The farther Information of Robert Bolron, Gent; Containing the Oath of Secresie and Letany, with other Matters of Moment, in which he was concerned, when Engaged in the Horrid Popish PLOT.
AFter the Antient Piety, Zeal, and Strictness of Life, exemplary in the Primitive Christians; had in a measure put the Dominion of this World, and the Keys of the next into the hands of the Clergy; care of gaining Souls became (in a few Centuries) Obsoleted: The former Illustrious times of Vertue vanished, and a gloomy night of Ignorance soon over-spread the Universe. The Clergy (the Authors of this Unhappiness) finding their Religion and Greatness must be maintained by Power and Policy; and Conscious to themselves, that their Lives and Doctrine held no good Correspondence with the Purity and Poverty of their Predecessors, took a course (because they had little left of their own) to trade with the Piety of the Ages past, and prop up their own Ignorance and Sloath by that means. To work they go; They make Gods of the deceased Propogators of Christianity, and Enshrine their Rotten Bones, or those of others in cases of Gold and Silver. The next thing was, to perswade or Compel the people to adore them. In this Erecting a new Order of demy-Gods, they imitated the Pagans in their Wickedness, but not in their Vertue or Valour, and clapt the Festivals of these new Pa-Gods into the Calender in places of the old Holy-dayes of Saturn, Minerva, and Bacchus, &c. This Project answered expectation; they grew greater, but not better. The Miracles pretendedly wrought at those Shrines, and multitude of Ceremonies, dazled the Vulgar, supported the Reputation, and supplied the Defect of the Clergy. The glorious Lives, Wonders and Martyrdoms of the Antients were made into Mantles to hide the Ignorance, Lust, and Avarice of worthless Impostors; and Laws made every where, were made to restrain Men from peeping into the Ark of the Church. And to strip Princes privily of their Power and to draw their Subjects to other dependencies, numorous Orders, and Societies are Conjured up (as though the Laity had not groaned enough under the Seculars) to Erect a Kingdom in every Kingdom for the Pope, and to supply him in every [Page 4]Corner with a Villain Spiritual, to Stab or Poison what Potentates he pleases.
Things thus Jog'd on till the days of our Grand-Fathers, when in England the Pope and his Clergy were secluded; and it was made death for any Romish Priest to enter the Realm; yet since, they have not only come hither, but by the help of Factors and Proselites acquired great Estates in these Kingdomes, and arrived to a height of no less Confidence than of ruling the Rost, destroying us [...] i [...]roduceing Popery. This is as clear as Noon-day, by many Testimonies, among which, this Oath following is a most Notorious Evidence, on which I shall make some Remarks.
The Oath of Secrecy, given by
William Rushton, to me
Robert Bolron, the Second of
February. 1676.
+ In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
I Robert Bolron, being in the presence of Almighty God, the blessed Mary ever Virgin / the blessed Michael the Arch-Angel / the blessed St. John Baptist, the holy Apostles / St. Peter and St. Paul, and all the Saints in Heaven / and to you my Ghostly Father / do declare / and in my Heart believe the Pope, Christ's Vicar General to be the true / and only Head of Christ's Church here on Earth / and that by vertue of the Keys of Binding and Loosing / given his Holiness by our Saviour Christ, he hath Power to depose all Heretical Kings and Princes / and cause them to be killed. Therefore / to the utmost of my power / I will defend this Doctrin / and his Holinesses Rights / against all Vsurpers whatever; especially against the now pretended King of England, in regard that he bath broke his Vows with his Holinesses Agents beyond Seas / and not performed his Promises in bringing into England the Holy Roman Catholick Religion. I do Renounce / and Disown any Allegiance as due to the said pretended King of England, or Obedience to any of his inferiour Officers and Majestrates; but do believe the Protestant Doctrine to be Heretical and Damnable; and that all are Damn'd which do not forsake the same; and to the best of my power / will help his Holinesses Agents here in England, to extirpate / and root out the said Protestant Doctrine / and to destroy the said pretended King of England, and all such of his Subjects / as will not adhere to the Holy See of Rome, [Page 5] and the Religion there professed. I further do promise and declare / that I will keep secret and private / and not divulge directly or indirectly / by Word / Writing / or Circumstance / whatever shall be proposed / given in charge / or discovered to me / by you my Ghostly Father / or any other engaged in the promoting of this pious and holy Design; and that I will be active / and not desist from the carrying of it on: and that no hopes of Rewards / Threats / or Pumshments / shall make me discover the rest concerned in so pious a Work; and if discovered / shall never confess any Accessaries / with my self concerned in this Design. All which I do swear by the Blessed Trinity / and by the Blessed Sacrament / which I now purpose to receive / to perform / and on my part / to keep inviolable: And do call all the Angels / and Saints in Heaven / to witness my real intention to keep this Oath. In Testimony whereof / I do receive this most holy and blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist.
