WE sailed from Peru, (where we had continued by the space of one whole year) for China and Iapan, by the South Sea; taking with us Victuals for twelve Months; and had good Winds from the East, though soft and weak, for five Mo [...]ths space and more. But then the Wind came about, and setled in the West for many daies, so as we could make little or no way, and were sometimes in purpose to turn back. But then again there arose Strong and Great VVinds from the South, with a Point East; which carried us up, (for all that we could do) towards the North: By which time our Victuals failed us, though we had made good spare of them. So that finding our selves, in the Midst of the greatest VVilderness of waters in the world, without Victuall, we gave our Selves for lost Men, and prepared for death. Yet we did lift up our Hearts and Voices to GOD above, who sheweth his Wonders in the Deep; Beseeching him of his Mercy, that as in the Beginning He discovered the Face of the Deep, and brought forth Drie-land: So he would now discover Land to us, that we might not perish. And it came to pass, that the next day about Evening, we saw within a Kenning before us, towards the North, as it were thicker Clouds, which did put us in some hope of Land: Knowing how that part of the South-Sea was utterly unknown: And might have [...]slands or Continents, that hitherto were not come to light. VVherefore we bent our course thither, where we saw the appearance of Land, all that Night. And in the Dawning of the next Day, we might plainly discern that it was a Land Flat to our sight, and full of Boscage: which made it shew the more Da [...]k. And after an Hour and a halfes Sayling, we entred [Page 2] into a good Haven, being the Port of a fair City. Not great indeed, but well built, and that gave a pleasant view from the Sea. And we thinking every minute long, till we were on Land, came close to the Shore, and offered to Land. But straight waies we saw divers of the People, with Bastons in their hands, (as it were) forbidding us to land: Yet without any Cries or Fiercenesse, but only as warning us off, by Signes that they made. Whereupon being not a little discomforted, we were advising with our selves, what we should do. During which time, there made forth to us a small Boat, with about eight Persons in it, whereof One of them had in his Hand a Tip-staffe of a yellow Cane, tipped at both ends with Blew, who made aboard our Ship, without any shew of Distrust at all [...] And when he saw one of our Number, present himself somewhat afore the rest, he drew forth a little Scroul of Parchment (somewhat yellower than our Parchment, and shining like the Leaves of VVriting Tables, but otherwise soft and flexible,) and delivered it to our formost man. In which Scroul were written in Antient Hebre [...], and in Antient Greek, and in good Latine of the School, and in Spanish, these words; Land ye not, none of you; and provide to be gone from this Coast, within sixteen daies, except you have further time given you: Mean while, if you want Fresh Water, or Victual, or help for your Sick, or that your Ship needeth repair, write down your wants, and you shall have that which b [...]longeth to Mercy. This Scroul was signed with a Stamp of Cherubims Wings, not spread but hanging downwards; And by them a Crosse. This being delivered, the Officer returned, and left only a Servant with us to receive our Answer. Consulting [...]reupon amongst our Selves, we were much perplexed. Th [...] Deniall of Landing, and Hasty VVarning us away, troubled us much: On the other side, to find that the People had Languages, and were so full of Humanity, did comfort us not a little. And above all, the Sign of the Crosse to that Instrument, was to us a great Rejoycing, and as it were a certain Presage of Good. Our Answer was in the Spanish tongue; That for our Ship, it was well; For we had rather met with Calmes and contrary winds, than any Tempests. For our Sick, they were many, and in very ill Case; So that if they were not permitted to Land, they ran in danger of their lives. Our other VVants wee let down in particular, adding; That we had some little store of Merchandize, which if it pleased them to deal for, it might supply our Wants, without being chargeable [Page 3] unto them. VVe offered some Reward in Pistolets unto the Servant, and a piece of Crimson Velvet to be presented to the Officer: But the Servant took them not, nor would scarce look upon them; And so left us, and went back in another little Boat which was sent for him.
About three Hours after we had dispatched our Answer, there came toward us, a Person (as it seemed,) of place. He had on him a Gown with wide Sleeves, of a kind of VVater Chamolet, of an excellent Azure Colour, far more glossy than ours: His under Apparell was green, and so was his Hat, being in the form of a Turban, daintily made, and not so huge as the Turkish Turbans; And the Locks of his Hair came down below the Brims of it. A Reverend Man was he to behold. He came in a Boat, gilt in some part of it, with four persons more onely in that Boat; And was followed by another Boat, wherein were some Twenty. VVhen he was come within a Flight-shot of our Ship, Signes were made to us, that we should send forth some to meet him upon the water, which we presently did in our Ship-Boat, sending the principal Man amongst us save one, and four of our Number with him. VVhen we were come within six yards of their Boat, they called to us to stay, and not to approach further, which we did. And thereupon the Man, whom I before described, stood up, and with a loud voyce in Spanish, asked, Are ye Christians? VVe answered, We were; fearing the lesse, because of the Crosse we had seen in the Subscription. At which Answer the said Person lift up his Right Hand towards Heaven, and drew it softly to his Mouth (which is the Gesture they use, when they thank GOD;) And then said: If you will swear, (all of you) by the merits of the SAVIOUR, that ye are no Pirates; Nor have shed bloud, lawfully, nor unlawfully, within forty daies past; you may have License to come on Land. We said, We were all ready to take that Oath. VVhereupon one of those that were with him, being (as it seemed) a Notary, made an Entry of this Act. Which done, another of the Attendants of the Great Person, which was with him in the same Boat, after his Lord had spoken a little to him, said aloud: My Lord would have you know, that it is not of Pride, or Greatnesse, that he commeth not aboard your Ship: But for that, in your Answer, you declare, that you have many Sick amongst you, he was warned by the Conservatour of Health, of the City, that he should keep a distance. VVe bowed our selves towards him, and answered: We [Page 4] were his humble Servants; And accounted for great Honour, and singular Humanity toward us, that which was already done [...] But hoped well, that the Nature of the Sicknesse, of our Men, was not infectious. So he returned; And a while after came the Notary to us aboard our Ship; Holding in his hand a Fruit of that Country, like an Orenge, but of colour between Orenge-tawny and Scarlet: which cast a most excellent Odour. He used it (as i [...] seemeth) for a Preservative against Infection. He gave us our Oath; By the Name of Iesus and his Merits; And after told us, that the next day by six of the Clock in the Morning, we should be sent to, and brought to the Strangers House, (so he called it) where we should be accommodated of things, both for our VVhole, and for our Sick. So he left us; And when we offered him some Pistolets, he smiling, said: He must not be twice paid for one Labour: Meaning (as I take it) that he had Salary sufficient of the State for his Service. For (as I after learned) they call an Officer that taketh Rewards, Twice paid.
The next Morning early, there came to us the same Officer, that came to us at first with his Cane, and told us: He came to conduct us to the Strangers House: And that he had prevented the Hour, because we might have the whole day before us, for our Businesse. For (said he) If you will follow my Advice, there shall first go with me some few of you, and see the place, and how it may be made convenient for you: And then you may send for your Sick, and the rest of your Number, which ye will bring on Land. VVe thanked him, and said: That this Care, which he took of desolate Strangers, GOD would reward. And so six of us went on Land with him: And when we were on Land, he went before us, and turned to us, and said; He was but our Servant, and our Guide [...] He led us through three fair Streets; And all the VVay we went, there were gathered some People on both sides, standing in a Row: But in so civil a fashion, as if it had been, not to wonder at us, but to wel [...]om us; And divers of them, as we passed by them, put their Armes a little abroad, which is their Gesture, when they bid any welcom. The Strangers House is a fair and spacious House, built of Brick, of somewhat a blewer Colour than our Brick: And with handsome VVindows, some of Glasse, [...]ome of a kind of Cambrick oyled. He brought us first into a fair Parlour above stairs, and then asked us: What number of persons we were? And how many sick? we answered, We were in all (sick and whole) one and fifty Persons, whereof [Page 5] our sick were seventeen. He desired us to have patience a little, and to stay till he came back to us; which was about an Hour [...] after; And then he led us to see the Chambers, which were provided for us, being in number nineteen. They having cast it (as it seemeth) that four of those Chambers, which were better than the rest, might receive fo [...] of the principal Men of our Company [...] And lodge them alone by themselves; And the other fifteen Chambers were to lodge us, two and two together. The Chambers were handsome and chearfull Chambers, and furnished civilly. Then he led us to a long Gallery, like a Dorture, where he shewed us all along the one side (for the other side was but wall and window) seventeen Cells, very neat ones, having partitions of Cedar wood. VVhich Gallery, and Cells, being in all 40 [...] (many more than we needed,) were instituted as an Infirmary for sick Persons. And he told us withall, that as any of our Sick waxed well, he might be removed from his Cell, to a Chamber: For which purpose there were set forth ten spare Chambers, besides the number we spake of before. This done, he brought us back to the Parlour, and lifting up his Cane a littl [...] (as they do when they give any Charge or Command) said to us; Yee are to know that the Custome of the Land requireth, that after this day, and to morrow, (which we give you for removing your People from your Ship,) you are to keep within doores for three daies. But let it not trouble you, nor do not think your selves restrained, but rather le [...]t to your Rest and Ease. You shall want nothing; and there are six of our People appointed to attend you, for any Businesse you may have abroad. We gave him thanks with all Affection and Respect, and said; GOD surely is manifested in this Land. VVe offered him also twenty Pistolets; But he smiled, and only said; What? Twice Paid! And so he left us. Soon after our Dinner was served in; VVhich was right good Viands, both for Bread and Meat: Better than any Collegiate Diet, that I have known in Europe. VVe had also Drink of three sorts, all wholsome and good; wine of the Grape; A Drink of Grain, such as is w [...]th us our Ale, but more clear: and a kind o [...] Sider made of a fruit of that Countrey; A wonderfull pleasing and Refreshing Drink. Besides, there were brought in to us, great Store of those Scarlet Orenges, for our Sick; which (they said) were an assured Remedy for sicknesse taken at Sea. There was given us also, a Box of small gray, or whitish Pills, which they wished our Sick should take, one of the Pills [Page 6] every nigh [...] before sleep; which (they said) would hasten their Recovery. The next day, after that our Trouble of Carriage, and Removing of our Men, and Goods out of our Shipp, was som [...]what setled and quiet, I thought good to call our Company together; and when they were assembled, said unto them; My dear Friends, Let us know our [...], and how it standeth with us. We are Men cast on Land, as Jonas was, out of the Whales Belly, when we were as buried in the Deep: And now we are on Land, we are but between Death and Life; For we are beyond, both the Old World and the New; And whether ever we shall see Europe, GOD only knoweth. It is a kind of Miracle hath brought us hither: And it must be little lesse that shall bring us hence. Therefore in regard of our Deliverance past, and our danger present, and to come, let us look up to GOD, and every Man reform his own waies. Besides, we are come here amongst a Christian People, full of Pietie and Humanity: Let us not bring that confusion of [...]ace upon our selves, as to shew our vices, or unworthinesse before them. Yet there is more: For they have by Commandement, (though in form of courtesie) Cloystred us within these Walls for three daies: Who knoweth, whether it be not, to take some taste of our manners and conditions? And if they find them b [...]d, to banish us straightwaies; if good, to give us further time. For these men, that they have given us for Attendance, may withall have an Eye upon us. Therefore for Gods love, and as wee love the weal of our Soules and Bodies, let us so behave our selves, as we may be at peace with GOD, and may find grace in the eyes of this People. Our Company with one voyce thanked me for my good Admonition, and promised me to live soberly and civilly, and without giving any the least occasion of Offence. So we spent our three daies joyfully, and without care, in expectation what would be done with us, when they were expired. During which time, we had every hour joy of the Amendment of our Sick; who thought themselves cast into some Divine Pool of Healing; They mended so kindly, and so fast.
