AN EMBASSAGE FROM THE KINGS of the EAST TO HIS HIGHNES THE Lord Protector Of England, Scotland, and Ireland.


Printed in the year 1654.


THe soul of man, the glories of the world, are never sitting face to face, nor side by side, much lesse rest they as in one bed, but are ever looking like the East and West one from another, and although in this po­sture they seem to be coupled, it is but by the thred of life, which every little distemper, years, age or causualty snaps asunder, tumbling both as in one moment wider from each other; than is the Sun and shadow, nor are these, the soul of man, the glo­ries of the world standing still, or resting in this present posture, back to back, but like to penny birds upon a painted board, are alwayes dopping down the head, and picking one another; sure I am the soul, thrice noble and immortal may pick and, peck for in this flattering-world, honours, glories, joyes and pleasures in a greedy way, but these plea­sures dig down fast and soon this glory, yea God, I was about to say, the soul of man, or breath of his, yea they dig down that as low as hell, and in a moments time all your dayes, my Lord, are no more, nor are they that, compared with eternity; [Page 4] if the heavens be but as the wearing of a garment out, what is then the life of man but as the putting on or off? yea the glance of it, much less are all his wants, fears, hopes, joyes and glories.

O my soul, flee away from all these things, be at rest, yea, at work, if there be time and opportu­nity in thy hand, to do for God, self, souls, or na­tions; Why should eternity drop upon thee, or thou roul into it before thou art aware? Do what thou wilt; dye and get thee hence to thine own place, come no more here, men are plotting, God prevents, the mourners go about the street, but the Spirit to him that gave it, Go, Welldone, Well­come.


To the whole Israel of GOD greeting.

CHurches, Saints and Christians, a true lover of you all in all forms, scarce known, or worthy so to be, Dedicates this little Book or labour of love to you and your acceptance, yea prosecu­tion of, which be who will, first and most in, they are the glory of the world Kings, Shepherds, Star, and Angel lead­ing men to Christ, or rather showing where they have laid by him and his truth, all which may be done as followeth, if you prosecute this businesse to the life, not los­ing one day, and how many brave designs have failed for want of that? O let it never be said, every man mindeth his own things and none the things of Christ; you pro­fesse much, many of you do so, but who layes by all a little while for him? yea, who makes it his whole and sole businesse to advance his Name, Fame, Kingdom and glory in the world, he is not so far gone but he will come again, Asts 1. 11. yea, as [Page] a thief in the night, Rev. 16. 15. and his re­ward is with him. Watch for the good man of the house, Mar. 13. 35. and know if he did know of the thiefs coming, he would certainly prepare and not sleep like the foo­lish Virgins, do not you as do those who are of the night, Eph. 2. 2. you are of the day walk as the children of the light, and re­deem the time, because the dayes are evill, blessed is he that keeps his garments unde­filed, and is not found beating of his fel­lows, but walking with his lamp burning like a beacon, but who almost does so, or mindes that Christ to any purpose, who wills, longs, loves, yea, crowns us with his own glory the glory of the Father, and sets us in his throne, Rev. 3. 21. his work we are at, and recommend it unto you, but if it stick, let it lye in the day of account up­on his account that shall slight it, saying, I am not concerned, I am not at leisure, and I am not well, satisfied how, when, and what it is you would be at; well you may shuffel cut and put it off to one another as much as you please, but it wil be hardly answered one day, and it may begrieve you when tis too late, that the best of you all have [Page] done no more for him in your present ge­neration; do not sit piping or lamenting, Mat. 11. 17. things may do well enough for all this; what need we care who rules, so Christ reigns and his Saints, which are best at Prayer and Preaching, if we have li­berty to purpose, for the latter let us be content in the Name of God, else never whilst we breath, yea, without this let our tongues rot, and cleave unto our mouths rather then be silent, but mannage well that, it is enough for Peter, Paul, Iames, Iack or Iohn and the poor Saints so to do, our turn will be next, and our day is a coming, 1 Iohn 3. 2. Iud. 14. what would Ionas, Iob, Iacob, and the rest of good men do but for one Christ, whom, who almost mindes, knowes, loves or likes, he is so poor, mean, low far off, slow and long of coming to do any thing for one or the other; but when he comes it is to purpose, his reward will be with him, Rev. 22. 12. In the mean time we leave his work with you Churches, scat­tered Saints and others, the Spirit bid us do it.

Yours, and every one of yours, in the neerest bonds. W. B.

And the last beast was like a flying Eagle. Rev. 4. 7. Such a Spirit should be now in all the Saints, this being the last age of the world.

Let all write with this Quill, other Pens are out of date in this knowing age.

An Embassage from the Kings of the East, To His Highnesse the LORD PROTECTOR of England, Scotland, and Ireland.

MY LORD PROTECTOR, in the Name of God Almighty, we the poor unworthy ser­vants of your Lord and Master do with one con­sent in love, zeal, and humility, Petition you and your Honourable Councel for our Magna Charta, purchased by the blood of Christ, made over in his Word, and witnessed by his Spirit to be our true and un­doubted right, more than the blood of our veines; but the great enemy of Mankinde, the Devil, and his tail, the Pope and the popish Cleargy have robbed us this many years, not of health, wealth or lives, but our Charter, our deerest Charter, our Christian Liberty purchased as beforesaid, but yet withheld. O my Lord, this is our case, and a sad one it is, that we redeemed by Christ, must thus be bound by men; had we never known our Liberty, we would not now complain, nor this day mourn for it, but now our harps are on the Willowes, nor can we sing the songs of Sion, nor her deliverance fully come, whilst we are still in this captivity, and freed from all almost besides, but may you live to set your hand to them whose hearts are yet with you, as Jonathans was with David, froward things are some­times in our mouths, yet our hearts can never be divorc'd, nor our affections let go you out of our thoughts; no, no, my Lord, far be that ingratitude from us, who long since have learned better things, and as far be it from you to forget us, who were once as deer to you almost as Israel was to Paul, for whom he even wisht himself accurst, jeapordi'd [Page 6] his life a thousand times, hunger, cold and perils, sure the latter you have done, & more than ever any did, & that for us a mur­muring people against you, and your God, whose protection with you & the Israel of God under your command, was your guard & rearguard, yea your strength & victory in all your mighty battels in every nation: Oh that we should do so, & oh that we should be so unworthy, so illy to requit so good a God, so good a servant, it is our sin, let never yours be to revenge, or yet be angry with a froward people, it was Moses sin, you know his punishment, far be that from you, may you see the deliverance of Sion fully wrought, and they, as in the land of promise, all the priveledges of the Gospel, yea this may you see in your dayes, and say in the end thereof, Let me now thy servant depart in peace, so mine eyes have seen thy salvation, the salvation of Sion, and her deliverance ful­ly wrought, and oh that your soul with such expressions may leave this world at once; this flattering world, whose highest glories, joyes and pleasures leaves but sadnesse in the soul of man, yea, they fill that immortall Jewell with no­thing else but shame, guilt and sorrow, but may your Sun ne­ver set in such clouds, but like a rain-bow in a hopefull day; This is our Prayer, and now comes our Petition, not for our lives nor our liberties commonly so called, but our Christian Priviledge yet not granted to us, no, nor scarce thought on neither; My Lord excuse us, we cannot but with hearts grief so speak it, care is taken for many things, we doubt not, the poor, the fatherlesse, the right of the needy, the debts, Lawes and Liberties of the Nation, as far as this jun­cture of time will give leave, yea further, the Gospel, and the Preaching of the Gospel by godly sound and able men, with the discountenance of all vice and unsoundnesse: And yet my Lord, is this all? far be it from you to think so; we look, we long, we hope for more; yea, for more than all this, and never shall be silent, till you, or your God and ours hear: We look, we long for liberty in our selves whilst men have it in their thoughts to crush us for owning Christ too much, and yet it is too little, yea this is the thing we [Page 7] tend the throne of grace for now, whilst we petition you, and the godly in your Councel for Liberty in our selves, for the word is as fire in our bones, the Spirit having long since kindled it, we cannot longer now be silent, but do claime for this as our undoubted Priviledge, Namely the exercise of our Gifts in the open Congregations; yea, this is so much our duty, and a Priviledge, that we cannot without guilt, sin, and shame keep one moment longer silent, no, no, it is too long since we have wrong'd our selves, our choycest selves this way, and grieved the Spirit to purpose; yea, we have wrong'd thousands as our selves, had our candle been as on a hill, which is as underneath a bushell, how many souls might we ere this day have enlightned, some of which un­happily are in hell complaining of their unhappinesse and our unfaithfulnesse. My Lord, this is the case, and it is plain and clear, we are guilty, we are guilty in the presence of the LORD; yea, we confesse before heaven, earth, men and Angels, and all the hoste of both we are guilty, and what shall we now do, but with ropes about our necks, guilt shame and sorrow in our souls now about our work, and oh that the the time is so far past, and we not aware; but the night comes on wherein no man can work▪ for God, Christ, self, or others; yet that we may at last be doing to purpose, yea for all men.

My Lord, we cry for help, and cry we will untill delive­rance come by you, or else some other way; Israel was heard, & we doubt not but we shall be the like, our cause is far bet­ter, we groan not for outward burdens (though some do and that justly too, but for the glorious liberty of the Sons of God; yea, to be set into that by you, & O my Lord Crumwel, now under God our Protector; if you shall say the time is not yet come, and defer us one moment longer, God will lay you by, and certainly out of the hearts of his deerest ones, and raise up deliverance some other way, for the time of Sions deliverance is come, & will come, let men and divels say nay, yea the set time is come, and the watchmen are on her walls, there they see it, and the Spirit of Prophesie is in their mouths, and they will not keep silent longer, you are to [Page 8] guard them that is your Title, work and Honour, the sub­jection of Nations, without the affections of Gods people, is a small thing; your greatnesse glory and honour is no­thing, if while you sit at the stern you guide not the ship for the most to Gods glory, the good of his people, and souls of all men, how much will this tend to both; yea, to the Nations of which we may with sadnesse say millions perish for want of knowledge, thousands have words in their mouths, abilities, with sincerity in their hearts, why should they want incouragement, or rather protection by a law for that same purpose; for that is all they do desire, a small thing for you, my Lord, to deny to them.

Let them be tryed, and tryed again, and again, for since­rity, soundnesse, holinesse and ability in some measure, the latter will come on apace, when we have this Liberty, Protection and Commission to speak in all the schooles of the Prophets and Churches of Christ, the national ones. In all which we promise by the grace of God, whose we are, to do nothing against the truth, but for it, waving all disputes, and contentions whatsoever, nothing in disdain to our Fathers in Christ, but in love to our brethren and sisters, especially the little ones, yea for their sakes plead we thus, and the strangers that knowes not God; but you will say they are taught already, true, my Lord, and better then we can do it, yet we will not rob them nor unteach them, but add a word of our experience in convenient sea­sons, sometimes sooner, sometimes later; This was pra­ctised by your Army to the good of thousands in their mar­ches up and down, yea the greatest my Lord, you know it well enough, the publick exercises are as the bellowes of the Almighty on [...]s people, carried on in the Spirit, their hearts being warmed with the breath thereof, might not they then add a word or two of their experience; O how sweet would that be from the sence of Gods love so to do, one hour before or after would fit us for, or fasten those things which now too soon we loose, thus might we pro­phesie, how sweet and lovely would the Assemblies of the [Page 9] people be, yea, how primitive like then would all our deer­est brethren return again never more to separate from us, but would be as lamps and pillars in our Assemblies? And why may not these Jewels, and their Lustre shine as well there as where few resort.

O my Lord, bring them forth that have lyen among the pots, they will be as doves whose feathers are covered with yellow gold; yea let the world see, the gifts and graces of the sonnes of Sion more precious than choice silver, say unto them upon whom the glory of the Lord is risen, arise and shine, for their feet are beautifull, and their God will be admired; yea then will Satan and his Kingdom fall like lightening before the Spirit of the Lord, men will not dis­dain the Saints, nor perish for want of knowledge, as now they doe, whilst they think they have as much as any, not knowing what the Saints through grace doe; then will the boules of the Temple be usefull indeed, other men have laid them by, but bring them you out, that every one may drink from their experience the waters of life, & receive the bread of life, for that is that we promise now to break, and nothing of self, further be it from us ever to broach schism, faction, treason, or rebellion; yea, any thing more than one thing our Lord Jesus Christ his loves and loveliness, yea nothing but faith, Christ, his righteousnesse, healing, and practicall points, we promise to preach nothing else but these things, and the humility of Christ for our example, nor will we ever slight those stars that [...]ed us first to him: no, no, they that travelled with us, and pointed out the Lamb of God before us, shall never be forgotten if they will be quiet; they are our Fathers, and wo [...]th [...] [...]wel of double honor, yea we will ever [...]ow to t [...]em, as Joseph did to Jacob.

And now, my Lord, our old Friend, and good Friend, will you hear, will you help us your [...]llow members once again in this [...]i [...]k of time, why should others have the ho­nour from you, try and try us by whom you please, yea, set up such as may do it, and the God of heaven set up you in the hearts of his. My Lord, we fear not the touch; [Page 10] many will be [...]t though most are not so in any measure, le [...] them be unbyassed, not all of the Cleargy, and try us while they will, they will find men enough; we desire not to run, before so sent by you or they, nor then out of our calling to the charge of the Nation, but here and there as Providence leads to witnesse for the Truth, most in our Parishes where our walking is known.

O my Lord, this were Christian liberty indeed, this were to be freed from Antichrist to purpose. Men talk as if after all we should go back again, far be that from the Israel of God, and as far be it from you to withhold your hand from this work of his, give us this Jewell long lost, make up this breach, and give us liberty as in the dayes of old, and then we will lift up our heads, yea voices, and sing together, yea we will never more complain, but sing the songs of Sion, and her deliverance fully come, and under God and Christ you shall have the glory, yea, the glory of all we are or have in this particular.

Saul hath slain his thousands and David his ten thousands, so have you, but Solomon built the Temple, and so have you, when these tryed stones are laid in every place; yea, you have then done more for Christ, the Saints, the World, the Souls of men, than all the Christian Kings and Princes that ever was; none has had a heart, nor none has had a hand for this, nor none are in memory of Saints to purpose, but you shall be for ever; yea let our tongues cleave to the roofe of our mouthes, if we forget your labour of love in this parti­cular; yea though we or some of us have railed at you; yea prayed to blast you in your late Proceedings, yet will we [...]g you in our bosomes, and say you are more righteous than thousands.

To wind up all, you know our mindes, consult not with [...]esh and blood, nor byassed men; The Lord Jesus and his Spirit hold you close to the rule, keep you waking night by night on your bed to weigh our Petition, and if it be right hear us, as ever he should hear you in your heart-sick-dying hour, when you and this world must part.

O my Lord, hear us, we are his, though all of his are not with us, yet thousands are, and why, and how can be against us, the Word and Spirit is for us; yea God him­self: My sons and my daughters shall Prophesie, be not you against us; n [...]d none but you can hinder, yea, against him who hath been your salvation all along, yea and them too, which at your command have shed blood, and lost blood life limbes, and relations, yea, and all upon this account, more than any.

