A BRIEF RELATION Of several Passages of the LIFE and DEATH OF WILLIAM BARTON OF SHREWSBURY, In October, 1661.

Wherein may be seen much Wicked­ness against great Workings of God in him; As also God's most just Anger, and wondrous Mercy (as is hoped) towards him.

Published by a Relation of his, and intended chiefly for the good of such as knew him in Shrewsbury: many of whom can testify the truth of these things.

Stand in awe, and sin not.
Behold the goodness and severity of God.

London, Printed for John Allen, at the Rising Sun in Little Brittain, 1664.

To the READER.

Christian Reader,

SInce it was the earnest desire of my poor unworthy Brother, whom notwithstand­ing (we hope) God was graciously plea­sed to own and love, to honour God some way, to shame Sin, and to betray the deceits of the Devil, that God's hand upon him might do good to some. Since this was his desire, and should be the endeavour and design of all those that love God, I have therefore, by the advice of some Friends, thought fit to present unto your consideration several Passages, which through the blessing of God may tend thereunto. The Method of this Discourse you must not expect to be orderly, being penned by one that is unskil­full in such work. If therefore you shall think any of the Passages therein impertinent, or rude­ly brought in, impute it not to him of whom the Discourse is, but rather unto the unskilfulness of the Penner, in ordering of it: For sure I am, for my own part, I never did see any man more sensibly appear to be affected with what he spake, than he was during the time of this his visitation which was about the space of seven weeks: And [Page]although his Speeches, and those Passages which have relation to this Providence, as they are re­lated by me, may not affect you, yet sure I am, if you had seen that seriousness, deep sence and su­table affections, which accompanied those passages in him, you could not but have been affected therewith. Many choice things (judged per­haps by divers to be better than these) were spoke by him at several times, which I am not able to set down. I have given you, as near as I could, his own words, omitting, as much as I thought I might, the discourse of others which occasioned them; And although but very briefly and bro­kenly on my part, yet I hope out of this confused heap, you may pick something which may some­time or other do you good: for which hope-sake I am encouraged to publish the same, although I often feared, and do fear that I shall thereby purchase the scorns of some: yet knowing that wise men will take that well which was well in­tended, passing by small faults; or, with the Bee, gather Honey, though from a Weed, I am thereby encouraged, and must venture the displeasure of others.

A brief Relation of several Passages of the Life and Death of William Bar­ton, &c.

FIrst, let me beg your patience whilst I give you a description of his Disposition & manner of Life, to the end you may the better judge of the whole Discourse.

He was a Young Man, not above twenty eight years of age, born and educated in the Town of Shrewsbury, of honest Parents; the Trade he followed was a Butcher. He was from a Child well educated; he learned ma­ny Chapters & Psalms in the Bible by heart; from a Child would remember much of a Sermon, and would often be teaching those brothers and sisters of his, who were young­er than himself; seemed the hopefullest and the forwardest to good, of any of his bre­thren, and very forward to teach others: Yet in one thing he was many times faulty from a Child, which was, a great aptness to speak lies, usually hiding his fault by a lye, for fear of punishment, and was much given to talk and brag.

He was one that would take a great deal of pains in his Calling, and was very diligent in whatsoever he went about: He was also of a loving and pittiful disposition, very rea­dy to forgive any injury, even to his greatest enemies; very pittiful and charitable to the poor, for many times he would give (though he had but little in the house) very freely to them: When he had but half a loaf in his house, seeing a poor woman go by, his heart pittied her, and he called her back, and gave her half of it: He was very glad to see others good, and rejoyced when he saw reformati­on in any that had been formerly more loose. When he was told that one in the Town that had been very loose, was become a changed man, and followed that which was good, he wept for joy, and said, Methinks I feel my heart love him; nay, he would often weep for joy at the good he heard or saw in others, especially in his relations. He would give very good counsel to any he thought needed it, although he lost their love by it, and though he himself did follow it but poorly, being too much the servant of sin. He had alwayes a love to good Ministers, and he would often say that he would venture his life for them; Yet he was many times a compa­nion of vain persons, spending his time with [Page 7]them in the Alehouse; yet among them, as occasion was given, he would speak for God and his People, so that it was observed that he had not their love, with whom he spent so much of his time and money. He was much given to vain glory, so that a little praise, or expression of love, would win his heart, and easily draw him any way: yet he oft-times loved to reade, and used to pray in his Fa­mily, and sometimes in secret, though, as he after complained, very seldom. Oft-times (after he had broken out) he would be very sad, from the consideration of his life, and as he confessed afterwards, his sins seemed so horrible to him that they almost over­whelmed him, and would make him think there was no hope for him, so that he was fain to stifle all those workings, and bussle through them with some kind of hope of a­mendment, yet at such times he would con­ceal the cause of his trouble. After, upon some discontent with his wife, and through the poverty which he had brought upon him­self by his evil courses, he went into Scotland, where it pleased God to visit him with a great fit of sickness, and to lay before him his life in such a manner, as was horrible to him; so that when he looked back upon his wayes, he was even overwhelmed; but when he looked [Page 8]forward, he saw some hope, and was full of resolutions of a new life; and when he was recovered, he lived in a stricter manner for a while, and found much comfort and refresh­ment from God, and such sweetness in that short time of obedience and resolu [...]ion, as he never had found in any thing in the world; yet after his returning into England he grew to the same pass again, lived after the same rate, and was in many things worse, and ran into some sins he had never committed be­fore, By his evil wayes, as gaming, and com­pany-keeping, he grew in debt, and alwayes for the space of the last half-year was in dan­ger of arresting. He would often defend him­self from them with threatning words, such as these: Keep off me, you know not what I may do; do not come near me, lest I set you to sleep with your fathers, having often his knife in his hand. These and such words he spake with as daunting a carriage as he could, and by this means he kept himself almost the space of half a year out of their hands, absenting himself also sometimes out of the Town, and taking such courses as he ought not. But one time above all, being full of drink, and fear­less (as at such times he used to be) a young man who was an Apprentice to an Officer in the Town, who had a great hatred to him, and [Page 9]had often threatned to take him either dead or alive, (which the said William Barton knew not of, until it was proved at his tryal) This young man came one morning, accom­panied with another, seeking to take him; but at that time, he having his knife in his hand, and speaking great words, kept himself out of their hands: yet in the evening the young man watching for him about the house, came running upon him as he stood at his Mothers Shop, and he having his knife in his hand, the man holding him by the back (for he turned himself to go in) he struck his hand behind him, which went streight upon the man's heart, so that he run but about thirty yards, crying, Stop him, he hath mur­dered me, and so fell down and dyed: And he being taken, would not believe he had hurt the man, but that they intended to afright him. About an hour before, he was counsel­led by one of his friends, not to threaten, or to draw his knife, lest God should leave him to himself, to do that which he intended not to do. His answer was; I will hurt no body I'le warrant you; let me alone; Do you think I have no care of my self? But he was never the safer for all his self-confidence. He had been more fase if he had feared more.

