Indian Wheat

Indian Iar

THE DISCOVERY OF Nevv Brittaine. Began August 27. Anno Dom. 1650. By

  • Edward Bland, Merchant.
  • Abraham Woode, Captaine.
  • Sackford Brewster, Elias Pennant, Gentlemen.

From Fort Henry, at the head of Appa­mattuck River in Virginia, to the Fals of Blandina, first River in New Brit­taine, which runneth West, being 120. Mile South-west, between 35. & 37. degrees, (a pleasant Country,) of temperate Ayre, and fertile Soyle.

LONDON, Printed by Thomas Harper for John Stephenson, at the Sun below Ludgate. M.DC.LI.

TO THE HONORABLE, SIR JOHN DANVERS, KNIGHT: Great Favourer of the Westerne Planta­tions, and a Member of the Par­liament of England.

Noble Sir:

THE great Incouragement that I have found from your Worthy selfe to propogate the Publique Affaires, as well Forraigne as Domestique, hath imbolned mee to presume humbly to present this small Piece of the Dis­covery of the Westerne Part of Virginia, wherein you [Page] shall finde by the Industry of the Surveyors of that Part, the great Benefit that may accrew to the Eng­lish Plantation; in regard of the many and severall Commodities that may thence arise, by reason of the fertility of the Soyle, Nature having provided so plentifully for all things, that with no extraordinary great Charge it may be effected, to the great Profit, and more Glory of this English Nation: And where­as your selfe hath beene, and still are a Chiefe Agent in that, and other Plantations, so (under God) you may be a meanes for converting divers of those poor Indians to the Christian Faith. For the World doth take notice you observe the Orators saying; That you were not borne for your selfe, but for your Country: Which that you may ever doe, shall be the Prayer,

Of your most humble servant, J. S.

To the Reader.

WHo ever thou art that desirest the Ad­vancement of Gods glory by conversion of the Indians, the Augmentation of the English Com­mon-wealth, in ex­tending its liber­ties; I would advise thee to consider the present benefit and future profits that will arise in the wel setling Virginia's Confines, especially that happy Country of New Brittaine, in the Latitude of 35. and 37. degrees, of more temperate Clymate then that the English now inha­bite, abounding with great Rivers of long extent, and en­compassing a great part, or most of Virginia's Continent; a place so easie to be settled in, in regard that Horse and Cat­tle in foure or five dayes may be conveyed for the benefit of Ʋndertakers, and all inconveniencies avoyded which com­monly [Page] commonly attend New Plantations, being supplied with ne­cessaries from the Neighbourhood of Virginia.

That the Assembly of Virginia (as may be seene by their Order since my returne heereto procured) have conceived a hundred to be a sufficient force and competence for the esta­blishment of that Country in which Tobacco will grow larger and more in quantity. Sugar Canes are supposed naturally to be there, or at least if implanted will undoubtedly flourish: For we brought with us thence extraordinary Canes of twen­ty five foot long and six inches round; there is also great store of fish, and the Inhabitants relate that there is plenty of Salt made to the Sunne without art; Tobacco Pipes have beene seene among these Indians tipt with Silver, and they weare Copper Plates about their necks: They have two Crops of Indian Corne yearely, whereas Virginia hath but one. What I write, is what I have proved; I cordially wish some more then private Spirits would take it into their considerati­on, so may it prove most advantagious to particular and pub­lick ends; for which so prayeth,

Your faithfull servant, Edward Bland.

October 20. 1650. By the Assembly.

IT is Ordered by the Grand Assembly, that according to the Petition of Mr. Edward Bland, Merchant, that he the sayd Bland, or any other be permitted to discover and seate to the Southward in any convenient place where they discover; and that according to his Petition for furthe­ring his Designes hee bee permitted to have correspondence with the Indians, and also receive the benevolence of the well-affected, and use all lawfull meanes for effecting there­of, provided that they secure themselves in effecting the sayd Designe with a hundred able men sufficiently furnished with Armes and Munition.

John Corkes, Cler. Dom. Com.

Sir Walter Rawleighs Observation on 35. degrees Latitude.

PAradise was created a part of this Earth, and seated in the lower part of Eden or Mesopotamia, containing also a part of Shinar and Armenia; it stands 35 degrees from the Equinoctiall, and 55 from the North-pole, in a temperate Climate, full of excellent fruits, chiefely of Palme-trees without labour; for wherein soever the Earth, Nature, and the Sun can most vaunt that they have excelled, yet shall the Palme-tree be the greatest wonder of all their workes: This tree alone giveth unto man whatsoever his life beggeth at Natures hand. The like are also found both in the East and West-Indies as well as in Paradise, which Countries are also blessed with a perpetuall Spring and Summer, &c. Raw­leighs Marrow of History, Page 42.

