AN Experimental Discourse Of some Unheeded CAUSES OF THE Insalubrity and Salubrity OF THE AIR, &c.
THE sixth and last thing upon which the Salubrity and Insalubrity of the Air depends, is the impregnation it receives from Subterraneal Effluvia. And, though this be a cause not wont to be much heeded by Physicians themselves; yet I take it to be oftentimes one of [Page 2] the most considerable in its effects.
The Effluvia that pass into the Air, may be distinguish'd into several sorts, according to their respective Natures, as has been elsewhere shewn; wherefore I shall now only take notice of the differences that may be taken from place and time; upon which account we may consider, that some of them arise from the Crust (if I may so call it) or more superficial parts of the Earth; and others have a deeper Original, ascending out of the lower parts, and as it were Bowels, of the Terraqueous Globe. And to this difference taken from place, I must add another, perhaps no less considerable, afforded by Time; which difference relates chiefly to the second sort of Steams newly mentioned.
Of the Subterraneal Effluvia, some are almost constantly or daily sent up into the Air, and those I therefore call Ordinary Emissions; and others ascend into the Air but at times, which are not seldom distant [Page 3] enough from one another, and those I call Extraordinary Emissions; whether they come at stated times, and so deserve the title of Periodical, or else uncertainly, sometimes with far greater, sometimes with far smaller intervals, and so may be called fortuitous or irregular. But, though I thought it might render what I am about to say more clear, if I made and premised the two foregoing distinctions, yet because in many cases, Nature does not appear solicitous to observe them, but at the same time imbues the Air with Steams referable to divers Members of these distinctions, I shall several times, though not always, take the liberty to imitate her, and consider the Effluvia of the Terraqueous Globe, in the more general Notion, that they are so.
I know 'tis frequently observed, and usually granted, that Marrish Grounds, and wet Soils are wont to be unhealthfull, because of the moist and crude vapours, that the stagnating [Page 4] waters send up too copiously into the Air. And on the other side, dry Soils are, because of their being such, generally lookt upon as healthy. Nor do I deny, that these Observations do most commonly hold true; but yet I think, that besides what can be justly ascribed to the moist vapours, or dry Exhalations, we have been speaking of; in many places the healthfulness and insalubrity of the Air may be ascribed to other sorts of Effluvia from the Soil, than those that act merely, or perhaps principally, as these are either moist or dry.
TO deliver my Thoughts about this matter somewhat more distinctly, I shall lay them down in the four ensuing Observations or Propositions, whereof the first shall be this: It seems probable that in divers places, the Salubrity or Insalubrity of the Air considered in the general, may [Page 5] be in good part due to subterraneal Expirations, especially to those that I lately call'd Ordinary Emissions. For in some places the Air is observ'd to be much more healthy, than the manifest qualities of it would make one expect: and in divers of these Cases I see no Cause to which such a happy Constitution, may more probably be ascrib'd, than to friendly Effluvia sent up from the Soil into the Air; which Particles either by promoting transpiration (that great instrument of health and recovery;) or by hindering the production, or checking the Activity, of Morbifick ferments; or by mortifying and disabling some noxious Particles, that would otherwise infest the Air, or by other ways, that I shall not now stay to enumerate; may not a little contribute to keep the Bodies of those that live in that Air, in that regular and desirable state, we call Health. I know indeed that 'tis generally thought, and often true, that Mineral Bodies do [Page 6] send up Exhalations, hurtfull not only to Plants, but to Men; but when we mean Subterraneal things indefinitely, though (Men are wont to look upon them but slightly under a general confused Notion) we employ a word more comprehensive than most men are aware of, there being a great variety, as well as multitude of Bodies, that Nature has lodg'd in her dark Store-houses under the surface of the Earth. And of these differing sorts of Bodies, though 'tis probable that the greatest part are such whose Effluvia are unhealthfull to Men, yet there may be others whose Emanations may be friendly to him; I have known it observ'd that over some Tin Mines in the Western parts of England, not only Trees, but far more tender Plants, as Grass, are wont to prosper and flourish, and (if I much misremember not) I have seen verdent Trees growing just over a vein of another sort of Mineral, that lay near the surface of the Earth: And 'tis [Page 7] likewise observable about those that constantly dig in those Tin-Mines, that they do not lead a short and sickly life as in many others, but arrive at a great and vigorous Age. And an Ancient Possessor of some of these Mines being askt by me, whether amongst the otherwise differing Exhalations that ascended into the Air, he did not find a difference as to smell bad or good; he answer'd, that though most of those visible fumes had a smell that participated enough of Sulphur or Bitumen to be offensive, yet some others were so far from being ungratefull, that they were well scented. And on this occasion I remember, that not long since, a Friend of mine, and another Virtuoso, being Partners in a chargeable Attempt to discover a Mine, in digging deep for it, they accidentally broke into a vast Subterraneal Cavern, into which, because the Diggers would not venture to descend, one of these curious Gentlemen caused himself to be [Page 8] let down, and there found the Air very temperate and refreshing, and that he long breath'd it with delight, and on the floor, or Soil (which reach'd farther than he could discover) he found many and various Minerals most of them embryonated, or imperfectly form'd, and store of a kind of Mineral Earth, whose smell was fragrant and very pleasant both in his Judgment, and that of some Ladies. And though, when some of those Minerals were brought to me, a small lump of this Earth that was among them, had been kept so long in the Air, as to spend most of its Odoriferous Particles, yet the smell it still retain'd, was, though but faint, yet pleasing.
That from Fossiles that lye hid under the surface of the Earth, and have a considerably large Spread, there may ascend store of wholsome Effluvia into the Air, seem'd to me the more probable by what I noted at my last being in Ireland, where, being invited by a Brother of mine [Page 9] to pass some time in a Countrey house of his, to which there belong'd a very large Sheep-walk that produc'd short, but excellent Grass; I learn'd (and was easily perswaded by some things I took notice of) that this place was justly reputed very healthfull, and this Salubrity of the Air, together with the sweetness of the Grass, some circumstances invited me to ascribe to this; That the Soil was sustain'd by a large tract of Limestone, which I suppos'd to emit continual exhalations into the Air; which conjecture will perhaps with the less scruple be assented to, if I add that it has been long and generally observ'd, that as far as the Limestone extends, that tract of ground makes the Snow that falls on it thaw, or melt much sooner, than it does on the Neighbouring Lands.
After I had made this Observation, I mention'd it in discourse to an inquisitive Person, that had seen and been employed about several Mines; and I asked him whether he had met [Page 10] with any thing of this kind; to which he answer'd me, that in Derbyshire, at a place which he nam'd to me, he and others had observ'd, that a large tract of Limestone land was so warm (as they speak) as to dissolve the Snow that fell on it, very much sooner than another great scope of Land, which was divided from it but by a glin, where the Soil did not cover Limestone, but Freestone.
Afterwards, discoursing of this Subject with an ingenious Person, that had visited the Hungarian, and Bohemian Mines; he told me, that during his stay among the former, he often walked abroad with the Overseer of them, a famous and experienc'd Mineralist, who delighted to breathe the fresh morning Air upon some Hills abounding with Minerals; that his Guide made him observe, that when they were over a tract of Land that afforded much of that noble Oar (which by a German Name he called Rot-gulden ertz) he [Page 11] found the smell to be pleasing, and the Air refreshing. And whereas, in passing over some other Mines, he found himself molested by offensive fumes; he felt no such effect, when he was upon that scope of ground under which there lay veins of Cinnabar, or, if you please, a Mine of Quick-silver Our: And his ancient Guide told him, that next the Rotgulden ertz before mentioned, the Soil containing these Cinnabarine veins, was that whose incumbent Air was the most eligible for pleasantness and Salubrity. And I the less wonder, that in some places the subjacent Fossiles should impregnate the Air with wholsome Effluvia, because I remember I had the Curiosity to ride many Miles, (though in the depth of Winter,) to see a scope of ground that was famous for a good Pottery; where, besides many other Mineral Earths that I took notice of, there was a Pit or Groove, that reach'd, if I mistake not, fifteen or twenty foot beneath the surface of the [Page 12] ground; whence they dug up a kind of white Clay, so richly impregnated with subtile and noble parts, that it afforded a Chymist or two of my Acquaintance (for I had my self no opportunity to distill it) good store of a Subtile Spirit, of a Volatile and Saline Nature, which upon trial they highly extoll'd for it's Cordial, and other Virtues in Physick; and which, by some peculiar Mechanical trials I made with it, I concluded to abound with a Volatile Salt, not unlike that of Urine or Hartshorn. And since by this instance we see, that some unsuspected Fossiles may be enrich'd with Medicinal and Fugitive Salts and Spirits; it may reasonably be suppos'd, that these ascending into the incumbent Air, may highly conduce to the Salubrity of it. And the Curiosity I have had to examine Chymically some Boles, and other Bodies, which are wont to be unregardedly compriz'd under the confus'd notion of Earths, makes me suspect, [Page 13] that there may be far more Species of Salubrious Fossiles than many have yet taken notice of.
But peradventure you will much the more easily admit in general, that Subterraneal Tracts of great extent may for a very long time send up into the Air copious Expirations, not discernable by any of oursenses, nor commonly suspected to be found in that Body, if you please to consider with me (what I do not remember to have been taken notice of to this purpose) that the common Air we live in, and breathe, does always abound, and for many Ages has been impregnated, with the Copious Magnetical Effluvia of the Earth; which our industrious Gilbert, and after him some learned Jesuits and others, have proved to be a great, though faint Magnet; and whose emanations, as they constantly stream through the Air, I have elsewhere by particular Experiments shewn to be capable of passing through the Pores of Glass it self, and acting almost instantaneously, [Page 14] and yet manifestly, upon Bodies hermetically seal'd up in it. But, though from what has been said it may be inferr'd, that 'tis not improbable the Salubrity of the Air in some places may be chiefly, or at least in part, due to the wholsome Expirations of Subterraneal Bodies; yet, generally speaking, the Air is deprav'd, in far more places than it is improv'd, by being impregnated with Mineral Expirations. And indeed, besides that, among the Minerals known unto us, there are many more that are noxious, than that are wholsome; the power of the former to doe mischief is wont to be far more efficacious, than that of the latter to doe good; as we may guess by the small benefit men receive in point of health by the Effluvia of any Mineral, or other Fossile, known unto us, in comparison of the great and sudden mischief that is often done by the Expirations of Orpiment, Sandarach, and white Arsenick; for, though that sold in Shops [Page 15] is factitious, being made of Orpiment sublim'd with Salt, yet it is found Natural in some Hungarian, and other Mines. On which occasion, I remember that the ingenious Person lately mention'd to have with his Guide taken the Air upon the Hills of that Mineral Countrey, answer'd me, that, when his Guide and he walk'd over some veins of these noxious Minerals, he met with several Odorous Steams, which, though differing from one another, agreed in this, that they were all offensive to him; and particularly, some of them by their unwelcome sharpness, and others by giving him a troublesome difficulty of respiration. I will not here urge those sulphureous steams, that so suddenly deprive Dogs of sense and motion, in the Neapolitan Grotta de Cani; because there the Exhalations are too much included, and as it were pent up: But it is very proper to allege for my present purpose the Aorni or Averni, which are mention'd [Page 16] by good Authours to be found, some in Hungary, and some in other Countries; for in these places there ascend out of the Earth such noxious and plentifull exhalations, as kill those Animals that draw in the Air they infect; and some of them are able to precipitate, even the Birds that fly over the Caverns that emit them. But there are a multitude of Places, where 'tis not so manifest that hurtfull exhalations ascend into the Air, and yet they really do so: There being in many places whole tracts of Land, that near the surface of the Earth abound with Marchasitical Minerals, as these do with a sharp vitriolate Salt, which, together with the ill condition'd Sulphur that they also plentifully contain, ascend into the Air, and render it corrosive. On which occasion I remember, that for Curiosities sake I took some English shining Marchasite; and caus'd a pound of it to be distill'd in an Earthen Vessel with a good fire, by which means, notwithstanding it's [Page 17] dryness, I obtain'd two or three spoonfuls of a Limpid Liquor, that smell'd very strongly, like that which the Helmontians call Gas Sulphuris; and which appear'd manifestly to be of an acid Nature, both by the taste, and by it's readily corroding, and dissolving unbeaten Coral, even in the cold, to mention here no other Tryals that I made with it. And the Mineral afforded me, together with this Liquor, about an ounce and three quarters of inflammable Sulphur, part whereof ascending (as may be guess'd) in the form of very agile Corpuscles, these fasten themselves all about to the inside of the Receiver, and there compos'd divers thin Coats, or Films, as 'twere, of Sulphureous matter sticking to one another; which at their first taking off, and for some time after, might be bent or folded like leaves of paper, but afterwards harden in the Air. Mineralists, and some other good Authours, mention divers Places as abounding with Marchasitical [Page 18] Fossiles, but I am apt to think, they are far more common than is vulgarly taken notice of; for I have met with them where one would little expect them. And, though in England all our Vitriol (which is now plentifully vended into Foreign parts) be made of Vitriolate Stones, or Bodies that pass for stones; yet that is not true which our Mineralists are wont thence to conclude, that there is no other Vitriolate or Marchasitical matter in England: for a famous dealer in Fossiles, having found a Mine, which he knew not what to make of, and therefore carefully conceal'd, address'd himself to me, because, he said, he knew I would not betray or supplant him: and having at his desire taken a private view of what he had discover'd, I presently found it to be a vein, that lay at some depth under ground, and ran along (how far I know not) like a vein of Metalline Oar, (and for such upon that account he mistook it) consisting of [Page 19] a black and heavy stuff, which upon a few easie trials I quickly found to be of a Vitriolate Nature; insomuch that, somewhat to my wonder, I was able to make it yield in few hours store of pure Vitriol, without any troublesome or artificial preparation.