Being put into Prison, he was so full of [Page 10]drink, that immediately he slept very sound­ly for a time; but coming to him the next morning, we found him mightily awakened with the apprehension of his guilt, and of God's severity against sin, with a dejected countenance full of horrour and tears, thus he said: O the blood of this poor innocent man, which I have sent away in his sins! I am afraid his blood cryes against me, it lies at my heart, here it lies, it cannot be wash'd away: O no­thing is before me but guilt, and an angry God, and Death and Hell, who shall dwell with ever­lasting burnings! This Scripture terrified him often, Because I have called, and ye re­fused, I will laugh at your calamity, and mock when your fear cometh: but I will justifie God, though it be to my destruction: he hath not been wanting to me, but I have been wanting to my self: mine own iniquity hath taken me, and I am held in the cords of mine own sin. O pray for me, every one that hath an interest in God; pray for me, for I cannot pray for my self: my mouth is stop'd, my works sink me. Thus he continu­ed full of horror, crying out because of the innocent blood that was shed by his hand; and multiplying Scriptures against himself, these and such like: He that being often re­proved and hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy. Wo be to the [Page 11]wicked, it shall be ill with him, for the reward of his hands shall be given him, he shall eat of the fruit of his own wayes, and be filled with his own devices.

On the second day some of his relations coming to him, found him lying upon the straw, and, as formerly, crying out because of the guilt and horrour of his sin. His first words to his relations were, Am I not cast out of your hearts? who told him that he was not, forasmuch as he was yet alive; and there was some hopes, for there is an earnest spirit of prayer upon many good people that know you, and that hear of you; and they told him also, that his Sister Mary on her Death-bed, spake these words to the honour of God, and to encourage us to seek, That she never did earnestly beg any thing of God, which she could or durst pray absolutely for, that she was denied: and she further said, That she had some hope concerning William, that poor Lad, that there are some prayers put up for him that will not be denyed.

But did she say so (said he) O now I have some hope: I thought I had been quite out of her heart, that I was bound as to her, but I was not. O set all the Town to pray for me; every one that hath any interest in God. When I come to pray I dare not, my mouth is stopt, I have hid [Page 12]my sins with lying, and I was hypocritical: O I have deceived my self. I dare not look behind me, for my works sink me into Hell, and I can see nothing before me but an angry God, and Death and Hell, and Eternity. O for one smile from Heaven; one smile from Heaven would be worth all: One drop of Faith and true Repen­tance is worth all the world. Now come unto me over these mountains, and over these hills. It were just with God that I should have the hope of the Hypocrite, but O that it might not be so. I have no hope, but that I am yet out of Hell. A living Dog is better than a dead Lion. O every one that sees me, take heed of sin. This is the condition that sin hath brought me into: now I must receive my wages: this is my due wages, I have been working for it all my life. O poor Brother Thomas, walk softly in the world, do not be too busie in it: my Companions cannot deliver me.

One of the Beholders that stood by, told him that Gods mercy is above all his works, and that in the midst of judgment he remem­bers mercy; and he hath done so to you; for you might have been suddenly snatcht away, as this poor man that is gone. Then said he, I can see it to be a mercy, for then I had been sure in Hell, deep in Hell; and I have seen mercy in God's dealing to me formerly, in that [Page 13]my way was hedged up, and that I did not pros­per in my evil way as others did; and when I sought the favour of men, and should have sit­ten down contented with it, I alwayes lost it: for if I should but have been well thought of in the world, and have had the favour of men, I should never have looked further: But Oh if I should waken thus as I am now, in another world, I were utterly undone, all this would but tor­ment me. I have a great work to do, and I know not which way to begin; I can do nothing towards it, and I have but a little time: O thou Son of David, have mercy on me: O thou Son of David, look back and pitty me, I would fol­low thee and cry after thee, O that I might not be stopt; I would not let thee alone till thou bless me: Hear the Prayers that are put up for me; Let the Blood of Christ that speaks better things than the Blood of Abel, out-cry the cry of my sins: Pray for me (said he) that God would not give me into the Devils hands this night, nor let him come to me; God justly might: But pray for me, your prayers may do me good, it may be God will hear your prayers for me: O that ini­quity might not be my ruine.

Coming to him the third day, and menti­oning some Scriptures unto him, which make known God's good will towards men, and his readiness to forgive, he answered thus: [Page 14]I do believe that if I did hate my sin as it is sin, and is against God, that I should be forgiven; but I am afraid that I do not hate sin as it is sin, and is against God; for I do not see the rest of the sins of my life as I do this; this I can see to be horrible and filthy, and it lies heavy upon me; whether it be because this is more odious in the sight of the world, or whether it be because this makes me lyable to punishment from men, or brings me to open shame, I cannot tell whether this may be the cause; but the rest of my sins I cannot feel stick so upon me, as this doth, and they should; for when I think of their aggravations, they are as bad or worse; and therefore I am afraid I do not hate sin as it is against God. But how should I do that I may see the rest of my sins as they be; should I not confess all those sins which I have hid; I think I should; and I see the truth of that, He that hideth his sins shall not prosper. His friends there present, en­couraged him to go on with his purpose in making an ingenious confession without any hiding or sparing of himself, and that he would be sure, when he should meet with any hiding or sparing of himself, and that he would be sure, when he should meet with any secret temptation to hide or lessen any sin, 02 that he would be sure to thwart that tempta­tion, by making a fuller confession of every circumstance and aggravation thereof, that so he might shame himself the more, and be­tray [Page 15]that deceitful heart that otherwise would betray him: And we do believe by his in­genious confestions, that he followed this resolution of his, in confessing all, and not hiding any thing, though it might tend much to further his shame: And when Children or others stood to gaze on him, and were about to be hindered by the Keeper of the Door or others, he would intreat that they might not, saying, Let them alone to look upon me, and see the fruits of sin; and would put forth his legs to shew them his Chains, say­ing, Children, it is sin that hath bound me with these Chains, mine own iniquity hath taken me; hearken to the good counsel of your Parents; I began with runing from counsel, and now it hath brought me to this; and spake the truth always; when I had done evil, I would think to hide it by lying, and now God hath discovered me; I hid my sins, and therefore I did not prosper.

