A Is the first Letter among the Greekes, which they call Alpha, from the first of the Hebrews, Aleph: It is sometimes used in numbers, as Alpha the first, Beta the second, Gamma the third. In the Greek composition it has a divers use; but the privative is most to our purpose; for being set before a simple word, it deprives or takes away its proper signification.
Cicero calls A, literam salutarem, a comfortable Letter; because it was a note of Absolution; but C, literam tristem, a sorrowful letter; because it denoted Condemnation. See Ignoramus.
Abacted (abactus) driven away by violence or stealth; also deposed.
Abaddon (Hebr. [...] Abadh▪) the Devil, so called in the New Testam. Apoc 9.11. quasi, A bad one; it properly signifies one that burns with a desire of destroying men.
Abandon (from the Span. Abandonar) to banish or prescribe: to leave or forsake.
Abannition (abannitio) a banishing for a year, properly among the Greeks for manslaughter.
Abate (from the Fr. Abatre▪ i. to break down or destroy) signifies, in its vulgar sence, to diminish or take away; as to abate the courage of a man; so one that abateth in Lands and Tenements, by his entry diminishes and takes away the freehold in Law descended to the Heir. In another sence it signifies to beat down or overthrow, as to abate [Page] Castles, Houses and the like; and to abate a Writ, is to destroy it for a time through want of good ground or other defect: And hence comes Abatement, which in our Common Law, is an entry into Land by interposition of one that has no right after the death of the Ancestor, and before the entry of the Heir.
Abba (Syriack) Father; So Christ expounds it, Mark. 14.36. and St. Paul, Rom. 3.15.
Abbat or Abbot (from Hebr. [...] Abh, or the Syriack Abba, i.e. Father) a spiritual Lord that has the rule and preheminence over a Religious House.
Abbord (from the Italian abbordare) to go near the shore; also to bord or grapple with a ship. Florio.
Abeyance or Abayence (from the Fr. Bayer, i. to gape, covet, or expect) our Lawyers would signifie hereby a kind of hope or longing expectance; because those things that are in Abeyance, though for the present in no man, yet they are, in hope and expectation, belonging to him who is next to enjoy them. When the Parson of a Church dies, we say the Freehold is in abeyance (because the Church is in expectation of a successor) in Potentia, as Logicians phrase it. Co. on Lit. l. 3. c. 11. Sect. 646.
Abbreviator (Latin) one that abridges or makes a brief draught of a thing. In Rome there are Officers belonging to the Pope, called Abbreviators de parco majori (whose Office is to endite letters at request of suppliants, which inditing is termed a rough draught, or copy of the Request) And Abbreviators also de parco minori, whom the Italians call Giannizzeri, who also attend on the expedition of Letters. 1. Part Treasury of Times.
Abbreviature (abbreviatura) a brief writing, an Abridgment or brief of a thing.
Abdals, a kind of Religious people among the Persians who take their name from Abdala, Father of Mahomet; they have no abode, vow poverty, lodge in Churches, &c. Herb. Travels, p 167.
Abdera. A City in Thrace, where Democritus the laughing Philosopher lived. Hence Abderian laughter is used for mad, foolish, or incessant laughter; and Abderite, for Democritus, or any inhabitant of that place.
Abdicate (abdico) to reject, to renounce, to refuse.
Abdication (abdicatio) a rejecting or refusing.
Abdominous (from abdomen) pertaining to the outward or former part of the belly, or to an insatiable panch; unweildy, gross, panch-bellied. Mr. Fuller.
Abduct (abduco) to lead away by force, or flattery; to entice, to withdraw.
[Page] Abduction (abductio) a leading or taking away.
Abecedary (abecedarius) pertaining to the Cross-row, or the A, B, C.
Abecedarian (abecedarius) one that teacheth or learns the Cross-row, or the A, B, C.
Abel (Hebr.) a mans name, signifying mourning or vanity.
Abequitate (abequito) to ride away or from.
Aberration (aberratio) a wandring or straying out of the way. Dr. Brown, in his Vulgar Errors, uses the word Aberrancy, in the same sense.
Abessed or Abbaised (Fr. abaissé) debased, dejected, humbled, bent, or brought down. Rush. Dialog.
Abet, in our Common Law signifies to encourage or set on to some evill: also to maintain or patronize.
Abgregate (abgrego) to lead out or from the flock, to separate.
Abhorrency (from abhorreo) an abhorring, hating, or detesting. L. Bacon.
Abject (abjectus) cast away, condemned, base.
Abigat (Hebr.) the Fathers joy, or Father of joy.
Abissines. See Abyssines.
Abition (abitio) a going away or dying.
Abjudicate (abjudico) to give away by judgment.
Abjuration (abjuratio) a forswearing or renouncing by Oath. In our Common Law it is an Oath taken to forsake the Realm for ever. But there is a latter Oath so called; which concerns matters of belief, and was confirmed and established by Ordinance, 1643. ca. 15. and enlarged 1656. ca. 16. which may be tendred to any person, suspected of Popish Recusancy, at the age of 16. and is impugned by a notable Treatise called the Christian Moderator, Part 3.
Ablactation (ablactatio) a weaning as children from the Mothers Teat, or young beasts from their dam.
Ablation (ablatio) a taking away or from, a bearing away by stealth.
Ablectick (ablectus) that is set forth or garnished for sale.
Ablegation (ablegatio) a sending forth or out of the way.
Ablepsy (ablepsia) blindness of mind, unadvisedness, inconsiderateness.
Abligate (abligo) to bind from.
Ablocate (abloco) to set to hire, to take from one and set to another.
Ablution (ablutio) a washing off, a rensing away.
Abnegate (abnego) to deny earnestly or refuse, to say no.
Abnodate (abnodo) to prune or cut away knots from Trees.
Abolition (abolitio) an abolishing, disannulling or destroying utterly.
[Page] Abone (from the Ital. abonare or abbonare) to make good or seasonable, to ripen.
Abominate (abominor) to detest or abhor.
Abortion (abortio) the casting of the young, a bringing forth before time. Dr. Brown uses the word (Abortment) in this sense, and I have read Aborcement.
Abortive (abortivus) any thing brought forth before its time, that is delivered untimely, still-born.
Abradacarba (whence or what language quaere, but) Samonicus Serenus ascribes a vertue to the word against Agues. Cambden.
Abraiamins, a certain kind of Sorcerers or Enchanters among the Indians. Treasury of Times.
Abrasion (abrasio) a shaving away.
Abrenunciation (abrenunciatio) a forsaking or renouning.
Abricot or Apricot plumb, quasi in aprico coctus. i. ripened in the Sun; because they grow not, unless in the Sun and warmth. Min.
Abrodictical (abrodiaetus) that feeds daintily, curious in diet.
Abrogate (abrogo) to disannul, take away or repeal: to lay aside, as of no use or fruit. See Prorogue.
Abrupt (abruptus) broken off, rash, sudden, out of order.
Absolonism, The opinion or practice of Absolom, i. disobedience or rebellion against Parents.
Abscession (abscessio) a departing or going away.
Abscission (abscissio) a cutting off or away.
Absconding (abscondens) hiding, concealing.
Absconsion (absconsio) a hiding or concealing.
Absentaneous (absentaneus) done in absence, pertaining to absence.
Absolution (absolutio) a dismissing, forgiving or discharging.
Absonant Absonous (absonus) untuneable, jarring, unlike, confused.
Absorb (absorbeo) to sup up all, to drink up, to consume, to devour. Bac.
Absorpt (absorptus) supped up, devoured, swallowed up.
Abstemious (abstemius) that drinks no wine, sober, temperate, moderate in diet.
Abstention (abstentio) an abstaining, or a with-holding an heir from taking possession of his Land. Cressy.
Absterge (abstergeo) to wipe away, to cleanse or put away. Feltham.
Abstract (from abstraho) a small work or draught taken out of a greater. Also a term in Logick. See Concrete.
Abstersion (abstersio) a wiping away, or wiping out, a cleansing.
Abstersive (abstersus) that wipes or makes clean.
[Page] Abstrude (abstrudo) to thrust away or out, to hide, to shut up. Fel.
Abstruse Abstrusive (abstrusus) hid, secret, dark, not easie to be understood.
Abstrusity (from abstrudo) darkness, secresie. Dr. Brown.
Absurd (absurdus) foolish, harsh, without wit or grace.
Abvolate (abvolo) to flye or vanish away.
Abyrtace, a dainty kind of meat with the Medes and other barbarous Nations, sharp, and quick of taste, to provoke and please the appetite, composed of Leeks, Garlike, Cresses, Senvie, Pomgranate kernels, and such like. Plut. Mor.
Abysme (abysmus) the same with Abyss.
Abyssines (Abyssini) the people of that part of Aethiopia which is subject to Prester John.
Abysse (abyssus) a bottomless gulph or pit, any deepness that cannot be sounded. Hence
Abysmal. Deep, bottomless.
Academy (Academia) a woody or shady place near Athens, where Plato taught; so called from Ecademus, one of the Hero's; now taken for any famous Shool or University; hence Philosophers of the Sect of Plato are called Academicks. In Alexandria (now called Scanderia) in Aegypt, Gautenus (saith Heylyn) read Divinity and Philosophy in the year 180. from whom it is thought the Orders of instituting Universities first began in Christendom.
Academick Academical (academicus) belonging to such a School or Academy,
Acatalepsy (acatalepsia) incomprehensibleness: the Opinion of the Sceptiques.
Accelerator (Latin) a hastner. Bac.
Accelerate (accelero) to hasten or make speed unto.
Accent (accentus) tune, tenor, the rising and falling of the voice, the due sound over any word or letter, or the mark of any letter which directs the pronunciation. There are also accents of sentences; as in the close of a period we let fall the voice, in a demand, raise it.
Acceptilation (acceptilatio) a verbal Acquittance.
Accerse (accersio) to call forth, to send for; to provoke, to accuse.
Accesse (accessus) an approaching or coming to, an increasing, a growing, a passage, or a way to a place. The Access of an Ague, is the approach or coming of the fit, and the Recess is when the fit is over or leaves the Patient. In Lancashire they call the Ague it self the Access, as, such a one is sick of the Access.
Accessory Accessary (accessarius) guilty of a sa [...]il [...]: in our Common Law it signifies a man guilty of a fellonious offence not principally, [Page] but by participation, as by commandment, advise or concealment.
Acclamation (acclamatio) a shouting or crying out in liking or disliking.
Acclivity (acclivitas) steepness.
Accolyte. See Acolyte.
Accommodate (accōmodo) to compose, fit, apply to, or lend.
Accommodatitious (accommodatitius) proper, fit, convenient; also applied, inclined, or disposed.
Accordant (Fr.) agreeable, well fitting unto, concordant.
Accordance (Fr.) an accord or agreement; a concord in musick.
Accort (Fr.) discreet, advised, circumspect, foreseeing; also subtile and cunning.
Accost (from the Fr. Accoster, or Ital. accostare) to joyn side to side, to approach or draw near to; also to affront.
Accoutred (from the Fr. Accoustre) attired, arraied, decked, apparelled.
Accoutrement (Fr. Accoustrement) attire, dressing, apparalling: also habit, cloathing, or rayment.
Accretion (accretio) an increasing, or growing.
Accumbing (accumbens) sitting at a Table, lying down. Dr. Br.
Accumulate (accumulo) to heap up, to encrease or load; to gather in heaps.
Accurate (accuratus) curious, diligent, exact.
Accusative (accusativus) that whereby one is accused.
Ac-drinc (Sax.) a kind of drink made of Acornes, used of old, in time of dearth and necessity. Sax. Dict.
Acephalick (acephalus) without head, title, or beginning.
Acephalists (acephali) a kind of Hereticks, that had no Author or beginning; the word importing as much.
Acerbity (acerbitas) a sour or sharp taste, cruelty, roughness.
Acerote (acerotus) full of chaff or straw, course, brown.
Acervate (acervo) to heap to gether, to mough up.
Acersecomick (Acersecomes) one whose hair was never cut.
Acetars (acetaria) sallets or sawces made of roots or herbs mixed with vinegar, to stir up appetite.
Acetosity (acetositas) sourness, sharpness; the substance or taste of vinegar.
Acherontick (acheronticus) wanting joy and comfort; also pertaining to Hell, from Acheron a Lake in Epirus, which (as Poets feigned) who ever passed over, should never return; hence and for its ill colour and taste it is taken for Hell.
Acherusian (acherusius) pertaining to the Lake or River Acherusia, which is taken for the entrance into Hell.
Acidity (aciditas) sharpness, sourness. Lord Bac.
[Page] Acid (acidus) sour, sharp, biting.
Acoustick (Gr.) pertaining to the sense of hearing, or that helps the hearing. Bac.
Acolastick (acolastus) that liveth under no correction, riotous.
Acolyte (acolythus) a Minister, whose office is to bring water, wine, and light to the Altar: also a novice or young proficient.
Aconick (from aconitum) poysonous; or pertaining to the venemous herb called Aconite.
Acqueste (Fr. from acquiro) purchases made, or things bought by the unmarried; or by, or for onely one, (therein different from conquests.)
Acquiesce (acquiesco) to be at rest or quiet, to rest upon, to lean or assent unto.
Acquisition (acquisitio) a getting, obtaining, or purchasing.
Acre (Sax. Aeker) is a certain quantity of land, containing in length 40 Rods, Poles or Pearches, and sour in breadth, or to that quantity, be the length more or less, And, if a man erect a new Cottage, he must lay four Acres of land to it after this measure, ordained by Stat. 31. Eliz. ca. 7.
Acrimony (acrimonia) sharpness, sourness.
Acreamatick (acreamaticus) that hearkens or gives ear to any thing, that requires much study and search; also musical, harmonious, or delightful to the ear and eye.
Acroatick, was that part of Aristotles doctrine which he taught in the Lyceum, wherein his more remote and subtile Philosophy was handled, and such things as appertained to the contemplation of Nature, and dialectic disceptations. Hist. Phil.
Acrocomick (acrocomus) that hath long hair.
Acronychal (acronychus) belonging to those stars which rise in the twi-light, soon after Sun setting.
Acrosticks (acrostichis) a kind of verses, when the first or last letters of every verse make some name, word, or sentence. As these upon Mors.
Acteoned, Horned. A word made from Actaeon, who is poetically feigned to have been turned into a Stag; and it is sometimes used in a waggish sense, for Cuckolded.
Actifs, an order of Friers that wear Tawny habits, and feed on nothing but roots Cotgrave.
[Page] Actitation (actitatio) a debating of a cause in the Law.
Actuality (actualitas) among Philosophers, signifies the perfection of existence or being above formes; as when we say a man is, we say more then when we say a man.
Actual sin. See Venial.
Actius Naevus, a Roman South-sayer of great fame, in the presence of Tarquin did cut a Whetstone in two with a Razor; hence it is we use to say proverbially sharper then Actius his Razor, as in Rel. Med.
Aculeate (aculeatus) that hath a sting or prick, biting, vexing. Bac.
Acuminate (acumino) to make sharp-edged or pointed.
Acuminous (from acumen, minis) sharp edged or pointed: subtile in wit, of a penetrating judgment.
Acupictor (Lat.) an Embroiderer, or any one that works with the Needle.
Acute (acutus) subtile sharp-edged, ingenious, crafty.
Acyrology (acyrologia) improper speech, or a speaking improperly.
Adage (adagium) a Proverb or common saying.
Adagial, proverbial or full of Adages.
Adam (Hebr. i. rubescere) any thing made of red earth; and because man is the most excellent work made of earth, therefore the word Adam stands absolutely for man; and Addam in the Persian tongue, signifies a man. Herb.
Adamantine (adamantinus) belonging to, or hard as an Adamant or Diamond; invincible.
Adamical pertaining to Adam. Dr. Br.
Adamate (adamo) to love dearly, to love foolishly or wantonly; to desire fervently.
Adamites (Adamiani) a Sect of Hereticks begun in Bohemia about two hundred years since, by Adamus Pastor an ignorant fellow, who pretended, forsooth, to raise a sort of sanctified people, but indeed it was rather an herd of shameless beasts; one proper mark of their profession was, to meet stark naked in their Synagogues, which were sometimes hot Stoves, and none were to be admitted into their number, but such as could stand stark naked before the rest of their company, men and women, for the space of an hour, without shame or blushing; they held sundry heretical Doctrines, as that in Christ there was but one Nature, &c. There were in the third age after Christ, some that gave beginning to such a Sect, but failing of acceptance, it dyed, or lay as it were raked up in Embers [Page] till the forenamed Adamus blew this cole in Bohemia, and afterwards about the year 1535 in Holland, chiefly at Amsterdam, Ʋtricht, and Emden, in which and many other places they are still conceived to be lurking.
Addiction (addictio) a deliverance of goods to the possession of another, or to him that offers most.
Additament (additamentum) an addition or increase.
Addomestique (Fr.) tamed, made gentle, housal, familiar.
Adelantado (Spanish) (change the o into e then it is French) a Lord Deputy or President of a Country for the King; a Princes Lieutenant in a Province; also a General or Admiral.
Adeling (Sax.) a Prince or child of a King; a royal youth.
Adelman or Eadelman (Sax.) a Nobleman or Gentleman.
Ademption (ademptio) a taking away or from.
Addoulce (Fr. Adoulcir) to mitigate with sweetness, to make sweet. See Adulce.
Addresse or Adresse (Fr.) a direction; a short course, a neer and ready way. I address my self to such a person, is to resort unto, make towards, or make my application to him.
Adecatist (from a and Decas) one that is against paying Tythes or Tenths.
Adeption (adeptio) an obtaining, acquisition or getting.
Adequate (adaequo) to make even, plain, or level; to advance himself, that he may be even with, or like another.
Adhamate (adhamo) to catch or take with Hook or Net.
Adhesion (adhaesio) a cleaving or sticking unto, a fastning to a thing.
Adjacent (adjacens) that lies near unto or borders upon.
Adiaphorie (adiaphoria) indifferency.
Adiaphorous, Indifferent. Dr- Taylor useth it in his Liberty of Prophecying.
Adjournment (Fr.) is, in our Common Law, an assignment of a day in Court, or a putting off or dissolving a Court till another day; or a warning to appear at a day.
Adipal (adipalis) fat or gross.
Adjument (adjumentum) help, aid, or assistance.
Adjunct (adjunctus) taken Substantively, is a quality joyned to another thing, as heat to fire; weight to lead, &c.
Adjunct (adjectively) joyned to or added unto.
Adjure (adjuro) to command a thing, by interposing the authority and name of God or Christ; As we adjure you by Jesus. Act. 19.13.
Adjuration (adjuratio) a requiring an oath of another. Also an earnest charging or [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] commanding another to say or do somewhat. As when Caiphas said to Christ, I adjure thee by the living God, to tell us if thou art Christ, the Son of God. Mat. 26.63.
Adjutant (adjutans) helping or aiding, properly in that which is good. One that helps another in the discharge of an Office, which is also signified by Coadjutor. Also an Officer in an Army so called.
Adjust (Fr. Adjuster) to place justly, set aptly, couch evenly, joyn handsomly, match fitly, dispose orderly, several things together.
Adjuvate (adjuvo) to help or aid, to further or favor.
Adjutory (adjutorius) that helps or pertains to aid or helping; the two bones which extend from the shoulders to the Elbow, are called Adjutory bones.
Administrator (Lat.) in our Common Law is properly taken for him that hath the goods of a man, dying intestate, committed to his charge by the Ordinary, and is accountable for the same, whenever it shall please the Ordinary to call him thereunto. An Administrator is by the Statute of 31. Edw. 3. cap 11. authorised to dispose of the goods of the deceased as fully, and to be accountable for the same, as Executors. Of Administrators and Executors, see a Treatise written by M. Wentworth of Lincolns Inn.
Administratrix (Lat.) she that hath that charge or office.
Admiration (admiratio) wondering at, marvelling. An Admiration point is thus [!] As when we say, O tempora! O Mores!
Ad Octo or Vt Octo. A term in Philosophy, which signifies the superlative degree; because in Philosophy the eighth degree is the highest, in which they distinguish qualities or accidents.
Adolescency (adolescentia) Youth: the age from 15 to 25.
Adonai (Hebr.) a Lord, or sustainer; the Jews use this as an ordinary name of God: On Festivals they pronounce Jehovah.
An Adonique (adonicum) a kind of short verse consisting of a Dactyle and Spondee, such is Rara juventus; so called from Adonis, in whose, honor they were first made.
Adopt (adopto) to chuse, or take to be ones heir or child.
Adoption (adoptio) a free election or chusing one for his child out of the course of inheritance; a taking or admitting one to be his child by favor, who is not so by nature.
Adoxy (adoxia) ignominy, shame; slander, infamy.
Adrian Adriatique Sea (Adriaticum Mare) the gulph of Venice, extending 700 miles in length, and 140 in breadth, was so called of Adria, once a famous Sea-Town [Page] on the mouth of Eridanus or Poe. Heylyn.
Advectitious (advectitius) which is brought or carried unto.
Adventual Adventive or Adventitious (adventivus) that cometh by chance, besides the purpose, unlooked for.
Advent (adventus) the time from the Sunday that falls either upon St. Andrews day or next to it, till Christmas; which time was wont to be spent in some extraordinary devotion, by way of preparation for the Feast of the Nativity of our Saviour then approaching. The words bare signification is, a coming unto, or apptoaching.
Adversative (adversativus) pertaining to an Adversary, which is contrary or against some person or thing.
Advesperate (advesperascit) it waxeth or growes towards night.
Advigilate (advigilo) to watch diligently.
Adulation (adulatio) properly the fawning of a Dog, slattery.
Adulatory (adulatorius) pertaining to slattery.
To Adulce (Fr. Adoulcir) to sweeten, mollifie or appease. L. Bac. Hen. 7.
An Adult (adultus) one of full age. As Adulta virgo, a maid that is marriageable.
Adulter (adultus) grown to full age, come to his full ripeness, force and bigness.
Adulterate (adultero) to commit adultery; to counterfeit or corrupt.
Adultery (adulterium) properly spoken of married persons; but if onely one of two persons, by whom this sin is committed, be married, it makes Adultery; and this is felony by Act of Parl. 1650. ca. 10. Adulterium, seems to have taken that name, as it were ad alterius thorum, i. to anothers bed, which the Adulterer always aims at.
Adumbrate (adumbro) to shadow, to resemble, to draw a picture imperfectly.
Adumbration (adumbratio) a shadowing or bare portraying of a thing; also an imitation or expressing of another thing somewhat to the likeness and nature of the same.
Aduncity (aduncitas) crookedness, hookedness.
Aduncous Adunque (aduncus) crooked downwards, hooked. Bac.
Advecate (advocatus) a man of Law that pleads, assists, or sollicits another mans matter, so called ab advocando, i. calling unto, because he is called to his Clients assistance; most properly a Procurator or Doctor of the Civil Law.
Advowzen (advocatio) the reversion of a spiritual promotion, and signifies, in our Common Law, a right to present a Clergy-man to a Benefice, as much as Jus Patronatus [Page] in the Canon Law. Of this there are two sorts., Advowzen in gross, which belongs or adhears to any Manor, as parcel of the right of it; and Avowzen dependent, which depends on a Manor, as appurtenant thereunto.
Adure (aduro) to roast, burn or parch. Bac.
Adust Adusted (adustus) burnt, parched, vexed.
Adustible, burnable, parchable.
Adustion (adustio) parching or burning.
Adynamous (adynamus) weak, impowerful.
Aedil (aedilis) See Edil.
Aegipans (aëgipanes) monsters having bodies like men, and feet like Goats, Wood-Gods.
Aera. See Epoche.
Aereal (aërius) belonging to the air.
Aeromancy (aëromantia) a kind of divination by the air.
Aeromantick (aëromanticus) pertaining to such divinations.
Affability (affabilitas) curtesie in speaking and hearing others, kindness to men.
Affectation (affectatio) too much curiosity, study of eloquence against nature, an extream labouring without discretion to imitate another.
Affeerours ( afferatores, alias affidati) are those that are appointed in Court-Leets upon oath to mulct or set fines upon the heads of such as have committed faults arbitrably punishable, and have no express penalty set down by Statute.
To Affiance (from ad and fides) to betroth, or make sure.
Affictitious (affictitius) feigned or counterfeit.
Affidavit, is borrowed from the Canonists, among whom Affidare is used for fidem dare, and so it signifies, he hath sworn or given his faith; but with us it is generally taken for an Oath, or Deposition put in writeing.
Affinage (Fr.) a fineing or refining of metals.
Affinity (affinitas) kindred or alliance by marriage; sometimes likeness or agreement.
Affirmative (affirmatus) that affirms or avoucheth.
Affluence (affluentia) plenty, abundance.
Afforest (afforesto) to turn ground into Forest.
Affray (from the Fr. Affres, i. a fright) may be without word or blow given, as if a man shew himself furnished with Armor or Weapons not usually worn, it may strike a fear into others unarmed. For which reason it is a common wrong, and inquireable in a Leet; which makes it differ from Assault, which is always a particular injury. 4 H. 6, 10.8 Ed. 4, 5.
[Page] Affricate (affrico) to rub upon or against, to grate or crumble.
Africa (Gr.) one of the four parts of the world lying Southward; herein is Barbary, Numidia, Lybia, the Land of Negroes, Aethiopia interior and exterior, Aegypt and the Islands. It is called Africa of the Greek word Phrice, which signifies cold, and the privative A; so, Africa signifies a Country without cold, as indeed it is.
Africk African (Africus) pertaining to Africa, or to the Southwest wind. Africk-bird, taken for a coward or one in gay cloaths that has little Spirit.
Aga (from the Gr. [...], i. duco, to lead) an Officer that commands the great Turks Janizaries, and is the third in repute in his Empire. Sands.
Agamist (agamus) he that is unmarried.
Agarick (agaricum) a white and soft Mushrom, or excrescence growing on the Larch Tree; also a root in Sarmatia that helps digestion. Cotgr.
Age (aetas) that part of a mans life which is from his birth to this or his last day. A man, by our Common Law hath two ages; the age of 21 years is termed his full age, and 14 the age of discretion. Lit. l. 2. c. 4. In a woman there are six. 1. At seven years of age the Lord her Father may sistrain his Tenants for aid to marry her; for at those years she may consent to Matrimony. 2. At the age of nine years she is Dowable. 3. At twelve years she is able finally to confirm her former consent given to Matrimony. 4. At fourteen years she is enabled to receive her land into her own hands, and shall be out of Ward if she be of this age at the death of her Ancestor. 5. At sixteen years she shall be out of Ward, though at the death of her Ancestor she was within the age of fourteen years. 6. At one and twenty years she is able to alienate her Lands and Tenements. At sixteen years of age every person may be summoned to take the Oath of Abjuration. Acts 1656. c. 16. Proclus (a Greek Author) divides the life of man into seven Ages. 1. Infancy, contains four years. 2. Childhood contains ten years. 3. Youth-hood or Adolescency consists of eight years, that is, from fourteen to two and twenty. 4. Young man-hood continues nineteen years, that is, from two and twenty to forty one. 5. Ripe man-hood hath fifteen years of continuance, and therefore makes his progress to 56 years. 6. Old age, which, in adding 12 to 56 makes up 68. 7. Decrepit age is limited from 68 years to 88. See more divisions of Age, if you please in first part Treasury of Times, p. 377. and in Vul. Err. p. 216.
Agelastick (from Agelastus, [Page] Grandfather of Crassus, who never laughed but once in al his life and that was to see a Mare eat Thistles, hence) we use it for one that seldom laughs; sad, or sullen.
Agemoglans or Agiam Oglans, are those Christian children, which are seised by Turkish Officers, when they are between the age of ten, and eighteen or twenty, to be made Janizaries, or for other service of the Great Turk. The word signifies unexpert, or untutored youths.
Aggerate (aggero) to heap up, to encrease.
Aggested (aggestus) heaped up, or laid on a heap. Fuller.
Agglomerate (agglomero) to fold or wind up in bottoms to gather together.
Agglutinate (agglutino) to joyn or glue together.
Aggrandisement (Fr.) a greatning, inlarging, advancement.
Aggrandize (from the Ital. Aggrandire) to greaten, augment, enlarge, encrease, or make great.
Aggravate (aggravo) to load or burthen; to make a thing worse by words.
Aggregate (aggrego) to gather or assemble together, or in Troops.
Aggressor (Lat.) a setter upon, an Assailant, one that begins.
Aggression (aggressio) a setting upon or entrance into, an assault.
Agiograph (agiographa) a holy writing, a holy Writ. See Hagiographer.
Agist (from the Fr. gist) signifies in our Common Law to take in and feed the Cattle of strangers in the Kings Forest, and to gather the money due for the same to the Kings use: the Officers that do this are called Agistors, or Guest-takers, of whom the King had four in every Forest, where he had any Pawnage; their function is termed Agistment, which is also used for the taking in of cattle into the Parks or grounds of Subjects. Hence comes the word gisting, or (as the Country people corrupt it) joysting of cattle. Manwood For. Laws. See Pawnage.
Agitable (agitabilis) that may easily be moved or tossed.
Agitate (agito) to do often, to toss, shake or discuss.
Aglet (Fr. Aguillette) a little plate of any mettal, the tag of a point.
Agnail (from the Sax. Angnaegle) a sore under the nail of a man or beast, a Corn growing upon the Toes.
Agnation (agnatio) kindred by the Fathers side.
Agnition (agnitio) knowledge or acknowledging.
Agnize (agnosco) to acknowledge, confess or avow, to know by some token, to admit or allow.
Agnominate (agnomino) to allude to ones name, to nick-name.
[Page] Agony (agonia) horror or trembling, torment of body and mind.
Agonism (agonisma) the reward or prize won by activities; the reward of victory.
Agonarch or Agonothete (Agonotheta) a Judge or Overseer in feats of activity, a Master of Revels.
Agonist (agonista) a Champion, one that contends in masteries.
Agonistic Agonistical (agonisticus) warlike or skilful in exercises.
Agrarian Laws, were among the Romans, preferred by the Tribunes of the Commons, as well for division of lands and fields (conquered from the enemies) among the Commons, as to restrain the possessions of the Nobles within a certain limit. Livy.
Agreat (Sax.) altogether. As to take a work agreat, is to take the whole work altogether, or, as some say, by the lump.
Agrestical (agrestis) pertaining to the field, rude, rustical.
Agricole (agricola) a Husbandman, Farmer, or Plowman.
Agriculture Agricolation (agricultura) husbandry or Tillage of Land.
Agroter (Sax.) cloy'd, made big, swelled. Chaucer.
Ajax Shield, a proverb for a sure defence; from Ajax a famous Warriour of the Greeks.
Airie of Hawks (Fr. Aire) is that we call a nest of other Birds.
Alabaster (alabastrum) a kind of marble, white and very clear, which by reason of its natural coldness, preserves things long from corruption; and therefore they used to make boxes of it, to keep sweet Oyntments, and Tombs to bury Princes and great Personages.
Alabandical (alabandicus) barbarous or sottish.
Alay, A term in hunting, when the Hart is in full chase, and one lies near a covert and shakes off some fresh Hounds into the Cry, to supply and make it the stronger, lest some over-haled dogs should happen to sink in the latter end of the chase.
Alacrity (alacritas) cheerfulness, liveliness, courage, joyfulness of heart.
Alarum (conclamatio ad arma) a calling together to Arms, as is usually done in a Garrison, upon the approach of an enemy.
Alazony (alazonia) arrogancy, or pride.
Albe (alba) a long white linnen garment, wherewith Priests are cloathed when they say Mass, by which Albe is represented the long white robe, by derision put on our Saviour in the presence of Herod. Treatise of Mass.
Albion, Great Britain, so called, either from the Greek [Page] word Olbion that is happy, or from Albis rupibus, its white rocks.
Albis (Lat.) as when we say a book in Albis, that is a book in quires or unbound. A term more used beyond Sea, then with us; we say in Quires, the French, in blanc.
Albor (Lat.) any whiteness or white colour, the white of an egg.
Albuginous (albugineus) pertaining to the white spot in the eye, or to the white of an egg, or to any white colour. Dr. Br.
Alchaick Verse ( Alcaicum Carmen, from Alcaeus, the inventor) has, after two Dactiles, two Trochees, thus- vv-vv-v-v. But, according to Fabricius, it has five feet, he places the first a Spondee or Iambick; the second an Iambick, the third a long syllable, the fourth a Dactyle, the fifth a Dactyle or Amphimacre, and gives this example.
Alchymy (alchymia) the art of distilling or drawing quintessence out of metals by fire, separating the pure from the impure, setting at liberty such bodies as are bound and imprisoned, and bringing to perfection such as are unripe. Bac.
Alchymist (alchymista) one that useth or is skill'd in that Art, a Chymick. A melter or extracter of Quintessences, from the Gr. [...], and that from the Hebr. Alkum.
Alchoran or Alcoran (i. Scripture) the book of the Turks Religion, first broached by Mahomet, who was an Arabian, and born in the year 572. his Father was a Pagan, and his Mother a Jew. In Arabia he was chosen Captain of a rebellious multitude, among whom he inducted a new Religion (which he pretended was revealed to him by the Angel Gabriel) consisting partly of Jewish Ceremonies, which he learned of one Abdalla, partly of Christian Precepts taught him by Sergius a Nestorian Monk, and partly of other phantastical sopperies, which his own inventions suggested to him. This Religion (if we may so call it) Osmen the fourth Caliph of the Saracens (who married Mahomets Daughter, and by that means got a sight of all his papers) reduced into four Volumes, and divided into several Chapters, the whole Body of it is but an Exposition and gloss of these eight Commandments.
1. Every one ought to believe, that God is a great God and onely God, and Mahomet is his Prophet.
2. Every one must marry to encrease the Sectaries of Mahomet.
3. Every one must give of his wealth to the poor.
4. Every one must make [Page] his prayers five times a day.
5. Every one must keep a Lent one month in the year.
6. Be obedient to thy Parents.
7. Thou shalt not kill.
8. Do to others as thou wouldst be done unto.
And the Turk writes on the outside of his Alcoran, Let no man touch this Book but he that is pure. M.S. in Arch. Bod. You may read more of this heathenish superstition in Dr. Heylins description of Arabia, and indeed in the Book it self, not long since printed in English.
Alembick (alembicus) A Still or Stillatory to distill waters.
Alectryomachy (alectryomachia) a Cock-fight.
Alectryomancy (Gr.) divination by a Cock or by the Cock-stone. Cotgr.
Alebromancy (Gr.) divination by barley meal mixed with wheat.
Aleger, the like kind of liquor made of sour Ale, as Vineger of wine. Bac. Nat. Hist. 155.
Alexipharmacal (from Alexipharmacum) that is good against poyson, enchantments and execrations.
Aletude (aletudo) fatness of body, grossness.
Alferes (Span.) an Ensign or Ancient-bearer in war.
Algebra (Syriack) the Art of figurative numbers or of equation. An Art consisting both of Arithmetick and Geometry; Chaucer calls it Algrim.
Algebraical, pertaining to that Art.
Algid (algidus) chil, cold.
Algifical (algificus) which makes chil, or cold.
Algidty Algor (algiditas) great cold or chilness.
Algorism (algorismus) the Art or use of Cyphers, or of numbering by Cyphers; skill in accounting.
Algorist (algorista) one skilful in reckonings or figuring.
Alhidade, a rule on the back of the Astrolabe to measure heights, breadths, and depths. Du Bartas.
Alibie (alibilis) nourishable, comfortable.
Alicant Wine, So called from Alicante, the chief Town of Mursia in Spain, where great store of Mulberries grow, the juyce whereof makes the true Alican wine.
Alienate (alieno) to alter the property of a thing, to sell or estrange.
Alien (alienigena) a sorraigner, a stranger born, and not here enfranchised.
Aliment (alimentum) any thing that nourisheth the body.
Alimonie (alimonia) nourishment, maintenance; But in a modern legal sense it signifies, that portion or allowance, which a married woman sues for, upon any occasional [Page] separation from her husband, wherein she is not charg'd with Elopement or Adultery. This was formerly recoverable in the Spiritual Court, but now onely in Chancery.
Alimental Alimentary (alimentarius) pertaining to nourishment.
Alimentation, nourishment, or that causeth or breeds nourishment.
Allaborate (allaboro) to labour vehemently, to encrease a thing by labour.
Allaud (allaudo) to praise or commend.
Allectation (allectatio) an alluring, or enticing.
Allective (alliciens) that allures or enticeth.
Allegory (allegoria) a dark speech or sentence which must be understood otherwise then the litteral interpretation shews, and is prosecuted through the whole sentence. As when St. Jo. Baptist speaking of our Saviour. Mat. 3, said, Whose fan is in his hand, and he shall make clean his floor, and gather the wheat into his barn, but the chaff he shall burn with unquenchable fire. The meaning is, that Christ being supreme Judge of all, shall separate the good from the evill, rewarding the one in Heaven, and punishing the other in Hell fire. Bull.
Allegorical, pertaining to, or spoken by an Allegory.
Alleluiah or Alleluia (Heb.) Praise ye our Lord, used as a sign of exultation. Paulus Diaconus writes, that when the Britains were invaded by the Saxons and Picts, and ready to fight a battel with them, they were admonished by Germanus a French Bishop (sent hither with St. Lupus, to confute the Pelagian Heresie) that they should say as he said, and forthwith he cry'd out aloud Alleluiah, which when the whole Army of Britains had done, the sound thereof struck such a terror into their enemies, that they presently fled, and the Britains had the victory. De gestis Rom. l. 15. & Bede Eccl. Hist. l. 1. c. 20.
This Alleluia (saith a learned Author) is an Hebrew word, composed of Allelu and Jah, whereof the Imperative Mood Allelu (as near as can be uttered, for in it self it signifies joy beyond all utterance) is as much as praise ye; and the word Jah is one of the ten names signifying our Lord, which some think to be the first word that children pronounce, when they are new born. This word Alleluiah the Jews much esteem, and pronounce many times together in their Synagogues.
Allevate Alleviate (allevo) to lift up, ease, or comfort, to asswage or diminish.
Alliciency (from allicio) an allurement or enticing, a drawing or perswading unto.
Alligation (alligatio) a tying or binding to.
[Page] Alliant or Ally, one that is in league, or of kindred with one.
Allision (allisio) a dashing against or upon, a rubbing against.
Alliteration (alliteratio) a figure in Rhetorick, repeating & playing on the same letter.
Allobrogical (from Allabroges) of or belonging to the people of Savoy.
Allocation (allocatio) a placing or adding unto; also allowance made upon an account.
Allocution Alloquy (allocutio) a speaking or talking unto, a communication or parley.
Allodial Lands (terrae allodiales) free-lands, for which no Rents, Fines, nor Services are due.
Allude (alludo) to speak any thing which hath resemblance, or is privily directed to touch another matter, to scoff covertly, to play to or with another, to speak by relation to any thing.
Alluminor (from the Fr. Allumer, i. to lighten) one that colours or paints in paper or parchment; so called, because he gives light and ornament by his colours to the Letters or other figures coloured. An. 1. Ric. 3. ca. 9.
Allusion (allusio) a likening or applying of one thing to another, and it is as it were a dalliance or playing with words like in sound, unlike in sense, by changing, adding, or substracting a letter or two; so that words nicking and resembling one the other, are appliable to different significations. As the Almighty (if we may herein use a sacred Authority) in ratification of his promise to the seed of Isaac, changed Abram, high Father, into Abraham, that is, Father of many; and Sarai that is, my Dame, into Sara, that is, Lady or Dame. The Greeks nicked Antiochus Epiphanes, that is, the famous, with Epimanes, that is, the furious. The Romans likewise plaid with bibbing Tiberius Nero, calling him Biberius Mero. So in Quintilian, the sour fellow Placidus was called Acidus, and of late one called Scaliger, Aliger. Cam. Rem. fol. 158.
Alluvion (alluvio) the still rising and swelling of a river, a deluge or inundation.
Almanack (Hebr. Almanahh) a Prognostication or Kalender. But Verstegan derives it from the Germans; they used (says he) to engrave upon certain squared sticks about a foot in length, the courses of the Moons of the whole year, whereby they could always certainly tell when the New and Full Moons should happen, as also their Festival days; and such a carved stick they called an Al-mon-aght, that is to say, Al-mon heed, to wit, the regard or observation of all the Moons, and hence is derived [Page] the name Almanack. Verstegan p. 46, 47.
Almicantharats and Almadarats, Arabian names of Lines or Circles, which are imagined to pass through every degree of the Meridian Parallel to the Horizon, up to the Zenith. Du Bartas.
Alody (alodium) signified anciently what in the more strict sense Inheritance doth in our Law, that is, Lands descended from the Ancestor. Selden.
Almner Almoner or Amner (eleemosynarius) is an Officer of a King or Princes house, whose function is carefully to collect the fragments and distribute them every day to the poor: Charitably to visit the sick and leprous, those that are in prison, poor widows, needy persons, and those that have no constant abode; likewise to receive and faithfully distribute cast horses, robes, mony and other things given in Alms; he ought also to stir up the King with often admonitions, especially on Festival days, to be bountiful in giving Alms, and to beseech that his rich Robes may not be given to Parasites, Masquers, Stage-players, or the like, but may go towards the increase of his Alms. Fleta l. 2. cap. 22.
Alnath, is a fixed star in the horns of Aries, from whence the first mansion of the Moon takes his name, and is called Alnath. Chaucer.
Aloes. See Lignum Vitae.
Aloe Zocatrina, the juice of an herb brought hither dry out of Zocatara, an Affrican Island, the best wherof is clear, clean and red, like the colour of a Liver; It is very bitter, but an excellent medicine to purge cholerick humors out of the Stomach, yet not good to be taken inwardly by such as are troubled with the Hemorrhoides. Bull.
Alogick (alogicus) unreasonable, inconsiderate.
Alogy (alogia) without reason; also unmeasurable excess in cheer.
Alopecy (alopecia) a disease causing the hair to fall, the Foxes evill; shedding of the hair.
Alosha, A kind of drink in Spain, which they drink between meals in hot weather, it is made of water and hony, and is much of the taste of our Medea.
Alpha ( [...]) the first letter of the Greeks called of us (a) (as Omega is the last) it is used for the first or chief of any thing; Almighty God is called in the Apocalypse, Alpha and Omega, i. the beginning and ending, first and last. Rev. 13.13.
Alphabet (alphabetum) the cross-row of letters, the A, B, C. so called from Alpha, and Beta the two first letters of the Greek Alphabet or Cross-row, and therefore most peculiar to the Greek tongue.
[Page] Alphabetical (alphabeticus) belonging to or done after the order of the A, B, C.
Alphitomancy (Gr.) divination by barley meal.
Alphonso, a famous Musician, who invented a particular way of playing on the Viol, which still retains his name.
Altercation (altercatio) an angry reasoning, contention or brawling in words.
Alterative (alterativus) changed, or that may be changed. Bac.
Alternative Alternate (alternatus) done or changed by courses or turns one after another, interchangeable.
Alternity (from alternus) a succession by course, a changing by turn.
Altiloquum (altiloquus) that speaks loud or of high matters.
Altisonous (altisonus) which sounds clear or loud.
Altitonant (altitonans) that thunders from above, an Epithete of Jupiter used by Poets.
Altitude (altitudo) height, depth or loftiness.
Altivolant (altivolans) flying on high, or soaring aloft.
Alveary (alvearium) a Bee-hive, or the place where Bees or Bee-hives stand. It may be used Metaphorically for a house full of Inhabitants, a Library full of Books, or the like.
Alveated (alveatus) hollowed like a hive, vaulted or trenched.
Aluminous (aluminosus) done with or full of Alume, tasting of Alume. Vul. Er.
Alumnate (alumno) to nourish or feed.
Alutation (alutatio) a tawing, tanning or dressing of Leather.
Alytatk (alytarcha) he who seeth that good rule be kept at common Games and Exercises. Gregory.
Amalekites or Amalecites, were descendents of Esau by his Grandchild Amalec (which word is Hebrew, and signifies populus lambens, a licking people:) these Amalekites inhabited some of the lands betwixt Phaenicia and the red Sea, and were the first that took Arms against Moses and the children of Israel, as they were travelling betwixt the said Red Sea, and the land of Promise, over whom Joshua (appointed General of the Israelites by Moses) got a famous victory, as you may read in Exod. 17. Hence 'tis that enemies to the children of God or good people, or enemies to good proceedings, are commonly called Amalekites.
Amalthean Horn, plenty of all things. So used from Amalthaea, a she Goat, that Jupiter sucked, whose horns are feigned to have abounded with plenty of all things. Cicero's Library was also called Amalthaea, for being abundantly [Page] stored with Books.
Amandation (amandatio) a sending away or removeing.
Amanuensis (Lat.) a Clerk or Secretary always attending; a Scribe or publick Notary.
Amaritude (amaritudo) bitterness, solitariness, grief.
Amarous (amarus) bitter, sharp, froward, hard to be appeased, frightful, sour.
Amarulent (amarulentus) very bitter, frightful, envious.
Amatory (amatorius) pertaining to love or lovers; lovely. Spots.
Amazons (amazones) warlike women of Scythia, that had but one Teat (their name in Greek importing as much) they were very manlike, and did cut off their right Breast, that it might not hinder their shooting, for they were excellent Archers; they lived by themselves, and if at any time they went to their Husbands or neighboring men, and conceived; if it were a Female childe they kept it; if a Male, they sent it to the Father: the Country where they live is denominated from them, and called Amazonia.
Ambage (ambages) an idle circumstance of words, a far fetched speech, or a speech far from the purpose. Bac.
Ambagious (ambagiosus) full of idle circumstances of speech, or of deceitful words.
Amber (ambra) a kind of hard yellow Gum, wherewith they make Beads and Bracelets.
Dioscorides saith, it falls in manner of a liquor from Poplar Trees into the River Po in Italy, where it congeals and becomes hard. But L. Guicciard. affirms (and more probably) that it is the juice of a Stone, which grows like a Coral in Poland in a Mountain of the North Sea, clean covered with water, and in the Months especially of September and December, this liquor is by violence of the Sea, rent from the rock, and cast into the Havens of Poland and the neighbouring Countries. Besides its beauty, and the quality it hath of burning like pitch, and attracting straws and iron, like the Adamant, it is good for stopping the blood, Falling-sickness, Dropsies, and many other Diseases. Heyl. But see more of the quality and nature of Amber, in Dr. Browns Vulgar Errors, l. 2. cap. 4.
Ambergreece or Ambergrise (Fr. Ambergris) a sweet Aromatick juice or perfume so called. Aetius and Simon Sethius (Greek Authors) affirm it to be a kinde of Bitumen comming forth of the [Page] Fountains or Springs in the bottom of the Sea, and that by floating upon the water it becomes hard, &c. A great quantity thereof is found in Sofala, and in the Isles of Comaro, Demogra, Mozambique, and along this Tract even to the Isles of Maldina or Naledina, which look into the East. There is Amber of four several colours; White, Gray, Red, and Black, which comes according to the variety of places or Regions where it is found; the Gray is preferred before all the other, and is known to be good, if when pricking it with a pin, it delivers forth a moisture like oyle. The fume of it is good against the falling-sickness, and comfortable to the brain.
Ambidexter (Lat. ex ambo and dexter) he that useth his left hand as well as his right, that plays on both sides. In our Common Law it signifies that Juror or Embraceor, that takes of both parties, for the giving his Verdict. He forfeits ten times so much as he takes, Anno 38. Edw. 3. c. 12. Cromptons Justice of Peace, fol. 156. B.
Ambidextrous, That can use both hands, that plays on both sides.
Ambient (ambiens) environing, encompassing, seeking of honor ambitiously.
Ambifarious (ambifarius) double, or that may be taken both ways.
Ambiguity (ambiguitas) doubtfulness, incertainty, obscurity.
Ambiguous (ambiguosus) doubtful, obscure.
Ambilevous (ambilaevus) left-handed. Vul. Er.
Ambiloge Ambilogy (ambilogium) a doubtful speech.
Ambiloquent (ambiloquus) that speaks doubtfully, or that can speak two languages.
Ambitude (ambitudo) a circuit or compassing round; also ambition.
Ambosexous (ambosexus) that is both male and female, of both Sexes.
Amblygone (Gr.) a blunt angle, or a triangle, one of whose angles is blunt. Cotg.
Ambrose (Gr.) divine, immortal.
Ambrosia (Gr.) is Poetically used for the meat of the gods, as Nectar was their drink. It is sometimes taken for immortality.
Ambrosiack Ambrosial Ambrosian (ambrosianus) divine, fragrant sweet-smelling, also immortal.
Ambulatory (ambulacrum) substantively is a place to walk in, a Gallery.
Ambulatory (ambulatorius) adjectively, going or walking up and down, changeable.
Amburbial (amburbialis) that goes about the City. [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] Amburbial Sacrifices were, when the beast went about the City before he was sacrificed.
Ambuscado (Spa.) souldiers hid in a secret place to entrap the enemy unawares; an ambush, a way-laying, or laying in wait for.
Ambustion (ambustio) a burning or scorching about.
Amebean Verse (Carmen Amoebaeum) a Song or Verse when one answers another by course, or is sung by turns.
Amen (Heb. i.e. verè) in the end of prayer, wishing that it may be so, so be it. But when it is found twice repeated, as Amen, Amen, then it implies verily, verily, for confirmation of a truth, Mat. 18.3. Joh. 6.26. Durantus saith, that Amen imports, Be it to us which we have praied for. Amen is used in most languages; in Turky they use (Homin) instead of it. S.H.B.
Amenity (amaenitas) pleasantness, mirth, delight, amity.
Amerciament (from the Fr. merci, i. Mercy) signifies the pecuniary punishment of an offender against the King or other Lord in his Court that is found to be in misericordia, i. to have offended and to stand at the mercy of the Lord. There seems to be a difference between Amerciaments and Fines, Kitchin fol. 214. For Fines, as taken for punishments, are punishments certain, which grow expresly from some Statute, and Amerciaments are arbitrably imposed by Affeerors. Cow.
America, one of the four parts of the world, so called from Americus Vespacius a Florentine, who with Columbus a Genoese, first discover'd this Country about the year 1492. which is most aptly called the New world; new, for the late discovery; and world, for the vast spaciousness of it. For, it being divided into two parts, Mexicana and Peruana, the compass of the first is deemed 17000, of the other 13000 miles. Heyl.
American Disease, The great Pox, brought first from the Indies by the Spaniards into Christendom, and at the Siege of Naples, they bestowed it on the French their enemies in the year 1528. See Morbus Gallicus.
Amfractuosity (anfractuositas) a manifold winding, turning, involution, intricacy, compass.
Amfractuous (anfractuosus) full of turnings or windings, intricate, maze-like, perplexed.
Amicable (amicabilis) friendly, like a friend.
Amict or Amice (amictus, us) a garment or attire; particularly it is that linen attire, which Priests put first on, when they vest themselves, by which is represented the head-cloth wherewith the Jews covered the face and eys [Page] of our Savior, when buffeting him they said, Prophecy, who is he that struck thee?
Amicted (amictus) clothed or covered with a garment.
Amie, from the (Fr. amiè, beloved, and that from Amatus,) a name common both to men and women. The Earls and Dukes of Savoy, who are commonly called Aimè, were in Latin called Amadeus, that is, loving God, as Theophilus. We now use Amias for this, in difference from Amie the womans name. Cam.
Amission (amissio) a loss or losing.
To Amit (amitto) to lose; to pardon.
Ammodite (ammodites) a creeping vermin like a Viper, but of a sandy colour, and full of black spots.
Ammoniack, A kind of gum almost like Frankincense, so called, because it grows in Lybia, near the place where the Temple of Jupiter Ammon or Hammon was. There is also a kinde of salt so called, which is found in Africa under sand, and is like Allum. Bull.
Amnesty (amnestia) forgetfulness of things past. Icon. Basil.
Amnick (amnicus) of or belonging to a River.
Amonites, taken either for a distinct people descended from Amon, or generally used for all the Heathen (whereof they were the worst and wickedest) which possessed the land. Gen. 15.16. Josh. 2.10. Amos. 2.9.
Amorist (amator) a lover, an amorous fellow, a wooer.
Amorositie (from amor) amorousness, lovefulness.
Amoroso (Ital.) a he-lover, and Amorosa, a she-lover.
Amort (from the Fr. amorti) extinguished, deaded, quenched. Hence 'tis we use to say to those that are melancholy, what, alls-a-mort, or amortified?
To Amortize, (from mors) to deaden, kill or slay. Lord Bacon and Chaucer.
Amotion (amotio) a removing or Putting away.
Amphibology (amphibologia) a word or speech that hath a double or doubtful understanding or meaning.
Amphibion Amphibious (amphibium) (amphibius) that lives as well by water as on land. Fuller.
Amphibolous Amphibolical Amphibological (amphibolicus) doubtful or doubtfully spoken.
Amphictious (Amphyctiones) were the most noble Counsellors of Greece, selected out of the twelve prime Cities, and instituted either by Acrisius (as Strabo) or (as Halicarnassaeus thinks) by Amphictyon the son of Helen, from whom they seem to have derived their name: They had power to decide all controversies, and to enact Laws for the common good; their meetings were at the beginning of the [Page] Spring and Autumn. Ryder.
To Amphionize, i. to play the Amphion, who was the author of harmony, and by his Eloquence brought men from savageness to civility. Apol. for Learning.
Amphyscians (amphyscii) such people as live under the burning Zone, near the Equinoctial line; so called, because their shadows at noon are sometimes toward the North, sometimes toward the South. Bull.
Amphitheater (amphitheatrum) a kind of round Scaffold or Play-house full of benches of divers heights, for people to sit and behold publique exercises; It differs from a Theater as the Full Moon from the half: this was but half-circled, that round, and composed as it were of two Theaters, and is thereof so called. Caius Julius Caesar, (says Polydore Virgil) built the first Amphitheater in the field, and consecrated it to Mars. Verona a City in Lombardy boasts of an Amphitheater, able to contain 80000 people. And Vespatians Amphitheater at Rome, said to be as great. Theoderick King of the Goths did utterly abolish the pastimes then used to be exhibited upon these Amphitheatres.
Amphitrite (Gr) the wife of Neptune, used for the Sea. Ovid.
Amphoral (amphoralis) containing or pertaining to Amphora, which is a vessel or pot with two ears, by some taken for a Rundlet of nine gallons. Antiently the Italick Amphora contained five Gallons, the Attick Amphora, seven Gallons and a half. Godwin. 143.
Ampliation (ampliatio) a deferring or prolonging of Judgement or trial, till the cause be better certified: an enlargement, a Reprive.
Amplification (amplificatio) an amplifying, enlarging or dilating.
Amplitude (amplitudo) greatness, dignity, breadth, largenes.
Amplivagant (amplivagus) that stretcheth far, or hath a large scope.
Ampullous (ampullarius) pertaining to, or empty as a bottle or such like vessel: also proud, swelling or gorgeous.
Amputation (amputatio) a cutting off, away, or about, a proyning.
Amulete (amuletum) a ball like a Pomander, good against infection or bewitching; also any thing that is hung about the neck to preserve one from bewitching or infection.
Ana, A barbarous word used by Physicians, and signifies of every one a like quantity.
Anabaptists, a sort of Hereticks, whose erroneous Tenents or the greatest part of them are.
1. That Christ took not flesh from the Virgin Mary, but that he past through her, as the Sun beams through glass, [Page] or rain through a spout.
2. That there is no original sin.
3. That children ought not to be baptized.
4. That such as have been baptized in their infancy ought to be re-baptized when they come to years of discretion.
5. That lay-people may Preach and administer the Sacraments.
6 That Absolution and the Church-peace ought to be denied to such; who are fallen into any grievous sin, yea though they repent of it.
7. That Luther and the Pope are false Prophets; but of the two Luther the worst.
In matters of State they hold,
- 1. That the people may depose their Magistrates and chief Rulers.
- 2. That a Christian with a good Conscience may not take upon him or bear the office of Magistrate, or keep any Court of Justice.
- 3. That none may administer an oath to another.
- 4. That no malefactor ought to be put to death.
In family-government they hold,
- 1. That no man hath a Property in his goods, but that all things ought to be held in common
- 2. That it is lawfull to have more wives then one at once.
- 3. That a man may put away his wife, if she differ from him in point of Religion, and be not of their Sect.
There are divers sorts of Anabaptists, whereof some hold but part of these opinions, some all of them, and others more then these, whereof you may see more at large in Dr. Featley's description of Anabaptists, Entituled the Dippers dipt, and in Heresiography, an English book so called. Melancthon saith, that one Nich. Stork first▪ broached Anabaptism in Germany, about the year 1521. which very much raigns at this time in many parts of Christendom.
Anabathrum (anabathrum) a Pulpit, or any place whereunto we ascend by steps or stairs.
Anacephalize (from Anacephalaeosis) to make a breif rehearsal or recapitulation of things spoken. Mr. Evelin
Anachorite or Anchoret Anchoreta, (so called, because they use to live [...], i. retired from company) a kinde of Religious persons that live solitarily in Cells and dig their graves with their nails.
Anachoretical Anachoretal (Anachoretalis) belonging to solitariness or Hermites.
Anachronicism Anachronism (Gr) an error in Chronology, or an undue connexion of time, a false Chronicling, a repeating of time.
Anacreontick Verse (so called from Anacreon, a Lyrick [Page] Poet, who was the first inventor of it) consists of seven syllables, which as I take it, are not tied to any certain Law of quantity. As
Anadem (anadema) a kinde of ornament for womens heads, as Garlands, Cornets or Borders.
Anaglyphick or Anaglyptick (anaglyphycus) pertaining to the Art of Carving, Embossing or Engraving CAROLƲS REX. Anagr. CRAS ERO LƲX. HENRICƲS PERCIƲS. Anagr. HIC PƲER SINCERƲS, The precise in this practise, strictly observing all the parts of the definition, are onely bold with H, either in omiting or retaining it, for that it cannot challenge the right of a letter; but the Licentiates, somewhat licentiously, lest they should prejudice poetical liberty, will pardon themselves for doubling or rejecting a Letter, if the sense fall aptly, and think it no injury to use E for AE, V for W, S for Z, and C for K, and contrariwise.
The Greeks (saith Camden) refer this invention to Lycophron, who was one of those Poets, whom they called the seven stars or Pleiades, and flourished about the year 380.
Anagogical (anagogeticus) subtile, or of deep understanding, or belonging unto high matters.
Anagrammatism. The art of making Anagrams, which is a dissolution of a name truly written into his letters, as his Elements, and a new connexion of it by Artificial transposition (without addition, substraction or change of any letter) into different words, making some perfect sense appliable to the person named; As before Christ, in the time of Ptolomaeus Philadelphus King of Aegypt, whose name he thus Anagrammatized,
[...]. Made of hony.
And upon Arsinoe his wife, thus, [...].
[...]. June's Violet.
Anagraph (anagraphe) a registring or recording of matters: an Inventory.
Analects (analecta) fragments, scraps of meat or crums gathered together; and Metaphorically it is used for collections or fragments of learning, gathered out of any Book or Author.
Analem (analemma) a Mathematical Instrument, whereby is found out the elevation [Page] of any Planet, or the height of any other thing.
Analogism (analogismus) a forcible Argument, from the Cause to the Effect, implying an unanswerable necessity.
Analog [...] (analogia) the just proportion, correspondence and measure, which the object or subject holds with true reason required therein: An Agreement, harmony or apt answering of the thing to the considerations proper thereunto. El. of Ar.
Analogous Analogical (analogicus) proportional, equal, resembling.
Analogists (analogistae) tutors who are not bound to give account of those whom they have under tuition; as Guardians and protectors of Wards.
Analysis (Lat.) a resolution or unfolding of an intricate matter: or a resolving or distribution of the whole into parts.
Analyze, to resolve or explicate an intricate matter, &c.
Analytick, that which resolveth.
Ananias (Heb.) the grace of the Lord, or (as some will have it) Divinatio Domini.
Anapest (anapaestus) a foot in a Latin verse, consisting of two short syllables and one long, as, vâcûās.
Anapestick Verse (anapaesticum) or Aristophanick, commonly used in Tragedies, hath three seet, an Anapaest, a Dactyle and a Spondee, which are used in all parts of the verse indifferently, as,
Anapologetic (from the Gr. Anapologetos) inexcusable, or without excuse.
Anarchic (anarchicus) belonging to Anarchy, without rule or government.
Anarchy (anarchia) when people are without a Prince or Ruler; lack of Government, confusion.
Anarchism, the Doctrine, Positions or Art of those that teach Anarchy; also the being it self of the people without a Prince or Ruler.
Anathem (from the Gr. anathema with an eta or é longum) an offering or gift given to an Idol, or to the Church, and hanged up in the Temple in testimony of devotion or thanksgiving.
Anathem (from anathema with an epsilon or è breve) a man that is accursed or given to the Devil by Excommunication; also execration or excommunication it self. Anathema Maranatha is one accursed for ever, or eternal execration, 1 Cor. 16. Anathema belongs to all obstinate scandalous offenders, Anathema Maranatha, onely to blasphemers of the Holy Ghost. Gal. 19. Rom. 9.2.
Anathematize (anathematizo) to excommunicate, to swear, curse, and give to the Devil.
[Page] Anatiferous (from anas) that brings the disease or age of old women. Dr. Br.
Anatocism (anatocismus) a yearly revenue of usury, and taking interest for interest.
Anatomy (anatomia) the incision or cutting up the body of man or beast, as Surgeons do to discover the substance, actions and use of every part.
Anatomical (anatomicus) belonging to, or skilful in that Art.
Anatomize, to cut up the body of man, &c. Ʋt supra.
Ancestor (antecessor) a forerunner. In Law there is a difference between Antecessor and Predecessor, the first is applied to a natural person, as J.S. & antecessores sui. The last to a Body Politique or Corporate, as, Rector de D. & Predecessores sui.
Anchoral (anchoralis) pertaining to the Anchor or Cable.
Anchoresse, a religious woman that lives solitarily in a Cell. Vide Anachorite.
Ancil (ancile) was a short Buckler or Scutcheon which was formed without corners, being rebated on each side in the fashion of a decressant or Moon in the last quarter. This Ancile (as they say) fell from Heaven into the hands of King Numa in time of a plague at Rome, and he being advertised by Egeria, that it was for the health of the City, and ought to be kept safe, caused eleven more to be made so like, as they could not be known from the pattern, which hereby was preserved; the keeping hereof was committed to the 12. Salii. Livy & Fern.
Andrew (Gr. Andreas) manly or manful.
Androgynal (androgynus) pertaining to male and female, Hermaphroditical.
Androgyne (androgynus) he that is male and female, an Hermophrodite.
Anelate, a Faulchion or wood-knife, which I gather out of M. Par. p. 535. & 542.
Angelical (angelicus) of or like an Angel.
Anfractuosity. See Amfractuosity.
Angelot (Fr.) a kind of little Cheeses in France, so called.
Angle (angulus) a corner, nook, or secret place. It is also a Geometrical term for a corner, included by two lines; of which there are three sorts, to wit, a right, an acute, and obtuse angle.
1. A Right Angle, is when the two lines meeting do frame a just square Angle of 90 degrees.
2. An Acute, is when the two lines inclose less then a square, thereby becoming more sharp, and therefore Acute.
3. An Obtuse Angle, is when the two lines include more then the square; making it thereby the more blunt and dull, and is therefore called Obtuse. Enchirid. of fortificat.
[Page] Anglicism, the form or manner of speech proper to the English.
Angor (Lat.) anguish or grief either of body or mind.
Anguineous (anguineus) of or belonging to a Snake.
Angular (angularis) which hath angles or corners, crooked.
Angularity; Fulness of Angles or corners; the being of a thing cornerwise.
Angust (angustus) strait, narrow, slender.
Anhelation (anhelatio) shortness of breath, difficulty of breathing, the Phthisique.
Anheled (anhelus) which breatheth with pain or difficulty, puffed up, broken winded.
Anility Anity (anilitas) old age of women: dotage.
Animable (animabilis) that which may have life or soul.
Animadversion (animadversio) an observing, considering or giving attention unto; also a punishment or correction.
Animal (Lat. ab anima) a living creature that hath sense, man or beast, sometimes we call a Block-head or dull-head an Animal. Animal spirit, See in Vital.
Animalillio (Span.) a little Animal.
Animality (animalitas) the essence or being of a living creature.
Animate (animo) to hearten or encouarge, to give life or inspire with life.
Animosity (animositas) liveliness, courage, stoutness; also heart-burning or stomaching.
Annals (annales) brief histories or Chronicles of memorable things done from year to year, properly spoken of acts done in former ages, not in present. Tacitus applies to Annals, matters of State; to Diaries, acts and accidents of a meaner nature.
Annalist, he that makes or writes such Annals or yearly Chronicles.
Annatian Law, was a Law among the Romans, first proposed by L. Julius, a Tribune of the Commons, touching the year of the age requisite to sue for any publique Office, or to exercise the same. Livy.
Annats, First fruits paid of spiritual things; so called because the rate so paid, is also after one years profit. These Annats (says Pol. Virg.) began first at the Popes own Benefices, whereof he was Patron. But Clement the fifth generally decreed it in the year 1305. Boniface the ninth, and John the 22 th renewed that Decree.
Anne (Hebr. Hannah) gracious or merciful.
Anneale, To paint upon glass, to annoint, or do any thing with oil.
Annicerians, a Sect of Philosophers, which took name from Anniceris, Disciple to Paraebates.
Anniferous (annifer) that bears fruit all the year.
[Page] Annihilate (annihilo) is the opposite to creation; as to create, is to make something of nothing, or to produce an effect without the help of precedent materials: so to annihilate is utterly to destroy or to reduce something to its old nothing; and as to create is an action proper onely to God himself, so in like manner to annihilate is onely proper to Him, whereas other kinds of productions and corruptions are the ordinary effects of sublunary and second Causes.
Anniversary (anniversarius) that comes every year at a certain time, yearly, or from year to year.
Those were of old called Anniversary days, whereon the martyrdom or death-days of Saints were celebrated yearly in the Church; or the days whereon at the years end, men were wont yearly to pray for the souls of their deceased friends, according to the continued custom of Roman Catholiques.
Annosity (annositas) old age, agedness.
Annotation (annotatio) a noting or marking.
Annual (annualis) of or belonging to the year, yearly or every year.
Annuity (annuus reditus) a yearly Rent to be paid for term of life or years, or in Fee. There are divers differences between a Rent and an Annuity, whereof the first is, that every Rent is going out of Land, and an Annuity goes out of no Land, but charges onely the person of the granter, or his heirs, that have Assets by descent. The second difference is, that for the recovery of an Annuity, no Action lies, but onely the Writ of Annuity against the Granter, his heirs or successors: but of a Rent the same Actions lie, as do of Land, as the case requires. The third difference is, that an Annuity is never taken for Assets, because it is no Free-hold in Law, nor shall it be put in execution upon a Statute-Merchant, Statute-Staple, or Elegit, as a Rent may. Doctor and Student. Dial. 1. c. 3. and Dier fol. 345. num. 2. speaks also to this effect.
Annul (annihilo) to frustrate, make void or bring to nought.
Annulated (annulatus) that weareth Rings, ringed.
Annulet (annulus) a Ring, or any thing like a Ring.
Annunciate (annuncio) to declare unto, to bring news or a message.
Anodynes (anodyna) medicines, which by provoking sleep, do asswage pains and grief.
Anoisance. See Nusance.
Anomaly (anomalia) inequality, irregularity, unlikeness.
Anomalous (anomalus) inequal, unlike, irregular.
Anonymal (anonymus) without name, without Author.
Anopsy (Gr.) want of [Page] sight, dimness of sight, darkness of colour. Vul. Er.
Anorexy (anorexia) queasiness of Stomack, want of appetite.
Antagonist (antagonista) one that contends for mastery against another; an adversary or enemy.
Antarchy (Gr.) an opposition to Government.
Antartick Circle (antarcticus circulus) a Circle in the Heavens southwards towards the Antipodes, remote from our sight; so called because it is opposite to the Arctick Circle, and is 45 degrees distant from the Tropick of Capricorn. Heyl.
Antarctick Pole, the South Pole of the world.
Ante-acts (ante-acta) deeds done in former times, by-past actions.
Anteambulate (anteambulo) to go before, as Ushers do.
Antecedaneous, the same with Antecedent. Apol. for Learning.
Antecede (antecedo) to go before, to excell or surpass.
Antecedent (antecedens) that hath a Relative, that goes before or excels; In an Argument or discourse consisting of two Propositions, which by Logicians is called an Enthymem, the first Prosition is called the Antecedent, the other inferred out of the first, is called the Consequent.
Antecession (antecessio) a going before or excelling.
Antecursor (Lat.) one that runs or rides before, a forerunner.
Antediluvian (from ante and diluvies) before the deluge or the great flood. So Antideluvians, are people that lived before the flood.
Antefact (antefactum) a deed done before, a former action.
Antegenital (antegenitalis) born before, elder born.
Antegression (antegressus) a going before.
Anteloquy (anteloquium) a Preface, or the first place or turn in speaking: also a term which Stage-players use, by them called their Cue.
Antemeridian (antemeridianus) before noon, or midday.
Anteoccupation (anteoccupatio) a preventing, or seising first.
Antepone (antepono) to put or set before, to prefer.
Anterior (Lat.) that is before; the former.
Antevene (antevenio) to come before, to anticipate, or prevent
Anthemy. See Antiphon.
Anthime (anthimus) Anthine (anthinus) that is full of, or made of flowers, or of the hony-comb.
Anthology (Gr.) a speaking or treating of flowers.
Anthologicks (anthologica) books that intreat of flowers or herbs.
Anthony (from the Gr. Anthos, [Page] a flower) flourishing.
Anthromancy (Gr.) divination by the raising of dead men. Cotgr.
Anthropology (Gr.) a speaking or discoursing of men.
Anthropophagy (Gr.) a feeding on mans flesh; hence
Anthropophagize, to play the Canibal, to eat or feed on mans flesh.
Anthropopathy (Gr.) humane or mans passion.
Anthropomorphites (anthropomorphitae) a sect of simple Heretiques that began in Aegypt about the year of Christ 395 in time of Pope Siricius, and of the Emperour Theodosius the elder: their peculiar Doctrine was, that God had a body or corporeal shape, consisting of head, neck, arms, &c. like a man; having their appellation from the Greek word [...], which signifies Man; they are also commonly called Vadiani or Audiani, from their esteemed Father or Author Auduus, a Syrian, that lived about the year 380. in time of Pope Damasus.
Antichrist (antichristus) an enemy or adversary to Christ. It is compounded of the Greek proposition Anti and Christus, which signifies contrary or against Christ.
Antichambre (Fr.) any outward chamber which is next or near the bed-chamber.
Anticipate (anticipo) to take before, to prevent, to forestall.
Antichronism (Gr.) a false or contrary computate of time.
Antidate (ab ante & datus) the dating a Letter or other writing before the time of making or writing it.
Antidicomarians, i. Maries adversaries, a sort of Hereticks, enemies to the blessed Virgin. Sir Tho. More.
Antidote (antidotum) a medicine or preservative against venome or poison.
Antike work ( ab antes, i. a prop or butteress) a work in painting or carving of divers shapes of Men, Birds, Flowers, Fishes, &c. imperfectly and disorderly mixt and made one out of another for delight sake.
To Antigonize, to play the Antigonus, who was a bountiful King of Macedonia.
Antigraph (antigraphum) an example, a copy, a counterpane.
Antigrapher (antigraphus) a Controller, Treasurer, he that keeps the accounts or money received to the Princes use, a maker or keeper of counterpanes of Deeds.
Antilogy Antiloquy (antilogia) contradiction, gainsaying, or thwarting.
Antimetrical, contrary, or against the rule or order of meeter, or verse. Recl. Pap.
Antimony (antimonium) is a vein of the earth, like lead, howbeit it hath this difference from a mettal; a metal melts, Antimony is brayed, and will be burnt rather then molten; it is cold and dry in the third degree, [Page] and is used in Collyries for the eyes.
Antimonial, belonging to Antimony.
Antinomy (antinomia) the repugnance or contrariety between two Laws, or the contrarying of a Law. It was the custom in Athens to delegate five persons, to revise and examine every year the contrary-Titles of Law, which they call Antinomies, &c.
Antinomians ( ab [...] contrà, & [...] lex, quasi adversarii legis, adversaries to the Law) are a sort of Reformists hatcht in Luthers days, about the year 1525. by a disciple once of Luthers, called John, sir-named Islebius, a Husbandman (from the Town Islebium, where he and Luther were both born in the County of Mansfield in Germany) The Tenets of that Sect are; That there are no Devils; That the men of the Gospel are not bound to do the good works of Gods Law, as being neither necessary, nor profitable; That whatsoever sins a man falls into, be they Whoredoms, Adulteries, Thefts, Rebellions, or whatever other, yet if he do but believe the promises of the Gospel, he is sure to be saved; with such other damnable points. This Heresie is still lurking in many corners of Christendom; one John Eaton is said to have been the first professor of it in England.
Antipast, The first dish of a dinner, or meal; or somewhat eaten before meal, as Oysters, &c.
Antipathy (antipathia) a contrariety in nature, or natural repugnance; a contrariety in passions or inclinations, a disagreement of dispositions.
Antipathetical ( anti and patheticus) of a contrary passion or nature.
Antiperistasis, a term used in Philosophy, when heat, being kept in by cold, waxes the stronger in it self; or cold kept in by heat grows more vehement: an encounter of contraries, or contrary circumstances.
Antipelargy (antipelargesis) the reciprocal love of children to their Parents, or (more generally) any requital or mutual kindness. Cotg.
Antiphrasse (antiphrasis) a figure, where a word hath a contrary meaning.
Antiphrastical, that hath or gives a contrary meaning to words.
Antiphone (antiphona) as Anthemn, a kind of Verse or Sentence, which Church-men sing by course, one singing one verse, and another another. Vox reciproca duobus choris alternatim psallentibüs. A responsory song.
Antipileptical (Gr.) that is good against the falling-sickness; or which is contrary to that disease. Dr. Br.
Antipodes (Gr.) people dwelling on the other side of [Page] the earth with their feet directly against ours, so as a right line, drawn from the one to the other, passeth from North to South, through the Center of the world. These are distant 180 degrees, which is half the compass of the earth. They differ in all things as seasons of the year, length of days, rising and setting of the Sun, with the like. Plato is said to be the first Author of this word Antipodes.
Antipodal, belonging to the Antipodes, or to those people that have their feet directly against ours. Br.
Antiprestigiation (antipraestigiatio) a contrary jugling, the diversity or opposition of Legerdemain. Hist. of Goths.
Antiquary (antiquarius) one that searches, or is well skild in Antiquities, as Coyns, Histories, old words, &c.
Antiquate (antiquo) to bring into the antient manner or estate; to abrogate or make void.
Antique (antiquus) old, ancient, out of use.
Antistrophe (Gr. i. inversio) a figure in Rhetorique, when between two things that mutually hang one on the other, there is an interchangeable conversion, As Servus Domini, Dominus servi.
Antisabbatarians, a sort of Hereticks, who would have no particular Sabbath at all, but every day to be a Sabbath to a Christian man.
Antithesis (Gr.) a Rhetorical figure, when contraries are opposed to contraries, as Spokes in a Wheel; a contrary Position, opposition.
Antithets (antitheta) opposites, contraries.
Anti-Trinitarians, i. Adversaries to the blessed Trinity, who are more spoken of in Writers under the name of Trinitarians, which comprehends those Hereticks that reject the word Trinity, as not being found in Holy Scripture, and deny the number and distinction of Three persons in the blessed Trinity. As the Arians, who denied him to be truly God, whom true believers call the Son of the Eternal Father, or the second person of the Blessed Trinity. Or as the Sabellians (having their name from their Author Sabellius an Egyptian, who lived Anno Christi 260.) who denied any difference or distinction betwixt the Three persons, confounding the Three into One. Or as the Macedonians (so denominated from Macedonius a Bishop of Constantinople, living about the year of Christ 359.) who denied the Holy Ghost to be God, or, as many other old condemned Hereticks, to whose opinions subscribed those in the last age, who are termed Deists, followers of one Gregorius Pauli a Minister of Cracovia in Poland about the year of Christ 1564, [Page] who vented many blasphemies against the blessed Trinity; and divers others, as Ludovicus Herser, Michael Servetus, Campanus, with many of their Disciples in Germany, Hungary, Poland, and other places, where there are of them to this day.
Antitype Antitypie (antitypum) an example or copy, like or contrary to the pattern. L. Bac.
Antonians, an order of Religious persons, instituted about the year 324, by the Aegyptian Monk St. Anthony, who at the first sold his possessions, and distributed their worth among the poor, and afterwards betook himself to a most holy austere course of life, perpetually addicted to Prayer, Fasting, Watching, and other corporeal mortifications; teaching his Disciples or followers to fight against the Devil and his temptations with the sign of the Holy Cross; his life was written by Athanasius, one of the Greek Fathers, who lived in his days.
Antonomastically, that is said or spoken by the figure Antonomasia, which is a putting one name for another. Schism. disp.
Anxiety (anxietas) sorrow, anguish, heaviness.
Anxiferous (anxifer) bringing sorrow, causing anguish.
Aonian, An Epithete for the Muses; from Aonia, a part of Boeotia, where there is a Well dedicated to them, who are thence called Aonides.
Apathy (apathia) a wanting of affection, the affection of the Stoicks, without passion, impassibility.
Apelles Table. See Table.
Apennage Appennage (Fr.) the portion of the Kings younger Sons in France, a childs part. They have in France a fundamental Law, which they call the Law of Appennages, whereby the Kings younger Sons cannot have partage with the elder. This Law was made by Charlemain, before whose time France was dividable into as many Kingdoms as the King had Sons. By this Law the younger (though sometimes they are content with yearly Pensions) are to be entituled to some Dutchy, and all the Profits and Rights thereto appertaining; all matters of regality onely excepted, as Coinage, levying Taxes, and the like. It is derived from the German word Avanage, which signifies a portion. View of France.
Apellean (Apelleus) of or belonging to Apelles, an excellent Painter.
Apepsy (apepsia) crudity, bad digestion or rawness of the stomach.
Aperture Apertion (from aperio) an opening, discovering, uncovering, or revealing. Sir H. Wot.
[Page] Aperient (aperiens) opening, discovering, revealing, disclosing. Bac.
Apertive (apertus) opening; also open, clear, manifest.
Apertly (apertè) plainly, openly, evidently. Bac.
Aphelium (Gr. aphelion) is the point wherein the Earth, or any other Planet is most distant from the Sun. Ricciolus.
Aphetical (apheticus) pertaining to the Planet that is the disposer of life in a nativity.
Aphorism (aphorismus) a short selected Sentence briefly expressing the properties of a thing; or which serves as a maxime or principle to guide a man to any knowledge, specially in Physick.
Aphoristical, pertaining to an Aphorism.
Aphrodite (Gr.) the Sirname of Venus.
Apian (apianus) belonging to Bees, sweet, or tasting like honey.
Apocalypse (apocalypsis) a divine Book written by St. John Evangelist, while he was banished in the Isle of Pathmos; so called because it contains many profound mysteries there revealed to him. The words genuine signification is, a revelation or vision.
Apocalyptical, belonging to the Apocalypse, or to a Vision or revelation.
Apocryphal (apocryphus) that which is hidden, unknown or doubtful; whose original authority is not known; part of the Scripture so called, because it is doubted whether it be true Scripture, or not certainly known to be so.
Apodictical (from apodixis) pertaining to a plain proof, or demonstration of a thing. Br.
Apogeon Apogee (apogaeum) a Shroud or Den under the earth; also a term in Astronomy, signifying the point in the Heaven, where any Planet is furthest from the centre of the Earth; the remotest point of an Epicycle. Rider.
Apograph (apographum) a copy written by a pattern; Also an Inventory of ones goods.
Apolactize (apolactizo) to kick or spurn with the heel, to despise.
Apollinean (Apollineus) of or belonging to Apollo the god of Musick, Physick, and Poetry, or to the Sun.
Apollyon (Gr.) signifies a destroyer; a name attributed to the Devil in the New Testament, Apoc. 9.11. They had a King over them, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek Apollyon.
Apology Apologism (apologia) a defence or excuse, a speech or written answer made in justification of any one.
[Page] Apologetical Apological (apologeticus) pertaining to such a defence or excuse.
Apologize (apologizo) to make such a defence or excuse.
Apologue (apologus) a Fable or Tale, such as Aesops were, when bruit Beasts are feigned to speak, and which covertly teach lessons of good life.
Apomel (apomeli) a kinde of drink made of water and honey.
Apophlegmatism (apophlegmatismus) a medicine to purge the Flegm.
Apoththegm (apophthegma) a brief and pithy speech or sentence of renowned personages.
Apopheret (apopheretum) a New-years Gift, a Present.
Apoplectical (apoplecticus) pertaining to the Apoplexy.
Apoplexy (apoplexia) a very dangerous disease, wherein a man lies without sense or motion, as if he were dead, with his eyes closed, and great difficulty in fetching his breath; it comes for the most part of cold and gross flegmatick humors, oppressing the brain in such sort that the Animal spirits cannot pass from thence into the sinews, as they were wont. It either causeth present death, or else ends in a dead Palsey.
Aporetique (from aporia) ever doubting, never certain in any thing, wanting counsel.
Apostate (Apostata) he that revolts or falls from any thing he has undertaken to defend, as from true Religion. Julianus the Emperor was most infamous for this crime, and therefore called Julian the Apostate.
Apostatize (apostato) to make defection by revolt, to rebel or fall away from his Religion, duty or purpose.
Hence comes Apostacy the Substantive, and Apostatical the Adjective.
Aposteme. See Impostume.
Apostle (Apostolus) one sent of a Message, a Messenger or Ambassador. Therefore the twelve whom Christ sent to preach the word of God, are properly called Apostles.
Apostolicks or Apostolians (Apostolici) a sort of Heticks that hold, 1. That many Christians in these days have more knowledge then the Apostles. 2. That there is a salvation to be revealed unknown to the Apostles themselves. 3. That God in a short time will raise up Apostles, men extraordinarily indued with visible infallible gifts to preach the Gospel, &c. with other such erroneous Tenets.
Apostroph (apostrophus) a mark or comma, signifying the cutting off some vowel, as 'tis for it is, th' end, for the end, and the like; most used in [Page] Poetry. It is also a figure, when we convert our speech from one matter or person to another.
Apostume (apostema) an Impostume, an unnatural swelling of any corrupt matter in the body. See Impostume.
Apothegme. See Apophthegm.
Apotheke (apotheca) a place where any thing is laid to be kept, as a shop, ware-house, or store-house.
Apotomy (apotomia) a cutting off; a Mathematical term.
Apozeme (apozema) a decoction, or medicine made of water with divers kindes of Spices and Herbs boiled together, used instead of Syrrups; broth. Bac. Nat. Hist.
Apparell (Fr.) preparation, provision, ready making; It is an antient word used in the Accounts of the Inner Temple, and signifies that sum at the foot of an account, which the house remains in debt, or which remains charged on the house.
Apparitor (Lat.) a Serjeant, Beadle, or Sumner; but most commonly used for an inferior Officer that summoned in Delinquents to a spiritual Court.
Appeal (Fr. appel) is often used in our Common Law as in the Civil: which is a removing of a cause from an inferior Judge to a superior, as Appeal to Rome, Ann. 24. H. 8. c. 12. and 1 Eliz. c. 1. So St. Paul appealed from Festus to Caesar. And it is also commonly used for the private accusation of a murtherer, by a person who had interest in the murthered party; or of any Felon, by one of his complices in the Fact. See more of this in Mr. Leighs Phil. Comm.
Appellation (appellatio) a calling or pronouncing an Appeal.
Appellative (appellativus) naming, mentioning or calling. Grammatically it is taken for common, opposite to proper; as this word homo, a man, is by the Grammarians called a Noun, or name appellative, because common to all men; and this word Petrus, Peter, is a Noun or name proper to one individual person.
Appendant (appendens) is any thing belonging to another, As Accessorium principali, with the Civilians, or Adjunctum subjecto with the Logicians. An Hospital may be appendant to a Manor. Fitzher. Nat. Br. fol. 142. Common of fishing appendant to a Freehold. Westm. 2. cap. 25. An. 13. Ed. 1.
Appennage. See Apennage.
Appenditious (appendicus) that depends on another, pertaining to an Appendix.
Appendix (Lat) a hang-by, an addition, a Pent-house, label or any thing that depends on another.
Appensor (Lat.) he that weighs or ponders.
Appetency (appetentia) appetite, desire, lust.
[Page] Appetible (appetibilis) to be or that may be desired.
Appetition (appetitio) an earnest desire, endeavour, or lust. Hist. of Philosophy.
Appian Way (Appia via) a notable street or High-way which leads from Rome to Capua in Campania, which Appius Claudius, in his Consulship, paved with stones and walled, and therefore took denomination from him; but was extended to Brundusium in Calabria, by Julius Caesar and Trajan. Of all others it seems to be the principal, by the testimony of Papinias the Poet, ‘Appia cunctarum fertur Regina viarum.’
Applaud (applaudo) to shew joy or liking of a thing, by clapping the hands, or other sign of rejoycing, to allow or praise.
Applause (applausus) a clapping the hands in token of joy or good liking of a thing.
Application (applicatio) a making any thing meet with another, an applying of one thing to another.
Applumbature (amplumbatura) a joyning or soldering with lead.
Apposite (appositus) put or set to, meet for the purpose, convenient.
Apposition (appositio) an adding or putting to, or together.
Appostile (Fr.) an answer to a Petition, set down in the margent thereof, and generally any smal addition to a great discourse in writing. Cotgr.
Apprentice (Fr. Apprenti, and that from apprendre, to learn, whence their Apprentisage, and our Apprentiship) is such a person, who serves a certain time (for the most part seven years) by pact, for the learning of any Art. In former time Barristers were called Apprentices to the Law. As appears by Mr. Seldens notes on Fortescu, p. 3. So the learned Plowden stiled himself; and Mr. Hen. Finch in his Nomotechnia writes himself Apprentice del Ley.
Appretiate (appretio) to esteem at an high rate or price.
Appretiation (appretiatio) an high valuing or estimation.
Appretiatively (appretiativè) according to the price or value; It is usually contradistinguished to intensively; As we may be said to love a Dog more then a Childe intensively, but not appretiatively.
Approperate (appropero) to hasten, to make speed to.
Appropinquation (appropinquatio) an approaching or coming nigh unto.
Appropriation (appropriatio) a term in our Law when any Body corporate or private person hath the right, and converts the profit of an Ecclesiastical [Page] Living to his or their own use, onely maintaining a Vicar to serve the Cure.
To make an Appropriation, Licence must be obtained of the King in Chancery, and the consent of the Diocesan, Patron and Incumbent are necessary, if the Church be full; But if the Church be void, the Diocesan and the Patron, upon the Kings licence, may conclude it. Plowden in Grendons Case, fo. 496. b. & Seq. To dissolve an Appropriation, it is enough to present a Clerk to the Bishop; for, that once done, the Benefice returns to the former nature. Fitz. nat. br. fol. 35. F.
Approver (approbator) signifies in our Common Law, one that confessing Felony of himself, appeals or accuses another, one or more to be guilty of the same: and he is called so, because he must prove that which he hath alledged in his appeal. Stanf. Pl. Cor. fo. 142. And that proof is by Battail, or by the Country at his election that appealed.
Appuyed (from the Fr. Appuyè) stayed, propped, supported or held up; also rested or leaned on.
Aprication (apricatio) a warming or heating in the Sun.
Apricity (apricitas) the warmth of the Sun in winter, Sun-shining, fair warm weather.
Aprique (apricus) warmed with the Sun, or that loves to be in the Sun-shine, sunny.
Aptitude (aptitudo) fitness, meetness, conveniency.
Aptote (aptotum) a noun without a case, indeclinable.
Apyrexie (Gr) the remitting of a Feaver; or the shaking in the course of an Ague. Riverius.
Aqua Coelestis is rectified wine, being in some sort made like the heaven for subtilty and pureness. Chym. Dict.
Aquarius, or the Waterman; one of the twelve signs of the Zodiack, so called from the plenty of rain water, which we commonly have, when the Sun enters that sign. Min.
Aquatical (aquaticus) belonging to, living or breeding in the water.
Aquatile (aquitalis) that haunts or lives in the water.
Aquation (aquatio) a carrying, fetching, or providing water; also abundance of rain water.
Aqueduct (aquaeductus) a conduit or conveyance of water by a pipe.
Aqueous (aqueus) waterish like to water. Vul. Er.
Aquiliferous (aquilifer) that bears the picture of an Eagle in his Ensign, such was the Roman Standard-bearer.
Aquiline (aquilinus) of or belonging to an Eagle.
Arabesque (Fr.) Rebesk work; branched work in painting or in Tapestry; or a [Page] small and curious flourishing.
Arabian Bird, the Phenix, which the Country called Arabia in Asia, is said to bring forth.
Arabian stone, the stone called Corneol, being a kind of Onyx, and found in Arabia.
Arable (arabilis) that may be tilled or ploughed.
Araneous (araneous) ful of Spiders webs.
Aratrate (aratro) to till or plough, to stir or ear ground.
Arbitrary (arbitrarius) that which is voluntary or left to our own will or censure; belonging to arbitrement.
Arbitratour (arbitrator) is an extraordinary Judge or Commissioner in one or more causes, between party and party, chosen by their mutual consents. This Arbitrement is either general, that is, including all Actions, Quarrels, Executions and Demands; or special, which is of one or more matters, facts, or things specified. The Civilians (says Dr. Cowel) make a diffetence between Arbiter and Arbitrator; For though they both ground their power upon the comprimize of the parties, yet their liberty is divers. For Arbiter is tyed to proceed and judge according to Law, with equity mingled: Arbitrator is permitted wholly to his own discretion, without solemnity of process, or course of judgement, to hear or determine the controversie committed to him, so it be juxta arbitrium boni viri.
Arborary (arborarius) of or belonging to Trees or Arbours.
Arborist (from Arbor) he that hath skill in Trees, a woodman.
Arbustive or Arbustine (arbustinus) of or belonging to shurbs or young Trees, shrubby.
Arcabuz (Sp.) a kinde of hand-gun or Caliever.
Arcabuzier, one that serves with such a Gun in the wars.
Arcadian (arcadicus) belonging to the people or country of Arcadia, rustick, blockish, clownish.
Arcade (Fr.) an Arch or half a Circle. Merc. Ital.
Arcane (arcanus) hid, secret, privy, unknown.
Arcenal. See Arsenal.
Arche (Gr. Archos) the first or chief; Hence
Archetype (archetypum) the first pattern or original Copy, the principal figure or example, whereby a thing is framed.
Arch Dapifer, a chief Sewer, and is the Title that belongs to the Count Palatine of the Rhene, under the Emperor.
Arch-Duke, as much as the first or principal Duke. This Title belongs onely to the House of Austria, divised by [Page] the Emperor Fredrick to grace his Nephew Philip, when he was to marry Joan the Daughter of Spain. 2. part Treasury of Times.
Arch-Flamens, were among the Heathens, what Arch-Bishops or Arch-Priests are among Christians; the Heathenish Romans had three Arch-Flamens in Britain in King Lucius his time, whose seats were at London, York and Caerlion upon Ʋske, and 28 Flamens; to whose power other Judges were subject. These by Pope Eleutherius's Legat, were converted from Idolatry, &c. Hen. Hunting. Hist. lib. 1. and in Prolog. and Broughtous Eccles. Hist. fol. 273. See Flamen.
Archigrapher (archigraphus) the chief Secretary or principal Clerk.
Archiloquy (archiloquium) the first part or beginning of a speech.
Archimandrite (archimandrita) an Abbot, Prior, or chief of a Hermitage. Dr. Taylor.
Archimimick (archimimus) the principal Player or chief Jester.
Architect (architectus) the Master-builder, the chief workman in Architecture, the first inventer.
Architectonical (Gr.) of or belonging to a chief Master or Architect.
Architecture (architecture) the art of devising, framing, or drawing plots in building. It is written that this Science did begin in Cain, because he was the first that ever built a City, which he called by his Sons name Enoch, as appears Gen 4. This Art contains the condition of Carpentry, Masonry, Imagery, Goldsmithry, and whatever is to be wrought in either wood, stone, or mettals. 1. part Treas. of times.
Architrave (Architrabs) the Crown or Chapiter of a stone Pillar: The reason-piece or master-beam in buildings of Timber.
Archive (archivum) the place where antient Evidences, Charters and Records are kept; the Chancery or Exchequer. L. Bac.
Arch-triumphant. See Triumphant Arch.
Archon (Gr.) the chief Magistrate among the Athenians.
Archonticks (archontici) certain Hereticks who affirmed the world to be the work of Princes, and denied the Resurrection. They took their name from Archon the first of that Sect, and began about the year of Christ 334. Rider.
Archytas Wooden Dove, (famoused by Agellius and other Authors) which by reason of weights equally poised within the body, and a certain proportion of air (as the spirit of life) enclosed, slew cheerfully forth, as if it had been a living Dove. Compl. Gent.
Arcitenent (arcitenens, ab [Page] arcum tenendo) which bears or shoots with a Bow.
Arctation (arctatio) a straitning or making narrow.
Arctick Circle ( arcticus Circulus, so called for that it is correspondent to the Circle in Heaven called the Bear, in Greek Arctos) is distant from the Tropick of Cancer 45 degrees, and passeth through Norway, Muscovy, Tartary, &c. Heyl.
Arctick Pole (Polus arcticus) the North Pole of the world: for Arctick, of it self signifies northward or northern.
Arcuate (arcuatus) fashioned like a bow or arch. Bac.
Arcubalist or Arbalist (arcubalista) a warlike engine to cast or shoot darts or stones. Our Rich. 1. first shewed the use of this Engine to the French, and was shortly after slain by a shot thereof discharged by Bertram de Gurdon at the siedge of Chaluz in France. Cam.
Arcubuse. See Arcabuz.
Ardelion (ardelio) one full of gesture, a busie body, a meddler in all matters.
Ardour (ardor) ardent love, hot or fervent desire, parching heat.
Arduity (arduitas) height, steepness, difficulty.
Areatour (areator) a thresher, or he that makes clean the floar.
Arefaction (arefactio) a making dry or withered. Bac.
Arefy (arefacio) to make or become dry, to wither.
Arenaceous (arenaceus) of or like sand, sandy. Dr. Br.
Arenated (arenatus) mixed with sand, sandy.
Areopagite (areopagita) Judges of Life and Death among the Athenians, instituted by Solon; their custom was to use so much severity and integrity in judgment, that they heard all causes and matters in the night, to the end they might have no occasion to regard the parties, but onely have their eye and respect earnestly on the matter before them. They were called Areopagites from the Greek Areopagos, that is, Mars his street, a street in Athens so called, where they sate. St. Dionysius, converted to the Christian faith by St. Paul, was one of those Judges. Pol Virg.
Areopagy (areopagus) the Town where those Judges sate in Judicature.
Areopagetical, belonging to the Areopagi.
Aretaloger Aretalogon (aretalogus) one that brags or boasts of vertue in himself, a talking fellow, a lyer.
Arescation (from aresco) a drying or withering up. Felt.
Aretaphila (Gr. i.e. amatrix virtutis) a lover of, or friend to vertue; a womans name.
Aretine (aretinus) of or belonging to the City Aretium, now Arezzi in Italy.
[Page] Argentanginy (argentangina) the silver Squincy, when one for money feigns himself sick and not to speak.
Argentry Argent (Fr. from Argentum) silver, coyn, or money; in Heraldry it signifies the silver colour, or white, which the Heralds hold to be the first and most excellent colour. And white ( Plato saith) is the fittest colour for God; among the Planets it is compared to the Moon, and among precious stones to the Oriental Pearl. Min.
Argillous (argillosus) full of white clay, fat, fertile, clammy. Br.
Argonauts (argonautae) the worthies that went into Colchos to fetch the Golden-Fleece; so called of the ship Argo, in which they sailed; the chief of them were Jason, Typhis, Castor, Pollux, Hercules and Theseus. Also taken for idle and lazy Mariners.
Argonauticks, Books treating of Navigation or shipping.
Argutious (argutus) subtile, witty, of deep reach, full of words.
Arid (aridus) dry, barren, withered, unfruitful.
Aridate (arido) to make dry or barren.
Aridity (ariditas) driness or barrenness.
Aries (Lat.) a Ram; an Engine heretofore used in besieging Cities; so called because it had horns of Iron like a Rams-head, which batter'd the walls; or otherwise, because they rushed against the walls with it, as a Ram with his head, and back again. The form of which you may find in Marcellinus, l. 23. c. 3. Also the first sign of the Zodiack, so called, because when the Sun enters into that sign about mid- March, he begins to beat with his beams upon the beginnings of the New-year as a Ram doth butt, or push with his horns. Du Bartas.
Arietine (arietinus) of or like a Ram.
Arietation (arietatio) a butting like a Ram; or a battering with the Engine called the Ram.
Ariolation (ariolatio) foretelling, soothsaying. Vul. Er.
Aristocracy (aristocratia) a kinde of Government in a Commonwealth, wherein the Nobles or better sort onely rule. Such is the Republique of Venice, which is governed by a Senate of Noble men.
Aristocratical, of or belonging to that kind of Government.
Arithmetick (arithmetica) the art of numbering: It is written, that Abraham first taught this Art to the Egyptians, and that afterwards Pythagoras did much increase it.
Arithmancy (Gr.) divination made by number, which [Page] hath consideration and contemplation of Angelical vertues; of names, signacles, natures, and conditions, both of Devils and other Creatures.
Aritude, the same with Aridity.
Arke (arca) in holy Scripture signifies two things. 1. The Ark made by Noah at the commandment of God, which was 300 Cubits long, (one foot and half to the Cubit) 50 Cubits broad, and 30 high, Gen. 6. which sheweth (according to Butaeo) the whole concavity to have been 450000. The remnants of which, Josephus saith, were in his time to be seen.
2. It signifies a most precious and consecrated coffer, or chest called the Ark of Testament or Testimony, made of the wood Sethim, and plated within and without all over with gold: it had four corners, and in each corner a golden Ring, thorow which were put bars of the same wood, covered likewise with gold, which served for the carriage of it; This Ark was two Cubits and a half long, one Cubit and a half broad, and one Cubit and a half deep, Exod. 25.30. in it was kept part of the Manna in a pot of gold, also the two Tables of the Law, and Aarons rod that had budded. Heb. 9.4.
Armada (Sp.) a great Army or Navy.
Armature (armatura) armor, or the use of weapons; the skill of bearing arms.
Armiferous (armifer) one that bears arms or weapons, warlike.
Armilet Armollet (armilla) a bracelet for the Arm.
Armillate (armillatus) which hath or weareth bracelets.
Arminians (so called from James Arminius a professor of Divinity at Leyden, who lived about the year 1605.) a sort of Hereticks, called also Remonstrants; that hold several erroneous opinions concerning Predestination, the Redemption of man by Christs death, &c. And in some points agree with the ancient Pelagians. Heresiog.
Armipotent (armipotens) powerful in arms, valiant, couragious.
Armomancy (armomancia) Divination by the shoulders of beasts.
Armoniack (armoniacum) a gum issuing from the Cyrenian Ferula, or Fennel-gyant.
Armorick (Armorica) Brittain in France so called, and the people of that Country are called Armoricans.
Arobe, a measure of Sugar among the Portuguese at Brazil, containing 25 of our English Bushels. Heyl.
Aromatick Aromatical (aromaticus) sweet of savour, odoriferous.
[Page] Aromatization (aromatizatio) among Physitians is defined to be an artificial manner of preparation, whereby medicaments are made more odoriferous and suaveolent, to the better acceptation of the Palate and Heart, and the greater strength and oblectation of the vital and animal faculties. Renodaeus.
Aromatize (aromatizo) to perfume, season, or annoint with sweet odors or spices.
Arpent (Fr.) an acre or furlong of ground; the most ordinary one called L' arpent de France, is 100 Perches square (or every way) after eighteen foot to the Perch. This word is found in Dooms day Book.
Arquebuse (Fr.) a Gun, somewhat bigger then a Musket, a Caliever.
Arquebusier (Fr.) that serveth with such a Gun.
Arquebusade (Fr.) a shot with a bullet of an Arquebuse.
Arraign, a Prisoner is said to be arraigned, when he is indicted and put to his Trial.
Arrearages (comes of the French Arrierages, i. reliqua) signifies the remainder of an account, or sum of mony remaining in the hands of an accountant; it is also used more generally for any mony unpaid at the due time, as arrearages of Rent.
Arreptitious (arreptitius) caught or tormented by a Devil; also he that steals or creeps in privily.
Arrest (Fr.) in the common signification it is well known for a seisure of, or Execution served upon a mans person or goods; But we sometimes use it (as the French) for a Sentence, Decree, Order or final Judgment of a Court.
Arrianism, An antient and pestilent Heresie (hatched by one Arrius a Lybian born (but a Priest of Alexandria) who denied the Son to be consubstantial or of the same substance with God the Father, and asserted him a Creature made by God, capable of vice, &c. To beat down which Heresie, the first Council of Nice was called, the Nicen Creed made, and the Clause of one substance with the Father, proved to be consentaneous to the word. To subscribe the Decrees of this Council, Arrius was sent for by the Emperor Constantine; To whom he went, having written his own heretical Tenets, which he hid in his bosom, and reading before the Emperor the Decrees of the Council, he wrote a Recantation of his heresie, swearing that he meant as he had written; which words the Emperor referred to the Recantation, but he to the paper of his own Tenets in his bosom: when he had taken this Oath, he went in triumph through the streets of the City, till a necessity of nature enforcing [Page] him, he withdrew aside to a house of ease, where he voided out his guts, and sent his Soul as a Harbinger to the Devil, to provide room for his body. Heyl.
This Heresie began about the year of Christ 315. in the time of Pope Silvester, and Constantine the great Emperor; and notwithstanding, Arrius and his deceived complices, were excommunicated by their own Bishop Alexander, upon the first broaching of their Tenets, and that the Heresie was condemned by the aforesaid Council of Nice; and thirdly, notwithstanding the aforesaid sudden and infamous death of the Author, the heresie died not with him, but did afterwards much spread it self (by the help of Constantine the Emperor) through all Christendom, but more in the East, then in the Western Church of God, nor is it to this day quite extinct, divers still adhering to it, especially in Transilvania and the bordering Countries.
Arride (arrideo) to smile or look pleasantly upon, to shew a liking and consent by gesture, to applaud.
Arrision (arisio) a smiling upon, an applause.
Arriva. See Reevo.
Arrogate (arrogo) to attribute much to ones self, to boast, to claim more then is due, to presume.
Arrogancy (arrogantia) pride, presumption, haughtiness.
Arsenal (Fr. Arcenal, Ital. Arsenale) an Armory or storehouse of Armor, Artillery or ships.
The Venetians (saith Heylin) have an Arsenal, in which are kept 200 Galleys, nigh to which are houses stored with Masts, Sayls, and other Tackling: so that they can speedily set out a great Navy.
Arsenick (arsenicum) a kind of gold colour called Orpine or Orpiment, others call it Oker: The natural one is of two sorts, the one red, the other yellow. Cotgr.
Arseverse (i averte ignem) a pretended spell written upon the door of an house, to keep it from burning. 'Tis a Tuscan word, quasi Arsurum averte.
Arseversie, Preposterously, perversly, the cart before the horse.
Artemisean Month, The month of May.
Artery (arteria) a sinew like a vein, a hollow vessel, in which the spirits of life mixed with blood do pass through the body. All these kinds of veins proceed from the heart, where the vital spirits are made, and are those which pant or beat, called commonly the pulses. Bull.
Aorta (Gr) the great Artery, the root whereof is fastned to the little grisly bone which is in the heart; this is called the mother of all other Arteries.
[Page] Axillar Artery (arteria axillaris) the Arm-hole Artery, or a left branch of the Aorta, from which it ascends obliquely towards the Armhole, where, after it hath sent its branches to the higher ribs and other adjacent parts, it descends to the bought of the Cubit.
Carotick Artery (arteria carotica) issues from the Axillar, and is divided into two branches; the inward and greater, which goes unto the brain; the outward, which passes unto the Larinx, tongue, nose, eyes and Muscles of the Temples.
Cervical Artery (arteria cervicalis) an Artery in the Nape or hinder part of the Neck, issues from the Sous-claviere, and goes thence from the Neck-bone to the brain.
Coeliaque Artery (arteria coeliaca) is a main branch of the great Artery, from which it descends to the Midriff and intrails.
Coronal Arteries, are two little branches of the great Artery, and led by it unto the left ventricle and broad end of the heart.
Crotaphique Artery (arteria crotaphica) is a great sinew near the Temples.
Crural Artery, is the Artery of the Thigh, among whose Muscles it divides it self.
Cubical Artery, is a branch of the Axillar.
Cystepatique Artery, is a branch of the Coeliaque, and goes to the Liver and Gall.
Diaphragmatique Artery, issues from the trunk of the great Artery, and thence goes to the Diaphragma.
Epigastrick Artery, is a branch of the Iliack Artery; and distributes it self among the Muscles of the Epigastrum.
Gastripiploique Artery, is a branch of the Coeliaque, whence it goes to the Ventricle and Epiploon.
Geminous Arteries; the twin Arteries, two smal ones which descend to the joynt of the knee, between the processes of the Thigh-bones.
Grand Artery. As Aorta.
Hypogastrick Artery, is a branch of the Iliack, and distributes it self among the parts of the Hypogastrium.
Iliack Artery, is the descendent branch of the great one.
Intercostal Arteries, are two; an upper, which bestows it self among the Muscles that are between the four highest ribs, and an under one, which goes to every Muscle, that is between the rest of the ribs.
Lumbarie Arteries, the Loin Arteries, issue from the Aorta unto all the parts of the loyns, giving life to the marrow of the back-bone, and sending as many branches to its joynts, as there be holes in it.
Mamillar Artery, the Pap Artery, issues from the trunk of the Aorta.
Mesenterique Arteries, are [Page] two, an upper, which distributes it self among the small guts, and an under one, which goes to the lower part of the Mesentery.
Plantar Arteries, are two branches of the Thigh-Arterie (which they divide in the middle of the Leg) an inward one, which descends to the joynt or setting on of the foot, and passing along the sole, ends in five branches, whereof two serve for the great Toe, two for the second Toe, and one for the middle Toe; the outward (as the inner) ends also in five branches, two whereof it bestows on the little Toe, two on the next unto it, and one on the middle one.
Privy Artery, issues from the great Arteries descendent branch, and bestows it self among the privities.
Radial Artery, A second branch of the arm-hole Artery, whence it bestows it self on the Radius or the upper and greater bone of the Arm.
Renal Artery, the Kidney Artery, issues out of the Aorta, and enters into the Kidney, bringing to it the serosity of the arterial blood.
Sacred Artery, a branch of the great Arteries descendent branch, goes to the Marrow which is in the Os Sacrum.
Sous claviere Artery, the ascendent branch of the great Artery.
Spermatique Artery, goes from the body of the Aorta to the Testicles, and there joyns with the vein that governs those parts.
Splenitique Artery, is the greatest branch of the Coeliaque, whence it goes to the Spleen and therein ends.
Thorachique Artery, the Brest-Artery, issues out of the great Arteries ascendent branch, and goes to the anterior Muscles of the Brest.
Venous or Veiny Artery, is one of the three principal ones of the body, issues from the left Ventricle of the heart and carries blood from thence to the Lungs for their nourishment
Trachean or Trachian Artery▪ called also the pipe of the Lungs, is one of the three principal Arteries in the body, and the instrument of breath and voice, it begins at the Larinx, and ends at the Lungs or Lights.
Arterial (arterialis) of or belonging to the Arteries.
Arterious (arteriosus) full of Arteries.
Arteriotomye (Gr.) an incision or cutting of Arteries.
Arthritical (arthriticus) gouty, diseased in the joynts.
Artick. See Arctick
Arthur, a Latine name in Iuvenal drawn from the goodly fixed Star Arcturus, and that from Arctus, is the Bear, as Ʋisicinus among the Romans. The famous Arthur made this name first famous among the Britains. Cam. [Page] But why may not Arthure be rather a Brittish word composed of Art [...], which signifies a Bear, and awr, signifying a man, Vir? So Arthur, quasi, a man that for his strength and terror may be called a Bear.
Articular (articularis) pertaining to the joynts.
Articulate (articulo) to set down articles or conditions of agreement, to joynt or point.
Artifex (Lat. Subst.) a workman, a craftsman, a cunning artificer, a master of his Art.
Artilan or Artist (Fr.) idem.
Arvisian Vine, (so called from Arvis (now Amista) a mountain in the Island Sio, formerly called Chios, where it is made) one of the best sorts of Greek wine, thus praised by Virg. Eclog. 3.
The Arval Brothers or Fraternity (frates arvales) were twelve Priests among the old Romans, who (besides the performance of publique Sacrifices) were appointed Arbitrators or Judges to decide controversies concerning Land-marks, and bounds of the fields, whence they took their name. Godw.
Arundiferous (arundifer) that bears or brings forth Reeds or Canes.
Aruspicy ( aruspicium or Haruspicium) a kinde of Divination, when men (by opening and viewing the Bowels of Beasts killed for Sacrifice) undertook to foretel things to come; and such persons were called Aruspices, ab aras inspiciendo.
Arythmancy. See Arithmancy.
Ascalonyte; Herod, so called because he was born at Ascalon, a Town in Jury.
Ascance, a beholding sideways, or looking on one side.
Ascendant (ascendens) or Horoscope, is the point of the Ecliptick, arising at some determinate moment of the natural day; in which the Infant is conceived or born; (so called from two Greek Nouns [...], i. Hora, and [...], scopus) which is the scope to be aimed at; for the condition of the whole life is believed to depend on that moment; and therefore that moment and point of the Ecliptick, is to be proposed [Page] and established as the principal scope level'd at in Astrological consideration. Ricciolus in his Almagesto Novo.
Ascentive (from ascendo) that ascends or climbs up.
Ascetike (from the Greek Ascetes, i. Monachus) pertaining to a Monastery or place where people give themselves to Meditation or Payer. Sir Ken. Digby's Treatise of Bodies.
Asclepiad (asclepias, adis) a kinde of verse consisting of a Spondee, a Choriambique, and two Dactyles.
Asia, One of the Four parts of the world, bounding towards the East, so called from Asia, Daughter to Oceanus and Thetis, wife to Iapetus, and mother to Prometheus; It stretches in length about five thousand and two hundred miles, and in breadth four thousand five hundred and sixty; wherein are contained the several Regions of, 1. Anatolia, 2. Syria, 2. Palestina, 4. Armenia, 5. Arabia, 6. Media, 7. Assyria, 8. Mesopotamia, 9. Persia, 10. Chaldaea, 11. Parthia, 12. Hircania, 13. Tartaria, 14. China, 15. India, 16. the Islands. This part of the world hath worn the Garland of super-eminency.
1. Because here man was created, and put to Till the Land.
2. Here our Saviour Christ was born, wrought his Divine Miracles, and suffered on the Cross for our salvation.
3. Here were done the actions memorized by the Holy Pen-men of the Old and New-Testament.
4. Here were the first Monarchies of the Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians and Medes.
5. This is the common mother of us all, from whence as from the Trojan horse, innumerable Troops of men issued to people the other parts of the uninhabited world. Heyl.
Asiatick (Asiaticus) pertaining to Asia.
Asinine (asininus) of or belonging to an Ass.
Asmatographers (asmatographi) they who sel or make Songs, or Lessons for any instruments.
Asmodius (Gr.) the Feind of Lechery, or Spirit of Carnality; Also the name of the Devil, that killed the seven Husbands of Sara the Daughter of Raguel, mentioned in the third Chapter of Toby. Holy Court.
Asotu, Intemperate, incontinent, prodigal. Hence perhaps 'tis we call a Drunkard a Sot.
Aspect (aspectus) beholding or viewing, sight, presence or beauty.
In Astronomy it signifies the distance between the Planets [Page] and heavenly signs: and there are four such Aspects. The first called, a Trine Aspect (because it divides the Heavens into three even parts) is the distance of four signs from each other; as Aries beholds Leo and Sagittarius with a Trine Aspect, because these are distant four signs, the one before, the other after Aries. The second called a Quartile, is the distance of three signs, as Aries beholds Cancer and Capricorn with a Quartile Aspect, because they are distant three signs from him. The third called a Sextile Aspect, is the distance of two signs, as Aries beholds Gemini and Aquarius with this Sextile Aspect, being but two signs distant from them. The fourth, called an Opposite Aspect, is the farthest distant that can be, namely a distance of six signs asunder; As Aries beholds Libra with this Opposite Aspect, and Libra beholds Aries with the same. The like is of all the other Signs or Planets placed in them. For example, Taurus beholds Cancer and Pisces, with a Sextile; Leo and Aquarius with a Quartile, Virgo and Capricorn with a Trine, and Scorpio with an Opposite Aspect. The distance of one or five Signs is not called an Aspect.
Aspectable (aspectabilis) worthy the beholding, or looking on; visible, that may be seen.
Asper, A sort of foreign Coyn, of our money about five farthings; others say, ten Aspers make but six pence.
Asperate (aspero) to make sharp, rough, eager, or angry, to make more grievous.
Asperity (asperitas) sharpness, harshness, unpleasantness, rudeness of manners.
Aspernate (asperno) to contemn, reject, set light by, or abhor.
Aspersion (aspersio) a besprinkling, wetting or bedewing; and by Metaphor, infamy or slander.
Asphaltick, Of or belonging to the dead Sea, or Lake called Asphaltites, nigh which once stood the infamous Cities of Sodom and Gomorrha. This Lake has such a bituminous or sulphry strong smell, that no living thing can endure it. Rel. Med.
Aspirate or Aspiration (aspiratio) a breathing, aspiring or influence; also the pronouncing a syllable with some more force of breath then ordinary, as we do those that have the Letter H, as have, her, homo, hamus, &c. contrary to which pronunciation is that which has nothing of the sound of H, as are, ear, amo, onus, &c.
Asportation (asportatio) a carrying or conveying away, a transporting.
Assart (Fr. Essarter) to glade or make glades in a wood; also to grub up or [Page] clear a ground of bushes, shrubs, &c. or to lop off the boughs of a Tree. Assart is taken for an offence committed in the Forest, by plucking up those woods by the roots, that are Thickets or Coverts of the Forest, and by making them plain, as arable land. Manwoods For. Law. But if a man sue out a Licence to assart his grounds in the Forest, and to make it several for Tillage, then it is no offence. Cow.
Assassine (Ital. Assassino) a Thief, a Cut-throat, a Murderer; one that kills another for gain or upon hope or promise of reward; such a one was he, who murthered the Count of Tripolis in the wars for the Holy Land; and such a one was he, who so desperately wounded our Edw. 1. at the siege of Ptolemais or Acon. Heyl.
Assassinate (from the Ital. Assassinare) to murther and rob together.
Assation (assatio) a roasting; in Physick, it signifies the coction of medicaments in their own juice.
Assault. See Affray.
Assectation (assectation) an accompanying, following or observing.
Assentation (assentatio) a flattering, soothing or dissembling.
Assertion (assertio) an affirmation or avouching; a procuring of ones liberty.
Assessor (Lat.) a Councellor, a Judge lateral, an assistant, one that is associate in Office and Authority to another. It is an Officer in an Assembly of Presbyterian Divines, whereof there are two at the least.
Assestrix (Lat.) a woman which is assistant or sits by another; a Midwife.
Assets (from the French Assez, i. satis) signifies in our Common Law, goods enough to discharge that burden, which is cast upon the Executor or Heir, in satisfying the Testators or Ancestors Debts or Legacies. See Brook, titulo, Assets per discent: By whom you shall learn, that whosoever pleads Assets, saith nothing, but that he against whom he pleads, hath enough descended or come into his hands, to discharge that which is in demand. The Author of the new Terms of Law makes two sorts of Assets. Viz. Assets par discent, and enter mains, the former being to be alledged against an heir, the other against an Executor or Administrator.
Asseveration (asseveratio) an earnest affirming or avouching.
Assideans, it is controverted whether they were Pharisees or Essenes, or what they were; but see Moses and Aaron. p. 33.
Assiduity (assiduitas) diligence without ceasing, continual attendance, unintermitted [Page] sollicitation.
Assiduous (assiduus) daily, continual, diligent, approved, always at hand.
Assignation Assignment (assignatio) an appointment or distribution, the passing a thing over to another.
Assignee (assignatus) is he that is appointed or deputed by another to do any act, or perform any business, or enjoy any commodity. And an Assignee may be either in Deed, or in Law. Assignee in Deed, is he that is appointed by a person: an Assignee in Law, is he whom the Law so makes, without any appointment of the person. Dyer fol. 6. num. 5. Perkins Tit. Grants, saith, that an Assignee is he that useth or enjoys a thing in his own right, and Deputy he that doth it in the right of another.
Assimilate (assimilo) to liken, resemble or compare.
Assimulate (assimulo) to feign a thing, to counterfeit, to represent, to set a good face on the matter.
Assize (from the Norman word Assize, and that derived from the Fr. asseoire, i. collocare) is a word diversly used in our Common Law. Littleton, in the Chapter of Rents, saith it is aequivocal, and sets down three significations of it; one as it is taken for a Writ; another as it is used for a Jury; the third as for an Ordinance.
But concerning the General Assizes, take thus much out of Sir Fra. Bacons use of the Law; all the Counties of this Realm (saith he) are divided into six Circuits, and two learned men are assigned by the Kings Commission to every Circuit, and to ride twice a year through those Shires allotted to that Circuit; these we call Justices or Judges of Assize, who have five several Commissions by which they sit. The first is a Commission of Oyer and Terminer, directed to them and many others of the best account in their Circuits; but in this Commission the Judges of Assize are of the Quorum, so as without them there can be no proceeding. This Commission gives them power to deal with Treasons, Murders and all manner of Felonies and Misdemeanors whatsoever, and this is the largest Commission they have. The second is a Commission of Goal delivery. That is onely to the Judges themselves, and the Clerk of the Assize associate: and by this Commission they are to deal with every prisoner in the Goal, for what offence soever he be there. The third Commission is directed to themselves only and the Clerk of Assize to take Assizes, by which they are called Justices of Assize; and the office of these Justices is to do right upon Writs called Assise, brought before them [Page] by such as are wronfully thrust out of their Lands. The fourth Commission is to take Nisi Prius directed to none but to the Judges themselves and their Clerks of Assizes, by which they are called Justices of Nisi Prius. The fifth is a Commission of Peace in every County of their Circuit. And all the Justices of the Peace having no lawful impediment, are bound to be present at the Assizes to attend the Judges as occasion shall fall out: if any make default, the Judges may set a Fine upon him at their pleasure and discretions: The Sheriff of every Shire is also to attend in person, or by a sufficient Deputy allowed by the Judges, who may fine him if he fail, &c. See more of this in the Ʋse of the Law, fol. 13. usque ad 21.
Associate (associo) to accompany, to joyn in Office, to make fit; to make ones self companion with another.
Assonate (assono) to sound together, to answer by sound.
Assuefaction (assuefactio) a teaching or attaining by use, enurement.
Assuete (assuetus) accustomed, practised, enured, exercised by long continuance.
Assuetude (assuetudo) custom, use, continuance, usage.
Assumpsit (the third person of the Preterfect Tense of the Verb assumo, i.e. to take to or upon ones self) is a voluntary promise made by word, whereby a man assumes or takes upon him to perform or pay any thing to another. This word contains any Verbal Promise made upon consideration; for a promise without consideration will not in Law bind to performance, but is called, nudum pactum ex quo non oritur actio.
Assumption (assumptio) a taking to, or upon, a lifting up, an attributing: Also the Minor Proposition in a Syllogism; As
Whatsoever is due by the Law of Nature, cannot be altered.
But Allegeance and Obedience of the Subject to the Supreme Power, is due by the Law of Nature:
Ergo, it cannot be altered.
The first part of this Syllogism is called the Major; the second, beginning with But, is the Assumption or Minor, and Ergo, makes the Conclusion.
Assumptive (assumptivus) that takes to himself or promises, or that is lifted up.
Asterisque (Asteriscus) a little Star, also a figure in writing in form of a star (*) shewing want of something, or somewhat to be noted.
Asterism (asterismus) a constellation or imaginary form of fixed stars.
Asthma (Gr.) a difficulty [Page] of breathing, a disease when ones breath is hindred by some humor.
Asthmatical (asthmaticus) belonging to that disease, short-winded, pursey.
Astipulation (astipulatio) an assent, agreement, affirmation, or avowing a thing.
Astism (astismus) a kind of civil jest, without prejudice or anger.
Astrea, Justice; so called of Astraeus, a most just Prince. Sands.
Astragal (astragalus) a term of Architecture, and is (according to Vitruvius, an ancient and famous Author thereof) a ring or writhen circle to deck or adorn the neck of a column, and is therefore transferred to the canon, agreeing somewhat in shape with the Column or Pillar. Enchirid. of Fort.
Astragalize (astragalizo) to make or use Astragals: also to play at Dice, Huckle-bones or Tables.
Astriction (astrictio) a knitting, binding, or fastening to, or together.
Astrictive Astringent (astrictivus) which hath power to bind or knit unto.
Astriferous (astrifer) that beareth stars, an Epithete most proper for the Heavens or Sky.
To Astringe (astringo) to bind fast, to joyn together, to strain, to tie, to knit. Bac.
Astroarch (Gr.) the Queen of the Planets, the Moon.
Astrolabe (astrolabium) a flat-round instrument, whereby Astronomers gather the motion and distance of heavenly bodies, and whereby the length, height, and breadth of any other thing may be discerned and found out.
Astrology (astrologia) is a Science which tells the Reasons of the Stars and Planets motions. Astrology (says Dr. Bullokar) doth promise by the motion and influence of Stars and Planets to foretel things to come; or (as my Lo. Bac. says) it professeth to discover the influence and domination of the superior Globe over the inferior; and therefore may be termed a kind of natural divination, so long as it keeps it self in due limits, and arrogates not too much to its certainty; into which excess if it once break forth, it can then be no longer called natural Divination, but superstitious and wicked; for the Stars may incline, but not impose a necessity in particular things.
Astrological, pertaining to Astrology.
Astrologer (astrologus) he that is well skilled in Astrology, or discourseth of the variety of constellations, planetical Aspects, disposing of the Houses; and by these and their dispositions, conjectures of future occurrences.
Astronomy (astronomia) a [Page] Science that teacheth the knowledge of the course of the Planets, Stars and other celestial motions. This Art seems to be very antient; for Josephus lib. 1. Antiq. writes that the Sons of Seth, Grandchildren to Adam, first found it out; who hearing Adam foretel the universal Flood which should shortly drown the world, they thereupon erected two great Pillars, engraving in them the Principles of Astronomy, the one of which pillars was of brick, the other of stone, that in case the water should wash away the brick, yet the stone might preserve the knowledge hereof for posterity. Bull. These Pillars were called Enoch, or Enos Pillars. Zoroastes the first King of Bactria (who reigned in the time of the Assyrian Monarch Ninus.) is said to have notably augmented or perfected this Science.
Astronomical, belonging to Astronomy.
Astronomer (astronomus) is he who (as Heylin describes him) searcheth the reason of the variety of heavenly motions, the diversity of circles, asterisms, risings and settings of Stars and the like.
Astute (astutus) crafty, cunning, subtile, malicious.
Asyle (Asylum) a Sanctuary, a defence or place of refuge for offenders. Mont. See Sanctuary.
Asymbolike (asymbolus) that pays nothing of the shot or reckoning, scot-free.
Asymphony (asymphonia) a disorder in descant, a disagreeing.
Achievment (Fr. Achevement) the performance or accomplishment of any gallant exploit, a bringing to perfection; Also a term of Heraldry, signifying the Arms of any Gentleman, set out fully, with all that belongs to it; viz. the Supporters, Helmet, Wreath, and Creast, with Mantles and Words; such as is hung out on the front of a House of any person of quality after his death.
Atheism (Gr.) the damnable doctrine and opinion of the Atheists, infidelity, the denying of, or not beleiving in God.
Atheist (from the Gr. [...]. i.e. Sine Deo, godless) he that believes there is no God or rule of Religion, and that the Soul dies with the body.
Athletike Athletical (athleticus) skilful in the art of wrestling, active.
Atlantick Sea. i. The Mediterranean Sea, or a part thereof, lying westward, so named from Mount Atlas in Mauritania.
Atmosphere (Gr.) the Sphear of vapors, or the second Region, being as high in the Air, as the Sun carries any vapors.
Atome (atomus) a mote flying in the sun-beams; the [Page] least moment of time, or any thing so small that it cannot be made less.
Atramental Atramentous (atramentalis) belonging to ink, or black as ink. Vul. Er.
Atrabilarie (atra bilis) that is subject to or troubled with black Choler or melancholy.
Atrate (atratus) made black, one cloathed in black.
Atrocity (atrocitas) cruelty, fierceness, outragiousness.
Atrophy (atrophia) a consumption, that comes by a fearful eating too little, or greedy devouring too much; want of nourishment.
Attacted (attactus) touched, or briefly handled.
Attainder, from the Fr. Attaindre, i. to attain unto, overtake, catch, or touch, from the Latin attingere, because he that is attainted, is as it were, catched, overtaken and plainly deprehended: for Attainder is a conviction of any person of a crime or fault, whereof he was not convict before: As if a man have committed Felony or Treason, &c. and is thereof indicted, arraigned, found guilty, and hath judgement, then he is said to have an Attainder sued upon him, or he is attainted.
Attaque (Fr.) an assault, encounter, skirmish, fight; a violent meeting of two Armies or Enemies. Sir H.B. Voyage into the Levant.
Attemperate (attempero) to make fit or meet, to aim right.
Attenuate (attenuo) to make thin or slender, to diminish or make less.
Attentate (attento) to attempt, assay, or prove, also used substantively.
Attestation (attestatio) a witnessing, affirming, or testimony.
Atticism (Atticismus) a phrase or manner of speech of the Athenians: an elegancy of speech.
Attiguous (attiguus) joyning or touching, by or near unto.
Attinge (attingo) to touch lightly or softly; to mention or handle briefly, to reach to, to arrive or come to.
Attique or Attick (Atticus) pertaining to the Country of Athens, Elegant. Attick Faith, is most firm Faithfulness in keeping promise.
Attr [...]r [...]d (from the Lat. Tiara, which is an ornament for the heads of the Persian Kings, Priests, and women) a term used among Heraulds, when they have occasion to speak of the horns of a Buck or Stag.
Attone (from ad and tonus) to bring into tune or harmony; to make a consort or agreement, which we also call an Attonement.
Attournment (from the Fr. tournér. i.e. to turn) is in our Common Law a yielding of [Page] the Tenant to a new Lord, or an acknowledgement of him to be his Lord (which we usually call to turn Tenant) for otherwise he that buyes or obtains any Lands or Tenements of another which are in the occupation of a third, cannot get possession; yet see the Stat. 27. H. 8. c. 16. The words used in attournment are set down in Littleton: I agree to the Grant made to you, &c. But the more common attournment is to say, Sir, I attourn to you by force of the same Grant: or, I become your Tenant, &c. or else deliver to the Grantee a penny, half penny or farthing by way of Attournment. Lit. l. 3. ca. Attournment. whom you may read more at large.
Attournment may be made to the Lord himself or to his Steward in Court. Kitch. fo. 70.
Attraction (attractio) a drawing or pulling unto, a bait or allurement.
Attract (from the Fr. Attraict) the same. Cressy.
Attractation (attrectatio) a soft and often handling, or touching, a feeling or medling with.
Attribute Attribution (attributio) an assignment, delivery or giving unto: also a fit term or title applied to any thing.
Attrition (attritio) a rubbing, wearing, washing or striking against: In divinity, it is Metaphorically used for that sorrow which a sinner hath for his sins, not being founded principally on the love of God above all things, but in the fear of the pains of Hell, or in the consideration of the foulness of sin, or in some other like thing. It is also called imperfect Contrition.
Attrite (attritus) worn, wasted, or fretted: or that hath that kind of sorrow above-mentioned.
Avarice (avaritia) covetousness or greediness, inordinate desire of money, &c.
Auctifical (auctificus) that makes an encrease or augmentation.
Auctive (auctivus) encreasing, causing growth.
Auctor (Lat.) he that encreaseth or augments; an author or first inventor.
Aucupation (aucupatio) birding or fowling: also gain, advantage.
Audacity (audacitas) rashness, boldness, fool-hardiness, sauciness.
Audible (audibilis) that may be heard, understood or perceived.
Audience (audientia) the sence of hearing, listning; sometime it signifies an assembly of people hearkening to something spoken: and when an Embassador delivers his Embassy to a King, we call it, Giving him audience.
Auditor (Lat.) one that [Page] hearkens; But in the common acceptation it is an Officer to some great personage who does yearly (by examining the accounts of all Under-officers accountable) make up a general book, that shews the difference between their receipts and their allowances, commonly called allocations; As namely, the Auditors of the Exchequer take the Accounts of those Receivers, which receive the revenues of the Augmentation, as also of the Sheriffs, Escheators, Collectors, and Customers, and set them down and perfect them. See Stat. 33 H. 8. cap. 33.
Avenage (Fr.) a certain quantity of Oats paid to a Landlord in lieu of fome other duties. Cotgr.
Avenue (Fr. advenue) is the space that is left for passage to and fro, in and out, a Camp, a Garison, or Quarter, when the place is either fortified with a Line of Communication or Barricado's; an access, passage, or entry into a place.
Average (averagium) signifies service which the Tenant owes the Lord by horse or carriage of horse. It is also used for a certain Contribution that Merchants and others proportionably make towards their losses, who have their goods cast into the Sea, for the safeguard of the Ship or of the Goods and Lives of those in the Ship, in time of tempest: And this contribution seemes to bee so called, because it is proportioned after the rate of every mans average or goods carried.
Averdupois, See Avoir du pois, and see Weights.
Avery is the place where Oats or Provender for Horses is kept; From the Saxon and Belgick Haver, i. Oats, because Oats are the common Provender for Horses. Min.
Aver (from the Fr. averèr) to justifie, avouch or maintain.
Averment, a term in Law, when a Defendant offers to make good or justifie an Exception pleaded in abatement or bar of the Plaintiffs act. New terms of Law. But Cowel rather thinks it should signifie the act then the offer of justifying the Exception; whom vide.
Avernian Avernal (avernalis) belonging to the Lake Avernus, or to Hell.
Avernus, A Lake not far from the City Cuma in terra di lavoro, anciently called Campania in Italy, the stink whereof killed birds as they flew over it: It was dedicated to Pluto, and is usually taken for Hell. Of which, thus Virgil, Aen. l. 6.
You may read more of Avernus in Sands his Travels, fol. 280.
Averpenny (quasi average-penny) is money contributed towards the Kings Averages. Rastal.
Averruncation (averruncatio) a scraping or cutting off, as men do Vines, a weeding or taking away, an appeasing. Gr.
Aversion (aversio) a turning or driving away, a hating or disliking.
Augmentation (augmentatio) increase. The Court of Augmentation was erected 27 H. 8. as appears by chap. 27. of that years Parl. It was so called from the augmentation or increase of the Revenues of the Crown by the suppression of Abbies and Religious houses; And the Court was ordained, that the King might be justly dealt with, touching the profits of such Religious houses. Cow. For Augmentations to Preaching Ministers, See Acts 1649, 31. 1650, 5, 13. 1654, 49.
Augrime (algorithmus) skil in accounting or numbring.
Augury (augurium) a divination, foretelling or Sooth-saying of things to come, by the chirping, flying, voyces or sitting of Birds: The Professors whereof (called Augures) were of great account among the Heathen Romans, insomuch that there was a Colledge of them in the City, neither would the Romans undertake any publick matter of importance without asking their assent. But the vanity thereof was well derided by a wise Jew, named Mossolamus, as Josephus writes: For an Augur in the Wars once requiring that the Army which was then marching might stand still a while, till he took observation of a Bird, thereby to foreknow the success of that Expedition, this Jew (whilst the Augur was busie in his art) shot at the bird with an arrow, and by chance killed her; whereat the Augur and others being highly offended; Are you so foolish (quoth the Jew) to imagine this poor Bird can [Page] tell what will happen to us, that could not foresee her own death so near at hand? They were called Augures, ab avium garritu, from the chirping and chattering of Birds. The Egyptians were the first inventers of this Diabolical superstition.
Augurize (auguro) to divine, prophecy, foretel or conjecture at things to come by the aforesaid vain observations.
Augures-staf, was a crooked wand, which the Augures held in their hand, when they made their divination. &c. The ceremonies whereof, and the words of Augury, you may read in the first part of the Treasury of times, p. 184.
August (augustus) taken adjectively signifies Royal, Majestical, Imperial, Sacred; It is a common name of the Emperors among the Latins (as Pharao was of the Kings of Egypt) since Octavius Augustus his time, who was the second Emperor of the Romans. In the 41 or 42 year of his reign was born our Saviour Jesus Christ. August also is the name of the Sextile or sixth moneth from March; which took denomination from the aforesaid Emperor Augustus, because that month he entered into his Consulship, brought Triumphs into Rome, and conquered Egypt.
Augustals (augustalia) Playes in honor of Augustus.
Augustan Confession (Augustana Confessio) the Protestant Confession of Faith, so called from the City Ausburgh in Germany, where at a General Diet, appointed the eighth of April 1530. this Confession was presented by the Duke of Saxony and some others to the Emperor Charls the Fifth, &c. Herb. H. 8.
Augustine, by the termination of the word is a diminutive from Augustus, out of which it may be properly Englished little Augustus; It is the proper name of divers men, usually contracted in English into Austin, whereof the most renowned was St. Austin, Bishop of Hippo in Africk, one of the antient Fathers of the Church, a man of a most profound wit and learning, and of a most holy and religious life, after he was converted by St. Ambrose to Catholick Religion, from the Manichaean Heresie.
Augustine, or Austin-Friers, are those that observe the aforesaid St. Austins institute of life; they live in common, serving God day and night, tied by the vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience; of which holy Institute and Vows was Dr. Martin Luther, before he became a Reformer.
Answering Augustines, is a phrase used in Oxford where there was a Monastry of these Augustines, who were so eminent for their abilities in disputing, [Page] that the University did by a particular Statute, impose it as an exercise upon all those that were to proceed Masters of Art, that they should first be disputed upon by the Augusten-Friars; which old Statute is still in force, produced at this day for an equivalent exercise. Mr. Fullers Ch. Hist.
Augustinians (not taking name from St. Austin, the Father & Doctor of the Church, but from one Augustine a late Bohemian) are a branch of those Reformers, ordinarily called Sacramentaries, who had their origin from Andreas Carolostadius about the year of Christ, 1524. These Augustinians (besides other blasphemies) held, that Heaven gates were not yet open, but remain shut till the general Resurrection, and last Judgement. Lindanus Dialog. 2.
Aviary (aviarium) a place where birds are kept, or where birds haunt or use; a Cage.
Avid (avidus) desirous, greedy, covetous.
Avidity (aviditas) desire, earnest, or ardent affection, greediness.
Aulnage (Fr.) Ell-measure, the measuring with an Ell.
Aviso (Spa.) an admonition or advice.
Aulnegeor or Alnegeor (from the Fr. aulne. i.e. an Ell) one that carries or measures with an Ell: an Officer of the King, who by himself or his Deputy in places convenient, looks to the assize of woollen cloth made through the Land, and two Seals for that purpose ordained him, an. 25. E. 3. stat. 4. ca. 1. Also an. 3 R. 2. ca. 2. who is accomptable to the King for every cloth so sealed. Min.
Aulick (aulicus) belonging to the Hall, or Court, courtly.
Aumone (Fr. aumosne) the tenure of Land by divine service, was antiently called by this name, Cok. upon Lit. 97. Briton. 164.
Auncient Demeasn, Demain or Domain. (1. publicum vectigal, or Vetus patrimonium Domini) signifies in our Common Law, a certain Tenure whereby all the Mannors belonging to the Crown in the days of St. Edward the Saxon King, or William the Conqueror, were held. The number and names of which Mannors as of all other belonging to common persons, he caused to be written into a book (after a survey made of them) now remaining in the Exchequer, and called Dooms-day Book, and those which by that Book appear to have belonged to the Crown at that time, and are contained under the title (Terra Regis) are called Auncient Demeasn. Kitch. fo. 98. See more in Cowel.
Avocation (avocatio) a calling away or withdrawing.
[Page] Avoir-du-pois (Fr.) or Avoir-du-poix. i. habere pondus, or justi esse ponderis) to be of full or due weight: it signifies in our common Law two things: first, a kind of weight, divers from that called Troy weight, which contains but twelve ounces to the pound, whereas this contains sixteen. And in this respect it may probably be conjectured, to be so called, because it is of more weight then the other. Also it signifies such merchandize as are weighed by this weight, and not by Troy weight, as in the Statute of York, an. 9- E. 3. in Prooem. an. 27. Edw. 3. Stat. 2. ca. 10. & an. 2. Rich. 2. ca. 1. See weights.
Avowry or Advowry (from the French, advouer, alias avouer) and signifies as much as a justifying or maintaining an act formerly done. For example, one takes a distress for rent, or other thing, and he that is distreyned sues a Replevin; now he that took the distress, or to whose use the distress was taken by another, justifying or maintaining the act, is said to avow, and that is called his Avowry. Terms of the Law.
Auricle (auricula) a little ear.
Auricular (auricularis) belonging to, or spoken in the ear. As auricular Confession, is that which is made in private to the Ghostly Father, none hearing but himself, opposite unto publick Confession, which is made in the hearing of many.
Auricular vein, is the ear vein, which runs up by the kernels under the ear; Chyrurgeons open it against deafness, pain and ulcerations of the ears. See in Vein.
Auriferous (aurifer) that bears or brings gold.
Auriflambe. See Oriflambe.
Aurigation (aurigatio) the driving or guiding a Cart or Coach.
Aurigraphy (aurigraphia) a writing or graving in gold.
Aurist (from Auris) one that hath skill in curing diseases in the ear, or imperfections in hearing.
Aurora (Gr.) the morning, or break of day, quasi aurea hora, or aurae hora, the hour when it begins to shine, or be light.
Aurum-votabile, is liquor of gold, without any corrosive, which very few know, yea, of those who daily prepare it, rather to the destruction, then health of men. Chym. Dict.
Auscultation (auscultatio) a giving ear or obeying, a hearkening.
Auspical (auspicalis) pertaining to Soothsaying or Divination by the flight of birds.
Auspices (auspicia) were properly the observation of Birds, either by their singing and flying in the air, or by their gesture and manner of feeding in the Coop, whereby [Page] their Augurs and Pullarij pretended to know the will of the gods, whether they favored their enterprise or no. The Birds that gave sign by their voice and singing, they called Oscines, quasi ore canentes: Those that gave it by their flight and wings, were named Alites or Praepetes.
And they were called Auspices that did foretel things by beholding the flight of birds, and were so denominated ab aves aspiciendo.
Auspicious (auspicatus) happy, bringing good luck.
Austerity (austeritas) sharpness, vigorousness, rudeness.
Austral (australis) Southern or partaining to the South.
Australize, to go, turn or bend towards the South, also to come from the South. Br.
Austromancy (austromantia) is a kind of invented superstition, concerning the observation of windes; as when they break forth into great vehemency, contrary to their custom, whence men, that are more idle then rational, pronounce a presage of something to come. Chym. Dict.
Autarchy (Gr.) a Government by one alone, without help.
Authentick (authenticus) that which is allowed, or hath just authority, the original.
Autology (Gr.) speaking of or to ones self. Br. & How.
Autogeneal (Gr.) self-begotten.
Autocrasie (Gr.) self-subsistence, a being able to subsist of ones self. History of K. Charles.
Autograph or Autographical (autographus) that which is of the Authors own hand writing. Rushworths Dialogues.
Automatous Automatarian (automatarius) of or belonging to the art of making Clocks, or such things as seem to move of themselves.
Autome (automatum) an instrument, or artificial body (made by Daedalus, or any other of like skill) which moves alone without the help or support of any other thing; a self-moving instrument.
Autonomy (autonomia) liberty to live after ones own Laws.
Autopsie (Gr.) self-sight, or beholding.
Autoptical (from autopsia) a self-beholding, confirming by once own sight.
Autotheism (Gr.) the being of God, of himself, or not from another; Calvins autotheism signifies that point of Doctrine held by Calvin; which is, That God the Son is not Deus de Deo, God from God, whereas the Nicen Creed saith, He is so.
Autumnal (autumnalis) belonging to harvest or Autumn, which is from the sixth of August to the sixth of November, and is one of the four Quarters of the year; Others [Page] reckon Autume to begin at the Aequinoctium. i.e. about the twelfth of September, and to end at the Solstice or shortest day, about the eleventh of December.
Auturgie (auturgia) a working with ones own hand.
Auulsion (avulsio) a plucking away, or from.
Auxiliare (auxilior) to help, aid, or supply, to heal, or give cure.
Auxiliary (auxiliarius) that cometh to aid, help, or supply.
Auxiliary Forces, were such as the neighbor or confederate Counties did send to the Romans; or certain additional Forces, besides the standing Army.
Axillary (axillaris) belonging to the Arm-hole, or Armpit.
Axillary Vein. See in Vein.
Axillar Artery. See in Arterie.
Axiomancy (axiomantia) divination or witchcraft done by Hatchets.
Axiome (axioma) a maxim or general ground in any Art: a Proposition or short Sentence generally allowed to be true, as in saying, the whole is greater then its part.
Axicle (axiculus) a little shingle or board, a latch, a pin that a pully runs on.
Axis (Lat.) an Axeltree, the Diameter of the World, that is, an imagined line reaching from one Pole to another; the Pole Artick, or Antarctike.
Azamoglaus, The Turks Janizaries before they be enrolled in pay, so called.
Aziminth [...] or Azimuths, great circles meeting in the Zenith or vertical point, and passing through all the degrees of the Horizon.
Azimuthal, belonging thereto.
Azure, a fair light blew, or sky colour, so named from the Arabian word Lazul, which is the same. It betokens to the bearer a zealous mind.
Azyms (azymus) unleavened, sincere, unmingled.
Azymes (Gr.) was a solemnity of seven days among the Jews, in which it was not lawful to eat leavened bread; The Pasche or Easter of the Jews.
BAal (Hebr.) a Lord, a Master, Husband, or Patron: It was a common name whereby the Heathens called their gods, 2 King. 1, 2. Judg. 8.33. Baal and Moloch are taken to be one and the same Idol. See Moses and Aaron, p. 143. Whom the Hebrews called Baal, the Babylonians called Bel. p. 153.
Baal-Zebub. See Bel-zebub
Babef (in Hebr. it signifies confusion) was an antient City of Chaldea in Mesopotamia, famous for the confusion of [Page] Languages, which there happened: For immediately after the universal Deluge, Nimrod the son of Chus, the son of Cham, perswaded the people (as some Authors surmise) to secure themselves from the like danger by building some stupendious Edifice, which might resist the fury of a second Deluge. This counsel was generally embraced, Heber onely and his family contradicting such an unlawful attempt; the major part prevailing, the Tower began to rear a head of majesty 5164 paces from the ground (says Isidore) having its basis and circumference equal to the height. But God beholding from high this fond attempt, sent among them (who before were one Language) a confusion of seventy two Tongues, which hindered the proceeding of this building, one not being able to understand what his fellow called for.
Thus being compelled to desist from so unlucky an enterprize, they greedily sought out such as they could understand, with whom consorting themselves they forget their former acquaintance, and now are divided into seventy two different Nations, comprehending about 24000 men, besides women and children, Gen. 10.10.
The City Babel or Babylon (howsoever the Tower was hindred) went forward and was finished an. mun. 1960. the out-walls were built by Q. Semiramis; it contained in compass 60 miles, it had 100 gates, the walls were in height 200 (some Writers say 300) foot, in breadth 75, and the River Euphrates passing through the midst of it. 1. part. of the Tr. of Times, p. 142.
Hence tis we use Babelish for confused; and Babylonical for magnificent or costly, and to Bable, or babble, to twattle, or speak confusedly, which word Bable Verstegan urges as a proof that our old Saxon Language is as antient as the Tower of Babel. p. 147.
Bacchanalize (from Bacchus) to rage, play mad pranks, fare like mad men, as the Priests of Bacchus were wont to do, when they celebrated his Feasts.
[Page] Bacchanals (Bacchanalia) the places where the Feasts of Bacchus or Bacchanalian feasts were solemnized in riot and drunkenness. Also the Feasts themselves or time when they were kept, i. at Shrovetide. Sometimes also deboisht drunkards, men and women are called Bacchanals.
Baccharach, A City standing on the banks of the River Rhyne in Germany, so called quasi Bacchi ara; in ancient time there was an Altar erected to the honor of Bacchus, in regard of the richness of the wines which are made there, and therefore called bachrag or baccharach; vulgarly, Rhenish wines.
Bacchation (bacchatio) riot, drunkenness.
Bacchean (baccheus) belonging to Bacchus the God of wine, drunken, sottish.
Bacciferous (baccifer) that beareth berries.
Bachyllion, a song or dance, which seems to take name of Bachyllus, a famous Tragaedian Poet, who devised and practised it; as Piladion, of Pilades, as notable a Comedian. Plutarch.
Badget (cometh of the Fr. bagage. i. Sarcina) one that buics corn, salt or other victual in one place to transport to another for gain. Also a beast so called.
Bagatel (Fr. bagatelle) a toy, trifle, or thing of no value. Mr How.
Balatron (balatro) a Babler, or vain-talking fellow, a Prater or vile Knave.
Baile (from the Fr. Bailler. i. attribuere, tradere, tribuere) is used in our Common Law properly for the freeing or setting at liberty one arrested or imprisoned upon action either civil or criminal, under surety taken for his appearance at a day and place certainly assigned. Bract. lib. 3. cap. 8. num. 8. & 9.
The reason why it is called bayl is, because by this means the party restrained is delivered into the hands of those that bind themselves for his forth-coming. There is both common and special bayl; common bayl is in actions of small prejudice, or slight proof, in which case any Sureties are taken; whereas upon cases of greater weight special bail or Surety must be given, as Subsidy men at the least, and they according to the value. See the difference between bail and mainprize in Manwoods Forest Law. pag. 267.
Bain (Fr.) a Bath, Stew, or hot-house.
Baisemains (Fr.) kissing of the hand, humble service.
Balasse (Sax.) ballast or ballance, Gravel or any thing of weight laid in the bottom of Ships to make them go upright.
Balcone (Ital. balcon) a bay window, much used in our new buildings, and therefore [Page] needs no further explanation.
Balcors. See Conders.
Bale (Fr.) a pack or certain quantity of merchandize, as a bale of Spicery, or of Books.
Balk (Sax.) a little peece of ground in arable land, which by mischance the Plough slips over, and leaves unplowed, a ridge between two furrows.
Ballista (Lat.) an ancient warlike Engin to cast or shoot darts or stones, to batter and shake City walls, made with ropes of sinews and womens hair twined together: As appears by Venus Calva at Rome, to whom, by reason the women of the City parted with their hair for that purpose, a Temple was dedicated. The form of this Engin you may read in Godwin's Anthology, lib. 4. cap. 3.
Ballon (Fr.) a great Ball, which they use at a sport so called in Italy; also the round Globe or top of a Pillar.
Ballotation, a kinde of casting lots, or a making election by Balls, as in Venice at the choice of their Grand Duke.
Balme, a precious juyce or liquor, otherwise called Balsamum, or Opobalsamum (from the Hebr. Bagnal Shemen) It drops (by cutting) out of a little low plant (about a yard high) having leaves like Rue, but whiter, which grows in Egypt, and some places of the Holy Land. This juyce is somewhat like oyl, but more clammy, and inclining to a certain redness. It has a strong smell, and is not pleasant in taste. Being put in a vessel of water it will sink down to the bottom like a round pearl without breaking, and may be taken up again with the point of a knife. It is an excellent Medicine to take any scar out of the body, and for divers other purposes, but very costly and rarely gotten. Saladinus writes that there was but one Vineyard of these in the whole world, and that belonged to the Great Turk. Bull.
Balneary (balnearium) a bathing place.
Balnearion (balneatio) a bathing.
Balneator (Lat.) a Master or Keeper of a Bath or Stew.
Balthasar (Hebr) signifies, Scarcher of treasure, or without treasure; This was the name of one of the Magi, or wise-men, vulgarly called the three Kings of Collein, who came out of the East to worship our Saviour. The first of them, called Melchior, an old man with a long beard, offered gold, as to a King: The second called Jasper, a beardless young man, offered Frankincense, as unto God: The third called Balthasar, (a Blackmore with a spreading beard) offered Myrrhe, as to a man ready for his Sepulchre.
Thus in English.
See Vul. Errors, fol. 353. and Sands Travels. 181.
Baltick-Sea (so called from a great Peninsula formerly called Baltia now Scandia) is that which begins at the narrow passage called the Sound, interlaceth Denmark, Swedland, Germany, and Poland, and extends even to Livonia and Lituania. The reasons why this Sea being so large does not ebb and flow, are first, The narrowness of the Streight, by which the Ocean is let into it. And secondly, The Northern situation of it, whereby the celestial influences produce therein the lesser operation. Heyl.
Ban [...]iti (Ital.) Out-laws, Rebels, Fugitives, condemned by Proclamation; Bando in Ital. signifying a Proclamation. These in the Low-Countries are called Freebooters; in Germany, Nightingales; in the North of England, Moss-Troopers; in Ireland Tories.
Banderol or Bannerolle (Fr. Banderolle) a little flag or streamer, or a Pennon worn on the top of a Horsemans Launce; A Cornet-Devise.
Bandle, an Irish measure of two foot in length.
Banes or Bans (from the Fr. Ban) signifies a Proclaming or publick notice of any thing. The word is ordinary among the Feudists, and grown from them to other uses; as to that, which we here in England call a Proclamation, whereby any thing is publickly commanded or forbidden. But it is used more especially in publishing matrimonial contracts in the Church before marriage, to the end if any man can say any thing against the intention [Page] of the parties, either in respect of kindred, or otherwise, they may take their exception in time. Cow. But Mr. Sumner derives it from the Saxon Abannon. i. to publish. See his Sax. Dict. verbo. Abannon.
Bangue, A kind of drink in the Oriential Countries, as Cambaia, Calicut, Marsingha, which is rare and precious, it is said (like the poets Nepenthe) to provoke pleasing dreams. How.
Bank (Sax. Banc) a bank or hillock; also a Bench, high seat or Tribunal, and is properly applied to the Court of Common-Pleas, because the Justices of that Court in legal Records are termed Iusticiarii de Banco. Coke on Lit. l. 2. c. 3. sect. 96. And the Proceedings of that Court are said to be in Communi Banco.
There is another Court formerly called the Kings-Bench (now the Ʋpper-Bench) because the Records of that Court are stiled Coram Rege, and because Kings in former time did often sit there in person.
Banner (Hebr.) an Ensign or standard for war; some derive it from the Brit. Ban, which signifies a high place, because Banners are wont to be set on a high place, or carried on high.
Baptism (from the Gr. B [...], i. a washing with water, or diving over the head) is one of the Sacraments instituted by our Saviour Christ in remedy against Original sin in the Law of Grace, as Circumcision was the remedy against that sin in the Law of Moses. Before Christs institution of this Sacrament John Baptist did baptize unto penance, but his Baptism was not a Sacrament. In Authors you may read of three sorts of Baptism, which Divines call, Baptismus fluminis, of water, which is the already mentioned; Baptismus flaminis, of the Spirit, which is contrition of heart, with desire of the Sacrament of Baptism; And Baptismus sanguinis, of blood, which is martyrdom. The custom of the Primitive Church was to have God-Fathers and God-Mothers in the administration of the Sacrament of Baptism; their Office was not onely to be Witnesses of the Baptism, or to speak or answer for the baptized; but also to undertake a charge of instructing or seeing him instructed in the true Religion in due time.
Baptist (baptista) a name of excellency given to Saint John, that had the honor of baptizing our Saviour Christ in Jordan, and who first baptized.
Baptistery (baptisterium) a Font to baptize in, a Bath, a vessel to wash the body in.
Baptization (baptizatio) a washing, a watering, or baptizing.
[Page] Barbarism (barbarismus) a fault in the pronouncing, tone or accent of words; rudeness of speech or behavior.
Barbican or Barbicane (French Barbicane) an out-work in any building; also a Wall or Bulwark before or over a Wall, breast-high, to defend from the enemies shot. Some take it for a Sentinels house, or Scout-house; Chaucer useth the word Barbican, for a Watch-Tower: Hence Barbican by Red-cross-street in London is thought to take its denomination
Barbitist (barbitista) a Lutinist, or one that plays on the Lute.
Bards (from the old British Bardo) the antient Poets of the Britans. Bardus, according to Pompeius Festus, Gallicè cantorem significat, qui virorum fortium laudes canit. Diod. Sicul. lib. 5. calls them Factores cantionum; And Lucan ( lib. 1.) Poetas sive vates.
In Wales, of old, the Bards did also keep the Ensigns, Arms and Genealogies of the Nobility. See more in the Laws of Howel Dha.
Barkary, a house where they put bark of trees; a Tan-house.
Barnard. See Bernard.
Barn (Sax. Bearn) a child. Hence tis we say in the North of England, how do Wife and Barnes, i. How do Wife and Children?
Barnabas or Barnaby (Hebr.) Son of the Master, or Son of comfort.
Baroco, The name of a Syllogistical Mood in Logick, wherin the first Proposition must be an universal Affirmative, and the other two Negatives.
Barricado (Spa. Barracada, Fr. Barricade) a warlike defence of empty barrels and such like vessels fill'd with earth against an enemies shot or assault. It was so called because it was made of those vessels, which the French call Bariques, i. a vessel bigger then our Barrel.
Barettor or Barrator (Fr. Barateur, i. a deceiver) in our Common Law, is a common wrangler, that sets men at odds, and is himself never quiet, but at variance with one or other: but Skene (de verh. signif. verbo Barratry) saith Barraters are Symonists, and so called from the Italian (barrataria) signifying corruption or bribery in a Judge giving a false Sentence for money.
[Page] Barratrie or Barrataria, any kind of Simony, especially in obtaining the right of Benefices. Socinus Reg. 55. Baldus in Consilio, 21. par. 5.
Barriers (from the Fr. Barres) signifies with us that which the Fr. call ( jeu de Barres, i. palaestram) a martial sport or exercise of men armed and fighting together with short swords, within certain limits or Lists, whereby they are severed from the beholders. This exercise was formerly much in request in England, but now is laid aside.
Barristers or Baristers may be said to be of two sorts 1. The outward or Ʋtter Baristers, are such, as (for their long study and great industry bestowed upon the knowledge of the Common Law, which must be for seven years space at least) are called out of their contemplation to practice, and in the face of the world to take upon them the protection and defence of Clients causes. These always plead without the Bar, and are in other Countries called Licentiati in Jure, howbeit in modesty they at first continue themselves hearers for some years, like the Scholars of Pythagoras, that for the first five years never adventured to reason or discourse openly upon any point of their Masters Doctrine. 2. The Inner Baristers are those who are admitted (as a mark of respect) to plead within the Bar; such are King, Queen, or Princes Attorney, Sollicitor or Serjeants, or any of the Kings Council. But at the Rolls and some other inferior Judicatures, all Lawyers of the degree of the Bench are admitted within the Bar See Mootmen, and Apprentice.
Bartholmew (Heb.) the Son of him that makes the waters to mount, that is, of God, which lifts up the mind of his Teachers, and drops down water (Szegedinus.) Cam.
Bascuence (Spa. Basceuenca) the Language of the Country of Biscay in Spain.
Basate (basio) to kiss or salute.
Bashaw or Bassa a Nobleman or great Commander over Souldiers among the Turks.
Basil or Basilical (from the Gr. [...], Rex) Royal, Kingly, Magnificent. Basilisk vein. See Vein.
Basilisks (basilicae) were stately Edifices or Halls at Rome, at first serving to plead in under Covert, wherein they differed from Fora, and also to administer Justice; of [...], which signifies a Judge, as well as a King; but afterwards they used to meet there in consultation, and to negotiate and traffick; and these had not onely Benches and Bars like Law-Courts, but shops also, for the better sort of Wares and Merchandize. Livie.
[Page] Basis (Lat.) the ground or foundation of any thing; the foot of a Pillar.
Bastardy (comes of the Brit. Bastardo, i. Nothus) and signifies in our Common Law, a defect of birth objected to one begotten out of wedlock. Bracton lib. 5. c. 19, per totum.
Bastilie or Bastilde (Fr.) the Fortress or Fortification termed a Bastillion or Bastile; In Paris la Bastille, is as our Tower, the cheif Prison of the Kingdom, and the cheif Fortress of that City.
Bastion (Fr.) a Bulwark or Fortress; the fortification called a Cullion-head.
Baston (Fr.) a staff, batt, or cudgel. It signifies in the Statutes of this Nation one of the Warden of the Fleet's Servants or Officers, that attended the Kings Court, with a red staff, for the taking such to Ward, as were committed by the Court. So it is used an. 1. R. 2. c. 12. & 5. Eliz. c. 23.
Bastonado (Spa. Bastonada) a banging or cudgeling.
Batable ground, was the land lying between England and Scotland, heretofore in question, when they were distinct Kingdoms, to which it belonged. An. 23. Hen. 8. c. 16. as if we should say debatable ground, for by that name Skene calls ground that is in controversie between two.
Battavians (Batavia) people of Germany inhabiting Holland, Hollanders.
[...] (Fr. Battaillon, Span. Battallon) the main Battel, or a great Squadron of Foot-men appointed to fight, so called by the Switzers and Italians, being (after the Greek Phalanges or the Roman Legions) of between six and eight thousand Souldiers. Min.
Battolgy (battalogia) a vain repetition of words, babling.
Bawdrick, an old fashion Jewel that women did wear.
Baudkin. See Tinsel.
Beatifical (beatificus) that makes happy or blessed.
To Beatify (beatifico) to make happy or blessed.
Beatitude (beatitudo) blessedness, happiness, prosperity. The eight Beatitudes are abstractedly thus; 1. To be poor of spirit. 2. Meek. 3. Mourn. 4. To hunger and thirst after Justice. 5. To be Merciful. 6 Clean of heart 7. Peace-makers. 8. To suffer persecution for Justice. Which see at large in St. Matth cap. 5. They are called Beatitudes, because the Scripture says, Beati qui, &c. they are blessed that are in any of those states.
Beatrice (beatrix) that makes happy or blessed; a womans name.
Beavis, may seem probably to be corrupted from the name of the famous Geltique King Bellovesus. The French having made in like sort [Page] Beauvis of the old City Bellouacum. In both these is a significancy of beauty. In later times Bogo hath been used in Latin for Beavis. Camden.
Beazar-stone (breeds in the Maw of the Goat called a Beazar) and is much used in Physick as a Cordial, but there are several kinds of it.
Bec. See Bek.
Bechical (bechicus) pertaining to a Cough.
Beco [...]a [...], Signifies money paid for the maintenance of Beacons.
Bede Beade (Sax.) he that prays, or a devout man, as Eucherius or Eusebius in Greek: we retain still Bedema [...] or Bedesma [...] in the same sense; and to say our Bedes, is to say our prayers. Camden.
Bede was also the name of a most learned English Monk commonly mentioned with the Epithete Venerable, which was a title given him even in his life time, for his eminent learning, gravity, and sanctity of life; he lived in a Monastery near Newcastle upon Tine in the seventh age, dying about the year of Christ 734. he wrote a multitude of Books, the Catalogue whereof may be seen in Dr. Pits De illustribus Angliae Scriptoribus.
Bedpheere (Sax.) a Bed-fellow.
Beemol (Fr.) the flat key in Musick. Bac.
Bede-roll (Sax.) is a roll or list of such as Priests were wont to pray for in Churches.
Bedle or B [...]el (Sax. B [...] del, or from the Heb. Badhal) because they separate the good from the bad, or beggars from rich men.
Bedlem. See Bethlem.
Begletbeg ( i. the Lord of Lords) a Vice-Roy or supreme Commander under the Great Turk, that commands both the Sansiakes and Bassa's; of these there are onely two, the one of Greece, the other of Natolia, and are by the Turks called Rumely. In the Persian tongue it signifies a Marquess. Herb.
Beguines, an order of Nuns or religious women, who are commonly all old or well in years. Cot.
Bek or Bec, a Phrygian word, signifying bread. Herodotus declares lib. 2. that Psammeticus a King of the Egyptians, was desirous on a time to make trial what language a Childe would naturally speak, being brought up among dumb people, or where no speech should be heard, to the end he might judge thereby, what was the most antient and natural Language; and did therefore cause two children to be nursed in a Forest, where no voice of man could be heard; after four years were past, being brought before the King they could sometimes pronounce this word Bec, whereupon some [Page] gathered that the Phrygian was the first language of man. But (as St. Augustine saith) these children might have learned the word Bec (and so retained it) of Goats, among which they were nourished. For, as he shews in his Work of the quantity of the Soul, all manner of speaking is by hearing and imitation. Notwithstanding he believes that (before the confusion of Tongues at Babel) the Hebrew Language was natural to all. Aug. in Civit. Dei lib. 16. cap. 11.
Beck (Danish Becc) a Brook in Yorkeshire.
Bed-rid or Bed-red (Sax.) Bedreda) one so weak by sickness or old age, that he cannot rise from his bed.
Beest or Beestings, quasi breastlings, the first milk that comes from the Teat, after the birth of any thing. Min.
Behiram, A Feast among the Turks, wherein they pardon all injuries. H. Court.
To Belage, is a Sea-term, and signifies to make fast any running Rope, when it is hailed as much as you would; so that it cannot run forth again, till it be loosed.
Bel-videre, The Popes Palace in Rome, so called; the word signifies fair to see, or pleasant to behold. As Belvoir Castle in Lincolnshire the noble Seat of the Earl of Rutland also doth.
Bel, In the Chaldean tongue signifies the Sun; and therefore Ninus and Semarimis gave that name to their Father Bel or Belus, that he might be honored as the Sun, which the Babylonians worshipped as a God. Bel also is a contract of Behel, which comes of Bahal, a Lord: it was not onely the particular Idol of the Babylonians, but a general name of the Idols in the East, agreeing to all the Idols of the Gentiles, as some write, Jer. 9, 5. 1 King. 18, 25.
Bellacity (bellacitas) warlikeness.
Belgick Belgian (belgicus) pertaining to the Low-Countries or Netherlands, called Belgia.
Belial (Heb.) a wicked unprofitable fellow, one without yoke, and is many times taken for the devil.
Bellatrice (bellatrix) a warrioress, a woman well skilled in war, a virago.
Bellicose (bellicosus) valiant in arms, warlike, apt to war.
Belligerate (belligero) to make war, to fight.
Bellipotent (bellipotens) mighty in wars, puissant at Arms.
Bellitude (bellitudo) fairness.
Bellona, The Goddess of War.
Belluine (belluinus) of or belonging to beasts, beastly, cruel.
Belomancy (Gr.) a Divination by Arrows. Vul Er.
[Page] Belzebub or Beelzebub (Heb.) signifies an Idol of flies, or the flye-God, worshipped by the Cyreneans, and Ekronites; but it is commonly used for the Prince or chief of the Devils. As in Luk. 11.15. In Beelzebub Principe Daemoniorum ejicit Daemonia. See Mr. Cowels notes on his Poems. p. 30.
Benet (contracted from Benedictus) blessed or happy; a mans name.
Benedict (benedictum) a good saying, an honest report.
Benjamin (Heb.) the son of the right hand, or filius dierum. Philo.
Benedictines or Benedictine Monks, a sort of Religious persons so called, from St. Benedict, who was born at Nursia in Ʋmbria, An. 482. he gathered the Monks of Italy together, and gave them a rule in writing. Their habit is a loose Gown of black, their under Garment white woollen, their Crowns shaven. Of this antient Order have been above fifty Popes, and at least 200 Cardinals, &c.
Benefact (benefactum) a good deed or benefit.
To Be-negro, to make black, or of the nature of Negroes.
Benemerent (benemerens) that deserves well.
Beneplacity (beneplacitum) that which pleaseth well, good liking.
Benevolent (benevolens) favourable, bearing good will▪ friendly.
Benificence (beneficentia) liberality, well-doing.
Bention, blessing. Chaucer.
Bernard or Barnard (Germ.) St. Bernards Cluniac Monks draw it from Bona nardus by allusion; some turn it hard child. If it be derived (as the Germans will have it) from Bearne, which signifies a bear, it is answerable to Arthur; others yet more judicially translate Bernard into filialis indoles, child-like disposition towards Parents, as Bernher, Lord of many children. Cam.
Verstegan says, the true Orthography is Beornhart, and by corruption Bearnheart, i.e. Bears-heart.
Bernardines. See Cistercians.
Berry or Bury (Sax.) a dwelling place or Court; The chief house of a Mannor, or the Lords seat is so called in some parts of England to this day, especially in Herefordshire, where there are the Berries of Luston, Stockton, &c.
Besant. See Bizantine.
Besestain, an Exchange or the chief Market-place among the Turks. See Bisestano.
Bethlem or Bedlem (from the Hebrew, Beth-e-ehem; i. Domus panis, a house of bread) a place where mad people are kept: or the Bed or Chamber whereon they fling and tumble themselves. the Hospital so called without Bishopsgate was founded [Page] by Simon Fitz-Mary Sheriff of London. An. 1246. Stow.
Bethlemites, an order of religious persons, that wore a star with five raies on their backs, and had a Covent in Cambridge, but continued not long. Mat. Paris in An. 1247.
Beverage (Fr. Beuvrage) drink.
Bezants (Fr. Bezans) in Blazon, they must ever be round, whole, and of metal. See Bizantine.
Bezil, That part of a Ring or Jewel, in which the Stone or Signet is set, is called the Collet, and the upper part of the Collet which fastens and encompasseth the Stone, is the Bezil.
Bibacity (bibacitas) great or couragious drinking or quaffing.
Bibliographer (bibliographus) a writer of Books, a Scrivener.
Bibliotheque (bibliotheca) a Library or study of Books.
Bibliopolist (bibliopola) a Book-seller.
Bice, a fine blew colour used by Painters. There is also green Bice.
Bicolor (Lat.) of two colours, party-coloured, changeable.
Bicipital Bicipitous (from biceps, itis) that hath two heads, divided into two parts or two tops.
Bicornous (bicornis) that has two horns or corners, forked, divided into two.
Bid-ale, is when an honest man decayed in his estate, is set up again by the liberal benevolence and contribution of friends at a Feast; to which those friends are bid or invited. Most used in the West of England, and in some Counties called a Help-ale.
Bidental (Lat.) a place where they used to sacrifice sheep, where any place was blasted with lightning; whatsoever is striken with lightning. Also any instrument with two teeth; a fork.
Biennial (biennis) of two years continuance, two years old.
Bifarious (bifarius) that which may be spoken two ways.
Biformed (biformis) that hath two shapes, forms or faces.
Biferous (bifer) that bears fruit twice a year.
Bifront (bifrons) which hath two foreheads.
Bifurcous (bifurcus) which hath two forks.
Bigamist (bigamus) he that hath married two wives, of which sort Lamech was the first.
Bigamy (bigamia) the marriage of two wives; It is used in our Common Law for an impediment to be a Clerk, and makes a prisoner lose the benefit of the Clergy. For the Canonists hold, that he that has been twice married may not be a Clerk; and they [Page] ground it upon these words of St. Paul, 1 Tim. 3.2. Oportet ergo Episcopum irreprehensibilem esse, & unius uxoris virum. And also him that hath married a widow, they by interpretation take to have been twice married, and both these they not onely exclude from Holy Orders, but deny all priviledges of Clergy; but this Law is abolished by Anno 1. Ed. 6. cap. 12. And to that may be added the Statute of 18 Eliz. cap. 7. which allows to all men, that can read as Clarks, though not within Orders, the benefit of Clergy in case of Felony, not especially excepted by some other Statute. Cowel.
Bigat (bigatus) was a piece of Roman silver Coyn, so called of Bigia a Chariot, drawn with two horses, stamped upon the one side, and it was the same with Denarius. Livie.
Bigot (Fr.) an hypocrite, or one that seems much more holy then he is; also a scrupulous or superstitious fellow. Sir K. Digby's Treatise of Bodies.
Bilaws, are Orders made in Court-Leets, or Court-Barons by common Assent for the good of those that make them, farther then the publick Law binds. Coke Vol. 6. fol. 63. a. Kitchin fol. 45. & 79.
Bilboblade, from Bilboa a City of Biscay in Spain, where the best blades are made.
Bilinguis (ex bis & lingua) double tongued, deceitful. In our Common-Law it is used for that Jury that passeth between an English-man and an Alien or Stranger, whereof part must be English-men, and part strangers. Anno 28, Edw. 3. cap. 13.
Biltous (biliosus) cholerick, melancholy, churlish, angry.
Bilk is said to be an Arabick word, and signifies nothing: Cribbidge-players understand it best.
Billet (Fr.) a little Bill, note or ticket, stuck up upon a post or door; and more commonly a stick of fire-wood, well known in London.
Bimatical (from bimatus) pertaining to the age or space of two yeers.
Bimensal (from bimensis) pertaining to the space of two moneths.
Binarchy (binarchia) the joynt rule or equal Authority of two Princes in one Country
Binarious (binarius) pertaining to two.
Binomial or Binomious (binomius) that hath 2 names.
Bipartite (bipartitus) divided into two parts.
Binne or Bin in the old Saxon signifyed a Manger, we use the name now most commonly for a place to put bread or oats in.
Bipatent (bipatens) open on both sides.
Bis [...]statio the chief market place in Constantinople, which is every day kept open in full [Page] sale, except Friday onely, which is their Sabbath.
Bipedal Bipedancous Bipedical (bipedalis) that is two foot long, double-footed, or that hath two feet.
Birlings, little Sea-vessels, so called, used by the Islanders of Scotland. Spotsw.
Bisexous (from bis and sexus) that is both male and female, of two sexes or kinds.
Bisou [...] (Fr.) a fault at Tennis: also a compound dish of boyld meat, made of young Chickens, Pigeons, and other ingredients, &c.
Bissected (bis & sectus) cut or parted in two equal parts; a term in Mathematicks. Br.
Bissextile (bissextilis) Leap year, so called, because the sixth Calends of March, are in that year twice reckoned (viz.) on the four and twentieth and five and twentieth of February; so that Leap year has one day more then other years.
This Leap-year is observed every fourth year, and was first devised by Julius Caesar to accommodate the year with the course of the Sun.
Bitume (bitumen) a kind of clay or slime naturally clammy, like pitch, growing in some Countries of Asia; It was of old used in Physick; the best is heavy, bright and clear, of purple colour, and having a strong smel; the black is accounted naught; this Bitumen was used instead of Mortar at building the Tower of Babel, as appears in Gen. 11. There is al a kind of Bitumen, like a liquor, flowing out of Mare Mortuum and out of some fountains in the Island Sicily, which is used instead of oyle to burn in Lamps.
Bituminous (bitumineus) belonging to Bitumen.
Bitumin [...]ch, soldered or done with Bitumen.
Bizante or Besant, a very antient coyn of Gold; so called because it was coyned at Constantinople, formerly called Bizantium. This coyn is not now known, but Dunstan Archbishop of Canterbury (as it is in the Authentical Deed) purchased Hendon in [Page] Middlesex of King Edgar to Westminster for 200 Bizantines: of what value they were was utterly forgotten in the time of King Edw. 3. for whereas the Bishop of Norwich was condemned to pay a Bizantine of Gold to the Abbot of St. Edmondsbury, for encroaching upon his liberty (as it was enacted by Parliament in the time of the Conqueror) no man then living could tell how much that was: so as it was referred to the King to rate how much he should pay: which was the more strange, considering, but 100 years before 200000 Bezants were exacted by the Soldan, for redeeming St. Lewis of France, which were then valued at 100000 livres. The name continues yet in the blazons of Arms, where plates of gold are called Bezants; and a great piece of gold valued at 15. l. (which the King of England formerly offered on high festival days) was called a Bizantine; but afterward there were two purposely made for the King and Queen with the resemblance of the blessed Trinity inscribed, In honorem sanctae Trinitatis, and on the other side the picture of the Virgin Mary, with In honorem sanctae Mariae Virginis, and this was used til the first year of King James, who caused two to be new cast, the one for himself, having on the one side the picture of a King kneeling before an Altar with four Crowns before him, implying his four Kingdoms▪ and in the circumscription, Quid tribuam Domino pro omnibus quae tribuit mihi: On the other side a Lamb lying by a Lyon, with Cor contritum & humiliatum non despiciet Deus. And in another for the Queen, a Crown protected by a Cherubin, over that an eye, and Deus in a cloud, with Teget ala summus; on the reverse, a Queen kneeling before an Altar with this Circumscription, Piis precibus, fervente fide, humili obsequio. Cam. Rem.
The French Kings were also accustomed to offer 13 Besants at the Mass of their Coronation in Rheims; to which end Hen. 2. (after some discontinuance of that custom) caused the same number of them to be made, and called them Bysantins, but they were not worth above a double Ducket the piece. Cot.
Black-rod, Is the Huissier or Usher belonging to the order of the Garter; So called of his black-rod which he carries in his hand: he was of the Kings Chamber, and Usher of the Lords House in Parliament. Min.
Blain (Sax. Blegene) a kind of Bile or Ulcer, drawing quickly to a head, with a vehement inflammation of the whole part about it.
Blancmanget (Fr.) a kind of Custard; a white meat [Page] made of flower, milk, sugar, and the brains of Pullets. Bac.
Blanch (Fr.) white or fair; we use it in England for a womans name.
Blandishment (from Blandio, or from the Fr. Blandissement) a soothing, smoothing, tickling of the mind and affection with terms of flattery, an alluring, enticing.
Blandiloquence (blandiloquentia) fair-speaking, flattering.
Blatant, babling, twatling. Clievland.
Blateron or Blatteroon (blatero) a babler, an idle-headed fellow. Mr. How.
Blatteration (blateratio) vain-babling, flattering in speech.
Blaze, is a certain fire which the Inhabitants of Staffordshire, and some other Counties were wont, and still do make on Twelf-Eve, 5. Jan. at night, in memory of the Blazing-Star, that conducted the three Magi to the Manger at Bethlem.
Blazon, (Fr.) is the description of arm [...]s;, and their appurtenances, by the received terms or other apt expressions of things by words. Elements of Ar.
Blemishe, marks made by hunters, to shew where a Deer hath gone.
Blend (Sax.) to mix or mingle together.
Blepharen (blepharo, onis) he that hath great brows, or eye-lids.
Blesiloquent (blaesiloquus) broad-spoken, or that speaks stammeringly.
Blith (Sax.) joyful, glad, merry, chearful.
Bliwmantle, The name of an Office of one of the Poursuivants at Arms. See Harold.
To Blissome, as the Ram doth the Ewe, i. to Tup her. So to go a blissoming is to desire the Ram. Rider.
Blomary, the first Forge in an iron Mill, through which the iron passeth after it is once melted out of the Mine.
Bloudwit (from the Sax. blout, i. blood, and wit, for which we have the word (wite) still in the west parts of England, signifying a charging of one with a fault, or an upbraiding.
This Bloodwit is a word used in Charters of Liberties antiently granted, and signifies an amerciament for shedding blood. So that whosoever had it given him in his Charter, had the penalty due for shedding blood granted him. Cow. Fleta saith, Significat quietantiam misericordia pro effusione sanguinis. lib. 1. cap. 47.
Boccone (Ital.) a morsel, a good bit; Sometimes taken for poison.
Bociant (Sax.) a possession, an inheritance, a Farm or house with land belonging to it.
Boethetic (Gr.) a part [Page] of Physick. See Medicine.
Boillary or Bullary of Salt, a little house or furnace where Salt is boiled and made; as at Droitwich in Worcestershire. Co. instit. p. 4. b.
Bole-Armoniack, a kind of faint red colour used by Painters; the chiefest use of it is in making a Size for burnished gold. Peacham.
Bolus (Lat.) a morsel or mouthful. In physick it is a medicament of a middle consistency betwixt a Potion and a Pill.
Bombard (bombarda) a Gun, or peice of Ordnance; Hence
Bombardical, thundering, or roaring like a peece of Ordnance. How.
Bombycinous (bombycinus) that is made of silk or silken.
Bombilation (bombilatio) a humming as of Bees. Br.
Bonaght, was an exaction in Ireland imposed at the will of the Lord, for relief of the Knights called Bonaghti, that served in the Wars. Antiq. Hiber. p. 60.
Bonair (Fr.) gentle, mild, courteous.
Bonairite (Fr.) gentleness, mildeness, courtesie.
Bonasus. See Monops.
Bonaventure (bonaventura) good adventure; the name of a great Saint and Doctor, a Frier of St. Francis Order, that lived and flourished in the thirteenth age after Christ.
Bonefire, is well known in the modern use of it, and was so called from the antient custom of burning dead mens bones.
Bone-min [...] (Fr.) a good countenance, posture or shew.
Bongrace (Fr.) a certain cover which children use to wear on their Foreheads to keep them from sun-burning; so called because it preserves their good grace and beauty.
Bonhemes (Fr. i. good men) a religious Order of Friers instituted by St. Francis de Paula, a Town of Calabria in Italy: a person of eminent sanctity and austerity of life, and of that humility, that he stiled himself the least or meanest of men, and ordered the followers of his Institute or Rule, to take the appellation of Minimi (the least or unworthiest among men) and thence they are commonly called Minims or Minorites. One point of mortification, whereunto the Regulars of that Order tie themselves by vow (besides their three Vows of Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience) is a total abstinence from flesh-meats. It is an Order much reverenced in France, where the Founder lived, and died at Tours, an. 1507. There were two Convents of these formerly in England, the one at Asbridge in Buckinghamshire, the other at Edington in Wiltshire.
[Page] Bonifate (bonifatus) that hath good fortune or fate.
Boniface (bonifacius) wel-doer, or good and sweet face. A name of divers, as well Popes of Rome, as others.
Bon-jour (Fr.) good morrow or good-day.
Boon (Sax. Beu [...], Chaucer, Bon [...]) a petition or request.
B [...]ö [...] (Gr.) a slow working Star in the North Pole, near Charles wain which it follows.
Boras or Borar, a white or greenish substance like Salt-petre, wherewith Gold-smiths use to soder gold and silver: some write it is the gum of a tree, which is very unlikely; others affirm it to be made of old Lees of Oyl, by art and drying in the Sun, brought to be white; but Dr. Bullokar rather conceives it to be a Mineral.
To Bord. See Abbord.
Bordel (from the Ital. Burdello) a Brothel-house, or Bawdy-house. Chau.
Boreas (Gr.) the North or North-East Wind; commonly taken for a great blustering wind.
Boreal Borean (borealis) pertaining to the North-wind, northernly.
Borith (Heb.) a kinde of hearb used by Fullers to take away spots in cloth.
Borow or Borough is a Corporate Town that is not a City, an. 2. Ed. 3. cap. 3. namely all such as send Burgesses to the Parliament, the number whereof you may find in Mr. Cromptons Jurisd. fo. 24. and more of this in Cowel.
Borow-English, Is a customary descent of Lands or Tenements, which (in all places where this custom holds) descend to the youngest son; or if the owner have no issue, to his youngest Brother, as in Edmunion. Kitch. fo. 102. And the reason of this custom (as Littleton saith) is, for that the youngest is presumed in Law to be least able to shift for himself.
Boscage (Fr.) a Grove, Thicket, or smal wood, a place that's stored, or set thick with trees. Also a picture representing much wood or trees. Sir H. Wot.
Bosphores (Bosphori) two Straits in the Sea, so called of an Oxes wading over them, the one surnamed Thracian, the other Cimmerian. Dub.
Botanical (botanicus) pertaining to hearbs.
Botanomancy (botanomantia) divination by hearbs.
Botargo (Ital. from the Gr. [...], i.e. salted eggs) is a kind of Sawsage or Pudding made of the eggs and blood of the Sea Mullet mixed with salt. Dr. Muffet.
Bote or Boote is an old Saxon word, and signifies help, succour, aide and advantage; coming from the Low-Dutch Boete, Baete, [Page] which is amends, remedy, and help; so we may say what boots or avails it? or what boot will you give me? and is commonly joyned with other words, as Bridg-boot, Burgh-boot, Fire-boot, Hedge-boot, and divers others.
Bo [...]e (Fr.) A Buskin or Summer Boot; we otherwise call them Boots with quarters, which have strings and no Spurs, but a heel like a Shoo on the out-side.
