A PUBLICK TRYAL OF THE Quakers IN BARMUDAS Upon the first Day of May, 1678.
First, The Charge against them was openly read containing these Particulars: As
- 1. That a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is not the true Christ, but the False Christ, the Devil.
- 2. That the main end of the Quakers Meetings in these Islands, is to make the Lords Christ, His Holy Spirit, His Angels, and Apostles, all Lyars and False Witnesses of God.
- 3. That the Prim-Principles of a Quaker, are the same Held and Professed by the Beasts, which Paul fought with at Ephesus.
Secondly, The whole Charge being Proved by the Testimony of the Holy Scriptures: was found by the Sheriffe, and Justices of Peace, a true and just Charge.
Thirdly, Being found Guilty, they are here Sentenced, and brought forth unto the deserved Execution of the Presse.
By SAMSON BOND late Preacher of the Gospel in Barmudas.
BOSTON IN NEW-ENGLAND: Printed by Samuel Green, upon Assignment of Samuel Sewall: 1682.
BEing lately informed, that the Quakers had left a Paper ( with a Gentleman in these Islands) intimating a chalenge to the Ministers here, viz. Whether the Ministers God, or the Quakers God, were the true God; little notice was taken of this their Folly: in a short time afterwards, a Justice of the Peace acquainted me, that a Quaker brought him a Letter, and would have him deliver it unto me, but he refused to receive it from him: And some few dayes after this, an honest Neighbour told me, that the Quakers had reported up and down the Countrey, s [...]. That I would as soon take a Bear by the Tooth, as Dispute with them: and withal, that thereby the Leading Quakers did confirm and increase their party: Hereupon I sent unto them ( a Synagogue of Libertines) the Charge in the Title Page asserted, [Being Answers to three short Questions.] And in the Paper ( which was sent the 15 th. day of April 1678.) they were informed, that I would be ready to prove ( from the Holy Scriptures) the charge against them: upon the modest motion of any one or more Quakers in these Islands, (on any Lecture-day in Devon shier-Tribe Church) in order to a Regular and Peaceable Disputation, for the investigation of the Truth of the true God; which Pap [...]r the Quakers received and accepted. And according to the general Directions therein given, they came ( the first day of May following, to the place assigned, ( but without giving me any special notice of it,) Then Francis Eastlack, a Teacher amongst them, moved for a performance of my promise, in reference to the Charge (which he called a Chalenge) under my hand against them: I forthwith told him, that I was ready ( by Christs help) to do it: howbeit, by the way (as I told them) I thought it fit to signifie unto them, sc. That as they had accepted the Paper which I had sent to them, so they had thereby bound themselves to all the terms and conditions therein expressed: as Namely. 1. That the Disputation is to be Regular; that is to say, I am (in the first place) to prove the whole Charge, without any interruption from any one of you; That then any one or more of you may (without interruptions from me) answer my Arguments, or give your Assent. 2. That the Disputation is to be peaceable; that is to say, one person only ( at a time) is to Answer; That the Disputation may not end ( as usually such kind of Disputes have done) in an unprofitable Confusion, but to the satisfaction of the numerous, and judiciou [...] Hearers: And that at the end of all, They may judge (according to [Page] the Scriptures of Truth) between you and me: Let me here pray the Reader to take notice, that not any thing said by me (touching the Regular and Peaceable Disputation) was gain said by any of them, whose silence was ( by all the Hearers) taken for their full consent: yet, notwithstanding; herein, they declared themselves most unfaithful, for they frequently interrupted me, more especially, by casting in impertinent objections, ere I ha [...] half answered this or that Scripture, which some one or other of them had proposed; thereby in design ( as I thought) to obstruct the special matter, ready to be uttered for the satisfaction of the Attentive Hearers; which urged me ( as I must confess) unadvisedly to say, that what I had, and should then have declared, I would cause to be Printed, that full returnes might be given to the objections made, and Scriptures wrested by them: saying, If I could not be heard I would be read: herewithal, I cannot deny, but that I have in the returns, inserted sundry things from judicious Authors (for confirmation) or further explication which I might not then have alledged, though I had not met with any interruption at all: And f [...]rasmuch as some of them have ( as I am informed) since said, that their business was not managed aright by them, and that some things were forgotten to be spoken; not only these but all other things which might seem for their advantage, I have ( in their due places) set down and answered; upon the whole I do assure the Reader, I should not have given my self this trouble; had they not ( by their manifold interruptions) provoked me to make that inconsiderate open promise as above: concerning which many of the Hearers have since been my frequent Remembrancers; and probably others may be ready ( on default of performance) to reflect slanderously upon me, whose reviling rudeness is but too well known:
This insuing Discourse had been Printed sooner, had not Mr. John Foster (the Printer) been disenabled by a tedious sickness, of which he Died.
Page 18. line 19. read doubled. p. 38. l. 40. r. assert. p. 51. l. 13. for believed, read belied the Letter. p. 81. l. 11. r. free. p. 85. l. 11. for person r. reason. p. 100 l. 24. r. either.
The First Part of the Charge; is
THat a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is not the true Christ, but the false Christ, the Devil.
Which was proved by four Apostolical Arguments.
Arg. 1. ‘Because, Jesus Christ of Nazareth a Man approved of God among the People, was and is the true Christ, and our only Saviour: which is frequently testified in the Acts of the Apostles:’ as in
Act. 2. ver. 22, 23, 36. ‘Ye Men of Israel, hear these words, Jesus of Nazareth a Man approved of God among you, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have Crucified and Slain: Let all the House of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have Crucified both Lord and Christ.’
Acts. 4. 10, 11, 12. ‘Be it known unto you all, and unto all the people of Israel, that by the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye Crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him, doth this Man stand here before you whole: this is the Stone, which was set at nought of your builders, which is become the head of the corner; neither is there Salvation in any other; for there is none other Name ( sc. then the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth) under Heaven given among Men, whereby we must be saved.’
Acts 10 38, 39, 40, 42, 43. ‘God anointed Jesus of Nazareth, with the Holy Ghost, and with power: Whom they ( Jews) slew and hanged on a [...]ree: Him God raised up the third day, and shewed him openly: And he commanded us, to Preach unto the People, and to testifie that it is he which was ordained of God, to be the judge of quick and dead: To him give all the Prophets witness, that through his Name whosoever believeth in him, shall receive remission of sins.’
From these Texts of Scripture, the 1st. Argument did arise: To wit,
‘If Jesus Christ of Nazareth a Man approved of God among the People of Israel, be the true Christ and only Saviour, then a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is not the true Christ:’
‘But Jesus Christ of Nazareth, a Man approved of God among the People, was and is the true Christ and our only Saviour; therefore, a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is not the true, but false Christ.’
Arg. 2. ‘;Because the Saints of God (by the direction of his Spirit) have alwayes acknowledged the Man Jesus Christ, to be their true and only Savi [...]ur:’ as in
Luk. 2. 25, 26, 27 28. 29, 30, 31. ‘And behold, there was a Man in Jerusalem, whose Name was Simeon, and it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lords Christ; and he came by Spirit into the Temple; and when the Parents brought in the Child Jesus; then he took him up in his Arms, and blessed God, and said, Lord, now lettest thou thy Servant depart in peace, according to thy word; for mine eyes have seen thy Salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people, &c:’
Joh. 20. 27, 28. ‘Then said Jesus unto Thomas, reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side, and be not faithless, but believing: and Thomas answered and said unto him (by the spirit of Faith) my Lord and my God.’
Joh. 4. 42. ‘And said unto the Woman, now we believe, not because of thy saying, for we have heard him (the Man Christ, ver. 29.) our selves, and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the World.’
From these Scriptures the Second Argument was Formed, sc.
‘If the Saints of God have (by the Holy Spirits direction) alwayes acknowledged, the Man Jesus Christ, to be the true Christ, and only Saviour: then a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is not the true Christ.’
‘But the Saints of God have (by the Spirits direction) alwayes acknowled the Man Jesus Christ, for their true and only Saviour. Therefore a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is not the true but false Christ.’
Arg. 3. ‘Because the true Christ and our only Saviour, did at once (without us) in and by his one crucified body on the Cross, finish and compleat the work and office of a Saviour: as in’
[Page 3] Heb. 10. 12, 14. ‘By the which will we are Sanctified ( that is, Saved) through the Offering of the Body of Jesus Christ once for all: And this man after he had offered one Sacrifice for sins, for ever sate down on the right hand of God; for by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are Sanctified.’
Heb. 2. 14. ‘Forasmuch then as the Children are partakers of flesh and blood, he ( Jesus, ver. 9.) also himself likewise took part of the same, that through death, he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the Devil.’
1 Pet. 2. 24. ‘Who his own self bare our sins, in his own body on the tre, and in 1 Pet. 3. 18. For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust (that he might bring us to God) being put to Death in the flesh, but quickened by the spirit.’
Eph. 2. 15. 16. ‘Having abolished in his flesh the enmity,—having slain the enmity in himself on the Cross, so making peace: and in Chap. 5. 2. As Christ hath given himself for us, an offering, and a Sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour.’
Heb. 9. 26. ‘But now once in the end of the World, hath he appeared to put away sin, by the Sacrifice of himself: and in Col. 1. 22. In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy, and unblameable, and unreprovable [...]n his sight.’
From these Scriptures the third Argument resulted. viz.
‘If the true Christ, and our only Saviour, did at once (without us) in and by his one crucified body on the Cross, finish and perfect the work and office of a Saviour; then a Quakers pretended Saviour within [...]im, is not the true Christ.’
‘But the true Christ, and one only Saviour, did at once (without us) in and by his one crucified Body on the Cross, finish and perfect the whole work and office of a Saviour: Therefore a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is not the true, but the false Christ.’
4th. Argument: ‘Because, the true Christ, and our only Saviour is in Heaven above us. As in’
Luk. 24. 46, 48, 50, 51. ‘And Jesus said unto them (his Apostles) thus it was written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day. And ye are witnesses of these things. And led them out as far as Bethany. And he lift up his hands and blessed them: And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into Heaven.’
Mark 6. 19. ‘So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sate on the right hand of God.’
[Page 4] Act. 1. 11. ‘Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing into Heaven, this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner, as ye have seen him go into heaven.’
Act. 3. 13, 21. ‘The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our Fathers hath glorified his Son Jesus. Whom the heavens must receive until the times of restitution of all things.’
Heb. 9. 24. ‘For Christ is not entred into the holy places made with hands,—but into heaven it self, now to appear in the presence of God for us.’
Act 7 55 56. ‘But he ( Stephen) being full of the Holy Ghost, looking up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the Glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God:—And said, Behold I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.’
From these Scriptures the fourth Argument was formed: sc.
‘If the true Christ, and our only Saviour be in Heaven above us, then a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is not the true Christ.’
‘But the true Christ, and our only Saviour is in Heaven above us. Therefore, a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is not the true but the false Christ.’
Lastly, That by the false Christ, we are to understand the Devil, is plainly proved by comparing, Mat. 24. ver. 24. with Rev. 12, 9. in the first Text, the true Christ calls the false Christ a Deceiver, if it were possible, shall deceive the very Elect; implying, that the false Christ is the greatest Deceiver: And in the other Text, this great Deceiver, which a [...]ceives the whole world, is called the old Serpent, the Devil, and Satan.
Here hence this Argument arose, so. he that is the great and principal Deceiver, is the Devil, ( Rev. 12. 0.) but the false Christ is this Deceiver (Mat. 24 24.) Ergo, the false Christ is the Devil: The Conclusion ought not to be denied; to deny it here, were to deny the Scriptures of God, from whence it is plainly collected as above.
Having thus proved the first Part, I proceeded to the second Part of the charge: To wit,
‘That the main end of▪ the Quakers Meetings in these Islands, is to make the Lords Christ, his holy Spirit, his Angels, and Apostles all lyars, and false Witnesses of God.’
Being about to prove this, as I had done the former part of the charge: F. Eastlack interrupted me▪ pretending to make some Answer to the foregoing Arguments: I told him that by mutual consent (as in the Preface is Declared) the whole charge against them, was first to be proved by me, before any Answer should be returned by him, or any oth [...]r of his [Page 5] Friends; Therefore, I requested him, that as he had any regard either to Truth or Honesty, that he would forbear his interruptions; that I might proceed (according agreement as above) to prove the second part of the charge: but his Sepulchre being opened, he refused to shut it: whereupon I spake to the Assembly, saying, I must let him take his own way, to prevent greater confusion: howbeit instead of Answering ( as he pretended the abovementioned) Arguments, or any of them: He first impertinently runs out, into a bare Repetition of some words in the former part of the first Chapter of the Evangelist John, sc. from the 1st. verse to the end of the 12th. verse, which shall be mentioned and considered in their due places: let me note by the way, his after stragling inferences from those verses: To wit, That God the Word, took Flesh of the Virgin Mary, and in that Flesh suffered Death for all men, (which he put a special Remark upon, by repeating it twice) it was well observed, that he made no mention of Christs Resurrection, but further said, sc. The Word which is God, is Christ, the true Light, which was manifest in the flesh, and as in him, so in every man that comes into the World, as manifest in them, which quoth he) it witnessed by John: and withal added, whosoever shall Preach any other Gospèlis accursed; and after he had multiplied words to the same end and purpose alone as above; the ingenious Auditors began to mutter at his impertinences, and jumbled confusions: Thereupon I called to him, and said, Master Islay (so he is commonly called, as afore noteh, viz. Islay) either answer the Arguments which have proved the first part of the charge, (as you pretended, to Mask your interrupting of me, or take some Answer to what you have said: His first, Reply was, the Scripture saith, Call no man Master, I told him the Scripture saith, sc. Mat. 23. 10 Neither be ye called Masters, for one is your Master even Christ; which is not to be understood in your unmannerly sense: likewise I told him that he had no cause to quarrel the word [Master] for you affirm the Master, (even Christ) is within you Quakers, making your selves the greatest Masters; so that herein are fulfilled among you, the word of our Lord concerning Deceivers, namely, that false Christs shall arise, and many shall say, I am Christ, and shall deceive many, Mat. 24. 5. Further more I said unto him▪ sc. Thou art the Master of an Assembly, to wit of the Synagogue of Libertines: which opposed and persecuted the faith of Blessed Stephen, for believing in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to be the true Christ and only Saviour, Act. 6 8, 9, 14, 59. At this be grew impa [...]ient, rebuking me, saying. Thou didst promise not to interrupt me; I replied, that I did not interrupt, but help him, sc. to remember that my promise was, not to interrupt him or any of his party, whilest he or any of them, were answering the Arguments urged by me, (as it may appear in the prefixed Preface: But h [...] said, that [Page 6] he did not value the Arguments, for they proved nothing, (thus, he tha [...] was a party, made himself the determinating Judge,) and then with a throat stretched voice, returned to his former discourse, That the word is Christ, the true Light in the Flesh, sent to save men from sin and death, whose death and sufferings with the effect thereof, we do own and witness, according to the Scriptures, as inwardly received within us: yet speaking other whiles of the death, satisfaction and sufferings of Christ, the true Light, as done within us, for us: to which (said he) the Scripture testifies repeating these words, But the righteousness which is of Faith, speaketh on this wise, say not in thy heart, who shall ascend into Heaven; (that is to bring Christ down from above) or who shall descend into the deep, (that is to bring up Christ again from the dead) But what saith it; the word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that is the word of faith which we Preach: After he had rehearsed these (or most of these) words, he forthwith inferrd, that the word of Faith, was Christ, the true light within, and then confidently affirmed, that to preach any other Gospel, sc. ( then Christ within to be the Saviour) is to be accursed; which invited him to reflect on me, declaring that I had not in any thing, which was by [...] (meaning in the Arguments above) made any mention of Christ, as God, and with that saying he ended ( as it's call'd, his prese [...]t Dispute.
Forthwith I made some returnes, which I have now put into some better method, which was then much hindred by their confused interruptions But before I lay down those more orderly returnes, let me request the Reader to understand, that I have filed off much of the Rust and Ruggedness of his expressions, which often wearied the Christian Hearers: For it was not only his, but also his Fellow Disputants course all along, here and there to steal, and strangely to disorder, (nay to dismember) Scripture words, out of the Evangelist, and the Apostles, thereby endeavouring to cover themselves from being discovered; not pl [...]inly, nor ho [...] estly mentioning either Chapters or Verses, (William Bullock once excepted) though often called upon but all in vain: they would speak Scripture words (after their usual manner) darkly and confusedly, thereby the more easily to deceive those with whom the Scriptures have any credit▪ I shall ( at present) decline any further observation of this their dangerous and designful practice; and proceed to the above signified Method: And
1. As touching the first Chapter of the Evangelist John (with which he began as above) It treats of the God head of the Son alone (the eternal-Word) from the first verse to the end of the fifth verse: and then of the person of Christ ( God-man) from thence to the end of the Chapter, some of these verses (for satisfaction sake) I shall touch a little in their order,
[Page 7] First, Of the Eternal Word, the Godhead of the Son, (as in ver. 1, 2, 3) In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God▪ the same was in the beginning with God; all things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. These verses denote to us, that its only the Godhead of the Son, that did Create.
ver. 14. The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, i. e. whole Christ, God man in one person; as such, he created nothing, only as God, so he created all things.
As the Evangelist here, so doth Paul to the Col [...]ssians (chap. 1. 16.) speak distinctly of the God head of the Son alone, and also distinctly of him as personal Christ, viz.
By him were all things created, that are in Heaven, and that are in Earth, visible and invisible, whether they be Thrones or Dominions, or Principaliliti [...]s or Powers; all things were created by him, and for him: and he is before all things, and by him all things consist, ( ver. 17) So he is the Creator. Again, ver. 18 19. Paul speaks distinctly also of Christ, as Christ: for so (as noted before) he is no Creator, because (so considered) he is in part a Creature: ho [...] beit as Christ he is the Head and Saviour, (Ephes. 5. 23.) of the Body, the Church:
Who is the beginning, and first born from the dead, that in all things he ( Christ God-man) might have preheminence: for it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell, ( and ver. 20) Having made peace through the blood of his cross: and in the body of his fl [...]sh through Death, to present you holy and unblameable, and unreprovable in his fight, ( ver. 22.) If ye continue in the Faith ( that is in the Faith of the peace made through the blood of his Cross, and body of his flesh through death) Grounded and Rooted, &c.
This Distribution (both by the Evangelist and Apostle) was not understood by this Disputant Eastl [...]ck: for in all his foregoing Discourse, his design was to m [...]ke the Hearers believe, that the Eternal Word, the Godhead of the Son ( [...]s distinct from the Manhood of Christ) is the true Christ, and only Saviour; and consequently, a Quakers pretended Saviour within him is the true, not the false Christ: And hereunto agrees his words so frequently repeated by him, viz. God was manifest in the flesh, (that is, as to their darkened understanding) in all man kind of flesh; which gross Error shall be (in its proper place) considered: in the next place, this Disputants more lax and general expressions shall receive some Answers.
1. I do acknowledge with him, that the [ Word] took flesh of the Virgin, and that he suffered without the Gates of Jerusalem; howbeit, as it comes from a Teaching Quaker, it is undoubtedly no other, then [Page 8] a deceitful shifting of the matter in question: yet I am ready to grant, that F. E. and his Partners may believe, that there was such a man, who (as Histories mention) took flesh, and was born of the Virgin Mary, and suffered death without the Gates of Jerusalem, about sixteen hundred years ago: Alas, how many Turks and Jews are there that know and believe all this; yet they do no more believe Jesus of Nazereth, to be the true Christ, and only Saviour, then a Teaching, Seducing Quaker doth: Nay, such a Quaker attributes no more soul saving Merit to the holy Body of Jesus Christ, then to the body of a Turk or a Jew: Therefore its not safe to put any other construction upon his acknowledgement above, then a deceitful shifting the business in hand, that he might thereby the more easily hoodwink the Hearer; for his Discourse had no other tendency, then to make us believe, that the true Christ and Saviour was only in (not at all of) the body of Christs flesh:
2. I do again acknowledge with him, sc. That the effects of Christs death and sufferings, are to be inwardly witnessed, as received within us: And if so, then there must be a cause of these effects inwardly received, as previous and anticedent to them, to wit, The death and sufferings of the one Man Jesus Christ (as in the third Argument) which is therefore necessarily finished, and perfected already by the one crucified body of Jesus of Nazareth, upon the Cross (without us) for us; which in right reason must needs be, before the effects thereof could be revealed in us, and so inwardly witnessed; though this were the thing I argued for, yet it was strongly opposed by them all, (as may afterwards appear) making those effects within them, the true Christ, and their only Saviour.
Now I proceed to the Texts of Scripture repeated by F. E. which shall be considered in order as he uttered them.
John 1. 9. That was the true Light, which lighteneth every man that cometh into the World: This Scripture he more especially insisted on, to prove Christ to be that true Light, and that Light to be the only Saviour, which (as he said) is in every man, that cometh into the world: whence he Argued, that a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is the true, and not the false Christ.
Answ. Its true, that by [ Light] in that place of Scripture, the true Christ, and our only Saviour, is meant, Iohn 1. 29. and although it be likewise true, (in a true sence) that every man that cometh into the world, is enlightened by Christ ( i. e. with reason) the Son of God, as he is the Eternal Word that made the World: yet, the Evangilist hath not in that Text asserted, that there is a Light (or enlightening) in every Man, as he cometh into the World, which is the true Christ, and our only Saviour; so that, thou hast plainly and openly belied that holy Man Io [...]r, [Page 9] in saying of him as above, that he so witnessed; Namely, that the Light, (or inlighting) in every Man, as he comes into the World, is the true Christ, and Mans only Saviour: for, this Evangelist witnesseth otherwis [...], as (in ver. 30 29.) he evidently affirms the Light (in ver. 9.) to be the Man Jesus, and as such, he never was (nor can be) in any man: so witnesseth the Witness bearer, whom we are to believe, before a Seducing Quaker.
2. Thou ( F. E.) didst in thy Discourse effectually affirm Christ to be the Light, and the Light in every Man to be the Christ, implying thereby, sc. what might be truly spoken of the one, might be also so spoken of the other: here hence then it must follow, that the Light within a Quaker, was born in Bethlehem, laid in a Manger, hanged upon a Tree, and gave up the Ghost; all these were truly and properly spoken of the true Christ ( who is the Light of the World: Now, what can be more absurd and [...]alse, then to affirm these things of the Light, in every man that cometh into the World by natural Generation.
3. It being an Enlightning which is communicated (as in ver. 9.) to every man that comes into the World (which comprehends both Elect, and Reprobate) But the true Christ is not in Reprobates (2 Cor, 13. 5:) Therefore the true Christ is not (as in your sence) in every man that comes into the World, and consequently not in Teaching, Seducing Quakers.
Text 2d. 1 Tim 3. 16. Great is the mystery of godliness, God was manifest in the flesh. Hence, he ( F. E.) inferr'd that the Godhead only, as manifest in the flesh, is the true Christ and only Saviour; and withal he effectually said, that the Light in every man that comes into the World, (as it is manifest in every man) i [...] the same Christ ( sc. the Godhead) and as in the body of Christs flesh, so in the body of every mans flesh ( i. e. God manifest in the flesh, sc. flesh indefinitely) And so by a consequence of his own Blaspheming, a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is the true, not the false Christ.
Answ. Nothing can be more evident then that this Disputant would, have had the Hearers to believe, that the Godhead (as distinct from Christs being a man) is the true Christ and only Saviour: Surely this is new Divinity; which is diffe [...]ing and qui [...]e another Gospel, then that of the Apostles, as in ( Mat. 16. 16.) Thou (not the Godhead alo [...]e in thee) But thou (the son of Man, ver. 13.) art the Son of the living God.
Again, after Christs Ascention and Glorification in Heaven above, the Apostles confess him, in hese words, ( Act. 2. 36.) Let al the house of Israel know assaredly, that God hath made that same Iesus (not the Godhead only manifest in Jesus, but) that same Iesus, whom [...] crucified both [Page 10] Lord and Christ: consider I pray, did the Iews ever crucifie your feigned Godhead-light within: I could heartily wish, that all ye would feelingly lay to heart, what our blessed Lord saith in this case, ( Luk. 12. 8, 9.) Whosoever shall confess me (not the Godhead only in me, but me) before Men, him shall the Son of Man also confess before the Angels of God: But he that denieth me (the Son of Man) shall be denied before the Angels of God: Thus the Holy Apostles confessed before men, the Son of man ( Iesus of Nazareth) to be the true Christ, and their only Saviour, and in the Faith thereof, they both lived and died.
F. E. Let me ask thee this question: sc. If the Godhead of the Son (considered as distinct from his being a Man) be the true Christ and Saviour; how, or to whom was he manifested? its impossible to imagine, that the Godhead (which is invisible and incomprehensible) can be manifested to the external senses of men; But the true Christ, and our only Saviour, was thus Manifested; as it is witnessed by Christs faithful Apostles ( sc. in 1 Ioh. chap. 1. ver. 1. 2, 3.) there, speaking of the Lord Jesus Christ, personally God man, they declare; That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the word of life.
Note here, that the blessed Apostles testifie, that they had heard and seen Jesus Christ (the true and only Saviour) looking upon him, and handled him, by being in his Company: But as for your Idol ( light-Christ) it was never visible, but ever invisible; for ye say, it is within only, so that (call it what ye will) you, nor any man else, can say what it is, except a Whimsey
Moreover, l [...]t it be considered, how these words ( God was manifested in the flesh) are explained by the Lord Christ himself, ( Joh. 2. 11) This beginning of Miracles did Iesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory (that is, his Godhead to Faith) By this Miracle (of turning water into wine) the glory of the Godhead was manifested in the ho [...]y of his Flesh: that is to say, the Lord Christ did by that (and other Miracles which he wrought in the sight of the Beholders) make it manifest, that he was true God, and true man in one person: (which is so great a Mystery, that neither Saints nor Angels are able to comprehend it) this is indeed the genuine sense of that Scripture, [sc. Great is the Mystery, God was manifest in the flesh.] And to force it to speak otherwise, is a most wretched and sinful wresting of the Text; but the Disputant being as bold as blind, added as aforesaid; viz. That to Preach any other Gospel, is to be accursed; meaning, to preach otherwise, then that the Godhead only in the flesh, (all mankind fl [...]sh) to be the true Christ, and only Saviour, is to be accursed; these words were (being his third Text of [Page 11] Scripture) repeated by him; shall now be considered, whether wrested or no.
Tent 3d. Gal. 1. 8, 9. If any Man Preach any other Gospel unto you, then that which we have Preached unto you, and ye have received, let him be accursed.
Ans. I pray thee Frances, what was the Name of that Apostle, who preached the Godhead (as distinct from Christs Manhood) to be the true Christ, and only Saviour? oh, thou poor, filly man, was there ever (or will there ever be) remission of sins Preached by the Spirit, but by and through the one Man Jesus Christ; the Apostle Paul Heb. 10. 29. saith (in effect) to Preach otherwise, is to despite the Spirit of Grace, even the Doctrine of the Spirit, Rom. 5. 15. Much more the Grace of God, and the gift by Grace, which is by one Man Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many: I shall let this pass a little, and proceed to a consideration of the Text it self.
And for our so doing, this Question doth necessarily arise:
Quest. What was the Gospel that Paul Preached?
Answ. He Preached the Faith (i. e. the Gospel of Faith) which once he destroyed and persecuted, Gal. 1. 23. Now, the Faith which Paul once persecuted was, the Faith of believing in Jesus of Nazareth the man approved of God among the people, Act. 2. 22. to be the true Christ and our only Saviour; then by good consequence the Gospel which the Apostle Preached, was to believe in the Name Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to be the true Christ, & our only Saviour (and Justifier in the sight of God, without the works of Law in or by us.)
To clear this Answer yet a little further, let Pauls own Confession be observed, Act. 22. 4. And I Persecuted this way (namely, of believing in Jesus of Nazareth, to be the true Christ and only Saviour) unto the Death, binding an [...]d delivering into the Prisons both Men and Women, ver. 7. And I heard a voice, saying unto me, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? ver. 8. ‘And I answered, who art thou Lord? and he said unto me, I am Jesus of Nazareth (not the Godhead only in Jesus of Nazareth) whom thou Persecutest:’ Furthermore, at ver. 14. ‘And he ( Ananias) said the God of our Fathers hath chosen thee ( Paul) that thou shouldest know his will, and see that just one, and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth,’ ver. 15. ‘For thou shalt be a witness unto all men, of what thou hast seen and heard.’
And accordingly the Apostle did bear open and abundant witness to that just one, (even Jesus of Nazareth to be the true Christ and our only Saviour) This great T [...]uth is yet further evident, in the 13th. Chapter of the Acts, ver. 23. ‘Of this Mans ( Davids) Seed, hath God according [Page 12] to his promise raised unto Israel, a Saviour Jesus; him (ver. 27. They ( sc. The Rulers in Ierusalem) condemned, ver. 28. and slew, and took him down from the tree, and ver. 29, laid him in a Sepulchre: But ver. 30. God raised him from the dead; and he was ver. 31. seen many dayes of them, that came up with him, from Galilee to Ierusalem, who are his witnesses to the People; That through this [Man] (not the Godhead only in the Man) is preached unto you the forgiveness o [...] sins; and by him (this Man) all that Believe are justified from all things,’ ver. 38. 39.
Against the blessed Doctrine of the Gospel, the unbelieving Iews were (as ye Teaching Quakers are) filled with envy, and spake against those things, which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and Blaspheming, ver. 45. hereupon, ver. 46. Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, Seeing ye put [ It] ( sc. Faith in the Man Jesus Christ of Nazareth, slain and raised from the dead) from you, and judge (O, Seducing Quakers read and tremble) your selves unworthy of everlasting life.
Here hence, it is most plain, that the Apostles Preached Faith in Jesus of Nazareth a Man (not the Godhead only in the Man) approved of God among the People, to be the true Christ and our only Saviour; But never did they (nor any of the Apostles of God) Preach Faith only in the Godhead (distinct from Christs Manhood) to be the true Christ, and only Saviour; against this New coined Doctrine, no [...] only the Apostles, but the Holy Ghost himself bears express witness, as in Act. 5. 30, 31, 32. The God of our Fathers raised up Iesus, whom ye slew and hanged upon a tree, him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance and forgiveness of Sins, and we (the Apostles) are his witnesses of these things, and so is also the Holy Ghost.
The whole is, If any Man Preach any other Gospel, then what the Apostle Preached, he is accursed; But ye (Teaching and Seducing Quakers) do plainly Preach another Gospel; therefore ye that Preach it, and they that receive it, are accursed, by the Testimony of Gods own Spirit, Gal. 1. 8, 9. And consequently thou F. E. hast wrested that (as other) Text of Scripture, which (without Repentance) will be to thy destruction, 2 Pet. 3. 16.
The words of the fourth Scripture (which he repeated with more then ordinary state and confidence) comes next to be considered:
4th Text. Rom. 10. 6, 7, 8. But the righteousness which is of Faith, speaketh on this wife, say not in thy heart, who shall ascend into Heaven) that is to bring Christ down from above) or, who shall descend into the deep; that is to bring up Christ again from the [...]: But what saith it, The Word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy hear [...] that [Page 13] it, the word of Faith, which we Preach.