It is probable that in divers places some Endemical Diseases do mainly, or at least in part depend upon Subterraneal Steams.
UNder the name of Endemical Diseases, I do not comprise those onely that are very peculiar to this or that Countrey; as the Plica is said to be to Poland, (whence it receives its name of Polonica;) or an odd kind of Colique in one part of France, (from which 'tis called la Colique de Poictou;) but also those that are more rise in some Countries [Page 20] than in most others; such as Agues in Kent, and in that part of Essex they call the Hundreds; the Consumption (though that be an ambiguous name) in England, whence Foreign Physicians call it the Tabes Anglica; and Fluxes of the Belly in Ireland, where they are so rise as commonly to pass under the name of the Countrey Disease.
That these Endemical, or (if we may so call them) Topical Distempers, do in many places proceed from some excessive Heat, Moisture, or other manifest quality of the Air; from bad Diet, vulgar Intemperance, and other Causes that have little or no connexion with Subterraneal Reeks, I readily grant. But, that in some places the Endemical Disease may either be principally caus'd, or much fomented, by noxious Effluvia, I am enclin'd to suspect upon the following grounds.
- 1. There are some places, in which the Endemical Disease cannot be probably imputed to any manifest [Page 21] Cause; as he may perceive that shall consider how often it happens, that the Causes which are assign'd of such Diseases, if they were the true ones, must produce the like Distempers in many other places, where yet it is notorious that they are not Endemical.
- 2. That Subterraneal Bodies may send up copious Steams, of different kinds, into the Air, has been already made out.
- 3. It has been also shewn, that the Matters that send up these Effluvia, may be of a large extent. And I remember on this occasion that I have sometimes observ'd, and that in more Countries than one, a whole tract of Land that abounded with Minerals of one kind; and within no great distance, as perhaps a Mile or a League, another large tract of Land, whose Subterraneal part abounded with Minerals of a very differing sort.
- 4. We have also above declar'd, and 'tis highly probable from the [Page 22] nature of the thing it self, that those copious steams (Saline, Sulphureous, Arsenical, Antimonial, &c.) that impregnate the Air, may very much conduce to make it hurtfull to a humane body, in the way requisite to produce this or that determinate Disease: as I not long since related from the Chymist that visited the Hungarian Mines, that in some places he found the Reeks ascending from them into the Air (though in an elevated place, and expos'd to the Winds) make him as it were Asthmatical, and give him a troublesome difficulty of Respiration. And here let me add an Observation, which perhaps will not be thought fit to be slighted by Physicians: namely, that some parts of the substance of the Air (for I speak not of its Heat, Coldness, or other such Qualities) do not onely affect humane bodies, or at least many Individuals among them, as they are taken in by Respiration, but as they outwardly touch the Skin: and the [Page 23] Skin being (as I have elsewhere shewn) full of Pores, and those perhaps of different sizes and figures, those Corpuscles that get in at them may have their operation, even upon the most inward parts of the body. To make this more clear and probable, because 'tis a thing of importance, I desire these things may be observ'd.
1. That when I speak of the Air, I do not in this place understand that Air, which I elsewhere teach to be more strictly and properly so call'd, and to consist of springy Particles; but the Air in its more vulgar and laxe signification, as it signifies the Atmosphere, which abounds with vapours, and exhalations, and in a word with Corpuscles of all sorts, except the larger sort of springy ones; and many of them may be so small, and so solid, or so conveniently shap'd, as to get entrance at some of the numerous Orifices of the minute or miliary Glandules of the Skin, or at other Pores of it. [Page 24] Thus, though paper be not pervious to the uncompress'd elastical parts of the Air, yet it may be easily penetrated by other Corpuscles of the Atmosphere: for I remember, I have for Curiosities sake prepar'd a dry body, out of a substance belonging to the Animal Kingdom, which being lapt up in paper, would, without wetting or discolouring, or any way sensibly altering it, pass in a trice through the Pores of it in such plenty, as to have not onely a visible, but a manifest operation on bodies plac'd at some distance from it. And though a bladder almost full of Air, having its neck well tyed, be held near the fire in various postures, the elastical Air, though rarefied, or attenuated by the heat, will rather burst the bladder, (as I have more than once found) than get out at the Pores, yet we have often made a certain substance, belonging to the Mineral Kingdom, that, if a bladder were wet or moist, (as the Skins of living Men are wont to be) would readily [Page 25] pervade it, and have a sensible operation, even upon solid bodies plac'd within it. This Experiment (that I can repeat when I will) is therefore the more considerable to our present purpose, because in the bladder of a dead Animal, the Porosity may be well suppos'd to be much less than it was in the Animal when alive; in which state the parts of the humane body are much more perspirable than one would easily believe, partly because of the heat that is continually diffus'd from the heart, and partly because of the copious steams that are in perpetual motion, and keep the parts warm, moist and supple: And it is not to be pretermitted in our present instance, that the bladder of Urine consists not of a single Membrane, and is probably of a stronger texture, by reason of the subtile salt liquor it is instituted to contain, than many another Membranes of the body, or the Epidermis. And this is the first thing I would have noted.
[Page 26]The next is, that, whereas in the Instances newly recited, and some others that are by and by to be mention'd, the effects were produc'd when the ambient Air, impregnated with Mineral Corpuscles, had but a very short time (perhaps not many minutes) to work upon the bodies expos'd to it: In those Countries that are very subject to Endemical Diseases, the Inhabitants are wont to live all the year long, and perhaps during their whole life, expos'd to the action of the vitiated Air: and how much a far shorter time will serve, to make the Corpuscles that rove in the Air, penetrate into bodies of no very close contexture, may be guess'd by the breaking even of the bigger strings of Lutes and Vials, by the numerous (though invisible) vapours, that get into them in rainy weather; and much more by the effects of such vapours, when insinuating themselves in swarms into the Pores of a Rope, they shorten it so forcibly, as to enable it, by shrinking [Page 27] it self to lift up and keep suspended considerable weights, as I have elsewhere shewn by tryals purposely made. These things may render it probable, that, though in a small compass of time the noxious Effluvia that rove in the Air, may be too thinly dispers'd in it, to insinuate themselves in any considerable number at the Pores of the Skin; yet, by reason of the continual contact of the Air, (especially as to the Face, Hands, and some other parts) which may last day and night for many months, or perhaps years, there may be opportunity for a considerable number of morbifick Particles, to insinuate themselves into the cutaneous Pores.
3. And thus having once got entrance, they may by the capillary Vessels that reach to, or terminate at the Skin, pass on to somewhat larger Vessels; and so may get into the mass of bloud, and by its Circulation be carried to all the parts of the body; and so be enabl'd both to [Page 28] deprave the bloud, and other juices themselves, and to gain access to any determinate part of the body, which their peculiar shapes, figures, &c. qualifies them to produce some particular Distemper in. This whole Doctrine may be made more probable, by what experience shews of the virtues of certain Plasters, especially Mercurial ones, in Distempers that are not at all, or at least are not chiefly Cutaneous; and (which comes more home to our Argument) of the efficacy of Periaptae, and Appensa, such as Piony-root, Bloud-stone, Lapis Nephriticus, Quick-silver in a Quill, a dry'd Toad in a Cesnet Bag, &c, whereof, though many answer not the Characters that are wont to be given of them, yet some of them, experience has convinc'd me to be of greater efficacy than I expected: And much more activity may be presum'd to be, in divers noxious Effluvia from Subterraneal Bodies; as may be gather'd from the effects of the Mercurial Girdles, that some unwary [Page 29] persons wear to cure the Itch; and from what I elsewhere relate of the fits of the Colicque, often produc'd in a Friend of mine by the Effluvia of masses of Loadstone. And this last example may serve for a proof of another part of our Hypothesis, by shewing that Mineral Effluvia, may not onely be noxious in a general way, but may produce this or that determinate Disease. That Arsenical Appensa, though much extoll'd by divers Physicians themselves, and sold dear by Empyricks, as (if worn near the Heart) wonderfull Amulets against the Plague, have (especially in some persons and circumstances) produc'd some of the noxious effects of Arsenical Poysons, and particularly caus'd in some great faintness and dispiritedness, I find by the Testimony of divers eminent Physicians. To which I shall add a remarkable one, which may probably be referr'd partly to this third Observation, as well as to what I lately deliver'd about the bad effects [Page 30] of Mineral Exhalations, breath'd in with the Air they vitiated: and I the rather mention this Case, because 'tis not onely an odd one, but is a considerable Argument to shew, that noxious Mineral Expirations may manifestly produce a determinate Distemper in unlikely parts of the body. The Observation is this; I knew, and on some occasions employ'd, a Chymical Laborant that fansi'd that he could make a rare Medicine out of red Arsenick, (as some call what others style Sandarach,) which is thought to differ little from common Orpiment, saving its being much higher colour'd: this Laborant then working long and assiduously upon this Mineral, and rubbing it frequently in a Mortar, came divers times to me; and complain'd of a disaffection he thence contracted in the Organs of Respiration; for which I gave him something that happen'd to relieve him; which encourag'd him to complain to me of another Distemper, that, though [Page 31] not so dangerous, did often very much molest him: which was, that when he was very assiduous in the preparation of his Sandarach, it would give him great Pains, and (if I misremember not) some Tumours too, in his Testicles: And this, for ought I know, happen'd to him as long as he was earnest about that Process; for the Medicines that had reliev'd him in his other Distemper, did not remove this: and I having occasion to go for a while into the Countrey, found him gone at my return. It may strengthen the Conjecture lately propos'd, of the possible insinuation of Effluvia that rove in the Air, at the Pores of the Skin, if I add that I have had the Curiosity to enquire of more than one Traveller, that had visited the famous Pico of Tenarif (at whose upper part there are found scatter'd parcels of Sulphur, and divers manifest tokens of a Vulcan) whether the Sulphureous Steams (that I suppos'd to be copious near the top of the [Page 32] Mountain) did not work upon the silver Money they had in their Pockets, and discolour it: to which he answer'd that 'twas no uncommon Observation, to find at mens return from visiting the top of the Hill, that the Money they carried about them was blackn'd, and that he himself had particularly observ'd it to be so: which might easily gain credit with me, who have divers times made a preparation of Sulphur, which, even in the cold, sends out exhalations so penetrant, that, having for tryals sake put some pieces of Coyn (which ought not to be Golden) into a Leather Purse; they were able, and that in not very many minutes, to discolour manifestly the Money, in spite of the interposition of the Purse that contain'd it. But I had a more considerable instance of the efficacy of the Sulphureous Expirations of the Pico of Tenarif, by a sober Person that is one of the chief Directours of the famous East-India-Company of London; who, [Page 33] being question'd by me about some circumstances of his Journey to visit the top of that stupendious Mountain, answer'd me, that among other effects the Sulphureous Air had upon him, (who is of a very fine complexion) he found at his return to the bottom, that his light-colour'd Hair had manifestly changed colour, and was in many places grown forked at the ends. These Observations may make it probable, that Mineral Exhalations may not only affect humane Bodies, as they are drawn into the Lungs with the Air they swim in, but as they insinuate themselves into the Pores of the Skin.
One considerable Objection I foresee may be made, against the Proposition I have been all this while endeavouring to render probable; namely, that 'tis scarce conceivable, that in so many Ages as Endemical Diseases have afflicted some Countries, the Subterraneal Matter, to which I do in great part impute some of them, should not be [Page 34] wasted and spent. I might perhaps on this occasion move a doubt, whether we have had such continued accounts of the temperature of the Air, of all the Countries where Diseases are now Endemical, as to know that they have been always so; and that some of those Diseases have not been worn out here or there, and some others have not of later Ages begun to appear in this or that place. But contenting my self at present to have hinted this Question, I shall not stay to discuss it; but proceed to offer three things, by way of direct answer to the Objection.
1. And first, I think it very possible, that divers Subterraneal Bodies that emit Effluvia, may have in them a kind of propagative or self multiplying power: I will not here examine, whether this proceed from some seminal Principle, which many Chymists and others ascribe to Metals, and even to stones, or (which is perhaps more likely) to something analagous to a Firment, such as in [Page 35] Vegetables enables a little sour dough to extend it self through the whole Mass; or such, as when an Apple or Pear is bruis'd in one part, makes the putrify'd part by degrees to transmute the sound into it's own likeness; or else some maturative power, whereby an inanimate Body may gradually admit of such a change, or acquire such Qualities, as may be in Mens estimate perfective of it, and perhaps give it a new denomination; as Anana's in the Indies, and Medlars, and some other fruits here in Europe, do after they are gathered, acquire (as it were, spontaneously) in process of time, a consistence and sweetness, and sometimes Colour and Odour, and in short such a state as by one word we call maturity or ripeness: and so some Metalline Ores, and some Mineral Earths themselves, have been observ'd by Mineralogists, to acquire in tract of time such a change, as to afford some Metal or other Body, which either it did not afford before, or at least did not afford [Page 36] so copiously, or so well qualify'd. This I have purposely made out in another Paper: and the Observation particularly holds as to Niter, which is thought to be the most Catholick Fossile we have; and to be at least one of those Fossiles, that do the most plentifully emit Effluvia into the Air.