Botoiph (Sax.) helpship.
Bouge or Budge of Court, was the Diet, or rather the bread, beer, and wine which was allowed by the King to any Officer and his servants.
Bovicide (bovicida) a slaughter-man of Oxen, a Butcher.
Bovillon (Fr.) a kind of broth, or boiled meat, made of several ingredients.
Boureau (Fr.) a Hang-man or Executioner.
Boursier (from the Lat. Bursa, a purse) a purse-bearer; in our Universities, he is commonly the Treasurer or Purse-keeper of a Colledge
Boutefeu (Fr.) the literal signification is one that blows the fire, or that wilfully sets houses on fire; but Metaphorically it is used for one that raiseth discord, an Incendiary, a fire-brand of Sedition, one that loves to set and see men at strife.
Bourgeon (from the Fr. Bourgeoner) to bud, spring, or sprout out.
Boy or Buoy of an Anchor (Spain▪ Boya) is a peece of wood, an empty barrel or the like, tied to an Anchor, and floating on the water, to shew where the Anchor lies.
Boza, A drink in Turky made of seed, much like new mustard, and is very heady.
Brachial (brachialis) belonging to the arm.
Bourgeoise (Fr. Bourgeoisie) a Burgess-ship, the state or condition of a Burguer or Burgess; also a Boroughship▪ and the Liberties and Priviledges belonging to a Town or Borough. Cressy.
Brace, in the common acceptation is a known word signifying two or a couple; but with Printers, a Brace is that which couples two or more words together, and is made thus
Brachylogy (Brachylogia) shortness of speech.
Brachygraphy (brachygraphia) the Art of writing by short characters. I cannot say, either who was the Author, or whether the invention be antient or more modern, only I find in Dion, that Mecaenas (that great Favorite of Augustus Caesar, and favorer of learning) first sound out certain notes and figures ad celeritatem seribendi, for the speedier dispatch of writing.
Brackmans, a Sect of Philosophers in India, that lived onely by hearbs, roots, and [Page] fruit. These Brackmans or Bramines are now the Indian Priests (perhaps following the custom of the Egyptians who were wont to chuse their Priests out of their whole number of Philosophers) and are of like authority in their Church, as the Mufties are among the Turks, and as the Flamines and Arch-flamines were among the heathen Romans, or as the Druids among the Britains and Gauls. They hate Mahumed, and acknowledge one God and Creator of all things: the better sort are called Mockadams, or Masters. Herb. Tr.
Bragodoela, a coyn'd word with us, for a ranting coward, or bragging fellow.
Bragget or Braggot (br. Bragod) a drink made of Malt, water and hony, used in Wales, having the name from the British Brag. i.e. malt, and Gots, i.e. Hony-combs. This drink is also called by us, and in Low-Dutch Mede, ex melle, hony. Also a stay cut out of stone or timber, to bear up the Summer, in Masonry called a Corbel in Timber-work, a Bragget, Bracket, or shoulder-peece. Rider.
Brandish (Fr. brandir.) to make to shine or glister with gentle shaking or moving.
Bravado (Fr. bravade, Spa. brabada) a shew of Challenge or of daring, a boastful affront.
Brave (brabium) the prize or reward given to him that overcomes in Plays or Exercises.
Breviary (breviarium) an abridgement, or compendious draught, a short collection. Particularly, it is the name of a Book, to the daily recital whereof Catholick Priests are tied, from the time they take the order of Sub-Deaconship, in discharge of part of their Function. I have heard that the late Lord Treasurer Cecil, after he had diligently perused this Book, did greatly admire the order and method of it, saying it might well be termed a Breviary, for containing so much, and such variety in so contracted a bulk.
Breviloquence (breviloquentia) a brief or short form of speaking.
Brian (Fr.) shril voyce.
Brigand (Fr.) a Footman armed, or serving with a Brigandine; In old time when those kind of Souldiers marched, they held all to be good prize, that they could purloin from the people, and thereupon this word now signifies also a Theif, Purse-taker, or High-way robber. White.
Brigandine (Fr.) a jack or coat of Mail, but properly antient Armor of Skale-like plates and many joynts. This word is used an. 4, & 5. Ph. & Mar. ca. 2.
Brigantine (Fr.) a kind of swift vessel for Sea, bigger [Page] then the Frigot, and less then the Foist, having some ten or twelve Oars on a side, and commonly a theevish Vessel: of these the Rhodians are said to be the first Inventors.
The Falque is said to be the least Sea-Vessel with Oars, the Frigot next, then the Brigantin, the F [...]ist, the Galiot, the Galey and the Galeasse the biggest. Ren.
Brigade Brigado (Fr.) a term of War; six men make a Rot, or File, three Rots of Pikes make a Corporalship, but the Musketiers have four Files to a Corporalship; three Corporalships of each arms make a compleat Company, i.e. nine Rots of Pikes and twelve Rots of Musketiers (one and twenty Rots together) which amount to the number of 126 men, besides all Officers, Musteryoungs, and Pasvolants; four of these Companies (being 504 men) make a Squadron, and three such Squadrons form a perfect Brigade. Bar.
Brig-bote or Brugbote signifies a Tribute, contribution or aid towards the mending of Bridges, whereof many are freed by the Kings Charter, and hereupon the word is used for the very liberty or exemption from this Tribute. And Fleta l. 1. c. 47. saith, Brigbote significat quietantiam reparationis pontium.
Brigid or Bridget contracted also into Bride, an Irish name, as it seems, for that the antient St. Brigid was of that Nation. Cam.
Brigidians, an order of religious persons instituted by Brigidia a Widow, Queen of Sweden, in the time of Pope Ʋrbane the Fifth, about the year of our Lord 1372. it was as well of men as women, albeit they dwelt severally. Pol. & Heyl. The Nuns of this Order had a noble Convent at Sion in Middlesex, built by K. Henry the Fifth.
Brocado (Span.) cloth of gold or silver. Hence we call that Brocado'd silk or satten, which is wrought or mixed with gold or silver, and sometimes that is called Brocado'd silk, which is wrought with several colours of silk.
Brocage, means used by a Spoaksman, or the trade of a Broker.
Brochity (brochitas) crookedness properly of teeth or tushes.
Brocket, a red Deer of two years old. See Spitter.
Brodehalfpenny (Sax.) signifies a Toll or Custom for setting up Tables or Bords in a Fair or Market, from which they that are freed by the Kings Charter, had this word mentioned in their Letters Patents. Insomuch, as at this day the freedom it self (for shortness of speech) is called Brodehalfpenny.
[Page] Brothelty, dishonesty, bawdery, whoredom.
A Brouch or Ouch (monile) a jewel to wear about the neck.
Brownists, a dangerous Sect, first broached in England by Robert Brown of Rutland-shire about the year 1583. and is in effect pure Donatism, vamped with some new Editions. Of which see Mr Fuller's Church-History, l. 9. c. 268.
Bruyere (Fr.) Heath, Ling, Hather; also a Heath or heathy ground; a word much used in Fines and Recoveries. e
Bruma (Lat.) The shortest day in the year, used also for Winter or December.
Brumal (brumalis) belonging to the shortest day, winter-like.
Bubo (Lat.) a S [...]ritch-Owle; also a botch or sore about the Groin.
Bubulcitate (bubulcito) to cry or call like a Cow-herd, to play the Neat-herd.
Buccinate (buccino) to blow or sound a Trumpet or Horn, to publish or blaze abroad.
Bucculent (bucculentus) blub-cheeked, wide-mouthed.
Buccentoro or Buccintoro, A stately great Galeass, or Galley Foist, wherein the Duke of Venice with the Senate sail in triumph yearly on Ascension day, to espouse the Sea, &c. See Sands Travels, pag. 2.
Buckeldians, one of those fourteen Sects of Hereticks, which Alstedius comprehends under the title of Anabaptists, which are 1. Muncerians. 2. Apostolicks. 3. Separatists. 4. Catharists. 5. Silents. 6. Enthusiasts. 7. Libertines. 8. Adamites. 9. Hutites. 10. Augustinians. 11. Bucheldians. 12. Melchiorites. 13. Georgians. And 14. Menonists. See more of these in Doctor Featlies description of Anabaptists, pag. 24.
Bucolicks (bucolica) pastoral songs, or songs of Heardsmen.
Buffoon (Fr. Bouffon) a Jester or Sycophant, merry fool, or one that lives by making others merry.
Buggerie (Fr. Bougrerie) is described to be carnalis copula contra naturam, & haec vel per confusionem Specierum, sc. a man or a woman with a bruit beast, vel sexuum; a man with a man, or a woman with a woman. See Levit. 18.22, 23. This offence committed with mankinde or beast is fellony without Clergy; it being a sin against God, Nature, and the Law; And in ancient time such offenders were to be burnt by the Common-Law. 25. Hen. 86.5. Eliz. 17. Fitz. Nat. Br. 269. My Lord Coke ( Rep. 12. pag. 36.) saith, that this word comes from the Italian, Buggerare, to bugger.
Bulbous (bulbosus) having round heads in the roots. Bac.
[Page] Bulged or Bilged (a Sea-term) a ship is said to be bulged, when she strikes on a Rock, Anchor or the like, and breaks off her Timbers or Plancks there, and so springs a Leak.
Bulimy Boulimy (bulimia) unsatiable hunger, great famine.
Bull (bulla) properly a gold ornament or jewel for children, of a round compass, and hollow within, made like a heart, and used to be hung about their necks; and hence the Briefs or Mandats of the Pope are called Bulls, from the lead, and sometimes golden Seal affixed thereto, which Seal, Matth. Paris, Anno 1237. describes thus: In Bulla Domini Papae stat Imago Pauli à Dextris Crucis in medio Bullae figuratae, & Petri a sinistris: See more of these Bulls in Sir Henry Spelmans Glossarium.
Bulls of Basan, properly fat Buls; strong, powerfull, and cruel Enemies, Psal. 22.12. Many young Bulls have encompassed me: Basan was the fruitfull Country of Og, and became the Jews by conquest, Deut. 3.1, 2.
Bullary. See Boilary.
Burlesque (Ital.) drolish, merry, pleasant: Mr White, in his Apol. for Tradition.
Burghgrave (Germ.) is in Germany a title of honor, and signifies as much as Earl or Count of the Castle or Garrison; also the Captain or Governor of a Fortress.
Burlybrand (Sax.) a great sword. Chaucer.
Burnish (from the Italian Brunisce) to make a thing glister or look fair by rubbing it. Also a term among Hunters when Harts spread their horns, after they are fraied or new rubbed.
Burser. See Boursier.
Bursholder, an Head-borough, a Ruler or chief Officer in a Borough.
Butlerage of Wines, signifies that imposition of sale Wine brought into the Land, which the Kings Butler by vertue of his office may take of every ship, An. 1. H. 8. ca. 5. See Prisage.
Buttress, a stay to prop up a wall or building.
Buxiferous (buxifer) that beareth box.
Buxome or Buxum (Sax. Boscum) pliant, amiable, obedient, merry, gentle, meek, dutifull.
Buxomness or Bughsomness (Sax.) pliablness or bowsomness, to wit, humbly stooping or bowing down in sign of obedience; It is now mistaken for lustiness or rampancy.
Buzzar, a Market-place among the Persians. Herb.
Byram, a great Feast among the Turks; which is their Carneval, and lasts three dayes.
Byrlaw or Laws of Burlaw [Page] (leges rusticorum) Laws made by Husband-men, concerning neighbourhood, to be kept among themselves. Skene, p. 33.
By-spel (Sax. B [...]gspel) a By-word, Parable, or Proverb.
Byssine (byssinus) silken, or which is made of fine flax or cloth.
THe Letter C among the Antients denoted Condemnation. See A.
Cabala, (Hebr.) receptio, a receiving.
Cabala, Kabala, or Cabalistick are, a hidden Science of Divine Mysteries, which consists in drawing several senses either out of the same letters of a Hebrew word, as they lye first written in the word, or by different combinations of them, or by changing one letter for another according to art, or from the different writing a letter in one word, from the writing of the same letter in another word, or yet by some other nice ways, known to the Hebrew Rabbins, who onely use this Art for their Exposition of Scripture; And as it is an Art proper to the Jews, so is it judged by the better learned, to contain more of the imaginary, or phantastical, then of solid learning, towards the true understanding of holy Scripture. See Moses and Aaron, p. 169.
Picus Mirandula describes it shortly thus, Est namque universa illa secretior Divinae legis exposi [...]io ex ore Dei à Moyse accepta & Prophetarum animis à Deo infusa. It comprehends all those secret ways of exposition of the Divine Law, which were received by Moses from the mouth of God, and were afterward revealed by God to his Prophets.
And Camden saith, ‘"That (as the great Masters of the Jews testifie) Moses received of God a litteral Law, written by the finger of God in the Two Tables of the Ten Commandments to be imparted to all, and another mystical, to be communicated onely to seventy men, which by tradition they should pass to their posterity, whereof it was called Cabala, which was divided into Mercana or Merana, concerning onely the sacred names of God, and Bresith, or Berescith, of other names, consisting of Alphabetary revolution, which they will have to be Anagrammatism, by which they say Mary resolved, made our holy Mistris. But whether this Cabala is more antient then the Talmudical learning, hatched by the curious Jews (as some [Page] will) about 200 years after Christ, let the learned consider." Cam.’
Arithmancy, Theomancy and Cosmology, are said to depend on the aforesaid Cabala, which (to give you also Reuclins definition of it) is nothing else but a kind of unwritten Theology; and that therein is a much greater part of belief and speculation, then of discipline.
We use to say, he is not of our Cabal, that is, he is not received into our Council, or is not privy to our secrets.
Cabalis (cabalista) one skilful in that secret Science.
Cabal (caballus) an horse, a Jade.
Cablish (cablicia) among the Writers of the Forest Laws, signifies Brush-wood; but I rather think with Sir H. Spelman, it more properly signifies wind-faln-wood, because I find it written of old cadibulum from cadere.
Cacanis, a kind of Doctors among the Jews.
Cacofurgo Cecafogo (Spa.) Shitefire.
Cachexie (Gr.) an ill habit or disposition of body.
Cachinnation (cachinnatio) great laughter, or a laughter in derision.
Cacos (Gr.) Malus, evil: hence
Cacochymy (cacochymia) [...]l juyce in the body, causing [...]l digestion, and bad nutrient: Or a corruption of all the humors in the body.
Cacodaemon (Gr.) an evil spirit, a devil.
Cacography (Gr.) ill writing, or writing of evil things.
Cacology (cacologia) evil speech or report, detraction.
Cacophony (cacophonia) an ill, harsh, or unpleasing sound (in words) a vitious utterance or pronunciation.
Cacozelous (cacozelus) ill-minded or affectioned, one that imitates badly.
Cacuminate (cacumino) to make sharp or copped.
Cadaverous (cadaverosus) like a dead carkass, deadly, ghastly or full of dead carkasses.
Cadee or Cade (Arab.) a Judge or Justice of the Peace among the Turks; also a Lord.
Cadence Cadency (from cado) a just falling; round going of words; a proportionable time or even measure in any action or sound.
Cadent (cadens) falling, failing, dying.
Cadet (Fr.) a younger brother among Gentlemen.
Caducean (caduceus) among the Romans was the name of a wand or rod, so called à cadendo, because at the sight thereof all quarrels and discords presently ceased, and it was carried by their Heraulds and Embassadors as an Ensign of Peace. Peach.
[Page] Celibate (caelibatus) single life, the state of man or woman unmarried. Herb. H. 8.
Cageole (Fr. cageoler) to prattle or jangle like a Jay; to prate much to little purpose; to inveigle with fair words.
Caduciferous (caducifer) that carries a white rod in sign of peace.
Calamitous (calamitosus) full of calamity, wretched, destroyed with tempest.
Calamize (calamizo) to pipe or sing.
Calamist (from calamus) a Piper or Whistler with a reed.
Calamity (calamitas) destruction of Corn or other thing, misery, mischief, &c. Calamitas (says my Lord Bacon) was first derived from calamus when the corn could not get out of the stalk. Nat. Hist.
Calasticks (calastica) purging medicines or oyntments.
Calcauthous (from calcauthum) pertaining to [...]hoomakers-black, or Vitriol.
Calcation (calcatio) a treading or stamping.
Calceate (calceo) to Shooe or put on Shooes, or Socks.
Calcedon, a term used by Jewellers and Lapidaries, as when in a Rubie especially, or Saphire, there is a certain foul vein, of somewhat a different and most commonly whitish colour to the other part of the stone, that they call a Calcedon, and it makes the stone of less value; There is also a precious stone called Calcedonius.
Calcined (calcinatus) burnt to ashes, or reduced to powder by fire.
Calcinize, To burn to ashes, to reduce metals to powder by the fire, to refine.
Calcitrate (calcitro) to kick or spurn, to refuse with disdain.
Calculate (calculo) to cast accounts to reckon.
Calcule (calculus) an account or reckoning; a Table-man, Chess-man, or Counter to cast accounts withal.
Calculosity (calculositas) fulness of stones or Counters.
Caledonian (caledonius) belonging to Scotland, formerly called Caledonia.
Calefy (calefacio) to make warm or hot.
Calefaction (calefactio) a warming or heating.
Calfactive (calfactus) heating or warming, of property or power to heat or warm.
To Calender Linnen Cloth and Stuff, is to smooth, trim, and give it a gloss; a term used by Linnen Drapers and Mercers.
Calends (calendae) properly the first day of every month, being spoken by it self, or the very day of the New Moon, which commonly did fall out together; If Pridie be placed before it, then it signifies the last day of the foregoing month, as Pridie Calend. Maii, is the last day of April. If any number be placed with it, it signifies that day in the former [Page] moneth, which comes so much before the moneth named; as the tenth Calends of October, is the twentieth day of September, because if one begin at October, and reckon backwards, that twentieth day of September, is the tenth day before October. In March, May, July, and October, the Calends begin at the 16 day, in other moneths at the fourteenth; which Calends must ever bear the name of the moneth following, and be numbred backward from the first day of the said following moneths. See more in Hoptons Concord. p. 69. and see Ides.
At the Greek Calends (ad Graecas Calendas) i. never; for the Greeks have no Calends.
Calent (calens) hot or warm.
Calenture (Spa. Calentura) a burning Feaver, or an Ague.
Calidity (caliditas) heat, warmth.
Calid (calidus) hot, warm, burning, fierce and hasty.
Caliduct, Palladio observes that the Antients did warm their rooms, with certain secret Pipes, that came through the walls, transporting heat, to sundry parts of the house, from one common Furnace, which Sir Hen. Wotton properly calls Caliducts.
Caliga [...]o [...] (caligatio) dimness of sight, blindness.
Calig [...] (caligatus) that wears Stockings, Bus [...]ings, or harness for the Legs.
A Caligate Souldier (caligatus miles) a common Souldier; also a Souldier, that, for fear of the enemy, feighneth himself to be weary and faint.
Calip [...], A name or tittle of Dignity or Estate in Egypt, which people of the Mahometan Religion used to confer on such a man, whom they thought to be of holy life, a great and diligent observer of Mahomets Law, as also well learned therein, granting him besides, to command with Royal Authority; At the beginning of this Religion all Caliphs were Kings, witness Mahomet himself inventer thereof, who was King of Arabia. These Caliphs were also a kind of High-Priests, at whose hands the Mahumetan Princes were wont to receive their Diadems and Regalities. But their Office is now executed in the Turks Dominions by the Mufti or Chief Priest of the Saracens. Heyl.
Callent (callens) crafty, witty, cunning, or wise by experience.
Callid (callidus) idem.
Calligraph [...] (calligraphia) fair-writing.
Callosit [...] (callositas) hardness or thickness of skin. Br.
Callo [...] (Sax.) a lewd woman. Chauc. So perhaps Call [...]w may be lewd or wicked, which Mr. Cleveland uses in his Poems, where he speaks of a callow curse.
[Page] Calour (calor) heat, warmth, hot love.
Calpe. See Hercules Pillars.
Calsounds or Calsunes, a kinde of drawers or such like garment of Linnen, which the Turks wear next their skin. Sands.
Caltrop or Calthrop (Fr. Chaussetrope) an instrument used formerly in war, made with four pricks of Iron, of such a fashion, as which way soever it was thrown, one point will alwayes stick up like a nail, to spoil the enemies horse feet.
Calvary or Mount Calvary (calvarium) a hill a little out of Hierusalem, where the malefactors were ordinarily executed, and where our Saviour Christ was Crucified for the Redemption of mankinde. The Mount had the name Calvary from the skuls and dead mens bones that lay there up and down.
Calvinist. One that holds the same opinion with Calvin in matters of Religion. See Lutheranism.
Calvity (calvitas) baldness, deceit.
Calumniate (calumnior) to accuse or charge falsely, to cavil or detract. He that in his accusation, forges faults never committed, is said to Calumniate. He that undertakes ones sute, and either will not urge reasons in the behalf of his Clyent, or answer the Objections of his adversary, when he is able, is said to Prevaricate. i. to play the false Proctor. He that desists in his accusation, and lets his sute fall, is said Tergiversari. Sylv. in Orat. pro Mur.
Calumnious (calumniosus) full of cavils or false accusations, slanderous.
Calydonian, of or belonging to Scotland, or to a Forest there, called Calydonia Sylva.
Cambio (Spa.) a Burse or Exchange; as the Royal Exchange in London.
Cambren (from the Brittish Cam, i. crooked, and [...]ren; a stick) a crooked stick, with notches on it, which Butchers use to hang Sheep or Calves on, when they dress them.
Cambrian (from Cambria) belonging to Wales, Welch, Brittish.
Camerade (Fr. and Camerada Span. fro [...] Camera a Chamber) a Tent, Chamber, or Cabin-fellow, or a fellow-Souldier.
Camoise, crooked; as Camoise-nosed, hook-nosed; from the Brit. Cam, i. crooked; whence we also say C [...]m-Cam, for crooked, overthwart, or clean contrary.
Cam [...]ate (camero) to vault, seil, or make an Arch or Roof.
Cam [...]lionize, to live by the Air, or in the fire; or change colour, as the Camelion is said to do.
[Page] Camisado (from the Span. Camisa i. a shirt) a sudden assaulting or surprisal of the enemy; So termed because the Souldiers that execute it, did commonly wear shirts over their armor, or take their Enemies in their shirts. Cotgr.
Campsor (Lat.) a banker, or changer of money.
Campain (Fr. Campaigne) a plain field, or a wide and level piece of ground. A word much used among souldiers, by whom the next Campain is usually taken for the next Summers Expedition of an Army, or its taking the field.
Campus Martius, a field neer Rome, where the ancient Romans made use of all manly exercises, and the people often assembled to give their suffrages towards the election of Magistrates, &c. It was so called, because dedicated to Mars.
Campus scelera [...]us (Lat.) was the place where the vestal Nuns, if they were defloured, suffered punishment; the field of execution.
Canary wi [...]e. So called, because it is made in the Canary Islands.
Cancer (Lat.) a crevice, or crab; also one of the Twelve Celestial Signs, so called for that as the Crab retrogrades or goes backward; so the Sun (being in that sign about mid- June ascends no higher but recedes by degrees, and hastens towards Capricorn. Min.
Candefy (candefacio) to make white, cleer, or pure.
Cand [...]d [...]t [...] (candidati) those that stand in election and sue for dignities of Magistracy, during which time, among the Romans, they wore whiter and newer gowns then ordinary, that they might be the more easily seen and discerned; A word still in use in Universities; Also gallant young Gentlemen or Knights about the Emperors person.
Candlemass-day (Sax. Candel-moesse) the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin (2. Feb.) so called from the many candles that were wont to be hallowed and lighted in the Church on that day. The Dutch call it Lic [...]tmisse. Sax. Dict.
Candid (candidus) white, fair, clear; also fortunate, pure, innocent.
Candor (Lat.) whiteness, brightness, purity, sincerity, without craft or malice.
Canel bone (jugulus) the Neck or Throat-bone.
Canibals. A barbarous kinde of people that eat mans flesh.
Canicular day [...]s (dies caniculares) See Dog dayes.
Cani [...]ude (canitudo) hoariness, whiteness, gravity.
Canon. (Gr.) Properly a [Page] Rule or line to make any thing straight, or to try the straightness of it. Hence Laws or Decrees for Church-Government are called Canons; and certain times of Prayer used by Church-men are called Canonical hours of Prayer, as Matins, Laudes, &c. And we call those Canonical books, which are authentical Scripture.
Canonical (canonicus) according to Rule, or Order, received into the Canon, put into the Roll; Authentical.
Canonize (canonizo) to examine by rule, to Register, to put in the rank and number: also to declare and pronounce one for a Saint.
Canor (Lat.) melody or sweet singing.
Canorous (canorus) loud, shrill, pleasant, loud singing.
Cantabrians (Cantabri) people of Biscay (formerly Cantabria) in Spain.
Cantation (cantatio) singing or enchanting.
Cantabrize, to follow the custom or fashion of Cambridge. Mr Fuller: and it may be applied to Biscay in Spain, in Latin called Cantabria.
Cantharides (Lat.) certain flyes of a bright shining green colour, breeding in the tops of Ash and Olive Trees beyond the Sea. They are sometimes used by Physitians, to raise blisters in the body; but their heads, wings, and feet must be cast away. The juice of them is poysonous. Bull.
Canticle (canticum) a pleasant Song, a Ballad, a Rime.
Cantion (cantio) a song or enchantment, a sorcery or charme.
Cantilene (cantilena) a verse, a common speech or tale, a song.
Canto (Ital.) a Song or Sonnet; also as Canton.
Canton, from the Greek, [...], which is a corner properly of the eye; also an Hundred, Precinct, or Circuit of Territory, wherein there are divers good Towns and Villages: This word is proper to Helvetia or Switzerland, which was divided or Cantonized about the year of Christ 1307. into 13 such Cantons.
It is also a term in Heraldry, and signifies as much as an Angle or corner in a coat of Arms, contracted thus:
It possesseth for the most part the dexter point of the Scotcheon, and is the reward of a Prince given to an Earl. Peach.
Cantonize. To divide into Cantons, quarters or corners.
[Page] Cantor (Lat.) a singer or charmer.
Cantred or rather Cantref signifies an hundred Villages, being a British word compounded of the Adjective Cant, which signifies an hundred, and Tref, a Town or Village. In Wales the Counties are divided into Cantreds, as in England into Hundreds. This word is used An. 28. H. 8. c. 3.
Canzonet (from the Ital. Canzonetta) a song or ditty.
Car-a-pe (from the Lat. caput and pes) from head to foot; as when a Souldier is compleatly armed, we say he is armed Cap-a-pe. The Romans called such souldiers Cataphracti.
Capacitat [...] (from capacitas) made capable or fit to receive. Lo. Prot. Speech to Parl. 8. April, 1657.
Capacity Capability (capacitas) an aptness to contain or receive.
Our Common Law allows the King two Capacities, a natural, and a politick; in the first he may purchase Lands to him and his Heirs; in the later to him and his Successors. And a Parson hath the like.
Cape (Fr. cap) that whereof Sea-men speak in their voyages, is some remarkable nook or elbow of Land, that shoots farther into the Sea then any other near part of the Continent. In Spanish it is called Cabo; i. an end, quasi the end or last of such a Land, as Cabo de Buena Esperansa the Cape of good hope, first found by Vasco de Gama a Portugal.
Caparison (Fr. Caparasson) trapping or furniture for a horse.
Capets (Fr. Cappres) A prickly plant almost like Brambles, growing in Spain, Italy, and other hot Countries: the root whereof is much used in Physick, against obstructions of the Spleen or Milt. The flowers and leaves are brought hither from Spain, preserved in pikle, and are commonly eaten with Mutton: they stir up the appetite, warm the Stomach, and open the stoppings of the Liver and Milt. Bull.
Capharnaits, those of Capharnaum in Palestine, who first doubted of the mystery of the blessed Sacrament.
Ca [...], Three chief Officers among the Venetians, to whom and to the Senate the Dukes Authority is in all things subject. Heyl.
Capillary (capillaris) of or like hair, hairy.
Capillatur [...] (capillatura) a frizling of the hair, the bush of hair on the head.
Capistrate (capistro) to halter, muzzle, or tye.
Capillation (capillatio) hairiness, a making a thing hairy, or causing hair to grow.
[Page] Capital (capitalis) worthy of death, deadly, mortal, belonging to the head. The seven Capital sins are Pride, Covetousness, Lechery, Anger, Gluttony, Envy and Sloath; and are called Capital, because they are heads of many others, which proceed from them as Rivers from their source.
Capitation (capitatio) a tribute paid by the heads; pole-money. Br.
Capite, was a tenure when a man held Lands immediately of the King, as of his Crown, were it by Knights service, or in Socage. Brook. tit. Ten. 46.94. This Tenure, and those of Knights service and Socage in chief are now taken away, and all Tenures turned into Free and common Soccage. Act. 1656. ca 4.
Capitol (capitolium) an antient Pallace in Rome, so called from the head of a man found there when they digged to lay the foundation; Arnobius saith his name was Tolus, and from Caput and Tolus came Capitolium. When Brennus and his Gauls overcame the Romans near the River Allia in Italy, Rome it self was forsaken of its chief strength, only the Capitol was manned by Manlius and saved from the fury of the Gauls, by the cackling of Geese which awaked the watch, &c.
Capitulate (capitulo) to divide by chapters or heads; also to bargain or agree by Articles.
Capnomancy (capnomantia) a divination by smoke arising from an Altar, whereon Incense or Poppy-seed is burned. Cotgr.
Capouch [...] (Fr. Capuchon, lat. Capitium) a coul, hood, or cover for the head, which Monks and Fryers use to wear.
Capouchins or Capucines, a religious Order of Fryers so called of their Coule or Capouch, ordained by Matth. Basci of Ancona. Frier Lewis his companion obtained of the then Pope, the habit and rule of St. Francis in the year 1526. In the space of 42 years they encreased to 2240 associates, had 222 Monasteries, and were divided into 15. Provinces. Heyl. They wear neither shirts nor breeches. Cotgr.
Caprichio Caprich (from the Spa. capricho) an humor, a fancy, a toy in ones head, a giddy thought; hence
Caprichious, humersome, fantastical, full of whimseys or toys, giddy-headed.
Capricorn (capricornus) the Goat or one of the 12 Signs of the Zodiack; so named from the custom and nature of that beast; for as the Goat commonly climbs up to the top of the steepest hills to seek his food; so the Sun (when in in Mid- December, he enters the Tropick of Capricorn) ascends our Hemisphere. Min.
Caprification (caprificatio) husbanding or dressing wilde fig-trees or other trees.
[Page] Capriole (Fr.) a caper in dancing; also the leaping of a horse above ground, called by horsemen, the Goats leap.
Capstand, an Instrument to wind up things of great weight, a Crane. Bull.
Capsulary (from capsula) pertaining to a little Coffer, Chest, or Casket.
Capsulated, locked or shut up in a Chest or Casket.
Captation (captatio) subtilty to get favor, a cunning endeavor to get a thing.
Captious (captiosus) full of craft, curious, hurtful, catching or taking hold of every little occasion to pick quarrels.
Caracol (from the Fr. fair le Caracol) to cast themselves into a ring, as souldiers do.
Captivity (captivitas) bondage.
Captivate (captivo) to take captive or prisoner.
Caracter. Vide Character.
Caravan or Karavan (Fr. Caravene) a convoy of Souldiers for the safety of Merchants that travel by Land. Voyage Levant, and Sands.
Capuchet (from the Fr. Capuchon, a Coul or Hood) hooded or covered with a Coul or into the Hood. See Capouche.
Carbonado (Spa. carbonada, lat. carbonella) a rasher or collop of Bacon, or any meat smutcht with or broiled on the coals: also a slash over the face, which fetcheth the flesh with it.
Caravel, a kind of swift Bark.
Carbuncle (carbunculus) has two significations, the one a precious stone, the other a dangerous botch or sore. Carbuncle stone, is bright, of the colour of fire, and has many vertues, but chiefly prevails against the danger of infectious air. Some call a Ruby in perfection a Carbuncle; others say a Diamond of a red or fiery colour, is a Carbuncle. Carbuncle disease is a botch, or ulcer, called otherwise by a Greek name Anthrax, caused of gross hot blood, which raiseth blisters, and burns the skin; This Ulcer is ever accompanied with a Feaver.
Carceral (carceralis) of or belonging to a prison.
Sea- Card (charta marina) is a Geographical discription of coasts, with the true distances, heights and courses or winds laid down in it; not describing any Inland, which belongs to Maps. Seamen use these Cards to instruct them in Navigation.
Cardiacal (cardiacus) of or pertaining to the heart, cordial, comforting the heart.
Cardinal (cardinalis) a high dignity in the Church of Rome, whereof there are about 70 in number, and were first instituted by P. Paschal the first. Minsh derives the word from Cardo, inis, the hook or hinge of a door: for as the door hangs or depends on the hinges, so the Church on the Cardinals. The word taken Adjectively, [Page] is pertaining to a hook or hinge; also chief or principal; the four Cardinal Vertues are, 1 Prudence▪ 2 Temperance, 3 Justice, 4 Fortitude. So called, because they are the principal foundations of a vertuous well-ordered life, and as it were the hinges on which all other moral vertues depend; the four principal winds, East, West, North, and South, are also called Cardinal Winds.
Cardiognostick (Gr.) that knows the heart; an attribute peculiar to God alone; Mr. How.
Carefox or Carfax, A Market-place in Oxford, so called; which may come of the French Quarrefour or carrefour, signifying any place or part of a Town, where four streets meet at a head; as at Carfox in Oxford, for there is the Quarre, the square and quadrant. Min. Or (according to Mr. Sumner) it may be a corruption from the French, quatre voyes. i. four ways.
Ca [...]e [...]e (Fr.) a cheering, cherishing, welcoming, making much of.
Caret (Lat.) it wanteth; it is the name for this mark ( ) which is made in writing, where any thing is wanting, left out or enterlined; or to shew where an interlineation comes in.
Cargazon or Cargaison (from the Span. Carga. i.e. a load) the fraight or lading of a ship.
Carine (carina) the Keel or Bottom of a Ship Any kind of bringing a ship over to lie on one side; to be trim'd (she being on float) is called Careening.
Carity (caritas) dearth, scarcity, dearness.
Cark, is a quantity of wool, whereof 30 make a Sarplar. A. 27. H. 6. cap. 2.
Carmasal or Carmusal, a kind of Turkish ship or Galley.
Carmelite (had beginning and name at and from Mount Carmelus in Syria, where Elias the Prophet lived long solitary) a strict order of Friers instituted by Almericus Bishop of Antioch, An. 1122. They followed St. Basil and were reformed by the vertuous Spanish Virgin St. Teresa, who made them certain constitutions confirmed by Pope Pius the fourth, Ann. 1565. Heyl.
Carminate (carmino) to card wooll, or hatchel flax, to sever the good from the bad.
Carnage (Fr.) flesh time, or the season wherein 'tis lawful to eat flesh; It is also a term of Venery, signifying that flesh which is given to the dogs after hunting.
Carnalist, One that is devoted to carnalities, a carnal man.
Carnaval (Fr.) Shrovetide; also a licentious or dissolute season.
Carnel work, The building of ships first with their Timbers and Beams, and after [Page] bringing on their Planks, is called Carnel-work, to distinguish it from Clinch-work.
Carnify (carnifico) to quarter or cut in peeces, as the Hang-man doth, to torment.
Carnous (carnosus) full of flesh, fleshy, gross, thick.
Carnivorous (carnivorus) that devoureth flesh.
Carnificine (carnificina) the place of execution, or the office of a Hangman.
Carnogan (Brit.) a little kind of a wooden dish with hoops, a Piggin.
Carol, A Christmas song, or Hymn in honor of our Saviours birth; it comes from Cantare, i. to sing, and Rola an interjection expressing joy; for heretofore in the burden of delightful songs, and when men were jocound, they were wont to sing Rola, Rola, as sometimes they now do, Hey down, derry derry. It was an antient custom among the Christians in their Feasts, to bring every one into the midst, and incite him to sing unto God, as well as he could, either out of holy Scriptures, or out of his own wit and invention. Tertul. lib. adv. Gentes, cap. 39.
Carous, Gar in the old Teutonick signified all, and aus, out; so that to drink Garaus, is to drink all out; hence by corruption, to drink Carous, and now we say to Carous it, i. to drink all out.
Carpatian-Sea (so called from an adjacent Island called Carpathos, now Scarpanto) a Sea lying between Rhodes and Crete.
Carp [...]cratians, a sort of Hereticks so called.
Carrat (Fr. carat) among Goldsmiths and Mintmen is the third part of an ounce; among Jewellers or Stonecutters, but the 192 part, for eight of them make but one sterlin, and a sterlin is the four and twentieth part of an ounce. Three grains of Assize or four grains of Diamond weight make a carrat. A fool of twenty five carrats, is an egregious fool, a fool beyond all proportion; the finest gold being but of four and twenty carrats, which is the essay, by which the fineness of the gold is known. Cotgr.
Carrick Carrack a ship of a great burthen; so called of the Italian word carico, or carco, a burthen or charge; you have this word, An. 2. R. 3. ca. 4. and 1. Jac. ca. 33.
Carriere (Fr) the ring or circle where they run with great horses; also their course or full speed.
Cartage. See Cartouch.
Cartel (Fr.) a Letter of defiance, or a challenge for a (single) Combate. Lo. Herbert uses it often in his Hen. 8.
Carthusians, a religious order of Monks, instituted by St. Bruno, a native of Collein, who being a Parisian Doctor of Divinity, and a Canon of Rheims, abandoned the [Page] world, and with six associats began his austere Heremitical course of life, on the Carthusian Mountains, in the Diocess of Gratianopolis, with the licence of Hugh then Bishop thereof; and from thence his Order took the name of Carthusians: he flourished in the time of Pope Ʋrban the second, and died 1101. Those of his rule have at this day near 100 Monasteries; they eat no flesh, never meet but on Sundays, labour with their hands, watch, pray, &c. their robe is white, with a short cape.
Cartilage (cartilago) a gristle. Physitians define it to be a similary part, dry and hard, yet not so as a bone; flexible, which a bone is not; framed to stay the soft parts, and to repel the injuries of external hard bodies. Reads Anat.
Cartilagineous (cartilagineus) of a gristle or full of gristles.
Carrucate of Land (carrucata terrae) is a word much used in the antient Charters, and Land-evidences of this nation, and signifies as much land as may be tilled in a year by one Plough; it is also called in the antient Laws Hilda vel Hida terrae, and in others Carue de terre; now a Plough-land. Carrucata is a corruption from the French Carruë, a Plough.
Cartouche (Fr.) a charge of powder and shot ready made up in a paper; we corruptly call it a cartage. Also a roll in Architecture.
Carvel, a kind of ship.
Caspian Sea (mare Caspium) a Sea near Hyrcania, that hath no passage into any other Sea, but is a huge Lake, and neither ebbs nor flows. Therefore Sir Philip Sidney (to note, that he persisted always one) depainted out this Sea surrounded with his Shoars, and over it this Motto, Sine refluxu, for his Devise.
Case-Mate (Fr.) a loop-hole in a fortified wall to shoot out at, or in fortification, a place in a ditch, out of which to plague the assailants.
Cassation (from casso) a quashing, annulling, or making void.
Castalian-Wel; a fountain at the foot of Parnassus, sacred to the Muses; taking name of Castalia a Virgin, who (as Poets fain) flying from the leacherous god Apollo, fell down headlong, and was turned into this fountain. Rider.
Castifical (castificus) making chaste, pure or continent.
Castigate (castigo) to chastise, correct, reprove, or punish.
Castleward, Is an imposition laid upon such Subjects, as dwel within a certain compass of any Castle, towards the maintenance of such as watch and ward the Castle. Mag. Char. c. 20. & an. 32. H. 8. ca. 48. It is used sometimes for the very circuit it self; [Page] which is inhabited by such as are subject to this service, as in Stows Annals, p. 632.
Castrate (castro) to geld, to cut off, or mangle, to take away the strength.
Castrensian (castrensis) of a Camp or Army; that pertaines to an Host or War.
Casuist (from casus) one that writes, or is well seen in cases of conscience.
Casule, or Planet ( casula) one of those attires wherewith the Priest is vested, when he says Mass, resembling the purple robe of derision, which the Souldiers put on our Savior, saying, Hail King of the Jews. Tr. of Ma.
Cata-baptist (Gr.) one that abuseth or depraves, or is an adversary to the Sacrament of Baptism. A Catabaptist may sometimes be no Anabaptist, such was Leo Capronymus, who defiled the Font at his Baptism, yet was not Christened again, but every Anabaptist is necessarily a Cataptist, for the iteration of that Sacrament is an abuse and pollution of it. Dippers dipt.
Catachrestical Catachrestique (from catachresis) abusive, as when one word is improperly put for another.
Cataclysm (cataclysmus) a general flood, or deluge, a great showre of rain. Mr. Evelyn.
Catadrome (catadromus) a place where they run with horses, for prize; a Tilt-yard. An Engine which builders use like a Crane, in lifting up or putting down any great weight.
Cataglottism (Gr.) a kissing with the tongue. Cotg.
Catagmatical (catagmaticus) of or belonging to broken bones; or to the healing or closing such bones.
Catagraph (catagraphe) the first draught or delineation of a picture.
Cataloguize (from catalogus) to insert into a catalogue, to inroll.
Catals Chatels In our Common Law it comprehends all goods movable and immovable, but such as are in the nature of a Free-hold or parcel thereof. Howbeit Kitchin. chap. Cat. fol 32. saith, That ready money is not accounted any goods, or hattels, nor Hawks, nor Hounds. See more in Cow.
Catalepsie (catalepsis) occupation, deprehension, knowledge: Also a disease in the head, occasioned by a distemper of the brain.
Catamidiate (catamidio) to put one to open shame, and punishment for some notorious offence, to scorn, to defame. ka me, ka thee.
Catamite (catamitus) a boy hired to be abused contrary to nature, a Ganymede. Herb. tr.
Cataphysick, Against nature.
[Page] Cataphor (cataphora) a deep or dead sleep.
Cataphrygians. A Sect of Hereticks that lived in the time of Pope Soter, and the Emperor Commodus about the year of Christ 181. they bore that name, because their Arch-leaders, Montanus and Apelles were of the Country Phrygia; they erred about Baptism, rejecting the form that Christ and his Apostles used; they baptized their dead, held two Marriages as bad as fornication, with other wicked Tenets.
Cataplasm (cataplasma) properly a medicine or poultis made of divers herbs either bruised or boiled in water, and so applied outwardly to the body: if there be oyl added after the decoction, it is not then called a Cataplasm, but an Emplaister.
Catapult (catapulta) an antient warlike Engine to shoot Darts or great Arrows a far off; and by this name was called not onely the instrument it self, but the arrow or whatsoever was shot out of it; as Turneb. writes in his 15. Advers. cap 1. This Engine was also called Balista.
Cataract (cataracta) a Portcullis, a great fall of water from an high place; also a distillation of humors out of the eyes, a Flood-gate.
Catarrhe (catarrhus) a Rhewm or distillation of waterish humors out of the head into the mouth, throat, or eyes, caused by a cold, and sometimes hot distemperature of the brain.
Catastasis (Gr.) the third part of a Comedy, and signifies the state and full vigour of it. Tragedies and Comedies have four principal parts in respect of the matter treated of, 1. Protasis. 2. Epitasis. 3. Catastasis. 4. Catastrophe.
Catastrophe (Gr.) a subversion, the end, or last part of a Comedy or any other thing: a sudden alteration, the conclusion or shutting up a matter, or the inclination unto the end, as Vitae humanae catastrophe, the end of a mans life.
Catechetical (from catechesis) pertaining to an Instruction, by mouth or book.
Catechize (catechizo) to inform or instruct.
Catecumene (catecumenus) one lately taught and catechized by mouth; or one that is catechized, but hath not received the Communion.
Categorem (categorema) that part of a proposition which is predicated of the other.
Categorematical. See Syncategorematical.
Category (categoria) properly an accusation. It is also a term used in Logick, and is the same with predicament. See Predicament.
Categorical (categoricus) plain, authentical, already resolved on. Cotgr.
[Page] Catenate (cateno) to link, chain or tie.
Catharians, were a branch of the Novatian Hereticks that lived in the third age after Christ. They took the name Cathari from the Greek word [...] (which signifies clean or pure) by reason of the cleanness and purity they challenged to themselves, saying, they were altogether pure from sin, and therefore omitted that clause in the Lords Prayer, Forgive us our Trespasses, as we forgive, &c. they denied original sin, and the necessity of Baptism, with other Heretical doctrines.
Catharists (so called from the Gr. [...], i. to purge, from certain execrable cleansings or purgings which they used) a branch of the Manichean Hereticks, that appeared first to the world in the time of Pope Felix the first, and of Aurelian the Emperor, about the year of Christ 297. They rejected the Sacraments of the Church, held oaths to be unlawful, and forbidden Christians in all cases, &c. with other such mad positions.
Cathartical (catharticus) pertaining to a purgative, or evacuative medicine; and such medicines are called Catharticks.
Cathedral (from cathedra) of or belonging to a chair.
Cathedral Church, so called from the Bishops chair in every such Church; what soever City gives title to a Bishop, there onely is a Cathedral Church, as at York, Worcester, Hereford, &c. but none at Shrewsbury, Northampton, &c. See Parish.
Cathedrarious (cathedrarius) of or belonging to a chair or seat.
Catholicisme (catholicismus) generality or universality, or the Orthodox Faith of the Catholick Church.
Catholicon (Gr.) a certain composition in Physick, so termed, because it purgeth all kind of humors.
Catholick King, a Title peculiar to the King of Spain; as Most Christian, to France; and Defender of the Faith, to England.
Alphonso the first of Oviedo had this Title for his sanctity; with him it dyed, and was revived in Alphonso the great, the Twelfth of Leon, and Oviedo, by the Grant of Pope John the Eighth: after it lay dead till the days of Ferdinand the great, who re-obtained this Title from Pope Alexander the Sixth, because he procured the Moors to be baptized, banished the Jews, and in part converted the Americans to Christianity. Hist. of Spain.
Catholisation, The being or becoming a Catholick.
Catopticks professors of the Opticks, or art speculative.
Catoptromantie (catoptromantia) [Page] divination by vision in a glass.
Cavalier (Fr.) Caval [...]ro (Sp.) a Knight or Gentleman, serving on horse-back, a man of Arms.
Cavalry (Spa. cavaleria) Fr. cavallerie) Horse-men in an Army, Knighthood, Horsemanship.
Caveary or [...]ckary a strange meat like black Soap, made upon the River Volgba in Russia, out of a fish called Bellongina, the Sturgeon, the Severiga, and the Sterledy, and thence transported to England, and other Countries, 2. part of Treas. &c.
Caveat (from caveo) let let him take heed; but it is commonly used as a substantive, for a warning or admonition; And so among the Proctors, when a person is dead, and a competition ariseth for the Executorship, or Administratorship, the party concerned enters a Caveat, to prevent or admonish others from intermedling.
Caverne (caverna) a cave, den or hollow place.
Cavesan or Cavechin (Fr. Cavesanne) a false rein, or head-strain (commonly of silk) to lead, or hold a horse by.
Cavillation (cavillatio) a mock or jest, a subtil allegation, a forged cavil) a wranggling.
Cavity (cavitas) hollowness, emptiness.
Caulking a Ship, is the driving of Ockham, spun hair, & the like into all the Seams, rends and treenels of the Ship, without which 'tis impossible for her to swim and keep out water.
Cauphe. See Coffa.
Cauphe-house a Tavern or Inn where they sell Cauphe or Coffa.
To Caupona [...] (cauponor) to sell wine or other victuals, to sell for money or gain,; to cauponate a war, is to make war for money. 4. Ages Poem.
Caursines (otherwise called Lumbards) were Italians by birth, and came into England in the year 1235. terming themselves the Popes Merchants, driving no other trade then letting out money, great banks whereof they brought over into England, differing little from Jews, save that they were more merciless to their debtors. Some will have them called Caursines, quasi causa ursini, so bearish and cruel in their causes, others Caursini, quasi Corrasini, from scraping all together. Fuller, lib. 3. pag. 59, 61.
Caus-way, is well known to be a way paved with flint or stone, from the Fr. Cailloéux i. flinty; and I have been informed that Caux in old French signified a flint, now Caillon.
Causality Causation (causatio) an excuse, essoyning or pretence.
A Causal, that contains or [Page] expresses the cause of a thing; In Grammer these are conjunctions causal, nam, quia, &c.
Causidick (causidicus) a Lawyer, a Pleader, an Advocate or Counsellor, which may also be taken adjectively.
Caustick (Causticus) apt to burn or scald; also a medicine that burneth, and is used when a disease cannot otherwise be mastered. Bull.
Cautele (cautela) a provision, or taking heed, an assurance.
Cautelous (from cautela) circumspect, wary, advised.
Cauterie (cauterium) a hot iron, or searing iron, which is by Physitians called an actual Cauterie; and a potential Cauterie is that which is without fire and iron, but hath partly like strength, as Ʋnguentum Aegyptiacum, &c.
Cauterism (cauterismus) a cutting, burning, or searing the body for an inflammation or swelling.
Cauterize (cauterizo) to burn, stop up, or sear with hot irons, ointments or medicines.
Cautional Cautionary (cautionalis) pertaining to caution, pledge, or wariness.
Cautionary, or pledge Towns, are such as are pawned or given in assurance for mony, or fulfilling of Covenants or Articles agreed on.
Cauter (Lat.) he that foreseeth, or bewareth.
Cayer (Fr.) a quire of written paper, a piece of a written book, divided into equal parts. Lustr. Ludov.
Cecity (caecitas) blindness.
Ceculients, (from caecutio) a waxing blind, dimness of sight, purblindness, half blindness. Br.
Cedent (cedens) giving place, departing, yeilding.
Celature (caelatura) the art of engraving.
Celebrity (celebritas) a solemn Assembly of great personages, famousness, greatness in the world, renown.
Celibate. See Caelibate.
Celebrate (celebro) to frequent, to solemnize with an Assembly of men, to make famous: also to keep a festival day or other time with great solemnity.
Celeripedean (from celeripes) swift-footed, nimble-heel'd.
Celerity (celeritas) quickness, speed, haste.
Celestify (from caelestis) to make celestial, heavenly or excellent. Vul. Er.
Celestines. An Order of Fryers, instituted by one Peter, a Samnite, born in the year 1215. He alwayes wore a chain of Iron next his flesh, and over that a shirt of hair. Pope Gregory the eleventh confirmed this Rule: they follow St. Bennet, and took name from the said Peter, who for his Sanctity was chosen Pope, and called Celestine the fifth. Heyl.
Celsity Celsitude (celsitudo) loftiness, excellency [Page] haughtiness, nobleness, highness.
Celostomy (coelostomia) when one speaks hollow in the mouth.
Celt (Celta) one born in Gaul, a part of France.
Celtique (celticus) pertaining to the people of Gaul.
Cement or Ciment (caementum) a strong and cleaving Morter, made for the most part of Tiles, Potsheards, Glass, Flint, dross of Iron, &c. beaten all to dust, and incorporated with Lyme, Oyl, Grease, Rozen and Water. Min. Hence
Cemented, made or wrought with such Morter, souldred or pieced together.
Cemetery (Lat. Coemeterium Fr. Cimitiere) a Churchyard.
Cenatical Cenatory (caenaticus) pertaining to a supper.
Cenotaph (cenotaphium) is an empty funeral monument or tomb, erected for the honor of the dead, wherein neither the corps nor reliques of the defunct are deposited; in imitation of which, Herses are set up in Churches, commonly on the Anniversary day. Weaver. fol. 32.
Cene (coena) a Supper or Feast. Cressy.
Cenosity (caenositas) foulness, or filthiness.
Cense (census) a cessing, mustering or valuing the people. When the Roman Commonwealth flourished, the City of Rome contained 463000 men able to bear Arms, free Denizons, and such as were inrolled into Cense, besides Servants, Women and Children. Heyl.
Cension (censio) a punishment or censure of condemnation done by the censor, an advice or opinion.
Censer (thuribulum) a vessel belonging to the Sanctum Sanctorum, wherein the Priest did burn incense before our Lord, in the old Law, Rev. 8.3. which vessel and the use of it in some sort is still continued by the Roman Catholicks in their Churches upon festival days, &c. A persuming-pan.
Censor (Lat.) a Master of Discipline, a judge or reformer of manners, one that values, musters, or taxeth. The Office of the Censors among the ancient Romans, was chiefly to value mens estates, that accordingly every man might be taxed for the wars; to censure ill manners, punish misdemeanors, depose Senators, and put men from a more honorable Tribe to a lower; Also to Demise unto certain Farmers, called Publicans, the publick profits of the City for a Rent, and to put forth the City-works to them to be undertaken at a price.
Censorious Censorian (censorius) pertaining to [Page] the Censor, severe, grave.
Centaurs (Centauri) people of Thessaly, who first devised to break horses for war, whence they being seen by other people on horseback, were supposed to be but one creature, which had the upper part of his body like a man, and the nether part like a horse. This was in the time of the war between the Thessalians and the Lapithae, Ann. Mundi 2724. Rider. Or (as Servius declares) when some yong Thessalians on hors-back were beheld afar off, while their horses watered, that is, while their heads were depressed, they were conceived by their first spectators, to be but one animal, and answerable hereunto have their pictures been drawn ever since.
Centenary (centenarium) that which contains a hundred years, or a hundred pound weight.
Centre (centrum) the point in the midst of any round thing, the inward middle part of a Globe. The Earth is called the Center of the world, because it is in the midst thereof.
Centoculated (quasi centum habens oculos) that hath a 100 eyes; Feltham, in his Resolves, useth this word, as an Epithere for Argus.
Centon (cento) a garment patched up of many shreds, and divers colours; a work compiled of many fragments, a mingle mangle of many matters in one book, a Rapsody.
Central (centralis) pertaining to the Center, scituate in the very midst.
Centuple (centuplex) a hundred fold.
Centuplicated, made or increased an hundred fold.
Century (centuria) a band of a hundred footmen, the number of a 100, an age containing an hundred years. Among the ancient Romans, Centuries were the ranges and degrees of men according to their worth, as they were assessed and inrolled by the Censors.
Centuriate (centurio) to divide by hundreds, to distribute into bands.
Centurists, Four German Writers of the Ecclesiastical History, who divided their works into hundreds of years, and called them Centuries.
Centurion (centurio) a Captain over an hundred foot-men.
Cephalconomancy (Gr.) divination by an Asses head broiled on coals. Cotgr.
Cephalique (cephalicus) belonging to, or good for the head.
Cepi Corpus ( i. I have taken the body) is a return made by the Sheriff, that upon an Exigend or other Writ, he hath taken the body of the party. Fitzha. nat. br. fol. 28.
[Page] Cepphick (cepphicus) very light, trifling, of no estimation.
Ceramity (ceramites) a precious stone of the colour of Tyle.
Ceratine (ceratinus) as Ceratine arguments, sophistical and intricate arguments.
Cerberus, A Dog with three heads, feigned to be Porter of Hell gates. By the three heads are signified the three Ages, by which death devours man, viz. Infancy, Youth, and old Age. Rider.
Cerdonists or Cerdoniant, a sect of ancient Hereticks, so called from Cerdo their first Father, who taught two contrary principles to be in the cause of every thing, a good God and a bad; under the the bad he ranked Moses and the Prophets, under the good he comprehended Christ, and the teachers of the Gospel, &c. he was the Master of Marcion the Heretick, and lived about the year of Christ 150. Rider.
Cereal (cerealis) pertaining to corn, or food, or to Ceres the Goddess of Harvest.
Cerebrosity (cerebrositas) brain-sickness, hair-brainedness.
Ceromancie (ceromantia) divination or soothsaying by wax put into water.
Ceromatick (ceromaticus) anointed with oyl, as Wrestlers were wont to be.
Cerinthu [...]rs. So called from Cerinthus an Heretick, who taught, that Christ at his coming again should give to his people all carnal delights and pleasures: he denied all the Scripture, onely Matthew excepted, and lived about the yeer of Christ 97. Rider.
Ceroferarie (ceroferarius) he that has the care or custody of the wax-candles in a Monastery; also the candlestick.
Cerote (cerotum) a plaister made of oyls, Turpentine and wax, a Searcloth.
Certaminate (certamino) to contend or strive, to be at variance.
Certiorari, is a a Writ issuing out of the Chancery to an inferior Court to call up the Records of a cause therein depending, that conscionable justice may be ministred, upon complaint made by Bill, that the party seeking the said Writ, hath received hard dealing in the said Court. Terms of the Law. See the divers forms and uses of this in Fitzh. nat. br. fol. 242.
Cervine (cervinus) belonging to an Hart, of the colour of an Hart, tawny.
[Page] Ceruleated (from coeruleus) painted, or done with blew or azure, sky-coloured. Herb. Tr.
Ceruse (cerussa) white lead; often used by Chyrurgeons in oyntments and plaisters. It is with Painters a principal white colour; and hath been and still is much used by women in painting their faces, whom Martial in his merry vain scoffeth, saying, ‘Cerussuta timet Sabella solem.’
Ceruse differs from Lithargy (called also white lead) for this is made of the grossest lead as it is in the Mine, that of lead refined out of the Mine. Cotgr. See Lithargie.
Cesariated (caesariatus) which hath or weareth long hair.
Cessant (cessans) that doth nothing, that prolongs the time, lingring.
Cessation (cessatio) slackness, idleness, rest, loytering. A cessation of Arms is, when both sides are agreed that no act of hostility shall be committed, during a certain time set down.
Cession (cessio) a giving up or ceasing, a yielding or giving over. Bac.
Cessor (Lat) a Loyterer, an idle fellow.
Cest (cestus) a marriage girdle, full of studs, wherewith the Husband girded his Wife at the Wedding, and which he loosed again the first night.
Cetareous Cetaciou [...] (cetarius) belonging to Whales, or such like great fishes.
Cha, is a leaf of a tree in China, about the bigness of a Mirtle, which being dried in iron Sives over the fire, and then cast into warm water, serves for their ordinary drink. Hist. of China, f. 19.
Chag [...] (Fr.) cark, melancholy, heaviness, anxiety, anguish of mind; also a disease coming by melancholy. Mr. Mont.
Chalcographer (chalcographus) a Printer, or one that ingraves in brass.
Chaldean-Art (Ars Chaldaea) fortune-telling or figure flinging. So called, for that the Chaldaeans were much addicted to Judicial Astrology.
Chaldron, or Chalder of Coals, contains Thirty six Bushels. Act of Parl. 1651. ca. 1.
Chalybete (chalybaeus) of or belonging to steel or iron.
Chalybete Water (in the Physical dialect) is that water wherewith hot steel or iron has been extinguished.
Chamelionize, To live by the Air, as the Chameleon is said to do, or to change colour, as that beast doth, who can turn himself into all colours, saving white and red.
Chamf [...]ring, a small gutter or furrow made by art upon [Page] some pillar of stone, or timber, called also a Rebate.
Chamfered, channelled or made hollow.
Chamverdekins, or Chaumberdakyns, were Irish begging Priests, banished England 1. Hen. 5. c. 7, 8.
Chamelot or Chamolet, a kind of stuff intermixt with Chamois or Cammels hair, and therefore so called.
Chamois, a wild-Goat, or Shamois, the skin thereof dressed is called ordinarily Shamois Leather.
Champarty (from the Fr. Champ-parti. i. the field or land divided, between him that has the title, and the Champerter who maintains the suit) signifies in our common Law a maintenance of any man in his Suit depending, upon condition to have part of the thing (be it Lands or Goods) when it is recovered. Fitzh. nat. br. fol. 171. and for this the party is to be fined by the Stat. 33. Ed 1. Lamb. 441.
Champertors, are those that move Pleas or Suits, or cause them to be moved, either by their own procurement or by others, and pursue them at their proper costs, to have part of the land in variance, or part of the gain. An. 33. E. 1. Stat. 2. in fine. See more of this in Cowel.
Chanfton, The name of an Italian coyn worth about xx d.
Chanterie (Fr. from the Lat. canto, to sing) was a Chappel (commonly annexed, to some Parochial or Cathedral Church) endowed with lands or other yearly Revenues, for the maintenance of one or more Priests, daily to sing Mass for the Souls of the Donors, or such others as they did appoint. 37 Hen. 8.4. 1. Edw. 6.14. Of these Chanteries, there were forty seven within St. Pauls Church London. See Mr. Fullers Ch. Hist. l. 6. f. 357.
Chanticleer (Fr.) one that sings clear, a Cock.
Chaomancy; a kind of divination by the air.
Chaos (Gr.) a huge immense and formless mass, the rude and undigested first heap of natural elements; the world so called, before it was formed, as in Ovid.
And metaphorically, any thing without a shape, a general confusion.
Chaperon (Fr.) a Hood or French-Hood (for a woman) also any Hood or Bonnet; mentioned in the Stat. 1. R. 2.7. And among Heraulds it is that little Escotcheon which is fixed in the forehead of the [Page] horses that draw the Herse.
Chapin (Span.) Shooes with high cork, or wooden soles.
Chaplet (Fr. chapelet) a Wreath, Garland, or attire for the head made of Gold, Pearl, or other costly or curious stuff, used to be fastned behind, in manner of a folded Roul or Garland.
Chapter (Capitulum) signifies in the common and Canon Law (whence it is borrowed) Congregationem Clericorum in Ecclesiâ Cathedrali, conventuali, regulari vel collegiata; why this collegiate company should be called a Chapter ( i. a little head of the Canonists) is for that this Company or Corporation is a kind of Head, not onely to rule and govern the Diocess in the vacancy of the Bishoprick, but also in many things to advise the Bishop when the See is full.
Character (Gr.) a mark, sign, seal, or print of any thing, a Branding-iron, a letter or figure. A Character in Chronology is a certain note whereby an infallible judgement is made of the time proposed. Greg.
The Printers Characters, or names of their several sorts of Letters are, 1. Pearl, which is the least. 2. Non-Pareil. 3. Breviar. 4. Minion. 5. Long-Primer. 6. Smal Piquy. 7. Piquy. 8. English Roman. 9 Great Primer. 10. Double Piquy. 11. Small Canon. 12. Fat Canon. 13. Capitals. And all these, except the first, and four last have an English or black letter corresponding.
Characteristique, pertaining to a character, mark, sign, or figure.
Characterize (characterizo) to note, mark, or describe. To write in Short-hand, or in characters. See Brachygraphy.
Charientism (charientismus) pleasantness, good grace in speaking. It is a trope or manner of speaking which mitigates hard matters with pleasant words.
Charlatan (Fr.) a Mountebanck, a cousening Drug-seller, a pratling Quacksalver. Mr. Montagu uses it. See Mountebank.
Charlatancry (Fr.) cousening, or gulling speech, cogging, lying, extream commendation of a trifle, thereby to make it more saleable.
Charls (in the antient Teutonick, from whence this name takes original) was first Garedel, whereof by abbreviation it became Careal, now in the modern Teutonick it is Barle. Gar did signifie all, and edel or ethel, noble; so that Charles signifies all or wholly noble. In the old Saxon it was Ceorl. Verst.
Charles-wain, certain Stars winding about the north Pole of the world, in fashion like four Wheels, [Page] and horses drawing it. Bull.
Charmer (one that useth conjurations) is said to be he that speaks words of a strange language, without sence; that if one say so or so to a Serpent, it cannot hurt him. He that whispers over a wound, or reads over an Infant, that it may not be frighted, or lays the Bible on a child, that it may sleep, &c, Moses and Aaron, p. 175.
Charnel-house (Fr.) Charneir) a place wherein the Souls and bones of the dead are laid.
Charons-boat, Poetically thus. Charon is feigned to be the Ferry-man of Hell, that carries the souls of the dead in a boat over three Rivers. i. Acheron, Styx, and Cocytus.
Chart (charta) paper, parchment or any thing to write on: Also a writing or written Deed.
Charter (Fr. Chartes, i. instrumenta.) It is taken in our common Law for written evidence of things done between man and man, which Briton in his 39 chapter divides into Charters of the King, and Charters of private persons. Charters of the King are those whereby the King passeth any Grant to any person or more, or to any body politique, as a Charter of exemption that a man shall not be empanelled upon any Jury, &c. Cowel.
Charter-land (terra per Chartam) is such as a man holds by Charter, that is, by evidence in writing, otherwise called Free-hold, an. 19. H. 7. c. 13. and Kitch. fol. 86.
Charter-partie, is an Indenture of Covenants and agreements made between Merchants and Mariners concerning their Sea affairs. Stat. 32. H. 8.14. & 1649. 21.
Charybdig, A Gulph, or Whirl-pit on Sicily side of the narrow Seas between Sicily and Italy, which violently attracting all vessels that come too nigh it, devours them, and casts up their wrecks at the shoar of Tauronia, not far from Catana. Opposite to this in Italy stands the dangerous Rock Scylla, at whose foot many little Rocks shoot out, on which the waters strongly beating, make that noise which the Poets feign to be the barking of Dogs. This passage between these two being, to unskilful Marriners, exceeding perillous, gave rise to the proverb,
[Page] Chasmatical (chasmaticus) pertaining to a chasm; which is the gaping or opening of the earth or firmament.
Chatharist. See Catharist.
Chasuble (Fr.) a fashion of Vestment or Cope, that's open onely in the sides, and is worn at Mass, both by the Priest (who hath it round) and his assistant Deacon, and sub-Deacon, who have it square in the bottom. Cotg.
Chattels. See Catals.
Chauldron. See Chaldron.
Chaunce-medley, Is in our Common Law the casual slaughter of a man, not altother without the fault of the slayer. See Man-slaughter.
Cheapside, the famous London street is so called, from the Sax. Ceapan, i. to traffick, buy or sell; hence also comes to cheapen.
Chenix (Lat. chaenix) a measure containing a Sextary and half, or about two pints and a quarter.
Chersonese ( chersonesus, the same with pen [...]insula) a tract of Land, which being almost encompassed round by water, is joyned to the firm land by some little Isthmus or narrow neck of land, as Peloponnesus, Taurica and Peruana. Heyl.
Cherub Cherubin (Heb. i.e. fulness of knowledge) the second of the nine Quires or Ranks of Angels mentioned in Scripture, so called of their sublime knowledge or illuminated understanding. In Scripture God is said to sit on the Cherubins; because he over-reaches and is above all understanding. They also are said to bear and draw his Chariot: to signifie all his proceedings to b [...] according to wisdom; and to be full of eyes, to certifie Gods knowledge to penetrate into all secresies, and all to be open before him. They are set forth only with heads and wings, without bodies: whereby is notified, that greatest understanding is found in spiritual and incorporeal creatures, and that over-great corporal cares are impediments to profound knowledge. Tr. of Mass.
Chessiy, A vermine commonly lying under stones or Tyles.
Chevissance (Fr.) an Agreement or composition made; an end or order set down between a Creditor and a Debtor; sometimes taken for gain or booty. Lo. Bac. in his H. 7. This word is used for bargaining. An. 37. H 8. ca. 9. & 13. Eliz. ca. 5. & 8.
Cheverel-Leather. Minshew says it comes from the Fr. Chevreul. i. a wild Goat, of whose skin (saith he) it is made. But others hold it takes denomination from the River Charwel or Chervel, in Latin Cheruellus, running on the East side of Oxford, the water whereof is famous for tawing or dressing Leather; then [Page] which, no Leather in the world is more soft, white and delicate. Doctor Pit in his description of Oxford.
Cheverons (Fr. Chevron) strong rafters that meet at the top of the house, to hold up the Tyles and covering of the house.
Chibbol (caepulo) a little Onyon.
Chicanerie (Fr.) wrangling, pettifogging, litigious or crafty pleading, the perplexing of a cause with tricks or impertinent words.
Childermas-day. See Innocents day.
Chiliad (chilias, adis) the number of a thousand.
Chiliarch (chiliarchus) a Collonel, Captain, or Commander of a thousand men.
Chiliasts (chiliastae) certain Hereticks, who hold that Christ shall come to live and reign corporally, and his Saints with him, in a fulness of worldly contents here on earth for a thousand years after the general Resurrection. The first broachers of this Opinion are thought to be Cerinthus, and Papias, St. John the Evangelists Disciple, who lived about the year of Christ 100. They are now commonly called Millenarians. Rider.
Chilonick, or Chilonian (chilonicus) brief, succinct, compendious; from one of the Grecian wise men, Chilo, who in all his speeches and writings was very short.
Chimaera, A hill in the South part of the Province of Lycaonia, in the top whereof Lyons roared; in the middle, Goats grazed; and in the lower parts Serpents lurked. Hence Chimaera is feigned by the Poets to be a Monster, having the head of a Lyon, the body of a Goat, the tail of a Serpent. Ovid.
This Mountain was made habitable by Bellerophon, who is therefore feigned to have killed the Monster Chimaera. Hence Chimaera is metaphorically taken for a strange fancy, a castle in the air, an idle conceit. Chimaera was also the name of a ship, for so Virgil ( l. 5. Aeneid.) calls one of the greatest ships of Aeneas.
Chimerical (from Chimaera) imaginary, phantastical, that never was, nor ever will be.
Chiminage (from the Fr. Chemin. i. a way, passage or rode) a Law-term, signifying [Page] a Toll for Wayfrage or passage through a Forest. Manwood, part 1. of his For. Laws fol. 86.
Chiragrical (from Chiragra) that hath the Gowt in the fingers or hands.
Chirograph (chirographum) a sign Manual, a Bill of ones hand, an obligation or handwriting.
Chirographer (chirographus) an Officer in the Common Bench that engrosseth Fines, in that Court acknowledged, into a perpetual Record, &c.
Chirology (chirologus) a talking or speaking with the hand, or by signs made with the hand.
Chiromancer (chiromantes) a Palmester, or one that tells fortunes by the lines of ones hand.
Chiromancy (chiromantia) Palmestry, a kind of divination practised by looking on the lines or marks of the fingers and hands; an Art still in use, among Fortune-tellers, Egyptians and Juglers. And is (according to my Lord Bacon) a meer Imposture. Chiromancy according to Paracelsus, treats not of the lineaments of the hands only, but also of the whole body, and not only of men, but of all natural things. Of which read Dr. Rothmans Treatise translated into English by Mr. Wharton. 1652.
Chironomer (chironomus) one that teacheth to use gestures with the hands, either in dancing, pleading, &c. a Morice-dancer.
Chivalry (Fr. Chevalerie, in Lat. servitium militare) signifies in our Common Law a tenure of Land by Knight-service; which is taken away by Act, 1656. ca. 4. Chivalry is otherwise taken for Knighthood, or the knowledge of a Knight or noble person in feats of Arms; also valour, prowess.
Chlorie, The Goddess of Flowers, called also Flora.
Chocolate a kind of compound drink, made, and so called, by the Indians; the principal ingredient, is a fruit called Cacao, which is about the bigness of a great black fig, &c. See more in a Treatise of it, printed by Jo. Okes, 1640.
Chorus (Lat.) a Company of Singers or Dancers, a Quire. The singing or musick between every Act in a Tragedy or Comedy. In a Comedy there are four Accessory parts. viz. 1. The Argument. 2. Prologue. 3. Chorus. 4. Mimick. Of all which, the Tragedy hath onely the Chorus. Of these see more in Mr. Godwins Anthology. ch. de Ludis.
Choral (choralis) belonging to the Chorus or Quire. As Viccars Choral, mentioned in Act 1649. ca. 24.
Choriambiqus (choriambus) a foot in Meeter, having the [Page] first and last syllable short, and two middle short, as flebilibus.
Churister. See Quirister.
Chorographer (chorographus) a describer of Countries and Regions.
C [...]raphy (chorographia) is a description of any whole Region, Kingdom or Nation; and is two fold; 1. Antient, by Tribes and Families, as Germany was divided betweee the Chatti, Cherusci, Suevi, Tencteri, &c. 2. Modern, into Shires and Provinces, as Germany now is into Francony, Saxony, Suevia, Bavaria, &c. Heyl.
Chrisome ( [...]) signifies properly the white cloth, which is set by the Minister of Baptism upon the head of a child newly annointed with Chrism after his Baptism: Now it is vulgarly taken for the white cloth put about or upon a child newly Christned, in token of his Baptism; wherewith the women use to shrowd the child, if dying within the month; Otherwise it is usually brought to Church at the day of Purification.
Chrisme (chrisma) a kind of hallowed oyntment used by the Roman Catholicks in the Sacrament of Baptism and for certain other Unctions. And is composed of Oyl and Balm.
Chrismatory (from Chrisma) a vessel wherein that Oyl was kept, wherewith Kings were wont to be annointed at their Coronation, or wherein the Holy Oyl called Chrism is kept.
Christianism (christianismus) Christianity, the being or profession of a Christian.
Chromatick (chromaticus) that never blusheth, whose colour never changeth; also pleasant or delightful; as Chromatick Musick, pleasant Musick, composed much of discords to render it more delightful. But Chromaticum melos ab antiquis dicebatur una ex tribus musicae partibus, quae ob nimiam mollitiem infamiae nota non caruit.
Chronical (chronicus) temporal, or returning at a certain time.
Chronical Diseases, are such as come at certain times by fits, and have some intermission.
Chronogram (from the Gr. chronos. i. tempus, and Gramma, Litera) is a kind of Sentence or Verse, in which the figurative letters do promiscuously make up the year of our Lord; (which letters are usually for distinction printed in a different Character. As upon Duke Bernard of Weymer his taking Brisack in the year, 1938, This.
[Page] Chronographer (chronographus) a writer of Chronicles or Annals.
Chronography (chronographia) the writing of Annals, or description of time.
Chronology (chronologia) a speaking of times, or the Art of numbering the years from the beginning of the world. Heylin saith, Chronologies are onely bare supputations of the times without any regard of the acts then happening, such are the Chronologies of Funccius, Scaliger and Helvicus.
Chronologer (chronologus) he that computes times, a writer of Chronicles.
Chronologicks, books treating of Chronology.
Chrysocol (chrysocolla) a kind of Mineral, found like sand in veins of brass, silver or gold; one kind of it is called Borax or green earth, wherewith Gold-smiths solder gold.
Chrysolite (chrysolithus) a kind of Jasper, of a Gold colour.
Chrysopase (Fr.) a precious stone that yeelds a golden lustre.
Church-Wardens (Ecclearum Gardiani seu custodes) are Officers yearly chosen by the consent of the Minister and Parishoners according to the custom of every several place, to look to the Church, Church-yard, and such things as belong to both, and to observe the behaviour of their Parishioners for such faults as appertain to the Jurisdiction or censure of the Court Ecclesiastical. They are a kind of Corporation enabled by Law to sue for any thing belonging to their Church, or poor of their Parish. See Lambert in his Pamphlet of the duty of Church-wardens.
Churle (Sax. Ceorle) a Country Clown, a Bumpkin; in the North a Carle.
Chyle (chylus) the white juyce of digested meat, the matter whereof our blood is made. The word originally signifies a juyce concocted by heat unto a consistence that holds both of moysture and driness. Cot.
Chylifactory (from chylus and factus) that maketh or causeth the white juyce coming of the meat digested in the stomach. Vul. Er.
Chylification, a making or causing of that white juyce in the stomach.
Chymick or Chymist and Chymistry. See Alchimy.
Chymere. See Taberd.
Cibarious (cibarius) pertaining to meat, sit to be eaten.
Ciboir (Fr.) a Pix, the box or cup wherin the Sacrament is put and kept in the Churches of Roman Catholicks.
Cibosity (cibositas) plenty of victuals, store of food.
Cicatrice (cicatrix) a token, a scar of a wound, skin bred upon a wound or soar.
[Page] Ciceronical (from Cicero) learned or eloquent, as Cicero was.
Cicurate (cicuro) to tame or make tame. Br.
Cilerie or Silerie, Drapery wrought on the heads of Pillars or Posts, and made like cloth, or leaves turning divers ways. See Silery, and Drapery.
Cilice (cilicium) a cloth or garment made of hair.
Cilicious (cilicius) pertaining to hairy or woollen cloth. Br.
Cimbal. See Cymbal.
Cimeliark (cimeliarchum) a Jewel house; also a Vestry in a Church.
Ciment. See Cement.
Cimisse, A noysom little worm flat and red, which raiseth Wheals where it bites: if it be broken it yields a stinking smell. Bull.
Cimeterre (Fr.) a crooked sword. See Scymitar.
Cimmerian. That sees no Sun, or lives without the light of the Sun, obscure, dark, from Cimmerii a people of Italy, dwelling in a Valley near the mountain Pausilype, so invironed with hills, that the Sun never comes to it. Hence the proverb Cimmerian darkness, where Ovid placeth the Palace of Somnus.
Cincture (cinctura) a girding.
Cindalism (cindalismus) a play that Boys use to fling at a heap of dust, dust-point.
Cinefaction (cinefactio) a reducing into, or burning unto ashes.
Cinefy (cinefacio) to bring to ashes.
Ciniph (Lat.) a Gnat.
Cinerulent (cinerulentus) full of ashes.
Cinnaber or Cinoper (cinnabaris) Vermillion, Sanguinary; is either natural (a soft, red, and heavy stone found in Mines) or artificial (the more common and better coloured) made of calcinated Sulphur and Quick-silver. The Paynims used to paint their Idols therewith, and themselves in publique feasts and solemnities, as we read, Camillus, when he triumphed in Rome, was painted with Vermillion. So Virgil speaking in his tenth Eglogue of the shepherds god Pan, saith.
Cinque Ports (Fr.) five Ports or Havens which lie towards France in the East of England, (viz.) Hastings, Dover, Hithe, Rumney, and Sandwich; for Rye and Winchelsea are but limbs or members belonging to Hastings, as likewise Lid and old Rumney, are Limbs of the Port of new Rumney, and not distinct Ports by themselves. The Inhabitants of these Cinque Ports and of their members, enjoy divers priviledges above the rest of the Commons of that Country. They pay no Subsidies; Suits at Law are commenced and answered within their own Liberties; their Majors have the credit of carrying the Canopy over the King or Queen at their Coronation. And for their greater dignity, they are placed then at a Table on the right hand of the King. Min. See the first institution of these Cinque Ports, and of the Lord Warden, in Camdens Brit. fol. 230.
Cion, Dion or Scion (Fr.) a Plant, a young Shoot, or Sprig growing out of the root or stock of a Tree. And by a metaphor, a childe or youth.
Cipher (ciphra) a figure or number, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, are the figures, and (0) a cipher in Arithmetick, Which (0) of it self is of no value, but encreaseth the value of other figures, to which it is joyned. Hence 'tis we use to say that person stands for a cipher, who being in company of others, neither speaks nor acts as they do.
There is also a kind of writing, which we call by Ciphers or Characters, whereof every exercised Statesman hath peculiar to himself, and which was invented by J. Caesar, when he first began to think of the Roman Monarchy, and was by him in his Letters to his more private and retired friends, used, that if by misfortune they should be intercepted, the contents of them should not be understood; ne obvia literarum lectio cuivis esset. Heyl.
Of these there are many kindes, as Ciphers simple; cyphers intermixt with Nulloes or non-significant characters; cyphers of double letters under one character; wheel-cyphers, kay-cyphers; cyphers of words, cyphers of actions and others, Bac. Adv. p. 264.
[Page] Circensial, belonging to the Cirques, or to the Plays called Circenses, there exhibited.
Circinate (circino) to make a circle, to compass, or turn round.
Circuition or Circiture (circuitio) a compassing or going about; also a circumstance far-fetched.
Circular (circularis) pertaining to a circle.
Circulate (circulo) to compass about, to environ.
Circulation, properly an incircling or invironing: also a subliming or extraction of Waters or Oyl by Lymbeck, so termed, because the vapor before it is resolved, seems to go round, or circle-wise. Min.
Circum (a preposition often compounded with other words) signifies about, round about, of all sides or parts. As
Circumaggerate (circumaggero) to heap, or cast a heap about.
Circumambulate (circumambulo) to walk round about.
Circumambient (from circum and ambio) environing or encompassing about, or on all sides. Sir Jo. Suckling useth it thus.
Circumbilivagination, circular motion going round, wheeling about. Cotgr.
Circumcelians, the rigid sort of Donatists, as the Rogatists were the moderate; so called, quia circum cellas vagantur. St. Aug. in Psal. 32.
Circumcesion (circumcessio) a giving up, or ceasing round about; a general yielding.
Circumcinct (circumcinctus) compassed or girt about.
Circumcision (circumcisio) a cutting about, or making incision; And to speak more properly, it is a cutting away a part of the prepuce and double skin, which covered the head or extremity of Virga virilis, which was performed with a sharp cutting stone, and not with any knife of iron steeled, &c. It was a ceremony prescribed by God to Abraham and his posterity, heirs of the divine promises ( Genesis 17.) and commanded to be observed by them, under pain of death, as a sign and seal of the Covenant betwixt God and them, and as a distinctive mark of them from all other people.
This ceremony was to be fulfilled in their male-children on the eighth day after their nativity, but was no more used after the Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord Jesus.
[Page] Circumferentor, an instrument that Surveyors use.
A Circumflex is that mark, which is used over the letter (a) in the second person of the preterperfect-tense of a Verb of the first Conjugation, when one syllable is cut off by the figure Syncope. As Amasti, for Amavisti.
Circumflexion (circumflexio) a bowing or bending round about.
Circumfluent Circumfluous (circumfluus) that flowes and runs about, or that is flowed about.
Circumfodient (circumfodiens) that digs or entrenches about.
Circumforaneous (circumforaneus) that haunts Markets to deceive, that loyters idlely in Markets.
Circumfulgent (circumfulgens) shining about, or on all sides.
Circumfusion (circumfusio) a sprinkling or pouring about.
Circumgyration (cicumgyratio) a turning, or wheeling round about, a dizziness. Plutarchs Morals.
Circumjacent (circumjacens) lying about or on all sides.
Circumincession (from circum and incedo) a going or walking round about; among Divines it signifies the reciprocal being of the persons of the blessed Trinity in each other.
Circumlition (circumlitio) an annointing about, also a polishing.
Circumlocution (circumlocutio) an uttering of that in many words, which might be said in fewer.
Circumplicate (circumplico) to fold or winde about, to roll or wrap about.
Cicumrotation (circumrotatio) the going about of a wheel. Greg.
Circumscript (circumscriptus) written or drawn about with a line; also deceived or disannulled.
Circumstantiate (from circumsto) to cause a standing about, to do or perform any thing with its circumstances.
Circumstantibus (a law term) signifies those that stand about for supply or making up the number of Jurors (if any impannelled appear not, or appearing, be challenged by either party) by adding to them so many other of those that are present, or standing by, as will serve the turn. See Anno 35. Hen. 8. cap. 6. and Anno 5. Elizab. cap. 25.
Circumstatien (circumstatio) a standing round about.
Cicumvallation (circumvallatio) a trenching about or enclosing.
Cicumvest (circumvestio) to cloth round about, to garnish.
Circumvent (circunvenio) to [Page] compass about, to deceive craftily.
Circumvolate (circumvolo) to flye about.
Circumvolve (circunvolvo) to roll, or wrap round about.
Circundate (circundo) to compass about, to enclose.
Circundolate (circundolo) to chip, cut, or hew about.
Circunduction (circunductio) a leading about; also a deceit or guile.
Circunligate (circunligo) to tye or binde about.
Circunsonate (circunsono) to make a sound on all parts, to be heard on every side; to ring about.
Circunspicuous (circumspicuus) which may be seen on all sides.
Circunvagant (circunvagus) that wandereth about.
Circunvection (circunvectio) a carrying or conveying about.
Cirque (circus) a round Place or List at Rome, where people sat to behold Tourning, Coursing, Justing, and such like publick Exercises, first instituted in Tarquinius Priscus his raign. See Sands sol. 297.
Cisalpine (cisalpinus) of or pertaining to the Country of Lombardy.
Cisterne (cisterna) a vessel set in the ground, wherein they gather rain water to keep, any hollow Vault.
Cistercians, a religious order of Monks instituted about the year of Christ 1088. under Pope Ʋrban the second, by Robert, Abbot of the famous Monastery of Cisteaux in Burgundy, whence the observers of that institute were called Cistercians. Into that Monastery, entered afterward one Bernard, a Burgundian, who proved so strict an observer of Monastical discipline, and so eminent in sanctity and learning, that the Regulars of the aforesaid institute took their appellation from him, and were called Bernardines, and so are at this day sometimes called by the one name, sometimes by the other. Their uppermost robe is white and large, they eat no flesh, they follow in part St. Benets Rule. Of these we had several Monasteries in England, as Rivax, Garradon, Woburn, &c.
Citation (citatio) a summoning to appear, a calling into Law, an Arrest.
Citherean Isle. See Cytherean.
Citharist (citharista) he that plays on a harp, a Harper.
Citharize (citharizo) to play on the harp.
Citrean Citrine (citreus) which hath the colour of a Citron, yellow colour, of or belonging to a Citron.
Cittadel (Ital. Cittadella) a Castle or Fortress of a City, either to aw or defend it.
[Page] Civet (Fr. civette) a sweet substance like musk, some say it is the dung of the beast Hyena; Others, that it is engendred in the skin of the testicles of a beast, much like a Feyne, some calling them Cats.
Civic [...] (civicus) pertaining to the City. The Civick Crown was bestowed onely upon him, who had saved a Citizens life; though in process of time it was also bestowed on the Lord General, if he spared a Roman Citizen, when he had power to kill him.
Clan. a Family, feud, or party in Scotland, so called.
Clancularious or Clancular (clancularius) secret or unknown.
Clandestine (clandestinus) secret, hidden, private.
Clangor (Lat.) the sound of a Trumpet, the cry of an Eagle or other bird.
Clarentius or Clarentiaux A King at Arms, in degree second to the Garter, and was ordained by Edward the fourth; for he attaining the Dukedom of Clarence by the death of George his brother, whom he put to death for aspiring the Crown, made the Herauld that properly belonged to the Duke of Clarence, a King at Arms, and called him Clarentius, His Office is to marshal and dispose the Funerals of all Knights and Esquires through the Realm, on the south side of Trent. Pol. Vir. See Harald.
Claricords, instruments so called.
Claricymbal, See Clavecymbal.
Clarigation (clarigatio) a clearing, a proclaiming or denouncing war, &c. See Reprizal.
Clarion (Fr. Clairon) a kinde of small straight-mouthed, and shrill-sounding Trumpet, used commonly as a treble to the ordinary one. Min.
Clarifie (clarifico) to make clear or fair.
Clarisonant (clarisonus) sounding clear, loud, or shril.
Classe (classis) a ship, or Navy, an order, or distribution of people according to their several Degrees. In Schools, (wherein this word is most used) a Form or Lecture restrained to a certain company of Scholars.
Classical (classicus) pertaining to a ship, or belonging to a form or degree; approved.
Servius Tullius caused a general valuation of every Citizens estate throughout Rome, to be taken upon record, with their age; and according to their estates and age, he divided the Romans into six great Armies or Bands which he called Classes; The valuation of those in the first Classe, was not under two [Page] hundred pounds, and they alone by way of excellency, were termed Classici: And hence figuratively, are our best, and most approved authors, viz. such as are of good credit and authority in the Schools, termed Classici Scriptores, Classical Authors. God-win.
Claudicate (claudico) to halt, to be lame, or feeble, to fail Apol. for learning.
Claudity (clauditas) lameness.
Clavecymbal (clavecymbalum) a pair of Virginals, or [...]laricords; so called, because the strings are wrested up with clavis, a key. Min.
Clavicularious (clavicularius) of or pertaining to a key.
Clavigerous (claviger) that bears or keeps keys.
Claustral (claustralis) of or pertaining to a Cloister or close place.
Clementines, part of the Canon-Law, so called from Pope Clement the third, who compiled it, and was published about the year, 1308. Min.
Cleped (Sax.) called, named.
Clepsydre (clepsydra) a water-Dyal, a vessel that measureth hours by the running of water thereout; Also a Gardiners watering-pot, an hour-glass.
Cleromancy (cleromantia) a divination by lots.
Clickets (Fr. Clicquets) flat bones, wherewith a pretty ratling noise is made by children. Cot.
Cliental (clientalis) of, or belonging to a Client.
Clientele (clientela) a multitude of Clients: Also safeguard or protection.
Climacter (climactera) an account or reckoning made by degrees; the perillous time of mans life, at every seven or nine years end; Some have hereby divided the age of mans life in this manner; The seventh year they reckon dangerous, and by this account the 14, 21, 28, 35, &c. are climacterical years; likewise the ninth year is esteemed equally dangerous, and so the 18, 27, 36, &c. and 81 especially, which is nine times nine. But the most dangerous and climacterical year is, at the age of 63. because both accounts meet in this number, namely, seven times nine, and nine times seven.
See a learned discourse of these climaterical years, in Dr. Browns Vulgar Errors, fol. 208.
Climacterical Climaterical (climactericus) of, or pertaining to Climacter, supra.
Cliff is properly a broken mountain on the Sea-side, and comes from our Verb to cleave; for that it seems to our view, as cleft or cloven from the part that sometimes belonged to it.
[Page] Climate or Clime (clima) a term used in Cosmography, and signifies a space of the earth comprehended between two parallels, or three lesser innominate Circles; They serve to distinguish the length and brevity of the dayes in all places.
For under the Aequator, the days are of the just length of twelve hours, but after in every Clime they increase the length of half an hour; so that there are numbred forty eight Parallels, or twenty four Climates, before the dayes extend to twenty four hours length, which once attained, they increase by weeks and moneths, till they come to the length of half a year: We therefore are to reckon twenty four Climates Northward, and as many Southward. Heyl.
Clinopaly (clinopale) overmuch use of Lechery, or wrestling in the bed.
Cloaca (Lat.) the Channel or Sink of a Town, whereby all filthy things pass; An House of Office: Also the Paunch of a Glutton. Hence
Cloacal, pertaining to such filth.
Clothe, one of the three destines. See Lachesis.
Clove is the 32 part of a Weigh of Cheese, i. eight pound. An. 9. H. 6. c. 8.
Cluniacks (cluniacenses) religious persons of the order of St Benedict, but reformed by Odo, Abbot of Cluni in Burgundy (who lived An. Dom. 913) and thence took name; of these we had a Convent at Barnstable and elsewhere in England.
Clusive (clusus) shut up, compassed.
Clysterise (from Clyster, eris) to give a Clyster, to purge or wash, to convey by Clyster up into the guts.
Coacervation (coacervatio) heaping or gathering together. Bac.
To Coacervate, To heap together.
Co [...]ction (coactio) heaping together, a compulsion or constraining.
Coadjutor (Lat.) a fellow-helper, one that labors in the same affair with another.
Coadjuvate (coadjuvo) to help or assist together.
Coadunation (from coaduno) a gathering, assembling, uniting or joyning together.
Coagitate (coagito) to move or stir together.
Coagulate (coagulo) to joyn or congeal together, to gather into a cream or curd; to make that which was thin thick.
Coalesce (coaleseo) to grow together, to close again, to increase. Dr. Charlton.
Coalition (coalitio) a nourishing or increasing together.
Coangustation, a making one thing strait with another, a making narrow.
[Page] Coarctate (coarcto) to strain, to gather a matter into few words, to shorten.
Coassation (coassatio) a planking with boards, a boarding or joyning a floor.
Coxation (coaxatio) the croaking of Frogs or Toads. Dr Featly in his Dipper.
Coccineau (coccineus) died into scarlet, or crimson colour.
Coctible (coctibilis) easie to be sod or baked.
Cochin [...]al or Cuchanel (Lat. Coccus Spa Cochinilla) a kinde of dust or grain, wherewith to die the Crimson or Scarlet colour; it is a little worm breeding in a certain shrub, which they call Holy-Oke, or Dwarf Oke, and is found in Cephalonia and other places; on the leaves whereof there ariseth a tumor, like a blister, which they gather, and rub out of it a certain red dust, that converts (after a while) into worms, which they kill with wine (as is reported) when they begin to quicken. Bac. Nat. Hist.
Cocket, is a seal pertaining to the Custom-house. Regist. Orig. fol. 192. a. Also a Scrowle of Parchment, sealed and delivered by the Officers of the Custom-house to Merchants, as a warrant that their Merchandize is customed. An. 11. H. 6. cap. 16. This word is also used for a distinction of bread in the Statutes of Bread and Ale, made An. 51. H. 3. where you have mention of bread Cocket, Wastel-bread, bread of Trete, and bread of common wheat. Cowel.
Cockle-stayres (cochlea) a pair of winding stairs. Sir H. Wot.
Cockleary, pertaining to such stairs; crooked. Dr Br.
Cock [...]ey or Cockneigh applyed onely to one born within the sound of Bow-bell, that is within the City of London, which term came first (according to Minshew) out of this Tale; A Citizens Son riding with his Father out of London into the Country, and being utterly ignorant how corn grew, or Cattel increased, asked, when he heard a horse neigh, what he did? his Father answered, the horse doth neigh: riding farther, the Son heard a Cock crow, and said, doth the Cock neigh too? Hence by way of jeer he was called Cock-neigh.
A Cockney, according to some, is a child that sucks long: But Erasmus takes it for a child wantonly brought up, and calls it in Lat. Mammothreptus.
Cambden takes the Etymology of Cockney, from the River Thamesis, which runs by London, and was of old time called Cockney. Others say the little Brook which runs by Turnbole or Turnmil-street, [Page] was anciently so called.
Coction (coctio) a seething, boiling or digesting.
Coctive (coctivus) sodden, easily boiled, soon ripe.
Code (codex) a volume containing divers books; more particularly a Volume of the Civil Law so called, which was reduced into one Code, or Codice, by Justinian the Emperor, it being before in three, which is therefore called Justinians Code. Min.
Codebec (Fr.) a kinde of course French hat so called.
Codicil (codicillus) a diminutive of Code or Codex) a little book, a Schedule or supplement to a Will, also a letter missive. Writers conferring a Testament and a Codicil together, call a Testament a great Will, and a Codicil a little one, and compare a Testament to a ship, and the Codicil to a boat tied to the said ship. Codicils are now used as additions annexed to the Testament, when any thing is omitted which the Testator would add, or any thing put in, which he would retract. A Codicil is the same that a Testament is, but that it is without an executor. See Swinburn in his Treatise of Testaments, and Wills, p. 1. sect. 5.
Codinniack (Fr. Cotignac) conserve or marmolade of Quinces.
Coemption (coemptio) a buying together.
Coemptional (coemptionalis) which is often in buying, or a buying together. Among the Romans, Coemptionales senes, were those old men, in whose tuition and authority, men by their last Will and Testament, left their Widows or Daughters, and without whom they might not pass in Dominium virorum per coemptionem. i. be married, according to the Ceremony called Coemption, whereby the Husband and Wife seemed to buy one another. Livie. See more of this in Godwins Anthology, chap. de nuptiis, &c.
Coercible (coercibilis) which may be bridled or restrained.
Coertion (coertio) restraint, keeping in order and subjection, punishing.
Coetaneous (coaetaneus) which is of the same time and age.
Coeternal (coaeternus) of the same eternity, lasting together for eternity, equally eternal.
Coeval (from con and aevum) that are of the same age or time.
Cogitative (cogitativus) musing, pensive, full of thoughts.
Coffa or Cauphe, a kind of drink among the Turks and Persians, (and of late introduced among us) which is black, thick and bitter, destrained from Berries of that nature, and name, thought good and very wholesom: they say it expels melancholy, purges [Page] choler, begets mirth, and an excellent concoction. Herb. tr. 150. nat. hist. 155.
Cognition (cognitio) knowledge, judgment, examination of things.
Cognominal (cognominis) that hath one and the same name or sir-name.
Cognoscible (from cognosco) that may be known or enquired into; knowable.
Coherence (cohaerentia) a joyning together, a loving or agreeing with each other.
Cohibency (cohibentia) a keeping under or restraining.
Cohibition (cohibitio) a letting or forbidding to do.
Cognizance or Cognisance ( cognitio. i. knowledge) in our Common Law is diversely taken; sometimes it signifies an acknowledgement of a Fine, or confession of a thing done; as also to make Cognizance of taking a distress; sometime, as an audience or hearing a thing judicially, as to take Cognizance: Sometime a power or jurisdiction; as Cognizance of Plea, is an ability to call a Cause or Plea out of another Court, which no one can do but the King, or supreme Magistrate, except he can shew Charters for it. Manw. part. 1. p. 68. See the new terms of Law, and the new book of Entries, Verbo, Conusance.
Cognizance is also a badge of Armes upon a Servingman, or Watermans sleeve.
Cognoscitive (from cognosco) that knoweth or may be known or enquired.
Cohesion (cohaesio) a sticking or cleaving to, or together.
Cohort (cohors) a Band of Souldiers, any company of men whatsoover.
Cohort was ordinarily a Band of 5000 Soldiers, though once or twice in Livie we read of Quadragenariae cohortes. See Legion.
Cohortation (cohortatio) an exhortation, perswading, or encouraging.
Coition (coitio) an assembly, confederacy or commotion; also carnal copulation.
Coines (ancones) corners of a wall.
Coincident (coincidens) that happens at the same time.
Coincidency, a hapning at at the same time.
Coinquinate (coinquino) to soil, or stain, to defile or defame.
Colaphize (colaphizo) to buffet or beat with the fist.
Collabefaction (collabefactio) a destroying, wasting or decaying.
Collachrymate (collachrymo) to weep or lament with others.
Collactaneous (collactaneus) that is nursed with the same milk.
Collapsed (collapsus) slid, fallen down, discouraged.
Collaqueate (collaqueo) to entangle together.
[Page] Collateral (collateralis) not direct, on the one side, joyning to, or coming from the same side. Every degree of kindred, is either right lineal, or Collateral. The right lineal is that which comes from the Grandfather to the Father, from the Father to the Son, and so still right downward. Collateral is that which comes side-ways, as first between Brothers and Sisters, then between their Children, &c. Also Uncles, Aunts, and all Cousens are contained under this term Collateral kindred.
Collateral assurance, is that which is made over and beside the Deed it self. For example, if a man covenant with another, and enter Bond for the performance of his covenant, the Bond is termed Collateral assurance; because it is external, and without the nature and essence of the covenant. Cowel.
Collaterate (collatero) to joyn side by side.
Collation (collatio) a joyning or coping, a benevolence of many; also a short banquet or repast.
Collation of a Benefice, signifies the bestowing a Benefice by the Bishop, that hath it in his own gift or Patronage.
Book-binders and Sellers also use the word in another sence, as to collation a Book, is, to look diligently by the letters or figures at the bottom of the page, to see that no sheet is wanting, or too much.
Collatitious (collatitius) done by conference or contribution of many.
Collative ( collativum, subst.) a Sacrifice made of many mens offerings together, a benevolence of the people to the King.
Collative (adjectively) conferred together, made large, mutual.
Collaud (collaudo) to praise with others, to speak well of.
Collect (collectum) that which is gathered together; and more particularly, it is the Priests Prayer in the Mass, so called because it collects and gathers together the supplications of the multitude, speaking them all with one voyce; or because it is a collection and sum of the Epistle and Gospel for the day; it is also used in the like sence in the Common Prayer Book.
Collectaneous (collectaneus) gathered or mingled with many things, that gathers or noteth out of divers works.
Collectitious (collectitius) gathered of all, or many sorts.
Collective (collectivus) that is gathered together into one.
Collegue (collega) a companion or Co-partner in Office.
Collegate (collego) to send together.
Coller days, were certain [Page] festival days at Court; so called because on those days the King and Knights of the Garter, did use to wear their Collers of S [...].
Collet (Fr.) the throat, or fore part of the neck; It is also that part of a Ring or Jewel, wherein the stone is set. See Bezil.
Collide (collido) to knock or bruise together.
Colligate (colligo) to tye or gather together, to comprehend or wrap up. Sir H. Wot.
Colligence, a knitting, gathering, or bringing together. Cotgr.
Collimate (collimo) to wink with one eye, to level or aim at a mark.
Collineate (collineo) to level at, or hit the mark.
Colliquation (colliquatio) a melting or dissolving, a consumption of the radical humor, or substance of the body.
Collision (collisio) a breaking, bruising or dashing together, Collision of a vowel, is the contracting two Vowels into one.
Collistrigiated (from collistrigium) pertaining to, or that hath stood in a Pillory.
Collitigate (from con and litigo) wrangling or going to law together.
Colloquy (colloquium) talk that men have together, a conference.
Colluctation (colluctatio) a wrastling or contending together. Hist. of iron age.
Collusion (collusio) a playing together, deceipt, or cousenage. When an Action at law is brought against one by his own agreement to defraud a third person, we call it Collusion.
Coliyre Collyry (collyrium) a physical term signifying any medicine for the eyes, most commonly applied in a liquid form.
Colobe (colobium) a Coat with half sleeves, coming but to the knees, used by the Antients, and changed afterwards into the Dalmatica.
Coloieros, A sort of Grecian Monks and Nuns, so called, whereof you may read in Mr. Sand's Travels, p. 81, 82.
Colon (Gr.) a mark commonly used in the middle of a sentence, and is made with two pricks thus (:) See Semi-colon.
Colonie (colonia) the Romans (when their City was too full of inhabitants) used to with-draw a certain number to dwell in some other place, which number so withdrawn, as also the place to which they were sent was, and still is called by this name; Also a Grange or Farm, where husbandry is kept.
Colloquintida, a kinde of wild Gourd, which the Persians name, Gall of the earth, because it destroys all hearbs near which it grows. [Page] It is often used in Physick, to purge slimy gross humors from the sinews and joynts. Bull.
Col [...]sse (colossus) a great Image or Statue made for the honor of any person, as in Rhodes there was one 70 Cubits high, made by Chares of Lindum in twelve years space, to the honor of the Sun. This Colossus was made in the Image of a man, the Thumb of which few men could fathom. The brass of this Statue was so much, that when Muani, General of Caliph Osman, united Rhodes to the Mahumetan Empire, it loaded 900 Camels. Heyl. We read also of a Statue of Nero which was a hundred foot high. But above all, that of Mercury made at Auvergne containing four hundred foot in height, and of inestimable value. 2. part Treasury.
Colostration (colostratio) a disease or indisposition in the stomach of young ones, caused by sucking the Beestings or first milk that comes from the Teat.
Colubriferous (colubrifer) that bears or brings forth Snakes or Serpents.
Columbary (columbarium) a Pigeon-house or Culver-hole.
Columbine (columbinus) Dove-like, pertaining to a Dove or Pigeon.
Columity (columitas) safety, soundness, health.
Column (columna) a round Pillar or Post: Also when a page or side of a leaf written or printed, is divided into two or more parts along the Paper, as this page is divided into two, those parts or divisions are called Columns.
Columnary-Tribute (columnarium) a tribute that was exacted for every Pillar that held up the house.
Colures (coluri) two great moveable Circles, passing thorow both the Poles of the world, crossing one another with right spherical Angles: So that like an Apple cut into four quarters, they divide the whole sphear into equal parts: the one passeth through the Equinoctial points and Poles, and is called the Equinoctial Colure: The other through the Solstitial points, and is called the Solstitial Colure Peacham.
Comald, A strict Order of Friers begun in Italy, Ann. 1012. by Romoald of Ravenna; Their first Monastery was built near Arezzo in the Dutchy of Florence, by one Comald, hence the name: their Robe is white, they follow the rule of St. Benedict. Grimston.
Comarck (comarchus) an Earl, a Governor of a Town or City.
Combination (combinatio) a coupling together, a setting together in Order: but it is most commonly taken for a [Page] practise between two or more for some evil deed.
Combustion (combustio) a burning or consuming with fire.
Combustible (combustibilis) soon fired, easie to be burned.
Comedy (Comoedia) a Play or Interlude. It is a kind of Fable representing, as in a Mirror, the similitude of a civil and private life, beginning for the most part with some troubles, but ending with agreement or joy. These Plays are called Comoediae from [...], which signifies Villages, because Comoedians did go up and down the Country, acting these Comedies in the Villages, as they passed along. Godwin. See Tragedy.
Comediographer (comoediographus) a Comical Poet, or writer of Comedies.
Comessation (comessatio) a late supper, inordinate or riotous eating; Johannes Tislinus saith, it is a Bever taken after Supper, or a night drinking.
Comestion (comestio) an eating or devouring.
Comestible (from comedo) eatable, fit to be eaten. Sir H.W.
Comet (cometa) a blazing star. It is properly a great quantity of exhalations hot and dry, fat and clammy, hard, compact like a great lump of pitch, which, by the heat and attractive vertue of the Sun and Stars, is drawn up from the earth into the highest Region of the Air, where, being near the Element of fire, it is enflamed, and appears like a Star with a blazing tail, and sometime is moved after the motion of the Air, which is circular, but it never goes down out of the Compass of sight (though it be not seen in the day time for the brightness of the Sun) but still burns till all the matter be consumed. Goodly Gallery.
Comical (comicus) pertaining to, or which is handled in Comedies: also pleasant or merry. The Antient Grecians and Romans had four sorts of Stage-Plays, viz. Mimical, Satyrical, Tragical, and Comical. Of which see more in Mr. Godwins Anthologie, cap. de Ludis.
Comices (comitia) were the solemn Assemblies of the people at Rome, lawfully summoned by the Magistrates, to chuse Officers, to enact new Laws or cancel old by their voyces.
Comius pugnator (Lat.) one that fights near at hand, or hand to hand. Lo. Brook.
Comity (comitas) gentleness, courtesie, mildness.
Comitial (comitialis) pertaining to an Assembly of people convened for the chusing Officers or making Laws. Among the Antient Romans, if any of the people assembled were taken with the falling sickness, the whole Assembly [Page] or Comitium was dissolved; hence the Falling sickness is at this day called Morbus Comitialis, or the Comitial evil. Godwin.
Comma (Gr.) the least note of distinction, or a point in the part of a sentence without perfect sense, and is made thus (,)
Commaculate (commaculo) to spot, to defile, or distain.
Commandre, was the name of a Mannor or chei [...] Messuage with Lands and Tenements thereto belonging, relating formerly to the Priory of St. Johns of Jerusalem in England; such is that at Eagle near Lincoln. These were given to the Crown by 32. Hen. 8.
Commasculate (commasculo) to take stomach or hardiness.
Commaterial, Of the same or of like manner of substance. Bac.
Commeator (Lat.) one that goes to and fro, as a Messenger.
Commemorate (commemoro) to reherse or remember.
Commendaces (Fr.) Funeral Orations, Prayers made for the dead; Verses made in praise of the dead. Cotg.
Commendam (commenda) is, when a Benefice (being void) is commended to the charge and care of some sufficient Clerk, to be supplied, till it may be conveniently provided of a Pastor. In which case we use to say, such a one hath it in Commendam. And that this was the true original of this practise, you may read at large in Duarenus de Sacris Ecclesiae Ministeriis & Beneficiis l. 5. c. 7.
Commensal (commensalis) a Table-companion. Doctor Kellison.
Commensurability (commensurabilitas) an equal proportion or measure of one thing with another. A joynt measuring.
Comment Commentary (commentum) an abridgement, an Exposition, a Book of Notes and Remembrances. The nature of Commentaries is properly to set down a naked continuance of the events and actions, without the Motives and designs, the counsels, speeches occasions and pretext, with other passages: So that Caesar modestly rather then truly applied, the name Commentary to the best History in the world. Heyl.
Comment, sometimes signifies a fiction or lye.
Commentitious (commentitius) devised, feigned, counterfeit.
Commessation (commessatio) a riotous or untimely Banquet, an inordinate eating.
Commigration (commigratio) a flitting, or going from one place to another.
Commilitons (commilito, onis) a Fellow-souldier, a Comrade.
[Page] Commination (comminatio) a vehement or extream threatning.
Comminuible (from comminuo) that may be broken in pieces or bruised. Vul. Er.
Commissary (commissarius) a title of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, ordained to this special end, to supply the Bishops jurisdiction and Office in the out-places of the Diocess, or else in such Parishes as were peculiar to the Bishop, and exempted from the jurisdiction of the Arch-Deacon; for where either by prescription or composition, there are Arch-Deacons, that have jurisdiction within their Arch-Deaconries, as in most places they have, there this Commissary is but superfluous.
Commissary, is also an Officer in War, whose function is chiefly to look that the Provision and Victuals provided for the Army and Garisons be justly distributed and disposed. Cotgr.
Commissure (commissura) a joynt of any thing closed and opened, a conjunction, a joyning, joyning close or couching things together. Sir Hen. Wotton.
Committee, is he or they to whom the consideration or ordering of any matter is referred, either by some Court or consent of parties, to whom it belongs. As in Parliament, a Bill being read, is either consented to and passed, or denied, or neither, but refer'd to the consideration of some certain men, appointed by the House, farther to examine it, who thereupon are called a Committee.
Common Hunt, The Lord Mayor of Londons Dog-keeper.
Commorance Commoration (commoratio) an abiding or dwelling in a place together, a lingring: Also a figure, when one tarries long upon a matter.
Commotes, signifies in Wales a part of a Shire, as a Hundred. An. 28. H. 8. c. 3. It is written Commoithes, A. 4. H. 4. c. 17. and is used for a gathering made upon the people (as it seems) of this or that Hundred, by the Welch-men.
Commotion (commotio) trouble or disquieting.
Commune (communis) that which belongs to one as well as another, common, publique.
Communicate (communico) to impart with another, to talk together, to mix with.
Community (communitas) a participation, fellowship, or society; good correspondency, near familiarity one with another; a Corporation or Company incorporate.
Communion (communio) mutual participation together.
Communition (communitio) a fortifying or making strong on all parts.
Commutative (commutativus) bartering, trucking or [Page] exchanging one with, or for another.
Compaction (compactio) a joyning or setting together.
Compage (compago) a close joyning or setting together, a joynt. Br.
Compaginate (compagino) to couple, joyn or knit together.
Compart, Compartition or Compartment (Fr. Compartiment) a square Table or piece in building, especially of stone; also a Bed or Border in a Garden; a partition, or equal division. By Compartition, Architects understand a graceful and useful distribution of the whole ground-plot, both for rooms of office, and of reception or entertainment, as far as the capacity thereof and the nature of the Country will comport. Sir H. Wotton.
Sea-Compass (pyxis Nautica) an instrument which Mariners use for their direction in Navigation; whereon are described the 32 Points or Winds; the Needle whereof (being in manner of a Flower de Luce) always points towards the North. About the year 1300 one Flavio of Melphi in Naples found out this Sea-Compass, consisting of eight [...]inds onely, the four principal, and four collateral; and not long after, the people of Bruges and Antwerp perfected that excellent invention, adding 24 other subordinate Winds or Points. Of this there are three kinds; the first, the plain Meridional Compass. The second, a Compass of Variation. The third, a Dark Compass.
Compatible (from compatior) that can abide, agree or suffer together; concurrable, that can endure or bear with one another.
Compatriot (compatriota) he that is of the same Country.
Com [...]r (from the Lat. compar) signifies a fellow, an equal, a consort, a fellow in Peerage. But taken from the Latin Compater, it is a word by which the Father of a child calls the Gossips, Witnesses, or Godfathers of his child, and it may be read in significations somewhat different from these expressed. In the Isle of Zacynthus or Zant they have a custom at Weddings to invite many young men, whom they call Compeers, of which every one gives the Bride a Ring; which done, it is there held an abuse as detestable as Incest, to accompany her in any carnal kind: wherefore they chuse such for Compeers, as have formerly been suspected of too much familiarity. Sands.
Comp [...]llation (compellatio) a blaming or reproving; a calling by names, or naming, with disgrace.
Compendious (compendiosus) very concise, very short or brief.
[Page] Compendium (Lat.) a saving or sparing, a gain by sparing an abridgement, a Compend. Bac.
Compensable (Fr.) able to recompence or make amends for.
Compensation (compensatio) a recompence, satisfaction or reward.
Comperage (Fr.) Gossiping; the affinity or friendship gotten by christening Children together. Cotgr.
Comperendinate (comperendino) to delay, or prolong from day to day.
Competible (competibilis) that may be asked or sued for with another, that may be convenint or agreeable.
Competitor (Lat.) he that sues for the same thing with another.
Competize (competo) to ask or sue for the same thing another doth, to stand in competition.
Compital (compitalis) belonging to cross-streets, or places where many wayes meet.
Compitalitious (compitalitius) of or belonging to the Feasts of Compitalia, which were solemnized in cross wayes or of streets.
Complaisance (Fr.) delight, pleasure, fulness of, or fellowship in joy.
Complacence Complaicence (complacentia) as complaisance.
Complacentious Complaisant obsequious, observant, soothing (and thereby) pleasing.
Complement (complementum) (a furnishing, filling up, or perfecting that which wants: it is usually taken for verbal expressions of respect, of affection, of readiness to serve, and the like. Or Complement, is a performance of affected ceremonies in words, looks and gestures.
Completion (completio) a fulfilling, accomplishing or performing. Dr. Ham. Annot.
Complexive (complexivus) that may be embraced or contained.
Complices (from complex, icis) companions or partners in evil.
Complicate (complico) to fold up, or wrap together.
Complicity (complicitas) a consenting or partnership in evil.
Compline or Completory (completorium) the last of the Canonical Hours in the Roman Cath. Church, so called; which began at nine of the Clock at night. See Prime.
Complore (comploro) to bewail or weep together.
Comportment (Fr. comportement) behavior, carriage, bearing of one self.
Compositor (Lat.) he that sets, joyns or composes things together. See Impositor.
Compotation (compotatio) a banquet, or drinking together.
[Page] Compotist (compotista) a caster of accounts, a Reckoner, or Calculator.
Comprecation (Comprecatio) a praying, desiring or beseeching.
Comprehensible (comprehensibilis) that may be comprehended, contained, and laid hold of.
Comprehensor (Lat.) a Comprehender. See Viator.
Compromize (compromissum) is a mutual promise of two or more parties at difference, to refer the ending their controversies to the arbitrement and equity of one or more Arbitrators. West in the second part of his Symbolography under the title of Compromise, Sect. 1. defines it thus, A Compromise is the faculty or power of pronouncing sentence between persons at variance, given to Arbitrators by the parties mutual private consent, without publick Authority.
Compression (compressio) a pressing or thrusting together.
Compunction (compunctio) a pricking or stitch, remorse of conscience.
Compurgator (Lat.) a cleanser, clearer or purger.
Computist, the same with Compotist.
Comrade. See Camerade.
Comus, the god of Banquetting. Sive sit compotatio, sive amatoria lascivia.
Concamerate (concamero) to vault or arch, as an Oven is.
Concatenate (concateno) to chain, or link together.
Concavous Concave (Concavus) hollow, bending, crooked.
A Concave (Concava) a hollow place, or Cel.
Concavity (concavitas) hollowness.
Concede (concedo) to grant, yeeld, or condescend unto.
Concention (concentio) a consort of many voices or instruments in one, an agreement or concord, singing in tune.
Concentrick (concentricus) which hath one and the same Center.
Conceptacle (Fr.) any hollow thing which is apt to receive, hold, or contain. Cotgr.
Concertation (concertatio) strife, debate, disputation, variance.
Concession (concessio) sufferance, leave, or pardon; a Grant.
Concidence (concidencia) a like falling in the ends of words.
Conciliate (concilio) to accord, to make friends together, to reconcile.
Concinnity (concinnitas) properness, aptness, handsomness, decency.
Concion (concio) an Oration, Speech or Sermon made publickly to the people; also the Assembly or Congregation it self.
[Page] Concional (concionalis) pertaining to a Sermon or Oration, or to the Assembly or Pulpit.
Concionator (Lat.) he that preaches or proposeth an Oration to the people.
Concisso Concisure (concisura) a cutting or dividing; a rent or schism. So St Paul; Beware of the concision. Phil. 3.2.
Concise (concisus) brief; beaten, cut, mangled, or killed.
Concitate (concito) to provoke, stir up, or prick forward.
Co [...]clamation (conclamatio) a shout or noise of many together.
Conclave (conclavium) an inner Parlor, a Closet, or privy Dining Room: especially it is the name of the place in Rome, where the election of the Pope is made by the Cardinals. Also the meeting or Assembly of the Cardinals it self for that election or for any important affair of the Church.
Conclavist (from conclave) one of those Cardinals that meet in the conclave for the election of the Pope; or he that has the keeping of that room.
Conclusive (conclusus) shut up, concluded, full and perfect.
Concoction (concoctio) digestion in the stomach, a boyling.
Concomitant (concomitans) following or accompanying together; sometimes taken substantively for a companion.
Concord (concordia) agreemen or peace; It is in our Common-Law, by a peculiar signification, defined to be the very agreement between parties that intend the levying a Fine of Lands one to the other, how and in what manner the Land shall pass.
Concordate (concordo) to be at concord or agreement, to agree.
Concords, In Musick, which are Perfect or semi-perfect, between the Unison and the Diapason, are, the fifth, which is most perfect, the third next, and the sixth which is more harsh, and the fourth with is called Diatessaron Bac.
Concorporate (concorporo) to mix or temper into one body, to incorporate.
Concrement (concrementum) an increase or growing together.
Concrete (concretum) a thing congealed or joyned together: Also a term in Logick, signifying a subject and an accident joyned together, as for example, Album is a Concrete, signifying a subject (be it a man or a horse) and the accident Albedo or whitness, joyned together; And Albedo or whiteness by it self is termed the abstract of that Concrete.
[Page] Concreted Concretive (concretivus) congealed, joyned or grown together:
Concretion (concretio) a congealment, thickning, growing or fastening together.
Concrimination (concriminatio) a joynt accusing.
Concubinage (concubinatus) the keeping a Whore for his own filthy use, an unlawfull use of another woman instead of ones wife: In Law, it is an exception against her that sues for her Dowry, whereby it is alleadged, that she was not a Wife lawfully married to the party, in whose lands she seeks to be endowed, but his Concubine. Britton. cap. 107. Brac. lib. 4. Tract. 6. cap. 8.
Concubinal (concubinalis) pertaining to a concubine.
Concubinary, one that keeps a Concubine, which is as it were a half Wife, as the Hebrew word Pilgesh signifies.
Conculcate (conculco) to tread under foot, to suppress or contemn, to wear with often treading or standing upon.
Concumbence (from concumbo) a lying together.
Concupiscence (concupiscentia) a fervent or covetous desire of a thing; also lust, or the pravity of our nature.
Concupiscible (concupiscibilis) that which desires earnestly or naturally, that which is desirable.
The Concupiscible Faculty, is the unreasonable or sensual part of the soul, which covers meat, drink, and all sorts of delights beyond measure.
Concussion (concussio) a shaking together, a dashing out, a terrifying, publick extortion by threatning.
Concussionary (Fr. Concussionaire) a publick extortioner, one that (counterfeiting an authority) extorts gifts from men by threatning to punish or prosecute their offences.
Condense (condensus) thick, close together, compact.
Condensitie (condensitas) thickness, closeness, hardness.
Conders (from the Latin conducere, i. to conduct or lead) are such as stand on high places near the Sea-coast, at the time of Herring-fishing, to make signs with Boughs, or such like in their hands, to the Fishers, which way the Shole of Herrings passeth; For that may better appear to such as stand on some high Cliff on the shore, by a kinde of blew colour, that the said Shole makes in the water, then to those in the ship: These are otherwise called Huers and Balcors, as appears by the Statute. Anno 1. Jac. cap. 22.
Condict (condictum) an accord or agreement, a composition, and appointment.
Condiment (condimentum) sawce or seasoning.
Condisciple (condiscipulus) [Page] a School-fellow, or Fellow-Disciple.
Conditaneous (conditaneus) that may be sawced, seasoned, or preserved.
Condited (conditus) sawced, seasoned, tempered, mixed, made savory. Bac.
Conditor (Lat. à condio) one that seasoneth, sawceth, or tempereth.
Conditor (Lat. à condo) a builder, maker, or founder.
Condolence (condolentia) a sympathy in grief, a fellow-feeling of anothers sorrow.
Condone or Condonate (condono) to give willingly, to forgive or pardon.
Conducible (conducibilis) profitable, good, which may be hired.
Condilome (condiloma) a swelling or excrescent flesh in or about the fundament, proceeding of an inflammation.
Conduct (conductus) a Passport, a guiding or leading, a leading of Souldiers, as Commanders do. Salvus conductus, a licence of passing without molestation, or with warrant of security, a safe conveyance or conduct.
Cone (conus) a Geometrical figure, broad beneath, and sharp above, with a circular bottom: Also any other thing, broad beneath, and small above.
Confabulate (confabulo) to tell tales, to commune or discourse together.
Confarreation (confarreatio) the solemnizing a Marriage, a ceremony used at the solemnization of a Marriage, in token of most firm conjunction between man and Wife, with a Cake of Wheat or Barley: This ceremony is still retained in part with us, by that which we call the Bride-Cake, used at many Weddings.
Confarreated (confarreatus) married with that ceremony.
Confection (confectio) a measuring, mingling, or dispatching.
Confederate (confoedero) to consent or agree together.
Confer [...]on (confertio) a stuffing or filling.
C [...]nfessionary (Fr. Confessionaire) belonging to, or treating of auricular Confession.
Conficient (conficiens) which finisheth, procureth, or worketh.
Confident (from confido) a friend to whom one trusts, in whom he hath confidence, on whose assistance he relies, a a second in a single Combate; it is also used adjectively.
Configulate (configulo) to play the Potter, to work in clay.
Confines (confinia) the End, Bounds or Marches of any Country.
Confiscate from confisco, and that (with the Fr. Confisquer) from Fiscus, which originally signifies a Hamper, [Page] Pannier, Basket, or Freil; but Metonymically, the Emperors Treasure, because it was antiently kept in such Hampers: And though our Kings kept not their treasure in such things, yet as the Romans said, that such goods as were forfeited to the Emperors Treasury for any offence, were bona confiscata, so we say, those that are forfeited to our Exchequer, are confiscated. See more of Goods confiscate in Stawnf. Pl. Cor. l. 3. ca. 24.
Conflagitate (conflagito) to request or desire a thing importunately, or earnestly.
Conflagrant (conflagrans) most earnestly desiring or burning in love.
Conflagration (conflagratio) a general burning or consuming with fire.
Confluctuate (confluctuo) to flow together, to be uncertain what to do.
Confluence (confluentia) an abundance of any thing flowing or running together, a coming thick together.
Conforaneous (conforaneus) of the same Court or Market place.
Conge d'eflire (Fr. i. leave to choose) is a meer French word, and signifies in our common Law the Kings permission royal to a Dean and Chapter in time of vacation to chuse a Bishop, or to an Abby or Priory to chuse their Abbot or Prior. Fitz. nat. br. fo. 169. b. 170. b, c, &c.
Congelative (congelativus) that hath the faculty to congeal or dry up.
Congenerous (congener) of one stock or kindred, of the same sort or kind.
Congeniality, a likeness of Genius or Fancy with another; as Sir Hen. Wotton says, Poets and Painters have always had a kind of Congeniality. p. 254.
Congeo [...], an old word signifying a Dwarf.
Congeriate (from congeries) to heap or lay together, to pile up. Felth.
Congiary (congiarium) a dole or liberal gift of a Prince or Nobleman to the people; it took name of the measure Congius, much about our Gallon, which was given in oyl or wine, by the Poll; but afterwards any other such profit or distribution, were it in money or other provisions, passed under that title. Plut.
Conglaciate (conglacio) to be frozen, to be idle.
Conglob [...]t [...] (conglobo) to heap, gather together, or make round, or Globe-like.
Conglomerate (conglomero) to wind thread on bottoms, to assemble or gather together.
Conglutinate (conglutino) to glew or joyn together.
Conglutinative, that which hath strength to glue together.
Congratulate (congratulor) to rejoyce with one for some good fortune.
[Page] Congregate (congrego) to gather or assemble together, to associate.
Congregationalists, otherwise called Independents, or Dissenting Brethren in the late Assembly of Divines, are such as gather Congregations, &c. and go a middle way betwixt Presbytery and Brownism. The chief of these were Thomas Goodwin, Philip Nye, Sidrach Simson, Jeremiah Burrowes, and William Bridge. See Mr. Fullers Church History, l. 11. p. 208. See Independents.
Congress (congressus) a going with another to fight, an encounter.
Congruity (congruitas) agreeableness, conformity.
Congruous (congruus) apt, convenient or fit for the purpose.
Conical (conicus) belonging to a Conus, or the Crest of an Helmet.
Conjugal (conjugalis) belonging to marriage.
Conjugates (conjugata) that spring from one original; a term in Logick.
Conjugation (conjugatio) a joyning together, a derivation of words of one kind.
Conjunction (conjunctio) a combination, coupling or knitting together: Also the part of speech termed a Conjunction; a sentence which hath divers parts together.
Conjunctive (conjunctivus) which knits or fastens together.
Conjuncture (conjunctura) a joyning together.
Conjuration (conjuratio) as it is compounded of ( con and juro) signifies a compact or plot made by persons combining themselves together by Oath or Promise to do some publick harm. But in our Common Law it is used especially for such as have personal conference with the Devil or evil spirit, to know any secret, or to effect any purpose. An 5. Eliz. cap 16 And the difference between Conjuration and Witchcraft is, that the Conjurer seems by prayers and invocation of Gods powerful names, to compel the Devil to say or do what he commands him: The Witch deals rather by a friendly and voluntary conference or agreement between him or her, and the Devil or Familiar, to have his or her turn served for soul, blood, or other gift offered him: So that al [...] Conjurer compacts for curiosity to know secrets, and work marvels; and the Witch of meer malice to do mischief. And both these differ from Inchanters, or Sorcerers, because the former two have personal conference with the Devil, and the other meddle but with medicines, and ceremonial forms of words called Charmes, without apparition. Daltons J.P. 279
Conizor or Cognizor (Lat. cognitor) in Law it is used in [Page] the passing of Fines▪ for him that acknowledges the Fine; and the Conizee is he to whom it is acknowledged. West. par. 1. Symb. l. 2. Sect. 59. & part. 2. tit. Fines Sect. 114.
Conjure (conjuro) to swear or conspire together, to exorcise a spirit, i. to swear him or conjure him by the power of another, by the names or spels they use; whereas Adjure is to swear one to, as I adjure, i. swear thee to it by mine own power, and conjure by the power of another.
Connascenc [...] (from con and nascor) a growing, rising or springing together, a being born together. Vul. Er.
Connexive (connexivus) that couples or knits together.
Connubial (connubialis) pertaining to wedlock or marrying together.
Connutritious (connutritus) that hath the same nourishment or bringing up.
Conquassate (conquasso) to shake, dash, or break in pieces.
Conquestion (conquestio) a complaining, lamenting, moan-making, or crying.
Consanguinity (consanguinitas) kindred by birth or blood, nearness in blood.
Consarcinate (consarcino) to patch or peice together, to add to.
Conscension (conscensio) a mounting or climbing up, a leaping on horse-back.
Conscission (conscissio) a cutting or paring.
Conscissure (conscissura) a gash or cut, a renting in a place.
Conscious (conscius) culpable, that is of Council, or guilty of a thing.
Conscription (conscriptio) an enrolling, writing, or registring.
Consectaneous (consectaneus) which follows others.
Consectar [...] (consectarium) a brief argument wherein the conclusion necessarily follows the antecedent; or a thing that follows out of another already demonstrated.
Consectation (consectatio) a following together; and in Philosophy it signifies the consideration of those affections of a Proposition, in respect whereof two Propositions signifie together the same thing, and are true or false. Hist. Phil.
Consectator (Lat.) he that follows, or pursues.
Consecutif Consecutive (consecutus) following or succeeding.
Consecution (consecutio) a consequent, order or following. Moneth of consecution. See Moneth.
Conseminate (consemino) to sow divers seeds together.
Consentient (consentiens) concenting, agreeing, according.
Consequentious (from consequentia) most important, full of consequence which necessarily followeth.
[Page] Conservator of the peace ( Conservator, or Custos Pacis) was an Officer that had charge to preserve the Kings peace, before the time of King Edward the Third, who first erected Justices of the Peace instead of those Conservators, &c. See Lamb. Eirenarcha. l. 1. ca. 3.
Conservator of the Truce and safe Conducts ( [...]onservator induciarum & salvorum Regis conductuum) was an Officer appointed in every Port of the Sea, under the Kings Letters Patents, and had forty pounds for his yearly stipend at the least. His charge was, to enquire of all offences done against the Kings Truce, and safe Conducts, upon the main Sea, out of the Countries and Franchises of the Kings Cinque Ports, as the Admirals of Custom were wont, and such other things as are declared, An. 2. H. 5. ca. 6. Touching this matter you may read another Stat. An. 4. H. 5. ca. 7.
Conservatory, a place to preserve, or keep things in. Also used adjectively.
Conserves (from conservo) the juyce or substance of any thing boiled with Sugar, and so kept. Bull.
Consession (consessio) a sitting together or with others.
Consigne consigno) to present, exhibite or deliver in hand, or into the hands of; to assign over, to gage, or pawn.
Consistory (consistorium) signifies as much as Praetorium or Tribunal. It is commonly used for a Council house of Ecclesiastical persons, or the place of Justice in the Court Christian; A Session or Assembly of Prelates.
Consitio [...] (consitio) a setting or planting.
Consolidate (consolido) to make sound that which was broken, to make whole.
Consolidation in our Common Law, is a combining or uniting two Benefices in one. Also a strengthning or joyning with.
Consolate (consolor) to comfort and ease ones grief.
Consonants (consonantes literae) letters which have no sound of themselves, but as they are joyned with others, b, c, d, &c. with all the rest, (except the Vowels) are called Consonants.
Consort (consors) one that partakes of the same lot, a fellow or companion.
Conspersion (conspersio) a sprinkling about.
Conspurcatio [...] (conspurcatio) a defiling or making foul.
Conspu [...]a [...] (Lat.) he that spits upon others.
Consta [...] (Lat. it is evident, plain, certain) is the name of a kind of Certificate, which the Clerk of the Pipe, or Auditors of the Exchequer make at the request of any person, who intends to plead in that Court for discharge [Page] (commonly) of Lands Sequestred; the effect of this Constat is to declare what does constare on Record, as for what cause the lands were sequestred, for what rent letten, and the like; and the Auditors Fee for it, is 13 s. 4 d. A Constat is held to be superior to a Certificat, because this may err or fail in its contents; that cannot, as certifying nothing but what is evident upon Record.
Constellation (constellatio) an assembly, or company of Stars together in one sign, presenting some living creature or other thing, after a certain sort; And of these Constellations, the number in the Heavens are 48. whereof 21 are in the North, 15 in the South, and 12 in the Zodiack. Hopton.
Conster [...]ation (consternatio) a great fear or astonishment; Also sedition or tumult.
Constipate (constipo) to make thick together, to stuff together.
Constrictive (constrictivus) that hath vertue to strain or bind together.
Consubstantial (consubstantialis) of the same substance, whereof another is made.
Consuetude Consuetudinal ( [...]rom consuetudo, inis) accustomed, wont, used. Also the Book wherein the antient customs of a Monastery were written was called the Consuetudinal.
Consul (Lat. from consulendo, of giving counsel) a chief Officer among the Romans, of which two were chosen yearly to govern the City, and command their Armies.
In Paris Les Consul [...], are five honest and substantial Citizens, who determine all cases of debt (not exceeding 4000 li. Turnois) between Merchant and Merchant: Their authority continues but a year, and the utmost punishment they can inflict, is but imprisonment. In most Cities of Aquitain, the chief Governors are termed Consuls; the rest of the good Towns in France have such Consuls, as Paris, by the names of Les Judges & Consuls des Merchands. Cotgr.
Consummate (consummo) to make up or accomplish, to sum up a reckoning.
Contabulate (contabulo) to plank or floor with boards, to joyn together.
Contaction (contactio) a touching or joyning together, a staining or colouring. Felth.
Contaminate (contamino) to violate or distain by touching or mixing, to defile or corrupt.
Contemerate (contemero) to violate, defloure or pollute.
Contemplatio [...] (contemplatio) beholding in mind, deep musing, study or meditation.
[Page] Contemplation, (in the accepted general notion of the word) signifies a clear, ready, mental seeing and quiet regarding an object; being the result and effect of a precedent diligent enquiry and search after the nature, qualities, and other circumstantial conditions of it. Mr. Cressy.
Contemplative (contemplativus) that exercises or consists in contemplation, or study.
Contemporiarism (from con & tempus) the being at one and the same time; coexistency.
Contemporaneous Contemporary Contemporal (contemporarius) that is of one and the same time or age.
Conterminate (contermino) to lye near or border on a place.
Conterraneous (conterraneus) that is of the same Country or Land.
Contesse [...]ation (contesseratio) a league between strangers. Dr. Taylor.
Contest (contestes) a fellow witness, or a witness examined in the same cause with another. It is used among the Civilians at Doctors Commons.
Contestate (contestor) to bear or prove by witness, to witness together.
Contexture (contextura) a weaving togethe [...], a composition, the form and stile of a discourse, a making fi [...].
Contignation (contignatio) the raftering or rearing a house in Sollars, Stories or Floors, the boarding or planking a house. Greg.
Contiguity (from contiguus) a touching one another, nearness, the close being of two together.
Contiguous (contiguus) that toucheth or is next to, very near.
Continency (continentia) a refaaining of ill desires, or more strictly, a refraining from all things delightful that hinder perfection.
Continent ( continens, subst.) a great quantity of Land, continued without division of Sea, as the Low Countries to Germany, that to Austria, Austria to Hungary, &c. It is otherwise called Terra firma.
Contingent (contingens) which chanceth or hapneth.
Continuity (continuitas) a continuation, wholeness, intireness, or intire conjunction.
Contorsion (contorsio) a wrestling or wreathing.
Continual Claim, is a Claim made from time to time, within every year and day to land or other thing which in some respect we cannot attain without danger: For example, if I be disseized of Land, into which (though I have right) I dare not enter for fear of beating, it behoves me to hold on my right of entry to the best opportunity of me and my Heirs, by approaching as near it as I can [Page] once every year, as long as I live, and so I save the right of Entry to my Heirs. Terms of Law.
Contorsion (contorsio) a writhing, wresting, or pulling away.
Contrabanded Goods, prohibited goods, that are forbidden to be imported by Proclamation; from the Ital. Bando, i. a Proclamation. In the Act of Parl. 1649. c. 21. tis written Contrabanda goods.
Contramure (Promurale) an out-wall compassing the walls of the City, and placed before them for the more safeguard. Min.
Contrasto (Span. contrasta) strife, contention, or opposition.
Contratation (Spa.) a Contract; a Bargain.
A Contratation house, is a house where Contracts or Bargains are made.
Contrectation (contrectatio) often touching, handling, or treating of.
Contravention (from contravenio) a coming against, a speaking against one, an accusing.
Contristate (contristo) to make sorry, heavy or sad.
Contrite (contritus) worn or bruised; but is most commonly used for penitent or sorrowful for misdeeds, remorseful.
Contrition (contritio) bruisedness, or wearing with use. In Divinity it is a perfect sorrow and horror that a man hath for having committed sin, and this, for that he loves God with a soveraign and singular love.
Or Contrition (saith an Author) is when the foulness of sin is set off onely by conceiving the goodness of God, without reflexion upon reward or pain.
Contrition (says another Author) is the bruising a sinners heart (as it were) to dust and powder, through unfeigned and deep sorrow conceived at Gods displeasure for sin.
Contrucidate (contrucido) to wound, to murder or kill.
Contumacy (contumacia) disobedience, self-will, stubbornness.
Contumelious (contumeliosus) reproachful in words, spiteful, disdainful.
Contumulate (contumulo) to bury or intomb together.
Conturd (contundo) to knock or beat in peeces, to strike down: And metaphorically to conquer or subdue.
Contusion (contusio) a beating, pounding, or bruising.
Convalesce (convalesco) to wax strong, to recover health.
Convalescen (convalescens) that waxeth strong, or recovers health.
Convalidate (convalido) to strengthen, to confirm, to recover health.
Convene (convenio) to come or assemble together, to summon [Page] one to appear before a Judge.
Convent. See Covent.
Conventional (conventionalis) that is done with agreement, and consent of divers.
Conventicle (conventiculum) a little or private Assembly or Convention, commonly for ill; first attributed in disgrace to the Schools of Wicklif in this Nation, above 200 years since.
Conventual (from conventus) belonging to a Covent or multitude resorting together, as of religious persons. Also a sort of Friers so called.
Conv [...]ntual Church. See Parish.
Convert. See Pervert.
Convexity (convexitas) crookedness, hollowness, bending down on every side; Convexity is the outside of an hollow body, as Concavity the inside. In a painted Globe of the world, the descriptions are upon the convexity thereof, and that face is convex, the rest is belly, or concave. El. Armory.
Conviction ( convictio from convinco) a proving guilty, and is in our Common Law, either when a man is outlawed, and appears and confesses, or else is found guilty by the Inquest. Min.
Convoke (convoco) to call or assemble together.
Convivi [...]l (convivialis) pertaining to Feasts or Banquets.
Convocation (convocatio) a calling or assembling together, most commonly of Ecclesiastical persons for Church affairs. A Synod and a Convocation seem to be all one; before the Statute of Premunire (16. Ric. 2. ca. 5.) it was constantly called a Synod; afterwards it took up the name Convocation, from the word [...] convocari faciatis, in the Kings Writ; And (since our Scotizing) it is called an Assembly.
Convocation-House, is that wherein the whole Clergy is assembled for consultation upon matters Ecclesiastical in time of Parliament; and as the house of Parliament, so this consisted of two distinct houses; One called the higher Convocation-house, where the Arch-Bishops, Bishops, &c. sate severally by themselves; the other the Lower Convocation house, where all the rest of the Clergy were bestowed. Cow. See Prolocutor.
Convoy (Fr.) is most commonly taken for a company of Souldiers or Ships for the wafting, or safe conducting of passengers.
Convulsion (convulsio) a drawing together; a plucking or shrinking up of the sinews, as in the Cramp; or when the Mouth, Nose, Eye, Lip, or other part is turned awry out of its due place.
Coolisse Broth. See Cullis,
Co-operate (coopero) to labor or work together.
Co-optate (coopto) to elect or chuse.
[Page] Coparceners (participos) otherwise called Parceners, in our Common Law are such as have equal portion in the Inheritance of their Ancestor. Parceners are either by Law or Custom; Parceners by Law, are the issue female, which (in case of no Heir male) come in equality to the Lands of their Ancestors. Bract. l. 2. c 30. Parceners by custom are those, that by custom of the Country challenge equal part in such Lands: As in Kent by Gavel-kind. See Littleton l. 3. ca. 1, 2. and Britton c. 27. Intituled, de Heritage divisable. The [...]own of England is not subject to Coparcenary. An. 25. H. 8. ca. 22.
If Coparceners refuse to divide their common inheritance, and chuse rather to hold it joyntly, they are said to h [...]ld in Parcenary or Coparcenary. Lit. fol. 56.
Copal, a kinde of white and bright Rosin brought from the West-Indies, whereof the people there were wont to make perfumes in their Sacrifices: It is hot in the second degree, and moist in the first, and is used here to be burnt against cold diseases of the brain. Bull.
Copesmate (from the Sax. Ceap. i. merchandise, and mate, i. companion) a partner or copartner in merchandise.
Copie (copia) plenty, abundance, riches, eloquence, provision of things.
Copiosity (copiositas) plenty, store, abundance, copiousness.
Copulation (copulatio) a coupling or joyning; it was one of the three ways of betrothing marriage in Israel. See Moses and Aaron, p. 231.
Copulative (copulativus) which coupleth or joyneth, or which may couple or joyn.
Coquetteri [...] (Fr.) the prattle or twattle of a pert Gossip or Minx.
Coquinate (coquinor) to play the Cook, to boyl or dress meat.
Coraage (coragium) is a kind of imposition (upon some unusual occasion) of certain measures of Corn. For Corus tritici, is a certain measure of Corn. Bracton l. 2. ca. 26.
Coral or Corral (Corallium) There are two principal sorts hereof, the one white, the other red, but the red is best. It grows like a tree in the bottom of the Sea, green when under the water, and bearing a white berry; and when out, turns red. It is cold and dry in operation, good to be hanged about childrens necks, as well to rub their Gums, as to preserve them from the Falling-sickness. Sands 235. There is also a black and yellow kind of Coral. See more in Dr. Browns Vul. Err. fol. 91.
A Corbel, Corbet, or Corbil. In Masonry is a jutting [Page] or shouldering peece cut out in stone, as we may see in walls, to bear up a post, Summer or other weight, (which in Timber-work, is called a Bracket or Braggat.) This and such like terms of art, for the most part are taken from the similitude of Beasts, Birds, or some living thing, which they resemble, whence this is called Corbel (from the French Corbeau, a Crow or Raven) because they were wont to make such Jutties out of a wall in form of a Crow. Min. See Bragget.
Corban or Korban (Heb.) a Chest or Coffer in the Temple of Hierusalem, where the Treasure that served for the Priests or Temples use was kept. Also the treasure it self, or an Almes-box. Also a gift or offering on the Altar. Mark. 7.11.
Cordage (Fr.) Ropes, or stuff to make Ropes of; all kind of Ropes belonging to the rigging a ship.
Cordelier or Cordilier (Fr.) a grey Frier of the Order of St. Francis; so called because he wears a rope or cord about his middle for a Girdle, full of twisted knots.
Cordiner or Cordwainer (from the French Cordvannier) or from the Lat. corium, a Skin or Hide) a Shoo-maker, a Tanner, or Leather-dresser, a Currier.
Cordovan Leather, so called from Cordova or Corduba a City in Spain. In the Islands of Corfica and Sardinia, there is a beast called Musoli, not found elsewhere in Europe, horned like a Ram, and skinned like a Stag, his skin carried to Corduba, and there dressed makes our true Cordovan Leather.
Corespond. See Correspond.
Corinthian work, a sort of Pillars in Architecture. See Tuscan.
Cornage (from the Lat. cornu, a horn) in our Common Law it signifies a kind of Grand Sergeanty, the service of which tenure is to blow a horn, when any invasion of the Northern Enemy is perceived, and by this many hold their Land Northward, about the wall commonly called the Picts wall. Cam. Brit. fol. 609.
Cornelian Law, L. Cornelius Sylla, being Dictator, made a Law (among others) that all such as would follow him in the Civil War, should be capable of any Office or Magistracy, before they came to their full years, &c. Those kind of Roman Laws always took denomination from him that prefer'd them.
Corneous (corneus) of, or like a horn, hard, or white as horn.
Cornicle (corniculum) a little horn.
Cornigerous (corniger horned, having or wearing horns: [Page] One of the Wine-god Bacchus his Epithets, because with drinking much wine men grow fierce and furious, as horned beasts, whence that Satyrical, ‘— Sumit cornua pauper.’
Cornice, a term of Architecture. See Frize.
Cornucopia (Lat.) plenty or abundance of all things.
Cornuted (cornutus) that hath horns: also Cuckolded.
Corody Corrody (from corrodo, to eat together) signifies in our Common Law a sum of money, or allowance of meat and drink, due to the King from an Abbey or other House of Religion, whereof he is Founder, towards the reasonable sustenance of such a one of his Servants, being put to his Pension, as he thinks good to bestow it on. And the difference between a Corrody and a Pension seems to be, that a Corrody is allowed towards the maintenance of any of the Kings servants, that live in the Abby; a Pension is given to one of the Kings Chaplains, for his better maintenance in the Kings service, till he may be provided a Benefice. Cow. Of both these read Fitz. nat. br. fol. 230, 231, 233.
Corollary (corollarium) the addition or vantage above measure, an over-plus, or surplusage; also a small gift or largess bestowed on the people at publick Feasts.
Coronary (coronarius) belonging to a Crown.
Coroner (Cororator) is an antient Officer of this Land; so called because he deals wholly for the King and Crown. There are four of them commonly in every County, and they are chosen by the Free-holders of the same upon Writ, and not made by Letters Pattents. Crompt. Jurisd. fol. 126. See Lieghs Phil. Com.
Corporal (corporalis) that hath, or petains to the body; Also an inferior Officer in a Foot-Company; But in the Roman Church it signifies a little linnen cloth which is spread upon the Altar, and whereon the Chalice and Host are placed. And the word is also used in the like sence in the Service Book which was sent into Scotland, in the year 1637.
Corporation (corporatio) is a permanent thing, that may have succession; it is an Assembly and joyning together of many into one fellowship, brotherhood and minde, whereof one is Head and cheif, the rest are the body.
Corporeal (corporeus) that hath a body, or pertaining to the body.
Corporature (corporatura) the quantity, fashion, or constitution of the body.
Corpuscule (corpusculum) [Page] a little body. Mr. Evelyn.
Corrade (corrado) to scrape together, to take away or spoil.
Corrasive ( corrasivus from corrado) which scrapes together, shaves or spoils: This word is many times mistaken for corrosive, from corrodo.
Correlatives (correlativa) Relatio (according to the Philosophers) is, Cujus totum esse est ad aliud esse, whose whole being is to be to another, whence Correlatives are such things as are mutually one to another, and cannot be, nor be explicated, but in order to one another. As Father and Son, superior and inferior, Husband and Wife, &c.
Correption (correptio) a correcting in words, a rebuking, a snatching away.
Correptory (from corripio) that rebuketh or chastiseth, that snatches away.
Correspond (correspondeo. i. concorditer respondeo) to answer concordingly, agreeingly, or in the same proportion, to accord or consent together, to run one and the same course together.
Correspondent, agreeable, proportionable, or answerable to another thing.
Corridor, A curtain in Fortification.
Corrigible (corrigibilis) that may be corrected or amended.
Corrivals (corrivales) they who have water from, or use the same River. And metaphorically, a Competitor in love, or they that love one and the same woman.
Corrivality (corrivalitas) the love of a Corrival, a corrivalship.
Corroborate (corroboro) to make strong, to harden or confirm.
Corrode (corrodo) to gnaw about, to eat away: Also to back-bite.
Corrodie. See Corodie.
Corrodible (corrodibilis) that may be gnawn or eaten away. Vul. Er.
Corrosive (corrosivus) gnawing or eating about, biting, as it were a nipping the very heart: Also a fretting plaister, or any thing, which being laid to the body, raiseth blisters, and makes it sore.
Corrugation (corrugatio) a wrinkling, or furrowing of the skin, a frowning.
Corsary (Fr. Corsaire) a Courser.
Corslet (from the Ital Corsalletto) armor for the breast, and back.
Corse-present. See Mortuary.
Corticated (corticatus) that hath a rind or bark.
Corvine (corvinus) pertaining to, or like a Raven or Crow; black as a Crow.
Coruscant (coruscans) glistering, shining, or lightning.
Coruscation (coruscatio) a flash of lightning, or a kind of [Page] seeming sparkling fire, which appears in Mines by night.
'Tis (saith an Author) a glistering of fire rather then fire indeed, and a glimmering of lightning, rather then lightning it self.
Corve [...] (Ital.) a prancing, or continual dancing of a horse of Service. Hence to corvet, is to leap or prance, as a Horse of Service doth.
Cor [...]bant (Corybantes) Cybeles, or Cybelles Priests; so called from Corybantus, one of her first Attendants.
To play the Corybant, is to run madly up and down, playing on a Cymbal, and wagging the head as those Priests were wont to do; Also to sleep with open eyes.
Cosc [...]mancy (coscinemantia) a divining by a Sieve.
Co-si [...]ificativ [...] (from con and significo) of the same signification with another thing.
Cosm [...]s (Gr.) mundus, the world. Hence
Cosmarchy (cosmarchia) the power of the Devil, the government of the world.
Cosmical (cosmicus) of the world, worldly.
In Astronomy we term that the Cosmical ascension of a Star, when it ariseth together with the Sun, or the same degree of the Ecliptick, wherein the Sun abides. Vul. Er. 224.
Cosmodelyte, may be derived from [...] mundus, and [...], timidus, or miser; and so Englished, one fearful of the world, or a worldly wretch.
Cosmography (cosmographia) the description of the world in general. This Art, by the distance of the Circles in Heaven, divides the Earth under them into her Zones and Climats, and by the elevation of the Pole, considers the length of the day and night, with the perfect demonstration of the Suns rising and going down, &c. And is best handled by Pliny in his Natural History.
Cosmographer (cosmographus) a describer of the world.
Cosmographical, pertaining to Cosmography.
Cosmology (Gr.) a speaking of the world.
Cosmopolite (from Cosmos, mundus, and Polites, Cives) a Citizen of the world; or Cosmopolitan.
Cosmometry (Gr.) a measuring of the world. It is thus defined, Cosmometry shewes the reason of the world, by measures of degrees and minutes of the Heavens, and the differences of Climates, days and nights, the elevation of the Poles, diversity of the noon Tides, and shadows in Dyals, and divides it self into Cosmography, and Geography. 1. part. Treasury.
Costrel or Cas [...]rel, a kind of bottle to carry wine or such like in.
[Page] Couchant (Fr.) couching, or lying on the ground. See Levant and Counchant.
Covent or C [...]vent (conventus) a multitude of men assembled together: The whole number of religious persons dwelling in one house together, which, according to Chaucer in the Sompners Tale, is but thirteen, viz. twelve and the Confessor.
A Cloister or Abby of Monks or Nuns. Hence Covent-Garden took denomination, because it belonged to that Covent or religious House, now called Whitehal, which heretofore belonged to the Black Friers, by the gift of the Earl of Kent. Stow. Sur. 487.
Coverture, is a French word, and signifies any thing that covers, as Apparrel, a Coverlet, &c. In our Common Law, it is particularly applied to the estate and condition of a married woman, who by the Laws of the Realm is in potestate viri, under coverture or Covert baron, and therefore disabled to make any bargain or contract, without her husbands consent or privity, or without his allowance or confirmation. Brook. hoc titulo, per totum.
Coulant (Fr.) gliding, slipping, slowing gently along.
Count (Fr. Comte) an Earl.
Couldray, is the name of a noble House belonging to the Lord Viscount Montagu in Sussex; in French it signifies a Hasel wood, or Grove, whence perhaps it took denomination.
Counter-compone, a term in Herauldry. as if you say, a Cross Counter-compone, that is, a Cross compounded of two sundry colours, or three. See Accidence of Armory, fol. 54.
The Counter or Contor, Is the name of two Prisons in London, wherein Debtors and others, for misdemeanors are imprisoned; so called from a Contor which in high Dutch signifies locus seclusus, a Prison.
Countermure or Counter scarf in a fortified Town, is a bank of a Ditch or Mount opposite against the wall. See Contramure.
A Counterround (Fr. contreronde) when one round goes one way, and another another. Also a certain number of Officers and Commanders going to visit the Watch of the Corps de guard, Sentinels, or the Rounds, to see if they are diligent in performing their duty.
Countertaile or Countertallie (Fr. Contretaile) a Tally to confirm or confute another Tally. It is a peece of wood which the one party keeps, that is cut off from another peece kept by the other party; and so when both meet with their Tallies, they score up the number of what is delivered and received, by cutting a [Page] notch with a knife. Min.
Coupant (Fr.) cutting, cleaving, lopping, mowing, carving.
Court-Baron (Curia Baronis) is a Court that every Lord of a Mannor (which in antient times were called Barons) hath within his own Precincts; Of this and Court Leet, read Kitchin.
Cou [...]tisan (Fr. Courtesane) a Lady, Gentlewoman, or waiting woman of the Court; Also (but less properly) a professed Strumpet, famous (or infamous) Whore.
Courteue of England (Lex Angliae) is used with us for a Tenure. For if a man marry an Inheritrix seized of Land in Fee-simple, or in Feetail general, or as Heir in Tail special, and gets a child of her, that comes alive into the world, though both it and his Wife die forthwith, yet if she were in possession, he shall keep the land during his life, and is called Tenant by the Curtesie of England. Glanvil. l. 7, ca. 18. Littleton l. 1. ca. 4.
Courtilage alias Curtsage (curtilagium) signifies a Garden, Yard, or peece of void ground lying near, and belonging to a Messuage. West. part. 2. Symbol. Tit. Fines, Sect. 26.
Couthurlaugh, is he that wittingly receives a man outlawed, and cherishes and hides him. In which case, he was in antient times subject to the same punishment, that the Out-law himself was. Bract. l. 3. tract. 2. ca. 13. nu. 2. It is compounded of the old Saxon word (Couthr) i. known, and (Utlaugh) an Out-law, as we now call him.
Crabbat (Fr.) is properly an Adjective, and signifies comely, handsome, gracious; But it is often used Substantively for a new fashioned Gorget which women wear.
Crambe (Gr.) a kind of Colewort of a very bitter taste. Schism. disp.
Cranage (cranagium) is a liberty to use a Crane, for the drawing up Wares from Vessels at any Creek of the Sea or Wharf unto the Land, and to make profit of it. It signifies also the money paid and taken for the same. New Book of Entries. fol. 3. col. 3.
Crany (cranium) the bone of the head, the skul or brainpan. Also a cleft, chinck, or little Cranny.
Crapulent (crapulentus) surfeiting or oppressed with surfeit.
Crasis (Gr.) a complxion, temperature or mixture of natural humors.
Crasse (crassu [...]) gross, thick, fleshy, dull.
Crassity Crassitude (crassitudo) fatness, thickness or grosness.
Crassulent (crassulentus) full of grosness, very fat.
Crastinate (crastinoi) to [Page] delay from day to day, to prolong.
Creance (Fr.) trust, faith, belief, confidence; also credit, &c. Chaucer.
Creansour signifies a Creditor, viz. him that trusts another with any debt, be it in money or wares. Old nat. br. fol. 67.
Crebrous (creber) frequent, often, accustomed, usual.
Crebrity (crebritas) a multitude, oftenness, manifoldness.
Credulity (credulitas) lightness or rashness to believe any thing.
Creek (crepido) seems to be part of a Haven, where any thing is landed or disburdened from the Sea. So that when you are out of the main Sea, within the Haven, look how many landing places you have, so many Creeks may be said to belong to that Haven. See Crompt. Jurisdictions fol. 110. a.
Cremation (crematio) a burning.
Crepitation (crepitatio) a creaking, crashing, or rattling noise.
Crepusculous (from crepusculum) pertaining to twilight in the evening or morning. Br.
Crescent (crscens) growing, encreasing, waxing bigger.
Cressant (Fr. Croissant) in Heraldry it signifies the New-Moon, or the Moon in time of waxing or encreasing, some times taken for a Half-Moon.
Cresset, An old word used for a Lanthorn or burning Beacon. Min.
Cretan (Cretensis) an inhabitant of the Island of Candy or Creet; also a lyer, because those in that Island are especially noted to be tainted with that vice, as St. Paul observed of them out of Epimenides: [...].
Cretical (from Creta) belonging to a Cretian or lyer.
Creticism or Cretism, the Art of coyning or inventing lyes. Sir W. Ral. fol. 560.
Criminous (criminosus) ready to accuse, blame-worthy, full of crime.
Crible (cribrum) a Sive to sift corn.
Cribration (cribratio) a winnowing or sifting corn from chaff with a Sive.
Crinal (crinalis) belonging to the hair.
Crined (from crinis) in Heraldry it signifies haired.
Crinigerous (criniger) that hath or weareth hair.
Crinosity (crinositas) hairiness.
Criptick. See Cryptick.
Crisis (Gr.) judgement: In Physick it signifies a sudden change in a disease, or the conflict between nature and sickness; that is, the time when either the Patient becomes suddenly well, or suddainly dies, or waxeth better [Page] after or worse, according to the strength of his body and violence of the disease.
Crism. See Chrism.
Crispin or Crespin, a proper name for a man, and the name of a certain Saint, who is Patron to Shoo-makers.
Crispitude (crispitudo) curledness.
Crist (crista) a Crest, a Tuft, a Plume.
Cristal (chrystalus) a Mineral substance like clear glass or ice. There are two kinds hereof; one which grows upon extream cold Mountains, being there congealed like Ice, by the Mineral vertue of the place, as Albertus writes. Another that grows in the earth in some places of Germany. See more of the nature and properties of it in Dr. Browns Vul. Er. l. 2. cap 1.
Cristalline (crystallinus) white and transparent as Crystal, or of or belonging to crystal. The Crystalline humor is seated in the midst of the eye, and of a round figure, somewhat flattened both before and behinde; it is the first instrument of sight, and a glass wherein the spirit imagines and judges of the forms represented to it. Cot.
Crithology (crithologia) the office of gathering the first fruits of Corn.
Critical or Judicial days (dies critici) are when the disease comes to the Crisis or judgement of amending or impairing, and they are the fourth and seventh days; because in them the Physitians use to judge of the danger of a disease: But the seventh is accounted the chief Critical day, and the fourth a token or sign, what the seventh day will be, if the Patient live so long. This account must be made according to the number of weeks thus; In the first week the fourth day is the token or Critical of the seventh day. In the second week the eleventh is the critical of the fourteenth. In the third, the seventeenth is the critical of the twentieth, (for Hippocrates reckons the twentieth day for the last of the third week.) In the fourth, the twenty fourth is the critical of the twenty seventh; and so forth to an hundred. Bull.
Critick, Taken Ad [...]ectively, is the same with Critical. But Substantively, it signifies one that takes upon him to censure or judge of other mens words, acts or works.
Criticism. The Art of judging or censuring mens words, writings, or actions: also a quillet or nicety in judgement.
Crosser. A Bishops staffe, so called either from the French Croce, a Crosse; of the figure of the Cross which it hath, or from Croce, which in our old English signifies a Shepherds Crook, because [Page] Bishops are spiritual Pastors or shepherds.
Crocation Crocitation (crocatio) the kawing of Crows, Rooks or Ravens.
Croises (cruce signati) Pilgrims. See Croysado.
Cronical Cronographie See in Chro.
Cronie (from cronus) a contemporary Disciple, or intimate companion, between a servant and friend; a consident; and perhaps may have this antient Etymology; Diodorus the Philosopher was Schollar to Apollonius Cronus, after whom he was called Cronus, the name of the Master being transmitted to the Disciple.
Crotaphites (Chrotaphitae) the two muscles of the Temples.
Crotchet (Fr. crochet) a measure of time in Musick, containing in quantity a quarter of a Sembrief, or two Quavers. It is sometimes used for a whimsey or idle fancy of the brain: as we say, his head is full of Crotchets.
Crouched (Fr. croisè, Ital. croche) crossed or marked with a cross, blessed; hence the name of Crouched Fryers, because they wear the sign or picture of a Cross or Crouch. And hence the Crouches or Crutches, which Cripples use, because they somewhat resemble a cross.
Cr [...]sad [...] (Fr. croysade) an expedition of Christians, assembled out of divers Countries (by preaching and the Popes Bulls) against the Turks or other Infidels; termed so, because every one of them, when he undertakes the journey, accepts of, and wears on his Cassock or coat Armor, the badge of the cross. Cot.
Cruciferous (crucifer) he that bears the cross.
Cruciate (crucio) to torment, to afflict or vex.
Crudity (cruditas) rawness of stomach, indigestion.
Crude (crudus) raw, fresh, not ripe, not digested.
Cruor (Lat.) blood dropping out of a wound.
Crural (cruralis) belonging to the legs, knees, or thighes.
Crus [...]ible or Cruzet (Fr. creuset) a Cruet, or little earthen pot wherein Goldsmiths melt or calcine their gold and silver.
Crus [...]ng (a Sea term, from Croiser, to cross) crossing or coasting up and down; as our men of War do at Sea to meet with Pirats.
Crustaceo [...]s (from crusta) pertaining to the crust, hard shell or pill of any thing. Dr. Brown in his Vulgar Errors, cals Lobsters, Shrimps, Crevises, &c. Crustaceous animals.
Cryptical Cryptick (crypticus) hidden or secret.
Cryptography (Gr.) a description of secrecy, or secret things.
[Page] Cryptolog [...] (Gr.) whispering, secret speech or communication.
Crystal See Christal.
Cubebes (Fr.) a certain fruit sold by Apothecaries like pepper. It comes out of India, and is hot and dry in operation. Bul.
Cubicular (cubicularis) pertaining to the Chamber.
Cub [...] (cubus) a Geometrical body or figure, four-square, having six faces, like a Dye; in Arithmetick, a number multiplied in it self, as Nine arising of thrice three, and Sixteen of four times four.
Cubick or Cubical (cubicus) square like a Dye.
Cubicul [...]t [...] (cubicularis) pertaining to the Chamber.
Cubit (cubitum) the length of the Arm from the Elbow to the end of the middle Finger, which is usually about a foot and half; this is the common Cubit; but we read of three other Cubits, 1. The holy Cubit, this was a full yard. 2. The Kings Cubit was three fingers longer then the common Cubit. 3. A Geometrical Cubit contained six common Cubits. Moses and Aaron. 260.
Cubiture (cubitura) a lying down.
Cuchanel or Cutchoneale (Fr. Couchenil, Lat. Coccus) a kind of grain of great value, wherewith our Dyers dye Scarlet or Crimson colour in grain, as we call it. Some say [...]t is a little worm bred in the fruit of a certain tree.
Cu [...], The last word of an Actor, which gives the hint to him that is to enter next; also an item when anyone shall begin to speak.
Cucullated (cucullatus) hooded, wearing a hood. Br.
Cucubat [...] (cucubo) to make a noise like an Owl, to howl or whoop.
Cucurbite (cucurbita) a Gourd.
Cu [...]rp [...] (Span.) a body; en Cuerpo, without a Cloak.
Cu [...]n [...]g [...], is a word used for the making up of Tin, into such fashion as it is commonly framed for its carriage into other places. An. 11. H. 7. c. 4.
Cuirassi [...]r (Fr.) one armed with Cuirats, most commonly spoken of horsemen.
Cur [...]t [...], Cuitars or Corslets (Fr cuirace) armor for the breast and back.
Culde [...]s (a corruption from cultores Dei. i. worshipers of God) an antient Religious people in Scotland, so called. Broughton, fol. 588 Giraldus Cambrensis Topograp. Hiberniae Distinct. 2. c. 4. testifies, that in Ireland there was Capella, cui pauci coelibes, quos Coelicolas, vel Colideos vocant, devotè deserviebant. Spotswoods Hist. p. 4.
Culcrag [...] (Fr.) buttock-stirring, tayl-wagging, Lechery.
Culinary (culinarius) belonging to the Kitchin.
[Page] Cullion- [...]ean. See Bastion.
Cullis (Fr. coulis) a broth of boiled me at strained, fit for a sick or weak body.
Culminate (culmino) to come to the top or highest.
Cul [...]able (culpabilis) worthy of blame.
Cultivate (culto) to plow or till.
Culture (cultura) husbandry, tillage, dressing or triming.
Cu [...] Secto [...] (Lat.) a niggard, close-fist, pinch-peny, or miser. Bac.
Culvertail, A term among Carpenters, and signifies the so letting one peece of timber into another with artificial joynts, that they cannot fall asunder.
Cumulate (cumulo) to make a heap to gather together, to increase.
Cumble (from the Fr. comble, i. cumulus, or from the Spa. cumbre) the top-fulness, height or overplus of any thing. Mr. Howel.
Cunctation (cunctatio) delaying, lingring, or deferring.
Cuniculous (cuniculosus) full of holes or mines under the ground; full of Conves.
Cupidity (cupiditas) covetousness, lust, desire, wanton affection.
Cupidiuous Cupidous (cupidus) covetous, desirous, greedy.
Cupglass or Cup [...]ingglass A hollow round glass with a hole in the bottom, used by Physicians sometimes, to draw blood or wind out of the body, for it sucks with great strength, by reason of a little flame of fire made in it. Bull.
Cupol [...] (It.) a high Arch or round loover of any Church, house or Steeple; some have erroneously used it for a spire or pinacle of a Steeple. See Dome.
Curfeu, comes of the Fr. Couvrir, i. to cover, and feu, the fire; we use it for the eight o'th clock Bell, or an evening Peal, by which the Conqueror in the first year of his reign, willed every man to take warning for the raking up his fire, and putting out his light. So that in many places at this day, where a Bell is customably rung towards Bed-time, it is said to ring Curfeu. Stows Ann. and Sir Rich. Baker, fol. 34.
Curranto (ab huc & illuc Currendo, Fr. Courante) a running dance, a French dance, different from what we call a Country dance.
Curricu [...]re or Curricurro, a kind of Boat in the East India's almost like our Barges. Herb.
Current (currens) running: It is also used Substantively, for a swift running stream of water, and sometimes taken for a strait of the Sea.
Curtizan. See Courtisan.
Curtilage. See Courtilage.
Curtesy of England. See Courtesy.
[Page] Curvature (curvatura) a bending or crookedness; also a roundle.
Curvilineal (from curva & linea) whose lines are crooked. Per. Inst.
Curvity (curvitas) crookedness, deformity.
Curules (Lat. from Currus a Chariot) were those Roman Senators, who, being of higher dignity then the rest, were wont for greater honor sake, to be carryed to Court in Chariots, and were seated in Curule Chairs made of Ivory.
Curvous (curvus) crooked, bowed, uneven.
Cuspe (cuspis) the point of any thing, as of a weapon; a sting.
Cuspidate (cuspido) to point or make sharp at the end.
Cuticular (cuticularis) full of pores or little holes, for sweat to come out at.
Cuvele, the mother of the gods, &c. See the many names and particular Fables of her, in Rider.
Cycle (cyclus) a round or circle. In Astronomy it is thus defined. The division of the year into 52 weeks, because it sets off one day supernumerary, makes an alteration in all the rest; so that the days of the week (which use to be assigned by the letters of the Alphabet) fall not alike in several years; but Sunday this year must fall out on the next years Munday, & so forward till seven years; and (because the Bissextile superadds another day every fourth year) till four times seven, that is, 28 years are gone about. This revolution is called the Cycle of the Sun, taking name from Sunday, the letter whereof (called therefore Dominical) it appoints for every year. It is sound by adding nine (for so far the Circle was then gone about) to the year of our Lord, and dividing the whole by 28. so to the year 1639, if nine be added, the numerus factus will be 1648, which, divided by 28, leaves 24 for the Cycle of the Sun.
The Cycle of the Moon is the revolution of 19 years, in which space (though not precisely) the Lunations recur. For, because of the Sun and Moons unequal motions, the changes falli [...]g out inconstantly, the time of conjunction could not be still the same. This variety the Antients perceiving to be periodical, endeavoured to comprehend what Circle it made in going about. The learned Meto [...], finding the Revolution was not compleated in less time then the space of 19 years, set forth his Ennedecaetris, within the Circle whereof the Lunations (though not exactly) do indeed recur, so that if the quadrature of the Moon shall fall out as this day of this year, the like shall return again, the same day of the 19 year succeeding. [Page] This Cycle is therefore called Cyclus decennovennalis, and from the Author Annus Metonicus; from whose Athenians the Egyptians may seem to have received it, as the Romans from them, in Letters of gold; from whence (if not from the more precious use of it) it obtained to be called, as it still is, the numerus aureus, or Golden number. It was made Christian by the Fathers of the Nicene-Council, as being altogether necessary to the finding out the Neomenia Paschalis, upon which the Feast of Easter, and all the moveable rest depended. It self is found by adding an unite to the year of our Lord, and dividing the whole by 19. the remainder shall be the Cycle of the Moon; or if nothing remain, the Cycle is out, that is nineteen. Mr. Gregory, de Aeris & Epochis, p. 133.
Cyclom [...]try (cyclometria) a measuring of Circles
Cycloped [...] (cyclopedia) the universal knowledge of all Sciences. Fuller.
Cyclo [...]s (cyclopes) an ancient and big-bon [...]d sort of people, which had but one eye, and that in the midst of the forehead, inhabiting the Island of Sicily; The Poets called them Gyants, because they were people of a mighty stature, of which rank was the so much famoused Polyphemus, that with such humanity entertained Ʋlysses and his companions. Rider. Hence
Cycloptick Cyclopean belonging to those Gyants or Cyclops, Monstrous, one-eyed, furious. Eicon Basil.
Cylinder (cyclindrus) a Geometrical figure round and long, consisting from top to toe, of two equal parallel Circles: Also it is taken for that part of the bore of a gun, which remains empty, when the Gun is loaden, a Roler to beat Clods.
Cylindrical, pertaining to or like a Cylinder. Vul. Er.
Cymace (cymatium) a kind of Pillar so graven, that the carved work resembles the waves; or a ledge or outward member in Architecture, fashioned somewhat like a Roman S, and termed a Wave or Ogee.
Cymbal (cymbalum) was a kind of instrument, composed of thin plates of brass, with certain small bars of Iron, fastned and cross billeted in the plates, wherewith they made a great noise. Others think Cymbals are bells, which, according to the opinion of some, were consecrated to the service of the Church by Pope Sabinian. Caussin.
Cymracean (from the Brit. Cymraeg, i. Welsh) Cambrian Welsh or British. Mr. How.
Cymbalist (cymbalistes) he that plays on the Cymbal.
Cy [...]anthropie (Gr.) a frenzy which makes a man haunt unfrequented places, with a [Page] conceit that he is turned into a dog. Cotgr.
Cynical Cynick (cynicus) dogged, currish or churlish like a dog. There was in Greece an old Sect of Philosophers called [...]ynicks, first instituted by Antisthenes; and were so called, because they did ever bark at and rebuke mens Vices, and were not so respective in their behavior as civility required. Diogenes was so famous in this kind of Philosophy, that he was surnamed the Cynick
C [...]ege [...]icks (cynegetica) books treating of hunting: whereof Oppianus wrote four.
C [...]oc [...]halist (cynocephalis) a beast like an Ape, but having the face of a Dog: a Baboon.
Cy [...]orexi [...] (cynorexia) a greediness and unnatural appetite of meat.
Cynosure (cynosura) a figure of stars in Heaven.
Cynt [...]us, A hill in Delos, where Latona brought forth Apollo and Diana; whence Apollo and the Sun are called Cynthius; Diana and the Moon Cynthia.
Cyprine (cyprinus) of or belonging to the Cypress-Tree, which is destinated to the dead; in that, being once cut, it never re-flourisheth.
C [...]renaick, a Sect of Philosophers, so called from Aristippus, a Disciple of Socrates, and Professor of Philosophy, who (after the death of Socrates) returned into his Country at Cyrene in Africa; his Schollers took this name from Cyrene, the place, but by some called Hedonick, or voluptuous, from the doctrine.
Cystique Vein. See in Vein.
DAbuz [...], a weapon like a Mace, carried before the Grand Turk.
Dactyle (dactylus) a foot in a verse consisting of three syllables, the first long, and the two last short, as Carmina. Also a Date, the fruit of the Palm-Tree.
Dactylogie (dactylogia) finger-talk, speech made with the fingers.
A D [...]gs [...]in (gausape) a rough Mantle or hairy Garment Rid.
Dagon, the Idol of the Philistines, mentioned 1 Sam. 5.4. It had the upper part like a man, the neather like a fish. See Moses and Aaron. p. 156.
Da [...]ma [...]ick (Dalmatica vestis) the Vestment of a Deacon or sub-Deacon, properly belonging to his Order; so called because they were first made in Dalmatia.
Damage Cle [...]r (Damna Clericorum) was originally no other then a gratuity given the Prothonotaries, and their Clerks for drawing special Writs and pleadings, but afterwards [Page] it came to a certainty of 2 s in the pound, which is taken away by Act 1650. cap 44.
Damage-fes [...]nt (a term in our Common Law) is when a strangers beasts are in another mans ground, without licence of the Tenant of the ground, and there feed, or otherwise spoil the corn, grass, woods, &c. In which case the Tenant whom they hurt, may therefore distrain and impound them as well in the night as in the day. But in other cases, as for Rent, and services, and such like, none may distrain in the night. New Terms of the Law.
Dandruff or Dandraff (furfur) a scurff or a kind of smal scales that stick to the skin of the head, and often hang about the hairs. They are caused by salt flegm or some other corrupt humors, piercing insensibly the pores, and then slightly congealed by the air, and may be taken away by washing the head with salt water, or Vinegar warm.
Danegelt, Dane [...]g [...]lt, or Danegold (compounded of Dane and gelt, i. pecunia) was a tribute laid upon our Ancestors of twelve pence for every Hide of Land through the Realm by the Danes. Stow in his Annals, p. 118. saith, this Tribute came to 48000. l. per an. and that it was released by Edward the Confessor, Heylin saith by King Steven.
Dane [...]nge. See Merchenlage
Danism (danisma) usury.
Danist, An Usurer.
Danistick (danisticus) pertaining to usury.
Dapatical (dapaticus) sumptuous, costly, magnificent.
Daphnamancy (from the Gr. [...] i laurus, and [...], i. Divinatio) divination by a Lawrel Tree.
Dapife [...] (Lat.) he that serves at a banquet, a Sewer. See Arch-Dapifer. The great Master or Steward of the Kings house was so termed in old time. Cotg.
Danocaginous (from the Ital. dapoco) that has a little or narrow heart, low-spirited, of little worth.
Dardanean Art (ars dardania) Witch-craft or Magick; so called from Dardanus, a wicked Magician.
Darick (Daricus) a kind of antient coyn bearing the Image of Darius King of Persia, and valuing about two shillings.
Datary (datarius) that is, freely given: taken Substantively, it is an Office in Rome for collation of Church Benefices; also a dater of Writings.
[Page] Date (dactylus) a kind of sweet fruit brought from Numidia and other far Countries. The Date Trees are some male, some female: the first brings forth only flowers, the other fruit; yet herein is the male beneficial to the encrease of the Dates; for, unless a flowred bough of the male be ingraffed into the female, the Dates never prove good.
Dation (datio) a giving, a gift, a dole.
Datism (datismus) is when by a heap of Synonyma's, we rehearse the same things.
Dative (dativus) that giveth, or is of power to give.
Daulphin. See Dolphin.
St. Davids day, The first of March kept solemnly by the Britans in honor of their Patron St. David, whom their Records and Tradition testifie to have been a person of eminent sanctity and austerity of life, excellently learned; a most eloquent preacher of Gods word, and Archbishop of Menevy, now from him called St. Davids in Pembrook-shire. He flourished in the fifth and sixth age after the coming of Christ, and dyed in the 140 year of his own, as Dr. Pits witnesseth in de illustribus Britanniae Scriptoribus. The Brittans always wear a Leek on that day in memory of a famous victory obtained by them against the Saxons; the said Britains for the time of the battel, wearing Leeks in their hats for their military colours by St. Davids perswasion.
Days (according to the division of Authors) are either Astronomical or Political: of Astronomical, some are natural, and some again Artificial. An Artificial day consists of twelve hours, Joh. 11.19. There be twelve hours in the day. Gen. 1.4, 5. & 47-9. A Natural day consists of twenty four hours. The beginning of Politique days, is divers: for the Athenians began their day from Sun-set; but the Iews, Chaldeans, and Babylonians from Sun-rise; the Egyptians and the Romans from midnight, of whom we take our pattern to count the hours from midnight, one, two, three, &c. The Ʋmbrians from noon. The parts of Politique or Civil days (according to Macrobius) are these. The first time of day is after midnight. The second, in Lat. Gallicinium, Cocks-crow. The third Conticinium, the space between the first Cock and break of day. The fourth Diluculum, the break or dawn of the day. The fifth Mane the morning. The sixth Meridies, noon or mid-day. The seventh Pomeridies, the afternoon. The eighth Serum diei, Sun-set. The ninth, suprema tempestas, twylight. The tenth, Vesper, the evening or eventide. The eleventh, prima fax, candle-time The twelfth, nox concubia, [Page] bed time. The thirteenth Nox intempesta, the dead time of the night. Vide Agellium, Macrobium, & Fungerum.
Maundy Thursday (the last Thursday in Lent, and next before Easter) so called as it were, Mandati Thursday, from a ceremony, used by the Bishops and Prelates in Cathedral Churches and Religious Houses, of washing their Subjects feet; which ceremony is termed the fulfilling the Mandate, and is in imitation of our Saviour Christ, who on that day at night after his last Supper, and before his institution of the Blessed Sacrament, washed his Disciples feet, telling them afterwards that they must do the like to one another: this is the Mandate, whence the day is nominated. At the beginning of the aforesaid ceremony, these words of Christ (uttered by him soon after his washing their feet) John. 13.34. are sung for an Antiphon. Mandatum novum do vobis, ut diligatis invicem, sicut dilexi vos. I give you a new Mandate, &c.
Deaction (deactio) a finishing or perfecting.
Dealbate (dealbo) to white-lime, parget or make white.
Dearck (dearchus) a Captain or Governor of ten.
Dearraignment. A Law-term. V. Shep. Epit. 491.
Deaurate (deauro) to gild or lay over with gold.
Debauchery (from the Fr. desbauche) incontinency, riot, disorder, unruliness.
Deb [...]llate (debello) to vanquish or overcome by war.
Debellation (debellatio) a vanquishing or overcoming by war. Sir Tho. More uses it.
De b [...]ne e [...]s [...], are three common Latin words, the meaning I conceive to be this; to take or do a thing de bene esse, is to accept or allow it as well done for present; but when it comes to be more fully examined or tried, it is to stand or fall, according to the merit or well being of the thing in its own nature; or as we say, valeat quantum valere potest. So in Chancery, upon motion to have one of the Defendants in a Cause, examined as a witness, the Court (not then precisely examining the Justice of it, or not hearing what may be objected on the other side) often orders a Defendant to be examined De bene esse, i. that his Depositions are to be allowed or suppressed at the Hearing, as the Judge shall see cause, upon the full debate of the matter; but for the present they have a well-being, or allowance.
Debentur (the third person plural of debeor, to be due or owing) is by Act of Parliament 1649. cap. 43. ordained to be in the nature of a Bond or Bill to charge the Commonwealth to pay the [Page] Souldier-creditor or his Assigns, the sum due upon account for his Arrears. The form of which Debentur, you may see in an Act 1649. c. 63.
Debilitate (debilito) to weaken or make feeble, to make faint.
Debility (debilitas) weakness, feebleness.
Debonnaire (Fr.) gentle, milde, courteous, affable.
Debosche Debauche (from the Fr. desbaucher) to corrupt, make lewd, or put out of order, to vitiate.
Debulliate (debullio) to bubble or seeth over.
Deca (Gr.) decem, ten.
Decachord (decachordium) an instrument with ten strings.
Decacuminat [...] (decacumino) to take off the top of any thing.
Decad (decas, adis) a term or number of ten, be it of years, moneths, books, &c. as the Decads of Livy consist each of ten Books; Also a tenth.
Decadency (from de and cado) a falling down or from, a declining, decay, ruine.
Deca [...]i [...]t (from decas) a writer of Decads, such was Titus Livius.
Decalogue (decalogus) the ten Commandments or words of God.
Decameron (Gr.) that is of ten parts. Boccacius gives his book of Fables (being divided into ten parts) that Title. Min.
Decapitate (decapito) to behead, or pull off the head.
Decatc [...]. The same with Deark.
Decede (decedo) to depart, or yeeld from; to give place to; to cease or dye.
D [...]cember. One of the twelve moneths, so called from decem, ten, because it was the tenth month from March, which was the first among the Romans.
Decemped [...] (decempedalis) of ten foot, or ten foot long.
Decemvirate (decemviratus) the Office or Authority of those ten Noblemen or Governors among the Romans, who were called Decemviri, they were appointed to govern the Commonwealth instead of the two Consuls, and had the highest Authority, from whom none could appeal. The Roman Laws were divided into ten [...]ables wherto these Decemvi [...]s added other two, and called them the Laws of the twelve Tables whereof you may read Pomponius Laetus.
Decennial (decennalis) belonging to, or containing ten years.
Deception (deceptio) deceit, fallacy, craft, cosenage.
Deceptive (deceptivus) deceitful, deceiving, wily, crafty, full of subtilty.
Decerp (decerpo) to pluck off or away, to gather, to diminish.
Decertation (decertatio) [Page] a contending or striving.
Decession (decessio) a departing or diminishing.
Deciduous (diciduus) subject to fall off, hanging or falling down.
Decim [...]. See Nona.
Decimate (decimo) to take the Tenth, to gather the Tyth.
Decimation (decimatio) the punishing every tenth Souldier by Lot, was termed Decimatio legionis; also a Tything or paying a tenth part.
Decirci [...]ate (decircino) to bring out of compass or roundness, to unbind.
Decision (decisio) a determining or deciding, a cutting off or lessening.
Decisive (decisus) deciding, determining, fit, or able to end a controversie. And Decisorie, Idem.
Declamation (declamatio) an Oration made of a feigned subject, or only for exercise; also a crying out aloud.
Declarative (declarativus) which doth declare or shew forth.
Declivity (declivitas) a steep bending downwards, as on the side of a hill.
Decoctible (decoctibilis) easie to be sodden or boiled.
Decollation (decollatio) a beheading, as the Decollation of St. John Baptist, a holy day instituted of old in memory of the beheading St. John Baptist, on the twenty ninth of August yearly. See Lapidation.