Israel never fought with Amalek on so low account as pay, nor we with our neighbours for vineyards, shadows, and titles; no, no, let it never be said in Gath, nor publi­shed in the streets of Askalum, here or in other countries, we destroyed towns, cities fired houses, spilt the blood of mil­lions, and sent souls to he [...]on, so low account; one valley ful of sculs and bones are more worth than these, besides, former vowes would be minded, and in this the main is paid, death would be minded, and for this you may take comfort, judg­ment would be minded, and for this you may expect a Crown, if for any work under heaven.

O my Lord, to have a Crown from Christ, with this saying, Weldone and Welcome, when Kings and Captains shall run to the rocks, hills and mountains. This is con­siderable, may such considerations ever well in great ment hearts, and flatterers far from all your Councels, for if you should miscarry, good had it been if you had never been, or any thing but what you are; The Name of Christ, the ho­nour of God, the expectation of the Saints, the eyes of all the nations round about are more on you than any man on earth, the Lord God Almighty, and the Prayers of his People lead you and your Councel in all wayes of well-do­ing.

LEt us now treat a little with the people of the Nation, I mean common Protestants, that do confesse Christ, and that is all, and me thinks we hear most of them rail, laugh, and jear others, judging and condemning us for proud fooles and hypocrites, and such, as if [...]et alone will spoil the Church in time; wise men would weep to see mad men laugh, and as much laugh to hear fools rail, for their Ministers, and they know not what; well, curse, rail, jear, and do what you will, we are still the same, yea such as do truly pity and pray for you, though you cannot for your selves, nor will not so well as you may; the Lord Jesus do both for you, and open your eyes to see and loath what you love, and love what you l [...]ath, especially the people of God, some of which you would send for, if you were to die with speed; fetch them, fetch them, let them come & pray; well, now you have them, do not rail, that is divilish, nor judge them that is presumption, or leave your Churches if they should come there to exercise their Gifts, they, time and your present meanes of grace will too soon be gone: if they speak of their experiences, they have learned something: if they speak of Christ the love, and lovelines of Christ, (Eph. 2. 4. Cant. 5. 16.) then it seems they know him, and that it life eternall, John If they speak of sin the sinfulnesse of that, then it seems they loath it, if they speak of you and the way to heaven, they would save you from the wayes to hell, which we are sure you are in, if you loath them for their love to God, Christ, his Word, and your souls; one of which is more worth than a thousand worlds, and although it be your own proper work and the Ministers to minde that, yet are we in conscience bound not to suffer sin upon your heads; who would not help an ox out of the pit (Mat. 12. 11.) if like to perish? Much more a soul, they that this way set thei [...] helping hands can never be your enemies, God forbid that these lamps should be so counted, though they be not torches, lesser lights may be [Page 6] useful, so may the gifts & graces of the Saints, the Spirit speak­eth where it listeth, John 3. 8. Hear that where ever it be. Would a soul in hell say, If I were on earth I would not hear the Saints, or should a man for heaven say, I wil go no further, such & such are going too, ô Friend, if you be going to hell, or they be going to heaven, hear & consider before it be too late, time wil never come again, nor they nor you from the dead to hear one another, now you have Moses & the Prophets, Luk. [...]6. 31. so are they whom ye despise, if they preach to you the same trut [...]s, by the same Spirit, the Lord make you wise, after wit will do no good, nor repentance neither one day you may say, O that we had the Saints again, their prayers light, and Counsels, when it is too late; A certain man, where some of these lay prisoners in the late warres, thought of them as some of you now do, but he being sick to death, cryed night and day, fetch the Saints again, fetch the Saints again, but they were gone long before; be the Sun-set or near it; you are they dead or dying; what will good Sun, good death, or good Saint, stay a little longer? Any thing avail? No, no, the night comes and none can work, John 9. 3. they for you, nor you for your selves Let them preach, let them speak, let them pray while they may, if they be against your sins, they are for your souls, if they be against your customes the old or the new, it is for a better, may not time before and after Ministers have done be better spent then it is, especially the Lords day, and the after part of it, but you are afraid your Religion will go down, take heed that that be not a form rather than a truth, many have the form of godlinesse, but deny the power, 2 Tim. 3. 5. But the bulk of men deny both in England; Lord, what should be the cause; have our Pastors made us so, nusling us up in ignorance, My people perish for want of knowledge, sayeth the Lord, Prov. 29. 28. Hos. 4 6. And sayeth Christ If the blinde lead the blinde, wo be to both, Luk. 6. 39. or have you opposed truth, and would not see the light, be­cause of your deeds, John 3 19. Searching light is a saving light, if well improved; have your Ministers so preached as [Page 14] certainly many have, take heed that you refuse not him that speaks from heaven (Heb. 12. 25.) by their mouths yea, and take heed of winking at what you see or may see in guifted Christians, they can tell you from experience in their own language the mercies of a God, (Eph. 3. 18.) the heighth, depth, breadth and length, yea, to you the worst of sinners, if you will accept it, but I obtained mer­cy, 1 Tim. 1. 13. Yea they can tell you of his Loves, the length and strength of that in some measure, which is bet­ter than life, so sayeth David. Psal. 63. 3.

This love and mercy God sends to sinners sometimes by poor, weak, plain and unworthy men, without Latine Phrases, therefore thousands do refuse it, yea, Christ the Bread, the Tree, Rev. 2. 7. the Well of life (Psal. 36. 9.) is the like with all his Loves, loveliness and vertues, (Luk 6. 19) upon the same account.

O Christ, who almost knowes thee? Who almost owns thee, the chiefest of ten thousand? Cant. 5. 10. which art all in all in life, death, and eternity, Col. 3. 11. Well, this King, Priest and Prophet can the Saints tell the world of, yea by the Spirit in the Word, they can open as it were his side and heart, give them out his blood, to set their souls free from sin, death, hell and eternall burnings, yea they can give a taste of the life and joyes to come, 1 Pet. 2. 3. one drop thereof is more worth than the treasures of the world, if well considered, yea they can breath upon you the holy Ghost, my meaning is, they by the Spirit in them breathing from them, conveyes the words of life to poor sinners many times; thousands can seal to this; no fires ever kindled one another like this ho [...]y fire: the Spirit of love, the Dove in Noahs Ark, Gen. 8. 8. rest it where it will it ever brings an embleme of peace from the God of peace.

O that men should refuse this love, this Dove, this peace, an embleme of peace speckled with the blood of Christ, be­cause it breatheth not where the world listeth, but it self, Joh. 3. 8.

Well, be ye not offended, I go not to throw down men nor Ministers, no, the Lord Jesus keep up them that are good and watch for your souls as they that must give account for in the day of judgement, Heb. 13. 17. and throw down all, yea all besides, and what I say for Ministers, who are your Seer [...], Isa. 13. 10. Prophets, Watchmen, Jer. 6. 19. Shepherds, Jer. 23. 4. which have the main care of your souls commited (Acts 20. 28.) to them by Christ, when as he sends them to you, and not a lesser benefice; the same I say for gifted Brethren, Saints by calling and Profession, the Lord increase their number, gift them, and give them more favour in your eyes, not for their sakes, but your own: these are neither Watchmen nor Shepherds extraordinary in an outward call, yet ar they all inwardly, so if gifted & bound by God, reason and nature to do you all the good they can; yea, they must preach to you by life and doctrine, as Noah and Lot to the old world, 2 Pet. 2. 5. yea, they are bound to pray for you by night and day, 1 Tim. 2. 1. and as they are bound by God and Nature to do this for you, so are you by Scripture-bonds and common ingenuity to love their persons, and minde their Counsels, and whole­some admonitions, and wo to he that shall storm against it or Pharisie-like grieve at this kind of doctrine, Well, take heed ye resist not the holy Ghost, (Acts 7. 51.) nor fight against the mind of God, from ignorance of his word, much more like Shimei to rail and curse good David, 2 Sam. 16. 7. I mean good men for nothing but pointing out the lamb of God in John the Baptists absence, (John 1. 35.) or presence either; if it be he they point at, as certainly they do, look for the objects sake, that takes away the sins of the world, and that by your looking on him the true brasen Serpent, which every man should labour to set-up, John 3. 14.

A Warning-Message, or a Parley with the Ministers.

OF all good men on earth, your godly Ministers are the best, that are really so, and self deny­ing men: the most good they do, they are to us as the rivers to the valleys, they make us by Gods blessing fruitful in good wayes and works, yea they make us through perswasion of the Spirit loath the world, and love God, yea all of God, and all of good, they bring down God to us, and us to God by Preach­ing, they charm us with the loves of Christ, and wooes us by the Spirit to make a match with him, who is the chiefest of ten thousand, and altogether lovely, Cant. 5. 10. They raise us from the death of sin, Eph. 2. 1. and yet we die again, yea dayly to the world, Gal. 6. 13. They lift us up, they lay us low, yea at the gates of hell, by showing us our sins, and by a word of faith they raise us again, by lifting up the bra­sen Serpent, John 3 yea when we are like the Sallamander in the flames of afflictions, they make us sing like the Nigh­tingale, by showing the good of them, Rom. 8. 28. the loves of God, Rev. [...]. 19. yea with the Spirits assistance, they can do any thing for us, or with us. but without that they can do nothing, so that it is God alone that doth all, Phil. 2. 13. and yet what he usually doth is by them, (1 Cor. 3. 6,) instrumen [...]ally, he wins, saves and comforts souls, yea the most lost and afflicted ones, and so they are the best of men in one sence, and do the most good whilst others harden they soften, others lead to the pit, and destr [...]ction, yea, some Ministers be witch men with a form in stead of the [Page 17] substance, and that a poor empty one too, how many have nothing else but old empty nothing stufe from their Pastors, yea scarce moral things, Law nor Gospel never heard, di­vided, nor can many hundreds distinctly preach either the new birth, the new Creator, the gifts of God, the graces of the Spirit, how to comfort or cast down, they know no more then the plowman doth the Planets, such kind of men we loath, not their persons but their sin, in taking to them­selves this high and holy calling, the proper Names of it, Christs Ambassadors they are, and they know not how to treat about the souls of men and heavenly things, who are re­conciled, and who not, never making any distinction in praying or preaching to any purpose, these Priests never of­ferd one sacrifice all their dayes for themselves, nor those poor souls upon whom they live and feed their family on, yea feed bare: if a horse be ridden with a hag, he will never thrive, some say, if a man or a Parrish be the like (as too many be in England) with such a kind of Priest they and their souls can never thrive, no, it is impossible; those set up will surely look to this before they put down us that are gifted, can the fish live without water, the beast without food, or the souls of men without something, and where nothing is, nothing can be had; empty Preaching, praying with a little Popery, and Latine, pleases poor country men for present, but dambs them in the end, yea, and some in the City too, else they would never run to Ma­rybone and Paddington, and up and down to many places more in the City, where the old saints meet for a lick of Antichrist, yea the very tail of him, but let us leave these snuffes and old Priests, time may put them out for all their present hopes, and a little treat with our Fathers the godly Ministers, and for them we are not sick, unlesse it be for more, and yet amongst them fair dealing is not used; they would not be intrencht upon as they themselves do upon us and our Liberties, yea our fathers do so, yet you cry out we have too much, we cry out we have too little, and not without cause, especially now, when it is in your thoughts to [Page 18] take what we have from us, what means the jerks this way in most of your Sermons, if it be not so; well, rob us, if you please, get what you can; in the mean time know we are for Christian Liberty, the exercise of our gifts in the same places before or after you, for we say, they that have hands must work, and they that have gifts must the like, again so to do is a great advantage to our souls and others, and we are bound to do good to all men in an outward way, much more to the souls of one another, Gal. 6. 10. we must not receive the grace of God in vain, 2 Cor. 6. 1. which we do as to others, when we do not improve our gifts and graces; again according to what is given will be required of every man, Luk. 19. 16, 23. Mat. 15. 15, 16. 2 Pet. 1. 8. Let every man as he hath received the gift administer the same one to another, as good disposers of the manifold graces of God, 1 Pet. 4. 10.

Weigh these Scriptures well; and see if we be to be re­proved for what we claim as our Priviledge and duty; a­gain consider whether by the Word, the people of God are any where reproved for exercising of their gifts, or were they ever checkt for it, before Antichrist crept into the world, the Word holds out that if we have any speciall gifts or parts, we must exercise them as may be most for the use of the Church, and the Spirit of God, it seems to be given us for this very purpose, 1 Cor. 12. 6, 7. again is it not Prophesied we shal be able so to do, Joel. 2. 1 Thes. 4 8. Rom. 8. 16. 1 John 46. 13. Is not this Spirit that thus dwels in us a teaching Spirit as well as a pleading, or a preaching Spirit as wel as a praying; yea are not we bid to covet and desire that it may be so.

Minde those Texts wel, and give a Sermon on one of them if you dare at White-Hall, 1 Cor. 14. 1, 5, 30. but ye are all of you to shie this way, yea I think scarce any of you good, men, that can freely say as Moses, Num. 11. 29. I would all the Lords people were Prophets, and with Paul, I rejoice that Christ is preached, though it be of ill will, Phil. 1. 15, 15. But you grieve although we preach Christ of [Page 19] good will, judge us to be selfish, proud, and self-conceited, the Lord pardon, we do, and in his presence professe, what we do we do in love and obedience, though you say in pride; the Word of Christ, which we preach thus in good will, seems to be committed to our care and charge as well as yours; Contend earnestly for the faith (Jude 3.) once delivered to the Saints, that is the doctrine of the Scripture which we are to dispute, pray and preach up; you tell us of Corah, Dathan, Ʋzza's, staying of the Ark, 1 Chron. and would fain frighten us from the Work of God: What things the people were forbidden, they might not do, but what we are commanded we may and must do, and we are bid to build up one another, pray with and for one another, admonish and Prophesie to one another, yea all Prophesie one by one, 1 Cor. 14. 31. meaning not in an extraordinary way, but in an ordinay way of opening Scriptures, Prophesies and Promises to one another, you tell and fright us with what men were forbid­den to do, we tell you of what we are bidden and comman­ded, thou shalt not suffer sin upon thy brothers head, but come, ye and tell us what judgement did befall upon Apolos, or Priscilla, and Aquilla that preached unto him, Acts 18. 26, 28. Pray, tell us if you can, in the next, the meaning of this Scripture, 1 Cor. 14. 24. But you object and cry out, this kinde of Doctrine, and if all might preach will fill the Church with Errors; from whence comes that? Christ is of another mind, Math. 22. 29. We are called, not you, sayes the Preachers, to one place and people; in an outward way they are so; yea some to two or three, but that we know no warrant for, nor well which flock they are charged withall, we are not with any, not is it our duty to make it our whole businesse as it is yours, and not to write newes, make strife, accuse us to, or the Magistrates to us, you say, the Priests lips were to preserve knowledge, now the Spirit is poured out upon the people, breaths in and from the people; this is a better help to us then the gift of tongues, The Spirit searcheth all things yea [Page 20] the deep things of God, and that learning cannot, 1 Cor. 2. 14. yea this Spirit leads us into all truth, when men leads us by many times, but here comes in the great one: If ye preach, ye will baptize in a little while; No, no, we deny that, and it may be are not for it as you are, or the bap­tized Churches either, more of Mr. Dells judgement the Spi­rit Baptism, but we think, some of us thinks so, that be­lievers may break bread together, though it be most conve­nient for a Pastor and Preacher in office, yea the dead may bury the dead, and who will unlesse he be a fat hog or rich Saint, yea, the best Text in the Bible is scarce good enough for either this in practice you alow; and now cryes some we will have no Preachers at all within a little while, God for­bid we should say so: and yet will we bake, brew and dresse meat for our selves, yet do we not destroy the Trades nor your peculiar calling in all that we stand for, nor do we ever intend to set it up more then he, the profession of a Lawyer that studieth the Lrwes for the good of himself, and some few friends, or many for whom he freely pleads now and then, but you like not that neither.