Another time some of his relations and neighbours coming to him, and after much discourse, which was savory from him, he burst out into extream tears, and said, O I lye under an hard heart; and if it be hard now I am undone for ever; sin hath hardened my heart. The company then going forth of the 100m, thus he spake, Dear Neighbours, this one thing I would have you do, whenever you [Page 16]commit any sin that you know of, go and confess it quickly to God, and to some faithful friend, and pray them to pray for you, that your sin may be forgiven; for I went on in sin unconfest and unforgiven, till I was as full of sin as I could hold, and then this brake out, and now all my sin is become a debt.

And coming to him the next day, and finding him very sad and comfortless, even quite without hope, we sought to comfort him, but could not, for thus he cryed out, God's Word is against me; I can scarce turn to any place but it is against me; my works are against me; I am thy works, and I will follow thee: O if my works follow me, I am undone; Ah shall lying follow me, and cozening follow me, and dissembling follow me, and blood follow me: Ah I am afraid there is no hope; but I will hope against hope.

And thus he spake to his mother and his re­lations then by; Dear Mother, what a Son have I been to you, my dear Mother, what a Son have I been to you! what a brother have I been to you all! but mother, they are not all such as I; you have some good Children, be thankful for those; they might have been all such as I. Af­ter a little silence he began again to cry out; O that I could honour God some way before I go out of the world! What a scandal have I been to Religion? What a savour shall I leave behind [Page 17]me? Ah! what an example have I given in the world; O that I might live to give a better exam­ple; I would fain live that I might be an enemy to sin: O that poor souls might not be taken in those snares that I have been taken in. Methinks I would not live if I should live as I have done; I would rather dye now, than live to dishonour God again; If I should live, I would not live as I have done, sure I should not, methinks I should not: I think I should scarce get time, to get my dayly bread, but that I must, for it were my duty; but if I should again live as I have done, methinks Hell it self would be too narrow for me.

One of his Acquaintance which he had spent much time with, came to see him; Ah (said he) you and I have cause to be humbled for the precious time that we have spent together vainly and sinfully; you may be an honest woman for ought I know, but you have cause to be hum­bled, I have I am sure, yea and you too; Spend no more time as you spent it with me: Oh the sin that accompanied our mispending of time! Ask God forgiveness, and take heed of sin, you have time yet. Some mens sins go before to judgment, and some mens follow after; I am pickt out to be made an example that you might take heed.

Another time some of his Friends coming and finding him bemoaning himself because of sin, they began to comfort him, and told [Page 18]him, that they did hope and believe, that this was the way that God would make use of to bring him home to himself, by making him a true penitent; and since it hath pleased God to give you thus much time, we do hope he will hear the Prayers that are and have been put up for you, For he never said to the Seed of Jacob, seek ye my face in vain, and you have been a Son of many Prayers. Never, said he, seek ye me in vain; Never (said he) nay, then not in this condition: Blessed be his Name, if this be thy way, for ever blessed be thy Name; this is a strange way, must I go through Hell to Heaven? But O if this be the way, blessed be God; my tongue shall sing aloud of his Righteousness, though it should be upon a Gallows; wonderful Mercy to me, to such a sin­ful Creature as me: if this shall be the way, then he hath punished me less then mine iniquities de­serve.

Another time some of his Neighbours be­ing with him, he began to confess his own guilt, and that he was hypocritical, and li­ved to himself, and that he sought the favour of men; nay, and that sometimes he had not stuck at a lye, when he thought it might fur­ther that design. Some of the company then by, said, William, you were not so bad as you make your self now, nor so bad an hypocrite as [Page 19]you think you are, for of our knowledge, you al­wayes loved the best People, and loved the Mi­nisters, and would take their part, though you were hated for it, and heard Gods Word constant­ly, and would remember a great deal of it, and loved to read good, Books, and therefore you were not so bad as you make your self to be. All this (said he) doth but aggravate my sins, I did but enough to leave me inexcusable, and make against me; and that you may not be taken in the same snares that I have been taken in, I will make a relation of my condition; I did delight to hear good Sermons, and longed for the Sabbath-day, and loved it when it did come, And when those Psalms were sung that were promises to the Saints, that they should be satisfied with the fatness of God's House, and filled with the Rivers of Delight, and such Psalms as set out the amiableness of Gods Tabernacle, and that Scripture where it is said, The work of Righteousness shall be peace, and the effect quietness and assurance for ever, I should be much affected, and could not but weep, when I sung such places: and when my conscience told me that I was not right, and that my works were naught, and that if I went on as I did, it would be sad with me, it would make me very sad, and I would then resolve that I would be otherwise; I would verily think that I should be better, and would resolve as well [Page 20](I thought) as any one could resolve, but when Munday came, and those thoughts were gone of me, I should make little or nothing of my for­mer promise, but should break through all as if I had never resolved; and if any one did but call me, I had no power but to go, and if any thought should come in my mind that might hinder me, I would do the best I could to hinder such a thought, because I had a mind to go; and sometimes I have sought temptations, and though my Con­science and God's Word, would keep me a great while, yet at the last I shoul'd break through all, and so I loved a little Ale better than God, and better than my self; and when I had broken my resolutions time after time, I had no heart to re­solve, and thought it was to no purpose, and then I went on without any gage; but I found that when I did resolve, it was better then when I did not, for sometimes it would keep me; but when I resolved not, then I was drove any way; And I would think sometimes what might be the rea­son, that my resolutions never held me as well as other people; others I could see, could resolve and keep their resolutions, and I alwayes broke mine; and I do think that the cause was, that there was something left behind, something there was that my conscience put me on to do, that I would not do; sin lay in the bottom hid, and unconfest, and I would not go through the shame of [Page 21]confessing that: and though I resolved against every sin, yet alas that I would never resolve on; and so the sin of hiding my sin, was left behind; and now I can see that the first thing that I should have done, should have been to have confest those sins, which I had kept close all my life, and be­cause I would not part with that, therefore all my resolutions were as good as nothing; for that sin which caused me to leave out that, caused me to break over all my promises. Another cause was, because I neglected secret prayer; and that sin kept me from praying, and stopt my prayers; I could not ask God for strength to do what I could not, because sin lay hid in my heart, which I should have discovered, and I would not. I hid my sin by lying, and many a time when my mother would ask me what I had spent, I have said, in­deed mother but two pence, when I had spent a great deal more; and though I thought I would be better for the time to come, yet I had no power: the same evil that kept me from discovering that sin, made me still run further into sin: Therefore let every one speak alwayes truth, and that which is in their heart, and if they shall at any time chance to speak that which is not so, let them go and un­do it the first thing that they do, and tell them that they spake that which was not truth; and then go quickly and beg of God to forgive you, and then you will have more power over your [Page 22]self at another time; for if I could but have parted with that one sin, I do think that I should have had power over the rest; and I have thought so then, and have been convinced that that must be done before I should have any more power gi­ven me, and yet I would never be willing to it; When I would think of going about it, the matter was so bad, and I thought I should appear to be so odious, that no one would abide me: and then I thought of some good folks that did love me, and I thought that they did not love me, but because they thought me to be pretty good, and for some­what good in me; and I would think, that if they should know what an one I was, they would never abide me again; and such reasons as these, or something or other, still kept me off; And sometimes I would put it off with reasoning, that it was not necessary to confess it to men, if I con­fest it to God, I thought it would serve the turn. Thus I went on runing out of one sin into another, till I was as full of sin as I could hold, till I was become all sin: and I did think that my sins were even ripe, aud that some great thing must befal me some way or other very shortly; and when I thought of what I deserved, I was afraid it would be some great judgement; and for about a month or six weeks before this brake out, I had no power to read Gods Word, but when I would take the Bible, thinking to read, I would turn it and [Page 23]turn it, and methoughts I would fain find some new thing; nothing would serve but something that was new; I could begin to read no where, but it was that which I knew before; I thought I knew it all already, and so I would lay it down and never read: therefore when you have no mind to read God's Word, and no mind to pray secretly, then be sure the Devil hath you in a great snare; take heed, for if the Devil keep you in that snare, you cannot rest there, but will be hurried further into sin: if you will give way to that one sin, you cannot stay long there, but will be like a troubled Sea, still casting forth mire and dirt: And so it was with me, for I could not stop where I would, though I fain would at many things which I have done. That which at the first thought hath appeared so odious unto me, that I could not abide to think of it, yet I have ne­ver rested, till I have been hurried to that very sin; and I have sometimes afterwards wondred at my self, how I could ever be brought to com­mit such wickedness, and have hated my self for it, and hated that sin worse then than ever, and could not rest, or have any quietness in my condi­tion, till I had fallen down before God to ask for­giveness; and yet after a while, by running in­to the way of that sin, I have been taken in that very snare, to commit that same sin, which a little before I have thought, I could never have [Page 24]been driven to. I thought I could stop where I would, but I could not: How true is that Scri­pture, where it is said, that the wicked are like a troubled Sea, which cannot rest, but is still casting forth mire and dirt. One reason which the Devil (transforming himself into an Angel of Light) sought to hinder and deceive him by, was by putting into his mind, that if he that had professed Religion, should be known to be such a liar, and so bad, it would be a great discredit to Religion, and wicked men would think that if all Professors were known, they were all such; and this, he said, was one reason that kept him back, and I had like to have omit­ted it, but rather than I would omit it I have brought it in here.