Decoction (decoctio) a boiling or seething. In Physick it signifies commonly any liquor in which medicinable roots, herbs, seeds, flowers, or any other thing has been boyled.
Decor (Lat.) comeliness or beauty.
Decorate (decoro) to beautifie, to make decent.
Decoration (decoratio) a beautifying or adorning. Bacon.
Decortication (decorticatio) a pilling or plucking off the bark.
Decorticate (decortico) to pill or pluck off the bark. Apol. for learning.
Decorum (Lat.) comeliness, honesty, good grace.
Decrement (decrementum) a decreasing. Feltham.
Decrepite (decrepitus) very old, at deaths door, whose Candle is almost burnt out.
Decressant (from decresco) the Moon decreasing or in the last quarter, the wayning of the Moon.
Decretist (decretista) a Student, or one that studies the Decretals.
Decretals (decretales) a Volume of the Canon Law, so called; or books containing the Decrees of sundry Popes. Or a digestion of the Canons of all the Councils that pertained to one matter, under one head.
Decretal, taken Adjectively, belonging to a Decree.
[Page] Decretaliarck (Gr.) an absolute Commander, one that commands by Decree, or whose command is, and is obeyed as a Decree. Cotg.
Decrustation (decrustatio) an uncrusting, a paring away of the uppermost part, or uttermost rind.
Deculcate (deculco) to tread or trample upon.
Decumbence (from decumbo) a lying or sitting down.
Decumbent (decumbens) that lyes or sits down; or dyes.
Decuple (decuplus) ten times so much.
Decu [...]y (decuria) a Band of ten Souldiers. Also it signified four or five bands of Souldiers, each consisting of ten hundred horsemen, appointed to be assistant to the Judges sitting upon life and death: also the Senators and Judges were divided into Bands, called Decuriae, and the chief of them was called Decurion. Rider.
Decurion (decurio) a Captain over ten horse; and sometimes it is used for an Alderman or chief Burgess in a Roman Colony.
Decursion (decursio) a hasty running, a running down or unto.
Decussated (decussatus) cut or divided after the form of the letter X, or of St. Andrews cross, which is called Crux decussata.
Decussation (decussatio) a division, cut, sawn, or carved, after the form of four lines drawn a cross by one Center star-wise, so it makes eight even portions.
Decutient (decutiens) that shakes or beats down.
Dedalea [...]. (daedale [...]s) intricate or perplexed, also expert or cunning. A derivative from Daedalus an expert Artificer, who first invented the Saw, Axe, Sayl, and Sail-yards for a ship, which gave occasion for the Fable of Daedalus his wings, &c.
Dedecorate (dedecoro) to dishonest, to dishonor or defame.
Dedentition (dedentitio) the falling or losing of teeth. Dr. Brown.
Dedignation (dedignatio) a disdaining or contemning.
Dedition (deditio) a yielding or rendring up a place besieged.
Defailiance (Fr.) a failing, languor, faintness, defect; also a fainting.
Defalcation (defalcatio) a pruning or cutting, a deducting.
Defalk (Fr. defaulquer) to deduct, deduce, abate, take out of.
Defatigable (defatigabilis) easily to be wearied.
Defatigate (defatigo) to make weary, to tire.
Def [...]ca [...]e (defaeco) to purge from dregs, to refine, to scum.
Defecation (defaecatio) a purging from dregs, a refining.
[Page] Defection (defectio) a falling away, a revolting back, an infirmity.
Defeizance, or Defeasance (from the Fr. Desfaire, i. to undo) signifies, in our Common Law, a condition relating to an Act, as to an Obligation, Recognizance or Statute, which performed by the Obligee or Recognizee, the act is defeated and made void, as if it never had been done; whereof you may see at large, West. part. 1. Sym. l. 2. sect. 156. and Shep. Epit. p. 775.
Defender of the Faith. (Defensor Fidei) is a peculiar title given to the Kings of England by the Pope, as Catholicus to the King of Spain, and Christianissimus to the French King. It was first given by Leo decimus to King Henry the Eighth, for writing against Martin Luther, in behalf of the Church of Rome. The Bull for this Title bears date quinto Idus Octobr. 1521. and may be seen at length in the Lord Herberts Henry the Eighth, fol. 105. Stows Annals, p. 863.
Defensat [...]v [...], is a medicine that keeps humors from coming to a sore or place affected, or hinders the inflammation thereof. Cotgr.
Deficient (deficiens) fainting or failing.
Definition (definitio) est oratio explicans essentiam rei per genus & differentiam; a declaring what a thing is by a Gender or something that is common to the thing declared, and to other things also, and by a difference onely agreeing to the thing explicated, and distinguishing it from all things else: Definition also is a Decree or Determination, as the Definition of a Council.
Definitive (definitivus) which limits or determines.
Deflagration (deflagratio) a burning or inflammation.
Defletion (defletio) a bewayling or bemoaning.
Deflexure (deflexura) a bowing or bending.
Defloration (defloratio) a deflowring or dishonoring.
Defluxion (defluxio) a flowing or falling down of humors, a looseness.
Defeneration (defoeneratio) a taking money upon usury.
Deforsour (comes of the Fr. forceur. i. expugnator) is used in our Common Law for one that overcomes and casts out by force, &c. See the difference between a Def [...]rsour and a Desseisor, in Cowel on this word.
Defunct (defunctus) dead, ended.
Degenerate (degenero) to grow out of kind, to grow base.
Deglutinate (deglutino) to unglue or loosen.
Deglutition (deglutitio) a devouring or swallowing down; also the passage or descending of the meat and [Page] drink from the mouth into the stomach.
Degrade (degrado) to put out of Office, to put from his degree, estate, or dignity. In Sleidans Comment. you may read the manner of degrading Priests to be thus. The party to be degraded is attired in his Priestly Vestments, and holds in the one hand a Chalice filled with wine mixed with water, and in the other a gilt patent with a Wafer or bread. Then kneeling down the Bishops Deputy first takes from him all these things, commanding him to say no more Masses. Secondly, scraping his fingers end with a piece of glass, he enjoyns him never to hallow any thing. And thirdly, stripping him of his Priestly Vestments, he is clothed in a Lay habit, and so delivered into the power of the Secular Magistrate, if his offence so require it.
Degrandinate (degrandino) to hail much.
Degree, A term often used in Astronomy and Physick. In Astronomy it signifies the thirtieth part of a Sign (viz.) of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, &c. for into so many parts or degrees are all these Signs divided. In Physick it signifies a proportion of heat, or cold, moysture or driness in the nature of Simples; and there are four such proportions or Degrees. The first Degree is so small, that it can scarce be perceived. The second, that which manifestly may be perceived without hurting the sence. The third, that which somewhat offends the sense. The fourth, which so much offends, that it may destroy the body. For example, sweet Almonds, Rice, Bugloss, ripe Grapes, are hot in the first degree: Parsley, Saffron, Honey, in the second degree: Cummin, Galingal, Pepper, in the third degree: And Garlick, Spourge, Euphorbium in the fourth degree. So Barley is cold in the first degree, Cucumbers in the second, Sengreen in the third, and Hemlock in the fourth degree. Where note, that in heat, cold, and driness, there may be four degrees, and in moisture but two. Bull.
Deicide (deicida) he that kills God.
Dejeration (dejeratio) a solemn swearing.
Deiformity, the form or shape of God.
Deify (deifico) to make a God.
Deipnosophists (Gr. Deipnosophista) Athenaeus his great learned books carry that title, importing a Conference, Discourse or inter-speech among wise men at a supper. El. Ar.
Deists. See Anti-Trinitarians.
Deity (Deitas) the God-head or nature of God, the Divinity.
[Page] Delator (Lat.) he that secretly accuseth.
A Delegate (delegatus) one to whom Authority is committed from another, to handle and determine matters, a Deputy or Surrogate.
To Delegate (delego) to assign or appoint to an Office or charge, to send on a message.
Delenifical (delenificus) that mitigates or makes gentle.
Deletion (deletio) a racing or blotting out, a destroying.
Deleted (deletus) scraped or put out, defaced, destroyed.
Deletorious (deletorius) that blotteth or raceth out.
Delian-twins, Apollo and Diana; the Sun and Moon: so called from the famous Island Delos, where Latona at one birth brought forth Apollo and Diana.
Delibate (delibo) to taste, to touch, to sacrifice or diminish.
Delibrate (delibro) to pill or pull off the bark.
Delict (delictum) a fault, an offence; properly by omitting that which should have been done.
Delignate, to rid a place of wood, to destroy wood. Fuller.
Delimate (delimo) to file, or shave off.
Delineate (delineo) to draw the form or portraiture of a thing.
Delinquent (delinquens) that hath offended, failed, or left undon.
Delirium (Lat.) dotage, a going crooked or out of the right way, madness. Rel. Med.
Delirous (delirus) that doteth and swerveth from reason. Discourse of Enthusiasm.
Delphick sword, In the City Delphos was the Temple of Apollo, where was a sword that served for all purposes in Sacrifices.
Deltoton (Gr.) a constellation of stars like the Greek letter [...].
Delusion (delusio) a mocking, abusing or deceiving.
A Deluge (from the Lat. diluvium [...]) an universal overflowing of the waters; Noe's flood.
Demain or Demeasn (from the Lat. Dominicum, or Fr. Demain or Domain) signifies as much as Patrimonium Domini. Hotaman in verbis feudalibus, verbo Dominicum, by divers Authorities, proves those lands to be Dominicum, which a man holds originally of himself; and those to be feodum, which he holds by the benefit of a superior Lord. But this word is now most commonly used for a distinction between those Lands that the Lord of a Mannor hath in his own hands, or in the hands of his Lessee; and such other Lands appertaining to the said Mannor, which belong to Free or Copy-holders; [Page] howbeit the Copy-hold belonging to any Mannor, is also in the opinion of many good Lawyers, accounted Demeasn. Cowel.
Dementation (dementatio) a making or being mad.
Demi (Fr. from the Lat. dimidium) half.
Demi chase (Fr.) half-chase, or half-hunting boots; so called by the French, we call them Summer-riding-boots.
Demigrate (demigro) to flit or remove.
Demission (demissio) an abasement, faintness, abating.
Demit (demitto) to put or lay down, to abate in courage, to humble ones self.
Democracy (democratia) a kind of Government of a Commonweal, wherein the people have the chief rule without any Superior or Magistrate over them, save onely such as themselves choose.
Democratical (democraticus) pertaining to a such a Government.
Democritus, A Philosopher of Abdera a City of Thracia, who was wont to laugh at what chance or fortune soever. Hence
Democritick. Mocking, jeering, laughing at every thing.
Demolition (demolitio) a demolishment, the ruine, subversion or pulling down of buildings, &c.
Demon (daemon) a devil, a spirit, a hobgobling or hag.
Demonachation (Fr.) an abandoning or depriving of Monkish profession. Cotg
Demoniach or Demonical (demoniacus) possessed with a devil, devillish, furious.
Demonicratic. The Government of devils.
Demonologie (daemonologia) a speaking of, or consulting with the devil.
Demonstrative (demonstrativus) that which declareth any thing evidently.
Denary (denarius) of or containing ten.
Dendrology (Gr.) the speaking of Trees; the title of Mr. Howels well-known Book, otherwise called Dedonas Grove.
Deneer (Fr. Denier) a small copper coyn about the tenth part of an English penny; also a penny weight.
Denigrate (denigro) to make black.
Denizen (from the Fr Donaison, i. Donatio, aut quasi Danes-son, i. Dani filius) is in our Common Law, an Alien enfranchised here in England by the Princes Charter, and inabled almost in all respects, to do as native Subjects do, namely, to purchase and possess Lands, to be capable of any Office or Dignity. Yet it is short of Naturalization, because a stranger naturalized, may inherit Lands by descent, which a man made onely a Denisen, cannot.
[Page] Denomination (denomiratio) a naming or denoncing.
Density (densitas) thickness.
Dental (from dens, ntis) pertaining to the Teeth. Bac.
Denticle (denticulus) a little tooth; Also that part of the Chapiter of a Pillar, which is cut and graven like teeth. Vitru.
Dentifrice (dentifricium) powder, or any thing to rub the teeth with.
Dentiloquent (dentiloquus) one that speaks through the teeth, or lisps.
Dentiscalp (dentiscalpium) an instrument to scrape the teeth, a tooth-picker.
Dentition (dentitio) a breeding of teeth.
Denudation (denudatio) a laying or leaving bare, a denuding.
Denumerate (denumero) to pay ready money, to pay money down.
Denunciate (denuncio) to denounce or give warning, to proclaim.
Deobturated (deobturatus) shut or stopped from. Dr. Charl. in his Physiologia.
Deodand (deodandum) is a thing given or forfeited (as it were) to God, for the pacification of his wrath in a case of misadventure, whereby any Christian Soul comes to a violent end, without the fault of any reasonable creature. For example, If a horse should strike his keeper, and so kill him: If a man in driving a Cart, and seeking to redress any thing about it, should so fall, as the Cart-wheel running over him, should press him to death: If one should be felling of a tree, and giving warning to company by, when the tree were near falling, to look to themselves, and any of them should be slain nevertheless by the fall of the tree. In the first of these cases, the Horse; In the second, the Cart-wheel, Cart and Horses; and in the third, the Tree is to be given to God, that is to be sold and distributed to the poor for an expiation of this dreadful event, though effected by unreasonable creatures. Stawnf. pl. Cor. l 1. ca. 2. And though this be given to God, yet is it forfeited to the King by Law, as sustaining Gods person, and an Executioner in this case to see the price of these distributed to the poor, &c. Fleta saith, that this is sold, and the price distributed to the poor, for the soul of the King, his Ancestors, and all faithful people departed this life. l. 1. ca. 25. de submersis.
Depauperate (depaupero) to impoverish, to make or become poor.
Depeculation (depeculatio) a robbing the Commonwealth or Prince; a publick robbing.
Dependent (dependens) that hangs down, or depends upon.
[Page] Depension (depensio) a weighing a paying of money.
Depilat [...] (depilo) to pull off, or take away hair.
Depilatory (depilatorius) that makes the hair fall; It is also used substantively, for any ointment, salve, water, &c. which takes away hair.
Depilous (depilis) that is made bare, without wooll, fur, or hair.
Deplantation (deplantatio) a taking up Plants.
Depletion (depletio) an emptying.
Deplication (deplicatio) an unfolding.
Deploration (deploratio) a lamenting or bewailing.
Deplore (deploro) to bewail, lament or mourn.
Deplume (deplumo) to pluck off the feathers, to unfeather.
Depolition (depolitio) a polishing, perfecting or finishing.
Deponent (deponens) laying down or aside: A Verb Deponent in Grammer is so called, because it deposeth or laies aside some of the quality of a common Verb, that is, the passive signification, and the Participle in dus; all of which kind end in r, as loquor, &c.
In Chancery, and other Courts of Justice we call those Deponents that are sworn to an Affidavit, or sworn and examined upon Interrogatories, and the Deponents answers to such Interrogatories are called Depositions.
Depopulate (depopulo) to dispeople, to spoil, waste, or destroy.
Deportation (deportatio) a conveying, a carrying away, [...]n utter banishing.
Deporim [...] (Fr.) behaviour, demeanor, carriage.
Depositar [...] (depositarius) a Keeper of that which is committed to keep in trust, a Guardian or Fe [...]ssee in trust.
Deposi [...]e [...] (depositus) laid down, put away, left in anothers hand or keeping.
Depositum (Lat.) a pledge or gag [...], that which is committed of trust to be kept, also a wager or stake. The whole Doctrine of our Christianity, being taught by the Apostles, and delivered to their successors, and coming down from one to another, is called the Depositum. Rh [...]m. Test. p. 534.
Depra [...] (depravo) to corrupt, make crooked, to wrest.
Depredation (depraedatio) a robbing▪ or spoiling, a preying upon.
Deprecation (deprecatio) a praying for pardon, and putting away by prayer.
Depredable (depraedabilis) that may be robb'd or spoiled.
Deprehend (deprehendo) to take at unawares, to take in the very act.
Depression (depressio) a pressing or weighing down.
Depretiate (depretio) to make the price less, to make cheaper.
[Page] Deprome (depromo) to draw, take or fetch out, to declare.
Depromption (depromptio) a drawing or bringing forth.
Depudica [...]e (depudico) to deflowre, to violate.
Depulsion (depulsio) a putting off, a driving away.
Depuration (depuratio) a cleansing of filthy matter from a wound, a making clean.
Dequantitate, to lessen or diminish the quantity. Vul. Er.
Dereliction (derelictio) a leaving or forsaking.
Deric (a corruption from the Sax. Dewghtric, i. rich in vertue) a proper name, which in Latin they call Theodericus; It is with us abusively used for a Hang-man; because one of that name was not long since a famed Executioner at Tiburn.
Deride (derideo) to mock or laugh at.
Derision (derisio) a laughing, mocking or deriding.
Derivative (derivativus) that is derived or taken from another. As humanus, from homo; manly, from man, &c.
Derogate (derogo) to diminish, abolish or disable, to disparage.
Derogatory (derogatorius) disparaged or derogated from, disabled, diminished.
D [...]r [...]ncin [...]te (deruncino) to cut off or pill away that which is superfluous.
Der [...]ses or De [...]ve [...]shes, a a kind of Monks, or (falsely termed) religious persons among the Turks, that turn round with Musick in their divine Service.
Desarcinate (desarcino) to unload, or unburthen, to unfraught.
Descant (discanto) to run division, or variety with the voyce, upon a musical ground, in true measure; to sing off of a ground. Transferred by metaphor to paraphrasing ingenuously upon any affective subject.
Deschevel. See Disshevel.
Desecate (deseco) to cut in sunder, to cut off, to reap down. Sir H. Wot.
Desecrate (desecro) to discharge of his Orders, to degrade.
Desection (desectio) a cutting down.
Desiccative (from desicco) that drys up, or has the power to dry.
Desertion (desertio) a leaving or forsaking.
To Desiderate (desidero) to desire, wish or long for.
Desidious (desidiosus) slothful, lazy, sluggish.
Desipience (desipientia) is when the sick person speaks and doth idly; dotage.
Despexion (despectio) a looking downwards.
Despoliate (despolio) to spoil, rob, or pill.
Despicable (despicabilis) worthy to be despised.
Despond (despondeo) to betroth or promise in marriage; [Page] also to fail in courage, or despair. Lord Prot. Speech.
Despondency (from despondeo) a promising in marriage; also a failing in courage, a despairing.
Despondingly (from despondeo) desperately, out of hope.
Desponsation (desponsatio) an affiance or betrothing.
Despot (despota) a Lord or Ruler of a Country; as the despot of Servia, &c.
Among the antient Greeks, he that was next to the Emperor, either by nearness of blood, or by institution, was by a general name called Despotes, Seld.
Despotical, of, or belonging to a Lord or Master; Lordly.
Destinate (destino) to ordain, to purpose, or design.
Destitut [...]on (destitutio) a leaving or forsaking.
Desuetude (desuetudo) disuse, or lack of custom.
Desultorious Desultorie (desultorius) vaulting or leaping; also unconstant, mutable.
Desumption (desumptio) a chusing, or taking out.
Detection (detectio) an opening, discovering, or revealing.
Detenebrate (detenebro) to dispel or drive away darkness, to bring light. Br.
Detention (detentio) a withholding or keeping back, a detaining.
Deteriorated (deterioratus) made worse, impaired, spoiled.
Detersive (detersus) scoured, wiped, put away. Montagu.
Detorsion (detorsio) a turning or bending aside.
Detraction (detractio) a plucking away, a back-biting▪ a slander.
Detrimental (from detrimentum) hurtful, dangerous, full of loss.
Detrite (detritus) worn out, bruised, or consumed.
Detrude (detrudo) to thrust down or out.
Detrusion (detrusio) a thrusting down or out.
Detruncation (detruncatio) a cutting short, or lopping off.
Devastation (devastatio) a wasting or spoiling.
Devection (devectio) a carrying away or down.
Developed (Fr. desvelopé) unwrapped, unfolded, undone, opened. It is the proper term for spreading or displaying an Ensign in war.
Dev [...]xity (devexitas) the hollowness of a valley, a bending down.
Deviate (devio) to go out of the way, to go astray
Devirginate (devirgino) to defloure a Virgin; to corrupt.
Devise (Fr.) is an invention or conceit in picture, with his Motto or Word, born as well by Noble and Learned Personages, as by Commanders [Page] in War, to notifie some particular conceit or design of their own. And is the same which the Italians (and we also from them) call an Imprese, wherein there is required a correspondency of the Picture, which is as the body; and the Motto, which (as the soul) gives it life; that is, the body must be of fair representation, and the Motto in some different language, witty, short and answerable thereto, neither too obscure, nor too plain, and most commended, when it is an Hemistich, or parcel of a verse; for example, one, who, as triumphing over the force of Venus, depainted her Son, winged Cupid, in a net, with this Motto. Qui capit, Capitur. Likewise the needle in the Sea Compass still moving, but to the North-point onely, with Move or immotus, notified the respective constancy of the bearer to one onely.
Who desires further knowledge in this ingenious Art, may [...]ead The Art of making Devises, and Camb. Remaines, ti [...] Impreses.
Devise, in our Law Dialect, is properly applied to the gift of Lands, as Legacy is to the gift of Goods or Chattels in a last Will and Testament.
Drum [...], the Devil, or a devillish Idol, most superstitiously adored by the Painims of Calicut in the East In [...]tia's. Herb. 188.
Devoire (Fr. from the Lat. debere) duty, that which every one ought to do according to the rule of Law and Reason.
Devolve (devolvo) to tumble or roule down. And by translation, to fall, come or happen from one to another.
Devolution (devolutio) a tumbling or rolling down, a falling into lapse.
Deuterogamy (deuterogamia) second Marriage, or a repetition of it.
Deuteronomy (deuteronomium) the fifth Book of Moses, so called, because the greatest part of it is a repetition of the Laws contained in the former Books, Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers.
Deu [...]e [...]a (from deuteria) pertaining to a weak or second sort of wine, or to the second of any kind. Dr. Br.
Deuteroscopy (Gr.) the second end, aim, or intention; a second consideration, or thought.
Dewian of Beasts, is the hollow part, or Gorge in the throat.
Dexterity (dexteritas) aptness, promptness, readiness.
Dia, a term set before medicinal confections or Electuaries that were devised by the Greeeks. Cotg.
Diabetical (from the Gr. diabetes) pertaining to that disease, when one cannot make water.
Diabolical (diabolicus) pertaining [Page] to the Devil, Devillish.
Diacatholicon (Gr.) an Electuary much used in Physick, so called, because it serves as a gentle purge for all humors. Bull.
Diacimi [...]on (Gr) a composition made of Simples fit to dissolve windiness in the stomack.
Diaconal (diaconalis) of or belonging to a Deacon.
Diadem (diadema) a Kings Crown, or Wreath for the head; it properly signifies a wreathed Head-band, with which the ancient Kings were contented, as thinking the Crown belonged onely to the Gods. Cotgr.
Diagon or Diagonal (diagonalis) a line which passeth from one corner, or one angle of a Geometrical body to another corner or angle of the same.
Diagram (diagramma) a Title of a Book, a sentence or decree: Also a figure in Geometry; and in Musick it is called a proportion of measures distinguished by certain notes. Rider.
Diagraphick-Art (diagraphice) the art of painting or graving.
Dialectick-Art (dialectica) the Art of Logick, and a part of Philosophy, which teacheth to reason or discourse in an artificial form by Enthymems, and Syllogisms in mood and figure.
Dialect (dialectus) is a manner of speech peculiar to some part of a Country or people, and differing from the manner used by other parts or people, yet all using the same Radical Language, for the main or substance of it. In England, the Dialect in the North, is different from that in the South; and the Western differs from both. As in this example; At London we say, I would eat more cheese if I had it, the Northern man saith, Ay sud eat mare cheese gin ay hader, and the Western man saith, Chudee' at more cheese un ich had it, or on chad it.
The Grecians had five especial Dialects. As 1. The property of speech in Athens, called the Attick Dialect, which was most copious and fittest for eloquence. 2. The Ionick, which the antient Writers most used. 3. The [...]orick. 4. The Aeolick, or Bucolic, fittest for Poets. 5. The common. Heyl. So every Country commonly hath in divers parts of it some difference of language, which is called the Dialect or Sub-dialect of the place.
In Italy, there are above eight several Dialects or Sub-dialects, as the Roman, the Toscan, the Venetian, the Milanois, the Neapolitan, the Calebresse, the Genoevais, the Piomontez, besides the C [...]rsican, Sicilian, and other neighboring [Page] Islands, &c. Mr. How.
Dial (dialis) pertaining to the day.
Diallel, As Parallels are lines running one by the other without meeting: So Diallels are lines which run one through the other, that is, do cross, intersecate, or cut. El. Ar.
Dialogue (dialogus) a communication, reasoning, or disputation between two parties or more, or a written Discourse where such a conference is set down.
Dialogical (dialogicus) of or pertaining to a Dialogue.
Dialogism (dialogismus) a figure or discourse, when one dicusseth a thing by himself, as it were talking with another, does move the question and make the answer.
Diameter (Lat.) is a certain straight line drawn through the center of a figure, and of both sides bounded in the compass of it, which cuts or divides the figure into two equal parts. Euclid.
Diametrical (diametricus) pertaining to such a Diameter.
Diana, The Moon; Also a Goddess of hunting, much honored for her chastity, having had many Temples dedicated to her; whereof the chief was that at Ephesus, called the Temple of Diana; which for the spaciousness, furniture and workmanship, was accounted one of the worlds wonders; It was 200 years in building, contrived by Ctesiphon, being 425 foot long, and 220 broad, sustained with 127 pillars of marble, 70 foot high, whereof twenty seven were most curiously graven, and all the rest of marble polisht. It was fired seven times, and lastly by Herostratus (that night in which Alexander was born) to get himself a name. Heyl.
Diapasm (diapasma) a perfume, a pomander, a medicine of dry powders, that is either cast among Apparel to make them smel sweet, or into a wound, or superfluously into drink. Rid.
Diapase or Diapason (Gr.) a perfect concord of all in Musick: An eighth. See a further explanation of this in L. Bac. Nat. Hist. fo. 30.
Diapente (Gr.) a concord in Musick called a fifth.
Diaprid [...] or Diapred (Fr. diapre) diversified with flourishes or sundry figures, whence we call Cloth that is so diversified, Diaper. Min.
Diaphanity (from diaphanum) clearness, transparency. Vul. Er.
Diaphanous (diaphanus) clear as chrystal, transparent.
Diaphony (diaphonia) a divers sound, a discord.
Diaphonist (diaphonista) he that makes divers sounds.
Diaphoretick (diaphoreticus) that dissolveth or sends forth humors.
[Page] Diaphragm (diaphragma) a long and round Muscle lying overthwart the lower part of the Breast, separating the Heart and Lights from the Stomack, and the vital parts from the natural; the Midriff.
Diarrhoetick (from diarrhoea) that hath a Lask or loosness in the belly without inflammation.
Diaty (diarium) that contains the particular actions of every day, a Journal Book, or a book of remembrance. See Annals.
Diatessaron (Gr.) of fours; a concord in Musick called a Fourth, whereof there are four in the Scale, which compriseth fifteen strings.
Diatonick Musick (diatonum) keeps a mean temperature between Chromatic, and Enharmoniac; and may go for plain Song.
Diatr [...]be (diatriba) an auditory, or place where disputations, or exercises are held.
Dibble, An instrument to set herbs in a Garden.
Dicacity (dicacitas) scoffing, taunting, or bourding, much speaking.
Dication (dicatio) a vowing, submitting, promising, or dedicating.
Dicearchy (dicaearchia) just government.
D [...]cear [...]k (dicaearchus) a just Prince.
Diceology (dicaeologia) justification by, or in talk.
Dichotomy (dichotomia) a dividing or cutting into two parts; or a division made by two and two.
Dicker of Leather, is ten Hides.
Dictamen (Lat.) a thing written by another mans instruction.
Dictate (dicto) to appoint or tell another what, and how he shall write, which is also used substantively, as Dictates, or Lessons which the Master indites for the Schollars to write.
Dictator (Lat.) he that indites a thing to be written: Also a chief Ruler among the antient Romans, from whom no Appeal was granted, and for half a year had a Kings power, never chosen but when the Commonwealth was in some great danger or trouble, and at half years end, under pain of Treason, yeelded up his Office; So named, either because he onely said the word and it was done, or because he was Dictus, nominated onely by one of the Consuls, and not otherwise chosen.
Dictitat [...] (dictito) to speak or tell often, or in divers places; to plead. Felth.
Dictature (dictatura) a pronouncing a thing to be written; The Dictatorship.
D [...]dascalick (from didascalus) pertaining to a M [...]ster or Teacher.
[Page] Didram (didrachmum) an antient coyn consisting of two drams; of our money it values 15 d. It is used for Tribute money, Matth. 17.24.
Didymus (from the Gr. [...]. i. geminus) the name of St. Thomas, one of the Apostles, and signifies a Twin. He was called Didymus, for being a twin, born with some other, or for some such cause. Tr. of Mass.
Diennial (diennis) of or pertaining to two years.
Diet (diaeta) in Germany it is the same thing as a Parliament in England, a great Assembly or Council of the States and Princes of the Empire.
Dieretick (from Diaeresis) pertaining to a division, or the figure, Diaeresis, whereby one syllable is divided into two parts, as Evoluisse for Evolvisse. Bac.
Dietary, that treateth of, or pertaineth to Diet.
Dietetical (diaeteticus) pertaining to (moderate) diet, such as Physitians prescribe.
Dietical (dieticus) keeping from day to day, regular.
Dieu et mo [...] dro [...]t (Fr.) God and my Right. The Motto of the Kings Arms, first used (as some affirm) by Henry the Eighth.
Diffarreation (diffarreatio) a sacrifice done between a man and his wife at Divorcement: As Confarreation was at the marriage. Rider.
Diffibulate (diffibulo) to unbutton, open or ungird.
Difficacity (difficacitas) hardness or difficulty.
Difficilitate (from difficilitas) to make difficult or hard.
Diffident (diffidens) distrustful, desperate, doubtful.
Diffluence (diffluentia) a loosness, a flowing forth or abroad.
Diffusion (diffusio) a scattering abroad, a spilling or spreading.
Digamist or Digamite ( digamus or digama) a man that hath two wives together, or a woman that has two Husbands; Also one that marries after his first Wives death or divorce.
Digested (digestus) disposed, ordered, divided.
The Digests (digestus) a volume of the Civil Law, so called, because the legal precepts therein, are so excellently ordered, disposed and digested.
A Digestive in Chyrurgerie is taken for that which prepares the matter to mundification or cleansing.
Digit (Fr. digitte) a Character which expresseth a figure in Arithmetick, as V. the figure of five, an X. ten, &c.
Digitation (digitatio) the form of the fingers of both hands joyned together, or the manner of their so joyning. Cotgr.
Digital (digitalis) pertaining [Page] to a finger, or fingers breadth.
To Digite, to point with the finger. Felth.
Digladiation (digladiatio) a debate, a fight, a strife.
Dignorate (dignoro) to mark, as men do beasts, to know them.
Dignosce (dignosco) to discern, to know by divers parts. Scotch Papers.
Digression (digressio) a departing, a changing of purpose, a straying from the matter, a swerving from.
Dijudicate (dijudico) to judge between two, to determine.
Dike-grabe, An Officer in the Low Countries, who hath the over-sight and command ot the Dikes and Banks that preserve the Country from the inundation of the Sea.
Dickins, a corruption of Devilkins, i. little Devils; as 'tis usually said, the Dickins take you.
Dilacerate (dilacero) to tear or rend in pieces.
Dilariate (dilanio) the same with Dilacerate.
Dilapidate (dilapido) to rid a place of stones, to consume and spend wastfully.
Dilatable (from dilato) that may be enlarged, or made bigger, extendable.
Dilatation (dilatatio) an inlarging or making bigger.
To Dilate (dilato) to extend, or inlarge, to delay.
Dilatatory (from dilato) an inlarger; an instrument wherewith Chyrurgeons open those parts that by sickness or other accidents are too much closed.
Dilatory (dilatorius) that delays or prolongs time.
Dilection (dilectio) love or charity.
Dilemma (Gr.) a kind of Argument called by Logicians Cornutum Argumentum, which convinceth ones adversary both ways, as in saying; If he be a good man, why do you speak evil of him? If naught, why do you keep him company?
There is a Tradition of a Dilemma, that Bishop Morton (Chancellor to H. 7.) used, to raise up the Benevolence to higher rates, and some called it his Fork and some his Crote [...]; for he had concluded an Article in the Instructions to the Commissioners, who were to leavy the Benevolence; That if they met with any that were sparing, they should tell them, they must needs have, because they laid up; And if they were spenders, they must needs have, because it was seen in their port and manner of living. I. Bac. Hen. 7. p. 101.
Dilling (proculus) a child born when the Father is old, or the last Child that Parents have; in some places called a Swil-p [...]ugh.
Dilogy (dilogia) a doubtful speech, which may signifie [Page] or be construed two ways
Diloricate (dilorico) to undoe, cut or rip a coat that is sewed.
Dilucid (dilucidus) clear, light, manifest, easie to be discerned.
Dilucidate (dilucido) to declare or make plain.
Dilution (dilutio) a washing, or clensing, a purging or clearing.
Diluvial (diluvialis) of or belonging to the Deluge or great Flood.
Dimension (dimensio) a measuring or compassing.
Dimetient (dimetiens) measuring.
Dimication (dimicatio) battel, fight, contention.
Dimidiate (dimidio) to divide into halves or two parts.
Diminution (diminutio) a diminishing, abating or lessening.
Diminutive (diminutivum) that which is diminished or made less; or the lesser of that whereof there is a bigger. As Libellus, a little book, and Foemella a little woman, are the diminutives of Liber and Foemina. So is Rivolet, of a River.
Dinarchy (Gr.) the joynt Rule or Government of two Princes.
Dioces (dioecesis) is a Greek word compounded of [...] and [...], and signifies with us the Circuit of every Bishops Jurisdiction. For this Nation hath two sorts of divisions: one into Shires or Counties, in respect of temporal policy; another into Diocesses, in respect of jurisdiction Ecclesiastical. Cow.
Diocesa (dioecesanus) he that hath the Jurisdiction of a Diocess; or he that inhabites within a Diocess.
Diogenes, a Philosopher, who for his dogged disposition, was Sir-named the Cynick. Hence it is that we call this or that man, who is of a churlish or harsh disposition, a Diogenes.
Dionymal (dionymus) that hath two names.
Dioptick Art (dioptice) the Perspective, Art, or that part of Astronomy, which by Quadrants and hollow instruments pierces the heavens, and measures the distance, length, bigness, and breadth of the Coelestial bodies. Min.
Dioptrical, pertaining to Dioptra, which is a measure to weigh water; a Quadrat, or Geometrical Instrument, wherewith the distance and height of a place is known afar off, by looking through certain little holes therein: The looking-hole or sight of any instrument. Dr. Charl.
Diple, a note or mark in the Margent to signifie that there is somewhat to be amended. Rider.
Dipondiary (dipondiarius) that is of two pound weight.
Dipsades (dipsas, adis) a kind of Snakes, whose biting [Page] (consuming the humors of mans body) causeth a mortal thirst in the party bitten.
Diphthong (diphthongus) two vowels contracted into one body or form, whereof in the Latin tongue there are five, ae, au, oe, eu, ei.
Diptote (diptoton) a Noun that hath but two Cases.
Diptyck (diptychus) having two leaves when it is opened, any thing like two leaves.
Dire (dirus) cruel, terrible, vigorous.
Dirge (a corruption from the Latin word dirige) signifies the office of the dead, used to be said by Roman Catholicks for the souls in Purgatory, and is so called from the first word of the first Antiphon of the office, which is Dirige.
Directory (from the Lat. Dirigo) is the name of a book introduced by the late long Parliament in the stead of the Common Prayer Book, which was voted down on the 26 of November, 1644. and is called a Directory, because it directs the Ministers and people in a different way of praying, preaching, and administring the Sacraments.
Direption (direptio) a robbing, spoiling, or ransacking of places and persons for goods and riches, and taking it away; properly in the winning a place by assault when all things lye open to the lust of the Conqueror. See Repudiate.
A Diribitory (diribitorium) a place wherein Souldiers are numbered, mustered, and receive their pay; a place where the Romans gave their voyces.
Dirity (diritas) cruelty, terribleness.
Diruption (diruptio) a bursting, ot breaking a sunder.
Dirutor (Lat.) he that destroys or pulls down.
Dis, a preposition used only in composition; sometimes it is a note of privation, sometimes of diversity, sometimes of separation; and sometimes Dis joyned with another word, keeps still the same signification with the simple word.
Discalceate (discalceo) to pull off ones shoos.
Disceptation (disceptatio) disputation, debating, or arguing.
Disceptator (Lat.) a Judge, Arbiter, or Days-man; Also he that argues or disputes.
Discerption (discerptio) a renting in sunder.
Discession (discessio) a departing, a leaving, or going away.
Discind (discindo) to cut off or in pieces, to separate: How.
Discinct (discinctus) ungirded, dissolute, negligent.
Disciplinable (disciplinabilis) that is capable of learning or instruction.
Disclusion (disclusio) a shutting out, a separation.
[Page] Discomfiture (from the Fr. disconfiture) a defeature, overthrow, or vanquishing.
To Discolor (discoloro) to make of divers colours: Also to take away or fade the colour.
Discontinuity, discontinuance; a dis-joyning or separation.
Discordant (discordans) disagreeing, out of tune.
Discrepant (discrepans) differing, jarring, disagreeing, repugnant unto.
Discr [...]ed (discretus) severed, parted, discerned.
Discriminate (discrimino) to divide, or put a difference betwixt.
Discubation (discubatio) a lying down to sleep.
Discumbence (from discumbo) a sitting upon a bed, a lying down to sleep, a sitting down at Table.
Discurrent (discurrens) that wanders or runs hither and thither.
Discusion (discussio) a strict examining of a matter: Also a striking or dashing into divers parts.
Disembogue (from the Spanish Des embocar) to cast out of the mouth, to vomit. Among Seamen it signifies to come out of the mouth of any gulph, through a streight.
Disgregate (disgrego) to set apart, to sever.
Disertitude (disertitudo) eloquence.
Disimbellish (from the Fr. desembeller) to disfigure, or impair the beauty of.
Dis-jugate (dis-jugo) to disjoyn, part or sever.
Disjunctive (dijunctivus) that disjoyns, or separates.
Dislocate (disloco) to remove out of his due place, to put out of joynt, to displace.
Disme (Fr.) a Tithe or tenth of.
Dispand (dispando) to stretch out or spread abroad.
Disparates (disparata) seperate things, divers, unlike. It is also a term of Logick applied to such things as have no connexion.
Disparility (disparilitas) inequality, unlikeness, difference.
Disparition (disapparitio) a disappearing, or vanishing.
Dispensaror (Lat.) a Steward, or Officer that lays out money for a houshold, a dispencer or disposer.
A Dispensatory, a book that teacheth how to make all Physical compositions.
Dismes (decimae) Tythe, or the tenth part of all the fruits, either of the earth or beasts, or our labor due to God, and consequently to him that is of the Lords lot, and hath his share, viz. our Pastor. It signifies also the tenths of all spiritual Livings, yearly given to the Prince, called a perpetual Disme. A. 2. and 3. Ed. 6. ca. 35. which in antient times were paid to the Pope, till Pope Ʋrban gave [Page] them to Richard the second, to aid him against Charls the French King, and those other that upheld Clement the seventh against him. Pol. Virg. l. 20. Lastly, It signifies a tribute levied of the temporality. Holinshed. fol. 111.
Dispauper, is a word most used in the Court of Chancery, as when one is admitted to sue in forma pauperis, if that priviledge be taken from him, he is said to be Dispaupered.
Disperpelled, a term in Heraldy when any thing of soft substance, doth, by falling from high, shoot it, self out into divers corners or ends. Bull.
Dispicience (dispicientia) circumspection, advisement, diligent consideration.
Displ [...]cence (from displiceo) displeasure, dislike. Mont.
Displosion (displosio) a breaking asunder as a bladder.
Dispoliate (dispolio) to rob or spoil,
Disquamation (disquamatio) a scaling of fish, a taking off the shell or bark.
Disquition (disquisitio) a diligent search or enquiry.
Disseiti [...] (from the Fr. Disseisir) signifies in our Common Law, an unlawful dispossessing a man of his Land, Tenement, or other immoveable or incorporeal Right, &c. Instit. of the Com. Law. ca. 15.
Dissection (dissectio) a cleaving in peeces, a cutting off or asunder.
Disseminate (dissemino) to sow here and there, to spread abroad.
Dissentaneous (dissentaneus) not agreeing, disagreeing.
Dissen [...]rie. See Dysentery.
Dissidence (dissidentia) discord, or displacing.
Dissilient (dissiliens) leaping down off a place, or hither and thither.
Dissimilar or Dissimilary parts; (dissimilares partes) are those parts of a mans body, which are unlike in nature one to another, as the Head, Hands, Feet, Heart, Liver, &c. And the Similary parts are those that are of like nature, as the Skin, Nerves, Fat, &c.
Disheviled, or Discheveled (from the French deschevelè) an old word used by Chaucer, and yet still in use, and signifies as much as bare-headed, bare-haired, or the hair hanging down disorderly about the ears. Min.
Dischevel (Fr. discheveler) to loose, disorder, scatter or pull the hair about the ears.
Dissipate (dissipo) to scatter or spread abroad, to disperse.
Dissipable (dissipabilis) that may be spread or scattered abroad.
Dissology (dissologia) the speech of two.
Dissoluble (dissolubilis) easie to be loosed or dissolved.
Dissonance (dissonantia) a discord in tunes and voyces.
Dissyllable (dissyllabus) a word of two syllables.
[Page] Distantial (distans, antis) differing or distant, far asunder, divers.
Distend (distendo) to stretch or reach out; to enlarge.
Distention (distentio) a stretching out, an enlarging.
Distick (distichon) a double meeter, a couple of verses a sentence contained in two verses.
Distil (distillo) to drop down by little and little.
Distortion (distortio) a wresting, writhing or crookedness. Felth. uses the word Distorquement in the same sence.
Distress (districtio) signifies most commonly in our Law, a compulsion in certain real Actions whereby to bring a man to appearance in Court, or to pay debt, or duty denied. The effect whereof most usually is, to drive the party distrained to Replieve the distress, and so to take his action of trespass against the distrainer, or else to compound neighborly with him for the debt or duty for which he distrains; In what cases a distress is lawfull, See The new terms of Law, Verbo distresse. Sometimes it signifies great affliction or misery.
Districate (from the Ital. districare) to rid out of trouble or incumbrance.
Distringent (distringens) that rubs▪ or wipes off, or that troubleth greatly.
Disveloped. See Developed.
Dithyramb (dithyrambus) a kind of Hymn or song in honor of Bacchus, who was surnamed Dithyrambus; and the Poets, who composed such Hymns, were called Dithyrambicks.
Dition (ditio) dominion, power, authority, mastership.
Ditty (from the Ital. detto, i. dictum) a rime expressed in words, and sung to a musical tune. Min.
Divagation (divagatio) a straying or wandering about.
Dival (divalis) divine, belonging to the gods.
Divan Divano a Judgment hal, a great Court of Law or Justice among the Turks and Persians, not much unlike or inferior to our Parliament, of which there is one held in every Province; But the chief Divan or Tribunal of Justice is held in the Great Turks Palace at Constantinople, the four first days of every week. Hist. of Fran.
Divaricate (divarico) to stride or spread wide one from another.
Divelled (from Divello) pulled away, or asunder, undone, ravished. Felth.
Diventilate (diventilo) to fan or winnow Corn with a Wind-fan; also to turn out of one hand into another.
Diverberate (diverbero) to strike, beat or cut.
Diversify (diversifico) to vary, or make divers.
Diversiloquent (diversiloquens) that varieth or speaks diversly.
[Page] Diverticle (diverticulum) a by-way: a crafty shift.
Dividend, in the Exchequer seems to be one part of an Indenture. An. 10. Ed. 1. ca. 11. & 28 ejus. Stat. 3. ca. 2.
Dividen [...] (from divido) in the University is that share which every one of the Fellows does equally and justly divide, either by an Arithmetical or Geometrical proportion of their annual stipend.
Dividual (dividuus) that may be severed or divided.
Dividuity (dividuitas) a division; also an aptness to divide.
Divination (divinatio) a presage or foretelling of things to come; which may be divided into three different kinds, viz. Supernatural, Natural and Superstitious. Supernatural Divination (onely revealed to man by God) is not properly called Divination but Prophecy, with which all the holy Prophets have in former times been inspired.
Natural Divination, may be divided into two branches, whereof the first is that which hath in former times been practised by wicked spirits in Oracles and Answers given by them in Idols, and is at this day sometimes seen in possessed persons, who by suggestion of the Devil may foretel things to come, and this is but a Natural Divination: For though to us it seem miraculous, because of our ignorance in the causes and courses of things, yet in those spirits it is but natural, who by their long experience and great observation, besides the knowledge of secrets in Nature, and their quick intelligence from all places, are able to fore-see much more, then we by nature can.
The second Branch of Natural Divination is that, which a wise man may foretell by probable conjecture, being no way offensive▪ so long as it is onely guided by reason, and over-ruled by submitting it self to the Almighty power of God. And to this second kind of Divination, Astrology may also be referred which (by the motion and influence of Stars and Planets) promises to foretel many things, so long as it keeps it self in due limits and arrogates not too much to the certainty thereof; into which excess of vanity, if it once break forth, it is then no longer called Natural Divination, but Superstitious and wicked; For the Stars may incline, but not impose a necessity on particular things.
The third and last manner of Divination is that which we call Superstitious; whereof there has been among the Gentiles divers different kinds. As namely, Augury, by the flying, feeding, and chirping of Birds. Alphitomancy, by Barley meal. Auruspicy, by [Page] opening and viewing the bowels of Beasts. Necromancy, by calling up Devils or dead mens Ghosts. Geomancy, by making certain circles and lines in the earth. Hydromancy, by some apparition in water. Pyromancy, by the fire, or by spirits appearing in the fire. Palmistry, or Chiromancy, by looking on the lines of the fingers and hands. Coscinomancy, by a Sieve. Aeromancy, by the Air. Capnomancy, by the flying of smoak. Catoptromancy, by visions in a glass. Sorcery, or Cleromancy, by lots. Armomancy, by the shoulders of beasts. Axiomancy, by Hatchets. Daphnomancy, by a Lawrel or Bay-tree. Alectryomancy, by a Cock. Alebromancy, by Barly meal mixed with Wheat. Botanomancy, by vertue of herbs. Cephaleonomancy by an Asses head broiled on coals. Ceromancy, by wax put into water. Lithomancy, by a stone. Belomancy, by Arrows. Libanomancy, by Incense or Frankincense. Metopomancy, by the face. Necyomancy by conference with dead bodies raised, &c.
All which being by the Pagans themselves accounted deceitful and vain, it remains that of Christians they be utterly rejected and abhorred. Of the nature and definition of Divination, see more in my L. Bac. advan. of learn. p. 209.
Divinize, To make divine or heavenly.
Divinipotent (divinipotens) that hath power in divine things.
Divitiate (divitio) to enrich, or make rich. Felth.
D [...]vitiosity (divitiositas) abundance of riches.
Divorce (divortium, à diversitate mentium) the dissolution of marriage, a separation of man and wife, which was (as our Saviour witnesseth, Matth. 19.8.) first permitted by Moses to the Israelites, Deut. 24.1. for the hardness of their hearts, that men might rather put their Wives away, whom they grew weary of, then use them with too great extremity to shorten their lives, as many did; The woman so divorced was to have of her Husband a writing (as St Hierom and Josephus witness in l. de ant. 4. c. 8.) to this effect, I promise that hereafter I will lay no claim to thee, and this writing was called a Bill of Divorce. But with Christians this custom is abrogated, saving onely in case of Adultery. The antient Romans also had a custom of Divorce, among whom it was as lawful for the Wife to put away her Husband, as for the Husband to dismiss his Wife; But among the Israelties this prerogative was onely permitted to the Husband. See Repudiate.
In our Common Law, Divorce is accounted that separation between two de facto [Page] married together, which is à vinculo Matrimonii, non solùm à mensa & thoro. And therefore the woman, so divorced, received all again that she brought with her. This is onely upon a nullity of the marriage through some essential impediment, as Consanguinity or affinity within the degrees forbidden, precontract, impotency, or such like. See The new terms of Law.
Diuretical (diureticus) that provokes one to piss, that hath the power or property to make one piss, or to cause Urine.
Diurnal (diurnalis) belonging to the day, or to a Pamphlet so called.
Diurnal (diurnum) taken substantively, is a Day-book, or Register of every days business, news, or action.
Diuturnity (diuturnitas) long space of time, long continuance.
D [...]vulgate (divulgo) to publish or make common.
Divulsion (divulsio) a pulling in pieces, or asunder.
Dizain (Fr.) the number of ten, the tenth: Also a Ditty of ten Stanzaes: or Stanza of ten verses; also a French penny. And sometimes it is taken for a pair of Beads of ten courses.
Docible (docibilis) apt to be taught.
Docibility (docibilitas) easiness to be taught, aptness to learn, quickness of apprehension.
Docilize (from doceo) to make docible, tractable, teachable.
A Dock for ships (navale) there are two kinds of them, a dry Dock, which is made with Flood-gates, to keep out the Tide, in which ships are built and repaired, and wherein they sit without danger. A wet Dock, which is in any Creek or place, where a ship may be cast in out of the Tides way; and there when a ship has made her self (as it were) a place to lye in, we say she has Docked herself.
Docket, is a Brief in writing. An. 2. and 3. P. & Ma. c. 6. West writes it Dogget, by whom it seems to be some smal peece of paper or parchment containing the effect of a larger writing. Sym. part. 2. tit. Fines. Sect. 106.
Doctiloquent (dictiloquus) that speaks learnedly.
Doct [...]rat (Fr.) a Doctorship, the state or degree of a Doctor.
Document (documentum) a lesson, admonition or example.
Dodecatemory (Gr.) a term in Astrology, signifying a twelfth part, and is most commonly applied to the division of the Zodiack into twelve signs.
Dodeclaedron (Gr.) a figure of twelve angles or corners, a twelve-cornered proportion.
[Page] Dodona, a City of Epirus, near which stood a Grove of Oaks onely dedicated to Jupiter, called Dodona's Grove, the Oaks were said to speak, and were wont to give oraculous answers to those that came to consult them.
Dodrantal (dodrantalis) of nine ounces or nine inches in length or weight.
Dog-days, or Canicular days (dies caniculares) certain days in July and August, so called of the Star Canis, or the Dog-star, which then (rising with the Sun) is predominant and greatly increaseth the heat thereof. During the time this Dog-star reigns, the River Nilus in Egypt overflowes his banks, as though the waters were led by that star. Min. See Vul. Er. upon this subject, fo. 221. And the first part of the Treasury of times, fo. 72.
Doge, is the title of dignity belonging to the supream Magistrate among the Venetians, who is also called Duke.
Dogdraw, is a manifest deprehension of an offender against Venison in the Forest. There are four of these noted by Mr. Manw. part. 2. of his Forest Laws, c. 18. viz. Stable-stand, Dog-draw, Back-bear, and Bloody-hand. Dog-draw is when one is found drawing after a Deer by the scent of a Hound that he leads in his hand, &c.
Dogmatical (dogmaticus) prudent, wise, learned, belonging to points of learning or doctrine.
Dogmatist (dogmatistes) he that induceth any new Sect or Opinion, one that makes or would try conclusions, a forger of new Sects.
Dogmatize (dogmatizo) to impose a doctrine; to instruct or teach.
Dolation (dolatio) a smoothing or making even.
Dole (dolus) deceit, treachery, guil. If from (dolor) then grief or sorrow. We also call Alms distributed to the poor at a Funeral, Dole, quasi Deal, from the Sax. Daelan, i. to divide or distribute, because we deal or divide it out in portions.
Doleance (Fr.) a waiting, lamentation, moaning or complaining.
Dollar, a Dutch coyn worth about 4s. or 4s. 4d. of our money.
Dolorous (dolorosus) full of grief, sorrow, or pain.
Dolphin (Fr. Dauphin) the eldest Son of France, called so of [...]aulphine, a Province given, or (as some report) sold in the year 1349 by Humbert Earl thereof to Philip de Valors, partly on condition, that for ever the French Kings eldest Son should hold it (during his Fathers life) of the Empire. Cot.
Domable (domabilis) easie to be tamed.
Domestical Domestick (domesticus) pertaining to the houshold, tame, familiar.
Dome (from domus) a Town-house, [Page] Guild-hall, State-house, Meeting-house in a City, from that of Florence, which is so called. Also a flat round Loover, or open roof to a Steeple, Banquetting-house, &c. Somewhat resembling the bell of a great Watch. Merc. Ital. Also a doom, judgment or sentence; from the Sax. Dome.
Dolyman, a Turkish Gown, long coat, or upper Garment, closed with long buttons down to the girdle-stead.
Domicil (domicilium) a mansion-house, or dwelling place.
Domination (dominatio) Dominion, Rule, or Authority over others.
Dominations, are one of the nine Quires of Angels mentioned by St. Paul, Col. 1.16.
Dominative (dominans) bearing rule or sway.
Domini or Anno Domini, is the computation of time from the Incarnation of our Saviour Jesus Christ. As the Romans made their computation from the building the City of Rome; and the Grecians numbered their years by the Olympiads or Games called Olympick. So Christians, in remembrance of the happy Incarnation, and blessed birth of our Saviour, reckon the time from his Nativity. See Epoch.
Dominical (dominicus) pertaining to the Lord and Master. The Dominical Letter in Calenders is so called from a kinde of preheminence it hath above the rest of the letters, in token whereof it is of red colour, representing the purple, which is a robe of dignity: or rather, because it shews the Dominical or Lords day thoughout the year. Min.
Dominica [...]s, otherwise called Preaching or Black Friers, a religious Order instituted by St. Dominick a Spaniard, about the year 1206. he sent his Associates to preach the Gospel even to the furthest parts of the world then known, which they did with great success, as their Successors since have done, and do still even in India and America: This Order was confirmed by Pope Honorius the Third, about the year 1216.
Domino, a kind of hood or habit for the head, worn by Canons; and hence also a fashion of vail used by some women that mourn.
Dominicide (dominicida) he that kills his Master.
Domition Domiture (domitura) a taming or breaking.
Donary (donarium) a gift or present, properly to a holy use.
Donatists, a Sect of Hereticks, so called from Donatus Bishop of Carthage, the first broacher of the Heresie, who lived about the year 358 in [Page] the time of Pope Liberius, and the Emperor Constantine. Their prime tenet was, that the true Church was onely in Africk, and that out of Africk there was no true Baptism; they held also that the Son in the mystery of the Blessed Trinity, was less then the Father, and the Holy Ghost less then the Son, with other damnable points, &c. See Circumcellians.
Donative (donativum) a Princes benevolence or gift. A Donative Benefice, is that which is meerly given and collated by the Patron to a man, without either presentation to, or institution by the Ordinary, or Induction by his commandment. Fitzh. nat. br. fo. 35. E. See the Statute A. 8. R. 2. ca. 4.
Donative ( donativus adjectively) that is able or apt to give.
Doniferous (donifer) that carries a gift.
Donor (in our Common Law) signifies the giver, and Donee he or she to whom a gift is given.
Dooms-day-book, so called because upon any difference, the parties received their doom from it. Others (less probably) say tis called Dooms-day-book, Quasi, domus Dei Book; But to confirm the former Etymology, it is called in Latin, Liber Judiciarius. See Antient Demeasn.
Dorado (Span.) a thing guilded or guilt. It is used in Religio Medici fo. 135.) for a man that hath a fair out-side, but no qualities or good parts within.
Dorick Dialect (dilaectus Dorica) one of the five Dialects of the Greek tongue. Vide Dialect.
Dorick-work, is a term in Architecture, and signifies one of the five orders of Pillars mentioned by Vitruvius. See Tuscan.
Dorick or Dorian Musick (Dorica musica) a kind of grave and solemn Musick, and therefore assigned to great Personages; and so called because the Dorians first devised it.
Dormant (Fr.) a term in Heraldry, as a Lion dormant, i. a Lyon sleeping, or lying in a sleeping posture.
Dormitive (from dormio) that causeth sleep.
Dorp (Belg.) a Village or Country Town. See Thorp.
A Dorter, Dortoire or Dormitory (dormitorium) a place where many sleep together; so was the place antiently and still is called, where religious persons are wont to take their nights rest in their Covents, many in the same room.
Dose (from Dosis, i. a giving) the quantity of Potion or Medicine which a Physitian appoints his Patient to take at once.
Dotkiy, A thing of small [Page] value, a kind of coyn ( Stanf. pl. cor. fo. 37.) it seems to come of the Dutch word Duytke [...], that is, the eighth part of a Styfer or French Shilling, of which Styfers ten in the Low Countries or ten Sols in France, are of the same value with an English shilling, viz. twelve pence. Min.
Dovetaild, is a term among Joyners, and signifies that particular sort of joyning boards together; so called, when one peece of the one goes into, or mingles with the other, and is much better, and more costly then a common, plain, joyning boards together.
Doublet (Fr.) a counterfeit Jewel or stone of two peeces joyned or glewed together.
Dotal (dotalis) belonging to a Dowry or Joynture.
Dovane (Fr. Douane) the name of the Custom-house of Lyons; hence also any Custom or Impost.
Dowager (dótata) a Widow indowed, or that hath a Jointure; a title applied to the Widows of Princes, and great Personages onely.
Downes, With us hath two significations; the one, certain hilly Plains in the West Country, so called; and this Down comes from the old Saxon Dune, i. a hill, commonly that stretcheth it self out in length: The other a certain part of the Sea lying near the Sands upon the coast of Kent, where commonly our English Navy rides; and this we borrow from the Hollanders, who call the Sandbanks, which lye on the Sea-side, the Dunes; And the Town of Dunkirk, rightly in English, Dun-Church, took denomination from its being scituate in the Dunes or Sandbanks of the Sea. Verst.
Dower Dowry (dos) signifies in our Common Law two things. First, That which the Wife brings to her Husband in marriage, otherwise called Maritagium, Mariage good. Next, and more commonly, That which she hath of her Husband, after the Marriage determined, if she out-live him. Glanvile, l. 7. ca. 2. Bracton l. 2. ca. 38. See more in Cowel. And you may see the form of a Dowry Bill, among the Jews, in Moses and Aaron, p. 235.
Dowsets, The stones of a Stag or Buck, so called by Hunts-men.
Doxology (Gr.) a song of praise, a speaking or giving glory; as when we say, Glory be to the Father, &c. that is properly Doxology, and is said to be composed by the first Council of Nice, and St. Jerome to be the Author of adding the other Versicle, As it was in the beginning, &c. View of Directory, fo. 32, 33.
Doxy, a she Rogue, a woman [Page] man Beggar, a lowzy Quean.
Draco's Laws, Laws, which for being extream severe and cruel, are therefore said to be written rather with blood then ink; such are those that punish trivial offences with death, or some other excessive torment. So called from [...]raco an antient and severe Law-maker in Athens.
Dram (drachma) the eighth part of an ounce, it contains three Scruples, every scruple being of the weight of twenty wheat corns: So that a Dram is the just weight of Sixty corns of wheat. Also a peece of money among the Grecians, the most usual whereof valued of ours [...] d. ob.
Dramatick (dramaticum) a kind of Poetry, when the persons are every one adorned and brought upon the Theater, to speak and act their own parts. Hobbi. See Poesie.
Drap-de berry, a thick kind of cloth so called, for that it was first made in the County of Berry in France.
Drapery (so called of the French word Drap, i. cloth) a term which Painters use, consisting principally in the true making and folding a Garment, in drawing or limning, giving to every fold his proper natural doubling and shadow. Peacham. See Silerie.
Drift or a Drift, a term aamong Water-men, and signifies the floating of a Boat alone without any person in it, to row or steer it, but is carried to and fro with the Tyde.
Dril, a Stone-cutters tool, wherewith he bores little holes in Marble, &c. Also a large over-grown Ape, or Baboon, so called.
Drogoman (or Draguman) an Interpreter or Truchman, the word is used by the Turks from the Gr, [...]. The Fr, write it Drogueman. See Truchman.
Drol (Fr.) a good-fellow, boon Companion, merry Grig; one that cares not how the world goes.
Drolery (Fr.) is with us taken for a kinde of facetious way of speaking or writing, full of merry knavish wit.
Dromedary (dromas, adis) a kind of Camel with two bunches on his back, very swift, being able to carry a man 100 miles a day, and may abide three dayes journey without drink.
Dropacist (dropacista) one that pulls off hair and makes the body bare.
Drudger, one that fishes for oysters; and that kind of fishing is called drudging.
Druids (Druides) certain Prophets or learned Pagan Priests that lived naked in woods, giving themselves to the study of Philosophy, and avoiding all company as much as they might: they were of such estimation among the [Page] people, that all controversies were referred to their determination, and a great penalty laid on such as disobeyed their sentence. They believed the immortality of the Soul, but supposed (with Pythagoras) they still passed by death, from one body to another. Caesar lib. 6. de bello Gal. They took their name from [...], an Oke, because they held nothing more holy then an Oak, which was also sacred to Jupiter; or because they were wont to exercise their superstition in Oken Groves, whence Lucan lib. 7.
Dryads (Dryades) Nymphs of the woods, or wood Fairies.
Dual (dualis) pertaining to the number two.
Duality (dualitas) the number two, duplicity.
Duana. See Divano.
Duarchy (duarchia) a government wherein two govern joyntly.
To Dub a Knight (from the Fr. Addouber, i. to dress or arm at all points) to make a Knight, or to confer that order upon any one.
Dubiosity (from dubiosus) doubtfulness.
Dubious (dubius) doubtful, uncertain.
Ducal (ducalis) that hath the conduct or leading; Dukelike, of or belonging to a Duke.
Ducket (ducalis aurem) a certain gold coyn which was first coined in Rome, in the year of the City 547. and afterwards it began to be used in other places. So called, because it bore the image of a Duke, and is worth about six shillings and eight pence. Pol. Virgil.
Ducenarious (ducenarius) pertaining to two hundred.
Ductarious (ductarius) that draweth, leadeth, or guideth.
Ductible (ductibilis) that may be led.
Ductile (ductilis) easie to be drawn or led.
Duction (ductio) a leading or bringing down.
Duel (duellum) a fight between two.
Dulcacid ( dulcacidus, quasi dulcis and acidus) that which hath a mingled taste with sweet and sower.
Dulcify (from dulcis and facio) to make sweet.
Dulciloquent (dulciloquus) that speaketh sweetly.
Dulcimer or Dulcimel (sambuca) so called, quasi, dulce melos, i sweet melody) a musical Instrument; A Sambuke.
Dulcarron is a proportion in Euclid ( lib. 1. Theor. 33. Propos. 47.) which was found out by Pythagoras after a whole years study, and much beating [Page] his brain; in thankfulness whereof, he sacrificed an Oxe to the Gods; which sacrifice he called Dulcarnon. Alex. Neckam, an antient writer in his book De naturis rerum, compounds this word of Dulia and caro, and will have Dulcarnon to be quasi Sacrificium carnis. Chaucer aptly applies it to Creseide; shewing, that she was as much amazed how to answer Troilus, as Pythagoras was wearied in bringing his desire to effect.
Dulcisonant (dulcisonus) that sounds sweetly.
Dulcitude (Lat.) sweetness.
Dulcoration (from dulcor, oris) a making sweet. Bac.
Dulocracy (dulocratia) a kind of Government, when slaves have so much licence that they rule and domineer.
Dulocratical, pertaining to that kind of Government.
Dumal (dumalis) pertaining to Bryers.
Dumosity (dumositas) that hath many, or is full of Brambles or Bryers.
To Dun, is a word lately taken up by fancy, and signifies to demand earnestly, or press a man to pay for commodities taken up on trust, or other debt.
Duodecennial (duodecennis) of twelve years.
Duple (duplex) double, two, twice so much
Duplicity (duplicitas) doubleness, twice so much.
Duplicate (duplico) to double, increase or make twice as much A Duplicat is used by Crompton for a second Letters Patent, granted by the Lord Chancellor in a ca [...]e wherein he had formerly done the same; and was therefore thought void.
So a second Letter written and sent to the same purpose, as the former, and to the same party for fear of miscarriage of the first, or for other reason, is called a Duplicat: and when such a second letter is written, to be sent, the custom is to write the word Duplicat in the head of the Letter, to signifie that it is a second Letter. A third Letter may also after the same manner be called a Triplicate.
Durable (durabilis) that which will last or continue long.
Dura-mater (Lat.) the outward hard skin that enwraps the brains, as Pia-mater is the inner skin next the brains.
Dures (duritia) is in our Common Law a Plea used in way of exception, by him that being cast into Prison at a mans suit, or otherwise by beating or threats, hardly used, seals any Bond to him during his restraint. For the Law holds this not good, but rather supposeth it to be constrained. Brook in his Abridgment joyns Dures and Manasse together, i. Duritiam and Minas, hardness and threatning. See the new book [Page] of Entries, verbo D [...]res, and the new Terms of Law.
Durity (duritas) hardness, rudeness, cruelty.
Duumvirate (duumviratus) the Office of the Duumviri at Rome, or of two in equal Authority, and may be taken for the Sheriff-ship of the City of London, or of any other place, where two are in joynt Authority.
Dwas-light (Sax.) a false or foolish fire or light misleading the Traveller; Jack with a Lanthorn. Sax. Dict. See Ignis fatuus.
Dwindle (Sax. Dwinan) to consume, to waste, to vanish, to moulder away by degrees. Chaucer uses Dwined, the Participle.
Dyna, a Coyn among the East-Indians valuing thirty shilling of our money. Herb.
Dynarchy. See Dinarchy.
Dynasty (dynastia) government, rule or power.
Dys (Gr.) in composition signifies evill, difficil or impossible.
Dyscracy (dyscrasia) when some humour or quality a bounds in the body, a distemper.
Dysentery (dysenteria) a perillous flux with excoriation and painful wringing of the bowels, and some blood issuing: the bloody flux.
Dysnomy (dysnomia) evil constitution or ordering of the Law.
Dyspathy (Gr.) ill affection, passion, or vexation of mind.
Dyspepsie (Gr.) ill concoction or digestion, rawness of the stomach.
Dysopsie (Gr.) dimness, ill sight.
EAldorman among the Saxons was as much as Earl among the Danes. Cam. Brit. fo. 107. Also an Elder, Senator or Statesman. And at this day we call them Aldermen that are Associates to the chief Officer of a Town. 24. H. 8. ca. 13.
Eame (Sax.) the mothers Brother; still retained in Lancashire.
Eane (Sax. Eanian) to bring forth, as the Ewe doth the Lamb.
Eardor-burh (Sax.) the Metropolis or chief City.
Easement (esamentum) is a service that one neighbor hath of another by Charter or prescription without profit, as a way through his ground, a Sink, or such like. Kitchin. fo. 105. which in the Civil Law is called Servitus praedii.
Easter. See Pasche.
Easterling. See Sterling.
Ebene (ebenus) a tree that grows in Aethiopia, bearing neither leaves nor fruit; it is black, and has no grain like other wood, and is sharp biting [Page] in taste, being burnt it yields a pleasant smell, neither is its smoak offensive, but the green wood is so full of sap, that it will flame like a candle. It is good against many diseases of the eyes. That which grows in India is spotted with white and yellow, being of less estimation then that of Aethiopia. Bull.
Ebionites (so called from Ebion their first founder, who lived in the time of Pope Anaclet, and the Emperor Titus about the year of Christ 71.) were certain Hereticks that denied the Divinity of our Saviour Christ, and held he was onely a man, conceived and born from man and woman, as the rest of mankind. Against which Heresie St. John wrote his Gospel; which they impugned and rejected, as they did also the Gospels of St. Mark and St. Luke, and onely admitted that of St. Matthew.
Ebriety (ebrietas) drunkenness.
Ebriosity (ebriositas) continual drunkenness.
Ebrious (ebrius) drunken, or that causeth drunkenness.
Ebullate (ebullo) to bubble or burst out.
Ebullition (ebullitio) a boiling, bubling, or seething, a rising up in bubbles.
Ebur [...]ean (eburneus) of Ivory, or white like Ivory.
Eccentrick (eccentricus) that hath not all one centre, or that hath no centre, or is out of the centre.
Eccho or Echo (Gr.) a resounding, or giving again of any noyse, or voyce in a Wood, Valley, or Hollow place. Poets feign, that this Eccho was a Nymph so called, who being rejected by one whom she loved, pined away for sorrow in the Woods, where her voyce still remains, answering the outcrys of all complaints.
Ecclesiastical (ecclesiasticus) belonging to the Church or Church-men.
Eclesiastick (Ecclesiastes) a Preacher, a Church-man.
Eclipse (eclipsis) a defect or failing. Commonly it signifies a want of light: and there are two such Eclipses, namely of the Moon, and of the Sun.
Eclipse of the Moon never happens but at her full, nor then always, but when she is in such a point that the interposition of the earth deprives her of the Sun beams, from whence she taketh her light. Eclipse of the Sun is not so usual, and happens onely at the change of the Moon, as when the Moon, being between the Sun and us, doth, with her dark body, hide part of his light from us: Which was the cause that Dionysius Areopagita (seeing the Sun so admirably eclipsed at our Saviours Passion, contrary to all reason, [Page] when the Moon was not in any nearness to hinder his light) cryed out in amazement. Aut Deus naturae patitur, aut machina mundi dissolvetur. Either the God of Nature suffers, or else the frame of the world will be destroyed. Bull.
Ecliptick line (linea Ecliptica) an imagined line running through the midst of the twelve Signs, in which the Sun always keeps his course, and is so termed, because the Eclipses happen, when the Moon is either in conjunction or opposition under this line. Min.
Eclogue or Eglogue (ecloga) is commonly taken for a Pastoral speech, or a Poem containing a communication of Shepherds, such as Virgils Eclogues. But the word in Greek signifies properly an election or choyce gathering of things together, or an abridgement of Authors.
Ecstasy (ecstasis) a trance, swowning or astonishment, a ravishment or transportation of the spirit, by passion, &c.
Ecstatick Ecstatical (ecstaticus) taken with an Ecstacy or trance.
Ectype (ectypum) a thing made according to the example and copy; a counterfeit. Ross.
Edacity (edacitas) unsatiable eating, greediness of stomack. Bac.
Eddy, Is the running back of the water in some place, contrary to the Tide or stream, and so falling into the tyde again, which happens by reason of some head-land or point in a River, jutting out suddenly, and so hindering the full current which the water had before it came to that Point. And an Eddy wind, is that wind, which recoils from any Sail, or Halse going contrary to that wind whence it proceeds, but is never so strong as the other.
Eden (Hebr.) delectation, or a place of pleasure and delight. The Garden of Eden stood near the River Euphrates in Syria, and abounded with all manner of pleasures and delights, and therefore Eden is used for Paradise.
Edentate (edento) to strike out, or draw out ones teeth.
Edict (edictum) a Commandment, Ordinance or Proclamation.
Edification (aedificatio) a building: But most commonly it is taken for instruction, so plainly delivered, that the hearer profiteth by it.
Edifice (aedificium) from the Hebr. [...] Edhen. i. aedes) a building or frame of a building, also the art of building.
Edil or Aedil (aedilis) an [Page] inferior Officer among the antient Romans, whose charge was to register Sanctions, oversee the Building of Temples, as also of private houses, such as our Church-wardens, or Surveyors, &c. And of these Aediles there were two sorts, Plebeii and Curules, as you may read in Godwins Anthol. ch. de Aedilibus.
Edish (Sax. Edise) the rowen or aftermash; still retained in some parts of England.
Edisserator (Lat.) a shewer or declarer.
Edition (editio) a setting forth, a publishing, an impression. As of Books, we call it a first, a second, third, fourth, &c. Edition, when a book has been so many several times imprinted.
Edituate (aedituor) to defend the house, or rule over the Temple or house. Greg.
Edmund (Sax.) for Eadmund, i. happy or blessed peace. Our Lawyers do yet acknowledge Mund [...] for peace, in their word Mundbrech, for breach of Peace.
Educate (educo) to bring up or nourish.
Edward in Sax. Coines Eadward, i. Happy keeper. The Christian humility of King Edward the Confessor brought such credit to this name, that since that time it hath been most usual in all Estates: That Ward signifies a keeper is apparent by Wood-ward, Mil-ward, &c. Cam.
Effable (effabilis) that may be spoken, uttered or expressed.
Effascinate (effascino) to bewitch or charm.
Effemination (effoeminatio) a making womanish, weak or or wanton, a womanizing.
Effete (effoetus) which hath lately brought forth; that beareth no more, barren. Fuller.
Efficacy (efficacia) force, strength, vertue or ability.
Efficacy (saith Peacham) is a power of speech, which represents a thing after an excellent manner, neither by bare words onely, but by presenting to our minds the lively Idaea's or forms of things so truly as if we saw them with our eyes; As the places in Hell, the fiery arrow of Acesta, the description of Fame, the flame about the Temples of Ascanius, &c.
Efficient (efficiens) that brings to pass, causing or effecting.
Effiction (effictio) an expressing or representing.
Effigies (Lat.) an image made after the similitude of a thing; likeness, representation.
Efflagitate (efflagito) to desire earnestly, or require importunately.
Efflated (efflatus) breathed or blown away, yeelded, or given up. Herb. Travels.
Efflorescence (from Effloresco) the outward face, or [Page] superficies, the upmost rind or skin of any thing, also a deflouring. Bac.
Effluence (effluentia) a running or flowing out, a flux.
Effluent Effluous (effluus) that runs or flowes out.
Effluvium (Lat.) a running out or flowing over. Often used in Vul Er.
Effocate (effoco) to choak, or strangle.
Effoeminate (effoeminatus) woman-like, nice, wanton.
Effort (Fr.) endeavor, labor, travel, pains-taking, a striving for a matter with whole force and power.
Effracture (effractura) a breaking open.
Effrenation (effrenatio) head-long rashness, unbridled rashness, unruly headiness.
Effrontery (Fr.) impudence, malepertness, shamelesness. Eicon Basil.
Effund (effundo) to pour out, to consume riotously.
Effusion (effusio) a pouring out, prodigality.
Egbert, or rather Ecbert (Sax.) i. always bright, or famous for ever.
King Egbert, who was the seventeenth King of the West Saxons, having subdued the Principal Kingdoms of the Saxon Heptarchy, stiled himself the first English Monarch, commanding South Brittain to be called England, from the English Saxons, from whose blood he was extracted, and over whom he reigned. Cam.
Egean Sea (mare Aegaeum) part of the Mediterranean Sea near Greece, dividing Europe from Asia. A Sea dangerous & troublesom to sail through, in regard of the multitude of rocks and Islands every where dispersed; Insomuch that a man is proverbially said to sail in the Aegean Sea, that is incumbred with difficulties, or attempts a business of much hazard.
Egestion (egestio) a distributing abroad, a carrying or casting forth of ordure or dung, a voiding, or evacuation.
Egestuosity (egestuositas) extream poverty.
Egestuous (egestuosus) very poor or needy.
Eglentine, Sweet-briar, or Dog-briar.
Egilopical (egilopicus) that hath or pertaineth to the disease Aegilopa, which is a kind of Fistula or Imposthume in the corner of the eye, growing to be a Canker, eating to the nose, and is called the Lachrymale Fistula. Bid.
Eglogue. vide Eclogue.
Eglomerate (eglomero) to unwinde.
Egregious (egregius) excellent, singular, passing good.
Egresse Egression (egressus) a passage or going forth.
Egritude (aegritudo) sickness, grief, discontentment.
Egrimony (aegrimonia) idem.
Egurgitate (egurgito) to [Page] draw out, to empty, to disgorge.
Ejaculate (ejaculo) to shoot or cast out, to hurle forth.
Ejaculatorie (ejaculatorius) that hath the property or power to dart, shoot, or spout forth.
Ejection (ejectio) a throwing or casting forth.
Eirenarch (Eiranarches) a Justice of Peace.
Eirenarchy (Irenarchia) the Office or Government of a Constable, or a Justice of Peace. Mr. Lamberd wrote a book called Eirenarchie, or the Office of a Justice of Peace.
Eigne (Fr. Aisn, eldest) a Law term; as Eign right is the eldest right, where there are more Titles then one. Act. of Parl. 30. April. 1649.
Ejulation (ejulatio) wailing or crying out with pittiful lamentation.
Ejuration (ejuratio) a renouncing or resignation.
Ela, the highest note in the Gamut.
Elaborate (elaboratus) cunningly wrought, exactly done, laboured painfully.
An Elaboratory, a Workhouse.
Elacerate (elacero) to tear or rend in pieces.
Elamites, the people of Persia, so called from Elam, son of Sem, son of Noah.
Elapidate (elapido) to rid a place of stones.
Elapsion (elapsio) a fliding forth or away.
Elaqueate (elaqueo) to unsnare or dis-intangle,
Elate (elatus) carried out, advanced, proud, lofty.
Elaxate (elaxo) to unloose or make wider.
Eleack, a Sect of Philosophers instituted by Phaedo, an Elean, of a noble family.
Eleanor, a womans name from Helena, i. pittiful.
Electorat, An Electorship, a chusing or electing, or the right or power of election; such as the Electors of the Empire have. Also the Office or territory of an Elector.
Elective (electivus) pertaining to election or chusing, subject to choyce.
Electriferous (electrifer) that yields Amber.
Electrum (Lat.) a kind of Amber distilling out of the Poplar tree, as some report: the Poets faign it to have been the tears of the Phaetontiades (which were turned into Poplar trees) bewailing their brother Phaeton. See Amber.
Electricity (electrisitas) the power to attract straws or light bodies, as Amber doth.
Electrine (electrinus) pertaining to, or that is made of Amber.
Electuary (electuarium) a medicine or confection to be taken inwardly, and is made two ways, either liquid, as in Forma opiat [...]; or whole, as in Tables or Lozenges, or in fashion four square and long, which is called Manus Christi.
[Page]Or it is a medicinable composition, made of choyce Drugs, and of substance between a Syrup and a Conserve; but more inclinable to this, then that. Cot.
Eleemosynary (eleemosynarius) an Almner, or one that gives almes.
Eleemosynate (eleemosyno) to give almes.
Elegancy (elegantia) eloquence of words, fineness, neatness.
Elegy (elegia) a mournful song or verse, commonly used at Funerals, or upon the death of any person, and composed of unequal verses.
Elegiacal (elegiacus) belonging to an Elegy or lamentation.
Elegiographer (elegiographus) a writer of Elegies, or lamentable verses.
Elements (elementa) are the most simple bodies extant in nature; from the several participation of whose qualities all mixt bodies have their several beings, and different constitutions; they are four in number, to wit, Fire, Air, Water and Earth. Element in the singular number stands for one of those: sometimes also it signifies a Letter, as A, B, C, sometimes the first foundation or Principle of a thing.
Elementary (elementarius) pertaining to, or which consists of Letters, Principles or Elements.
Elench (elenchus) an argument subtilly reproving.
Elenchical, that reproves by argument.
Elenct [...]s Elenctical (elencticus) which serves for reprehension.
Elephantine (elephantinus) pertaining to an Elephant.
Elevate (elevo) to lift or hold up, to lighten.
Elevatory (from the Lat. elevo, to lift up) the instrument wherewith Chyrurgeons lift up the broken and sunk-in parts of the skul, and draw out Bullets or hail-shot that is entred but a little way into the flesh or bones.
Elibation (elibatio) a tasting or offering Sacrifices.
Elicitation (elicitatio) a drawing out or alluring.
Elide (elido) to hit against a thing, to dash, to break, to squeeze, to strangle.
Elicite (elicitus) drawn out or allured.
Eligible (elegibilis) to be elected; fit or like to be chosen.
Eliminate (elemino) to put out or cast forth of doors, to publish abroad. Mont.
Elimate (elimo) to cut off with a file, to polish, or purge.
Elingued (elinguis) dumb, speechless. Felth.
Ellipsis (Gr.) a defect; also a certain crooked line, coming of the byas-cutting of a Cone or Cylinder.
Eliquament (eliquamentum) fatness▪ or juyce of fish or flesh.
Elixation (elixatio) a seething or boiling.
Elision (from elido) a cutting off.
[Page] Elizabeth (Hebr.) the God of oath, or (as some will) Peace of God, or quiet rest of the Lord. Mantuan playing with it makes it Eliza-bella. Min. ridiculously compounds it of the Hebrew word El, i. Deus, and the Greek word Isa and Beta.
Elixer or Elixir (vox Arabica) quentessence, or the Philosophers stone, or one of the names thereof: some take it for the Chymical powder of production: the word originally signifies force or strength. Min.
Elocution (elocutio) a fit and proper order of words and sentences.
Elocution (saith Judge [...]oddridge) consists of three things. 1. Of the voyce, as the instrument. 2. The words, that are the subject. 3. The manner of doing, which is the form of delivery, &c. English Lawyer, fo. 25.
Ellis (Hebr.) corruptly for Elias, i. Lord God.
Elohim (Hebr.) Nomen divinum, à Judicio, quasi Deus Judex. In any process of Justice and Judgement, God always stiles himself Eloah or Elohim. Greg.
Elogy (elogium) a report or testimonial of ones praise or dispraise.
Elongate (elongo) to remove afar off, to defer or prolong. Vul. Err.
Elopement (a Law term) is when a married woman leaves her Husband, and dwels with the Adulterer, by which, without voluntary submission, and reconcilement to him, she shall lose her Dower; Stat. Westm. 2. c. 34.
Eloquence (eloquentia) a gift or good grace of speaking. That is properly said to be Eloquence (according to Tully) where there is a judicious fitting of choyce words, apt and grave sentences to mattter well disposed, the same being uttered with a comely moderation of the voyce, countenance and gesture. Cic. in Prol. Rhetor.
Elucidaries (from elucido) expositions or declarations of things that are obscure.
Elucidate (elucido) to make bright, to shine outward, to manifest, to expound or express.
Elucubrate (elucubro) to watch and write by candlelight.
Elutheria, Feasts dedicated to Jupiter, from whence he is called the Elutherian God.
Elychnious (from E, and lychnus) that hath no match or light; without a weik.
Elysium or Elysian fields (Campus Elysius) a Paradise, [Page] into which the Heathens beleeved the Souls of the just went after their departure hence. This Elyzium is meant by Virgil, when he says,
Emaceration (emaceratio) a pulling down or making lean.
Emacity (emacitas) a desire to be always buying.
Emaciate (emacio) to make lean, or pull down the flesh.
Emaciating diseases, Consumptions, or such like.
Emaculate (emaculo) to make clean, to take away spots.
Emanation (emanatio) a flowing or proceeding from.
Emancipate (emancipo) to make free, to set at liberty, to affranchize, or sell his title to another. By the Roman Law every Son was in such subjection to his Father, that before he could be released of it and made free, he should by an imaginary sale, be sold three times by his natural Father, to another man, who was called by the Lawyers Pater Fiduciarius, a Father in trust; yea and be bought again by the natural Father, and so manumised by him, and then he became free. This imaginary sale was called Mancipatio; the children thus alienated from the Father, were termed Emancipati; this form of setting free was termed Emancipatio. Godwin.
Emanuel. See Emmanuel.
Emarginate (emargino) to take away the scurf about the brims of wounds and soars.
Emascu [...]a [...] (emasculo) to geld, to take away that by which one is male.
Embargo (Span.) a stop or arrest, properly of ships.
Ember wick (so called from the Gr. [...], i. dies; of which there are four in the year set down in most Almanacks. They are of great antiquity in the Church, called the Quatuor tempora in the Latin Fathers; And (besides the first institution of them for quarterly seasons of devotion, proportioned to each part of the year, as the first fruits of every season, that the whole and each division of it might be blest by it, and again beside their answerableness to those four times of solemn fast, mentioned among the Jews, that we Christians may not be inferior to them in that duty) an admirable use is assigned to them in the Church in imitation of the Apostles, Act. 13.3. View of Directory, fol. 56. They are called Ember-days, or days of ashes, (says another Author) from the no less antient then religious custom of eating nothing on [Page] those days till night, and then onely a Cake baked under the Embers or ashes which they called panem subcineritium, or Ember-bread. Turb. Cat. But Sir Hen. Spelm. de Concil says the true word is Imber from the old Sax. Imbren.
Embellish (Fr Embellir) to beautifie, garnish, adorn, bedeck, trim up, or set out unto the eye.
To Embezel ( fortè ab Ital. Invaligiare, i. in sacco ponere) to steal or pilfer. Min.
Emblem (emblema) is properly any fine work cunningly set in wood or other substance, as we see in Chessboards and Tables, notwithstanding it is commonly taken for a sweet moral symbol consisting of picture and words, by which some weighty matter is declared. See Art of making Devises, p. 7.
Emblematical (emblematicus) pertaining to an Emblem.
Emblematist, he that makes Emblems.
Emblements, a Law term, signifying strictly the profits of Land which hath been sowed; but the word is sometimes used more largely, for any profits that arise and accrew naturally from the ground, as grass, fruit, or trees, hemp, flax, &c. Mr. Shep.
Embolism (embolismus) the adding a day or more to a year, Leap-year.
Embo [...]ment (Fr. embouchement) a mouthing or putting into the mouth of; a subornation or fore-Instruction; a lesson given or conned before-hand. Malvezzies translater.
Embos [...], A term used by hunters when a Deer is so hard chased that he foams at the mouth, and hangs out the tongue; it comes from the Span. des embocar, i. to cast out of the mouth.
Embracer, A Law term, and is he that, when a matter is in trial, comes for reward to the Bar, being no Lawyer nor witness, and speaks in favour of one of the parties: or who labors the Jury, or useth any unlawful practice, to make them give their Verdict as he would have them.
Embrocation (Ital. embrocatione) a fomenting, besprinkling or gentle bathing the head or any other part, with a liquor falling from aloft upon it, in the manner of rain.
Embryon (embryo) a child in the mothers womb, before it has perfect shape; and by Metaphor, any thing before it has perfection.
Embryous, pertaining to an Embryon.
Em [...]uschment (from the Fr. embouscher) a falling into the Sea, as a River doth.
Emendal [...], (from emendo) is an old word, yet still used in the accounts of the Inner-Temple; where so much in Emendals at the foot of an account, signifies fo much [Page] in bank or stock for the House, q. a mending or increasing the common purse.
Emendation (emendatio) an amending, mending, reformation or correction.
Ementition (ementitio) a lying or forging.
Emergency (from emergo) an issuing or coming out, a rising up out of the water.
Emergent (emergens) issuing or running out: this word is often used when we speak of an Emergent occasion, which is, when it riseth out of somewhat done before.
Emerald (from the Span. esmeralda, Lat. Smaragdus) a precious stone, the greenest of all other, and is therefore very comfortable to the sight. The best of this sort are brought out of Scythia, and some affirm them to be taken out of the Griffins nest. It is found by experience (as Albertus writes) that if the Emrald be good, it inclines the bearer to chastity, and cannot endure the action of lust. There is also a disease sounding near this word, for which see Hemorroide.
Em [...]tique (from the Gr.) vomiting.
Emigration (emigratio) a departing, a going from one place to live at another.
Emication (emicatio) a shining or appearing aloft.
Eminency (eminentia) excellency passing or standing above others. Also a particular title of honor given to all Cardinals, and is held to be above Excellency.
Emissary (emissarius) a suborned accuser, a Spye, a Tale-bearer, one sent out, a Scout.
Em [...]rsion (from emergo) a rising or appearing out, a coming out.
Emission (emissio) a shooting, sending or casting forth.
Emit (emitto) to send forth, to publish abroad, to cast out.
Emmanuel (Hebr. God with us) one of the names under which our Saviour Christ was foretold by the Prophets, Isa. 7.14. Matth. 1.23. The union of two natures in one person of our Redeemer is noted in this word, Joh. 1.14.
Emollid (emollidus) soft, tender, nice, effeminate.
Emollient (emolliens) a making soft, pliant or loose Emollient medicines, i. mollifying or asswaging, such are milk, hony, &c.
Emo [...]ument (emolumentum) profit gotten by labor and cost
Emotion (emotio) a stirring or moving forth.
Empale. See Impale.
Empanel, A Law term and signifies the writing or entring the names of a Jury into a Parchment Schedule, Roll or paper by the Sheriff, which he hath summoned to appear for the performance of such publick service as Jurors are employed in.
[Page] Emparl [...]nce (from the Fr. parler, to speak) signifies in our Common Law a desire or petition in Court, of a day to pawse what is best to do, or of a day of respite. The Civilians call it Petitionem induciarum.
Emphasie (emphasis) earnestness, or an express signification of ones intention, a strong or vigorous pronuntiation of a word, a significant force in either.
Em [...]ical (emphaticus) that which is uttered with most express signification, in such sort, that it sets forth to the full the intent of the Speaker; forcible, vigorous, earnest, or done with an Emphasie.
Emphyteuticary (Emphyteuticarius) he that makes a thing better then it was when he received it, that raiseth his rents, or improves. Mr. Seld.
Emphyte [...]icy (emphyteuticus) set out to farm, hire, or rent.
Empirick (Empiricus) a young and unskilful Physitian, who without regard either of the cause of the disease, or the constitution of the Patient, applies those Medicines, whereof either by observation of other mens Receipts, or by his own practice, he has had experience from some other, work they how they will.
Empirically (empiricé) done like an Empirick, unskilfully, done by practice onely, without Theory.
Emplastration (emplastratio) a plastering, or dawbing, a graffing by inoculation; And in Physick, the applying a salve or plaister.
Empory (emporium) a Mart-Town, a place wherein a general Fair or Market is kept.
Emporetical (emporeticus) pertaining to Merchants or Markets.
Emprimed, A term used by Hunters when a Hart first forsakes the Herd.
Emption (emptio) buying or purchasing.
Emptional (emptionalis) that may be bought or purchased.
Emptory. See Empory.
Empyreal (empyraeus) fiery or burning. The Empyreal Heaven is the highest Heaven above the Firmament; so called because of the bright shining or fiery splendor of it; the Mansion or dwelling place of God, and his Elect.
Emrods. See Hemerrhoide.
Emucid (emucidus) very filthy, mouldy or unclean.
Emulate (aemulo) to strive to exceed, also to envy or disdain.
Emulgent ( emulgens, from emulgeo) milking or stroaking. The Emulgent vein is one of the two main branches of the hollow vein, which goes to the reins, and there is divided into divers others; some call it the Pumping vein.
[Page] Emulsion (emulsio) any kind of seed, &c. brayed in water, and then strained to the consistence of an Almond milk; also any kind of Cream, or milky humor.
Emunctories (emunctoria) certain kernelly places in the body, by which principal parts void their superfluities; as under the Arm-pits for the Heart, under the Ears for the Brain, and the Groin for the Liver. Also a pair of Snuffers.
Enargy (enargia) evidence, clearness, or a plain representing of a thing.
Encaustick (encausticus) enameled, wrought with fire, varnished.
Encheson ( A. 50. E. 3. c. 3.) is a Law French word, signifying as much as occasion, cause, or reason, wherfore any thing is done. See Skene de verb. sign.
Enchiridion (Gr.) a small Manual Book that one may clasp or carry in ones hand, a handful of a thing.
Enclitick Enclitical (encliticus) that inclines or gives back. Enclitical Conjunctions in Grammer are so called, because they incline or cast back the accent to the syllable going before, of which sort are these three, què, nè, vè, which are joyned to the end of other words. As in this verse of Horace, ‘Indoctúsque pilae, discíve, trohíve, quiescit,’
Encomium (Lat) a praise or song in commendation of any person.
Encomiastick (encomiasticus) belonging to, or one that writes, an Encomium; praising, commending, extolling.
Encrochment, a Law term, as when two mens grounds lying together, the one presseth too far upon the other, or when a Landlord takes more rent or services of his Tenant then of right is due; they are called Encroachments, &c.
Encyclical (from encyclides) pertaining to that learning, which comprehnds all Liberal Sciences; round. Dr. Ham.
Encyclopedy (encyclopaedia) that learning which comprehends all Liberal Sciences; an Art that comprehends all others, the perfection of all knowledge.
Enditement (indictamentum) comes of the French word Inditer, i. to accuse, or appeach, and is a Bill or Declaration made in form of Law (for the benefit of the Common-wealth) of an accusation for some offence, either criminal or penal, exhibited to Jurors, and by their verdict sound and presented to be true, before an Officer having power to punish the same offence.
Endorsed, a term in Heraldry, when two beasts are painted with their backs turned [Page] to each other. Also we call that endorsing, when we write the title on the outside of a Letter.
Endrome (endromis) a course long-wool'd mantle, which Wrastlers and Runners flung upon them when they were anointing, and after they had exercised.
Energy (energia) efficacy, effectual operation or strength.
Energetical, very forcible, or effectual.
Enervate (enervo) to weaken, to cut off sinews; to enfeeble.
Enervity (enervitas) weakness, feebleness.
Enfranchise (from the Fr. Enfranchir) to make free, to incorporate a man into any Society or Body Politick, to make one a free Denizen.
Engastrimuches (engastrimuchi) w [...] those, that being possessed, seemed to speak out of theit belly.
England (Sax. Engla-land) was so first named (after the common opinion) by Egbert the first sole and absolute Monarch of the English men.
Engonas [...] or Engonnas [...], (the name of one of the Constellations) commonly taken for Hercules, who in the Globe is figured with his right knee bent, in the manner of kneeling, and with his left foot treading part of the head of the Dragon. Min.
Engyscope (from the Gr.) an instrument for discerning the proportion of small things.
Enharmoniack (enharmonion) one of the three general sorts of Musick; song of of many parts, or a curious concent of sundry Tunes.
Enigma (Aenigma) a Riddle, a dark speech, or intricate sentence.
Enigmatical (aenigmaticus) obscure, hard to understand, full of Riddles.
Enigmatist (aenigmatistes) he that makes or propounds Riddles or hard questions.
Ennead (enneas, adis) nine, the number of nine.
Ennealogue (Gr.) a speaking or treating of nine points; an Oration or Treatise divided into nine parts or Chapters.
Enoch or Enos pillars. The story runs shortly thus; Enos (the son of Seth the son of Adam) who is held to be the first Author of Astrology, having heard his Grandfather Adam say, all things should be destroyed by the universal Flood, was desirous that Science should not perish, before it came to the knowledge of men, did therefore erect two Pillars, one of stone, the other of brick, to the intent, if the brick wasted with water or storms, yet the stone should preserve the Letters whole and perfect; and in these Pillars were graved all that concerns the observations of the stars, &c. one of which Josephus [Page] affirms remained even in his time. See Astronomy.
Enodate (enodo) to unknit, to cut away the knot; to declare or make manifest, to untie.
Enormit [...] (enormitas) want of measure or rule, unevenness, hugeness.
Ensiferous (ensifer) that bears or carries a Sword.
Enquest (Inquisitio) is in our Common Law especially taken for that Inquisition or Enquest of Jurors or by Jury, which is the most usual tryal of all causes, both criminal and civil in our Land.
Entaile (feudum talliatum) comes of the Fr entaillé And in our Common Law is a Substantive abstract, signifying Fee tayl, or Fee entailed. See Fee and Tail.
Entelechie (entelechia) a soul or form that hath power or motion within herself.
Entendment (Fr.) wit, or understanding. It signifies in our Common Law so much as the true meaning or signification of a word or sentence. Of which see Kitch. fo. 224.
To Enterfeir (from the Lat. inter and ferire) to rub or dash one heel against the other, to exchange some blows.
Enthalamize (from Thalamus) to bring the Bride-groom and Bride to their Bed-chamber.
Enthean or Entheater (entheatus) inspired with God.
Enthusiasts or Enthusiasi [...]s, a Sect of people that thought themselves inspired with a Divine Spirit, and to have a clear sight of all things they believed, &c.
Spondanus says, they sprung from the Anabaptistical Sect of Nicholas Stork of Silesia in the year 1522.
Enthusiasm or Enthysiasm (enthysiasmus) an inspiration, a ravishment of the [...]pirit, divine motion, Poetical fury.
Enthys [...]asmica [...], pertaining to an inspiration.
Enthymeme (enthymema) is a term of Logick, and signifies an imperfect Syllogism, which wants either the major or minor Proposition; As for example.
Now if we leave out the first part (called the major) and say thus, Every theft is a sin: Therefore every theft deserves correction Or omit the second part (called the minor) and say, Every sin deserves correction: therefore every theft deserves correction; then it is called an Enthymeme, to wit, a keeping in the mind (for so the word properly signifies) because one of these parts is concealed in the mind, and not uttered; and in that regard it is called truncatus Syllogismus, a lame or maimed Syllogism.
[Page] Enthymematical, pertaining to an Enthymeme.
Entitatively (entitativè) a term in Philosophy; and is when a thing is taken according to its essence, form or being.
Entitie (entitas) a being or subsistence.
Enucleate (enucleo) to take out the kernel, to declare or explicate a difficulty, to interpret or expound.
To Envelope (Sp. Envelopér) to wrap, unfold, involve or inclose; also to poster or incumber.
Enumerate (enumero) to reckon up, to declare, to number.
Enunciative ( enunciatum, Subst.) any thing pronounced or spoken, a proposition or speech, which simply affirms or denies any thing, as to say, Peter is a Scholar, Peter is no Scholar.
To Enunciate (enuncio) to pronounce, utter, or reveal.
Enure. See Inure.
Eolian, pertaining to Aeolus, the god of the winds; also inconstant as the wind.:
Epact (epacta) the day put to or added to make the Leap year; or it is a number of eleven days, in which the common Solar year exceeds the common Lunar year, the one consisting of 365 days, the other of 354 days, and therefore they add the excess unto the Lunar year to coequal them; For Epacta comes from [...], which signifies intercalare or addere; by the addition of which excess in every four years, there is gotten a number more then 30, which is greater then the Epact can be, because from Change to Change there can be but Thirty days; therefore Thirty must be taken from that excess, and the remainder is the Epact for the next year; As 1659. the Epact is Seventeen, whereto add Eleven, which makes Twenty eight, that is the Epact for the next year.
To get the Epact for ever do thus; Multiply the Prime by Eleven, parting the Product by Thirty; and the Remainder is the Epact: Or see the age of the Moon, the Eleven Kalends of April, for that is the number of the Epact. Hop. Concord.
Epatride, were Noble men among the Athenians, and held the like dignity with them as the Patricii did at Rome.
Eparch (Eparchus) the President of a Province, or the chief of all the Provincial Presidents.
Epheby (ephebus) a Stripling of fourteen years of age and upwards.
An Ephemeran or Ephemerides (ephemeris, idis) a book wherein daily Acts are registred, a Journal or Diary: commonly it is taken for a book of Astronomy (in use among [Page] such as erect figures to cast mens Nativities) by which is shewn how all the Planets are placed, every day and hour of the year.
Ephemeridian, belonging to such a Register or Day-book.
Ephemerist, One that registreth daily actions, or one that casteth Nativities, with the help of an Ephemerides; a maker of an Ephemerides.
Ephesian Temple, i. The Temple of Diana at Ephesus. See Diana.
Ephesian Moan, may be taken for a sad and continual lamentation, and is deduced from Heraclitus, a Philosopher of Ephesus, who always wept at the miseries of the world, and mortal men. The phrase is used by Du Bartas.
Ephi or Epha, an Hebrew measure, containing nine Gallons of ours.
Ephialtes (Gr.) the night Mare; it is a kinde of disease commonly called the Elfe, or Night-Mare, with which whoever is affected, he supposes himself to be invaded by some spirit, which leaning hard upon him, stops the passage of breath. Min. See Incubus
Ephippiated (ephippiatus) sadled, or that hath a saddle on his back.
Ephod (Hebr.) a Priestly Garment, used antiently to be worn by the Priests among the Jewes, whereof there were two kinds. The first was made of gold and twisted silk, of purple, scarlet, and violet colour, and fine linnen with broidered work, and this onely belonged to the High Priest, and was onely used by him, when he executed his function: it covered the back, and the breast; and on the shoulders there were set two great precious Onyx stones, and in them graven the names of the twelve Sons of Jacob, called the twelve Patriarchs; in the right shoulder the six eldest, and in the left the six youngest; that the High Priest going into the Sanctum Sanctorum, to officiate, might among other things be put in mind he was to pray to God for the posterity of those twelve Patriarchs.
The other was of white linnen, used by the inferior Priests, Levites, and also by Laicks. Moses and Aaron, p. 14.
Epicedium (Lat.) a Funeral Song, or verses in praise of the dead, which were wont to be sung before the Corps were buried.
Epicene (epicaenus) common of both Sexes or kinds. The Epicene Gender, is that which concludes both Sexes under one Article, as Aquila being declinable onely with the feminine Article, signifies both the male and female of Eagles.
Epichrists (epichrista) ointments.
Epicurean or Epicure (one that gives himself wholly to [Page] pleasure, especially to gluttony; Heretofore it signified one that followed the Sect of the Philosopher Epicurus, who taught, that the greatest happiness was to be without pain, and to enjoy pleasure of body, and mind, and that death was nothing, nor any thing after death.
Epicurean (epicureus) voluptuous, given to nothing but pleasure and gluttony.
Epicurism (epicurismus) the manner or custom of an Epicure, a living wholly according to sense and pleasure, in eating, drinking, &c.
Epicycle (epicyclus) a term in Astronomy, signifying a lesser circle, whose center or middle part is in the circumference of a greater. In the upper part of this Epicycle, the five Planets, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury go forward according to the course of the Signs, as Aries to Taurus, &c. in the lower part they are retrogade, that is, go backward, as from Gemini to Taurus, from Taurus to Aries again. Between these two Motions are said to be two Stations. viz. when a Planet ceaseth going forward, and begins to retrograde, or coming to the furthest point of his retrogradation, goes forward again. So that in the Epicycle these Planets wheel about sometimes according, sometimes contrary to the order of the Signs. Bull.
Epick or Epique (epicus) a sort of Poesie which is made in Heroical and lofty Verses, most commonly Hexameters. See Poesie.
Epidemy (epidemia) an universal sickness, and general infection, a most catching or contagious disease.
Epidemical (epidemicus) publick, universal; infectious, contagious.
Epigamy (epigamia) affinity by marriage with other Nations.
Epigastrick (epigastricus) pertaining to the outward part of the belly, from the bulk to the privities.
Epigram (epigramma) signif [...]es properly, a superscription or writing set upon any thing; now it is commonly taken for a short witty Poem, which under a feigned name does covertly praise or tax some particular person or thing.
Epigrammatist (epigrammatista) a maker of Epigrams.
Epigrammatographer (epigrammatographus) a writer of Epigr [...]ms.
Epigraph (epigraphe) an inscription or title.
Epilepsie (epilepsia) the Falling-sickness, whereto most commonly children and young folks are most subject. This disease is caused by some humor or vapour; suddenly stopping the passage of spirits [Page] in the brain, which the brain striving to expel, causeth [...]he Patient to fall down, and commonly foam at the mouth. Bull.
Epileptick (epilepticus) that hath the Falling-sickness.
Epilogism (Gr.) a computation, or a numbering by way of repetition. Greg.
Epilogue (epilogus) the conclusion or knitting up of a matter; a Speech made after an Interlude or Play ended.
Epil [...]gize (epilogizo) to conclude or deliver an Epilogue.
Epiod (epiodium) a song sung before the Corps were buried.
Epiphany (epiphania) an appearing of light, or a manifestation. The feast of Twelfth day after Christmas, is so called, in memory and honor of Christs manifestation or apparition made to the Gentiles by a miraculous blazing Star, by vertue whereof he drew and conducted the three Magi or Sages, commonly called the three Kings, who upon sight of that star came out of the East into the Country of Palestine or Jewry, to adore him in the Manger, where they presented him, as on this day with Mirh, Gold, and Frankinsence, in testimony of his Regality, Humanity and Divinity. The Vigil of this Feast was of old called Vigilia Luminum; And the Antients were wont to send lights one to another. Greg.
Arthur the Brittish King is said to have begun the custom of solemnizing the Twelve days in Christmass with such Feasts and Sports as yet are, or lately were used, by the Lords of mis-rule, in some Gentlemens houses. Heyl. See Balthazar.
Episcopal (episcopalis) of or like a Bishop,
Episcopate (episcopo) to play the Bishop, to oversee diligently.
Epistyle (epistylium) an architrave; also a little Pillar set upon a greater.
Epistolary (epistolaris) serving for Letters or Epistles.
Epitaph (epitaphium) an Inscription or writing, set upon a Tomb, most commonly in lamentation or praise of the party there buried: The invention whereof is referred to the Scholars of Linus, who first bewailed their Master, when he was slain, in doleful verses, then called of him Aelina, afterwards Epitaphia, for that they were first sung at burials, after engraved upon the Sepulchers. According to Plato's Laws an Epitaph should be comprised in four Verses. The Lacedemonians reserved this honor only to Martial men, and chaste women. Cam.
Epitasis (Gr.) the second and busiest part of a Comedy, [Page] which signifies the intention or exaggeration of matters. See Catastasis.
Epithalamy (epithalamium) a Bridal Song, or Poem, or a Song at a Wedding, in commendation of the parties married; Such was that of Solomon, Psal. 45. wherein the praise of the Church and her spiritual Marriage and Union with Christ is set down. Such also is that of Stella in Statius, and of Julia in Catullus, &c. It is so called from the Greek word [...], i. apud, and Thalamus, a Bed-Chamber, but more properly a Bride-Chamber, because this Song was used to be sung at the door of the Bride-Chamber, when the Bride bedded. There are two kinds of Epithalamies, the one used to be sung at night, when the married couple entred Bed; the other in the morning, to raise them up. Min.
Epithalamize, to make or sing an Epithalamy or Bridal song.
Epitheme (epithema) a kind of liquid medicine applied to an outward part of the body, by a piece of thin linnen, or cotten dipped in it; thereby to supple the place, or cool and comfort the inward (Heart, Stomack, or Liver) that's under it.
Epithemetical, belonging to such a kind of medicine.
Epithet (epitheton) a word added to a Noun Substantive to express some quality of it. As to say, a Noble person, Ʋnbridled lust, &c. here Noble and Ʋnbridled are the Epithets expressing the quality of a Person and Lust.
Epitoge (epitogium) a Cassock, or long Garment worn loose over other Apparel, the habit of a Graduat in the University.
Epitomator (Lat.) he that abridgeth, or abbreviates any matter in writing; an Epitomist.
Epitomy (epitome) an abridgement, abbreviation, or short gathering of any matter in writing. My Lord Bacon says, Epitomes are the corruptions and moaths of Histories.
Epitomize (epitomizo) to abbreviate or make an abridgement.
Epoch (epocha) a term of time, or as it were a certain retention or cohibition of it in a Chronological History, taken from the beginning of some Empire, Kingdom, or notable event, The Jews had several Epochs peculiar to themselves alone, and one in common with their Neighbors; those which they had among themselves were, First, From the Creation of the World, or the beginning of time. 2. From the universal Deluge, which happened An. Mun. 1656. 3. From the confusion of Tongues, A.M. 1786. 4. From Abrahams Journy out of Chaldaea into Canaan, A.M. 2021. 5. From their deliverance [Page] out of Egypt, A.M. 2453. 6. From the first year of Jubilee, A.M. 2499. 7. From the building of Solomons Temple, A.M. 2932. And lastly, from the Captivity of Babylon, An. M. 3357.
That which they had common with other Nations, was the Epoch of the Victory of the Greeks, which took beginning from the first Victory which Seleucus had against Antigonus in An. Mun▪ 3637. an account much used by the Jews, Chaldeans, Syrians, and other Nations of the East. But the Chaldeans also had their own Epoch, or Account apart, reckoning their time from the first year of Nabonasser ( Salmanassar he is called in Scripture) which being 438 years before this of Seleucus, must fall in An. Mun. 3201.
Next for the Grecians, they reckoned a long while by Olympiads, the first of which is placed in the year of the World 3174. But this account perished under the Constantinopolitans; they reckoned after by Indictions (an account devised by Justinian) every Indiction containing fifteen years, the first beginning An. Christ. 513. Which among Chronologers is still used. The Romans reckoning first from the foundation of their City, which was An. Mund. 3213. And afterwards from the Sixteenth year of Augustus his Empire (being that which is properly called the Roman Aera) An. Mund. 3936. An Account used by the Spaniards (where it first began) till the reign of Pedro the Fourth of Aragon, who abrogated it in his Dominions, An. Christ. 1350. followed therein by John the first of Castile, An. Christ. 1383. and at last by the King of Portugal also 1415.
The Christians generally reckon from the birth of Christ, but this they did not use till the year 600. following in the mean time the account of the Empire.
And finally, The Mahometans begin their Hegira (for so they call the time of their computation) from the flight of their Prophet Mahomet from Mecha, when he was driven thence by the Philarchoe; which hapned 16 July, An. 617. (or as some will have it) 622. As the word Epoch is used by the Grecians, so in the same sense is Aera by the Latins; it is called Epoche, [...], à sistendo, quod illinc sistantur & terminentur mensurae temporum. And A. cr. A. q. Annus erat Augusti. Scalig. lib. 5. Greg.
Epod (epodus) a kind of Lyrick Verse wherein the first is always longer then the second. As those of Horace.
[Page] Epostracism (epostracismus) a kind of sport or play with an Oister-shell or flat stone thrown into the water, and making a circle one or more ere it sinks; it is called a Duck and a Drake, and a white penny Cake.
Epulary (epularis) belonging to Feasts or Banquets.
Epulosity (epulositas) great banquetting.
Epulous (epulosus) liberal in Feasts, full of banquetting
Equator (Aequator) is a great Circle going round the terrestrial Globe from East to West. It passeth through Habassia, Sumatra, and Guiana. The use of it is to shew the latitude of any Town, Promontory, &c. And is so called, either because it is equally distant from the Poles, or because when the Sun is in it, the day and night are equal. Heyl. and Min.
Equanimity (aquanimitas) uprightness of heart or mind, quietness, patience, indifferency.
Equation (aequatio) making equal, even or plain.
Eques auratus, a Knight, so called in Latin, because it was lawful for Knights onely to beautifie their Armor and Caparisons for their horses with gold. Fern. 102.
Equestrian (equestris) pertaining to a Horse-man, Knight or Gentleman, or to an Horse. Sir H.W.
Equiangle, where the Angles are equal.
Equicrural, even-legged, that hath his legs even or alike.
Equidial (aequidialis) when the days and nights are both of a length.
Equidistants. See Parallels.
Equiformity, evenness or likeness in form or fashion.
Equilateral (aequilatus) that hath even sides, or that hath both sides of an equal bigness.
Equilibrity (aequilibritas) equality of weight.
Equinoctial (aequinoctium) is an imagined line pas [...]ng just in the midst between the two Poles of Heaven, to which line the Sun coming twice a year (namely, about the eleventh of March, and the eleventh of September) makes the days and nights of equal length in all the world (unless with such as inhabit just under the Poles;) for which cause it is called Aequinoctial: The Signs, Aries and Libra both begin at this time.
Equipage (Fr,) a dighting or setting forth of man, horse, or ship-furniture; good Armor, fit attire, sufficient array.
Equiparate (aequiparo) to make equal, to be like, to make comparison.
Equiparable (aequiparabilis) fit to be compared or equalled unto.
Equipensate (aequipenso) to esteem alike.
Equipollent (aequipollens) valuing equally, or being of like force or worth.
[Page] Equiponderous, of equal weight.
Equipped (Fr.) accoutred, furnished, set forth.
Equivalent (aequivalens) of equal might, value or worth.
Equivocal (aequivocus) that hath a double or doubtful signification. An Equivocal word is that which contains more significations then one, or that which serves for several notions. As the word Arms, in our vulgar use, equally signifies those parts of our body so called, or weapons or tokens of honor, and with an aspiration (which is an Elench or deceit in the Accent) harmes. See Per. Instit. p. 18.
Equivocation (aequivocatio) a double, divers and doubtful signification of a word or speech.
Equorean (aequoreus) pertaining to the Sea.
Eradicate (eradico) to pull up by the roots, to destroy utterly.
Erarians (Aerarii) were those, who being Citizens of Rome, were by the Censors deprived of giving their voyces in their Century or Tribe; paid all Tribute with Citizens, according to the valuation of their goods, and served in the Wars at their own charges; and it seems they took that name either because aera pendebant, or aera non merebant. Livie.
Erased, A term of Heraldry, when any member of a beast seems torn from the body.
Erasmus (Gr.) amiable or to be beloved; a mans name.
Erastianism, the Tenets or Opinions of the Erastians.
Erastians, A sort of modern Hereticks, so called from one Thomas Erastus a Doctor in Physick, their first Author, born at Baden in Switzerland, and died at Basil about the year 1583. Among other Tenets, he held that the power of Excommunication in a Christian State, principally resides in secular power, &c.
Erato, One of the nine Muses, who (as Ovid saith) Nomen amoris habet.
Erean (aereus) made of brass or copper, brasen.
Erebus, Hell, or a River in hell.
Eremetical (eremiticus) pertaining to an Hermite, or one that dwells in the wildernss.
Ereption (ereptio) a violent taking away.
Eretriack, a Sect of Philophers, the same with the Eleack, but changed into this name from Menedemus, who was born at the City Eretria, an eminent Philospher of this Sect.
Ergotism, Arguing, quarrelling, sophistry, quiddities; from the Lat. Ergo. a word much used in Syllogisms and Arguments.
Eriferous (aerifer) bringing forth, or bearing Brass or Copper.
[Page] Erimanthian, Belonging to Erimanthus a Mountain in Arcadia, where Hercules slew a huge wild-Bore, that wasted the Country; hence this Beast is called the Erymanthian Monster, in Il. Pastor Fido.
Ermines (Fr.) a little beast less then a Squirrel, the fur whereof is very costly, worn onely by Princes or great persons. It hath a tail of a thumb long. Ermine in Heraldry sometimes signifies white powdered with black, and sometimes black powdered with white. Bull.
Eristical (from eris, idis) contentious, full of strife. Mr. White Apol. for Tradition.
Eristicks (from eris) Books or Treatises of Controversie or Disputes.
Erivate (erivo) to draw water away by a stream, to dry up.
Erogation (erogatio) a bestowing or liberal distribution.
Erosion (erosio) a consuming or eating up, a gnawing or eating into.
Erumnate (aerumno) to impoverish, to make miserable or wretched.
Erratique (erraticus) that wanders or creeps up and down.
Errant (errans) wandring, or straying out of the way; it is also attributed to Justices of Circuit. Pl Cor. fol. 15.
Errata (Lat.) errors or faults committed of ignorance; they are most commonly taken for those faults or omissions, which escape correction in printing. See Theta.
Errh [...]ne (errhinum) a medicine, which being made either liquid or in dry powder, is used to stop bleeding at the nose, to provoke sneezing, to cause child-birth, and to purge the brain. Bac.
Erroneous (erroneus) full of errors or mistakes.
Erubescency (erubescentia) blushing for shame.
Eructate (eructo) to belch or break wind upward, to send or cast out.
Eructation (eructatio) a belching.
Erudition (eruditio) learning, knowledge or instruction.
Erugate (erugo) to take away wrinckles.
Eruginous (aeruginosus) full of rust, cankered, corrupted, blasted▪
Eruncate (erunco) to weed out, to pull out weeds.
Eruption (eruptio) a violent issuing or breaking forth.
Erysipely (erysipelas) a bile or swelling, full of heat and redness: Also St. Anthonies sore.
Erysipelatous (erysipelatosus) troubled with that disease or grief.
Er [...]t [...]an Sea, (the Red-Sea, otherwise called the Arabian Gulf or Gulf of Mecha) so called from King Erythraeus; It is called the Red Sea, not from any material redness therein, but from the redness [Page] of the earth and sands, and from the great abundance of Coral, which grows plentifully in the bottom of this Sea. See more in Vul. Er. 320.
Esay (Heb) reward of the Lord.
Escal (escalis) pertaining to meat, fit to be eaten.
Escambio is a Licence granted to one for the making over a Bill of Exchange to a man beyond Sea. Register Original. fol. 199. a.
Escheat (from the Fr. Escheoir, i. cadere) signifies in our Common Law any Lands or other profits that fall to a Lord within his Manor by way of forfeiture, or the death of his Tenant, dying without heir general or special, or leaving his heir within age unmarried, Magna Charta. Cap. 31. Fitz. nat. br. fol. 143.
Escheator, An Officer that observes the Escheats of the King in the County where he is Escheator, and certifies them into the Exchequer. He continues in his Office but one year, nor can he be Escheator above once in three years. An. 1. H. 8. Cap. 8. & An. 3. esusdem Cap. 2. See more of this in Cromptons Justice of Peace.
Escotcheon (Fr. Escusson) a Buckler or Shield, whereof in Europe we have onely two kinds in use (the Lozenge excepted) viz. that we use in England, France, Germany, &c. & the Oval they bear in Italy, which form they yet (from the old Romans) hold in use. The word Escutcheon, is derived from the French un Escù, that from the Latin Scutum, and that again from [...] in Greek, which signifies Leather, because the Antients had their Shields of tanned Leather, the skins laid thick one over another, as appears by that of Ʋlysses upbraiding Ajax,
Escuage (from the Fr. Escu, i. clypeus, a Buckler or Shield) in our Common Law signifies a kinde of Knights service, called service of the Shield; the Tenant holding thereby, is bound to follow his Lord into the Scottish or Welch wars at his own charge, &c. Fitz. nat. br. fo. 84. C.
Esculent (esculentus) that may be eaten, or pertaining to eating.
Escutial (Span. but some affirm it to be an Arabick word, and to signifie Domus lucis) is the name of that incomparable Edifice built by Philip the Second King of Spain in twenty four years times, and at eight millions charge, and is termed the [Page] eighth wonder of the world. It contains, first the King of Spains Palace. Secondly, St. Lawrence Church. Thirdly, the Monastery of Hieronymites. And fourthly, Free-Schools; it hath eleven or twelve several Quadrangles, every one with Cloisters. Quade.
By extension of the word, or by metaphor it may be taken for any other magnificent Palace or Structure.
Esnecy (aesnecia) is a Prerogative given to the eldest Coparcener to chuse first, after the Inheritance is divided. Flet. l. 5. cap. 10. in divisionem.
Esons-bath, Aeson in his old age (as Poets feign) had youth and vigor restored to him by the Prayers of Medea a notable Sorceress, &c. See Medea. Hence we may imagine Aesons-bath to have had the vertue of restoring youth to aged persons; the phrase is used in Rel. Medici.
Esopical (aesopicus) fabulous or pertaining to such tales or fables, as those of Aesop.
Esples ( expletia, from the Lat. expleo) seem to be the full profit that the ground or land yields, as the hay of the Meadows, the feed of the pasture, the corn of the arable, the Rents, Services, and such like issues. Cow.
Esquier (armiger) is in letters little altered from the Fr. Escuier, i. scutiger) it signifies with us that degree of Gentry, which is next to a Knight. Sir Tho. Smith is of opinion, that at the first these were bearers of Arms to Lords and Knights, and by that had their name and dignity. See Cam. Brit. fol. 111. In our old Saxon, an Esquire was called Scyldknapa, or (according to our modern Orthography) Shieldknave, i. he that in war did bear the Shield of Arms of his Chief or Superior. Verst.
Esqulinus, one of the seven Hills in Rome. As 1. Aesquilinus. 2. Quirinalis. 3. Viminalis. 4. Coelius. 5. Tarpeius. 6. Palatinus. 7. Aventinus; which may be better be remembred by this contracted verse, ‘Aesqui. Quiri-Vimin. Coel. Tar. Palatinus, Aventin.’
Esquiry (Fr. Eicuyrie) the Stable of a Prince, a Querry ship; also the dignity or estate of an Esquire. Spotswood.
Essay (Fr.) a proof, a trial, a flourish or preamble; Among Comoedians the trial or proof of their action, which they make before they come forth publickly upon the Stage, is their Essay.
Essence (essentia) the being or natural substance of any thing.
Essenes or Esseans ( aesseni vel aessei, so called from the Syriack [...], Asa, signifying to heal or cure diseases) [Page] were certain Sectaries or Philosophers, among the Hebrews of two sorts, the one Practicks the other Theoricks, both agreed in their Aphorisms, but in certain circumstances they differed. They referred every thing to Destiny, deemed the Soul to be mortal, would have men fight till death in defence of Justice, sacrificed not with the rest of the people, nor scarce conversed with them; were much given to tillage and husbandry, highly prizing purity of life and sanctity of conversation, they lived in common, never married, kept no servants, saying, Servants were wicked, and a Wife cause of discord. Their life was Monastick, and themselves given much to contemplation of the nature of Herbs, Plants, Stones, and Beasts: In diet, meat and drink, moderated by sufficiency, much addicted to Moral Philosophy, not caring for wealth, or hoarding up treasure. Josephus, and Moses and Aaron, p. 50.
Essedary (essedarius) a kind of Warrior that was wont to ride in a Waggon or Chariot, but fought on foot, formerly in use with the antient Gauls; also a Waggoner or Chariot-man.
Essed (essedum) a Wain, Chariot or Waggon. In antient time it was a Chariot for fight, of a peculiar form.
Essential (essentialis) belonging to the essence or being of any thing.
Essentifical, that makes or causeth the essence or being.
Essoine, comes of the Fr. essoyné or exoiné, i. causarius miles, he that hath his presence forborn or excused upon any just cause, as sickness or other incumbrance. It signifies in our Common Law an alleadgement of an Excuse for him that is summoned or sought for to appear or answer to an Action real, or to perform suit to a Court Baron, upon just cause of absence, &c. See more in Cowel.
Estandard. See Standard.
Estiferous (aestifer) that brings or endures heat.
Estival (aestivalis) pertaining to Summer, or to the longest day in the year.
Estivate (aestivo) to summer in a place, to dwell or retire to a place for the Summer season.
Estovers (from the French estovér, i. to foster) signifies in our Common Law nourishment or maintenance. For example, Bracton l. 3. tract. 2. cap. 18. num. 2. useth it for that sustenance which a man, taken for Felony, is to have out of his lands or goods, for himself and his family, during his imprisonment: and the Stat. An. 6. E. 1. cap. 3. useth it for an allowance in meat or cloth. It is also used for certain allowances of wood, [Page] to be taken out of another mans wood. Mr. West part. 2. Symbol. tit. Fines sect 26. saith, that the name of Estovers contains house-boot, hey-boot and plow-boot, as if he gave in his grant these general words, de rati [...]nabili estoveria in boscis, &c. he may thereby claim these three. Cow.
Estreat (from the Lat. Extractum, or from the Fr. Extraict) is used in our Common Law for the Copy or true note of an original writing. For example, of amerciaments or penalties set down in the Rolls of a Court, to be levied by the Bailiff or other Officer, of every man for his offence. See Fitz. nat. br fol. 75. H. 1. K. and 76. a. And so it is used Westm. 2. c. 8. & 13. Ed. 1.
Estrepement or Estripament (of the Fr. Estropier, i. to maim or lame) signifies in our Common Law, spoil, or waste made by a Tenant for life upon any Lands or Woods to the prejudice or him in the reversion, as namely in the Stat. An. 6. Ed. 1. cap. 13. And sometimes it is taken for a Writ in the nature of a prohition to forbid the committing Waste. Nat. br. 60, 61.
Estuate (aestuo) to burn or parch with heat, to rage, as the Sea doth.
Esurini (esurialis) pertaining to those days, whereon men forbear meat, fasting, hungry.
Esurion (esurio) an hungry fellow.
Eternize (aeterno) to make immortal or eternal.
Etesia [...] (etesius) belonging to the East winds, easterly.
Etherial (aethereus) pertaining to the sky or firmament, celestial.
Ethick (ethicus) moral, belonging to manners.
Ethicks, Books treating of moral Philosophy and manners. Also moral Philosophers themselves are called Ethicks. As Logick intreats of the Understanding and Reason; so Ethick of the Will, Appetite and affections. Bac.
Ethiopians or Moors, the people of Aethiopia; the particulars of their opinions, wherewith they have infected the true purity, I find thus registred. 1. They use to Circumcise both males and females. 2. They baptize males forty, females eighty days after their circumcision. 3. After the receipt of the Sacrament, they are not to spit till Sun-set. 4. They profess but one Nature and one Will in Christ. 5. They accept only the three first general Councils. 6. Their Priests live only by the labour of their hands; for they allow them nothing, and permit them not to beg. 7. They rebaptise themselves every Epiphany day in Lakes and Ponds, because that day they suppose Christ to have been bap [...]ised by John in Jordan. Heyl.
[Page] Ethnarchy (ethnarchia) principality or rule.
Ethnick (ethnicus) heathenish, ungodly, irreligious: And may be used substantively for a Heathen or Gentile.
Ethology (ethologia) the feat of counterfeiting mens manners: An interlude of a moral subject, or wherein mens manners are acted and expressed.
Etiology (aetiologia) a rendring of a cause, a shewing of reason.
E [...]na (Aetna) a hill in the Island of Sicily, which continually sends forth flames of fire, occasioned by the abundance of sulphur and brimston therein contained, which is blown by the wind driving in at the chaps of the earth, as by a pair of bellows, &c. of this hill there are many Poetical fictions which I omit: it [...]s now called Montgibal.
Etymology ( etymologia ab [...], verus, and [...], sermo) the true original or derivation of a word; as lepus quasi levipes.
Etymologia est resolutio vocis in verum & proprium effectum, & verbi veritatem notificat, & ob id, eam Cicero veriloquium appellat. Clau. Cantiuncula de loc. legal.
Etymological (etymologicus) pertaining to Etymology.
Etymologize (etymologizo) to shew the true derivation of a word, to intrepret or expound words truly.
Evacuate (evacuo) to make empty or void, to purge. In the Rhemes Testament, Evacuated from Christ, signifies, made void, and having no part with him.
Evade (evado) to escape, to pass without danger.
Evagation (evagatio) a wandring, roving or straying abroad.
Evagirate (evagino) to draw out of a sheath or scabbard.
Evangeliques, a sort of Reformers so called, appearing at, or not long after Luther in Germany.
An Evangelistary, The office of an Evangelist; also a Pulpit, or the place where the Gospel is delivered.
Evangelism (evangelismus) joyful tidings; as the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, the tidings of Christs Nativity, &c.
Evangelist (evangelista) one that brings good tidings; a writer or preacher of the Gospel.
Evangelize (evangelizo) to preach the Gospel, to bring good tidings.
Evanid (evanidus) vain, decaying, unfruitful, frail.
Evaporate (evaporo) to breath or steam out, to send out vapors.
Evasion ( evasio from evado) an escaping, a shift.
Eucharist (Eucharista) properly signifies a giving of thanks. In Ecclesiasticall [Page] writings it is taken for the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ.
Eucharistical, Pertaining to the Eucharist.
Eucrasy (eucrasia) a right temperature of the body, humors and qualities.
Eudoxie (Gr.) excellency of name, good report or estimation.
Eve the wife of Adam; from the Heb. Evah, i. living or giving life. Adam so called his wife, because she was the mother of every living thing.
Evection (evectio) a carrying out or forth.
Eveck or Evick (Ibex) a kind of wilde Goat.
Eventerate (from è and venter) to take out the belly or paunch of any thing; also to come out of the belly. Dr. Br.
Eve [...]tilate (eventilo) to winnow as we do Corn; and metaphorically to sift or examine a matter throughly.
Eversion (eversio) a ruine or overthrowing.
Evertuate, to take away the vertue or strength.
Evestigate (evestigo) to seek, to follow, to hunt after.
Eugantan (euganeus) pertaining to that people or Country, by the inner Gulf of the Adriatique Sea, towards the Alps, which belongs to the Dominion of Venice.
Eugenia (Gr) nobleness or goodness of birth or blood.
Evibration (evibratio) a shaking, brandishing, or darting.
Eviction (evictio) an over vercoming or convincing by Law.
Evince (evinco) to vanquish, to surmount, to convince; to obtain by earnest labor; also to convict and recover by Law.
Eviration (eviratio) a gelding or taking away the Genitals.
Evintegrony (aevintiger) that bears age without decay.
Evisceration (eviscero) to imbowel, or draw out the guts.
Evitable (evitabilis) that may be shunned or avoided.
Eviternity (aeviternitas) eternity, everlastingness, immortality.
Euloge or Eulogy (eulogia) a well speaking, an honest speech; a Praise or Benediction.
Eulogical (eulogicus) well-spoken.
Eunuchate or eunuchize (eunuchizo) to geld men, or to play the Eunuch, or gelded man.
Eunuchism, the state or condition of an Eunuch, the want of virility.
Eunomians, A sort of Hereticks, who maintained, that no sin could be hurtful to one having Faith. St. Aug. Her. Cap. 54.
Evocation (evocatio) a calling out, forth, or upon; a [Page] mustering, calling back, or withdrawing.
Evolatical (evolaticus) that flies or gads abroad.
Evolution (evolutio) a rolling or tumbling out, a reading over.
Euphemism (euphemismus) a good or favourable interpretation of a bad word.
Euphony (euphonia) a good sound or voyce, as they use to say in Schools, Euphoniae gratia, for good sound sake.
Euphorbium, A gum or tear of a strange plant growing on Mount Atlas in Lybia. It is yellowish, clear, and brittle. It may be used in Oyntments against Palsies, Cramps, and shrinking of sinews; but to be taken inwardly is very dangerous, unless the malice of it be well corrected, for it is exceeding hot in the fourth degree. Bull.
Euripe (Euripus) signifies generally any Strait, Fret, or Channel of the Sea, running between two shoars, as Julius Pollux defines it. But Euripus Euboicus or Chalcidicus, is a narrow passage of Sea dividing Attica and the Island of Euboea now called Golpho de Negroponte, which ebbs and flows seven times every day: the reason of which when Aristotle could not find, it is said he threw himself into the Sea with these words, Quia ego non capio te, tu capias me. But see Dr. Br. Vul. Er. fol. 364. Hence.
To Euripize, To ebb and flow, as Euripus doth, to be always in motion, to be inconstant, to be whirled hither and thither.
Eurythmie (eurythmia) is that agreeable harmony between the bredth, length, and height of all the rooms of a Fabrick. Vitruv. l. 1. c. 2.
Europe (Europa) one of the four parts of the world, lying towards the West, containg England, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, all Greece, Creet or Candy, with many other Kingdoms, great Countries and Islands. We have many opinions concerning the derivation of the word, but the most received is, that it is called Europe of Europa, King Agenors daughter, whom Jupiter (as Poets feign) in likeness of a Bull carried over Sea into the Island Candy. Bull.
Eustace (eustachius) standing firm, constant: a proper name.
Eutaxie (eutaxia) good order, placing or disposing. Apol. for learning.
Euthanasie (Gr.) a happy death. Bac.
Euterpe, one of the Muses.
Euthymie (euthymia) security, quiet, hearts-ease.
Eutrapelize (from Eutrapelia) to treat civilly, or use courteously. Four Ages.
Eutychians followers of the Arch Heretick Eutyches, who, about the year of Christ 443. in time of Pope Leo the first, and Theodosius the second [Page] Emperor, dogmatized, that there was but one nature in Christ, that Christ was not truely born of the Virgin Mary, with many other absurd errors against Faith.
Evulsion (evulsio) a plucking up.
Exacerate (exacero) to purge from chaff.
Exacinate (exacino) to pull or press out the kernels.
Exacution (exacutio) the pointing or making a thing sharp.
Exaggerate (exaggero) to heap up together, to increase or amplify.
Exagitate (exagito) to trouble, chide, to discuss, to stir up or move.
Ex-amussim (Lat) exactly, justly, according to rule.
Exanguious (exanguis) without blood, dead, fearful, pale. Vul. Er.
Exanimate (exanimo) to trouble in mind, to astonish, to kill.
Exanthems (exanthemata) the Small-pox, wheals or pushes in a mans skin, Measles.
Exantlate (exantlo) to draw out, to empty, to sustain or suffer, to overcome with great pain. Dr. Charleton.
Exarate (exaro) to dig or plow up, also to write with the pen or engrave.
Exarch (Exarchus) a Vice-Emperor, a Lieutenant of the Empire.
Exarchy or Exarchate, The chief place of dignity under the Emperor, the Lieutenancy of the Empire.
Exariculate (exarticulo) to put out of joynt.
Exartuate (exartuo) to carve as meat is carved, to quarter as the hangman doth.
Exasperat (exaspero) to make sharp, to vex or make angry.
Exaturate (exaturo) to fill an hungry stomack, to satisfie a greedy mind.
Exauctorate or Exauctorat (exauctoro) to put out of pay, service or office.
Exaugurate (exauguro) to unhallow, to prophane.
Exausp [...]cate (exauspico) to have ill luck, to do a thing unfortunately.
Excalfaction (excalfactio) a heating, chafing or warming.
Excambion (from Cambio) an Exchange. Spots.
Excandescency (excandescentia) anger soon come and gone.
Excavation (excavatio) a making hollow. Sir H.W.
Execation (excaecatio) a blinding or making blind.
Excelsity (excelsitas) height, loftiness.
Excentrick (excentricus) that moveth out of its Center, or that hath no Center. Excentrick Orbes, are those circles in heaven, which have not their center in the Center of the earth.
Excentricity, the being out of Center.
[Page] Exceptor (Lat.) he that write ones words as he speaks them; a gatherer.
Excety (excerpo) to pick out or choose.
Excern (excerno) to sift, to purge, to seirce, to bolt. Bac.
Excision (excisio) a breaking down, a wasting or destroying.
Excitate (excito) to stir up, to encourage.
Exclusion (exclusio) a shutting out, a debarring.
Exclusory (exclusorius) that hath power to exclude or shut out.
Excommunication (excommunicatio) is thus defined by Panormitan: Excommunicatio est nihil aliud quàm censura à Canone vel Judice Ecclesiastico prolata & inflicta, privans legitima communione sacramentorum, & quandoque hominum: And it is divided in majorem & minorem: Minor est per quam quis à sacramentorum participatione conscientia vel sententia arcetur. Major quae non solum à Sacramentorum, verumetiam fidelium communione excludit, & ab omni actu legitimo separat & dividit. Venatorius de Sent. Excom. Excommunication is a Censure inflicted by the Canon or Ecclesiastick Judge, depriving the person offending or the lawful Communion or the Sacraments, and sometimes of the liberty even of conversing with the faithful.
Excoriate (excorio) to pluck off the skin or hide, to flay or fret the skin off. How.
Excreable (excreabilis) that may be voided by spitting or retching.
Excrement (excrementum) the dregs of digestion made in the body, the offal or refuse of any thing.
Excrementous Excrementitious pertaining to the excrements or refuse of nature or other thing, dreggy, filthy, full of excrements.
Excrescence (from excresco) the unnatural swelling or growing out of a thing, as of a wart, wen, &c.
Excretion (excretio) the voiding of excrements or superfluity in the body.
Excrutiate (excrucio) to torment or vex.
Exculca [...] (exculco) to tread, trample or kick up.
Exculcate (exculpo, as) to clear ones self of a fault.
Excuriate (excurio) to throw out of the Court.
Excursion (excursio) a skirmish, an invasion or inroad, a digression in speech, a running out.
Excusatory (excusatorius) pertaining to excuse, excusing.
Excussion (excussio) a diligent inquisition or examination; a shaking off, a casting off or out.
Execation (execatio) a cutting forth or away.
Execrable (execrabilis) cursed, detestable, horrible.
Execration (execratio) a [Page] cursing or banning; a wishing of mischief to come.
Executor (Lat.) one that executes or does a thing. But more particularly 'tis he that is appointed by any man in his last Will and Testament to have the disposing of all his substance according to the contents of the said Will. See more of this in the Office of Executors.
Exemplat (Lat.) a person or thing containing an example to follow or eschew; As Cicero is exemplar, and his Eloquence exemplum.
Exemplifie (exemplifico) to give an example or copy.
Exemption (exemptio) a taking away, an exception or priviledging.
Exenterate (exentero) to pull out the garbish or guts of a thing, to unbowel or empty.
Exequies (exequiae) funeral solemnities at a Burial, so called (à sequendo) because the Corps go first, and the multitude follows.
Exequial (exequialis) that brings or pertains to a Funeral.
Exercitate (exercito) to exercise often, to use much.
Exercitation (exercitatio) use, custom, practice.
Exert (exertus) shewed or put forth, standing out; open, drawn.
Exesion (exesio) a gnawing or eating up, a consuming.
Ex [...]a [...]e (exhalo) to breath out, to cast forth a breath or fume; also to give up.
Exhalation (exhalatio) a fumy smoak, hot and dry, drawn out of the Earth by the heat of the Sun, which being inflamed, is the material cause of divers fiery impressions in the Air, and being thin and lighter then a vapor, is carried up even to the highest Region. Goodly Gallery.
Ex [...]armonians, discords, or dissonances in musick.
Exhausted (exhaustus) drawn out, emptied, consumed.
Exhibite (exhibeo) to set abroad, to present, to give, to shew it self.
Exhibition (exhibitio) a giving, deliverance or preservation; a gift or allowance.
Exhil [...]r [...]re (exhilaro) to make one merry, to refresh.
Exhilaration (says my Lord Bacon) has some affinity with joy, though it be a much lighter motion. Nat. hist. 151.
Ex [...]guity (exiguitas) littleness, scarceness, slenderness.
Exigen [...] (exigens) a straitness, narrowness, distress or necessity. Also a Writ which lyes, where a man brings a personal Action, and the Defendant cannot be found, nor hath any thing within the County, whereby he may be attached or destrained, then this Writ shall go forth to the Sheriff to make Proclamation [Page] at five Counties one after another, that if he appear not, he shall be out-lawed; and if he be out-lawed then all his Goods and Chattels are forfeit to the King. In an Indictment of Felony, the Exigent shall go forth after the first Capias. And there are four Exigenters who are Officers in the Common-Pleas, that make out these Exigents.
Exiguo [...]s (exiguus) little, small, slender
Exilition (from exilio) a leaping or going out hastily.
Exility (exilitas) slenderness, leanness, smalness.
Exile (exilium) banishment.
Eximious (eximius) excellent, singular, choice.
Eximiety (eximitas) excellency.
Exinanited (exinanitus) pilled, robbed, emptied, exceedingly abased, reduced to nothing.
Exinanition (exinanitio) an emptying, an evacuation, a bringing to nothing.
Existimate (existimo) to suppose, to judge, to think or deem.
Exit (the third person of exeo, to go out) he went forth or departed out, he ended; and is sometimes used Substantively.
Exitial Exitious (exitiosus) mischievous, dangerous, baneful, deadly, destructive.
Exodus (Gr. ab [...], i. extra out, and [...], i. via, a way) a going forth or departing out. The second Book of the Old Testament is so called, because it treats of the people of Israels going out of the Land of Egypt. Min.
Exoine (Fr.) an excuse; a discharge of, or toleration for absence, upon a lawful cause alledged. See Essoine.
Exolete (exoletus) past, grown out of use, worn out, stale.
Exolution (exolutio) a full and perfect payment; also a faintness or looseness of all the parts of the body.
Exonerate (exonero) to unload, to ease, to dispatch.
Exoptable (exoptabilis) to be desired or wished.
Exorable (exorabilis) easie to be entreated.
Exorbitate (exorbito) to go out of the right way, to be irregular.
Exorbitancies (exorbitantiae) things out of order, rule, or measure, extravagancies.
Exorcis [...] (exorcizo) to adjure; to charge the devil in the name of God, or by the reverence that is due to holy things, to do the will of him that Exorciseth.
Exorcism (exorcismus) adjuration; prayers used by the Church against the power of the devil.
Exorcist (exorcista) one, who by a special gift of God, calls foul spirits out of the bodies of those who are possessed with them.
[Page] Exordium (Lat.) a beginning an entrance.
Exornate (exorno) to garnish, to adorn, to make fair.
Exortive (exortivus) that pertains to rising, or the East part.
Exosseous (exossus) without bones, that hath no bones.
Exoster (exostra) an antient Engine for war; now used for a Petard to blow open a Port or Gate.
Exotetick, was that part of Aristotles doctrine which conduced to Rhetorick, Meditation, nice Disputes, and the knowledge of Civil things. Yet I have read Exoterick Books (libri Exoterici) to consist of plain ordinary matter.
Exotick (exoticus) foraign, strange, barbarous, outlandish.
Expand (expando) to declare or utter; to display or spread abroad.
Expansion (expansio) a displaying, an opening, a spreading forth.
Ex-parte (Lat.) partly, in part, or of one part; but in the Court of Chancery it hath this signification; a joynt Commission is that wherein both Plaintiff and Defendant joyn; a Commission Ex parte, is that which is taken out by one party onely.
Expatiate (expatior, aris) to wander, to stray, to spread abroad.
Expectable (from expecto) that may be expected or looked for.
Expedient (from expedio) is used both Substantively and Adjectively: Substantively it is a help or fit means to prevent further mischief, or compass any matter; Adjectively, it signifies, fit, helping, furthering, necessary.
Expeditate (from ex, and pes, to unfoot) is a word usual in the Forrest Laws, otherwise called Lawing of Dogs, signifying, to cut out the balls of Dogs feet, or (as some will have it) to cut off by the skin, the three claws of the forefoot on the right side for the preservation of the Kings game. Charta Forestae ca. 6. Every one that kept any great dogs not expeditated, did forfeit to the King three shillings and four pence Cromp. Juris. fol. 152. and Manwood, part. 1. fol. 205. and 212.
Expedite (expedio) to dispatch, to discharge, to prepare. to bring to pass.
Experiment (experimentum) use, practice, proof or trial.
Exp [...]ble (expiabilis) that may be purged or satisfied for.
Exp [...]ate (expio) to pacifie with prayer, to purge by Sacrifice, to make amends or satisfaction for.
Exp [...] (expiatio) a pacifying with prayer, a recompence or making amends.
The Feast of Expiation (among the antient Hebrews) was commanded to be celebrated on the tenth day of the moneth Tisri, answering [Page] to our September, Lev. 13. It was so called, because the High Priest did then confess unto God both his own sins and the sins of the people, and by the performance of certain Rites, and Ceremonies, expiate them, and make an atonement with God for them.
Explement (explementum) a thing that fills up or accomplishes.
Expletive (expletivus) that fills a place, or makes perfect; fulfilling or making up.
Explicate (explico) to unfold, display, declare or expound.
Explicit (explicitus) unfolded, declared, ended.
Explode (explodo) publickly to disgrace, or drive out by hissing or clapping of hands.
Explorement Exploration (exploratio) a search, a trial or searching out.
Explosion (explosio) a casting of or rejecting, a hissing a thing out.
Expolition (expolitio) a triming, polishing or burnishing.
Ex post-facto (Lat.) a Law term, and signifies the doing something after another; or the doing something after the time wherein it should have been done.
Expostulate (expostulo) to require, also to complain, to quarrel in words, to find him self grieved.
Exprobration (exprobratio) a reproach or upbraiding.
Expugnable (expugnabilis) pregnable, which may be forced or won by force.
Expugnation (expugnatio) a conquering or winning by assault.
Expuition (expuitio) a spitting forth.
Expulsion (expulsio) an expelling, banishing or putting forth.
Expumicate (expumico) to polish or smooth with a pumice stone, to purge or make clean.
Expunge (expungo) to put, cross, or blot out.
Exquisite (exquisitus) much searched for, singular, curious, exact.
Exsufflation, a breathing out or upon.
Extant (extans) which appears above others, standing out, which is in being.
Extancy (extantia) a standing up, or appearing above others.
Extacy. See Ecstacy.
Extemporality (extemporalitas) a promptness, or readiness without premeditation or study.
Extempore (Lat.) out of hand, on a sudden, without premeditation.
Extemporaneous Extemporary (extemporarius) sudden, speedy, without premeditation.
Extend (extendo) to stretch out, enlarge or prolong. It signifies in our Common Law, to seize and value the Lands or Tenements of one bound by Statute, &c. that hath forfeited his bond, to [Page] such an indifferent rate, as by yearly rent the obligor may in time be paid his debt. The course and circumstance of this see in Fitz. nat. br. fol. 131. Brief [...]d execut. sur. stat. Merch.
Extensible (extensibilis) w [...]ich may be extended or drawn out in length.
Extensive (extensivus) that may be stretched out, or made long.
Extent (from extendo) hath two significations, sometimes signifying a Writ or Commission to the Sheriff for the valuing of Lands or Tenements. Regist. Judicial in the Table. Sometimes the act of the Sheriff or other Commissioner, upon this Writ. Brook. tit. Extent. fol. 313.
Extenuate (éxtenuo) to diminish, to make less, to undervalue.
Extercorate (extercoro) to carry forth dung or ordure, to cleanse.
Exteriour (exterior) more outward, in a lower place or degree.
Exterminate (extermino) to drive or cast out, to banish, to ruine, to destroy.
External (externus) outward, strange, foreign.
Exterraneous or Extraneous (exterraneus) strange, of another Land or Country.
Extersion (extersio) a wiping out.
Extimate (extimus) the outmost or last, the contrary to intimate.
Extimulate (extimulo) to prick forward, to stir up or encourage.
Extinct (extinctus) quenched, put out, appeased, dead.
Extirpate (extirpo) to pluck up by the roots.
Extispicious (from extispicium) pertaining to South-saying by the intrals of beasts.
Extorsion (extorsio) exaction, a wreathing or wringing out or from. In our Common Law it signifies an unlawful or violent wringing of money or moneys worth from any man. For example, if any Officer, by terrifying any Subject in his Office, take more then his ordinary duties, he commits, and is inditable of Extorsion. To this may be referred the exaction of unlawful Usury, winning by unlawful Games, excessive Toll in Milners, &c. See more in Cromp. Just. of P. fo. 48, 49, 50.
Extort (extoqueo) to take away by force, to wrest away by violence.
Extract Extraction (extractio) a drawing out, a breviate or abridgment, also a draught or copy.
Extramission (extramissio) a sending out, or beyond.
Extraneous. See Exterraneus.
Extravasal (from extra and vas) that is besides or out of the vessel.
Extricable (extricabilis) which a man may rid himself of or from.
[Page] Extricate (extrico) to rid out, to deliver to shake off all lets.
Extrinsecal (extrinsecus) outward, on the outside, out of the matter.
Extroversion, a turning outwards: In mystical Divinity it is a scattering or distracting ones thoughts upon exterior objects.
Extrude (extrudo) to thrust or drive out, to hasten forth.
Extuberate (extubero) to swell much, to rise up like a bunch, also to make to swell.
Extumescence (from extumesco) a swelling or rising up.
Exuberancy (exuberantia) abundance, plenty.
Exuberate (exubero) to abound, to be plentiful, to bear in great abundance.
Exuccous (exuceus) without juyce. Vul. Er.
Exudate (exudo) to send forth liquor, to sweat or drop out.
Exulcerate (exulcero) to make sore, to vex, to fret, to raise blisters.
Exuge (exugo) to suck up, to drink up.
Exulate (exulo) to be banished to live in exile.
Exult (exulto) to rejoyce greatly, to triumph over one, to leap for joy.
Exultation (exultatio) a rejoycing, leaping for joy, a triumphing.
Exuperable (exuperabilis) that may be exceeded, passed, or got over.
Exustion (exustio) a burning or parching.
Eyre (comes of the old Fr. word Erre, a journey) signifies (in Briton. ca. 2.) the Court of Justices Itenerants. And Justices in Eyre, are those onely, which Bracton in many places calls (Justiciarios Itinerantes) Of the Eyre, read Britton ubi supra, who expresses the whole course of it. And Bracton l. 3. tract. 2. ca. 1, and 2. The Eyre also of the Forest is nothing but the Justice-Seat otherwise called; which is, or should by antient custom be held every third year by the Justices of the Forest journeying up and down to that purpose. Cromptons Jurisd. fo. 156. Manwood part. 1. pag. 121, &c.
Ezechias (Hebr.) strength of the Lord.
Ezechiel (Heb.) seeing the Lord.
FAbal (fabalis) of or belonging to a beam.
Fabellator (Lat.) he that feigns or invents tales.
The difference betwixt fabellator and fabulator, can be no other then that betwixt fabella and fabula; this signifying a fable or tale, that a short or little tale.
Fabrick (fabrica) a Shop, or Work-house wherein any [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] thing is framed; the art of framing or making, building, or proportioning. It is most commonly used for a building or a thing artificially made.
Fabricate (fabrico) to make, to build, to invent.
Fabricator (Lat.) a framer, or inventer, a builder.
Fabulator (Lat.) a teller of tales or fables, a Fabulist.
Fabulosity (fabulositas) an addition to, or custom of telling lies or tales, fulness of lies.
Fabulous (fabulosus) full of lyes or fables.
Facade (Fr.) the fore-front, forepart, outside or representation of the outside of a house. Merc. Ital.
Facetious (facetosus) full of mirth and pleasantness.
Facile (facilis) light, easie, quick, gentle.
Facility (facilitas) easiness, gentleness, courtesie.
Facinorous (facinorosus) full of naughty acts, attempting soul deeds, villanous.
Fact (factum) a deed, a work, a thing done or made.
Factitious (factitius) counterfeited, made to the likeness of any thing.
Factor (Lat.) a doer or maker; It is commonly used for him that buys and sells for a Merchant, or that looks to his business, in his absence.
Facture (factura) the making or doing a thing.
Faculent (faculentus) bright or clear.
Faculty (facultas) power to do or speak, promptness. And of these there are three, which govern man, and are distributed into the whole body, namely, Animal, Vital, and Natural: The Animal Faculty is that which sends feeling and motion to all the body, from the brain by sinews, and nourisheth the Understanding; The Vital Faculty gives life from the heart by Arteries to all the body; The Natural Faculty gives nourishment to all the parts of the body, from the Liver by Veins, &c. Vigon.
In our Common Law it is used for a priviledge or especial power granted to a man by favor, indulgence and dispensation, to do that which by the Common Law he cannot: As to eat flesh upon days prohibited; to marry without Banes first asked; to hold two or more Ecclesiastical Livings; the Son to succeed the Father in a Benefice, and such like. And for granting these, there was a particular Officer under the Archbishop of Canterbury, called, the Master of the Faculties. Cow.
Facundity (facunditas) eloquence.
Facundious (facundosus) full of eloquence.
Facundate (facundo) to make eloquent or pleasant.
Faddom, is a measure of six foot by which Seamen measure the depth of water, and length of Cables.
[Page] Faitors, seems to be a French word antiquated or something traduced. For the modern French is ( faiseur, i. factor) It is used in the Stat. A. 7. R. 2. cap. 5. And in the evil part signifying a bad doer. Or it may not improbably be interpreted an idle liver, taken from (faitardise) which signifies a kind of numb or sleepy disease, proceeding of too much sluggishness, which the Latins call (Veternus) for in the said Statute it seems to be a Synonymon to Vagabond.
Falarick (falaricus) pertaining to a kinde of dart thrown out of Towers besieged.
Falcator (Lat.) he that cuts with a Bill or Hook.
Falcation (falcatio) a mowing or cutting with Bill or Hook. Vul. Er.
Falchon or short Sword, from the Lat. falce, i. a hook, quod ( ut scribit Herodot. l. 5.) gladiolus iste à femore suspendi solitus, in dorso falcis instar incurvus esset; because it turns up somewhat like a hook.
Falcidian Law, a Law among the Romans so called, because made in the time of the Consulship of Falcidius; which Law intreated of the liberty which every Citizen of Rome ought to have in the disposal of his goods.
Falciferous (falcifer) that carries or bears a hook or Bill.
Falernian Wine, Muscadine; So called from a field called Falernus in Campania, which abounds with those excellent Grapes that make this wine.
Fallacy (fallacia) deceit, a crafty device, guile or fraud.
Fallaciloquence (fallaciloquentia) deceitful speech.
Fallax (Lat.) deceitful, beguiling, counterfeit. L. Bacon makes it a Substantive, when he says (here lies the Fallax) i. the deceit, or the thing that's apt to deceive.
Famicide (famicida) a slanderer or destroyer of ones good name.
Falouque (Fr.) a Barge or kinde of Barge-like boat, that has some five or six Oars on a side. See Brigantine.
Falsification (falsificatio) a falsifying, a forging, adulterating, sophisticating.
Famigerate (famigero) to blaze abroad, to report.
Familiar (familiaris) a spirit or god of the houshold among the Heathens. Also in Spain there is a kind of a Sergeant or Sumner so called belonging to the Inquisition.
Family of Love, or Familism, a blasphemous Heresie broached by one Hen. Nicholas of Amsterdam about the year 1550. He maintained, that Christ is already come in his glory to judge, &c. And that the Seat or Throne of judgment whereon Christ sits, is the Community of the Family of Love, whereof the said H.N. is the eldest Father; and that he and they are [Page] Godded with God, and God manned with them, &c. These Familsts are now conceived to be turned into those we call Ranters.
Fanal. See Fane.
Fanatick (fanaticus) mad, foolish, inspired with prophetical fury.
Fane(from the Gr. [...], i ostendo, Fr. Fanal) a weathercock, to shew the station of the wind. First invented by Andronicus Cirrestes at Athens. Pol. Virg. Also the Lantern of a Ship or Gally.
Fannel (Fr. Fanon) a scarf-like Ornament worn about the left Arm of a sacrificing Priest. See Maniple.
Fannian Law, a Law among the Romans, repressing excessive banquets, enacted in the Consulship of Fannius, and therefore so called.
Fantome. See Phantome.
Fanus (deus anni) a Heathen god whom the Phenicians expressed by a Dragon with her tail in her mouth, to shew how the years run round.
Farce (Fr.) a fond and dissolute Play, or Comedy; also the Jig at the end of an Interlude, wherein some pretty knavery is acted; also any stuffing in meat.
Farced (farcitus) stuffed or filled.
Farcinate (farcino) to stuff.
Farragirous (from farrago, inis) that is mixed with sundry grains together, or with good and bad. Vul. Er.
Farinaceous or Farinous (farinaceus) mealy or full of meal, bemealed, beflowred.
Farreation (farreatio) a Sacrifice whereby Priests confirmed marriage.
Farsang, is three of our English miles, or a League among the Persians. Herb. tra.
Fasciate (fascio) to swaddle or bind.
Fascicular (facicularis) belonging to a bundle or fardel.
Fasciculate, To tye up into a bundle or fascicle.
Fascicle (fasciculus) a handful bound together; a packet; also any thing carried in the hand to smell.
Fascinate (fascino) to bewitch, to forespeak, or inchant.
Fascination, A bewitching, a charm, a forespeaking. Fascination is the power and intensitive act of the imagination upon the body of another.
Fa [...]tidious (fastidiosus) disdainful, loathing, soon offended.
Fastigate Fastigiate (fastigio) to raise up, or grow up to a sharp top.
Fas [...]s, A strong hold, an inaccessible place. Bac.
Fastuosity (fastuositas) disdain, pride.
Fatality (from fatum) fatalness; also unavoidableness, as of a thing appointed by destiny. Cotg.
Fate (fatum) destiny, that [Page] which must of necessity come to pass by Gods secret appointment.
Fatal (fatalis) pertaining to destiny or fate.
Fatidical (fatidicus) that telleth fortunes or destinies.
Fatiferous (fatifer) that brings fate or destiny.
Fatigable (from fatigo) which may be wearied or tired.
Fatigate (fatigo) to make weary, to trouble much.
Fatigue (Fr.) weariness, tediousness, trouble, toyl; as we say the Fatigues of war or of a long journey.
Fatiloquent (fatiloquus) that soothsaith or prophecieth.
Fatuate (fatuor) to play the fool.
Fatuity, (fatuitas) foolishness, blockishness, idiotism.
Favaginous (from favus) like or full of honey, or honey comb.
Faunes (Fauni) Gods of the fields and woods.
Faunick (faunicus) wild, woodish, rude.
Favontan (Favonius) pertaining to the west-wind, favorable.
Faustity (faustitas) good luck, happiness.
Fautor (Lat.) a favorer, a furtherer, or maintainer.
Fautresse (fautrix) she that favors or maintains.
Fealty, (of the Fr. feaulte, i. fidelitas) signifies in our Common Law an oath taken at the admittance of every Tenant, to be true to the Lord of whom he holds his Land. And he that holds Land by this oath of fealty, onely holds in the freest manner that any man in Engl. under the King may hold. Because all with us that have Fee, hold per fidem & fiduciam, that is, by fealty at the least, Smith de Repub. Anglor. l. 3. c. 8. Act 1656. c. 4.
Feasible (Fr. faisable) effectable, which may be performed, acted or done.
Febricitate (febricito) to be sick-of a Feaver, or Ague.
Febriculous (febriculosus) that hath or is subject to a Feaver.
Februate (februo) to purge Souls by Sacrifice or Prayer.
Fecial (faecialis) pertaining to the Herald that denounceth war or peace: The manner was thus; The Faecialis carried a Lance or Spear headed with Iron, and half burnt with fire, and strewed herbs all the way in sign of peace, even to the confines of those against whom he was to menace war; there in the presence of three men of good years, declared, that he and the people of Rome did denounce war against them, &c. And then threw the Lance as far as he could upon their ground. When they proclaimed Peace, the Faecialis took up a stone in his hand, which (after certain solemn words pronounced, and those to be read in Godwins Anthol. lib. 4. cap. 1.) [Page] he cast out of his hand, &c. And of these Foeciales or Heralds, there were in Rome a Colledge of twenty, the principal of them was Pater patratus.
Feculency (foeculentia) filthiness, fulness of dregs.
Feculent (foeculentus) soul, unclean, loathsom, full of dregs.
Fecundity (foecunditas) plenty, fertility, abundance.
Fedity (foeditas) filthiness, foulness, dishonesty.
Feid, Feed or Feud, Is that ill custom which hath been much used in Scotland, and the North of England, viz. a combination of kindred, to revenge the death of any of their blood against the killer, and all his race. These deadly Feids, King James in his Basilicon Doron, advised his son to redress with all care possible. The word signifies hatred. See Feud.
Fee (feodum, alias feudum) is in our Law an equivocal word, but most usually taken for an estate of inheritance in Lands to one and his Heirs for ever, or to one and the heirs of his body. But it is also used for the compass or extent of a Mannor; and in the common acceptance, the word is well known.
Fee-farm, is when a Tenant holds of his Lord in Fee-simple, paying him a yearly rent, to half or a third part of the value of the Land, more or less.
Fee-simple (feodum simplex) is when any person holds Lands or Rent to him and his Heirs for ever; and these words his Heirs make the Estate of inheritance; for if Land be given to a man for ever, yet he hath but an Estate for life.
Feisible. See Feasible.
Fellifluous (fellifluus) flowing of the Gall.
Felicitae [...] (felicito) to make prosperous or hapyy. Felth. And I have read Felicify.
Felicitous (from felix) happy, or made happy.
Felion (from fel, i. choler or grief of mind) an angry blister or wheal, most commonly on the finger or thumbs end.
Felo de se, Is he that commits Felony by murthering himself. See Crompt. Just. of Peace, fo. 28. and Lamb. Eiren. l. 2. c. 7. p. 243.
Feloqur. See Falouque.
Fencemonth, is a moneth wherein it is unlawful to hunt in the Forest, because the female Deer fawn in this month, which begins fifteen days before Midsomer, and ends fifteen days after. So that to this moneth there are 31 days assigned. See Manwood part. 1. of his Forest Laws, p. 80. but more at large part. secunda, c. 13. per totum.
Fenestral (fenestralis) belonging to a window.
Felony (felonia) seems to come of the Fr. felonnie, i. impetuositas, [Page] atrocitas, immisericordia. We account any offence Felony that is in degree next to petty Treason, and compriseth divers particulars under it, as Murther, Theft, killing of a mans self, Sodomy, Rape, wilful burning of houses, and divers such like, which are to be gathered, especially out of Statutes, whereby many offences are daily made Felony, that before were not. Felony is discern'd from lighter offences, by this, that the punishment thereof is death; Howbeit Petit Larceny (which is the stealing of any thing under the value of twelve pence) is Felony, as appears by Brook. tit. Coron. n. 2. His reason is, because the Indictment against such a one must run with these words, felonicè cepit, and yet this is not punished by death, though it be loss of goods. A man may call that Felony, which is under petit Treason, and punished by death. And of this there are two sorts: one lighter, that for the first time may be relieved by Clergy; another that may not; and these are to be known by the Statutes; for Clergy is allowed where it is not expresly taken away. Vid. Stanf. l. 1. pl. Cor. à fine cap. 2. usque ad 39. Lamb. Just. P. l. 2. cap. 7. and Crompt. J.P. fol. 32, &c.
Feminine (foemininus) of the female kinde.
Feneration (foeneratio) usury, or the practice thereof.
Feneratitious (foeneratitius) taken or given to usury, or pertaining thereto.
Feodarie, alias Feudarie, alias Feudatarie (feudatarius) was an Officer authorised and made by the Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries, by Letters Patents under the Seal of that Office; his Function was to be present with the Escheator at the finding any Office, to give evidence for the King, as well concerning the value as the tenure, to survey the Land of the Ward, after the Office found, and to rate it; he was also to assign the Kings widows their Dowers, and to receive all the Rents of the Wards Lands, within his Circuit, and to answer them to the Receiver of the Court of Wards and Liveries. This Office is mentioned, An. 32. H. 8. cap. 46.
Feofment (from the Gottish word feudum, and signifies Donationem feudi) is in our Common Law any gift or grant of any Honors, Castles, Manors, Messuages, Lands or other corporal & immoveable things of like nature, to another in Fee-simple, by the delivery of seism, and possession of the thing given, whether the gift be made by word or writing; and when it is in writing it is called a Deed of Feofment, and in every Feofment the giver is called the Feoffer, and he that receives [Page] by vertue thereof, the Feoffee; And Littleton says, that the proper difference between a Feoffer and Donor, is, that the Feoffer gives in Fee-simple, and the Donor in Fee-tayl.
Feracity (feracitas) fruitfulness.
Feral (feralis) deadly, mortal, dangerous, lamentable.
Ferial (ferialis) of or belonging to holy days, idle, vacant, unimployed.
Feriation (feriatio) quietness, idleness.
Ferient (feriens) striking, hitting or knocking.
Ferine (ferinus) wild as a beast.
Ferit (Ital. ferite) a wound or blow.
Ferity (feritas) cruelty, fierceness.
Fermentarious (fermentarius) made of leaven, leavened.
Ferment (fermentum) leaven.
Fermented Fermentated leavened, puffed up.
Fermentation (fermentatio) a fastning or setling; a leavening, as of bread; a mixing or incorporating; also a working, as of Ale or Beer.
Ferocious (from ferox, ocis) fierce, harsh, cruel, proud, haughty.
Ferocity (ferocitas) fierceness, harshness, cruelty.
Feronia, a Goddess of the Woods.
Ferrean (ferreus) of iron, iron-like; also hard-hearted, cruel.
Ferried (from fero or ferre) born or carried; as ferried over a River.
Ferruginous (ferruginosus) like to or of the colour of rusty iron.
Ferruminate (ferrumino) to soulder or fasten together, properly in matters of iron.
Fertility (fertilitas) fruitfulness, abundance.
Fertilize (Fr. fertilizer) to make fertile, fruitful or rank; also to increase or grow fruitful.
Fervent (fervens) Fervid (fervidus) scalding, burning, fierce, vehement.
Ferular (ferula) a wooden Instrument, wherewith the Master strikes boys hands in Schools for correction; called also a Palmer.
Fervor (Lat.) a burning heat, earnestness, vehemency of passion.
Fesse point (from the Lat. Fascia) the middle part of an Escutecheon whose breadth is divided into three even parts.
Fessitude (fessitudo) weariness, tiredness.
Festinate (festino) to make haste, to do a thing speedily.
Festivous (festivus) merry, pleasant, delightful, provoking mirth, pertaining to holy days.
Festivity (festivitas) mirth, pleasantness, a good grace.
Festucous (from festuca) belonging to a young tender sprig or stalk of a tree or herb from the root upward.
Fetiferous (foetifer) fruitful, [Page] that brings forth fruit or young.
Feuid (foetidus) stinking, filthy, ill-smelling.
Fetor (foetor) a stink or ill-savor.
Feud or Feid, or deadly Feud (feuda) a profession of an unquenchable hatred, till we be revenged even by the death of our enemy: and is deduced from the German word Feid, which (as Hotoman saith in verbis feudalibus) modo bellum, modo capitales inimicitias significat. This word is used 43. El. c. 13. See Feid.
Feudal (Fr.) of or belonging to a Fief, Manor, Fee or Fee-simple; also held in Fief or in Fee. Cotg.
Feudary. See Feodary.
Feud-boote (Sax. Faehth-bote) a recompence for engaging in a Feud or Faction, and for the damages consequent; it being the custom of antient times for all the kindred to engage in their Kinsmans quarrel; according to that of Tacitus, de Morib. German. Suscipere tam inimicitias, seu patris, seu propinqui, quam amicitias necesse est. Sax. Dict.
Feudist, One that bears a feud or enmity; also one that writes of Fees & Inheritances.
Feuge. See Fugue.
Fewmets or Fewmishing, the dung of a Deer.
Fiants (Fr. fiens) the dung of a Fox or Badger; a term of hunting.
Fibers (fibrae) the small threads, or hair-like strings of roots; also the threads or strings of Muscles and Veins.
Fibrous (fibrosus) full of hair-like threads or strings.
Fibulate (fibulo) to joyn, or fasten together.
Fictile (fictilis) earthen, or made of earth. Bac.
Fictitious (fictitius) dissembled, feigned, counterfeit.
Fideicide, a Faith-destroyer; a breaker of word or trust.
Fideicommissor (Lat.) he that commits a thing to the disposure of another.
Fidejussor (Lat.) a Surety for another in a mony matter.
Fidius, the god of faithfulness, and Son of Jupiter.
Fiduciary (fiduciarius) taken substantively, is a Feoffee in trust; or one intrusted on condition to restore; adjectively, trusty or sure. A Fiduciary Father. See Emancipate.
Fiduciate (fiducio) to commit a trust, or to make condition of trust.
Fierabras (from the Fr. fier a bras) fierce at arms; a name for a Braggadocia or desperate fellow.
Fifteenth (Decima quinta) is a Tribute or Imposition of money laid upon every City, Burrough, and other Town through the Realm, not by the Poll, or upon this or that man, but in general upon the whole City or Town; so called because it amounts to one fifteenth part of that which the City or Town hath been valued at of old.
[Page] Figment (figmentum) a forged tale, a lye.
Figurative (figurativus) that is spoken by way of figure.
Filaceaus (from filum, or the Fr. filace) of or pertaining to fine flax or thread.
Filament (filamentum) a thread, string or rag, or any thing like thereto, the beard of a root. Rel. Med.
Filanders (Fr. filandres) small worms that breed in bruised, surfeited, or foul-fed Hawks; also nets to catch wild Beasts with.
Filazer (filazarius) of the Fr. [filace] is an Officer in the Common Pleas, whereof there are fourteen: They make out all original Process, as well real as personal and mixt.
File (filum) is a thread or wyer whereon Writs or other exhibits in Courts are fastned, for the more safe keeping them. It is also a term in War, where six Musketeirs or Pike-men (or as many as go a breast) make a File or Rot. See Brigade.
Filial (filialis) of or belonging to a son.
Filiaster (Fr. filiastre) a Son in Law, or Son by a former marriage.
Filme (from the Belgick velme, quod idem denotat) a fine thin skin within the body dividing the flesh or any near member one from another. Also a skin like a cap wherein divers children are born. And the skins in wrapping the brains are called Filmes; the inmost, which is next the brain, is also called pia meninx, or pia mater, the other dura meninx, or dura mater.
The Infant has three Teguments or Membranous Filmes, which cover it in the womb, that is, the Corion, Amnios, and Allantois; whereof see more in Vul. Er. p. 269.
Filtration (F.) a straining, distilling, or passing of Simples, &c. through a Felt, wollen cloth or the like. Cotgr.
Fimbriated (from fimbria) environed with an hem or edge: a term of Heraldry.
Financer (Fr. Financier) an Exchequer-man, Receiver, Under-Treasurer or Teller in the Exchequer.
Financy (Fr. finance) wealth, substance, riches, goods; also a Princes Revenue or Treasure Bac.
Findible (findibilis) that which may be cut or riven.
Finitive (finitivus) which defines or determines.
Finours of Gold and Silver, are those that purifie and part those metals from other courser, by fire and water. A. 4. H. 7. cap. 2. They are also called Parters, in the same place, sometimes Departers.
Fire-boot (compounded of Fire, and this Saxon word Bote, i. compensatio, a recompence) signifies allowance or eslovers of wood to maintain [Page] competent fire for the use of the Tenant.
St. Anthonies Fire (Erysipelas) a disease so called, being an inflammation with Sores or Biles, or a swelling, full of heat, and redness, &c.
Firmity (firmitas) firmeness, stableness, constancy,
Fire-drake, a fire sometimes seen flying in the night, like a Dragon; common people think it a spirit, that keeps some treasure hid; but Philosophers affirm it to be a great unequal exhalation inflamed between two clouds, the one hot, the other cold (which is the reason that it also smoaks) the middle part whereof, according to the proportion of the hot cloud, being greater then the rest, makes it seem like a belly, and both ends like a head and tail.
First Fruits (primitiae) were the profits of every spiritual Living for one year, given in antient time to the Pope throughout all Christendom; but by the Stat. A. 26. H. 8. c. 3. translated to the Prince; For ordering whereof, there was a Court erected, An. 32. H. 8. ca. 45. but it was dissolved, An. 5. M. Sess. 2. ca. 10. and since that time, though those profits are reduced again to the Crown by the Statute 1. Eliz. ca. 4. yet was the Court never restored, but all matters formerly therein handled, were transferred to the Exchequer. See Annats.
Fiscal (fiscalis) pertaining to the Fisque, or publick Treasure.
Fisque (Fiscus) the publike Purse, the publike Revenue or Treasure; a Treasury or Exchequer. Tacitus.
Fissiped (fissipes, pedis) cloven-footed.
Fissure (fissura) a cleft, a division, a parted leaf.
Fistula (Lat. Span. Fistola) a dangerous Ulcer or Sore still running. It goes up into the body with a long narrow hole like a pipe, and therefore so called, and is commonly hard in the outside.
Fistulary (fistularis) belonging to that disease, or to a pipe.
Fitz (Fr. fils, a son) is used as an addition to some Sirnames, as Fitz Herbert, Fitz Williams, answerable to the Hebr. Ben, the Welch Ap, and the Irish Mac.
Fizgig, is a kinde of Top which boyes play with; And Mariners so call a certain dart, wherewith they strike fishes as they swim.
Flabellation (flabellatio) a fanning, an airing, or giving wind unto.
Flable (flabellum) a Fan.
Flaccid (flaccidus) withered, feeble, weak, flaggy.
Flagellation (flagellatio) a whipping or scourging.
Flagitious (flagitiosus) ungracious, wicked, full of mischeif.
Flagitate (flagito) to ask instantly, [Page] to desire earnestly.
Flagrant (flagrans) burning, ardent, bright.
Flagrancy (flagrantia) ardent desire, burning with flame, an inordinate love.
Flamens, The Priests among the Romans and Druides, so called: Their Arch-Priests that presided over chief Towns, or great Districts, were called Arch-Flamens; They took that name of Filamen, a filet or woollen yarn, which they used to wear on their heads, or as others say, from their Mitre or head Ornament, which was called in old time flama. See Arch-flamen.
Flammability, aptness to be inflamed, or set on fire.
Flammation (flammatio) a setting on fire.
Flammeous (flammeus) somewhat coloured like a flame of fire; belonging to a flame.
Flammiferous (flammifer) that brings or causes a flame or fire.
Flasque (from the Lat. flecto) a term in Heraldry, and signifies an Archline in an Escotcheon. Guill.
Flatility (flatilitas) unconstancy, incertainty.
Flatulent (flatulentus) windy, or ingendring winds; as Pease and Beans are flatulent meat.
Flatuous (flatuosus) full of blowing or windiness.
Flatuosity, windiness, fulness of wind.
Fledwit (of the Sax. Fled, i. a fugitive; and wit, which some make but a termination, signifying nothing of it self: Others say it signifies a reprehension, censure, or correction.) In our antient it Law signifies a discharge or freedom from amerciaments, when one having been an out-lawed Fugitive, comes to the peace of his own accord. Rastal. Expos. of words. See Bloodwit.
Fleet (Fleta) is a famous Prison in London, so called, as it seems, from the River, upon the side whereof it stands. Camb. Brit. fol. 137. To this Prison none are usually committed, but for contempt to the Laws, or upon absolute commandment of the King; or the Superiour Courts of Justice; or lastly, upon debt, when men are unable or unwilling to satisfie their Creditors.
Flegmatick. See Phlegmatick.
Flectiferous (flectifer) that yeelds or causes tears or drops.
Flexanimous (flexanimus) that turns the mind; That is of a mind easily bent or turned.
Flexibility (flexibilitas) aptness to bend or yeild.
Flexible (flexibilis) that may be bowed, tender, tractable, pliant, apt to move.
Flexiloquent (flexiloquus) that speaks doubtfully, so that he may be taken divers ways.
[Page] Flexion (flexio) a bending or bowing.
Floccify (floccifacio) to set nought by, to esteem little.
Flora, the Goddess of flowers, otherwise called Chloris.
Floramor (from the Lat. flos ymoris) a kind of Herb, or Plant, the flowers whereof are held to have a singular faculty to beget love.
Florein, a Coyn whereof there are several sorts, one about the value of three shillings four pence, the other about two shillings ten pence farthing. In Languedock, and the Countries adjoyning, they have a peece called a Florin worth eighteen pence sterling.
Florid (floridus) garnished with flowers, fresh, lively.
Floriferous (florifer) that beareth flowers.
Flosculous (from flosculus) flowery, or pertaining to a flower, or blossom, full of flowers. Vul. Er.
Flotson, alias Flotzam, is a word proper to the Seas, signifying any goods that by shipwrack are lost and lye floting or swiming upon the top of the water, which with Jetson, Lagon and Shares are given to the Lord Admiral by his Letters Patents. Jetson, is a thing cast out of the ship, being in danger of wreck, and beaten to the shore by the waters, or cast on the shore by Mariners. Coke Vol. 6. fol. 106. a. It comes of the French Jettér, to cast out. Lagon alias Lagam vel Ligan is that which lyes in the bottom of the Sea. Coke ibid. of the Dutch Ligghen, to lie. Shares are goods due to more by proportion, from the Sax. Schyzen, i. to divide. Min.
Fluctiferous (fluctifer) that raiseth or brings waves.
Fluctuate (fluctuo) to rise in waves and surges, to be boisterous and rough; to waver, doubt, or be uncertain.
Fluctisonant (fluctisonus) sounding or roaring with waves or billows.
Fluctivagant (fluctivagus) wandering on the water or Sea, tossed by the waves.
Fluctuous (fluctuosus) troublous, unquiet, boysterous.
Fluent Fluid (fluens) flowing, or gushing out, waterish.
Fluidity (fluiditas) wetness or flowing.
Fluminous (fluminosus) full of rivers.
Fluvial (fluvialis) of or belonging to a River.
Fluvious (fluviosus) flowing much.
Flux (fluxus) a flowing or issue.
Fluxibility, Aptness to flow.
Focillate (focillo) to nourish, comfort, or refresh.
Fodder, or Fother (Sax.) a certain weight of Lead or Tin, about 2000 pound, or a [Page] Wain-load; it is mentioned in Acts 1656 9.
Fodient (fodiens) that digs or thrusts into.
To Foine (pungo) to prick or sting. Rider.
Foines, A kinde of Fur brought for the most part out of France. The top whereof is black, and the ground whitish; the beast that bears it, is about the bigness of a Cat.
Foliaceous (foliaceus) of or like a leaf.
Folio (folium) a sheet or large leaf of paper. We say a book is in Folio, when two leaves of it make a sheet; in Quarto, when four leaves make a sheet; in Octavo, when eight leaves make a sheet, Duodecimo, or in Twelves, when the sheet is made into twelve leaves, &c. Every folio or leaf hath two pages.
Foliatanes (from folia, i. leaves) an order of religious persons, who lived onely upon leaves, which the Pope put down, as finding leaves unable to nourish mans body.
Folcland (Sax,) Copy-hold Lands were so called in the time of the Saxons; and Charter-lands were called Bock-land. Kitch. 174. fundus sine scripto possessus, says Mr. Sumner.
Folkmoote, is a Saxon word, compounded of Folk, i. populus, and Gemettan, i. convenire. It signifies (according to Mr. Lambert, in his exposition of Saxon words, verbo, conventus) two kinds of Courts, one now called the County Court, the other called the Sheriffs Turn. This word is still in use among the Londoners, and signifies Celebrem ex omni Civitate conventum. Stow. Surv. But Mr. Manwood in his first part of Forest Laws, p. 111, hath these words, Folkmote is the Court holden in London, wherein all the folk and people of the City did complain of the Mayor and the Aldermen for misgovernment within the City.
Foliage (Fr. Fueillage) branched work in painting or Tapestry; also leasiness.
Follicle (folliculus) a little bag, purse, or bladder.
Foliate (foliatus) leaved or having leaves; Gold foliate, is leaf Gold. Bac.
Foment (fomento) to warm, comfort, cherish.
Fomentation (fomentatio) a fomenting, comforting, or asswaging. In Physick it properly signifies powdry or dry things in bags, or any liquor in a Spunge or Bladder applied warm to the body to metigate pain, or make way by opening the [...]pores, for ointments or plaisters to be applied.
Fons Solis, a Fountain near the Temple of Jupiter Hammon in Lybia, that at midnight is as hot as boiling water, and at noon as cold as any ice; which may the rather be credited, since our [Page] Bathes in England are much warmer in the night then in the day. Sir Wa. Ral. History of the World, l. 4. f 184.
Font (fons) a Fountain or Water-spring. What the Font of a Church is every one knows, but not why so called. The Rites of Baptism in the primitive times were performed in Fountains and Rivers, both because the Converts were many, and those ages unprovided of other Baptisteries; and in this Rite we still retain the name; for hence tis we call our Baptisteries, Fonts; which when Religion found peace, were built and consecrated for the more reverence and respect of the Sacrament. Rationale.
Fontal (fontalis) pertaining to a Fountain or Well.
Forable (forabilis) that may be boared or pierced.
Foraminous (foraminosus) full of holes.
Foraneous (foraneus) belonging to a Market or Court.
Forcinated (forcipatus) bended like a hook.
Foreloin, a term in hunting when a Hound meets a chase, and goes away with it, before the rest of the Cry.
Forensal (forensis) pertaining to the Common-place; used in pleading or in the Judgment place.
Forestal (from the Belg. Veur, i. ante, and Stallen, Merces disponere) is to buy Corn, Cattle or other Merchandize by the way as it comes towards the Fair or Market to be sold, to the intent to sell the same again, at a dearer price.
Forestaller, is he that forestalls, and buys things in such sort.
Forelorn Hop [...], a party of Souldiers sent before the whole body of the Army to skirmish with the Enemy; the French call it Enfans perdues; the Roman Velites were in a manner answerable hereunto.
Forelorn, comes from the Belg. Verloren, i. perditus, lost. The Forelorn-Hope is given for lost, in respect it is most commonly desperate Service. See Perdu.
Formalist (from forma) one that is very punctual or precise in his actions or words.
Formator (Lat.) he that instructeth, maketh or formeth.
Formalize, to form, to give or add form unto.
Formidable (formidabilis) dreadful, to be feared, terrible.
Formidolous (formidolosus) fearful, that feareth, dreadful, dangerous.
Formosity (formositas) comeliness, beauty.
Formulary (Fr. Formulaire) the stile or manner of proceeding in the Law; a President for doing any thing.
Fornication (fornicatio) Whoredom, Letchery, spoken of single persons; if either party be married, then it is Adultery. It is punished by [Page] three moneths imprisonment for the first offence; the second is made Felony by Act 1650. c. 10.
Fortitude (fortitudo) strength, valour, courage. It is one of the four Cardinal Vertues, and is thus defined; Fortitude is a vertue that moderates the irascible power, according to reason, and so it helps us to overcome those difficulties, which require courage in chusing one harm to avoid another. Fit. Cat.
Fortuitous Fortuite (fortuitus) that hapneth by chance, sudden, casual, accidental.
Fosse way (from fossus, dig'd) it was originally one of the four grand High-ways of England, so called; because tis conceived to be digged or made passable by the antient Romans, or ditched at least on one side; but now several inferior High-ways are so called. See Watling-street.
Fosset (cistella) a little chest.
Fossion (fossio) a digging or delving.
Fossile (fossilis) that which is or may be digged.