Well, we have hinted at our judgement as well as we can in a sheet or two, and what have we said to offend you, ourself denying godly Pastors, truly nothing we should think, but now happily we may, and yet we will hide our Fa­thers nakednesse with the mantle of modesty, minding our distance; you cry out for our affections, we for our affliction, yea all of us for our Liberty: the truth is, you rob us and chide us, but loosers best may speak, you cry out for honour, we freely give you, double, our dutie it is, and yours to be dili­gently in the Word of Christ, withholding nothing of his minde from us, Acts 20. 27. But however see you be John the Baptists self-denying men, John 3 30. and such as give all your glorie to Christ, owning his Members and the gifts of his Spirit every where, and God will give you honour: He that honours me, him will my father honour, John 12. 26. yea and all the Saints too.

Again, would you honour us now and then in our meet­ings, [Page 21] where we may erre, and do what we please for all you we should honour you more in your Pulpits: yea this con­descension would bring the world to a love and liking of the Saints Assemblings, Heb. 10. 25. which now they throw dirt on: you not commending them so much as in your Pulpits, but revile them, too often you cry out of Errors, more then needs many times, yet too many are we do confesse: but to put the Divel, Pope, Jesuites, Anabaptists, Antinomians together, meaning Gospel Ministers, I think, as a great Pres­byterian Minister lately did in his Prayer, then cryed out, the Lord confound the designes of them all, or worse seems something bitter, and why might not liberty be given to object in such a case without offence, Sermon being ended, you would weigh the more what you sometimes pray and preach: yee too often read from a Paper, and we grieve the lesse when we hear such kind of things, but we will wind up all lest we should offend too much where we love & honour.

Our request is in the name of Christ our Lord and yours, that ye would be faithful in this controversal points, and i [...] in truth our desires be according to the minde of God, as certainly they are for the glory of his Name, the exaltation of his Son and Spirit, and against sin and Satans Kingdom, wicked men, divels, and the works of darknesse: yea, if it be against ignorance the mother sin of the Nation, where­by souls perish, Hos. 4 6. and go down to hell every hour in the year, one where or other: yea if it be against the Errors of the times, which are up and down in every Corner, as certainly it is, because so contrary to Antichrists doctrine whose Bishope, Priests and Clergy could never endure to hear it without spitting at it, knowing they must all down, yea their gain as Demetrius said; if Christ and his Kingdom once get up, as undoubtedly it will [...]pace.

Further you this Work which is [...]o full of glory; and the leading Card to Romes destruction, the worlds conversion Jews, Turks, and [...]agans, much more our neighbour Na­tions, France, Spain and others: yea this Nation may be as the rising of the Sun to the world, the Son of rigteous­nesse, [Page 22] Mal. 1. 1. who must arise in every place and inhe­rit all Nations, let us give him first ours, and from hence let him shine gloriously in the gifts and graces of his Spirit, yea make the whole [...]and an University for the Saints, and every Publick place, a place to take degrees; pray they can already, and Preach they would as well might they pra­ctise one as well as the other.

Let the Fountains run freely, and from these living ones let the in-dwellings of God flow forth, to water dry, yea to water empty places, which you judge not con­siderable for the present, till Universities be recruit­ed, yea filled with the holy Ghost, and learning, but one of twenty takes not right this way: can two universities fill the world at that rate: thousands are too little for our own Land, what can now and then one doe to supply eve­ry barren place, and a great one spoil many, yea to preach to every Creature: Amongst which, if but one perish through your withholding labourers that would freely work in the Lords Vineyard, you are guilty, but if milli­ons perish, how, and what then? Blood will be required here here, and the Lord convince you.

We are not against you all this while: nor will we ever be: Give us what we do desire for the good of all men: yea give us that, and we will be your servants upon all oc­casions, be ye sick, be ye absent, be ye where you will, we will preach for you, never whilst we live against you in any kind whatsoever.

For the Lords sake trust and try us once or twice, we have the faith of Christians, and that we pawn again, give us but your help, and a little countenance; and you shall have all we have, heart, hand and purse. And now we pray again:

Good Ministers, good Fathers, for the Lords sake do not slight gifts and graces, and the Breathing of the Spirit, nor break our hearts with long delay, we long to be omnify­ing Christ, magnifying Christ, yea to be pouring out his blood to the world, yea we would turn him inside out, [Page 23] yea we would make the most of Christ, and all of Christ, all his works in us, and all his works without us; all his gifts all his graces, all his Ordinances, as far as we may, we would fain be handling, ye the love of Christ, and the lovelinesse of Christ, the sweetnesse of his Person, the joyes of his Spirit, and greatnesse of his Merit, for the worst of sinners, that we would be talling, yea and our own expe­riences, what of him we know, what of him we see, feel and enjoy here, besides what we hope for (1 Pet. 1. 9.) another day when he and we his Members shall meet and appear altogether to give the world one confounding shew, we shall never appear till then, but then we shall: beloved, now are we the Sonnes of God, but it doth not yet appear what we sha be, but when Christ who is our life shal appear we shall appear (Col. 3. 4. John 3. 2.) with him in glory; would we might beg leave to tell the world this, and warn them as Noah did, we would then save them as Lot was, yea we would smite men and save men, like Paul and Zacheus, strip men and cloath them by the righteousnesse of Christ, yea, we would perswade men from the wayes of sin, by telling them the terrour of the Lord, 2 Cor. 5. 11. yea, we would fetch men, the worst of men from the high waies and hedges, and compell them into Christ, Luk. 14. 23. Yea, dead ones from the grave of sin, and make them live again, Eph. 2. 1. Yea, and as we would raise them up, so we would fetch them down from the pinnacle, and top of all earthly glories, to glory in a crucified Christ, like Paul, Gal. 6. 14.

All this we would do, and all this we could do by the grace of God, if the Ministers would but let, (the godly Ministers) for the Lords sake stand a little by; yea, stand away straight, or else we will preach you down, and pray you down, write you down and pull you down headlong by faith and Gods assistance.

Men, Brethren and Fathers, hear ye this day what the Spirit saith unto the Churches, and harden not your hearts Rev. 2. 7. Heb. 3. 8. Yea, if you have an ear, hear what [Page 24] Christ saith to the Churches; yea, to you, and your Churches, which are neither hot not cold, but let us come amongst them or else he and we will spew you all out toge­ther, Rev. 3. 15, 16. Some cry out, let us do it straight, we have scarce patience for a day, but the Spirit waiteth long, grieve not, yea, quench not the Spirit, 1 Thes. 5. 19, 20. Mark that Scripture.

Oh ye Ministers of England, London, White-Hall and thereabouts, but will none hear and see who is with us like the little Cloud with Elisha, 1 Kin. 18. 44. Our chariots are as strong as yours, yea, more and more numberlesse, look if ye can by Faith, you may see the day for us, and the many thousands with us.

Cannot you see Scripture and Prophesies just a fulfilling? Is the world blinde? hear ye the striking of the clocks if you be indeed awaked, and aware of the dayes coming on, the Lords Day, yea, the Spirits day, wherein he will be a swift witnesse against every thing that opposeth, yea, he will be a fire, and burn up all, hay, stubble, and the buil­dings of men, 1 Cor. 3. 11, 12. Your sitting and your stan­ding, if it be not for him, as well as from him, yea if you be against the Spirits coming forth, this winde shall blow you hither and thither, like the chaff; yea, your very name a­way from the earth and presence of his people.

Watchmen, watchmen, are you all asleep? Hear the Travellers of Sion, Jer. 50. 5. call, and ask you what it is a clock, yea, they tell you what it is, and how the night is far spent, and the day just at hand; Yea, the Lords day, a day of rest to his people, but disquiet to the inhabitants of the earth, Jer. 50. 30. Yea, to them who are at ease in Sion, (Amos 6. 1, 7. Isa. 32. 9) and never minde her travails.

Take heed ye Kings, Priests, and Prophets, improperly so called, yea, and all ye Rulers of the earth, especially ye whom we are treating with for our liberty, which we charge you to preach up, for 'tis the year of Jubile that is come, Lev. 25. 10. Sions captives some (Psal. 126. 1.) of them [Page 25] we are, yea, we warn you by the Trumpet of the Lord so to do: Noah being warned of God, prepared an Ark, Heb. 11. do you do the like, yea, prepare an Ark of pro­tection from my Lord Protector for us, and your selves especially, we fear not, the Lord and his Word will save us, yea, his Arm shall save us, for we are children that will not lie, Isa. 63. 8. nor do not lye, for it is the truth we stand for, nor can ye do any thing against it if ye would. This Rock will break and dash yee all in pieces, set you up who will; yea, this truth hinted, will prick you to the heart, if ye kick against them that maintain it.

Why should ye that are for God, and have been so all your daies many of you, fight now against him; take heed, and take that Scripture, Acts 5. 39. Yea, again take heed lest ye be found so doing through pride, self-hastinesse, or any thing.

Men, Brethren, and Preachers, we babes and children warn you old men and Fathers, 1 John 2. 12. Yea, we write these things unto you Fathers, because ye have known him and owned him all your daies, that was from the beginning; yea, we know ye know him, and this to be his minde, yea, a Truth according to his minde, that we now stand and plead thus for, your conscience tells you it is so, we know it doth so, and before the Lord, we think most of your consciences know it, but something or another troubles, fear of errors, fear of slighting, meanes and maintainance, honour and esteem from men, which if you be pleasers of, you know what is said, Iohn 5. 44. But fear ye none of all these things, do not perplex your hearts this way, fear him whom ye should fear, our King and yours, the King of Saints, great and marvellous are thy works Lord God Almightie, Just and true are thy wayes O King of Saints, who shall not fear thee O Lord, and glorifie thy Name; all nations shall come and worship before thee, Rev. 15. 4. A sweet Scrip­ture, but to the point, fear not Errours, which we think is one of your great and main feares, fear not that, God is wiser than man, ye than the wisest of the sons of men; we [Page 26] nor you never play the fools more than when we set our wisdomes to his; minde what we say; Ye may think to save the truth of Christ as Ʋzzah did the Ark, by putting out your counsel, take Gamaliells counsel, we have done: ye, that of the Ark which erring ye turn against us: Ʋzzah was forbid to touch the Ark, we are bid to build up one ano­ther, and covet the best gifts, yea, to Prophesie, 1 Cor. 14. 1. Iude 20. which we do, men of old ordained unto con­demnation creep forth with us, Iude 4. not without the minde of God, and broach damnable Errours, yea, de­nying the Lord that bought them; In zeal, as you think, for him to save his truths, Word, and Ordinances, it may be your selves, yea, all from falling, ye put your hand, power, policy and humane wisdome against these men and us with them, in true zeal as you think to save these truths, well, if ye do, we think what we know, and we know what we think, and tell you too of the Texts.

1 Chron. 13. 9, 10.

Acts 5. 33, 39.

A Word to the well satisfied, sanctified, and Godly of the Nation, who are in Christ Jesus Saints by Calling. 1 Cor. 1. 2.

ANd for you of all formes and Judgements that are good and sound, we have a word to each; and first for you Churches, and holy Brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, Heb. 3. 1. We shall need to say but little to you about our Modell or Petition; Yea, nothing at all, but straight choose ye out from amongst your selves men that are full of the holie Ghost like Stephen, Acts 6. 3. zealous as Paul, self-denying as John the Baptist, who alwaies pointed to Christ denying himself, that like to the other John may preach nothing but love, love to God and all his wayes, love to Saints in all their formes, such men there are, such men choose from amongst your selves; yea, and be sure they be so, to promote this work in the publick places.

But first call a meeting, ye that are in fellowship, have many pray spend one or two in a serious consultation in and about this Modell for your next Petition, I mean not for words but substance; ye that I pray consult, the minde of God is amongst, the light of God in, and the truth of God professed by you; lay the golden Rule, the Reed of the Temple, the Word or the Modell and Petition to this Rule, trie, see, search, and find if it be not so: But herein you are satisfied already; Yea, I think, scarce a man otherwise; What then? Up, and be doing, for the Lord is with, and hath laid this as a [Page 28] present work before you; Yea, do not you see it on your Tables as you sit, and in your Bibles too; Yea, is it not, and was it not in your hearts long ago; well, you had never such a nick of time as now to promote so good a work: One man can do more than fifty could former­ly, you know who we mean, you have the ear of God; Yea, you his little Church and Churches have so, and the heart of this man too: Pray what should hinder? It is but ask and have; two humble lines from one of your Society doth this work, we will warrand you, but for company sake which is good, yea, exceeding good in a good matter; You may all draw a line or two of love and liking to the Work, and when he that hath our hearts, as well as we his, shall be humbly presented with these desires, we shall then see what a gracious answer we shall soon find believe it; the Lord our God, nor the Lord protector our true old Friend, and good Friend under him, can denie nothing to the Saints, and little Churches, scarce himself, especially such a thing as this as tends so much to the good of all souls; peace and welfare of the Church and State, the glorie of both, which is most under his care now: so then it is but to seek and find, ask and have; one knock by a Petition, and this door of Liberty flies wide open, beating down all that stand against it.

Well, is the Work before you, yea, on your Tables, in your hearts; Yea, and put into your hand by God, and his poor sinning servants; do not delay time, it requires haste, post-haste, therefore do not delay, be­cause ye know not what they are, nor where they are, nor of whose judgement, all which concernes just no­thing; The work is the Lords, and before you by his Providence, so we say again, do not ye be busie.

Paul once complained none was like him; Why so? Every one minded his own things, and none the things of Christ, Phil. 2. 21. but God forbid his Churches should do so, or say what Liberty shall we have, and [Page 29] we have to exercise our gifts that is selfish, why should one or the other say so, may not all have leave, one as well as another, sure none will preach what the people cannot bear, nor any thing disputeful, or to bring in Members to their own Churches, but to the universal, one Church, of which wholly and solelie Christ is the King, Past our, Priest and Prophet; yea, we say, none will speak or Preach otherwise, that would straight confound us all, and spoil all our meetings then indeed; but we are not jealous of you in the least, though we thus speak, for we know you have learned to do all things in decen­cy and order, 1 Cor. 14. 40. not any thing in confusion; Yea, you have the minde of Christ dwelling in you, 1 Cor. 2. 16. and will do nothing in strife and vain-glory Phil. 2. 3. boasting in flesh, Gal 5. 26. wrangling or jangling, but in love and meeknesse, with a sweet Spirit of humilitie to all good Magistrates and Ministers, which he hath set over us, for our good, that we may live peace­ably, Godly and honestly in both our Callings.