2. When I consider, that even in those Mines that are accounted deep ones, the Spades of Men are not wont to reach to the ten thousandth part of the thickness of the Earth, between its Surface, and its Centre, which yet is but its Semi-diametre; I cannot but confess, that we know very little of the Nature or Constitution of the lower part of the Terrestrial Globe; since we know little or nothing experimentally, of what lyes beneath that Comparatively very thin Crust or Scurf, (if I may so call it) that Humane Industry has been hitherto confin'd to. And upon this account I do not think it absurd to suspect, that from the lower Subterraneal [Page 37] Regions there may be, either continually, or periodically, emitted into the Region of Mines (if I may so call it) great store, and variety of Mineral Exhalations, which may continually repair the loss of those, that from time to time ascend out of the Fossile Region (as I may also call that of Mines) into the Atmosphere. But the things I could alledge to Countenance this Conjecture, must not be insisted on in this place. Therefore I proceed to consider.
3. That Bodies so heavy, and consequently so abundant in parts of solid matter crouded together, as Minerals, and other Fossiles are wont to be, may well be suppos'd capable, without destructively wasting themselves to emit store of such minute Particles as Effluvia, for an exceeding long time. This will be easily granted by him that shall consider the particulars laid together in a small Tract, that I purposely writ, about the admirable Subtilty [Page 38] of Effluvia. And 'twill be the more easily believ'd, if it be consider'd how long some Load-stones, sever'd from their Mine, have been kept in the Air without any notable, or perhaps so much as sensible diminution of their Virtue. And this brings into my mind what an eminent Physician, who was skill'd in Perfumes, affirm'd to me about the durableness of an Effluviating power, that was not natural to a Metal, but adventitious, and introduc'd by Art: for he assur'd me that he had a Silver Watch-case, that had been so well perfum'd, that though he usually wore the Watch in his Pocket, it continued to be well scented sixteen years. The same Person had a way of perfuming factitious Marble quite thorough, whose grateful Scent he affirm'd would last exceedingly; and of this perfum'd Marble he presented me a Ball, which having been some months after gotten from me by a great Lady, I was disabled from observing the durableness of the fragrancy.
[Page 39]I might perhaps be thought wanting to my Cause, if, before I dismiss the Proposition I have been all this while discoursing of, I should not observe, that Subterraneal Effluvia may contribute to Endemical Diseases, not only as they vitiate the Air, that Men breathe in, or are immediately touch'd by; but as they may impregnate or deprave the Aliments that men feed upon. For first, they do mingle themselves with the water, which either men drink it self alone, (as is the Custome with many Nations, and of some men in most Nations; or make of it their Bear, Ale, or other factitious drinks, prepar'd of Water and Barley, Oats, Rice, &c. That divers Springs, and other Waters are imbued with Mineral Corpuscles, may be judg'd by some of the Medicinal Springs: for, though divers Acidulae and Thermae afford good store of palpable Sulphur or Salt, yet all do not; and having purposely examin'd a famous one, I could with a pair of nice Scales [Page 40] scarce discover any sensible difference at all between the Medicinal Water, and the common Water that was to be met with thereabouts. And that which impregnated this, and which I found by tryal on my self, and some other Bodies, enabl'd it to work very manifestly like a Mineral Water, was a sort of Corpuscles so minute and subtile, that if the Bottles were not kept well stopt, they would in a short time vanish, and leave the Liquor dispirited. Experience has assur'd me, that there are ways of making common water violently and hurtfully operative upon Humane Bodies, though its sensible qualities would not make one suspect any change in it: but the ill use that bad men may make of such Liquors, makes me forbear to express my self more clearly: nor is it necessary that I should add anything to confirm the propos'd conjecture, save what may be inferr'd from these two Particulars; the first whereof is the scarce at all sensible [Page 41] change that may be made in water, and some other Liquors, that are made strongly Emetick by Crocus Metallorum, and by Antimony vitrify'd without addition: and the second may be taken from those Averni, whence there continually ascend such pernicious Exhalations, as in some places intoxicate or kill even the Birds that fly over those poysonous vents; for if such Exhalations, or even far less deadly ones, should (as they may be reasonably suppos'd, sometimes to do) meet with either running or stagnant Waters in their ascent, there is little doubt to be made, but they will impregnate them, and make them noxious. And on this occasion we may pertinently recall to mind, what I have formerly deliver'd about a place upon the Borders of Lancashire, where the Water and Mud of a Ditch is so copiously impregnated with Subterraneal Exhalations, (whether they be bituminous, sulphureous, or of some [Page 42] unknown kind) that they may easily be fir'd at the surface of the Water, or Earth, and made to burn like a Candle, as an ingenious man did at my Request successfully try.
But there is another account, upon which the Effluvia of the lower parts of the Earth may have a greater stroke in producing of Endemical Diseases; namely, as they mingle with the Water, and other Liquors that are necessary to the nutrition and growth of Plants; and, by depraving those juices, make the vegetables that are nourish'd by them unhealthy for the men that eat them, or make drinks of them: and these noxious Exhalations may be suppos'd in many places to impregnate the juices of the Earth, much more copiously than they do the running or stagnant Waters lately spoken of: because the difficulty of pervading the Earth in their ascent, may so long check them, as to make them very numerous in a small space, and perhaps make them convene into Bodies, so far of a Saline Nature as to [Page 43] be dissoluble either in common Water, or some other Subterraneal Liquor; by whose help, as by vehicles, they may insinuate themselves into the roots of Plants, and be thence conveyed to other parts. Divers things might be alledg'd to keep this conjecture from being improbable, if I had leisure to insist on them: but I I shall now only mention two things that on this occasion come into my mind: the first whereof is, that enquiring of a famous Chymist, who liv'd in a Countrey abounding with Mines of Vitriol, whether he did not observe, that the Oaks growing over them were more solid, or heavy, than those Trees are elsewhere wont to be; he answer'd me, that he did, and that the difference was remarkable: The other is, that the parts of some Minerals, (probably by reason of the smallness and solidity of the Corpuscles they consist of) are capable of insinuating themselves very plentifully into the pores of growing Vegetables, without being really subdu'd by what [Page 44] Philosophers are pleas'd to call the Concocting Faculty of the Plant; and, instead of being assimilated by the Vegetable, they retain their own Mineral Nature, and upon the recess or evaporation of the juice that serv'd them for a vehicle, may sometimes discover their being Mineral, even to an unassisted Eye. For I remember I have seen a piece of a Vine, that grew not far from Paris, which being broken, I perceiv'd a multitude of the internal Pores of the root, and, if I mistake not, part of the Trunk also, to be stuff't with Corpuscles of a Marchasitical Nature; as manifestly appear'd by their Colour, and their shining lustre, and also by their weight.
There goes a Tradition among learned Men, that the leaves of Vines that grow in some places of Hungary, whose Mines afford Gold, are as it were gilt on the lower side, by ascending Exhalations of a Golden Nature: whether this be true or no, I shall not take upon me to determine: but I remember, that having made enquiry [Page 45] about the truth of it, of a very ingenious Traveller, whose Curiosity led him to visit heedfully those famous Mines: he told me, that he did not remember he had observ'd what is reported about the Leaves of the Vine: but he knew very well that at Tockay (a place that affords the famousest Wine of Hungary, and indeed the best I have drunk) very many of the kernels of the Grapes would appear guilt over, as it were, with leaf gold. To what has been already discours'd, may be added, that since men are not wont to feed upon either Beasts, or Birds of prey, as carnivorous Animals usually are, but upon such as live upon Grass, or Seeds, or other vegetable substances, and drink nothing but fair water; the noxious exhalations that make vegetables, and water unwholsome, may by their means have a very bad influence upon Sheep, Cows, Deer, Pigeons and other Animals that seed upon such deprav'd vegetables, and drink such noxious waters; and consequently may be very hurtfull to [Page 46] those men that feed upon such Animals, and may by the deprav'd aliment they afford, determine them to an Endemical Disease, such as that vitiated nutriment is fitted to produce.
Perhaps it will not seem improper to add on this occasion, that 'tis possible that in certain places the latent Minerals may be of such a Nature, as that their Effluvia may, instead of promoting, hinder the Production of some particular Disease, whether Epidemical or Endemical in the Bodies of them that inhabit those Places. For as Physicians observe that the more manifest morbifick causes of some sicknesses, are quite contrary to those of others, so I think it not improbable, that there may also be a mutual contrariety, between those latent morbifick causes, that are sent up by subterraneal Agents. And therefore it need to be no wonder, if some of these should either disable those to which they are Hostile, or should at least work in Humane Bodies a great Indisposition to admit their hurtfull [Page 47] Operations, which methinks those Physicians and Chymists should easily grant, who with a boldness that I do not applaud, prescribe Amulets, wherein Arsenick, or some other poysonous Drug is employ'd, as preservatives from the Plague, against which, I doubt the chief Succours they afford, proceeds from the Confidence or Fearlesness they give those that wear them. But to return to our subterraneal Effluvia, since there are divers whole Countries, or lesser places, that are either altogether, or in great part, free from this or that particular Disease; as in several parts of Scotland from Agues, especially if I mistake not Quartans, are very unfrequent, insomuch that a learned Physician answer'd me, that in divers years practice he met not with above three or four, and in several large Regions of the East-Indies, notwithstanding the excessive heat of the Climate, the Plague is very rare: since (I say) these things are so, it seems not altogether improbable that the subterraneal [Page 48] steaws may contribute to this advantage, by impregnating both the Air, the Earth, and the Water, with Corpuscles endow'd with Qualities unfriendly to these Diseases, which seems to be somewhat the more credible, because it has been observ'd that some vast Tracts of Land will neither breed nor maintain venemous Creatures, as is undoubtedly believ'd of the whole Kingdom of Ireland, where I confess I neither did see any alive, nor met with any other that did; for as to Spiders, though they breed in that Countrey, where I have seen many of them, and sometimes even upon Irish Wood, yet they are unanimously believ'd not to be poysonous there: And some Writers tell us, how truly I know not, of some other Countries, to which they affirm the like Privilege to belong. But there is one instance afforded us by Begninus, who travel'd much to visit Mines, which if it be strictly true, is very notable for my present purpose. Dignum admiratione est, says he, quod quamvis in vicinia Hydriae [Page 49] Comitatus Gloriciensis, ubi reperitur copiosè ☿ singulis ferè annis Lues pestifera grassatur, illa tamen semper immunis ab hac manere soleat, idque viri provectae aetatis se observasse & à majoribus suis accepisse, mihi sanctè confirmârunt. To which I should add the Testimony of the Learned Michael Mayerus, who pronounces Mercury to be an Alexipharmacum against divers Diseases, and particularly the Plague, if I did not suspect by his way of mentioning this last Disease, that he but borrowed his Encomium of Mercury from Begninus. But however; what has been related, has invited me to consider, whether there may not be some virtue, as well as some danger, in Amulets of Quicksilver that are by many extoll'd against the Plague. But this onley upon the bye.
It is Likely, that divers Epidemical Diseases are in great part produc'd by Subterraneal Effluvia.
I Am very well aware, that divers Diseases that extraordinarily invade great numbers of people at the same time; (and were therefore, by the Greeks called Epidemical) may be rationally refer'd to manifest Intemperatenesses of the Air, in point of Heat, Cold, Moisture, or some other Obvious Quality. And therefore the Proposition speaks but of some Epidemical Diseases, and imputes those it speaks of to Subterraneal Effluvia, not as total, but as partial, and sometimes as principal, Agents in the production of them.
In favour of the propos'd Conjecture thus explain'd, I shall offer two things to Consideration.
[Page 52]I. And first, it seems not very improbable, that divers of those Morbifick Excesses (especially if they be sudden) that are observ'd in the Air, may proceed from the unusually copious ascent of hurtfull Exhalations that mingle with the Air, and diffuse themselves through it. We are greater Strangers than we commonly take notice of, to the Subterraneat part of the Globe we inhabit: and if I had leasure, and thought it necessary, I could shew, that there are a great many odd and surprizing things to be met with in the Structure and disposition even of those parts of the Earth, that lie but a little way beneath the surface of it, and partly have been, and partly may easily enough be, actually penetrated by the industrious Labours of men. And as for the deeper Subterraneal Regions, we are so much more unacquainted with them, that we are scarce fit so much as to conjecture, how far they extend, or [Page 53] what kind of Materials they contain, and what is the gross, and (if I may so speak) the Mechanical Fabrick of the greater Masses, whether solid or fluid, they consist of: And least of all can we determine what Motions, whether periodical, or others, these Masses, or other Portions of deeply lodg'd Matter, may have.