Fotion (fotio) a nourishing or keeping warm.
Fotive (fotus) nourished, kept warm.
Fougade (Fr.) a Mine, or up-blowning Fire-work, or Wild-fire. Rel. Med.
Foulk or Fulk [...], a mans name; some derive it from the German Volig, i. noble and gallant; But I from Fole, the English Saxon word for people, as though it were the same with Publius of the Romans, and onely translated from Publius as beloved of the people and Commons.
Fracid (fracidus) more then ripe, rotten-ripe, putrified.
Faction (fractio) a breaking or bursting.
Fragile (fragilis) frail, brittle, soon broken, mortal, weak. Bac.
Fragility (fragilitas) brittleness, weakness, inconstancy.
Fragment (fragmentum) a peece or gobbet of a thing broken.
Fragor (Lat.) the noise made with the fall of any thing; a cracking or crashing of things broken asunder; a great noise or busling. Sands.
Fragrancy (fragrantia) a sweet smell or savour.
Franc, is a French coyn of twenty sols tournois, which amounts to near 2 s. sterl.
Francis (Ger.) from Franc, that is free, not servile or bound. The same with the Gr. Eleutherius, and the Lat. Liberius. Cam.
Franciscans or Franciscan Friers, a Religious Order instituted by St. Francis an Italian about the year of our Lord, 1198. and confirmed by Pope Innocent the Third; His rule prescribed Chastity, Obedience, Poverty, much [Page] fasting, and other austerities to all that should be admitted of that Order; Of which you may read more in St. Bonaven. de vita St Francisci. Out of this great Order have sprung divers others, as Observantes, Conventuales, Minimi, Capuciani, Collectanei, &c.
Frangible (frangibilis) that may be broken, breakable.
Franchise (Fr.) liberty, freedom, exemption; also good breeding, free-birth; it is taken with us for a priviledge or exemption from ordinary Jurisdiction, and sometimes an immunity from tribute, &c.
Frank-Almoin (libera Eleemosyna) in French Franc Aumosne, signifies in our Common Law a Tenure or Title of Lands. Britton (Cap. 66. num. 5.) saith thus of it. Frank-Almoine is Lands or Tenements bestowed upon God, that is, given to such people as bestow themselves in the service of God, for pure and perpetual Almes, whence the Feoffers or givers cannot demand any terrestrial service, so long as the Lands remain in the hands of the Feoffees.
Frank marriage (Fr. Franc-marriage) is a Tenure in Tayl special, growing from these words in the gift, Sciant, &c. Me T.B. de O. dedisse, &c. I.A. filio meo & Marg. uxori ejus filiae verae T.N. in liberum maritagium unum Messagium, &c. West. p. 1. Symb. l. 2. Sect. 303. The effect of which words is, that they shall have the Land to them and the Heirs of their bodies; and shall do no fealty to the Donor till the fourth Degree, &c.
Frank pledge (franciplegium) is compounded of franc, i. lib [...]r, and pledge, i. fidejussor, a free-pledge or surety, and signifies in our Common Law, a pledge or surety for free-men.
Fraternize (from frater) to agree as brothers; to concur with, or be near unto; also to admit into a Fraternity, Brotherhood or Society.
Fraternal (fraternalis) of or belonging to a brother.
Fratricelli, a Sect of Hereticks broached by one Hermannius an Italian, about the year of Christ 1304. in time of Pope Benedict the eleventh, and Albertus the first Emperor; they were otherwise called fratres de paupere vita, brothers of a poor life. 1. They taught promiscuous beddings; that nothing was to be held proper or ones own; that Christians are not to be Governors of a Commonwealth, with other foolish errors condemned by Pope Boniface the eigth.
Fratricide (fratricidium) brother-slaughter.
Fratruel [...] (fratrueles) brothers children, cousin Germans
Fraudation (fraudatio) a deceiving or beguiling.
Fradulent (fradulentus) crafty, deceitful, full of guil.
[Page] Free-booters. See Banditi.
Frederic (Germ.) Rich peace, or (as the Monk which made this allusion would have it) peaceable reign.
For Frederic the English have commonly used Frery and Fery, which has been now a long time a Christian name in the antient Family of Tilney, and lucky to their house, as they report. Cam.
Freed-stool (Sax. i. sedes pacis) was of old a refuge for malefactors at Beverley in Yorkshire, where St. John of Beverley, Archbishop of York erected a Monastery, which King Athelstan made a Sanctuary to secure offenders against all legal prosecution.
Frement (fremens) gnashing, or grinding the teeth, roaring or braying.
Frenigerent (fraeniger) that ruleth the bridle.
Frescades (Fr.) refreshments; as (in Summer time) light garments, cool air, cool places, cool drinks, Bowres or shades over-spread with green boughs.
Fresco (Ital.) fresh, cool, coldish; also unsalt, new laid, new made, sweet; green or lusty. As we say, to walk or drink in Fresco, i. to walk in the cool or fresh air, or to drink cool or fresh wine.
Fretrots, a sort of Sectaries (which wore a secret Crown on their heads) incestuous, as Adamites, by night, and suppressed in the year, 1310.
Friable (friabilis) that may be crummed, or broken smal. Bac.
Frication or Friation (fricatio) a rubbing or fretting together.
Friar or Frier (from the Lat. Frater, or from the Fr. frére, i. a brother) there are four principal Orders reckoned of them An. 4. H. 4. ca. 17. (viz.) Minors, Grey Friers, or Franciscans; Augustins; Dominicans, or Black Friers; and White Friers or Carmelites; from these four Orders the rest descended. See in Zecchius de Repuh. Eccl. p. 380. And Linwood, tit. de Relig. Domibus, ca. 1. verbo, St. Augustin.
Frier Observant (frater observans) is an Order of Franciscans, & it is to be noted, that of these four Orders mentioned in the word above, the Franciscans are, Minores tam observantes quam conventuales, & Capuchini. Zecch. de Repub. Eccl. tract. de regular. cap. 2. [Page] These Friers Observant (mentioned An. 25. H. B. ca. 12.) are so called, because they are not combined together in any Cloister, Covent or Corporation, as the Conventuals are, but onely tye themselves to observe the Rules of their Order, and more strictly then the Conventuals do; and upon a singularity of zeal separate themselves from them, living in certain places and companies of their own chusing, and of this you may read Hospinian, de Orig & prog. Monachatus, fol. 878. ca. 38.
Fricasse (Fr. fricassee) any meat fried in a pan.
Friga, an Hermaphroditical Idol, adored by the old Saxons on the day now called Friday, which thence took its denomination, and was of old called Frigedeag. Verst. p. 63.
Frigefaction (frigefactio) a making cool.
Frigerate (frigero) to cool.
Frigeratory (frigeratorium) a Cooling-house or place.
Frigid (frigidus) cold, faint, negligent, flow; also that is unable for carnal copulation
Frigidity (frigiditas) coldness.
Frigifie (frigifacio) to cool, or make cold.
Frigor (Lat.) coldness.
Frigorifical (frigorificus) that makes or procures cold.
Friperer (from the Fr. Fripier, i. interpolator) one that scowres up and mends old Apparel to sell again, a Broker. This word is used for a bastardly kind of Broker. A. 1. Ja. ca. 21.
Fripery, The use of that kind of Trade, Brocage; also a Brokers shop, or a street of Brokers.
Fritiniancy Fritiniency (from fritinio) is a chirping like a Swallow.
Frize, and Cornice, the Crests, furniturē and finishing at the upper end of a Column or Pillar; a term of Architecture.
Frondiferous (frondifer) that bears leaves or branches.
Frondosity (frondositas) leaviness, or aptness to bear leaves.
Frontal (frontale) a Frontlet or attire for the forehead, or a plaister applied to the Forehead. It is also used Adjectively.
Frontispiece (frontispicium) the fore-front of an house or other building; also the Title or first page of a book done in picture.
Frontiniac, a luscious kind of rich wine, made at a Town so called in France.
Fructiferous (fructifer) bearing fruit.
Frugality (frugalitas) thrift, sobriety, moderation in expences.
Fruggin (from the Fr. fourgon, or Lat. furca) an Ovenfork (so termed in Lincolnshire) to put fuel into an Oven, and stir the fire.
[Page] Frugiferent Frugiferous (frugifer) bringing forth fruit, fertile, profitable.
Fruiterie (Fr.) a place to keep fruit in.
Fruitiges or Fruitices (from frutex) branched work in Sculpture, as fucillage is in Painting or Tapestry.
Frimenty (from frumentum, i. wheat) so called, because it is a kind of pottage made of milk and wheat.
Frustrate (frustro) to deceive, to disappoint, to do in vain.
Frustulent (furstulentus) full of Gobbets, and small peeces.
Frutication (fruticatio) sprouting out of young sprigs, a springing forth.
Frythe or Frith (Sax.) a wood. Chaucer. Or rather a plain between woods.
Fucate (fuco) to lay on a colour, to paint, to counterfeit.
Fucator (Lat.) he that paints or coloureth.
Fugacity (fugacitas) a readiness to run away, inconstancy, an inclination to flight.
Fugalia (Lat.) a Feast aunually solemnized by the old Romans in remembrance of the expulsion of the Kings out of Rome. According to which pattern, the joyful English having cleared the Country of the Danes, instituted the annual sports of Hock tide, the word (in old Saxon) importing the time of scorning or triumphing. This Solemnity consisted in the merry meetings of the neighbors on those days, during which the Festival lasted, and was celebrated by the younger sort of both Sexes, with all manner of Exercises and Pastimes in the streets, as Shrovetide yet is. But now time hath so corrupted it, that (the name excepted) there remains no sign of the first institution. Heyl. Verstegan thinks this Hock-tide may come from the Teutonick, Heugh-tide, i. A time of gladness or joy.
Fugation (fugatio) a putting to flight, or driving away.
Fugue (Fr.) a chase or report of Musick; as when two or more parts chase one another in the same point.
Fugtiv (fugitivus) flitting, ready to run away.
Fugitives goods (bona fugitivo [...]um) are the proper goods of him that flies upon felony which after the flight, lawfully found, belong to the King, Coke vol. 6. fo. 109. b.
Fulcible (fulcibilis) which may be under-set or propped.
Fulciment (fulcimen) a prop or underset. Math. Mag.
Fulge [...] (fulgens Fulgid (fulgidus shining, glistering, bright.
Fulgidity (fulgiditas) brightness, shining, glory.
Fulgor (Lat.) idem.
Fulgural (fulguralis) belonging. [Page] to fulgur or lightning.
Fulguration (fulguratio) the lightning to be seen in the clouds.
Fulra [...]s, certain reformed Monks, or religious persons, following St. Bernard as their Patron, and St. Bennet as their Patriarch. Spir. Conflict.
Fuliginous (fuliginosus) full of soot, smoaky.
Fullonical (fullonicus) belonging to a Fuller of cloth.
Fulminate (fulmino) to lighten or strike with lightning.
Fulminatory (fulminatorius) thundering, lightning, destroying, terrible.
Fulvid (fulvidus) yellow.
Fumid (fumidus) smooky, or that smoaketh.
Fumidity (fumiditas) smoakiness.
Fumiferous (fumifer) that bringeth smoak.
Fumigation (fumigatio) a smoaking or perfuming with smoak.
Function (functio) the exercise, or executing of some office or charge.
Funambulant (funambulus) a Dancer on the Rope, a Rope, Walker. Du Bartas.
Fund (fundus) land or soil; also a foundation or bottom.
Funditor (Lat.) a slinger, or one that in battel or otherwise casts out stones or darts out of a sling.
Funeorous Funerous (funebris) mournful, belonging to the Funerals of the dead, sorrowful.
Fungosity (fungositas) a light and hollow substance, such as we see in Spunges, Mushromes, Fuss-balls, &c.
Funnel (infundibulum) an instrument, through which liquor is poured into vessels; also a Tunnel or Funnel of a Chimney.
Furacity (furācitas) theevishness, theft.
Furbishing (Fr. Fourbisseure) a scouring, polishing or burnishing.
Furcation (from furca) a forking, a hanging on a Gallows. Vul. Er.
Furus (furiae) three imaginary Fiends or Spirits in Hell, having Snakes growing on them instead of hairs.
Poets feign them to be the Daughters of the River Acheron and Night, and to have the o [...]tice of tormenting the souls of murtherers and wicked men; their names were Alecto, i. uncessantly tormenting; Megaera, i. enraged; And Tysiphone, i. the Avenger of murder.
Futina, The Goddess of Theeves.
Furlong (of two Fr. words, Fort-long, i. very long, or quasi furrow-long) is a quantity of ground, containing twenty Lugs, Roods, or Poles in length, and every Pole sixteen foot, and a half, eight of which Furlongs make a mile, An. 35. E. 1. ca. 6. It is otherwise the eighth part of an Acre. See Acre. In the former signification [Page] the Romans call it [Stadium], in the latter [Jugerum] This measure which we call a Pole, is also called a Perch, and differs in length, according to the custom of the Country. See Perch, Stade.
Furole (Fr.) a little blaze of fire appearing by night on the tops of Souldiers Lances, or at Sea, on Sail-yards, where it whirles and leaps in a moment from one place to another; some Mariners call it St. Hermes fire; if it come double, tis held a sign of good luck; if single, otherwise.
Furtive (furtivus) that is done by stealth, filching, theevish, felonious.
Fuscation (fuscatio) a darkning or clouding.
Fusibility, meltableness, that may be molten. Sir Hen. Wotton.
Fusibl [...] (fusilis) that is or may be molten.
Fusil (Lat. fusillus) a little Spindle: It is also a term in Heraldry, and signifies that in a Coat of Arms, which is in a manner like a Spindle, as in that of Sire de Montagu (a French name) il porte dargert, trois fusillees en fasse de gueules. Min. The Fusil is longer then the Lozenge [...] or Mascle, having its upper and lower part more acute, then the other two collateral middle parts. Gwill. fol. 358.
Fusion (fusio) a melting or pouring forth.
Fustigate (fustigo) to beat with a staff, to cudgel.
Futility (futilitas) lightness, babbling, folly, vanity.
Futurition Futurity (from futurus) the being to come of any thing.
GAbardine (from the Fr. Gaban or Galleberdine) a rough Irish Mantle or Horse-mans coat; a long Cassock.
Gabel (Ital. gabella) toll, Tribute, Custom, or Impost.
Gabion (Fr.) a defence for Canoneers, made of great Baskets filled with earth.
Gabriel (Hebr.) strong with God; the name of an Angel.
Gad (from the Sax. Gaad, i. the point of a Spear) is a quantity of steel, of about two or three ounces.
Gaffe (Fr.) an iron hook wherewith Seamen pull great fishes into their ships.
Gage (Fr.) a pawn or pledge. In our Law, use hath turned the G into W, as to Wage deliverance (Gager deliverance) to give security that a thing shall be delivered. Sea men Gage their Gask, that they may know the bigness of it, or how much is leaked out, which is done by putting down a stick at the Boong, and that by the wetness will shew how much liquor is in it. Also when they would know how much [Page] water a Ship draws when she is afloat, they stick a nail into a pike or pole, and put it down by the Rudder, till it catch hold under the Rudder; & this they call Gaging a ship.
Gager. See Gawgeor.
Galactite (galactites) a precious stone of a white colour.
Galage (solea) a kind of a Paten or Shoo, so called, having nothing on the feet but latchets.
Galatia, a Sea Nymph, for whose love Polyphemus slew himself.
Galaxy (galaxias) a bright circle in the Sky, caused by the reflexion of the Stars, the milky way in the Firmament.
Galenue or Galenist, one that studies or follows the Aphorisms of Galen, the antient great Physitian.
Gallicism, the form of speech or custom of the French.
Gallion (Fr.) a great ship of War.
Gallihalpens, were a kind of Coyn forbidden by the Statute, An 3 H. 5. c. 1.
Galliote (Fr.) a small Gally or Gally-like vessel, having twenty Oars on a side, and two or three Rowers to an Oar, much used by Turkish and Moorish Rovers. Cotg. See Brigantine.
Gallant (Fr.) goodly, noble, vertuous. But it is now substantively applied to that person, who is Servant or Platonick to a Lady.
Gallego (Spa.) a man of Galitia. How.
Gallon (Span.) the same with Gallion, also a measure containing with us four quarts.
Gallug, a River in Phrygia, the water whereof made men mad.
Galoches (Fr.) wooden shoos, or patens made all of a peece, without any latchet or tye of leather, and worn in France by the poor Clowns in Winter. What our English Galoches are, and by whom worn, every one knows.
Gamahez (Arab.) as Talismans are Images or figures made by art under certain Constellations; So Gamahez are such figures found so wrought by nature, held to be of greater vertue, being therefore worn by some persons.
Gambade (from the Ital. Gamba, i. a leg,) is a kind of leather instrument affixed to the Saddle in the place of Stirrops wherein we put our legs when we ride, to preserve them from dirt and cold.
Gambol [...]s (Fr. Gambade, stal. gamba, i a leg, because gamboles, or (as we call them) Christmas gamboles are properly games or tumbling tricks plaid with the legs.
Gammot, an incision knife.
Gammut or Gamut, the first note in Musick, from whence the whole number of notes take denomination. As the Greek Cross-row is called Alphabet from the two first [Page] letters, Alpha and Beta.
Ganching (from the Fr. Ganchè) is a form of putting Offenders to death in Turky, which is to let them fall from on high, upon hooks or stakes pointed with iron, and there to hang till they dye, by the anguish of their wounds, or more miserable famine.
Gangick, of or pertaining to Ganges a great River in India Oriental, the breadth of it being in the narrowest place eight, in the broadest twenty miles, and the depth never less then a hundred foot. Heyl.
Gang-week. See Rogation week.
Gangreen (gangraena) dead flesh in the body of a botch, an eating Ulcer that will quickly infect all the body.
Gantlope (Ghent Lope) a punishment of Souldiers, haply first invented at Ghent, or Gant in Flanders, and therefore so called; or it may be derived from the Dutch gaen looper, i. to take ones heels or run; and Lope in Dutch signifies running; for the Offendor is to run through the whole Regiment with his upper part naked, and every fellow-Soldier to have a whip at him, &c.
Ganymede (Ganymedes) the name of a Trojan Boy, whom Jupiter so loved (say the Poets) as he took him up to Heaven, and made him his Cup-bearer. Hence any Boy, loved for carnal abuse, or hired to be used contrary to Nature, to commit the detestable sin of Sodomy, is called a Ganymede, or Ingle.
Garbe (Ital garbo) comeliness, gracefulness, or good fashion; Also a sharp or piquant taste, applied of late to Wine or Beer, that has a kind of pleasing piquantness in its relish.
Gargarize (gargarizo) to garble or wash the mouth and throat.
Gargarism (gargarismus) a liquid potion to wash the mouth and throat with, which is not suffered to go down, but to bubble up and down the throat.
Gargantua, great throat; Garganta in Spanish signifies a throat; It is usually taken for some feigned Giant or Monster.
Garamantick (Garamanticus) belonging to Garamus a King of Lybia.
Gardmanget (Fr.) a Sellar or Store-house, where meat is kept.
Garnish or Garnishment (from the French Garnir, i to provide, furnish, fill with) it is commonly taken for a certain Fee or quantity of good liquor which Prisoners either give their follow Prisoners or else their Keepers at their first admittance into Prison. The word properly signifies a furnishing, storing, or supplying, and sometimes a giving assurance.
[Page] Garnishee is the party in whose hands money is attached, and so used in the Sheriff of Londons Court.
Garnison (Fr.) store of furniture, provision, preparation.
Garrulity (garrulitas) babling, busie talking, or overmuch prating.
Garrulous (garrulosus) ever chatting, full of talk.
Garter King at Arms, the chief of the three Kings at Arms, the other are called Clarentius and Norroy; this Garter was instituted and created by Henry the fifth. Stows Ann. p. 584. See Harold.
Gasper, one of the three Wise-men which came from the East to worship our Saviour, vulgarly called the three Kings of Collen. See Balthazar. It is also an usual Christian name among us.
Gastrimythe (Gr.) a belly-God.
Gastroclite (gastroclites) he that gets his living by handycraft.
Gastremarcy (gastromantia) divination by the belly.
Gastrotomy, The Section or cutting up of the belly.
Gaudiloquen [...] (gaudiloquens) he that speaks with joy.
Gaudy or Grand days. In the Inns of Court there are four of these in the year, that is, one in every Term, viz. Ascention day in Easter Term, Midsummer day in Trinity Term, All Saints day in Michaelmas Term, and Candlemas day in Hillary Term; these four are no days in Court, and on these days double Commons are allowed, and Musick on all Saints, and Candlemas day, as the first and last of Christmas. The Etymology of the word may be taken from Judge Gawdy, who (as some affirm) was the first institutor of those days, or rather from gaudium, because (to say truth) they are days of joy, as bringing good cheer to the hungry Students. In Colledges they are most commonly called Gaudy, in Inns of Court Grand days, and at Court they were called Coller days. See Coller days.
Gav [...]lkind, a custom whereby every son or heir male inherits a portion alike in his Ancestors estate, and is derived of three Sax. words, gif [...], cal, cyn, that is, given to all the kin, quasi, omnibus Cognatione proximis data haereditas. Dodd. Or rather from gafel, i. tributum, pensio, and cynd, genus, conditio.
Gaulonitee (Gaulonitae) were a certain Faction or Sect among the Jews, and had name from one Judas, who was called Judas Gaulonites, sometimes Judas Galilaeus, of whom Gamaliel speaks Act. 5.37. he and his followers opposed the tribute raised by Cyrcenius, under Augustus. Joseph. Antiq.
Gawgeor, An Officer having Authority to give a mark of allowance to all [Page] Tuns, Hogsheads, Pipes, Barrels, &c. of Wine, Oyl, Honey and Butter, before they ought to be sold; it comes from the Fr. Gawger, i. a Gager or Measurer of Casks, &c. Of this Office see the Stat. 27. E. 3. c. 8.
Gazel (Gr.) a certain Venetian Coyn scarce worth our farthing; Also a Bill of news or short relation of the general occurrences of the time, forged most commonly at Venice, and thence dispersed every moneth into most parts of Christendom. Cotgr.
Gazul, All Egypt where the Nile arrives not, is nothing but a whitish Sand bearing no grass, but two little weeds called Suhit and Gazul, which burnt to ashes, and conveyed to Venice, make the finest Christal glasses. Sir H. Blunt in his Levant. Voyage.
Gebaltark or Gebaltarec (corruptly call'd the Streights of Gibralthar) scituate in the Mediterranean Sea, on the north side whereof stood Mount Calpe, on the south mount Abila, on which Hercules, placed his so memorized Pillars, with this inscription, Nil ultra. The name comes from Gebal, which in Arabick signifies a Mountain, and Tarec the son of Abdalla, who having transported his Barbarians over the Streight, secured his Army with the natural fortifications of the place.
Gehenna, Properly signifies a place in a valley, in the Tribe of Benjamin, terrible for two sorts of fires in it; that wherein the Israelites sacrificed their children to the Idol Moloch; Secondly for another fire there continually burning, to consume the dead carcasses and filth of Jerusalem; Hence it was a type of Hell fire, and more usually taken for hell it self. David Kimchi, Psal. 27.13.
Geideor Gelt (Dutch) money or tribute.
Gelid (gelidus) cold as ice, frosty.
Gelicide (gelicidium) a frost.
Gelidity (geliditas) coldness, frostiness.
Gement (gemens) groaning, lamenting.
Geminate (gemino) to double, to increase.
Gemineis (Gemini) twins, pairs, matches, or likes.
Gemites, a kind of precious stone, qui veluti candidas manus inter se complexas habet.
Gemote, the Hundred-Court. See Sir Richard Bakers Chronicle, fol. 38.
Gemmated (gemmatus) set or bedecked with precious stones.
Gemmery, a Jewel-house or place to keep Gemms in, a Cabinet.
Gemmiferous (gemmifer) that beareth or brings precious stones.
Gemmosity (gemmositas) abundance of precious stones.
Gemony (gemoniae scalae) a [Page] place in Rome where condemned persons were cast down by a pair of stairs headlong into the River Tibet. Tacitus.
Gend-atme (Fr.) a man of Arms, a horseman armed at all points, one that serves in compleat armor, and on a great horse.
Genealogy (genealogia) a description of ones linage, stock or pedegree.
Generative (generativus) ingendring, of an ingendring faculty or breeding power.
Generical (from Genus) pertaining to a Kindred, stock, kind, or gender, or to the beginning of ones birth.
Generosity (generositas) nobleness of minde, gentleman-like courage.
Genesis (Gr.) a generation. The first Book of Moses is so called in Greek and Latin, because it declares the Creation and Generation of all things. In Hebrew it is bereschith, i. in principio, and took its name from the first words of the first Chapter of the said Book, as do many other books of the Old Testament. Min.
Genethliacal (genethliacus) pertaining to the casting of Nativities.
Genethlialogy (genethlialogia) telling or casting of Nativities.
Genethliaques, casters of mens fortunes by the day or hour of their birth; or books treating of that subject.
Genial (genialis) full of mirth: pertaining to marriage; the marriage-bed was of old called the Génial-bed, quasi Genital-bed.
Genital (genitalis) serving to engender, or for breed.
Genitals (genitale) the privy members of any creature.
Genitive (genitivus) natural ingendring, of an ingendring faculty, that hath power to ingender.
Genitor (Lat.) a Father, a beginner, a begetter; also the stones of man or beast.
Genius (Lat.) a good or evil Angel, the spirit of man, nature it self, natural inclination.
Genii, were supposed to be [...], and Pararii, Brokers, as it were, between men and the gods, or rather Interpreters, & Salutigeruli, Messengers between of a middle nature betwixt the one and the other. Coelius Rho. l. 2. c. 3. But according to Empedocles, each one was thought to have his Angel from the very day of Nativity, to whom they used to sacrifice on their birth day, as to their Guardian; also every place had their peculiar Genii, and then they were called Lares, as Rurales and Permarini, in Livie.
Gentilitious Gentilitial (gentilitius) that pertains to a stock; an use or property taken from ancestors; of the same kindred.
Gentil (gentilis) among [Page] the Jews all were Gentiles that were not of one of the Twelve Tribes: Now commonly we call them Gentiles that profess not the faith of Christ.
Gentilesse (Fr.) Gentry, Gentility, Nobility.
Gentilism (gentilismus) the opinion or belief of the Gentiles; Paganism, Heathenishness.
Gentleman (generosus) seems to be compounded of two words, the one French ( gentile, i. honestus, vel honesto loco natus;) the other Saxon mon, as if you would say, a man well born. The Italian follows the very word, calling those Gentil-homini, whom we call Gentlemen.
Genuflexion (genuflexi) the bowing of the knee.
Genuine (genuinus) proper, peculiar, natural.
Genus (Lat.) the beginning of ones birth; a kindred, stock, linage; a kind or fashion, &c. a Gender. Also a term in Logick; And it is the first of the five Predicables; When the Predicate comprehends the full Answer to a Question, 'tis called a Species; but if it onely contains a part, so that other common considerations are comprehended under it, it is called a Genus. See Mr. Whites Perip. Institutions, p. 17.
Geodesie (geodaesia) the art of measuring Land.
Geodesian (geodaetes) a measurer of Land.
Geography (geographia) is a description of the earth by her parts and their limits, scituations, Inhabitants, Cities, Rivers, fertility, and observable matters, with all other things annexed thereunto. Heyl. Geographiae proprium est unam & continuam terram cognitam ostendere quemadmodum se habeat naturâ & positione. Ptolemie.
Geographer (geographus) a describer of the earth.
Geomantie (geomantia) divination by points and circles made on the earth, or by opening the earth.
Geometry (geometria) an art of due proportion, consisting in Lineaments, Forms, Distances, and Greatness: there are four Principles hereof, to wit, 1. A prick or point. 2. A Line. 3. A Superficies or outside. 4. A Body. It hath properly the name from measuring the earth, being first found out in Aegypt, and was of great estimation among the Antient Grecians.
Geometrician (geometres) one skilful in Geometry.
Geometrical (geometricus) pertaining to Geometry.
To Geometrize, to play the Geometrician, to hold a due proportion, to observe order.
Geoponical (from the Greek [...]) of or belonging to Husbandry and Tillage.
Georgians, A Sect of pernicious Hereticks, so called [Page] from one David George, born at Delft in Holland; he held that the Law and Gospel were unprofitable for the attaining Heaven, &c, That he was the true Christ and Messias, &c. with other such damnable Tenets, he died in the year, 1556. Heyl.
Also a sott of Christians, inhabiting a Country called Georgia, lying between Colchos, Caucasus, the Caspian Sea and Armenia, heretofore Iberia and Albania; they are so called not of St. George (as some write) their selected Patron, but of their said Country, so named long before the time wherein he is supposed to have lived; yet they bear much reverence to this St. George, the Cappadocian Martyr (the same whom the Knights of the Garter have formerly so much honored in England) always carrying his image in their Standards, &c. These in some points of their Religion, agree with the Roman Catholicks, but in others they follow the Grecians; they have a Metropolitan of their own, for their spiritual guide, whom they obey most punctually, and who has his seat on Mount Sina, in the Cloyster of St. Katherine the Virgin Martyr. Sands.
Georgicks (Georgica) books entreating of the tillage of the earth.
Gerah, was the least silver Coyn among the Hebrews, it is valued of ours 1 d. ob. Exod. 30.13.
Gerent (gerens) bearing or carrying.
Germanity, (germanitas) brotherhood.
Germinat [...]on (germinitio) a springing or budding.
Gerone. See Gyron.
Gertrude or Gartrude (a womans name) compounded of the old Saxon Gar, i. All; and trude, i. Truth or Troth; for [d] was sometimes by our Ancestors indifferently used instead of [th] So that Gertrude, is as much as All truth. Verstegan.
Gerunds of Verbs (Gerundia) à gerenda duplici significatione, nempe activa & passiva sub una voce, &c. Min.
Gests (gesta) noble acts of Princes or people; Exploits.
Gestation (gestatio) a bearing or carrying. Vul. Er.
Gesticulate (gesticulo) to use much gesture, to make signs of mirth; also to dance by measures.
Gesticulation (gesticulatio) a representing any man by countenance, hands or other parts of the body.
Gestion (gestio) a doing of a thing.
Geules, a term among Heralds, and signifies a Vermilion colour.
Gewgawes, trifles, See Gugaw.
Gibralter. See Gebaltark.
Gibbosity (gibbositas) [Page] crookedness of the back or shoulders; bunchedness.
Gibbous (gibber) that hath a crooked back, hog-backed, bunch-backed. Vul. Err.
Gigantomachy (gigantomachia) the fighting or warring of Gyants.
Gigantine (from Gigas, antis) of or pertaining to a Gyant, or as big as a Gyant.
Gig-mills, were Mills used in the Fulling of cloth, which with iron cards are prohibited by the Statutes of 3. Ed. 6.2. 5 Ed. 6.22.
Gigot (Fr.) a minced meat mingled with Sewet, a Hache.
Gilbertines, a Religious Order begun by one Gilbert at Terington and Sempringham in Lincolnshire, about the year of Christ 1148. Pol. Vir. This Gilbert lived to see 13 Monasteries and 1700 persons of his Order in England; he was Canonized by Pope Innocent the third. And commemoration is made of him on the 13 of October. Nova leg. S.S. Ang. fol. 167.
Gild (Sax. Gildan, i. solvere) signifies a tribute or payment, and sometimes an amercement; or thirdly a fraternity or company combined together by Orders and Laws made among themselves by the Princes Licence. And Gildhal is conceived to be so called, there being a fraternity or Commonalty of men gathered into one combination, supporting their common charge by a mutual contribution.
Gildable, Mr. Camden, pag. 349. dividing Suffolk into three parts, calls the first Gildable, because tribute is thence gathered.
Gimlet (Fr. Gimbelet) a piercer to broach a vessell with; such as Butlers and Tapsters use.
Gippon (Fr.) a short coat or Cassock, some corruptly call it a Jump.
Gipsony (from gipsum) belonging to lime or plaister.
Girasole, a precious stone of the kinde of Opsals, that yeelds an eye-like lustre, which way soever you turn it, unless it be towards the Sun, and then it casts forth beams like the Sun.
Girle, a Row Buck of two years.
Gitomantie (Gr.) Divination by Circles.
Gisarmes. An. 13. E. 1. Stat. 3. cap. 6. is a kind of weapon. Fleta writes it Sisarmes l. 1. cap. 24. I take it ought rather to be written Bisarmes, a double weapon or a weapon with two pikes. Min.
Giste (Fr.) a Bed, Couch, lodging place to lie on or rest in; hence came the Gists of the Kings Progress, that is, a writing containing the names of the houses or Towns where the King or Prince intended to lye or rest every night through his progress.
[Page] Gisting. See Agist.
Glacial (glacialis) where ice is, freezing, cold.
Glaciate (glacio) to congeal or freeze, to turn to ice.
Gladiator (Lat.) a sword-player, a Master of Fence.
Gladiature (gladiatura) the feat of fighting with swords.
Glandiferous (glandifer) bearing Mast.
Glandage (Fr.) Mast; also Mastage, the season of turning hogs into the woods; the feeding of hogs by Mast.
Glandulous (glandulosus) full of kernels, kernelly.
Glaibe (Brit.) a weapon like a Halberd, a Hook or Bill.
Glandulosity, fulness of kernels. Vul. Err.
Glaucitate (glaucito) to cry like a whelp.
Glebe Land (from Gleba, a turff or peece of eath) is that Land, meadow or Pasture which belongs to a Parsonage, besides the Tythe.
Glebosity (glebositas) fulness of clods or turffs.
Glede (Sax.) a burning coal; also a Kite so called.
Glister (Glyster) a liquor made sometime with sodden flesh, sometime with decoction of herbs or other things, which by a Pipe is conveyed into the lower parts of the body. It is written, that the use hereof was first learned from a bird in Egypt called Ibis, much like a Stork, which bird doth often with her bill, open her hinder parts, when nature her self doth not expel what is needful. Bull.
Globosity (globositas) roundness like a Globe.
Globular, Round, like a Globe, Bac.
Glome (glomus) a clue or bottom of thread, Rel. Med.
Glomerate (glomero) to wind round, to assemble, to gather or heap round together.
Glomerous (glomerosus) round as a bottom, swarmed together.
Glossator (Lat.) a Glosser or Interpreter, one that writes a Gloss or Comment upon a Text.
Glossomatical (gloss [...]maticus) that makes a Comment or Gloss upon a book or text.
Glossographer (glossographus) he that interprets strange words.
Glutinate (glutino) to glew or joyn together.
Glutinosity (glutinositas) gluiness, clamminess.
Gnarity (gnaritas) experience, skilfulness.
Gnathonical (gnathonicus) flattering, deceitful in words; soothing ones humor to get by him.
Gnathonize, to play the smel-feast, to flatter.
Gnavity (gnavitas) activity, lustiness, quickness.
Gnomical (from gnoma) pertaining to measure.
Gnomological, pertaining to the art of Dialling.
[Page] Gnosticks, a Sect of Hereticks (their first, according to the more common opinion, was Carpocras) sprung about the year of Christ 125. in time of Pope Xistus the first, and the Emperor Adrian the first; they arrogated to themselves a high degree of skill and knowledge in all things, and therefore were called Gnostici, from the Gr. [...], cognitio; they were also called Borboritae or Borboriani for abominable foul practises they had among them: They held the soul of man to be of Gods substance; they held two Gods, one good, the other bad; they denied the future judgement, so to gain more liberty to their vices, and progress to their Doctrine, with other absurd errors.
Gnomonick (gnomonice) the art of Dyalling; consisting in the knowledge of the scituation, lying, or measure of any place or Country.
Gobonated, a term in Heraldry, when a Bordure is so divided into two colours, as if it were cut into small Gobbets.
God-bote (Sax.) a fine or amerciament for crimes and offences against God; also an Ecclesiastical or Church fine.
Goetie (goetia) the Black Art; Divellish Magick or Witchcraft.
Gog and Magog. Gog by interpretation of the Hebrew word is tectus, covered; and Magog is uncovered. In Scripture by Gog and Magog are understood certain Nations, (some Expositors take them to be the Aquilonar Scythians, Iberiads, and Muscovites) or Princes that with their Nations shall more fiercely then other concur with Antichrist in persecuting the Church of Christ. Ezek. 38.39 Rev. 20.8. To be a Gog. See Gogue.
Gogo a Gogo (Fr.) with full contentment or his belly full.
Gogue (Fr.) a sheeps panch, &c. To be a Gogue, is to be frolick, lively, or in a merry mood.
Golden number, a number which changeth every year, by adding one to the Golden number of the year going before, until it grow as high as Nineteen, and then the Golden number returns to one again. For example, This year 1659 the Golden number is seven, the next year therefore it will be eight, &c. This Golden number was devised to find out the Feast of Easter. See Cycle.
Golden-Jeece, The Gold in grains, which is found in Rivers and purling Brooks, they used in some parts to gather with the help of sheep-skins, that had the wooll on them, &c. from which manner of trying or finding gold, the Fable of the Golden-fleece was invented, which Jason and his Argonautes sailed for to [Page] Pontus, and was nothing else but a robbing the Colchians of that gold which they had found out and gathered, with such Wool-skins. First part of the Treasury of Times.
Golgotha (Syriac) a place of dead mens skuls. It was at Jerusalem on the North side of Mount Sion, and so called, because there lay the skuls of offenders put to death.
A Gol [...]e (Spa.) at a blow; also a slash. Cabala.
Gomer, a Hebrew measure, containing our Gallon and almost a Pint. The Israelites when they were fed from Heaven with Manna in the Desart, received every one this measure full, for a days allowance.
Gomorrhean (from Gomorrha) a Sodomite, a Buggerer.
Gondolot or Gondola, A Venetian Wherry-boat.
Gonorrhea (Gr.) a disease called the running of the Reins; the flux of natural seed of man or woman unwittingly.
Gord (Fr. Gourd, Lat. Gurges) a Whirl-pool, or deep hole in a River or other waters.
Gordian knot, is a knot which cannot be loosed: The phrase ariseth from this old story. Gordius (a King of Phrygia Major) being raised from the Plow to the Scepter, placed the furniture of his Wain and Oxen in the Temple of Apollo tied in such a knot, that the Monarchy of the world was promised to him that could untye it: which when Alexander had long tried, and could not do, he cut it with his sword. Heyl.
Gorgon (Gr.) a terrible fighting woman. Poets feign there were three such, daughters to King Phorchus, their names were Medusa, Schenio, and Euryale.
Gormand (Fr. Gourmand) a Glutton, great-eater, a belly-god.
Gormandize (Fr. Gourmander) to ravine, devoure, glut, or gluttonize it.
Gospel (from the Saxon Godspel) is compounded of God and Spel, the word God among the Saxons signifying good, as well as God, and no difference being discernable in the writing of these two words among them; unless, when tis taken for God, it has an (e) after it. (Spel) seems to signifie ( word or mystical speech) among the Saxons, as when Bigspel ( Deut. 28.37.) signifies a by-word or Proverb, or (as it is used in the North) By-spel. Some remains of the use of this word are still among us, as when a Charm, carmen, [...], indifferently a verse or word, one or more lines of Scripture or otherwise, either spoken or written, and hung about ones neck, on design to drive away a disease (according to [Page] the superstitious beleef and practice of some of our Ancestors) is still called a Spel, from the antient use of it, as in Propertius, ‘(Sunt verba & voces, quibus hunc lenire dolorem Possis—)’
So this word Godspel and by Euphony, Gospel, signifies the word of God; the mystical speech or good tydings, delivered first by an Angel, after by the Evangelists, &c. Dr. Hammonds Annotat. p. 3.
Gossip (from the Sax. Godsib) our Christian Ancestors (understanding a spiritual affinity to grow between the Parents and such as undertook for the Child at Baptism) called each other by the name of Godsib, which is as much to say, as they were Sib together, that is, of Kin through God, or a Cousen before God; And the child in like manner called such his God-Fathers or God-Mothers, &c. Verst.
Gossymeare or Gossomor (Sax.) the white and cobweb-like exhalations, which fly abroad in hot sunny weather. Chaucer.
Gourd, a kind of plant, not much unlike a Cucumber.
Gracility (gracilitas) leanness, smalness, slenderness.
Graces (Charites) three Sisters Poetically supposed the Daughters of Jupiter and Venus: They were called Aglaia, Thalia, and Euphrosyne: The moral was, to express the mutual love, and chearful conversation, which ought to be among friends; for they were painted naked, to signifie friendship ought to be plain without dissimulation; smiling and merry, to shew men should do good willingly; young, and maiden-like, to teach, friendship should consist in honest things; and holding hands together in a round ring, to shew a benefit bestowed, returns again to the giver.
Gradatorie (Gradatorium) the space containing the ascent out of the Cloyster into the Quire of a Church or Religious house, was so termed: Also any place, whereto we ascend by steps or degrees.
Gradual (graduale) that part of the Mass which was said or sung between the Epistle and the Gospel, as a grade or step from the first to the later, signifying that the profession of a Christian is to be ascending from the Epistle to the Gospel, from the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles to that of Christ; from one degree of vertue to another.
Gradual Psalms, are fifteen Psalms so called, that is, those fifteen together from the 118. to 133. or from the 119. to [Page] 134. they are so called from a custom the Jews observed of singing them, as they ascended up those fifteen steps or stairs (in Latin gradus) which were between the womens Court and the mens of Solomons Temple, upon which steps the Levites sung those fifteen Psalms, on each step a Psalm. Rab. Da. Kim. Ps. 120.
Graduality that by which a thing is constituted intrinsecally, in the being Gradual.
Graduate (Graduatus) he that hath taken degree of learning in an University.
Gradation (gradatio) a going by degrees as up stairs.
Gramineal (gramineus) of grass; green.
Graminous (graminosus) overgrown with grass.
Granadil ( granadillo Spa.) a little Pomegranate, the diminutive of granado.
Granado (Span.) a Pomegranate, an Apple filled with delicious grains; there is also a warlike Engin that being filled with Gunpowder and other materials is wont to be shot out of a wide mouthed peece of Ordnance, and is called a Granado, for the likeness it hath with the other Granado in fashion, and being fully stuffed as the other Granado is, though the materials are very different.
Grand days. See Gaudy-days
Grandevity (grandaevitas) great age, antiquity.
Grandeza (Span. in Ital. Grandezza) bigness, greatness, largeness, magnificence, great state.
Grandiloquence (grandiloquentia) stately eloquence; high stile.
Grandiloquent (grandiloquus) that useth great words; that hath a high stile.
Grandimoniensers, an order of religious persons, begun by Steven of Avern in Aquitane or Guyen about the year of our Lord 1076. under Pope Alexander the Second, and had their title of the mountain where their Abbey stood. Pol. Vir.
Grandinous (grandinosus) full of hail, subject to hail.
Grandity, (granditas) excessive greatness.
Grand Sergeantie, is in our Common Law, where one holds Lands of the King by service, which he ought to do in his own person, as to bear the Kings Banner, or his Spear, &c. See Littl. tit. Serg.
Grange (à grana gerendo) is a great Farm, not onely where corn is laid up, but where are Stables for Horses, Stals for Oxen, and other Cattel, Styes for Hogs, and other things necessary for Husbandry. Linw. These did of old belong to Religious Houses, and the Overseer thereof was called Prior of the Grange.
Granite (Ital.) a kind of speckled stone or marble very [Page] common at Milan, and other parts of Italy.
Graniferous (granifer) that beareth grains or kernels.
Granivorous (from Granum and vorans) that eats or devours grain or corn.
Graphical (graphicus) cunningly wrought, perfect, excellent.
Granule (dim. of granum) a little grain, or Barly corn.
Grassation (grassatio) a robbing, killing, assailing.
Grateolent (grateolens) well savouring, smelling pleasantly.
Gratification (gratificatio) a gratifying, or the doing a pleasure, in lieu of a pleasure done.
Gratis (Lat.) freely, without reward or desert.
Gratulate (gratulor) to rejoyce and be glad in ones behalf, to thank.
Grav [...] (Belg.) a Lord or Ruler, an Earl. Sax. Gerefa.
Graveolence (graveolentia) an evil smell, a stinking savour.
Graveolent (graveolens) that has an ill savour or smell.
Gravidity (graviditas) greatness with child, or with young.
Gravid (gravidus) great with childe or young.
Graviloquence (graviloquentia) a grave speech, or a speaking gravely.
Greaves (Fr. Greves) boots; or armor for the legs.
Grecians (Graeci) are used by St. Paul to signifie all the Heathen people, and stand in opposition with Hebrews, in the General acception containing both the Grecists or dispersed Hebrews, and also those of Palestina; the Grecists were both by birth and religion Hebrews, standing in opposition with Hebrews, in the strict acception, taken for those of Palaestina. Moses and Aaron.
Grecism (graecismus) the form or speech, or custom of the Grecians.
Greek Church differs from the Roman Catholick. 1. Denying the Holy Ghost to proceed from the Father and the Son. 2. Denying Purgatory, but praying for the dead. 3. Beleeving that holy men enjoy not the presence of God before the Resurrection. 4. Communicating in both kinds; but using leavened bread, and mingling warm water with wine, which both together they destribute with a spoon. 5. Receiving children of seven years old to the Sacrament, because then they begin to sin. 6. Forbidding extream Unction, Confirmation, and fourth Marriages. 7. Admitting none to Orders, but such as are married, and prohibiting marriage to them that are actually in Orders. 8. Rejecting carved Images, but admitting the painted. 9. Observing four Lents in the year. 10. Reputing it unlawful to fast on Saturdays. So Heylin. But [Page] others relate the differences to be otherwise, as may be seen in Authors that write thereof.
Grees [...] or Grise (gradus) a stair, step, or degree.
Gregal (gregalis) of the same flock or company, common.
Gregorian, a Cap of hair; so called from one Gregory, a Barber in the Strand that first made them in England.
Gregorian Accompt so called from Pope Gregory the thirteenth. See Julian Accompt.
Gremial Gremious (gremiosus) pertaining to the lap or bosom.
Griffe-Graffe (Fr.) by hook or by crook, catch that catch may, any way.
Grilliade (Fr.) a broiled mess, or meat boiled on a Grid-iron.
Grithbreach, Is a breach of peace, for Grith is a word of the old Angles or Saxons, signifying peace, Roger Hoveden. par. poster. suorum annal. fol. 346. b.
Grobianism (Fr.) slovenliness, unmannerly parts or precepts. Cotg.
A Groop (minthorium) a dunging or pissing place.
Gromatick (gromaticus) pertaining to the art of casting out the ground for the Quarters, fortifying the Camp, and chusing places of advantage in the field.
Grotesques (Fr. from the Ital. Grotesca) pictures, wherein (as please the Painter) all kind of odd things are represented, without any peculiar sence or meaning, but onely to please the eye Hence taken for any rude misshapen thing.
Grot (from the Ital. Grota) a Cave.
Groveling, lying on the face.
Grouppade (Fr.) a certain lofty mannage, which must be beaten with a lively and setled measure, the turn being more wide, and the horses hinder parts more raised, then in an ordinary Curvet.
Grumosity (grumositas) fulness of clods or lumps.
Grumous (from Grumus) that is full of clots or Hillocks.
Gryffen or Gryffon (Gryps) a strange Bird (as some ancient Authors affirm) with four feet, armed with cruel claws, being from the brest upward fashioned like an Eagle, but of purple colour, with red fiery eies, and whitish wings, and in the hinder part black, made much like a Lyon. This Bird nests in the high mountains, and is exceeding hard to be taken, except very young, for he will adventure on any man, and is so fierce, that he often kills Elephants; he is most enemy to horses; for which cause Virgil in his eighth Eclog. brings in the shepherd Damon, who wondred at a strange Marriage, speaking thus; ‘ [Page]Junguntur jam Gryphes Equis—’
But modern Authors, as Aldrovandus, Michovius, and others say there is no such Animal extant. Vul. Err. fol. 129.
Guadsane, a River in Spain which runs under ground the space of fifteen miles: Hence the Spaniards brag that they have a Bridge whereon 10000 cattel daily feed. Hist. of Spain.
Guastaliens, an order of Religious People, consisting both of men and women, and instituted the year 1537. by the Countess of Guastala, a Mantuan Lady. Cotg.
Gubernator (Lat.) a Master of a ship, a Guide, a Ruler.
Gugh [...] (from the Hebr. Gnugabh) a Jews Harp or trifle for children to play with.
Guerdon (Fr.) recompence, reward, remuneration.
Guidon (Fr.) a Standard, Ensign or Banner, under which a Troop of men of Arms serve; Also he that bears it.
Gules. See Geules.
Gule, or Yule of August, (may come from the Brit. Gwil, i. festum, or from the Lat. jubilum) the first day of August, called in old Almanacks St. Peter advincula, and in our later Almanacks, Lammas day. An. 27. E. 3. Stat. 3. cap. unico. Fitz. nat. br. fo. 62.1 called Gule of August, alias Goule de August. [...]. Plow. casu Mines, fo. 316. b. It is the very day of St. Peter ad vincula, which was wont and is still, within the limits of the Roman Catholick Church, celebrated upon the very Calends of August. It is by some conjectured that Gule comes of the Latin Gula, or the Fr. Gueule, the throat. The reason of this conjecture is (in Durands rationali divinor. l. 7. ca. de festo S. Petri ad vincula) That one Quirinus a Tribune, having a Daughter who had a disease in her throat, went to Alexander then Pope of Rome, the sixth from St. Peter, and desired him to borrow or see the chains that St. Peter was chained with under Nero: which request obtained, his said Daughter kissing the said Chains, was cured of her disease, and Quirinus, with his family were baptized. Tun [...] dictus Alexander Papa (saith Durand) hoc festum in Calendis Augusti celebrandum [...]instituit, & in honorem beati Petri Ecclesiam in urbe fabricavit, ubi vincula ipse reposuit, & ad vincula nominavit, & Calendis Augusti dedicavit. In qua festivitate, populus illic ipsa vincula hodiè osculatur. So that this day being before called onely the Calends of August, was upon this occasion afterwards termed indifferently, [Page] either of the instrument that wrought this miracle, St. Peters day ad vincula, or of that part of the Maiden, whereon the miracle was wrought, the Gule of August. See Lammas day.
Gulosity (gulositas) gluttony.
Gulph (sinus) is a part of the Sea, insinuating and embosoming it self within the land, or between two several lands; As the Gulph of Venice, the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, Sinus Mexicanus, Vermilius, Gangeticus.
Gurgitate (gurgito) to swallow or devour.
Gurgitive (gurgitivus) belonging to a Gulph or stream.
Guttulous (guttosus) pertaining to or full of drops.
Gust (gustus) the sence of tasting, a taste.
Guttural (from guttur) pertaining to the throat.
Gultwit, seems to be compounded of Gult, i. noxa, and wit, a termination of words in the Saxon tongue, signifying nothing in it self, but as dome or hood, Christendom, Childhood, Manhood, &c. Others say, and it is true, that wit signifies blame or reprehension. Gultwit (as Saxon in his description of England, ca. 11. interprets it) is an amends for trespass.
Gustation (gustatio) a tasting or smacking; also a little knowledge of, or experience in.
Gustatory (gustatorium) a place where men were wont to banquet.
Guidage (guidagium) is that which is given for safe conduct through a strange territory; Cassanaeus de consuetud. Burgun. p. 119. whose words are these, Est Guidagium quod datur alicui, ut tuto conducatur per loca alterius.
Guzes, The ball of the eye; a term in Heraldry.
Gyges Ring; Gyges was King of Lydia, and his Ring said to have this property, that being on the finger, and turned to the inside of the hand, the wearer went invisible; but turning it to the outside, then he was visible again, as before. Plat. in lib. de Repub. will tell you how Gyges came by this Ring.
Gymnase (gymnasium) a place of all kind of exercise, either of body or mind, a School, a Colledge, or Hall in an University.
Gymnastick (gymnasticus) belonging to the place of wrestling or other exercise, which was performed naked.
Gymnasticks, books treating of Exercise.
Gymnasiarch (gymnasiarcha) the head Master of the place where Champions did exercise; also the chief Master of a School.
Gymnosophists ( gymnosophistae, from gymnos, naked, and sophos, wisdom) certain Philosophers in India that [Page] went always naked, and lived solitary in woods and desarts, feeding on herbs, the first beginner of which Sect was (as St. Hierome reports, Cont. Jovinian.) called Buddus. These Gymnosophists were to the Indians, as the Druides to the Brittans, and are by them called Brachmans. See Brachmans. Strabo says there were two kind of Gymnosophists, one dwelling in Desarts, &c. termed Hermanes; The other frequented Kings Courts, Cities, &c. and were called Brachmans.
Gynecocraty or Gynecretic, feminine Rule or Authority, the Government of a woman.
Gypsation (gypsatio) a plaistering or pargetting.
Gyre (gyrus) a circuit or compass, a cariere; a bound or end of a course or race.
Gyration (gyratio) a turning about, or dizziness.
G [...]ro [...] (Fr.) a Geron, a term in blazonry, and signifies half a Square or quarter in an Escoucheon, cut off by an oblique or diagonal line thus
El. of Ar.
HAbeas Corpus, is a Writ, which a man, (indicted of some trespass before Justices of Peace, or in a Court of any Franchize, and upon his apprehension being laid in prison for the same) may have out of the Upper Bench, thereby to remove himself thither at his own costs, and to answer the Cause there, &c. Fitz nat. br. fo. 250. h.
Habergion or Haubergion (Fr. the diminutive of Hauber) a little coat of Mail, or onely Sleeves and Gorget of Mail. It is used in Scripture, Rev. 19.9.
Habilitation, a making of one able or capable. Bac.
Habitiment (Fr.) apparel, cloathing, array, attire; Also Armor or Harness.
Habit (habitus) the outward attire of the body, whereby one person is distinguished from another; a [...] the Habit of a Gentleman is different from that of a Merchant, and the Habit of a Handy-crafts-man from both. Sometimes it signifies a quality or constitution in the body or mind, not natural, but gotten by long custom or infused by God: As an Orator still exercised in making Orations, has gotten a habit of eloquent speaking. And the holy Apostles had a habit to understand and speak languages without study. Bull.
Habitable (habitabilis) that may be inhabited or dwelt in.
[Page] Habitacle (habitaculum) a dwelling place, or habitation.
Habitual (habitus) grown to a habit by long custom, customary.
Habitude (habitudo) the habit, state, or disposition of the body, custom, use.
Hach, Hachis or Hac [...]ee (Fr.) a dish made ordinarily of cold meat cut in little peeces, and stewed or boyled on a Chaffing-dish with crums of Bread, Wine, Vinegar, sliced Nutmeg, and Orange pills. Cotg.
Hagard (Fr.) wilde, strange, froward, unsociable.
A Hagard Faulcon, a Faulcon that preyed for her self before she was taken. See Ramage.
Haggs (flammae lambentes) are made of sweat or some other vapor, issuing out of the head; a not unusual sight among us, when we ride by night in the Summer time: They are extinguished, like flames, by shaking the horse Mains; But I beleeve rather it is onely a vapour reflecting light, but fat and sturdy, compacted about the Mains of horses or mens hairs. Per. Institutions, p. 149.
Hagiographer (Hagiographus) he that writes holy things. S. Wa. Ra.
Hail to you, or all Hail to you, a Saxon word, ab all, i. omnis and heile, i. sanitas vel salus, and so is as much as all health to you.
Halcyon (Gr.) a kind of small Bird called by some a Kings-fisher, and breeding on the Sea-shoar about the winter solstice, which time, being about fourteen days, there is no tempest or storm. Hence tis we call peaceable or quiet times, Halcycon or Halcyonian days. Two notable properties are observed in the Nest of this Bird, which she makes with the foam of the Sea; The first is, That the Architecture of it is so strong, so durable, that it cannot be broken, nor cut, even with the violent stroak of iron. The second, That it is so proportioned to the Bird, as if it were sewed to her body, in such manner as no creature can therein be received, but the Architect himself. Caussinus. See more in Vul. Err. p. 128. and 129.
Halicuticks (halieutica) books treating of fishes or fishing, whereof Oppianus wrote five.
Haliographie (Gr.) a description of the Sea.
Hallage (Fr.) the Toll that is due to the Lord of a Fair or Market, for such commodities as are vended in the Common Hall of the place. Also a Fee due for cloathes brought for sale to Blackwel-Hall in London. Cok. vol. 9. fol. 62. b.
[Page] Halleluiah. See Alleluiah.
Hallucination (hallucinatio) a being mistaken or deceived in judgement, an error of opinion, a blindess of mind. If vision (saith Dr. Brown) be abolished, it is called C [...]ecitas or blindness; if depraved, and receive its objects erroneously, Hallucination, &c. p. 153.
Halsier (halsiarius) he that hales and draws a Ship or Barge along the River by a Rope or Halser.
Halm [...] (culmus) the stem or stalk of the corn from the root to the ear.
Halymore alias Healgemot is a Court Baron. Manwood part 1. of his Forest Laws, p. 111. And the Etymology is the meeting of the Tenants of one Hall or Mannor.
Halo [...] or Halo (Gr,) a circle about the Stars, but especially about the Moon. Lo. Bacon's New Atlantis.
Hal [...], or to make an halt, is a term of War, and comes from the Fr. faire halte, i. to stop, stay, or make a stand or pause.
Hamadryade (hamadryades) Nymphs of the woods.
Hames of a Horse-Collar (from the Lat. hamus, a hook) are two crooked peeces of wood, made of purpose to compass the Horse-Collar to keep it close to the neck.
Hambles, is the plural of the French (hable) signifying as much as a Port or Haven of the Sea. This word is used An. 27. H. 6. cap. 3.
Hamkin, A pudding made upon the bones of a shoulder of Mutton, all the flesh being first taken off.
Hamlet, is a diminutive of Ham, which in Saxon signifies a Town.
Hause (Fr.) a Company, Society or Corporation of Merchants (for so it signifies in the Book of the Ordonnances of Paris) combined together for the good usage, and safe passage of Merchandize from Kingdom to Kingdom. This Society was, and in part yet is indued with many large priviledges of Princes, respectively within their Territories. It had four principal seats or Staples; where the Almain or Dutch Merchants, being the erectors of it, had an especial house, one of which was here in London, called Gildhalda Teutonicorum, or in our common language the Steelyard. But in Germany we read of seventy two Hanse Towns, as Lubeck, Hambourg, Magdenbourg, &c. See more of this in Ortelius in the Index of his additament to his Theater, verbo Anciatici.
Handful, Is four Inches by the Standard. An. 33. H. 8. c. 5.
Hansel (from the Brittish Honsel) he that bestows the first money with a Tradesman, in the morning of a Fair or Market, is said to give him Handsel.
[Page] Hans-en-kelder, is in Dutch, as much as Jack in a Cellar; and by metaphor it is taken for the childe in a womans belly.
Hansiatick, belonging to, or free of the Hanse Towns, or Hanse Merchants. Lustra. Lud.
Haque, is a Hand-gun of about three quarters of a yard long, A. 33 H. 8. ca. 6. and A. 2. and 3. E. 6. c. 14. There is also the half Haque or demi Haque.
Haquebut (Fr.) the same with Harquebuse; a Caleever. An. 2, & 3. E. 6. ca. 14. & An. 4, & 5. Ph. & Ma. ca. 2.
Harange (Fr. Harangue) an Oration, Declaration, or set speech. Bac.
Haracana or Hero-cane (perhaps from the Span. Arancar, to weed up or pull up by the roots) an impetuous kind of Tempest or Whirlwind, happening in the Indies, and those remote Countries, which comes with such violence that it overturns trees by the roots, blows down houses, &c. and continues sometimes thirty days; Mariners and Seamen stand in great fear of it at Sea; for it infallibly wrecks their ships. And some affirm, the Devil appears often to the Pagans in these Haracanes. Mr. Herb. says it happens in some Countries but once in nine years.
Hariant, A term in Heraldry, when a fish is painted standing upright.
Harasse (Fr. Harasser) to tire or toil out, to spend or weaken, weary, or wear out; also to vex, disquiet, &c.
Hariot. See Heriot.
Hariolation (hariolatio) a fore-telling or South-saying.
Harmonical (harmonicus) melodious, harmonious, musical, proportionate.
Harold Heralt or Herald (Ital. Heraldo, Fr. Herault, vel quasi herus altus, a high Master) with us it signifies an Officer at Arms, whose function is to denounce War, to proclaim Peace, or to be imployed by the King in Martial Messages or other businesses. Their Office with us is described by Polydore lib. 19. thus, Habent insuper apparitores ministros, quos Heraldos dicunt; quorum praefectus Armorum Rex vocitatur. Hi belli & pacis nuncii, Ducibus, Comitibusque à Rege factis, insignia aptant, ac eorum funera curant. They are the Judges and Examiners of Gentlemens Arms, marshal all the solemnities at the Coronation of Princes, manage Combats, and such like. There is also one and the same use with us and with the French Nation. See Lupanus cap Heraldi. With us the three cheif are called Kings at Arms; and of them Garter is the principal, instituted and created by Henry the Fifth. Stow. Annal. p 584. whose Office is to attend the Knights of the Garter at their [Page] solemnities, and to marshal the Funerals of all the Nobility. And in Plow. cas. Reneger and Fogossa, is found that Edw. 4. granted the Office of the King of Heralds to one Garter, cum feudis & proficuis ab antq. &c. fo. 12 b. The next is Clarentius, ordained by Ed. 4. for he attaining the Dukedom of Clarence by the death of George his Brother, whom he put to death for aspiring the Crown, made the Herald, which properly belonged to the Duke of Clarence, a King at Arms, and called him Clarentius; his Office is to marshal and dispose the Funerals of Knights, Esquires, &c. through the Realm on the South side of Trent. The third is Norroy or Northroy; whose Office is the same on the North side of Trent, as that of Clarentius on the South, as may well appear by his name, signifying the Northern King, or King of the North parts. Besides these, there are six others, properly called Heralds, according to their original, as they were created to attend Dukes, &c. in Marshal Executions; viz. York, Lancaster, Somerset, Richmond, Chester, Windsor. Lastly, There are four others called Marshals or Pursuivants at Arms reckoned after a sort in the number of Heralds, and commonly succeed in the place of the Heralds, as they die, or are preferred, and those are Blew-mantle, Rouge-cross, Rouge-dragon, & Percullis.
Fern in his Glory of Generosity, p. 151. says, Herald is composed of these two Dutch words Heer and auid, which is as much as to say, an old Lord, or an antient Sir.
But Verstegan says, Heralt comes from the ancient Teutonick Here-h [...]alt, and signifies the Champion of the Army, or a most couragious person, p. 251. Mr. Stow in his Ann. p. 12. derives it from Hero.
Harlot, Metonymically from Arletta or Harlotha, Concubine to Robert Duke of Normandy, on whom the Duke begat William the Bastard Conqueror, and King of England; in spight to whom, and diigrace to his Mother, the English called all Whores Harlots, a word yet in use among us, Cam.
Harmonicks (harmoniacus) melodious, or that pertains to harmony, which is the accord of divers sounds or notes, or an apt proportion.
Harpyes (harpyae) monstrous and ravenous birds, which Poets feign to have had womens faces, hands armed with Talons, and Bellies full of ordure, wherewith they infected all meat they touched; They lived in Stymphalis a lake of Arcadia, and were named Aello, Ocypete, Celeno, and Thyella. Thus the Poet.
Hence tis we usually apply the name of Harpyes to avaricious, griping and usurious men.
Harpocrates, the God of silence.
Hart, is a Stag of five years old compleat. Budeus de Philologia lib. 2. And if the King or Queen hunt him, and he escape a live, then he is called a Hart Royal. And if the beast by the King or Queens hunting be chased out of the Forest, and so escape, Proclamation is commonly made in the places thereabout, That in regard of the pastime the beast hath shewed the King, none shall hurt or hinder him from returning to the Forest, and then he is a Hart Royal proclaimed.
Hatches or Scutles of a ship, are the Overtures or Trap-doors, whereat things are let down into the Hold.
Haubergeon (Fr.) the diminutive of Haubert ( i. a coat of Mail) a little coat of Mail.
Hauriant. See Hariant.
Hausible (hausibilis) that may be drawen or emptied.
Haust (haustus) a draught in drinking, a soop. D. Ham.
Haw (unguis) a disease in the eyes so called.
Hawkers, Are certain deceitful fellows, that go from place to place buying and selling Brass, Pewter, and other Merchandize, that ought to be uttered in open Market. The Appellation seems to grow from their uncertain wandering, like those that with Hawks seek their Game where they can finde it. You have the word A. 25. H. 8. ca 6. and An. 33. ejusd. ca. 4. Those people which go up and down the streets crying News-books, and selling them by retail, are also called Hawkers; and the women that sell them by whole sale from the Press, are called Mercury-women.
Hayboot, seems to be compounded of Hay, i. sepes, and bote, i. compensatio, the former is French, the second Saxon. It is used in our Common Law for a permission to take thorns and frith, to make or repair hedges.
Hayward alias Haward, seems to be compounded of two French words, ha [...]t, i.e. sepes, a hedge, and (Garde, i. custodia) and signifies with us, one that keeps the common Herd of the Town; and the reason may be, because one part of his Office, is to look that they neither break nor [Page] crop the hedges of inclosed grounds. It may likewise come from the German word ( Herd, i. armentum) and Bewarren, i. custodire;) he is a sworn Officer in the Lords Court, and the form of his oath you may see in Kitchin, fol. 46.
Headborow is compounded of two words ( Heosed, i. caput) and Borhe, i. pignus) and signifies him that is chief of the Frank pledge: And him that had the principal Government of them within his own pledge. And as he was called Headborow, so was he also called Burow-head, Thirdborow, Burshoulderz Tithingman, Chief Pledge or Burrow-Elder, according to the diversity of speech in divers places. Of this see Mr. Lamberts Explication of Centuria, and his Treatise of Constables, and Smith de Repub. Ang. l. 2. ca. 22. It now signifies Constable.
Heame. See Secundine.
Heave-Offerings of the threshing-floar and of the dough, were First fruits paid to the Priest, Numb. 15.20. See Moses▪ and Aaron, p. 219.
Hebdomade (hebdomada) the number of seven; as seven years, seven moneths or ages, but most commonly seven days or a week. Dr. Br.
Hebetude (hebetudo) dulness, bluntness.
Hebrews, signifies the people which came of Heber, the fourth from Shem, in whose Family the antient language of the world, called Hebrew from his name, continued; And about the birth of his Son happened that division in the rest of the Languages of the world, whereof he was called Peleg or Phaleg, i. division. See Gen. 11.18. Wilsons Dict.
Hecatomb (hecatombe) a sacrifice wherein were killed an hundred beasts.
Heck, Is the name of an Engin to take fish in the River Owse by York. A. 23. H. 8. c. 18.
Hectick (hectice) a Feaver inflaming the heart and soundest parts of the body.
Hector, Priams son by Hecuba, who was a terror to the Greeks besieging Troy; he was slain by Achilles, who despightfully dragged his dead carkass about the walls of Troy, because he had before slain his friend Patroclus. Hector in our modern acception, signifies, a roaring Boy, that frequents Taverns, &c. and lives chiefly by the reputation of his sword.
Hederal (hederalis) of or pertaining to Ivy; the Hederal Crown or Garland was given to Poets, and excellent Musitians. Fern. 27.33.
Hederiferous (hederifer) that beareth Ivy.
Hedonick. See Cyreniack.
Hegesians, a Sect of Philosophers, so called from Hegesias, Disciple to Paraebates.
[Page] Hegira, or year of deliverance, the Epoch of the Turks, their account of time, which some call the Hagaren Accompt. It fell out 16. July, An. 622. of the Incarnation; from whence they reckon their years. See Epoche.
Helchesaites (so named of a false Prophet called Helchesaus) divulged their heresie in the time of Pope Fabian the first: These men did altogether reprove the Apostle St. Paul, renewing the errors of Cerinthus, Ebion and the Nazarians; saying it was no sin to deny Jesus Christ in the time of persecution, &c. Euseb. in hist. Eccles. l. 6. ca. 28. Nicephor. in lib. 5. ca. 24.
Helcysm (helcysma) the froth and filth of silver; the dross and scum of that mettal. Pliny.
Heliacal (heliacus) belonging to the Sun. We term that the Heliacal emersion of a star, when a star, which before, for the vicinity of the Sun was not visible, being further removed begins to appear. Vul. Err. 224.
Helical (helicus) pertaining to the sign called Ʋrsa Major, or Charls Wain.
Helicon, a hill of Phocis not far from Parnassus, and much of the same bigness, consecrated to Apollo and the Muses. Hence
Heliconian, pertaining to that hill.
Hellebore (helleborum) an hearb whereof there are two kinds, the one called Bearsfoot, the other Neeswort, medicinal for the Frensie.
Heliotrope Heliotropy (heliotropium) the herb Turnsole or Waterwort; also a precious stone mentioned in Pliny, and so called from the Greek, because being put into a vessel of water, it will seem to turn the rayes of the Sun into the colour of blood.
Heliotropian, pertaining to that herb or stone.
Helispherical (Gr.) round as the Sun.
Helioscopy, from the Gr. [...], Sol, and [...], meta, and so may signifie the furthest point of the Suns course, in his ascension or descension; also a kind of Spurge tree or Plant.
Hellenism. See Grecism.
Hellenize (from hellenes) to play the Grecian.
Hellenistical, pertaining to Greece, or the Grecians.
Hellespout (Hellespontus) the narrow Sea by Constantinople, dividing Europe from Asia, betwixt Propentis and the Aegean Sea. It is now called Brachium Sancti Georgii.
Heluation (heluatio) a devouring gluttony.
Helme of the Rudder of a ship, is a handle of wood, put on the Rudder for the Steersman to govern the same, and direct the ship; which may be so called of Helm or Helmet; For as a Helmet saves [Page] the head; so does that by good guidance preserve the ship from dangers; or as a Helmet is the top Armor piece for the head; so is the Helm the top of the Stern or Rudder. And in French Heaume, one word signifies both. Min.
Helvetian, of or pertaining to Switzerland; otherwise called Helvetia.
Hemerobaptists (hemerobaptistae) daily Baptists; a Sect so called, because they did every day wash themselves. Epiph. l. 1. Tom. 1. ch. 17.
Hemerologe (hemorologium) a Kalendar or Register declaring what is done every day, a Day-book.
Hemi (Gr.) half: a word used only in composition; as,
Hemicade (hemicadium) a half Hogshead.
Hemicircular, half round.
Hemicranick (hemicranicus) subject to the sickness called Megrim or Hemicrain. See Megrim.
Hemicycle (hemicyclus) half a circle, a compass or half round chair.
Hemiplexy (hemiplexia) the palsie in half the body.
Hemisphere (hemisphaerium) half the compass of the visible heavens.
Hemistick (hemistichium) half a verse.
Hemorrhagy (Gr.) an abundant Flux of blood. Cotg.
Hemorrhoide (hemorrhois) a disease in the Fundament, like Teats or Warts by the swelling of the vein, out of which issueth blood, called Piles; corruptly called Emrods.
Henchman or Heinsman is a German word, signifying' a Domestick or one of a family; it is used with us for one that runs on foot, attending on a person of honor. A. 3. E. 4. c. 5. An. 24. H. 8. ca. 13. Hence comes our word hine or hinde, a servant for husbandry.
Hepatical Hepatarian (hepatarius) of or pertaining to the Liver.
Hepatiques, obstructions of the Liver, or books treating of the Liver.
Hepta (Gr.) Septem, seven; Hence
Heptagon (Gr.) that has seven angles or corners.
Heptagonal, Pertaining to a Heptagon.
Heptaphony (heptaphonia) the having seven sounds▪
Heptarchy (heptarchia) a kind of Government, where seven rule; as in England when there were seven Kings (viz.) 1. The King of Kent. 2. Of South-Saxons. 3. Of the West Saxons. 4. Of the East Saxons. 5. Of Northumberland. 6, Of Mercia. 7. Of the East Angles. Of which see more in Sir Rich. Bakers Chroniele, fol. 6, 7.
Herald, Heralt. See Harold.
Herbage (Fr.) signifies in our Common Law, the fruit of the earth provided by nature for the bit or mouth of [Page] the Cattle. But it is most commonly used for that liberty a man hath to feed his Cattle in another mans ground, as in the Forest, &c. Crompt. Jurisd. fol. 197.
Herbalist or Herb [...]st (herbarius) one that understands the nature and temper of herbs, one cunning in Simples.
Herbenger (from the Fr. Herberger, i. to harbor or lodge) signifies with us an Officer of the Princes Court, that alots the Noblemen, and those of the Household their lodgings. It signifies also in Kitchin, an Inkeeper, fol. 176
Herbert (Germ.) signifies famous Lord, bright Lord, or glory of the Army. Cam.
Herbiferous (herbifer) bringing forth herbs or grass.
Herbosity (herbositas) abundance of herbs or grass.
Herbulent (herbulentus) full of grass or herbs.
Hercules Pillars, On the North side of the Straight called of old Fretum Herculeum, was Mount Calpe, on the South, Mount Abila, on which Hercules placed his so memorized Pillars, with the Inscription Nil Ʋltra, because that was then conceived to be the most Western bound of the world. But Charls the fifth, after the discovery of America, coming that way caused Plus Ʋltra to be engraven, either on the old Pillars, or else on new erected in their places. Hercules is said to have faln into the Falling-sickness, by over much eating Quails, which disease has ever since been termed Hercules sickness. Dr. Muffet.
Herculean Herculane (Herculeus) of or belonging to Hercules, pertaining to a valiant fellow; difficile, hard, invincible; So
Herculean labor, a Proverb, signifying a work of great difficulty, or almost impossible to be atchieved, which took beginning from the twelve labors of Hercules, of which see Rider.
Here de Caesar, i. the Monarchy of Caesar. An ancient account of time, used instead of the year of our Lord, in Spain especially; as also among the Arabs and Sarrazens. It took date 38 years before Christs Nativity, and was used in Spain till the year 1383. which was of Here de Caesar. 1421.
Heremitical. See Eremitical.
Heresie ( [...] haeresis) an opinion contrary to some point of faith, whereof Eusebius, Platina, St. Austin, and other learned Authors make mention of very many since our Saviours time; As, Simonians, Menandrians, Ebionites, Cerinthians, Nicholaitans, Saturnians, Carpocratians, Gnosticks, Valentinians, Marcionites, Cleobians, Dorothians, Gorthenians, Masuberthians, Encratites, Basilides, Cataphrygians, Arabes, Helchesaites, Novatians, [Page] Catharians, Sabellians, Manicheans, Arrians, Pelagians, Helonitians, Hermoginians, Peputians, Quintillians, Colliridians, Priscillianists, Hemerobaptists, Anthropomorphits, Chilliasts or Millenarians, Massilians, Dimocrites, Garasians, Paterons, Poor men of Lyons, Aquarians, Speronists; Fraticelli, Adamites, Orebites, Taborites, Noetians, Hydroparastates, Artotyrites, Ptholemaites, Stacioicques, Phibionites, Helionites, Heracleonites, Antitades, Perades, Phrygians, Colarbasians, Docites, Borborians, Zacheans, Naasanians, Phemionitaius, Sethranians, Caynians, Codians, Ophites, Severians, Paulianists, Catabaptists, Arbigeois, Archontiques, Hierarchites, Seileutians, Felicians, Nestorians, Jacobitans, Monothelitanes. The Acephalick Sects of Barcotobas, Cerdon, Tatian, Redon, Apelles, Basilicus, Sirenus, Montanus, Theodorus, Paulus Samosatenus, Ogdoades, Artemon, Natalis, Galien, Berillus, Nepos, Liberius, Macedonius, Helvidius, Ethicianus, Hermogenes, Epiphanes, Pontinus, Sinerus, Prepon, Pithon, Cleobulus, Praxeas, Asclepiodotus, Hermophilus, Apolonides, Themison, Theodotus, Florinus, Blattus, Isidorus, Secundus, Portitus, Bardesianus, Symmachus, Theodocion, Lucius, Apolinarius, Acatus, Donatus, Olympius, Adimantius, Alogios, Bertoldus, Paliardus the Philosopher, Almerick, Guillaume of holy love, Hermand, Durcine; Quintinists, Severists, Campanists, &c. with infinite more. See Prateolus. In this latter age those that have most abounded, are, Anabaptists, Antinomians, Brownists, Socinians, Arminians, Erastians, Quakers, Adamites, Anti-Trinitarians, Anti-Scripturians, &c. with many others, of which see Mr. Ross his View of all Religions.
Heresie (as the Fathers define it) is a mis-belief in some points of Faith, contrary to the Doctrine universally received in the Church. Cressy.
Heresiark (haeresiarchus) an Arch-Heretick, a principal Heretick, a Sect-Master.
Heretick (haereticus) a person wilfully and stifly maintaining false opinions against the Scriptures and Doctrine of the Church after due admonition. Tit. 3.10. Wil. Dict.
Heretoga (Sax.) was our antient appellation for the cheif Conductor of an Army, for which we have long since used our borrowed French word Duke, from the Latin Dux. Here in the antient Teutonick, is an Army, and toga signifies to draw or train forward. The Netherlanders for Duke do yet use the name Herrogh, and the Germans write it Herirog. Verst.
Herility (herilitas) Mastership.
Hericano. See Haracan [...]a.
Heriot alias Hariot (heriotum) in the Saxon Heregeat [Page] from here, i. exercitus) it signified in our Saxon time a tribute given to the Lord, for his better preparation toward war. The name is still retained, but the use altered; for whereas by Mr. Lamberts opinion, it signified as much as Relief doth now with us; it is taken now for the best Chattel that the Tenant hath at the hour of his death, due to the Lord by custom, be it Horse, Oxe, or any such like.
Hermaphrodite (hermaphroditus) one that is both man and woman.
Hermes sire. See Furole.
Hermetical, pertaining to, or like Hermes or Mercury.
Hermitress, A woman Hermite or Eremite, one who lives in a wilderness.
Hermopaly (hermopolium) a place where Images are sold.
Heroical (heroicus) noble, stately, excellent, the three Heroical vertues are, 1. Moderation of Anger. 2. Temperance in Covetousness. 3. The despising of Pleasures.
Heroick Poem, so called, for that it treats of the manners of Heroes or heroick persons, not natural Causes; manners presented, not dictated, and manners fained (as the name of Poesie imports) not found in men. The part of an heroick Poem is to exhibite a venerable and amiable Image of heroick vertue. Mr. Hobbs. See Poesie.
Hesperides, the daughters of Hesperus, brother to Atlas, called Aegle, Arethusa and Hesperethusa: They had Gardens and Orchards, that bore golden fruit, kept by a vigilant Dragon, which Hercules slew, and robbed the Orchard. From this story, we find often mention of the Gardens and Apples of Hesperides.
Heteroclite (heterocliton) that is declined otherwise then common Nouns are.
Heteroclital, belonging to an Heteroclite.
Heteriark (heteriacha) the Captain of the Bands of the Allyes and Ayds; also an Abbot.
Heterodox (Gr.) that is of another or different opinion.
Heterodoxy (Gr.) different opinion, variety of judgment.
Heterogen [...]al (heterogeneus) of another kind.
Heterogencity (from the Gr.) the being of another kind. Dr. Charleton.
Heteroscians (heteroscii) those people that dwell under either of the temperate Zones: so called, because their shadows at noon bend still but one way, either North or South.
Hexagonal (hexagonus) that has six corners or angles.
Hexameter (Lat.) a Verse consisting of six feet, all either Dactyls or Spondees, save that a Dactyl is proper to the fifth place, and a Spondee to the last: other places are capable of either foot, as ‘ [Page]O [...]ia damnantur quae nulla negotia tractant.’
These are also called Heroiques, and were used to represent the memorable actions of those the Antients called Demi-Gods. This Hexameter the Latins found most grave and decent for their Epique Poems; instead of which we use the line of ten syllables, recompencing the neglect of their quantity with the diligence of Rhyme. Hobbs.
Hexastick (hexasticum) six Verses together, or a sentence contained in six Verses.
H.S. See in I. I.S.
Hiation (hiatio) a gaping.
Hibernian, of or pertaining to Ireland
Hichel (Sax.) a certain instrument with iron teeth to k [...]mb flax or hemp.
Hidage or Hydage, was an extraordinary tax to be paid for every Hide of Land. See Bract. lib. 2. cap. 6.
Hide or Hyde of Land, (hida terrae) Saxonice Hide [...]andes, is a certain measure or quantity of Land, by some mens opinion, that may be plowed with one Plow in a year. Terms of Law. By others it is an hundred Acres. By Beda (who calls it familiam) it is as much as will maintain a family. Crompt. in his Juris. fol. 220. saith, it consists of an hundred Acres; And again, fol. 222. A Hide of Land contains a hundred Acres, and eight Hides, or eight hundred Acres contain a Knights Fee. Of this read more in Mr. Lamberts explication of Saxon words, in Hida terrae.
Hidromel. See Hydromel.
Hierarchy (hierarchia) an holy governance or principality. The Hierarchy or Holy Order of Angels contains (as some affirm) nine degrees, and is a mystical resemblance of the Blessed Trinity, there being in nine, thrice three, and in every three, thrice one. So that there are three superior, three inferior, and three middle degrees. The superior are Seraphins, Cherubins, and Thrones; the middle, Dominations, Principalities and Powers; the inferior, Vertues, Archangels, Angels. Bull.
Hierarchical (hierarchicus) pertaining to a holy Governnour or government.
Hieratical (hieraticus) sacred, holy, destined to things sacred. As Hieratick Paper, fine Paper, dedicated onely to Religious Books.
Hieroglyphicks (hieroglyphica) mystical Letters or Cyphers (among the Egyptians) by Images, signifying holy Sentences, which were to them instead of writing; As for a Moneth they painted a Palm-tree, because at every New Moon it sends forth a bew branch. For God, a Faulcon, [Page] as well for that he soars so high, as that he governs the lesser birds. They described Envy by the Eele, because it never keeps company with other fishes. The liberal man was figured by a right hand wide open: As contrariwise, the avaritious niggard, by a left hand close grip'd, &c.
Hierograms (from the Gr.) sacred Letters or writings.
Hierographie (Gr.) a description or pourtraying of divine things. Rerum divirarum adumbratio per quaedam signa. Scap.
Hierome (Gr.) a holy name. St Hierome a Reverend Father of the Church, much honored for translating the Bible, lived in the year of Christ, 384.
Hi [...]rommi [...]ns, a Religious Order that had their beginning of St. Hierome, who leaving his Native Country, went into Jury, and there, not far from Bethelem, lived in a Monastery very devoutly, the latter end of his life, and died in the 91 year of his age, and of Christ 421. The Monks of this Order wear their Cloaths of a brown colour, and a Cope plaited over their Coat, girt with a leathern Girdle. There were also certain Hermites called Hieronimians, of the foundation of one Charls Granel of Florence, who (about the year of Christ, 1365) became an Hermite in the Mountains of Fessulus.
Hierosolymilan (from Hierosolyma) of or pertaining to Jerusalem.
Hilarity (hilaritas) mirth, pleasantness, chearfulness.
Hi [...]u [...]m (Hebr.) praises; a Song sung at the Jews marriages, by the Bridegrooms intimate friends.
To Himple (Sax.) to halt, used in the North of England.
Hine, seems to be used for a servant at Husbandry, and the Master Hine a servant that oversees the rest. An. 12. R 2. cap. 4. See Henchman
Hinnible (hinnibilis) that can neigh as a horse, apt to neigh.
Hipocras or Hippocras, a compound Wine mixed with several kinds of Spices; so called from Hippocrates the Physitian said to be the first inventer of it.
Hipparch (hipparchus) the Master of the horses. See the quality of this Office among the antient Athenians, in part 1. Treas. of Times, p. 115.
Hippiedes (Gr.) images of women on horse-back.
Hippiaticks (Gr.) books treating of horses.
Hippicon or Hippicun (Gr.) a measure of ground, containing eight miles, or rather four furlongs. Hist. of Philos.
Hippocent [...]ure (hippocentaurus) a Monster, having in part the shape of a horse. See Centaur.
Hippona, the Goddess of horses.
[Page] Hippodrome (hippodromus) a Tilt-yard, a place where horses are broken, or exercised in running, a horse-race.
Hippogryph (hippo-gryps) a kind of feigned beast, in part horse, in part Griffin.
Hippomachy (hippomachia) a justing or tilting on horseback.
Hircine (hircinus) goatish, of a Goat.
Hirculation (hirculatio) a disease in the Vine, when it bears no fruit.
Hirsuts (hirsutus) rough, hairy, full of bristles, sharp.
Hirundinous (from [...]hirundo, inis) of or pertaining to a swallow.
Hispanian (Hispanus) of or belonging to Spain; born in Spain ▪
Hispid (hispidus) bristled or rough-haired; terrible.
Historiography (historiographia) the writing an History.
Histriographer (historiographus) an historian, a writer of Histories.
Histrionick (histrionicus) player-like, fit for, or belonging to a Stage-player, or Stage-play.
Histrionically, after the manner of a Stage-Player.
Hithe (as Queen-Hithe in London) is a petit Haven to land wares out of vessels or boats. New Book of Enteries, fol. 3. Col. 3.
Hoane (Sax.) a fine kind of Whetstone, softer then that which is most commonly called a Whetstone.
Hoblers (hobellarii) In Ireland there were certain Knights so called, because they were wont to serve in the wars upon Hobbies; also with us certain persons who were by their tenure tyed to maintain a little light Nag (which in Ireland they call a Hobby, and hence we say a Hobbyhorse) for the certifying of any invasion made by Enemies, or such like peril towards the Sea side, as Portsmouth, &c. Of these you shall read A. 18. Ed. 3. Stat. 2. cap. 7. & An. 25. ejusdem Stat. 5. cap. 8. Antiq. Hib [...]rn. p. 35.
Hocktyde or Hockstyde, of old thus. Hardiknute the last King of the Danes in this Nation dying suddainly at Lambeth in the year 1042, his death was so welcome to his Subjects, that the time was annually celebrated for some hundreds of years after, with open pastimes in the streets, and called Hockstide (in some parts of this Nation not yet out of memory, but observed the week after Easter) signifying scorning or contempt, which fell upon the Danes by his death. Sir Rich. Baker. See Fugalia.
Hocus-pocus, a Jugler, one that shews tricks by slight of hand.
Hodiernal (hodiernus) of to day, or at this time.
Hodgee (Persian) a holy [Page] man, a Priest among the Persians. Herb.
Ho-goo (in true Fr. Hautgoust) a high taste, smatch, or savour; it is usually taken for any dish of meat that has some more then ordinary taste or savor.
Hogshead (Brit. Hogsed) is a measure of Wine or Oyl, containing the fourth part of a Tun, that is 63 Gallons. A. 1. R. 3. cap. 13.
Holocaust (holocaustum) a Burnt-Offering, a Sacrifice wherein the whole beast was offered, and no part reserved.
Holographical (holographicus) wholly written with his own hand, from whom it is sent.
Homage (Fr Hommage, i. fides clientularis) service, fidelity. In Court Barons, the Jury sworn to enquire of matters, is so called. It signifies also a servile ceremony of duty by some Tenants to their Lords, after this manner. The Tenant that holds Lands by Homage, kneeling on both knees before the Lord (who sits and holds the Tenants hands between his) saith as follows, ‘I become your man from this day forth for life, for member and for worldly honor, and shall owe you my faith, for the Land I hold of you; saving the faith I owe to our Soveraign Lord the King, and to my other Lords.’
And then the Lord, sitting, must kiss the Tenant. An. 17. Ed. 2. Stat. 2. Glanvile, lib. 9. cap. 1.
Homageable, that is subject to, or ought to do homage.
Homeology (homoeologia) likeness of speech.
Homerical, after the manner of Homer, Homer like. Bac.
Homicide (homicida) a murtherer, a man-slayer.
Homicide (homicidium) the slaying of a man; and is divided into voluntary and casual; homicide voluntary, is that which is deliberate and committed of a set mind and purpose to kill: And this is either with precedent malice or without; the former is murther, and is the fellonious killing, through malice prepensed, of any person living in this Realm under the Kings protection. West par. 2. Sym. tit. Inditements, sect. 37, &c. us (que) ad 51. where you may see divers subdivisions of it. See also Glanvile l. 14. ca. 3. Bract. lib. 3. tract. 2. cap. 4.15, and 17. Brit. cap. 5, 6, 7. Also a sort of knives so called. Act. 1656. ca. 20.
Homily (homilia) a familiar speech of men together; a kind of Sermon, properly of an inferior kind, such as is delivered out of a Book or Manuscript, by those that are not able to preach otherwise.
Homodox ( [...]) that is of the same opinion with another.
Homogeneal (homogeneus) of one or the same kind, congenerous.
[Page] Homography (homographia) like writing or painting.
Homologation (homologatio) an admission, allowance, or approbation, a consent unto.
Homology (homologia) an agreement, a confession.
Homonymy (Gr.) when divers things are signified by one word or name; as Hart signifies a beast, and a prinicipal Member of the body; a likeness or sameness of name: It is a term in Logick. Holy War.
Homonymous (Gr.) whose name onely is common, their essence divers, doubtful, ambiguous.
Honi soit qui maly [...]ense. (Fr. signifies, Evil or shame be to him that evil thinks; it is the Motto belonging to the Order of Knights of the Garter.
Honor, does sometimes signifie the most noble sort of Seigniories, on which other inferior Lordships or Mannors depend by performance of some Customs or Services to the Lords of such Honors. And it seems there are no Honors, but such as did originally belong to the King, and have since been given in Fee to Noble men. Of this sort are the Honors of Windsor, Greenwich, Tickhil, &c. And Courts there held are called Honor-Courts. 37 H. 8.18.33 H. 8.37.
Honour point, In Heraldry the upper part of an Escoutcheon is so called, when its breadth is divided into three even parts.
Honorary (honorarius) pertaining to honour, which is made for honor, more then use
Honorificabilitudinity (honorificabilitudinitas) honorableness.
Honorifical (honorificus) that brings or causeth honor.
Hon [...]-moon, applied to those married persons that love well at first, and decline in affections afterwards; it is hony now, but it will change as the Moon. Min.
Hogu [...]ton (Fr.) a fashion of short Coat, Cassock, or Jacket without sleeves.
Horary (horarius) of the space of an hour, hourly.
Hoplochrism (from the Gr. [...], arma, and [...], unguentum) an anointing of arms or weapons, as they do in the use of the weapon salve. Dr. Charl.
Hoplochristical, pertaining to the Weapon-salve.
Horcentrick (Fr.) out of the Center; clean without the Compass of; Mathematicians apply this word to the Sun, when his Center, being at the full height of his Epicycle, is farthest from the Center of the earth. Cot.
Horizon (Gr.) a Circle immoveable, dividing the half-Sphear of the Firmament which we see, from the other half we see not; it hath the name of [...], i. termino, to bound or limit, because it limits our sight. For example, imagine you stood upon [Page] Highgate or the Tower-hill at Greenwich, so far as you may see round about, as in a Circle, where the Heaven seems to touch the earth, that is called the Horizon; the Poles whereof are, the point just over your head, called Zenith in Arabick; and the other under your feet, passing by the Center of the world, called Nadir. The Sun rising and going down is ever in this Line or Circle. Peach.
Horisontal (from Horizon) of or pertaining to the Horizon.
Horngeld (cornellatum) is compounded of Horn and Geldan or Gelder, i. solvere; it signifies a Tax within the Forest to be paid for horned beasts. Crompt. Jurisd. fol. 197. And to be free of it, is a priviledge granted by the King. Hugh Lupus E. of Chester gave to one Nigel, the Barony of Haughton, and the Castle to be cornellatum; i. Tributum, quod à cornutis animalibus exigitur. Vale-Royal. f. 97. & Spelmans Gloss.
Horologe (horologium) an hour-glass, clock, dyal, or like instrument, to tell what hour of the day it is.
Horological (horologicus) of or pertaining to a Clock or Dyal.
Horologiography, a writing of, or describing Clocks or Dyals: There is a late Book entituled Azimuthal horologiography, treating of that subject.
Horometry (Gr.) the measure or measuring of hours.
Horoscope (horoscopus) any thing wherein hours are marked, as a Dyal; or the calculation of ones nativity, wherein the hour of birth is chiefly observed. See Ascendant.
Horridity (horriditas) trembling for fear.
Horripilation (horripilatio) the standing up of the hair for fear, a growing rough with hair; a sudden quaking, shuddering or shivering.
Horrisonant (horrisonus) roaring, having a terrible sound.
Horror (Lat.) a quaking for fear and cold, an astonishment.
Hortolages (Fr.) things growing in Orchards or Gardens; Garden-stuff.
Hort-yards (from Hortus, a Garden) Garden-yards.
Hortative (hortativus) that belongs to exhortation and moving; exhorting or apt to exhort.
Hosanna (Heb.) vel Osanna, save now, or O Lord save me; originally taken for the burden of Willow branches which the Jews carried to the Feast of Tabernacles. Hosanna to the Son of David, Mat. 21-9.
Hospital (hospitalium) a house erected of Charity, for entertainment and relief of poor, sick, and impotent people. The Emperor Constantine the Great first began the building of Hospitals.
[Page] Hospiticide (hospiticida) he that kills his guest.
Hospitious (hospitus) that receives guests friendly, also strange.
Hostage (Fr.) a pawn, surety, or pledge.
Hostle (Fr. hostel) a house, Inn, lodging; a Hall or Palace. This word in French is commonly a mark of greatness; inferior houses being termed Maisons and Logis.
Hosticide (hosticida) that conquers or kills his enemy.
Hostility (hostilitas) enmity, feud, mortal hatred.
Hotchpot (Fr. Hochepot. Belg. Hutspot, i. flesh cut into pretty peices and sodden with herbs or roots, not unlike that which the Romans called Farraginem, a Gallimaufrey.) Littleton says it litterally signifies a Pudding mixed with divers ingredients; but metaphorically a commixtion or putting together of Lands, for the equal division of them, Examples you have divers in him, f. 55. And see Britt. f. 119.
Hoti and [...]oti (Gr.) two terms used in Logick, the one is the quid, and the other the propter quid: the one the thing it self, and the other the cause or teason of it. Arist.
Housebote (is compounded of house and bote, i. compensatio) it signifies Estovers out of the Lords wood to repair and uphold a Tenement or house. Or Housebote is necessary Timber, that the Lessee for years or for life, of common right, may take upon the ground, to repair the houses upon the same ground to him leased, although it be not expressed in the Lease, and although it be by a Lease Parol; but if he take more then is needful, he may be punished by an Action of Waste.
Hom [...]l (Sax.) the ministring Sacraments to a sick man in danger of death. Bull. The receiving the Sacraments. Rider.
Hugh. Aventinus derives it from the German word Houg [...]n, that is, slasher or cutter. But whereas the name Hugh was first in use among the French, and Otfrid in the year 900 used Hugh for comfort, I judge this name to be borrowed thence, and so is correspondent to the Greek names Elpidius and Elpis.
Huguenot [...] (Fr.) Calvinists, Reformists, French Protestants. At first termed thus, of a gate in Tours called Hugon, near to which they assembled, when they stirred first, or of the beginning of their first Protestation, Huc nos venimus, &c.
Huguenotism (Fr. Huguenoterie) French-Calvinism, the Faith or Profession of a Huguenot.
Huke, A Dutch attire; covering the head, face and all the body.
Humectate (humecto) to make moist, to water.
[Page] Humectation (humectatio) a making moist. Bac.
Humerous (humerosus) that hath great shoulders.
Humid (humidus) wet, rainy, moist, liquid.
Humidate (humido) to moisten.
Humiferous (humifer) waterish, that brings moisture.
Humiliate (humilio) to make low or humble.
Humiliates, A Religious Order, instituted about the year 1166. by certain persons exiled by Fredericus Barbarossa, who, when they were restored to their Country, apparelled themselves in white, and lived by a kind of Vow, in Prayers, penury and working wooll, and were admitted by Innocentius the Third, and other his Successors. Pol. Vir.
Humor (Lat.) moisture, water, juyce or sap.
Humorosity (humorositas) moistness.
Humfrey or Humphrey (Ger.) for Humfred, i. house-peace, a lovely and happy name, if it could turn home wars betwixt man and wife into peace. The Italians have made Onuphrius of it in Latin. Cam.
Hundred, Is a part of a Shire so called originally, because it contained ten Tythings, each Tything consisting of ten houshoulds, called in Latin decennas. These were first ordained by King Alfred the twenty ninth King of the West Saxons. Stows Annal pag. 105. In Wales it is called Cantred or Cantref.
Hurlebats (adides.) See Whorlebats.
Hu [...]ngs, may seem to come from the French Haul-ser, i. to raise, elevate or sit aloft; for it signifies the principal and highest Court in London. An. 11. H. 7. cap. 21. and Fitzh. nat. br. fol. 23. See An. 9. Ed. 1. Cap unico. Other Cities and Towns also have had a Court of the same name, as Winchester, Lincoln, York, Sheppey, &c. where the Barons or Citizens have a Record of such things as are determinable before them. Flet. l. 2. c. 55.
Hyacinth (hyacinthus) a violet or purple coloured Lilly: or a purple flower call'd Crowtoes; also a kind of precious stone called a Hyacinth. See Jacinth. Also smoak which is of colour like a Hyacinth, to wit blew and red, Rev. 9.11.
Hyacinthine (hyacinthinus) of violet or purple colour.
Hyaline (hyalinus) of Glass-colour.
Hybernal Hybernian (hybernus) pertaining to winter, rough, rainy.
Hyde of Land. See Hide.
Hydra (Lat.) a monstrous Serpent in the Lernean Lake, which having one head cut off, had forthwith two other growing up in the place, Hercules is said to have fought with and slain this Monster.
Hydragogy (hydragogia) [Page] the bringing water into a place by channel.
Hydrargyrous (hydrargyrus) of, or pertaining to quicksilver. Vul. Err.
Hydraulick (hydraulicus) pertaining to Organs, or to an Instrument to draw water, or to the sound of (running) waters. Bac.
Hydrography (hydrographia) is the delineation of the Sea, by her several names, Promontories, Creeks and affections, as also of Springs and Rivers. In general, a description of the water.
Hydrographical, belonging to the description of the Sea or water.
Hydriatiqu [...]s, Books treating of water, or of water-Engins.
Hydromantic (hydromantia) divination by causing Spirits to appear in the water.
Hydromantick (hydromanticus) of or pertaining to that kind of divination.
Hydromel (hydromeli) a kind of Metheglin, or drink made of water and hony sodden together; Galen saith that Mede should be made of rain-water, and Hydromel of fountain water. This is a usual drink in Russia, Muscovy and Tartary.
Hydrophoby (hydrophobia) an extream fear of water and of every kind of liquor; caused by melancholy or by the biting of a mad dog.
Hydrophobical, pertaining thereto, or that is troubled with that fear. Dr. Charl.
Hydropick (hydropicus) sick of, or subject to the Dropsie.
Hydropotist (hydropota) he that always drinks water.
Hyemation (hyematio) a wintering.
Hyemal (hyemalis) belonging to Winter, [...]interly.
Hyena, a beast like a woolf having a Main, and long hairs over all the body. It is the subtillest (as some say) of all beasts, and will counterfeit the voice of a man, to draw shepherds out of their houses in the night, to the end he may kill them. It is said he changes sex often, being sometimes male, and sometimes female.
Hygiastick (Gr.) pertaining to the conversation of health.
Hymen (Gr.) the God of marriages, or a song sung at marriages. The Greeks at their marriages were wont to sing Hymen, Hymenaee; as the Romans did Talassio, Talassio.
Hymniferous (hymnifer) that bringeth Hymns.
Hymnigrapher (hymnigraphus) a writer of Hymns.
Hymnist (hymnista) a singer of Hymns.
Hypallage (Gr.) a figure when words are understood contrariwise.
Hyper (Gr.) i, super, above. Hence,
Hyperbole (Lat.) a figure when one speaks a great deal more then is precisely true, or above all likelihood of truth; excess [Page] in advancing or repressing.
Hyperbolic (hyperbolicus) that passeth all likelihood of truth; beyond belief.
Hyperboreans (hyperborei) a people of Scythia so called, because the North wind called Boreas blows over them.
Hypercritick (hypercriticus) above, or passing the common sort of Criticks, a Mr. Critick.
Hyperion. The Sun.
Hypermeter (Lat.) a verse having a redundant syllable, or one syllable above measure, called by some a Feminine Verse.
Hyperphysical (hyperphysicus) that is above physick, supernatural, metaphysical.
Hypocaust (hypocaustum) a Stow or Hot-house.
Hypocondriack Hypocondriacal (hypocondriacus) of or pertaining to the forepart of the belly and sides about the short ribs, and above the Navel, under which lies the Liver or Spleen. Also that is troubled with a windy Melancholy in those parts.
Hypocrisy (hypocrisis) dissimulation, fained holiness; the cloaking of infidelity and sin, with a shew of faith and repentance, Mat 23.28.
Hypocrite (hypocrita) properly signifies one that assumes or takes upon him the gesture or person of another, & covers or disguises his Judgment; but commonly taken for a dissembler, that with feigned holiness would seem better then he is indeed.
Hypocritical pertaining to an Hypocrite, dissembling, counterfeit.
Hypogastrick (from Hypogastrium) belonging to that part of the belly, which reacheth from the Navel to the privy members.
Hypoge (hypogaeum) a vault or cellar, or such like underground room, arched overhead.
Hypogran [...] (Gr.) a subscription, or any writing subscribed.
Hypospadians or Hippospadians, a sort of monstrous persons that abuse themselves with a Horse or Mare. In Febr. 1652. one of these (who went by the name of Margaret Rain) was convict before the Judges at Edinborough in Scotland for some beastiality with a Horse or Mare; & both she and the Horse were burnt according to the Mosaical Law; this person by an Inquest of Chyrurgions, was found to be one of that sort (says the relation) whom the Philosophers call Hypospadians.
Hypostatical (from Hypostasis) belonging to suppositality, subsistence or personality. The Hypostatical Ʋnion, is the union of humane nature with Christs divine person.
Hypothecary (hypothecarius) pertaining to a pledge or gage
Hypothenusal (Gr.) the Hypothenusal line is that side of a Rectangle triangle, which is opposed to, or subtends the right Angle. A term in Trigonometry.
[Page] Hypothesis (Gr.) a supposition or condition; sometimes it is taken for a position of something, as it were demonstrated, and granted by another. Scapula.
Hypothetical (hypotheticus) In Logick those Propositions, which have a Conjunction in them, and so consist of two parts, are called Hypothetical Propositions; as in saying, If the Sun be in our Hemisphear, it is day.
Hysterical (hystericus) troubled with fits of the Mother.
Hysterology (hysterologia) an altering the order of speech, by placing that first which should be last.
Hysteron Proteron (Gr.) the same with Hysterology, it is sometimes used in derision of that which is spoken or done preposterously or quite contrary. The common phrase is, The Cart before the horse.
JAcent (jacens) lying along, slow, sluggish.
Iacinth (hyacinthus) a precious stone found in Aethiopia, whereof there are two kinds, the one of a pale yellow colour, the other of a clear bright yellow, or inclineable to red, which is accounted the better. It is cold of nature, comfortable to the body, and provokes sleep.
Iacob (Heb. i. a tripper or supplanter) whose name (because he had power with God, that he might also prevail with men) was changed into Israel by God. See Genesis cap. 32. Philo de nominibus mutatis.
Iacobins, The Fryers of St. Dominicks Order are so calle in France, because their Monastery in Paris (formerly an Hospital) is dedicated to St. James, and is seated in the street called Riie St. Jacque.
Iacobites (so called from Jacobus Syrus, who lived An. 530.) a sort of Hereticks, who 1. acknowledge but one Will, Nature, and Operation in Christ. 2. Use Circumcision in both Sexes. 3. Sign their children with the sign of the Cross, imprinted with a burning iron. 4. Affirm Angels to consist of two substances, Fire and Light, &c. The Patriarch of this Sect is always called Ignatius, and a Monk of St. Anthonies Order, he keeps his residence at [...]arami in Mesopotamia, and is said to have 160000 families under his jurisdiction. Biddulph.
Iacobs Staff, a Pilgrims Staff, so called from those who out of devotion go on pilgrimage to the City St. Jago, or St James Compostella in Spain, where some of St. Jame's Reliques are. It is sometimes taken for a Staff that has a dagger or little sword in it. [Page] Also an instrument in Geomery so called. Min.
Iacobs Ladder, the journey of Jacob, wherein God would be present with him in favour by his Angels, to lead him forth well and happily; also to bring him back again, Gen. 28.12. There stood a Ladder. See ver. 15, and 20. Wilson.
Iactator (Lat.) a cracker or boaster.
Iactitation (jactitatio) a vain boasting.
Iaculabi [...] (jaculabilis) fit to be thrown, that may be cast or darted.
Iaculatory (jaculatorius) that which is suddenly cast from one, like a dart; as Jaculatory Prayers, sudden, extemporary Prayers.
Iambes (Fr.) with us it is used for the Posts sustaining both sides of the door; the side-posts of a door.
Iamb-stone, is properly a stone that supports a Chimney or other part of a house, the Mantletree-stone.
Iambick (Iambus) a measure or foot in verse, having the first syllable short, and the other long, as sālūs. Also a kind of Verse consisting usually either of four or six feet, as, ‘Suis & ipsa Roma viribus ruit.’
This kind of Verse is said to be first invented by Archilochus a Greek Poet, and was applied by the Antients to Invectives.
Iames, is wrested from Jacob. See Jacob.
Iampnorum, as so many Acres Jampnorum, used in Fines, is a made word from the Fr. jaulne, i. yellow, because the bloomings of Furze are yellow, and Jampnum in our Law books and Fines, signifies Furze.
Ia [...]zaries ( i. the new Souldiery) are the Turks principal foot Souldiers, that are of his Guard, who for the most part by original being Christians, are chosen by the Turkish Officers every five years, out of his European Dominions, or are taken Captives in their child-hood.
Iannes and Iambres, two Egyptian Sorcerers of chief note, who resisted Moses, 2 Tim. 3.8▪
Iannock (avenacenum) a loaf of bread made onely of Oaten meal, so called in the North of England.
Iansenism or Iansenianism The Tenets and Opinion of Cornel. Jansenius late Bishop of Ypres, whose writings seemed to hold forth these five Propositions.
1. Some Precepts of God are impossible to just men, willing and endeavoring, according to the present power they have; Grace also is wanting to them, whereby they might be possible.
[Page]2. In the state of lapsed nature, there is no resistance made to interior Grace.
3. To merit and demerit in the state of lapsed nature, there is not required in man liberty from necessity, but liberty from coaction is sufficient.
4. The Semi-Pelagians did admit the necessity of interior preventing Grace to every act, even to the beginning of faith; and in this they were hereticks, because they would have that Grace to be such, as the will of man might resist or obey.
5. It is Semi-Pelagianism to say, that Christ died or shed his blood for all men without exception.
These Propositions (though much defended in France and Flanders) were condemned by Pope Innocent the tenth; in the Calends of June, 1653.
Ianus was the God to whom the year was dedicated, and therefore it began with his festival, and the first moneth was nominated from him, for which cause he was represented with two faces, to shew he looked both backward on the time past, and forward on that to come, and sometimes with four faces; to signifie perhaps (for I know other reasons are given) the sour seasons of the year.
To this god, Numa built a Temple, which in time of peace was shut, and in war open. Mr. Cowley.
Iar (Span. Jarro, i.e. an earthen pot) with us it is most usually taken for a vessel of Oyl containing twenty Gallons.
Iargon (Fr.) gibbrish, fustian-language, Pedlers-French, a barbarous jangling.
Iasper (jaspis) a precious stone of divers colours, but the best is green, transparent with red veins, and shews fairest being set in silver: it is good to stop any issue of blood.
Iasponyx (Gr.) a kind of Jasper white of colour with red strakes, not much unlike the nail of a mans hand.
Iatraliptick (jatraliptes) a Physitian or Chyrurgeon that cures onely by outward application of oyntments or frications.
Iatromathematique (from [...], medicus, and mathematicus) may signifie a Physitian that is also a Mathematitian, or a Physitian that cures in a mathematical way.
Iaveline (Fr.) a weapon of a size between the Pike and Partisan.
Ibis (Lat.) a tall strong [Page] bird in Egypt with a long bill, which doth much good there in killing Serpents, and when he is sick, he gives himself a Clister of salt-water; some write, that Hippocrates first learned of this bird to give Clisters. Min.
Icarian Sea, so called from Icarus, who (as the Poets will have it) flying from Creet with his waxen wings, and not following his Father Daedalus directly, was there drowned. Thus Ovid.
Ich dien, the true old Sax, was Ih or Ic [...]thian, or thiene, i. I serve; some will have it come from the Brittish Etch dyn, i. your man, in that language; it is the Motto belonging to the Devise of the Princes of Wales, which we commonly, though corruptly call the Princes Arms; the figure is three Ostrich feathers, which (saith Cambden) Edw. the Black Prince won at the battle of Cressy, from John K. of Bohemia, whom he there slew, whereto he adjoyned this old English Motto, alluding to that of the Apostle, The heir while he is a childe differs nothing from a servant. These feathers were an antient ornament of military men, and used for Crests, as is evident by that of Virgil.
Ichnography (ichnographia) a plot of a house to be built, drawn out in paper, or the description of any work according to its tract or tracery on the ground, as it were the footsteppings of the work. For Ichnographia in Gr. is, quasi vestigii descriptio; or descriptio operis futuri.
Ichthyology (ichthyologia) a discoursing or description of fishes. Br.
Ichthyonomancy (Gr.) a divination by fishes.
Ichthyophagie (Gr.) fish-eating.
Iconical (iconicus) belonging to an Image; also lively pictured.
Iconism (iconismus) a true and lively description.
Iconomical belonging to Images, or after the manner of Images.
Iconoclast (Gr.) a demolisher or breaker of Images; also a Sect so called, sprung [Page] up about the year of Christ 719 in time of Pope Gregory the second, and Leo the third Emperor, who, for casting holy Images and Statues out of the Churches, and causing them to be burnt or broken, was surnamed the Iconoclast or Iconomachus. Against which was gathered the seventh Nicene Synod consisting of 350. Bishops, who decreed against, and condemned it for heresie, &c.
Idea (Gr.) the form or figure of any thing conceived in the mind or imagination; a pattern. The Platonists define Idea an eternal exemplar of things which are according to nature.
Ideal (idealis) pertaining to an Idea, imaginary, conceived in the imagination, onely in fancy.
Ideated (from Idaea) made by or for a pattern; figured in the imagination.
Ides (Idus) eight days in every moneth so called. In March, May, July and October, these eight days begin at the eighth day of the month, and continue to the fifteenth; in other moneths they begin at the sixth day, and continue to the thirteenth.
Where note, that the last day onely is called Ides: and the first of these days the eighth Ides; the second, the seventh Ides; that is the eighth or seventh day before the Ides, and so of the rest. Therefore when we speak of the Ides of such a month in general, it is to be understood of the fifteenth or thirteenth day of that moneth.
They are so called of an old word Idus, to divide; for that they commonly fall out near the midst of the moneth as aforesaid; according to Horace,
Identification, the making two things to be the same.
Idemity, (from idem) sameness, or being the very same.
Idiosyncrasy (Gr.) natural property, or peculiar temperament of any thing.
Idiopathy (idiopathia) proper passion or particular affection.
Idiograph (idiographum) a private writing; or of ones own hand writing.
Idiotical (from the Gr. [...]) private, or belonging [Page] to private men; also belonging to an Idiot.
Idiom (idioma) a proper form of speech, a Dialect. See Dialect.
Idiot (idiota) one that is naturally born so weak of understanding, that he cannot govern or manage his Inheritance. The King by his Prerogative has the Government of their Lands and Substance, that are naturally defective in their own discretion; 17 E. 2. cap. 8. An Idiot, and he that afterwards becomes of insane memory, differ in divers cases. Coke fol. 154. b. lib. 4.
Idiotism (idiotismus) natural folly, simplicity, sottishness; also the same with Idiom, a form of speech taken up by the vulgar.
Idolatry (idololatria) a giving divine worship to that which is not God; an Idol signifies properly a shadow, or rather a vain vision, or false representation of a thing that is not. Eustachius upon Homer. Pol. Virg. affirms Idolatry to have begun in the time of Belus King of the Assyrians, who reigned An. Mun 3180. whom the Babylonians first worshipped for a God.
Idoneity (idoneitas) fitness, propriety.
Idoneous (idoneus) proper, fit, meet, convenient.
Idyl ( idyllium or idyllion) a Poem consisting of few Verses.
Iehovah (Hebr.) is Gods proper name of his own imposition, and incommunicable to any creature, of what rank or quality soever; a name of such immoderate reverence among the eldest Jews, that it was forbidden to be written right, or pronounced at all in this world, but by the High-Priest, and but in one place, the Sanctum Sanctorum, and but at one time of the year, in the day of expiation. Gregory, p. 5.
Iehu-match, a speedy quick march, such as that was of Jehu, King of Israel, who, marching with a troop of men towards Jezreel, stopt the messengers that were sent to him out of the Town, to learn whether he came as a man of peace, a friend, or a foe? whereof you may read more, 4 King. 9.10.
Iejune (jejunus) greedy, hungry, bare, barren, empty, nothing, copious.
Iejunity (jejunitas) slenderness of style, barrenness, nakedness.
Ie-ne-scay-quoy (four French words, contracted as it were into one, and) signifies, I know not what, we use to say they are troubled with the Je-ne-scay quoy, that feign themselves sick out of niceness, but know not where their own griefs lies, or what ayls them.
Ieofaile, is compounded three French words, I'ay faille, I have failed; and signifies [Page] in our Common Law an over-sight, failing, or defect in pleading. See New terms of Law.
Ieremy (Heb.) high of the Lord.
Iesuats, an Order of Monks (begun at Siena in Italy by John Columbanus and Fran. Vincent, A. 1365) so called from their often having the name of Jesus in their mouths. Pope Ʋrban the fifth approved them, and enjoyned them to wear a white garment, a white cover for their head, a leather girdle, and to go barefoot, using onely wooden soles; these were afterwards called Apostolici. Drantzius and Surius.
Iesutes, Those of the Society of Jesus, a Religious Order first founded by St. Ignatius Loyola, born in Biscay, in the year 1492. Pope Paul the third confirmed this Order, Sep. 15. 1540. To the three Vows of Poverty, Obedience, and Chastity, common to all other Orders, St. Ignatius at the institution hereof, added the Vow of Mission, which is this.— And further we judge it expedient for our greater devotion to the Sea Apostolique, and more full abnegation of our own wills and pleasures; that the professed of this Society, besides the common bond of the three Vows, be further tied by special Vow; so as that whatsoever the Roman Bishop for the time being shall command, pertaining to the salvation of souls, and propagation of the Faith, they shall be bound to execute, without tergiversation or excuse; whether they shall be sent unto Turks or Infidels, yea even unto those that are commonly called the Indians, or unto any other Hereticks or Schismaticks whatsoever.
Iesuah (Heb.) salvator; by that name and by Jehoshuah, which signifies Deus salvabit, our Saviour Christ was foretold, in the Old Testament; From the Hebrew Jesuah comes the Greek [...], which the Latins write Jesus.
Iesus (Lat.) the proper name of our Saviour Christ, designed him from heaven by the Angel Gabriel, and the reason of its imposition is given by those words of the said Angel, ( Matth. 1.) And his name shall be JESƲS, because he shall save his people from their sins; the word Jesus signifying a Saviour. In Gr. [...] per Anagramma est [...], i. tu es ovis illa, i. ovis illa pro peccatis nostris immolata, Agnus mactatus ante jacta mundi fundamenta. In abbreviation this sacred name is usually written thus, I H S. which middle letter some take to be an h, when as it is in truth the Greek H, Eta, or E longum. Jesus in the China tongue signifies the rising Sun. Greg.
Ietson. See Flotson.
Iews-ears, An Excrescence about the root of Elder, [Page] and concerns not the Nation of the Jews, as some imagin, Br.
Ignaro (Ital.) one that is ignorant; A fool, or dunce, an Ignoramus.
Ignify (ignifacio) to burn.
Igniferous (ignifer) that beareth fire.
Ignipotent (ignipotens) mighty by fire.
Ignis Fatuus (Lat.) foolish fire, or (as the Country people call it) Will of the Wisp, is a certain viscous substance, reflecting light in the dark, evaporated out of a fat earth, and flying in the air. It commonly haunts Church-yards, Privies and Fens, because 'tis begotten out of fatness; it flyes about Rivers, Hedges, &c. because in those places there is a certain flux of air; it follows one that flyes it, and flyes one that follows it; because the air doth so. Per. Instit. It is called Ignis fatuus, because it onely feareth fools. Hence 'tis, when men are led away with some idle fancy or conceit, we use to say an Ignis fatuus hath done it.
Ignitible (ignitibilis) that may be turned into fire, combustible. Vul. Er,
Ignition (ignitio) a burning or firing of a thing.
Ignivomous (ignivomus) that spits out fire; as the hills Aetna and Vesuvius are said to do:
Ignominy (ignominia) discredit, reproach, slander, rebuke, dishonor.
Ignominious (ignominiosus) infamous, reproachful, dishonorable.
Ignoramus, the first person plural of ignoro, signifies properly we are ignorant; but it's commonly used as a Noun. As when we say such a one is an Ignoramus, i. a fool or a dolt. In our Common Law it is properly used by the grand Enquest, empannelled in the Inquisition of causes criminal and publick; and written upon the Bill, whereby any crime is offered to their consideration, when they mislike their evidence, as defective or too weak to make good the Presentment. The effect of which word so written, is, that all farther inquiry upon that party, for that fault, is thereby stopped, and he delivered without further answer; It has a resemblance with that custom of the ancient Romans; where the Judges, when they absolved a person accused, did write A, upon a little Table provided for that purpose, i. Absolvimus: If they judged him guilty, they writ C. i. Condemnamus: if they found the cause difficult and doubtful, they wrote N.L. i. Non Liquet. Alex. ab Alexandro. Genial. dierum lib. 3. c. 14.
Ignoscible (ignoscibilis) tolerable, to be pardoned.
H.S. This Character, compounded of two Capital II. [Page] and the letter S. thus coupled together, signifies Sestertius, i. a silver coyn among the Romans consisting of two Asses and a half, whence it has the name Sestertius, quasi semistertius, i. two and half the third: and therefore you see the numeral note of two, and S for semis, which is half; it is the fourth part of the Roman Denarius, and in value among us three half pence farthing. q.
Ike [...]uld street, is one of the four famous ways the Romans made in England, taking denomination, ab Icenis, which were the inhabitants of Norfolke, Suffolke, and Cambridge-shire, Cam. Brit fol. 343. See Watling-street.
Iliad (ilias, adis) Homers Poem of the destruction of Troy; so when we say an Iliad of evils or sorrow, is meant as many mischeifs, or as much grief, as befel the Trojans, at the Seige and destruction of their City; also a Poem of evils, or sorrow.
Iles (ilia) the flanks, that part of the entrals, which contains the three first or small guts, so termed by Anatomists.
Iliacal Iliaque (iliacus) of or belonging to the Iles or small guts.
Illabora [...]e (illaboratus) done or made without labor, plain, unlaboured.
Illacerable (illacerabilis) that cannot be torn or rent in pieces.
Illachrymation (illacrymatio) a weeping or bewailing.
Illaqueate (illaqueo) to bind, snare or entangle.
Illatebration (illatebratio) a hiding, or seeking of corners.
Illation (illatio) an inference, conclusion, a reason or allegation that inforceth; a bringing in of a matter.
Illatration (illatratio) a barking against one.
Illecebrous (illecebrosus) that enticeth or allureth.
Illegitimate (illegitimus) unlawful, base-born, bastard.
Illepid (illepidus) without delectation or grace, unpleasant.
Illiciteus Illicite (illicitus) unlawful, without warrant.
Illigation (illigatio) an inwrapping or intangling.
Illimitable, that cannot be limited or bounded.
Illogical, not logical, not according to the rules of Logick.
Illucidate (illucido) to enlighten or give light, to clear or explicate clearly.
Illuminous (illuminosus) without light.
Illusion (illusio) a mocking or scorning.
Illusory (from Illusor, a mocker) that mocketh or scorneth.
Illutible (illutibilis) that cannot be purged from filth.
Imbargo or Embargo (Span.) a stop or stay; an [Page] usual word among our Merchants, when their ships or Merchandizes are arrested upon any occasion.
Imbecillity (imbecillitas) weakness, feebleness. And [...]ome use the word imbecillate or weakened or enfeebled.
Imbellick (imbellis) unaccustomed to war [...], nothing manly, cowardly. Felth.
Imber days, or Imber weeks (quatuor tempora) which weeks are four in the year, and antiently, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday in each week were fasts according to these old Verses,
That is, the next Wednesday, &c. after Cineres or Ash-wednesday, after Pentecost, i. Whit-sunday, after holy-rood-day, or the exaltation of the Cross; and the next after St. Lucies lay in December. See Ember.
Imbibe (imbibo) to receive in, to drink in.
Imbibition (from imbibe) a drinking or receiving in.
Imbosk (Fr. Embosquer) to side or shroud ones self in a wood. Schism. Disp.
Imbossement. See Embossement.
Imbossed work in mettal or stone, is made with bosses or bunches, and comes of the German word Imbessieren, i. caelare formam aliquam. Min.
Imbricate (imbricatus) square and bent like a roof or gutter-Tile, which the Latins tall Imbrex; also coverd with such a Tile.
Imbrication (imbricatio) a covering with Tile.
Imbrocado. See Brocado.
Imitative (imitativus) made or done by imitation, apt to imitate.
Immanity (immanitas) outragiousness, cruelty, excess.
Immansuete (immansuetus) ungentle, untractable, outragious, wilde.
Immanuel. See Emmanuel.
Immarcessible (immarcessibilis) incorruptible, unwitherable, immortal.
Immaturity (immaturitas) untimeliness, unripeness.
Immedicable (immedicabilis) that cannot be cured.
Immemorable (immemrabilis) unworthy remembrance, that is to be forgotten, that cannot be remembred.
Immersible (immersibilis) that cannot be drowned.
Imminution (imminutio) a diminishing or making less.
Immission (immissio) a sending or putting in, a setting or graffing. Bac.
Immolate (immolo) to offer, to sacrifice.
Immolation (immolatio) a Sacrificing or Offering.
Immunity (immunitas) freedom from any thing; liberty.
[Page] Immusical, that hath no musick or harmony.
Impacable (impacabilis) that cannot be appeased.
Impacted (impactus) dashed or beaten against; cast or put into.
Impale (Fr. Empaler) to spit on a stake, to thrust a stake in at the Fundament and out at the mouth (a manner of death inflicted on offenders by the Turks) Also a term in Heraldry, signifying, as it were the halfing a Coat of Arms; when a Coat is quartered, the Escotcheon is divided into four parts; when impaled, into two.
Impanation (impanatio) the turning another substance into bread.
Imparlance. v. Emparlance.
Impe, a term most usual among Falconers, and is when a Feather in a Hawks wing is broken, and another piece imped or graffed to the stump of the old. But may be handsomly used in a metaphorical sence to other purposes; As to Impe the Feathers of time with several recreations. Sir P.S. Himp or [...]imp in the Brittish language is surculus, a young graff or twig, thence impto the Verb, to incculate or graff. Hence the word to imp is borrowed by the English, first surely to graff trees, and thence translated to imping feathers.
Imparity (imparitas) inequality, unlikeness.
Impeachment of Waste, (from the Fr. Empeschement, i. impedimentum) signifies with us a restraint from committing waste upon Lands or Tenements.
Impeccable (impeccabilis) that cannot offend or do amiss.
Impeccability (impeccabilitas) an impossibility to sin.
Impedient (impediens) letting, staying or hindering.
Impeditive (impeditus) that lets or hinders.
Impend (impendo) to spend or lay out moneys, to bestow, to employ.
Impendious (impendiosus) too liberal, that spends more then needs.
Impenetrable (impenetrabilis) that cannot be pierced or entered, invincible.
Impennous (impennatus) without feathers, that has no feathers. Vul. Er.
Imperative (imperativus) that commands, or that is commanded.
Imperceptible (imperceptus) that cannot be taken or conceived.
Imperil (from periculum) to hazard or put into danger.
Imperforation (ab in & perforo) a closing or shutting up for want of boring or piercing.
Impersonal (impersonalis) that hath no person.
Impervestigable, that cannot be sought or found out.
Impervious (impervius) that cannot be passed or gone through.
[Page] Impetiginosity (impetiginositas) scabbiness.
Impetrable (impetrabilis) that may be obtained by desire, or prayer.
Impetration (impetro) an obtaining by request and prayer.
Impetuous (impetuosus) boisterous, violent, furious, most forcible, sweeping away whatsoever is before it.
Impetuosity (impetuositas) boisterousness, great violence, over-bearing fury.
Impiated (impiatus) defiled, not purged from sin, stained.
Impicate (impico) to cover with pitch.
Impignerate (impignero) to lay to pledge or pawn.
Impigrity (impigritas) quickness, diligence.
Impigrous (impiger) diligent, quick, ready, not slow.
Impinge (impingo) to hirl or throw against a thing; to beat or dash; to run on ground or against a Rock.
Impinguate (impinguo) to make fat.
Impinguation, a making fat. Bac.
Implacable (implacabilis) that cannot be pleased or reconciled, obstinate.
Implacability (implacabilitas) frowardness; not to be pleased.
Implead, is a Law word, and signifies to sue, arrest, or prosecute by course of Law.
Implements (from impleo, to fill up) is used for things of necessary use in any Trade or Mystery, without which the work cannot be accomplished; and also for the Furniture of a house, with which the house is filled.
Implication (implicatio) a wrapping or intangling within, annoyance, incumbrance.
Implicite (implicitus) wrapped or tied fast together, mixed one with another, incumbred.
Implicitly (implicitè) obscurely, intricately; a thing is said to be implied, or expressed implicitly, when it is folded or mixed with another, and does not appear in express terms.
Implore (imploro) to desire lamentably with tears, to beseech, to call upon for help.
Impluvious (impluvius) wet with rain.
Impolite (impolitus) not polished, rude, rough.
Imporcation (imporcatio) the making a balk in plowing Land.
Importuous (importuosus) without port or haven.
Imporous (imporosus) without pores or holes.
Imposititious names (nomina imposititia) primitive or radical names. Varro.
Impositive (impositivus) unnatural; imposed or given to.
Impositor (Lat.) the Impositor or Monitor in a School; also he that imposes the pages [Page] into a form for the Press, after the Compositor has set the Letters into pages.
Impost (Fr.) Imposition, Tallage, Custome, Tribute; and more particularly it signifies the tax received by the Prince for such Merchandises as are brought into any haven from other Nations. Ann. 31. Eliz. c. 5. And I think it may in some sort be distinguished from Custom, because Custom is rather that profit which the Prince makes of wares shipped out of the Land; yet they may be confounded.
Impostor (Lat.) a cousener, deceiver, jugler, a seller of counterfeit wares for current.
Imposture (impostura) cousening, deceit, jugling.
Impostume (apostema) a quantity of evil humors, gathered into one part of the body; whereof there are two kinds, one when inflamed blood, being turned to corrupt matter, fills some place; the other, when without any inflammation, nature thrusts those humors into some part apt to receive them. Bull.
Imprecate (imprecor) to wish some evil to come, to curse.
Impreciable (from precium) unpriseable, unvaluable.
Impregnable (Fr. imprenable) unexpugnable, which cannot be forced.
Imprescriptible (from in and praescriptus) without the compass of prescription, which by no length of time can be aliened or lost. Cotg.
Imprese (from the Italian Verb imprendere, i. to undertake) is a Devise in picture with his Motto or word, born by noble and learned personages, to notifie some particular conceit, design, or undertaking. See Devise.
Imprest money. See Prest money.
Impression (impressio) a printing, stamp or mark; an Impression of Books is usually taken with us for 1500 copies; in France 1250 is the usual Journèe or days-work.
Improbate (improbo) to disallow, to dispraise or dislike.
Imprimings (from imprimis) beginnings, first Essays Sir H. Wotton.
Improcerous (improcerus) low, not tall.
Improlifical (from improles) that begets not issue, without young, not apt to have issue.
Impromiscuous (impromiscuus) unmingled, not confused.
Improperate [...] (impropero) to upbraid a man with some fault; also to make haste to go in.
Impropriation (appropriatio) a Parsonage or Ecclesiastical Living, coming to one by inheritance. See Appropriation.
Impulse (impulsio) a motion, a perswading to a thing, a stirring.
[Page] Impunity (impunitas) lack of punishment, pardon of punishment.
Imputrescible (imputrescibilis) that will not rot; uncorruptible.
Inadulable (inadulabilis) that will not be flattered.
Inaffable (inaffabilis) not affable, discourteous.
Inalimental, which hath no nourishment, or nourisheth not. Bac.
Inambulate (inambulo) to walk up and down in a place.
Inamissible (inamissibilis) that cannot be lost.
Inaniloquent (inaniloquus) that speaks vainly, a babler.
Inanimate (inanimatus) that has no soul, without life.
Inanity (inanitas) emptiness, voidness; also vanity.
Inarable (inarabilis) not arable, that cannot be plowed.
Inauspicuous (inauspicuus) hard to be seen, invisible.
Inaudible (inaudibilis) that is not to be heard.
Inaugurate (inauguro) to ask counsel of the Augures what shall follow, to dedicate to soothsaying; also to dignifie or ennoble one, to invest one with an Office or place of honour.
Incalescence (from incalesco) a being or waxing very hot, lusty, or fierce.
Incandescence (from incandesco) a being or waxing very angry, or greatly inflamed.
Incanescence (from incanesco) a waxing hoary or white-headed.
Incantator (Lat.) a charmer or enchanter.
Incarcerate (incarcero) to imprison or put in prison.
Incarnadin (Fr.) properly a deep, rich or bright Carnation.
Incarnation (incarnatio) the bringing on of flesh, a being made of flesh, an assuming flesh. An Incarnate colour, is a Carnation colour, a flesh colour, or of the colour of our Damask Rose.
Incarnative, is a certain Salve or Medicine, to cause flesh to grow.
Incastellated (Fr. encastellé) narrow-heeled (as a horse.)
Incendiary (incendiarius) a fire-brand, a setter of houses on fire; one that sows divisions. See Boute-feu.
Incense (incendo) to set on fire, to inflame, to stir up to anger. Incense (a Noun) signifies the best Frankinsense or a kinde of excellent perfume; used in Churches for sacred uses.
Incension (ab incendo) a burning or inflaming.
Incension (ab incino) melody of instruments, or of men singing together.
Incensory (Fr. Incensoir) a Church-Vessel to burn Incense in; a censing or perfuming pan.
Incentive (incentivum) a provokement, assay or tryal; a thing that will quickly take fire.
Incentive (Adjectively) [Page] that moves or provokes unto.
Incentor (Lat.) he that sings the descant. In singing there are three degrees, the first Succentor, the second Incentor, the third Accentor. Also a make-bate, or Boutefeu.
Inception (inceptio) a beginning or enterprize.
Incerning (incernens) sifting, trying by sifting, looking narrowly into.
Incessantly (incessanter) without intermission, continually.
Incession (from incedo) a going or walking.
Incest (incestus) did signifie all kind of pollution, committed by undoing or untying the girdle called Cestus or Zona, but now in a more strict acceptation it signifies onely that kinde of naughtiness, which is committed between two of near kin. Godwin.
Incestuous (incestus) that defiles one of near kin, polluted, unchaste.
Inchoate (inchoo) to begin, or to take his beginning.
Inchoative (inchoativus) beginning, or that beginneth.
Inchantment (incantamentum) a Charm. See Conjuration.
Incident (incidens, ab in & caedo) cutting off, letting or hindering.
Incident ( incidens, ab in & cado, a circumstance or by-matter, a thing which comes indirectly into a fact or question, or (being not properly of the substance thereof) arises from it collaterally or sideways; Also a chance, accident, casualty. Cotgr. In Law it signifies a thing necessarily depending upon another, as more principal. For example, a Court Baron is so incident to a Mannor, and a Court of Pie-powders to a Fair, that they cannot be severed by Grant: Or if a Mannor or Fair be granted, these Courts cannot be reserved. Kitch. fol. 36.
Inciperable, that is not reducable to ashes or cinders.
Incine [...] (from in and cinis) a reducing or converting into Ashes, Imbers or Cinders. Mont.
Incipati [...] (from incipio) a beginning or going about.
Incision (incisio) a cutting or lancing; also a short pointing of a Sentence.
Incisur [...] (incisura) a cut or gash, a lancing or slitting.
Inclusion (inclusio) a shutting or closing in.
Incogitabi [...] (incogitabilis) that which is not thought of, or which cannot be comprehended by thought; foolish, rash, unadvised.
Incogitancy (incogitantia) rashness, unadvisedness.
Incohible (incohibilis) that cannot be restrained.
Incolumity (incolumitas) healthfulness, safety, freedom from danger.
Incomity (incomitas) discourtesie.
Incommeable (incommeabilis) unpassable.
[Page] Incommensurable (from in and commensus) that hath not an equal proportion or measure, o [...] that cannot be measured with another thing
Incommisc [...]ry (from in and commisceo) that cannot be mixed or mingled together.
Incommunicable (incommunicabilis) not in common to other, not to be attributed or imparted to other.
Incommutative (incommutatus) not to be changed or altered.
Incompatible (ab in and compatior) disagreeing, not enduring one another; that will not suffer together, irreconcileable.
Incompossible, a term in Logick, and is when one Proposition affirms what another denies. Perip. Inst.
Incomprehensible (incomprehensibilis) that cannot be comprehended or numbered.
Incomputrible (incomputribilis) that will not rot or decay, incorruptible.
Inconcinnity (inconcinnitas) an ill grace, unfitness, unhandsomness, disproportion.
Incongelable (incongelabilis) that cannot be frozen.
Incongruous (incongruus) disagreeable, unmeet.
Inconsolable (inconsolabilis) that cannot be comforted or asswaged.
Incontinency (incontinentia) lack of moderation in affections and lusts.
Incordiate (incordio) to put into a mans heart, to perswade him.
Incorporate (incorporo) to mix two or more substances together.
Incorporeal (incorporeus) that hath no body.
Incrassate (incrasso) to make thick or gross. Br.
Incremable, that cannot be burnt.
Increment (incrementum) increase, augmentation, a waxing bigger. Br.
Incressant (from incresco) a term in Heraldry, signifying the Moon past the prime, and yet not come to the full.
Increpate (increpo) to make a noise, to creak; Also to reprove or chide.
Incrustation (incrustatio) a pargetting, rough-casting, a crustiness, or thick scabbedness.
Incubation (incubatio) a lying, sitting abroad, hatching. Br.
Incubus (Lat.) A Devil that sometimes in mans shape lies with women, as Succubus doth with men. Also a disease called the Night-Mare, when a man in his sleep supposes he has a great weight lying on him, and feels himself almost strangled; in such sort that he cannot turn himself, nor sit up, nor call for help. The vulgar think it some spirit, but Physitians affirm it to be a natural disease, caused by humors undigested in the stomack, which fuming [Page] up to the brain, do there trouble the Animal spirits, stopping their passage into the sinews, so that the body cannot move. Bull.
Inculcate (inculco) to pour or thrust in, to repeat often, to beat into the memory.
Inculpable (inculpabilis) blameless, unreprovable.
Incumbent (incumbens) leaning, lying, falling or resting upon.
An Incumbent in our Common Law, is he that is presented, admitted, and instituted to any Church or Benefice with Cure, who is therefore called the Incumbent of that Church, because he bends all his study to the discharge of the Cure there. Terms of Law.
Incursion (incursio) a meeting of things together, a hitting one against another.
Incussion (incussio) a dashing together.
Indagation (indagatio) a searching, or diligent seeking out.
Indefatigable (indefatigabilis) that cannot be wearied or tired.
Indefinite (indefinitus) not determined, not defined, not limited or bounded, not decreed.
Indeleble (indelebilis) that cannot be put or raced out; perpetual.
Indemnity (indemnitas) eschewing of damage, escaping without hurt, damagelesness.
Independents, are so called, because they depend upon the arbitrement of no National Church, nor Civil State, but order all things belonging to Doctrine, and Church-Government within their private Congregations. See Congregationalists.
Indeprecable (indeprecabilis) that will not be intreated, or moved to yeeld.
Indeprehensible (indperehensibilis) that cannot be deprehended or taken.
Indesinent (indesinens) without ceasing, continual.
Indeterminately (indeterminaté) not precisely this, but either this or another.
Index (Lat.) the Table of a Book, a Summary; a mark, sign or token. And in the plural number Indices.
Indication (indicatio) the mark whereby the Chyrurgeon is directed to the remedy that will best fit his Patient; also a commending or prizing of sale Wares, a shewing.
Indicative (indicativus) that whereby any thing is shewed and declared.
Indiciduous (from indicium) that shews or detects; or that pertains to the signs, whereby one may judge of any thing; also not apt to fall.
Indico, a stone brought out of Turky, wherewith Diers use to Dye Blew.
Indiction (indictio ab indicendo) the space of fifteen years, by which account Charters and publick writings [Page] are dated at Rome; every year still increasing one till it come to fifteen, and then returning to one again.
These Indictions (as Bede notes) began the 24 day of September, and were devised (as he thinks) to avoid confusion in Chronology. Indiction is most properly said de Tributo indicto, as appears by the title in the Code ( lib. 10. Tit. 16.) And these Indictions began at the very dismission of the Nicen Council; succeeding (saith Onuphrius) in place of the Olympiads, which as unchristian, the Emperor had forbidden. Greg. See Epoche.
Indictive (indictivus) that which is declared, appointed or solemnly uttered, whereunto the people were wont to be called by Proclamation.
Indigenous Indigenital (from indigena) born in the same Town or Country; natural.
Indigent (indigens) that is in necessity, needy, poor, penurious.
Indigence (indigentia) need, want, poverty.
Indigestible (indigestibilis) not able to be digested.
Indigitate (indigito) to signifie or shew, with pointing the finger; to call by name.
Indignation (indignatio) disdain, scorn, anger, wrath.
Indignity (indignitas) unworthiness, dishonesty, lack of reputation, infamy.
Indissoluble (indissolubilis) that cannot be loosed or undone.
Individual (individuus) that may not be divided, inseparable.
Individuality Individuity (individuitas) inseparableness, unpartableness.
Individuum (Lat.) one singular thing; that which cannot be divided, a body inseparable, a Moat; Also a term in Logick, when we directly express and seem to point to that thing which we speak of: As in saying, This Horse, that Man; for though the words [ horse or man] may be applied to any horse or man, yet being so expresly pointed at, they cannot then be drawn to signifie other then those two.
Individuum Vagum, a singular thing not determined to be this or that in particular.
Indivisible (indivisibilis) that cannot be divided.
Indocility (indocilitas) unaptness to learn.
Indoctrinate (indoctrino) to teach or instruct.
Indomable (indomabilis) that cannot be tamed.
Indolency ( indolentia, Fr. indoleance) no apprehension of grief, no feeling of sorrow, unsensibleness of, or want of sense in pain.
Indorsation (from in and dorsum) an indorsing; or writing on the backside; a [Page] bearing, or laying on the back.
Indubitate (indubitatus) without doubt, for certain.
Induciary (induciarius) pertaining to truce or league. Sir Hen. Wotton (speaking of the times of Queen Elizabeth) calls King James (then King of Scotland) induciat heir of this Imperial Crown. Rel. Wot. p. 13.
Induction (inductio) a drawing, entry, or leading into; an inducement, alluring or perswasion unto; also a form of argument from particulars, proceeding to universals. We take Induction (says my Lord Bacon) to be that form of demonstration, which supports sence, presses nature, and is instanced in works, and in a sort mingled therewith.
Indue (induo) to put on a garment or other like thing.
Indulcate Indulciate (indulco) to make sweet. Felth.
Indulgence (indulgentia) pardon, favor, gentleness in suffering. If you desire to know the nature and quality of Indulgences in the Roman Catholick sence, See Mr. Cressies Exomologesis, p. 444.
Indulgiat [...] (from indulgeo, es) to be merciful, to make too much of one, to pardon. Félthams Resolves.
Indult (indultus) a Grant or favour; a written instrument of a grant or favor made by a Pope or Prince.
Indument (indumentum) a Garment or Vesture.
Indura [...] (induratus) hardned, unrelenting.
Induration (induratio) a hardning or making hard.
Induciated (induciatus) cloathed with a Petticoat, Waste-coat or Shirt.
Inebriate (inebrio) to make drunk, to be drunk.
Ineffable (ineffabilis) unspeakable, unutterable, which no tongue can tell, no speech deliver, no terms express.
Ineffugible (ineffugibilis) inevitable not to be avoided.
Inept (ineptus) unapt, foolish, fond, out of season.
Ineptitude (ineptitudo) unaptness, fondness, foolishness, trisling, vainness.
Inequitable (inequitabilis) that cannot be rid through.
Inertitude (inertitudo) sloathfulness, dulness, without Science or any craft.
Inestuate (inaestuo) to be very hot, to boyl vehemently.
Inexaturable (inexaturabilis) that cannot be filled.
Inexhauribility, a disability to draw out or empty.
Inexorable (inexorabilis) that cannot or will not be intreated, churlish, obdurate.
Inexpiable (inexpiabilis) that cannot be purged, cleansed or satisfied for.
Inexplicable (inexplicabilis) that cannot be declared or expounded, unexpressible, undisplayable, intricate.
[Page] Inexpugnable (inexpugnabilis) that cannot be forced or won, invincible, impregnable.
Inextinguible (inextinguibilis) that cannot be quenched, unquenchable.
Inextirpable (inextirpabilis) that cannot be rooted out, or pulled up.
Inextricable (inextricabilis) so confused or difficult that one cannot wind himself out of it, whereof one cannot be rid.
Inexuperable (inexuperabilis) that cannot be passed or overcome, invincible.
To Infame (infamo) so slander or speak ill of, to defame.
Infandous (infandus) so great, so heinous, or villainous, that it may not be spoken, exceeding wicked.
Infanta of Spain every Daughter of that King, not being Heir, whether first, second, or third, &c. the Heir is called Princesa, and the rest Infanta's; so the Sons are called Infantes and the Heir Principe, of the Latin Infans a childe.
Infanterie (Spa.) the Footmen, or Foot Souldiers of an Army.
Infanticide (infanticidium) a slaying or killing of Infants, child-murthering; such was that of Herod, soon after our Saviours birth.
Infatigable (infatigabilis) that cannot be wearied or tired.
Infatuate (infatuo) to make foolish or besot.
Infaustous Infausting (from infaustus) unlucky, unfortunate, dismal. Lo. Bac.
Inferial (inferialis) belonging to Funeral Obsequies.
Infernal (infernalis) belonging to Hell, low, neathermost.
Inferrible (from infero) that may be inferred, brought or carryed in, or concluded.
Infestive (infestivus) unpleasant, nothing sportful.
Inficial Inficiatory (inficialis) that pertains to denial, negative.
Inficiation, a denial, a negation.
Infidous (infidus) unfaithful, not to be trusted, false.
Infimous (infimus) the lowest, the meanest, very humble.
Infinitive (infinitivus) that has no end, innumerable, without measure.
The Infinitive Mood, so called, because it is without end or time; it defines neither number nor person, as other Moods do, as Amare to love.
Infirmarie (infirmarium) that place or part of a Monastery, wherein the sick had the benefit of Physick and attendance private to themselves; Also an Hospital for sick or maimed people.
Inflammation (inflammatio) [Page] a kindling, inflaming or setting on fire.
Inflation (inflatio) a breeding of winde in the body, a puffing up, or a windy swelling.
Inflexible (inflexibilis) that cannot be bowed, unruly.
Influence (influentia) a flowing or running into; most commonly it is taken for the power which Planets and Stars have in moving inferior things.
Influx (influxus) the same with Influence.
Infoliate (from in and folior) to blossom or bud forth leaves, to be full of leaves, to be enleaved or wrapt with leaves. How.
Informity (informitas) deformity, want of shape or fashion.
Informous (informis) without fashion, ill-favored, rude. Br.
Infragible (infragibilis) not soon broken or discouraged, durable, strong, infrangible.
Infriction (infriction) a rubbing in, a chafing.
Infringe (infringo) to break in pieces, to tear, to diminish.
Infusion (infusio) a pouring or filling in; And (in Physick) a conveyance of some liquid medicine into the body by Clister, or other instrument; Also a steeping of Drugs, &c. in a convenient liquor, that their vertue may pass into it.
Ingannation (from the Ital. Ingannare to deceive) deceit or cousenage. Br.
Ingeminate (ingemino) to double, or repeat often.
Ingenerable (ingenerabilis) which cannot be born or begotten.
Ingenio, in Barbado's they call the house or mill where they make Sugar, by this name. Hist. of Barb.
Ingeniosity (ingeniositas) wittiness.
Ingest (ingero) to carry or pour in, to bring into. Bac.
Ingenuity (ingenuitas) the state of a free and honest man, freedom, a liberal nature or condition.
Ingle (Span. from the Lat. Inguen, i. the groin) a boy kept for Sodomy. See Ganymede.
Ingluvious (ingluviosus) gluttonous, ravenous, devouring.
Ingot (Fr. Lingot, à linguae forma) a small mass, or little wedge of fined gold after it is moulten; it is sometimes taken for the trough wherein it is moulten.
Ingrate (ingratus) unpleasant, unacceptable, unkinde, unthankful. Bac.
Ingresse Ingression (ingressus) a beginning, an entrance, or going in, a walking.
Ingurgitate (ingurgito) to devour or raven gluttonously, to stuff or fill himself with, to dash in, as it were, to a great [Page] stream or bottomless pit.
Ingustable (from in and gusto) that cannot or may not be tasted, untasteable. Br.
Ingrosser (from the Fr. Grasseur, or Grossier) signifies in our Common Law one that buyes Corn growing, or dead victuals to sell again, except Barley for Malt, Oats for Oatmeal, or victuals to retail, badging by licence, and buying of Oyles, Spices, and and Victuals, other then fish or salt. An. 5. Ed. 6. ca. 14. A 5. Eliz. ca. 14. An. 13. Eliz. ca. 25. These are Mr. Wests words, part. 2. Symbol. tit. Indictments, Sect. 64. Howbeit this definition rather belongs to unlawful ingrossing, then to the word in general. See Forestal. See Acts 1650. ca. 31.
Inhalation (inhalatio) a breathing in or upon.
Inhesion (inhoesio) a cleaving in, or sticking fast unto.
Inherent (inhaerens) sticking to, or abiding in.
Inhibition (inhibitio) a forbidding or stopping. It is also a Wit to inhibit or forbid a Judge from further proceeding in the cause depending before him. See Fitz. nat. br. fol. 39. where he puts prohibition and inhibition together.
Inhibition is most commonly a Writ issuing out of a higher Court Christian to a lower and inferior, upon an Apppeal, An. 24. H. 8. ca. 12. And Prohibition out of the Kings Court to a Court Christian, or to an inferior temporal Court.
Inhospital (inhospitalis) unapt for entertaining, harborless.
Inidoneous (inidoneus) unfit, improper.
Injection (injectio) a casting in or upon; also (in Physick) a squirting or conveying a liquid medicine, by Siringe, &c. into some part of the body, or into a hollow or fistulous ulcer.
Inimicitial (inimicitialis) despightful, envious, enemy-like.
Inimitable (inimitabilis) that cannot be counterfeited or followed, incomparable.
Initiate (initio) to enter or begin.
Initiative Initiated (initiatus) which hath ended his Apprentiship, or is a young beginner in the first principles; licensed or admitted to.
Injunction (injunctio) is a Writ issuing out of the Chancery; sometimes to give possession to the Plaintiff, for want of the Defendants appearance; sometimes to stay proceeding in a Cause at Common Law upon suggestion made, that the rigor of the Law, if it take place, is against equity and conscience in that case. See West. part. 2. Symb. tit. Proceeding in Chancery. Sect. 25.
Inlagary (inlagatio) is a restitution of one outlawed, [Page] to the Kings protection, and to the benefit or estate of a subject. Bract. l. 3. tract 2. c. 14. numb. 6, 7, 8. Britton. ca. 13.
Inlapidate (from in and lapis) to make hard, stony, or like a stone. Bac.
Inlay (Sax.) a term among Joyners, and signifies a laying of coloured wood in Wainscoat-works, Bedsteds, Cupboads, &c. See Marquetry. It is also used by Goldsmiths, Cutlers and others, as to Inlay with Gold or Silver.
Inmates, those that are admitted to dwell for their money joyntly with another man, though in several rooms of his Mansion house, passing in and out by one door, and not being able to maintain themselves; which are inquirable in a Leet. Kitch. fol. 45. where you may read him at large, who are properly Inmates in the intendment of Law, and who not.
Innatable (innatabilis) that cannot be swimmed in.
Innavigable (innavigabilis) that cannot be sailed in, that will not bear a ship or boat.
Inns of Court or Chancery. See Templaries and Moot-men.
Innitent (innitens) endeavoring or assaying.
Innocents day, or Childermass day, a Feast celebrated by the Roman Catholicks on the 28 of December, in memory and honor of those innocent children Herod slew, not long after our Saviours Nativity, when he sought for Christ himself, thinking to destroy him.
Innocuous (innocuus) hurtless; also safe, that is not hurt.
Innominable (innominabilis) not to be named.
Innovate (innovo) to make or become new, to renew or change his old fashions.
Innovator (Lat.) he that makes alteration, or brings in new customs.
Innoxious (innoxius) wherein there is no danger, that hath no harm; Also safe.
Innubilous (innubilus) fair, without clouds, serene.
Innuendo, is a Law term most used in Declarations and other pleadings; and the office of this word is onely to declare and design the person or thing which was named incertain before; as to say, he ( innuendo the Plaintiff) is a Thief; when as there was mention before of another person.
Innutrition (innutritio) a nourishing or bringing up.
Inocciduous (inocciduus) that never useth to fall, never sleeps, never sets or goes down, as some stars do.
Inoculat [...] (inoculo) to graff a bud, by cutting a round hole in the bark of another tree, and setting it on with clay: or when an hole is bored in a [Page] tree, and a kernel put in with a little loam.
Inominal (inominalis) unlucky, unhappy.
Inopacous (inopacus) open, not shadowed.
Inopinate (inopinatus) unthought of, unlooked for, not hoped for, strange or contrary to the common opinion.
Inopious (inopiosus) poor, needy, destitute.
Inoptable (inoptabilis) not to be wished for.
Inorganic [...]l (inorganicus) that hath no organ or instrument. A body is said to be inorganical when it wants right dispositions for the operations of the soul whereunto it is ordained.
Inorganity (inorganitas) the want of such dispositions.
Inquination (inquinatio) a staining or defiling; a disgracing.
Inquisition (inquisitio) a diligent search or enquiry, strict examination.
Spanish Inquisition, was first created, and called the Sacred Council of Inquisition, about or not long after the year, 1492. at which time the Empire of the Moors ended in Spain by the valor of Fardinand the Catholick. Such Moors, as after the decay of their Kingdom, staid in Spain, were by a Statute in that case provided, to be christned. And that they might be known to be, as they professed, this Inquisition was ordained, consisting of a President (and he always an Ecclesiastical person, as the Archbishop of Tolledo, or Sevil) assisted by twelve other Councellors, who deal altogether in matters appertaining to Religion.
Insanity (insanitas) madness, disease of mind.
Insanguin' [...] (from in and sanguis) bloodied, dipt or dyed in blood.
Insative (insativus) that is not planted; sown or graffed, that which comes forth of its own accord.
Insaturable (insaturabilis) that cannot be filled or contented, insatiable.
Insc [...]ous (inscius) ignorant, not knowing, unskilful.
Inscription (inscriptio) a note, title or mark written or engraven, a superscription; Such was that the Jews put upon the Cross when they crucified our Saviour, JESƲS NASARENƲS REX JƲ DEORƲM, for which words these letters are ordinarily used over the head of a Crucifix. J. N. R. J.
Inscrutable (inscrutabilis) unsearchable, bottomless, mystical, not to be sounded or known.
Insecable (insecabilis) that cannot be cut or parted.
Insect (insecta) a smal fleshless and bloodless vermine divided (in some sort) between the head, body and belly, as an Ant, Flye, Bee, &c. under which, the Earth-worm, [Page] Caterpillar, &c. are also comprehended. Lord Bacon useth Insecta's for creatures bred of putrefaction, Nat. Hist. 143.
Insectation (insectatio) a railing against one with all the evil words he can use.
Insection (insectio) a declaration, Treatise, or long continued talk; also a cutting.
Insensate ( insensatus foolish, senceless. Felth.
Insident (insidens) sitting on or in, remaining, continuing.
Insidiate (insidior) to lay wait, deceive, or ensnare.
Insidious (insidiosus) full of wiles and deceitfulness, crafty, dangerous.
Insinuate (insinuo) to put in his bosom, to put in ones mind covertly, to wind, steal, or convey himself into, to creep by little into ones favor; to give a slight touch of a thing.
Insipid (insipidus) unsavory, without taste or relish, also weak of Judgement.
Insipience (insipientia) dotage, folly, indiscretion, ignorance.
Incision (incisio) a grafting or sciencing.
Insolation (insolatio) a bleaching, or laying a thing in the Sun. Br.
Insoluble (insolubilis) that cannot be loosed or undone, indissoluble, indissolvable.
Insomnious (insomniosus) troubled with dreams, that dreameth much in his sleep.
Inspection (inspectio) a prying or looking into, a viewing or looking on, speculation, over-seeing.
Insperable (insperabilis) that no man would look or hope for.
Inspersion (inspersio) a sprinkling or casting on.
Inspissate (inspisso) to make thick, gross, or massy. Bac.
Instability (instabilitas) inconstancy, unsteadiness, fickleness.
Instauration (instauratio) a restoring, renewing, repairing, re-edifying.
Instigate (instigo) to move, stir, or prick forward, to provoke or egg on.
Instillation (instillatio) a gentle infusion, a letting or falling in drop by drop, a pouring in by little and little.
Instinct (instinctus) an inward stirring, motion, or perswasion, an inspiration.
Institute (institurum) an Ordinance or Instruction, a precept, preparing a way to some art; a good manner or custom. As Justinians Book of Institutes, so called because they are, as it were, Instructors to the ignorant, and shew an easie way to the obtaining the knowledge of the Civil, as my Lord Cokes Institutes do of the Common Law.
Insubid (insubidus) rash, without consideration, heady.
Insular (insularis) belonging to an Island.
[Page] Insulsity (insulsitas) foolishness, unsavoriness, lack of grace, and pleasantness.
Inculture (incultura) a springing or leaping in or upon, a triumphing in words, a boasting.
Insuperable (insuperabilis) that cannot be overcome, invincible, unvanquishable.
Intabulate (intabulo) to write in Tables.
Intarissable (Fr.) not to be withered or dryed up.
Integument (integumentum) a covering, a cloak; a thing spoken covertly and darkly. Bac.
Intellect (intellectus) the vertue or faculty of understanding: Also understanding, apprehension, capacity, judgement, knowledge, discretion.
Intellectualist, one exceeding in the faculty of understanding; a quick apprehender.
Intelligible (intelligibilis) that may be understood.
Intempestive (intempestivus) out of due time and season, abortive; disordered; also unlucky or ill presaging.
Intenebrate (intenebro) to endarken or obscure.
Intenerate (from in and tener) to make tender or soft, to make merciful or pliant.
Intense (intensus) set or fixed, intentive, diligently bent to a thing.
Intensively. See Appreciatively.
Intentable (intentabilis) that cannot be tempted.
Intentation (intentatio) a menacing or threatning.
Intercalarity (intercalaritas) the burden of a Song; the putting between, as the burden is between the verses.
Intercalation (intercalatio) an interlacing, a putting or setting an odd thing between even ones; most commonly spoken of the odd day of Leap year inserted in February, and called dies intercalaris. See Julian Account.
Intercident day (intercidens dies) the extraordinary, and preternatural critical day forced by the malice of the disease.
Intercision (intercisio) a cutting off in the midst.
Interclusive (interclusus) enclosed, shut in, stopped.
Intercolumniation (a term in Architecture) signifies the distance between two columns, or a placing some work between two Pillars. S.H.W.
Intercostal (intercostalis) between the ribs.
Intercurrent (intercurrens) running or going between.
Intercutaneous (intercutaneus) that which is within the skin.
Interdict (interdictum) an injunction, prohibition or forbidding.
Interdiction (interdicto) the same. It is used in the Common Law, as in the Canon, where it is thus defined, [Page] Interdictio est censura Ecclesiastica prohibens administrationem divinorum. c. quod in te de paenitent. & remiss. In the Decretals. And thus it is used, Ann. 24. H. 8. ca. 12.
Interdicted of water and fire were in old time those, who, for some crime, were banished. Which Judgment, although it was not by express sentence pronounced, yet by giving order, that no man should receive such an one into his house, but deny him fire and water (the two necessary Elements of life) he was condemned (as it were) to a civil death; and this was called Legitimum exilium. Livie.
Interduct (interductus) a space between full sentences in printing or writing.
Interemption (interemptio) a killing or slaying.
Interequitate (interequito) to ride between▪
Interfaction (interfactio) an interrupting of ones tale, a speaking whilst another speaks.
Interfeir. See Enterfeir.
Interfection (interfectio) murder, a killing or slaying.
Interfluent Interfluous (interfluus) that flows or runs between.
Interjacercy (from interja [...]eo) a lying or being between.
Interim (Lat.) in the mean time or season. Also a Book so called, compiled at Ausperge, by the Emperor Charles the Fifth, comprehending a form of doctrine to be observed till the next General Council.
Interjected (interjectus) put, cast, or placed between; being as it were a mean between. S.H.W.
Interition (interitio) a decaying, a perishing.
Interlocution (interlocutio) an interposition, or interruption of speech, a speaking between.
Interlopers, Leapers or runners between; it is usually applied to those that intercept the Trade or Traffick of a Company, and are not legally authorized.
Interlucation (interlucatio) a cutting off boughs, where they let or hinder the light.
Interlude (interludium) a Play or Comedy.
Interlunary (interlunis) belonging to the season, between the going out of the old, and coming in of the new Moon, when the Moon gives no light.
Intermedian (intermedius) that lyes or is between two.
Intermeate (intermeo) to go or flow between, to pass through.
Intermicate (intermico) to shine in the midst or among.
Interminant (interminus) boundless, borderless, uncertain.
Intermit (intermitto) to leave or put off for a time, to cease or discontinue.
Intermural (intermuralis) [Page] that is betwern two walls.
Internecion (internecio) an universal slaughter, al killing or slaying, so that one is not left alive.
Internigrant (internigrans) having black interlaced among other colours.
Internodial (from inter and nodus) that is between knots or joynts. Br.
Internunciate (internuncio) to go in message between two parties.
Interpel (interpello) to interrupt, to disturb or trouble, to demand or require a thing.
Interpellation (interpellatio) a let in ones business, a disturbing and interruption, a calling one when he is speaking or doing.
Interpolation (interpolatio) a new dressing or polishing a thing, a scouring or furbishing.
Interpose (interpono) to put or set between, to intermeddle, or intermingle.
Interposition (interpositio) a putting or setting between, an intermedling.
Interpunction (interpunctio) a distinction by points.
Interregency (interregnum) the space of Government between the death or deposition of one King or Cheif Magistrate and the Coronation or Election of another.
Interrex (Lat.) a Regent, Vice-Roy or Protector, that governs a State from the death or deposition of one Prince, to the entrance or election of another.
Interrogation (interrogatio) a question or demand. An Interrogation point is made thus [?] and is used at the end of a question asked.
Interscindent (interscindens) that cuts in the midst or hews asunder.
Interscript (interscriptum) an interlacing of a line; an interlining.
Intersection (intersectio) a cutting off in the middle or between.
Intersonant (intersonans) that sounds between, or in the mean season.
Interspersed (interspersus) bestrewed, scattered or sprinkled between.
Interspiration (interspiratio) a breathing between.
Intersti [...]e (interstitium) a distance or space between.
Interstitial, that hath a distance or space between. Br.
Interval (intervallum) a space between, a pause, a respite; also a Rest in Musick. It signifies any distance either of place or time, as appears by that of Tully, Intervallo locorum, & temporum disjuncti. Cic. Ep. fam. lib. 1. Ep. 7.
Intervenient (interveniens) that comes, flows or runs between.
Intervert (interverto) to take away craftily, to convey away falsly that was lent one, or committed to his charge; to [Page] deceive or beguil; also to turn upside down.
Intervigilant (intervigilans) that is watchful, or that awakes now and then, or between whiles.
Intestable (intestabilis) that by the Law can make no Testament, or that cannot be taken in witness, not to be believed.
Intestate (intestatus) that dies without a Will or Testament; also one that no man will take for a witness.
Intestine Intestinal (intestinus) that belongs to the inward parts, hidden privy, deadly, spightful.
Inthronize (inthronizo) to install in the seat of honor, to place in a Royal Throne.
Intimate (intimo) to shew, to signifie, to denounce; also to love entirely.
Intimidate (from in and timidus) to fear, scare, affright or make fearful.
Intinction (intinctio) a dying or colouring.
Intone (intono) to thunder or make a rumbling; also to speak earnestly.
Intoxicate (intoxico) to poison.
Intrado or Entrado (Spa.) an income or yearly revenue; also an entrance. Fuller.
Intraneous (intraneus) that is within, inward.
Intribution (intributio) contribution or lot-money paid for Lands.
Intrinsecal (intrinsecus) inward, secret, familiar.
Intrique (Fr.) an intricacy, labyrinth, maze, incumbrance, difficulty. Cressey,
Introclude (introcludo) to shut within.
Introgression (introgressus) a going in.
Introit (introitus) an entry, a place to enter by, a going into, a beginning of. The first part of the Mass, which begins Introibo ad Altare Dei, is so called.
Intromission (intromissio) a letting in.
Introruption (introruptio) an entring or rushing in by violence.
Introvenient (introveniens) a comming in.
Introversion (introversio) a turning inwards; in mystical Divinity it signifies a recollecting ones thoughts from external to inward considerations.
Intrusion (intrusio) a wrongful thrusting into the possession of a vacant thing.
Intuitive (intuitus) seeing or apt to see or behold clearly. An intuitive Vision is a clear sight of a thing, as it is in it self.
Intuition (from intueor) a looking upon or beholding a thing clearly and distinctly.
Intumescence (intumescentia) a swelling, puffing or uprising.
Invaginate (invagino) to shealth or put into a sheath.
Invalid (invalidus) weak, feeble, impotent, forceless.
[Page] Invective (invectivus) a railing, biting, opprobrious discourse or bitter speech against one.
Inventory (inventorium) is a description or repertory, orderly made, of dead mens Goods and Chattels prized by four credible men or more, which every Executor or Administrator ought to exhibite to the Ordinary, at such times as he shall appoint the same. West. part. 1. Symb. lib. 2. Sect. 696. Where likewise you may see the form: This Inventory proceeds from the Civil Law: for whereas by the antient Law of the Romans, the Heir was tied to answer all the Testators debts, by which means Heritages were prejudicial to many; Justinian, to encourage men the better to take upon them this charitable Office, ordained, that if the heir would first make and exhibite a true Inventory of all the Testators substance coming to his hand, he should be no further charged then to the value of the Inventory. l. ult. Co. de Jure de liberando.
Inversion (inversio) a turning inside out, or upside down, a mis-placing words or matter.
Invest (investire) to give or put into possession; Investitura propria dicitur quando hasta vel aliquod corporeum traditur à Domini; ut ait Feudista, lib. 2. tit. 2. with us we use likewise to admit the Tenant, by delivering a verge or rod into his hand, and ministring him an oath, which is called Investing: others define it thus, Investitura est alicujus in suum jus introductio.
Investigable (investigabilis) which cannot be found out.
Investigation (investigatio) a searching out, a diligent enquiry.
Inveterate (inveteratus) confirmed by long use, setled by continuance, antient.
Invid (invidus) that hath envy, that spighteth or is malicious.
Invigilate (invigilo) to watch diligently, to take good heed.
Inviolable (inviolabilis) that cannot be broken or violated.
Invious (invisus) not seen, without ways or paths, untract.
Invitiate (invitio) to mar, to spoil, to defile.
Invitatory, any thing that inviteth, a Summons.
Inumbrate (inumbro) to cast a shadow upon, to give a shadow to.
Inundate (inundo) to overflow, to cover with water, to run or stream into.
Invocate (invoco) to call in or upon, to ask or require help.
Involvent (involvens) wrapping or folding in, covering, or overwhelming.
Inure (from in and Ʋre, use or custom) a Law term [Page] used much in Conveyances, and signifies to take place or effect, to be available. Example, a Release shall inure by way of extinguishment. Littleton cap. Release. And a Release made to a Tenant for term of life, shall inure to him in the Reversion.
Inusitate (inusitatus) not wont, unaccustomed, that hath been seldom used, strange.
Invulnerable (invulnerabilis) that cannot be wounded, unwoundable.
Invulnerability, unwoundableness, the power of being shot-free.
Ioab (Heb.) Fatherhood.
Ioachim (Heb.) preparatian of the Lord.
Ioannitiques, an order of Monks that wear red habits, and the presentation of a Chalice on their brests.
Iob (Heb.) sighing or sorrowing.
Iocatory (jocatorius) pertaining to jesting.
Iocosity (jocositas) merriness in jesting.
Ioculary (jocularius) that is spoken in jest, a jesting matter. Bac.
Ioculatory (joculatorius) merry, pleasant, sporting.
Iocund (jocundus) merry, pleasant, chearful.
Iohn (Hebr.) gracious, Thought to be an unfortunate name for Kings; For that John King of England well near lost his Kingdom, and John King of France was long Captive in England, and John Baliol was lifted out of his Kingdom of Scotland. And John Stewart, when the Kingdom of Scotland came to him, him, renouncing that name, would be proclaimed King Robert. Iuon is used by the Welch, and Sclavonians for John, and in this Realm about the Conquerors time, John was rarely found, but Iuon, as Cambden observes.
Ionathan (Heb.) Gods gift.
Ionah or Ionas, the name of that Prophet which was sent to Ninive, Jon. 1.2. It signifies in Hebrew a Dove.
Ioncade (Fr.) a certain Spoon-meat, made of Cream, Rose-water and Sugar.
Ionick-work, is a sort of Pillars in Architecture. See Tuscan.
Ionick (Ionicus) a certain foot in a verse consisting of two long syllables and two short; also wanton; as Jonica Saltatio, a wanton or effeminate dance. Also pertaining to Jonia, a Region of Greece.
Ionick was also a Sect of Philosophers, of which Thales and Anaximander were chief, the first whereof was an Ionian by birth; whence the Sect took name. Hist. of Philos.
Iopaean (Gr.) a voice or song of rejoycing. See Paean,
Ioseph (Heb.) encreasing, or encrease of the Lord.
Iordan. See Iurden.
Iosias (Heb.) fire of the Lord.
[Page] Iot or Iod (Iöta, littera Graeca) a thing of very little or no value; so called from the Hebrew letter Jod, which is the least in that language.
Iotacism (Iotacismus) is when the letter ( I or Iöta) sounds much, or gives beginning to many words in the same sentence; as if we say, Juno Jovi irascitur. It is also sometimes taken for an error in pronouncing the letter I.
Iournal (Fr.) a Diary or Day-book. Also as much land as a Team of Oxen can plough in one day. In our times (says my Lord Bacon) Journals are in use only in Navigations and Expeditions of War; among the Antients it was a point of honor for Princes to have the Acts of their Court referred to Journals.
Iouisance (Sax.) mirth or jollity. Spencer.
Iournchoppers, were Regrators of yarn. Stat. 8. H. 6. c. 5.
Iournee (Fr.) a day or whole day; a day of Battel; also a days work or labor, a days travel or journey.
Ipsissime (ipsissimus) even the very same.
Ippocrasse. See Hipocrasse.
Iracundious (iracundus) soon angry, inclining [...]o passion or wrath, teasty, soon displeased.
Irascible (from irascor) cholerick, soon angred, subject to anger. H. Court.
Iris (Gr.) Juno's Messenger; the Rainbow, which foretels a shortly ensuing shower.
Ironical (ironicus) that which is spoken in jest or mockingly, when one speaks contrary to the signification of the word.
Ironie (ironia) a figure in speaking, when one means contrary to the signification of the word, or when a man reasoneth contrary to what he thinks, to mock him, whom he argues with; a derision or dissimulation.
Irradiate (irradio) to shine upon, to cast his beams upon, to enlighten.
Irrecuperable (irrecuperabilis) irrecoverable, wholly lost, not to be recovered.
Irredivivous (irredivivus) that cannot be revived or repaired.
Irrefragable (irrefragabilis) invincible, unbreakable, undeniable.
Irregularity (irregularitas) disorder, going out of rule; in the old Canon Law it is taken for an impediment which hinders a man from taking holy Orders; as if he be base born, notoriously defamed of any notable crime, maimed or much deformed, or hath consented to procure anothers death, with divers other.
Irremiable (irremiabilis) that from which one cannot return again, intricate.
[Page] Irreligious (irreligiosus) ungodly, without fear of God, without religion, not devout.
Irremissible (Fr.) unremittable, unpardonable.
Irreparable (irreparabilis) that cannot be repaired, or restored, irrecoverable.
Irreposcible (irreposcibilis) that cannot be required again.
Irreprehensible (irreprehensibilis) that cannot be reprehended, faultless, blameless.
Irrevocable (irrevocabilis) that cannot be called back, unrecallable.
Irrigate (irrigo) to water ground, to bring water out of a River into the fields, to moisten.
Irriguous (irriguus) that is, or may easily be watered, washed, moist.
Irrision (irrisio) a laughing or mocking to scorn, a flouting or scoffing at.
Irritate (irrito) to provoke, to kindle wrath, to move or stir.
Irrite (irritus) void, of no effect, force or weight.
Irroborate (irroboro) to make strong, to corroborate.
Irrorate (irroro) to sprinckle or wet with dew, to moisten.
Irruent (irruens) running hastily, or rushing in violently.
Irrugation (irrugatio) a wrinkling, or making wrinkles.
Irrumpent (irrumpens) entring in by force, rushing in violently.
Irruption (irruptio) a bursting in, a forced entrance.
Irus, a beggarly fellow of Ithaca, whom Ʋlysses killed with his fist. Hence the Proverb Iro pauperior, as poor as Job.
Isagogue (isagoge) an introduction.
Isagogical (Isagogicus) of or pertaining to an introduction or beginning.
Ischiatick (ischiacus) that hath the ache in the Hip, or the Hip-gout, or Sciatica; which is a pain arising of humors gathered together in the hollowness of that joynt.
Isikle (from the Belgick Iisel) a drop of water frozen, as is often seen at the Eaves of a house, when, after a thaw, comes a sudden frost.
Ismaelite, one descended from Ismael (son to Abraham by his wife Agar) of whom it was foretold before his birth, hic erit ferus homo, manus ejus contra omnes; & manus omnium contra eum, Gen. 16. One like to Ismael in conditions and manners. Ismael by interpretation of the Hebrew word is exauditio Dei, a merciful hearing or granting of God.
Isonomy (isonomia) an equality of government under the same Laws, indifferently ministred to all persons; an equality of right, which all men enjoy in one State.
Israel (Hebr.) seeing the Lord, or prevailing in the Lord.
[Page] Isthme (isthmus) a neck, a narrow piece of land betwixt two Seas almost meeting; also the neck of the wesand Est angustia illa intermedia inter Peninsulam & Continentem, & veluti quaedam Cervix, quae à Continente, velut à corpore gracilescens Peninsulam cum Continente tanquam Caput cum reliquo corpore connectit. See Peninsula.
Isthmian games (isthmii) one of the four solemn games which were celebrated every fifth year in Greece, instituted by Theseus in honor of Neptune; they took name from the narrow piece of ground in Greece that Corinth stood in, where the games were celebrated.
Italianize (ab Italia) to speak Italian, play the Italian, or do like an Italian.
Italionated, turned or fashioned like an Italian; that speaks or writes like an Italian.
Iterate (itero) to do a thing again, to repeat, to tell or say again, to double.
Itenerary (itinerarium) a Commentary concerning things fallen out in Journeys; also the Kalender of miles, with the distance of places, and the times of abode in every place; like the gifts of Princes, a Directory for the way. It is also used Adjectively, as pertaining to a journey.
Itinerate (itineror) to travel, to take or make a journey.
Iubilation (jubilatio) a great shout for joy, a great rejoycing, much gladness.
Iubile (jubilaeus annus) a year of rejoycing or remission. Among the Hebrews every fiftieth year, was called the year of Jubile; for then were bond-men of their own Country made free, possessions returned again to the first owners, neither was it lawful to plant or sow any thing that year. Among Christians this solemnity of keeping a year of Jubile, was first instituted by Bonifacius the Eighth, in the year of our Lord 1300, who ordained, that it should be observed every hundreth year. After this Clement the sixth, instituted it to be kept every fiftieth year; and lastly Sixtus the fourth brought it to be celebrated every twenty fifth year, beginning it first in the year of our Lord God 1475, and so it continues. The word is derived from the Hebrew Jobel, which signifies a Ram or a Rams horn, so called (as Masius helps it out) from Jubal, the Father of those who play on the Harp and Organ, Gen. 4.21. And when the Jubile came a great sound of Trumpets, and Rams horns was to be made through all Israel, in sign of the Remissions. Greg.
Iucundity (jucunditas) mirth, pleasure, rejoycing.
Iudaick (judaicus) Jewish, pertaining to the Jews.
[Page] Iudaism (judaismus) the Custom, Religion or Rites of the Jews.
Iudicable (judicabilis) that may be judged or discussed.
Iudication (judicatio) the question come to judgement, the weight of the matter, that wherein the Judge ought to do justice; sentence-giving.
Iudicatory (judicatorium) a place of judgement, a Judgment-seat.
Iudiciary (judiciarius) pertaining to a Judge or Judgement; also that is to be judged.
Iugal (jugalis) that is yoaked, or pertaining to yoaks, Matrimony or Wedlock.
Iugament (jugamentum) a thing that fastens or couples like a yoak.
Iugulars (venae jugulares) See Veins.
Iujubes, certain plumbs of Italy, sold here by Apothecaries. This fruit is in colour white or red, in fashion round or like an Olive, in taste sweet, having a hard long stone, like an Olive stone, but much less. If these plumbs be kept long, they wax dry and full of wrinckles. They are temperate in heat and cold, good against the Cough, roughness of the throat, and all exulcerations and inflammations of the Kidneys and Bladder: but being eaten for meat are of hard digestion. Bull.
Iulep (Arab.) a Physical drink, made either of destilled waters or Syrups mixed together, or of a decoction sweetned with hony or sugar, or else mingled with Syrrops, and ministred commonly as a preparative to open the passage of the inward parts, and fit the humors for a purgation. Some affirm this to be a Persian word, and to signifie properly a sweet potion.
Iulio, an Italian Coyn, of value with us about six pence, so called because it was first made in the Papacy of Pope Julius.
Iulius (Gr.) soft-haired or mossie-bearded, so it signifies in Greek. It was the name of Aenea's son, who was first called Ilus.
The old English in the North parts turned Julius into Joly, and the unlearned Scribes of that time seem to have turned Julianus into Jolanus, for that name often occurs in old Evidences. Cam.
Iuly (Julius) this moneth was so called in honor of Julius Caesar, the Dictator, either because he was born in that moneth, or because he triumphed in that moneth, after his Naval Victory over Cleopatra Queen of Egypt, and her husband Antony. It being before called Quintilis or the fifth month from March, which according to Romulus, was the beginning of the year.
[Page] Iulian Account, so called from Julius Caesar, who forty four years before the birth of Christ, observing the falseness of the Account then in use, ordained the year to consist of 365 days and six hours, which six hours in four years made 24 hours, or a day civil, and were added to the end of February; by reason whereof every fourth year contained 366 days, and was called Annus Bissextilis, the Bissextile or Leap-year, because the sixth of the Calends of March was twice written, and the thing it self was called Intercalation. This Account for many years seemed to have no sensible error; yet in progress of time it was discovered to be not so exactly agreeable with the natural motion of the Sun; For the Julian year exceeding the true Solar year 10 minutes & 48 seconds, caused the Equinoxes and Solstices yearly to change their places and slye back so many minutes and seconds. Whereupon Pope Gregory the thirteenth, by the advice and direction of Antonius Lilius and other excellent Mathematicians, in the year of Christ 1582, corrected the Calender, making the year to consist of 365 days, five hours, 49 min. 12 seconds. And that the vernal Equinox, which then was on the 11 of March, might be reduced to the 21 of March, as it was at the time of the first Nicene Council; he commanded ten days in Octob. viz. from the fourth to the 14, to be left out, so as the fourth day of the month was accounted for the 14 day. Hence it comes to pass, that the new, sorraign Lilian or Gregorian account is 10 days before the old, the English or Julian account. Buchol. Ind Chro. & al.
Iument (jumentum) a laboring beast, a horse. Br.
Iumentarious (jumentarius) that belongs to such cattel.
Iuncture (junctura) a joyning or coupling together, a yoaking, a joynt.
Iungible (jungibilis) that may be joyned.
Iunonick Iunonian (junonius) of or pertaining to the Goddess Juno, the wife of Jupiter.
Iunta or Iunto (Span) a meeting together of people, it is most commonly taken for a joyning or meeting of men to sit in Councel.
Ivory (ebur) Elephants teeth; it is of a binding nature, and the scraping thereof is good against sores, growing under the roots of the nayls.
Iupiter (Lat.) a faigned God of great esteem among the Paynims, &c. Also a Planet. See Planet and Saturn.
Iuration (juratio) an Oath.
Iurats (Fr.) Jurats de Bourdeaux, are as the Eschevins or Sheriffs in other Cities; we have Officers of that name at Maidston & Feversham in Kent.
Iurden or Iordan (matella) [Page] a double Urinal or Chamberpot. In some places it is taken for that Chamberpot which did serve both the husband and his wife. In Walsingham hist. p. 308. we read of Duae ollae quas Jordanes vulgo vocamus.
Iuridick Iuridical (juridicus) of or belonging to the Law; also actionable, or which may be put in suit, also just, judicial, orderly.
Iury (jurati) signifies in our Common Law a company of men as twenty four, or twelve, sworn to deliver a truth upon such evidence as shall be delivered them, touching the matter in question. Of which see more in Fitzh. nat. br. fol. 165. D.
Iurisdiction (jurisdictio) power or authority to minister, and execute Laws.
Iurist (from jus, juris) a Lawyer.
Iurisprudence (jurisprudentia) the skill or knowledge of Laws: also the stile or form of the Law
Iuss [...]i (minutal) meat made with divers things chopped together. Rider.
Iu [...]ulent (jussulentus) that which is sod or stewed in pottage or broth
Iu [...]s (from the Fr. Joustes) Tilting or contentions between Martial men with Spears on horseback. An. 24. H. 8. ca. 13. For particulars, see Stows Survey, fol. 421.
Iusticier (Fr.) a Justicer or Justice of Peace; an administer of Justice.
Iustifical (justificus) that executes or doth Justice.
Iusti [...]iable (Fr.) under jurisdiction, subject to suit or Laws, that is to do his suit to the Court of another.
Iusti [...] (Lat. quasi iuris statio) a stay or ceasing from ministration of Justice in matters judicial. (Dr. Br. useth it in his Vul. Err.) This may not unfitly be called a Lawsteed, as Solstitium, the Sunsteed.
Iustitians, a religious Order instituted by Lewis Bardus a Venetian, in the Abbey of St. Justine (whence they took name) at Padua, about the year 1412 in the time of Pope John the three and twentieth. There were also Nuns of the like Order.
Iustinia [...]i [...]ts, Students of the Civil Law, Civilians; so called from Justinianus, a Roman Emperor, that gathered the sum of the Civil Law. See Code.
Iuvenile (juvenilis) of or pertaining to youth, youthful, young.
Iuvenility (juvenilitas) youth, also courage or lustiness.
Iuventes, the Goddess of youth, also young age.
Ixion, begat the Centaures on a Cloud, as the fable goes, and was afterward cast into Hell by Jupiter, for boasting that he had lain with Juno, where he was bound to a [Page] wheel, and the wheel turned without ceasing. Hence the Fable of Ixions wheel.
KAbbala. See Cabala.
Kalends. See Calends.
Kamp-fight or Camp-fight. See Ordeal.
Karavan or Karaban (Spa.) See Caravan.
Kardiognostick. See Cardiognostick.
Kare [...]a (among Chymists) is the twentieth part of a drop.
Kalends. See Calends.