Answ. 1. Though the fifth and ninth verses, doth essentially appertain to the verses above, yet he made no mention of either of them; their omission being for his turn.
2. I do not apprehend how those verses do answer the Arguments (or any one of them) which proved a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, to be the false Christ, the Devil; nor how they prove their preterded Saviour within to be the true Christ.
3. For the right understanding of the above repeated 6, 7, 8, verses we must (first of all) take in the 5th. verse, for Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the L [...]w, that the man that doth these things, shall live by them, Lev. 1 [...]. 5. so that, in these Verses, the Apostle Paul compare the righteousness of the Law, and the righteousness of Faith together: and thereby shews that the righteousness of the Law is not only uncertain, but also Rom. 8. 3 impossible; but the righteousness of Faith, is both certain and possible: For 1. It doth forbid all doubting about eternal life, because Christ is ascended up into Heaven for us, in our room and stead. 2. It forbids all fear of being tormented in Hell; because Christ being risen from the dead, hath overcome eternal death for us, in our place and stead (being our surety) which is as much, as if Paul had said, The righteousness of Faith, fetcheth a remedy against doubts of Salvation, for that Christ is personally ascended up into Heaven, and hath taken possession of it, in our Names, and there he maketh intercession for us; ( Heb. 6. 20. Chap. 7. 25.) and if so, (as truly so it is) we must then deny Christs Ascention (which is to bring him down from above) if we doubt or question in our hearts, how to be saved:
And as the righteousness of Faith, is a remedy against Doubts of Salvation: so, is it also against fears of Condemnation: For, if Christ have dyed, and be raised from [ the deep] the Grave, then hath he thereby gotten the Victory over S [...]n, Death, Hell, and Satan: therefore to [...]ear condemnation, what is it else, but to deny Christs death, or descertion into the Deep; and so, to bring him back again to the Cross and Grave.
Moreover, the Apostle Paul in these verses, gives us a plain Interpretation, of what Moses had elegantly propounded by a figure, in Deut. 30. 11, 12, 13, 14. from whence we are taught, that both Moses and Paul presupposed a twofold pressure upon the Spirits of sinners, as 1. How they may enter into Heaven: And 2. How they may avoid Hell, these two Moses and Paul (inspired of God) do shew, to be taken away by the righteousness of Faith; the first is removed, because we believe the Ascertion of Christ is to Heaven for us: and the second also, because we believe Christs Resurrection from the dead for us; whereby the Lord Christ [Page 14] demonstrated his victory over hell, death, &c. in our room and names. It may hence be safely argued, that both Moses and Paul do conclude, that if any man seeks justification by the righteousness of the Law, (as most Quakers do) he must needs be in continual fear of Hell, and despair of Heaven: But he that (through Free grace) believeth that the Lord Christ is risen from the dead, ascended up into heaven for him, in his place and stead, is freed from both.
The sum of all, is this: Namely, That Jesus Christ rose from the dead, for us, and ascended up into heaven for us: and before either (which must be implied) lived and died for us: But, he that believes not the Descention, and the Ascention of the Lord Jesus Christ for him, but seeketh Justification by the works of the Law; he doth (in effect) deny the Resurrection, and Ascention of Jesus Christ; which to do, were (as much as in him lies) to bring Christ down from above, and likewise to bring him up again from the deep. Now tell me Frances, whither these verses sc. the 6th. and 7th. so triumphingly repeated by thee, do not plainly prove, the true Christ, and our only Saviour to be in heaven, above us: surely nothing can be more clearly proved, and consequently (by the Scriptures alledged by thee) A Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is not the true but the false Christ:
2. As the righteousness of Faith is certain, from the 6th. and 7th: Verses, so it is possible from the 8th. verse which comes now (in like manner) under consideration.
Ver. 8. But what saith [ It,] ( meaning, the righteousness of Faith) the Word is nigh thee, even in they mouth, and in thy heart, that is the Word of Faith which we Preach.
Ver. 9. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart, that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Answ. Touching the 8th. verse, there are some Queries, which require Solutions.
Qu. 1 What is meant by Righteousness of Faith?
Sol. 1. By Righteousness, is meant, that righteousness which obtains acceptance, justification and salvation with God, which is the righteousness alone of the Lord Jesus of Nazareth, which he wrought out in his own personal-Obedience and Sufferings (1600 years since) upon the Cross. 2. By the Righteousness of Faith, is meant a right believing in the alone righteousness of this Jesus of Nazareth for acceptance, justification, and salvation with God.
Qu. 2. What, by the word Faith?
Sol. We are to understand, an Evangelical (not legal) word: for, it is a word of Faith, the same with the righteousness of Faith above defined, [Page 15] and which agrees with the Apostles Explication, ver. 8. That is (saith he) the Word of Faith which we Preach; now the Apostles Preached no other word of Faith, then the righteousness of Faith afore expressed, (and confirmed by the four Arguments) besides, there are other Scriptures of infallible truth, evidencing the same: as Rom. 1. ver. 1. Separate unto the Gospel of Christ, ver. 3. Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, ver. 4. Declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: Likewise in Chap. 4. 25. Who was delivered, (i. e. to death) for our offences, and was raised up again for our Justification: And in 1 Cor. 15. 1. I declare unto you, the Gospel which I Preached unto you: What was that Gospel, the Apostle tells us? ver. 3. how that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures. ver. 4. And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, the last mentioned Scriptures do illustrate the righteousness of Faith, and word of Faith preached (in the abovesaid verses 6. 8.) and therefore cannot possibly be understood for a Quakers pretended Saviour within him (as this Disputant F. E. would make us believe.)
Qu. 3. How is this Preached Word ( or righteousness) of Faith, said to be night, even in the mouth, and in the heart.
Sol. Its resolved by the Apostle in ver. 9, 10. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart, that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. That is to say; the Word of Faith preached, is nigh in our mouths: when we confess before men, sc. That we believe that that righteousness, whereby we are accepted of God, justified and saved, is the only righteousness of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, which he wrought out in his personal Obedience, and sufferings upon the Cross (without us) for us: And it is nigh in our hearts, when this confession proceeds from a right perswasion ingrafted an planted in our hearts by the spirit of Faith, as its testified by Paul, ver. 10. For (saith he) with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, (i. e. unto the righteousness of Faith in Jesus Christ of Nazareth) ver 6. And with the mouth Confession (sc. of the same righteousness) is made unto Salvation. Thus according to the command of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Iohn 5. 39. I have (as ye may see) searched the Scriptures of God, for the Solution here asserted; but where do ye, Teaching Quakers, search son your Gospel word of Faith: surely, not in th [...] Scriptures of Truth without, but at your Oracle (that Idol-Light tender part) within, which ye falsly call the Everlasting Gospel, and Eternal Word, which, (as ye affirm) was never made flesh contrary to Ioh. 1. ver. 14. O thou Idol light within, let me tell thee, though many Antichrists have done villanously, yet thou in villanies surmount them all: For as Jerusalem once justified Sodom; so, thou [Page 16] Light within, dost justifie the vilest Antichrists, that are this day in the World; for where doth that Teaching Quaker dwell? what is his Name? who doth in his heart believe, and with his mouth confess that the righteousness whereby he is accepted of God, justified in his sight, and saved, is the righteousness alone of Iesus Christ of Nazareth, which he wrought out in his own and only personal obedience, and sufferings in the World, sixteen hundred years ago: or, that doth believe and confess, that God, (of his free Grace and Mercy) giveth Faith in this righteousness of Jesus Christ, which is by his Father imputed or reckoned to Believers for their justification before God: or, do believe and confess that in this reckoning or imputation there is a reality; undoubtedly, there's nothing more inconsistent (with the Faith and Confession) of Teaching Quakers, then these most evident Gospel Principles of infallible Truth; and therefore they are (as I may safely avouch) the greatest Antichrists (of this age) on Earth, and ordained to the greatest condemnation, Jude ver. 3, 4. I do now proceed to consider his fifth Scripture, alledged, to prove a Quakers pretended [...]aviour within him, to be the true, not the false Christ.
Text 5. 2 Cor. 13. 5. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be Reprobates.
Ans. 1. By the way, This Text of Scripture, layes the Axe to the root of your new coined Religion, and wounds it to death: which may be thus argued; If the light which is (by natural Generation) in Reprobates coming into the World, be not the true Christ, then the light that is in every man which comes into the World (by natural Generation) is not the true Christ:
But the light which is by natural Generation in Reprobates, is not the true Christ, as above, Ergo, the light that is in every man, which comes into the world, (is not according to your selves) the true Christ.
2. I Answered, That this Text of Scripture understand, not the person of Christ (as such, he is the true Christ, and our only Saviour) but the work of the Spirit of Faith, whereof personal Christ is the Author: for here the Apostle frames an Argument, to prove the mighty work (or effect) of the Spirit in his Corinthians, as he had before affirmed to be in them, ver. 3. Since ye seek a proof of Christ speaking in me, which to youward is not weak (i. e. in operation) but is [Mighty] in you.
Now, in what sense Christ was in Paul speaking, in that same sense was Christ in the Corinthians: But Christ spake in Paul only by the might (or power) of his Spirit, is mighty in you, sc. Christs speaking in Paul to the Corinthians, was [Mighty] (an effect of the Spirit) in them This matter may appear somewhat clearer, if we consider the same Apostle to the G [...]latians, Gal. 2. 8. For he (the Holy Ghost) that wrought effectually [Page 17] in Peter to the Apostleship of the Circumcision, the same was mighty in me towards the Gentiles: (such were the Corinthians) The phrases (of effectual working in Peter, and was mighty in Paul) do only signifie the effectual operation of Christs Spirit in both the Apostles: so that Paul affirming, as in ver. 3. above, that Christ was mighty in the Corinthians; its as much as if he had said, Christ hath effectually wrought by his Spirit, the mighty work of Faith in you ( Corinthians) by my Ministry; which the Apostles makes to be the proof of Christ speaking in him, which in the 5th, verse above, he refers (as it were) to their own experience: saying, Examine your selves, prove your own selves, whether ye be in the Faith) that is, believing in Christ, the object apprehended by Faith) Know ye not your own selves, how that Iesus Christ is in you, except ye be Reprobates.
Qu. How is that Iesus Christ in you?
Answ. To wit, by Faith, as in the former part of the same verse, which is a clear Interpretation of the latter part, sc. Christ in you; again, its not rational to imagine that Christ in the 5th. verse, could be otherwise in the Corinthians, then he was in the foregoing 3d. verse, by reason of their dependance each on the other: now, in the 3d. verse Christ was in the Corinthians only, by the mighty work of the Spirit of Faith; for even so, the word [Mighty] doth furthermore import, as in Eph. 1. 19. Who believe according to the working of his [Mighty] power: but no work or effect of the Spirit, how Mighty or powerful soever in us, either is, or can be Christ personal, the true and only Saviour.
To explain these Words (Christ in you) a little more; we must take good notice, that there are three things expressed by the Name of Jesus Christ.
1. Christ personal: Col. 2. 8, 9. Not after Christ, for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily ( or personally: 2 Cor. 2. 10. In the person of Christ: and Mat. 27. 24. I am innocent of the blood of this just Person, so the Man Jesus Christ, who spake by the inspiration of God, 2 Tim 3. 16.
2. Christs Mystical, 1 Cor. 12. 12. So also is Christ (i. e. the Church) call'd the body of Christ ver. 27. which body of Christ, is the Church, Col. 1. 24. Which is Christ Mystical as above.
3. Christ Operative, Col. 2. 12. compared with Eph. 3. 17. Through the Faith of the operation of God: That Christ may dwell in your hearts by Faith: Forasmuch as Faith is the operation of God (in Christ) its therefore called Christ operative, in which sense only. Christ is said to be (in u [...].) As the Sun is in the eye by its beams; so, Iesus Christ (as the author, or fi [...]st efficient) is in us by the operated Graces of his Spirit; hence it necessarily follows, that Christ personal (the only Saviour) is [Page 18] not in us; nor Christ mystical (the Church) is in us: this is so plain, that there is no need of evidence, for, as Christ personal is the Head saving, so Christ Mystical is the Body-saved, Eph. 5. 23. therefore neither the one, nor the other can be said to be in us: Then,
3. Its Christ Operative only▪ that is in the Saints, tis true, that Christ personal in the first efficiency of gracious operations in the heart, which (in Scripture) are sometime called Christ in you: the cause being put for the effect, by a Metonimy: a word (as I said to F. E.) which thou understandest no more then the hour-glass thats before me: to which he readily replied, saying, we abhor Hour-glasses, Pulpits and Cushens; I told him, that Preaching in a Pulpit, was a warranted practice, Neh. 8. 4. And Ezra the Scribe stood upon a Pulpit of wood, which they had made for the purpose.
But (quoth he) Ezra had not a Cushen: I askt him how he knew that? to which he made no answer, but whither the holy Scribe, had, or had not a Cushen his Familiar (the glo worme Light within) bid him to say con [...]idently (though blindly) that Ezra had no Cushen:
I shall here take up an expression which I had almost forgotten, which this Disputant F. E. doubted in his discourse; namely ( that the Word took flesh of the Virgin, and in that flesh died for all men) though this Notion pleased him so well, as to make a deliberate repetition of it: yea, he did not pretend Scripture for its confirmation; and therefore I could not assuredly know, whether he said it, as an Arminian, or as a Quaker: But I am apt to think, that he spake it in imitation of his Friends, because of the word [In.] And [In] that flesh died for all men; in that flesh, runs Quaker-like, this being some part of their New-Divinity. That God sent Christ to save all men from sin and death (as he F. E. said) whose Sufferings, Sacrifice, Mediation, Intercession and Offices (or words to this effect) we do own & witness as inwardly wrought and performed in us, and for us: And there is (as they further aver) a Divine Elect Seed in the Saints, which is the true Christ (still the Idol-light within) and suffers under sin in them, and is to be raised of a justification and righteousness of the Elect Seed within; so that according to their Divinity, Christs bodily sufferings in and by the flesh, which he took of the Virgin, signifies nothing for our Justification in the sight of God: whereas these are new, self-devised imaginations, whereof no mention is made in the inspired Scriptures of Truth:
I grant, that some Scriptures are by them pretended for evidence (which perhaps are some of the things (as in the Preface) said by them to have been forgotten) sc. Amos 2. 1 [...]. Behold, I am pressed under you, as a cart is pressed, and in Gen. 6. ver. 6. It repented the Lord that he made [Page 19] Man on the earth, and it grieved him at the heart, and Gal. 3. 16. To Abraham and to his seed were the promises made, and to seeds as of many, but as of one, and to thy seed, which is Christ, ( this say they) is to be understood of an Elect-seed within) also in Heb. 6 ver. 6. Seeing they crucifie to themselves the Son of God afresh.
Answ. As to the two first Texts (sc. Amos 2. 13. & Gen. 6. 6.) It is a well known Truth, that God is unchangeable; and as God [...] him [...]elf unchangeably the same, so this cannot be spoken properly of hi [...], nor is it thus to be understood; as if God in those wicked men rep [...]nted, or was pressed down in them: neither is it so expressed in Scripture: But God is said to be grieved for, and pressed down under the abo [...]inations of the wicked; Because, when through his Prophets and Ministers being rejected, in them so sent forth by him, he is said (in the Texts above) to be grieved for, and pressed down under their wickedness: this interpretation, agreeth with the testimony of Stephen (Act. 7. 51, 52.) where their persecuting the Prophets, their betraying and murthering the just one, and rejecting the Testimony of his chosen Witnesses, is called a resisting the Holy Ghost; As for the third Text above, sc. Gal. 3. 16. This Scripture only affirms: That Christ, as he is the seed of Abraham, is the one eminent seed to whom the promise belongs: what the promise was, the Apostle sets down ver. 8. in thee shall all Nations he blessed; This promise is, Act. 3. 25. mentioned by Peter, as spoken of that Jesus whom the Jews delivered up in the presence of Pilate; and not otherwise is it to be found in Scripture that Jesus Christ is called the Seed to whom the promise belongs: for this is that Seed of the Woman, which God promised, Gen. 3. 15 and in the fulness of time) as God promised) [...] forth made [...] a Woman, Gal. 4 ver 4. This is the personal seed Christ, which was never in any man: But your Quakerismes of Anti scriptural Divini [...]y; to wit, [...] Ligh [...] in Man, to be the Elect-seed, the suffering Christ [...]; these, and such notions, are hatcht only in your own [...]: for, which of all the Saints of old, ever spoke or wrote such Divinity? did the Saints of old build upon any other Foundation then the Prephets and Apostles, Jesus Christ himself being the chief [...], Eph. 2 [...]0 which is set at nought by such builders, as Teaching Quakers are: consider, was there ever any other Elect-seed, called the true Christ, our only Saviour, but that which God revealed to Adam-fallen, Gen. 3. 15.: and surely, in vain was that divine Revelation from the Father, if the [...] within Adam (as the Quakers prare) would have shewn it to him. Again,
That your Light within, cannot be the promised Seed of the Woman (the bruised heel) for as such, the Seed is a Creature: but the Light within (which ye call the Elect-seed) is according to the Teaching Quakers, [Page 20] the everlasting Gospel, and eternal word, as such it is increa [...]e, and so it is God the Promiser, not the promised Seed.
Moreover, the Seed preached and promised to Abraham, was that one Eminent Seed, in whom all Nations should be blessed, as above: which seed the same Apostle calls, in 2 Cer. 2. 10. the Person of Christ: but your Elect Seed within, is not (by your own acknowledgement) a personal Christ, or Seed: O when will ye ( blind leaders of the blind) blush and tremble at your accursed Gospel within, which the Lord hath cursed with a reiterated curse, (as in Gal. 1. 8, 9. before explained) as for the fourth Text above, sc.
Heb. 6. ver. 6. The Apostle doth not (in this place) say: They that crucifie the Son of God [In] themselves, but [To] themselves: that [...] to say, They who have been inlightned by the Holy Ghost, if such fall away, they crucifie the efficacy of his death to themselves: and in so doing, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance, because rejecting the Son of God ( Jesus of Nazareth) who is the only propitia [...]ory Sacrifice for the remission of sins; there remaineth to them, no more Sacrifice for sin, and so no remission: now, (O ye Teaching Quakers especially) are not ye of that sort of notorious sinners, meant in that Text ( Heb. 6. 6, 7. which is by you often used in defence of your cause: let me parly a little with you, have not you heretofore made some profession of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to have been the true Christ, and your only Saviour? and are ye not now Apostatised, and fallen away from this your profession of Faith? if so, ye then are in the number of those sinners, that commit the great sin, called as above, a crucifying of the Son of God afresh, and a putting him to open shame: that is to say, ye (as much as in you lieth) do it now, that Christ the Son of God is in Heaven glorified, and were the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth here upon Earth again, ye most certainly would do your utmost to Crucifie him again: for, that malitious Spirit possesseth such wretched Sinners (as ye Quakers cannot truly deny your selves to be) which possessed those Jews who were the very Betrayers and Murtherers of our Lord Jesus Christ: Oh, its most manifest, that ye are of that sort of sinners, who by their sinning are said, to have trodden under foot the Son of God, and have counted the blood of the Covenant, wherewith ye were sanctified (i. e. externally, or as to the opinion once of men) an unholy (common or vile) thing, Heb. 10. 29.
That I may clear this great thing, yet a little more: let me crave leave to ask (of you Quakers) one serious Question: viz. have not ye heretofore professed (as in Act. 20. 21.) repentance towards God, and Faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ: though this cannot be gainsaid with any truth: yet how apparent is it, that ye are wilfully gone back from this [Page 21] Faith and Repentance? Consider now I pray you, your declared d [...]om, Heb. 10. 26. For, i [...] we sin witfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth; there remains no more sacrifice for sin: That is, for wilful sinners against received light of knowledge, casting off the Sacrifice of that one crucified Christ upon the Cross, with which they once seemed to close; God will never provide them another Sacrifice for sin; undoubtedly, ye are (at present of those Apostates, which do not only refuse to choose that Grace of the Gospel (which abounds to many by the one Man Jesus Christ, Rom. 5. 15. but ye refuse it after a seeming choice of it; and are therefore said (in the close of the 29th. verse, above) to have dono despight to the spirit of Grace: why, the same verse tells us, because the Son of God is trodden under foot, the same Apostle further tells us, why, Heb. 6. ver. 6. as aforesaid, they crucified to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame, i. e. by being ashamed of the true Christ, and turning away from him, (as ye are and do) This, Oh this, is to put the blessed Son of God to an open shame: and even this is to do despight to the spirit of Grace: and shall they who despite the spirit of Grace, ever find the benef [...] of Gospel Grace?
The [...] this, That the Scriptures of Truth, do plainly charge the generality of Quakers, with the guilt of the sin against the holy Ghost: because they have sinned wil [...]lly after a profession openly made [...] in the Lord Christ ( [...] of the Virgin Mary in the City of Da [...] [...], 2. 11. to be the true Christ, and their only Saviour: and therefore [...], so do ye now crucifie (not in, but) to your [...] Son of God a [...]resh, and put him to an open shame: Oh, that [...] (I do heardly wish it) would bring these repeated plain dealings effectually home to your hearts; remembring from whence ye are fallen, and [...], and do the first works, Rev. 2 5. 9.
Lastly, As it is above noted: in what sense this Disputant F. E. intended the fore-asserted Notions ( sc. that the Word took flesh, and in that flesh dyed for all men) I could not certainly determine, nor could (as I am perswaded) he himself: as it may appear, by the Answer he then made to a Question, which I put unto him: [...]o wit,
Quest. Whether he ( F. E.) did believe, that Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Man approved of God among the People: and whom the Jews slew, and God raised from the dead, and also received up into Heaven, were the true Christ, and his only Saviour?
He forthwi [...]h Answered; That be did believe it: Capt. Bascomb then called to him saying, Thou wilt deny [...] tomorrow: and withal I likewise told him that by this his open confession of the true Faith, he had openly declared himself to be a Christian and no Quaker and I furthermore [Page 22] said to him, that he had (by that Gospel confession of Faith) manifestly contradicted what he had contended for in his present Discourse (called Disputation) and that he had also thereby confirmed the first part of the charge against them, namely, That a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, was not the true Christ, but the false Christ.
And at the same time Nathaniel Bethel spake to him; saying, Francis, you were (not long since) of another Faith, or of another Opinion; for you told my Wife, That if she did believe in any other Christ, then in that Christ which was within her, she would be damne [...]; But Francis (Jesuite-like) openly denied, that he had spoken any such Words to his Wise, thereupon Nathaniel Bethel replied to him (in the face of the Congregation) that he would depose, what he had declared to be a truth.
Since that time, I have been informed of the occasion, which invited these words from the sad-Quaker: it was thus, discoursing of the old Brigham (a man of the fifth-Monarchy perswasion) who said, he hoped to live to see Jesus Christ on the Earth, and to shake him by the hand; then F. E. said, But he ( sc. Brigham) should be first sure, that Jesus Christ had a hand: Bethels Wife then told him, that Christ had now a hand: for I do (said she) Believe that Christ hath now the same body in Heaven, which he had when he was upon the Earth: at this expression of her Faith, this frank-Quaker was offended, and could not forbear, but in plain terms, told her, that she was a Blasphemer (or, had spoken Blasphemy) and withal he further said unto her as above, To wit, That if she believed in any other Christ, then in that Christ which was within her, she would be damned: O most horrid Quakerisme, dig'd out of the bottomless Pit, from whence thou hast received thy Ordination to be a Teaching, Seducing, and Lying Quaker: For Francis, thou knowest both this Man and his Wife, to be persons of good Name, credit, and of honest reputation in this Country, and therefore worthy to be believed, before thy self: Oh that the Lord would give thee grace to repent of thy evident wickedness, and grievous God provoking Blasphemy, (proceeding from the false Christ within thee) which undoubtedly thou hast wretchedly aggravated, by making (as much as in thee lay) this faithful witness, an open lyar: and that (as most of the Christian Hearers j [...]dged) contrary to the Testimony of the render part (thy Light-Christ-Conse [...]nce) within: Oh, that I could prevailingly advise thee, to think how deservedly the dreadful words of the holy Apostle, Act. 13. 45. may be charged on thee, viz. They (the Jews) were filled with envy, and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming: For,
1. The manner of thy words (as above) plainly declare, that thou were filled with envy.
[Page 23] 2. The matter of her words, was the same with the thing spoken by Paul, not only in ver. 37, 38. but also in chap. 3. 13. 21. The God of our Fathers hath glorified his Son Jesus, whom the Heaven must receive, until the times of restitution of all things; so that thou wert not only filled with envy, but with blas [...]hemous contradictions; now Francis, this being thy case truly stated, hast thou not indeed cause to repent over thy false-Christ that hath (as above) filled thy heart with envy, and thy tongue with Blasp [...]my, against the the truth of God believed and confesse [...] by that good Woman above. By the way, I may not omit (Capt Bascombes m [...]tion ma [...]e unto me (upon the confession of F. E. his Faith above, &c. That Jesus of Nazareth was received up into Heaven: to ask him where Heaven was; (it seems the Captain knew, that the Teaching Quakers had Jesuitical-equivocations, and mental reserves) accordingly I askt him, where Heaven was; but he made me no Answer thereupon, his tender headed-iniquity-Brother, William Harriot said, Heaven was where it should be: I demanded of him, where that was? he replied (like himself) Heaven was there where God would have it to be: by these impertinent silly shifts, the intelligent Hearers perceived, that they were basely afraid to stand to their Quakerisme Principles: its well known, that at other times they have confidently avouched (as their Scripture-wresting-Guids, teach) that Heaven (as well as Hell) is within them; for which that Text especially is pretended, Luk. 17. 21. For behold the Kingdome of God is within you (sc. the Pharisees, ver. 20.) whereas by Kingdome of God in that place, our Saviour understands the Gospel of God Preached as Mark 1. 14. Jesus came into Galilee, Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdome of God: and in Luk. 10. 11. Be ye sure of this, that the Kingdome of God is come nigh unto you: likewise Mat. 21. 43. Therefore said Iesus unto the Pharisees, the Kingdome of God shall be taken from you, and given to a Nation bringing forth the fruits thereof: and ver. 45. When the chief Priests and Pharisees had heard his Parables, they perceived that he spake of them: These Scriptures do plainly shew, that by kingdome of God, in Luke 17. 21. Christ doth not mean, the Kingdome of glory in Heaven, but the Kingdome of the Gospel Preached by himself, and his Apostles on Earth; to which he answered nothing.
In the next place, F. E. doth (as I suppose) expect some Answer to his reflection on me (at the end of his tedious Discourse afore signified) sc. That I had not in any thing, which was said by me (he meant in the four Arguments, proving the first part of the charge) made any mention of Christ as God to be the Saviour.
Answ. Bold Man, who art thou, that [...]achest the Apostles of Jesus Christ, (yea the Holy-Ghost himself) how to speak, who were the fa [...]thful [Page 24] Witnesses, that proved all which was said by me in those four Arguments; and that I might prevent (which I foresaw) such carpings, I barely repeated the Apostles express words, mentioning (in a manner) no more, then what is plainly asserted by them? what dost thou then, but (under colour of reflecting on me) reflect upon the holy Apostles themselves? Alas, poor Man! had it not been more honesty in thee, to have thus charged the Apostles, then me; who wrested not, but only repeated the Apostles words, for the confirmation of the alledged Arguments, thou shouldest have clamoured against the Apostles; thus, there is not a word by them mentioned of Christ, as God, to be the Saviour; and wouldest thou not (hadst thou thus done) have been as bold, as blind Bayard: Its most evident, that the Apostles preached Christ, as Man [Not but that he was and is also God] to be believed in for the rem [...]ssi [...]n of sins, both to the Jews, and to the Gentiles: so that, thy quarrelsome reflection on me, is (in effect) a manifest denying the Testimony of the Apostles, joyntly testifying of the Man Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to be the only Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of the World, (reconciledworld, 2 Cor. 5. 19.) for, there is no other Man, Name, or Thing ever in Scripture, called the Lamb of God, which takes away sin; but the one Man Jesus Christ, and so it is Recorded by Christs witness bearer, Joh. 1. 29. 30.
One would now think, that the very mentioning of these things, were enough to refute them, with whom the Scriptures of God, have any credit: But what shall I say unto thee Francis; I would (in true love only to thy distressed Soul) advise thee to search (as in Iohn 5. 39.) the Scriptures: for I find thee very ignorant of the truth, as testified in them; and hence asserting new notions, which thou hast received from other men which tend to the darkening and denying of the unanimous Testimony of all the holy Men of old, to the true Saviour Jesus of Nazareth, and to Salvation through Faith in him; and that thou mayest be delivered from the dangerous snare of the false Christ (the Idol-light within) is the hearty desire of him, whom (for his Faith in, and to the truth) thou hast opposed.
William Bullock was the next Disputant: to prove, That a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is not the false but the true Christ.
And thus he Argued: saying, That which may be known of God, is manifest in them, and t [...]en st [...]pt: Therefore, I prayed him, to tell us, were tho [...]e words repeated above were to be found? he readily told me, sc. in Rom. chap. 1. ver. 19. Because that which may be known of God, is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them: [...] was the only Proof named by them: I further demanded of him, what he inferred [Page 25] from this Text of Scripture? but because he lookt as if he understood not, what was meant by that demand: I requested him to frame some Argument from the Text alledged by him, to prove the matter in hand, but all in vain ( a Syllogisme being as great a Monster to him, as Jesus Christ of Nazareth) Thereupon, I did declare, That the Apostle did not there understand the word [God] to signifie Christ. God Man: and as for the phrase [in them] it is interpreted [to them] as in the very next words in the same verse, sc. For God hath shewed it to them: likewise Paul doth tell us, both how and where God shew'd them, this, as in ver. 20. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and godhead: which Godhead alone, is not to be understood for Godman, Christ the only Saviour: in a word, The mind of the Spirit, in these two 19, 20. verses, sc. is no more but this: namely, that the eternal power and Godhead was manifested in ( i. e. shewn to) the Gentiles (unconverted) by the things that are made (or created) from the creation of the World: this being the true state of the Text above, how they could prove the thing, to wit, That a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is the true, not the false Christ) for which they were brought: surely, none but young and old Bullocks (or such as are of that kind) can understand; I expected some reply from this Disputant to the substance above asserted: but instead of a reply, he urged another Prool (this was their manner even all along, that thereby they might [...]loa [...] their weakness and insufficien [...] for returns) saying, The flesh profiteth nothing, it is the Spirit that quickeneth.
Upon his inversion of the order of the words; I desired him, to name the Chapter, and verse, where the words (as he had spoken them) might be found, but he did it not: I then named both, viz. Joh. chap. 6. ver. 63. It is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing. He again refusing to frame an Argument: Therefore to the Text.
