NEVV ENGLAND Judged, &c.
HAD the Government of the Massachusets in New England stated in their Printed Apologie, any Particular matter of Fact whereby the Servants of the Lord, William Robinson, and Marmaduke Stevenson, (whom they caused to be put to Death) were Legally convicted; Or, any Power from Old England to enable to such Executions; and that according to the Merit of the One, and the Justice of the Other they had Legally proceeded, it had been something like Men of Reasonable Understandings, whom the Prince of the Ayre had not darkened into a blind accusing of Themselves by the things they offer in their Justification; But when their Apologie (which carries in the very name of it an Implication of Guilt, for, Nihil Opus Justitia Ciceronis— Justice needeth no Apologie) hath no such thing (and something as such, no doubt, it would have had as it's chiefest concern, could they have produced it) but only Generals (which signifie little but a Design to slander, For,—Generalia nihil probant— Generals prove nothing, as is the Maxime in Law, which is grounded upon Equity, &—Dolus versatur in Universalibus— Deceit lurks, or is conversant in Generals—as is the received Axiome of the Antients) It is Evident, That in this Affair of so high a Nature as of Blood, and that for Conscience, they are wanting (by their Own Prescription) both as to Matter of Fact deserving, and Power enabling to such Executions; And so their Own Vindication (for They have not so much as saved to themselves The Common Law gives no such Libertie, but requires a Man to choose the Particular unto which he will stand, but the Civil, and Proceedings of State allows and uses it upon a particular Salvo in the first Exhibition, and not afterwards. Liberty hereafter to Exhibit what they may have [Page 4] further to offer in their Own Justification, a Salvo for which, if it could, or is intended at all, ought, at first, to be inserted) condemnes Themselves, and makes Them appear not onely Legis Culpae— Transgressors of the Law—but—Rei Sanguinis— Guilty of Blood.—For, when the life of any Man, (and here is of Two, and a Woman) is taken away, be the Pretence what it will, without a Legal Conviction by Plain, and Particular mattter of Fact, and Doe Process of Law, and Power of Determining (I speak of inferior Ministers of Justice (and no such Matter of Fact, and Due Process of Law, or Power to Determine have they shewn in this their Declaration, which concludes them as aforesaid) there the Life of such a Man (or of such Men and Women) is Violently taken away; and those who thus Violently take it (or the lives of them) away are Guilty of Blood, or, of that Man (or Men and Women) are the Trucidatores, or Murderers: And this being done by Men who sometimes Suffered because of Conscience, and who for Conscience sake pretended to fly their Native Country, to Men and Women (even of their Country) barely for their Conscience to God, and the Exercise thereof in Obedience to the Lord (as is the Case) aggravates the Offence beyond Comparison, and renders them the most Unreasonable of Men, as it leaves them without Excuse.
Having given this short View, and State of the Case, which (I suppose) is clear to all Men of sober Understandings, I shall descend more Particularly to the Declaration it self, and therein to the Order of the Proceedings of these Men of Blood, and the Gradation of their Laws from Imprisonment unto Death, as themselves have set it, and Convince through all what I have Asserted in the Title, and these first Pages of my Book.
Declaration.— We thought it requisite to Declare (for, for Your Preamble or Beginning, I shall Answer it in the End) That about Three Years since, divers Persons professing themselves Quakers (of whose Pernicious Opinions and [Page 5] Practices, we had received Intelligence from good hands from Barbados to England (I suppose Ye mean from England and Barbados) arrived at Boston) whose Persons were only secured to be sent away the first Opportunity, without Censure or Punishment, although their professed Tenets, Turbulent and Contemptuous Behaviour to Authority, would have justified a Severer Animadversion, yet the Prudence of this Court was Exercised only in making Provision to Secure the Peace and Order here Established against their Attempts, whose Design (we were well assured by Our own Experience, as well as by the Example of their Predecessors in Munster) was to Undermine and Ruine the same.
Answer. That about Three Years before the Date of this Your Declaration, that is to say in the beginning of the fifth Moneth called Mary Fisher, Ann Austin. the Fifth Moneth, 1656. Mary Prince. Sarah Gibbens. Mary Weatherhead. Dorothy Waugh Christopher Holder. Thomas Thirstone. William Brend. John Copeland. The Seventh day of the Sixth Moneth, 1656. July, 1656. Divers Persons in scorn by You and the World called Quakers, Viz. Mary Fisher, and Anne Austin, arrived at Boston, and after them in the Moneth following, viz. the 7. day of the 6. Moneth, 1656. Mary Prince, Sarah Gibbens, Mary Weatherhead, Dorothy Waugh, Christopher Holder, Thomas Thirstone, William Brend and John Copeland; And upon their Arrival, Ye did secure and send them away after so tedious a Passage by Sea, as some Thousands of Miles in, Love to Visit You; and the many Inconveniences which attend on such a Voyage) is Truth, and what is Truth I freely Own, and readily acknowledge: But that They professed themselves Quakers, (the Tearm which in reproach ye cast upon Them) Or, That ye [onely] secured them to send them away the first Opportunity; Or, That ye sent them away the first Opportunity, and that without Censure or Punishment; Or, That they are a People of such Opinions and Practises as ye call Pernicious; Or, of turbulent and contemptuos behaviour, especially to Authority; Or, that their Professed Tenets, or behaviour to Authority, which Ye call turbulent and [Page 6] contemptuous, did deserve any such Animadversion, much less a Severer than they received at your hands; Or, That Ye were or could be [well] assured, either by Your own Experience (who had none) or the Example of those Ye mind in Munster, that their Design was to Undermine and Ruine the Peace and Order establisht among You, in the way of Munster; Or, That they at Munster are their Predecessors, Is a heap of Lies and Calumnies forged out of Your own, and the Brains of Your Priests, on purpose to asperse the Innocent, (whose Blood Ye have spilt) and to cover Your Guilt.
For First, They may have Owned, and do Own themselves to be such whom the World and Ye, in scorn, call Quakers, and so they do, and did Profess themseves to be such, Esteeming the Reproaches of Christ greater Riches than the Treasures of Egypt, for that they have respect unto the Recompence of Reward; But that they professed themselves Quakers, so Owning the Brand, which Ye put upon them; that's Your Own, and I must return it to You again to be laid up in the Treasurie of Wrath against the Day of Wrath, and Revelation of the Righteous judgement of God, which shall destroy the Adversary.
Secondly, That Ye did [only] secure them to send them away (as Ye say) the first Opportunity, and that Ye sent them away the first Opportunity without Censure or Punishment is of the same nature with the former, and with the former must be turned upon You.
For, First, before Ye had seen them (viz. Mary Fisher and Ann Austin, the first that came) or heard them, or knew them, or any of the People called Quakers (for those were the first that came among You) or what they had to say, or, had sent to know what was their Errand; and wherefore they came into Your Parts; Before that they had sent to You, or, that Ye (by them) had a Certain Information of their Business, or Principles, before they were come on shoar, or had signified to You for certain, that they would there land; Yea, before Ye had a Law, or any Court sitting that could make a Law against those People, Did not Richard Bellingham Your Deputy Governour, much unlike a Man, much more a Christian, a Christian Magistrate (as You would have him and Your selves to be accounted) cause them to be rifled for Books and Papers on board the Ship, after that he [Page 7] had Commanded Them Prisoners there until he had sent for them? And took not your Officer forcibly away about One Hundred Books from them? (their Proper Goods) And did he not detain such their Goods, and refuse to re-deliver them, though they sent to him for that purpose? Or, hath he, or You given Them any Satisfaction to this Day for such their Goods? (which are as Properly Theirs, and as Protectible by the Law, as the Cloaths they had upon Them.) Nay, Did not a Council of You, (afterwards assembled at Boston) instead of doing them Right against the Rape of the Deputy-Governour, do them Wrong, and cause the said Books (their Goods) to be burnt in the Marketplace of Boston by the Common-Hangman? And did Ye not the same to Them who came afterwards? that is to say, Did Ye not cause their Boxes, Chests, Trunks, &c. to be searched and risted before they came on Shoar and after? And were not such their Books as were found, taken away and burnt? (the Spanish Inquisition) Yea, did not your Jaylor rob them of their Bible, and so debarr'd them the use of the Scriptures? And were not these things done by Order, by Order of some of You, bearing Date the 11th of July, 1656, and the 27th of September following? the first being an Order in the General, the second in Particular to the Jaylor to do it, as oft as he should see meet.
Again, After Your said Deputy-Governour had Commanded Them on Shoar, and to be brought in Custody before him, and had Committed Them to Prison by a Mittimus, as Quakers, against whom Ye had No Law, and upon this Proof only, that they were such, viz.—The saying of One of them to him, [Thee] (which is the Natural Distinction (in Word) of One Man from Many, and as Proper as is the Name of One Man to Distinguish him from Another, and as Generally used [Thou and Thee] to a Single Person in all Languages, and the Scriptures of Truth, and to the Lord the Maker of all, in the most Solemn Addresses; For Languages are but the Demonstrations of Natural Distinctions, which whosoever Opposeth, doth (what in him lies) Overthrow the Order of Nature; and he that Overthrows the Order of Nature brings in Confusion; and Natural Distinction is the Ground or Measure of Demonstration or Speech; Not Demonstration or Speech of Natural Distinction) Whereupon [Page 8] he said,— He needed no more, now he saw they were Quakers—(an Ignorant Speech, and a shameless of a Magistrate, who should uphold the Order of Nature, and not make it a Ground of Punishment in such as Do) I say, after he had commanded them on Shoar, and Committed them, and upon the Ground as aforesaid, Did Ye not haste together in Council? (such of You as were near) and being met together before the time of the Court General, Did Ye not Order them (and their other Friends aforesaid) to be kept close Prisoners, and none to come at them, Or to have Communication with them (in Express Words) without Leave from some of You? until such time as they should be delivered by Authority on board some Vessel to be transported Oat of the Country (as are the Words of Your Order to the Keeper, July 18. 1656.) Yea, are not the Words of Your Order to the Keeper, August 18. 1656. to keep their said Friends close Prisoners, and not to suffer them to speak, or confer with any Person, Nor to permit them to have Paper and Ink? And in Your Order Septemb. 17. 1656. Do Ye not impower him to search their Boxes, Chests, &c. for Pen, Ink and Paper, Papers and Books, and take Them away? And did not Your Jaylor Execute Your said Warrants precisely? And further, Did he not take away their Candle, and not suffer them to have Light in the Night-season, lest (as himself said) they should see to Write? And, did Ye not lay a Fine of Five pound on any one that should otherwise come at, or speak with Them, though but at the Window, than by your Leave? and gave Ye Leave to any that Ye thought might be Convinced by them, Or, that were not of your Own Spirit and Principle? Yea, Did Ye not Order the Prison-Yard to be made close? and was not a Board nailed up before the Window that looked out to the Door of the Jayl where people used to come at them, that none might visit them? With many more Cruelties, which were Ordered and done for the present Distress (as ye call it) of Two Poor Women arriving in Your Harbour, which so shook ye to the Everlasting shame of you, and of your Establish'd Peace and Order, as if a formidable Army had Invaded Your Borders) and made You not this Order to be in force till the sitting of the next Court General? And, did not the next Court General confirm the same? And are not all these unmanly and base Proceedings more than an [only] securing [Page 9] of their Persons? Are they not Censures and Punishments, and that relating to their Persons?
Besides, Did Ye send them away by the first Opportunity? Did ye not detain, after the manner aforesaid, the two former for the space of about Five weeks, and the latter about Eleven? And was there no Opportunity, during those long spaces of time, to have shipp'd them away sooner by the Way of Barbados, or otherwise? Or, staid Ye not for the Return of the Ships that brought them, that so their Passages might be on the Charge of them that brought them, on whom Ye laid this Unreasonable Burden, they being ignorant before they came from Barbados or England, of (nor was there any) such Law of Yours? And, did Ye not Compel Robert Lock (a Master of One of the Ships) to Robert Lock carry them back on his own Charge, being Eight of them? and bind him in Bond so to do, and to land them no where but in England, (a strange Usurpation Over Other Countries and Your Own, and the Master and them) And did Ye not Imprison him, till he became so bound, and so Undertook? And, did Ye not bind William Chichester (the Master of the Vessel whom you got to carry them) in One Hundred Pound Bond, to carry the Two Women that came first away, and not to suffer any to speak with Them after that they were forcibly by Your Order, put on board her, or to land them in any Part of Your Jurisdiction? And during the Long seasons of their Imprisonments aforesaid, Did Ye take Care for their Maintenance? as Ye ought to have done, having Imprisoned them as aforesaid, and closely, so that none could come at them; for Ye knew not that they had any Money, or Friend to help Them: Or, Was not Nicholas Nicholas Upshall. Ʋpshall (a Member of Your Church, a Long-liver in Boston; an Antient Old Man, and full of Years, of whose sore Sufferings at your hands more particularly in their Place) denied Liberty to send Provisions to Them, out of his Regard to Strangers, lest they should have starved, till he Purchased it at the rate of Five shillings a week of Your Jaylor (another of Your Church-Members) And whilest they thus lay under Your Merciless Cruelty, Did Ye not seek all the wayes and means Ye could to Ensnare them, and to draw something out of them (who had none besides) wherewithal to Reproach and charge them, and the Truth they witnessed? Examining them single and apart, as to [Page 10] the same things, to see if Ye could catch them in any Untruth; or, as to the Matters of their Faith, Who had not declared any thing Publickly, nor were suffered so to do; Or to speak with any One, as hath been said. But, blessed be the Lord (who was near, and preserved them) You missed your Expectation, and neither did, nor could find any thing against Them wherewithal to charge them, or the Truth, though Ye laboured it hard; And had Your High Priest Norton (who said, The Justice of God was the Devil's Armour) and his Brethren (the very Shop and Forge of most of these, and the Cruelties to be rehearc'd, of whom more anon) to Your Assistance, even in Your Court General, (to the shame of your selves, who took upon You a Jurisdiction you were not able to manage without the help of a Priest, as it is of his Profession to meddle with Civil Jurisdiction) and when Ye could get no Advantage against them by this way of working (the Witness of God in him and you answering to the Truth they spake, and so were disappointed, Were Ye not sorely vexed within you? (having nothing from your selves or others as any breach of Your Laws, wherewithal to cover Your Proceedings against Them) And did not John Endicot your Governour (with whom I have a large Reckoning ere I have done) sufficiently manifest it, when he blood-thirstingly said to them,—Take heed ye break not Our Ecclesiastical Laws (who thought the Bishops so hard who put none of them to Death) for then Ye are sure to stretch by a Halter—(the thing that lay then in Your Bosoms, which you have since accomplish'd) and did he not further manifest it, when he told them,— They should not have a Copie of those Laws (a most Tyrannical Reply) when they desired it thereupon, that they might know on what ground they went; to the grieving of the People then present, who said Openly in the Court,—How shall they know then when they Transgress?—And did he not manifest it yet further, when (being at Salem, when Anne Austin and Mary Fisher were dealt withal, as aforesaid, against whom there was no Law) he said,— If he had been there (viz. at Boston when they were so mis-used) he would have had them well Whipt? And after all these Censures, Punishments and Tyrannical Proceedings (which were more than an [only] securing them, in Order to be sent away the first Opportunity) Did ye not Condemn them to Banishment [Page 11] from that part of their Country unto which they have a Natural Right, and some of them, a Municipal, having served an Apprentiship therein. Who had broken no Law, and so were by the Judgment of the Law persons Innocent? And after ye had so Ordered their Causeless Banishment, Did ye not Authorize Michelson your Marshal General, to Leavie upon the Goods of some of them a Certain Sum of Money, and Deliver it to the Jaylor for his Fees, from those whom you had so Unjustly Imprisoned? Who had no other Goods than their wearing Apparrel, and the Beds they lay on, which they brought out of the Ships: Yea, Did not Your Jaylor take away the Beds they lay on (than which they had no other to ease them on in their Passage to England) for his Fees? And, Did he not keep them after those People were sent on Board, till Capt. Oliver, and some of the Country, being asham'd of a Cruelty so manifestly contrary to the Countries standing Law, (which is, not to take away the nether Milstone, &c.) gathering Money among themselves (unknown to those People) paid his Demand? And, did Ye not Execute upon Them this Cruelty of Banishment, in sending them to England? for which You are to Answer, and all your o her Laws and Proceedings Repugnant to the Laws of England. Yea, not only unto them, but to Richard Smith (an Inhabitant of Long Richard Smith. Island, who came in the Ship with them, and whom Ye called their Proselyte) did not your Unreasonableness extend, because he was their Proselyte, as ye said? Had ye not him up before your General Court with the Later? and Committed ye not him to Prison also? and did ye not detain him there about Three Weeks from his Wife and Children? And when, by Leave from the Jaylor, he went to your Meeting on a First Day of the Week, and after the Priest had done, said,— It was the saying of the Governour, that he should have Discourse with some of the Godly Ministers, to Convict him of his Error, and that he was deluded; and that if there were any such Godly Ministers that could so Convict him, he was ready to hear what they could say—Did not your Governor hereupon declare, That his intent was it should be private (a sorry Shepherd that cannot lead a stragling Sheep into the (pretended so to be) right way before the rest of the Flock) And when the said Richard desired it might be otherwise, and that at that present it might be, were ye not [Page 12] Enraged at him, and sent ye not him away to the Prison again, and from thence by Water to his own Habitation, not suffering him to passe through the Country (so great were your Fears) lest he should infect it (as was your slander) with his Poysonous Doctrine? And did not your Council for the present Distress upon the Arrival of the Two Women asoresaid, lay a great Fine upon such Masters of Ships as should bring any of those People into your Jurisdiction, as they required Simon Kempthorne who Simon Kempthorne. brought them, to Transport them, or Cause them to be transported directly to Barbados from whence they came, and to Desray all the Charge of their Imprisonment; and to give Security to your Secretary in a Bond of One Hundred Pounds Sterling, for the effectual persormance thereof; and upon his Refusal to give such Security, to send him to Prison, till he did it? And did he not do it, though ye had no such Law before he arrived, against those People, as hath been declared?
Yet I have not done with you.
Fourthly, (to add no more) Did ye not shamelesly cause Two of the Women asoresaid, viz. Mary Fisher, and Anne Austin, to be stript stark naked, and so to be search'd and mis-used, as is Mary Fisher, Anne Austin. a shame to Modesty to name? and with such Barbarousness, as One of them, a Married Woman and a Mother of Five Children, suffered not the like in the bearing of any of them into the World? And when there was no Token found upon them but of Innocency, Were ye satisfied therewith? Or, did ye not afterwards continue them close Prisoners, and banish them as asoresaid?
And yet, how say ye, that ye [only] secured their Persons in Order to be sent away the first Opportunity, without Censure or Punishment? Are not these Censures and Punishments, and very sore ones too, and, next to Life, some of the greatest (all Circumstances considered?) Is not this more (yea, in many particulars) than an [only] securing their Persons to be sent away the first Opportunity? Can ye (who in cool blood, and so deliberately, and as by Order of the Court, and under Your Secretaries Hand (a Chief Instigator of Your Iniquity) and in Defence of your selves, as to the Bloud of the Innocent, which ye have spilt) have vented so many Lies and Falshoods, blush, or be ashamed? Is this your Entertaining of Strangers, your Civility, [Page 13] your Manhood to those who travel'd so many Thousands of Miles to Visit You in the Movings of the Lord? Whom at least Ye should have well intreated (and Ingenuity would have done it) for their Love sake, though they had been (as these were not) mistaken in their End, and rather have prayed them (as the Gadarens did their Master (whose Inhospitality ye Exceed, though they medled not with your Swine) to have departed, instead of Expelling them your Coasts, and imprisoning, and close imprisoning, and dealing with them not as Men and Women of the same Generation as you, and (reation, but as Beasts of Prey.
O ye Rulers of the Darkness of this World! whose and is come, and the Measure of your Iniquity; Unto what shall I liken You? Whereunto shall I compare You? Whither shall I go to fetch your Judgment? unto what Nation to Condemn you?
Shall I take a View of the Indians near you? Their Kindness to those People in Entertaining them in their Wig-wams (or Tents) as their Inns upon their Travels in the Night (where otherwise, nothing but the Open Wilderness must have lodged them) in Cold and Rain, in Hunger and Thirst, and Weariness in their Journeying to you, and being banish'd from you; their readiness to take off (of themselves) the Upper Garments of those People, and hang them up about the fire, when these came in Wet; their making ready warm Meat (such as they had) and good Fires for them; their furnishing them with Provisions, and freely too, and guiding them scores of Miles in the Woods (who otherwise, as to Men, might have perish'd; for their Travellings were harder than their Sufferings, though their Sufferings were very hard, (as you will hear by and by, and do know in part who inslicted it upon them) their lying in Woods; the hardness to find the Way; the foordings of Rivers, yea, when somewhat frozen with the Ice; the danger of falling into great Rivers ere they were aware in the Moon-light through the Thickets: with much more, too long to relate) doth sufficiently speak it:) Their discovering of the Workings of some of your Priests, when they were got amongst them, to destroy them, and for the Indians to do it, which they refused; Their Commisserating the Sufferings which these People received at your hands, and being glad of their Deliverance; and Crying out against your Cruelty exercised upon these Servants of the Lord, about the Worship of their God, doth sufficiently condemn you.
[Page 14] Shall I pass from Them Over the Globe, the Tropicks of Cancer, and Capricorn, the Line Equinoctial? Shall I return to Europe, to Ultima Thulae, the Utmost North, and make Search among those Nations? There I shall find them passing quietly through Sweden, and Denmark, bearing their Testimony amongst Calvinists (so called) and Lutherans, Yea, John Hall. the King of Denmark himself friendly receiving Books from One of them with his Own hand at Coppenhagen his Royal City, and Suffering him to pass in Safety, who gave them him after some Discourse together with his Head Covered; thus Reproving You.
Shall I pass the Sound, and tread the weary Steps of a Traveller, through Jutland, Gluckstadt, Hamborough, Embden, and other Towns and Countries in the East of Germany, and so to Heidelberge, the Chief City of the Palatinate; and there set up a little; There I shall understand of a quiet Passage in and William Ames. through them all, and of the Prince Elector Palatine of the Rhine, his sending to William Ames (who first Ministred and gathered a People in those Parts) and of his Own Accord taking off the Fine of Twelve pound laid upon Whosoever should Entertain William, by his chief Magistrate, & giving him free Liberty to Declare against Evil in his Dominions. I shal there also Understand of the said Prince Elector's forbidding him to go to the High Council of the Church (as it is called) upon their summoning him to appear, saying, That he (the said Prince) would take him off; And when the said Council notwithstanding summon'd him again, the Prince understanding that he was in the City; (viz. at Heidelberge where his Palace was, and the Convocation of the Priests) I shall find that he sent two of his Servants one after the other for him to come and dine with him the said Prince, and when he came, that he told him that he knew not of his being in the City before; That the Priests had not so much Power as to send for him, nor should have such Power; That he had reproved the Priests for what they had done; and bad him if ever they sent for him againe, not to obey them; That he rebuked one of the chiefest of the Priests of that Council for saying, That they (viz. the Priests) would give out Queries in Writing to him to Answer—and that he charged the said Priests in the presence of the said W. Ames, that they should give forth none, (though William was as ready to answer as the Priests to give forth) That the Prince used much Moderation, as did also his Sister; That she [Page 15] received very friendly what was spoken by him in way of Exhortation to her; That neither of them were offended at what was spoken by him to them, nor at the Hatt, nor with plain Language, Thou and Thee. I shall there also Understand, that when about the space of a year after, he and another friend (viz. John Higgins) came to Visit him, that he very lovingly received them; John Higgins That the Captain of the Prince his Life Guard told the said William, that his Prince was very glad that he (the said William) was come into the Countrey again; That he had given him (the said Captain) order to supply them (though they neither wanted, nor asked, nor received) with what ever they wanted, either Money or Clothes, in which his Love was seen and accepted; That he very sriendly received divers Books from them, both then, and at times before; And, that when at another time Samuel Fisher. John Stubbs. Samuel Fisher and John Stubbs were there from England, and had given notice to the said Prince his Secretary, that they had something in Writing to present the said Prince, That he (the said Prince) sent for them into the Presence Chamber, (where was also his said Sister) and received it gladly from them, and a Book enclosed, (their Hatts being on) Expressing much Desire after Friends Books, and receiving at another time a Great Book of George Fox's, and a Letter from William Ames, by the hands of John Higgins, and charging him (the said John) to thank the said William for that his Book. Moreover I shall find that he had much Discourse with them; That he told them that he took their coming in Love; That he believed they spake in love to their Souls; That he gave them thanks for their Love; That after a while being called to Supper he took them with him; that he shewed them his House; that he stayed them by him whilst he did eat; That they had Discourse with his Chaplains, and divers of his Great Men whilst they did eat; That neither He nor any of them, during all that time (though it was a season of greater Pomp and State than ordinary, the Prince and his Nobility being met about the Choice of a New Emperor) manifesting any Offence at their Discourse, or at their Hatts, or at their standing Covered, though (according to their Custom) the Prince and his Nobles sate with their Hats off, but on the contrary the Prince mauifesting much satisfaction with what they said; and enquiring after William Ames (who also had the [Page 16] same liberty with him, at his time of eating, and with and before his great Men) and how he did, saying he was not well when he was last with him; That in friendliness and love they departed; That they had free Liberty to Meet in any part of his Dominions, in the very heart of which there is a Meeting of Friends gathered into the Truth by the said William as aforesaid, who Meet together with the said Prince's knowledge; Whose Meetings are Peaceable.
Lastly, I shall there find, That when John Stubbs and Samuel Fisher were afterwards in Germany, that the Land-Soriver, (the next Officer in Power under the Prince, and divers of their Ministers sent to them to give Him and the said Ministers a Meeting; That Samuel Fisher Met them alone (John Stubbs not being well) that he had much moderate Discourse with them and Liberty a pretty time, and that he quietly passed away, after that the Land-Soriver and Ministers had expressed much thankfulness to him for his Love, who were not offended at his Hat, nor plainness of speech. All which make ye manifest.
Shall I journey hence into Lower Germany, the United Provinces, and into the Cities thereof, and make an Inquisition through some of the Principal of them, as Amsterdam, Schedam, Leiden, Rotterdam, Zutphen, Middleburgh? In Amsterdam I shall find a People gathered, Meeting in Peace, and free Liberty of Passing up and down in those Provinces, for the Declaring of Samuel Fisher. Truth. And at Middloburgh, in Zealand I shall find a Friend speaking in a Steeplehouse after their Minister had done, and a quiet Reasoning there for the space of half an hour in the presence of one of the Heers or Lords of that place, who was very Moderate and in English Discoursed with that Friend for some space of time without offence taken at his Hat or plain Language; and then desired further Discourse with him at the Ministers house, and went with him to the said Ministers house, he the said Heer on the one hand of him, and the said Minister on the other, to conduct him; and I shall also find that there they had very moderate Discourse in the presence of many Persons of Quality, who neither were offended at his being Covered, nor with his plain Language, but were very courteous to him, and when they had done, sent two with him to accompany him to his Lodgings. And in the same City of Middleborgh, another [Page 17] Christopher Brickhead. Friend being in Prison (C. Brickhead of Bristol in England; by Name) an Information being given thereof by some Friends to the States General Lord Ambassador Newport, then Resident in England; I shall find that the said States General Lord Ambassador wrote to the Magistrates there, and the Magistrates thereupon setting him at Liberty; thus Condemning Ye.
Shall I take shipping from Flushing, and pass to Calais on the one hand, and return back to Holland and so to Geneva, and Switzerland on the Other, and foot it through some of the chief Cities of France, viz. Lyons, Paris, Valence, Orange, Rochel, Morliax, and to Tyrole in the Alpes, and so into Italy, to Legorn in Tuscanny, to Venice and to Rome (time would fail me to instance all) There I shall meet with Friends Possing and Repassing Safely, continuing in divers Cities sometimes, and passing through them, even in Italy, (the most Complemental of any) and returning into England, though they were Examined before divers in Authority in those complemental Places, who neither scrupled at their Pussage, nor at their Hats. At Paris one of them being in the Bastile in Prison, was served daily with the same Provisions as was a Noble Man of theirs then in the same Prison at the Kings charge, and afterwards set at Liberty. At William Salt. Morliax another of them being in Prison for reproving their Maskings which are tollerated by Law, and his Life vehemenely sought after by the Bayliff of that Town for so doing, I shall find the King upon Information thereof by the Engilsh Ambassador Lockart (by means of a Merchant of that Town, whom the Lord stirred up in the thing) I say, I shall find the King sending a Letter under his hand and seal to set him presently at Liberty, taking notice in the said Letter, that he was Imprisoned for so Reproving of Maskings, tolerated by the Law; and when the King was informed that he was not yet set at Liberty, I shall find him sending another Letter to the Duke of Meillerai to see it effected, and that upon it he was free, he being (as it were) become but as the Shaddow of a Man thorough the hardship of his sufferings. At Rochel I shall find the Judge of the Criminals working the Liberty of Christopher Brickhead. another after he had been examined by the Bishop, and continued a pretty space of time against the Judge of the Civels, and Discharging him, though he both spake and wrote against the Popish Religion. At Legorne [Page 18] in Tuscany. John Perrot. John Love. John Perrot and his Companion John Love, being had to the Inquisition (otherwise called the Popes Holy-Office) and examined there by three Friars, I shall there find, That upon John Perrots giving an Account of his Call and Service, and of the Books that he had sent to the Governour (One of which was to the Great Turk which he had wrote in that place, and another to the Jews) and of what they had further to say to them, that they set them at Liberty, and discovered to them a Plot that some English had to Murder them, and bad them beware of their Country-men; That the Governour of that City not only received willingly several Books and Papers, which they sent him by an Ancient Merchant there (One Origine) who was very friendly, but expressed much tender regard of their safety, saying,— That he would not have them come to any hurt in that Land;—And making no question at their Gesture, nor finding any dislike at their not being conformable to their Customs when they were brought before them; And that the English Agent there Resident for England was very friendly to them, and off-times became himself Interpreter in the Disputes between them and the Jews, at whose Synagognes they were, and there reasoned with them; whom, to their Chamber from the Synagogue some of the Jewes followed, where they were some of them Convinced, and some Confounded. At John Perrot. John Love. Samuel Fisher. John Stubbs Mary Fisher Mary Prince. Venice I shall also find several of them Discoursing and reasoning on the Exchanges, and having much Entercourse and freedom in that City (where none were Imprisoned) and this with men of all sorts, Jews and Papists; and I shall find John Perrot speaking there with the Duke of Venice in his Palace, and delivering to him several Papers, and so departing with his Friend John Love from, thence to Rome, being sent from Smyrna by the English Ambassador (as were divers others) who would not suffer them to pass to Constantinople from thence, whitherto they were moved of the Lord, for fear of the Great Turk, At Rome I shall find some of them, viz. Samuel Fisher. John Stubbs John Perrot John Love. Samuel Fisher and John Stubbs to have been there for certain days, and to be departed; Others of them, viz. John Perrot and John Love to be Imprisoned; and one of them, viz. John Love to be dead there, and the other well entreated, as a Prisoner of whose welfare we have lately by Letters under his own hand understood. All which pass sentence upon you.
[Page 19] Shall I take upon me a long Journey from Rome to Constantinople, John Perrot. John Love. from the Pope to the Turk, and wade through the difficulties of such an Undertaking? Shall I Traverse the Morea, or that part of the Tarks Dominion which is called Grcece, from Patra (on the Sea shore towards Zaunt) to Vestreetshaw, and from thence to Corinth, Eneca and Athens? (where Paul preached) Shall I cross the Hellispont to Egrippa in the Island Negropoint, and so to Sco, and the other Isles, to Smyrna in Asia, and so back again to Venice? Shall I return to Zaunt, and the Morea again, and Travel about 600. Miles from the Morea shoare to Adrianople, and from thence to the Turkish Army Encamped near it, and through the Army to the Grand Seignior himself, and tell you of one Passage for all to Conclude ye for Ever?
Mary Fisher a Servant of the Lord, a Maiden Friend, being Mary Fisher moved of the Lord to go and deliver his Word to the Great Turk, who with his Army lay Encamp't near to Adrianople, went thitherwards to Smyrna, but being hindred in Her Passage that way by the English Ambassador, who sent her back to Venice, passed by Land from the Sea Coasts of the Morea to Adrianople aforesaid, very Peaceably without any abuse or injury offered her in that long Journey of about five or six hundred miles. Being come to Adrianople, near unto which was the Great Turk, and his Army, she acquainted some of the Citizens with her Intent; and desired some of them to go with her, but when none of them durst to go fearing his Displeasure, she passed alone, and coming near the Camp, procured a man to inform at the Great Viziers Tent (or chief General of the Army) that there was an English woman had something to declare from the Great God to the Great Turk: Who soon sent her word that she should speak with him the next Morning. So she returned to the City that night; and the next morning came to the Camp, and so to the Great Turk, who being with his great Men about him, as he uses to be when he receives Ambassadors, sent for her in; and she coming before him, he asked her, Whether it was so as he had heard, (sc▪) That she had something to say to him from the Lord? She answered him Yea—Then he bad her speak on (having Three Interpreters by him) and when she stood silent a little, waiting on the Lord when to speak, he supposing that she might [Page 20] be fearful to utter her mind before them all, asked her, Whether she desired that any might go forth before she spake? She answered, Nay; Then he bad her speak the Word of the Lord to them, and not to fear, for they had good hearts and could hear it—and strictly charged her to speak the Word she had to say from the Lord, neither more or less, for they were willing to hear it, be it what it would Which she speaking what the Lord had put into her mouth to say, They all gave dilligent heed with much soberness and gravity till she had done, and then He asking her, Whether she had any more to say? She asked of him, Whether he understood what she had said? He replied, Yes, Every word; and further said—That it was Truth—and desired her to stay in that Countrey, saying —That they could not but respect such a One as should take so much pains to come to them so far as from England with a Message from the Lord,—and profered her a Guard to bring her unto Constantinople, whither she intended, which she accepting not (trusting in the Arme of the Lord which had brought her thither to bring her back, who had prospered her Work.) He told her, It was dangerous Travelling, especially for such a one as she, and wondred that she had passed so safe so far as she had; Saying, It was in respect to her, and kindness that he profered it, and that he would not for any thing she should come to the loast hurt in his Dominions: (A Worthy Expression of so great a Prince) They were also desirous of more words than she had freedom to speak, and asked her, What she thought of their Prophet Mahomet? She Replied, That she knew him not, but the Christ, the true Prophet, the Son of God, Who was the Light of the World, and enlightneth every man that cometh into the World, Him she knew:—And further concerning Mahomet, she said, That they might judge of him to be true or false, according as the VVords and Prophesies he spake were either true or false; Saying, If the Word that the Prophet speaketh come to pass, then shall ye know that the Lord hath sent that Prophet, but if it come not to pass, then shall ye know that the Lord never sent him—To which they confessed and said, It was Truth. And so she departed through that Great Army to Constantinople without a Guard, whitherto she came without the least hurt or Scoff, to the Commendation and praise of the Discipline of that Army; the glory of the great Turk, and his great Renown, and your Everlaging shame and Contempt.