On such grounds as these, I conceive▪ it possible, that, among the many and various Effluviating Bodies, that the terrestrial Globe may conceal in its Bowels, there may be some, whose reeks ascending plentifully into the Air, may occasion in it an excess of Heat, Cold, Moisture, thickness, or some other manifest Quality. So that sometimes (not to say many times) even those manifest Intemperatenesses of the Air, to which an Epidemical Disease is wont to be wholly imputed, (though perhaps not very justly) may in part proceed from Subterraneal Bodies; for I elsewhere shew, that these by their Conflicts, or Mutual Actions on [Page 54] one another, may excite great and sudden Heats, and on that account send up such copious Steams into the Atmosphere, as may produce there sudden and excessive Heats, Lightnings, Thunders, &c. And I shall now add (what perhaps will appear somewhat strange) that I think sudden and unseasonable Refrigerations of the Air, may proceed from the action of Subterraneal Bodies upon one another: for Tryal purposely made has inform'd me, that there are certain Minerals, whereof some may be employed in their crude Simplicity, and the other requires but a slight Preparation, such as it may have in the Bowels of the Earth; which Minerals being put together, will produce by their Reaction an intense degree of Cold, not onely as to sense, but when examined by a seal'd Weather-glass.
The Changes of the Air that produce Epidemical Diseases are sometimes so great and sudden, that they cannot, in my Opinion, with [Page 55] probability be imputed to the action of the Sun, or the Moon, (which are causes that act in too general, and too uniform a way, to have those particular and anomalous Effects attributed to Them;) as probably as they may be to Subterraneal Bodies, that often act with more suddenness and impetuosity, and without any regularity, at least that is known to us. The difference we find in Seasons, that bear the same name, and should be alike in temperature [...], is oftentimes very great, and sometimes also very lasting. It is proverbially said in England, that a Peck of March Dust is worth a King's Ransom: So unfrequent is dry Weather during that Month, in our Climate. And yet in some years, and particularly the last, 'twas a rare thing to have a shower either in March, April, or May, sometimes in the Month last named, there are Heats greater than in the Dog-days of that same Year; though usually here in England, divers Mornings of that Month are [Page 56] cold, and some of them frosty. And now and then I have observ'd in the same Months and Days, at no great distance from one another, that the Weather has been sultry hot, and has also produc'd a great Snow. We have seen Summers like that which is remember'd for the Siege of Colchester, that for almost the whole Season, where more dark and rainy, than several Winters have been observ'd to be. To which purpose I remember, that when I was about to write the History of Cold, I was fain to watch almost a whole Winter to find two or three frosty days, to make an Experiment or two I had need of, that requir'd not a Cold that was either lasting or very intense. But Instances of this kind are so obvious, to those that are at all heedfull Observers, that I may safely pass them by, and inculcate that the Sun being in the same Signs, at the same Times of the Year, it does not appear, how He should produce so great a disparity [Page 57] of the temperature of the Air in Seasons of the same denomination; (as the Winters or the Summers of differing, and yet perhaps immediately consecutive, Years.) And therefore I do not so much wonder, that many Learned Writers fly to Astrology for an account of these irregular Phaenomena, and ascribe them to the influences of certain Stars; notwithstanding what divers eminent Philosophers, and some great Astronomers too, have said to prove the vanity of Judiciary Astrology.
I shall not now stay to discuss the Question, whether the Stars have any influence distinct from their Light and Heat: because, my Opinion about it being somewhat peculiar, I have discoursed of it in a Paper by it self. But this I shall now say, that the fixt Stars being but general, and (if I may so speak) indefinite Agents, almost unimaginably remote from us, 'tis nothing near so likely that such Effects as (besides that they happen very suddenly and irregularly) [Page 58] are oftentimes confin'd to a Town, or some other narrow Compass, should be produc'd by certain Stars: as that they should be so by Subterraneal Bodies, which are near at hand, of very various natures, and subject to many irregular and differing Motions, commixtures, reactions, and other alterations. I have known a great Cold in a day or two invade Multitudes in the same City, with violent, and as to many Persons fatal Symptomes; when I could not judge, (as others also did not) that the bare coldness of the Air could so suddenly produce a Disease so Epidemical and hurtfull: and it appear'd the more probable, that the cause came from under ground, by reason that it began with a very troublesome Fog.
That there may be many Subterraneal Bodies, which by their commixtures may produce a sudden Heat, will be easily granted by those that know, (what I elsewhere purposely make out) that there are Subterraneal [Page 59] Menstruums; and are acquainted with Chymical Operations, such as the great effervescence made, when Oil of Vitriol is put upon filings of Iron, or Spirit of Niter upon Butter of Antimony; to which I might add many other of the like kind that I have tryed, as when Spirit of Niter is put upon filings, either of Iron, Copper, or Tin, or upon crude Quicksilver; which I shall content my self to have nam'd, because I have another Instance that comes closer to our present purpose. For whereas I have shewn above, that there is in many places great store of Marcasitical matter beneath the surface of the Earth, and sometimes very near it; I shall now add that I have purposely tryed, that putting a little Spirit drawn from Niter, (with which Salt the Earth in many places abounds) or a litle Oil of Vitriol, upon powder'd Marcasites (which being hard Stones are more difficultly wrought upon, than many other Subterxaneous marcasitical Bodies [Page 60] of a looser texture) there presently ensued a strong reaction between the Liquid and the Solid Bodies, whereby was produc'd much heat, not without visible fumes, and Strongly Scented, though not visible, Exhalations. And such kind of Odorous Effluvia were emitted, upon the putting a little Spirit of Salt upon our Powder'd Marcasites. And because Sulphur is a mineral that (either pure, or copiously mix'd with others) is to be plentifully met with in the Bowels of the Earth, and in many places burns there, I shall add, that I have found acid Spirit of Sulphur (made the common way) to work sensibly upon marcasitical matter, hard enough coagulated. An experienc'd German Chymist relates, that in some parts of his Country he met with Vitriol Stones, or Marcasites, that, by the action of mere common Water resting a competent time upon them, will grow so hot as to enable the Liquor to retain a [Page 61] sensible Heat, when it had pass'd a pretty way from them. And, as I elsewhere shew, that many Accidents may occasion the breaking out of Waters, or the change of their course in Subterraneal Places; So, that common Water may produce in a very short time considerable degrees of Heat in Mineral Bodies, may appear by mixing with two or three pounds of fine Powder of common Brimstone a convenient quantity, (for now I remember not well how much I took) of filings of Iron, for this mixture being thoroughly drench'd with common Water, did in a short time grow intensely hot, and send up such a thick Smoke as good quicklime is wont to doe, whilst men Slake it with Water.
It is observable to our present purpose, what account was given me by a Domestick of mine, that liv'd in the North part of England, of a certain Mineral Groove which he had often occasion to resort to: for, [Page 62] when I ask'd whether the Damp that place was molested with, did frequently recurr; he answer'd me, that at the time he was there it would annoy the workmen, (if they did not take good care of themselves) more than once in one day. And by Enquiries that I made of others that were conversant in Mines, I learn'd, that in divers places they were molested with Damps, that came not at stated Periods, but irregularly; sometimes with much greater, and sometimes with far lesser, Intervals between them: the times of their duration being also not seldom unequal. So that, supposing such noxious Effluvia to be plentifully emitted from the lower parts of the Soil, it need be no wonder, that an Epidemical Disease should be rise in this or that particular Town or part of a Country, without spreading much farther; and that it should begin suddenly in places where it was not expected: for, besides that these swarms of Effluvia, [Page 63] being produc'd by casual concourses of Circumstances, may oftentimes be excited, and invade this or that place, without giving the Inhabitants any warning, besides this, I say, 'tis not always necessary that these noxious Effluvia should be generated just under the places they molest, since the motion of the Air, especially when the Wind sits favourably, may suffice to carry them to the Town or other place that feels their ill effects: and yet they may seem to be almost confin'd to those places; sometimes because the neighbouring places are not inhabited enough to make their ill qualities taken notice of; but more frequently because, by being diffus'd thorough a greater tract of Air, they are more and more disperst in their passage, and thereby so diluted (if I may so speak) and weakn'd, as not to be able to doe any notorious mischief.
And here I Consider too, that 'tis not always necessary that the harm that is done by these morbid [Page 64] Constitutions of the Air, should proceed onely or precisely from these Subterraneal Exhalations we are speaking of, by virtue onely of their own qualities, which they bring with them from under ground. For 'tis very possible, that these Effluvia may be in their own nature either innocent enough, or at least not considerably hurtfull, and yet may become very noxious, if they chance to find the Air already imbu'd with certain Corpuscles fit to associate with them: for, though these sorts of Particles were perhaps neither of them a-part considerably hurtfull, yet there may from their Combinations result Corpuscles, of a new and very morbifick nature.
This may be somewhat illustrated by considering, that the spirituous steams of Salt-peter are not wont sensibly to work on Gold, nor yet the spirituous Parts that the Fire raises from Sal-armoniac; and yet when these two sorts of Particles convene, there results from their Coalitions [Page 65] certain Corpuscles of a new nature, that compose the Liquor Chymists call Aqua Regis; which by its fretting quality corrodes and dissolves Gold. By Analogy to this we may conceive, that sometimes the Subterraneal Effluvia may find the Air already impregnated with such Corpuscles, that by associating themselves therewith they may compose Corpuscles far more capable, than themselves were whilst apart, of having ill Effects upon the Mass of Bloud, or some determinate Parts of Humane Bodies, and consequently of produceing Diseases there.
And this Instance may appear the more apposite; because it may be said, that as, though Silver and Gold, and Diamonds and Rubies, &c. be put together, and Aqua Regis be pour'd upon them, it will leave all the rest uncorroded, and fall onely upon the Gold; so the newly produc'd Corpuscles that I have been speaking of, whether breathed in with the Air in Respiration, [Page 66] or carried up and down by the Bloud, or other Liquors of the Body, may pass by other parts of it without doing them any sensible harm, and attacking this or that determinate part, produce there some Disease such as the fabrick and situation of that part peculiarly dispose it to be affected with.
And I shall add on this occasion, that in our Hypothesis we may render a probable reason, why in some Epidemical Diseases, some persons may escape much better than other, that seem likely to be, at best, as obnoxious to them, without a recourse to the peculiar Constitutions of the Bodies of differing Persons; for it may be conjectur'd, that the noxious Corpuscles that infest the Air, may (especially in windy weather) be very unequally disperc'd through the Air, and many fly in far greater or lesser numbers within equal spaces of Air; and consequently the Persons, that have the ill luck to be in the way of the more [Page 67] numerous swarms of morbifick Corpuscles, may be much more prejudiced by them than others, though of weaker constitutions, who happen to be attaqu'd but by few of them.
On which occasion, I remember, that a great many Trees in some Land that belongs to me, having been suddenly much endamag'd by a wind, that was not able to doe it by it's bare strength; I had the curiosity to view somewhat heedfully a Tree that stood in the Garden, and perceiv'd that all the considerable mischief was done to that side of the Tree, which respected the corner whence the hurtfull Wind blew, the Leaves of the other side continuing fresh and verdant, as being by the other part of the same Tree fenc'd from the Wind: and it was farther observ'd, that even the expos'd side of the Tree was not every-where endamag'd; for there were divers parts, where the Leaves continued sound and green, though neighbouring Leaves were some more, some [Page 68] less (for all that were prejudic'd were not totally) blasted: the sound Leaves and the discolour'd being so odly mingled, that I conjectur'd the cause of the mischief to have been this; that some Arsenical or other corrosive or poisonous Exhalations, being suddenly emitted from the Subterraneal parts into the Air, were by the Wind they chance to meet with there, hurry'd along with it, and blown against the Bodies that stood in it's way, moving in the Air, like Hail-shot discharg'd out of a Gun, here in a closer, and there in a more scattering order, so that as more or fewer of them happend to fall upon the same Branch or Leafe, they left more, or less marks of their passage, by destroying the texture and colour in the Leaves or parts of them they chanc'd to beat upon. And this may possibly be the cause of some of those sudden and sometimes fatal Effects, that I have known in some places the people talk much of, complaining, that such a one had his [Page 69] Eyes, or his Face, or onely one side of it blasted, by a malignant Wind, of which I thought I saw an Example in a Domestick of my own, whilst in such a Wind he was riding after me, who (thanks be to God) had no such mischief done me.
But the Vulgar have entertain'd such strange Conceits and Stories about these Blastings, on which account some of them say that Men are Planet-struck that the fabulous things mingled with those that are possible, have made intelligent Persons reject them all.
One thing more I shall take notice of in favour of our Hypothesis, which is, that it well agrees with what has been observed, not without some wonder, of the very short duration of some Epidemical Diseases, in certain Times and Places. For this may proceed from hence, either that all the Morbifick Expirations ascended into the Air almost at once, or at least within a short time, and so were easily spent, that is by diffusion or [Page 70] dispersion so weakned, as to be disabled from doing much mischief: or else the Subterraneal Commotion that produc'd them may pass on from one place to another, and so cease to afford the Air incumbent on the first place, the supplies necessary to keep it impregnated with noxious Exhalations. And it agrees well with this Conjecture, that sometimes we may observe certain Epidemical Diseases to have as it were a progressive Motion, and leaving one Town free pass on to another. Of which some Observations that I have made, encline me to think, that if Physicians would heedfully mind it, they might take notice of several Instances.
