A New Constellation: Discovered in a SERMON Preached at the VISITATION Held at Leicester the 29 th of April, 1674.
BY JOSHƲA BONHOME, Rector of Saddington in the County of LEICESTER. Chaplain in Ordinary to His MAJESTY.
LONDON, Printed by W. G. and are to be sold by Moses Pitt, at the sign of the Angel in St. Paul's Churchyard. 1675.
TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE, HENRY COVENTRY Esq; Of His MAJESTIES most Honorable Privy Council, and Principal Secretary of State.
I Could not presume to present this unpolished Discourse (in it self unworthy of Your Acceptation) under the high Patronage of Your Honour, if I did not know (by undeserved Experience) that as the holy Angels of God, which though they be called Principalities and Powers, and behold continually the face of the Lord of lords and King of Kings, our Heavenly Father; yet are of so generous, so noble, and so loving Condescention, that they joyfully undertake, to be Ministring Spirits to the meanest Servants of their Lord and Master, and to be Instruments in his Divine Hands, for their [Page]Comfort and Deliverances: So Your Honour doth dayly imitate those glorious Spirits, in doing good, with an unparallel'd Nobleness, to all such whose Allegiance and Loyalty to our Soveraign is known to You; proving Your self a true Imitatour of him, who though he be of all that is good the best, and of all that's great the greatest, yet delights to prefer his Goodness before his Greatness.
All our English Israel knows, as well as my self, the Eminency of the Place Your Honour enjoyeth in this Kingdom, under our Gracious Soveraign; but the Experience of Your Noble Favours to me, upon several occasions, forceth me to conclude, this height of Trust and Dignity becomes yet more Honourable, and deserves to be more admired, in that You are pleased (and that frequently) to divert Your Eyes from the sight and glory of the tallest Gedars, and to impart a glance to the lowest Shrubs; like Solomon, who spake not only of those goodly Trees in Lebanon, but of [Page]the very Hyssop, that springeth out of the Wall.
Sir, This poor Sermon, which I preached in the Audience of many Grave and Learned Divines, and which some Well-wishers to the Church of England and the Ministry, have thought not to be unworthy of appearing in Publick, in order to Disabuse many poor Souls, who by Recusants perswasions, do not only lightly esteem our Calling, but as if they were the only People of God, (and such they boast themselves to be) look upon it as being no better than that of the Priests of Baal, (for so many of them are pleased to call us;) and on our most Reverend Prelates, and the whole Clergy of this Land, as being no better (if not worse) than the Priests of Antichrist.
This poor Sermon, I say, I make bold to present to Your Honour, with all possible Respect, the best of all I can do being justly due, and devoted to Your Honour, as a small discharge of my Duty, and an hearty acknowledgement of my Obligation. Beseeching [Page]Almighty God, long to preserve Your Honour, (after the joy of our heart, and the breath of our nostrils, His Most Excellent Majesty,) a Friend and Support to all such as fear God, and the King.
That as he hath called You by name, to be one of the Valiant men of Israel, which compass the Bed of our Solomon, he may be pleased to make You more and more Instrumental, for the good of this Land, and the Service of our Soveraign; and fill You, like Bezaleel, with the Spirit of God, in Wisdom, and Ʋnderstanding, and Knowledge, for the Service both of the Throne and Tabernacle, the State and the Church.
For these, and all other Blessings, Temporal and Spiritual, upon Your Noble person, shall ever pray, the meanest among the many thousands that are called to the Sacred Priesthood, and
AS God at sundry times, Heb. 1.1. and in divers manners, spake in time past unto the Fathers by the Prophets; to the end that all men might know the greatness and the glory, as well as the goodness, the mercifull, and loving kindness of the Lord: so in divers manners, and at sundry times hath he appeared, in dreadfull and glorious Visions unto his Servants, that they might with a better success convince all those they were sent unto of their own Vileness, Rebellion, and Prophaneness; and (if I may so speak) breed and plant, in their sinfull and [Page 2]deceitfull Hearts, a godly fear, and a holy reverence of so glorious a Majesty; and in their Minds, a true, perfect, and earnest submission, unto the words of him that commands all men, to be holy as he is Holy.