[Page 21] Shall I yet draw near to Death and the gates of the Grave, and steering my Course from Smyrna to Jerusalem; There I shall find the Turks at Ramla taking George Robinson, (a tender Youth of London) out of the hands of the Fryars, who by their Party, coming from Jerusalem, having heard a Report of him there, assaulted him in the Street, as he was passing thorow it to Jerusalem, unto which he was moved of the Lord: There I shall also find a Man of Great Account among the Turks, coming to the said George Robinson when he was at the place of Execution, near to the Mosco (or their Place of Worship or Temple) to be burnt with Camels Dung (as is their manner, a most lingring death) unto which he was sentenc'd, for being in their Temple, and not turning Turk; it being a Custom among them, That who-ever comes into their Temple, and turneth not Turk, must die: and thither he was brought against his will, on purpose to put him to Death: and the Priests of Mahomet, and much people were expecting when he would turn Turk, and using many Arguments and fair Promises to that purpose, supposing that for that End he came thither, but he was brought thither for another, which when the said Man in Reputation amongst the Turks understood, and a division arose between the Fryars and the Turk concerning him, which was of the Lord, who stirred among them for his Deliverance, and how they were in order to the bringing of him thither, and how that it was not in his own voluntary will that thither he came, but as he was compelled and carried; he being quiet in the Will of the Lord, and given up unto Him to dye, I shall find that the said Chief Man among the Turks had him to his House, and entertained him at his House for several dayes (he being a sickly youth, as I have said, and impossible it was for him, (according to men) ever to reach Jerusalem) and said, VVhether he would turn Turk or not, he should not die: And when the Fryars, being disappointed of their End, went to Gaza to the Bashaw there, who was their friend, with Many false Informations, on purpose to incense him against the said young Man, and whom they to incensed him, that he sent for him, swearing that he would kill him with his own hands, I shall find the Town of Ramla making a Reprosentation to the Bashaw of the Truth of the Matter, and of the many Injuries the said Fryars had offered to the young Man; and some of [Page 22] themselves going with it and him; which the Bashaw understanding and the Truth of the Matter, I shall find him the said Bashaw sining the Fryars in One Hundred Dollars, to be paid to the said Town for the Injuries done there, and requiring the Fryars to carry him back from Gaza to Ramla, and from thence to Jerusalem; and back again upon the Fryars own charge to the Part from whence he came: So to Jerusalem he was brought, and before the Caddee (or Turkish Governor) and there I shall find him examined by the said Governor, concerning divers things appertaining to Religion, and his Coming thither, and his Business; And the Governor hearing his Answers with much Moderation and Gravity, and also what he said did lye upon him from the Lord to that People; and dismissing him, though he was much instigated by the Fryars to the contrary; and after two dayes (having had much speech with the Fryars who rejected his Message, and being clear in the sight of God of that place) I shall find the Fryars constrained to return him on their own charge, according to the Bashaw's Order, as aforesaid; And when he was returning through the said Town of Ramla, I shall find the People of the Town following after, and asking the Fryars whether he had been at Jerusalem? Who, though they said he had, yet would they not believe them, till they heard it out of his own Mouth (for it was their intent if he had been brought thither to have staid him, and constrained them to have carried him) which they understanding from his own Mouth, let him pass; Thus rising up in Judgment to Condemn You.
Shall I yet Cut thorow the Straits from one end to the other, and pass it also to the Kingdom of Portugal, and there Attempt the Popish Inquisition? There I shall find Anne Gargil passing through Lisbone (where she arrived from Plimmouth in England) to the Palace of the King, there looking for him, and meeting there with an Irish Jesuite, who told her the King was not at home; I shall find her discoursing with him, and other Jesuites and People about their Religion; and Returning to the Ship, where I shall find her writing a Paper, and giving it to an English Merchant; and the Inquisition commanding it out of his hands, and sending for her from on board the Ship by the King's chief General of his Forces by Land, and High Admiral at Sea, and his Great Chamberlain and Keeper of his Privy Seal, with [Page 23] an English Jesuite, and the King's Boat; and the Master of the Ship, whom, with her they brought on shoar, and took them into the Kings Coach, and conducted them (through many Guards after the Manner of Entertaining Ambassadors) to the Inquisition House, a fair Palace; the said Anne Gargil and the English Jesuite sitting at the one end of the Coach, and the Chief General and Admiral, and Great Chamberlain at the other: Being come to the Palace of the Inquisition through Three Gaurds, as aforesaid, there I shall find Twenty five Bishops (as they were said to be) sitting, Twelve on the one side of the Table, and Twelve on the other, in a large Room, with Three-corner'd Caps, and One at the Upper End with Six, and more richly arrayed than the rest, and three Chairs set at the other End of the Table, for the said Anne, the Master of the Ship, and the English Jesuite; who being come into the Room, I shall find the said Twenty five arising from their Seats, and standing with their Caps in their hands, till upon their beckning the said Three were sat down; and then sitting down also, and examining her of her Age, Nation and Business, and bidding her speak her mind freely in what she had to say, for that whatsoever she said she should not receive any prejudice—Which when she answered, and had spoken freely what she had to say from the Lord, and with boldness, and they had took it in writing, I shall find them reading to her what they had written from her Mouth, and the Paper which she had before given into the hand of an English Merchant, as aforesaid, which from him they had received; in which she had declared against them and their Idolatry, and called them Babylon and Antichrist; And having demanded, whether she owned the things there written and read unto her? and she owning them very boldly, I shall find them causing Her and the Master of the Ship, and the Jesuite to withdraw; which they doing, and being called in again, I shall find them tendring to her a Paper to sign to this effect (sc.)—not to come on shoar again to that place, or to Discourse with any of that Nation; which she refusing, or to promise any such thing, I shall find them dismissing of her and the Master (after they had been there the space of Two Hours) and the said Great Officers of State taking them into the Coach again, and Conducting them in it to the Rivers side, and giving a Charge to a VVaterman to convey them to the Ship [Page 24] again, and defraying the Charge: To the Praise of the Discretion of the Inquisition, and to your Confusion.
Being thus clear of these other Parts of the VVorld, shall I cross the Main again to America, and in an Untrodden Path by any English hitherto (as hath been heard of) seek out Death, and make my Way five or six hundred Miles on foot from Virginia to New-England, through Uncouth Passages, Vast Wildernesses, Uninhabited Countries for near Two hundred Miles together, and there finish your Account? There I shall find Thomas Thirstone aforesaid (one of those whom ye so barbarously used) Thomas Thirstone. Josiah Cole, Thomas Chapman. and Josiah Cole of Winterburne near Bristol, his Companion, and Thomas Chapman of Virginia, traversing the said Ground from Mary Land to the Susquehanoes (the most Warlike of those Indians; who also are reported to drink the blood, and eat the flesh of their Enemies) and receiving from them the most Courteous Entertainment, not onely in Lodging and Provisions (such as they had) but some of them accompanying them, even to the Dutch Plantation (close by you) in some hundred of Miles off, which they met not with a Man or Tent; And so tender were they over them, as that they not only sought out Provisions and killed Deer, as they could come at it, for them, but spared their own Provisions, when they had none left for themselves, to the said Thomas Thirstone when he was sick on the Way (who was scarce one hour well during the Travel of Three or Four hundreds of Miles, and sometimes very ill) After which, being come to another Nation of the Indians, and Thomas Thirstone being sick amongst them many dayes, and that near unto Death, I shall find them very friendly to them all, and taking what Care they could of him in all things; and one of the Susquehano's (whom the rest left behind them, when he lay so long sick) conducted them to the Dutch Plantation, after Ten Weeks time from their first setting out; and so came to You to bear their Testimony against a stiff-necked People, as the Lord had said to the said Thomas, when he lay so weak and desired Death; viz.— I who have brought thee hither by my Mighty Arm, will carry Thee thorow to Witness for Me against a Stiff-necked People in New-England—And some of the Susquehano's came to visit him Thomas Thirstone. when they heard he was in Prison afterwards in Virginia. Thus finishing your Account, which will be sore in the Day of the Lord, which is even coming upon you, who will Cut ye off, and give you [Page 25] your Portion with Hypocrites and Sinners, and such will be his Hand upon You, and so manifest his Judgments, because of what ye have done to his People, That as to what he shall do therein, Men shall glorifie God and say,—Righteous art Thou, O Lord; Just and true are thy Wayes, O thou King of Saints; Who would not fear and tremble before Thee, because Thy Judgments are made manifest?
And so after a long Descent and Travel in the Deep, and an abiding there; After a diligent Inquisition through all Religions, Calvinists, Lutherans, Papists (so called) Protestants, Jews, Mahometants; After a Narrow Search among Nations, Kindreds, Tongues and People; Swedes, Danes, Germans, Dutch, French, Italians, Jewes, Turks, Portuguez, Indians, Whereunto to liken Ye, unto what to compare you; from whence to fetch your Judgment, and from what Nation to condemn You? After a long course from the South-west towards the North-west, fromwards the North-west to the East, and from the East back to the South-west again; Of what I have found this is the Sum, That when they were but few in number, yea, very few and strangers in those Lands, when they went from one Kingdom to another People, He suffered No Man to do them harm; Yea, he reproved Kings for their sakes, saying, Touch not mine Anointed, and, Do my Prophets no harm. And of their Entertainment, what hath been said is the Sum; But as for Ye, ye Men of New-England, ye Rulers of Boston, of Plimouth Patent, of New-Haven, Ye Shame of Men, Ye Refuse of Mankind; Higher than the Highest in Profession; Lower than the Lowest in Power; far beneath the worst of Men, whom the Lord hath tryed in this his Day, by his Messengers; Ye Serpents, Ye Generation of Vipers, what have Ye done to the Innocent, and with what Despight to those whom He hath sent to gather You, and to turn You unto God?
But to proceed.
What are the Opinions and Practices of these People which ye call Pernicious, and of which ye say, ye received Intelligence from Good hands, (and what are they?) from Barbados and England? What is Your Intelligence (or Hear-say?) and from whom did ye receive it? Seeing that upon this you have grounded all your Illegal and Barbarous Proceedings aforesaid against [Page 26] them: What are their Tenets, which Ye call Professed? and what is it they did profess? What their behaviour to Authority? which Ye term Turbulent and Contemptuous, and say, it would have justified (and it must have been very Contemptuous and Turbulent) a Severer Animadversion? VVhat were the Attempts, which ye say they made (and they must be very great ones then, and of a Hostile Nature, such as they were never guilty of, for they have resisted none) against the Peace and Order established among you, in making Provision to secure which (ye say) the Prudence of your Court (and what Prudence it was to be so frightned by the coming of two poor Innocent Women without Sword or Stick, Relation or Acquaintance, in a strange-place, some thousands of Miles from their Outward beings; and so to manifest it, as the whole Country ring'd out: And what was Your Peace and Order, and how established, that the shadow of two Worms, or the Hear-say of their moving should so shake you, that you were forc'd to such Unmanly Proceedings, so base and cruel (as ye pretend to) let Reasonable Men judge) was only Exercised. And how came Ye to, or could Ye be [well] assured, (seeing the whole Charge is a Lie, and Ye prove it not, nor produce a Particular either) by your own Experience (who had none, nor did Ye ever see them before, or any of those People, Or) the Example of those of Munster, whom Ye call their Predecessors) that their Design was to Undermine and Ruine the same. Now in these things Ye ought to have been particular (as I have said) if Ye meant any thing that might satisfie the Understandings of Men, or clear Your Guilt; and not to go and put Men to Death, and cruelly exercise them, as a Court of Justice, and then Apologize for what Ye have done; and so submit it to the Judgment of others, which should have none to judge it had it been Truth, but the Judgment should lye in the Justice of the thing, which is higher than all, and cannot be submitted; and when ye have so done, and submitted it to charge only in the general, and so ridiculously too, that any wise man may see through it before it is opened, as if so be You were not to account; So working backwards and forwards, up and down, now here and now there, as Men drunk indeed with the Blood of the Innocent, whom Guilt suffers not to be silent; and yet when Ye speak, Ye manifest Your Guilt: For, as I have said to You, [Page 27] Justice needeth no Apology, but its Defence lies in the Justice of the thing that arraigns the Malefactor; which answers to God, and that of Him in every Man's Conscience, which is the highest; Not in the Declaration or Apologie, which arraignes the Justice. So, had ye been wise men, ye would have been silent, and have let the thing alone to have wrought as it would, and not as Cain (who slew his Brother about Religion, the state of You) have snatcht and catcht at every thing to save You, who thereby shew that ye are afraid of every thing. Behold, thou hast driven me Out this day (said Cain when he had slain his Brother, his Guilt spake in him) from the face of the Earth, and from thy Face shall I be hid, and I shall be a Fugitive and Vagabond in the Earth, and it shall come to pass, that every One that findeth me shall slay me. Who put Ye upon this Apology? Who call'd Ye to account? Who disturb'd You? What's the matter? When a Superiour Power had called ye to an Account for the Blood of the Innocent, and the Cruelties of the Oppressed, then it had been a time for You to have Produced Your Cause, and brought forth Your strong Reasons, and to have shewn (if ye could have told how) Ground for Your Work, and Justice for Your Doings; But thus to Apologize, to beg, to beseech for a right understanding, or such an Understanding as Ye would have, as is the English of such a Declaration, when Ye seem to be in the height of your Blood, and of the Pinacle of Your Throne, and thus pitifully to do it, and to Cut your own Throats, sheweth ye much below the Understanding of Men, as it manifesteth your Guilt. Thus much in Answer to this part of your Declaration.
Declaration.— And accordingly a Law was made and Published, Prohibiting all Masters of Ships to bring any Quakers into this Jurisdiction, and themselves from coming in, on penalty of the House of Correction, till they should be sent away—
Answer. Hitherto I have had to do with you as to that part of the Sufferings of those People as were by you inflicted before the sitting of your Court; Or, that any Law was made by You against [Page 28] them; Also, as to the Ground or Reason of those your Proceedings, who made them suffer without a Law. All which I have answered in the beginning, because ye have placed it so, and in regard it contains the sum of your Charge against them, Or, the Cause of their Sufferings; For, that which follows is but the gradation of your Proceedings from Imprisonment to Death, and rather demonstrates that Ye. did such and such things, than the Grounds (or that ye had Grounds) on which ye did them, and so Your Declaration is a Charge against your selves. Now, as to your Laws, and the Grounds of them, and the Sufferings as to each. And because Every Determination of Man is Justifiable, or not, according to the Ground on which it stands, I shall begin with your Grounds, which I find to be Two, and then proceed to the rest.
The First is Hear-say,—Of whose Pernicious Opinions and Practices we had received Intelligence, &c. say ye in your Declaration, as aforesaid.
Answ. Now this is so poor and slender a Foundation (or rather none at all) on which to ground, or by which to warrant what ye have done, and the Laws ye have made; and so Abominable, that I shall need no further to Evince it than in the saying of Virgil (a Heathen Poet so accounted) viz.
(i. e.) Fame (Report, Hear-say) is an Evil, than which there is none more Swift, It lives by Motion, and by going getteth strength.
The Second, is Generals— Pernicious Opinions and Practices—Professed Tenants,—Turbulent and Contemptuous Behaviour——Attempts—Design—with such like, which I shall repeat as I proceed to the following parts of your Dectaration.
Answ. Now Generals are but the Casts of a Cause, they prove nothing (as I have said) and signifie little but a Design to slander, and in them lurks (and is conversant) Deceie.
And yet upon these Two (and no other) Foundations (as to Matter of Fact) are your Laws builded, unto which I proceed.
Declar.—And accordingly a Law was made and Published, prohibiting all Masters of Ships to bring any Quakers into this Jurisdiction, and themselves from coming in on Penalty of the House [Page 29] of Correction, till they could be sent away—
Answ.—And accordingly—According unto what? Surely to your Grounds, for unto them it must needs refer, to that which went before, or it stands for Nought; and what they are I have shewed, and according to the Proverb,— Malus Corvus, Malum Ovum—a Bad Crow, a Bad Egg—as is the Tree, so is the Fruit; and a sweet Fountain cannot cast out bitter steams, nor a Bitter sweet; As are your Grounds, so are your Laws; Your selves have Connected them, and given the Construction Accordingly (say you) a Law was made—
Answ. And why such a Law? May not any free Denizen of England, reside or be, so journ or inhabit in any of the Dominions thereof, not being chargeable to the Place; or, if the Place will bear them, that is to say, can live in it? for all cannot live together, as the Law of England provides. Is not England and its Dominions, as an English-man's house, there to be where he thinks best to accommodate his Affairs? I pray, how came you into New-England, and by what Right and Title do ye claim Priviledge to so ourn there, and to Rule as Lords? Is it not by Right of Nature, into which the Law investeth you, as Natural English-men, into its Natural Habitations? Did Ye not think so when ye removed thither? and thought ye it not a Priviledge inseparable from Nature? how came ye then so to forget your selves, as being possessed of, or having placed your selves in that Jurisdiction or Part of England, or of its Dominions, ye make a Law, or a Law is provided, to Prohibit, or Prohibiting all Masters of Ships to bring any Quakers (as ye reproach them) into that Jurisdiction, and themselves from coming in upon Penalty of the House of Correction, till they can be sent away, as faith your Declaration? Can that which is Natural, or General, on Common to all, as much to one Man as another, be managed into Particular? Can it be broken without a Force to Nature? Or, is it not broken when it is made Particular? and is it not made Particular when some are excluded the Common benefit? and are not some excluded, when they are not suffered to enjoy the Common benefit? Or, Do they enjoy the Common benefit, who are excluded? And, is not this to force Nature? And can Nature be forced without the Violation of Nature? Which is accounted Murder, (the same that said, He that sheddeth [Page 30] Man's Blood, by Man shall his Blood be shed, for in the Image of God made he Man, the same gave Man Dominion over the Beasts of the Field, and the Fowls of the Ayre, and the Fishes of the Sea, and bad him subdue it, and made all Men of one Blood to dwell on all the face of the Earth; and he that Violates the One, Commits the Other, for things that are Natural are of the same Quality; and the offence done against One thing that is so, is of the same Nature, as is done unto the rest, which no Law can tolerate, nor no Judge make (that is to say) that to be Law which is against Nature, because it Voids the Law (be it what it will) That is to say, that which against Nature is. And the Reason is plain, because Law is to preserve Nature, or that which is Natural, or Common unto all, and is an Efflux, or a fruit of that, or that which is the Ground of Law, which were it not for, or to serve, defend, or preserve (and where it needs it not, there is no need of the Law) the Law would not be, for it stands in Nature, and when it deviates therefrom, or seeks to destroy it, it's from its Ground, & must be reduc'd to Nature, not Nature unto it; Nature must be the measure of Law, not Law of Nature, & this is manifest: What would become of all the Dissenting Persons in the World, if they who have Power in their hands should let none breath where they have Power who from them Dissent? What had become of you after this Rate? Had not the Bishops as much right to have cast ye out of all England's Dominions, and to have prohibited all Masters of Ships to bring you thither, or your selves from coming in on the Penalty of the House of Correction or worse, as ye have done, who Dissented from them? For, if it be lawful for you, being seated in a Place, and having Power (and yet yours is but relative, and Dependant on England) so to Prohibite and Restraine all that you like not; It is Lawful for all who are so seated to do the same; and New England is under England, as are the Isles of VVight, and the English Fishing Places in New-found-Land. And if it be lawful for all to do so (and your Law Establishes it) where then will ye go at your next Remove, or into what Corner of the Earth, seeing that there is scarcely an Inhabited Spot that is One with You?
But why not into your [this] Jurisdiction? Are you intailed thereunto, you and your Heirs for Ever? How came ye so to be? and by what Right? Is it because ye came out of Old [Page 31] England? So did these. Is it because you are English Men? So are they. Is it because ye Dissented from the Government Establisht, and so sted from the Tryal of your Principle? These stand to their Principle, and through all Sufferings come to you to Convert thereunto. If ye say, We are a People Independent of Our selves, and so may make Laws within our own Jurisdiction; Then ye are not Dependant on England: If that from Old England ye have such a Power, Then shew it, for (I think) I have the Coppy of your Charter by me, and there is no such thing, but the Condition of it runs it more than Once (sc.)— Provided that they (to wit the Laws it gives ye Power to make) be not Repugnant to the Laws, Statutes, and Ordinances of this Realm.—
Yea, Why not into [this] your Jurisdiction above all other, seeing that above all other your Jurisdiction is most suitable? If ye say, We agree not with them in Matters of Religion; Nor did, nor do ye now with the Bishops, nor they with you; and yet no Law turn'd ye Out, nor did they Procure a Law for that Purpose, nor was a Law made (as you have done who have no such Power) nor suffered to be so, nor was their Motion thereunto, (as far as I have heard I am sure there is no Law) and so you are without Excuse; Your Remove was of your selves, nor were ye kept out thence by any Law when ye moved, Nor from returning again to England, as ye minded a Removing; and ye have returned unto England, and have been suffered so to do, as if ye had not Removed. Yet a Law ye have made, Prohibiting all Masters of ships to bring in of your Brethren among you (who were not prohibited your selves) and themselves from coming in on such a Penalty. Which leads me to the next Particular (viz.) The Sufferings by this your Law. And accordingly (say you) a Law was made and Published.—
Answ. This Law is put as the Port or Entrance into this Scene of Blood, and Cruel Sufferings, and the very Publication of it Enters it, and shews the Spirit by which it was made, and the Ground on which it went; and poor Nicholas Upshall (a VVeakly Old Man) of your Town of Boston bore the Brunt of it; Nicholas Upshall. For, he hearing it proclaimed, and being grieved at the heart for your sakes, and the Countries, that such a thing should be done which he looked upon as a sad fore-runner of some heavy Judgement, [Page 32] gave his Dissent; Which ye took so ill at his hands, that though he was a Member of your Church, and of good Repute among you, for a man of a sober and unblamable Conversation, and though in much tenderness and love he spake to you the next day when ye had him before you, desiring you to take heed, lest ye should be found fighters against God, and some sudden Judgement follow it on the Land, which was the Counsel which wise Gamaliel gave the chief Priests and Pharisees, and which they received at his hands, and it would have been your Wisdom so to have done; Yet you fined him twenty pounds, (which ye Enacted, I'le not bate him one groat, said your cruel Governour, John Endicot) and three pounds more by another Court for not coming to your Meetings, (and this after he was Imprisoned) and into Prison ye cast him; and banish him ye did out of your Jurisdiction, allowing him but One Moneths space (of which the time of his Imprisonment was part) for his Remove; neither regarding his old years (who had scarce a Tooth in his head to eat his meat, and bread and cheese and other Sustenance was scraped into a spoon when he received it) nor the weakness of his Body; nor the state of his aged Wife and Children which were amongst ye, nor the season of the year, (it being in the beginning of Winter, which with you is very cold, and he might have perished therein, as some have done in passing but from Town to Town, though but of Three Miles distance) but Out he must go, and when he was departed into Plimmouth Patent Jurisdiction, which was the next adjacent, the Governour thereof (One Bradford, since dead) to help on the matter, hearing of his coming (for after your Pipe danced that Plantation, as will appear by and by in the Cruelties that Ensue which they inflicted on the Innocent) issued forth a Warrant, that none of Sandwitch (whereunto he was come) should Entertain the poor Man; which not Availing (for their hearts were more tender then to cast him Out (such an Aged Man) in time of VVinter, he sent for him to Plimmouth by a special Warrant, which was Twenty Miles distant, but he not being able to go, and writing to him, that if he perished his Blood would be required at his hands, through the Moderation of some of the (then) Magistrates he was permitted to stay till the Spring; but then was he banished thence, who there had done nothing, but came into their Jurisdiction for a little shelter in the VVinter Season) [Page 33] to Rhoad Island; and this so earnestly prest in the early time of the year, that he was like to have been cast away in his going thither. A Piece of Cruelty able to soften a heart of Flint and Draw it into teares at the sence thereof, and which drew such Compassion from a Sagamore (or Indian Prince) That he told the Old man, if he would live with him he would make him a warm house, calling him Friend, and further he said,— VVhat a God have the English who deals so with one another about the VVorship of their God?—Or words to that purpose. But from you it drew no Relentings, but the spirit of Iniquity having got over you, it hardned ye the more, by how much the more you were Exercised therein, yea upon this very Old Man, as in its place I shall shew; and by and by make manifest. Even the Sea-Monsters draw forth their Breast, and give suck to their Young, but the Daughter of my People is become Cruel like the Ostrich in the VVilderness.
Thus Entred (as I have said) this Scene of Blood, and what follows answers unto it.
For, the Eight aforesaid, viz. Christopher Holder, Thomas Christopher Holder. Thomas Thirstone. John Copeland. William Brend. Sarah Gibbens. Dorothy Waugh Mary Weatherhead. Mary Prince. Nicholas Ʋpsh. Thirstone, John Copeland, VVilliam Brend, Mary Prince, Dorothy VVaugh, Sarah Gibbens, and Mary VVeatherhead, who were Committed before this Law was made, and kept close Prifoners for the space of about Eleven Weeks, the very Day that Nicholas was cast into Prison (as aforesaid) were they by vertue of this Law conveyed on board a Ship, the Ship they came in, and sent for England, and Nicholas came into their Room; Which Prison ye have supplied with the bodies of the Saints, and Servants of Jesus for the most part ever since; scarce One taken Out, but some One or other put into his Rome; of which in its Place.
But how came Nicholas Upshall to be concerned in a Law for Strangers who was an Inhabitant? In a Law for Quakers (so called) who was a Member of your Church? In a Law for Masters of Ships who shall bring into your Jurisdiction any People that are called such, and for any such People who themselves shall come into your Jurisdiction, when as he is neither Master of a Ship, nor brought in any such, nor came in, but is an Inhabitant a Freeman of Boston? How comes he to Suffer and to have inflicted upon him a Punishment [above] the Penalty of the Law? How came those Eight to be sent away the Day after the [Page 34] Publication of a Law, and by Vertue thereof, who were imprisoned before the Law was made? These things would be Enquired into, and how Repugnant they are to the Lawes of England?
Declaration.— Notwithstanding which by a Back door they found Entrance, and the Penaltie inflicted on themselves proving insufficient to restrain their Impudent, and insolent obtrusions, was increased by the losse of the Eares of those who offended the second time; Which also being too weak a defence against their Impetuous Frantick Fury, necessitated us to endeavour our security, and upon serious Consideration after the former Experiments by their incessant Assaults, a Law was made, That such Persons should be banished upon pain of Death, according to the Example of England in their Provision against fesuites; Which sentence being regularly pronounced at the last Court of Assistants against the Parties above-named, and they either returning or continuing presumptuously in this Jurisdiction after the time limited, were Apprehended, and owning themselves to be the Persons banished, were sentenced by the Court to Death according to the Law aforesaid, which hath been Executed upon two of them.—
Answer. As the former was the Entrance into, so this is the Scene of this Bloody Tragedy, the most Inhumane and cruel that Ever Age knew, or preceding Generation.
Declara.— Notwithstanding which by a Back Door they found Enterance.
Answ. And, Why a Back-Door? Was not the way by which they came as much before ye as the Sea from England? Is Sixty Miles distance by Land from Rhoad Island (the Place from whence they came) become further then England? One would think that Properly and indeed, the Land it is that is before you, [Page 35] which ye came to Inhabite, and that the Sea it is that is behind you, from whence ye came. How come ye then to say a Back-door? By a Back-door they found Entrance—Is it because you mistin your Understandings, and so have put the fore for the back, and the back for the fore? Surely then ye were not wise in your Generation to bind the Sea, and leave the Land at Liberty. Is it because ye had journeyed far enough from Old Enland (the House of Bondage, so accounted) into New (a Land of Liberty) and now were returning from the Land of Liberty to the House of Bondage? Surely then ye are in a bad state, to become Persecutors your selves who fled Persecution. Or, is it because Rhoad Island is the Place into which ye banish't those that differed from you in Matters of Religion (who your selves were not banish't who differed in Religion) and so having turned your Backs on their Oppression, would not hear their Cry, as did Joseph's Brethren, when they sold him into Egypt? Then Just is the Lord to bring your Condemnation from the Place of those whom ye Opprest.
Declar.— Notwithstanding which (say ye) by a Back Door they found Entrance.—
Answ. And Why not? Are ye Lord's Propriators of the Creation? May not the Lord of Heaven and Earth send His Messengers among ye, without your leave? May not an English man come into an English Jurisdiction? What Insolency is this, and high Obtrusion on the Creator of Heaven and Earth, who gave you your beings upon the Nation from whence ye came, and in which ye first drew your breath, and the Right of Nature from which ye are derived, and from whence ye spring?
Declar.— They found Entrance.—
Answ. And Why should they not, seeing the Lord of all is He that sent them.
Declar.— Notwithstanding Which—
Answ. Notwithstanding What? Why the Law prohibiting all Masters of Shipps from bringing in any, and themselves from coming in. Coming in! From whence? Why From or by Sea, for as for the Land that Door was not Shut, the Back-Door (as ye call it) but the Fore was. Notwithstanding which, viz. the Law aforesaid (say ye) by a Back-Door they found Entrance—Then how come they [Page 36] to be concerned in a Law which was not fitted for them? It was for them that came in at the fore door by Sea, and Ship-Masters that brought them, who were Prohibited from bringing in any such, and themselves from so coming in; I say, how come they to be concerned in a Law which was not for them, and you to inflict upon them the Penalty of a Law which concerned them not (might they not come in at the back door, it being open, when the fore door was shut?) yea a Greater? For so say ye—And the Penalty inslicted on themselves proving insufficient to restrain their Impudent, and Insolent Obtrusions, was encreased by the loss of the Eares of those that offended the second time.—
Answ. Insufficient indeed (and well might it be) and too weak a defence (as ye afterward spake of cutting off Ears, and therefore proceed from Banishment to Death) against Him who made the Earth and the Sea, and all that therein is, Who giveth unto Man, Life, and Breath, and Moving; Whose time being come for the sounding of His Everlasting Gospel to those who sate in Darkness, and Region of the shaddow of Death in your Jurisdiction; he armed his Messengers against the force of Death and the strength of Darkness, with his Eternal Spirit, and enabled them to endure what the strength of the One and the Gates of the Other could inflict upon them; Whom ye have killed and put to Death, whipt and scourged, burnt in the hand, and cut off their ears, and so they bear in their Bodies the marks of the Lord Jesus, and the dying of Jesus is made manifest in their mortal flesh, that they might not trust in themselves, but in him that raised up Jesus from the dead; And a Crown of Life they shall receive, who loved not their lives unto the death for the sake of Jesus Christ.
Lastly, Insufficient against what? Against a few innocent Lambs among Wolves; a few simple People, Men and Women, who came to you not with Swords or with spears, but in the Name of the Lord, whom the Lord God of Life sent to you through Desarts, and Wildernesses, and Necessities, and Straits, and Hunger and Thirst, and Cold and Heat, and Perils by Sea, and Perils by Land, and Temptations, and Distresses, to turn ye unto God; Whom ye have Imprisoned, and Whipt, and burnt, and cut off their ears, and put to Death. That all the righteous Blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of Righteous Abel, unto the blood of Zacharias the son of [Page 37] Barachias, who was slain between the Temple and the Altar, may come upon you; and verily it shall come on this Generation. And, the time is at hand, yea, near to be revealed, wherein the Righteous God will render unto you according to your Deeds; yea, according to your Deeds will he recompence you, Fury to his Adversaries, Recompence to his Enemies; yea, to his Adversaries will he repay Recompence; And the Lord God will Thunder out of Heaven upon you, and the whole Earth shall be filled with his Glory, when he shall have thrown ye down from your Seats, and Exalted the Humble and Meek; Even when he shall have turned to hear the Prayer of the Desolate, and help him to Right that hath no Helper, and the Poor from him who is too strong for him, and the Needy amongst men. This shall be written for the Ages to come, and the Children that are unborn shall praise the Lord: And your Carkasses shall fall upon the Earth, and ye shall leave your Name a Curse unto my Chosen, saith the Lord.
Declar.— VVhich proving Insufficient—
Answ. What proving Insufficient? Why the Penalty inslicted; so saith your Declaration, (sc.) And the Penalty inslicted proving Insufficient.—
Answ. VVhat was the Penalty? and what did ye inflict? O Ye shameless Men! who make so slight of so heavy Punishments! whose Cruel stroaks pierc'd the Air, and whose Bloody Draughts the hearts and souls of those who saw it, as they did the Bodies of them whose Flesh ye tore, and whose Blood ye drew. Yet this is insufficient,—the Penalty inslicted proving Insufficient—Never Blood Enough to the spirit of Wickedness when once it lanches out, and dips its foot in the Blood of the Innocent; So it was, and so it hath been with men in your state from the beginning. But the Righteous God will fill to you again, yea, double in the Cup that ye have filled, and ye shall surely have your Reward. Therefore, deceive not your selves; for, as you have sown, so shall ye reap; as you have done, so shall it be done unto you; and ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I have taken Vengeance upon You, and rendred unto you according to your Deeds. Then shall you see, and be ashamed for your Envy at My People; Shame shall cover you, who have said unto them, Where is now the Lord thy God? and ye shall be a Perpetual Desolation; the Mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it, [Page 38] who also will do it, and perform it in its season; and the time is near.
Now, as to the Sufferings; What were they, and your House of Correction, that ye make so slight of them, and say of them, —which proving Insufficient.
