to the cre [...]tion of Angels, though (I confesse) there [...]s not any creature that hath so neare a [...]lympse of their nature, as light in the [...]unne and Elements, while we stile a bare [...]ccident, but where it subsists alone, a spi [...]tuall Substance, and may be an Angel: in [Page 64] briefe, conceive light invisible, and that i [...] a Spirit, those are certainely the Magisteriall and master-pieces of the Creature the Flower (or as we may say) th [...] best part of nothing actually existing what we are but in hopes, & probabilities we are only the amphibious piece betwee [...] a corporall and spirituall essence, that middle forme that linkes those two together and makes good the method of God & nature, that jumps not from extreames, bu [...] unites the incompatible distances by som [...] middle and participating natures; that w [...] are the breath and similitude of God, it i [...] indisputable, & upon record of holy Scripture, but to call our selves a Microcosme▪ or little world, I thought it only a pleasan [...] trope of Rhetorick, till my neare judgment and second thoughts told me there was [...] reall truth therein: for first we are a rud [...] masse, and in the ranke of creatures, which onely are, and have a dull kind of being not yet priviledged with life, or preferre [...] to sense or reason; next we live the life o [...] plan [...]s, the life of animals, the life of men and at last the life of spirits, running on i [...] [Page 65] [...]ne mysterious nature: those five kinds of [...]xistences which comprehend the crea [...]ures not onely of the world, but of the Universe; this is man the great and true Amphibium, whose nature is disposed to [...]ive not only like other creatures in divers [...]lements, but in divided and distinguished worlds; for though there be but one to sens [...], [...]here are two to reason; the one visible, the other invisible, whereof Moses seemes to [...]ave left description, and of the other so obscurely, that some parts thereof are yet [...] controversie; & truely for the last chap [...]er of Genesis, I must confesse a great deale of obscurity, though Divines have to the [...]ower of humane reason endeavoured to make all goe in a literall meaning, yet [...]hose allegoricall interpretations are also [...]robable, & perhaps the mysticall method of Moses bred up in the Hieroglyphicall Schooles of the Egyptians.
Now for the immaterial world me thinks we need not wander so farre as the first moveable, for even in this material fabrick [...]he spirits walke as freely exempt from the [...]ffection of time, place, and motion, as beyond [Page 66] the extreamest circumference: do [...] but extract from the corpulency of bodies or resolve things beyond their first matter and you discover the habitation of Angels, which if I call the ubiquitary, and omnipresent essence of God, I hope I sha [...] not offend Divinity; for before the Creation of the world God was really al [...] things. For the Angels he created no ne [...] world, or determinate mansion, and therefore they are every where, where his essence is, and doe live at a distance even i [...] himselfe: that God made all things fo [...] man, is in some sens [...] true, yet not so farr [...] as to subordinate the creation of those pu [...] rer creatures to ours, though as ministring [...] spirits they doe, and are willing to fulfil [...] the will of God in these lower and sublu [...] nary affaires of man; God made all thing [...] for himselfe, and it is impossible he shoul [...] make them for any other end then hi [...] owne glory; it is all he can receive, and al [...] that is without himselfe, for honour being an externall adjunct, and in the hono [...] er, rather then in the person honoured, [...] was necessary to make a creature, from [Page 67] whom hee might receive this homage, and that is in the other world Angels, in this it is man, which when we neglect wee forget the very end of our creation, and may justly provoke God, not onely to repent that he hath made [...]he world, but that hee hath sworne [...]hat he would not destroy it. That [...]here is but one world, is a conclusion of Faith. Aristotle with all his Philosophy hath not beene able to prove it; and as weakly that the world was eternall; that dispute much troubled the pen of the ancient Philosophers, but Moses decided that question, and salved all with a new terme of creation, a production of something out of nothing, and that is whatsoever is opposite to something more exactly, that which is truely contrary unto God, for he [...]nely is, all other have an existence, with depending, and are something but by di [...]tinction.
The whole Creation is a mystery, and [...]articularly that of man, at the blast of his mouth were the rest of the creatures made [...]nd at his bare word they started out of [Page 68] nothing: but in the frame of man (as the Text describes it) he played the sensible operator, and seemed not so much to create, as make him; when he had separated the materials of other creatures, there consequently resulted a forme and soule, but having raised the wals of man, he was driven to a second and harder creation of a substance like himselfe, an incorruptible and immortall soule. For the two asser [...]ions we have in Philosophy, and opinion of the Heathens, the flat affirmative of Plato, and not a negative from Aristotle: there is another scruple cast in by Divinity (concerning its production) much disputed in the Germane auditories, and with that indifferency and equality of arguments, as leave the controversies undetermined.
I am not of Paracelsus minde, that boldly delivers a receipt to make a man without conjunction, yet cannot but wonder at the multitude of heads that doe deny traduction, having no other argument to confirme their beliefe, then that Rhetorical [...] sentence, and Antanaclasis of Augustine, cre [...] ando [Page 69] infunditur, infundendo creatur, either opinion will stand well enough with religion, yet I should rather incline to this, did not one objection haunt me, not wrung from speculations and subtilties, but from common sense, and observation, not pickt from the leaves of any other, but bred amongst the weeds and tares of mine owne braine. And this is a conclusion from the equivocall and monstrous production in the copulation of man with beast; for if the soule of man be not transmitted and transfused in the seed of the parents; why are not those productions meerely beasts, but have also an impressure and tincture of reason in as high measure as it may demonstrate it selfe in those improper organs? nor truly can I reasonably deny, that the soule in this her sublunary estate, is wholly inorganicall, but that for the performance of her ordinary actions, is required not onely a symmetry and proper disposition of Organs, but a Crasis and temper correspondent to its operation; yet is not this masse of flesh and visible structure the instrument and proper corps of [Page 70] the soule, but rather of sense, and that the nearer Ubi of reason. In our study of Anatomy there is a masse of mysterious Philosophy, and such as reduced the very Heathens to Divinity; yet amongst all those rare discoveries, and curious pieces, I find in the fabricke of man, I doe not so much content my selfe, as in that I find not any proper Organ or instrument for the rationall soule; for in the Braine, which we terme the seate of Reason, there is not any thing of moment more then I can discover in the crany of a beast. Thus we are men, and we know not how, there is somthing in us, that can be without us, and will be after us, though it is strange that it hath no history, what it was before us, nor cannot tell how it entred in us.
Now for the wals of flesh, wherein the soule doth seeme to be immured before the restauration, it is nothing but an elementall composition, and a fabricke that may fall to ashes; All flesh is grasse, is not onely metaphorically, but literally true, for all those creatures we behold, are but the herbes of the field, digested into flesh [Page 71] [...]n them, or more remotely carnified in our selves. Nay further, we are what we [...]ll abhorre, Anthropophagi and Cannibals, devourers not onely of men, but of our [...]elves; and that not in an allegory, but a [...]ositive truth; for all this masse of flesh which we behold, came in at our mouthes: [...]his frame we looke upon, hath beene up [...]n our trenchers. In briefe, we have de [...]oured our selves. I cannot beleeve that wisdome of Pythagoras did ever positively, [...]nd in a literall sense, affirme his Metem [...]suchosis, or impossible transmigrations of [...]he soules of men into beasts: of all Metamorphoses or transmigrations, I beleeve [...]nely one, that is of Lots wife, for that of Nebuchadnezzar proceeded not so farre; [...]n all others I conceive there is no further [...]erity then is contained in their implicite [...]ense and morality: I beleeve that the whole frame of a beast doth perish, and is [...]eft in the same state after death, as before [...]t was materialled unto life; that the sou [...] of men know neither contrary nor [...] [...]ruption, that they subsist beyond [...], and outlive death by the [...] [Page 72] their proper natures, and without a miracle; that the soules of the faithfull, as they leave earth, take possession of Heaven: tha [...] those apparitious, and ghosts of departed persons are not the wandring soules o [...] men, but the unquiet walkes of Devils [...] prompting and suggesting us unto mischiefe, bloud, and villany, instilling and stealing into our hearts; that the blessed spirits are not at rest in their graves, bu [...] wander solicitous of the affaires of the world; that those phantasmes appeare often, and doe frequent Cemiteries, Charnell houses, and Churches, it is because those are the dormitories of the dead, where the Devill like an insolent Champion holds with pride the spoiles and Trophies of his victory in Adam.
This is the dismall conquest we all deplore, that makes us often cry, O Adam quid fecisti? I thanke God I have not those strait ligaments, or narrow obligations to the world, as to dote on life, or be convulst and tremble at the name of death. Not that I am insensible of the dread and horrour thereof, or by raking into the bow [...]ls [Page 73] of the deceased, continuall sight of Anatomies, Skeletons, or Cadaverous reliques, like Vespilloes, or Grave-makers, I am become stupid, or have forgot the apprehension of mortality, but that marshalling of the horrours, and contemplating the extremities thereof, I find not any therein able to daunt the courage of a man much lesse a resolved Christian, and therefore am not angry at the errour of our first parents, or unwilling to beare a part of this common fate; and like the best of them to dye, that is, to cease to breathe; to take a farewell of the elements, to be a kind of nothing for a moment, to be within one instant a spirit: When I take a full view and circle of my selfe, but with this reasonable moderator, and equall piece of justice, death, I doe conceive my selfe the miserablest person extant, were there not another life that I hope for, all the vanities of the world should not intreat a moments breath from me; could the Devill worke my beliefe to imagine I could never die, I would not out-live that very thought, I have so abject a thought of this common [Page 74] way of existence, this retaining to the Sun and elements, I cannot thinke this to be a man, or to live according to the dignity of my nature, in expectation of a better; I can with patience embrace this life, yet in my best meditations do often desire death, I honour any man that contemnes it, nor can I love any that is afraid of it; this makes me naturally love a Souldier, and honour those tattered and contemptible Regiments that will dye at the command of a Sergeant. For a Pagan there may be some motives to be in love with life, but for a Christian to be amazed at death, I see not how he can escape this Dilemma, that he is too sensible of this life, or carelesse of the life to come.
