ANIMADVERTIONS ON THE Papists Most Wicked AND Bloody Oath of Secrecy Given to Robert Bolron by William Ruston a Jesuit, For the Murdering of Kings, Princes and their People, and carrying on their Devilish and Hellish Designs for Subverting the Protestant Religion in England and Ireland.
I Robert Bolron, being in the Presence of Almighty God, the blessed Mary ever Virgin, the blessed Michael the Arch-Angel, the blessed St. John Baptist, the holy Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul, and all the Saints in Heaven, and to you my Ghostly Father, do declare, and in my Heart believe the Pope, Christ's Vicar General, to be the true and only Head of Christ's Church here on Earth, and that by virtue of the Keyes of Binding and Loosing, given his Holiness by our Saviour Christ, he hath Power to depose all Heretical Kings and Princes, and cause them to be Killed. Therefore, to the utmost of my Power, I will defend this Doctrine, and his Holinesses Rights, against all Usurpers whatever; especially against the now pretended King of England, in regard that he hath broke his Vows with his Holinesses Agents beyond Seas, and not performed his Promises in bringing into England the holy Roman Catholick Religion. I do renounce and disown any Allegiance as due to the said pretended King of England, or Obedience to any of his inferior Officers and Magistrates; but do believe the Protestant Doctrine to be Heretical and Damnable, and that all are Damn'd which do not forsake the same; and to the best of my Power will help his Holinesses Agents here in England, to extirpate and root out the said Protestant Doctrine, and to destroy the said pretended King of England, and all such of his Subjects as will not adhere to the holy See of Rome, and the Religion there professed. I further do promise and declare, That I will keep Secret and Private, and not Divulge directly or indirectly, by Word, Writing or Circumstance, whatever shall be proposed, given in Charge, or discovered to me by you my Ghostly Father, or any other engaged in the promoting of this pious and holy Design; and that I will be Active, and not Desist from the carrying of it on: and that no hopes of Rewards, Thrcats or Punishments, shall make me Discover the rest concerned in so pious a Work; and if Discovered, shall never confess any Accessaries, with my self concerned in this Design. All which I do Swear by the Blessed Trinity, and by the Blessed Sacrament, which I now purpose to receive, to perform, and on my part, to keep inviolable; And do call all the Angels, and Saints in Heaven to witness my real Intention to keep this Oath. In Testimony whereof, I do Receive this most Holy and Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist.
A few Words to the Papists of England.
O Ye Papists! your own Reason cannot but tell you, That every Word in this Oath is Hypocrisie, Perjury, Murder, Rebellion and Treason, both against God, the King and his People, and your own Souls, thus to call your damnable Plot a Holy and Pious design, to call Evil Good, and Good Evil, to put Darkness for Light, and [Page]Light for Darkness; and all this for nothing but to satisfie a filthy Humour in you, in a blind Hope of a blind Reward, ye know not what your selves, a little Worldly preferment, a release out of Purgatory, or a Pardon from the Pope, (a sinful Wretch that cannot get Pardon of Christ for himself) a false Vicar, and a Judas Traytor to Christ in selling him for Money, in hiding his Commandments from People to maintain Mammon, and to gull the People by a few gawdy Shrines, Buildings and Pictures, just like the Heathenish Religion of Apollo at Delphos, or like Diana at Ephesus. The Lord lighten your Darkness and open your Eyes, that ye may see the Truth and be saved, in turning from these Wayes of Hell, and from being thus blinded in Religion and mis-led by those Agents of the Devil, and his Vicar the Pope; for surely the Pope is the Devil's Vicar, (rather then Christ's Vicar) because the Pope deludeth Souls, which is the Devil's business; consider it well, and ye will find it so.
Why are ye so bewitched as not to read the Bible, but to believe Errors and Lyes?
Why do ye pin your Belief upon the Sleeves of your Priests, as to think all is true whatsoever they tell you, never looking into the Scriptures to see whether they speak true or no?
If ye be Subjects to the Roman Emperor, then indeed the Pope of Rome is your Arch-Bishop, otherwise not; for if ye be loyal Subjects to the King of England, then the chief Bishop of England is your Arch-Bishop, and not the Roman Pope. How can ye imagine that the Roman Emperors Arch-Bishop (or Pope of Rome) ever had any right in England since the Departure of the Roman Emperors from the Government of England; or that Austin the Monk was not sent on purpose to seduce the Saxon Kings then in England?
How can ye prove that Images, Crosses, Altars, or any work of mens Hands may lawfully be adored, worshipped, or bowed towards?
How can ye prove there is a Purgatory after this Life, where Souls may be prayed out for Money?
And how can ye prove that either the Roman Pope, or any of his Priests are the true Ministers of Christ, or have the Keys of binding and loosing, in regard they obtained their Offices by Sinister means, only for Lucre of Preferment in this World? And how dare ye trust that they or any of them can pardon your Sins?
How can ye prove that the words of Consecration spoken by them, or any of them, can turn Bread and Wine, or Wafers, into the very Body and Blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ, or that our Saviour did not speak those words in a Parable or Similtude, seeing it is written, Without a Parable spake he nothing?
Do ye not know that your Priests have left out God's second Commandment, both in your Mass-Books and in your Catechisms, and made two of the tenth to make up the number of the Ten Commandments? And is it not on purpose to delude you, and to make you Worship Images? And is not the Bible kept from you on purpose to delude your Souls from knowing the Truth?
How can ye prove that the Souls of St Peter, St Paul, or any of the Saints in Heaven can hear Peoples Prayers on Earth? or that there is any Intercessor betwixt God and a Sinner but our Saviour himself?
How dare ye say that all People on Earth are Hereticks, but Papists? or that it is Meritorious to kill a Heretick?
O Repent, and be Converted, for we do assure you, that ye do Err greatly, not knowing the Scriptures nor the Precepts of God.