The Morrow after our three daies were past, there came to us a new Man, that we had not seen before, clothed in blew as the former was, save that his Turban was white with a small red Crosse on the Top. He had also a Tippet of fine Linnen. At his Comming in, he did bend to us a little, and put his A [...]ms abroad. We of our parts saluted him in a very lowly and submissive manner; As looking that from him we should receive Sentence of Li [...]e, or Death. He desired to speak with [Page 7] some few of us; VVhereupon six of us only stayed, and the rest avoided the Room. He said; I am by Office Governour of this House of Strangers, and by Vocation I am a Christian Priest; and therefore am come to you, to offer you my service, both as Strangers, and chiefly as Christians. Some things I may tell you, which I think you will not be unwilling to hear. The State hath given you Licence to stay on Land for the space of six weeks: And let it not trouble you, if your occasions ask further time, for the Law in this point is not precise; And I do not doubt, but my self shall be able to obtain for you such further time as shall be convenient. Ye shall also understand, that the Strangers House, is at this time Rich, and much aforehand; For it hath laid up Revenew these 37 yea [...]: For so long it is since any Stranger arived in this part: And therefore take ye no care [...] The State will defray you all the time you stay: Neither shall you stay one day lesse for that. As for any Merchandize you have brought, ye shall be well used, and have your return, either in Merchandize, or in Gold and Silver: For to [...]s it is all one. And if you have any other Request to make, hide it not. For ye shall find, we will not make your countenance to fall, by the answer ye shall receive. Only this I must tell you, that none of you must go above a Karan, (that is with them a mile and an half) from the Wa [...]ls of the City, without special leave. VVe answered, after we had looked a while upon one another, admiring this gracious and Parent-like usage; That we could not tell what to say: For we wanted words to expresse our Thanks; And his Noble free Offers left us nothing to ask. It seemed to us, that we had before us a Picture of our Salvation in Heaven: For we that were a while since in the Iaws of Death, were now brought into a place, where we found nothing but Consolations. For the Command [...]ment laid upon us, we would not fail to obey it, though it was impossible but our Hearts should be enflamed to tread further upon this happy and Holy Ground. VVe added; That our Tongues should first cleave to the Roofes of our Mouths, ere we should forget, either this Reverend person, or this whole Nation, in our Prayers. VVe also most humbly besought him to accept of us as his true servants, by as just a Right, as ever men on Earth were bounden; laying and presenting, both our Persons, and all we had at his feet. He said; He was a Priest, and looked for a Priests reward; which was our Brotherly love, and the good of our Souls and Bodies. So he went from us, not without Tears of Tendernesse in his Eyes; And left us also confused with joy and kindnesse, saying amongst our selves; That we were come into a Land of Angels [...] [Page 8] which did appear to us daily, and prevent us with Comforts, which we thought not of, much less expected.
The next day about ten of the Clock, the Governour came to us again, and after Salutations said familiarly; That he was come to visit us; And called for a Chair, and sate him down: And we being some ten of us (the rest were of the meaner sort, or else gone abroad,) sate down with him: And when we were set, he began thus. We of this Island of Bensalem (for so they call it in their Language) have this: That by means of our solitary Situation, and of the Laws of Secrecy, which we have for our Travellers, and our rare Admission of Strangers; we know well most part of the [...]bitable World, and are our selves unknown. Therefore because he that knoweth least is fittest to ask Questions, it is more reason, for the Entertainment of the time, that ye ask me Questions, than that I ask you. VVe answered, That we humbly thanked him, that he would give us leave so to do: And that we conceived by the taste we had already, that there w [...]s no worldly thing on Earth, more worthy to be known, than the State of that happy Land. But above all (we said) since that we were met from the several Ends of the world, and hoped assuredly, that we should meet one day in the Kingdom of Heaven ( for that we were both Parts Christians) we desired to know (in respect that Land was so remote, and so divided by vast and unknown Seas from the Land where our SAVIOUR walked on Earth) who was the Apostle of that Nation, and how it was converted to the Faith? It appeared in his face, that he took great Contentment in this our Question: He said, Ye knit my heart to you, by asking this Question in the first place: For it sheweth, that you First seek the Kingdom of Heaven: And I shall gladly, and briefly, satisfie your demand.
About twenty Years after the Ascension of our SAVIOUR, it came to pass, that there was seen by the People of Renfusa, (a City upon the Eastern Coast of our Island, (within night,) the Night was Cloudy and Calm,) as it might be some mile in the Sea, a great Pillar of Light; Not sharp, but in form of a Column, or Cylinder, rising from the Sea, a great way up towards Heaven: and on the top of it was seen a large Crosse of Light, more bright and resplendent than the Body of the Pillar. Upon which so strange a Spectacle, the People of the City gathered apace together upon the Sands, to wonder; And so after put themselves into a number of small Boats to go nearer to this Marvellous sight. But when the Boats were come within (about) sixty yards of the Pillar, they found themselves all bound, [Page 9] and could go no further, yet so as they might move to go about, but might not approach nearer: So as the Boats stood all as in a Theater, beholding this Light, as an Heavenly Sign. It so fell out, that there was in one of the Boats, one of the Wise Men, of the Society of Salomons House: which House or College (my good Brethren) is the very Eye of this Kingdome; who having a while attentively and devoutly viewed, and contemplated this Pillar and Crosse, fell down upon his face: And then raised himself upon his knees, and lifting up his Hands to Heaven, made his Prayers in this manner.
LOrd God of Heaven and Earth, thou hast vouchsafed of thy Grace, to those of our Order, to know thy Works of Creation, and true Secrets of them; And to discern (as far as appertaineth to the Generations of Men) between Divine Miracles, Works of Nature, Works of Art, and Impostures, and Illu [...]ions of all sorts. I do here acknowledge and testifie before this People, that the Thing we now see before our eyes, is thy Finger, and a true Miracle [...] And for as-much, as we learn in our Books, that thou never workest Miracles, but to a Diviue and Excellent End, (for the Laws of Nature are thine own Laws, and thou exceedest them not but upon good cause) we most humbly beseech thee, to prosper this great Sign, And to give us the Interpretation and use of it in Mercy; VVhich thou dost in some part secretly promise, by sending it unto us.
When he had made his Prayer, he presently found the Boat he was in, moveable and unbound; whereas all the rest remained still fast; And taking that for an assurance of Leave to approach, he caused the Boat to be softly, and with silence rowed towards the Pillar. But ere he came near it, the Pillar and Crosse of Light brake up; and cast it self abroad, as it were into a Firmament of many Starres; which also vanished soon after, and there was nothing left to be seen, but a small Ark, or Chest of Cedar, dry, and not wet at [Page 10] all with water, though it swam. And in the Fore-end of it, which was towards him, grew a small green Branch of Palm; And when the wise man had taken it with all reverence into his Boat, it opened of it self, and there was found in it a Book, and a Letter; Both written in fine Parchment, and wrapped in Sindons of Linnen. The Book contained all the Canonical Books of the Old and New Testament, according as you have them; (For we know well what the Churches with you receive;) And the Apocalypse it self; And some other Books of the New Testament, which were not at that time written, were neverthelesse in the Book. And for the Letter, it was in these words.