Some Divines count Adam 30. years old at his creation, because they suppose him created in the perfect age & stature of man; & surely we are all out of the computation of our age, every man is some moneths elder then he bethinkes him; for we live, move, and have a being, and are subject to the actions of the elements, and the malice of diseases in that other world, the [Page 75] [...]ruest Microcosme, the wombe of our mo [...]her: for besides that generall and common existence that we are conceived in our Chaos, and whilst we sleepe within [...]he bosom of our causes, we enjoy a being [...]nd life in three distinct worlds, wherein we receive most manifest gradations: In [...]hat obscure world and womb of our mo [...]her, our time is short, computed by the Moone; yet longer then the dayes of ma [...]y creatures that behold the Sunne, our [...]elves being not yet without life, sense, and reason; the manifestation of its actions, it awaits the opportunity of ob [...]ects; and seemes to live there but in its [...]oote and soule of vegetation, entring af [...]erwards upon the scene of the world, we [...]rise up and become another creature, performing the reasonable actions of man, and obscurely manifesting that part of Divinity in use, but not in complement and perfection, till we have once more cast our secondine, that is, this flough of flesh, and are delivered into the last world, that [...]s, that ineffable place of Saint Paul, that [...]bi of spirits. The smattering that I have [Page 76] of the Philosophers stone, which is nothing else but the perfectest exaltation o [...] gold, hath taught me a great deale of Divinity, and instructed my beliefe, how tha [...] immortall spirit and incorruptible substance of my soule may lie obscure, and sleepe within this house of flesh. Thos [...] strange and mysticall transmigrations tha [...] I have observed in Silkewormes, turned my Philosophy into Divinity. There is i [...] these workes of nature, which seeme to puzzle reason, something Divine, and hat [...] more in it then the eye of a common spectator doth discover. I am naturally bashfull, nor hath conversation, age, or travell, beene able to effront or harden me yet I have one part of modesty, which I have seldome discovered in another that is, to speake truely. I am not s [...] much afraid of death, as ashamed thereof to the very disgrace and ignominy of ou [...] natures, that in a moment can so disfigur [...] us that our nearest friends, Wife, & Children stand afraid and stare at us. Th [...] Birds and Beasts of the field that before i [...] a naturall feare obeyed us, forgetting allegiance [Page 77] begin to prey upon us; this very [...]nceit hath in a tempest disposed and left [...]e wisling to be swallowed up in the a [...]ysse of waters, wherein I had perished, [...]s [...]ene, unpityed, without wondring eyes, [...]ares of pity, Lectures of mortality, and one had said, Quantum mutatus ab illo! [...]ot that I am ashamed of the Anatomy [...]f my parts, or can accuse nature for play [...]g the bungler in any part of me, or my [...]wne vitious life for contracting any [...]amefull disease upon me, whereby I [...]ight not call my selfe as wholesome a [...]orsell for the wormes as any. Some up [...]n the courage of fruitfull issue, wherein, [...]s in the truest Chronicle, they seeme to [...]utlive themselves, can with greater pati [...]nce away with death. This conceit and [...]ounterfeit subsisting in our progenies [...]eemes to me a meere fallacy, unworthy [...]he desir [...]s of a man, that can but con [...]eive a thought of the next world; who, [...]n a noble ambition, should desire to live [...]n his substance in Heaven. And therefore at my death I meane to take a Totall [...]diew of the world, not caring for a Monument, [Page 78] History, or Epitaph, not so muc [...] as the bare memory of my name to b [...] found any where but in the universall Register of God: I am not yet so Cynicall, a [...] to approve the Testament of Diogenes, no [...] doe altogether allow that Rodomantado o [...] Lucian.
But commend in my calmer judgement those ingenuous intentions that desire to sleep by the urnes of their Fathers, an [...] strive to goe the nearest way unto corruption. I doe not envy the temper of Crowes▪ nor the numerous and weary dayes of ou [...] Fathers before the Floud. If their be any truth in Astrology, I may outlive a Jubile, as yet I have not seene one revolution o [...] Saturne, nor have my pulse beate thirty yeares, and excepting one, have seene th [...] ashes, and left under ground, all the King [...] of Europe, have beene contemporary to three Emperours, foure Grand Signiours▪ and as many Popes; me thinkes I have out-lived my selfe, and begin to be weary [Page 79] of the same, I have shaken hands with de [...]ight in warm bloud and Canicular dayes, [...] perceive I doe participate the vices of [...]ge, the world to me is but a dreame, or mock-show, and we all therein but Pan [...]alones or Antickes to my severer con [...]emplation.
It is not, I confesse, an unlawfull Pray [...]r to desire to surpasse the dayes of our Saviour, or wish to out-live that age wherein he thought fittest to dye, yet, if (as Divinity affirmes) there shall be no gray haires in Heaven, but all shall rise in [...]he perfect state of men, we doe but out [...]ive those perfections in this world, to be [...]ecalled by them, by a greater miracle in [...]he next, and run on here but to retrograde hereafter. Were there any hopes to out [...]ive vice, or a point to be super-annated from sin, it were worthy on our knees to [...]mplore the age of Methuselah. But age doth not rectifie, but incurvate our natures, [...]urning bad dispositions into worser ha [...]its, and (like diseases) bring on incura [...]le vices; for every day, as we grow weake [...]n age, we grow strong in sinne, and the [Page 80] number of our dayes doth but make o [...] sinnes innumerable. The same vice committed at sixteene, is not the same, thoug [...] it agree in all other circumstances, at forty but swels and doubles from the circumstance of our ages, wherein besides th [...] constant and inexcusable habit of transgressing, it hath the maturity of our Judgement to cut off pretence unto excuse o [...] pardon: every sinne, the oftner it is committed the more it acquireth in the quality of evill; as it succeeds in times, so it proceeds into degrees of badnesse, for as they proceed they ever multiply, and like figure [...] in Arithmeticke, the last stands for mor [...] then all that went before it: the course an [...] order of my life, would be a very death to [...] others: I use my selfe to all dyets, humours [...] ayres, hunger, th [...]rst, cold, heat, want plenty, necessity, dangers, hazards; when I am cold, I cure not my selfe by heate when sicke, not by physicke, those tha [...] know how I live, may justly say, I regar [...] not life, nor stand in feare of death; I am much taken with two verses of Lucan, sinc [...] I have beene able not onely as we doe a [...] [Page 81] Schoole, to construe, but understand it:
There be many excellent straines in [...]hat Poet, wherewith his Stoicall Genius [...]ath liberally supplyed him; and truly [...]here are singular pieces of Philosophy of Zeno, and doctrine of the Stoickes, which I perceive, delivered in a Pulpit, passe for current Divinity, yet herein are they ex [...]reame that can allow a man to be his own Assassine, and so highly extoll the end of Cato, this is indeed not to feare death, but [...]et to be afraid of life. It is a brave act of [...]alour to contemne death, but where life [...]s more terrible then death, it is then the [...]ruest valour to dare to live, and herein Religion hath taught us a noble example: For all the valiant acts of Curtius Sc [...]vola▪ [Page 82] or Godrus▪ doe not parallel or match tha [...] one of Iob; and sure there is no torture to the rack of a disease, nor any Poneyar [...] in death it selfe like those in the way o [...] prologue unto it.
Emorinolo, sed me esse mortuum nihil curo [...] I would not dye, but care not to be dead Were I of Caesars Religion I should be o [...] his desires, and wish rather to be torture [...] at one blow, then to be sawed in peeces by the grating torture of a disease. Now be [...]sides this literall positive kinde of death there are others whereof Divines mak [...] mention, and those I thinke, not meerely Metaphoricall, as Mortification, dyin [...] unto sinne and the world; therefore I say every man hath a double Horoscope, on [...] of his Humanity, his birth; another o [...] his Christianity, his baptisme, and from this doe I compute or calculate my Nativity, yet not-reckoning of those Horae com [...] bustae, and odde dayes, or esteeming my selfe any thing, before I was my Saviours and inrolled in the Register of Christ whosoever enjoyes not this life, I coun [...] him but an apparition, though he wear [...] [Page 83] [...]out him the sensible affection of the [...]sh.
In those morall acceptions, the way be immortall is to dye daily, nor can [...]hinke that I have the true Theory of [...]ath, when I contemplate a skull, or [...]hold a Skeleton, which those vulgar [...]aginations cast upon it; I have there [...]re enlarged that common Memento [...]ori, into a more Christian memoran [...]m, Memento quatuor novissima, those [...]ure inevitable points of us all, Death, [...]udgement, Heaven, and Hell. Neither [...]d the contemplations of the Heathens [...]st in their graves, without a further [...]ought of Radamanth or some judiciall [...]oceeding after death, but in another [...]ay, and upon suggestion of their natu [...]ll reasons. I cannot but marvaile from [...]hat Sibyll or Oracle they stole the pro [...]hesie of the worlds destruct on by fire, [...]r whence Lucan learned to say,
I beleeve the world growes neare it [...] end, and yet is neither old nor decayed nor will ever perish upon the ruines o [...] its owne principles. As the worke o [...] Creation was above nature, so its ad [...]versary, annihilation, without whic [...] the world hath not its end. Now wha [...] force should be able to consume it, thu [...] farre without the breath of God, whic [...] is the truest consuming flame my Philosophy can informe me? I beleeve tha [...] there went not a minute to the world creation, nor shall there goe to its de [...]struction; Those fix daies so punctually described, make not to me one moment, but rather seeme to manifest th [...] method and Idea of the great worke o [...] the intellect of God, then the manne [...] how he proceeded in its operation. [...] cannot dreame that there should be a [...] the last day any Judiciall proceeding, o [...] calling to the Barre, as indeed the Scripture seemes to imply, and the litera [...] [Page 85] [...]ommentators doe conceive: for un [...]eakeable mysteries in the Scriptures [...]e often delivered in a vulgar and illu [...]rative way, aud being written unto [...]an, are delivered, not as they truely [...]e, but as they may be understood, [...]herein notwithstanding the different [...]terpretations according to different [...]pacities they may stand firme with [...]ur devotion, nor be any way prejudi [...]all to each single edification. Now to [...]etermine the day and yeare of this invitable time, is not onely convincible [...]nd statute madnesse, but also manifest [...]npiety; How shall we interpret Elias [...]000. yeares, or imagine the secret [...]ommunicated to the Rabbi, which God hath denyed to his Angels?
It had beene an excellent quaere, to [...]ave posed the devill of Delphos, and [...]ust needes have forced him to some [...]range amphibology; it hath not onely [...]ocked the predictions of sundry A [...]rologers in ages past, but the Philoso [...]hy of many melancholy heads, in the [...]resent, who neither understanding reasonable [Page 86] things past, nor present, pretend a knowledge of things to com [...] heads ordained onely to manifest th [...] incredible effects of melancholy, an [...] to fulfill old prophesies, rather then b [...] [...]uthour of new.