1 Answered 1. If these words were to be understood in this sence ( sc. That the Lord Christ (on the account of his body of flesh) profiteth nothing to Salvation, but its the quickning spirit within, that is the only Saviour) Then, what interpretation wouldst thou put upon Christs words, in the same Chapter, ver. 53. foregoing, Then Jesus said unto them, verily verily, I say unto you, except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, ye have no life (i. e. Spirit, ver. 63. ult.) in you; or wilt thou make Christ (who is the wisdome of God, 1 Cor. 1. 30.) guilty of contradiction, and so a Lyar, to which he replied nothing, save that he had spoken Scripture; which necessarily engaged me to reconcile those Scriptures to the understanding of the hearers: which, I endeavoured thus:
[Page 26] Joh. 6. 63. It is the spirit that quickeneth (i. e. the soul of man, naturally dead in sins, Eph. 2. 1, 5.) the words exclude all endowments, qualifications, or excellencies in the natural man, from this soul quickening work; hereunto agrees the words of our Saviour, in the end of the 63d. verse above: The words that I spake unto you, they are spirit, and they are life: that is to say, the spirit of faith, is the souls life, or special quickening: so that the latter part of the verse, is both a verification and explication of the former part ( sc. It is the spirit that quickeneth, Thi [...] is likewise con [...]irmed by the Apostle Paul, Gal. 3. 11. and long before, by the Prophet Habakkuk, Chap. 2. 4. the just shall live by faith; Faith [...] the vital principal, and fountain of life in the Soul: it is the uniting grace, it knits us to personal Christ glorified in Heaven above, from whose fulness, Joh. 1. 16. we receive grace for grace (i. e. Grace for graces sake) And therefore his flesh profiteth right Believers; the whole (as to this particular) is, though the spirit be a dead-souls quickener, yet it is not the quickened souls Saviour.
But this Disputant still avers, that the Scripture saith, Christs fl [...]sh p [...]ofiteth nothing: Therefore for further satisfaction, touching these words; sc. Christs flesh profiteth nothing, let this Question be propounded:
Quest. In what sense way Christs flesh be said not to profit, or profiteth nothing?
Sol. 1. Christs flesh profiteth an unbeliever nothing: as it is noted by our Saviour, in the very next verse, ver. 64. But there are (saith he) some of you that believed not, intending such of them, as did not by Faith (the believing souls-mouth) eat his flesh, and drink his blood: which, in ver. 55 Christ saith, is meat indeed, and drink indeed: also in Heb. 4. 2. For unto us was the Gospel Preached, as well as unto them, but the Word preached did not profit them, not being mix [...]d with Faith, in them that heard it: what the Gospel preached was; hath been before frequently declared, more especially from Act. 5. 30 31. That the same Jesus whom the Iews slew, and hanged on a Tree (this was the body of Christs flesh) God raised up from the dead, and exalted to be a Prince, and a Saviour, to give repentance, and remission of sins. This was the Gospel word, that was preached, which profited not either Iews or Gentiles, that did not by the mouth of Faith, eat the flesh, and drink the blood of Jesus Christ, the only Saviour: Hence, I did infer; That the Quakers being such non eating, non drinking Unbelievers, Christs flesh profiteth them nothing (therefore fit to be insi [...]ed on by this Disputant.)
2. Christs flesh profiteth nothing; If it be taken in that sense, in which the Iews apprehended the eating of it; and tha [...] was, with their natural mouths, as it appears from ver. 52. They (the Jews) strove amongst [Page 27] themselves, saying, how can this man give us his flesh to eat? (for they knew of no eating, but as they did eat their bodily food) yea, Christs Disciples (such as for the present followed him) said, ver. 63. this is a hard saying, who can hear it: Hereupon Christ doth explain himself to them all, in these words [ The flesh profiteth nothing, ver. 63. above] thereby giving them to understand, that he meant not of eating his flesh with their natural mouthes, as they did eat their daily bread: for (as if Christ had said) should ye so eat some of my natural flesh, or so drink some of my blood, it would profit you nothing: the reason of it, is assigned by the Apostle Paul, because Christs flesh and blood, is New-Testament Blood, 1 Cor. 11. 25. in which all the promises of God are, 2 Cor. 1. 20 here hence, it is safely inferr'd▪ That the true Object of Faith, is, the N [...]w-Testament promises in Christ bodily; in which respect, Christs flesh is profitable to all right Believers on him, for their Justification, Resurrection, and Glorification, as in ver. 54, Whoso eateth (with a Soul-believing Mouth) my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day: But if we separate the promises of God, from Christs flesh, or his flesh from the promises, then his flesh profiteth no more, then if it were eaten with a mans natural Mouth▪ which (according [...]o our blessed Saviour) profiteth nothing, or would not profit the Soul at all:
Upon the whole it was concluded, that W. Bullocks second (as his first) Scripture, fell short of the mark; that is of proving a Quakers preten [...]ed Savi [...]ur within him, to be the true, not the false Christ.
The next Speaker was Patience Bullock:
1. She propounded a Question to me: Quest. Whether Christ could have saved us, without his being God?
I Answered, Though Christ could not save us, unless he were God, as well as Man: yet the Godhead of the So [...] (on [...]y as such) doth not save us from the curse of the Law, because the Godhead alone could not fulfill that righteousness (active and passive) which the Law required; 'tis true, we read o [...] the righ [...]eousness of God. 2 Cor. 5 21. yet it is not to be unders [...]od for the essential righteousness of God, but for a righteousness [...]nswerab [...]e unto the Law performed by the manhood of Christ, to which the Godhead gav [...] both efficacy and excellency, Heb. 9. 14. and thereby the righteousness answerable to the holiness and justice of the Law, performed by the Man hood (soul and body) of Jesus Christ, was made Meritorious and Satisfactory for sin; as the Apostle sign fies, Heb. 9. 14. How much more shall the blood (i. e. Sufferings of Christ who (or which suffering Christ) through the eternal Spirit (i. e. Godhead of the Son) offered himself (sc. a Sacrifice) without spot to God (the Father) [Page 28] hence I did affirm, that Jesus Christ (as ma [...]) is our only Material Saviour; [...](if he may be [...]lieved) [...] us [...]rom the [...] of Gods Spiri [...], [...] the Man [...] Lord Christ, then b [...]rn of the Virgin Mary▪ whom [...] took up i [...]o his arms, was the Salvation of God) i e. whom God had exalted to be [...]h [...] only Saviour Act. 5 [...].) and the holy Apostles preached (as a [...]ore noted) the Man Iesus Christ of Nazareth, to be be [...]ieved in remission of sins: herewithal named that Text of Scripture, in the 1 T [...]m. 2. 5. 6 There is one Mediator between God and Man, the Man Christ Jesus, who gav [...] himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. The Apostle doth not (as I said) here assert, the Man J [...]sus Christ, to exclude the God head, or divine nature, from him the Med [...]ator, and Ransom [...]r, but emphatically to demonstrate that nature in which he meditates, and gave himself a ransome; for though the ransome was paid by him who w [...]s and is God, or had a divine Nature: yet, it was paid in the Man hood, o [...] humane nature only, that is to say, Christs humane Nature gave worth and value to it: whence I did infer (but w [...]th much reverence) that the Manhood of the Son of God, is the only m [...]terial cause of our Salvation: and by necessary consequence, the Man hood or Humane Nature of Christ, was, and is, our only material Saviour; which I had no sooner said: But F. E. called on the people to take notice, That I had declared the Man hood of Christ to be the only Saviour: to which, some of the Hearers forthwi [...]h replied, that I did say, to wit, that the Manhood of Christ is our only material Saviour: which (as I suppose) he understood not▪ and therefore he said no more: howbeit, I expected some reply from Mrs. Patience Bullock (no small Prophetess in their Libertine Synagogue) but instead of a Reply, she puts forth another Question: sc.
Quest. 2. Whether we could be saved by Christ, without the operation of the Spirit in us?
I Answered: Although it were granted. sc. That we could not be saved, without the operations of the Spirit in us: yet, this would be nothing to the business befo [...]e us: that is, it doth not prove a Quakers-pretended Saviour within him, to be the true, not the false Christ: forasmuch as the operations of the Spirit in us, are not Christ, God-man, therefore not our Saviour: again, I told her, let it be granted, that we cannot be saved without the effects and operations of the spirit in us: yet herehence it will not f [...]llow, that we are saved for, or by these effects and operations of the Spirit in us: so that the me [...]r tendency of her Questions we [...]e (by the judicious hearers) plainly discerned, to lay aside the material Saviour: and to insinuate a Spirit, and its operations (still the Idol-light) [Page 29] within, to be the true Christ [...] and only Saviour; thereupon, I denied the Sp [...]rits operations in us, to be the previous, procuring cause or ground of redemption, justification, and salvation with God; and that it is one thing to affirm that we cannot be saved without the efficacies of the spirit in us, as evidential, and another thing to be saved for, or by these operations in us, as causal; to which she made no return:
Let me here add, what her last Question hath since brought to my remembrance; namely, somewhat (touching this Question) the men of Rome, have commonly expressed: the Apostle (say they) excludes from justification, works which we our selves do meaning, Tit. 3. 5. Not by works of righteousness that we have done, & Rom. 11. 6. If it be by works, then were grace no more grace,) that is (as they wrongly gloss) works done by our own streng [...]h, without the help of the Grace of God, not those works we do by the aid of the spirit within us, which is the same with that of the carnal Prophetess above, only it is expressed in plainer words, so that in truth, her Question is but a sly design, to renew again the old Papish trick, to elude the genuine force of such Texts, as above asserted: and in good earnest, a Quakers light within, is but the Pope without:
By the way, in reference to her last question, let two things be seriously considered:
1. That Carnal Gospellers do but deceive their own souls, by resting in a bare literal, or historical assent, that the Man Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the true Christ, and our only Saviour; while they are in no degree partakers of the divine nature, 2 Pet. 1. 4. i. e. of the effectual graces of Christs spirit, sc. a living saith, a lively hope love unfeigned, true repentance, &c. but are slighters, and professed rejectors of th [...]m.
2. As Carnal Gospellers do thus deceive themselves; so do Anti-Gospellars (as Quakers) no less (yea, much more) put a [...]heat upon their own Souls, by their idle pretences, viz. that the Graces, effects and operations of the spirit within them, maketh the true Christ, and their only Saviour from sins: Alas, poor deluded ones, this is to testifie, that the effects of Christs death, sufferings, redemption, and righteousness do constitute the true Christ, and Mans only Saviour: which effects and operations (say ye) being followed in all righteousness, will bring you to Salvation: now, what is all this? but in plain English, to be brought to salvation, by the obedience of works: Oh, let every good Christian tremble to think of the dreadful consequence of this your God provoking Doctrine; for, it is a manifest renouncing of the righteousness and obedience of the Son of God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom God the Father hath exalted to be the only Saviour to give remission of sins and [Page 30] salvation to all, that rightly believe on him, as is aboundantly foreshewed.
Next to Mrs. Bullock, the Champ [...]n Francis, starts up, who (who (after the truths of God had silenced his fellow labourer in the work of the false Christ) repeats some words in the New-Testament; But ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified by the spirit of God.
Answ. 1. I requested him, to shew me where I might find those words; he replied, that the words which he had spoken, were Scripture: But (I said) thou hast d [...]membred that Scripture, as the Text it self made it to appear, which is in the 1 Cor. 6. 11. And such were some of you, but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the spirit of our God.
2. Note here, that the only words which concern Justification [ sc. In the Name of the Lord Jesus] were omitted the more craf [...]ily to abuse our judgements, that we might believe justification in the sight of God, is a work of, the spirit in us, and consequently, that a Quakers pretended Saviour was within him.
I pray thee Frances, how doth this accord with the confession of thy faith contained in thy Answer to my Question above: surely Captain B [...]scomb might have told thee, that thou wouldest deny that thy confession of the Faith not only by, but before tomorrow, by this all men may see what a blind, Guid he is: to be at once (almost on a breath) guilty of such gross contradiction, and yet insensible of it:
3. My special Answer was that [ Spirit] in the last clause of that verse, is to be referred to sanctification as it is in all other New Testament Scriptures, 2 Thess. 2. 13. 1 Pet. 1. 2. &c. and to be sanctified is mostly attributed to the spirits efficiency: and as to the Text above, it is as if the order of the words had been thus: But ye are sanctified by the spirit of our God, but ye are justified by the Name of the Lord Jesus: I know, that the Teaching, Seducing Quakers, do convert the transposition in the Text, into a confusion, by confounding justification and sanctification: where is the transposition in that Text, doth no more co [...]found just fication and sa [...]ctification, then the transposition in Mat. 7. 6 confounds Swine and Dogs: Give not (saith Christ) that which is holy to Dogs, neither cast your P [...]arl before Swine, lest they tra [...]p [...]e them under their feet, and turn again and rent you: Though turn again, and rent you, be in the last clause of the [...]erse, yet it is to be referred [...]o the D [...]g [...], not to the Swine: for as Swine do tramp [...]e under heir [...]ee [...], so Dogs [...] upon a man, renting and tearing him down: Thi [...] instance plainly she [...]s that the [...] posi [...]ion in 1 Cor. 6. 11. above [...] joyning of sanct [...]ficati [...]n to he Spirit, nor justification to the Name of the Lord Jesus alone, it [Page 31] being according to the tenour of th [...] whole New-Testament.
And instead of a Reply, Francis tells us of his experimental interest in that Text: saying, that he was washed and justified in himself from his sins: and at length he told us, how; to wit, in some measure: Hereup [...]n [...]emanded, what the sins in particular were, from which he was in himself washed and justified in some measure? whether it were from [...] or Drunk [...]ness, Oathes, or Adultery? he replied, I am not to tell thee: then more seriously I requested the Assembly, to take notice of his want of knowledge in the Scriptures; inasmuch, as that he makes justification from sin, not only a work with [...]n him, but to be daily wrought in himself by measure, or degrees; which assertion of his, is directly contrary, to the manifold Scriptures of truth, which proved the third Argument, to wit, that our justification from sins, was at once finished and perfected (without [...]) on the Cross, by the offering of the one body of Jesus Christ one for all; and so already do [...]e by Jesus Christ, and in being, in him our head: nevertheless it was readily granted by me, sc. that all things relating to our washing and justification from sins, by that one sacrifice of the body of Christ, as above; is to be believed in for the remission of sins, and for the making of that blessed work (so already finished) effectual in us it is to be received and wrought, not at once, but by degrees and in measure, by the working and operation of the Spirit of God in us, until Mortality be swallowed up of life; hereunto agrees the words of the Apostle Paul, 1 Tim. 2. 5. 6. The man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransome for all, to be testified in due time; [ Gave] referring to the time past, the work of ransome being already done, and perfected. [ To be testified] i. e. by the spirit of Faith (2 Cor. 4. 13. and b [...] its effects in the hearts of Believe [...]s, [ [...]due time] i. e. in Gods appointed time: so then when the spirit saith, as above sc. That the Man Jesus Christ ga [...]e himself a ransome [ For all] i e. for all them, by whom the ran [...]mer is believed on▪ and in whom [...]he virtue and eff [...]cts of the ransome are by the spirit influenced [...] these things are, according to the Scriptures, give [...] by the conspiration of God, (2 Tim. 3. 6) whereas this Doctor's new Divinity (to wit, That he is in himself washed and justified from his sin [...], in some measure) it is most false and dangerous Doctrine: for it doth clearly deny, that the M [...]ssias, Jesus Christ of [...] hath at once by his own crucified bo [...]y (without u [...]) on the Crosse, finished Tran [...]ress [...]n, and [...] all which (and much more) is the joynt Testimony of the Prophets a [...]d Apostles concerning the Man Jesus Christ, and the work [...] some effected by him for sinners while [...] to God [...]
Note, that this truth, doth [...]lly answereth. Quakers ca [...]il, about this [Page 32] matter: how is sin (say they) finished without a Man, while no good is wrought within him: and seeing (as they further say) Christ works all things in us by his Spirit, how then can all things be finished by Christ without us, before any good is wrought by him in us?
Answ. It is most necessarily presupposed, that all things were finished by the Man Jesus Christ (as above explained) for satisfaction to his Fathers justice for sin, before we could receive that satisfaction by Faith or its effects by the spirit within us: Now, its most certain, that before Faith (with its fruits and effects) was wrought in us by the spirit: we were unbelievers, ungodly, unjust, and enemies to God in our minds by wicked works, Col. 1. 21. then according to right reason; if the one had not been first wrought by Jesus Christ without us, it had been altogether impossible for the o [...]her to have been wrought in us. or received by Faith, and to witnessed unto by us; consider once more, if the Man Iesus Christ had not first given himself a ransome for our sins, we could not have received it by Faith, nor could it have been Testified or witnessed unto, by us: Moreover, let it be well observed, that all the righteousness of Sanctification that is in us from Christ, is but a fruit of that righteousness of Iustification, which [...]esus Christ of Nazareth wrought out by his own personal obedience and sufferings upon the Crosse: yea all the graces and operations of the Spirit wrought in us, were thereby merited and purchased for us.
Therefore Francis, your being in your self washed and justified from your sins, in some measure; is, plainly to deny that one Propitiatory Sacrifice, of the one crucified body of the true Man Iesus Christ, which can be no other then a wretched design, to blot out of our hearts the blessed Name and Remembrance of that one great propitiation once offered for sins, together with the redemption, righteousness and reconciliation to God, as already (in Christ our head and surety) purchased and perfected for us until, no other righteousness or redemption be known, but that of obedience to the Light (that unbloody Redeemer) which is (ye say) in every man that comes into the World: and thus, so much obedience to the Idol-light within, so much redemption, washing justifying and no more. (Here hence Francis, comes (thus in some measure in thy self) this is the voice of your Law-working spirit within: teaching, that he that doth these things shall live by them; The Pope without is become a Quakers Light within: I have now done with the enlargements upon his affirmation, to wit, That he was [ In some measure] washed and justified in himself from his sins: The next Apparition is of
William Bullock again: And he tells us, the Law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, hath made us free from sin.
[Page 33] Answ. 1. I prayed him to tell me, where I might find those words, as uttered by him; he had been taught his Answer, sc. It is Scripture: But I told him, that he had (according to a Quakers practice) m [...]ngled and abused that holy Text of Scripture, intended by him; Namely,
Rom. 8. 2. For the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, hath made me free from the Law of sin and [...]ath;
But he repeated [ Ʋs] for [ Me] and free from sin: for, free from the law of sin a [...]d left out the word [ Death.]
2. I desired him, to frame his Argument, to prove the matter controverted, sc. That a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is the true, not the false Christ: But no Argument from the Text (nor any thing like it) was alledged by him, long fa [...]ting perhaps, made him so empty.
There [...]ore, 3. I said, That it is the Law of the Spirit of life (not in a Quaker, but) in Christ Jesus and that there is not (nor ever was) any other Jesus Christ, a Sav [...]our from sin, but the Holy Child Jesus, born of Mary in Bethlehem, the City of David, Luk. 2. 4, 11. which Saviour is not to be sound in any Quaker; and therefore this place of Scripture pretended by th [...]e, falls short of maintaining your cause, as it respects the first part of the charge: which [...]id appear on a due examination of the Text it self, in this man [...]: to wit.
Exam. By the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, we are to understand, the Spirit which the Father gave him (as the Son of Man ( without measure, Ioh. 3. [...]4. Ioh. 1. 6. Now from this fulness of Spiritual Life in Christ, Paul received such a degree of it, as made him free from the Law (i. e. from the reign and dem [...]nion) of sin, and from Death, Rom. 6. 12. 14 (i. e. from the power of natural death) Note, that the Spirit in the Text above is se [...] [...]own two wayes:
1. By the Subject in whom it is; that is, in the Manhood of Christs Person.
2. By the Effect it is a spirit of life if this life be not ( from Christs fulness) conveyed into us, we are but dead men, spiritually dead in sins, Eph 2. 1. But when the spirit of [...] (from Christs unmeasurable fulness) is derived to us t [...]en we feel its law (or power) weakening and abolishing the Law ( i. e.) the strength and Authority) of sin in us; and thereby sin hath now, no reigning, domineering power in or over us, nor can it condemn our persons: and thus, we are [...]reed from the Law of sin & death.
Note, Not so [...]reed, as if we were simply delivered from both or either of these, as that we cannot afterwards sin, and die: but the meaning is, sin cannot rul [...], or exercise a command now over us, n [...]r can it damn [...]s, nor can the natural death hurt us: now tell me William, whether there be ought in this third Text of Scripture alledged by thee, that doth in [Page 34] the least (though never so much strained) prove this first part of the charge against you, to be false; for the mind of the Apostle therein is plain and evident, viz. that the law of the Spirit of life inherent in us, hath only a virtue to eat down the Law (or commanding power) of present sins, and to destroy the power of our natural death: what (I pray thee) is in all this, to prove a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, &c. surely William, either thou art very silly thy self, or thou didst think thy hearers to be so:
After him steps F. E. again, and said, the Scripture saith of Christ, I in thee, and thou in me: but he could not tell us, where to find the Scripture, that said those words of Christ.
Answ. That I did not remember any such Scripture, for manner, and fo [...]m; as spoken by him: to wit, I in the [...], and thou in me; but this Parret must prate as he hath been taught; howbeit, if it might be supposed (not granted) that Christ had said to any particular person▪ [ I in thee, and thou in me:] It must needs follow, that the person of Christ w [...]s without (not within) him, to whom he then spake; and the person of Christ, being the Believers only Saviour: this allegation, could not concern the charge before us
Tis true, we read in Joh 17 23: I in them, and thou in we, that they may be made perfect in me: i e. in oneness of affection; for so it is interpreted, in the last clause of the same verse, sc. and hast loved them as thou hast loved me; also in Joh. 14. 20. and you in me, and I in you: these words do only signifie the reciprocal love, that shall be fully experienced between Christ and his members, at the glorious resurrection of the just, as it is implied in the former part of that verse: At that day (namely of Christs second comming in glory, ver. 18.) ye shall (sc. at that day) know that I am in my Father (i. e. in his love) and you in me (i. e. in my love) and I in you (i. e. in your love, ver. 21.) Now Francis, if thou dost mean, either of these Scriptures, thou wilt be still at a loss: for it was the man Jesus Christ, which spake to his Disciples, and it is very strange, that thou wilt produce a Christ for evidence, in whom you do not believe: its a sign, that thou art almost spent; I do not remember that he made any reply to ought said by me, as above: but as a mask for their nakedness, he urged another Scripture, (not naming where, as to the chapter or verse) to wit Christ saith of h [...]mself, I am Alpha and Omega:
Rev 1. 1. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come. The Almighty, after the reciting of this Scripture, I expected an Argument, to be drawn from thence by the Disputant, to prove the thing for wh [...]ch he brought it; But it seems Franks Seducers could never make him capable of formal [Page 35] Argumentations, which defect, constrained me to insist upon the explication (herein more fully and distinctly enlarged) of those Texts of Scripture, which (for the most part) were only repeated by the titular Disputants, and that many times after their own most presumptuous mode and manner, adding or diminishing contrary to Gods command, Deut. 4. 2. But I proceed to the Text it self:
Ans. The place of Scripture above, sc. Rev. 1. 8. consists of three parts. First part, I am Alpha and Omega, in these words Christs creating power is Metaphorically expressed, being the first and last letters in the Greek Alphabet; which (by a figurative speech) are applied to any beginning and end; and are here interpreted, by the next words, namely, the Beginning, and the Ending: which Phrases, do signifie unto us Christs divine Nature, eternal Power, and Godhead, as in Joh. 1. ver. 1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, (sc. God the Son) and in Col. 1. 16. All things were created by him (his dear Son, ver. 13.) and for him (sc for his glory, as the ultimate end, Rom. 11. 36.) this therefore is the meaning of [ I am Alpha and Omega] that is Christ is the efficient cause of all things, and the end also, wh [...]ther all things are referred: that he hath at first created all things, and that for his own glory alone.
Second part, Saith the Lord, which words denote Christ the faithful promiser▪ for all the promises of God are in him. 2 Cor. 1 20. in him i. e. in the man hood of Christs person, Col. 2 9. hereunto agrees the title [ Lord.] which is mostly appropriated to Christs huma [...]e nature, as before his Birth Luk. 1 43. And whence is this to me, that the Mother of my Lord should come to me, and on the day of his birth, Chap 2. ver. 11. For to you is born this day, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord: and afterwards, Joh. 13. ver. 13, 14. Ye call me Master, and Lord, for so I am: If I thou your Lord and Master, have washed your feet: Also, after his resurrection, Luk. 24. 34 saying, The Lord hath risen indeed, and hath oppeared to Simon, ver 39. Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I my self, (meaning, your Lord and Master) and likewise after his ascention, Act. 22. 8. And I answered, who art thou Lord? and he said unto me, I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest: to these many more might be added, to evidence that by [ Lord] in the Text above [...] man hood of Christs person is to be understood, at least not to be excluded: For in ver. 11. Christ saith, I am Alpha and Omega, the first, and the last▪ here Alpha and Omega, are explained by the terms [ Of the first and the last] that is to say, the Lord Christ is the first, to wit subsisting in the beginning with God, and equal with the Father: and the last, having taken the [...] of a Servant, i. e. of the meanest man, and so last in reputation, Phil. 2. 6, 7.
[Page 36] Third part; Which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty: by the distribution of the threefold time, is meant (as Aretas, and Brightman on the 4th. verse) the trinity of persons, which is, or I am, (as in the first part) are here of the same import, and do refer to the Father. Exod. 3 14. and which was, to the Son, Joh. 1. ver. 1. And which is come, to the Holy Ghost. Iohn. 16. 8, 13.
The Almighty; This last word of the verse, denotes the omnipotency, eternal essence and Godhead of Christs person: the sum of both ( sc. 1. 11.) verses above, do reveal unto us only two things.
1. The union of the two Natures in the person of Christ; namely; that he was and is true God, and true man in one person.
2. The Trinity of persons, in the unity of Essence.
Now Francis, doest thou think, that either of these things (containing the true sense, of the Texts alledged by thee) will prove your cause, That a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is the true Christ: surely, thou canst not be so bruitish as to think so, but rather the contrary, sc. That it is the false Christ the Devil: this Conclusion made Patience (an impatient) Bullock, she being unable to forbear any longer, calls to me, What (quoth she) dost thou make our Christ within us, to be the Devil?
To her I made Answer: saying, that I did solemnly, and with much reverence (as in the presence of God, to whom I must shortly be accountable for my words) declare, that I do most assuredly know, that a Quakers pretended Christ within him, is the false Christ, the Devil, whom ye ignorantly believe in, and worship, and with whom ye will be damned in: Hell, if ye repent not; to this most serious Declaration, she made no reply at all:
But F. E. forthwith replied, saying, Thou hast no warrant from the Scripture, thus to speak: I told him, that I had sufficient warrant from the Scriptures, to make good what I had (in the fear of God) declared: and forthwith I alledged the words of Jesus Christ of Nazareth himself, Ioh. 8. 24. I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins, this Scripture silenced him likewise, and thereupon I told him, that the true Christ had stopt his mouth.
Let me here add some other Scriptures, for some further warrant, as Ioh. 3. 18. He that believeth not (sc. on the Son of God▪ sent into the World, ver. 17.) is condemned already, that is, he is as sure to be damned, as if he was actually in Hell: and in ver. 36. He that believeth not on the Son (sc. bo [...]n of Mary▪ Luk. 1. 35,) shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him: likewise in Luk. 19. 14. And his Citizens hated him, (sc, the Son of Man, the Saviour, ver. 10) and sent a message after him, saying, we will not have this Man to reign over us: let it be here well Noted, that [Page 37] the true Christ calls those Citizens his Enemies, and such Enemies as he would destroy, ver. 27. But those mine Enemies, which would not that I (the Son of Man, ver. 10. above) should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me: in Mark also, Chap. 16. ver. 16. He that believeth not (sc. on Jesus risen from the dead, ver. 9.) shall be damned.
Now Frank, didst not thou speak under the Power of Satan, when thou didst so openly and confidently affirm, that I had no warrant to speak as I did, when I spake to thy fellow-Labourer in the work of the false Christ?
The next Bolt was shot by William Bullock, and he tells us, The Light makes manifest; lifting up his voice lowder and lowder, crying out, tell me, tell me, the true, and real meaning of those words; the Light makes manifest: I surely thought, that his lowd Lowing and Bellowing, was to prevent my asking of him, where those words might be found in the Scriptures: which I did forbear to ask, because I knew his Answer, ( sc. tis Scripture.)
Answ. 1. I told him, that he was at his old trade of mangling the Scriptures: and then shewed him wherein; namely, that it was not the Light maketh manifest; but whatsoever doth make manifest, is Light: which, the [...]ext made to appear, in Eph. 5. 13. But all things that are reproved, are made manifest by the Light: for, whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
2. By Light, here; we are to understand, a Sin-reproving-light: inasmuch as the latter part, doth interpret the former part of the verse, sc. But all things that are reproved, are made manifest by the Light, (i. e. by the Light of Scripture) whence Paul argues thus: for whatsoever doth make manifest, (in a way of Reproof) is light ( sc. Scriptural light as before) for the written Scriptures are frequently described by Light, Psal. 119. 105. Thy Word is a Light unto my path, Isai. 8. 20. To the Law, and to the Testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them: Here, the written Word (such, was the Law and Testimony) is the only manifesting, and so determining-light, either for reprehension, or satisfaction (in cases of error and doubts) and the reason of it, is assigned by the Apostle, 2 Tim. 3. 16. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for Reproof, for Instruction (or manifestation) and hereunto agrees the words of our Lord and Saviour, Joh. 3. 26, 21. For every one that doth evil hateth the Light, neither cometh to the Light, lest his deeds should be [reproved:] But he that doeth truth, cometh to the Light, that his deeds may be made manifest.
1. By Light (in these verses) Christ understands the Doctrinal-light (contained in the written Scripture of the New-Testament) which was [Page 38] preached by him, and his Apostles: hence it is that the Lord Christ, Joh. 8. 12. and his Apost [...]es, Mat 5. 14 are called the [...]ight of the Wonld.
2. That this Light, doth reprove, ver. 20. and manifest, ver. 21. well then William, thy [...]em [...]d is granted thee; namely that the true and real meaning of the Text ( [...] by thee) is this: to wit, That the light of Scripture, doth make reproved evils manifest, or evils manifest, which are to be reproved: this being the true and re [...] meaning, how doth it prove the thing designed? sc. That the light within thee, [...] the true, not the false Christ: I hope, thou art not such a Bull [...]ck, as to think it the t [...]ue Christ. Now fora [...]much as that I have the advantage of more liberty (without interruptio [...]) to enlarge I will shew thee ( [...]. B.) two things (from the Light in the Text recited by th [...]e, as above)
First. That the Light of Scripture, doth make some of a Quakers evils manifest.
Secondly, That it doth reprove those their evils.
For the first, sc. That the Light of Scripture, doth manifest some of a Quakers evils. [...] As 1. The evil of Antichristianisme, 2 Joh. ver. 7. For many Deceivers are entred into the World, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, this is a deceiver and an Antichrist.
Observe by the way, when ever this Text of Scripture is mentioned against the Quakers, they presently frame a pretence, whereby they would seem to go off with some credit; telling us, that we make a man of straw, and then knock him down: for who is it (say they) of us, that doth deny Jesus Christ is come in the flesh; we do (say they) confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, that he suffered, and died in the flesh.
