BLOODY NEWS FROM Clarken-well.
BEING A true Relation of a horrid Murther Committed by John Mason upon Gregory Reeves at Mr. Hues a Bakers right over against the Kings Arms, upon Munday night last, being the ninth of July; With the manner how he wounded him on the Head with a half hundred weight, cut of one of his Ears, and stab'd him in several parts of the Body.
Also how he was apprehended, and his Examination and Confession before Justice Powel on Tuesday last, by whom he was Committed a prisoner to NEWGATE.
Together with a true and exact Narrative of a Bloody murther committed by a Souldiers wife on her husband, at Dog and Bitch-yard near the Covent-garden, on Wednesday last, with her Examination and Confession.
This is an exact Relation as it was brought from Mr. Hues the Bakers in Clarkenwell.
LONDON, Printed for J. JONES, 1661.
AN EXACT RELATION OF A Bloody Murther COMMITTED At Clarken-well on Munday last, Being the 9th of July, by John Mason, upon Gregory Reeves, at a Bakers house right against the KINGS ARMES.
LOve when grown beyond the wiser bounds of Reason, and that ever-waking Devil Jealousie have in all ages produced very sad effects, witnesse the inhumane story of Clytemnestra, who for the Love of the adulterer Aegysteus, did with a mercilesse and un-relenting hand, even at a Banquet (which the very Laws of Hospitality yea amongst the rudest Nations, might have forbid) make the [Page]Soul [...] Husband Agamemnon, make an Ultimum vale of his wounded body.
And Deinira the unfortunate wife of the valiant and heroick Hercules, harbouring in her pining breast, the never-ceasing, venomous and dstructive insinuations of a suppositious jealousie, did perswade her abused self, to send her husband a shirt tinctured deeply with the blood of the Centaur Nessus, whose poysonus vapours, did in a short time, force the spirit of that all-conquering Conquerour, to leave its old acquaintance, by which means she lost both her husband and her self.
Many might be instanced who have (through foolish jealousy) ingaged with each other in single duell to the losse of both their lives, which indeed is far more-noble than this so late and horrid murther.
Now this following story hath in it a double guilt both of jealousy and murther, the exact relation whereof is as followeth viz.
I shall first begin with the Author of this hanious murder, which was one John Mason, who lay at Mr. Hues a Bakers over against the Kings Arms in Clarken-well, and was bedfellow to Gregory Reeves a poor, simple harmless fellow on whom this bloody design was Acted.
For the Reason of this cruelty so desperatly executed, I only conclude, and find by the report of all, that jealousy was the Original, which through the instigation of the Devil was thus barbarously acted by John Mason, vvho bearing an affection to the Carpenters maid living next dore to the Bakers house vvas jealous of all that look'd on her.
But more especially vvas he jealous of the said Gregory an innocent sillycreature,, vvho was not designed in the least, to frustrate the Suit of his supposed friend.
But to come to this horrid act it self, on Munday night being the ninth instant, they went to bed very f [...]iendly, the mans Son of the house lying with them; yet by t [...]e Devils Suggestion, when poor Gregory was fast a sleep, and the Boy that lay with him, up got this Cruel and baberous Murderer, and in the first place, either with the halfe hundred weight, which he set againe on the Table, or the Hammer which was since found in the Room, he stund-him to hinder his crying out, and wounded him in divers places of the Head.
This not satisfying his most Cruel bloody mind, he cut off one of his ears, and having so done stab'd him in severall parts of the Body, of which he dyed.
The time of this sad Execution the boy lay fast asleep, and heard nothing of this bloody and inhumane Tragedy till he avvaked the next morning.
Upon Tuesday morning being the tenth day of July, the Murtherer vvas discovered & rumorred abroad at vvhich the vvhole Family vvas not a little disturbed, the Carpenters Maid also at next dore being very much troubled and greatly grieved at this sad nevves of her Neighbours death, as vvell as the desperate Condition of her Lover John Mason.
And the Neighbour flocking into the Bakers house apprehended the Murtherer, and immediately carryed him before Justice Powel, who lived near adjacent to the place, vvhe [...]e being examined he denyed nothing; but the Justice ask [...]ng him vvhy he did it, he ansvvered thus, viz. I would my hands had been tyed thus last night, and it had been better for me.
This being ended, his Mittimus vvas made, and he vvas conducted by the Officers to Nevvgate, till such time that Justice be inflicted upon him for this bloody fact.
On Wednesday the 11th of July, the Crowner should have sat with his July on the party murthered but he being absent they appointed to meet the next day, till when the Corps was ordered to be laid in the ground, which was accordingly performed.
On Thursday the twelfth instant, the Crowners Jury as to the agreement the day before met in the Nags-head Taat Clarken-wel, and being gathered together, the body was ordered to be taken up again.
This being performed the Crowner and his Jury sat upon this sad and lamentable act, and after viewing the Corps, according to the Laws of this Kingdom, they gave in their Verdict, that they could finde it to be no other then willful murther.
When they had thus ended the Corps was again put into the place from whence it was taken, and the murderer still remains in Newgate, and will doubtlesse (next Sessions) receive the just sentence of Death for this cruel, bloody and barbarous fact.
The Relation of this wicked and unimmitated enterprize is here published as a warning-piece to all those that are young and ignorant of the nature of love, (which in it self is peaceable, hides multitudes of faults, plots no evil, and seeks not revenge, but if kindled with the divelish fire of Jealousy, is a plotter of all manner of mischief, and acts with bloody hands in any cruel murder what-ever) that they fall not into such desperate designs, whereby they may not only deprive of life those on whom they commit such horrid cruelties and barbarous murthers: but also bring themselves to unnatural and untimely ends, to the great grief of their Parents and friends, and to the sorrow of all good Christians, that have an eye to disceru the miserable and desperate condition men fall in by Jealousie, which was the chief cause of this most sad and lamentable [Page 7]cruelty committed on the said Gregory Reeves by the bloudy hands of John Mason, as he lay in a dead sleep not dreaming in the least of the intended mischief designed by his bed-fellow.
This may put us all in mind of our duty to him who is the Author of all good, That in regard we enter into our beds, as into our graves, so we ought to use our best endeavours to make such a preparation for every houre, that we may imbrace death as a Messenger inviting us to a Mansion of eternal glory.
A true account of the bloody murther commtted by a Soldiers Wife on her Husband upon Wednesday last, at Dog and Bitch-yard near the Covent-garden.
IN this story I shall he brief, and only give you the true account, which was thus, viz. Upon Tuesday the 10th instant, this Souldier coming home, he found his wife craming her patch, he being hot opend his doublet, and desiring a Pipe of Tobacco she told himhe should have none, but going to the box where he used to lay it, she started up with a Knife in her hand, and stab'd him in the Breast, he taking no great notice of what she did, in a jesting way flung his hat at her, with which she in earnest most desperately stab'd him in the belly, and yet was not satisfied till she had made a third assault and stab'd him again.
Since which bloudy murther, upon her examination she says He was not her Husband, thinking thereby to scape the better, but the Law is more just then to pardon such bloody offenders.