One thing that I heard him speak before his Tryal; When one was counselling him not to be earnestly set for life, for he was like to find as little favour from men as al­most any, he was a man so much hated by many, yet that he and they were in the hands of God. Thus he answered; It often com­forts me that I am in the hands of God: When I look upon my self as in the hands of men it ter­rifies me, and makes me restless; but when I re­member I am in the hands of God, that quiets me; and when I think they shall do nothing but that which God will have done: for me­thinks [Page 25]if God would not have me live, I would not desire to live; and if he will have me live, he can turn their hearts contrary to their purpo­ses, and this quiets my heart. I think sometimes if I should live, it may be sin would be encoura­ged, if God should not manifest his displeasure against sin, by not letting me live; therefore I know not what to pray for in this matter, I know not what I would have, but I would have God to give me that which he sees best for me. After a little silence his eyes began to fill with tears, and he burst out with these expressi­ons; O I must be punished for my sin, I must be punished more than this. This is not a punish­ment, I have not been punished enough yet, I must not think to escape thus, I do expect nothing but death: But O if I could honour God before I go out of this world, I would not care, but be willing to dye. These words came from him, accompanied with much weeping. And he further said: God gave me a pittiful dispositi­on, but I marred it, and was cruel with it. I have been cruel to Horses, in making them do more than they were able; and cruel I have been to Men; when I have borrowed money, I have not been careful to pay it again as I was to bor­row it. O how like Judas have I dealt with some, when I have given them fair words! God gave me knowledge and parts, and a fine disposition, [Page 26]that I might do good, and I have turned all the wrong way: O! how unkindly have I dealt with God: that which he gave me in mercy, I have provoked him with, and sinned against him with.

When he came to his Tryal, being asked after the Indictment was read, Whether guilty, or not guilty? he answered, Not guilty of Wilful Murder; for (as in the presence of God I speak it) I had no more intention or thoughts to kill him, than I had to kill my own Brother; whatever words I might speak it was with an intention to keep them from taking me, because I was a poor man, and had nothing to pay, thinking that if I went to prison I should never get out; but I never had any intention or thoughts to kill him: but it was carried against him; it was the will of God that so it should be.

After the Sentence was given, and he brought to the Jaylors house, his Mother went to see him, but not being admitted, she spake unto him through the door, and he told her that he was more composed in his spi­rit, and better resolved than he had been a great while, and said, It is God's Will that is done, and I would have you all to be chearful, for I hope that I shall find Jesus Christ a sufficient Saviour to me; I can have none other hope: [Page 27]my sins stick a little heavily sometimes, but I hope I shall get above them; I have hope because of Gods own goodness, that Christ Jesus will be a sufficient Saviour to me, I can have none other hope.

At another time, his Brother and Sister being with him, he began to justifie God in taking him away, and was clear in owning God's Justice and the truth of his Word: Yet as to some men he said he was not satis­fied concerning their dealings, though he had sought in his thoughts to justifie them.

The second day after he was condemned, as he lay upon a Bed, in the night, in his chamber, he was much refreshed and chea­red, through a very sensible dream, wherein these words were very plainly, and sensibly as might be, spoken to him: Awake thou that sleepest; and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee life: and being awaked, he began to be much affected with those words which were so plainly spoken to him; and as he rehearsed them to me, and several others, these were his thoughts upon them: [Awake thou that sleepest.] This is sure spoken to me thought he, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead; I was sleeping upon the very brink of eternity, and have been sleeping in sin for a long time, and now Christ awake­neth [Page 28]me; this is a call from Christ: and I did believe that the rest was said to me, [and he shall give thee life.] And these and such like thoughts of Christ made my heart yearn with dear thoughts of Christ, and thankful thoughts for Christ: and I longed to pray, and was earnestly stirred up to prayer, and never longed so to pray as I did then; so up I got off the Bed I was lying on, and there I fell down upon my knees before God, and me-thought then I felt my heart grow softer: it was hard before; I could scarce tell what I should pray for, or how; But O then, I found a freeness, a fountain of tears came then, it was a call from God; I was sure then that it was so: and when I would have called to mind whereabout this Scrip­ture should be, or where I might find it, I could not remember that ever I had read it, nor knew whereabout to find it: but I was sure it was the Word of God, and some­where in the Bible, and that I had heard it sometimes. I do believe that it was a call from God, for I found my heart softer then. O now pray, if ever, dear friends, but two dayes now, and no more prayers will be heard for me.