Answ. This is such a pitiful shift, nay, such a deceitful covering, that the weakest eye may look through it; they well kn [...]w, how unable they are to deal with the Arguments, which are in the inspired Scriptures of God, against the feigned light Christ within them, have therefore made the hole above, to creep out at: but this their juggle, is no other then what hath been a ready discovered: namely, That it was not the visible body of Christs flesh, which was or is Christ the Saviour, but the Christ in that appearing body of his flesh; and as the Christ was in this his flesh, so he is in every mans flesh that comes into the World. And hence it is, that a Teaching Quaker, when he is prat [...]ng of the Idol-light within, he laye [...]his hand upon his breast; saying Jesus Christ is manifest in this flesh: (meaning in his real flesh: but Christs flesh was only in shew and appearance.) T [...]is their [...]olly brings to mind, what Mr. Haworth (a converted Quaker) doth asse [...]t in his Epistle to John Crook, a Teaching Quaker. ‘Being ( saith he) lately in discourse with some Quakers, who held, that [Page 39] it was the Light within, that was crucified without the Gates of Jerusalem: An [...] in the same Epistle, he further saith, I can never forget James N [...]yler, whom I saw suffer, and what was the fruit of that Spirit b [...] which he was [...]cted, was he not strange [...]y lifted up in Pride, to make [...] the M [...]ssi [...]r, and take divine Worship to h [...]mself: For (saith he) [...] tol [...] me, that he stood by and saw three Women, [...] and worship him, and one of them in her bowings [...]: to wit. Thy Name is no more Iames, b [...]t I Am: And [...] Nayler told Iohn Bolton, that if he worshipped his body, he shoul [...] resu [...]e it, but if that within him he would [...]ccept it:’ Hereunto agrees [...]. D [...]ctrine (at the time o [...] the Disputati [...]n) we do (quoth he) [...] the out side Christ, to be the [...]rue Christ and Saviour; so then, accordi [...]g to this Doctors Divinity: there is another Christ, namely, an inside Christ▪ which he doth worship and believe in, for his Salvation from [...] wrath; [...]ut I shall tell him more of my mind, in its due place.
I now return to some further consideration, of what they have above affirmed; which is, that they do not deny (but confess) that Jesus Christ is co [...]sidered as distinct from the flesh: and therefore (according to a Quaker, Faith) the true Christ and Saviour is within the flesh: that is, (as to their sense) in th [...] flesh, of every man that comes into the World, and therefore (as they say) they are neither Deceivers nor Antichrists: To [...]ear this Smoa [...]y cost:
I Answer. These words [ In the flesh] though they are frequently inserted in the Scriptures of Truth, y [...] [...] never sign fie a thing distinct from the flesh, but alwayes the flesh it self, as it may appear by mani [...]old instance (re [...]erring to man kind flesh, consisting of Soul and Body, the true or whole man) Gen. 17. 34. [...]5. Abraham a [...]d Ishmael, circumcised in the flesh, i e. the flesh it self was circumcise [...], Rom. 2. 28. outward in the flesh, i. e. the outside flesh, 1 Cor. 7. 28. Such shall have trouble in the flesh, i. e. their bo [...]ies of flesh shall have trouble: furthermore, the Apostle puts this matter [...] [...]ll Dispute, Phil. 1. 22. But if I live in the flesh, i. e. to abide in the flesh, ver. 24. which he explains in ver. 25. I know, that I shall abide and continue with you all, i. e. I ( Paul, true man, consisting of Soul and body) know [...] I shall abide with you; wherein it is most plain that his [...] (in the flesh, doth not denote a thing distinct from the flesh but the very mankind flesh it self. For here, by Paul's being in the flesh he un [...]er an [...]s his whole man: Howbeit, let me improve these last verses a little more by propounding thence a Question.
Quest. What is it to confess that Paul is come in the flesh?
Answ. It is to confess, that Paul is come true man, consisting of Soul [Page 40] and body (as above, ver. 25.) And consequently, not to confess that Paul is come true man, is to deny him come in the flesh:
But, to say that Paul is come in the flesh; doth signifie sc. Paul is to be considered as distinct from his body of Flesh: And so to be in the flesh of every man that comes into the world, would be an interpretation, not only contrary to the Scripture, above, but so absurd and irrational, as becoming none but seduced, seducing Quakers: from whence I may safely infer: That whosoever doth not confess that Jesus Christ is come true man, consisting of Soul and Body, doth deny that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh; But Teaching, Seducing Quakers, do not confess that Jesus Christ is come true man, consisting of Soul and Body: Ergo, they do deny that Jefus Christ is come in the Flesh: And by good consequence from the whole, they cannot deny (unless they will deny truth in God) themselves to be Deceivers and Antichrists Moreover the same Apostle John, puts a Question, 1 Joh 2. 22. Who is a lyar? and then Answers it: But he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ; and forthwith adds, he is Antichrist: well then, according to the Scripture of truth, he that denieth that Iesus is the Christ, is a lyar and an Antichrist: But a Teaching Quaker doth deny Jesus, to be the Christ: Ergo, a Teaching Quaker is (by the spirits Testimony) a Lyar and an Antichrist: The Proposition, being the words of that Scripture, ver. 22. may not be gain-said: the Assumption I do prove thus; The Iesus intended by the Apostle, is Iesus born of Mary, (who is called Christ, Mat. 1. 16.) the Iesus of Nazareth a man approved of God among the Iews, Act. 2. 23. But a Teaching Quaker doth deny Jesus of Nazareth (born of Mary) a man approved of God among the Iews, to be the Christ, and therefore the Conclusion is undeniable: sc. That a Teaching. Quaker doth deny that Jesus is the Christ: And as this is undeniable, so is the other; namely, That a Teaching Quaker is a Lyar and an Antichrist: which is further evidenced, 1 Ioh 4. 3. And every Spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God, and this is that spirit of Antichrist: (in the fle [...], here is put for the flesh it self) as in Scriptures aforementioned: now to deny Christs Manhood to be a Saviour, is to deny Iesus to be the Christ.
Secondly, As the Light of Scripture doth manifest, Teaching Quakers (especially) to be Liars, Deceivers, and Antichrists, (yea the Spirit of Antichrist) so it doth also reprove them:
1. Because, as such, they are of the Dragon and Beast, making War with the Lamb, [...]ev. 13. 9, 10 The Man Iesus, Ioh. 1. 29, 30. and the faith delivered to the Saints.
2. As such, they are Contradicters and Blasphemers of the Truth, which the holy men of God spake, as they were moved by the Holy [Page 41] Ghost, 2 Pet. 1. 21. For instance, Ioh. 1. 14. And the Word, (God, ver. 1.) was made flesh [Flesh] i. e. true man: for he dwelt among us, (the Iews) and we beheld the Glory of him, (this dweller among us) concerning whom, the Witness-bearer (sent of God, ver. 6) hare Record, that he was a true man, ver. 30. there by witnessing, That [...]esus Christ was true Man, as well as true God, and both in his one person: which Article of our Christian Faith, is deried by most Teaching Quakers. Another Instance we have. [...] Tim 3. 16. God was manifest in the flesh, i. e. Mankind flesh, or true and whole Man; for so the Phrase (in the Flesh) can [...]otates, as it hath been already cleared from the Scriptures of God: so that, [ God was manifest in the flesh] doth not teach us that God is to be considered as distinct from the flesh; but that God was manifest flesh, real man-kind flesh, and thereby the Godhead and the M [...]nhood were united in the one person of Christ, and made manifest to the Apostles bodily senses, of seeing, hearing, and [...]eeling, 1 Ioh. chap. 1. ver. 1. 2.
Likewise Paul, Act 63. 38. Through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: through (or by ver. 39.) This Man, viz. The man Iesus of Nazareth, who by the wicked hands of the Iews, was slain, and hanged on a tree: and then, by God the Father raised from the dead the third day, and exalted to be a Saviour to give remission of sins, Act. 2. 22. Chap. 5. 29, 30. through [ This Man] is preached the forgiveness of sins as above: For so hath the Lord commanded us, ver. 47. at which commanded Preaching, the wicked Iew [...] were filled with envy, and spake (as Teaching Quakers do) against those things spoken by Paul (as above) contradicting and blaspheming▪ ver. 45. So much for your first evil manifested and reproved by the Light of divine Scripture: though there are many professed evils amo [...]g Quakers, which the Light of holy Scripture doth manifest and reprove: yet, I shall now make men [...]on but of one more, because I would not be too voluminous:
The Second Evil: is, The profess [...]a perfection of a Quakers seeming Sanctity, consisting in [ Thou and Thee] thereby denying all reverential respects to any sort of men, of what rank or quality soever.
For method sake: we will in the first place, [...]ear what they have to say for themselves, touching this matter.
1. They are apt to say (because they have often said it) that [ Thou, and You] are of distinct significations in Scripture, and likewise [ Thee and You] the one signifying a Singular, the other a Plural.
Answ. These terms of ( thou, thee and you) are to alwayes in Scripture of distinct significations: as it appears, Lev. 19. 12. Ye (or you) shall not Swear by my Name falsly, neither shalt thou prophane the Name of thy God▪ In this Scripture, Ye (or You) and Thou, are of the same signification: [Page 42] and in Ier. 3. 12. Return thou, backsliding Israel, and I will not cause my anger to fall upon you: here likewise, thou and you, are of the same signification: again, in Luk. 17. 21. the Kingdome of God is within you; you, here doth (in your sense) signifie each particular Quaker.
2. Nor are these words ( sc. thee and you) alwayes in Scripture of dictinct significations, as in Deut. 28. 9. herein, thee, (a singular) and holy People (a plural) are of the same signification, so in Isai. 26. 20. here People and thou are of the same import: To these Scriptures (would it not render me tedious to the Reader) I might add many more, to gainsay this their trifling Assertion: for you and thou are oft in Scripture and reason convertitable terms, for instance, thou in the Decalogue is indefinitely understood.
2. They are ready to affirm. sc. To salute a single person, under the notion [ You] is both improper, and irrational, for it were to confound singular, and plural in point of right reason:
Answ. Its neither: for, its not improp [...]r nor irrational, to say to a single man, This Youth is your Son; for you a [...]e his Father, which to [...], is as proper and rational, as to say, thou art is Father and the reason is because ( you and your,) are of the same nature: unasmuch as the one is derived from the other: Now as [ Your] is applieable to one as to many, so is ( You) likewise. Again it is both proper and rational to [...]ell a single person, This house is your house, for you have a good [...]itle to it; which is as proper and rational as to say, thou hast a good [...]itle to t [...]o hou [...]e; and consequently it is not only irrational to affirm, that this dot [...] confound the terms of ( thou and you.) [...]ts Diabolical to [...] (a the Quakers do) [ thou and thee] making it the daily [...], for your levilling inflamed-pride.
3. They say for themselves; That holy men (in the Scriptures) did use the words ( thou and thee) not only one to another, but to God himself:
Answ. This is granted; howbeit I pray, can any of you Quakers produce me one holy Man (in Scripture expressed) which used these words ( thou and thee) that he might thereby take occasion to deny (as ye wickedly do) all reverential respects to any sort of men of what rank or quality soever: sure I am, ye cannot produce me one such man; for this bruitish kind of practice, is contrary to the manifold Precepts and Presidents also, in the Scriptures of truth, as afterwards shall plainly appear. Indeed we Christians do acknowledge, that holy men (in Scripture) did use the words ( thou and thee) not only one to another, but to God himself, for two eminent Reasons.
1. That they might thereby be kept to the unity of the Godhead▪ for [Page 43] although Jehovah is Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, yet he is not three Gods, but one; therefore holy men holding their minds to the unity of the essence; Thou and Thee, were (and are) most proper and necessary to preserve their minds from a plurality of Gods: But this ground cannot be pleaded by a Quaker, who denieth a Trinity in Unity, and so, he denies the only true God.
2. Reas. Holy men used these words ( thou and thee) to God, and one to another, as occasionally they were by Holy Spirit, drawn out to either of these words ( sc. thou or thee) for all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, [...] Tim. 3. 16. and in 2 Pet. 1. 21. Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost; so then, its plain that Holy men (in Scripture) spake these words ( thou and thee) to God, and one to another; but it was then, when they were moved thereunto by the Holy Ghost: but I pray, do ye Quakers never use those words ( thou and thee) but then when ye are occasionally drawn out, or moved by the Holy Ghost to either: if any of you, should be so notoriouslyvile, as to father the use of those words ( thou and thee) upon the Spirit; would not the Holy Ghost tell thee, that thou art of thy Father the Devil, who is a lyar from the beginning.
Again, Although holy men frequently used those words, as above; yet they never thereby took occasion to deny, but ever used reverential respects to all sorts of persons, according to their rank and quality: as for instance, Abraham, Gen. 18. 1, 2, 3. as he sat in the Tent-door, he lift up his eyes and looked, and lo, three men (Angels unawares) stood by him, and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the Tent-door, and bowed himself to the ground, and said my Lord: And David, 1 Sam. 20. 41. rose out of his place, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times to Jonathan: Again, in the 1 Sam. 25. 23, 25. Abigail saw David, and fell before him, on her face, and bowed her self to the ground, and called him Lord: Likewise Ruth, Chap. 2. 10. She fell on her face, and bowed her self to the ground to Boaz: And in ver. 4. Boaz courteously said to the Reapers, the Lord be with you; and they (in reverential respects) to him, Answered, the Lord bless thee. Furthermore we read of reverential respects, between Abraham, and his Idolatrous Neighbours, Gen. 23. 7. Abraham stood up, and bowed himself to the People of the Lana, even to the children of Heth, and ver. 8. he communed with them saying, if it be your mind: And ver. 5. the children of Heth answered Abraham, saying, hear us my Lord: thou art a Prince of God amongst us. And Solomon also, 1 King. 2. 10. arose from his Throne, and bowed himself to his Mother; and Joseph, Gen. 28. 12. bowed himself to his Father Jacob, with his face towards the ground: And in the 2 Pet. 3. 6. Sarah obeyed Abraham, and called him Lord: [Page 44] unto these Presidents, many more might be alledged: Thus we see, though these holy persons often used ( thou and thee) yet, they ever used reverential respects to all sorts of men; and that according to Gods express command, as Lev 9. 32. Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God, I am the Lord. Thus Moses by Gods own inspiration: but this ye Quakers do not: therefore the Light of this Scripture reproves you, as no Fearers of God: And Exod. 20. 12. Honour thy Father and thy Mother, which is also recited by the Apostle, Eph. 6. 2. Honour thy Father and thy Mother, which is the first Commandment with promise; Note this Commandment comprehends not only Natural Parents, Heb. 12. 9. the Fathers of our flesh, but the Fathers of our Country, as civil Magistrates and Rulers, Isai. 49. 23. yea, likewise Spiritual Fathers, as Gospel Ministers are phrased by Paul, 1 Cor. 4. 15. we read, that in our Saviours time, there were some proud Professors, who inclined much towards this Principle and practice of a Quaker, (but not in so bad a sense) Mark 7. 10. ye (saith Christ) suffer him no more to do ought for his Father and Mother, making the Word of God (the commandment above) of none effect; and indeed as much more do the Quakers) Paul also, by the same inspiration of God, Rom. 13. 7. Render therefore to all (meaning higher Powers and Rulers, ver. 1, 2.) their dues, honour to whom honour: and the Apostle, 1 Pet. 2. 17. Honour all men, especially in places of honour) fear God, honour the King, as Supream and Governour, sent by him. Moreover, 1 Tim. 5 3. Honour Widows, that are Widows indeed; and in ver. 17. Let the Elders that Rule well, be counted worthy of double honour, especially they that labour in the Word and Doctrine. These Precepts are given by the inspiration of God, and consequently are obligatory on Conscience, to be performed in that useful, commendable, and necessary duty of reverential respects afore declared: and which hath been (in conscience of Gods strict, and indispensible command (obeyed by the holy Presidents above.
Secondly, As the light of Scripture hath manifested this your second evil also; even so likewise the Light of Scripture doth reprove it.
1. It reproves you, as such who want the fear of God, as above, Lev. 19. 32. and as such, who harden their hearts against, not only the many Precepts above, to bind the Conscience, but the many Presidents to evidence the practice; Now, as both are manifest reprovers of you, so I wish they might make you not only ashamed of your sneaking, surley, dumb, and scurvy carriage towards Christians: but also convince you, that this kind of Behaviour, is not in the written Scripture without, but from the pretended unwritten Scripture (that Idol-light) within: proudly contemning the sacred Oracles of God, above asserted. And [Page 45] which is thus further argued: what can the Saints (in all places and Countries) be more sensible of, then that the generality of Quakers, do purposely use those words ( thou and thee) to deny all reverential respects to any sort of men, of what rank and quality soever: that by that means, they may intrude themselves to be equal with any of what rank or sort soever: nay, thereby to advance themselves, above all men, under the notion of a seeming perfection, which is a manifest product of their (God and Man) provoking pride: according to that of the Psalmist, Psal. 123. 4. Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning, and contempt of the proud: and how is the Prophesie fulfilled in you, Isai. 3. 5. The child shall behave himself proudly against the antient, and the base against the Honourable: and observe ye well the words of the Lord Christ, Mark 7. 22. Deceit, Blasphemy, Pride, Foolishness: of these four links, hath Satan made your Chain of darkness; which is most evident, from a due consideration of the foregoing truths: Oh, how suitable is the Prophets Vision to a Quakers condition, Obad. 1. ver. 1, 2. Behold, I have made thee small, thou art greatly despised, the pride of thy heart hath deceived thee, &c. From the whole be ye advised.
1. To cease from making your Idolized Thou and Thee, (the spring of your scurvy and surly deportment) with their mask, to wit, that holy men (in Scriptur recorded) did oft use ( thou and thee) one to another, and to God himself: Now, what is your design herein? can it be ought else, then to put a cheat on the judgements of some ignorant creatures: as thus, Oh surely (say they) the Quakers do make Conscience of the Scripture for their warrant and authority; thus poor ignorant ones are deluded by your equivocations: though its most certain, that the Scripture no here commands a Quaker to ( thou or thee) any man, much less Christian Rulers, Governours and Magistrates, (yet th [...]se things the unmannerly Quakers will do) But the Scripture doth command all men to pray for Rulers, Governours and Magistrates, to submit unto them, and to give the honour which is due to them, as Fathers of the Country, (1 Tim 2. 1, 2. 1 Pet. 2. 13. Isai. 49. 23) (yet these things they will not do) so that in a word of truth,, the profess [...]d perfection of a seemingly sanctified Quaker, is a conscience of obeying his proud lusts, and disobeying Gods inspired Laws.
2. Cease from calling the reverential Presiden [...]s above the corruptions that are in the World through Lust: for this is to make the fore expressed precepts of God, and the Practises of his eminent Sain [...]s, guilty of these corruptions: but its no new thing, for a Quaker boldly to Blaspheme.
3. Cease from wresting the Holy Scriptures: especially that of Christ [Page 46] himself, John 5. 44. How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, The other part of the verse (giving light to these words) is usually omitted by them, sc. and seek not the honour that cometh from God only.
Quest. What is that Honour which cometh from God only?
Answ. The 23d. verse tells us, All men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father; he that honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father which hath sent him, (meaning, to fulfill all righteousness, Mat. 3. 15.) Its then clear, that the Son of God, is the honour intended above; if any ask, who is this Son of God? the good Angel tells us, Luk. 1. 35. That holy thing, which shall be born of thee, (Mary▪ ver. 34.) shall be called the Son of God: so then the Man Jesus Christ, is the honour that cometh from God only; which honour the Jews (like the Quakers) received not, as this Son of God told them, ver. 43. I am come in my Fathers Name, and ye receive me not (sc. by Faith,) hence Christ infers, ver. 44. above, How can ye believe, which receive Honour one of another, and seek not the Honour which cometh from God only.
Now the Honour which the Pharisees received one of another, was the Doctrine of Justification, and Eternal Life, by the works and righteousness of the Law, fulfilled in and by the Son of God alone: which righteousness of the Son, is the justifying and saving honour that cometh from God only, to right Believers: will it hence follow, because the proud Pharisees took divine honour to themselves, and thereby received honour one of another; therefore civil honour ought not to be given one to another: let me tell you, ye Quakers could not have brought a Scripture more full against your selves: for, under Heaven, there are not a People to be found, that receive more honour one of another, then the men of your Sect do: For ye affirm, and boldly teach, That he who made Heaven and Eearth, Angels, Principalities and Powers, that hath a Name above every Name that is named: King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, the Prince and only Saviour, that gives repentance, and remission of fins, is in each of your vile bodies. Its not to be wondred at, that ye are so possessed with the infernal Spirit of superlative pride against Jesus of Nazareth, the man approved of God, and all true Believers on, and lovers of him. So much for some further satisfaction to William Bullock, and his Light making manifest: The next to him was,
F. E. He makes another motion, on the behalf of his Cliant (the false Christ, and pretended Saviour within him) to wit, The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin: The Text intended by him, is in the 1 Joh. 1. 7. And the Blood of Jesus Christ his Son [His Son he left out] cleanseth us from all sin.
Answ. Nor, doth this Text of Scripture, prove the thing for which it [Page 47] is brought: For, 1. Jesus Christ the Son of God, in this 7th. verse, is that Word of Life, which the Apostles, ve. 1, 2. had heard and seen with their eyes, and looked upon, and with their hands had handled; who could be no other than the Man Iesus Christ, which to prove, they bring in the operations of three of their five senses: Now, this Man Jesus Christ the Son of God, as such, he cannot be in a Quaker.
2. By the Blood of this Son of God, is meant the grievous sufferings, pains, and tortures, which he endured on the Cross to the death; and therefore called the blood of the Cross, Col. 1. 20. as the Man Jesus Christ, cannot be in a Quaker, so consequently, his bloody sufferings cannot be in a Quaker.
3. That this blood of Christ cleanseth (meaning all right Believers on it) from all sin, i. e. from all the pains, and eternal sufferings due to the nature of sin: for (cleansing) here, is the same with washing, in Rom. 1. 5 And from Iesus Christ, the faithful Witness, that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, i. e. in the sufferings of the Manhood of his p [...]rson: for the former part of the verse, concerns Christs Propetical Office: and the latter part, his Priestly Office; which referred to Christs humane Nature: and for that reason, the cleansing, or washing cannot be within, but without us, sc. in Heaven, Heb. 10. 19. Having therefore Brethren boldness to enter into the Holiest, by the blood of Iesus: So then, to be cleansed from all sin by Christs blood, is to be acquitted and justified in the sight of God, from all the deserved miseries of sin, as Rom. 5. 8, 9. But God commendeth his love towards us; in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us: much more then being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath, through him: And the same Apostle tells us, Col. 1. 21, 22. Yet now hath be reconciled; in the body of his flesh through death, (or through the death of his body of flesh, Heb. 10. 20.) To present you holy, and unblamable, and unreprovable in his sight, (not in our selves) for, Rom. 4. 5. He justifieth the ungodly; Abraham was justified in the righteousness of Christs person, when he had some ungodliness in his own person: a Believer is compleat in Christ bodily, Col. 2. 8, 9, 10. when he hath some incompleatness in his own body: In a word, these things do clear this Truth, Namely, To be cleansed from all sin by the blood of Jesus Christ, is to be understood, for a cleansing from all the guilt, and passive fruits and effects of sin: but not for a cleansing (as in your sense) from all the movings, and actings of sin, in or by us while in this World, which the following verses make most plain: for even they which are by the blood of Jesus Christ, cleansed from all sin, ver. 7, 8. They have sin, and in ver 9. ought to confess their sin: Now Francis, upon the whole it doth appear, that the Patterns cut out by thee, do still come short of [Page 48] the measure; which plainly argues, thou art not (as yet) thy Craftsmaster; yea this was manifested, by thy Answer to this Question: to wit,
Quest. Whether the Saints was cleansed from all sin by the water of regeneration, or by the blood of justification?
Thy Answer was, by the Water; which gave occasion to sundry persons to laugh at him: But he endeavoured to compose them, saying, it is no laughing matter, but indeed matter of melting pity, that thy seduced Synagogue of Libertines, should be led by so blind a Seducer. The next after F. E. was William Bullock again; alledging, But a Body hast thou prepared me: which he repeated again and again, and then most earnestly called upon me, tell me, what is meant by [ Me] for whom that body was prepared? and what that body prepared was? the same was as eagerly required by Francis Eastlack and William Harriot: The place of Scripture intended by them, was Heb. 10. 5. But a Body hast thou prepared me.
I Answered: By [ Thou] God the Father is meant: by [ Me] the Godhead of the Son: by a Body prepared, the Man hood united to the God-head of the Son. And hereunto agrees the [...]ormer part of the 5th. verse, Wherefore when he (Christ God-man) cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not (or didst not desire) and therefore were refused by God: it being impossible, that they should purge sin▪ ver. 4. For it is impossible that the blood of Bulls, and of Goats, should take away sin: But a body hast thou prepared me: (meaning, to receive and do his Fathers will, in taking sin away, Joh. 1. 20.) Go [...] the Son having now taken, and put on the body o [...] flesh, prepared for [...]im as above; he now undertakes the great work of satisfying Go [...]s Justice for sin; (and so to take away sin) saying, ver. 7. L [...] I come to do thy Will, O God. And why? he tells us, [ In the volume of the Book it is written of me] i. e. in the Record of thy Decree, from everlasting, is clear for it, that I am he, whom thou (O Father) hast instituted and ordained to do thy will, for the taking away of sin:
For ver. 10. By the which will, we are sanctified (or saved) through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all: So then the body offered in the 10th verse, was the body prepared in the 5th verse: But the body of Jesus Christ offered, was a real man-kind body, as the Spirit of Truth witnesseth. Ver. 12. But this [Man] after he had offered one Sacrifice for sin, for ever sat down on the right hand of God: here hence it is manifest, that the very offering of the body of Jesus Christ, could not have saved us, but by the will and ordination of the Father, who prepared [Page 49] that body: for Christs hanging and dying on the Crosse had not delivered us from the pains of the eternal death, unless it had been written in the volume of the book: Its most sure, all that our Lord Christ did, or suffered (in his Soul and Body (for us, had not satisfied the justice of God for sin, if God had not appointed, that Christ his Son (made of a Woman Gal. 4. 4.) should be sent forth, to come into the World, to do, and suffer those things for the satisfying his juctice, to the taking away of sin; upon the whole, I did inter, that the true Christ, and our only Saviour, must necessarily [...] both without and above us: Here I made some pause, to invite a Reply; but they were silent, at which I much marvelled, inasmuch as sundry of the [...]ding Quakers, had imprinted so many corrupt glosses on those words, it may be 'twas forgotten; as the Preface notes [ But a body hast thou prepared me.] As thus,
‘The Body prepared (say they) was prepared in Heaven, and brough [...] by Christ into the Virgins Womb, which body, they call a Mystical, Invisible, Spiritual, Heavenly body of Flesh and Blood: and withal, that the Mystical, Invisible Body (still the Idol light Christ within) is the [...]rue and only Saviour: whose Birth, Death, Resurrection, and Glorification, is only Mystical and Invisible.’
Hence, (as I suppose) it is, that George Fox (in his Folio Book, intituled the Great Mystery, page 71.) asserts; That Christs Nature is not humane, which (saith he) is earthly, the nature of the first Adam.
Answ. I would gladly kn [...]w of this Fox, whether [Humane] doth not rather signifie, a Man-kind nature, consisting of Soul and Body: Its true, we read (1 Cor. 15. 47. compare Gen. 2. 7.) the first Adam was of the earth earthly; in regard of his body (not his soul) which God formed out of the Earth: But the word humane, comprehends both Soul and Body, which is much more then Earthly, or Earth, Simply, litteral-material Earth.
Again whereas he adds, the second man is from Heaven; To which I Answer:
The second Adam (or Man) is the Lord from heaven as above.
1. Because, Christs Man kind nature was conceived in Mary, by the power of the Highest overshadowing her, Luk. 1. 35.
2. The true Christ is stiled the Secona Man, because the first Man▪ was his figure, Rom. 5. 14. likewise in the Geneologie, Mat. 1. Christ is said also, to be partaker of the same flesh & blood, that the children were partakers of Heb. 2. 14; but the flesh and blood, which the Children were partakers of, were real, visible, humane (or man kind) flesh and blood (not Mystical, Ivisible flesh and blood.)
[Page] Besides, this Title, ( sc. Th. Son of Man) is frequently attributed to Jesus Christ, in the New-Testament, as in Mat. 8. 20. The Foxes have holes, but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head: also in Mat. 10. 23. & 11. 19. & 12. 8. &c. The Lords Christ is called the Son of Man, which is to shew the truth of his humane mankind Nature, it being lineally descended from David, according to the flesh, and therefore Christ is stiled the Son of David, (Luk. 20. 41.) Moreover, he hath the appellation (of the Son of Man) in reference to his participation with our humane Nature, in all things which concern created-nature, as its stated by the Apostle, in Heb. 2. 17. and in Chap. 4 15.) In all things it behoved him (Christ) to be made like unto his Brethren: and he was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin: surely, he that is in all things like man, except sin, is rightly called the Son of Man: for, sin is not at all the Form, but all the Deformity of Man: The issue is, that the Fox hath concealed his craft, putting no difference between the terms, sc. Humune and Humane: he knew full well, that the Fox's craft would be soon discovered, should he admit the Lords Christ to have a humane Nature, or a body as is common to Man kind: and therefore (in Pag. 71. above) he quarrels the word [ Humane] and querieth, where doth the Scripture speak of Humane? where is it written, (quoth he) that we may search for it? Rep. Though we have not the Word, yet having the Thing, it might satisfie all, with whom the light of Reason hath any credit.
Once more; Christ the Second Man, is said to be Lord from Heaven, because, he is to restore the heavenly life, which was lost by the first man Adam: who was also said to be Earthly, by reason of Transgression: and Christ is also said to be from Heaven, by reason of Restoration. By he first mans fall, all mankind were deprived of all heavenly and spiritual graces: By the second Man from Heaven, the Elect of God have those Graces (in some measure) restored: As Calvin in his Exposi [...]ion on the (47th. ver. above) ‘ Paul doth not (saith he) speak of the substance of the second M [...]ns body, but of the habit of Graces, and heavenly gifts of the Spirit of Christ: And on the same verse, he affirms, that the Manichies were the first knaves, which invented that Heresie, Namely That Christ brought from Heaven an invisible body of flesh and blood into the Womb of the Virgin.’ And undoubtedly the Quakers have drunk this Poison originally from them, by whom the Devil (according to Calvin) first set it abroach; which as it was, so still it is, a design from Hell to beget not only a denial, but an utter blotting out of the very Name and remembrance (as before) of the true Jesus Christ, and to set up a Spiritual Christ, a Mystical, Invisible, Heavenly King Jesus: and all this only to advance the Idol-light within, and the more easily to deceive [Page 51] poor ignorant and unstable persons; which hath been, and still is, their stragling Trade; I have yet one thing more to mention concerning this Fox; which is, in his Book above, Page 135. to wit, That Thomas M [...]or had said, that Christ was absent from us, while we are in this mortal body; which (said the Fox) is contrary to the Apostle, who saith, The life of Jesus, is [Mark, is] manifested in their [Mark, their] mortal flesh▪ but he (Fox like) quotes not any place of Scripture; the Text of Scripture abused by him, is in 2 Cor. 5. 11. Eor we which live, are alway delivered unto death, for Jesus sake, that the life also of Jesus might (not is, but) be made manifest in (not their, but) our mortal flesh.