It is manifest, that the Grandees of the Roman Church make no more account of Religion, than the profit and convenience it brings along with it, are able to compence: Yet they ever begin with a Holy Canticum, In nomine Patris; by such means inducing the People to swallow their gilded Pills, or Poysons rather, to the destruction oftentimes of Body and Soul too.
In this wicked thing call'd an Oath, they Blasphemously set up the Blessed Mary, St. Michael, St. John, St. Peter, St. Paul, and Rushton the Priest, in an equal Classis with God Almighty; But mention not Christ, till they come to declare the Pope to be his Vicar, and that thereby the Pope hath Letters-Patents to impower him to do what he shall think fit, in Heaven, Hell, Earth, and in Purgatory, to Depose and Kill Heretick-Kings, yea, and Catholick ones too, when he wants opportunity to advance a Harlot, a Bastard, or a Nephew. In such cases, a Chastel, a Clement, a Ravilliack, or a Pickering, are ever ready to transmit whom he pleases, into another World, whil'st himself, without such help, but not without Money, puts a Soul into Heaven, or pulls one out of Purgatory.
Indeed this Oath is its own Herald, It is its own Comment; every word of it is Rebellion, Treason, and Murther, styl'd hypocritically Pious and Holy Designs; it was stampt in the Mint of the Jesuits, and is a very notable Comment, upon that Oath (which Blessed Ignatius Loyala) imposed upon his Spiritual Mamaluks, and may give us to understand, that Romish Wickedness is sublimated since these days, into [Page 6]a much higher spirit of Treachery and Impiety. The Oath then made to the Father General is as followeth.
Ego N. Professionem facio, & promitto omnipotenti Deo, coram ejus Virgine Matre, & Ʋniversa caelesti Curia, ac omnibus circumstantibus; & tibi Patri Reverendo N. Praeposito Generali Societatis Jesu, Locum Dei tenenti, & successoribus tuis vel tibi Reverendo Patri, vice Praeposito Generali Societatis Jesu, & successoribus tuis, locum Dei tenenti, perpetuam paupertatem, Castitatem, & Obedientiam, & secundum eas, peculiarem Curam, circa puerorem Eruditionem, juxta formam vivendi in Litteris Apostolicis Socitatis Jesu, & in ejus Constitutionibus contentam; insuper promitto specialem Obedientiam Summo Pontifici circa Missiones, prout in eisdem Literis Apostolicis & Constitutionibus continetur.
Which is Englished Thus:
I N. Make my Profession / and promise to the Omnipotent God, before his Virgin Mother / and all the whole Court of Heaven / and all that here stand by, and to you our Reverend Father / the Father General of the Society of Jesus, Gods Lieutenant; and to your Successors (or to you Reverend Father / in place of the General of the Society of Jesus, Gods Lieutenant / and his Successors) perpetual Poverty / Chastity / and Obedience; and accordingly / peculiar care in the Erudition of Youth / consentancous to the form of Living / contained in the Apostolick Letters of the Society of Jesus, and in the Constitutions thereof. Moreover / I promise special Obedience to the Pope, concerning Missions / as contained in the same Apostolick Letters and Constitutions.
