SInce I have already in proper places of the Physico-Mechanical Experiments about the Air, which I formerly presented your Lordship, giv'n you a sufficient account of several things touching the Scope, Occasion, &c. of my Attempt; it will not be necessary to make a solemn Preface to the ensuing Experiments. And therefore presuming upon an acceptance, which the favourable Entertainment, which your Lordship, as well as the Publick, was pleas'd to give my first Tryals of this kind, encourages me to expect, I shall, without troubling you with any further Preface, immediately fall upon a Continuation; especially since Your Lordship will perhaps wonder, that you have not receiv'd it much sooner, as, indeed, you should have done, if I had been befriended with Accommodations and Leisure.
About the raising of Mercury to a great height in an open Tube, by the spring of a little included Air.
DIvers ways have been proposed to shew both the Pressure of the Air, as the Atmosphere is a heavy Body, and that the Air, especially when compress'd by outward force, has a Spring that enables it to sustain or resist a pressure equal to that of as much of the Atmosphere, as can come to bear against it, and also to shew, that such Air as we live in, and is not condens'd by any humane or adventitious force, has not onely a resisting Spring, but an active Spring (if I may so speak) in some measure, as when it distends a flaccid or breaks a full-blown Bladder in our exhausted Receiver.
But observing that there seems to want a visible Experiment to convince those that are not so easily satisfy'd with Reasons, though drawn by just consequence from Physical or Mechanical Truths, or even from other Experiments, taking notice, I say, hereof, I made the following Experiments; not so much to prevent or removed a scruple no better grounded, as to have a new way of making an Estimate by some known and determinate measure of the force of the bare Spring of the Air, both in its natural state, (as tis said to be when not compress'd nor ratify'd, more then the free Air we breath,) and according to its several degrees of Expansion.
We took then a Viol, with a neck not very large, and having fill'd about a fourth part of it with Quick-silver, we so erected and fastned a long and slender Pipe of Glass, open at both ends in the neck of the Viol, with hard sealing wax, that the lower end reach'd almost to the bottom of the Quick-silver, and the upper [Page 3] more then a yard above the viol. Then having blown in a little air, to try whether the Instrument did not leak, (which tis very difficult to keep such instruments from doing,) we conveigh'd it into a long and slender Receiver, See plate the III Figure the fit for such an use, and having withdrawn the Air as well as we could, we found according to our expectation, that the Spring of the Air, included in the viol, impell'd up the Quick-silver into the erected Pipe, to the height of 27. inches, and having suffer'd the External air to return into the Receiver, the Quick-silver subsided in the Tube, sometimes almost, and sometimes quite as low as the stagnant Quick-silver in the viol.
For the better illustration of this Experiment, thus summarily related, but with the like success, as to the main, several times repeated, we will subjoyn the following Observations and Notes.
I. That we try'd this Experiment several times, and the last time in the presence of the famous Savilian Geometer, D r Wallis, who saw the Quick-silver in the Pipe impell'd up to 27. inches, being one himself of the measurers; and though at other times we found it to be much about the same height with the last, yet once it seem'd plainly to be a pretty deal higher; which yet we specifi'd not, because a mischance took off the mark, which we had made to measure the height by.
II. Having once, to try the stanchnesse of the viol, blown in so much Air, (without taking out any thing as we use to do in the like case) that the Air in the cavity of the viol rais'd and kept the Quicksilver 3. inches high in the Pipe, when we went on with the rest of the Experiment, according to the way above describ'd, we found, by emptying the Receiver of air, that we were able to raise the Quicksilver in the Cane 30. inches, or somewhat more above that in the viol.
III. Sometimes it may happen, that the Mercury, when taken very soon out of the Receiver, will not appear to have subsided to its first lownesse, which perhaps 'twill not sink to in some while after: which is not to be wondred at, since in such a Receiver, [Page 4] which contains but little air, the heat of the Cement and the iron, imploy'd to melt it quite round the Receiver, may impart a little warmth to the air in the viol, which will after return to its former Temper. But this Accident is neither constant nor necessary to the Experiment.
IV. Tis very remarkable, that if the Receiver be fitly stopt, and slender enough; upon the turning of the Stop-cock, to let out the air at the first exuction, the Mercury will be impell'd up by the spring of the Air in the viol, suddenly flying abroad or stretching it self, so that it will be rais'd several inches above the height it will rest at afterwards, and will make several vibrations up and down before it come to settle, just as the Mercury does in the Torricellian Experiment, (the bare pressure of the little air doing here to the Mercury, what the weight of the Atmosphere does there,) and such motions of the Mercury will be made four or five subsequent Exuctions, upon the withdrawing of the air in the Receiver. But as these grow lesser and lesser, as the Spring of the included Air grows fainter, so none of them is any thing near so considerable as the vibrations made upon the first Suck.
V. Agreeable hereunto we observ'd, that at the first Exuction, when the Spring of the included Air was yet strong, the Mercury would be rais'd by our Estimate above half, if not ⅔ of the whole height, whereto 'twill at length be brought, (though that must be according to the bignes of the Receiver, and other circumstances,) and the subsequent Exuctions do still adde less and less proportions of height to the Mercurial Cylinder, and that for two Reasons: the one, because the more there is of Mercury impell'd into the Tube, the greater weight of Mercury presses upon the included air: and the other, because the air has so much the more room in the viol to expand it self, whereby its spring must be proportionably weakned.
Lastly, when we made most of these Tryals, I had the curiosity to observe the height of the Mercury in a good Barometer, and thereby found, that the Air was then but light; its greatest [Page 5] height reaching but to 29 inches, and ⅜, and its height soon after the Tryal, whereof D r Wallis was a witnesse, amounting but to 29. inches.
To make an estimate of the Quantity of Air, that had rais'd the Quicksilver to 27 inches, we took the viol that was imploy'd about this Experiment; and having counterpois'd it, whilst it was empty, we afterward fill'd it with water, and found the Liquor to weigh 5. Ounces, 2. Drachms, and about 20. Grains; and then having pour'd out the water, till it was sunk to a mark which we had made on the outside of the Glass, to take notice how high the Quick-silver reach'd that we pour'd in: and lastly, weighing the remaining water, equal in bulk to the Quick-silver, we found it to amount to 1. Ounce, 2. Drachms, 14. Grains; so that the air, that had rais'd up the Mercury, possess'd (before its Expansion) in the viol the place but of 4. ounces, and a few odde grains, i. e. of about ¼ of a Pint of water. And as for the Pipe also, imploy'd about the same Experiment, we found its Cavity to have about ⅛ part of an Inch in Diameter.
It was one of the Uses I hop'd to make of this Experiment, that by comparing the several degrees of Expansion of air included in the viol, with the respective and increasing heights of the Mercury that was impell'd up into the Pipe, some estimate might be made of the force of the Spring of the Air weaken'd by several degrees of Dilatation; but for want of conveniences I forbore to venter upon such nice Observations, especially because the Pressure of the dilated air, that remains in the Receiver, and is external to the air included in the viol, must also be taken into consideration.
Another Use of our Experiment may be this: That it may supply us with a considerable Argument against some Learned men, who attribute the suspension of the Quick-silver in the Torricellian Experiment to a certain rarify'd matter, which some call a Funiculus, and whereto others give other names; which rarify'd substance they suppose to draw up and sustain the Quick-silver, [Page 6] in compliance of Natures abhorrency of a Vacuum. For in the Experiment under consideration, the Quick-silver being not onely sustain'd at the height of 27 inches in the Tube, but elevated thither; if the cause of This be demanded, it will be answer'd, according to their hypothesis, that the air in the Receiver, external to that of the Viol, being, by reason of the sucking out of some of it by the Pump, more rarified than that in the viol, it draws up to it the Quick-silver in the Cane, and the more it is rarify'd, the higher it is enabl'd to draw it. But then I demand, whence it comes to pass, that though we can, by persevering to pump, more and more rarifie the little remaining air, or the Aëreal substance in the Receiver, That in the viol not appearing to be also rarified, yet the air in the Receiver does not by virtue of its superadded rarefaction, whereby it exceeds that of the air in the viol, pull up the Quick-silver to a greater height in the Tube then 27. inches: For, that this is not the greatest height, to which Mercury may be rais'd by this rarefy'd substance, our Adversaries must not deny, who tell us, that in the Torricellian Experiment it sustains a Mercurial Cylinder of 29. inches, and ½, and can raise a Cylinder of 29 inches to 29 ½, or higher, in case that the Cylinder be made to vibrate up and down in the Tube.
And as for those, See the latter part of the following Experiment. that will in such cases, as our Experiment suggests, have recourse onely to that which they call the Fuga Vacui, they may please also to consider, that since the Quick-silver remains the same, its ascension in the Tube will not be available for what they think to be Natures purpose; for, whether it reach higher or lower in the Tube, it will adaequately fill no more space in one posture, or in one figure, then in another, in what part soever of the cavity of the Receiver it be plac'd.
Shewing, that much included Air rais'd Mercury in an open Tube, no higher than the weight of the Atmosphere may in a Baroscope.
IN the former Experiment, by reason of the smalness of the viol, that was employ'd about it, there was so little Air included, that the Expansion of it so far, as was requisite to impell up the Mercury in the Pipe to the above mentioned height of 27. inches, may be probably suspected to have very much weaken'd its Spring, and therefore it may be thought, that (especially considering the great force that several of our Experiments manifest imprison'd air to have,) if there were a greater Quantity of air included in the vessel, so that the Expansion, sufficient to raise the Mercury to the former height, would not need to be considerable, (because that the capacity of the Tube being but the same, the whole included air will be so much the lesse expanded, by how much the more of it there is,) it seem'd probable that the Spring of the Air, being but a little weakned by so small a dilatation, would remain strong enough to raise a much taller Cylinder of Mercury in the Tube, and perhaps make the Liquor run over into the Receiver.
But though this Suggestion seem probable enough, yet when I consider'd, that the weight of the Atmosphere is able to sustain a Cylinder of Quick-silver but of 30. inches, or thereabouts, (in perpendicular height,) and consequently that the pressure of such a Mercurial Cylinder is equivalent to that of an Atmospherical Cylinder of the same bore; 'twas not difficult to conclude, that since the Air in a viol, before the mouth is clos'd, has a Spring but equal in strength to the weight of the Atmospherical Pillar that leans upon it, (for if the Spring were too strong for the weight that leans on it, some of the air would get out of the viol,) a greater viol, and consequently a greater quantity of included air would [Page 8] not be able by its spring to elevate and sustain a longer Cylinder of Mercury, than the weight of the Atmosphere is able to do; nor indeed altogether so much, because of some little (though but little) Diminution of the Spring by some (though but a small) expansion, that the included Air suffers, by succeeding in the place of the Mercury, that is impell'd up.
To clear therefore this matter by an Experiment, we took a strong glass-bottle, capable of holding about a Quart of Liquor, and having put into it a convenient quantity of Quick-silver, we erected in it a very long and slender pipe of Glass, open at both the ends, and reaching at the lower end beneath the surface of the stagnant Mercury, and having fasten'd this pipe in the neck of the Bottle, by choaking up that neck very accurately with good Cement, that none of the included air might be able to get out, we conveigh'd the whole into a Receiver, like that imploy'd about the I. Experiment in shape, but much larger, that it might be able to contain so great a vessel; and then the Engine being set a work, we quickly rais'd the Quick-silver to a greater height than formerly, and when we saw it come to a stand, we did by the help of some marks, made before hand on the pipe, and by the help of a very long and well divided Ruler, measure, with as much care and accurateness as the figure of the vessels would allow us to do, the height of the Mercurial Cylinder, which we found to be 29. inches, and about ⅞, to which abating half an inch, which was rais'd, before the Pump was employed, by some air that had been blow'd into the Bottle, to try whether it were stanch; deducting, I say, this half Inch of Quick-silver, which remain'd in the Tube after the external Air was let in, (as well as it had been there before the Receiver was exhausted,) out of the newly mention'd number there remain'd 29. inches, and neer ⅜, for the height of the Mercury, rais'd by the Spring of the Air, shut up in the Bottle: and then consulting with the above mentioned Baroscope, which stood in a window in another part of the house, I found, that the weight of the Atmosphere did bear a Mercurial Cylinder of about 29. [Page 9] Inches and ½, which was higher by ⅛ than that to which the Spring had rais'd the Quick-silver in the exhausted Receiver: and the Difference perhaps would have been greater, if the place, where the Experiment was made, had not by its warmth added some little matter to the Spring of the Air, and if also we could have kept the Mercury so long elevated, as to give it leave to discharge its self of those small bubbles, which tis almost impossible in such Experiments as this to free Quick-silver from, without some help from time.
Lastly, though we caus'd the Pump to be ply'd, to try whether we could not, by the more diligent Exuction of the Receiver, raise the Quick-silver above the height of that which the Atmosphere kept sustain'd in the Baroscope, yet our labour gave us but a confirmation, that the Spring of the Air would not raise the Mercury higher, then did the weight of the Atmosphere, which may not a little confirm the 2 d Observation.
N B. This was not the onely nor the first Experiment we made of this kind, but this being carried on without mischances, (with which divers others were attended,) and made with much care, I thought fit to set down This in stead of all, intimating generally about the rest, that they seem'd to agree well for the main with that, which is here recited; onely there is one thing relating to those other Experiments, that seems not altogether unworthy to be taken notice of; which is, that when our Tryals were made in vessels, that contain'd a considerable quantity of Air, though upon the exhaustion of the Receiver the Spring of the included Air could not raise the Quick-silver to the top of the pipe, yet sometimes by other Effects it manifested it self to be very strong, as once or twice by the blowing out or breaking the Cork or Cement, and other matter that was imploy'd to stop the Glass it was shut in; and once by an Accident too memorable to be here past over in silence.
I had one day invited D r Wallis to see such an Experiment as I have been relating, made with (not a viol, but) a bottle of Green [Page 10] Glass, (such as we use now for Wine,) and 4 or 5 pounds of Mercury. After this Learned Person and I had continued Spectators as long as we thought fit, we withdrew into another Room, where we had not sat long by the fire, before we were surpriz'd by a suddain noise, which the person, that occasion'd it, presently came running in to give us an account of, by which it appear'd, that this Ingenious young Man, (whom I often imploy about Pneumatical Experiments, and whom I mention'd to Your Lordship, because I. M. has the honour to be somewhat known to You,) being desirous in our absence to satisfie the Curiosity he had to know, whether the Quick-silver could not be rais'd higher in the pipe than I had foretold, plyed the Pump so obstinately, that at length, the Bottle being not, it seems, every where equally strong, the imprison'd air found it more difficult to make the Quick-silver run over at the top of the pipe, than to break the Bottle in the weakest place, and accordingly did not onely throw off a piece of the Bottle, but threw it with such violence against the large and strong Receiver, as broke that also, and render'd it unserviceable for the future. But the Doctor and I laying together the Pipe, which happen'd to be broken into but few pieces, concluded by the place, to which we were told it reacht when this Accident happened, that it had not exceeded, nor indeed fully equall'd the height, to which the weight of the Atmosphere might have rais'd it.
Shewing that the Spring of the included Air will raise Mercury to almost equal-heights in very unequal Tubes.
HAving shown in the two former Experiments, that the Active strength of the Airs Spring is very considerable, I thought good also to examine, whether or no to the other resemblances [Page 11] in operation between the weight of the free Air, and the pressure of the included Air, this also may be added, that as the gravitation of the Atmosphere is able (as we shall hereafter prove) to sustain the Mercury at the same height in lesser and greater Tubes, seal'd at the top; so the Pressure of the included Air may be able to sustain the Mercury at the same height in slenderer and in larger Tubes, though in the latter it must sustain a far greater weight of Mercury than in the former; provided allowance be made for the weakning, which the Spring of the included Air must be subject to, by reason that, to succeed in the place of a large Cylinder of Mercury impell'd up into the greater Tube, it must expand it self more, and consequently have its Spring more weakned, than if the Tube were slender.
To prosecute this Experiment, I thought on a peculiar shape of vessels, which, if I had been where there is a Glass-house, I would have caus'd to be blown for the more convenient trying of two Pipes of different bores at the same time. But though I wanted this Accommodation, I thought I might well enough show what I intended by imploying successively two Tubes of very differing sizes, provided the vessel for the including of the Air were the same.
Wherefore taking the Glass bottle, made use of to try the former Experiment, and erecting in it after the manner above described a Cylindrical pipe of Glass, a good deal larger than the former, (if not as large agen,) we prosecuted the Experiment as we had made it, with the slender Tube above mentioned, and found that we were able, by the Spring of the Air in the bottle, to raise the Quick-silver to a considerable height, which, measuring as well as the vessel would allow us, was, by the least estimate that was made of it, (which was mine) 28. inches, and ⅛, by which it appear'd to want somewhat above an Inch of the height of the Mercurial Cylinder, which the weight of the Atmosphere could have sustain'd, as appear'd by the Barometer, wherein the Quick-silver at that time was about 29. inches, and ¼ high; which difference [Page 12] was no more then I expected, considering that, whereas the weight of the Atmosphere is still the same when the Mercury is at its full height (and that whether the Pipe be great or small) in a seal'd Tube; the Spring of our included Air must needs be weakned the larger the Tube is, and the higher the liquid Metal is impell'd in it, so that it seem'd a considerable Phaenomenon, that the Spring of so little Air should be able to raise the Mercury as high within an Inch or thereabouts in a wider as in a slenderer Tube, since the Diameter of the Cavity of the former being by our estimate double to that of the latter, (into which the slender Pipe could easily be put as into a Case too big for it:) The greater Mercurial Cylinder may be suppos'd to have weighed near four times as much as the lesser; I say, near, because there was an Inch difference in their heights: but in case these had been equal, then the Solidities of the Cylinders would have been to one another as their Bases; and since these, being Circular, are in duplicate proportion to their Diameters, that is, as the Squares of their Diameters; its plain, that if the Diameters be as one to two, the Squares of them must be as one to four; and these Cylinders consisting of the same Mercury, their Weights will have the same Proportions with their Solidities, and consequently would be as one to four, making the abatement formerly intimated for the Inch and a little more of Mercury, by which the larger Cylinder came short of the height of the former.
NB. 1. This and the two former Experiments tryed by us with Quick-silver, may be also tryed with Water; but besides that we could hardly procure Tubes long enough for such Tryals, we were not very sollicitous about it: for if we attentively enough consider, what has been already deliver'd, and the Proportion in specifick gravity betwixt Water and Quick-silver, (whereof the latter is near 14. times as heavy, bulk for bulk, as the former,) 'twill not be difficult to foresee the Event of such Experiments, which he, that has a mind to make, should be furnish'd not onely with long Tubes, but with capacious Vessels to shut up the Air in. [Page 13] Else the Air will be so far expanded before the Water has attain'd near the height, to which the weight of the Atmosphere may raise it, that the Experiments will not seem to succeed near so well with Water, as ours did with Quick-silver.
2. We thought it worth trying, whether, when the included Air had rais'd the great Cylinder of Mercury to the utmost height, it could elevate it to, by the Spring it then had; it would not be brought to raise the Quick-silver yet higher, if, notwithstanding the Expansion it had already, there were an agitation made by the heated Corpuscles of the same Air. And in pursuance of this Curiosity having caus'd an hot Iron and a Shovel of kindled Coals to be held near the opposite parts of the Receiver, we perceiv'd after a while, that the Mercury ascended ⅛ of an inch or better above the greatest height it had reach'd before. But conjecturing that it would have risen higher, were it not that whilst the application of the hot bodies was making, some Particles of Air had unperceivably stolen into the Receiver, I caus'd the Pump to be ply'd again to withdraw the Air, I suspected to have got in, by which means the Mercury was quickly rais'd ⅝ of an inch, (or better,) by virtue of this Adventitious Spring, (if I may so call it,) which the included Air acquir'd by heat, and I made no doubt, that it might have been rais'd much higher, but I was unwilling by applying a less moderate heat to hazard the breaking of my Glasses, in the place I then was in, where such a mischance could scarce have been repair'd.
About a new Hydraulo-pneumatical Fountain, made by the Spring of uncompress'd Air.
I Shall now add such an application of the Principle whereon the former Experiment was grounded, as I should scarce think [Page 14] worth mentioning in this place, were it not that besides that divers Virtuosi seem not a little delighted with it, it may for ought I know prove to be of some Philosophical use (to be pointed at hereafter.)
We took a Glass-bottle with a convenient quantity of Water in it, and fitted this Bottle with a slender glass-pipe open at both ends, and about three foot long, which was so plac'd, that the lower Orifice was a good way beneath the Surface of the Water, and the Pipe it self passed perpendicularly upwards through the Neck of the Bottle, which Neck was, by the Pipe and by good hard Cement imploy'd to fill the space betwixt the Pipe and the inside, so well and firmly clos'd, that no Water or Air could get out of the bottle, See plate the Figure the nor no externall Aire could get into it, but by passing through the Pipe. This Instrument was convey'd into a large Receiver shap'd like a Pear, of which a good part of the blunt end, and a small part of the sharp end are cut off by Sections parallel to the Horizon, and consequently to one another. And because this Receiver was not (nor ought to be) long enough to receive the whole Pipe, there was Cemented on to the upper part of it a smaller Receiver of white Glass, of such a length and bigness, that the upper end of the Pipe might reach to the middle of its Cavity, or thereabouts, and that the motions of the springing water might have a convenient Scope, and so be the better taken notice of.
This double Receiver being cemented on to the Engine, a little of the Air was by one Suck of the Pump drawn out from it, by which the Pressure of the remaining Air being weakned, it was necessary, that since the Air included in the Bottle had not its Spring likewise weakned, it should expand it self, and consequently impell up the water in the same Bottle through the Pipe, which it did so vigorously, as to make it strike briskly at first against that part of the top of the smaller Receiver, which was just over the Orifice of the Pipe. But after it had a while made the Water thus shoot up in a perpendicular line, as the Spring of the Air in the Bottle grew by that Airs dilatation to be weaken'd, the Water [Page 15] would be impell'd up less strongly and less directly, till the Air in the Bottle being as much expanded as that in the Receiver, the Ascent of the Water would quite cease, unless by Pumping a little more Aire out of the Receiver we renew'd it again.
About the making of this Experiment these Particulars may be noted.
1. Tis convenient, that the upper part of the Pipe be made (as it easily may be at the flame of a Lamp) very slender, that the Water having but a very small Orifice to issue out at, may be spent but slowly, and thereby make the Experiment last so much the longer.
2. You may, if you please, in stead of making the upper part of the Pipe slender, as was just now directed, Cement on to it a Top either of Glass or Brass, consisting of three or more very slender Pipes, with a Pin-hole at the end of each, that one of these pointing directly upwards, and the others to the right hand and to the left, the Water may spin out several ways at once, by which kind of branched Pipes we have sometimes imitated the Jets d' eau (as the French call them) and Artificial fountains of Gardens and Groto's.
3. In regard that so short a Cylinder of Water, as exceeded not the length of our Glass pipe, could not make any considerable resistance to the expansion of the included Air, it was thought and found safe enough to imploy in stead of a strong Glass-bottle a much larger Viol, without being sollicitous about its shape, or that it should be very strong, and by this means we could make this pleasant Spectacle last a great while, especially if we also made use of the expedient to be mentioned in the following Note.
4. If you find that the included Air have by expanding it self too much weaken'd its Spring, whilst there yet remains with it a good quantity of Water in the Bottle or Viol, you may reinforce the pressure of the Air by onely turning the Stop-cock, and letting in what air you think fit to the exhausted Receiver: for upon the admission of this new Air, the Air in the Receiver will press [Page 16] sisted on? If as a Law-maker, then even the Sanction will continue, by which such Laws as these obliged formerly: So they will still oblige as Laws, whilst the same reason continues for which God was at first pleas'd to impose them. If as an infallible Judge of Reason; still it will follow, that whilst the Reason holds, they will be so far from being made unlawful in such Particulars wherein the Reason does indeed hold, that their performance will still be acceptable to God, tho' not commanded by him. Either way of Explication is sufficient to overthrow his whole way of reasoning, as manag'd by our Adversaries.
But what if we should turn this way of reasoning us'd by the Apostles, 10. The same reasons which made Instrumental Musick fit for Sacrifices in the Apostles days make it fit still. against our Adversaries? What if we should conclude, That because Instrumental Musick was us'd then in their Temple Sacrifices, therefore it should still be at least fit and acceptable in our present Eucharistical Sacrifices? I cannot foresee what they could say, why we should not have reason'd as the Apostles did; or how the Apostles could blame us for doing so; or why our Adversaries should blame us; who profess themselves such Enemies of Impositions, if they did not impose upon us more than the Apostles, in so easily condemning matters of this nature as unlawful. They can pretend no more condemnation in other places of the Writings of the Apostles in this Case, than in those others wherein the Apostles themselves allow this way of Arguing. And I know no reason from the natures of the things themselves, that even our Adversaries can pretend to be temporary, or that will not make Instrumental-Musick as suitable to our present Worship, as it was to that of the Apostles. No sort of Sacrifices were more proper for Hymns than those that are Eucharistical, and such all ours are now, but were not so in the Days of the Apostles. And the use of Hymns neither is, nor can be denied by our Adversaries, as well in the private Synaxes of the Apostolical Christians, as in the Worship of the Temple. The Hymn to Christ as a God in Pliny, Pli. l. x. Ep. appeal'd to in the latter end of the second Century as a very early evidence of the belief of his Deity, seems to have been joined with the Eucharist. [Page 17] For Pliny tells us, on the same occasion, of the Covenant the Christians entred into against all the liberties us'd by wicked Persons. And the publick Singers are mention'd in the earliest distinct Accounts we have of their Offices, not as newly introduc'd, but as actually obtaining without any memory of a late Original. Had the reasons of the things been all that had been requisite for raising of the Affections, I cannot conceive any need our Adversaries can pretend for Singing: That does no otherways contribute to the raising of the Affections, than as the assistance and improvement of the Imagination may be supposed to contribute to it. The Singing does not add a new Reason, nor impose the old ones, why the Affections should be raised. But however, they do dispose the Affections to follow Reason, more readily and more vigorously than they would if they had not the assistance of a favourable Imagination: And that by the Nature of the Things themselves; and in that regard, Musick Instrumental, also was acknowledg'd to have the same influence that Singing had by the Imagination over the Affections; and to add to the advantages of Singing Vocally: So it was, that David's playing on the Harp cured Saul of the evil Spirit, by curing that Melancholy which disposed him to receive the Influences of the Evil Spirit: So it was, that the like use of Instrumental Musick dispos'd Elisha for the influences of the good Spirit, by composing that Passion which his Zeal against the Idolatry of the King of Israel had put the Prophet into; it made him capable of being acted by the Spirit of Prophesy: For chearfulness of Temper is one of the Dispositions requir'd by the Rabinnical Jews themselves, for fitting Men for Prophecy. That may possibly be the Reason why the Scriptures mention Instrumental Musick as receiv'd in the Schools of the Prophets, 1 Sam. x. 5. Chr. xxv. [...]. especially when they were actually Prophesying; as it should seem to dispose them for the freer Influences of the Divine Spirit. The Singing Hymns to such Instruments is call'd Prophesying, in the places now mention'd. So far the nature of the Spiritual Worship of the Gospel, is from superseding this assistance of Instrumental Musick, as our Adversaries would have us believe, that on the contrary [Page 18] I had done) not satisfied about them. Onely He sometimes (as I also did) observ'd the Salient water to describe part of a line perfectly enough Parabolical, with which sort of Curves he has been particularly conversant.
This made me resolve for further satisfaction to attempt by another contrivance, (of whose success, if I can procure the Implements I need, Your Lordship may expect an account,) what the Figures will be not onely of Salient water, but Mercury, and other Liquors; and that when the Receiver is much better exhausted, then it was necessary it should be in the foregoing Experiment.
About a way of speedily breaking Flat Glasses, by the weight of the Atmosphere.
FOr the more easie understanding of some of the subsequent Tryals, it will be requisite in this place to mention among Experiments about the Spring of the Air the following Phaenomenon belonging to its Weight.
This is one of those that is the most usually shown to Strangers, as a plain and easie proof both that the Weight of the incumbent Air is considerable, and that the round figure of a Receiver doth much more conduce to make an exhausted Glass support that weight, than if the upper part of the Receiver were flat.
To make this Experiment we provided a Hoop or Ring of Brass of a considerable thickness, whose height was 2 ½, or 3 Inches, and the Diameter of whose Cavity as well at the upper as lower Orifice (should have been just 3. Inches, but through the errour of the workman) was 3. inches and 2/10. To this Hoop we successively fasten'd with Cement divers round pieces of Glass, such as is used by Glasiers (to whose Shops we sent for it) to make Panes for Windows, and thereby made the Brass-ring with its [Page 19] Glass-cover a kind of Receiver, whose open Orifice we carefully cemented on to the Engine; and then we found, as we had conjectured, that usually at the first Exuction (though sometimes not till the second) the Glass-plate would be broken inwards with such violence, as to be shatter'd into a great multitude of small fragments, and (which was remarkable) the irruption of the external Air driving the Glass inwards did constantly make a loud Clap, almost like the Report of a Pistol. Which Phaenomenon, whether it may help us to discover the cause of that great noise, that is made upon the discharging of Guns, (for the Recoyl seems to depend upon the Dilatation and Impulse of the Powder,) I must not stay to consider.
Shewing, that the breaking of Glass-plates in the foregoing Experiment, need not to be ascrib'd to the Fuga Vacui.
THough I long since inform'd you, that in the Experiments I then presented Your Lordship, it was not my purpose to deliver my own Opinion whether there be a Vacuum, or no, and though I do not in this Tract intend to declare my self either way; yet, that I may on this occasion also show, that the Pressure of the Air may suffice to account for divers Phaenomena, which according to the vulgar Philosophers must be referr'd to Natures abhorrency of a Vacuum, I will illustrate the foregoing Experiment by another, the substance whereof is this.
That if, instead of the above mentioned brass Hoop, both whose Orifices are of equal breadth, you imploy a hollow (but taller) piece of Brass, or (which is more easily made) of Latton, shap'd like a Conus iruncatus, or a Sugar-loaf, whose upper part is taken off parallel to the bottom; and if you make the two Orifices of a breadth sufficiently unequal, as if the larger being made [Page 20] as wide as that of our Brass-hoop, the straiter were less than an Inch in Diameter; You will find, that if this piece of Metal be made use of, as the other was in the foregoing Experiment, the flat Glass cemented on to the Orifice, will be easily broken, as formerly when tis fastned to the wider Orifice; but if the straiter Orifice be turn'd upward, the Glass that covers it, if it be of a due thickness, (though no thicker than the former,) will remain entire, notwithstanding the withdrawing of the Air from beneath it: Which seems sufficiently to argue, that tis not precisely Natures abhorrency of a vacuum, that is the cause why Glasses are usually broken in such Experiments, since whether the wider or the narrower Orifice be uppermost, and cover'd, (the Metalline part of the vessel being the same, and onely varying its posture,) the capacity of the exhausted vessel will be equal; and therefore Nature ought to break the Glass as well in one case as the other, which yet the Experiment shows she does not.
Wherefore this Diversity seems much better explicable by saying, that when the wider Orifice is uppermost, the Glass that covers it must serve for the Basis of a large Atmospherical Pillar, which by its great weight may easily force the resistance of the Glass: whereas when the smaller Orifice is uppermost, there leans upon its Cover but so slender a Pillar of the Atmosphere, that the natural tenacity or mutual cohaesion of parts in the Glass is not to be surmounted by a weight that is no greater.
About a convenient way of breaking blown Bladders by the Spring of the Air included in them:
THe foregoing Experiments having sufficiently manifested the strength of the Airs Spring upon fluid Bodies, I next thought fit to try, whether the force of a little included Air would [Page 21] also upon consistent and even Solid bodies emulate the Operations of the weight of the Atmosphere. In the prosecution of which Enquiry we thought fit to make two sorts of Tryals: the one, where the Air is included in the Bodies, on which its Spring does work; and the other, where tis External to them. Of the first sort are this 7 th, and the two following Experiments; and of the second sort are some other Tryals, to be comprehended under the 10 th Experiment.
Having formerly mention'd to Your Lordship, that we were several times able (though sometimes not without much difficulty) to make a blown Bladder break with the Spring of its own Air; I should not think it worth while to say any thing here about the same Phaenomenon, but that (besides that it seems odd enough, and is not unpleasant to many Spectators,) it may deserve not to be wholly neglected, because a Good way to break Bladders in the much Exhausted Receiver, may sometimes prove an useful Expedient, especially in such cases where the Experimenter (who sometimes either is not skilful enough, or well enough furnish'd with accommodations to regulate the ingress of the Air) would very suddainly supply the Receiver with fresh Air, when it has been much emptied, without danger of letting in too much Air from without. Not to mention, that the Air, included in the Bladder to be broken, may be so mingled with streams, or imbu'd with divers qualities, as to be much fitter than common Air for some particular Purposes.
We shall then for the affinities sake between this Tryal and the former, subjoyn now the way, by which we seldom fail'd of breaking Bladders in our emptied Receivers. For this purpose, the blown Bladder that was to be burst, having the neck very closely and strongly tyed, was kept a pretty while in the Receiver, whilst the Air was pumping out, and then taken out again, that, now the fibres were stretcht and relax'd, the Capacity being lessen'd by a new ligature that I order'd to be strongly made near the Neck, the Bladder might be lessen'd though the Air were but [Page 22] the same, and the Membrance being not so capable of yielding as before, upon the second exhaustion of the Receiver the Bladder in it would break, far more easily then otherwise, and perhaps be oddly enough lacerated.
We sometimes also varied this way of disposing Bladders to be burst, by omitting the preparatory putting in of the Bladder into the Receiver, and onely taking it in a little near the Neck, that, the Bladder having not been blown very full at first, the tension of the included Air might be greater. But this last way is to be made use of, when the thing we desire is, that the Bladder by breaking at a certain time may part with its Air, and not when tis onely to give an instance of the force of the Spring of uncompress'd Air against the sides of the Vessel that contain it.
About the lifting up a considerable Weight by the bare Spring of a little Air included in a Bladder.
