AN ACCOUNT OF Several Travels Through a great part of GERMANY: In Four Journeys.

  • I. From Norwich to Colen.
  • II. From Colen to Vienna, with a particular Description of that Imperial City.
  • III. From Vienna to Hamburg.
  • IV. From Colen to London.

WHEREIN The Mines, Baths, and other Curiosities of those Parts are Treated of. Illustrated with Sculptures. By EDWARD BROWN M. D. Fellow of the College of Physicians of London, and of the Royal Society.

LONDON, Printed for Benj. Tooke, and are to be sold at the Sign of the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1677.


G. Jane R. P. D. Hen. Episc. Lond. à Sacris Dom.
Sept. 26. 1676.


HAving given the English World an Account of some remote and seldome travelled Countries of Europe, in the Year, 1673. I remained indifferent, as to the publishing any thing more, concerning nearer, or bet­ter known places; a great part whereof hath been delivered by some good, and observing Writers; upon which conside­ration, though written some years since, these Papers have not come abroad, and had still remained private, had not the desires of Friends solicited this Publica­tion, and also a Promise in my former Book oblig'd me to say something of Vi­enna; as likewise my Journey unto that Place from England, by the Belgian Pro­vinces [Page] and Germany; and of my Return from Vienna by Austria Trans-Danu­biana, Moravia, Bohemia, Misnia, Saxonia, unto Hamburg; hereof I have therefore given some Account in this Work, not much engaging into the Policy and State Government of Places, which have been so largely delivered, as to make up just Volumes, but have rather set down what is Naturally, Artificially, Histori­cally, and Topographically remarkable; together with some Customes and Occur­rencies which might be acceptable unto the Inquisitive Reader, or serve as hints of further Enquiry, to such Persons as may hereafter Travel into those Parts.

A Catalogue of some Books Printed for Benj-Tooke at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard.

  • THe Works of the Most Reverend Father in God, John Bramhall, late L. Arch-Bish. of Ardmagh. Fol.
  • Several Chirurgical Treatises, by Richard Wiseman Serje­ant Chirurgion to his Majesty. Fol.
  • Skinneri Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae. Fol.
  • Bishop Sanderson' s Sermons. Fol.
  • Bentivolio and Urania, by N. Ingelo, D. D. Fol.
  • Mr. Faringdon' s Sermons compleat, Three Vol. Fol.
  • Dr. Heylin on the Creed. Fol.
  • Lord Bacon' s Advancement of Learning. Fol.
  • Lightfoot. Horae Hebraicae in Johannem. Quarto.
  • Dr. Brown' s Travels in Hungaria, Servia, Bulgaria, Mace­donia, Thessaly, Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli, with Sculptures. Quarto.
  • A Representation of the State of Christianity in England, and of its decay and danger from Sectaries as well as Papists.
  • Langhornii Elenchus Antiquitatum Albionensium. Oct.
  • Batei Elenchus Motuum Nuperorum in Anglia.
  • Johannis Stearne de Obstinatione Opus Posthumum. Praefixa sunt Prolegomena Apologetica. Octavo.
  • Two Letters of Advice; 1. For susception of H. Orders. 2. For Studies Theological, especially such as are Rational. Oct.
  • Some Considerations of present Concernment, how far the Ro­manists may be trusted by Princes of another Perswasion. 8.
  • Two short Discourses against the Romanists. 1. An Account of the Fundamental Principle of Popery, and of the Insuf­ficiency of the Proofs they have for it. 2. An Answer to Six Queries, 12. These four by Henry Dodwell M. A. sometimes Fellow of Trinity Colledge near Dublin.

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