The First Two that came Over after this your Law, were Anne Burden and Mary Dyar, her whom ye afterwards put to death, after that ye had reprieved her (of which in its place) The One's business was (viz. Anne Burden's) to gather up some Debts in the Country (her Husband being dead, who was a long Inhabitant therein) for the maintenance of her and her children, who had lived about Sixteen years in Boston and those parts, and was unblamable before them with whom she lived; Nor had ye any thing wherewithal to charge her now, but that she was a Plain Quaker, as Richard Bellingham said, and that she must aside your Law, who came for her Debts; Mary Dyar's to pass that way to Rhoad Island, having before she arrived there, no knowledge of what ye had done: These Two ye imprisoned, and kept close Prisoners that none might come at them; and though William Dyar came for his Wife from Rhoad Island, after he heard that she was there, and in Prison; yet ye suffered him not to have her, until he became bound in a great Penalty (so great was your fear) not to lodge her in any Town of your Colony, nor to permit any to have speech with her (an unmanly thing) in her Journey. But as for Anne Burden ye held her to it, and when she was very sick in Prison, ye suffered not her Friends to come and visit her; Yea, your Jaylor shut her up in a close Room in the heat of Summer, upon the Visit of Two Friends at the Window as they came from your Meetings. And as for her Debts, though some Tender-hearted People were moved to look after them whilst she was in this Restraint, and had procured to the value of about Thirty Pounds of it, and desired that she might have her Liberty, when ye sent her away, to pass to England by Barbados, because the Goods so gathered for that part of the Debt were not fit for England, which was so reasonable, that you seemed at first as if it might be, if any Voluntarily would receive her, for that ye could compel none so to do, but He that brought her thither; and they upon this seeming Liberty of yours had procured such a Passage, Yet ye suffered her not to go, but [Page 39] most unreasonably compell'd the Master of the Ship that brought her thither, to carry her back for England without any of her Goods with her, nor had she so much as One Penies-worth of her Husband's (except to the Value of Six shillings, which an honest man sent her upon an old Account) whilst she was in New-England; but ye returned her Empty to her Fatherless Children, though they were born in the Country; and after that ye had kept her there for the space of about Twelve weeks close Prisoner, and put her to the charge of her abiding there and going back; and when the Master of the Ship asked who should pay for her Passage; Ye advised him to take so much of her Goods as would answer it; which he refusing to do so wicked a thing, and rather trusting to her Honesty, of which he was perswaded that she would not let him be a loser, though he could not compel her to pay, seeing she went not of her own will (and which she paid him in London upon that Account) ye let him go. And when he that had the first trust from her husband with the Estate, was to convey what was gathered to Barbados after she was gone; Ye stopp'd to the value of six pounds ten shillings of it for her Passage (who so went upon her own, and paid it in London, aforesaid) and of seven shillings for Boat-hire to carry her on Sihpboard (though the Master proffered John Endicot your Governour to carry her in his own; but Richard Bellingham your Deputy-Governor would not, but sent her with the Hangman in a Boat that he had prest) and of Fourteen pounds for the Jaylon (to whom she owed nothing) and as for the rest, she heard of some that was sent to the Barbados, by the honest man that stirred to have it in; but of him that was intrusted, she neither heard when, nor what, nor hath she any thing of it come to her hands (25th of the 2d Month, 1660.) to relieve her and her Children; and as for the Remainder of the Estate left in the Country, which should have been a Livelihood for her and hers, and for which she came, what is become of it she knoweth not, nor cannot go over to Enquire without a Prison. And this is your Mercy, your way to pay Debts; your Tenderness, your Regard to the Widow and the Fatherless, your Justice and the Execution of your Laws, when the Reason of your Law hath no place: And for this Expect that ye shall have your Reward from Him who is the Father of the Fatherless, and the Husband to the [Page 40] Widow; who is no Respecter of Persons, but will render to every man according to his works.
Mary Clark is the next, whose tender Body (being a Mother 29th of the 6th Month, Mary Clark. John Clark a Merchant-Taylor in London. of Children, and having a Husband in England whom she left, being moved of the Lord to come unto you) ye unmercifully tore with Twenty stripes of a Whip with Three Cords laid on with fury, after she had delivered her Message to you, which she had from the Lord, which ye turned your backs upon, and said,— Ye would not hear—like those Proud men to whom the Prophet Jeremiah spake in the Word of the Lord. So she turned her Back to you, and ye smote it as aforesaid, and having detained her Prisoner about Twelve weeks after in the Winter season, ye turned her out of your Jurisdiction, Who now is not. And this is your House of Correction, and the beginning of the inslicting of the Penalty which ye say was Insufficient.
Christopher Holder and John Copeland are the next, who being moved of the Lord to go to Salem, a Town in your Colony, Christopher Holder. John Copeland. and speaking a few words (viz. Christopher Holder) in Your Meeting after the Priest had done, was haled back by the hair of the head, and his Mouth violently stopp'd with a Glove and Handkerchief thrust thereinto with much fury, by One of your Church-Members and Commissioners, and they both thrust out, 21 day, 7th month, 1657 and had to a house, and continued there till the next day, and then had to Boston, where Ye laid it on with Thirty stripes a piece at Once, with a knotted Whip of Three Cords, as near as the Hangman 23 day, 7th month, 1657 could in One place measuring his Ground, and fetching his stroaks with the greatest strength and advantage he could to Cut their Flesh, and to put them to suffering; The Cruelty of which was so great, that a Woman seeing of it, fell down as dead; Yet it had not End, for that Night, and Three dayes after your Jaylor kept them without Food or Water (lying on the Boards, without Bed or Straw, after so cruel Execution) and so close that none might come to speak with them, so they might have perished, but the Lord preserved them under your Merciless Cruelty; and when all this would not do, Ye kept them Nine weeks Prisoners without Fire in the Cold Winter season, and then turned them forth: And the Friend of Salem (Samuel Shattock by Samuel Shattock. Name) who pull'd away the hand of the said Church-Member's and Commissioner, when he thrust the Glove and Handkerchief [Page 41] into the Mouth of Christopher Holder, lest it should have choaked him, being not able to behold so barbarous an Act; ye sent to Boston (though an Inhabitant of Salem, and a man of good repute amongst ye) and there ye kept him Prisoner (whom since ye have whipt and banish'd upon pain of Death) as a Friend to Quakers (though ye had no Law so to do) who only did this friendly Act, till he had given in Bond of Twenty Pounds to answer it at the next Court, and not to come at any of the People called Quakers at their Meetings. And this was the second Progress of your House of Correction, and the further Infliction of your Insufficient Punishment, which ye laid on without Compassion or Pitty, and yet call it Insufficient.—The Penalty inflicted proving Insufficient—say ye, who are thus Drunk in Blood, and filled with Madness, that ye care not what ye do to the Innocent, nor what Cruelty ye inflict, nor how your Rage reacheth up to Heaven in causing them to suffer; but being Mounted in Blood, ye ride on with speed, and No Consideration of Tenderness or Bowels can stop your Career, No not the sad Condition of your Neighbours (the Inhabitants) who had lived long amongst ye, and were Partakers of the same distance from their Country, and other Inconveniences, and were known to you to be of sober Conversations; your Eye pittied not, neither did ye spare them, the Cry of their Oppressions came not into your Ears, neither did your hearts relent, but as Men given up to a Reprobate sense, Implacable, Unmerciful, without natural Affection: So ye proceeded with the Inhabitants, as with the Strangers, and more cruelly too, neither regarding Age nor Sex, neither the Hoary head, nor him that stoopeth for Age; Neither Child nor Old woman; Neither Infant of Dayes, nor the Man of Riper Years; Neither a Man and his House, nor a Man and his Heritage; Neither Many Men and their Houses, nor Many Men and their Heritages, Wives, Children, Families, Relations, Estates, Goods, Lands, Persons, Beings; as I shall set in Order before you by and by, (though therein You are silent) and the Righteous Judgments of God, who will not spare you for your Iniquities, and Hard-heartedness to the Poor; Neither will His Eye pitty You, nor will He spare You; But the Reward of your Hands shall be given ye, and the Fruit of your Doings; Because ye spared not, neither have had Mercy: And this the Lord will fulfill, whose [Page 42] VVord it is, who is a God of Faithfulness and Truth: Blessed are all they who put their Trust in Him.
And here Cassandra Southick and Lawrence her Husband (an Law. Southick and his Wife. Aged, Grave Couple, Inhabitants of Salem, and Members of your Church) come to be considered; Who, because they Entertained the Two Strangers aforesaid, (viz.) Christopher Holder and John Copeland (who are required to Entertain Strangers, Forget not to do it, saith the Apostle to the Church of Christ; for thereby some have Entertained Angels) were committed to Prison, and sent to Boston (your Metropolis of Bloud) where Lawrence ye released, to be dealt withal by them who reputed him of their Congregation;) but Cassandra ye kept Seven weeks a Prisoner, and then fined her Forty shillings for owning a Paper, written by the Strangers aforesaid, in reference to Truth and the Scriptures (what Blasphemers are ye, who persecute for this?) which your Governor put to her wherewithal to Ensnare her, and to bring her under your Law, who had none before, after ye had detained her as aforesaid; and which she Owning (for that she could not deny, unless she had denyed the Truth) ye fined her as aforesaid; though even that Law by which Ye fined her, fineth only for Heretical Papers, which this was not, nor proved ye it so to be.
Richard Dowdney was the next who felt your hand, upon Richard Dowdney. whom there being a Necessity laid from the Lord to come from England to you, Ye apprehended at Dedham, and brought to Boston, where he never was before, nor in that Country, and having given him Thirty stripes at Once, with such a Whip as aforesaid, and laid it on with as much Cruelty as the former, and searched for his Papers and Books, and took from him what Ye would (all which in the space of Three hours after his Coming to Town, to the wounding of the hearts of many who heard and saw so Innocent a Man so inhumanely abused) Ye continued him Twenty Dayes a Prisoner, and then sent Him away with the Four former, after ye had threatned him and them with the loss of their Ears, if they came there again, viz. into your Jurisdiction; Which leads me to the next step of your Proceedings, mentioned in your Declaration; viz. the Cutting off Ears—was increased (to wit, the Penalty) by the loss of the Ears of those that offended the second time—The Whole runs thus,— And the Penalty inflicted [Page 43] proving insufficient to restrain their Impudent and Insolent Obirusions was increased by the loss of the Ears of those that offended the second time—
Answer. Before I come to the particular Execution of this Increase of your Cruelty, I must necessarily turn aside to shew the Reader the Effect of the former upon the Inhabitants, and what it produced as to them, and your Proceedings thereupon.
These Your Violent and Bloody Proceedings so affected the Inhabitants of Salem, and so preached unto them, that divers of them could no longer Eat of your Sacrifices of Blood, nor partake with you who mingled Blood with your Sacrifices, but chusing rather Peace with God in their Consciences, whose Witness in them testified against such Worships, than to Joyn with You, whatsoever they might therefore suffer, withdrew from Your Publick Assemblies, and met together by themselves on the first Dayes of the Week quiet and peaceable in One anothers houses, waiting on the Lord.
This Ye soon found out (for it could not be long hid) and it grieved You sore, and William Hathorn (One of your Commissioners) having information thereof, sent forth his Warrants to bring in all before him, who were taken together, the next Morning; before whom being brought, he read unto them an Old Law, made in 1646. to Convict them which should absent from their Publick Meetings, after the Rate of Five shillings a Week (now the Bishops was but Twelve pence in the Dayes of Queen Elizabeth) with which Ye Convicted them (a Practice never used by Christ nor His Apostles, nor by the Jews of Old) which yet satisfied him not, but this Capt. Hathorne sent for them again, and asked them Ensnaring Questions concerning the Sufficiency of the Light which convinced of Sin, and had the Clerk of the Court to write what they said; which Light that convinced of Sin being the Light of Christ, which Enlighteneth every Man that cometh into the World; who saith,— I am the Light of the World—and John—That that is the true Light that lighteth Every Man that cometh into the World; In whom was Light, and the Light was the Light of Men: They owning it to be that which was (as it is) to be minded by all, He sent Three of them to You at Boston, viz. the said Lawrence Southick and [Page 44] Cassandra his Wife, and Josiah their Son, (all of a Family, to Lawrence Southick Cassandra his Wife. Josiah their Son. terrifie the rest) whom ye sent to your 3d day 12th Month, 1657. House of Correction (as ye call it) and caused to be whipt in the coldest season of the Year with Cords, as those afore, though two of them were aged People; and having kept them Eleven dayes in Prison, and commanded them to work for the Jaylor, who had Families of their own, and business to attend upon, from which ye detained them, and caused them to work for another, under the Penalty of your Law, as if they were Rogues or Vagabonds, and such as would not work nor have regard to their Families, but wander up and down to beg and steal, as is the Law of England, and as it provides; and then set them at Liberty, nothing in a Legal way: For, as for the Informations, the said Hathorne sent them in a Private way (as his manner was) sealed up to Your Governor, which he produceth not. Nevertheless with this the said Hathorne was not satisfied, but being filled with Cruelty and Bloud, sent forth his Warrants, and caused several of the Beasts of the said Lawrence and Josiah to be destrained, to the Value of Four pounds Thirteen shillings, that is to say, for Six weeks absence of the said Lawrence and Cassandra, Three pounds Six shillings, and the rest for Josiah their Son, being Two young Beasts, and a fat Hogg.
Neither with this was the said Hathorne satisfied, nor with Edw. Harnet and his Wife. the Departure of some out of that Jurisdiction, because of your Cruelty; but one Edward Harnet (aged about Sixty nine years, and his Wife Seventy three) and another aged Family, he caused Another aged Family. Thirty seven shillings to be taken, for not coming to your Meetings, though they were Low in the Outward, and had more need to have been ministred unto, than to be taken from.
And William Shattock an Inhabitant of Boston, ye * Committed William Shattock. First Month, 1658. to Your House of Correction, and cruelly whipt him at his first Entrance, because he was found alone in his Own house by your Constable, on a first Day, Where ye kept him to work (which was making of Shoes) and the Jaylor took his Labour from his VVife and Children; which putting him on straits to think what he should do for their Sustenance, though he could have well endured the thing as to himself, yet in regard Your Deputy Governor told his Wife (in part of whose house his Family then was) that in regard he was poor, and could not pay them [Page 45] Five shillings a week for not coming to your Meetings, you would continue him still in Prison; he desired to depart your Jurisdiction, which to do ye gave him but the next dayes time; and your said Deputy Governor endeavoured to make a Separation between him and his wife, seeking to perswade her that she should never hear of him more, and when he was gone to seek out a Place for them in another Jurisdiction; and that what William had done was to be rid of her and her Children (which were Four) and told her, That if she would disown him, and perswade his Children to it (a Cursed work) neither she, nor her Children should want: for Two of them he intended to keep himself, his son being (as your said Deputy said) fit to keep his sheep, whom he took from the place where the said VVilliam had appointed him to abide, lest he the said Deputy should make a Prey of him. And so he had but three dayes time to depart your Jurisdiction, and to provide for his Family, and to pay his Debts, and to receive them, which he was necessitated to accept, because ye had concluded to keep him still in Prison, and to take of his Children to be your Servants, and to make his Wife to do your wills, or perpetually to banish him, as he understood by his Wise, and had committed him, and ordered him to be severely whipt at his first Entrance, according to Your First Law, entituled, a Law concerning Quakers, and there to be kept, and none suffered to converse with him whilst he was in Prison. And this is the Justice of the Court of the Massachusets, and the Religion towards God of your Deputy.
But to proceed, and to let Others see, as well as Your selves, what a Generation Ye are, and a Heap of Evil-doers, whom no Consideration will tye, nor Mean or Medium: There were about this time three of the Inhabitants of Salem going to Rhoad Island to see the Place, and to provide a Being for themselves John Burton. Josiah Southik John Small. and Families, whose Names are John Small, Josiah Southick, and John Burton; who coming to a place called Dedham, in the way thither, about Thirty Miles from Salem, the first Night as they were going into the Ordinary to lodge, One of the Chief Men of that Place, Capt. Lusher by name, was sent for, who examined them about Religion; and your Ministers, on Purpose to ensnare them; which they perceiving, and refusing to answer unto such his Questions, though they gave him an Account of [Page 46] their Journey, which was as much as he could reasonably expect, he told them that he would send them where they should; and so the next morning the Constable came with more Ayde, and with a Halbert and Brazen headed staffe conveyed them like Murtherres through the street to Boston; where your Deputy Governor reviled them (as is his usual manner to the Servants of the Lord) and told them that they should go to Prison, and to Prison they had gone had they not desired to go to the Governour, who understanding the Case did more like a man of Understanding (if he had so held) and set them-free; Saying,— That they could not hinder men from Travailing on their Journeys. And yet the same Governor and Deputy Governor Signed a Warrant to levy Twelve Shillings on the said men, who were so brought back (to pay the men for the aiding them) So levying Fines to force some away, and to keep others Back; neither suffering them to Live in Quietness, or to Depart in Peace.
Sarah Gibbens and Dorothy Waugh were the next on whom ye Sarah Gibbens. Dorothy Waugh. 13th. 2d. Moneth, 1658. laid your Bloody cruelty; For, they coming to Boston being moved of the Lord, and being found in your Meeting Place, speaking a few Words after your Lecture was ended; Ye caused them to be had to your House of Correction, where your Jaylor (a Member of your Church) kept them Three days without food in a close Room, though they tendred Money for Provisions, not having eaten One Morsel of Bread, during all that time: Then ye sent for them to your Court, and asked them many Ensnating 1. d. Moneth. 1658. Questions, to get matter against them, in which having not prevailed (for the Lord was with them) giving them a Mouth and Wisdom which ye could not resist) ye sentenc'd them to Prison to be [severely] Whipt, (Two Young Women) and not spared (such was your cruelty) which was as Cruelly executed the second day of the week following with a Three-fold-Corded-knotted Whip, with which ye gave them Ten Lashes apiece, to the tearing of their Flesh, and beating it to pieces, and then shut them up (your usual manner) and stopt the Windowes to prevent them from Ayre and all manner of Refreshment for Eight days together, so that Provisions they had not, nor could have any brought them; during that space of time after their fore Whippings, and Three daies before they were so whipt, and Perished they must, had not the Lord wonderfully kept them, [Page 47] beyond what man could have been able to undergoe; as he did enable them to give him thanks for his presence, after they were so sorely whipt to the astonishment of the People. And the Goaler being asked why he would not let them have food for their Money, and what he meant to keep them without food? He answered,— They should famish if they would not eat the Prison food, (which was for their Work, which they could not do in your Wills, who were not Idle persons, and who had Money of their Own, and how could they work when their Backs were torn?) And your Governor John Endicot, being asked by Sarah Gibbens (when they were had before you after the first Three days as aforesaid) Whether it were Justice or Equity, to keep them so up, and not to suffer them to have food for their money, that being the Third day they had been so kept, and had not eaten One Morsel of Bread? And further, that ye might all see that God was with them, that they were so preserved without food; and that they came well into the Town, as hundreds could witness, and that if they perished their Blood would fall heavy on them who were the occasion thereof. He answered,— He Matter'd, or it matters not. And when he had set them at Liberty to be sent out of the Country, Your Jaylor detained them certain days after all this for their fees, and had kept them longer, had not the Lord by another way wrought their Deliverance.
Horred Gardner is the next, who being the Mother of many Horred Gardner. Children, and an Inhabitant of Newport in Rhoad Island, came with her Babe sucking at her Breast, from thence to Weymouth, (a Town in your Colony) where having finished what she had to do, and her Testimony from the Lord, unto which the Witness of God Answered in the People, she was hurried by the Baser sort to Boston before your Governour John Endicet; who after 11th. 3d. Moneth, 1658. he had entertained her with much abusive Language and the Mary Staunton. Girl that came with her to help bear her Child, he committed them both to Piron, and Ordered them to be whipt (a young Woman, and a Mother with an Infant at her Breast) with Ten Lashes a piece, which was cruelly layd on heir Naked bodies, with a Three-fold-knotted Whip of Cords, and then were continued for the space of Fourteen days longer in Prison from their Friends, who could not Visit them. The Woman came a very sore Journey, and (according to Man) hardly accomplishable, [Page 48] through such a Wilderness of above Sixty Miles, as it is between Rhoad Island and Boston; (as did Sarah Gibbens and Dorothy Sarah Gibbens. Dorothy Waugh. Waugh through the same, in Storms of Frost and Snow, wherein they lodged Night and Day, and came to Salem, whitherto through all those hardships, and wadeings over Rivers, and Impossibilities as to Men, the Lord brought them, who moved them to go thither, and from thence to you, who chearfully underwent it for his, and his Seeds sake, and worse from you, who had Famish't them for want of Bread, but the Lord preserved them, and kept them from sinking under your Cruelties, and Scourgings, Praising the Lord at the Post, after their Scourgings was over, to the astonishment of the People; as he did Horrid Gardner and the Girle, as aforesaid, and the Tender Babe, who, through the Sufferings of its Mother, and her being kept up, after the Martyring of their bodies, might have died; but you had no Consideration of this or of them, though the Mother had of you; Who after the savage, inhumane, and bloody Execution on her of your Cruelty aforesaid, kneeled down, and Prayed—The Lord to forgive you—which so reached upon a Woman that stood by, and wrought upon her that she gave Glory to God, and said, That surely she could not have done that thing, if it had not been by the Spirit of the Lord.—
After these comes Thomas Harris from Rhoad Island into your Thomas Harris of Barbadoes. Colony, who Declaring against your Pride and Oppression, as he could have Liberty to speak in your Meeting Place at Boston after the Priest had Ended, and Warning the People of the Dreadful, Terrible Day of the Lord God, which was coming upon that Town, and Countrey; Much unlike to Niniveh, he was Pulled down, and out of your Meeting, and a hand was put on his Mouth to keep him from speaking farther, and he haled by the hair of his head, and had before your Governor, and Deputy, and many People, with several Magistrates, and committed to Prison, without Warrant or Mittimus, that he saw, and there shut up in a close Roome, and none suffered to come at him, nor him to have Provisions for his Money; and the next day Whipt without shewing him any Law that he had broken, though he desired it of the Goaler, with Ten Cruel stripes with such a whip as aforesaid, to the sore cutting of his Flesh, and bruising of his Body, and then shut up again for Eleven daies more; [Page 49] Five of which he was kept without Bread (for your Jaylor would not suffer him to have any for his Money, and threatned One of the other Prisoners very much for bringing him a little Water the Day of his Execution) and all this, because he could not work for the Jaylor (who had money of his own) and let him have Eight Pence in Twelve of what he should Earn; and starved he had been in all probability to death, had not the Lord kept him those five dayes, and ordered it so after their End, that Food was conveyed him by Night (by some tender People, who though they came not into the Profession of Truth openly, by reason of your Cruelty, yet felt it secretly moving in them, and so were made serviceable to keep the Servants of the Lord from Perishing, and causing their Liberties, who shall not go without their Reward) in at a VVindow. And though he was in this state of Weakness, for want of Bread, and by reason of the torturing of his Body with Cruel Whippings as aforesaid; and though the Day after he was whipt the Jaylor had told him, that he had now suffered the Law, and that if he would hire the Marshal to carry him out of the Country, he might be gone when he would; yet the next Sixth day in the Morning, before the Sixth hour, the Jaylor required him to work at his will, which he not answering for the Reasons aforesaid, he gave his weak and fainty Body Two and Twenty Blows with a Pitch'd Rope; 19th day, 5th Month, 1658. and the Nineteenth of the Fifth Month following, Fifteen cruel stripes more with a Threefold-corded Whip, knotted as aforesaid.
Now upon his Apprehension Your Governor sought to know of him who came with him (as was Your usual manner) that so ye might find out the rest of the Company, on whom ye might execute Your Cruelty and Wickedness, and Your Governor said, he would make him do it, but his Cruelties could not. Nevertheless they were soon found out (who hid not themselves, but were bold in the Lord) viz.— William Brend and William Leddra, William Brend. William Leddra who coming to Salem, unto which they were moved of the Lord, and having Conference with a Priest at Newberry, after they had passed thence, and after that Capt. Gerish (sometimes of Bristol in Old England) before whom the Conference was, had promised the People that they should not suffer (for at the Desire of the People was the Conference) he the said Capt. Gerish (one [Page 50] of your Commissioners) sent for them back, as they were on their way, and had them before the Court; and though the Court confessed, that they found nothing that was Evil in them (the Witness of God so far answering) yet the Court committed them (as did Pilate Him who went before them) and kept them at Salem that Night, and the next Day Prisoners, during which time they called in question several of the Inhabitants of Salem for meeting with them, (for ye had made a Law, viz. That of Cutting off Ears, as aforesaid,—That whosoever of the Inhabitants should directly or indirectly cause any of the said People to come into your Jurisdiction, he should forfeit an Hundred Pounds to the Country, and be committed to Prison there to remain till the Penalty should be satisfied, And whosoever should Entertain them, knowing them so, should forfeit Forty shillings to the Country for every hours Entertaining or Cancealment, and be committed to Prison till the Forfeiture should be fully paid and satisfied.—And further, That all and every of those People that should arise among your selves should be dealt withal, and suffer the like Punishments, as your Laws provided for those that came in, which was, That for the first Offence (or coming in) of any such who had suffered what your Law required, if a Male, One of his Ears should be cut off, and he kept at work in the House of Correction, till he could be sent away on his own Charge: For the second, The other Ear, and be kept in the House of Correction, as aforesaid. If a Woman, then to be severely whipt, and kept as aforesaid, as the Male, for the first; and for the second Offence (or coming in as aforesaid) to be dealt withall as the first: and for the third, He or she should have their Tongues bored through with a hot Iron, and be kept at the House of Correction close at work, till they be sent away on their own charge.—This is Your Law, and this the Offence. Such a Law as Bonner never made for the Coming in of an Heretick (so called) into the English Jurisdiction; Nor for a Man's barely being such an One as was called an Heretick, without Conviction of Herisie, (and ye have convicted none of One Opinion, or Practice that may be called Heresie) nor Canterbury for you) I say, during the time Law Southick. Cassandra his Wise. Josia their Son Sam Shattock, Joshua Buffum. Sam Gaskin. of the Detaining of the said W. Brend and W. Leddra, they called before them several of the Inhabitants of Salem, for meeting with those aforesaid, and Six of them, viz. Lawrence Southick and Cassandra his Wife, and Josiah their Son aforesaid (whom Ye [Page 51] whipt as aforesaid, and imprison'd and fined) and Samuel Shattock (whom ye also had before Imprisoned) and Joshua Bussum and Samuel Gaskin, they sent with W. Brend and W. Leddra to you at Boston, where your Jaylor 2d day, 5th Month, 1658. received them about Six of the Clock in the Evening, and shut them up apart, and in Rooms which he had provided on purpose to make them (as he said) bow to your Law; and stopt up the Windows, so, as he left not a hole for Convenient Air, and all wayes of Conveyances for Air and Diet, which he kept from them (except such as he laid before them, as a little Pottage and a Piece of Bread, for which he would have made them work, if they had eaten, as he threatned, but Money he would not take, and work for Meat in his will they could not, so they did not eat) and suffered none to come at them, and continued them so from the sixth day of the former week, to the fourth day of the week following, the second day of which, though they had no Food from the time aforesaid, yet Will. Brend. Will. Leddra Samuel Shattock. Sam. Gaskin Josh. Buffum Cassandra Southick. Law. Southick Josiah his Son. he called them down to be whipt, and to whom was given (whilst they were in that state of weakness of Body) and to Samuel Shattock, Joshua Buffum, Samuel Gaskin, and Cassandra Southick (for being a Woman ye could not have her Ear by your Law, though ye whipt her) Ten stripes a piece, with a knotted, threefold-corded Whip, with the Cruelty as aforesaid, upon the account of your former Law, as being such as were called Quakers, and as owning such (the other Two Inhabitants, viz. Lawrence Southick and Josiah his Son, ye reserved for the loss of their Ears, though therein ye mist too, for Your Law was for such as came into your Jurisdiction, but they were of it, and so could not be said to come into it) and having whipped them, your Jaylor William Brend. William Leddra lock'd * them in a close Room (being dark) and without Air, in the hot Summer season, which was the Room he prepar'd to bow, alias, to destroy them, for so his Carriage manifesteth in keeping them up there, and from Food, and whipping them so, and locking them up again in the same place, and there keeping them till the fourth day following from Food or Friend (enough reasonably to have smothered them) Then He told them they were clear, paying their Fees (who owed him none) and hiring the Marshal to Convey them out of the Country (which they could not do in Obedience to the Lord who sent them thither, or as English men in their own Country) so he kept them close Prisoners, [Page 52] and the next morning the Jaylor put William Brend (a Man of VVilliam Brend. Years) into Irons, Neck and Heels lockt so close together, as there was no more room between each than for the Horse-Lock that fastned them on; and so kept him in Irons for the space of sixteen hours (as himself (viz.) the Jaylor confessed) for not working as he said; and all this, whilst without meat, and whilst his back was torn with the whipping the day before, as aforesaid; which did not satisfie your Bloud-thirsty Jaylor (not all these Cruel Usages, which were a few of them, Enough (according to Men) to have dispatch'd him) But as a Man resolv'd to have his Life, and by Cruelties to kill him, he had him down again the next Morning to work, who had been so many dayes without Meat, whose Back was so beat, whose Neck and Heels were laid so long together, and because he could not bow to his will, he laid him on with a Pitch'd Rope Twenty blows over his Back and Arms, with as much force as he could drive; so that with the fierceness of the Blows the Rope untwisted, and his Arms were swoln with it, being so cruelly whipt but Two dayes before, and lock'd up; presently after this Your Jaylor having either mended his Old, or got a New Rope, came in again, and having haled him down stairs with greater fury and Violence than before, gave his broken, bruised and weak Body (which had received no Sustenance for Five dayes before, and was whipt and beaten, and lock'd as aforesaid, Fourscore and Seventeen Blows more, foaming at the Mouth like a Mad-man, and tormented with Rage, unto which great number he had added more, had not his strength and Rope failed him, for now he cared not what he did do; And all this, because he did not work for him, which he could not do for a World, being Unable in body, and unfree in mind; So he gave him in all One Hundred and Seventeen Blows with a Pitch'd Rope, after the manner and with the violence as aforesaid, so that his flesh was beaten black, and as into a Jelly, and under his Arms the bruised flesh and bloud hung down, clodded as it were in baggs, and so into One was it beaten, that the sign of a Particular Blow could not be seen; Yet your Cruel Jaylor threatned to give him as many more the next Morning, and his Friend William Leddra with him, and as he went away, lock'd them up in a close Room again, and then went to his Morning Sacrifice with his hands thus defiled with Blood: But William [Page 53] Brend having been without Food for Five dayes together, and having been so cruelly whipt, and lockt and beaten, and in a close Room without Bed or Food, or Sustenance, soon fainted away, lying upon the Boards with his torn, bruised, weary, fainty, broken Body (bowed indeed (by all this Extremity of Cruelty) in his Body by your Cruel Law, but his Life was free) Whereupon a Cry was made, and the Prison doors were thrown Open, and all Means used to save his Life, if possible, and your Governor sent his Son and his Chyrurgeon to see what might be done (such fear was fallen upon you, lest Ye should suffer for his Blood) who thought it impossible (according unto Men that he should live, but that his Flesh would rot from off his Bones ere the bruised Flesh could be brought to digest (this was the Judgment of your Governors Chyrurgeon) and such a Cry was made by the People that came in to see him, that Ye were constrained for the satisfaction of them (for, as for your particulars it will appear by and by how you were, and how far, in Order to, and One with this thing) to set up a Paper at your Meeting-house-Door, and up and down the Streets, that the Jaylor should be dealt withal the next Court; but it was soon taken down again upon the Instigation of John Norton (your High-Priest) unto whom, as the Fountain or Principal, most of the Cruelty and Bloudsheds herein rehearsed, is to be imputed) it was taken down again, and the Jaylor let alone; For, said the said John Norton (but how cruelly let the Sober judge)— W. Brend endeavoured to beat Our Gospel-Ordinances (what Ordinances are they that can be so beaten, seeing the Ordinances of the Gospel are like those of Heaven, which cannot be broken, yet he lyed in the thing, for he came not so to beat them) Black and Blue; if he was beaten Black and Blue (and even unto Death as aforesaid; And where-ever did the true Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ever exercise such weapons, or seek to uphold the things of His Kingdom with the VVeapons of this VVorld, whereby the things of this World are sought to be upholden, whose Kingdom is Spiritual?) It was Just upon him (see how he appears in his Colours) and he would appear in his behalf.—But the Lord appeared (when nothing else could) wonderfully to raise up this His Servant, and to heal his Body beyond Expectation; and Ye appeared (when ye could do nothing else) to justifie the Action; which when Bloud was like [Page 54] to lie upon you, ye would have cast upon the Jaylor, who did but execute your Wills; But now Life appearing in VVilliam, ye rose likewise and ordered (viz. your Governor and Deputy Governor, and Rawson your Secretary, a chief Instigator of all this Cruelty)— That the Quakers (by which name you reviled them) in Prison be whipt twice a week, if they refused to work, (whom ye had used as aforeiaid;) and the first time to add five stripes to the former (which were Ten, and now were made up Fifteen) and each time to add Three to them (that is, to the Fifteen, and so forwards, as the Stripes should be increased thus by the times of whipping)—Which Order ye sent to the Jaylor (as a Salve for his Sore, and a Box of Balsom for his VVound, and to strengthen his hands to do more cruelly again, whom the fright of the other had so weakened) and which he executed, as by and by will appear. And because the Jaylor was under the Censure (and that justly) of the People for his Cruelty on VVilliam Brend (which he did in madness and heat of spirit, being a very passionate and hasty spirited man) Ye in cool Bloud, and after all this Cruelty, and the noise thereof, and the Proclaiming by your Papers, when you were afraid William would not have lived again, Ordered, That each time he should warn Two Constables of that Town to see the Execution; which he read to them the 7th day of the week, and told them it should be executed on the second day of the week following, and which on the second day he Executed accordingly with much Cruelty on the Strangers, viz. on Humphry Norton and John Rouse (who by that time were Humphry Norton. John Rouse. Will. Leddra Tho. Harris. had there, as by and by I shal shew) and William Leddra (of Barbados aforesaid) and Thomas Harris of Barbados, of whom I have spoken) with Fifteen cruel Lashes a piece, laid on at Once with the Threefold-corded Whip as aforesaid, so adding Five to the First Number of Ten as aforesaid; Which Bloudy Cruelty so moved the Inhabitants of Boston, and so affected them to see New stripes (and the addition of Three each time to be made) on the Old sores (much unlike the Mercy of the Dogs to Lazarus, who licked his sores, not made more) And some of the Old sores were upon them when they came to be whipt the second time, who were whipt a fortnight before) I say, it so affected them, that they paid the Charge required for them (which was about Six or Seven pounds) as they usually did as to all that were in Prison, that they might be set free. But as for You, This you added [Page 55] and did, that it might be made appear (and the hand of the Lord was in it to suffer it to be so) how One ye were with, and approved of the Jaylor's Deed, though because of the Cry of the People, and the fear of Bloud, ye seemed to the contrary. This is another Experiment of the Penalty inflicted, which ye say, proved insufficient. But as for the Inhabitants then in Prison, (upon whom Ye made this Law, as on Strangers without Distinction, and this after they were Prisoners both Strangers and Inhabitants, and executed it on the Strangers, though made after they were Prisoners; and notwithstanding they sent you a Paper, wherein they declared, That they could not work for You, or hire Conduct (the things for which ye detained them in Prison; for they had suffered your Law before for Coming into the Country, which ye made them more cruelly to suffer for, than for the Breach of your Law) for that it was against their Consciences, having not broken or transgressed any Law of God, or wholsom Law of the English Nation) I say to the Inhabitants, though they made ready their Backs for the Post, and were putting off their Cloaths to receive the like as their Brethren, ye did nothing.