Our New Explanation or Exposition, far exceeds the Old Text, and is a Superstructure upon that pristine Foundation of Villany, erected since those times. The Blessed Trinity, the Holy Sarcament, and the whole Host of Heaven, are made stalking Horses for impious Mortals in the ungodly, uncharitable, Anti-christian Works of ruining Kings, Kingdomes, and all Mankind besides themselves, only to set up the Court of Rome, and a despotick Power. These horrid Impieties (but that we are promised the gates of Hell shall not prevail against them) might make consciencious men, with Trembling, presage and dread, That the Ruin of Christianty is not far off. These men, when they swear their misled Proselites into Treasons, Murthers, Fellonies and Secrecy, [Page 7]little mind to consider what is taught in Holy Writ concerning an Oath, Jerem. 4.2. And thou shalt Swear, The Lord liveth in Truth, in Judgment, and in Righteousness, &c. What regard these Oaths have to Truth, Judgment and Righteousness, let the Reader take notice and proceed to observe one unparrallel'd Clause in the Oath, viz. And that no hopes of Reward, Threats or Punishments, shall make me Discover the Rest, concerned in so Pious a Work; and if discovered shall never confess any Accessaries with my self concerned in this Design.
Here they lead their Proselites into a Laberynth of wickedness; but then they leave them no way or means to dis-ingage themselves, or others out of it, and consequently to be Hanged and Damn'd afterwards. This may learn the most Wilful and most Obstinate Charity, to have a care how it extends it self, in believing the words of the late dying Jesuits and others, Dicite Justitiam Moniti, And let it teach all good Protestants the nature of these Romish Wolves, who though they change their Hair, will never change their Hearts.
Now having given an Account of the Oath of Secrecy; next I will render you an Account how the Jesuits and Popish Priests do insinuate themselves into the hearts of those, that they insnare to ingage in this damnable Design: which particularly being exemplifi'd in my own self, may serve as instructions, how others were induced and incouraged to propagate their Hellish Principles; The Relation is as followeth.
About the latter end of January 1676: Thomas Thwing a Priest, and William Rushton, another Popish Priest, who was my Ghostly Father, came to my House at Shippon-hall, in Yorkshire, and did there examine me how I was affected and did like the Romish Relgion, since I was of it, and if there were any occasion, what would I do for the good of that Religion? To whom I replyed, that I was so well affected to the Romish Religion, that I would venture my Life and Estate in the Manageing of any Design whatsoever, for the good of that RELIGION. The Priests then said, That they were glad to hear me in so good a Humour, and did heartily wish, that all the Catholicks in England were of my mind, and further did tell me, that all England in a little time would be Roman Catholicks; for that the Duke of York, next Heir to the Crown, had renounced the Protestant Religion. Therefore force was to be used for the more speedy bringing him to the Crown. But added, that before I could be any further acquainted with the particulars of [Page 8]this Design, I must first take the aforementioned Oath of Secrecy, which all good Catholicks must take; for if any Catholicks did refuse it, they could not be admitted to know of their Designs and contrivances: For that Sir Thomas Gascoigne, Thomas Gascoigne Esquire, and other Gentlemen, had taken the same, and engaged themselves, and given Security for their respective performances.
Then I told the said Priests that I would not deny to take it, for I would obey my Ghostly Father in all things. And on Candlemas day 76. I did accordingly go to Barmbow-hall, as was formerly agreed, where I did hear Mass, and take the Oath of Secrecy from the hands of my Ghostly Father, to be private, and keep secret the Design of killing his Sacred Majesty, and the destruction of all such Protestants, as would not be of the Romish Religion; Which Oath of Secrecy is before related, and is the true Copy of the said Oath as I got it from the said Rushton accidentally, the very same day it was Ministred unto me by him.
