BLOODY NEWS FROM Clarken-well.

BEING A true Relation of a horrid Murther Committed by John Mason upon Gregory Reeves at Mr. Hues a Bakers right over against the Kings Arms, upon Mun­day night last, being the ninth of July; With the manner how he wounded him on the Head with a half hundred weight, cut of one of his Ears, and stab'd him in several parts of the Body.

Also how he was apprehended, and his Examination and Confession before Justice Powel on Tuesday last, by whom he was Committed a prisoner to NEWGATE.

Together with a true and exact Narrative of a Bloody murther committed by a Souldiers wife on her husband, at Dog and Bitch-yard near the Covent-garden, on Wednesday last, with her Examination and Confession.

This is an exact Relation as it was brought from Mr. Hues the Bakers in Clarkenwell.

LONDON, Printed for J. JONES, 1661.

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