[In those daies there shall come wa [...] and rumours of wars] to me seemes n [...] prophesie, but a constant truth, in a [...] times verifyed since it was first pro [...]nounced: There shall be signes in th [...] Moone and Starres, how comes he the [...] like a theefe in the night, when he give an item of his comming? That commo [...] signe drawn from the revelation of An [...] tichrist, the Philosophers stone in Divi [...]ity, for the discovery and inventio [...] whereof, though there be prescribe [...] rules, and probable inductions, ye [...] hath no man attained the perfect discovery thereof. That generall opinion tha [...] the world growes neare at an end, hat [...] possessed al ages past as nearely as ours [...] I am afraid that the soules that now de [...]part, cannot escape the lingring expo [...] stulation of the Saints under the Altar [Page 87] [...] Domine? How long, O Lord? [...]nd groane in the expectation of the [...]reat Jubilee. This is the day that must [...]ake good the great attribute of Gods [...]ustice, that must reconcile those unan [...]erable doubts that torment the wisest [...]nderstandings, and reduce those seem [...]g inequalities, and respective distribu [...]ons in this world, to an equality and [...]compensive Justice in the next.
This is that one day, that shall include [...]nd comprehend all that went before it, [...]herein as in the last scene, all the [...] must enter to compleat and make [...]p the Catastrophe of this great piece. [...]his is the day, who [...]e onely memory [...]ath power to make us honest in the [...]arke, and to be vertuous without a [...]itnesse. Ipsa sui pretium virtus sihi, that [...]ertue is her owne reward, is but a cold [...]rinciple, and not able to maintaine our [...]ariable resolutions in a constant and [...]etled way of goodnesse. I have practi [...]ed that honest artifice of Seneca, and [...]my retired and solitary imaginations, [...]o detaine me from the foulenesse of [Page 88] vice, have fancyed to my selfe the presence of my deare and worthyest friend before whom I should lose my head, rather then be vicious, yet herein I foun [...] that there was nought but morall honesty, and this was not to be vertuous fo [...] his sake who must reward us at the la [...] day. I have tryed if I could have reached that great resolution of his, to be honest without a thought of Heaven o [...] hell; and indeed I found upon a natural inclination, and inbred loyalty unto vertue, that I could serve her without a li [...] very, yet not in the resolved venerabl [...] way, but that the frailty of my nature upon an easie temptation, might be induced to forget her. The life therefor [...] and spirit of all our actions, is the resu [...]rection, and stable apprehension. tha [...] our ashes shall enjoy the fruit of our p [...]ous endeavours; without this, all Religion is a fallacy; and those impieties o [...] Lucian and Euripedes, are no blasphe [...] mies, but subtile verities, and Atheist have beene the only Philosophers. Ho [...] shall the dead arise? is no question o [...] [Page 89] my faith, to beleeve onely possibilities, [...]s not faith, but meere Philosophy, many things are true in Divinity, which [...]are neither inducible by reason, nor confirmable by sense, and many things in Philosophy confirmable by sense, yet not inducible by reason. Thus it is impossible by any solid or demonstrative reasons to perceive a man to beleeve the conversion of the Needle to the North; though this be possible, and true, and easily credible, upon a single experiment of the sense. I beleeve that our estranged and divided ashes shall unite againe, that our separated dust after so many pilgrimages and transformations into the parts of Minerals, Plants, Animals, Elements, shall at the voyce of God returne into their primitive shapes, and joyn againe to make up their primary and predestinate formes. As at the Creation, there was a separation of the confused masse into its species; so at the destruction thereof shall be a separation into its distinct individuals. As at the Creation of the world, all that distinct [Page 90] species that we behold, lay involved in one masse, till the fruitfull voyce of God separated this united multitude into its severall species: so at the last day, when those corrupted Reliques shall be scattered in the wildernesse of formes, and seeme to have forgot their proper habits, God by a powerful voyce shall command them b [...]cke into their proper shapes, and cal them out by their single and individuals: Then shall appeare the fertility of Adam, and the magicke of that sperme that hath dilated into so many millions; what is made to be immortall, Nature cannot, nor will the voyce of God destroy.
Those bodies that we behold to perish, were in their created natures, immortall, and liable unto death but accidentally, and upon forfeit, and therefore they owe not that naturall homage unto death, as other bodies doe, but may be restored to immortality with a lesser miracle, as by a bare and easie revocation of course returne immortall. I have often beheld as a miracle, that artificiall [Page 91] resurrection and vivification of Mercury, how being mortified in a thousand shapes, it assumes againe its owne, and returnes into its numericall selfe.
Let us speake naturally, and as Philosophers, the formes of alterable bodies in those sensible corruptions perish not; nor as we imagine, wholly quit their mansions, but retire and contract themselves into those secret and unaccessable parts, where they may best protect themselves against the action of their Antagonists. A plant or vegetable consumed to ashes, to a contemplative and schoole Philosopher seemes utterly destroyed, and the forme to have taken his leave for ever: But to a subtile Artist the formes are not perished, but withdrawn into their combustible part, where they li [...] secure from the action of that devouring element. This I make good by experience, and can from the ashes of a plant revive the plant, and from its cinders r [...]cal it to its stalk and leaves again. What the Art of man can doe in these inferiour pieces, what blasphemy is it [Page 92] to imagine the finger of God cannot doe in those more perfect and sensible structures? This is that mysticall Philosophy, from whence no true Scholler becomes an Atheist, but from the visible effects of nature, grows up a real Divine, and beholds not as in a dreame, as Ezekiel, but in an ocular and visible object the types of his resurrection. Now, the necessary Mansions of our restored self, are these two contrary incompatible places we call Heaven and Hell; to define them, or strictly to determine what and where these are, surpasseth my divinity. That elegant Saint, which seemed to have a glimpse of Heaven, hath left but a negative description thereof; Which neither eye hath seene, nor eare hath heard, nor can enter into the heart of man; he was translated out of himselfe to behold it, but being returned into himselfe could not expresse it. Saint Iohns description by Emeralds, Chrysolites, and precious stones, is too weake to expresse the materiall Heaven we behold. Briefely therefore, where the [Page 93] soule hath the full measure, and complement of happinesse, where the bound [...]esse appetite of the spirit remaines compleatly satisfied, that it can neither desire addition nor alteration; that I thinke is truly Heaven: and this can onely be in the enjoyment of that essence, whose infinite goodnesse is able to terminate the desires of it selfe, and the unsatiable wishes of ours; where ever God will thus manifest himselfe, there is Heaven, though within the circle of this sensible world.
Thus the sense of man may be in Heaven any where within the limits of his owne proper body, and when it ceaseth to live in the body, it may remaine in its owne soule, that is its Creator. And thus we may say that Saint Paul, whether in the body, or out of the body, was yet in Heaven. To place it in the Empyriall, or beyond the tenth Sphere, is to forget the worlds destruction; for when this sensible world shall be destroyed, and shall then be here as it was there, an Empyriall Heaven, a quasi vacuitie, [Page 94] when to aske where Heaven is, is to demand where the presence of God is, or where we have the glory of that happy vision. Moses that was bred up in all the learning of the Egyptians, committed a grosse absurdity in Philosophy when with the eyes of flesh he desired to see God, and petitioned his Maker, that is truth it selfe, to contradiction. Those that imagine Heaven and Hell neighbours, and conceive a vicinity betweene those two extreames, upon consequence of the Parable, where Dives discoursed with Lazarus in Abrahams bosome, doe too gros [...]ely conceive of those glorified creatures, whose eyes shall easily out-see the Sunne, and behold without a Perspective, the extreamest distances: for if there shall be in our glorified eyes, the faculty of sight and reception of objects, I could thinke the visible species there to be in as unlimitable a way as now the intellectuals. I grant that two bodies placed beyond the tenth Spheare, or in a vacuity, according to A [...]istotles Philosophy, could [Page 95] not behold each other, because there wants a body or Medium to have and transport the visible rayes of the object unto the sense, but when there shall be a generall defect of either Medium to convey, or light to prepare and dispose that Medium, and yet a perfect vision, we must suspend the rules of our Philosophy, and make all good by a more absolute piece of Opticks. I cannot tell how to say that fire is the essence of hell, I know not what to make of Purgatory, or conceive a flame that can neither prey upon, nor purifie the substance of a soule; those flames of sulphure mentioned in the Scriptures, I take not to be understood of this present Hell, but of that to come where fire shall make up the complement of our tortures, and have a body or subject wherein to manifest its tyranny: Some who had the honor to be Text. in divinity, are of opinion it shall be the same specificall fire with ours. This is hard to conceive, yet can I make good how even that may prey upon our bodies, and yet not consume [Page 96] us: for in this materiall world, there are bodies that passed invincible in the powerfullest flames, and though by action of the fire they fell into ignition and liquation, yet will they never suffer a destruction: I would know how Moses with an actuall fire calcind, or burnt the golden Calfe into powder: for that mysticall mettle of gold, whose solary and celestiall nature I adore, exposed unto the violence of fire, growes only hot and liquifies, but consumeth not: so when the consumable and volatile pieces of our bodies shall be refined into a more impregnable and fixed temper like gold, though they suffer from the action of the flames, they shall never perish, but lie immortall in the armes of fire.