Now Brethren fare ye well, fare ye well again, peace and the God of peace which passeth all understanding now and ever knit and keep (Phil. 4. 7.) all your Churches, members, hearts and mindes in the knowledge of God our Father, and of his Son Jesus Christ our dearest dear, and beloved one, these things, persons, and this Work be now and ever in your hearts, and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, Amen, Amen, Amen. 2 Cor. 13. 11, 12, 13, 14.

A Word to our other Brethren; yea, to all you that love our Lord Jesus, the God and Father of him that raised him from the dead, Acts 4. 10.

ANd to you that are travelling Sion-ward, some under one dispensation, some under another, even as the Lord pleaseth, and perswades the heart, which light of his in you, you nei­ther dare nor can go against, but on, on, as the Lord perswades, from one degree unto another, until at last you come to see he himself, which you never do, nor can do fully in this vail of teares, though some draw nearer far than others, by meeting with more fountains, (Psal. 84. 8.) loves and discoveries; Yet the God of gods, and fountain of all joyes and glories they never fully see, but in time may; Yea, undoubtedlie shall, And they shall see his face, Rev. 22. 4. and what I say to one I say to all, his face in whose presence is fulnesse of joy, at whose right hand are pleasures for evermore, Psal. 16. 11. You which are travelling Si [...]n-ward shall, some it may be with your Cimbals and instruments of joy, lea­ping as the Roe upon the mountains of spices, Cant. 8. 14. through the indwellings of God, the high discoveries and joyes of his Spirit, which the joye of the Harvest is ne­ver like in substance or operation, Isa. 9. 3.

Well, some are travelling so, with these joyes and glories in their heart and eye, others silently and s [...]eetlie, yea, greatly mourning and lamenting for the absence of him, who should be nigh them and in them, Christ their Bridegroom and husband; Luk. 5. 35. and the comforts [Page 31] of Christ his Spirit and joyes, all which they want through the indwellings of sin, temptations and af­flictions for sin, to all these we have a word, a sweet word, and this it is:

They shall all return like the rivers in the South from their captivity, Psal 126. 4. of sin, bondage and temptations to sin with joy, yea, they shall bring their sheaves with them, Psal. 126. 6.

The fruits of this penitential, holy and heavenlie sor­row, which be it, where it will, and as much as it will, it is never to be repented of, 2 Cor. 7. 10. For on the heads of all hearts where this sorrow now dwels shall be everlasting joy, Isa. 61. 7. yea, Crownes of Roses, joyes and glories, these sorowes now are pleiting, and when the work is done, like a mighty Eagle, sorrow and sigh­ing shall fly away, and all teares shall be wiped clean away from these blubbered cheeks; God himself shall do it, Rev. 21. 4.

Wherefore comfort ye your selves and one another with these words, as Paul saith in another case, 1 Thess. 4. 18. In the mean time here is a work commended to your hands from your brethren, your fellow members, Citizens and travellers, yea, the same way with you, whom you and every one of you are bound by God, na­ture, all the nearest relations and obligations under heaven to do for all that you can, and for the present your hearts and hands are desired to this good Work, for your good God and our Lord Jesus the glorie of both, and your own and our liberty; Yea, your own, for amongst you are many more precious than choice silver, Lam 4. 2. Isa. 13. 12. Yea, the Starres of heaven mark well what we say, and their graces would shine like the gold of Ophir, (Isa. 45. 9.) where they called to the pre­sent work: which with tears, we beseech you Brethren in Christs stead, and for Christs sake, Rom. 12. 2. 2 Cor. 5. 20. to set about in good earnest, and for the present get a meeting two or three amongst your selves, God [Page 32] shall pay the Messengers that bring them together, 1 Thes. 1. 3.

What if you send a Summons ten or twentie miles round to meet in some convenient places; Yea, Tickets, one man and one Saint unto another, 'tis the work of God, and the generation; Yea; a Work that will wagg before you set your hand, if our great Counsel do but hear an inkling, they know your labour of love, and the godlie will help; Yea, he that sits at the helm will do it himself, 'tis in his heart, yea, and thoughts so to do; yea, to put you on it, and wonders why ye stay so long in the Work of God, knowing he hath power now to do any thing for you: you in the Armie have nothing else to do, and can pray and preach well, if you have not forgot that and the afflictions of Joseph, Amos 6. 6. which is sorer than all that you have freed us from: Yea, than the Egyptian one, we value not to make brick, maintain you or any thing; Yea, your wives and coaches to set but your helping hand; yea, the Lord set that, we need not your sword but your faith, praiers and Petition; Yea, one word from the Counsel of Officers at St. Jameses doth it, and if one among you all scruple, ask Mr. Cra­dack, he is right for the work, we are sure, old Hugh at Whitehall, and most of your Independent Ministers, Na­thaniel Caryll, Mr. Sterrey, Doctor Owen, the man preaches well and clear; these will all help, however good Captains, good Souldiers, Serjeants, Saints, and Christians, speak one to another of the thing, for the Lord Jesus sake, 'tis right in your eyes, yea, your own practise, and we have learned of you, and will set it up by the grace of God, if you lay it by to look for Arrears and Debenters, which when this is done you may: Yea, marry, buy and sell too: so ye do not forget the Rock, and living unto him who like a River followed you in the Van and Rear, three wildernesses together, some once or twice over, and smote the rock again and again, yea, your enemies in every place where you or they met, Oh [Page 33] that men would praise the Lord, may the Armie now say, for his mercy endureth for ever, yea, sing this 136. Psalm, as long as you live, yea, breath; and yet we dedicate it to you once again; yea, to every one of your hearts, 'tis so pa [...]t and full to your condition; And pray when you sound your brave triumphing sounds, Remember us the last Trum­pet, and how much of your love and zeal in this particular you have lost, Rev. 2. 4, 5.

And now we come again to you Men and Brethren, which we were treating with before; we medled with the sword or godly of the Army about the same thing still, if you have not dispatched your Summons to all men aind places where the fear of the Lord dwels, rich, poor, hgh, low, young and old, blinde, halt, and lame; yea, get them altogether, to consult, do not stay, and say one to another, Pray ye Sir do you, and Pray ye Sir do you; send for old Father Eli, and you for young Samuell, and you for Zacheus, we, Christ and his people will all dine there, Luk, 19. 5. and treat afterwards about restoring every man his own at least, especially the Liberty of the Saints, and promulgation of the Gospel: but let every one; yea, some in particular, go to all as the Messengers of the Churches 2 Cor. 8. 23. and let them charge them in the Name of God to come straight away by the morning light, the light of God in them; yea, charge them by this day, and charge them by this night of Gods withdrawing from them, they delay no time, if they be about a businesse of their own, dealing in their Calling, let them shut up, and bring them straight away, if they be about the business of another, or medling with the State, bring them straight away, if they be about their holy Worship and Christian duties, bring them straight away, yea, from the Lords Table to meet the Lords people; Men may leave the best of duties upon some occasions, in a case of necessity, and such a one is this; yea, the season of the year requires it, look else saith Christ to every Saint in England▪ do not you see the eares white: Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest to thrust forth labourers into his harvest, John 4. 35. [Page 34] Mat. 9 38 Yea, pray my Lord Protector so to do, or else pray him, Oxford and Cambridge will never send enough. What do we gazing so after these, as once the Angel said, Oh ye men of Galilee, Acts 1. 11. So say we, Ye men of the Army, City, Town and Countrey, why do ye all so gaze and gape after those men that were taken away once; so shall they come again, yea, the very men shall come again, though some without their gownes, yet their University gifts shall not be wanting, the graces of the Spirit, the Gifts of Gods People, Oh my friends, many of these you gape and gaze after are gone, and gone in the late warres, I hope just the same men are not come again to another, much lesse to the same place. This we never fought for, or looked for, unlesse they were taken by their sequestrations up into heaven, I mean godly sorrow and Repentance for their former sins, popery, pride, ful­nesse of bread, ignorance, emptinesse, drunkennesse and thirst, yea for our blood, which is precious in the fight of the Lord, so saith David, Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of all his Saints, Psal. 116. 15.

Well, but shall we trust these thirsty wretches with our souls once again, rather then a known godly Christian of ten or twenty years, standing gifts and abilities.

Good and godly Tryers do not you do so wickedly, and sin against God, Gen 19 7. There be of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jewes, Rev. 2. 9. Yea, they will say so now, because ye are uppermost, but try them well, and you shall find them lyars; they guilt themselves it may be by praying for the State, and the Lord Protector can they by the Spirit do so, or Preach.

Well, we hope ye will not take tinne, and lay by silver, Isa. 1. 22. for all the keyes of David in your hand, power to open and shut, whom and when you please, which should be wholly in the hands of Christ, Isa. 22. 22. Rev. 3. 7. Two sweet Texts in the eyes and hearts of Saints. But to our other friends once again, whom we must intreat they are so backward, some through the worlds pleasures, [Page 35] profits, places cannot give a meeting, no, it may be e [...]ry week, though it were to be wished they could, not because they, the Saints more imployed and richer, have better gifts the [...] poor, but for their own souls and graces sake, for a good meeting is better for the good of their souls, and strength of their graces, than a good bargain or dinner, either much more then a little idlenesse, some walk abroad, others ride some visite Joan hold my staffe t'other day, but these rich Saints cannot come to our poor weekly meetings, I wish they may to this good work, 'its their good Masters who hath blest them thus.

Oh but others which have more peace, joy, and com­munion far then these, them I hope will come; but some are so full of cares, feares and poverties that they cannot give a meeting, unlesse it be the Lords day about five of the clo [...]k, Well, once a week would do no hurt, nor bring the world backward, rather thee forward and upward, and it is best thriving so, having food and rayment, let us be content said a good man, 1 Tim. 6. 8 for our selves and children it is implyed; passions may come soon enough and may be God himself will be one, and that is enough saith David, Psal. 119. 57.

In the mean time come you to the Generall Assembly of all Saints and Church of the first born, Heb. 12. 23. Yea, to the first in the Work of the Lord, which will be good so to do at last, it is best at first, and most honourable, God ever mindes the first fruits, Exod. 23. 19. and claims the first Male.

Christ the first Gospel Minister sets up him above John the Baptist, Mat. 11. 11. one Preached Repentance, the other Pardon. Minde it Presbyterians, too many of you set up John the Baptist, and set the other by. Yea, Paul and John the Evangelist both down; You know how I mean, one for an Antinomian, and the other for a Flyer; Yea, sometimes a Lyer, to make up the number of the Here­ticks, because you for the present, it may be do not see them, yet trulie for my part, I do love exceedingly to see [Page 34] [...] [Page 35] [...] [Page 36] a Preacher as well as hear him, yet I must confesse they flye sometimes higer than I can well tell yet, or see where they are, or hear either what they say understandingly, which I do not well like, not dare not too hastily judge. I know but in part; Yea, saith Paul, we all know but in part, 1 Cor. 13. 9.

But when I do consider Christ and the Apostles, most of which slew very low; Yea, preached according to the un­derstanding, and best advantage for the people, that is a good rule, but to flye to high is dangerous, and unprofi­table, one may get a fall, and the other two be dazled, Yea, stagger in his judgement, and misled it may be in judgement from the Lord, for want of love to plain truths, 2 Thes. 20. 11, 12. and too much too high Disputes, the fruit of spirituall pride, so I like not men too high, but as heavenly as they will, in Emblems, Divine things, and Meditations: Yea, I say, I love to hear men so Preach, and they take us up like John in the Spirit, Rev. 1. 10. or Paul in his rapture, but these are still in New-England, Old-England hath but few, so many changes have been of late, and every change distempers, some Ministers halfe a year at least, after Mr. Loves head; how long before the Presby­terians settled right to the work of Preaching Christ up, down self; Yea, are they yet at it, especially the latter, I do not know, but I have heard a little; But will you hear a fool and Friend gladly by way of advice, Iob and David did so, of you know whom▪ will you lift up Christ more in Prayer; Yea, your selves and the Saints in what God hath done for us in a way of praises, Eph. 1. 34. 56. as well as what we are by nature, and that is bad enough in our selves, yet in Christs righteousnesse we are still righteous; Minde that, however confesse no more then you are guilty, and in that confession distinguish between men and men, and this hint to in your preaching, and I shall presume no more, Lift him up there who is the true brazen Serpent, Iohn 3. 14, 15. for every eye to look on; Spread upon the pole of the Crosse, with his Crown of thornes fast nailed to the Law, [Page 37] yea, justice of God for satisfaction, and so let his side run freely, yea, tell the world of his Speech. W [...]man, behold thy son, Iohn 19. 26. Yea, sinner, sinner thy Saviour, for it is thee he calls as well as she, and when ye have clearlie so done by right distinguishing between the Law and Gospel, what he hath freely done for us; Yea, to the uttermost far­thing, and what he requires of us more then he hath given or promised to us; and so ye give us the very man that once looked down from Mount Olives, Luk 19. 41. with soul-longings for us: Yea, ye give us then the very names of Christ Jesus, the Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of of the world, (Iohn 1. 29.) before Repentance, and from thence gives right repentance never to be repented of, world without end, Amen,

Will ye try a little this Doctrine, and give us this wine reserved for the latter age, Iohn 2. 2. at least one cup full now and then, and you will draw the hearts of all men more then you do unto Christ, and your selves, and off from all sin and sorrow, yea, our lives will be better, and our stirrings quicker when you pour this oyl of gladenesse upon our heads and hearts. And now you that have it come away, to the old work and Petition for our Liberty to preach the Scapegoat, Lev. 16 21. the Paschall Lamb, Exod. 12. 21. the brazen Serpent, but some a little scruple at this, namely our Call; if it be but so, a little scruple, come away, never be too nice in a good Work, for an ho­nest heart, 'tis for thousands, indeed it is so.

Oh but it is divelish, and damnable saith many of our Bre­thren, honest sincere and godly ones, say and think so happily because they have been taught so that they have been the truth of it is too much, but for these that thought so, and was once of that judgement, will you still maintain it therefore, I hope not so; again many see, and will not see, but are sinfully silent, marry pray God some great Mini­sters be not so (well, when one comes t'other will, the people, yea, both in time, how many of the latter would [Page 38] not come to a meeting till they found the sweetnesse, but then like some cattell having tasted sweet corn; how did they run and cry, come husband, come wife, let us go to such and such a place to day, there is a very sweet meeting ten or twenty of them in a Parlour, they begin and end with Prayer, two or three speak, but one at a time, all to one point, I am sure by the same Spirit, 1 Cor. 12. 13. it was so sweet, and did warm my very heart and soul, saith one that hath tryed; Well, will ye try now, you that are against the publick exercisings of the People; Oh but I am not for that yet; Why? A private life is good, but a publick Saint is best, if a Private meeting of ten or twenty Believers, and others be so sweet, the latter saying no­thing, nor the former but about forgivenesse, faith, and Repentance, how God pardoned them, and how sweet it was, what now they will do, and how much through grace love again this God, and that the Lord is gracious in himself, in his Son and Promises, he is good to all, yea, all his works saith one; yea, to Saints and the worst of sin­ners; Yea, saith a third, or else I had been in hell; be­lieve you saith a fourth Saint to the Sinners then; Yea, you may believe now, look unto him and be saved, straight from that Text, Look unto me all the ends of the earth, and be saved, Isa. 45. 22.

