A SHORT DECLARATION OF THE PURPOSE and DECREE Of the Everlasting Counsel of Gods Heavenly Host concerning his Roy­al Seed, and Noble Off-spring, the Eternal Plant of his own Renown, the Everlasting COVENANT of LIGHT; AND OF THE Arraignment of all that wilfully oppose and fight against it, at the Barr of Gods Righteous Judgement; WITH A WARNING To them to Repent, and to fear and dread the Infinite, Eternal God, who will undoubtedly set up his Son, his Light, Life, Spirit, and Seed over all to Reign in the pure Dominion and Authority in the Kingdoms of Men.

Printed in the Year, 1662.

A short Declaration of the Purpose and Decree, &c.

THE sure, firm, and everlasting decree and Coun­sel of the Heavens, is that the seed of the ever­lasting Covenant of the everlasting God shall worship the Lord God of Hosts, the everlasting Jehovah; and it is determined in the most High and Supream Court of the Eternal power that created the Heavens, Earth, and Sea, and all things therein, that all other things whatsoever, which are the inventions of the most wise of the sons of men, shall all be separated from the pre­sence of the most holy God as a polluted thing, and as a menstru­ous cloth: and this is the firm and everlasting Counsel, Decree, Purpose and Determination of the Father, Son, and Spirit, which are one, and cannot be divided in none of the appearances unto the sons of men unto this day and for ever; unto which Counsel, Decree, Purpose, and Determination, all the holy men of God, and holy Angles, and ministring Spirits from the holy measure of the Inspiration of the most High, do in the Clear Light of the Eternal power give their due and lawful and just assent as in duty they are bound and obliged thereto, and so set their seals unto it, which seal is the measure of the same Spirit of the Father and Son, which is freely given, and they have received of God to wor­ship him by, which shall stand for ever; and this Decree shall stand upon the heads of all false worshippers in the whole world, whether called Heathens or Christians, and all that seem to hold the Truth, but in unrighteousness: Yea all Sects in the whole world, whether Europe, Asia, Affrica, or America, unto which seed of the everlasting God you must all bow and yeild obedience unto, either freely offering up all unto it, as of due right belongs, or be broken by the irresistible Soveraignty of its Authority and strength, which is for to slay the wicked, and make them all to bend by his Eternal wrath, judgement, and indignation, which is due to the rebellious and disobedient, which will not yeild in obedience to this Noble and Royal seed and off-spring of the infinite mercy of the Eternal God, who hath set it more firm then the Heavens which must pass away and be rolled together as a scroul, and then the earth which must be burnt up, and all things [Page 3]must be dissolved by the power of him who made Heaven and Earth, and all things to serve him and his, for his own glory, and the wicked are for the day of the wrath of this Lamb of God, which takes away the sins of all who believe in him, and come into obedience to his power, which works in them that they may receive his virtue, by which alone they worship the Lord, who hath manifested it for the same end to glorifie him by; and none of all the Counsels and workings against it shall stand; for if all the Counsels, Plottings, Laws, Edicts and Commands of Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Emperours, Kings and Synods, of one, or divers, or all Nations of the whole world should agree in one, as one single body compact; and all the Nations of people con­cerned in the same, and so all agreed as one man to aid, assist, either by force of arms, or any other way by words, or argu­ments, or writings, secretly, or openly against this firm Decree, Purpose, and Counsel of the Heavenly Host, shall be brought to nought and confounded by the Power, Dominion, and Authori­ty of this high born Prince of Peace, who is of the Royalty of the Infinite Majesty of the most High God, whose Word abides and endures for ever and ever, which is the seed of everlasting bliss, and in which seed all the Nations of the earth shall be blessed: and this seed shall have the Dominion, whose right alone it is, and to it all the Dominions and Kingdoms of the whole World belongs; and therefore there hath been so many overturns, overturns, and must be till he be acknowledged whose right it is, and his Royal Scepter bowed down unto, which is a Scepter of Righteousness: And therefore Nations and Kingdoms, and in­habitable parts of the whole earth, look not for peace whilst your whoredomes remain; for you are all gone a whoreing from this Noble and Renowned seed, the Covenant of God, which is his Light that you should be united to, and receive the Law from his mouth which is the husband you are to ask at home in your own hearts, where his wisdom is to be received, and Counsel against all that riseth up there to oppose the purity and Righteousness of his Law, and the Royalty and Soveraignty of his power: the Light there to rule over all your thoughts and imaginations, words and actions; by which Light you should be ruled and ordered to the glory and renown of his Everlasting Kingdom; And therefore in the measure of this seed (which is the Light in [Page 4]the Conscience) you must believe and own, and receive its Te­stimony, if you will come to the knowledge of him who lives for ever, and that leads to the knowledge of the Power, Dignity, Soveraignty, Dominion, and Authority, Virtue, Excellency, Glory, and Renown, and the Nobleness of its dissent, birth, being, growth, and increase which is to have no end, and the glory of its going forth which hath been from everlasting, and is alone the Fathers delight, and was, and is manifested to do the Fathers will, and to set up the Fathers Kingdom; which Kingdom is in Righteousness, Justice, Equity, Mercy, true Judgement, Lowli­ness, Tenderness, Love Unfeigned, and all Virtue, Holiness, and Truth, which is to proceed from the heart, placed there by the Righteous power of the infinite God, where no deceit nor guile shall dwell, nor no unclean thing have a being; but Righteous­ness and Holiness in every part of the members of that body of which Christ is the head, and subjects of that Kingdom which en­dures for ever and ever.

