IN the Name of the DEVIL and his DAM, The Good Old Cause, Amen. I John Bradshaw, the most impious Villain the earth ever groaned under, being tormented in Body, with the apparent Symptoms of the Plagues of Hell; but thanks to an evil and affrighted Conscience of [Page 4] bloody Mind, and accursed Memory, do make and ordain this my last WILL and TESTAMENT, in manner and form following.
First, I most unwillingly surrender my Loathed Soul into his hands that seduced it to the Perpetration of so hideous a Murther, being well assured to be for ever tormented in HELL, and for that trusting solely to my own Merits.
Secondly, my wretched body I require to be laid on a Herce, alias a Hurdle, and to be drawn from Westminster through the Streets of London to Tower Hill, to be most ignominiously there Interr'd in the Grave of Miles Sindercombe (his Corps being first thence removed) since being too honest and noble company for such a Caytiff. And for my Worldly Goods and Preferments with which it hath pleased the Devil and his faithful Servants the Parliament, to store me, I do herein dispose of them as foloweth.
First, I give and bequeath unto the Heirs of my Lord Cottington, the Reversion of his Mannor of Hanworth and Freemantle, when neither the State nor my Assigns can hold it any longer.
Item, I give and bequeath my Mannors and Lands in Cheshire, descended to me from my Ancestors to my good Friend and Countryman Sir Georg Booth (whom I heartily thank for frighting me to this natural Death) towards the repa [...]ation of his Fortu [...]es, or to any one else that can find them.
Item, I give and bequeath my new made [Page 5] Lodgings at the West end of Westminster Abbey to any of the present Grandees that are climbing and aspiring to be highest, (though I cannot wish well to my Cosen Lambert.)
Item, I give one Hundred Groats to Alderman Ireten, in a grateful remembrance of the damnable advice I had from his Brother, and in respect of his own mischievous service, to the Common-Wealth.
Item, I give and bequeath to my Fellow Labourer the Lord Chief Baron Wild, my wrought Night-Cap wherein I slept so secure and dreadlesse of any direful apparitions, being exceedingly useful to him against the [...]aunting of the Ghost of innocent Captain Burleigh.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my familiar and close Friend Mrs. Lenthall the Speakers Lady, as much Scarlet of my High Court of Justice Robes, as will make her a Petticoat, to be worn against the next Thanksgiving day to be solemnised at Grocers Hall, and the remainder of it to be burnt to powder to cure the sore throats that Squire DUN will shortly make among my Consorts.
Item, I give and bequeath to the silent Speaker my Gold trimm'd Gloves being used and accustomed to Bribes, being a suitable qualification for a Master of the Rolls.
Item, I give and bequeath unto the Dishonorable William Earl of Salsbury my black Silk Garters, that will be fitter for his Neck, than his [Page 6] blew Garter is for his Legg.
Item, The rest and residue of my Apparel I give unto the Hangman to whom of due right they only doe belong.
Item, I give all my Preferments to my Brother Lisle, having been my Successor in my grand facinorous employment; excepting only the Judgeship of the Sheriffs Court, which I would request the Londoners for the great good I have done them, to confert again upon Mr. Proctor.
Item, I Will and Require my Executors hereafter named, for the perpetuating that most infamous and abhominable Fact of Regicidium to dispend annually one hundred Pound Sterling on an Anniversary Oration in the Elogie of that Monk that stabb'd Henry the 3d. of France.
Item, I give one thousand Marks to any one that will assume and bear the name of Ravilla in that Kingdom, and so Continuis vicibus, as often as the w [...]eel shall bruise any of them.
Item, Five hundred Marks more to the erecting of a stately Monument to the glorious memory of Guy Fawks, to be placed in the room of the late Tyrant and Traytor Oliver.
Item, I give one thousand pounds more for the redemption of Turkish and Infidel Slaves, taken by Pirati [...]al Christians, and that Alderman Pack be Tr [...]asurer for it, to whom I Will and Require my Executors to pay the same, taking Security that he pay it within ten days after he [Page 7] hath cleared his account with the Piedmont Protestants.
Item, I do by all means desire, and I do hereby streightly charge my Executors that Peter St [...]rry Preach my Funeral Sermon, and that he may (if possible) regain his credite. I do command him to lay, That I am placed at the right hand of the Devil.
The rest and residue of all my Goods and Chattels, Lands and Hereditariments, my Especial and Singular Vertues, my Religion, my Charity, my Mercy, I give to my dearly beloved Pimp Mr. Nedham, desiring him, that if he hangs not for his own sake, he would hang for mine, requesting my other Mercury Mr. Will. Lilly, and the above mentioned Esquire Dunne, to be aiding and assisting to him in the execution of the premises. Bequeathing unto Mr. Lilly a Hempon Chain, which he may either make use of himself, or send as a return to the King of Sweden.
- Hugh Peters:
- Philip Nye.
- John Canne.