And surely if this frame must suffer onely by the action of this element, there will many bodies escape, and not onely Heaven, but earth will not be at an end, but rather a beginning; For at present it is not earth, but a composition of fire, water, earth, and aire; but at that time [Page 97] [...]poyled of those ingredients, it shall ap [...]eare in a substance more like it selfe, its ashes. Philosophers that opinioned the worlds destruction by fire, did never dreame of annihilation, which is beyond the power of sublunary causes; for the [...]ast and proper action of that element is [...]ut vitrification, or a reduction of a body [...]nto Glasse, and therefore some of our Chymicks factiously affirme; yea, and [...]rge Scripture for it, that at the last fire all shall be crystallized and reverbera [...]ed into Glasse, which is the utmost action of that element. Nor need we feare [...]his terme annihilation, or wonder that God will destroy the workes of his Creation: for man subsisting, who is, and then truly appeares a Microcosme, [...]he world cannot be said to be destroyed. For the eyes of God▪ and perhaps also of our glorified selves, shall as real [...]y behold and contemplate the world in [...]ts Epitome or contracted essence, as [...]ow it doth at large in its dilated substance. In the Syen of a Plant to the eyes of God, and to the understanding [Page 98] of man, there exist, though in an invisible way, the perfect leaves, flowers, and fruit thereof: for things that a [...]e in poss [...] to the sense, are actually existent to the understanding. Thus God beholds all things, who contemplates as fully his workes in their Epitome, as in their full volume, and beheld as amply the whole world in that little compendium of the sixth day, as in the scattered and dilated pieces of those five before. Men commonly set [...]orth the torments of Hell by fire, and the extremity of corporall afflictions, and describe Hell in the same method that Mahomet doth Heaven. This indeed makes a noyse, and drums in popular eares: but if this be the terrible piece thereof, it is not worthy to stand in diameter with Heaven, whose happinesse consists in that part that is best able to comprehend it, that immortall essence, the translated divinity of God, the soule. I thanke God, and with joy I mention it, I was never afraid of hell, nor never grew pale at the description of that place; I have so fixed my contemplations [Page 99] on Heaven, that I have almost forgot the Idea of Hell, and am afraid rather to lose the joyes of Heaven, then endure the misery of Hell; to be deprived of them is a perfect Hell, and needes me thinkes no addition to compleat our afflictions; that terrible [...]erme hath never detained me from sin, nor doe I owe any good action to the name thereof: I feare God, yet am not afraid of him, his mercies make me ashamed of my sinnes, before his judgments afraid thereof: these are the forced and [...]econdary method of his wisdom, which [...]e useth but as the l [...]st remedy, and upon provocation, a course rather to detaine the wicked, then to incite the god [...]y to his worship. I cannot thinke there was ever any scared into heaven, they go the fairest way to heaven, that would serve God without a hell, other Mercinaries that crouch unto him in feare of [...]ell, though they terme themselves the servants, are indeed but the slaves of the Almighty: and to be true and speak my soule, when I survey the occurrences of [Page 100] my life, and call into account the finger of God, I can perceive nothing but an abysse and masse of mercies, either in generall to mankind, or in particular to my selfe, and whether out of the prejudice of my owne affections, or an inverting and partiall conceit of his mercies, I know not, but those which others terme crosses, afflictions, judgements, misfortunes, to me who enquire farther into them then visible effects, they both appeare, and in effect have ever proved the secret and dissembled favours of his affection. It is a singular piece of wisedome to apprehend truely, and without passion the worke of God, and so well to distinguish his justice from his mercy, as not miscall those noble attributes; yet it is likewise an honest piece of Logick, to dispute and argue the proceedings of God, as to distinguish even his judgements into mercies. For God is mercifull unto all, because to the worst, that the best deserve, and to say he punisheth none in [...]his world, though it be a Paradox, is no absurdity. To one that [Page 101] hath committed murther, if the Judge should say, onely ordaine a Fine, it were a madnesse to call this punishment, and to repine at the sentence, rather then admire the clemency of the Judge. Thus our offences being mortall, and deserving not onely death, but damnation, if the goodnesse of God be content to tra [...]verse and passe them over with a losse, misfortune, or disease; what Phrensie were it to terme this a punishment, ra [...]her than an extremity of mercy, to [...]groane under the rod of his judgements, rather then admire the Scepter of his mercies? therefore to adore, honour, and admire him, is a debt of gratitude due from the obligation of our nature, [...]states, and conditions, and with these thoughts, he that knows them best, will not deny that I adore him; that I obtain heaven, and the blisse thereof, is accidentall, and not the intended worke of my devotion, it being a felicity I can neither thinke to deserve, nor scarse in modesty to expect. For these two ends of us all, either as rewards, or punishments, [Page 102] are mercifully ordained, and disproportionally disposed unto our actions, the one being farre beyond our deserts, the other so infinitely below our demerits▪ There is no salvation to those that beleeve not in Christ, that is, say some since his Nativity, and as Divinity affirmeth before also, which makes m [...] much apprehend the end of those honest Worthies and Philosophers which dyed before his Incarnation. It is hard to place those soules in hell whose life doth teach us vertue on earth; me thinks amongst those many subdivisions of hel [...] there might have beene one Limbo left for those: What strange vision will it be to see their poeticall fictions converted into verities, and their imagined and fancyed furies, into reall devils? how strange to them will sound the History of Adam, when they shall suffer for him they never heard of? when they that derive their Genealogy from the gods, shall know they are the unhappy issue of sinfull man? It is an insolent part of reason to controvert the works of God, [Page 103] or question the justice of his proceedings; Could humility teach others, as it hath instructed me, to contemplate the infinite and incomprehensible distance betwixt the Creator and the creature, or did we seriously perpend that one principle of Saint Paul, Shall the vessell say to the Potter, Why hast thou made me thus? it would prevent the arrogant disputes of reason, nor would we argue the definitive sentence of God, either in heaven or hell. Men that live according to the right rule and law of reason, live but in their owne kind, as beasts doe in theirs▪ who justly obey the prescript of their natures, and therfore cannot reasonably demand a reward of their actions as only obeying the naturall dictates of their reasons. It will therefore, and must at last appeare, that all salvation is through Christ; which verity I feare those great examples of vertue must confirme, and make it good, how the perfectest actions of earth have no title or claime unto heaven: nor truely doe I thinke the lives of these or of any other were ever correspondent [Page 104] or in all points conformable unto their doctrines; it is evident that Aristotle transgressed the rule of his own Ethicks; the Stoicks that condemne passion, and command a man to laugh in Phalaris his Bull; could not indure without a groan, a fit of the stone or collicke. The Scepticks that affirme they knew nothing, even in that opinion confute themselves, and thought they knew more then all the world. Diogenes I hold to be the most vaine-glorious man of his time, and more ambitious in refusing all honours, then Alexander in rejecting none. Vice and the Devill put a fallacy upon our reasons, and provoking too hastily to run from it, entangle and profound us deeper in it. The Duke of Venice, that yearely weds himselfe unto the Sea, by casting thereinto a ring of Gold, I will not argue of prodigality, because it is a solemnity of good use and consequence in the State. But the Philosopher that threw his money into the Sea to avoid avarice, was a notorious prodigall. There is no road or ready [Page 105] way to vertue, it is not an easie point of [...]rt to dis-intangle our selves from this [...]iddle, or web of sin: To perfect vertue, [...]s to Religion, there is required a Pano [...]lia or compleate armour, that whilst we lye not at a close ward against one [...]vice we lye open to another: And indeed wiser discretions that have the [...]hred of reason to conduct them, offend without a pardon; whereas under heads may stumble without dishonour. There goe so many circumstances to piece up one good action, that tis a lesson to be good, and we are forced to be vertuous by the booke. Againe, the practice of men holds not an equall pace, yea, and often runnes counter to their Theory; we naturally know what is good, but naturally pursue what is evill: the Rhetoricke wherewith I perswade another, cannot perswade my selfe: there is a depraved appetite in us, that will with patience heare the learned instructions of Reason; but yet performe no farther then agrees to its own irregular humor. In briefe, we all are monsters, that is, a [Page 106] composition of man and beast, wherei [...] we must indeavour to be as the Poets fancy that wise man Chiron, that is, to have the Region of Man above that o [...] Be [...]st, and sense to fit but at the foot o [...] reason. Lastly, I doe desire with God▪ that all, but yet affirme with men, that few shal know salvation, that the bridge is narrow, the passage strait unto life, ye [...] those who doe confine the Church o [...] God, either to particular Nations, Churches, o [...] Families, have made it far narrower then ever our Saviour meant it. [...] beleeve many are saved, who to man [...] seeme reprobated, and many are reprobated, who in the opinion and sentence of man stand elected; there will appeare at the last day, strange, and unexpected examples, both of his Justice and mercy, and therefore to desire either, is folly in man, and insolency even in the devils; those acute and subtill spirits cannot divine in all their sagacity, who sha [...] be saved, which if they could prognosticate, their labour were at an end; no [...] need they compasse the earth, seeking [Page 107] whom they may devoure. Those who upon rigid application of the Law, sentence Solomon unto damnation, condemn not only him, but themselves, and the whole world; for by the letter, and written Word of God, we are without exception in the state of death, but there is a prerogative of God, and an arbitra [...]y pleasure above the letter of his owne Law, by which alone we can pretend unto salvation, and through which Solomon might be as easily saved as those who condemne him.
The number of those who pretend un [...]o salvation, and those infinite swarmes who thinke to passe through the [...]ye of a Needle, have much amazed me. That name and compellation of little Flock, doth not com [...]ort but deject my devotion, especially when I reflect upon mine owne unworthinesse, wherein, according to my humble apprehensions, I am [...]elow them all: I beleeve there shall never be an Anarchy in Heaven, but as [...]here are Hierarchies amongst the Angels, so shall there be degrees of priority [Page 108] amongst the Saints. Yet is it (I protest) beyond my ambition to aspire unto th [...] first rankes, my desires only are, and [...] shall be onely happy therein, to be bu [...] the last man, and bring up▪ the Rere i [...] Heaven.
Againe, I am confident, and fully perswaded, yet dare not take my oath o [...] my salvation; I am as it were sure and doe beleeve, without all doubt, that there is such a City as Constantinople, yet for me to take my oath thereon, were a kin [...] of perjury, because I hold not infallible warrant from my own sense to confirm [...] me in the certainty thereof. And truely, though many pretend an absolute certainty of their salvation, yet when an humble soule shal contemplate her own unworthinesse, she shall meete with many doubts and suddainely find how much we stand in need of the precept of Saint Paul, Worke out your salvation with f [...]are and trembling. That which is the cause of my election, I hold to be the cause of my salvation, which was the mercy, and beneplacity of God, before [Page 109] was, or the foundation of the world: [...]efore Abraham was, I am; is the saying of Christ, yet is true, if I say it of my [...]elfe, for I was not onely before my self, [...]ut Adam, that is, in the Idea of God, and the decree of that Synod held from [...]ll Eternity. And in this sense I say, the [...]orld world was before the Creation, [...]nd at an end before it had a beginning.
Insolent zeales that destroy good [...]orkes and rely upon faith, take not a [...]ay merit: for depending upon the ef [...]icacy of their faith, they enforce the [...]ondition of God, and in a more sophi [...]ticall way doe seeme to challenge Heaven. It was ordered by God, that one [...]y those that lapt in the water like dogs [...]hould have the honour to destroy the Midianites, yet could none of those just [...]y challenge, or imagine he deserved the [...]onour: Thereupon I do not deny, but that true faith, and such as God requires, [...]s not onely a marke or token, but also a meanes of our Salvation, but where to find this, is as obscure to me, as my last end. And if our Saviour could object [Page 110] unto his owne Disciples, and favourites a faith, that to the quantity of a graine of Mustard seed, is able to remove mountaines; surely that which wee boast of, is not any thing, or at the most, but a remove from nothing.