I Bartholomew, a Servant of the Highest, and Apostle of IESVS CHRIST, was warned by an Angel that appeared to me, in a vision of Glory, that I should commit this Ark to the flouds of the Sea. Therefore I do testifie and declare, unto that People, where GOD shall ordain this Ark to come to Land, that in the same day is come unto them Salvation, and Peace, and Good VVill from the Father, and from the LORD IESVS.
There was also in both these Writings, as well the Book, as the Letter, wrought a great Miracle, Conform to that of the Apostles, in the Original Gift o [...] Tongues. For there being at that time, in thi [...] Land, Hebrews, Persians, and Indians, besides the Natives, every one read upon the Book, and Letter, as if they had been written in his own Language. And thus was this Land saved from Infidelity; (as the Remain of the Old World was from Water) by an Ark, through the Apostolical and Miraculous Evangelisme of S. Bartholomew. And here he paused, and a Messenger came, and called him forth from us. So this was all that passed in that Conference.
The next Day, the same Governor came again to us, immediately after Dinner, and excused himself, saying; That the Day before be was called from us somewhat abruptly, but now he would make us amends, and spend time with us, if we held his Company and Conference agreeable; VVe answered; That we held it so agreeable and pleasing to us, as we forgot both Dangers past, and [Page 11] Fears to come, for the time we heard him speak; And that we thought a Hour spent with him, was worth Years of our former life. He bowed himself a little to us, and after we were set again, he said; Well, the Questions are on your part. One of our Number said, after a little Pause; That there was a Matter, we were no lesse desirous to know, than fearfull to ask, lest we might presume too far. But incouraged by his rare Humanity toward us, (that could scarce think our selves strangers, being his vowed and professed Servants,) we would take the Hardnesse to propound it: Humbly beseeching him, if he thought it not fit to be answered, that he would pardon it, though he rejected it. VVe said; We well observed those his words, which he formerly spake, That this happy Island, where we now stood, was known to few, and yet knew most of the Nations of the World; which we fou [...]d to be true, considering they had the Languages of Europe, and knew much of our State and Businesse: And yet we in Europe (notwithstanding all the remote Discoveries, and Navigations of this last Age) never heard any of the least Inkling or Glimpse of this Island. This we found wonderfull strange; for that all Nations have Enterknowledge one of another, either by Voyage into Forein Parts, or by Strangers that come to them: And though the Traveller into a Forein Country, doth commonly know more by the Eye, than he that stayed at home can by relation of the Traveller; Yet both waies suffice to make a mutual Knowledge, in some degree, on both parts. But for this Island, we never heard tell of any Ship of theirs, that had been seen to a [...]ive upon any shore of Europe; No, nor of either the East, or VVest Indies, nor yet of any Ship of any other part of the World, that had made return for them. And yet the Marvell rested not in this. For the Situation of it (as his Lordship said) in the secret Conclave of such a vast Sea mought cause it. But then, that they should have Knowledge of the Languages, Books, Affairs, of those that lye such a distance from them, it was a thing we could not tell what to make of; For that it seemed to us a condition and Propriety of Divine Powers and Beings, to be hidden and unseen to others, and yet to have others open, and as in a light to them. At this speech the Governour gave a gracious smile, and said; That we did well to ask pardon for this Questi [...]n we now asked; For that it imported, as if we thought this Land a Land of Magicians, that sent forth Spirits of the Ayr into all parts, to bring them News, and Intelligence of other Countries. It was answered by us all, in all possible humblenesse, but yet with a Countenance taking Knowledge, that we knew that [Page 12] he spake it but merrily. That we were apt enough to think, there was somewhat supernatural in t [...]is Island, but yet rather as Angelical, than Magical. But to let his Lordship know truly, what it was that made us tender and doubtfull to ask this Question, it was not any such conceit, but because we remembred, hee had given a Touch in his former Speech, that this Land had Laws of Secrecy touching Strangers: To this he said; You remember it aright: And therefore in that I shall say to you, I must reserve some particulars, which it is not lawful [...] for me to reveal; but there will be enough left to give you satisfaction.
You shall understand (that which perhaps you will scarce think credible) that about three thousand Years ago, or somewhat more, the Navigation of the World (specially for remote Voyages) was greater than at this Day. Do not think with your se [...]ves, That I know not how much it is increased with you, within these threescore Years: I know it well [...] And yet I say, greater then, than no [...]: Whether it was, that the example of the Ark, that saved the Remnant of Men, from the universal Deluge, gave Men confidence to adventure upon the waters; Or what it was; but such is the truth. The Phoeniceans, and specially the Tyrians, [...]ad great Fleets. So had the Carthaginians their Colony, which is yet further West. Toward the East the Shipping of Egypt, and of Palestina, was likewise great. China also, and the great Atlantis, ( that you call America) which have now but Iunks, and Canoas, abounded then in tall Ships. This Island, (as appeareth by faithfull Registers of those times) had then fifteen hundred strong Ships [...] of great content. Of all this, there is with you sparing Memory, or none; But we have large Knowledge thereof.
At that time, this Land was known and frequented by the Ships and V [...]ss [...]s of all the Nations beforenamed. And (as it commeth to passe) they had many times Men of other Countries, that were no Saylers, that came with them; As Persians, Chaldeans, Arabians; So as almost all Nations of Might and Fame r [...]sorted hither; Of whom, we have some Stirps, and little Tribes with us, at this day. And for our own Ships, they went sundry Voyages, as well to your Streights, which you call the Pillars of Hercules, As to other parts in the Atlantique and Mediterrane Seas; As to Paguin, ( which is the same with Cambalaine) and Quinzy, upon the Oriental Seas, as far as to the Borders of the East Tartary.
At the same time, and an Age a [...]ter, or more, the Inhabitants of the great Atlantis did flourish. For though the Narration and Description [Page 21] which is made by a great Man with you, that the Descendents [...]f Neptune planted there; and of the Magnificent Temple, Palace, City, and Hill; and the manifold streams of goodly Navigable Rivers, which (as so many Chains) invironed the same Site, and Temple; And the several Degrees of Ascent, whereby Men did climbe up to the same, as i [...] it had been a Scala Coeli; be all Poeticall and Fabulous: Yet so much is true, that the said Country of Atlantis; As well that of Peru then called Coya, as that of Mexico, then named Tyrambel, were mighty and proud Kingdomes, in Arms, Shipping, and Riches: So mighty, as at one time; (or at least within the space of ten years,) they both made two great Expeditions; They of Tyrambel through the Atlantique to the Mediterrane Sea; and they of Coya, through the South Sea upon this our Island: And for the former of these, which was into Europe, the same Author amongst you (as as it seemeth) had some relation from the AEgyptian Priest, whom he citeth. For assuredly, such a thing there was. But whether it were the Antient Athenians, that had the glory of the Repulse, and Resistance of those Forces, I can say nothing: But certain it is, there never came back either Ship, or Man from that Voyage. Neither had the other Voyage of those of Coya upon us, had better fortune, if they had not met with enemies of greater clemency. For the King of this Island, ( by name Altabin) a wise Man, and a great Warrier; Knowing well [...]oth his own strength, and that of his Enemies; handled the matter so, as he cut off their Land-Forces, from their Ships, and entoyled both their Navy, and their Camp, with a greater power than theirs, both by Sea and Land: And compelled them to render themselves without striking stroke: And after they were at his Mercy, contenting himself only with their Oath, that they should no more bear Arms against him, dismissed them all in safety. But the Divine revenge overtook not long after those proud Enterprises. For within lesse than the space of one Hundred Years, the Great Atlantis was utterly lost and destroyed: Not by a great Earthquake, as your Man saith; (For that whole Trac [...] is little subject to Earth-quakes;) But by a particular Deluge, or Inundation; Those Countries having, at this Day, farre greater Rivers, and farre higher Mountains, to pour down Waters, than any part of the Old World. But it is true, that the same Inundation was not deep; Not past forty foot, in most places, from the Ground; So that although it destroyed Man and Beast generally, yet some few wild Inhabitants of the Wood escaped. Birds also were saved by flying to the High Trees and Woods. F [...]r as for Men, although they had [Page 22] Buildings in many places, higher than the Depth of the Water; Y [...] that Inundation, though it were shallow, had a long Continuance; whereby they of the Vale, that were not drowned, perished for want of Food, and other things necessary. So as marvell you not at the thin Population of America, nor at the Rudenesse and Ignorance of the People; For you must account your I [...]habitants of America as a young People; younger a thousa [...]d years, at the least, than the rest of the World: For that there was so much time, between the Universal Flood; and their Particular Inundation. For the poor R [...]mnant of Humane Seed, which remained in their Mountains, Pe [...]pled the Countrie again slo [...]ly, by little and little; And being simple and a savage People (Not like Noah and his Sons, which was the chief Family of the Earth) they were not able to leave Letters, Arts, and Civility to their Posterity; And having likewise in their Mountainous Habitations been used, (in respect of the Extreme Cold of those Regions ) to cloath themselves with the Skinnes of Tygers, Beares, and great Hairy Goats, that they have in those Parts; When afer they came down into the Valley, and fo [...]nd the intolerable Heats which are there, and knew no means of lighter Apparell; they were forced to begin the custo [...]e of Going Naked, which continueth at this day. Only they take great Pride and delight, in the Feathers of Birds; And this al [...]o they took from those their Ancestors of the Mountains, who wer [...] invited unto it, by the infinite Flight of Birds, that came up to the high Grounds, while the Waters stood below. So you see, by this main. Accident of Time, we lost our Traffique with the Amercians, with whom, of all others, in regard, they lay nearest to us, we had most Commerce. As for the other Parts of the World, it is most manifest, that in the Ages following, (whether, it were in respect of Warres, or by a Natural Revolution of Time,) Navigation did eve [...]y where greatly decay; And specially, farre Voyages, (the rather by the Use of Gallies, and such Vessels as could hardly brook the Ocean) were altogether left and omitted. So then, that Part o [...] Entercourse, which could be from other Nations, to sayl to us; you see how it hath long since ceased; Except it were by some rare Accident, as this of yours. But now of the Cessation of that other Part of Entercourse, which mought be by our Sayling to other Nations, I must yield you some other Cause. For I cannot say, (if I should say truly,) but our Shipping, for Number, Strength, Mariners, Pylots, and all things that appertain to Navigation, is as great as ever; And [Page 15] therefore why we should sit at home, I shall now give you an account by it self; And it [...]ill draw nearer, to give you satisfaction, to your principal Question.