In such a glorious, and fearfull Vision, the great Jehovah was pleased to appear, not to Moses only, but to the whole Camp of Israel in the Wilderness, when Mount Sina was altogether on a smoak, because the Lord, (who is a consuming Fire) descended upon it in fire, Exod. 19.18. and the whole mount quaked greatly. Of the same nature was that of the Prophet Esaias, when he saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, when his train filled the Temple, and above it stood the Seraphims, crying one to another, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory; when the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cryed, and the house was filled with smoak. As you may see in the first Verse of the sixth Chapter of the Prophecy of the same Prophet. And that the House of Israel might be convinced, and left without excuse, for their impudency, stiffheartedness and rebellion against the Lord, then sent he to his Prophet Ezechiel the Vision of a Whirlwind coming out of the North, of a great Cloud, a Fire, and a Brightness; that of the likeness of four living Creatures, whose appearance was like burning Coals of Fire, [Page 3]and like the appearance of Lamps. And the likeness of the Firmament, upon the heads of the living Creatures, of the colour of the terrible Crystal, and above the Firmament that was over their heads, was the likeness of a Throne, as the appearance of a Saphire stone, and upon the Throne was the likeness, as the appearance of a man above upon it. And as the living God, by these fearfull Ideals, and amazing Representations of his Glory, would bring the Church of Israel to a sober consideration, of the Excellency of his Word, that they might at last be perswaded and drawn to an entire and true Obedience to the same, and with more diligence and earnestness, admit and receive the Holy Instructions of his Prophets, whom he had Honoured with these glorious Images and Representations of his Greatness, and incomprehensible Infiniteness.
So in the days of the Gospel, wherein he hath spoken unto us by his own Son; Heb. 1.2. Whom he hath appointed heir of all things; to the end we might lay apart all superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the Word which is able to save our Souls, as St. James speaketh, Jam. 1. vers. 21. he hath given the Church an infallible Witness, and an undoubted Proof, that though He appeared in the form and likeness of a Servant, Phil. 2.7. yet He was the brightness of the glory of the Father, and the express image of his person; Heb. 1.3. [Page 4]which appeared in the Miracles, and Wonders that he wrought upon several occasions; but especially when in the Holy Mount of Tabor he received of God the Father honour and glory in his Transfiguration, a voice coming to him from the Excellent Glory, saying, This is my beloved Son, 2 Pet. 2.17. in whom I am well pleased.
And to say nothing at present of the Wonders that accompanied his Death, as the renting of the Vail of the Temple, the Eclipse of the Sun, the cleaving of Rocks, the raising of the Dead, and the quaking of the Earth; when this blessed Saviour had by himself purged our Sins, Heb. 1. and sate down on the Right Hand of the Majesty on high, his sending down the Holy Ghost upon his Apostles, Act. 2.3. in the appearance of Cloven Tongues, like as of Fire, and the sudden Gift of speaking many Languages, were no less powerfull, nay, more convincing Arguments, for the receiving of the Gospel, which brings and offers Salvation to all men.
But because, naturally, Man's Infidelity is such, that unless they see a special Character on those, by whom the Lord is pleased to send unto them the glad tydings of the Gospel, they will no more believe them than the Jews did our Saviour; therefore this blessed Redeemer, the Author and Finisher of our [Page 5]Faith, hath bestowed on his Servants the Preachers and Ministers of the Gospel, not only the inward assistance and presence of his Spirit, but also glorious and honourable Titles, that those as are to be led by them into the ways of Truth, may with a more cheerfull spontaneity, suffer themselves to be presented (by their Ministry) Holy, and unblameable, Col. 1.22. and unreprovable in his sight.
Of which glorious Titles, as well as of the special care he hath of his Servants, the Ministers of his Holy Word and Sacraments, you have an excellent Proof, and Warrant together, in the words of my Text; wherein you see the Alpha and Omega, the first and last, Rev. 1.11. Col. 1.15. Isa. 9.6. the Image of the invisible God, the First-born of every Creature, whose name is called the Wonderfull, the Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace; appearing to his holy Apostle, walking in the midst of seven Golden Candlesticks, the lively Image and Representation of the several parcels of his Church, and of his Gospel, the true Lamp of this Spiritual Sanctuary, Having in his right hand seven Stars. Which words, though they set forth and represent to our Understanding at first sight, the Idea of a Mystical sense, yet will make it appear as clear and bright, as the things it is borrowed from, if in the handling of them [Page 6]you will be pleased to consider and examine with me;
First, What is meant by the Stars, and why they are so called?
