LONDON, Printed by William Downing, for the Author, 1700.

To his GRACE THOMAS Lord Arch-Bishop OF CANTERBURY, Primate and Metropolitan OF ALL ENGLAND, The following MEMORIAL Is with all Submission Humbly Dedicated by

Thomas Bray.

THE Society have given me leave, for dispatch sake, to Print what I am commanded to say in common to their Correspondents, in regard the Number of them is increas'd, and that sending the Yearly Packet would be otherwise long delay'd. The Particulars I am to acquaint you with, are as follow.

The Society think it may be of use, to prevent the Concealment or Misapplication of Moneys, or Land given to Charitable Uses, to have such Charities Registred in some Publick Place; and therefore reommend it to you to procure an Entry of the Notices of such Gifts, upon Tables to be hung up in the Parishes to which such Charities belong, or otherwise, as you think may best preserve the Memory of them.

The Society having heretofore promiscuously used the Words Propagating, and Promoting, in their Title, and considering that the Coincidence of the former with the Title of the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, has occasioned Mistakes; They have agreed, for the future, to call themselves only by the Name of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

And because some Gentlemen have desired to know how a Legacy, for furthering the Designs of the Society, may be worded, so as to pre­vent any doubt about Payment of it, I am order'd to communicate to you the following Clause, viz.

ITEM. I A. B. do hereby give and bequeath unto C. D. of [...] the Sum of [...] upon Trust, and to the Intent that he do pay the same to the Treasurer for the time being of a Volun­tary Society, commonly called, or known by the Name of, The Society for Pro­moting Christian Knowledge, which first met about the beginning of the Year 1699. and now do, or lately did, hold their Weekly Meeting on Thursday in Bartlet 's Buildings, in the Parish of St. Andrew in Holborn, Lon­don; which said Sum of [...] I desire may be apply'd towards carrying on the Charitable Designs of the said Society.

The Society having been inform'd of some Methods used in Bedfordshire and Pembrokeshire, for circulating Books among the [Page]Clergy; I am directed to acquaint you therewith, in hopes they may be of Use, where Publick Libraries are not yet erected: One Method is, by communicating reciprocally Catalogues of each others Libraries, in order to lend what one may be pro­vided with different from the other: And the other Method is, to facilitate the procuring of New Books by a small Annual Subscri­ption, which being laid out therein by common consent, the Books, after they have been perused alternately, are divided, and shared by Lot among the Subscribers.

And whereas a worthy Correspondent has found by Experience, that his providing a little Library of Books for each of his Chil­dren, hath much tended to excite a Desire in them after the Know­ledge of Religion. The Society take the Liberty of communi­cating it to you, that you may recommend the same thing where you think proper, out of a Sense they have, that nothing is more to be regarded in the Education of Children, than creating in them a Thirst after Knowledge and Virtue; by which means they will have also a larger Field for the Exercise of Industry, which is a thing of vast Importance to be encourag'd, being, as may be said, the Parent of all considerable Attainments.

The Society being inform'd, That printed Copy-Books for the use of Charity-Schools were much wanted in the Country, have order'd a Spe­cimen of such a Copy-Book as has been recommended to them to be sent to you. Printed and Sold by Joseph Downing in Bartholomew-Close, London, at the Rate of Six Shillings per Doz.

That the Account of Schools may be more perfect the next Year than it is This, and be publish'd sooner, you are desired to signifie by Easter-Day at furthest, the State of the Schools in your Neighbour­hood; Particularly, when such Schools were set up; What Number of Children are taught and cloathed of each Sex, and by what Sub­scriptions, Collections or Endowments maintain'd; How many Children put out Apprentices, to Services, or to Sea, from the Be­ginning of each School; And where there are School-houses, at whose Expence built; And what other Particulars fall under your Notice in Relation to Schools, or the Account of them now publish'd.

If you have not already receiv'd, you may expect in a short time, a Packet of small Books from the Society, Carriage paid: I shall be glad to hear when it comes to your Hands.

PROPOSALS for the Propagation of the Christian Religion in the several Provinces, on the Continent of North-America.

WHEREAS it has pleased God of late to stir up the Hearts of many People in the American Plantations, who seem'd formerly to have forgot Religion, now to be very solicitous, and earnest for Instruction, so as of themselves to call for those Helps, which in Duty they ought to have teen prevented in, by us, from the beginning: And whereas, to our shame, we must own, that no Nation has been so guilty of this neglect as ours: The Papists, of all Countries, having been most careful to support their Superstitions wherever they have planted: The Dutch with great Care allowing an Honourable Maintenance, with all other Encouragements, for Ministers in their Factories and Plantations: The Swedes, the Danes, and other small Colonies, being seldom or never deficient in this particular; and we of the English Nation only being wanting in this Point: And lastly, Whereas, though it be true, that some of our most considerable Plantations have set out Parishes, and Allowances for Ministers, yet it is not so in all; and where some Provision is made, it is as yet far short of being sufficient to maintain a Minister: And there is a total Neglect of informing the poor Natives. Out of all these Considerations, we do not think a more Charitable Work can be carried on, than as much as in us lyes, to contribute towards the Redress of these great Failures: And therefore do subcribe, to that purpose, the several Summs to our Names annex'd.

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