There reigned in this Island, about 1900 years ago, a King, whose memory of all others we most adore; Not superstitiously, but as a Divine Instrument, though a Mortal Man: his Name was Salomona: And we esteem him as the Law-giver of our Nation. This King had a large heart, inscrutable [...]or good; and was wholly bent to make his Kingdome and People Happy. He therefore taking into consideration, how sufficient and substantive this Land was, to maintain it self without any ayd (at all) of the Foreiner; Being 5600 Mile in Circuit, and of rare Fertility of Soyl, in the greatest part thereof; And finding also the Shipping of this Country mo [...]ght be plentifully set on work, both by Fishing, and by Transportations from Port to Port, and likewise by Sayling unto some small Islands that are not farre from us, and are under the Crown and Laws of this State; And recalling into his Memory, the happy and flourishing Estate, wherein this Land then was; So as it mought be a thousand waies alte [...]e [...] to the worse, but scarce any one way to the better; thought nothing wanted to his Noble and Heroical Intentions, but only (as farre as Humane foresight mought reach) to give perpetuity to that, which was in his time so happily established [...] therefore amongst his other Fundamental Laws of this Kingdome, he did ordain, the Interdicts and Prohibitions, which we have touching Entrance of Strangers; which at that time (though it was after the Calamity of America ) was frequent; Doubting Novelties and Commixture of Manners. It is true, the Like Law, against the admission of Strangers without Licence, is an antient Law, in the Kingdome of China, and yet continued in use. But there it is a poor thing; And hath made them a curious, ignora [...]t, fearf [...]ll foolish Nation. But our Law-giver made his Law of an [...]ther temper. For fi [...]st, he hath preserved all points of Humanity, in taking Order, and making Provision for the Relie [...] of Strangers distressed; whereof you have t [...]sted. At which Speech (as reason was) we all rose up [...] and bowed our selves. He went on. That King also still desiring to joyn Humanity and Policy together; And thinking it against Humanity, to detein Strangers here against their Wills; and against Policy, that they should return, and discover their knowledge of this Estate, hee took this Course: H [...] did ordain, that of the Strangers, that should be permitted to Land [...] as many (at a [...]l times) might depart as would; But as man [...] as would stay, should have very good Conditions, and Means to live, [Page 16] from the State. Wherein he saw so farre, that now in so many Ages since the Prohibition, we, have memory, not of one Ship that ever returned, and but of thirteen Persons only, at several times, that chose to return in our Bottomes. What those few that returned, may have reported abroad, I know not. But you must think, Whatsoever they have said, could be taken where they came, but for a Dream. Now for our Travelling from hence into Parts abroad, our Law-giver thought fit, altogether to restrein it. So is it not in China. For the Chineses sail where they will, or can; which sheweth, that their Law of keeping out Strangers, is a Law of Pusillanimity and fear. But this restraint of ours, hath one only Excep [...]ion, which is admirable; Preserving the Good which commeth by communicating with Strangers, and avoiding the Hurt: And I will now open it to you. And here I shall seem a little to digresse, but you will by and by find it pertinent. Ye shall understand, (my dear friends,) that amongst the Excellent acts of that King, one above all hath the preheminen [...]e. It was the Erection, and Institution of an Order, or Society, which we call Salomons House; The Noblest Foundation, (as we think,) that ever was upon the Earth: And the Lanthor [...]e of this Kingdome. It is dedicated to the Study of the VVorks and Creatures of GOD. Some think it beareth the Founders Name a little corrupted, as if it should be Solamon's House. But the Records write it, as it is spoken. So as I take it to be denominate of the King of the Hebrews, which is famous with you, and no stranger to us; For we have some Parts of his Works, which with you are lost; Namely that Natural History, which he wrote of all plants, from the Cedar of Libanus, to the Mosse that groweth out of the VVall. And of all things that have Life and Motion. This maketh me think that our King finding himself to Symbolize, in many things, with that King of the Hebrewes (which lived many years before him) honoured him with the Title of this Foundation. And I am the rather induced to be of this Opinion, for that I find in antient Records, this Order or Society is sometimes called Salomons House; And sometimes the College of the Six Daies VVorks; whereby I am satisfied, That our Excellent King had learned from the Hebrews, That GOD had created the World, and all that therein is, within six Daies; And therefore he instituted that House, for the finding out of the true Nature of all things (whereby GOD mought [...]ave the more Glory in the Workmanship of them, and Men the more Fruit in their Use of them,) did give it also that second Name. But now to come to our present purpose. When the King had forbidden, to all his People, Navigation [Page 17] in any Part, that was not under his Crown, he made neverthelesse this Ordinance; that every twelve years there should be set forth, out of this Kingdom, two Ships, appointed to several Voyages; that in either of these Ships, there should be a Mission of three of the Fellows, or Brethren of Salomons House, whose Errand was only to give us Knowledge of the Affairs and State of those Countries, to which they were designed; And especially of the Sciences, Arts, Manufactures, and Inventions of all the World; And withall to [...]ring unto us, Books, Instruments, and Paterns, in every kind: That the Ships, after they had landed the Brethren, should return; And that the Brethren should stay abroad till the new Mission. The Ships are not otherwise fraught than with store of Victuals, and good Quantity of Treasure to remain with the Brethren, for the buying of such Things, and rewarding of such Persons, as they should think fit. Now for me to tell you, how the vulgar sort of Mariners are contained from being discovered at Land; And how they that must be put on shore for any time, colour themselves under the Names of other Nations; And to what places these Voyages have been designed; And what places of Rendezvous are appointed for the new Missions; And the like circumstances of the Practique; I may not do it; Neither is it much to your desire. But thus you see we maintain a Trade, not for Gold, Silver, or Iewels, Nor for Silks, Nor for Spices; Nor any other Commodity of Matter; But only for Gods first Creature, which was Light: To have Light (I say) of the growth of all Parts of the World. And when he had said this, he was silent; And so were we all. For indeed we were all astonished, to hear so strange things so probably told. And he perceiving that we were willing to say somewhat, but had it not ready, in great Courtesie took us off, and descended to ask us Questions of our Voyage and Fortunes, and in the end concluded that we mought do well, to think with our selves, what time of stay we would demand of the State; And bad us not to scant our selves: For he would procure such time as we desired. VVhereupon we all rose up and presented our selves to kisse the skirt of his Tippet, but he would not suffer us; and so took his leave. But when it came once amongst our People, that the State used to offer Conditions to Strangers, that would stay, we had work enough to get any of our Men to look to our Ship; And to keep them from going presently to the Governor, to crave conditions. But with much ado we refrained them, till we mought agree what course to take.