Karobe or Karoble, the fruit of the Carobe tree. Also the twenty fourth part of a grain, one of the least weights used by Goldsmiths.
Kenne (Sax.) to see, or know; within ken, i. within view.
Kenodoxy ( [...]) the love, study, or desire of vain-glory. Scapula.
Kern in Ireland is a kind of Foot Souldier, lightly armed with a Dart or Skeyn. Antiq. Hibern. p. 33. and 57. We take a Kern most commonly for a Farmer or Country Bumpkin.
Ketchef (from the Fr. Couver chef. i. to cover the head) a linnen cloth that old women wear on their heads; and hence Handkerchef, though improperly.
King of Heralds (Rex Herald [...]rum) is an Officer at Arms, who has the preheminence of this Society. See Harold. This Officer among the Romans was called Pater Patratus.
Kings Evil, A disease or swelling so called. Edward the Confessor King of England was of that holiness of life that he received power from above to cure many diseases; among others, this of the Kings-Evil. A Prerogative that continues, as some think, hereditary to his Successors of England. Heyl.
Ke [...]l (Belg. Kiel) the bottom of a ship.
Ke [...]e Sax.) pottage, a word still used in the north of England and in Scotland; So Kelemu [...]t signifies Pottage-hearb, which we to this day corruptly call Cole-worts. Verstegan.
Kichel (Sax.) a Cake, which Horace calls Libum.
It was of old with us called a Gods Kichel, because Godfathers and Godmothers used commonly to give one of them to their Godchildren, when they asked blessing. Chaucers Interpret.
Kilderkin (from the Belg. Kindeken, Kenneken, octava Cadi pars) Dioscorides saith, it [Page] is eleven Gallons, and a Quart: Agricola and Junius, thirteen Gallons and a half.
Kym-Kam. See Camoise.
Kin, the antient diminutive of our Saxon tongue, as Perkin, is as much as little Peter; Comk [...]r, little Thomas, and the like.
Kintal (Span. Quintal) is a certain weight of Merchandize to the value of an hundred, or something under or over according to the divers uses of sundry Nations. This word is mentioned by Plowden in the Case of Reniger and Fagossa.
Knave (Sax. Cna [...]a, a boy or childe) was not of old used as a name of disgrace, or contempt (as now it is) but as the name of some kind of Servant or Lacquey; as Scyld-Knapa was he that carried a noble persons Shield, &c. Verst. See Esquire.
Kit-Kaies, The fruit of the Ashen tree; they are little narrow husks hanging together in clusters, wherein is contained the [...]eed of the Ash, which is bitter: This provokes Urine, and is sought by some for other purposes. Bull.
Knight, a title of dignity, was heretofore by our Ancestors written Cnight, and in the modern Teutonic it signifies Rider, and answers to the French Chevalier, which may be Englished a Horseman, and so agrees with Eques in Latin. Verst.
Knights Fee (feudum militare) is so much inheritance as is sufficient yearly to maintain a Knight with convenient Revenue, which in Henry the thirds days was but fifteen pounds. ( Cam. Brit. p. 111.) But Sir Tho. Smith, in his Repub. Angl. l. 1. ca 18. rates it at forty pounds. And I find in the Statute for Knights, A. 1. E 2. ca. 1. that such as had twenty pound per an. in Fee, or for life might be compelled to be Knights. Stow in his Annals, p. 285. saith, There were found in England at the time of the Conqueror 60211 Knights Fees: Others say 60215. wherof the Religious houses before their suppression were possessed of 28015
Knights Fee, is sometime used for the Rent that a Knight pays for his Fee to the Lord of whom he holds; and this an uncertain sum, some holding by forty shillings the Shield, some by twenty shillings, as appears by Bracton. lib. 5. Tract. 1. cap. 2. My Lo. Coke, in his ninth Book of Reports, saith, A Knights Fee is estimated by the value of the Land, viz. 20 l. annual. An Hide of Land is as much as one Plough can break up in a year: Relief the fourth part of the annual value of the Land, viz. of a Knight 5 l. of a Baron 100 Marks, an Earl a 100 l. a Marquis, 200 Marks, a Duke 200 l.
Knighten gyld, was a Gyld in London, consisting of nineteen [Page] Knights, which King Edgar founded, giving them a portion of void ground lying without the City wall, now called Portsoken Ward. Stows Annals, p. 151.
Knights service, an ancient tenure of Lands, by which a man was bound to bear Arms in War for defence of the Realm. But is now abolished by Act 1656. ca. 4.
Knipperdollings, a sort of Hereticks who took name from one Knipperdolling, who lived in Germany about the year 1535, was contemporary with John of Leyden, a follower of Muncer in matters of doctrine. Lo. Herb. H. 8.
Knoll (Sax. Cnoll [...]) the top or cop of a Hill or Mountain, a familiar word in Herefordshire, as Birchers Knoll. &c. And in Scotland they call those Knolls of peace, which are Mounts cast up by the labor of men, in Latin Dumi pacis.
Korban. See Corban.
Kyrie eleison ( omnibus linguis, à Gr. [...], i. domine, and [...], i. miserere, ab [...], i. misericordia, q. miserere Domine) Lord have mercy on us. So Christe eleison, i. Christ have mercy on us. In the Greek Church these words are of great esteem, and often repeated by their Priests; and are also used in the Latin Church, both in the Mass and Litany.
LAbarum (Gr. [...]) a Church Banner, a Flag or Streamer for the War.
Eusebius Pamphilus ( lib. 1. de vita Constantini) describes this peculiar Standard very curiously. The common form you may see in the 163 page of the Elements of Armories. In the Labarum these things are more. First, The Banner was of purple, where the pictures of the Emperor and his Children were wrought in gold, and stones of wonderful value and beauty; above the cross beam, or traverse Staff of the Banner stood the two first Greek Capitals of Christs name, and on the point or top of the Launce or Staff Imperial was advanced a Crown of gold set with precious stones. All in honor of his miraculous conversion upon the apparition of the Cross.
Labdacism [...] (labdacismus) or rather lambdacismus, from the Greek Letter [...], or [...]) is when the Letter L is pronounced with too much force, as when one says, ellucet, for elucet.
Labefaction (labefactio) a weakening or enfeebling, a loosening or destroying.
Labial (from labium, a lip) pertaining to the lips.
Labile (labilis) unstable, unconstant, that will soon or or easily fall.
[Page] Laboriferous (laborifer) that takes pains, that endures labour, painful▪ difficult.
Laboriosity (laboriositas) painfulness, laboriousness, or laborosity.
Labrador (Spa.) a laborer, a Ploughman, a Country Swain.
Labrous (labrosus) that hath a brim, bank, or border; Also that hath great lips.
Labyrinth (labyrinthus) a Maze or intricate building, or place made with so many turnings, and windings, entries and doors, that whoever went into it, could never get out, without a perfect guide, or a thread to direct him, the end of which thread must be tied at the door where he enters. Some heathen Princes bestowed infinite charge in building such Labyrinths, whereof there were four principal ones in the world. The first in Egypt, near the Pool Mirios, made for a Sepulchre for their Kings, or (as some write) in honor of the Sun. The second in the Island of Candy, built by Daedalus at the command of King Minos. The third, in the Isle Lemnos. The fourth in Italy, built by Porsenna King of the Hetrurians, of free-stone, and vaulted, for his own Sepulchre.
Labyrinth, also signifies metaphorically any intricate or difficult matter.
Lacca (Arab.) a kind of red gum coming forth of certain trees in Arabia, and sold here by Apothecaries, good against diseases of the breast, and comfortable to the Liver. Painters also and Diers use it.
Lacerable (lacerabilis) that may be torn or rent in pieces.
Lacerate (lacero) to rent, tear or dismember.
Lacert (lacerta) a Lizard, or an Ewt, Evet, or Eft.
Lacession (lacessio) a provoking or stirring to anger.
Lachanopolist (lachanopoles) a seller of herbs.
Laches (from the Fr. Lasche, i. remiss, or slow) signifies, in our Common Law, negligence. As no Laches shall be adjudged in the heir within age. Littl fol. 336. and old nat. brev. fol 110.
Lachesis, one of the three Destinies; Atropos and Cloth [...] are the other two.
Lachrimable (lachrymabilis) lamentable, to be bewailed, or wept for.
Lachrymate (lachrymo) to weep, to drop with moisture.
Lachryma [...]ory, a place to weep in; also a Tear-bottle, sometimes buried with antient Urnes. Dr. Br. in his Hydriotaphia.
Lachrymae Christi, a kind of Wine so called, made at or near the Visuvian Mountain.
Laconical (laconicus) that speaks briefly or pithily. So
Laconiz [...], to imitate the Lacedaemonians either in short and pithy speech, or in hard life.
[Page] Laconism (laconismus) a short speech, containing much matter.
Lactary (lactarium) a Dairy-house; and may be used for a a Dairy-man, Milk-man, or Chees-monger. Br.
Lacteous (lacteus) of or like milk, whittish, milky.
Lactifical (lactificus) milk-breeding, milk-making, milk-yielding.
Ladanum. See Laudanum.
Lagophthalm [...] (lagophthalmia) a disease in the eyes, when one sleeps like a Hare with his eye-lids open, and cannot well shut them.
Lake, a fair red colour used by Painters.
Laical (laicus) belonging to the Laity, not of the Clergy.
Laire, the place where any Deer harbors by day; a term of hunting.
Lais, a famous Harlot of Corinth, who toook so great a price for the prostitution of her body, as made Demosthenes cry, Tanti non emam Lais poenitere, (I will not buy repentance so dear) and occasioned the old verse, ‘Non cuivis homini contingit adire Corinthum.’
Lambi [...]ive (from Lambo) that licketh with the tongue, or lappeth, that toucheth a thing softly. Br.
Lami [...]ae (Lat.) were spirits and specters of the female kind, called by some, Ladies of the Fairies.
Howbeit Div. Chrysostome saith, there are certain living creatures, or wilde beasts inhabiting the utmost and desert places of Africk, which from the face to the navel, were excellently beautiful, and their fashion was to lay open their Alabaster necks and breasts to the view of men, that so they might allure and draw them near, and then devoure them. And to this purpose the Prophet Jeremy saith, The Lamiae have discovered and drawn forth their brests, and shewn their dugs, Lam. 4. The Hebrew Doctors interpret them Devils of the Desert, in expounding that word of Isay, Tsijim ( Isa. 13,) that it should signifie Lamioe. Tr. of Specters.
Lammas day, the first of August, otherwise called the Gule or Yule of August, which may be a corruption of the Brittish word Gwyl Aw [...], signifying the Feast of August; or may come from Vincula, that day being called in Latin Festum St. Petri ad vincula. It is called Lammas day, because on that day after Mass, the Priests in former times were wont to make an end of gathering their Tithe Lambs. But Dr. Hammond, in his Resolution to six Queries. p. 465. derives it from the Sax. L [...]fmess, [Page] i.e. loaf-mass, or bread-mass; so named, as a Feast of thanksgiving to God for the first fruits of the Corn, and seems to have been observed with bread of new wheat; and accordingly it is a usuage in some places for Tenants to be bound to bring in wheat of that year to their Lord, on or before the first of August. Others say, it is a corruption of the Fr. Lien-mess, whick relates to Vincula.
Lamina (Lat.) a thin plate of any mettal, most commonly such as Sculpters use to engrave upon.
Lampasse or Lampreyes (Fr. Lampass) a disease in the mouth of a horse or beast; It is cured by burning with a hot iron.
Lanarious (lanarius) of or belonging to wooll.
Lanciferou [...] (lancifer) that bears a Lance; a Demilancer.
Lancepesado or Lancepresado (Fr. Lance-pessade) he that commands over ten Soldiers, the lowest Officer in a Foot Company.
Landcape, an end of land that stretcheth further into the Sea then other parts of the Continent.
Landgrave or Landsgrave (Belg. Landtgrave, Landtgraef; landt, i.e. terra, and grave or graef, i. comes, q. Comes terrae vel regionis ab Imperatore dono datae) the Earl or Count of a Province, whereof in Germany there are four.
Langraviate, that Region or Country, which belongs to a Landgrave, such is that of Hessia in Germany.
Landloper (Belg. Landelooper) a Vagabond, or a Rogue that runs up and down the Country. Bac. Hen. 7.
Landskip (Belg.) Parergon, Paisage, or By-work, which is an expressing the Land, by Hills, Woods, Castles, Valleys, Rivers, Cities, &c. as far as may be shewed in our Horizon. All that in a Picture which is not of the body or argument, is Landskip, Parergon, or By-work. As in the Table of our Saviours Passion, the picture of Christ on the Rood (which is the antient English word for Cross) the two Theeves, the blessed Virgin Mary, and St. John, are tht Argument: But the City Jerusalem, the Country about, the clouds, and the like, are Landskip. El. Arm.
Langate. See Magdaleon.
Langued, a term in Heraldry, as Langued Gules, whose tongue is red, from the Fr. langue, a tongue.
Languid (languidus) faint, weak, feeble, sick, of little estimation.
Languifical (languificus) that makes faint or weak.
Languor (Lat.) faintness, feebleness, want of spirit
Laniferous (lanifer) that bears Wooll or Cotton.
Lanifical (lanificus) that makes or weaves woollen [Page] cloth, pertaining to the working in wooll.
Lanionious (lanionius) of or belonging to a Butcher.
Lanipendious (lanipendius) that spins or makes Yarn, that weighs wooll.
Lanuginous (lanuginosus) mossy, covered with Cotton or soft hair, soft like Wooll or Cotten.
Lantgrave. See Landgrave.
Laodicean, pertaining to the City Laodicea in Phrygia Pacatiana, where a Council was held in the year 320 under Pope Silvester, and not about the year 364 under Liberius, as by some affirmed, and is called the Laodicean Council.
Lapicide (lapicida) a digger or hewer of stones; a Stone-cutter or Free-Mason.
Lapidable (lapidabilis) that may be stoned.
Lapidary (lapidarius) a Jeweller, or one that works with or in stones, or that sells, polishes, or is skil'd in stones.
Lapidarious (lapidarius) pertaining to stones.
Lapidation (lapidatio) stoning; One of the four sorts of death among the Jews; the other were Burning, Beheading and Strangling. See Moses and Aaron. p. 198.
Lapideous (lapideus) hard like a stone, stony.
Lapidescence (from lapidesco) a waxing hard like a stone.
Lapidifical (lapidificus) that makes or breeds stones.
Lapidification, a making stony, or hard like a stone.
Lappacean (lappaceus) of or like a bur.
Lappise, a term of hunting, when Hounds open their mouthes in the Liam or string, or a Greyhound in his course.
Lapse (lapsus) a fall, sliding, or a slip. In our Laws it is a slip or departure of a right of presenting to a void Benefice, from the original Patron, neglecting to present within six moneths to the Ordinary; For we say that Benefice is in lapse or lapsed, whereunto he that ought to present, hath omitted or slipped his opportunity. Ann. 13. Eliz. cap. 12. &c.
Laqueary (laquear) the roof of a Chamber vaulted.
Larceny (from the French Larcin, i. theft) is defined by West. part. 2. Symb. tit. Inditements, to be theft of personal Goods or Chattels in the owners absence; and in respect of the things stoln, it is either great or small. Great Larceny is, when the things stoln, though severally, exceed the value of twelve pence; and Petit Larceny is, when the Goods stoln exceed not the value of twelve pence. Hitherto Mr. West. But he differs from Bracton lib. 3. Tract. 2. ca. 32. num. 1. Of this see more in Stawnf. Pl. Cor. l. 1. ca. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
Lare (Lar) an Idol that the Heathens worshipped; [Page] sometimes taken for a god of the fields or ways, sometimes for a domestick or home-god; a familiar spirit.
Largess (Fr.) bounty, liberality; handfuls of money cast among people, or a Donative bestowed on Souldiers.
Largifical (largificus) that bestows bountifully, that gives frankly, liberal.
Largiloquent (largiloquus) full of words, that is liberal of his tongue.
Largitional (largitionalis) an Officer that looks to the bestowing of gifts.
Larval (larvalis) belonging to a night-spirit, goblin or masker, haggish, ghastly, dreadful.
Lascivate (from lascivia) to play the wanton, to give ones self to lust and lechery.
Lascivious (lascivus) wanton in behaviour, dishonest, lecherous, womanish.
Laske (laxitas intestinorum) the looseness of the inward guts, the Wherry-go-nimble, a Flux.
Lassitude (lassitudo) weariness, laziness, a disease like the Green-sickness. Br.
Last (Sax.) signifies a burden in general, as also particularly a certain weight; for as we say a Last of Herrings, so they say Ein last Corns, Last Wines, &c. thence comes Lastage, which see in Lestage. A Last of Herrings contains ten thousand. An. 31. Ed. 3. Stat. 2. ca. 2. A Last of Pitch and Tar, or of Ashes contains fourteen Barrels, An. 32. H. 8. ca. 14. A Last of Hides An. 1. Jac. ca. 33. contains twelve dozen of Hides or Skins. A Last of Corn is ten Quarters. Dalton.
Latebrous (latebrosus) that is full of holes, and dens to hide in.
Latent (latens) lurking, hiding, or lying hid.
Lateran, one of the Popes Pallaces in Rome, so called from Lateranus, a Partician of Rome, whose house was given by Constantine to the Pope and his Successors, and so continues.
Lateral (lateralis, à latus) belonging to the side.
Lateral motions are movings to a side, contradistinguished from Circular motions, which mount upright, or descend downward.
Laterality, the side-being, or being side-ways of a thing.
Lateritious (lateritius) made of brick, or like brick.
Latifolious (latifolius) that hath broad leaves or folio's.
Lation (latio) a carrying, bearing, ordaining, giving.
Latirostrous (from latus and rostrum) that hath a broad or flat bill, Latirostrous birds are Ducks, Geese, and such like. Dr. Brown.
Latitancy (from latito) a lying hid, a lurking. Br.
Latitat (the third person of latito, to lye hid) is the name of a Writ, whereby all [Page] men in personal actions are called originally to the Upper Bench. Fitz. nat. br. fol. 78. M. And it hath the name from this, because in respect of their better expedition, a man is supposed to lurk, so as not to be found upon a former Writ; and therefore being served with this Writ, he must put in security for his appearance at the day; for Latitare, est se malitiose occultare animo fraudandi creditores suos agere volentes. L. Fulcinius.
Latitude (latitudo) breadth, largeness, wideness, prolonging in speech.
In Geography the latitude of a place is the Arch of a Meridian contained between the Equinoctial, and the Zenith of the place that was given. The latitude of a Star is the Arch of a great circle, drawn by the Poles of the Ecliptic, contained between the Star and the Ecliptic. Wrights use of the Sphear.
Latomy (latomia) a Quarry of stones.
Latonian (latonius) belonging to Latona, on whom Jupiter (say the Poets) begot Apollo and Diana; hence we use Latonian lights, for the Sun and Moon ( Latona's children.)
Lator (Lat.) a bearer, a Porter, a Messenger.
Latrocination (latrocinatio) theft, robbery.
Lavatory (lavatorium) a vessell or place to wash in; such is that at the Buttery door of the Inner Temple, where the Gentlemen wash their hands; also a Laundry.
Lauds (laudes) praises; but more particularly, they are a part of those prayers used by Roman Catholicks, called our Ladies Office, or of the Priests Office, which is between the Nocturns and the Hours. They are called Lauds from the Psalms, Laudate Dominum de coelis, &c. and Laudate Dominum in sanctis ejus, &c. therein contained, &c. Vide Primer.
Laudanum, Ladanum▪ or Labdanum (Lat. Ladanum) a sweet-smelling transparent Gum, gathered from the leaves of Cistus Ledon a shrub, of which they make Pomanders; it smels like wine mingled with Spices. It is hot and dry, and being annointed on the head with oyl of Myrtles, it strengthens the skin, and keeps hair from falling off.
Laudative (laudativus) of or belonging to commendation, wherein praise is contained; sometimes used substantively.
Lave (lavo) to wash, to rinse, to purge.
Laverna, a Goddess to whom Theeves were wont to supplicate.
Launcelot or Lancelot (from lan [...]ea) a Fleam or Chyrurgeons Instrument which is used in letting blood; also a mans name.
[Page] Launcepesado. See Lancepesado.
Lavolta (Ital.) a Dance so called; also a course held in sailing or wandring. See Volta.
Laureate or Laureated (laureatus) crowned with Laurel, wearing a Garland of Bayes. Laureated letters, were Letters bound up in Bay leaves, which the Roman Generals sent to the Senate, when their contents were Victory and Conquest, newly by them obtained.
Laurel (laurus) a Bay-tree. In antient Rome the Triumphers used to be crowned with Laurel, and the Captain that triumphed carried a branch of it in his hand. So is the Triumph of Scipio Affricanus described by Appianus Alexandrinus, Plin. lib. 6. The Laurel was consecrated to Apollo, because on mount Parnassus there grew great store of it. Some affirm it has the property not to be hurt by lightning, therefore the Cock resorts thereto in Tempests, as Natural Historians testifie; conform to which, is the Imprese of him, who caused to be painted a Cock under a Laurel with this Motto, SIC EVITABILE FƲLMEN.
Lauriferous (laurifer) that beareth Bays or Lawrel.
Law of Arms (jus militare) is a Law that gives precepts and rules how rightly to proclaim War, to make and observe Leagues and Truce, to set upon the enemy, to retire, to punish offenders in the Camp, to appoint Souldiers their pay, to give every one dignity to his desert, to divide spoils in proportion, and such like: for further knowledge whereof read those that write de Jure Belli.
Laws of t [...]e Twelve Tables. See in Tables.
Lawless man, is he qui est extra legem, an Out-law. Bract. l. 3. tract. 2. c. 11. num. 1.
Law of Marqu [...] or Mart: This word is used 27. Ed. 3. Stat. 2. c. 17. and grows from the German word March. i. limes, a bound or limit. And the reason of this appellation is, because they that are driven to this Law of Reprizal, take the Goods of that people (of whom they have received wrong and can get no ordinary Justice) when they can catch them within their own Territories or Precincts. See Reprisal and Marque.
Law Merchant, is a Priviledge or special Law, differing from the Common Law of England, and proper to Merchants, and summary in proceeding. An. 27. Ed. 3. Stat. 8, 9, 19, and 20. An. 13. Ed. 1. Stat. 3.
Lawing of Dogs. See Expeditate. Mastiffs must be lawed every three years. Crom. Jurisd. fol. 163.
Laxation (laxatio) an easing, releasing or freeing.
[Page] Laxity (laxitas) loosness, wildness, liberty.
Lazer (so called of Lazarus mentioned in the Gospel) a poor man full of soars and scabs.
Lazule [...] (lazulus) a blewish stone, a kind of marble, of which they make the colour Azure; it is sometimes also used in Physick, and is in operation hot and dry.
Lazzareto (Ital.) an Hospital for sick folks, a Pest-house.
League (Ital. and Span. legua, Lat. leuca, from the Gr. leucos, i. white, because they did in old time, pitch white stones at every leagues end from the City.) The difference of miles in several Countries is great, but it will be enough to know, that the Italian and English are reckoned all for one (though some hold the Italian to be the lesser) and four of these make a German mile, two a French league, three and somewhat more a Spanish league; the Swedish or Danish mile consists of five English miles, and somewhat more; a league at Sea is usually held to be three English miles.
Leander, a young man of Abidos who was in love with Hero.
Lectern or Lectorn, with Chaucers Interpreter, is a Desk; I suppose he means a Reading-Desk in a Church, which in old Latin is called Lectrinum.
Lectistern (lectisternium) was (among the antient Romans) the solemn Ceremony of trimming and setting out a bed not for repose, but repast, wherein they laid the Images of their Gods, reared upon Bolsters and Pillows; The principal whereof was that in the honour of Jupiter at the Epulum Jovis, whereon Jupiter was laid; Juno and Minerva sitting on either side by him. Livie.
Lector (Lat.) a Reader.
Lecture, a Reading.
Leero, corruptly from Lyra, is a way of tuning, or playing on the Viol, different from that of Alphonso.
Leet, Is otherwise called a Law day. Smith de Repub. Angl. lib. 2. ca. 18. This Court in whose Mannor soever it is kept, is accounted the Kings Court, and is commonly held every half year, &c. See more Kitch. fol. 6.
Legacy. See Devise.
Legality (legalitas) the keeping the Law; also lawfulness.
Legation (legatio) an Embassage, the Office of an Embassador.
Legate (legatus) an Embassador, an Orator, a Leiger; The Popes Embassador hath most usually this tittle. See Nuntio.
Legatary (legatarius) the party to whom a Legacy is given or made.
Legend (from lego) a writing; also the words that are about the edge of a peece of [Page] coyn, The golden Legend, so called, is a book of the lives of Saints.
Legerdemain (Fr. Legier de main, i. light of hand (swiftness of hand; cousenage, Hocus, Pocus tricks.
Legible (legibilis) that may be read.
Legiferous (legifer) that makes or gives Laws.
Legion (legio) an Army or Band of men. At first Romulus his Legion consisted of 3000 footmen and 300 horse, after of 4200 foot, and 300 horse, and after that 5000 foot, and 300 horse. Isid 9.3. saith, a Legion consisted of 6000 armed men, which number is seldom or never exceeded, as it appears by Sigonius de jure Rom. l. 1. cap. 15. The Romans did very seldom enroll into their universal Army, above four Legions, and in an ordinary Legion, ten Cohorts, every Cohort containing three Maniples, every Maniple two Centuries, every Century 100 Soldiers. Goodw. p. 175.
Legionary (legionarius) of or pertaining to a Legion.
Legislator (Lat.) a Law-giver or Law-maker.
Legislative (legislatus) that hath power or authority to make or give Laws.
Legister (Lat.) a Lawyer. Chaucer.
Legitimate (legitimus) lawful, right, meet, just.
Leguminous (from legumen) belonging to pulse or pease.
Leman (pallaca) a married mans Concubine.
Lemnian (lemnius) pertaining to the Isle Lemnos; Lemnian-earth is Vermilion, or Red-earth.
Lenity (lenitas) softness, smoothness, meekness, easiness to please.
Lenitude, the same.
Lenitive, that is apt to soften, asswage, or pacifie.
Lenonian (lenonius) belonging to a Bawd.
Lentiginous (lentiginosus) that is full of freckles, or pimples like Lentils.
Lentil (lens) a kind of small pulse, growing in hot Countries, round and flat, of colour sometimes black, sometimes white, and sometimes brown; being boyled but once, they loose the belly, but at the second boyling in another water, they are of a binding nature, being then good to stop the bloody Flux, or any looseness of the body.
Lentiscine (lentiscinus) of or belonging to the Mastick tree.
Lent (Sax.) The Spring-Fast; a time of fasting for forty days next before Easter; so called from Lenct-mona [...], or length moneth, by which name the old Saxons called March, because then the days began first to exceed the nights in length: And they call this Fast, Lent, from the name of the said moneth, because the most part of it falls within the [Page] compass of this month. Verst.
Lent was first commanded to be observed in England by Ercombert, the seventh King of Kent before the year of our Lord 800. Sir Rich. Bakers Chron. fol. 7. But Mr. Fuller says the first Lent kept in England was in the year 640. Cent. 7. fo. 81.
Lentisk (lentiscus) a tree growing in divers hot Countries, which bears the notable Gum called Mastick: Its Leaves and Bark stop all loosness and issues of blood.
Lentour (lentor) a clammy or glewish humor. Bac.
Lentous (lentus) soft, tender, pliant, or limber; idle.
Lenvoy (from the Fr. Envoy, or L'envoy) a message or sending; also the conclusion of a Sonnet or Ballade, in a short Stanza by it self, and serving often times as a dedication or repetition of the whole. Cot.
Leonine (leoninus) of or pertaining to a Lion, Lion-like.
Lepid (lepidus) neat, pleasant, jocund, of a good grace.
Lepidity (lepiditas) delectableness, or good grace in speech.
Leporean Leporine (leporinus) of or pertaining to an Hare; delicate, delicious.
Leprosity, full of the Leprosie or leprous disease.
Lernean (lerneus) of or belonging to the water-Serpent called Lerna.
Lesion (laesio) a hurting or annoying.
Lesbian Rule or Square, The Lesbians were such perfect work-men, that they made Rules and Squares by their work, and not their work by the rule, and hence the phrase. Dub.
Lestage or Lastage (from the Saxon Last, i. onus) is a custom challenged in Fairs and Markets for carrying of things. Rastals Exposition of words: Or a custom challenged in Cheapings or Fairs. Saxon in the description of England, ca. 11. Lastage. An. 27. R. 2. ca. 18. seems to be the ballance or Ballast of a Ship, and so the French use it. Fleta terms it Lesting, saying, Quod significat acquietantiam Lestagii. lib. 1. ca. 47.
Lessee, Lessor, terms in our Law; Lessee is he to whom the Lease is made for term of years, life or will; and the Lessor, he that Leaseth, or makes the Lease.
Lesses (Fr.) the dung of a ravenous beast, as Bear, Bore, or Wolf.
Lessian, pertaining to Lessius, a modern Writer, who wrote a Rule of severe temperance, wherein he prescribed fourteen ounces every day, whence that is called a Lessian Diet.
Lestrigons (lestrigones) a kind of Giants or fierce people of Sicily, often mentioned in Homers Odysses.
[Page] Lethal (lethalis) mortal, deadly, noysom, pestilent.
Lethality (lethalitas) mortality, frailty.
Lethargy (lethargus) a disease contrary to Frensie; for, as Frensie is caused by hot Humors inflaming the Brain; Lethargy is by cold Flegmatick Humors oppressing it in such sort that the Patient can do nothing but sleep, whereby he becomes forgetful, with loss (in a manner) of Reason, and all the Senses. This disease is by some called the Drowsie evil.
Lethargick (lethargicus) pertaining to, or sick of that disease; also dull, sleepy, forgetful.
Lethe (Gr.) a feigned River of Hell, the water whereof being drunk, causeth forgetfulness of all that is past; Hence it is used for Oblivion or forgetfulness.
Lethean (letheus) forgetful Also Lethean (from Laetheus) deadly, mortal, pestiferous.
Lethiferous (lethifer) that bringeth death, deadly.
Letifical (letificus) that maketh glad, or rejoyceth.
Letters of Mart. See Law of Marque.
Letters Patents. See Patent.
Levant (Fr.) the East, the East wind or Country.
Levant, and Couchant, is a Law term, when a strangers Cattel have been feeding and lying down in another mans ground, or have remained there a good space of time.
Levation (levatio) an easing, or diminishing of grief or pain.
Leucophlegmatick (leucophlegmaticus) a dropsie arising from white Flegm.
Level-Cotle (from the Fr. leuer le Cul, i. to raise or remove the Buttock) is when three play at Tables, or other Game, where onely two can play at a time, and the loser removes his Buttock and sits out, and therefore called also Hitch-Buttock.
Levigation (laevigatio) a levelling, smothing, or making plain.
Levisomnous (levisomnus) watchful, soon waked.
Leviathan (Hebr.) a great water-Serpent, or a kind of Whale; Sometimes it is taken for the Devil.
Levites (Levitae, ex filiis Levi) those of the Tribe of Levi in the old Law, which Tribe was particularly allotted for the Church, and whose maintenance was from the Tenths, First-fruits, Offerings, and Sacrifices of the people; Josh. 18.17. The Priesthood of the Lord was their inheritance. There were of them four kinds. First, Punies, or Tirones, who from their childhood to the five and twentieth year of their age, learned the duties of their Offices. Secondly, Graduates, who having spent four years in the [Page] study of the Law, were able to answer and oppose in it. Thirdly, Licentiates, who did actually exercise the Priestly function. And fourthly, Doctors ( Rabbins they used to call them) who were the highest in degree.
Levi had three Sons, Gershon, Cohath and Merari, and accordingly the whole company of the Levites were distinguisht into three Orders, Gershonites, Coathites, and Merarites. Moses and Aaron, p. 19.
Lexicon (Gr.) a Dictionary of words; a vocabulary.
Lex talionis. See Talion, and Retaliate.
Libament or Libation (libamen) a Sacrifice, any thing tasted and offered; especially liquid things.
Libanomancy (libanomantia) Divination by Incense or Frankincense.
Libe [...] (libellus) literally signifies a little book; but by use it is the original Declaration of any Action in the Civil Law▪ An. 2. H. 5. ca. 3. and A. 2. Ed. 6. ca. 13. It signifies also a defamatory Scrol, slanderous writing or invective of any man cast abroad, or otherwise unlawfully published, but then for distinction sake it is called an infamous Libel, famosus Libellus.
Libertinage (Fr.) Epicurism, sensuality, licentiousness, dissoluteness.
Libertine (libertinus) one that is manumitted, or one that is born of him that was once bound, and is now free, a freeman; also one of loose life, or careless of Religion.
Libertinism, Libertinage, or Libertinity (libertinitas) the state of him that of Bond is made free; Licentiousness, Epicurism. In Divinity it is thus defined. Libertinism is nothing else but a false liberty of belief and manners, which will have no other dependence but on peculiar fancy and passion. It is a strange monster, whereof it seems Job made description under the figure of Behemoth; as much to say, as a creature composed of all sorts of beasts, of which it bears the name, Iob 40. Causs. in his Maxims.
Libethrides (Dict. à Lebethra Magnesiae fonte) the Muses so called.
Libidinist (from libido, inis) a Sensualist, or one that gives himself over to lust or unlawful desires. Felth.
Libidinous (libidinosus) lustful, lascivious, incontinent.
Libidinosity (libidinositas) lustfulness, lasciviousness, luxury, incontinency.
Libitude (libitudo) will, pleasure. Ad libitum, at will or pleasure.
Libitina, the Goddess of funerals, and after a sort the superintendent of Sepulchres, in whose Temple were all things to be sold necessary for the interring and burial of the dead; whereupon they also who [Page] were employed to carry forth and bury Corps, were called Libitinarians, as well as Vespilons. Livie.
Libra (Lat.) the ballance, or one of the twelve Signs of the Zodiack. This Sign is so called, because when the Sun enters it, the day is in equal ballance with the night, not one longer or shorter then another. Virg. Geor. 1.
Libral (libralis) that is or pertains to a pound weight, or measure; also belonging to the Sign Libra.
Librarious (librarius) pertaining to books.
Licanthropy ( licanthropia, or lycanthropia) a frenzy, or melancholy, wherewith some being haunted, think themselves turned into Wolves, fly the company of men, and hide themselves in caves and holes, howling like Wolves.
Licentiate (licentiatus) one that hath licence in any Faculty; most used in Divinity. In the Common Law, an Utter-Barrister. Before he comes to be a Licentiate in the Civil Law, he must have studied five years: Also the third degree among the Levites. See Levites.
Licentious (licentiosus) rash, unruly, dissolute.
Lich-fowle, the reputed unlucky Night-Raven, so cal [...]ed, from the Saxon Lic or Lick, i. a dead corps; Country people by corruption call these Scritch-Owles, or Lich-Owls.
Licitation (licitatio) a setting out to sale; a prizing or cheapening.
Licite (licitus) lawful, granted.
Lictor (Lat.) a Sergeant, There were twelve Lictors or Sergeants among the antient Romans, who, with bundles of Rods and Axes, always went before the Magistrate, so called (as Fastus thinks) quod fasces virgarum ligatos ferant.
Lictorian (lictorius) pertaining to a Sergeant or Lictor.
Lief- [...]ebber (Dutch) a Lover, Bishop Derrys Answer to Militiere.
Liege (from the Ital liga, a League or Obligation) is a word borrowed from the Feudists, and has two significations in our Common Law, sometimes being used for Liege Lord, An. 34. and 35. H. 8 ca. 1. and An. 35. ejusdem, ca. 3. And sometimes for Leige man, An. 10. R. a. ca. 1. and An. 11. ejusdem, ca. 1. Leige Lord, is he that acknowledges no Superior. Duarenus in commentar de consuetud. Feudorum, ca. 4. nu. 3. Liege-man is he that ows Ligeancy to his Liege Lord. See more of this in Skene de verborum significatione, verbo Ligiantia.
Ligeancy (ligeantia) is such a [Page] duty or fealty as no man may owe or bear to more then one Lord. See Skene num. 4. This word is used in the Statutes of our Realm as the Kings Liege people. An. 14. H. 8. ca. 2.
Ligation Ligature (ligatio) a binding, also the tongue-tying in children especially.
Ligament (ligamentum) a ty-band or string: especially the insensible string that is seated either within or near a joynt, and is termed by Anatomists, a Ligament, and is between a Cartilage and a Membrane, appointed firmly to knit the joynts.
Ligneous Lignean (ligneus) of wood or timber, wooden, full of wood.
Lignicide (lignicida) a wood-cutter.
Lignum-vitae (Lat.) the wood called Aloes, by the Arabians Calambuco, which for its sweet savor is valued at its weight in pure Silver, as being not onely serviceable for the pompous Funerals of Princes, but also for Bathes. And with the Indians (among whom it grows) it is held an unparallel'd medicine for many dangerous maladies. Heil.
Ligue (Fr.) a League or Confederacy, a Complot or Combination of sides or parties which have been divided, an Agreement made, or Alliance contracted.
Ligurion (ligurio) a devouter, a spend-thrift.
Ligurition (liguritio) a gluttonous devouring; immoderate appetite.
Lilith, was held by the Jews to be a kind of she-Devil, that killed children. Clossa Talm. in Nidda. fol. 24. b.
Limaceous (from limacia) snaily, snail-like, full of, or resembling a snail.
Limation (limatio) a filing or polishing.
Limenark (limenarcha) the Warden or Governor of a Port.
Liminarie (Fr. liminaire) set before the entry or at the beginning of, dedicatory, forerunning. Cot.
Limosity (limositas) abundance of mud, muddiness.
Limous (limosus) full of mud or slime, muddy. Br.
Limpid (limpidus) clear, bright, pure, transparent.
Limpitude Limpidity (limpiditas) clearness, brightness.
Linament (linamentum) linnen thread, lint, a tent for a wound.
Lincolns-Inn, one of the four Inns of Court, and in antiquity next the Temples; it was for the most part purchased of Sir Edw. Suliard of Essex, by the Benchers and Gentlemen of that house; But it took denomination from Sir H. Lacy Earl of Lincoln; to whom part of this House was given by Edw. the first. See more in Stow. Chron. p. 1072.
Lineament (lineamentum) [Page] the feature or proportion of the face or of any other part, a line drawn in painting.
Linear (linearis) pertaining to a line, lineal.
Linguacity (linguacitas) talkativeness, verbosity.
Linigerous (liniger) that beareth flax or linnen.
Liniment (linimentum) a thin ointment.
Linosity (linositas) abundance of flax.
Lintearious (lintearius) of or belonging to linnen.
Lintel (from the Fr. Linteau) the head-piece of a door, the upper posts.
Lippitude (lippitudo) a dropping, waterishness or bloodshot of the eyes, blearedness of the eyes.
Lipothymie (lipothymia) a fainting or souning, when the vital spirits being suddenly oppressed, a man sinks down as if he were dead. Hist. of K. Cha.
Liquable (liquabilis) which may melt, or become soft, or liquid.
Liquation (liquatio) a melting.
Liquefaction (liquefactio) a melting, or making soft, or liquid, a dissolving.
Liquescency, the same.
Liquid (liquidus) soft, moist, wet, pure, clear.
Liquids (liquidae) are four (viz.) L, M, N, R, and so called, Quia pronunciatione liquescunt ore, &c. because in the pronunciation they melt as it were, or become liquid in the mouth, and are more softly uttered then other Consonants. Min.
Liquidate (liquido) to make moist or clear.
Litany (litania) an humble supplication or prayer; the Gr. from whence the word is derived, importing as much.
Literality (from litera) learning, knowledge of letters.
Literature (literatura) learning, cunning, grammer, knowledge of letters.
Litargy or Lithargy (lithargyros) white lead, or the foam that riseth from lead, when tried. It is cold of operation, and used by Chyrurgeons in oyntments and Plaisters, being of a gentle, drying, clensing, and binding nature.
Lithomancy (lithomantia) divination by casting Pibble stones, or by the Lode-stone, whereby, as Tretzes in his Chiliads delivers, Helenus the Prophet foretold the destruction of Troy.
Lithotomy (lithotomia) a Masons Work-house, or Quarry; also a Prison. Dr. Br.
Lithontri [...]tick (from the Gr. [...], lapis, & [...], tritus) that wears, breaks, or cuts a stone. Dr. Br.
Litigatio [...] (litigatio) a strife, a suit or pleading.
Litigious (litigiosus) contentious, full of strife, wrangling.
Litispendence (litispendentia) the hanging of a suit, till it be tried or decided.
[Page] Litoral Litorean (litoralis) of or belonging to the Sea-side or shore.
Liturate (lituro) to blot with the pen, to dash out.
Liturgy (liturgia) publick service, or a form of publick prayers.
Liturgick (liturgicus) pertaining to such a Liturgy; ministerial.
Livery (Fr. Liurée) hath several significations. 1. It is used for a Noble or Gentlemans Cloth, or colours worn by his Servants or Followers, with Cognizance or without. A. 1. R. 2 c. 7. & A. 20. ejus. c. 1, 2. A. 8. H. 6. c. 4. A. 8. E. 4. c. 3. &c. 2. It signifies a delivery of possession. 3. It is the Writ which lies for the heir to obtain the possession or seisin of his lands at the Kings hands, which see in Fitzh. nat. br. fol. 155. Also we call that a Livery stable, where strangers horses are admitted at an allowance of so much by the week, or by the day and night for Hay and Oats. And this sence the Fr. Liurée does also bear, as Liurée des Chanoines, for their Corady, stipend or daily allowance in victuals or money.
Livery of Seisin (deliberatio seisinae) is a delivery of possession of Land or Tenement, or other things. West. part. 1. Symbol. lib. 2. Sect. 169. calls this a Ceremony in the Common Law, used in the conveyance of Lands or Tenements, &c. where you may see the usual form of it set down.
Livid (lividus) black and blew, wan, of the colour of lead; also malicious, envious, backbiting.
Lividity (lividitas) blewness, the colour appearing upon a stroke, a dead, earthly, leaden colour.
Livor (Lat.) a black and blew mark in a body, coming of a stroke or blow; also blackness of the eyes coming of humors; also envy, malice.
Lixiviated (from lixivia) of or like, or washed with Lee or Lye, made of ashes. Dr. Br.
Lixor (Lat.) a Water-bearer.
Lizard (lacertus) a little beast much like our Evet, but without poyson, breeding in Italy and other hot Countries; whose dung is good to take away spots in the eye, and clear the sight; And its head being bruised and laid to, draws out thorns or any thing sticking in the flesh.
Lobbe, is a great kind of North-Sea-fish. An. 31. Ed. 3. Stat. 3. ca. 2.
Local (localis) pertaining to a place. It signifies in our Common Law, as much as tyed or annexed to a place certain. Example, the thing is local and annexed to the freehold, Kitch. fol. 180.
Locality (localitas) the being of a thing in a place.
Location (locatio) a placing or setting in a place; Also a [Page] letting out to hire, or setting out work by the great.
Loche. See Lohoc.
Lococession (from locus and cedo) a giving place.
Locomotion ( locus and motio) a moving or stirring from one place to another. Dr. Br.
Loculament (loculamentum) a little place of bords made with holes for Pigeons or Conies; a Coffin for a Book; also the several places wherein the seeds lye, as in Poppy heads. Dr. Charl.
Locuplicity (locuplicitas) abundance of wealth.
Locuplete (locuples) rich, wealthy, well-stored.
Locust (locusta) a kind of flying insect, or Fly (which the French term Cigale) of which we have none in England. See Dr. Brown in his Vul. Err. lib. 5. ca. 3. There were divers kinds of these; some hurtful and venemous, others comodious for meat, Mat. 3.4. His meat was locusts, which some conceive to be the tops of herbs and plants.
Lodemanage, is the hire of a Pilot for conducting a ship from one place to another, and comes from the Dutch Loot, i. lead, and in the same Dutch, the Pilot is called Lootsman or Pi [...]loo [...], the man of lead, or casting out his lead to save the Ship from danger. Min.
Chaucer would have this word signifie the skill or art of Navigation. See Pilot.
Lodestar, a Star that guides Mariners, the north star.
Lodestone (magnes) a stone of the colour of rusty iron, which hath an admirable vertue not onely to draw iron to it self, but to make any iron on which it is rubbed, to draw iron also. This stone is found in the Indian Sea, and in the Country Trachonitis; and is of greatest use in Navigation; For by it Saylers find out the certain course of their Voyage, the needle in the Compass, tempered herewith, still standing directly towards the North and South. Read more of this stone in Dr. Br. Vul. Err. l. 2. c. 2.
Locution (locutio) a saying or speaking.
Lod [...]works, one of the works belonging to the Stanaries in Cornwal, for which see Cam. Brit. in the title Cornwal. See Stremeworks.
Log, the name of an Hebrew measure, as the Sextarius Atticus was among the Greeks.
Logarithmes (logarithmi) a term in Mathematicks, signifying numbers, which, being fitted to proportional numbers, retain always equal differences. Wingate.
Logick (logica) the Art of Logick, the Art of reasoning or disputing. Logick (according to my Lord Bacon) professes the preparation and contrivance of Aids and Forces for the understanding. Arts Logical or intellectual [Page] are four; Art of Enquiry or Invention; Art of Examination or Judgement; Art of Custody or Memory; and Art of Elocution or Tradition, &c. See his Advancement of Learning, fol. 218, 219.
Logician (logicus) one skilled or learned in the Art of Logick.
Logism, the due and judicious understanding of a thing formerly considered and esteemed of, according to reason. Cot.
Logist (logista) he that causeth presidents or notable [...]ayings to be registred, a caster of accounts. The Logists among the Athenians (saith Harpocration) were ten men, elected out of the Tribes, to whom all such as had ended their Office of Magistracy (within thirty days of their Authorities expiration) were to render an account of all such affairs as they had then administration of; They not onely kept account of the moneys, but of all other matters that appertained to the Kings revenue, &c.
Logistick (logistice) the Art of counting or reckoning, the practice of Arithmetick, or that part thereof which contains Addition, Substraction, Multiplication and Division.
Logographers (logographi) Lawyers Clerks, they that write Pleas and Causes in the Law or Books of Accompt.
Logomachy (logomachia) a contention in, or strife about words, a verbal altercation.
Lohoch or Loch, a Physical word, and is a thick Syrrup, or other soft substance, or confection, which must not be swallowed, but suffered to melt of it self in the mouth, that so it may gently slide down, and thereby have the more vertue against diseases of the Brest, Lungs and throat. Culpepper says, it is an Arabick word, and simply signifies a thing to be licked up.
Lollard [...] (Lollardi) a Sect that abounded in England in the days of Edw. 3. and Hen. 5 An. 2. H. 5. ca. 7. of these read Stows Annals p. 425. Tritemius, in his Chronicle, deduces the name from one Gualter Lolhard, a German, as the first author of that Sect, living about the year 1315. And Chilian says, Lollardus fuit Alexianus Monachus, & Lollardus quoque dicitur Haereticus Valdersis. These Lolhards were much consenting with the Wicklevites in opinions; they began in time of P. Innocent the sixth, and Charles the fourth Emperor of that name, (says another Author.) See their Tenets in B. Spotswoods hist. of Scotl. fol. 61.
As for the word Lollard retained in our Statutes since the Reformation, it seems now as a generical name, to signifie such who in their opinions oppose the setled Religion [Page] of the Land, in which sence the Sheriffs are bound by their oath to suppress them.
Lombardeer, an Usurer or Broaker; so called from the Lombards, a people of the hither part of Italy, who were great Usurers; they were called Lombards alias Longobards from their long Beards which they wore. Hence our word Lumbar, which signifies refuse Housholdstuff.
Lombard, is also, by the same reason, used for a bank for Usury or Pawns; Hence Lombardstreet, which is still full of Goldsmiths, and Moneyers. See Causines.
Lome (lutum) dirt, mud, or morter.
Longevity (longaevitas) long or old age.
Longanimity (longanimitas) long-suffering, patience, forbearance. In Divinity it is thus defined; Longanimity is an untired confidence of mind in respecting the good things of the life to come.
Longinquity (longinquitas) long distance of place, length of time, continuance, long lasting, or long life.
Longitude (longitudo) length of place, time or any other thing. The Longitude of a Star is the arch of the Ecliptick, contained between the beginning of Aries, and the circle of the stars latitude. In Geography the longitude of a place is the arch of the Equinoctial Circle contained between two Meridians, whereof one goes by the Canary Islands, the other by the place that is given. Wrights use of the Sphear.
Lootsman. See Pilot and Lodomenage.
Loquacity (loquacitas) much talking, babling, or prating.
Loray-Law. In the Memorials of the Chamber of Accounts in France, is found an Article to this effect. Si homines de Loraico vadia duelli temere dederint, &c. If a combate were once accepted, and after, by consent of the Lord of the Fee, were taken up, each of the parties should pay 2 s. 6 d. But if it we performed, then the party vanquished should forfeit 112 s. and upon this custom grew the French Proverb, when any man has had a hard and unjust Judgement, they say he was tried by the Law of Loray or Bern, ou Ie batu paye l' amends, where the vanquished gives the recompence. Sir W. Ral.
Lordane. See Lourdain.
Lore (Sax. Late) doctrine or learning.
Loricated (loricatus) armed with a coat of Mail or Brigandine. Dr. Charl.
Lorimets (Fr. Lormier) A. 1. R. 2. ca. 12. is one of the Companies of London, that make bits for horse bridles, spurs, and such like small iron work; The name seems to be taken from the Lat. Lorum, [Page] and is elsewhere written Loriners.
Loseng (Sax.) Herbert Bp. of Thetford (after of Norwich) A. 1094. was nick-named Loseng that is the flatterer; our [...]old English word Leasing, for tying, retains some affinity hereto, and at this day we call an insinuating fellow, a glozing Companion. Full.
Losenger (Sax.) a flatterer or lyar. Chaucer.
Lotion (lotio) a washing or rinsing.
Loover or L'overt, a tunnel on the top of a roof or house (from the Fr. l'overt, i. apertus) a place made open to let out the smoak on the top of the house; so we say pound overt, a Pound open at the top, that men may see the Cattle impounded, and cast in sustenance to them.
Lourdane or Lordane (Fr. Lourdin) sottish, dunce-like, heavy, dull, blockish. But Sir R. Baker in his Chron. fo. 18. gives this etymology; when the Danes Lorded it in England, the English were fain to till and ear the ground, whilst the Danes sate idle, and ate the fruit of their labors, and yet in every place, for very fear, were called Lord-Danes, which afterwards became a word of derision, when one would signifie a Lazy-Lubber.
Louvre (Fr.) is the royal Seat of the Kings of France in Paris, famous throughout all Europe. The front (which is of Masonry, inriched with Pillars, Frizes, Architraves, and all sorts of Architecture with excellent symmetry and beauty) was begun by Francis the first; finished by Hen. his Son, and afterward increased by Francis the second, Charls the ninth; Last of all made the wonder of all other works, by that long and beautiful Gallery, the work of Henry the fourth.
Lozenge (Fr.) a little square-Cake of preserved flowers, hearbs, &c. also a quarry of a glass window, or any thing of that form; A term in Heraldry. See the difference between a Fusil, a Lozenge, and a Mascle, in Gwillim fol. 358.
Lubrefaction, a making slippery, stirring or quick. Bac.
Lubrical Lubricious (lubricus) slippery, deceitful, incertain; stirring, wanton, lascivious.
Lubricity (lubricitas) slipperiness, incertainty, wantonness, incontinency.
Lucetus, a beast almost as big as a Wolf, breeding in Muscovia and Russia, of colour between red and brown, mingled with black spots; its skin is a very rich Fur, A. 24. H. 8. ca. 14:
Lucible (lucibilis) that is light of it self, that is apt to shine.
Lucid (lucidus) clear, bright, shining.
Lucidity (luciditas) brightness, clearness.
[Page] Lucifer (Lat.) properly the Star arising before the morning, as messenger of day-light, the Day-star: but figuratively the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezar; an arch Devil.
Luciferous (lucifer, a, um) that brings or causeth light.
Luciferians, a sort of Hereticks, so called from their Author Lucifer, Bishop of Calaris in Sardinia in time of Pope Liberius, and the Emperor Constantius, about the year of Christ 365. they held the soul of man was propagated out of the substance of his flesh, &c.
Lucina, Juno and Diana so called, because they ruled the travel of women, and helped them in that business.
Lucrative (lucrativus) taken with gain or advantage; whereof great profit is made.
Lucr [...]ce, a chaste woman; so used from Lucretia, a chaste woman of Rome, the wife of Tarquinius Collatinus, who slew herself, because Sextus Tarquinius had ravished her.
Lucrificate (lucrifico) to gain, or get, to seek after gain.
Lucrous (lucrosus) full of gain or lucre, profitable.
Luctation (luctatio) wrestling, striving, much contending.
Luctiferous (luctifer) that causeth sorrow or mourning.
Luctisonant (luctisonus) that signifies sorrow or waiting.
Lucubration (lucubratio) a study or work by candle-light.
Lucubrator [...] (lucubratorius) of or belonging to study, or working by candlelight.
Luculency (luculentia) brightness, beauty.
Luculent (luculentus) full of light, clear; beautiful, famous.
Ludible (ludibilis) apt to play, sportive.
Ludibrious (ludibriosus) reproachful, shameful, ridiculous.
Ludicr [...]l Ludicrous (ludicer) pertaining to play or mirth, mocking, light, childish. Greg.
Ludification (ludificatio) a mocking, deceiving or beguiling.
Lues Venerea (Lat.) Morbus Gallicus, or Neopolitanus, the Venerean Murrain, or French Pox.
Lugent (lugens) mourning or lamenting.
Lugubrous (lugubris) lamentable, sorrowful, pertaining to grief and mourning.
Luttion (luitio) a paying a ransome.
Luminaries (luminaria) great lights or Lamps; conspicuous Stars, the Sun and Moon; Also the Feast of light, the Feast of Christs Nativity or Christmass, was so called in the Western or Latin Church; because they used many lights and candles at this Feast; or rather, because Christ the light of all lights, that true light, then came into the world.
[Page] Luminous (luminosus) full of light, lightsome.
Lunar (lunaris) pertaining to the Moon.
Lunatick (lunaticus) that is wood or frantick, at a certain time of the moon.
Luracy, that disease.
Lupet [...]al (Lat.) a place dedicated to the God Pan, from Lupa; because there a she-Wolf nourished Romulus and Remus. So the Sacrifices and Plays dedicated to Pan were called Lupercalia or lupercal Sacrifices, and the Priests of Pan (luperci) who, on the day of their Sacrifices ran up and down the City naked, and stroak the hands and bellies of women great with child, with a Goats skin, thereby to signifie both fruitfulness and easie deliverance. Rider.
Lupires (lupinum) a little flat pulse, almost like a small bean, but much less and bitter in taste; They are not very good meat, but are sometimes used in Physick against worms in children, and the decoction of them takes away spots and freekles of the face.
Lurcation (lurcatio) a greedy eating or gluttonizing; derived from Lura, a great leathern bottle.
Lurdane. See Lourdain.
Lurid (luridus) pale, wan, black and blew.
Luscition (luscitio) dimness, pore-blindness of the eyes.
Lushbrbogh, a base coyn in the days of Edward the third
Lusion (lusio) a playing, game, or pastime.
Lustration (lustratio) compassing, viewing or going about on every side; a purging by Sacrifice, which was done every five years. Bac.
Lustrifical (lustrificus) that hath power to purge or make holy, pertaining to purging.
Lustium (Lat.) a Den or Cave for wilde beasts; a purging by Sacrifice; also the space of fifty moneths, or five years The Romans sometimes kept their account of time by these Lustiums, which were so called because they did once in every five years revolution, Lustrare exercitum Romanum, by sacrifice purge the Roman Army. Hence we use sometimes, two Lustrums, for ten years, three Lustrums fifteen years, &c.
Lutheranism, the doctrine or Tenets of Martin Luther, who (being an Augustin Monk) forsook his Monastical course of life, about the year 1515, and from him Lutherans took denomination: These differ from the Calvinists, chiefly in maintaining consubstantiation in the blessed Eucharist, with omnipresence, and eternal predestination, to be out of a foreseen faith, and good works, and not absolute; which tenents are impugned by the Calvinists. Heil
Luteous (luteus) that is made of clay, [...]eam, morter, [Page] or earth; filthy, muddy.
Lutulent (lutulentus) miry, dirty, filthy.
Luxate (luxo) to put out of joynt, to loosen.
Luxation (luxatio) a loosening or putting out of joynt.
Luxuriate (luxurio) to exceed, to be riotous or wanton, to grow rank.
Luxurious (luxuriosus) riotous, given too much to pleasure, excessive.
Lycanthropy (lycanthropia) a frenzy or melancholy, which causeth the patient (who thinks he is turned Wolf) to fly all company, and hide himself in dens and corners. See Were-wolf.
Lyceum, Aristotles famous School near Athens; Also Cicero's School, in his Mannor at Tusculum.
Lydian Musick (Lydius modus) doleful and lamentable musick.
Lymphatick (lymphaticus) allayed or mixed with water; Also mad, furious, bestraught.
Lydford Law, is to hang men first, and indite them afterwards.
Lyncean Lynceous (lynceus) pertaining to the beast Lynx; also quick-sighted, from Lynceus one of the Argonauts, who was admired for his quickness of sight. He could see the new Moon, the first day when it was in the sign Aries, &c.
Lynx (Lat.) a spotted beast like a Wolf, having a very perfect sight. This beast breeds chiefly in the Eastern Countries, and is often found in the woods of Almain and Sclavonia. Hence the phrase of a Lynx-like-eye, for one that's well and perfect sighted.
Lypothumy. See Lipothumy.
Lyrick (lyricus) a Poet that makes verses to be sung to the Harp or Lute. The best of these among the Grecians was Pindarus; among the Latins Horace. Lyrick, taken adjectively, is pertaining to a Harp, that plays on a Harp, or to Lyrick verses, which the antients applied to Songs and Hymms.
Lyrist (lyristes) a Harper, or one that sings to the Harp.
MAbel (Mabilia) a Christian name for women; from amabilis, i. lovely.
Mac in Irish is as much as Filz in French, or as Son in English; as Mac-William, or Mac-Adam, i. the Son of William, or Adam.
Macaleb, the bastard Coral or Pomander; of whose sweet and shining black berries, Bracelets are made.
Macaronique (Fr.) a confused heap, or huddle of many several things.
[Page] Macarons (Fr.) little Friter-like Buns, or thick Lozenges compounded of Sugar Almonds, Rose-water, and Musk, pounded together and baked with a gentle fire. Also the Italian Marcaroni, lumps or gobbets of boyled paste, served up in butter, and strewed over with spice, and grated cheese; a common dish in Italy.
Macedonians (Macedones) people of Macedonia, a large Country of Europe.
Macellarious (macellarius) pertaining to the Butchers Row or Shambles.
Macellator (Lat.) a Butcher, or Slaughter-man.
Macerate (macero) to make lean; to mortifie, weaken, bring down; also to allay, soak or steep in liquor.
Machiavelian, a subtil Statesman, or cunning Polititian; So taken from Nicholas Machiavel, Recorder of Florence, whose Politicks have poisoned almost all Europe.
Machevalize or Machiavelianize, to practise Machiavelianism, or subtil policy.
Machine (machina) an instrument or engine of War, a frame, tool or device; a subtil shift to deceive.
Machina [...] (machinor) to devise or plot, to imagine or contrive, to invent craftily.
Macilent (macilentus) lean, thin, barren.
Macritude (macritudo) leanness, barrenness.
Macrocosmus (Gr.) the great world.
Macrology (macrologia) prolixity in speaking; long and tedious talk or speech, to little or no purpose. It is a figure among Rhetoricians; As, Vivat Carolus Augustus, & non moriatur, &c.
Mactator (Lat.) a killer or murderer.
Maculatures (from macula) blotting or waste papers.
Maculate (maculo) to stain, spot, or defile; to defame.
Madid (madidus) wet or washed, moist, imbrued; also drunken.
Madidate Madiffe madido madefacio to wet or moisten, to make wet, to wash or bath.
Madidity (madiditas) moisture, or fulness of moisture.
Mador (Lat.) moisture; also sweat.
Madrigal (Ital. madrigali) a kind of song.
Magazine (Fr. Magazin, quasi mansio gazae, i. locus ubi gazae & thesauri reponuntur) a publick Store-house or Ware-house, most commonly appropriated to appurtenances of War.
Magdaleon (magdaleo) a Langate, or long plaister like a Rowler. Dr. Br.
Magellanick Sea, so called from Ferdinando Magellanus.
Magi, or the Wise-men of the East. See Balthazar.
Magician ( magus, a Persian word primitively) the Persians call those Magos or Magicians [Page] whom the Grecians call Philosophos; the Latins Sapientes; the Gauls, Druyds: the Egyptians, Prophets or Priests; the Indians, Gymnosophists; the Germans Die Pfaffen; we English, Wisemen, Wisards, Cunning-men, South-sayers or Enchanters. Cham. otherwise called Z [...]roaster, K. of the Bactrians (who reigned 800 years after the siege of Troy) is said to be the first inventer of Art Magick. Magia, among the Persians, was taken for sublime sapience, and a Science of the harmony and contents of universals in Nature. Bac. And see Sir Walt. Ral. l. 1. f. 171.
Magick Art (magia) in general, is wisdom, or contemplation of heavenly Sciences, and is twofold; Natural, which is lawful, and is the ground of all true Physick, and the occult wisdom of nature, without which all mans Reason and Knowledge is Ignorance; The other is Diabolical, superstitious and unlawful, and is called Necromancy; whereby men attain to the knowledge of things by the assistance of evil spirits. Chym. Dict.
Magistery (magisterium) mastership, the rule or office of a Master: Dr. Br.
Magistral Mag [...]sterial (magistralis) pertaining to, or done by a Master or Magistrate; master-like, artificial. In Physick it signifies a Plaister, Salve, or Pill prepared after the best manner.
Magna Charta, the great Charter, contains a number of Laws ordained the ninth year of Hen. 3. and confirmed by Edw. 1. We have no ancienter written Law then this, which though it consist of not above Thirty seven Charters or Laws, yet is it of such extent, as all the Law we have is thought in some sort to depend of it.
Magnalia (Lat.) great things to be wondred at. As Magnalia Dei (mentioned Act. 2.11) the great works of God.
Magnality (from magnalia) an admired greatness.
Magnanimity (magnanimitas) courage, greatness of mind, nobleness of spirit, stoutness of heart.
Magnanimous (magnanimus) generous, of a great mind, of a stout spirit.
Magnete (magnes, etis) a loadstone. See Lodestone.
Magnetick (magneticus) belonging to the Lodestone, or that which draws unto or attracts.
Magnify (magnifacio) to make great account of, to honor much.
Magnificence (magnificentia) stateliness, sumptuousness, high atchievement, great performance.
Magnificat, part of the Even-song among the Romanists, or the song of the Blessed [Page] Virgin Mary, Luk. 1.46. beginning thus Magnificat anima mea. &c. My soul doth magnifie our Lord, &c. At saying of which, they use to stand up, as being a Canticle or Song of joy, for the delivery whereof, that posture is most proper.
To correct magnificat (an English Proverb) signifies to attempt to amend Scripture, or that which is beyond correction.
Magnifico (Ital.) a great or honorable Personage: The chief Noblemen of Venice are by a peculiar title, called Magnifici, or Magnifico's. And the Rectors of the Academies in Germany are honored with the same Title.
Magnificent Magnifical (magnificus) (that atchieveth worthy acts, noble, sumptuous, acting great matters, majestical.
Magniloquy Magniloquence (magniloquentia) a lofty manner of speaking, or a discourse of great matters.
Magniloquent (magniloquus) that useth a stately manner of speaking or writing.
Magnitude (magnitudo) greatness, largeness, nobleness, valiantness.
Magog (mentioned in Ezek. 38.) Gog in the Hebrew signifies (saith St. Hierom) tectum, or a covering of a house. And Pintus, upon Ezekiel affirms, that by Gog is meant Antichrist; For (saith he) Antichristus erit Diaboli tegumentum sub specie humana; That Antichrist shall be the covering of the Devil under humane form. He adds that Magog, is as much to say as Gog, the letter [M] being an Hebrew Preposition and imports as much as of or from, so he takes Magog for those people that follow Antichrist. See more in exposition of these two words in Sir Walt. Ral. hist. lib. 1. fol. 136.
Mahm or Maim (from the Lat. mancus) signifies a corporal hurt, whereby a man loseth the use of any member, that is or might be any defence to him in battle. The Canonists call it Membri mutilationem, as the Eye, the Hand, the Foot, the scalp of the Head, the fore tooth, or (as some say) any finger of the hand. Glanvile. lib. 14. ca. 7. And Ʋgolinus de irregularit. ca. 4. sect. 3, 4, 5.
Magonel, an instrument to cast stones. Chauc.
Mahumetism or Mahumetanism, the Religion and profession of Mahumet and the Turks; which see in Alchoran, Mahumets Law-book.
Mahumetan, one that professeth that Religion.
Maid-Morsan. See Moriseo.
Majestative (majestativus) that is full of majesty or majestical.
Mainour or Manner (from the Fr. Maniére, i. the Manner) signifies in our Common Law, [Page] when a Thief hath stoln, and is followed with Hue and Cry, and taken with the Manner, that is, having the thing stoln about him, which is called the Mainour; and so we say when we find one doing an unlawful act, that we took him in the mainour or manner.
Mainpernable (a Law word, and) signifies bailable, or that may be bailed; and Mainpernors, are the Sureties for one that is mainprized to appear at a certain day, &c. yet Mr. Manwood, 1. part. For. Laws, p. 167. makes a difference between Bail and Mainprize, viz. that he that is mainprised hath a greater liberty, then he that is bailed, &c.
Main-sworn, in our Northern Dialect, signifies foresworn or perjured.
Major (Lat.) the greater. The major proposition of a Syllogism. See in Syllogism.
Majorate (majoro) to make greater.
Majoration, a making greater. Bac.
Malachite (malachites) a stone of a drak green colour.
Malacissation (malacissatio) a kneading or making soft▪ Bac.
Malacy (malachia) a calm, or still time on the Sea; also the inordinate lusting of women with child.
Malaga or Malaca Sick, so called from a City of that name in Andalusia in Spain, where that kind of wine is made.
Maladie (Fr.) a sickness or disease.
Malanders, a disease in horses, from the Span. (malander) i. to go ill; for so the disease makes them.
Maldisant (Fr.) an evil speaker, a backbiter.
Malediction (maledictio) evil-speaking, a curse, banning, imprecation, execration.
Malefactor (Lat.) an evil-doer, an offender.
Malefice (maleficium) an evil deed, an ill act, a shrewd turn; hurt, displeasure.
Maleficence (maleficentia) evil doing.
Maleficiate (malefacio) to do wrong, to offer abuse, to do evil. Bac.
Maletent, in the Statute called the Confirmation of the Liberties of, &c. An. 29. Ed. 1. ca. 7. is interpreted to be a Toll of forty shillings for every sack of wooll. Stow in his Annals p. 461. calls it a Maletot (from the Fr. maletoste or Maletote) See also the Stat. de Tallagio non concedendo.
Malevolence (malevolentia) ill-will, heart-burning, spite.
Malignity (malignitas) malice prepensed, ill-will, grudge, despight, villany.
Malleable (from. malleus) tractable, hammerable, which may be wrought or beaten with the hammer.
Malleated (malleatus) wrought or beaten with the hammer or beetle.
[Page] Malkin, Maukin, or Scovel to make clean an oven (the Italians call it Scovola di forno, i. the broom or besome of the oven) the Lat. is Peniculus, or Penicillus, dim. a pene, i. a tail; because they were in times past, made of the tails of beasts, as now they are of old clouts. Min.
Malmesy, a sort of wine so called from Arvisium, a promontory, in the Island Chio, vulgarly called Marvisia, or Malvisia, whence comes the best of this kind.
Maltesian, an Inhabitant of the Island Malta, called in Scripture Melita.
Mamaluke, a light-horseman (in the Syrian and Arabian tongues) the Mamalukes were an order of valiant horse-men in the last Empire of Egypt. Cot.
Mammeated (mammeatus) that hath Paps or Teats.
Mammon, is a Syriac word, signifying riches, or the god of Riches. Hierom sup. Matth. cap. 17. The Mammon of iniquity, is expounded to be wealth unjustly detained from them to whom it is due. Greg.
Mammonist (from mammon) may be taken for a worldling, or one that seeks after riches.
Mamm [...]oda, a coyn among the East Indians of equal value with our shilling.
Manation (manatio) a flowing, or running, a trickling down.
Manbote (Sax.) a pecuniary compensation for killing a man. Lambert in his exposition of Saxon words verbo, Aestimatio. Of which read Roger Hoveden also in his Annals, fol. 344.
Manche (Fr.) a sleeve; a term of Heraldry. Also any thing in form of a sleeve.
Mancipate (mancipo) to deliver possession, to give the right to another, to sell for money.
Mancipation (mancipatio) a manner of selling before witnesses with sundry ceremonies, &c. so called à manucaptione, from taking that which is sold into ones hands or possession. See Emancipate.
Manciple (manceps) a Caterer, or one that in Colledges or Hospitals buys victuals and common provision into the house.
Mancuse (mancusa) of the antient pence (which weighed about three pennies of our money) thirty (as Alfric Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, in his Saxon Grammer, notes) made a Mancus, which some think to be all one with a Mark; for that Manca, or Mancusa is translated in antient Books, by Marca; and Manca (as appears by an old fragment) was quinta pars unciae. These Mancuse or Mancus were reckoned both in gold and silver. For about the year of our Lord 680. In a King of the West Saxons, as [Page] we read in Malmsbury, enforced the Kentish men to redeem their peace at thirty thousand Manca's of gold. In the notes upon Canutus Laws, I find this difference, that Mancusa was as much as a Mark of silver, and Manca was a square piece of gold commonly valued at thirty pence. Cam. Rem. fo. 181.
Mandate (mandatum) a commandment, a message, commission, or any thing that one is commanded to speak or do. In our Common Law it is a commandment judicial of the King or his Justices to have any thing done for the dispatch of Justice, whereof you shall see diversity in the table of the Register judicial. Verbo, Mandatum.
Mandatary (mandatarius) he to whom a commandment or charge is given; or he that comes to a Benefice by a Mandamus.
Mandible (mandibilis) eatable, or that may be eaten.
Mandible (from mandibula) the Jaw.
Mandilian or Mandilion (from the Fr. Mandil or Mandille) a loose Cassock, such as Souldiers use to wear.
Mandrake or Mandrage (from the Gr. [...], i. a Den or Hole, because it useth to grow about Dens or Caves) a strange plant bearing yellow round apples, the root of it is great and white like a Radish root, and is divided into two or more parts, growing sometimes like the legs of a man. This root, especially its bark, is extreamly cold and dry, even to the fourth degree. It is therefore very dangerous to receive inwardly, for that the least quantity too much, will quickly kill a man. Chyrurgeons use to steep this root in wine, and give it to be drunk by such as they must cut, saw, or burn in any part; for its cold operation causeth sleep, and maketh the body insensible for a time. See the confutation of many false conceptions concerning this plant Mandrake, in Dr. Br. Vul. Er. l. 2. ca. 6.
Mandrakes, lovely or amiable, so in the Hebrew; The Greek translates them Apples of Madragoras or Mandrake Apples; they were such things as gave a smel, Gen. 30.14. Cant. 7.13. Wilson.
Manducable (from Manduco) eatable, that may be chewed or eaten.
Manducation (manducatio) a chewing or eating.
Mandy Thursday. See in Day.
Mangonize (mangonizo) to polish, paint, or trim up a thing.
Mangonism, the craft of pampering, trimming or setting out saleable things.
Maniable (from manus) that may be managed by the hand, tractable. Bac.
Maniack (maniacus) mad, [Page] frantick, brain-sick, wilde-headed.
Manichees, a sort of Hereticks so called from one Manes a Persian the first broacher of that Heresie. They held a fatal necessity of sinning, &c. with other damnable Tenets. This Manes affirmed himself to be both Christ and the Paraclet too, and sent out his twelve Disciples about the world, to spread abroad his heretical Dogms, &c.
Manicies (manicae) hand-Fetters, or Gives wherewith Pris [...]ners are bound by the hands; from manus, a hand.
Manifesto (Lat.) an open or publick declaration, most commonly of some Prince or Commonwealth, concerning publick matters.
Maniple (manipulus) a gripe, a handful, a bundle; But more particularly, it is a Fannel or Scarf-like ornament worn about the lest Wrist of of a sacrificing Priest. Also a file of ten Soldiers under one Captain and Tent; so called because their handstrokes in fighting went together; Or because they fought sub eodem manipulo foeni (an handful of hay being used at that time instead of a flag.) Ovid.
But I find in some Authors, that the antient Roman Maniple consisted of 200 Souldiers. See Legion.
Manipular (manipularis) belonging to a band of men.
Manna (Gr.) man, or the dew of heaven; a delicate food, wherewith God fed the children of Israel, it falling from heaven in manner of a dew, white, and somewhat like Coriander seed; with which the Israelites lived forty years in the Wilderness, till they came to the Borders of the Land of Canaan. At first sending hereof the people were in such admiration that they said to each other, manhu? i. quid est hoc? what is this? which seems to be the cause why it was afterward called Manna. In Physick it is taken for a kind of dew, or grained Manna, which, falling in hot Countries upon trees and herbs before break of day, doth there congeal, almost like crums of white bread, and is gathered and choicely kept, as a gentle purger of Choler; it is sweet of taste; the best comes from Calabria, where they gather it from the leaf of the Mulberry Tree. Nat. hist. 165. It is also taken for any sweet matter extracted out of any thing.
Mansion (mansio) a tarrying, a baiting, an abiding. Also (as Bracton defines it, lib. 5. [Page] cap. 28. num. 1.) it is a dwelling consisting of one or more houses without any neighbor; And yet he grants forthwith that Mansio Mansioni possit esse vicinata. I find it most commonly used for the Lords chief dwelling house within his Fee, whether it have neighbors adjoyning or not, otherwise called the capital Messuage, or the chief Mannor place. Mansio among the antient Romans was a place appointed for the lodging of the Prince or Souldiers in their journey or march, furnished, with convenient entertainment by the neighbors adjoyning, &c.
Manslaughter (homicidium) is the unlawful killing a man without prepensed malice; As when two, that formerly meant no harm to one another meet together, and, upon some sudden occasion falling out, the one kills the other. West. part. 2. Symb. titulo Inditements. Sect. 44. It differs from murther, because it is not done with prepensed or foregoing malice; And from Chancemedley, because it hath a present intent to kill; and this is Felony, but admits Clergy for the first time. Stawnf. pl. Cor. lib. 1. ca 9. and Britton. ca. 9. It is confounded with murder in the Stat. 28. Ed. 3. ca. 11.
Mansuete (mansuetus) gentle, courteous, meek, milde, humble, tractable.
Mansuetude (mansuetudo) gentleness, meekness, tractableness, humility.
Manticulate (manticulor) to do a thing closely, as to pick a purse.
Manticore or Manticorn, (Ital. Manticora) a ravenous and mankind-Indian beast, that hath three ranks of very sharp teeth, a face like a man, and body like a Lyon. Plin. l. 8. ca. 21.
Mantile or Mantle (Lat. mantile, Br. Mantel) a kind of cloak which Souldiers in times past used in Winter, a long hanging Cloak; it is taken for a long robe, An. 24. H. 8. ca. 14. Now it is called a Leaguer-Cloak; and the Ladies have appropriated the name to a kind of cloak which they wear. Also a term in Herauldry, and was antiently a kind of Cloak or Mantle, encompassing the Coat armor, but now is that flourish which proceeds from the Wreath, and Helm, and descends externally on each side the Escotcheon.
Manual (manualis) that fills the hand, that one may fold, cast or carry in the hand. Also used substantively; as
a Manual (manuale) a small portable volume, a book which may be carried in ones hand. Manuel, in Law is a thing whereof persent profit may be made. Stawnf. Praerog. fol. 54.
Manuary (manuarius) gotten [Page] by handy labor, or that fills the hand.
Manucaption (manucaptio) a taking by or with the hand.
Manuduction (manuductio) a leading or guiding by the hand.
Manumission (manumissio) a deliverance out of bondage, an enfranchisement, a making free.
Manumit or Manumisse (manumitto) to enfranchize, to make a Slave or Bondman free, which was in old time thus. The Lord of the Slave holding him by the head, arm, or other part, said before witness, I will that this man go free, and in so saying, shoved him forward out of his hand.
Manutention (from manu tenere) a holding with the hand. Lo. Herb. H. 8.
Maran-atha (Syriac, i.e. adventus Dei, vel Deus venit) a curse mentioned 1 Cor. 16. Anathema Maranatha the third and highest degree of Excommunication. The Jews called it Schammatha. See Dr Ham. Annot. fol. 600.
Maravedis, a little Spanish coyn, whereof thirty four make but the Royal or six pence sterling.
Marchasite or Marquesite (marchasita) a stone participating with the nature of some mettal, yet in so small quantity, that the mettal cannot be melted from it, but will vapor away in smoak, the stone turning to ashes; those Marchasites are commonly in colour like the metal mixed with them, whether it be Gold, Silver, Brass, or any other. Some affirm a Marchasite to be any stone out of which fire may be strucken.
Marcessible (marcessibilis) apt or easie to rot or putrifie.
Marcgrave or Martgrave (Germ.) a County or Earl of the Borders, or Marches: with us a Marquess.
Marches from the Germ. March, i. a border, or from the Fr. Marque, i. a Mark) the borders, bounds or limits of any place, Region, or Country, as between us and Wales, or between us and Scotland, An. 24. H 8. ca. 9.
Marcheta, Eugenius the third King of Scotland did wickedly ordain, that the Lord or Master of the ground or land, should have the first nights lodging with every married woman within the same; which Ordinance was afterwards abrogated by King Malcome the third, who ordained, that the Bridegroom should have the sole use of his own Wife, and therefore should pay to the Lord, a piece of money called Marca. Hect. Boetius, l. 3. ca. 12. Spotsw. Hist. fol. 29. Mr. Skene says, that Mercheta mulieris is the raid of the woman, or the first carnal copulation with her. pag. 93.
Marchionesse, the wife of a Marquess.
[Page] Marcid (marcidus) withered, rotten, feeble, lither.
Marcidious (marcidiosus) very rotten, feeble, &c.
Marcionists, old condemned Hereticks, so called of their first Master Marcion, a Stoick Philosopher, who held a detastable opinion, that Christ was not the Son of God.
Marcor (Lat.) rottenness, withering pining away.
Mare-maid. See Mer-maid.
Night-Mare, a disease in the night, that troubles one so in his sleep, that he can scarce breath. See Incubus.
Mareshal. See Marshal.
Margaratiferous (margaritifer) that brings forth, or hath plenty of pearls or Margarites, which are found in the shel-fish, especially in Oysters; the best are brought out of India; yet they are also found in our English and Flemish Seas, but not in such perfection.
Marginal Marginean (marginalis margineus) belonging to the brim or margin, written in the margin.
Marine Maritan (marinus) belonging to, or near the Sea; also strange, as from beyond Sea.
Marital (maritalis) belonging to marriage or Wedlock, on the Husbands part.
Maritime (maritimus) belonging to, or near the Sea; wavering and changeable.
Mark, is with us 13 s. 4 d. In Scotland but 13 d. ob. See Marcheta.
Marmoration (marmoratio) a building with marble.
Marmorean (marmoreus) of marble, or that is like it in colour, hardness, &c.
Maronean wine, wine of such vertue and strength, that if twenty times so much water be put to it, it will still keep his vertue. And is so called from Maronea or Marogna a City of Ciconia where it is made. Rider.
Maronites (so called from one Maron, who is mentioned in the fifth Act of the Constantinopolitan Council) a sort of Christians, onely found in Mount Libanus in Syria; they have a Patriarck, whose name is always Peter; they were a limb of the Jacobites; but received the Roman Catholick Religion in the Papacy of Clement. 8. who sent them a Catechism printed at Rome in the Arabian language. Sands.
Marque (seems to a French word, signifying notam, vel signum, or else to come from the Germ. March, i. limes, or from Marc, a Britan word (used not onely by the now Welch, but also by the Armoricans) signifying as much as note or character) signifies in the antient Statutes of our Land, as much as Reprisals; as A. 4. H. 5. c. 7. Marques and Reprizals are used as Synonima; and letters of Marque are found in the same signification in the same Chapter. See Law of Marque
[Page] Marquetry, is a most curious work wrought in wood of divers colours, and divers sorts, into the shape of knots, flowers and other devices, with that excellency of cunning, as they seem all to be one piece, and rather the work of Nature then Art; Chequer-work, Inlaid-word. Marquetrie, properly belongs to Joyners, as Mosaique to Masons and Stone-cutters, though some Authors confound them. See Mosaique.
Marquess or Marquis (narchio) by the opinion of H [...]tom. comes of▪ the Germ. March, i. limes, signifying originally as much as custos limtis, or comes & praefectus limtis, &c. These are with us, in honor and place next Dikes. See Cassau. de consuet. Birg. p. 15. See Marcgrave.
Marquisate (Fr. Marquisa [...]) a Marquiship or Marqusdom, the Territories of a Marquess.
Marrow (Fr marauld) a felow, a Knave, or Rascal.
Mars, the Heathen god of War; taken for War or Battle it self. Also one of the seven Planets. See Saturn.
Marshal (Fr. Mareschal) with us there are divers Officers of this name; but one most noble of all the rest, who is called Lord or Earl Marshal of England, of whom mention is made in divers Statutes, as An. 1. H. 4. ca, 7. and 14. and An. 13. R. 2. ca. 2. His Office consists especially in matters of War and Arms, as well with us, as in other Countries, whereof you may read in Lupanus de Magistratibus Franciae, lib. 1. ca. Marschallus, & Tilius lib. 2. ca. de Conestabili, Mariscallo, &c. The next to this is the Marshal of the Kings house, then the Marshal of the Justices in Eyre, Marshal of the Upper Bench Prison in Southwark, Marshal of the Kings Hall, Marshal of the Exchequer, &c. whereof see Cowel.
In every Regiment of Souldiers there is a Marshal, whose Office is to look to Prisoners of War, and to put in execution all sentences or orders of the Council of War upon offenders, &c.
In Francis the firsts time there were but two Lord Marshals of France, now there are ten, who having their several Provinces assigned them by the King, ride Circuits, are present at all general musters, to see how military Discipline is observed in Garisons, view the Fortifications and reparations of Frontier Towns, the munition and victual of Arsenals and Store-houses, and lastly, provide for the punishment and suppression of all vagrant and idle Rogues; And as they (under the Constable) command all Dukes, Earls, Barons, Captains and Gensdarms; so may they neither give battle, make Proclamation, nor muster any men, [Page] without his commandment. Cotgr.
In the old Saxon it was Marscalc; Mate being the general name for a Horse, male and female: and Scalc signified a kind of servant, as Scalco still does in Italian: So that Marscalc (now Marshal) was with our Ancestors Curator equorum, one that had the charge of horses; and in France a Farrier is still called Mareschal. Verst.
Martgrave. See Marcgrave.
Martial (martialis) born under the Planet Mars; warlike.
Martial Law, is that which depends on the voyce of the King, or the Kings Lieutenant, or of the General or his Officers in Wars. Smith de Repub. Angl. l. 2. c. 3. See Law of Arms.
Martichore, a beast found in the Indies, which hath the face of a Man, and the body of a Lyon, which counterfeits the sound of Flutes to charm passengers, and then entraps and kills them.
Martingale (Fr.) a Thong of leather, the one end whereof is fastened under the chops of a horse, and the other to the fore-Girth betwixt his fore-legs, to make him rein well, and hinder him from casting up his head.
Martyrologe (martyrologium) a book that treats of the acts, names, and sufferings of Martyrs.
Mascle (Fr. macle) a short Lozenge, having a square hole in the midst; a term in Blazon.
Masculine (masculinus) of the male kind, manly.
Masse, from the Lat. missa, but whether missa be derived from the Hebrew, or be a Latin word corrupted, is no small controversie; They that derive it from the Hebrew, conceive it comes from [...] Missah, which signifies an Oblation or Offering; They that account it a Latin word corrupted, conceive the Fathers used it instead of missio, a sending aeway: For in antient times when the Mass or publick Service was ended, and the Communicants addressed them selves to be partakers of the holy Eucharist, it was a custom to send away the younger for, such as were not yet fully instructed and catechised; hence missa was taken for and signfied a Sacrifice, an Oblation or Offering.
The old Saxons called al holy days Mass days; because they were obliged to hea [...] Mass on those days. Christian Caveat in part. See Lammas.
Massicot (Fr.) Oaker made of Ceruse, or white lead.
Massilians. See Messalians
Mastication (masticatio) a [...] eating or chewing.
Mastick (mastiche) a white and clear gum, of a sweet savour, and grows on the Lentisk tree in the Island Chios. It's temperate in heat, and of a [Page] dry binding nature, wherefore it strengthens the stomack, stays vomiting, and stops any issue of blood. Some use to rub their teeth with it, as well to whiten them, as to fasten such as are loose.
Masticine (masticinus) of, or pertaining to, or of the colour of Mastick.
Mastigophorer (mastigophorus) a fellow worthy to be whipped; also an Usher, who with whips removed the people, where there was much press.
Mastruke (mastruca) a garment that men of Sardinia used; a Robe made of Wolves or Deers skins, which the Nobles in old time were wont to wear in Winter.
Mateologie (mataeologia) vain enquiry, or over-curious search into high matters and mysteries.
Mateotechnie (mataeotechnia) the vanity which is in science or craft, vain knowledge.
Materia prima (Lat.) the first matter or subject of all substantial forms, whereof all natural bodies consist.
Materiation (materiatio) the felling of timber for building, preparing of timber wood for service in War. Dr. Br.
Maternal (maternus) of or belonging to a mother, on the mothers side, motherly.
Maternity (maternitas) motherhood, the being a mother.
Mathematical (mathematicus) of or pertaining to the Mathematicks, or to a Mathematician.
Mathematicks (mathematica) Sciences or Arts taught by demonstration, and comprehend four of the Liberal Sciences (viz.) Arithmetick (wherein Algaebra is comprehended) Geometry, Musick, Astronomy; wherein the Egyptians and Caldeans first excelled.
Mathematician (mathematicus) one skilful in the Mathematicks.
Mathurins, Friers so called, being of the order of the Holy Trinity, whose principal institute is to redeem poor Christian Captives from the slavery of the Turk; to which purpose they beg alms, and depute a person of their own to go to Argier, &c. to carry the price of their redemption.
Matines (matutinum) one of the Canonical hours for prayer in the Roman Catholick Church, which begins at three of the clock in the morning; morning prayers.
Matricide (matricidium) the killing of ones mother; if from Matricida, then it is a Matricide, or one that kills his own mother, as that cruel Tyrant and monster of men Nero was.
Matrice (matrix) the place in the womb, where the child is conceived.
Matrices of Letters or Characters, [Page] are those Moulds or forms, in which the Letters and Characters which Printers use are formed and fashioned by the Letter-founder.
Matriculate (Ital. matriculare) to register names. It comes of mater, a mother; For then are young Schollars in an University said to be Matriculated, when they are sworn and registred into the Society of their Foster-mother of Learning, the University.
Matrimonial (matrimonialis) of or belonging to matrimony, or Wedlock.
Maturated (maturatus) hastened, soon finished, made ripe. Dr. Br.
Maturative (maturativus) apt, or helping to ripen.
Maturity (maturitas) ripeness, fulness of age, fitness of time, perfection.
Matutinal (matutinalis) belonging to the morning, or morning prayer.
Maugre (Fr. maulgré, i. animo iniquo) in spight of ones heart or teeth, against ones will; As the Wife, maugre the Husband, Littl. fol. 124. that is, wether the Husband will or not.
Maund (Fr. mande) a Flasket, open Basket, or Pannier having handles; a Handbasket.
Maundy Thursday (dies mandati) This was the Eve or day next before our Saviours crucifixion; and usually called Holy Thursday. See more in Day.
Mausoleum (Lat.) a famous Sepulchre, built by Queen Artemesia in honor of her Husband Mausolus King of Caria, and accounted one of the Worlds Wonders, it being twenty five Cubits high, supported with thirty six curious Pillars, and consisting of 411 foot in circuit, all of Marble, and of famous sculpture, of which Martial,
Hence any sumptuous Monument, Tomb, or Sepulchre, is called a Mausoleum.
Maxillary Maxillar (maxillaris) belonging to the jaw-bone. Bac.
Maxime (maxima) a rule that may not be denied, a proposition, an Aphorism or principle in any Art.
Maxims in Law are the foundations of it, and the conclusions of Reason, which ought not at any time to be impeached or impugned: As for example, it is a Maxim, that if a man have issue two Sons, by divers women, and the one of them purchase lands in Fee, and die without issue, the other brother shall never be his Heir, &c. with divers like.
[Page] Maximity (maximitas) exceeding greatness.
Mazar or Mazer (Belg. Maeser or Maser, i. a Maple, or the knob in the Maple) a broad, flat, standing cup to drink in; so called because such cups are often made of Maple, or of the knots of it: There is also a kind of small Cherries so called.
Maze, an astonishment; sometimes a device, like a Labyrinth, made in some Gardens in manner of a knot, with so many intricate turnings, wherein if one be once entred, it is hard getting out.
M [...]ad (Belg. Mede, Sax. Meed.) See Hydromel and Bragget.
Meander (Maeander) a river in Phrygia, now called Madre or Palazzia, having many turnings, &c. Hence any oblique turning or crooked winding is called Meander; and Meandrous is used for crooked, or full of turnings.
Mea [...], the Tenor in Song or Musick; it is an inner part between the Treble and Base, so called, because medium locum obtineat.
Mease, a measure of Herring: Also taken by some for a Messuage or House ( Kitch. fol. 239) from the Fr. maison. See Mese.
Measure of length three barly corns measured from end to end make an inch, twelve inches a foot, three foot a yard, five yards and a half, a Rood, Pole, or Pearch; forty Roods in length and four in breadth make an Acre of land, according to the Statute; forty Roods in length onely make a Furlong, eight Furlongs an English mile; which is 1760 yards, 5280 foot, 63360 inches, or 190080 barley corns.
A step is two foot and an half, the fadom seven foot, an English Ell three foot, and nine inches; which measures differ from other Countries that have a Geometrical measure; as four baley corns in thickness make a Finger or measure, four Fingers a Hand, four of those Hands in breadth a Foot, five of those Feet a Geometrical Pace, and 125 Paces a Furlong; eight Furlongs, or 1000 Paces, five foot to a Pace, make an Italian mile; 3000 Paces make a league, 4000 a common Dutch mile, and 5000 Paces make a German or great Dutch mile.
Measondue (Fr. maison de dieu) an Hospital or Religious house.
Mecaenas (Mecaenas) a Patron or Benefactor to learned men: so called of Mecaenas a noble Roman, who being in great favor with Augustus the Emperor, was a special friend to the Poets Virgil and Horace, and generally a supporter of all learned men.
Mechanick (mechanicus) a Handicrafts man, a man of Occupation, a Trades-man. [Page] The seven Mechanical Arts are, first, Agriculture, or Husbandry. 2. Clothing. 3. Navigation. 4. Hunting. 5. Architecture. 6. Medicine. And 7. Military discipline.
Mechation (maechatio) fornication, whoredom, strumpeting.
Medalia Medal (Fr. medaille) an antient and flat Jewel, or a peice of antient coyn or plate, wherein the figure of some notable person, or some ingenious device is cast or cut; examples of the first are common; of the later, we read, that when some dislikes grew between the English and States of the United Provinces, they, fearing it might tend to the hurt of both, caused to be imprinted upon a Medalia, two pitchers floating on the water with this motto, Si collidimur, frangimur. Cam.
Medallion (Fr. medaillon) a little Medal, Ouch or Brouche.
Mede (Belg. or medea) a drink made of water and honey. See Bragget and Hydromel.
Medea, a notable Sorceress, whom Poets feign to have had the power or skill to renew youth, and make old men young, &c. and this was nothing else but that from the knowledge of Simples, she had a Receipt to make white hair black, and reduce old heads into the tincture of youth again.
Median (medius) the middle, half, mean; not deserving praise or dispraise.
Mediastine (mediastinum) a partition made in the body by certain thin skins, which divide the whole brest, from the Throat to the Midriff into two hollow bosoms. Cotg.
Mediation (mediatio) a deviding in the middle, an intreating or beseeching, an intercession, an arbitrating a controversie.
Medicable (medicabilis) that can heal or be healed, curable.
Medical moneth, consists of twenty six days, and twenty two hours, &c. See Moneth.
Medicament (medicamentum) a Medicine, Drug, Physick, or certain Salve.
Medicaster, a pedling Physitian, a smatterer in Physick.
Medicinable (medicinabilis) that may be cured or healed.
Medicine (medicina) Physick; which (according to Plato) is of five kinds. 1. Pharmaceutic, cureth diseases by application of medicaments. 2. Chirurgic, by incision or cauterizing. 3. Diaetetic, by Diet. 4. Nosognomonick discerns diseases. 5. Boethetic removes them.
Medick (medicus) a Physitian.
Mediety (medietas) the middle, the half.
Medimnum, a certain measure containing six bushels.
Mediocrity (mediocritas) a [Page] mean, competency, indifferency, temper, moderation.
Medisance (Fr. mesdisance) reproach, obloquy, detraction.
Meditative (meditativus) apt to meditate, or cast in the mind.
Mediterranean (mediterraneus) in the middle of the Land; far from the Sea.
Mediterranean Sea (so called because it hath its course in the midst of the earth) is that which stretcheth it self from West to East, dividing Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Medullar (medullaris) pertaining to the marrow.
Meducean (pertaining to Medusa) a woman of great beauty, whose locks (of gold colour) Minerva turned into snakes, because she lay with Neptune in Minerva's Temple, &c.
Meen (Fr. mine) the countenance, look, gesture, or posture of the face; also the feature, outward face or shew.
Megacosine (Gr.) the great world.
Megaera, one of the Furies. See Furies.
Megalesian or Megalensian Plays (megalesia) were Plays or Games at Rome, in honor of Cybele the Goddess.
Megalopsychie (megalopsychia) magnanimity.
Meganologie (Gr.) a speaking or discourse of magnitude or greatness.
Megarick, a Sect of Philosophers instituted by Euclid, who was born at Megara, a Town near the Isthmus, and thence took name.
Megrune or Migrame (Hemicrania) a pain coming by fits in the temples of the Head, from [...], i. semi, half, and [...], i. the skul, or brainpan. It is a disease that pains onely the one half of the brain at once, and therefore called Megrime, or Hemicrain.
Melancholy (melancholia) black choler caused by adustion of the blood; also sadness, pensiveness, solitariness. Melancholy is by Physicians reckoned for one of the four humors of mans body, and resembles the Earth, as Choler doth the fire; Blood the air; Phlegm the water. It is said to be the grossest of all four, which, if it abound too much, causeth heaviness and sadness of mind.
Melampod (melampodium) the herb called Hellebore.
Melchior, The name of one of the three Kings of Gullein. See Balthazar.
Melchiorists, a sort of Hereticks, so called from one Melchior, their first founder.
Melchites, a Sect in Syria so called, who are subject to the Patriark of Antioch, and are of the same Tenets with the Grecians, except onely that they celebrate divine service, as solemnly on the Saturday as Sunday; They take their denomination from [Page] Melchi, which in the Syriac signifies a King, because in matters of Religion, the people followed the Emperors Injunctions, and were of the Kings Religion, as the saying is. Heil.
Meliorate (melioro) to wax better then before.
Melioration (melioratio) an improvement, a bettering, a making or growing better.
Meliority (melioritas) betterness, improvement.
Melitism (melitismus) a drink made of honey and wine.
Mellation (mellatio) the time of taking honey out of the Hives.
Mellean Melleous (melleus) of or like honey, sweet, yellow.
Melliferous (mellifer) that brings or bears honey.
Mellificate (mellifico) to make honey.
Mellifluent Mellifluous (mellifluus) sweet as honey, that out of which honey flowes: Also eloquent of speech.
Melliloquent (melliloquus) that speaketh sweetly.
Melliturgie (Fr.) the making of honey, Bees-work.
Mellona or Mellonia, the Goddess of honey.
Melody (melodia) harmony, sweet singing, a musical or sweet air.
Melpomene (Gr. i. cantans) one of the Muses, who first made Tragedies.
Membrane (membrana) the upmost thin skin in any part of the body, whereof there are many and of several appellations. As the Pleuretique membrane, which is large and two-fold, through whose doubles pass all the Sinews, Veins, and Arteries, which are between the ribs; the inside whereof (as also the brest or bulk) it wholly covers. Also a skin of parchment, or the pill or pilling between the bark and tree.
Membranatick (membranaticus) of or pertaining to a membrane.
Membrature (membratura) a setting or ordering of members or parts.
Memorandum (Lat.) a common word; signifying a note or token of what we would have remembred; the word importing as much.
Memorial (memoriale) that which puts one in mind of, a Remembrancer, a Record, or book of remembrance.
Memorious (memoriosus) that hath a good memory.
Memphians Memphists Egyptians so called from the City Memphis in Egypt.
Mendaciloquent (mendaciloquus) that tells lyes or untruths, false speaking.
Mendicant (from mendico) a Begger, also begging.
Mendicity (mendicitas) beggery, poverty, the state of a beggar.
[Page] Menial servant (from moe [...]ia, walls) a servant that lives within the walls of his Masters dwelling house, a domestick servant. Perhaps from the old English word Men [...], which signifies family, and so tis one of of the family.
Menings (meninx) two thin skins that compass or enwrap the brain, the one called dura mater, the stronger of the two, and next the scul; the other pia mater, which is within the first, being more tender and fine, and close wrapping the brain it self; if either of these skins be wonded it causeth speedy death.
Menologe (menologium) properly a speaking of months: The Greek Menologe (a book so called) is their Martyrologe, or a Collection of the Saints days of every moneth in their Church.
Mensal (mensalis) of or belonging to a Table.
Mension (mensio) a measuring.
Menstrual (menstrualis) belonging to, or during a moneth.
Menstruosity (menstruositas) the monthly flux of women, an abundance thereof.
Menstruant Menstruous (menstruosus) that abounds with such monthly flowers, or which belongs thereto.
Mensurate (mensuro) to mete or measure.
Mental (from mens) that which is onely thought in the mind. Mental Prayer. See Vocal.
Mentition (mentitio) a lying, forging or telling untruths.
Mephitick (mephiticus) stinking, dampish, as the stink, or ill savour of the earth.
Meracity (meracitas) clearness, or pureness, without mixture.
Mercable (mercabilis) that may be bought.
Mercative (mercativus) belonging to Chapmanry.
Mercature (mercatura) the Trade of Merchandise.
Mercedary (mercedarius) is used both for him that gives wages for labor, or for him that receives it.
Merchenlage, was one of the three sorts of Laws out of which the Conqueror framed ours, mingled with those of Normandy. Cam. Brit. p. 94. who also p. 103, shews, that in An. 1016. this land was divided into three parts, whereof the West Saxons had one, governing it by the Laws called West Saxon Laws, or West-Saxonlaeg, and that contained these nine Shires, Kent, Southsex, Southrey, Barkshire, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Sommerset, Dorset, and Devonshire.
The second by the Danes, which was governed by the Law called Danelaeg, and that contained these fifteen Shires, Tork, Darby, Nottingham, Leicester, [Page] Lincoln, Northampton, Bedford, Bucks, Hartford, Essex, Middlesex, Northfolk, Southfolk, Cambridge, and Huntington.
The third was possessed and governed by the Mercians, whose Law was called Merchanlaeg, which were these eight, Glocester, Worcester, Hereford, Warwick, Oxford, Chester, Salop, and Stafford.
Mercury (mercurius) the Son of Jupiter and Maia; he was the messenger of the gods, the god of Eloquence, Merchandize, Chivalry, and Thievery; also author of the Harp, and guider of the way; he was said to have wings on his arms and feet. It is commonly used for a swift messenger, or for a book of news, because such books are (as it were) the messengers of the newes.
Mercury with the Alchymists is Quicksilver. Also one of the seven Planets. See Saturn.
Mercury-women. See Hawkers.
Mercurial (mercurialis) of Mercury, born under the Planet Mercury; hence humorous or fantastical; Also prating, talkative; subtil or decitful.
Mercurialize, to be humorous or fantastical, to be light-footed; to prattle or babble; Also to be eloquent, as Mercury was.
Merdiferous (merdifer) that farmeth dung, a Gold-finder.
Mere (Fr. mer, Lat. mare) the Sea; But in a restrained sence, it signifies a standing water that cannot be drawn dry; therein differing from a Pond. Of these there are several in Shropshire, of above a mile in compass, and are the same which in Ireland they call Leaughs.
Meretricious (meretricius) whorish, pertaining to whoredom.
Meridian (circulus meridianus) is an immovable, and one of the greater circles passing through the Poles of the world; it is called the Meridian of Merides, noon-tide, because when the Sun, rising from the East, toucheth this Line with the center of his body, then it is noon to those over whose Zenith that circle passeth, and midnight to their Antipodes. The number of Meridians, are 180 (allowing two to every degree in the Equinoctial) which all intersect in either Pole, and are the utmost bounds of longitude. Peacham.
Meridian Meridional (meridianus) of, or belonging to midday, or to the South.
Meritot, a sport used by children by swinging themselves in Bel-ropes, or such like till they be giddy; In Latin it is called Oscillum, and is thus described by an old Writer, Oscillum est genus ludi, scilicet cum funis dependitur de trabe, in quo pueri & puellae sedentes impelluntur huc & illuc. Chauc.
[Page] Mermaid (from the Fr. Mer, the Sea) or Maremaid (from mare, the Sea) Seamaid, or Siren, whereof the Poets had three, Parthenope, Leucosia and Ligaea; the first used her voyce, the second a Citern, the third a Pipe; and so are said to entice Mariners and Seamen to them, by the sweetness of their musick, and then to destroy them. The upper part of their bodies, was like a beautiful Virgin, the neather was fishy. By these Sirens, pleasures are emblematically understood, from which unless a man abstain, or at least use moderately, he shall be devoured in their waves. See Neriad and Sirens.
Mersion (mersio) a drowning or overwhelming.
Mese (from the Gr. [...], i. medium) a Mese of Herrings is Five hundred, or the half of a thousand, used in the north of England. Also the middle string, or mean of a musical instrument.
Mesentery (mesenterium) the middle of the bowels and entrals, a certain thick and fat skin; or the double skin that fastens the bowels to the back, and each to other, and also wraps and encloses a number of veins (called Meseraick or Mesenterick Veins) being branches of the great carrying vein, by which both the guts are nourished, and the juyce of the meat concocted, is conveyed to the Liver to be made blood.
Mesenterick Arteries or Veins. See in Artery and Vein.
Mesn (medius) seems to come from the Fr. maisné. i. minor natu, younger by birth. It signifies in our Common Law, him that is Lord of a Mannor, and thereby hath Tenants holding of him, yet holding himself of a superior Lord.
Mesnagerie (Fr.) husbandry, Huswisry, and the use or practice thereof.
Mesnalty, (medietas) comes of Mesn, and signifies nothing but the right of the Mesn; As the Mesnalty is extinct. Old nat. br. fo. 44. if the Mesnalty descend. Kitch. fol. 147.
Messalians or Massilians (Messalini) a sort of Hereticks, who (among other gross absurdities) held the B Sacrament of the Eucharist and Baptism did neither good nor harm to the Receivers. And that Prayer alone was sufficient to salvation, &c. which Heresie was impugned by St. Augustine and Epiphanius.
Messias (Hebr. Mashiahh) signifies as much as Christ in Gr. i. Anointed. Our Saviour is often so called; because he was anointed with the oyl of gladness for those that believe in him. St. Augustin says, Messias signifies in the Punick Language, as much as Anointed.
Messile or Missil (from misseo, to mingle) a kind of bearing, so called in Blazon, because of the intermixture of one colour with another.
[Page] Messor (Lat.) a Reaper or Mower.
Messorious (messorius) belonging to reaping.
Mestier (Fr.) a Trade, Occupation or Mystery; also need or necessity.
Mestifical (moestificus) that makes heavy or sad.
Met [...], is a Greek Preposition, which being set before several Cases, has several significations. Scapula.
Metacism (metacismus) a fault in pronouncing.
Metachronism (Gr.) an error in the connexion of things or times, by reckoning or accounting short or beyond the truth. Greg.
Metaleptick (metalepticus) that hath the power of participating, or pertains to the figure Metalepsis; whereby a word is put from his proper or common signification.
Metalliferous (metallifer) that brings forth mettals.
Metalline or Metallick (metallicus) pertaining to metals.
Metamorphosis (Gr.) a transformation, a changing of one likeness into another, or of one shape and figure into another. Hence
To Metamorphize, to transform, or change shape.
Metaphor ( metaphora, i. translatio) is the friendly and neighborly borrowing one word to express another, with more light and better note; or when a word is changed from his own signification into some other near unto it; as laetas segetes, luxuriantia prata, &c. Swords hungry of blood; Heads disinherited of their natural Seigniories, &c. This, of all other figures, is the most used and useful.
Metaphorical (metaphoricus) spoken by Metaphor.
Metaphysicks ( metaphysica, à [...], post vel trans, & [...]: quasi trans-physica, quod rerum physicarum cognitionem transcendunt) a Science which lifting it self above the changeable nature of things, considers of such as subsist in their own essence, not subject to any alteration, dealing onely with Universals, abstracting from Individuals; School Divinity is the highest part of it, consisting chiefly in contemplative knowledge of God, Angels, souls of men, &c. Physick (says my Lord Bacon) is that which enquires of the efficient cause, and of the matter; Metaphysick, that which enquires of the form and end. Advanc. of Learn. fol. 143.
Metaplasm ( metaplasmus, i. transformatio) a figure in Rhetorique, when by reason of the verse, &c, some thing is necessarily changed.
Metathesis (Gr. i. transpositio) when one letter is put for another.
Metempsychosis (Gr.) a passing of the soul from one body to another; Pythagoras his error. Hence
[Page] Metempsychosed, that so passeth, or is passed.
Me [...]a [...]or (Lat.) a planter or setter in order, a mesaurer out of the place for a Camp to pitch in, a measurer of Land.
Meteor (Gr. [...], i. sublimis) an apparition, or any imperfect mixt substance ingendred on high, in the air; as Rain, Snow, Thunder, Hail, Lightning, Blazing-Stars, Clouds and Wind; all which are made of vapors or exhalations drawn up from the Earth and Sea, by the attractive vertues of the Sun. Vide Aristot. Meteorolog.
Meteorology (Gr.) a discoursing of Meteors or sublime things.
Meteorologist (meteorologus) one that studies or speaks of high matters, as of Meteors, Stars, and other celestial things.
Metheglin (Br. Meddiglin) a kind of drink in Wales made of Wort, Herbs, Spice, and honey sodden together.
Methodist, one that puts things into a method or ready way, or one that treats or writes of methods, a good disposer of things into their proper places: The Galenists are usually so called, Bac.
Methodical (methodicus) pertaining to a method, or a ready way to teach or do any thing.
Methridate. See Mithridate.
Methuselah (Hebr.) the name of the oldest man before the flood, who lived 969 years. Hence tis used proverbially, to live the years of Methuselah, for a very old age.
Meticulosity (meticulositas) fearfulness, timerousness.
Meticulous (meticulosus) fearful, timerous.
Metient (metiens) measuring, esteeming.
Metonymie (Gr. transnominatio) a putting one name for another; a figure, when the cause is put for the effect, the subject for the adjunct, or contrarily.
Metonymical (metonymicus) pertaining to that figure.
Metopes (metopae) a term in Architecture, and signifies the distance or space between Dentieles and Triglyphes, which is either left plain, or garnished with Lances, Bones, Bullheads, Binding-bands and Labels. Vitruvius.
Metopomancie (Gr.) a divination by the face, or forehead.
Metoposcopy (Gr.) the Art of telling mens natures and inclinations by looking on their faces.
Metrical (metricus) pertaining to a meeter or verse.
Metropolis (Gr.) the chief, head, or Mother City or Town.
Metropolitan (metropolitanus) an Archbishop, so called because his Sea is in the Mother City of the Province. Of [Page] these we had two in England, viz. the Archbishop of Canterbury, and York. The stile of the first was (by the Popes decision) Metropolitanus & Primas totius Angliae; of the later, Metropolitanus & Primas Angliae. F [...]llers Church hist. lib. 3. p. 39.
Miasm (Gr.) a defiling or pollution; a flagitious act, a sin. Dr. Charl.
To Miche (from the Fr. Musér, i. otiari, cessare) secretly to hide or absent ones self as Truants do from School.
Mickle or Miccle (Sax. Micel, Scot. Meikil, Hebr. Michlol, Gr. [...]) much.
Microcosmus (Gr.) properly signifies a little world. This word is sometimes applied to man, who is therefore called a Microcosmus, or little world, as being a Compendium of all other creatures, his body being compared to the baser part of the world, and his soul to the blessed Angels.
Microcosmical, pertaining to a little world or to man.
Micrologie (micrologia) curiosity about things of no value; a speaking or treating of potty affairs.
Midas, a rich King of Phrygia, who desired of Bacchus that whatever he touched might be turned into gold, &c. Hence Midas is used proverbially for a rich, covetous man.
M [...]d [...]iff (diaphragma) a sinewy skin passing over thwart in mans body, which divides the Heart and Lungs from the Stomack, Guts and Liver, lest the vital parts should be offended with any ill vapor coming from them. See Diaphragm.
Migrame. See Megrime.
Migration (migratio) a flitting or removing by travel.
Mile (milliare) is with us a quantity of 1760 yards, otherwise described to contain eight Furlongs, and every Furlong forty Lugs or Poles, and every Lug or Pole to contain sixteen foot and a half. An. 35. Eliz. 6. See League and Furlong.
Militant (militans) going to war, fighting. Church Militant, is the Church here on earth, subject to trials, combats and temptations.
Militia (Lat.) Warfare, or all implements of war.
Millenarians, a sort of Hereticks. See Chiliasts.
Mimical (mimicus) belonging to wanton tricks, scoffing, apish.
Mimick, a wanton Jester, a counterfeit fool, that imitates the gests and countenances of others; a fool in a Play; also certain Poems or Plays more lascivious then Comedies.
Mimographer (mimographus) a writer of wanton matters.
Minacity (minacitas) threatning by words or signs, menacing.
Minature (from minator, he that treatneth) threatning.
Mine. See Meen.
[Page] Mineral (minera) any thing that grows in Mines, and contains mettal.
Mineralist, one that is well skilled in Minerals.
Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom, and of all the Arts; the President of Learning.
Minerval (Lat.) a reward given to Masters for teaching; and properly a Banquet or Supper before a vacation.
Miniature (from minium, i. read lead) the art of drawing Pictures in little; being commonly done with red lead.
Minime (Fr.) a slow time in Musick.
Minims, religious persons. See Bonhomes.
Miniographer (miniographus) he that paints or writes with Vermillion, or any red colour.
Minion (Fr. Mignon) a Darling, the best beloved, a Favorite; also a piece of Ordnance so called.
Minious (minius) red, of the colour of Vermillion.
Ministery (ministerium) service, labor, the charge of a work, commonly taken for that of the Church.
Miniver or Meniver, a fine white Fur made of the bellies of Squirrils: some say it is the skin of a little white Vermine, breeding in Muscovia.
Minnyng days (from the Sax. Gemynde, i. the mind, q. Mynding days) Bede hist. lib. 4. ca 30. Commemorationis dies; days which our Ancestors called their Moneths minde, their Years mind, and the like, being the days whereon their Souls (after their deaths) were had in special remembrance, and some Office or Obsequies said for them; as Obits, Dirges, &c. This word is still retained in Lancashire; but elsewhere more commonly called Anniversary days.
Minor (Lat.) the lesser, younger or smaller. The minor or assumption of a Syllogism. See Syllogism.
Minoration (minoratio) a making less or diminishing.
Minorative (minorativus) that which diminisheth, or is apt to make less.
Minorites. See Bonhomes.
Minority (minoritas) nonage, underage.
Minors. See Friar.
Minos, a King of Creet, who for his great justice is feigned to have been made a Judge in hell, &c. Hence, as just as Minos, proverbially.
Minotaur (Minotaurus) a Poetical monster, half like a Man, half like a Bull, was kept in the Labyrinth of Candy, and fed with mans flesh, where at last he was slain by Thesus, through the help of Ariadne. This Fable was built upon this foundation; that one Taurus, a Servant of Minos got his Mistris Pasiphae with child, from whence the Infant was named Minotaurus.
[Page] Minster (Sax.) a Monastery; Hence the Minster-Church, so called, because it formerly belonged to some Monastery.
Minute ( minutus adj.) diminished, small or little, mean, or simple.
Minution (minutio) a diminishing or making less.
Mirabilary (from mirum) may be taken for a book of wonders; as vocabulary, a book of words. Bac.
Miradical (miradicus) that speaks strange things.
Mirifical (mirificus) marvellous, wonderfully done, strangely wrought.
Mirmillon (mirmillo, onis) a challenger at fighting with swords; one sort of Gladiatores, called also Galli, upon whose crests was portraited a fish. Perottus.
Mis, is a Particle in composition, which for the most part signifies to err, or do ill: As to mis-interpret, to err in interpreting.
Misanthropie (misanthropia) an hating of men.
Misanthropist (misanthropos) he that hates the company of men.
Miscellanies (miscellanea) a hotch pot of sundry collections, without any form or method; a mixture of things together, without order.
Miscellaneous (miscellaneus) mixed together without order.
Miscreant (q. mis-croyant) a mis-beleever, an Infidel.
Miser [...]ick Vein. See Vein.
Miserer, i. have mercy; It is the name and beginning of one of the Penitential Psalms; and is commonly that Psalm, which the Judge gives to such guilty persons as have the benefit of the Clergy allowed by the Law, and is caled the Psalm of Mercy.
There is also a disease called Miserere mei, which is a voiding of the Excrements upwards, coming of the obstruction of the small guts, and is very painful, the patient imagining that his guts are pulled out and broken.
Misi [...]enn [...]g, is a changing of speech in Court; Saxon in the description of England, cap. 11. But Stow defines it thus, Est quietum esse de amerciamento pro querela, coram quibuscunque, in transumptione prolata. Survey fol. 919.
Misogamie (misogamia) hating of mariage.
Misogynie (misogynia) the hate or contempt of women.
Misogyuist (Gr.) a hater of women. Fuller.
Misprision (from the Fr. Mespris, i. contempt, despising) signifies in our Law, negligence or over-sight. As for example Misprision of Treason or Felony, is a neglect or light account shewed of Treason or Felony committed, by not revealing it, when we know it to be committed. Stawnf. Pl. Cor. lib. 1. ca. 19. Misprision [Page] of Treason incurs imprisonment during the Kings pleasure, loss of goods and profits of lands during life. Misprision of Felony, seems onely finable by the Justices, before whom the party is attainted. Misprision signifies also a mistaking. 14. Ed. 3. Stat. 1. c. 6.
Missal (missale) the Massbook.
Misseiden Messeito, or Me cidine, (from the Belg. Mistei) a plant having slender branches and green thick leaves, and never grows upon the ground, but upon other trees; the best is that which grows on the Oak; its leaves and fruit are good to soften and ripen any cold hard swellings. Of the berry of this vegetable, Birdlime is made. But that the Thrush eating these berries, and not able to digest them, and so from her inconverted muting this plant should arise (as the Antients afirmed) is doubted by Dr. Brown, fo. 98. From this conceit (that the Thrush did cack Misselto, which made Birdlime the bane of the bird) arose that old proverb,
Appliable to such as are authors of their own misfortune.
Missil (missile) a dart, stone, arrow, or other thing thrown or shot; a term of Heraldry.
Missionatics, persons sent; commonly spoken of Priests, sent to unbelieving Countries to convert the people to Christian Faith. Also a particular institute in France, called the Fathers of the Mission; who go by pairs, in imitation of the Apostles, preach and catechize, and perform other pastoral Offices, in assistance of the Clergy, and with obedience to the Bishop.
Mission (missio) a sending away, licence or leave to depart.
Mission (in the Roman Catholick sence) is a giving Orders, Jurisdiction and power to preach that Doctrine, which is taught by the Catholick Church, and to administer the Sacraments.
Missive (missus) a cast or hurle, a sending, or that which witnesseth ones being sent; It is also used adjectively.
Mithridate or Methridate (mithridatum) a strong Treacle or preservative against poison, devised at first by the Pontian King Mithridates, from whom it took name.
Mitifle (mitifico) to pacifie, or make quiet.
Mitral (from mitra) pertaining to a Mitre.
Mi [...]tim [...]s (i. we send) is a warrant made to send an offender to prison. Also a precept sent by the King out of his Bench, to those that have the custody of Fines levied, that they send them by a day assigned by his Bench. West. par. 2. Symb. tit. Fines sect. 138. F. and 154. B. See also the [Page] Tables of the Regist. Orig.
Mixolidian, lamentable, and pittiful, meet for Tragedies. Plutarch.
Mize, is a certain Tribute or Fine of 3000 Marks, which the Inhabitants of the County Palatine of Chester paid at the change of every owner of the said Earldom, for the enjoying of their Liberties. Vale Royal fo. 15.
Mizmor (Span. mazmorra) a Dungeon.
Mnemosyne (Gr. i. memoria) the Mother of the Muses.
Mobb [...], a certain drink, used among the English in the Barbado's and is made of Potato roots.
Mobility (mobilitas) moveableness, changeableness, inconstancy.
Mob [...]e [...]r, a School term, and signifies the manner or qualification of a thing in abstracto.
Modder (from the Belg. Modde, i. puella,) a Wench or young Girle.
Moderator (Lat.) a discreet Governor or Ruler; he that keeps both parties from running into extreams.
Modiation (modiatio) a measuring by the Bushel; Also a measuring of liquid things.
Modicum (Lat.) a little thing, a small pittance.
Modify (modifico) to measure, moderate, qualifie or limit.
Modifiable, qualifiable.
Modification (modificatio) a qualification, measuring, or limitation.
Modulation (modulatio) a pleasant tuning, a singing or playing by number or measure.
Moguntine, belonging to Moguntia or Mentz a City in Germany, where Printing was first invented by John Gutenburg. An. 1440.
Mohatra (Span.) a taking up money upon usury.
Moiles (mullei) a kind of shooes with a high soal, used in antient times by Kings and great persons. Moile is also used by Chaucer, for a dish made of Marrow and grated bread.
Moiety (Fr. moitié) the half of any thing.
Molar teeth (dentes molares) the back teeth, cheek teeth, or grinders, which are five of each side the mouth, both above and beneath.
Molendarious or Molendinarious (molendarius) of or pertaining to a Mill.
Moliminous (from molimen, inis) that hath force, or useth endeavour to do any thing; difficult.
Molinists, followers of Molina, a learned Jesuite of Spain, who read Divinity at Conimbra, and especially maintained, that God did not pre-move the Will in free acts, and are the great opposers of the Jansenists.
Molition (molitio) an endeavor, [Page] practice, attempt, or undertaking.
Mollificative (mollificativus) that mollifies or makes soft, tender or supple.
Mollitude (mollitudo) softness, niceness, tenderness, effeminateness, wantonness.
Moloch or Molech (Heb.) a King or Prince. It was the name of an Idol, in the Valley of Gehinnom or Tophet, to which the Israelites abominably offered their children in sacrifice of fire. This Idol was represented by a man-like brazen body, bearing the head of a Calf. See more in Sir Wal. Ral. l. 2. fol. 294. and in Moses and Aaron, p 143.
Molochite (molochites) a precious stone, having a thick greenishness in colour, like Mallows.
Moly, a kind of hearb, whose root to dig up, the Antients supposed to be hazardous to the life of the digger; Hence that of Homer,
Momus, the carping god, or god of reprehension; And is taken for any one that backbites others. Hence the proverb, Momo satisfacere; to content one whom no man can please.
Monas (Gr.) the number one, unity.
Monial or Monachal (monachalis) belonging to a Monk, or one that lives alone, solitary.
Monachism, the state or condition of a Monk, or of a lonely person.
Monarchy (Monarchia) is where a Prince rules alone without a Peer; or it is the government of one man over many.
Monasterial (monasterialis) belonging to a Monastery or Monk.
Mond, or Ball of gold, is one of the Ensigns belonging to an Emperor, because he challenges the title of Majesty over the whole world.
Monks (from the Greek monos, because they live alone or solitary) a sort of religious people, whereof there are divers kinds, as those of St. Benedict, St. Bazil, St. Hierome, &c.
Moneths (Sax. monaths) however taken are not exactly divisible into Septuaries or weeks, which fully contain seven dayes, whereof four times make compleatly twenty eight; For besides the usual or Calendary Moneth, [Page] there are but four considerable, that is the Moneth of Peragration or Apparition, of Consecution, and the Medical or Decreto [...]ial moneth; whereof some come short, others exceed this account. A Moneth of Peragration, is the time of the Moons revolution from any part of the Zodiack, unto the same again, and this contains but twenty seven days, and about eight hours. The Moneth of Consecution or (as some term it) of Progression, is the space between one conjunction of the Moon with the Sun, unto another; and this contains twenty nine days and a half. A Moneth of Apparition is the space wherein the Moon appears (deducting three days, wherein it commonly disappears; and being in combustion with the Sun, is presumed of less activity) and this contains but twenty six days, and twelve hours. The Medical Moneth, not much exceeds this, consisting of twenty six days, and twenty two hours, &c. See more in Dr. Br. Vul. Err. fo. 212.
Monger or Manger (Sax.) was our antient name for a Merchant; it is now onely used as an addition to divers Merchantable Trades, as Iron-monger, Fish-monger, Wood-monger, and the like.
Monition (monitio) a warning or admonition.
Montior (Lat.) an admonisher, warner, or Councellor.
Monos (Gr.) alone. Hence
Monochord (Gr.) that hath but one string.
Monocular Monosculous (from monos and oculus) that hath but one eye, one eyed.
Monodie (monodia) a lamentable or funeral song, where one sings alone.
Monodical, pertaining to such a song.
Monogamie (monogamia) a marrying of one onely wife all the life time.
Monogdoon (Gr.) an eighth, or one out of eight. Fuller.
Monogram (Gr.) a letter that stands alone; a picture drawn with one line, a sentence in one line, or an Epigram in one verse. As
Pauper videri Cinna vult, & est pauper.
Monologie (monologia) singing always one tune, speaking still of one matter; a long tale of one thing.
Monomachie (monomachia) a combate or fighting of two hand to hand.
Monophagie (monophagia) a meal made of, or a living always with one kind of meat.
Monopoly (monopolium) is when a man ingrosses or gets Commodities into his hands, in such fashion that none can [Page] sell them, or gain by them but himself.
Monopolist (monopola) he that doth so ingross Commodities, or he that hath the grant of a Monopoly.
Monops (Gr.) a kind of beast in Peonia (by some called a Bonasus) as big as a Bull, being narrowly pursued, it voideth a kind of sharp Ordure, deadly to such as it lights upon.
Monoptick (monopticus) that sees onely with one eye.
Monoptote (monoptotum) a word having but one Case.
Monostick (monostichon) which consists of one onely verse.
Monasyllable (monosyllabus) that hath but one syllable.
Monothelites (monothelitae) certain Hereticks that lived in the year of Christ 640, and were within five years after condemned by a Council; They held there was but one will in Christ, &c.
Monstrable (monstrabilis) that may be shewn or declared.
Monstrosity (monstrositas) which is done against the course of nature, monstrousness.
Montanists, a sort of Hereticks, so called from Montanus their first Author, they held the Holy Ghost was not given to the Apostles, but onely to them, &c.
Montanous (montanus) belonging to the Mountains.
Monteflasce, a kind of delicious wine, so called from Montefiascone, a City in Italy where it is made.
Montera (Span.) a hunters or Sea-man Cap, which was (not long since) much in request with us,
Monticulous (monticulosus) full of hills or mountains.
Montivagant (montivagus) that wandreth on the mountains.
To Moor or More a ship (from moror, to stay) is to lay out her Anchors, as is most fit for the ship to ride by in that place where she is, and of this there are several ways among Seamen; but a ship cannot properly be said to be Moored, with less then two Anchors a ground.
Moot, a term used in the Inns of Court, and signifies the handling or arguing a Case for exercise; As in the Universities there are Disputations, Problems, Sophisms, and such like Acts; It seems to be derived from the French word (Mot) i. verbum. Quasi, verba facere, aut Sermonem de aliqua re habere.
Mootmen, are those Students that argue Readers cases in houses of Chancery both in Terms and grand Vacations; Of Mootmen after some years study are chosen Outward Baristers; of which degree after they have been Twelve years, they are commonly chosen Benchers, or [Page] Antients, of which one of the younger sort, reads yearly in Summer Vacation, and is called a single Reader; and one of the Ancients that have formerly read, reads in Lent Vacation, and is called a double Reader, and it is usual between his first and second Reading nine or ten years; some of these Readers are afterwards called ad statum & gradum Servientis ad legem, and of Sergeants are constituted the honorable Judges and Sages of the Law.
For the entrance of the young Student (who commonly comes from one of the the Universities) were first instituted and erected eight Houses of Chancery, to learn there the Elements of the Law; (viz.) Cliffords-Inn, Lions-Inn, Clements-Inn, Bernards-Inn, Staple-Inn, Furnivals-Inn, Davies-Inn, and New Inn; And each of these Houses consist of forty persons or more. For the Readers, Utter-Baristers, Mootmen, and inferior Students, there are four famous and renowned Colledges or Inns of Court; called. 1. The Inner Temple, to which the first three Houses of Chancery appertain; Grayes-Inn, to which the next two belong; Lincolns-Inn, which enjoys the last two saving one; and the Middle Temple, which hath onely the last. Each of these Houses of Court consist of Benchers above twenty, of Ʋtter Baristers above thrice so many, of Young Gentlemen about the number of 160 or 180, who there spend their time in study of Law, and commendable Exercises. The Judges of the Law and Sergeants, being commonly above the number of twenty, are equally distributed into two higher and more eminent Houses called Sergeants Inns. All these are not far distant one from another, and all together make the most famous University for profession of Law onely, or of any one human Science in the world, and advanceth it self above all others, Quantum inter viburna cupressus. Lo. Coke.
Mopsical (mopsicus) that cannot see well; Hence perhaps comes our phrase mop-ey'd.
Moral (moralis) of or belonging to manners or civility. The four Moral or Cardinal Vertues are, 1. Prudence, 2. Justice. 3. Temperance. 4. Fortitude; and are so called, because they concern the manners or behaviour belonging properly to the actions of man, onely as he is man.
Moralize (moralizo) to expound morally, to give a moral sence unto. As in the Fables of Aesop, the parties named are Foxes, Asses, and such like Beasts; with Birds and Fishes, yet there is a latent moral sence therein, appliable to the persons of men and women, and which may serve for rules of good manners, and [Page] this is called the moral or morality of the Fable.
Moration (moratio) a staying or tarrying.
Morbidezza (Ital.) tenderness, softness. Sir H. Wotton.
Morbifical (morbificus) that causeth disease or sickness.
Morbulent (morbulentus) full of diseases; sickly.
Morbus Galicus, otherwise called Morbus Indicus, Neopolitanus, Hispanicus (in Lat. Lues Venerea) the French Pox or the great Pox. In the City of Naples about the year 1494. This disease was first known in Christendom, and is said to be brought thither out of America. See American disease. The French report, that at the siege of Naples, certain wicked Merchants barrel'd up the flesh of some men that had been lately slain in Barbary, and sold it for Mummy, and upon that foul and high nourishment, was the original of this disease. Lo Bac. nat. hist.
Mordacity Mordancie (mordacitas) biting; sharpness of speech, detraction, bitted tearms.
Mordicate (mordico) to hurt with biting.
Mordicative (mordicativus) biting or stinging.
Moresk work (Fr. Moresque) a rude or Antick painting or carving, wherin the feet and tails of beasts, &c. are intermingled with, or made to resemble a kind of wilde leaves, &c. Cotgr.
Morglay (mot-glaive) a killing or mortal sword; Glaive in old French signifying a sword. Cleiv. Poems.
Morigerous (morigerus) obedient, dutiful, doing as he did.
Morling alias Mortling seems to be that wooll which is taken from the skin of dead sheep, whether dying of the rot or being killed. En. 27. Hen. 6. ca. 2. This is written Morkein. An. 3. Jac. cap. 8. See Morkein.
Morion (from the Ital. Morione) a Head-piece or Cap of steel.
Morisco (Span.) a Moor; also a Dance so called, wherein there were usually five men, and a Boy dressed in a Girles habit, whom they call the Maid Marrion, or perhaps Morian, from the Ital. Morione a Head-piece, because her head was wont to be gaily trimmed up. Common people cal it a Morris-Dance.
Morkein or Morkin (from mors, death) among Huntsmen is a Deer that dies by some disease or mischance. See Morling.
Morology (morologia) a foolish speaking.
Moromantie (Gr.) foolish divination.
Morosity (morositas) frowardness, waywardness, peevishness, aversness to please.
Moraus (morosus) wayward, froward, pensive, teasty, hard to please.
[Page] Morphew (from the Gr. [...] i. forma) certain whitish spots in the bodies of some persons, so called.
Morpheus (somni minister) sleep or the God thereof.
Morta, one of the destines.
Mortal sin, See Venial.
Mortgage (Fr. mort. i. mors, and gage, i. pignus, merces) signifies in our Common Law, a pawn of Land or Tenement, or any thing movable laid or bound for money borrowed, peremptorily to be the Creditors for ever, if the mony be not repaid at the day agreed on; And the Creditor holding such Land or Tenement is called Tenant in Mortgage.
Mortiferous (mortifer) deadly that brings death.
Mortification (mortificatio) a mortifying, a queling, taming or punishing the flesh, a deading the appetite, a killing of lust.
Mortmain (Fr. i. a dead hand) signifies in Law, an alienation of Lands or Tenements to any Corporation, Guild, or Fraternity and their Successors; As Bishops, Parsons, Vicars, &c. which may not be done without license of the King, and the Lord of the Mannor, &c. See more of this in Cowel.
Mortress, a meat made of boyled Hens, crums of bread, yolkes of eggs, and Saffron, all boyled together. Chauc.
Mortuary (mortuarium) is a gift left by a man at his death to his Parish Church, in recompence of his personal Tithes and Offerings not duely paid in his life time. Heretofore, if a man had three or more Cattel of any kind, the best being kept for the Lord of the Fee, as a Herriot; The second was wont to be given to the Parson in Right of the Church. But by the Statute of 21 H. 8. ca. 6. a rate in money is set down for Mortuaries, viz. three shillings four pence, where the goods of the deceased are above the value of twenty Nobles, and under thirty pound; six shillings eight pence, where the goods exceed thirty pound and under forty pound; and ten shillings, where the goods amount above the value of forty pound. &c. These Mortuaries are due but in some particular places, and were also called Corse or Corps-presents.
Mosaique or Musaical work (Mosaicum, musaeacum vel Musivum opus) is a most curious work wrought with stones of divers colours, and divers mettles, into the shape of knots, flowers, and other devices, with that excellency of cunning, that they seem all to be one stone, and rather the work of Nature then Art. Sir Henry. Wotton describes it thus, Mosaique is a kind of painting in smal Pebbles, Cockles, and shels of sundry colours; [Page] and of late dayes, likewise with peeces of glass, figured at pleasure; An ornament, in truth, of much beauty, and long life, but of most use in Pavements and floarings. El. of Archit. p. 261.
St. Marks Church in Venice, abounds with curiosity of this Work, of which the Venetians vaunt themselves to be the Authors. See Marquetry.
Mosaical of or pertaining to Moses: or to Mosaick work.
Mosche or Mosque, a Temple or Church among the Turks and Saracens, the Persians call it a Moschea.
Motable (motabilis alwayes moving, still in motion.
Motacism (motacismus) the dashing out a letter.
Mother, a disease in women, when the womb riseth with pain, for which the smelling to all sweet savors is harmful; as contrarily, to all strong and loathsom, good.
Mot (Fr.) Motto (Ital.) a word; But in a restrained sence it is properly taken for the Word or short sentence applied to an Imprése or Devise. See Devise. There are also Motto's belonging to the Coats of Arms of most of the Nobility and Gentry, which are seldom in the English tongue. Mot, is also a Note, which a Huntsman winds on his horn.
Motet (Fr.) a verse in Musick, or of a Song, a P [...]sie, a short-lay.
Mountain of Piety (mons pietatis) is a stock of money raised by the charity of good people, who, observing the poor ruined by the usury of Jews, voluntarily contributed good store of treasure to be preserved and lent to them, whereby they, upon security, might have money at a low rate to relieve▪ their wants; which, because the mass is great and the thing pious and charitable in it self, is called a Mountain of Piety; But in respect the Officers and incident charges cannot be had without some emolument, therefore the borrower payes somewhat by the moneth for the loan of that he receives. Cajet. opusc. de monte Pietat. c. 1.
Mountebank (Ital. Montimbanco. Span. Saltaenbanco. Fr. Charlatan. Tent. Landstreicher. Belg. Quaksalvar.) a cousening Drug-seller, a base deceitful Merchant (especially of Apothecaries Drugs) that, with impudent Lying, does, for the most part, sell counterfeit stuff to the common people.
Mucc [...]l [...]ginous comes from the Latin muccago, or muccus, or mucus snot or snivil) snivilish, snotty, filthy, and thence flegmy, and the like. Dr. Br.
Mucculent or Muculent, (muculentus) full of snot or snivel.
Mucid (mucidus) sinued, ho [...]ry, mouldy, filthy.
[Page] Mucor (Lat.) hoariness, filthiness.
Mue (from the Fr. Muer, to change) a kind of Cage, where Hawks are wintered or kept when they mue or change their feathers; whence those great Stables belonging to Whitehall took denomination, that place having been antiently full of Mues where the Kings Hawks were kept.
Mufti ( i. an Oracle, or answerer of doubts) a chief Priest among the Turks (who is created by the Emperor) and hath four several orders or Sects subordinate to him (viz.) 1. The Calenderim. 2. The Haggiemlar. 3. The Torlocchi. 4. The Dervislar, &c. See Sir Hen. Blounts Voyage into the Levant, p. 79. See Brachman.
Mugient (mugiens) lowing, bellowing, crying.
Mulato (Span.) the son of a woman Blackmore, and a man of another Nation, or è contra; one that is of a mongril complexion. Dr. Br.
Mulcible (mulcibilis) which may be appeased.
Mulct (mulcta) a fine, an amerciament, a punishing by the purse.
Muleto, a Moil or great Mule, a beast much used in France for carrying Sumpters, &c. It may also be taken for a diminutive of (Mule) and so signifies a little Mule.
Muliebrity (muliebritas) tenderness, delicateness, womanliness.
Mulier (Lat.) signifies a woman that has had the company of a man; but in our Law it signifies one that is lawfully begotten and born; contradistinguished to Bastard.
Mulierosity (mulierositas) unlawful lust after women, properly married or defiled women.
Mullar (from the Lat. molo, to grind) is the upper stone which Painters and Limners use to grind their colours; the neather stone is called the grinding stone. The French call it a Moulleur.
Mullet (mullus) a kind of dainty fish; Also a term in Heraldry signifying a Star-like spot, and divided into five corners or ends, and is the distinction for a third Brother.
Mulse (mulsum) water and honey sod together; also sweet wine.
Mulsulmans (Arab.) the Turks or Mahumetists so called; the word signifies as much as a people faithful in their Law or Religion.
Multatitious (multatitius) gotten by fine or forfeit.
Multifarious (multifarius) divers in conditions, many ways divided. Lo. Bac.
Multiferous (multifer) bearing much or many; fruitful.
Multifidous (multifidus) having many slits or clefts, divided into many parts, manifold.
Multiformity (multiformitas) diversity of form, shape or figure.
[Page] Multiloquent (multiloquus) full of speech, that hath many words.
Multinominal (multinominis) that hath many names.
Multiparous (from multus and pario) that brings forth much or abundantly.
Multiplicious (multiplex, icis) manifold, of many or divers sorts or ways, variable, changeable, handling divers matters.
Multiplicable (multiplicabilis) that may be multiplied or augmented.
Multipotent (multipotens) that may or can do much.
Multiscious (multiscius) knowing much, skilful.
Multisonant (multisonus) that hath many or great sounds, that makes a great noise.
Multitudinous (from multitudo, inis) pertaining to a multitude; that has a great number, or great store of.
Multivagant (multivagus) wandring or straying much abroad.
Multivilous (multivius) that hath many ways, manifold.
Multivolent (multivolus) of many or divers minds, mutable, wishing one while this, another that.
Multure ( molitura Lat. Fr. moulture) the Grist or Corn ground; or the Toll or Fee which the Miller takes for grinding corn.
Mumial, of or pertaining to Mumie.
Mumie or Mummie (Lat. Mumia. Ital. Mummia) a thing like pitch sold by Apothecaries; It is hot in the second degree, and good against all brusings, spitting of blood, and divers other diseases. There are two kinds of it, the one is digged out of the Graves, in Arabia and Syria, of those bodies that were embalmed, and is called Arabian Mummie. The second kind is onely an equal mixture of the Jews Lime and Bitumen, in Greek Pissasphaltum, in Latin Pici-bitumen, and of the Simplicists, Cera monta [...]a, Cera terrestris, Pissalsphaltum nativum, & numia nativa. Gen. Practise of Physick.
Mummerie (Fr.) a masking or personating others in antick habits.
Muncerians, a sort of Anabaptists, so called from Tho. Muncer, who was their Prophet, Senator and General, when they rose in Rebellion in Suevia and Franconia, &c.
Mund [...]ne (mundanus) worldly.
Mundanitie (mundanitas) worldliness.
Mundifie (mundifico) to make clean, to purge.
Mundifica [...]e (mundificativus) mundifying▪ purging, purifying, apt to cleanse.
Mundivagant (mundivagus) wandring through the world.
Munerate (munero) to reward or recompence.
[Page] Municipial Municipal (municipalis) proper or peculiar to one onely City, or to the right of Freedom in a City.
Muniferous (munifer) that carrys a gift.
Munificence (munificentia) liberality, bounty, largess.
Munifical Munificent (munificus) bountifull, liberal.
Muniment (munimen) a Fortress or Fence, a Fort or Hold: A Muniment house (in Cathedrals, or Collegiate Churches, Castles, Colledges, or such like) is a house or little room of strength purposely made for keeping the Seal, Plate, Evidences, Charters, &c. of such Church, Colledge, &c. such Evidences being called in Law Muniments, (or corruptly miniments) from munio, to defend; because a mans inheritance or possession is defended by them.
Munite (munio) to fortifie, strengthen or defend.
Munited (munitus) armed, fenced, made strong, prepared.
Murage, is a Toll or Tribute to be levied for the building or repairing publick Edifices or Walls. Fitz. nat. br. fol. 227. d. It seems also to be a liberty granted by the King to a Town for gathering money towards walling it. A. 3. Ed. 1. ca. 30.
Mural (muralis) belonging to a wall. The Mural Crown was one of the rewards given by the old Romans to their Souldiers, with which he only was honored, who did first scale the walls, and enter the Enemies City.
Murcid (murcidus) cowardly, unadvised, sloathful.
Mure [...]gers (from murus, a Wall) Officers yearly elected in the City Westchester, who have a care of the City Walls, and see them repaired.
Muricide (muricida) he that kills Mice; a Coward or sloathful fellow, fitter to kill Mice then men.
Murnival, the number Four.
Musach Cassa, a Chest or Church-Box in the holy Temple of Jerusalem, wherein Kings were wont to cast their Offerings. Min.
Musaph (omnibus linguis) a book among the Turks that contains all their Laws.
Muscadel (Fr.) or Muscadine (Vinum Muscatum) a kind of wine so called, because for sweetness and smell it resembles Musk. This wine comes for the most part from the Isle Creta or Candy; whence (as Ortelius reports) 12000 Butts of it are yearly transported. Others say it takes name from Monte Alcino in Italy.
Muscheto, a kind of Gnat. Herb. tr.
Muscle ( musculus, dimin. à mus, because a Muscle is like a flead Mouse) an instrumental part of the body, serving for [Page] voluntary moving the fleshy part of it, compassed in with the Strings and Sinews to move withal, interlaced with Veins and Arteries, the first for distribution or nourishment, the other for preserving natural heat. Min.
Muscosity (muscositas) abundance of Mice; also mossiness, or abundance of moss.
Mu [...]culous (musculosus) full of Muscles or Sinews; hard, brawny.
Muses (Musae) the feigned Goddesses of Poetry and Musick, which were nine in number, and Daughters to Jupiter and Mnemosyne; of whom thus Virgil.
Musive. See Mosaical.
Musk (moschos) the Barbarians call it Pat) is brought out of India, and other hot Countries, the best of all is yellowish or of a gold colour. It comes from a beast like a Roe or wilde Goat, in which beast the Musk grows in a little bag, or bladder. Some say it comes from a little beast like a Mouse. It is comfortable to the heart and brain, and hot and dry in operation.
Mussitation (mussitatio) a mumbling, or speaking between the teeth.
Mussulman. See Mulsulmans.
Mustachio Mustache (Gr. [...], Fr. moustache. Span. mustachos) that part of the Beard which grows upon the upper lip.
Mustaphis Musapheis Doctors or Prophets, men of the greatest regard for learning among the Turks.
Must (mustum) new wine, or that is first pressed out of the Grape; any thing fresh or new.
Musteline (mustelinus) of or like a Wheesel.
Mustulent (mustulentus) sweet as Must; also fresh, new, green.
Mutes (mutae) these letters b, c, d, g, h, k, p, q, t, are so called, because they have no sound, without the assistance of a vowel, as (s) hath which [Page] makes a little hissing, before it is joyned in speech with a vowel.
N [...]tilate (mutilo) to maim, cut off, diminish, take away or make imperfect.
Nyunyng. See Minnyng days.
Myrobalane (myrobalanus) an East-Indian plumb, or the nut of Egypt, so called, whereof there are divers kinds.
Myriad (myrias, adis) the number of ten thousand.
Myriarck (myriarches) a Captain of ten thousand.
Myrmidons (myrmodones) certain people of Thessaly, that accompanied Achilles to Troy.
Myro [...]olist (myropola) a seller of sweet Oyls, Ointments or Perfumes.
Myrrhe (myrrha) a gum brought out of Arabia and Assyria, of colour between white and red; It is hot and dry in the second degree, or (as son [...]e write) in the third, and is often used in Physick, being of an opening, cleansing, and dissolving nature.
Myrrhine Myrrhean (myrrhinus) of myrrhe, made of myrrhe, seasoned with myrrhe.
Myrtle (myrtus) a little low Tree, growing in hot Countries, having small dark leaves, and bearing berries, which are of a binding nature, good to stop any issue of blood. It is a tender plant, not able to endure cold, and was wont to be worn by the Roman Captains, Garlandwise in triumph, when they had obtained any victory, without slaughter of men.
Mystagog [...]ca [...] (mystagogicus) that interprets mysteries, or ceremonies, that hath the keeping and shewing of Church-Relicks to stranges. Treatise of bodies.
Mystag [...]gue (mystagogus) he that hath that office.
Mysteriarck (mysteriarches) the master of holy mysteries, a chief Prelate.
Mystical (mysticus) secret, hidden, sacred.
Mystical Theology, is nothing else in general but certain Rules, by the practise whereof, a vertuous Christian may attain to a nearer, a more familiar, and beyond all expression comfortable conversation with God, by arriving unto, not onely a belief, but also an experimental knowledge, and perception of his divine presence, after an unexpessible manner in the soul, &c. Cress.
Mythologie (mythologia) a declaration of fables, an expounding or moralizing upon a tale. Hence
Mythologize, to expound or moralize a fable, or Poetical History.
NAdir (Arab.) the point of heaven directly under our feet, opposite to the Zenith [Page] which is over our heads. A term in Astronomy.
Naiad [...]s, Nymphs or Fairies of the Rivers and Fountains. They have their name from [...], to flow or bubble, as the water doth.
Naiant (Fr. nageant) a term in Heraldry, and signifies swimming or floating.
Naif (Fr.) lively, quick, natural, kindly, proper, no ways counterfeit. Jewellers when they speak of a Diamond that is perfect in all its properties, as in the water, shape, cleanness, &c. say tis a Naif stone; others account a Naif stone to be one that is found growing naturally in such perfection, as if it had been artificially cut, and therefore most esteemed.
Napaeae, Nymphs or Goddesses of the Woods and Mountains; from the Greek Nape, a wood.
Napthe (naptha) a kind of marly or chalky clay, whereto if fire be put, it so kindleth, that if a little water be cast thereon, it burns more vehemently; liquid or soft bitumen.
Narcissus (Gr.) an hearb called white Laus tibi, or white Daffodil. Poets feign that Narcissus, a fair Boy, being in love wth himself, was turned into a Lilly.
Narcissine (narcissinus) of or pertaining to a white Daffodil.
Narcotique (narcoticus) that makes a member senceless, stupefactive, benumming, depriving of sence. As Narcotic Medicines, which make the Patient, or some of his members senceless.
Nard (nardus) a plant growing in India or Syria, called Spikenard.
Narration (narratio) a report of a thing, a discourse, declaration, or relation.
Narrative (narratus) declarative, reporting, relating, expressing. It is also used substantively, as Narration.
Nasicornous (from nasus, a nose, and cornu a horn) that hath a horn on his nose, or a horned, or horny nose. Dr. Brown in his Vul. Err. p. 166. speaks of those four kinds of Nasicornous Insects or Beetles, described by Muffe [...]us.
Natal (natalis) native, natural, of or belonging to a nativity or birth.
Natal or Natalitious gifts (munera natalitia) among the Grecians, the Midwives, the fifth day after the childes birth, ran about a fire made for the same purpose; using that ceremony, as a purification of themselves & the child; on this day the neighbors also sent in gifts or small tokens; from which custom, that among Christians of the Godfathers sending gifts to the baptized Infant, is thought to have flown; and that also of the neighbors sending gifts to the mother of it, as is still used in Northwales.
Natation (natatio) a swiming.
[Page] Nated (natus) born, bred, brought forth, framed of nature. Felth.
Nathaniel (Heb.) the gift of God.
Naturalist (Fr.) a natural Philosopher, one skilled in the Reason, and causes of natural things.
Naturalize (Fr. naturalizer) to make a natural Subject; to admit into the number of natural Subjects. At Rome there were two sorts of Citizens; some Cives nati; Citizens by birth; others Civitate donati, Citizens by donation or gift, who because they were added unto and registred with the first sort of Citizens, were thence called Adscriptitii Cives.
Naval (navalis) of or belonging to ships, or a Navy of ships. The Naval Crown was given to him, who first entred the enemies ship in a Sea-fight.
Naucifie (naucifacio) to set nought by, to dis-esteem.
Nave (Span.) that part of a Cart or spinning Wheel, wherein the Spokes are set, and in which the Axletree runs.
Naufrage (naufragium) wrack on the Sea, loss, detriment, shipwrack.
Navicular (navicularis) pertaining to ships.
Navigable (navigabilis) where ships may pass, sailable, that will bear a ship.
Navigerous (naviger) that will bear a Vessel or Ship.
Navigator (Lat.) a Sayler. We use to say, Sir Francis Drake was the first that sailed round the world, which may be true in a mitigated sence; viz. that he was the first Captain or person of note that atchieved this enterprize ( Magellanus perishing in the midst of it) and therefore is reported to have given for his Devise a Globe with this Motto, Tu primus circumdedisti me. This Navigation was begun Ann. 1577. and in two years and a half with great vicissitude of fortune, finished.
Navitie (navitas) diligence, stirring, quickness.
Naulage (Fr.) the fraight or passage money, for transporting any person or thing over the Sea or a River.
Naumachie (naumachia) a war, or battel at Sea; also the place where such battle is fought.
Nauseate (nauseo) to have an appetite to vomit; also to loath or abhor.
Nauseative Nauseous (nauseosus) loathsom, against the stomack, that makes one ready to cast.
Nautical Nautick (nauticus) belonging to ships or Marriners.
Nazal (Fr.) the nose-piece of a Helmet; the part thereof that covers the nose.
Nazarite (Heb.) signifies a man separated or divided. The Jews so called those that [Page] had vowed themsel [...]es for some time to God: And these Nazarites, while their vow lasted, were to abstain from Wine and Grapes either green or dry, and generally, from whatever came from the Vine Tree, or might make a man drunk. They also cut not their hair, and observed divers other ceremonies. The date of their vow being expired, they presented themselves to the Priest, who offered a Sacrifice for them, and then their hair was cut, and burnt with the Sacrifice; after which it was lawful for them to drink wine as before. See Numb. 6.2.21. The Disciples were first called Nazarites (as the Mahumetans still call them) from Jesus of Nazareth (a Village in Galilee) as now, Christians from Christ; which name was first given them at Antioch by Evodus, Patriack thereof, who immediately succeeded St. Peter. Also certain Heretics so called. Of which see Moses and Aaron, p. 32.
Neades, beasts in Samos, whose bones are so big, they are kept for a marvel, and their voice so strong, it shakes the earth.
Neap Tides, In the Seamens Dialect are, the ebbing or small Tydes, which happen when the Moon is in the middle of the second and last Quarter; The Neap is opposite to the Spring, and there are as many days allowed for the Neap or falling of the Tides, as for the Spring or rising of them. The Tide never runs so swift in Neaps as in Springs. Note that as the highest of the Spring is three days after the Full or Change of the Moon; So the lowest of the Neap is four days before the Full or Change, and then they say 'tis Dead-neap. When a ship wants water, so that it doth not flow high enough to bring her off the ground, or out of a Dock, they say she is be-neaped. See Spring-Tides.
Nebule (a term in Heraldry) being a representation of the clouds; as Nebule of six pieces, Or and Sable is the Blounts Arms.
Nebulon (nebulo) a Knave, Rascal, Villain, Scoundrel, one of no estimation.
Nebulosous (nebulosus) cloudy, misty, foggy; full of clouds.
Necromancy (necromantia) a divination practised by conjuration and calling up Devils or dead mens Ghosts; which we read practised by King Saul (1 Reg. cap. 28.) when he required a Sorceress to call the spirit of Samuel to him.
Necromancer (necromantes) he that practises that wicked Art, a Master of the Black Art, one that seeks to the dead; or consults with Satan in the shape of a dead man. The Hebrews describe [Page] him thus; he made himself hungry, and then lodged among the Graves, that the dead might come to him in a dream, and make known to him that which he asked, &c. Others there were that clad themselves with cloathes for that purpose, and spoke certain words, burned Incense, and slept by themselves, that such a dead person might come and talk with them in a dream. The difference between Necromancers and Witches King James (in his Demonologie) hath taught in a word; the one (in a sort) command, the other obey the Devil.
Necromantick (necromanticus) pertaining to Necromancy.
Nectar (Gr.) a pleasant liquor, feigned to be the drink of the Gods.
Nectarine Nectarean (nectareus) immortal, divine, pleasant, like Nectar.
Nefandous (nefandus) horrible, hainous, mischeivous, not to be spoken or named.
Nefarious (nefarius) cursed, unworthy to live, wicked, detestable.
Negative (negativus) that denies or gain-says, Two Negatives make an Affirmative; as he did not give nothing, for, he gave something.
Negative pregnant, in our Common Law, implies also an Affirmative. As if a man, being impleaded to have done a thing upon such a day, or in such a place, denies he did it, Modo & forma declarata, which implies nevertheless, That in some sort he did it.
Negatory (negatorius) of or belonging to denial, inficiatory, negative.
Negotiation (negotiatio) buying and selling, traffick, merchandizing, managing of business.
Ne [...]otious (negotiosus) full of business, ever in action, much employed.
Negro (Ital. and Span.) a Neger or Blackmoor, whom the Dutch call a Swart.
Neif or Nief (from the Fr. naif, i. naturalis) signifies in our Common Law a Bondwoman, An. 1. Ed. 6. c. 3.
N [...]maean Games (nemaea) so called from Nemaea, a Town in Greece, where Hercules slew the Lions, and in honor of this memorable exploit, were instituted these Nemaean games, which continued famous in Greece for many ages. The exercises were, running with swift Horses, Whorlebats, runing on foot, Quoiting, Darting, Wrestling, Shooting.
Nemesis, the Goddess of Revenge, called also Adrastia.
Nemoral (nemoralis) pertaining to a Wood or Grove, inclosed or beset with Woods.
Nemorivagant (nemorivagus) wandring in the Wood.
Nemorous (nemorosus) full of Woods, Groves or Trees, shadowed with Trees.
Neogamist (neogamus) one [Page] newly married, a Bridegroom.
Neophyte (neophytus) any thing lately planted or set; one newly entred into any profession, most commonly taken for one lately converted to the faith. The Neophyte or new Convert (says Mr. Gregory, p. 111.) received a Taper lighted, from the Mystagogus; which for the space of seven days after, he was to hold in his hand at Divine Service, sitting in the Baptistery.
Neopolitan disease. See Morbus Gallicus.
Neoterical (neotericus) that is of late time, newly.
Nepenthe (Gr. Nepenthes) a kind of Herb, which, being put into Wine, drives away sadness. Some take it for Bugloss. Plin. l. 2. c. 21.
Nephritick (nephriticus) that is troubled with a pain in the Reins of the back.
Nepotation (nepotatio) a wasting or riotousness.
Neptune (Neptunus) the god of the Sea, Son to Saturn and Ops. Hence
Neptunian (Neptunius) belonging to that Sea god, or to the Sea.
Nequient (nequiens) not being able, disable.
Neread (Nereides) a Maremaid or Fish like a beautiful Woman down to the Girdle, the rest like a Fish: The Males of these are called Tritons.
Nireides, are also taken for Nymphs, or Fairies of the Water, and comes from Heb. Nahar, i. a Flood or River.
Nercus, a God of the Sea.
Nero Domitius, an Emperor of Rome, infamous for his cruelty and tyranny; he murdered his mother Agrippina, his Brethren, and his Wife Octavia, his Master Seneca, and the Poet Lucan, &c. Hence Tyrants are called Nero's.
Nerve (nervus) a Sinew, strength, force, power, stoutness, and constancy of minde. Nerve is that by which the Brain adds Sence and Motion to the Body.
Nervy (nervosus) having great or many Sinews, strongly made in Body, pithy.
Nervosity (nervesitas) the having Sinews or strength, fulness of Sinews.
Nescience (nescientia) ignorance, want of knowledge.
Nescient Nescious (nescius) that knows not, ignorant of.
Nestor, a man of great wisdom and eloquence, that lived almost 300 year. Hence proverbially, we use Nestor for a man of great age.
Nestorians (so called from Nestorius, a German, their first Founder) a sort of Hereticks, that held (among other enormities) that in Christ were two Persons, as well as two Natures, &c. This Heresie was condemned by the General Council at Ephesus; And Nestorius his tongue rotted in his mouth, for having bin the Author of such Blasphemy; he lived in the days of Theodosius; & [Page] was by him made Bishop of Constantinople. Sands.
Nethinims (Hebr.) were hewers of wood and drawers of water for the House of God, Ezra 2.43. See Moses and Aaron. p. 22.
N [...]vosity (naevositas) speckedness, fulness of moles or freckles.
Neutral (neutralis) neuter, belonging to neither.
Neutrality, the not siding with either part, indifferency.
New years Gift, or a gift given the first day of the new year: The usage came first from the antient Romans: For the Knights used every year, on the first day of January, to offer New-years-gifts in the Capitol to Augustus Caesar, though he were then absent: Which custom hath descended to us, albeit in sundry kinds; for in Italy the greatest persons give to the meanest; and in England the meanest to the greatest.
Nexible (nexibilis) that may be knit or tied.
Nexility (nexilitas) fastness, pithiness, compactness of speech.
Niaiserie (Fr.) simplicity, silliness, childishness, want of experience, Schism. Dispat.
Nais Hawk (Fr. Niais) a Nestling or young Hawk; or any Hawk taken out of the Nest, before she prey'd for her self.
Nicean, pertaining to Nice, a City in Bithinia, where the first general Council was held, Ann. 314. to which there assembled three hundred and eighteen Bishops, to beat down the Arrian Heresie.
Nices or Niches (from the Italian Nichi) the hollow places in a wall, wherein Statues or Images are set. A term in Architecture.
Nicete (Fr.) sloth, idleness, slackness, simplicity; hence our word nicety, which we commonly use for coyness, daintiness, curiosity.
Nicholaitans (so called from Nicholas, the Proselyte of Antioch, one of the seven Deacons, which were instituted with Saint Stephen by the Apostles) a sort of Hereticks that held it lawful to have their wives common, &c. St. John makes mention of them in his Apocalypse, where (speaking of the Church of Pergamus) he saith, Thou hast them that hold the doctrine of the Nicholaitans.
Nicholas (Gr.) Conqueror of the people.
Nicodemites, a sort of late Reformists in Switzerland, so called, because they profess their Faith in private, as Nicodemus did to Christ.
Nicotian (Fr. Nicotiane, Span. Nicociana) Tobacco. so called from John Nicot, who first sent that weed into France from Portugal, where he was Ambassador Leiger for the French King, about the year 1560. Near which time, and [Page] at which place he made that great French and Latin (called Nicots) Dictionary.
Nictation (nictatio) a winking or twinkling with the eyes.
Nidgeries (Fr. Nigeries) fopperies, fooleries, trifles.
Nidifice (nidificium) a Nest, such as Birds make.
Nidifie (nidifico) to build or make a Nest.
Niding (old English) signifies an abject, base-minded, false-hearted coward. In former time this word was of great force in England: For when there was a dangerous Rebellion against King William Rufus, &c. after he had but proclaimed, that his Subjects should repair to his Camp upon no other penalty, but that who ever refused, should be reputed a Niding; they swarmed to him immediately from all sides in such numbers, as he had in few days a great Army, and the Rebels were so terrified therewith, that they forthwith yielded.
Nidor (Lat.) the savor of any thing burned or rosted; sometimes brightness.
Nidulation (nidulatio) a building or making a Nest.
Night-Mare. See Incubus.
Nigrifie (nigrefacio) to make black.
Nihilifie (nihilifacio) to set nothing by, to dis-esteem, to make no account of.
Nigromancy. See Necromancy.
Nihil dicit, is a failing to put in answer to the Plea of the Plaintiff, by the day assigned; upon which failure, Judgment passeth against him, as saying nothing why it should not.
Nil (Belg. niet, i. nihil) the sparkles or ashes that come of Brass, tried in the Furnace.
Nilus, a great River running through Ethiope and Egypt, famous for the vertue of its water, which overflowing this Country, makes it wonderful fertile many years after. This River is in length almost three thousand miles.
Nimbiferous (nimbifer) that brings storms or showrs.
Nimbot (Fr.) a Dwraf, Dandiprat, or little Skipjack.
Nimietie (nimietas) too great abundance.
Nimious (nimius) too much, excessive, over-great, superfluous.
Ningid or Ninguid (ninguidus) where much snow is.
Nisi prius, is a Writ Judicial, which lies in case where the Enquest is panelled and returned before the Justices of the Bank; the one party or the other making Petition, to have this Writ for the ease of the Country, &c. It is called Nisi prius, of these words contained in the same Nisi die Lunae apud talem locum prius venerint, &c. See Assize.
Nitid (nitidus) clean, neat, gay, trim, fair, bright.
Nitidity (nitiditas) cleanness, [Page] brightness, trimness.
Nitor (Lat.) the same.
Nitre (nitrum) a Salt-resembling substance, of colour ruddy and white, and full of holes like a Spunge; some late Writers mistake it for Salt-petre.
Nitrou [...] (nitrosus) having the savor of Nitre, having stuff in it whereof Nitre is made, full of Nitre.
Nival (nivalis) Niveous (niveus) pertaining to Snow, white or cold like Snow, snowy.
Nixu, the gods of Childbearing.
Nobless (Fr.) Nobility, Gentry, Generousness.
Nobili [...]ate (nobilito) to make noble, to promote to Dignity,
Noce [...]t (nocens) that hath done a trespass or injury, that hurteth or endamageth; a person guilty, or that hath offended.
Nocive (nocivus) that doth harm, hurtful, noyous.
Noctiferous (noctifer) that betokens or brings night, the evening Star.
Noctivagant (noctivagus) that wandreth by night.
Nocturnal (nocturnus) belonging to the night, nightly, or in the night time.
Nocturne (nocturnum) a part of the Office, or certain Psalms and Prayers so called, because they are said Nocturno tempore, about midnight.
Nocument (nocumentum) hurt or damage.
Nocuous (nocuus) that doth harm, hurtful.
Nodosity (nodositas) knottiness, knobbiness.
Nodous (nodosus) knotty, full of knots, knurs, joynts or difficulties; curious or scrupulous.
Noli-me-tangere, i Do not touch me. An Herb so called, because its seed being ripe, fpurts away so soon as it is touched: Also a disease of th [...]t name, being a piece of flesh growing in the Nostrils, in such sort, as it often stops the wind, and the more it is touched, the worse it grows.
Nomarck (Nomarcha) he that hath the preheminence in the ministration of Laws, as a Major or other like Officer.
Nomarchie (nomarchia) a jurisdiction or Majoralty, a Law, a County or Shire, a Territory about some City.
Nombreil (from the Fr. Nombril, i. a Navel) in Heraldry it signifies the lower part of a Scutcheon, divided by the breadth into three even parts. The Fesse being the middle, and the Honor Point the upper part. Guill.
Nomenclator (Lat. Quasi nominis calator) he that knows the names of things, and calls them thereby; a common Crier in a Court of Justice; a Bedel, or like Officer, to whom it belongs to know by heart, the names, offices, and crafts of all the Citizens, thereby to instruct such as among the Romans [Page] did stand for any Office, that they might speak to them more gently. Thomasius.
Nomenclature (nomenclatura) the numbring of names or Surnames of sundry things; the office of the Nomenclator.
Nominal (nominalis) of or belonging to a name.
Nominalia, A Feast among the Romans: to Females they gave the name on the eighth day, to Males on the ninth, which they called Dies lustricus, as it were the cleansing day, on which they solemnized this Feast; and (as Turtullian notes) Fata adscribenda advocabantur, that is (as I conceive) their Nativities were set. The Athenians gave names on the tenth day, others on the seventh.
Nomination (nominatio) a naming or appointing; it is used both by the Common Lawyers and Canonists for a power that a man by vertue of a Mannor or otherwise, hath to appoint a Clerk to a Patron of a Benefice, by him to be presented to the Ordinary.
Nomographer ( [...]) a Writer of the Law; a Legislator.
Nomothesie (Gr.) the making, publishing, or proclaiming a Law.
Nona, Decima and Morra, the three fatal Ladies, whom the Greeks call Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos.
Nonability, is in our Law, an exception against any person that disables him to commence a Suit.
Non est factum (Lat.) is an usual Plea to a Declaration, whereby a man denies that to be his Deed, whereon he is impleaded.
Nonage (Fr. non aage, i. non aetas) not yet of age; minority; that is all the time of a mans age under One and twenty years in soml cases, and Fourteen in some, as marriage. See Brook. tit. Age.
Non compos mentis, i. not in his right wits, is of four sorts; 1. He that is an Ideot born; Next he that by accident wholly loseth this wits. 3. A Lunatick, that has sometime his understanding and sometimes not; Lastly, he that by his own act deprives himself of his right mind for a time, as a Drunkard.
None of the day, is the third quarter of the day beginning at Noon, and lasting till the Sun be gone half way towards setting.
Nones (nonae) in March, May, July and October, are the six days next following the first day, or the Calends; In other moneths they are the four days next after the first; But the last of these days is properly called Nones, and the other reckoned backward, according to the number distant from the Nones, as the third, fourth or fith Nones. They are called Nones, because they began the ninth [Page] day before the Ides. Hoptons Conc. p. 70.
Non liquet, i. It appears not, it is not clear, it likes not. Also a Verdict given by the Jury, signifying, that the matter was to be deferred to another day of trial; Ignoramus with us, or a Reprié, it was wont to be put down in a Scrowle or Tablet by these letters (N.L.) As guilty, or Condemnatio by (C) Quitting by (A) i. Absolutus. Carol. Sigon. de Judiciis.
Non obstante (Lat.) notwithstanding, nevertheless; a word much used in our Statutes, Patents and other writings, &c.
Non plus (Lat.) no more; a term often used, when a man can say no more, nor answer an Ojection; then he is said to be at a Nonplus.
Non-residency, unlawful absence from the place of his charge, most commonly spoken of Ministers and their Cures.
Non-suit, is a Renunciation of the Suit by the Plaintiff or Demandant, when the matter is so far proceeded in, as the Jury is ready at the Bar to deliver their Verdict. A. 2. H. 4. ca. 7. See the New book of Entries, verbo, Nonsuit. The Civilians term it, Litis renunciationem.
Nonupla, a quick time in Musick peculiar to Gigs and such like; having nine Crotchets between Bar and Bar.
Nook of Land. See Yard.
Normal (normalis) right by rule, made by the Square or Rule.
Nortel ware, corruptly so called in some part of England for Lorimers. See Lorimer.
Norrey or Norroy, King at Arms. See Harold.
Nosognomonick (Gr.) a part of Physick. See Medicine.
Nostoch (says Dr. Charlton in his Paradoxes) is the nocturnal pollution of some plethorical and wanton star, or rather excrement blown from the nostrils of some rheumatick Planet, falling upon plains and sheep pastures, of an obscure red or brown tawny, in consistence like a gelly, and so trembling if touched; which the Philosophy of the clouted shoo affirms to be the ruines of a star fallen. Some there are (saith Dornaeus) who by Nostoch intend wax, but by the favor of a metaphor.
Notary (notarius) a Scribe or Scrivener, that onely takes notes, or makes a short draught of contracts, obligations or other instruments; these notes he may deliver to the parties that gave him instructions, if they desire no more; but if they do, he must deliver them to a Tabellion, who draws them at large, ingrosses them in parchment, &c. and keeps a Register of them, but this is not generally observed; for in many Towns of France, the Notaries [Page] are also Tabellions. Cotg.
Notification (notificatio) information, signification, advertisement.
Notion (notio) knowledge, understanding; acquaintance.
Novatians, a sort of Hereticks whereof one Novatus was first Author about the year 215. he condemned second Mariages, and held that such as had once faln or were in Apostacy, ought no more to be received into the Church, although they were repentant therefore, &c. This Heresie was condemned by a Council at Rome. See Catharians.
Novator (Lat.) he that makes a thing new, a renewer.
Novels of the Civil Law are in number 168. into which the 91 Collations of the Authenticks (which were set out after the Codex by Justinian, then Emperor, and brought into the body of the Civil Law) were divided. They were called Novelles (says Cujatius) quod novissime promulgatae sint post Codices.
Novenary (novenarius) of nine, that consists of nine.
Novendial (novendialis) of nine days space or continuance.
Novennial (novennis) of nine years.
Novae tabulae (Lat.) was an easement proposed in favor of debtors at Rome, whereby the old debt books and obligations were cancelled; or the nomina dashed out; Among the Athenians this practise was called Sisacthia, i. an easing of burthen, or Cre [...]opia, a cutting off or striking out of debts. Livie.
Novercal (novercalis) of or pertaining to a Step-mother, or mother in Law.
Novice (from the Lat. Novus) a young Monk or Nun, before they are professed; one that's but newly entred into a Religious house, and has not passed his time of probation; also a youngling or beginner in any profession.
Novity (novitas) newness, strangeness, novelty.
Nowed, a term in Heraldry (from the Fr. Nové) knotted, or tied in a knot.
Noxious (noxius) hurtful, noysom, offensive.
Nubiferous (nubifer) that brings or carries clouds, cloudy,
Nubilous (nubilosus) full of clouds, cloudy, stormy, tempestuous.
Nubivagant (nubivagus) passing through or among clouds.
Nuceous (nuceus) of or pertaining to a Nut.
Nudation (nudatio) a making bare.
Nude (nudus) bare, naked, uncovered, void, empty, destitute, poor.
Nude contract (nudum pactum) is, in our Law, a bare contract or promise of a thing, without any consideration given therefore, ex quo non oritur actio.
[Page] Nudity (nuditas) bareness, nakedness, want of any thing, poverty.
Nugal Nugatory (nugatorius) trifling, vain, of no force.
Nugator (Lat.) a trifler.
Nugation (nugatio) a trifling. Bac.
Nuisance. See Nusance.
Nullifidian (from nulla fides) one of no faith, Religion or honesty; a Seeker.
Nullity (nullitas) nothing, annihilation, the being void, nothing, or of no effect.
Nullo, a Cypher, or nonsignificant character.
Numeral (numeralis) of or belonging to number.
Numerical, belonging to number; Also a term in Logick; as when we say a numerical difference, that is to say, the last difference, by which one individual thing is distinguished from one another.
Numerist (numerarius) he that numbereth; an Officer in the later Emperors time belonging to the Office of Praefectus praetorio; A kind of Register, Notary, or Auditor.
Nun ( nonna q. non nupta. Teut. Nunn. Belg. Nonne) is a holy or consecrated Virgin, or a woman that by vow has bound her self to a single and chaste life, in some place and company of other women, separated from the world, and devoted to an especial service of God, by prayer, fasting and such like holy exercises. St. Hierom makes (nonna) originally an Egyptian word, as Hospinian records of him, in his book de origine & progressu monachatus, fol 3. Of these there are several Orders. Scholastica (the Sister of St. Benedict) was the first that collected them into companies, and prescribed them orders. Heyl.
Nuncupate (nuncupo) to name, to call by some name; also to pronounce, tell by name or rehearse.
Nuncupative (nuncupativus) called, named, pronounced, expresly declared by word of mouth.
A Will Nuncupative, is when the Testator makes his will by word of mouth (not by writing) before sufficient witnesses.
Nundinal Nundinarie (nundinarius) pertaining so Fairs or Markets.
Nundination (nundinatio) a trafficking in Fairs or Markets, buying and selling.
Nuncio (Ital. and Span. from the Lat. Nuncius) a Legate or Ambassador from the Pope.
Nuncio differed from a Legate, almost as a Lieger from an Extraordinary Ambassador.
Nuptial (nuptialis) pertaining to a Wedding, Marriage or Bridal.
Nuptial gifts were certain tokens, which the Husband sent his Mistress before the betrothing.
[Page] Nuptialist (from nuptiae) a Bride or Wife; or a Bridegroom or Husband; Also one that makes Marriages.
Nusance (Fr. nuisance) hurt, offence, annoyance, damage, trespass. In Law it is, where any man erects any wall, stops any water, or doth any thing upon his own ground to the unlawful hurt or annoyance of his neighbor; he that is grieved may have thereof an Assize of Nusance.
Nutation (nutatio) nodding, as one doth when he sits sleeping.
Nutriment (nutrimentum) nourishment.
Nutritive Nutritious (nutritius) pertaining to nourishment.
Nymph ( Nympha, Brit. Nymph) a Bride or new married Wife. Hence those Virgin Goddesses of the Woods, Mountains and Waters had this name, as the Napaeae, Oreades, Dryades, Hamadryades, Naiades, Nereides, &c.
Nymphal Nymphous (from Nympha) of or belonging to a Nymph or Bride; Nymph-like.
Nymphet (Fr.) a little Nymph.
OBacerate (obacero) to stop ones mouth, that he cannot tell out his tale.
Obambulate (obambulo) to walk against another, or about, to range or stray over.
Obduction (obductio) a covering or laying over.
Obdurate (obduratus) hardned, also unrelenting.
Obedientials (from obedientia) those that execute an Office under Superiors, and with obedience to their commands.
Obeisance (Fr.) obedience; a dutiful observing of, an obsequious yielding unto.
Obelise (from obelus or obeliscus) to make a long stroke in writing, to signifie somewhat to be put out; to race out. Mr. White.
Obelisk (obeliscus) a great square stone broad beneath, and waxing smaller towards the top. There were divers of these in Egypt consecrated in honor of the Sun; whereof four were principally erected by King Sochis, of wonderful height; many Obelisks were likewise at Rome in time of the Roman Emperors. The difference between an Obeliske and a Pyramid was this; the Obelisk was all of one entire stone or piece, and therefore of no such height as the Pyramids, which were of divers stones; and again the Obelisk is four-square, whereas the Pyramis may be of other figure.
Obequitate (obequito) to ride about.
[Page] Obesity (obesitas) fatness, grosness.
Objectator (Lat.) he that reproaches or lays to ones charge.
Obit (obitus) the death, dying or decay of one; the setting or going down of the Sun. Also sometimes taken for an Elegy or Funeral Song.
Objuration (objuratio) a binding by oath.
Objurgation (objurgatio) a chiding, rebuking, reproving, or blaming.
Objurgatory (objurgatorius) pertaining to chiding, checking or rebuking.
Oblat (Fr.) a Souldier, who, grown impotent or maimed in Service, hath maintenance or the benefit of a Monks place assigned him in an Abbey; Also the means or place of a Monk, or such Souldier.
Oblation (oblatio) an offering; an aid or Subsidy money. Oblations are thus defined in the Canon Law. Oblationes dicuntur quaecunque à piis fidelibusque Christianis offeruntur Deo & Ecc [...]esiae, sive res soli, sive mobiles sint. Nee refert an legentur Testamento, an aliter donentur. Cap. Cler. 13. quaest. 2. See Duaren. de Sacr. Eccles. Minister. ac Benef. cap. 3.
Oblatration (oblatratio) a barking or making exclamation against one.
Oblectation (oblectatio) recreation, delight, pleasure.
Oblesion (oblaesio) an hurting or annoying.
Obligatory (obligatorius) which bindeth or obligeth; also taken substantively, for an obligation.
Oblimation (oblimatio) a dawbing or covering over with mud or soft clay.
Obliquation (obliquatio) a crooking or turning away or aside.
Oblique (obliquus) crooked, aw [...]y, bowed, bended traver.
Obliquity (obliquitas) crookedness, wriness.
Obliterate (oblitero) to scrape out, to put out of remembrance, to abolish.
Oblivion (oblivio) forgetfulness, unmindfulness.
Oblocutor (Lat.) an evil reporter, a backbiter, a detracter.
Oblong, is a Geometrical term for a Quadrangular figure, whose length exceeds its breadth, of which the most proper (distinguished by their several terms) are these six. 1. Sesquialter, which is when half the height is added to its length. 2. Sesquitertia, when a third part is added to its length. 3. Sesquiquarta, when a fourth part is added. 4. Diagonia, when the Oblong is increased to the length of the Diagonal of the single Square. 5. Superbitiens tertias, so called (quasi super bis tertias) because the length thereof is encreased by two thirds. 6. Dupla, which is a double square. Enchir of fortif.
[Page] Obloquy (obloquium) a speaking against, an evil report.
Obmutescence (from obmutesco) a holding ones peace, a being silent or tongue-tied.
O [...]nection (obnectio) a fast knitting, as in marriage.
Obnoxiety (obnoxietas) obnoxiousness; liableness to danger, or to the lash, punishment.
Obnoxious (obnoxius) that hath deserved to be punished, guilty, or condemned, in danger of, subject to.
Obnu [...]ilate (obnubilo) to make clouds, or dark with clouds, to make heavy and sad in countenance.
Obnunciate (obnuncio) to tell or shew ill tidings, or things unpleasant and unlucky.
Obnunci [...]tion (obnunciatio) a forbidding a thing upon foreknowledge, conjecture or likelihood of its ill success. As the antient Romans were wont to dissolve their Assemblies (which dissolution they called obnunciation) when soever any evil token was seen or heard, either by the Magistrate or Augur. Godwin.
Obole (obolus) a Coyn, variable according to the Country, with us it is a half-penny: Junius takes it for a penny farthing of our money; others, for an smal Coyn worth seven pence. Also a half-penny weight, twelve grains among Apothecaries, and fourteen among Mintmen and Goldsmiths. Obolus terrae, five soot in breadth, and ten in length.
Obreption (obreptio) the creeping or stealing to a thing by crafty means, the getting or obtaining it by dissimulation or private cousenage.
Obrogate (obrogo) to check or interrupt one in his tale, to gainsay. To obrogate a Law, is to proclaim a contrary Law, for taking away the former.
Obrumpent (obrumpens) breaking or bursting.
Obscene (obscoenus) all things that are to be eschewed, filthy, unclean, unchaste, dishonest.
Obscenity (obscoenitas) villany in acts or words, ribaldry, baudiness, filthiness.
Obsecrat [...] (obsecro) to beseech heartily, to pray, to desire for Gods sake.
Obsequious (obsequiosus) officious, dutiful, serviceable, observant, obedient.
Observants or Observantin [...], a branch of the Order of Grey-Fryers, commonly called Franciscans, instituted by St. Francis of Assisium, distinct from the Minims or Bonhomes, instituted by St. Francis de Paula. These Observants were instituted by one Bernard of Siena, about the year 1400. See Friers.
Obsession (obsessio) a laying siege, a beleaguring or compassing about: A man is said to be obsest, when an evil [Page] spirit hants him, troubling him often, and seeking opportunity to enter into him.
Obsibilate (obsibilo) to make a whistling noise, as Trees stirred with winds.
Obsidian stone (obsidianus) a precious stone, mentioned in Pliny. Gondibert.
Obsidional (obsidionalis) of or pertaining to a siege.
The Obsidional Crown (Corona obsidionalis) was given onely to him that relieved a City or Town besieged: This Crown was made of green Leaves, or of the Grass and Herbs of the same Field, where the enemy had been over-thrown, or forced to flight. The great Quintus Fabius received this Crown, for defending and delivering Rome from the siege of Hannibal.
Obsolete (obsoletus) decayed, old, grown out of use, worn as a Garment, when it is thredbare.
Obstetricate (obstetrico) to do the office of a Midwife.
Obst [...]trici [...]us (from obstetricium) pertaining to the Ministery of Midwives, or their Feat.
Ostipate (obstipo) to stop chinks.
Obstreperous (obstreperus) that makes a noise, roars, or crys out against.
Obstrigillation (obstrigillatio) a reprehension, a resisting or repugning.
Obstruction (obstructio) a shutting or stopping up, a [...]amming up.
Obstupifie (obstupefacio) to make abashed or astonied.
Obtenebrate (obtenebro) to make cloudy or dark.
Ob [...]est (obtestor) humbly to beseech, to desire for Gods sake.
Obtestation (obtestatio) an humble desiring, a taking God to witness for a thing, a hearty beseeching.
Obticence (obticentia) silence, holding ones peace.
Obtorted (obtortus) wreathed, wrested or wrenched.
Obtrectation (obtrectatio) detraction, depravation, back-biting, slandering.
Obtrite (obtritus) worn, bruised, trod under foot.
Obturation (obturatio) a stopping or shutting up.
Obtuse (obtusus) dull, dim, blunt, without spirit.
Obvention (obventio) a meeting with, a coming against, hapning, or chancing unto; Also revenue or rents.
Obvert (obverto) to turn against, back, or about.
Obviate (obvio) to meet with one, also to resist or withstand.
Obvious (obvius) that which meets with one, meeting in the way; gentle and easie.
Obumbrate (obumbro) to shadow over and over; also to make dark, obscure, or dim.
Obuncous (obuncus) very crooked.
Obundation (obundatio) a flowing against.
[Page] Obvolate (obvolo) to flie against.
Occident (occidens) the going down of the Sun; the West part of the world. And (adjectively) declining, decaying, falling, going down.
Occidental (occidentalis) pertaining to the West, western, westernly.
Occiduous (occiduus) that goes down, that will decay.
Occipital (from occiput) belonging to the Noddle, or hinder part of the head.
Occision (occisio) a slaughter or death of men or Cattel, a killing or slaying.
Occlusion (occlusio) a shutting up fast, a stopping.
Occular. See Ocular.
Occulcation (occulcatio) a treading on or spurning.
Occult (occultus) hid, privy, not known very secret.
Occultation (occultatio) a hiding, or keeping close, a concealing.
Occupative (occupativus) that is busied, employed, or Possessed of, or that busieth. An Occupative Field, is that which, being deserted by its proper owner or tiller, is possessed by another.
Occurre (occurro) to meet with, come in place, be in the way, or offer it self.
Oceanick Oceanine (oceaninus) belonging to the Ocean or main Sea, encompassing the world.
Ochlocracy (Gr.) a kinde of Government, wherein the multitude or common rout bear rule.
Ocious (ociosus) idle, careless, restful, at ease, that hath little to do, unemployed.
Octangular (octangulus) that hath eight corners, eight-cornered.
Octave (octavus) an eighth in Musick, a proportion or the number of eight.
