BLOODY NEWES FROM St. ALBANS. BEING, A perfect Relation of a horrible Murder Committed on Wednesday last, upon Mris Bass a Widdow living at the Sign of the Green-Tree in the said Town; and how she was most cruelly torn, mangled and dismembred, her brains being dasht out against the walls in the room where she was murthered. Since which some persons are apprehended for the same, and committed to Hartford Goal. As is averred by Mr. Gunter, Gent, Mr. Younger, Mr. New, Mr. Tho [...]owgood the Carrier, and several other Gentlemen of St. Albans, who now lodg at the Bell in Aldersgate-street and will witness the truth.

Also, a barbarous and inhumane murder, committed by a Farmer near Colchester, upon his wife, how he stopt her Mouth, stuck an Awle in her Head and sowed up her Privities, for which being discovered by the Crowner and his own Guilty Conscience, he was try'd at Chelns­ford, condemned and executed, this last Assizes.

Likewise a cruel and Divellish Plot discovered at Wem in Shropshire by Mr. Page a Surgion, with the manner how the chief Actor was ta­ken, and committed by the Mayor of Shrewsbury.

The is confirmed by several Gentlemen of Shrewsbury, and also by Mr. Ashley, a Gentleman living near Cripple-gate.

LONDON, Printed for John Johnson, 1661.

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