And now, as to them, viz. Samuel Shattock, Lawrence Southick, Sam. Shattock. Lawrence Southick, Cassandra his Wife, Josiah their Son. Joshuah Buffum. Samuel Gaskin. Cassandra his Wife, Josiah their Son, Samuel Gaskin, and Joshuah Buffum (whom I have been constrained promiscuously to touch at, because they have been intermixed with Others in their Sufferings.) They were at a Meeting, with as many more of their Neighbours and Friends as made up Twenty or upwards, at Nicholas Phelps his house, a little off Salem (about Five Miles) in the Woods, with the said Two Friends, William Brend and William Leddra, waiting on the Lord; Unto which one Batter (a bloudy man, and a Commissioner of your own) came, and a Constable with him, and required them to assist the Constable (a most Unreasonable Demand, those two being their Friends, and they all in the same Condition, had he had power so to demand them) which they refusing (he having neither a Warrant, nor a Constables-staff of Office) he went his way after the using of some Violence to the Strangers, but the next week, the Court sitting, he gave their Names into the Court, who caused them to be Apprehended for so small a Matter, and kept them in Prison in a Neighbours house Two [Page 56] dayes from their Own, till the latter end of their Session, and then had the aforesaid before them, and accused them, for being from their Publick Meetings, and at a Meeting by themselves, and with their Enemies (so they accounted the Servants of the Lord, who came in Love to them, as being moved of the Lord) and their great business was to prove them such as are called Quakers. It was demanded by one of them, How they might know a Quaker? Simon Broadstreet (one of the Magistrates) answered, Thou art One for coming in with thy Hat on. He replyed,— It was a Horrible thing to make, such Cruel Laws, to whip, and cut off Ears, and burn through the Tongue, for not putting off the Hat—Then they charged them with Blasphemy, and said, That they held forth Blasphemies at their Meetings—One of them desired them to make any such thing to appear, if it were so, and that they might be convinced; and told them, they might do well to send some to their Meetings, that they might hear, and give account of what was done and spoken, and not conclude of a Thing they knew not. Said Major General Denison (of whose Cruelty I have much to say in this Relation)— If ye meet together and say any thing, We may conclude that ye speak Blasphemy; (a bad Speech from a Judge, whose Place is not to accuse any either truly or falsly, much less to draw Unrighteous Conclusions from his own spirit, and then to prosecute them without Law or Equity, as hath been this Denison's manner, and of Others so to do; but to judge according as Witness doth present, Secundum Allegata & Probata— according to the Things alleaged and proved, as is the Law of England.) So to Prison they were had, and the next morning sent away to Boston (viz. those Six as aforesaid that were Inhabitants, and the said Two Strangers) as Felons and Murderers, and there put into the House of Correction, apart from the Two Strangers, whom the Jaylor had put into the Common Jayl, and in a close Room provided on purpose to bow them, as aforesaid, that they might not come together; and this in the heat of Summer, from their Husbandry and Tillage, which it was the season of the year for them July 1. 1658. to follow. The VVarrant bore Date, July 1. 1658.
And indeed, these Cruel Proceedings so sunk down into the hearts of many of Salem, that they withdrew more and more from your Publick Meetings, though they knew they should suffer, [Page 57] upon which the Court then entred them into Pay, at Five Shillings a Week, each that abstained by an Old Law made in 1646. as aforesaid, which they cruelly Extorted, as they did the other Fines of Forty shillings each hours entertaining of such a one as ye call a Quaker, and Ten shillings a time for being at Meetings of their Own, with the rest of the Penalties as Occasion presented; yea, even from the Women whose Husbands came to your Meetings, to the Value of some Scores of Pounds from first to last, on the Poor Inhibitants of Salem, whose Cattel ye let them keep all the hard Winter, till the Spring, that so they might consume their own Fodder, and then took them; with other Acts of Cruelty too long to mention. So that what by long and sore Imprisonments from their Houses and Callings, and Business, and Relations, in the heat of Summer and the cold of Winter; and Cruel Whippings, and Beatings, and Fines, and Amercements, and Searchings, and Huntings, and such like, (as I shall shew more particularly by and by, Their Lives (as to men) became worse than Death, and as Living Burials, though they thought not any thing too much, nor their Lives too dear (as anon will be made manifest) for the Truth, and the Testimony of it.
The next day after W. Brend was so used, and layd for dead, Humphery Norton. John Rous. Humphry Norton (on whom the sence of Blood lay much, and the Weight thereof pressed him sore for several days, and cried in him, so that he travailed Night and Day with his Friend John Rous) came to Boston, where, in your Meeting House, on your Lecture day, (notwithstanding the Cry of the Town of your Cruelty and Blood, and the speaking of some to the said Humphry, that if he loved his life, he should depart the Town, for otherwise he was but a Dead man, they having been looking for him some Moneths, which could not hinder them, nor all the World, such was the sence and weight upon them) they appeared, and having heard the Earth speaking, and the Grave uttering her voice, and Death feeding Death, through your Painted Sepulchre John Norton, Humphry Norton, stood up and said, (after the other had ended) Verily this is the Sacrifice which the Lord God accepts not, for whilst with the same Spirit that ye sin, ye Preach and Pray, and Sing, that Sacrifice is an Abomination to the Lord—Whereupon (yea before he had spoke out all these words, but all these words he spake) he was haled down, and both of them [Page 58] had out, and in the same fury had before ye, and H. Norton ye charged with Blasphemy for those words he had spoken. They spake to you to Act according to the Law of God, or the Wholesome Laws of the English Nation, and spare them not. But neither of these ye would come nigh. Then they Appealed to England, and to the chief Magistrate there, or whom he should appoint, to whom they said they would freely refer their Case, which they did once and again, thereby to leave you without excuse; but neither would ye yeild to this, but slighted and disregarded such their Appeal; Your Governour and Deputy Governour with one lip saying,— No Appeal to England, No Appeal to England—with other words of Dirision; and sorthwith sentenced them to be Appeal to England denied in open Court. whipt, though charged with Blasphemy, and to John Rous ye gave smooth words, seeking to ensnare him because of Your knowledge of his Father, Lieutenant Colonel Rous of Barbadoes, who formerly lived amongst Ye, of whom some of You then spake; but he knowing Your Deceit and Wickedness, and Cruel usuage of the Innocent, and seeking by close Rooms, and Denial of Food for several days together to Consume and strangle them, he required in the audience of the People, convenient Food for their money, Or, otherwise if they perished, their Blood would be upon you. This ye could not well deny before the People, who had heard of much of Your Cruelty in this kind, and who were likely to have risen up against Ye should Ye have denied it; so Ye granted this, when Ye could not help it, to the breaking of Your Law, but the seventh day of the week following (this being the fifth) Ye broke their Bodies (in Revenge thereof) with Ten Cruel stripes a piece, according to Your wonted Cruelty, and then tendred them to depart if they would hire a Convoy, which they not doing (for as to the Lord they could not, who moved them thither) Ye detained them there the week following, and then Whipt them Fifteen stripes Each, with the same Cruelty as before, by vertue of the Law aforesaid, of Five to be added to the Ten, and to the Five, Three, each time they should be whipt, and to be whipt twice a Week, upon their old sores, with the rest of their Brethren, of which I have spoken.
Now about Three Weeks after the said Court at Salem, the Court sate again, at which several of the Inhabitants were presented for not coming to Meetings, and the Law read for Five [Page 59] shillings a Week for them as should refuse, each to pay for not Comming, and many were listed under that Pay, which ye Exacted when ye pleased; but as for the Six aforesaid, they were continued still in your Prison at Boston, and no Course taken for their Release; neither was it so much as offered them (upon the Suffering of your Law) to go home, paying the Fees, as ye used to do to the Strangers, which Occasioned a Paper to be sent by them to the Court in these Words.
This to the Magistrates at Court in Salem.
WHereas it was your Pleasures to Commit us, whose Names are underwritten, to the House of Correction in Boston, although the Lord the Righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth is our Witness, that we had done nothing worthy of Stripes or of Bonds; and we being Committed by Court to be dealt withall as the Law provides for Forreign Quakers, as ye please to tearm us, and having, some of us, suffered your Law and Pleasures, now that which we do expect is, that whereas we have suffered your Law, so now to be set free by the same Law, as your manner is with strangers, and not to put us in upon the account of one Law, and Execute another Law upon us, of which according to your own manner, we were never convicted as the Law expresses; If you had sent us upon the account of your new Law, we should have expected the Goalers Order to have been on that account, which that it was not appears, by the Warrant which we have, and the Punishment which we bare, as four of us were Whipt, among whom was One that had formerly been Whipt, so now also according to your former Law. Friends, Let it not be a small thing in your Eyes, the exposing, as much as in you lies, our families to Ruine. It's not unknown [Page 60] to you the Season, and the time of the Year for those that live of Husbandry, and what their Cattle, and Families may be exposed unto, and also such as live on Trade: We know if the Spirit of Christ did dwell and rule in you, these things would take impression on your spirits. What our lives and conversations have been in that Place, is well known, and what we now suffer for, is much for false Reports, and ungrounded Jealousies of Heresie and Sedition. These things lie upon us to lay before you: As for our parts, we have true Peace and Rest in the Lord in all our Sufferings, and are made willing in the Power and Strength of God, freely to offer up our Lives in this Cause of God, for which we suffer; Yea and we do find (through Grace) the Enlargements of God in our Imprisoned state, to whom alone we Commit our selves and families, for the disposing of us according to His Infinite Wisdom and Pleasure, in whose Love is Our Rest and Life.
- Lawrence Southick.
- Cassandra Southick.
- Josiah Southick.
- Samuel Shattock.
- Joshua Buffum.
[Page 61] Hereupon the Court sent to release Two (for Samuel Gaskin he was released before, by reason of the working of his Friends) but the other Three ye detained in Order to a second Punishment upon account of a Later Law, although they were all Committed upon a Former, that is to say, Three of them on the First, and Three of them on a Second. Now those that ye detained, ye kept upon an Account of a Third Law, made whilst they were in Prison, which they had not transgress'd, for they were in Prison whilst it was made as aforesaid. And yet ye continued them about Twenty weeks from their Families and Imployments the chief of the year, as minding to destroy them; whose Names are Lawrence Sowthick, Cassandra Southick, and Josiah their Lawrence Cassandra & Josiah Southick. Son.
Nor did these things satisfie You, nor the Cruelties ye did Exercise on the Innocent; but as Men given up to a Repobate sence, to commit Iniquity with greediness; The more Blood ye drew, the more ye thirsted after Blood, and the more Cruelty ye Exercised, the more ye delighted to Exercise Cruelty; as is usual with men in such Cases, who are given over to a Reprobate sence to Commit Iniquity with greediness, and whose hearts are hardened from the fear of the Lord, and estranged from him, as the Sequel manifests.
For, Nicholas Phelps of or near Salem, being One of those Nicholas Phelps. who were Presented to the Court for not Coming to your Meetings, and Entred upon Pay at Five shillings a week, hearing at the Court some of them say, That they (viz. the People called Quakers) denyed Magistrates and Ministers, gave them a Paper to shew the Contrary; Which the Court asked of him Whether he would Owne? He Answered Yea; Then they fined him Forty shillings (a strange Penalty for the Owning of that which they had charged him and those People to Deny) and Forty shillings for the Meeting of those People at his House, and sent him to Ipswitch Goal, as (One called) a Quaker, because he put not off his Hat. Where he was Cruelly Whipt at his first Entrance (though he was a Weak man, and One whose Back was Crooked) which yet drew no Compassion, but in the space of Five dayes he was Whipt Three times with Ten cruel stroaks each time, with a Threefold Corded Whip with Knots, because he did not Work, whom they took from his Husbandry, his Hay [Page 62] and his Corn, after which it was the season of the Year to look, he Occupying a Farm, which suffered in his absence, and yet they Whipt him for not working, and drove it on with a Three Corded knotted Whip, as aforesaid, and detain'd him there from his Work. And in this Cruelty Daniel Denison your M. General aforesaid, bore the Greatest sway, and was the Chief Execution; Yet all their Cruelty could not bend his Spirit whom the Lord upheld, who bowed unto him, but not unto them, but his bowed Back bore it all, and Overcame. So that on a certain day One that had been an acquaintance of his came and had him out of Prison to his House, and after a while got him to walk out into the Field, where his said acquaintance told him he thought he would be set at Liberty ere long, but which way it would be accomplished Nicholas could not tell, for to Work at their Wills that he could not, & had suffered for it. So after a while the man fell to work about a stone-Wall, and meeting with a stone he could not list, Nicholas friendly helped him, which was the Pittiful shift then used to set him at Liberty, as doing Work, and this was the Work, the helping of this his Friend up with a stone (the Design, no doubt, laid for the accomplishing of this thing) as his Friends speaking intimated, but did not at all answer your Law, Nor such manner of Work as it required; Because he could not do which, Ye cut his Body with Cruel stripes as aforesaid; During which and his long Imprisonment he was constrained to hire men about his own Harvest, from which ye took him. Simon Broadstreet and William Hathorn, aforesaid, were assistants to Denison in these Executions: Whose Names I Record to Rot and Stink (as of you all) to all Generations, unto whom this shall be left as a Perpetual Record of Your Everlasting Shame, as they shall not escape (nor shall you) the Righteous Judgement of the Lord for this, and their (and your) other Cruelties and Sheddings of the Blood of the Innocent. And when the Judgements of the Lord shall be made manifest upon you, This shall Remain as a Witness for the Lord, and that He hath not without Cause brought these things on you, who will be glorified on you when his Judgements are made manifest; The mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it, who will do it, and the time is near for all they that trust in him.
After this, the People ye wot of were more Joyned together [Page 63] and confirmed by your Cruelty, for it returned as a Testimony to them who suffered, that they were of God, and so they met together at Salem, waiting upon the Lord, whose Presence there with them was more precious than Life; Therefore they laid down Life, and their All, to enjoy His Presence, who hath been better to them than Life, and made up all their Loss and Sufferings with that which is Eternal; and His Peace hath been more to them, than your Trouble; Yea, in the midst of their Sufferings bath He made them more than Conquerors through Him who loved them, and gave himself for them, who have given up to Him: Therefore it is that they gave their Backs to the Smiters, and their Cheeks to the Nippers and the Pullers off of the Hair, and endured what hath been, and shall be exprest. And though they knew your Cruelty, and tasted thereof, and were upon your Roll for not being at your Meeting, and knew your Fines for having Meetings of their Own, and your other Fines, and how ye had and would Exact them; Yet they feared not your fears, neither were they afraid of your Threats, but sanctified the Lord God of Hosts in their hearts, and made Him their Fear, and made Him their Dread; who became a little Sanctuary unto them, and kept them in the midst of all, and was good unto them; who never faileth them that put their Trust in Him.
So meet they did, and ye pursued them, and Capt. Hathorne was a chief, who, like a Dog called the Bloodhound, never left scenting after them, till he found them out, and had his will on them in Person and Estate; whom once he tendred as his good Friends (as they were) when he sought not the Bread of a Magistrate, but now to have it, when otherwayes he saw none, he turned against them and became their Enemy; and the Constable of the Town of Salem was the next who made such search, and was so eager in it, that he took an Ax and broke open the Door of a House wherein they were met (who might have had it opened if he would have staid) and took their Names, and sent them in (by the Advice of the said Hathorne, as the said Samuel Shattock. Nicholas Phelps. Joshua Buffum. Constable said) to the Court at Ipswitch, which sat shortly after; whereunto Four of them were summoned (for it was not usual with them to deal with too many at once, lest the People should take notice) and three of those whom the Constable so brought, viz. Samuel Shattock, Nicholas Phelps and Joshuah Buffum (for [Page 64] the fourth, viz. Anne Needham, she was in Childbed, and could Anne Needam. not be brought) the Court kept much ado, especially about their Hats (that being the only Character ye could make of such a One as ye called a Quaker, and upon which you proceeded, for other ye proved none) They waited for their Charge to know what it was, and wherefore they were sent for thither; and it was for not coming to your Meetings, and for meeting by themselves, contrary to your Law. And Simon Broadstreet put Questions to them about the Trinity, and Christ's Body, &c. They were glad of this Opportunity to clear themselves before the People (for those of them who were sent to Boston (viz. those of the Six aforesaid) knew not for what it was, yet thither were they sent, and there were they whipt and detained as aforesaid, since which time they had not Opportunity to speak with those that sent them, Who punish'd them by a Law made against a cursed Sect of Hereticks (as the Law expresses them) that speak and write Blasphemous Opinions; whose Doctrines (as it saith) are Diabolical, &c. When as no such thing was proved against them; Nor were they tried upon one Question thereabouts, but did deny such People as the Law expresses, or that they were such a People. And this they judged to be very hard, and to be wrong dealing with them, That under colour of a Law they should be proceeded with, contrary to, and against all Law.—Answer was made, That they appeared so by their Hats and Company, and that they might appeal—(now they knew well enough that themselves should be of the Court of Appeal, which was to You) So They appealed— You must do it by Petition (said the Court)—which they could not, but Justice they desired, and no Mercy, according to their Law; and so spake, and required them again to Prove them to be such as the Law expresses.—The Hat was brought up again—Then let it be Recorded so, said they, That we have been thus punished for not putting off the Hat.—But this the Court would not.—Still they required Evidence to prove them such Blasphemers, Hereticks, and holding such Diabolical Doctrines; or, of being such a Cursed Sect as the Law speaks, by which they were punished.— Brend said so and so, (said the Court) and that they did own it.— None of us heard it (said they) for none of us were there (yet VV. Brend said nothing to them, but what was savory and Truth, and if he had, [Page 65] he should have heard of it, and they would have produced it, no doubt, to satisfie the People, who were so troubled about his Suffering; but as to the absent, men may say any thing, and they were so kept in the Wisdom of God as not to heed it, and to give them (and it was reasonable enough, and turn'd a Lie upon them, viz. In saying they owned what he said, when none of them were there; and they were bold enough in it, thus to put it in charge to the Mens faces who witnessed against them) No other Answer.—Then the Court put Questions to them, whereby to clear themselves, and Daniel Denison was Chief in it.— Evidence (said the Prisoners) Produce your Evidence: We desire nothing but a fair Tryal, the Priviledges of Men; We are not afraid nor ashamed to declare what we hold, whether before the Court or elsewhere, and offered it before all the People; But first (said they) we desire to have a fair Tryal before a Jury of Twelve Men, according to Law, by Proof and Evidence as to what ye have done to us; till which We shall not answer; It being an Unreasonable thing (said they) for the Magistrates to be both Accuser and Judge. So (said they) Ye may accuse us of Sodomy, and Murder, or any other Crime, and A Tryal of 12. men, according to the Law of England, and of that Country, when demanded, denyed. execute your Law causlesly upon us.—But this the Court denyed (contrary to the Law of England, and in the express breach of Magna Charta, and of Your Charter) and instead of proving any thing against them, or producing any thing in order thereunto (except some Questions to gain something out of their own Mouths wherewithal to accuse them, which they answered not) They were sentenc'd to pay Each of them Ten shillings apiece, for being at Meetings by themselves, and Five shillings each for not being at Yours; that is to say, Samuel Shattock and Nicholas Phelps, for being at Two such Meetings, and absent twice from Yours, Thirty shillings apiece; and Joshua Bussum for Once of each, Fifteen shillings; and for being Quakers (as they said, but proved them not so, that is to say, such as the Law makes so, and qualifies) to the House of Correction to answer the Law (Who were not proved to have transgressed it, and were denyed a Tryal, when they demanded it as aforesaid, according to the Law of England and the Country; and yet now were made to suffer as Breakers of that Law, as they were before; such Monstrous Illegallity, and Great Injustice was never heard of) [Page 66] And Daniel Denison told them, in scoffing sort (after all these Punishments, and what they had suffered before, unto which they were sentenc'd and thus illegally too) that they had left off being Doctors of Divinity, and were turned Lawyers, (when they spake in their Own Case like Men of Understanding.) Thus making a Mock of their Sufferings; for which he will have his Reward. But more speech they were denyed, after the Sentence was past (without a Tryal, and with the Denying of it) which the Court rose up to consider of, and then sat down, and Gave. Only, they had the Liberty so much to say, as to bid the People The People called upon to bear witnesse that they could not have Justice. take notice, That they could not have Justice—And so they were had to Prison upon account of your Third Law, and there dealt with contrary to Law, by receiving Ten stroaks apiece at One time with a knotted-Cord-Whip within half an hour after, who were not tryed by the Law, and who had received your Law before (and yet were not tryed) and so were not to be whipt again by your own Law, but otherwise to be proceeded with as that Law provides, as aforesaid: (What Heaps of Injustice and Illegalities are here altogether by your own Law?) So your Laws are but Covers for your Cruelty, Who, so to deal with these People ye had determined, and therefore so deal will you with these People: and therefore, when they have not broken your Law, you can execute it upon them; and also without the due Proceeding of Law, as thinking ye may do as ye will, and that ye shall never account for it to God or Man: as the said Daniel Denison said,— This Year ye will go and complain to Dan. Denison's account of the Reason of your, Proceedings so illegally against those People, & with such Cruelty. the Parliament; and the next Year they will send to see how it is; and the third Year the Government is changed—and this in Open Court. But be not deceived; As sure as ye have acted all this Violence and Outrage upon the Innocent, So will the Lord (if Man should not, yet Man shall do His Will) Execute His Righteous Judgments upon You; yea, sevenfold more, and with grievous Indignation will He require it of You: And this the Lord hath spoken, and He will fulfil his Word, and the time is near.
Now, as this Sentence was the Action of the Night; so within Night, after the Moon was up, was the Execution: Your Jaylor was desired to let them see by what Order he did it, but he would not, having learn'd it of You; but the next day he came, [Page 67] and required them to work; They were willing so to do for their Families, from whom they had been so violently taken, if they might have the benefit thereof, and so they told him; but this would not do, Except he might have Eight Pence out of the Shilling (his usual demand) So they refused to work, and he threatned them the Post and the Whip again, but did it not (the Execution already done upon such Peaceable Men, who had Families, from which they were taken, and of good Reputation, so affecting the People of the Town, who were so taken therewith, and muttered so much, that it was forborn) but after Three weeks and Three dayes they were sent for by You at Boston (being sate in a Court General) and delivered to the Master of 27th day, 8th Month, 1658. your house of Correction (there to be sure to be dealt surely with) and from thence were brought before You; Who, (several of You, as Denison, and Broadstreet (who had been twice their Judges, and had now wrongfully accused them, and yet sate as Judges a Third time upon them) Your Deputy-Governor and others) laid to their charge many grievous things, but proved A Tryal by 12 men again demanded of the Court General; or by the Court Gen. according to Law Such a Tryal denyed by the Court General. nothing— They desired a fair Tryal, either by a Jury of Twelve Men, or the Court General according to Law, and for this purpose put in a Paper to You, shewing also how they had been wrongfully twice Imprisoned and whipt as before. This You would not grant; but One of your Simon Broadstreet. The Hat made a Character of One called a Quaker, when no Principle or Practice could be had, upon which they are put to Death. The First of this Nature that the Ea [...] hath heard of. Magistrates (seeing where they were, which was indeed, there where they should be, and that they could not prove them such as the Law makes Quakers) said,— That the Court would find out an Easier way to find out a Quaker, than by Blasphemy (who could find out no such way, as ye did afterwards, viz.—The not putting off the Hatt, upon which ye Banish'd and put to Death (for matter of Doctrine, ye had not, nor Principle, nor Practice) of which in its place) So they suffered not for a Law already broken, but for one that was intended to be made (What shall I say whereby to express these your illegal and wrong Proceedings?)— They prest for a hearing, and argued the Reasonableness thereof, and demanded,—Whether their Law was made against a Name, or a Thing?— Dan. Denison (to whom the Question was put) answered,— Against a Thing—If so (said they) Then let us be tryed by the Things contained in the Law—as Blasphemy, Heresie, Devilish Doctrines, with such like, as are the words of the Law, [Page 68] upon which was the Penalty—He replyed,— That the Court did not punish them for Error in Judgment, but for Fact.—They desired to know the Fact.—He said,— It was—Entertaining the Quakers, who were their Enemies; Not coming to their Meetings, and meeting by themselves.—They Adjoyned, That as to those things they had already fastned their Law upon them; as, Forty shillings every hour for Entertaining such a One, as they called so; Five shillings Absence from their Meetings; and Ten shillings for meeting by themselves. So Ye had nothing left but the Hat, for which (then) ye had no Law.— They answered,—That they should not have offered Ye that in coming thither, (for they must come to you in their Cloaths, if they came decently, of which the Hat is part) for it was not their Manner to have to do with Courts; And as for withdrawing from their Meetings, or keeping on their Hats, or doing any thing in Contempt of them, or their Laws, They said, the Lord was their Witness (as He is) that they did it not. So Ye rose up, and bid the Jaylor take them away.
The next day, was Your Lecture at Boston, whereat Charles Chansey (Master of your Colledge or University) preached; The Priest Chansey, Divinity, the Master of your Colledge, and Way, to Put Men to Death after the nature of Wolves; indeed then he must go for one and bear the Penalty, who to be one, hath so manifested himself. work of whose Sermon was to destroy them, and to set ye on so to do, when ye could prove nothing against them: And thus he put it,— Suppose (said he) ye should catch Six Wolves in a Trap, (now these Friends were Six, all Inhabitants of Salem, to whom he alluded) and ye cannot prove that they killed either Sheep or Lambs (so they are Innocent, at least, unto Men) and now ye have them they will neither Bark nor Bite (so they were without occasion of Offence) Yet they have the plain Marks of VVolves (and yet before they were Wolves, wherein lay the Matter, which was yet to be proved, and prove it he could not, nor could you, and therefore he stept in to help You in the Case (i. e. to knock them in the head) and for this he layes his Supposition, and takes the Case for granted, viz. that they are Wolves:— Suppose (saith he) ye should catch Six Wolves, &c. which it is not, for here lies the Controversie, and then argues thereupon (Just like your Proceedings with them at Law; take them for Quakers (such whom ye call so) and punish them by the Law, which knows them not: And then he comes to Marks, and here's none but the Hat, which your Law marked not) Now I [Page 69] leave it to your Consideration (said he) whether Ye will let them go alive, yea, or nay? This was as to the Case of those Friends in Custody, whose Blood he and you thirsted ofter, but could not tel how to come at it by any colour of Law, nor to work their Sufferings, nor justifie what ye had already done unto them; for Proof of which they had already put you, but ye could not make it; or that they were such that your Law took notice of. Therefore Your High-Priest came to do it, and to shew you a Way, which is the most Devilish that ever was heard of, viz.—To cause a Man to suffer, not for what he is, but for what he may be;—To Judge a Man to Death without Proof;—To kill him lest he may do so and so; To Execute Law, where there is no Fact;—To deal with a Man as with a Beast;—To put Man, who was made after the Image of God, of whom God saith, He that sheddeth Man's Blood, by Man shall his Blood be shed; for after the Image of God made he Man—into the state of a Beast, who is known by his skin, but a Man is not but by the spirit that is in him; nor by that neither, so as to judge unto Suffering, but by the Effects, or some Overt Act (as the Law of England termeth it, and it is a good word upon something done, as is the Interpretation) and that upon Proof,—To make a Man as a Beast, as a Beast of Prey, whom any Man may kill; and it is lawful so to do;—To judge of Fact by Hereafter, and of what a Man may do for time to come, but as yet it cannot be said of him:—To kill a Man for hereafter, and for Ages to come—Yet this is Priest Chansey's, and the Doctrine of your Priests, and the Practice of You, as the Sequel makes manifest; for You had a great Consultation again; and your Priests were put to it, how to prove them as your Law had said; And Ye had them before you again, and your Priests were with you every One by his side (so came ye to Your Court) and John Norton must ask them Questions on purpose to ensnare them, that by your standing Law for Hereticks you might condemn them (as your Priests before consulted) And when this would not do (for the Lord was with them, and made them wiser than your Teachers) Ye made a Law to banish them upon Pain of Death, Even all such, as having suffered your Law, should offend again; that is to say, Come into your Jurisdiction, or be such a One as is called a Quaker, whom ye so distinguish by the Hat in that Law, viz. The not [Page 70] observing the Laudable Custom of the Nation (that is, the putting off the Hat) and the Contempt of Authority (that is, keeping it on in the Court) and these having suffered your Law again and again, and that without Cause or legal Proceeding, ye banish'd (after all this ado) whilst Ye could have nothing against them, either to justifie what ye had already done by vertue of your Law, which said not so; or, for what ye did so do unto them, under colour of a Law made by you whilst they were under your hands, by a Law a Postea, made after they were Prisoners, because they had wrongfully suffered your Law twice before; (What Abominable Injustice is this, and hard to be parallel'd?) And so they suffered, whose Names are Lawrence Southick, Cassandra his Wife, their Son Josiah (see a Man and his House, yea a Man and his Heritage) Samuel Shattock, Nicholas Phelps, and Joshua Buffum; of which more hereafter when I come to your Law of Banishment.
After this the Constables of Salem by the Instigation of William Hathorne made diligent search after their Meetings; sometimes Twelve more had before the Court at Salem of the Inhabitants thereof, and fined 40 l. 19 sh. for Absenting from your Meetings. on Horseback, sometimes on Foot (for Money ye wanted) with Power to break open Houses, where they should not be let in (who resisted not) and Twelve more of them were had to your Court at Salem, and fined Forty pounds Nineteen shillings for absenting from your Meetings; which as the Spring grew on, your Marshal gathered up for your Treasuries, by Attaching Cattle and Land; and great Fines ye took of some Men for their Wives absence, though they themselves came to your Meetings, Fines to the value of 100l. or upwards laid by that Court. William Marston of Hampton. 8th Moneth, 1658. (of which I have touched) to the Impoverishing of many Families, who had but little in the Outward; the Fines then taken amounting to One Hundred Pounds and upwards. And VVilliam Maston of Hampton in your Colony, for Two Books found in his House, viz. John Lilburn's Resurrection (so intituled) and VV. Dusberies mighty Day of the Lord, was fined Ten Pounds, and the Books took away; and for not coming to your Meetings, Five Pounds, and for your Priest, Three Pounds; for which certain Barrels of Beef were seized on, and You took to the value of above Twenty Pounds: And because whilst the aforesaid were in Prison, coming through Salem, he took some A Horrible Cruelty. Provisions for Lawrence and Cassandra Southick of their Children, and for Josiah of his Wife; he was sent for by your Governor, [Page 71] and Committed to Prison, and continued there about Fourteen dayes, in the Cold Winter season, though aged about Seventy years.
Thus have you made a Prey of the Innocent, and added Affliction to their Bonds, and stopped your Ears at the Cry of their Oppression: Therefore the Lord will not hear your Cry in the Day of your Calamity, which shall suddenly come upon you, nor deliver you; His Eye will not spare you, but ye shall fall, and never rise again; the Mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it.
But to return to your House of Correction, and to lay in Order before you the Sufferings of the Strangers as well as of the Inhabitants, and to relate what ye did unto them, and the Ears ye cut off, as saith Your Declaration—viz. The Penalty was increased by the loss of the Ears of those that offended the second time—that is to say—that came into your Jurisdiction (for that was the Offence) and so to seal up your Sum.
About the beginning of the Sixth Month, 1658. Christopher 6th Moneth, 1658. Christopher Holder. Jo. Copeland. Holder and John Copelan̄d were moved of the Lord to go again to Boston (where they had suffered so cruelly before) and on the Third of the said Month went thitherwards, and came as far in their way, as a Town called Dedham, where they lodged that Night, intending the next Morning to move to Boston; but they were prevented of so doing (as of themselves) for the Constables came early in the Morning, and told them that they had a Warrant to carry them to Boston; whither they brought them before your Governor, who, being tormented in spirit, said in a Rage,— Ye shall be sure to have your Ears cut off—and after asking them many Questions, sent them to Prison, and the next day had them before the Court, where he sought to ensnare them: but they told him, They should not answer him, because he sought so to do. Whereupon he had the Impudence to say,— That they sought to ensnare them sure enough—And so at the Motion of Rawson your Secretary, they were committed to Prison, and ordered to be kept close at Work, with Prisoners Diet only, till their Ears were cut off; which your Jaylor sought to put in Execution (though your Law of Cutting off Ears spake no such thing) and threatned them with your former Law of whipping them twice a week, and every time to encrease Three from [Page 72] Fifteen stripes (the first time) to Eighteen, and so forwards, and shewed them the Order whereby Four of Ten Friends were so used; and would have reasoned them into the thing, and why they would put their Bodies to such Torture, he asked them, as if he had pitty of them, who sought to destroy them. But they could not answer him, whose Demand was as well besides your Law, as it was against the Lord. So he shut them up in a close Room, where they were kept without any Food that he knew off (for he thought to starve them, if they would not do his Work, and so Eat) for the space of Eight dayes, after which his Wise came, (fearing what might become of them) and tendred them Milk, or what they would for their Money; So that from that time Friends were suffered to put into them at the Window what they needed. So through hard suffering they brake your Law, and his Cruelty.
Sometime after this, John Rous aforesaid was commanded of the Lord to go to Boston, and thither came the 25th of the sixth John Rous, 25. Sixth Month, 1658. Month, 1658. where he honestly discovered himself to the Man of the House whereto he came (after he had set up his Horse) what he was, that so he might not suffer through an Ignorant Entertaining of him, who shortly after fetch'd the Marshal, who brought him to your Governor, who after an Impertinent Examination, committed him to Prison.