By how much Adam exceeded all living men in perfecti­on, by being the immediate workmanship of God, by so much did that chosen, and particular Garden exceed all the parts of the Ʋniversall World in which God had planted the Trees of Life, and Knowledge, Plants onely proper, and belonging to the Paradise, and Garden, of so great a Lord. Ibid. p. 43.

The Discovery of New Britaine.

AUgust 27. 1650. The Right Honorable Sir W. Berkly, Kt. being Governour and Cap­taine Generall of Virginia, Edw. Bland Merch. Abraham Wood Capt. Elias Ponnant and Sackford Brewster Gent. foure Men, and one Indian named Pyancha, an Appamat­tuck for our Guide, with two servants, foure Horses and Pro­vision, advanced from Fort Henry, lying on Appamattuck River at the fals, being a branch of James River, intending a South westerne Discovery.

This day wee passed over a branch belonging to Blackwater lake, running South east into Chawan River; at that place wee were forced to unlade our Carria­ges by reason of the great raines lately fallen, which otherwise is very passable for foot, being firm gravelly ground in the bottome, and lieth from Fort Henry 20. miles, and some 12. miles from this place we travelled unto a deepe River called the Nottaway Creeke some 100. paces over sandy bottomes (& with a little labour may be made passeable) unto a Nottaway Town liyng some two miles from the River. Hither we came within night, and by reason of our suddaine approach and hallowing of Robert Farmer servant to Mr. Bland, the Inhabitants ran all away into the Woods, with their Women and Children; therefore by us it was named Farmers Chase. After our arrivall there with­in a small space of time one Indian man appeared, and finding of us peaceable, and the white flag bore be­fore us by our Guide whom they knew, he made a [Page 2] hallow and the rest came in from their sculking holes like so many timerous Hares, and shewed us what curtesie they could. About two houres after came to us Oyeocker elder brother to Chounterounte one of the Nottaway Kings, who told us that his brother Chounte­rounte, and other of the Nottaway Kings would come to us next day by Noone, and that the day before Chounterounte and all his men had been a hunting, and it hapned that Chounterounte had shot one of his bro­thers in the leg, and that thereupon he was gone downewards. We stayed untill next day at Noone but he came not, and then we journyed unto the Towne belonging unto Oyeocker, who kindly invited us thither, and told us he thought that Chounterounte would meet us there, and also of his owne accord proffered us to be our guide whithersoever we went. The Land generally to this Towne is Champion, ve­ry rich, and the Towne scituate in a rich levell, well timbered, watered, and very convenient for Hogs and Cattle.

August 28. We journied with our new entertain­ed Guide Oyeocker, lying betweene South, and South and by West, from the first Towne upon a very rich levell of Land: sixteen miles from this place we came unto the River Penna Mount, being another branch of Chawan River, eight miles on the South side it hath ve­ry rich Land and Corn-fields on both sides the River, and is about some 200. paces wide, and runs out with elbowes: at the place of our passage over this River to this second Towne is shallow upon a Sandy Point, and with a very little labour may be made passeable both for foot and horse, or any Carriage by Land, [Page 3] or pentater with small Boats, and some two miles higher there is a sound passage no deeper then a mans anckle: Within night came Chounterounte unto our Quarters frowning, and with a countenance noting much discontent, downe he sets, and lookes about him, salutes the English with a scornefull posture, and then our Appamattack Guide, and tels him, I am sorry for thee friend, thou wilt be knockt on the head; after this some pause was made before any discourse, expecting the English would begin, but finding us slow, he thus spake: There was a Wainoake Indian told him that there was an Englishman a Cockarous hard by Captaine Floods, gave this Indian Bells, and other petty truck to lay downe to the Tus­karood King, and would have hired him to have gone with him, but the Wainoakes being doubtfull what to doe, went to Captaine Flood for advice, who advised them not to go, for that the Governour would give no licence to go thither; heereupon Chounterounte was by us questioned, when and who it was that had told him so, & if he did know that Wainoake Indian, to which he answered doubtfully, and demanded of us whither we did intend to go; we told him the Tuska­rood King had envited us to trade, and our Governour had ordered us to go, and speake with an Englishman amongst them, and to enquire for an English woman cast away long since, and was amongst those Nations. Chounterounte perswaded us to go no further, alleadg­ing there was no English there, that the way was long, for passage very bad by reason of much raine that had lately fallen, and many rotten Marrishes and Swampps there was to passe over, in fine we [Page 4] found him, and all his men very unwilling we should go any further; but we told them, that let the waies and passages be never so bad, we were resolved to go through, and that we were not afraid of him nor his Nation, nor any other, for we intended no injury, and that we must go, for we were commanded by our King; these words caused Chounterounte to assimulate a feare in his countenance, and after delivery of him­selfe, at our going away next day, when we had moun­ted our Horses, Chounterounte came privately unto us, and in a most serious manner intimating unto us, that he loved us, and our Nation, and that he lively ap­prehended our danger, and that our safety concerned him, for if any accident hapned otherwise then good to us, he should be suspected to have a hand in it, and withall wished us to go no further, for that he cer­tainly knew that the Nations we were to go through would make us away by treachery; we answered him, that we were not afraid to be killed, for that any one of us were able to deale with forty through the pro­tection of our great God, for we were commanded by our King.