This is the Tenor of my beliefe, wherein, though there be many things singular, and to the humour of my irregular selfe, yet, if they square not with maturer Judgements, I disclaime them, and doe no further father them, then the learned and best Judgements shall authorize them.
The Second part.
NOw for the other Vertue of Charity, without which faith is a meere notion, and of no existence, I have ever endevoured to nourish this mercifull disposition, and humane inclination, which I borrowed from my Parents, and regulate [Page 111] it to the prescribed Lawes of Cha [...]ity; and if I hold the true Anatomy of [...]y selfe, I am delineated and naturally [...]ramed to such a piece of vertue, for I am [...]f a constitution so generall, that it con [...]orts, and sympathizeth with all things; [...] have no antipathy, or rather Idio-syn [...]rasie, in dyet, humour, ayre, any thing; wonder not at the French, for their [...]ishes of froggs, snailes, and toadstooles; Nor at the Jewes for Locusts, & Grasse [...]oppers, but being amongst them, make [...]hem my Common viands. And I find [...]hey agree with my stomach as well as [...]heirs; I could digest a Sallad ga [...]hered [...]n a Church-yard, as well as in a Gar [...]en. I cannot start at the present of a Serpent, Scorpion, Lizard, or Salaman [...]er; at the sight of a Toad, or Viper, I [...]inde in me no desire to take up a stone [...]o destroy them. I feele not in my selfe [...]hose common antipathies that I can [...]iscover in others: Those nationall re [...]ugnancies do not touch me; nor doe I [...]ehold with prejudice, the Flemmish, I [...]alian, Spaniard, or Dutch; but where I [Page 112] finde their actions in ballance with my Country mens; I honour, love, and embrace them in some degree; I was born [...] in the eighth Climate; but seemed forty beframed and constellated unto all; [...] am no plant that will not prosper out o [...] a Garden. All places, all ages, make [...] unto me one Country; I am in England every where, and under any meridian I have beene shipwrackt, yet am not enemy with the sea or winds; I can study play, or sleepe in a tempest. In briefe▪ I am averse from nothing, neither Plant▪ Animall, nor Spirit; my Conscience would give me the lye, if I should say [...] absolutely detest, or hate the Devill, or at least abhorre him, but that we may come to composition. Is there any thing among those common objects of hatred that I can safely, I doe contemne and laugh at? That great inquiry of reason, vertue, and Religion, the multitude, that numerous piece of Monstruosity, which taken asunder, seemes the reasonable Creatures of God; but confused together make but one great beast, and a [...] [Page 113] monster, more prodigious then Hydra; [...]t is no breach of Charity to call those [...]ooles, it is the stile all holy Writers [...]ave afforded them, set downe by Solomon in the holy Scripture, and a point of our faith to beleeve so. Neither in [...]he name of multitude do I only include [...]he base and minor sort of people; there [...]s a rabble even amongst the Gentry, a [...]ort of Plebeian heads, whose fancy move with the same wheele as these men, even in the same Levell with Me [...]hanickes, though their fortunes doe [...]omewhat guild their infirmities, and [...]heir purses compound for their follies. But as in casting account, three or foure men together come short in account of [...]ne man placed by himself below them: So neither are a troop of those ignorant [...]oradoes, of that true esteeme and va [...]ue, as many a forlorne person, whose condition doth place them below their [...]eet. Let us speake like Politicians, there [...]s a Nobility without Heraldry, a natu [...]all dignity, whereby one man is Ranked with another, and Filed before him, according [Page 114] to the quality of his desert, and preheminence of his good parts: though the corruption of these times, & the by a [...] of this present practise wheele anothe [...] way: thus it was in the first and privitiv [...] Common-wealth, and is yet in the integrity and Cradle of well-ordered polities, till corruption getteth ground, ruder desires labouring after that whic [...] wiser considerations contemn, every on [...] having a liberty to amasse and heape u [...] riches, and therewith a license or faculty to doe or purchase any thing. The generall and indifferent temper of mine doth more neerely dispose me to thi [...] noble vertue. It is a happinesse to b [...] borne and framed unto vertue, and t [...] grow up from the seeds of nature, rathe [...] then the inoculation and forced graffe [...] of education, yet if we are directed only by our particular Natures, and regulate our inclinations by no higher rul [...] than that of our reasons, we are but Moralists; Divinity will still call us hea [...]thens. Therefore this great worke o [...] Charity, must have other motives, ends [Page 115] and impulsions: I give no almes to satisfie the hunger of my Brother, but to fulfill and accomplish the Will and Command of my God; I draw not my purse for his sake that demands it, but his that enjoyned it; I relieve no man upon the Rhetoricke of his miseries, nor to con [...]ent mine owne commiserating disposi [...]ion, for this is still but morall Charity, [...]nd an act that oweth more to passion [...]hen reason. He that relieves another [...]pon the bare suggestion and bowels of [...]ity, doth not so much for his sake as [...]or his own: for by compassion we make [...]thers miseries our owne, and so by re [...]ieving them, we relieve our selves al [...]o.
It is an erroneous conceite to redresse [...]ther mens misfortunes upon the common considerations of merciful natures, that it may be one day our owne case, [...]or this is a sinister, and politicke kind of Charity, whereby we seeme to be speake [...]he pities of men in the like occasions; [...]nd I have observed that those profes [...]ed Eleemosynaries, though in a croud [Page 116] or multitude, doe yet place their petitions on a few and selected persons.
There is surely a Physiognomy, which those experienced and Master Mendicants observe, whereby they instantly discover a mercifull aspect, and will single out a face, wherein they spy the signatures and markes of pity: for there are mystically in our faces certaine characters which carry in them the motto of our Soules, wherein he that can read A. B. C. may read our natures. I behol [...] moreover that there is a Phistognomy or Physiognomy, not onely of men, bu [...] of Plants, and Vegetables; and in every one of them, some outward figures which hang as signes or bushes of their inward formes.
The finger of God hath left an inscription upon all his workes, not graphicall or composed of Letters, but o [...] their severall formes, constitutions, parts and operations, which aptly joyned together, make one word that doth expresse their natures. By those Letters God cals the Stars by their names, and [Page 117] by this Alphabet Adam assigned to every nature, a name peculiar to its Nature. Now there are besides these Characters in our faces, certaine mysticall figures in our hands, which I dare not call meere dash strokes, a Lavole, or at randome, because delineated by a pencill, that never workes in vaine; and hereof I take the more particular notice, because I carry that in mine owne hand, which I could never read of, nor discover in another. Aristotle, I confesse, in his acute, and singular booke of Physiognomy, hath made mention of Chiromancy, yet I beleeve the Egyptians, who were ever addicted to those abstruse and mysticall sciences, had a knowledge therein, to which those vagabond and counterfeit Egyptians doe yet pretend, and perhaps retain a few corrupted principles, which sometimes may verifie their Prognostickes.
It is a common wonder of all men, how among so many millions of faces, [...]here should be none alike; Now con [...]rary; I wonder as much how there [Page 118] should be any, he that shall consider how many thousand severall words have beene carelessely and without study composed out of 24. Letters; withall how many hundred lines there are to be drawne in the fabricke of one man; shall easily find that this variety is necessary. And it will be very hard that they shall so concurre as to make one portract like another. Let a Painter carefully limbe out a Million of faces, and you shall finde them all different, and after all this art there will remaine a sensible distinction from the patterne of every thing in the perfectest of that kind; wherefore we shall still come short, though we transcend or goe beyond it, because herein it is wide and agrees not in all points unto its Coppy, nor doth the similitude of Creatures disparage the variety of nature, nor any way confound the workes of God. For even in things alike there is a diversity, and those that doe seeme to accord, doe manifestly disagree. And thus is Man like God, for in the same things that we [Page 119] resemble him, we are utterly different from him. There was never any thing so like another, as in all points to concurre, there will be ever some reserved difference slip in, to prevent the Identity without which, two severall things would not be alike, but the same, which [...]s impossible. But to returne from Philo [...]ophy to Charity, I hold not so narrow a conceite of this vertue, as to conceive [...]hat to give almes, is onely to be chari [...]able, or thinke a piece of Liberality can comprehend the Totall of Charity; Di [...]inity hath wisely divided the act thereof into many branches, and hath taught [...]s in this narrow way, many paths unto goodnesse; as many wayes as we may doe good, so many wayes we may be charitable, there are infirmities, not one [...]y of body, but of Soule, and fortunes, [...]hich doe require the mercifull hand of our abilities.
I cannot contemn a man for ignorant, [...]ut behold him with as much pity as I doe Lazarus. It is no greater Charity to cloath his body, then apparell the nakednesse [Page 120] kednesse of his Soule. It is an honourable object to see the reasons of other men were our Liveries, and their borrowed understandings doe homage to the bounty of ours. It is the cheapest way of beneficence, and like the naturall charity of the Sunne illuminates another without obscuring it selfe. To be reserved in this part of goodnesse, is the sordidest piece of covetousnesse, and more contemptible then the pecuniary avarice. To this (as calling my selfe a Scholler) I am obliged by the duty of my condition, I make not therefore my head a grave, but a treasury of knowledge, I intend no Monopoly, but a Community in learning, I study not for my owne sake onely, but for theirs that study not for themselves. I envy no man that knowes more then my selfe▪ but I pity them that know lesse. I instruct no man as an exercise of my knowledge, or with an intent rather to nourish and keep it alive in mine owne head, then beget and ingender it in his; in the midst of all my endeavours there [Page 121] is but one thought that dejects me, that my acquired parts must perish with my selfe, nor can be Legacyed among my honoured Friends. I cannot fall out or contemne a man for an errour, or conceive why a difference in opinion should divide our affections: for controversies, disputes, and argumentations, both in Philosophy, & in Divinity, if they meete with discreet and peaceable natures, doe not infringe the Lawes of Charity in all disputes; so much as there is of passion, so much there is of nothing to the purpose, for then reasons, like a bad hound spends upon a false sent, and forsakes the question first started. And this is one reason why controversies are never determined, for though they be amply proposed, they are scarce at all handled, they doe so wander with unnecessary Digressions, and the Parenthesis of the party, is often as large as the maine discourse upon the Subject. The Foundations of Religion are already established and the principles of Salvation subscribed unto by all, there remaines not one [Page 122] controversie that is worth a passion, and yet never any disputed without, not only in Divinity, but in inferiour Arts: What a [...], and hot skirmish is betwixt S. and T. in Lucian? so doth Grammarians hacke and slash for the Genitive case in Iupiter. How many Synods have beene assembled and angerly broke up againe about a line in Propria quae Maribus? How doe they break their owne pates to salve that of Priscian? Si foret in terris rideret Democritus. Yea, even amongst wiser militants, how many wounds have beene given, and credits shamed for the poore victory of an opinion or beggerly conquest of a distinction? Schollers are men of peace, they beare no arms, but their tongues are sharper then Actius his razor, their pens carry farther, and give a lowder report then thunder; I had rather stand in the stroke of a Basilisco then in the fury of a mercilesse pen. It is not meere zeale to learning, or devotion to the Muses, that wiser Princes Patron the Arts, and carry an indulgent respect unto Schollers, [Page 123] but a desire to have their names eternized by the memory of their Writings, and a feare of the revengefull pen of succeeding ages: for these are men, that when they have played their parts, and had their exits, must step out and give the morall of their Scenes, and deliver unto posterity an Inventory of their vertues and vices. And surely there goes a great deale of conscience to the compiling of an History, and there is no reproach to the scandall of a Story. It is such an authenticke kinde of falsehood that with authority belies our good names to all Nations and Posterities.