Therefore, O ye Judges, Justices, Councils and Counsellors, Law-makers and Executors of the same against the Innocent ones, which bear this seed, that you would hear, fear, and dread, tremble and be astonished in the consideration of the rising up of that power which is from the seed that shall accuse you before the great and dreadful throne of the Mighty and dreadful God, for your rising up falsly to accuse and pass unrighteous judge­ment against them which act according to the seed, and have hindred the goings forth of it to do the Fathers will (as much as in you hath layn) but before him your nicities and punctillioes, nor subtleties of you the wise Disputers, Lawyers, and Coun­sellors, and Learned Judges of the Earth shall stand you in no stead, when you are called to the Barr of his Divine Judgement, and to give a True, Just, and Clear answer to the True and In­fallible Bill of Indictment preferred against you by the Infallible witness of the Eternal Light of the Everlasting God in your Consciences, which Bill will be found against you by the Grand Jury of Gods holy Martyrs, which have suffered by you for this seeds sake, and have sealed to it with their blood, by your pre­tended, fallible, false, infamous Bills of Indictment against them, which will add much to your Condemnation; for the Light hath, and will clear them before the Throne of God against you; [Page 5]and it will charge you for high Treason against the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords the Everlasting Jehovah; and before him you must all appear and give an account of every deed done in your body; and if you have any thing to say for your selves, you will finde more favour, though you be guilty, then the In­nocent have had from you, when they have been brought and falsly accused before you for Disturbers, and Tumulters, and to meet with force and arms, when they have been meeting together to serve the Lord in obedience to the seed of Light, and so have been worshipping the Living God in peace and quietness, and believing in his True and Faithful Witness the Light of his Son Christ Jesus [in them] which is the hope of glory, which you have persecuted them for; and therefore I know you shall all be dumb before the Pure, Just, Righteous, and Holy Judge of all the Earth, whose nature is to do Righteously, and he will do no other, but render to every man according to his deeds, whether they be good or evil; and therefore the charge preferred, and the witness to prove the same shall be so clear and evident; for the Accuser and the Witness knows your secret workings, and is free from any guite or deceit, or any desire of revenge, or seek­ing your destruction as you are men, as you do, and have done to the Innocent; but being perfectly pure, and infallibly true, just and merciful, seeks and hath sought your Salvation and Pre­servation, and doth seek your Repentance from those dead works; of which the witness of God can do no less then bear witness against, and accuse you before the Throne of the Infinite Majesty on high, which hath manifested it from himself for that end that man might believe in it, and by it to turn from the evil Works, and to receive the Testimony of that Everlasting Witnesse, that by it they may be led to do the Works of Righteousnesse, which is to be to the praise and Glory of his Grace that hath so freely given his Light, his Witnesse, in men) to lead from the Evill to the Good: And therefore, the standing against the Light (the Witnesse and Accuser, and wilfully, and maliciously resisting of it, and hating its Reproof, it can do no lesse than do its Office, and stand up and witnesse against the Prisoners a [...] Bar of Gods righ­teous Judgments, and spread the cause against them before the Righteous Judge, who can do no other than receive the Righte­ous [Page 6]witnesse of his own Seed the Light from himself, which testifies that they have wilfully and maliciously made void his Righteous Law [the Light] by their own Traditions and inven­tions, their corrupt wills set up, to make void (if they could) the unerring will of God, and have wickedly, by the instigation of the Devil risen up in a high contempt of his infinite Majesties Crown, and Dignity, and Royal Scepter of his everlasting Righteousness, in setting up of their own Righteousnesse, their feigned and invented worships, and their unrighteous lusts, their pride and covetousness, which is the root of many more evils; and therefore are they ignorant of Gods Righteousness, which is the glorious goings forth of his Eternal Power, by the bright shining of his Light and Spirit, which leads all that believe to worship him in the same; which these have by the force of the arm of Flesh, with Instruments of Carnal Weapons sought to frustrate, and make his Counsel and purpose of none effect, and have sought to over­throw his whole work from the beginning unto this days both by the ministration of Angels, and of Moses and the Prophets; and of the glorious manifestation of his Son in the flesh, and of the glory of his spirit in his Apostles and Servants in the Churches, after his Ascention, and the glorious Records of all the holy men of God, the Scriptures of Truth, and of their Prophecies of the pourings forth of the abundance of the Spirit of the Lord God upon his Sons and Daughters in the latter dayes, and in the Last dayes, in which we are fallen, according to Christ our Lords Saying to the Woman of Samaria, The time is, and shall be, that the true Worshipers shall worship the Father in Spirit and Truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship him: and this is fulfilled, and fulfilling in this the day of our God; and this is Gods Prerogative Royal, that all his Worshippers should worship him in his spirit and Life of his noble Seed, which you Bishops, Judges, and Rulers of the Earth, and worldly Powers of the Darknesse of this World seek to make void by your Inventions and Traditions, and to binde the Consciences, and would set Judges there by your Edicts, Canons, and Articles, and Books, in Gods Throne and Seat; and would at the least set your posts by Gods post, and your Thresholds by Gods Threshold; and would thrust out and binde down the Glorious Workings of the pure Power of the Spirit of the LORD GOD in the Hearts and Consciences of his People; [Page 7]And therefore you are and will be found guilty before the Lord, of high Treason against Him and his Son, whom he hath appoint­ed Heir of all things, and is the head of his Church which he hath purchased with his own blood [which you trample upon] and so being bought with such a price they are not to be the servants of men, no, not to touch, nor taste, nor handle the Commande­ments, nor Doctrines of men, which have a voluntary humility and pretence to worship God, but it is in a false manner, and not in the seed of life; and this have you done, and are doing, teach­ing for Doctrines the Commandements of men, in this the day of the Lord, wherein he hath Redeemed and is redeeming of a People from all mens Traditions and inventions, in his worship and ser­vice: And because this people fear the Lord, and obey his Son, which is his power in them, by which they worship him in whom he is well-pleased; therefore do you ( Cain-like) hate and revile them, beat, knock down, wound, kill, and destroy, imprison, op­presse, emulate, malign, dispise, molest, fine, and keep in sore Cap­tivity by your instruments, and so you are fighters against the Lord, and kickers against the pricks, the Light both in your own Consciences, and in them that obey it; and you are willfull Resisters of the of Holy One of Israel, and therefore you cannot prosper, but stand guilty before the Lord, and must expect the severity of his indignation to be poured forth upon you, except you speedily repent, and confesse, and forsake your Trasons and Rebellions against his Royal Law, Crown, and Scepter, the Son, his Light, which must rule over all the powers of the whole Earth, the immortal Seed of his Everlasting Kingdom which shall honour him for ever and ever. And therefore be wise O ye Kings and Judges of the Earth; Kisse the Son, [...]east he be angry with you, and ye perish from the way, in which kissing of the Son, you may finde mercy, which is more then many have had from you, which have been innocent, and have been kept in the holy fear of the Lord God, and you have caused them to suffer for the same, when they have been clear of offence before the Lord, and also in the eye of any just and equal Law of the Land; and therefore take heed that you touch not his anoynted, and do his Prophets no harm, and consult not against them, nor make no unrighteous Decree against the innocent People of the Lord, called Quakers; for this is the saying of the Spirit of the [Page 8]Lord unto you, and to all that sit in counsel against them, My purpose it shall stand: and my Counsel is, that you obey my unalterable decree concerning my seed; for what you do against me in my People, I will turn it to my praise, and my Peoples good; and your rage I will restrain, though you in your hearts intend evil to me and my people, it is in my people to believe that whatever you intend to do with them, I intend their good: though I may try their faith, hope, confidence, and trust, by you, that you may know of their faith, hope, Confidence and trust stands in Me, and in my Son, who is my Light and Life, the power of my right Hand and Arme revealed in them, which they know hath been their strength in the times of their needs, in which I have made them to trust, when your violence hath been upon them; and therefore they are made willing to suffer, and to undergo whatsoever I suffer you to inflict upon them: For I restrain your rage that would go forth out of your wicked hearts against them to destroy: But I will preserve them by the word of wy power and Life, and chain your wicked, revengfull spight against me in them, and make it turn to their joy and your torment; and a Crown of deliverance they shall wear, and you of shame and contempt, except you repent; though you in counsel sit, your ends to bring to passe against my people which in my truth do stand, I sit and see, and you behold; to frustrate all your intents, I will not be wanting. Wo unto them that decree unrighteous Decrees, and that write grievousnesse which they have prescribed, to turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor, that widows may be their prey, and that rob the fatherlesse: Behold, the Lord God will come with a strong hand, and his arme shall rule him; behold his reward is with him, and his work before him, and he shall feed his Flock like a shepherd, he shall gather his Lambs in his armes, and carry them in his bosome, and shall gently lead those that are with young, Isay. 10.1, 2.40.10, 11. Christ the Arm of God shall rule and feed his Flock, and gather the Lambs with his Arme (the Light) and carry them in his bosome, and gently lead the young with his Love and Life, the Seed which is immortal.

W. B.

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