Leave and loath your sins after this, home runnes the sinner and cryes God was amongst them, makes restitution straight crying out with David, Away from me all ye wor­kers of iniquity, Psal. 6. 8. which another hearing of cryes, this was good if it were so, alwayes when they meet to Preach, but they wrangle much, fall out and judge one another very seldome we assure you a [...] our set meetings, carried on by a knot of true lovers, sober able Christians, but from whence comes the Errours some cry, we have none amongst us, we answer for our selves in two or three meetings that we know, but do hold the same truths, with our Ministers in every particular; Yea, we are bap­tized into one and the same faith with them, by the same [Page 39] Spirit through the same blood, 1 Cor. 12. 13. Yea, we differ in nothing in the world, but that we would be set­ting up and converting sinners too, thinking it is our duty, When thou art converted strengthen thy brother, Luk. 22. 32.

Oh, but from whence then comes your Errours? Most from Ministers scandalous, not knowing the truth, some­times through falshood and the Ministers fancy, they say such a thing, and such a thing is abroad, and spread them in their Pulpits Errours which the people who are ever heavy in hearing to good and sound truth, often catch the badd, 'tis good in some cases to see and not to see, we think it is in this, especially not to say we see what we hear from three or four hands, every one adding or diminishing; through weaknesse or wickednesse, but the Errours and erroneous are none of us, nor of the settled meeting Chri­stians, whose liberty we plead for, but rather some giddy headed gadding Christians, that runs up and down, peeps in here, and peeps in there, no where out of love, but in every place to object and wrangle, and make a little way for an old Errour, or a whimsie according to the rule of Paul, First in love we check him once or twice, Tit. 3. 10. if they be not too grosse, however they are gone, or else ever silent, and converted from their sin; Yea, many times we gain some that are just a going by underpropping them, when they lean a little from the truth, by neglecting good Ministers, hearing bad; Our meetings to hear bad Disputes, who, nor where we neither own nor know, nor love these things, yea, we love nothing but what may tend to the edification of one or another, nor will do no­thing else in your publick place when we come about a moneth hence, some I hope will provide room or matter for us, but you shall never come while you breath, saith a Formalist, one that hath every thing of a Saint, but the reall life, power, gifts, joyes and graces, and these men will envy this light, life and power, least other men should expect as much from them, because they have past [Page 40] all along under the same names and notions of good and godly men, and so we shall be slighted, say they, and in time loose our esteem for our godlinesse, though we have followed them in their very steps, truly they that seem to have something, and are nothing, will in time loose that, that is certain, To him that hath shall be given, and from him that hath not shall be taken away, even that which be seemeth to have, Mat. 13. 12.

But be this far from a good heart so to think, be his gifts or graces as small as they will; have not the members of the Church their peculiar gifts? Are all the Lords people Prophets, or have all the gifts of light knowledge, grace and power alike? No, but every one hath as God hath given, nor is it requisite it should be so; John speakes of babes, young men and old, 1 John 2. 12, 13, 14.

Every Member need not be an eye, nor every Saint a Pro­phet, yet every one is to covet the best gift, especially this of Prophesying, 1 Cor. 12. 31. or expounding Scripture, but he that cannot may be as much humble, yea, as much usefull in another way, therefore let not honest men and hum­ble walking Christians fear the losse of this esteem, but subscribe to the Modell, Legall men and Pharisees and hy­pocrites will be offended more than any, if every man preach thus: It was so in Christs time, and after, Acts 4. 2. but we stand not for every man, but for some able men judged to be so, by some that are able so to do, What if godly Christians should upon a summons from among themselves, or from a Magistrate, choose two, three, or four, as the place can afford to be as publick speakers, as your Burgesses are chosen one, two or three for such a Town, and two or three for such a Parish, not too many at the first by no meanes; better one old speaker then three or four young ones coming on for the present, will ye take a fools advice, 'tis but a hint, not a platform, or a rule for all; that were high presumption; Yea, to make ones self St. Peter, but let me say what we think would do well, leave your young speakers coming on to the private, we [Page 41] can bear with one anothers weaknesse there, and gain [...] much by one as t'other many times, but still for the present able to divide the word, batter down sin, yea, the sinners, and raise up the Saints, especially the mourners of Sion, Isa. 40. 1. answer all objections bravely, preach bold and humbly, put out these first, and the other forward as much as may be, and hereto we, who cannot well tell what to say in this nice point, would not be too strait laced in giving leave to any to speak or object a little, desiring every mans Light may be held forth, most where his life and con­versation is known to be good and godly; yet we think they may do as Parsons do speak, one for another that are well known; And what if it were by a kind of Commissi­on, we mean the approbation of the Saints thereabouts; yea, and it would be very good to have as much love, leave, and liking as may be from others, and we hear of many that are free and willing to hear us▪ before or after Sermon, every day we hope to gain more and more, yea we have gained much already this way.

And this we add further, You that chuse these men, im­prove your Interest with your Minister of the Parish, giv­ing him to know who it is, what it is, when it is, and why it is he should speak in the Publick this request of yours, his love or liking of the man or mens Spirits, may put him, himself upon the breaking of the ice, and recommending of the work to the people once or twice, then the thing is done, laughing, jeering, standing up, the Newes, and talking of it, and all kind of hubbubbs are husht and gone for ever, and we have our Liberty without the losse or mis­chief of an hair to any man living.

Ministers, our hearts, hands, purses, we feast them, they sometimes us; yea, and we will better all their meanes, be it Tythes, be it what it will be; yea, we will look to their charge in case of death, own them, and do for them as our own Brethren; yea, and a thousand times more, in requitall of their love to us, and the truth, which then they have to purpose manifested to the world round about; yea, [Page 42] and then every eye shall see that they are not in the least, what too many are to prone to think, yea, and hastily to judge.

But yet a word more to our setters up, in case such a one or more, should through weaknesse, and the divell which will not be wanting every way to tempt and try, fall into any scandalous sin, one or more, yea, or in case he do not, but grow proud and selfish, which that there may be dan­ger of, we admonish or else give our thoughts may be from the minde of the Lord in this thing also: That then our Christian friends and neighbours, the Godly of the Parish, yea, one or two of these bodies may for the honour of Christ, the Vindication of the Gospel; yea, and for the good and humbling of the guifted Christian brother, with a great great deal of humility, grave and godly exhortation call in, and take back his Commission, with a dehortation to exer­cise any more for the present, yet after a full manifestation of his godly sorrow, not for a week, moneth, scarce three or four let it be returned, and when ever it is, with a great deal of grave exhortation, yea, and prayer among your selves; yea, ordain none nor Ticket none without that, nor let never none claim to, or look upon himself as an ab­solute Minister, but as a kind of assistant, much lesse to med­dle with many things quite out of their sphere, as baptizing, burying, ministring the Sacrament, or any such kind of works, for these are without dispute the proper office of the Minister who hath the charge of the place, and not of these who help onely of good will, exercising not every day so constantly as the Minister better misse three Lords dayes than not hit one, my meaning is not good and sound matter; and now I think how they were served that went to cast out Divels, Acts 19. 15, 16. upon whom the evill-Spirits fell, and cryed out against, wounding, tearing, and sending them away naked and ashamed, so say we; haply a Ranter vain or ungodly man may attempt to imitate or do, in vain glory, but let all such take heed, the beadel, people, or Church-wardens do [Page 43] not fall upon them; nothing will preserve a man from mis­chief but sincerity in such a case, therefore let all take heed what they attempt from the example of these vagabond Jews, and how they do disturb any congregation, or come with teares, vain wanton notions or delusions of the de­vil to disturb our holy worship, and in case such a man do come, mark the sting or poyson of the adder, and mildely give a hint of that, the Justice will take course if he come too often, but for once he may passe as he is, but no more by no meanes.

But as I said but now, Scribes Pharisees and Hypocrites will storm and grieve exceedingly, notwithstanding all these cautions, and cry down for pride, Schism, faction, new doctrine, and I know not what; yea, a legion of lyes they will raise against it, but this is one, yea, a thumper to, cry out so unlesse it be in this sence, they mean it hath been lying by a long time we do confesse, yea, and up by Antichrist, but be it new or old it must be sold and broa­ched every day, an old suit or fashion long laid by, is a new when put on again, an old Antichristian Errour is the like, when it is new broached; but we are sure this Gospel-truth spurn'd at by the Ministers whilst they send a Post to Scotland for you know what, and what it cost, is no new thing, but an old thing, and that must not be despised nor the old customes of the Saints in the Primitive times too.

Take a bundle of Texts and weigh them at your leasure, we are in haste too.

Acts 8. 4. 8. Acts 18. 28. Acts 17. 11. Acts 11. 19, 20, 21. Heb. 3. 13. Heb. 10. 24, 25. Jud. 20. 1 Thess. 5. 11. 14, 19, 20. 1 Pet. 4. 10, 11. 2 Pet. 1. 20. 21. 1 Pet. 2. 9. James 5. 19. 20. Mal. 3. 16. Isaiah 2. 3. Joel. 2. 28. 1 Cor. 14. 34. Col. 3. 16. 1 Cor. 2. 14, 15, 16. Phil. 1. 16. 17. Num. 11. 26. Mar. 9. 38, 39.

Surely some of these are to the purpose, and never a one in the Bibl [...] lookes with a full and broad face against us: But to come to the old matter.

Well, are you for the work, or are you not? You bond­men to the Ministers, five to Mr. such a one, and ten to Mr. such a one, yea, and it may be twice as many to another, Oh ye captive daughters of Sion, Isa 52. 2. Yea, Sinah, I had almost said the children of the bond-woman, Gal. 4. 22, 25. But the Lord make you free, whose freemen you are, if you be Believers; have you never read that Text If the Son make you free, you are free indeed, John 8. 36. We know he hath, yea, we cry aloud, Come out of her my people, all kinde of Antichristian bondage, and how fast are you in, yea, tyed by the leg to one Pew or one Pulpit, daring scarce for your life, misse one Sermon in a whole year of one mans Preaching, when a hundred, may be five, are as good within a mile round, here in the City, but still you ly groaning under such a one, and such a ones Cushion as it were, where he beates the Law, yea, breakes your heart, or at least puzles and fills your soul with doubts; yea, almost quite off from believing that your sins are par­doned, which were pardoned long ago.

For the Lords sake do not sigh, and cry, if I have not all grace, I have none, all faith, yea, to remove mountains, especially that of Repentance, which they branch out four­ty waies sometimes, thirty of them in impossibilities, hast thou a loathing of sin, love and liking to Christ, Faith in and on Christ, to act and fetch comfort from Christ, it is enough; yea, hast thou nothing of all this? Believe thy sins pardoned, and they are pardoned; yea, believe it to be so really, and they are, as sure as the Lord lives, fetch strength from that, wash thy face, dip thy head, back and belly in the blood of Christ, the Fountain set open for Ju­dah and Jerusalem to wash in, Zech. 14. 1. Yea, dabble day and night thy soul there, especially in your hot dayes of temptations and accusations; yea, in such dayes lay al­wayes by your thoughts in the Fountain, dipping and diving of your souls like the little dive dapper, in the mean time put on thy, beautifull garments, Isa. 42. 1. and come away, and do not cry, I am for Paul, and I am for Apolos, I am [Page 45] for Cephas, 1 Cor. 3. 22. I am for Christ, for so do many say, dividing him, but will you be for us, and our old work, you that say you are for Christ, we are in his way, and for his work, and resolved upon it by the grace of God, you are for Christ in one, we for Christ in every man: Yea, to make him known to every man like Philip we would call Nathaniell, John 1. 45.

Run and tell, yea, Preach, we was about to say with the woman of Samaria, and with the Angel, shew where men have laid by Christ and Religion too in these times, yea, where and when again he is risen in the souls of his, and with Stephen witnesse these things almost with our blood, I do not see Stephen (now I think of it) had much more call then some whom we plead for, onely more of God, and zeal for God to encourage to the work, and I hope we shal have some to begin in every parrish Church; if in case the Magistrate give not leave, this were a work of honour, and worthy to be chronicled amongst the Miracles of the Saints, if such a one should a little suffer; yea, would we could but hear of one or two suffering in such a kind of way what never a bold man in all the Churches now in London that dare come to ours. Margarets, Pauls, White-Hall, Covent-Garden or Clements, there you may be all well­come, and preach a little Sermon before the Minister comes in the Name of God, break the ice some body, make a gap in the hedg of Antichrist, we will widen it and follow in apace.

Where is the Bell-weather of the Saints, I mean the brave; able, bold and gifted Christian that can go on in his matter roundly, answer all objections bravely, look scoffers in the face boldly; yea, go on with his matter if in case the peo­ple stare, stand up on the top of the Pewes, whisper one to another, never minding these things, yea, in case the Church Wardens, which are seldome good, cry, Pray Sir be quiet and make no disturbance, Sir, we speak for Christ and will till the Clerk or Minister come; if one sheep go first, fourty straight will follow; but by all means let us [Page 46] first of all draw our Petition, if it be but three lines, yea, and let our hands be to it by all meanes, and not one man but every mans name be down, but not one more, than really godly and blamelesse in their conversations, yea, let all such in London, and all such in England, yea, in Wales where they say they are good at the work already, and have very good successe in one or two places, the peo­ple flock in amain, their Welch blood malignity and igno­rance out; yea, let all subscribe; two, three or four parrishes may, where the Saints be scarce, else every one a Petition by themselves, yea, and as near as may be give notice one Church, one country to another so to do, yea, and come in Person as many as conveniently can, it will do my Lord Protector good to see some of his poor old friends and his Souldiers, Landlords once again, some of which he hath prayed with and for.

What if a day, or two, three, or a week be lost upon so good an accompt? My Lord will bear your charges down with his gracious answer; the great Councel hath prepared it already, if you will but come; Why do you stand staying for a hand or two, when you have thousands known to be good, godly, quiet, humble and self-denying Christians, some wil come the next day, but stay not you for any: We have stayed too long, they that will not joyn now may hereafter, let every man do as the Lord shall perswade him, Gal. 1. 10. and let us do so too. This was alwayes the rule and saying of one of our best friends, In the name of God let us see what he saith now he is still the same man, and for the same things we hope though in more power.

Oh, but you will say the people are not yet perswa­ded: No, nor never will to any thing for their good; Must not we compell men into Christ? Luk. 14. 23.

Ob. God must perswade them by his word and Spirit.

Ans. This is the meanes commanded to be used, and that that hath been frequently blessed, and let that satisfie all good men that will be satisfied, Acts 11. 21. 1 Cor. 14. 31, Jud. 20, 21, 22, 23.

Yea, the last ten yeares experience which you say hath filled the world with errors; and although many errours were before concealed, it was but as the weeds are in the night, which are as much then as in the day, onely men cannot so well see them as when the light arises: but God forbid the the Sun should not shine for fear of these weeds growing or discovering.

The way to weed the world is not to put out the Lights or Light of the world, Math. 5. 14

The Devil, errours, ignorance and wickednesse may as well hide under a short cote, a rigid Presbyterian strickt and strait Last forme as in a Bishops Goun.