Note, the Fox saith, The life of Jesus (is manifested) making it present: but Paul saith, that the life of Jesus (might be made manifest) making it future: nay, he hath not only believed the Letter, but the Sense also of the Text, which may appear partly by the former part of this 11th. verse, and partly by the subsequent verses: in the former part of the verse, thus, For we which live, are alway delivered unto death, for Jesus sake, i. e. we have (sc. for the testimony of Jesus) Death (that is sufferings to death, as in the subsequent verses 9, 10.) continually before our eyes; that we might be prepared for the fellowship of the glorious resurrection; when there will be a full manifestation made of the glorious life of Jesus in our mortal flesh: this may yet further appear, in ver. 12. so then, death worketh in us, i. e. our daily sufferings (from the cruel hands of unbelieving men) for our Faith in, and Testimony for Jesus; and as it worketh in us, so it ( sc. the strokes which are deadly to our bodies) works, ver. 17 for us: And what work they? the 17th. verse Answereth, For our light Affliction, which is but for a moment; worketh for us, a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory; But how do they work it? Answ. Not by way of merit or earning (our striving to blood, cannot oblige God) but by way of preparation to the resurrection, in ver, 14. Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus, shall raise us up also by Jesus. Then that glorious life of Jesus, shall be manifest in our mortal flesh: the sum o [...] all is this; to wit, That the Lord sends afflictions, yea, death it self (which to the Saints, is the last and greatest affliction) not only to cleanse their souls, but to fashion and prepare their bodies, as vessels to hold the exceeding weight of glory: Now let any sober Saint judge, whe [...]her Thomas Moor, or George Fox hath contradicted the Apostle; surely that Fox which endeavours (as much as in him lies) to choak the Lamb of God, w [...]ll be ready to wrest the mind of the Apostle. This Fox, is seconded by Quaker Penington: sc. That the body prepared, Heb. 10. 5. above, was a Mystical, Invisible body of flesh and blood: for, in his Book, called Mysteries of the Kingdome, he saith, That the external blood of Christ cannot [Page 52] cleanse the Conscience; for the blood of Bulls and Goats could not do it. no more can his blood, (putting no more worth or vertue in the blood of Christ, than in the blood of Beasts,) the consideration of this insufferable Blasphemy, did so provoke the Spirit of Mr. Francis Duke (a Man eminent for Meekness and Modesty) that in his answer to one John Chandler (a Teaching Quaker) for the like expressions from him, Page 67. he plainly tells this Chandler, That he and his fellow-leading Friends [ are a Pack of such Villains, as base as ever the Earth bor [...]] as for Penington, he declares in his Book above, That the heavenly body of flesh and blood, which Christ brought with him from heaven (meaning into the Virgin) and dwelt in the Garment of his body a while, and now is in every Saint, ( sc. Quaker Saints:) his mind herein, is shortly this: sc. That a Mans wearing Garment, is not his body; so the visible material body of Jesus Christ, (which he calls the Garment of his body) is not the Saviour Christ: but as the natural body of a Man is within his Garment, even so the true Christ, was within the Garment of his external body: whence, its most evident, that this Seducing Teacher doth not confess (with the Apostles) That Iesus Christ of Nazareth, the Man approved of God, and by him exalted to be a Saviour, is the true Christ, Act. 5. 31. Let me add a little more of Peningtons Divinity, in the same Book, Page 25.▪ ‘What nature (sayes he) must these Sacrifices be of, which cleanse heavenly things ( sc. Souls) whither of necessity, they must be heavenly; if so, then whither it was the flesh and blood of the vail, or the flesh and blood within the vail: whither it was the flesh and blood of the outward earthly nature, or the flesh and blood of the inward spiritual nature: whither it was the flesh and blood which Christ took of the first Adams nature, or that of the second Adams nature?’
Ans. In the three-fold Querie above: two things are asserted, (neither of them, are mentioned in the Scripture of truth.)
1. That the Lord Christ had a two fold Body of flesh and blood: the one internal and invisible, the other, external and visible: and then [...]e concludes, that it is not the external, visible, earthly body, but the internal, invisible, heavenly body, which cleanseth Souls (which he names heavenly things.)
2. That there is an inward spiritual nature ( still the Idol light within) which hath mystical flesh and blood, besides the outward earthly nature: the one he calls the flesh and blood of the vail; the other, the flesh and blood within the vail: All which, he seems to ground upon the Apostles words, Heb. 10. 19, 20. Having therefore Brethren boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Iesus; by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us through the vail, that is to say, his flesh.
[Page 53] Note here; The Apostle doth not make any mention of two distinct natures: nor of two sorts of flesh and blood, ( sc. visible and invisible) [...]or in the least, of two distinct vails: Now, that his jugling cheat may be discovered, let the Apostles mi [...]d be duely considered? whose meaning is, to wit, That Believers may draw near to God, through the vail of Christs personal flesh and blood: for▪ we Christians believe (according to the Scriptures of God) that as the High Priest entred into the holy place with the blood of the Sacrifice, so the true Christ, by his own blood entred in once, into the holy place, into heaven it self, now to appear in the presence of God for us, Heb. 9. 12. 24. the whole is, That the body of Christs flesh and blood, entring into Heaven (the holiest) is that new and living way consecrated for right Believers to draw near to God, for justification through Faith in the one only vail of Christs flesh glorified in Heaven above: which precious Truths, are worth nothing, in the account of a Quaker.
Furtheamore, let it be noted, that the word [ Vail] in an allusion to the Temple, where the vail hid the glory of the Sanct [...]m Sanctorum, and gave entrance to it: even so Christs incarnation did (as it were) rebate the edge of the divine glory and brightness, that Believers may come and converse with it, without terror; for some further illustration, I shall here add, sc. That Christ is the true Jacobs Ladder, Joh. 1. 51. the bottom of which toucheth Earth there is his Humanity (or vail of flesh and blood) and the top reacheth Heaven, there is his Divinity: so that we may climb this Ladder, and have communion with God, i. e. climbing up in hope by the Man-hood (or vail) of Christ, we have social access to the God-head.
By the way, observe, That this Foxt Penington doth not alleadge any of the holy men of old, that ever preached or writ such kind of Divinity, as he hath done in his leger demain above; whereby sundry unstable Consciences have been deceived: I have often heard some of them to affirm, That the Quakers do believe in Christs body of flesh and blood, and that he died for sin, and rose again, and that he is Mans only Saviour: howbeit they do but wickedly equivocate: for they do not mean, that the body of flesh and blood, life and death, &c. of Jesus of Nazareth, conceived in, and born of the blessed Virgin Mary, hath purchased justification in the sight of God, and Salvation from sin: but they deceitfully mean, sc. the new [...]oined invisible flesh and blood of the heavenly Mystical Christ, (still the I [...]ol-light within) that died within and there rose to a righteousness and justification, which is a brat hatcht only in their addle brains, from whence also, it is, they teach a Mystical Bethlehem within, where Ch [...]ist was born, that he suffered and died without Ierusalem, that is (say they) [Page 54] Mystical Jerusalem within: O ye Quakers judge whither these are not strong and damnable delusions. So much also, for some further satisfaction to William Bullock, F. E. and W. H. concerning those words, But a body thou hast prepared me, Heb. 10. 5. which was the last Text of Scripture proposed by them, in reference to the first part of the Charge as above:
I now proceed to the Second part; To wit,
That the main end of the Quakars Meetings in these Islands, is, to make the Lord Christ, his Holy Spirit, his Angels and Apostles, all Lyars and false Witnesses of God.
As I was about to prove the second part of the Charge against them, Francis Eastlack interrupted me, saying, Thou never wert in our Meetings how then canst thou know what we teach in them?
I Replied, Tis true, I bless the Lord, I never were, nor as I hope (through the mercy of God) never shall be (as one of you) in any of your Meetings: notwithstanding, I know what you Teach, and mainly aim at in your Meetings, for ye are G. Foxes Disciples, and ye have learned his Doctrine: and as I was about to read some of it, they grew impatient, and by no means would have it read; thereupon I did forbear, but I have here inserted it: to wit, G. Fox, in his Book intituled the Mystery, Page 49, 50. hath these words, ‘Ye scorn me, the light in you, they have disobeyed it, and called it a natural light: and ye have said, that I the light am not able to save those that believe in me:’ Furthermore, Page 54. ‘That if ye would believe, and wait on me the light: I will purge out all your iniquity, and forgive all your Trespasses, and I shall change your natures, if you hearken to me, and obey the light within:’ These are the words I would have read, but being hindred, I told them what they taught in their Meetings: to wit,
That the pretended Light in them, is their true Christ, Teacher, Rule, and Guid: to be heard, believed in, walked up unto, and obeyed, as the only Saviour; to give remission of sins, and Salvation with God: to which F. E. forth with replied, That he would for this, lay down his life: and to confirm him therein, W. Harriot then said, we deny the out side Christ, to be our Saviour: Then I requested the Hearers to take good notice: sc. they have plainly granted, that the end of their Meeting to be, for to Teach a denial of Jesus of Nazareth, the Man approved of God, ( Act. 2, 22) to be the true Christ, and our only Saviour: which Teaching, is to make the Lord Christ, his Holy Spirit, his Angels, and Apostles all Lyars, and False-witnesses of God: which I proved in their particular order, from the Scriptures of God. As,
[Page 55] 1. That this their Teaching, doth (as much as in them lies) make the Lords-Christ a lyar: for we read Joh. 9. 35. 36, 37. Dost thou ( saith Christ to the Man that was born blind) Believe on the Son of God; he answered and said, who is the Lord, that I might believe on him? And Jesus said unto him, thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee.
Note, If our Lord spoke truth here; then he, whom this man both saw and talked with (with his bodily eyes and tongue) was the Messias, the Christ and Saviour, the Son of God: and in Ioh. 4. 25, 26. The Woman said unto him, I know that Messias ( our Saviour) cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things: Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.
Here observe, the Lord Jesus Christ, as of purpose to rebuke this lying Spirit (of a Quakers Mystical [...] Invisible Flesh and Blood, their Internal saving Christ) doth testifie of himself, that he, who was both seen and heard, by the bodily eyes and ears of the Woman, with whom he conversed, was the Messias, the true Christ, and Teacher of all things: And in Mark 14. 61, 62. Again the High Priest asked him, and said unto him, art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? and Jesus said, I am: here likewise the Lord Jesus testif [...]ed of himself, that he on whom the High-Priest looked, and to whom he spake) was the Christ, the Son of the blessed.
Moreover, Mat. 16. 13 to 18. the Lord Jesus proposeth two questions to his Disciples. First, What Opinion others had of him, ver. 13. Whom do men say, that I the Son of Man am? and they said, ver. 14. Some say thou art Iohn the Baptist, some Elias, and others Ieremias, or one of the Prophets: when Christ heard of those various apprehensions which were abroad concerning him: he presently asked his Disciples a second Question, ver. 15. But whom say ye, that I (the Son of Man. ver. 13.) am? Peter (in the Name, and as the mouth of the rest) gives Answer, ver. 16. Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God: Christ was so highly satisfied with this Answer, that first, he pronounceth him blessed, ver. 17. and secondly declares, that this confession, is the rock upon which the Church is built: and withal Christ assures his Disciples, that against this Rock (the joyn confession, sc. That Iesus the Son of man, is the Christ the Son of the living God, the Gates of hell shall never prevail: O ye Teaching Quakers, is not this enough to open the eyes of your blind Idol within. Again, how hath our Lord himself, said of himself (even since his being ascended and glorified) Act. 22. 8. I am Iesus of Nazareth, whereby is plainly affirmed, the now present glorified existence of the Man Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and hereunto agrees that which he foretold of himself, Mat. 24. 30. And they shall see the Son of Man, coming in the Clouds of Heaven, with power [Page 56] and great glory: the whole is this, if Jesus of Nazareth (whom they wickedly call the out side Christ) be not the true Christ and our only Saviour; then he is (according to a Quakers inside Christ) a Lyar in all the words uttered by him above: but let God be true, and his Enemies Liars; such Liars are Teaching Seducing Quakers; yea, accursed Liars, Gal. 1. 8, 9. as above.
2. That this Teaching in their Meetings, doth (as much as in them lies) make the holy Spirit of Christ a Lyar: for we read in the 1 Pet. 1. 10, 11. the Prophets, searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ, which was in them did signifie, when it testified before hand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory (Salvation Grace, ver. 10.) that should follow: and in Acts 5. 30, 31, 32. the Holy Ghost doth witness, that God raised up the same Jesus, whom the Iews slew, and exalted him to be a Prince and a Saviour: Likewise, Luk. 2. 26, 27, 28, 30. That the Holy Ghost revealed to just and devour Simeon, that the Child Jesus, which he took up in his arms, and saw with his bodily eyes, was the Lords Christ, and Salvation, prepared before the face of all people. And Paul also (by the inspiration of the Spirit) assures us, Rom. 5 15 That the Grace of God, and gift by Grace, which is by one man Iesus Christ▪ hath abounded to many: this one Man, is no other then Iesus of Nazareth, the man approved of God (not in, but) among the Iews, who with their wicked hands, did take, and him they crucified and slew, Act. 2. 22, 23. The sum is this, If the Man Iesus Christ of Nazareth, whom the Iews slew, and hanged on a tree, and God raised from the dead the third day, and exalted to be the only Saviour (be a spiritual inside Christ, a Heavenly Man of Mystical▪ Invisible flesh and blood) then the holy spirit of Truth must be a Lyar; which to affirm (as Quakers in effect do) is horrid Blasphemy.
3. They do in their Meetings and aimes make the Angels of Christ Liars, as it appears by the Evangelists, Mat. 1. 20, 21. Behold the Angel of the Lord appeared to Ioseph, saying, Fear not to take unto thee Mary thy Wife, for that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghost; and she shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call his Name Iesus, for he shall save his people from their sins. And in Luk. 1. 30, 31, 32. And the Angel said unto her, fear not Mary, for thou hast found favour with God, and behold thou shalt conceive in thy Womb, and bring forth a Son, and shall call his Name Iesus, and he shall be great, and shall be called the S [...]m of the Highest: and again on his Birth day, Luk. 2. 10, 11. And the Angel said unto them ( the Shepherds) fear not; for, behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people; for to you is born this day, in the City of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord, and ver. 13, 14, 15. Suddenly there was with the Angel a [Page 57] multitude of the Heavenly Host, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth peace, good will towards men. And immediately upon this blessed Remark on the Babe, ver. 12. wrapped in swadling clothes, lying in a Manger; the Angels went away from the Shepherds into Heaven: whence I do inter; sc. if the Lords Christ conceived in the Womb of Mary, and born of her in the City of David, be not the true Christ and our only Saviour (but a mystical, unconceived, and unborn Christ) then the glorious Angels of God, must be liars in all the expressions which they declared to Ioseph. Mary, and the Shepherds: but most sure I am, that every good Christian will rather believe the Elect Angels of God, then Apostate men or Angels.
4. They do in their meetings and aimes, make the Apostles of Christ Lyars and false witnesses of God: for the Apostles have with one mind and mouth, often witnessed this truth, to wit, That Iesus the Son of Man, is the Christ the Son of the living God, Mat. 16. from ver 13. to ver. 18. as above) particularly, ver. 17. Blessed art thou Simon Bar-jona, flesh and blood (that is, meer man) hath not revealed this to thee, but my Father which is in Heaven, as if the Lord Christ had said, all men are flesh and blood, so dull sighted and blind, that they could never have perceived this truth, by any study or observation, it comes only by gift and revelation; and in Ioh. 6. 69. we (the Apostles that then lookt upon the person of Christ, conversing with him) Believe, and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God; and of whom, the Apostles further testifie, 1 Ioh. 4. 14. And we have seen and do testifie, that the Father sent his Son to be the Saviour of the World. Furthermore, We are ( say they) witnesses of these things, Namely, That the God of our Fathers raised up Iesus from the dead, and exalted him to be a Saviour, Act. 5. 32. We also read in Acts 10. from ver. 38. to ver. 43.) That God anointed Iesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost, and with power, whom they slew and hanged on a tree; him God raised up the third day, and shewed him openly, even to us, who did eat and drink with him, after he rose from the Dead: and we (the Apostlss) are witnesses of these things, and he commanded us to Preach unto the people, and to Testifie that it is he, which is ordained of God, to be judge of quick and Dead. When I had thus proved the second part of the charge also, I then called to the Disputants for their Answer, or Assent.
But they betook themselves to their former practice, of repeating some Texts of Scripture, to beget Believers in their new invented-Mystical, Invisible Christ, their Spiritual heavenly Man, of internal and eternal Flesh, Blood and Bones, their everlasting Gospel, their tender part, that Idol light within.
[Page 58] William Harriot, was (as to the second part of the Charge) the first Champion that stood up in defence of their meetings above; saying, That Paul travelled in birth, till Christ was formed in the Gallatians.
I demanded of him, where those words might be found? he told me, they were in the Bible: his Answer being like himself) an impertinent Simpleton) inforced me (as at other times) to name this place of Scripture intended by him: sc. Gal. 4. 19. My little Children, of whom I travel in birth again until Christ be formed in you: To which I Answered:
1. If when Paul writ to the Galatians, Christ was to be formed in them, then the light that is in every man (a Quakers rotten Principle) by natural Generation, is not the true Christ: but according to this Disputant) when Paul was travelling in birth for the Galatians, Christ was not formed in them, Therefore, the Light that is in every man that comes into the World, is not the true Christ. Though this poor deluded, soft and fair, had so deeply lasht himself, yet he felt it not.
2. That Christ formed in a Saint, is Christ framed and wrought in him by the spirit of Faith, as the same Apostle explains it to the Galatians, Chap. 5. ver. 5. For we through the Spirit, wait for the hope of righteousness by Faith, so that a work of the Spirit of Grace in the heart, is Christ operated and formed in the heart, as afore illustrated.
3. The Apostle his trauelling in birth, &c. is an Allegory: for the Apostles were instead of Fathers: As the natural Father begets the bodily form, so the Apostles begot the spiritual form of the mind, which is Faith, or confidence of heart, laying hold upon the righteousness of that one man Jesus Christ alone, Rom. 5. 15. above, to be made righteous in the sight of God, ver. 19. For as by one mans Disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one (sc. the one Man Jesus Christ, ver. 15.) shall many be made righteous, (sc. in the sight of God, ver. 21.) here William Harriot interrupted me, saying, we are not come here to hear thee Preach: As I was about to take up his Bolt, I was hindred by William Wilkinson, who called to me, Friend, hear Friend; I replied, I am none of thy Friend, for I am an Enemy to the Devil and all his Works: Christ (quoth he) called him Friend, who was without the Wedding Garment: I then asked him, who made his Wedding Garments? Now, that which invited this Queston, was a confident report that he had (at once) two Wives, and in the time of his pretended distraction, he called the one his Spiritual Wife, and the other his Fleshly Wife: Surely had this felonious Quaker been really but half so Lunatick, as he feigned himself, it would have rendred him uncapable of receiving this crafty and knave like distinction from the Master of his Religion, and Maker of his Wedding Clothes, face't with dissembling Madness: but letting this pass; I shall [Page 59] add a little more to the alledged Text above, Gal. 4. 19. herein Paul doth reprove the false Apostles, who had abolished the professed form of Christ in the Galatians, and withal devised another form, Gal. 6. 13. But they desire to have Circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh: thus the Seducing Teaching Quakers, have learnt their ignorant Disciples, to glory in their own flesh; whereas the blessed Apostle, like a true Gospel Father, travelled in birth ( i. e. spiritually pained and troubled) till Christ was formed, namely, by a through work of Faith in their hearts; that they might truly believe in the righteousness of the Law fulfilled by Jesus Christ of Nazareth alone; without Circumcision, or any other work of the Law wrought, in or by themselves, as causal of justification in the sight of God; this being the true mind of the holy Spirit: It cannot therefore be any advantage to their cause; nor doth it in the least justifie the bold and open wickedness of thee (O William Harriet) who didst refl [...]ct Blasphemous contempt upon the glorified Manhood of the just and holy one, existing in Heaven above: [calling him the outside Christ.] When Jesus Christ of Nazareth was in this World, he was (as Man) so far approved of God, that he commanded all the Elect Angels to worship him, Heb. 1. 6. but with condemned thee ( W. H.) a contemned out side Christ, no Saviour, no true Christ.
W. Harriot, I will ask one Question of thee▪ which if thou canst soberly Answer, I do assure thee, it shall be seriously considered: the Queston is this; to wit.
Why shouldest thou not be whipt by the Christian Magistrate, for this thy notorious and open Blasphemy? [ viz. For Nick-naming the Lords Christ, and our only Saviour, an out side Christ, (an unscriptural phrase) and no Saviour.] the reason of this Question is, Because, we read that our blessed Lord Jesus Christ whipt sundry persons (honestey then thy self, and for a lesser offence) as in Joh. 2. 13, to 17. And Jesus went up to Jerusalem, and found in the Temple those that sold Oxen, and Sheep, and Doves, and the Changers of Money sitting: And when they had made a scourge of small Cords, he drove them all out of the Temple, and said unto them, make not my Fathers house a house of Merchandize.
Do thou now consider, if our Lord Jesus Christ made (at Jerusalem) a whip of small Cords▪ and with it did whip the people, for abusing the Temple, which was but a Type or Figure of the humane or mankind nature of Jesus Christ; which is testified in ver. 19, 21. Destroy this Temple, and in three Dayes I will raise it up: But he spake of the Temple of his Body; in which all his Fathers true Worship was to terminate, as it appeareth (by comparing some Scriptures,) the 1 Kings 8. 30, 44, 48. And hearken thou to the supplication of thy Servant, and of thy People Israel, [Page 60] when they shall pray towards this Temple, (i. e. towards the Temple in Jerusalem; for the words were uttered by Solomon at the Dedication of the Temple: and in the faith hereof, Daniel prayed, Chap. 6. 10. His Windows being open in his Chamber towards Jerusalem: and thus it was (in those dayes) with every true Believer, in all forreign parts of the world, they did worship the Father (in his Son) with their faces towards the Temple in Iervsalem: yea, Ionah in the belly of the Fish, Chap. 2. 4. Yet I will look again towards thy holy Temple.
Now, if in the judgement of Jesus Christ, the people deserved to be Whipt for abusing, but the shadow of Christs Man-hood; how much more dost thou (O Will. H.) deserve whipping (as well as thy late Brother Iames Naylir) that hast abused the Holy substance, the Temple of Christs blessed body: this is a far higher offence: it is so Great in respect of men, that it destroyes not only their peace in this World, but that eternal peace for the World to come: indeed, ye present your selves a peaceable People, calm Saints, and (as you stile your selves) the meek Lambs of God: but I can assure you, that the persons which Jesus Christ whipt out of the Temple, were far more praceable then your selves: for they were but externally uncivil towards the Temple, a shadow or figure only of the Body of Christs flesh; but thou, art Blasphemously rude: yea, ye make it your profest Religion, to derogate from the true humane substance of the Lords Christ; and (with a brazen forehead, and [...]eared Conscience) vilifying the holy thing born of Mary, called the Son of God: what greater violence can be offered to a true Christians peace: Paul exhorts Christians 1 Tim. 2. 2. To pray for Kings, and for all that are in Authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and Honesty: which Christian Prayers, the Magistrates are bound (in Conscience) to Answer in their practice, which they cannot do, so long as such Peace breakers and open Transgressors: 1. Of Godliness (in respect of Gospel Ordinances. 2. Of Honesty (in respect of Allegiance) are tolerated by them: howbeit, I do not thus speak in respect of the poor ignorant Seduced Quakers (the generality of that Sect, being such in these Islands) but to thy self, and all such Soul-Seducers: Now W. Harriot, if the Christian Magistrate should follow our Lord and Saviours Example herein; don't thou cry out Persecution, if thou dost, the Scourge which Christ made of small Cords; will tell thee, that thou art mistaken, it being a correcting of the Nocent, no persecuting of the Innocent: and for thy better satisfaction in this weighty matter, do thou consider, what he was that made that Scourge of small Cords (and withal made such good use of it) and thou wilt find, that he was, sc.
[Page 61] 1. A Prince that had Magistracy and Ministry, radically resident in himself, as the Son of Man.
2. Though it were so: yet he alwayes refused to act as a Magistrate, except it were in this one particular case, of whipping or scourging the abusers of the Temple, in the holy City of Jerusalem.
Quest. Why should a lawful Magistrate scruple to follow Christs Example, upon such open D [...]riders and Blasphemous Contemners of him, whom God hath exalted to be a Prince, and our only Saviour, rendring him most vile [sc. An out-side Christ no Saviour?] to the proud and ignorant (the Materials of this Synagogue) yea, hereby increasing the number of those which break the peace, both of God, and the King, in regard of Godliness and Honesty, as above? So much for the Question propounded.
The next Prater was,
William Wilkinson: he repeats some of the Apostles words, Col. 1. 27. Christ in you, the hope of Glory: which Text they wrest, by forcing this sense upon it, viz. That Christ in us, is our present glory, and glorious Saviour: I Answered,
1. This enforced sense, doth destroy the true nature of the Word [ Hope] for, it only quickens a Believer to the lively expectation of the promised glory, Tit. 1. 2. In hope of eternal Life (or glory) which God hath promised: Likewise, Gal. 5. ver. 5. For we through the Spirit wait, for the hope of righteousness by Faith: well then, the office of hope, is, to look at some good to come, as Rom. 8. 25. If we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it: which shews us, that this Grace of Hope, is not exercised about things present (as Quakers falsely gloss) but only about something future, for it is a waiting Grace.
2. As the forced sense above, doth destroy the nature of the Word [ Hope] so it doth the genuine nature of the phrase [ Glory] which signifies Eternal Life, ( Tit. 1. 2. above) which is in reversion, or expectation, as the Apostle witnesseth, 1 Pet. 5. 1. I who am a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker (sc. by Faith) of the Glory that shall be revealed.
3. If the entire Clause in the Scripture above alledged, Col. 1. 27. be duely considered, it will plainly shew us, that the sense afore imposed by them, is antiscriptural; for the whole clause in the Verse runs thus, [ which is, Christ in you the hope of Glory.] which is (they usually leave out) refers to the former part of the verse; namely, The riches of the Glory of the Gentiles: which Riches, Christ in you the Hope of Glory: Note that it was the person of Christ, which was the Riches of the Glory [Page 62] of the Gentiles, as well as of the people Israel, Luk. 2. 32. again, the Lords Christ, is called the Riches of glory, and the unsearchable Riches among the Gentiles; who is, said, ver. 17. to dwell in the heart by Faith: so that the mind of Paul, in Col. 1. 27▪ is explained in Eph. 3. 17. that is to say, Christ in you (by Faith) is the hope of Glory to be revealed, 1 Pet. 5. 1. though it be Christ in you, the Hope, yet not the Merit of Glory; And therefore by Christ in you the hope of glory, we are not to understand either present Glory, or our glorious Saviour to be in us: Hereupon F. Eastlack, shoots this bolt: to wit, that the Deity was within him, (meaning that the Deity only, was the true Christ and his Saviour:) to which I Replied, that the essential general presence of the Deity, was in Cats and Dogs, as well as in him, and therefore if the presence of the Dei [...]y only, were the Saviour, it might be so in these, as well as in him: forthwith, he cryed out, saying, Thou hast spoken Blasphemy: I told him, that I had not spoken Blasphemy but good Divinity; and then proved it to be so, by the Testimony of the holy Apostle, Act. 17 24. God that made the world, and all things therein, he giveth ver. 15 to all, life, and breath, and all things: here hence I inferr'd, That as the Deity was not included in any thing, or creature; so nor was it excluded: To which F. E. returned, saying, I thought (quoth he) that thou hadst meant otherwise: this Answer was like himself.
But for asmuch as some of the Quakers have (as I am informed) since affirmed, sc. that F. E. did me no wrong, in charging me with Blasphemy, as above: I shall therefore endeavour some further satisfaction in in this matter: As from the Prophet Jeremiah, Chap 23. ver. 23, 24. Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off: can any hide himself in secret places, that I should not see him? saith the Lord, do not I fill Heaven and Earth? saith the Lord.
All these Questions, are resolved into this one Position; namely, that the Deity is omnipresent, in all things every where. The Divine Being filleth all things and places: for, though he be not circumscribed by any thing that is made, nor limited to any place; yet it is not excluded from any place, creature or thing. ‘This (saith Mr. Carils on Ier. 23. above,) is a Mystery which indeed we are not able to comprehend by reason, but we must take it down by Faith [...] which gives credit to the Word of God, and perswades the heart, that the report therein made, is a Truth.’ But if any ask, how the Deity may be said to be every where, and in every thing, and creature that is made?
I Answer, This Mysterious and astonishing Question, with Augustine, ( Epist. 55. ad Dard.) who affirms. ‘That the Deity is wholly every where, and in every thing; for the Godhead cannot be divided or parted: [Page 63] That it is whole within all things, and whole without all things, no where included, no where excluded, containing all things, contained of nothing▪ yet not at all mingled with the nature of these things, nor defiled with their pollutions.’
There is a Truth in all these Assertions, for the Deity is infinite and indivisible, and therefore wheresoever the Deity is, he is all and altogether, filling all places, creatures and thing in heaven, hell, sea, and earth; as Psal. 139 7, 8 Job. 11 8, 9. Isai. 43. 2. And therefore their Teacher, F. E. hath not only wronged me, but much more the God of Truth, and which was implied by himself, when he said as above, to wit [I thought thou hadst meant otherwise:] But befo [...]e he making good this Assertion (sc. That I had not spoken Blasphemy) I discoursed the words of the Psalmist, Psal. 139 7▪ 8. Whether shall I go from thy presence? David was so far from imagining that any such place could be found, that in the very next words he concludeth God to be every where, by an innumeration of all places: saying, If I ascend up into Heaven, thou art there, if I make my b [...]d in Hell, thou art there, if I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the outermost parts of the Sea, even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me: that is, there shall find thee efficaciously present with me. Here VV. VVilkinson interrupted me, saying, We own Gods presence in heaven and hell: (now, forasmuch as I well knew the Leger demains of Seducing Quakers, denying any special or distinct place, of heaven or hell, but what was within themselves) I askt him, whither his God (whose presence he owned in hell) were saved or damn'd in hell? to which he made no reply presently, but being often urged, at last he said, I will not tell thee: and afterwards he answered, I leave it to thee: this Answer was no other than a silly shift, to hide his Equivocations least they should have been unmasked, and then confuted by the Scriptures of truth; this undoubtedly was the ground of his silence which is the more remarkable, because this Wilk [...]nson is one of their baffling and prating Quakers: But I pass this, and proceed to the second Scripture repeated by him▪ to wit,
2 Cor 5. 16 Though we have known Christ, after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more? I Answered, that the word [ Flesh] is not here taken for the humane or mankind nature of Christ.