YOu will easily believe, that the Force imploy'd (in the foregoing Experiment) by the Air, to break the well blown Bladders tis included in, is considerable, if I here adde, that a small quantity of Air, which will not fill ¼ of a Bladder, will not onely serve to blow it quite up, but will manifestly swell it, though that Effect be oppos'd not onely by the resistance of the Bladder it self, but by a considerable weight tied to the bottom of it, as in the following Experiment.
We took a middle siz'd Bladder (of a Hog or Sheep,) and having press'd out the Air, till there remain'd but about a fourth or fifth part (by guess,) we caus'd the Neck to be very strongly tyed up again: also round about the opposite part of the Bladder, within about an inch of the bottom, we so strongly tyed another String, that it would not be made to slip off by a not inconsiderable [Page 23] weight we hung at it. Then fastning the Neck of the Bladder to the turning Key, we convey'd the Bladder and the Weight hanging at it into a large Receiver, in which when it began to be pretty well exhausted, the Air within the Bladder being freed from the wonted Pressure of the Air without it, did by its own Spring manifestly swell, and thereby notably shorten the Bladder that contain'd it, and by consequence visibly lifted up the Weight, (that resisted that change of figure,) which exceeded 15 pound of 16. ounces to the Pound.
After that we took a larger Bladder, and having let out so much Air, that it was left lank enough, we fasten'd the two ends of it to the upper part of the Receiver, (for which else it would have been too long,) and tyed a Weight (but not the same) so as that it hung down from the middle of the Bladder; then exhausting the Receiver as before, though the Bladder, and this new Weight which stretcht it, reach'd so low, as that for a while we could scarce see whether it hung in the Air or no, yet at length we perceiv'd the Bladder to swell, and concluded that it had lifted up its Clog about an Inch; which was confirm'd by the return we permitted of the Air into the Receiver, upon which the Bladder became more wrinkled than before, and the Weight descended, which being taken off, and weighed in a Statera, amounted to abovt 28 Pounds. We would have reiterated the Experiment, but so heavy a Weight having broken the Bladder, we were discouraged from proceeding any farther, especially in regard of the difficulty of bringing by this contrivance the strength of the Airs Spring to any exact computation, though it sufficiently shews what I design'd it should, namely that the Spring of a little included Air may be able even in so slight a contrivance to raise a great Weight.
Whether this Experiment may any way illustrate the motion of Muscles, made by Inflation, Contraction, &c. it belongs not to this place to consider.
About the breaking of Hermetically seal'd Bubbles of Glass by the bare Spring of their own Air.
I Shall premise to the following Tryals an Experiment, wherein Uncompress'd Air is made by its own bare Spring to break the solid body it self tis shut up in. And this I the rather set down before the subsequent Tryals, Exp. 8. pag. 36. because in our already publish'd Physico-Mechanical Experiments mention has been made of this Tryal, as of one that we could not then make to succeed; we have since, imploying smaller Receivers, made it often enough prosperously, somewhat to the wonder of eminent Virtuosi, who confess'd to me they had made frequent and divers attempts to perform the same thing, without ever succeeding in any of them.
But it will not be requisite to multiply relations about this Particular, and therefore I shall set down but this one, which I meet with among my loose Notes.
A large Glass Bubble Hermetically seal'd being put into the Receiver, and the Air drawn out as much as in usual Operations, and somewhat more, though I told the Company before hand that I had several times observ'd, that such Bubbles would not break immediately, but somewhile after the withdrawing the Air from about them, yet this continued so long entire after we had left off Pumping, that presuming it had been blown too strong, I began to dispair of the Experiments succeeding; when, whilst we were providing something else to put into the Receiver, and as I guess'd 4. minuts after the Pump had been let alone, the Bubble surpriz'd us with its being broken with such violence by the Spring of the included Air, that the fragments of it were dash'd every way against the sides of the Receiver, and broken so very small, that when we came to take it up, the Powder was by the By-standers compar'd to the small Sand wont to be imploy'd to [Page 25] dry Papers, that have been newly writ upon with Inck. The Reason why the Bubble broke so slowly I cannot now stay to propose, no more then to examine whether the difficulty of breaking vessels of Glass, no thicker then these Bubbles, proceed from some weakning of the Spring of imprisoned Air, by its stretching a little the including Glass, (for in another case we have observ'd this Glass to be stretchable by the pressure of Air;) or from hence, that 'twas very hard, as I have elsewhere mention'd, to avoid rarifying the Air a little, and consequently weakning its Spring, by the heat that was necessary to be imploy'd about the sealing up the Bubble.
Containing two or three Tryals of the force of the Spring of our Air uncompress'd upon stable and even solid Bodies, (whereto tis external.)
IN prosecution of the Enquiry propos'd in the Title, we made (among others) the following Tryals.
1. WE took the Brass-hoop, mention'd in the 5 th Experiment, (whose Diameter is somewhat above 3. Inches,) and having caus'd a Glazier to cut some Plates of Glass, such as are used for making the Quarrels of Windows, till he had brought them to a Size, & a roundness fit to serve for Covers to that brass-hoop, we carefully fasten'd one of them with Cement to the upper Orifice of the Hoop or Ring, and then cementing the lower Orifice to the Engine, so that the Vessel, compos'd of the Metal and Glass, serv'd for a small Receiver; we whelm'd over it a large and strong Receiver, which we also fasten'd on to the Engine with Cement after the usual manner. By which Contrivance it was necessary, that when the Pump was set on work, the included Receiver (of Brass and Glass) should have its Air withdrawn, and yet the Air in the larger Receiver should not be [Page 26] pump'd out but by breaking through the Glass, so that the internal Air of the Metalline Receiver (as we may call it for distinctions sake) being pump'd out, the Glass Plate, that made part of that Receiver, must lye expos'd to the pressure of the Ambient Air shut up in the other Receiver, without having the former assistance of the now withdrawn Air to resist the Pressure; wherefore, as we expected, at the first or second Exuction of the Air, included in the small metalline Receiver, the Glass-plate was, by the Pressure of the incumbent Air, contain'd in the great Receiver, broken into an 100 pieces, which were beaten inwards into the Cavity of the Hoop.
The II. Tryal.
2. This done, to shew that there needed not the Spring of so great a quantity of included Air to break such Glasses, we took another Roundish one, which, though wide enough at the Orifice to cover the Brass Ring & the new Glass-plate that we had cemented on it, was yet so low, that we estimated it to hold but a 6 th part of what the large Receiver, formerly imploy'd, is able to contain; and having whelm'd this smaller vessel, which was shap'd like those Cups they call Tumblers, over the Metalline Receiver, and well fasten'd it to the Engine with Cement, we found that though this External Receiver had a great part of its Cavity fill'd by the included one, yet when this Internal one was exhausted by an Exuction or two, the Spring of the little Air that remain'd, was able to break the Plate into a multitude of fragments.
The III. Tryal.
3. Because the Glass-Plates hitherto mention'd seem'd not so thick, but that the Pressure of the included Air might be able to give considerabler Instances of its Force; in stead of the Metalline Receivers hitherto employed, we took a square Bottle of Glass, which we judg'd to be able to contain about a Pint (or Pound) of Water, and which had been provided to keep subtle Chymical Liquors in, for which use we are not wont to choose weak ones. [Page 27] This we inverted, and apply'd to the Engine as a Receiver, over which we whelm'd the large Receiver formerly mention'd; and having cemented it on, as in the foregoing Experiments, we set the Pump on work to empty the internal Receiver, (or square Bottle,) by which means the withdrawing of the Air, and the figure of the vessel (which was inconvenient for resisting) suffer'd the Pressure of the Air included in the external Receiver to crush the viol into a great number of pieces.
And to vary this Experiment, as we did that of breaking the metalline Receivers, we took another Glass of the shape and about the bigness of the former, and having apply'd it to the Engine as before, and cover'd it with a Receiver that was little higher than it self, we found, that upon the exhaustion of the Air the second square Glass was likewise broken into many fragments, some of which were of so great a thickness, as mov'd some wonder, that the bare Pressure of the Air was able to break such a vessel, though probably the Cracks, that reacht to them, were begun in much weaker parts of the Glass.
NB. 1. The bottoms and the necks of both these square Bottles were entire enough; by which it seem'd probable, that the vessels had been broken by the Pressure of the Air against the Sides, which were not onely thinner than the parts above named, but expos'd a larger Superficies to the lateral Pressure of the Air, than to the perpendicular.
2. We observ'd in one of the two last Experiments, that the Vessel did not break presently upon the last Exuction that was made of the included Air, but a considerable time after, which it seems was requisite to allow the comprest parts of the Glass time to change their places; and this Phaenomenon I therefore mention, because the same thing that here happen'd in the breaking a Glass inwards by the Spring of the Air, I elsewhere observ'd to have happen'd in breaking a Glass outwards by the same Spring.
3. To confirm, that it is the Spring of the External Receivers Air that is the Agent in those Fractures of Glasses, and to prevent [Page 28] or remove some scruples, we thought fit to make this variation in the Experiment. We applyed a Plate of Glass, just like those formerly mentioned, to the Brass-hoop; but in the cementing of it on, we plac'd in the thickness of the Cement a small Pipe of Glass of about an Inch long, whose Cavity was not so big as that of a Straw, and which being left open at both the ends might serve for a little Channel, through which the Air might pass from the External Receiver to the Internal; over This we whelm'd one of the small Receivers above mentioned, & then, though we set the Pump on work much longer then would have needed if this litle Pipe had not been made use of, we found, as we expected, that the Internal Receiver continued entire, because the Air, whose Spring should have broken it, having liberty to pass through the Pipe, and consequently to expand it self into the place deserted by the Air pump'd out, did by that Expansion weaken its Spring too much, to retain strength enough to break the Metalline (or Internal) Receiver.
But here tis to be noted, that either the Pipe must be made bigger than that lately mentioned, or the Exuction of the Air must not be made by the Pump as nimbly as we can, or otherwise the Plate of Glass may be broken notwithstanding the Pipe; because the Air contain'd in the External Receiver, having a force much greater than is necessary to break such a Plate, it may well happen (as I have sometimes found it do) that if the Air be hastily drawn out of the Internal Receiver, that Air, which should succeed in its room, cannot get fast enough out of that external Receiver through so small a Pipe, and the Air remaining in that external Receiver will yet retain a Spring strong enough to break the Glass. To illustrate which, I shall propose this Experiment, That sometimes, when I have at the flame of a Lamp caus'd Glass Bubbles to be blown with exceeding slender Stems, if they were nimbly remov'd out of the flame whilst they were ignited, they would according to my conjecture be either broken, if they cool'd too fast; or compress'd inward, if they long enough retain'd the [Page 29] Softness they had given them by Fusion. For the Air in the Bubble being exceedingly rarified and expanded, whilst the Glass is kept in the flame, and coming to cool hastily when remov'd from thence, looses upon refrigeration the Spring the heat had given it, and so, if the External Air cannot press in fast enough through the too slender Pipe, there will not get in Air enough to resist the Pressure of the Atmosphere, and therefore if this Pressure find the Bubble yet soft, it will press it a little inwards, and either flatten it, or make a dimple in it, though the Orifice of the Pipe be left open.
Shewing, that Mercury will in Tubes be raised by Suction no higher then the weight of the Atmosphere is able to impell it up.
TIs sufficiently known, that the common opinion of Philosophers, and especially of those which follovv Aristotle, has long been, and still is, that the cause of the Ascension of Water upon Suction, and particularly in those Pumps, where the Water seems of its own accord to follow the rising Sucker, is Natures abhorrency of a Vacuum. Against this receiv'd Opinion divers of the Modern Philosophers have oppos'd themselves. But as some of them were Vacuists, and others Plenists, they have explicated the Ascension of Water in Sucking-pumps upon very different grounds; so that many Ingenious men continue yet irresolv'd in this noble Controversie. Wherefore though I have formerly made, and now renew a solemn Profession, that I do not in this Treatise intend to declare either for or against the being of a Vacuum; and though I have The place here meant is a passage in the Author's Examen of Mr. Hobbs his Dialogue about the Air. elsewhere occasionally acknowledg'd my Self not to acquiesce fully in what either the ancient or the modern Philosophers have taught about the adequate cause of Suction; (in the [Page 30] assigning of which, I think, I have shown them to have been somewhat deficient,) yet since I think some Experiments, of importance to this Controversie, may be better made by the help of our Engine, than they have been by any Instrument I have yet heard of, I shall now adde the Tryals I made, to shew both that whether there be or may be a Vacuum or not, there is no need to have recourse to a fuga vacui to explicate Suction; and also that whatever other Causes have by Gassendus and Cartesius been ingeniously propos'd to explicate Suction, it seems to depend clearly upon the Weight of the Atmosphere, or in some cases upon the Spring of the Air; though I deny not, that other Causes may contribute to that Pressure of the Air, which I take to be the grand and immediate Agent in these Phaenomena.
We took a Brass-Pipe bended like a Siphon, and fitted at the bigger end with a Stop-cock &c, See Plate the Fig. the and the Annotations at the close of this Experiment. as is delineated in the Figure, (which Instrument for brevities sake I often call an Exhausting (or Sucking) Siphon,) and to the slender end of this we fastned with good Cement the upper end of a Cylindrical Pipe of Glass, of about fifty inches long, and open at both ends, and having the lower end open into a Glass of stagnant Quick-silver, whose upper Superficies reacht a pretty deal higher than the immerst Orifice of the Glass Cane. These things being thus prepared, we caus'd the Pump to be set on work, whereby the Air being by degrees drawn out of the Exhausting Siphon, and consequently of the Glass-Cane that open'd into it; the stagnant Mercury was proportionably impell'd up into the Glass-pipe, till it had attain'd to its due height, which exceeded not 30. inches. And then, though there remain'd in the upper part of the Pipe above 20 inches unfill'd with Quick-silver, yet we could not by further pumping raise that fluid Metal any higher.
By which it seems manifest enough, that whatever many Learned men have taught, or others do yet believe about the unlimited power that Nature would exercise, to prevent what they call [Page 31] a Vacuum; yet this power has its bounds, and those depend not so much upon the Exigency of that Principle, which the School-men call a fuga vacui, as upon the specifick Gravity of the Liquor to be rais'd by Suction. For confirmation of which, we substituted in stead of the stagnant Mercury a bason of Water, and though instead of the many Sucks we had fruitlesly imploy'd to raise the Quick-silver above the lately mentioned height, we now imploy'd but one Exsuction, (or less then a full one,) which did but in part empty the Exhausting Siphon: yet the Water upon the opening of the Stop-cock was not onely impell'd to the very top of the Glass-Cane, but likewise continued running for a good while through the Exhausting Siphon, and thence fell upon the plate of the Engine; so that it seem'd an odd spectacle to those that knew not the reason of it, to see the Water running very briskly of its own accord as they imagined out of the shorter leg of a Siphon; especially that leg being perhaps not above a a quarter so long as the other. And here I must not omit this considerable circumstance, that though sometimes in the Torricellian Experiment I have observ'd the Mercury to stand at thirty inches, and now and then above it, yet the height of the Mercury elevated in our Glass-Cane appear'd not, when measured, to reach fully 29. inches and a quarter, which I thought it was not difficult to render a reason of, from the varying weight of the Atmosphere; and accordingly consulting the Baroscope, (that stood in another room,) I found the Atmosphere to be at that time somewhat light, the Quick-silver in it being in height but 29. inches and an eighth, which probably would have been the very height of the Quick-silver rais'd by the Engine, if it had had time by standing to free it self from Bubbles.
From whence we may conclude, that Suction will elevate liquors in Pumps no higher then the weight of the Atmosphere is able to raise them, since the closeness requisite in the Pump of our Engine to be stanch makes it very unlikely, that by any ordinary Pump a more accurate Suction can be effected.
[Page 32] I have nothing to adde about the related Experiment but this one; that it may afford us a notable confirmation of the argument we formerly propos'd against them, that ascrib'd the elevation and sustentation of the Quick-silver in the Torricellian Experiment to a certain rarified Air, which the more highly it is rarified, the greater power it acquires to attract Quick-silver, and other contiguous Bodies; for in our Experiment though by continuing to pump we can rarifie or distend more and more the Air in the Exhausting Siphon, yet we were not able to raise the Mercury above 30 inches, (which exceeds not the height to which the Atmosphere is able to elevate it,) and this, though, the stagnant Mercury being exposed to the free Air, it cannot be pretended (as in some other cases it may, though not satisfactorily, be done) that the Mercury cannot be raised higher, without offering violence to the body incumbent on the stagnant Mercury: for in the Experiment we are considering if Nature should raise the Quick-silver higher and higher in the Pipe, to succeed in the room of the Air that is withdrawn; the formerly Stagnant Mercury, that would on this occasion be rais'd, might be immediately succeeded by the free and undilated Air, so that Nature would be put to offer violence to the Quick-silver onely, which if she were scrupulous to do, what ayl'd her to raise it (as she did in our Tryal) against the inclinations of so ponderous a body, to above 29. Inches high?
Though the Exhausting Siphon, mentioned at the beginning of this Experiment, may be easily enough conceiv'd by an attentive inspection of the Figure, yet because I frequently make use of it in Pneumatical Experiments, twill not be amiss to intimate here once for all these three particulars about it. 1. That though the bending Pipe its self may be for some uses more conveniently made of Glass than of Metal, because the Transparency of the former may inable us to discover what passes in it; yet for [Page 33] the most part we choose to imploy Pipes of the latter sort, because the others are so very subject to break. 2. That tis convenient to make the longer leg of the Siphon a little larger at the bottom than the rest of the Pipe usually needs to be, that it may the more commodiously admit the shank of a Stop-cock, which is to be very carefully inserted with Cement; by seasonably turning and returning of which Stop-cock, the passage (for the Air) between the Engine and the Vessel to be exhausted is to be opened and shut. 3. That though we sometimes content our selves to apply immediately the brass Siphon its self to the Engine, by fastning with Cement the external shank of the Stop-cock to the Orifice of the little Pipe, through which the Excuction of the Air is made; yet the bended Pipe alone, if it be not almost constantly held, is so apt to be loosen'd by the motion of the Engine, and the turning of the Stopcock, (which frequently occasions Leaks, and disturbs the Operation,) that for the most part we make use of a Siphon consisting of a brass Pipe, See plate the Figure the and Stop-cock, and a Glass of 6, 8, or 10 Inches in height, and of some such shape (for it need not be the very same) as that represented in the Figure: for by this means, though the Exhaustion is because of this additional Glass, somewhat longer in making, yet it is more securely and uninterruptedly carried on by reason of the stability, which the breadth of the lower Orifice of the Glass gives to the whole Instrument. Besides which, we have these other conveniences, that not onely the Siphon is hereby much lengthned, which in divers Tryals is very fit; but also that we may commodiously place in the Glassie part of this compounded Syphon a Gage, whereby to discern from time to time how much the Air is drawn out of the Vessel to be exhausted.
About the differing Heights whereto Liquors will be elevated by Suction, according to their several Specifick Gravities.
IF, when I was making the foregoing Experiment, I had been able to procure a Pipe long enough, I had tried to what height I could raise Water by Suction, though I would have done it rather to satisfie Others then my self, who scarce doubted, but that as Water is (bulk for bulk) about 14 times lighter than Quick-silver: so it would have been rais'd by Suction to about four or five and thirty foot, (which is 14 times as high as we were able to elevate the Quick-silver,) and no higher. But being not furnished for the Tryal I would have made, I thought fit to substitute another, which would carry the former Experiment somewhat further. For whereas, in That, we shew'd how high the Atmosphere was able by its whole Gravitation to raise Quick-silver; and whereas likewise that, which appears in Monsieur Paschals Experiment, is, at what height the whole weight of the Atmosphere can sustain a Cylinder of Water: by the way that I thought on, it would appear, (which hath not yet (that I know of) been shewn,) how a part of the Pressure of the Air would in perpendicular Pipes raise not onely the two mentioned Liquors, but others also to Heights answerable to the degree of Pressure, and proportionable to the specifick Gravities of the respective Liquors.
To make this Tryal the more clear and free from exceptions, I caus'd to be made and inserted to the shorter Leg of the above mentioned Exhausting Siphon a short Pipe; which brancht it self equally to the right hand and the left, Plate the Fig. the as the adjoyning Figure declares. In which contrivance I aim'd at these two conveniences: one that I might exhaust two Glass-Canes at the same time; and the other, to prevent its being surmis'd that the Engine was not equally applied to both the Glasses to be exhausted. This [Page 35] additional Brass-pipe being carefully cemented into the Sucking Syphon, we did to each of its two branches take care to have well fastned with the same Cement a Cylindrical Glass of about 42 Inches in length, (that being somewhat near the height of our exhausting Syphon above the floor,) the lower Orifice of one of these two Glasses being immerst in a vessel of stagnant Mercury, and that of the other in a vessel of Water, where care was taken by those I imploy'd, that as the Tubes were chosen near of a bigness, (which yet was not necessary,) so the surfaces of the two different Liquors should be near of a height. This being done, we began to pump warily and slowly, till the Water in one of the Pipes was elevated to about 42 inches, and then measuring the height of the Quick-silver, in the other Pipe above the surface of the Stagnant Quick-silver, we found it to be almost 3 Inches; so that the Water was about 14 times as high as the Quick-silver. And to prosecute the Experiment a little further, we very warily let in a little Air to the Exhausting Syphon, and had the pleasure to see the two Liquors proportionably descend, till turning the Stop-cock when the Water was about 14 inches high, we thereby kept them from sinking any lower, till we had measured the height of the Quick-silver, which we found to be about one inch.
We tried also the proportion of these two Liquors at other heights, but could not easily measure thē so well as we did at those newly mentioned; and therefore though there seem'd to be some slight variation, yet we lookt upon it but as what might be well imputed to the difficulty of making such Experiments exactly; and this displeas'd me not in these Tryals, that whereas it was observ'd, and somewhat wondred at, that the Quick-silver for the most part seem'd to be somewhat (though but a very little) higher then the proportion of 1 to 14 required, I had long before by particular Tryals found, that though 14 and 1 be the nearest of small integer numbers that express the proportion between the Specifick Gravities of Quicksilver and Water, yet the former of those Fluids (or at least that which I made my Tryals with) is not [Page 36] quite so heavy as this proportion supposes, though I shall not here stay to determine precisely the difference, having done it in another Tract, where the method I imployed in the investigation of it is also set down.
The above mentioned Experiment, made by the help of our Engine, as to Quick-silver and Water being confirmable by Tryals (to be by and-by mentioned) made in other Liquors, affords our Hypothesis two considerable advantages above the vulgar doctrine of the Schools, (for I do not apply what follows to all the Plenists,) who ascribe the ascension of Liquors by Suction to a Traction made ob fugam vacui, as they are wont to speak.
For first it is manifestly agreeable to our Doctrine, that, since the Air, according to It, is a Fluid that is not void of Weight, it should raise those Liquors that are lighter, as Water, higher then those that are ponderous, as Quick-silver; and that answerably to the disparity of their Weights▪ And secondly, there is no reason why, if the Air be withdrawn by Suction from Quick silver and Water, there should be less left a vacuum above the one then above the other, in case either of them succeed not in the place deserted by the Air, and consequently when the Air is withdrawn out of both the forementioned Glass-pipes, if there would be no vacuum in case no liquor should succeed it, why does Nature needlesly to prevent a vacuum make the Water that is an heavy body ascend contrary to its own nature, according to which it tends towards the Center of the Earth? And if the succeeding of a liquor be necessary to prevent a vacuum, how chance that Nature does not elevate the Quick-silver as well as the Water, especially since tis manifest by the foregoing Experiment that she is able to raise that ponderous Liquor above 26 inches higher than she did in the Experiment we are now discoursing of.
Perhaps it would not be amiss to take notice, on this occasion, that among other applications of this Experiment it may be made somewhat useful to estimate the differing Gravities of liquors, to [Page 37] w ch purpose I caus'd to be put under the bottom of the forementioned Glass pipes two vessels, the one with fresh water, & the other with the like water impregnated with a good proportion of Seasalt that I had caus'd to be dissolv'd in it, for want of Sea-water, which I would rather have imploy'd. And I found, that when the fresh water was rais'd to about 42 inches, the Saline solution had not fully reacht to 40.
But though this difference were double to that which the proportion and Gravity betwixt our Sea-water and fresh water would have required, yet to make the disparity more evident, and also because I would be able the better to guess at the proportion of the dissolv'd Salt by making it as great as I could, I caus'd an unusual Brine to be made, by suffering Sea-salt to deliquate in the moist Air. And having applyed this Liquor and fresh water to the two already mentioned Pipes, and proceeded after the former manner, we found that when the pure water was elevated to near 42 Inches, the liquor of Sea-salt wanted about 7. Inches and a quarter of that height; and when the water was made to subside to the middle of its Pipe, or thereabouts, the Saline liquor in the other Pipe was between 3 and 4 inches lower then it.
I would have tryed the difference between these Liquors and Oyl, but the Coldness of the Weather was unfavourable to such a Tryal: but to shew a far greater Disparity then That would have done betwixt the height of Liquors of unequal Gravities, I took fair Water, and a liquor made of the Salt of Pot-ashes suffered to run in a Sellar per deliquium, (this being one of the ponderousest Liquors I have prepar'd,) and having proceeded as in the former Tryals, I found that when the common Water was about 42 inches high, the newly mention'd Solution wanted somewhat of 30 inches; and when the Water was made to subside to the middle of its Pipe, or thereabouts, the deliquated Liquor was between 6 and 7 inches lower then it.
I had some thoughts, when I applied my self to make these Tryals, to examine how well we could by this new way compare [Page 38] the Saltness of the waters of several Seas, and those also of Saltsprings; and likewise whether, and (if any thing near) how far we might by this Method determine the proportion of the more simple Liquors that may be mingled in compounded ones, as in the mixture of Water and Wine, Vinegar and Water, &c. but being not provided with Instruments fit for such nice Tryals, and a mischance having impair'd the Glasses lately mentioned before the last Tryals were quite ended, and having soon after broken one of them, I laid aside those Thoughts.
About the Heights to which Water and Mercury may be rais'd, proportionably to their specifick Gravities, by the Spring of the Air.
IN prosecution of the Parallel formerly begun, betwixt the Effects of the Weight of the Atmosphere, and the Spring of included Air, we thought fit after the foregoing to make the following Experiment.
We took a strong Glass-bottle, capable to hold above a Pint of Water, and having in the bottom of it lodg'd a convenient quantity of Mercury, we pour'd on it a greater quantity of Water, (because this Liquor was to be impell'd up many times higher than the other,) and having provided two slender Glass-pipes, each open at both ends, we so plac'd and fastned them, by means of the Cement wherewith we choak'd the upper part of the neck of the Bottle, that the shorter of the Pipes had its lower Orifice immerst beneath the surface of the Quick-silver, and the longer Pipe reacht not quite so low as that Surface, and so was immerst but in the Water, by which contrivance we avoided the necessity of having two distinct vessels for our two stagnant Liquors, which would have been inconvenient in regard of the slenderness of the upper part of our Receiver. This done, we conveyed the Bottle [Page 39] into a fitly shap'd Receiver, (formerly describ'd at the first Experiment,) and having begun to pump out the Air, we took notice to what heights the Quick-silver and Water were impell'd up in their respective Tubes, on which we had before made marks from inch to inch with hard Wax, (that they might not be remov'd by wet or rubbing,) and we observ'd, that when the Quicksilver was impell'd up to two inches, the Water was rais'd to about eight and twenty; and when the Quick-silver was about one inch high, the Water was about fourteen. I say, about, partly because some allowances must be made for the sinking of the Superficies of the Stagnant Quicksilver, and the greater subsidence of that of the stagnant Water, by reason of the Liquors impell'd into the two Pipes; partly because that the breadth of the Mark of wax was considerable, when the Quick-silver was but about an inch high, and so made it difficult to discern the exact height of the Metal, when the water was fallen down to fourteen inches: especially in regard that the Quick-silver never ascending so high as the neck of the Bottle, (which the water left far beneath it,) the thickness of the Receiver, and that of so strong a Bottle made it difficult to discern so clearly the station of the Quick-silver as I could have wished.
About the Heights answerable to their respective Gravities, to which Mercury and Water will subside, upon the withdrawing of the Spring of the Air.
FOr the further illustration of the Doctrine propos'd in the last and some of the foregoing Experiments, about the raising and sustentation of Liquors in Pipes by the Pressure of the Air; I thought it not unfit to make the following Tryal, though it were easie to foresee in this peculiar Experiment a peculiar difficulty.
[Page 40] We caus'd then to be convey'd into a fitly shap'd Receiver two Pipes of Glass very uneven in length, but each of them seal'd at one end, the shorter Tube was fill'd with Mercury, and inverted into a small Glass Jarr, wherein a sufficient quantity of that Liquor had been before lodg'd: the longer Pipe was fill'd with common Water, and inverted into a larger Glass, wherein likewise a fit proportion of the same Liquor had been put.
Then the Receiver being closely cemented on to the Engine, the Air was pump'd out for a pretty while before the Mercury began to subside; but when it was so far withdrawn, that its Pressure was no longer able to keep up a Mercurial Cylinder of that height, that liquid Metal began to sink; the Water in the other Tube, though this were three times as long, still retaining its full height. But when the Quick-silver was fallen so low, as to be but between three & four inches above the surface of the Stagnant Quick-silver, the Water also began to subside, but sooner then according to the laws of meer Staticks it ought to have done, because many Aerial Particles emerging from the body of the Water to the upper part of the Glass, did by their Spring concurr with the Gravity of the water to depress this Liquor. And so when the Quick-silver was three inches above the stagnant Mercury, the water in the other Pipe was fallen divers inches beneath 42, and several inches beneath 28 when the Mercury had subsided an inch lower. But this being no more then was to be expected, after we had caus'd the Pumping to be a while continued, to free the water the better from the latitant Air, we let in the external Air, and having thereby impell'd up again both the Liquors into their Pipes, and remov'd the Receiver we took out those Pipes, and inverting each of them again to let out the Air, (for even that wich held the Quick-silver had got a small Bubble, though inconsiderable in comparison of the Air that had got up out of the Water,) we fill'd each of them with a little of the restagnant Liquor belonging to it, and inverting each Tube once more into its proper liquor, we repeated the Experiment, and found it, as it [Page 41] seem'd, to require more pumping then before to make the Liquors begin to subside; so that when the Mercury was fallen to three inches, or two, or one, the water subsided so near to the heights of 42, 28, or 14 inches, that we saw no sufficient cause to hinder us from supposing, that the litle differences that appear'd between the several heights of the Quick-silver, and fourteen times as great heights of the Water (which fell somewhat lower than its proportion in Gravity required) proceeded from some Aerial Corpuscles yet remaining, in spite of all we had done, in the water, and by their Spring, though but faint, when once they had emerg'd to the upper part of the Glass, furthering a little the depression of it: not now to mention lesser Circumstances, particularly, that the surface of the stagnant Water did not inconsiderably rise by the accession of the Water lately in the Pipe; whereby the Cylinder of water, rais'd above that surface, became by so much the shorter. However Your Lordship may, if You think fit, cause the Experiment to be reiterated, which I could not so well do, by reason of a mischance that befell the Receiver.
About the greatest height to which Water can be rais'd by Attraction or Sucking Pumps.
SInce the making and the writing of the foregoing Experiments, having met with an opportunity to borrow a place somewhat convenient to make a Tryal to what height Water may be rais'd by Pumping; I thought not fit to neglect it. For though both by the consideration of our Hypothesis, to whose truth so many Phaenomena bear witness; and though particularly by the Consequences deduceable from the three last recited Experiments I were kept from doubting what the event would be, yet I thought it worth while to make the Tryal.
[Page 42] I know what is said to have been the Complaint of some Pump-makers. But I confess the Phaenomenon, 'twas grounded on, seem'd not to me to be certainly enough deliver'd by a Writer or two, that mention what they complain'd of; and their observation seems not to have been made determinately or carefully enough for a matter of this moment. Since that which they complain of seems to have been in general, that they could not by pumping raise Water to what height they please, as the common Opinion of Philosophers about Natures fuga vacui made them expect they might. And it may well have happen'd, that as they endeavoured onely to raise it to the height their occasions required, so all that their Disappointment manifested, was, that they could not raise it to that particular height: which did not determine, whether if the Pump had been a Foot or a Yard shorter, the Water would then have been elevated to the upper part of it or no: but that which I chiefly consider is, that these being but Tradesmen, that did not work according to the Dictates of, or with design to satisfie, a Philosophical Curiosity, we may justly suspect, that their Pumps were not sufficiently stanch, nor the Operation Critically enough perform'd and taken notice of.
Wherefore, partly because a Tryal of such moment seem'd not to have yet been duely made by any; and partly because the varying weight of the Atmosphere was not (that appears) known, nor (consequently) taken into consideration by the ingenious Monsieur Paschal in his famous Experiment, which yet is but analogous to this; and partly because some very Late as well as Learned Writers have not acquiesc'd in his Experiment, but do adhere to the old Doctrine of the Schools, which would have Water raiseable in Pumps to any height, ob fugam vacut, (as they speak,) I thought fit to make the best shift I could to make the Tryal, of which I now proceed to give Your Lordship an Account.
The place I borrowed for this purpose was a flat Roof about 30 foot high from the ground, and with Railes along the edges [Page 43] of it. The Tube we made use of should have been of Glass, if we could have procured one long and strong enough. But that being exceeding difficult, especially for me, who was not near a Glass-house, we were fain to cause a Tin-man to make several Pipes of above an inch bore, (for of a great length 'twas alleadg'd they could not be made slenderer,) and as long as he could, of Tin or Laton, as they call thin Plates of Iron Tinn'd over; and these being very carefully soder'd together made up one Pipe, of about one or two and thirty foot long, which being tied to a Pole we tried with Water whether it were stanch, and by the effluxions of that Liquor finding where the Leaks were, we caus'd them to be stopt with Soder, and then for greater security the whole Pipe, especially at the Commissures, was diligently cas'd over with our close black Cement, upon which Plaister of Paris was strewed to keep it from sticking to their hands or cloaths that should manage the Pipe. At the upper part of which was very carefully fastned with the like Cement a strong Pipe of Glass, of between 2 and 3 foot in length, that we might see what should happen at the top of the water. And to the upper part of this Pipe was (with Cement, and by the means of a short elbow of Tin) very closely fastned another Pipe of the same Metal, consisting of two pieces, making a right Angle with one another, whereof the upper part was parallel to the Horizon, and the other, which was parallel to the Glass-pipe, reacht down to the Engine, which was plac'd on the flat Roof, and was to be with good Cement sollicitously fastned to the lower end of this descending part of the Pipe, whose Horizontal leg was supported by a piece of Wood, nail'd to the above mentioned Rails; as the Tube also was kept from overmuch shaking by a board, (fasten'd to the same Rails,) and having a deep Notch cut in it, for the Tube to be inserted into.