Octaves (octavae) an usual term in Courts of Justice, and in the Roman Calender, and signifies the eighth day, next after some principal Feasts of the year, called also the Ʋtas. D. Aug. Epist. 118. See Ʋtas.
Octennial (octennalis) that is done every eighth years.
Octonary (octonarius) the same with Octave.
Octogon (Gr.) a figure consisting of eight Angles.
Octostic. See Ogdastic.
Ocular (ocularius) pertaining to the eyes or sight.
Oculate (oculatus) full of eyes or holes, quick of sight, circumspect; as Oculate Faith, that is, confirmed by the eye-sight, or such a Faith as represents the thing believed, as it were to the eye; a seeing Faith.
Oculist, one skilled in curing the diseases of the eyes, or in preserving the eye-sight.
Oculus Christ [...] (so called because it conduces much to the cure of the infirmities of the eyes) an Herb called Wilde Clary. Gerard.
Ode (oda) a Song, or Poem pronounced with singing.
[Page] Odelet (Dimin. of Ode) a small or short Ode.
Odible (odibilis) odious, worthy to be hated.
Odor (Lat.) savor, sent, smell.
Odoramincu [...] (from Odoramen, inis) smelling sweet, fragrant, odoriferous, pertaining to odor.
Odoriferous (odorifer) sweet in savor, bringing spices and sweet smelling things.
Oeconomie (oeconomia) the guiding and ordering of things pertaining to houshold; also an order in doing a thing.
Oeconomical (oeconomicus) pertaining to the order or government of an house or family.
Oeconomist, one that orders or rules a family.
Oecumenical (oecumenicus) universal, general, pertaining to the whole world.
Oed [...]stine (oedastinus) that is cunning in the knowledge of weights and measures.
Oedematous (from Oedema) full of or subject to a slegmatick and painless sweling, which being pressed down with the finger, retains the impression thereof, and is called an Oedeme. Br.
Oenopolist (oenopola) a Vintner or seller of Wine.
Offertory (offertorium) an offering, or place where offerings are offered or kept; also a part of the Mass so called.
Official. (officialis) of or belonging to offices or duties. It is a word diversly used; some apply it to such as have the sway of temporal Justice, others to the Minister or Apparitor of a Magistrate or Judge. In the Cannon Law i [...] is especally taken for him, to whom any Bishop generally commits the charge of his Spiritual Jurisdiction; and in this sence, one in every Diocess is (Officialis Pricipalis) whom the old Statutes and Laws of this Nation call Chancelors. An. 32. Hen. 8. cap. 15. And are sometimes termed Commissaries; the difference of the two powers, you may read in Lindwo [...]od, tit. De sequest. posses. cap. 1. Verbo Officialis. But this word Official in our Statutes and Common Law, signifies him whom the Archdeacon substitutes for executing his Jurisdiction.
Officinator (Lat.) an Artificer or Crastsman. Vitruvius ( lib. 6. cap. 11.) distinguishes the Officinator from the Architect; this designs the Idea of the whole work; that is but a second superintendent over all the under-Art sins.
Officine (officina) a Shop or Work-house.
Offuscate (offusco) to make black or dark, to shadow or make dim or duskish.
Ogdastick (ogdastichon) a Sentence or Epigram comprized in eight verses, or a Stanza of eight verses.
Ogive or Ogee (Fr. Augive or Ogive) a wreath, circlet [Page] or round band in Architecture.
Oisteriot, a weed so called, as it were, laid among Oisters. Min.
Oke, a measure among the Turks, near the bigness of our quart. How.
Oleaginous (oleaginus) of an Olive-tree, or of the colour of an Olive-tree.
Oleity (oleitas) the time of gathering Olives, or the Olives when they are gathered to make oyl of; also oyliness.
Olfactory (olfactorium) a Posie or Nose gay, any thing to smell to.
Oleron Laws, or Laws of Oleron; so called for that they were made by K. Richard the First, when he was there. Cok Inst. par. 1. p. 260 b. This Oleron is an Island near Rochel, belonging to the French.
Olidous (olidus) which hath a strong savor, whether good or bad; rank of smell.
Oligarchy (oligarchia) the state of a Commonwealth, where a few persons, and those properly of the wealthier sort, have all the authority.
Olimpiad. See Olympiad.
Oliver, a name fetched from the peace-bringing Olive, as Daphnis and Laurence, from the triumphant Laurel.
Olivaster, a wilde Olive tree; also like, or of the colour of an Olive; in which last sence the Lord Bacon uses it in his Nat. Hist.
Oliviferous (olivifer) which bears or brings forth Olives.
Olivity (olivitas) the time of gathering Olives, or making Oyl; see Oleity.
Olla (Span.) a Pot to boil meat in; and by figure is taken for the meat it self boiled in it.
Olla podrida, a Hotchpot of several ingredients; Mr. Howel, in one of his Letters describes it thus. The Olla podrida hath Intellectuals and Sences: Mutton, Beef, and Bacon, are to her as the Will, Ʋnderstanding and Memory are to the Soul; Cabbage, Turnips, Artichocks, Potatoes, and Dates, are her five Sences, and Pepper the common Sence: She must have Marrow to keep life in her, and some Birds to make her light, and by all means she must be adorned with some chains of Sausages, &c. This dish is much in request with us, and is commonly pronounced Ollia; the second l in Spanish being melted in the pronunciation like an i. It hath some Analogy with that the French call a Bisque.
Olympiad (olympias, adis) the space of five years, or of eighty moneths, thirty days to a moneth, which was the Epoch of the Grecians; and so used from the time of celebrating their Olympick Games, which was every fifth year, and the interval was called an Olympiad. See more of this in Mr. Greg. de Aeris & Epoch. c 7.
[Page] Olympick Games (olympia) Games instituted by Hercules in honor of Jupiter; they were celebrated every fifth year in the Plains of Elis, a City of Peloponnesus, and the Exercises were five; Running, Wrestling, Leaping, Quoiting, and Whorle-bats. The reward to those that overcame in these feats of activity was nothing but a Garland of Olive branches, lest covetousness, rather then vertue, should make them strive for victory. They took name from the City Olympia, otherwise Pisa. Sir Wat. Ral. lib. 2. fol. 490.
Olympias (Gr.) heavenly; a womans name, but some use Olympha.
Ombrage. See Ʋmbrage.
Omega (Gr. [...], i. O magnum) the last letter in the Greek Alphabet; and by a Metaphor taken for the last part or end of any thing. See Alpha.
Omelet (Fr.) a Pancake of Eggs, a Froise.
Ominous (omninosus) lucky or unlucky, that portends good or ill luck.
Omneity (from omnis) the all-being of a thing. Rel. Med.
Omnifarious (omnifarius) sundry, divers, all manner of ways.
Omniferous (omnifer) that beareth or bringeth forth all things, or of all kinds.
Omnigenous (omnigenus) of every kind.
Omnimode (omnimodus) of all manners or fashions, of every way.
Omniparent (omniparens) which bears or brings forth all things; Father or Mother of all things.
Omniregencie (from omnis & rego) the having the sole rule or authority in ones hands.
Omnipotencie (omnipotentia) almightiness.
Omnipresent (omnipresens) that is present every where.
Omniscient Omniscious (omniscius) that knows all things.
Omnitenent (omnitenens) that contains all things.
Omnitenerant, that travels every where, that journeys into all places.
Omnivagant (omnivagus) wandring every where, that runs up and down in all places.
Omnivalent (omnivalens) that is able to do all things.
Omnivolent (omnivolus) that wills or desires all things.
Omnivorous (omnivorus) that devoures and eats all kind of things.
Omologie (omologia) a congruence, proportion, or agreeableness; confession.
Onagre (onager) a wild Ass; also an Engine to fling or shoot great stones, as the Balista did arrows.
Onerate (onero) to load, charge or burthen, to overcharge, to weary.
Onocrotal (onocrotalus) a Bird like a Swan, braying [Page] like an Ass; thought to be a Bittour.
Onomancie (onomantia) divination by names; also the skill of repeating many names by the art of memory. The Pythagoreans judged the even number of vowels in names to signifie imperfections in the left sides of men, and the odd number in the right.
Onomantical, pertaining unto, or skilful in that kind of Divination.
Onamatopeious, pertaining to the Figure Onomatopoeia, which is a faining a name from any kind of sound.
Onymancy (Gr.) Divination by oyl and wax.
Onyx (Gr.) a precious stone found in the mountains of Arabia of the colour of a mans nail. Some write, that it is congealed of a juyce dropping from a tree called Onycha, which is the cause it smels sweet being cast into the fire; also that it is often found with divers pictures in it, being easily therein fashioned, before the stone be throughly hardned. This stone is called by some the Chalcidonie.
Opal (opalum) a precious stone of divers colours, wherein appears the fiery shining of the Carbuncle, the purple colour of the Amethyst, and the greenness of the Emerald very strangely mixed together. Plin. lib. 37. ca. 6.
Opacitie (opacitas) shadow of trees, umbrage.
Opaque Opacous (opacus) shadowed, in the shade, dark, obscure, black.
Opera (Lat.) a work, labor; diligence, study, &c. In Italy it signifies a Tragedy, Tragi-Comedy, Comedy or Pastoral, which (being the studied work of a Poet) is not acted after the vulgar manner, but performed by Voyces in that way, which the Italians term Recitative, being likewise adorned with Scenes by Perspective, and extraordinary advantages by Musick. The common Plays (which are not Opera's) are performed ex tempore by the Actors, and are but in the nature of Farces, wanting the above-mentioned adornments.
Operarious (operarius) pertaining to the workman, done with labor.
Operator (Lat.) he that works; a workman.
Operiment (operimentum) a covering.
Opertaneous (opertaneus) done within doors, in secret or in covert.
Ophthalmie (ophthalmia) an inflammation of the uttermost skin of the eye called Aduata, proceeding either of fulness of the body, or of the sharp cholerick humor, or of gross humors, and windiness puffing up the place. Tho.
Opiferous (opifer) which aids or helps, succoring.
Opifice (opificium) work, or workmanship.
[Page] Opimous (opimus) fat, gross, in good liking or plight; rich, plentiful; well furnished.
Opinable (opinabilis) that is or may be conceived in opinion. Bac.
Opinator (Lat.) a supposer, one that never affirms any thing.
Opinative or Opiniative (opinatus) that stands in his own opinion, addicted to an opinion, apt to have opinions, wedded to his own humor, wilful.
Opiniatrety (from the Fr. opiniastrete) opiniativeness, obstinacy a head-strong maintaining of, or persistance in an ill opinion.
Opiparous (opiparus) sumptuous, magnificent, very rich, royal.
Opisthograph (opisthographum) a book written on the back-side, or paper written on both sides.
Opisthographical, that is written upon on both sides.
Opitulat [...] (opitulor) to help, succor, or aid.
Opobalsamum (Gr.) the Gum of the Balm tree. See Balm.
Oppication (oppicatio) a covering with pitch.
Opium (Lat.) or Opiate, the juyce of black Poppy, sold dry by Apothecaries. It is sometimes used in Physick to cause sleep, or to asswage excessive pain, but then it must be mixed with other things, and given with great discretion; for, taken alone, it will cast one into a deadly sleep; being cold and dry in the fourth degree. Bul.
Oppidan (oppidanus) a Citizen or Townsman.
Oppignorate (oppignoro) to lay in pledge, to gage or pawn.
Oppilation (oppilatio) an obstruction or stopping the Liver, or other chief entrals.
Oppilative (oppilatus) obstructive, stopping, shut up.
Oppletion (oppletio) a filling up.
Opportune (opportunus) meet, for the purpose, fit, convenient, in due time, and as it ought to be.
Opposite (oppositum) a contrary. Aristotle makes four kinds of Opposites; first, those that are relativè opposita, as the Husband and Wife, the Master and Servant, &c. which have reference each to other. Secondly, those which are Contraria; as Right and Wrong; Ignorance, and Science, &c. Thirdly, Those that are privativè opposita, as Light and Darkness, Sight and Blindness, which succeed and deprive one another. The fourth and last kind of Opposites are those which in Propositions and Clauses are Contradicentia, the one affirming, and the other negative, &c. J. Doderidge.
Opprobrious (opprobriosus) reproachful in words, upbraiding, reviling, taunting.
[Page] Oppugn (oppugno) to assault, to batter, to lay seige unto, to fight against; Also to reason against a thing earnestly.
Opsimathie (opsimathia) a learning when one is old.
Opsonator (Lat.) a buyer or purveyor of meats; a Cater, a Manciple.
Optable (optabilis) that is to be desired, wished, or looked for.
Optation (optatio) choyce, opinion, wishing, desiring.
Optative (optatum) a wish or desire. It is also used adjectively, as wishing for or that desireth.
Optick Optical (opticus) pertaining to the sight. Optick sinews are those which bring the vertue of seeing to the eyes. So the Optick Science is that by which the reason of sight is known; Art speculative.
Optimacy (from optimates) a Government in a Commonwealth, by noble or other chief persons.
Optimitie (optimitas) utility, great profit, excellency.
Option (optio) choyce, or election.
Optive. See Adoptive.
Opulencie (opulentia) riches, abundance, plenty, wealth.
Opulent (opulentus) rich, plentiful, wealthy, abundant.
Opuscule (opusculum) a little work, a little labor.
Or (Fr.) Gold; In Heraldry it signifies gold colour.
Ore (ora) the end or extreme part of any thing; a Region, Land or Country: Thus Lempsters Ore is that fertile part of Herefordshire, which lyes about two miles round that Town.
Oracle (oraculum) a Sentence, Council or Answer given by God; also a notable saying or judgement; a Prophesie or Prediction. Among the Gentiles these Oracles were but illusions of the Devil, who answered for the most part doubtfully in Idols, to questions made to him. As a great Prince, going to the Wars, and demanding of the Oracle what success he should have, had this ambiguous answer given him, ‘Ibis redibis nunquam per bella peribis.’ Which he thus commaing, Ibis, redibis, nunquam per &c. ventured on the War, and was slain.
There were two principal places of Oracles, one of Ammon in Lybia, the other at Delphi in Booetia; at the first Jupiter, in this Apollo were said to give answers. These Oracles ceased at the coming of our Saviour.
Oracular, pertaining to an Oracle.
Oral (from Os, oris) pertaining to the Mouth, Visage, [Page] face, look, favor or voyce.
Oratory (oratorium) a place wholly dedicated to prayer; a Closet, a private Chappel to pray in.
Oratorians, a Religious Fraternity or Order instituted the last age by St. Philip Nerius, a Florentine Priest; They took name from the place first frequented by them for their exercises of Preaching, and Catechising, which was the Oratory of St. Hierom in Rome.
Orbation (orbatio) a depriving or bereaving one of his goods, or of any other thing; poverty.
Orbical Orbicular (orbicus) round like a circle, circular, Globie.
Orbiculated (orbiculatus) made round in the form of a circle or compass.
Orbitie (orbitas) the want of children on the Parents part, the want of parents on the childrens part; any want or privation.
Orchal (orca) a stone like Allum used sometimes by Dyers to raise a red colour.
Ordael or Ordeal (ordalium) signifies as much as judgement, and is compounded (as some say) of two Saxon words Or, a privatitive, as [A] in Greek, and dael, i. [...]ars, q Expers. But it is artificially used for a kind of purgation, practised in antient times, whereby the party purged was judged Expers criminis, called in the Common Law, Purgatio vulgaris, and utterly condemned by Pope Steven the second. There was of this four sorts, one by Kampfight (not unlike our Duel.) The second called Fire-Ordeal, which was for the accused to pass blindfold with bare feet over hot Plowshares, &c. (of which see Mr. Fullers hist. Cent. 11. p. 141.) The third was hot water-Ordeal, by putting his arms up to the elbows in seething water, &c. The fourth was cold water-Ordeal, like the late used trial of Witches. Of these at large, see Verstegan, p. 50, 51. and Lambert in his explication of Saxon words, Verbo Ordalium, where he expresses such superstitions as were used in it. Mr. Manwood part 1. pag. 15. But Hotom. especially, disput. de feud. ca 41, &c.
Ordalian Law, was that Law which instituted the Ordael aforesaid, and was long before the Conquest, but did continue of force in England till the time of King John, in whose days it was abrogated; as Pol. Vir. Holinshed & Supplimentum Chronicorum, witness.
Ordinal (ordinale is properly a Book of Direction for Bishops, to give holy Orders, and for other things belonging to their Function; but sometimes used for a Book containing the Orders and Constitutions of a Religious House or Colledge.
[Page] Ordinary (ordinarius) though in the Civil Law, whence the word is taken, it signifies any Judge that has authority to take knowledge of Causes in his own right; as he is a Magistrate and not by deputation, yet in our Common Law it is most commonly and usually taken for him that hath ordinary Jurisdiction in causes Ecclesiastical. See Brook and Linwood hoc titulo.
Oreads (oreades) Fairies of the mountains.
Oredelf, is a liberty whereby a man claims the Ore found in his own ground. It properly signifies Ore lying under ground; as a Delf of Coal, is coal lying in veins under ground, before it is digged up.
Orfraies (aurifrisium) frizled cloth of gold, made and used in England both before and since the Conquest, worn both by the Clergy and the Kings themselves, as may appear out of Math. Paris, where he speaks of the Ornaments sent by the Abbots of England to the Pope; and also by a Record in the Tower, where the King commands the Templars to deliver such Jewels, Garments, and Ornaments, as they had of his in keeping; among which he names Dalmaticum velatum de Orefreis, that is a damask garment guarded with Orfraies. Of old the Jackets or Coat Armors of the Kings Guard, were also termed Orfrais, because they were covered with Goldsmiths work.
Orgal, The Lees of wine dried, used by Dyers, to make their cloth drink in their colour throughly.
Organical (organicus) that which consists of divers substantial parts and members; instrumental, used as a means; pertaining to Instruments or Organs. Our body is said to be organical, because the Soul performs her operations by the parts thereof, as instruments.
Organist (organista) an Organ-player.
Orgeis An. 31. Ed. 3. Stat. 3. ca. 2. is the greatest sort of North-Sea fish, now adays called Organ Ling.
Orgies (orgia) rude Ceremonies instituted by the Poet Orpheus, to be kept every third year to the honor of Bacchus.
Orient (oriens) the East part where the Sun riseth.
Oriental (orientalis) of or belonging to the East.
Orientalitie, the lustre of the East, the being Eastward of a thing.
Orifice (orificium) the mouth, brim, or enterance into any thing; the outward hole in a wound.
Oriflambe (oriflammeus) the great and holy Standard of France, having in the top a purple Ensign or Flag, born at first onely in Wars against Infidels; But afterwards used in all other Wars, and at length [Page] utterly lost in a Battel against the Flemmings. Cotg.
Origin or Original (origo) an offspring, Pedegree or birth; a Stock or kindred; a beginning or fountain; An Original is also the first, authentick, or true draught of a writing.
Original sin. See Venial.
Oriol (oriolum) the little waste room next the Hall in some Houses, and Monasteries, were some particular persons dined.
Orison (from the Fr. Oraison) prayer; also speech or communication.
Ornomancy (Gr.) divination by the moving of birds.
Orphean, belonging to Orpheus the Thracian Poet, who is feigned to have plaid so excellently on the Harp, that he drew Stones, Woods and Trees after him, &c. Hence, an Orphean Harp.
Orque (orca) a Hulk or huge Ship; Also a Sea-monster so called, enemy to the Whale.
Orpiment Orpment (auripigmentum) a soft yellow kind of Arsenick, like Brimstone, found very deep in the earth; commonly taken for Ratsbane.
Orthodoxal Orthodox (orthodoxus) that hath a good or right opinion, faith [...] or belief.
Orthodoxie (orthodoxia) the right opinion of faith.
Orthogonal (orthogonius) that hath right or even corners.
Orthographie (orthographia) the form of true writing, or the art of writing words truly; As, to lose (perdo;) to loose or unty (solve.) Lest (as lest such a thing should happen (ni,) and least, as the least of all (minimus) &c. It is also a plat of building, drawn out with the figure or order of the whole work.
Orthographize (from orthographia) to write or use true Orthographie.
Ortive (ortivus) East, easterly; as the Ortive Sun, the Sun rising.
Osanna. See Hosanna.
Oscillate (oscillo) to move the mouth, to bow down, to way or swing up and down.
Oscian Play, was a light sport among the antient Romans, pleasing the peoples humors. Tacit.
Oscines (oscines, ab os & cano) are those kind of birds, by whose chirping, singing o [...] voyces the Augures foretold things to come; As the Crow, Pie, Chough, &c.
Saepe sinistra cava praedixit ab ilice Cornix.
To this kinde of Divination may be ascribed that old womanish observation with us, That when the Pie chatters, [Page] we shall have strangers.
Oscitation (oscitatio) yawning or gaping; negligence or idleness.
Osculate (osculo) to kiss, to love heartily, to imbrace.
Ossicle (ossiculum) a little bone.
Ossifrage (ossifraga) a kind of Eagle, having so strong a Beak, that therewith she breaks bones, and is therefore called a bone-breaker or Ossifrage.
Ossifragant (ossifragus) that breaketh bones.
Ossuary (ossuaria) a shrine or like thing where bones are kept; a Charnel house.
Ostensional (ostentionalis) a Souldier attending the Prince in publique shews.
Ostent (ostentum) every thing that comes against nature; a monster, wonder or strange thing.
Ostent (ostentus, ab ostendo) a pointing at, or mocking; a telling, declaring or shewing.
Ostentation (ostentatio) bragging, vaunting, shewing forth vain-glory, boasting.
Ostentatitious (ostentatitius) set out for shew or vain-glory.
Ostentiferous (ostentifer) that which brings monsters or strange sights.
Ostiarie (ostiarius) an Officer to keep unworthy persons out of the Church, a Door-keeper.
Ostomachie (ostomachia) a playing or fighting with bones.
Ostracism (ostracismus) a kind of banishment among the Athenians for ten years, which was done by delivering a shell (ostratos) with the condemned persons name written in it; it was used not so much to punish other offences, as to abate the immoderate power of Noblemen, and was ordained first by Clistenes, who for his labor was first condemned.
Ostration (from ostratos) shelliness for being made of shells. Br.
Ostriferous (ostrifer) that breeds or brings forth Oysters.
Oswold (Germ.) House-Ruler or Steward; for Wold in old English, and high Dutch is a Ruler; but for this the Normans brought in Le Despencer, now Spencer. The holy life of St. Oswold King of Northumberland, who was incessantly in prayer, hath given much honor to this name.
Otraqua, a kind of drink in the Mollucca's and Philipines that comes from a nut.
Oval (ovalis) belonging to the triumph called Ovation; also round-shaped like an egg.
Ovation (ovatio, ab ovo, as) a smal triumph of a Prince or Captain for a Victory obtained without slaughter of men, in which he did either go on foot or ride on horseback with his Souldiers about him, singing [Page] or shouting for joy, and wearing on his head, a Garland of Myrtle. Tho. See Triumph.
Ovation (ovatio, ab ovum) the season when hens lay eggs, or a laying of eggs.
Ouch (Sax.) a kind of collar of gold, or such like ornament, which women did wear about their necks. It is mentioned An. 24. H. 8. c. 13. And is sometimes used for a Boss or button of gold. Chauc.
Overt. See Loover.
Oviarie (oviaria) a flock of sheep.
Oviparous-Animals (oviparae) Birds, Beasts, or Fishes that breed by eggs or spawn.
Ounce (uncia) twelve ounces make a pound weight Troy; sixteen, a pound Averdupois) twenty penny weight make an Ounce; twenty four grains make a Penny weight; twenty Mites make a Grain; twenty four Droits make a Mite; twenty Perits make a Droit; twenty four Blanks make a Perit. Act of Parl. 1649.43.
Ourage (Fr. ouvrage) a work; also work or labor.
O [...]lawrie (utlagaria) is the loss or deprivation of the benefit belonging to a Subject, that is, of the Kings protection and the Realm. Bract. l. 3. tr. 2. c. 11. num. 1, & 3. Foris facit utlagatus omnia quae pacis sunt.
Owen (Lat. Audoenus) if it be the same with St. Owen of France. But the Britans will have it from old King Onous Father in Law to Hercules; others, from Eugenius, i. noble, or well-born; Certain it is the Country in Ireland called Ter-oen, is in Latin Records Terra Eugenii, and the [...]ri [...] Priests know no Latin for their Oen but Eugenius, as Rothericus for Rocke. And Sir Owen Ogle in Latin Records (as I am informed) was written Eugenius Ogle. Cam.
Oxgang of Land (Bovala terrae) six Ox-gangs of land seem to be so much as six Oxen will plough. Cromp. Iurisd. fol. 220. But an Ox-gang seems properly to be spoken of such as lies in Gainour. Old nat. br. fol. fol. 117. Mr. Skene de verbor. signif. verbo (bovata terrae) saith an Ox-gang of land should always contain thirteen Acres, and that four Oxen-gates extended to a pound land of old extent.
Oxymel (Gr.) a Potion or syrrup made of honey, vinegar and water sod together, good to cut and cleanse gross flegmatick humors; sometimes there are boyled certain roots and seeds with it, and then it is called Oxymel composi [...]um; sometimes it made with honey, vinegar and the Sea Onion, and then it is named Oxymel Scylliticum, which also is of two sorts, to wit, simple and compound. See Dioscor. l. 1. c. 22. Galen l. 4. de sanit. tuend.
Oxyporopolist (oxyporopola) he that sells meat in sharp sawce or syrrup.
[Page] Oyer and Terminer (audiendo & terminando) in true French Oüir and Terminer) is, in the intendment of our Law, a Commission especially granted to certain persons, for hearing and determining one or more causes. This was wont to be in use upon some sudden outrage or insurrection in any place. Crompt. Jurisd. fo. 131. See Assize.
Oyes (a corruption from the Fr. Oyez, i. hear ye) and is used by Criers in our Courts of Law, when they make Proclamation of any thing.
Ozena (Gr.) a disease or sore in the Nose, causing a stinking savour.
PAbular Pabulous (pabularis) pertaining to Fodder, Provender, Forrage, or meat for Beasts. Br.
Pabulatory, the same.
Pacal (pacalis) that brings or signifies peace, peaceable.
Pacator (Lat.) a pacifier, asswager or quieter.
Pace (passus) a pace in going, a step or stride; of these there are two sorts, Passus minor vel simplex the measure of two feet and a half; which is usually the distance from the toes of the fore-foot to the heels of the hinder foot. Passus major sive Geometricus, a Pace or fathom of five foot, and by this Pace, miles are measured. In some places they reckon three foot and an half to the Pace. Tho.
Paciferous (pacifer) that brings peace and quietness.
Pacification (pacificatio) a pleasing, peace-making, quieting or appeasing.
Pacifiqu [...] Pacificatory (pacificatorius) of or belonging, or serving to make peace and quietness.
Paction (pactio) an accord, bargain or agreement. That Truce, which in time of war is concluded upon and accepted of both sides for a certain limited space of time, is properly called Paction.
Pactitious (pactitius) done by bargain, or upon condition or agreement.
Pactolus, a River in Lydia, having sandy gravel like gold; therefore feigned to have gold in its waters.
Paddock (from the Belg. Padde) a Toad.
Paean (Gr.) a hymn or song of praise made to Apollo, at such time as any plague or pestilence raged; and also after the obtaining some victory or triumph, as Jo Paean (Ovid) an exclamation or outery uttering the joy which one hath by any prosperity or welfare.
Paduen [...]ag [...] (Fr.) common of pasture in one or divers parishes. Cotg.
Paganalian (from Paganalia of or belonging to Wakes, Plough-mens Feasts, or Country Holy-days.
[Page] Paganical (paganicus) pertaining to the Country, or to Villages.
Paganism (paganismus) Heathenism, Gentilism, the religion or state of the Gentiles; also the custom of Country men.
Page (pagina) the side of a leaf in a book; some confound folio and page; when as a folio or leaf, properly comprehends two rages; others cite a Book by folio's, when it is in a large volume; and by pages, when in a small.
Paginal (from pagina) of or belonging to a page.
Paged, an Idol or false god among the East Indians, so called.
Paillardise (Fr.) Lechery, Whoredom, Venery; also villany, wickedness, any filthy or beashly humor.
Paillardiz [...] (Fr. paillarder) to lecher, haunt Bawdy-houses, to commit Whoredom.
Païsage (Fr.) Landskip, Country work See Landskip.
Paladin (Fr.) a Knight of the round Table; also a sort of Nobility in some Countries so called.
Palate (palatum) the upper hollow part of the mouth, wherein the sence of tasting lies, as in the tongue.
Palati [...]a [...], pertaining, to or that pleaseth the palate.
Palatinate, or County Palatine, is a principal County or Shire, having as it were the same authority, as the Palace or Kings Royal Court hath. Of these County Palatines there are four in England, viz. Lancaster, Chester, Durham and Ely. An▪ 5 Eliz. 1. cap. 23. But An. 33. H. 8. ca. 10. mention is made of the County Palatine of Hexam. Ʋnde quaere. See Cassan de consuet. Burg. p. 14.
Palatine (Fr. Palatin) a general or common appellation or title for such as have any special Office or Function in a Sovereign Princes Palace. This is the title of the Prince Elector Palatine of Trevers, and had its origen à magno Palatio Treverensi. Min.
Palatine (from palatum) of or belonging to the Palat or roof of the mouth. Hence, Palatine letters are such as are pronounced by the help of the Palate, as G, T, R, &c.
Palatine (palatinus) of or belonging to a Palace or Princes Court. It may also be taken for the Hill Palatinus in Rome, of which see Esquilinus.
Paleated (paleatus) made or mingled with chaff, full of chaff or straw.
Pale Matlle (Fr.) a game wherein a round bowle is with a Mallet struck through a high arch or iron (standing at either end of an Alley) which he that can do at the fewest blows, or at the number agreed on, wins. This Game was heretofore used at the Alley near St. Jameses, and vulgarly called Pel-Mell.
Paleous (from palea) of [Page] or belonging to chaff, corn or straw. Br.
Pales, a Goddess of the Shepherds.
Palestrical (palaestricus) of or pertaining to wrestling, that useth or teacheth wrestling; also that which is done decently, with comely gesture of the body.
Palindromes (Gr.) are those sentences or verses, where the syllables are the same backward as forward. As a noble Lady in Queen Elizabeths days, being for a time forbidden the Court, for too much familiarity with a great Lord in favour, gave this Devise, the Moon covered with a cloud, and underneath this Palindrome for Motto,
Palingenesie (palingenesia) regeneration, new birth, or second nativity.
Palinode Palinodie (palinodia) a recantation, a contrary song, an unsaying that one hath spoken or written, the sound of the retreat.
Palizado (Span Palizada, Fr. Palissade) a defence or wall of Pales or Stakes, or the pointed Stakes in a Fortification, to hinder the enemies scaling the Work; a term in War; Also taken for great posts set up in the entry to a Camp, for a defence against great shot.
Pall (pallium) a Mantle, such as the Knights of the Garter wear; a long Garment or Robe which Philosophers wore. But it is most used for a Pontifical Vesture made of Lambs Wooll, in breadth not exceeding three fingers, and having two Labels hanging down before and behinde, which the Pope gives or sends to Archbishops and Metropolitans, and they at the Altar, wear it about their necks, above their other Ornaments. The Pall was first given to the Bishop of Ostia, by P. Marcus the second, An. 336. Also the velvet laid over a dead body is called the Pall.
Palladion (Spa.) Lat. Palladium) an Image of Pallas, which the Trojans fondly believed was sent to preserve their City and Estate, &c. which sottish belief St. Augustine ( lib. 9. de Civ. Dei) very well reproved, when he said, The Trojans were keepers of the Palladion, but not the Palladion of the Trojans. However, this word is still used for a preservation or sure defence.
[Page] Pallas, the Goddess of Wisdom, otherwise called Minerva, &c. In the Poetical story of Perseus staying Medusa, Pallas furnished him with a shield for that purpose, and with a Looking-glass; Mercury with wings for his feet, Pluto with a Helmet, &c. see the Fable at large in L. Bacons Advancem. of Learning, fol. 120. Hence 'tis we use Pallas shield, for a shield of Wisdom and Providence. For so his Lordship means when he says, In Wars the Shield of Pallas prevails more then the sword of Mars; that is, wisdom and stratagems prevail more then down right blows.
Palled (Fr. palle) pale; also dead, without spirit. Bac.
Palliardize. See Pailliardize.
Palliate (pallio) to hide or cover, to conceal or cloak.
Palliation (palliatio) a cloaking, covering, or hiding.
Palliative, that cloaketh, covereth or concealeth; as Chyrurgeons call that a Palliative cure, when a wound is healed outwardly, and festers underneath; or where a shew onely is made of a perfect cure without searching to the root or cause of the disease.
Pallid (pallidus) pale, bleak, sometimes yellowish, fearful, whitish.
Pullification (a term in Architecture) piling of the ground plot. Sir H.W.
Pallor (Lat.) a pale colour, paleness, wanness.
Pallizado. See Palizado.
Palmar (palmaris) pertaining to victory, or to a hand breadth, or to the palm of the hand.
a Palm in measure (palmus) the breadth of a hand or four fingers, and this is called the minor Palm; the Palm major is a span, or, according to some, a shaftment.
Palm Sunday (Dominica Palmarum) the sixth Sunday in Lent, and the next before Easter; so called because, on that day the people went to meet our Saviour with boughs of Palm and Olive branches in their hands, when he entred solemnly into Jerusalem, riding on an Ass.
Palm Tree (Palma) is that which bears Dates, growing plentifully in the Holy Land; Its branches were wont to be carried as a token of victory.
Because it naturally shoots upward, though oppressed with never so great weight, and its leaves never fall; of this Tree there is male and female; the male bears onely blossoms and no fruit, the female bears both; but not unless the male grow by it.
[Page] Palmer (ferula) a Feruler, so called, because in Schools the palms of Boyes hands are struck therewith; It is also called a Palmatory from the Span. Palmatoria, which hath the same signification. Min.
Palmer (from the Span. Palméro) a poor Pilgrim, that visits all holy places; so called from a staff or boughes of Palm, which they were wont to carry with them. See Pilgrim.
Palmer (eruca) a worm with many feet; so called from the Palm tree, which it gnaws and eats; a Caterpillar.
Palmiferous (palmifer) bearing or yeelding Palm or Date Trees; also victorious.
Palmipedous (palmipes, edis) that hath a plain and flat foot; Palmipedous birds, i.e. whole-footed, such are most water-sowl. Br.
Palto [...]ster (chiromantes) a Diviner by the palm of the hand, one that tells the fortune of others by looking in their hands.
Palmestry. See Chironantie.
Palmeto Wine, is a sweet and pleasant juyce (like Muscadine or Alicant) coming from the Palmeto Tree in the Isle Mauritius. Herb. Tr.
Palpation (palpatio) flattery, cogging, fair speaking, soothing.
Palpitation (palpitatio) panting, beating often; quick moving up and down, as the heart when it throbs.
Pal [...]sgrave (Belg. and Pfalizgraff Teut. from Palis or pfaliz, i. Palatium, and Grave or Graff, i. comes, Lat. Comes Palatinus) the title of the Prince Elector Palatine of the Rheine. See Falatine and Archdapifer.
Paludament (paludamentum) a Coat-armor or Horsemans coat, a Soldiers garment, an Heralds Coat of Arms. Among the antient Romans, it was a Military garment, worn by none but the Lord General or Chief Captains. Alex. Gen. Dier. lib. 5. cap. 18.
Paludiferous (paludifer) that causeth a Fen or Marsh.
Palumbine (alumbinus) of or belonging to a Wood-culver or Ring-dove.
Pamphil [...], a kind of great Boats in Italy, having 140, or 160 Oars of a side.
Pampination (pampinatio) a cutting or pulling off superfluous leaves and branches from Vines.
Pampinean (pampineus) of or belonging to a young Vine, Branch, or Leaf, full of Vine-Branches.
Pan, the god of Shepherds; in Greek it signifies All.
Panade (Span. Panada or Empanada; Fr. Panade) a kind of meat made of crums of bread, and Currants boyled in water; or (as some will have it) of grated Bread, Milk, Sugar and grated Cheese.
[Page] Panage. See Paunage.
Panatetus (Gr.) that contains all vertues. Silvester makes it the title of one of his Books, wherein he bewails the loss of Prince Henry.
Panathenate, belonging to the Solemnity called Panathenaea, held at Athens, once every year, which was the less, and once every fifth year, which was the greater.
Pancat [...] (Fr.) a paper containing all the particular rates of Tolls or Customs due to the French King; Thus termed because commonly hung up in some publick place, either single or with a frame. Cotg.
Panchaia, a sandy Country of Arabia, where is store of Frankincense. Hence Dubartas and others, use Panchaian Fumes for incense or sweet perfumes. So also Odor Panchaique for the smell of Arabian Frankincense.
Pancratiast (Gr.) one that is skilful in wrestling, and other feats of activity.
Pancratical (pancraticus) expert at all feats of activity, cunning at all kind of Games and Exercises, stout, like a wrestler. Br.
Pandarism, the function or employment of a Pandar, which is to make or set lecherous matches; Ruffianism, Baudery.
Pandects ( pandectae, à [...] i. omne, & [...], hale [...]) Books which contain all matters, or comprehend all parts of the subject whereof they intreat; or Books of divers Arguments. The Volume of the Civil Law called Digestes, is also called the Pandect.
Pandiculation (pandiculatio) a gaping or stretching ones self with all his body, as they do that gape for, or come from sleep, or at the approach of an Ague.
Pandor (from the Belg. Pander, that is, he that takes a pawn or pledge: for the souls of such, as make use of him, are pawned into his hands, as to Asmodeus his Chamberlain) a He-Baud.
Pandora fained (by Hesiedus) to be the first woman, and made by Vulcan; indued by all the gods, with several excellent gifts; but afterwards by Jupiter, in displeasure sent to her Spouse Epimetheus, with a box full of all manner of miseries. Hence Pandora's Box is taken for misery, calamity, and the like.
Pandurist (panduristes) he that plays on a musical instrument called a Rebech, or on a Violin.
Panegyrick (panegyricum) a licentious kinde of speaking or oration, in the praise of Kings, or other great persons; Also any Feast, Game or Solemnity exhibited, before the General Assembly of a whole Nation.
Panegyrist (Gr.) a praiser or flatterer, one that writes [Page] in commendation of, &c.
Panick fear (panicum) a sudden fear, wherewith one is dis-straught, and put beside his wit, coming without known cause. So taken from the god Pan, who had power to strike men with terrors.
Panicle (Dim. of panis) a little Loaf.
Panifice (panificium) the craft of baking or making Bread; also Bread it self or a Loaf of Bread.
Pannades (Gr.) the curvettings, prauncings or boundings of lusty Horses.
Pannic [...]e ( panniculus, Dim. of pannus) fine cloth, a little piece or gobbet of cloth. The fleshy Pannicle (panniculus car [...]osus) the fleshy membrane or skin, which lies next under the fat of the outward parts, and is the fourth covering that enwraps all the body from the head to the sole of the foot. Tho.
Pannier ( Panarium, Fr. Panier) a Bin, Hutch or place to keep Bread in, a Basket to carry bread in, a Dosser.
Pannier-man, in the Inns of Court, is one whose Office is to blow the Horn for Dinner, and wait at the Barristers Table, and has the refuse bread and meat for his vails, which he collects in a Pannier or Basket.
Pannonian (from Pannonia) of or belonging to the Country of Hungary. Bac.
Panomphean (from Panomphaeus, a name of Jupiter pertaining to Jupiter.
Panop [...] (panoplia) compleat Harness. Armatura totum corpus militis tegens. Scap.
Panoplique (from panoplia) compleatly armed, in compleat armor. Rel. Med.
Panpharmacon (Gr.) a medicine for all diseases.
Pansophy (Gr.) an all-discerning Wisdom, wisdom or knowledge in all things.
Partagruelist (Fr.) a merry Greek, faithful drunkard, good fellow. Cot.
Pantheology (Gr.) the whole sum of Divinity.
Pantheon (Gr.) a Heathenish Temple of all the gods, in Rome; after by Pope Boniface the Fourth, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all Saints.
Pantherine (pantherinus) of a Panther, or spotted like a Panther; this Beast hath a fair spotted skin, and is the female to the Libard.
Pantomime Pantomimick (pantomimus) an Actor of many parts in one Play, one that can represent the gesture and counterfeit the speech of any man, a Dizzard or common Jester.
Pantometrie (Ga.) a measuring of all kinde of quantities: It is the title and subject of a Mathematical Book, set forth by one Mr. Digs.
Panurgy (panurgia) craftiness, subtilty, deceit, guile; a medling in all matters.
[Page] Papacy (from Papa) the Popedom; the reign or dominion of the Pope.
Papal (papalis) of or belonging to the Pope.
Stephen Pasquier, in his Recherches de la France, observes that the word Papa, i. the Pope, comes from an old contraction of Pater Patriae, written thus Pa. Pa. as we have it in many Coyns.
Papality (papalitas) the Popedom, the Dominion of the Pope, Popishness.
Papaverous Papaverean (papavereus) of or belonging to Poppy or Chestoul.
Papian Law (Lex Papia, Poppoea) a Law made, among the antient Romans, against single life; that if any forbore from the privileges of Parents, and had no children, the people (who was the common Father of all) should inherit their goods. Tacit.
Paphian (paphius) of or belonging to Paphos, a City of Cyprus, dedicated to Venus, and built by Paphus. Hence Paphos Archer is taken for Cupid; Paphian fire or shot, for the fire or Arrows of Love.
Papulosity (papulositas) fulness of pimples or blisters.
Papyriferous (papyrifer) that bears or brings forth Paper, or the Rush Papyrus.
Papyropolist (papyropola) a Seller of Paper.
Parabien (Span.) a welcoming, a bidding of joy, a congratulation. Ariana.
Parable (parabola) a resemblance, a parable, a similitude, or comparison.
Parabolical, of or belonging to a Parable.
Paracelsian, a Physician that follows the method of Paracelsus, and his manner of curing; which was by exceeding strong oyls and waters extracted out of the natures of things. Bul.
Paraclete (paracletus) an Advocate or Patron; a comforter. The third person of the Blessed Trinity is most commonly so called in Scripture; and Jesus Christ also, 1 Jo. 2.1.
Paraclyte (paraclytus) a man defamed, ill reported of▪ that hath an ill name. Hence
Paraclytical, that is defamed, or hath an ill name.
Paracmastical (paracmasticus) pertaining to a kind of continual hot and burning feaver, wherein the heat, when it is at the greatest, by little and little diminisheth till it totally ceaseth.
Parade (Fr.) an appearance or shew, a bravado or vaunting offer; Also a term of War, and is commonly used for that appearance of Souldiers in a Garison about two or three of the clock in the afternoon, to hear prayers, and after that to receive Orders from the Major for the Watch and Guards next night.
Paradigm (paradigma) an example of some ones fact and saying. Hence
[Page]To Paradigmatiz, to bring or cite such examples, to draw the form or figure of a thing, or to exemplifie. Dr. Ham.
Paradox (paradoxum) a wonderful and strange thing to hear, such as is contrary to the common opinion. Hence
Paradoxal Paradoxical strange, odd, against common opinion, incredible.
Paradoxology, a speaking by, or of Paradoxes. Br.
Paradrome (paradromis) an open Gallery or Walk, that has no shelter over head.
Paragogical, of or pertaining to the figure Paragoge, which is when a letter or syllable is added to the end of a word.
Paragon (Fr. ex par & ago) a peerless one, the most compleat, most absolute in any kind whatsoever; it is also used verbally, as to Paragon, to equal, match or compare with.
Paragraph (paragraphus) a Pilcrow, whatsoever is comprehended in one sentence; where the line is broken off (which Printers call a Break) there ends the Paragraph. Books are most commonly divided into Chapters, those into Sections, and Sections again into Paragraphs.
Paralipomenon (Gr.) left out, not spoken or written of; There are two books in the Old Testament so called, because many worthy Histories omitted in the books of Kings are there related.
Paralels or Parallels (Gr. [...], i. aequaliter distans) lines running of an equal distance from each other, which can never meet, though they be drawn infinitely in length, thus [...]
In Astronomy there are five such imagined lines, running circle-wise about the round compass of the Heavens. The first is the Aequinoctial Line, just in the middle of the World, between the two Poles. The second northward from the Aequinoctial, is the Tropick of Cancer, to which sign the Sun comes about the eleventh day of June. The third (yet more northward) is the northern Circle, within twenty three degrees and fifty minutes of the North Pole. The fourth Line is the Tropick of Capricorn, declining southward from the Aequinoctial, as much as the Tropick of Cancer doth northward, and to this Line the Sun comes about the twelfth of December. The fifth and last Line, is the Southern Circle, being as near the South Pole, as the Northern Circle (before spoken of) is to the North Pole. These Parallels are also called Aequidistants. There is another sort of Parallels (two of which go to a Clime) called Artificial Parallels, because they shew the differences of artificial days, &c. Heyl.
[Page]To Parallel, to compare or match.
Parallelogram (parallelogrammus) having lines every where a like distant, a long square.
Paralogism (paralogismus) a deceitful conclusion, or captious reasoning, a manner of arguing, which seems true when it is not; As in saying, He that affirms Peter to be a living creature, saith true; He that affirms Peter to be a Bear, affirms him to be a living Creature. Therefore he that affirms Peter to be a Bear says true.
To Paralogize, to reason captiously, argue deceitfully, conclude falsly. Br.
Paralysis (Gr.) a resolution of the sinews, a depriving of the feeling or moving, or of both in any part of the body; the Palsie.
Paralytick (paralyticus) sick of the Palsie.
Paraments, Robes of state, or the place where they are kept. Chauc.
Paramount (from the Fr. par, i. per, and mounter, i. ascendere) is in our Law, the highest Lord of the Fee; For there may be a Tenant to a Lord that holds over of another Lord; the first of these is called Lord Mesn, the second Lord Paramount, &c.
Paramor (peramator) a Lover, he or she, a Sweetheart.
Paranymph (Paranymphus) an Orator, who a little before the Commencement of Doctors, &c. makes a publick Speech in commendation of their sufficiency; also an overseer of a Wedding, a Bride-dresser; or he or she that bears all the sway at the Bridal.
Parapet (Ital. Parapetto, q. propter pectus) a Wall or Defence brest-high, on the upper part of a Rampier, to defend from the enemies shot.
Paraph (Fr. paraphe) the flourish or peculiar knot or mark set unto, after, or instead of, a name in the signing a Deed or Letter, and generally any such graceful setting out of a mans hand or name in writing; also a subsignature or signing under.
Paraphonalia, is used in our Law, but in the Civil it is Paraphernalia, which are those goods a Wife brings her Husband, over and besides her Dowry or Marriage-money; as, Furniture for her own Chamber, her own Apparel, and Jewels, if she be of quality; all which she must have, and not the Executors of the Husband, &c. Shep. Fa. Counc. 122.
Paraphrase (paraphrasis) a free manner of exposition or interpretation, wherein a man ties not himself to express every word as it lies in the Copy, but to explicate and adorn the matter more at large, or to abridge it, yet stil keeping the Authors sence. Any such Exposition is called [Page] a Paraphrase or Paraphrastical Exposition.
Paraphrast (paraphrastes) a Paraphraser; one that expounds a Text by other words then it is written in.
Parasang (parasanga) a measure of ground, containing thirty Stades, i.e. three miles and three quarters of ours.
Parasite (parasitus) a flatterer, a Trencher-friend, a smel-feast; one that is full hanging on some rich man, feeding his humor with flattery, to the end to partake of his good Cheer. Hence
Parasitical, pertaining to a Parasite. Those Plants or Supercrescences are called Parasitical plants, that live upon, the stock of others (as Parasites do) such are Misseltoe, Polypody, Moss, and others.
Paratragediate (paratragoedio) to help to set forward a Tragedy; to make a matter much worse, then indeed it is.
Parature (paratura) the matter whereof any thing is made.
Parcae, the three Ladies of destiny; Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. The first bears a Distaff, the second spins the thred of mans life, the third cuts off the same thred, &c. with like fabulous stories.
Parceners Parcinary See Coparceners.
Parciloquy (parciloquium) a sparing or nigardly speech.
Parcity (parcitas) scantness, nearness, niggardliness, thrift, frugality.
Pard (Pardus) the Beast called a Libard.
Pareasse (Pareas) a Serpent having to the greatness of his body, but a small head, yet such a wide mouth, that he is able to swallow a whole Pigeon, and as he creeps, makes a Furrow on the ground with his tail.
Parellelisation, or rather Parallelisation, a making Parallels, or likes; a comparison; El. of Armories.
Parellelogram. See Parallelogram.
Parenetick (paraeneticus) containing such fatherly or Masterly admonitions or exhortations, as may not be gainsaid. Hence
Parenetick (paraenetica) are taken for verses full of precepts or admonitions.
Parent (parens, à pareo) obedient, dutiful, serviceable.
Parental (parentalis) of or pertaining to our Ancestors or Parents.
Parentation (parentatio) a celebrating Funerals or Obsequies, properly of parents.
Parenthesis (Gr.) a word or clause, comprehended within another sentence, in such sort, that it may be left out, yet the sence still remain whole; and is commonly enclosed with two half circles (thus) as in Virgil.
P [...]rent [...]de (parenticida) he that murders his Father, Mother or dear Friend.
Par [...]rg [...] [...]ergon or Parer [...]m (Gr.) Parergue Fr.) an addition or acce [...]s; a thing put unto, though no part of the matter, any thing that is beside the principal question, point or purpose in hand; see Landskip.
Pat [...] Marble, a sort of pure white Marble, had from the Isle Paros, and therefore so called.
Pariation ( pariatio evenness of account, where, as much is laid out as received.
Paricide (Paricida) a murtherer of his Father, Mother, or any of his near Kindred; any hainous murtherer; and (from Paricidium) it signifies the Act it self.
Paricidal (paricidalis) belonging to such murder, cruel.
Pa [...]ie [...]t (pariens) travelling with young, lying in travel, bringing forth young.
Parilian Palilian Feasts (parilia) Feasts or Festival days dedicated to the goddess Pales for the preservation of Cattel.
Parility (parilitas) likeness, evenness, equality, resemblance.
Parish (parochia) a multitude of neighbors (within a certain compass of ground) pertaining to one Church. This Land was first divided into Parishes by Honorius, Archbishop of Canterbury, in the year of our Lord 637. Cam. Brit. Of these Parish Churches there are in England and Wales 9285. according to Speed.
Parisyllable (parisyllabus) an equal syllable.
Parisyllabical (parisyllabicus) that hath equal syllables; those words are called Parisyllabical, which have no more syllables in one then another, as fama, mensa, &c. So likewise we say in Grammar, the first decle [...]sion of Nouns is Parisyllabique, because all the Cases of such Nouns in the singular number especially have even syllables, as Gemma, gemmae, gemmae, gemmam, gemma, gemma, &c.
Parity (paritas) likeness, equality, evenness.
Paritude, Pariture or Parture (from pario) a breeding or ingendring, the time of travail or deliverance of child or young.
Parliament or Parlement (Fr. q. Parler le ment) or Parlament, from the Italian and Spanish Parlamento. With us it was antiently the Assembly of the King, and the three Estates of the Realm, viz. The Lords Spiritual, Temporal, [Page] and Commons, for debating matters touching the Commonwealth, and especially the making and correcting Laws; which Assembly or Court is of all other the highest, and of greatest authority, as you may read in Sir Tho. Smith, de Republ. Angl. l. 2. c. 1, 2. In France, those high Courts of Justice where mens causes and differences are publickly determined, without further Appeal, whereof there be eight, in eight capital Cities, viz. Paris, Grenoble, Tholose, Dyon, Roven, Aix, Rhemes, and Bourdeaux) are called Sedentary Parliaments; and their Assembly of States General is onely equivalent to our Parliament.
Parmaceti, an excellent ointment; so called either from Parma, a City of Italy, or from Sperma ceti, the seed of the Whale, a principal ingredient.
Parmesan, a kind of excellent Cheese, made at or near Parma in Italy, and therefore so called: It is also sometime taken for an inhabitant of that Country.
Parnassian, of or belonging to Parnassus, a Mountain in Greece, sacred to Apollo, and the Muses.
Parochial (parochialis) of or pertaining to a Parish.
Parole (Fr.) a word, a term; also a speech or saying. Lease Parol, that is Lease per Parol, a Lease by word of mouth, not written. It is also a term of War, when a prisoner is permitted to go at liberty for procuring another Soldier, prisoner with the enemy, to be exchanged for him, or for raising such a ransom by a day agreed on, or upon any other occasion or agreement; and in default, the prisoner gives his Parole, i. his word, to return▪ during which time, we say, the prisoner is upon his Parole.
Paronymous (Gr.) pertaining to words or terms that have denomination from the same thing, but differ in case or termination.
Paroxysm (paroxysmus) the first coming, or the coming again of an ague, the fit or sharp assault of it.
Parricide; see Paricide.
Parsimony (parsimonia) thriftiness, good-husbandry; brevity or sparingness in the use of words.
Parsimonious, sparing, frugal, thrifty.
Partage (Fr.) Partition or parting; a sharing or dividing.
Parthenian (parthenius) belonging to virginity, or to a Maid.
Parthian, belonging to Parthia, a Country in Assyria.
Partiary (partiarius) a partaker, a follower, a copartner: It may also be used adjectively for partial, or that hath respect to persons. Hence To Partialize, to side, bandy, be partial or factious; to take parts.
[Page] Participate (participo) to give or take part, to be partaker, or of counsel.
Particle (particula) a small part, a parcel, a portion, a member.
Participle (participium) a part of speech among Grammarians, so called, because it participates both of the Noun and Verb; any thing that partakes of another.
Partion (partio à pario) a birth, a breeding, a lying in; a laying of Eggs, a sitting on brood.
Partitor (Lat.) a divider, a parter, a sharer out, a distributer.
Partisan (Fr.) a partner, partaker, accessory, confederate, or adherent.
Also Partisan (from the Germ. Parthisan, or Fr. Pertuisáne) a Leading staff, a weapon like an Halberd, a Javelin.
Parturient (parturiens) the travelling or being in labor, with childe or young.
Parvity (parvitas) smalness, littleness, slenderness, under-age, non-age.
Pas a pas (Fr.) by little and little, by line and leasure, by degrees: Poco à Poco, as the Spaniard says, or Pian piano as the Italian.
Pascage (Fr.) grazing, feeding or pasturing of Cattle.
Pascal (pascalis) feeding here and there abroad, belonging to pasture.
Pasche (pascha) a Passover, the Feast of Easter; so named of [...]oster, a Goddess of the old Saxons, whose Feast they kept in April. Cam. To find out Easter ▪
Or thus: ‘Inde dies Solis tertia Pascha venit.’
The Jewish Passover was a holy action ordained of God in the killing and eating a Lamb, partly to the end the Jewish Church might keep in memory the benefit which God did for them, in passing over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, and smiting them not, Exod. 12.11. Also to be a Type of Christ the true Paschal Lamb. See Moses and Aaron. p. 103.
Verstegan says, Easter was by the old Saxons, called Oster, and at this present in Saxony Ostern, which comes from Oster-monat, their and our old name of April.
Paschal (paschalis) of or belonging to the Passover or Easter.
Pascuous (pascuus) serving for pasture, or for feeding, or grazing of Beasts.
Pasquil or Pasquin, (from the Italian Pasquino) a Libel clapt on a Post or Image; so [Page] called from Pasquil or Pasquin, an old Statue or Image in Rome, whereon Libels, Detractions, and Satyrical Invectives are fixed, and on him fathered as their Author: There is also in Rome, another old Statue called Morforeo, whereon they affix answers to those Pasquils.
Passade (Fr.) an alms, benevolence, or entertainment given by, or to a Passenger: The manage of a Horse backward and forward.
Passant (Fr.) passing, going; it is a term in Heraldry, as when we say, a Lyon passant, that is, a Lyon drawn, as if he were going or passing along
Pase-port (Fr. q. passe par tout) a Pass or safe-conduct. See Safe-conduct.
Passibility (passibilitas) suffering, or ableness to suffer.
Pass [...]e (passus, à patior) which hath suffered, endured, sustained.
Passover. See Pasche.
Pastern (talus) the ankle or huckle-bone of a Beasts foot.
Pastilicate (pastilico) to make in form of little round Balls, to minister Pills.
Pastinate (pastino) to delve or dig in a garden.
Pastoral Pastoritions (pastoralis) belonging to a Shepherd or Pastor, Shepherdly, Rural.
A Pastoral (pastorale carmen) a song of Herdsmen or Shepherds.
Pasturable, which may be turned into, or put unto pasture, which may be fed on.
Pasvolant (Fr. Passe volant) the Artillery called a Base; but most commonly a hireling whom a Captain on muster-days, foisteth into his company; and generally any such Skipjack or base-fellow.
Patart, a Low Country coyn worth a Sol tournois, or the Stiver, five wherof amount to six pence sterling.
Patavinity (patavinitas) the property of, or relation to, the City Padua. Livy was censured by Asinius for Patavinity in his writings, by which was meant that he had too much used the phrases or affectations of Padua, and neglected those of Rome; or (as others will have it) that the flourishing verdure, or overflowing of his stile was in some sort agreeable to the fertility and redundancy of the soyl of that City and Country.
Patefaction (patefactio) a declaring, discovering, or making manifest, an opening, a Declaration.
Patelin (Fr.) a Cogger, Colloquer, flatterer, soother, cousener, pratler.
Paten (from the Fr. Patin, Br. Pattyr, or rather from the Greek [...], i. calco, because tis always trod upon) a kinde of Wooden-shoo with an iron bottom, well known; see Patin.
Patent (patens) open discovered or uncovered [Page] appearing, manifest.
Letters Patents (Litterae patentes) Writings sealed with the Broad Seal of England, whereby a man is authorised to do or enjoy any thing, that otherwise of himself he could not, Anno 19. Hen. 7. cap. 7. And so termed, because they are Patentes, viz. open, with the Seal hanging ready to be shewed for confirmation of the Authority given by them. The Kings Letters Patents are called Letters Patents Royal, for difference; because common persons may grant Patents, or Letters Patents, &c. Fitz. nat. br. fol. 35. E. 2. Hen. 6. cap. 10.
Patency (patentia) a lying open, or uncovered.
Pater-guardian, a Father-guardian; a title given to the chief of the Franciscan Friers in their monasteries.
Paternal (paternus) of or belonging to a Father, fatherly.
Pathetical (patheticus) passionate, perswasive, that moves affection.
Pathologie (Gr.) that part of Physick which intreats of the causes, qualities, and differences of diseases.
Pathologists (Gr.) writers on the diseases and symptomes incident to the body of man. Dr. Charl.
Pathologick, pertaining to Pathologie.
Patible (patibilis) that may be suffered or endured.
Patibulated (patibulatus) hanged on a Gibbet, Gallows or Cross.
Patin (patina) a kind of large Vessel, wherein they both sod meat and brought it to the Table; a great Platter, a Charger, a Bason to wash in. Also the little Hat Sawcer or Plate used by Priests with the Chalice at Mass.
Patration (patratio) the finishing and perfecting a thing; a doing or making it.
Patriark (patriarcha) a chief Father, or the first Father of a Family or Nation, in which sence the Jews reckoned Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is also a principal dignity in the Church whereof there were antiently five, as of Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Antioch.
Patriarchal, of or belonging to a Patriarch.
Patriarchate Patriarchy (patriarchatus) the dignity and estate of a Patriarck, a Patriarkship.
Patriciate (patriciatus) the dignity and estate of them that descend of Senators.
Patricide (patricida) a murtherer of his Father, near Cousen, or dear friend.
Patricide (patricidium) the murthering of ones Father.
Patricians (patricii) those in Rome that descended of the Race of Senators, whose Fathers and Ancestors bore that Office, the sons of Senators. [Page] Hence the name of Patrick, given originally to those, who could cite their Fathers as men of honor. Cam.
Patrimonial (patrimonialis) of or belonging to the inheritance, goods, or Patrimony, left by a Father to his Children.
Patrizare ( patrizo, from the Gr. [...]) to resemble his Father, to do as his Father did, to be the Fathers own childe in condition.
Patrocinate (patrocinor) to defend those that are poor and falsely accused, to uphold, bear out, and maintain ones right and quarrel. Liberty of Prophecying.
Patronal (patronalis) of or belonging to a Patron, Advocate or Defender; done in remembrance of a Patron.
Patronymical (patronymicus) derived from the Fathers or Ancestors name.
Patulicate (patulico) to be opened, or made wide.
Pauciloquent (pauciloquus) that speaketh little.
Paucitie (paucitas) small number, fewness, brevity.
Pa [...]efie (pavefacio) to make afraid, to fright.
Pavice (from the Ital. Pavése) a great large Shield, or Target, that covers the whole body. Sir Tho. More.
Pavid (pavidus) fearful, timerous, quaking, starting.
Pavidity (paviditas) dread, fear, timerousness.
Pavillion (Lat. Papilio, Fr. Pavillon) a Tent for war, a Tabernacle.
Pavin (Fr. Paváne) a kind of Dance; perhaps so called à pavienda terra, of paving the ground. Min.
Paul (Hebr.) wonderful, or rest; But the learned Baronius drawing it from the Latin, makes it little or humble. Cam.
Paunage (from the Fr. panage or pasnage) signifies, in our Common Law, the money taken by the Agistors for feeding Hogs with the Mast of the Kings Forest. Cromp. Juris. fol. 165. Agistment (says Manwood) is properly the common of herbage of any kind of ground, Land or Woods, or the money due for the same; and Pawnage is most properly the Mast of the Woods or Hedgerowes, or the money arising by it. Mr. Skene calls it Pannagium, and defines it to be the Duty given to the King for the pasturage of Swine in the Forest.
Pavoisade (Fr.) any Target-fence, that of Galleys, whereby the slaves are defended from the small shot of the enemy. Cot.
Pavonine (pavoninus) of or belonging to a Peacock or a Peahen.
Pavor (Lat.) great fear and dread.
Pausade (Fr.) a pausing, resting, or reposing; also a resting seat or place.
[Page] Pearch or Perche ( pertica Fr. perche) a Rod or Pole whereby land is measured, the most usual contains sixteen foot and a half in length; whereof forty in length, and four in breadth make an Acre of ground. Cromp. jurisd fol. 222. But in several Countries they are of several lengths, as in Staffordshire twenty four foot; in the Forrest of Sherwood twenty five foot. See more in Skene. Verbo Partica ta terrae.
Pearl, the least Character for Printing; see Character.
Peccadillo (Span. Fr. peccadille) a little crime, a small fault, a venial sin.
Peccaminous (from peccamen, inis) full of sins.
Peccator (Lat.) a sinner or offender.
Pec [...]a [...]t (from pecco) I have sinned, offended or done amiss.
Pecorous (pecorosus) full of Cattel, or where many Cattel are.
Pectn [...]s (from pecten, a comb) Dr. Br useth it for such fish, whose ribs are straight, as Soals, Thornback, Flounders, &c. because their back-bone and ribs do in some sort resemble a comb.
Pectinate (pectino) to kemb, to harrow corn, while it is in grass, to rake corn together.
P [...]ctoral (pectorale) a brestplate or defence for the brest, a Peitrel, Poitrel, or Stomacher. In Physick it signifies a Lozenge or Medicine, good for the stomack.
Pectoral (pectoralis) that belongs to the Brest or stomack.
Pecuarious (pecuarius serving for, or belonging to Beasts or Cattel.
Peculator (Lat.) that robs the Prince or common Treasure.
Peculiar (peculiaris) private, proper, ones own, particular, pertaining to some one.
Peculiate (peculio) to punish by the purse, to take away a mans goods; also to enrich.
Pecuniary (pecuniarius) pertaining to money. The Heathens say, the Impress of a sheep was stamped on their first coyn, and from thence their money was called pecunia, from pecus. Greg.
Pedage (pedagium) signifies money given for the passing, by foot or horse, through a Forest or other place Shep. Epit.
Pedagogue (paedagogus) a bringer up of children, a Tutor, Scoolmaster, Pedant.
Pedagogism, the office of a Pedagogue.
P [...]dal (pedalis) of a foot, measure or space.
Pedality (pedalitas) ableness of foot; a measuring by or going on foot.
Pedaneous (pedaneus) that goes on foot.
Pedant (Fr.) an ordinary Schoolmaster, a Teacher of A, B, C.
[Page] Pedanteries (Fr.) pedantick humors, phrase affectings, Inkhorn terms. Br.
Pedantism (Fr.) the Office or function of a Pedant.
Pedition (pedatio) a staking, propping or setting up vines.
Pedatur [...] (pedatura) a proportion of digging, building, &c. of so many foot assigned to Souldiers or workmen.
Pedee (from pes) a (Commanders) Foot-boy.
Pederastie (paederastia) the loving of young boys, commonly taken in the ill part, as signifying the abuse of them against kind.
Pedestal (pedestella) the foot or basis to support a pillar or any peece of work: a footstal, a stirrop.
Pedestrial (from pedester) that goeth on foot, belonging to the foot.
P [...]diculous (pediculosus) lowsie, or full of lice.
Pedid (paedidus) filthy, sluttish, slinking.
Pedicle (pediculus) a little foot; also the stalk of a leaf, or any fruit.
Pedo-Baptism (paedo-baptismus) the baptizing of Children; Infant-baptism.
Pedomancy (Gr.) a kind of divination by the lines of the soles of the feet.
Pedor (paedor) sluttishness, uncleanness; stink and filthiness in such as are in, or come out of Prisons.
Pedatribe (paedotriba) an instructer of children, teaching them how to exercise their bodies, and to make them fair and strong.
Peer (Fr. pierre) seems properly to be a Fortress made against the force of the sea, for the better securing ships that lie at Harbor in any Haven; so is the Peer of Dover described in Cam. Brit. p 259. You shall read the word often in Sands Travels, and comes from Petra; because of the congestion of great stones, to the raising up of such a Pile.
Peers (pares) equals; also the House of Lords in Parliament, was otherwise called the House of Peers, and their condition and dignity, Peerage, which word may also signifie an Imposition for maintenance of a Sea-Peer.
Pegasus (Gr.) a winged horse, a Post. Hence
Pegasean, is used for swift or speedy. Feltham.
Pejerate (pejero) to forswear, not to do that he hath sworn to do.
Pejorate (pejoro) to impair, to make or grow worse.
Peitrel; see Pectoral.
Pelagi [...]ns, an antient sort of Hereticks, who (among other damnable Tenets) taught that man of his own free-will might without the Grace of God, keep the Commandments, and merit eternal life, &c. This Heresie took name from Pelagius its first brocher, and was condemned by a general [Page] Council held in the Island of Malta, by P. Innocent the first, at which St. Austin was present, and 214 Bishops.
Pelagick (pelagicus) of the Sea, or that lives in the Sea.
Pelion and Ossa two high mountains in Thessaly, we say proverbially, to mount Pelion upon Ossa, when we use our utmost endeavor to overcome any difficulty; or attempt an impossibility.
Pell [...]cator (Lat.) a deceiver with fair words.
Pelliculation (pelliculatio) a deceiving with fair words, an alluring.
Pellicie (dim. of pellis) a little Skin, Hide, Fell, or Pelt, a small or thin rhind.
Pellucid (pellucidus) clear, shining, bright, that may be seen or discerned thorow.
Pe [...]-M [...]l (Fr. Pesle Mesle) confusedly, hand over head, all on a heap, one with another.
Peltif [...]rous (peltifer) that wears or bears a Target like a half moon.
Pelusian Foar [...], used by Dubartas for the great River Nilus in Egypt; and is taken from Pelusium, one of the mouthes of that River.
Penarious (penarius) of or belonging to provision for victuals.
Pendent (pendens) hanging, bending, depending, uncertain what to do.
Pe [...]diloches (Fr.) jags, danglings, or things that hang danglingly; with Jewellers they are the lowest part of jewels which hang in that manner.
Pendulosity (pendulositas) the hanging state of a thing; ambiguity, doubtfulness. Br.
Pendulous (pendulus) that hangeth or stoopeth; also doubtful, staggering.
Pen [...]ian W [...]l [...] Tempé, a most pleasant valley in Thessaly, on the Verge of the River Peneus, and therefore so called.
Penelope (Gr.) the name of the most patient, constant and chast Wife of Ʋlysses, which was given her, for that she carefully loved and fed those birds with purple necks called Penelopes. Cam.
Penetrab [...]lity (from penetro) ability to pierce or penetrate, power which nothing can resist.
Penetrable (penetrabilis) that may pierce or be pierced, or penetrated.
Pen [...]s [...] (peninsula) quasi, pe [...]e [...] insula, almost an Island) is a tract of land, which being almost encompassed by water is joyned to the firm, land by some little Isthmus, narrow place or entrance; as that vast Continent of Peru and Brasile in America were an Island, but for that strait or neck of land, between Panama and Nombre de Dios.
Penitencer Penitenciary (from penitentia) the Priest, &c. that enjoyns the offender his penance. Penitentiary is sometimes taken for [Page] that place in Rome, where certain Priests, indued with faculties to absolve from reserved cases are appointed to sit, ready to hear the Confessions of those that from sundry places repair to them for that purpose.
Penitentiary Priests, or Priests of the Penitentiary, are those that belong to the aforesaid place, over whom there is one stiled Chief Penitentiary, who for the most part, if not always, is one of the Cardinals, who admits and gives faculties to the rest.
Penitential (penitentialis) very penitent, most sorrowful or repentant; The seven Penitential Psalms of David, are so called, because they are very efficacious in moving sinful souls to repentance.
Pennigerous (penniger) feathered, winged, bearing or having wings and feathers.
Pennant, a rope to hoise up the boat, or heavy Merchandize aboard a ship.
Pennipotent (pennipotens) mighty in flying, strong of wing, well winged or feathered.
Penon (Fr pennon) a Flag, Banner or Streamer born in war. We read this A. 11. R 2. ca. 1. A term in Heraldry.
Penoncels, little Penons.
Pensitate (pensito) to weigh, ponder, consider, pay, and recompence often.
Pentas (Gr.) the five, the cinque; a word much used in composition; as
Pentagamist (Gr.) one that hath had five wives.
Penta [...]lottical (from pentas and glottos, lingua) that hath five Tongues, or is skilled in five several Languages.
Pentagon (pentagonus) any thing that hath five corners, a Pentangle.
Pentahedrical (Gr.) that has five sides.
Pentam [...]ter (Gr.) a verse consisting of five feet: In the first part it hath two feet either Dactyles or Spondees, with a long syllable; In the later part also two feet, but always Dactyles, and a long syllable, As ‘Res est solliciti plena timoris amor.’
Pe [...]taptotes (pentaptota) nouns declined onely by five Cases.
Pentarck (pentarchus) a Captain of five men.
Pentastick (pentastichus) that consists of five verses; also a Porch having five rowes of Pillars.
Pentateuch (pentateuchus) a volume of five Books; the five Books of Moses, viz. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numeri, & Deuteronomi, so called.
Pentecontarck (pentecontarchus) a Captain of Fifty men.
Pentecost (Gr. Pentecoste, [Page] i. the fifteenth) the Feast of Pentecost or Whitsontide, so called because it is the fiftieth day from the Resurrection of Jesus Christ; see Whitsonday. And for the nature of this Feast among the a [...]ient Hebrews, see Moses and Aaron, p. 115.
Pentireme (pentiremes) a Galley that has five Oars in a seat or rank, or a Galley wherein every Oar hath five men to draw it; see Quinquereme.
Penulator (Lat.) a Furrier.
Penurious (from penuria) extreme needy and necessitous, that wants all necessaries.
Peplographi (peplographia) the description of the vail, called Peplum, which was an embroidered Vesture or hood to cover the head, now used for a kercher, worn especially by women, going to be churched. Tho.
P [...]ptick (pepticus) that comforts the stomack, and helps it to digest the meat in it, concoctive, digestive.
P [...]r, the Preposition, being compounded with another word, renders it more powerful and efficacious; as Amo, to love; put (per) to it, and it signifies to love throughly or perfectly. Valid is valiant or strong; pervalid, very valiant, &c. Which being premonished, the Reader, knowing the simple words, will easily understand the compound, and so save a labour of repeating them.
Peraction (peractio) an accomplishing, performing, ending or dispatching.
Peragration (peragratio) a going about, a travelling over, a wandring through.
Peragration moneth; see in Moneth.
Perambulate (perambulo) to go or walk through, about, or over and over.
Perarate (peraro) to till all through, to ear over and over, to plough or make furrows all over.
Pe [...]ch; see Pearch.
Perceptible (from percipio) perceivable, apprehensible, takable, receivable.
Percival, is thought at first to have been a sirname, and after (as many other a Christen name, fetched from Percheval, a place in Normandy. One by allusion made it, Per se valens. Cam.
P [...]rcontation (percontatio) an enquiring, searching, demanding or questioning.
Percolation (percolatio) a straining through or out.
Percruc [...]ate (percrucio) to torment greatly, to vex throughly.
Percullis, the name of an Office of one of the Pursuivants at Arms; see Harold.
Pe [...]cussion (percussio) a striking, beating or hitting.
Perdition (perditio) destruction, losing.
Perduction (perductio) a [Page] bringing, or leading through.
Perdu (Fr.) lost, perished, forlorn, past hope of recovery, cast away. Hence
Perdues (enfans perdues) the Forlorn-hope of a Camp, which are commonly Gentlemen of Companies, and are so called, because they are given for lost men, in respect of the danger of their service.
Perdu [...]llion or Perduellism (perduellio) treason against the King and Country.
Peregrination (peregrinatio) going or being abroad in a far or strange Country; a pilgrimage, a voyage.
Peregrine (peregrinus) strange, out-landish; a stranger or alien: 'Tis sometime used for a mans Christen name, as Peregrina for a womans.
Perendinate (perendino) to put off for a day, or till the next day after to morrow.
Perennity (perennitas) continuance, long-lasting, perpetuity, eternity.
Perenticide (perenticida à pera) a Cut-purse; alluding to Parenticide.
Perfidy (perfidia) falshood against promise or trust, untruth, disloyalty, false-dealing, trea [...]on.
Perflatio (perflatio) a flowing vehemently or strongly, a blowing quite through.
Perforate (perforo) to pierce or make a hole through to bore through, as with a Piercer; to thrust into.
Perfretation (perfretatio) a passing over, or through the Sea.
Perfriction (perfrictio, à perfrico) a rubbing or chafing hard or throughly.
Perfriction (perfrictio, à perfrigeo) a great, through, or quaking cold, a shivering for cold, which goes before the Fit.
Perfunction (perfunctio [...] a doing or enduring a thing to the end, an accomplishing or finishing a matter.
Perfunctor [...] (perfunct [...] us) that which is done on [...] for a fashion or neglig [...] or which passeth lightly [...] way.
Perfusion (perfusio) a shedding upon, or a pouring all over, a wetting through.
Pergamenous (from pergamena) of or belonging to, or full of, Parchment or Velum; so called from Pergamus a City in Anatolia, where Parchment was invented.
Pergraphical (pergraphicus) very cunningly made or done, artificial, workman-like.
Pericardian, belonging to the Perichard, which is a membrane or thin skin, involving the whole heart, like a case.
Periclitancy Periclitation (periclitatio) a proving, adventuring, trying, jeoparding, or putting in hazard.
Pericranion (Gr.) the skin compassing and covering all [Page] the skul; the hairy scalp. For Peri in Greek, signifies about, and cranion, a skul
Perigee (perigaeum) that point of the Heaven, wherein the Sun or any other Planet, is nearest the centre of the earth, being the opposite point to the Apogee.
Perillus Bull. See Phalaris.
Perimeter (Gr.) above measure; a verse that has a syllable above measure; the utmost line of any solid body, the Compass or bounding Tract.
Perioch (periocha) a brief argument, containing the sum of a whole matter or discourse.
Period (periodus) the term of time, wherein any thing is finished; an end, the end of a perfect sentence, marked commonly with a full point thus (.) See Semi-colon.
Periodical (periodicus) ended, finished, concluded; also that goes or comes by course or fits. An Ague is called a Periodical disease, because it keeps a just time of its return.
Peripatetical ( peripateticus, from [...], i. ambulo) that disputes or teaches walking, as Aristotle did; from whence he and his Schollars were called Peripateticks.
Periphelium (Gr. peripheli [...]u) is that point, wherein the Earth, or any other Planet is least distant from the Sun.
Periphery (peripheria) a circumference, a carrying or going about; the crooked line wherewith a circle is bounded, or compassed [...]n.
Periphrase (peripirasis) circumlocution; one word expressed by many.
Periphrastical (periphrasticus) that which is spoken by many words, and may be said by fewer.
Peripneumonical (peripneumonicus) sick of a Peripneumony, which is an inflammation or imposthume of the Lungs, with a shortness of breath, and a redness of the Cheeks. Dub.
Periscians (periscii) that have their shadows cast round about them; as those that dwel in the cold Zones; for to them the Sun, after it is once risen, goes round about their Horizon, and so casts the shadows round, as it were Spokes in a wheel. Tho.
Perissology (perissologia) superfluous speaking.
Peristat [...]ick (Gr.) that hath the force or power to strain, gripe, or press together. Among Physitians it is commonly applied to the quibling motion of the Guts. Galen.
Perit, a certain smal weight. See Ounce.
Permagies, a sort of little Boats among the Turks. Sands.
Permeant (permeans) going over, passing through.
Permiscible (permiscibilis) which may be mingled.
[Page] Permissible (permissibilis) which may be permitted or suffered.
Perner. See Pernor.
Perniciable (perniciabilis) bringing destruction, causing death, mortal, dangerous.
Pernicious (perniciosus) deadly, mortal, dangerous, causing death.
Pernicity (pernicitas) swiftness, quickness, nimbleness.
Pernoctation (pernoctatio) a tarrying or lodging out all night.
Pernor of profits (from the Fr prendre, i. to take) signifies (in our Law) him that takes the profits. A. 1. H. 7. c. 1.
Peroration (peroratio) the conclusion or last part of an Oration, wherein the affections of the hearers are chiefly moved.
Perpend (perpendo) to examine or consider diligently; to weigh a matter throughly.
Perpenders, or Perpent stones, stones made just as thick as a wall, and shewing their smoothed ends on either side thereof.
Perpendicular (perpendicularis) that is directly downright.
Perpendicle (perpendiculum) a plumb line, such as Carpenters have with lead at the end.
Perpensation (perpensatio) a due weighing and examining.
Perpession (perpessio) an enduring, suffering or abiding.
Perpetra [...] (perpetro) to do, make, commit or atchieve.
Perpetuat [...] (perpetuo) to continue a thing on without ceasing, to abide for ever, to make everlasting.
Perpetuity (perpetuitas) everlastingness, continuance, eternity, endlesness.
Perplexable (perplexabilis) doubtful, ambiguous; hard to conceive and understand.
Perplexity (perplexitas) doubt, intricacy, incertainty.
Perplication (perpli [...]atio) a folding to and fro.
Perquisite (perquisitum) signifies in Bracton any thing purchased, as Perquisitum facere, lib. 2. ca. 30. num. 3. and lib. 4. cap. 22. Perquisites of Courts are those profits, that accrew to the Lord of a Mannor, by vertue of his Court Baron, over and above the certain and yearly rents of his Land, as Fines for Copy-Holds, Waifs, Estraies, and such like.
Perquisitor (Lat.) an enquirer or diligent searcher.
Perreptation (perreptatio) a creeping into every corner, a diligent searching.
Perscrutator (Lat.) a Searcher, a Commissary or Harbinger in War to provide victuals.
Perseverance (perseverantia) a fixed abiding in a thing reasonable, constancy, stoutness.
Perside (persideo) to sit by, to abide still.
Personality (personalitas) [Page] the being in person. Also in in our Law an Action is said to be in the personality, when tis brought against the right person, or when the Action is properly personal, not real or mixt.
Personate (persono) to sound out, or perfectly, to make a great noise; But Personato (from persona) is more commonly taken to represent the person of another.
P [...]rspective (from perspicio) the Art of advantaging the sight by the help of glasses and other contrivances.
Perspicacy Perspicacity (perspicacia) quickness of sight, understanding, or perceiving a thing, ready apprehension.
Perspicience (perspicientia) perfect knowledge, full perceiving a thing.
Perspicuity (perspicuitas) clearness, plainness, properly in words and sentences.
Perspirable (from perspiro) that may, or is able to breath through. Br.
Perspiration (perspiratio) a breathing through; It is, as it were, a breathing or vaporing of the whole body through the skin. Bac.
Perstringe (perstringo) to wring hard, to touch a thing sharply in speaking, or writing, &c. Also to deceive.
Perterebrate (perterebro) to pierce or bore thorow with a wimble.
Pertical (perticalis) belonging to a Perch or Pole.
Pertinacy (pertinacia) obstinacy, stubbornness, stiffness in opinion; sometimes it is taken in the good part for perseverance, constancy.
Pertinge [...] (pertingens) extending, reaching, or joyning near unto.
Pertingency, a reaching or joyning near unto.
Pervade (pervado) to go and enter over all, through or into; to scape or pass through or by. Dr. Charl.
Pervagation (pervagatio) a straying up and down, a wandring through or about.
Perversity (perversitas) maliciousness of nature, where we do overthwartly that we ought not to do, frowardness.
Pervert (perverto) to overthwart, to turn upside down; to subvert, corrupt, destroy.
A Pervert, one that is turned from good to evil; as Convert is the contrary.
Pervicacy (pervicacia) obstinacy, [...]teadiness, stiffneckedness; sometimes perseverance, constancy.
Pervise (pervisum) a Bar; also a conference in former time called the Pervis among the young Councellors, Pleaders, Attorneys, or Students of the Law, such as at this day might resemble the course in the Inns of Court, or Chancery, called Moots and Bolts, wherein the form of pleading and arguing a case is exercised; for so doth Fortescu ( chap. 51.) commending those [Page] Laws, prove, when he saith, That, after the Judges were risen at eleven of the clock, from hearing Causes at Westminster, Placitantes tunc se divertunt ad Pervisum, & alibi consulentes cum Servientibus ad legem & aliis Conciliariis suis.
Pervious (pervius) that may be gone in or through, that is easie to be passed over or through.
Perwick or Perwig (from the Belg. Perru [...]ck, or Fr. perrúque, i. a tuff or lock of hair) a cap of false or counterfeit hair.
Peruvians, people of Peru in the West Indies, so called.
Pessary (pessus) is made of soft wool, in form of a finger, and is a kind of suppository for the secret parts of women. Br.
Pessundate (pessundo) to tread or cast under feet, to put down, or to the worst, to cast to the ground, as a horse doth his rider.
Pestarable Wares, seem to be such Wares, as pester and take up much room in a ship. An. 32. H. 8. c 14.
Pestiferous (pestifer) deadly, unwholesome, that brings death, pestilence and destruction.
Petalism ( petalismus from [...], 1. a leaf) a kinde of banishment for five years among the Siracusians; practised by writing the parties name, whom they would be rid of, in an Olive leaf, as at Athens they wrote upon shells.
Petard or Petarre (Fr. petart) an Engin of War made like a Bell or Morter, wherewith strong Gates are burst open.
Petaurist (petaurista) a Dancer on the Ropes, a Tumbler, a runner upon Lines.
Petauristick, pertaining to tumbling, vaulting or dancing upon Ropes.
Peter (Gr.) for which the French use Pierre, and our Ancestors used Pierce) a name of high esteem among Christians, since our Saviour named Simon the son of Jona, Cephas; which is Syriack, and by interpretation a [stone] John 1.42. But fool-wisely have some Peters called themselves Pierius. Cam.
St. Peter ad vincula; see Gule of August.
Peter-pence (Denarii sancti Petri) otherwise called in the Saxon tongue Rome-feo [...], i. the fee of Rome, or due to Rome, and also Rome-scot and Rome-penning) was a tribute given by Ina King of the West-Saxons, being in pilgrimage at Rome about the year of our Lord 626. which was a penny for every Chimney that smoaked in England. Lamberds Explication of Saxon words, verbo, Nummus. Whom see also fol. 128. in St Edw. Laws, num. 10. See also King Edgars Laws, fol. 78. c. 4. Stow in his Annals, p. 76. saith, He that had thirty penny [Page] worth of Goods of one kind in his house of his own proper, was to give a penny at Lammas yearly; see Rome-scot.
Petitory (petitorius) belonging to a Petition, or request.
Petrel; see Pectoral.
Petrification (petrificatio) a making stony, a turning into stone; also a disease in the eye and eye-lids.
Petrifie (from Petra) to make become stonish, or of a hard nature. Br.
Petrobrusiany, a sort of Hereticks that held Christians ought not to keep or observe Feasts, &c.
Petrol (petroleum) a kind of Marle or Chaulky Clay, or rather a substance strained out of the natural Bitumen: It is for the most part white, but sometimes black, and being once set on fire can hardly be quenched; see Napthe.
Petronel(Fr. petrinal) a horsemans peece, first used in the Pyrenean Mountains, which was hanged at the Brest ready to shoot.
Petti-fogger (from the Fr. petite, and Belg. Foken vel F [...]yken, i. convasare) a silly Advocate, a petty Attorney or Lawyer, or rather a Trouble-Town, having neither Law nor Conscience.
Petty Sergeanty, a tenure of Land holden of the King by yielding him a Buckler, Arrow, Bow, or such like; see Capite.
Petty Treason (Fr: petit Trahison) Treason in a lesser or lower kinde. If a Servant kill his Master, a Wife her Husband, a Secular or Religious man his Prelate, these are Petit Treasons, An. 25. Edw. 3. cap. 2. Whereof see more in Stawnf. Pl. Cr. l. 1. c. 2. Cromp. J. of Peace f. 2. For the punishment of Petit Treason, see An. 22. H. 8. cap. 14.
Petulanc [...] (petulantia) wantonness, malepertness, impudency, reproachful speaking.
Petulant (petulans) wanton, dishonest, reproachful, fawcy.
Pexi [...]y (pexitas) the long roughness of the Web.
P [...]oe [...]omenon (Gr.) an appearance either in Heaven or in the Air. Sir H. Wotton.
Phag [...]denick (phagaedenicus) that hath or pertains to a kind of Pock or running Cancer▪ which frets through the skin, and eats the flesh.
Phalanx (Lat.) a military Squadron consisting of eight thousand footmen, set in such array, that they might encounter with their enemies foot to foot, man to man, shield to shield. Polybius l. 5. says the Phalanx contained above twenty thousand; but these numbers still altered.
Phalangarians (phalangarii) Souldiers of the Army Phalanx.
Phalangeary Phalangeous of or pertaining to Phalanx. Br.
[Page] Phalaris Bull: Phalaris was a Tyrant of Sicily, who tormented Perillus, the Artificer first in the brasen Bull, he made for the destruction and torture of others, whereupon aptly Ovid,
So this Bull is applied to those that make a rod for themselves.
Phalerated (phaleratus) trapped, or dressed with Trappings, as horses use to be.
Phalusick Verse (phaluceum carmen) a verse consisting of eleven Syllables, viz. a Dactyle, a Spondee, and three Trochee's. ¯ ˘ ˘, ¯ ¯, ¯ ˘ ¯ ˘ ¯ ˘.
Phanatick or Phantick, (phanaticus) that hath vain visions; a crack-brain, one deluded with fond apprehensisions; see Fanatick.
Phantasie (phantasia) the image of things conceived in the mind, a Vision, Representation, Imagination, Fancy.
Phantasm ( phantasma, the French say phantosm) a vain vision, or false representation. Phantosm (saith Suidas) is an imagination of things, which are not indeed, and doth proceed of the sences being corrupted.
Phare ( pharus or pharos) a Tower or high place by the Sea coast, wherein were continually lights and fires, which served Seamen to see the Haven, and the safest entrance; a sea-mark.
Pharetriferous (pharetrifer) that bears a Quiver of Arrows.
Pharisaism or Pharaisism, the religion or profession of the Pharisees; Hypocrisie. Feltham.
Pharisee, a Sect of Jews, professing more holiness then the common sort, they held contrary opinions to the Saduces, and wore Phylacteries, or Scroles of parchment bound about their heads, wherein were written the Ten Commandments, vainly so interpreting that of Deut. 6.8. Movebuntur super oculos tuos; they owe their name to the Hebr. phares or pharesk, i. seperare, explicare, as being both Interpreters of the Law, and Separatists (by their feigned devotion) from the rest of the Jewish Church. Mat. 5.20. Luk. 18.11. See Moses and Aaron p. 36, and 45.
Pharmaceutick (from pharmaceutice) pertaining to that part of Physick, that cures with medicines.
Pharmaceutie or Pharmacy (pharmaceutice) that part of Physick which cureth with Medicines or Drugs; or it is an Art, shewing the [Page] way; 1. To select. 2. To prepare. 3. To mix medicaments. Renodaeus.
Pharmacopolist (pharmacopola) a seller of Medicines, an Apothecary.
Pharmaceutical Pharmatical (from pharmacum) of or pertaining to Medicines or Drugs, or curing by them.
Phenix. See Phoenix.
Phasm (phasma) a horrible vision or light. Dr. Ham.
Pheon, a term in Heraldry; and signifies the head of a dart, or arrow.
Phial. See Vial.
Philadelphia (Gr.) a womans name, and signifies brotherly or sisterly love. And lovers of brothers or sisters', are called Philadelphians.
Philanthropie (philanthropia) a loving of men, or mankind; humanity.
Philanthropal, full of love to mankind.
Philargyrous (Gr.) covetous, greedy after silver.
Philautie (philautia) self-love, self-liking.
Philibert (Germ.) a proper name for a man, signifying much bright fame, or very bright and famous, as Polyphemus in Greek. Rhenanus.
Philip (Gr.) a lover of horses; also a valiant, hardy, or warlike person.
Philippicks (philippica) invectives; so called from Demosthenes biting Orations against Philip K. of Macedon.
Philippick fields (campi Philippici) are those that lye near the City Philippolis in Macedonia, built by Philip Alexanders Father, famous for the Roman Civil Wars, there decided in two Battels; the first between Caesar and Pompey, the other between Augustus and Mark Anthony, against Brutus and Cassius.
Philippus, a coyn of gold worth about three shillings sterling. Also a coyn of silver worth four shillings.
Philyrian Scout, used for the sign Sagittarius in Dubartas; perhaps from the leathern Quiver or Case he carries on his back to hold his arrows; Philyra signifying a thin skin or parchment.
Phillis (Gr. a womans name) and signifies lovely, as Amie in French.
Philodespot (philodespetus) he that loves his Master.
Philologer (philologus) a man given to study, a lover of learning, talk, or communication.
Philologie (philologia) love of learning, study, or talk.
Philomathy (philomathia) the love or desire of learning.
Philomel (philomela) a Nightingale.
Philomusus (Gr.) a lover of the Muses or of learning.
Philopolite (philopolites) a lover of his Country or City.
Philosophaster (Lat.) a smatterer in Philosophy; a counterfeit philosopher.
[Page] Philosophy (philosophia) the love or desire of wisdom; a deep knowledge in the nature of things; there are three different kinds of it. 1. Rational Philosophie, including Grammar, Logick, and Rhetorick; and this dives into the subtilty of disputations and discourse. 2. Natural Philosophie, searching into the obscurity of natures secrets, containing besides, Arithmetick, Musick, Geometry, and Astronomy. 3. Moral Philosophie, which consists in the knowledge and practise of civility and good behavior.
Philosopher (philosophus) is he who takes denomination from Philosophy, as a Musician from Musick; a lover or studier of wisdom.
Philosophical (philosophicus) pertaining to philosophy.
Philostorgie (philostorgia) the love of parents towards their children.
Philotimie (philotimia) love of honor.
Philtre (philtrum) an amorous potion; a love-procuring drink or medicine; also the hollowness or gutter in the upper lip under the nostrils.
Philtre-charmed, i. inchanted with love potions. Dub.
Phlebotomie (phlebotomia) the cutting a vein to let blood. Physicians (as 'tis written) learned this practise first of a beast called Hyppopotamus, living in the River Nylus, and being of a ravenous nature, therefore often over-charged with much eating, is wont to seek in the banks for some sharp stub of a Reed, upon which pricking his leg, he thereby easeth his full body; stopping the bleeding afterwards with mud.
Phlegeton, a River in Hell, that always burns.
Phlegmatick (phlegmaticus) belonging to an humor in man, cold and moist; full of, or subject unto Flegm.
Phlegmon (phlegmone) an inflammation of blood; a swelling against nature being hot and red.
P [...]oebus, Apollo, or the Sun; Phoebe, Diana, or the Moon.
Phoenix (Lat.) the rarest bird in the world, and is commonly described thus; There was never any but one of this kind living at once; and that onely in Arabia, of the bigness of an Eagle, of a purple colour, having a bright coller of gold about his neck, a goodly fair tail, and a tuft of feathers upon his head; he liveth above 600 years, and being old builds him a nest of Cinnamon, and the twigs of Frankincense, which he fills with spices, and then with the laboring of his wings in the Sun, setting it on fire, is there consumed; out of whose ashes there grows a worm, and of the worm another Phoenix; [Page] This, I say, is the common received opinion, as you may see in Tacitus, and other Authors; but Dr. Br. in his Vul. Err. makes question whether there be any such Animal in nature, whom you may read at large upon this subject; fol. 131.
Phospher (phosphorus) the day-star.
Phrenetick (phreneticus) that hath the Frenzie (which is the chiefest and greatest mischief that can come to the brain) frantick.
P [...]rygian (phrygius) pertaining to Phrygia, a Country in the lesser Asia, bounding upon Caria, Lydia, &c.
A Ph [...]ygian Garment (phrygia vestis) is a Garment wrought with needle-work, or made of cloth of Baudkin. Phrygian wisdom is taken for After-wit; According to ‘Ne serò sapias, sic sapuere Phryges.’
Phthisick (phthisicus) an (incurable) ulceration of the Lungs, accompanied with a consumption of the whole body; the cough of the Lungs; a consuming sickness.
Phylacist (phylacista) the keeper of a Prison.
Phylactitians, certain Sorcerers, who were condemned in the year 6 2. for a kind of Magick, relating in some sort to Phylacteries. Moses and Aaron, p. 44.
Phylactery (phylacterium) a place where any thing is kept, a preservative against poyson, and fascination. Also a Scrole or Frontlet of Parchment, having the commandments of God written in it, which the Pharisees wore about their heads and arms. Also a thread or band of blew silk in the fringes of a garment, by the beholding whereof the memory of Gods Precepts was kept and preserved. Deut. 6.8. Matth. 23.5 see Pharisee, and see Dr. Ham. Annotat. fol. 121.
Phylark (phylarchus) the chief over a Tribe, a Ruler of the people.
Physiark (physiarcha) the Governor of nature, God Almighty.
Physick. See Medicine.
Physicks (physica) books treating of Physick or natural phylosophy.
Physi [...]n (Physicus) The sence of this word in the common acceptation is wel known, yet we vulgarly abuse it, for a Leech or Medicus, but not altogether intolerably, because 'tis a trite and true saying, That ubi desini [...] Philosophus, incipit medicus, where the Naturalist (for there the word Philosopher stands for a Physiologer) ends, there the Medicus begins: So, as if an expert Leech, must needs be skil'd in the Physicks
[Page] Plagiarian Law (plagiaria lex) a Law made against those men, &c.
Plaint (Fr.) a complaint, moan or lamentation; in our Common Law it is used for the propounding any action personal or real in writing. So it is used in Brook. tit. Plaint in Assize; and the party making this Plaint is called Plaintiff. Kitch. fol. 231.
Planet ( planeta whereof there are seven; bearing the names of seven several Deities, which you may remember in their order by this verse.
The first letter S. for Saturn, J. for Jupiter, M. for Mars, S. the Sun, V. Venus, M. Mercury, lastly, the Moon; They are also called wandering Stars; because they never keep one certain place in the Firmament.
Planetary (planetarius) a caster of Nativities, becau [...]e the Planets are said to have some power over earthly Bodies.
Planetary Planetick of or belonging to a Planet.
Planiloquent (planiloquus) that speaks his mind plainly and freely.
Planimetry (Gr.) the measuring of Planes, as board, glass, or any flat thing.
Planisphere (planispherium) a plain Sphere; or a sphere projected in plano; as an Astrolabe.
Plantigerous (plantiger) that beareth Plants or Graffs.
Plasmator (Lat.) a Potter, or maker of earthen Images.
Plasmature (plasmatura) the forming or making any thing of earth.
Plastique (plastice) the craft of working and making things in earth.
Plastique is not only under-Sculpture, but indeed very Sculpture it self; with this difference, that the Plasterer makes his figures by addition, and the Carver by substraction. Sir Hen. Wotton.
Plastick (plasticus) pertaining to that craft.
Plastography (plastographia) a counterfeiting or false writing.
Platanine (plataninus) belonging to a Plane tree.
Plateasm (plateasmus) a fault in speech, when it is over-broad and full.
Platonick love, is a love abstracted from all corporeal, [Page] gross impression and sensual appetite, and consists in contemplation, and Idaea's of the mind, not in any carnal fruition; or it is a love of friendship, without any admixture of sensuality. So called from Plato the Divine Philosopher.
Platonical year (annus platonicus) is every 36000th year, when some Philosophers imagin'd, all persons and things should return to the same state as now they are.
Platonist, a Philosopher of the Sect of Plato.
Plaudite (from plaudo) clap ye hands for joy, is the literal signification; but it is often used substantively in the same sence.
Plau [...]ible (plausibilis) received favorably, with joy and clapping hands, acceptable.
Plausidical (plausidicus) that speaketh plausibly, eloquent.
Plausor (Lat.) that claps his hands in token of joy, or in giving praise.
Plea (placitum) signifies in our Common Law, that which either party (but most commonly the Defendant) alleadgeth for himself in Court, &c.
Pleb [...]ian (plebeius) of or pertaining to the common people, poor, base, of little value, of the common sort.
Plebeity (plebeitas) the commonalty, vulgar people.
Plebicolist (plebicola) a favorer of the common people.
P [...]ebiscite (plebiscitum) a Law, Statute or Ordinance, made onely by the consent of the people without the Senate.
Pledge (from the Fr. pleige) a surety or gage. To pledge one drinking, had its original thus; when the Danes bore sway in this Land, if a Native did drink, they would sometimes stab him with a Dagger or Knife; Hereupon people would not drink in company unless some one present would be their pledge or surety, that they should receive no hurt, whilst they were in their draught; Hence that usual phrase, Ile pledge you, or be a pledge for you. Others affirm the true sence of the word was, that if the party drunk unto was not disposed to drink himself, he would put another for a pledge to do it for him, else the party who began would take it ill.
Pleget or Splege (splenium) a long plaister of cloth or leather; a linnen cloth dipped in any water, to wash or lay to a sore place.
P [...]eiedes (Gr.) the seven stars that appear in a cluster about mid-heaven.
Plenary (from plenus) full, ample, large; wealthy, abundant.
Plenarty, is an abstract of the adjective plenus; and is used by our common Lawyers in matters of Benefices; wherin plenarty and vacation are [Page] meerly contrary. Stawnf. Praerog. cap. 8. fol. 32. West. 2. ca. 5. An. 13. Ed. 1.
Plenilunary (from plenilunium) of or pertaining to the new Moon. Br.
Plen [...]otentiaries (from plenus and potentia) Ambassadors or Commissioners, that have full power and authority from their King, or those by whom they are sent, to treat and conclude with an enemy or other person upon all or such points as are contained in their Commission, &c.
Plenitude (plenitudo) fulness, solidity, thickness, grosness.
Pleonasm (pleonasmus) a figure whereby something superfluous is added. Hence,
Pleonasmick, superfluous, redundant.
Plero [...]horie (Gr.) a fulness or perfection of any thing; by some, especially appropriated to knowledge or perswasion.
Plethorical or Plethorick (plethoricus) fat, corpulent, over full of humors, or good juyce. Plethorical state of the body, is when it being full of blood and other humors needs evacuation.
Pleurisie (pleuritis) a disease, when the inward skin of the ribs in mans body is inflamed with too much blood, flowing unnaturally to it; In this disease there is a difficulty to fetch breath, a cough, a continual Ague, and a pricking pain about the Ribs.
Pleuritick (pleuriticus) that hath or is subject to the Pleurisie.
Plicature (plicatura) a folding or plaiting.
Plo [...]ket ( Ann. 1. R. 3. ca. 2.) is a kind of woollen cloth.
Plottons (a term of war) are small divisions; every Plotton being eight in front, led off by a Captain, and every division after him led up by a sufficient Officer. Barif. p. 172.
Plumage (Fr.) Feathers, or a bunch of feathers; also pluming as a Hawk doth upon a Pinio [...], where there is more feathers then meat.
Plumassery (from pluma) a plume or bunch of feathers.
Plumbagin (plumbago, inis) pure lead, turned almost into ashes by the vehemency of the fire; This is the artificial Plumbagin, and comes of lead put into a furnace with Gold or Silver Oar, to make them melt the sooner (by which employment it gains some part in the worth of those mettals;) There is also a natural or mineral Plumbagin, which (as Matthiolus thinks) is no other then Silver mingled with Lead, Stone, or Oar. Cot.
Plumbean Plumbeous (plumbeus) of the colour and property of lead; leaden; also dull, blunt.
Plumigerous (plumiger) [Page] that beareth feathers.
Plumosity (plumositas) fulness of feathers.
Plunder (from the Germ. plu [...]deren) to rob, spoil or take away by force, as Souldiers do in time of war. This word was first known in England in the year 1642.
Plurality (pluralitas) mereness, more then one.
Plural Pluralitive (pluralis) that contains many.
Plurifarious (plurifarius) of divers fashions.
Pluto, the God of Hell and Riches, The Helmet of Pluto is said to have had power to make men invisible
Pluvial (pluvialis) of rain, like to rain, rainy, waterish.
Pluvio [...]s (pluviosus) very rainy, full of rain, that hath much rain.
Pneumatical (pneumaticus) spiritual, windy.
Pneumaticks (from pneuma) books treating of Spirits or the winds.
Pneumology (Gr.) a speaking or treating of spirits or winds.
Pocilla [...]or (Lat.) he that waiteth on a great persons cup, a Cup-bearer.
Poco a poco (Spa.) by little and little, by degrees; see Pian Piano.
Poculent (poculentus) all things that may be drunk.
Podagrical (podagricus) that hath the gout in the feet, gouty footed.
Podemetry (Gr.) foot measure, or a measuring by the foot.
Podestate (Ital. podesta) a man of power; a Judge in Civil causes; a Governor or Magistrate; In most of the Cities under the State of Venice there is a Podesta, who represents the Senate, and executes their power.
Poesi [...] (poesis) a Poets work, Poetry; there are six sorts of Poesie; the Heroick Poem Narrative is called an Epique Poem; the Heroick Poem Dramatique, is Tragedy; the Scommatick Narrative, is Satyre; Drammatick, is Comedy; the Pastoral Narrative, is called simply Pastoral (anciently Bucolique) the same Dramatique, Pastoral Comedy. The figure therefore of an Epique Poem, and of a Tragedy ought to be the same; for that they differ no more, but that they are pronounced by one or many persons. Mr. Hobbs.
Poetaster (Fr. Poetastre) a counterfeit or ignorant Poet; an unlearned fellow, that pesters the world with idle vanities.
Poitrel. See Pectoral.
Polar or Polary (polaris) belonging to the Pole. The Polar Circle, is that Circle which is described by the Pole of the Zodiack, being carried about the Pole of the world.
Polarity, the likeness, or belongingness of a thing to the Pole.
sicks (that is in those speculations, which concern the works of nature) the nearest word to fall with our tongue, yet not far from the thing, was Physitian, for Medicus could not well brook any flexion among us. El. Ar.
Phisiognomer Physiognomist (physiognomon) one that professeth to know the manners and natures of some men, by the view of their body, eyes, face, and forehead.
Physiognomy (and by contraction Physnomy, Physiognomia) an Art, which discovers the dispositions of the mind by the lineaments and features of the body. And sometimes the feature is called Physiognomy.
Physiology (physiologia) a searching out natural things; a reasoning of the nature of any thing; also Anatomizing Physick, or that part of Physick, which treats of the composition or structure of mans body. Cot.
Physiologer (physiologus) he that searcheth out, or disputes of natural things, a natural Philosopher.
Piacle (piaculum) a Sacrifice, and all other things that are done, and given for the purging and satisfaction of some grievous sin and offence; also the offence it self.
Piacular Piaculous (piacularis) serving for the purging of, or that hath power to purge, some faults or offences; also that portends some sorrowful thing.
Pia mater (Lat.) the inmost skin which incloseth the brain round about, the Gaul or film of the Brain.
Pian piano (Ital.) in the same sence the Spaniard says, Poco à poco, the Fr. Pas à pas, and we in English, By little and little, soft and fair.
Piation (piatio) a sacrificing or purging by Sacrifice.
Piazz [...] (Ital.) a Market-place or chief street; such is that in Covent-Garden, which the vulgar corruptly call the P.H, The close Walks are not o properly the Piazza, as the ground inclosed within the Rail. Note, when two z's happen together in Italian, the first is pronounced as t; so we truly pronounce it Piatza.
Picards or Picardites (Picardi) people of Picardy in France are said to have first got that name of their great and most accustomed use of Pikes. Also a sort of Hereticks (so called from one Picardus) that held the same opinions, or little differing from the Adamites.
To Picardize, to speak or do like a Picard.
Pickadil ( à Belg. Pickedillekens, i.e. Lacinia. Teut. Pickedel) the round hem, or the several divisions set together about the skirt of a Garment, or other thing; also a kind of stiff collar, made in fashion of a Band. That famous Ordinary near St James called [Page] Pickadilly, took denomination from this, that one Higgins a Taylor, who built it, got most of his Estate by Picadilles, which in the last age were much in fashion.
Pic [...]gu [...] (Fr.) by the pronunciation of this word in France, Aliens were discerned from the native French. As Shibboleth among the Hebrews, Judges 12.6. So likewise (in Sands his Travels, fol 239.) you may read how the Genoese were distinguished from the Venetians, by naming a sheep. And in our own History, the Flemings (in Wat Tylers Rebellion) were distinguished from English by pronouncing Bread and Cheese, &c. Stows Survey, fol. 51.
Pickage (piccagium) is money paid in Fairs for breaking the ground to set up Booths or standings.
Pic [...]r alias Pitle (seems to come from the Italian, piccolo or picciolo i. parvus, minutus) signifies with us a little small Close or Inclosure.
Picou [...]ro [...] (Fr.) a little Pike, a Javelin or Dart.
Pictor (Lat.) a Painter or Colourer.
Pictorical, Pictorian or Pictural (pictorius) of or belonging to a Picture; garnished, painted, gaily or trimly set forth. Br.
Pigment (pigmentum) womens painting colour; also the figures and colours of Rhetorick; guile or deceit.
Pignera [...]e (pignero) to lay a gage or mortgage; also to take in pawn, as the Usurer doth for security.
Pigneratitious (pigneratitius) that which is laid in pledge, or pertaining to gage.
Pigrit [...]de (pigritudo) slothfulness, idleness.
Pilaster (Fr. pilastre) a small Pillar (Vetruvius, lib. 5. cap. 1.) Also the inflamation or swelling of the Ʋvula, grown thereby all of a bigness.
Pilcro [...]; see Paragraph,
Pi [...]rim (peregrinus) one that travels into strange Countreys, commonly taken for him that goes in devotion to any holy place; a Pilgrim and a Palmer differeth thus; the Pilgrim had some dwelling place, the Palmer none: The Pilgrim travelled to some certain place, the Palmer to all, and not to any one in particular; The Pilgrim might go at his own charge, the Palmer must profess wilful poverty; The Pilgrim might give over his profession, the Palmer must be constant, till he had obtained the Palm; that is, victory over his spiritual enemies, and life, by death Chauc.
Pilla [...]e, a kind of ordinanary meat among the Turks▪ which is no other then Rice sod with the fat of Mutton.
Pilosity (pilositas) hairiness, roughness. Bac.
Pilot (Ital. Pilóta) a Steersman, he that directs the course [Page] of a ship; the Belgick call him a Lootsman; see Lodemenage.
Pilotage or Pilotism, the Office or art of a Pilot, the skilful guiding or conduct of a ship.
Pimplea [...], from Pimplea, a Fount in Macedon, sacred to the Muses, and is therefore often used as an Epithete for them.
Pin, as, he is in a merry Pin; it was an antient kind of Dutch artificial drunkenness, the cup commonly of wood, had a pin about the middle of it, and he was accounted the man, who could nick the pin, by drinking even to it, whereas to go above or beneath was a forfeiture. This devise was of old the cause of so much debauchery in England, that one of the constitutions of a Synod held at Westminster in the year 1102. was to this effect; That Priests should not go to publick Drinkings, nec ad Pinnas bibant, nor drink at Pins.
Pinguefie (pinguefacio) to make fat or gross; some have used pinguedinize in the same sence.
Pinguedinous (pinguedinosus) that is fat, gross, rude or unweildy.
Piniferous (pinifer) which beareth Pine-trees,
Pinnigerous (pinniger) that hath fins; finned like a fish.
Pinsor (Lat.) that brayes or stamps in a Morter; a Baker.
Pirules, two small Tablets in the Alhidada of an Astrolabe, having in them two little holes, through which the height of the Sun▪ &c. is taken; some call them the sights of the Alhidada. Cot.
Pioner or Pionor (from the Fr. Pionni [...]r) a laborer in an Army, used to cast trenches or undermine Forts. Ann. 2, 3. Ed. 6. cap. 20.
Pipation (pipatio) a cry of one that weeps.
Pipe (Fr.) a measure of Wine or Oyl, containing half a Tun, that is One hundred twenty and six Gallons. An. 1. R. 3. cap. 13.
Piepowders Court or a Pourt of Pypoudre (from the Fr. pied, a foot, and pouldreux, dusty) is a Court held in Fairs for the redress of all disorders committed there; which because they are most frequented in Summer; the word was given of the dusty feet of the comers. Of this see Cromp. Juris. fol. 221.
Piquant (Fr.) pricking, sharp, piercing, stinging, nipping. Mr. Montagu in his Miscel.
Piqueron; see Picqueron.
Piquy; see Character.
Piramid; see in Py—
Piratical (piraticus) of or belonging to a Pirate or Robber on the Sea, Pirate-like.
Piromantie; see in Py—
Pirenean, of or pertaining [Page] to the fountain Pirene at the foot of the mountain Acrocorinthus, fained to have been made by the horse Pegasus, dashing his foot against a rock.
Piscary (piscaria) a fish-market, or place where fish are. Piscary, in our Common Law signifies a liberty of fishing in another mans waters.
Piscation (piscatio) a fishing. Dr. Br.
Piscicle (pisciculus) a little fish.
Piscinal (piscinalis) of or belonging to a Fish-Pond.
Pisculent (pisculentus) full of fishes, or that may be fished.
Piss [...]spha [...] (pissasphalium) Pitch mingled with Bitumen, either by accident or art; the former is much the better, and comes from Apollonia in Epi [...]s, where it first received that mixture. Co [...].
P [...]ssu [...]m [...]st, or the Stone, is a disease in a Horse, when he would fain stale but cannot at all; and therefore may well be called the suppression of the Urine. Markham.
Pistac [...]oes (pistachia) a kind of small nuts called Pistake nuts that grow in Syria, and are sold by Apothecaries; The word in the Persian tongue signifies small nuts.
Pistrius (pistrina) a Bake-house, a Mill or grinding house.
Pistick (pisticus) pressed, or bruised.
Pistillation (from pistillum) a pounding or braying with a Pestil in a Mortar.
Pistorical or pistorian (pistoricus) belonging to a Baker, baking or Pastry.
Pithian Games. See Pyth.
Pituitous (pituitosus) full of flegm, flegmatick; waterish. Br.
Pix; see Pyx.
Placable (placabilis) easie to be pleased or appeased, soon qualified.
Placability (placibilitas) when a person is easie to be appeased or pacified, gentleness.
Placard (Fr. plaquard) an Inscription set up; a Table wherein Laws, Orders, &c. are written and hung up; also a Bill or Libel set upon a post. In our Common Law it is taken for a licence, whereby a man is permitted to maintain unlawful Games. 2, & 3 [...]h. and Mar. ca. 7.
Placidity (placiditas) quietness, peaceableness.
Placid (placidus) gentle, patient, milde, peaceable.
Placit (placitum) a firm consent or opinion; a Decree or Ordinance.
Plagiary (plagiarius) one that steals or takes free people out of one Country and sells them in another for slaves; a stealer or suborner of mens children or servants, for the same or like purpose, (in which sense we term him a Slockster) also a Book-stealer or book thief, one that fathers other mens works upon himself. Cot.
a Court kept in Haven Towns; as Swainmot in the Forest. It is sometimes called the Portmoot Court. An. 43. Eliz. 15.
Portsale. Ann. 35 H. 8. cap. 7.1. sale of fish presently upon return in the Haven. Among the antient Romans, those things were rightly sold in Portsale, which were publickly sold Per Praeconem sub hasta. i. by the Cryer, under a Spear sticked up for that purpose, and some Magistrate making good the sale by delivery of the goods, which were sold to him, who would bid most for them. Sigonius.
Posade (Fr.) a lighting down of Birds, a laying down a burthen, a breathing, pause, resting or resting place, from the Span. Posada, an Inn.
Pose, a Physical term, signifying a rheume or humor, which falls into the Nose, stopping the Nostrils, and hindering the voyce.
Possessive (possessivus) pertaining to possession or property.
Posterganeous (posterganeus) belonging to the backside or hinder part of the body.
Posteriority (posterioritas) the being or coming after, or behinde. It is a word of comparison and relation in tenure, the correlative whereof is priority; for a man holding Lands or Tenements of two Lords, holds of his antienter Lord by priority, and of his latter by posteriority. Stawnf. Praerog. fol. 10.11.
Posthume (posthumus) a childe born after the Fathers death; and by Metaphor, a Book published after the Authors death. It is sometimes used for a mans Christen name.
Posthumian (postumus) following or to come, that shall be.
Postick (posticus) that dwels on the backside, that is behinde us.
Postil (postillum) a short exposition upon the Gospel, wherein more is observed, then hath been by others; so called from these words Postillos dies, which are very frequent in holy Writ.
Postulon (Fr) he that rides upon the sixth Coach-horse; a guide or Post-boy.
Postlimintage (postliminium) a return of one who was thought to be dead, and so restored to his house, not by going over the threshold, but by making a hole in the wall; a Law whereby one recovers again that was lost in war, or taken from him by any unlawful means.
Postliminious (from Postliminium) pertaining to Postliminiage.
Postmeridian (postmeridianus) done in the afternoon.
Postnate (postnatus) born after; taken substantively, it may be the same with Posthume.
Postpone or Postpose (postpono) to set behinde, to esteem less, to omit or leave.
Postposure (from postpono) [Page] a setting behinde or esteeming less. Mr. Montagu.
Postriduan (postriduanus) done the next day after or following.
Po [...]vene (pos [...]venio) to come or follow after.
Postulate (postulatum) a request, demand or suit.
Postul [...]to [...] (postulatorius) of or belonging to a request or demand.
Potable (potabilis) drinkable, or which may be drunk.
Pote [...]als (from potentia) things apt to breed or give power, strength or ability.
Potentially (potenter) powerfully, mightily, substantially, effectually.
Pot [...]states (potestates) men in authority, Rulers, great Magistrates.
Potorious (potorius) of or belonging to drink, drinking.
Potulent (potulentus) any thing that may be drunk; also half drunk.
Pouldabis, Oulderness, Medrinacles; the course Canvas wherewith Taylors stiffen Dublets, or whereof Sails of ships are made. An. 1. Jac. 24.
Poundage, is a Subsidy granted to the King of all manner of Merchandizes of every Merchant, Denizen and Alien, carried out or brought into this Realm by way of Merchandise, to the value of twelve pence in every pound. An. 12. Ed. 6.13. An. 31. Eliz. cap. 5. and 1 Jac. 33.
Pourcoutrel. See Polypus.
Pourmenade (Fr.) a Walk.
Poursuivant (Fr.) a pursuer, suitor or follower; but more particularly, a Messenger attending the King in Wars or the Council Table, Exchequer, &c. to be sent upon any occasion or message. Those that are used in Marshal causes, are called Pursuivants at Arms. Anno 24. H. 8. cap. 13. whereof there are four of special names, which see in Herald.
And Stow, speaking of Richard the Thirds end (p. 784.) hath these words, For his body was naked to the skin, not so much as one clout about him, and was trussed behinde a Pursuivant at Arms, like an Hog or Calf, &c. The rest are used upon other Messuages in time of Peace, especially in matters touching Jurisdiction. Also a sort of mean persons, that procure Commissions to prosecute the Romanists on the account of Religion.
Pourpresture (from the Fr. Pourpris, i. a close or enclosure) is thus defined in Glanvile; lib. 9. cap. 11. Pourprestura est propriè, quando aliquid super Dominum Regem injustè occupatur, &c. Cromp. in his Jurisd. fol. 152. defines it thus. Pourpresture is properly when a man takes to himself or incroaches any thing that he ought not, whether it be in any jurisdiction, Land, or Franchise, and generally when any thing is done to the Nusance [Page] of the Kings Tenant, &c.
Pourtrait (pourtractus) an Image, Picture, counterfeit or draught of.
Pourtraiture (Fr. Portraicture) a drawing or deliniating.
Powers, the third order of the second Hierarchy of Angels, so called by reason of their peculiar Jurisdiction over Fiends and all infernal spirits. See Hierarchy.
Poynings Law, is an Act of Parliament made in Ireland. 10 Hen. 7. and was so called, because Sir Edw. Poynings was Lieutenant of Ireland when that Law was made; whereby all the Statutes of England were made of force in Ireland. For before they were not, neither are any now in force in Ireland, which were made in England since that time. Cokes 12 Rep. fol. 109.
Practick (Gr.) pertaining to the practise or actual exercise of any Art or Science.
Pragmatical (pragmaticus) that is expert in doing things, practised in the Law, and in many matters.
Pragmatic (Span. Pragmatica) a Proclamation or Edict; sometimes used for a kind of agreement or paction between a secular Prince, and the Pope, or some other Bishop, &c.
Prandicle (prandiculum) a Breakfast, a little Dinner, a small pittance or repast.
Pransorious (pransorius) belonging to, or serving for, dinner.
Pratique (from the Span. practica) practise, or a thing done by practise; but among Merchants it is a Licence to Traffick; as in the Ports of Italy, and the Streights, if the Mr. of the ship brings a Bill of Health, that is, a Certificate that the place from whence he came is not infected with any contagious disease, then the Chief Magistrate or Signors of Health grant him Pratique, that is, leave to come in and Traffick. Sands.
Pratical (from the Span.) done by practise or experience.
Pravity (pravitas) crookedness, overthwartness, lewdness, naughtiness.
Prebend (from praebeo, to give) is the portion which every member or Canon of a Cathedral Church, receives in right of his place, for his maintenance.
Prebendary (praebendarius) he that hath such a Prebend; and is called so, a Praebendo auxilium, & consilium Episcopo; for to that end were Prebends ordained in Cathedral Churches, that the Prebendaries thereof should be assistants, and of Council to the Bishop in his Episcopal Function.
Pre(Lat. prae) a Preposition signifying before, or in comparison, often compounded.
Prebition (praebitio) a giving, a shewing, an offering, a setting before one.
Precaution (praecautio) a [Page] preventing a thing before it comes, a fore-seeing.
Precention (praecentio) a singing before; the on-set or flourish of a Song.
Precarious (praecarius) granted to one by prayer and intreaty, to use so long as it pleaseth the party, and no longer.
Precedential (from praecedens) that goes before or surpasseth; that gives a precedent, or shews the way.
Precell [...]cy (from praecello) an exceeding, surpassing, excellency. Bac.
Precen [...]or (Lat.) the chanter, he that beginneth the Tune. It is used in an Act of Parliament of 31 July, 1649.
Preceptiv [...] (praeceptivus) of or belonging to precepts.
Preceptor (praeceptor) a Master, a Teacher, an Instructer.
Precidaneous (praecidaneus) that which goes before, or is cut or killed before.
Precinct (praecinctus) is used for a Territory or certain parcel of Land, encompassed with some River, Hedge, or other mark, to distinguish it from other lands adjacent.
Pr [...]cipice (praecipitium) a steep place, dangerous to go upon, a downright pitch or fall.
Precipitate (praecipito) to hurl or cast down headlong▪ to do unadvisedly or rashly. It is also the name of a corrosive powder, commonly called Red Mercury, used by Chyrurgeons to eat corrupted flesh.
Precocity (from praecox, ocis) early ripeness, forwardliness in ripening, over-has [...]iness in ripening. Dod. Grove.
Pr [...]cognition (praecognitio) fore-knowledge, prenotion, or former notice of.
Preconious (praeconius) of or belonging to a Common-Crier; also to praise or commendation.
Preconsultor (Lat.) a Pre-adviser; there is a Colledge of these at Venice; see Rel. Wotton. p. 170.
Precursor (Lat. praecursor) a fore-messenger, a fore-rider, a fore-runner, or goer.
Predatory (praedatorius) of or belonging to robbing, spoiling, and piracy.
Predestination (praedestinatio) fore-appointment, an ordaining before what shall come after. It is most used in Divinity, and is thus defined by Sir Walt. Ral. in his first Book fol. 16. We can (saith he) difference Predestination no otherwise from Providence and Prescience, then in this, That Prescience onely foresees, Providence foresees and cares for, and hath respect to all creatures, even from the brightest Angels of Heaven to the unworthiest worms of the earth; And Predestination is onely of men, and yet not of all to men belonging, but of their salvation properly (in the common use of Divines)
[Page] Pole (polus) the end or point of the Axletree, where▪ on Astronomers imagin Heaven to be moved, that part of the Heaven which never moves; There are two such Poles, one in the North, noted by a Star called Polus Arcticus, visible to us far above the earth, the other in the South named Antarcticus, far out of sight, being as much under the earth in the South as the North Pole is above it. It is also taken for Heaven, and so used by Poets.
Point Blank (Fr.) perfectly even, precisely to the purpose, the nail on the head; Poinct in Fr. signifies a point, centre or period, &c. and Blank the white or mark of a pair of Buts, &c.
Polemark (polemarchus) a Lord Marshal of the field, a chief Officer of War. One of the nine chief Magistrates in the popular State of Athens.
Polemical (polemicus) pertaining to War, warlike, military.
Polemicks (from the Gr. [...]) verses treating of war, or treatises of war, or strifes; disputations.
Policy of Assurance or Ensurance, is a course taken by those, who adventure wares & merchandize by Sea, whereby they (unwilling to hazard their whole adventure) give to some other a certain rate or proportion, as ten in the hundred, or such like, to secure the safe arrival of the ship, and so much wares at the place agreed on; so that, if the ship and wares miscarry, the Ensurer makes good to the Venturer or Ensured, so much as he promised to secure, as 50. 100. more or less; and if the ship arrive safely he gains that clearly, which the Venturer compounds to pay him, and for the more even dealing between them in this case, there is a certain Clerk or Officer ordained, to set down in writing the sum of their agreement, that they afterwards differ not between themselves upon the bargain. This term you have An. 43. Eliz. ca 11. and in course Latin called Assecuratio.
Politicks (politica) books treating of the Government of a City or Commonwealth.
Politure (politura) a polishing, trimming or decking.
Pollicar (pollicaris) of or belonging to a thumb or toe; of an inch in length or breadth.
Pollicitation (pollicitatio) a free and willing promise.
Pollinarious (pollinarius) pertaining to fine flower or meal.
Pollinctor (Lat.) he that washes and anoints the dead body with sweet ointments.
Pollincture (pollinctura) the dressing, chesting, or embalming of dead bodies.
Poltron (Fr.) a Knave, Rascal, Varlet, Scondrel; also a Dastard, or lazy Coward. Hence the term of Poltry fellow [Page] one that deals couseningly or dodgingly.
Polus (Gr.) signifies multus, numerosus, much or many; and is often used in composition; as
Polychrests (Gr.) things of much use, fit for many uses, or divers ways profitable. Bac.
Polygamy (polygamia) the having of many Wives, or of more then one.
Polyglet (Gr.) that speaks many Languages, a Linguist.
Polygarchy (polygarchia) a Monarchy divided into sundry parts; or such a division; a Government of many; opposite to Monarchy, which is a Government of one.
Polygon (polygona) a Geometrical figure, that hath many corners.
Polygraphy (polygraphia) a divers manner of writing.
Polyh [...]stor (Gr.) he that knows much, or many things, and describes them.
Polyloquent (polyloquus) that speaketh much.
Polymathicks (Gr.) men learned in, or books treating of many Disciplines.
Polymnia or Polyhimnia, one of the Muses.
Polymorphean (polymorpheus) of many forms or fashions.
Polypharmacal (polypharmachus) that hath many Medicines.
Polyphon (Gr.) multiplicity of sounds; also a musical ininstrument so called, having many strings, and by consequence several sounds.
Polypheme, generally taken for a Gyant, or any big, over-grown, disproportionate fellow; so used from Polyphemus a Giant, that had but one eye in his forehead, which Ʋ lysses put out.
Polypragmatick, that is very pragmatical, or busie.
Polypragmon (Gr.) a factious or pragmatical fellow, one that will have an Oar in every mans boat, a busie body.
Polyprote (polyproton) that hath many cases.
Polypus, a fish called Pourcontrel, or many feet; it changeth colour often, and is sometime metaphorically applied to inconstant persons; also a disease in the Nose, called Noli me tangere, breeding a peece of flesh that oftentimes stifleth the Nose, and stops the wind.
Polysillable (polysillabus) a word that hath many syllables
Polysillabical, that hath many syllables.
Pomary (pomarium) a place set with Fruit trees, an Orchard; also an Apple Loft.
Pomarious (pomarius) of or belonging to an Orchard, or to fruit in general, but most commonly Apples.
Pomery (pomoerium) a certain space about the walls of a City or Town, a Precinct.
Pomeridian (pomeridianus) q. post meridiem. After noon.
Pomiferous (pomifer) that beareth fruit.
[Page] Pommade (Fr.) Pomatum or Pomata, an ointment used by Ladies; also the Pomada, a trick in vaulting.
Pomona, the Goddess of Fruits.
Pompatick (pompaticus) solemn, or done with pomp.
Ponderize (from pondus, eris) to ponder, weigh, poise, or consider. Herb. Tr.
Ponderity (ponderitas) weightiness, heaviness, ponderosity.
Pon [...]ge (Fr.) is a contribution towards the maintenance or re-edifying of Bridges. Westm. 2. cap. 25. Anno 13. Ed. 1. It may also signifie Toll taken for that purpose of those that pass over Bridges. An. 39. Eliz. ca. 24. An. 1. H. 8. ca. 9. And see the Statute of 22. H. 8.5.
Pontick (ponticus) of or pertaining to Pontus, a part of Asia. So the Pontick Sea, is that Sea which adjoyns to Pontus. Pontick Nut, is a Filberd or Hazle-nut.
Pontif (pontifex) a Bishop or Prelate. Bac.
Pontifical Pontificial (pontificalis) pertaining to a Bishop; sumptuous, stately, Prelate-like.
Pontificalibus (the Ablative case plural of Pontificalis) a Bishop is said to be in his Pontificalibus, when he is vested in his Episcopal Ornaments, to say or sing Divine service, upon some Festival day. We commonly say such a one is in his Pontificalibus, when he is in rich attire, or his best apparel.
Popinal (popinalis) of Cookery, or belonging to riot or places of riot, as Alehouses, Taverns, &c.
Po [...]litick (from poples, it is) belonging to the Ham of the Leg. Poplitick Vein, is that Vein which runs under the Knee.
Populace (Fr.) the Populacy, the [...]ascal people, base multitude, meaner sort of the vulgar.
Population (populatio) a wasting, destroying, or unpeopling a place.
Populiferous (populifer) thal bears Poplar trees.
Populosity (populositas) fulness of people. Br.
Porcellane or China Dishes, brought out of China, are made of a Chalky Earth, which (beaten and steeped in water) affords a Cream or fatness on the top, and a gross subsidence at the bottom; out of the Cream or superfluitance, the finest Dishes are made, out of the residence the courser; which being formed, they gild or paint, not after a hundred years, but presently commit to the Furnace. To which Dishes (or the finer sort of them, which they say are forbidden to be carried out of the Kingdom) Scaliger and others ascribe these properties, That they admit no poison; strike fire; will grow hot no higher then the liqour [Page] in them ariseth. Dr. Br.
Porcine (porcina) of or belonging to an Hog, hoggish.
Porculation (porculatio) feeding or fatting of Swine, bringing up of Hogs.
Pores (pori) small and unsensible holes of the skin, whereby the sweat and vapors pass out of the body.
Porose or Porous (porosus) full of pores or little holes. Bac.
Porosity (porositas) poriness, or the being full of pores.
Porphyry (porphyrites) a dark red Marble, spotted with white.
Porphyry Chair, a Chair of Porphyry Marble in the Cloister of St. John Lateran at Rome, called Sedes Stercoraria; because when the Pope takes possession of his Episcopal See in that Church, at the intoneing the Verse, Suscitans de terra inopem & de stercore erigens pauperem, Psal. 113. he was carried from a side Chappel to the high Altar, in that Chair; to signifie that God had raised him from a low condition, to that supreme Dignity. The usual tale of this Chair is a meer fiction.
Porphyretick (porphyreticus) belonging to red Marble, or purple.
Porrection (porrectio) a stretching or reaching out.
Porsyllogism, is as it were an Auxiliary Syllogism, to prove the main one.
Portable (portabilis) that may be born or carried.
Portate (portatus) a bearing or bringing.
Portculits (from the Fr. porte, and coler, i. delabi) a faling gate or door to let down, to keep enemies from, or in a City.
Portegue (Fr. Portugaise) a golden chain worth about 4 l. 10 s. sterl.
Portend (portendo) to signifie before a thing happens, to foretel, to betoken.
Portentifical (portentificus) which works wonders, or whereby strange things are done.
Portentous (portentosus) monstrous, betokening some mischance or fortune to come.
Portglaive (Fr.) a Sword-bearer.
Portgreve (compounded of Port and greve or grave, i. perfectus) signifies with us the chief Magistrate in certain Port Towns. And (as Cam. saith in his Britan. p. 325,) the chief Magistrate of London was termed by this name; instead of whom, Richard the first ordained two Bayliffs; but presently after King John granted them a Major for their yearly Magistrate.
Porteguidon (Fr.) an Ensign-bearer to a troop of men at Arms.
Portmanteau (Fr. from the Span. Portar, to carry, and Mantea) a Cloakbag or Male.
Portmote (compounded of Port, and the Fr. Mot, i. dictio) [...] [Page] or perdition, as some have used it, &c.
Predial or Prediatory (praedialis) of or belonging to Lands or Mannors.
Predial Tythes, are of those things which arise yearly of the fruit and profit of the earth, as of Wood, Corn, Hay, &c. See Mr. Shep. Epit. fol. 1004. Predial in French relates properly to a Meadow.
Prediator (Lat. Praediator) a Lawyer that is expert in Actions real, or cases concerning Lands.
Predicable (praedicabilis) that may be told or spoken of abroad. In Logick there are five Predicables, otherwise called Porphyries five Terms; viz. Genus, Species, Differentia, Proprium, Accidents; and are called Predicables, à praedicando, because they are Attributes of all things.
Predicament (praedicamentum) a term in Logick, whereof there are Ten, in which every limited and bounded nature is ranked and disposed; The first called Substance, includes all substances whatsoever, as the four Elements, and all other creatures. The second, Quantity, contains all quantities, as 10, 20; a yard, a furlong, a mile. The third, called Quality, has under it all qualities, as Wisdom, Art, Fortitude, Diligence, Sloth: The fourth named Relation, ss properly of such words as depend mutually one upon another, as a Husband and Wife, a Master and Servant. The rest are 5. Action or doing. 6. Passion or suffering. 7. Where. 8. When 9. [...]cituation or place. 10. The Habit or outward covering of a thing. See Peripatetical Institutions. Les. 3.4.
Predicament is sometimes used in ordinary discourse, for state, condition, order, or the like.
Predicate (praedico) to publish, to say or tell openly, to noise abroad. In Logick it is used substantively, and signifies the later part of a Proposition, as in saying, John is a Schollar; the word [Schollar] is called the Predicate, because it is spoken or affirmed of the subject John.
Prefect (praefectus) a Ruler, Governor or President; a Captain, a Provost, a Lord Mayor. In old Rome, the Prefect of the City had the hearing of all matters between Master and Servant, Buyer and Seller, Orphans and their Overseers, &c. But afterwards he did assume to himself authority to hear all causes whatsoever within a hundred miles of Rome.
Prefecture (praefectura) a Captainship, a Lieutenantship, an Authority or Rule, an Office, or little Jurisdiction.
Preference (from praefero) preferment, advancement, account before, place above others.
[Page] Prefinition, a determination before.
Pregnant (praegnans) great with child or young; full of good sap and juyce; pithy, ripe, lively, strong.
Pregression (praegressio) a going before, an out-going or over-passing, a preventing.
Pregustation (praegustatio) a tasting or assaying before.
Preignotary; see Protonotary.
Prejudicate (praejudicatus) fore-judged; determined, or condemned before.
Prelation (praelatio) a carrying or setting before, preferment, preference.
Prelect, Either from praelectus, read before; or from praeelectus, one chosen before another.
Preliminary; see Liminary.
Preludium (Lat. praeludium) an entrance to a matter, a proem; In Musick, a voluntary before the Song, a flourish or preamble, and (as you would say) signs and proffers.
Prelusion praelusio) a playing before, a flourish, the same with praeludium.
Premature (praematurus) ripe before other, or ripe before due time and season; untimely, coming too soon.
Premeditate (praemeditor) to muse and think on a thing before hand.
Premious (praemiosus) rich in money, gifts, presents and rewards.
Premission (praemissio) a sending before.
Premium (praemium) a reward given to him that doth any thing, a recompence. It is used in Schools, for a reward given to that Schollar that says his Lesson, or performs his Exercise well. And among Merchants it is used for that sum of money, as Eight or Ten per Cent. which the Ensured gives the Ensurer for ensuring the safe return of any Ship or Merchandize.
Premunire (more properly Praemonere) when any man for an offence committed, shall incur a Praemunire, it is meant, he shall incur the same punishment, which is inflicted on those that transgress the Statute made Anno 16. Ric. 2. cap. 5. (commonly called the Statute of Praemunire) and is to be out of the Kings protection, to forfeit Lands and Goods, and to be imprisoned, &c. See more in Fullers Hist. p. 148.
Premunition (praemunitio) a fortifying or fencing beforehand.
Prenotion (praenotio) a fore-knowing of a thing; fore-knowledge.
Prenuncious (praenuncius) that first brings tidings, that goes afore and tells news, that signifies a thing to be at hand.
Preominate (from prae and omen) to presage or foretel. Dr. Br.
Preoccupate (preoccupatus) [Page] prevented, over-reached, taken aforehand.
Prepensed (from the Fr. pre-pense) fore-thought; as malice prepensed, in our Common Law, is malice fore-thought.
Preponderate (praepondero) to poise or weigh more; to ponder or examine before; to be of great price, or more worth.
Preposition (praepositio) a putting or setting before; a part of speech so called.
A Prepositor in a School.
Preposterous (praeposterus) overthwart, out of order, contrary to all good fashion; froward.
Preproperous (praeproperus) very quick or hasty; over hasty, rash.
Prepuce (praeputium) the fore-skin that covers the head or nut of a mans Yard; which the Hebrews use to cut off in circumcision.
Prerogative (praerogativa) an advantage, a preheminency, authority, and rule above others.
Presbyterians, are those that profess the doctrine of Calvin, condemn Episcopacy [...]n the Church, and govern it partly by Lay-Elders; and were not much known among us by that name till the long Parliament, that began 3. Novemb. 1640, took the Scottish Kirk for a pattern in reforming.
Presbytery, that kind of Government in a Church
Prescience (praescientia) fore-knowledge, an understanding before-hand of a thing ere it come to pass; see Predestination.
Prescind (praescindo) to cut or tear before; to divide or break first. Dr. Ham.
Prescription (praescriptio) a limiting or limitation; an appointing or determining; a Rule or Law; a long possession or continuance in possession; the course or use of a thing for a long time.
Presentaneous (praesentaneus) present, ready, speedy, forceable, effectual, &c.
Presentation (praesentatio) is used properly for the act of a Patron offering or presenting his Clerk to the Bishop, to be instituted in a Benefice of his gift; The form whereof see in the Regist. orig. fol. 222. a.
Presentment, is a meer denunciation of the Jurors themselves, or some other Officer, as Justice, Constable, Searcher, Surveyor, &c. (without any information) of an offence inquireable in the Court, whereunto it is presented; see Lamberds Eiren. lib. 4. ca. 5. pag. 467.
Preside (praesideo) to have authority or rule, to have the protection or tuition of any thing, place, or people, before others, to have the over-sight or charge.
Presidial (praesidialis) pertaining to a Lieutenant, Vice-Roy, [Page] chief Ruler or President.
Presidie (praesidium) a Garison, all manner of aid and defence; help, comfort.
Presidiary (praesidiarius) that is ordained to be an aid to another, pertaining to a Garison of Soldiers; also as Fresidial.
Prest or Imprest money, (from the Fr prest, i. ready) for that it binds those that have received it to be ready at all times appointed, is a kind of an earnest money given commonly to a Soldier when he is Imprested, or commanded to be ready to serve in War.
Prestiges (praestigiae) deceirs, impostures, delusions, cousening tricks
Prestigation (praestigatio) a jugling, cousening or playing Legerdemain.
Prestigious (praestigiosus) pertaining to a Jugler or Imposter, that deceives with Legerdemain, or deludes the eye [...].
Presto (Span.) quickly; a word used by [...], in their Hocus Pocus tricks.
Preterition (praeteritio) a going over, a passing by or beyond, a surpassing.
Pretermission (praetermissio) an omitting, a leaving out, a letting a thing pass, a forgetting.
Pretor ( praetor, so called à praecundo) an Officer in old time, having the Rule of an Army, the General; afterwards he had authority in Judgement, and was a chief Justice, having other Judges sitting under him, as Asconius saith, to the number of seventy one, others write seventy three, in process of time there were so many Praetors chosen, as there were Countries subject to the Empire. Tho. At first the names of Consul, Praetor and Judges were all one.
Pretorian (praetorius) of or belonging to, or attending on a Praetor; the Pretorian guard of Soldiers in old Rome were first established by Augustus, and consisted of Ten thousand, every one having double the wages of a Legionary Soldier, and were in the same nature to the Emperors, as the Janizaries are to the Great Turk, or as the Mamalukes were to the Sultans of Egypt.
Prevaricate (praevaricor) to make a semblance or shew to do a thing, and do quite contrary, to betray a cause, to swerve from truth, to go out of the right way. See Calumniate.
Prevaricator (praevaricator) he that leaves the right way, or betrays a cause; a false dealer, one that pleads by covin; a transgressor.
Prevenient (praeveniens) coming or going before, preventing.
Previdence (previdentia) fore-seeing or fore-casting.
Previous (praevius) that goes before, or leads the way.
[Page] Priapism (priapismus) is a disease when the Yard is stretched out in length and breadth, nothing provoking the Patient to lust and desire; if it come with a beating or panting of the Yard, then the evil is called Satyriasis.
Pricker, a Huntsman on horse-back.
Pricket, a fallow Male Deer, bearing that name when he is a year old compleat.
Pridian (pridianus) of the day before.
Primacy (from primus, or from the Fr. primace) excellency, chief rule, highest estate; and particularly an Ecclesiastical dignity or command over the Archbishops and Bishops of a Kingdom or Province; and he who has this dignity is called a Primate or Metropolitan.
Pr [...]ge, is a duty due to the Marriners and Sailers for [...]oading any Ship at the setting forth from any Haven. A. 32. H 8. ca. 14.
Prime (primus) first, principal, chief. Also the first hour of the day, in Summer at four of the clock, in Winter at eight. Also one of the Canonical hours of Prayer among the Romanists, which begins at six of the clock in the morning and holds till nine. The Third begins at nine and holds till twelve. The Sixth holds from twelve to three. The Ninth or None from three to six at night. Then begins the Vesperas which holds till nine; from nine the Compline holds till twelve at night. Bellarm. de bonis oper. lib. 1. cap. 10.
Primer, a Prayer-book of the Romanists so called; containing the Office of the Virgin Mary; which is divided into seven several hours (as a memorial of the seven principal parts and Hours of our Saviors Passion) viz. the Mattins and Laudes; the Prime or first hour, the Third hour, the Sixth hour, the Nineth hour, for morning. The Evensong and Compline for the Evening; and these seven Hours are composed of Psalms chiefly, Hymns, Canticles, Antiphones, Versicles, Responsories and Prayers.
Primevous (primaevus) the elder, or of the first age.
Prim [...]ces (primitiae) first fruits.
Primigenious (primigenius) that comes naturally of it self, that hath not the beginning of another, the first, or original.
Primipotent (primipotens) of chief power.
Primitial (from primitiae) belonging to first fruits.
Primitive (primitivus) that hath no beginning of other, the first.
Primogeniture (from primogenitus) the first begetting or bringing forth. Br.
Primordial (primordium) [Page] a first beginning, off-spring, original. Bac. It is also used adjectively.
Primum mobile (Lat.) in the Pagan Philosophy, is the upper Heaven, supposed to give motion to all the rest.
Principality (principalitas) the estate or seat of a Sovereign Prince; Sovereignity, Dominion, Seignory.
Principalities, are the second Order of the second Hierarchy of Angels.
Princock (praecox) a ripe-headed young Boy, or one that is soon or over-hasty ripe; Non amo puerum Praecocis ingenii, I love not a Boy of too early a wit; says the Poet.
Prisage (Fr.) prizing, praising, rating, valuing; also that custom or share, that belongs to the King out of such Merchandize, as are taken at Sea by way of lawful prize. An. 31. Eliz. ca. 5.
Prisage of Wines, Ann. 1. H. 8. ca. 5. is a word almost out of use, now called Butlerage, it is a custom whereby the Prince challenges, out of every Bark loaden with Wine, containing less then forty Tun, two Tun of Wine at his price. See Butlerage.
Priscilla (a diminutive of prisca) one of this name was a great follower of Montanus the arch Heretick, and one of his devilish Prophetesses, circa An. Christi, 181.
Priscillianisis, a Sect of Hereticks that had their name from Priscillianus about the year 388, who held two gods, one good, another bad, the Creator of all things; and denied the persons of the Blessed Trinity, with other gross absurdities.
Prismatical Glasses (from the Gr. Prisma) are certain triangular solid glasses, in which you may see variety of fine colours, &c. Mr. White.
Prism (Gr. [...]) the powder or dust of those things that are cut with a Saw: also a Geometrical figure so called.
Pristine (pristinus) old, ancient, accustomed, wonted.
Privado (Span,) a Favorite, a private friend.
Privation (privatio) a depriving, bereaving, a withdrawing, a want or wanting.
Privative (privativus) that deprives, bereaves or takes away; substantively, it is a name for such monasyllabical words which being compounded with simple words, do deprive and take away the proper sense or meaning of them, as in Latin de, dis, di, ex, in, &c. are called Privatives, so are dis, un, in, &c. in English.
Probate of Testaments, (probatio Testamentorum) proving of Wills, is the producting and insinuating of dead mens Wills before the Judges appointed for that purpose by Act 1653. cap. 2. and 1656. cap. 10. This Probate is made in two sorts, either in common [Page] form (which is onely by the Executors oath) or by witnesses.
Probational Probatical (probaticus) apt to try or prove.
Probatick Pond (piscina probatica) a Pond at Jerusalem, where those sheep were washed, that were by the Law to be sacrificed; it was otherwise called the Pool Bethesda.
Probationer (probator) an approver of some deed or sact, a prover, or trier; Also he that is to be approved or allowed in the University for his learning, before he be admitted a Fellow.
Probatum est (Lat.) it is approved or allowed of, it hath been tried.
Probe or Proof (the Fr. call it curette) a Chyrurgeons Instrument, wherewith he tries the depth of wounds, sounds the Bladder, and gathers together such gravel, congealed blood, or other filth, as remains in it after a stone taken out.
Probity (probitas) goodness, honesty, vertue, integrity.
Probleme (problema) a proposition or sentence proposed, with a question annexed. In Mathematicks it is opposed to Theoreme, and signifies such a proposition, as is especially referred to practise, or the doing of something. Tho.
Problematical (problematicus) belonging to a Probleme or hard Question.
Proboscide (proboscis) the long snout of an Elephant.
Procacity (procacitas) malepertness, sawciness, wantonness in craving, scoffing.
Procatatetick (Gr.) which foregoeth or gives beginning to another. Dr. Ham.
Procere (procerus) high, long, tall. Dodonas Grove.
Procerity (proceritas) length, height, tallness.
Procession (processio) a going on, proceeding, progress, passing forward; Also in the late Bishops time, it was the custom for Clergy-men to go in Procession in Rogation week, they sung Psalms, prayed for the fruits of the earth, and visited the bounds of their several Parishes; now disused.
Processional (from processio) pertaining to process or proceeding.
Prochronism (Gr.) an error in the connexion of things or computation of time, by saying or setting down too much.
Procidence (procidentia) a falling down of a thing out of his place.
Prociduous (prociduus) that falls out of his right place.
Procinct (procinctus) the state of an Army ready to give battel; Provision before any thing is done, readiness.
Proclive (proclivis) ready to fall, inclined, subject, or bent unto.
Proclivity (proclivitas) inclination or disposition to any [Page] thing, easiness to fall, facility.
Proconsul (Lat.) he, who having been Consul, went out of his Magistracy at the years end, with an extraordinary Consular power, into his Country to govern it; It is sometimes taken for a Deputy, or one instead or place of a Consul; under the Emperors those Governors of Provinces, who were appointed by the Senate and people, were called Proconsuls. Godw.
Procrastinate (procrastino) to drive off from day to day, to prolong the time, to delay.
Procreate (procreo) to engender, to beget, to bring forth
Proculcation (proculcatio) a treading or trampling under foot.
Procurator (Lat) a Proctor, Factor, or Solicitor, one that looks to another mans affairs. Procurator, is also used for him that gathers the fruits of a Benefice for another man. And Procuracy, for the specialty, whereby he is authorised. An. 3. Ric. 1. Stat. 1. ca. 2. They are at this day in the West parts called Proctors. In the Republick of Venice the Procurator is the second person in dignity.
Prodigence (prodigentia) prodigality, wastefulness, riot, unthriftiness.
Prodigy (prodigium) a thing seldom seen, which signifies some great good or evil to follow; a wonder.
Prodigious (prodigiosus) monstrous, wonderful, marvellous, contrary to the common course of nature.
Proditorious (preditorius) belonging to a Traytor; Traytor-like. Sir H. Wot.
Prodrome (prodromus) the fore-runner or news bringer of another mans coming, a preparer of the way.
Producate Product (produx) that which is produced or brought forth out of another; a term in Arithmetick.
Production (productio) the making a thing long, a driving off, a bringing forth.
Proeme (prooemium) a preface or a beginning to any matter.
Profection (profectio) a passage or setting forth towards a Voyage, a departing, a going forth.
Profectitious. See Adventitious.
Proficient (proficiens) helping, profiting, doing much good; also used substantively, as when we say A. is a good Proficient in learning, that is, one that profits or proceeds well in it.
Profile (Ital. profilo) that design which shews the side, with the rising or falling of any work; as a place drawn sideways, that is, so as onely one side or moyety of it may be seen, is called the Profile; and is a term in Painting.
Profligate (profligo) to overthrow, to drive away, to [Page] undo, to bring to destruction, to put to slight.
Profluence (profluentia) abundance, plenty, flowing, store of.
Profundeur (Fr. Profondeur) profundity, depth, deepness.
Profundity (profunditas) deepness, of great receip [...].
Profusion (profusio) a pouring out, spending, a needless wasting.
Progeny (progenies) Issue, Off-spring, success in blood.
Progenitor (Lat.) a Grandfather, Fore father, or Ancestor.
Prognosticks (prognostica) tokens or signs of a thing to come; Books treating of Prognostication; or things to come.
Progression (pregressio) going forward, a proceeding, a progress. A moneth of Progression; see Moneth.
Progressional (progressus) that hath passed or gone forward. Br.
Prohibitio [...] (prohibitio) a forbidding. Also a Writ framed for the forbidding any Court either spiritual or secular, to proceed in any cause there depending, upon suggestion that the cognition thereof belongs not to the said Court. Fitz. nat. br. fol. 39. G.
Prohibitory (prohibitorius) that belongs to forbidding.
Projectitious (projectitius) cast out, and nourished of a stranger, flung away, as of no account.
Projecture (projectura) the jutting or leaning out in Pillars, or other buildings; the coping of a wall.
Prolatation (prolatatio) a delaying, an enlarging, a deferring or prolonging.
Prolation (prolatio) a speaking or pronouncing, a shewing or bringing forth, a delaying.
Prolegate (Prolegatus) a Deputy Legat, or one that stands for a Legat.
Prolepsie (prolepsis) a natural fore-knowledge conceived in the mind; hence a figure in speaking whereby we prevent and avoid what another intended to alledge against us.
Proleptical, belonging to the figure Prolepsis, or to fore knowledge. Proleptical time, is that which is fixed in the Chaos. Greg.
Proletarious Proletaneous (proletarius, proletaneus of a poor and base condition, that has many children, and little maintenance, or that gives nothing to the Commonwealth but onely a supply of children.
A Proletarious Speech (proletarius sermo) the common and vulgar speech, complement or words of course; as when one says to his friend; Pardon my boldness, and the other answers. You are not so bold as welcome, or the like. Tho.
Prolifical (prolificus) fruitful, that breeds or brings forth issue apace.
[Page] Prolification (prolificatio) a making fruitful. Br.
Prolix (prolixus) long, large, high, liberal sumptuous.
Prolixity (prolixitas) length, largeness, abundance.
Prologue (prologus) a preface, a fore-speech. The Prologue is such, as either opens the state of the Comedy or Fable; or such as commends it, or the Poet to the people; or such as refutes the objections and cavils of adversaries.
Prolog [...]utor (Lat.) he that speaks before or for others, or that speaks at length; The Speaker or Chair-man of each Convocation-house, or of a Synod, is so termed. His Office is to command the Clerk to call the names of such as are of that House, when he sees cause, to cause all things propounded to be read by him, to gather the suffrages, and such like.
Prolusion (prolusio) an Essay or flourish, made to try what one can do, before he fight indeed; a Proof.
Prolyte (prolyta) a Licenciate of the Laws, or one that has studied the Law four years.
Promenade; see Pourmenade.
Prometheus, son to Japetus, who for stealing fire out of Heaven, to make life in his Images, was by Jupiter bound to Caucasus, where an Eagle gnawed his heart, &c. Hence the fire of Prometheus, Poetically used.
Prominence (prominentia) the extending or jutting of a thing out or over; a Penthouse. By this word Anatomists understand what portion soever notably surmounts the parts circumjacent in thickness, as a hill in the plain
Prominent (prominens) appearing or standing out further then another, or above and before others, extending to, hanging over.
Promiscuous (promiscuus) confused, mingled, common to many; indifferent, mixed, without order or consideration.
Promissary, he to whom a promise is made. Mr. White.
Promentor [...] (promontorium) q. mons in mari prominens) a hill lying out, as an elbow of land into the Sea; a Mountain or head of land butting out upon the Sea.
Promoters (Promotores) are those who in popular and penal actions defer the names, or complain of Offenders, having part of the profit for their reward. These were called among the Romans; Quadruplatores or Delatores. They belong especially to the Exchechequer and Upper-Bench. Smith de Repub▪ Angl. l. 2. c. 14.
Promptitude (promptitudo) readiness, quickness, proneness
Promptuary (promptuarium) a Cellar, a Store-house, a Spense, a Buttery.
Promulgation (promulgatio) a publishing, a proclaiming, [Page] a noising abroad. The Law was hanged up publickly in the Market-place, for three Market days; which kind of publishing the Law, was termed, Legis Promulgatio, quasi, provulgatio.
Pro-nephew (pronepos) a Nephews son.
Prone (pronus) having the face down, inclined, stooping downward, ready, easie.
Propagate (propago) to cut down an old Vine, that of it many young may be planted, to make to spread; to extend or dilate.
Propelled (from propello) driven or put away a far off, thrust or set forwards.
Propension (propensio) inclination of mind, readiness, proneness, propensity.
Propense (propensus) heavy, greatly inclined, very ready and prone to.
Properate (propero) to go quickly or hastily, to say or do quickly, to make haste or speed.
Prophetize (propheto) to prophecy or foretel things to come, to sing praises to God; To preach or interpret.
Prophylactic (prophylacticus) preservative, or that serves instead of an Antidote. Dr. Ham. Paraen.
Propination (propinatio) a drinking to one, a bidding one drink.
Propinquity (propinquitas) nearness, Neighborhood; also Affinity, Alliance, Kindred.
Propitiate (propitio) to reconcile and appease God with Sacrifices, to please, to pacifie; also to asswage or mitigate.
Propitiatory (propitiatorium) the place where God is pacified; also a Table or Cover set on the Arke of the Old Testament, on either side whereof was a Cherubin of Gold, with the wings spread over the Propitiatory, and their faces looking one towards another. It is also used adjectively, as belonging to such a Sacrifice.
Prop [...]tious (propitius) not displeased, merciful, favorable, propice, gentle.
Proposition (propositio) that whereby we shew what we will speak or prove, a sentence or matter propounded, a Question or Position. In Logick the first part of a Syllogism is called the Proposition or Major; and this hath three parts, Subjectum, Praedicatum, and Copula; as Peter is a man; Peter is the Subject, Man is the Predicate or Attribute, and the Verb [is] is the Copula, or tying them together.
Propraetor (Lat.) a Lieutenant appointed by the Emperor to govern a Province with the Authority of a Pretor, a Lord Justice. The Translator of Livie saith, tis more properly he, who having been Pretor, went out of his Magistracy at the years end, and was sent into his Province again, with full authority of Pretor.
Proprietary (proprietarius) [Page] he to whom the property of a thing belongs; It is most commonly used for him that hath the fruits of a Benefice to him and his Heirs or successors, as in time past Abbots and Priors had to them and their successors; see Appropriation.
Propudious (propudiosus) that is filthily abused in leachery, or full of shameful infamy.
Propugnacle (propugnaculum) a Fortress, a strong-hold, a Bulwark, a Defence, a Blockhouse.
Propugnator (Lat.) a defender, a maintainer, one that fights in defence of some person.
Propulsation (propulsatio) a putting away, a driving back, a chasing forward, a repelling.
Propulsory (propulsorius) that serves to put away or drive back.
Prorepsion (prorepsio) a creeping forward, a stealing forward by little and little, a growing, spreading, or coming forth. Icon. Basil.
Proter (Lat.) a Viceroy, he that in the Kings absence supplies his place, and represents his person.
Proritate (porito) to provoke to allure, to stir up, to exasperate.
Prorogue (prorogo) to prolong, defer, or put off till another day, to continue. As we say the Parliament is Prorogued, when it is adjourned or put off for some time, but not ended. The Romans (if they did impose a law to be made by the people) were said rogare legem, because of asking, moving or perswading to enact the same, velitis jubeatisne Quirities, &c. from whence came Prorogare legem, to continue a Law which was in being, for a longer time, and abrogare to repeal or abrogate it for the time to come, unless, upon some further consideration, it were thought fit to be restored.
Prosaick (prosaicus) that is in Prose and not in Meeter, pertaining to Prose.
Proscission (proscissio) a cutting up, a tilling, a ploughing, a manuring land.
Proscription (proscriptio) the manner of condemnation, when it is Proclaimed, that who ever findes a man, may lawfully kill him, and have a reward; a designing or exposing to slaughter; also publique sale.
Proscript (from proscribo) an Out-law, a man designed or exposed to slaughter, a proscribed or attainted person. Those were termed Proscripti, who were not onely exiled and banished their Country, but had their goods seized and confiscated.
Proselyte (proselytus) a stranger turned to our fashion of living, or converted to our Religion. It signified of old, one converted from Heathenism to the Religion of the [Page] Jews. ( Acts 2.10. and 13.43.).
Prosimetrical (prosimetricus) consisting partly of Prose, partly of Meeter or Verse.
Prosody (prosodia) the art of accenting, the rule of pronouncing words truly, long and short.
Prosodian, one skild in that art.
Prosoporae [...]a (Gr.) a disguising, a feigning of a person to speak.
Prospect (prospectus) a view or sight a far off.
Prospicience (prspicientia) providence, fore-sight.
Prospicuous (prospicuus) goodly, or fair to see or behold, or which may be seen afar off.
Prosternation (from prosterno) an overthrowing, a falling flat, a vanquishing, a laying along.
Prostitute (prostituta) she that for money suffers herself to be abused by all that come, a common Harlot.
Prostrate (prostratus) lying flat, over-thrown, destroyed.
Protasis (Gr.) a Proposition or Declaration; also the first part of a Comedy; see Catastasis.
Protatick, pertaining to Protasis; also he that lays open the argument, or speaks the Prologue in a Comedy, and appears no more, is called Protatica persona.
Protend (protendo) to set, cast, or stretch forth; to spread abroad, to defer or prolong.
Protestants, were first so called from their Protestation made at the Imperial City of Spires in the Palatinate of Rhene in Germany, in the year 1529. Heyl.
Proteus, a God of the Sea, who as Poets feign, was able to turn himself into any shape. Hence the Proverb, Proteo mutabilior, More changeable then Proteus.
Protos (Gr.) Primus, the first or chief, and is often used in composition. As
Protocol (protocolum) that is first made and needs correction; the upper part of a leaf of a Book, bearing out above the rest, wherein the name or title is written.
Protofole (protofolium) the first leaf.
Protomartyr (Gr.) the first Martyr or Witness, which was St. Stephen of the New Testament; for St. John Baptist died before the consummation of the old Law.
Protonotary (protonotarius) a chief Scribe or Secretary; a Chief Clerk, of which there are three in the Common-Pleas, and one in the Upper-Bench.
Protoplast (protoplastus) first formed or made; an Attribute or Epithete most properly for Adam. If from Protoplastes, it may signifie Almighty God, the first framer of all things.
Prototype (prototypus) the [Page] first pattern, or the original type, model or form.
Prototypographer (Prototypographus) the chief Printer.
Protractor (Lat) a prolonger or drawer out; also a Mathematical instrument, made of brass, used in surveying land.
Protreptick (protrepticus) doctrinal, or instructive.
Protrude (protrudo) to thrust forward, to thrust into ones lap or bosom. Bac.
Protuberant (protuberans) swelling or puffing up.
Protrusion (protrusio) a thrusting forward. Br.
Protype (protypum) that is made for an example or copy; an image or form whereof moulds are made, in which things of mettal or earth are cast.
Provan [...]o, an instrument made of Whalebone, to cleanse the stomack.
Prov [...]ditor (Ital. from provideo) a foreseer, one that takes order for; it is an Officer among the Vinetians; In War their General (being most commonly a stranger) is supervised by two Proveditors, without whom he may not attempt any thing.
Providence; see Predestination.
Proverbial (proverbialis) belonging to a Proverb, Adage, or old saying.
Providore, the Governor of the Island Zant, so called; see Proveditor.
Provincial (provincialis) pertaining to a Province; which is most usually taken for the circuit of an Archbishops jurisdiction. Among Friars, and other Religious, he who is the chief of his Order in such a Province, is their Provincial. A 4. H. 4. ca. 17.
Proviso (Lat.) is a condition inserted into any Deed or other matter, upon the observance whereof, the validity of the whole consists.
Provisional, only for a season, continuing but for a time; done by way of Proviso, or fore-sight.
Proul, to pilfer or steal small things in the night.
Prow (Fr. prouë) the forepart or forecastel of a ship; also a Point advancing it self out of a building, as the Prow out of a ship.
Provost (Fr. Prevost) the President of a Colledge, or Cathedral Church; also a principal Magistrate or Judge in a good Town. In France there are several sorts and degrees of Provosts, of which see Cotgrave in Prevost.
Provostal, of or pertaining to a Provost.
Proximity (proximitas) the nighest degree of Kindred, Linage, neighborhood, nearness, a near likeness of.
Pruden [...]iality (from Prudentia) prudence, or an aptness to breed prudence. Br.
Pruinous (pruinus) frosty, indanger to be hurt with frost.
[Page] Prunella's, a fruit like smal figs, restorative, and good to comfort the heart.
Prurient (pruriens) having the itch; also having a lust or desire to a thing.
Pruriginous (pruriginosus) full of the itch.
Prutenicks or Prutenic Tables, are certain Tables framed, for finding out the celestial motions, by Erasmus Beinholdus a Mathematical Professor in Wittenburg, first published in the year 1551. and dedicated to Albertus Marquis of Brandeberg, and D. of Prussia, whence they took name.
Psallocitharist (Psallocitharista) a singer to the Harp.
Psalm (Psalmus) a song made of short verses, and sentences, where many superfluous words are cut off: It comes of an Hebrew word, which hath the signification of pruning or cutting off superfluous twigs.
Psalmist (psalmista) he that makes or sings Psalms; an attribute usually and most properly given to King David.
Psalmody (psalmodia) a singing or playing together on an instrument; a singing of Psalms together.
Psalmography (psalmographia) the writing of Psalms.
Psaltery (psalterium) a musical Instrument like a Harp, with ten strings, but more pleasant; some call it a Shalm, to play holy Hymns upon, and to sing unto in playing; others say, it was an Instrument three square, of 72 strings, and of incomparable sweetness. As Mersenius describes it.
Psephism (psephisma) a decree, Statute, Law or Ordinance.
Pseudos (Gr. [...]) false or counterfeit; and is often used in composition; As
Pseudodox (Gr.) false glory, or that is falsely glorious.
Pseudography (pseudographia) false or counterfeit wr-iting, or a writing of a forged matter; also false spelling words in writing. Fuller.
Pseudologer (pseudologus) a false teacher, a liar.
Pseudomancy (pseudomantia) a false or counterfeit Divination. M. White.
Pseudomartyr (Gr.) a false witness or martyr.
Pseudonymal (pseudonymus) that hath a false or counterfeit name.
Pseudoprophet (pseudopropheta) a false Prophet or Teacher.
Psorophtholmy (psorophtholmia) scurviness of the brows, with an itch.
Psychomachy (psychomachia) a war betwixt the soul and body.
Ptisane (ptisana) barly husked and sodden in water, Frumenty; or (as some will have it) a kind of Physick drink or pottage made of barly meal.
Puberty (pubertas) the age of 14 years in men, and 12 in women; youth, or the blossoms of it.
[Page] Pubescent (pubescens) beginning to have a beard or hair; or coming to fourteen years of age in man, and twelve in women.
Publican (publicanus) he that farms or collects the common Rents and Revenues of the King or People One who bought or farmed (by great) the Emperors Tribute. It was an odious name among the Jews, because they were commonly men of ill conscience, that exercised that Office. See Moses and Aaron, p. 6.
Publication (publicatio) a publishing or making common. In Chancery we say a cause is come to Publication, when the Plaintiff hath exhibited his Bill, the Defendant answered, and witnesses are examined, then the Court either by special order, or of course, grants Publication, or a publishing of the Proofs, that is, liberty for both parties to take out the Depositions of the Witnesses whereby to prepare for a Hearing.
Pu [...]lage (Fr.) Virginity, Maiden-head.
Pudify pudefacio) to make ashamed, to make to blush, to be ashamed.
Pudibund Pudibundous (pudibundus) shamefac'd, bashful, modest, honest.
Pudicity (pudicitia) chastity, honesty, cleanness of life, purity.
Pudor (Lat.) bashfulness, chastity, virginity, moderation.
Puerility (puerilitas) childishness, boyishness, trifling simplicity.
Puerperous (puerperus) that beareth children; or causeth to bear and bring forth, or be delivered of a child.
Pugil (Lat.) a Champion, a strong fighter, one that fights with the fist.
Pugil (pugillus) a little fist, a little or small handful. Among Physicians it is as much as may be holden betwixt three fingers.
Pugillation (pugillatio) the exercise of Champions, or of those that fight with fists.
Pugnacity (pugnacitas) a sharp desire or appetite to fight; contention, fighting.
Pugnatory (pugnatorius) of or belonging to a fighter.
Pulchritude (pulchritudo) beauty, fairness, tallness of person.
Pulicine (pulicinus) pertaining to a Flea.
Pulicosity (pulicositas) abundance of Fleas.
Pullation (pullatio) a hatching or bring up Chickens.
Pullulate (pullulo) to spring, to cast forth buds, to become young.
Pulmentarious (pulmentaris) of or belonging to, or made with Pottage or Gruel.
Pulmonarious (pulmonarius) diseased in the Lungs.
Pulp (pulpa) the brawn of flesh, or fleshy part of the body; The substance or hard pith of any thing.
[Page] Pulsation (pulsatio) a beating, striking or thumping; a striking of strings, or playing on Instruments.
Pulsator (Lat.) one that knocks or strikes.
Pultifical (pultificus) wherwith Pottage, Pap, or such like meat is made.
Pulverize (pulvero) to break or dissolve into dust, to reduce or beat into powder.
Pulvereous Pulverulent (pulvereus) dusty, of dust, full of dust.
Pumicate (pumico) to polish, to make smooth with, or like, a Pumice.
Pumice stone (Pumex, icis) is spongious and full of little holes, and is used to make parchment smooth, and to rid away hairiness.
Pumpet-bal (Fr. Pompette) the Ball wherewith Printers beat or lay ink on the Form of Letters.
Pungency (from pungo) a pricking, grieving or nipping. Mr. Montagu.
Punick (punicus) red as Scarlet. Punick Faith (punica fides) falshood, perjury, breach of promise.
Punition (punitio) punishment, chastisement, correction.
Puncto (Ital.) a point a little prick, the least portion of a thing.
Punctillo (dim. of puncto) a very little point, a thing of no moment.
Puny (from the Fr. puisné) younger, born after; also that hath studied less time, or been fewer years in an University.
Pupil (pupilla) the ball or apple of the eye, the sight of the eye; also a woman-child within age, that hath no Mother alive, a Ward.
Pupil (pupillus) a fatherless child, a man-child within age, and under Ward, an Orphan; In the Universities it is taken for a young Schollar, under the tuition of another.
Purgatory (purgatorium) a purgation or state of purging. The Council of Trent, Sect. 15. defines, that there is a Purgatory, and that the souls detained there are benefitted by the prayers of the faithful. And the Roman Catholiques hold, that the souls of Christians, not dying in a perfect estate, remain in a condition which may be eased and meliorated by the Prayers, Oblations and Charity of the living; and they cite St. Augustine for it, de verbo Apost. Ser. 32.
Purification (purificatio) a purifying, cleansing or purging.
Purim, a Lottery or the Feast of Lots, among the antient Jews; so called from the Persian word Pur, which signifies a lot. It was instituted by Mordecai, in remembrance of their delivery from Haman. Moses and Aaron, p. 138.
[Page] Purine (from the Fr. pur, i purus, and lieu, i. locus) is all that ground near any Forest, which being made Forest by Hen. 2. Ric. 1. or King John, was, by perambulations granted by Hen. 3. severed again from the same. In which Purlue it was lawful for the owner of the ground to hunt, if he could dispend forty shillings per annum of Free-hold, &c. See Manwood part. 1. p. 151.157.
Purp [...]rean (purpureus) of purple▪ fairlike purple, blewish
Purulent (purulentus) full of matter and filthiness; as is an Imposthume or other running sore; filthy, irksome, mattery.
Purveyor (Fr. Pourvoyeur) An Officer of the King or other great Personage, that provides Corn and other Victual for the house of him whose Officer he is; a Provider.
Pusillanimous (pusillanimis) faint-hearted, cowardly.
Pusilanimity (pusillanimitas) faint-heartedness, cowardize.
Pustule (pustula) a blister, Push, little Wheal, Bladder, or Blain; also small Pox.
Putative (putativus) reputed, imaginary, supposed, esteemed. Bac.
Putatory (putatorius) belonging to the cutting, dressing or pruning Trees.
Puteal (putealis) of or belonging to a Pit or Well.
P [...]id (putidus) that has an ill savor, stinking; with too much affectation.
Putor (Lat.) a stink, or ill savor.
Putrescence (from putresco) rottenness, corruption. Br.
Putrid (putridus) rotten, corrupt, running with water or matter.
Pygmachy (pygmachia) a fighting with Hurlbats or clubs.
Pyker alias Pycar, a kind of ship. Anno 31. Ed. 3. Stat. 2. cap. 2.
Pygmies (Pygmaei) a Dwarfish people in the uttermost Mountains oi India, in height not passing one cubit, their women bring forth children at Five years, and at Eight are accounted old. Fame goes, that they have continual war with Cranes, by whom they are often worsted, &c. But Dr. Brown in his Vul. Err. chap. 21. with good reason, makes doubt whether there are or ever were any such creatures.
Pyladio [...], a kind of Song; see Bachyllion.
Pyramid (pyramis, idis) a great building of stone or other matter, broad and four square beneath; upwards, the higher it goes the smaller and sharper, till it ends in a point like our spire Steeples; see Obelisk.
Pyramidal or Pyramidical (pyramidicus) of or like a Pyramid, broad beneath and sharpning upwards.
[Page] Pyramidography (pyramidographia) a writing, treating, or describing of Pyramids; whereof Mr. Greaves has wrote a Book.
Pyratical; see Piratical.
Pyre (pyra) an heap of wood (as Cypress, Fir, Larix, and Yew) made for the burning a dead body. Dr. Br. in his Hydriotaphia.
Pyrtheraean Mountains, (Pyrenaei Montes) are those great hills which divide France from Spain.
Pyrrhonian, belonging to Pyrrho; a Sceptic Phylosopher of Greece, who thought nothing certain; Hence Phyrrhonian incredulity
Pyromancy (pyromantia) divination by fire.
Pythagorical (pithagoricus) of or pertaining to Pythagoras the Phylosopher, or his opinion of the transmigration of souls from one body to another.
Pythagoricism, the Tenets, or opinion of Pythagoras.
Pythian Games (Pythia) certain Games instituted in Greece to the honor of Apollo, in memory of his vanquishing the great Dragon Python, sent by Juno to persecute his mother Latona.
Python (Gr.) a man that prophecieth, and tells things to come, by a devillish spirit in him; Also a Serpent.
Pythonesse (pythonissa) she that is possessed with such a spirit; a Prophetess.
Pythonical (pythonicus) that is possessed with such a spirit.
Pyx (pyxis) a box, properly made of Box-tree, But among Roman Catholicks it is the vessel, or resting place of the blessed Sacrament, which is exposed on the Altar on Corpus Christi day, and during the Octaves.
QVacksalber (Belg.) a pedling Chyrurgeon; one that cures with Simples; a Simple Physician, a Mountebank.
Quadragenarious (quadragenarius) of or belonging to forty years.
Quadragesimal (quadragesimalis) pertaining to Lent, or to the first Sunday in Lent, which is also called Quadragesima Sunday.
Quadran (Fr.) a Sun Dial,
Quadrain (Fr.) a Stanza or Staff of four Verses.
Quadrangle (quadrangulus) a square plot or figure, having four angles or corners, and four sides.
Quadrangular (quadrangularis) four cornered, four square.
Quadrant (quadrans) the fourth part of a pound, or of any number or measure; Also a Mathematical Instrument so called, being the quarter of a Circle.
[Page] Quadrantal (Lat.) a figure square every way like a Dye; Also used adjectively from Quadrantalis, four fingers thick or three inches.
Quadrat (quadratum) a Geometrical square, whereby the distance and height of a place is known a far off, by looking through certain sights fixed thereon. Min.
Quadrate Quadratick (quadratus) squared, four square, great and strong; A square number is that which is made by multiplying some one number in it self, as four of two, and nine of three.
Quadrature (quadrature) a square, or the squaring of any thing.
Quadricornous (quadricornis) having four horns.
Quadriennial (quadriennis) of four years.
Quadr [...]gamist (quadragamus) a man four times married.
Quadrigariou [...] (quadrigarius) pertaining to a Chariotman.
Quadrigenarious (quadrigenarius) of forty that contains forty.
Quadrilateral (quadrilaterus) that hath four sides.
Quadrigenarious (quadrigenarius) that contains four hundred.
Quadripartite (quadripartitus) divided into four parts.
Quadrir [...]me (quadriremis) a Ship or Galley with four Oars in a seat; or rather a Galley wherein every Oar hath four men to draw it. See Quinquereme.
Quadrisyllable (quadrisyllabus) that hath four syllables.
Quadrivial (quadrivialis) consisting of four ways, or that hath four turnings or partings.
Quadrupedant (quadrupedans) that goes on four feet.
Quadrupedal (quadrupes, edis) a general name for any thing that hath four feet.
Quadruple (quadruplus) four times so much, four-fold.
Quadruplication (quadruplicatio) the doubling or folding a thing four times, a repeating or making four times over.
Quadruplicate (quadruplico) to make four times so much as it was, to double four times.
Quakers, a modern Sect, not much differing from the old Enthusiasts, and took name from their trembling and quaking, when in their Raptures and Enthusiasms, they vainly pretend the Spirit of God comes upon them.
Quandary, a man is said to be in a Quandary, when he is in a study, or doubt what to do, or when to act what he hath in thought; and 'tis conjectured to come from quando ara, for that in the time of Heathenism, people would ask, quando ara? when shall the sacrifice be made? or when will the Altar be ready?
[Page] Quaranty ( quarenta Spa.) forty; see Quarantain.
Quardicue (Fr. quart d' escu) the fourth part of a French Crown; a silver coyn in France, worth about eighteen pence of our money.
Quarantam (Fr.) Lent; also a term of forty days, during which, prayers, or other devotion are in some places poured out for the dead; sometime it is taken for forty days truce or cessation; sometime for an indulgence or releasing of forty days penance.
Quarentine (from the Fr. Quarantaine) is a benefit allowed by the Law of England, to the Widow of a landed man deceased, whereby she may challenge to continue in his chief Mansion house by the space of forty days after his decease. Of this see Bract. l. 2. cap. 40. And if the Heir or any other attempt to eject her, she may have the Writ de Quarantina habenda. Fitz. nat. br. fol. 161.
Quarry (besides that of stones) signifies among Hunters a reward given to Hounds after they have hunted; or Venison it self taken by hunting.
Quarril (Fr.) the fourth part of a Spanish Real; a smal coyn worth our three half-pence.
Quartane (quartanus) belonging to the fourth; As a Quartane Ague, so called because it comes every fourth day.
Quartary (quartarius) the fourth part of a Sextary; also a quarter of a pound.
Quarter (among Timbermen and Carpenters) is a piece of timber commonly four square, and four inches thick, as it were a quarter or fourth part of a Beam. Of Corn or Malt it is eight Strikes.
Quartil Aspect, a term in Astronomy; see Aspect.
Quassation (quassatio) a shaking, or bruising; a brandishing.
Quater Cosens, those that are in the last degree of kindred, or fourth Cousens; But we commonly say such persons are not Quater Cos [...]ns when they are not good friends.
Quaternary (quaternarius) containing four in number.
Quate [...]nion (quaternio) four, or any thing divided by the number four. A Quire with four sheets, or a sheet folded into four parts.
Quaternity (quaternitas) the number four, which (says, Dr. Brown) stands much admired, not onely in the quaternity of the Elements, which are the principles of Bodies, but in the Letters of the name of God, which in the Latin, Greek, Arabian, Persian, Hebrew, and Egyptian, consists of that number, and was so venerable among the Pythagorians, that they swore by it. Vul. Er. 206.
Quaver in singing (from quatio, to shake; Quia vox cantando quatitur) and semiquaver are the quickest times in Musick.
[Page] Quercine (quercinus) oken, made of Okes.
Querculane (querculanus) the same.
Querimonious (from querimonia) that complains or makes mean.
Querpo; see Cuerpo.
Querulous (querulus) that complains, or is full of complaints; sounding, singing, chirping, shrill.
Questuary Questuarious (quaestuarius) that exerciseth a craft, to the end to gain thereby. Br.
Qu [...]rn (Belg.) a hand mill; as a Pepper Quern, a Mill to grinde Pepper.
Quest (from the Lat. quaero) an inquiry, search, inquisition, or seeking.
Questmen; see Sidemen.
Questor (Lat. Quaestor) a Treasurer of the common Treasure, or of Wars; also a Judge of Criminal matters.
Quiddity (quidditas) the essence, being or definition of a thing; a term in Philosophy; also a Querk or subtle question.
Quaditative (quidditati [...]) essential, intrinsecal, or belonging to the inmost being of a thing. Per. Inst.
Quid pro quo, is an artificial speech in our Common Law, signifying as much as the Greek [...], among the Civilians, which is a mutual Protestation or performance of both parties to a Contract; as a Horse and Ten pound, between the buyer and seller. Kitch. fol. 184. And used in our common speech, One for another; as to render one Quid proquo, i. to give him as good as he brings. And is used by Apothecaries, when, instead of one thing they use another of the same nature.
Quietus est, he is quiet or acquit; it is commonly used for an acquittance or discharge upon an account.
Quincuncial, pertaining to Quincunx, which is five ounces; also an exact planting of trees in an Orchard, that is, the Rows and orders so handsomly disposed, or five trees so set together, that a regular angularity, and through-prospect is left on every side. Dr. Br. Cyrus Garden.
Quincupedal (Lat.) a measure or rule of five foot long.
Quindecimvir (Lat.) one of the Fifteen Magistrates that governed a Commonwealth, and were joyntly in Office.
Quingenarious (quingenarius) of five hundred, or weighing five hundred pound.
Quinquagesima Sunday, is always that which we vulgarly call Shrove-Sunday; so called either because it is the fiftieth day before Easter, or the fifth Sunday before Passion Sunday; see Sexagesima.
Quinquangle (quinquangulus) five cornered, having five angles or corners.
Quinque-libral (quinque-libralis) of five pound weight.
[Page] Quinquennal Quinquennial (quinquennalis) that lasteth five years, is done from five years to five years, or is five years old.
Quinquepartite (quinquepartitus) divided into five parts.
Quinquereme (Quinqueremis) is a Galley, wherein every Oar hath five men to draw it; the Quadriremes had four to an Oar; and the Triremes, three. Some have thought that the Quinqueremes had five ranks of Oars, one over another, and the other Galleys ratably fewer; but had this been so, they must then have had five Decks, each over other, which has seldom been seen in ships of a thousand Tuns; nor could the third, fourth or fifth ranks have reached the water with their Oars. Sir Wat. Ral. Hist. l. 5. Also a little ship or Galley that has five Oars on a side.
Quinquevit (Lat.) one of the five that are in the like Office and Authority.
Quinquiplicate (quinquiplico) to multiply by fives or double five times.
Quintage (from quintus) a fifth part, or a laying out of the fifth part of an inheritance for younger Brethren.
Quintain or Quintin, a game or sport still in request at Marriages, in some parts of this Nation, specially in Shropshire; the manner now corruptly thus, a Quintin, Buttress or thick Plank of Wood is set fast in the ground in the Highway, where the Bride and Bridegroom are to pass; and Poles are provided, with which the young-men run a Tilt on Horse-back; and he that breaks most Poles, and shews most activity, wins the Garland. But Stow in his Survey of London, p. 76. says, That in Ann. 1253. the Youthful Citizens, for an exercise of their activity, set forth a game to run at the Quintin, and whosoever did best, should have a Peacock for prise, &c.
Quintal (Span.) a certain weight; see Kintal.
Quintessence (quinta essentia) the vertue, force or spirit of a thing; it is a certain subtile and spiritual substance, extracted out of a thing, by separation from its corruptible Elements, differing really from its essence; as Aqua vitae, of the spirit of Wine, &c.
Quintessential (quintessentialis) belonging to quintessence.
Quintile (quintilis) the moneth July, the fifth moneth from March, reckoning it for one; see July.
Quintuple (quintuplus) five times so much, five fold.
Quinzain (Fr.) a term or delay of fifteen days; also a staff of fifteen verses.
Quirinal (quirinalis) of or pertaining to one of the seven Hills of Rome called Quirinalis, or to Rome it self; see [...] squilinus.
[Page] Quirister, a Singer in a Quire, a Quire-man, a Chorister.
Quiritation (quiritatio) a crying, bewailing, a calling for succor, properly of the Romans.
Quod-libet (Lat.) what pleaseth; a quirk or quiddity, In some Schools there are Quodlibets, or Quodlibetical Questions disputed pro and con, wherein a man may hold what part of the controversie he pleaseth; in which disputations, are many witty quips, jeers, jests, &c. for entertainment of the Auditors. Thence some may call a Q [...]ip, that pleaseth some, though it offend others, a Quodlibet.