And secondly, Why, and how they are said to be in the right hand of Christ? And he had in his right hand seven Stars.
For the First. As the words are spoken Mystically, and not Literally, we are not to conceive the Lord Jesus as really holding in his right hand seven of those Celestial lightsom Bodies which commonly we call Stars; for he might not have appeared on Earth with them, for many Reasons, but chiefly for this, That, if we do believe Astronomers, the least Star is Eighteen times bigger than the whole Earth, therefore we may safely conclude this Vision of St. John to have been nothing else but an Aenigmatical and Mystical Representation of the Ministers Calling (I mean a Lawfull Calling) to be of Christ, of his special care of them, and of the Obedience, men over whom they Rule, are to yield to their wholesom words and Doctrine, as being the saving words of him who is called the Sun of Righteousness, and by whose divine light they see and receive light, as the Prophet David saith; Psal. 36.9. that others may be cheared up by their borrowed light, in the Spiritual darkness [Page 7]of this World, as men in the Natural darkness, are comforted by the light the Stars receive and have from the material Sun.
In Holy Scripture, those things are called Stars, which have an outward glory, dignity, and splendor. So David's Kingdom is called a Star, Numb. 24.17. even by Balaam in the Book of Numbers, chap. 24. vers. 17. There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel.
And in the Prophet Isaiah, chap. 14. vers. 12. the Kingdom of Babylon is called a Morning-Star; How, saith he, art thou fallen from heaven, Isa. 14.12. O Lucifer son of the morning?
And in the Book of Genesis, chap. 37. vers. 10. the Sun, and the Moon, and the Eleven Stars, in Joseph's Dream, are interpreted by Jacob, to be Joseph's Father, Mother, and Brethren.
But in our Text, the seven Stars in the right hand of our Lord and Blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ, do represent the seven Angels of the seven Churches of Asia the Less; as Christ witnesseth himself in the last verse of this Chapter; and in them, the whole Body of all the Ministers of Christ, and Preachers of his Gospel. Which Interpretation if any man thinks to be too honourable and too high for the Ministers of the Church of Christ, because the Apostle, in the second Epistle to [Page 8]the Corinthians, chap. 4. vers. 5. speaking in his own name, and of all other Ministers, saith, 2 Cor. 4.5. We our selves are your servants for Jesus sake. And in the last verse of the first Chapter of the same Epistle, We have no dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: I would have him to reflect upon the glorious Titles the Holy Scripture attributes to these Servants of Christ and of his Church, for they are called Angels, as well as Stars, in the three first Chapters of this Revelation.
In the first Epistle to the Corinthians, chap. 4. vers. 1. 1 Cor. 4.1. they are to be accounted of all, as the Ministers of Christ, and the Stewards of the Mysteries of God; in other places they are called the Ambassadors of Christ, and Coworkers with God.
In the Gospel of St. Matthew, chap. 5. vers. 13, 14. they are said to be the Light of the World, Mat. 5.13, 14. and the Salt of the Earth, because they are in the hands of Christ, not only as lightsom Stars, but as an excellent Salt, to keep from Spiritual corruption, those that embrace and believe the Gospel.
And in the same Gospel, chap. 10. vers. 40. their Blessed Master shews, what account his makes of them, when he telleth them, He that receives you receives me, Mat. 10.40. and he that receives me receives him that sent me.
And in the same Chapter of St. Luke, [Page 9]vers. 16. He that heareth you heareth me, Luke 10.16. and he that despiseth you, despiseth me; and he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me.
These be Witnesses enough, to vindicate the Excellency of our Holy Function; but yet give me leave to add one word more, to prove that the Ministers of the Church are called Stars, in the same sense the Church is called the Host, and the Kingdom of Heaven.
In the Prophet Daniel, chap. 8. vers. 10. the prophanation of the Sanctuary of the Lord, by Antiochus, and his Cruelty to the Church of God and her Priests, is set down in these very words, And it waxed great, (that is, the little Horn spoken of in the ninth Verse,) even to the host of heaven; Dan. 8.10. and it cast down some of the host, and of the stars, to the ground, and stamped upon them.