One thing more may be added, as consonant to our Hypothesis; namely, that sometimes an Epidemical Disease ceases in this or that place, almost as sudden as it invaded, or at least in a much shorter time than Physicians expected. For according to our Hypothesis it may well happen, [Page 71] that after one sort of Exhalations, whose peculiar Qualities make them Morbifick, have deprav'd the Air incumbent on a particular place; there may by a new or farther Commotion of Subterraneal Bodies, be sent up into the Air store of Expirations of another kind, which meeting with those that formerly impregnated it, may either precipitate them, and so free the Air from them; or by other operations on them, and sometimes even by Coalitions with them, so alter their nature as to disable them from doing any farther mischief.
This I shall illustrate, if not confirm, by that very remarkable Phaenomenon that is yearly observ'd at Grand Cairo in Aegypt; for, (though I know not whether or no the Corpuscles that produce it arise from under Ground, the affirmative part of the Question being not improbable) it appears, that by the intermixture of adventitious Corpuscles, with the formerly Pestilential Air, 'tis so alter'd and [Page 72] corrected, that within one day or two, if not within a lesser compass of time, there is a stop put to the progress of the Plagues; that in that favourable time of year, namely about the middle of Summer, scarce ever misses of raging in that populous City: and, which is more admirable, these sanative Corpuscles (if I may so call them) operate so powerfully, that of those that are already seiz'd by that fatallest of Diseases, the Plague, few or none die of it, after once these Antidotal Particles have sufficiently impregnated the Air. I confess so great and sudden a change is very wonderfull, and I should scarce think it credible, if I had not had the means and curiosity to enquire about it of divers persons, some of them very intelligent, that either curiously visited, or also made some considerable stay in, that great City; and found them agree in the main about the truth of the matter of fact; which is much confirm'd to me by so eminent a Testimony as that of the [Page 73] learned Prosper Alpinus, who for several years practis'd Physick in Grand Cairo, and as an Eye-witness delivers what he relates more authentically, as well as more particularly, than any I have met with. And, though he endeavours to give several reasons of this strange and sudden cessation of the malignity of the Plague, yet I doubt they are not sufficient for so wonderfull an effect; unless we take in some new Exhalations, that then impregnate and correct the Air.
And we shall scarce doubt of the great interest these have in the effect produc'd, if we give credit to what the recentest Writer I have met with of Voyages into Egypt, has lately publish'd about the annual Pestilence at Grand Cairo, a City he much frequented. This Authour, in the account he gives of the present state of Egypt, relates that a little after the middle of our June (and usually upon the very seventeenth day) there begin to fall towards the last quarter of the night, [Page 74] near the morning, certain drops of a kind of Dew, which causes the River to be fruitfull, and purifies the Air from all the Infection of Camsims, by which I presume he means the Pestilence: for after some lines interpos'd he subjoins, The Drops or Dew purifies the Air, for as soon as it falls the Plague ceases to be mortal, none dies of it; the Air is wholesome, all Distempers cease, and if any person grows sick, he never dies.
And then, he adds, This Dew gives life to every thing; and when it falls upon the Wheat, it causeth it to continue many years without corruption or Worms, and is far more nourishing than that Corn on which it never falls. For this cause they never house the Corn of the Grand Seignior in the Barns, till this Dew is fallen upon it, that it might keep the longer without Worms.
As well this Conjecture, as some other things deliver'd here and there in this Paper (about the Salubrity of the Air,) may probably gain the [Page 75] more credit, if I here subjoin what I learn'd by inquiry from a very ingenious Gentleman, who was owner of one or more of the Mines, that afford the Phaenomenon I am to mention. Which is this, That in the Tin-mine Countreys in Devonshire, it sometimes happens, (as perhaps I may have elsewhere noted to another purpose,) that upon a sudden, a Spot of ground, and that not always narrow, will be as 'twere blasted by the ascending hurtfull Fumes; insomuch that not onely the Grass, Fern and other more tender Vegetables, will be turned black, and as it were burnt or scorched up; but now and then Trees also, without excepting Oaks themselves will be blasted and spoil'd by the powerfull Operation of these subtil and poisonous Effluvia.
It will probably be here expected, that among the Epidemical Diseases that our Hypothesis derives from Subterraneal Effluvia, I should particularly treat of the cause of Pestilential [Page 76] Fevers, and the Plague it self. But, though some such Fevers may not improbably be in great part imputed to the noxious Expirations of the Globe we inhabit; yet, as to the true Plague it self, I freely confess I am at a loss about it's Origine.
The sacred Writings expresly teach, that some Plagues, and particularly that which in David's time swept away in three days 70000 Persons, have been in an extraordinary manner inflicted by God. And to me it appears either scarce possible, or far more difficult than those that have not attentively enough considered the matter, are wont to think it; To deduce the abstruce Origine, strange Symtomes, and other odd Phaenomena of some Plagues that are recorded in History, from merely Corporeal Causes.
On the other side, it seems unphilosophical, and perhaps rather seems than is very pious, to recur without an absolute necessity to Supernatural [Page 51] Causes, for such Effects as do not manifestly exceed the power of Natural ones: though the particular manner of their being produc'd, is perchance more than we are yet able clearly to explicate. And I think it the more questionable, whether all Plagues are Supernatural Exertions of God's Power and Wrath against the Wicked, because I observe that Brutes (which are as well uncapable of moral Vice, as moral Vertue) are yet oftentimes subject to Murrains, such as may without incongruity be lookt upon as the Pestilences of Beasts. And 'tis the less likely, that these sweeping and contagious Maladies should be always sent for the punishment of impious men, because I remember to have read in good Authours, that, as some Plagues destroy'd both Men and Beasts, so some other did peculiarly destroy Brute Animals, of very little consideration or use to Men, as Cats, &c.
[Page 52]Upon these and the like Reasons I have sometimes suspected, that in the Controversie about the Origine of the Plague, namely, Whether, it be Natural, or Supernatural; neither of the contending Parties is altogether in the right: since 'tis very possible, that some Pestilences may not break forth, without an extraordinary, though perhaps not Immediate, interposition of Almighty God, provok'd by the Sins of Men: and yet other Plagues may be produc'd by a Tragical concourse of merely Natural Causes.
But though the difficulties that incumber each of the opposite Opinions, keep me both from Dogmatically asserting, that All Plagues have a Supernatural Origine; and from denying that Any have it: yet, to say something on such an occasion, though I can speak but very hesitantly, I shall venture to add, that, whether or no the true Plague be said to descend to the Earth from a higher Sphere than that [Page 53] of Nature; yet its Propagation and Effects are (at least for the most part) carry'd on mainly by a malignant disposition in the Air; without which some Plagues could never have been so catching as they were, nor so suddenly mortal; and that in divers Pestilences this malignant Disposition in the Air, may probably be in great part imputed to some kinds of Subterraneal Expirations, I am prone to think; and that chiefly upon two Accounts.
The first thing that induces me to this Conjecture, is, that not any of the several Causes to which the Plague is wont to be imputed seems to me to be sufficient. Those that fetch it from the malevolent aspects and influence of the Celestial lights, besides that they suppose some things very difficult to be prov'd, have recourse to Agents too remote, too general, and too indeterminate, to be acquiesc'd in as the Causes of such particular Symtomes and Phaenomena, as oftentimes accompany Pestilences. [Page 54] And as for those other Sects of Physicians that confidently derive the Plague, some from Internal Putrefaction, and others from excessive Heats, noisome Stinks, Corrupt aliments, and such other Celebrated Causes; though each party alledges plausible Reasons for its own opinion, yet their objections against their adversaries are much stronger than their arguments are for themselves. And the Learned Diemer-broeck, though his own Hypothesis seem to be more Theological than Philosophical, has much enervated the Arguments brought for the several opinions lately nam'd, and by him dissented from.
The Reasons he employs to refute all the receiv'd opinions about the Origine of the Plague, except his own, are divers of them worthy of so learned a man; to whom, though I had leisure to transcribe them, I should refer the Curious: my present design being onely to deliver some few things that seem more favourable [Page 55] to my Conjectures, than to his Opinion, and were suggested to me, partly by my own Thoughts, and partly by the informations, that, to examine those Thoughts, I procur'd by consulting some uncommon Authours, and asking Questions of great Travellers and Navigatours. By this means I came to learn, that divers great Countries are usually free from the Plague, that according to the vulgar Hypotheses, ought to be as much subject to it, if not more, than England, France, Italy, and those other parts of Europe and Asia, where that fatal Disease rages from time to time in the parched Regions of Africk, to which the Excessive Heats would make one expect, that the Plagues should make far more frequent visits than to our temperate European Countries; Leo Africanus informs us, that some parts are so seldom afflicted with that dreadfull Disease, that it usually spares the Inhabitants 29, or 30 years together. And he expresly records, that in Numidia [Page 56] it self, (if I much misremember not the Countrey's name, notwithstanding the raging heat of the Climate, the Plague is wont to be produc'd but once in a hundred years. Our Purchas' s Philgrimage, lib. 6. cap. 13. Purchas informs us that in the Land of Negro's it is not known at all. And to omit what some Travellers and Navigatours relate of Japan, as if it were seldom or never invaded by the Pestilence; I do not remember that in New England, which contains a great extent of Land, though I have had both Curiosity and opportunity to inquire after the Diseases of that Countrey, I ever heard the English take any notice of the Plague, since their setling there above threescore and ten years ago. And as for the East Indies, Sir Philibert Vernatti, a Virtuoso of great fame and authority at Batavia where he resides, in his ingenious Returns to the Queries sent him by the Royal Society (of Naturalists) answers thus to the fifteenth. [Page 57] [ Pestis morbus est Indiarum Incolis incognitus] The Plague is a Disease unknown amongst the Indians. And of the Countries that lie yet more remote, as the great Empire of China, and the Kingdoms of Tunquin, and of Cochinchina, that great Traveller Alexander de Rhodes, who spent 30 years in those parts, affirms, that the Plague is not so much as spoken of there. And yet the same Jesuit does, upon grounds probable enough, estimate the number of the people of China alone to be two hundred and fifty millions; [a number I take to exceed by far that of all the Nations of Europe.] Now when I consider, how vast Tracts of Land are compriz'd in those Countries, some of which the Plague does not at all, and others but exceeding unfrequently, invade; this Immunity seems to me very unfavourable to most, if not all, the opinions receiv'd among Physicians, as also that of Diemerbroeck himself who derives the Plague from a Supernatural Cause, [Page 58] the wrath of God against the sins of men. For in Regions of such extent, and divers of them very populous, which are seated under very differing Climats, and which are some of them inhabited by Nations, that make war with numerous Armies, fight bloudy battels, leave heaps of unbury'd Bodies expos'd to the putrefying heat of the Sun; are sometimes forc'd, as well as others to live upon very unwonted and unwholsome foods; that worship stocks and stones, and beasts, and some of them Devils, whom they know to be such; that are at least as guilty as Europeans, of Assassinats, Poisonings, Rapes, Oppression, Sodomy, and other crying Sins: in these Regions, I say, 'tis not imaginable but that great Intemperatures of the Air, especially, in point of Heat, Stench of dead Bodies kill'd in fights, unwholsomness of Aliments, malevolent aspects of Celestial Bodies, high provocations of the divine Justice, and in short, all the Causes, to one or other of which the several [Page 59] parties of Physicians are wont to refer the Plague, should be wanting any more than in our Europe; and yet the Plague which is presum'd to be the Effect of one or other of those Causes, is not here observed to be produc'd.