Qu [...]dlibicaries (from quod libet) those that run after their own fancy or imagination, and do what they list.
Quorum, is a word of distinction used in Commissions to Justices of the Peace, and other Officers, whereby direction is given that some business of importance shall not be done, but before them or one of them, and it is thus expressed, Quorum te A B. unum esse volumus. Hence 'tis we say such a Justice or Commissioner is of the Quorum.
Quotidian (quotidianus) done daily, that happens every day, ordinary.
Quotie [...]t (from quoties) that part or portion, which (in the division of a thing, among many) falls to every ones share; a term in Arithmetick.
RAbbi. About the time of our Saviours nativity titles began to be multiplied among the Jews, and among the rest those of Rab, Rabbi and Rabban were in special use; they are all derived from [...] Rabab, signifying multiplicatus fuit, and they sound as much as [...], that is, a Master or Doctor, eminently gifted with variety of knowledge. Moses and Aaron, p. 29.
Rabbinical, Rabbi-like, of the Rabbies or Doctors.
Rabbinist, one that studies, or is cunning in the works of the Rabbies; sometimes used for a Dunce.
Rabdoma [...]cy (Gr.) Divination by Twigs or smal Wands.
Rabet [...]n [...]s (a term in Navigation) the letting in of the Planks to the Keel of a Ship.
Rabid (rabidus) Wood, or mad as a Dog; furious, raging.
Racemation (racematio) a gathering Grapes after the great clusters are gone; a gleaning of Grapes.
Racemiferous (racemifer) that bears kernels, or clusters of Grapes.
Raca or Racha (from the Hebr. Rach, i. to spit; or from [Page] Ric, i. lightheaded or empty) an imperfect or broken speech proceeding from an angry minde; a word of reproach, signifying as much as a vain or empty fellow. Matth. 5.23. Hence perhaps that opprobrious word of ours, a Rachil, or Rake-hel, i. such a one as if one should rake hell, his like would not be sound.
Rachel (Hebr.) a Sheep or Lamb; a womans name.
Rack Vintage (31. H. 8. cap. 14.) is a second Vintage or Voyage by our Merchants into France, &c. for Rack'd Wines, i. Wines so cleansed and purged, that they may be, and are drawn from the Lees.
Radamanth; see Rhadamanth.
Radiant (radians) shining bright, casting beams of light, glittering.
Radiation (radiatio) a brightness, and casting forth bright beams.
Radical (radicalis) of, from, or belonging to, a root.
Radical moisture (humidum radicale) the natural moisture spread like a dew in all parts of a living body, wherewith the parts are nourished; which is so united with natural heat, that the one maintains the other, and both preserve life.
Radicality, the belongingness of a thing to a root.
Radicate (radicor) to take root, to be rooted.
Raf [...]nage (Fr.) the refinement or quintessence of.
Raf [...] (Fr.) a game with three Dice, wherein he that throws the greatest Pair-Royal, wins; also a risling.
Raf [...] (Fr. Radeau) a Float-boat of Timber.
Ragot, the name of a cunning French-begger, who made a Book of all his own subtilties, and died very rich, some say worth 3000 l.
Raillery (Fr.) jesting, boording, sport, merriment; also a flout or scoff.
Raing [...]r; see Raunger.
Raife (Germ.) contracted from Radulph, which, as Radulph, signifies help-council, not differing much from the Greek Eubulus.
Rally (Fr. rallier) to reassemble, reunite, gather dispersed, or close dis-joynted, things together; it is most used among Souldiers, when scattered troops are rallied or reunited.
Ramage (Fr.) Boughes, Branches, or any thing that belongs thereto. Hence a Ramage Hawk or Faulcon, is such a one, as has been long among the Boughes and Branches, preying for himself; a Hagard.
Ramagious, belonging to the branches, wilde.
Ramberge (Fr) a fashion of a long ship or sea-vessel, narrower then a Galley, but swift and easie to be governed.
Rambooz, a compound drink, at Cambridge, & is commonly [Page] made of Eggs, Ale, Wine and Sugar; but in Summer, of Milk, Wine, Sugar, and Rose water.
Ramist, one that holds the same opinion with Ramus, a late famous Writer in divers Sciences.
Ramosity (ramositas) fulness of Boughs, boughiness.
Rampant (Fr. rempant) creeping, crawling, trailing along, or climbing; a term in Heraldry, when a Lyon or other Beast is painted tearing up with his right fore-foot directly against the dexter point of the Escotcheon, as it were ready to combate with his enemy.
Rampier (Fr. Rempar, Belg. Rampard) the Wall of a Fortress, or Bulwark.
Rancid (rancidus) mouldly, musty, putrified, stinking, unsavory.
Rancidity, mouldiness, mustiness.
Rancor (Lat.) a rotten or stinking savor, malice, hatred, inward grudge, rankling, despight.
Ranger; see Raunger.
Ransome (Fr. rencon) a Redemption, most commonly by paying a sum of money for redeeming a Prisoner of War.
Ranters; see Family of Love.
Rapacious (rapax, acis) ravenous, extorting, greedy covetous, devouring.
Rapacity (rapacitas) ravening, pilling, and polling, extortion, greediness.
Rave (rapus vel rapa) is a part of a County, signifying as much as an Hundred; as Southsex is divided into six parts; which by a peculiar name are called Rapes, viz. The Rape of Chichester, of Arundel, of Brember, of Lewis, of Puensey, of Hastings. Cam. Brit. p. 225. Whom also see pag. 229. These parts are in other places called Tythings, Lathes, or Wapentakes. Smith de Rep. Angl. lib. 2. c. 16.
Rape (raptus) is a Felony committed by a man, in the violent deflouring a woman, be she old or young. Brit. c. 1. This offence is with us Felony in the principal and his aiders, Anno 11. H. 4. cap. 23. Anno 1. Edw. 4. cap. 1. West. 2. cap. 13.
Rape Wine (Fr. rapé) a very small Wine, coming of water cast upon the mother of Grapes, which have been pressed; also the Wine which comes from a Vessel filled with whole and sound Grapes (divided from the cluster) and some Wine among, which being drawn out is supplied by the leavings of good Wine, put into the Vessel, and revived and kept in heart a whole year by the said Grapes.
Raphael (Heb.) the Physick of God,
Rapid (rapidus) sudden, quick, swift, violent, vehement ravenous.
Rapidity (rapiditas) suddenness, [Page] swiftness, hastiness, quickness.
Rapine (papina) robbery, pillage, plunder, taking by force. To take a thing secretly, is properly called theft; openly, or by violence, is Rapine.
Rapinous (from rapina) ravenous, greedy, violent, covetous, ravishing.
Rapport (Fr.) a report, relation; recital; also a resemblance.
Rapsody (rapsodia) an improper collection, a confused heaping up of many sentences.
Rapsodist, one that makes or recites such collections.
Rapture (raptura) a ravishing, the snatching or taking away a thing violently.
Rarefie (rarefacio) to make more subtle, light and thin.
Rarefaction (rarefactio) a making or becoming rare or thin.
Raspe or Raspatory (Fr. Raspatoire) an Instrument of scraping or filing, such as Butlers use to rasp French Bread with, and differs from a File, being more gross.
Rasure (rasura) a scraping, a shaving.
Ratiocination (ratiocinatio) a discoursing, discussing, arguing, reasoning or debating a matter.
Ratiocinative (ratiocinativus) belonging to reasoning or debating a matter in Argument.
Rational (rationalis) reasonable, that hath the use of reason, done with reason. The soul hath three parts. 1. The Rational, the principle whereby we judge, discourse, and the like. 2. The Concupiscible, whereby we desire meat, coition, &c. 3. The Irascible, whereby we are emboldened, joyed, grieved, &c.
Rational (rationale) an Ornament, which the High Priest of the Jews wore on his Brest, when he executed his Function, being four-square of the length of a span, made curiously of gold and twisted silk of divers colours, wherein were set 12 precious stones in four ranks of gold, and in every stone one of the names of the twelve sons of Jacob, was graven. Rationale, is also used in English, for a thing done by, or with reason; or which shews the reason of another thing.
Rationary (rationarius) of or belonging to account or reckoning.
Rationality (rationalitas) reasonableness, or the power of reasoning.
Ravage (Fr.) havock, spoil, a violent and sudden ransacking or forraging.
Raucity (raucitas) hoarseness.
Ravishment (Fr. ravissement, i. direptio, raptus, &c.) signifies in our Law an unlawful taking away, either a woman or an heir in Ward: [Page] Sometime it is used also in one signification with rape, (viz.) the violent deflouring a Woman.
Raunger (from the Fr. Rang, i a rank, row, list, order) is an Officer of the Forest, but not within the Forest, having no charge of vert, but onely of Venison, that comes out of the Forest into his charge, or part of the Pourallee, to safe conduct them back again, &c. See Manw. part. 1. p. 50. and part. 2. c. 20.
Re, of it self hath neither signification nor use (other then as a Musical or singing Note) in composition it commonly signifies again, mutually or back again: As to reassume (reassumo) to take again; To re-edifie (reaedifico) to rebuild or build again; To repel (repello) to thrust or put back, &c. Sometimes it alters not the sense; as to remonstrate, relinquish, &c. Sometimes it gives an energy to the simple word; as to redargue, to reclaim, &c. And sometimes a contrary sense; as to reprove, &c.
Reach, is the distance of any two Points of Land, which bear in a right line to one another; which term is most commonly used in Rivers; as Lime-house Reach, Greenwich Reach. &c. The Reach being counted so far, as you can see the Reach to lye in a straight line.
Real (Span. Ab armis Regis, monetae huic impressis) a Spanish Coyn of equal value with our six pence.
Ream of Paper (from the Teut. Riemer, i. lorum) as much as conveniently can be tyed with one string, which is twenty Quires, and to every Quire twenty four or twenty five sheets.
Rea [...]ize (Fr. realizer) to make of a real condition, estate or property, to make real or essential.
Rebate, is a term most used among Merchants and Tradesmen: As when a Merchant sells Wares to a Shop-keeper for one hundred pounds, to be paid at six months end; if the Shop-keeper will at any time before the end of the six moneths, pay him the one hundred pounds, the Merchant commonly rebates for the time, that is, allows him so much as the interest of the 100 l. amounts to, for the time of such anti-payment. See Chamfering. And see Law of Conveyances, p. 206.
Rebecca (Hebr.) fat and full; a womans name.
Rebeck (Fr. Rebéc) a Fiddle, or musical Instrument of three strings. Chaucer uses it for an old Trot.
Rebesk work; see Arabesque.
Rebus (Lat.) Whereas (says Camden) Poesie is a speaking Picture, and Picture a speechless Poesie, they who wanted wit to express their [Page] conceit in speech, did use to depaint it out as it were in Pictures, which they called Rebus, by a Latin name, well fitting their devise. These our English in Edward the Thirds time, learnt of the pregnant Picardes, and were so well liked and entertained here by all degrees, that he was no body that could not hammer out of his name an invention by this wit-craft.
John Eagleshead (to notifie his name about his Arms, as I have seen (says Cam.) in an old Seal with an Eagles head) set down this Verse, ‘Hoc Aquilae caput est, signumque Figura Johannis.’
Nor are these inventions altogether laid aside at present: For one Mr. Yates, hath three Yates or Gates in his Seal, and the Motto, Sit quarta Coeli. And I have seen some Signs in London, that near amount to Rebusses, as one whose name is Choppington, has for his Sign an Ax, Chopping a Tun. But Rebusses may be of other matters as well as names; and therefore may be defined to be Representations of ordinary or odd things, accompanied with equivocal Motto's or words, which as they stand, seem to make a Sentence, but pronounced without stop, describe the things represented. For example, a Fool being painted kneeling, with a Horn at his mouth, and the words Fol age nous trompe, near him; pronounce them another way, and you have Fol à genous trompe. See Peacham, l. 3. p. 155.
Recalcitrate (recalcitro) to kick or strike with the heel.
Recant (recanto) to sing after another, to uncharm, to revoke or unsay a thing.
Recapitulate (recapitulo) to rehearse, relate, or make a short repitition of a long discourse.
Recargaison (Fr.) a backfraught, or the lading of a ship home.
Recede (recedo) to recoil, retire, to go or swarve from, to return.
Recent (recens) new, fresh, lusty, newly or lately made.
Resensement (Fr.) or Recension (recensio) a reckoning, rehearsing, reviewing and numbering, an examination or trial of an account or number.
Receptacle (receptaculum) a Store-house or Ware-house, any place fit for the receiving and safe keeping of things.
Receptary (Fr. Receptaire) a note of Physical Receits.
Receptitious (receptitius) that is received, kept, or reserved to ones use from another.
[Page] Recepti [...]ity (from recipio) an aptness or capableness to receive or take in.
Recesse (recessus) a recoiling, retiring, going away, back, or further off, a retreat; see Access.
Rhechabites, a sort of Sectaries, so called, from Rechab their Father. Jerem. 35.2, 3, 4, &c. These neither drunk Wine, nor sowed Seed, nor built Houses, nor planted Vineyards; but like strangers lived all their days in Tents. Ross.
Rechear, the name of one of those Lessons which Hunters use in winding a Horn; perhaps from the Fr Rechercher, i. to seek diligently; because often times when they winde this Lesson, the Hounds have lost their game, or hunt a game unknown.
Recidivation (recidivatio) a back-sliding; a relapse or falling back into a sickness.
Recipr [...]cal (reciprocus) that hath a recourse, respect or return from whence it comes, that ebbs and flows, mutual, interchangable, one for another.
Reciprocation (reciprocatio) a returning, mutual, yeelding, or interchanging.
Recision (recisio) a cutting off, away, or again.
Recita [...]i [...]e (recitativus) that has openly read, or rehearsed aloud. Among the Italians it is an artificial way of singing. See Opera.
Recluse (reclusus) closely kept in, or shut up, as a Monk or Nun, retired; also disclosed.
Recogitate (recogito) to weigh and consider in mind earnestly, to think and think again upon some thing, to revolve, to ponder in minde.
Recognition (recognitio) a knowledge, a considering, a calling to remembrance, a reviving, or over-looking.
Recognizance (recognitio) is defined in our Common Law to be a Bond of Record, testifying the Recognisor to owe to the Recognisee a certain sum of money, and is acknowledged in some Court of Record, or before some Judge, or other Officer of such Court, having authority to take the same: As the Masters of the Chancery, the Judges of either Bench, Barons of the Exchequer, Justices of Peace, &c. And those that are meer Recognisances are not sealed but enrolled; and Execution by force thereof, is of all the Recognisors Goods and Chattels, except his draught Beasts, and Implements of Husbandry, and of the moyety of his Lands. West. part. 1. Symb. lib. 2. Tit. Recognizances. sect. 149.
Recognize (recognosco) to call or bring into remembrance, to take notice or acquaintance of, to know again.
Recollects, a Branch of the Franciscan Friers.
[Page] Recopilation (Span.) a picking out, a collection, a gathering here and there, the best of things. Selden.
Recordation (recordatio) a remembrance, a calling to mind.
Recre [...]nt (Fr.) he that denies his own challenge, or eats his word; wearied, faint-hearted, spent.
Recrement (recrementum) any superflous thing, as dross, scum of mettals, dregs, or dross of perfume, that which is cut or pared away.
Recriminate (recriminor) to lay a fault to his charge, that blames others.
Rectangle (rectangulus) a streight or even Angle, a corner whose lines are joyned so, as no part falls longer or shorter then other.
Rectanguled, that hath right Corners or Angles; a term of Heraldry.
Rectification (from rectus & facio) a rectifying or making right or straight.
Rector (Lat.) a Governor, a Ruler, a Guider. In the Common Law, Rector Ecclesiae Parochialis, is he that has the charge or cure of a Parish Church.
Rectorial, Rector-like, belonging to a Rector.
Rectus in Curia, is he that stands at the Bar of a Court of Justice, and no man has any offence to object against him; an upright person. Smith. [...]de Repub. Angl. lib. 2. cap 3. See A. 6. Rich. 2. Stat. 1. cap. 11.
Recuperate (recupero) to recover, rescue or get again.
Recuperatory (recuperatorius) belonging to recovering, or to Judges delegate.
Recurrent (recurrens) returning hastily, running again or back quickly, having recourse to; Also a kinde of verses called Recurrents.
Recurvate (recurvo) to bow or bend back, to make crooked.
Recusant, was by Statute Law, any person that refufed to come to Church and hear the Common-Prayer read; but the word is now almost wholly appropriated to the Roman Catholiques.
Redamancy (from redamo) a loving of him, or her that loves us, a loving again, a mutual loving. Montagu.
Redargue (redarguo) to reprehend, reprove or blame, to controle or disprove by argument or reason.
Redargution (redargutio) a reprehending, checking or reproving.
Reddition (redditio) a restoring, rendring or giving again.
Redditive (redditus) delivered, restored; apt to give again or repay.
Redhibition (redhibitio) restitution of a thing to him that sold it, the causing of one by Law to take that again, which he sold.
[Page] Redient (rediens) returning, coming or going back; the Redient moon (luna rediens) the new Moon.
Reditio [...] (reditio) a returning, a coming again.
Redintegrate (redintegro) to begin again, to renew, to make again, to refresh.
Redintegration (redintegratio) a renewing, a beginning afresh.
Redituaries (Fr. Redituaires) an order of Franciscan Friers, which have Lands and Revenues; therein differing from the Mendicants or begging Friers, who are to possess nothing.
Redol [...]n [...] (redolens) fragrant, sweet smelling, yielding a savor or scent, odoriferous.
Redonate (redono [...]) to give again a thing that is taken.
Red Sea. See Erythraean [...]ea.
Redubbors; are those that buy cloth, which they know to be stoln, and turn it into some other form or fashion. Britton. cap. 29.
Reduction (reductio) a leading or bringing home again, a reducing or bringing back.
Redulcerate (redulcero) to begin to make sore again, to renew a wound.
Redundancy (redundantia) excessiveness, over-much, superfluity, surcharging.
Reduplicate (reduplico) to re-double, or double often.
Reduplication (reduplicatio) a redoubling. It is a figure in Rhetorick, when the same word that ends one part of a verse or sentence, is repeated in that which follows; As
And, Magna Reipub. spe sita est in juventute; In juventute inquam illa. Cic.
Reeve or Reve alias Greve from the Sax. Gere [...]a, a Governor, and that by rejecting the first syllable, which among the Saxons is usual. It signifies with us, the Bayliff of a Franchize or Mannor, especially in the West parts. Kitch. fol. 43.
R [...]evo (by corruption from the Span. Arriva, i. above As Arriva Castiliano, Up Castilian.
Refectorn (refectorium) a place in Monasteries or Colledges, where the Company Dine and Sup together; a Hall; a refreshing or baiting place.
Refection (refectio) a rereshing, a recreation; a repast; a repairing or mending a thing that is worn and decayed.
Refel (refello) to prove false, to disprove, to refute; to confute by reason and argument,
Referendaries (referendarii) Officers under Comes Dispositionum; who made relation of Petitions or Requests, exhibited to the Emperors, [Page] and his answer or pleasure rouching the same. The like Officers are under the Pope; as also under the Masters of R [...] quests in France; and are there otherwise called Rapporteurs.
Refocillate (refocillo) to comfort, refresh, revive, make lusty again.
Reformado (Span.) reformed. Ʋn Capitan reformado, a reformed Captain, one that having lost part of his men has the rest taken from him and put under another, himself being either casheired or continued in pay, either as an inferior Souldier, or for what he hath done formerly.
Refractory (refractorius) wilful in opinion, froward rebellious, stubborn.
Refracted (refractus) broken open, weakened.
Refraction (refractio) a breaking open; also a rebound.
Refret (Fr. refrain) the Burthen or Down of a Song or Ballad.
Refrigerate (refrigero) to cool, refresh, comfort; to mitigate or asswage.
Refuge (refugium) a sanctuary or succor; a place of resting or safety.
Refund (refundo) to melt, to dissolve, to melt again; to re-flow; to cast out again, to pay back.
Refusion (refusio) a pouring back again.
Regal (regalis) Royal, Sovereign, Majestick, Princely, pertaining to a King; also a certain Musical Instrument, so called. Also a Jewel or Ring of great value, which a King of France offered at St. Thomas shrine at Canterbury, called the Regal of France, which Henry the Eighth, upon the dissolution, took thence, and wore on his own finger.
To Regale (from the Span. Regalar) to make as much account, and take as great a care of ones self, as if one were a King; to feast or entertain with rarities.
Regaita, the Rights of a King, which the Civilians say are six, viz. 1. Power of Judicature. 2. Power of Life and Death. 3. All kind of Arming 4. Masterless goods. 5. Sessments. 6. And the value of money.
Regalo (Span.) a costly dainty, a curiosity fit for a King.
Regality (regalitas) Kingliness, the Estate or Authority of a King.
Regardant (Fr.) a term in Heraldry, when a beast is painted looking back at one.
Regarder (Fr. Regardeur, i. Spectator) is an Officer of the Forest, appointed to surview all other Officers, &c.
Regenerate (regenero) to engender again, to renew; also to resemble in nature and property.
Regeneration (regeneratio) new birth, after we are once born naturally, to be born [Page] again spiritually; renovation, Tit. 3.5.
Regent (Regens) a Governor or Ruler: Also a Reader, Teacher, Moderator of a Form in a Colledge; or a Professor in some of the Liberal Sciences.
Regerminate (regermino) to burgen again, to spring anew, to grow afresh.
Regible (regibilis) easie to be ruled.
Regifical (regificus) Royal, Princely, pompous, sumptuous.
Regiment (regimentum) Government, Rule; a Regiment of Souldiers, is the proper command of a Colonel: If it be of Horse, it commonly consists of five, six, seven, or eight Troops: If of Foot, it usually hath eight, nine, ten, eleven or twelve Companies.
Reglutinate (reglutino) to unglue, or glue again.
Reguardism (Fr.) Fox-like subtilty, sliness, crastiness, falseness; and to Regnardise, to play the Fox.
Regrater (Fr Regrateur, i. a Huckster, or one that trims up old Wares for sale) in our Law did antiently signifie such as bought by the great, and sold by retail. Ann. 27. Ed. 3. Stat. 1. cap. 3. But now it signifies, him that buyes and sells any Wares or Victuals in the same Market or Fair, or within five miles thereof. Anno 5. Ed. 6. ca. 14. Ann. 5 Eliz. ca. 12. and 13 Eliz. cap. 25.
Regratulate (regratulor) to rejoyce again in ones behalf, to be glad again, to return thanks.
Regresse Regression (regressus) a returning, recoiling or going back.
Regret (Fr.) desire or humor unto; also grief, sorrow, repentance. To do a thing with regret, is to do it unwillingly, or with an ill stomack.
Regulars; see Secular Priests.
Re-imbosce (from the Spa. Emboscar, to lie in ambush) to lie again in ambush, or return to the Wood.
Reintegrate; see Redintegrate.
Reioynder (from the Fr. Rejoindre, i. to rejoyn, or joyn again) signifies in our Common Law, as much as Duplication with the Civilians, that is, an Exception or Answer to a Replication: For first, the Plaintiff exhibites his Bill, the Defendant answers, then the Plaintiff replies to that Answer, which is called a Replication, to which the Defendant rejoyns, which is called a Rejoynder, especially in Chancery-Westm. part. 2. Symb. Tit. Chancery. Sect. 56.
Reiver (Fr.) a Swartrut [...]r, or Ruyter, or German Horsman: Also a fashion of long Cloaks, usually worn by them; see Swart-Ruiter.
Reiterate (reitero) to repeat, to do or say a thing again.
[Page] Relatist (from refero) one that rehearseth or relateth; a reporter.
Relative (relativum) which hath relation to some other thing.
Relaxate (relaxo) to loose, to set at large, to release, to undo, to refresh.
Relay (from the Fr. Relais) a term of Hunting, when they set Hounds in readiness, where they think a Deer will pass, and cast them on, after the other Hounds are past by.
Relief (from the Lat. relevo) a certain payment, which some Heirs (being at full age, at the death of their Ancestor) made to the Lord, of whom their Lands were holden, at their entrance. Bract. l. 2. c. 36. Now taken away by Act 1656 ca 4. and a rent to be paid in lieu thereof.
Relegation (relegatio) a banishing, a sending away, a severing or exiling. Where abjuration is in our Common Law, a forswearing the Realm for ever; Relegation is taken for a banishment for a time onely. Shep.
Relent (relentesco) to wax soft or limber; also to grow pittiful or compassionate.
Relevate (relevo) to raise or list up again; also to relieve or asswage.
Relict (relictum) a thing left or forsaken; a remnant or arrearage; It is commonly applied to a Widow, who is called the Relict of such a one, her deceased Husband.
Religate (religo) to tye hard or again, to binde fast.
Reliquary (Fr. reliquaire) a Coffin, Casket, or Shrine, wherein Relicks are kept.
Relique [...] (reliquiae) things left or remaining. Sometimes taken for the bodies, or some part of the bodies, or somewhat which hath touched the bodies of Saints now in Heaven.
Reliquator (Lat.) he that is behinde in payment, or in arrear; he that hath in his hands some part of that which should be paid.
Reluctate (reluctor) to contend, strive, struggle, or wrestle against.
Remai [...]der (remanentia) signifies a power, hope or possibility to enjoy Lands, Tenements or Rents, after the estate of another expired. For example, a man may let Land to one for term of his life, the Remainder to another for term of his life. Littleton, chap. Atturnment, fol. 113.
Remancipate (remancipo) to sell again any thing to him, who first sold it to us, or to put again into his hands of whom we bought it.
Remansion (remansio) an abiding, a tarrying behind, a remaining.
Remigation (remigatio) a rowing, or sailing back.
Remigration (remigratio) a returning, a going back, a coming again.
Reminiscence (reminiscentia) [Page] remembrance of things which were once before in mind.
Remissible (from remitto) remittable, pardonable, forgiveable, releaseable.
Remissionary (Fr. remissionaire) whose offence is remitted.
Remonstrance (from remonstro) a warning, admonition, declaration, a shewing or giving reasons. Also an instrument so called by the Romanists, and made of silver or gold, to expose the blessed Sacrament on the Altar.
R [...]mons [...]rant [...]; see Arminians.
Remora (Lat.) a little fish, called a Suckstone or Sea Lamprey, which, cleaving to the Keel of a ship, hinders the course of it; Also a tarrying, hindring or letting.
Remorse (remorsus) the worm or sting of conscience, staggering of mind, repentance for somewhat said or done.
Remunerate (remunero) to recompence, reward or requite, to give one gift for another received.
Renardism; see Regnardism.
Rencontre (Fr.) a hap or adventure; also a second meeting or encounter (as of adverse Troops, which on a sudden or by chance, fall foul one on another) an accidental getting or obtaining; Also an apt or unpremeditated jest, conceit, or witty saying.
Rendevous (Fr. Rendezvous, q. rendez vous à le General) a place appointed for the Assembly or meeting of Souldiers.
Renegado (Span. Renegat, Fr.) one that abjures his Religion, or forswears his Profession; a Souldier that revolts or runs away from his own party to the enemy.
Renitence or Renitency (from renitor) a resistance, a hard thrusting or endeavoring against; It may also come from reniteo, and then it signifies a bright shining or glistering Mr. Mont.
Renodate (renodo) to undo, or unknit a knot; also to knit fast or again.
Re [...]ovate (renovo) to renew or make again; to refresh, or recreat, to begin again.
Renversed (Fr. Renversé) over-turned, over-thrown, turned inside out, or upside down; perverted. Renversed eyes, are taken for decayed eyes, or those that stand in the head.
Renumerate (renumero) to pay money again that was received; to retel, to recount, to number again.
Renunciate (renuncio) to make relation, to bring word again, to report; to proclaim or declare openly, to tell what is done.
Renvo [...] (Fr.) a sending back, a dismission; a referring from one to another.
Repandous (repandus) bent, [Page] bowed, broad beneath.
Repartie (Fr.) a subdivision or re-division; also a reply.
Repast (repastus) properly a feeding or eating again; but in the Inns of Court it signifies a single meal taken in the Hall by any one of the Society, who is not in Commons that week.
Repastinate (repastino) to dig again about Vines, to alter grounds with often digging and laboring.
Repatriate (repatrio) to return again to ones Native Country.
Repensation (repensatio) a making recompence.
Repentine (repentinus) sudden, unlooked for, unawares.
Repercussi [...]e (repercussus) stricken or striking again, beaten or cast back, that which redoubles, reflects, or resounds; or that hath power to drive back.
Repercussive (from repercutio) a Medicine that repels or drives pain from the place whereto it is applied.
Repertible (from reperio) which may be found, gotten, or recovered.
Repertitious (repertitius) that is found by adventure, and sometimes by advice.
Repertory (repertorium) an Inventory of ones goods, a Register, List, Roll, or Index.
Repignerate (repignero) to redeem a pledge or gage; also to replevy a distress.
Replete (repletus) full, fat, replenished, filled.
Re [...]ievy (Plevina) is the bringing of the Writ called Repligiari facias, by him that has his Cattel or other goods distrained by another for any cause, and putting in surety to the Sheriff, that upon delivery of the thing distrained, he will prosecute the Action against the distrainer. It is also used for the bailing a man. Pl. Cor. fol. 72, 73, 74.
Replication (replicatio) an unfolding, a replying, a confirmation of ones saying with new allegations. See Rejoynder.
Report, is a Relation of the opinion or judgement of a Referree, upon any case or difference referred to his consideration by a Court of Justice, most commonly the Chancery.
Reportator (Lat) he that carries back.
Reposition (repositio) a putting or setting again in his place; a restitution.
Reposition of the Forest, was an act whereby certain Forest grounds being made Purlieu upon view, were by a second view laid to the Forest again. Manw. part. 1. pag. 178.
Repository (repositorium) a Storehouse or Ware-house to keep things in.
Reprisal (Fr. Reprisaillé) a taking, a resting, or seising on, for a distress or pledge; also a Prize. Reprisals are all one in [Page] the Common and Civil Law; Est potestas pignorandi contra quemlibet de terra debitoris data creditori pro injuriis & damnis acceptis. This among the antient Romans was called Clarigation (from clarigo, i. res clare repeto.) It is called in the last Statute of 27 Ed. 3. cap. 17. Law of Marque. And the reason may be, because one destitute of Justice in another Territory, redresses himself by the Goods belonging to persons of that Territory, taken within his own bounds; see Law of Marque; and see Acts 1649.38. and 1650.7.
Reprise Fr.) a taking back or again; But in our Law, Reprises signifie deductions, and duties, that are yearly paid out of a Mannor; as Rent-charges, Pensions, Annuities, Fees of Stewards or Bayliffs, &c. Hence we say the Mannor of A. yields so much clear yearly rent Ʋltra Reprisas, besides all Reprises.
Rep [...] (from the Lat. reprendere, to take back) is properly to take back or remand a Prisoner, and respite the execution and proceeding of the Law against him for that time. It is also used substantively.
Reprobate (reprobus) wicked, naughty, cast out of Gods favor. Also used substantively.
Rept [...]le or Reptitious (reptitius) that creeps; or, by privy means, gets to high estate.
Repudiable (from repudio) refuseable, rejectable, forsakeable.
Repudiate (repudio) to forsake as one doth his wife, to refuse or put away.
The ancient Romans had three kinds of separation in Marriage; The first they called Repudiation, which was done by the man against the will of the woman; And the first man that thus repudiated his wife was Spurius Carvilius, because she was barren, &c.
The second manner was called Divorce, and this was done with the consent of both, and to either of them, it was permitted to require it; the party suing for it, used these words, Res tuas tibi habet [...], vel, Res tuas tibi agito.
The third manner was termed Direption, and this was done according to the Princes will 1 part Tr. of Times,
Repudious (repudiosus) villanous, dishonest, reproachful, that one refuseth and abhors much.
Repugnancy (repugnancia) contrariety, disagreement of things one with another.
Repullulate (repullulo) to bud out, to cast forth buds, to burgen and spring again.
Re [...]umicate (repumico) to raze with a Pumice, to make slick or smooth.
Requiem (the Accusative Case of requies, i. rest or ease) as to sing a Requiem for the dead, whereby is understood a Mass for the dead, which [Page] begins chiefly with these words, Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, & lux perpetua luceat eis.
Rescind (rescindo) to cut or break down, or in sunder; to take away, to destroy; to repeal an Act or Law.
Rescission (recissio) a cutting again, an undoing or making a marriage void.
Recissory Rescissorian (recissorius) that makes void; as recissoria actio, an Action that fore-doeth or makes void a thing.
Rescous (Fr. rescousse) redemption, delivery; the rescuing or taking an engaged thing from, as an arrested person out of the hands of Bayliffs.
Rescribendary (from rescribo) an Officer in some of the Courts of Rome, who taxeth or valueth supplications.
Rescript (rescriptum) a writing back, or answer given to other Letters; and hence the answer of a Petition, the return of a Writ.
Resentment; see Ressentiment.
Reseration (reseratio) an opening or unlocking.
Resiance (from resideo) signifies a mans abode, or continuance in a place. Old nat. br. fol. 85. Whence also comes the Participle [resiant] that is continually dwelling or abideing in a place. Kitch. fol. 33. It is all one with Residence, but that custom of speech [...]es Residence only to persons Ecclesiastical.
Recedentiary (from resideo) one that resides or abides in a place; also the place where.
Resignation (resignatio) a resigning, an unsealing, a surrendring or yielding up. It is used particularly for the giving up a Benefice or spiritual Living into the hands of the Ordinary.
Resilience (from resilio) a leaping or skipping back, a rebounding; a going from ones word. Bac. The French use Resiliment in the same sense.
Resinous (resinosus) full of rozen or gum. Dr. Br.
Resipiscence (resipiscentia) repentance, a returning to understanding, a second thinking, wiser then the first.
Resonant (resonans) sounding or ringing again with an Eccho, roaring.
Respiration (respiratio) a breathing, refreshing or resting.
Respite or Respight of Homage (respectus Homagii) was the forbearing of Homage which ought first of all to be performed by the Tenant, that held by Homage; which Respite was paid upon divers good reasons, but most frequently by such as held by Knights service in Capite; who because the Prince could not be at leisure to take their Homage, did pay into the Exchequer, every fifth term, some small sum of money for [Page] respite till the Prince might be at leasure to take it in person. This is now abrogated, with the Court of Wards, by Act 1656. c. 4.
Response (responsum) an Answer, an Oracle, a Prophecy.
Responsory (as Cantus responsorius, where one verse or line answers another;) answerable, responsible, or that answereth.
Responsion (responsio) an answering, a Surety, or Suretiship, an Assurance.
Respondent (respondens) he that answers to Interrogatories at Doctors Commons, is so termed by the Civilians.
Ressentiment (Fr.) a full taste, a true feeling, a sensible apprehension of a resentment.
Restagnant (restagnans) running over, over-flowing.
Restauration (restauratio) a restoring, a reinstalling, a renewing or repairing.
Restible (restibilis) which heareth every year, that is sown or delved every year, that springs up again, and quickens after it was thought to be dead.
Restipulate (restipulo) to make answer to an Action, by waging the Law, to lay in a Pledge or Gage to answer in the Law.
Restive or Rest [...] (Fr. rèstif) stubborn, drawing backwards, that will not go forward.
Restiveness, stubbornness, drawing backward.
Restriction (restrictio) a restraint, a straitning or binding, a moderation.
Resudation (resudatio) a sweating or sweaty dropping.
Resverie (Fr.) a raving, idle talking, dotage, trifling; folly, vain fancy.
Resumption (resumptio) a taking again.
Resupination (resupinatio) a turning upwards or upright; a tumbling upside down. Sir H. Wott.
Resuscitate (resuscito) to raise or set up again, to renew, to set in the former strength.
Retailler (Fr.) to shred, pare, slip, or cut often; for so do Retaillers, or those that sell by Retaile, in selling their Wares or Commodities in pieces or parcels; contrary to those that sell in gross, by the great, or by whole-sale, as they call it.
Retainer (from retineo) is taken for a Servant, not menial, nor domestick, that is, not continually dwelling in the house of his Lord or Master; but attending him on Festival days, or at such time onely, when he is thereunto required.
Retaliate (retalio) to requite, or do like for like.
Retard (retardo) to stop, stay or hinder, to fore-slow.
Retent (retentus, à retineo) kept or holden back, staied, retained, kept in.
Retent (from retento) unbent.
[Page] Retention (retentio) a holding, a retaining, a staying back, a restraining, a keeping in ones hands.
Retentive (from retineo) the retaining force of nature, wherein food is held in the Stomack, till it be fully concocted; retaining, holding back.
Retiary (retiarius) he that casts a net, properly in fighting to take his enemy.
Reticence (reticentia) silence, concealment, councel-keeping, when one holds his peace, and utters not the thing he should tell.
Reticle (reticulum) a little Net, a Casting-net.
Reticulate (reticulatus) made like a Net or Lettice.
Retinacle (retinaculum) a stay or hold, any thing whereby another is retained or held back.
Retorted (retortus) twisted again, thrown or wrested back, returned or writhen again violently.
Retract (retracto) to call or draw back, to revoke a thing that is done, or unsay what one hath said.
Retribution (retributio) a rendring or giving again, a recompencing, a restoring.
Retriment (retrimentum) the dregs of a thing, the dross of mettal, all kind of supersluities and rubbish.
Retrive (from the Fr. Retrover, to find again) is a term in Hawking, when the Partridges have been once sprung' then to spring or find them again, is called to Retrive; but may be properly used upon other occasions.
R [...]tro (the Latin Adverb) signifies, back, behind or backward; and is often used in composition.
Retroactive (retroactus) casting or driving backward.
Retrocede (retrocedo) to give back, to retire, to recoil.
Retrocession (retrocessio) a going back, or retreating.
Retrocopulation (retrocopulatio) a joyning or coupling backward. Br.
Retroduction (retroductio) a bringing, leading or drawing back.
Retrograde (retrogredior) to go backward, to recoil, or return back.
Retrogradation (retrogradatio) a going back.
Retrogression Retroition the same.
Retromingents (from retro and mingo) is used by Dr. Brown, for such Animals, as Urine or Piss backward; such are all female Quadrupedes. And Retromingency, for a staling or pissing backward.
Retrospection (retrospectio) a looking back.
Retusion (retusio) a dulling or making blunt.
Reve; see Reeve.
Revelation (revelatio) a revealing, a discovering, opening, or disclosing.
Revels (from the Fr. Reveiller, [Page] i. to awake from sleep) are with us sports of Dancing, Masking, Comedies, and such like, still used in the Inns of Court, and Houses of some great Personages; and are so called, because they are performed by night; There is also an Officer, called, The Master of the Revels, who has the ordering and command of these pastimes.
Revene (revenio) to come again, to return.
Reverberate (reverbero) to strike or beat back again, to reflect.
Reverbitory or Reverberatory (reverbitorium) a Lymbeck, or Furnace, in which materials are calcined by the fire or flame. Paracel.
To Revere (revereor) to fear, and have in honor and reverence.
Reverie; see Resvery.
Reverential (reverens) that doth reverence, honor and fear; reverent, full of reverence.
Reverse (Fr.) a back-blow, or stroke, a blow with the back of a hand or sword; the back or back-side of any thing
Reversed (reversus) turned back, or upside down. A term in Heraldry, when Arms, or any part of them are turned the lower part upward.
Revert (reverto) to return, to come again to a place or thing.
Reverticle (reverticulum) a place to return unto.
Revestiary (from revestio) a Vestry in a Church, where the Priest Vests or Clothes himself; a Revestry.
Reviviction (from revivisco) a recovering life, a reviving, a coming to the old state again.
Revocable (revocabilis) that may be revoked or called again.
Revolution (revolutio) a returning back to the first place or point, the accomplishment of a Circular course.
Rewish, earnest in copulation, spoken of the Pigeon.
Revulsion (revulsio) a pulling up, or plucking away; also the drawing or forcing humors from one part of the body into another.
Rhabdomancy (rhabdomantia) a divination by a Rod or Staff.
Rhadamant, taken for a severe Judge; from Rhadamanthus, a feigned Judge in Hell, Qui severus fuit Justitiae executor.
Rhapsodie; see Rapsodie.
Rhedarious (rhedarius) of or serving for a Cart or Chariot.
Rheuish Wine, so called from the River Rhine in Germany, upon whose banks grow those Grapes which make it; see Baccharach.
Rhetorick (rhetorice) the Art and Science of Eloquence, or of speaking well and wisely; first invented by Empedocles. It is the force or faculty [Page] of perceiving or finding out that, in any matter, which is most perswasive. Isocrates saith, the Office of a Rhetorician is, Ex parvis magna, ex magnis parva efficere.
Rhetorical (rhetoricus) skilful in Rhetorick, that speaks eloquently.
Rhomb (rhombus) a Spining Wheel, Reel, or Whirle; also a figure that has equal sides, and unequal Angles; as a quarry of glass, &c. Rhombi are also the points of the Mariners Compass; see Rumbe.
Rhomboidal, pertaining to, or like a Rhomb.
Rhonchisonant (rhonchisonus) which imitates the noise or sound of snorters, and pertains to mocking.
Rhyparographer (rhyparographus) a painter of trifles or base things.
Rhythmical (rhythmicus) made in rhyme or meeter, that speaks in meeter, number, harmony or proportion.
Rialto, is to Venice, as the Royal Exchange to London.
Ribadavis, a mild kinde of White-wine, made at a Town so called among the Mountains of Galicia, but not of body enough to bear the Sea.
Ribauldry (from the Ital. ribalderia, or Fr. ribauldise) Roguery, Ruffianism, Whoredom, Whore-hunting.
Ribolla, a sort of excellent strong Wines (so called) both white and red, made in the Island Zant. Sands.
Richero (Sax) powerful and rich disposition, as Richer, an antient Christian name, signified powerful in the Army, or rich Lord, and was but Herric reversed; Aventinus turns it, treasure of the Kingdom.
Ricture (rictura) the gaping of bruit beasts.
Riding [...], are the names of the parts or divisions of Yorkshire, being three (viz) West-Riding, East-Riding, and North-Riding.
Rie is a Saxon word, signifying as much as regnum in Latin. Cam. Brit. p. 346.
Rigation (rigatio) a watering, a sprinkling, a moistening or wetting.
Rigid (rigidus) cold, frozen, stiff; hard, cruel, fierce, rough, sturdy.
Rigor (Lat.) a very great cold; severity, roughness, rudeness, extremity.
Rimmon (Hebr. i. a Pomegranat) an Idol among the ancient Hebrews; mentioned 2 Kings 5.18.
Rimosous (rimosus) full of chincks, chaps, or clefts.
Ring-walk, a round walk made by Hunters.
Riot (Fr. Riote, i. a bralling or contention) signifies the forcible doing an unlawful act, by three or more persons assembled together for that purpose. West. part. 2. Symbol. Tit. Indictments, Sect. 65. P. The differences and agreements between a Riot, Rout, and unlawful [Page] Assembly. See in Lamb. Eiren. lib. 2. cap. 5, &c. see the Stat. 1. Mar. 1. cap. 12. Kitch. fol. 19. and Cromptons Justice of Peace, fol. 53.
Riparious (riparius) that uses or abides in the water banks.
Ripiers (from Ripa, i. a bank or shore) are those that use to bring fish from the Sea-coast to the Inner parts of the Land. Cam. Brit p. 234.
Rision (risio) a laughing, a mocking, a scorning.
Risque (Fr.) peril, jeopardy, danger, hazard, chance.
Ritual (ritualis) of or belonging to Custom or Rites, customary, ceremonious.
Rituals (rituales libri) Books so called, which contain and prescribe the Rites and Ceremonies of the Roman Catholick Church, with the manner of them.
Rivage (Fr.) the Sea-shore or coast; a water-bank or Sea-side.
Rivals (rivales) they that haunt, or dwell by, have interest or fetch water from, the same River or Brook: But it is most commonly used Metaphorically for those that love and woo the same woman; Corivals.
Rivality (rivalitas) the envy between two persons loving one woman.
Rivulet (rivulus) a little River, a Brook.
Rixation (rixation) a chiding or brawling.
Robert (Germ.) famous in Council; for it is written most antiently Rodbert: [...]ad, Red, and Rod, signifying Council. Cam.
Robertines, a Religious Order (if not the same, not much different from the Mathurins) which owes its original to one Robert Flower, son of Took Flower, who had been twice Mayor of York, who, forsaking the fair lands left him by his Father, betook himself to a solitary life about the Rocks in Nisdale in Yorkshire, and at Knaresborough was erected the first and last House of his Order.
Robiginous (robiginosus) much blasted, rusty.
Robigus, a God among the Romans, that kept Corn from blasting; to whom, and to that end, those Feasts called Robigalia were sacred.
Robur, a place in the Prison of the old Romans, from whence Malefactors were thrown headlong.
Roborean (roboreus) made of Oak, or such like strong Timber.
Roburnean (roburneus) of or belonging to Oak.
Robusteous (robusteus) strong like Oak, made of Oak, Oaken.
Rochet (Fr.) a Frock, loose Gaberdine, or Gown of Canvas, worn by a Laborer over the rest of his Clothes; Also a Prelates Rochet.
Rod (pertica) is otherwise [Page] called a Pearch, and is a measure of land containing sixteen foot and an half long; see Pearch.
Rodage (Fr.) a certain Toll exacted by some Countrey Lords in France, upon every Wain that passes (though in the High-way) near their Seigniories, whether it be laden or no; if it be, they will be paid both for the Load, and for the Cart. Cot.
Rode (from the Belg. Ree or Reed, i. statio navium) a Station, Bay, or Harbor for ships.
It may come from the Fr. Rade) from Radenda terra, in which sence, is that of Virg. 7. Aeneid.
Rodomond (Fr.) a Bragger, a boaster, a vain-glorious fellow, one that uses Rodomontades.
Rodomontade (Ital. Rodomontada) a brag, boast, crack, vain-glorious bravado.
Rogalian Rogal (rogalis) of or pertaining to a great fire; Ignis rogalis, a Bonfire.
Rogation (rogatio) a Question or Demand; a Desire or Request, a Praying.
Rogation week (Sax. Gangdagas, i. days of perambulation) is always the next but one before Whitsonday; and so called, because on Munday, Tuesday and Wednesday of that week, Rogations and Litanies were used; and fasting, or at least abstinence, then enjoyned by the Church to all persons, not onely for a preparative to the joyful remembrance of Christs glorious Ascension, and the Descention of the Holy Ghost in form of Cloven Tongues shortly after; but also to request and supplicate the blessing of God upon the Fruits of the Earth. And in this respect the solemnization of Matrimony is forbidden from the first day of the said week, till Trinity Sunday. The Belgians call it Cruys-week, i. Cross-week, and so is it called in some parts of England because of old (as still among Roman Catholiques) when the Priests went on Procession this week, the Cross was carried before them. The first institution of this weeks solemnities, is by Historians referred to Claudius Mamertus, Bishop of Vienne in France.
In the North of England 'tis called Gang-week, from the Ganging or going on Procession, &c. for Gang there, as in the old Saxon, signifies to go. In the Inns of Court it is called Grass-week, because the Commons of that week consist much of Salads, hard Eggs and Green-sauce upon some of the days.
The Feasts of the old Romans [Page] called Robigalia and Ambarvalia (quod victima arva ambiret) did in their Heathenish way somewhat resemble these institutions, and were kept in May in honor of Robigus.
Rogatists; see Circumcelians.
Rogitate (rogito) to bid, intreat, require often, or beg.
Roger (Germ. Ruger) quiet, the same with tranquillus in Latin. Frodoard writes it always Rotgarius or Rodgarus, so it seems to signifie, all Council, or strong Council.
Rolls, a terms among Bookbinders; as Books in Rolls are those which have a Roll of Gold on the edges of the Cover; and in Fillets, is when they have Lines or Fillets of Gold on the out-side of the Cover.
Romanize (romanizo) to imitate the speech or fashion of Rome, or the Romans.
Romance (Span.) a feigned History, either in Verse or Prose in the Vulgar Language; the first news we heard of this word, was from a Poem writ in French, by John Clopinel alias Meung, entituled Le Roman de la Rose, and afterward translated into English by Chaucer; but we now give the name Romance most commonly to a feigned History writ in Prose.
Romancist (from the Spa. Romancista) one that composes such Romances.
Romant, the most eloquent French, or any thing written eloquently, was in old time termed Romant of the Roman, or most eloquent Language. In the confines of Germany and Lorain, the Language that is not German, is at this day called Romant. Cot.
Romescot, was a tribute paid to Rome, first granted by Ossa, a Saxon King.
Rondach (Fr.) a round Target or great Buckler.
Rondacher (Fr.) a Targettier, or one that serves with a Rondache.
Rondelier (Fr.) a maker of Bucklers, or of round Targets; also a Soldier that serves with one of them.
Rood (roda terrae) is the fourth part of an acre of Land. An. 5. Eliz. cap. 5. See Pearch.
Rood (Sax.) a Cross, or an image of Christ on the Cross. Hence the Invention of the Holy Cross by St. Helen, 3. May. and the exaltation of it, 14. Septemb. are called Holy Rood-dayes.
Roodloft (Sax.) a Shrine whereon was placed the Cross of Christ. The Rood was an Image of Christ on the Cross, made generally of wood, and erected in a Loft for that purpose, just over the passage out of the Church into the Chancel. Fuller.
Roral (roralis) of or belonging to dew, dewy, that may be sprinkled like dew.
Rorid (roridus) dewy, moist.
[Page] Roriferous (rorifer) that makes or brings dew.
Rorulent (rorulentus) covered with, or full of dew.
Rose, when we desire to confine our words, we commonly say, they are spoken under the Rose, and the German custom describes a Rose in the Seeling over the Table; the original whereof Lemnius and others have thus recorded; The Rose was the flower of Venus, which Cupid comsecrated to Harpocrates, the God of Silence, and was therefore an Emblem thereof, to conceal the pranks of Venery, as is declaed in this Tetrastick.
Rosary (rosarium) a Garden or bed of Roses, a place where Roses grow; a Garland of Roses; an ordinary Limbeck for distilling Rose-water; also a pair of Beads, called Fifteens, containing Fifteen Pater Nosters, and 150 Aves; much used by such Romanists, who are of the Archconfraternity of the Rosary, instituted by St. Dominick; Also an ancient coyn so called.
Roscid (roscidus) wet or moistned with dew, dewy.
Rosion (rosio) a gnawing, a griping, a biting, a nibling.
Rot, a term of war; six men (be they Pikes or Musketiers) make a Rot or File; see Brigade.
Rotal (rotalis) of or belonging to a wheel.
By Rote (rotatim) rowllingly, roundly; when one has a lesson by heart, and says it as roundly and perfectly as a wheel runs in his (rota) track. The French say, Par rotine:
Rotundity (rotunditas) roundness.
Rouge Cross and Rogue Dragon, the names of two Pursuivants at Arms; see, Harold.
Roundel, a kind of Ball or such like round substance in Blazon, of which Heralds reckon nine sorts. Guillim.
Roundelay, a Shepheards dance; sometimes used for a Song.
Roundlet, a certain measure of Wine, Oyle, &c. containing eighteen Gallons and an half.
Rounds, Statues and their fragments are so called by Painters.
Rowland or Rolland (Ger.) whereas it was antiently written Rodland, it may seem to signifie Councel for the Land; and the first I finde so named was Landwarden in France, under Carolus Magnus against [Page] the Piracies of the Normans. The Italians use Orland for Rowland, by Metathesis.
Royalist (Fr.) one that takes the Kings part, a Lover of Kingship.
Royalty, the right or prerogative of a King, the Royalties of a Mannor are, the Waifs, Strays, Fishing, Fowling, &c.
Rubefy (rubefacio) to make red, to make one blush.
Rubicon, the name of a River in Italy over which Julius Caesar passed in the beginning of his Expedition against Pompey; whence to pass the Rubicon, is used proverbially, to undertake a great and dangerous exploit.
Rubicundous (rubicundus) very red or ruddy, blood red.
Rubid (rubidus) reddish, somewhat red or ruddy.
Rubiginous (rubiginosus) foul, musty, blasted.
Rubor (Lat.) shamefac'dness, redness, blushing.
Rubrick (rubrica) a special title or sentence of the Law, or of any book written or printed in red; the Calender of Saints and festivals is commonly so called, because the chief of them are printed in red letters; In the Cannon Law, the arguments of every Chapter, were written with red Letters, which was called the Rubrick, and the Text with black.
Rubricate (rubrico) to make or colour red with Oaker.
Rubrificative, a Plaister of so strong, or strongly drawing Simples, that it ulcerates, or at least makes red the place it is applied to. Cot.
Ructation (ructatio) a belching or breaking winde upward.
Rudiment (rudimentum) the first teaching or instruction; a beginning, a principle.
Rugosous (rugosus) full of wrinckles, crumples, or plaits, rough, riveled, withered.
Rumbe (rhombus) a term in Geometry, and signifies a whole line in the Compass consisting of two winds, as the Line of North and South, or that of East and West. The Spaniards first gave that name, as Peter of Medina takes it upon them, yet not out of their own Language, but fancying to themselves that the Lines of the Compass (as indeed they do) much resembled the spars of a Spinning Wheel, which in Lat. is called Rhombus, from the Gr. [...], to turn about, they call that Rumbus, and the word hath taken. Greg. 283.
Rumia, a Goddess that ruled over sucking children, and womens Paps.
Rumidge, to remove any Goods or Luggage out of a place. Seamen use it for removing and clearing things in the ships Hold, that Goods and Victuals may be well stowed and placed.
[Page] Rumiferate Rumigerate (rumifero) (rumigero) to disperse a rumor, to carry tidings abroad, to tell tales or blaze abroad reports.
Ruminate (rumino) to chew the Cud, as Neat do; also to call to remembrance, and consider with ones self, to study, and think on matters.
Runcina, the Goddess of weeding.
Running of the Reins; see Gonorrhaea.
Ruption (ruptio) a bursting, tearing, or breaking; a Rupture.
Ruptor (Lat.) a breaker or tearer in pieces, a destroyer, he that violates.
Ruptory (Fr. Ruptoire) a Corrosive or Potential Cauter; that which hath strength to break.
Rural (ruralis) of or belonging to the Country or Village; rustical.
Rurigene (rurigena) born, dwelling or abiding in the Country; Country people.
Rustication (rusticatio) a dwelling or abiding in the Country.
Rusticity (rusticitas) churlishness, rudeness, clownishness.
Rutilate (rutilo) to shine or glare▪ to make to shine or glister like gold, to make bright or yellow.
Ruttier (Fr. Routier) a Directory for the knowledge or finding out of courses, whether by Sea or Land; also an old Traveller, one that by much trotting up and down, is grown acquainted with most ways; and hence an old beaten Soldier, or an old crafty Fox, &c.
Ryparographer; see in Rhy—
SAbaoth, Sabbath, Sabbaoth or Sabboth (Lat. Sabbatum, from the Hebrew, [...], Scabath, (i. quievit) a day of rest, or a time set apart for holy rest, which is Friday among the Turks, Saturday among the Jews, and Sunday, or our Lords day, among us Christians; which instead of the Saturday or Jewish Sabbath, was instituted by the Apostles to be kept festival, in honor and memory of Christs Resurrection on that day; and so hath been observed ever since; see Moses & Aaron. p. 97.
Sabaoth, in all the Tongues, is also an Attribute the Hebrews gave to God, Lord of Hosts, of Armies and Powers, and comes of the Hebr. Tsabaoth, signifying Armies or Powers.
Sabbatical (Sabbaticus) pertaining to the Sabbath or Seventh day, that keeps the Sabbath. A Sabbath days journey, was (among the Jews) 2000 cubits; now taken for two miles by some, by others but for one.
[Page] Sabbatical year, was the [...]eventh year, in which the Jews rested from Tillage, and discharged their Debtors, whence it was called Shemita Laihova, The Lords release, Deut 15 2. Levit. 25.1.
Sabbatism (Sabatismus) the celebration of the Sabbath, a time of Holy Rest.
Sabbatarians, a sort of Hereticks, who celebrate the Jewish Sabbath, and not our Lords Day.
Sabellians (a Sect of Hereticks, so called from Sabellius their first Founder, who held, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, were onely one Substance and one Person, having three Names, &c. See Antitrinitarians.
Sable (Fr.) black colour in Blazon. It is also a rich Fur of a Beast, so called, like and near as big as a Polecar, of colour between black and brown, and breeds in Russia, but most in Tartaria.
Sacerdotal (sacerdotalis) belonging to Priests or Churchmen, Priestly.
Saccus cum brochia, seems to be a service of finding a Sack, and a Broach to the King, by vertue of a Tenure, for the use of his Army. Bract. lib. 2. cap. 16. numb. 6.
Sack of Wool (saccus Lanae) is a quantity of wool containing six and twenty stone and fourteen pound. An. 14. Edw. 3. Stat. 1. cap. 21 See Sarplar.
Sacramental (sacramentalis) pertaining to a Sacrament or Oath.
Sacramentaries (Sacramentarii) Protestants, Huguenots, or Calvinists, in the Doctrine of the Sacrament.
Sacrary (sacrarium) the Place wherein holy things are laid, a Sextry, or Vestry in a Church.
Sacre (sacro) to dedicate, to hallow, to make immortal.
Sacriferous (sacrifer) that bears holy things.
Sacrificial (sacrificialis) belonging to a Sacrifice, Offering or Oblation.
Sacrileg (sacrilegium) the robbing a Church, or other holy consecrated place, the stealing holy things, or abusing Sacraments or holy Mysteries.
Sacrilegious (sacrilegus) that robs the Church; wicked, extremely bad.
Sacristy (sacristia) a Vestry in a Church; see Sacrary.
Sacrist or Sacristan (sacrista) a Sexten or Vestry-keeper in a Church, or Relious house.
Sadduces, a Sect among the Jews, who dis-beleeved the being of Angels or Spirits, the Resurrection of the body, and Holy Ghost; they received onely the Pentateuch, and in many other things agreed with the Samaritans, &c. The derivation of their name is variously delivered by Authors; some take it from Sadoc, who [Page] is said to have lived about the time of Alexander the Great, and to be Author of this Sect; Others, from Tsedech or Zaddichim, both which signifie Justice; others deduce the name from Sedah a Chaldean word, signifying to part or divide; see Moses and Aaron. p. 46.
Safe Conduct (salvus Conductus) is a Security or Protection given by the Prince under the Broad Seal, or by any other person in authority, most commonly for a strangers quiet coming in, and passing out of the Realm. Touching which you may see the Statutes, An. 15. H. 6. ca. 3. and An. 18. ejus. cap. 18. and An. 28 H. 8. cap. 1. The form of this, see in the Regist. Orig. fol. 25.
Sagacious (sagax, acis) witty, that perteives and foresees quickly; wise, skilful, quick of scent, taste or sight.
Sagacity (sagacitas) sharpness of wit, quickness, or liveliness of spirit or understanding.
Saginate (sagino) to frank, to make far, to cram.
Sagittal (sagittalis) the future or seam that runs streight on the top of the head, distinguishing the right from the left side of the head; Also belonging to an arrow.
Sagittarius, or the Archer, one of the twelve Signs of the Zodiack, in form of a Centaure or Archer.
Sagittiferous (sagittifer) that bears or wears Arrows.
Sagit [...]ipotent (sagittipotens) that can do much by shooting with Arrows, a cunning Archer.
Saguntin [...] ( [...]aguntinus) belonging to the City Saguntus, scituate beyond Iberus in Spain.
Saint Anthonies fire (Erysipelas) a disease rising of hot cholerick blood, which beginning first with a blister grows after to a soar or scab like a Tetter.
Saker (Fr. Sacre) a Hawk so called; Also a piece of Ordnance of that name.
Salacia, The Goddess of water.
Salacious (salax, acis) that is very much enclined and bent to lechery, hot in lust.
Salacity (salacitas) lechery, or rather an instinction, tickling, or provocation to it.
Salade; see Salet.
Salamander (salamandra) a four-footed beast, in shape like a Lizard, full of spots, it will for a time resist a flame, until its moisture be consumed, but not live in, or quench the fire, as some authors have affirmed; see Dr. Br. Vul. Err. fol. 138.
Salarian (salarius) of or belonging to salt.
Salarian Verse, a kinde of Song, which Mars his Priests, among the old Romans were wont to sing. Tacitus.
Salary (salarium) is a recompence or consideration [Page] made to any man for his pains or industry bestowed on anothers business; wages given to servants, a stipend. So caled from sal, i. salt, both being a like necessary.
Salebrity (salebritas) ruggedness, or unevenness.
Salebrous (salebrosus) uneven, rough; also harsh, unpleasant, hard to understand.
Salet (Fr salade) a Helmet or Headpiece, A. 4 and 5. Phil. & Mar.
Saliant (saliens) a term in Heraldry) when the Lion is leaping and sporting himself.
Salinous (from salina) of or pertaining to salt or a salt-pit. Br.
Salique Law (Lex Salica) is a Law whereby the Crown of France cannot be inherited by a woman, cannot fall from the Lance to the Distaff, as their saying is; Which Law, one, undertaking to prove out of Holy Writ, urged that place of Matthew; where tis said, Mark the Lillies (which are the Arms of France) and see how they neither labor nor spin. This Law they pretend was made by Pharamond their first King, and that the words, Si aliqua, so often mentioned, gave it the name of Salique Law; Others say it took denomination from the name of the place Salethani, where it was made, o [...] from the name of [...]algast, who was Chancellor to Pharamond, and one of the chief in making this Law.
Hailan saith, It was never heard of in France till the days of Philip the fair, 1321. Others say it was framed by Charles the Great, after his Conquests in Germany, where the incontinency of the women, living about the River Sala (in the Country now called Misnia) gave both occasion and name to this Law; the words are these, De terra vero Salica nulla portio haereditatis mulieri veniat, sed ad virilem sexum tota terrae haereditas perveniat. Selden.
Salivarious (salivarius) clammy and thick like spettle.
Salivation (salivatio) a continual having of much spettle in the mouth, or a drawing of humors to the mouth, and a delivery of them from thence in manner of spettle.
Sally (from the Span. Salir) to goe or issue out; most commonly applyed to those that are besiedged in a Town or Castle, when they sally or issue out upon the besiegers.
Salmacian Salmacidan Spoiles (Salmacida Spolia) Spoils or Conquests got without blood or labour; from Salmacis a Fountain of Caria, which is said to enfeeble all such as either drank of it, or bathed [Page] in it; Hence that of Tully, Salmacida spolia sine sanguine & sudore, and there used for effeminate or venerial Conquests.
This Salmacida Spolia was the Motto of the Scene or Frontispiece of a Mask at Whitehall in Anno 1636, or 1637.
Salomon (Hebr.) peaceable.
Salsamentarious (salsamentarius) belonging to salt, or any salt thing.
Salsipotent (salsipotens) that hath power of the Sea.
Salsure (salsura) a salting or seasoning brine, liquor to powder in.
Salt [...]t [...]on (saltatio) a dancing, leaping, jumping, or vaulting.
Saltatory (saltatorius) belonging to dancing, vaulting, &c.
Saltimbance (Ital.) a Mountebank, a Quacksalver, a pedling Physician.
Salture saltura) a leaping or dancing.
Salvage Money, is a recompence, allowed by the Civil Law, in lieu of all damages sustained by that ship that rescues another ship; which was set upon by Pirates or Enemies, mentioned in Acts of Parl. 1648. c. 12. 1639. 21. 1650. 28, 33.
Salubrity (salubritas) health, wholesomness, healthfulness.
Salver (from salvo, to save) is a new fashioned peece of wrought plate, broad and flat, with a foot underneath, and is used in giving Beer, or other liquid thing, to save or preserve the Carpit or Cloathes from drops.
Salus (Fr. salut) was a Coyn of Gold stamped by King Henry the sixth in France and worth some five shillings sterling, which onely Coyn, with another of Blancks of eight pence a piece, were current in those places of France where King Henry was obeyed. Stow.
Salutary (salutaris) wholesome, healthful, profitable, comfortable.
Salutatory (salutatorium) a place where men stand to salute a Prince.
Salutiferous (salutifer) that brings health, salvation or safty,
Salutigerous (salutiger) that brings commendation from another, or that is sent with How-d'yees.
Samaritans, people of Samaria, a Country and City of Syria. Also a Sect among the Jewes not allowed to commerce with them, nor to be Proselytes. They rejected all the Scripture, save onely the five Books of Moses. Denied the Resurrection; but held that there were Angels, &c. See Epiphan. Haeres. 9. & 14. and Moses and Aaron, p. 48.
[Page] Sambenito (Span.) or Sanbenito, properly santo Benito, St Benet, but it is usually taken for a coat of course Sackcloth, in which Penitents in Spain are reconciled to the Church. And in that respect it may be called Sanbenito, quasi Saco benedicto, a blessed Sackcloth.
Sambu [...] (sambuca) an instrument of Musick, which we commonly take for a Dulcimer; Also an Engin of War, set by a rowling Tower, which by Ropes and Pullies clapt the Bridge suddenly from the Tower to the besieged walls.
Samian (samius) of or pertaining to the Isle Samos, or to an earthen pot, or a Whetstone; because there were good ones in that Isle.
Samplar (a corruption from Examplar) a pattern or copy to imitate, an extract or draught; most used for a pattern of several sorts of needlework.
Sampson (Heb.) there the second time.
Samuel (Hebr.) placed of God.
Sanable (sanabilis) that may be healed, curable.
Sanative (sanativus) healing, curing. Bac.
Sance Bell (campana sancta) the sanctus Bell, a little Bell, formerly in every Church, which was rung when the Priest said Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
S [...]tification (sanctificatio) a hallowing, sanctifying or making holy; a separation of things or persons from common or prophane use.
Sanctiloquent (sanctiloquus) that speaks holily.
Sanctimony (sanctimonia) holiness, devoutness, religiousness.
Sanction (sanctio) a Law, a Decree established; also a penal Statute.
Sanctuary (sanctuarium) a holy or sanctified place, as Temple, Church or Chappel. In the old Law it was the most holy place of the Tabernacle wherein God gave visible tokens of his presence. Psal. 20.2. And more particularly, it is a place priviledged by the Prince, for the safe-guard of offenders lives, being founded on the Law of Mercy, and on the great reverence and devotion, which the Prince bears to the place, whereunto he grants such a Priviledge. Of this you may read Stawnf. pl. Cor. lib. 2. ca. 38. This seems to have taken beginning from the Cities of Refuge which Moses appointed them to flie unto for safeguard of their lives, that had casually slain a man, Exod. 21. In bastardly imitation whereof, first the Athenians, then Romulus erected such a place of immunity, which they, and he after them called Asylum. The Emperors of Rome made the places of their own Statues or Images, and Churches also places of Refuge, as appears, [Page] Cod. l. 1. tit. 15. But among all other Nations, the antient Kings of England seem to have attributed most to these Sanctuaries, permitting them to shelter such, as had committed both Felonies and Treasons, so that within Forty days they acknowledged their fault, and submitted themselves to banishment; During which time, if any man expelled them, if he were Lay, he was Excommunicated; if a Clerk, he was made irregular; but after forty days no man might relieve them, see Fleta lib. 1 cap. 29. And how by degrees they have been taken away, you may read partly in him, and partly in several Statutes.
Sanctum Sanctorum ( i.e. the Holy of Holys) was the holiest place of the Jewes Temple, where the Ark was kept, and whereinto none entred, but the High Priest; and he but once a year.
Sandal (Heb. sandal, Lat. sandalium) a Slipper or Pantofle; also a kind of old fashioned shoo, open and fastned with Latchets on the Instep, such as religious persons wear. Also
Sandal or Saunders (santalum) a precious wood brought out of India, whereof there are three kinds, to wit, red, yellow, and white Saunders. They are all of a cooling nature, especially the red, which is often used in Physick against hot diseases.
Sandarack (sandaracha) the best red Arsenick or Orpine; a bright Painters red, whereof there are two kinds; one (the right and better) found in Mines of Gold and Silver; the other made of burned Ceruse.
Sanglant (Fr.) bloody, bleeding, embrued, or full of blood.
Sanglier (Fr.) a wilde Bore, five years old.
Sanguinary (sanguinarius) cruel, thirsty, bloody, desirous of, or delighted in, shedding blood.
Sanguine Sanguineous (sanguineus) bloody, full of blood, cruel, red. Sanguin colour, is a blood red colour, or my Ladies Blush. Sanguin in Heraldry signifies a murrey colour; but is commonly taken for a complexion, most inclineable to blood.
Sanguin flesh (caro sanguinea) is that which is engendred of blood; of which sort is the flesh compounded in the Muscles, the Heart, and the rest of Sanguin Substance; the Anatomists call it the proper flesh; and Exanguis the improper.
Sanguinolent (sanguinolentus) bloody, full of blood, merciless.
Sanhedrim or Sanhedrin, (Hebr.) Synedrion or Synedrium (Gr.) signifies generally the place where Counsellors [Page] meet to consult of, and determine matters; also the Assembly it self; But, by an appropriation of the word, it is commonly taken for the highest Court of Judicature, or supreme Council of the Jews, which consisted of the High Priest, and seventy Seniors or Elders; from which number it was called by them in Hebrew words, signifying, Domus judicii septuaginta unius, i. a Court of seventy and one Judges; and it was (as it were) their Parliament, to consult about, to judge and decide the greatest matters that could arise in their Ecclesiastical or Civil Commonwealth; as, to determine the Controversies that might happen concerning their High Priest, true and false Prophets, differences betwixt Nation and Nation, Tribe and Tribe, &c. This High Court was first (by the commandment of God) instituted in the Wilderness by Moses, whilst under his conduct, the children of Israel were on their journey out of Egypt, towards the Land of Promise; and afterwards it continued still in vigor till our Saviors Passion.
Besides this great Sanhedrim called, Sanhedrim Gedola, the Jews had two lesser or inferior to it; the one consisting of three Judges; to the Examination and Decision of which Court, the most petty actions were subject; As private Quarrels, Thefts and the like; this they called by words of their Language, signifying, Domus judicii trium virum, The Court of three Judges. The other consisted of twenty and three, and so was termed, Domus judicii viginti trium, to whose Court belonged the Decision of weightier Sutes and capital Causes.
These Courts were erected in several places, according to the exigence and commodity of their Country, whereas their other supreme Court, after their possession of the Land of Promise, and the settlement of their Commonwealth, was only held in Jerusalem; Jews might appeal from those inferior Courts, to this; but from this there lay no appeal. Four kinds of death were in their power, Stoning, Burning, Sword, Strangling; and they fasted all that day when they condemned any to death. See Moses and Aaron, p. 189.
The Talmudists use the word Sinhedriin for the aforesaid great Council.
Synedrians (synedri) are the Counsellors, Judges or Members of that Court.
Sanity (sanitas) health, soundness, good estate of wit and memory.
Saniacks or Sansiakes, are Governors of Cities among the Turks.
Sante, Santo [...], or Sancton (Span.) a holy man, a great Saint.
[Page] Saphire (sapphirus) a precious stone, so called, brought out of India; the best are of a deep skie colour; This stone is said to be of a cold nature.
Sapid (sapidus) well seasoned, savory, that hath a smack.
Sapidity (sapiditas) pleasantness of taste or savor; also pleasantness of talk.
Sapientipotent (sapientipotens) mighty in wisdom, or that by his wisdom and prudence, is able to bring great things to pass.
Sapor (Lat.) see Sapidity.
Sapphique Verse (so called from Sappho, a famous Poetess, held to be the first inventor of them) consists of eleven syllables, and hath a Trochee, a Spondee, a Dactyle, and two Trochees immutably; as ‘Nuncius celso veniens Olympo.’
After three Verses is inserted an Adonique, of a Dactyle and a Spondee.
Saraband (Ital. Zarabanda) a kind of lesson in Musick, and a Dance so called.
Sarah (Hebr.) Lady, Mistress or Dame.
Sarcling time, or time of Sarkling, is the time when the Countrey man weeds his Corn; and comes from the Lat. (sarculare) or from the Fr. (sarcler) both which signifie to rake or weed.
Sarcasm ( sarcasmus a biting taunt, bitter jest, a manner of scoffing nippingly.
Sarcinatious (sarcinarius) of or belonging to Packs, Fardels, &c. serving to carry burthens or loads.
Sarcinate (sarcino) to load with Fardels or Packs; also to patch or sew.
Sarcophage (sarcophagus) a Grave, a Sepulchre, a Tomb; also a stone called Eat-flesh, because it consumes in forty days, the dead Carkasses inclosed within it, the Teeth excepted.
Sarcotique (from sarcoma) breeding or belonging to new or superfluous flesh.
Sarculate (sarculo) to rake, to weed up with a hook or other Instrument.
Sardonian Gem (sardonius lapis) a precious stone of a black colour, being a kind of Onyx, and called a Corneol, the best whereof are found in Sardinia, and therefore so called.
Sardonian Laughter (risus Sardonius) a long and causeless laughter, whereof the end is sorrowful; so used from the Hearb Sardoa, which being of a poisonous nature, causes men to dye with such a convulsion or contraction of their sinews, that they seem to grin or laugh. This Herb is like Smalage, and is found in Sardinia.
Sarmentitious (sarmentitius) belonging to twigs or branches.
[Page] Sarplar (sarplera lanae) is a quantity of Wooll. This in Scotland is called Serplathe, and contains fourscore stone; for the Lords of the Council in Anno 1527. decreed four Serpliathes of packed Wooll, to contain sixteenscore stone. The Merchants use now to pay fraught for their goods to Flanders by the Sack; to France, Spain and England, by the Tun; and to Dantzick, and the Eastern Seas, by the Serpliath. Skene.
With us in England, a load of Wooll (as I have been enformed) consists of eighty Tod, each Tod consisting of two stone, and each stone of fourteen pound. And that a Sack of wooll is in common account equal with a load; and a Sarplar (otherwise called a Pocket) is half a Sack: Further, that a Pack of Wooll is a Hors-load, which consists of seventeen stone, and two pounds; see Fleta lib. 2. c. 12.
Sartor (Lat. à Sartio) a Tailor, a Botcher, a Mender of old Garments.
Sassafras, a Tree of great vertue, which grows in Florida of the West Indies, the Rinde whereof has a sweet smell like Cinnamon; it comforts the Liver and Stomack, and opens Obstructions of the inwards parts, being hot and dry in the second degree. The best of the Tree is the Root, next the Boughs, then the body, but the principal goodness of all rests in the Rinde. Bull.
Sassinate; see Assassinate.
Satan (Heb.) (Gr. Satanas) an adversary, the Devil, enemy to God, and all goodness. The Devil took this name from the Hebr. Sitnah, which signifies hatred or spightfulness.
Satanical (from Satan) devilish, pertaining to the Devil.
Satellite (satelles, itis) one retained to guard a mans person; a Yeoman of the Guard; a Serjeant, Catch-pole, one that attacheth.
Satiate (satio) to fill, to satisfie, to cloy.
Satiety (satietas) plenty, fulness, glutting, so much as one desireth.
Sation ( satio, from sero) a sowing of seed, a planting.
Satisdation (satisdatio) a putting in of Surety or Bail sufficient for performance of Covenants, or for payment of moneys.
Satorious (satorius) belonging to a Sator, or to him that sows, sets, or plants.
Satrap (satrapa) a great Ruler, a Peer of a Realm, a Lieutenant, Governor or President of a Country.
Saturate (saturo) to fill or satisfie with any thing superfluously, to cloy or glut.
Saturity (saturitas) fulness, plenty, excess.
Saturnals (saturnalia) Feasts dedicated to Saturn, in December, when Servants had [Page] freedom. Macrobius his Saturnals, are Books intreating of the Colloquies and Passages at some of those Feasts.
Saturn (Saturnus) hath the first place among the Planets, but is slowest in motion, not finishing its course under thirty eight years space. The antient Mathematicians attributed Sterility and Mortality, to this Planet; to Jupiter, happy times, and the beginning of life; To Mars, the cause of all Debates, Garboils, and War; To Sol, Riches and Treasure; To Venus, Loves and Marriages; To Mercury, Eloquence and Knowledge; To Luna, the Empire and command over Humid matters.
Saturn with Alchymists, is used for Lead; with Heralds for Sable.
Saturnian or Saturnine (from Saturnus) barren, dull, heavy, melancholly; also unlucky or unfortunate.
Satyre (satyra) a kinde of Poetry, whereof there seems to have been two kinds; the one more antient, which consisted only in variety of Verses; the other more modern, containing an open reprehension of mens Vices, without respect of persons.
Satyrical (satyricus) of or pertaining to Satyres; biting, nipping, reproving.
Satyrist, one that writes Satyres or invectives.
Satyre (satyrus) a Wood-wose; a strange monster, having the body of a man all hairy, with legs and feet like a Goat, full of motion, and given much to venery and jeering, which the Poets were wont to call gods of the Woods; these (as Pliny testifies, lib. 7. cap. 2.) were found in times past in the Eastern Mountains of India. And St. Hierome in the life of St. Anthony reports, he saw one of these in his time: Vidi homunculum (inquit) aduncis naribus, & fronte cornibus aspera, cui extrema corporis in caprarum pelles desinebant, &c. But the truth hereof, I will not rashly impugn, nor over boldly affirm. And Satyres shall dance there, Isa. 13 21.
Sauciate (saucio) to hurt, to wound, to cut.
Saul (Hebr.) lent of the Lord, or (as some will) Fox.
Saucige (from the Fr. Saucisse) a kind of pudding, well known. The Bolona Saucige is made of Beef and lean Bacon in equal quantity, flayed and chopped small with half as much Lard, and some Pepper, Ginger and Salt; then put into a clean Ox-gut, half a foot long, and laid in salt for two days together, and after hung up in the smoak. Cot.
Sauitoir or Sautoir (Fr.) the figure of St. Andrews Cross, in Heraldry.
Saxons (the ancient name of our Ancestors in England) were so called from their use, [Page] and wearing a certain Sword or Weapon, made after the fashion of a Sithe, which in the Neatherlands is called a Saisen. These kind of Swords were anciently written Seaxen or Seaxes; and the Welshmen wrote them Saisons, as they yet write us. The learned Engelhusus, of this weapon Seaxe, and name Saxon, hath this Latin Rime.
Saxifical (saxificus) that turns into a stone, or is made stony.
Saxifragrant (saxifragus) that breaks stones, or is broken against stones.
Scabious (scabiosus) mangy, scabby, scurvy.
Scabrous (scabrosus) rough, ragged, uneven, impolite. As a Scabrous stile, an unpleasant kind of writing.
Scaevola. See Scevola.
Scalado (from the Span. Escaláda, and that from the Lat. Scala, i. a Ladder) a scaling or getting up the Ladder; a term of War, and most commonly applied to the gaining a Castle or Town; by scaling it with Ladders.
Scalar Scalary (scalaris) leaning one way, ladderwise, not bolt upright.
Scale, an eminent place in the City Zant, where, after fourteen days, one stands and publickly cites offenders. Sands.
Scalae Gemoniae. See Gemony.
Scalp (pericranion) the skin compassing and covering all the skull.
Scalpture (scalptura) a graving in mettal, a cutting or scratching.
Scalper or Scalping Iron (scalprum) a Surgeons instrument, to scrape or take away corrupt flesh from the bones; a Lance to let blood with.
Scandalize (scandalizo) to offend by giving ill example, to give one occasion to sin or be offended; also to slander or defame.
Scandalum Magna [...]um (Lat.) is the special name of a wrong done to any high personage of the Land, as Prelates, Dukes, Earls, Barons, and other Nobles; as also of the great Officers of the Realm, by false news, or Messages, whereby debates and discords betwixt them and the Commons, or any scandal to their persons may arise. An. 2 R. 2. c. 5.
Scanderbeg, i. Great Alexander; the nick name of that valiant Commander George Castriot, the late terror of the Turks, who is said in his whole life time to have slain three thousand of them with his own hands.
[Page] Scandular (scandularis) pertaining to wooden Tiles, or Shingles.
Scapular (scapularis) belonging to the shoulder. It is also used substantively for a narrow and square piece of cloth, &c worn by Monks and Friers over the rest of their Habit, and falling over the shoulders on both sides from the neck (which goes through it by a slit or hole made for that purpose) down almost to the foot.
Scarabee (scarabeus) the black flie, bred commonly in Dung, called a Beetle.
Scarifie (scarifico) to launce or open a soar; to make little incisions and holes or openings, either that the blood and humor may the easier come out, or to prepare a place for the better extraction of Cupping-Glasses.
Scarification (sacrificatio) a cutting or lancing; a scraping the skin with a fleam, that one may bleed the better.
Scatinian Law (Lex Scatinia) was a Law made by Scatinius, wherein the use of preposterous venery was chastised
Scarpe (Fr. Escarpe) a Scarf, worn by Commanders in the Field; and so named in Heraldry. Leigh.
Scaturiginous (scaturiginosus) that bursts out, or runs over, out of which water riseth.
Scavage, otherwise called Shewage, is a kinde of Toll or Custom exacted, by Majors, and Bayliffs of Cities and Burrough Towns, of Merchants for Wares shewed to be sold within their Precinct, which is forbidden by the Statute of 19 H. 7.8. It comes of the Saxon word (Sceaw) to behold or view, or to shew; and hence the word Sceaw-stow, a Theatre or Shew-place, a beholding place. Verstegan.
Scavenger (from the Belg. Sc [...]avan, i. to scrape or shave away) an Officer well known in London, that makes clean the streets, by scraping up and carrying away the dust and durt. The Germans call him a Drecksimon, from one Simon, who was appointed Scavenger of Marpurg.
Scelestique (scelestus) wicked, ungracious, mischievous, full of naughtiness.
Scele [...]on (Gr.) is that which the vulgar call an Anatomy; the whole Fabrick or dry frame of human Bones; The dry carkass of a man or woman, with bones and ligaments onely: For Sceletos in Greek signifies bony, or dry as a bone.
Scellum or Schellum, (from the Belg. Schelm) a Rogue, Villain, or wicked person; and some times taken in the same sence with Renegado.
Scene (scena) the front or forepart of a Theatre or Stage, or the partition between the Players Vestry, and [Page] the Stage; a Comedy or Tragedy, or the division of a Play into certain parts, viz. first into Acts, those again into Scenes, which somtimes fall out more, sometimes fewer in every Act; The definition of a [...]cene being mutatio personarum. In old time it signified a place covered with Boughs, or the room where the Players made them ready.
Scenical (scenicus) of or belonging to a Scene, Stage, or Comedy, or to Players on Stages.
Scenography (scenographia) is the model or draught of any work presented with its shadows, according as the work it self shews, with its dimensions, according to the Rules of prospective. Enchir. of Fort. See Sciagraph
Sceptical (scepticus) that contemplates, or always seeks and never finds. The Philosophers, called Scepticks, were such as used to search into, and consider much of things, but leave them in suspence, without any determination; affirming they know nothing; of this Sect Phyrro was Author.
Sce [...]ticium, the Doctrine or opinion of the Scepticks.
Sceptriferous (sceptrifer) that bears a Scepter.
S [...]ev [...] (scaevitas) unluckiness, lefthandedness.
Scevola (scaevola) the Surname of Q. Mutius, a noble Roman, who voluntarily burnt off his own right hand, &c. hence the word is used for a lefthanded man, or one that hath but one hand. Br.
Schammat [...]a (Hebr.) an Excommunication to death; the same with Maranatha; see Moses and Aaron, p. 183.
Schediasm (schediasma) a sudden invention, or a work extempore.
Schedical (schedicus) hasty, sudden, extemporary, not labored.
Schedule (schedula) a leaf or scroll of Paper or Parchment, containing the particulars of goods or other things, an Inventory.
Scheme (schema) the outward fashion or habit of any thing, the adorning a speech with Rhetorical figures.
Schism (schisma) properly a cutting in two, a disagreeing of minds, a division in the Church of Christ consisting with an unity in matters of Faith.
Schism (says an Author) is an uncharitable division or recession of any member from the unity of the whole Church As Here [...]ie is a departing from the Communion of the Church in respect of Doctrine; so Schism is a dividing or cutting off ones self for external things.
Schismatick (schismaticus) one that is divided from the external Communion of the Church.
Schismatical (schismaticus) of, or pertaining to Schism or [Page] such division in the Church.
Scholastica (Gr.) a womans name; and signifies, leasure from business.
Scholastic (scholasticus) belonging to a Schollar or School, Schollarly.
Scholy or Scholion (scholium) a close, a short or compendious exposition; a critical note.
And Scholiast, one that writes such Expositions or critical notes.
Sciagraph (schigrapha) a description of the whole frame and contrivance of every room; as the Carpenters shews with a Lath how the Work will fall out; a Platform; see Scenography.
Sciamachy (scimachia) a counterfeit fighting, a privy exercise; a shadow or image of contention or fighting.
Sciater (Lat.) an instrument used in chusing the scituation of Cities.
Sciatherical (from Sciathericon) of or pertaining to a Sun-Dial.
Sciatica (Lat.) a Gout in the Hip caused by gross and flegmatick humors, gathered in the hollowness of its joynt.
Sciatique Vein (Vena sciatica) is seated above the outward ankle.
Science (scientia) cunning, skill, learning, knowledge. The seven Liberal Sciences are these, Grammar, Logick, Rhetorick, Astrology, Geometry, Arithmetick and Musick.
Scientifical (scientificus) of exceeding skil, or wonderful knowledge.
Scimitat; see Scy—
Scintillation (scintillatio) a sparkling up of fire, or new wine leaping in the glass.
Sciolu [...] (sciolus) a smatterer in any knowledge, one that fancies himself to be a wit, and to know more then indeed he doth.
Sciolous, pertaining to such a Sciolist, or smatterer in learning.
Sci [...]antie (sciomantia) the part of Necromancy, practised by shadows.
Scion (à scindendo, quia scinditur ex arbore) a Graff, a young Plant, a shoot or sprig.
Sciotherical; see Sciatherical.
Schiph (scapha) a ship-boat, commonly all of one peece.
Scipper or Schipper, is a Dutch word, signifying the Master of a ship, Ann. 1 Jac. sess▪ 1. ca. 34. But we usually take Skippers for common Seamen or Mariners.
Scirpean (scirpeus) of or pertaining to Bulrushes.
Scirrhous (from scirrhus) pertaining to a hard swelling without pain, grown in the flesh within the skin, caused through choller, thick, cold or clammy flegm. Dr. Br.
Scisile or Scissible (scissilis) easie to cut, or that may be cut or divided,
Scissure (scissura) a cleft, a [Page] cut or rent; the division or parting of a River.
Scitament (scitamentum) a kinde of meat having a very pleasant taste, Also pleasantness, or a fine or witty thing set to adorn ones talk.
Scite (scitum) an Ordinance, Decree, or Statute.
Scolion; see Scholy.
Scom (scomma) a scoff, a mock, a sentence spoken in mirth, that sounds otherwise then it is meant, by him that speaks it.
Sconce (from the Teut. Schan [...]s) a Block-house or Fortification in War; also taken for the Head, because a Sconce or Block-house is made, for the most part round in fashion of a Head, whence comes the term in Oxford, to Sconce one (Lat. Mulctare pecunia) i. to set up so much in the Buttery Book upon his head, to pay, as a punishment for his offence committed. Min.
Scopelism (from the Gr. [...]) rockiness, or the being full of Rocks.
Scop [...]icks (from the Gr. [...] cavillor) Jests, Jeers, Flouts, Cavils; sentences or words spoken in mirth, that sound otherwise then they were meant.
Scopulous (scopulosus) full of rocks, very rocky.
Scorbute (scorbutus) the disease called the Scurvy.
Scorbutical, pertaining or subject to that disease.
Scorpion (scorpio) a venemous Worm with seven feet, bearing his sting in his Tail, with which he strikes mischievously; they may be killed with fasting spettle of a sound man. Also one of the Twelve Signs; which Vide in Zodiack. Also a kind of warlike Engine, wherewith to shoot small Arrows or Darts, called also an Onager, which you shall finde described by Marcellinus, l. 23, cap. 3. Also a kinde of Scourge, mentioned 1 Kings 12.12.
Scorrator (Lat) a whoremonger, a hunter of Harlots.
Scot and Lot ( An. 33. H. 8. cap. 19.) signifies a customary contribution laid upon all Subjects after their ability. Scot comes from the Fr. Escot, i. symbolum, a shot. Rastal saith, 'tis a certain custom or common Tallage made to the use of the Sheriff or his Bayliff. Scot (says Camden) illud dicitur quod ex diversis rebus in unum acervum aggregatur. And in this sence it is still used; for when Good-fellows met at the Tavern or Alehouse, they at parting, call for a Shot, Scot, or Reckoning: And he is said to go Scot-free, that pays not his part or share towards it.
Scotists (scotistae) those that follow the opinions of Joannes Scotus, otherwise called John Duns, the subtile Doctor, who was born (as some contest) in Scotland, as others, in the North of England; he was a Minorite, very eminent in Scholastick Divinity, and died [Page] young at Colen in the year 1308. his followers are opposers of the Thomists.
Scotomy (scotoma) a disease in the head; with a dimness in the eyes, which makes all things seem to go round. This word comes from the Greek, and is the same with Vertigo in Latin.
Scotomatical (scotomaticus) that is troubled with such a whimsey in the head.
Scottering (unde, nescio) in Herefordshire, Boys at the latter end of Harvest use to burn a wad of Pease in the Straw, which they call a Scottering, and eat the Pease, being so parched.
Scovel (from the Italian Scovola) a Malkin to make clean an Oven; hence perhaps our word Shovel.
Scout (Belg. Schouwt, Fr. Escoute) a discoverer or fore-runner of an Army, or one sent out to espy, and bring tidings of the enemies purpose. In Holland they have an Officer in their Towns called a Scout, who is chosen by the States, and, with the Balues, have the judging of all criminal matters in last resort, without Appeal, and have also the determining civil causes, appealable to the Hague.
Screable (screabilis) that may be spitted out.
Scribes (scribae) mentioned in Scripture, their office was twofold. 1. To read and expound the Law in the Temple and Synagogues. 2. To execute the office of a Judge, in ending and composing Actions. Heyl.
Scriptorian (scriptorius) belonging to, or serving for writing.
Scrofulous (from scrofula) pertaining to, or full of Wens or such tumors about the neck
Scru [...], is a kind of fuel, which poor people (when siring is dear) gather up at [...]b [...]ng water, in the bottom of the Thames about London, and [...] of Coal, little sticks of W [...], Cockle-shells, and the like.
Scruple (scriptulum) is of Troy weight seven grains and an half; the third part of a dram, and a dram, the third part of an ounce. Also doubtfulness or over-much fear to offend, in point of conscience.
Scrupular (scrupularis) of or belonging to a scruple, small.
Scrupulosity (scrupulositas) curiousness of conscience, anxiety, doubtfulness.
Scrutable (scrutabilis) that may be searched or traced out
Scrutiny (scrutinium) a search or diligent enquiry; a perusal of Suffrages.
Sculptor (Lat.) a graver or carver.
Sculpture (sculptura) a graving or carving.
Scurrile (scurrilis) pertaining to scoffing or fancy jesting.
Scurrility (scurrilitas) immoderate jesting, saucy scoffing.
[Page] Scutage; see Escuage.
Scutchin; see Thole.
Scutchion (from Scutum) a Coat of Arms, or Shield. See Escotcheon. It is sometimes also taken for the bud of a Tree, cut off with part of the bark for inoculation.
Scutiferous (scutifer) that bears a Buckler or Shield.
Scutiform (in forma scuti) fashioned like a Scutcheon or Shield.
Scylla, a gulf or dangerous place in the Sicilian Sea; see Charibdis.
Scymitar or Scimitar (Italian Scimitara) a crooked flat back'd short sword used by the Turks and Persians.
Scytale (scytala) a field Mouse, &c. Also a little round staff, which the Lacedemonians used to write secret letters on. And in this sense my Lo. Bacon uses it, in his Advan. of Learning, fol. 268.
Seater, an old Idol of the Saxons, which was honored on the day called Saturday, which thence took denomination. This Idol was also called Crodo, and by some mistaken for Saturn.
Scythian Scythick (scythicus) belonging to Scythia, a large Country in the north part of the World.
Sea-longs, the fervent froth of the Sea. Bac.
Seax, a kind of sword made like a Sithe, and worn by the old Saxons, of which there were two sorts, a longer and a shorter, which last were called Handseaxes; Of this kind of Handseaxes, Erkin-wine, King of the East Saxons did for his Arms bear three, Argent, in a field Gules. Verst. See Saxon.
Sebacean (sebaceus) made of tallow or sewet.
Sebastian (Gr.) honorable, or Majestical.
Sebastocrator (Gr.) was a great Officer of the Empire, who (about Constantine the Greats time) was third in dignity from the Emperor, the second was called Despot.
Secament (secamentum) that which is cut or shread from a Log or Block, as chips, and such like.
A Secant, is a right line drawn from the Centre, through one extreme of a given Ark, till it meet with the Tangent raised from the Diameter at the other extreme of the said Ark.
Secation (secatio) a cutting, sawing, parting, or dividing.
Secerne (secerno) to divide, to lay or separate one from another, to sever, to chuse from among others.
Secession (secessio) a departing from other, a forsaking or going aside; a separating ones self from another. In antient Rome it was a general Insurrection and revolt of the Commons, wherein they left the City, until such time as they had the authority [Page] of their Tribunes strengthned; yea, and certain Laws enacted and established by a solemn oath, with a curse denounced against all those that went about to abrogate or abolish the same, which thereupon were called Sacratae Leges. Livy.
Seclude (secludo) to shut a part from other, to shut out, to put away.
Seclusory (seclusorium) a place where any thing is shut up a part from other; a Coop.
Secondary; see Secundary.
Secundine (secundae; quasi secunda nativitas) the three skins, wherein an Infant lies while it is in the womb, or when it comes into the world; the second or after-birth in women; in Beasts the Heam.
Sectary (sectariüs) one that follows private opinions in Religion, a Ring-leader of a Sect, a seditious, factious person.
Section (sectio) a cutting, dividing or parting.
Books are commonly divided into Chapters, Chapters into Sections, and Sections into Paragraphs or Breaks, as Printers call them; which is the breaking off at such a word, and beginning a new line.
Sective (sectivus) that is often, or that may be, cut or divided.
Sector (Lat.) in Geometry is a figure comprehended of two right lines, containing an angle at the Centre, and of the circumference assumed by them. There is also a Geometrical Instrument having two legs, containing all variety of Angles, and the distance of the feet, representing the Subtences of the circumference, which is therefore called a Sector.
Secular (secularis) of or belonging to the space of one hundred years, that is done or renewed every hundred year, or once in an age.
Secular Plays (ludi seculares) were solemn Games or Plays among the antient Romans, performed once in a hundred and ten years, and sometimes every hundredth year, in honor of Apollo or Diana.
Secular Priests, are those whose ordinary conversation is among men of the world, and profess the undertaking the charge of Souls, as condistinct from those that profess a Monastical or Conventual life, under the Rule of some holy Predecessor, and thence are called Regulars.
Secundary (secundarius) of the second sort, the second, the next to the first. As the Secundary of the Fine Office, is an Officer next to the chief Officer; Secundary of the Counter, who is (as I take it) next to the Sheriff in London, in each of the two Counters, and so of others.
Secundate (secundo) to make lucky or prosperous, to [Page] make better or amend a thing.
Secundine. See Secondine.
Securiferous (sceurifer) that beareth an Ax or Hatcher.
Sedateness, quietness, mitigation; the same with Sedation. O. Lo. Prot. Speech.
Sedation (sedati [...]) an appeasing, mitigating, asswaging, qualifying or quieting.
Sedentary (sedentarius) that sits much, that is done sitting. In France they have eight Sedentary Parliaments or High Courts of Justice, which are so called, because they are alwayes sitting. See Parliament.
Sediment (sedimentum) a sinking down to the bottom, or that sinks to the bottom; grounds, the dregs or dross of perfume. Bac.
Seditious (seditiosus) contentious, mutinous, factious, loving discord. Mr Feltham, uses Seditiary, for a seditious person.
Seduction (seductio) a seducing, a leading away, aside, or apart, a misleading, a deceiving.
Sedulity (sedulitas) care and great diligence.
Segador (Span.) a Reaper, a Mower, a Harvest-man.
Segment (segmentum) a morsel, shred, peece or gobbet cut off from any thing, a partition. Br.
Segmentation (segmentatio) a cutting into small pieces, an embroidering.
Segnity (segnitas) negligence, slowness, slothfulness; also barrenness.
Segregate (segrego) to take out of the flock, to lay apart, to sever or separate.
Seian horse (so called from Cneus Sejanus, who first backed him) was of extraordinary bigness and wonderfull composure, but had this fatal property, to bring his Master to some miserable or untimely end. Whence grew the proverb, Equum habet Sejanum, a man has that which will be his own ruin.
Sejant or Seisant (from the Fr. Seant) a term in Heraldry, when a beast is painted sitting upright.
Seignior (Fr. Seigneur) a Lord, a Master; a Landlord, or a Lord of Jurisdiction, a proprietary or owner.
Seigniory Seigniorage (Fr. Seigneury, Seigneuriage) Seignory, Soverainty, mastery, dominion.
Seigniorage. An. 9. H. 5. Stat. 2. cap. 1. seems to be a Regality or Prerogative of the King, whereby he challenges allowance of gold and silver, brought in the mass to his Exchange for coyn.
Seisin (from the Fr. Saisine) signifies in our Common Law, possession; and to seize, is to take possession; Primier seisin, is the first possession, &c.
Sejugate (sejugo) to sever or separate from other, to put apart.
Sejunction (sejunctio) a separating or putting asunder.
[Page] Selenites (Gr.) a stone wherein is a white which increases and decreases as the Moon doth; Also lunary men, or people that are held by some to inhabit the Moon.
Selion (Fr. seillon) a ridge of land lying between two furrows; Sometimes it contains an Acre, sometimes half an Acre, sometimes more or less. Therefore Crompton in his Jurisdictions, fol 221. saith, a Selion of land cannot be in demand, because it is a thing incertain.
Seliander, is a kinde of dry scab, growing in the very bent of the Ham of a horses hinder leg. Markham.
Sellary (sellaria) a place wherein were forms and stools for men to sit on. It is used by Tacitus in his Annals for that place where Tiberius exercised his horrid and unnatural lusts.
Semblable (Fr.) like, alike, even such, resembling.
Semblance (Fr.) shew, seeming appearance: Also resemblance, likeness, like form or feature.
Sembrief (q. Semibrief) a slow time in Musick.
Sementation (sementatio) a bringing forth seed.
Sementine (sementinus) belonging to sowing, continuing to seed time.
Semi or Semis (from the Gr. [...]) a word much used in composition, for half.
Semicastration (semi castratio) half gelding, the taking away one Testicle. Br.
Semicircular (semicircularis) that hath the form of a half Circle.
Semicolon, half a Colon, or a point in writing or printing made thus [;] the Colon thus [:] most commonly in or neer the middle of a sentence; the Period thus [.] the Comma thus [,] the Admiration point thus [!] as when we say, O tempora! O mores! The Interogation point thus [?] when we ask any question. A Circumflex is over the second [a] when we say amâsti, for amavisti; An Apostroph is when some vowel is cut off; 'twas, for it was, and the like.
Semi-cupe, is a half Bath, up to the navel of the patient.
Semidole (semidolium) a vessel containing half a Tun, a Pipe.
Semiferous (femifer) half wilde.
Semihore (semihora) half an hour.
Simimarin [...] (semimarinus) belonging partly to the Sea, partly to the Land.
Seminality (from semina) a belongingness to seed; an aptness to have or bear seed. Br.
Seminary (seminarium) a seed plot, a place where plants are set to be removed; a Nurcery, a tree whereof Plants and Graffs are taken; Also the first begining or chief [Page] cause of any good or evil; and by metaphor, a Colledge, or Nursery of young Students.
Seminate (semino) to sow, breed or ingender.
Seminifical (seminificus) that causeth or brings forth seed for generation. Males are said to be seminifical and pubescent, at fourteen years of age, as Aristotle says, bis septem annis exactis, &c. Br.
Semipeda (semipedalis) half a foot in quantity or height.
Semipelagians, a Sect differing from the Pelagians onely in this, that grace was necessary to the perseverance in good works, though not to the beginning of them; see Pelagians.
Semitate (semito) to make pathes, to divide into pathes or ways.
Semivowels (semivocales) certain Consonants so called, because they have half the sound of Vowels, as f, l, m, n, s, Therefore of old s, and still m, in the end of words before vowels are cut off like vowels; see Nat. Hist fol, 46.
Semiustulated (semiustulatus) half burned, half roasted or broiled.
Sempiternal (sempiternus) perpetual, endless, lasting, always, continual, immortal, eternal.
Semuncial (semuncialis) of or belonging to half an ounce.
Senarie (senarius) that contains or belongs to the number six. A verse of six feet.
Senatorian (senatorius) of or belonging to a Senator, or Councellor of State.
Senescal (Fr. Seneschal) a Steward. As the High Seneschal or Steward of England. Pl. Cor. fol. 152. It is also used for the Steward of a Court. Kitch. fol. 83.
Senescent (senescens) waxing old, gowing in age, wearing away, drawing to the wain.
Senesce (senesco) to wax old, to grow in age, to begin to decay or wear away.
Senior (Lat.) the elder.
Sensation (sensatio) prudence, intelligibleness, sensibleness; Also the exercise or art of the Senses.
Sensiferous (sensifer) that brings sence or feeling.
Sensory, the organs or powers of the five Senses, or of apprehending, thinking or judging. Bac. Nat. Hist.
Sensuality (sensualitas) libertinism, epicurism, the pleasing of sense, contentment given to the appetite, satisfaction to the flesh.
Sententiosity (sententiositas) fulness of sentences, which are concise and pithy pieces of wit, containing much matter in few words.
Sententious (sententiosus) full of sentences, pithy, full of matter.
Sentinel (Fr.) a Sentry, a Common Souldier appointed [Page] to stand and watch in a certain place.
Separatory (Fr. separatoire) the Chizel or Instrument, wherewith Chyrurgegeons cut out the pieces of bones, left between the holes, which they bore with a Trepan.
Separatist (separans) one that separates, severs or withdraws himself from the communion of the Church.
Sepiment (sepimentum) an hedge, pale, mound or inclosure.
Seplasiator (Lat.) he that makes sweet ointments.
Seposition (sepositio) a putting apart, or laying aside, a separating or distinguishing.
Sept (septum) a Park or any place enclosed, a fold for sheep.
Septs, are multitudes of the same name, and pretended Family or Linage in Ireland, so called.
Septangular (septangulus) that hath seven corners, a Septangle.
Septemfluous (septemfluus) divided or flowing into seven branches or streams, that flows seven contrary ways, that hath seven currents.
Septempedal (septempedalis) belonging to seven feet, that is seven foot long.
Septemvirate (septemviratus) the authority of seven Officers in like power.
Septenarious Septenary (septenarius) of or belonging to seven, containing seven in number.
Septenary, is also used substantively, for a seventh, a proportion or number of seven.
Septennial (septennis) of seven years space.
Septentrional (septentrionalis) belonging to the North, northern.
Septical (septicus) putrifactive or corrosive; that makes rotten or ripe, as mattar in a sore.
Septifarious (septifarius) of seven manner of fashions, sorts or ways.
Septifluous; see Septemfluous.
Septimane (septimana) a week or seven-night; also whatsoever falls out on the seventh day, month, year, &c.
Septimarians, certain Officers in Monasteries, which were chosen every week, whence they took name.
Septuagenary (septuagenus) pertaining to seventy or threescore and ten.
Septuagesima, is a Sunday certain, being always the next but one before Shrove Sunday, from which, till the Octaves of Easter, the solemnizing of marriage is by the Cannon Laws forbidden; that being a time of mourning, for the fall of Adam, and misery of man thereon ensuing; And Easter with its Octaves is a time of Christs glorification, and so of ours also in him, for his, and, by him, our conquest over death [Page] and sin; And that therefore all carnal affection ought during that space to be wholy mortified in us. See Quinquagesima.
Septuagesimal (septuagesimus) pertaining to the number seventy, or Septuagesima Sunday.
Septuagints (septuaginta) properly signifie the seventy Translators of the holy Bible out of Hebrew into Greek, who were in truth Seventy two (viz) six chosen out of every one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, by Eleazer the High-Priest, at the request of Prolomaeus Philadelphus King of Aegypt, for the richest ornament of his memorable Library. These by compendious speech are called the seventy Interpreters, as the Centum viri, among the Romans, who were indeed One hundred and five, three out of a Tribe, and thirty five Tribes. Budaeus.
Septuary (from Septem) may be applied to any thing composed of the number seven. Dr. Br. uses it for a week, consisting of seven days.
Septuncial (septuncialis) of seven ounces, or seven parts of the whole.
Sepulchral (sepulchralis) of or belonging to a Grave or Sepulchre.
Sepulchred, buried, put, or made into a Sepulchre. Bac.
Sepuli [...] (sepelio) to bury, interr, or lay in the Earth.
Sepulture (sepultura) a laying in the ground, a burying, an interring or intombing.
Sequele (sequela) the following, consequence, issue, or success of a thing; also a train or retinue.
Sequences (sequencia) answering Verses, or Verses that answer one another sequentially; things that follow one another in order.
Seques [...]er Sequestiate (sequestro) to separate a thing in controversie, from the possession of both those that contend for it. And this is double, Voluntary sequestration or Judiciary. Voluntary is that which is used by the consent of both parties: Judiciary is that which the Judge of his Authority doth, whether the parties will or not. Cow. In what sence it hath been of late years used, very many know by sad experience.
Sequestrator (Lat) is he that puts a thing in controversie into another man; hand; or rather the third person, who takes a thing in controversie between two. But it is now usually taken for an Officer, that receives the Rents of Recusants or Delinquents Estates, for the use of the Commonwealth.
Seraglio (the Turkish word is Serai, borrowed from the Persian Seraw, which signifies a house) is that place in Constantinople, where the Grand Signor resides with his Court; the description whereof, [Page] you may see at large in Mr. Rob. Withers Book, published by Mr. Greaves, 1650.
Serain (Fr.) a foggy mist or dampish vapor, falling in Italy about Sun-set, at which time it is unwholsom to be abroad there, especially bare-headed; mildew; also the fresh and cool air of the evening.
Seraph, a Turkish coyn of fine gold, worth about a French crown.
Seraphim (Heb: i. fulgentes aut comburentes; so called for their burning with divine love and charity) the highest order of the celestial Hierarchy of Angels. See Hierarchy.
Seraphical (from Seraphin) celestial, inflamed with divine love, like a Seraphim; also fiery or burning.
Seraphis, a Serpent, worshipped by the Egyptians as a God.
Serenade (Fr.) evening musick at the door or under the window of a lovely or beloved creature.
Serenity (serenitas) fair, and clear weather, quietness, calmness.
Sergeant at Law (or of the Coyf) is the highest degree, taken in that profession, as a Doctor of the Civil Law, &c. with what solemnity these Sergeants are created, read Fortescu. c. 50. & Coks Reports.
Sergeanty (from the Fr. Sergeant, or Sergent, i. one retained to guard ones person) signifies in our Common Law, a service due to the King, from his Tenant holding by such service; For this service cannot be due to any Lord from his Tenant, but to the King onely. And this is either grand or petit, as you shall find in Littletons Tenures, and Br. l. 2. c. 26.
Sergreant, a tearm in Heraldry, applyed onely to the Griffin, so called.
Sericated (sericatus) clothed with, or attired in silk.
Series (Lat.) an order, succession or process in any matter hanging wel together; a row, an issue or descent of kindred; a race or course.
Sermocinate (sermocinor) to talk or commune with.
Serosity (serositas) the waterishness or thinner parts of the mass of blood (answering to whay in milk) which floats upon it after it has been let out of a vein; also the whayish or waterish moisture drawn by the Kidney from all parts of the body, and, after some concoction, termed urine.
Serous, pertaining to such waterishness, or moisture, &c.
Serotine Serotinous (serotinus) that is in the evening, late, lateward.
Serpentine (serpentinus) of or belonging to Serpents; under which general name all vermine that creep on the belly, as Snakes, Adders, &c. are contained. Also winding, wrigling or crooking.
Serpentine verses, are those which do, as it were, [Page] run into themselves, as we see Serpents pictured with tail in mouth: So these verses begin and end with the same word. As that of Juvenal.
Also a kind of warlike Engine called a Serpentine or Basilisco.
Serpet, a kind of Basket.
Serred (Fr. serré) compact, contracted, bound fast. Bac.
Servable (servabilis) that may be kept or preserved.
Servet; see Sherbet.
Servile (servilis) pertaining to a servant or bondage; slavish.
Servitude (servitudo) bondage, slavery, thraldom, servility.
Serviteur (Fr.) a servitor, servant, Serving-man, Attendant or Waiter. We use the word Servitor in our Universities, where the poor or meaner sort of Schollars (that have not wherwith sufficiently to maintain themselves) execute the Office of a Servitor or Attendant to those of greater wealth and quality.
Sesquialteral (sesquialter) that which contains one and an half, or the whole and half again, as six to four.
Sesquipedal (sesquipedalis) of a foot and half in measure.
Sesquipedalian, one that is a foot and a half high. Sesquipedalian words (verba sesquipedalia) used by Horace for great, stout, and lofty words; words that are very long, consisting of many syllables.
Sesquitertian (sesquitertius) which contains as much as another, and a third part more; as twelve to nine.
Session (sessio, à sedeo) a sitting; Sessions are usually taken for the quarterly sitting of Justices in Court, otherwise called General Sessions. An. 5. Eliz. ca. 4. or Open Sessions. ibid. There are also other kinds of Sessions, of which see Cromp. J. of P. fol. 109, 110.
Sesterce Sesterc [...]e (sestertius) a coyn among the Romans, whereof Denarius contained four, and is so called quasi Semitertius, for it contained two and a half of the brazen coin called As, and it is marked with this figure, H- S. which signifies two pound and a half. Of our money it valued about three half pence farthing; Or (as the Translator of [...] Tacitus computes it) three half pence farthing, and half farthing. This Character H-S. two capital II. and the letter S thus coupled together, stood for Sestertius, others say the true character was L L.S.
Sestine (Fr.) a Stanza of six verses.
Sethim or Setim, a tree like a white Thorn, the timber whereof never rots. Of [Page] this tree was made the holy Ark of the Old Testament; see Ark.
Setigerous (setiger) that bears or hath bristles on his back.
Severians (so called from Severus their first founder) a sort of Hereticks that condemned marriage, abstained from eating flesh and drinking wine, &c.
Sevidical (saevidicus) that speaks cruel and rigorous words, that threateneth.
Sevil; see Sivil.
Sevocation (sevocatio) a calling a part or aside, a withdrawing from.
Sewel, a paper, clout or any thing hanged up to keep a Deer from entring into a place. A term of Hunting.
Sewer or Sewar, has two significations, one applied to him that ushers or comes in before the meat of the King or other great Personage, and placeth it on the Table, &c. The other, to such passages or gutters, as carry water into the Sea or River, in Lawyers Latin called Sewera, A. 6. H. 6. c. 5. And there are Commissions of Sewers usually granted under the Great Seal, authorising certain persons, to see Dreins and Ditches well kept and maintained in the Marish and Fen Countries, for better conveyance of the water into the Sea, and preserving the grass for food of Cattle. This word is probably derived from the Fr. (issue) an issue or going forth, as if we should call them Issuers, because they give issue or passage to the water, &c. And the Latin word (suera) sometimes used in these Commissions, is a competent reason for this conjecture. See Fitz. nat. br. in Oyer and Terminer. I have heard of an old French book containing the Officers of the King of Englands Court as it was antiently governed, wherein, he whom we now call Sewer, was called Asseour, which comes from the Fr. (Asseoir) to settle or place, wherein his Office in setting down the meat is well expressed. And Sewer, as it signifies such an Officer, is by Fleta Latined Assessor, a setter down, lib. 2. ca. 15.
Sexagesima Sunday, is always the Sunday next before Shrove Sunday, and is so called either for being the sixth before Passion Sunday, or the second before Quadragesima Sunday, reckoning backward from Quadragesima to Quinquagesima, and thence to Sexagesima, and so to Septuagesima.
Sexennial (sexennis) that is six years old, or of six years standing.
Sextant (sextans) a coin less then that called Quadrant by the third part; a certain weight being two ounces, by some called Obolus, by others the sixth part of any measure, [Page] sum or quantity that is divided into twelve parts; also two inches. The sixth part of Jugerum. Varro.
Sextantary (sextantarius) belonging to that measure or weight.
Sextary (sextarius) a measure or weight; the Roman Sextary contains of Wine or wheat, two pound Roman, that is 24 ounces, a pound and an half averdupois weight, less then the Paris pint by eight ounces. You may try it, following Glareans rule, by making a measure four inches long, by square three inches deep, and as many broad, which is the true Sextary; according to this account, it is just our pint and a half; for in our Wine pint are but sixteen ounces. Physicians assign but eighteen ounces, or at the most twenty to Sextarius, and then it is but two or four ounces more then our pint. Sextarius after Geo. Agricola, contains two Heminae, one pound measure and eight ounces, that is twenty ounces or inch measures. Sextarius of Oyl is sixteen ounces, five drams & one scruple; of wine 18 ounces and an half, two Siliquies, two grains, and two third parts of a grain. Tho.
Sexte, a part of the Canon Law, added to the decretals.
Sexten, seems to be corrupt from sacristan, which see.
Sextery; see Sacristy.
Sextile or Sextilian moneth (Sextilis) the moneth of August, so called, because it is the sixth from March, which was the first moneth of the year with the Romans.
Shackbolt or Shackle, a prisoners Bolt, a Fetter, or Give.
Sextule (sextula) the sixth part of an ounce, that is a dram and a scruple; also a measure of Land.
Sextuple (sextuplus) six-fold, or that contains, or is made of the number six. A time in Musick, containing six Crotchets to a Bar, appropriated chiefly to Sarabands.
Shallop (from the Fr. Schalupe, or Lat. Scapha, a Boat, or perhaps from shallow-up, because, being a small Vessel, it goes up into shallow places) a small Boat so called, Also a kind of Shel-fish.
Shamots or Chamois, a kinde of wilde Goat, whose skin, being rightly dressed, makes our true Shamois Leather.
Shafment, is a kinde of measure used in some parts of England, and is the breadth of a mans hand, and the length of the thumb.
Shamsheer, the usual Sword among the Persians, not unlike the Turkish Scymitar; for (Mr. Herb. saith) it is crooked like a Crescent, and sharp as a Razor. Fol. 147.
Shash, is the whole piece (be it long or short) of fine linnen, of which the Turbant [Page] is made, but the name of the Linnen is Telbent; whence we falsly call that which a Turk wears about his head a Turbant, whereas the true name is Saruck, and the Turks themselves so call it; it comes from Sarnack, which signifies to joyn about, or to swathe.
Shaw, in the Persian Tongue, is a King; and Potshaw an Emperor. Herb. Tr.
Shekel; see Sicle.
Sherbet or Serbet (in the Persian Tongue, it signifies pleasant liquor) is a kinde of drink in great request, both in Turkie and Persia, and is compounded of juyce of Lemons, Sugar, Amber, and other ingredients; another sort of it is made of Violets, Honey, juyce of Raisons, and the like. Others say Sherbet is an Arabic word, and signifies drink in general.
Sherry Sack, so called from Zeres, a Sea Town of Corduba in Spain, where that kind of Sack is made.
Scewage; see Scavage.
Skeyn, a kinde of long knife, or short sword, antiently and still used by the Irish Kernes. Antiq. Hiber. p. 57.
Shibboleth or Schibboleth (Hebr. i. spica) by the pronounciation of this word, the Galaadites (who fought for, and under Jepthe, the Judge of Israel) discovered the Ephramites to be their enemies, and not Galaadites, as they pretended to be for their safety; for when they were taken by the true Galaadites at the passages over Jordan (through which they endeavored to escape) they ceuld not pronounce Shibboleth or Schibboleth, but Sibboleth which cost two and forty thousand of them their lives at that time, Judges cap. 12. Hence the word is usually taken for a word of trial, to discern Citizens from Aliens; Friends from Foes. See Pichigni.
Shilo or Shiloh (Hebr i. missus) is mentioned in the Prophecy of Jacob, where it is said, The Scepter shall not depart from Judah, till Shiloh come, that is, till our Saviour come, Gen. 49.10. The word signifies a Prosperer or Safe-maker.
Waters of Shiloah; see in Waters.
Shingle (from the Teut. Schindel, & that from Scindo) a Slate or Lath of wood to cover houses.
Shingles (à cingendo) a disease about the Brest, Belly, or Back, the place affected, looking red and increasing circle-wise more & more, it is chiefly cured with Cats blood; if it go round the body, it kils.
Shoud, a Justice of Peace among the Turks
Shrew, a kind of Field-Mouse, which if he go over a beasts back, will make him lame in the Chine; and if he bite, the beast swels to the heart and dies. Gesn. From [Page] hence came our English phrase, I beshrew thee, when we wish ill; and we call a curst woman, a Shrew.
Shrift or Shriving (Sax.) perhaps from Scrinium, quasi revelare peccata, ab intimo scrinio) was antiently taken for auricular Confession.
Shrove-tide, from the Sax. Shrive or Shrift, and the Belg. Tyde, i. tempus, a time of shriving or confessing sins; for about that time the Roman Catholicks use to confess their sins and receive the Blessed Sacrament, to the end they may the more religiously observe the holy time of Lent, then immediately ensuing.
Shrine (scrinium) that which contained the body of a Saint, or the place where such a body was buried or intombed.
Sialoquent (sialoquus) that spits much in his speech.
Sibilate (sibilo) to whistle or hiss. Bac.
Sibils; see Sybils.
Siccaneous (siccaneus) dry of nature, that hath no Rivers or Springs to water it.
Siccifical (siccificus) that has power to make dry.
Siccity (siccitas) driness, drouth, lack of sap or moisture, barrenness.
Sicilian Vesperas; see Vesperas.
Sicle or Shekel ( siclus, from the Hebrew shakel, i. librare) as well a kind of coyn both of Silver and Gold, as a weight among the Jews; on one side of the silver Shekel was carved a pot with Manna, and this Inscription in Hebrew, The Shekel of Israel; on the other, Aarons Rod, with this, Holy Jerusalem; this (which was called the Holy Shekel) was worth of our money about two shillings six pence; the common Shekel half so much, in weight half an ounce, Exod. 30.13. Gen. 23 15, 16. And from thence comes our word Skale, to weigh with; see Moses and Aaron, p. 265.
Sidelayes, A term of Hunters, and is when Dogs are laid in the way to be let slip at a Deer, as he passes by.
Sidemen, alias Questmen, those that are yearly chosen according to the custom of a Parish, to assist the Churchwardens in the inquiry and presenting such offenders to the Ordinary, as are punishable in the Court Christian.
Sideral (sideralis) belonging to stars or Planets.
Siderated (sideratus) blasted, stricken with a Planet, taken, benummed. Br.
Sidereal Siderean (siderus) of or like stars, shining, bright; heavenly.
Siderite (siderites) an iron-like stone, which (as some imagine) has power to set men at variance; Also the Load-stone.
Sigalion, an Image in Egypt, [Page] that by pressing his fingers on his lips, seemed to command silence.
Sigillar (sigillaris) belonging to a seal or mark.
Sigiliative (sigillatus) sealable, that is apt, or hath strength to seal, or mark; made of wax. Bac.
Sigismund (Germ.) victorious, peace, or victory with peace; that Sig signifies victory, Alfric, Dasipodius and Luther all agree, yet Hadr. Junius turns it victorious or prevailing speech.
Sigles (siglae) notes, breviatures, initial Letters set for words. As S.P.D. for Salutem plurimam dicit, &c.
Signacle (signaculum) a sign, seal, mark or character.
Signatory (signatorius) that is used or serves to seal withal; As Annulus signatorius, a Seal-Ring, a Signet.
Signature (signatura) a subscribing, a sign manual, ones hand or mark set to a writing, a signing of a Notary. Among Printers the mark or letter they set at the bottom of every sheet printed, as A, B, C, &c. to tell their Quires by, and distinguish one sheet from another, is called the Signature.
Signaturist, one that sealeth, marketh, brandeth.
Signiferous (signifer) that bears a sign, Standard or Image.
Silentiary (silentiarius) an Usher or Crier, who sees good rule and silence kept.
Silery or Cilery, Drapery or foliage wrought on the heads of Pillars and Posts, and made as cloth and leaves turning divers ways; it comes from Siler, an Osier or small Withe, because Silery ofttimes resembles it; see Drapery.
Silicious (siliceus) of or pertaining to flint, flinty.
Sillogism; see Syllogism.
Sillographer (sillographus) a writer of scoffs, taunts and revilings; such was Timon.
Silvestrous; see in Syl—
Silurist (from silures) a Native of, or one that lives in, South-Wales.
Simbal; see Cimbal.
Similar Similary parts (partes simulares) parts (of the body) of one substance, and which (though divided) retain the name of the whole. And Dissimulary parts differ from the whole, as Nerves, Bones, and the like. See Dissimilary.
Simitar; see Scymitar.
Simmetry; see Symmetry.
Simon (Hebr.) obedient, listning. Philo.
Simony (simonia) the buying or selling of Church Livings, or other spiritual things for mony. It first took denomination from Simon Magus, a Sorcerer of Samaria, who offered money to the Apostles, that he might have power to give the Holy Ghost to any he should lay his hands on, for which attempt he was [Page] sharply reproved by St. Peter.
Simoniakes (from Simon Magus) those that buy or sell Church Livings or other spiritual things. It is also a general name for all Hereticks, because (as St. Irenaeus saith) Simon was the Father of them all.
Simoniacal (from Simonia) pertaining to Simony.
Simous (simus) flat nosed.
Simplis [...] (simplista) an Herbalist; one that understands or professes to understand the nature of Simples, Plants and Drugs.
Simulacre (simulacrum) an Image of a man or woman, the proportion of any thing, the shadow, figure, semblance or pattern of a thing.
Simulation (simulatio) a feigning, a counterfeiting, a making of resemblance, a dissembling, a colour or pretence.
Simuleaneous (from simultas) that is privily displeased, or hates with dissembling countenance. Le Str.
Sina, a Mountain in Arabia, where the Law of God was given to Moses; called also Horeb.
Sinapism (sinapismus) a Medicine, Oyntment or Salve, made of Mustard, serving to raise blisters or wheals on the skin.
Sindic; see Syndic.
Sindon (Gr.) very fine Linnen; as Cambrick, Lawn, &c.
Sing-cantor; see Succentor.
Single, the tail of a Deer among Huntsmen.
Sinister (Lat.) pertaining to, or that is on the left hand; unlucky, unfortunate, contrary.
Sinisterity (sinisteritas) unhandsomness, frowardness, lack of grace in doing a thing.
Sinon, a perfidious Grecian that betrayed Troy, &c. from whence all perfidious persons may be called Sinons.
Sinoper (sinopis) a red stone, commonly cal'd Ruddle.
Sinopical (sinopicus) of or belonging to that Stone.
Sion; see Scion.
Siphack (Arabick) the inner Rim of the belly, which is joyned to the Cawl, where the Intrailes are covered. A term in Anatomy.
Si-quis is a little Bill set up in some open place upon a Post or Wall; and is so called, because it usually begins with Si▪ quis—. If any one (viz.) hath found, that which is mentioned herein to be lost, let him bring it to such a place, and he shall be rewarded for his pains.
Sir, a title of dignity given to Baronets and Knights; and not onely attributed to Kings, but to all Gentlemen in discourse; some derive it from the Hebr. sar, princeps, others from the Gr. [...], i. Dominus, others from the Brit. Syr or Syre, Domine; others from the Ital. Sere, or Fr. Sire. And Stephanus deduces it from Cyrus, the Persian word for a Lord or great Prince.
[Page] Sirens ( Serenes, from the Gr. [...], i. attrahere) See Mermaides. Alluring and tempting women, are called Sirens.
Sirenical, pertaining to Sirens, attractive.
Sirenize, to play the Siren, to attract or allure, as Sirens do with singing.
Sir [...]us, the Dog-Star, or Star called Canicula, at whose rising the Dog-dayes alwayes begin, and took denomination.
Sirocco (Ital.) a South-East-wind, thought to be hurtfull and infectious in Italy.
Sisyphus, a great Robber of Attica, slain by Theseus. Poets say, he rouls a stone to the top of a Hill in Hell, which still tumbles back again, and so makes his labor endless, &c. Hence to roul the stone of Sisyphus, is taken for any endless or insuperable labor.
Sitark (sitarchus) he that hath the office to provide Corn, and Victuals sufficient.
Site (situs) the setting or standing of any place, the seat or situation; a Territory or quarter of a Country.
Sitient (sitiens) thirsting, coveting, desiring much.
Sittim. See Sethim.
Sivil or Sevil, from the Span. Sevilla, the chief City of Andaluzia in Spain, from whence we have our Sevil Oranges, and therefore so called.
Sixain (Fr.) a sixth, sixth part; the proportion of six; Hence a Poem or Stanza of six verses.
Siz [...], is a farthings worth of bread or drink, which Schollars in Cambridge have at the Buttery, noted with the letter S. As in Oxford with the letter Q. for half a farthing, and Qa. for a farthing; And whereas they say in Oxford, to Battel in the Buttery Book i. to set down on their names, what they take in Bread, Drink, Butter, Cheese, &c. In Cambrigde they call it Sizing.
Sizygy; see Syzygie.
Skeleton; see Sceleton.
Skellum; see Scellum.
Skiff or Sc [...]p [...] (scapha) a ship-boat, properly all of one piece.
Skink, is in Scotland a kind of Pottage of strong nourishment, made of Knuckles and Sinews of Beef long boiled.
Skinker (Dutch Schencker) a Fil-c [...]p, one that fills bear or wine, a Butler or Cup-bearer.
Slay (from the Teuton. Slagon, i. to strike) an Instrument of a Weavers Loom, having teeth like a Comb.
Slockster (Belg. Slocker) one that slocks or inticeth away mens servants. See Plagiary.
Slot, a term in hunting, and signifies the view or print of a Stags foot in the ground.
Slough, a damp, such as usually happens in Colepits; also a deep, sinking, mudy place.
[Page] Smaragdine (smaragdinus) belonging to the precious stone called a Smaradg or Emerald; green, as an Emerald.
Sm [...]ctym [...]uans, about the beginning of the long Parliament in the year 1641, five Ministers wrote a book against Episcopacy and the Common Prayer, in behalf of the Presbyterian Government, to which they all subscribed their names, being [...]tephen Marshal, Edm. Calamy, Tho. Young, Matth. Newcomen, and Will Spurstow; the first letters whereof make this word, Smectymnuus; and from thence they and their Followers were called Smectymnuans.
Smegmatick (smegmaticus) that hath the power or strength to scoure or cleanse, as soap.
Smeth or Smoothery; a medicine or physical Ointment to take away hair.
Snap [...]ynse, a fire-lock, or Gun that strikes fire without the use of a Match.
Sobriquet (Fr.) a sirname; also a nickname or by word. See Fuller lib. 3. fol. 30.
Soccog (from the Fr. Soc. i. a Coulter or plough-share) is a tenure of lands by or for certain inferior or husbandly services to be performed to the Lord of the Fee. See Institutes of Common Law. 31.
Socin [...], a late Sect, begun by Laelius Socinus the Uncle, and made up by Faustus [...]ocinus of Sienna, his Nephew who first dispersed his Errors in Polonia, Transylvania, and Sarmatia, about the year 1555. They deny the eternal Divinity of the second Person of the Blessed Trinity, with other gross Errors. See Mr Chewney's Anti-Socinianism.
Socome, an old Law word, signifying the custom of grinding at the Lords Mill; and there is Bond-Socome, where the Tenants are bound to it; and Love-Socome▪ where they do it freely out of love to their Land-lord.
Socord (socordia) Luskishness, sloathfulness, negligence, idleness, sottishness.
Socratick (socraticus) of or belonging to that excellent Philosopher Socrates, or to the Sect, whereof he was chief: Hence, wise, prudent, learned.
So [...]ality (sodalitas) a Fellowship, a Fraternity, a Society, an Assembly, a Brotherhood, a Company incorporate of any mystery or Craft.
Sodalic [...]ou [...] (sodalicius) belonging to sodality or Fellowship.
Sodomy (sodomia) buggery; so called from the City Sodom in Judaea, which for that detest [...]ble sin was destroyed with fire from heaven, Gen. 19.
Sodomite, an Ingler or Buggerer.
Sodomitical, pertaining to Sodomy or Buggery.
Sol, the Sun, one of the [Page] seven Planets. See Saturn.
Solace (solatium) comfort, consolation; help, or succor.
Solar (solaris) of or belonging to the Sun.
Solary (solarium) a Sun-Dyal; Also a yearly Pension paid to the Prince, to live out of common business; or the rent that one pays yearly for an house that is built upon the soil or land of the Commonwealth.
Soldado (Span. Soldat Fr.) a Souldier, one that follows the wars. Soldádo borádo, a cashiered Soldier; a Soldier blotted out of the Muster Roll; perhaps derived from the Brit. Sawdiwr, i. miles, and that from Sawd, which signifies praelium or bellum.
Soldan, See Sultan.
Soldures (soldurii) were (as Caesar saith) in the Gaulish language, such kinde of men, as destined and vowed themselves to the amity of any, to take part in all their good and bad fortunes.
Soleated (soleatus) shod, as horses are, or that wears pattens.
Solecism (soloecismus) a false manner of speaking, contrary to the rules of Grammer, incongruity; Any thing done out of order, or contrary to rule, may be termed a Solecism. It arose from those, who being Athenians born, and dwelling in Soli, a City in Cilicia, spake not pure Attic, but mixt with the Solian's more barbarous Language.
Solecismical, pertaining to a Solescism, incongruous.
Solegrebe or Solegrob [...], an old name of the moneth Frebruary.
Solennial (solennis) yearly, used or done every year at a certain time, publick, solemn, accustomed.
Solen [...], the ancient name of that part of the Sea, which divides the Isle of Wight from our main Land in Hampshire. Bedes Hist. pag. 366.
Sol [...]vetion (from the Span. Solevar. i. sublevare) a lifting or holding up; Also an aiding, succoring or ass [...]sting. Lustr. Ludov.
Solidation (solidatio) a making whole or firm, a soldering.
Solide [...], Five regular bodies, or figures Geometrical (viz.) the Circle, Cube, Pyramid, Cilinder, and Dodochaedron.
Solifidian (from sola fides) one that holds faith onely (without works) necessary to salvation, or one that depends upon faith alone.
Soliloquy (soliloquium) talk alone, as of one with one, or one with himself.
Soliped (from solidus and pes) that hath a whole or sound foot, not cloven nor broken, such is that of a Horse. If from solus and pes, then it signifies, one-footed, or that hath but one foot. Dr. Br.
Solisequious (from solem [Page] sequens) following or that follows the Sun. Br.
Solistim (solistimum) a kind of dancing among the Augures, or a Divination taken by falling of the bread on the ground, which was given to Chickens.
Solitan [...]ous (solitaneus) solitary, single, alone, without company.
Solivagart (solivagus) that goes here and there alone, and flies company, wandering all alone, solitary.
Solon, one of the seven wisemen of Greece. The other six were Chilo, Cleobulus, Thales, Bias, Pittacus, and Periander. V. Hist. of Philos. in Preface.
Solstice (solstitium, quasi Solis statio) the Sun-stead or stay, when it can neither go higher nor lower, which is in Summer about mid June, when the days are at the longest, and in Winter about mid December, when they are at the shortest; at which time the Sun comes to the Tropick of Capricorn, and in June to that of Cancer. It is most commonly taken for Midsummer; and Mid-winter is termed Bruma.
Solstitical (solstitialis) belonging to the Solstice, or stay of the Sun. Also that continues but a little time.
Soluble (solubilis) which may be unloosed or unbound.
Solve (solvo) to loose, to release, to deliver, to undo, to dissolve, resolve, &c.
Solute Solutive (solutus) loosed or loosening; set at liberty, quiet, free.
Somniculous (somniculosus) negligent, sleepy, drowzy, sluggish; also that makes drowzy or sleepy.
Somniferous (somnifer) that brings or causeth sleep.
Somnus (Lat.) sleep, sometimes night; also rest, quietness; also the God of Sleep. Ovid.
Sonorous (sonorus) loud; making a great noise, shril, roaring.
Son [...]ag [...], is a tax of forty shillings, laid upon every Knights Fee. Stow, p. 284.
Sontick (sonticus) noysom, hurtfull. The Sontick disease (Morbus Sonticus) a continual and extream sickness, that hangs long upen a man, and is ended within▪ no certain time; and whereby we are disabled to perform our necessary business. The Falling Evil is such a disease. Sigonius infers, That every disease which hinders us in the performance of our businesses, is termed Sonticus.
Soo [...]er [...]y, a monster, like a Bat, which some women in Dutchland are said to have brought forth, as the product [Page] of some preternatural conception, Cl. Poems.
Sophia (Gr.) Wisdom; a name peculiarly applied by the Primitive Christians to our most Blessed Saviour, who is the Wisdom of his Father, by whom all things, were made; and therefore some godly persons do more then dislike the communicating it to any other. Cam.
Sophy (Ar.) the great Lord or King of Persia so called.
Sophism (Sophisma) a crafty or deceitfull sentence; an Oration or Sentence, seeming to be true, but false indeed; a cavil.
Sophist or Sophister (Sophista) He that professeth Philosophy for lucre or vain-glory; a deceiver, under an eloquent or crafty speaking; a cunning or cavilling disputer, who will make a false matter seem true.
Sophisticate (sophistico) to adulterate or falsifie, to make counterfeit or deceitfull.
Sophistry (sophistria) the art of quaint beguiling or circumvention, by words or false Arguments, called also Lulliin.
Sopited (sopitus) laid to sleep, being at rest.
Sopition (sopitio) sleeping, or being at rest.
Soporate (soporo) to bring or induce sleep.
Soporiferous (soporifer) that brings or causeth sleep, drowzy.
Sorbition (sorbitio) a supping, as of broth or pottage.
Sorbonist are those learned Doctors and Batchellors of Divinity of the Colledge of Sorbon in Paris; which took denomination from one Robert de Sorbonne, who was one of the Almoners & Preachers of St Lewis the Ninth, King of France, and the Donor and Instituter of this Colledge, about the year 1264. 2 Part Tr.
Sorcelery (Fr.) Sorcery or Sorcellage (sortilegium) charming, inchanting, witchcraft, divination by lots.
Sordidate (sordido) to make foul, to array sluttishly and filthily.
Sordid (sordidus) filthy, dishonest, unclean, all berayed, sluttish, corrupt. &c.
Sordine or Sordet (from the Fr. Sourdine) the little Pipe or Tenon, put into the mouth of a Trumpet, to make it sound low; also a kinde of hoarse or low sounding Trumpet.
Sore a male fallow Deer of four years old.
Sore-el or Sorel, A Male fallow deer of three years old.
Sorites (Gr.) a kinde of Argument consisting of divers Propositions, in which the Predicate of the former, is still made the subject of the latter, till in conclusion the last Predicate be attributed to the first subject: A [...], Thomas is a man; a man is an Animal; an Animal is a Body; a Body is a Substance; therfore Thomas is a Substance.
[Page] So [...]ca [...], pertaining to such an Argument.
Sororiant Virgin (Virgo Sororians) a yong maid, whose Brests began to be embossed and round, or set out for shew.
Sororicide (sororicida) a murtherer of his own sister.
Sor [...]elegy (sortilegium) a divination by Lots, Sorcery.
Sortition (sortitio) a choosing or appointing by lots, a casting of lots, a lotting.
Sorcitor (Lat.) a caster of lots.
Sospital (sospitalis) that is cause of health, medicinable, wholsom, safe, free from danger.
Sot, See Asotus.
Soulack, an eminent Officer about the person of the Turkish Emperor.
Soul-masse-Cakes, are certain oaten cakes, which some of the wealthier sort of persons in Lancashire use still to give the poor on All Souls day, ( Nov. 2.) and the poor people take themselves oblig'd to say this old verse, in retribution,
Source (Fr.) an original, or beginning, a Spring or Well-head; a Seminary, Race or Off-spring.
Sor [...] (surdus) deaf, hard of hearing; also listless, unattentive, heedless; also dumb.
Sounder, a company of wilde Bores together; as we say, A Herd of Deer.
Spa [...]daires, an order of white-Friers, which wear on their habits a representatition of two Red Swords.
S [...]a [...] (spado) that is gelded, be it man or Beast.
Spadiards, Laborers in the Tin-mines of Cornwall; so called from the Spade they use.
Spa [...]c [...]ous (spadecus) of a light red or bright bay colour.
Spagy [...]al (spagiricus) of or belonging to Alchimy, or an Alchimist.
Spagy [...]i [...]k (spagyrus) an Alchimist, an extracter of quintessences.
Spa [...]ies or Spachies, (the right word is Espawhee, which in the Persian tongue signifies a Horseman) are the Great Turks Horsemen or Cavalry, armed for the most part at once, with Bow, Mace, Lance, Harquebuse, and Scimitar. [...]ands.
Sparo, a red Male deer of three years old.
Sparsion (sparsio) a sprinkling, especially of water, coloured with Saffron, out of some Pipe.
Sparsedly (from sparsim) here and there, one with another, scatteringly. Bac.
Spartan (spartanus) belonging to the Lacedemonians, or to their chief City Sparta.
[Page] Spasmatical (spasmaticus) pertaining to the disease called the Spasm or Cramp, which is a [...]onvulsion, or piucking up of the Sinews, arising either of to much fulness, or overmuch emptiness.
S [...]t, Spat [...]er or Spatule (Spalla) a little slice or Splat [...]r, wherewith Surgeons a [...] Apotheca [...]ies use to spread their plaisters and salves also a litle two handed or bstard sword.
Sp [...]ate (spatior) to walk abroad to travel, to wander, to go jeing up and down.
Specs (Lat.) a figure, image, f [...]n, or shap, likeness, semblan [...] outward face or shew, &c. [...]e different kind of any thing With Grammarians, Spec [...] is the accident of a word, a Primitive or Derivative. [...]th Logicians it is the secon of the five Predicables; see enus.
Specific [...] specificus special, particu, belonging to Species.
Specious [...]peciosus) goodly or fair to to, beautiful, or graceful appearance, honorable inew.
Spectable (spectabilis) worthy to been, or that may be seen, [...]le; of great renown, notab goodly.
Spectative (spectativus) that belongs to [...]eculation; speculative, complative.
Spectre (spum) is an apparition or inination of a substance with a body, which presents it self sensibly to men against the order and course of Nature; a Ghost, a spirit, a fantasie, a vision.
Specular (specularis) any thing whereby a man may see the better, belonging to seeing or spying, to Spectacles or glass windows.
Speculation (speculatio) a spying, a watching in an open place, a discovery, a considering, or observing.
Speculate (speculor) to watch in an high Tower, or other like place, to see far, to espy, search out, to consider diligently; to behold and gaze upon.
Speculatory (speculatorius) belonging to espial or scouting.
Spel (Sax.) a word: see Gospel.
Spelt (spelta) a kind of wheat growing in Italy, France and Flanders, called also Zena.
Sperable (sperabilis) that may be hoped for, or trusted unto.
Sperma Ceti; see Parmaceti.
Sperm (sperma) the natural seed of man, or any other natural seed whereof things are engendred; spawn of fishes.
Spermatical, belonging to such seed, or to the veins which contain the seed.
Spermatize, to shed, eject or inject natural seed or sperm.
Speustick (speusticus) made in haste or quickly, made and baked on the sudden.
Sphaselism (sphaselismus) [Page] an ulcer eating in the brain.
Sher [...] (sphaera) a figure in all parts equally round, a Circle, a Globe, a Bowle, or any thing that is round. The Sphere of the world consists of Ten Circles, the Aequinoctial, the Zodiack, the Two Colures, the Horizon, the Meridian, the Two Tropicks, and the Two Polar Circles.
Sperable (sperabilis) that may be made round like a Sphere.
Sperical (spericus) round like a Sphere, Orbicular, Globe like.
Spericity (from spaera) the being round like a Spere, roundness, Br.
Spheromachy (sphaeromachia) playing at Tennis, or Bowling.
Spher (Lat.) an Indian, and Aethiopian Beast, rough bodied like an Ape (of the kinde whereof he is) yet hairless between his Neck and Brest, round, but out-faced, and Brested like a woman, his unarticulate voice like that of a hasty speaker, more gentle and tameable then an ordinary Ape, yet fierce by nature, and revengefull, when he is hurt; having eaten meat enough, he reserves his Chaps full to feed on when he feels himself hungry again.
Spicated (spicatus) eared, or in an ear, as corn is.
Spiciferous (spicifer) that beareth ears of corn.
Spicilegy (spicilegium) gathering ears of corn, gleaning or leising corn. Lo. B [...]c.
Spiculator (Lat.) a [...] Archer, or Spearman of a Guard; Some take it for a Tormenter or Hangma.
Spine (spina) a thoa, the sting of a Bee, a prickl; Also the back-bone.
Spinal (spinalis) penining to the Chine, or back-bne.
Spiniferous (spinir) that beareth prickles, or horns, thorney.
Spinosity (spinosis) thornishness, fulness of rickles, difficulty.
Spins [...]er, a ternor addition in our Law-Diact, given in Evidences and [...]tings, to a feme sole, as it we, calling her Spinner; And [...]is is the onely addition for [...] unmarried women, fr [...] the Viscounts Daughter [...]wnward.
Spin [...]ian (fin spintriae) pertaining to th [...] that seek out, or invent n [...] and monstruous actions [...]ust.
Spiracle ( [...]paculum) a breathing hole▪ hole out of which breath, [...], smoak, or wind issues, a mp-hole.
Spiral ( [...]n spira) circular, turning and, winding about. Sir H▪ [...]otton.
Spiration spiratio) a breath or [...]thing. In Divinity it is a eathing or impulse of the [...]ll, by which it expresseth affection. The Holy Gho proceeds from the Father [...]d the Son, as [Page] from one onely source, and not as made or created, nor as begotten, but produced through the will by an ineffable way, and this Divines term Spiration. Tour. Cat.
Spira [...]k (spirarchus) a Captain in a fore-ward.
Spiritualities of a Bishop (spiritualia Episcopi) were those profits which he received as a Bishop, and not as a a Baron of the Parliament. Stwanf. pl. Cor. fol. 132. Such were the duties of his Visitation, his Benefit growing from ordering and instituting Priests, Pretestation money, that Subsidium charitativum, which upon reasonable cause he might require of his Clergy. Jo. Greg de Benefic. ca. 6. num. 9. And the benefit of his Jurisdiction.
Spiss (spissus) thick, slow, and long, gross, massive, firm, hard and sound, standing thick and closs together, full of.
Spisity Spissitude spicitas spicitudo thickness, grossness. Bac.
Spitter, a red Male Deer of a year old, whose horns begin to grow up sharp Spitwise, called also a Brocket.
Spittle or Spittle-house, from the Ital. Spedále, Teut. Spital, or it may be contracted from Hospital; for it hath the same signification; an Hospital-house.
Spleget; see Pleget.
Splendent Splendit splendens splendidus bright, clear, shining, famous, notable excellent,
Splene (splen) the Milt of Man or Beast, which is like a long narrow Tongue, lying under the short ribs on the left side, and hath this office of nature, to purge the Liver of superfluous melancholick blood: Sometime it signifies anger or choler.
Splendo [...] (Lat.) clearness, brightness, light, beauty, elegancy, glory.
Splenetick (spleneticus) sick in the Splene, or troubled with the Splene, that hath a great Splene; also cholerick or angry.
Spoliation (spoliatio) a robbing, spoiling or taking away. If any difference had been between two Parsons, or Incumbents, claiming under one Patron, and the right of Patronage not in question; this was to be decided in the Spiritual Court, and was called Spoliation. Nat. Br. 36, 37.
Spondalion (Gr.) a Himn consisting most of Spondes; sung to procure and settle the favor of the gods, whilst the incense was a burning.
Sponde (spondaeus) a foot, consisting of two long syllables.
Spondyles (spondili) the Knuckles or turning joynts of the Back-bone or Chine; also small Bones of Beasts or Fishes. Dr. Br.
[Page] Sponge (spongia) is well known, and is between the nature of an Animal, and a Plant; it grows under the sea-rocks of the Isle Samos, and not elswhere in the world.
Spongious (spongeosus) hollow like a Spunge, full of small holes, or eyes like a Spunge, light or puft.
Sponsal (sponsalis) belonging to betrothing or mariage.
Sponsalitious, the same.
Sponsion (sponsio) a promise, a bargain, a wager, an agreement, a covenant; every promise made by demanding and asking of another, &c.
Spontal Spontare Spontaneous (spontalis, spontaneus) that doth, or is done willingly, naturally, without help or constraint, voluntary.
Spontane [...]ty, the freeness or natural unconstrainedness of an action, done without either constraint or choice; as an Herb grows, or an Animal eats when he is hungry.
Sport (sporta) a Hand-basket, Maund or Pannier. Act of Parl. 1656 ca. 20.
Spon [...], sponsa a woman spoused or affianced, a Bride or new married woman; also from sponsus, a new married man.
Spansage (sponsalia) the contract or betrothing before full marriage.
Spraints, dung of an Otter.
Spretor (Verbal, à sperno) a contemner, a despiser, a scorner, a setter light by.
Spright [...], a sort of short Arrows (formerly used for sea-fight) without any other heads, save wood sharpned, which were discharged out of Musquets, and would pierce through the sides of ships, where a bullet would not.
Spring-tides. As there are every day two Tides; so every moneth two courses of great Tides and small Tides; for seven days about the change of the Moon, are the great or Spring-tides, and the next ensuing seven days are the small or Neap-tides; then at Full Moon are the Spring-tides again, and all the last quarter Neap-tides; which course of the Sea is thus monethly renewed for ever; save that some extraordinary Spring-tides sometimes happen in the Spring and Autumn, and sometimes after plenty of Rain, or rage of Weather, &c, And in Neap tides the water is never so high, nor so low, as in Spring-tides.
Springal (from the Belg Springac [...]) a young man, or stripling.
Sp [...]me (spuma) foam froth, scum.
Spumid (spumidus) frothy or foamy.
Spumiferous (spumifer) that bears foam, froth or scum.
Spunges; see Sponges.
Spurcidical (spurcidicus) that speaks dishonestly or uncleanly, bawdy in talk.
[Page] Spurious (spurius) born of a common woman, that knows not his Father, base-born, counterfeit.
Sputative (from sputo) that spits often or much.
Squadron (from the Ital. Squadra, or Fr Esquadron) a certain number of Soldiers ranged into a square Body or Battalion. This word is most commonly appropriated to Horsmen ( Battalion to Footmen) and sometimes both to Horse and Foot; see Brigade.
Squalid (squalidus) filthy, sluttish, foul, ill-favored, causing one to abhor the sight of it.
Squalor (Lat.) filthiness, sluttishness, uncleanness, deformity of any thing for want of trimming, &c.
Squ [...]migerous (squamiger) that hath or beareth scales, scaly.
Square-number; see Quadrate.
Squinant ( squinanthum the sweet rush, which is very medicinable: Camels meat.
Squinancy (squinantia) a swelling disease in the throat, which causeth a difficulty in breathing; the Squincy.
S.S. stand usually for Sacro-Sanctus, or for Sacra Sciptura, or for Sancti; as S.S. Patres, Sancti Patres.
Stability (stabilitas) firmness, stableness, soundness, constancy.
Stabulate (stabulo) to stand or be as Cattel in a Stable or Stall, to be housed as Beasts are, to keep or stall up ones self.
Stade (stadium) a race for men or horses to run in; also a proportion or measure of ground, called also a Furlong; whereof there are three sorts, viz. The Italian, containing one hundred twenty and five paces; the Olympick of one hundred and twenty paces; and the Py [...]hick of two hundred paces, all after five feet to the pace. Of these Stades, eight make an Italian mile, containing one thousand paces; see Furlong.
Stagga [...]d, a red Male Deer four years old.
Stagir [...]te, Aristotle so called, from Stagira a Town in Macedonia, where he was born.
Stallage (Fr. Estallage) signifies in our Common Law, money paid for pitching stalls in Fair or Market; see Scavage. This in Scotland is called Stallange. Skene, verbo Stallongiatores. And among the Romans it was termed (Siliquaticum) from siliqua, their first and least of all weights.
Stallion (from the Fr. Estallon, or Ital. Stallóne) a horse kept for covering Mares.
Stamineous (stamineus) pertaining to hemp or flax, or that hath shreds in it.
Standard or Estandard, (from the Fr. Estandart) an Ensign for Horsmen in War, and is commonly taken for that of the King, or chief General. [Page] It is also used for the principal or standing measure of the King, to the scantling whereof, all the measures throughout the Land are, or ought to be framed, &c. Magna Charta, and confirmed 14 Edw 3. cap. 12. Of these Standards and Measures, read Britton cap. 30.
Stannaries (Stannaria) the Mines and Works, touching the getting and purifying of Tin in Cornwal, and other places; of which works, there are two sorts, (viz.) Lode-work and [...]tream-work. See Cam. Brit. pag. 119.
Stanza (Ital.) a Staff of Verses. As Spencers Books are divided into Canto's, and those again into Stanza's.
Staple (Fr. Estape) a Mart or general Market, a publick Store-house in a Sea Town, or Town of Traffick, whither the Merchants of England, by common Order or commandment, did carry Wools, Woolfels, Cloaths, Lead, Tin, &c. (which are the Staple Commodies of this Land) for the utterance of them by the great.
Staple Inn, near Holburn Bars, now one of the Inns of Chancery, was formerly an Inn or Hostel of the Merchants of the Staple, and from thence took name.
Star Chamber a late Court at Westminster, voted down by Act.
Starrulet (a dim. of Star) a little Star.
Stasiarch (Gr.) an Arch-rebel, the head of a Sedition.
Stater (Lat.) an antient coyn of severall sorts.
The Corinthian Stater was worth 21 d. want a farthing. The Macedonian Stater was worth about two shillings nine pence half penny. The Golden Attick Stater weighed two drams, and therefore worth seventeen shillings six pence. But in Scripture it valued two Didrams; for the tribute money to be paid for each person was Didrachmum. Mat. 17.24. and a Stater was paid for two, namely, for Christ and St. Peter, the value of it therefore was 2 s. 6 d.
Staticks (Gr.) the science of weights and measures; a species of Mechanicks. Br.
Station (statio) a standing place, a Bay or Rode for ships to rest in; also a place of resort, abode or stay.
Station-staff, is a strait Pole divided into feet, and inches used by Surveyors in measuring Land.
Stationary (stationarius) appointed to keep ward in any place, that is in a Garison, setled, standing.
Stationer (so called of his station or standing shop to sell in) is often confounded with Book-seller, and sometimes with Book-binder; whereas they are three several Trades; the Stationer sells Paper and Paper-Books, Ink, Wax, &c. The Book-seller deals onely in [Page] printed Books, ready bound; and the Book-binder binds them, but sells not. Yet all three are of the Company of [...]tationers.
Stative (stativus) pitched or set, as a Fortress or pitched Camp; also standing.
Statuary (statuarius) a Stone-cutter, a Carver of Statues and Images.
Statuminate (statumino) to prop up, to under-set, to make sure.
Statute (statutum) signifies a Decree or Act of Parliament, &c. 2. It is a kind of Bond; as Statute Merchant, and Statute Staple, An. 5. H. 4. cap. 12. The reason of which name is, because those Bonds are made according to the form of certain Statutes, which direct both before what persons and in what manner they ought to be made, West. par. 1. Symb. lib. 2. sect. 151.27. Ed. 3. ca. 9. and 23 Hen. 8.6.
Statutes is also used in our vulgar talk, for the petit Sessions, which are yearly kept for the disposing of Servants in service, by the Statutes of 1, and 5 Eliz. cap 4.
Steccado (Span Estacada) a place railed in for a Combate or Lists.
Steel-yard; see Stil-yard.
Stegan [...]graphy (Gr.) a description of the way or manner of covering Edifices.
Stellar (stellaris) starry, pertaining to a star. Bac.
Stellation (stellatio) a making star-like, or adorning with stars; also a blasting.
Stelled (stellatus) full of, or garnished with stars.
Stelletto or Stiletto (Ital.) a little Ponyard, or the small and sharp pointed Dagger.
Stelliferous (stellifer) that bears or has stars in it, starry.
Stellion (stellio) the spotted or starry Lizard, so called; also an envious fellow, or one that cannot endure another should be the better by him; from the Stellion, which, having (as he doth half yearly) cast his skin (a soverein remedy for the Falling-sickness) presently devours it, to deprive mankind of it.
Stellionate (stellionatus) a deceit, in dissembling a thing, to take profit by another unjustly, a counterfeiting of merchandize, a cousening or selling the same thing to several persons. Lo Bac.
Stem (stemma) a Garland of flowers; a Race of Kindred, the blood of a Gentile house.
Stenegraphy (stenegraphia) the Art of Short-writing; or a description of reducing any thing in a narrower compass.
Stentor, a Grecian that had a voyce lowder then fifty men together. Hence we use Stentorian voyce, for a great, loud, roaring voyce.
Stephen (Gr.) a Crown.
Step-mother, so called, because she steps in instead of a Mother, by marrying the sons or daughters Father; a Mother in Law.
[Page] Stercorean or Stercorarious (stercorarius) belonging to dung or muck.
Stercoration (stercoratio) a dunging or defiling with dung
Sterile (sterilis) barren, fruitless, that cannot engender, without generation, yielding nothing.
Sterility (sterilitas) barrenness▪ unfruitfulness.
Sterling, is the old term or Epitheton for money currant in this Nation; which thus took denomination; In the time of Richard the First, money coined in the East pa [...]t of Germany, began to be of special request in England for its purity, & was cal'd Easterling money, as the Inhabitants of those parts were called Easterlings; shortly after some of that Country, skilful in Mint-matters and Allayes, were sent for hither to bring our coyn to perfection, which since that time was called from them, sterling, for Easterling; Not from Sterling or Striveling in Scotland, nor from a star, or the bird Starling, which some dreamt to be stamped on it; For in old Deeds, they are always called Nummi Esterlingi; which implied as much as good and lawful money of England, or Proba Moneta, among the Civilians, and Monois de Roy in France. Cam. Rem. fol. 184.
A Pound sterling is Twenty shillings in our Engli [...] money, an English penny was of old called a Sterling; and in the composition of Measures made in Edward the Firsts time, we find, that Denarius Angliae, qui nominatur Sterlingus, rotundus, sine tonsura ponderabit 32 grana in medio spicae. Antiq Hibern. p. 133.
Stern [...]mancy (sternomantia) divination by a mans breast.
Sternutation (sternutatio) a sneezing.
Sternu [...]atory (sternutatorium medicamentum) a medicine or powder that will cause sneezing, sneezing powder.
St [...]rquilinious (from ste [...] quilinium) pertaining to a Dunghil, or Mixen.
Stews, are those places, where women of professed incontinency, proffer their bodies to all commers; from the Fr. Estuve, i. a Bathe or Hot-house; because wantons are wont to prepare or rather to purge themselves for those venereous acts by often bathing and Hot-houses. And that this is not new, Homer shews in the eighth Book of his Odiss. where he reckons hot Bathes among the effeminate sort of pleasures. Of these Stewes see the Statute, An. 11. H. 6. ca. 1.
Sticonoma [...]tic (Gr.) divination by words written on the bark of trees.
Stigian; see Stygian.
Stigmatick Stigmatical (stigmaticus) that is [Page] marked with an hot iron, notably defamed for a naughty fellow.
Stigmatize (stigmatizo) to mark with an hot iron, as we use to do Rogues, and notorious offenders at Goal deliveries.
Stilletto; see Stelletto.
St [...]llatory (stillatorius) stilling, distilling, dropping; Also substantively, a Still or Limbeck.
S [...]illicide (stillicidium) the dropping of the Eaves of an house.
Stillatitious (stillatitius) that drops or distils.
Stillicidiou [...], the same.
Stil-yard or Steel-yard ( Guilda Teutonicorum, An. 32. H 8. c. 8. and An. 32. ejus. ca. 14.) is a place near the Thames in London, where the Fraternity of the Easterling Merchants, or the Merchants of Hanse and Almain (Ann. 1. Edw. 6. cap. 13.) were wont to have their abode. It is so called of a broad Yard or Court, wherein Steel was much sold, upon which that house is founded; see Hanse. The place is now onely famous for Rhenish wine, Neats-Tongues, &c. L. Herb. in Hen. 8. calls it the Stilly-art, but gives no reason for it.
Stimulate (stimulo) to prick, move, incense, stir forward provoke.
Stipation (stipatio) a bolstring or holding up on every side, a guarding about or en [...]ironing.
Stipendial (stipendialis) belonging to wages or hire.
Stipendary (stipendarius) that pays tribute, or takes wages.
Stipendious (stipendiosus) that hath often been retained in wars, and served for wages.
Stipone, a kind of sweet compound liquor, drunk in some places of London in the summer-time.
Stiptical (stipticus) that stops, or binds; restrictive.
Stipticity (stipticitas) astringency, the quality or power of binding.
Stipulate (stipulor) to require and demand a thing to be given him, or done for him with ordinary words of the Law, to require by, or make a [...] covenant, to promise effectually what he is required to do.
Stipulation (stipulatio) a demanding the performance of covenants, a bargain or solemn promise.
Stiricide (stiricidium) the dropping of a house with ice-sickles.
Stirious (from stiria) pertaining to a drop of ice, or an Icesickle. Br.
Stir [...]s (Lat.) the root, stem or stalk of a Tree, Plant or Herb; a stock or kindred; a race, issue, or nobleness of birth. Lo Bac.
Stocada (Span. estocada) a stab, foin or thurst with a weapon.
Stoicks (Stoici) a Sect of Philosophers at Athens, wherof [Page] of Zeno was the chief; they held a wise man ought to be free from all passions, never to be moved either with Joy or Grief, and esteeming all things to be ordered by an inevitable necessity of Fate. They were called Stoicks, of the Gr. ( [...]) i. a Porch; because Zeno taught his followers in a common Porch of the City.
Stoical, pertaining to such Philosphers; severe.
Stoicism, the Doctrine or Discipline of the Stoicks.
Stole (stola) any Garment wherewith the body is covered, a Robe of honor. Among the antient Romans it was had in great reverence, and held as a Vest or Badge of chastity, hence that of Martial, lib. 1. Quis floralia vestit & Stolatum permittit meretricibus pudorem! With the modern Romanists it is that part of the Priestly Ornaments, which being put over the neck, is afterwards set crosswise over the breast with the ends hanging down on each side, and used in memory of the cord, by which our blessed Saviour was tied to the Pillar when he was whipt and scourged; and signifies the light and sweet yoak of Christ, whereunto we are patiently and obediently to submit. The antient Spartan Soldiers did also wear a crimson Stole or Tippet about their necks, and a shield of brass. 1. [...]art. Tr.
Stolid (stolidus) fooling, fond, leud of condition, unadvised, dull, doltish.
Stolidity (stoliditas) solly, unadvisedness, fondness.
Stomachick (stomachicus) that is sick in the stomack, that cannot keep the meat it has taken.
Stomach [...]sity (stomachesitas) anger, indignation, disdain.
Stomatick (stomaticus) that hath a sore or swelling in the mouth.
Stone of Wool, ought to weigh fourteen pounds, yet in some places by custom it is more or less as in Herefordshire 'tis 12. in Glocestershire 15. and two Stone made a Tod of Wooll; see Crompt. J of P. f. 83. b. See Sarplar. A stone of Beef is but eight pound in London, 12 in Herefordshire.
Stonef [...]ulcon (Lithofalcus) from the Gr. [...], i. lapis) so called from the stones and rocks where she eyres or builds her nest.
Stook of Cor [...]; see Thrave.
Stooming of Wine, There is (says Mr. Howel in his Letters) a hard green wine that grows about Rochel, and the Islands thereabouts, which the cunning Hollander sometime useth to fetch, and he hath a trick to put a bag of hearbs or some other infusions into it ( as he doth brimstone in Rhenish) to give it a whiter tincture, and more sweetness; then they reimbark it for England, where it passeth for good Bachrag, and [Page] this is called Stooming of wine
Stork (Belg.) a Bird famous for natural love towards his Parents, whom he feeds being old and impotent, as they fed him being young. The Egyptians so esteemed this Bird, that there was a great penalty laid upon him that should kill him.
Stowing, is the laying any goods or victuals in order in the Hold of a Ship; and at Land it is the laying Coals or other goods in a Warehouse, Cellar or other place; And Stowage is the place it self, or the money that is paid for such place to lay goods in.
Strabism (strabismus) the squintness in the eyes.
Strage (strages) a slaughter, a discomfiture, a multitude of men slain; also a beating, selling, or cutting down to the ground, properly of trees; a great ruine and fall.
Straight. See Streight.
Strake of a Wheel, is the iron wherewith the wheel is bound, or the wood or hoop wherein the Spoaks are set; because it makes a strake in the ground, as it goes. Min.
Strand. See Strond.
Strangury or Strangullion (stranguria) a disease, wherein one makes water by drops, very hardly, and with great pain.
Strappado (Ital.) a punishment inflicted on Soldiers for some offence; which is hanging them by the arms drawn backward, and being so bound they are drawn up on high, and let down again with a violent swing, which (if used with rigor) unjoynts their back and arms.
Stratagem (stratagema) a policy, or witty shift in War.
Stratagemical, done by stratagem, full of stratagems.
Stratiotick (stratioticus) warlike, pertaining to War.
Stratocracy (Gr.) military Government; where a Commonwealth is governed by an Army or by Soldiers.
Stratuminate (stratumino) to pave.
Streight or Straight, is a narrow passage at Sea, between two lands; As the Streight of Magellan, Gebraltar, &c.
Stremeworks, is a kinde of work in the Stanneries; Of these Mines and Tin-works (says Cam.) there are two kinds, the one called Lodeworks, the other Stremeworks: This lyes in lower grounds, when by trenching they follow the veins of Tin; that other is in higher places when they dig deep pits on the hills, which they call Shafts, &c. mentioned A. 27. H. 8. ca. 23.
Strenuity (strenuitus) activity, valiantness, nimbleness, manhood, stoutness.
Strenuous (strenuus) valiant, strong, stout, hardy, active.
Streperous (streperus) hoarse or jarring.
[Page] Strepitate (strepito) to make a noise often, to make a great noise, to rusle.
Strictive (strictivus) gathered or cropped with the hand.
Stricture (strictura) a spark that flies from a piece of iron red hot, when it is beaten; also a gathering of fruit; and sometimes a brief collection or sleight st [...]oak. Dr: Ham.
Striden [...] (stridens) crashing or making a noise, creaking.
S [...]rider (Lat.) a noise, a crashing, a shril noise, the creaking of a door.
Stridulous (stridulus) that makes a crashing, or creaking noise. Dr. Br.
Strigilate (strigilo) to curry a horse.
Strigment (strigmentum) filth rubbed from ones body; it may be used for a trussing point; also a paring of Cucumbers, or like fruit.
Strikle, Strikler or Stritchel, that wherewith the measurer of Corn or Grain strikes the filled measure, to make it even.
Strematick (from stroma) belonging to strowings, or any thing spread on the ground, or under a thing. The Strematicks of Clemens Alexandrinus were a Miscellanie, or Books of several scattered subjects.
Strand Strond or (Sax.) a Shoar or Bank; Hence the Strand a street in the Suburbs of London, so called because it lyes by the River side.
Strophes (strophae) wily deceits, subtilties in arguing; conversions or turnings.
Strumatick )strumaticus) that has the Impostume Struma, which is a Wen or swelling in the Neck and Armholes, wherein are as it were hard kernels closed in the skin, some take it to be the Kings-evil.
Stultiloquy (stultiloquium) foolish speech, talk or babling.
Stupefaction (stupefactio) an astonishment, an abashing, a making dull or senceless.
Stupid (stupidus) dismaid, abashed, astonied, amazed, senceless.
Stupor (Lat.) sudden privation, or lack of sence or feeling, benumming, unsensibleness, stupidity.
Stupration (stupratio) a committing Adultery or Rape, a deflouring a Virgin.
Stuprous (stuprosus) corrupt, naught, given to Adultery or Whordom, whorish.
Stygia [...] (stygius) belonging to the River Styx, or Hell; hellish, infernal, devillish.
Sty [...]onovo and veteti. See Julian Accompt.
Styptica [...], See Stiptical.
Styx, a Well in Arcadia, the water whereof is strong poison; Poets call it the River of Hell; the Gods were wont to sware by it, and what god soever swore by Styx falsly [Page] was banished Heaven, and prohibited Nectar for 1000 years.
Suada, the goddess of Eloquence, or delectable speech, among the Romans.
Suasible (suasibilis) that may be perswaded.
Suasory (suasorius) belonging to exhorting or perswading.
Suavation (suavatio) an amorous kissing, a sweet bussing.
Suaviloquent (suaviloquens) that speaks sweetly, that hath a sweet sound or manner of speech.
Suavity (suavitas) sweetness, pleasantness.
Sub and Subter, two Prepositions signifying under or after, and often used in composition; of which a few onely for example, referring the Reader for the rest to the simple words.
Subaction (subactio) a driving or bringing under, a constraint or subduing.
Subalbid (subalbus) somewhat white.
Subalpine (subalpinus) under the Alps.
Subaltern (subalternus) placed under another, or that which succeeds another by course.
Subaquaneous (subaquaneus) that is or lyes under the water.
Subcineritious (subcineritius) baked under the ashes.
Subclav [...]an (from sub and clavis) pertaining to that which is under lock and key.
Subcutaneous (subcutaneus) between the skin and the flesh.
Subdial (subdialis) abroad in the Air, without the house, all open, wholly discovered.
Sub-dio (Lat.) abroad in the Air, without cover.
Subdititious (subdititius) that is not properly ones whose it is feigned to be, that is put or laid in the place or room of another.
Subdolous (subdolus) that deceiveth craftily, full of deceits or wiles, deceitful.
Subduct (subduco) to take, pluck or draw away, to remove, to pluck or draw back.
Subduction (subductio) a reckoning or account, a deduction, or allowance; a withdrawing, or bringing under.
Subhastation (subhastatio) an out-cry, or portsale, or the selling things by out-rope, &c. so called because the old Romans used (especially in time of war) to hold their outcries of confiscated goods, sub hastam, under a Spear or Javelin.
Subhumera [...]e (from sub & humerus) to undergo a burden.
Subject (subjectus) one that is under another, a bringing or putting under; a matter treated of. Also in Logick, that which supports qualities belonging to it; as the body is the subject, in which is health or sickness, and the minde the subject that receives vertues or vices.
[Page] Subitan [...]cus or Subitary (subitancus) hasty, sudden, without premeditation.
Subjugate (subjugo) to bring under yoke, to make subject, to subdue.
Sub-jugum, i. under the yoke. The Armenians and other Nations in antient time, were wont to force such enemies, as they had vanquished, to go in despight, under certain Spears pitched a cross, like a Gallows, and this they termed Sub jugum, and was held a great disgrace. Tacitus Annal. lib. 15.
Subjunctive (subjunctivus) that under-sets or joyns underneath.
Sublation (sublatio) a lifting up, a taking away
Sublevate (sublevo) to lift or hold up; also to help, aid, ease, lighten or lessen.
Subligate (subligo) to under-bind, to under-tye, to tie or hang at.
Sublimation (sublimatio) a lifting or raising up; also a distillation or extraction; a term in Chymistry.
Sublimatum (Lat.) a strong corrosive powder, called white Mercury, used by Chyrurgeons to eat and consume corrupted flesh. It is made of Chalcantum, Quick-silver, Vinegre, and Sal armoniac.
Sublimatory, an Instrument or Vessel of sublimation.
Sublimity (sublimitus) height, highness.
Sublition (sublitio) an annointing or dawbing underneath; in Painting it is the ground colour, whereon the perfect colour is laid; and is called Grasing.
Submarine (submarinus) under the Sea. Bac.
Submersion (submersio) a plunging or sinking in the water, a drowning.
Subordinate (subordinatus) appointed or placed in order under another.
Subor [...] (suborno) to make, prepare, instruct, foist, or bring in a false witness; also to deprave, corrupt, or allure unto lewdness, to bribe.
Subpedaneous (subpedaneus) belonging to a footstool, or any thing under foot.
Subpaena, is a Writ that lies to call a man into the Chancery, to have equity upon such case only as the Common Law hath not provided for; There is also a Subpaena ad testificandum, which lies for calling in witnesses to testifie in a Cause, as well in Chancery, as in other Courts; And the name proceeds from words in the Writ, which charge the party called to appear at the day and place assigned, sub paena centum librarum, &c. But in case the party to appear, be a Lord of Parliament, or the Widow of such Lord, then is he or she called by the Lord Keeper or Lord Chancellors Letter, giving them notice of the suit [Page] intended against them, and desiring them to appear. Cromp. Juris. fol. 33.
Subriguous (subriguus) moist, wet, and waterish underneath.
Subsannate (subsanno) to scorn or mock with bending the Brows, or snuffing up the Nose.
Subsecive (subsecivus) cut under or off, pared from the principal, borrowed or sepated from other affairs, done at times.
Subservient (subserviens) serving, agreeing, helping forward.
Subsidence (subsidentia) a resting or setling in the bottom, a sitting under; a staying or hiding ones self.
Subsidiary (subsidiarius) that is sent or given to the aid of another, succoring, assistant.
Subsidy (subsidium) aid or assistance; a tax or tribute assessed by Parliament, and granted by the Commons to be levied of every Subject, according to the value of his Land or Goods, most commonly after the rate of 4 s. in the pound for land; and 2 s. 8 d. for goods, &c.
Subsortition (subsortitio) a chusing by lots, after others have chosen, to fill up the number of those that before were refused. [...]uet.
Substitute (substituo) to ordain or appoint in place of another, to depute.
Substitutive (substitutivus) that is appointed or ordained in place of another. Also a term in Logick, as Propositio substitutiva, a conditional Proposition.
Substraction (substractio) a drawing out, of, or from, as a lesser number out of a greater.
Substruction (substructio) an underpinning or ground-selling of a house; a building or ground-work, the making, a foundation; an under-filling; A term in Architecture.
Subsult (subsulto) to leap or hop under or about.
Subsultation (subsultatio) a leaping or hopping under or about.
Subsultory, that jumps or hops under. Bac.
Subtegulaneous (subtegulaneus) that is under the eaves or roofs of houses.
Subtense (linea subtendens) is a right line drawn from the one extreme of a given Arch to the other, called also a Chord, and is as the string is to a Bow, bent. A term in Geometry.
Subterduction (subterductio) a private stealing or leading away.
Subteruflous (subterfluus) which runs or flows under.
Subterfuge (subterfugium) a private escape, a shift, a crafty evasion; a corner or hole to slip into, or slink out at.
Subterrany Subterraneous (subterraneus) [Page] that is under the ground.
Subterranity (subterranitas) the being under ground.
Subbentaneous (subventaneus) pertaining to the wind, windy; under the wind.
Suburbian (from suburbia) belonging to the Suburbs or out-streets and Parishes of a Town or City.
Subuthicarian. See Ʋrbicarian.
Subbulturian (subvulturius) resembling or like a vulture; that lives by ravine, as those birds do.
Suc (succus) juyce or moisture that a healthful body receives of meat; also generally all kind of juyce, sirrop or broth; vigor or strength.
Succedaneous (succedaneus) that succeeds or comes in place of another.
A Succedaneous Medicament, is that which is substituted instead of another, that is so rare it cannot be had, or so dear it cannot be purchased.
Succentor (Lat.) he that singeth the Base. See Incentor. Our phrase, an old Sincantor, is either a corruption from this word; or if it be written with a C, then tis from the Fr. Cinquante, which signifies fifty, and so may be taken for one that is fifty years of age or above. Act of Parl. 1649. ca. 24. mentions Succenter as one of those Officers abolished with Deans and Chapters.
Succenturiate (succenturio) to fill up the number of the Band, for them that are dead or absent; to recruit.
Succiduous (succiduus) low, ready to fall, faltering.
Succinct (succinctus) environed, fenced about; girt, compassed; also brief, short.
Succineous (succineus) of or belonging to Amber.
Succisive (succisivus) cut off, or pared from the principal, pared or separated from other affairs, done at times.
Succubius (Lat.) a Devil that sometimes, in the shape of a woman, lies with men. See Incubus.
Succulent (succulentus) sappy, moist, full of juyce, wel-liking, or in good plight.
Succulency, juyciness, moisture. Bac.
Succumbents (succumbentes) those that lye or fall down under, or that are not able to sustain; antiently it signified those penitents or excommunicate persons that fell down on their knees and prayed in a certain place behind the Quire or Pulpit.
Succussation (succussatio) a hard shaking or jolting, a violent jogging, the trotting of a horse. Dr. Br.
Succussion. Idem.
Suction ( suctio or succus) a sucking. Bac.
Sudation (sudatio) a sweating; a taking pains.
Sudatory (sudatorius) that belongs to sweating.
[Page]A Sudatory (sudatorium) a Stew, a Hot-house, a place to sweat in. Sands.
Sudorous (from sudor, oris) sweaty, or full of sweat.
Sudorifick (sudorificus) that causeth sweat Bac.
Suffarcinate (suffarcino) to truss or stuff up, to load or burthen.
Suffarraneous (suffaraneus) that carries meal or flower to any place to sell; also that is under a Servant.
Suffection (from sufficio) a substitution or putting in place of another.
Suffition (suffitio) a purfume, a fumigation, any thing that being laid or cast upon hot coals, makes a sweet smel.
Sufflaminate (sufflamino) to skatch, scotch, or trig a wheel, lest it go forward or backward too fast.
Sufflation (sufflatio) a blowing or puffing up.
Suffocate (suffoco, à faucibus) to stop the breath, to strangle, to stifle, to choak, to kill.
Suffocation (suffocatio) a strangling, choaking or stifling. See Lapidation.
Suffossion (suffossio) a digging under, or undermining.
Suffragan (suffraganeus) a Bishops Vicegerent, one that exerciseth the Function of a Bishop, but hath not the Title. The Statute 26. Hen. 8. cap 14. inables every Diocesan at his pleasure to elect two sufficient men, &c.
Suffragation (suffragatio) a declaration of con [...]ent or favor, a giving ones voyce in election.
Suffrage (suffragium) a good word, or favourable voyce in ones behalf, as at the time of chusing Mayors, Burgesses or the like; a speaking in ones favor.
Suffrages, in antient Rome were the voyces of the people given by Centuries, Curiae or Tribes, which went affirmatively under this form Ʋti rogas, i. be it according to your Bill: And negatively thus, Antiquo, i. I deny or reject it.
Suffraginous (suffraginosus) that is diseased in the houghs or pasterns, that hath the Scratches or Spaven.
Suffricate (suffrico) to rub off, or under.
Suffumigate (suffumigo) to make a fume or smoak underneath. The smoak which is physically received from under a stool into the body, for the diseases of the Guts, Fundament or Matrix, is called Suffumigation. Cot.
Suffusion (suffusio) a spreading abroad, a pouring upon.
Suggestion (suggestio) a putting into ones minde, a prompting.
Sugillation (sugillatio) the being black and blew with beating, the blood-shot of an eye; also reproach, slander
[Page] Suhit, See Gazul.
Suicide (from sui) the slaying or murdering of himself; self-murder.
Suist (from sui) one that loves himself, a selfish man.
Sulcate (sulco) to cast up in Furrows, to Till or Plow.
Sulphureous (sulphureus) belonging to, mixed with, or of the colour of Sulphur or Brimstone.
Sultan, in the Persian language, properly signifies an Earl. But Sultan or Soldan among the Turks, Persians, and Arabians is commonly taken for a King, Prince, or Sovereign. Also a Turkish Coyn of Gold worth about our Six shillings, six pence.
Sultanin Sultana a Turkish coin of gold worth about Seven shillings six pence, or Seven shillings ten pence sterling; It is so called because coyned at Constantinople, where the Sultan lives.
Sumack, Sumake, or Sumaque, a kind of rank-smelling plant or shrub with black-Berries, wherwith Curriers dress their leather.
Sumage, seems to be Toll for carriage on horse-back. Crompt. juris. fol. 191. for the book called Pupilla oculi, hath these words pro uno equo portante Summagium per dimidium anni, obulum. It is otherwise called a Seam; and a Seam, in the Western parts is a horse load, which word Seam and Sumage may well come of the Fr. Somme, i. Sarcina, and Sommièr, equus sarcinarius, a Sumpter-horse.
Summary (summarium) a brief gathering together, an abridgement containing t [...]e whole effect of a matter [...]n few words, an Epitome.
Summit or Summity (summitas) height or hig [...] ness, the top; the either erd of a thing beneath or above.
Summist or Summulst one that writes sums or brie [...]s upon any subject; an abridger. Peripat. Instit.
Sumpter-horse (from sumptus) a horse that carries the necessaries and expences for a journey.
Sund or Sond (Sax.) a narrow passage at Sea, between two lands, a Streight.
Sumptifie (sumptifacio) to make great expences or cost.
Sunamite (Heb.) dormiens, one sleeping. A worthy good woman of Suna that often entertained Eliseus the Prophet, by whose prayers she had a Son, when by course of nature she was past hopes of any, and afterwards had the same Son raised from death to life by the same Eliseus, 4 Kings.
Sunday was dedicated to the Idol of the Sun, by the old Pagan Saxons, and therefore called the Sun's day, or day of the Sun; now dies Dominicus, or our Lords day.
Superable (superabilis) that [Page] may be passed or overcome.
Superannate Superannuate (from the Ital. superannato) to out wear with, to exceed in years, to grow old, or out of date, to live longer, to out-live. Bac.
Superate (supero) to overcome, to exceed or excel.
Superbifical (superbificus) that doth a thing proudly, that makes proud.
Superbiloquence (superbiloquentia) arrogant speaking, proud, and haughty words.
Supercilious (superciliosus) pertaining to the eyebrows, sowr in countenance; also proud, squeamish.
Superchety (Fr.) foul-play, an injury, wrong, affront, assault on a sudden, or upon great advantage. Tanslation of L' Home Criminelle.
Supereminence (supereminentia) a Prerogative, authority or excellency above others.
Supererogation (supererogatio) laying out more then one hath received, or the doing more then a man is of necessity bound to do, a giving over-plus. In Divinity, works of Supererogation are usually taken to be such, as are done upon a pious account; and to which a man is not bound in particular by any positive precept of Gods Law.
Supererogatory, that gives overplus, or does more then obligation, or that is apt to do so.
Superferation (superfaetatio) the conceiving another after the first yong is conceived; a second conceiving, or the breeding of young upon young.
Superfici [...] (superficiarius) he that hath built an house upon another mans ground, and therefore pays Quit rent; belonging to the outside of a thing.
Superficies (Lat.) the uttermost part of any thing: the outside, the surface. In Geometry, it is the second kinde of quantity, to which are attributed two dimensions, length and breadth, but not thickness, and it is the term or end of a body, as a line is the end of a Superficies.
Superficialize (from superficies) to do any thing on the outside, or not throughly.
Superfluirance Superfluity (superfluitas) operplus, excess more then needs.
Superiection (superjectio) a laying or casting upon.
Superinduce (superinduco) to lay upon, to cover, to draw over. Lo. Bac.
Superior (Lat.) one that is higher, above, or over others.
Superlative (superlativus) highest in degree, preferred.
Supermeate (supermeo) to go or slip over.
Supernal (supernus) that which comes from above, high.
Supernation (supernatio) [Page] a swiming upon, over, or aloft.
Supernatural (supernaturalis) which is above Nature, or the ordinary course of it.
Supersaliency (from super and salio) a leaping or jumping upon. Br.
Supersedeas (from supersedeo, i. to omit, leave off or cease) is a Writ which lies in divers cases, and signifies a command or request to stay or forbear the doing of that, which in appearance of Law were to be done, were it not for the cause whereupon this Writ is granted; for example, a man regularly is to have Surety of Peace against him, of whom he will swear he is afraid, and the Justice required hereunto cannot deny him; yet if the party be formerly bound to the Peace, either in Chancery, or elswhere, this Writ lieth to stay the Justice from doing that which otherwise he might not deny.
This word is also used in our common discourse to like purpose, as when one is commanded or requested to omit the doing that which he had former order, or ought to have done, We say the former order or command is superseded.
Supersession (supersessio) a surceasing, a leaving off, or giving over.
Superstition ( superstitio, from super and sto.) an excess of ceremonious Worship, vain Religion or Devotion; the worship of Demons; an honoring that which should not be honored, a vain reverence or fear towards that thing, wherein is no efficacy or force but onely by illusion; spiced conscience in vain things.