What think ye of Scotland where we be all can Religion for the Kirk and Pearson, and in gend faith we will pay the Sectaries Army, and the Devil Crumwel the horn of the beast, (we say of the Lamb, Rev. 5. 6. and we are sure he was so to us, and we hope ever will be) What? Stand against the Kirk of God, Preach themselves, and speak against their Ministers; aut, aut, for shame, haang these heretick dogs, false lowns and blasphemers, yea, the curse of God and the holy Kirk light on them all I say.

What do you think of these poor simple ignorant and be­witched people, which never wanted legall Preachers; but alas, is their harvest like ours, or is there not too too much want of our gifted Saints amongst them, the Lord convince all opposers upon this consideration, and the experience from among our selves, for although more errours may be now then ten or twelve yeares ago, yet we are sure they are not considerable to the numberlesse number of knowers that are more now than ever in England, yea, in any place of the world, and we hope ye fear egransdamnes a thousand for one hundred, and I pray consider that.

But we conclude with this Prayer, The Lord grant our knowledge lay none of us the more low in hell; and on the other hand lead some, that see and will not, towards the sin against the holy Ghost, which of all men in the world clear knowers, strict Professors and rigid men are aptest to [Page 48] fall into; we have told you already who alwayes resisted the holy Ghost, and murdered the Lord of life and glory; O if ever a Prophet perish in England, it will be by Jeru­salem: meanes, the knowing legal godly men.

Luk. 13. 33, 34, 35.

An Exhortation to the gifted Saints to manage well this Liberty, or some Gospel Rules for new Preachers.

ANd now holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, joys, gifts and graces of the holy Spirit, which few or none of the Princes of this world which come to nought do or have known for many hundred years, 1 Cor. 2. 6. yet not hid from some of the Princes of this world now in our dayes, the glory of the Nation, and to you we would be free, for we are all so being the Lords bond men and servants, yea, to some of you in great Authority, we cannot but commend it if we could, we would certainly command it, but do for the present on the knees of our affections humbly intreat you to conde­sc [...]nd to this mean, high and low work, the work of a few Fishers at the first, God himself in Person after, though at first of all by many great men, Kings, Priests, Prophets, Samuel, Moses, Aaron, David and Daniel, now Peter Paul, James and John again, yet not without the old Spi­rit, the Spirit of his Son.

God, who at sundry times, and in diverse manners spake in times past by the fathers the Prophets, hath in these last times spoken to us by his Son, Heb. 1. 1.

You the great Saints of England, and glory of the world, we would intreat you on the knee again and a­gain, yea, beseech you in the bowels of love, yea, the God of love, and the mercies of that God, Rom. 12. 2 for his own, and the honour of his, and the poor gifted Saints sake, that you would all pull off your Crowns of honour for an hour, as once the poor fishers did their great bootes to follow Christ, else it would have been but slow.

And you my Lord Protector; What if you should be­gin in this high and low work, and give us in your own Person one short and sweet Sermon now at White-Hall, as late you did to your own Family, we would say King David were on earth again, and put in their murmur­ing no more at your present greatnesse, who did a meaner thing in dancing before the Ark of God, 2 Sam. 6. 16. My Lord, look to the Canopies above, and down again to White-Hall, yea, your self, and what are you (though so great a Saint) more than a worm, gnat, nothing, Isa. 41. 14. Yet may you Nothing, this way honour him that is what he is, and doth what he pleases in heaven and in earth, yea, in hell, amongst and with Saints, Angels, men and divels, yea, every li­ving thing, as well things that are not, winds, Seas, storm, fire, hail, ice, snow, yea, day and night, for they are all his too, Psal. 74. 16.

This one Being, and Being of all Beings may you poor Nothing yet preach, and our good Lord Jesus, who once beca [...]e nothing to serve and make you and us all Kings, Priests and Prophets to our God by his blood. Rev. 1. 6.

Not that above once or twice we desire this work of honour from and for you to preach this God that e­very moment rides the circle of the heavens, Isa. 40. 22. upon the mighty wings and Chariots of the windes that drawes or drives the cloud [...] hither and thither, yea, the Seas, where he wills quite from off the earth, and flings [Page 50] them down again upon the Prayers of his people, when and where he please, as lately now, when man and beast was mourning, yea, every senslesse creature dying, yea, the earth it self yauning wide, as if that and all would dye, yea, dye they would, and dye they must at once, but God prevented all for his peoples sake, and said live a­gain.

Oh that men would praise his Name, and sing again his mercy endureth for ever, Psal. 136. a Psalm for your soul in secret, but a Sermon it is we beg, yea, one at at least from you my Lord, and the Princes among the people, yea the Saints of the most high God, Dan. 7. 27 shall imitate you all for the honour of the work.

Nathaniel Pickering, Woosl [...]y, Sadler, and Sir Henry Vane, all which and many more could and can, pray and Preach bravelie; and if all Jacob be but one worm to the God of Jacob, 'tis no dishonour to these choice bitts of this worm to praise their Maker once or twice at the least in the great Congregations, and the Assemblies of the Saints, which David hints so often at, as his own practice in a soul exalting way of glorie, I will praise thee in the Con­gregation, yea, in the great Congregation of the people, yea, among the Gods, Psal. 111. 1. and 138. 1.

I will do it, and will not you Gods your selves once at the Prayers of all Saints, as Paul speaks in another case, God forbid you or any should be ashamed of a good Master, and what is it else that some princes stick at; Come, come, it will be an honour one day to come bowing to the Saints, and lick the dust of their feet, yea, the meanest work for Christ, and them, will be an honour for the greatest Monarchs in the world, yea, to preach this King of kings, that hath this Name written on his thigh, The Word of God, Rev 19. 13. and 16. Read ye often the sixtie of Isaiah; but let us come down from these gods to the people, yea, to the Saints that may tend it best, and most to them we have a word.

Be as the tree or river in the Paradise of God, Rev. 2. [Page 51] 7. Watering and feeding, yea, feed and water, yea, that have gifts, all the rest, yea, all the Church of God over which you are made in your own proper places Overseers, a high glory so to be Acts 20. 28. but begin at the 17. verse, and mark well the whole Chapter.

The Angels never were but servants to bring newes or carry Saints to their home, Heb. 1. 14. and how sweetly did they sing for joy of this glorying in the Work, Luk. 29. And what may you say? Oh yee dust of Jacob who are all of you together lesse then the least of the mercies of a God. Gen. 32. 10.

Your God we mean, and your work we are at, that is to Preach him up, sin, Satan, death and Devils down; yea, to their own places, I mean the sorrowes of the Saints, and the works of darknesse, all which are to be Preached down, and Christ up, from the grave of death and hell, with the keyes of both in his hand, Rev. 1. 18.

This Lord and these keyes must you Preach up, yea, the power now in his hand, and in his hand alone, over sin, Satan, curse, grave, Law, men, devils, Saints and Angels, things present and to come, yea, over all these he is King for ever, and hath wholly and solely the power of, and o­ver these things, souls and consciences of men. That is one thing my Brethren, you are now called to Preach up, by the first born, which do call on you from the rising of the light, life and love of God now in their souls, and therefore do not scruple.

Oh ye Kings of the East, Rev. 16. 12. but come forth as the morning Sun in the glory of your gifts and graces, and the Spirit of the Son and Father, and Preach up all three, the Father in his love, Iohn 3. 16. the Son in his merit, 1 Tim. 1. 18. yea and the fruits, joyes, life and power of the Spirit, Gal. 5. 22. converting and convincing, killing, saving, damning and destroying powers, burning up, and burning down like devouring fire in and on the soul, the world and all the works of flesh, flaming up to the heavens, the righteousnesse of men, much more pride, hypocr [...]sie, [Page 52] self, and the foolishnesse of and in man, every whereas he turns from one form to another, resting more than he ought therein.

Well, and who is now free, fit and sufficient for this thing, but our sufficiency is of God, 2 Cor. 3. 5. And he hath appointed for good men every one to contribute what he hath, and yet I know my brethren you have just nothing of your own but a little self-pride, and self-covetousnesse, earthlinesse and lust, anger, pride, malice, emptinesse, and fulnesse in your own conceit, yea, this is all the best of you all have; Are not ye stufft with these things hatred and rebuke, yea, your very hearts as David speakes in another sense, and would be seen of men as Christ tells elsewhere, being very hypocrites, pray, preach, dispute and Prophesie for nothing else in the world but to get the world, because it is a step and stirrup for preferment to be seen of men so to do, and glory to the flesh to be counted somebody, and a brave Preacher, yea, almost a Pastor at least a Member and an Officer in the Church of Christ, called such a mans Church, an ungodly divelish word; Who hath a Church but Christ? What? hath every selfish Saint a Church purchased by his own blood, got and brought from the body, I know not how? No, it may be never of it, but got into it at a back door, or brought in head and shoulders, or for company, which is best still in the best things; But this is stark nought to call any Church of Christ, or little peece of his body by the name of this or that, or t'other man; but be ye what ye will, Pastor, Preacher, Church or no Church.

Minde what you are in your selves, though in Christ we all know you are righteous, Col. 2. 10. Yea, you especi­ally that are gifted Saints indeed, for our eye is still on you, and onely you for carrying on this work of Reformation in the world, and setting up of Christ in the Popes Chair, as it were, and if ever he had a pill or a pull, this will be one to purpose, yea, me thinks we see the Rope just about his neck himself hanged up and choaked, and the Spirit breathing, [Page 53] yea, the witnesses which have lyen dead and slain as it were many hundred years, or Prophesying in sackcloath at the best are now alive again; do not you hear and see them speak, pray, Preach and Prophesie and their beds green Cant. 1. 16. Fruitfull in their Work, successefull in their warre against sin, Satan, Turk, Pope, divel, divels mates, and all the powers of hell, Munks, Punks, Priests Fryars, whorish and false worshippers, these rogues, rovers, drovers robbers of the soul of men, backs and bellies too, Pigmongers, whoormongers, Applemongers, Egg, Corn, Pease or Baconmongers, loving all and better bitts too: greedy doggs, and Priests that can never bark, pray nor preach, but are snapping honest men in all hours and com­panies, often on the Ale bench, Puffe and tipling else­where, but the witnesses are up on their leggs again, for the King of glory as in the dayes of old.

And have at, away runs the rabble, the Kings of the Eall drive these locusts to the West, the Divels to their dens, and Imps to their dams, and Errors to their homes. yea, all to the Divell, most to the Pope, many to the Mass-Priest, t'other Priest too, and his tail, lustfull, lazy, idle, simple, ignorant, wanton, loose, and vain-glorlous Chri­stians, Shakers, Quakers, and ungodly Ranters, some such there be.

All these, and your journey Jobbers, hard red faced Clerks, Sawers, Psalm-men, Wardens, Pares, neither good, drunken Readers, Sleepers, Runners, or Baptizers, that have alwayes Crosse and Common prayer, yea, and Godfa­thers in their Pockets too; these are all the long tail of the Priest, where these errors, like a bag full of catterpillars, hang as on an old bush, the rising of these Kings, Tub-Preachers so call'd, fires, frights, yea, burnes bag, bush, yea, the divels nest and all; And this is your work, mark how Pauls fals, the scaffold to the Body, all to the ground. It is our work, and it doth us good to the heart to see how the old idle whoore tumbles, yet hang her, she will make a brave Hospital, and a good piece of Reformation it would [Page 54] be to give her to the Saints for such a kind of use; you that are free, fit, and long for this work, yea, to be setting up this new Trade, as some fools think, yea, too many good, godly choice, and precious Saints, but take a serious ob­servation, though a weak application follow, the Jews Temple rent, Mat. 27. 51. at the slaying Christ, in that was the true worship, and true worshippers of God, but the worship and worshippers were little lesse then a den of thieves and robbers, yea they murdered the Lord of life and glory, Acts 7. 52. God teares their worship, yea, the worshippers in pieces, rejecting both by this simile, rending the whole Temple in twain, yea, did he ever since smile on that sinfull selfish people against the appearances of Christ in his own Person, and Disciples whom he ever, did and doth still love as himself, but these zealots in their darknesse doth by the servant, as before with the Master, one is a Belzebub, yea, so saith the Scribes, Pharisees and Doctors, most Temple-men, but before this inhumane murther of our Lord Jesus, the people cryed, Hosanna, Ho­sanna, John 12. 13. though after Crucifie, Crucifie, Mark 15. 13. 14.

The Priest leads the people to their sin, God rejecteth both, they reject the Stone, Mat. 21. 42. the Stone re­jects the builders, Rom. 11. 15. Yea, the sacrifice of them all, but the Temple then was rent.

Mind their sin throughly, for which this Judgment comes, the Person of Christ they loathed, the Spirit of Christ is as really now in the members of Christ, 2 Cor. 13. 5. As God was in the humane nature of Christ when they hang'd him on a tree, this Spirit they cannot come at; but how many this day nail this Spirit, and the appearances of it, yea, the very arms and legs of it, they crown these appear­ances with reproaches, yea, thornes, some think they are making such a cap now, others see them spit continually in every Sermon. I could almost name some that cry for the spear, noted ones. (C. A, and others) what hath this love and speckled Dove done against these men, which good [Page 55] work is it they would now stone him for, is it for enlight­ning the world, or filling their hearts with joy, which others did with sorrow, for convincing men too much of the deeds of darknesse, John 16. 8. or distinguishing of the works of holinesse, wills and inventions of men, all which this Spirit doth, must and was to do, yea, to fill the world with Prophets, but take heed ye despise not these little ones, Mat. 18. 6. yea, erring ones, for so they are in the esteem of most men.

Touch not the anointed of the Lord, he hath rebuked Kings for their sakes, nor do these Prophets any harm, Psal. 105. 15. If ever you do, know, God and men fore­warnes you of medling with these or his little Churches, which you are too apt to spit at, and speak hardly of, but the work of God is carried on by these little trees, scattered Saints and Churches, yea, God and his Spirit hath done it.

And why may not this be a providence or sign, this piece of Babels Temple falling, when a Sparrow fals not other­wise, Mat. 10. 29. which they say hath stood so many hundred yeares, it is strange, why should it fall now? in the rising of the Saints, the coming forth of the Spirit, or the zealous persecuting of the worshippers; but to receive wounds in our names, holy worships, and Christian pro­phesying, as schismaticks, hereticks, giddie, gaddie, headie, ignorant, factious, foolish, and blasphemous men, opposers of all government, and all for our holy worship, as we think from God, and according to the mind of God, yea for all these wounds in the houses of our friends, Zech. 13. 6. this wounds our soules double as it were.