In the eighth Chapter, and the tenth Verse of this Revelation of St. John, Rev. 8.10. When the third Angel sounded, there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp; where the word Heaven is taken for the Church, and by this Star that fell down from it, is meant a Doctor or Bishop of great Honour, and outward Glory, (I need not tell you whom it relates to, you know it well enough,) who forsaking the purity of the Gospel, and the wholesom and saving Doctrine thereof, that is, revolting and falling from the true Faith, will give heed [Page 10]to seducing Spirits and doctrines of Devils, as St. Paul saith to Timothy. 1 Tim. chap. 4. vers. 1.
And at the twelfth Verse, When the fourth Angel sounded, the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars: By the third part of the Sun is represented the Doctrine of the Gospel, and the saving knowledge of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ; by the Moon, the true Church; and by the Stars, the Ministers thereof, as most part of Learned Interpreters acknowledge.
Thus you see, that not only in our Text, but in many other places of Scripture, the Holy Spirit of God is pleased to honour the Ministers and Servants of Christ with this glorious Title; intending, doubtless, by it to curb and restrain the sawciness and malice of this wicked Generation, who despising their comfortable Influences, and calling their Light Darkness, doth look upon them, and account of them, as of so many Blazing-Stars, that portend nothing but Ruine and Destruction.
Now they are so called, because in their Ordination they are created, if I may so speak, that is, set apart and consecrated for the Ministry of the Word in the Church of God, (which is as a new Heaven, or, if you will have me to express my self in the words of Christ, the new Jerusalem, which cometh down [Page 11]out of Heaven from God) for the very same ends and purposes, Rev. 3.12. the Stars at first were created and situated in the Firmament. Which if we consider a little, will make good the second Branch of my first Part, Why they are called Stars? Which I think to be, because of the many Resemblances they have one with another.
For First, The Stars, you know, are thought to be of the same Substance and Matter the Heavens are, but more thick and lightsom: So the Ministers of the Church are of the same Nature and Substance all the other Members of the Church are; and yet are not to be esteemed the worse for it, no more than the Stars for being of the same Substance the Heavens are of. Nay, I say it is their Glory it is so, for by it they better resemble their Lord and Master; who being our High-Priest, and the Everlasting Son of the Father, yet called himself the Son of Man; and though he be the true Morning-Star, as he saith himself, Rev. 2.28. nay the true God, Phil. 2.7. yet took upon him the form of a Servant.
Secondly, As the Stars do both lighten and quicken all Inferiour things, by their Light and Influences, are as the Eyes of the World, and more bright and splendid than other parts of the Heavens: So the Ministers of the Church are the light of the World, and by [Page 12]their Doctrine, Life, and Example, are to shine in the midst of a Crooked generation as Lights in the World, as they have a special Command in the Epistle to the Philippians, chap. 2. vers. 15.
Thirdly, As the Stars brightness and light shines more gloriously in the night than in the day time, and darts out more vigorous Beams, in a cold, dry, frosty Night, than when the Air drops the Dew upon the face of the Earth: So the Ministers of Christ are bound to cause their Faith, and Knowledge of the Truth, to shine and sparkle, with more lustre and radiancy, in the Night of Ignorance, and against the darkness and confusions of Hereticks, and disturbers of the Peace of the Church, than when she enjoyeth the Spiritual Dew of Tranquillity and Peace.
Fourthly, The Stars are the Guide and direction of Travellers, and especially of Sea-men: The Ministers of Christ likewise, by their godly Instructions, do guide and direct men in the ways of Truth and Holiness; and he that Rules both Sun, Moon, and Stars, is pleased to use their Ministry, Psal. 107.30. to the bringing of them unto their desired Haven.
Fifthly, Every Star hath its own degree of Virtue and Light, for One star differs from another star in glory, saith St. Paul, 1 Cor. 15.41. though their Light is derived from the same [Page 13]principle: So every Minister of the Gospel hath his own proper Gift, and though there are diversities of Gifts, yet there is but the same Spirit, as the same Apostle witnesseth in chap. 12. vers. 4. of the same Epistle.