So on the Seventh of the Seventh Month, 1658. they Three, viz. Christopher Holder, John Copeland, and John Rous (all single Christop Holder Joh. Copeland, John Rous, their Ears cut off, 7th of the 7th Month, 1658. 10th 7th Mon. 1658. young men) were had before you; and because they had been before You once before, and suffered your Law (which should have clear'd them from further suffering (for by the Law of England a man having suffered the Penalty is clear, as if he had not transgressed the Law) after a first and second time being at your Court; viz. on the Tenth of the Seventh Month aforesaid, (wherein your Governor and Deputy Governor shewed their Rancour and Unreasonableness of spirit: The said Dan. Denisons second Speech, demonstrating their Resolution to root out those People, because they were the stronger. Denison saying, —We are the stronger, and so look to your selves (which was a base word he often used) and Master Rous (for so I may call you, having heard of your Father, that he is a Gentleman) (yet ye cut off the Gentlemans son's Ear) and threatning to Gag them, if they would not be silent when they were speaking for themselves in such a Case as the loss of a Member, and such a one as an [Page 73] Ear, and so to be marked as Rogues) (which all Law Another Solemn Appeal (in Case of their Ears) made to England, and Denyed. allows, viz. to speak for themselves) and Denying their Appeal to England (which they solemnly made) after that the Governor had said unto them,—It is the Sentence of the Court, That you Three have each of you his Right Ear cut off by the Hangman—I say, after the Sentence Ye hastened the Execution; and the Jaylor to that purpose, and on the Sixteenth of the 16th of the Eight Month the Execution done. said Month, sent Your Marshal's Deputy, who came with a Company of Blood-thirsty men (such as sitted his turn, and serv'd his end) to the Prison, on the Executions of Punishment as to Whipping and losse of Limb, &c. done in Private, contrary to the Law of England, and of God, which orders them that are truly so (that is, Punishments) to be otherwise, that all may hear and sear; And which is like to Justice, which seeks no Corner. And the Bishops cut off the Ears of W. Prynne, Henry Burton and Dr. Bastwick in the Palace-yard at Westminster, and upon a Scaffold before the People, though it was done by Order of the Star-Chamber. Day aforesaid, and shutting of the Door (whereas the Executions of Justice ought to be Publick, but so it was not with Yours, nor for the space of Two years and a half before were any of Your Executions so done to those People) He caused the Right Ear (the Left it seems would not serve) of the said Christopher Holder, John Copeland, and John Rous to be cut off, as aforesaid; which being done, the said Servants of the Lord, whose Ears you had caused so to be cut off, said,— They that do it Ignorantly, We desire the Lord from our hearts to forgive them; but for them that do it Maliciously, Let our Blood be on their Heads: and such shall know in the Day of Account, that every one of these Drops of Our Blood shall be as heavy upon them as a Milstone—And your Marshal (with those that came with him) slunk away, as a Dog that is discovered sucking the Blood of a Lamb: Who also was so cowardly, and the sence of Guilt so upon him, that when the Execution began on Christopher Holder (who was the first whose Ear was cut) he turned from it, till John Rous said,—Nay, Turn about and see it done, as was his Order.
The same day that these were the last time had before You, Lawrence Southick, Cassandra his Wife, and Josiah their Son, Lawrence Southick. Cassandra. Josiah. were had before you also, whom ye thought to have proceeded with, as with the Others, viz. the Two Men (for with the Women you did by Cruel Whipping, according to your Law) but your Law was short as to them; Which was for every One that came into your Jurisdiction the second time, such should have their [Page 74] Right Ear cut off (Ye cannot give a Member to any, and yet can in your wills destroy, for which God will blot your Names out of the Book of Life; it is Eternal, and you shall witness it) So take your Sentence, which shall assuredly come upon you as you have done the thing (for ye did it wickedly) the Lord hath spoken it. So you will find it sad cutting off Ears, and dealing thus Cruelly as you have by the Innocent, whose Cry the Lord hath heard, and the Cry of their Blood and Sufferings, and He is near to Avenge it) But for those that were of the Jurisdiction, it provided not: so they escaped the loss of that Member, but not your other Cruelty; for you still kept them in the House of Correction, notwithstanding they were clear of your Law, and had suffered wrongfully what they had suffered before upon account of your last Law, which was,— That every such Person and Persons (that is to say, such as ye call Quakers) arising among your selves, and professing any of their Pernicious wayes (as ye reproach, but prove not) by speaking, writing, and by meeting on the Lords Day, or at any other time (a sore Punishment, for a Man to dye for meeting with the People of the Lord, to wait upon Him; yet this in the consequence is your Law, for this characterizeth him to be such a One as ye call a Quaker, and being a Quaker, he must be whipt, and then depart the Jurisdiction; and if return, suffer as in the Case of Strangers, viz. be put to Death. See whether the Earth ever had the like since the Sun shone upon it. Its too long to inculcate Every Particular, the Reader may in his own Understanding; and the Lord God of Heaven and Earth will do it upon your Consciences, ye most unreasonable of Men, and the most Brutish of the Nations, whom the Lord God will cut off, and make you an Example to all that hereafter shall dare to do such things against the Lord God of Heaven and Earth, who gives to all Life and Breath and Moving, and against those that meet together to wait on Him; as He hath said it, so He will do it, and this shall come to pass, the Lord hath spoken it) shall incur the Penalty ensuing, viz. Every Person so meeting, shall pay to the Country Ten shillings; and every One speaking in such Meeting, Five pounds a piece: And in case any such Person hath been punished by Scourging (ye speak broad that ye may frighten, but the Hand of the Lord will come as large upon you as ye have spoken) or Whiyping the first time, according to the former Laws [Page 75] (which was the Case of these Three) shall be kept at work in the House of Correction, till they put in Security by two sufficient men, that they shall not any more Vent their hateful Errors (who were convicted of none, nor of venting) nor use their sinful Practices (who feared the Lord, and did nothing but in obedience to Him) Or shall depart this Jurisdiction at their Own charge. And if any of them Return again [then] each such Person shall incur the Penalty of the Laws formerly made for Strangers (which they had not transgressed) I say, though they escaped the loss of their Ears, (that is to say, the Two Men (as I have said) for the VVoman Cassandra Southick. ye cruelly whipt with Ten stripes (the Penalty of that your Law, which ye say in this concern'd them not) yet ye kept them in Prison upon the Account of the said Law for Strangers, when that Law for Strangers did not concern them; and so they were wrongfully. Imprisoned and detained, and not set at Liberty, till you had made a Fourth Law, viz. That of Banishment upon Pain of Death; and so those Three (with Three more of the Inhabitants, of which more in its place) Ye banish'd the Father, Mother, and Son, with either of whom No Proceedings have been had according to Law.
And Katherine Scot of the Town of Providence in the Jurisdiction Katherine Scot. of Rhoad Island (a Mother of many Children, one that had lived with her Husband the space of Twenty years, of an Unblamable Conversation, and a grave, sostor, ancient Woman, and of good Breeding as to the outward, as Men account) coming to see the Execution of the said Three, as aforesaid, whose Ears ye out off, and saying upon their doing of it privately, and keeping her and others from coming in, who desired to see it,— That it was evident they were going to act the Works of Darkness, or else they would have brought them forth Publickly, and have declared their Offence, that others may hear and fear—Ye Committed to Prifon (though she was moved of the Lord so to do, and to come and bear Testimony) and gave her Ten cruel stripes with a Threefold-corded-knotted VVhip, with that Cruelty in the Execution as aforesaid to others, on the second day of the Eight Month, 1658. 2d day, 8th Month, 1658. Though ye confessed when ye had her before you, That for ought ye knew, she had been of an Unblamable Conversation, and though some of you knew her Father, and called him Mr. Marbery, and that she had been well bred (as among Men) and had so lived (as [Page 76] Men account) and that she was the Mother of many Children; yet ye whipt her for all that, and moreover told her,—That ye were likely to have a Law to hang her (what bloody words do ye wrap out!) if she came thither again—To which she answered— If God call us, wo be to us if we come not; and I question not, but He whom we love will make us not to count our Lives dear unto our selves for the sake of his Name.—To which your Governor John Endicot replied (and with what wickedness may be judged)— And we shall be as ready (said he) to take away your Lives, as ye shall be to lay them down—as what follows makes manifest, viz. Your Law of Banishment upon pain of Death, which this leads me unto.
— VVhich also (viz. that of cutting off Ears) being too weak a Defence against their Impetuous Frantick Fury, necessitated us to endeavour our Security, and upon serious Consideration, after the former Experiments by their incessant Assaults, A Law was made that such Persons should be banished upon Pain of Death, according to the Example of England in their Provision against Jesuites.—
Answ. The Consideration of what I have already said, as to your Laws and the Grounds of them, and the Cruelties sustained by the Innocent, though it be enough to lay you on the Ground with all sober and unbyassed People, and to make you appear to be the worst of Men, as you are of those who pretend themselves Christians; and though on this foot I need not add further weight to this Matter, it being so comprehensive of it self; Yet in regard you have cut out my way, and by adding Blood unto Bonds, Whippings, Cutting off Ears, &c. laid a Necessity upon me, to bring upon You the Blood of the Innocent, as you have their other Sufferings; And because ye seem to lay the stress of your Proceedings upon the Example of England, in their Provision against Jesuites, and so seem to bottom what you have done, as to the Lives of these People thereupon: for so are your words, viz.— According to the Example of England, in their Provision against Jesuites.—I shall there put you to it, and if ye there cannot hold (as You will see ye cannot by and by) then ye will fall into Blood, as you are into the rest of the Sufferings of the Innocent.
Thus then, The Law of England in its Provision against Jesuites, is laid upon these Grounds or Considerations.
[Page 77] First, That the Pope pretends unto a Supream Right over all Nations and Kingdoms in things Civil and Religious, as the Successor of Peter.
Secondly, That by Virtue of this his Supremacy he may Excommunicate Princes, Absolve Subjects from their Obedience, Arm Subjects against their Princes, Change their Dominions, Degrade their Royalties, Pull down as he pleaseth.
Thirdly, That the Jesuites, or those of the Order of Jesus, (as they Blasphemously term it) are the Sworn Servants of the Pope, and are sent out by him into all Nations to Exert this his Authority, and to hold forth his Dominion.
Fourthly, That in Order hereunto, The men of that Order, or Jesuites (so called) have come into England, and have sought, by Vertue of the Supremacy aforesaid, to Draw Subjects from Obedience to their Princes, Levy Arms, Plot, Contrive, Raise Rebellions, yea to Murder their Princes; And this Ex Officio, & Virtute Ordinis, by Virtue of their Order or Office.
Fifthly, That the Pope hath taken upon him to Excommunicate Princes in England, To Absolve their Subjects from Obedience unto them, to Change, Altar, Pull down, and Set up as he pleaseth.
Sixtly, That the Jesuites (so called) have been hereof Convicted, and to have wrought in Order hereunto as the Principal Emissaries.
Seventhly, That the Nation of England hath oft-times Endured, and Suffered, Conflicted with and Travelled through much Blood and War, Trouble and Misery, to the Breaking of the Peace thereof, and the Hazarding of its Government to a Forraign Vassallage, because and by Reason hereof.
In Consideration of All which, and that the English Nation is Naturally Obliged to its Right and lawful Prince against all Forreign Invasion, or Obtrusion; and that the Men of the Order aforesaid, are Obliged Virtute Ordinis & Officii, By their Order or Office to the Contrary, and have come into England (and many of them English, who have gone beyond the Seas, and received Orders of the Pope as aforesaid) and have so been proved through a long Tract of Time; Therefore it Provides, as in the said Act is at large Exprest, unto which I refer, and to the Preamble of the said Act, and the other Laws, and Acts [Page 78] of the Nation which relate thereunto, for the Sevenfold Ground on which the Provisions in that Law are made and Bottom'd as aforesaid, and on which they Stand.
Now what is this to the People called Quakers, or, in Justification of your Proceedings against them, as to Banishment and Death?
Are they Papists or Popishly affected? Did ye ever find them so? or hath the least shadow thereof been laid to their charge by you, or found against them?
Have you ever found them Raising of Arms, or Plotting or Contriving in order there unto? Or seeking to withdraw the People in your Jurisdiction from their Allegiance unto England (its well if some such thing be not found upon you) or to you in order to England? Or, hath it not been manifest that their Principle is otherwise? Viz. To Lead out of VVars, and the Occasion of them (sc.) the Lusts that are in Men from whence they come.
Did they ever put the Nation of England into Wars and Confusion to Exert their Principle, or any other Nation on the face of the Earth? Or, on the Contrary, hath not Peace been that which they have Endeavoured among men? and is not their Gospel Good-will towards men?
Are they men of Blood, of Assassinations, and Murders? hath any man fallen by their hands? or, have they stretched out their hand against any man?
Have they not Endeavoured, and is it not their Principle to bring out of Blood and Confusion, out of War and Destruction, out of Desolation and Calamity? And have they not subjected themselves to the Spoiler, and their Estates to the Robber, in order hereunto?
Can any of the Seven Particulars aforesaid, on which the Law of England in its Provisions against Jesuites (which you take to as your Example in the Case) is grounded, or any thing Congruous or Sutable thereunto be Justly attributed to those People? Or, have ye charged them with any such in Particular, and found it upon them? How come ye then to say, In Example of the Law of England in their Provisions against Jesuites? Surely, ye thought to skare Ignorant People therewith, as Children are with the Name of Jesuites: So that if ye name but Jesuite, and [Page 79] speak of a Law made against them, it is Enough; In Example of the Law of England in their Provisions against Jesuits—say ye. But the Law of England hath no such Ground for its Provisions against that Order of Men, as yours against these People, which indeed is none at all, nor warrants your Proceedings. So your Warranty being gone, where's your Hold?
Thus are ye taken in the Snare which you have layd for others, and in the Pit which ye have digged are your selves fallen; And the Law of England is not for, but against you; is not an Example to you in this Case, but the Contrary. So henceforwards take heed how you shed Blood, and then seek to cover your selves under the Laws of England, (who would not be under its Law) or seek to that for shelter which will not save you. Thus much as to the Example of England in their Provisions against Jesuits, and what you have built thereupon. Now as to those who Suffered by Vertue of your Law.
And these in the First place are Lawrence Southick, his Wife Lawrence, Cassandra & Josiah Southick, Samuel Shuttock, Nicholas Phelps. Joshua Buffum. Banished, 3d. Month, 1659. Cassandra, and Josiah their Son (whom I have often mentioned for your Cruelty, by reason you have given me oft the Occasion) Samuel Shattock, Nicholas Phelps, and Joshua Buffum; All Inhabitants of Salem as aforesaid, against whom in no One Particular had ye proceeded according to Law; but having tortured their Bodies, and broken their Estates, and distracted their Families, and often wearied them (though in the Lord they had rest) Ye Banish'd them from All, even from their Countrey; the very Court of Election, in the Moneth called May following, giving them but a very little time to Depart, on pain of Death; which put them to much straits and hardships, yet go they must, ther's no stay; ye had now got your Law to rid the Land of them (as ye thought, but were mistaken) or to take the Lives of them from the Land of the Living; Your Tugg was Over, and ye had Some of the Passages of Proceedings in the procuring and passing that Law of Banishment upon Death. Capt. Edward Hutcheson, Capt. Thomas Clark, a Merchant of Boston, Enter their Dissents under the Law of Banishment upon pain of Death. carried it, of them that stood stiffe a while against the Passing of that Law, but Two came to Enter their Dissents viz. Capt. Edward Hutcheson, and Capt. Tho. Clark, (whose Names I mention to remain upon Record as a good Savour to the Lord and his People through all Generations, which shall witness for them) Indeed there was a great adoe, and hard work it Cost ye to get [Page 80] it about, John Norton and the rest of your Prests being not able to Convict the Persons aforesaid either by Law or Otherwise, or by Ensnaring Questions to bring them under the Law, as hath been Declared, Petitioned the Magistrates the next day to set forward the Court to make some Law to Banish them upon pain of Death (so see, the Spring and Fountain of this Work of Darkness, and who it was this Bloody Law First moved in) and they prescribed Particulars, as matter upon which to proceed, (I could set down all, that all might see their Bloody Spirits, and what Cruelty lodged in them, but I leave the Particulars to rot with themselves, seeing the Court thought fit to make it a Law) and much strugling there was, on the one hand to get it, on the other to oppose it. The Court of Deputies could by no means be brought to Consent thereunto. The Priests and Rulers were all The Court of Deputies oposite to the Passing of the Law The Court of Magistrates for it; of these Two, as of Two Houses, is the Court General made up. Provision in the Law as to Death without Tryal of a Jury. The Court of Deputies oppose it. The Priests set it on. for Blood, and they pursued it, and the Court of Magistrates Voted it without Tryal of a Jury, and in Express words, to be put in Execution by a County Court, which Three Magistrates made up, the Majority of which might hang at pleasure without a Jury (a Thing not heard of in these Dominions, but it served the Priests purpose, who set it on.) This the Deputies withstood, and it could not pass, and the Opposition grew strong, for the thing came near: Deacon VVozel was a Man much affected therewith, and being not well at that time that he supposed the Vote might pass, he Earnestly desired the Speaker and some of the Other Deputies to send for him when it was to be, lest by his Absence it might miscarry; The Deputies that were against the Passing of that Law, thinking themselves strong enough (being indeed the most Reasonable, and the more Moderate men of the Court) to cast it out, forbore to send for him. The thing came to it, and the Vote was put, and carried in the Affirmative for The Law pass'd for Life without Jury in the Court of Deputies by One Vote. Thirteen for it. The Speaker and Eleven against it. Deacon Wozell sorely troubled that his Absence should occasion such a Law to pass. the Law to Pass without Tryal of a Jury, and by a County Court; The Speaker and Eleven being in the Negative, and Thirteen in the Affirmative; So One Vote Carried it, which troubled Deacon Wozel so when he heard it, that he got to the Court in great grief of Spirit, desiring to have his Vote, and Wept for grief that his absence should Occasion such a Law to Pass, and said, If he had not been able to go, he would have Crept upon [Page 81] his hands and his knees rather than it should have been—but it would not be granted; the miscarriage being (as was said) by reason of One Russel (formerly of Bristol in Old England) and One Collins (of Misticke) not standing to it, and being wrong in the Vote; which I mention that their Names may Remain who were for, and against it. For how ever it may be thought (yet this shall stand a witness against them, unto all Generations, for such a wicked Law, and the Blood of the Innocent may not be forgotten) Yet a great Difference there was, and the Court broke up, and the Twelve aforesaid, resolved to Enter their Dissents under the Law, (it being also so Repugnant to the Laws of England, to put to death without Jury, than which there is nothing more Repugnant) which the Magistrates seeing, and how such a number of Dissents would weaken their Law; To be tried by a special Jury added to quallifie the Dissents. Admitted this Addition to the Law, viz.— To be tryed by a special Jury (and all this Tryal when it came to it, was but Whether they were Quakers? which they Judged by their Coming in Covered, and that they had been in the Country before, and suffered the Law, and had been Banish'd (as I shall anon make appear) not of any particular principle, or matter of Fact, by a Legal Conviction, more than aforesaid, from first to last) and a Court of Assistants, which consists of Seven Magistrates at the least (This being according to a standing Law of the Countrey, Viz. That none be sentenc'd to Death or Banishment but by a special Jury, and a Court of Assistants; which the other was against, as it was against the Law of England as I have said) So this reconcil'd the matter, and but onely the Two former Entred their Dissents as aforesaid, and the Law passed, and ye proceeded thereupon (as I have said) and followed it hard in the Execution, as ye did in the Making, and Your Priests set ye on, from whom it proceeded, and no Consideration of the Age of Lawrence and Cassandra, nor of their Family on whom ye had layd hands; nor the State of the Rest, nor of their Wives, Children, Relations, Families, nor of their Estates, which had suffered much in their many, long, and fore Imprisonments, some of them Ten Weeks at a time, and some Twenty, in the chief time of the Summer when they should have been at Liberty to look to their Hay, and Grass, and Provisions for the Winter to keep their Cattle from starving, and their Families from [Page 82] perishing; Nor the State of Joshua Buffum's Father, who was a weakly Aged Man, and had neither Son nor Servant to help him, but the said Joshua; nor the Season of the Year then, it being the Spring, and a time for them a little to look out for the Preservation of what was left, that they might not be utterly destroyed; nor their being so sorely Whipt, some of them Twice Each, and some Four times (all which they told the Court) being Convicted of nothing, but for not coming to your Meetings, and for Meeting by themselves, for which you were satisfied upon their Goods according to your Law. As they sent you notice in a Paper to this Purpose, viz.—That seeing the chief offence ye had against them was the not putting off the Hat; They desired to know if their Punishments had not been sufficient for their Offences, (as some of them had been twice Imprisoned Ten weeks, and twice Whipt; One had been Twice Imprisoned and Four times Whipt; Three had been Twice Imprisoned and Whipt, and the last time kept Prisoners Twenty weeks, the chief time of all the Summer, such as lived on Husbandry; Their Hay and Harvest lying on the spoil, and nothing to charge them with, but their Meetings on the First Dayes of the week by themselves, and their not coming to Your Meetings, and not putting off their Hats, (for the Two former of which Your Law was satisfied on their Goods—) I say, none of these Considerations, nor such like (though they were very tender to hearts that had any softness) no nor of your Governor, being Struck in the Court of Commissioners at the end thereof, when they sought to have this Bloody Law passed, the Rest of the Collonies; So that for some Weeks he could not go home to his Own House, which was but a little ways from it, but lay in a Tavern from his Own Habitation, who strove so much (and Rich. Bellingham with him) to Banish others; But his heart being hardned like Pharaoh's, instead of Considering, he was in a great Rage against them, and poured forth what his fury and wicked Spirit could bring forth, and told them, They all deserved to be hang'd, and that they were Blasphemers, and Hereticks (who had never any such thing proved against them as hath been said, when they desir'd it, and to be tryed for that purpose) He said, That they worshipped another God, & looked to be saved by another Christ then they did; (who Worship no other God but him of whom are all things and look to be saved by no other Christ, than him by whom are all things) and Say what ye will, we will not believe you: (a hard [Page 83] case indeed, and manifests that in him, Judgement was turned Backward, and Equity could not Enter; But the Just Lord sees it, And ye all were without Bowels of Compassion, and would not hear them (your Governor seeming as if he loathed their Persons) but Banish them ye did upon pain of Death after ye had appointed them to depart the Jurisdiction by the Court of Election in the Moneth called May as aforesaid; (which they did not) and ye gave them but a fortnights time to depart, and when after sentence was given, some of them who intended for England, desired that they might have leave to take shipping at Boston to pass for England, their being never another Convenient harbour in that Colony out of which to Pass: Ye were so shut up in your Bowels, that ye would not grant that, but your Governour Samuel Shattock-Josiah Southick. Nicholas Phelps. Pass to England. Lawrence, Cassandra Southick to Shelter Island and there die in three days of each other. Joshua Buffum, to Rhoad Island said, Beware you are not here after the Eight day of June, (which was about Fourteen days after) so they were constrained, viz. Samuel Shattock, Nicholas Phelps, and Josiah Southick, (who were for England) to take the opportunity that presented in Four days after to pass to England by Barbadoes, having but Four dayes time of Remove; So they passed for England, and Lawrence Southick and Cassandra to Shelter Island (a place near, where shortly after, in three days of each other they both died, leaving their Blood on your heads) which the Lord will Visit when He comes to make Inquisition for Blood) and Joshua Buffum to Rhoad Island) and you sat down to Eat and to Drink, and rose up to Play, Over the Ruines of the Innocent.
Now, when ye had not as yet sentenc'd them as aforesaid, they asked your Governour what it was ye sought for of them? The Honour of God, or your selves. He answered, —They that honoured those that God had set over them, honoured God.—They answered, —It was true, but that it was in Obediente to the Law of God, that they had suffered as they had, and further asked You, whether it were that for that Fault they were committed to Prison before the Law had a being, that they were Banished, or when was it? But ye were silent. One of them also desired of the Governor, that he would be pleased now to Declare before the People The Grounds wherefore you proceeded thus against them, mentioned by your Governor the Real and True Causes (as in Truth they were) of all Your (thus) Proceedings against them. —He answered, It was for Contemning Authority, in not coming to the Ordinances of God, (see the Priest in the Bottom to keep up his Audience, and [Page 84] Authority; For, as for the Apostles of Christ they used no such thing, but to draw men by reaching to that of God in every mans Conscience, thereby to lead them, and not by the Outward Sword which is the Weapon of Antichrist; But the Weapons of our warfare (said Paul) are not Carnal, (Prisons, Whipps, Cutting off Ears, Fines, Famishings, Stocks, Burnings, Beatings, Banishment, Death) but mighty through the Spirit. So Ye shew where ye are, and they what they are upon, and whose Kingdom they seek, and what they build up, and whose they are, who seek to Compel that which is the Seat of God, (viz. the Conscience the Dominion of God, which He onely can reach) by the Sword of man) And that they had kept Meetings of their Own.—It was Answered, that for all this Your Law had taken hold of them; That they stood not out against the Authority of the Countrey in not submitting to their Laws; That then (very lately) they had taken from them about Fourscore Pound, on that Account, (which they since find to be Upwards of One hundred—Your Governor said, They had Rebelled against the Authority of the Countrey, in not Departing according to their Order (who as they told them, had no otherwhere to go, and had Wives, and Children, and Families, and Estates, to look after, and were Conscious of nothing that they had done, that was VVorthy of Death, or of Banishment, or of Bonds, or of any of the things which they had Suffered) M. General Denison told them (and see his Command, and what a Man he is to fight with them that do not Resist; should an Enemy, indeed, come to put him to it, he and several others, its very like would hardly be so forwards (they have been hardly found overforward at that work) viz. That they stood out against the Authority of the Country in not submitting to their Laws (but upon what are they grounded) That he should not go about to speak much concerning the Error of their Judgements, who convinced them of none, nor could ever he or you, and yet see how ye make them suffer?) but as he had before told them.—That they and you were not able well to live together, D. Denison's Athiestical Principle. (what an Athiestical Speech is here, as if there were no God that made the VVorld, and placed Man in it, to dwell upon all the face of the Earth, as well one as another, and made the Conscience of Man for himself, or that would require of Man an Account of what he did to his fellow Creature, who because he [Page 85] had Power in his hand, would not suffer another (whom God had made) to live by him; So No Man should live by another on the face of the Earth, where the other was the stronger, and where would this end, but in the rooting out Mankind from off the face of the Earth, as it believes there is No God) and that at present the Power was in your hand (but how long may it be can ye tell? Could not the Bishops have said so? yet they turned not you out as I have said, nor do they keep ye out) and therefore the strongest must fend off—Than which what can be said more wicked? or, what a more destructive Principle, and a more dangerous can there be in the World? Yet this hath been his word in all Courts; and this is the Principle on which ye go, Because Ye have Rower in your hands; to whom the Wo is, Who devise Iniquity, and work Evil upon your Beds, and when the Morning is light ye practise it, Micah 2. 1. because it is in the power of your hand. So see your Portion, and your Judgment from the Mouth of the Lord. Then ye put them forth a little while, and called them in again, and pronounc'd their Sentence of Banishment upon Pain of Death; and constrained them to, and who departed as aforesaid. Their Sentence was dated, May 11. 1659. without a Legal Conviction of one May 11. 1659. Principle or Practice that was contrary to Law, but because they were such as were called Quakers. And this is New-England, and the Justice of the Court of that part of it as is called the Bay of Massachusets.
Yet ye were not satisfied with what ye had done to Lawrence and Cassandra, and Josiah Southick; but (as I have touched) you must be dealing with the rest of the Family; and they having (viz. the Old man and woman) that were Friends of Truth, to wit, Daniel and Provided; the Courts at Ipswitch and at Salem Dan Southick Prov. Southick Ordered to be sold for their Fines. Order of the Court General for selling for Bondmen and Bondwomen. fined them Ten pounds, for not coming to your Meetings, but they having no Visible Estate so as you could find to lay hold upon, to satisfie it according to your Law; and your Resolution in the Case being desired, Ye Ordered them to be sold for the Payment thereof: Your Order runs thus, —Whereas Daniel Southick and Provided Southick, Son and Daughter of Lawrence Southick, have been fined by the Courts at Salem and Ipswitch, pretending they have no Estates, Resolving not to work (that is to the Treasurer to answer the Fines; It seems you had rather have moist Meat, or Money to buy it, or to answer your other Lusts, [Page 86] and you will sell the Innocent: But you will have it rather than give Dry Blows, where there is nothing to be had; as those did, who sold the Righteous for Silver, and the Poor for a Pair of Shoes; that pant after the Dust of the Earth, on the head of the Poor, and turn aside the way of the Meek, and lay themselves down upon Cloathes laid to pledge on Every Altar, and drink the VVine of the Amos 2. 4. to the end. Condemned in the house of their god: Because of which the Lord said by the Prophet Amos, He would not turn away the Punishment thereof (even from Israel, where these things were found (Nor will he from You) but the flight should perish from the Swift, and the Strong should not strengthen his force, neither should the Mighty deliver himself; Neither should he that handled the Bow, and he that is swift of foot deliver himself; neither should he that rideth the Horse deliver himself: and he that is couragious among the Mighty should flee away naked in that day. So saith the Lord of You, as he did unto them, and it shall come to pass.) So read your Punishment and take your Judgment ye who have done this, and have not feared the Lord) And others likewise have been sined for siding with the Quakers (What English is here? any thing serves whereby to dispatch those People) and absenting themselves from the Publick Ordinances, In Answer to what should be done for the satisfaction of the Fines; The Court upon perusal of a Law (which was made upon the Account of Debts) in Answer Resolves, That the Treasurers of the several Counties are and shall be fully Impowered to Sell the said Persons to any of the English Nations, as Virginia or Barbados, to Answer the said Fines, &c.—Edward Rawson, Secret.——Yet, when the Israelites (those of the Ten Tribes) had fought with them of Judah, and brought Two hundred Thousand Women, Sons and Daughters Captives towards Samaria, in the dayes of Pekah the son of Remaliah, King of Israel, and of Ahaz the son of Jotham, King of Judah, The Prophet of the Lord was there, whose name was Obed, and he went out before 2 Chron. 28. 8. to the 16th. the Host that came to Samaria, and said unto them, Behold, because the Lord God of your fathers was worth with Judah, he hath delivered them into your hand, and ye have slain them in a Rage that reacheth up to Heaven: And now ye purpose to keep under the Children of Judah and Jerusalem for Bondmen and Bondwomen unto you: but are there not with you, even with you, sins against the Lord [Page 87] your God? Now, hear me therefore, and deliver the Captives again, which ye have taken captive of your Brothren; for the fierce wrath of God is upon You. Then certain of the Heads of the Children of Ephraim, Azariah the son of Johanan, Berechiah the son of Meshillemoth, Jehizkiah the son of Shallum, and Amasa the son of Hadlai, stood up against them that came from the VVar, and said unto them, Ye shall not bring in the Captives hither: for whereas we have offended against the Lord already, ye intend to adde more to our Sins, and to our Trespass: for our Trespass is great, and there is fierce VVrath against Israel. So the Armed men left the Captives and the Spoil, before the Princes and all the Congregation. And the men which were expressed by Name, rose up, and took the Captives, and with the Spoil clothed all that were Naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to Eat and to Drink, and Anointed them, and carried all the Feeble of them upon Asses, and brought them to Jericho, the City of Palm-Trees, to their Brethren: then they returned to Samaria. For of the Children of Israel the Lord had said, They are my Servants, whom I brought out of the Land of Egypt, they shall not be sold as Bondmen; Thou shalt not Rule over him with Rigour, but shalt fear thy God; both the Bondmen and the Bondmaids which thou shalt have, shall be of the Heathen that are round about you, of them shall ye buy Bondmen and Bondmaids. Moreover, of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your Land, and they shall be your Possession; and ye shall take them as an Inheritance for your Children after you to inherit them for a Possession, they shall be your Bondmen for ever: But over your Brethren the Children of Israel, ye shall not rule One over Another with Rigour, Levit. 25. 42, 43, 44, 45, 46.
But Ye have ordered to be sold of your Brethren, of their Sons and their Daughters, Not among your selves, but into other Plantations; not as Servants in your Houses, but as Slaves to others: And yet you cry out, Are not we the People of the Lord? is not the Lord in the midst of us?—The Ordinances of God; for not coming to the Ordinances of God, and Contemning Authority therein, therefore have we done thus and thus unto you, said your Governor in answer to them, as aforesaid, when they desired him before the People, to declare the Real Cause wherefore you [Page 88] dealt thus with them. And yet here is an Ordinance of God, and a very positive one too, yet how contrary is this your Order unto that? and how have ye ruled over them with Rigour (and the height of Cruelty) which the Lord said ye shall not do, Ye shall not rule one over another with Rigour; They shall not be sold for Bondmen. But the Just Lord is in the midst thereof (indeed) He will not do Iniquity: Every Morning doth he bring his Judgments to light, He faileth not; But the Unjust knoweth no shame. Said the Lord to the Filthy and Polluted (yea, Wo to her) to the Oppressing City; She obeyed not the Voice; she received not Correction, she trusted not in the Lord, she drew not near to her God: Her Princes within her are Roaring Lions, her Judges are Evening Wolves, they gnaw not the bones till the Morrow. Her Prophets are Light and Treacherous Persons: her Priests have polluted the Sanctuary, they have done Violence to the Law. I have cut off the Nations: their Towers are Desolate, I have made their Streets waste, that none passeth by; their Cities are destroyed, so that there is no man, there is no Habitation. I said, Surely thou wilt fear me; thou wilt receive Instruction; so their Dwelling should not be cut off, howsoever I punished them: but they rose early, and corrupted all their doings, Zeph. 3. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. your Case at this day.
Nor will that Pretence in your Order cover you, viz. the Paying The Case of Selling to pay Debts, weighed in the Ballance of the Sanctuary. of Debts,— which was made upon the account of Debts, say you: And these being Debts (say you the Fines) and they having not wherewithal, Therefore VVe Sell them for their Debts.—For, to sell for Bondmen and Bondwomen, in no Case were the Israelites; nor to Rule over one another with Rigour, thou shalt not, &c. Ye shall not, &c. as aforesaid. And as for the selling that the Israelites might do, it was thus. If a Thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there shall no Blood be shed for him: If the Sun be risen upon him, there shall be Blood shed for him, for he should make full Restitution: If he have nothing, then he shall be sold for his Theft, Exod. 22. 2, 3. Were these such? Did ye take them breaking up, and stealing? then ye had something to say, and some pretence why ye should sell them; for that which they are found breaking up, and so stealing, if they should not have to make Restitution; for if the Thief that is so taken hath wherewithal, he is but to make Double Restitution, [Page 89] and his Blood is to be required if it be shed after the Sun is risen upon him. Here is the Case for Selling for Theft, and such Theft as this: But for Selling for Debt, I know none.