This Apparatus being made, See plate the Figure the and the whole Tube with its Pole erected along the Wall, and fastned with strings and other helps, and the descending Pipe being carefully cemented on [Page 44] to the Engine, there was plac'd under the bottom of the long Tube a convenient vessel, whereinto so much Water was poured, as reach'd a great way above the orifice of the Pipe, and one was appointed to stand by to pour in more as need should require, that the vessel might be still kept competently full.
After all this the Pump was set on work, but when the water had been raised to a great height, and consequently had a great Pressure against the sides of the Tube, a small Leak or two was either discovered or made, which without moving the Tube we caus'd to be well stopt, by one that was sent up a Ladder to apply store of Cement where it was requisite.
Wherefore at length we were able after a pretty number of Exuctions, to raise the Water to the middle of the Glass-pipe above mentioned, but not without great store of bubbles, (made by the Air formerly conceal'd in the pores of the water, and now emerging,) which for a pretty while kept a kind of Foam upon the surface of it, (fresh ones continually succeeding those that broke.) And finding the Engine and Tube as stanch as could be well expected, I thought it a fit season to trie what was the utmost height to which Water could by Suction be elevated; and therefore though the Pump seem'd to have been plyed enough already, yet for further satisfaction, when the Water was within few inches of the top of the Glass, I caus'd 20 Exuctions more to be nimbly made, to be sure that the water should be raised as high as by our Pump it could be possibly. And having taken notice where the Surface rested, and caus'd a piece of Cement to be stuck near it, (for we could not then come to reach it exactly,) and descending to the Ground where the stagnant water stood, we caus'd a string to be let down, with a weight hanging at the end of it, which we applied to a mark, that had been purposely made at that part of the (Metalline) Tube, which the superficies of the stagnant water had rested at, when the water was elevated to its full height: and the other end of the string being, by him that let it down, applied to that part of the Glass, as near as he could guess, [Page 45] where the upper part of the Water reacht, the Weight was pull'd up; and the length of the string, and (consequently) the height of the Cylinder of Water was measur'd, which amounted to 33 foot, and about 6 inches. Which done, I return'd to my lodging, which was not far off, to look upon the Baroscope, to be informed of the present weight of the Atmosphere, which I found to be but moderate, the Quick-silver standing at 29 inches, and between 2 and 3 eights of an inch. This being taken notice of, it was not difficult to compare the success of the Experiment with our Hypothesis. For if we suppose the most received proportion in bulk between Cylinders of Quick-silver and of Water of the same weight, namely that of 1 to 14, the height of the water ought to have been 34 foot and about two inches, which is about 8 inches greater than we found it. But then Your Lordship may be pleased to remember, that I formerly noted (before ever I made this Experiment) that I did not allow the proportion betwixt Mercury and Water (at least such water as I made my Tryals with) to be altogether so great, and though in ordinary Experiments we may with very litle inconvenience make use of that proportion to avoid fractions, yet in so tall a Cylinder of Water as ours was, the difference is too considerable to be neglected. If therefore in stead of making an Inch of Quick-silver equivalent to 14 inches of Water, we abate but a quarter of an inch, which is but a 56 part of the height of the Water, this abatement being repeated 29 times and a quarter, will amount to 7 inches, and above a quarter, which added to the former height of the Water, namely 33 Foot and 6 inches, will make up 34 foot and above an inch; so that the difference between the height of the Mercury sustain'd by the weight of the Atmosphere in the Baroscope, and that of the Water rais'd and sustain'd by the Pressure of the same Atmosphere in the long Tube did not appear to differ more than an Inch or two from the proportion they ought to have had, according to the difference of their specifick Gravities. And though in our Experiment the difference had been [Page 46] greater, provided it exceeded not 8 or 10 Inches, it would not have been strange: partly, because of the difficulty of measuring all things so exactly in such an Experiment, partly because as Waters are not all of the same weight, so a little disparity of it in so long a Cylinder may be considerable, and partly (and perhaps chiefly) because the Air flying out of the bubbles, that rose out of so great a quantity of water, and breaking at the top of it, and so near that of the Tube, might by its Spring (though but very weak) assisting the weight of so much water, somewhat (though not much) hinder the utmost elevation of that Liquor. But our Experiment did not make it needful for me to insist on these considerations, and the inconsiderable difference that was betwixt the height of the water we found, and that which might have been wish'd, did rather countenance then at all difavour the thing to be made out by our Experiment, since by no Pumping we could raise the Water quite so high (though I confess it wanted but very little) as the weight of the Atmosphere was able to keep up a Cylinder of Mercury proportionable to it in height, and equivalent in weight: and yet I presume, Your Lordship will easily grant, that there was at least as much care used in this Experiment, to keep the things imploy'd about it tight, as has been wont to be used by Tradesmen in their Pumps, where tis not so easie either to prevent a little insinuation of the Air, or to discern it.
Tis not that I am sure, that even all our care would have kept the water for any long time at its full height; but, that the Air was sufficiently exhausted for our purpose, when we determin'd the height of the water, I was induc'd to conclude by these Circumstances.
1. As well the construction of the Engine, as the many (formerly related) Experiments, that have been successfully tryed with it, shew that tis not like it should be inferiour in closeness to the great Water-Pumps, made by ordinary Tradesmen: and particularly [Page 47] the XI. Experiment foregoing, manifests, that by this Pump Quick-silver was rais'd to as great a height, as the Atmosphere is able to support in the Torricellian Experiment.
2. The stanchness of the Pipe appear'd by the Diminution (as to number) of Bubbles, that appear'd at the top of the Water, and by their size too, for when there was a leak, (though but so very small, that the water could not get out at it in the Tube,) it might usually be taken notice of by the attentive ear of him that stood to watch upon the Ladder, erected by the side of the Tube; and the Air that got in, did easily discover it self to the Eye by large Bubbles, manifestly differing from those that came from the Aerial particles belonging to the water; and if the leak were not so very small, the Air that got in would suddenly lift up the water above it, and perhaps fill with it the descending Pipe.
3. Though there had been some imperceptible Leak, yet that would not have hindred the success of the Experiment for the main. For in leaks that have been but small, though manifest enough, we have often, by causing the Pump to be ply'd less nimbly then it now was, been able to prosecute our Tryals; because the Pump carried of still more Air than could get in at a leak that was no greater.
4. And that litle or no (intruding) Air was left in the upper part of our Tube, was evident by those marks, whereby it was easie for them that are well acquainted with the Pump, to estimate what Air is left in the vessel it should exhaust, and particularly towards the end of our operation I observ'd, that when the Sucker was deprest, there came out of the Water that cover'd the Pump, so very few bubbles, that they might be imputed to the Air afforded by the Bubbles, springing from the water in the Tube; whereas if any adventious Air had got into that Cylinder of water, it would have appear'd in the water that cover'd the Pump.
5. Lastly, it were very strange, that if the water was but casually [Page 48] hindred by some Leak from ascending any higher, it should be so easy to raise it to the very number of feet that our Hypothesis requires, and yet we should be unable by obstinate Pumping to raise it one foot higher.
Note, 1. as soon as we had made our Experiment, and thereby found, that what was requisite to it was in order; I sent to give notice of it to D r Wallis, and D r Wren, as Persons whose curiosity makes them as well delighted with such Tryals, as their deep knowledg makes Them most competent Judges of them. But before They could be found, and come, it being grown somewhat late and windy, I that was not very well, and had tired my self with going up and down, could not stay with them so long as I intended, but leaving the rest of the Repeated Experiment to be shewn them by I. M. (who had been very industrious in fitting and erecting the Tube) they and their Learned friend (whom they brought with them) Doctor Millington, told me a while after, that they also had found the greatest height, to which they could raise the water, to be 33 foot and an half.
2. When the Water began first to appear in the Glass, the Bubbles would be, as I had foretold, exceeding numerous; so as to make a froath of near a foot high, if the water were newly brought, and had never been rais'd in the Tube before. But if the Pumping were long continued, the number and height (or at least one of the two) of the Aggregate of Bubbles, would (as there remain'd fewer and fewer Aerial particles in the water) be lesser and lesser; but their emerging did never that I remember wholly cease.
3. At the beginning also there would appear great vibrations of the water in the upper part of the Tube; the rising and the falling amounting sometimes to a foot, or near half a yard: but these grew lesser and lesser, as those of the Quicksilver in the Torricellian Experiment use to do.
4. One may use an ordinary Pail to hold the stagnant water; but we rather imploy'd a vessel of Earth made (for another purpose) [Page 49] somewhat slender, and of a Cylindrical shape, because in a narrow vessel tis more easie to guess by the rising and falling of the Liquor, how the Pump is ply'd, and to perceive even smaller Leaks.
5. I must not forget to take notice, that though the newly nam'd Gentlemen came to me (when they had seen the Experiment tryed) within less than an hour after the time I had look'd upon the Baroscope, and observ'd the Quick-silver to stand somewhat beneath 29 inches, and 3 eights; yet when presently upon their return I consulted the same instrument again, the Mercury appear'd to be sensibly risen, being somewhat (though but very litle) above 9 and 20 inches, and 3 eights, and 5 or 6 hours after (at bed-time) I found it to be yet more considerably risen. Which may keep Your Lordship from wondring at what I intimated a little above, touching Monsieur Paschal's Experiment, as well as touching the disappointment of the Pump-makers endeavours. For tis not onely possible, that (as I have elsewhere noted) Water may be raised in the same Pump (though we suppose it still equally stanch) higher at one time than at another: but 'twas contingent, that, in Monsieur Paschal's noble attempt to imitate the Torricellian Experiment with Water in stead of Quick-silver, the proportion betwixt the heights of those two Liquors in their respective Tubes answer'd so well to their specifick Gravities. For, the varying weight of the Atmosphere being not then (that appears) known, or consequently taken into consideration; if Monsieur Paschal, having tryed the Torricellian Experiment, when the Air was for instance very heavy, had tryed his own Experiment, when the Atmosphere had been as light as I have often enough observ'd it to be, he might have found his Cylinder of Water to have been half a Yard or two foot shorter than the formerly measur'd height of the Quick-silver would have required.
I have now no more to adde about this 15 th Experiment, but that it may serve for a sufficient confirmation of what I note in another [Page 50] Treatise, against those Hydraulical & Pneumatical Writers, who pretend to teach wayes of making Water pass by inflected Pipes, and by the help of Suction, from one side of a Mountain to the other, be the Mountain never so high. For, if the Water be to ascend as 'twere spontaneously above 35 or 36 foot, a Sucking Pump will not ordinarily, at least here in England, be able to raise it.
And now I speak of Mountains, it will not be altogether impertinent to add, that if it had not been for unseasonable weather, I had thought fit to make the foregoing 11 th Experiment (of elevating Mercury by Suction) to be tryed at the top of an Hill, not far from the place I then was at. For by what has been already delivered, it appears, that we might have estimated the height, to which the Water may be there elevated by Suction, without repeating the Experiment with a thirty five foot Tube, (which we could not hope for conveniency to do,) by the utmost height to which our Engine could have rais'd Mercury: and it may be of some use to be able from Experiments to make some estimate (for it can scarce be an accurate one) how much it may be expected, that Pumps shall ( caeteris paribus) loose of their power of elevating Water by Suction, by being imploy'd at the top of an Hill, in stead of being so at the bottom, or on a Plain. Remembring always what I lately intimated, that even in the same place Liquors will be brought to ascend by Suction to a greater or less height at one time than another, according to the varying Gravity of the Atmosphere.
About the bending of a Springy Body in the Exhausted Receiver.
THe cause of the Motion of Restitution in Bodies, and consequently of that which makes some of them Springy, which [Page 51] far the greater part of them are not, has been ingeniously attempted by some Modern Corpuscularians, and especially Cartesians; but since divers Learned and Judicious men do still look upon the cause of Elasticity, as a thing that needs to be yet farther enquired into; and because I am not my self so well satisfied as to blame their Curiosity, I held it not unfit to examine by the help of our Engine their Conjecture, who imagine that the Air may have a great stroak in the making of bodies Springy; and this I the rather did, because I had In Notes about the history of Elasticity. elswhere shewn, that there is no need to assert, that in all Bodies, that have it, the Elastical power flows immediately from the Form, but that in divers of them it depends upon the Mechanicanical structure of the Body.
To make some Tryal therefore, whether the Air have any great Interest in the Motion of Restitution, we took a piece of Whalebone of a convenient bigness and length, and having fasten'd one end of it in a hole made in a thick and heavy Trencher, to be placed on the Plate of the Engine, we tyed to the other end a Weight, whereby the Whalebone was moderately bent, the weight reaching down so near to a Body plac'd in a level position under it, that if the Spring were but a little weaken'd, the weight must either lean upon, or at least touch the Horizontal plain: or if on the other side the Spring should grow sensibly stronger, it might be easily perceiv'd by the distance of the weight, which was so near the plain, that a litle increase of it must be visible.
This done, we convey'd these things into the Receiver, and order'd those that pump'd to shake it as litle as they could, that the weight might not knock against the Body that lay under it, or so shake it, as to hinder us from discerning whether or no it were depress'd by the bare withdrawing of the Air.
And when the Air had been well pump'd out, I watcht attentively whether any notable Change in the distance of the weight from the almost contiguous plain would be produc'd upon its being let in again: for the weight was then at rest, and the returning [Page 52] Air flowing in much more speedily than it could before be drawn out, I thought this the likeliest time to discover whether the absence of the Air had sensibly altered the Spring of the Whalebone. But though the Experiment were made more than once, I could satisfie my self onely in this, that the depression or elevation of the Weight, that was due to the true and meer change of the Spring, was not very considerable, since I did not think my self sure, that I perceiv'd any at all: for though it be true, that sometimes, when the Receiver was well exhausted, the Weight seem'd to be a little deprest, yet That I thought was very litle, if any thing more than what might be ascrib'd to the absence of the Air, not consider'd as a Body that had any thing to do directly with the Spring, but as a Body that had some (though but a litle) Weight; upon which account it made the medium, wherein the Experiment was tried, contribute to support the Weight that bent the Spring; which Weight, when the Air was absent, must (being now in a lighter medium) have its Gravitation increas'd by as much weight, as a quantity of the exhausted Air, equal to it in bulk, could amount to. But this Experiment being tried only with VVhalebone, and in a Receiver not very Great, may deserve to be further tryed in taller Glasses, with Springs of other kinds, and by the motions of a VVatch, and other more artificial Contrivances.
About the making of Mercurial, and other Gages, whereby to estimate how the Receiver is exhausted.
BEcause the Air being invisible, it is not always easie to know whether it be sufficiently pump'd out of the Receiver that was to be exhausted; we thought it would be very convenient to have some Instrument within the Receiver, that might serve [Page 53] for a Gage, or Standard; whereby to judge whether or not it were sufficiently exhausted.
To this purpose divers Expedients were thought on, and some of them put in practise; which, though not equally commodious, may yet all of them be usefully imploy'd, one on this occasion, and another on that.
The First (if I misremember not) that I propos'd, was a Bladder, (which may be greater or less, according to the Size of the Vessel it is to serve for) to be very strongly tied at the neck, after having had onely so much Air left in the folds of it, as may serve to blow up the Bladder to its full dimensions, when the Receiver is very well exhausted, and not before. But though Your Lord-ship will hereafter find that I yet make use of small Bladders on certain occasions, in which they are peculiarly convenient, yet in many cases they do, when the Glasses are well exhausted, take up too much room in them, and hinder the Objects, included in the Receiver, from being observ'd from all the sides of it.
Another sort of Gage was made with Quick-silver, pour'd into a very short Pipe, which was afterwards inverted into a litle Glass of stagnant Quick-silver, according to the manner of the Torricellian Experiment. For this Pipe being but a very few inches long, the Mercury in it would not begin to descend, till a very Great proportion of Air was pump'd out of the Receiver; because till then, the Spring of the remaining Air would be strong enough to be able to keep up so short a Cylinder of Mercury. And this kind of Gage is no bad one. But because, to omit some other litle inconveniences, it cannot easily be suspended, (which in divers Experiments 'tis fit the Gage should be,) and the Mercury in it is apt to be too much shaken by the motion of the Engine, there was another kind of Gage by some Ingenious man (who ever he were) substituted in its place, consisting of a kind of Siphon, whose shorter leg hath belonging to it a large Bubble of Glass, most commonly made use of at an Illustrious meeting of Virtuosi; where Your Lordship having seen it, I shall not need to describe it more particularly.
[Page 54] But none of the Gages I had formerly us'd, nor even this last, having the conveniences that some of my Experiments require; I was fain to devise another, which is That I most make use of, as having advantages, some or other of which each of the Gages already mentioned wants; for even that with Spirit of Wine, not to mention lesser disadvantages, hath a Bubble too Great to let it be useful in vessels so slender, as for some purposes I divers times imploy; and this short Cylinder of so light a Liquor as spirit of Wine, makes the subsidence of the Liquor be indeed a good sign that the Receiver is well exhausted, but gives us not an account what Quantity of Air may be in the Receiver, 'till it be arriv'd at that great measure of Rarefaction; and the same Liquor, being upon a very small leak (such as would not be prejudicial to many Experiments) impell'd up to the top of the Gage, we cannot afterwards by this Instrument take any measure of the Air that gets in at the Leak. But now there are divers Experiments where I desire to see the Phaenomena that will happen, not onely (or perhaps not at all) upon the uttermost Exhaustion of the Air, but when the Pressure of it is withdrawn to such or such a measure, and also when the Air is gradually readmitted.
To make the Gage we are speaking of, take a very slender and Cylindrical Pipe of Glass, of 6, 8, 10, or more Inches in length, and not so big as a Goose-quill, See plate the Figure the (but such as we imploy for the Stems of seal'd Weather Glasses,) and having at the flame of a Lamp melted it, but not too near the middle, to make of it by bending it a Siphon, whose two Legs are to be not onely parallel to one another, but as litle distant any where from one another as conveniently may be. In one (which is usually the longer) of these Legs, there is to be left at the top, either half an inch, or a whole inch, or more or less than either, (according to the length of the Gage, or the scope of the Experimenter) of Air in its natural state, neither rarefied, nor condens'd; the rest of the longer leg, and as great a part of the shorter as shall be thought fit, being to be fill'd with Quick-silver. This done, there may be Marks [Page 55] plac'd at the outside of the longer (or sealed) leg, whereby to measure the Expansion of the Air included in the same leg, and these marks may be either litle Glass Knubs, about the bigness of Pins heads, fasten'd by the help of a Lamp at certain distances to the longer leg of the Siphon, or else the divisions of an Inch made on a list of Paper, and pasted on either to the Siphon it self, or to the slender Frame, which on some occasions we fasten the Gage to.
This Instrument being convey'd into a Receiver, (which for expedition sake we choose as small as will serve the turn,) the Air is to be very diligently pump'd out, and then notice is to be taken to what part of the Gage the Mercury is deprest, that we may know, when we shall afterwards see the Mercury driven so far, that the Receiver, the Gage is plac'd in, is well exhausted. And if it be much desired to know more accurately (for one may arrive pretty near the truth by Guess) what stations of the Mercury in the Gage are answerable to the degrees of the Rarefaction of the Air in the Receiver; that may be compassed either by Calculation, (which is not so easie, and supposes some Hypotheses,) or (though not without some trouble) by letting in the water as often as is necessary, into a Receiver, whose intire capacity is first measured, and in which there may be Marks made to shew when the water to be let in shall fill a fourth part, or half, or three quarters &c. of the Cavity. For if (for instance) when the Quick-silver in the Gage is deprest to such a Mark, you let in the water, and that Liquor appears to fill a fourth part of the Receiver, you may conclude, that about a 4 th part of the Air was pump'd out, or that a 4 th part of the Spring, that the whole included Air had, was lost by the Exhaustion, when the Quick silver in the Gage was at the Mark above mentioned; & if the admitted water do considerably either fall short of, or exceed the quantity you expected, you may the next time let in the water either after the Mercury has a litle past the former Mark, or a litle before it is arriv'd at it. And when once you have this way obtain'd one pretty [Page 56] long and accurate Gage, you will not need to take so much pains to make others, since you may divide them by the help of that one; for this being plac'd with any other in a small Receiver, when the Mercury in the Standard-Gage (if I may so call it) is deprest to any of the determinate divisions obtain'd by observation, you may thence conclude how much the Air in the Receiver is rarefied, and consequently by taking notice of the place where the Mercury rests in the other Gage, you may determine what degree of Exhaustion in a Receiver is denoted by that station of the Mercury in this Gage.
Perhaps I need not tell your Lordship that the Ground of this contrivance was, that whereas in divers other Gages, when the Pump came to be obstinately ply'd, the Expansion of the included Air would be so great, that it would either drive out the Liquor, especially if it were light, or in part make an escape through it: I judg'd that in such an Instrument, as that newly describ'd, those inconveniences would be avoided, because that the more the Air should come to be dilated, the greater weight of Quick-silver it would in the shorter Leg have to raise, which would sufficiently hinder it from making that heavy liquor run over; and the same ponderousness of the Liquor, together with the slenderness of the Pipe, would likewise hinder the included Air from getting through in Bubbles.
NB. 1. For most Experiments, where exact measures are not required, it will not be so necessary to mark the Gage at any other station of the Quick-silver then that which tis brought to by the Exhaustion of the Receiver, for by that alone we may know when the Air is well pump'd out of the Receiver, wherein the Gage is included: and when one is a litle us'd to some particular Gage, one may by the subsidence of the Mercury guess at the degree of the Airs rarefaction, so near as may serve the turn in such Experiments. But when this Instrument is to be us'd about nice Tryals, where it may be thought requisite to have it divided according to one of the ways formerly proposed, it will on divers [Page 57] occasions be more secure (in case the maker of the Gage has skill to do it,) to put to the Divisions rather by litle Knubs of Glass, than by Paper; because this will on such occasions be in danger either to be rubb'd off, or wetted. And if Glass-marks be us'd, it will be convenient that every fifth, or tenth, or such Ordinal number as shall be judg'd fit, be made of Glass of a differing colour, for distinction sake, & the more easie reckoning. We sometimes for a need apply, in stead of these Glass-knubs, little marks of hard sealing Wax, which will not be injur'd by moisture, as those Papers will that are pasted on; but these of Wax, though in many cases useful, are not comparable to the other in all, since if they be very small, they are easily rubb'd off, and if large, they make not the Division exact enough, and often hide the true place of the Quick-silver.
I shall here about the Mercurial Gages add onely this Hint, that what I propos'd to my self in that Contrivance, was not onely to estimate the Air pump'd out of the Receiver, or that remaining in it; but also, by the help of this Instrument (as elsewhere by another Experiment) to measure (somewhat near) the strength of the Spring of rarefied Air, according to its several degrees of Rarefaction; and by this Observation, in concurrence with other things, I hoped we might (according to what I have elsewhere insinuated) be assisted to estimate, by the Cylinder of Mercury rais'd in the open leg, the Expansion of the Air included in the sealed leg: but of these things I design'd in this place to give but an Intimation.
3. That leg of the Gage that includes the Air, may be seal'd up either at the beginning, before the Pipe be bent into a Syphon, or (which is much better) after the following manner. Before you bend the Pipe, draw out the end of it, which you mean to seal, to a short and very slender Thread; then having made the Pipe a Siphon, pour into the leg, which is to remain open, as much Quick-silver as you shall judg convenient, which will rise to an equal height in the other leg; out of which by gently inclining [Page 58] the Siphon, you may pour out the superfluous Mercury, (if there be any,) and when you see that there is an inch, or half an inch (or what part you design'd to leave for Air) unfill'd with Mercury, next to the end that is to be clos'd; and that the rest of that leg, and as much (as you think fit) of the other is full of Quick-silver, you may, by keeping the Siphon in the same posture, and warily applying the slender Apex above mentioned to the upper part of the flame of a Lamp, blown Horizontal, easily seal up that Apex without cracking, or prejudicing the open leg, or considerably injuring the Air hole, that was to be seal'd up in the other. And this sealing of one leg must (as tis evident) keep the Mercury suspended in it, though it be higher by divers inches than that in the open leg, till the withdrawing of the external Air enable the included, by expanding it self to depress the Mercury in the seal'd leg, and raise it in the open.
4. How the length of these Mercurial Gages is to be varied, according to the Bigness and Shape of the slender Receivers they are to be imploy'd in, and how they may easily be made either to stand upright at the bottom of the Receiver, or be kept hanging in the middle, or near the top of it (as occasion may require,) and how the open end may be made to secure the Mercury, in cases where that is needful, belongs not so properly to this Treatise, as to the Second part of the Continuation; where, if ever I trouble Your Lordship with it, the Usefulness of this sort of Gages, and the Circumstances that may advantage them, will best appear.
5. There being some Experiments, wherein it is not desir'd that the Receiver should be neer exhausted, but rather that the degrees of the Airs rarefaction, which ought not to be very great, should be well measur'd; we may in such cases make use of Gages shap'd like those hitherto describ'd, but made as long as the Receiver will well admit, and furnish'd in stead of Quick-silver either with spirit of Wine coloured with Cocheneel, or else with the tincture of red Rose-leaves, drawn onely with common Water, [Page 59] made shap by a litle either of the Oyl, or the spirit of Vitriol, or of common Salt. For the lightness of these Liquors in comparison of Quick-silver will allow the Expansins of the Air included in the Gage to be very manifest, and notable enough, though not half, or perhaps a quarter of the Air be pump'd out of the Receiver.
6. You may also in such cases as these, where the Receiver is large enough, and is not to be quite exhausted, make use of a Mercurial Gage, differing from those above describ'd onely in this, that the shorter leg need not be above an inch, or half an inch long, before it expand it self into a Bubble of about half an inch, or an inch in Diameter; and having at the upper part a very short and slender unseal'd Pipe, at which the Air may get in and out: by which Contrivance you may have this Convenience, that You need not include so much Air, as otherwise would be requisite, at the top of the longer Leg, because the Mercury in the shorter cannot, by reason of the breadth of the Bubble, whereinto the Expansion of the Air drives it, be considerably rais'd: Upon which account it becomes more easie to estimate by the Eye the degrees of the included Airs Rarefaction, which may be done almost as easily, as if there were water in stead of Mercury: provided it be remembred, that Quick-silver by reason of its ponderousness, does far more assist the dilatation of the Air, then so much Water would do.
About an easie way to make the Pressure of the Air sensible to the Touch of those that doubt of it.
THough several of our Experiments sufficiently manifest to the Skilful, that the Pressure of the Air is very considerable; yet because some of them require peculiar Glasses, and other [Page 60] Instruments, which are not always at hand, and because there are many that think it surer to estimate the force of Pressure by what they immediately feel, than by any other way; I was invited for the sake of such to imploy an easie Experiment, which usually proved convincing, because it operated on that Sense, whereon they chiefly rely'd.
I caus'd then to be made a hollow (but strong) piece of Brass, not above two or three inches high, (that it might be in a trice exhausted,) and open at both ends, whose Orifices were Circular and parallel, but not equal, (the Instrument being made tapering, so that it might be represented by an excavated Conus truncatus, or a Gigg, with the lower part cut transversly off.) This piece of Brass being cemented on, as if it were a small Receiver to the Engine, the Person, that would not believe the Pressure of the Air to be near so considerable as was represented, was bidden to lay the Palm of his Hand upon the upper Orifice; and being ordered to lean a little upon it, that so the lower part of his hand might prove a close Cover to the Orifice, one Exuction of the Air was made by the help of the Pump: and then upon the withdrawing of the greatest part of the Pressure of the internal Air, that before counterballanc'd that of the External, the Hand being left alone to support the weight of the Ambient Air, would be pressed inwards so forceably, that though the stronger sort of men were able (though not without much adoe) to take off their Hands, yet the weaker sort of Tryers could not do it, (especially if by a second Suck the litle Receiver were better exhausted,) but were fain to stay for the Return of the Air into the Receiver to assist them.
This Experiment being design'd rather to convince than to punish those that were to make it, we took care not onely that the Brass should be so thick, and the Orifices so smooth, that no Sharpness nor Roughness of the Metal should offend the Hand; but also that the narrower Orifice (which was the oftenest made use of) should be but about an inch and a quarter in Diameter. [Page 61] But if any were desirous of a more sensible conviction, 'twas very easie to give it him by making the larger Orifice the uppermost, which was the reason why the Instrument was, as we formerly noted, made tapering. But yet this larger Orifice ought not to exceed 2 Inches, or 2 Inches and 1/2 in wideness, least the great Weight of the Air endanger the breaking or considerably hurting the Hand of the Experimenter. Which Caution I am put in mind of giving, by remembring that I once much endangered my own Hand, through the mistake of him that manag'd the Pump, who unawares to me set it on work, when, for another purpose, I had laid my Hand upon the Orifice of an Instrument of too great a Diameter.
THe famous Experiment of Torricellius, mentioned in the 17 th of our already published Tryals, is of that Noblenesse and Importance, that though divers Learned men have (but upon very differing principles) discours'd of it in Print, which gives me the lesse mind to insist long upon it here, yet I shall not scruple to subjoin some Notes concerning Tryals that I made, (though for want of opportunity I could not repeat them according to my custom,) which I had not met with in Others, and which may serve to confirm the Hypothesis made use of in this Continuation, and the Treatise it belongs to.
About the Subsidence of Mercury in the Tube of the Torricellian Experiment to the level of the stagnant Mercury.
A Baroscope being included in a Receiver, made of a long Bolt head with the lower part of the Ball cut Circularly off, upon the first Exuction of the Air, the Quick-silver that before stood at 29 inches, (the Atmosphere appearing then by a constant Baroscope very light,) would fall so low as to rest at 9 or 10 inches, [Page 62] (for once I measur'd the Subsidence beneath its former Elevation,) and in about three Sucks more it would be brought quite down to the Level of the Stagnant Quick-silver, and somewhat below, (as tis the property of Quick-silver, quite contrary to Water, to rise less in a slender Pipe than in a wide.) The Air being let into the Receiver, the Quick-silver would be impell'd up slowlier or faster, as we pleas'd, to the former height of 29 inches, or thereabouts.
NB. 1. That if the Air were suffer'd to go hastily out of the Receiver, the Mercury would, by virtue of the accelerated motion acquir'd in its descent, at the very first Suck descend till it reacht within an inch or two of the stagnant Mercury, though it would presently after a few risings and fallings settle at the height of 9 or 10 inches, till the next Suck brought it down lower.
2. If when the Mercury was reimpell'd up to its due height, those that manag'd the Pump did, in stead of rarifying the Air, a little compress it, the Quick-silver would by the compress'd Air be easily made to rise an inch or more above the former standard of 29 inches. Which Circumstance I mention, not as a new thing, but to confirm (what some think strange) a Passage printed, page the 59 th, where I mention, that if the Air in the Receiver, in stead of being rarify'd in the Engine, were a litle comprest by it; the Pressure of the included Air, being somewhat increas'd by having its Spring thus bent, would sustain the Mercury in the Torricellian Tube at a greater than the wonted Height.
And to confirm another passage in the same Page, where I observ'd, that if the Pressure of the Air upon the stagnant Mercury be not so great as tis wont to be, the Mercury will begin to subside in a (fill'd and inverted) Tube, which wants of the usual height; we took a Glass Cane, (seal'd at one end,) much shorter than the due length, and having fill'd it with Mercury, and inverted it into a Glass full of stagnant Mercury, we placed all in the former Receiver; where the Mercurial Cylinder for want of the requisite height remain'd totally suspended, but upon the first or [Page 63] second Suck it would subside, and in two or three Sucks more it would fall to the levell of the stagnant Mercury, or a little below it. Upon the letting in of the Air it would be impell'd to the very Top of the Tube, bating an Aerial bubble, which seem'd to come from the Mercury it self, and was so little, as not to be at all discernable, save to a very attentive Eye.
This Experiment I should not think fit here to relate, Exper. the XVII. pag. the 54, and 55. since I formerly acquainted Your Lordship with the Subsidence of the Mercury upon the withdrawing of the Air from the Receiver, were it not that, in the mention of that Tryal, I remember I confess'd to You, that I could not so free the great Receiver I then us'd from Air, but that the litle that remained or leak'd in, made me unable to bring the Mercury in the Tube totally to subside, or fall much nearer than within an Inch of the Surface of the stagnant Mercury, with which in our present Tryals that in the Tube was brought to a Level.
Shewing that in Tubes open at both ends, when no fuga Vacui can be pretended, the weight of Water will raise Quick-silver no higher in slender than in larger Pipes.
BEcause I find it, even by Learned and very Late Writers, urg'd as a clear and cogent Argument against those that ascribe the Phaenomena of the Torricellian Experiment to the weight of the External Air; That tis impossible, that the Air, though 'twere granted to be a heavy Body, could sustain the Quick-silver at the same height in Tubes of very differing bigness, since the same Air cannot equally counterpoise Mercurial Cylinders of such unequal weights; and because this Objection is wont very much to puzzle those that are not well acquainted with the Hydrostaticks, I presume Your Lordship will allow me, [Page 64] till I can shew you some Hydrostatical Papers, by which the Objection may appear to be but ill grounded upon the true Theoremes of that Art, to annex the Transcripts of a couple of Expeperiments, (that I once made to remove this, supposedly insuperable, Difficulty,) just as I find them registred in my Notebooks.
The I. Tryal. Sept. the 2. 1662.
