A Small ACCOUNT GIVEN FORTH By one that hath been a Traveller For these 40 Years in the Good OLD WAY. And as an Incouragement to the Weary to go forward; I by Experience have found there is a Rest remains for all they that truly trusts in the Lord.

Psalms 31.14.

I trusted in thee, O Lord, and said, thou art my God.

Psalms 31.24.

All ye that trust in the Lord, be strong, he shall establish your Hearts.

S. B.

Printed in the Year 1698.

AS God by his Grace having inclined my Heart to be Merciful, and I have had the Comfort of doing Good; whilst I had an opportunity, in the things as he in this Life is pleased to commit to my Care: I have, as in his sight, walked in the uprightness of my Heart, and as in those things partaining to this Life, I have endeavoured to keep a good Conscience. So in Love to all that may have the Read­ing of this small Book, I am willing to give them an understanding, as I have found where it is to be attained; as Christ said, There is but one good, and that is God; and as we come be guided by his good Spirit, it will lead us into all things that are good; without which we cannot in­herit Eternal Life. And whatever any may think of me, who look with an evil Eye, yet to my Friends that looks with an Im­partial Eye, it will be received, as it is intended good will to all; and to those re­main a Friend.

S. B.
How mean soever I may appear to Man,
A Witness in my Soul there lives that can,
Bear Record to the Father this, that I
Seek not Mortals praise, but Immortality;
That Crown of Rest and Peace I may receive,
Which Mortals have not in their Power to give;
Which he must do who sets me free from Sin,
And being clean in Peace there Rules that King,
Who will not joyn unto Iniquity,
But love's Ʋprightness and Integrity.
Thinks Human Wisdom, I can easily see,
The Scripture can this thing declare to me;
But 'tis not known by Pleasure, Ease or Sleep,
Who find this Pearl, must dig low and deep;
And who finds before it be his own,
They must sell all to purchase that alone,
And cast up all his Stock and look within,
Before to Build this House he doth begin,
And learn by true experience rightly for to know,
The thing that's realy good from what's but good in show
Remember Babel, do not build too High,
Nor make a Tower to reach unto the Skie,
Nor look thou out, but turn thy Eye within,
See Christ there laid, then build thy House on him.
Who build not on that Rock shall surely fall,
For he is that Corner Stone uniteth all.
Cease then a while you Humane Learned Men,
That know your Wisdom cannot find out him.
Thou Willing and Obedient, know it's thee,
Whose Vale is rent to see this Mistery,
It's not the prudent learned Wit that shall
Him comprehend who is the Light of all,
The Lamb of God, who comes in love to gain
And bring lost Man (stray'd from God) back again;
And make Man happy, the greatest good that can
Befall to Mortals, or the Sons of Men;
Which if not rightly known, what e're we do
Wants the good Oil, and God's acceptance too.
He sees the Heart and what rules there full well,
Whether it be Pride or Passion, Husk, Fame or Shell;
Of all that cumber we must come to see,
Man strip'd of all and Christ alone to be
The true conducter, from the ways wherein
He'll not appear, because they lead from him;
And all that goes in this true blessed way,
Shall by his Light be sav'd both Night and Day.
And as I have walk'd unseen and all alone,
In secret to my God I made my moan.
Its restless eye that makes complaint to none,
But unto thee from whom relief must come;
Out of my Troubles, Doubts and Fears,
And send the Harvest which was sown in Tears;
Tho' sorrow may indure for a Night,
Thy morning Presence brings my Soul delight;
Thou art a God of Truth, in all things Just,
And those that know thy Name will in thee Trust.

An Answer to a Letter from a Friend.

THine I received, and have consider­ed thereof, and could have been more large in my own, and my Friends Vindication therein concern'd; but am gathered into that, not to strive, but to commit my Cause to God in well-doing; having in my self, and many others, seen Pride to beget Passion, and Passion Preju­dice, by which the Eye of the right un­derstanding [Page 31]is made Blind: As for rehear­sal of all those former sailings therein con­tained, if they were true, yet rightly considered, and impartially weighed; may say, since those Divisions, a great ma­nifestation there hath been of such Spi­rits, to whom those names may deservedly be attributed; tho' for many Years I have been counted a Dissenter, Yet I, nor many more, never took pleasure to lay the Na­kedness of any open, but rather to cover for his Names sake, who hath kept us in his Truth, by which we have been pre­served.