He was for the most part after this time pretty well composed in his mind, and had [Page 29]a pretty good measure of chearfulness; not without hope, though full of the sence of his guilt, grieving much for his sin, and that he had dealt so unkindly with God. And to most of the company that came in, he still conti­nued to order his speech with as much wis­dom as he could, shewing much affection to­wards them, with an earnest desire of their good. And thus he would express himself; O that you would not be taken in those snares that I have been taken in! And this was some counsel that scarce any could go without, That they would be sure alwayes to speak the truth, and that which was in their hearts; and if at any time you shall have spoken that which you think was not so, go quickly and unsay it; say, I spake that which was not truth; and do not stick at shame, for I was often hindred there­by: do not rest till you have confessed it to God, and to some faithful friends, and pray them to pray for you, that so it might be forgiven you: and so you might have more power against ano­ther time: And do not delay, but go quickly, whilst your conscience puts you upon it; for if you delay, it is very likely you will be hindred and never do it, though you put it off, thinking to do it another time: for when that time came wherein I purposed to do it, I had less power and less heart.

At another time his Sister-in-law coming to see him, thus he expressed his affection, with a smiling countenance, and tears: My dear Sister, my poor Sister, my heart yerns upon you: I did not love you, because I thought you did not love me, but I did ill: But O now it is other­wise with me; for now I love you, I would fain have you better for that which hath befallen me: Oh! that since God is now distributing his mercy, every one might have some, and you might have some. Some who have come to me, are bet­ter'd by that which hath befallen me, & it makes me glad when I think that others will be afraid of sin, and bettered by this which is befallen me.

When his Links were in the knocking of, and he was hurt thereby; thus he said, I will bear the Indignation of the Lord, because I have sinned against him: Thou art just, and I have sinned; why should the living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sin? O the Justice of God, he will not let sin go unpunished. O do not this abominable sin that Gods soul h [...]tes. If thy children transgress thy Laws, thou wilt vi­sit their sin with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes; but his loving-kindness will he not ut­terly take from them, nor alter the thing that hath gone out of his mouth. These, with many other expressions he often used also at other times. His countenance growing more and [Page 31]more chearful, and being in such an extasie of joy, as though his body could not then have contained his soul, these were some of the expressions he then uttered; Sister, I do verily believe that I am now going to Hea­ven; all those clouds that were upon me are all blown away, his own Arm hath brought Salva­tion: He is my Glory, my Deliverer, in Him will I trust; He only is my Rock and my Fort­ress; He is my Defence, I shall not utterly be moved. I will sing of Mercy and Judgment, unto thee, O God, will I sing. O that I had seen what a God I have sinned against! O do not sin against God, do not that abominable thing which his soul hateth. You cannot know his good­ness. I sought the Lord, and he heard me. God is in this Town: God is amongst his People, he hath heard your prayers: tell them he hath heard them for me. Now I would not live if I might: I hope I should not be flattered: I would fain have lived that I might have honoured God, whom I have dishonoured, but he knows what I am, and what I should be, better than I do. Blind that I was, to sin against such a God, to do that which his soul hateth. He was all this while in such a deep rapture of joy, and spoke with such force, as though his heart would have come out to have spoken.

His Chains being almost off, these were [Page 32]some of his expressions; O happy Chains, that held me till I had the Favour of God! I would have over-run thine hand, but I could not if I would; O the Patience of God! O boundless Mercy to such a wretch as I; an Iron Heart and Iron Chains gone together; O boundless un­limitable Mercy! What shall I do for God? O that I could honour God! Parting with his Wife, he thus exprest himself; Poor Wife I have nothing to leave thee, but O that thou mayest have the loving Favour of God, any thing, any thing with the Loving-Favour of God. We did not honour God with what He gave us, but lived unthankfully, and unquietly; we sinned against God with his own Mercies: Why should they live together unthankfully and unquietly, and sin against me with mine own Mercies? Part them, part them: O how just is it that we should be parted! Seeing his Relations, he thus be­gan to pity them; O poor wretches that must be left to struggle with this sinful world, full of snares on every side, my heart pitties you; O poor wretches I am afraid to think how you should get through the Snares round about you; Lord keep you by his Mighty Power through Faith unto Salvation. What a stir doth the Devil and the World make to destroy one poor soule? your very griefs are folly in respect of God.

Not long after being alone, his Brother [Page 33]and Sister went to him, who found him sit­ting down with his eyes shut, his face look­ing yellow, and his countenance as if he had not been the same man: They asked him how it was with him; and told him that God had put away his sins and would never look at them any more, and that it was the De­vil that threw his sins in his face; but he answered; All is gone now, I am in the dark, I cannot see which is the way, but I would hope against hope; And again he said, Though He kill me, yet will I trust in him. Some of the standers-by told him that the Devil would do the worst he could against him, Because he loved God and hated sin, and would fain destroy the kingdom of the Devil, but Jesus Christ hath prayed for him that his Faith fail not: They mentioned that Scripture also where it is said, When the Enemy shall come in like a Flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a Standard against him, which Scripture much refreshed him. Then said he, These are comfortable Scriptures indeed, Lord keep me from Temptation, suffer me not to be tempted above what I am able; Keep me by thy mighty Power through Faith unto Salvation. And being come to his former Rapture of Joy, thus he exprest it; Justice and Mercy are met together, Righteousness and Peace have kissed [Page 34]each other, Christ's Righteousness and Peace to my poor Soul. He began again to pitty us who were left behind, and said, I am glad to dye, because I shall be freed from sin; and glad to dye, because sin shall be shamed; I shall have the same nature about me if I live.

As he was going towards the Execution, thus he said; Thou dost not willingly afflict nor greive the children of men; if lesser strokes would have done it, this should not have been: Oh how many precious Sacraments have I abused! Oh the Patience of God to such a sinful Creature as I! O that I could honour God, whom I have sin­ned against; I would fain honour thee; Lord help me: honour thy self, O Lord. Chear­fully looking upon the multitude, he said; All these are to see sin shamed. When the Offi­cers bad them stand off him, he said, O do not keep God's People from me this little moment that I am to be in this World, they are my de­light, and my comfort. As he went, he often exprest great admiration of God's wonder­ful, boundless, and unlimited Mercy to him, and an earnest desire of honouring God: And when some good People that he priz'd as those that feared God, came to him as he was go­ing, and expressed their affection, and thank­fulness to God for him, he seemed to be much cheared by it, and thus he said with a smi­ling [Page 35]countenance, I am gathered, I am ga­thered, they have gathered me; Sin is going to be executed; our Kingdom will be the greatest. A Friend going with him, cheared him up with the words of Dr. Taylor of Hadley, go­ing to his Martyrdom; It is but one stept to my Fathers House; but his countenance grew very dejected and sad thereupon, and thus he said, Ah! but I am not such an one: Im­mediately growing more chearful, he said, But some he saves as fire-brands out of the fire; and so me: In the midst of Judgement, thou remembrest Mercy. Will God accept of me to honour his Truth? I fain would. I hope God will help me: I shall honour his Truth. How truly is his Word fulfilled on me. And being come to the place of Execution, after he had kneeled down, and prayed very pertinently and well, he concluded with these words; Now Lord help me to honour Thee.