We took a very large Glass-Tube, Hermetically seal'd at one end, and about two Foot and a half in Length. Into this we poured Quick-silver to the height of 3 or 4 fingers. Then we took a couple of Cylindrical Pipes of very unequal sizes, (the wider being as big agen as the slenderer) and open at both Ends. The lower Ends of these two Pipes we thrust into the Quick-silver, and fasten'd them near their upper Ends to the Tube with strings, that they might not be lifted up, nor mov'd out of their posture, in which the convex Surface of the Mercury in both the Pipes seem'd to lie almost in a Level, the Tube also it self being plac'd upright in a Frame. This done, by the help of a Funnel we poured in Water by degrees at the top of the Tube, and observ'd, that as the Water gravitated more and more upon the stagnant Mercury, so the included Mercury rose equally in both the Pipes, till the Tube being almost fill'd with Water, the Mercury appeared to be impell'd up to and sustain'd at as great a height in the Big Tube, as in the Lesser, being in either raised about two Inches above the Surface of the Stagnant Quick-silver.
NB. 1. Having caus'd about half the Water (having no conveniency to withdraw any more) in the Tube to be suck'd out at the Top, we observ'd the Quick-silver in both the Tubes to subside uniformly, and to reascend alike upon the reaffusion of the Water.
2. We endeavoured to try the Experiment (for their sake who have not the Conveniency to have such Tubes purposely [Page 65] made) in a wooden vessel, into which, when it was fill'd with water, we let down a flat Glass furnisht with stagnant Mercury, whereinto the Ends of the two Pipes were immers'd. But the Opaeousness of the Cylinder (which reduced us to see onely from the Top the Reflection of the stagnant Mercury,) and other Impediments, disabled us to perceive the Motions and Stations of the Mercury in the Pipes, though we once made use of a Candle the better to discern them.
The II. Tryal.
We took a very wide Tube of Glass, of about a Foot long, and into it poured a convenient Quantity of Quick-silver. We took also two Pipes of about equal length, and of that disparity in Bigness that we newly mentioned, (those Pipes lately described being indeed cut off from these we are now to speak of,) and these being fill'd with Quick-silver (after the manner of the Torricellian Experiment) were by a certain Contrivance let down into the Tube, and unstopt under the Surface of the stagnant Mercury, and then the Quick-silver in the Pipes falling down to its wonted Station, and resting there, we poured into the Tube about a foot height (by Guess) of Water, whereupon the Quick-silver as it before stood, as it were, in a Level in both the Pipes, so it was, for ought appear'd to us, equally impell'd up beyond its wonted Station, and sustain'd there both in the slender and in the bigger Pipe, and upon the withdrawing of some of the Water it began to subside alike, as to sense, in them both, falling no lower in the bigger than in the slenderer. And Water being a second time poured down into the Tube, the Mercury did in both Pipes rise uniformly as before. By which and the former Experiment it sufficiently appeared, that a Gravitating Liquor as Air or Water, may impell or keep up Mercury to the same height in Tubes that are of very differing Capacities: And that Liquors ballance each other according to their Altitude, and not barely according to their Weight. For in this last Experiment, the Additional Cylinder of one Inch of Mercury was manifestly rais'd and kept [Page 66] up by the Water incumbent on the stagnant Mercury, (the other Cause, whatever it were, of the Mercury's Suspension, being able to sustain but a Cylinder shorter by an Inch.) And the same parcel of Water did counterpoise in the differing Pipes two Mercurial Cylinders, which though but of the same Altitude, (namely about an Inch) were of very unequal Weight.
Of the Heights at which pure Mercury, and Mercury Amalgam'd with Tin, will stand in Barometers.
COnsidering with my self, that if the Sustentation of the Quick-silver in the Torricellian Experiment at a certain height, depends upon the Aequilibrium, which a Liquor of that Specifick Gravity does at such a height attain to with the External Air, if that peculiar and determinate Gravity of the Quick-silver be altered, the height of it, requisite to an Aequilibrium with the Atmosphere, must be altered too: (Considering this I say) I thought it might somewhat confirm the Hypothesis hitherto made use of, if a Phaenomenon so agreeable to it were actually exhibited. This I supposed performable two differing wayes, namely by mixing or (as Chymists speak) Amalgamating Mercury either with Gold, to make it a mixture more heavy, or with some other Metal that might make it more light than Mercury alone is. But the former of those two ways I forbore to prosecute being where I then was unfurnished with a sufficient quantity of refined Gold, (for that which is Coyn'd is generally allayed with Silver, or Copper, or both,) and therefore Amalgamating Mercury with a convenient proportion of pure Tin, (or, as the Tradesmen call it, Block-Tin,) that the mixture might not be too thick to be readily poured out into a Glass-Tube, and to subside in it, we fill'd with this Amalgam a Cylindrical Pipe, sealed [Page 67] at one end, and of a fit length, and then inverted it into a litle Glass furnished with the like mixture. Of which Tryal the Event was, that the Amalgam did not fall down to 29, nor even to 30 inches, but stopt at 31 above the surface of the stagnant Mixture.
Note 1. That though one may expect, that the Event of the Experiment would be the more considerable, the Greater the Quantity is that is mingled of the light Metal, yet care must be taken that the Amalgam be not made too thick, least part of it stick here and there (as we did to our trouble find it apt to do) to the inside of the Pipe, by which means some Aerial Corpuscles will meet with such convenient Receptacles, as to make it very difficult, if not almost impossible, to free the Tube quite from Air.
2. It may perhaps be worth while to try, whether by comparing the height of the Amalgam, to what it ought to be upon the score of the specifick Gravities of the Mercury, and the Tin, mingled in a known Proportion in the Amalgam, any discovery may be made whether those two Metals do penetrate one another after such a manner (for there is no strict Penetration of Dimensions among Bodies) as Copper and Tin have, as I elsewhere note, been (by some Chymists) observ'd to do, when being melted down together they make up a more close and specifically ponderous Body, than their respective Weights seem'd to require.
3. That by comparing this 21. Experiment with the 18 th of those formerly published, it may appear, that the height of the Liquor, suspended in the Torricellian Experiment, depends so much upon its aequilibrium with the outward Air, that it may be varied by a change of Gravity in either of the two Bodies that counterballance each other, whether the change be of weight in the Atmosphere, or of Specifick Gravity in the suspended Liquor.
Wherein is propos'd a way of making Barometers, that may be transported even to distant Countries.
THinking it a desireable thing (as I have elsewhere intimated) to be able to compare together, by the help of Barometers, the weight of the Atmosphere at the same time, not onely in differing parts of the same Country, as of England, but in differing Regions of the World; I could not but foresee that 'twould be very difficult to accomplish my desire without altering the form of the Barometers I had hitherto made use of. For as these be [Page 69] unfit to be transported far, because that stagnant Mercury would be so apt to spill. So the procuring them to be made in the places where they are to be used, though it be no bad expedient, and such as I have divers times made use of, is liable to this inconvenience; that, besides that few will take the pains, and have the skill, requisite to make Baroscopes well, though they be sufficiently furnished with Glasses and Mercury for that purpose, besides this, I say, except men be more than ordinarily diligent and skilful, (and perhaps though they be,) 'twill be very difficult to be sure that the Baroscope newly made in a remote Country, is as Good (and but as good) as that which a man makes use of in this; in regard that at the making of the former, they are supposed to have no other Baroscope to compare it with; and to be sure, they have not the same with which it is to be compared Here.
Being by these considerations invited to attempt the making of Portable or Travailing Baroscopes, (if I may so call them,) I thought it requisite to endeavour these three things: The first, to make the vessel that should contain both the sustained and the stagnant Mercury all of one piece of Glass, of a like bigness: The next, to place this vessel, when fill'd, in such a Frame, as may be easie to be transported, and yet in a reasonable measure defend the Glass from external violence, no part of it standing quite out of the Frame, as in all other Baroscopes: And the third, so to order the vessel, that it may not be subject to be easily broken by the violent motion of the Mercury contain'd in it.
The first of these will not seem practicable to those that imagine (without any warrant from the Hydrostaticks) that tis as well necessary as usual, that the stagnant Mercury should have a vessel much wider than the Tube, wherein the Mercurial Cylinder is sustain'd; but to us the difficulty seem'd much less to make the Glass part of our Tube of one piece, and of a convenient shape, than afterwards to fill it.
But to do both, we took a Glass Cylinder seal'd at one end, and of a convenient length, (as about 4 or 5 foot,) and caus'd it by [Page 70] the flame of a Lamp to be so bent, that, to those that did not take notice 'twas sealed at one end, it seem'd to be a Syphon of very unequal Legs, the one being 3 or 4 times longer than the other; by virtue of which Figure the shorter Leg may serve in stead of the distinct vessel usually imployed to contain the stagnant Mercury. To fill this, which is not easie, one may proceed after this manner. Take a small Funnel of Glass, with a long and slender Shank, so that it may reach 3 or 4 Inches, or further, into the shorter Leg of our Barometrical Syphon (if I may so call it;) and by this Funnel pour into this shorter Leg as much Mercury as may reach about 2 or 3 Inches in both Legs; then stopping the Orifice with your finger, and slowly inclining the Tube, the Mercury in the longer Leg will gently fall to the sealed end; and the Air that was there before, will pass by it, and so make it room. The Mercury in the shorter Leg (which Leg ought to be held uppermost) will by the same inclination of the Tube fall towards the Orifice, but, being by the finger that stops that, kept from falling out, if you do slowly reerect the Glass, and then make it stoop again as much as before, the Mercury will pass out of the shorter Leg into the longer, and joyn with that which was there before; and if all the Mercury do not so pass, the Orifice is to be stopt again with your Finger, and the Tube inclin'd as formerly. This done, the Tube is to be erected, and by the help of the Funnel more Mercury is to be poured in, and the foregoing process of stopping the Orifice, inclining the Tube &c. is to be repeated, till all the Mercury pour'd into the shorter Leg, be brought to joyn with that in the longer; and then the open Leg is to be furnisht with fresh Mercury, observing this, that the nearer the longer Leg comes to the being fill'd, the less you must raise it from time to time, when you pour Mercury into the shorter; as also, that when you see the longer Leg quite full of Mercury, (though there be but litle in the shorter,) you need not pour in any more, if the longer do much exceed a Yard; because upon the restoring of the Tube to an erected posture there will [Page 71] subside from the taller leg into the other a pretty quantity of Mercury, by reason of the space at the seal'd end, which will be deserted by the Mercury that was there. But because tis difficult by this way, as well as by that practised already, to fill a Tube with Mercury without leaving any visible bubbles; to free it from such (if any happen to be) you must once more stop the Orifice with your finger, and incline, and reerect the Tube divers times, till you have thereby brought most of the smaller bubbles into one greater; (which you may if you please increase, by letting in a little Air:) for by making this Great bubblle pass leisurely two or three times from one end of the Tube to the other, it will in its passage as it were lick up all the small Bubbles, and unite them to its self; which may afterwards by one inclination more of the Tube be made to pass into the shorter Leg, and thence into the free Air.
But there is another sort of Funnels, which if one have the skill and conveniency to make, (as I. M. easily doth,) one may very expeditiously fill the bended Tubes of our portable Barometers. For if you make the slender part of the Funnel not streight but bended, in the form of an Obtuse Angle, and of such a length, that the part which is to go into the shorter Leg of our Siphon may reach to the Flexure (of the Siphon;) then you may, by so holding the Tube that the sealed end be somewhat lower than the other, and by pouring in Mercury at the Obtuse end of the Angular Funnel, easily make it run over the Flexure into the longer Leg of the Siphon; provided you do now and then, as occasion requires, erect a litle and shake the Tube, to help the Mercury to get by the Air, and expell it.
By such wayes as these we have found by Experience, that tis possible (though not easie) to do in such a bended Glass, as our purpose requires, what, besides a very late Learned Writer, the Diligent Mersennus himself, admonishes his Reader, that tis not a practicable thing to do in the Ordinary Glasses of the Torricellian Experiment, viz. to free the Mercury of a straight Tube from [Page 72] Air and Bubbles, (s as to be able by inclining the Glass to make the Liquor ascend to the very top.)
The First of our 3 above mentioned Scopes being thus attained, it was not difficult to compass the Second, by the help of a solid piece of Wood, which is to be somewhat longer than the Tube, and a good deal broader in the lower part than in the upper, that it may receive the shorter Leg of the Siphon. In such a piece of Wood, which was about an Inch thick, we caus'd to be made a Gutter or Channel, of such a depth and shape, that our Siphon might be placed in it so deep, that a flat piece of Wood (like a plain'd Lath) might be layd upon it, without at all pressing upon or so much as touching the Glass; so that this piece of Wood may serve for a Cover to defend the Glass, to be put on when the Instrument is to be transported, and taken off again when tis to be hung up to make Observations with; the Channel-piece of wood serving both for a part of a Case, and for an entire Frame; which may for some uses be a litle more commodious, if the Cover be joyned (as it may easily be) to the rest of the Frame, by 2 or 3 litle Hinges and a Hasp, by whose help the Case may be readily opened and shut at pleasure.
The 3 d thing we proposed to our selves is nothing near so easie as the 2 d, nor have we yet had opportunity to try, whether the way we made use of will hold, if the Barometer be transported into very remote parts, though by smaller Removes we found cause to hope that 'twill succeed in Greater.
The Grand difficulty to be obviated was this; That though 'twere easie to hinder the spilling of the Mercury, by stopping the Orifice of the shorter Leg of our Siphon, yet that would not serve the turn; for the upper part of the Tube being destitute of Air, if the Mercury be by the motion of the Instrument put to vibrate, it will be apt (for want of meeting with any Air in the upper part of the Tube to check its motions) to hit so violently against the Top of the Glass as to beat it out, or to crack some of the neighbouring parts.
[Page 73] To obviate this great inconvenience our way is, to incline the Tube, till the Mercury be impell'd to the very top of it, and yet there will remain a competent quantity in the shorter leg of the Glass, if that be not at first made too short. This done, the remaining part of the shorter Leg is to be quite fill'd up either with Water or Mercury, and the Orifice of it is to be very carefully and firmly stopt, (for which purpose we use our strong black Cement:) for by this means the Mercury in the longer Leg, having no room to play, cannot strike with violence as before, against the top of the Glass. But though by many times successively shaking the Baroscope we did not perceive that 'twas very like to be prejudiced by the shakes it must necessarily indure in Transportation to remote places, if due care be had of it by the way, yet till further Tryal have been made I shall not pretend to be certain of the Event. But thus much of conveniency we have already found in this Contrivance, that we sent it some miles off to the top of a Hill, and had it brought home safe again, the phaenomena at the top and bottom of the Hill being answerable to what we might have expected if we had imployed another Baroscope.
When the Instrument is to be sent away, the height of the Mercurial Cylinder (to be measured from the surface of the stagnant Mercury in the shorter Leg) being taken for that place, day, and hour, and compar'd (if it may be) with that of another good Baroscope, which is to continue in that place; as much of the Gutter as is unfill'd by the Glass may be well stuffed with Cotten, or some such thing, to keep the Glass the more firm in its posture; and that the Tube be not shaken or press'd against the Wood, some of the same matter may be put between the rest of the Frame and the Cover, which ought to be well bound together. And when the Instrument is arriv'd at the remote place where tis to be imployed, (for if it be to be sent but a litle way, it may be carried safely without using any adventitious Liquor,) the Water that is added, may be taken off again, by soaking it up with pieces of Sponge, Linnen, &c. but if in stead of Water you put in Mercury, [Page 74] as it ought to have been put in by Weight, so it is to be taken out, till you have just the Weight that was put in: and tis not difficult to take out the Mercury by degrees, by the help of a small Glass-pipe, since You may either suck up litle by little as much as remains of the additional Mercury, when by erecting the Barometer, and warily unstopping the Orifice of the lower Leg, as much Mercury as will of its self flow out is efflux'd; or else you may take out the superfluous Mercury, by thrusting the lower end of the litle Pipe into that Liquor, and when it has taken in enough, stopping the upper end close with your finger, to keep it from falling back again when you remove the Pipe.
NB. If it should happen in a long voyage, that by the numerous Shakings of the Instrument there should from the additional Water or Mercury in the shorter Leg get up into the longer any litle Aerial Bubble, which seems the onely (but I hope not likely) danger in this Contrivance, he that is to use the Instrument, at the end of the Voyage may, if he be skilful, free the Mercury from it by the same way, that we lately prescrib'd to free it from Air, when the Instrument was first fill'd.
I presume I need not tell Your Lordship, that the chief use of this Travailing Baroscope is, That he that uses it in a remote part, keeping a Diary of the heights of the Mercury, by comparing these heights with those at which the Mercury stood at the same times in the Barometer that was not remov'd, the Agreement or Difference of the weight of the Atmosphere in distant places may be observed. To which this may be added, the Conveniency, which the structure of these Instruments gives them to be securely let down into deep Wels or Mines, and to be drawn up to the top of Towers and Steeples, and other elevated places: not here to consider, whether by a convenient addition, these, as well as some other Barometers, may not be made to discover even very minute Alterations of the Atmospheres Pressure.
Whether this Travailing Baroscope, being furnish'd at its upper end with a very good Ball and Socket, and at the lower end [Page 75] with a great weight, (which way of keeping things steady in a Ship has been happily used by the Royal Society on another occasion,) whether, I say, our Instrument may by this Contrivance, or some other that might be suggested to the same purpose, be made any thing serviceable at Sea, notwithstanding the differing motions of the Ship, I have had no opportunity to try: but whether it may or may not be useful in spite of the rolling of the Ship, it may at least be made use of in flat Calms, (which divers times happen in long Voyages, especially to the East-Indies, and to Africk,) and then the Instrument, which at other times may lie by without being at all cumbersom, may be made use of, as long as the Calm lasts, to acquaint the Observer with the weight of the Atmosphere in the Climate where he is, and that upon the Sea: which may give some welcome Information to the Curiosity of Speculative Naturalists, and perhaps prove either more directly or in its consequences of some use to Navigators themselves, as by enabling them by its suddain changes to foretell the end of the Calme. Besides that, having one of these Instruments ready at hand, where ever they set foot on shore, though it be but upon a small Island, or a Rock, they can presently and easily take notice of the Gravity of the Atmosphere in that place; which whether or no, if compared with other Observations, it may in time prove not altogether useless to the Guessing whereabouts they are, and the foreseeing some aproaching changes of Weather, I leave to future Experience, if it shall be thought worth the making, to determine.
Besides the ordinary Baroscope, and this Travailing one, I have imployed 2 or 3 other Instruments of quite differing kinds, to discover the varying Gravities of the Atmosphere; but though they have hitherto succeeded well (for the main,) yet being willing to make further Observations about them, I reserve one of them for another opportunity, and think fit to leave the other in a Tract it belongs to.
Confirming, that Mercury in a Barometer will be kept suspended higher at the top, than at the bottom of a Hill. On which occasion something is noted about the height of Mountains, especially the Pic of Tenariff.
TO give Your Lordship some Instance (till I can present You with a Nobler one) of the Use of our Travailing Barometer, I shall now adde: That when I writ the foregoing Experiment, chancing to be within 2 or 3 miles of a Hill, which, though not high, was the least low in that Countrey, I thought our Instrument might be sfely, and not altogether uselesly, carried on Horse-back to the top of it, which was too remote from the bottom to be conveniently reacht by me on foot in the midst of Winter. This Tryal therefore I resolv'd to make, because, though I formerly told you of a considerable one that had been made in France by some Eminent Virtuosi of the Country, yet I was willing, not onely to have a Proof how safely our Baroscope might be transported, but to confirm to Your Lordship upon our own Observation, made in another Region, so considerable [Page 78] an Argument, as these kind of Experiments afford to our Hypothesis:
And though when I came to try the Experiment, I hapned to have an Indisposition that forbid me to do it all my Self, yet having carefully mark'd on the edge of the Frame the height to which the suspended Quick-silver reach'd, and compar'd it with a good Baroscope made the ordinary way, I commmitted our Instrument to a couple of Servants, that I had often imployed about Pneumatical and Mercurial Experiments, giving them particular Instructions what to do. And the Instrument being such as might be safely carried on Horseback, I had in two or three hours an Account brought me back, the Summe of which was: That they found the suspended Mercury fall a litle as they ascended the Hill, at whose Top they gave the Liquor leave to setle, and carefully took notice by a mark of the Place it rested at; which was; as I afterwards found, ¼ of an Inch, or somewhat better beneath the Mark I had made, and this notwithstanding the Hill was not high, and the Air and Wind seem'd to them to be much colder at the top of it, than beneath. But though, as they descended more and more, they observ'd the Mercury to rise again higher and higher, (as being press'd against by a taller column of the Atmosphere,) and though consequently the Experiment agreed very well with our Hypothesis, and may serve for a Confirmation of it; yet by reason of the small height of the Mountain the Decrement of the height of the Mercurial Cylinder was not so considerable, but that I should perhaps have omitted the mention of this Tryal, if it did not shew that our Travailing Baroscopes may be fit to be imployed about such Experiments. And therefore, when I can recover some of my scatter'd Papers, I shall by way of Appendix subjoin to this some other Observations, that I procur'd to be made by Ingenious men, who had the Opportunity of living near higher Mountains.
Some further Tryals I have recommended to be hereafter made by some other inquisitive Persons; and to make them the [Page 79] more instructive, I could wish that others would do what I should have done, if Opportunity had befriended me. For I design'd to make the Experiment at the bottom, the top, and the intermediate part of the hill, at three differing constitutions of Air; viz. when it should appear by a good ordinary Baroscope, that the Atmosphere was very heavy, when it should be found to be very light, and when it should have a moderate degree of Gravity: And I hoped, that if sagacious Experimenters should make these diversity'd Observations on distant and unequal Hils, good Hints may result from the Collations that may be made of the varying Decrements of the Mercurial Cylinders height, according to the differing Gravities of the Atmosphere at several Times, and the differing heights of the Hils and Stations where the Observations should be made.
I also indeavoured to get a Baroscope carried down to the bottoms of deep Mines; partly, to try whether the Atmospherical Pillar being longer There then at the Top, the Mercury in the Tube would not be impell'd up higher; and partly, in order to other Discoveries. But some Impediments in the structure of those Mines made it not very Practicable to imploy Barometers there; which yet makes me not despair of Success in some other Mines, where the Shafts or Pits are sunck more perpendicularly.
Perhaps I told Your Lordship already by word of mouth, that I have been sollicitously endeavouring to get the Torricellian Experiment tried upon the Pic of Teneriff, but hitherto I have had no Account of the success of my Endeavours; for which I am the more concern'd, because of the Eminent (if not Matchless) height of the Mountain, of which You may receive some Satisfaction, by what I am going to subjoin about it.
Shewing that the Pressure of the Atmosphere may be exercis'd enough to keep up the Mercury in the Torricellian Experiment, though the Air press upon it at a very small Orifice.
BY a very slight variation of the foregoing 22 th Experiment we may both confirm one of the most important and the least likely Truths of the Hydrostaticks, and remove an Objection, which, for want of the knowledg of this Truth, is wont to be urg'd against your Hypothesis even by Learned men. For divers of these, when they see the same Phaenomena happen in the Torricellian Experiment, whether it be made in the open Air, or in a [Page 86] Chamber, are forward to object, That if it were, as we say tis, the weight of the Air, incumbent on the stagnant Mercury, which keeps that suspended in the Tube from falling down, the Mercury would not be sustain'd at any thing near the same height in the open Air, where the Pillar that is suppos'd to lean upon the stagnant Mercury, may reach up to the top of the Atmosphere, as in a close room, where they imagine that no more Air can press upon it, than what reaches directly up to the Roof or Sealing. And when to this tis answer'd, that though if a Room were indeed exactly clos'd, the Sustentation of the Mercury ought to be ascrib'd to some other cause than the weight of the Imprison'd Air, (which other Cause I have elsewhere shewn to be its Spring;) yet in ordinary Rooms there is still a Communication between the internal and external Air, either by the Chimney, or, if the Room have none, by some Crevice in the Window, or by some Chink between the Wall and the Door, or at least by the Key-hole. And when to this tis objected, that the Orifice of the Keyhole is much narrower than the Superficies of the stagnant Mercury, and consequently, though the Atmosphere were not reduc'd to press obliquely on the Mercury, yet, entring at so small an Orifice, it could not press sufficiently upon it; when, I say, in answer to this Objection I have alleadg'd that Hydrostatical Theoreme, That the Pressure, in such cases as ours, is to be estimated by the heights of the Liquors and not the breadths, the Assertion has been thought unlikely and precarious.
To confirm therefore this Hydrostatical Truth, one may take the bended Tube, mention'd in the 22 th Experiment; and inclining it till the greatest part of the Mercury pass from the shorter Leg into the longer, the upper end of this shorter Leg may by the flame of a Lamp be drawn out so slender, that the Orifice of it shall not be above an 8 th or 10 th part (not to say a much lesse) as big as 'twas before. For this being done, and the Tube erected again, if the tall Cylinder of Mercury be of the usual or former height, as we have found it, 'twill appear congruous to our [Page 87] Hypothesis, that the weight of the external Air may exercise as much Pression upon the stagnant Mercury through a little hole, as when all the upper Superficies of that Mercury was directly expos'd to it.
And if one have not the conveniency to draw out the shorter Leg as is prescrib'd, one may nevertheless make the Tryal, by carefully stopping up the Orifice with a Cork and Cement, leaving onely (or afterwards making) a very small hole for the Air to pass in and out. If I had not wanted a fit Instrument, I would have tried to exemplifie the Truth of what has been delivered, by adding to the Glasses we imploy'd to make the V th. Experiment, such a Cover, as might be cemented on to the Edge of the Glass, having onely a very small hole in the midst, at which the Atmosphere would be reduc'd to exercise its Pressure; and the like Cover I would have made use of in the X th Experiment, about the breaking of Glass-plates in the unexhausted Receiver, by the bare Spring of the Air.
Shewing that an Oblique pressure of the Atmosphere may suffice to keep up the Mercury at the wonted height in the Torricellian Experiment, and that the Spring of a little included Air may do the same.
BY adding a couple of little Circumstances to the Tryals lately propos'd, we may confirm two considerable Articles of our Hypothesis. For 1. if, in stead of drawing the shorter Leg of our Barometrical Syphon (if I may so call it) directly upwards, or parallel to the longer Leg as in the foregoing Experiment, You make the slender part bend off so, as that, if it were continued, it would make a right Angle with the longer Leg of the Syphon, or else an acute Angle tending downwards; this being done, I say, [Page 88] if when the Tube is erected the Mercury rest at its wonted station, 'twill appear, that the Pressure of the Atmosphere may be exercis'd upon it as well obliquely, when the Pipe that conveyes it is either Horizontal, or opens downwards.
And 2. if in stead of bending this slender Pipe, one seal it up Hermetically, the continuance of the Mercurial Cylinder at the same height will shew, that the Spring of a very litle Air, shut up with the Presure of the Atmosphere upon it, (though no more than what the Air here below is ordinarily expos'd to by the weight of the incumbent Air,) is able to support as tall a Cylinder of Mercury as the weight of the whole Atmosphere, i. e. of as much of it, as can come to exercise its Pressure against the Mercury.
NB. If when the shorter Leg of the Baroscope is seal'd up, you move the Instrument up and down, the Mercury will vibrate, by reason of the somewhat yielding Spring of the imprisoned Air; but because of the resistance of the Spring, the motion will be diversified after an odde and pretty manner: which may be easily perceiv'd by the Impression it makes upon the Hand, but not so easily describ'd. And because that, when the shorter Leg is drawn out slender enough, after the Instrument is furnish'd with Quick-silver, tis easie to seal it up with the flame of a Candle, without the help of any Instrument at all, I shall here take notice to Your Lorship, (which I could not reasonably do before,) that it may on some occasions be convenient to seal up the Barometer, before it be transported, and, in some cases, to incline the Tube beforehand, till the Quick-silver have quite fill'd the longer Leg; by this means the vibrations of the Quick-silver will be less than otherwise they would be, and 'twill be no trouble at all, when the Instrument is brought to the design'd place, to break off the slender Apex of the shorter Leg, and so expose again the Mercury to the Pressure of the Atmosphere.
As about the former Experiments, so about these two this Advertisement may be given; viz. That the same Tryals, for [Page 89] the main, may be made without confining ones self to the propos'd wayes of making them.
1. For the First of these new Tryals may be made by Cementing very carefully on to the Orifice of the shorter Leg (which need not be alter'd) a short Pipe of Glass, whose upper end may be drawn out very slender, and bent either Horizontally or downwards; which is far easier to be done, than to draw out the shorter Leg when the Glass is furnish'd with Mercury.
2. And as for the 2 d Tryal, that may be well enough made, by carefully stopping the unalter'd Orifice of the shorter Leg with a good Cork, and our close Cement, or with the later onely; and when you would afterwards use this Instrument as a Baroscope, You need but heat a Pin or slender Wire red hot, and so burn a hole through the Stoppel.
And this Expedient, which I could not conveniently advertise Your Lordship of sooner, may be of Use when a Travailing Baroscope is to be often remov'd: because having once stopt the whole Orifice well, tis far more easie to stop and open a Pin-hole accurately, than to close and unstop the whole Orifice of the Tube.
Note, I endeavoured to confirm more than one of the foregoing Particulars by this one Experiment. Having caus'd a Portable Barometer to be made with the shorter Leg of a somewhat more than ordinary length, I afterwards caus'd the upper part of this Leg to be drawn out very slender, (as in this 25 th Experiment;) and lastly I caus'd the same shorter Leg to be either about or somewhat above the middle bended downwards, so that the small Orifice of the slender Apex pointed towards the Ground. This done, I was to have measur'd the height of the suspended Mercury, but not having a fit Ruler at hand, I then deferr'd, and afterwards forgot to do it; but I remember, that neither I, nor some others vers'd in such Experiments, to whom I shew'd it, took any notice that the Mercury was less high than in ordinary Barometers; whence 'twas concluded, that the Atmosphere [Page 90] could exercise his Pressure not onely at a very small Orifice, (which in our Experiment did litle, if at all, exceed a Pin-hole,) but when the Air must at this little Orifice press upwards to be able to press upon the Surface of the stagnant Mercury:
About the making of a Baroscope (but of litle practical use) that serves but at certain times.
TO shew some Ingenious men by a Medium, that has not hitherto (that I know of) been made use of, That the not subsiding of Quick-silver in an inverted Tube, that is a little shorter than 30 inches, or thereabouts, does not proceed from such a fuga Vacui as the Schools ascribe to Nature, but from the Gravity of the external Air, I devised the following Experiment.
Having made choice of a time, when it appear'd by a good Baroscope, (which I had frequently consulted for that purpose,) that the Atmosphere was considerably heavy, I caus'd Galspipe, Hermetically seal'd at one end, and in length about 2 foot and a half, to be fill'd with Quick-silver, save a very litle wherein some drops of Water were put, that we might the better discern the Bubbles, if any should be left after the inversion of the Tube into an open Glass with stagnant Mercury in it. Having by this means (though not without difficulty) freed the Tube from bubbles, we so order'd the matter, that the Quick-silver and the litle water that was about it, fill'd the Tube exactly, without leaving any interval that we could discern at the top, and yet the Mercurial Cylinder was but very little higher than that of our Baroscope was at that time.
This done, the newly fill'd Pipe was left erected in a quiet place, where the Liquors retain'd their former height for divers dayes. But though an ordinary School-Philosopher would confidently [Page 91] have attributed this sustation of so heavy a Body to Nature's fear of admitting a Vacuum, yet it seems, that either she is not alwayes equally subject to that fear, or some other cause of the Phaenomenon must be assign'd; for when (a pretty while after) I had observ'd by the Baroscope, that the Atmosphere was grown much lighter than before, repairing to my short Tube, I found that according to my expectation the Quick-silver was not inconsiderably subsided, and had left a Cavity at the top, which afterwards grew lesser, according as the Atmosphere grew heavier.
NB. 1. The Tube imployed about this Experiment, may be brought to the requisite shortness, either by wearing off a little of the Glass at the Orifice of it, or by increasing the height of the stagnant Mercury, into which it hath been inverted.
2. When the Quick silver in our short Tube was much subsided, there appeared in the Water that swam upon it a litle Bubble, about the bigness of a small Pins head, but, considering how careful we had been to free the Tube from bubbles before we set it to rest, it may very well be, that this so small a Bubble was not produc'd till after the subsiding of the Quick-silver, whereupon the Aerial Particles in the Water became less compress'd than before; not to mention that the Bubble (such as it was) appear'd very much greater than it would have done, if the Pressure of the Atmosphere had not been kept from it by the weight of the subjacent pillar of Mercury.
About the Ascension of Liquors in very slender Pipes in an Exhausted Receiver.
VVHat I related to Your Lordship in the 35 th of the publish'd Experiments, (pag. 138.) about the seemingly spontaneous Ascension of Water in slender Pipes, has occasion'd the [Page 92] making of many Tryals by the Curious, whereby that Experiment has been not a little diversify'd; but because among those I have yet heard of none have been made in our Engine, it may not be amiss to adde the following Tryal, which may be of use in the Examen of one or two of the chief Conjectures that have hitherto been propos'd about the cause of that odde phaenomenon.
We ting'd some spirit of Wine with Cocheneel, which being put into the Receiver, and the Air withdrawn, did exceedingly bubble for a pretty while. Then little hollow Pipes of differing Sizes being put into it, the red Liquor ascended higher in the slenderer than the others, but upon the withdrawing of the Air there scarce appear'd any sensible difference in the heights of the Liquor, nor yet upon the letting it in again.
Afterwards two such Pipes of differing Sizes, being fasten'd together (at a distance) with Cement, were let down into the same spirit of Wine when the Receiver was well exhausted, notwithstanding which the Liquor ascended in them, for ought we could plainly see, after the ordinary manner; onely when the Air was let in again, there seem'd to be some little (and but very litle) rising at least in one of the Pipes. In this Tryal this Phaenomenon was noted: That though there appear'd no Bubbles at all in the vessel'd spirit of Wine, (notwithstanding that we continued to pump,) yet there did for a pretty while arise bubbles in that part of the Liquor that was got into the slender Pipes; which I guess'd to proceed from the sustentation (in part) of the spirit of Wine, made by the inside of the Pipe whereto it adher'd.
About the great and seemingly spontaneous Ascension of Water in a Pipe fill'd with a compact body, whose Particles are thought incapable of imbibing it.