[Page 18]We took our selves now for freemen, seeing there was no danger of our utter Perdition; And lived most joyfully, going abroad, and seeing what was to be seen, in the City and places adjacent [...] within our Tedder; And obtaining acquaintance with many of the City, not of the meanest Quality; at whose hands we found such Humanity, and such a Freedome and desire to take Strangers, as it were, into their Bosome, as was enough to make us forget all that was dear to us, in our own Countries: And continually we met with many things, right worthy of Observation, and Relation: As indeed, if there be a Mi [...]our in the World, worthy to hold Mens Eyes, it is that Country. One day there were two of our Company bidden to a Feast, of the Family, as they call it. A most Natural, Pious, and Reverend Custom it is, shewing that Nation to be compounded of all goodnesse. This is the manner of it. It is granted to any Man, that shall live to see thirty Persons, descended of his Body, alive together, and all above three years old, to make this Feast, which is done at the cost of the State. The Father of the Family, whom they call the Tirsan, two daies before the [...]east, taketh to him three of such Friends as he liketh to chuse; And is assisted also by the Governour of the City, or Place, where the Feast is celebrated; and all the Persons of the Family, of both Sexes, are summoned to attend him. These two daies the Tirsan sitteth in consultation, concerning the good Estate of the Family. There, if there be any Discord or Sutes between any of the Family, they are compounded and appeased. There, if any of the Family be distressed or decayed, order is taken for their Relief, and competent means to live. There, if any be subject to vice, or take ill Courses, they are reproved, and Censured. So likewise, Direction is given touching Mariages, and the courses of life, which any of them should [...]ake, with divers ot [...]er the like Orders and Advices. The Governour assisteth to the end, to put in Execution, by his Publike Authority, the Decrees and orders of the Tirsan, if they should be disobeyed, though that se [...]dome needeth; Such Reverence and obedience they give, to the Order of Nature. The Tirsan doth also then ever chuse one man from amongst his Sons, to live in House with him: Who is called, ever after, the Son of the Vine. The Reason will hereafter app [...]. On the Feast day, the Father, or Tirsan, commeth forth [...] Divine Service into a large Room where the Feast is celebrated; Which Room hath an Half-Pace [Page 27] at the upper [...]nd. Against the wall, in the middle of the Half-Pace, is a Chair placed for him, with a Table and Carpet before it. Over the Chair is a State, made Round or Ovall, and it is of Ivy; An Ivy somewhat whiter than ours, like the Leaf of a Silver Aspe, but more shining; For it is green all winter. And the State is curiously wrought with Silver and Silk of divers Colours, broiding or binding in the Ivy; And is ever of the work, of some of the Daughters of the Family; And veiled over at the Top, with a fine Net of Silk and Silver. But the Substance of it is true Ivy; whereof, after it is taken down, the Friends of the Family are desirous to have some Leaf or Sprig to keep. The Tirsan commeth forth with all his Generation or Linage, the Males before him, and the Females following him; And if there be a Mother, from whose Body the whole Linage is descended, there is a Traverse placed in a Loft above on the right hand of the Chair, with a privy Dore, and a carved VVindow of Glasse, leaded with Gold and Blew; where she sitteth, but is not seen. VVhen the Tirsan is come forth, he sitteth down in t [...]e Chair; And all the Linage place themselves against the VVall, both at his Back, and upon the Return of the Half-pace, in Order of their years, without difference of Sex, and stand upon their Feet. VVhen he is set, the Room being alwaies full of Company; but well kept, and without Disorder; after some pause there commeth in from the lower end of the Room, a Taratan, (which is much as an Herald) [...]d on either side of him two young Lads; whereof one carr [...]h a Scrowl of their shining yellow Parchment; And the other a cluster of Grapes of Gold, with a long foot or Stalk. The Herald, and Children, are chothed with Mantles of Sea-water green Sattin; But the Heralds Mantle is streame [...] with Gold, and hath a train. Then the Herald with three Courtesies, or rather inclinations, commeth up as far as the Half-pace; And there first taketh into his Hand the Scrowl. This Scrowl is the Kings Charter, containing Gift of Revenew, and many Privileges, Exemptions and points of Honour, granted to the Father of the Family; And it is ever stiled and directed, To such an one, Our well-beloved Friend and Creditour: Which is a Title proper only to this Case. For they say, the King is Debter to no Man, but for Propagation of his Subjects; the Seal set to the Kings Charter, is the Kings Image, Imbossed or moulded in Gold; And though such Charters be expedited of Course, and [Page 28] as of Right, yet they are varied by discretion, according to the Number and Dignity of the Family. This Charter the Herald readeth aloud; And while it is read, the Father or Tirsan, standeth up, supported by two of his Sons [...] such as he chooseth. Then the Herald mou [...]teth the Half-Pace, and delivereth the Charter into his Hand: And with that there is an Acclamation, by all that are present, in their Language, which is thus much; Happy are the People of Bensalem. Then the Herald taketh into his Hand from the other Child, the Cluster of Grapes, which is of Gold; Both the Stalk, and the Grapes. But the Grapes are daintily enamelled; And if the Males of the Family be the greater number, the Grapes are enamelled Purple, with a little Sun set on the top; If the Females, then they are enamelled into a greenish yellow, with a Cressant on the top. The Grapes are in number as many as there are Descendants of the Family. This Golden Clusture, the Herald delivereth also to the Tirsan; who presently delivereth it over to that Son, that he had formerly chosen, to be in House with him: VVho beareth it before his Father, as an ensign of Honour, when he goeth in Publike ever after; And is thereupon called the Son of the Vine. After this Ceremony ended, the Father or Tirsan retireth [...] And after some time commeth forth again to Dinner, where he sitteth alone under the State, as before; And none of his Descendants sit with him, of what Degree or Dignity so ever, except he hap to b [...] [...]f Salomons House. He is served only by his own Children, [...] as are Male; who perform unto him all service of the Table upon the Knee; And the VVomen only stand about him, leaning against the VVall. The Room below his Half-pace, hath tables on the sides for the Guests that are bidden; who are served w [...]th great and comely order; And toward the end of Dinner (which in the greatest Feasts with them, lasteth never above an Hour and an half) there is an Hymn sung, varied according to the Invention of him that composed it; (for they have excellent Poesie,) But the Subject of it is (alwaies) the praises of Adam, and Noah, and Abraham; VVhereof the former two Peopled the VVorld, and the last was the Father of the Faithfull. concluding ever with a Thanksgiving for the Nativity of our Saviour, in whose Birth, the Births of all are only Blessed. Dinner being done, the Tirsan retireth again; And having withdrawn himself alone into a place, where he maketh some private Prayers, he commeth forth the third time, to give the Blessing; [Page 21] with all his Descendants, who stand about him as at the first. Then he calleth them forth by one and by one, by name, as he pleaseth, though seldome the Order of Age be inverted. The person th [...]t is called, (the Table being before removed,) kneeleth down before the Chair, and the Father layeth his Hand upon his Head, or her Head, and giveth the Blessing in these words; Son of Bensalem, (or Daughter of Bensalem,) thy Father saith it; The Man by whom thou hast Breath and Life speaketh the word; the blessing of the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, and t [...]e Holy Dove be upon thee, and make the daies of thy Pilgrimage good and many. This he saith to every of them; And that done, if there be any of his Sons of eminent Merit and Vertue, (so they be not above two,) he calleth for them again; and saith, laying his Arm over their shoulders, they s [...]anding; Sonnes, it is well you are born, give God the pra [...]se, and persevere to the end. And withall delivereth to either of them a Jewell, made in the Figure of an Ear of VVheat, which they ever after wear in the front of their Turban, or Hat. This done, they fall to Musick and dances, and other recreations, after their manner, for the rest of the day [...] This is the full order of that Feast.