August 29. We travelled from this second Town to Maharineck, eight miles upon barren Champion Lands, and six miles further is a branch that runnes South west, with rich Lands upon it; and from thence some sixe miles further, is a Brooke some hundred paces over, and runnes South and a little to the West, on both sides of the Creek: for fowre miles or there­abouts, is very rich Lands, well Timbered and Wate­red, and large dry Meadowes, South and by West: From this Creeke is another, some eight miles off, [Page 5] that opens it selfe into divers small Guts, made by the inundation of Freshes of Waters; and the pas­sage lies some two hundred paces from the Path, and this Creek is some ten miles from Maharinecke Towne, and was by us named Newcombs Forrest. It was night when we entred into Maharineck, where we found a House ready made for us of Matts; and Corne stalkes layd in severall places for our Horses, the Inhabitants standing, according to their custome, to greet us: and after some discourse with their Wer­rowance, a Youth, to whom wee presented severall gifts, we certified them the cause of our comming was to Trade in way of friendship, and desired the great men that what Wares or Skins the Town did afford, might be brought to our Quarters next mor­ning; and also a measure for Roanoak, which they promised should be done, and so left us to our selves a while, untill wee had refreshed our selves with such provisions as they had set before us, in most plenti­full maner; and afterwards the great men and Inhabitants came, and performed divers Ceremonies, and Dancings before us, as they use to doe to their grea [...] Emperour Apachancano, when they entertain him in most solemne maner and friendship.

August 30. Being wearied with our last dayes tra­vell, we continued at Maharineck, and this day spake with a Tuskarood Indian, who told us that the Eng­lishman was a great way off at the further Tuskarood Towne, and wee hired this Turkarood Indian to run before, and tell his Werrowance wee intended to lay him downe a present at Hocomowananck, and desired to have him meete us there, and also wrote to that [Page 6] effect to the Englishman in English, Latine, Spanish, French and Dutch, the Tuskarood promised in three dayes to meete us at Hocomawananck. In the after­noone came two Indians to our Quarters, one of whom the Maharinecks told us was the Werrowance of Hocomawananck River, seemed very joyfull that wee could goe thither, and told us the Tuskarood would have come to us to trade, but that the Wainoakes had spoken much to dishearten them from having any trade with the English, and that they intended divers times to have come in, but were afraid, for the Wai­noakes had told them that the English would kill them, or detaine them, and would not let them goe without a great heape of Roanoake middle high, to which we answered that the Wainoakes durst nor af­firme any such thing to our faces, and that they had likewise spoken much against the Tuskarood to the English, it being a common thing amongst them to villefie one another, and tell nothing but lies to the English.

This day in the morning the Maharineck great men spake to heare some of our guns go off: Whereupon we shot two guns at a small marke, both hitting it, and at so great a distance of a hundred paces, or more, that the Indians admired at it: And a little before night the old King of Maharineck came to us, and told us, that the people in the Towne were afraid when the guns went off, and ran all away into the Woods. This night also we had much Dancing.