There is another offence to Charity, which no Author hath ever written of, and few take notice of, and that is the [...]eproach, not of whole professions, my [...]teries and conditions, but of whole nations, wherein lye opprobrious Epithets [...]hat we must call each other, and upon [...]ncharitable Logick from a disposition [...]n a few conclude a habit in all.
S. Paul that cals the Cretians lyer [...] doth it but indirectly and upon quotation of their owne Poet. It is as bloudy [...] thought in one way as Neroes was in naother.
For by a word we wound a thousand and at one blow assassine the Honour o [...] a Nation. It is a compleate piece of madnesse to miscall and raile agains [...] the times, or thinke to recall men to reason, by a fit of passion: Democritu [...] that thought to laugh the times into goodnesse, seemes to me as deepely Hypochondriack, as Heraclitus that bewailed them; it moves not my spleene to behold the multitude in their proper humours, that is, in their fits of folly and madnesse, as well understanding that Wisdome is not common to the world, and that it is the priviledge of a few to be vertuous.
They that endevor to abolish vice destroy also vertue, for contraries, though they destroy one another, are yet in life [Page 125] of one another. Thus vertue (abolish vice) is an Idea; againe, the community of sin doth not desparage goodnesse, for when vice gaines upon the major part, vertue, in whom it remaines, becomes more excellent, and being lost in some, multip [...]s its goodnesse in another which remaine untouched, and persists intire in the generall inundation. I can therefore behold vice without a fature content, onely with an admonition, or instructive apprehension; for Noble natures, and such as are capable of goodnesse, are not railed into vice, and maintaine the cause of injured truth: no man can justly censure or condemne another, because indeed no man truely knowes another.
This I perceive in my selfe, for I am in the darke to all the world, and my nearest friends behold me but in a cloud; those that know me but superficially, thinke lesse of me then I do of my selfe; those of my neare acquaintance thinke more; God, who truely knowes me, knows that I am nothing, for he beholds [Page 126] me, and all the world, who lookes not on us through a divided ray, or a trajection of a sensible species, but beholds the substance without the helpes of accidents, and the formes of things, as we their operations. Further, no man can judge another, because n [...]man knowes himselfe, for we censure others but as they disagree from that humour which we fancy laudable in our selves, and commend others but for that wherein they seem to quadrateand consent with us. So that in conclusion, all is but that we all condemne, selfe-love, which is the generall complaint of these times, and perhaps of those past, that charity growes cold; which I perceive most verified in those which most doe magnifie the fires and flames of zeale; for it is a vertue that best agrees with coldest natures, and such as are complexioned for humility: But how shall we expect charity towards others, when we are uncharitable to our selves? and charity beginnes at home, in the voyce of the world, yet is every man his owne grea [...]est [Page 127] enemy, and as it were his owne executioner. Non occides, is the Commandement of God, yet scarce observed by any man, for I perceive every man is his owne Atropos, and lends a hand to cut the thred of his owne dayes. Cain was not therefore the first murtherer, but Adam, who brought in death; wherof he beheld the practise and example in his own son Abel, and saw that verified in the experience of others, which faith could not perswade him in the Theory of himselfe.
There is no man that apprehends his owne miseries lesse than my selfe, and no man that so nearely apprehends anothers. I could lose an arme without a [...]eare, and with few groanes, me thinkes, be quartered into pieces; yet can I weep most seriously at a Play, and receive with a true passion, the counterfeit griefs of those knowne and professed impostures. It is a barbarous part of inhumanity to adde unto any afflicted parties misery, or endevour to multiply in any man a passion, whose single nature is already [Page 128] above his patience, and this was the greatest affliction of Iob, and those oblique expostulations of his friends, a deeper injury then the downe-right blowes of the Devill. It is not the teares of our owne eyes onely, but of our Friends also, that doe exhaust the current of our sorrowes, which falling into many streames, runne more peaceably and are contented with a narrow channel. It is an act within the power of charity, to translate a passion out of one brest into another, and to divide a sorrow almost out of it selfe; for affliction like a dimension may be so divided, as if not indivisible, at least to become insensible. Now with my friend I desire not to share or participate, but to ingrosse his sorrowes, that by making them mine owne, I may more easily discusse them; for in mine owne reason, and within my selfe I can command that which I cannot entreat without my self, and within the circle of another. I have often thought those noble paires and examples of friendship not so truly Histories [Page 129] of what had beene, as fictions of what should be, but I now perceive nothing in them, but easie possibilities, nor any thing in the Heroick examples of Damon and Pithias, Achilles and Patroclus, which I could not performe within the narrow compasse of my selfe.
That a man should lay down his life for his friend, seemes strange to vulgar affections, and such as confine themselves within that worldly principle, Charity beginnes at home. For mine owne part I could never remember the relations that I held unto my selfe, nor the respect that I owe unto mine owne nature, in the cause of God, my Country, and my Friends. Next to these three, I doe emprace my selfe; I confesse I doe not observe that order that the Schooles or [...]aine our affections, to love our Parents, Wifes, Children, and then our Friends, [...]or excepting the injunctions of Religion, I doe not find in my selfe such a ne [...]essary and indissoluble Sympathy to [...]hose of my bloud. I hope I doe not [...]reake the fifth Commandement, if I [Page 130] confesse I love my Friend before th [...] nearest of my bloud, even those t [...] whom I owe the principles of life; I ne [...]ver yet cast a true affection on a Woma [...] but I have loved my Friend as I doe ve [...] tue, my soule, my God. From hence m [...] thinkes I doe conceive how God love man, what happinesse there is in the lo [...] of God. Omitting all other, there a [...] three most mysticall unions.
- 1. Two natures in one person.
- 2. Three persons in one nature.
- 3. One soule in two bodies.
For though indeed they be really d [...]vided, yet are they so united, as the [...] seeme but one, and make rather a dual [...]ty then two distinct soules.
There are wonders in true affections it is a body of Aenigmaes, mysteries an [...] riddles, wherein two so become one, [...] they both become two; I love my frien [...] before my selfe, and me thinkes I do [...] not love him enough; some few month [...] hence my multiplyed affection wi [...] make me beleeve I have not loved hi [...] at all, when I am from him, I a [...] [Page 131] dead till I be with him, when I am with him, I am not satisfied, but would still be nearer him: united soules are not satisfied with embraces, but desire to be [...]ruly each other, which being impossible, their desires are infinite, and must proceed without a possibility of satisfaction. Another misery there is in affection, that whom we truely love like our owne selves, we forget their lookes, nor [...]an our memory retain the Idea of their [...]aces; and it is no wonder, for they are our selves, and our affections makes [...]heir lookes our owne. This noble affection f [...]ls not on vulgar and common [...]onstitutions, but on such as are marked [...]or vertue, he cannot love his friend [...]ith this noble ardor that will in a com [...]etent degree affect all. Now if we can [...]ring our affections to looke beyond the [...]ody, and cast an eye upon the soule, we [...]ave found out the true object, not on [...]y of Friendship but Charity; and the greatest happines that we can bequeath the soule, is that wherein we al do place [...]ur last felicity, salvation, which though [Page 132] it be not in our power to bestow, it is in our charity, and pious invocations to desire, if not procure and further. I cannot frame a Prayer for my selfe in particular, without a catalogue for my friends, nor request a happinesse wherein my sociable disposition doth not desire the fellowship of my Neighbour. I never heare the Toll of a passing Bell though in my mirth, and at a Taverne, withou [...] my prayers and best wishes for the departing spirit; I cannot goe to cure the body of my Pati [...]nt, but I forget my profession, and call unto God for hi [...] soule; I cannot see one say his Prayers but instead of imitating him, I fall int [...] a zealous oration for him, who perhap [...] is no more to me then a common nature: and if God hath vouchsafed a [...] eare to my supplications, there are surely many happy that never saw me, an [...] enjoy the blessing of mine unknown [...] devotions. To pray for enemies, that is for their salvation is no harsh precept but the practise of our daily & ordinar [...] devotions. I cannot beleeve the story o [...] [Page 133] the Italian, our bad wishes and uncharitable desires proceed no further than this life; it is the devill, and the uncharitable votes of hell, that desire our misery in the world to come.
To doe no injury, nor take none, was a principle, which to my firme yeares, and impatient affections, seemed to containe enough of morality, but my more settled yeares, and Christian constitution have salne upon more securer resolutions. I hold there is no such thing as injury, that if there be, there is no such injury as revenge, and no such revenge as the contempt of an injury; that to [...]hate another, is to maligne himselfe, that the truest way to love another, is to despise our selves. I were unjust unto mine owne conscience, if I should say I am at variance with any thing like my selfe, I find there are many pieces in this our owne Fabricke of Man; and this frame is raised upon a masse of Antipathies: I am one me thinkes, but as the world wherein notwithstanding there are a swarme of distinct essences, and in [Page 134] them another world of contrarieties which carry private and domestick enemies within, publike and more hostile adversaries without.