1. Because ver. 15. The Saints are exhorted to magnifie the body of Christs flesh, sc. That they which live, should not live to themselves, but to him that died for them, and rose again: Now it was the Body of Christs flesh, which died and rose again from the dead; and therefore the Apostle doth not ( [...]n this Scripture) deny the knowledge o [...] Christ after the flesh: but he doth deny to k [...]ow ( i. e. in a special manner to love) them who pretend to be Saints, yet seek their own interest, more then Christs:
[Page 64] Hence, 2. Paul infers; yea, Though we have known Christ after the flesh, i. e. after worldly greatness and honour, creature Pomp and Dignity: in which sense [ Flesh] is understood in (1 Cor. 1. 26.) Not many wise men after the flesh, not many Noble, not many Mighty (sc. after the flesh) are called: in this sense, is [ Flesh] in the alledged Text above, to be understood; as if the Apostle had said, while we were unbelieving Pharises, we expected the Mesias to come in external state, earthly Glory and Majesty: but being now converted to the Faith of Christ, we have laid aside those fleshly thoughts, and apprehensions of Christ, after which, we know him no more: this is (as I said) the mind of Paul, in reference to Christ after the Flesh (in the Text of Scripture above) it doth not therefore advantage their cause, of an Idol-light within, their pretended Christ and only Saviour: I did expect some return from W. W. but he made none.
Then F. Eastlack said, The Scripture saith, It is Christ in you (meaning therefore we are not to know Christ after the Flesh) I told him, that I had more then once made Replies to those words, which had (as I hoped) given full satisfaction to the Christian Hearers; but this poor man, being almost spent, said again, the Scripture saith, It is Christ in you: which a little moved me, and thereupon I demanded of him, sc. If the true Christ and only Saviour be in thee, in what part of thy body is he residing? that is to say, whether in thy ly Legs, Brains or Bowels? he had his Answer ready, sc. This is an Ishmael; and his Brother Blasphemer W. H. seconded him, Yes (quoth he) He is an Ishmaelite: to which, (being now without interruptions) I make this return, That I am content to be called [ Ishmael] as it signifies [ Heard of God] as (I hope) I am, in bearing witness to the Grace of God, and Gift by Grace, which abounds (to all believing Christians) through the one Man Jesus Christ: and withall let me tell you Quakers, Though ye are not in Name, yet in Nature, Disposition and Practise, ye are the true Ishmaels; as it doth appear by the Spirit of Christ, ( Gal. 4. 22. to the end.) wherein, all such as stand under the Covenant of works (as Quakers do) are typified by Ishmael, for in this History (as spiritually applied by the holy Apostle) we have these particulars noted: (1.) Sarah, notes Jerusalem above. (2.) Isaac all the true seed of God by promise in Christ through Faith. (3.) Hagar, the literal Covenant of God, abused by all false Teachers. (4.) Ishmael, All Hypocrites and Bond-Children hereby brought forth in the Church, mocking and persecuting the Children of promise (under the Covenant of Grace) &c. As its more particularly asserted in ver. 29. But as then, he that was born after the flesh, persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.
[Page 65] Here the Apostle reports to us, a great Example of unholy scorn; sc. Ishmael persecuting Isaac; Moses tells us the manner how, and the weapon wherewith, Ishmael did not lift up his hand against Isaac (as Cain did against Abel) but his tongue: he mocked him, Gen. 21. 9. reproachful mocking, is one of Satans choice Engines to wound the blessed Gospel at the very heart: even so it is now (saith Paul there) and we may now say, even so it is now; that is, they that are born after the Fesh, do persecute them that are born after the Spirit (or of God, Joh. 1. 13.) who are Believers in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth, (ver. 12. comp. 45.) Its but too well known, how the Quakers (who glory in their own Flesh Gal. 6. 13. and in that respect, born after the Flesh) do with most unholy scorn, mock them that are born after the Spirit, sc. after the Spirit of Faith in the Lord Jesus of Nazareth, reproachfully saying: O, you believe in a humane, earthly Christ in an out-side Christ, a Christ in Name, Shew and appearance only; no real Christ, no real Saviour: surely, these kind of sayings, must needs be bitter mockings, sarcastical Jearings, and most Blasphemous Scorning of the holy and just one, born of Mary the Son of the Highest, which in ver. 29. above, the Apostle calls Persecution: for it plainly notes a contemptuous and malignant carriage against Jesus of Nazareth the Man approved of God among the People, Act. 2. 22. in short, the whole is this: to wit, Let any rational Saint judge whether the Earth doth (or can) bear, greater persecutors of the Man Jesus Christ of Nazareth, than these Scoffing, Quaffing Quakers, and consequently are the Ishmaels both in having, and acting the very nature, and disposition of Ishmael; but I shall likewise pass this, and return to the third Scripture, which William Wilkinson repeated, viz. 1 Cor. 6. 11. But ye are washed, but ye are justified by the Spirit of God:
Answ. I told him, 1. That he had prophanely dismembred that Sacred T [...]xt of Scripture, as his Brother F. E. had done before him, leaving out the Name of the Lord Jesus, (a Name too hard for them to bear.)
2. That I had already shewed the mind of the Apostle, touching those words: and that it would be a disingenious act, to weary the judicious Hearers with needless repetitions: but be continued clamourous, querying; Why they might not be washed, and justified by the Spirit now, as well as others heretofore?
I replied, That the Spirit as such, never justified any Saint from fin in the sight of God▪ much less such a one as he was, who never had the Spirit of God in him; he forthwith required me to prove that, to wit, That he had not the Spirit of God in him▪ which I proved by 3 Arguments.
1. Arg. Was taken from 1 Joh. 5. 8. There are three th [...]t bear witness in Earth, the Spirit, and the Water, and the Blood, and these three agree in me: [Page 66] But the Spirit that is in thee, doth not agree with the water of Baptism [...] nor blood of the Super: ( for thou hast renounced both the Sacraments) therefore the Spirit of God is not in thee.
[Note: though I thus Argued; yet it was not to exclude other implicated respects in this Text of Scripture.]
To which he Replied, saying, That he had both Baptisme, and the Lords Supper within him: But I proved the contrary, thus; Baptisme and the Lords Supper are visible signes, of the invisible efficacy of Christs one Crucified Body; but the visible signes, ( namely washing with water in ( or unto) the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and the Bread and Wine, broken, and given, and poured forth) are not within thee, therefore the Sacraments of Baptisme, and the Supper of the Lord are not within thee: To this he made no Reply.
By the way, let the Reader observe, to wit, That the Teaching, Seducing Quakers do usually affirm, the true Church Officers, and Ordinances of Worship, are in God; and that the Deity is in them: therefore all these are invisibly in them: being (as they prate) immediately made by the Spirit ( still the Idol-light within) whence they conclude that Baptisme and the Lords Supper are within them: though their assertions herein, be frequently and most plainly contradicted by themselves: For they maintain and keep up visible Meetings, Officers, Light worship, and Worshippers: and thus by their constant visible practice they clearly confute themselves, living in contradiction to their own fanciful Principles and being self confuted, they are self-condemned: How great is this darkness.
Again, here hence it is, That they acknowledge no other Baptisme, then of the Holy Ghost, and of Fire (which makes many of them (as its supposed) so hot, two Wives) calling it their internal warmth, and spiritual refreshment: nor no other Lords Supper, than their daily Feasts of fat things, which (as they dare say) feed them with heavenly joyes, glories, and unspeakable delights: often attended with a dissembled kind of canting-hummings within: a new kind of charm to seduce the itching ear, and soft head, with unscriptural novelties: so much for their internal and invisible Sacraments. I pass to the second Argument.
2. Arg▪ Was taken from Rom. 8. 16. The Spirit it self beareth witness with our Spirit, that we are the Children of God.
But this holy Spirit doth not bear witness with thy Spirit, that thou art a Child of God: Therefore, the Spirit of God is not in thee.
He denied the Assumption; which I proved, The Holy Spirit witnesseth them only to be Gods Children, which do believe Jesus Christ of Nazareth to be the true Christ, and their only Saviour, Gal. 3. 26.
[Page 67] But thou dost not believe on Jesus of Nazareth to be the true Christ, and thy only Saviour; Therefore, the Holy Spirit doth not bear witness with thy Spirit, that thou art a child of God, and consequently thou hast not the Spirit of God within thee: To which he made me no Return at all; so that his staring silence, gave open consent to the concluded Truth above.
The 3d. Argument was thus formed: sc. He that maketh God the Father a Lyar, hath not the Spirit of God in him: but thou makest God the Father a Lyar: This Minor he confidently denied, but I proved it, thus:
He that believeth not the Record, which God gives of his Son, makes him a Lyar, 1 Joh. 5. 10. But thou believest not the Record, that God gave of his Son Therefore, thou makest God the Father a Lyar:
He denied the Minor Proposition; For (as he said) he believed the Record that God gave of his Son: But I proved the contrary, thus,
The Record that God gives of his Son, is this, sc. That Iesus Christ ( as Man) is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the World, Joh. 1. 29, 30. with 34. verse.
But thou dost not believe the Record, Namely, That Iesus Christ (as Man) is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the World; Therefore thou didst not believe the Record, that God gave of his Son; consequently, thou makest God a Lyar, and such Blasphemers have not the Spirit of God in them: here again the Lord stopt his Mouth, that he had not a word to say for himself.
As I was thus Arguing this Truth, ( sc. That the Spirit of God, was not in this Disputant W. Wilkinson) I observed (and O let it never be forgotten) a very old Quaker (Mr Henry Smith) standing upon a Form (or some such thing) and looked earnestly and sadly upon me, my very heart being moved towards this poor Seduced Old [...]Man; I forthwith called to him: saying, my Soul is grieved for thee, Oh do but consider, what will shortly become of thy unbelieving Soul, which hath professedly forsaken the true Christ, and only Saviour, from s [...]n and the wrath to come, Act. 2. 22. chap. 5. 31. 1 Thess. 1. 10. Even Iesus of Nazareth a Man approved of God among the People, and by him exalt [...] to be a Prince and Saviour, to give Repentance and remission of sins. O wi [...]h what horror and astonishment, wilt thou er [...] long look the Lamb of God in the face, when he shall charge thee with an open denying, yea with renouncing of him before m [...]n, and with (perhaps) a causing many others likewise to do the same its high time for to bethink thy self what Answer thou wilt give to the Lord Christ for this thy dreadful and accursed Apostasie, when God shall take away thy Soul: Oh, that thou wouldest seriously think on blessed St pher, (a Man full of the Holy Ghost) when he saw the heavens above opened, and Jesus the Son of Man standing there, he called on him, [Page 68] and said, Lord Jesus receive my Spirit, Act. 7. 55, 56, 59. But alas poor [...]ld Man! on whom wilt thou call to receive thy almost despairing Spirit? thou art not of blessed Stephens Faith, who lived, and died in the faith of Jesus of Nazareth, the true Christ, and his only Saviour: O thou poor sinner▪ that art deluded into another Faith, how dost thou think to escape the damnation of hell?
As I were thus speaking to him, the Lord undoubtedly took hold on his heart; for though he were a Man of parts, yet he made no reply of anything, which (in real tenderness to his Soul) I had spoken above: but immediately he stept down, in a trembling posture, with tears in his eyes, went out of the Church: the next morning be came to my house, (pretending a troubled Spirit) and after some conference with him, he went [...]civily away, and (as I hoped) somewhat satisfied: But this visible and invisible hand shaking of God, was soon after forgot by him, and he (according to the divine method of just and secret Judgements) more settled in his long Runs of whoring from God; which hath caused me to [...]end a few lines more after Quakers.
1. That ye would be perswaded, wisely to consider that Text of Scripture, in Rev. 6. 15, &c. which concerns all sorts of Unbelievers ver. 16, 17. Calling to the Mountains and Rocks, fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the Throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for [...]he great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?
O thou deluded one! will it not amaze thee? when thou shalt look up and see, and say; Lo, yonder is Jesus of Nazareth the Man approved of God, that I would not have to rule over me, yonder he is indeed: Oh, yonder he comes, he comes! Alas, alas! what shall I do, that am in my sins of impenitency and unbelief, and have no share in him? Look, Oh look, what a glorious train doth attend him: wo is me, Oh we is me! this Lamb of God (whom poor deluded I, called an out side Christ, no Saviour) Behold he comes lika a Lion, tearing in pieces, and none to deliver: will not this be a dreadful, most dreadful day to thee indeed, dying in thy Apostasie: I do therefore intreat you, to ponder seriously on this weighty matter, concerning Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of Mary; that he is now in a present, glorified and bodily existence in the third Heaven above, and that he now hath (though denied by Socinians and Quakers) in the Heavens above, true flesh and blood, the nature and properties of a true mankind body; which Mr. Doolittle plainly proves, by propounding (in the Young-man's Instructor) four Questions.
1. Quest. ‘Had not Christ a real humane, mankind body, when he arose out of the Grave; forasmuch as he shewed the prints of the nailes in his hands and feet to Thomas, Joh. 20. 27. surely, this cannot be denied with any colour of reason.’
[Page 69] 2. Quest. ‘Did he not ascend with the same body, or had he not the same body when he was parted from his Disciples; forasmuch as they saw the same body, go up, that talked with them, Act. 1. 9, 10, 11. No man can deny this, with whom the Scriptures of truth, have either Authority or Credit.’
3. Quest. ‘Can you say, that Christ put off his body, after he was taken out of sight before he came into heaven; or if you should say it, doth any Scripture favour you herein? neither Socinian, Quaker, or any other to this day ever produced (nor can) any such Scripture: For Stephen saw Christs humane body since in Heaven above, Act. 7. 55. 56.’
4 Quest. ‘Or can you tell, that Christ put off his body, since he came to Heaven, and Stephen saw him there: I am (said he) most sure, that you can tell no such thing; for the testimony of the holy Angels is against it, for they did assure the Disciples, that the same Jesus that they saw ascend, should be so seen to come again, Act. 1. 9, 10, 11.’
And will not these four things, put you out of doubt, sc. that Christ hath the same body now, that he had upon the earth: Oh, how great is the ground of a true Christians comfort, that the same person that died for us, is thus sate down at the right hand of God: aad that there we have the same Jesus interceeding for us in heaven: on the other side is it not matter of dread and terror to the wicked (both in practice and judgment) that still continue to oppose an exalted Christ, and prefer their base Lusts and Errors before this glorious Lord Jesus.
The second part of the charge being fully ended, W. Wilkinson called on me, to make Good the third part of the Charge. viz.
That the Prime Principles of a Quaker, are the same which were held and professed by the Beasts, that Paul fought with at Ephesus.
Which I thus A [...]gued:
It appears by the manifold Arguments, which the Apostle Paul used towards the Corinthians, 1 Cor. Chap. 15. to prove the Resurrection of Christs body from the dead, and the bodies of the Saints by him: now their Principles were these, to wit,
1. That the body of Christ was not raised from the dead (and consequently he is not Jesus, a Saviour)
2. That no Mans body shall be r [...]ised from the dead, (and consequently, Christ shall not be the riser of the dead.)
The first of these the Apostle confutes, in Chap-above, ver. 3. 4. For I declared unto you first of all, that which I received: how that Christ diea [...] or our sins, according to the Scriptures: And that he was buried, and that [...]he rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures.
And the second likewise, in ver. 13, 14, 15. &c. But if there be no Resu [...] rection [Page 70] of the dead, then is Christ not risen; And if Christ be not risen, we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God, that b [...] raised up Christ, whom he raised not up, i [...] so be that the [...]ead rise not.
Here hence Paul infers, ver. 32. If after the manner o [...] me [...], I have fought with Beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth is me, if the dead rise n [...]t; let us [...]at and drink, for tomorrow we die.
As if the Apostle had said, if it must be with our Bodies, as with Be [...]sts after Death, then it would be best for us to Live as Beasts [...] Time of Life; intimating that there resolves and desires is to live in Brutish lust & pleasures, these are the most predominate motiv [...]s that perswaded them to deny and oppose the Resurrection of the dead; which opposition I charged upon the Quakers then present: To which,
William Wilkinson replyed, saying, Shew us an express Scripture which saith, That the Beasts which Paul fought with at Ephesus, denyed the Resurrection of the Dead.
I answered, 1. It was plainly implyed in that Text of Scripture; and it doth evidently concenter therein: Besides, in reason, there is nothing that could be the ground or occasion of this Fight (or violent contention) between Paul and these Brutish disputants, but the Doctrine of the Resurrection.
2. I gave him the liberty to put his own interpretation upon the words (in vers. 32. above) To which he made no reply at all. Let me here add, It is more then probable, that the Beasts Paul sought with at Ephesus, were the same persons (or of the same beastly perswasion) which, in other places opposed Paul's Doctrines, of Faith in Jesus, and the Resurrection of the Dead. As in Athens, Act. 17. 18. Then certain Philosophers of the Epicurians (whom Calvin on the Text calls Beasts) encountered him; and some said, What will this babler say; othersome, He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods, because be preacheth unto them Jesus and the Resurrection; at which some mocked, vers. 23.
And in the beginning of this 19 Chap. (vers. 1, 2, 3.) We read, that Paul went into the Synagogue of the Jews in Thessalonia, and three Sabbath dayes reasoned with the Jews out of the Scripture, Opening and alledging, that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead: And that this Jesus whom I preach unto you is Christ
But what was the issue; the 4. vers. tells us, sc: Some of the Jews believed of the devout Greek, a great multitude, and of the chief Women, not a few: but the (5. vers) informs us, That othersome of the hearers believed not; moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort, and gathered a Company, and set all the City on an uproar ( against Paul, because he preached Jesus and the Resurrection) Therefore (10.) The [Page 71] Brethren immediatly sent away Paul by night unto Berea, who coming thither, went into the synagogue of the Jews ( and preached the same Doctrine, v. 1 [...])
But when the Jews (vers. 13.) of Thessalonia (i. e. the lewd followers of the baser sort of the Jews, vers. 5.) had knowledge that the Word of God was preached of Paul at Berea, they came thither also, and stirred up the People▪ then immediatly the Brethren sent Paul away (vers. 14.) and they that conducted him, brought him to Athens (vers. 15.) In the next Chapter ( ch. 18. 1.) we read, That Paul departed from Athens, and came to Co [...]inth: And he, (vers. 4.) reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and perswaded the Jews and Greeks (namely to believe in Jesus and the Resurrection, as in all places a [...]ore expressed) but when he was here also opposed ( vers. 6.) He departed thence, and sailed into Syria (vers 18) and he came to Ephesus (vers. 19) and entered into the synagogue, and reason [...]d with the Iews: Though some perhaps might believe his Doctrines, because it is said ( vers. 20.) He was desired to tarry a longer time with them: Yet it is very probable that he was there opposed by some others, (as at Thessalionica above) either at this, or some other time: And according to his first Epistle to the Corinthians, giveth them an account of it (ch. 15. 32.) Now, if the Beasts therein mentioned, were not the same individual person, yet they were specifically the same ( i. e. of the same Malignant quality and rotten judgement) with those lewd fellows of the baser (or more bruitish) sort; which in Act. 17. 5, &c. above so strongly denied and opposed, Jesus of Nazareth to be the true Christ and only Saviour with the Resurrection of the dead, upon the whole: ye Teaching, Seducing Quakers may run and read in the Scriptures of God, what lewd and base fellows have been (according to the testimony of the holy Spirit of truth) your Predecessors, and of your bruitish Principles: sc.
1. Denying Jesus Christ of Nazareth to be the true Christ, and our only Saviour.
2. Denying the Resurrection of the dead. As to the last of these, F. Eastlack said, We do not deny the Resurrection of the dead I demanded of him, whether they did believe, that the same body that dies shall rise again. He readily Replied, saying, We do not beliyve the resurrection of the same body that dies: how then (said I) do you grant the resurrection of the dead? if the same body that died shall not rise again: Is not this, plainly to deny, what ye grant: for, if it be an [...]ther body that is raised from the dead, then its not the same body that died: nay, it must be a raising of a body from the dead, that never died: th [...]se ab [...]urditi [...]s must unavoid [...]bly follow: Nay furthermore, if it be not the resurrection of the same body that died.
[Page 72] It cannot be called a Resurrection, but a new Creation, which is altogether (in effect) to deny the resurrection of the dead; and so a plain self contradiction.
Next W. Bullock appeared: telling us, that the same body which dies, shall not rise again; alledging these words: It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.
I Replied, 1. That the Words repeated by him, were in, 1 Cor. 15. 44. and withal, the Apostle saith not, that the body shall be raised a Spirit, but Spiritual; as Christs body of flesh and bones, after the Resurrection, was Spiritual, but not a Spirit: for Christ assured his Disciples, that his body was not changed into a Spirit; Behold and [...]ee, for a Spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have, Luk. 24. 39. It is the same true and real body which is presented to you, saying, It is I my self. Now, as it was with Christs body raised from the dead, so it shall be with our body (as to the substantial sameness) after the Resurrection, inasmuch as the Resurrection of Christs body is made a pledge of our Resurrection, 1 Cor. 6. 14. And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power. Again, But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept, 1 Cor. 15. 20.
2. It is raised a Spiritual Body, because then the body shall have no need of natural helps, of which a natural body stands in need of, as sleep, meat, rayment; but a spiritual body needs them not, this is the judgement of all orthodox Authors: Christ told the Sadduces (who said there is no Resurrection) That after the Resurrection, Mat. 22. 39. They neither Marry nor are given in Marriage, but are as the Angels in Heaven? Christ doth not say, that they shall be Angels, or that their bodies shall be changed into [...]he nature of Angels: but as Angels (or Angelical) in respect of qualifications; in like manner the body shall be raised spiritual, but not a Spirit.
Francis Eastlack stood up again, and boldly said, That the Scripture saith, it shall not be the same body at the Resurrection; and forthwith called to me for the Bible which was in my hand, he turned to the 1 Cor. Chap. 15. and read the 36, 37, 38. verses.
‘Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened except it dye, and that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be but bare grain; but God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body.’
I Answered, That the last words [ sc. To every seed his own body] do shew, that it is the same body for substance, which was sowen; but not for qualities:
F. Eastlack Replied, saying, The Scripture saith, it is not the same [Page 73] body, but thou sayest it is the same body; I told him. what I had said, the same Texts of Scripture do (in effect (say, sc. Though it be not the same body for Qualities, yet it is the same body for Substance: as a piece of Plate of the old fashion, being cast into a mould of the newest fashion, is the same for substance, but not for qualities: Wool died in a Scarlet colour: is the same wool for substance as it was before, but not for qualities: and withal I told him, if he would not admit of a distinction, how then could he reconcile these Scriptures to his understanding. viz. God repents and he repents not: God tempts no man, yet God tempted Abraham: Reprove a Fool in his folly, and reprove not a fool in his folly: I and my Father are one, and the Father is greater then I, to which he made no Answer, not quarell'd Distinctions any more.
As for the similitude of Corn and Grain, mentioned in the verses above, I shall answer with Reverend Mr. Caril: ‘It is (saith he) very true, that the Corn or Grain which is sowed, doth not arise again in that manner, or after that quality or likeness in which it was cast into the ground: we sow bare Seed, but when it comes up again it comes with a stalk, and an ear and shoots up in much greeness and beauty: there is a great difference between a grain of wheat in the bushel, and a flourishing stem, or ear of Corn in the field: God gives it another body in the growing up, but yet it is still a body, and there is the same nature in it still, and the same substance of the grain remains still; only there is an addition of beauty and greenness when it is risen and grown up: so the Body that is cast into the Ground, is like a [ bare] grain: it is cast in a bare (or naked) body, but when it shall be raised again, the body shall have many beautiful and glorious additions: so that in the Resurrection there will be an adding of somewhat to that which was before; the Corn grows up, with somewhat that it had not, but it doth not lose any thing that it had: tis still a garin of wheat and better, so the body laid down in the Grave, is raised, not the same in all things, but better in many things added: Now the excellent endowments and qualifications added to the body, cannot work a loss or an annihilation of the frame or disposition of corporial parts and members,’ so much for Mr. Caril, upon the 1 Cor. 15. 36, 37, 38▪ verses.
I shall now consider the last Text of Scripture, which was by F. E. repeated, to wit:
1 Cor. 15. 30. That flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdome of God; Therefore, the same body that dies shall not rise again.
I Answered 1. That the Socinians (your Brethren and fellow Adversaries of the truth) do urge this Text of Scripture, to confirm their assertions against Christ and the Resurrection of the same body; to wit, that [Page 74] Christ hath not now flesh and blood, nor the nature and properties of a true Mankind body; this hath been afore propounded and confuted: again (they say, as ye do) How can the body arise of flesh, when the Apostle saith, Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God; if no flesh shall inherit the Kingdom of God, how can it be affirmed that the same true flesh shall be raised to enter upon that inheritance (perhaps this improvement he had forgot.
2. These inferences are not only defective, but contrary to the true Nature of a Resurrection, which denotes a taking up of that which was laid down: It must hence follow, sc: If the same body that dies be not raised up, but another kind of body, it cannot be a Resurrection, as above; Moreover, If a [...] the Resurrection it be not the same, but another body, then, that body which actively and passively honoured God in this world, shall not (according to Divine Promise, Col. 3. 4.) be glorified with Christ in the World to come, but another body shall be there glorified, which never did or suffered any thing for God's honour, and to which God never made any Promise: yea, that body which wickedly sinned, lived and dyedin finall impenitency and unbelief: Shall not (according to Divine threatning, Matt. 25. 41.) be for ever tormented: but another body shall which never sinned (nor was ever threatned) be eternally dammed in hell with the Devil and his Angels: These inavoidable consequents are no less than high blasphemies against the Justice, Truth, and Righteousness of God Himself, especially in that Scripture of sacred truth (2 Cor. 5. 10) We must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ, that every one (sc: the same whole man) may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether good or bad: And the Lord Christ assures us ( John. 5. 28, 29.) The hour is coming, in the which all that are in the Graves (Are there any other bodies in the Graves then the same bodies which were put into them) shall hear His voice,
And shall come forth, they that have done good, unto the Resurrection of Life, and they that have done evil, unto the Resurrection of Damnation; thus ( in Matt. 25. 46.) also Proved.
3. That by Flesh and Blood (in that place of Scripture above) is not meant the substance of Flesh and Blood; the parts of a Man's body (as now it is) But it is to be understood of the sinfull qualities of Man's Nature (that are to be done away) as in other places, Rom. 7. 18, 24. Chap. 8. 1, 6, 7. Gal 5 17, 19, 24. Flesh doth signifie; or of naturall Flesh and Blood, of which the body is now composed and made up; as such, it is corruptable, and cannot enter into the Kingdome of Heaven; and thus Paul expounds it, as in the latter clause of the same 50. verse. Neither doth corruption inherit incorruption: That is, corruptable Flesh [Page 75] and blood (or flesh and blood that hath the Seed and Principles of Corruption) shall never enter into the Kingdome of Heaven: such flesh and blood is unfit to wear the Crown of Glory; as our Souls must be changed, before they can be fit for Glory, so also must our Bodies from their natural estate, to a spiritual: for at the Resurrection, our bodies shall not be raised natural, corruptable bodies; but spiritual, incorruptable bodies, and as such they will be fit for Glory in the Kingdome of Heaven; as its illustrated, ver. 52. And the Dead shall be raised incorruptable, and we shall be changed: but how? the next verse, sc. 53. tells us, This corruptable must put on incorruption: Note [ This] Mortal must put on immortality: well then, though the body of Man be now natural, corruptable, and mortal flesh and blood (and as such unfit for the Kingdome of Heaven:) But in the Resurrection the body will not be so; for it will then be spiritual, incorruptable, immortal flesh and blood, and being so qualified, it will be fit to inherit the Kingdome of God.
Having thus Answered, I expected some return; but they were all silent: Thereupon Capt. John Hubbart Sherrif, with the Iustices of Peace, (as Representees of the Christian part of the Assembly) came forth towards me, and openly declared, That they were fully satisfied with my Proofs and Answers: The Quakers being thus regularly found Guilty of the whole charge; the vast Assembly was forthwith peaceably dismissed.
I Have been earnestly Requested by some of the Lords People in these Islands, to make some Replies to three or four Erroneous Principles (not Discussed in the Disputation) Held and Professed by most Quakers: To wit,
- 1. That there is a state of perfect freedome from sin in this Life.
- 2. That the matter contained in the Scriptures, is not (1.) The Word of God. (2.) Nor the infallible standing Rule of Faith, and Life.
- 3. That the Soul in Man is God, in part, and so Infallible.
- 4. The denying of the Trinity: sc. three persons in one Deity.
These corrupt Principles maintained by most Teaching Quakers, I have (on Request as above) considered, and made some Replies to each particular distinctly, as in their order afore expressed.
1. Principle. That there is a state of perfect freedome from sin, in this Life; Alledging that the Scriptures do testifie the same: as Job 1. ver. 1, 8. 22 Psal. 37. ver. 37. & 39. 1. & 119. 5. Mat. 5. 48. Rom. 6. 18. & 8. 4. & 2. 15. Phil. 3. 15. Eph. 3. 19. Luk. 1. 6.
That I might herein give some satisfaction, I have considered the above-mentioned Scriptures, one after another in their asserted Order.
The first Scripture, Job 1. ver. 1, 8, 22. There was a Man whose Name was Job, and that man was perfect.
Reply to the 1st. verse. By Perfect here, we are not to understand a Legal perfection, such as Adams before the Fall; though it be contended for by the Teaching Quakers, and affirmed by them as possibly attainable, yea, actually attained by many of their Friends in this Life: but the Spirit doth not in any one of these verses, express (no, nor in end) Iobs perfection from all sin in this life: nor did Iob so understand it, witness his own confessions. Chap. 9. 20. If I justifie my self, my own mouth shall condemn me: if I say▪ I am perfect, it shall a [...]so prove me perverse; That is to say, if I justifie my self, by the actings and expressions of my life, my Mouth would condemn me: so, if I say, I am perfect in the thinkings and s [...]cret motions of my heart, it would prove me perverse ( Caril in locum) and in Chap. 10. 6. Thou enquirest after my Iniquity, and searche [...]t after my [Page 78] sin: likewise in Chap. 42. 6. Wherefore I abhor my self, and repent in dust and ashes: but to put the word Perfect, in ver. 1. out of all doubt, it is explained in the 8th. vese above, There was none like him in the Earth, a perfect and an upright man: which referred to that Generation in which Iob lived. So we read of Noah, Gen. 6. 9. That he was a just man and perfect in his Generations: in like manner consider Iob in the time and age wherein he lived; there was none like him in the Earth for Godliness and uprightness: hence for any man to infer, that either Noah or Iob were were perfect from all sin in this life, would be a miserable perver [...]ing of the places of Scripture: they being only perfect comparatively, i. e. in comparison of all other men, which lived in their Ages, and Generations.
And as for the 22d. verse. In all this Iob sinned not.
Reply. These words are not to be taken in a Quakers sense (as if Iob had been at any time without sin in this world) for, in the 11th. verse, he ( Iob will curse thee to thy face: Satan was confident that Iob would Blaspheme, by cursing God to his face: this Satan did promise to himself, and did undertake with God; which plainly interprets the words, sc. In all this Iob sinned not: that is such a sin, (in thought or word) as to Curse God: he was not transported by passion or impatiency, to Reproach or Curse the Living God, but gave him Glory, saying, ver. 21. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord; As to the phrase perfect above.
