PROPOSALS For the Encouragement and Promoting of Religion and Learning in the Foreign Plantations; and to induce such of the Clergy of this Kingdom, as are Persons of Sobriety and Abilities, to accept of a Mission into those Parts.
WHEREAS the Propagation of the Christian Faith, and the Increase of Divine Knowledge, amongst all sorts of Persons in His Majesty's Foreign Plantations, are the Wishes, Desires, and Prayers, of all Pious and Serious Christians, and such as are zealous of God's Glory, and the Salvation of Men's Souls. AND WHEREAS that Blessed Work, next under God, does principally depend upon the Abilities of the Clergy of those Parts, the Exemplariness of their Lives, and their Industry in Teaching others; WHEREAS ALSO the Clergy, that are already in the Plantations, as well as those who are to be sent thither, cannot (Humanly speaking) be so capable of Informing themselves, and of Instructing others in the Design of Christianity, in the Nature of the Covenant of Grace, in the Meaning and Importance of the Articles of Our most Holy Faith, and in the Nature and Extent of all Christian Duties, without the Assistance of some good Commentators upon the Holy Scriptures; and one, at least, or more of those Authors, who have best treated upon each, and every of those Points; WHEREAS ALSO for the Supply of that Want, Men of Parts, and addicted to Study, will hardly be induced to leave the Expectations they may have of better Encouragement and Improvement in their Native Country, to go to remote Parts and Climates less agreeable, without such Advantages, as will over-balance all Considerations inclining them to stay at home; and, especially, not without a competent Provision of such Books as are necessary for their Studies in those Places where they are to serve (few of them that go over from hence being able to furnish themselves with so many Books as they shall need) AND, LASTLY, WHEREAS Insufficiency and Scandal in the Clergy of those Places, in all probability, would be most successfully prevented, both in this and future Ages, should every Parochial Minister in the Plantations have a sufficient Library of well-chosen Books, of all those kinds before-mention'd, in which he might spend his Time to his own Satisfaction, and with Improvement and Profit to himself and others.
TO PROMOTE THEREFORE so Blessed and Noble an End, as the Propagation of Christian Knowledge in those Parts; and as well to encourage those who are there already employ'd in the Ministry, as also to envite other able Ministers over, and to furnish both with proper Means for accomplishing so good a Work; IT IS HUMBLY offer'd to all that are hearty Well-wishers to the Souls of Men, and the Honour of their Saviour, to consider, and, as they shall see cause, to favour these Proposals following:
- 1. THAT a Catalogue being made of what particular Books shall be judged most immediately and necessarily Useful for a Parochial Minister, wherewith he may be sufficiently enabled both to Inform himself, and to Instruct others, in all the Necessary and Essential Parts of Christianity; So many of such Libraries be sent by the Lord Bishop of London, by the hands of such as his Lordship shall Commission for that purpose, to be Appropriated and Affixed, one to each Parish in the Foreign Plantations, particularly those of Mary-Land and Virginia, and farther as the Fund to be raised shall enable.
- 2. THAT every Parochial Library shall be affixed in a decent and large Room of the Parsonage-House of such-Parish, there to remain to the sole Use of the Minister thereof for the time being, unto all future Generations, and to be as UNALIENABLE as any other the Rights add Dues of the Church, which are Ascertained by Law.
- [Page 2]3. THAT in order to the Preservation of every such Library to succeeding Ages without Loss, as far as can be Humanly provided in any thing of that kind, there be made an exact Catalogue of the Books belonging to the Library of each Parish; and that every such Catalogue be fairly written in Four Books of Vellum provided for that purpose: The First whereof to be left with the Lord Bishop of London for the time being; a Second with his Commissary, or some Chief Clergy-man in every of those Plantations where such Libraries are provided; and a Third to remain in the respective Libraries themselves; and a Fourth to be deposited in the Vestry of each of the said Parishes.
- 4. THAT the COMMISSARY be obliged, at least once in Three Years, Personally to make a Parochial Visitation; And then, besides the Charge of his Duty in other respects, that it be incumbent also upon him, particularly to Inspect the Parochial Libraries, and to see that none of the Books be Imbezell'd or Lost: And that the Church-Wardens of each Parish be also obliged, every Year, before the Visitation, to inform themselves in what Condition the said Books are, and to Present accordingly at the Visitation.
- 5. THAT for farther Security to preserve them from Loss and Imbezelment, and that they may be known where-ever they are found, in every Book, on the one side of the Cover, shall be Letter'd these Words: SUB. AUSPICIIS WILLIELMI III.: on the other side the Name of the Parish to which these Books do belong: EX. GR. E. BIBLIOTHECA DE MARYTOWN: E. BIBLIOTHECA DE JAMES-TOWN, &c.
- 6. THAT the Minister of each Parish, his Heirs and Administrators, may be obliged, by Virtue of an Act of Assembly provided and made for that purpose, to make good what Books shall be Imbezelled or Lost by his Fault.
MEANS of Obtaining such Parochial Libraries.
1. THat Application be made to the Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry, for their Charitable Contributions to so Pious a Work; and especially that the Merchants and Traders to the Foreign Plantations be earnestly call'd upon, as Persons principally concern'd, to encourage this Design: It being most reasonable to expect, that in Gratitude to God, and the Inhabitants of those Plantations, the more plentifully they have reaped of their Temporal Things, the more liberally they should sow to them in Spiritual Things.
2. That Application be also made to such Learned Authors as are now living, that they would bestow some of their own Books, which shall be judged useful to the Purposes aforesaid.
3. That, for the General Satisfaction of those who have advanced either in Books or Money to so Pious a Design, a full Account shall be published what Books have been given, what Summs have been obtained, and how the same have been laid out to the designed Ends.
Lastly, In Gratitude to the Benefactors towards this Pious Design, all those, whether they be Publick Societies, Companies, or Private Persons, who shall Contribute any thing thereunto, shall have their Names and respective Summs; And the Authors shall have the Number of Books given by 'em, transmitted to Posterity, by being Registred in a Book kept for that purpose in each of the Libraries.
We look upon this Design, as what will very much tend to Propagate Christian Knowledge in the Indies, being it will, in all likelihood, invite some of the more Studious and Virtuous Persons out of the Ʋniversities, to undertake the Ministry in those Parts, and will be a means of rendring 'em useful when they are there: And therefore as we shall contribute chearfully towards Promoting of these Parochial Libraries, so we hope that many Pious Persons will be found, who, out of Love to Religion and Learning, will also contribute thereunto.
- Tho. Cantuar.
- Jo. Ebor.
- H. Lond.
- W. Cov. and Litch.
- Ed. Worcester.
- J. Norwich.