Now what is this as to the Justification of your selling of these to answer your Fines, which you laid upon them, when the Law of God layes none? and for Meeting together, which they that feared the Lord often did, and spake often one to another; and the Lord hearkened and heard, and a Book of Remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his Name: And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of Hosts in that day, when I make up my Jewels, and I will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. And this was when the Proud were called Happy; yea, when they that work'd wickedness were set up; and they that tempted God were even delivered, Mal. 3. 15, 16, 17. Read the Place, and your selves, and them therein. And not forsaking the Assembling of Your selves together, as the manner of some is (said the Apostle to the True Church of Christ which is in God) but Exhorting one another, by how much the more as you see the day approaching, Heb. 10. 25. And they met every first Day of the Week at Corinth. And at Troas on the first Day of the Week. And the same Day at Evening, being the first Day of the Week, when the Doors were shut where the Disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you: and when he had so said, he shewed them his Hand, and his Side, Joh. 20. 19, 20. And they withdrew from the Temple, after Jesus was risen, and met together from house to house, and denyed the Temple, which was commanded of God; And those among the Gentiles that were converted, denyed the Idols Temples, and met not in them; Yet were not the One or the Other fined, and after such a manner as ye have done to the Servants of the Lord, and for speaking one to another as aforesaid; and for meeting together, ransacking their Estates, breaking open their Houses, carrying away their Goods and Cattel, till ye have left none; then their wearing Apparrel, and then (as in Plimouth Government) their Land; and when ye have left them nothing, sell them for this which ye call Debt. Search the Records of former Ages, go through the Histories of the Generations that are past; read the Monuments of the Antients, and see if ever [Page 90] there were such a thing as this, since the Earth was laid, and the Foundations thereof in the VVater, and out of the VVater. But it is first found on you to a People who are harmless, who are Innocent, who defraud not, nor oppress, nor do others wrong; Your Brethren, of Your selves, of the same Nation and Country, at the same distance from your Native Country, Inhabitants long together in the Country, where ye are known one to another, and to be of unblamable Conversations, Fellow-sufferers, and in the same Condemnation. O Ye Rulers of Boston! Ye Inhabitants of the Massachusets! What shall I say unto you? whereunto shall I liken ye? Indeed, I am at a stand, I have no Nation with you to compare, I have no People with you to parallel, I am at a loss with you in this Point; I must say of you, as Balaam said of Amalek when his Eyes were open, Boston, the first of the Nations that came out thus to war against, to stop Israel in their way to Canaan from Egypt: but your latter end shall be, that ye Perish for ever; So is your Judgment from the Lord.
And now I have done with You as to this, only I shall declare the Execution of your Warrant on the said Daniel Southick and Daniel & Provided Southick Provided, whom Edmond Batter (a bloody wicked man, one fit for your purpose, who hath hunted, haled, and ransack'd the People of the Lord with the highest Cruelty) sent your Marshal for, who fetch't them accordingly, and sought out for Passage to some that were bound to Barbados to send them there for Sale, as men sell Goods, to fill his Purse who was your Treasurer; but the Man to whom he spake would not carry them on that account (a thing so horrible!) and One of them to try Batter said— That they would spoil all the Vessels Company—saying that as an Argument why he would not carry them: Oh no (said Batter) you need not fear that, for they are poor harmless Creatures, and will not hurt any body (or words to this purpose:) Will they not so (said the Ship-master) and will ye offer to make Slaves of so harmless Creatures? So Batter sent them home again to live of themselves (as he used to let their Cattel which he took for Fines feed upon them all the Winter till the Spring, when they should make benefit of them, to answer their chargeable being in the Winter) till he could get a Convenient Opportunity to send them away.
And whilst I am hereupon, let me give you the Instance of [Page 91] Two more, viz. Edward Wharton and Samuel Gaskin, who were Edw. Wharton Sam. Gaskin. Arrested for not coming to Your Meetings, and had to Ipswitch Court, and fined, the One Five pounds Ten shillings, and the Other, Eight pounds; One of which being a young man, and having no Visible Estate appearing, VVilliam Hathorne advised (though he was but an Assistant in the Court) and gave Judgment against him, That if he had not to, nor would pay, they must send him to Barbados, and sell him to pay it; and this was when the Court knew not on what to levie the Fine. And this the said Hathorne, of whom I have before spoken, who turn'd from the Tenderness that was once in him, to please you, to get an Imployment whereby to live, and having got it, thus turn'd against his tender Principle, and his Friends, to whom once he was tender, to sell them for Slaves, as he did in other Particulars. One of which I shall instance in a Warrant under his Hand, sent to the Constable of Salem, in these words,— You are required by Vertue hereof, to search in all suspicious houses for Privat Meetings; and if they refuse to open the Doors, you are to break open the Door upon them, and return the Names of all ye find to Ipswitch Court. VVilliam Hathorne.—But at this time he mist, though he shall not miss his Judgment from the Hand of the Lord, who will assuredly meet with him, and give him his Portion with the rest of those who persecute his Truth, who once had a Tender Principle in them, and now turn against it (the Case of all you at this day) yea, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment than for You. So take your Judgment together, ye who have been together in causing the Innocent to suffer.
Thus have I traced you through this Long and Crooked Path of Cruelty and Blood, as well for the clearing of the Innocent (viz. those among you who have not consented to, but in their Place have opposed and withstood, and testified against your Proceedings unto Blood, That the Righteous may be separated from the Wicked in the Great Day of the Lord, which is near at hand, who will render to every man according to his Deeds; and that the Struggle this thing met withal in its bringing forth, and who were the Fathers, Fountains, and bringers of it on, and thorow (the Priests and You) may be made manifest. I shal now proceed to what Ye did to the Strangers as well as to the Inhabitants, [Page 92] and how ye did not only Banish, but indeed, Put to Death.
These were the Men of the Country (whom I mentioned before) with whom ye proceeded as to Banishment upon Pain of Proceedings unto Death. Death, and upon whom ye began; But these were not all, but with others, Natives of England, accounted Strangers by you, ye proceeded as with the Inhabitants, yea, and also put to Death, as I shall shew by and by; for the Lord God of Life and Power, who gives unto all Men Life, and Breath, and Moving, who is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, and doth whatsoever He pleaseth in them both, And who shall say unto Him, What doest Thou? VVho saith to the North, Give up, and to the South, Keep not back, &c. Bring my Sons from far, and my Daughters from the Ends of the Earth, Could not be limited by you, whose Breath is in your Nostrils, who are but Dust, and whom in a moment He can turn into Dust; Nor be restrained by your Laws, which were made in your Wills, to persecute the Just; But the stronger ye made your Laws, and the more Cruel ye became, the more He weakned you by his Power in his Servants, who went thorow Banishment and Death; And the more ye sought to keep Him under, the more He rose up amongst you in His Servants, and broke your Bonds and burst your Cords assunder; and ye were mistaken who thought, that by such things His Purpose could be disannulled, or His Counsel be kept from being brought to Pass, Though He suffered ye thus to do for the filling up your Measure, and the making bare his Arm, and the manifesting of the Glory of his Power, who is bringing great and mighty things to pass: to whom be Glory and Praise, and Dominion for ever.
So Death was the Thing ye aimed at, and their Blood ye would have, and their Blood ye had, and the Lord suffered ye so to do, to try you and to prove you, and to let the World see how far Profession will go without the Power of Godliness. So saith your Declaration,— Which Sentence (viz. of Banishment upon Pain of Death) being regularly pronounced at the last Court of Assistants against the Parties above named, and they either returning, or continuing presumptuously in this Jurisdiction, after their time limited, were Apprehended; and Owning of themselves to be the Persons banished, were sentenc'd (by Court) to Death, according to the Law aforesaid, which hath been Executed upon Two of them, Mary [Page 93] Dyar (upon Petition of her Son, and the Mercy and Clemency of this Court) had liberty to depart within two dayes; which she hath accepted of—.
Answ. Now I am come to the Bottom of your Work, and the W. Robinson, M. Stevenson, Mary Dyar banish'd, and afterwards put to Death. Height of this your Gradual Proceeding from Banishment unto Death, and in the Instance of these Three Servants of the Lord, viz. VVilliam Robinson, Marmaduke Stevenson, and Mary Dyar (Two of whom, viz. VVilliam Robinson and Marmaduke Stevenson ye confess to have Executed, and the Third, viz. Mary Dyar, to have sentenc'd to Death, but Reprieved, whom since ye have put to Death) the Relation of whose Sufferings I shall proceed unto, and the Merits of their Deaths, and then reason with you for the Price of their Sufferings.
VVilliam Robinson of London, Merchant, and Marmaduke Stevenson of the East part of York-shire, Country-man, being 4th Moneth, 1659. moved of the Lord in the Fourth Month, 1659. to go from Rhoad Island into Your Jurisdiction, came thither accordingly, whom ye soon apprehended, and with them one Nicholas Davis (who Nich. Davis banisht on pain of Death. came from Plimmouth Patent (of which he was) to reckon with those with whom he traded in Boston, and to pay some Debts) and Patience Scot (a Girl of about Eleven years old, whose business Patience Scot, a Girl of about 11 years old, Daughter to Katherin Scot aforesaid. Mary Dyar. to you-wards from her Father's house in Providence, was, to bear Witness against your persecuting spirit) and sent them to Prison, there to remain until the sitting of the Court of Assiststants; during which time Mary Dyar aforesaid, was moved of the Lord to come from Rhoad Island to visit the Prisoners, whom ye Imprisoned also; and at the sitting of the said Court of Assistants, banished (together with VV. Robinson and M. Stevenson, and Nicholas Davis, upon Pain of Death (the Child it seems was not of years as to Law so as to deal with her by Banishment, but otherwise in Understanding, for she confounded ye all; and some of ye confest that ye had many Children, and they had been well Educated, and that it were well if they could say half so much for God, as she could for the Devil (so ye Blasphemed the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth that spake in her, saying it was an Unclean Spirit: For saith the Son of God, All Sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and Blasphemies wherewithsoever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of Eternal [Page 94] Condemnation, Because they said he had an Unclean spirit. (For they said He cast out Devils by Beelzebub the Prince of the Devils, and that he had a Devil) Mark 3. 22. to the 31.) If after the Fourtcenth of the Seventh Month following they should 14th day 7th Month, 1659. be found in your Jurisdiction. And Nicholas Upshall (the Old Man whom ye imprisoned, and fined, and banished with such Nich. Ʋpshall. Cruelty as aforesaid) returning after the space of Three years Banishment to Boston again to his Wife and Family, about the time of the sitting of this Court, as it was laid upon him by the Lord, ye cast into Prison there to remain till he acknowledged his Offence (who only bore a sober Witness against your Persecuting Law, as a Freeman of Boston) after that your Deputy Governor charged him with denying Relations, in not coming to his Wife and Children in all that space of time (when as ye had banished him from them upon pain of perpetual Imprisonment, if he came back again: a wicked thing so to charge him for the suffering of that which ye had done unto him; to make him to suffer, and then to charge him for so doing) To which he answered,— VVas not thou, and the rest of you here, the cause of it? who banished me so, that if I did return I must be kept in Prison till I did acknowledge my Offence, which was for bearing witness against a wicked and unrighteous Law, made to persecute the Saints of Jesus Christ: Then ye sent me to the Gen. Court, where I declared unto you, That the Prosecution of that Law would be a Fore-runner of a Judgment on the Country. Therefore I said in tenderness of Love which I bear to the People and Country, I did humbly desire you to take heed what ye did, lest ye should be found fighters against God; and it had been good for ye that ye had attended to it. And so it had, and you will find it so in the End, when that Day is come upon You, and the things are fulfilled which he in the Spirit of Prophecy spake to you; Then ye will know that he spake not in Vain, and that it had been your Wisdom to have Hearkned whilst ye had time: but now (as I have said unto you in the Word of the Lord, Your Day is Over, and the things that are coming upon you make haste. The Blood of the Innocent cryes loud against you, and the Lord is near to avenge it; the Fruits of that Law, which took so with the Old Man, and which he bore Testimony against, and spake so of, and whose Sufferings the Lord will recompence on you, who have cast him now into [Page 95] Prison again, where he remains to this day, born up by the Lord to bear your Cruelty, that your Measure may be filled to the full: For, such a thing hath been hardly heard of, that Men should take such an Aged Man as he who hath scarce a Tooth (if any) in his Head, whose Provision of Meat is scraped into a Spoon for him to receive (as I have said) wherewithal to Nourish him; and to Fine and Banish him, as aforesaid, in such a season of the year, as the beginning of Winter, from his Aged Wife, and his Children, and upon his Return (after Three Years or thereabouts) to charge him for denying of Relations, in not Coming unto his Wife and Children in all that space of time, when ye had banished him from them; and being come unto them, to take him from them whom ye had so charged, even as soon as ye had charged him, and to keep him in Prison; and all this for no other thing than for bearing Testimony, and speaking to you as aforesaid (for which, as I have said, what Law have you?) What Cruelty is this, and how scarcely to be parallel'd in former Ages? But these things are found upon you, whom no Mercy moves, nor Bowels melt, who are as hard as the Adamant; who have sold your selves to do wickedly; whose End (as I have said) is come, and the Measure of your Iniquity.
Thus of the Old Man. But as for the Four asore-mentioned, 12th day, 7th Month, 1659. on the Twelfth day of the Seventh Month (two dayes before the Expiration of the Time limited by you, after which, if found in your Jurisdiction, they should suffer Death (What hard measure is here, to allow a Man but Two dayes to remove for his Life, and upon so slight an Account, or rather none at all?) Ye caused to be turned out of Prison to try your Law upon them; Two of whom (viz. Nicholas Davis and Mary Dyar) sound freedom to Nichol Davis, Mary Dyar. depart your Jurisdiction, the One to Plimmouth Patent, the Other to Rhoad Island; but the other Two (viz. VV. Robinson, W. Robinson, M. Stevenson. and M. Stevenson were constrained in the Love and Power of the Lord, not to depart, but to stay in your Jurisdiction, and to try your bloody Law unto Death: So they passed out of Prison on the Thirteenth to Salem, and Remained there, and at Pitscattaway, and the parts thereabouts in the Service of the Lord, till ye took them up: Your Cruelty towards them when ye sentenc'd them to Banishment, being such, and your Monstrous Inhumanity, that [Page 96] a Handkerchief was put into one of their Mouthes to keep them, W Robinson stop't from speaking for himself by a Handkerchif thrust into his mouth, and attempting yet to speak, was had down and given Twenty cruel Lashes with a Threesold Corded Whip. from Speaking for themselves (which all Law allows) and when he yet attempted to speak (viz. VV. Robinson) ye caused him to be had down in a great Rage, and to be given him Twenty cruel stripes, with a Threefold Corded VVhip with Knots, on his naked Back, and then had him up, and sent him to Prison, together with his fellow-sufferer M. Stevenson in Order to Death, if they were found again in your Jurisdiction after the Limitation of the dayes set them by you to go forth: Such Inhumanities as these have hardly been heard of in any Generation where men have pretended to Law or Truth, but are found upon thee, O New England! and the Head of thy Colonies, the Bay of Massachusets!
Now the same Day that the Four aforesaid were put out, Christopher 13th. of the 7th. Moneth, 1659. Christopher Holder. Holder aforesaid was cast into Prison, whom (coming to seek a Passage from Boston to England, which he was moved to of the Lord) ye there kept. One while Banishing men out who come into your Jurisdiction upon pain of Death, and another while keeping some in Prison, and Banishing them afterwards, who come to Pass out. Such Monstrous Contradictions are hardly found among Men who pretend to understanding, and are not worse than Beasts, who know not when they go forwards, or backwards; So greatly hath Envy blinded your minds, and Rage your Judgements. Him (viz. the said Christopher) so come in as aforesaid) Your Deputy Governour Committed, and him you Detained in Prison till the middle of the 9th. Moneth following, and Banished him upon pain of Death, if he should be found within your Jurisdiction Three dayes after the next Ships departure for England from your Harbour, who came to Pass from your Harbour unto England; and this because he asked ye not first, leave so to come in; (a hard sentence for such a Misprision, Suppose he should have done so) who had no Law to keep him out from Passing to England.
Not long after, (viz. the 8th. of the 8th. Moneth following) 8th. of the 8th. Moneth, 1659. Mary Dier. Hope Clifton. Mary Dier aforesaid (whom ye Banished upon pain of Death) came to Boston (see how the Lord brought them together) and Hope Clifton, both of Rhoad Island; Who coming to visit Christopher Holder, then in Prison, on the First day of the [Page 89] Week (being the next morning after they came in) they were soon espied standing at the Window, and carried to the house of Correction by the Constable; who coming again after your Worship was ended (having no doubt had his Instructions) charged the Keeper Body for Body, Life for Life with Mary Dier till further Order. So Mary was continued without being sent for, but Hope Clifton was the next Morning had before your Deputy Governour, who recommitted her, & one M. Scot, Daughter Mary Scot. to R. Scot, and Katherine of Providence aforesaid, who came also to visit the said Christopher in Prison, whom the same Constable apprehended as she was in the Prison to Visit her Friend; And Robert Harper of Sandwitch (though he came about his Robert Harper. Outward Occasions) your Governour Committed also the One to the Prison, the Other to the House of Correction.
And now the time drawing near of the sitting of your Court, 13th of the 8th. Moneth, 1659. W. Robinson. M. Stevenson. Alice Cowland Daniel Gold. of RhoadIsland W. King. Hannah Phelps Mary Trask. Margaret Smith. Prov. Southick wherein you acted this Bloody Tragedy, W. Robinson and M. Stevenson came to Boston, viz. on the thirteenth of the eighth Moneth, and with them Alice Cowland, (who was moved of the Lord to bring Linnen wherein to wrap the dead Bodies of them who were to Suffer) and Daniel Gold from Salem; and William King, Hannah Phelps, (the Wife of Nicholas aforesaid) and Mary Trask, and Margaret Smith of the same Town. These all came together, as aforesaid, in the Moving and Power of the Lord, as One Man, to look your Bloody Laws in the face, and to try them, and to accompany those who should suffer by them; Whom ye apprehended and sent to Prison, as aforesaid, and Provided Southick Daughter to Lawrence and Cassandra Southick aforesaid; Who coming to see her sister then in Prison, and being met with all in the street, and known by your Deputy Governour, and asked by him, Whether she was a Quaker, and she Replying, That she was one that was so called; He Committed her also.
So your Prisons began to fill, and the time drew near of the 19th of the 8th. Moneth, 1659. W. Robinson. M. Stevenson. M. Dier. had before the Court. sitting of your Court, as aforesaid, before whom on the nineteenth of the same Moneth, W. Robinson, and M. Stevenson, and Mary Dier were had before your Court, and Demanded by you Why they came again into your Jurisdiction, being Banished upon pain of Death? To which having severally Answered, and Declared the Ground or Cause of their coming in as from the Lord, [Page 90] and in Obedience to him (upon your Governors saying, that he desired not their Death, and that they had Liberty to speak for themselves, why they should not be Proceeded with as to the giving sentence against them) He bad the Goaler take them away.
The next day after your Worship was ended, being heated by 20th. of the 8th. Moneth, 1659. your Priest, and prepared to shed the Blood of the Innocent, you sent for them again, and (speaking faintly as a man whose Life was Departing from him, for the hand of the Lord was upon him) Your Governor said to this Effect, We have made many Laws, and endeavoured by Several ways to keep ye from us, and neither Whipping, nor Imprisonment, nor cutting off Ears, nor Banishment upon pain of Death, will keep ye from among us:—And he said, I Desire not your Death,—Yet presently he said, Give Ear and Hearken to your Sentence of Death, and then made a stop. Whereupon W. Robinson desired that he might be suffered to Read a Paper amongst them, (which was a Declaration of his Call to Boston, and the Reason why they staid in that Jurisdiction after your Sentence of Banishment) which your Governor denied, and said in a great Rage— You shall not read it, nor will the Court hear it Read—Then VVilliam laid it on the Table among them, and it was handed to your Governour, who Read it to himself, and after he had done, said,— VV. Robinson you need not keep such an adoe to have it Road, for ye spake Yesterday more than here is VVritten (which was not so, and if it had been, yet a man may be permitted to speak the same Words over again, and the Law Allows it, viz. for a Man to speak for himself ere Sentence is given, and the Clarks of the Court usually Proclaim that Liberty, but you would not) VV. Robinson said, Nay, he had not, and desired again it might be Read, that all the People might hear the Cause of their Coming, and of their stay there, and wherefore they were put to Death,—which was (as I have said) what the Law Allowed; But you would not suffer it (a very hard Case, you would not be so dealt with, yet so ye have dealt with the Innocent,) and your Governor said to him,— Hearken to your Sentence of Death,—You shall be had back to the Place from whence you came, and from thence to the place of W Robinson sentented to Death. Exeoution to be hanged on the Gallows till you are Dead.—
Then M. Stevenson was called, and your Governor said to [Page 91] him;— If you have any thing to say you may speak—Who standing still, and giving him no Answer (for the Lord had shut him up) your Governor Pronounced the Sentence of Death against him. Saying,— You shall be had to the Place from whence you M. Stevenson sentenced to Death also. came, and from thence to the Gallows, and there be hanged till you are dead,—Which being Pronounced, M. Stevensons Mouth was opened by the Lord, and he said, Give ear ye Magistrates, and The Sentence of the Lord by him, upon those who should be guilty of their Blood in puting them to Death. all who are guilty, for this the Lord hath said concerning you, Who will perform His Word upon you, That the same day ye put His servants to death, shall the Day of your Visitation pass over your heads, and you shall be Curst for evermore. The mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it. Therefore in love to you all, I exhort you to take warning before it be too late, that so the Curse may be removed; For assuredly if you put us to death, you will bring Innocent Blood upon your own heads, and swift destruction will come upon you,—After he had spoken which he was had to Prison.
Then Mary Dier was called, and your Governor said to her, to this effect,— Mary Dier you shall go to the Place whence you Mary Dier sentenced to Death. came, namely the Prison, and from thence to the Place of Execution, and be hanged there until you are dead;—To which she Replied, The will of the Lord be done.—Then your Governor said, Take her away Marshal; she Answered, Yea joyfully shall I go,—So she was brought to the House of Correction again, and there continued 27th. of the 8th. Moneth, 1659. The People flock to the Prison. A Guard set on it by Night, and Irons on William and Marmaduke. They are caled forth. with her other Two Friends in Prison, till the 27th. of the same Moneth; during which time many People resorted to the Prison windows (for the thing struck among them) which struck such a fear in you, where no fear was (for they would not have broken a Thred to have gone out, nor push'd down a straw) that ye set a Guard about the Prison by Night lest they should be taken away, and on W. Robinson, and M. Stevenson, ye put Chains of Iron. And on the 27th. of the 8th. Moneth aforesaid, Ye Caused the Drums to beat to gather your Souldiers together for the Execution, & after your Worship was ended, your Drums beat again, and your Captain James Oliver came with his Band of men, and the Marshal, and some others to the Prison, and the Doors were Opened, and your Marshal, and Jaylor called for W. Robinson, and M. Stevenson, and had them out of the And take leave of their fellow Prisoners. Prison, and Mary Dier out of the House of Correction, who having parted from their Friends in Prison, full of the Joy of the [Page 92] Lord who had counted them worthy to suffer for his Name, and kept them faithful to the Death, and having Embraced each other with Fervency of Love, and gladness of heart, and peace with God, and praises to the Lord; Went out of your Prisons like Innocent Lambs out of the Butchers Cub to the Slaughter; and your Captain with his Band of Men led them the Back way (it seems and are led to place of Execution, you were afraid of the Fore, lest it should touch too much the People) to the Place of Execution, and caused the Drums to beat when they attempted to speak (hard work) and plac'd them near the Drums for that purpose, that when they spake the People might not hear them, who in great multitudes flocked about them (as ye used to Imprison any that you took looking in at the Prison Window, when they were there, to visit them, thinking thereby to keep the Seed of God under, and them from having a Place in the People, but the more ye strove to hinder, the more it went under (to wit, the Message that they brought) and had place in their hearts, and the more Cruel ye were, the Deeper it took place, which in due time will come forth, and make manifest it self, after the first-fruits are tried, and found to Praise and Honour, who shall be as Leaders to his People, and as those that go before to shew that Immortallity is able to bear through the Sufferings of the Mortal, and that which changeth not, that which fadeth away, and withereth) I say, your Capt. caused his Drums to Beat when they sought to speak, and his Drums he would not cease, though they spake unto him, whilst they ceased not to speak, (A Barbarous Inhumanity never heard of in the English Nation to be used to Suffering People) and as he led them to the Place of Execution, Your Old Bloody-Priest And are met with in the way by Priest Wilson, &c. Wilson, Your High Priest of Boston (who was so Old in Blood, that he would have had Samuel Gorton, (to go no higher) and those with him, long agon to be put to Death, for their differing in Religion; and when but One Vote parted it, was so mad, that he openly inveighed against them, who did it, Saying in the Pulpit, Because thou hast let go the man, whom I have appointed to Destruction, Thy life shall go for his lise, and thy People for his People, Preaching from that Text. Who said,— He would carry Fire in One hand, and Faggots in the Other, to Burn all the Quakers in the World.—Who [...]g some of those Peoples Books in his hand, as they were burning the Books of Friends by [Page 93] Your Order, threw them in the Fire, saying,— From the Devil they came, (Blasphemous Wretch!) and to the Devil let them go;—He who said to ye when ye sat on the Blood of these men,— Hang them, or else (drawing his finger athwart his Throat) so making Signes for it to be cut if ye did it not) I say this your Bloody Old High Priest with others of his Brethren in Iniquity, and in persecuting the Just, met them in your Train Field, and in stead of having a sence upon him suitable to such an Occasion, and as is Usual with men of any tenderness; he fell a Taunting at W. Robinson, and shaking his hand in a light scoffing manner, said,— Shall such Jacks as you come in before Authority with your Taunted by him. Hats on?—with many other wicked words. To which W. Robinson Replied— Mind you, Mind you, It is for the not putting off the Hat we are put to Death.—And when W. Robinson went chearfully up the Ladder, to the Topmost Rung above the Gallows, and spake to the People,— That this they suffered not as Evil Doers, but as those who Testified and Manifested the Truth, and that this was the day of their Visitation, and therefore desired them to mind the Light that was in them, the Light of Christ, of which he Testified, and was now going to Seal it with his Blood.—This Old Priest in much Wickedness said,— Hold thy tongue, be silent, Thou art going to Die with a Lie in thy mouth.—When he spake of the Light of Christ within, of which he had Testified, which testified against evil, as that which was sufficient to bring unto God, and for the Testimony of which he then Suffered.
So being come to the Place of Execution, hand in hand, all Three of them, as to a Wedding Day, with great chearfulness of heart; and having taken Leave of each other with the dear Embraces of one anothers Love in the Love of the Lord, Your Executioner put W. Robinson to Death, and after him M. Stevenson, And are Executed, viz. W. Robinson and M. Stevenson. who died both of them full of the Joy of the Lord, and steadfast in him, and have received a Crown of Life, Sealing their Testimony with their Blood, (which was the most that could be done) their Countenances not changing (though the Priests thought to have found it Otherwise, and had some of them spoken to this purpose, that they should see whether they would change countenance, when they had a Halter about their necks) but remained as fresh (in a manner) even after they were dead, as they were before, (as was observed by some) [Page 94] unto whose Bodies being dead your Executioner was so Barberous, and your Officers, and so wicked your said Priest; That when their dead Bodies were cut down, they were suffered And their dead Bodies cut down, and let fall to the breaking of one of their skuls. And cast naked into a Pit without a covering. to fall to the Ground, with which the skul of W. Robinson was broke, his Body it being stiffe ere it was cut down; and when they were down, their shirts were ripped off with a knife, and their naked Bodies cast into a hole of the Earth, which was digged, without any Covering; and when some friends came and desired their Bodies to be put into Cossins, and so into some inclosed Ground where Beasts might not turn them up, your Executioner suffered them to take them up, and to wrap them in Linnen, and to put them in again, but to take them away he suffered them not, saying,— He was strictly charged by you (which was worse than Pilate, who gave unto Joseph the Body of Jesus, when he desired it) to the contrary: And when a Friend had caused Pales to be brought, to sence the Place, into which they were cast, that so their Bodies might not be preyed upon by the Bruit Creatures, seeing you would not suffer them to be removed, And there left in a Pit in the open Field, whose Coverin was soon of Water. And then Priest Wilson made a Song of them. he would not suffer it; but there left their Bodies together in a Pit in an open Field, which was soon covered with Water; and to make up all, when they were thus Martyr'd by your Order, Your said Priest Wilson made a Ballade of those whom ye had Martyr'd.
Thus have I led you through your Deeds of Darkness, and layd your Blood-guiltiness in Order before you, and your other Cruelties, and Monstrous Barbarism's to the Innocent, which shall not depart from your House for Ever, the Lord hath spoken it, but shall be visited upon you, when time shall be no more, for the Hour of your Visitation is Over, as was told ye by M. Stevenson, (after you had past this sentence it should, if ye put them to Death, (in the Word of the Lord) and ye have put them to Death, and in that Despight, and with that Cruelty as aforesaid; And after that Barbarous manner, and the Hour of your Visitation is past (You who had to do in the thing) I speak it from, and in the Word of the Lord; The Decree is sealed, it is done it cannot be revoked.
And because Fury rose up in your Governor, and the Form of his Vissage was changed like Nebuchadinezzar's, when W. Robinson desired his Paper might be Read, as what he had to say as to [Page 95] the Cause of his Coming, and abiding in your Jurisdiction, when he was bid to speak if he had any thing to say, wherefore you should not proceed to give Sentence against him, for his so coming in, as to Death; Unto which your Governor said, It should not be Read, and that ye would not hear it, and so in effect forbad that, which he bad him. I shall set down the Contents thereof, and of M. Stevenson's Call into your Parts, for which ye put him to Death, as a Perpetual Record to after Ages, of that for which they Suffered, and your shame Everlasting. For it shall rise up in You a Worm that shall never Die, and a Fire that shall never go out: The mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it.
William Robinson's Paper to the Court before he was Sentenced to death, concerning the Cause of their coming into those Parts, for which they were put to Death, which the Governor in a great Fury said, should not be Read, and that the Court would not hear it. Which was in these Words.
ON the Eighth Day of the Eighth Moneth, 1659. in W. Robinsons Paper to the Court. the after part of the day, in Travelling betwixt Newport in Rhoad Island, and Daniel Gold's House, with my dear Brother, Christopher Holder, The Word of the Lord came expresly to me, which did fill me immediately with Life and Power, and heavenly Love, by which he constrained me, and commanded me to pass to the Towne of Boston, my Life to lay down in His Will, for the Accomplishing of His Service, that He had there to Perform at the day appointed. To which Heavenly Voice I presently yeelded Obedience, not questioning the Lord how he would bring the [Page 96] Thing to pass, being I was a Child, and Obedience was Demanded of me by the Lord, who filled me with living Strength and Poner from his Heavenly Presence, which at that time did mightily Overshaddow me, and my Life at that time did say Amen, to what the Lord required of me, and had Commanded me to do, and willingly was I given up from that time to this day the Will of the Lord to do and perform, what ever became of my Body: For the Lord had said unto me, My Soul shall rest in everlasting Peace, and my Life shall enter into Rest for being Obedient to the God of my Life; I being a Child, and durst not question the Lord in the least, but rather willing to lay down my Life, than to bring Dishonor to the Lord; And as the Lord made me willing, dealing gently and kindly with me, as a tender Father by a Faithful Child, whom he dearly Loves, so the Lord did deal with me in Ministring his Life unto me, which gave and gives me strength to Perform what the Lord required of me, and still as I did and do stand in need he Ministred and Ministreth more Strength, and Vertue, and Heavenly Power, and Wisdom, whereby I was and am made Strong in God, not fearing what man shall be suffered to do unto me; Being filled with Heavenly Courage, which is Meekness, and Innocency, for the Cause is the Lord's that we go in, and the Battel is the Lord's, and thus saith the Lord of Hosts, the Mighty and the Terrible God, Not by Strength, nor by Might, nor by Power of Man, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts, I will perform what my mouth hath spoken through my Servants whom I have chosen, mine Elect in whom my soul delighteth. Friends the God of my Life, and the God of the whole Earth, did Lay this thing upon me, for which I now suffer Bonds near unto death; He by his Almighty Power, and Everlasting Love constrained me, and laid this thing upon me, and truly I could not deny [Page 105] the Lord, much less Resist the Holy One of Israel. Therefore all who are Ignorant of the Motion of the Lordin the Inward Parts, be not hasty in Judging in this matter, least ye speak evil of the things ye know not; For, of a Truth the Lord God of Heaven and Earth Commanded me by his Spirit, and spake unto me by his Son, whom he hath made Heir of all things; and in his Life I live, and in it I shall Depart this Earthly Tabernacle, if unmerciful men be suffered to take it from me. And herein I rejoyce that the Lord is with me, the Ancient of dayes, the Life of the Suffering Seed, for which I am freely given up, and singly do I stand in the will of God, for to me to live is Christ, and to die is Gain; and truly I have a great desire, and will to die herein, knowing that the Lord is with me, what ever Ignorant men shall be able to say against me; for the witness of the Spirit I have received, and the Presence of the Lord, and his heavenly Life doth accompany me, so that I can say in Truth and from an upright heart; Blessed be the Lord God of my Life, who hath counted me Worthy, and called me hereunto, to bear my Testimony against ungodly and unrighteous men, who seek to take away the Life of the righteous without a Cause, as the Rulers of Massachusets Bay do intend, if the Lord stop them not from their Intent. Oh hear ye Rulers, and give ear and listen all ye that have any hand herein to put the Innocent to Death; For, in the Name, and Fear, and Dread of the Lord God I here Declare the Cause of my staying here among ye, and continuing in the Jurisdiction after there was a Sentence of Banishment upon Death, as ye said, Pronounced against me without a Just Cause, as ye all know, that we that were Banished, committed nothing worthy of Banishment, nor of any Punishment, much less Banishment upon Death. And now ye Rulers, Ye do intend to put me to Death, and my [Page 106] Companion, unto whom the Word of the Lord God came saying, Go to Boston with thy Brother W. Robinson: Unto which Command he was obedient, who had said unto him, he had a great Work for him to do; Which thing is now seen, and the Lord is now a doing of it, and it is in Obedience to the Lord, the God of the whole Earth, that we continued amongst Ye, and that we came to the Town of Boston again, in Obedience to the Lord the Creator of Heaven and Earth, in whose hand your Breath is; And will ye put us to Death for Obeying the Lord, the God of the whole Earth? Well, if ye do this Act, and put us to Death; Know this, and be it known unto you all, ye Rulers and People within this Jurisdiction, That whosoever hath a hand herein, will be Guilty of Innocent Blood. And not onely upon your selves will ye bring Innocent Blood, but upon the Town and the Inhabitants thereof, and every where within your Jurisdiction, that had the least hand therein. Therefore be instructed ye Rulers of this Land, and take Warning betimes, and Learn Wisdom before it be hid from your Eyes.