Before I did take the Oath of Secrecy, I did go to Confession, where my Ghostly Father in my said Confession did tell me that I must Believe, That it was a mortal Sin to Reveal what was told me by my Ghostly Father in my Confession, and that I was certainly Damned, if ever I did Discover the concerns of this Design, or taking the said Oath of Secrecy.
But after I had taken the said Oath of Secrecy, and was Acquainted with the Design, when ever I went to Confession, my Ghostly Father would be sure to Examine me, how I had kept my Oath; upon which, if my Father Confessor did Judg, that I had not so truly kept the same, as I ought to have done, then must I have taken the same Over again. Besides, my Ghostly Father did frequently Teach me how to make use of Equivocations and Mental Reservations.
First, How to defend my self against the Protestants, if I were ask't by a stranger whether Mr. Rushton were a Priest; That then I might lawfully deny it, or upon Oath before a Magistrate, I might possitively deny my knowledge of Rushton to be a Popish Priest: but then I must privately to my self make use of this Equivocation, That I did not see the said Rushton take his Orders beyond Sea, therefore could not swear him to be a Priest. And then followed the benefit of Absolution for this or any other service done for the good of the Romish Religion.
And indeed my Penance in Confession, was once enjoyned me by Father [Page 9] Rushton to lash my self with a Cat of nine Tailes, or Discipline, because I did not deny with Asseverations to one Mr. Burman that he was no Popish Priest; although I did not confess the same to Mr. Burman, yet he alledged, that I did it but faintly, and therefore that should be my Penance.
Secondly, If Reproacht by the Protestants; that they of the Romish Religion made no Conscience to destroy those that were of contrary Opinion to them.
Then with Imprecations I might lawfully deny the same; only making use of this Reservation to my self, that I must deny any thing which is against the Interest of the Church: besides, if I should own it to be the Doctrine of the Romish Church, that then the Protestants would beat out my Brains, as was taught me by my Ghostly Father Rushton.
Thirdly, That since the Discovery of this Popish Plot, if I did at any time hear the Protestants discourse, that they of the Romish Church did Teach the Murthering of Kings and Princes, and that the King was to have been Murthered by the Papists, that then I must Vindicate the Romish Religion, Arguing, that such Doctrine the Papists held not, with Reservation to my self, that I must not own such a Design, unless effected, believing that Protestants being Hereticks had no Power to examine me, neither was I obliged to answer directly to the Question.
The Ceremonies, Manner, and Form, used in the taking of the said Oath of Secrecy, is thus.
AT the Chappel door, I did Sprinkle my self with Holy Water, and then went into the Chappel, where bowing towards the Altar, I made the sign of the Cross, and said, Sprinkle me with Hysop and I shall be cleansed, wash me and I shall be whiter than Snow; Then kneeling, I made the Sign of the Cross, and said, In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy-Ghost, Amen. After that, I said certain Prayers used before Confession, and at the Conclusion, made again the Sign of the Cross; which being ended, I went into the Vestry, where kneeling, I ask't my Ghostly Fathers Blessing, as Children usually do their Parents Then after that, I made again the Sign of the Cross, and then had the benefit of Confession, and Absolution from my Sins, and then I went into the Chappel, and said Prayers before receiving the Sacrament.
But when Mass was said, I did not communicate with the rest there present, although the Sacrament was consecrated for me, but after the rest were gone, then William Rushton, my Ghostly Father, call'd me to the Altar, where bowing my Body and kneeling, I made the Sign of the Cross; then I kist the Mass-Book, and laid my right hand upon it, and so had the Oath of Secrecy given me by my Ghostly Father Rushton, repeating it after him. But at these words, In Testimony whereof I do receive this most holy and blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, Rushton put the Sacrament into my Mouth, and said this little Latin Prayer following.