August 31. Wee went away from Maharineck South East two miles to goe over Maharineck River, which hath a bottome betweene two high land sides [Page 7] through which you must passe to get over, which River is about two hundred paces broad, and hath a high water marke after a fresh of at least twenty foot perpendicular by the trees in the breaches be­tweene the River, and the high land of the old fields. This River is the Southerly last and maine branch of Chawan River, and was by us named Woodford River, and runs to the Eastward of the South. On both sides of Woodford River is very much exceeding rich Land, but especially on the further side towards Ho­comawananck. Imediately after the passage over this River, are old Indian fields of exceeding rich Land, that beare two Crops of Indian Corne a yeare, and hath timber trees above five foot over, whose truncks are a hundred foot in cleare timber, which will make twenty Cuts of Board timber a piece, and of these there is abundance.

As also exceeding rich Land, full of great Reeds thrice as big as the largest Arrow Reeds we have a­bout our Plantations; this good Land continues for some six miles together unto a great Swampp, and then begins a pyny barren Champion Land with di­vers Branches and Pecosans, yet very passeable, run­ning South and by West, unto a deepe River some a hundred paces over, running South, and a little to the East, which River incloses a small Island which wee named Brewsters Island, some eighteene miles from Woodford River due South, and by West, with very ex­ceeding rich Land on both sides of it for some sixe miles together, and this River we also named Brew­sters River, it being the first branch of Hocomawananck River: and a little lower downe as the River runs, is [Page 8] such another River as Chickahamine River (which is a mile broad.)