Sixthly, The Stars have every one their place, order, and situation, Psal. 8.3. and keep it inviolably, without mixing together confusedly; having been ordained of God, to keep their several Ranks and Courses: So every one that hath the priviledge to be called to the Spiritual Priesthood of the Church of Christ, Heb. 5.4. as Aaron was to the Priesthood of the Law, must have a special care of the Place and Rank God hath appointed unto him, and not meddle with, nor trouble the Order and Place of others; lest they incurr such a censure as God gave against false Prophets in the Prophet Jeremy's time, I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them. Jer. chap. 14. vers. 14.
Seventhly, The Stars are not the Light, but only burning and glistering Lamps: So the Ministers of Christ are only burning Lamps, and Witnesses of the Light, in the Sanctuary of the Lord, and not properly the Light it self; as it is said of St. John the Baptist, He was not that light, but was sent to bear witness of that light. Joh. chap. 1. vers. 8.
Eightly, The Stars have no power or influence upon Superiour and Nobler things, as [Page 14]the Soul, Mind, and Will of man: The Ministers likewise, have not of themselves the strength and power to change and convert the Souls of men; it is the proper work of God, and his own prerogative.
Ninthly, There have been Stars seen in Heaven, at several times, which never appeared before or after, as that which appeared to the Wise-men, at the Birth of our Saviour, Mat. 2. another in the year 1572. that caused a general admiration all the World over: And so hath God caused many extraordinary Stars, that is, Ministers and Witnesses of his Truth, to appear at several times in the Church, for the special setting forth of the Truth of Christ, and convincing the World, and the Church; that though many false Teachers, disturbers of the Peace and Tranquillity of this New Jerusalem, pretend to be the only Stars of this Spiritual Firmament; yet are they nothing else but Airy impressions and apparitions, who like Blazing-Stars, leave nothing behind them, and infect the World with nothing else but corrupt and stinking Influences.
Now as in all these particulars, Ministers are fitly compared to Stars; so there are many others wherein they do differ one from another.
As First, The Heavens cannot be deprived of the Stars: But the Church may be deprived of faithful Ministers, by the fury and malice [Page 15]of Satan and the World, but especially by the Craft and Ambition of such false Brethren and Teachers, who under pretence of Purity and Reformation, bring in Anarchy and Confusion, and cause this Spouse of Christ to groan and lament, as once the Old Church of the Jews; We see not our signs, there is no more any Prophet, neither is there among us any that knoweth how long. Psal. 74.9. As it was our Case not many years ago.
Secondly, It is an Opinion generally received, that the Stars do follow the motion of their Orbs: But it must not be so with Ministers, else would we soon see bad work in the Church; as by our late sad and lamentable Experience it is too too evident.
Thirdly, The Stars shall lose their Light, and fall from Heaven at the last day, as Christ saith, Matth. 24.29. The Sun shall be darkned, Matth. 24.29. and the Moon shall not give her light, and the Stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be shaken: But for the true and faithful Ministers of Christ and his Church, They shall shine as the brightness of the Firmament, and they that turn many to Righteousness, as the Stars for ever and ever; as you may see Dan. chap. 12. vers. 3. And then that excellent word of David shall be fulfilled in them, At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psal. 16.11.
And because even in this life the Mystical [Page 16]Stars, receive from the Mystical Sun of Righteousness Light, Honour, and Protection, therefore are they said to be in his Right Hand. And he had in his right hand seven Stars. Which leads me to my Second Observation on the Text, Why and how they are said to be in the Right Hand of the Lord Jesus?
Now our reflecting upon the following Observations, will give light and evidence to the Quaere.
For the First, They are said to be in his Right Hand, because they are in his own power and disposing, and receive every one from him Grace, according to the measure of his Gift. Phil. 4.7. 'Tis in Mercy and Love he is pleased to send them unto men, to help them forward in the ways of Salvation, 'tis an effect and fruit of his being on high at the right hand of the Father. When he ascended he led captivity captive, Ephes. 4.8. and gave gifts unto men; for he gave some Apostles, and some Prophets, and some Evangelists, and some Pastors and Teachers; for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the Ministry, and for the edifying of the Body of Christ, 'Till we all come, in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, as St. Paul saith in the same Epistle, the same Chapter, vers. 11, 12, 13.