This present Simile and fall may prognosticate some­thing, our prayer and prayers shall be, that you nor your Temple may never be left to outward judgements, much lesse your Sacrifice be loathed, or any thing hid from your eyes, yea all our eyes, that may concern your present, much more your future weal and happinesse; yea we will ever pray, that they that see may say, and they that say may see, [Page 56] what they doe in the day of their visitation, yea temptation to all that dwell on the earth, or elsewhere, below the true God, life, light, and love of God, and those wherein this light, life, and love is daily manifested, which heaven fro­ward men neither doe nor can know, or did they ever? yet now are fallen, not as the Angels to bondage and dark­nesse, God forbid, or from the Olive either, the love and sweetnesse, life, joyes, and fatnesse once of communion with the Vine, our head and husbands presence and embraces, which makes and keeps our beds, and graces, heads, gifts, hearts, joyes and glories lovely, green and fruitful, yea, our bed being so by his rising on, in, and with us, our hearts, joyes, hopes, helps are alwayes near us, nor may, nor can we then be touchie, vain, wanton, sinful or idle, yea men may say what they please, doe what they please, tempt while they please, men and devils all, but we charge you doe not awaken our beloved till he please, Cant. 2. 7. yea once again we charge you by the Roes and the Hindes, the leaping of our hearts, the joyes of our souls, all which are as in a pleasant field, a specious and spacious place of liberty, where our souls are sported, over hils and dales, high and low, promises all chased and set home upon us by the Spirit, but awake not our beloved untill he pleases.

Yet let us about and about the mountain of spices, Cant, 8, 14. until the day break, and all these shadows of sin, temptations, accusations and sorrows flie all away, which for the present the body, bed, head, and whole soul is filled and laden, sometimes by friends, who through envie would fain wake our beloved, but still our bed is gr [...]en and fruitful; none of these things can cause uncleannesse, un­clean things may, yea do often, come out of mens beds and mouths seemingly green like ours: this may and can be, must and will be, but can an unclean thing, or action, word, or thought, much more reproach, shame, sinful evil surmi­sings, false lies and slanders, with bitter invectives, the brats of Babell begotten with strife, pride, ill-will and envie, on beds of ignorance, seemingly green, all bastards by [Page 57] bondage, and the bond-womans sonnes. But Mount Sion the sonnes of her whose beds are green and really so, do nor can bring forth any of these unclean spirits, or the evil of them, love, joy, and the fruits of love, longings, and forbearance, without envie or evil for any, but good will for all, yea and good for evil, the best of good we can we wish to our enemies, whilest we pray for our friends, we forget not our selves, tis true, nor the worst of them nei­ther, the falsenesse of them that kisse and smite us, love us as their lives, and leave us at an hour.

But we will run on nor off no more from our brethren, onely close up the point, you know what you must preach up, and what down, when you go about the work, which the Lord set you forward for, and assist you in.

Christ must be preached up in his Kinglie Office, all power in his hands, it may be Church keyes and all, Isai. 22. 22. Yet some are too busie, and claim more than Pe­ter ever did, lock out and lock in worse many times. But self and all of self must be preached down, the loves of God, the coming of the Spirit, the Sonnes Merit, and tumbling down of Pauls, we mean Gods leaving, of the froward heart and worshippers, but this latter with abundance of caution, not loudly, nor angerly, or seemingly zealous in carriage, or countenance, bitterly, so I mean, but with one hand alwayes on your heart in a begging way of conside­ration ever presse this point, be sure to do it, in a love-Dove like winning way, yea, let this holy Spirit breath in you all, and live at rest in you all, then you must be quiet with all men, Rom. 12. 18. self, condition and relation, Phil. 4. 11. 1 Cor. 6. 7. rather suffer wrong, never do a­ny, Ier. 22. 3. You must make peace and follow it with and for all men, 1 Pet. 3. 11.

If you will Preach the God of peace, and our Lord Je­sus the Prince of peace, Isa 9. 8. hear nor tell no newes that may tend to strife, Prov. [...]6 20. Say it is not so, sure you are mistaken. Ah but he was weak or angry, be sure you be free from pride and covetousnesse the sin of [Page 58] many Preachers, Prov 16. 18. Prov. 29. 23. Luk 12. 25. Heb. 13. 5. 1 Cor. 6. 10. do not flye too high▪ nor lye too low in your Preaching, but that I leave till anone, be grave and sober, 1 Cor, 14. 40. Tit. 2. 7. be humble and mo­dest, Psal. 101. 2. Rom. 12. 13.

Be sure you do not Preach, humm, haw, speak little nonsence when you Preach or Pray, yea, and look to the main chance at home, 1 T [...]m. 5. 8. for we will never feed you as a Minister, give or lend you sixpence more than a­nother brother; it is better to give then to borrow, Acts 20. 35. have a care of running into debt, Rom. 13. 8. ill comming out, these cares and thornes will spoil any Saint, or Preacher in the world, Luk. 8. 14. Preach sometimes abroad, yea, be sure to Preach and pray to and with every one that is sick, Jam. 5. 14.

And this you may have leave to do, especially to poor people, and poor Saints, I am afraid may want and want, for all some.

Perswade all erring, Gal. 6. 1. convince all living one time or other, if it were possible, remember while ye live this saying, Wo be to him that all men speak well of Luk. 6. 26.

What good thing dost thou (Mat. 5. 47.) more then another? And yet a Teacher, a full gut and empty stomack alwayes goes together, I am sure in a Preacher: It is an ugly thing to belch, humm, haw, or spit to make thy self to be hemmed up, the sin of your nothing asses; do not be too tedious in Prayer, Mat. 6. 7. but pray when you pray, and mind what you say, Parrats prate, Papists pray, Protestants cry, Lord have mercy upon us. Amen. say we, for they know not what they say many times in the Pew and Pulpit; yea, good men may strive to speak more then in the sense of Gods love or their own vilenesse; and we are resolved if you pull a Sermon from your Pocket, we will all run away, therefore keep in the desk if you mean to read old notes or new, we love to drink from the fountain.

Take no notice who governes, confesse no more for, nor against then is needfull, be sure ye be not a touchy fool, a Pinch-belly, or a tyrant over son or servant, nor be too lofty neither, but read often the 6. of the Ephesians, cor­rect most for sinning faults after exhortation, and all kind of Passion, Mr. Dods rule, have a care of controversall points, a ripe wit hears, objects, and sends you home ashamed after Sermon is done. Never come in flaunting Cuffes, powdred or too long hair, although thou beest a gentleman, 1 Cor. 11. 14. Expect not a glass of sack, nor turn into the vestry that stinks of old Baal and his vestments, 2 Kin. 10. 22. but slink away home for fear of being proud, some body may flatter, have a care of your wifes tongue, much more your own, foolish jests or laughing, 2 Tim. 2. 16. when you hear them.

It is enough to be guilty of anothers sin, a silent or mel­lancholy look when others laugh is a good reproof: Christ never laught at all, no more should a Christian scarce, and yet rejoice alwayes, Isa. 53. 3. 1 Thes. 5. 16. Yea, this is joy indeed, and not the girning of fools, go by no means to the tipling School, but in some great cases; what? a Parson in an Alehouse, more than for a glass, it was, is, and ever will be scandalous, dine not too much abroad, perswade thy wife to gossop seldome, the Ministers wife must take place, and she be humble to all, never go too fine; be free, Rom. 12. 13. invite honest neighbours now and then to dinner, yea, sinners, preach Christ to them all, that is a Scripture rule, Mar. 16. 15. I am sure: be not chubbed, dogged, or of a Melancholy look, Psal. 149. 3. Do for the worst in the world if thou maist without hurt, but es­pecially for the Saints, Gal. 6. 10. yea, pinch back and belly sometimes for them, the feet will go far for the head, the head plod much for the belly, the eyes looking after all Eph. 4. 25. Speak very kind, d'off thy hat to any, 1 Pet. 3. 8. perswade thy wife not to be too complementall, however love her as Christ loved the Church, if she hath a thousand failings, Eph. 5. 25. Col. 3. 19. If thou lyest, [Page 60] cheatst, or cozenest in thy Calling, we will hang thee at thy shop, Rom. 2. 21.

However thou hast done so to thy name and Profession and it stinks, do not say thou wilt not give and give, sell and sell, that's lying, Prov. 20. 14. None will trust what thou saiest, light gain makes an heavy purse, and the buy­ing of a thing in some cases to a poor man, Prov. 15. 27. Minde this griping Citizens, go not a stargazing, a world gazing, needlesse walks and visits, time is precious, Eph. 5. 16. Lords, Ladies, Fools, and young Gallants, yea, too many Christians, squander that away.

If the Sunne be setting, or the Sand runne, then they beg and houl, but good Sun, good Sand, or good death, will not hold a minute their immortal souls from going to God, Christ, joyes, Saints, Angels, Sym, Hym, flames, chaina and devils, one or tother, all men.

Think on that in time, and be sure to preach it much to the world, and let not one neighbour forget another so soon as he hath got his biskets, alwayes think upon the soul, and where that is, when the corpes is given to the wormes, yea, and preach a few serious points before or after burial, single out two or three, if it be not convenient to the whole, a bodie is dead, a soul is gone, and the Kite is coming for another Chick, the Hen makes more ado then some for a neer relation, blessed are the dead that dye in the Lord, all the rest go to the devil, Rev. 13. 14. Rev. 20. 14. Read no books but Bibles for thy Sermon, John 5. 36. Acts 17. 11. We shall find and loath it, if it be ano­thers.

Do not trust thy memory, if thou wilt preach, study, yea, take pains for the gains and joyes of the Spirit, It is reward enough to have some Communion, before, in, or after any godly duty. Two or three hours close studying in a day will make thee a brave Preacher; The best Mini­ster that we have, do not alwayes beat their brains about the Scriptures, but are sometimes in the Garden, the world, and governments of the world, yea, in old Al­manacks, [Page] and Fathers too some times, but Timothy like, give thee thy self wholly to thest udy of the Bible, that is, let that be the Sum and substance of thy study, and to know Christ crucified in and for thee, how to preach him to the best advantage of a soul: now suppose thou beest a Trades­man, Gentleman or shop-keeper, especially the latter, consider the day and night consists of twenty four hours; you that Preach, seven for the bed is enough in conscience, one to dresse and undresse, two for religious duties, if you goe morning night and noon by your selves yet it is enough, a brief word of exhortation, and a pithy Prayer is better than a tedious, long and dry businesse, have a care of that in your meetings, strive not to speak beyond the breathings of the Spirit.

Men that have time enough, may inlarge better then he whose self and servants is too much tyred many times, but Saints should not make their trade a toil, and yet be careful too; four hours in your shop besides your three hours studying, writing Texts and reasing of the Bibles at one corner of the Counter, and then thou art as ready for a Customer, as if thou wert gazing up and down, and so thy temporall meanes comes in as the Ministers spiritual, in ten­ding thy particular Calling, which is rather better blest, and lookt too by this kind of practice.

Paul could stitch and study too, or make Tents, Act. 18. 3. And though in the presence of the Lord it be far from our desire for the speciall Ministers of the Gospel so to do, yet studying & tending of the shop, may do well to gather for them that must abide in their Callings, and yet we are not out, onely improving time, like good husbands and Chri­steans, we are bid so to do, Eph 5. 16. and in so doing, we are like that diligent hand which Solomon sayes makes rich; we inrich the Common wealth with the knowledge of Christ, and his righteousness by this kind of industry, yea, the Ministers who take the more pains for fear least we should excel them, besides our experiences are considerable, and it will be a good help to them also, two may see more then [Page 62] one, and two hours more in every day thou may est allow thy self to read over debts, gather in and pay, if thine and thy debters names be in one book, 'tis done in half a one, if thy trading be not very great; at this rate eight or nine will be spent in thy shop, every day take one for re­creation, and that is more then Christ took, who was Lord of time and all things: But suppose thon takest two to re­create thy self, walk with neighbors, wife and children, Rich Saints, rather poor, crying friend and neighbour what is in the Cubbard, how hangs the tassles of the buget, we mean how goes things where the charge is great? Is the Land­lord paid? Are ye out of debt, how much will put you in a way of subsistance?

All this is good: But stay, we must not forget the bel­ly, Gentlemen will have two for that, but we allow, but one for our selves, meat is made for the belly, and the belly for meat, tis a shame how some eat, whilest others faste, but God shall destroy the one and the other, 1 Cor. 6. 13. Yet we have an hour left still, spend one halfe of that, and take the rest to pick up in thy thoughts dead bones and sculs of thy old acquaintance, yea, go spuddel in the grave or cave, brave Dean who was slid into a vault by his princely Train, and musick was but a melancholly crucify­ing sight, the old board flapt down, the glory all was gone; would some would peep in there every day, where they intend to ly, and must at last, in the mean time re­member you the worlds vanity, thine own mortality, Christs excellency, Heavens joyes, and hels torments, Christs coming, and thy dayly going to another world, where thou would be stated the first moment that thou diest in an unchangeable condition; and if it be of glory with Christ, as certainly all believers will, yet will their never be an opportunity to act, do or speak one word for this Christ or his Saints again as is now, a damned sinner once in hell will never have a minuts opportunity to do for self, or hear of Christ again; nor can a Saint warn a sinner there; Laza: us could not send to Dives kindred, who, (as it is [Page 63] probable) were laughing, playing, buying, selling, not at all minding his condition.

Well, friends if you would be good Preachers, Christi­ans, or forewarners of poor simple sinning sinners, minde time, study hard, and resolve to be, and do to day what you would to morrow if you were to dy, but one Saint of a thousand is not yet, does not yet, or at least so much as he intends, and what a sad thing is this? How much trouble may it cost, if death come as a man from a far countrey, or thief in the night, Rev 16. 15.

But to our old rules once again, onely remember this of time, to keep a book or watch to see how that goes away, a private book is best a thousand times, and set down what of God you injoy, every dayes providence, and what of that is most remarkable, tis done in half a quarter of an hour, your failings and distempers write down every night, good deeds leave out, Christ will tell of them before Men and Angels, Mat. 25. 35. this will be a better glasse and a larger, then my Lady fools paint or pleasure, who is dead while shelives, 1 Tim. 5. 6. vers. for in this you may see your life every day and year, and when you shall read so much communion with God on such a duty, such a strait, such a providence, such a casualty, or deliverance from the grave, self, wife, or children, such a losse, and why so? Saints can tell if they please to look, why every rod comes, Mich. 6. 9. and what to doe in a new strait, if they keep the experience of their old deliverance, Psal. 77. 7, 8, 9, 10. the day and year exact, as some doe their expences, for seven yeares together: the Lord make us as wise as the children of this generation, Luke 16 8. and especially you that would fain be teachers, which the Lord make you able to; but take one direction for your Bibles, in all your Bibles write us at the side, or in every place where there is room for a word, one word and no more; as thus in the second and the third of the Revelations, where mention is made of seven Churches, and choice promises to all: now write, for thy own help and readinesse, the remarkable word of [Page 64] every promise in the spare places; [...]s thus at the seventh verie of the second Chapter, write Tree; at the tenth verse Crown; at the seventeenth white Stone; Power, or Nation at the twentie seventh: White Ray at the fifth verse of the third Chapter; Name, or Pillar at the twel [...]; Gold at the eigthteenth. And so in Isa. 65. 13. where the Lord saies, My Servants shall eat, but ye shall be an hungry, drink, but ye shall be thirsty; sing for joy of heart, but ye shall weep and lament. Set thirst, sing, or weep, at the side of the verse, bread, water, well, life, treasure, fulnesse, rock, refuge, stone, lilly, rose, wine, apple tree, shadow, great rock, sun, star, olive, oyl, priest, prophet, King of Kings, Rev. 19. and 16. Write thigh, lamb, altar, scape goat, serpent, and so in regard of Christs sufferings, write brused, bro­ken, afflicted, marred, sorrow, or a man of sorrows, yea, by us a sixpenny Concordance, or a bigger bound up by it self, and every remarkable word in it, set that with your pen by the side of the Scripture, especially the most useful, and where you find one and the same remarkable promise, or one and the same threatning exhortation, or reproof to be in two or three Scriptures, set us by the verse where the remarkable and most known word stands, a little hint where the other stands that is most like it, or the same.