VPon occasion of the (seemingly) spontaneous Ascension of Water in slender Pipes of Glass, I consider'd that 'twould be easie by another way to make it rise to a far Greater height than hitherto had been done; for since we had found by Observation that, caeteris paribus, the slenderer the little Pipes were that we imployed, the higher the Liquor would rise in them; and since the Hydrostaticks had taught us, that often times even in very crooked Pipes Water would be made to ascend by the same wayes (of raising it) to the same perpendicular height (or thereabouts) as in straight ones; I thought, that I might well substitute a Powder, consisting of solid Corpuscles heap'd upon one another, and included in a Glass-Cane in stead of the litle Pipes I had hitherto used. For I consider'd the litle intervals, that would necessarily be left between these differingly shap'd and confusedly plac'd Corpuscles, would allow passage to the Water as did the Cavities of the little Pipes, and yet would in many places be straiter than the slenderest Pipes I had us'd. And though beaten Glass, or fine Sand, &c. might have been imployed about this Experiment, yet I judg'd it far more convenient to make use of some Metalline Calx, because the Operation of the Fire, making a more exquisite Comminution of Solid bodies than our Pestles are wont to do, is fit to supply us with exceeding minute Granes, that intercept proportionable Cavities between them.
Upon this Consideration therefore (besides others to be hereafter hinted) I took a strait pipe of Glass, open at both ends, and of a moderate wideness, (for it need not be very slender,) and having tyed a Linnen-rag to one end of it, that the Water might [Page 94] have free passage in, and the Powder not be able to fall out, we carefully and as exactly as we could, fill'd the Cavity with Minium, (which is Lead calcin'd, without addition, to Redness;) and then having erected the Tube, so that the bottom of it rested upon that of a somewhat shallow and open mouth'd Glass, containing Water enough to swim an Inch or two above the bottom of the Tube; This was (if I forget not) about the later end of the year 1662. into whose cavity it did, as I expected, insinuate it self by degrees, as appear'd by a litle change of colour in that part of the Minium which it reacht, till (the open Glass being from time to time supplied with fresh liquor) it attain'd to the height of about 30 inches. And then, our Society expressing a Curiosity to see it, and have it plac'd among better things, I was hinder'd from making any further Observations with that particular Glass.
Wherefore taking afterwards another Tube, and some Minimum carefully prepared, I prosecuted the Experiment so as to make the Water rise in the Pipe about 40 inches above the surface of the stagnant Water; and I guess'd it had risen higher, but, by reason that at the upper part of the Minimum the difference of colour was so small, as not to be easily distinguishable with certainty, I forbore to allow a greater height to the Ascension of the Water: nor could I, where I then was, much promote the Experiment, for want of such Accommodations as I desir'd; but about the Experiment, as I try'd it, I shall take notice of the following particulars.
I tryed some other Powders besides red Lead, (as beaten Glass, pieces of fine Spunge, Putty, &c.) but did not find any of them do so well; which success was yet perhaps but accidental, and therefore the Tryal may be repeated, especially with Putty, because that being a Metalline Calx as well as Minium, consists of very small Grains, and by reason of its Great whiteness receives a Greater change of colour by wetting than Minium does; in which, especially if it be very fine, the discoloration that Water makes toward the upper part of the Tube, is sometimes not so easie to be clearly discern'd.
[Page 95] 2. I did indeed endeavour to remedy this inconvenience, by using, in stead of meer Water, tincted Liquors, as Ink, tincture of Safron, &c. but they seem'd not to rise near so high as Water alone, as if the dissolv'd ingredients did by degrees choak the pores of the Minium.
3. To have the Grains of our Powder more minute and the smaller intervals between them, I chose not onely to use the finest sort of Minium I could procure, but also to sift it through a very fine Searce, and to put it but by litle and litle into the Tube, that by ramming it from time to time it might be made to lie the closer; which Expedients succeeded not ill.
4. It seem'd by a Tryal or two (for I am not sure the observation will alwayes hold,) that if the Tube were very slender, (as about the bigness of a Swans quill,) the Experiment succeeded not well.
5. It may be worth while to observe in what times the Water ascends to such and such heights; for at the beginning twill ascend much faster then afterwards, and sometimes twill continue rising 24 or 30 hours, and sometimes perhaps much longer.
6. One of the scopes I propos'd to my self in this Experiment was to discover a mistake in the Explication that some Learned modern Writers have given us of the cause of Filtration; for whereas they teach that the parts of Filtre that touch the Water, being swell'd by the ingress of it to their pores, are thereby made to lift up the Water, till it touch the superiour parts of the Filtre that are almost contiguous to them; by which means these being also wetted, and swell'd, raise the Water to the other neighbouring parts of the Filtre, till it have reacht to the top of it, whence its own Gravity will make it descend. But in our case we have a Filtre made of solid Metalline Corpuscles, where twill be very hard to shew that any such intumescence is produc'd, as the recited Explication requires.
7. Water ascends so few inches even in very slender Pipes, as to seem much to favour their Judgment, who dissallow the [Page 96] conjecture lately entertain'd by some ingenious men, (particularly M r H.) about the raising of the Sap in Trees after the like manner that Water is raised in slender Pipes; but without fully delivering yet my thoughts of that Speculation, I may take notice, that in the last Tryal above recited, I made Water to ascend near, if not above, 3 foot ½ and if by so sleight an Expedient, Water may be made to rise as high as is necessary for the Nutrition of some thousands of Plants, (for such a number there is, that exceed not 3 foot 1/2 in height,) one may without absurdity ask, why tis not possible that Nature, or rather the most wise Author of it, may have made such Contrivances in Plants, as to make Liquors ascend in them to the Tops of the tallest Trees; especially since, besides divers things that we may already suspect, (as Heat, and something equivalent to well plac'd Valves,) many others, that perhaps are not yet dreamt of, may probably concur to the Effect.
8. As I formerly made, by bending the slender Pipes we have been talking of, short Syphons through which the Water runs, without being at first assisted by Suction, so I thought fit to try, whether I could not in larger Pipes, by the help of Minium, make much longer Syphons. But though when the Orifices were turn'd upwards, fine Minium were ramm'd into both the Legs, and the Orifices were both of them clos'd, yet when they came to be again turn'd downwards, the weight of the Minium would somewhere or other (and for the most part at or near the flexure) make some such chink or discontinuation, as to hinder the farther progress of the Water. Which impediment, though I judg'd it superable enough, (especially by making at the Flexure a little Pipe or Socket, by which both Legs might be closely fill'd) yet for want of Accommodations and leisure it was left unsurmounted. Upon which account also I did not satisfie my self about the success of some former Tryals, as of the Ascension of Water into pieces of Wood of differing sorts, the operation of the Vicissitudes of the Suns beams, and the absence of them upon liquors ascending in Tubes fill'd with Minium, &c.
[Page 97] 9. Whether the Pressure of the outward Air be the cause of the Ascension of Liquors in our Tubes furnisht with Minium, is a Probleme, in order to whose Solution I could acquaint Your Lordship with a Contrivance, wherewith to make some Tryals in our Engine. But since it can scarce be well describ'd without many words, unless You express a particular Curiosity to know it, I shall not trouble You with it: and the rather, because the best way I know of examining this difficulty belongs to the 2 d part of this Continuation, where mention is made of an attempt about it, which did not, I confess, displease me.
Of the seemingly spontaneous Ascension of Salts along the sides of Glasses, with a conjecture at the Cause of it.
TO the same Cause (or the like) with that of the Ascension of Water in slender Pipes may be probably referr'd an odde Phaenomenon, which though I remember not to have been mentioned by any Chymical or other Writer, I have not unfrequently observed as well by chance as in Tryals purposely made to satisfie my self and others about the truth of it.
The Phaenomenon, in short, was this. That having in widemouth'd Glasses (which should not be very deep) expos'd to the Air a strong Solution of common Sea-salt or of Vitriol, which reacht not by some inches to the top of the Glass; and having suffered much of the aqueous part to exhale away very slowly, the coagulated Salt would at length appear to have lin'd the inside of the Glass, and to have ascended much higher, not onely than the place where the surface of the remaining Water then rested at, but than the place to which the Liquor reacht when 'twas first poured in. And if the Experiment were continued long enough, I sometimes observed this Ascension of the Salt to amount to [Page 98] some inches, and that the salt did not onely line the inside of the Glass, but, getting over the brim of it, cover'd the outside of it with a Saline Crust: which made them that saw how litle liquor remain'd in the Glass, admire how it could possibly get thither.
And though I have mentioned but the Solution of Vitriol and Sea-salt, because they are much easier than others to be procur'd, and yet the Experiment succeeds better in Them than in some other far less parable Salts; yet they are not the onely ones by whose Solutions the recited Phaenomenon may be Exhibited.
As for the Cause of this odd Effect, though I shall not propose any thing about it with Confidence, till I have further inquired into it, and especially till I have tryed whether the Phaenomenon may be produced in an Exhausted Receiver; yet, by what I have hitherto observed, I am inclin'd to conjecture, that it may be referr'd to such a cause as that of the Ascension of Liquors in Pipes after some such manner as this.
First, I observed, that in Water and Aqueous liquors, that part of the Surface which is next the sides of the Glass, is (whatever the reason of it be) sensibly more elevated than the rest of the Superficies; and if very litle clippings of Straw or other such minute and light bodies, floating upon the Water, chance to approach near enough to the sides of the Glass, they will be apt (which one would not expect) to run up as twere this ascent of Water, and rest against the sides of the Glass.
Next we may take notice with the Salt-boylers and Chymists, that Sea-salt is usually wont to coagulate at the top of the Water in small and oblong Corpuscles, so that as to these tis easie to conceive, to them that have considered the first Observation, how numbers of them may fasten themselves round about to the inside of the Glass. And besides Sea-salt, I have found by tryal divers others, if their Solutions be slowly enough evaporated, that will, whilst yet there remains a good proportion of Liquor, afford Saline Concretions at the top of the Water. And the fastning of Saline particles to the sides of the Glass may perhaps be promoted [Page 99] by the Coldness that may be communicated to the Corpuscles contiguous to the Glass, by reason of the coldness which the Glass may be suspected to have, upon the score of its Density, in comparison of Water. But to proceed: I consider, that by the Evaporation of the aqueous parts of the Solution, the surface of the remaining liquor must necessarily subside, and those Saline particles, that were contiguous to the inside of the Glass and the more elevated part of the Water, having no longer enough of Liquor to keep them dissolv'd, will be apt to remain sticking to the sides of the Glass, and upon the least farther Evaporation of the Water will be a litle higher than the greater part of the Superficies of that Liquor; by which means it will come to pass, that, by reason of the litle inequalities that will be on the internal surface of the adhering Corpuscles of the Salt, and perhaps also on the internal Superficies of the Glass, there will be intercepted between the Salt and the Glass litle Cavities, into which the Water contiguous to the bottom will ascend or be impell'd upon such an account as that, whereon tis rais'd in slender Pipes. And when the Liquor is thus got to the top of the Salt, and comes to be exposed to the Air, the Saline part may, by the evaporation of the Aqueous, be brought to coagulate there, and consequently to increase the height of the Saline filme, (if I may so call it;) which by the like means may be at length brought to reach to the very top of the Glass, whence it may easily be brought over to the outside of the vessel, where the natural weight of the Solution will facilitate its progress downwards; and the skin of Salt, together with the contiguous surface of the Glass, may (at length) constitute a kind of Syphon.
To this Explication it agrees well, that I have usually observed the Saline filme hitherto mentioned to be with great ease separable from the Glass in large Fleaks; which argues, that they did not stick close to one another except in some few places, but had a thin Cavity intercepted between them, through which the water might ascend.
[Page 100] Nor is it repugnant to this Explication, that in case the Water ascended, it should, as it seems, dissolve the Salt. For the Liquor being already upon the point of Concretion, is so glutted with Salt, that it can dissolve no more. Whence we may also render a reason, why, when the Saline filme chances to reach to the outside of the Glass, the Liquor (divers times) does not run down to the bottom, but is coagulated by the way. And I have also had a suspicion, (though I could not seasonably take notice of it before now,) that when the Concretion is once begun, the Film may be raised and propagated, not onely by the motion of the Liquor between the inside of it and the Glass, but by the same Liquor's insinuating it self on the outside of the Film into the small Chinks and Crevises, intercepted between the Saline Corpuscles, as Ink (especially if somewhat thin) rises into the Slit, and along the sides of the Nib of a Pen, though nothing but its very point be dipt in the surface of the liquor. And by this means the impregnated Solution may as it were climb up to the top of the saline Concretion, and by coagulating there adde to its height.
Some other Circumstances I have noted of our Phaenomenon, that agree with the propos'd Explication, but perhaps it would not be worth while to spend more time about it. Not to examine here whether what has been related, so as to make it probable that ascending Water may carry up wherewithall to heighten and increase the Pipes or vessels through which it rises, may contribute any thing more then was suggested in the former 28 th Experiment, towards the Explication of the Rising and diffusing of the Sap in Trees.
About an attempt to measure the Gravity of Cylinders of the Atmosphere, so as that it may be exprest by known and common Weights.
VVHilst I was making the former Experiments, 'twas more than once my wish, that by knowing the just weight of a Cylinder of Quick-silver of a determinate Diameter, and of 29 or 30 inches high, which is near the height that the Air does usually counterballance, I might the better estimate the weight of a Cylinder of the Atmosphere of that Diameter, and consequently make the better Guesses how near the effects of the Spring of the Air (as well as of its Weight,) produc'd by the help of our Engine, approach'd to the utmost of what might have been expected, in case all the instruments imployed had been perfect, and all concurrent circumstances had been favourable: And upon this account I several times regretted my want of a long Instrument of Steel or hardned Iron, wherewith I many years since made an Observation, that was more carefully registred than preserved, of the weight of a Mercurial Cylinder of a determinate height as well as Diameter; which weight I did not think it so safe to determine by the help of Glass-Tubes, because tis very difficult to have them uniformly Cylindrical, and to know that they are so, in regard that they are form'd but by blowing and drawing out, and, besides the inequality that may happen to the Cavity upon other accounts, tis very difficult to make the sides of the Glass equally thick, and to examine whether they be so or no.
But at length lighting upon (what I had too often wanted in the foregoing Experiments) a dexterous Artificer, that chanced to come for a while to the place where I then was, I indeavour'd to repair my loss, as well as he could help me to do it, by causing [Page 102] him to turn very carefully a Cylindrical piece of Brass, of an inch in Diameter, and 3 inches in length, and open (that it might be the better wrought) at both ends, to one of which was exactly fitted a flat bottom of the same Metal, fastned very close to it with little Screws on the outside; this being judg'd a better way, than if it had been turn'd all of a piece:
This instrument being diligently counterpois'd in a trusty pair of Scales, was carefully fill'd with Mercury, which (for greater caution) we took out of a new parcel, that we had not yet imployed about other Experiments, and finding it to weigh XVII Ounces, one Dram, 45 Gr: Troy weight, (or 137 dr: 45 gr:) multiplying that by 10, there will come for the weight of a Mercurial Cylinder, of one inch in Diameter, and 30 inches in height, (and so high I have divers times seen the Mercury to be in a good Barometer,) about 14, 2l, (i.e. 14l, 2 Ounces, and above three drams, Troy-weight; and almost 11, 8l. Haberdupoise weight, ( i.e. 11l, 12 Ounces, and above 6 Drams,) which is a greater weight than without such a Tryal one would easily imagine that so short a Cylinder of Mercury, and much less that a Cylinder of so light a Body as Air, being neither of them above an Inch Diameter, could amount to.
Note First, to examine at the same time the weight of the Mercury, and its proportion to Water, we did, before the Mercury was pour'd into the Brass-vessel, fill it with Water, (after which we wip'd it dry before the Mercury was put into it;) and this liquor weighing 10 drams, and 15 gr: the proportion between the Mercury and the Water appeard to be that of 13 18/41 to 1: which though it seem somewhat of the least, yet Your Lordship may remember, that I formerly told You I had several times found the receiv'd proportion of 14 to 1, between Mercury and Water, to be somewhat too great; and besides that, in a vessel whose orifice was no lesse than an inch in Diameter, tis exceeding difficult to be sure when tis precisely full either of Water or Mercury; because the former has a Superficies considerably concave, [Page 103] and the other one that is notably convex, and though we us'd some litle Artifices (which would be troublesome here to mention) to estimate the proturberance of the one liquor, and the deficience of the other, as near the truth as could be, yet I am not sure but there may have been a few Mercurial Corpuscles more than there should have been, and that consequently some small abatement may have been made of the weight newly attributed to the whole Mercurial Cylinder of 30 inches.
2. I had thoughts of making use of the Barrel of a Gun, of a convenient length, to find the weight of a Mercurial Cylinder of 2 foot and 1/2, but I preferr'd the Instrument already made use of (especially not being where I could have one bored after a peculiar way,) not onely because I could not meet with one whose Diameter was a just inch, and consequently as convenient for calculations, and because that the Barrels of Guns are often bor'd a litle Tapering; but because a skilful Artificer confest to me, that they scarce ever bore such Barrels, but with a foure-square Bit, (as they call it,) which leaves the Cavity too Angular, or too imperfectly round; whereas if an Hexahedrical Bit be imploy'd it will, as he affirm'd, make the Cavity almost as Cylindrical as can be reasonably desired. I say nothing here of making use for our purpose of a Trunk, as they call a hollow Cylinder of Wood, because I elsewhere shew, that Wood (at least such as the Trunks to shoot Pellets with are wont to be made of) is not of a Texture close enough for such an use.
3. Because in Cylinders of Mercury, 30 inches is a height which the Atmosphere is seldome heavy enough to be able to counterpoise, and because 29 inches is somewhat nearer the middle between the greatest and the least heights, at which I have observed the Mercury at differing times to stand in good Barometers. Your Lordship may, if You please, abate a 30 th part of the weight assign'd above to a Mercurial Cylinder of 30 inches, (though I take 29 and ¼, or thereabouts, to be somewhat a more usual height of the Mercury, than precisely Nine and twenty.)
[Page 104] 4. The Weight of a Mercurial Cylinder in an Aequilibrium with the Atmosphere, and of one inch in Diameter being thus setled, we may, by the help of the doctrine of Proportions, and a few Propositions, especially the 14 th of the 12 th book of Euclides Elements, easily enough calculate the weight of a Cylinder of Mercury of another Diameter, and consequently the force of the Pressure of an Atmospherical Pillar of the same Diameter. For since according to the forenam'd 14 th Proposition of the 12 th, Cylinders of equal Bases are to one another as their Heights; and since by the 2 d Proposition of the same 12. Element, Circles such as are the Bases of Cylinders) are to one another, as the Squares of their Diameters; and since lastly we suppose, that Mercury being a Homogeneous body, at least as to sense, the Mercurial Cylinders will have the same proportion to each other in Weight that they have in Bulk; since, I say, these things are so, if, for instance, we desire to know what will be the weight of a Cylinder of 30 inches high, whose Diameter is two inches, the Rule will be this.
As the square of the Diameter of the Standard Cylinder, (as I call that whose weight is already known) is to the square of the Diameter of the Cylinder propos'd, so will the bulk of the former Cylinder be to that of the later, and the weight of that to the weight of this.
According to which Rule, the square of 1 inch (which is the Diameter of the standard Cylinder) being but 1, (whereby Your Lordship may perceive how much the measure I pitcht on facilitates Computations,) and the square of 2 (which is the Diameter of the propos'd Cylinder) being 4, the bulk or solid Contents of this later Cylinder, and consequently its Weight, will be 4 times as great as those of the standard Cylinder; and so, since the lesser has been already suppos'd to weigh 11, 8l Haberdupoise, the Mercurial Cylinder of two inches in Diameter, will weigh 47, 2l of the same weight.
About the Attractive virtue of the Loadstone in an Exhausted Receiver.
SOme Learned modern Philosophers, that have attempted to explicate the cause and manner of Magnetical Attraction or Coition, give such an account of it, as supposes, that the Air between the two Magnetical Bodies, being driven away by their Effluviums from between them, presses them on the parts opposite to those where the Contact is to be made; and upon some such score (for I must not now stay to deliver their Theories Circumstantially) the Air is suppos'd to contribute very much to the Attraction and Sustentation of the Iron by the Loadstone: wherefore partly to examine this Opinion, and partly for some other Purposes (not necessary now to be mentioned) we thought fit to make the following Exptriment.
We took a small but vigorous Loadstone, cap'd and fitted with a loose plate of Steel, so shap'd, that when it was sustained by the Loadstone, we could hang at a litle Crook, that came out of the midst of it, and pointed downwards, a Scale, wherein to put what Weights we should think fit. Into this Scale we put sometimes more and sometimes less weight, and then by shaking of the Loadstone as much as we guess'd it would be shaken by the motion of the Engine, we found the greatest weight, that we presum'd it would be able to support, in spite of the Agitation 'twould be exposed to, which prov'd to be, besides the Iron-plate and the Scale, VI Ounces Troy weight, to which if we added half an ounce more, the whole weight appear'd too easie to be shaken off. This done, we hung the Loadstone, with all the weight it sustain'd, at a Button of Glass, which we had procur'd to be fastned on to the top of the inside of a Receiver, when 'twas first blown, and though in about 12 Exuctions we usually emptied such Receivers as [Page 106] as much as was requisite for most Experiments; yet this time, to exhaust it the more accurately, we continued pumping till we had exceeded twice that number of Exuctions, at the end of which time shaking the Engine somewhat rudely, without thereby shaking off the Weight that hung at the Loastone, the Iron seem'd to be very near as firmly sustain'd by it as before the Air began to be pump'd out. I said very near, rather than altogether, because that the withdrawing of the Air, though it be not suppos'd to weaken at all the Power of the Loadstone precisely considered, yet it must lessen its power to sustain the Steel, because this in so thin a medium must weigh heavier, than in the Air, by the weight of as much Air, as is equal in bulk to the appended Body.
Some other Magnetical Tryals (and also some Electrical ones) I remember I attempted to make by the help of our Engine, but not having the Notes I took of them now at hand, I shall suspend the mentioning them, till I can give Your Lordship a more punctual Account of them.
Shewing, that when the Pressure of the External Air is taken off, tis very easie to draw up the Sucker of a Syringe, though the Hole, at which the Air or Water should succeed, be stopp'd.
HAving taken notice, that some learned Opposers of the Modern Doctrine about the weight of the Atmosphere think themselves more than ordinarily befriended by the difficulty we find in drawing up the Embolus or Sucker of a Syringe, when the hole, at which the Air or Water should succeed, is stopt, and by the violence, with which, as soon as tis let go, tis, as they imagine, drawn back. And supposing the reason of this confidence of theirs to be, that Men have not yet been able in these Phaenomena [Page 107] (as in some others) to prove the interest of the Atmosphere's Gravity by direct or confessedly analogous Experiments; I presum'd it will not be unwelcome to Your Lordship, if I here fortifie the Speculations that have been or may be propos'd to explicate these things according to the Hypothesis of the weight of the Air, by what we tried to that purpose, among others, when we were making use of a Syringe in our Engine.
The I. Tryal.
We took a Syringe of Brass, (that Metal being closer and stronger then Pewter, of which such instruments are usually made,) being in length (in the Barrel) about 6 inches, and in Diameter about 1 inch ⅜ and having, by putting a thin Bladder about the Sucker, and by pouring a litle Oyl into the cavity of the Cylinder (or Barrel,) brought the instrument to be stanch enough, and yet the Sucker to move to and fro without much difficulty, we thrust this to the bottom (or Basis) of the Barrel to exclude the Air, and having unscrew'd and laid aside the slender Pipe of the Syringe (which in this and some other Tryals was like to prove not onely needless, but inconvenient) we carefully stopt the Orifice, to which the Pipe in these instruments is wont to be screw'd, and then drawing up the Sucker we let it go, to judg by the violence, with which it would be driven back again, whether the Syringe were light enough for our purpose, and finding it to be so, we fastned to the Barrel a ponderous piece of Iron to keep it down, and then fastning to the handle of the Rammer (or Axle-tree of the Sucker) one end of a String, whose other end was tied to the often mentioned turning-key: We convey'd this Syringe, and the weight belonging unto it, into a Receiver; and having pump'd out the Air, we then began to turn the Key, thereby to shorten the String that tied the handle of the Syringe to it; and, as we foretold, that the Pressure of the Air, lately included in the Receiver, being withdrawn, we should no more find the wonted [Page 108] resistance in drawing up the Sucker from the bottom of the Cylinder, so we found upon Tryal that we could very easily pull it up without finding any sensible resistance.
However having thought fit to repeat the Experiment, (which we did with the like success,) lest it might might be objected, that this want of resistance might proceed, as partly from our imploying the Turning-key to raise the Sucker, so principally from some unperceived Leak, at which the Air may be suppos'd to have got into the cavity of the Cylinder; I thought fit not onely to examine by Tryal, after the Receiver was remov'd from off the Pump, whether the Syringe were not stanch, (upon which I found that I could not, without some straining, draw up the Sucker even a litle way, and that it would be violently beaten back again,) but also in one of these Experiments to make this variation; That when, the Receiver being exhausted, we had drawn up the Sucker almost to the top of the Barrel by such a string as was purposely chosen somewhat weak, we kept the parts of the Syring in that posture, till we had open'd a passage to the outward Air, upon whose ingress the Sucker was (as we intended it should be) so forceably deprest, that it broke the String by which it was tied to the Turning-key, and was violently driven back to the lower part of the Barrel, & that notwithstanding these two disadvantageous Circumstances; one, that the string was not so weak, but that one, whom I imploy'd to try it before it was fastned to the Syringe, made it sustain a lump of Iron that weighed between four and five pound; and the other, that yet this string was broken long before all the Air, that flowed in to fill the Receiver, had got in: so that the pressure of all the admitted Air would doubtless have broken a much stronger string, if we had imploy'd such a one to resist the depression of the Sucker, which will yet be more evident by a phaenomenon of our Syringe, that I shall presently have occasion to relate.
Containing a Variation of the foregoing.
We took the Syringe imploy'd in the foregoing Experiments, and having found by Tryal that it was, though not perfectly, tite, (nor altogether so much so as before,) yet enough so for our present purpose, (since, when the Orifice of the vent in the Basis was stopt, if the Sucker were more forceably drawn up a litle way, and then let go, it would hastily return, or rather violently be impell'd back towards the bottom of the Barrel,) we made it serve us as well as we could for the following Experiment. Of this Syringe we did very carefully with a Cork and our Cement close the vent; and then having tied to the barrel of the Syring a Weight that hapned to be at hand, (and to amount to 2 Pound, and as many Ounces,) we suspended the Rammer of the Syringe by a string in a large Receiver; and then causing the Pump to be applied, we made 11 or 12 Exuctions of the Air, without any appearance of change in the Syringe: but because I had judg'd the above mentioned Weight sufficient, and suppos'd that the little Air still remaining in the Receiver, had yet too strong a Pressure to be surmounted by it, I caus'd the Pumping to be continued, and within 2 or three Exuctions more I perceiv'd the Cylinder to begin to be drawn down (though but very slowly) by the Weight hanging at it, (assisted by its own Gravity:) and likewise tried (after having purposely stopt a while the working of the Pump) that just upon a fresh Suck the descent would be manifestly accelerated. And when we had suffer'd the Barrel and Weight to slide down as far as we thought fit, we let in the External Air, which (as was to be expected) rais'd them both again much faster than they had subsided.
NB. There would not have needed any thing near so great a Weight to depress the Barrel of the Syringe, but that it is difficult [Page 110] in such an instrument to make the Sucker fill it accurately enough, without making it somewhat uneasie to be mov'd to and fro: Upon which account twas necessary that a Weight should be added, not onely to surmount the Pressure of the Air remaining in the Receiver, (which was not, nor needed to be diligently exhausted in this Experiment,) but to overcome that resistance, which we just now noted the inequalities of the inside of the Cylinder and those of the Sucker to give to the motion of the one in or over the other. And yet for all this tis not easie, though it be not impossible, to make one of these Syringes very Tight, especially when the Nose is well stopt, and the Sucker drawn up; there being often some litle Air that strains in between the Sucker and the Barrel, and some that will be harbour'd between the Sucker (though thrust home) and the bottom of the Barrel, besides what may lurk between the same Sucker and the Cork that stops the orifice of the Vent. Nor were we confident, that our Syringe did not at length let some Aerial particles insinuate themselves into the Cavity, which the depression of the Barrel had made betwixt the Bases of that Barrel and the Sucker: and in such cases we ought not to wonder, if upon the return of the Air the Barrel and Weight be not impell'd up all together to the same height they rested at, when they were first suspended in the Receiver.
2. It agreed very well with our Doctrine, that as the Cylinder and Weight began not to fall, till a great quantity of Air had been pump'd out of the Receiver, so they did not begin to move upwards presently upon the freedom that was allow'd the Air to return into the Receiver. For till it had continued a pretty while flowing in, there was not enough of it entred to restore by its pressure the Cylinder and the annexed Weight to their former situation.
3. What has been deliver'd about our Experiment may be confirm'd by this Variation which we made of it: That having substituted a far heavier Weight instead of that lately mention'd, [Page 111] the depression of the Barrel of the Syringe succeeded 2 or 3 times one after another much sooner than formerly, viz. about the sixth, or at most, the seaventh Exuction.
About the opening of a Syringe, whose Pipe was stopt in the Exhausted Receiver, and by the help of it making the Pressure of the Air lift up a considerable Weight.
THough the Trial I am about to relate, had not all the success I desir'd, yet perhaps it will not be impertinent to make mention of it, because there is not any sort of Experiments, that is wont so much to perswade the Generality of Spectators, of the great force of the Pressure of the Air, as those, wherein they plainly see heavy and solid Bodies made to ascend, (upon the operation of the Air on them,) without seeing any other thing lift them up.
We took the often mention'd Syringe, and having clos'd up the Hole at the bottom with good Cement, we ty'd to the Barrel a hollow piece of Iron, that serv'd us for a Scale, into which we put divers Weights one after another, trying from time to time whether, when the Sucker was forceably drawn up, and held steddily in its highest station, the Weight tyed to the Barrel (which was held down, whilst the Sucker was drawn up, and afterwards let go) would be considerably rais'd. And when we perceiv'd, that the addition of half a Pound, or a Pound more, would make the Weight too Great to be so rais'd, we forbore to put in that increase of weight; and having tied the Handle of the Rammer to the Turning-key, we convey'd the Syringe together with its clog into a Receiver, out of which a convenient quantity of Air being pump'd, we were thereby enabled easily to draw up the Sucker without the Cylinder; after which having let in the Air, the by-standers [Page 112] concluded, that the weight was rais'd a litle, which yet I would not have allow'd, if we had not been able, by inclining the Engine and the Receiver, to make the Syringe and Weight a litle to swing. But to make the effect more evident, I caus'd a two pound weight to be taken out, and then the Receiver being somewhat exhausted, and the Air readmitted, the Clog, when all the Air was come in, was swiftly raised, and as it were snatch'd up from the midle to the upper part of the suspended Rammer.
It is no easie matter to measure, with any certainty and exactness by a Syringe, the weight of an Atmospherical Pillar equal to it in Diameter, especially if there be any imperfection in the Syringe, either because the Sucker does not go close enough, in which case it can scarce be stanch, or because by its Pressure against the inside of the Barrel (which often happens if it be too close) it hinders the Sucker and Barrel from sliding without resistance by one another, and consequently there is an undue resistance made to the endeavour of the Atmosphere, to raise the Barrel and Weight. And therefore, though our Syringe being, upon the account of some ill accident, less in order than it was in some of the foregoing Experiments, I must not conclude that a Cylinder of the Atmosphere of the same wideness with it, is equipollent to no greater a weight, than that which was taken up in our Trial, yet we may safely conclude that so slender a Pillar of the Atmosphere is able to raise by a Syringe at least such a Weight, as in our Experiment it actually lifted up, which amounted to about sixteen pound (Haberdupoise weight,) for it exceeded fifteen pound and three quarters, besides the weight of the Syringes barrel it self.
Shewing, that the cause of the Ascension of Liquors in Syringes is to be deriv'd from the Pressure of the Air.
I Shall not here trouble Your Lordship with what I have elsewhere propos'd about the explicating of Suction: but as by the lately recited Experiments (I mean the 31, 32, and 33) it has appear'd, that tis to the Pressure of the External Air that we should ascribe the difficulty of drawing up the Sucker of a Syring, when the Pipe (or the Vent) is stopt; so I shall now endeavour to shew, that the Ascension of Liquors, which follow the Sucker when tis drawn up, the Pipe being open, depends also upon the Pressure of the Air, (incumbent on that Liquor.)
If I had been furnish'd with very tall Receivers, and such other Glasses as I could have wish'd, I had tried the following Experiments with Water, as well as Quick-silver, but for want of those Accommodations I was reduc'd to make my Experiment with the later onely of those Liquors, which yet will I hope sufficiently make out what was intended.
The I. Tryal.
We took a small Receiver, shap'd almost like a Pear, cut off Horizontally at both ends, (being the same cap'd Glass that is elsewhere mentioned in the accounts of other Experiments:) See the fig. of the plate we also took the Syringe formerly describ'd, and having fastned on to it with good Cement, in stead of its own Brass-pipe, a small Glass pipe of about half a foot in length, we put this Syringe in at the narrow end of the Receiver; to whose Orifice was (afterwards) carefully cemented on the Brass-cap with the Turning-key, whereto was tied by a string the handle of the Rammer. Then having conveniently plac'd upon the Engine a very short thick Glass shap'd like a Sugar-loaf, (which was made use of for want of a better,) with a sufficient Quantity of Quick-silver in it; we [Page 114] so placed the Receiver over it, that the lower end of the Pipe of the Syringe reacht almost to the bottom of this Glass, and consequently was immerst a pretty way beneath the surface of the Quick silver. We had also poured a little Water in the upper part of the Syringe, that no Air might get in between the Sucker and the Cylinder, notwithstanding that by some Accident or other the Syringe was become somewhat less Tite than before. And last of all we cemented the Receiver to the Engine after the usual manner.
That which now remained, being to try the Experiment it self, in order to which all this had been done, the Air was pump'd out of the Receiver, (and consequently out of the little Glass that held the Mercury,) and then the Sucker being warily drawn up, we could not see the Quick-silver ascend to follow it, though a litle Water, which it seems the outward Air had thrust in between the Sucker and the Cylinder, was either rais'd or stopt in the Glass-pipe of the Syringe, (whereof yet much the greatest part remain'd unfill'd;) of which the reason according to our Hypothesis was manifest, namely, that the Air being pump'd out of the Receiver, the litle that remain'd had not strength enough to press up so ponderous a Liquor as the Quick-silver into the Pipe, (though even that litle unexhausted Air might have Spring enough left to raise a litle water.) And since it appear'd by this, that without the Pressure of the Air the Quick-silver would not be elevated, we thought it seasonable to shew, that by the Pressure of the Air it would. Whereupon the Air being let slowly into the Receiver, the Mercury was quickly impell'd up at least to the top of the Glass-pipe, (though by reason of some unperceiv'd leak it was not long sustain'd there.)