Marmaduke Stevenson's Paper of his Call to the Work and Service of the Lord. Given forth by him a little before he was put to Death, and after he had received his Sentence.
IN the beginning of the Year, 1655. I was at the Plough M. Stevenson's Account of his Call to Boston, for which he laid down his Life to be upon Record for all to know the Ground thereof, & therefore wrote by him, and left in the words within written. in the East Parts of York-shire in Old England, near the Place where my Outward being was, and as I walked after the Plough, I was filled with the Love and the Presence of the Living God, which did Ravish my Heart when I felt it; for it did increase and abound in me like a Living Stream, so did the Love and Life of God run thorow me like Precious Oyntment, giving a pleasant Smell; which made me to stand still, and as I stood a little still with my heart and mind stayed on the Lord, the Word of the Lord came to me in a still small Voice, which I did hear perfectly, saying to me in the secret of my Heart and Conscience,— I have Ordained Thee a Prophet unto the Nations.—And at the hearing of the Word of the Lord, I was put to a stand, being that I was but a Child for such a Weighty Matter. So at the time appointed Barbados was set before me, unto which I was required of the Lord to Go; and leave my dear and loving Wife, and tender Children: for the Lord said unto me immediately by his Spirit, That He would be as a Husband to my Wise, and as a Father to my Children, and they should not want in my absence, for He would provide for them when I was gone. And I believed that the Lord would perform what He had spoken, because I was made willing to give up my self to his Work and Service, to leave All, and follow Him, whose Presence and Life is with me, where I rest in Peace and Quietness of Spirit (with my dear Brother) under the shadow of His Wings, who hath made us willing to lay down Our Lives for his Own Name sake, if Unmerciful Men be suffered [Page 108] to take them from us; and if they do, We know We shall have Peace and Rest with the Lord for ever in His Holy Habitation, when they shall have Torment night and day. So in Obedience to the Living God I made preparation to pass to Barbados in the Fourth Moneth, 1658. So after some time I had been on the said Island in the Service of God, I heard that New-England had made a Law to put the Servants of the Living God to Death, if they returned, after they were sentenc'd away, which did come near me at that time; and as I considered the Thing, and pondered it in my Heart, immediately came the Word of the Lord unto me, saying,— Thou knowest not but that Thou mayest go thither.—But I kept this Word in my Heart, and did not declare it to any until the time Appointed. So after that a Vessel was made ready for Rhoad Island, which I passed in. So after a little time that I had been there, visiting the Seed which the Lord hath blessed, the Word of the Lord came unto me, saying,— Go to Boston with thy Brother William Robinson—And at His Command I was obedient, and gave up my self to do His Will, that so His Work and Service may be accomplished: For He had said unto me, that He had a Great Work for me to do, which is now come to passe: And for yeelding Obedience to, and Obeying the Voice and Command of the Everliving God, which created Heaven and Earth, and the Fountains of Waters, Do I with my dear Brother suffer Outward Bonds near unto Death. And this is given forth to be upon Record, that all People may know who hear it, That We came not in our Own Wills, but in the Will of God.
[Page 109] Thus they, and thus you, but as for Mary Dyar when she had Mary Dyar had to the Gallows, her Arms and Legs tied, face covered, and Halter about her Neck, then Repriev'd and pull'd down, because she came not presently down, being willing to dye, & ready and near to it. parted joyfully with her Friends, between whom she came hand in hand joyfully to the Place of Execution (though your Marshal Michaelson was troubled thereat, and asked Whether she was not ashamed to walk hand in hand between two young men? (not knowing her Joy in the Lord) To whom she answered,— It is the greatest Joy, and Hour, I can enjoy in this World—With these words,— No Eye can see, No Ear can hear, No Tongue can speak, No Heart can understand the sweet Incomes and Refreshings of the Spirit of the Lord which now I enjoy.—I say, after she had parted joyfully with her Friends at the Foot of the Ladder, determined to dye, and saw her Two Friends dead, and hanging so before her, and had her Arms and Legs tied, and the Halier about her Neck, and her Face covered with a Handkerchief, which your Priest Wilson lent the Hangman for her Execution; and was even with the Lord in Joy and Peace, and so as it were, out of the Body, an Order came from You for her Reprieve upon the Petition of her Son, unknown to her, which being read, and the Halter taken off her Neck, and she loosened, she was desired to come down; which she not answering (because she staid to wait on the Lord to know his Pleasure in so sudden a Change, she having given up her self to dye as aforesaid, and being so near to it) the People cryed (for her Death they were against)— Pull her down; nor could she Prevail with them to stay a little (so earnest were they) whilst she might consider and know of the Lord what to do, but Ladder and she they were pulling down together: In which they were stopt, and your Chief Marshal and others took her down by her two Arms, and had her to Prison; From whence she wrote to you, when she understood upon what Account she was Reprieved, Denying your Reprieve, and the Ground of it; and the next Morning tendred She tenders to die the next day again, but is resused, and forcibly carried (in stead thereof) out of the Prison, and with Horses & Horse-men towards Rhoade Island. her Life again for the Abrogating of your Law; but she was not suffered, for some came presently, and took her forcibly in their Arms, and put her on Hourseback, and with four Horses; besides Men, conveyed her away Fifteen Miles towards Rhoad Island, and then left her with a Horse and Man to be conveyed the rest; which she soon sent back, when she saw she might do it freely, and as of the Lord; for she was sensible how that her sudden Reprieve had served your End, in turning the [Page 110] People to you, who were turning from you in the Death of the From whence she came again in the Will of the Lord, and suffered Death, as hereafter is to be shewn. Other, which was in your Bottom, but the Lord otherwise ordered it afterwards in suffering you to put her to Death after a Reprieve, and such a One as this, and after such a manner, and when she was so near the Execution, and as to her self, even Out of the Body in the Joy of the Lord (of which I shall speak more anon, and of your Cruelty) therefore He suffered this to be, and gave her Liberty to go from those parts to Newport in Rhoad Island from whence she came.
But as for the People they returned from the Execution of the The Demeanor of the People heavy and sad after the Execution of the Two former. other Two, sad and with heavie hearts (those of them who were not sold unto wickedness) as VV. Robinson had said unto them they should before his Decease; and a Draw-Bridge rose up (the one end of it, and fell upon many, and some were hurt, especially a wicked Woman, who was an Enemy to those People, and Two Examples of the Judgement of the Lord on their Enemies. The one a Woman that reviled them at the Execution, on whom a Draw-bridge fell, upon her return, and she dyed miserably. The other, 3. Grandchildren of Priest Wilsons, who dyed shortly after. was observ'd to have Reviled those Servants of the Lord at their Death; Whom it greatly bruised, and her Flesh rotted from her bones, and her stink was so noisom, that People could hardly come at her, in which miserable condition she remained till she dyed. A sad Example of the Vengeance of the Lord, who renders to every man according to his work. Three also of Priest VVilson's Grand-children died within a short time after ye had put these Two Servants of the Lord to Death; as something upon his head, who cared not how he bereaved the Mother of her Son, and the Children of their Father, and the Wife of her Husband. The Judgment of the Lord in both of which is to be taken notice of.
Thus have I gone through the Executions ye made of the Innocent, and the Relation of your shedding of the Blood of those who feared the Lord, who were in a Capacity by your Laws (as ye judged), for such Executions; I shall now return from your Field of Blood to your Bloody Prison, and there take an Account of what ye did to the rest of their Brethren, whom they there left behind.
And here by the way you may see the Insufficiency of your Gallows to restrain the Spirit of the Lord in this Remarkable Passage, to wit, of one John Chamberlen, one of your Inhabitants of Boston, being at the Execution of these aforesaid; who [Page 111] beholding of their Faith and Constancy, and Comfort at their Death, in the Innocency of their Cause, whose heart there the Lord opened, to receive and imbrace the Truth for which they suffered, and in whom Love was raised towards the Sufferers, that it drew him to visit those then left in Prison; for the which he was Apprehended and put in Prison, and soon tasted of your Cruelty, who hath been much and long Imprisoned by You; and although still you have sorely shot at him, yet his Bow abides in strength, who was enabled to bear all your Cruelty, and stands a faithful Witness for the Lord, against You: By which you may see how insufficient your Endeavours are to stop the way and course of the Spirit of Life, which neither Your Whips nor your Gallows is able to reach.
There was one Edward Wharton of the Town of Salem in the Edw. Wharton, 31. 8th Moneth, 1659. Apprehended. first place, whom ye had Committed for going up and down from Town to Town with those two Servants of the Lord whom Ye had Murdered, Upon whom ye fastned; and because he could by no means own the Guilt of their Blood; Nay, not for Committed. all the World, as he said, when ye charged it upon him, and sought by Consequence to prove it; because (said you) he travelled with them; and because he said, The Guilt thereof was so great and heavy that he was not able to bear it, ye drew his Blood 3d 9th Moneth, 1659. whipt with 20 lashes, and fined 20 l. with Twenty fore Lashes with your Whip of Cords as aforesaid, and his Purse with Twenty Pounds Fine, as a Peremptory Fellow, (for so speaking as aforesaid to clear himself) and an Enemy to the Country, ye laid upon him, though he had formerly taken the Oath of Fidelity (as you call it:) And this was on the third day of the Ninth Moneth, he being apprehended the last day of the Moneth before at Salem, and brought to Boston, where he was continued Prisoner till a Friend of his against his Will, and at the Peril of his said Friend (as he told him) paid it for him.
And as for the rest of the Prisoners there, of whom I have 11th 9th Moneth, 1659. Therest of the Prisoners called before the Court. spoken; On the Eleventh of the Ninth Month following, viz. Christopher Holder, Daniel Gold, Robert Harper, and W. King in the Forenoon; and in the Afternoon, Alice Cowland, Margaret Smith, Mary Trask, Hannah Phelps, Hope Clifton, Mary Scot, and Providence Southick, whom having Examined, and said to Them what ye would, ye sent to Prison again; And on [Page 112] the Morrow having them before ye, Rawson your Secretary read 22d 9th Moneth, 1659. Whipt with cruel stripes, 30 Dan Gold. 15 R. Harper. 15 W. King. 10 Mar. Smith. 10 Mary Trask. 10 Provided Southick. to them their Sentence, which was,— Daniel Gold to be Whipt Thirty stripes, Robert Harper Fifteen, William King Fifteen, Margaret Smith Ten, Mary Trask Ten, Provided Southick Ten (which your Executioner soon laid on them with great Cruelty in the Open Street, (and till now your Executions were done in Private, but having gone over the Lives of the Innocent in the Open Field, Ye were bold to Declare your Sin as Sodom, and stuck not to draw the Blood of the Rest in the Sight of the Sun) beginning with Daniel Gold, whose Cloaths he stript off, and having tyed him to the VVheel of a Great Gun, stript off the Skin from his Back, and beat his Flesh on his Bones, with the number of stripes as aforesaid, and so he dealt by the Rest) So having drunk this other Draught of Blood, and delivered over Alice Cowland, Hannah Phelps, Mary Scot, and Hope Clifton to your Alice Cowland, Han. Phelps, Mary Scot, Hope Cliston, Admonisht. Christo. Holder Banished. Governor to be admonish'd, and sentenc'd Christopher Holder to Banishment upon Pain of Death, for coming into your Jurisdiction to passe for England, as aforesaid; Ye ended this your General Court, the Prisoners being returned from whence they came, to answer your Jaylors Fees, and there continued till some friendly People Engaging for it of their Own Accords, gained their Liberty.
And so I have walked step by step through the cruel and merciless Order of your gradual Proceedings from Imprisonment to Death, to see if I could find any thing of Law, any thing of Fact, any thing of Justice; any Regular Proceeding according to either, on which ye might ground, and by which ye might warrant what ye have done; but I find none, and let the sober Reader see if he can, or any other thing than the monstrous shape of Cruelty and Blood, under the Profession of Religion, and the greatest Inhumanities and most barbarous Acts, as hath been produced by any Age in the Earth. For, this let me say, That though more Blood hath been shed, and with greater Executions, and in some sence more cruel, by those who have not pretended to Religion, at least to Liberty of Conscience, from whom no other thing could be expected, being delivered to their Wills; Yet, from Men pretending to Religion and to Conscience; who suffered for Religion, and their Consciences; who left their Native Country, Friends and Relations, to dwell in a Wilderness for to [Page 113] enjoy their Conscience and Religion; From Professors, who have made so much ado about Religion, and for their Conscience, and set themselves up as the Height of all Profession of Religion, and the most Zealous Assertors of Liberty of Conscience; and for that Cause have expected to be had in Regard, viz. Because of Conscience and Religion; (as is your Case) For Men who are Relative to Another Country, whose Government doth depend upon Others; Who receive their Commission elsewhere, and are in Subordination to the Power of which they receive their Commission; Thus to Exceed all Bounds and Limits of Moderation, Law, Humanity and Justice upon a People, barely for their Conscience, and the Exercise of their Religion (as ye have done in the Instances aforesaid; and much more which could be brought, were it not too burdensom to the Reader, for I am forc'd to take but the Minutes of many things for the Readers satisfaction) And for You to do it, who your selves are the Men (not Another Generation) which so fled, which so suffered, is beyond a Parallel: And yet after all these your Illegal and Unrighteous Proceedings in Blood and Cruelty, ye are not ashamed to say.
Declaration.— The Consideration of our gradual Proceeding will vindicate us from the Clamorous Accusations of Severity, Our Own Just and Necessary Defence calling upon us (other Means failing) to offer the Point, which these Persons have violently and wilfully rushed upon, and thereby become Felons de se; which, might it have been Prevented, and the Soveraign Law, Salus Populi, been preserved, Our former Proceedings, as well as the sparing Mary Dyar upon an Inconsiderable Intercession, will manifestly Evince that We desire their Lives absent, rather than their Deaths present. So ends your Declaration.
Printed by their Order.
Edw. Rawson, Secret.
Answer. Had ye not Foreheads of Brass, and Faces of Flint, and Hearts [Page 114] harder than the Adamant, and Consciences Seared with a hot Iron, It were wonderful to think that you should dare to utter such Abominable Untruths before God and Man, much less to put your Justification of All upon the Consideration of what ye here call, Your Gradual Proceedings.
For, First, Your Gradual Proceeding, is not from the Merits of the Fact, (for here is none) Nor from the Warranty of the Law, (for that is Grounded upon Fact) Nor from the Bottom of Justice (for it is founded upon Law) But from One Irregular Proceeding to Another. For, You have proved nothing (as I have shewed) and there being no Proof, there's no Ground for Law; and there being no Law, there's no Justice; and so Your Gradual Proceeding contrary to Law, serves to Convince You of the Transgression of the Law; And the more you have rose up from a Bottom that is wrong, and the farther ye have proceeded from step to step, and not on a Right Foundation, the more ye have swerved from the Right, and are from a Right Foundation; And so the Consideration of Your Gradual Proceeding from One Punishment to another, is but the Consideration of your Gradual Proceeding from One Cruelty to another, from Imprisonment to Whipping, from Whipping to Cutting off Ears, from Cutting off Ears to Finings and Confiscation of Estates, from Finings and Confiscation of Estates to Selling for Bond-men and Bond-women, from Selling for Bond-men and Bond-women to Banishment upon pain of Death, from Banishment upon pain of Death to Death it Self; And manifestly Evinces that ye desire their Deaths Present, rather than their Lives Absent; and is so far from Vindicating you from the Accusations of Severity that it chargeth it (yea the greatest) upon Ye.
Secondly, Ye were put upon no other manner of Defence than that which is not of this World, then that which is Spiritual; For, They came not to you with Swords, nor with Staves, neither with Staff, or with Spear; But in the Name of the Lord, and with the Word of Truth, as did the Apostles and Disciples of Old, and as ye did to the Bishops; And onely sought by the Demonstration of Truth to be made Manifest to that of God in every Man's Conscience; and they were sent of the Lord in Love to turn you from darkness to the Light, and from the Power of Satan unto God; that ye might receive Remission of Sins, and an Inheritance [Page 115] which is Incorruptible amongst them which are Sanctified, by Faith which is in Christ. And this was the End of their Coming, and the Intent thereof, and no Other; And no other thing did they do, nor have ye Convinc'd them of any Other. Now what is this to that which ye pretend, and seem to Insinuate by all this Clamor of your Just and Necessary Defence—and all other means failing—and which might it have been prevented, and Salus Populi, the Soveraign Law been Preserved—As if the whole Countrey, and Every Individual therein, and your selves in particular were in danger as by a Hostile Enemy? Were ye in the Truth, or of the Truth, the Truth is able to defend its own, and its Weapons are not Carnal and Spiritual, Mighty through God, to the casting down of strong holds, and every Imagination that exalts it self against the kingdom of Jesus Christ; And it needs not man, nor the arm of man to defend it. But in that ye have not warred with these, but with other weapons, and by Cruelty and Blood which the Truth is against) have sought to Support your Religion, and by such Proceedings as these, and Loud Acclamations, have endeavoured to Preserve your Religion, & to bespeak your Justification with the People; It is manifest and it plainly shews that your Religion is not Truth, that your Clamor is not Right, that ye that crie out of Wrong are the greatest Wrong-doers, and that there is no such thing as ye pretend; and that ye are as Ridiculous in your Fears as ye are Cruel in your Wills.
Thirdly, The other meanes you mention to have used are Imprisonments, Whippings, Cutting off Ears, Fines and Confiscation of Estates, Selling for Bond-men and Bond-women for the Payment of Fines, where ye had taken all, or that there was no other thing to satisfie you, which you are Silent in, Or ye may pretend ye did it by Virtue of Old Laws; but New Fines you laid, and whether ye did it upon New Laws or Old, that is not the Point, but do them you did, and are some of your other Meanes, and Cruel Ones too as I have shewed, Banishment upon pain of Death; These are your Means, your [all] other Means (yet all they are not) And all these your other Meanes failing, (you say) you offered them the Point, which they coming upon wilfully and Violently (as you say) but I say (and it is so, and time will make it manifest, the Lord will make it appear that it was in the Will of God (as hath been declared) they came into [Page 116] your Jurisdiction, and in the Moving and by the Command of Him who is above your Laws, and will dash you too pieces) Or rushing upon, (as ye alledge but soberly they came in, and in the fear of God) thereby became Felons de se (or were Guilty of their own Blood, of which you are Guilty) and must know the price of it, for this shift will not serve you before the Judge of all, who is drawing near to Judgement, and will render to you according to your deeds, before whom ye are naked and bare, and who sees your Hearts, and knows the bottom of your Intents against these People, and accordingly will Judge you, whose Judgements are Just) You put them to Death. These are your Means your [all] other Means, but these are none of the Means which the Spirit of Truth Prescribes in the Scriptures of the Apostles, for the Convincing Gainsayers; But Exhortation, Reproof, Admonition, the Word of Truth, the Sword of the Spirit; and these the Apostles used, and with these they warred, and they wrestled not with Flesh and Blood, but with Principallities and Powers, and Spiritual Wickednesses in high Places; and in Meekness they Instructed them who Opposed themselves, if God Peradventure would give them the Knowledge of the Truth. And the Son of God tells ye, That he came not to destroy mens Lives, but to save. And when his Disciples would have Fire come down on the men of Samaria, He said, Ye know not of what Spirit ye are. Now these Means failing, or you having failed in the using of these Means, or, you not knowing how to use these Means, or you being not in that which would teach you how to use these Means, which are the Means ye should have used, and would have directed you thereunto; Ye betake your selves to other Means, Means that you should not have used, Means which the using of them cannot Convince the Heart and Conscience of Man, nor Instruct the Ignorant, nor bring to the Knowledge of the Truth those that Oppose themselves; Nor Overcome Principalities, and Powers, and Spiritual Wickednesses in high Places; Nor Subdue the Spirit though it may bring under the Body, and through fear of him that can Kill the Body, make to Blaspheme Him who can Kill both Soul and Body, and cast both into hell fire (which was not the Case of these, for they feared not you who did Kill the Body and could go no further, but Him who can Kill both Soul and Body and cast into hell fire, him they feared; And Sanctified him in their hearts, and [Page 117] made him their Fear and their Dread, and he kept them who trusted in Him, because they trusted in Him, who never failed them who put their trust in Him; And Delivered them, and they have obtained a good Report, and have finished their course with Joy, (those whom ye have put to Death) and kept the Faith, and henceforth is laid up for them a Crown of Righteousness which the Lord the Righteous Judge will give them in that day, and not onely unto them, but to all those who love the Lord Jesus Christ and his appearing.) I say, these Means failing, you betake your selves to Other Means, to the Means which the World useth, as aforesaid, (to shew that you [...] of this World) which never reacheth the Spirit, but the Body, and because they cannot reach the Spirit they kill the Body; When as the Spirit it is that Offers up the Body, and presents it a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is its reasonable service; and by which they offered up their Bodies on the Point which ye offered unto them, and on the Tree triumphed over ye all, and shewed that Greater was he that was in them, then he that is of this World, and that they could [die] to do the will of God; And that nothing could separate them, no not Death it self, from the Love of God which is Christ Jesus. And so, as your [all] other, so this Means of Cruelty (viz.) Death it self hath failed you, in thinking thereby to Overcome the Saints of the most High God, or to keep them from the doing of his Will.
Fourthly, The Point ye offered them was without Ground in Law, or that the Law allows ye to put. For, as I have said Valuable Considerations, must precede, and such as will weigh down that of taking away of a man's Life, which the Law esteems a most precious thing. Now here is no such produced by you, nor are there any such, The utmost is, that they are such as are called Quakers, who are proved to be another manner of People in this Nation, than you Reproach, and are so with you, whom you have not Convicted of one Principle or Practice that is contrary to Godliness; Onely the Hat ye stumble at (which is their Reasonable Apparel) and by the Hat ye Judged them to be such, and put them to Death. And this was the Point which ye offered, and this was it against which ye offered it, and in this they came (in their reasonable Apparel) in the Will of God upon your Point, and passed through it. Now [Page 118] where Valuable Considerations are not the Ground, neither is Law nor Reason: For, as I have said, it is Lawful for any English man to reside, come in, or be in any of the Dominions appertaining to England, and as Natural it is for One as for Another; For it is an English man's House, and where shall a man be if he shall not be in his House? And it is not the Name of a Thing; Or the Distinction of Word or Habit (put by men) that must cut a man off from this his Priviledge which is by Nature; Nor should Names of Distinction (much less of Reproach) be given whereby to raise One Part of a Nation against Another, for this Ministers Division, and is an Occasion thereof, and tends to the Dissolution of Government and is contrary to Law. Therefore they who come into a Countrey unto which they have a Natural, and Legal Right (as these had, and any English man hath to come in amongst you) and have not done any thing by which by the Law of their Countrey they are justly made uncapable of that Right (as these had not, for you are in Subordination to England, Your Lawes are not to be Repugnant unto it) There for such to come, reside, or to be, is no Valuable Consideration, or Legal Ground (as to his Countrey) to be put upon the Point, or the Point to be offered unto him, and if the Point be offered to such, and they come upon it, and they be killed therewith, such cannot be said to be Fellons de se; For the Law will say,— Quo Warranto,—On what Ground? And the Ground is short as hath been Declared, and made to appear; Nor Violently or Willfully to rush upon the Point, but those who without Law or Ground (as to the Law of their Countrey and your Countrey is England) shall so offer the Point, and run them through who come upon it, Such are Ingulatores de se, Cutters of their own Throats, or Shedders of Blood in their own Wrong (your Case in this Particular) and the Violence and wilfulness will be attributed unto them by the Law, who set the Point not to those that come upon it; As of one who sets the Sword where another man may lawsully Pass, and he that so Passes is Executed thereupon; For he that so cometh, cometh upon his Right.
Lastly. Oh ye wretched Hypocrites, and Murderers! Did ye Mary Dyar put to De th after the Reprieve. not put the same Mary Dier to Death, when she came again into your Jurisdiction after your Reprieve, and when she was as near [Page 119] the Execution as the turning off the Ladder, she being ready, and having signified to your Executioner, that he might do it when he would? So Putting her twice to Die, a Cruelty beyond Once putting to Death; (A Comely grave Woman, and of a Goodly Personage, and well bred as among men, and one of a Good Report, having an Husband of an Estate, fearing the Lord, and a Mother of Children) Did ye Pitty? Did ye Spare? Had ye Compassion? Were Bowels in you? Ye Cruel Murtherers! Was it an Inconsiderable Intercession that moved ye to Reprieve her? Or was it not your own Deceit to bring the People back to you upon a seeming shew of Mercy upon Pretence of Bowels moving at; or taking advantage of an Inconsiderable Intercession whom your Bloodiness had turned from you, and made them to abhor you? Let the Witness of God in you be heard to speak, for I am sure it will, and will be heard in you one day, when it shall arise in you, as to this very thing, a Worm that shall never die, and a fire that shall never go out. And this your Cruelty speaks it against you, and the Lord God Eternal hath tried you by this, and your Bloody Laws, and snapt them asunder by a Woman, and Triumphed over them and you again and again, who by his Eternal Arm was made twice to look Death in the Face, and overcame, rejoycing to die in the Will of God; and finishing her Course, her Testimony in the face of ye All; Trampling upon you, and your Laws, and your Halter, and your Gallows, and your Priests, and is sat down at the Right hand of God. Ye bloody Butchers! Ye Monsters of Men! Ye Cruel Murderers! whom nothing satissies but the Blood of the Innocent. Besides did not John Wintrope the Governor of the Jurisdiction of Cannecticote, labour with you, that ye would not put them to Death? and did he not say unto you, That he would beg it of you on his bare knees, that ye would not do it?—And did not Colonel Temple go to your Court and tell ye,—That if according to your Declaration ye desired their Lives absent, rather than their Deaths present, He would beg them of you, and Carry them away at his own Charge, and give them a House to live in, and Corn to feed on, and Land for them and their heirs to Plant on, that so once within a Year, they should be able to provide for themselves, and if any of them should come amongst ye again, he would again fetch them on his own Charge? And was not this Motion of his well of liked by the Magistrates, [Page 120] except Two or Three, and did not they propound it to the Deputies the next day? but did not the Deputies, and those Magistrates, Over-Vote it the next day? and Ordered they not present Execution to be done upon them that afternoon, assoon as your Worship was ended; which was your Thursdays Lecture? And so did ye not put them to Death, and Murder them as aforesaid? And yet nowsee how ye come and smooth over the Matter, like the Harlot mentioned by Solomon, as if ye had done no Evil? O ye Impudent hypocrites! As if it were far from you to desire their Deaths, or that you did not desire it, but rather their Lives? And that such Clemency, and Mercy lodged in you, and such Compassion and Bowels, that you took notice of the least opportunity, that might give ye the occasion to make it manifest; And that ye did it upon an Inconsiderable Intercession, (viz. Mary Dier, whom notwithstanding these Considerable Intercessions of such Considerable Men among ye, and this other Inconsiderable One (as ye tearm it) which was of her Son, (and that is something considerable, and more than ye would make of it, for a Child is near, and its Intercession of a prevailing nature, ye put her (as I may so say) the second time to Death. And yet see how ye bring this (when ye have done all) as a Demonstration; which (ye say but oh how Impudently!) will manifestly Evince that ye desired: heir Lives absent, rather than their Deaths present, when as ye put them to Death; yea this very Woman, your Instances, notwithstanding the several Intercessions aforesaid, which proved Inconsiderable. And then ye say,
Declaration and Answer. Although the Justice of our Proceedings against William Robinson, and Marmaduke Stevenson, and Mary Dier, supported by the Authority of this Court, the Laws of this Countrey, and the Law of God (which are All Lies, for you have no such Authority, nor can your Laws support where Authority you have none, and the Law of God is against you; for it puts not to Death the Innocent, or gives ye Power so to do, in Matters of Religion) [Page 121] which are from Man's Cognizance, and in which he hath not to do) may rather perswade us to expect Encouragement, (from such as you are, and who are of your Spirit, but no other) and Commendation from all Prudent and Pious men, (who, those who are truly so, will do the Contrary) than Convince us of any necessity to Apologize, (yet why do ye do it, seeing that the very Name of an Apologie marrs your Justice) for the same; yet forasmuch as men of weaker Parts, out of Pitty and Commiseration, a commendable and Christian Virtue, (why then have ye not followed it? How come ye to Condemn it in an Apologie, and yet ye set it above ye, as Apologizing to it?) yet easily abused, and susceptible of sinister and dangerous Impressions (and yet a Christan Virtue, and a Commendable; Can Virtue be mixt? is it susceptible of sinister and dangerous Impressions?) for want of a full Information (may be less had been better, for this satisfies not) may be less satisfied (what Justice is that which reacheth not that of God in the Conscience which should be the full Information to witness for you? Which your Justice wanting your full Information signifies nothing, and which you wanting, you come to give full Information.) and men of perverser Principles (so must be all those who Joyn not with you) to Calumniate us, (Truth is no slander) and render us as Bloody Persecutors, (who certainly are such) to satisfie the one, (which will never be) and stop the Mouths of the other, (which can he never) for it's the witness of Truth) We thought sit to Declare, That about Three years since Divers Persons professing themselves Quakers, &c. as in the Beginning, which I have already answered, and do make an End with your Beginning in the End. And so have finished my Answer to your Declaration.
[Page 122] Having thus gone through your Declaration, and Related the Sufferings of Friends as they have come under the several heads thereof, and as occasion hath been given me by your said Declaration, I shall now proceed to what was done in the other Colonies through your Example, and what since Friends have suffered in your Own, and so finish up your Summe.
No sooner had ye began your Persecution, and drawn the blood The Sufferings of Friends in Plimmouth Patent. of the Innocent, for which you must answer unto the Lord, and your time is near, but the other Colonies, viz. that of Plimmouth Patent (chiesly) and Newhaven, for as for Cannecticote the Fourth and Last, there was little done, as I shall manifest, the Governor, being so tender a man as hath been declared, and what was done, I shall shew in its place) soon followed after you, & Plimmouth Saddle (as one that was Magistrate of that Colony, in a Letter wrote in the sence of the Sufferings of these People in that Country, hereafter mentioned, hath exprest it) being put on the Bay (or Red) Horse, (viz. Boston) that Patent rides on the Career, though not as to Banishment upon pain of Death, Death and Ears, Yet other Cruelties as to Fines, Whippings, Imprisonments, &c. And Newhaven will Exceed in Crueltie, all the former, in Burning in the Hand and other Cruelties.
And here in the First Place, Old N. Upshal challengeth the Preheminence, for the time of his Banishment being as Early as the Proclamation of your Law of Blood, and coming from you Nicholas Upshal. (being Banisht) into that Jurisdiction for a little Shelter in the Winter Season, the Governor thereof (one Bradford, since Dead in the Reward of his Iniquity) forbad him to be received by the Town of Sandwitch, whitherto he was come, and when the tender-hearted People of that Town could not be so Inhospitable as to turn him out, He sent his Warrant for him to come to Plimmouth (which was about twenty miles from thence) which he not answering, being so stricken in Years, and the Season such, that to have gone thither was as much as might have cost him his Life, as he signified to the Governor in a Letter, and that if he Perished his Blood would be required at his Hands, he was suffered to stay (by the Moderation of some of the Magistrates) till the Spring of the Year, in which so Early he was Posted away, that he had like to have Perished in [Page 123] his Passage to Rhoad Island, as I have already Declared.
Nor did John Copeland and Christopher Holder meet with better Usuage at their hands, for they having been at Martins Vineyard John Copeland. Christopher Holder. 16th day 6th Month, 1657. Martins Vineyard. (a Place between Rhoad Island and Plimmouth Colony) and speaking there a few Words in the Movings of the Lord (who moved them to go thither) after that Priest Maho (the Governors Son) had ended his Divination in their Meeting House, they were both thrust out of the Meeting House Door by the Constable, and delivered the next day by the Governor and Constable to an Indian (where were many on that Island) in order to be carried in a small Cannoo (or hollowed piece of Timber) to the Mayne Land over a Sea nine Miles broad (dangerous enough any to Pass over) having first took their mony from him to Pay the Indian; Who taking the Custody of them shewed himself more hospitable, (as did the rest of the Indians) and supplied them freely with all Necessaries according to what the Indians had, during the space of those Three The kindness of the Indians in Martins Vineyard dayes they stayed there waiting for a Calme season) and refused to take any Consideration, he who had them in Custody, Saying,— That they were strangers, and Jehovah taught him to Love strangers.—(Learn of the Heathen, ye who pretend your selves A Savory speech of an Indian. Christians) and an Opportunity presenting, set them on shoare on the Main Land, where they were soon set upon, at New-Plimmouth, (to which they came from Sandwitch) by the Governor and Magistrates there; And several of your Church-Members; and after a Long Dispute, were required to be gone; yet they were loath to let them go, but the next Morning the They being commanded to depart out of Plimmouth and returning again, were apprehended. Marshal's Deputy came for them, and brought them before Thomas Southworth, and John Alden (Two notorious Persecutors and men of Blood, as I shall shew by and by) who examined them (after they had been Committed) and required them to depart the Colony (there being nothing found against them) telling them they had a Law for that purpose (but would not shew it them, when they desired it, being strangers) and so let them go. Nevertheless the next Morning, a Constable was sent to the Inne where they Lodged to keep them from going to Sandwitch, (whereto they were bound, their Testimony there being received by many with Gladness of heart, and the rest were troubled, and unto which they said they must pass ere they departed the [Page 124] Countrey, it being required them of the Lord.) who seized upon them, viz. the Constable as they were passing thither, and Carried them six Miles onwards to Rhoad Island out of the Liberties of the said Town as he was required. But they Obeying the Lord rather than man, soon returned to Sandwitch after he left them; Where the Priests cried to the Governor, help, help, against these men—who answered their Crie, and sent his Warrant, and caused them to be Apprehended in the Name of the (then) Protector, as Extravagant Persons, and Vagabonds (who are the Lord's Freemen, and have in him an Habitation; and a Portion in the Earth, and about his Work, out of all Liberty to Evil in the fear of the Lord) and brought them to Plimmouth, where a W. Newland Fined 20 s. for demanding a Coppy of their Warrant of the Deputy Constable, and sent the second time out of that Colony. 2d. of the 7th. Moneth, 1657. Friendly Man, for but demanding of the Deputy Constable (who had them in Custody) a Coppy of the Warrant, (which is usual in such Cases, and should be given) was sined 20. s. and the two Prisoners required to Depart, and forced so to do by the Deputy Marshal, who brought them out of that Colony fifty miles, and so left them near Rhoad Island, the 2d. day of the 7th Month 1657. and this by Order of T. Prince the Governor, (the other being Dead) and John Alden, and Josiah Winslow, and Thomas Southworth, Magistrates, Dated at Plimmouth, the 31st. of August, 1657. who assigned the Warrant, and caused the Execution though they refused to shew their Law, to which they pretended, for so doing, and though they also said, that they believed that they (viz. the said Prisoners) did not know that they had such a Law; and threatned Threatned if they return. them with their Law for Vagabonds (that is to say Whipping) if they came again. How Exactly these have learn't of you in the Beginning, and walked after your Unrighteous steps, the Reader may perceive by being as early in the Consideration of what ye have done, as in the Perusal of this part of their Suffering.