Corpus Domini nostri Jesu Christi Custodiat animam tuam in Vitam Eternam. Amen.
Then again I kist the Mass-Book, held in the Priests Hand, but held my Hand on the Mass-Book all the time I was taking the Oath aforesaid, and after that, rising, bowed my Body to the Altar, in an humble manner, and so returned to my place again.
Now after I had taken the said Oath of Secrecy, Rushton went again into the Vestry, to say his Prayers on his Breviary, but I continued still in the Chappel to say my Prayers used after the taking of the Sacrament. Then after Rushton my Confessor came forth out of the Vestry, he went towards his own Chamber, whither I followed him; but Sir Thomas Gascoigne hastily calling the said Rushton, he laid down his Breviary in his Closet (to which was no door, and is scituate near his Chamber.) which said Breviary I taking up, found therein the said Oath of Secrecy; of which Oath I had a sufficient time to take a true copy, and it is the real copy which is before recited; although when I took the copy of the said Oath, I never intended that any Protestant should have seen it.
The same day were Hallowed for my self two Pistols, which were to be made use of, for the destruction of the Protestant party, if the Roman Catholick Religion had prevailed in England. There were also Swords, Guns and Pistols, Hallowed for Thomas Gascoigne Esquire, and others ingaged in the Popish Plot. And in the said Month of February, I had an Indulgence, or Pardon, for Thirty Thousand Years, given me by the said Rushton, my Ghostly Father, for my Encouragement in my proceedings of being so Zealous against his Majesty, and Goverment; and the Penance enjoyn'd, was to say every day a Letany, for the Intercession, and Conversion of England: but if I did twice a day say the said Letany, then should I each day Redeem a Soul out of Purgatory. But I have [Page 11]heard my Ghostly Father-say, that some Catholicks had their Indulgences for Fifty Thousand Years, others a plenary Indulgence to encourage them to be firmer to this Design, Such a plenary Indulgence, I did see in the Hands of Mr. Mowbray, about the latter end of January, 1676. And the Letany of Intercession for England, is as follows.
- LOrd have mercy on us, Christ hear us.
- Christ have mercy on us,
- Lord have mercy on us, O Christ hear us,
- O Father of Mercy, and God of all Consolation, Have mercy on England,
- O Son, Redeemer of the World, and of all things in Heaven and Earth, the Pacifier, Have mercy on England.
- Holy Mary, Mother of God, and Mother of Mercy, Pray for England.
- Holy Mary, who hast destroy'd all Heresies, Pray for England.
- Holy Virgin of Virgins, Famous in England for many Miracles, Pray for England.
- St, Michael, Prince of the Church, Pray for England.
- St. Gabriel, Privy to the Mysteries of God, Pray for England.
- St. Raphael, Faithful Guide of Travellers, Pray for England.
- Holy Angel, Prince of England, Pray for England.
- St. John Baptist, Master, and Form of Pennance, Pray for England.
- All Holy Patriarks, and Prophets, Friends of God and Preachers of Truth, Pray for England.
- St. Peter, Pastor of Sheep, and Prince of the Apostles, Pray for England.
- St. Paul, Doctor of the Gentiles in Faith and Verity, Pray for England.
- St. Andrew, Friend and Lover of the Cross, Pray for England.
- All Holy Apostles, and Evangelists, and special Increasers of Christianity, Faith and Unity, Pray for England.
- All holy Innocents slain for Christ, Pray for England.
- St. Stephen, Pray for England.
- St. Alban, Pray for England.
- St. Sophias, Pray for England.
- St. German, Pray for England.
- St. Kylian, Pray for England.
- St. Tancon, Pray for England.
- St. Isenger, Pray for England.
- St. Lucius King, Pray for England.
- St. Amphibale, Pray for England.
- St. George, Pray for England.
- St. Coleman, Pray for England.