Then he directed his Speech to the People to this purpose.

My dear Friends and Neighbours, you are come hither not only to see a poor Sinner hanged, here is something that is spiritual to be taken notice of; O that you might not let that slip; O that you might [Page 36]not let it slip. Here is the truth of God's Word to be made appear upon me; Heaven and Earth shall fail, but not one jot of God's Word shall fail, but shall all be fulfilled. The truth of God's Word will be made good up­on all you that are here present, sooner or la­ter. And first let me tell you, how true it hath been upon me. I was born of Parents that served God: I had a Father that feared God, and a Mother and other Relations that are here present; Brothers and Sisters that served God, who followed me with their counsel, and their tears; but because I did not receive their good Counsel, nor follow it, I began at the length to be weary of it, and not to love it; I did not love the very house sometimes, and cared not how little I came to it, because I could not be quiet in it, but they would be counselling me for my good. Oh! what shall I say? I have been a Son of many reproofs, but I hardened my neck; And how is God's Word made good upon me in this? He that being often repro­ved, and hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed. My sin hath alwayes been running from Counsel; for had I hearkened to faith­ful Counsel, and followed that, it had been otherwise with me, I think; and just it was with God that I should be taken, in running [Page 37]away from Counsel: For I think if my wife had not bidden me stay within, I should not have gone out; but because she bad me, and I having a readiness to do contrary, out I went, and some such words as these I used to my wife; Dost thou think that I will be afraid to go about my business for fear of an Apprentice-boy! I was no sooner out, but I knew I had done ill, and had a mind to go in, but I had no power then, I should have stopt sooner. O let every one hearken to Counsel. I had an aptness to do contrary, and so I was left to my self, that if I needs would run from Counsel, I might see what would come of it, and see whither it brought me. O let every one take heed of sin, stop sin in the beginning, for you cannot stop when you will, if once you give way to sin. When my Mother or some others would deal faith­fully with me, I did for the most part believe that they spake to me out of true love, and could see it to be right counsel, and such as I had need of, and yet there was that in me that put me upon doing contrary; though I thought it was such as I had great need of, and that which I thought I would sure fol­low, yet there was that in me that did not love it, and would rather have been without it: And although I longed for Sabbath days, [Page 38]and loved them when they were come, and delighted to hear good Sermons, and was thereby convinced of some things that were then amiss in me, and should then purpose against them; so that I should think it would sure be otherwise; yet when Monday came, and I was as it were turned into the world again, I was the same as before, as though I had never purposed or been convinced: for if any one had but called me, I must needs go, and though there was that in me, that did resist, and would have hindered me, and the victory should have been on God's side, yet it seldom was, but was for the most part still born down. The victory should have been on God's side and his Words side: my resolutions should have held me; and though God's Word and my resolutions would hold me sometimes, and for a great while, yet at the last I should break through all, though they were strong bonds, such as I thought I never durst nor would break over: yet after a while, when I thought I was safe, if one that I had used to go with, had but come to my shop, I must presently go with him; that which before held me, would then seem lit­tle, and I could then break through it all easily; and thus I loved a little Ale bet­ter than God, and better than his Word. [Page 39]Take heed of Company, and loving Ale too well, for there is more evil in it, than you are aware of; for when I had kept my self from that, I was like another man; but when I had taken too much of that, it would take al fear from me, so that I should not care what I said or did, my tongue would then run at no gage. I had an aptness alwayes to speak untruths, but specially at such times. I was a man full of words; and can a man full of words be justified? In the multitude of words there wants not iniquity. O that good creature that I abused by pouring in too much of, and made my self unfit to do any thing that was good by it: if some poor body that wanted it, had had some of that, which I might have spared, and have been better without, it would have made their heart glad, they would have blessed God for it, and God should have had honour by it: but I did not so, my belly devoured all: Meat is for the belly, and the belly for meat, but God shall de­stroy both it and them. I was full of Ale when this fell out that I am brought hither for; Ale had made me fearless and confident, or else I should have been afraid, and careful to have kept out of their way, as at other times; that fear which should then have kept me, was then wanting: O sure if I had known [Page 40]what would have followed, and that I should have done such a thing, I should have been afraid of every cup, and nothing could have forced me to have taken more than was need­ful: but though I did not know what would follow, yet I might have been afraid: for what may not a man do when he is not him­self, but is fearless, and hath not his under­standing about him? Oh, no life is safe, but a fearing, watching, self-denying life; let me say this again, No life but a fearing, watching, self-denying life, is a safe life. And as con­cerning this young-man, I had no more thoughts or intention to kill him, then I had to kill mine own brother; and when any one would speak to me to take heed lest any such thing should follow, I should disdain in my heart that any one should have such thoughts of me, as once to fear lest I should kill any one, for my nature, I thought, could never be so cruel; and again I thought that I had knowledge, and that I, of any one in the Town, should never commit that sin, because I knew more against it than many others did, I thought, and had better education; but I should have been afraid of my self, and was not; I hid my sins, and therefore did not pros­per: How true is God's Word made good upon me in this thing also: for I alwayes [Page 41]sought the favour of men, and if I should but have had that, I should have looked no further, but have sate down contented with it, yet it alwayes fled from me: I have some­times spoken that which was not so, when I thought it might further that design; but al­wayes that very thing, wherein I went out of my way, and did evil, thinking to gain more favour thereby, was usually a means to make me lose that favour, and room in their hearts, which I had before: But it was better for me that I had it not; for if I could have got­ten men to think well of me, I think I should have thought well of my self, and should have sitten down contented without looking any further. God ordered it otherwise for me, and it was better for me, blessed be God: and was not I met with in this, for had I the favour of men? had I? you all know how it hath been. But O why should I speak? God is just, very just: for Oh what a life have I lived; sure if I were to live again, I would not live as I have done: but I had time, and I did not improve it: I should have honoured God with that precious time that he gave me, but I did not, but sought the favour of men with it, and sinned against God with it: I did not make that use of my time that it was given me for, and because [Page 42]I did not, therefore I must have no more; I had time once, but whilst I had it, I lived to my self with it. God gave it me, but I did not honour him with it who gave it me, but other things had my time, and other things had my heart; and since I made such use of it, Why should I have any more? I must have no more; I brought forth fruit to my felf: an empty Vine: God gave me time that I might lay it out as he would have me, but I did not: a fruitless tree: Cut it down, why cumbreth it the ground any longer? O you that have time before you yet, prize it, and improve it, for it will not last alwayes: do not lose one jot of it, by idling it away and by sinning it away; all the time you have is little enough to do that work which God hath given you to do in it. I had time but now I must have no more, and your time, will be gone shortly.