Secondly, They are said to be in his Right [Page 17]Hand, because it is he, that in the performance of their Duty leads them by the assisting Grace of his Spirit, and giveth power and efficacy to their Words; dealing with them as with his Prophets Esay and Jeremy, when he caused one of the Seraphims to touch Esay's lips with a live Coal taken from off the Altar, Isa. 6.6. and when he put forth his hand, and touched his mouth, saying, Behold I have put my words in thy mouth. Jer. chap. 1. vers. 9.
Thirdly, They are said to be in his right hand, because he loveth and cherisheth them, above all other things, as we do those things we have in our hands, and are dear unto us. For though they be his Servants, yet he calls them his Friends, and saith unto them as he said to his Servants of old, Thou shalt be a crown of glory in the hands of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God. Isa. 62.3.
In the Fourth place, They are said to be in his right hand, because the Lord's protection and care of them is wonderful, his Eyes and his Heart is continually upon them, as he said of the Temple of Jerusalem; and in their Spiritual War, against the World, Satan, Heresie, and Errour; he is present with them, though invisibly, as the Captain of the Host of the Lord, as he was with Joshua, and the whole Camp of Israel, before Jericho, as you may see in the Book of Joshua, chap. 5. vers. 14.
Fifthly, Because he is always at hand to comfort and keep them, against their Enemies; and if their Malice and Oppression reduceth them to good King Jehosaphat his Case, we know not whither to turn our Eyes for help; or with the Church, in Isaiah, chap. 49. vers. 14. to complain, and say, The Lord hath forsaken us, and, Our God hath forgotten us; then speaks he unto them, as to his Church and Servants in those days, I have you graven upon the palms of my hands, vers. 16. Thus did he protect with his right hand Moses against the fury of Pharaoh, the contempt and rebellion of the People; Jeremy and Baruch, against the Decree of Jehoiakim. Jer. 36.26. the Prophet Elias against the rage of Ahab, and Jesabel; and St. Paul from many dangers and deaths. 2 Cor. 1.10.
To these we may add, that by their being in the right hand of God or Christ may be understood, that they are in favour with Christ, that he honoureth them, and will at last, for a merciful Recompence of their Labours, make them partakers of the Glory he hath received of the Father; and that he promiseth them, Rev. 3.21. To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
But Lastly, I think they may be said to be in the right hand of Christ in another sense, [Page 19]that is, that he may throw them down from the Firmament of the Church, if they turn from the Holy Commandments delivered unto them. 2 Pet. 2.21. For whereas every private Christian is commanded to work out his Salvation with fear and trembling; Ministers have a double Charge, to Save themselves, and others, by being Faithful to their Trust, and fulfilling the Work their Master hath entrusted them withall; lest he being angry, shakes them out of his right hand, as men use to throw off those things that displease them, though they have been never so dear to them before. And thus did God formerly deal with Nadab and Abihu, the Sons of Aaron, for Offering strange Fire before the Lord, which he commanded them not; And there went out a fire from the Lord and devoured them, and they dyed before the Lord; who will be sanctified in them that come nigh him, and before all the people will he be glorified; as Moses said after their Sin and Punishment, Levit. 10.2.
And thus did he deal with the two Sons of Ely, in the First of Samuel, chap. 4. vers. 11. And so in few words have I cleared the matter in hand.
Now from these few particular Observations, the House of Aaron and the House of Israel may learn these Lessons of Instruction and Comfort.
And First, You the Tribe of Levi, the [Page 20]Messengers of the Lord of Hosts, learn to be Faithful, Careful and Diligent in your Master's Work, and in the Duties of your Sacred Calling; lest as unprofitable Servants he throws you off from his Right Hand, and upbraids you as the Priests formerly in the days of Malachy, You are departed out of the way, ye have caused many to stumble at the Law, and you have corrupted the covenant of Levi: Therefore have I made you contemptible and base, before all the people; according as you have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law. Malach. 2.7, 8, 9. But what do I say? God forbid this Censure should ever concern us; let us rather say of it, as Daniel to the King of Babylon, concerning his Dream, Let it be to them that hate us, and the Interpretation thereof to the Enemies of Christ, and the Disturbers of the Peace of his Church. Dan. 4.19.