- St. Adrian, Pray for England.
- St. Ethelred K. Pray for England.
- St. Edmund King, Pray for England.
- St. Edward King, Pray for England.
- St. Thomas of Canterbury, Pray for England.
- All holy Martyrs of England, Scotland and Ireland, Pray for England.
- St. Fugatius and Damianus, Pray for England.
- St. Gregory and St. Augustine, Pray for England.
- [Page 12]St. Ethelbert King, St. Patrick and St. Columbe, Pray for England.
- St. Pethno and St. Cuthbert, St. Furseus and St. Malachy, Pray for England.
- St. John and St. David, St. Brandon and St. Fiaker, Pray for England.
- St. Archibald and St. Macarius, St. Marianus and St. Alexander, Pray for England.
- St. Bennet, St. Boniface & St. Bede, St. Dunstan, St. Henry & St. Robert, Pray for England.
- S. Richard, St. Roger & St. Hugh, St. Gilbert, St. Lanfrank & St. Anseline, Pray for England.
- All holy Bishops and Confessors of England, Scotland and Ireland, Pray for England.
- St. Helen Queen, St. Ʋrsula, St. Agnes, S. Bridget, S. Buryen & S. Tecla, Pray for England.
- St. Agatha, St. Mechtil, St. Maxentia, St. Christine and St. Winefred, Pray for England.
- St. Ethelred Queen, and St. Margaret Queen, Pray for England.
- All holy Virgins, and Martyrs of England, Scotland and Ireland, Pray for England.
- All blessed and holy Saints of Places, Pray for England.
- From all imminent perils of Sins, and Backslidings, Deliver England O Lord,
- From the Spirit of Pride and Apostacy, Ambition and Rebellion, Deliver England O Lord,
- From all Hardness & Blindness of Heart, Surfetting & Drunkenness, Deliver England O Lord,
- From the the Desires and Liberty of the Flesh, Deliver England O Lord,
- From Hatred, Contempt and Neglect of Sacred Things, Deliver England O Lord,
- From Prophaning of Churches, and from all Sacriledge, Deliver England O Lord,
- From the tyranny & cruelty of Hereticks which it now groans under, Deliver England O Lord,
- From wicked and pernicious Councils. Deliver England O Lord,
- We Sinners, O God of pity, do beseech Thee to Hear us.
- That thou wouldst direct the Popes Holiness, and all Prelates, to pacifie and govern the Church, O Lord, we beseech Thee to hear us.
- That thou wouldst be pleased to bring again into this Kingdom, the Antient Catholick, Apostolick, and Roman Faith, O Lord, we beseech Thee to hear us.
- That thou wouldst put into the Hearts of all Christian Kings and Princes, Unity, Peace and Concord, and that their fervent Zeal may be stirred up to put their helping Hands to reduce it to the Obedience to the Holy See of Rome. O Lord, we beseech Thee to hear us.
- That thou wouldst comfort and fortifie all such as suffer Imprisonment, loss of Goods, or other Affliction, for the Catholick Faith. O Lord, we beseech Thee to hear us.
- That neither by Frailty or Enticements, or any Torments, thou permit any of us to fall from thee, O Lord, we beseech Thee to hear us.
- That thou wouldst give us perfect patience in our Afflictions, and to make Ghostly Profit of all our Miseries, O Lord, we beseech Thee to hear us.
- [Page 13]That thou wouldst mercifully hasten the Conversion of England, Scotland and Ireland, from the Infection of Heresy and Infidelity. O Lord, we beseech Thee to hear us.
- That thou wouldst deliver and keep in these times of Persecution, the Pastor of our Souls, from the hands of their Enemies, O Lord, we beseech Thee to hear us.
- That thou wouldst daily augment in them the Fire of thy Love, and the Zeal of gaining Souls, O Lord, we beseech Thee to hear us.