And for further satisfaction, when the Experiment was to be tried over again, we order'd it to be so made, that it might plainly be observed, that though when, the Receiver not being yet exhausted, the Sucker was drawn up but one inch, the Mercury would be rais'd to the upper part of the Glass-pipe of the Syringe, [Page 115] yet after the exhausting of the Receiver, though the Sucker was drawn up twice as high, there appear'd no ascension of the Mercury in the Pipe, (whose lower part onely was darkned by the litle Glass which contain'd that fluid Metal.)
Before I dismiss this Experiment, I must, to make good a promise I made Your Lordship, acquaint You with a Phaenomenon, which does not a litle confirm our Doctrine, according to which it was easie both to foresee and to explain it: The phaenomenon was, That if when the Air was diligently pump'd out of the Receiver, the Sucker were endeavour'd to be pull'd up, it could not be so, without much difficulty and resistance, such as was formerly found when the Vent of the Syringe was stopt, of which in our Hypothesis the reason may be clearly this; That there being no common Air in the Receiver to assist by its Pressure (whether immediate or mediate) the raising of the Sucker, this could not be raised but by a force great enough to surmount the Weight of the external Air or Atmospherical Pillar that lean'd upon it. So that as the other Phaenomena of our Experiments manifest, that the raising of Liquors by a Syringe, which is commonly ascrib'd to Attraction, depends upon the Pressure of the Air; so by this Phaenomenon it appears, that the difficulty of opening a Syringe, whose Pipe is stopt, need not be attributed to such a fuga vacui as vulgar Philosophers refer it to; since in our case the same difficulty was found, though the Pipe were open, and the Liquor 'twas immerst in, might have had free access to the place deserted by the Sucker.
The II. Tryal
Being a Prosecution of the former Attempt.
To vary as well as confirm the foregoing Experiment, we caus'd the Syringe to be tied fast to a competently ponderous Body that might keep the Cylinder unmov'd, when the Sucker should be drawn up. We also cemented on to the vent or screw [Page 116] at the bottom of the Syringe a Pipe of glass of about two inches in length, (which should have been longer, but that then there would not have been room in the Receiver for the pulling up of the Sucker,) and having plac'd the heavy Body whereto the Syringe was tied upon a Pedestal of a convenient height, that the Glass-pipe might be all seen beneath it, and a very low Viol almost fill'd with Quick-silver might be so plac'd underneath the Pipe, that the stagnant Mercury reach'd a good way above the immerst orifice of the said Pipe. These things being thus provided, and the Handle of the Syringes Rammer being tied with a string to the Turning-key that belong'd to the Brass-cover of the Receiver, this vessel was cemented on to the Engine, and by it Exhausted after the usual manner.
When this was done, we look'd upon the Syringes Glass-pipe above mentioned, and being able to see through it, (whereby we were certain that it was not yet full of Quick-silver) we did by the string draw up the Sucker to a good height, but could not perceive the Pipe to be fill'd with any succeeding Mercury. Wherefore warily letting in some Air, we quickly saw the Mercury impell'd to the very top of the Pipe; and we concluded from the quantity of Quick-silver that was rais'd, that a pretty deal was also driven into the cavity of the Cylinder.
NB. I had once before seen the Mercury ascend into the Pipe upon the letting in of the Air into the emptied Receiver, but it seeming somewhat difficult to me to determine whether the Sucker had been raised, because there was no mark to guide my Aestimate by, I thought it might be suspected, that in case the Sucker had not been rais'd, the Ascension of the Quick-silver might have proceeded from hence, That the Air contain'd in the Glass-pipe, breaking out through the stagnant Mercury upon the Exhausting of the Receiver, the Quick-silver might upon the return of the Air into the Receiver be prest up into the place deserted by the Air, that broke out of the Pipe. Wherefore we caus'd a string to be tied about the Rammer, as near as we could to [Page 117] the top of the Cylinder, by which means, when the Receiver was the next time exhausted, we perceiv'd, that by drawing up the Sucker vve had rais'd it about two inches, if not more, and yet vve could not discern any Mercury to follow it, (the Glass-pipe still continuing transparent,) till we had let some Air return into the Receiver.
This Experiment joyn'd with those we have formerly related to have been tried with our Syringe, may teach us, that if a Syringe were made use of above the Atmosphere, neither the stopping of the Pipe vvould hinder the easy drawing up of the Sucker, nor the drawing up of the Sucker, though the Pipe vvere not stopt, vvould raise by suction the Liquor vvhich the Pipe was immerst in.
SInce the last recited Experiment was made, and written, finding some of our Instruments to be in better order than they were when that Tryal was made, vve thought fit to endeavour by that which follows, to repair an omission or two, that formerly we could not well avoid.
Having then caus'd such a Glass-pipe, as has been lately mentioned, to be vvell cemented on to the Syringe, (vvhose Sucker did now move more easily, and yet fill the Barrel more exactly, than before,) I order'd (being to be absent for a while my self) that the Pipe should be fill'd with spirit of Wine tincted with Cocheneel, that the liquor and its motions might be the better discern'd, and that the Pipe being fill'd, that Air might be excluded, which vvould else be harboured in the Pipe, (which Caution was omitted in the foregoing Experiment.) And this the Person, to whom I committed it, affirm'd to have been carefully done, though when he inverted the Pipe thus fill'd into the rest of the red Liquor, that was put into a Viol, he could not possibly do it so well, but that a bubble of Air got into the Pipe, and took up some (though but a litle) room there. By that time, I was call'd upon, to see [Page 118] the Event of the Tryal, and could come to look upon it, the Receiver was almost quite exhausted; vvherefore after I had made the pumping be continued a litle longer, and perceived that the tincted spirit was fallen down out of the Pipe, and that which lay in the Viol seem'd almost to boyl at the top, by reason of the emersion of numerous Bubbles, I caus'd the Sucker to be, by the help of the Turning-key, drawn up (by our aestimate) about two inches and a half, notwithstanding which vve could not perceive the spirit of Wine to rise in the Pipe, (though the Pumping were before left off.) For vvhich reason I order'd the Air to be let in very leisurely, upon which vve could plainly see that the red spirit was quickly driven up to the top of the Pipe, and that it was so likewise into the Cavity of the Barrel, appeared, when the Receiver was removed, by the small Quantity of Liquor that remained in the viol, and the plenty of it which came out of the Syringe.
NB. That if I had not vvanted dexterous Artificers, to work according to a Contrivance I had design'd, I had attempted to imitate, by the help of the bare Spring of the Air, such Experiments, as in the lately recited Tryals vvere made to succeed, by the help of the Pressure exercis'd by the Air upon the account of its Weight.
Shewing, that upon the Pressure of the Air depends the sticking of Cupping Glasses to the fleshy parts they are apply'd to.
TIs sufficiently known, that if the Air within a Cupping Glass be rarified by the flame of Tow, Flax, or the like, (burn'd for a litle while in it,) and the Glass be presently clapt upon some fleshy part of a Mans body, there will quickly ensue a painful and visible swelling of the part cover'd by the Cupping Glass.
[Page 119] Tis also known, that this Experiment is wont to be urg'd by the Schools as a clear proof of that abhorrence of a Vacuum they ascribe to Nature; for, say they, the reason of this phaenomenon is plainly, that the internal Air of the Cupping Glass, praeternaturally rarified by heat when the Instrument is applied, That heat after a while ceasing, the succeeding Cold must again necessarily condense the Air; and so this contracted Air being no longer able to fill the whole space it replenished before, there would ensue a vacuum, if the flesh covered by the Cupping Glass, or adjoyning to it, did not swell into the Cavity of it, to fill the place deserted by the Air.
Those Moderns that assert the Weight of the Atmosphere, do thence ingeniously endeavour to deduce the phaenomenon. And indeed if to their Hypothesis about the Airs Weight, the consideration of its Spring be added, 'twill be easie enough to explicate the phaenomenon, by saying, That when the Cupping Glass is first set on, though much of the Air it formerly contain'd were a litle before expell'd by the heat, yet the same heat, increasing the pressure of the remaining Air, is the cause that the absence of the Air driven out of the Glass, does not immediately occasion so sensible a pain: but, when that adventitious agitation of the included Air ceases, that Air having now, because of the paucity of its Corpuscles, but a weak Spring, can no longer press upon the part covered by the Cupping Glass neer so strongly, as the outward Air does by its Weight press upon all the neighbouring parts of the flesh: by which means (according to what we have more than once explicated already) some of the yielding flesh (or other body covered by the skin) must be forceably thrust into the cavity of the Cupping Glass, where there is less Pressure, then at the outside of it. And the fibres and membranous parts being thus violently stretcht, there must needs follow a sensible Pain as well as Tumour. Which Tumour yet does not fill up the Cupping Glass, not onely because of the resistance of the skin to be so far distended, but also, if the included Air have not been much rarified [Page 120] because of the Spring of the imprisoned Air, (which grows so much the stronger, by how much the swelling flesh reduces the Air into less room,) as I have sometimes tried, by applying a Cupping Glass to Quick-silver, or even to Water, which will rise in it but to a certain height.
But though by this, or some such Explication, the Argument urged by the Schools in favour of the fuga vacui may be sufficiently enervated; yet it suited better with the design of this Treatise to propose some new Experiment, to illustrate our Hypothesis; and though it seem'd to be far more difficult to do it in reference to Cupping Glasses, than to other subjects, yet I pitcht upon two different wayes of Experimenting; whose success not disappointing me, I shall now give Your Lordship an account of them,
We took a Glass of about one Inch and a half in Diameter, but a good deal longer, than an ordinarily shap'd Cupping Glass of that breadth would have been, that there might be the more room for the flame to burn in it, and rarifie the Air. We also provided a Receiver shap'd almost like a Pear, this Receiver was open at both ends; at the sharper whereof there was but a small orifice, but at the obtuse end there rose up a short neck, whose Orifice was wide enough to admit with ease the newly mentioned Cupping Glass without touching the sides of it, and we were not willing it should be much larger, lest it should not be so exactly cover'd by the Palm of the hand that should be laid upon it, and lest also the hand should be broken or hurt by the too great weight of the Atmosphere, when the included Air should be withdrawn from under it.
These things being thus prepared, and the smaller Orifice of the Receiver being fastned with Cement to the Engine, I caused the Cupping Glass to be fastned, with the mouth upwards, to the Palm of the hand of a Youth, (whom your Lordship may remember to have seen with me,) whose hand seem'd fram'd by Nature for this Experiment, being broad, strong, and very plump. And [Page 121] having pull'd the Glass, to try whether it stuck well on, I caus'd him to put it into the Receiver, and lay his hand so upon the Orifice lately mentioned, that it might serve for a Cover to it, and hinder any Air from getting in between them.
That which we pretended was, that the Receiver being but small, (that it might be quickly exhausted, and so not put the Youth to a long pain,) upon an Exuction or two made with the Pump, of the Air about the Cupping Glass, the remaining Air should have its Pressure so far weakned, as not to be able to support the Cupping Glass; especially since if the Air without the Cupping Glass (but yet in the Receiver) should be more rarified by the removal of that which had been pump'd out, than the Air included in the Cupping Glass was by the precedent Heat; this last mentioned Air having a stronger Spring (or tendency to expand it self) than the External Air of the Receiver, the Glass must needs fall down, or rather be thrust off, though, in case there had been no Air at all left in the Cavity of the Cupping Glass, the Air in the Receiver would by its Pressure sustain a far Greater weight.
The Event of our Trial agreed very well with our conjecture. For upon the first Suck the Cupping Glass fell off, the weight of the Atmosphere pressing so hard upon the Young mans hand, that, though he be more than ordinary strong, he complain'd he could very hardly take it off the Glass it was almost thrust into, and, a while after, that his hand was very sore. But this last inconvenience became not so quickly very sensible, but that we had time to repeat our Experiment, by fastning the Cupping Glass more strongly than before; so that he complain'd that it drew in his hand very forceably, and though that part be not wont to be fleshy, yet the Tumour occasioned by the Cupping Glass was manifest enough to the eye: but as before, so now, at the very first turning of the Stop-cock, (to let out the Air of the Receiver,) the Cupping Glass fell off.
About the making, without heat, a Cupping Glass to lift up a great Weight.
THe other Experiment I lately told Your Lordship we had made, to illustrate our Doctrine about the cause of the sticking of applied Cupping Glasses, was tried after the following manner.
We took the Brass-hoop or Ring, mentioned in the 5 th and 6 th Experiments, and cover'd it with a Bladder, (which was wetted to make it the more limber,) and was so tied on to it, (which was easie to do,) that the bottom of the Bladder covered the upper orifice of the Hoop, and was stretcht (though not strongly) upon it, almost like the Membrane that makes the head of a Drumm; and the neck of the Bladder was tied with a string near the middle of the lower Orifice of the Hoop, and in this lower part of the Bladder we made two or three small Holes for the Air to pass in and out at. Then having plac'd at the bottom of the often mentioned capp'd Receiver a thick piece of Wood, that had a hole in it, to receive the neck of the Bladder, we so plac'd the cover'd Hoop upon this piece of Wood, that the upper part of the Bladder lay parallel to the Horizon. This done, we suspended, at the Turning-key belonging to the Cap of our Receiver, a blind head (as Chymists call it) of Glass, which for want of a true Cupping Glass we were fain to substitute, and which indeed was not very unlike one either for shape or size; and to the upper part of this Glass we fastned a large Ring of Metal, the better to depress it, and make it lean strongly on the Bladder.
These things being thus made ready, and the Receiver cemented on to the Engine, we did by help of the Turning-key let down the Cupping Glass, (for so we shall hereafter call it,) till it came almost to touch the level Superficies of the Bladder; and [Page 123] when the Receiver was as far exhausted as we thought fit, (but not near as far as it might have been,) we let down the Cupping Glass a litle lower, so that it lean'd upon the Bladder, and touch'd it with all the parts of its orifice: so that the Cupping Glass with the subjacent Bladder was become an internal Receiver (if I may so call it,) whose Air was considerably expanded, and consequently weakned as to its Spring. All this being done, we warily let the Air into the Receiver, and thereby the Air, that did surround the Cupping Glass, (which we just now called the Internal Receiver,) having now a stronger Pressure than the Air in the Cupping Glass could resist; the Bladder, on which the Cupping Glass rested, was as we look'd for, thrust up a pretty way into the cavity of the Glass, in which it made a conspicuous Tumor; and was made to stick so close to the orifice of it, that one would have thought that the Bladder had been violently drawn in, as the skin is wont to be in the ordinary applications of Cupping Glasses.
And because we took notice, that though this Glass were not capacious, (for it scarce held a Pint of Water,) yet the orifice of it was not very narrow, (being in Diameter an inch and ⅘,) we thought fit in repeating the Experiment to adde something that seem'd odd enough, and was fit to manifest that Cupping Glasses may, without heat, by the bare Pressure of the external Air, be more strongly fastned, than for ought we know they are by the help of flame. Having then reiterated the former Experiment with this onely variation, that we exhausted the Receiver further than before, we took out the Cupping Glass and the Bladder, which together with the included Brass-hoop was hanging at it; and then having tied the Glass to the Hook of a good Statera, and tied a large Scale to the neck of the Bladder, we put in by degrees Weights into the Scale, till we had loaded it enough to force off the Bladder from the Glass; which hapned not till the whole Weight, that tended to draw down the Bladder, amounted to 35 Pound (if not better,) of sixteen ounces in the pound. Nor did [Page 124] we doubt, but that the Pressure of the Atmosphere would in our Experiment have kept up a much greater Weight, if we had, before we let in the outward Air, diligently exhausted the Receiver; which we had purposely forborn to do, for fear the too disproportionate Pressure of the external Air should break the Bladder: which puts me in mind of adding, upon the by, That as more Weight was put into the Scale, the Bladder (stretcht more and more by the Weight on one side, and the Air on the other,) appear'd to swell higher in the cavity of the Glass.
Shewing, that Bellows, whose Nose is very well stopt, will open of themselves, when the Pressure of the external Air is taken off.
IT is wont by the Peripateticks and others to be made a great argument for the fuga vacui which they attribute to Nature, That if the Nose of a pair of Bellows be well stopt, one cannot open them by raising the upper board from the lower. But of this another reason may be easily assigned, without determining whether there be a vacuum or no, namely the Weight and Pressure of the Air: for when the Nose of a pair of Bellows, that are Tite enough, is well stopt, no Air being able to insinuate it self upon the disjoining of the boards into the Cavity made by that disjunction, This cannot be effected, but by such a force as is almost able (I say almost, because ordinary Bellows cannot be so well shut, but that there will remain some Air in them, whose Spring will facilitate the opening of them) to raise an Atmosphere Pillar, whose Basis shall be the upper board, vvhich is commonly so large, that a less force may serve to break common Bellows, then to raise so great a Weight: but if they vvere made strong enough, and there vvere applied a sufficient force to lift so Great a vveight as the newly mentioned Pillar of the Atmosphere, the sides might [Page 125] be disjoyn'd, how close and stanch soever the Instrument vvere made.
Thus far one may argue upon the bare principle of the weight of the Air, but taking in the Spring of it too, I thought one might proceed so much further, that I ventur'd to foretell divers ingenious men, that if the Pressure of the ambient Air were taken off, not onely it would be easie to open the Bellows in spite of their being carefully stopt at the nose, but that they would fly open as it were of their own accord, without the application of any external force at all. And 'twas partly to justifie this prediction, as well as to make a Trial, I thought more considerable, that we made the following Experiment.
We caus'd (then) to be made a pair of Bellows, differing from ordinary ones in these particulars. First, that the Boards were circular, (and so without handles,) and of about 6 inches in Diameter: 2. That there was no Clack or Valve: 3. That the nose was but an inch long, or less, (being to be lengthned if occasion required vvith a Pipe:) 4. That the Leather (which vvas not spar'd, that the instrument might be the more capacious) was not horny or very stiff, but limber. The Reason of the first and third diversity was, that the Bellows might be capable to be conveyed into our Receiver; (for vvhich purpose also, if there had appear'd need, the nose might have been made in the uppermost of the two Boards:) the reason of the 2 d variation was, that the instrument might be the more stanch: and of the 4 th, that the bases of the Bellows might (as in Organ-bellows) be clapt closer together, and harbour less Air in the wrinkles and cavity. So that when the Bellows vvere opened to their full extent, by drawing up the upper Basis at a button purposely made in the midst of it, the Bellows look'd like a Cylinder of 16 or 18 inches high; upon which resemblance I take the liberty to call both the Boards (as Geometricians do both the circular parts of a Cylinder) Bases.
But though these were made by an Artificer, otherwise dexterous, yet it not being his Trade to make Bellows, nor any other [Page 126] mans in the Town I then was in, he could not make them so Tite, but that in spite of our oyling the Leather, and choaking the Seams with good Cement, there was some litle and unperceived hole or cranny, whereby some Air had passage when the nose was accurately stopt: but this was not so considerable, but that if we drew up the upper Basis from the lower, the external Air would on all sides press the Leather inwards, and so make the shape of the instrument very far from being so Cylindrical, as it would be if the nose were left open.
Wherefore concluding, that notwithstanding this imperfection the Bellows would serve, though not for both the Experiments I design'd, yet for one of them, we carefully stopt the nose, after we had approach'd the Bases to one another, and conveying them into a large Receiver, it quickly appear'd, when the Pump was set on work, that at every Exsuction of the incumbent Air, the Air harbour'd in the folds of the Leather, and the rest of the litle Cavitie that could not but be left between the Bases, made the upper of those Bases manifestly rise, though its weight (because of the thickness and solidity of the Wood) would soon after depress it again, either by driving out some of the Air at some place where the instrument was not sufficiently Tite, or by making it as it were strain'd through the Leather it self; and if the Pump were agitated somewhat faster than ordinary, the Expansion of the internal Air would be greater than could be rendred quite ineffectual by so small a Leak, and the upper part of the Bellows would be soon rais'd to a considerable height, as would appear more evidently if we hastily let in the external Air, upon whose ingress the Bases would be clapt together, and the upper of them a good vvay deprest. So that the imperfection of the Bellows made the Experiment rather more than less concluding; for since there was no external force applied to open them, if notwithstanding that some of the included Air could get out of thē, yet the Spring of the internal Air was strong enough to open the Bellows when the ambient Air was withdrawn, much more [Page 127] would the effect have been produc'd, if the Bellows had been perfectly stanch.
About an Attempt to examine the Motions and Sensibility of the Cartesian Materia subtilis, or the Aether, with a pair of Bellows (made of a Bladder) in the exhausted Receiver.
I Will not now discuss the Controversie betwixt some of the Modern Atomists, and the Cartesians; the former of whom think, that betwixt the Earth and the Stars, and betwixt these themselves there are vast Tracts of Space that are empty, save where the beams of Light do pass through them; and the later of whom tell us, that the Intervals betwixt the Stars and Planets (among which the Earth may perhaps be reckon'd) are perfectly fill'd, but by a Matter far subtiler than our Air, which some call Celestial, and others Aether. I shall not, I say, engage in this controversie, but thus much seems evident, That if there be such a Celestial Matter, it must make up far the Greatest part of the Universe known to us. For the Intersteller part of the world (if I may so stile it) bears so very great a proportion to the Globes, and their Atmospheres too, (if other Stars have any as well as the Earth,) that it is almost incomparably Greater in respect of them, than all our Atmosphere is in respect of the Clouds, not to make the comparison between the Sea and the Fishes that swim in it.
Wherefore I thought it might very vvell deserve a heedful Enquiry, whether we can by sensible Experiments (for I hear what has been attempted by Speculative Arguments) discover any thing about the Existence, or the Qualifications of this so vast Aether: and I hoped our Curiosity might be somewhat assisted by our Engine, if I could manage in it such a pair of Bellows as I design'd. For I propos'd to my self to fasten a convenient weight [Page 128] to the upper Basis, and clog the lower with another, great enough to keep it Horizontal and immoveable, that when by the help of the Turning-key, frequently above mention'd, the upper Basis should be rais'd to its full height, the cavity of the Bellows might be brought to its full dimensions. This done, I intended to exhaust the Receiver, and consequently the thus open'd Bellows with more than ordinary diligence, that so both the Receiver and they might be carefully freed from Air. After vvhich I purpos'd to let go the upper Base of the Bellows, that being hastily deprest by the incumbent Weight, it might speedily enough fall down to the lower Basis, and by so much, and so quickly lessening the Cavity, might expell thence the Matter (if any were) before contain'd in it, and that (if it could by this way be done) at the hole of a slender Pipe, fasten'd either near the bottom of the Bellows, or in the upper Basis: against or over the orifice of which Pipe there was to be plac'd at a convenient distance either a Feather, or (if that should prove too light) the Sail of a litle Wind-mill made of Cards, or some other light body, and fit to be put into motion by the impulse of any Matter that should be forc'd out of the Pipe.
By this means it seem'd not improbable, that some such discovery might be made, as would not be altogether useless in our Enquiry. For if notwithstanding the absence of the Air, it should appear by the Effects that a stream of other Matter, capable to set visible bodies a moving, should issue out at the Pipe of the comprest Bellows; it would also appear, that there may be a much subtiller Body than common Air, and as yet unobserv'd by the Vacuists, or (their Adversaries) the Schools, that may even copiously be found in places deserted by that Air; and that it is not safe to conclude from the absence of the Air in our Receivers, and in the upper part of those Tubes where the Torricellian Experiment is made, that there is no other body left but an absolute Vacuity, or (as the Atomists call it) a vacuū coacervatū. But if on the other side there should appear no motion at all to be produc'd, [Page 129] so much as in the Feather, it seem'd that the Vacuists might plausibly argue, that either the Cavity of the Bellows was absolutely empty, or else that it would be very difficult to prove by any sensible Experiment that it was full, and, if by any other way of probation it be demonstrable, that it was replenish'd with Aether, we that have not yet declar'd for any party, may by our Experiment be taught to have no confident expectations of easily making it sensible by Mechanical Experiments; and may also be inform'd, that tis really so subtle and yielding a Matter, that does not either easily impell such light bodies as even Feathers, or sensibly resist as does the Air it self the motions of other bodies through it, and is able without resistance to make its passage through the Pores of Wood, and Leather, and also of closer bodies, which we find not that the Air doth in its Natural or wonted state penetrate.
To illustrate this last Clause I shall adde, that to make the Trial more accurate, I wav'd the use of other Bellows, (especially not having such as I desired,) & caus'd a pair of small Bellows to be made with a Bladder, as a Body, which some of our former Experiments have evinc'd to be of so close a Texture, that Air will rather break it than passe through it: and that the Bladder might no where loose its entireness by Seams, we glued on the two Bases, the one to the bottom, and the other to the opposite part of it, so that the Neck came out at a hole purposely made for it; in the upper Basis, and into the Neck it was easie to insert what pipe we thought fit, binding the Neck very close to it on the outside. We had likewise Thoughts to have another pair of Tite Bellows made with a very light Clack in the lower Basis, that by hastily drawing up the other Basis, when the Receiver and Bellows were very carefully exhausted, we might see by the rest, as the lifting up of the Clack, whether the subtle Matter that was expell'd by the upper Basis in its Ascent, would, according to the Modern Doctrine of the Circle made by moving Bodies, be impell'd up or not.
[Page 130] We also thought of placing the litle Pipe of the Bladder-bellows (if I may so call them) beneath the surface of Water exquisitely freed from Air, that we might see whither upon the Depression of the Bellows by the incumbent Weight, when the Receiver was carefully exhausted, there would be any thing expell'd at the Pipe, that would produce Bubbles in the liquor, wherein its Orifice was immerst.
To bring now our Conjectures to some Trial, we put into a capp'd Receiver the Bladder accommodated as before is mentioned, and though we could have wish'd it had been somewhat larger, because it contain'd but between half a Pint and a Pint, yet in regard it was fine and limber, and otherwise fit for our Turn, we resolv'd to try how it would do; and to depress the upper Basis of these litle Bellows the more easily and uniformly, we cover'd the round piece of Pastboard, that made the upper Basis, with a Pewter-plate, (with a hole in it for the neck of the Bladder;) which nevertheless upon trial prov'd not ponderous enough, whereby we were oblig'd to assist it by laying on it a Weight of Lead. And to secure the above mentioned Feather, (which had a slender and flexible Stem, and was left broad at one end, and fastned by Cement at the other, so as to stand with its broad end at a convenient distance just over the Orifice of the Pipe,) from being blown aside to either hand, we made it to move in a perpendicular slit in a piece of Pastboard, See Plate the Fig. the that was fastned to one part of the upper Basis, as that which the Feather was glued to was to another part. These things being thus provided, the Pump was set a work, and as the ambient Air was from time to time withdrawn, so the Air in the Bladder expanded it self so strongly, as to lift up the metalline Weight, and yet in part to sally out at the litle Glass-pipe of our Bellows, as appear'd by its blowing up the Feather, and keeping it suspended till the Spring of the Air in the bladder was too far weakned to continue to do as it had done. In the mean time we did now and then, by the help of a string fasten'd to the Turning-key, and the upper Basis of the Bellows, let [Page 131] down that Basis a litle, to observe how upon its sinking the blast against the Feather would decrease, as the Receiver was further and further exhausted. And when we judg'd it to be sufficiently freed from Air, we then let down the Weight, but could not perceive that by shutting of the Bellows the Feather was at all blown up, as it had been wont to be, though the upper Basis were more than usually deprest. And yet it seems somewhat odd, that when, for Curiosity, in order to a further Trial, the Weight was drawn up again, as the upper basis was rais'd from the lower, the sides of the Bladder were sensibly (though not very much) prest, or drawn inwards. The Bellows being thus opened, we let down the upper basis again, but could not perceive that any blast was produc'd; for though the Feather, that lay just over and near the orifice of the litle Glass Pipe, had some motion, yet this seem'd plainly to be but a shaking and almost vibrating motion (to the right and left hand,) which it was put into by the upper basis, which the string kept from a smooth and uniform descent; but not to proceed from any blast issuing out of the cavity of the Bladder. And for further satisfaction we caus'd some Air to be let into the Receiver, because there was a possibility, that unawares to us the slender Pipe might by some accident be choak'd; but though upon the return of the Air into the Receiver, the bases of the Bellows were prest closer together, yet it seem'd that, according to our Expectation, some litle Air got through the Pipe into the cavity of the Bladder: for when we began to vvithdraw again the Air we had let into the Receiver, the Bladder began to swell again, and upon our letting down the Weight, to blow up and keep up the Feather, as had been done before the Receiver had been so well exhausted. What conjecture the opening and shutting of our litle Bellows, more than once or twice, without procducing any blast sensible by the raising of the Feather, gave some of the by-standers, may be easily guess'd by the preamble of this Experiment; but whilst I was endeavouring to prosecute it for my own further information, a mischance that befell [Page 132] the Instrument, kept me from giving my self the desir'd satisfaction.
About a further attempt to prosecute the Inquiry propos'd in the foregoing Experiment.
COnsidering with my self, that by the help of some contrivances not difficult, a Syringe might be made to serve, as far as our present occasion required, in stead of a pair of Bellows; I thought it would not be improper to try a differing, and, in some regards, a better way to prosecute an attempt, which seem'd to me to deserve our Curiosity.
I caus'd then to be made, See plate the Figure the for the formerly mentioned Syringe, in stead of its streight Pipe, a crooked one; whose shorter Leg was parallel to the longer. And this Pipe was for greater closeness, after 'twas screw'd on carefully, fastned with Cement to the Barrel; and because the Brass-pipe could scarce be made small enough, we caus'd a short and very slender Pipe of Glass to be put into the orifice of the shorter Leg, and diligently fasten'd to it with close Cement. Then we caus'd the Sucker (by the help of Oyl, Water, and moving it up and down) to be made to go as smoothly as might be, without lessening the stanchness of the Syringe. After this, there was fastned to the handle of the Rammer a Weight, made in the form of a Ring, or Hoop, which by reason of its figure might be suspended from the newly mention'd handle of the Rammer, and hang loose on the outside of the Cylinder, and which both by its Figure and its Weight might evenly and swiftly enough depress the Sucker, when That being drawn up the Weight should be let go. This Syringe thus furnished, was fastned to a broad and heavy Pedestal, to keep it in its vertical posture, and to hinder it from Tottering, notwithstanding the Weight that clogg'd it. And besides all these things, there [Page 133] was taken a Feather, which was about two inches long, and of which there was left at the end a piece about the breadth of a mans Thumb-naile, (the rest on either side of the slender stalk (if I may so call it) being stript off) to cover the hole of the slender Glass pipe of the Syringe; for which purpose the other extreme of it was so fastned with Cement to the lower part of the Syring, (or to its Pedestal,) that the broad end of the Feather was plac'd (as the other Feather was in the foregoing Experiment) just over the litle orifice of the Glass, at such a convenient distance, that when the Sucker was a litle (though but very litle) drawn up and let go again, the Weight would depress it fast enough to blow up the broad part of the Feather, as high as was permitted by the resistance of the Stalk, (and that was a good way,) the Spring of which would presently restore the whole Feather to its former position.
All these things being done, and the handle of the Rammer being tied to the Turning-key of a capp'd Receiver, the Syringe and its Pedestal were inclosed in a capacious Receiver, (for none but such a one could contain them, and give scope for the Rammers motions,) and the Pump being set on worke, we did, after some quantity of Air was drawn out, raise the Sucker a litle by the help of the Turning-key, and then turning the same Key the contrary way we suffer'd the Weight to depress the Sucker, that we might see at what rate the Feather would be blown up; and finding that it was impell'd forceably enough, we caus'd the pumping to be so continued, that a pretty many pauses were made, during each of which we rais'd and depress'd the Sucker as before, and had the opportunity to observe, That as the Receiver was more and more exhausted of the Air, so the Feather was less and less briskly driven up, till at length, when the Receiver was well emptied, the usual elevations and depressions of the Sucker would not blow it up at all that I could perceive, though they were far more frequently repeated than ever before; nor was I content to look heedfully my self, but I made one whom I had [Page 134] often imploy'd about Pneumatical Experiments to watch attentively, whilst I drew up, and let down the Sucker, but he affirm'd that he could not discern the least beginning of Ascension in the Feather. And indeed to both of us it seem'd, that the litle and inconsiderable motion that was sometimes (not alwayes) to be discern'd in the Feather, proceeded not from any thing that issued out of the Pipe, but from some litle Shake, which twas difficult not to give the Syringe and Pedestal, by the raising and depressing of the Sucker.
And that which made our Phaenomenon the more considerable, was, that the Weight that carried down the Sucker being still the same, and the motions of the Turning-key being easie to be made equal at several times, there seem'd no reason to suspect that Contingencies did much (if at all) favour the success; but there hapned a thing, which did manifestly enough disfavour it. For I remember, that before the Syringe was put into the Receiver, when we were trying how the Weight would depress it, and it was thought that though the Weight were conveniently shap'd, yet it was a litle of the least; I would not alter it, but foretold, that when the Air in the Cavity of the Syringe (that now resisted the quickness of its descent, because so much Air could not easily and nimbly get out at so small a Pipe) should be exhausted with the other Air of the Receiver, the elevated Sucker would fall down more easily, which he, that was imploy'd to manage the Syringe whilst I watch'd the Feather, affirm'd himself afterwards to observe very evidently. So that when the Receiver was exhausted, if there had been in the cavity of the Syringe a matter as fit as Air to make a Wind of, the Blast ought to have been Greater, because the celerity that the Sucker was deprest with was so.
After we had long enough tried in vain to raise the Feather, I order'd some Air to be let into the Receiver; and though when the admitted Air was but very litle, the motions of the Sucker had scarce if at all any sensible operation upon the Feather, yet when the quantity of Air began to be somewhat considerable, [Page 135] the Feather began to be a litle mov'd upwards, and so by letting in Air not all at once but more and more from time to time, and by moving the Sucker up and down in the intervals of those times of admission, we had the opportunity to observe, that as the Receiver had more Air in it, the Feather would be more briskly blown up.