St. Thomas Aquinas mentions four kinds of Superstition. 2 da. 2 dae. qu. 92. Art. 1. and Art. 2. in Corp.
Supervacaneous or Supervacuous (supervacaneus vel supervacuus) needless, vain superfluous, not necessary, unprofitable; also that which is set aside, above ordinary use, against some future occasion.
Supervene (supervenio) to come unlooked for, to come upon or after another thing; to leap upon, as the Male doth the Female.
Supervive (supervivo) to recover from peril of death, or when a man seems to be dead; to out-live, or live longer then another thing.
Supine (supinus) upright, upward, the belly upward; also negligent and careless.
Supinity (supinitas) a bending backward, a lying with the belly upward, negligence, idleness.
Suppedaneous (suppedaneus) belonging to a foot-stool, or any thing that is set under the feet.
Suppeditate (suppedito) signifies properly to relieve the skirmishers with footmen, to supply or second with foot forces. Metaphorically, to [Page] give or minister sufficiently, to supply or furnish what is wanting; also to subdue or overcome.
Suppellecticarious (suppellecticarius) that pertains to houshold-stuff.
Suppilation (suppilatio) a stealing or pilfering.
Supplant (supplanto, à planta pedis) to put under the foot, to trip with the foot; also to overthrow, to deceive.
Supplant (supplanto, à sub & planto) to plant underneath, to under-plant and set up a thing, bending to the ground.
Supplement (supplementum) that supplies or makes up what is wanting in quantity or number, a supply; a filling up the number and places of.
Suppliant (Fr.) he that intreats humbly, or makes supplication, an humble suiter; also used adjectively.
Supplicate (supplico) to beseech or intreat humbly, to make humble request.
Supplice (supplcium) punishment, correction, pain, torment; it is also used for Prayer or Supplication, and sometimes for Sacrifice.
Supplosion (Supplosio) a stamp or noise with the feet.
Supposititi [...]us. See Subdititious.
Suppository (suppositorium) any thing put up into the fundament, to make the body soluble, it is commonly made of honey boiled, til it grow thick, and so made into an apt form for that purpose, whereto somtime is added the Yolk of an Egg, or Salt, when we would have it work the effect more speedily. It may be used adjectively, for, put, or set under.
Supposted (suppostus) put or set under, put in place of another; suborned, underset.
Suppuration (suppuratio) a mattaring, a gathering of a Bile or Impostume into a Mattary-head, a resolving into Mattar. Suppurare (says Min.) is sub pelle pus agere: Quia tunc efficiendum est, ut materies apostematis in pus convertatur.
Supputation (supputatio) a pruyning or cutting Trees; a counting or reckoning.
Supremacy, the being of highest power or authority.
Supremity (supremitas) the estate of men after death, the last or highest action of any thing.
Surannation (Fr.) a growing old, stale or above a years date, a Commission or Command not executed within the year and day
Surbating (Fr. Surbatture) a beating under; as when the Soles of the Feet, after a great journey on foot, are much beaten and sore.
Surcharge (Fr.) a new charg, a charge upon a charge, or burden upon burden. Surcharge of the Forest is the commoning with more Beasts therein, then one hath right to.
[Page] Surcle (surculus) a young Set or Slip, a young Graff, a Scion, a Shoot, a young Branch or Twig.
Surcoat (Fr. Surcot) an upper garment worn over another; a Coat of Arms to wear over Armor.
Surcrew (Fr. surcroist) a Surplusage, over-measure, vantage, amends; also an overgrowing.
Surculate (surculo) to cut off shoots or sprigs from trees; to prune trees.
Surculous (surculosus) full of shoots or sprigs.
Surd (surdus) deaf; also he that speaks not; insensible.
Surdity (surditas) deafness; also muteness.
Surge (from surgo) a wave.
Surplusage (Fr. Surplus) signifies in our Common Law superfluity or addition more then needs, which sometimes is a cause that the writ abates. Brook tit. Nugation and Superfluity fol. 100. Plowden casu Dive and Maningham f. 93. b. It is also sometimes applied to matter of account, and signifies a greater disbursment then the charge of the Accomptant amounts to.
Surprizal (Fr. surprinse) a sudden taking, an assaulting or coming upon a man before he is aware; a taking tardy, or finding in the manner.
Surrejoynder, is a second defence of the Plaintiffs action, opposite to the Defendants Rejoynder; And therefore Hotoman calls it Triplicationem, quae est secunda actoris defensio, contra rei duplicationem opposita; Nor doth Hotaman onely call this Triplicationem, but the Emperor himself, de Replicationibus lib. 4. Instit. Titulo 14.
Surrender (sursum i redditio) is an instrument, testifying with apt words, that the particular Tenant of Lands or Tenements for life or years, doth sufficiently consent and agree, that he who hath the next or immediate Remainder or Reversion thereof shall also have the particular estate of the same in possession, and that he yields up the same unto him; For every Surrender ought forthwith to give a possession of the things surrendred, West. part. 1 lib. 2. sect. 503. where you may read divers Presidents. But there may be a Surrender without writing; And therefore there is said to be a Surrender in Deed and a Surrender in Law; Surrender in Deed is that, which is really and sensibly performed; Surrender in Law is intendment of Law, by way of consequent and not actual. Perkins Surrender fol. 606. and Seq. As if a man have a Lease of a Farm, and during the term he accept a new Lease, this Act is in Law a Surrender of the former. Coke vol. 6. fol 11. b.
Surreptitious (surreptitius) [Page] stoln, or done by stealth, falsely come by, that no man knows of.
Surrogate (surrogo) to put in place of another, to make [...] Deputy, to appoint or put in ones room, to substitute or subrogate.
A Surrogate is one substituted to supply the room of mother, most commonly, of a Bishop.
Sursengle (Fr. Sursangle) a long upper girth.
Survivor (from the Fr. Survivre) one that survives, over-lives or out-lives another. In Law it is taken for the longer liver of two Joyntenants, or of any two joyned in the right of any thing.
Susan (Hebr.) Lilly or Rose. Suzan in the Persian tongue, signifies a Needle.
Susception (susceptio) an enterprize, a taking a thing in hand, an undertaking.
Susceptor (Lat.) an undertaker. Mr Fuller uses it for a Godfather at Baptism.
Suscitation (suscitatio) an often stirring up, a taking up, a taking one out of his sleep, a raising up; a quickening.
Suspend (suspendo) to hang up or upon; Also to delay, to defer; to stay or pause; to keep one in suspence and doubt.
Suspension (suspensio) a hanging up; also doubt, incertainty of minde. It is used for a temporal stop of a mans right, and differs from Extinguishment in this, that a right of estate suspended, revives again, but extinguished, dies for ever. Brook tit. Extinguishment, and Suspension. f. 314. Supension is also sometimes used in our Common, as it is in the Cannon Law, pro minori Excommunicatione. An. 24. H. 8. c. 12.
Suspensories (from suspensio, or from the Fr. suspensoires) certain cords or strings (hanging from the Bed-stead) for a sick man to take hold of, and bear himself up with, when he would remove or alter his lying.
Suspiral (Fr. Souspiral) a passage for air or breath to come in and go out at; a bent or breathing hole; hence the Tunnel of a Chimney, the Window of a Seller, the Mouth of a Cave or Den. In the Statute of 35 H. 8. cap. 10. is seems to be taken for a Spring of water, passing under the ground, towards a Conduit or Cestern.
Suspiration (suspiratio) a sighing, an earnest desiring, a sighing after or for one.
Susurrate (susurro) to whisper, to mutter, to carry tales.
Suitler Sutler (from the Dutch Soeteler, i. a Kitchin Slave, a Huckster) one that follows an Army, and sells meat or other provision in it.
Sutor (Lat.) a Shoomaker, a Sewer.
Sutorious (sutorius) belonging to a Shoomaker, or Sewer.
[Page] Suture (sutura) a seam, a fastning or joyning together; the line under the yard of a man; also a joyning together of bones in the head, much like a thing drawn together with long stitches, &c.
Swainmot or Swantmote (from the Saxon Swain, i. a Free-holder, and Mot or Gemot, conventus) is a Court of Free-holders within the Forest, kept by the Charter of the Forest thrice in the year. An. 3. H. 8. cap 18.
Swallows Tail, in building, signifies a fastning two pieces of Timber so strongly together, that they cannot fall asunder; and is so called from the resemblance it hath with a Swallows Tail, being forked.
Swarthy (from the Belg. Swart or Swert, i. black) blackish, of a dark tawney; Sun-burnt.
Swart or Swert-Ruyter (Belg.) a black Horse-man with black Arms. Hexham.
Swepe or Swipe (telo) was an instrument of war; like that which Brewers use with cross beams to draw water. Tho. Est genus machinae ( ut ait Festus) quo hauritur aqua, in alteram partem praegravante pondere.
Swepe, in some part of England, is taken for the crop of hay that is got in a meadow.
Swil-po [...]gh. See Dilling.
Swinuer (from the Sax. Swine. i. labor) a laborer.
Swithin (Sax.) from the old English Switheahn, that is, very high, as Celsus or Exuporius with the Romans. This name hath been taken up in honor of St Swithin, the holy Bishop of Winchester, about the year 860, and called the weeping St Swithin, for that about his Feast Praesepe and Aselli, rainy Constellations, arise cosmically, and commonly cause rain. Cam.
Sword-sleip [...]r (Sax.) a dresser or maker of Swords. So used in the North of England; And a Cutler with them deals onely in knives.
Sybarites (Sybaritae) people of the City Sybaris, in sensual delights passing all other; hence.
Sybaritical (sybariticus) dainty, wanton, sumptuous, effiminate.
Sybil (sybilla) a name of all women that had the spirit of Prophecy; there were ten famous, the first was called Persica, 2. Lybica, 3. Delphica, 4. Cumaea, 5. Erythraea, 6. Samia, 7. Cumana, 8. Hellespontica, 9. Phrygia, 10. Tiburtina. They all prophesied of Christs Incarnation. But the certain number of them is not agreed on among Authors, some making more, others fewer; whereof read Vulgar Errors, pag. 150.
Sybillianists, Christians so called by the Pagans in the Primitive times, because they believed and esteemed the [Page] Prophecies of the Sybils, touching Christ.
Sybilline (Sibillinus) belonging to a Sybil or Prophe [...]ess.
Sy [...]manty (Gr.) Divination by Fig, or Sycamore Leaves.
Sycamore (Sycamorus) a Tree like a Fig-tree, having great branches, and large leaves like a Mulberry; it bears fruit three or four times in a year, much like a wilde Fig, but without any Seeds within. The fruit grows upon the very body of the Tree and the great main boughs, and will never be ripe, except it be scraped with an iron tool. It is found plentifully in Caria, Egypt, and the Isle of Rhodes, especially in such places were Wheat will not grow.
Sycophant (sycophanta) a tale-bearer, a false accuser, a Deceiver, Parasite, Smell-seast. The name arose upon this occasion; There was an Act in Athens, that none should transport Figs out of the Territory Attica; such as gave information of those that, contrary to this Law, conveyed Figs into other parts, were termed Sycophants, from Sycon, which in Greek is a Fig.
Sycophantize (sycophantisso) to play the Sycophant, to slander or accuse falsly, to deal deceitfully.
Syderation (syderatio) blasting of Trees with great heat and drouth, tree-plague; also a sudden taking or benumming of a Limb.
Syderosous (syderosus) Planet-strucken; also full of Stars.
Syllabical (syllabicus) pertaining to or consisting of syllables.
Syllabize, to divide by syllables, or to make a Table, or Index to a Book.
Syllabary (from syllaba) a Book treating of syllables, or teaching the use or knowledge of syllables; also as Syllabus.
Syllabus (Lat.) a Table or Index in a Book, to shew places or matter by Letters or Figures; also an Argument subtilly reproving.
Syllogism (syllogisirus) a most perfect kinde of Argument, which gathers a necessary conclusion out of two premisses; as thus,
2. Every vice is odious.
2. Drunkenness is a vice.
3. Ergo, Drunkenness is odious.
The first part of a Syllogism is called the Proposition or Major; the second, the Assumption or Minor; and the third, the Conclusion.
Syllogystical (syllogisticus) pertaining to a Syllogism.
Syllogize (syllogizo) to reason or argue by Syllogisms.
Sylvanus, the God of the Woods.
Sylvatical (sylvaticus) belonging to Woods, or Trees, woody.
[Page] Sylvestrick Sylv [...]strious (sylvestris) of Wood or Forest, full of Trees or Wood, woody.
Sylvi [...]erous (sylviger) that beareth wood.
Symbole (symbola) a token, badge, or sign to know one by, a secret and mystical note; a short and intricate riddle or sentence; also an uniform concurrence of divers opinions; also the sum of our belief, the Creed. Many frauds you shall read in Plautus, plotted and acted by counterfeiting, and slie conveyance of these Symbols or tokens, wherein there was ever some image or other. So the Symbol of Amphytrion in that Tragicomedy was Sol cum quadrigis, the Sun in his Chariot drawn with four horses. Pyrgopolinices the bragging Soldier, had his own lovely self with great decorum drawn in his Signet for a Symbol.
To Symbolize (from symbola) to sympathize, to concur in opinion, ump in Councils, agree in humors or manners with; also to joyn purses, or pay rateably towards any charge, to club. Also by certain outward signs to signifie some hidden thing; thus an eye symbolizeth vigilancy. Fire and Air are called Symbolizing Elements, so are Earth and Water; because they share and participate of each others quality.
Symbolical (symbolicus) of or pertaining to a Symbol, or token.
Symbolical Philosophy, is that kinde of Learning and Wisdom, which, knowing the causes and proprieties of things natural and supernatural, teach us how to make or expound those mystical and artificial bodies called Symboles, of what kind soever.
Symbolography (Gr.) a description of Symboles, a writing or expression of things by signs and tokens; also the art or description of Instruments or Presidents.
Symmachy (symmachia) aid in war, league among men of divers Countries to joyn in war against one
Symmetry (symmetria) due proportion of each thing to other, in respect of the whole. The convenience that runs between the parts, and the whole.
Symmetrist or Symmetrian (from Symmetria) one that considers the due proportion of a thing, and how well the parts agree with the whole; one skilled in proportions.
Symmist (symmista) one of the privy Council, a Secretary; a fellow or colleague in a (sacred) profession.
Sympathetical (sympatheticus) agreeing well together, in nature, disposition, or passions.
Sympathy (sympathia) natural consent or combination, [Page] mutual passion, affection or disposition, fellow-feeling, symbolizing; as water in coldness, participates or sympathizes with the Earth; in moistness with the Air. Resemblance of quality, concordance of natures and things.
Sympathize (sympathizo) to have a fellow-feeling of, to [...]ump with in passion, consent with in affection, agree with in disposition.
Symphony (symphonia) consent in tune or time, a tuneable singing without jarring, harmony.
Symphoniacal (symphoniacus) of or belonging to consent or harmony.
Symphonist (symphonista) a Chorister, one that sings with true tune and time.
Symposiast (symposiastes) the Master or overseer of a Feast, a Feast-maker.
Symposiaques, Books treating of Feasts and Banquets, such are those of Plutarch so called.
Symptome (symptoma) an effect, accident or passion, following a disease, or sensible grief joyned with it; as headache with an Ague; a pricking in the side with a Plurisie: generally whatever happens in a living Creature against or besides nature, as sickness and the inward causes and accidents thereof.
Symptomatical (from symptoma, atis) of or pertaining to a Symptome.
Synelaepha (Gr.) a contraction of two vowels into one.
Synagogue (from the Gr. [...], to gather together) commonly taken for a house (among the Jews) dedicated to the worship of God, wherein it was lawful to pray, preach, and dispute, but not to sacrifice. In Hebrew it was called Beth Harneseth, the house of Assembly. The Temple of Hierusalem was as the Cathedral Church; the Synagogues, as petty Parish Churches belonging thereto.
Synagogical (synagogicus) pertaining to a Synagogue.
Synaxis (Gr.) the holy Communion, the Eucharist.
Syncategorematical, a term in Logick, signifying what hath no predicamental or self-signification, but being added to another, qualifies that differently from what it was. As on the contrary Categorematical imports what has a predicamental or self-signification.
Syncentrick (Gr.) that has the same centre with another.
Syncopize Syncopate (syncopo) to cut away, to contract; also to swoune.
Syncrism (syncrisma) a liquid Medicine, a thin and spreading ointment.
Synchronical (ejusdem temporis) contemporary. Charl.
Synchronism (from the Gr. [...], i. cum; & [...], tempus) the being or hapning of two things at one, and the [Page] same time, contemporanianism, co-existence. Sir W. Ra.
Syncretism (Gr.) the joyning or agreement of two enemies against a third person.
Syndic (syndicus) a censor or controller of manners; an Advocate, Agent or Attorney for a Commonwealth, or for the Commonalty of a City or Country, one that hath the charge or Commission to deal in affairs of the Commonwealth with a forein Prince. The Government of Geneva is by a Common Council, consisting of Two hundred, the four chief whereof are called Sindiques. There are also Syndicks at Naples, Dantzick, and other places.
Syndicable (from syndic) subject unto examination, censure, or controlment.
Syndicat, the Office or degree of a Syndick.
Syndrome (Gr.) running together, or a running of many to the same place; a concourse. Dr. Br.
Synecdachical, pertaining to the figure Synecdoche; that is, when a part is understood by the whole, or the whole by a part. B. Derry.
Synedrion; see Sanhedrim.
Synerize (from syneresis) to contract two into one; as when we contract two Vowels into a Dipthong.
Syngraph (syngrapha) a Writing or Deed, made or signed with the hand of him that makes a bargain; an Obligation or Bond betwixt two or more; a Specialty of ones own hand. Tho.
Synod (synodus) a meeting or Assembly of Ecclesiastical persons, for the cause of Religion. Of this there are four kinds: As first, a General Oecumenical or Ʋniversal Synod or Council, and that is, where Bishops, &c. of all Nations meet. Secondly, National Synod, where those of one onely Nation meet. Thirdly, Provincial Synod, where Ecclesiastical persons of one onely Province meet. Fourthly, Diocesan Synod, where those of but one Diocess meet. See Convocation.
Synodal Synodical (Synodicus) pertaining to a Synod, or Assembly of Divines.
Synonima's (synonima) words of one and the same signification, which is to be understood both of Appellatives and proper names; as Ensis mucro, gladius, all Latin for a Sword; and Publius, Cornelius, Scipio, Africanus, all one mans name. So, stout, hardy, valiant, doubty, couragious, adventurous, all comprehended under the Latin word (fortis).
Synonimize, to vary the word, but keep the same signification, to use Synonima's, to make two words bear one sence.
Synonimous Synonimal pertaining to words [Page] of the same signification, or whose name and definition are common.
Synoper (synopsis) Red Lead. See Cinnaber.
Synopic (Gr.) Green in Blazon.
Synopsy (synopsis) an Inventory, a short view, or brief recital of any thing.
Syntagm (syntagma) a Treatise, Ordinance, or Constitution; a placing things together.
Syntax (syntaxis) the construction and coherence of words and parts of Speech by concord and agreement; a volume gathered of divers works; also a Tribute, or sum of money to be distributed to many.
Syntectical (syntecticus) that sounds often, that is weak or brought low.
Synteresy (synteresis) the pure part of conscience; or a natural quality engraffed in the soul; which inwardly informs a man, whether he do well or ill.
Syntheme (synthema) a token given to Soldiers, when they are ready to fight, a watch word; also a riddle or intricate sentence.
Synthetical, pertaining to the figure Synthesis, which is when a noun collective singular is joyned with a verb plural.
Syntomy (syntomia) a cutting away, brevity, conciseness
Syren; see Siren.
Syrtes (omnibus linguis) a sandy place in the utmost parts of Affrica, where the sands so move with the waves, that that which was now deep sea is streight-way full of Quick-sands; and is usually taken for any Quick-sand or shelf in the water.
Sysigte (sysigia) a conjunction of the Moon with the Sun, the new Moon.
Systatique (Gr. [...]) that hath the force or power of compacting, building, or putting together. Bac.
Systeme (systema) the compass of a song, or (by a metaphor) of any other thing; the body of any Art or Science, comprehended in one Treatise
Systole (Gr.) the motion or lifting up of the heart or Arteries; also the shortning of a long vowel.
TAbaco; see Tobacco.
Tabefy (tabefacio) to corrupt, consume or melt.
Tabellary (tabellarius) a carrier of letters; an Auditor, a Scrivener.
Tabellarions (tabellarius, a, um) belonging to Carriers or Auditors.
Tabellion (tabellio) a Notary publick, or Scrivener, allowed by authority to ingross and register private contracts and obligations; His Office in [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] some countrys did formerly differ from that of Notarie, but now they are grown or made one; see Notary.
Taberd or Tabard (Sax.) a Jacket, Jerkin, Mandilion, or sleeveless Coat; a chymere Verstegan says, it was antient [...]y a short Gown that reached no further then the midleg; Stow in his Survey, p. 456. says, 'twas a Jacket or sleeveless Coat, whole before, open on both sides, with a square Collar winged at the shoulders. It is now the name onely of an Heralds Coat, and is called their Coat of Arms in Service. It is also the sign of an antient Inn in Southwark.
Tabernacle (tabernaculum) a Pavillion or Tent for War; a little Shop, Shed, or Booth, made of bords or boughs. The Tabernacle of God you may read described, Exod. 26. It was made like a Tent to remove to and fro as occasion required, it had in it one room called Sanctum Sanctorum, wherein the high Priest entered but once a year, and another room called the Holy place, &c. Heb 9.2, 3, 4.
There was of old among the Israelites, a feast commanded by God, called the feast of Tabernacles, which began on the 15. day of the Seventh moneth, and continued seven days, during which time the Israelties lived abroad in Tabernacles, in remembrance [...]hat their Fathers a long time so lived, after God had delivered them out of the Land of Egypt. Now the feast of Tabernacles drew near, Lev. 23.34.
Tabernarious (tabernarius) belonging to Shops or Taverns.
Tabid (tabidus) corrupted, consuming, pining away.
Tabifical (tabificus) that brings into consumption, pyning or rotting away; contagious, corrupt, poysonous.
Tabuha (Heb.) Roe-Buck; a womans name.
Laws of the 12 Tables ( leges 12 tabularum) were certain Grecian Laws brought for the most part from Athens by the decemviri unto Rome, and there written in 12. Tables of brass, and set up in the Market place; by which Laws Justice was ever after administred to the Roman people. Excellency of the Civil Law. p. 134. See Decemvirate.
Table of Apelles, was a picture drawn by Apelles, that famous Painter, the moral whereof was on the one side to represent the excellency of abstinence, and sobriety in the life of man; and on the other, the deformity of drunkenness and gluttony, &c. you may read the story at length in part 1. Tr. of times, fol. 609.
Tabouret (Fr.) a Pincase; also a little low stool for a child to sit on. In France the privilege of the Tabouret, is of a stool for some particular great Ladies to sit in the Queens presence.
[Page] Tabular (tabularis) whereof boards, plancks, or tables may be made, long and large.
Tabulary (tabularium) a chest or place wherein Registers, or Evidences are kept in a City; the Chancery or Exchequer Office.
Tabularious (tabularius) pertaining to writings or accounts; also belonging to tables, or good for them.
Tabulate (tabulo) to board a floor or other place, to make a thing of boards.
Taces, armour for the thighs; so called because they are tached or tacked on with straps of leather to the corslet.
Tachygraphy (Gr.) the art or description of swift writing.
Taciturnity (taciturnitas) silence, secresie of tongue, keeping of counsel.
Taci [...]e (tacitus) that holds his peace, and is still; quiet, saying nothing, without noise.
Tacticks (tactici) they whose office is to set an Army in array; also books treating of that subject.
Taction (tactio) a touching.
Tagliacotian Nose (an inhabitant of Bruxiels had his Nose cut off in a combate, and a new one of another mans flesh set on in its sted, by Tagliacotius, a famous Chyrurgeon of Bononia) a Nose of wax. Dr. Charl.
Tagus a River in Spain, parting Castile from Portugal, where hath been found gravel like gold.
T [...]le (from the Fr. Taille, i. a cut or cutting) signifies in our Common Law, a kind of inheritance in Fee, as when a man holds lands to him, and the Heirs of his body lawfully begotten. This Tail is different, and as it were cut from Fee-simple or free inheritance, because it is not in the Tenants free power to dispose of those lands, being as it were Taille, cut from him, or divided by the first giver, and entailed or tyed on his issue, &c. Tail is either general or special, whereof you may read at large in Littleton
Tailes. Kentish men are said to have tails, which thus took its origen; St. Thomas of Canterbury being in disfavor with Hen. 2. rode from the Court towards Canterbury upon a poor Jade, and some common people, the more to vilifie him, cut off his horse tail, for which crime the successors of those people are said to have had tails, as a judgment from heaven for some generations, now long since ceased; And from hence the French do in derision call us in general Caudaté.
Tailage or Taliage (from the Fr. taille) a tax, tribute, or imposition. Hence also Tailagiers in Chaucer, for tax or toll-gatherers.
Tainct, a kinde of red-coloured Spider, found in the [Page] summer-time; It is so little of body that ten of the largest will hardly outweigh a grain; this by Country people is accounted a deadly poison to Cows and Horses: But see Vul. Err. p. 177.
Talaries (talaria) shooes with wings, which Mercury wore, as Poets feign.
Talassion (talassio) a song used to be sung at marriages; see Thalassio.
Talent (talentum) a value of money, of divers sorts; Among the Greeks there were two Talents, the greater and the less; the greater valued about 233 l. sterl. the less about 175 l. Among the Hebrews the Talent of silver contained of ours 375 l. The Talent of Gold was 4500 l. It also signifies a faculty or aability; as we say a man of good talents, i. of good parts or abilities.
Tales de Circumstantibus; see Circumstantibus.
Taley or tally, from the Fr. taille▪ i. cut or slit; because a taley is a score made of a stick of wood slit in two pieces, to keep account between two parties; one part of it remaining in the custody of the one, and the other of the other, so that one cannot score up any thing without the other.
Talion, or lex talionis, a Law where each suffered what they had done to others, eye for eye, one bad turn for another, Deut. 19.21. and Aul. Gell. lib. 11. ca. 1.
Talismans (Arab.) images, or figures made under certain constellations; Magical Characters; see Gaffarels curiosities, p. 147. for their antiquity and use; see Gamahes.
Talismanical belonging to such Images.
Tallage; see Taliage.
Talmud or Thalmud (from the Hebr. [...] talmid, .i disciplina) a superstitious and blasphemous Book containing the body of the Jewish Law, composed by their Rabbins, and of great authority among them.
Talmudical, pertaining to the Talmud, superstitious.
Talmudist, a Student or Professor of the superstitions contained in the Talmud.
Talpicide (talpicida) the taking or killing Moles or Woants.
Talwood, Ann. 33. & 35. H. 8. ca. 3. & A. 7 Ed. 6. ca. 7. & 42 Eliz. ca. 14. Talshide, ibid. It is a long kinde of shide of wood, riven out of the tree, which shortned, is made into Billets.
Tamarinds (tamarindi) a fruit brought hither out of India like green Damascens, the tree whereof is like a Date tree, they are cold of operation, and therefore good against burning Feavers, and all inward diseases proceeding of heat and choler.
Tamarisk (tamarice) a [Page] shrub, whereof there are two kinds, the greater, which bears fruit like the lesser oak apples, or galls, the less bearing gayish leaves without fruit; The decoction of which lesser Tamarisk, in wine and a little vinegar being drunk, i [...] of great vertue against the lardness or stopping of the spleen or Milt.
Tamburine, an old kind of instrument, which by some is supposed to be the Clarion-Spencer.
Tampeon or Tampkin (Fr. Tampon) a bung or stopple. It is a small piece of wood, turn'd fit for the mouth of any piece of Ordnance, to keep out rain or sea-water.
Tampoy, a curious sort of drink in the Moluccoes and Philippines made of a kind of Gilliflowers. Mr. How.
Tanacles (from the Ital. Tanaglie) Tonges or Pincers for tortures.
A Tangent, Is a right line perpendicular to the Diameter, drawn by the one extreme of a given Ark, and terminated by the Secant, drawn from the Centre through the other extreme of the said Ark.
Tangible (tangibilis) which may be touched, touchable.
Tanistry (à thanis, viris a [...]ud Saxones honoratis) a cer [...]ain Law or custom in Ireland, which did not observe the he [...]editary right of succession a [...]ong Princes and great persons, but he that had most power, was eldest of the house and was most worthy of blood and name, did inherit. Antiq. Hib. p. 38.
Tantalize, Poets feign Tantalus, King of Phrygia, to have been the son of Jupiter, and the Nymph Plota, and that he received the gods to a banquet, and sod his own son Pelops, and gave them him to eat; Ceres only did eat of the shoulder, the rest forbearing that meat, yet Pelops was restored to life and received an ivory shoulder for his own; and for that Tantalus discovered the secrets of the gods to men; therefore is he said to be tormented in hell thus; He stands up to the chin in a pleasant River, and a tree of fair fruit hanging over him, and yet is he always plagued with hunger and thirst, for when he either stoops down to drink, or reaches out his hand to take an apple, they both so retire that he cannot touch the one or taste the other, therefore he may be called Tantalus, quasi [...], i. infelicissimus. Hence to be tantalized, is to be in the condition of Tantalus, to be near unto, or in sight of some happiness or wished thing, and yet not to be permitted to enjoy it.
Tapinage (Fr.) secrecy, a lurking or lying close.
Tapissant (Fr.) lurking, lying, squatting, a term of [Page] hunting, called shortly, Tapis.
Tara-tantara, or Tarantara (from the Brittish Tara [...], i. thunder, or from taro and taraw, i. to strike, and so may signifie as much as percutiens, percute) it is a word of encouragement to battel which Trumpets do (as near as they can) imitate.
Tarantarize (tarantarizo) to sound a Trumpet, to sing or sound tara-tantara.
Tarantula (Lat.) a most venemous Spider, so called, of Tarentum, a Neapolitan City, where they most abound; some take it to be a flie, whose sting is deadly; yet curable by divers sounds of Musick. See more of this in Sands Travels, fol. 249.
Tardigrade (tardigradus) that goeth slow, or hath a slow pace.
Tardiloquent (tardiloquus) that speaks slowly, or draws his speech out at length.
Tardity (tarditas) slowness, slackness, hindering or delaying.
Tar-pawling or Tarpauli [...], a piece of canvass tar'd all over, to lay upon the Deck of a ship, to keep the rain from soaking through; also one of the meaner sort of Sailers, because commonly clothed in Canvas.
Tarshish the Ocean or main Sea, Psa. 48.9. Break the ships of Tarshish. Tarshish was the name of the Son of Javan, the son of Japeth, the son of Noah, Gen. 10.4. of whom Tarsus a City of Cicilia in Syria, had the name, Acts 21.34. from thence they went by shipping into far Countreys Africa, Judea, Ophir, &c. 1 Kings 22.48. and 10.21. Hereupon that sea was called Tarshish, and the name is generally applied to every Ocean. Wilson.
Tarrasse (Fr. terrasse) bank or heap of earth; bu [...] most usually an open Gallery or place to walk in, commonly above ground.
Tarter (Fr. tartre) the Lees or dregs that stick to the sides of wine vessels, hard and dry like a crust; sound, and so close compacted that you may beat it into powder; called also Argal.
Tartarine Tartarean (tartareus) of hell, hellish terrible.
Tases; see Taces.
Tassel or Tiersel (Fr. tiercelet) the male of any kinde of Hawk; so termed, because in bigness or strength of body, he is commonly a third part less then the female.
Taurean (taureus) Taurine (taurinus) of [...] belonging to a Bull.
Tauricornous (tauricorni) horned like a Bull. Br.
Tauriferous (taurifer) which beareth or nourishe [...] Bulls or Neat.
Taurus the greatest h [...]l in all Asia, which in hoy Writ is called Mount Ara [...]t. [Page] Also one of the twelve Signs of the Zodiack.
Tautologie (tautologia) a repeating of one and the same thing in other words.
Tautological (tautologicus) that doth so repeat.
Taxers, two Officers yearly chosen in Cambridge, to see the true gage of all weights and measures; the name took beginning from taxing or rating the rents of houses, which was antiently the duty of their Office.
Technical (technicus) artificial, cunning, done like a workman.
Technology (Gr.) a treating or description of Crafts, Arts or Workmanship.
Tectonick (tectonicus) of or belonging to a builder.
Tectorian (tectorius) pertaining to covering, pargetting washing or white-lyming.
Tedder (from the Dutch Toddere [...], i. to tie) to tie a a horse or beast with a rope, that he may grase within such a compass, and no further▪ and somtimes the Rope it self.
Tediferous (tedifer) that beareth a torch or taper.
Tegment (tegmentum) a covering, a garment or cloathing. Br.
Teirse; see Tierse.
Telarie (from tela) pertaining to a web or weaving, Dr. Brown speaks of Telary Spiders, that is such as weave cobwebs. Vul. Err.
Telescope (Gr.) an instrument enabling one to see afar off; a Prospective glass.
Telesme; see Talisman.
Te [...]feron (telifer) which beareth darts, arrows or weapons.
Tellus, the goddess of the earth.
Temerarious (temerarius) more hardy then needs, and wisdom requires, fool-hardy, rash, indiscreet, unadvised.
Tem [...]i [...] (temeritas) rashness, fool-hardiness, unadvisedness.
Temp [...], a pleasant and most delightful place in Thessaly, held to be the Muses garden; whence all pleasant woods and fields receive that name.
Temperament (temperamentum) a moderation, mean or measure, a due proportion of the four humors of the body.
Temperamental, pertaining to temperament.
Temperance (temperantia) moderation, refraining of sensuality and unruly affections, soberness.
Temperance is a vertue, which rules the appetite, bridles our sensual delights, and makes a man content to moderate himself in them according to reason. Tour. Cat.
Temperature (temperatura) moderation in mingling things together; good disposition, temperateness.
Tempestivity (tempestivitas) season or time convenient, [Page] opportunity, fitness of time, seasonableness.
Templaries, or Knights of the Temple (Templarii) certain religious Christian-souldiers dwelling about the Temple at Jerusalem, and therefore so called, whose office and vow was to defend that Temple and the holy Sepulchre, and to entertain Christian strangers that came thither for devotion, to guard them in safety, when they went to visit the places of the holy land: Their habit was a white cloak or upper garment with a red cross and a sword gir [...] about them, as you may see in Mr. Dugdales Antiquities of Warwick-shire. This order was instituted by Pope Gelasius about the year of our Lord 1117. or 1120. and had flourished about two hundred years, when it was suppressed by Clement the fifth.
These Templars first founded and built the Temples or Templars Inne in Fleetstreet, which without controversie is the most antient of all the Inns of Court, and though they were divided into three several Houses, that is the Inner, the Middle, and the Outward Temple (which last is now converted into Essex house) yet were they at first all but one House; in which these Knights lived in great honor and opulency about one hundred years; For they had many Castles, Lordships, and Seignories belonging to them and their Order in many parts of England; and the Master of this Order was a Baron of this Nation; their Church, yet standing, was dedicated to the service of God by Heraclius, Patriarck of Jerusalem, An. Dom. 1185.
After the suppression of these Templars, their lands were (by a general Council held at Vienna) conferred on the other more antient and religous Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, called also Joannites, and after Knights of Rhodes, and lastly of Malta, where they live at this day. And this Cannon of the Council was confirmed to the Knights of Saint John residing here in England by Act of Parliament made 17. Ed. 2. In the reign of Edw. 3, (after several noble persons had in this interval been tenants and occupants of the Temple Inns) certain of the reverend antient Professors of the Laws obtained a very large or perpetual Lease of this Temple, or of two parts thereof, distinguished by the names of the Middle and Inner Temple, from the said Joannites (then residing in their goodly house called the Priory of St. John of Jerusalem, near Smithfield) to pay yearly ten pounds.
These Knights Templars bore for their Arms, a Shield Argent, charged with a Cross Gules, and upon the Nombril [Page] of it, a holy Lamb. And Mat. Paris saith, on their common Seal was engraven a horse with two men riding on him. But the Society of the Inner Temple have taken for their Ensign or Devise, a Pegasus, or flying Horse, sable or gules upon a Shield Or. Over the door of the Temple Church was this inscription in antient characters, remaining legible till April 1656. since which time the latter part of it is defaced. ✚ Anno ab incarnatione domini MCLXXXV. dedicata haec Ecclesia in honorem beatae Mariae à Domino Eraclio Dei gratiae Sanctae resurrectionis Ecclesiae Patriarcha, quarto Idus Februarii, qui eam annatim petentibus, de injuncta sibi penitentia, LX. dies indulsit.
Temporaneous (temporaneus) done suddenly, at a certain time, pertaining to time; variable for the time.
Temporary (temporarius) in time, at the hour appointed, temporal, temporeous.
Temporaities of Bishops, were such revenues as had been given to their Sees by the Kings and other great Personages, as they were Lords of the Parliament. See Spiritualities of Bishops.
Temporize (from tempus, oris) to observe, agree with, or apply himself to the time; to seek to please the times, to live as the times go; also to linger or protract the time.
Temporizer, he that doth so, a time-server.
Temulency (temulentia) drunkenness.
Temulent Temulentine (temulentus) drunken, cupshot.
Tenacies (tenacia) the stalks of apples. Lustra Lud.
Tenacious (tenax, acis) that holds fast, long and stedfast, good and sure, clammy, glewish; also hard to be moved, stiff-necked.
Tenacity (tenacitas) fastkeeping, sure holding, niggardliness, misery; also constancy, stedfastness.
Tend (tendo) to extend, to stretch out, to bend, to incline, to make towards, to draw on.
Tendency (tendentia) an extending, a stretching out; a going forward, a making toward.
Tenderlings, the soft tops of a Deers horns when they are in blood, any living things that are nesh and tender.
Tendons or Tendines (Lat. tendones) certain instruments of moving in the top of muscles, made of sinews and ligatures, and knitting them to the bones, they are harder then sinews, and not so hard as ligatures. Thom.
Tendrels (from the Fr. tendron, or Lat. tenendo) little sprigs of vines or other plants wherewith they take hold to grow or stay themselves up; also a kind of gristle.
Tenebres (Fr. à tenebrae) darkness, obscurity; also the Service or Mattins used in the [Page] Roman Church on Wednesday Thursday and Friday before Easter, are call'd tenebrae, (and thence tenebrae-Wednesday, Thursday, &c.) as being begun with many lights, and ending in darkness, representing the night-time of our blessed Saviours apprehension in the Garden Gethsemani; in which Office are lighted at the first on a triangular candlestick fifteen candles, viz. as many as there are Psalms and Canticles in the Office, and at the end of every Psalm one of the fifteen lights is extinguished till they are all put out; so to shew the forsaken desolate state of our blessed Saviour in his passion, all the light or comfort of his friends leaving him, or being forced from him for a time, and he left alone suh potestate tenebrarum, under the power of darkness.
Tenebrosity (tenebrositas) great darkness or obscurity.
Tenebrous (tenebrosus) very close, dark or obscure.
Tenerity (teneritas) softness, tenderness.
Tenn [...], a term used by Heralds signifying an orange or tawny colour.
Teno [...], that part of a Post or Rafter which is put into a mortise hole, to make it stand upright, or bear it up.
Tenor (Lat.) a continual order, form, fashion, trade, state or race; Also the content or substance of a matter.
The tenor part in musick is that which is next above the base. The order in consort-vocal musick is thus; 1. Base. 2. Tenor. 3. Counter-tenor; 4. Mean or Contra-alto. 5. Treble or Alto.
Tensile (tensus) stretched out, bent, strouting out.
Tent [...] hath divers significations. As first (from tentorium) it signifies a Pavillion or Tent for War, commonly made of Sackcloth or such like.
2. Tent which Chyrurgions put into a wound, comes from ( tento, to try) because it tries how wide or deep the wound is.
3. Jewellers call that Tent which they put under Table Diamonds when they set them in work, and is made of Mastick and Turpentine.
4. Tent or Tint wine, is a kind of Alicant, though not so good as pure Alicant, and is a general name for all wines in Spain, except white, from the Span. (vino tinto) i. a deep red wine.
5. Tent (from tentum) a mans privy member.
Tentative (from tento) the posing (for the passing) of Graduates; a probation or examination of such as are to to take degree, or that tries or examines.
Tenths (decimae) is that yearly portion of tribute, which all Ecclesiastical Livings yield to the King, An. 26. H. 8. cap. 3. The Levites [Page] paid them to their high Priests, Numb. 8. Hieron. in Ezekiel. It signifies also a tax levied of the temporalty. Holinsh. H. 2. fol. 111.
Tentorian (tentorianus) belonging to a Tent or Pavillion.
Tenuate (tenuo) to make small, thin or slender; to make lean, or feeble.
Tenuifolious, thin or narrow leafed. Br.
Tenuious or Tenuous (tenuis) slender, thin, low, lean, poor, sparing, small, of no estimation. L. Bac.
Tenuity (tenuitas) smalness, poverty, leanness, thinness, fineness.
Tenure (from tenere to hold) is the manner whereby Lands and Tenements are holden of their Lords. What may make a Tenure, and what not. See Perkins Reservations 70. By Act of Parl. 1656. ca. 4. all Tenures are now turned into free and common Soccage.
Tepefie (tepefacio) to make warm.
Tephragmantie (Gr.) divination by ashes, blown or cast up in the air.
Tepid (tepidus) mean between cold and hot, lukewarm; also cold and nothing earnest in a matter.
Tepidity (tepiditas) lukewarmness. Tepor idem.
Teraphim (the Heb. word Taraph signifies in general the compleat image of a man) in particular an Idol or Image made for mens private use in their own houses, Gen. 31.30. Iudges 17.5.
Teribinthine (terebinthinus) belonging to Turpentine, or the tree out of which it issues.
Terebrate (terebro) to bore or make a hole with a wimble or awger, to pierce, to thirle.
Terebration (terebratio) a boring or piercing. Bac.
Tergeminous (tergeminus) three fold, triple; one of, or the three born at the same time.
Tergiductor (Lat.) the hinder man, or bringer up of a file of Soldiers.
Tergiment (tergimentum) that which is put into the scales to makes weight.
Tergiversation (tergiversatio) a flinching, withdrawing, shifting, slinking, shrinking back or dodging, a non-suit in Law, a hasting, a runing away, yet fighting still. See Calumniate.
Termagant (from ter and [...], i. magnus) thrice great, or great in the superlative degree. Sir W.D.
Terminals (terminalia) feasts instituted to the honor of Terminus, the god of Bounds, and kept in February, at the eighth Calends of March, because between terminalia and refugium, the odd days of the Leap year were put in.
[Page] Terminate (termino) to end, to finish, to bound, to appoint or assign bounds or marches, to limit.
Terminus, the God of Bounds, who was wont to end the strifes and controversies of Countrey people in dividing their lands. See Lactantius l. 1. c. 20.
Ternary Ternarious (ternarius) belonging to the number three.
Ternion (ternio) the number three.
Terra-sigillata (Lat.) an earth brought from the Isle Lemnos, it was used to be sent from thence sealed, therefore called sigillata, and said to be good for curing wounds, stopping fluxes, expelling poisons, &c.
Tertae-filius ( i. son of the earth) the name of the Fool in the Acts at Oxford.
Terrene (terrenus) earthly, that lives on the earth, or is done on the earth.
Terrestrial. Idem.
Terrestrify, to make earthly or like earth. Br.
Terrar or Terrer (from terra) a particular or survey of a Mannor, or of ones whole estate of lands, containing the quantity of acres and boundaries thereof. In the Exchequer there is a Terrar of all the Glebelands in England, made about the II. of Edw. 3. Sometimes used for a suit-roll, or catalogue of all the tenants and Residents names within a Mannor, and what Lands they hold.
Terre-tenant (i. tenens terram) is he, who hath the natural actual possession of the land, which we otherwise call the occupation, A. 39 Eliz. cap. 7. For example, a Lord of a Mannor hath a Freeholder, who lets out his free land to another, this third person is called the Terre-tenant. West. part. 2. Simb. tit. Fines sect. 137.
Terricrepant (terricrepus) that rebuketh terribly or bitterly.
Terrisonant (terrisonus) that sounds terribly.
Territory (territorium) the Country or Continent of land lying within the bounds of a City, Town or Lordship.
Terrulent (terrulentus) earthy or earthly, made of earth.
Terse (tersus) clean, pure, neat; as a terse Oration, i. neat or well-pen'd.
Tertiate (tertio) to Till ground, or do any thing the third time; to tri-fallow, as they say in Herefordshire.
Tertiary (tertiarius) of or belonging to the third, or the third sort, tertian.
Tessera (Lat.) a thing in every part square, as a Dye; Also a watchword, or signal, a note, mark or token, &c.
Tesserarious (tesserarius) belonging to Tessera, or a Dye.
Test, is a broad instrument, made of Maribone ashes hooped about with iron, [Page] on which Refiners do fine, refine and part gold and silver from other Mettals, or (as we use to say) put them to the Test.
Testaceous (testaceus) made of tile, brick, or baked earth; that hath a shell. Testaceous animals, are such as have shels▪ as all shel-fish, snails, &c.
Testament, testamentum, i. testatio mentis, the witness of of the minde, as the last Will & Testament is, of which there are two sorts, viz. nuncupatory, and in writing; The first is when a man being sick, and for fear least death, want of memory or speech should come so suddenly upon him, that he should be prevented, if he staid the writing his Will, desires his neighbours and friends to bear witness of his last Will, and then declares the same by words before them; which after his decease, being proved by the witnesses, and put in writing by the Ordinary, stands in as good force (except for lands) as if it had in his life time been put in writing, &c. Some distinguish Testaments from Wills, as if the first concerned lands onely, and the other personal estate. Of this read the Duty of Executors.
Testamentatious (testamentarius) belonging to a Testament or last Will.
Testation (testatio) a witness bearing.
Testator (Lat.) he that makes a Will or Testament.
Testatrix (Lat.) she that does so.
Testicular (testicularis) belonging to the stones of man or beast.
Teston (Fr.) a piece of silver coyn, worth about 18 d. sterl.
Testification (testificatio) a proving by witness, a witness-bearing.
Testudineous (testudineus) belonging to, or bowing like the shell of a Tortoise, vaulted. Also pertaining to that antient War-engine called Testudo, or to the Target-fence; of both which see Godw. Anthol. p. 180.
Tetanical (tetanicus) that hath the crick in the neck, or a kinde of cramp, which holds the neck so stiff, that it cannot bow.
Tetra (Gr.) four; hence
Tetracord (tetrachordium) an antient instrument with four strings; but now it is taken for every fourth in the Scale of Musick. or Gamut.
Tetrade (Fr.) a quaternity or mess, the proportion or number of four.
Tetraglottical (Gr.) that hath, or consists of four Tongues or Languages.
Tetragonal (tetragonus) that is four square, as a tetragon or quadrangle.
Tetragrammaton (Gr.) that hath four letters. The Hebrews so called the great Name of God, Jehovah; because [Page] in their language it was written with four letters, and was held in such reverence among them, that it was unlawful to pronounce it.
Tetralogie (Gr.) a speaking or writing in four parts. Among the Antients it was a kind of Tragedy, consisting of four Dramma's, as the manner was, when they contested, to be presented at four several Festivals.
Tetrameter (Gr.) a kind of verse having but four feet or measures.
Tetraptote (tetraptotum) declined in four cases.
Tetrach (Gr.) a Governor of the fourth part of a Country.
Tetrarchy (tetrachia) the goverment of the fourth part of a Country, or a government of the whole by four persons.
Tetrastick (tetrastichon) a sentence or Epigram comprised in four verses.
Tetrasyllabical (tetrasyllabicus) that hath or contains four syllables.
Tetrical (tetricus) rude, rough, unpleasant, sower, crabbish, hard to relish.
Tetricity (tetricitas) sourness or sadness of countenance.
Tetritude, Idem.
Tetronimal (tetronimus) that hath four names.
Teutenicks (teutonici) people of Germany, cal'd Almains; Also an order of Knights.
Textile (textilis) that is weaved or wounden, embroidered. Bac.
Textorian (textorius) of or belonging to a weaver; or weaving.
Texture (textura) a weaving.
Thalassiarck (thalassiarcha) an Admiral or chief Officer at Sea.
Thalassical (thalassicus) of a blew colour like the sea-waves, sea-green or blew.
Thalassion (thalassio) a nuptial Song, or a song at a Bridal. Thalassio was used at Bridals or Weddings in Rome, as an auspicate or lucky word; like this among the Greeks, Hymen O Hyminaee, Hymen, &c.
Thalia, one of the Muses.
Thalmud; see Talmud.
Thane (Sax.) a dignity among our antient Saxons, of two sorts; Meset Thanes were Priests qualified to say Mass; Worrould Thanes were a kind of secular or temporal Lords.
Thavies Inn in Holborn, is one of the eight Inns of Chancery, it was antiently the house of one John Thavie, an Armorer, of whom it was rented in Edward the Thirds time, by some Professors of the Law; but about Henry the Seventh's time it was purchased by the Benchers of Lincolns Inn, for the Students and other professors of the Law of Chancery, and still retains the name of the old owner, Mr. Thavie. The Arms of this house are Azure, two [Page] garbs in saltor Or, with a T. argent in a chief Sables.
Theater (theatrum) a place made half round, where people assembled to behold Plays and solemn Games; a Stage or scaffold; see Amphitheater.
Theatral Theatrical (theatricus) belonging to a Theater.
Theatins or Thietins, an order of religious persons, which began about the time of Pope Clement the seventh. So called, because they were first instituted by John Peter-Caraff, who was first Bishop of Thiette or Theate in the Kingdom of Naples, and afterwards Pope Paul the third. Spir. Conflict.
Theft-bo [...]e (from theft and boote, i compensatio) signifies the receiving of goods from a thief, to the end to favor and maintain him; the punishment whereof is ransome and imprisonment, and not loss of life and member. Stawnf. pl. Cor. lib. 1. cap. 43. And the Mirror of Justices lib. 2. cap. des peches criminels al suite del roy: And yet he there makes mention of a Record alledged which testified a Judgment of life and member given in this case.
Thelemite (Gr.) a libertine, one that does what he list.
Themis, the Goddess of Justice, that gave out Oracles in Boeotia.
Theos in Greek, is Deus. God, with which we have many words compounded. As,
Theobald (commonly Tibold & Thibald) Gods power.
Theode [...]ic (Germ.) contractedly Deric and Terry, with the French, powerable, or rich in people, according to Lipsius. Cam.
Theodore (Gr.) Gods gift, a mans name, now corruptly by Welch-Brittans called Tydder. Cam. But the modern Britains say Tudur, which may come from Tawdwr, signifying grosness or fat, and so signifies a fat or gross man.
Theocracy (Gr.) Gods government.
Theogonie (theogonia) the beginning or generation of the gods.
Theologaster, a small or simple Divine, a smatterer in Divinity.
Theology (theologia) divinity, reasoning; or science of God and holy things.
Theologue or Theologer (Theologus) a Divine, a Professor of Divinity.
Theological (theologicus) pertaining to Divinity.
Faith, Hope and Charity are called the Theological vertues, because they have their object and end in God: For the object of Faith is Gods veracity or infallibility in speaking truth; the object of Hope is Gods infinite inclination to do good to all; the object of Charity [Page] is Gods infinite perfection, whereby he is worthy of all love.
Theologize, to preach or play the Divine.
Theomachy (Gr.) a warring or fighting against the gods, as the old Gyants are feigned to have done.
Theomagical (Gr.) pertaining to the wisdom of God, or that works wonders by his help.
Theomancy (theomancia) a kinde of divination or Inchanting by abusive calling upon the secret, and mysterious names of God.
Theominy (theominia) the anger or wrath of God.
Theophilus (Gr.) loving God.
Theorba (from the Ital. Tiorba) a certain musical instrument somewhat different from the ordinary Lute, in that the head of this, or part of it bends back, and the head of that is commonly strait.
Theoreme (theorema) a speculation; any principle or undoubted rule in any science or Art. But particularly (as it is opposed to problema) that which respects contemplation more then practice.
Theorem [...]tick Theoretick (theorematicus) belonging to a theoreme, or to contemplation.
The Theoretick part of Science consists in Geometry, Harmonic, Astronomy, which neither act nor produce any thing.
Theoremist, a professor of Theoremes or Axioms of undoubted truth.
Theory (theoria) speculation, contemplation and knowledge of an art without practice, or deep study.
Theosophical (Gr.) wise in things belonging to God.
Therapeutick (therapeuticus) curing, healing. Br.
Theraphim; see Teraphim.
Theriacal (theriacus) of a viper or other cruel beasts; of, or belonging to triacle.
Thermety (thermefacio) to chase or make one hot with outragious eating and drinking hot things.
Thermometer (Gr.) an Instrument, whereby to measure the degrees of heat and cold, a weather-glass.
Thermopolist (thermopola) a Cook that sells hot meat.
Thesaurer (thesaurus) a Treasurer. Spotsw.
Thesaurize (thesaurizo) to gather or heap up treasure, to hoard up riches.
Thesiphone, one of the Furies.
Thesis (Gr.) a general and indefinite question, argument or position.
Theta (☉) a Greek letter, answering to (th) with us, used as a mark for persons condemned to death (being the first letter of [...], i. mors) or for faults in writings or Books; as the letter L. for lauds or laudibilia, select words and sentences.
[Page]Et potis es nigrum vitio praefigere,
Thetic, pertaining to Theta.
Thetis, sometimes used for the Sea.
Theurgy; see Turgie.
Thiller or Thil-horse, is that horse which is put under the Thills of the Cart to bear them up.
Thud-borow; see Head-borow.
Thole (tholus) a knot in the midst of a timber vault, where the ends of the posts meet, called a Scutchin: a Pinacle, a Tabernacle; Also that place in Temples, where donaries & such gifts as were presented there, are hung up.
Thomas (Hebr.) signifies twin, or, as some will have it, bottomless deep.
Thomists (Thomistae) are those Divines that follow the Doctrine of St. Tho. of Aquine, who, for his excellency in Theology, is generally styled the Angelical Doctor; whose School-opinions are impugned by Johannes Scotus a Minorite and his followers.
Thorachique (from thorax acis) belonging to the breast or stomack. Thorachique Vein or Artery; see in Vein and Artery.
Thor was an Idol of great esteem among the old Saxons and Teutonicks, and the day now called Thursday was dedicated to his peculiar service, and thence took denomination, which the Danes and Swedes yet call Chors [...]ay; He was also called the God of thunder, whence in the Neatherlands the day is called Dundersdagh, or Chun [...]ersday. Versteg. 60, 61.
Thorp (Sax.) a Village or Country Town, we have many in Leicester and Nottinghamshires, that still retain this antient name; and in Holland they call it Dorp.
Thrask [...]es, are the followers of John Thraske, who broached his Judaical opinions in England about the year 1618. for which he was censured in the Star-chamber, but afterwards recanted. Mr. Full. Church hist. lib: 10. p. 76. There was also one Theophilus Braborn, a Disciple of his, who wrote a Book in defence of his heretical opinions, in the year 1632.
Thrasonical (thrasonicus) vain-glorious, boasting, cracking, Thraso-like.
Thrave of corn, was too Shocks of six or rather twelve sheaves a piece. Stati 2. H 6 ca. 2. The word comes from the British Dreva, i. twenty four. In most Counties of England twenty four sheaves do now go to a Thrave. Twelve sheaves makes a Stook, and two Stooks a Thrave.
Threne (threnum) lamentation; [Page] also a lamentable verse or song; a funeral song.
Threnody (threnodia) the singing of a funeral song.
Threnetick (threneticus) mournful, lamentable.
Threpe (Sax.) to affirm positively, or to face one down with confidence; Also to rebuke or chide. Still used in the North.
Third-borow is used for a Constable, An. 28. H 8. ca. 10. which also is noted by Mr. Lambert in his Duty of Constables, p. 6. and seems to be corruptly used for the Sax. Fre [...] [...]or [...], i. ingenuus fide jussor. See Headborow.
Throb ( [...]ax.) to pant or rise often, as the heart doth.
Thrones (throni) have the third ranck in the celestial Hierarchy, whom together with Dominations, Principalities and Powers, St. Paul mentions; They signifie Majesty, on whom God is said to sit. Thou sittest, &c.
Thurman (Hebr.) persection. See Ʋrim.
Thuriferous (thurifer) that beareth or brings forth frankincense.
Thursday. See Thor and Day.
Thymelical (thymelicus) belonging to players in interludes and open dance.
Thymous (thymosus) full of Thime, an herb so called.
Thyrse (thyrsus) a stalk or stem of any herb; also a Javelin wrapped with Ivy, which the flock of drunken Harlots bare in Bacchus his Sacrifice.
Tiar [...] (Lat.) a round Ornament for the head, which Princes, Priests, and women of old time wore. Hence we still call it a tire for a womans head, and a tiring-woman. It is sometimes used for the Popes triple Crown.
Tibial (tibialis) of, or belonging to pipes; meet to make pipes of.
Tibicinate (tibicino) to sing or pipe.
Ticktack (Fr. trictrac) a game at Tables, so called, not from the sudden removing the men, and the snapping noise they make, as Min. would have it; but ticktack, quasi touch and take, that being the law of the Game, if you touch a man, you must play him.
Tide (Belg.) time. See Spring-tide.
Tiercel. See Tassel.
Tie [...]c [...]t Fr.) a song of triple Stanzoes, or Stanzo of three verses.
Tierc [...] (Fr. tiers) a certain measure of liquid things, as Wine, Oyl, &c. containing the sixth part of a Tun. Ann. 32. H. 8 c. 14. or the third part of a pipe, and from this last it takes denomination, because tiers in French signifies a third, or third part.
Tigrine (tigrinus) of, or like the swift beast, Tigre.
Tilting. See Turneaments.
Timariots, wheresoever [Page] any land is conquered by the Great Turk, it is divided into divers parts, and given to those they call Timariots, for term of life, with obligation to serve on horse-back wheresoever they shall be summoned; This is not much unlike our old Tenures of Knights service or Escuage, but not hereditary; According to the value of the timar or feud, the Timariot is to come in with one, two, three or more horses, &c. See Sir Hen. Blounts Voyage, fol. 65.
Timber of skins, is a term among Furriers, and signifies Forty skins. Acts 1656. ca. 20. And Timbers of Ermine is a term in Blazon, signifying the rows or rancks of Ermine, in the Capes of Noblemens Robes.
Timbrel (from the Belg. Trommel) a Taber.
Timidity (timiditus) fearfulness, bashfulness, timerousness.
Timocr [...]cy (Gr.) dominatus in quo á sensu magistratus creantur. Scap. a government wherein the Magistrates were created by their riches.
Timothy (Timotheus) a mans name; in Greek, it signifies honoring God.
Timpane. See Tympane.
Ti [...]cei (from the Fr. Estincelle, i. a spark, or sparkle of fire) signifies with us a stuff or cloth made of silk, and copper; so called because it glisters like sparks of fire.
Ti [...]ture (tinctura) a dying or staining, a colour or dye.
Tingible (tingibilis) that may be stained, dipped or died.
Tin [...]y (a word used in Worcestershire and thereabouts, as a little tiney) comes from the Ital. (Tini) which is a diminutive termination.
Tinniment (tinnimentum) a ringing or tinckling, as mettals do.
Tinsel. See Tincell.
Tint-wine. See Tent-wine
Tintamar (Fr. tintamare) a clashing or crashing, a rustling or gingling noise, made in the fall of woodden stuff, or vessels of mettal.
Tintinate (tintino) to ring like a bell, to ring.
Tipoc [...]smy or Typ [...]c [...]sm (typocosmia) a type or figure of the world.
Tiromantie (tiromantia) a kind of divination by chee [...]e.
Tissu (Fr. woven or plaited) with us cloth of tissu is cloth of silk and silver, or silk and gold woven together.
Ti [...]an, used of Poets for the Sun.
Tit [...]nick (titanicus) of or belonging to the Sun.
Tith [...] (decimae) seems to be an abreviate of tithing, being the Saxon ( [...]ot [...]u [...]g) a little altered, which signifies decuriam, a tithing. It signifies the tenth part of all fruits predial or personal, &c. See Sir Henry Spelman, de non temerandis Ecclesiis, and Mr. Seldens History of Tithes.
[Page] Tithing (Sax. Teothung) signifies (says Lambert) the number or company of ten men, with their families cast and knit together in a society, all of them being bound to the King, for the peaceable and good behavior of each of their society; of these companies there was one principal person, who of his office was called (Teothung-man) at this day in the West parts (Tithing-man) but now he is nothing but a Constable; for that old discipline of tithings is left long since. It also signifies a Court. An. 23. Ed 3. ca 4.
Titillation (titillatio) a tickling, a stirring, a pleasant moving.
Titubate (titubo) to stagger in going, to stumble; and by metaphor, to stutter or stammer in speaking.
Titular (from titulus) that bears a title onely
Tobaco or Tobacco (sic vocatur in omnibus linguis) a Drug too well known in England since the year 1585 when the Mariners of Sir Fra. Drake first brought it hither from the Indies, where some affirm there is an Island called Tobacco, and abounding with it, whence the Drug took denomination, if nor, the Island so called from the Drug.
Tobi [...] (Heb.) the Lord is good.
Tod of Wool is twenty eight pounds in weight, or two Stone; see Stone.
Tol [...]yth, the name of the chief Prison at Edenburgh.
Tolsey or Toldsey, is a place in the City of Bristol, answerable to the Old Exchange in London, where the Merchants meet; and may perhaps be so called, because oft-times there is money told upon the heads of round posts or pillars made for that purpose; or from, Tol, i. vectigal and sey, i. sedes, the seat or place of paying Custom.
Tolutation (tolutatio) an ambling pace, a going easie.
Tolutiloquence (tolutiloquentia) a smooth or nimble kind of speaking.
Toman, a kinde of coyn among the Persians valuing 3 l. 6. s. sterl.
Tome (tomus) properly a severing or dividing. When an Author has wrote a book, which being all together, would be too great and unweildy, he commonly divides it into several Tomes or parts.
Tomboy (a girle or wench that leaps up and down like a boy) comes from the Saxon tumu [...], to dance, and tum [...]od, danced; hence also the word tumbling still in use.
Tomentitious (tomentitius) made of flocks of wooll.
Tomin (Fr.) six penny weight, or the weight of a Spanish Real. Among Jewellers it is taken for three Carrats.
Tonical (from tonus) pertaining to tone, note, tune or accent. Dr. Br.
[Page] Tonitruate (tonitruo) to thunder.
Tonange is a Custom or Impost due for Merchandize brought or carried in Tuns and such like vessels, from or to other Nations, after a certain rate in every Tun, 1. Jac. cap. 33. I have heard it also called a duty, due to the Mariners for the unloading their ship arrived in any Haven after a rate for every Tun.
Tonsils (tonsillae) certain kernels at the root of the tongue subject to inflammations and swellings, occasioned by the falling down of humors from the head. Cot.
Tonsorious (tonsorius) of, or belonging to a Tonsor or Barber.
Toparchie (toparchia) the rule of a Country or place.
Topaze (topazius) a precious stone, whereof there are two kinds; one of the colour of gold, and the other of saffron colour, not so good as the first. It is written that this stone being put into seething water, so cools it, that one may presently put his hand into it.
Tophet (Heb. Toph) a large and wide place near Hierusalem where Jewish Idolaters (after the manner of the Amonites) burnt their children, and offered them to the Idol Moloch, set up in this Tophet, being in the valley of Hinnom, as we may read, 2 King. 23.10, Jer. 7.31, &c.
Topos (Gr.) locus, a place Hence,
Topicks (topica) books that speak or entreat of places of invention; or that part of Logick, which treats of the invention of arguments.
Topical (topicus) pertaining to places of inventing arguments.
Topography (topographia) the description of a particular place or places, be they Towns, Cities, Shires or Counties; see Tyberiade.
Torcular [...]ous (torcularius) belonging to a Press that squieseth grapes.
Torico; see Banditi.
Torminous (torminosus) that frets the guts, or that hath torments and frettings in the guts.
Tornado (Spa. tronada, i. a return, or turning about) is a sudden, violent and forcible storm of rain and ill weather at sea, so termed by the Mariners; and does most usually happen about the Ae [...]uator.
Tornatil (tornatilis) that is turned, or made with a wheel.
Torosity (torositas) fleshiness, fatness, brawniness.
Torpedo, a cramp-fish, that, being alive, stupifies the hands of him that touches it, though he do it with a long pole, but after death produceth no such effect.
Torp [...]d (torpidus) slow, dull, drouzy, astonied.
Torpor (Lat.) a feebleness [Page] of the mind, and unaptness to do any thing; a slothful heaviness.
Torquated (torquatus) that wears a collar or chain.
Torrefy (torrefacio) to broil or rost by fire, or by heat of the Sun; to parch, to scorch.
Torrent (torrens) substantively, signifies a violent stream coming down hill, caused by rain or snow; a land or rain flood in Summer time; any strong running stream. Adjectively, burning or rosting; as in Solinus it is used for the scorching time of Summer, Aestivo torrente.
Torrentine (from torrens) belonging to, or abiding in torrents, or swift streams.
Torrid (torridus) dry, parching, burning, scorching.
Torsion (torsio) a writhing, wresting or wringing.
Torteaures (Fr. torteaux) a term in Heraldry, for those things that seem like cakes of bread; they must be round, whole, and of some colour, not of mettal, therein to make them differ from Pesants; old Blazonners call them Wastels.
Tortile (tortilis) that is bent, bowed or wrested, winding or writhen.
Tortiloquy (tortiloquium) crooked talk.
Tortive (tortivus) that is wrung or pressed out.
Tortuosity (tortuositas) crookedness, a bending or winding in and out
Tortuous (tortuosus) crooked.
Torvid (torvidus) cruel, spightful in looks, stern, grim, sowre, unpleasant.
Torvity (torvitas) sowerness, lowring, crabbed looking, frowning. Felth.
Tost (tostum) is a place wherein a messuage hath stood. West. tit. Fines. Sect 26.
Totage (Fr.) the whole sum, substance, matter of; all.
Totality (totalitas) the utmost penny, the total or whole sum. Bac.
Tournement. See Turneament.
Tournois (Fr.) a French penny, the tenth part of a penny sterling, which rate it holds in all other words (as the Sol or Livre) whereunto it is joyned. In France they say so much money Tournois, as we say sterling.
Towage (Fr. touaige) the towing a Ship by Boats, or at the Stern of another.
Toylet (Fr. toylette) a bag or cloth to put night clothes in.
Trabal (trabalis) belonging to a beam; great or big like a beam.
Tracas or Tracasserie (Fr.) restless trotting, ranging, roaming, hurrying up and down, a busie or needless travel or toyling ones self. Cot.
Traces (Fr.) the foot-print of ravenous beasts, as wilde Boars, Bears, &c.
Tract (tracta) a line or thred, a discourse drawn out in length. In the Mass it is two [Page] or three versicles betwixt the Epistle and the Gospel; and so called, because it is sung with a slow, long, protracted tone.
Tractable (tractabilis) that may easily be intreated, handled or ordered, gentle, pliant.
Tractate (tractatus) an handling, a describing or intreating of any thing in words; also a part of a book, wherein any thing is handled, a Treatise.
Tractitious (tractitius) that handleth, toucheth or intreats of.
Tradition (traditio) a teaching, delivering or yeilding up. In Divinity that is called Tradition which is delivered by hand to hand from Christ or his Apostles to the the present age.
Traditive (traditus) pertaining to tradition; as a traditive Science, is a Science delivered by word of mouth from father to son; continued, or left to posterity by tradition.
Traduction (traductio) a conveying from one place to another, a translating; a slandering, defaming or traducing, a withdrawing.
Tragelaph (tragelaphus) the great and blackish deer called a stone-buck, deer-goat, or goat-hart; because conceived between a buck-goat and the hind. Cot.
Tragematopolist (tragematopola) he that sels confits, carawaies and such other ware, made of sugar; a Confectioner.
Tragecomedy (tragecomoedia) a play that is half Tragedy and half Comedy; such is Amphitruo in Plauius.
Tragedie (tragoedia) is a lofty kind of Poetry so called from [...], a goat, and [...], an Ode or Song; because the Actors therof had a goat given them as a reward. The differences between a Tragedy and a Comedy are these; First, in respect of the matter; because a Tragedy treats of exilements, murders, matters of grief, &c. a Comedy of love-toyes, merry fictions, and petty matters; In a Tragedy the greatest part of the Actors are Kings and Noble Persons; In a Comedy, private persons of meaner state and condition. The subject of a Comedy is often feigned, but of a Tragedy it is commonly true and once really performed; The beginning of a Tragedy is calm and quiet, the end fearful and turbulent; but in a Comedy contrarily, the beginning is turbulent, and the end calm. Both Comedies and Tragedies ought to have five Acts and no more, according to that of Horace.
[Page]These Acts are divided into several Scenes, which sometimes fall out more, sometimes fewer in every Act; The definition of a Scene being Mutatio Personarum.
Tra [...]idian (tragicus) a maker or writer of Tragedies, a Tragediographer, also the Actor of them
Tragica [...] (tragicus) pertaining to Tragedies, cruel, outragious. See Comical.
Trajection (trajectio) a passing over, a conveying or carrying over; also an interlacing or setting things out of order.
Trajectitio [...]s (trajectitius) belonging to passage; As trajectitious money, is that which is carried over the Sea at the peril of the Creditor, whether it were money indeed, or money turned into wares.
Tralatitious [tralatitius] transferred or transposed: of the common sort, ordinary, vulgar.
Tralucency, a shining thorow, translucency. Br.
Tramontan [...] (transmontanus) that dwels beyond the mountains or in the north, from Italy; a word generally used by the Italians, to express the Nations beyond the Alpes.
Tranquillize (tranquillo) to make quiet, still or calm, to cause tranquility.
Trans (a Praeposition) signifies, over, from one place to another, beyond, on the other side.
Transaction (transactio) a a finishing, a making over, a dispatching an agreement.
Transalpine (transalpinus) over or beyond the Alpes, forreign, Italians, on the further side the mountains.
Transcendent (transcendens) that which surpasseth or exceeds other; In Logick it signifies a word of such a nature, that it cannot be included in any of the ten Predicaments.
Transcript (transcriptum) that which is transcribed, written or copied out of any original.
Transcarrenc [...] (from transcurro) a running over, a passing over quickly.
Transduction (tranductio) a leading over, a removing from one place to another.
Transection (from trans and sexus) a turning or passing from one sex to another.
Transfeminate (from trans and foemina) to turn from woman to man, or from one sex to another. Dr. Br.
Tranfiguration (transfiguratio) a turning out of one shape into another, a transforming. The tranfiguration of our Saviour Christ doth not signifie the turning or change of one figure or one shape into another, but as it were a putting on an exceeding splendor and brightness that made his blessed face shine as the Sun, and his cloaths white as snow.
Transfixed (transfixus) sticked or thurst through.
[Page] Transfretation (transfretatio) a passing over-sea.
Transfume (transfumo) to smoak thorow.
Transfusion (tranfusio) a pouring out of one vessel into another.
Transjection [...] (transjectio) a casting over, or thorow, an overthrowing.
Transition (transitio) a passing over, a going forth, or from one place to another, a yielding, a running away.
Transmarine (transmarinus) that comes from, or is of the parts beyond the Seas.
Transmeable (transmeabilis) that may be passed over.
Transmeate (transmeo) to to pass or go beyond.
Transmigra [...]e (transmigro) to remove from one place to another, to go further or beyond, to flit.
Transmission (transmissio) a passing or sending over or from one place to another, a transmitting.
Transmute (transmuto) to to change from one place to another.
Transnomination (transnominatio) a changing name.
Transom [...], a brow-post, or beam in building, that goes overthwart. And in a ship it is that timber which lies athwart the stern.
Transpare (transpareo) to appear through, to be evident, or clear.
Transpeciate (from trans and species) to change form or shape.
Transpiration (transpiratio) an evaporation or breathing forth. Est totius corporis veluti respiratio quaedam per cutem.
Transpose (transpono) to remove from one place to another, to alter the order of a thing; a word used by Printers when their pages, lines or words are misplac'd.
Transvasation (transvasatio) a turning, pouring or removing out of one place into another.
Transubstantiation (transubstantiatio) a passage or conversion of one substance into another; as of bread into the body of Christ, by the words of consecration, according to the doctrine of the Roman Catholicks.
Transvection (transvectio) a conveying or carrying over.
Transversion (tranversio) a turning away or cross, a traversing, or going athwart.
Transult (transulto) to leap or jump over, to over-leap.
Transumption (transumptio) a taking from one to another, a changing.
Transvolation (transvolatio) a flying over or beyond.
Trappan. See Trepan.
Traskites. See Thraskites.
Trave (from the Fr. Travée, i. a bay of buildings) a trevise or little room made purposely to shoo unbroken horses in.
Traverse (Fr. Traverser) to thwart or go overthwart, to cross or pass over, to go [Page] to and again. In Law it signifies somtimes to contradict or deny any point of the matter werewith one is charged, or to put the proof of it on the Plaintiffs part; sometime to overthrow or undo a thing done. The formal words of this Traverse in the first signification are, (absque hoc) without that that any other matter or thing, &c. As is commonly used in the later end of Answers in Chancery, &c.
Travers-board; is a board which they keep in the steeridge of a Ship having the thirty two points of the Compass marked in it.
Travested (from the Fr. Travester) disguised or shifted in apparel, And Metaphorically, translated out of one language into another.
Traumatick (Greek) belonging to wounds or to the cure of them, vulnerary. Scap.
Treated (from the Fr. traicté) handled or intreated of, contracted or agreed on; entertained. In which last sense it is now much used, as to say, I was nobly or kindly treated at such a mans house.
Trecentene (trecentenus) pertaining to three hundred.
Trellized (from the Fr. treillissè) cross-barred, latticed, grated with wood.
Tremendous (tremendus) greatly to be feared.
Tremor (Lat.) quaking, trembling, shaking, great fear; also an earthquake.
Tren (Fr.) an instrument (somewhat like an Eelespear) wherewith Mariners strike and kill fish at Sea.
Trental (from the Fr. trente) the number thirty, commonly spoken of Masses for the dead.
Trepan or Trevanditon (Fr. trepan) an instrument, having a round and indented edge wherewith Chyrurgions open a fractured scull, and by the help of a Lavatory (within it) raise up the crushed and depressed parts thereof, and take out pieces of bones and clotted blood. Cot.
To Trepan, or Trappan, (from the Ital. Trappare or trappolare, i. to entrap, or catch in a gin) in the modern acceptation, signifies to cheat, or entrap in this manner; a whore admits a man to be naught with her, and in the very instant, rings a Bell or gives a watch-word, and in comes a Pander who pretends to be her husband, and with vapouring and threats, upon the act of Adultery or otherwise, forces money or bond from the deluded third person. Some take this word to be derived from a Pander, that does entrap, or a trapping Pander.
Trepidate (trepido) to fear, to tremble, or quake for fear, to be astonished.
Trepidation (trepidatio) fear, trembling.
[Page] Tressis-agaso (Lat.) a half-penny Herdsman or horskeeper; a fellow of no worth.
Trestie (tripus) a three footed stool; It differs from a Trevet, this being made of iron, the other of wood; but both should properly have three seet apiece.
Triacle (theriaca) remedy or antidote against poyson.
Triangle (triangulum) a figure that hath three angles or corners, of which there are six sorts.
1. Equilateral, which is when the three sides are of an equal length, and the Angles all equal among themselves.
2. An Isoceles triangle, is that which hath two equal sides and two equal Angles opposite to those sides.
3. All irregular triangles▪ having three unequal sides and angles, are known in Geometry under the term Scalenum.
4. An Oxugoneum, is a triangle having three acute angles.
5. An Amblogonoum, is a triangle, having two acute angles and one obtuse.
6. And lastly, an Orthogoneum, is a triangle which hath one right angle. Enchir. of Fortif.
Triangular (triangularis) that hath three corners, or is three cornered.
Triarchie (triarchia) a government, where three are in like authority.
Triark (triarchus) a Master of a ship with three tops, or of a Galley that hath three orders of oares.
Triarians (triarii) Soldiers that were alwayes set in the Rereward, and were the strongest men; they ever fought standing, and bowing somewhat their knees, as if they would rather die, then remove their place.
Tribe (tribus) a kindred or company, that dwell together in one Ward or Liberty; as the people of Rome were divided into thirty five Tribes, Bands, Wards, or Hundreds; It seems in old time the same people were divided into three parts only, and that this name Tribus did thence first arise. Tribes in Scripture signifie the posterity of the twelve Sons of Israel. Psal. 78.55. Numb. 13.3, 5, 16.
Tribunal (Lat.) a judgement-seat; a place erected on high in form of our Pulpits, but many degrees larger, and in the midst stood the Stella Curulis, i. the Ivory chair, from whence the chief Magistrate administred Justice.
Tribune (tribunus) the name of two chief officers in Rome; the first was Tribune of the people who was to defend their liberties against the power of the Nobles, and for that cause had the gates of his [Page] house alwayes open both day and night, and was called tribunus plebis; the other was called tribune of the souldiers, who had charge to see them well armed and ordered, &c. And of these there was tribunus major & minor, &c.
Tribunitial (tribunitius) belonging to the Tribune.
Tributary (tributarius) that pays Tribute, which is money arising out of the goods of the people, after their ability.
Tricenarious (tricenarius) of or belonging to thirty.
Tricennial (tricennalis) of thirty or thrice ten years.
Tricliniarh (tricliniarches) the master of the dining chamber or room, the Usher.
Tricliniar [...] (tricliniarius) pertaining to the Dining room or Parler to dine and sup in, called Triclinium; where the guests did fit or lie along on beds about the table, as you may read at large in Goodwins Anthol. ch. de mensis & conviviis Romanorum.
Tricornous (tricornis) which hath three hornes or is three horned.
Trichotomy (from the Gr. [...], tripliciter and [...], sectio) a cutting or dividing into three parts.
Trident (tridens) Neptunes three forked mace; and thence any weapon, tool or instrument, made of that fashion or having three teeth.
Tridentiterous (tridentifer) that bears or carries such an instrument; the usual Epithete of Neptune.
Tridentine (tridentinus) pertaining to the City Trent.
Triduan (triduanus) of three daies continuance.
Triennial (triennis) of three years continuance.
Triental (Lat.) a vessel containing the third part of Sextarius, half our Pint.
Triental (trientalis) of or being four inches broad, or four ounces in weight.
Trierarck (trierarchus) the Master of a Ship or Galley.
Trieterick (trietericus) that is every third year.
Trifallow, to plow land the third time, for the same crop.
Trifarious (trifarius) of three manner of wayes.
Triferous (trifer) that brings forth fruit thrice a year.
Trifistulary (trifistularis) pertaining to three pipes.
Trifole or Trifolic (trifolium) an herb or three-leafed grass so called. Also a trifole in Heraldry, is painted like the three-leafed grass.
Trifurcous (trifurcus) three-forked, that hath three forkes.
Trigamist (trigamus) he that hath had three wives.
Trigeminous (trigeminus) threefold, three at a birth.
Trigliphes (trygliphi) hollow gravings or borders, like three furrows, or short gutters, [Page] Masonry. A term of Architecture.
Trigonal (trigonalis) three-cornered, that hath three corners.
Tri [...]o (Ital.) an excellent grace in singing; being an uniform trembling or shaking of the same Note, either soft and smoothly in the throat, as naturally the French do, or more strongly and artificially from the stomack, as the Italians.
Trilogie (Gr.) a speaking or writing in three parts.
Trimenstruous (trimenstruus) of three moneths age.
Trimodial (from trimodia) pertaining to a measure of three bushels.
Trinacrian (trinacrius) pertaining to the Island Sic [...]ly.
Trine (trinus) of three yeers old, or pertaining to the number three.
Trine Aspect. See Aspect.
Trinitarians, a religious order. See Mathurins.
Trinitarian hereticks, otherwise new Arians, are those that deny the blessed Trinity, and all distinction of the Divine persons, inveighing against the word Trinity, and blasphemously terming the most sacred Mystery of the Trinity, Infernalem cerberum is Lindanus testifies, in dubi [...]antis sui Dialogo secundo.
Trinity trinitas) the number three, or three in one. The distinction of the persons [...] the unity of the God-head; one and the self-same God in Essence, being for subsistence three, to wit, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, 1 Joh. 5.7. And these three are one. How three remaining three, may yet be one; and one, abiding one be three, and all this at once, is a Mystery rather to be religiously adored, then curiously sought into, requiring rather faith to believe, then reason to comprehend and judge it.
Trinity-house, is a certain house at Depford neer London, which belongs to a company or Corporation of Seafaring men, that have power by the Kings Charter, to punish those that destroy Sea-marks, to correct the faults of Sailers, &c. And to take care of divers other things belonging to Navigation and the seas. Anno 8. Eliz. Cap. 13. and 35. ejusdem cap. 6.
Trinobants (trinobantes) a people in the East part of England, by the Thames.
Trinoccial (trinoctialis) belonging to three nights space.
Trinodal (trinodis) that hath three knots, three knotted.
Trinqu [...]t (Fr.) is properly the top or top-gallant on any mast, the highest sail of a ship; also taken for a petty, gay thing.
Triobolar (triobolaris) vile, of small estimation, little worth.
[Page] Trinominal (trinominalis) that hath three names.
Tripartite (tripartitus) divided into three parts.
Tripedanious, Tripedal, (Tripedaneus, Tripedalis) that is three foot long,
Tripery (Fr.) a market, shop, or street, wherein tripes are usually sold.
Triplicate (triplico) to triple, to do or fold a thing three times. See Duplicate.
Triplicity (triplicitas) threefold being, threefoldness.
Astrologians divide the twelve signes into four Trigons or Triplicities, so called, because they are distant the third part of a circle one from the other.
Tripode (tripodium) a three footed stool, any thing that hath three feet. Hence,
Tripodical, that hath three feet, three footed.
Tripoly (tripolium) a stone, with the pouder whereof Lapidaries and Stonecutters smooth or polish their Jewels, also a kinde of herb.
Triptot [...] (triptoton) a Noun having but three cases.
Tripudiate (tripudio) to dance, to go tripping on the toe, dancer-like.
Tripudiary divination was by bread rebounding on the ground, when it was cast unto birds, or chickens. Br.
Triquet or Triquetrous (triquetrus) having three corners, triangular.
Trirem [...] (triremis) a Galley wherein every oar hath three men to it, or a Galley that hath three oars on every side. See Quinquereme.
Trisagien (Gr.) thrice holy; the Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, mentioned in the Church-service, or Te Deum.
Trismegistus (i. ter maximus) so called, because he was the greatest Philosopher, Priest and King, he is called also Hermes Trismegistus, and Mercurius.
Tristifical (tristificus) that makes sad or heavy.
Tristitiate (from tristitia) to make sad or pensive. Felth. Resol.
Trisulk (trisulcus) having three edges, or three furrows.
Trisyllabical (trisyllabicus) that hath three syllables.
Trite (tritus) worn, overworn, old, thred-bare, much used, common.
Tritheites (thritheitae) a sort of Hereticks, that held there were three distinct God-heads in the Trinity of the persons.
Triticean (triticeus) wheaten, of wheat.
Triton, a god of the sea, also a weathercock.
Triturable (from trituro) that may be threshed, threshable. Dr. Br.
Trituration (trituratio) a threshing, as they do corn.
Trivial (trivialis) common, used or taught in high wayes, of small estimation, homely.
Triumph (triumphus) a [Page] solemn pomp or shew at the return of a Captain from a victory. Among the Romans there was Triumphus major & Minor, the lesser kinde of Triumph, was called Ovation, above, from a sheep which was in this kinde of Triumph led before him, and after sacrificed by him; In the greater triumph (properly so called) the Lord General sacrificed a Bull, &c. Of the magnificence of this Triumph, see Plutarch in the Triumph of Paulus Aemilius; And of the ceremonies of both, see Dr. Heylyn in his description of Italy.
Triumphant Arches, were among the Romans erected for them onely, who, having subdued whole Provinces or conquered foreign Nations, and obtained noble Victories, seemed worthy of triumph; and thereupon they were cal'd Triumphant Arches. Upon these Arches, for the perpetual memorial of acts atchieved, were engraven the portraiture of the very places, where the war was performed, the resemblances of Fabricks and ranged Battels, if the service was on land; and of Ships, if it were at sea; In Pliny's days they began first to be built, before, onely Statues and Trophees were set up, &c. Livie.
Triumvirate (triumviratus) the office of the triumvir, or of three in the like authority; of which there were several sorts in antient Rome, as you may read in Livie.
Trochisk or Trosque (trochischus) a little wheel; also a little Rundlet or Cake whereinto divers medicinable things are reduced, the better to be kept, and the readier to be used.
Troglodites (trogloditae) people in the furthest part of Africk beyond Aethiope, that dwell under ground, go naked and eat Serpents; of whom you may read in Herberts Travels.
Tronage is a kind of Toll, Westm. 2. cap. 25. ann. 13 Ed. 1. taken (as it seems) for weighing: For I find in Fleta lib. 2. cap 12. Sect. Item Ʋlnas, that Trona is a beam to weigh with.
Tromperie (Fr.) fraud, cozenage, deceit, circumvention, legerdemain.
Trope (Gr. Tropos, i. verborum immutatio) is when a word is drawn from its proper and genuine signification to another. The difference between a Trope and a Figure is this; the first relates to particular words onely, the other concerns many words or the whole frame of a sentence. The last most commonly uses words elegantly in their native signification, the other contrarywise.
Tropical or Tropological (tropicus) that speaks [Page] or is spoken figuratively, or by tropes.
Trophie (trophoeum) a token or monument set up in a place where enemies were vanquished, with their ensigns or other spoils hanged on it; a sign or token of Victory, a brave, a victory of joy; Also a frame of wood made to hang somewhat upon in manner of a funeral Hearse.
Tropicks (tropici) two imagined circles in the Heavens of equal distance on either side from the Aequator; The one called the Tropick of Cancer, the other of Capricorne, to the first the Sun cometh about 12 June, to the other about 12 December. They are called Tropicks of the Greek [...], to turn; because when the Sun comes to either of them, he turns his course either higher, having been at the lowest; or lower, having been at the highest. Min.
Tropology (tropologia) a figurative kinde of speaking, or a speaking by Tropes.
Trosque. See Trochisk.
Trover (from the Fr. trouver; i. to find) is an Action at Law, which lies against a man, that having found anothers goods, refuseth to deliver them upon demand, &c. See the New Book of Entries, verbo Trover.
Troy Weight contains twelve ounces in the pound; by which Gold, Silver, Precious stones and Bread are weighed. See Weights.
Trowel (from the Fr. Truelle) an instrument that Masons and Bricklayers use to dawb Mortar.
Truand (Fr.) a common Beggar, a lazy Rascal, a Vagabond; a Schollar that loyters from School or neglects his Book.
Truch-man or Teriuman (Fr. Trucheman, Span. Truchaman, or Truiaman, Ital. Torcimanno) an Interpreter, a Drogoman.
Trucidation (trucidatio) a cruel killing or murdering.
Truculent (truculentus) cruel in countenance and menacing, rough, terrible.
Truel. See Trowel.
Trullissation (trullissatio) a pargetting or plaistering with mortar or loam.
Truncation (truncatio) a cutting a thing shorter; a maiming, a mangling.
Trunck (truncus) a stump, a stem, stock, or body of a tree without the boughs; a body without a head; a block-head or Dunce.
Trutinate (trutino) to weigh or examine, to consider throughly of a thing.
Tube (tuba) the Pipe, through which the marrow of the Backbone runs; also a Trumpet or any long Pipe.
Tuberous (tuberus) full [Page] of bunches, swellings, wens or knots.
Tubicinate (tubicino) to sound the Trumpet.
Tubulatio [...] (tubulatio) a making hollow like pipes, swelling or puffing out.
Tudiculate (tudiculo) to pound or bruise; to work as Smiths do with a hammer; to engrave.
Tuel, the fundament of a Beast. A term in hunting.
Tuition (tuitio) defending, safe keeping, protection.
Tulipant, a roll or wreath commonly of linnen, which the Indians wear on their heads instead of hats, a shash. Herb. Tr.
Tullianum (Lat.) a dark and stinking dungeon or common prison in old Rome built or enlarged by King Tullius, from whom it took name.
Tumbrel, is an Engine of punishment, which ought to be in every Liberty, that hath view of Frank Pledge, for the brideling of Scoulds and unquiet women. Kitch. fol. 13. a. called also a Cucking-stool.
Tumefie (tumefacio) to make to swell or puff up.
Tumid (tumidus) risen, swollen, puffed up; also proud, haughty.
Tumor (Lat.) a swelling, rising, or puffing up of the flesh, by reason of some malicious matter or ill humor; loftiness, pride.
Tumulate (tumulo) to make the ground hollow, to bury, to intomb.
Tumultuary (tumultuarius) done in haste without advisement, suddenly, and without fear, hasty, disorderly.
Tumultuous (tumultuosus) full of business and trouble, seditious, mutinous, full of broil.
Tun, a measure of Oyle, Wine, &c. containing Two hundred fifty two Gallons, 1 R. 3.12. In weight it is commonly Twenty hundred.
Tunick or Tunicat (tunica) a Jerkin, Jacket or sleeveless coat, formerly worn by Princes; Also a skin or coat that covers the eye, whereof there are four sorts. 1. Cornea, which is white and resembles an horn. 2. Ʋvea, which is like a grape kernel. 3. Vitrea, which resembles glass. 4. Christallina, which resembles christal in clearness. Tho.
Tunicle (tunicula) a little jacket or coat; Also a Membrane or thin skin covering any part of the body, as Tunicat.
Turbant, A Turkish hat, or Ornament for the head, of white and fine linnen, wreathed into a rundle, broad at the bottom to enclose the head, and lessening for ornament towards the top; The custom of wearing it, had this origen; The barbarous people having the Grecian Army once at a great advantage at or near the Hill Thermopylae, [Page] there was no other remedy, but some few must make good a narrow passage, while the main of the Army might escape; which some brave Spirits undertook, and knowing they went to an inevitable death, had care of nothing but sepulture, of old much regarded; wherefore each of them carried his winding sheet wrapt about his head, and then with loss of their own lives, saved their fellows; whereupon for an honorable memorial of their exploit, the Levantines used to wrap white linnen about their heads, and the fashion so derived upon the Turk. Sir Hen. Blounts voyage fol. 18. See Shash.
Turbar [...]e, is an interest to dig tu [...]ff upon a Common. Kitch. fol. 94. Old Nat. brev. fol. 70.
Turbination (turbinatio) the fashioning a thing like a top, broad above, and small beneath.
Turbineous (turbineus) belonging to a storm or blustering winde, whirling round.
Turb [...]h mineral, a certain red powder (made according to the Paracelsian practice) which is used against the French disease.
Turbulent (turbulentus) troubleous, angry, full of contention, busie, seditious.
Turgent (turgens) swelling, rising, strouting out.
Turgescence (from turgesco) a swelling up or growing or waxing big; a swelling for anger.
Turgid (turgidus) swollen, or puffed up, rising in state; big, strouting out.
Turgie (theurgia) white magick; a pretended conference with good spirits or Angels. Sir Wal. Ral. lib. 1. fol. 178.
Turn, is the Sheriffs Court kept twice a year, viz. within a moneth after Easter, and again after Michaelmas. Magna Charta, ca. 35. And 3 Ed. 3. cap. 15.
Turneament or Tourneament, is a martial exercise of Knights or Souldiers combating one with another in disport on horseback, and is thus defined. Torneamenta dicuntur Nundinae vel feriae, in quibus milites ex condicto convenire & ad ostentationem virium suarum & audaciae, timerè congredi solent. The word is used in the Statute of 24 H. 8. cap. 13. And the reason of the name may proceed from the French (Tourner, i. vertere) because it consists much in agility both of horse and man. It was much in request with us in Queen Elizabetbs reign, being otherwise called Justing or Tilting.
Turpentine (Br. Twrpenti, Lat. Terebinthyna) a fair, clear and moist kinde of Rosin, which issues out of the Larx and Turpentine tree; [Page] It is good to be put into ointments, and Emplaisters, for it cleanses and heals wounds; It may be also licked in with honey, and then it cleanses the Breast, and gently looseth the belly, provoking urine, and driving out the stone and gravel.
Turpify (turpifico) to make unclean or dishonest.
Turpitude (turpitudo) dishonesty, villany, deformity.
Turriferous (turrifer) that bears a Tower.
Tuscan-work; In Architecture there are five orders of Pillars, The Tuscan Dorique, Jonique, Corinthian, Composite or Italian. See Sir Hen. Wottons Elements of Architecture, pag. 206, and 209. The Tuscan is a plain, massie, rural Pillar, resembling some sturdy, wel-limb'd laborer, homely clad; the length of it ought to be six Diameters of the grossest of the Pillars below.
Tutelar Tutelarie (tutelaris) belonging to a Guardian, or to the custody of a Ward, or to protection and defence.
Tutele (tutela) wardship, guardianship, custody of a child in nonage; also safe keeping, defending, protection.
Tutelina, the Goddess having the protection of Corn.
Tutie (tutia) a medicinable stone or dust, said to be the heavier foil of Brass, cleaving to the upper sides and tops of brasse-melting houses; and such ordinary Apothecaries pass away for Tutie; whereas the true Tutie is not heavy, but light, and white like flocks of wool, falling into dust, so soon as it is touched; this is bred of the sparkles of brazen furnaces, whereinto store of the mineral Calamine hath been cast. Cot.
Tut-mouther, he that hath the Chin and nether Jaw sticking out further then the upper.
Twait (an old Law word) signifies a wood grubbed up and turned to arrable. Cokes Instit. 4. b.
Tuysco was the most antient and peculiar Idol-god of all the old Germans, from whence they called themselves Tuy [...]hen, that is, Duytshes or Duytsh-people; and the day which yet among us retains the name of (Tu [...]sday) was especially dedicated to this Idol. See its posture in Verstegan, pag. 57.
Twelf-day ( dies duedecimus or Epiphania) the feast of the Epiphany of our blessed Saviour; so called, because it is the twelfth day after the Nativity exclusively. See Epiphany.
Twibil (Belg. Tweebill) an instrument used by Carpenters to make mortiseholes.
Twilight (Belg. Tweelight) cockshoot time either in the morning or evening, [Page] when tis betwixt day and night, or betwixt two lights, that is of the Sun and the Moon.
Tyber [...]ade, a Topograph, the model or draught of a place; called so of a book of that name, composed by Bartholus the Lawyer, who was the first that graced his works with such figures.
Tydder. See Theodore.
Tymariots. See Timariots
Tympany (tympanites) a disease, wherein the body waxing lean, the belly swels up, having great store of wind and windy humors, gathered together between its inner skin and the guts, which being smitten with the hand, make a noise like a Taber.
Tympane (tympanum) a Tymbrel, Tabor, Drum or Drumstale; Also an instrument of a Printers Press whereon he lays the sheet that is to be printed; so called, because it is made of parchment, and being strucken on, will sound like a Taber.
Tympanism (tympanismus) a kind of torturing, used by the Jews, by beating one to death with Cudgels or Drumsticks, Heb. 11.25. 2 Mac. 6.19.
Tympanist (tympanista) a Drumster or Taberer; also one sick of a Tympany, or one that's well skil'd in curing that disease.
Tympa [...]itical (tympaniticus) that hath a Tympany or Dropsie.
Tympanize (tympanizo) to play on a Drum, Taber or Tymbrel.
Typographer (typographus) a Printer.
Typography (typographia) the art of Printing.
Type (typus) a figure, under which is signified some other thing; an example, a likeness, the shadow of a thing.
Typical (typicus) mystical, or that which serves as a shadow or figure of another thing.
Typocosmy (Gr.) a figure or type of the world.
Tyrannicide (tyrannicidium) the murdering a Tyrant, cruel Lord or Ruler.
Tyrianthine (tyrianthinus) belonging to purple.
Tyromancy (Gr.) divination by a cheese. Cot.
Tyrone (tyro) a fresh water Soldier; a young beginner in any art or science, a Novice.
Tyrociny (tyrocinium) the first exercise in any thing, an Apprentiship, a first beginning.
Tytan. See Titan.
VAcant (vacans) empty, void, having nothing to do.
Vacancy Vacation (vacatio) a time of ceasing [Page] from labor or common business, leasure, exemption; Vacation hath a special signification in this Nation, being used for all that time respectively, which passeth between Term and Term at London, which every Almanack will tell you. And when such times begun and ended in our Ancestors days, See Roger Hovedens annals, parte posteriori. fol. 343 a. where you shall finde this intermission was called Pax Dei & Ecclesiae.
Vaccarie alias Vacharie (vaccaria) is a house or ground to keep Cows in, a Cow-pasture. Fleta lib. 1. cap. 41. a word of common use in Lancashire.
Vacillation (vacillatio) a wagging or wavering; looseness, inconstancy.
Vacive (vacivus) empty, void; as aedes vacivae, houses that stand void without a Tenant, or having all voided out of them.
Vacuity (vacuitas) emptiness, voidness, clearness, freedom from.
Vacuum (Lat.) an empty or void place. Bac.
Vacuna, The Goddess of rest.
Vadelet or Vadelect (from the Fr. Vallet) signifies a servant, and is used in the accounts of the Inner Temple, for a Benchers Clerk or Servant. The Butlers of the house corruptly call them Varlets.
Vadimony (vadimonium) a promise or bond to appear before a Judge at a day appointed; also the day of appearance, a suretiship.
Vafrous (vafer) subtle, crafty, slie, guileful.
Vagabond (vagabundus) one that wanders about, an idle fellow.
Vagation (vagatio) a wandring, straying or ranging up and down.
Vagenate (vagino) to sheath.
Vaginipennous (from vaginnipennes) pertaining to such Flies which have their wings closed, as it were in sheaths and cases, as the Beetle hath. Dr. Br.
Vaile-bonnet, to put off the Hat, to strike sail, to give sign of submission.
Vaived. See Vayvod.
Vald'ombre or Val [...]mbreux, a sort of Religious, begun by John Gualbert, a Florentine, about the year 1040. who betaking himself to the study of Religion, retired to a place in the Appennine, called Val ombreux or the shady vale; his followers wear a smoaky coloured habir, and follow the rule of Saint Bennet. Heyl.
Vale (from valeo) farewel, God be with you, God keep you in health.
Valenti [...] (valentia) puissance, might, power, strength.
Valentines, are either Saints chosen for special Patrons [Page] for a year, according to the use of the Romanists; or men or women chosen for special loving friends by an antient custom upon Saint Valentines Day, the Fourteenth of February; about which day birds choose their mates.
Valentinians, certain Heretiques so called from Valentinianus their first Master, who held, our Saviour received not flesh of the blessed Virgin Mary; And therefore was wont to say, Jesus, born by the Virgin, not of, &c.
Valerian Law (Lex Valeria) made it lawful to kill him that took upon him the Magistracy without the command of the people.
Valet (Fr.) a Groom, Yeoman or Houshold-servant of the meaner sort. In old time it was a Title for all young Gentlemen in France, till they came to eighteen years of age.
Valetudinary (valetudinarium) a place where sick men lye, a sick mans lodging, an Hospital for sick persons; or the place where they get health.
Valetudinary (valetudinarius) subject to sickness, sickly, often sick, crasie; also one recovering out of sickness.
Valid (validus) strong, valiant, mighty, puissant.
Validation (validatio) a strengthening, inforcement, confirming; an establishing or ratifying.
Validity (validitas) might, strength, force, power.
Valves (valvae) folding doors or windows.
Van or Vanquard (Fr. Avantguard) the fore-ward in a battel.
Vancurriers (Fr. Avantcoureurs) forerunners.
Vaniloquence (vaniloquentia) idle talk, vain babling.
Vapid (vapidus) that gives an ill smack, that casts a vapour or ill savour, stinking.
Vapor (Lat.) a hot breath, reaking or moisture issuing out of a thing.
A Vapor is defined to be a certain watery thing, and yet is not water; it is as it were a fume or smoak which will easily be resolved into water.
Vaporation (vaporatio) a casting of vapours or hot breath; also a sweating or reaking.
Vaporiferous (vaporifer) that makes or stirs up vapours.
Vapulation (vapulatio) a beating or scourging.
Variegation (variegatio) a garnishing with divers colours.
Varry or Verry (Fr. vaire) a term in Heraldry and signifies that which is diversified with argent and azure; as the fur of Ermines powdered thick with blew hairs.
Varvels (Fr. Vervelles) [Page] are like little rings of silver about Hawks legs, whereon the owners name is inscribed.
Vasiferous (vasifer) that carries a vessel.
Vasselage (Fr.) subjection, the duty or estate of a vassal or slave. Among the ancient Romans 'twas used for valor and a worthy deed.
Vastation (vastatio) a wasting, spoiling or destroying.
Vastity (vastitas) excessive greatness, destruction, destroying.
Vatican (vaticanus) the chief Library in Rome, called also the Palatine, founded by Pope Sixtus the fourth, who not onely stored it with the choisest books he could pick out of Europe, but allowed also a large revenue for its perpetual augmentation. It is so called from the Hill Vatican, where the Library stands; And that Hill was so called from [...]aticinium, i. a foretelling; because it was famous for many divinations and prophesies uttered upon it.
Vaticinate (vaticinor) to Prophecy or Divine; to conjecture or foretel.
Vaticiny (Vaticinium) a prophecy; a foretelling.
Vaticinian (vaticinius) pertaining to prophecying or divining, or to those that practise it, prophetical.
Vavasour or Valvasour, is one that in dignity is next a Baron. Cam. Brit. pag. 109. It is also the name of an ancient family in the North of England. Sometimes it is abusively taken in ill part, for a jolly fellow, or a great man.
V [...]udevil (Fr.) a Country ballad or song, a Roundelay or Virelay; so tearmed of Vaudevire, a Norman Town wherein Oliver Bassel, the first inventer of them, lived; also a vulgar Proverb, a Country or common saying.
Vauntcouters. See vancurriers.
Vauntlay (from the Fr. Avaunt, i. before, and lay) a tearm of hunting, when hounds are set in readiness where they think a chase will pass, and cast off before the rest of the kennel come in.
Vaward the formost part of an army in battel. See Vanguard.
Va [...]vode, a title of dignity in Transilvania, Walachia, &c.
Vberate (ubero) to make plenteous and fruitfull; to fatten or give suck with the breast.
Vberou [...] (uber) fertile, fruitfull, plentifull, abundant, copious, ample, great.
Vberty (ubertas) plentifulness, fertility, store, abundance.
Vbication (from ubi) the being in a place, the locality of a thing. Tr. of Schism.
Vbiquitary (from ubique) that is every where, or in all places.
[Page] Vbiquitarians or Vbiquitarii, a late Sect, (ranked by some among those, called Semilutherans) holding that Christs body is every where as well as his Divinity; in which kind of Doctrine one Johannes Boedeker was eminent.
Vbiquity (ubiquitas) a being every where and in all places.
Vecordy (vecordia) madness, trouble of minde, folly, doting.
Vectarious (vectarius) belonging to a coach, waggon or any carriage.
Vectible (vectibilis) that is or may be carried.
Vectigal (vectigalis) that pays or pertains to paying tribute, subsidy, pension or rent. Also used substantively for toll, impost-money or tribute it self.
Vection (vectio) a carrying or portage.
Vectitation (vectitatio) an often carriage.
Vectorian (vectorius) apt to carry, serving for carriage.
Vegetals Vegetables (vegetabilia) is a general name for all things that live and grow.
Vegetable (vegetabilis) able to live and increase in growth, as plants or other living things.
Vegetation (vegetatio) a making strong, lively and quick, a refreshing or comforting.
Vegetive (vegetus) that liveth and groweth; whole, strong, quick, lively.
Vehicle (vehiculum) a Cart, Wain, Wagon, or Chariot; a general name for all things serving to carry.
Vehicular (vehicularis) pertaining to any instrument or engine of carriage.
Vein (vena) a vein in the body, an artery, a pulse; yet every vein is not a pulse, though every pulse be a vein; the several kindes whereof follow.
Adipal or Adiposous veins (venae adiposae) are two veins, a right (sometimes a branch of the right kidney-vein) and a left one (ever a branch of the descendant trunk of the hollow vein) which particularly nourish the fat and skin that's about the kidney, and generally breed fat in those parts by which they run.
Arterial vein (vena arterialis) is one of the four principal veins of mans body, issuing from the right ventricle of the heart, the blood whereof it carries to the lungs for their nourishment.
Auricular vein (vena auricularis) the ear vein, which runs up along by the kernels which are under the ear, and is there divided into two branches, the one whereof mounts up before the ear, and the other behinde it; Chirurgions open it [Page] against deafness, pain, and ulcerations of the ears.
Axilary vein (vena axillaris) a great and large vein, which, being a branch of vena cava, is conveyed under the canel bone, and through the Arm-hole into the inner seat of the arm, where 'tis dispersed.
Basilick vein (vena basilica) the liver vein, which issues from the second main ascendant branch of vena cava, and is divided into two branches, a deep and a superficial one; the later whereof being neer the inward process of the Arm, and very neer the skin, is divided into other two; (viz.) a less which runs into the head vein, and together with it makes the Median or middle vein, whilest the greater passes along by the elbow, to the hand, and there makes the Salvatella.
Bena cava (Lat.) the hollow vein which is a great one, issuing from the thickest part of the liver, and then divided into two main branches; and they into many others.
Cephalick vein (vena cephalica) the head vein which springs out of the Axillar vein, and passeth between the first and second muscle of the shoulder, stretcheth to the outmost parts, and there lies evident aloft. Thom.
Cervical vein vena cervicalis) the vein of the brains which passes by the cross processes of the neck-joynt, up to the film or thin skin, which is next the brain, and there ends.
Celiacal vein (vena coeliaca) the blinde vein, a second branch of the Mesenteri [...]ue vein, runs unto the blinde gut, and there ends in many branches.
Common vein. See Median vein.
Coronal vein (vena coronalis) the Crown-vein; a branch of the spleen-vein, so termed because it environs the heart in manner of a Crown.
Crural vein (vena cruralis) the thigh-vein, a great vein which issues from the trunk descendant of the hollow vein.
Cystique vein (vena cystica) a small, and sometimes double, sometimes single branch of the Port vein, whence it mounts to the neck of the gall, and there divides if self into two branches.
Diaphragmatick veine (venae diaphragmaticae) the midriff veins; two several branches of the hollow vein, from which they run into the midriff, and there end.
Emulgent vein. See Emulgent.
Epigastrick veins (venae Epigastricae) an outward and an inward branch of the slanck-veins, both which, after divers passages at length [Page] joyn themselves unto those that belong to the dugs.
Dexter Epiploick vein (vena Epiploica) the second branch of the spleen vein, goes to the Epiploon and the gut colon; Also a fourth branch of the spleen vein, which, ending towards the upper part of the Epiploon, is called Epiploick, but with the addition of Posterior.
Frontal vein (vena frontalis) the forehead vein, a third branch of the outward throat vein, whence, mounting by the bottom of the nether jaw, it comes into the lips and nose, and thence ascends by the inside of the eye to the middle of the forehead.
Garter or gartering vein is a fourth branch of the thigh vein, from which it descends, among the back muscles of the thigh, unto the bought of the ham, where it gets this name.
Gastrepioloick vein (vena gastrepiploica) the third branch of the trunck of the Port vein, issuing side-wayes out of the right side thereof, and spreading abroad in the bottom of the ventricle.
Gastrick vein (vena gastrica) the belly vein; a branch of the Port vein, from which it descends to the hollow part and backside of the ventricle; There is also another called the Petty-Gastrick, which is the first branch of the Spleen vein, and goes to the right side of the ventricle.
Hederiform vein (vena hederiformis) a certain vein which passes down along by the sides of the womb.
Hemorrhoidal vein (vena hemorrhois) the first branch of the Mesenterick, which runs to and ends at the Colon and strait gut, sometimes it issues from the Spleen vein.
Hepatick or liver vein (vena hepatica) the great carrying vein, which proceeds out of the hollow part of the liver.
Humeral vein (vena humeralis) the shoulder vein. See Cephalick vein.
Hipogastrick vein (vena hypogostrica) the third branch of the flanck veins, and is it self divided into divers branches, the first whereof runs to the yard, bladder and strait gut, and thence to the bottom of the fundament, others to the Matrix, and others, after a long course, go down almost to the ham.
Iliack veins (venae Ilicae) the slanck veins; two main descendant branches of the hollow vein, a right and a left one, from either of which, five others issue, the right one is opened against the dropsie and other diseases of the liver; the left for the passion of the Spleen.
Intercostal vein (vena intercostalis) the fourth branch of the trunck ascendant of [Page] the hollow vein; It feeds three distances between the upper ribs.
Intestinal vein (vena intestinalis) a fourth branch of the Port vein, from the posterior and right part whereof it issues and communicates it self sometime to the hungry gut.
Iujular veins (vena jugulares) the two throat or neck veins, (viz.) an outward one, which is sometimes double, and mounts along the sides of the neck to the bottom of the head, where it is divided into five branches; And an inward one, which ascends along by the windpipe to the bottom of the brain, and is there divided into two branches.
Labial veins (venae labiosae) the lip veins, whereof there are two on each inner side, both of the upper and under lip.
Lumbar vein (vena lumbosa) the vein of the loins, the fourth branch of the descendant trunk of Vena cava, divided, neer its source, into divers parts, all which bestow themselves among the joynts of the loins.
Mammal vein (vena mammalis) is double, an inward and an outward one, distributed among the parts of the brest.
Matricious vein (vena matricis) the matrix vein, or a vein that runs along the flanck neer the Reins.
Median vein (vena mediana) the middle, common or black vein; compounded of the two less branches of the liver and head-veins, and running along the middle of the arm, almost to the wrist, where it passeth in the form of a Y into the hand; There is likewise another of this name under the instep.
Meseraik veins. See Mesenterique.
Mesenterique veins (venae mesentericae) two veins, one a branch of the Port vein, ends at the Mesentery, but is formerly divided into three branches, whereof the other is the third, and called so, because it likewise ends at the Mesentery in some fourteen or fifteen branches.
Musculous vein (vena musculosa) the first branch of the flanck veins, tearmed thus because it communicates it self with divers muscles above the belly and loins.
Nasal vein (vena nasalis) the nose vein, seated between the nostrils.
Ocular vein (vena ocularia) the eye vein, that part of the frontal vein, which runs along by the inside of the eye.
Organick veins, as Iliack veins.
Pericardick vein (vena pepericardica) the second branch [Page] of one of the two main ascendant branches of the hollow vein; whence it runs to the Pericardium, and there ends.
Popletick vein (vena poplitis) the ham-vein. See Garter vein.
Port vein (vena porta) the carrying vein, seated in the liver by divers roots, which at length joyn in one stock or trunk, and so pass forth into the Ventricle, Spleen, Gall, Mesentery, and other parts of the body.
Ranular veins (vena runularis) the first branch of the outward throat vein, ascends to the tongue, and parts in two, under each side thereof.
Renal veins (vena renum) the kidney veins; two thick and short branches of the descendent trunk of the hollow vein, a right and a left one, divided into seven or eight others (when they come neer the kidney, into the substance whereof they enter) there is likewise anothe of this name seated under the instep.
Sacred vein (vena sacra) the second branch of the flanck vein running to the Os sacrum, and thence getting this name.
Salvatel vein (salvatella) is made of the two bigger branches of the liver and head veins, from which it runs through the wrist into the hand, and unto the root or division of the third and little fingers.
Saphen vein (saphena) the mother Vein; the first branch of the thigh vein, consisting of two divisions, the one inward, which ends among the inner kernels of the thigh, the other more outward, hath three branches, the first ends in the skin of the thigh, the second goes but to the knees, the third to the muscles of the leg, whence running along, above the inner ankle (where it is most opened and known by this name) it comes to the sole of the foot, and there ends.
Sciatique vein (vena sciatica) is a branch of the thigh vein, which descends down the leg to the outward ankle, where it is commonly opened for the Sciatica, and thereupon gets this name.
Spermatick vein (vena spermatica) the third branch of the trunk descendant of the hollow vein.
Splenitick vein (vena splenitica) the Spleen vein, one of the two main branches of the Port vein, from which it runs to the spleen, and there ends, divided into four parts.
Stomachick vein (vena stomachica) the stomack vein runs to the hollow part of the ventricle, and there ends in two branches.
Subclavicular vein (vena Subclavicularis) one of the [Page] two main ascendant branches of the hollow vein, divided into six parts.
Sural vein (vena suralis) one of the two main branches of the thigh vein, most eminent in the bought of the knee, from whence it bestows and loses it self among the muscles of the calf of the leg.
Temporal vein (vena temporalis) the vein of the Temples, opened for the Megrim, pain of the ears, and extraordinary watering of the eyes.
Thorachique vein (vena thoracis) the brest vein, which is divided into two branches, both which bestow themselves among the muscles of of the Thorax or brest.
Thymick vein (vena thymica) the first branch of the subclavicular) goes to the fag peece or kernel, which is under the kannel bone.
Torcular vein (vena torcularia) the second branch of the outward throat vein, from which it ascends by the inside of the scull to the brain, which it moistens and feeds.
Vmbilical vein (vena umbilica) is that whereby an infant in the womb receives nourishment, and which (it being born) closes it self, and serves as a ligament to settle the liver to the navel.
Veliferous (velifer) that bears sail, or is under sail, as a ship.
Velification (velificatio) a sailing forwards, or hoysting sail; a course or voyage.
Velifical (velificus) that is done with sails displayed or full spread.
Velitation (velitatio) skermishing by leaping from place to place, brawling, bickering in words.
Velivolant (velivolans) running and (as it were) flying with with full sail.
Velleity (from velle the infinitive mood of volo, to will) an inclination of the will; a kinde of willing or desiring, or (as the vulgar say) a wishing and woulding.
Vellication (vellicatio) a plucking, pulling, lugging; also a carping at, depraving or detracting.
Velocity (velocitas) swiftness, quickness, nimbleness.
Venal (venalis) set to sale, that doth or speaketh what one will for money, that will be bribed and sell his faith for money. Lo. Herb.
Venality (venalitas) vendibleness, a being saleable; a letting or setting to sale.
Vena porta. See Port Vein in Vein.
Venalitious (venalitius) belonging to the sale of men or children, or of slaves; that is to be bought or sold.
Venarie (from venor) the sport of hunting or chasing wilde beasts.
Venatick (venaticus) belonging to hunting or chasing.
[Page] Venation (venatio) a hunting or chasing.
Venator (Lat.) a hunter or huntsman.
Venatorious (venatorius) belonging to hunting and chasing, serving for that game.
Vendible (vendibilis) saleable, easie, ready or fit to be sold.
Vendicate (vendico) to claim or challenge to himself.
Venditation (venditatio) a vain ostentation, a glorious bragging, shew or setting forth.
Vendition (venditio) a sale or selling.
Venefice (veneficium) the art or craft of poysoning; poysoning, sorcery.
Venefick Veneficial Veneficious (veneficus) that poysoneth; venemous, poysonfull.
Veneniferous (venenifer) that bears poyson, venemous.
Venenous (venenosus) full of poyson or venom.
Venerate (veneror) to reverence, worship or honor.
Venereal Venereous (venereus) disposed to lechery; lecherous, lustful, fleshly, lascivious. Venereal disease, See Morbus Gallicus.
Venerie (venus, eris) carnal lust, lechery, fleshly wantonness, carnality.
Venew. See Venue.
Veniable (from venia) pardonable. Dr. Br.
Venial (venialis) that may be forgiven without much difficulty, pardonable.
Sin is either original or actual; the first is a privation of original justice, which we inherit from our first parent Adam, being all by course of nature conceived and born in that privation or original sin; The latter is a thought, word or deed contrary to the Law of God and this Actual sin is, by many Divines, divided into mortal and venial; Mortal sin they account any great offence against the charity of God or our neighbour, and to be so called, because it kills the soul; and robs it of the spiritual life of grace; Venial sin, is any small and pardonable offence against God or our neighbour, as the stealing an apple or a pin; an idle word or such like.
Vent (ventus) wind, a blast, air, breath; also a bruit or report; a place for air to come in and out at.
Ventilet (a diminitive of vent a little wine, a small puff, gentle gale, coole blast of winde.
Ventiduct (from ventus and duco) a conduit or conveyance of winde, as an Aqueduct is of water.
Ventilate (ventilo) to gather winde, to give a vent, to fan or winnow corn; Also [Page] to turn out of one hand into another.
Ventoy (from the Fr. ventau) a fan.
Ventosity (ventositas) windiness.
Ventricle (ventriculus) the place wherein the meat sent from the stomack is digested; some use it for Epigastrium, others take it for the stomack it self; a little belly.
Ventricles of the heart, are two large holes, one on the right, the other on the left side thereof, that, the greater and closed within a slender flesh, contains the natural blood; this, of a harder substance, contains the blood wherewith our Arteries are nourished; and thereupon that is called the bloody, this, the spiritual Ventricle.
Ventriloquist (ventriloquus) one that hath an evil spirit speaking in his belly, or one that by use and practise can speak as it were out of his belly, not moving his lips.
Ventripoten [...] (ventripotens) big-paunch'd, belly-able, huge-gutted.
Venue or Visu [...] (from vicinus) a Law term, of frequent use, and signifies the next or neighboring place to that, where any thing that comes to be tried, is supposed to be done. 35 H. 8.6.
Venundate (venundo) to buy and sell.
Venus, the goddess of lust; also lust it self, venerie, unchastness, lechery; also (among Alchimists) the mettal copper; also one of the seven Planets See Saturn, the day or mornin Star.
Venus Escuage, is used for Knights (or nights) service to Ladies.
Venustate (venusto) to make beautiful, fair or sightly.
Vepricosous (vepricosus) full of briars or brambles.
Veracity (veracitas) a speaking truth, or the quality or vertue of saying truth.
Verbal (verbalis) that is of, or that descends of a word; In Grammer those words are called Verbals which come from some verb, as amabilis from amo. Lector, from Lego, &c.
Verbality (verbalitas) a belongingness to a word or verb; a fulness of words.
Verbatim (Lat.) word by word, that which is precisely spoken, according as it was delivered before.
Verberable (verberabilis) that may be, or is worthy to be beaten.
Verberate (verbero) to beat, punish, or strike.
Verbigerate (verbigero) to speak, to talk, to noise abroad.
[Page] Verbosity (verbositas) much talking or speaking, talkativeness.
Verdan (from the Fr. verd) green, fresh, lively, new, in prime.
Verd-grease or vert-gr [...]ce [...], a green substance made of the rust of Brass or Copper, which hath been hanged certain dayes over strong vinegar; It is of a fretting nature, and therefore to be used with great discretion.
Verderer or Verdor (Fr Verdier) a Judicial Officer of the Kings Forrest; a great part of whose office is touching the vert, i. the wood and grass in the Forest.
Verde or Verdea, a kind of white Muscadine wine, made in Toscany, which is sometimes brought into England in bottles.
Verdict (veredictum) is the answer of a Jury or Inquest, made upon any cause civil or criminal, committed by the Court to their consideration or tryal: And this Verdict is two-fold, either general or special: Stawnf. pl. Cor. lib. 3. cap. 9.
Verditure, is one of the names of green Colour among Painters, whereof they have four most u [...]ual; Green Bice, Verditure, Vert Greece, Sap-green.
Verdure (Fr. Verdeur) greenness or green things, as herbs, &c. a raw or natural sowrness in wine, fruits, &c.
Verecund Verecundous (verecundus) modest, shamefac'd, demure, bashfull.
Verdo [...], a term in Heraldry, when a bordure is charged with leaves, fruits, flowers and the like.
Verge (Fr.) a rod, yard, or wand; also a Sergeants Verge or Mace: It is also used for the compass about the Kings Court that bounds the jurisdiction of the Lord Steward and Coroner of his House, and seems to have been twelve miles compass. Anno 13. R. 2. Stat. 1. cap. 3. Fitzh. Nat. Br. fol. 241. B. Britton. fol. 68. b. 69. a. Fleta lib. 2. cap. 2. and Cokes Reports lib. 4. fol. 47. a. For this see the Statute of 33 Hen. 8. cap. 12. But Fleta saith, this compass about the Court is called Virgata, à virga, quam Marishallus portat ut signum suae potestatis. lib. 2. cap. 4. Sect. 1. Verge hath also another signification, being used for a stick or rod, whereby one is admitted Tenant, who, holding it in his hand, swears fealty to the Lord of a Mannor, and for that cause is called Tenant by the the Verge. Old. Nat. Br. fol. 77.
Verger (Fr. or Virger from Virga) one that bears a Verge or white wand before a Magistrate, &c.
Vergobert (Fr.) a Mayor or Burgomaster; Among the ancient Heduanes it was an [Page] yearly elected chief Officer or Magistrate that had power of life and death.
Veridical (veridicus) that says or speaks truth.
Veriloquy (veriloquium) the true exposition of a word, the Etymology or right meaning of a word; Also a Speech, or Report.
Veriloquent, as Veridical.
Verisimility (verisimilitas) great likelihood, or true likeness of a thing. Dr Br.
Vermiculated (vermiculatus) eaten with worms; also embroidered, wrought with checquer work, or with small pieces of divers colours, representing sundry pictures, as we see in Tables and Counters.
Vermillion (Fr. Vermillon) a ruddy colour, made of Brimstone and Quicksilver; Also Gules in Armory. See Cinnaber.
Vermination (verminatio) a disease with worms, properly in cattle, a vehement ache by the wringing of the Guts, as if they were gnawn with worms.
Vermiparous (vermiparus) that brings forth, or breeds worms. Dr Br.
Vernaccia (Ital.) a kind of wine like Malmsey, drunk much in Rome.
Vernaculous (vernaculus) that is born and brought up in our own house, that takes beginning in our own Country; Proper, natural.
Vernal (vernalis) belonging to the Spring of the year.
Vernant (vernans) springing or waxing green, as herbs do, burgeoning.
Vernility (vernilitas) flattery, servile or slavish behavior.
Verrey. See Varry.
Verrucous (verrucosus) full of warts, hillocks or knaps.
Versable Versatile (versatilis) that turns, or may be turned, turned or wounden one about another. Bac.
Versation (versatio) a turning or winding.
Versicle (versiculus) a little verse or line; a short song or sentence.
Versify (versifico) to make verses.
Version (versio) a turning or translating.
Versutiloquent (versutiloquus) a crafty talker, one using words craftily.
Vert (Fr. verd, i. green) green colour in Heraldry. In the Forrest Laws it signifies every thing that grows and bears a green leaf within the Forrest that may cover and hide a Deer. See Manwoods, 2. part. fol. 6. a. and fol. 33. b.
Vert Greece. See Verdi-greece.
Vertible (vertibilis) that may be turned.
Vertical (from vertex, icis) wavering, inconstant, apt to change or turn; also standing right over the head. Vertical Circle. See Azimuth.
[Page] Vertical point, is the Zenith, or point of the Firmament, directly over ones head.
Verticallit [...], the being of a thing directly over ones head.
Vetricity, the top of a thing, or an aptness to turn.
Vertigious Vertig [...]ous (vertiginosus) a giddy, dizzle, turning round, or that hath the disease Vertigo.
Vertig [...] (Lat.) a dizziness, giddiness or swimming in the head; a disease in the head, caused by winde, wherein the Patient thinks all things turn round; a whirling or turning about.
Vertumra [...]s, Feasts dedicated to, or Books treated of the god Vertumnus. Broughron.
Vertumnus, a god among the Romans, that would turn himself into all shapes, and was supposed to have the government of mens minds.
Vertuoso. See Virtuoso.
Vervecean Vervecine verveceus vervecinus belonging to, or like a Weather or Sheep.
Vervels. See Varvels.
Vesaneus (vesanus) mad, wood, furious, out of his wit, cruel, outragious.
Vesculent (vesculentus) apt to eat or feed.
Vesicatory (vesicatorium) a cupping glass, or any sharp Ointment, Cataplasm, or Plaister, which has power to draw humors outward exulcerating the skin, and raising little blisters on it. It is also used Adjectively.
Vesicle (vesicula) a little bladder.
Vesperal (vesperalis) pertaining to the evening, or West part.
Vespers or Vesperals, Evening-song, or Evening-prayers; so called among Roman Catholicks. See Prime.
Sicilian Vesperas, is taken proverbially for mischiefs done, or death inslicted in a place and time of imagined security; from a general massacre of the French made on a sudden throughout Sicily (whereof they were over insolent masters) by the incensed Islanders ( Anno 1582) and about five of the clock in the afternoon at the toll of a bell.
Vesperies (Fr.) Evening-Exercises or Disputations (among the Sorbonists.)
Vespertine (vespertinus) of the evening, done in the evening; also the hour of Vesperas.
Vespilone (vespilo, onis) he that carries sorth dead bodies in the night to be buried, as they use in time of plague and great sickness.
Vest (vestio) to cloth, array, attire, adorn, &c. See Vestment.
Vestals (Vestales Virgines) certain Virgins among the ancient Romans, consecrated to the Goddess Vesta, and therefore so named; they were alwayes chosen between [Page] six and seven years of age and continued thirty years in their Office; whereof the first ten years they bestowed in learning the cremonies of their Order; the second in execution thereof, and the last ten in teaching others; After it was lawful for them to marry: Their chief Office was to keep fire continually burning in a round Temple at Rome, in honor of Vesta; and if it chanced to go out, they were to renew it again with no u [...]ual fire, but such as they could get by art from the Sun-beams.
Nec tu aliud Vestam, quam puram intellige flammam.
They were greatly honored in the City, and had divers priviledges; for they were carried in Chariots, and the chiefest Magistrates would do reverence to them; they had Officers going before them, as the Consuls had, and if they met any one, who was led to be put to death, they had authority to deliver him, taking an oath that they came not that way of purpose; they might also make a Will, and dispose of their Goods as they pleased; but if any of them were found to live unchaste, she was openly carried with sad silence to the Gate called Collina, where, being put into a deep pit, she was presently buried alive. These Vestals were first instituted by Numa Pompilius, or (as some write) by Romulus.
Vestiary (vestiarium) a Wardrobe, Press, or Chest, where apparel is laid; also a Vestry in a Church.
Vestible (vestibulum) a void place without the door, a Porch, an Entry.
Vestigate (vestigo) to seek out, to seek by the print of the foot, to trace, to search, diligently, to hunt after.
Vestige (vestigium) the print of a mans foot, a footstep, a trace, or track, or mark of any thing; the sole of the foot. Spotswoods Hist.
Vestitor (Lat.) he that clotheth, a Tailor.
Vestment (vestimentum) a Garment, Vesture, Apparel, Cloathing, Attire. It is particularly used by the Romanists for the upmost Garment, which the Priest hath on, when he says Mass; and they say he is vested, when he is so attired. This Vestment the French call Chasuble.
Vetation (vetatio) a forbidding to do something.
Veteran (veteranus) ancient, old, one that hath served long in a place or office; it is used both substantively and adjectively.
Veteratorian (veteratorius) crafty, subtil, gotten by long use.
Veterinarian (veterinarius) [Page] he that lets Horses or Mules to hire, a Muletor, a Horse-courser, a Hackney-man, also a Horse-Leech or Farrier; it is also used adjectively. Dr Br.
Veterine (veterinus) that bears burdens, used in carriage.
Vetust (vetustus) old, ancient.
Vexillation (vexillatio) a company of men of arms under one Standard.
Vexillary (vexillarius) a Standard-bearer; also pertaining to a Standard or Ensign.
Vial (phiala) a plain pot, with a wide mouth; also the general name to all plate, serving for Wine or Water; a Glass or Glass-bottle. Vials of wrath, mentioned in the Apocalipse, signifie Gods readiness to be fully revenged on sinners.
Viande (Fr.) meat, food, sustenance, victuals, especially of flesh. Holy Court.
Viary (viarius) belonging to the way. Feltham.
Viatick (viaticus) pertaining to a journey, or travelling by the way.
Viaticum (Lat.) all things necessary for a Traveller, be it in victual or other things: The Blessed Sacrament, as given to dying people, is also so called by the Fathers.
Viator (Lat.) a Traveller or way-faring man; but among Divines it signifies any living person, who is in the state of meriting or demeriting, though by Mystics frequently taken as contra-distinguished to comprehensor, which is one that has attain'd the sight of God.
Viatorian (viatorius) belonging to the way, travelling or journeying, or serving to way-faring-men.
Vibration (vibratio) a brandishing, shaking, or wagging, as men do drawn swords, when they threaten others.
Vibrissation (vibrissatio) a quavering or warbling in singing, a shaking a thing.
Vicarious (vicarius) that is in stead or place of another, that supplies another mans room, and takes pains for him; as an under-servant, or Vicar.
Vice versa (Lat.) contrary to what was before, the former course being changed into the opposit or contrary.
Vicenarious (vicenarius) belonging to the twentieth.
Vicennals (vicenalia) solemn games and vows for twenty and thirty years.
Vicesimal Vicessme the same with Vicenarious.
Vicinage. See Voisinage.
Vicinal (vicinalis) of or belonging to Neighbors or Neighborhood.
Vicinity (vicinitas) the company of Neighbors, dwelling nigh one; Neighborhood, nighness, likeness.
[Page] Vicissity or Vicissitude vicissitas, vicissitudo, changing or succeeding by course, the turn or course in altering, now one, now another, an interchangeable course.
Vicount alias Viscount, (vicecomes) signifies with us as much as Sheriff; Between which two words I finde no other difference, but that the one comes from our Conquerors, the Normans; and the other from our Ancestors, the Saxons. Viscount also signifies a degree of Nobility next an Earl, which (as Camden saith) is an old name of Office, but a new one of Dignity, never heard of among us till Henry the Sixth's dayes. But this degree of honor is far more ancient in other Countries. See Cassan. de gloria Mundi. part. 5. Consid. 55.
Victime (victima) the Beast killed in Sacrifice for Victory, an Oblation, a Sacrifice.
Victimate (victimo) to Sacrifice, to make an Oblation.
Victor (Lat.) a Conqueror, he that overcomes.
Vidame (Vicedominus) an honour in France, of which there are but four; viz. That of Chartres. 2. Amiens. 3. Chalons. And 4. of Gerbery in Beauvois.
A Vidame was originally the Judge of a Bishops Temporal Jurisdiction, or such an Officer to him, as the Vicount was to the Count or Earl, but in process of time, of an Officer, he became a Lord, by altering his Office into a Fief, held of the Bishoprick he belonged to; so that even to this day the Estate of all Vidames depends of some Bishoprick, or is annexed to the Temporalities thereof, and therefore they are no better then Seignieurs Mediocres (as the French say) though the first of that rank; and in all other Priviledges and Rights equal to Vicounts, with some advantage of credit, in respect of high Jurisdiction, which those have usurped by degrees upon their Earls; and these had at the first, by the gift of their Bishops.
Videlicet (Lat.) that is to say, to wit: It is usually written thus (viz.) And in the same sence we use (i.e.) for id est, and sometime i. alone.
Viduation (viduatio) a dividing, a leaving alone, a depriving, a making widow.
Viduity (viduitas) widowhood, or the estate of a widow: also lack of things.
Vieter (Lat.) a Cooper, that with hoops bindes Vessels, or he that makes baskets, or vessels of Osier, to be covered with Leather.
View, is a term of Hunting, and signifies the print of a Fallow-Deers foot in the ground.
Vigesimal (vigessimus) pertaining to the twentieth in number.
[Page] Vigil (vigilia) a watching, abstaining from sleep; a watch by night, which they used to divide into four parts. The first Vigil began at six of the clock in the Evening, and continued till nine. The second began at nine and continued till twelve: The third was from twelve till three: And the fourth from three till six in the Morning. This word is mentioned Luk. 12.38. Exod. 14.24. Also the Eve or day next before any solemn Feast, because then Christians were wont to watch, fast and pray in Churches.
Vigintivirate (vigintiviratus) the Office of the viginti viri, or of twenty men in like authority. Tacitus.
Vigone (Fr.) a kind of Demicaster, or Hat of late so called, from the fine Wooll, which for the most part they are made of, borne by a kind of Sheep of Spain of that name.
Vigor (Lat.) strength, force, lustiness, courage.
Vigorous (vigorosus) strong, firm, lusty, couragious.
Vilifie (vilifico) to make of no reputation or value.
Vilipend (vilipendo) to disesteem, to make light of, not to value.
Vility (vilitas) cheapness, vileness, baseness.
Villication (villicatio) the rule of Husbandry under the Master or Owner of a Mannor.
Viminal (viminalis) apt to wind or bind, belonging to Of [...]ers or Twigs.
Vin [...] Chia, the most excellent wines of all Greece, so called from the Island Chios (now Scio) where they are made.
Vinarious (vinarius) of or belonging to Wine.
Vinatorian (vinatorius) belonging to the dresser of a Vineyard.
Vincent (from vinco) victorious, overcoming; a mans name.
Vincible (vincibilis) easie to be vanquished or overcome.
Vincture (vinctura) a binding or tying.
Vindemiatory Vindemial (vindemiatorius) pertaining to gathering Grapes, or ripe Fruit in Harvest, serving for such a purpose.
Vindictive or Vindicative (from vindico) revengeful, apt to vindicate, or revenge, wreakful, avengeful.
Vineatick (vineaticus) belonging to Vines, apt, or that serves for Vines.
Vinipo [...]e (vinipotor) a drinker of Wine, a Wine-bibber, a Drunkard.
Vinitorian (vinitorius) of or belonging to the keeping a Vineyard or Vines.
Vinolent (vinolentus) given much to drinking Wine; also made with Wine.
Vinosity (vinositas) wininess, fulness of wine. Dr. Br.
Vintage (Fr. Vendenge) [Page] Vine-harvest, Grape-harvest, Grape-gathering, Wine making, and the season wherein it is made.
Violate (violo) to corrupt, defile, make foul, transgress, or break; as a man doth a Law; to misuse.
Viper (vipera) a venemous Serpent in some hot Countreys, lying much in the earth, having a short tail, which grates and makes a noise as he goes; they are of a yellow colour, and sometimes red. The Male has but one Tooth on every side, but the Female more, &c.
Viperine (viperinus) belonging to Vipers or Adders.
Viragin or Virag [...] (Lat.) a woman of stout and manly courage, a manly or mankinde woman.
Virason, a cool sea-gale of wind; so called in Hispaniola, or Saint Domingo's Island.
Virelay (Fr.) a roundelay, Country-ballad, or Free-mans Song.
Virgate of Land (virgata terrae) See Yard-land.
Virger. See Verger.
Virginal (virginalis) Maidenly, Virgin-like; hence the name of that musical Instrument, called Virginals, because Maids and Virgins do most commonly play thereon
Virgo (Lat.) one of the Twelve Signs of the Zodiack; so called, because as a Virgin is barren and unfruitful, whilst she lives without man; so whilst the Sun continues in this Sign, it brings forth nothing, but onely ripens such Fruit as the preceding part of the year has brought forth.
Virgule (virgultum) a company of young shoots, or many young tender Sprigs and Sprouts growing together out of the ground.
Viridate (virido) to make green and lusty
Viridity (viriditas) greenness; also lustiness, strength, manliness.
Virility (virilitas) manliness, mans estate; also the privy parts of man.
Viripotent (viripotens) ripe for mariage, able to lye with a man.
Virtuoso (Ital.) a learned or ingenious man, or one that is well qualified with vertue and ingenuity.
Virulency (from virus) fulness of poison or venome; ranckness of savor.
Virulent (virulentus) full of poison, venemous.
Viscated (viscatus) dressed, or taken with Birdlime.
Visceration (visceratio) good chear, a dole or distributing raw flesh at the death of rich men, or when hogs are killed; also the garbage that Hunters give their Dogs.
Visceral (from viscera) pertaining to the Bowels, or Entrals of Man or Beast.
Viscid or Viscous ( viscidus et viscosus clammy, fast as glue
Viscosity (viscositas) clamminess, [Page] a birdlime-like sliminess, or cleaving to. Br.
Visibility (visibilitas) visibleness, a capacity or aptness of a thing to be seen.
Visier, a President, chief Counsellor, or chief Statesman about the great Turk; as much to say a Vice-Roy, or Deputy to a King.
Vision (visio) a seeing, an apparition or fantasie.
Visor (Lat.) a Messenger sent to view or spie a thing, a Spy.
Visual (from visus) belonging to, or carried by, the the sight; extending as far as the eye can carry it.
Vital (vitalis) lively, pertaining to the maintenance of life, likely to live.
Vital faculty; see Faculty.
Vitality (vitalitas) life, liveliness, the Spirit of Life, whereby we live.
Vitation (vitatio) an eschewing, voiding or shunning.
Vitelline (vitellinus) of, or resembling the yolk of an Egg.
Vitiate (vitio) to corrupt, destroy, deform, infect, or deslowre.
Vitiferous (vitifer) that bears Vines.
Vitiosity (vitiositas) vice, lendness, the contrary to vertue; corruption, an inconstant affection of mind in all manner of behavior.
Vitrean Vitrine (vitreus) belonging to Glass, glassie, glassie-green; clear like glass, or resembling glass.
Vitrifiable, that may be turned or made into glass.
Vitrification (vitrificatio) glassiness, or the making glass
Vitrification (says Dr. Br.) is the last work of fire, and when that arrives humidity is exhaled; for powdered glass emits no fume or exhalation, although it be laid upon a red hot iron. Vul. Err. fol. 53.
Vitriol (vitriolum) a little glass; also Copperas so called, which is of a middle nature between stone and mettal.
Vuriolou [...], of or pertaining to Vitriol or Copperas.
Vitulin [...] (vitulinus) of or belonging to a Calf
Vituperable (vituperabilis) blame-worthy, that may be reprehended.
Vituperate (vitupero) to blame, rebuke, discommend, or dispraise.
St. Vitus his Dance, is a kinde of madness or disease so called, which Senertus affirms to proceed from a certain malignant humor gendered in the body, of near kin with the poison of the Tarantula.
Vivacity (vivacitas) natural strength or liveliness, long life; lustiness, vigor.
Vivency (from vivo) a living, or enjoying life.
Vivian (from vivo) lively, or that may live long. A mans name.
Vivifie (vivifico) to quicken or give life. Felth.
[Page] Vivifical Vivificent (vivificus) which quickens or gives life.
Viviparous (viviparus) which brings forth their yong alive, and do neither spawn, nor lay Eggs. Dr. Br.
Vizier; see Visier.
Vlcerate (ulcero) to blister, to break out into an Ulcer or running soar, to exulcerate.
Vlcerous (ulcerosus) full of ulcers or running soars, ulcer-breeding.
Vligirous (uliginosus) soaked with long abode of water; wet, plashy, moist, full of water.
Vlophone (ulophonum) a venemous glue or clammy substance, made of Misseltoe-Berries; also the black or Cameleon Thistle, whose Root is also venemous.
Vle, Yeule, Yool or Vle-Games, in our Northern parts, are taken for Christmass games or sports; from the Fr. Nouël, i. Christmas, which the Normans corrupt to Nuel, and from Nuel we had Nule or Ʋle. But Dr. Hammond thinks Yule should be taken immediately from the Lat. Jubilum, as that signifies a time of rejoycing or festivity, &c. See his Answer to six Quaeries, p. 464. But Mr. Sumner more probably derives it from the Sax. Gehul, i. natalis domini, Christmas. In Yorkshire &c our other Northern parts, they have an old custom, after Sermon or Service on Christmas day, the people will, even in the Churches cry Ʋle, Ʋle, as a token of rejoycing, and the common people run about the streets singing
Vltime Vltimate (ultimus) last, final, extreme, the furthest or utmost.
Vltimity (ultimitas) the lastness or end of a thing.
Vltion (ultio) a revenging, a taking vengeance.
Vltramarine (ultramarinus) coming from beyond Sea.
Vltramundane (ultramundanus) supercelestial, beyond or above the Skie. Dr. Char.
Vltroneous (ultroneus) willingly, with a free will, well-willing.
Vlulate (ululo) to howl as a dog or wolf doth.
Vmber, somewhat a sad yellow colour used by Painters; also a Beast ingendred between Musmon and another Sheep.
Vmbilical (umbilicalis) pertaining to the Navil. Ʋmbilical Vein. See in Vein.
Ʋmbilical Arteries, are two Arteries marching from the Navil, through Peritonaeum to the sides of the Bladder; they are the first Arteries that in the Infant are begotten. Tho.
Vmbilicality, the being of a thing, at or in the midst; as the Navil in the midst of the belly.
[Page] Vmbrage (Fr. or Ombrage) a shade, a shadow; also jealousie or suspition.
Vmbrageous (Fr. Ʋmbrageux) shady, shadowy, covert, full of shade, obscure, dark.
Vmbratical (umbraticus) like, or of a shadow, making or casting a shadow; that is done in the shade, or very privately.
Vmbratilous, idem. Bac.
Vmbrello (Ital. Ombrella) a fashion of round and broad Fans, wherewith the Indians (and from them our great ones) preserve themselves from the heat of the Sun or Fire; and hence any little shadow, Fan, or other thing, wherewith women guard their faces from the Sun.
Vmbriferous (umbrifer) making or casting shadow.
Vmbrosous (umbrosus) having much shadow, casting a great shadow, full of shade.
Vn, is an English Privative, which may be added at pleasure to simple words, and deprives them of their natural sence, as un-accessible, which cannot be come to; to un-bewitch, un-deceive, &c.
Vnanimity (unanimitas) concord of mind, consent of heart.
Vnanim Vnanimous (unanimus) of one mind, heart and will, of one consent and accord.
Vncial (uncialis) belonging to an ounce or inch.
Vncouth (Sax.) unknown, strange, unbeaten: In some of our Law books it is taken for one, for whose offence his Host is not bound to answer, till the third night, till when he is not accounted a Guest.
Vnction (unctio) anointing.
Vnctorian (unctorius) pertaining to anointing or greazing.
Vnctuous (unctus) anointed; fat, oily, moist.
Vnctuosity, oyliness or fattiness.
Vndation (undatio) a flowing or rising of waves.
Vndisonant (undisonus) making a noise like waves.
Vndulated (undulatus) made like waves of water.
Vndulation (undulatio) a waving or moving up and down like waves. Per. Instit.
Vnguen [...] (unguentum) any sweet oyl or oyntment, a liquid perfume, ointment or salve consisting of grease, fat, and liquors mingled with oyl, to the just thickness of an oyl.
Vnich (unicus) one onely, single, singular.
Vnicornous (unicornis) that hath but one horn, as the beast called Ʋnicorn is said to have. Br.
Vnifie (unifico) to joyn or make one; as mariage doth Husband and Wife.
Vniformity (uniformitas) one and the same shape or fashion.
Vnion (unio) peace, concord, agreement, the number [Page] one. Ʋnion, is a combining or consolidation of two Churches in one, which is done by the consent of the Bishop, Patron, and Incumbent, &c.
Ʋnion Pearls (so called by Antiphrasis, because they always grow in couples; Nulli duo reperiuntur indiscreti, says Pliny; Ʋnde nomen unionum, scilicet, Romanae imposuere deliciae) are the best sort of Pearl.
Vniparous (from unus and pario) that brings forth but one at a birth.
Vnison (Fr. unisson) an one; an oneliness, or loneliness, a single or singleness; a term in Musick, when two Strings or Notes agree in one tone.
Vnition (unitio) a making one, a joyning two things together.
Vnity (unitas) an uniting or joyning two things or more together; also concord, agreement.
Ʋnity of possession, in our Law, is a joynt possession of two Rights by several Titles. For example, I take a Lease of Land from one upon a certain Reut; afterwards I buy the Fee simple; this is an Ʋnity of possession, whereby the Lease is extinguished, by reason, I, who had before the occupation only for my rent, am become Lord of the same, and am to pay my rent to none but my self.
Vniversality (universalitas) generality, the whole State, all in general.
Vnivocal (univocus) signifying but one thing; consisting o [...] one voyce.
Vnivocalty (univocè) of the same signification; a term in Logick; wherein as oft as the same word in the same signification, that is, meaning the same notion, is applied to more, tis said to signifie or be spoken univocally. Per. Instit.
Vocabulary (vocabularium) a Dictionary, an Index, or Table of words; also used adjectively (from vocabularis with relation to words.
Vocal (vocalis) that hath a voyce, loud, making a noise, belonging to the voyce.
Vocal Nerves (vocales nervi) are those noble sinews, which have the vertue of forming the speech.
Vocal Prayer, is that which is uttered by words, as mental is conceived in the mind and spirit without pronunciation of words.
Vocality (vocalitas) a tune or sound of a voyce.
Vocation (vocatio) a Caling or course of life.
Vocative (vocativus) belonging to Calling.
Vociferate (vocifero) to cry out aloud, to bray, to exclaim.
Vociferation (vociferatio) an exclaiming, a crying out aloud, a braying.
Voculation (voculatio) the accent of every word, the due moderation and measuring the voyce in pronouncing a word.
[Page] Vogue (Fr.) swey, swinge, authority, power, clear passage, as of a Ship in a broad Sea.
Voiders, great broad dishes to carry away the remains from a meat-table; also a term in Heraldry.
Voisinage (Fr.) neighborhood, nighness, nearness. Dr. Taylor.
Volant (volans) flying, swiftly passing, fast running; also a term in Heraldry, when a Bird is born flying
Volary (from volo, as) a place (for birds) to flie in.
Volatical Volatil Volatilous (volaticus) (volatilis) that flies, or can flie, flitting, passing swiftly; not fixed, apt to evaporate.
Volatility (volatilitas) swift passage, inconstancy, unfixedness; aptness to evaporate, and fly away. A term in Chymistry.
Volgivagant or Vulgivagant (volgivagus) pertaining to the common people, poor, base, mean, incertain, inconstant.
Volitate (volito) to flie often, to run in and out, or to and fro often.
Volition (from volo, vis) a willing or an assenting act of the will. The disposition in the Soul upon which Operation follows, we call the Will, and the first beginning, Volition. Per. Inst.
Volocity (volocitas) a flying or running hastily.
Volta or Lavolta (Ital.) a turn, a course about, a turning round, or coming about again; also the turn which expert Riders teach their Horses, also a turning dance so called. Florio.
Volubility (volubilitas) the turning of a thing, facility to turn round, aptness to roll, roundness, inconstancy, mutability. Also sound or quick speaking without impediment or staggering, the falling or round going of words by measure. Tho.
Voluble (volubilis) that is or may be easily tumbled or rolled, inconstant, always turning; having a round pronunciation or good delivery of speech.
Voluntary (voluntarius) one that serves or does any thing, without pay or compulsion, of his own accord or will.
Voluntative (from voluntas, atis) that proceeds from the Will, wilful or full of desire.
Voluptable (voluptabilis) which brings pleasure, pleasurable, that causeth delight.
Voluptuous (voluptuosus) wholly devoted to worldly delights, unsatiable in sensual pleasure.
Volutation (volutatio) a rolling or tumbling, a tossing, a wallowing, a casting or revolving in the mind.
Volutina, a certain Goddess, [Page] who was said to be the the over-seer of the husks of corn, wherein the Grain is enclosed.
Vomitio [...] (vomitio) a vomiting, casting or parbreaking.
Vomitory (vomitorius) that hath the nature or strength to vomit or spew.
Voracity (voracitas) gluttony, ravening, devouring, excessive eating.
Vorage (Lat.) a Gulf, a Whirlpool, a Quagmire, or marvellous deep place, that sucks or swallows up even Rivers, and whereout nothing can come; Also a gluttinous waste-gut, and spend all.
Voraginous (voraginosus) full of Gulfs, and Whirlpits.
Voration (voratio) a devouring, or eating up greedily.
Votary (from voto) he that makes a vow, or binds himself to the performance of a vow; a vowed Servant, a Devote.
Votive (votivus) that is vowed or promised by vow; also that is or hath been greatly wished or desired.
Vouch (Fr. Voucher) to cite, pray in aid, or call to aid in a suit. It is a word much used in our Common Law; Also to avow, or affirm boldly, to avouch.
Vowel (vocalis) a letter which makes a perfect sound of it self, of which there are five, a, e, i, o, u.
Vrania, one of the Muses, to whom the invention of Astrology is attributed; called also the heavenly Muse.
Vraros [...]py (Gr.) a speculation or view of the Heavens.
Vrbane or Vrbanical urbanus urbanicus belonging to a City, civil in curtesie, gentle in speech and gesture, pleasant in behaviour and talk, comely, seemly.
Vrbanity (urbanitas) curtesie, civility, civil life, good manners, &c.
Vrbicarian (urbicarius) belonging to a City. And Suburbicarian, under or within the jurisdiction of a City, properly and specially attributed, by antient Writers, to a certain part of Italy near adjacent to Rome; but extended by Ruffinus, a barbarous Author, to all those Countries of which Rome was then the Political Head; viz. all the West.
Vrent (urens) burning, parching.
Vreter (Lat.) the Pipe or conduit by which the Urine passeth from the Reins to the Bladder.
Vrim and Thummim, a light of the knowledge of Christ, by the Word, together with perfection of vertue and holy manners; Exod. 28.30. Thou shalt put in the Brest-plate of Judgement, the Ʋrim and Thummim. Who made this Ʋ rim and Thummim, what it was, and of what made, is very hard, if not impossible to finde out: Certainly, it was [Page] not reckoned among the things wrought by Art, but was given to God by Moses alone, to put in the holy Pectoral, as Levit. 8.8. and written of Christ, Colos. 2.3. Dan. 8.13. See Sir W. Ral. lib. 2. fol. 395.
Vrinary (urinarius meatus) the Pipe by which the Pi [...]s runs from the Bladder.
Vrinator (Lat) one that dives or swims under water, and fetches up Merchandize from the bottom.
Vrn (urna) a measure of liquid things, containing of old two Gallons and a Pottle; also the general name for a Pitcher or Pot; but most commonly taken for a Vessel or Coffin, wherein the ashes of the dead were kept; for the old Romans were wont to burn their dead bodies: Now it is often taken for a Grave or Sepulchre; also a vessel wherein the Roman Pretor did put the names of such as were to be elected or tried by lot. See a learned discourse of Ʋrns, written lately by Dr. Brown, and entituled Hydriotaphia.
Vroscopy (Gr.) an inspection of Urines, or casting of water, as Physicians do.
Vrsine (ursinus) of or belonging to a Bear.
Vrsula (Lat.) a little she Bear; a womans name, heretofore of great reputation, in honor of Ʋrsula the British Virgin Saint, martyred under Gods scourge, Attila, King of the Hunnes.
Vrus or Vre Ox, is a huge-bodied, hulk-backed, short-horned, and red-eyed wilde Ox. Pliny.
Vsance (Fr.) use, usage; it is a term among Merchants, as if a Merchant receive money here, and engage by Bill of Exchange to pay the like sum in Paris at Ʋsance, that is, at the moneths end; and double Ʋsance is two moneths.
V [...]bagh or Vs [...]abagh Irish Aqua vitae, the word in that language importing as much.
Vstion (ustio) a burning or scaring.
Vstulate (ustulo) to burn or sear a thing: also to frizel or curle.
Vsucaption (usucaptio) prescription or long possession, or the attaining a thing thereby.
Vsufructuary (usufructuarius) one that hath the use, and reaps the profit of that, whereof the propriety rests in another.
Vsury (usura) usage; the occupation of a thing; also money or moneys worth given above the principal sum for the lone of it; interest, use.
Vsurpation (usurpatio) an usurping, an unjust or often using, a taking against right and reason, an incroaching on another mans Right.
V [...]as (Octava) is the eighth day following any Term or Feast; as the Ʋtas of Saint Michael, the Ʋtas of St. Hillary, the Ʋtas of St. Martin, [Page] the Ʋtas of St. John Baptist, and the Ʋtas of the Blessed Trinity, &c. as you may read An. 51. Hen. 3. Stat. concerning general days in the Bench. And any day between the Feast and the Eighth day, is said to be within the Ʋtas; the use of it is in the Return of Writs, as appears by the same Statute.
Vtensil (utensile) any thing necessary for our use and occupation; Housholdstuff.
Vterine (uterinus) of or pertaining to the womb.
Fratres Ʋterini, brothers of the same Mother, that came both of one Womb, or Belly.
Vtible (utibilis) that may be used, profitable.
Vtinam (Lat. Adverb) God grant, Would to God; it is sometimes used substantively in English, for a wish.
Vtlarie. See Outlawrie.
Vtopian, belonging to the feigned or imaginary place or Country, Ʋtopia.
Vtter Barristers. See Barristers.
Vval (from uva) pertaining to a Grape or Vine.
Vvid (uvidus) wet, moist.
Vviferous (uvifer) that bears Grapes or Vines.
Vulcan (Vulcanus) the god of Fire, who is also called Jupiters Smith; it is sometimes used for fire it self; or for any Workman or Forger continually about the fire; or for a Hill that continually burns and casts out flame and smoak.
Vulgarity (vulgaritas) the common manner or fashion of the vulgar people.
Vulgarization, a making common or vulgar.
Vulgate (vulgatus) published abroad, commonly used, set out to the use of all men.
Vulned (from vulnus) wounded. A term in Heraldry.
Vulnerate (vulnero) to hurt or wound.
Vulnerary (vulnerarius) he that healeth wounds, a Chyrurgeon; Also used adjectively, which relates to wounds or sores.
Vulnifical (vulnificus) which woundeth, or makes wounds.
Vulpinate (vulpinor) to play the Fox; to deceive with crafty wiles or deceits.
Vulpinatiness (from vulpinor) craftiness, deceit.
Vulsion (vulsio) the twinging or pulling of the cramp, or any other thing.
Vultuosous (vultuosus) of a grave and solemn countenance, or of a heavy and sad look.
Vulturine (vulturinus) pertaining to the ravenous Bird called a Vulture, or Cormorant, also grey coloured.
Vvula (Lat.) a little piece of flesh in the inmost roof of the mouth, which sometimes hangs loose downward, and hinders from speaking, and swallowing meat; the Palate of the mouth.
[Page] Vxorious (uxorius) belonging to a Wife; also that is very indulgent to, or fond of a Wife.
WAge (from the Fr. Gager) i. to put in security for performing any thing; as to Wage Law, and Wage Deliverance.
When an Action of Debt or Detinue is brought against one (upon some secret agreement or contract had between the parties, without Specialty shewed, or other matter of Record) for goods lent or left with the Defendant, then the Defendant may Wage his Law, if he will, that is, Swear upon a Book, and certain persons with him, that he detains not the Goods, nor ows any thing to the Plaintiff in manner and form as he hath declared. Terms of the Law. Note that the offer to make the Oath is called Wager of Law, and when it is accomplished, it is called the doing your Law.
To Wage Law (in the common acception) seems to be, to follow, urge, drive on or prosecute the Law, or Law Sutes; as to wage War is praeliari, bellare, to drive on the War, to fight in Battails as Warriers do.
The Wain of the Moon (from the antient Belg. Wan, i, defect or want, à lat. vanus, quia evanescit) the decrease or declination of the Moon. Hence also To look wan, that is pale, as being in a decaying or defective health.
To Waive or Weive, is to forsake. As to waive the company of Theeves. Stawnf. pl. Cor. fol. 26.
Waif or Weif. The nineteenth Chapter of the Grand Customary of Normandy, is entituled (De choses gaives) and Latined by the interpreter, De rebus vaivis, i. Of things waived, which are there thus defined. Vaiva sunt res, velalia, quae nullius proprietate attributa, sine possessionis reclamatione sunt inventa, quae usque ad Diem & annum servanda sunt. This weif or things weived, are nothing but things forsaken. The Civilians call it Derelictum. Bract. ( lib. 1. cap. 12. num. 10.) reckons them inter res, quae sunt nullius, ea quae pro waivio habentur; sicut de averiis, ubi non apparet dominus; where he also saith, Quod olim fuerunt inventoris dè jure naturali, & jam efficiuntur Principis de jure gentium. This is a Regality, and belongs to the King, except it be challenged by the owner within a year and a day, as appears by Britton, cap. 17. Now the Kings in their times have granted this, and such like Prerogatives to Subjects within their Liberties and Fees; so that [Page] Waifs, Estrays, Things lost, are the Lords of the Franchise, where they are found, but must first be cried and published in Markets and Churches near about, or else the year and day runs not to the prejudice of him that lost them; and otherwise the Detainer may be accus'd of Theft.
The Expositor of Law Terms also saith, VVaif is when a Thief has feloniously stoln Goods, and being closely pursued with Hue and Cry, or else overcharged with the burden or trouble of them, for his ease or more speed, flies away, and leaves the goods, or any part of them behind him; then the Kings Officers, or the Reeve or Bailiff of the Lord of the Manor, who has such Franchise of VVaif, may seize the Goods, so waived, to the Lords use, who may keep them as his own proper, except the owner come with fresh Sute after the Felon, and sue an Appeal, or give in Evidence against him at his Arraignment upon the Indictment, and he be attainted thereof, &c. In which cases the first owner shall have restitution of his Goods so stoln and waived. Also if a man be pursued with Hue and Cry, as a Felon, and leaves his own Goods, &c. these shall be taken as Goods waived and forfeited, as if they had been stoln.
VVaived also belongs to a Woman, that being sued in Law, contemptuously refuseth to appear, as the word Outlawed doth to a man: For Women cannot be out-lawed, because they are not sworn in Leets to the King, nor to the Law, as men are; so that a Man is said Out-lawed, or without the Law, to which he was sworn, and a Woman waived.
Waldenses, a Sect or Congregation that took name from one Waldo of Lions in France, about the twelfth Century; and held, They were not bound to make profession of their Faith, denied the real Presence, Purgatory, &c. And condemned the eating of Flesh, Eggs, and Milk, &c. See Rosses View, p. 223.
Wakes or Country Feasts, were most usually kept on the Sunday next after that Saints day, to whom the Parish Church was dedicated. And these Feasts took Origin from a Letter written by Gregory the Great to Melitus Abbot, sent into England with St Austin, in these words. It may therefore be permitted them (the English) that in the dedication days, or other solemn days of Martyrs, they make them Bowers about the Churches, and Feasting together, after a good religious sort, kill their Oxen now to the refreshing of themselves, to the praise of God, and encrease of Charity, which before they were wont to offer up in Sacrifice to the Devil, &c. [Page] Bede Eccles. Hist. c. 30. And they may be called Wakes, because on the Vigil of those Feasts, people were wont to watch and pray, or to awake from sleep at the several Vigils of the night; but now that Religious custom is prophanely converted into rude Sports, and Gluttonous Feasting for the most part.
Waiter (Germ. a mans name, from Waldher, for so it is most antiently written) a Pilgrime, according to Reneccius; others make it a Wood-Lord or Wood-man. Cam.
Wapentake, is all one with that which we call a Hundred, as appears by Bract. lib. 3. Tract. 2. cap. 1. num. 1. In some Counties they are called Hundreds, in others Wapentakes, &c.
Wardmote, is a Court kept in every Ward in London. An. 32. Hen. 8. cap. 17. ordinarily called among the Citizens, the VVardmote Court.
Wardwit alias Ward wyte, is to be quit of giving money for keeping Watch and Ward. Stows Survey.
Warp (from the old Saxon awarp or awurp) to throw or cast; hence we still say a board warps or casts; and in some parts of England we call a Moul, a Mouldwarp, which is as much as to say, a Cast-earth. Versteg.
Wards and Liveries, a certain Court erected in Hen. the Eighths time; and put down by Act. 1656. ca. 4.
A Wash of Oysters is ten Strikes.
Wassail or Wassale on Twelf-day at night, or on New-years Eve. The Origin in the words of Verstegan, thus. ‘"Lady Rowena, Neece to Hengistus, having invited King Vortiger to a supper, at his new built Castle, called Thong-Castle, caused her after supper to come forth of her Chamber, into the Kings presence, with a Cup of gold filled with Wine in her hand and making, in very seemly manner, a low reverence to the King, said with a pleasing grace, in our antient Saxon Language, Waes heal h [...]aford Cyuing, which is, according to our present Speech, Be of health Lord King; for as (was) is our Verb of the preter-imperfect tence, signifying have been, so (Waes) being the same Verb in the Imperative Mood, and now pronounced (was) is as much to say, as, grow, be or become, and Waeshe [...]l, by corruption of pronounciation afterwards became Wassaile. The King not understanding what she said, demanded it of his Chamberlain, who was his Interpreter, and when he knew what it was, he asked him, how he might answer her in her own Language; whereof being informed, [Page] he said unto her Drinc heal, i. Drink health, &c." Verst. p. 101.’ Some say tis Wassale, quasi, wash your throat with Ale.
Waters of Shiloah, properly Waters, which came from a Fountain at the Root of Mount Sion, and ran through Jerusalem with a still and quiet course. Therefore in Nehemiah 2. it is called the Dragons or Serpents Well, because the Waters of it crept gently as a Serpent; but Figuratively it denoted the promise of help to the men of Jerusalem, against the Kings of Syria and Israel, from Gods power alone (without hiring forein forces) to repel their enemies, Isa. 8.6. The waters of Shiloah, which run so softly. See Psal. 46.4. Wilson.
Watling-street, is one of the four ways, which the Romans are said to have made here in England, and called them, Consulares, Praetorias, Militares, Publicas. This Street is otherwise called Weriam-street, and leads from Dover, to London, Dunstable, and so to Westchester. An. 39 Eliz. cap. 2. The second Street is called Ikenild-street, beginning Ab Iconis, who were the people inhabiting Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridgeshire as Mr. Camden declares in his Brittan. pag. 345. The third is called Fosse, the reason of the name he giveth, because he thinks it was ditched of each side. The fourth is called Ermyn-street, &c. Of these read more in the said Author, pag. 43, 44. And in the first Volume of Holinsheds Chronicle, cap. 19.
Wave-Offerings, were certain loaves, which were enjoyned to be paid, as the first fruits of every years increase, Levit. 23.17. See Moses and Aaron, p. 219.
Weald of Kent, is the woody part of the Country. Cam. Britan pag. 247. Verstegan says, Wald, Weald and Wold, differing in Vowel, signifie one thing, to wit, a Forest or Wood; for so the (Teut.) Wald also signifies. Yet I have observed, in Leicester and Yorkeshires, those places are now called Wolds, which have little or no Wood on them; but it is very probable the woods thereof have been cut down, since they received that denomination. From this word Wald, came Waltham Forest, antiently called Waldham Forest. And Waldegrave (an antient name in Norfolk) took denomination from the disposing and over-seeing the Forest for so much the name imports.
Wea-bit or Way-bit, is a word used in the North of England, where if you ask how far 'tis to such a place, they answer, a mile and a VVay-bit, by which is understood a mile and vantage, or a mile and better. I finde i [...] [Page] written Wea-bit, but conceive it should be Way-bit; quasi, a bit or part of a way.
Weapon Salve, is that by which a wounded person is said to be cured, by applying it to the sword or weapon that made the wound; and was first found out by Paracelsus. Of this see Dr. Charltons Paradoxes, p. 1.
Wedding (nuptiae) comes from the Germ. (wed) i pignus, a pledge; and wedde in Scotland signifies so much at this day. Skene.
Wednesday. See VVoden.
Weigh, is a certain weight of Cheese or Wool, containing 256 pounds of Avoir-du-pois. And in some parts of this land it signifies a quantity of corn (most commonly Barley or Malt) containing six Quarters, or forty eight Strikes.
Weights (pondera) there are two sorts of them in use with us; the one called Troy weight, which has Twelve ounces in the pound, and by this, Pearl, precious Stones, Electuaries, or Medicinal things, Gold, Silver and Bread are weighed; the other Avoir-du-pois, which contains sixteen ounces in the pound; by this all other things are weighed that pass between man and man by weight, saving onely those above named: Why the one should be cal'd Troy weight I have not learned; though I read it libram & unciam Trojanam, as if it came from Troy: The other seems to be so termed by reason of the more full weight; for Avoir du pois in French, is to have good weight, but by these words Avoir du pois are somtimes signified such merchandize as are bought and sold by this kind of weight. Fleta l. 2. c. 12. saith, 15 ounces make the merchants pound; which 'tis like, though an ounce less, should be all one in signification with the pound Avoir-du-pois, and the other Pound, called by Fleta, Trone weight, plainly appears to be all one with that, which we cal Troy weight; and I find not Troy weight mentioned by any other that ever I read upon this subject, but onely our own Countrimen. See Tronage. One Phidon an Argive is said to have bin the first finder out of VVeights and Measures. See Ounce & Sarplar.
Welken or Welkin (Sax.) a cloud; but now commonly taken for the Sky or Element.
Welsh, the people of VVales, which were the old Britans, and those a people of the Gauls; from whence the Saxons (according to their manner of speech) instead of Gallish, called them VVallish, and by abbreviation Walch or Welsh.
Were-wulf or Were-wolf ( were in the old Sax. was sometimes used for man) this name remains still known in the Teutonick, and is as much as Man-wolf; which is a certain [Page] Sorcerer, who having anointed his body with an Ointment made by instinct of the Devil, and putting on a certain inchanted Girdle, does not only to the view of others, seem as a VVolf, but to his own thinking, hath both the shape and nature of a VVolf, so long as he wears the said Girdle, and accordingly worries and kills humane creatures. Of these sundry have been taken in Germany, and the Neatherlands. One Peter Stump, for being a Were-wolf, and having killed thirteen children, two women, and one man, was at Bedhur, not far from Cullen, in the year 1589. put to a very terrible death. Verst.
Westphalia Bacon, so called from the Country VVestphalia, a Province in Germany▪ from whence it comes; which Province is wonderfully stored with Acorns, that feed Swine of an exceeding pleasant taste and nourishment.
Westsaxonlage, See Merchenlage.
Wharf (from the Belg. Werf, idem) is a broad plain place neer a Creek or Hithe of the water, to lay Wares upon, that are brought to or from the water. Or it is a working place for Shipwrights.
Wharfage, is a Fee due for any thing that is landed at the VVharf, or brought upon the VVharf to be carried by water.
Wharfinger is the Keeper of a VVharf. An. 7. Ed. 6. cap. 7.
Whead or Wheadle, is a late word of fancy, and signifies to draw one in, by fair words or subtile insinuation, to act any thing of disadvantage or reproof.
Whirlebat, See VVhorlebat.
White-hall in Henry the eighth's time, was called Yorkhouse, as being the Archbishop of Yorks Palace, otherwise called Cardinal VVolsey; upon whose conviction in a Prem [...] nire it fell to that King, who beautified and enlarged it, and called it VVhitehall.
Whitsunday, Pentecost, Whitsontide (i. albi solis tempus) is a solemn Feast in memory and honor of the coming of the holy Ghost upon the heads of the Apostles, in tongues, as it were of fire. ( Act. 2.3.) Pentecost in Greek signifies the fiftieth, it being the fiftieth day from the Resurrection. It is also called VVhitsunday from the Catechumens, who were clothed in white, and admitted on the Eve of this Feast to the Sacrament of Baptism.
Verstegan says it was anciently called Wied Sunday, i. sacred Sunday; for wied or wihed signifies sacred in the old Saxon.
Whole-chase Boots, are whole hunting, or large riding Boots; and Demichase, are, with the French, half hunting, [Page] or (as we call them) Summer riding Boots; though some of our Shoomakers do ignorantly apply the word Demi [...]chase to a certain colour of the leather.
Whorlebat (caestus) is a Weapon with Plummets of lead, used in Games for exercise by the antient Romans.
Wicket (from the Fr. Huisset) a little door (commonly) where great gates are.
Wick [...]vi [...]s or Wick [...]v [...]tes, the followers of VVicklif, who was Curate of Lutterworth in Leicestershire about the year, 1380 See his opinions in Mr. Fullers hist. lib. 1. p. 131.
Wildfire (what it is, is well enough known) was invented by the Grecians about the year of our Lord 717. when Caliph Zulciman besieged Constantinople, and therefore the Latines call it Graecus ignis.
Will of the Wisp. See. Ignis fatuus.
Will [...]am (Tent.) for sweeter sound drawn from Wi [...] helm, which is interpreted by Luther, much defence to many; as Wilwald, Ruling many; Wildred, much reverend fear, or awful; Wilfred, much peace; Wi [...]bert, much increase. Cam.
Wimple (Belg Wimpel) a Streamer or Flag; but it is most commonly taken for the linnen plaited cloth, which Nuns and Religious women wear about their necks.
Winefred, if Saxon, signifies win or get peace; but some conceive it to be a Brittish word, corrupted from Gwen fremi. Frewi was the Saints name at first, but had the addition Gwen (which signifies white in the Feminine Gender) from the white circle that remained in her neck, after she was revived by Benno, the Priest, and Pastor of the Church (as the story goes) by joyning her cut off head, to her dead body. For it is a Tradition among the Britans, that in the very place where her head was cut off by wicked Cradacus, there sprung the Well that has to this day continued under the name of St Winefreds Well in Flintshire; esteemed to be the most plentiful and miraculous Spring in the world.
[...]frid, i. An Obtainer of Concord▪ or a win peace; for so it signifies in the old Saxon. An Englishman of that name, was by means of Charls the Great, made Arch-Bishop of Magunce, by Pope Gregory the Second, and was afterwards called Boniface, he is accounted an Apostle of Germany, for his preaching and converting much people to the Christian Faith in Saxony, and thereabouts. At Doccum in Freezland, hath been reserved unto our time, a Book of the four Gospels, all written with his own hand. Verst.
[Page] Wisard or Wizard (perhaps from the Sax Witega, i. a Prophet or Foreteller of things to come) a cunning man, the Hebrews describe him thus; he put in his mouth the bone of a Beast named by them Jadua and burned Incense, and did other things, till he fell down with shame, and spake with his mouth, things that are to come. We commonly take him for a kinde of Witch, or one that can tell where things are, that were lost, &c.
Wiseacre (from the Belg. Waerseygher, ex Waer, i. veritas & Sagen, dicere) one that knows or tells truth; we commonly use it in malam partem, for a Fool.
Wis [...]men of Greece were seven. See Solon.
Witch, is derived from the Dutch Witchelen or Witchelen, which properly signifies whinnying and neighing like a Horse; also to foretel or prophecy; and Witcheler, signifies a Soothsayer; for that the Germans (from whom our Ancestors the Saxons usually descended) did principally (as Tacitus tells us) divine and foretel things to come by the whinnying and neighing of their Horses; Hinitu and Fremitu, are his words. For the definition, Master Perkins ( cap. 1.) saith, Witchcraft is an art serving for the working of wonders, by the assistance of the Devils, so far as God will permit. Delrio defines it to be, An art which by the power of a contract, entred into with the Devil, some wonders are wrought, which pass the common understanding of men. Lib. 1. cap. 2. de Mag. Disq.
Wittal, is a Cuckold that wits all, or knows all; that is knows himself to be so.
Woden, among the old Saxons was honored for their god of Battel; the word signifies Fire or Furious. Hence we say, when one is in great rage, he is Wood; and hence we call Wednesday instead of Wodnesday, on which day he was chiefly honored. See Verst. 59.
Wold. See Weald.
Seven Wonders of the World, were these. 1. The Pyramides. 2. Mausolaeum. 3. The Temple of Ephesus. 4. The Walls of Babylon. 5. The Colossus of Rhodes. 6. The Statue of Jupiter Olympicus. And 7. The Pharus or Watch Tower built by Ptolomaeus Philadelphus.
Wooldrivers ( An. 2, 3. Ph. & Ma. cap. 13.) are those that buy wool abroad in the Country of the Sheepmasters, and carry it on horse-back to the Clothiers, or Market Towns to sell again.
Woolstaple. See Staple.
Woolwinders, are such as winde up Fleeces of Wool, to be pack'd and sold by weight, into a kind of bundle, after it is cleansed as it ought [Page] to be by Statute. And to avoid such deceipt, as the owners were wont to use, by thrusting in Locks of refuse Wool, and such other dross to gain weight, they are sworn to perform that Office truly between the owner and the Merchant. See the Statute of 8. H. 6. c. 22.23 H. 8. c. 17. And 18 Eliz. c. 25.
Wranglands, seem to be misgrown Trees, that will never prove Timber. Kitchin, fol. 169.6.
Wreath, a Boars-tail so called by Huntsmen; also in Heraldry it is that which is placed between the Mantle and the Crest, being most commonly made of two coloured silks, wreathed together; called also a Torce.
Wreck (From the Fr. Varech) is where a ship perishes at Sea, and no person escapes alive out of it; the Civilians call it Naufragium. This Wreck being made, the goods that were in any part of the Ship (being brought to Land by the waves) belong to the King by his Prerogative, or to him to whom he has granted this priviledge. An. 17 Edw. 2. cap. 11. But if any person in the Ship come to land, it is on Wreck, or if either Dog or Cat escape alive, the goods are the owners still, so he comes within a year and a day to claim them. And for this the Statute is plain. VVestm. 1. cap. 4. An. 3 Ed. 1. The Emperors of Rome made no advantage of this sad event, as appears Titulo de Naufragiis, 11. Cod. And Richard the first had some remorse of poor Seamens miseries in this case; for he quietum clamavit VVreck suis subditis. Hoved. Part. post. Annal. f. 386.
Wroth (from the Belg. Wreedt) angry, cruel, fierce, inhumane.
Wreke (from the Belg. Wreken) to avenge or revenge.
Wurt or Wort (Sax.) an Herb, and Kelewurt (now Colewurt) a [...] Herbe much used for pottage in time of old. The City Wirtsberg in Germany (in Latin Herbipolis) had that name from the abundance of Worts or Herbs, which grew about the Hill sides by that Town. Verst.
XEnodochy (Xenodochium) an Hospital.
Xeriff, the name by which some Princes of Barbary are instiled.
Xerophagy (xerophagia) the eating dry meats.
Xerophthalmy (xerophthalmia) soreness or blearedness of the eyes, when they neither swell, nor run, but onely look somewhat red, having little or no pain, but a kinde of itching.
[Page] Xilinous (xilinus) of or belonging to Cotten.
Xylobalsamum (Gr) a sweet and odoriferous wood, whereof Baulm naturally comes.
Xylopolist (Xylopola) a Woodmonger, or one that sells Wood or Timber.
YArdland (virgata terrae) so called from the Sax. (Gyrlander) is not the same quantity in all places; for in some Countries it contains twenty acres, in some twenty four, in some thirty, according to Mr Lambert; This Yardland Bracton calls Virgatam Terrae ( Lib. 2. cap. 10. & 27.) but he expresseth no certainty what it contains.
Mr Noy (in his Compleat Lawyer, pag. 57.) saith, two Fardels of Land make a Nook, and four Nooks make a Yardland, and four Yardlands make a Hide of Land; and four (but some say eight) Hides make a Knights Fee, the relief wherof is five pounds, and so ratably.
Year (annus) was divided by Julius Caesar into twelve moneths, fifty two weeks, three hundred sixty and five dayes, and six hours, wanting eleven minutes, which odd six hours, every Leap or fourth year, make the odd day in February. The moneth is the twelfth part of the Solary year, the week is neer the fourth part of the moneth; the natural week day, a seventh part of the week, the Quadrant the fourth part of the day, the hour the sixth part of the Quadrant; the Point the fourth part of the hour; the Moment or Minute about the fifteenth part of the Point, &c. The Greeks observed the Lunary year, that is twelve revolutions of the Moon, three hundred fifty and four dayes. Br.
Yeoman or Yeihan seems to be one word made by contraction of two Danish words (Young Men) which I gather out of Canutus's Charter of the Forest, Part 1. fol. 1. num. 2. in these words, Sunt sub quolibet horum quatuor ex mediocribus hominibus, quos Angli (Legespend) nuncupant Dani verò (Young Men) vocant, locati, qui curam & onus, tum viridis tum veneris suscipiant. These Mr Camden ( Brit. pag. 150.) placeth next in order to Gentlemen, calling them (ingenuos) whose opinithe Statute affirms. Anno 16 Rich. 2. cap. 4.
Sir Thomas Smith in his Repub. Angl. lib. 1. cap. 23. calls him a Yoman, whom our Laws call Legalem hominem, which (says he) is in English a Freeman born, that may dispend of his own Free-land, in yearly revenue, to the value of forty shillings Sterling; The former Etymology of the name he [Page] likes not, making question, whether it comes of the Dutch (Yoncker) or not, which in the Low-Countries signifies a mean Gentleman, or a Gay-fellow; but he that hath added the Marginal Notes to that Book, seems to draw it from the Saxon (Geman) which signifies a married man.
Verstegan ( cap. 10.) saith, (Gemen) among the ancient Teutonicks, and Gemaene, in the old Saxon signifies as much as Common, and that the first letter G. is in this word, as in many others, turned into Y. and so written Yemen, and that therefore Yemen or Yeomen signifies Commoners.
Yoman signifies an Officer in the Kings House, who is in the middle place, between the Serjeant and the Groom; As Yoman of the Chaundry, and Yoman of the Scullery, An 33 Hen. 8. cap. 12. This word (Yongmen) is used for Yomen in the Statute of 33 H. 8. cap. 10.
To Yex, is that we do, when we have the Hicket or Hick up; some take it, to sob or sigh.
Yewl. See Ʋle.
Yoncker (Belg.) a lusty Lad, a gay-fellow.
ZAchary (Heb.) the memory of the Lord.
Zane (Ital.) the name of John in some parts of Lombardy, but commonly used for a Silly John, a simple fellow, a servile drudge, or foolish Clown, in any Comedy or Interlude. Flo.
Zanni (Ital.) men, that with foul mouths, unseemly speeches, disfigured faces, mimique gestures and strange actions, profess to procure laughter; used also for cross biting, cunning-catching knaves.
Zecchine (Ital.) a coyn of Gold currant in Venice worth about seven shillings and six pence sterling. But the Turkish Zecchine is valued at nine shillings Sterl.
Zelots (Zelotes) they that fear lest the thing they love should be common to another, they that envy at one, or assay to follow another in living; but most used, for those that are zealous or fervent in matters of Religion.
Zelotypie (Zelotypia) jealousie.
Zenith (Arab.) the point of the Firmament directly over ones head; called the vertical point. See Nadir.
Zephirus (Gr.) the West-winde; called also Favonius.
Zereth, an Hebrew measure of nine inches.
Zero (Fr.) a Cyphre in Arithmatick, a thing that stands for nothing.
Zodiack (zodiacus) is an oblique imiginary circle in [Page] the Firmament, dividing the Sphear athwart the Aequinoctial into two points, viz. the beginning of Aries and Libra; in the midst whereof is the Ecliptick line; Its utmost limits are the two Tropicks, Cancer and Capricorn; its length three hundred and sixty degrees, and breadth Sixteen. It is divided into Twelve signs, Six Northernly and Six Southerly; the Northern are Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Gemini, Leo, Virgo; the Southern, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces; he turns upon his own Poles from West to East.
Zoilus, was a back-biting Poet, who wrot against Homers Works, from whence he was called Homeromastix, i.e. Homers scourge. Hence all envious persons, or such as back-bite or carp at other mens works, are called Zoilists.
Zone (zona) a Girdle; In Cosmography it signifies a division made of the Heavens into five parts, whereof one is extream hot, two extream cold, and two temperate. The hot or torrid Zone, is all that part of the Heavens, which is contained between the two Tropicks of Cancer and Capricorn, in which Zone the Sun continually keeps his course. The two cold or frigid Zones are scituate between the two Polar Circles, and the very Poles, continually wanting the neighbourhood of the Sun: The two temperate are betwixt the Tropicks of Cancer and the Artick, and betwixt the Tropick of Capricorn, and the Antartick Circles, enjoying an indifferency between heat and cold; So that the parts next the torrid Zone are the hotter, and those next the frigid are the colder. These five Zones are disposed according to the order of the five Zones in Heaven.
Zone also signifies a Soldiers Belt or Marriage Girdle; the Soldiers Belt was lined in the inside, where, when they went to war they put their money; whence Horace saith, of a man that has lost his money, Zonam perdidit.
Young Maids when they were married, were wont to [Page] have a Marriage-Girdle, tied about their middle, which their Husbands, the first might did untie; whence Zonam solvere has been translated, to deflowr a Virgin.
Zonarious (zonarius) of or belonging to a Girdle, Purse, or Zone.
Zonigrism (zonigrismus) an Instrument with a long and narrow neck, to convey potions into the stomack with little taste of bitterness.
Zoography (zoographia) the painting or picturing of beasts.
Zoographer (zoographus) a Painter or one that draws the pictures of beasts. Dr Br.
Zoophytes (zoophyta) that are in part living creatures, in part plants; as Oysters, Spunges, &c.
Zygostatical (Zygostaticus) belonging to the pound weight of Sixteen ounces, or to a Clark of a Market that looks to weights.