I know that it may be said, that the Historical things I have been reciting, do not onely oppugn the several receiv'd Opinions of Physicians about the cause of the Plague, but disfavour my Conjectures too. But if this be said, I desire it may also be consider'd, that my Judgment about the Plague consists of two Parts; One, that 'tis exceeding difficult to assign the true and adequate Cause of the Origine of the Pestilence; and the Other, that whatever be the Cause of its First Eruption, its Propagation and divers of its Symptomes, may be probably enough refer'd to the depravation of the Air by Subterraneal Steams, and their Effects. If this be duly consider'd the Historical Observations [Page 60] will appear not to overthrow the First member of our Hypothesis, but rather to confirm it: and 'tis upon this account that I have mention'd them in this place. And as to the Second member it may be said, that since in the East Indies and the other Countries, I have nam'd, as privileg'd from this raging Disease, it is not observ'd to break out: as it cannot be said that Subterraneal Effluvia do in those Countries promote the Propagation of it; so it cannot be prov'd that they could not doe it, incase the Plague were begun by other Causes. But in regard I think it not improbable that sometimes the Plague is not onely fomented but begun by noxious Expirations of the Terrestrial Globe, I shall add that this supposition, though I confess it be somewhat disfavour'd by some of the lately mention'd Observations, yet is not absolutely inconsistent with them. For First, it may be said that some of the Countries I speak of, may be destitute of [Page 61] those noxious minerals to which we impute some Plagues, it holding true in Minerals as well as in Plants. Non omnis fert omnia tellus, and to omit what I have not without some wonders observ'd, of the Limits of differing sorts of Mines and Mineral Veins in very bordering parts of the same tract of Land, I cannot but here take notice, that though Sulphur be in many Countries usually found, and that in plenty where there are other Metalline Veins, insomuch that Chymists make it one of the three Principles of all Metals, yet in the Mines of England more strictly so call'd, I do not remember I ever met with so much as an Ounce of Native Sulphur, and I could not find by divers Mineralists, of whom I purposely ask'd the question that they had met with any among the various Mines they had frequented. It may also happen that there may be hurtfull Minerals in a Countrey, and yet not capable of often producing or promoting Pestilences [Page 62] there, even upon moderate Earthquakes. For 'tis possible that these Orpimental or other Noxious Minerals may have their Beds or Veins lying so deep in the Earth, that they are not ordinarily able to send up Effluvia, strong and copious enough to make a Pestilential depravation of the Air, and even in lesser Earthquakes the commotion or agitation of the ground, especially if the Earth-quakes proceed (as one may suspect that divers of them do) from the sudden fall of ponderous Masses in the hollow parts of the Earth and the shakings of the ground thereby produc'd, and sometimes spreading far, may not reach so far downwards as much to affect these very deep Mines, and yet some other more violent Earthquakes, may affect even these; upon which ground one may give some tolerable account why the Plague in some parts of Africk has been observ'd to rage but once in thirty or once in an hundred years; for there may be periodical [Page 63] Paroxysms, if I may so call them, or grand and vehement Commotions in Subterraneal Parts, though men have not yet, for want of sufficient Longevity or Curiosity observ'd them. On which occasion, I remember that a late judicious French Historian recounts that in part of the last age, and part of this, a very pernicious Disease of the nature of a Colick raign'd in France every tenth year for a long tract of time. And the Experienc'd Lib. 2. P. M. 323. Platerus relates, that at Basil, where with great success he practis'd Physick fifty six years, the City was afflicted with furious Plagues once about every tenth year for seventy years together, of each of which Pestilences he gives a particular account in his usefull observation. It may also farther be said, that those Exhalations in the East Indies, &c. that would otherwise be pestiferous, may be corrected by other Expirations that may be either of benign nature, or of such a nature, [Page 64] as though noxious in themselves, may fit them by combining with those that would be pestiferous to disable them to be so, as I elsewhere observ'd out of Beguinus, that a Countrey abounding in veins and masses of Cinnabar, which is the Ore of Quicksilver, was preserv'd from the Plague, when the neighbouring Regions were wasted by it; and I shall illustrate this matter somewhat farther by taking notice, that though Corrosive Sublimate be so mischievous a Mineral Composition, that a few grains may kill a man, yet the fumes of this combin'd with those of Crude, common Quicksilver, which are themselves unwholesome enough, make Mercurius dulcis, which is a mixture so innocent, that being well prepar'd, and well administred, it is both safely and usefully given even to Children.
If what has been said will not suffice, I shall propose another possible way of accounting for the immunity of some Countries from the [Page 65] Plague. For one may conceive that in such Regions the Soil, and other assisting Causes may constantly produce in the Air such a Constitution as is found in the Air of Egypt, during the time of the increase, and overflowing of Nile, which usually lasts every year for several weeks, for during this time the Air is so antipestilential, that not only the Plague does not make a new Eruption; but is either wonderfully check'd or quite suppress'd in those houses that it has already invaded, so that its mortal infection reaches no farther, and that it may not be thought incredible that some Countries may have, if I may so speak, an antidotal Nature, in reference to some pernicious Evils, I shall represent that there are some whole Countries which are privileg'd from producing Vipers, Toads, and other venemous Creatures, as is vulgarly known concerning Ireland, where I could never see any such, nor find by Enquiry of either the Natives, or English Inhabitants, [Page 66] that they had met with any in that Kingdom, where 'tis an uncontroll'd tradition, that if Poysonous Creatures have been carefully brought there from other Parts, they have died almost as soon as they came thither. There are some other Islands to which a like hostility to venemous Animals is ascrib'd: and as it seems not inpossible that some Countries should have a Soil that so impregnats the Air as to make it suppress or quite enervate many differing sorts of Poysons, so others may by their Constitution be qualify'd to master or resist poisonous Expirations or wandering Corpuscles that elsewhere are wont to produce the Plague. And this may suffice for the first thing whereon we ground our Hypothesis.
The Second thing that invited me to the above propos'd Suspicion or Conjecture, is, That it affords a not improbable account of some considerable things, relating to the [Page 67] Production and Phaenomena of the Plague.
(1.) As First, 'tis observ'd that sometimes the Plague breaks out, when there has not preceded any such immoderate distemper of the Air, or any casual Enormity capable of producing so great and anomalous an Effect. Nay, which is more, it has been observ'd, that very great and unusual intemperatenesses of the Air have several times happen'd, and divers notable and threatning Aspects of the Stars have been noted by good Writers without being follow'd by the Plague. The celebrated De abditis rerum caus. lib. 2. c. 13. Fernelius relates, that near the time he writ this Observation, that Year, which of all those that had pass'd in the memory of Man, was all the World over the most immoderately hot, and was yet most healthfull. And the same Authour reports the Plague to have begun in the midst of Winter, and to have gone off in Summer, and that several [Page 68] times ardent Summers have been altogether free from the Plague: which I also have noted to be true. Johannes Morellus observes, that in his Countrey after a dry Winter, and wherein the North Wind reign'd, though it were succeeded by a most temperate and healthfull Spring, yet this brought in the Plague, and that, when the North Wind was predominant and the Air pure and sincere. Which I the less scruple to believe, because I observ'd something very like it in the Constitutions of the Air, that preceded and accompany'd the dreadfull London Plague that broke out in the year 1665. Which Phaenomena much disfavour their Opinion that impute the Plague to the excesses of the manifest Qualities of the Air; but are agreeable to our Hypothesis, since by what has been formerly deliver'd, we may gather that Noxious Subterraneal Fumes may be suddenly, and without any warning belch'd up into the Air, and, by depraving it, produce [Page 69] fatal Diseases in many of those that are constantly surrounded by it, and draw it in, almost every moment, with their breath.
Of the deadly Hurtfulness of divers Subterraneal Expirations, at their first Eruption, there are many Histories extant in approv'd Authours: And we have observ'd Instances of that sort, in the Times and Countries we live in. But, because all Poisonous, and even mortal, Exhalations are not therefore truly Pestiferous, but may, like many other Poisons, kill the Persons they immediately invade, without qualifying them to infect others; I shall add a Passage out of that Excellent Historian ‘ Monsieur de Mezeray who relates in the life of Philip de Valois, that the Plague that happened in France in the Year 1346. was so contageous and destructive, that scarce a Village, or even a House, escap'd uninfected by it. He adds, that this Pestilence, than which none had been observ'd more furious [Page 70] and spreading, began two years before in the Kingdom of Cathay, by a vapour that was most horribly stinking, which brake out of the Earth like a kind of Subterraneal fire, consum'd and devour'd above 200 Leagues of that Countrey, even to the very Trees and Stones, and infected the Air in a wonderfull manner. From Cathay, say's he, it pass'd into Asia and Greece, thence into Africk, afterwards into Europe, which it ransack'd throughout.’ Other Instances, of Pestilences begun by noxious Subterraneal Fumes, I have met with in good Authours; See Diemerbroeck de Peste, lib. 1. cap. 8. but cannot now recall the Particulars to mind, and therefore shall pass on to the second Observation.
(2.) In the next place then; whereas 'tis noted by diligent Observers, that there is a wonderfull diversity in several Countries, and even in the same Countrey at several distant times, of those raging Diseases, that Physicians agree in calling [Page 71] the Plague, (whence it happens that such Medicins or Methods of curing as are in one Plague succesfull, as Phlebotomy, Purging, &c. do oftentimes in another prove dangerous, if not mortal) whereas (I say) this great variety has been observ'd in Plagues; it may be fairly accounted for, by the great number and diversity that has been actually found, or may be reasonably suppos'd, in the numerous Minerals, and other Bodies that nature has lay'd up in the Subterraneal Regions: especially if we consider, that the number of such Bodies may be much increas'd and diversified, by the various combinations which may be made of them, not onely by casualties, but by the action of Subterraneal Fires, and aestuaries, and menstruums, such as I have elsewhere shewn to be lodg'd beneath the turf or superficies of the Earth. And the ascending Corpuscles of those Mineral Bodies, being most of them solid and subtile, may produce in the Bloud; [Page 72] and so in the Body, far more odd, and violent Symtomes, than the peccant Humours that use to beget ordinary Diseases. Which may be one reason, and perhaps the chief, why the ancient Heathens, and Hippocrates himself, acknowledg'd in Pestilential Diseases [...], somewhat of Divine, surpassing ordinary Nature.
What these Mineral Substances are, whose steams produce such odd and dismal Symtomes, I think exceeding hard to determine. Yet, if I were to name one sort, I should perhaps think the least unlikely to be Orpiment. For, of the Poysonous Minerals we are acquainted with, I know not any of which there is greater quantity in the Bowels of the Earth; especially taking that name, in the latitude allowed it, by those skilfull men, that make three sorts of it, viz. Yellow, Red and White Orpiment, divers of whose mischievous Effects seem to agree well enough with the Symtomes of some Plagues, [Page 73] and may be guessed to have at least a considerable interest in the production of them. But yet, to speak candidly, I do not think that these Minerals are the causes, even of all those Pestilences whose efficients may come from under the Ground: For several reasons, and some drawn from Experience, make me think that the Subterraneal Regions have many kinds of very mischievous fossiles, of which Physicians, and even Chymists, have no knowledge, and for which they have not any distinct names; and that the various associations of these, which Nature may by Fire and menstruums make under Ground, and perhaps in the Air it self; may very much increase the number, and variety of hurtfull Matters, and also heighten their hostility to Humane Bodies: as I think may be argued from the factitious White Arsenick that is commonly sold in Shops, which though usually made of Orpiment, by the addition of so innocent a Body as [Page 74] common Salt, (which is found in great plenty under Ground,) is observ'd to be far more poysonous than Orpiment it self. And I remember that a skilfull Chymist, having in my presence tasted some prepar'd, and, as was thought, somewhat corrected Arcenick; was quickly invaded by such Symtomes, as he thought would presently kill him. But, through God's blessing, I quickly put him out of danger, though not out of pain, by early prescribing him store of Oil of sweet Almonds, and something made of Lemmons, that I chanc'd to have by me: But to return to what I was saying; Sandarach seems to be, but Orpiment whose yellow Colour is deepn'd to Redness: and native Arsenick, (for I have seen such a thing, though it rarely comes into England,) seems to be little other than pale or white Orpiment. And indeed in Hungary, all three may be found not far from one another in the same Mine; As I learn'd by Inquiry from an observing [Page 75] Eye-witness, by whose means, and of another Chymist, divers Native Orpimental Minerals (to say nothing of Realgar) because it is a Factitious combination of Orpiment and Sulphur, came to my hands. And as this sort of Fossiles comprizes more numerous and various ones, than is vulgarly noted, so the very noxious effects of the Effluvia of Orpiment, are not unknown to divers Physicians: and the Learned Sennertus gives a particular Senn. M. P. E. vi. p. 65. instance of it in a Painter, who upon opening a Box where Orpiment, which men of his Profession use as a Pigment, had been long kept, had his face all swell'd, and was cast into fainting Fits. And as White Arsenick is of a more piercing and corrosive nature, so it were not difficult to shew out of the Writings of eminent Physicians that its effects have divers times proved very hurtfull, and sometimes mortal. When but externally worn in Amulets, especially if the Pores [Page 76] of the Skin were open by exercise and sweat; and the nature of the Symptomes produced seems to confirm our Hypothesis, since the Persons that wore these Arsenical Amulets were affected, some with great anxieties about the Heart, some with inflammation, some with burning Fevers, some with exulceration of the Breasts, so some with Pussles like those of the Plague, and these were sometimes black, as if made with a Caustick: most Patients were affected with great weakness and faintness, &c. as if they had swallowed Poison; and of one young Man 'tis recorded, that having heated himself in a Tenniscourt with an Amulet upon his Breast, the virulence of its Corpuscles made him fall down stark dead upon the Spot. And 'tis a considerable Circumstance in these Observations, that several Patients were cur'd of the Symptomes that seem'd to be Pestilential ones by the same Remedies that are Alexipharmacal [Page 77] against the Plague, whence it may also be made probable, that the Plague it self many times is a natural, though a dreadfull and anomalous Disease, since its Effects and Symptomes so much resemble those of acknowledg'd Poisons, and have been cur'd by Antidotes effectual against other Poisons.
I have not time to mention what I have my self try'd and observ'd about the bad effects of Orpiment, and its kinds. But I remember, that enquiring of an ingenious Man, who sometimes visited a Mine which was known to abound with Orpimental Fossils; he answer'd me, that when he walked over the neighbouring Grounds, he found himself much disorder'd, especially in his Thorax by the Effluvia, and that the Mine-men and Diggers were subject to a malignant anomalous and dangerous sort of Fevers, though he said he was apt to impute, I know not how truly, some part of their obnoxiousness [Page 78] to it, to their drinking too much strong Wine. But though 'tis probable the Effluvia of Orpimental Bodies may have a great interest in several Plagues, yet, I strongly suspect that many others may proceed from the steams of such Subterraneal Bodies as are not yet distinctly known to us; and possibly have their Effluvia variously combin'd, either beneath or above the surface of the Earth. I say above; because I have several times, and that without heat, combin'd separately invisible fumes of differing kinds, into manifestly visible ones in the free and open Air.