Obj. If any of you say, as some Teaching Quakers have said: sc. That it was in the time of Iobs affliction, when he said; If I say that I am perfect, it will prove me perverse; but after his deliverance he was perfect without sin?
Ans. This is wholly false: for the character given of Iob, viz. a perfect man, was before his affliction; for Gods commending of him (as perfect and upright) was the occasion of the Devils desiring leave of God to afflict him, and of Gods grant, ver. 12. that his Word might be found true: upon the whole, observe in Iob, Chap. 25. ver. 4. How then can Man be justified with God, or can he be clean, that is born of a Woman, This Question, carrieth a strong denial, viz. it cannot possibly be, or it is impossible to be: as if Iob had said, do but acknow [...]edge that any one is born ordinarily of a Woman, and we may conclude him to be sinful and unclean, with (or in the sight of) God.
Second Scripture, Psal. 37. ver. 37. Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright.
Rep. Ʋpright, in the latter clause, doth interpret, perfect, in the former, so then the perfect man, is the upright or sincere hearted man; we read in Iacobs character, Gen. 25. 27. and Iacob was a plain man; this [Page 79] phrase plain man here, is the same wite perfect man in the Text above: a plain man and a perfect man (in a Scriptural account) are convertible terms, 1 Chron 29. 9, 27. and do signifie, a man that hath not a heart and a [...]cart, or a double minded man, Jam. 1. 8. not a compound man, speaking one thing and meaning another: It is also the same word, that is given to Noah, Gen. 6. 9. He was perfect in his Generation, or he was sound, upright plain hearted with God: And it is that God spake to Abraham, Gen. 17. 1. Walk before me and be thou perfect; or sound, upright, plain, in thy walking before me: now, though Job, Noah, Jacob, Abraham, are said to be perfect; yet it is not to be found in the Scriptures, that God ever said of all or any one of them (or of any other meer Saint) they were perfect without sin in this world: but the contrary is (as may afterwards appear) often found in Holy Writ: forasmuch as it is sincerity (or the Law written in the heart, Psal. 40. 8.) which is the only Gospel Perfection.
Third Scripture, Psal. 39. 1. I said, I will take heed to my wayes, that I sin not with my tongue: compare with Jam. 3. 2. If any man effend not in word, the same is a perfect man.
Reply, Though David heedfully endeavoured circumspection, not to offend with his tongue, yet he sinned with it, Psal. 116. 11 I said in my haste all men are Lyars: yea, frequently did he offend with his tongue, in and about the matter of Ʋriah the Hittite.
2. Might it be supposed, that David sinned not with his tongue, yet he might sin in thought; although, it be most true, which the Apostle James speaks above, sc. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man.
Reply, 1. These words, Jam. 3. 2. in their litteral sense, denote a supposition [ If] any man offend not in word, that is, (as Dr. Manton in loc: saith) ‘If there be such a man, who never spake a word untruly, nor unseasonably, nor uncharitably; a man whose words were alwayes without vanity, and folly. without obsenity, rash Oathes, and Passion, speaking only known truths: if these be such a man, who at all times avoids the evils of the tongue, I will (as if the Apostle should say) make bold to call him a perfect man,’ such another as is not to be found among Mortals.
And thus Moses (by way of supposition) said unto the Children of Israel, Lev. 18 5. Which [ If] a man do, he shall live in them: here Moses proposeth an unlikely, yea, an impossible practice, under the word [ If] which if a man [...] (But where is the Man, that can do the law of God, as exactly as he commands it to be done) implying, there's not such a man to be [Page 80] found in the World, so here, If a Man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, but such a non offender is not to be found, and consequently not a Man of a perfect tongue.
2. Some take the word [ Perfect] for Upright, Sincere; that is to say, if a man offend not in word, he is perfect or upright, sincere without guile: those that are so are expressed by the Term perfect, as in Psal. 37. [...]7. afore noted: so in 1 Chron. 29. 9. With a perfect heart they offered willingly to the Lord, compare ver. 17. In the uprightness of my heart, I have willingly offered: Again, we read in (1 Chron. 12. 38. All these ( sc. an hundred and twenty thousand, ver. 37.) men of War, came with a p [...]rfect heart to Hebron: surely he must have a Legion within him, that would interpret perfect, here, (referring to the hundred and twenty thousand men of War above) for a perfect freedome from sin.
4th. Scripture, Psal. 119. 1. Blessed are the undefiled in the way, ver. 3. they do no Iniquity.
Reply, The sixth verse following, explains the two foregoing verses ( sc. 1, 3. above) Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect to all thy Commandments: hence, ver. 5. The Prophet Wishes, O, that my wayes were directed to keep thy Statutes; furthermore he strongly affirms, Psal. 39. 5. Verely, verely Man at his best estate, is altogether vanity: Therefore he cries out, Psal. 143. 2. Enter not into judgement with thy Servant, for in thy sight shall no man living be justified: Now, if to be undefiled, and to do no iniquity: be to be understood in a Quakers sense; that is to say, strictly for an absolute freedome from all sin in heart and life: then David had excluded himself out of a blessed estate.
5th. Scripture, Mat. 5. 48. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect.
Reply, The charge is only to be [ As] perfect▪ not [ So] perfect let it be observe [...]here, that [ As] is only a note of likeness, or quality; in which respect, the meanest Saint upon Earth, is like his Father in Heaven, i. e. as to the likeness of Quality: for he hath of the same pure and perfect nature, being made partaker of the divine nature, 2 Pet. 14. And Paul exhorts the Philippians, Chap. 2. 5. Let this mind be in you, which was in Christ: the meanest Saint hath the same mind in reference to his new nature, that is in God himself: that is, he is like to God, who beg [...]tteth all his Children in his own likeness, Eph. 4. 24.
But in regard of the likeness of Equality, thus no man is like the Father or the Son, in the degrees of these perfect or pure Qualities: the most pure Saint is not Equal to God the Father, in this or that, or the other, which is infinitely pure and perfect in him; this interpretation is only proper to the Text of Scripture above, which speaks not of a perfection [Page 81] from sin: though the Father be perfect from all sin; yet the Evangelist hath not asserted it in this place: and therefore deductions of freedome from sin (in the Saints of God in this life) cannot from thence be dra [...]n nor rat [...]onally argued:
The sixth Scrip [...]ure. Rom 6. 18. Being then made free from sin.
Reply. To be made free from sin, may not be understood of a freedome from a Being of sin in this life, but only of a freedome from the Reign and Dommi [...]n of Sin: As the Apostle explains it, in ver. 12. Let not sin reign in your mortal boaus, and in ver. 14. Sin shall not have dominion over you: that is, [...]e shall not be the Servants of sin, as it is implied in ver. 22. and so to be free from sin is to be free from a voluntary subjection (in will or work) to the comman [...]ing motions of corrupt and sinful nature, ver. 16. Its most certain it cannot be understood of a freedome from sin simply and absolut [...]ly, for in Ch [...]p. 14 10. 7. The same Apostle chargeth sin, both upon the weaker and stronger Saints: why dost thou judge thy Brother, (this judging, was the sin of the weaker Christians: or why dost thou set at thy Brother, (this setting at nought the weaker Brother) was the sin of the stranger Christians: well then▪ there can be no state of perfect freedome from sin in this life: As the same Apostle in the same Chapter hath inserted, ver. 7. For he that is dead is free from sin.
The seventh Scripture, Rom. 8. 4. That the righteousness of the Law, might be fulfilled in us.
Reply, [ In us] That is, in our nature in general ( Heb. 2. 14. not in our particular persons, Rom. 8. 3. I have given a large return to the sense of this place of Scripture, in the dispute (pa's 15, 16, &c. where I do refer the Reader.
The eighth Scripture, Rom. 2. 14, 15. For when the Gentiles which have not the Law, do by nature the things contained in the Law, these having not the Law, are a Law unto themselves: which shew the work of the Law written in their Hearts, and their Conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the main while accusing, or else excusing one another.
Reply, There is naturally in all men (as such) a light of direction▪ two manner of wayes.
1. By the Law written in their hearts; (for which the Apostle is here express.) for when the Gentiles (meaning the unconverted Gent [...]s) which have not the Law do by nature (or Natural Lig [...]t) the things contained in the Law, these having not the Law (formally published or Preached to them) are a Law unto themselves which shew the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing wi [...]ness &c. And as all have a light of direction, from the Law written in their hearts, or in the Book of natural Conscience, So also▪
[Page 82] 2. They have a light of Direction, from the Law of Creation, or from that which is written of God, in the Book of the Creature: And Paul makes this light, the ground of the righteousness of God, in that dreadful revelation of his wrath, Chap, 1. 18, against all ungodliness, and unrighteousness: yea, for this very reason; because, that which may be known of God, is manifest in them, (or to them, ver. 19. For God hath shewed it to them: the whole is, though all men have not a light of direction from God so powerful, as to change them, and make them holy (much less perfect without sin) yet they have a Light so clear and full, as is enough to make them guilty: And when they refuse to follow this Light of Direction, in the Book of the Creature, Chap. 1. 20. in doing what is right: then follows the second Light, to wit, the Light of conviction: their natural Consciences troubling them, or (as Pauls phrase is) their thoughts accusing them, because they have done that which is not right: which plainly argues the imperfection of sin, and not a perfection from any, (much less from all) sin, in Men, as Men.
The ninth Scripture, Phil. 3. 15. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded.
Reply, The word Perfect here, may not be taken, for a perfect freedome from sin: for Paul, ver. 12. saith (in effect) that he was not perfect from sin, which may appear by the 11th verse If by any means, I might attain unto the Resurrection of the dead: now, the estate which accompanies the Resurrection from the dead, excludes all sin, the Saints shall then be legally perfect: this, the Apostle aimed at, ver. 14. and used all means to accomplish, ver. 13. but he could not attain it, as he doth confess in the 12th verse Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: meaning, with that perfection from sin, which accompanies the Resurrection of the dead: so then▪ Paul doth not only deny himself to be perfect from sin, but withal inferres, such an estate of perfect freedome▪ not to be attainable in this life, by any meer Saint; because it attends the Resurrection from the dead; which is sufficiently evidenced from the foregoing verses (he grants a Gospel, ver. 15. but denies a legal perfection, ver. 12. if so, then the phrase Perfect, in the 15th verse above, cannot be understood, (in a Quakers sense) for Paul's being perfect from sin; we may not affirm that of Paul, which he himself effectually doth deny, without manifest wrong to the holy Spirit.
Besides, the Term Perfect (let us, as many as be perfect) may be aken (as learned, judicious Authors have averr'd) for some ripeness, and growth in matters of Christianity; as in the Jewish Discipline, there were two sorts of Learners, Beginners, these did only exercise themselves in the first principles of religious matters; and while they were but endeavouring [Page 83] Beginners, they were accounted weak, or imperfect in Christianity; then there were others, that had made some progress in, and attained to some growth in Christian matters learned, these were called strong or perfect (in comparison of the Beginners) Thus, Perfect is to be understood, in the 1 Cor. 2. 6. Howbeit, we speak wisdome among them that are perfect: meaning, however imperfect weaklings are taken with inticing words of mans wisdome, ver. 4. accounting the Preaching of the Cross (Christ crucified) Foolishnest; yet, grown mortified Christians will discern wisdom and sublimity, in the plain preaching of Iesus Christ Crucified; and this sense, may be accommodated to this place of Scripture, Phil. 3. 15. above) As many of us as be perfect, i. e. such of us, as are no Beginners, or Learners, such as try experiments in Religion: But Perfect, such as have made some towardly progress therein, that have attained to some Gospel strength, ripeness, or growth in the blessed Doctrine of Faith.
Obj. But if any Teaching, Seducing Quaker, should say, viz. That by the word Perfect, as it referrs to Saints in this world, it doth signifie a perfect freedome from all sin?
Answ. 1. This was the lying Doctrine of the Heretical Catharish's, and now taught by Seducing Quakers; but no where owned in the Scriptures of truth; where is that Scripture to be found, which saith in so many words, sc. That this or that Saint, was perfect from all sin in this life; when it shall be shewen, it will be seriously considered.
2. Solomon makes a chalenge to all the World, Prov. 20. 9. Who can say▪ I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin: that is, none can say it truly (though some will say it bouldly) that any Saint of God in this life, is absolutely freed from the having of sin, which is evident from the confession of the most eminent Saints, 1 Ioh. 1. 8. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive our selves, and the truth is not in us.
But to this Scripture, the Quaker p [...]etends an Answer, sc. that in v. 10. the same Apostle saith, If we say we have not sinned, we make him a Lyar: Here hence, the Teaching Quakers do infe [...]r, saying, 'tis true, the born of God should lie, if they did deny themselves to have sinned, before they were in the new birth, but not after it, alledging, 1 Ioh. 3. 9. Whatsoever is born of God, doth not commit sin.
Reply, 1. The 10th verse above, sc. If we say, that we have not sinned, we make him a Lyar: by these words the Apo [...]les intend, their having of sin after (as well as before) the new birth; for, observe the 8th. verse, If we (that is, we, who are in the new birth) say that we have no sin, we deceive our selves, and the truth is not in us: Note here, that the words in this 8th verse are expresly of the present time; to wit, if we (not have [Page 84] had) no sin, &c. which doth most plainly prove; that the born of God have sin after (as well as before) their new birth.
2. As to the words alledged out of the 1 Ioh. 3. 9. Whosoever is born of God, doth not commit sin:
Answ. 1. If the words should be understood in the Quakers sense above asserted: then the new birth would exclude the being of sin, in all the born of God: for the new birth agrees to them all, to one as well as to another; as the reason given is the same verse doth testifie: Because his seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin, because he is born of God: now the seed remains in all the born of God, as well as in any: well then, it must be meant of all Saints, or none: Now, if the Teaching Quakers should be so stark mad, as to affirm all Saints to be free from sin, the Scripture above, 1 Ioh. 1. 8. will reprove their madness: for, if we (who are the real Saints, and born of God) say, that we have no sin, we deceive our selves, and the truth is not in us: all men may see, that these words were spoken of and by such Saints, as had, ver. 3. fellowship with the Father, and his Son Jesus Christ: and yet they have certified, sc. if that we say, that we have no sin, &c.
Again, That the words in 1 Ioh. 3. 9. cannot be meant of freedome from the nature and being of sin, in the born of God, but only of the Trade and Custome of sinning, which is explained in the foregoing 8th verse For the Devil sinneth from the beginning, i. e. he hath never ceased to sin since he began, it hath ever been his trade or customary way; thus to sin, the born of God cannot, for the course and custome of sin being broken, there's not now such a free correspondency between the Soul and Sin, as before Regeneration: this is the Character of the unregenerate, They cannot cease to sin, 2 Pet. 2. 14. But so the born of God sinneth not, ( i. e. without cessation,) inasmuch as he is daily pleading (in his prayers) against sin, desiring strength, not only against, but victory over it: thus is was with Paul, Rom, 7. 24. O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of death, sc. from this burden and bondage of inherent sinful corruption; yea, all this, after he was most truly the born of God: It is therefore a manifest wresting of the above mentioned Texts, (sc. 1 John 1. 10. in forcing them to say, that the born of God sinned, before they were in the new birth, but not after it.
The tenth Scripture, Eph. 3. 19. That ye might be filled with all the fulness of God: which (some say) excludes the being of sin in Saints.
Reply, 1. The phrase [ Fulness] is to be expounded by a distinction, there being a double fulness; namely, of Parts and Degrees: for the first of these, we read, Act. 7. 55. But he (Stephen) being full of the Holy Ghost; this Respects the fulness of parts only; that is, he had something [Page 85] of every Grace, though not a perfection of any Grace; An Infant may be said to be a perfect man, as it hath a perfection or fulness of parts, but not of growth and degrees.
2. The fulness of God, in respect of Degrees, is to be had only in Heaven above; And even there, the Apostle intends not equality (but quality) of fulness: that is, a divine and glorious fulness of or from God: so then the fulness of God above expressed, is to be understood of a fulness (not on Earth, but) in Heaven, which is the proper import of that place of Scripture: for, the Apostle prayes, that they [ Might] be filled, &c. And so they should be in Heaven, but he asserts not, that either they were, or should be so filled in this life: the person is, because here, we know but in part, 1 Cor. 13. 9, 22. For now we see through a Glasse darkly, but then face to face, now, I know in part, but then I shall know, even as I am known: Therefore, the fulness of God above, doth not exclude the being of sin in this life.
The eleventh Scripture, Luk. 1. 6. Walking (sc. Zecharias and Elizabeth' his Wife, ver. 5.) in all the Commandments and Ordinances of the Lord blameless: here the Quakers think they are perfect Saints.
Reply, The word [ Blameless] doth not (as the Quakers would have it) signifie [ Sinless] before the Lord, but Rebukeless before men, in this World, no man can be so blameless, as to be sinless in the sight of God; 'tis true, we read. Numb. 23. 21. He hath not seen iniquity in Jacob, that is, not with an eye of revenge, but pity: God saw iniquity in Jacob his people, but not so as to destroy them, which was the unwearied design & desire of Balack the Princes of Moab, ver. 17. in which sense, the not seeing of iniquity in Jacob, is only meant.
Indeed, at the glorious second coming of the Lords Christ, then the persons of the just shall be sinlesly blameless before the Lord, as in 1 Cor. 1. [...]. That ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ: in that day of Christs coming in glory,, the Saints shall be found of God in peace, without spot and blameless, 1 Pet. 3▪ 4, 14. but not thus in this life; nevertheless, I willingly grant, that Believers may walk in all the Commandments and Ordinances of the Lord, blameless, that is to say rebukeless, in regard of Men: this is verified by the Apostle, Phil. 2. 15. That ye may be blameless, and harmless, the Sons of God without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse Nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the World: in which sense alone, Zecharias, and his Wi [...]e Elizabeth, were blameless: for Zecharias was so far from being perfect without sin, that he was found (at the very time, that the words above were uttered of him) guilty of the great sin of Ʋnbelief, and for it was punished with dumbness, Luk. 1. 20. Behold thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day that these things [Page 86] shall be performed, because thou dost not believe my words.
Obj. Here the Quaker will be apt to say. But there is no sin charged upon Elizabeth; so that she might be perfect without sin?
Ans. 1. The phrase [ Blameless] (on which the Quaker puts his whole stress) may refer to an Unbeliever, yea, to a persecutor of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Phil. 3. 6. Touching the righteousness which is in the Law, Blameless; even then, when Paul was graceless, he was blameless: this I have only noted by way, that Teaching Quakers may plainly see, that the word [ Blameless] simply in its own nature, will be so far from proving perfection of Grace that it will not prove any truth of Grace.
2. It will not therefore follow, that Elizabeth was perfect without sin, because there is no mention made of her sin; let it be well observed, that in the 6th verse above, They are both said to be righteous and blameless, even then when the best of them both, was guilty of actual sin: now, if the expressions of Righteous and Blameless, were applicable to Zecharias, when he was under sin; then the same expressions ( sc. of Righteous and Blameless) will not argue her to be more free from sin, then her Husband, there being the same reason for the one, as for the other: to deny this, were to destroy the rules of right reasoning; besides, death took hold of her, as well as of him, which is the wages of sin, Rom. 6. 23.
3. If the Term Blameless, should prove Zecharias and Elizabeth (in their life time) sinless, or perfect without sin, it would prove the Scriptures of God sinful, (which to assert were Blasphemy,) for the Holy Scriptures do utterly deny such a blamelesness, or freedome from sin in Mortals; As in Eccless, 7. 20. For there is not a just man upon the Earth, that doth good and sinneth not: that is, that sinneth not in doing good: the Spirit doth say simply, that there is not a just man, that sinneth not, but a just man that doth good, and sinneth not: intimating, that in our most religious Actions, there is some mixture of sin; hence the Prophet, Isai. 64. 6. That all our Righteousness is as filthy rags; Noting to us, that no righteous work of ours is so pure, but there is some taint, and filth of sin cleaving to it, which without a Mediator (in the rigor of the Law) would be damnable: so then, though the action (as to the matter) be not sinful yet there is some sin in the Action: this difference is exprest, Exod. 28. 38 where the High-Priest, is said, to bear the iniquity of the holy things; holy things in the matter of them, yet iniquity in the manner of performing them, Rom. 7. 18. How to perform that which is good I find not: here hence it is, that we read, 1 King. 8 46. If they sin against thee, for there is no man that sinneth not: and again, 2 Chron. 6. 36. For there is no man that sinneth not: whence the Apostle James, Chap. 3. 2. For in many things we offend all: he saith, We, including himself, though an eminent Saint, and an [Page 87] Apostle of great holiness; All of us offend in many things, and many of us in all things: likewise our blessed Lord and only Saviour, teacheth the choicest of Gods Children to pray unto their Father in Heaven, for dayly and continual pardon of sin, Mat. 6 12. There is in all true Believers, a cursed root of bitterness, which God doth mortifie, but not nullifie in this World; 'tis subdued, but not removed, 'tis cast down, but not cast out: though Grace makes the combat, yet death only makes the conquest over sin: I proceed to the Quakers Second Principle;
To wit,
That the written Scriptures are not (1.) The Word of God. (2.) Nor the infallible standing Rule of Faith and Life.
Reply, 1. VVhereas they say, The written Scriptures are not the Word of God: if thereby they mean the Scriptures, as expressed by humane tongues, or as written, or printed with ink and paper, by the art of the VVriter, or Printer; if so considered, we do not affirm the Scriptures to be the VVord of God: But as the Written Scriptures do declare the mind of God to us, so the matter therein contained, is the declarative VVord of God: as in Heb. 1, 2. God who at sundry times, and in divers manners, spake in times past unto the Fathers by the Prophets, hath in these last dayes spoken to us by his Son.
Qu. What hath the Son of God spoken, touching the Scriptures?
Ans. He tells us, that the Scripture is the VVord of God, Mark 7. 13. Making the Word of God of none effect. Here the Son of God, calls the fifth Commandment (in the written Scriptures) the VVord of God, and in Iohn 2. 22. They believed the Scripture, the word which Jesus had said. Also Ioh. 10. 34, 35. And Jesus answered them, It is written in your Law, I said, ye are Gods: if he called them Gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the Scripture cannot be broken. Note, in these Texts▪ our Lord and only Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Son of God affirms, that the VVord of God, is the Scripture, and that the Scripture is the VVord of God, as being convertible terms; that is, what is truely and properly spoken of the one, is also spoken of the other, for so it is with all propositions convertible.
Moreover, 2 Tim. 3. 16. All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God, and is profitable for Doctrine, for Reproof, for Correction, for Instruction in Righteousness: that is, in the Righteousness both of Faith, and Life: And therefore as the Scripture is the VVord of God, so likewise it is the infallible standing Rule of Faith and Life.
[Page 88] It being evidently so: I need not stay, to shew you the excellency of any part of the Scripture, having pointed you at such an original of the whole, which adviseth you seriously to consider, what the Lord speaks to all such as they are: we read, Numb. 15. 30. The Soul that doth ought presumptuously (whether he be born in the Land, or a stranger) the same reproacheth the Lord: O how highly do you Teaching Quakers reproach the Lord, when you deny the Scriptures to be the Word of God) that Soul shall be cut off from the peeple?, but mark the ground and reason of it: Because he hath despised the Word of God, ver. 31. and hath broken his Commandments: Note here, that the Lord concludes his word, and written Commandments to be one and the same thing, and thereupon the Lord passeth this heavy Sentence; That Soul shall be utterly cut off, his iniquity shall be upon him: i. e. It shall never be forgiven him, (except God in mercy grant repentance for and from these dead works,) O ye Quakers, are you not herein, worse then the Egyptian Heathens: for they believed the Word spoken to them by Moses, to be the Word of God, Exod. 9. 20. He that feared the Word of the Lord amongst the Servants of Pharaoh, made his Servants and his Cattle to flie into the Houses: howbeit, they will think themselves either wronged or feared, if their Arguments be not considered.
1. Argument, That which is the Word of God, dwells within, Col. 3. 16. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdome: whereas that which you (meaning Christians) call the word, is the Scripture without.
Reply, 1. Is there any word asserted to be the word of Christ, but the written word of Truth, whereof Christ is both the Author and Subject, if there be when it shall be shewen, it will be considered.
2 The very phrase [ Let] the Word of Christ dwell in you, denotes, that the Apostles words, are an Exhortation to get the Matter contained in the very Letter of the word of Christ: that it might dwell richly in them getting heart acquaintance with the matter contained in the letter of the word of Christ, and that richly, sc. still increasing therein, that they might thereby be the better enabled, in the use of the duties of Teaching, Admonishing, and Singing of Psalms, in heart and voice, as its expressed and implied in the same 16th verse.
3. Those duties and services, of Teaching, Admonishing, and Singing of Psalms. which are Spiritual Hymns or Songs, were to be done to the Lord, (as in the same 16th verse,) that is, to the glory of the Lord: Now there are no Duties and holy Services done thus to the Lord, which are not done in obedience to his Will: but the Lord hath no other will (as a Rule of obedience) then his Will revealed in the written Scriptures: [Page 89] There is nothing that doth please God in any act of Worship, unless he sees himself obeyed: hence, I may safely infer, that the Quakers Worship cannot be accepted of God, because it is not only without, but against the revealed Will and Rule of Obedience, This cannot with any Truth be gainsayed or denied.
1. Arg. The Written Scripture cannot be the Word of God, because it consists of Words.
Reply, 1. This Argument proves fully, that the Quakers are under the power of Satan, Act. 26. 11. grosly blind in, and ignorant of the inspired word of Christ: for in Scripture Language, Word and Words, are of the same signification: as for instance, Jer. 15. 16. thy Words were sound, and thy Word was unto me: Jer. 36. 1, 2. This Word came: write the Words: Amos 8. 11, 12. hearing the Words: seek the Word: Numb. 15. 30. the Spirit calls the Commandments of God, consisting of many Words, the Word of God: and the many Words, which God Commanded Moses to speak to the Egyptians, Exod. 9. 20. is there called the Word of the Lord: Likewise our Saviour, Ioh. 2. 22. calls the Scripture, co [...]taining many Words: and so also in, Ioh. 10. 35. to these places of Scripture, many more might (were there any need) be added, shewing that Word in the singular, and Words in the plural, are synonimous and of the same import in the Holy Scriptures, and therefore the cavil is idle and vain: I pass to the second part of this Principle, viz. That the written Scriptures are not the infallible standing Rule of Faith and Life.
2. Reply, This plainly argues an Evil and Ʋnbelieving heart, in the revealed Truths of God: and distructive (as much as in them lies) to the great end of Divine Inspirations: For God purposely inspired holy men, not so much for their own sakes, as for this end; that what they writ and spake from Gods inspiration in the Scripture, might be the standing and infallible Rule for Faith and holiness of Life, in all succeeding Ages and Generations; and for this cause hath Paul recorded, Rom. 15. 4. For whatsoever things were written aforetime, were written for our Learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope: Note, That we, the Apostle Paul includes himself for one, that did learn of the Scriptures written afore-time, as the only infallible Rule.
And thus was it also taken by our Lord Jesus Christ, Luk. 16. 29, 31. Chap. 24. 44 to 47. more especially in the hour of his Temptations, he kept his mind close to the written Word of God; the Scriptures penned by Moses, Dan [...]st. 16. to repel the Devil; saying, It is written, Mat. 4. ver. 4, ver. 7 ver. 10. with this sword of the Spirit, three times (as you see) [Page 90] the Lord Jesus Christ wounds the Devil; now doth the Lords Christ thus honour the written Scriptures: who are ye then, that dishonour the same: Notwithstanding, we will hear what they have (by way of Argument) to say for themselves, concerning this matter. Their
1. Argument, The Scripture it self sends us to the Spirit for our Rule, Gal. 5. 16. Therefore the written Scripture is not our rule of Faith and Life.
Reply, The Apostle in this Text exhorts the Galatians to walk in the Spirit, ( sc. of Faith) I have not (as if Paul should have said,) forget my former discourse concerning Faith, ver. 5. nor do I declare it, in perswading you to mutual love, ver. 14. and that he might be understood aright, he adds, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh: for the spirit of Faith, 2 Cor. 5. 13. Purifying the heart, Act. 15. 9. doth (by that means) not only resist occasional prejudices, or Lustful desires of revenge, but begets also a composure of offences, and a healing of injuries, which are apt to arise from one Saint towards another: hence, the Apostle infers, walk in the Spirit, that is, (saith Calvin in loc.) be ye exercised therein, wrestle in Spirit against all prejudicial returns of the flesh, following the motions, sayings, and actings of the Rule of the Spirit, (which is the inspired word: for 2 Pet. 1. 21. Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost,) and in so doing (saith Calvin) ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh ( i. e. of corrupt sinful nature) as in the 16th. ver. above asserted: surely then, the Spirit of God doth not send us from the written rule, to a Quakers Spirit (their Idol Light within) as the only infallible rule of Faith and Life.
2. Arg. The Spirit was before the written Scriptures, and therefore the Spirit in us, ought to be our Rule for Faith and Life.
Reply, We know that Seducing Quakers teach, because the Spirit is anticedent to the Scriptures, therefore none can walk in the Scriptures, till they walk in the Spirit: the Consequence is as lame, as a Teaching Quaker is blind: however, it is granted, that the Spirit is anticedent to the Scripture, in respect of time, or as to the revelation of the Scripture, howbeit, the Scriptures are before the Spirit, in respect of aid & assistance, thus the Apostle, 1 Pet. 1. 12. But unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them, that have preached the Gospel unto you, with the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven: which Text of Scripture clearly shews, that the Holy Spirit (in respect of special help and assistance) is subsequent, to the Scriptural Gospel Preached: this receives further confirmation from the Prophet, Isai. 8. 20. To the Law and to the testimony (the written word) if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light (or beam of the Spirit) in them; [Page 91] fairly intimating that the Spirits walk (in a way of aid) is in the paths of the Scriptures; and consequently no Christians can walk in the Spirit, unless he first walk in and by the Scriptures: Again, Joh. 7. 38. He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, but this spake he of the Spirit, ver. [...]9. ( sc. of the power and help of the Spirit) as subsequent to the Scriptures, and in Luk. 5. 17. And as he (Christ) was Teaching, the Power, ( sc. the Spirit) of the Lord was present to heal them: likewise, Joh. 16. 13. When the Spirit of truth is come, he will guid you into all truth: that is into all Scripture Truth: so then, though the Spirit be anticedent to Scriptures, in regard of Revelation, yet in respect of aid, help and assistance (which is the matter in hand) the Spirit is subsequent to the Scriptures, and in this sense the Holy Scriptures are the infallible standing Rule of Faith and Life, Rom. 1. 2. 2 Tim. 3. 15.
3d. Argument. That there was a Rule of Faith and Life, long before the Scriptures were written: Therefore the written Scripture is not the Rule of Faith and Life.