I have seen, I have seen, an Enemy enter the House, and hath not been discover'd till they come into the Cool, out of the Hurry and Noise, and hear the call of the still Voice; and herein my Soul, with ma­ny other of my Christian Friends, have been Blessed; and by this we are led to Unite, and to be truly reconciled in that Spirit, by that Heavenly Jesus, that true Reconciler of Man to his Maker.

And of this, from thy true Friend, be assured, it was not from the Spirit of Hy­pocrisie, Policy, or any carnal or selfish End, no, no, our House is not Built on that Sandy Foundation, but on Christ Jesus, [Page 32]that Rock of Ages, which leads his in the way of Everlasting Peace, which Peace cannot be declared, but as it is felt, of which Peace hath my Soul tasted largely, and can say truly, since into this happy state the Lord hath brought me, I have experienced more of that Heavenly Joy, and Everlasting Peace, than ever I knew before, but I thank the Lord who gave me a share thereof, under every dispen­sation he hath led me through, and can say, they were all good in their time, but this excelleth them all, well knowing the Administration of John to be Glorious in its Time, yet, He that is least in the King­dom of Heaven is greater than he; into which Kingdom, that thou may'st have an entrance after all thy Travels, and come into this Sabbath and Rest with God, will be a true Joy to thy Friend, of which I can say, with many more of my dear Friends whom I know not, but as I feel them in this Spirit, It is the Way and there is not another: And for all those that are other wise-minded, the Lord sned a Fa­mine to come on the outward Knowledge, that they may know to be led to the Spi­ritual Joseph; whoever comes unto him, [...] upbraideth no one with what is past, [Page 33]but receives them with his Love, and embraceth them, and they partake with him of the Fatness of the good Land. Of this I am a witness, and remain

Thy True Friend, S. B.
S. B.

AS to a Fast, I desire this may be so­lemnly proclaimed; a Fast from Strife, Malice and every evil Work, as new Born Babes desire the sincere Milk of the Word of Life, and grow thereby, in which we shall be accepted of God, and truly reconciled to one another.


I Did not intend to have Printed this Letter I sent to a Friend, but finding he hath Printed the Letter he sent to me, as an Answer to W. R's Book I sent him, which Book I had good Unity with, and with all that are of a reconciling Spirit, which to my Comfort, I find many sincere hearted therein, and as the vail of Preju­dice [Page 34]comes to be taken of the Heart, we shall see one another as God seeth us, to whom I approve my Heart, let Men Judge of me as they please; it is not from any Evil or Insinuating self-end, I can truly say for my self, and many more true Christian Friends, whose Hearts in this matter of Reconciliation is not to gain Praise of Men, God is our witness; but we are led to Unite by that blessed Spirit, who hath shewed us of what and in what the Kingdom of Heaven consists, of which is true Righteousness, Joy and Peace in the holy Spirit, which I with ma­ny more have tasted, and could be glad all that oppose would come and taste and see how good the Lord is, and with what the Immortal Soul is Refreshed.

I could never find satisfaction in any visible thing, till I received the Word of God, in which Word I find the Key of David, Which opens and none can shut, and shuts and none can open; and that is that, that opens the Mystery of the Kingdom of God, in which the Father, Son and Spirit is to be koown; which Word of Faith, gave the true understanding to the Pro­phets and Apostles, and to all the Faithful of God to this day: And in that way [Page 35]which some call Heresie, Worship I the God of my Fathers, believing all the Law and the Prophets, and in Jesus Christ, who is the Author and Finisher of our Faith.

S. B.

O Lord! Out of the deep I cried unto thee, and thou pluckedst my feet out of the Mire and Clay, and hast set them in the right way: And being converted, strengthen my Bre­thren. Unto which I have this further to add, when I first heard the confused noise, made by G. K. and T. B. which appea­rance was, and is to me like the Golden Calf; and beholding many I knew, which I thought had been more grafted in the Word of Life, than to go after it, for which I was greatly troubled, but the heavenly still Voice gave me this Satisfa­ction, fret not thy self, be still, it is a Cloud I suffer, the Wind thereof shall blow away the Chaff, but I will gather my Wheat thereby nearer together; and this I know to be a certain Truth, by which my Heart hath been often refresh­ed, for which my Soul, Praise thou the Lord.