And that the Subterraneal Effluvia may produce effects, and therefore probably be of natures, very uncommon, irregular, and if I may so speak, extravagant, may appear in those prodigious Crosses that were seen in our time, viz. in the Year 1660. in the Kingdom of Naples, after an eruption of the fiery Mountain Vesuvius: of which Prodigies [Page 79] the Learned Kircherus has given an account in a particular Diatribe. For these Crosses were seen on Linen Garments, as Shirtsleeves, Womens Aprons, that had lain open to the Air, and upon the expos'd parts of Sheets; which is the less to be admired, because as Kircher fairly guesses, the mineral vapours were by the texture that belongs to Linen [which consists of threads crossing one another for the most part at or near right Angles] easily determin'd to run along in almost streight lines, crossing each other, and consequently to frame Spots resembling some one, and some another kind of Crosses. These were extremely numerous in several Parts of the Kingdom of Naples: insomuch that the Jesuit that sent the Relation to Kircher says that he himself found thirty in one Altarcloth, that fifteen were found upon the Smock sleeve of a Woman, and that he reckoned eight in a Boy's Band: also their colour and magnitude [Page 80] were very unequal, and their figures discrepant, as may appear in many Pictures of them drawn by the Relatour: they would not wash out with simple water, but requir'd Soap; their duration was also unequal, some lasting ten or fifteen days, and others longer before they disappear'd. And these Crosses were found not onely upon Linen Garments expos'd to the Air, but upon some of those (belonging to Altars) that were kept lock'd up in Chests (to which possibly they might have access by the Key-holes, or some unheeded chinck.) To which strange Phaenomena if I had the leisure to add some others that I have met with in Agricola, and other approved Authours, whose Relations my memory doth not now serve me particularly to cite; I presume it would appear yet more probable that Subterraneal Effluvia may now and then be of a very Anomalous nature, and produce strange effects, and among them [Page 81] variety of Pestiferous ones in the Air.
But, to add this upon the bye: though I fear Physicians will not be able to discover all the subterraneal Bodies whose Effluvia produce or contribute to the Plague: yet I do not think it impossible that by diligent observations and trials, sagacious Men may discover divers of them; and perhaps Antidotes against them.
And though the business of this Paper be to treat of the Causes, not the Remedies of the Plague; yet I love Mankind too well, to suppress on this occasion an Observation, that, by God's blessing, may in some cases, save the lives of many. In the late great Plague that swept away so many thousands at London, there staid in the City an Ingenious Physician, that was bred by the Learned Diemerbroeck, (whose Book De Peste, I prefer to any I have yet read of that Disease.) This Doctour (whose name I am [Page 82] sorry I have forgotten) hearing that I was desirous to receive an account of the Plague from some intelligent Eye-witness, and having soon after some occasion to pass near the Place in the Countrey where I then resided, was pleas'd to give me a visit, and a rational account of the main things I desired to know; and when I inquired about his method of Cure, after he had told me that he had twice had the Plague himself, whereof he shewed me some effects; he added, that after many and various trials, he perceiv'd that abundance of his Patients died, after the Bubos, (Carbuncles) or Pestilential Tumours appear'd; because upon a little refrigeration of the Body by the Air, and oftentimes by the very fear that disheartened the Patient, the Tumours would suddenly subside, and the Pestilential Matter recoiling upon the Vital Parts, would quickly dispatch the fatal work. Wherefore he bethought himself of [Page 83] a method, by means of which he assur'd me, he had not lost one Patient of very many he treated; if he could but, as he usually did, by good Alexipharmical, and Cordial Remedies, enable and excite Nature to expell the peccant Matter into a Tumour; for then he presently clapp'd on an appropriated drawing Plaster, which would never suffer the Tumour to subside; but break it, or make it fit for opening, and thereby give Nature a convenient vent, at which to discharge the matter that oppress'd her. This Plaster 'twill easily be thought I was desirous to know; and he told me 'twas a Chymical one, and that 'twas no other than the Magnes Arsenicalis of Angelus sala, whose description, because the Book wherein 'tis found, is in few hands, I have here annext. If this prove as successfull in other Plagues, as it did to those that us'd it in that of London; there will be just cause to admire and praise the benignity of Divine [Page 84] Providence, which in a poisonous Mineral, that probably does oftentimes concur to produce the Plague, has laid up a remedy for it.
Emplastrum attractivum Pestilentiale nostrum.
℞ Gummi Sagapeni, Ammoniaci, Galbani an. ℥iii. Terebinthinae coctae, cerae virginis ana ℥ivss. Magnetis Arsenicalis subtiliter pulverisati ℥ii. radic' Aronis pulverisat' ℥i. Gummi depurentur cum aceto scyllitico, & ad consistentiam Emplastri coquantur, & postea ponderentur, deinde cum rebus aliis fiat Emplastrum lege artis, hoc Emplastro Carbunculus obducatur, quod paucis horis venenum extrahit.
Praeparatio Magnetis Arsenicalis antea dicti.
℞ Arsenici Chrystallini, sulphuris vitri, antimonii crudi ana, haec tria in mortario ferreo pulverisentur, in vase [Page 85] fortissimo vitreo, ponantur ad ignem arenae donec vitrum optimè incalcscat, & praedicta solvantur & liquentur instar picis, quod observabitur quando filum quoddam immittitur in fundum quod extractum postea instar Terebinthinae trahetur ubi satis coctum erit, postea remove vitrum ab igne, & ubi refrigeratum est rumpe, & subtiliter pulverisa, & ad usum serva.
By the same motive (Philanthropy) I am induc'd to add on this occasion, that having had some opportunity to oblige an ancient and very experienc'd Physician, to whose care was committed a great Pesthouse, where the Contagion was so strong, that he lost three Physicians that were to be Assistants to him, and three Chirurgeons of four that were to be subservient to him; I disir'd to learn of him, if he counted it not too great a secret, what Antidote he us'd to preserve himself from so violent and fatal an Infection. This request [Page 86] he readily granted, but withall told me, that his method would not seem to me worth mentioning, if I were one that valu'd Medicines by their Pompousness, not their Utility. For, besides ardent Prayers to God, and a very regular Diet, his constant Antidote was onely, to take every Morning fasting a little Sea-salt dissolv'd in a few spoonfulls of fair Water; which he made choice of, both because it kept his Body soluble without purging or weakning it, and for other Reasons which I must not now stay to set down. I know this Medicine may appear a despicable one; but yet in my Opinion it ought not to be despis'd, after such Experience as I have related has recommended it. For I think it desirable, that notice be taken of all Remedies, that have been found by good Trials, not bare Conjectures or uncertain Reports, available against the Plague. For, since Pestilences, as we have lately noted, are exceeding various [Page 87] in their kinds, 'tis very possible, and not unlikely, that their Appropriated Remedies may be so too. And therefore I would not easily lay aside every Medicine, that this or that Learned Physician may speak slightly of, or even may declare that he has found it unsuccessfull against the Plague; since the same Medicine may be available in a Pestilence of another kind, in which perhaps the Remedies commended by the Physician we speak of, will be found inefficacious.
This Consideration forbids me to pass by what happen'd to me in the great London Plague above-mention'd; namely, that a very Learned Physician having once recommended to me an Herb little noted in England, as a most effectual and experienced Antidote against the Plague, I caus'd it to be cultivated in a Garden (as I still do every year;) and when the Pestilence raged most, having some of it by me, made up with a little Sugar in the [Page 88] form of a fine green Conserve, I sent it to two infected Persons, who, by the Divine Benediction on it, both of them recover'd. But having made but those two Trials, I dare not ground much upon them onely; though I usually keep the Plant growing in a Garden, partly because both the Taste and Colour; one or other of which in most Antidotes is offensive, are in this pleasant; and partly because some little Experience has invited me to believe the Commendations that I have found given of it, against the Bitings of venomous Creatures: whereof I remember a notable Instance is recorded by Petrus Spehrerius of a In Observat. nobil. apud Schenkium, l. 7. Observ. Med. Tit. de venenis ex animalibus. Roman, who having with his Staff pierc'd or crush'd a Viper, that he took to be dead, had so strong a Venom transmitted along the Staff, that the insuing Night he had a very great Inflammation in both his Lips, to [Page 89] which superven'd an exceeding Ardent Fever and strange Tortures; from all which Serianus Pacyonius, a noted Physician that was call'd to him, free'd him as it were by Miracle, by the Juice of Goats-rue, or as others call it Galega, that grew copiously in that Place. It may without disgust be taken somewhat plentifully, (and so it ought to be) in its entire substance as a Salad; or else one may give its Conserve, its Syrup, or, which is better, its Juice newly express'd.
(3.) It likewise agrees with our Hypothesis; that sometimes the Plague ceases, or at least very notably abates of its Infectiousness and Malignity, in far less time than according to the wonted course of that ravenous Disease, Physicians did, or rationally could expect. For sometimes it may happen, that, though the Temperature or Intemperateness of the Air continues the same, the matter that afforded the Pestiferous Exhalations may be either [Page 90] spent under ground, or so alter'd by combination with other subterraneal Bodies, or by some of those many Accidents that may happen, altogether unknown to us, in those deep and dark Recesses. And if once the Fountain of these noxious Effluvia be stopt, so that those that are in the Air cease to be recruited, the Wind and other causes may in a short time dissipate them, or at least dilute them with innocent Air, so far, as to keep the Disease they produc'd from being any thing near so mischievous as before. And here I consider, that it may several times happen, that, though the Minerals that emit the hurtfull Expirations, remain where they were under ground, and be not considerably wasted, yet their fatal Effects may not be lasting, because the Effluvia were generated by the conflict of two or more of them, which vehemently agitated one another, and sent up fumes, which ceas'd to ascend, at least in great plenty, when [Page 91] the Conflict and Agitation ceas'd. As, I have try'd that by putting good Spirit of Salt upon Filings of Steel or Iron in a conveniently shap'd Glass, there will be made a great conflict between them, and without the help of external Heat, there will be sent up into the Air store of visible Fumes of a very Sulphureous Odour, and easily inflammable, which copious elevation of Fumes will lessen or cease, as does the tumultuous agitation that produc'd them. And so likewise, if you pour Aqua fortis upon a convenient proportion of Salt of Tartar, there will be at first a great ebullition produc'd, and, whilst that continues, store of red and noisome Fumes will be elevated, but will not long outlast the commotion of the mixture, whose active parts will in no long time combine into a kind of nitrous Salt, wherein the noxious parts of the Menstruum are as it were pinion'd, and hinder'd from evaporating or ascending, though really [Page 92] they retain much of their pristine nature, as I elsewhere shew.
It may also happen, that soon after that commotion of subterraneal Matter, which sent forth pestiferous Exhalations, a more intense degree of subterraneal Heat, or perhaps the same latent Fire, extending it self farther and farther, may force up Fumes of another sort, that being of a contrary nature, may be, if I may so speak, antidotal against the former; and by precipitating them, or combining with them, may disable them from acting so mischievously as otherwise they would. To countenance which I shall tell you, that I have sometimes purposely made Distillations, in which one part of the Matter being, after the operation ended, put to the other, there will ensue a sudden and manifest conflict between them, and sometimes an intense degree of Heat. And that mineral Exhalations, though otherwise not wholesome, may disable pestiferous Effluvia, [Page 93] may be gather'd from what I lately noted about a Countrey, which abounding with veins of Cinnabar, was, probably by their expirations, preserved from the Pestilence. And our Hypothesis will perhaps appear somewhat the more probable, if we reflect on what I lately mention'd of the sudden check, that is almost every Summer given to the Plague, which at that time is wont to reign at Grand Cairo. For since 'tis generally observ'd and complain'd of, that Morbifick Causes doe their work much more effectually than Sanative ones. It seems very probable that Exhalations ascending from under-ground into the Atmosphere, may be capable of producing pestilential Fevers, and the Plague it self, since those Corpuscles that impregnate the Egyptian Air upon the swelling of the Nile, are able to put a speedy stop, not onely to the contagiousness, but to the malignity of the Plague, even when 'tis assisted by the Summer [Page 94] Heat, which at Grand Cairo is wont to be excessive.
But having insisted perhaps too long on this Egyptian Pestilence, I shall onely add, by way of Illustration of the Conjecture that invited me to mention it, that the accession even of Expirations that are not themselves wholsome, may sometimes serve to correct the Air, and put a sudden check to an Epidemical Disease. For Corpuscles of differing kinds may by their Coalitions acquire new Qualities, and each sort of them lose some of those they had before: as, suppose there wander'd in the Air a great many Effluvia, which by their determinate shape and bulk were apt to corrode or irritate the Lungs, or the Membranes of the Brain, &c. as those of Nitre are to corrode Silver; it may happen that another sort of Reeks, though in their own nature unwholsome, may, by associating themselves with the first sort, and composing with them Curpuscles of [Page 95] new qualities, abolish or much weaken the noxious ones they had before, in reference to this or that part of the Humane Body. Though the Spirits of Salt-peter will readily corrode Silver, yet if you add to them (as for some purposes I am wont to do) about half as much or less of the spirituous Particles of common Salt, (which yet are corrosive enough, and will fret asunder the parts of Iron, Copper, Antimony, &c.) there will emerge a Body that will not at all corrode pure Silver.