Many Bibles have something this way, but you may add much more, and with a little pains make one Bible worth ten of your gaudy ones, and alwayes bring this to the Pulpit, and not a cheating thing like a Bible, gilt, bound, fill'd [...]p and stuffed with white Paper, old notes or new, got, stole, preacht or borrowed we know not where, nor when, yea it may be some ten times over, this is worse than pinning new leaves in, and truly we think it much our duty to call for it from you, if any of you should do so, when you are set up; what? rivers of living waters in your belly, John 7. 38. and speak by a quill to living stones in the Church of God, 1 Pet. 2. 5. For shame take pains, 'tis lazinesse and not the memory, 'tis no matter for so much, let us have a little life in what we have; and therefore put nothing in [Page 65] your Bibles, but here and there a word according to our first directions.

Most men will laugh if thou speakest fine words, and knowest not whence they are derived, much lesse prate not of the Original, some things are hard to be understood, e­nough is, wrest not the Scripture, a Pet. 3. 16. Speak what thou knowest, and know what thou speakest; Preach by thy life, Mat. 5. 16. In every ten shillings that thou getest lay by one for the poor, Prov. 19. 11.

I would to the Lord the Tythes were theirs that have most need, the poor Saints, the Church land to the poor sinners, something would do well, twelvepence every Lords day would do good, and Tradesmen must lay by for the Saints, and one for another every Lords day more or lesse, what do ye talk of sixpence, 1 Cor. 16. 1. Yet a mite is ac­ceptable.

Mercy is as good as sacrifice; I will have that, and not t'other saith the Lord, Hos. 6. 6.

Many Saints or worldlings as they may be called, will have one, and are much in that, little, little, nothing scarce in t'other.

If a man be worth fifty pound, yea, a crown clear, and will do no good in some cases, he shall never feed my soul that will not feed my body too in a great distresse, James 2 17.

John, James, Peter, Paul would loath such a Preacher yea, lover of the world, Rom. 12. 13.

By no meanes preach for or against a point that is dispute­ful, Rom. 14. 1. especially about Baptizing, 1 Cor. 1. 13, 14, 15, 16. mind this Scripture ye great disputers for it, seldome misse the Publick, although you do not pray. Preach, or expound, and do that most, it is much one and the same thing.

What matter whether thou ever goest up to the Pulpit?

Yet speak near it, and not at the other end of the Church.

If ten be in the Church or Chappel, one may begin with Prayer, and another brother may expound, one or halfe a [Page 66] Chapter; but for Christ his sake have a care what ye say, you know many thrust themselves too forward, ye many times the most unfit and unable, learn first, then teach but be not ever learning, you might have been good Preachers by this saith Paul, H [...]b. 5. 12.

Observe that well all ye that oppose: When the Minister and people are all come, then go no further in Prayer, or rather in expounding.

Never stay for Psalmmen or Readers, they may all go plough, play, or sing Te Deum, and yet we are for both in the Publick places; but why should any but a godly man do either, we think St. Paul had no such Clarks, and readers as too many have; yea, we think there must be al­most as great a call for either as for Preaching, yet the worst may touch the Ark here, though they fill the pot and pipe all the week besides, but not a godly grave and sober Chri­stian by no meanes, able to preach pray and expound sweet­ly by the Spirit, would some of you would prove these mens Callings, before you disprove ours, which reason God and nature seems to allow.

Doth the rose send forth its sweetnesse, the vine and olive too their fatnesse, and are we to make the most good of every good thing? but the gifts of Gods Spirit must ly still, or hid as in a napkin, and yet the Bee carries all her honey to the hive; but we must carry nothing to the Church of Christ, though we labour for it as the Ministers do, yea, fetch it from the same flowers and promises, so that it is just the same thing we bring, and by the same Spirit, but we are cloathed in gray, yea, in fools cotes many times, and made the scorn of the world, for bringing honey to the hive: Sure­ly God doth nothing in vain, yea, every thing for the most advantage, he gives the rain, not for the earths sake alone, but for man and beast, gifts and parts seems to us to be given for some such publick end, else why are we bid in a generall way so earnestly to covet for it. 1 Cor. 14, 1.

Meditation is as good as Preaching for a mans self, yet covet to prophesie, to your Family sayeth the Minister, one [Page 67] neighbour or two, then say we it is as lawfull if a hundred comes, and more publick too then theirs, if there he but ninety nine, the People not the Pulpit makes it publick.

But let us go on with our rules, and keep some argu­ments behinde, parts and Ministers will turn all, yea, the Moon, some say, to green Chease, yea, and this Sun to darknesse too, if men will believe all that some of them say, but observe well their end that shall bitterly write or preach against this truth; yea, see if these men dy the common death of other Saints, which is to be most fruitfull in their old age, like Davids tree, Psal. 1. 3. Isa. 27. 6. But we fear these men will be like the figtree, the broken bough, or fallen leaf underneath the tree, or high way side, yea, if they do not weather, God hath not spoken by us; have not we observed? Be silent O earth, God is risen out of his holy place, Zach. 2. 13. And the blast of the terrible One shall light upon them, Isa. 25. 4.

Well, but if any be free to stay longer than the Minister hath done, then exercise again, when the rest are all gone out Acts 13. 15. If it be possible let three or four gifted Christians keep a meeting up in every publick place, as now they do in a Parler which is too private, Mat. 10. 27. to begin and end just at an hour, and alwayes give a little bread or something to the poor of the Parish, 1 Cor. 16. 2. One rich Saint may do that for the honour of all, and never hurt himself; this may toll in poor men and beggers unto Christ, whose souls are as precious as the Kings of Nations, and more to be pitied too, for their poverty and ignorance, yet both more worth then a thousand worlds, Mat. 16. 26. Get the Minister as often as may be to be with you, not to speak by no meanes, they will eat up time too much; Minde this gathered Saints and Churches, most of your Pastors are very guilty this way, and I pray God there be not a popes toe in this also; why should one have almost all the time? Let them keep and see it best managed, how their flock and people thrive, and what light and life is amongst them, this will guid and help them [Page 68] all in Preaching, knit and tye hearts and hearts together.

More might be added, as the sending of your gifted Saints ten, twenty, thirty miles, for a moneth more or lesse, Phit. 2. 19, 25.

If he be free and well able to defraud his charge, else the friends of Christ must do it for him, the rich contributing double and treble; who can spend means better, and let ever some of these true travellers of and for Sion be tra­velling to one place or another, Preaching to, and en­quiring after Saints, and their walkings all along the rode, alighting still to visite every sick and afflicted one.

This will be as a Messenger of a thousand, did a brother so come, to a Saint sick or dying he would be received as an Angel of God, as Paul speaks in another case, what? a Mes­senger from the Saints, ten twenty or thirty miles to visite me, like Sion whom no man regarded, Jer. 30. 17.

For my poverty or weaknesse surely the Lord alone sent him, as Joseph said to his brethren, but never take this journy without the State gifted Brethren Saints, and as many Chri­stians hands as may conveniently be got of the neighbour­hood, yea, the Ministers if it can be got, and half a dozen of honest men going to him may do much, if he be a good one, else take it not by no means; and let this with a godly Justice be by the States order to impower you to command the keyes in any place Church or Chapel now in England, in case the Ministers or Church-wardens be malignantly opposite; and upon their and the Constables perill let it be if any should be wronged going so forth: And this is the main work of all we would be at, and not so much preach where there is little need, unlesse it be to improve our time and talents, yea, never where there is an able Minister but a little before he comes, and after, and yet we would have a care of tyring men too much; a six a clock Lector may do well in any mans Church in the Summer mornings, John 8. 1, and 2. Psal. 63. 2. and perswade the Minister to come or send his servants rather, he himself may be busie [Page 69] in his study, and let all consider if want be within three or four miles off London, some Chappels quite shut up, others none but Masse Priests, Common-prayer men, that can preach and pray no more than a cat to any purpose to sup­ply them; what want then must needs be twenty miles round, well, you see your work, we your willingnesse for the work; The Lord be with one, all and every one of you in your journeys, yea, the mighty God of Jacob, Gen. 19. 24. Make you strong against all oppositions from men or di­vels, yea, the beast of Ephesus, which Paul fought so often with, 1 Cor. 15. 32. harmlesse and wise as serpents in the managing of your gifts and Liberty, Mat. 10. 16. successe­full as the primitive Saints, Acts 2. 46. 47. through the zeal of Paul, who became all to all men to gain some, 1 Cor. 9. 22. caught and begot many by gile, 2 Cor. 12. 16. beg­ed and beseeched them to Christ by the mercy of God, Rom. 12. 2. to whose mercies, loves, armes, joyes and blessings, gracious presence and assistance we commit you by prayer, and let all be sent forth so and let them follow you, yea, every one of you which are willing to spend and be spent for Christ, 2 Cor. 12. 15 which none almost minds besides, Phil. 2. 21. O Christ how few owns thee in this Nation called by thy Nam? How few lives to thee that pro­fess much, sweet Jesus our deerest dear keep them that do from all enemies as in an Ammunition of rocks, Isa. 3 [...]. 10. Let bread be given to them, their work and water never fail, Amen, Amen, Lord Jesus Christ.

IF any unsatisfied man or men without pride, self, or passi­on would seriously read squier Shepherds little book, Called the peoples Priviledge and Duty; guarded against the Pulpit and Preachers increachment never answer to any purpose, but as one Lawyer doth a lost cause, who must say something to please his simple cliant, who hath fed and feed him all along; yea, a little balling pleases some when mony and cause is both lost, and it may be still some will shoot against the light of the Spirit, but take heed of looking [Page 70] too much against this truth, or those Arrows which self pride, parts, or malice may shute upwards at it, but read squier Shepherd once or twice soberly over, you that are willing to be satisfied in these truths, which doth and shall prevail, and now though the sea rores (Psal. 46. 3, 4.) and makes a noise, yet will we be glade, there is a river, the streams thereof shall refresh the City and Citizens of our God, that are now dwelling on mount Sion, and not Sinai in Arabia the wildernesse of strife and bondage.

Gal. 4. 24, 25, 26.

And now if the drift of this be erroneous for a wanton Spirit, or against our Lord Jesus, whip us at the cart, or hang us up in chains till we and our names rot, and this is our Petition also to you the high and great Councel of these Nations; yea, good my Lord, do one or the the o­ther, for us, it is the onely way to get our hearts to purpose; why should you loose the choicest thing under heaven, next to the heart of God, and we the main fruit of all our tra­vell, blood and treasure?

O my Lord, the night comes when none can work, John 9 4. Remember that ye sleepie virgins of Sion, Awake, awake for our deliverance, O Arm of the Lord, Isa. 51. 9, 10. and let all the Churches now in London, yea, in England, hear what the Spirit sayes to them Rev. 2. 29. in this day of their visitation.

W. B.

A Hint of some Texts we fain would be at, Col. 3. 11.

HE is all and in you all Christ is all in all, in and to himself and in the eye of the Father, and working of the Spirit; he is all and in all to his Saints, the last and present help and hope of si [...]ners he is the light, life and g [...]ory of the world, the image of the Father; the Son, Rock, Well, Water, Spring, Morning Star, light, life and comfort of the Saints; all in all to them in his Names and Titles, sweet Jesus, Lord Jesus, anointed Christ, God-Man, Man-God, Immanuel with and [...]n us, Titles, King of, for, and in the Saints, to keep, save, help and deliver all Believers, from, sin, death, hell, flames, men, divels, dangers, grave, sting, curse and curses, Law, fears, bondage and captivity, yea, a Priest to pray day and night, he inter­ceeds continually when we do, and cannot at the Throne of grace; if we live die or sin he is still our intercesso [...], a Pro­phet to us when we pray, preach, study, minde, think or me­ditate; that is sweet, heaven comes down, soul goes up, world laid by, we dye, live and contemplate our God, but Christ is all in all, in health, sicknesse, wealth, plenty, want, poverty, all cases, of all kindes, whatsoever, yea, in life, and death, Christ is all, and he that hath him shall not, can­not dye, nor lye long in the grave, John 11. 26. and it is dead whilst he lives, and shall live when he dyes, with, to, and before the throne of God and the Lamb, singing glory, praise, honour and salvation, Palmleaves, white Robes, throng of Angels, Rev. 7. 9. Wicked men dying so, curse, gnaw, cry, houl tear, damn, roar with, in and among, brim­stone, pitch, rosin, worm, conscience, satire, scrich owle, divels fighting, flying, teeth gnashing, damned souls cry­ing, altogether frying, for refusing Christ who is all in all, little pleasure, profit, stories, va [...]n glories, crownes, King­domes, names, fames, capps, knees, bowings, melanchol­ly musick, joyes, toyes, moments pleasure, earthly trea­sures, [Page 72] sweet meat, soure sa [...]e [...]: What is all to he, and and what is he to nothing? t'other nothing gets nothing, loses all for nothing. Oh Christ be my portion; what will all avail me when I come to dye, or a little thatch, he whose goods, wife, children are all burnt by a fire, their welfare thee lesse if thy soul misearry for want of this All.

This and these Texts we fain would be at.

Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world, John 1. 29. If ye be risen with Christ, seek those things▪ which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Col. 1. 3, 4. And when Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall we also appear with him in glory: Jud. 20, buy of me gold tryed in the fire, that thou mayest be rich, Rev. 3 18. Build up [...]re another in your most holy faith, what shall it profite a man to gain the world and loose his own soul? Mat. 16. 26. I sleep but my heart wakes, Cant. 5 2. Bear you one anothers burdens, and so fulfill the Law of Christ, Gal. 6. 2. Ʋnlesse a man be born again he can­not see the Kingdom of God, John 3. 3. The night comes when none can work, John 9. 3. Speak not evill of dignities Jud. 8. Wo be to you when all men speak well of you, Luk. 6. 26. Every man seeks his own things, but none the things of Christ, Phil. 2. 21. Thy loving kindnesse is better then life, therefore my lips shall praise thee, Psal. 63. 3. God is love, and they that dwell in God dwell in love, 1 John 4 16 I have fought the good slght, I have finished my course, henceforth is laid up for me a crown of glory, 2 Tim. 4. 7. If any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him, Heb. 10. 38. Yet when ye have done all say ye are unprofi­table servants, Luk. 17. 10. I am come into my garden my sister my spouse. Amen, even so come Lord Jesus, Can. 5. 1. Rev. 22. 20. Th [...]se Texts and no other by the grace of God, would we Preach and study: but if cursed be the man that doth the destroying work of God negligently, Jer. 48. 10. much more he that hinders this wilfully: but we are ready not onely to be bound, but to dye for Christ at Jerusalem, yea, welcome all for him, Acts 21 13.


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