By that time, six or seven daies were spent, I was fallen in [...]to straight Acquaintance, with a Merchant of that City, whose Name was Ioabin. He was a Iew and Circumcised: For they have some few stirps of Iews, yet remaining among them, whom they leave to their own Religion. VVhich they may the better do, because they are of a farre differing Disposition from the Iews in other parts. For whereas they hate the Name of CHRIST; and have a secret inbred Rancour against the People among whom they live; these (contrariwise) give unto our SAVIOUR many high Attributes, and love the Nation of Bensalem, extremely. Surely this Man, of whom I speak, would ever acknowledge, that CHRIST was born of a Virgin, and that he was more than a Man; And he would tell how GOD made him Ruler of the Seraphims, which guard his Throne; And they call him also the Milken way, and the Eliah of the Messiah; and many other high Names; which though they be Inferiour to his Divine Majesty, yet they are far from the Language of other Iews. And for the Country of Bensalem, [...]hi [...] Man would make no end of commending it, Being desirous by Tradition among the Iews there, to have it beleeved, that the [Page 22] People thereof were of the generations of Abraham, by another Son, whom they call Nachoran; And that Moses by a secret Cabala ordained the Laws of Bensalem which they now use; And that when the Messia should come, and sit in his Throne at Hierusalem, the King of Bensalem should sit at his feet, whereas other Kings should keep a great distance. But yet setting aside these Iewish Dreams, the Man was a wise Man, and learned, and of great Policy, and excellently seen in the Laws and Customes of that Nation. Amongst other Discourses, one day I told him, I was much affected with the Relation I had, from some of the Company, of their Custome [...] in holding the Feast of the Family; For that (me thought) I had never heard of a Solemnity, wherein Nature did so much preside. And because Propagation of Families, proceedeth from the Nuptial Copulation, I desired to know of him, what Laws and Customes they had concerning Mariage; and whether they kept Mariage well; and whether they were tyed to one Wife? For that where Population is so much affected, and such as with them it seemed to be, there is commonly permission of Plurality of Wives. To this he said; You have reason for to commend that excellent Institution of the Feast of the Family; And indeed we have Experience, that those Families that are Partakers of the Blessings of that Feast, do flourish and prosper ever after, in an extraordinary manner. But hear me now, and I will tell you what I know. You shall understand, that there is not under the Heavens so chaste a Nation, as this of Bensalem; Nor so free from all Pollution or foulness [...]. It is the Virgin of the World. I remember, I have read in one of your Europaean Books, of an holy Hermit amongst you, that d [...]sired to see the Spirit of Fornication, and there appeared to him, a little foule ugly AEthiope: But if he had desi [...]ed to see the Spirit of Chastity of Bensalem, it would have appeared to him, in the likenesse of a fair beautifull Cherubine. For there is nothing, amongst Mortall Men, more fair and admirable, than the Chaste Minds of this People. Know therefore, that with them there are no Stewes, no dissolute Houses, no Curtisans, nor any thing of that kind. Nay they wonder (with detestation) at you in Europe, which permit such things. They say you have put Mariage out of Office: For Mariage is ordained a Remedy for unlawfull Concupiscence; And Natural Concupiscence seemeth as a spurre to Mariage. Eut when Men have at hand a Remedy, more agreeable to their corrupt Will, Mariage is almost expulsed. And therefore there are with you seen [Page 23] infinite Men, that mary not, but chuse rather a libertine and impu [...]e single life, than to be yoaked in Mariage; And many that do mary, mary late, when the Prime and Strength of their Years is past. And when they do mary, what is Mariage to them, But a very Bargain; Wherein is sought Alliance, or Portion, or Reputation, with s [...]me desire (almost indifferent) of Issue; And not the faithfull Nuptial Union of Man and Wife, that was first instituted. Neither is it possible, that those that have cast away so basely, so much of their Strength, should greatly esteem Children (being of the same Matter) as chaste Men do. So likewise during Mariage is the Case much amended, as it ought to be if those things were tolerated only for necessity; No, but they remain still as a very affront to Mariage: The Haunting of those dissolute places, or resort to Courtezans, are no more punished in Maried men, than in Batchelers. And the depraved Custome of Change, and the delight in Meretricious Embracements, (where sinne is turned into Art,) maketh Mariage a dull thing, and a kind of Imposition, or Tax. They hear you defend these things; as do [...]e to avoid greater Evils; As Advoutries, Deflouring of Virgins, Unnatural Lust, and the like. But they say, this is a preposterous Wisdome; and they call it Lots offer, who to save his Guests from abusing, Offered his Daughters: Nay they say further, That there is little gained in this; For that the same Vices and Appetites, do still remain and abound, Unlawfull Lust being like a Furnace, that if you stop the Flames altogether, it will quench, but if you give it any vent, it will rage; As for Masculine love, they have no touch of it; And yet there are not, so faithfull and inviolate Friendships, in the World again, as are there; And to speak generally, (as I said before,) I have not read of any such Chastity, in any People, as theirs. And their usual saying is [...] That whosoever is unchaste cannot reverence himself: And they say, That the Reverence of a Mans self, is, next Religion, the chiefest bridle of all Vices. And when he had said this, the good Iew paused a little; Whereupon I far more willing to hear him speak on, than to speak my self; yet thinking it decent, that upon his pawse of Speech, I should not be altogether silent, said only this; That I would say to him, as the Widow of Sarepta said to Elias; That he was come to bring to Memory our Sinnes; And that I confess the Righteousnesse of Bensalem, was greater than the Righteousnesse of Europe. At which speech he bowed his Head, and went on this manner. They have also many wise and excellent Laws touching Mariage, [Page 24] They a [...]low no Poligamie. They have ordained that none do intermary or contract, untill a Month be past from their first intervie [...]. Mariage without consent of Parents they do not make void, but they mu [...]ct it in the Inheritors: For the Children of such Mariages, are not admitted to inherit, above a third Part of their Parents Inheritance: I have read in a Book of one of your Men, of a Feigned Common-wealth, where the Maried couple are permitted, before they Contract, to see one another Naked. This they dislike: for they think it a scorn, to give a Refusal after so fam [...]liar Knowledge [...] But because of many hidden Defects in Men and Womens Bodies, they have a more Civil way: for they have near every Town, a Couple of Pools, ( which they call Adam and Eves Pools) where it is permit [...]ed to one of the Friends of the Man, and another of the Friends of the Woman, to see them severally bath Naked.
And as we were thus in Conference, there came one that seemed to be a Messenger, in a rich Huke, that spake with the Iew: whereupon he turned to me and said; You will pardon me, for I am commanded away in hast. The next Morning he came to me again, joy [...]ull, as it seemed, and said; There is word come to the Governor of the City, that one of the Fathers of Salomons House, will be here this day Seven [...]night: We have seen none of them this Dozen Years: His Comming is in State; But the cause of his Comming is secret. I will provide you, and your Fellows of a good standing to see his Entry. I thanked him and told him: I was most glad [...]f the News. The day being come he made his Entry. He was a Man of middle Stature, and age, comely of person, and had an Aspect as if he pitied Men. He was cloathed in a Robe of fine black Cloath, with wide Sleeves, and a Cape. His under Garment was of excellent whi [...]e Linnen down to the Foot, girt with a Girdle of the same; And a Sindon or Tippet of the same about his Neck. He had Gloves, that were curious, and set with Stone; And Shoes of Peach-coloured Velvet. His Neck was bare to the Shoulders. His Hat was like a Helmet, or Spanish Montera; and his Locks curled below it decently: They were of Colour brown. His Beard was cut round, and of the same colour with his Hair, somewhat ligher. He was carried in a rich Chariot, without wheeles, Litter-wise, With two Horses at either end, richly trapped in blew Velvet Embroydered; and two Footmen on each side in the like attire. The Chariot was all of Cedar, gilt and adorned with Christal; save that the Fore-end had [Page 25] Pannels of Sapphires, set in borders of Gold, and the Hinderend the like of Emarauds of the Pe [...]u Colour. There was also a Sun of Gold, Radiant upon the Top, in the Midst; and on the Top before, a small Cherub of Gold, with VVings displayed. The Chariot was covered with cloth of Gold [...]issued upon Blew. He had before him fifty attendants, young Men all, in white Satten loose Coats up to the Mid Leg, and Stockings of white Silk; and Shoes of blew Velvet; and Hats of blew Velvet; with fine Plums of divers Colours, set round like Hatbands. Next before the Chariot, went two Men, bare headed, in Linnen garments down to thefoot, girt, and Shoes of blew Velvet, who carried the one a Crosier, the other a Pastoral Staff like a Sheep-hook; Neither of them of Metal, but the Crosier of Balm-wood, the Pastoral Staff of Cedar. Horsemen he had none, neither before nor behind his Chariot: As it seemeth, to avoid all Tumult and trouble. Behind his Chariot, went all the Officers and Principals of the Companies of the City. He sate alone upon Cushions, of a kind of Excellent Plush, blew; And under his Foot curious Carpets of Silk of divers Colours, like the Persian, but far finer. He held up his Bare Hand as he went, as blessing the people, but in Silence. The Street was wonderfully well kept; So that there was never any Army had their Men stand in better Battel-Array, than the People stood. The VVindows likewise was not crouded, but every one stood in them, as if they had been placed. VVhen the shew was past, the Iew said to me; I shall not be able to attend you as I would, in regard of some Charge the City hath laid upon me for the Entertaining of this great Person. Three daies after the Iew came to me again and said; Ye are happy men; For the Father of Salomons House taketh knowledge of your being here, and commanded me to tell you, that he will admit all your Company to his presence, and have private Conference with one of you, that yee shall choose: And for this hath appointed the next day after to Morrow. And because he meaneth to give you his Blessing, he hath appointed it in the Fore-Noon. VVe came at our Day and Hour, and I was chosen by my Fellows for the private accesse. VVe found him in a fair Chamber, richly hanged, and carpetted under Foot, without any Degrees to the State, he was set upon a Low Throne richly adorned, and a rich cloth of State over his head of blew Sattin Embroidered. He was alone, save that he had two Pages of Honor, on either Hand one, finely attired in [Page 26] VVhite. His Under-Garments were the like that we saw him wear in the Chariot; But insteed of his Gown, he had on him a Mantle with a Cape, of the same fine Black, fastened about him. VVhen we came in, as we were taught, we bowed Low at our first Entrance; And when we were come near his Chair, he stood up, holding forth his Hand ungloved, and in Posture of Blessing; And we every one of us stooped down, and kissed the Hem of his Tippet. That done, the rest departed, and I remained. Then he warned the Pages forth of the Room, and caused me to sit down beside him, and spake to me thus in the Spanish Tongue.
GOD blesse thee, my Son; I will give thee the greatest Iewel I have. For I will impart unto thee, for the love of GOD and Men, a Relation of the true State of Salomons House. Son, to make you know the true State of Salomons House, I will keep this Order. First, I will set forth unto you the End of our Foundation. Secondly, the Preparations and Instruments we have for our Works. Thirdly, the [...]veral Employments and Functious whereto our Fellows are assigned. And fourthly the Ordinances and Rites which we observe.
The end of our Foundation is the Knowledge of Causes, and Secret Motions of things; and the Enlarging of the bounds of Humane Empire, to the Effecting of all Things possible.
The Preparations and Instruments are these. We have large and deep Caves of several Depths: The deepest are sunk 600 Fathome: And s [...]me of them are digged and made under great Hills and Mountains: So that if you reckon together the Depth of the Hill, and the Depth of the Cave, they are (some of them) above three miles deep. For we find, that the Depth of an Hill, and the Depth of a Cave from the Flat, is the same Thing; both remote alike, from the Sun, and Heavens Beams, and from the open Air [...] These Caves we call the Lower Region. And we use them for all Coagulations, Indurations, Refrigerations, and Conservations of Bodies. We use them likewise for the Imitation of Natural Mines; And the Producing, also of New Artificial Metals, by Compositions and Materials which we use and lay there for many years. We use them also sometimes, (which may seem strange) for Curing of some Diseases, and for Prolongation of Life, in some Hermits that choose to live there, well accomodated of all things necessary, and indeed live very long; by whom also we learn many things.