After we had passed over this River we travelled some twenty miles further upon a pyny barren Champion Land to Hocomawananck River, South, and by West: some twelve miles from Brewsters River we came unto a path running crosse some twenty yards on each side unto two remarkeable Trees; at this path our Appamattuck Guide made a stop, and cleared the Westerly end of the path with his foote, being demanded the meaning of it, he shewed an un­willingnesse to relate it, sighing very much: Where­upon we made a stop untill Oyeocker our other Guide came up, and then our Appamattuck Guide journied on; but Oyeocker at his comming up cleared the o­ther end of the path, and prepared himselfe in a most serious manner to require our attentions, and told us that many yeares since their late great Emperour Appachancano came thither to make a War upon the Tuskarood, in revenge of three of his men killed, and one wounded, who escaped, and brought him word of the other three murthered by the Hocomawananck Indians for lucre of the Roanoake they brought with them to trade for Otter skins. There accompanyed Appachancano severall petty Kings that were under him, amongst which there was one King of a Towne called Pawhatan, which had long time harboured a grudge against the King of Chawan, about a yong wo­man that the King of Chawan had detayned of the King of Pawhatan: Now it hapned that the King of Chawan was invited by the King of Pawhatan to this place under pretence to present him with a Guift of [Page 9] some great vallew, and there they met accordingly, and the King of Pawhatan went to salute and embrace the King of Chawan, and stroaking of him after their usuall manner, he whipt a bow string about the King of Chawans neck, and strangled him; and how that in memoriall of this, the path is continued unto this day, and the friends of the Pawhatans when they passe that way, cleanse the Westerly end of the path, and the friends of the Chawans the other. And some two miles from this path we came unto an Indian Grave upon the East side of the path: Upon which Grave there lay a great heape of sticks covered with greene boughs, we demanded the reason of it, Oyeoc­ker told us, that there lay a great man of the Chawans that dyed in the same quarrell, and in honour of his maemory they continue greene boughs over his Grave to this day, and ever when they goe forth to Warre they relate his, and others valorous, loyall Acts, to their yong men, to annimate them to doe the like when occasion requires. Some foure miles from Ho­comawananck is very rich Champian Land: It was night when we came to Hocomawananck River, and the Indian that came with us from Woodford River, and belonged to Hocomawananck, would have had us quar­tered upon the side of a great Swampp that had the advantage of severall bottomes of the Swampp on both sides of us, but we removed to take our advan­tage for safety, and retreate, in case any accident should happen, which at that time promised nothing but danger, for our Guides began to be doubtfull, and told us, that the Hocomawananck Indians were very treacherous, and that they did not like their counte­nances, [Page 10] and shape well; this place we named Py­anchas Parke: about three houres after we had taken up our Quarters, some of the Inhabitants came, and brought us roasting cares, and Sturgeon, and the Ho­comawananck Indian that came with us from Woodford River, came not unto us untill next day, but his War­rowance told us before wee came from Woodford, hee could not come untill that day at night. The next day morning after our comming to Hocomawananck the In­habitants seemed to prepare us a house: But we a­bout eight of the clock set forward to goe view the place where they killed Sturgeon, which was some six miles from the place where we quartered by Pyan­chas Parke, where there is a River Running very deep South, exceeding deepe, and foure hundred paces broad. The high water marke of this River between both sides of the River perpendicular, from the top of the Banck to the River, is forty five foot upon a fresh; this River was by us named Blandina River: from Py­anchas Parke to the place where they kill Sturgeon is six miles up the River running Northerly, and all ex­ceeding rich Land: Both upwards and downewards upon the River, at this place where they kill Sturge­on also are the Falls, and at the foot of these Falls al­so lies two Islands in a great Bay, the uppermost whereof Mr. Blande named Charles Island, and the lowermost Captaine Wood named Berkeley Island: on the further side of these Islands the Bay runs naviga­ble by the two Islands sides: Charles Island is three miles broad, and foure miles long, and Berkeley Island almost as big, both in a manner impregnable, by na­ture being fortified with high Clefts of Rocky Stone, [Page 11] and hardly passeable, without a way cut through them, and consists all of exceeding rich Land, and cleare fields, wherein growes Canes of a foot about, and of one yeares growth Canes that a reasonable hand can hardly span; and the Indians told us they were very sweet, and that at some time of the yeare they did suck them, and eate them, and of those we brought some away with us. The Land over against Charles Island we named Blands Discovery, and the Land over against Berkeley Island we named Woods journy, and at the lower end of Charles Island lies a Bay due South from the said Island, so spatious that we could not see the other side of it: this bay we name­ed Pennants Bay, and in the River between Charles I­sland, and the maine Land lies a Rocky Point in the River, which Point comes out of Charles Island, and runs into the middle of the River: this Point we name­ed Brewsters Point, and at this Point only, and no o­ther is there any place passeable into Charles Island, and this Brewsters Point runs not quite from Charles Island to the maine Land, but when you come off the maine Land to the Rivers side, you must wade about fifty paces to come upon the Point, and if you misse the Point on either side, up or downe the River, you must swim, and the River runs very swift. Some three miles from the River side over against Charles Island is a place of severall great heapes of bones, and heere the Indian belonging to Blandina River that went a­long with us to the Fals, sat downe, and seemed to be much discontented, insomuch that he shed teares; we demanded why those bones were piled up so cu­riously? Oyeocker told us, that at this place Appachan­cano [Page 21] one morning with 400. men treacherously slew 240. of the Blandina River Indians in revenge of three great men slaine by them, and the place we named Golgotha; as we were going to Blandina River we spake to Oyeocker our Guide to lead us the way, and he would not; but asked our Appamattuck Guide why we did not get us gone, for the Inhabitants were jealous of us, and angry with us, and that the Runner we sent to the Tuskarood would not come at the day appointed, nor his King, but ran another way, and told the Indians that we came to out them off; where­upon our Appamattuck Guide stepped forth, and frowning said, come along, we will go see the Falls, and so led the way, and also told us that the Woodford Indians lied, and that Indian that came to us, which the Woodford Indian said was the King of Blandina Ri­ver, was not the Werrowance of Blandina River; where­upon we resolved to return (having named the whole Continent New Brittaine) another way into our old path that led to Brewsters River, and shot off no guns because of making a commotion, and adding to the Natives feares. At Blandina River we had some dis­course with our Appamattuck Guide concerning that River, who told us that that Branch of Blandina River ran a great way up into the Country; and that about three dayes journy further to the South-West, there was a far greater Branch so broad that a man could hardly see over it, and bended it selfe to the North­ward above the head of James River, unto the foot of the great Mountaines, on which River there lived many people upwards, being the Occonacheans and the Nessoneicks, and that where some of the Occonacheans [Page 13] lived, there is an Island within the River three dayes journy about, which is of a very rich and fertile soile, and that the upper end of the Island is fordable, not above knee deepe, of a stony bottome, running very swift, and the other side very deepe and navigable: Also we found many of the people of Blandina River to have beards, and both there, and at Woodford River we saw many very old men, and that the Climate ac­cording to our opinions was far more temperate then ours of Virginia, and the Inhabitants full of Children; they also told us that at the bottome of the River was great heapes of Salt; and we saw among them Cop­per, and were informed that they tip their pipes with silver, of which some have been brought into this Country, and 'tis very probable that there may be Gold, and other Mettals amongst the hils.

September 1. About noone from Woods Journey wee travelled some sixe miles North East, unto the old Path that leads to Brewsters River: within night we quartered on the other side of it, and kept good watch: this Path runnes from Woods Journey north and by East, and due North.