But not content with a single Tryal of an Experiment of this consequence, we caused the Receiver to be again exhausted, and prosecuted the Tryal with the like success as before, onely this one Circumstance, that we added for confirmation, may be befit to be here taken notice of. Having, after the Receiver was exhausted, drawn up and let fall the Sucker divers times ineffectually; though hitherto we had not usually rais'd it any higher at a time, than we could by one turn of the hand, both because we could not so conveniently raise it higher by the Hand alone, and because we thought it unnecessary, since that height suffic'd to make the Air briskly toss up the Feather; yet ex abundanti we novv took an instrument that was pretty long and fit so to take hold on the Turning-key, that we could easily raise the Sucker between two and three inches (by our Aestimate) at a time, and nimbly depress it again; and for all this, which would much have increas'd the Blast, if there had been a Matter fit for it in the Cavity of the Syringe, we could not sensibly blow up the Feather, till we had let a litle Air into the Receiver.
To be able to make an aestimate of the Quantity of Air pump'd out, or let in, when the Feather vvas strongly or faintly, or not at all rais'd by the fall of the Sucker; vve took off the Receiver, and convey'd a Gage into it, but though for a vvhile vve made some use of our Gage, yet a mischance befalling it before the Operation was quite ended, I shall forbear to adde any thing concerning that Tryal, and proceed to say something of another Attempt, wherein though I foresaw and met with such difficulties, as kept me from doing altogether what I desired, yet the success being almost as good as could be expected, I shall venture [Page 136] to acquaint Your Lordship with the Tryal, which was this.
In stead of the hitherto imploy'd Pipe of Brass, there was well fastned (with Cement) to the Syringe a Pipe of Glass, whose figure differ'd from that of the other in this particular, that the shorter (or remoter) Leg of our new Pipe, after it had for a while been carried parallel to the other Leg, was bent off so, that above an inch and a half of it tended downwards, that the orifice of it might be immerst into Water contain'd in a small open Jarr. The design of which contrivance was, that when the Receiver should be well exhausted, we might (according to what I told Your Lordship vvas at first design'd) try vvhether by the raising and depressing of the Sucker any such Matter would be driven out at the nose of the Pipe, as would produce bubbles in the incumbent Water, which, Air (though highly rarefied, perhaps to some hundreds of times beyond its wonted Dimensions,) is capable of doing. And I choose to imploy rather Water than Quick-silver, because though by using the later I might hope to be less troubled with bubbles, yet the ponderousness and opacity of it seem'd to outweigh that convenience.
I need not tell Your Lordship, that in other respects this Experiment was made like the former, so that I shall mention onely its peculiarities, which were, That as the Air was pump'd out of the Receiver, that in the Glass pipe made its way through the Water in Bubbles, and a litle Air having once by a small Leak got in, and forc'd some of the Water out of the Jarr into the pipe, when the Receiver was again vvell emptied, both that Water and even the litle quantity of stagnant Water, that was contain'd in the immerst part of the Pipe, produc'd so many bubbles of several sizes, as quite disturb'd our Observations. Wherefore we let alone the Receiver, exhausted as it was, for 6 or 7 hours, to give the Water time to be freed from Air, and then causing what Air might have stolen in to be again pump'd out, till we had perceiv'd by the Gage that the Receiver was well exhausted, we caus'd the Sucker (of the Syringe) to be rais'd and deprest diverse [Page 137] times, and though even then a Bubble vvould now and then make our Observations troublesome, and less certain, yet it seem'd to us, that when we were not thus confounded, we sometimes observed that the elevation and fall of the Sucker, though reiterated, did not drive out at the Pipe any thing that made any discernable bubbles in the incumbent Water; for though there would appear now and then some small bubbles on the surface of the Water, yet I could not perceive that the Matter that made them, issued out at the Pipe; and some of them manifestly proceeded from Aerial Particles, till then lurking in the Water, as I concluded from the place and time of their rising. But this Non-eruption of bubles at the nose of the Pipe, vvas not that which gave me the most of satisfaction. For at length both I and another had the opportunity to observe the Water in the immerst part of the Pipe, which was very slender, to be about an inch higher than the rest of the stagnant Water, and to continue at that height or place in the Pipe, though the Sucker vvere divers times together rais'd and depress'd by Guess between 2 and three inches at a time. Which seem'd to argue, either that there was a vacuum in the cavity of the Syringe, or else that if it were full of Aether, that body vvas so subtle, that the impulse it received from the falling Sucker vvould not make it displeace a very litle Thread (perhaps not exceeding a Grain in Weight) of Water that vvas in the slender Pipe, though it appear'd by the bubbles, that sometimes disclos'd themselves in the Water, after the Receiver had been exhausted, that far more Water vvould be displac'd and carried up by a small bubble consisting of such rarified Air, that according to my Aestimate the Aerial particles of it did not, before the Pump vvas begun to be set on vvork, take up in the Water a five-hundredth part of the quantity of a Pins head.
But whilst we were considering what to do further in our Tryal, a litle Air, that strain'd in at some small undiscoverable Leak, drove the Water into the emptied part of the Pipe, and put an end for that time to our Tryal, which had been too toylsome to invite us then to reiterate it.
[Page 138] I had indeed thoughts of prosecuting the Enquiry, by dropping from the top of the exhausted Receiver light Bodies conveniently shap'd, to be turn'd round, or otherwise put out of their simplest motion of Descent, if they met with any resistance in their fall; and by making such Bodies move Horizontally and otherwise in the Receiver, as vvould probably discover whither they were assisted by the medium: and other contrivances and wayes I had in my thoughts, whereby to prosecute our Enquiry, but vvanting time for other Experiments, I could not spare so much as was necessary to exhaust large Receivers so diligently, as such nice Trials would exact; and therefore I resolv'd to desist, till I had more leisure than I then had, (or have since been Master of.)
In the interim, thus much we seem to have already discovered by our past Tryals, that if when our Vessels are very diligently freed from Air, they are full of Aether, that Aether is such a body, as will not be made sensibly to move a light Feather by such an impulse as would make the Air manifestly move it, not onely whilst tis no thinner than common Air, but when tis very highly rarified, (which, if I mistake not, it was in our Experiment so much, as to be brought to take up above an hundred times more room than before.)
And one thing more we gain'd by the Tryal made with water, namely a clear confirmation of what I deliver'd in the 34 th Experiment, about the cause of the Suction that is made by Syringes; for Your Lordship may remember, that at the close of the Experiment we have all this while been reciting, I observ'd, that when the external Air was so very well withdrawn, the pulling up of the Sucker would not make the stagnant Water, that the Pipe of the Syringe was immerst in, to ascend one inch, or so much as the tenth part of it.
About the falling, in the Exhausted Receiver, of a light Body, fitted to have its motion visibly varied by a small resistance of the Air.
PArtly to try whether in the space deserted by the Air, drawn out of our Receivers, there would be any thing more fit to resist the motion of other light Bodies through it, than in the former Experiment we found It to impell them into motion; and partly for another purpose to be mention'd by and by, we made the following Tryals.
We took a Receiver, which, though less tall than we would have had, was the longest we could procure: and that we might be able, not so properly to let down as, to let fall a Body in it, we so fastned a small pair of Tobacco-Tongs to the inside of the Receivers Brass-Cover, that by moving the Turning-key, we might by a string tied to one part of them, open the Tongs, which else their own Spring would keep shut. This being done, the next thing was to provide a Body, which vvould not fall down like a Stone, or another dead Weight through the Air, but would in the manner of its descent shew, that its motion was somewhat resisted by the Air; vvherefore that vve might have a Body that vvould be turn'd about Horizontally (as it were) in its fall, we thought fit to joyn Cross-wise four broad and light Feathers (each about an Inch long) at their Quils with a litle Cement, into vvhich vve also stuck perpendicularly a small Label of Paper, about an 8 th of an inch in breadth, and somewhat more in height, by vvhich the Tongues might take hold of our light Instrument vvithout touching the Cement, which else might stick to them.
By the help of this small piece of Paper, See Plate the Fig. the the litle Instrument, of vvhich it made a part, vvas so taken hold of by the Tongs, that it hung as Horizontal as such a thing could well be plac'd: [Page 140] and then the Receiver being cemented on to the Engine, the Pump vvas diligently ply'd, till it appear'd by a Gage, which had been conveyed in, that the Reciver had been carefully exhausted: Lastly, our eyes being attentively fix'd upon the connected Feathers, the Tongs were by the help of the Turning-key open'd, and the litle Instrument let fall, which, though in the Air it had made some turns in its descent from the same height it now fell from, yet now it descended like a dead Weight, without being perceiv'd by any of us to make so much as one Turn, or a part of it: notwithstanding which I did, for greater security, cause the Receiver to be taken off, and put on again, after the Feathers were taken hold of by the Tongs, whence being let fall in the Receiver unexhausted, they made some Turns in their descent, as they also did being a second time let fall after the same manner.
But when after this, the Feathers being plac'd as before, we repeated the Experiment by carefully pumping out the Air, neither I nor any of the By-standers could perceive any thing of Turning in the descent of the Feathers; and yet for further security we let them fall twice more in the unexhausted Receiver, and found them to turn in falling as before; whereas when we did a 3 d time let them fall in the well exhausted Receiver, they fell after the same manner as they had done formerly, when the Air, that vvould by its resistance have turn'd them round, vvas remov'd out of their vvay.
Note 1. though (as I intimated above) the Glass, vvherein this Experiment was made, were nothing near so tall as I would have had it, yet it was taller than any of our ordinary Receivers, it being in height about 22 inches.
2. One that had had more leisure and conveniency, might have made a more commodious Instrument than that we made use of: for being accidentally visited by that Sagacious Mathematician D r Wren, and speaking to him of this matter, he was pleas'd with great dexterity as well as readiness to make me a little Instrument of Paper, on which, when twas let fall, the resistance [Page 141] of the Air had so manifest an operation, that I should have made use of it in our Experiment, had it not been casually lost when the ingenious Maker was gone out of these parts.
3. Though I have but briefly related our having so order'd the matter, that we could conveniently let fall a Body in the Receiver when very well exhausted, yet to contrive and put in practice what was necessary to perform this, was not so very easie, and it would be difficult to describe it circumstantially without very many words; for which reason I forbear an account, that would prove too tedious to us both.
4. What has been hitherto related, was done in prosecution of but one of the two Designs I aim'd at in the foregoing Contrivance, by which I intended, if I could have procured a Receiver tall enough, to try whether Bodies (some very light, and some heavier) being let fall when the Air was very diligently pump'd out, would not descend somewhat faster than if the Receiver were full of Air. But though I had provided a Pendulum that vibrated quarters of Seconds, yet the Glass being no higher than it was, the Descent even of our Feathers took up so litle time, that even this Pendulum was of no use; onely it seem'd to all of us that were present at making the above recited Tryals, that when the Feathers were let fall at such times as the Air (that would have turn'd them round in their descent) was removed, they came to the bottom sensibly sooner than at other times. But when we shall have opportunity to repeat the Experiment in taller Glasses, and to make some variation of it, I hope to be able to give Your Lordship a fuller satisfaction about this Particular. And in the mean while I shall forbear to examine whether the Air might somewhat retard the descent of the Feathers upon some other account, or meerly upon that of its being a medium not quite devoid of Gravity.
1. But here I must be so sincere as to inform Your Lordship, that this 40 th Experiment seem'd not to prove so much as did the [Page 142] foregoing made with the Syringe: for being suspicious that, to make the feathered body above mentioned turn in its fall, there would need a resistance not altogether inconsiderable, I caus'd the Experiment to be repeated, when the Receiver was by our Aestimate (which was not made at random neither) litle or nothing more than half exhausted, and yet the remaining Air was too far rarified to make the falling Body manifestly turn.
2. And yet perchance it would have hapned otherwise, if the Receiver had been tall enough; which though I had not then leasure and conveniency to make it, yet it will not be amiss to let Your Lorship know by what means we did, that it might be somewhat fit to make the recited Experiment and some others, bring it to the height it had, which did considerably exceed that of the tallest Glass we could then procure.
To lengthen our Receiver therefore, we thought fit to try, whether we could not close enough fasten to the bottom of it, with very good Cement a Cylindrical Pipe of Laton, whose upper orifice should have neer the same breadth with the bottom of the Glass. And though this Contrivance seem'd liable to a couple of not mean difficulties; The one, that the Laton being every where bended, and in some places necessary to be souder'd, it would be very hard (as indeed we found it) to avoid some small cracks and leaks: And the other, that if the metalline Pipe were wide enough, so great and heavy a pillar of the Atmosphere would come to bear against it, as to press it inwards, if not also to break it; yet we hoped we should be able to obviate both of these inconveniences. Against the first of which our Remedy was, to Coat over very carefully the whole Pipe with the same close Cement, wherewith we fastned it to the Glass Receiver. And against the Second, we provided a litle Frame consisting of divers small Iron Bars fastned together; which Frame (though twere not too wide to go into the Cylinder of Laton, yet it) was wide enough to be so neer it on the inside, that (though the weight of the Atmosphere should, as we feared, press the Laton so as to make [Page 143] it yield inward, yet) it could make it bend no further than the Iron-frame would permit; which was not far enough to spoile either the Receiver or the Experiment. And this not unpleasant phaenomenon would somewhat surprise unaccustomed Spectators, that when after the Receiver had been very well exhausted, the external Air was permitted to return, there would be heard during some time, from the metalline part of the Receiver, divers Sounds brisk enough, which would make an odd Cracking noise proceeding from the Laton-plate, which having been forceably, though but slowly, bent inwards by the predominant Pressure of the Atmosphere, was now assisted by the Pressure of the returning Air, to regain its former Figure. And as I thought not fit to omit this Circumstance, because it confirms the practicableness of the Remedy propos'd against the 2 d Inconvenience; so I thought fit to mention this way of enlarging and heightning Receivers, because what we have related seems to give Grounds of hoping that this Contrivance may be made good use of in divers other Tryals, and particularly in attempts to make Receivers capacious enough to contain larger Animals, and perhaps even a Boy, or a Man. In order to some of which purposes we indeavoured to get an improvement made of our Metalline Cylinder by additional contrivances; but could not (where we then were) get Artificers, that would perform what was directed.
About the propagation of Sounds in the Exhausted Receiver.
TO make some further Observation than is mention'd in the Page the 105. 106. Publish'd Experiments, about the Production and conveying of Sounds in a Glass whence the Air is drawn out, we imploy'd a Contrivance, of which (because we make use of it in divers [Page 144] other Experiments) it will be requisite to give Your Lordship here some short description.
We caus'd to be made at the Turners a Cylinder of Box, or the like close and firme Wood, and of a length suitable to that of the Receiver it was to be imploy'd in. Out of the lower Basis of this Cylinder (vvhich might be about an inch and a half in Diameter) there came a smaller Cylinder or Axle-tree not a quarter so thick as the other, See plate the Figure the and less than an inch long: this vvas Turn'd very true, that it might move to & fro (or, as the Tradesmen call it, Ride) very smoothly in a litle Ferrule or Ring of Brass, that was by the same Turner made for it in the midst of the fixt Trencher, (as we call a piece of solid Wood shap'd like a Milstone,) being 4 or 5 inches (more or less according to the wideness of the Receiver) in breadth, and between one and two in thickness; and in a large and round Groove, or Gutter, purposely made in the lower part of this Trencher, I caus'd as much Lead as vvould fill it up to be plac'd and fasten'd, that it might keep the Trencher from being easily mov'd out of its place or posture, and in the upper part of this Trencher it vvas intended that Holes should be made at such places as should be thought fit, to place bodies at several distances as occasion should require. The upper Basis of the Cylinder had also coming out of the midst of it another Axletree, but wider than the former, that, into a Cavity made in it, it might receive the lower end of the Turning-key divers times already mentioned, to which twas to be fastned by a slender peg of Brass, thrust through two correspondent holes, the one made in the Key, and the other in the newly mentioned Socket (if I may so call it) of the Axletree. Besides all vvhich, there were divers Horizontal Perforations bored here and there in the Pillar it self, to which this Axis belong'd, vvhich Pillar we shall to avoid ambiguity call the Vertical Cylinder. The general use of this contrivance (whose other parts need not to be mentioned before the Experiments where they are imploy'd) is, that the end of the Turning-key being put into the Socket, and the lower Axis of [Page 145] the Vertical Cylinder into the Trencher, by the motion of the Key a Body fasten'd at one of the holes to the Cylinder may be approach'd too, or remov'd from, or made to rub or strike against another Body fastned in a convenient posture to the upper part of the Trencher.
To come now to our Tryal about Sounds, vve caus'd a Hand-Bell (vvhose Handle and Clapper were taken away) to be so fastned to a strng Wire, that, one end of the Wire being made fast in the Trencher, the other end, vvhich vvas purposely bent downwards, took hold of the Bell. In another hole, made in the circumference of the same Trencher, vvas vvedg'd in (vvith a wooden Peg) a Steel-spring, to whose upper part was tied a Gad of Iron or Steel, less than an inch long, but of a pretty thickness. The length of this Spring was such, as to make the upper part of the Hammer (if I may so call the piece of Iron) of the same height with the Bell, See the Figure last referr'd to. and the distance of the Spring from the Bell was such, that when it was forc'd back the other way, it might at its return make the Hammer strike briskly upon the outside of the Bell.
The Trencher being thus furnisht and plac'd in a Capp'd Receiver, (as You know, for brevity sake, we use to call one that is fitted with one or other of the Brass Covers, often mentioned already,) the Air was diligently pump'd out; and then, by the help of the Turning-key, the Vertical Cylinder was made to go round, by which means as often as either of a couple of stiff Wires, or small Pegs, that were fastned at right Angles into holes, made not far from the bottom of the Cylinder, pass'd ( under the Bell, and) by the lately mentioned Spring; they forceably did in their passage bend it from the Bell, by which means, as soon as the Wire was gone by, and the Spring ceas'd to be press'd, it would fly back with violence, enough to make the Hammer give a smart stroak upon the Bell. And by this means we could both continue the Experiment at discretion, and make the percussions more equally strong than it would otherwise have been easie to do.
[Page 146] The event of our Tryal was; That, when the Receiver was vvell emptied, it sometimes seem'd doubtful, especially to some of the By-standers, whether any Sound were produc'd or no; but to me for the most part it seem'd, that after much attention I heard a Sound, that I could but just hear; and yet, vvhich is odd, me thought it had somewhat of the nature of Shrilness in it, but seem'd (which is not strange) to come from a good way off. Whether the often turning of the Cylindrical Key kept the Receiver from being so stanch as else it vvould have been, upon vvhich score some litle Air might insinuate it self, I shall not positively determine: but to discover vvhat interest the Presence or the absence of the Air might have in the Loudness or Lowness of the Sound, I caus'd the Air to be let into the Receiver, not all at once but at several times, with competent intervals between them; by which Expedient it was easie to observe, that the Vertical Cylinder being still made to go round, when a litle Air vvas let in, the stroak of the Hammer upon the Bell (that before could now and then not be heard, and for the most part be but very scarcely heard) began to be easily heard. And when a litle more Air was let in, the Sound grew more and more audible, and so increased, till the Receiver was again replenished with Air; though even then (that we omit not That phaenomenon) the Sound was observ'd to be much less loud than when the Receiver was not interpos'd between the Bell and the Ear.
And whereas in the already publish'd Physico-Mechanical Experiments I acquainted Your Lordship with what I observ'd about the Sound of an ordinary Watch in the Exhausted Receiver, I shall now adde, that That Experiment was repeated not long since, with the addition of suspending in the Receiver a Watch, with a good Alarum, which was purposely so set, that it might, before it should begin to ring, give us time to cement on the Receiver very carefully, exhaust it very diligently, and settle our selves in a silent and attentive posture. And to make this Experiment in some respect more accurate than the others we [Page 147] made of Sounds, we secur'd our selves against any leaking at the Top, by imploying a Receiver that was made all of one piece of Glass, (and consequently had no Cover cemented on to it,) being furnish'd onely within (when 'twas first blown) with a Glass-knob or Button, to which a string might be tied. And because it might be suspected, that if the Watch were suspended by its own Silver Chain, the tremulous motion of its sounding Bell might be propagated by that Metalline Chain to the upper part of the Glass; to obviate this as well as we could, we hung the Watch, not by its Chain, but a very slender Thread, whose upper end was fastned to the newly mentioned Glass-button.
These things being done, and the Air being carefully pump'd out, we silently expected the time when the Alarum should begin to ring, which 'twas easie to know by the help of our other Watches; but not hearing any noise so soon as we expected, it would perhaps have been doubted whether the Watch continued Going, if for prevention we had not order'd the matter so, that we could discern it did not stand still. Wherefore I desir'd an ingenious Gentleman to hold his Ear just over the Button, at which the Watch was suspended, and to hold it also very near to the Receiver, upon which he told us that he could perceive, and but just perceive something of Sound, that seem'd to come from far; though neither we that listned very attentively near other parts of the Receiver, nor he, if his Ears were no more advantaged in point of position than Ours, were satisfied that we heard the Watch at all. Wherefore ordering some Air to be let in, we did by the help of attention begin to hear the Alarum; whose Sound was odd enough, and, by returning the Stop-cock to keep any more Air from getting in, we kept the Sound thus low for a pretty while, after which a little more Air, that was permitted to enter, made it become more audible; and when the Air was yet more freely admitted, the by standers could plainly hear the noise of the yet continuing Alarum at a considerable distance from the Receiver.
[Page 148] From what has hitherto been related we may learn what is to be thought of what is delivered by the Learned Mersennus, in that Book of his Harmonicks, where he makes this to be the first Proposition. Sonus à Campanis, vel aliis corporibus non solùm producitur in illo vacuo (quicquid tandem illud sit,) quod fit in Tubis Hydrargyro plenis, postea (que) depletis, sed etiam idem acumen, quod in Aere libero vel clauso penitus observatur & auditur. For the proof of which Assertion, not long after, he speaks thus: Porro variis Tubis, quorum extremis lagenae vitreae adglutinantur, observari Campanas in illo vacuo appensas, propriis (que) malleis percussas idem penitus acumen retinere, quod in Aere libero habent: at (que) soni magnitudinem ei sono, qui fit in Aere quem Tubus clausus includit, nihil cedere. But though our Experiments sufficiently manifest that the presence or absence of the common Air is of no small importance as to the conveying of Sounds, and that the interposition of Glass may sensibly weaken them; yet so diligent and faithful a Writer as Mersennus deserves to be favourably treated: and therefore I shall represent on his behalf, that what he sayes may well enough have been true, as far as could be gathered from the Tryals he made. For First, tis no easie matter, especially for those that have not peculiar and very close Cements, to keep the Air quite out for any considerable time in vessels consisting of divers pieces, such as he appears to have made use of. And next, the bigness of the Bell in reference to the capacity of the exhausted Glass, and the thickness of the Glass, and the manner whereby the Bell was fastned to the inside of the Glass, and the Hammer or Clapper was made to strike, may much vary the Effect of the Tryal, for Reasons easie to be gather'd out of the past Discourse, and therefore not needful to be here insisted on. And upon this Account we chose to make our Experiment, with sounds that should not be strong or loud, and to produce them after such a manner, as that as litle shaking as could be might be given by the sounding Body to the Glass 'twas included in. The Proposal made by the same Mersennus, to have those that have industry enough, [Page 149] try whether a Bag-pipe will be made to afford the same Sound as in the open Air, in such Vessels as he used for his Bels, though he seems to think it would succeed, is that which Your Lordship will not, I presume, sollicite me to make Tryal of, if You remember what is related in the almost immediately foregoing Experiments, shewing, That we could make nothing come out of the Cavity of a pair of Bellows, that had force enough to blow away a Feather, when that Cavity was freed from Air; as the Bagpipe would be by the same operation, that empties the Glass that contains it, or else the Sound would not be made in such a Vacuum as the scope of the Experiment requires.
If I had had Conveniency, I would have made some Tryals by conveying a small string'd Instrument (perhaps some such as they commonly call a Kit) exactly tun'd, into a large Receiver, and then upon briskly striking the String of a bigger Instrument, (tuned, as they speak, to an Unison to (or with) that of the smaller Instrument) I should have taken notice, whether the Sound would have been so uniformly propagated, notwithstanding the Interposition of the Glass Receiver, as sensibly to shake the included String; in order to the discerning of which, a bended piece of Straw, or Feather, or some such light body, was to be hors'd upon the String to be shaken. I also intended, in case the string were made to move, to make the like Tryal after the Receiver was diligently exhausted. And lastly I design'd to try, whether two Unison strings of the same Instruments, or of a couple to be plac'd in the same Receiver, would, when the Air (which is the usual medium of Sounds) was well pump'd out, yet maintain such a Sympathy (as tis call'd,) that upon the motion of the one, the other would also be made to stir: Which Tryals may be varied, by imploying for the external Instrument another in stead of a stringed one.
And because Contraries (as is vulgarly noted) serve to illustrate each other, I thought to subjoyn, to the Tryals above related, about the propagation of Sounds in a thinner medium than the [Page 150] Air, some observations about the conveyance of them through that thicker medium, Water; but having unluckily mislaid my Notes upon that Subject, I cannot at present acquaint Your Lordship with what I intended, but must defer the doing it, till I shall have recovered Them.
About the breaking of a Glass-drop in an Exhausted Receiver.
YOu know, that among the Causes that have been propos'd of the strange flying of a Glass-drop into a multitude of pieces, when the slender Stem of it comes to be broken off, One of the least improbable was taken from the Pressure of the Air: as if that within the poreous (and as 'twere honey-comb'd) inside of the Glass, being highly rarified when the drop of melted Glass fell into the Water at its first formation, it was forc'd to continue in that praeternatural state of Expansion by the hardness and closeness of the external Case of Glass, that inclos'd the Pithlike part (if I may so call it;) so that upon the breaking off a part of this solid Case at the Stem, the external Air gaining access, and finding in the Spungy part very litle resistance from the highly rarified and conse quently weaken'd Air included there, rushes in with such violence, as to shiver the Glass-drop into a multitude of pieces.
I shall not now trouble Your Lordship with the mention of what may be alleadg'd to question this Hypothesis, especially if it be compared with that accurate Account of the Phaenomena of such Glass-drops, which was sometime since presented to the Society by that great Ornament of it, S r Robert Moray. But I shall onely say in this place, that when I consider'd, that if the Dissilition of the Glass would succeed when the Air was pump'd out of [Page 151] it, it would be hard to ascribe that Effect to the irruption of the external Air, I thought fit to try what would happen, if a Glass-drop were broken in our exhausted Receiver. And accordingly did, though not without some difficulty, so order the matter, that the blunter part of the Glass-drop was fastned to a stable Body (convey'd into the Receiver,) and the crooked Stem was tyed to one end of a string, whose other end was fastned to the Turning-key; by which means, when the Air had been diligently pump'd out, the Stem was (by shortning the string) broken off, and the Glass drop was shatter'd into a thousand pieces.
This Experiment was long after repeated with the like success, and having at that time no Gage to try how far the Air had been drawn out, we let the external Air impell up the Water out of the Pump into the Receiver, and thereby found, that That vessel had not been negligently exhausted.
About the production of Light in the exhausted Receiver.
I Presume, I need not put Your Lordship in mind, that divers attempts were made to try, whether either a Flame, or kindled Coals would be made to continue for sometime burning in our Receiver: But those Tryals making it evident, that it would be either impossible, or very difficult to produce any durable Light, without the presence of the Air, by the burning of bodies; I thought it not amiss, considering the Nobleness of Light, to make trial, whether it might be otherwise produc'd in our exhausted Receiver; since whether or no the Attempts should prove successful, the Event would probably be instructive. For as tis the property of Light, when tis produc'd, to be discoverable by it self; so in such a Tryal as we intended, it would teach something concerning Light, to find that the absence of the Air would or would [Page 152] not hinder it from being produc'd. In prosecution of this Design, knowing that hard Sugar, being nimbly scrap'd with a knife, will afford a sparkling Light, so that now & then one would think that sparks of Fire fly from it; we caus'd a good lump of hard Loaf-sugar to be conveniently and firmly placed in the cavity of our capp'd Receiver, and to the vertical Cylinder formerly mentioned we caus'd to be fastned some pieces of a Steel-spring, which being not very thick, might in their passage along the Sugar, grate, or rub forceably against it, and then the Receiver being diligently exhausted in the Night-time, and in a dark Room, the vertical Cylinder (whose lower Axis was inserted into the often mentioned Trencher) was made for a pretty while to move round by the help of the Turning-key, The Contrivance here mentioned may be conceiv'd, by considering the Figure belonging to the 41. Experiment. manag'd by a hand steady and strong enough. By which means the Irons that came out of the vertical Cylinder, making in their passage vigorous impressions upon the Sugar that stood somewhat in their way, there were manifestly produc'd a good number of litle flashes, and sometimes too, though not frequently, there seem'd to be struck off litle sparks of Fire.
About the production of a kind of Halo, and Colours in the Exhausted Receiver.
VVE took a large inverted Cucurbite for a Receiver, which being so well wip'd both within and without as to be very clear, allow'd me to observe, and to make others do so too, That when the Pump began to be set a work, if I caus'd a pretty large Candle to be held on the other side of the Glass, upon the turning of the Stop-cock to let the Air out of the Receiver into the Cylinder, the Glass would seem to be full of Fumes, and there would appear about the Flame of the Candle, seen through them, [Page 153] a kind of Halo, that at first commonly was between Blew and Green, and after some Sucks would be of a Reddish or Orange colour, and both very vivid. The production of this Meteor (if I may so call it) was, according to my conjecture, made on some such score as this. That the Cement being somewhat soft and new (as is convenient for this Experiment) abounds with Turpentine, and having a litle (as well to fasten on the Receiver, as for the other purpose) apply'd to it a hot Iron, whereby the Cement was both softned and heated, it seem'd rational to expect, That upon the withdrawing of the Air in the Receiver, the Aerial Particles in the Cement, freed from their former Pressure, would extricate themselves, and with the looser steams of the Turpentine and perhaps of the Bees-wax would with a kind of Explosion expand themselves in the Receiver, and by their interposition between the Light and the Eye exhibit those delightful Colours we had seen. To confirme which, I afterwards found, that by watchfully observing it I could plainly enough perceive the colouring steams, just upon the turning of the Stopcock, to fly up from the Cement towards the top of the Glass; and if we continued Pumping, the Receiver would grow clearer, and the Colours more dilute, (till we had occasion to put on the Receiver, and heat the Cement afresh:) of which the reason might be, partly that the Aerial and Volatile Particles of the upper part of the Cement did in that tract of time spend themselves more and more; and partly, because the Agitation they receiv'd from the heat communicated by the Iron did continually decay. Not to mention, that when the Receiver is more exhausted, the want of Air makes it more difficult for Steams to be supported, and as it were swim up and down in it.
But for farther Confirmation, I caus'd some Cement to be put into a small Crucible, warm enough to melt it; and conveying this into a clear Receiver of a convenient shape and size, I caus'd the Pump to be set a work; whereupon it appear'd manifestly enough, That upon the opening of the Stop-cock to let out the [Page 154] Air, the Steams would copiously be thrown about from the Crucible into the capacity of the Receiver, and would, after having a litle play'd there, fall down again. But in these apparitions the Vividness, and sometimes the Kind of the exhibited Colours seem'd much to depend upon divers circumstances, such as the degrees of Heat, the bigness and shape of the Receiver, the quantity of Air that yet remain'd unpump'd out, and the nature of the Cement its self; which last particular I the rather mention, because, though I were hinder'd from doing it, I had thoughts to try a suspicion I had, that by varying the Materials expos'd to this kind of operation, some pretty variety might be made in the phaenomena of the Experiment.
Whether or no the Apparition of Whiteness, or Light, that we sometimes hapned to take notice of divers years agoe, and have mentioned in the already pag. 156. &c▪ publish'd part of our Physico-mechanical Experiments, may be partly (though not entirely) referr'd to some of the Cements I then imploy'd, differing from those I now use most, and to the unheeded temper of those Cements, as to Warmth, and degrees of Softness, is a Doubt that further Observation may possibly enable us to determine.
About the production of Heat by Attrition in the Exhausted Receiver.
THe opinion that ascribes the Incalescence of solid Bodies, struck or rubb'd hard against one another to the attrition or vehement agitation of the intercepted Air, is famous and received enough to seem worthy of a particular Examination. But I confess to Your Lordship, that twas not any thing relating to this Opinion that chiefly induc'd me to make the Experiment I am now about to give an account of; for I thought it might be usefull [Page 155] to more purposes than one, to be able to produce by Attrition a somewhat durable Heat even in our exhausted Receiver: and therefore though 'twere easie to foresee, that it would prove no easie task, yet we thought fit to attempt it in spight of the difficulties met with at our first Tryal. In what way and with what success we afterwards made this attempt, I now proceed to relate.
Cross the stable Trencher, See Plate the Fig. the formerly often mentioned, there was fastned a pretty strong Spring of Steel or Iron, shap'd almost like the Lathe of a Cross-bow, and to the midst of this Spring was strongly fastned on the outside a round piece of Brass hollow'd almost like a concave Burning-glass, or one of those Tools wherein they use to grind Eye-Glasses for Telescopes. To this piece of Brass, which was not considerably thick, nor above 2 inches Diameter, was fitted a convex piece of the same Metal, almost like a Gage for a Tool to grind Glasses in, which had belonging to it a square Handle, whereinto as into a Socket was inserted a square piece of Wood, proceeding from the Basis of a square wooden Pillar, which we made use of on this occasion in stead of our vertical Cylinder. By the help of another piece of Wood coming from the other Basis of the same Pillar, the Turning-key was joyned to this Pillar, which was made of such a length, that when the Turning-key was forceably kept down as low as the Brass Cover, it was a part of, would permit; the convex piece of Metal lately describ'd did depress the concave piece a pretty way, notwithstanding a vigorous resistance of the subjacent Spring.