- That thou wouldst preserve all the Catholicks of this Land in Holiness of Life, and from all manner of Sin and Scandal, O Lord, we beseech Thee to hear us.
- That thou wouldst so adorn us with Holiness of Life and Conversation, that our Enemies seeing our good Works, may glorifie thee our Heavenly Father, O Lord, we beseech Thee to hear us.
- That thou wouldst reduce from Error, and Heresy, our Parents, Friends, and Benefactors, whom thou hast so dearly bought with thy precious Blood. O Lord, we beseech Thee to hear us.
- That thou wouldst Illuminate the Hearts of all Schismaticks, which live out of the Church, to see the grievous danger of their Estate, O Lord, we beseech Thee to hear us.
- That thou wouldst mercifully look down from Heaven upon the Blood of so many Martyrs, as have given their Lives to Convert us unto thee, O Lord, we beseech Thee to hear us.
- Jesus Christ, Son of God, & of the Virgin Mary, We beseech thee to hear us.
- Jesus Christ, Saviour & Redeemer of the world, We beseech thee to hear us.
- Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the world, Spare us O Lord.
- Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the world, Hear us O Lord,
- Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the world, Have mercy on us.
- Lord have Mercy, Pater noster, &c.
- Christ have Mercy, Et ne nos inducas, &c.
- Lord have Mercy, Sed libera nos a malo.
About the latter end of October, or the beginning of Nvember, 1678. my Occasions called me to Leeds-Market within 4 Miles of my habitation, and a Market that I frequently used: after my particular business was done, my curiosity lead me (as usually I did) to a Coffee house; where amongst other News and Reports, I heard that one Sir Edmund bury Godfrey, a Justice of Peace at London, was missing, and that it was suspected and feared, that he was Murthered, or made away by the Papists.
At my return home, I repaired to Sir Thomas Gascoigns House at Barmbow, one quarter of a mile from my House, and there meeting his Son Thomas Gascoigne Esq I acquainted him with the News I heard at Leedes.
Who thereupon took a Letter out of his pocket directed to himself, which he shewed me; which Letter was subscribed J. Corker, wherein he acquainted the Esquire in words to this effect: That Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey had been a very busy man, and a great Enemy to the Catholiques, therefore they had procured him to be Destroyed.
And some few days after, we had the same thing confirm'd in Print, viz. That he was Murthered. Upon which my Ghostly Father (William Rushton) sent for me, to come to Mass at Sir Thomas Gascoignes House; and at confession, did charge me to give out, That I heard that Sir Edmundbury Godfrey was a melancholy Gentleman, and in a Discontent went into the Feilds, and there Murdered himself with his own Sword.
Which accordingly I did, as occasion offer'd, in all companies I happened into; but was contradicted by many; and by some, that it could not be, for, that his Neck was broke, which he could not do after he had Murdered himself; nor be capable to do it, if his Neck was broke before: And being thus run down in my Assertions, I acquainted my said Ghostly Father (William Rushton) therewith, who told me, he had received new Instructions, which he shewed me in writing, and were to this Effect:
That Sir Edmundbury Godfrey was a Gentleman who had often attempted to Destroy himself; that he did really hang himself in his own Silk-girdle, in his chamber at the Beds-feet; which being Discovered, two of his Servants acquainted his Brothers therewith; who coming thither, contrived his taking down, and the carrying him to the place where he was found, where they run his Corps through on purpose to throw it on the Papists, thereby to save the Estate to themselves, and from being Forfeited to the King: and that the two Servants had Fifty Pounds a peice given them to keep it private. He also said, that one of them, which was a Maid-Servant, did offer to discover this contrivance to his Majesty and Council, but that she was by them rejected: Nevertheless, for all this (at the same time) Rushton did own to me, that he was Murthered by the Papists, but by what hands he knew not; and further, he seemed much concern'd that it was done; wishing it had never been done, because it would make the Murther of the King, the more difficult to be performed.