The VVonderful Sayings spoken by
Joseph Briggins, worthy to be minded.
ON the 26th day of the fourth moneth, about the seventh hour in the Evening being (as we thought) very near death, after he had layen silent for about an hour, he began to appear full of exceeding great joy & pleasantness, and his mouth was opened and he said, I shall praise the Lord; for he is only to be praised:
So he went on in Heavenly words in Prayer, to the admiration of the Nurse & Maid that heard him; of all which they only could rememeber that he said in admiration.
Oh! I have never heard of any other God but thee, O my Holy One.
And the Nurse offering him some Cordial to drink.
Nay, said he, I shall not eat nor drink-until I have seen my Heaven
[...]y Father's Face in Glory-
And more and more he was changed, and filled with exceeding great Joy and Pleasantness, and said;
I have heard of thee, but now I see thee in Glory.
And many Heavenly sayings and expressions came from him; the Maid and Nurse did think he had been near going away: He hearing them speak so, He earnestly said, Pray call up my Father and Mother, for I have something to say to them concerning what I have seen of my Heavenly Father's Glory.
So he went on uttering many Heavenly Sayings and Exhortations in sound Judgment; his Mother was called up, and seeing him so greatly changed in so short a time, she wept, and ran down stairs and called his Father, and several People that were there at that time, and when he heard them come up, he joyfully called out,
Father, Father, Oh Father;
and held out his Hand, and shook his Father by the Hand, and said.
Oh! pure and glorious is my Saviour which hath appeared to me, and hath taken me into his Kingdom: Oh! mine eye hath seen his Glory.
His Words were expressed in so great Wisdom and Power, that we were all amazed at them, being also in Meeter for the space of about one hour and a half praising God, and admiring him, and his glorious Power, and Holy Order of glorified Saints and Holy Angels, and of the Glorious Day of God revealed, said he. Some of which many Words he gave forth to us are as followeth, viz.
O most Glorious God, great and wonderful things are brought to pass by thy own pure holy Power, by which thou hast revealed thy Son unto us thy Ministers, O my King, O let all People fear and stand in awe of thy Power, by which thou hast gathered many out of their sinful wayes, into pure Obedience to thee: Oh, thou hast given us a living Knowledge of thee, O pu e, glorious, holy God, let thy Life reach unto all my dear Friends, and keep them that know thee firm and stedfast
[Page 4]upon thy Holy Foundation Christ Iesus my King, whose appearance is very glorious at this day, and of his Government no end is to be; but Thousands of Thousands, Millions of Thousands shall come to see, and be made with me, partakers of his glorious bright shining-day.
Of which many Words more he spake which cannot be remembred.
Again he said, O Glory, Glory, Everlasting Praises be given to thee by me, and all we that know thee; O I have much to say for thee.
He was asked if he knew what he had said? his answer was, I have preached the Gospel to you.
His Father desired all present to hearken and mind what he said, and spake some of his words to them, but he was grieved, and said:
O be silent all flesh and stand by, for we that have seen thy pure mighty Glory can preach this Gospel which is thy power, and the day comes on apace, that all that undertakes to speak of thee, and obeyes not thy Power, by this Power they shall
[Page 5]be brought to Silence: There are many Ways and Baptisms in the world; but Oh thou Pure, Holy, Holy one, we thy Ministers have known thy Spiritual Baptism into Christ Iesus my Lord, by which the living water have we known and felt. Oh it is indeed exceeding pure, by which we have been washed from all our Sins. Oh my King thou wast slain, and by the virtue of thy pure Blood, we have this gain. Oh that all may wait continually upon thee, that they may be kept from all the deceiveable wayes of this world. Oh mind and serve the Lord in your day; for his Holy Truth revealed in you is the Way in which you must Wait and Obey. Oh! Glorious are the Beams of the Sun that hath shined into my Heart, in which I have seen the Glory of his Day, although in the grave shortly this Body is to lie. But Oh Glory, Glory, and Halelujahs my Soul doth sing to thee O my King, for the Redemption of my Soul, that shall never dye; but in Praises pure for ever shall endure; a living taste thou hast given to me most sure. O my Father and Mother; all my Friends
[Page 6]which to me are dear; yet a Glory I have seen most bright; in which I shortly must appear; He is my King and Leader which is my Saviour most dear; O exceeding glorious is this Holy Place where Saints and Angels in bright shining Glory behold his pure Face: Oh All obey his pure Truth in your day.
That you may feel the Virtue of his Grace;
For mortal man is but to run his Race.
And woe to them that shall not Obey his Grace; for such do not feel his Virtue, nor ever shall see his Face.
Some were whispering together towards the further end of the room, at which he seemed to be grieved, and said these Words, pointing with his Finger.
Here is a Spirit speaks in this room that is not of God.
He was so much spent, he could hardly speak, and bid the People that stood by stand further that he might have a little Aire; he was offered something to drink, he said, he
[Page 7]would not receive it; a little after he was
[...]ressed again to receive it,
said he, If I should I should tell a
[...]ye, and gave a Sign to put it away,
and said,
Oh the Sons of God have better refreshment then a Cup of cold water.
And so lay silent a while, but again spake as followeth: The Lord hath taken me into his Kingdom, He hath discovered the fresh Springs of his Love to my Soul. O all that know the Lord, be obedient to his Power, and he will discover himself more to you, and you shall know more; Thousands, Thousands, Millons will the Lord call. O that my Kindred after the Flesh might come to know the Lord.
Again after some time of Silence he said,
O that my Fellows, my Companions might know the Lord; they shall know the Lord, they shall follow me: Here be some stand by me that do not know the Lord.
Which he repeated again, and again, and then said,
What wait you to hear? What do you all stand here to hear?
His Father answered him, they stand to hear what the Lord will speak by thee.
He said, No, all that are here do not wait to hear the Lord speak; you do not all know the Lord, you think you know him; but you know him but in the Notion, but when you come to dye, you shall know, that you did not know the Lord.
When some spake of his being light headed, and as though he should speak he knew not what, he seemed grieved, and earnestly said,
I had rather be torn alive by Dogs, then that an Impure or Unholy Word should come out of my Mouth.
Some that knew him very well wondred to hear him speak as he did, and said, they had never heard such words come from him before; he said,
The Lord hath fully made that known to my Soul, which I had some feeling of before.
On the next day about the Seventh Hour in the morning; he was very earnest in Prayer softly to himself; but some words were heard, viz.
O let all that know not thy pure Truth come and receive it saith my Soul.
And sung of the Olive Tree, and the Ftuit thereof, which he had fed on, and of his Refreshment he had thereby.
He was asked what he meant by the Olive Tree? He said, The Tree of Life.
And many more Heavenly Sayings he uttered before he departed to his Everlasting Rest.