We have Burials in several Earths, where we put divers Cements, [Page 27] as the Chineses, do their Porcellane. But we have t [...]em in greater Variety, and some of them more fine. We also have great variety of Composts, and Soils, for the Making of the Earth Fruit [...]full.
We have High Towers; The Highest about half a Mile in Height And some of them [...]ikewise set upon High Mountains: So that the Vantage of the Hill with the Tower, is in the Highest of them thr [...]e Miles at least. And these Places we call the Upper Region; Accounting the Air between the High Places, and the Low, as a Middle Region. We use these Towers, according to their several Heights, and Situations, for Insolation, Refrigeration, Conse [...]vation, And for the View of divers Meteors; As Winds, Rain, Snow, Ha [...]l; And some of the Fiery Meteors also. And upon them, in some Places, are Dwellings of Hermits, whom we visit sometimes, and instruct what to observe.
We have great Lakes, both Salt, and Fresh, whereof we have use for the Fish, and Fowl. VVe use them also for Burials, of some Natural Bodies: For we find a difference in things buried in Earth, or in Air bel [...]w the Earth; and things buried in VVater. VVe have also Pools, of which some do strain Fresh VVater out of Salt; And others by Art do turn Fresh VVater into Salt. We have also some Rocks in the Midst of the Sea; And some Bayes upon the Shore for some VVorks, wherein is required the Air and Vapour of the Sea. We have likewise violent Streams and Cataracts; which serve us for many Motions: And likewise Engines for Multiplying and Enforcing of VVinds, to set also on going divers Motions.
We have also a Number of Artificial VVells and Fountains, made in Imitation of the Natural Sources and Bathes; As tincted upon Vitrioll, Sulphur, Steel, Brasse, Lead, Nitre, and other Minerals: And again, we have little Wells for Infusions of many Things, where the Waters take the Vertue quicker and better, than in Vessels or Basins. And amongst them we have a VVater, which we call water of Paradise, being, by that we do it; made very Soveraign for Health and Prolongation of Life.
VVe have also Great and spacious Houses, where we imitate and demonstrate Meteors; As Snow, Hail, Rain, some Artificial Rains of Bodies, and not of VVater, Thunders, Lightnings; Also Generations of Bodies, in Air; As Frogs, Flies, and divers Others.
We have also certain Chambers, which we call Chambers of Health, where we qualifie the Air as we think good and proper for the Cure of divers Diseases, and Preservation of Health.
[Page 28] We have also [...]air and large Baths, of several Mixtures, for the Cure of D [...]seases [...] and the restoring of Mans Body from Arefaction: And other for the Confiming of it in Strength of Sinews, vital Parts, and the very Juyce and Substance of th [...] Body.
We have also large and various Orchards, and Gardens; Wherein we do not so much respect Beauty, as Variety of Ground and Soil, proper for divers Trees and Herbs: And some very spacious, wh [...]re Trees and Berries are set, whereof we make divers Kinds of Drinks, besides the Vine-yards. In these we practise likewise all Conclusions of Graf [...]ing, and Inoculating, as well of Wild-Trees, as Fruit-Trees, which produceth many Effects: And we make (by A [...]t) in the same Orchards, and Gardens, Trees, and Flowers, to come earlier or later than their Seasons; And to come up and bear more speedily than by their Natural Course they do. We make them also by Art greater much than their Nature; And their Fruit greater, and sweeter, and of differings Taste, Smell, Colour, and Figure, from their Nature. And many of them we so Order, that they become of Medicinal Use.
We have also Means to make divers Plants rise, by Mixtures of Earths without Seeds; And likewise to make divers New Plants, differing from the Vulgar; and to make one Tree or Plant turn into another.
We have also Parks, and Enclosures of all Sorts of Beasts, and Birds [...] which we use not only for view or Rarenesse, but likewise for Dissections and Trials [...] That thereby we may take light, what may be wrought upon the Body of Man. Wherein we find many strange Effects; As Continuing Life in them, though divers Parts, which you account Vital, be perished, and taken forth; Resuscitating of some that seem Dead in Appearance; And the like. We try also all Poysons, and other Medicines upon them, as well of Chirurgery, as Physick. By Art likewise we make them Greater or Taller, than their Kind is; And contrariwise Dwarf them and stay their Growth: VVe make them more Fruitfull and Bearing than their Kind is; And contrary wise Barren and not Generative. Also we make them differ in Colour, Shape, Activity many waies. VVe find Means to make Commixtures and Copulations of diverse Kinds; which have produced many New Kinds, and them not Barren, as the general Opinion is. VVe make a number of Kinds of Serpents, Worms, Flies, Fishes, of putrefaction; whereof some are advanced (in effect) to be perfect Creatures, like Beasts, or Birds; And have Sexes, and do propagate. Neither do we this by Chance, but we know before hand, of what Matter and Commixture, what Kind of those Creature will arise.
[Page 29] We have also Particular Pools, where we make Trials upon Fishes, as we have said before of Beasts and Birds.
We have also Places for Breed and Generation of those Kinds of Worms, and Flies, which are of Speciall Use; such as are with you your Silkworms and Bees.
I will not hold you long with recounting of our Brew-houses Bake-houses, and Kitchins, where are made divers Drinks, Breads, and Meats, Rare and of special Effects. Wines we have of Grapes; And Drinks of other Juyce, of Fruits, of Grains, and of Roots; And of Mixtures with Honey, Sugar, Manna, and Fruits dryed and decocted: Also of the Tears or Woundings of Trees; And of the Pulp of Canes. And these Drinks are of Severall Ages, some to the Age or Last o [...] forty years. We have Drinks also brewed with severall Herbs, and Roots, and Spices; Yea, with several Fleshes, and VVhite-Meats; whereof some of the Drinks are such as they are in effect Meat and Drink both: So that Divers, especially in Age, doe desire to live with them, with little or no Meat, or Bread. And above all we strive to have Drinks of Extreme Thin Parts; To insinuate into the Body, and yet without all Biting, Sharpnesse, or Fretting [...] Insomuch as some of them put upon the Back of your Hand, will, with a little stay passe thorow to the Palme, and yet tast Mild to the Mouth. We have also VVaters, which we ripen in that fashion, as they become Nourishing; So that they are indeed excellent Drink; And many will use no other. Breads we have of Several Grains, Roots, and Kernels; Yea, and some of Flesh, and Fish, Dried; With divers kinds of Leavings, and Seasonings: So that some doe extremely move Appetites; Some doe nourish so, as Divers doe live of them, without any other Meat; Who live very long. So for Meats, we have some of them so beaten, and made Tender, and mortified, yet without al [...] Corrupting, as a VVeak Heat of the Stomack will turn them into good Chilus; As well as a Strong Heat would Meat otherwise prepared. VVe have some Meats also, and Breads, and Drinks, which taken by Men, enable them to Fast long after [...] and some other, that used make the very Flesh o [...] Mens Bodies, sensibly more Hard and Tough; And their Strength far [...] greater, than otherwise it would be.
VVe have Dispensatories, or Shops of Medicines. VVherein you may easily think, if we have such Varietie of Plants, and Diving Creatures, more than you have in Europe, (for we know what you have,) the Simples, Druggs, and Ingredients of Medicines, must likewise be in so much the greater Variety. VVe have them likewise [Page 28] of divers Ages, and long Fermentations. And for their Preparations, we have not only all Manner of Exquisite Distilla [...]ions, and Separations, a [...]d especially by Gentle Heats, and Percolations through divers Strainers, yea, and Substances; But also Exact Forms of Composition, whereby they incorp [...]rate almost as they were Natural Simples.
We have also divers Mechanical Arts, which you have not; And Stuffs made by them; As Papers, Linnen, Silks, Tissues, dainty Works of Feathers of wonderfull Lustre; excellent Dies, and manie others: And Shops likewise as well for such as are not [...]rought into Vulgar use amongst us; as for those that are. For you must know, that of the Things before recited, many of them are grown into use throughout the Kingdome; But yet, if they did flow from our Invention, we have of them also for Patterns, and Principals.
We have also Furnaces of great Diversities, and that keep great Diversitie of Heats: Fierce and Quick [...] Strong and Constant; So [...] and Mild [...] Blown, Quiet Drie, Mo [...]st; And the like. But above all we have Heats, in Imitation of the Sunns and Heavenly Bodies Heats, that passe divers inequalities, and (as it were) Orbs, Progresses, and Returns, wher [...]by we may produce admirable effects. Besides, we have Heats of Dungs; and of Bellies and Mawes of Living Creatures and of their Bloods, and Bodies; and of Hayes and Herbs laid up moist; of Lime unquenched; and such like. Instruments also which generate Heat only by Motion. And further, Places for Strong Insolations; And [...]gain, Places under the Earth, which by Natu [...]e, or Art yeeld Heat. T [...]ese d [...]vers Heats we use, As the Natu [...]e of the Operation which we intend [...] requireth.