Reply, This Consequence also is weak and infirm; it doth not therefore follow, that the wr [...]tten Scripture is not our Rule, because there was a Rule before the Scripture was written: For, this is that which we affirm. sc. That the matter contained in the Holy Scriptures, is the only infallible standing Rule of Faith and Life: which matter now contained in the written Scripture, is the same with that which was before the Scriptures were written: for, when God revealed himself by visions, Dreams, &c. It was still the s [...]me Gospel matter, even the same that is expressed in the written word of the New-Testament: There hath not been since the Gospel was Preached to Adam (Gen. 3. 15.) any increase of Gospel truths, in respect of essentials, but only in respect of explications: though the manner of conveyance is different then and now, yet the matter or Gospel Doctrines conveyed, is still the same: Tis true, from Adam to Moses (more then 2000. years) the People of God had no word written, yet they had a word given from God to be their Rule; else, their Worship would have been (like a Quakers) Will worship, A contrived, or devised Worship to pacific or please God, he could never bear with, had not the Law of Sacrificing, and the like, been by Gods institution and appointment, the Lord would have rejected it: now, though Sacrifices (which typed out Christ) were offered before the Law of Sacrificing was written, yet not before the Law of Sacrificing was given: for, it was given from the beginning as all other parts of worship were; being carried from one to another by tradition, from the Fathers to the Children (as in the holy stories of the Patriarchs it doth appear) as it were from hand to hand, till at last the La [...] was written, and the Scriptures [Page 92] penned by Moses: well then, though the Rule they had before, was not an institution written, yet it was an institution sent forth, & given by God himself, which Rule of Faith and Life then given, was (I say again as to the matter therein contained) the same with the instituted Rule written; now then, all that ye Teaching Quakers have said, is no more but this, sc. That you deny this way of written Scripture, to have alwayes been the only way of Gospel-conveyance; and from thence, ye pretend to advance and extoll your unwritten Scrip [...]ure, (that Idol light within) that thereby ye may the more craftily throw down the Scriptures inspired of God: surely▪ this Plot cannot be from the spirit of the true Christ▪ but from your own (as the Lord knows) blind rotten and wicked spirit, which tells you, that you are no further bound to obey the written Scriptures, then your Light (that false Christ) within, shall make you willing to obey.
Arg. 4. That the Spirit is not to be tried by the Scriptures, but the Scriptures are to be tried by the spirit, therefore the spirit ( not the Scriptures) is our standing Rule for Faith and Life.
Reply. The Father of lies, cannot make a greater lie, then that which is contained in this Argument: for it plainly makes the inspiring Spirit, and the inspired Scripture to be of different natures; which is contrary to the many Scriptures of truth afore asserted: there's not any Quaker, that hath to this day produced one Text of Scripture to make good this Argument: where is that place of Scripture to be found, which saith, the Scriptures are to be tried by the spirit? doth not the spirit it self require us 1 John 4. 1. not to believe every spirit, but to try (not the Scriptures, but) the spirits, (i. e. spiritual gifts) whether they are of God: And how did the noble Elders at Berea, try the Spirit by which Paul Preached. The 11th. verse tells us, It was by their searching of the Scriptures, daily, whether these things were so; it being an Article of Faith with them, that the written Scriptures were the Churches standing Rule for Faith and Life: and therefore, ver. 12. Many of them believed, sc. That Jesus of Nazareth was the true Christ and their only Saviour: surely, the Elders above, trying the spirit by the search of the Scriptures doth sufficiently prove, that the spirits are to be tried by the Scripture, and not the Scripture by the spirit: the end of Gods inspiring the Scripture, was that it might thereby be enabled to try the spirit; the spirit is so far from questioning or trying the Scripture, that it ever witnesseth for or against, as the Scripture witnesseth, being indited by the Holy Ghost, 2 Pet. 1 21. for that end, should the spirit of truth, witness otherwise then according to the inspired Scripture: (that is to say, if the spirit should witness one thing to be a truth in the Scripture, and another thing contrary to it in a mans Conscience) [Page 93] the spirit should be divided against it self, it should be spirit of contradiction: for instance; the spirit witnesseth in the Scripture, That the true Christ and our only Saviour was and is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, a man approved of God, who was taken by the Jews, slain and hanged upon a Tree, whom God raised from the dead the third day, and exalted to be a Prince and Saviour: Thus the spirit witnesseth in the Scriptures, Act. 2. 22, 23. Chap. 5. 30, 31, 34.
But a Quaker pretends, that the spirit witnesseth in his Conscience, that there is a light within him, which is the true Christ and only Saviour, which is not the Man Jesus of Nazareth, which the Jews never slew, nor hanged upon a tree, nor was ever raised by God from a bodily death.
Again, The spirit witnesseth in the Scripture: That he is a Righteous man, who walketh in all the Commandments and Ordinances of the Lord, Luk. 1. 16.
But a Quaker pretends that the spirit witnesseth in his Conscience, that he is a righteous man, who forsakes all the commanded Ordinances of the Lord.
Now should we Christians be so weak and wicked, as to believe a Quakers pretended spirit in him, to be the spirit of God (and not of the Devil) should we not then be guilty of this dreadful Blasphemy: namely, of maki [...]g the spirit of God, a spirit divided against it self, a spirit of contradiction (teaching lies in the Scripture) by witnessing therein the things ab [...]ve, (touching Jesus Christ, and his Ordinances) to be the truths; and other things contrary to them, for truths in a Quakers Conscience, or (as he calls it) in his tender part, this were to take strong & damnable delusions, for sacred and scriptural inspirations: that inspiration, which is either without the wri [...]ten word, or against it, is an hellish imposture: indeed, its no marvel, that the Teaching Quakers would have their spirit within, that Idolized light) to try the Scriptures (not to be tried by them) for if they migh [...] herein prevail, (and withal get into the sad [...]le) they would undoubtedly soon Arraign, Try, and Condemn the inspired Bible of God to Fire and Faggot: this conclusion may (without breach of charity) be grounded upon the scurrilous pens of some s [...]ducing, Teaching Quakers▪ whom In [...]ight herein, (with their bold expressions) have declared (hav [...]ng them by me) but I feared the swelling of these confutations, and the discouragement that might thereby be given to the Reader.
By the way, I lay down this Caution: to wi [...], though the holy and blessed spirit of God, be above all tryal yet the [...]are spirits (even the spirits i. e. the spiritual gifts of all m [...]n) which must be submitted to tryal, whether they are of God, i. e. of the Book of God, 2 Cor. 34. 14. wherein [Page 94] there is not any speech or passage, but the infinite wisdome of God hath thought fit to be recorded, as that which hath in it, somewhat for our instruction; even the Blasphemy of the Fool, which contradicts not only the truth, but the very being of God: which teacheth us this divine truth, That there are seven (that is, all manner of Abominations in the heart of Man: yea, we may draw useful instructions from the words of Judas the Traitor, after Satan had entred into him and filled his heart: not only so, but from the words of Satan, in his temptations and proposals unto Christ; much more may we from the sayings of Holy men, which are all material truths, from the inspiration of God, and therefore fit to try the Spirits▪ (or gifts of all men as above) which must be submitted to the tryal of the Scripture touch stone.
In the last place, perhaps some Teaching Quakers may say, sc. We own the written Scripture, as a witness-bearer, or declarer of that light which is in Man.
Reply, We deny the written Scripture, to be a witness bearer to your Light within: for if the Scriptures of God, should bear witness to that gross piece of foolery (call'd Light within) it should witness it self to be no word of God: For,
1. Your Idol Light within, saith, that the Soul of a Man is part of God, and no created substance. ( This will be debated in the next Head.
2. That the Light that is in every man, by natural generation, is the true Christ and only Saviour.
3. That the Sacred Oracles of God (the Scriptures of truth) are not the standing Rule for Faith and Life (but your unwritten Scriptures, that whimsical Light within you.)
4. That this Light within, will bring men to an absolute perfection, a freedome from all sin in this life, and to Heaven also.
5. That the Lord Jesus Christ (though God-man blessed for ever) is not the Son of God, the Saviour of the World.
6. That the person of Christ is not in Heaven above, that it is Blasphemy to affirm that he is there.
7. That the Light within Man, is the true Scripture, and Word of God even the everlasting Word; and therefore long before the written Scriptures: To this last, I will make some Reply.
Reply, Let this be granted, sc. That the Light in Man was long before the written Scriptures: yet the written Scriptures do declare a truth to us, more ancient then the oldest Quaker, or his Idol light within him: namely, what the El [...]hims spake each to other, saying, Let us make Man [Page 95] in our own Image, Gen, 1. 26. And having made man; it tells us, what God said, sc. Be fruitful and multiply, ver. 28. And behold I have given you of every Tree bearing fruit, ver. 29. And God commanded the man▪ saying, of every Tree of the Garden, &c. Gen. 2. 16. Moreover the Scriptures tells us of divers things long before themselves were written: to wit▪ that (after the Fall) the Word of God was manifested to Adam and his wise, and likewise, that God manifested himself to Cain (by his word) three times, Gen. 3. 8, 9. and afterward that the Word of God came to Noah, and so to Abraham, and others.
Now (O ye Teaching, Seducing Quakers) I would ask you this Question: sc. Could your Light within tell you ought of all this, if the written Scriptures had not told it first?
And yet, you would fain make us believe, that your Light within is the true Scripture, and Word of God▪ even the everlasting Word: so that this most notorious lie, (the whimsie, called Light within) is the new devised ground of your Faith, and Religious Worship.
Oh, ye poor Soul deluded, and Soul-deluding ones: know assuredly, that this Doctrine of your beloved Idol-light in your own addle brains) is directly contrary to what the Lord Christ said to his Father, concerning his Apostles, Joh. 17. 8. I have given them thy words, (word, ver. 14.) which thou gavest me, and they have received them, and have known surely, that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send m [...].
Note here, that the words which the Father gave to Christ, and Christ to his Apostles, they believed, and (so believing) Preached them to the World: the Substance whereof is in their written Gospel, and Epistles: which is to true Christians, the Word of God, and the ground of their Faith, but ye (Soul-deceivers) labour to dissolve this ground of our Christian Faith, because ye would lay a Foundation of your own humane Invention, sc. an un bloody Light within, which Idolized Light, hath no more real blood in it, then there is in the Transubstantiated Bread of your Popish Brethren; wherein both ye and they do exactly agree, in one feigned blood-less Sacrifice for sin: which is evidently another Gospel, which stands under the doubled Curse of God, Gal. 1. 8, 9. which is further confirmed, Heb. 9. 22. Without shedding of Blood is no remission.
[Page 96] O read and tremble before the i [...]raversible decree of wrath and vengeance go forth: for without shedding of blood (sc. true humane blood) there is no remission, as above, and consequently the unavoidable curse of hell and damnation, doth attend a non remission, which leads me to the Quakers third Principle.
The third Principle, That the Soul of Man is God in part, and therefore infallible.
Reply, This titular Principle, consists of two parts; which shall be dealt with distinctly.
1. That the Soul of Man is God in part: Thus James Nayler ( [...]n his Book, Love to the Lost, page 58.) teaching fulness of light (or soul) within, in which fulness is (meaning the fulness of God in part) and John Tayne (in his Book of ten Epistles, page 71.) saith, the soul of man is God in part, who in page 3. renders this reason for it, because the Soul is no created substance: and John Lilborn (a la [...]e grand leading Quaker) in his Book of six particulars, page 16. he affirms, That the Light in man, was the Light in God himself, in whom is no darkness at all; referring to 1 Tim. 6. 16. Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto, which no man hath seen or can see, to him be honour and power everlasting.
Reply, Although these words, do most plainly exclude any meer man from possessing God, in his essential nature: yet in page 15. he inferrs, That the Light which is the infinite essence of God, is the living (or quickening) holy, tender part of man, the everlasting Word of God, by whom all t [...]ings were made: And in page 19. further saith, It is the very Principle of true Religion: consider now, if it be so, then it must be such a Principle to the Devils, and all damned creatures: for: as creatures the everlasting word made them, and their Being, Life and Motion is in him; bec [...]us [...] he that is Being it self, is the bottom of the being of all created Natures, and consequently (according to John Lilbourn) the Light in man (which he calls the Everlasting Word) by whom all things are made, mu [...] be the principle of true Religion in the Devils and damned (O hel [...]ish Divinity & Doctrine) for even they ( sc. the Devils & damned) live and move and have their dependance upon the divine nature, or infinite essence of the Godhead, otherwise they would all fall to nothing by an annihilation
Nevertheless, this is in a special manner to be noted, viz. Its one thing that the infinite essence thus possesseth men, devils and all things else, and another thing, for man (or any other creature) to possess the [...] Essence of God, to his happiness and blessedness; for, so man only possesseth God, according to his revealed will: but through the w [...]nt of a right understanding of this special difference above stated, it comes to pass, that this untoward Generation Dream, the Light within them, to be [Page 97] God in part, and hence inferr, that the Soul is God in part here, and full in God hereafter; for which they do pretend especially four Texts of Scripture, to wit, Gen [...]. 7. Eccles. 12. 7. Act. 17. 27. 28. 2 Pet. 1. 4.
Reply, To the first Scripture, Gen. 2. 7. And the Lord God formed Man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his Nosthrils the breath of life, and Man became a living Soul: hence they argue, that the Soul (in this life) is God in part.
Reply, 1. It is to be noted; That in the former part of the verse, we have the Creation of Adams body: The Lord God formed Man, that is he fashio [...]ed the outward and inward part of Adam, straight and upright, with all his outward limbs and lineaments in their due places, without; and Veins, Arteries, Venticles, and Bowels in their due places within.
2. The Creation of Mans Soul is described, i. e. breathed into his nosthrils, (which Syn [...]cdochically denotes the whole Man) the breath of life: Go [...]s order herein is very observable; sc. after the Lord had formed his body, he gives in (not himself in, but) from himself the Soul: here's the nature of Gods act [ Breathed] it is spoken after the manner of men, for as God hath no hands to form, so nor mouth to breathe▪ so that hereby must be meant, Gods powerful Creation of his Body, and infusion of his Soul: which God doth as easily, as man breathes: But to the matter in hand;
1. The Divine Being is infinite and indivisible▪ therefore the Soul of man cannot be God, either in whole or in part.
2. The words being spoken after the manner of men: that is to say as the breath of Man, is not man in whole or in part, but only from him; so the Soul being breathed, is only from God by infusion.
3. The Soul of Man was made after Gods Image, Gen. 1. 26. And God said, let [Us] make man in our (sc. the Father, through the Son, by the Spirit) Image, after our likeness, i. e. in our Image, most like to (not the same with) us. It is an Hebraisme, noting a superlative Image, most like the Trinity in Ʋnity.
This image or likeness stands in representing God three wayes.
1. It is a made Image. 2. It is a true Image. 3. It is very near and likely Image, which appears not only in the spiritual and immortal nature of it, but in rectitude of Mind, Will, Affections, Members, all pure and righteous, conformed to Gods will, Eph. 4. 24. which evidently proves, that the Soul cannot be God the Creator, it being made as above, it must be a Creature, and consequently a created substance, and therefore not (after a Quakers gross and absurd manner of speaking) God in whole, or in part.
Again, When God breathed into Adams liveless body, he breathed not [Page 98] himself▪ because he was there before: for, God is in every thing excluded out of nothing, as before evidenced; whence, it undeniably follows, that into Adam's liveless body, God breathed not himself, but mans reasonable Soul, which is mans proper form, and without it, Man is not a Man: So much for the first Scripture.
The second Scripture, Eccles. 12. 7. Then shall the dust return to the Earth, as it was, and the Spirit shall return to God who gave it: Herehence, they argue, The Soul of Man is God in part, for God is a Spirit.
Reply, 1. Though God be a Spirit, yet every Spirit is not God, An Angel is a Spirit, Heb. 2. 14, but not God; so, though the Soul be a Spirit yet it is a made Spirit, as afore observed; likewise hereunto agrees, Isai. 57. 16. For the Spirit should fail before me, and the Souls which I have made: Souls are of Gods making, and therefore a created (not uncreated) substance; besides, to say, that God is a Spirit, and the Soul of Man is a Spirit, therefore the Soul is part of Gods essence, is not only false but a most silly inference: for there is multiplicity of sign [...]fication in words, and here lies the fallacy: Spirit, sometimes signifie God, Joh. 4. 24. and sometimes the wind, Ionah 3. 8. Now, its no good inference thence, therefore God and the Wind are the same: howbeit, here is some of a Quakers Divinity.
2. The scope and import of the Text it self above, excludes this their Interpretation: For.
1. When its said, the Spirit shall return, it notes, a passing from one place to another, which cannot be said of the Essence of God: for that being infinite, filleth all places at once.
2. To God that gave it: Now according to the Rules of right reason, the Giver and the Gift are distinct.
3▪ When the Dust (the body) returns to the Earth, then the Spirit (the Soul) shall return to God: that is, to Gods only and alone disposing, either to Weal or to Woe, for Eternity, according to what it hath done in the body, whether it be good or evil, 2 Cor. 5 10. in this sense it is that the Soul returns to God; which Truth, the Scripture points us unto▪ as with the finger; in the examples of Dives and Lazarus (Luk. 16. and therefore to affirm, the Soul returns to God, as a part of God, is absurd and sinful with a witness: for it renders God defective, till the Soul returns, making him a finite, not an infinite God.
The third Scripture, Act. 17. 27, 28. Though he be not far from every one of us▪ for in him we live, and move and have our being.
Reply▪ I have already and fully granted, that the Essential presence of God, is in Heaven and Earth, and all created natures: yet I do herewithal say, though all created Natures are in his, and his in theirs: but yet his [Page 99] uncreated nature, and their created natures are ever distinct and different; theirs finite and bounded, his infinite and boundless, not included in, nor excluded out of any thing; for God is infinitely beyond their beings, lives, and motions, where never any created nature was, nor ever shall be, otherwise he is not God infinite: furthermore the very Text of Scripture above alledged, confutes their inference, for it expresly saith, God is near to everyone of us, and gives this Reason for it; because in him, we live, move, and have our being: so then this very expression, sc. That God is but near to us, plainly shews, that he is not us, nor we him.
The fourth Scripture, 2 Pet. 1. 4. Whereby are given unto us, exceeding great and precious promises; that by these, you might be partakers of the divine Nature: whence the Teaching Quaker doth conclude, that the infinite and indivisible Godhead, is divided into parts: thus senseless are they of the grossest absurdities.
Reply, 1. This place of Scripture, doth only signifie, that the participation of the divine Nature, is by a reception of the promised multiplication of grace and pe [...]ce, ver. 2. so that the Text asserts no more but this; namely, that they partake of the divine Nature, who are partakers of the grace and peace promised: these being divine qualities, are of a divine Nature, called the Communion of the Holy Ghost, 2 Cor. 13. 14. If this be the genuine and proper sense of the Text; how far is it from proving the Soul of man to be part of God; To clear this matter yet a little more, Consider,
2. The Divine Nature may be taken in a twofold sense; as
1. For the essential nature of God, which is, Rom. 1. 20. his eternal power and God head: in this sense, the divine nature is infinite and indivisible; and as such, no man can partake of it.
2. The Divine Nature, may be taken, for the gifts, graces, and comforts of spirit, flowing from Christ man (in whom they are without measure, Ioh. 3. 34) being daily given from him to his Members: now, it is in this last sense, that the Apostle Peter speaks of the Divine Nature above; and therefore not to be understood in a Quakers sense, for the Deity or Godhead, this twofold signification of the Divine Nature, being hid from the lost ones; causeth them to call the Soul (still the Idollight) the Deity in part, no created substance: not discer [...]ng [...]h bid [...]ous Blasphemies which attends this their Principle; for if the Soul of man be God in part, then the essence of God would be subject to change an [...] passion; yea, which is worse, to sin, (for so the Soul of man is in this [...]) th [...]se Blasphemi [...]s are the unavoidable consequences, of the Souls being God in p [...]rt: I pass this, and proceed to the second part of the Principle, to wit, a Quakers infallibility.
[Page 96] Reply, To the second part: a Quakers infallible Spirit within him▪ their spirit of infallibility, or infallible spirit, is grounded upon the Souls being God in part; but this hath been proved to be erroneous and highly Blasphemous: the other is therefore of the same nature, ( Chips of the same block) yea, this their Principle of in [...]allibility shews us, the rise and original of their Religion; I have long bought their infallible light within▪ to be no other then the Pope without: we may not think its for nought that there are so m [...]ny exact resemblances between the Idol light, and the Idolatr [...]us Pope: I shall give you some Instances,
1. The Pope takes upon him the power of Pardoning sin▪ making himself God and Christ: which power of pardoning sin, the Quaker ascribes to his Light within, calling it God and Christ.
2. The Pope affirms, that the Teachings, and Rules of direction▪ being believed in, and walked up unto, will make such Believers and Walkers Perfect, and bring them to j [...]stification and salvation, all which the Quaker doth affirm of the Light within, it being believed in and obeyed.
3. The Pope teacheth that his written Scriptures are so far to be obeyed, as they do agree with the infallible Spirit within him, just so, the Quakers teach, that they are no further bound to obey the Letter of the Scriptures, then the infallible, un [...]rring light within, makes them willing to obey.
4. The Pope declares his Apocryphals to be not only of equal verity with, but to exceed the Scriptures: even so, a Quakers Light within teacheth him to prefer his Apocryphal Quakerisms, before the written Scriptures.
5. The Pope testifies, there is a nigher Doctrine (than the Scripture hath) to feed the Saints and perfect [...]ones (meaning, his Church enlightning Traditions,) so saith the Quakers light within, that it hath a higher Doctrine, then the written Scripture hath any, to guid and [...]eed the true Saints.
6. The Pope robs Christ of all his Offices.
1. Of his Kingly Office, in taking part of it to himself, by remitting sins, and making Laws to bind Conscience, both which a Quakers Light presumes to do▪ remitting sin, and binding Conscience by its laws.
2. The Pope robs Christ of his Priestly Office, for he doth dispose of it, giving to a Masse Priest power to offer a daily propit [...]ation-Sacrifice: yea, that every Papist hath a piece of it within him, that thereby every one of them may satisfie the Justice of God for his sins, even by his own Merits within him: and for Christs Mediatorship, as some of them do abolish it, so no Catholick desires the Man Jesus Christ to pray for Him, because [Page 97] each one of them hath so much of the propitiat [...]ry Sacrifice dayly i [...] them, as is meritorious to satisfie the justice of God for their sins.
Of which robbery (in reference to Christs Priestly Office) the Quakers are equally guilty: for, they give to their light (that Masse-Priest) with in a power to offer Sacrifice propitiatory dayly forsin; whereby they daily (in themselves) satisfie Gods justice for their sins, even by their own internal merits; and as for Christs Mediatorship, they have quite abolished it: For no Quaker desires the one Mediator, the Man Jesus Christ, 1 Tim. 2 5. to pray for him.
3. The Pope robs Christ also of his Prophetical Office: for this office, he assumes to himself: who (without the Scriptures) determines infallibly (by the pretened assistance of a Spirit of infallible light, lockt up in his own breast) all points of Faith and Life: which kind of Robbery (as to Crists Prophetical Office) the Quakers have likewise assumed, who by their Light within (without the Holy Scriptures, or laws of the King thence derived) pretend to an infallible determination of all points concerning [...]aith and Life: here hence, we may sa [...]ely infer, that a Quakers Lig [...]t, and Romes Pope are co [...]qual Antichrists.
This may further appear; if the Terms and Title heretofore given to the P [...]p [...] (as [...]sserted [...] the Reverend Brightman, Ren. 13. page 135, 136▪) [...]e compared with those now given to the Light within, by G. Fox in his Fo [...]o Book, The great Mystery, &c.
The Terms and Titles which were given to the Pope (and imprinted by Brightman as above) are these: to wit,
1. Hear ( saith Brightman) what Barnard saith, (sc. of the Pope) Thou art a great Priest, the Prince of Bishops, thou art the Heir of the Apostles, thou art Abel for thy primacy. Noah for thy Government, Abraham for thy Patria [...]h [...]ship▪ Melchisedech for thy Order, Aaron for thy Dignity, Moses for thy Authority Samuel for thy judgement, Peter for thy Power, Christ for thine anointing, &c. ( Book 2. Consid.)
Again, Mark (saith Brightman) how the Embassadors of the Empour of Sicily cry out to him (the Pope) lying groveling on the ground: O thou that takest away the sins of the World, have mercy upon us; thou that takest away the sins of the World, grant us peace. As also, what Simon Beginus saith, speaking unto Pope Leo, in the Council of Laterane, Sess 6. Behold the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the [...]oot of David: we have waited for thee (O most blessed Leo) to be our Saviour: Vn [...]o these (saith B [...]ightma [...]) we may joyn Cornelius the Bishop of Bipentum, who laid open his blockishness, in wondring at the Beast, in the Council of Trent: with these words, The Pope is come a Light into the World, and men have loved darkness more then Light, every one that evil doth, hateth the Light, and cometh not to the Light: [Page 98] Hence Brightman inferr [...]; O, out upon you, ye Blasphemous Claw-backs, is it not enough for you to adorn the Man of sin, with the praises of the Saint, unless ye do also heap upon him, the praises which ye have robbed Christ of: it would indeed render me too volumenous to set down herein all the pages, lines, and words, imprinted in the Foxes Book above named, concerning the Terms [...]nd Titles given by him (and other such se [...]ucing Authors) to the Light within; which are either nume [...]ically or specifically the same, with the Collections above given to the Popes: or if there be any difference (as to Terms and Titles of Blasphemy) the F [...]z's are the more horrid, upon the whole, let any good Christian judge, whether a Quakers Light within▪ be not (in go [...]d earnest) the P [...]pe without. And so I pass to the fourth and last Principle a [...]orenamed.
The fourth Principle, to wit, A Quakers denying of the Trinity, or three persons in one Deity.
Reply, It is by most judicious Christians acknowledged: sc. that three persons in one Deity is so great a mystery, that it cannot be sound our by natural reason, and no wonder for there are many things in natu [...]e▪ yea, in man himself, Eccles. 11. 5. Thou knowest not the way of the Spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the Womb of hen that is with child, reason cannot reach the knowledge of this: Therefore (saith Mr. Caril) ‘it is not to be admired, if man be at a loss about the incomprehensible nature of God, Howbeit, it may be to all rational Saints’) sufficient to prove three persons in the Godhead, (though we cannot fully conceive how this should be:) For▪ 1. There is, but one God, 1 Cor. 8. 4, 6. 2. In this one God, there are three [ He's] that do Ʋnderstand, Will, and Act, and these three are so doistinguished, that the one is not the other: And 'tis Dr. Gouges observation on Deut. 6. 4. Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, is one Lord; the word [ Lord] is twice in the Text, and (saith he) Printed in Capital Letters, purposely to notifie, that the word [ Lord] in the original, is Jehovah, and so he reads it Hear O Israel, Jehovah our Elohims, is one Jehovah: Here is Trinity in Ʋnity.
And we read that the Prophet, Isai. 6. 8. Heard the voice of the Lord, saying, who will go for [ Ʋs,] this [ Ʋs] denotes more persons, then one: likewise in Gen. 1. 26. the Elohims spake each to other, and said, let (us) make Man: surely then, the Trinity cannot be as some dream, sc. distinctions and relations only: but reall existences in the essence of Jehovah: for distinctions and relations are such as cannot speak: but the Elohims spake each to other, as above noted.
Obj. If it be said, the plural number [ Ʋs.] takes in all, as well as the number three?
[Page 99] Answ. It doth so; but when God hath determined plurality to three, it is time then to settle, and to be certain, that there are no more, which is confirmed, Mat. 28. 19. Baptizing in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: that is, to believe in, obey and worship the Father, in the Son, and the Holy Ghost: here you see, are three in the divine Nature, that do live understand, will and act; and here, its plainly revealed, that they are so distinct, that the one cannot be the other.
Indeed the Socinians (the Quakers Brethren in this thing) do deny the Holy Ghost to be a person; and say, It is the power, vertue, and efficacy of God the Father: if so then the Scripture above, Mat. 28. 19. must be read thus, Baptizing them in (or unto) the Name of the Father, of the Son; and of the vertue, power, and efficacy of the Father (to be believed in, obeyed and worshipped) which sounds absurdly, utterly disagreeable to reason: But above all, it is inconsistent with the Scriptures of truth, as in Ioh. 1. 4. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, as the glory of the only begotten of the Father: and in ver. 18. No man hath seen God at any time, but the only begotten Son, which is in the bosome of the Father, he hath declared him: and in Iohn 14 26. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my Name: These Texts of Holy Scripture do shew us, that the Father begets the Son, the Son is begotten of the Father, and the Holy Ghost proceeds from both? Furthermore, when the Lord Christ was Baptized, Mat. [...]. 15, 16, 17. the Father was heard and not seen, the Holy Ghost (in the form of a Dove) seen and not heard: and Christ the Son both seen and heard: the Father, saying of Christ, this is my Son; and the Holy Ghost descending and lighting upon him, which is a most clear demonstration of their real and personal dictinction.
Again, in 1 Joh. 5. 7. For there are three that bear Record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one: Now if they be three, then they must be (in some respect) more then one, and not the same; besides it argues weakness to quarrel the Phrase [ Persons,] for as much as the [ Person] doth Grammatically (tria necessaria sunt, ut aliquid persona dicatur) signifie, first, second and third, which makes three, this only by the bye, for illustration rather then evidence: though we do not find this Phrasiology in the Scriptures, sc. Trinity of Persons: yet this is not a sufficient ground to deny it; for though we have not the words, yet having the things signified, in and by the words, it ought to satisfie a rational Saint: as for the things signified, the Texts above, are fair and plain: affirming there are three that bear Record (or witness) now to bear witness, is properly the office and act of a person, or persons.
Qu. Whether the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, are declared as three distinct witnesses?
[Page 100] Answ. Yes, that they are so may appear by the testimony of these Scriptures, Joh. 8 18. I am one that bear witness of my self, and the Father sent me beareth witness of me, and Joh. 15. 26. But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Futher, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testifie of me: here, we have the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, witnessing; that is to say, the Comforter sent, the Son sending, and that from the Father, which proves them to be distinct witnesses, and by good consequence to be distinct persons: herewithal, let it be well observed, sc. To deny (as Teaching Quakers do) the Trinity of persons, in the unity of the Godhead; is, in down right terms, to deny that there is a God; for the Scripture inspired of God saith, These three are one, Therefore to deny the Trinity, is to deny in Unity; which is Atheistical: so much in Answer to the requests o [...] some of the Lords people in Barmudas.
With whom, I shall now (in a few words) leave my hearty well wishing advice: beseeching them (and all the rest of the Lords People there) to be ever mindful of the Blessed Apostles resolution, Act. 21. 13. I am ready to die for the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ; a most gracious (as well as noble) resolution, and fit for every good Christians imitation. which is indeed, [...] l [...]ss then the standing against the Gates of Hell, by bearing witness to the holy Truth of God: O let us rather burn, then [...]ow to that Idol light, which the Romish Nebuchad [...]zzar ha [...]h set up in Teaching Quakers: Oh, let us rather die for the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, then leave the Mark of the Beast, citeer within or on us▪ rather let us lose our heads from our shoulders, then renounce that saving head, who is ascended up into the Heavens above: O let us rather effuse our dearest blood, and die glorious Martyrs, then live Apostates from, and die persecutors of Jesus of Nazareth: And for your constant incouragement herein, let us heartily learn the Apostles inspired Lesson. Rom. 8., 7. In all these, we are more then Conquerers, through him that loved us.