September 2. In the morning about eight of the clocke, as every one was mounted, came to our quar­ters Occonnosquay, sonne to the Tuskarood King, and another Indian whom he told was a Werrowance, and his Kinseman, with the Runner which wee had sent to the Tuskarood King, who was to meet us at Blan­dina River that night; the Kings sonne told us that the English man would be at his house that night, a great way off; and would have had us gone backe with him, but we would not, and appointed him to meete [Page 14] us at Woodford River where hee came not, wee having some suspition that hee came from Wood­ford River that night, and that our Runner had not beene where we had sent him, through some information of our Nottaway guide, which after­wards proved true, by the Relation of the Werrowance of Blandina River, whom about fowre howres after wee had parted with the Kings son, wee met on the way comming from Woodford River with a company of men, thinking he should have found us at Blandina River that night, according to his order and promise; with whom falling into discourse, he told us that the King of the Tuskaroods son, and our Runner were the night before at Woodford River; but the Kings son told us he came from Blandina River, and beyond, and hearing we were gone before he came, he had tra­velled all night from Blandina River to overtake us. This day about Noone we came to Woodford River Towne, and tarried there that night, we found the old Werrowance, and all his great men gone, yet had courteous quarter; but not without great grounds of suspition, and signes that they were angry at us: at our coming back to Woodford River we had informa­tion that some Spies of Wainoake had been there a lit­tle before we came, and that the King of Wainoake and Chounterounte had sent Runners to all the Nations thereabouts, informing them that the English were come to cut them off, which we supposed to be some greater Polititians then Indian Consultations, who had some private ends to themselves, and minded no­thing lesse then a publick good; for we found that the Runner whom we imployed to carry our message to [Page 15] the Tuskarood King, ran to the Waynoakes, and he whom the Woodford Indians told us was the Werrowance of Blandina River, was a Woodford Indian, and no Werrow­ance, but done of purpose to get something out of us, and we had information that at that time there were other English amongst the Indians.

September 3. By breake of day we journied from Woodford River to a path some eight miles above Pen­nants Mount running North, and by East and North, North, East, which was done by the advice of our Appamattuck Guide, who told us that he was infor­med that some plots might be acted against us, if we returned the way that we came, for we told Chounte­rounte we would returne the same way againe: And this information our Guide told us he had from a wo­man that was his Sweet-heart belonging to Woodford River. This day we passed over very much rich, red, fat, marle Land, betweene Woodford River Towne, and the head of Pennants Mount, with divers Indian fields; the head of which River abounds much with great Rocks of Stone, and is two hundred paces over, and hath a small Island in it named Sackfords Island. Betweene Pennants Mount River head, and the head of Farmers Chase River is very much exceeding rich, red, fat, marle Land, and Nottaway and Schockoores old fields, for a matter of sixe miles together all the trees are blowne up or dead: Heere it began to raine, and some six miles further we tooke up our quarters, and it proved a very wet night. At the first other Notta­way old fields, we found the Inhabitants much per­plexed about a gun that went off to the Westward of them, the night before wee came thither, which [Page 16] our Appamattuck Guide conceived were the Wainoake Spies, set out there to prevent our journyings, and we found severall Agers about the place where the Indians told us the gun went off.

Septemb. 4. About 8 of the Clock we travelled North, North-East some six miles, unto the head of Farmers Chase River, where we were forced to swimm our horses over, by reason of the great rain that fell that night, which otherwise with a little labour may be made very passable. At this place is very great Rocky stones, fit to make Mill-stones with very rich tracks of Land, and in some places between the head of Farmers Chase River and Black water Lake, is ground that gives very probable proofe of an Iron, or some other rich Mi [...]e. Some sixteen miles from Far­mers Chase, North, and by East, and North, North-East, lies Black water Lake, which hath very much rich land about it, and with little labour will be made very passable. From Black water Lake we did travell to the old fields of Manks Nessoneicks, and from thence some 12 miles N.N East we came unto Fort Henry a­bout the close of the Evening, all well and in good health, not­withstanding from the time we had spoken with Chounterounte at Pennants Mount, we every night kept a strickt watch, having out Swords girt, and our Guns and Pistols by us, for the Indians every night where we lay, kept a strict guard upon us.

The Discoverers, viz.
  • Mr. Edward Blande, Merchant.
  • Abraham Wood, Captaine.
  • Mr. Elias Pennant.
  • Mr. Sackford Brewster.
  • Robert Farmer, Servant to Mr. Blande.
  • Henry Newcombe, Servant to Captaine Wood.
  • Guides.
    • Oyeocker, a Nottaway Werrowance.
    • Pyancha, an Appamattuck War Captaine.

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