Tis very probable, that most of the Diseases that even Physicians call New ones, are caus'd either chiefly or concurrently by Subterraneal Steams.
THE Product of my first Endeavours to bring credit to the foregoing Proposition, appearing to have miscarry'd, when I came to send to the Press the things I had written about it; that at least what can be preserv'd of it may not be lost, I shall substitute in stead of it the following Account.
At the entrance of my Discourse I observ'd that the Term new Disease was much abused by the Vulgar, who are wont to give that Title to almost every Fever, that, in Autumn especially, varies a little in its Symptoms, or other Circumstances, from the Fevers of the foregoing [Page 97] Year or Season. And therefore I declared, that by new Diseases I meant onely such, whose Symptoms were so uncommon, that Physicians themselves judged them to deserve that appellation; Such, for instance, as the Sudor Anglicus or Sweating Sickness; that Disease which the learned Wierus and others call in Dutch Die Varen; an unheard-of Disease describ'd by Ronseius, that in the Year 1581 invaded and destroy'd many in the Dukedom of Lunenburg; to which many Physicians add the Rickets, and others generally the Lues Venerea. Having clear'd the Terms, I next consider'd whether there were really any new Diseases properly so call'd, and gave some reasons to suspect that some Diseases, which among Physicians themselves have pass'd for New, were extant before in rerum natura, though not in the Countrey wherein even the learned judg'd them to be new. And I intimated, that to examine this Suspicion throughly, 'tis not safe [Page 98] to acquiesce in the Books of Physicians onely; but 'tis fit to consult the Writings of Geographers, whether ancient (among whom I particularly recommended Strabo) or Modern, together with the Relations of Historians, Navigators and other Travellers. And here I inquired, without determining any thing, whether the Lues Venerea be, as most Physicians are wont to suppose a Disease wholly new, or onely new to our European World, and brought hither from some African or other remote Region, where it may be probably suspected to have long been Endemical.
But taking it for granted, with the generality of Physicians, that some new Diseases are to be admitted; I advanced to consider some of the Causes, to which they may be imputed; And to give some reasons, why I do'nt acquiesce in their Opinion, though very general, that derive them onely or chiefly from the varying influences of the Heavenly [Page 99] Bodies. For the most powerfull of those, namely the Sun and Moon, act in too general and indeterminate a way, to afford a sufficient account of this affair. And as for the other Lights, the fixt Stars, besides their being universal and indefinite agents, their scarce measurable remoteness makes it justly questionable, whether they have any sensible Operation upon any part of our Bodies, save our Eyes. And, though I deny not that great intemperateness of the Air, as to the four first Qualities, as Heat, Cold, Driness and Moisture, are wont (not over justly) to be call'd, may dispose mens Bodies to several great Distempers, and may also be concurrent causes of those we are speaking of: yet neither can I acquiesce in these, when I consider how much more frequently they happen, than new Diseases do; and that their action, though various, is too general and indeterminate to perswade me, that they can be the adequate causes of effects so rare and [Page 100] anomalous▪ as Diseases odd enough to deserve the Title of new.
But now; the Subterranean Region of our Globe, besides that it is always near us, abounds with variety of noxious Minerals, and probably conceals great quantities of differing sorts of them, that are yet unknown to us. And A Discourse of Subterraneal Steams as they affect the Air. since we have elsewhere proved, that there want not causes in the Bowels of the Earth, to make great and irregular, and Sometimes sudden Confluxes, Conflicts, Dissipations, and other considerable Changes, amongst the Materials, that nature has plentifully treasured up in those her secret Magazins. And since, in making out the three former Propositions, we have manifested, that the Subterraneal parts of the Globe we inhabit, may plentifully send up Noxious Effluvia of several kinds into the Air; it ought not to seem improbable that among this Emergent variety of Exotick and hurtfull [Page 101] Steams, some may be found capable to disaffect Humane Bodies, after a very uncommon way, and thereby to produce new Diseases; whose duration may be greater or smaller, according to the lastingness of those Subterraneal causes, that produce them. On which account it need be no wonder, that some new Diseases have but a short duration, and vanish not long after, there appearing the Source or Fomes of the Morbifick Effluvia, being soon destroy'd, or spent: whereas some others may continue longer upon the Stage, as having under ground more settled and durable causes to maintain them. Which last part of the Observation may be illustrated by what happen'd in Calabria; which Province, though it have been observed to have acquired, within these two or three ages, the faculty of producing Manna upon certain Trees C. Magnenus de Manna, cap. 9. Dic amabo, Altomari, cur ante trecentos annos nullum Manna fuit in Oenotria; jam certé aderant Pagi ibidem urbésque vicinae neque fefellisset curiosam Incolarum solertiam. &c. 15. ante 240. annos nullum Mannae Calabreasis in Autoribus vestigium est.; yet this great change, though sudden enough, had [Page 102] it seems such stable causes, as well as of great extent, that it hath lasted several scores of years, and continues in that Countrey to this day.
I am not ignorant that the whole Doctrine propounded in the four Propositions about the Insalubrity of the Air, is not at all comfortable either to Patients or Physicians: But important Theories deserv'd to be inquir'd into, and, if true, to be deliver'd though we could wish they were untrue. And judicious men rather thank than blame those that have given us account of latent or unsuspected, though perhaps irremediable causes of Diseases and of death; or have recorded the Histories of some Poysons, whereof the true Antidotes are yet unknown. Uncommon Notions about Diseases may serve to inlarge the Physicians mind and excite his attention and curiosity: and, besides that they may keep [Page 103] him from too obstinately persisting in the use of receiv'd Medicins, though unsuccessfull, upon a Supposition that the Disease can have no other causes, than those wont to be assign'd it by Classick Authours: besides this, I say; I do not despair, but that either the sagacity or fortune of this inquisitive age, or at least of Posterity, may by the blessing of God be happy enough to find proper Remedies, even for those Diseases that proceed from Subterranean Effluvia, when once by proper Signs they shall be distinctly discover'd; (Of which power of appropriated Remedies) I have known some Instances, as to the very bad Symptoms produc'd by Antimonial and some other Mineral Fumes.
Some of the Points discours'd of under the fourth Proposition, were of affinity enough to Paradoxes to have need of being illustrated or confirmed by Observations and Experiments. And therefore having accidentally retriev'd some of this [Page 104] last nam'd sort, I shall venture to subjoin them as a Specimen, though without Transitions or Applications, but just as I found them thrown together, in one loose sheet, wherein I lighted on them. But it is time to conclude with the recital of the promised Experiments. Which I would immediately do, but that I hold it fit to premise, by way of Introduction to them, that I hope the Things hitherto discours'd will appear much the more probable, if we shall prove by Experiments, that which seems much less likely than any thing we have above deliver'd; namely, that Metals completely formed and malleable may be elevated into the Air, and that perhaps without any great violence of Fire, in the form of Exhalations and Vapours; the singly invisible Corpuscles still retaining their Metalline nature. This at least, as to some Metals, I have endeavour'd to prove in another Tract, [entitl'd a Paradox about the Fuel of Flames.] But because that [Page 105] Discourse was never publish'd I will here set down two or three Experiments, (not mention'd, that I remember in it.) Which I do, the more willingly, because it may be a Thing of no small moment in Physick, if it be shewn that Fixt and solid Bodies, such as Metals are, may by art be reduc'd into such minute Corpuscles, that without loosing their nature and all their Properties, they may become parts of Fumes, or perhaps of invisible Vapours, or even of Flame it self.
Particulars belonging to the IVth Proposition.
WE took three Parts or Pounds of Dantsic Vitriol (which is blew and somewhat partakes of Copper) and two Parts or Pounds of good Sea-salt; these being very well [Page 106] powder'd and mix'd were distill'd with a strong naked Fire, to force out all that could be driven over: and by this means we not onely obtain'd a Spirit of Salt of a manifestly blewish Colour, but there ascended also a considerable quantity of Powder, which being shaken with the Liquor, settled at the bottom of it in the form of a Powder, which was judg'd to consist of Corpuscles of a Cupreous nature, and perhaps also of some of a Martial nature. But I unhappily neglected the opportunity of examining this Powder, which came up in quantity enough to have serv'd for various Trials.
By substituting English Vitriol (which is green, and is much more abundant in Iron than that of Dantsic,) and proceeding in other respects as in the former Process, we obtain'd a very yellow Spirit, with [Page 107] a considerable quantity of a yellowish Powder, that was guess'd to be a kind of Crocus Martis.
We took very thin Plates of Copper, and cast them into a Retort, upon an equal or a double weight (for we did not always use the same) of good Mercury Sublimate; and luting on the Receiver, gave a Fire by degrees for several hours: by which means we usually obtain'd some running Mercury, (which seemed to be very well purifi'd and was perhaps also impregnated) together with some Sublimate that had not fasten'd upon the Copper. And at the bottom of the Retort we had good store of a ponderous and brittle substance, that did not look at all like a Metal, but rather like something of a Gummous or Resinous nature, being also fusible and inflammable almost like sealing Wax. This, having not opportunity to [Page 108] prosecute the Experiment at home, I put into the hands of an industrious Physician, that was earnest with me to impart to him the Process, and let Him pursue it for me. He according to my direction expos'd this Metalline Rosin (if I may so call it) grossly beaten to the free Air, where it did, according to Expectation, in a short time change Colour, and turn to a kind of Verdegreece: which being dissolv'd in good Spirit of Salt gave a Solution of a very lovely green Colour. This being slowly distill'd ad Siccitatem, yielded but a very weak and phlegmatick Liquour; and the Caput Mortuum was again dissolv'd in fresh Spirit, and the Menstruum abstracted as before. This was done several times, till the matter was so impregnated, that the Menstruum being drawn off from it, came over as strong almost as when it was put on. This done, the thus impregnated Verdegreece was diligently mingl'd with Tripoly, or some such insipid and fixt additament, [Page 109] and distill'd with a strong Fire; by which means it afforded good store of a Liquour Colourless like common Water: which made the Physician suppose the Experiment had miscarry'd, till I having dropt into it a Colourless Liquor, namely Spirit of Hartshorn or of Sal-armoniac; He was much and delightfully surpriz'd, to find it presently disclose a deep and lovely blew Colour. What afterwards became of this odd Spirit, I need not here declare; what has been said being sufficient, to shew that Corpuscles of Copper may be elevated in the form of Exhalations both transparent and Colourless. The next following Experiment though in part mention'd by some Chymist is here subjoin'd, because it's necessary and applied to a particular purpose.
If from good▪ Cornish Tin you warily distill an equal or double weight of Venetian Sublimate, into a very large Receiver very well luted on to the Retort, you will obtain a spirituous Liquor, which as soon as the free Air comes to touch it, will send up abundance of white Exhalations in the form of a thick Smoak, which will continue to be emitted much longer than one would imagine. But that which I desire to have particularly observ'd in this Experiment is, that though this Liquor be thus apt to emit Smoak, not onely plentifully, but as one would think with Violence, yet I found by Trial, that even when I put it into a Vessel not strait mouth'd, if I did but lay a piece of a single leaf of Paper flatwise upon the Orifice of the Glass, so as to cover it all, the visible production of the Fumes would presently cease; and the Liquor would lie [Page 111] like common Water, as long as the Paper lay, though but lightly upon the Glass; though upon the Removal of that, the Liquor would send up plentifull Fumes as before, which seems to argue, that some Metalline Substances may, by the contact of the Air, have their Copious ascension into the Atmosphere very much help'd and promoted, as if the Air had Saline or other sort of Particles in it, that are in reference to some Mineral Bodies of a very volatilizing nature. The way by which I have divers times elevated the Fixedst of▪ Metals, Gold it self, I have deliver'd in another Paper, and shall not here repeat it. But I shall now set down an Experiment that when it is carefully made, is easie to be perform'd, and yet affords a notable and sensible Proof, that the Corpuscles of a Metal may be made to ascend, and that plentifully, even with a very moderate Heat, under the form of ordinary Fumes or Smoak. [Page 112] To effect this I devis'd the following Experiment.
We took Copper and dissolv'd it in good Aqua fortis, till the Menstruum was Satiated with it, in the strong Solution we steep'd a while some brown or other porous Paper, that being fitter than the finer, to soak up the Menstruum; then slowly evaporating the superfluous moisture, we put a quantity of this imperfectly dry'd Paper upon the Hearth, at such a distance from a Fire of actually flaming Wood that the Paper was not kindled, but yet was so scorch'd, as to afford very plentifull Fumes: these look'd like ordinary Smoak, whilst they mov'd through the Air, and would questionless have mingl'd with it, and been dispers'd through it, if the Body that emitted them had not been purposely plac'd for a future design. But when the motion of the Air towards the Flame had carry'd these Fumes [Page 113] to it, the Metalline Smoak did, as I expected, disclose its nature; for being actually kindled, it ting'd the Flame of a lovely Colour, for the most part Blew, and sometimes Green, as it happen'd to be variously mix'd with the Flame and Smoak of the Wood.