Besides these things, a litle fine powder of Emery was put between the convex and concave pieces of Brass, to make them more congruous, and facilitate the motion that was to be made; and there was fastned to the upper part of the Turning key a good Wimble, without which we presum'd the turning of the Key would not produce a sufficient motion: in order to the making of which, it was, after the first Tryal, judged requisite to have a strong man, that was us'd to exercise his hands and armes in Mechanical [Page 156] labours, upon which account we sent for a certain Locksmith, that was a lusty and dexterous fellow.
All things that were thought necessary being thus in readiness, and a Mercurial Gage being convey'd into the Receiver, we caus'd the Air to be diligently pump'd out; and then the Smith was order'd to turn the Wimble, and to continue to lean a litle on it, that he might be sure to keep the Turning-key from being at all lifted up by the formerly mentioned Spring.
Whilst this man with much nimbleness and strength was moving the Wimble, I watch'd the Gage, to observe whether the agitation of the Stop-cock, and consequently the Engine, did not prejudice the Experiment; and for greater caution I caus'd the Pump to be almost all the while kept at work, though that seem'd not so necessary.
When the Turner of the Wimble was almost out of Breath, we let in for hast the Air at the Cover of the Receiver by lifting up the Turning-key, and nimbly removing the Receiver we felt the pieces of Brass, betwixt whom the Attrition had been made, and, as we expected, found both of them very sensibly warm.
But being willing to confirm the Experiment by a second Tryal, which we hoped might, after the Experience taught us by the first, be somewhat better performed, we caus'd the Smith, after he had well refresh'd himself with rest and drink, to lay hold of the Wimble again, when the Gage made it appear that the Receiver was well exhausted, so that by further Pumping the Quick-silver seem'd not to be further deprest. And in this 2 d Tryal the nimble Smith plaid his part so well, (the Pump in the mean while not being neglected,) that when we did as before hastily let in the Air, and take out the Bodies that had been rubb'd against one another, they were both of them (especially the uppermost) so hot, that I could not endure to hold my hand on either of them, and they did for a considerable time retain a not inconsiderable degree of Warmth.
The same day I caus'd to be made at the Turners two bodies [Page 157] of Wood, for size and shape like those of Brass we had just before imploy'd; the upper of these was of hard Oak, the other of Beech, (such a difference between Woods, to be heated by mutual Attrition, being thought to be an advantageous circumstance;) but though the Wimble was swiftly turn'd as before, and that by the same Person, nevertheless the Wood seem'd not to me (for all the By-standers were not of my opinion) to have manifestly acquired any Warmth; and yet that there had been a considerable Attrition, appear'd by the great Polish which part of the Wood had evidently acquir'd, vvhich made me suspect, that though the Wood seem'd dry enough, yet it might not really be so, notwithstanding the contrary was affirm'd to me: but not being willing to sit down with a single Tryal, I caus'd the Experiment to be repeated with more obstinacy than before, the effect of which was, that the Wood, especially the upper piece of it, vvas brought to a Warmth unquestionably sensible.
About the slaking of Quick-Lime in the Exhausted Receiver.
THe several Scopes I aim'd at in making the following Tryal are not necessary to be here particularly taken notice of. But one of them may be guess'd at by the subsequence of this Experiment to that immediately foregoing, and the phaenomena of it may be mentioned in this Epistle upon the account of their being exhibited by our Engine.
We took in an Evaporating Glass a convenient quantity of Water, and having convey'd it into a Receiver, and well drawn out the Air, we let down into it by the Turning-key a lump of strong Lime, about the bigness of a Pipin; and observ'd not that at the first immersion, nor for some while after, there appear'd any [Page 158] considerable number of Bubbles, but within about 1/4 of an hour, as I guess'd it, the Lime began (the Pump having been and being still ply'd from time to time) to slack with much violence, and with bubbles wonderfully great, that appear'd at each new Exuction, so that the inside of the Receiver (though pretty large) was at length lin'd with Lime-water, and a great part of the mixture did from time to time overflow the vessel, that had purposely been but little fill'd; nor did any thing but our weariness put a period to the bubling of the mixture, whose heat was sensible even on the outside of the Receiver, and which continued considerably hot in the Evaporating Glass for ¼ of an hour (as I conjectured) after the Receiver was removed.
Note, That the Lime imployed about this Experiment was of a very good and strong kind (made of hard stones,) and not such Lime, made of Chalk, as is commonly used at London, which probably would not have been strong enough to have afforded us the same phaenomenon.
About an attempt made to measure the force of the Spring of included Air, and examine a Conjecture about the difference of its strength in unequally broad mouth'd Vessels.
THough several of the foregoing Tryals have sufficiently manifested that the Spring of the Air in its natural or wonted state, hath a force very considerable, and indeed much Greater than men seem to have hitherto believed; Yet I could not hope by any of these Experiments to determine by any known weight, how Great that force is, so as to conclude that it is equivalent to such a Weight, as so many Pounds, Ounces, &c. and to no more. Wherefore among the Uses I had design'd to make of our Syringe, formerly often mentioned, it was One, to try if by the help [Page 159] of that Instrument, we could determine somewhat near (for no more was to be expected) how much Weight a Cylinder of uncomprest Air included in it, and consequently of the same Diameter vvith the cavity of the Barrel, would be able to sustain or also to lift up.
In order to this Tryal, 1. we provided a stable Pedestal, or Frame, wherein the Syringe might be kept firm, and erected. Next, vve also provided a Weight of Lead shap'd like our Brass-hoop, or Ring, Expe. the Vth. formerly describ'd, that by the advantage of its figure it might be made to hang down by strings from the top of the Handle of the Rammer, and so press evenly enough on all sides, without making the upper part of the instrument top-heavy. 3. We took care to leave, between the bottom of the Syringe (which was firmly clos'd with strong Cement) and that part of it where the Sucker was, a convenient quantity of Air, to expand its self, and lift up the Weight, when the Air external to that included Air should be pump'd out of the Receiver: And lastly, the Handle of the Rammer (from which the Annular weight lately spoken of depended) was so fastned to the Turning-key of the Cover of the Receiver, that the Weight might not compress the Air included in the Syringe, but leave it in its natural state or wonted Laxity, till the Air were withdrawn from the Receiver.
But notwithstanding all this, when we actually tryed the Experiment, That hapned which I feared. For though by this method the included Air would well enough lift up a Weight of 7 or 8 pound, yet when the Rammer came to be clogg'd with so considerable a Weight, as my scope in making the Experiment required, the Instrument prov'd not so stanch, but that it was easier for some particles of Air to force themselves a passage, and get away between the Sucker and the inside of the Barrel, than to heave up so great a Weight. And yet I have thought fit to relate the Experiment thus particularly, because, if an exact Syringe can be procured, (which I fear will be very difficult, but do not [Page 160] think impossible, this seems to be one of the likeliest and least exceptionable wayes I know, of measuring the force of the Airs Spring.
But despairing to get such a Syringe, as I desir'd, in the place where I then was, I bethought my self of another way, by which I hop'd to be able (though not to arrive at an exact knowledge of the full force of the Airs Spring, yet) at least to approach nearer it than I have been able to do by the help of the Syringe. For this purpose considering with my self, that if a convenient quantity of Air were included in a fine small Bladder, the sides of it would hinder the Air from getting away, and the limberness of them would permit the Air to accommodate it self and the Bladder to the Figure of a Cylindrical vessel, into which it might be put.
Wherefore with much adoe I procured to be made by a person exercised in Turning a couple of hollow Cylinders, whose sides were of a sufficient thickness, (that they might resist the pressure of the Air to be imprisoned in them,) and of such differing breadths, that the first had but one inch in Diameter, and the 2 d two; their depths being also unequal, that the one might receive a much larger Bladder than the other.
With the lesser of these (which was very carefully Turned) I made a diligent Tryal; whose Circumstances I cannot now acquaint Your Lordship with, the Paper, wherein they vvere amply recorded, having been vvith other Notes belonging to this Continuation unluckily lost: but the most considerable things in the Event were, That twas very difficult to procure a Bladder small and fine enough for that litle Cylinder; and that one, which at length we procured, would not continue stanch for many Tryals, but would after a vvhile part with a litle Air in the well exhausted Receiver, when twas clog'd with the utmost Weight it could sustain: but whilst it continued stanch vve made one fair Tryal vvith it, from vvhence vve concluded, that a Cylinder of Air of but an inch in Diameter, and lesse than two inches in length, was [Page 161] able to raise visibly (though but a litle) a Weight of above ten Pounds, (I speak of Averdupoiz vveights, vvhere a Pound contains 16 ounces.) The manner of making this Experiment, and the cautions us'd in judging of it, Your Lorship may learn by the recital of the subsequent Tryal; my Notes about which were not so unfortunate as those that concern'd the former.
Into a hollow Cylinder of Wood of four inches in depth, See plate the Figure the and two in Diameter, furnished with a broad and solid bottom or Pedestal, to make it stand the firmer, was put a Lambs or Sheeps bladder very strongly tyed at the Neck, on vvhich vvas put a Wooden Plug, markt with Ink where the Edg of the Cylinder vvas contiguous to it; this Plug being loaded with Weights, amounting to 35 pound, (the uppermost of vvhich Weights was fastned to the Turning-key, to keep it upright, and to help to raise it at first,) the Receiver vvas exhausted, till the Mark appeared very manifestly above the brim of the Cylinder; and then, though the string were by turning the Key quite slackned, yet the mark on the Plug continued very visible: and vvhen so much Air was let into the Receiver, as made the Weight depress the Plug quite beneath the Mark, upon the repumping out of the Air the Weight was without the help of any Turning-key lifted up, and by degrees all the mark on the Plug was raised about 3/8 above the edge of the Cylinder.
Wherefore we substituted for a 7 pound weight one that was estimated at 14, (for then we had not a Ballance strong enough to weigh it with,) and using the same Bladder we repeated the Experiment, onely having a care to support a litle the uppermost Weight by the Turning-key, till the Bladder had attained its expansion; and then the Weight being gently let go, depress'd not the Plug so low, but that we could yet see the mark on it, (which yet was all we could do,) though that part of the Plug, where the mark vvas, vvere manifestly more deprest than the other.
For the clearing up of some particulars relating to this Tryal, we will subjoyn the following Notes.
[Page 162] 1. The Plug is to be so fitted to the Cavity of the Cylinder, as easily to slip up and down in it, without Grating against the sides of it, lest it needlesly increase the resistance of the Weight to be rais'd. And this Plug ought to be of a convenient length, as about an inch and 1/2 at least, that it may be the fitter to help to reduce the Bladder by compression into a somewhat Cylindrical shape, and yet that it may not be thrust in too deep by the incumbent Weight; and that the Weight might rest more firmly upon it, there was a broad and strong Ledge made at the top of it, by which it might lean on every side upon the brim of the hollow Cylinder.
2. Before the Instrument was conveyed into the Receiver, the Bladder (which ought to be of a just size, and not full blown, and of a fine and limber contexture) was put into the Cylinder, and by divers gradual (but not immoderate) compressions was reduc'd to conform its self, as much as might be, to the Cylindrical shape of the containing vessel. And then the Weight being put on, and taken off again, there was a mark (in the form of an horizontally plac'd Arch) made with Ink, where the edge of the brim of the hollow Cylinder did almost touch the Plug. This we thought necessary to do, to avoid a mistake; for we must not judg, that all the Weight, that might be rais'd by our Bladder, may pass for the Weight sought after by our Experiment; since the Air in the Bladder is by reason of the incumbent weight more comprest than twas before, and consequently its being able to heave up a Great weight will not infer, that our common Air is able in its natural state (as they call it) to exert so Great a strength; that Weight being onely to be lookt on as rais'd or sustain'd by the uncomprest Air, that is rais'd or sustain'd when the Plug is lifted up to the mark, since till then the Spring of the Air does but bring it back from its new state of adventitious compression to its natural or wonted Laxity.
3. When, after the operation was ended, we took the Bladder out of the vessel, it had obtain'd a form Cylindrical enough, [Page 163] and though it could be but 2 inches in Diameter, yet it was so litle as to be but half an inch more long than broad.
4. The reason why I chose to have the two Cylinders made of the unequal Diameters above mentioned, was to examine, as far as by this way I could, a conjecture I had, that the force of the Spring of differing Cylinders of Air to lift up solid Weights, would, at the very first raising of the Weights, be in duplicate proportion to the Diameters of their Cylinders, (those Diameters being proportionable to the Areas of the plain Superficies, against which the Air does immediately press,) without very much considering the inequality that may be between the quantity of the several parcels of Air, whose pressures are compared. But tis to be remembred, that I said at the very first raising of the weights, because presently after That, the quantity of the parcels of Air may be very considerable: for, as I have shewn in another Treatise, two very unequal quantities of Air being made by their Expansion to possess two equal spaces, the lesser quantity of Air must be much more rarified in proportion than the greater; and consequently, (to bring this home to our present Argument) though both be lifted up ¼ or ½ of an inch, the Spring of a very litle Air must be much more weakned than that of a very considerable Quantity, and so it cannot continue to lift up its weight, as the above mentioned proportion would (if it were not for this Advertisement) seem to require.
Taking then our conjecture in the sense now declared, the success of our Tryals is agreeable to it, inviting us to conclude, that the Air in the Bladder, which was but two inches in Diameter, was able by its Pressure to countervaile the weight of 42 pound, which is about four times the weight that we lately observ'd the Spring of a Cylinder of Air of one inch in Diameter to be able to lift up. For though, according to what we have formerly said of a duplicate proportion, 42 pound seems to be somewhat more than ought to have been lifted up in the Cylinder of two inches bore, when that of one inch lifted up not much above 10 pound; [Page 164] yet this disagrees not with the Hypothesis, if we consider that the substance of the Bladder straitens the cavity of the smaller Cylinder in a Greater proportion than that of the bigger.
5. Though we have thus (as far as the Instruments we were able to procure would assist us) measured the Pressure of included Air, yet I must not forbear to advertise Your Lordship, that considering what I formerly observ'd to You about the weight of an Atmospherical Pillar of an inch in Diameter, I cannot but think, that if a Cylinder, or other convenient instrument, exactly Tite, can be procured, the Spring of an Aerial Cylinder will appear to be Greater than we found it by the foregoing Tryals; in which I consider that, not to mention the resistance of the Bladder its self, the membraneous substance that lin'd the Cylinders (though twere very thin and fine) could not but somewhat straiten their Cavities, and consequently somewhat (though not much) lessen the Diameters of the included Aerial Cylinders.
6. To all these Notes I must adde this Advertisement, That it may be therefore the more difficult in such Tryals as ours to ascertain the force of the Airs Spring, because, that Air its self when tis included, being shut up with the Pressure of the Atmosphere upon it, tis probable, that since that Pressure (as we have shewn) is not at all times the same, the Spring of the included Air will accordingly be varied. And, if my memory fail me not, when the lately recited Experiments were made, our Barometer declared the Atmosphere to be somewhat light.
From what has been hitherto delivered, this may result; that tis likely, that the Spring of an Aerial Cylinder an inch broad, may be able to sustain, if not raise, a pretty deal more than ten pound Weight; and that the past Tryals, without determining that the Air can raise no more than in them it did, do, at least, prove that it can raise up as much Weight as we have related, since we actually found it to do so.
About an easie way of making a small quantity of included Air raise in the exhausted Receiver 50 or 60 pound, or a greater weight.
I Would very willingly have further prosecuted the foregoing Tryals, to see how far the lately propos'd Conjecture or Hypothesis would hold; but was hindered by the want of Receivers tall and capacious enough to contain the Weights, that such an attempt required: but remembring that there were not any Experiments made in our Engine, that appear'd more strange to the Generality of Spectators, and serv'd more to give them a high opinion of the Airs Spring, than those wherein they saw solid Bodies actually lifted up by it, and remembring, that I had lying by me a Brass vessel, (which had been bespoken for another Experiment, for which the Workmen had not made it fit,) I thought it not amiss to imploy it about making a Tryal very easie, and yet fit to be shewn to Strangers, to convince them, that the Spring of the Air is a much more considerable thing than they imagined.
We took then a Brass vessel made like a Cylinder, and having one of his Orifices exactly covered with a flat Plate very firmly fastned to it, the other Orifice being wide open. The depth of this vessel was 4 inches, and the Diameter should have been precisely (but wanted about a quarter of an inch of) 4 inches. To this hollow Cylinder we fitted a wooden Plug, like one of those described in the foregoing Experiment, save that it was not quite so long, and that it was furnished with a Rimme or Lip, which was purposely made of a considerable breadth, that it might afford a stable Basis to the Weight that should lean upon it. And then taking a middle siz'd and limber Bladder, strongly tyed at the Neck, but not near full blown, we press'd it by the help of [Page 166] the Plug into the Cylinder to make it the better accommodate it self to the figure of it. Then taking notice by an inky mark how much of the Plug was extant above the orifice of the vessel, See Plate the Fig. the we laid the Weights upon the Plug, (whose Rimme or Lip hinder'd it from being deprest too deep into the cavity of the vessel;) and having convey'd them into the Receiver, we found as we expected, that if we had loaded the Plug but with a single Weight, (as to avoid trouble, and the danger of breaking the Glass we usually thought fit to do,) though that were a common half hundred weight, (which You know amounts to 56 pounds,) it would very quickly be manifestly heav'd up by the Spring of the included Air. For confirmation of more than which, I shall subjoyn the ensuing Tryal, as I find it recorded among my loose Notes.
The Weight that was lifted up by the Bladder in the Cylinder 4 inches broad, was 75 pound; this Weight was lifted up till the wooden Plug disclos'd the Mark, that was to shew the height, at which the Air kept the said Plug before it was comprest: disclos'd it I say visibly at the 5 th Exuction, and at the 7 th that mark was ⅛, or rather 3/16 above the Edge of the Cylinder. In the Gage where the Mercury in the open Air was wont to stand about ⅛ above the uppermost Glass-mark, it was deprest till it was ⅛ below the second mark. When the Air was let in, it was a pretty while before the Weight did manifestly begin to subside; the Bladder being taken out, and the place it had possess'd in the Cylinder being supply'd with a Sleeve, or some such thing, and the Weight laid again upon the Plug, we found that at 24 Exuctions the Mercury was deprest to the lowest Mark of the Gage; and it was the 34 or 35 th Exuction before the Receiver appear'd to be so exhausted, as to put an end to the sinking of the Mercury, which was then above ⅛ beneath the lowest mark.
Your Lordship will easily believe, that most of the Spectators of such Tryals thought it somewhat strange to see a small quantity of Air, which was not onely uncomprest in the Bladder, but [Page 167] did not near fill it, (and left it very soft and yielding to the least touch,) lift up so easily by its bare Spring such Great Weights as indeavoured to oppress it. But this not being any thing near a sufficient Tryal, how far the conjecture or Hypothesis formerly propos'd will hold, I thought fit to make the utmost Tryals the tallest Receivers I could procure would admit: and having caus'd leaden weights to be purposely cast flat like Cheeses, and as broad as we could conveniently put into the Receiver, that by the advantage of this shape we might be able to pile up the more of them, without much danger that any of them should be shaken down; we laid divers of them one upon another, and then the upper part of the Receiver growing too narrow to admit more of them, we added a less broad Weight or two; and then exhausting the Receiver, till we perceiv'd by the Gage that the Air was manifestly withdrawn, we found (as near as we could measure) by the help of a Mark and a pair of Compasses, that the Plug was so far rais'd, as that twas concluded, that the Elevation vvould have been much Greater, if the included Air, being put upon so Great a Conatus, had not found it easier to produce some Leak at the neck of the Bladder, than to lift up so Great a Weight, which by our Reckoning came to about 100 pound of 16 ounces to the pound. But this last Experiment, for want of some requisite accommodations, vve vvere hinder'd from repeating and promoting; though the above mentioned Hypothesis made me presume, that a far Greater weight might this way have been rais'd if the Bladder had been stanch, and the Receiver high enough.
I need not tell Your Lordship, that if a larger Bladder be imploy'd and included in a Brass vessel of a sufficiently wide Orifice, a far Greater weight may be lifted up by the Spring of the internal Air. But yet it will not be amiss to give Your Lordship on this occasion this Advertisement, which may be fit to be taken notice of on divers others: That care must be had not to make Receivers, that ought to be well emptied, too large, and especially too wide at the Orifice; for otherwayes they will be expos'd to so [Page 168] great a Pressure of the Atmosphere, that they need be of an extraordinary strength to resist it; and even Receivers, that seem'd thick enough proportionably to their bulk, and which held out very well till the close of the Operation, yet when they came to be very diligently exhausted, they did, by reason of the wideness of their Orifices, begin to crack at the bottom.
IN one of my publish'd Experiments viz. the XXXVI. I long since told Your Lordship, that when I endeavoured, by the help of a seal'd bubble, weigh'd in an exhausted Receiver, to compare the Gravity of Air and Water, I was hinder'd by the casual breaking of the Glass from compleating the Experiment. Wherefore I afterwards thought fit to repeat the Tryal; and though when I had done so twice or thrice, having given away the large Receiver I had made use of about them, and not being able ever since to procure a Good one, that was capacious enough for the tender Scales I thought so nice an Experiment required, I did not prosecute that Attempt so far as I intended; yet this very difficulty I met with to procure the Requisites of making the Tryal, invites me to subjoyn the two following Notes, which I find among my loose Papers.
We weigh'd a Bubble in the Receiver, April the 19. 1662. which we found to weigh above half a Grain heavier, when much of the Air was exhausted, than when it was full. Afterwards we took out this seal'd Bubble, and weighing it found it to weigh 68 Grains and a half; then breaking off the small tip of it under water, we found that the heat, by which it was seal'd up, had rarifi'd its included Air, so that it admitted 125 Grains of Water, for the admitted Water and Glass weighed 193 ½ Grains. Then filling it full with Water, we found it to contain in all 739 Grains of Water, for it weighed 807 1/2 Grains: whence tis evident, that the difference between [Page 169] the weight of Water and Air was less than 1228 to 1.]
We weighed in the Receiver a Bubble, May. 26. 1662. the Glass of which weighed 60 Grains: the Air that fill'd it weighed in vacuo 27/32 of a Grain: the Water that fill'd it weighed 720 ¼ Grains: So that by this Experiment the proportion of the weight of Air to Water is as (one) to (853 17/27.)
The Tryals mentioned in these Notes, though they were too few for me to acquiesce in, yet being made in a nevv vvay, and which has some advantages above those that have been hitherto imployed to weigh the Air, may yet serve to keep us from the contrary. Extremes, that have not been avoided by such eminent Mathematicians as Galileo and Ricciolus; the former of which makes Water to be but about 400 times as heavy the Air; and the later, whose conjecture is much remoter from the Truth, 10000 times heavier.
But it is so desireable a thing, and may prove of such importance, to know the proportion in Weight betwixt Air and Water, that I shall not scruple to acquaint Your Lordship with an attempt or two that I made to discover it by another way: For, though at first sight this Experiment may seem to be the same with one publish'd a pretty while ago in the learned Schottus his Mechanica Hydraulico pneumatica; yet Your Lordship will easily perceive this difference between them: That, whereas the industrious Author of that Experiment contents himself to shew, by the diminution of the weight of a Glass, when the Air has been drawn out of it, that the Air, before twas drawn out, was not devoid of Gravity; the following Tryal does not onely perform the same thing, and by a superadded circumstance confirm the Truth to be thereby prov'd, but it indeavours also to shew the Proportion in Gravity betwixt the Air and Water. The Tryals themselves were registred among my Adversaria as follows.
A small Receiver being exhausted of Air by the Engine, and counterpois'd whilst it continued so; the Stop-cock was turn'd, and the Air readmitted, which made it weigh 36 Grains more [Page 170] than it did before: and to prevent Jealousies, we caus'd it to be applied the second time to the Engine, by which the Air being emptied once more, the Glass was put into the other Scale of the former Ballance, and so counterpois'd; and then the External Air being readmitted, (which rush'd in as formerly with a whistling noise), there was found 36 Grains or better, requisite to restore the Ballance to an Aequilibrium.
We took a small Glass Receiver fitted with a Stopcock, and having exhausted it of the Air, and counterpois'd it, and let in the outward Air, we found the vveight of the Vessel to be increased by that admission 36 Grains. This done, we took the Receiver, after having well counterpois'd it, out of the Scale; and having apply'd it the second time to the Engine, we once more withdrew the Air, and then turning the Stop-cock to keep out the external Air, vve took care that none of the Cement, imploy'd to joyn it to the Engine, should stick to it, as we had diligently freed it from adherent Cement before we last apply'd it to the Engine. Then weighing it again, we found it to weigh either 35 or 36 Grains (but rather the former) heavier than it did, when twas last counterpois'd in the same Ballance. This being also done, we immers'd the Stop-cock into a Bason of fair Water, and let in the Liquor, that we might find how much Water would succeed in place of the Air vve had drawn out. When no more vvater vvas impell'd in, vve turned the Stop-cock once more, to keep it from falling out, and then weighing it in the same Scales, (after we had wip'd the Stop-cock, that no Water might stick to it on the outside,) we found the water (without computing the vessel) to weigh 47 ounces, 3 drachms, and 6 Grains, vvhich divided by 35 Grains, (which I took to be the weight of the Air, that vvas equal in Bulk to this vvater that succeeded it,) the Quotient was (wanting a very litle) 650 Grains, for the proportion of the vveight between Air and Water of the same bigness, at the time when the Experiment was made: vvhich circumstance I therefore take notice of, because the Atmosphere [Page 171] appear'd by the Baroscope (wherein the Mercury stood then at 29 inches and 3/4) to be very heavy; which made me the less wonder to find this proportion not so Great, as at other times I had observed it to be between Water and Air in point of weight: though I suspected, that because this odd Experiment cannot be nimbly dispatched, some litle Air may have got in at the Stop-cock, besides the Air that disclos'd it self in numerous bubbles in the vvater that vvas admitted, vvhere though it lay in such small particles as not to be discerned before; yet these particles, by this opportunity to expand themselves, extricated themselves from the vvater, and by getting together might somewhat resist the Ingress of more; vvhich is a difficulty, vvhere to the measuring the proportion between VVater and Air in a heated Eoliple is liable. But the Stealing in of any Air, before the vvater vvas let in, is mentioned but as a Suspicion.
Your Lordship may perhaps think it somewhat strange, that I should present You Tryals, whose Events do not so vvell agree together, as perchance You expected. But this very Disagreement vvas one of the motives that induc'd me to acquaint You vvith them: for all those compris'd in these Experiments being made faithfully, and not without (at the least) an ordinary diligence, as they seem to make it probable, that one may without any Great errour estimate the proportion of our English Air to VVater to be as (One) to some number betwixt 600 and 1100; so tis not to be expected, that the Proportion, vvhatever it be that should be pitch'd upon, should be accurate and stable. For though Learned men seem to have hitherto taken it for granted, that it may suffice once for all diligently to investigate the proportion betwixt those two Bodies, yet, not onely I am apt to believe that a Determinate quantity of Air (as a Pint or Quart) may be unequally heavy in distant Countreys, and even in differing places of the same Countrey; but what I have taken notice of in the 17 th of the printed Experiments, and afterwards frequently observ'd of the Great inequalities of the vveight of the Atmosphere, [Page 172] inclines me to think, that in the self same place two Experiments may be made with the same Instruments, and equal diligence, and yet the weights of the Air may be found differing enough; which may keep Your Lordship from much wondering, that in the 36 th printed Experiment, made when I had the variations of the Atmospheres Gravity in my Eye, I found the Air to be less ponderous in reference to Water, than in these later Tryals. But of this I hope I shall, if God permit, make further Tryals with the same vessels, at times when I shall perceive by the Baroscope, that the Gravity of the Atmosphere is very Great and very Small. And I wish the Curious would make the like Tryals in other Regions. I do not forget, that not onely the School philosophers, but most of the Moderns deny, that Air hath any weight in Air, no more than Water in Water; but having In the Hydrostatical Paradoxes. elsewhere declared and explained my sense about this received Opinion, I shall not here spend any of the litle time I have remaining, to justifie my Dissent; for which Your Lordship may find sufficient Grounds in the newly related Experiments, especially if You please to consider, that though the Opinion I disallow have been chiefly and generally grounded upon some Arguments supposed to evince, that vvater has no vveight in vvater, I have In an Appendix to those Paradoxes. elsewhere shewn those Proofs not to be cogent, and taught a Practical way of weighting vvater in vvater with a pair of ordinary Scales. This method was omitted in the English Edition of the newly mentioned Appendix, but not in the Latin Version.
About the disjoyning of two Marbles (not otherwise to be pull'd asunder without a great weight) by withdrawing the pressure of the Air from them.
IN our formerly publish'd Experiments about the Air *, I did, if I misremember not, acquaint Your Lordship with an Attempt [Page 173] I had made to make a couple of coherent Marbles fall asunder, by withdrawing the Air from them; but though I then esteem'd that their Cohaesion depended upon the Pressure of the Air, yet not being at that time furnish'd with all the accommodations requisite to make an Experiment not easie to be perform'd succeed, I thought fit, when I had afterwards opportunity, to prosecute what I then began, and add some circumstances that I could not then make Tryal of; and yet whose success will not I presume be unwelcome, since it supplies us with no less than matters of fact; whence we may argue, that this Experiment of coherent Marbles (which not onely the Aristotelian Plenists have of late much triumph'd in, but which some recent Favourers of our Hypothesis have declar'd themselves to be troubled with) is not onely reconcileable to our Doctrine, but capable of being made a confirmation of it; notwithstanding what has lately been publish'd (upon the supposition of a case, which at first Blush may seem somewhat of kin to our Experiment,) by a very learned Dr. H. M. in the 2d. chap. of the 2d. Book of the new Edition (in folio) of his Antidote against Atheism. Writer, to whose objection against our Hypothesis, though as well confidently as very civilly proposed, an Answer may in due place, if your Lordship desire it, be return'd.
We took two flat round Marbles, each of them of two inches and about 3 quarters in Diameter, and having put a litle Oyl between them to keep out the Air, we hung at a Hook fastned to the Lowermost a Pound weight to surmount the Cohaesion, which the tenacity of the Oyl and the imperfect Exhaustion of the Receiver might give them. Then having suspended them in the cavity of a Receiver, at a stick that lay (Horizontally) a cross it; when the Engine was fill'd, and ready to work, we shook it so strongly, that those that were wont to manage it, concluded, it would not be near so much shaken by the Operation. Then beginning to pump out the Air, we observ'd the Marbles to continue joyned till it was so far drawn out, that we began to be diffident whether they would separate. But at the 16 th Suck, upon the turning of the Stop-cock, (which gave the Air a passage out of [Page 174] the Receiver into the Pump,) the shaking of the Engine being almost, if not quite, over, the Marbles spontaneously fell asunder, wanting that Pressure of the Air, that formerly had kept them together: which Event was the more considerable, not onely because they hung parallel to the Horizon, but adher'd so firmly together when they were put in, that having try'd to pull them asunder, and thereby observ'd how close they stuck together, I foretold it would cost a good deal of pains so far to withdraw the Air, as to make them separate: which Conjecture Your Lordship will the less wonder at, if I adde, that a weight of 80 and odd pounds, fastned to the lowermost Marble, may be drawn up together with the uppermost, by vertue of the firmness of their Cohesion.
NB. This is not the onely time that this Experiment succeeded with us. For sometimes, when they were not so closely press'd together before they were put in, the Disjunction was made at the 8 th Suck, or sooner, and we seem'd to our selves to observe, that when we hung but half a pound weight to the lower Marble, it requir'd a Greater exhaustion of the Receiver to separate them, than when we hung the whole Pound.
After, having proceeded thus far with the Instruments we then had, meeting with an Artificer that was not altogether unskilful, we directed him to make (what we wanted before in that place) such a Brass-plate to serve for a Cover or Cap to the upper orifice of Receivers open at the top, as we have divers times had occasion to mention already in giving accounts of some of the foregoing Tryals: by the help of which Contrivance we prosecuted the newly related Experiment much further than we could do before, as may appear by the following account.
We fasten'd to the lower most of the two Marbles a weight of a very few ounces, (for I remember not the precise number,) and having cemented the capp'd Receiver with the Marbles in it, as before, to the Pump, we did by a string, whereof one end was tied to the bottom of this Turning-key, and the other to the uppermost [Page 175] Marble, and which (string) past through the Crank or Hook belonging to the Brass-Cover; we did, I say, by the help of this string, and by turning round the Key, draw up the superiour Marble, and by reason of their coherence the lowermost also, together with the weight that hung at it: by which means being sure, that the two Marbles stuck close together, we began to pump out the Air that kept them coherent; and after a while, the Air being pretty well withdrawn, the Marbles fell asunder. But we having so order'd the matter, that the lowermost could fall but a litle way beneath the other, we were able by inclining and shaking the Engine to place them one upon another again, and then letting in the Air somewhat hastily, that by its Spring it might press them hard together, we found the Expedient to succeed so well, that we were not onely able by turning the abovementioned Cylindrical Key, to make the uppermost Marble take up the other, and the annexed weight; but we were fain to make a much more laborious and diligent Exhaustion of the Air to procure the disjunction of the Marbles this second time, than was necessary to do it at the first.
And for further prevention of the Objections or Scruples that I foresaw some Prepossessions might suggest, I thought fit to make this further Tryal, that when the Marbles were thus asunder, and the Receiver exhausted, we did, before we let in the Air, make the Marbles fall upon one another as before; but the litle and highly expanded Air that remained in the Receiver, having not a Spring near strong enough to press them together, by turning the Key we very easily rais'd the uppermost Marble alone, without finding it to stick to the other as before. Whereupon we once more joyn'd the Marbles together, and then letting in the external Air, we found them afterwards to stick so close, that I could not without inconvenience strain any further, than I fruitlesly did, to pull them fairly asunder; and therefore gave them to one that was stronger than I, to try, whether he could do it, which He also in vain attempted to perform.
[Page 176] And now, my Lord, though I had thoughts of adding divers other Experiments to those I have hitherto entertained You with; yet (upon a review) finding These to amount already to fifty, I think it not amiss to make a Pause at so convenient a Number. And the rather, because an odd Quartainary Distemper, that I slighted so long, as to give it time to take Root, is now grown so troublesome, that I fear it may have too much influence upon my Style; which Apprehension obliges me as well to avoid abusing, or distressing Your Lordship's Patience, as to allow my self some seasonable Refreshment, to reserve the mention of the design'd Additions till they can with less trouble to us both be presented You by