O let no body presume because of me, for one of a thousand is not snatcht out of the jaws of the Devil as I am: O what shall I say! for the Lord's sake take heed of sin; O do not that abominable thing that his Soul hateth. If his Children transgress and for­sake his Way, He will visit their iniquity with the Rod. Believe me for I am a dying man, the truth of God's Word will be made good [Page 43]upon all sooner or later; what he spake with his Mouth he hath fulfilled with his Hand, as you will see upon me this day. I being often reproved hardned my neck, and now I must suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy as to my body; but to the honour of his Mercy I have hope in him: He hath forgiven me my great debt: Forasmuch as I had nothing to pay, thou forgavest the debt: O unlimited Mercy, what a God art thou, that when all refuge failed and I had no whither else to go, that then thou shouldest accept of me, when I was cast out even to the loathing of my person: O blessed be thy Name for ever: O that I had known thee better and served thee better! O what man­ner of forgiveness must I be saved by? Mighty Forgiveness, Lord help me to for­give as I would be forgiven. If any of you here present did plot or contrive that which is now come to pass, the taking away of my life, I do freely forgive you, and I would have you pray unto God that he would for­give you, that so it may be forgiven, and may never come against you. And now Lord I come unto thee: I am a sinful crea­ture, but pardon and accept of me. I have broken all thy holy Laws and Command­ments: I have done as much evil as I could [Page 44]have done against thee; but I come unto thee, pardon and accept of me for Jesus sake: I have no whither else to fly, accept of me for Christ's sake; for Christ's sake: Lord Jesus receive my spirit; Lord Jesus receive my spirit.

Christian Reader,

SInce it hath pleased God to make known unto you, by his Providence upon this young man, a fresh discovery of his great forgiveness, and also his Severity against sin: And since it is the will of God that none of his Providences should be slighted, or return in vain; let you and I in the Fear of God take heed that it may not be in vain unto us. We may clearly see by the Word of God, and by this and many other his Providences to the Sons of men, that he is a Merciful, and yet a Just God: Merciful our God was unto this young man, in that he followed him with many awakings, many convictions, many good purposes, resolu­tions and desires, and yet Just in punishing him for the abuse of these his Mercies, Just in letting his own iniquity take him, and bind him over to punishment; And won­derful Merciful unto him in bringing good [Page 45]unto him out of his evil. You and I, it may be, have through the Mercies of God unto us several convictions, good purposes and re­solutions, some good affections and desires of being better; but what fruit comes of them? do we not bear them down, and are we not still the same men as formerly? Let us fear before God, for he is a Just God. All are not tempted alike to the same sins; some are tempted one way, some another way: some Peoples sins are open, others secret; Let us therefore seriously consider what our sins are before God; they may ad­mit of great agravations; Let us consider of them, and by this example of Repentance, let us be stired up to Repentance, and a more diligent seeking after God, that so his Judg­ments may be prevented. And since there may be (as we have seen in this our Friend) many convictions, good affections, desires and purposes, and yet gross sins, such as may provoke the face of God against us, let us consider of it, and fear and be stirred up thereby to beg of God that we may not pro­voke Him as he did, not take boldness to sin, in expectation of Mercy at last; Let none presume because of him, for few are snatcht out of the jaws of the Devil as he was; but obey the Motions of God's holy Spirit, that [Page 46]by it we may be able to overcome all our Spiritual enemies.

And since we who are his relations fur­ther may, and are obliged to give God the honour of his Goodness and his Truth in hearing Prayers, and having received upon this our Friend a fresh occasion of the same; therefore, to this end you may further take notice by that which followeth, something that may make it appear that God is a God of Truth and heareth Prayers. He was a son of many Prayers; I will instance only in one of his relations, a Sister of his who is dead, whom God made eminent in Grace, and a blessing to the Family wherein she was: who while she lived, carried him up­on her heart, striving with God by prayer for him, and by faithful counsel and reproofs with him concerning his spiritual conditi­on: for sometimes she would with tears of kindness, kissing him, and weeping upon him, entreat him to consider of his conditi­on, and would make it plain to him accord­ing to Scripture, that his condition was cer­tainly sad, and that either it must not be the Word of God, or else he must be ano­ther man, if ever he had any saving interest in it. Sometimes she would tell him (and that truly) that she had not slept all night, [Page 47]because of him, she was so full of fearfull thoughts concerning him, lest he should be snatch'd away by death in his present con­dition, which must then certainly be sad. Thus she continued several years, as oppor­tunity, and his condition received, several wayes to deal faithfully with him; and one night, as we well remember, after she had been perswading him to stay in the house, and reade to her, and not go out into com­pany as formerly he used; and telling him, that if he would but deny himself and stay, he should find better comfort and delight, than any he could meet with in his compa­nions, with many other motives and per­swasions she used, as though she would needs prevail with him, But when she saw that she could not, and that he would go notwith­standing, as he went from her, these words she spake to him; Brother, wilt thou go notwith­standing all that I can say; well, thou wilt not hear me, but I hope God will; and that sometime before thou dyest, thou shalt have little comfort any where but in God's Word, and well if thou mayest have it there. By these words you may perceive she was earnest in prayer for him, and that though she could not prevail with her Brother, yet she hoped to prevail with God for him: and upon her death-bed [Page 48]she spake these words following to some of her relations then by, to the end she might encourage them to seek unto God. I never (said she) was earnestly set to beg any thing of God, that I durst pray absolutly for, that I was denied; and I have some hope concerning Wil­liam that poor Lad, that there are some prayers put up for him that will not be denied, which will not depart until the Most High give heed thereunto. And although she dyed in Faith, and did not in her life time see that change which she hoped for, yet God, who never faileth those that put their trust in him, did not fail her, but heard her prayers in his own due time, and in his own way: We therefore who are hereby obliged, do on her behalf, and on our own, desire to speak good of God; for we have largely experienced upon our selves, and upon these our relations that it is not in vain to seek unto the Almighty; for as we have heard, so have we seen it made good; Such as sate in darkness and the sha­dow of death, being bound in afflictions and irons, because they rebelled against the Lord and contemned his Counsels, yet even then when they cryed unto the Lord, He heard them, and saved them out of their distress. O that men would Praise the Lord with us for this his Goodness, and for his wonder­ful [Page 49]works to the sons of men: for he satis­fieth the hungry soul with good things; he fulfilleth the desire of such as fear him and hope in his Mercies. Be encouraged there­fore to be earnest in seeking unto God for your selves and for your relations; for the faithful prayer of a Righteous man availeth much if it be fervent; he that asketh recei­veth, and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened; and as David experienced, even so may we, that the Word of the Lord is a tryed Word, and all his! Judgments are done in truth; And al­though the seeming sad Providences which accompanied this Mercy may seem to lessen it in the eyes of some, yet let it not, for God's Wayes are not as our wayes, nor his Thoughts as our thoughts. And though sin­ful man came off with shame in this Provi­dence, yet both the Goodness and Severity of God were hereby made to appear: Seve­rity, that so sin might not be encouraged, and Goodness that so we might be encouraged to seek unto God, and therefore this death was the best and the best for him, and doth not lessen the Mercy.