S. B.

And unto all those who have raked up the miscarriages and evils, and printed it, and given it abroad to defame the People called Quakers, whose Principles shall out-last their Malice; and was some of us of their Spirit, to render evil for evil, revileing for revileing, might say that of some of them that would cause shame, who covered their foolish actions with the name of the Lord, but it was, and is such a Lord, of which there is many, but not the true God as some can witness, but cover'd it from Men, hopeing time might work them to see their weak­ness, and know the true Lord over-ruling all their false Imaginations, who may be truly compared to Saul, when gone from the true God, he goes to the Witch of En­dor, and she raised up what he would see, but not what he should see; so he was never the better for it, but his Ene­mies prevailed, and he fell by his own Sword; so shall envy slay the wicked Man; and they in darkness shall grope for the door, but shall not find it: All this is true, and I own before all Men the Principle of the Quakers. And have this to say for my self, and many more I well know, however our Enemies may render [Page 37]us; vve knovv this by our selves, and our Consciences bears us vvitness, vve have in good Conversation vvalked before God and Men, vvhich vvill speak for us in the gates of our Enemies; and vve find the ansvver of a good Conscience a continual Feast, who have not received the Truth by observation, but by the true administra­tion, by which we have learn'd vvhat lets into the Kingdom of our God, and vvhat keeps out, let Mens pretences be vvhat they vvill; they that makes lies there re­fuge, and takes avvay Mens good names, shall be found vvorkers of Iniquity.

I having in this small account hinted of many States, and several ways of the Lord's working in Man, that he may come to know him, and on him rely in all estates. I have one thing further to add; I have lately seen an excercise at hand, but when or in what I know not, but leave it to God and his appointed time, let it be in Mercy or in Judgment, I be­lieve all is for good, as I have ever found all his dealings to me, it was unpleasant to the fleshly part, but I turn'd in, and saw God's preservation near to all that truly on him relies; and in nothing else was there safety, and therefore I desire all [Page 38]to draw their minds from Vanity and con­sider their latter end, that it may go well with them, what change so ever comes; for the glory of this World passes away, therefore Work while the Day lasts, for the Night cometh wherein no Man can Work: I have also by my experience learned that in Sights and Visions, without watchfulness, there is a Temptation near, there being a readiness in Man to cast that on others, which God intends for our selves, if vve could patiently wait till the Vision speaks; for vvant of that many have run fiercely into things without, and have fail'd, and have brought Reproach on themselves, and God not glorified thereby: this I have also seen, and is often before me, and as there is no outward thing I more truly rejoyced in than to hear the Faithful Mi­nisters of Jesus Christ, in the which I am Comforted, that God hath given such a manifestation of his Heavenly good Spirit to instruct his People in the Right and Everlasting Way, which God will Establish in the Earth; though I could be glad for the sake of many who take offence and are kept back, because it is very discernable, Martha's Spirit speaks when they had better be Silent, [Page 39]goes hastily forward, but would find a greater gain in themselves, if they learn'd to obey, and stand still and see the Salva­tion of God; such may be angry that o­thers rise not up and serve after their manner, but Jesus that rightly knows the Spirits of all, saw Mary sit at his Feet, low in her self, she chose the better Part, which shall never be taken away, and the Seed lown in that good Ground shall bring forth Fruit to the Lord of the Harvest; but there is several sorts of Ground in vvhich the good Seed is sown, and there are many Obstructions in the Ground which hin­der the Prosperity of Gods holy and good Seed; but the Harvest will come, and the good Husband-man will discern the Tares from the Wheat, vvhich none else can do, there being such a likeness; the Admini­stration of John vvas Glorious, in its time, but he said, Behold the Lamb of God, that takes away the Sins of the World, shall be pre­ferr'd before and above all appearances, be they vvhat they vvill, here many that are Last shall be First, and the First Last: these are Christ's ovvn Words, and are certain­ly true, and beleived by one vvho vvishes vvell to all.

S. B.

I being incouraged by the Immortal God to Print this, and the matter contained therein, and gave it to several Friends; and it coming into the hand of T. C. he came to me, and asked me, Whether I meant George Keith? To whom I replied, I did; who made this Application, because he Preached up the Man Christ Jesus; there­fore he said, I made him the Golden Calf; and so he reported it: And to all that shall hear this Report, I have this to say, and take Almighty God to be my Witness, I do believe Jesus of Nazareth, Born at Bethlehem, according to God's Divine Ap­pointment, to be the Eternal Son of God, and all those things to be true, as the Scriptures declare of him, and have re­ceived so great a benefit by him, as my Tongue cannot express; and for this false Aspersion and wrong Interpretation of T. C. I leave God to plead my Cause, whom I know is able, and in his time will do it; but must say, as I have once before, He that is born after the Flesh Persecutes Him that is born after the Spirit.


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