Secondly, Let it be your Joy and Comfort, to be like the Prophets and Apostles of the Lord, and as they were, to be Defamed, and made as the filth of the World, and the off-scouring of all things, as St. Paul complains, 1. Cor. 4.13. since you are burning and lightsom Stars in the hands of our Lord Jesus. Let me say to you, what St. Paul to the Colossians, chap. 4. vers. 17. said to their Minister, Take heed to the ministry which you have received of the Lord, that ye fulfill it. Go on boldly in the Work of your Master, for [Page 21]you are as so many Stars in his Right Hand, whom neither life nor death shall ever pluck out of his Hand. For if the Shepherd be better and nobler than the Sheep, then may you particularly apply to your selves that Excellent Promise of Christ, Joh. 10.28. I give unto them eternal life, they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
'Tis true, there are now-a-days many false Stars, wandring Stars, as St. Jude calls them, Iude 9.14. who (as the Bramble would have been King over all the other Trees, Iudg. 9.14.) pretend to be the only Stars in the Hands of Christ; and perswade a Crooked Nation, Our Church is as the Chaos in the Beginning, and that there is nothing but Darkness upon the Face of it, Gen. 1.2. Ye therefore, (as the Lord said to Jeremy, Jer. 1.17.) gird up your Loyns, and arise, and speak unto them all that the Lord commands you: Be not dismayed at their Faces, for behold he hath made you a Defenced City, and an Iron Pillar, and a Brazen Wall, against the whole Land. And they shall fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you; for the Lord is with you, to deliver you.
Come now, O House of Israel! and learn, That if these be the Priviledges of your Ministers, if they are Stars in the Hand of your Blessed Saviours, to receive them therefore in [Page 22]the Lord with all gladness, as St. Paul commanded the Philippians to receive Timothy, Phil. 2.29. And as he exhorted to the Hebrews, Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God; whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. Heb. 13.7. And at vers. 17. Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit your selves; For they watch for your souls, as they that must give an account; that they may do it with joy, and not with grief, for that is unprofitable for you. Pray for them, pray for your selves, that God may be pleased to fill in your Souls, by their Ministry, the sweet Influences of Grace and Mercy in Christ, in whose right hand they are as so many Stars.
To conclude, my truly Reverend and Beloved Brethren in the Lord, seeing there are in our days so many False and Wandring Stars, who that they may with more facility lead men in the ways of their own devising, pretend to be as it is said of Simon, Acts 8.10. the great power of God, and the only Ioshua's, appointed for the introducing of Israel into the Land of Promise. Let our Light shine more than ever, that all men may glorifie our Father which is in Heaven, when they shall see we lead them in the ways of Truth and Righteousness.
Let us all be like that Star which led the Wise-men to Bethlehem, let us point out and shew unto men the place where Iesus is to be [Page 23]found; and to them, and to us, let the Lord Jesus give the Morning Star, according to his promise. Rev. 2.28.
And since There is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel. Num. 23.23. let us as chosen of God and precious, though disallowed indeed of most men; let us, I say, so adorn our Holy Priesthood and Ministry, by a diligent care and watching over the Flock of Christ, that the Balaams of this time, which are hired to Curse us, may be compelled to cry out at last, as their Patron of old, How goodly are thy tents O Jacob, and thy tabernacles O Israel! Num. 24.5.
Which that we may all see, to our Eternal Comfort, Malach. 4.2. let us beg of the Sun of Righteousness, Jesus Christ our Lord; that he may be pleased to dart upon us, the Stars in his right hand, the wholesom Beams of Grace, and Understanding, and Zeal to his Glory, and the Good of his Church; that when we shall have made an end of Trafficking with the Talents he hath bestowed on us, and having given him a good and faithful Account, we may all hear that Blessed and Comfortable word, Well done good and faithful Servants, enter into the joy of your Lord. You have been as so many Stars in my right hand, whose Beams in the work of your Ministry have been darkned by many a Cloud of the [Page 24]Sins and Errours of a stiff-necked Generation; but now I the Sun of Righteousness will dart Eternally upon you the sweet and ravishing Beams of Glory in my Glorious and Everlasting Sanctuary. To Him, with the Father, and Ever-blessed Spirit, be ascribed all Honour, Power, and Glory, now and for evermore. Amen.