And since laying open the Vertues of others, sometimes hath and may be as a whet­stone, putting an edge upon the Graces of [Page 50]others, drawing on and encouraging them to imitate the same; it therefore will not be amiss, since she of whom we spake is out of the reach of being hurt by applause, to give you further knowledge concerning her: She was of a courteous winning carriage, very diligent in her business, and a careful at­tender upon all the Ordinances of God. She was a faithful friend unto whomsoever she was acquainted withall; for if she knew them to be accustomed in any evil, or what­soever she thought to be their fault of faults, she would be sure to tell them of it, and yet in such a way, that they could not chuse but see her true love to them thereby: And this consideration, as she said, sometimes put her upon this duty, viz. What if I must never see this Friend of mine again until I meet him in Eternity, since I think such and such things to be his fault, if I do not seriously tell him of it, if he miscary, how shall I then answer it? how shal I look him in the face? may he not then curse me? She also accustomed herself to walk out in the evening, when it began to grow dark, into some solitary place, as the Church-yard where people are buried, or without the wals of the Town by the Water-side; and being asked by some of her relations, why she chose such a time, and such a solitary place? she [Page 51]answered thus: Because I can at such a time, or in such a place, the better put my self into a dying condition; for when the fears of the night are about me, and the flesh apprehends some dan­ger, then I can see the things of the world to be as they are, & can think thus with my self: What if I must never have to do with anything in the world more? I must shortly be in the condition of these dead persons under me, and my place must know me no more: and when all the world is gone with me, what is it that will abide or stand me in stead at such a time? And likewise my conscience would at such times bring to my mind such things which I had done, or said, or thought evil in, which before passed without taking notice of. And these thoughts are of use to further me in seeking after that, wherein I then found solid comfort, and to make me more watchful against such things as at such times I found my consci­ence to be offended withal: I find likewise that I can be more free from distracting thoughts; Though I cannot say I am altogether free from natural fear at such a time, yet after a while when I have, by acting Faith, overcome it, and reasoned away my fear; then I find great advan­tage, great delight, and satisfaction in God, and am thereby encouraged chearfully to go through those tryals and duties which otherwise in my place I found hard. And one time as she was [Page 52]stealing forth, as formerly, to her solitary walk, her Mother perceiving, seemed to be angry, that she should go out at such a time of night to endanger her health; but she answered her, and that almost with tears; Good Mother, do not hinder me of my portion: it is my portion in this world, neither can I undergo any business, or go through the world as I ought, without some such refreshments. Further, if any one had taken offence at her, though causlesly, she would be the first in seeking reconciliation, and seldom or never without good success: and when she met with any deriding speeches, or backbiting from others, instead of repaying home in the same kind, she would overcome their evil with good. This was usually her word; What is my du­ty? what would God have me to do in this mat­ter? and so she practised; for she would usually go or write to such persons, and deal in such a manner, and shew such meekness, that either she gained them to be her friends, or else their mouthes were by this her carri­age so stopt, that they could not fasten their reproaches upon her.

I might make a large discourse concerning her, but I forbear.— She was buried the tenth day of February, Anno Domini 1658. The place of Scripture she chose to be prea­ched [Page 53]upon at her Funeral, was John 12.26. [If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: If any man serve me, him will my Father honour.] Which (as she said) she could scarce ever reade, but it would affect her, so as to cause tears.

Here follow also some Verses, made by the same Mary Barton, in the praise of CHARITY: She her self being sin­gular in the love and practice of this Grace, above most others. The sub­stance of them is taken out of the 13th Chapter of the first Epistle to the Corin­thians.

THe matchless Worth of Charity,
my heart desires to prize;
O that in all I do or say,
I may with it advise.
If I the Tongue of Angels had,
or of men most renown'd
For Eloquence, which makes men glad
more than sweet Musicks sound:
Yet void of this, there would in me
of worth no more appear,
Then sounding Brass, or Cymbals have
that tinkle to our ear.
Though I through gifts of Prophecy,
could things to come foretell,
Or though in understanding, I
all others did excel:
Though I deep Myst'ries could unfold,
or did such Faith enjoy,
That I could Mountains high remove,
when they did me annoy:
Yet void of this, so prime a Grace,
I should accounted be,
As nothing by him, who all hearts
doth plainly search and see.
Though all my Goods unto the poor,
I do most freely give,
Or unto scorching flames commit
this flesh wherein I live:
Yet void of this, it cannot help,
or any whit amount,
To profit me when I appear
in day of mine account.
Seeing its absence makes all vain,
its presence then is bliss.
Therefore give ear, and you shall hear,
what this chief Vertue is.
It's Charity that suffers long,
and kind hath ever been.
She envies not, nor vaunts her self,
puft up was never seen.
Unseemly rude behaviour,
she alwayes doth detest,
And seeking not her own, is still
possest with inward rest.
She thinks no evil, nor her joy,
in wickedness hath set,
But evermore made glad by Truth,
seeks Truth not to forget.
By Patience she can all things bear,
That here on Earth befal;
Upheld by Faith, by Hope made glad;
she well endureth all.
This Excellency more it hath,
it ever still abides,
And in that breast where ere its wrought,
for aye it there resides.
Nor is that sentence doom'd on her
which on some Gifts is past,
That they shall fail, yea cease and quite
be done away at last.
Now but in part our knowledge is,
In part we prophesie,
But when Perfection we attain,
This done away shall be:
Even as we see that men of years
those rudiments forsake,
Of which whilst children in their youth
they great account did make.
For now the perfect'st views we have
are dark as in a glass,
But then our perfect sight shall be
as when face answers face.
Whil'st we are here in our warfare
by Faith we stand our ground,
And are by hope kept up that we
with waves are not quite drown'd.
But Charity of all these three
in honour doth surmount,
And he that makes most use of it
shall best give his account.

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