The devill that did but buffet Sain [...] Paul, playes me thinkes at sharpe with me: Let me be nothing, if within th [...] compasse of my selfe, I doe not find th [...] battaile of Lepanto, passion against passion, reason against faith, faith agains [...] the devill, and my conscience against al [...] There is another man within me, rebukes, commands, and dastards me. [...] have no conscience of Marble to resis [...] the hammer of more heavy offences nor yet too soft and waxen, as to tak [...] the impression of each single peccadill [...] or scape of infirmity: I am of a strang [...] beliefe, that it is as easie to be forgive [...] some sinnes, as to commit some others▪ For my originall sinne, I hold it to b [...] washed away in my Baptisme; for my actual transgressions I compute and reckon with God, but from my last repentance, Sacrament, or absolution: An [...] therefore am not te [...]ifyed with the sin [...] [Page 135] or madnesse of my youth. I thanke the goodnesse of God I have no sinnes that want a name, I am not singular in offences, my transgressions are Epidemicall, and from the common breath of our corruption, [...]et even those common and quotidian infirmities that so necessarily attend me, and doe seeme to be my very nature, have so dejected me, so broken the estimation that I should have otherwise, that I repute my selfe the most abjectest piece of mortality, that I detest mine owne nature, and in my retired imaginations cannot with-hold my hands from violence on my selfe: Divines prescribe a fit of sorrow to repentance, there goes indignation, anger, sorrow, hatred, into mine, passions of a contrary nature, which neither seeme to sute with this action, nor my proper constitution. It is no breach of charity to our selves to be at variance with our vices, nor to abhorre that part of us, which is an enemy to the ground of charity, our God; wherein we doe but imitate our great selves the world, whose divided antipathies [Page 136] and contrary faces doe yet carry a charitable regard to the whole by their particular discords, preserving the common harmony, and keeping in fetters those powers whose rebellions once Masters, might be the ruine of all. I thanke God, amongst those millions of vices that I doe inherit and hold from Adam, I have escaped one, and that is a mortall enemy to charity, the first and Father sinne, not of man, but of devils, Pride, a vice whose name is comprehended in a Monosillable, but in its nature circumscribed with a world; I have escaped it in a condition that can hardly avoid it: those petty acquisitions and reputed perfections that advance and elevate the conceits of other men, adde no feathers unto mine; I have seene a Grammarian, toure, and plume himselfe over a single line in Horace, and shew more pride in the construction of one Ode, than the Author in the composure of the whole booke. For my owne part besides the Fargon and Patonis of severall Provinces, I understand no lesse [Page 137] then six Languages, yet I protest I have no higher conceit of my selfe then had our Fathers before the confusion of Babel, when there was but one Language in the world, and none to boast himselfe either Linguist or Criticke. I have not onely seene severall Countries, beheld the nature of their climes, the Chorography of their Provinces, Topography of their Cities, but understood their severall Lawes, Customes and Policies; yet cannot all this perswade the dulnesse of my spirit unto such an opinion of my self, as I behold in nimbler & conceited heads, that never looked a degree beyond their nest. I know the names, and somewhat more, of all the Starres in my Horizon, yet I have seene a prating Mariner that could onely name the Points and the North Starre, out-talke me, and conceit himself a whole Spheare above me. I know almost all the Plants of my time, and of those about me; yet me thinkes I do not know so many as when I did but know an hundred, and had scarcely ever Simpled further then [Page 138] Cheap-side: for indeed heads of capacity, and such as are not full with a handfull, or easie measure of knowledg, think they know nothing, till they know all, which being impossible, they fall upon the opinion of Socrates, and onely know they know not any thing; I cannot think that Homer pined away upon the riddle of the Fisherman, or that Aristotle, who understood the uncertainety of knowledge, and confessed so often the reason of man too weake for the worke of nature, did ever drowne himselfe upon the flux, and reflux of Euripus: we doe but learne to day, what our better advanced judgements will teach to morrow: and Aristotle doth instruct us, as Plato did him; that is, to confute himselfe. I have run through all sorts, and find no rest in any; though our first studies and junior endevours may stile us Peripateticks, Stoicks, or Academicks, yet I perceive the wisest heads prove at last, almost all Scepticks, and stand like Ianus in the field of knowledge. I have therefore one common and authenticke Philiosophy [Page 139] I learned in the Schooles, whereby I discourse and satisfie the reason of other men, another more reserved and drawne from Experience, whereby I content mine owne selfe. Solomon that complained of ignorance in the height of knowledge, hath not onely humbled my conceits, but discouraged my endevours. There is yet another conceit that hath made me shut my bookes, which tels me it is a vanity to waste our dayes in the blind pursuit of knowledge, it is but attending a little longer, and we shal enjoy that by instinct & infusion which we endevour all here by labour and inquisition: it is better to sit downe in a modest ignorance, and rest contented with the naturall blessing of our owne reasons, then buy the uncertaine knowledge of this life, with sweat and vexation, which death gives, every foole gaines, and is an accessary of our glorification.
I was never yet once, and am resolved never to be married twice, not that I disallow of a second marriage; as neither [Page 140] in all cases of Polygamy, which considering the unequall number of both sexes may be also necessary. The whole world was made for man, but the twelfth part of man for woman: man is the whole world and the breath of God, woman the rib onely, a crooked piece of man. I could wish that we might procreate like trees, without conjunction, or that there were any way to perpetuate the world without this triviall and vulgvlar way of coition; It is the foolishest act a wise man commits in all his life, nor is there any thing that will deject his cold imagination more, then when he shall consider what an odde and unworthy piece of folly he hath committed; I speak not in prejudice, nor am averse from that sweete sexe, but naturally amorous of all that is beautifull; I can looke a whole day with delight upon a handsome picture, though it be but of an Horse. It is my temper, and I like it the better, to affect all harmony, and since there is musicke even in the beauty, and the silent notes which Cupid strikes, farre [Page 141] sweeter then the vocall found of an instrument. For there is a musicke whereever there is a harmony, order or proportion, and thus farre we may maintain the musicke of the spheres, for those well ordered motions, and regular paces, though they give no sound to the eare, yet to the understanding they strike a note most full of harmony.
Whatsoever is harmonically composed delights in harmony; which makes me much distrust the simetry of those heads which declaime against our Church musicke. For my selfe, not onely for my Catholike obedience, but my particular genius, I am obliged to maintaine it, for even that vulgar and Taverne Musicke which makes one man merry, another mad, strikes in me a deepe fit of devotion, and a profound contemplation of my Maker; there is something in it of Divinity more then the eare discovers. It is an Hieroglyphicall and shadowed lesson of the whole world, & Creatures of God, such a melody to the eare, as the whole world well understood, would [Page 142] afford the understanding. In briefe, it is a sensible fit of that harmony, w ch intellectually sounds in the eares of God, it unties the ligaments of my frame, takes me to pieces, dilates me out of my self, & by degrees, me thinks, resolves me into heaven. I wil not say with Plato, the Soule is Harmony, but harmonicall, hath its neerest sympathy unto musicke: thus some, whose temper of body agrees, and humours the constitution of their soules, are borne Poets, though indeed all are naturally inclined unto Rime. This made Tacitus in the very first line of his story, fall upon a verse; and Ciccro, the worst of Poets, but disclaiming for a Poet, fall in the very first sentence upon a perfect Hexameter. I feele not in me those sordid, and unchristian desires of my profession, I doe not secretly implore and wish for Plagues, rejoyce at Famins, revolve Ephemerides, and Almanackes in expectation of malignant effects, fatall conjunctions, and Eclipses: I rejoyce not at unwholsome Springs, nor unseasonable Winters, my Prayer goes with [Page 143] the Husbandmans; I desire every thing in its proper season, that neither men nor the times be out of temper.
Let me be sicke my selfe, if sometimes the malady of my patient be not a disease to me, I desire rather to cure his infirmities then my owne necessities, where I doe him no good me thinkes it is no honest gaine, though I confesse it to be the worthy salary of our well-intended endeavours: I am not onely ashamed, but heartily sorry, that besides death, there are diseases incurable, yet not for my own sake, or that they be beyond my art, but for the general cause & sake of humanity whose common cause I apprehend as mine own: And to speak more generally, those three Noble professions which al civil Common wealths doe honour, are raised from the fall of Adam, & are not any exempt from their infirmities; there are not onely diseases incurable in Physicke, but cases indissoluble in Lawes, Vices incorrigible in Divinity: if general Councells may erre, I doe not see why particular Courts [Page 144] should be infallible, their perfectest rules are raised upon the erroneous reasons of Man, and the Lawes of one, doe but condemn the rules of another; as Aristotle the fourth figure, because, though agreeable to reason, yet was not consonant to his owne rules, and the Logicke of his proper principles. Againe, to speake nothing of the sinne against the Holy Ghost, whose cure not onely, but whose nature is unknowne; I can cure the gout or stone in some, sooner then Divinity, Pride, or Avarice in others. I can cure vices by Physicke, when they remaine incurable by Divinity, and shall obey my pils, when they contemne their precepts. I boast nothing, but plainely say, we all labour against our owne cure, for death is the cure of all diseases. There is no Catholicon or universall remedy I know but this, which thogh nauseous to queasie stomachs, yet to prepared appetites is Nectar and a pleasant potion of immortality. For my conversation, it is like the Sun without all men, and with a friendly aspect to good and bad. Me [Page 145] thinkes, there is no man bad, and the worst, best; that is, w [...]ile they are kept within the circle of those qualities, wherein they are good, there is no mans minde of such discordance, and of so jarring a temper to which a tuneable disposition will not strike a harmony.