We have a [...]so Perspective-Houses, where we make Demonstration of all Lights, and Radiations: And of all Colours: And out of Things uncoloured and Transparent, we can represent unto you all seve [...]all Colours; Not in Rain-bows, ( as it is in Gemms, and Prisms,) but of themselves Single. We represent also all Multiplications o [...] Light, which we carry to great Distance: and make so Sharp, as to discern small Points and Lines. Also all Colourations of Light. All Delusions and Deceits of the Sight, in Figures, Magnitudes, Motions, Colours: All Demonstrations of Shadows. Wee find also divers Means yet unknown to you, of Producing of Light, originally, from divers Bodies. We procure means of Seeing Objects A-farr off; As in the Heaven, and Remote places: And represent Things Near as A-farr off; And Things A-farr off as Near; Making [...]e [...]igned Distances. We have also Helps so [Page 31] the Sight far above Spectacles and Glasses in use; We have also Glasses and Means to see Small and Minute Bodies, perfectly and distinctly; As the Shapes and Colours of Small Flies and VVorms, Grains, and Flaws, in Gemmes, which cannot otherwise he seen, Observations in Urine and Bloud not otherwise to be seen. We make Artificial Rain-Bows, Helo's, and Circles ab [...]ut Light. We represent also all manner of Reflexions, Refractions, and Multiplication of Visual Beams o [...] Objects.
We have also Pretious Stones, of all kinds, many of them of great Beauty and to you unknown: Chrystals likewise; And Glasses of divers kinds; And amongst them some of Metals Vitrificated, and other Materials, beside those of which you make G [...]asse. Also a number of Fossiles, and Imperfect Minerals which you have not. Likewise Loadstones of Prodigious Vertue: And other rare Stones, both Natural and Artificial.
We have also Sound Houses, where we practise and demonstrate all Sounds, and their Generation. We have Harmonies which you have not, of Quarter-Sounds, and lesser Slides of Sounds [...] Diverse Instruments of Musick likewise to y [...]u unknown, some sweeter than any you have [...] With Bells and Rings that are dainty and sweet. We represent small sounds as great and Deep; Likewise Great sounds, [...]xtenuate and sharp; We make diverse tremblings and VVarblings of Sounds, which in their Original are Entire. We represent and imitate all Articulate sounds and Letters, and the Voices and Notes of Beasts and Birds. We have certain Helps, which set to the Eare do further the Hearing greatly. We have also diverse strange and Artificial Ecchoes Reflecting the Voice many times, and as it were tossing it: And some that give back the Voice Lowder than it came, some shriller, and some Deeper, Yea some rendring the Voice, Differing in the Letters or Articulate Sound, from that they receive. VVe have all means to convey Sounds in Trunks and Pipes, in strange Lines and Distan [...]es.
VVe have also Perfume-houses; wherewith we joyn a [...]so Practices of Taste. VVe Multiply Smells, which may seem strange. VVe Imitate Smells, making all Smells to breath out of other Mixtures than those that give them. VVe make diverse Imitations of Taste likewise, so that they will deceive any Mans Taste. And in this House we contain also a Confi [...]ure House; where we make all Sweet-Meats Drie and Moist; And divers pleasant Wines, Milks, Broaths, an [...] Sallets, far in greater Variety than you have.
VVe have also Engine-Houses, where are prepared Engines and [Page 32] Instruments for all sorts of Motions. There we imitate and practise to make Swifter Motions, than any you have, either out of your Muskets, or any Engine that you have: and to Make them, and Multiply them more Easily, and with Small Force, by VVheeles and other Means: and to make them Stronger and more Violent, than yours are; Exceeding your greatest Cannons and Basilisks. VVe represent also Ordinance and Instruments of War, and Engines of all Kinds and likewise new Mixtures and Compositions of Gun-Powder, Wild-Fires burning in Water, and Unquenchable: Also Fireworks of all Variety, both for Pleasure, and Use. VVe imitate also Flights of Birds; VVe have some Degrees of Flying in the Ayr. We have Ships and Boats for Going under VVater, and Brooking of Seas; Also Swimming-Girdles, and Supporters. We have divers curious Clocks; And other like Motions of Return: And some perpetual Motions. We imitate also Motions of Living Creatures, by Images of Men, Beasts, Birds, Fishes, and Serpents; We have also a great Number of other Various Motions, strange for Equality, Finenesse [...] and Subtility,
We have also a Mathematical-House, where are represented all Instruments, as well of Geometry, as Astronomy, exquisitely made.
VVe have also Houses of Deceits of the Senses; where we represent all manner of Feats of Jugling, False Apparitions, Impostures, and Illusions; And their Fallacies. And surely you will easily beleeve that we that have so many Things truly Natural, which induce Admiration, could in a World of Particulars deceive the Senses, if we would disguise those Things, and labour to make them more Miraculous. But we do hate all Impostures, and Lies: Insomuch as we have severely forbidden it to all our Fellows, under pain of Ignominy and Fines, that they do not shew any Natural VVork or Thing, Adorned or Swelling; but only Pure as it is, and without all Affectation of Strangenesse.
These are (my Son) the Riches of Salomons House.
For the several Employments and Offices of our Fellows, VVe have Twelve that Sayl into Forein Countries under the Names of other Nations ( for our own we conceal;) VVho bring us the Books, and Abstracts, and Patterns of Experiments of all other Parts. These we cal [...] Merchants of Light.
VVe have Three that Collect the Experiments which are in all Books, These we call Deprepators.
VVe have Three that Collect the Experiments of all Mechanical [Page 33] Arts [...] And a [...]so of Liberal Sciences; And also of practices which are not Brought into Arts. These we call Mystery-men.
We have Three that trie New Experiments.
Such as themselves think good. These we call Pioneers or Miners.
We have Three that Draw the Experiments of the Former Four into Titles and Tables, to give the better light for the drawing of Observations and Axiomes out of them. These we call Compilers [...]
We have three that bend themselves, Looking into the Experiments of their Fellows, and cast about how to draw out of them Things of Use, and Practice for Mans life, and Knowledge, as well for Works as for Plain Demonstration of Causes, Means of Natural Divinations, and the easie and clear Discovery of the Vertues and Parts of Bodies. These we call Dowry-men or Bene [...]actors.
Then after diverse Meetings and Consults of our whole Number, to consider of the former Labours and Collections, we have three that take care, out of them, to Direct New Experiments, of a Higher Light, more Penetrating into Nature than the Former. These we call Lamps.
We have Three othe [...]s t [...]at do Execute the Experiment, so Directed, and Report them. These we call Inoculators.
Lastly, we have Three that raise the former Discoveries by Experiments, into Greater Observations, Axiomes, and Aporismes. These we call Interpreters of Nature.
We have also, as you must think, Novices and Apprentices, that the Succession of the former Employed men do not fail; besides a great Number of Servants and Attendants, Men, and VVomen. And this we do also: We have Consultations, which of the Inventions and Experiences, which we have discovered shall be Published, and which not: And take all an Oath of Secrecy, for the concealing of those which we think meet to keep Secret: Though some of those we do reveal sometime to the State, and some not.
For our Ordinances and Rites [...] We have two very Long, and Fair Galleries: In o [...]e of these we place Patterns and Samples of all manner of the more Rare and Excellent Inventions: In the other we place the Statuaes of all Principal Inventours. There we have the Statua of your Columbus, that discovered the VVest-Indies: Also the Inventour of Ships: Your Monk that was the Inventour of Ordinance, and of Gunpowder: The Inventour of Musick: The Inventour of Letters: The Inventour of Printing: The Inventour of Observations of Astronomy: The Inventour o [...] [Page 34] VVorks in Metall: The Inventour of Glasse: The Inventour of Silk of the VVorm: The Inventour of VVine: The Inventour of Corn and Bread: The Inventour of Sugars: And all these, by more certain Tradition, than you have. Then we have divers Inventours of our Own, of Excellent VVorks; which since you have not seen, it were too long to make Descriptions of them; And besides, in the right Understanding of those Descriptions, you might easily erre. For upon every Invention of Value, we erect a Statua to the Inventour, and give him a Liberal and Honourable Reward. These Statuaes are, some of Brass; some of Marble and Touchstone; some of Cedar and other special VVoods gilt and adorned; some of Iron; some of Silver; some of Gold.
We have certain Hymns and Services, which we say daily, of Laud and Thanks to God for his Marvellous VVorks: And Forms of Prayers, imploring his Aide and Blessing for the Illumination of our Labours; the end turning them into Good and Holy Uses.
Lastly, we have Circuits or Visits, of divers Principal Cities of the Kingdome; where as it commeth to passe, we do publish such New Profitable Inventions, as we think good. And we do also declare Natural Divinations of Diseases, Plagues, Swarms of Hurtfull Creatures, Scarcity, Tempest, Earthquakes, Great Inundations, Comets, Temperature of the Year, and divers other things; And we give Counsel thereupon, what the People shall do, for the Prevention and Remedy of them.
And when He had said this, He stood up: And I, as I had been taught, kneeled down: and he laid his Right Hand upon my Head, and said; GOD blesse thee my Son, and GOD bless this Relation, which I have made. I give thee leave to Publish it, for the good of other Nations; For we hear are in GODS Bosome, a Land unknown. And so he left me; Having assigned a value of about two Thousand Duckets, for a Bounty to me and my Fellows. For they give great Largesses, where they come, upon all occasions.
The rest was not perfected.