Magnae virtutes, nec minora vitia, it is the posie of the best natures, and may be inverted on the worst, there are in the most depraved and venemous dispositions, certaine pieces which remaine untoucht, which by an Antiperistasis become more excellent, or by the excellency of their antipathies are able to preserve themselves from the contagion of their enemy vices, and persist entire beyond the generall corruption. For it is also thus in natures. The greatest Balsames doe lye enveloped in the bodies of powerfull Corrasives: I say moreover, and I ground upon experience, that poysons contain within themselves their owne Antidotes▪ and which preserve them from the venom of themselves, without which they were not deletorious [Page 146] to others onely, but to themselves also. But it is the corruption that I feare within me, and the contagion of commerce without me. It is that unruly Regiment within that will destroy: It is I that doe insert my selfe the man without a Navell, who yet lives in me. I feele that originall canker corrode and devoure me, and therefore Defienda me Dios de me, Lord deliver me from my selfe, is part of my Letany, and a first voyce of my retired imaginations: there is no man alone, because every man is a Microcosme, and carries the whole world about him, Nunquam minus solus quam cum solus, though it be the Apophthegme of a wise man, is yet true in the mouth of a foole; for indeed, though in a Wildernesse, a man is never alone, not onely because he is with himselfe, and his own thoughts, but because he is with the devill, who ever consorts with our solitude, and is that unruly rebell that musters up those disordered motions, which accompany our sequestred imaginations: and to speake more narrowly, [Page 147] there is no such thing as solitude, nor any thing that can be said to be alone, and by it selfe, but God, who is his owne circle, and can subsist by himself, all others besides those dissimilary and Heterogeneous parts, which in a manner multiply the natures, cannot subsist without the concourse of God, and the society of that hand which doth uphold [...]heir natures. In briefe, there can be nothing truely alone, and by its self, which is not truely one, and such is onely God: All others doe transcend an unity, and so by consequence are many.
Now for my life, it is a miracle of thirty yeares, which to relate, were not a History, but a piece of Poetry, and would sound to common eares like a fable; for the world, I count it not an Inn, but an Hospital, and a place, not to live, but to dye in. The world that I regard is my selfe, it is the Microcosme of mine owne frame, that I cast mine eye on; for the other, I use it but like my Globe, and turne it round sometimes for my recreation.
[Page 148]Men that looke upon my outside, perusing onely my condition, and fortunes, doe erre in my altitude; for I am above Atlas his shoulders. Let me not injure the felicity of others, if I say I am the happiest man alive; I have that in me that can convert poverty into riches, adversity into prosperity. I am more invulnerable than Achilles, fortune hath not one place to hit me; Coelum ruat, come what will, Fiat voluntas tua, salves all, so that whatsoever happens, it is but what our daily prayers desire. In briefe, I am content, and what should providence adde more? Surely this is it we call happinesse, and this do I enjoy, with this I am happy in a dream, and as content to enjoy a happinesse in a fancy, as others in a more apparent truth and reality. There is surely a neerer apprehension of any thing that delights each of us in our dreames, then in our waked [...]enses; with this I can be a King without a Crowne, rich without Royalty, in heaven, tho on earth, enjoy my friend and embrace him at a distance, without [Page 149] which I cannot behold him, without this I were unhappy, for my awaked judgement discontents me, ever whispering unto me, that I am from my friend, but my friendly dreames in the night requite me, and make me think I am within his armes. I thanke God for my happy dreames, as I doe for my good rest, for there is a reflection in them to reasonable desires, and such as can be content with a fit of happinesse; and surely it is not a melancholy conceit to thinke we are all asleepe in this world, and that the conceits of this world, are as meare dreames to those of the next, as the Phantasmes of the night; to the conceit of the day. It is an equall delusion in both, & the one doth but seem to be the embleme or picture of the other; we are somewhat more then our selves in our sleepes, and the slumber of the body seemes to be but the waking of our soules. It is the ligation of our [...]ense; but the liberty of reason, our awaking conceptions doe not march the fancies of our sleeps. At my Nativity, my Ascendant [Page 150] was the earthly signe of Scorpio, I was borne in the Planetary houre of Saturne, and I thinke I have a piece of that Leaden Planet in me. I am no way facetious, nor disposed for the mirth and galliardize of company, yet in one dreame I can compose a whole Comedy, behold the action in one dreame, apprehend the jests, and laugh my selfe awake at the conceits thereof; were my memory as faithfull as my reason is there fruitfull, I would never study but in my dreames, and this time also would I chuse for my devotions, but our grosser memories have then so little hold of our abstracted understandings, that they forget the story, and can onely relate to our awaked soules, a confused and broken tale of that that hath beene past. Aristotle, who hath written a singular tract of sleepe, hath not throughly defined it, no [...] yet Galen, though he seeme to have corrected it, for those Noctea [...]nbulones, though in their sleepe, doe yet enjoy the action of their senses: we must therefore say that there is something in us that is [Page 151] not in the jurisdiction of Morpheus; and that those abstracted & ecstarick soules doe walke about in their owne corps, as spirits with the bodies they assume, wherein they seeme to heare, see, and feele, though indeed the organs are destitute of senses, and their natures of those faculties that should inform them. Thus I observe that men oftentimes upon the houre of their departure, doe speake and reason above themselves. For then the soule beginnes to be freed from the ligaments of the body, begins to reason like her selfe, and to discourse in a straine above mortality. We tearme death a sleepe, and yet it is waking that kils us, and destroyes those spirits that are the house of life. It is that death by which we may be literally said to dye daily, a death which Adam dyed before his mortality; a death whereby we live a middle and moderating point betweene life and death▪ in fine, so like death, I dare not trust it without my prayers, and an halfe adiew unto the world; it is a fit time for devotion: I [Page 152] cannot therefore lay me downe on my bed without an oration, and without taking my farewell in a Colloquie with God.
This is the dormitory I take to bedward, use no other Laudanum to sleepe, after which I close mine eyes in security, content to take my leave of the Sun, and to sleepe unto the Resurrection.
The method I would use in distributive justice, I also observe in commutative, and keepe a Geometricall proportion in both, whereby becomming equable to others, I become unjust to my self, and supererogate that common principle, Doe as thou wouldst be done unto thy selfe.
I was not borne unto riches, neither is it my Starre to be wealthy; or if it were, the freedome of my mind, and franknesse of my disposition, were able to contradict and crosse my fates: for to me avarice seemes not so much a vice, as a deplorable piece of madnesse; to conceive [Page 154] our selves Urinals, or be perswaded that wee are dead, is not so ridiculous, nor so many degrees beyond the power of Hellebore, as this.
The opinions of theory and positions of men are not so voyd of reason, as their practised conclusion: some have held that Snow is blacke, that the earth moves, that the soule is ayre, fire, water, but all this is Philosophy, and there is no De [...]irium, if we doe but speculate the folly and indisputable dotage of avari [...]e to that subterraneous Idol, and God of the earth. I doe confesse I am an Atheist, I cannot perswade my selfe to honour that the world adores, whatsoever vertue its prepared Sublime may have within my body, it hath no influence nor operation without; I would not entertaine a base designe, or an action that should call me villaine, for the Indies, and for this only doe I love and honour my soule, and have, me thinkes, two armes too few to embrace my selfe. Aristotle is too severe, that will not allow us to be truly liberal without wealth, and the bountifull hand [Page 155] of fortune; If this be true, I must confesse I am charitable onely in my liberall intentions, & bountifull well-wishes. But if the example of the Mite be not onely an act of wonder, but an example of the noblest charity, I can justly boast I am as charitable as some who have built Hospitals, or erected Cathedrals: I have a private method which others observe not, I take the opportunity of my selfe to doe good, I borrow occasion of charity from mine owne necessities; I supply the wants of others, when I am in most need my selfe, when I am reduced to the last tester, I love to d [...]vide it to the poore, for it is an honest statagem to take the advantage of our selves, and so to husband the acts of vertue, that where they are defective in one circumstance, they may repay their want, and multiply their goodnesse in another. I hath not Peru in my desires, but a competence and ability to performe those good workes to which the Almighty hath inclined my nature. He is rich, who have enough to be charitable, & it is hard to [Page 156] be so poore, that a noble mind may not finde a way to this piece of goodnesse. He that giveth to the poore, lendeth to the Lord, there is more Rhetorick in that one sentence then in a Library of Sermons, & indeed if those sentences were understood by the Reader, with the same Emphasis as they are delivered by the Author, we need not those Volums of instructions, but might bee honest by an Epitome. Upon this motion onely I cannot behold a Begger without relieving his necessities with my purse, or his soule with my prayers; the scenicall and accidentall differences betweene us cannot make me forget that common & untoucht part of us both, the soule being of the same alloy with our owne, whose Genealogy is God as well as ours, and in as faire a way to salvation, as our selves. Statists that labour to conceive a Common-wealth without poverty, doe take away the object of charity, not understanding onely the Common-wealth of a Christian, but forgetting the prophecy of Christ.
[Page 157]Now there is another part of charity, which is the Basis and Pillar of this, and that is the love of God, for whom we love our neighbour: for this I thinke charity, to love God for himselfe, and our neighbour for God.
All that is truly amiable is God, or as it were a divided piece of him, that retaines a reflex or shadow of himselfe. Nor is it strange that we should place affection on that which is invisible, all that we truly love is thus, what we adore under affection of our senses, deserves not the honour of so pure a title. Thus we adore vertue, though to the eyes of sense she be invisible. Thus that part of our loving friends that we love, is not that part that we embrace; but that insensible part that our armes cannot embrace. God being all goodnesse, can love nothing but himselfe, he loves us but for that part, which is as it were himselfe, and the traduction of his holy Spirit. Let us call to assize the lives of our parents, the affection of our wives and children, and they are all dumbe [Page 158] showes, and dreames without reality, truth, or constancy; for first thereis a strong bond of affection between us and our parents, yet how easily dissolved we betake our selves to a woman, forgetting our mothers in a wife, and the wombe that bare us in that that shall beare our image? This woman blessing us with children, our affections leaves the levell it held before, and sinkes from our bed unto our issue and picture of posterity, where affection holds no steady mansion. They growing up in yeares desire our ends, or applying themselves to a woman, take a lawfull way to love another better then our selves. Thus I conceive a man may be buryed alive, and behold his grave in his owne issue.
I conclude therfore, and say that there is no happinesse under (or as Copernicus will have it, above) the Sun, in that repeated verity and burthen of all the wisdome of Solomon, All is vanity and vexation of spirit; there is no felicity in that the world adores. Aristotle whilst he labours to refute the Ideas of Plato, fals upon [Page 159] one himselfe, for his summum bonum, is a Chimaera, and there is no such thing as his Felicity. That wherein God himselfe is happy, the holy Angels are happy, in whose defects the devils are unhappy; that dare I call happinesse: whatsoever conduceth unto this, may with an easie Metaphor deserve that name, what soever else the world termes happinesse, is to me a story, or apparition, or neat delusion, wherein there is no more of happinesse then the name.
Blesse me in this life with the peace of my conscience, command of my affections, the love of my dearest friends, and I shall be happy enough to pity Caesar.
These are O Lord happinesse on earth wherein I set no rule or limit to thy providence, dispose of me according to the justice of thy pleasure. Thy will be done, though in mine owne damnation.