The next is Humphrey Norton who fared no better then the rest, for he coming to that Colony in the Drawings of the Lord Hump. Norton. to Visit his seed, and to speak at the Court, was apprehended at Sandwitch, before the Court sate, and had to Plimmouth, and there Detained a Prisoner till he sent a Paper to the Court, when he saw they were likely to End, and he was not sent for, in these Words, viz.—I require of you a Publick Examination, and if found [Page 125] guilty publickly punished, if not cleared.—Upon which he was had before them, and sentenced to Banishment, although what they Banished. laid to his charge as being an Extravagant Person, was not (nor could be) proved against them, nor any thing else of which he was Accused.
The First occasion taken against the Inhabitants, who Entertained Suffering as to Fines. Friends, and had Meetings of those People at their Houses was that of Swearing under the Pretence as serving as Jury Men, whereunto they were summoned, and Ralph Alden, and William Ralph Alden W. Newland of Sandwitch 8th Moneth, 1658. Newland (both Inhabitants of Sandwitch) are the first pitched upon for that purpose, Ralph Alden was summoned to serve on the High and Petty Juries at one and the same time that he might not miss, and W. Newland on the Petty Juries, and this Twenty Miles from the Town where they lived; Notwithstanding thither they come, and manifest their willingness to serve, if it might be without Swearing, for that they could not do, it being contrary to the Doctrine of Christ; But that was not accepted, it being besides their purpose, which was upon occasion of that, to Question them about having Meetings in their Houses, which they called Disorderly and Riotous, though it was in Peace, and was onely of Neighbours and Friends, to wait upon the Lord. For which they were fined Twenty Shillings a piece, W. Newland Ten shillings for not serving on the Jury, which he refused not to do but swear he could not, and Ten Shillings for procuring a Coppy of the Warrant of the Deputy Constable by which C. Holder and J. Copeland, were Apprehended as aforesaid, when they first came to his House as aforesaid; (which is a thing the Constable should do, and which the Deputy Constable said he thought he might do safely (what havock is here of Men's Liberties, by those who so much pretend to Freedom, and came into a Free Country for that purpose? The Governor saying to him afterwards at the first Month Court, at which he was set free (as hereafter is to be Exprest) that He looked upon it as a very gross thing) and required they were to find Sureties in Eighty Pounds Penalty each, for the Good Behaviour for Six Moneths; Which they refusing to do, it being against a [Page 126] good Conscience, and appertaining unto the Worship of God, not having misbehaved themselves at all as to God on Man in the thing; they were committed to the Marshal, and sentenced by the Governour to pay sive Shillings at their Commitment, and sive Shillings at their Release, and sive Shillings every Day during the time of their Imprisonment, which was till the Court in the first Moneth 1658. (of which more by and by) being continued for the space of near sive Months Prisoners, from their Wives, and Children, and Occasions, and Relations, which were many, and between twenty and thirty Miles Distance from their outward Beings, part of it in the depth of Winter, and Distresses they took of W. Newland, for thirty Shilling, (being a Heifer) better worth than so much) and of the other for his fine, but as for the Marshal he was more Moderate, and Exacted not what he might have done by the Order of the Governour.
Thus Entred the Scene of Cruelty, and Wickedness in these Parts, which ceased not here, but proceeded from one Cruelty to another, till such time as they had filled up a great measure of Iniquity, and became much like you in Persecuting of the Just.
For presently after the Release of these, the very same Court which sate in the first Moneth and set them at Liberty, had Peter Peter Gaunt. Dan. Wing. Ra. Allin. W. Allin. of Sandwitch. Gaunt, Daniel Wing, Ralph Allin, and William Allin before them (all of Sandwitch) upon Pretence of Felony in breaking forceably into another man's House (as they had done before by VV. Newland, when they summoned him to be a Jury man as aforesaid, but indeed, to have occasion against them, (as they took occasion against him) and to make them otherwise to suffer for their Consciences; But the man of the House (viz. Nathaniel Fish) having cleared them of the pretended Fellony (for all the matter was that they came into his House to see the Prisoners aforesaid, (viz. Christopher Holder and J. Copeland) which were there in his House, the Door being open, (a Pittiful shift and manifesting the depth of Envy, and Wickedness, and how they designed the same occasion not that they gave it, They proceeded to fine them twenty Shillings a piece for not putting off Fined for not putting off the Hat. their Hats, and Distress to the Value of Five Pounds was taken from them for to satisfie it. And at this Court they Enacted, [Page 127] That no Inhabitant Entertain any person commonly called a Quaker Laws against Friends made by the Court. 1. Moneth, 1658. under the Penalty of five Pounds, or Wipping. That if any such Person come into any Township within that Government, he that knows, or suspects him to be such a One shall acquaint the Constable or his Deputy upon pain of Presentment, and being liable to Censure in Court, and upon which the Constable or his Deputy shall diligently endeavor to apprehend him, and Command him to depart the Township or Government; if he delay or refuse to Depart, the Constable shall bring him before the Magistrate of the Township, if there be any, and where there is none, to the Select men appointed by the Court for that purpose, who shall cause him to be VVhipt or Pay five Pounds; and to be conveyed out of the Township, and the same course to be taken with them, as often as they transgress this Order; and that no Person or Persons be suffered to resort to them whilst in Custody. That no Meetings of such persons (whether strangers or others) be kept by any Person in any Place within that Government, under the Penalty of forty shillings a time, for every Speaker, and ten shillings a time for every Hearer, and forty shillings a time for the Owner of the Place that permits them so to speak together; and if any Meet together, and are silent, every Person so Meeting together shall pay ten shillings a time, and the Owner of the Place forty shillings a time; and that no publick meeting be from thence forth, set up, but such as the Court shall approve off And that they might be sure to have advantage enough against those People, and to Impoverish their Estates, and undoe their Families, and to wear them out, They ordered all to take the Oath of Fidelity to their Government, who were not Freemen upon the pain of five pounds—And that they might be sure to keep out all such for the future from being Inhabitants in their Government. They ordered That for the future none be so suffered, but such as shall be allowed of by the Governors and Two of the Assistants. By reason of which unrighteous Laws, so contrary to Right and Liberty, and many others made on purpose to Ensnare and Oppress the Innocent; Such Cruelties have been Exercised, as is hard to relate, and too long to mention in all the Particulars, only take a general View of them (for Unto you they appertain both in Example and Punishment) in a Letter wrote by a sometimes Magistrate and Commander of theirs to his friend in England (formerly of that Jurisdiction also, and a Magistrate there) written from the sence [Page 128] thereof in the following Words, and then I shall touch at some of the Particulars as they are come to my hands.
The Letter follows.
AS for the State and Condition of things amongst us, it is Sad, and like so to continue; The Antichristian Persecuting Spirit is very active, and that in the Powers of this World; He that will not Whip and Lash, Persecute and Punish men that Differ in matters of Religion, must not sit on the Bench, nor sustain any Office in the Common-wealth. Last Election, Mr. Hatherly and my self left off the Bench, and my self Discharged of my Captainship, because I had Entertained some of the Quakers at my House (thereby that I might be the better acquainted with their Principles) I thought it better so to do, than with the blind VVorld to Censure, Condemn, Rail at, and Revile them, when they neither saw their Persons, nor knew any of their Principles: But the Quakers and my self cannot close in Divers things; and so I signified to the Court, I was no Quaker, but must bear my Testimony against sundery things that they held as I had occasion and opportunity; But withall, I told them That as I was no Quaker, so I would be no Persecutor. This Spirit did work those two years that I was of the Magistracy, during which time I was on sundry occasions forced to Declare my Dissent in Sundry actings of that Nature, which although done with all Moderation of Expression, together with due respect unto the Rest, yet it wrought great Dissaffection, and Prejudice in them against me; So that if I should say some of themselves set others on work to frame a Petition against me, that so they might have a seeming Ground from others (though first moved and acted by themselves) to lay me what they could under Reproach) I should do no wrong. The Petition was with Nineteen Hands; It will be too long to make Rehearsal; It wrought such a Disturbance in our Town, and in our Millitary Company, that when the Act of Court was Read in the Head of the Company, had not I been present, and made a Speech to them, I fear there had been such Actings as would have been of a sad Consequence. The Court was again followed with another Petition of fifty four hands, and the Court return the Petitioners an Answer with much plausibleness of speech, carrying with it great shew of Respect to them, readily acknowledging with the Petitioners my Parts and [Page 129] Gifts, and how useful I had been in my Place, Professing they had nothing at all against me, only in that thing of giving Entertainment to the Quakers, when as I broke no Law in giving them a Nights Lodging or two, and some Victuals; For, our Law then was, —If An Account of more Lawes against Friends, & how wicked they are, read. any entertain a Quaker, and keep him after he is warned by a Magistrate to depart, the Party so entertaining shall pay Twenty shillings a week for entertaining them—Since hath been made a Law —If any entertain a Quaker, if but a quarter of an hour, he is to forfeit Five pounds.—Another, —That if any see a Quaker, he is bound, if he live six miles or more from the Constable, yet he must presently go and give notice to the Constable, or else is subject to the Censure of the Court (which may be hang him)—Another, —That if the Constable know, or hear of any Quaker in his Precincts, he is presently to apprehend him, and if he will not presently depart the Town, the Constable is to whip them, and send them away.—And divers have been whipt with us in our Patent; and truly to tell you plainly, that the whipping of them with that Cruelty as some have been whipt, and their Patience under it, hath sometimes been the occasion of gaining more Adherence to them, than if they had suffered them Openly to have Preached a Sermon.
—Also another Law —That if there be a Quakers Meeting More wicked Laws. any where in this Colony, the Party in whose House, or on whose Ground, is to pay Forty shillings; the Preaching Quaker Forty shillings; Every Hearer Forty shillings: Yea, and if they have Meetings, though nothing be spoken when they so meet, which they say, so it falls out sometimes—Our last Law— That now they are to be Apprehended, and carried before a Magistrate and by him committed to be kept close Prisoner, untill he will promise to depart, and never come again; and will also pay his Fees—(which I perceive they will do neither the one nor the other) and they must be kept only with the Countries Allowance, which is but small (namely, Course Bread and Water) No Friend may bring them any thing; None may be permitted to speak with them; Nay, if they have Money of their own, they may not make use of that to relieve themselves.—
In the Massachusets (namely Boston Colony) after they have whipt them, cut their Ears, have now at last gone the furthest step [Page 130] they can, They banish them upon pain of Death, if ever they come there again. We expect that we must do the like, We must dance after their Pipe: Now Plimmouth Saddle is On the Bay Horse, (viz. Boston) we shall follow them on the Career; For, it is well if in some there be not a desire to be their Apes and Imitators in all their Proceedings in things of this nature.
All these Carnal and Antichristian wayes being not of God's Appointment, effect nothing as to the obstructing or hindring of them in their way or course. It is only the Word, and Spirit of the Lord that is able to convince Gain-sayers; they are the Mighty Weapons of a Christian's Warfare, by which Great and Mighty things are done and accomplished.
They have many Meetings and many Adherents, almost the whole Town of Sandwitch is adhering towards them; and give me leave a little to acquaint you with their Sufferings; which is grievous unto, and saddens the hearts of most of the Precious Saints of God; It lies down and rises up with them, and they cannot put it out of their minds, to see and hear of poor Families deprived of their Comforts, and brought into Penury and Want (you may say, by what means? and to what End?) As far as I am able to judge of the End, it is to force them from their Homes and lawful Habitations, and to drive them out of their Coasts. The Massachusets have banished six of their own Inhabitants, to be gone upon pain of death: and I wish that Blood be not shed; but our Poor People are pillaged and plundered of their Goods, and haply when they have no more to satisfie their unsatiable desire, at last may be forced to flee, and glad they have their Lives for a Prey.
As for the Means by which they are impoverished; These in The manner of their Proceedings to weary out Friends by Fines, as to the Oath of Fidelity. the first place were scrupulous of an Oath, VVhy then we must put in force an Old Law, —That all must take the Oath of Fidelity—This being tendered, they will not take it; and then we must adde more force to the Law, and that is, —If any man refuse, or neglect to take it by such a time, shall pay Five pounds, or depart the Colony—VVhen the time is come, they are the same as they were, Then goes out the Marshal, and fetcheth away their Cows and other Cattel. Well, another Court comes, They are required to take the Oath again,—They cannot—Then Five pounds more, On this Account Thirty five head of Cattel, as I have been credibly informed, hath been by the Authority of our Court taken [Page 131] from them, the latter part of this Summer, and these People say, —If they have more right to them, than themselves, Let them take them—Some that had a Cow only, some Two Cows, some Three Cows, and many small Children in their Families, to whom in Summer time a Cow or two was the greatest Outward Comfort they had for their subsistance. A Poor Weaver that hath Seven A Remarkable instance in a poor Weaver of their Cruelty. or Eight small Children (I know not which) he himself lame in his Body, had but two Cows, and both taken from him. The Marshal asked him what he would do? he must have his Cows. The Man said, —That God that gave him them he doubted not, but would still provide for him.—
To fill up the Measure yet more full, though to the further emptying of Sandwitch Men of their outward Comforts. The last Court of Assistants, the first Tuesday of this Instant, the Court Fines as to Meetings. was pleased to determine Fines on Sandwitch Men for Meetings, sometimes on First Dayes of the Week, sometimes on other dayes, as they say: They meet ordinarily twice in the week, besides the Lords Day, One Hundred and Fifty pounds, whereof W. Newland is Twenty four pounds for himself and his Wife, at Ten shillings a Meeting. W. Allen Forty six pounds, some affirm it Forty nine pounds. The poor VVeaver afore spoken of, Twenty pounds. Brother Cook told me One of the Brethren at Barnstable certified him, that he was in the Weavers house, when Cruel Barloe (Sandwitch Marshal) came to demand the Sum, and said he was fully informed of all the Poor Man had, and thought if all laid together, it was not worth Ten pounds. VVhat will be the End of such Courses and Practices the Lord only knows. I heartily and earnestly pray that these and such like courses, neither raise up among us, nor bring in upon us either the Sword, or any devouring Calamity, as a Just Avenger of the Lord's Quarrel for acts of Injustice and Oppression, and that we may every one find out the Plague of his own heart; and putting away the Evil of his own Doings, and meet the Lord by Entreaties of Peace, before it be too late, and there be no Remedy.
Our Civil Powers are so exercised in things appertaining to the Kingdom of Christ in matters of Religion and Conscience, that we can have no time to effect any thing that tends to the Promotion of the Civil Weal, or the Prosperity of the Place; But now we must have a State-Religion, such as the Powers of the World will allow, [Page 132] and no other; A State-Ministry, and a State-way of Maintenance: And we must worship and serve the Lord Jesus as the World shall appoint us: we must all go to the Publick Place of Meeting in the Three or fourscore presented at One Court, for not coming to Publick Meetings. Parish where he dwells, or be presented; I am informed of Three or Four score last Court presented, for not coming to Publick Meetings; and let me tell you how they brought this about: You may remember a Law once made, called Thomas Hinckley's Law,- That if any neglected the Worship of God in the Place where he lives, and sets up a Worship contrary to God, and the Allowance Tho. Hinckleys Law for not Coming to Meetings. of this Government, to the publick Prophanation of Gods Holy Day and Ordinance, shall pay Ten shillings.—This Law would not reach what then was aimed at: Because he must do so and so; that is, all things therein expressed, or else break not the Law. In March last a Court of Deputies was called, and some Acts touching Quakers were made, and then they contrived to make this Law serviceable to them, and that was by putting out the word [and] and putting in the word [or] which is a Disjunctive, and makes every A Notable Juggle or Sophistication of a Law made 7 years before to serve the present turn, as if it were not then made. Branch to become a Law. So now if any do neglect, or will not come to the Publick Meetings, Ten shillings for every Defect. Certainly we either have less Wit, or more Money than the Massachusets; For, for Five shillings a day a man may stay away, till it come to Twelve or Thirteen pounds, if he had it but to pay them; And these men altering this Law now in March, yet left it Dated, June 6. 1651. and so it stands as the Act of a General Court; they to be the Authors of it Seven years before it was in being; And so you your self have your part and share in it, if the Recorder lie not. But what may be the Reason that they should not by another Law, made and dated by that Court, as well effect what was intended, as by altering a word, and so the whole sence of the Law; and leave this their Act by the date of it charged on another Courts account? Surely the chief Instruments in the business being privy to an Act of Parliament for Liberty should too openly have acted repugnant to a Law of England; but if they can do the thing, and leave it on a Court as making it six years before the Act of Parliament, there can be no danger in this. And that they were privy to the Act of Parliument for Liberty to be then in being is evident, That the Deputies might be free to act it. They told us, That now the Protector stood not engaged to the Articles for Liberty, for the Parliament had now taken the Power into their Own hands, and had given [Page 133] the Protector a new Oath, Only in General to maintain the Protestant Religion; and so produced the Oath in a Paper in writing; Whereas the Act of Parliament, and the Oath are both in one Book in Print; So that they who were privy to the One, could not be ignorant of the Other. But still all is well, if we can but keep the People ignorant of their Liberties and Priviledges, then we have liberty to Act in Our own Wills what we please.
We are wrapped up in a Laborynth of Confused Laws, that the Freemens Power is quite gone; and it was said last June-Court by one,— That they knew nothing the Freemen had there to do—Sandwitch-men may not go to the Bay, lest they be taken up for Quakers; William Newland was there about his Occasions some Will. Newland. Ten dayes since, and they put him in Prison Twenty four hours, More Wickedness against those People. and sent for divers to witness against him; but they had not Proof enough to make him a Quaker, which if they had, he should have been whipt: Nay, they may not go about their Occasions in other Towns in our Colony, but Warrants lie in Ambush to apprehend and bring them before a Magistrate, to give an Account of their business. Some of the Quakers in Rhoad Island came to bring them Goods to trade with them, and that for far Reasonabler terms than the Professing and Oppressing Merchants of the Country; but that will not be suffered: So that unless the Lord step in to their help and assistance, in some way beyond Man's Conceiving, their Case is sad, and to be pittied; and truly it moves bowels of Compassion in all sorts, except those in place, who carry with a high hand towards them. Through Mercy we have yet among us worthy Mr. Dunstar, whom the Lord hath made boldly to bear Testimony against the spirit of Persecution.
Our Bench now is, Tho. Prince, Governor; Mr. Collier, Capt. Willet, Capt. Winslow, Mr. Alden, Lieut. Southworth, W. Bradford, Tho. Hinckley. Mr. Collier last June would not sit on the Bench if I sat there, and now will not sit the next Year, unless he may have Thirty pounds sit by him. Our Court and Deputies last June made Capt. Winslow a Major. Surely we are all Mercenary Souldiers, that must have a Major imposed upon us. Doubtless the next Court they may choose us a Governor, and Assistants also. A Freeman shall need to do nothing but bear such Burdens as are laid upon him. Mr. Alden hath deceived the Expectations of many, and indeed lost the Affections of such, as I judge [Page 134] were his Cordial Christian Friends; who is very active in such wayes, as I pray God may not be charged on him to be Oppressions of a high nature.
Thus far the Letter. It was written by James Cudworth in the Tenth Month, 1658. What he was as to them, the thing mentions; what as to Tenderness also, in reference to Conscience-Persecution, which he could not do, he could not persecute; for which, and for Entertaining some of them a Night or two, and giving them Provisions during that time, against which there was no Law as aforesaid, he was turned out. I shall not need much further to particularize, only a little I shall mention of the Occasion, which was the coming of W. Brend aforesaid (on whom you exercised your Noted Cruelty) and John Copeland into a Plantation in that Patent called Scituate; and W. Brend. J. Copeland. being entertained by this friendly man, and for the ends therein exprest by himself in the Winter season (which you know is very cold, and hard to travel in; and even Cruelty it self (if I may so speak) would be gentle to the most inconsiderable, the vilest of men in such times as those, that they might not perish) One came with a Warrant, which he had fetcht several Miles in a Cold Night, from the said Major VVinslow (something was in the matter he was so promoted) and with others pulled them out of the House; and Sarah Gibbens also (whom your Cruelty to her gives me cause to remember) not having respect Sarah Gibbens. unto the Season, that so his will he might have; (and for that purpose pretermitted the two Magistrates that were in the Town, and passed to the said VVinslow for that purpose. One of which Magistrates out of Tenderness when he saw the Warrant, said,— Mr. Envy had procured that—and in lieu thereof, gave the Strangers this Protection, in these words,- These are therefore to any that may interrupt these Two men in their Passage, that ye let them passe quietly on their way, they offering no wrong to any.—
And now I am thus come unto Particulars, I must lay unto your Charge (for through your Example and Encouragement it was that these things were done) the further suffering of the Innocent in the Particular, as you have heard something [Page 135] of it in the General, and that as to Cruel Whippings & Scourgings, as well as to Fines, Imprisonment and Banishment, chusing rather to observe the order of time when the things were done, than the distinction of Punishments.
First, then, These very Two, viz. W. Brend, and John Copeland (whom the said tender Gray-headed Hatherly protected W. Brend. J Copeland. from Wrong, instead of doing it, as aforesaid) coming thorow the Town of Plimmouth in order to their Passage, in which they were protected as aforesaid, were pursued by Lieut. Southworth, and brought before his Fellow-Magistrates; who, because they could not promise (for they waited in the Will of God, in which all Promises are to be made, that they might know what to do) in Forty Eight hours to depart the Colony, the weather being also very unseasonable and wet in the Winter season, caused them both to be whipt with Rods of Twigs, VV. Brend (a man of years) with Ten Lashes, in which Four Rods were broken, Whipt cruelly with Rods, 9th day, 12th Month, 1657. and John Copeland with Twenty two backwards and forwards, on Breast and Back and Arms, and that with such Fury, that as it drew the Blood on all, so it wore out Six Rods in the laying of it on: and this without Law, and in the bitter wet cold snowy Winter season; being the Ninth of the Twelfth Month, 1657. and in the Snow and Rain; Out of their Coasts in which they would have had them to depart through a Vast Wilderness of Sixty Miles (in which were many Rivers) where the VVeather was so thick, and the VVilderness so close, that they could not see their way; and because they did not so, to the apparent hazard of their Lives, as many did confess (should they have departed) therefore dealt they with them as aforesaid; and Thomas VVillet, Tho. Southworth, and VVill. Collier saw the Execution, which so struck on the standers-by, that one Edward Perry in the presence of the Magistrates gave Testimony, Edw. Perry. and said,— That he was there an Eye-witness that day of the Sufferings of the People of the Lord—For which Will. Collier called him their Fool— No marvel that James Cudworth so wrote, as aforesaid, of their Cruel VVhippings, and that it preached more than a Sermon, though it cost Dear those Servants of the Lord.
Thus they began, and so they proceeded; and having none before, they now proceed to make Laws after that they have [Page 136] done the Executions. This is the Justice and Law of Plimmouth Patent, which Mischief makes, and Blood acts, of which many of the Servants of the Lord have born the smart on their Bodies, but you must in your Spirits (the Indignation of the Lord) if not in Soul and Body too, which will on you and them certainly fall, and divide you your Portion with Hypocrites and Sinners. And the time is near wherein the Lord will do it, and fulfil the VVord which he hath spoken by me, and Avenge the Blood and Sufferings of his Servants, and Plead their Cause, and Execute Judgment for them upon You, and that in the sight of the Heathen, who, because of it, shall say, Verily there is a Reward for the Righteous: Verily there is a God that judgeth in the Earth.
—With this they are not satisfied, but as Men in a Fire, the more they drink, the more they thirst; for the Fire being stronger than the Drink turns that into its own nature: So the more they drank of Blood, the more the Desire of it did inflame them, and so Humphrey Norton and John Rous aforesaid found it soon, Hump. Norton John Rous whipt. on whose Backs they laid, viz. on Humphrey Nortons Three and Twenty Lashes, and on John Rouses Fifteen, which as it drew store of Blood, so it took much with the Spectators, who beheld them in the Stocks, first praying, then saluting each other, and bidding the Executioner have patience a little, when he came to take off their Cloaths, and he should see they could give their Backs to the Smiter. And this they received for no other thing, but for Coming into that Colony in the Will of God, upon the Grounds and Reasons, expressed in a Paper unto the Magistrates, which they gave to them, when they were demanded wherefore they came in; and which the Magistrates did neither receive, nor would suffer to be read. And so Envious were they, that for taking John Rous by the hand, they put Three of the Inhabitants of Sandwitch in the Stocks when he came from before them.
Neither were they satisfied, But Christopher Holder, and John Copeland being apprehended by the Marshal Barloe and Constable, Chr. Holder. John Copeland. 23d day, 4th Month, 1658, on the Twenty third of the Fourth Month, 1658. as they were going to a Meeting at Sandwitch, were Apprehended; and because the Select men, who were appointed at Plimmouth to see the Execution, would not do it, he had them to Barnstable, [Page 137] where they, being tyed to an Old Post, had Thirty three cruel They are whipt with 33 lashes. stripes laid upon them with a New tormenting VVhip, with Three Cords, and Knots at the Ends of them, made by the Marshal and brought with him. At the sight of which cruel and bloody Execution, one of the Spectators (for there were many that witnessed against it, cryed out in the Grief and Anguish of her spirit (the Execution so pressing her, being a Woman) said, A Woman crying out to see the Execution.— How long, Lord, how long shall it be ere Thou avenge the Blood of thine Elect? and afterward bewailing her self and lamenting her loss, said,— Did I forsake Father and Mother, and all my dear Relations, to come to New-England for this? Did I ever think that New-England would come to this? VVho would have thought it?—And this Thomas Hinckley saw done, to whom the Marshal repaired for that purpose, he being the man who brought in that Law of sining for not coming to their Publick Meetings, which bears his Name; and none but he was bloody enough for the Marshal's turn to see it done; and which being done, and he having glutted himself with the Blood of the Innocent, the Marshal had them back to Sandwitch (where he had kept them from the Twenty third to the Twenty ninth of the said Month in his own house, before he brought them to Barnstable, because none there would see them whipt) and the John Copeland. Josiah Coal, 5th day, 9th Month, 1658. Morrow after, out of the Jurisdiction. After this John Copeland and Josiah Coal, being in a Friends house at Sandwitch, were haled out by Violence and so imprisoned.
Thus as to VVhippings and Scourgings. Now as to Fines and Confiscation of Estates, and particularly of the Inhabitants of Suffering of Friends in Sandwitch as to Fines and Confiscation of Estates. Sandwitch, whose sufferings have been very great, so that it is much that they subsist to this day, or have any Bread for themselves and Families; But it manifests the Eternal Arm of the Lord, and that his Almighty Power it is that is underneath and bears them up, and his Tender Compassion that they sink not. And what sence the Country hath had of it, even all of all sorts, except the Bloody Persecutors themselves, and such as are in their spirit, I have shewn already in the Letter before rehearsed; should I go further I should be too tedious. The Lord hath seen it, and He regards it, and He will visit it. Upwards of Nine Hundred Pounds we have had an Account of that they have suffered in this kind, in that One poor Town, besides [Page 138] others. What since they have suffered we know not: Yet they are alive, and the Lord keeps them, and they are fresh unto God, and He bears them through and over All, to the Astonishment of their Enemies; who see that something is with them more than Man to bear them up; yet they suffer Cruelty to go over them, and go on therein, and will know no shame: but the Day is near, wherein they shall see and be ashamed for their Envy to His People, and their great Oppression; who have Oppressed not only a Man and his House, yea a Man and his Heritage, but Men and their Houses, Men and their Heritages; yea (as it were) a Township of Men, a Township of Heritages: Therefore hath the Lord devised an Evil against You, ye Rulers of A wicked Speech of Tho. Prince, the Governor as to these People. Plimmouth Patent, and Thou Governor Thomas Prince, who saidst,— That in thy Conscience (and what Conscience hast thou that speakest so wickedly of an Innocent People, who fear the Lord?) They were such a People that deserved to be destroyed, they, their Wives and Children, their Houses and Lands, without Pitty or Mercy (who are the People of the Lord, and are innocent as to You, and whom the Lord will own) and hast acted in Order thereunto, Thou and Thy Companions (as Dan. Denison in Boston, (who would often say, that those People and They could not well live together, and that they were the stronger, and that others must fend off; and this in Open Court: plainly intimating their Intent to root them up, as the End of all their Cruelty and Blood) I say to You all in the Word of the Lord, whose Word He will fulfill, and the Eyes of those who are living shall see it, That against you, even against You, against the whole Family of You, ye wicked and bloody Persecutors of the Innocent People of the Lord, who are your Neighbours and Country-men, who suffered with you because of Conscience, and with you came into that Country for their Consciences; whom Ye would destroy, root out, pluck up, and against whom ye act all these Outrages and Violences for that purpose, without Compassion or Mercy; who your selves were not so dealt with: but the Lord hath tried You, and enabled poor People to bear what ye could do, whilst He hath suffered Ye thus to do for your Tryals sake: I say once more to ye all in the Name and Authority of the Eternal God, who lives for Ever, who is in me and with me, whose Word is in my mouth and in my heart, whose VVord it is, and it shall not [Page 139] fail, That against You hath the Lord Devised an Evil, from which Ye shall not remove Your Necks, neither shall Ye go haughtily, but as Ye have done, it shall be done unto You, and in the Cup which You have filled unto Others, it shall be filled to You again; and the Lord will out ye off, and give ye Your Portion with Hypocrites and Sinners. And His People, whom Ye have sought to root out, and thus cruelly to kill, shall dwell in the Land, and great shall be the Encrease of His People; and He will plant them, and they shall not be plucked up; and He will build them, and they shall not be pulled down; and they shall long enjoy the Works of their Hands, the Plant of His planting, the Work of His Hands, that He may be Glorified: And a Blessing shall they be to the Nation, and Men shall say of it, Blessed be thou, O Habitation of Justice, O Mountain of Holiness! And Nations shall flow unto Thee, and Kings to the Glory of thy Rising; and they shall call thee the Blessed of the Lord, and thine Off-spring with thee: And the Devourer shall no more enter into thy Land, nor him that doth oppress; but I will make thy Officers Peace, and thine Exacters Righteousness, saith the Lord. And as for Thee, O thou Town of Sandwitch, and my People in it, who have suffered joyfully the spoyling of your Goods, and endured as seeing Him who is Invisible, and have manifested it by your not Returning again, though you had many an Opportunity great and pressing, that You seek another Country, whose Builder and Maker is God. Thus saith the Lord,—Thou art a pleasant smell to me, and a cluster of Grapes that hang together on the stem, in which is new Wine. Thou shalt not be broken, neither shalt thou be rooted up; but men shall say of thee, Destroy it not, for there is a Blessing in it. And I will delight in Thee to do Thee Good; I will build Thee, I will plant Thee, I will rejoyce over Thee with Joy; yea, I will joy over Thee with shouting; and mine Arm shall be made bare in the midst of Thee, and I will recompence thy Sufferings, saith the Lord; and Thou shalt be a Crown of Glory in the hand of the Lord, and a Royal Diadem in the hand of thy God; and thy Walls shall be before me night and day, and I will watch over Thee for Good, and will nourish Thee, and great shall be the Encrease of thy Peace: I will build Thee, and Thou shalt be builded; I will plant Thee, and thou shalt be planted; I will cause my Love to rest upon Thee, and Thou shalt be Mine, [Page 140] saith the LORD, the Mighty God of Jacob.
Now as to Them who suffered, some of their Names are—
Robert Harper, of whose was seized Rob. Harper.
l. | s. | d. | |
5th Month, 1658. Two Oxen (all that he had sit to work) One Heifer, and One Bull | 14 | 00 | 00 |
12th Month, 1658. Five Cows (all the Cattel he had) His House and Land | 30 | 00 | 00 |
44 | 00 | 00 |
For not Swearing, &c. The Marshal when he went to take some of the Cattel, passed by him, and told him not what he was going about: So they have all, yet they turned him not out of Doors, but left him One Cow, which was so poor, that she was ready to dye; and this was all they left him for the Relief of himself and Family.
Ralph Allen the elder, from whom they took Ralph Allen the elder.
l. | s. | d. | |
Two Kine, and One Steer | 12 | 00 | 00 |
One Mare, and One Colt | 20 | 00 | 00 |
One Horse, with a Bridle & Saddle | 09 | 10 | 00 |
One Oxe, and Two Kine | 14 | 10 | 00 |
More, Two Oxen | 12 | 00 | 00 |
68 | 00 | 00 |
Having not Convicted him personally, for he was absent, yet took from him as aforesaid, for not Swearing and Meetings, and for 45 s. pretended to be in Arrears, the Marshal marked One Ox and One Cow; and when they came to drive away the Cattle, took One Cow more unmarked, giving no account wherefore they took her; and the Marshal said to him that he never would—.
Joseph Allen, who was plundered of Joseph Allen.
l. | s. | d. | |
Two Pair of Wheels | 02 | 16 | 00 |
One Cloak (being as good as New) which cost him | 02 | 16 | 00 |
05 | 12 | 00 |
So they take away their Coats and their Cloaks, and their other Cloathing (as by and by will be made more to appear) when they have nothing else for their Obedience to the Lord.
[Page 141] Thomas Greenfeild, from whom they Tho. Greenfeild toook—
l. | s. | d. | |
One Cow | 04 | 00 | 00 |
with all the Corn that was in his House, and other Goods not known how much, which they seized on after he was gone out of the Colony, (as they also Convicted him) to take Shipping for England, George Barloe, the Cruel Marshal came and Thresh't out the Corn, and made waste thereof, and carried away the Goods for fifteen Pounds Fine for not Swearing, and nine Pounds for Meetings, and three Pounds for Resisting the said Marshal, (as they pretended whose Principle is otherwise) and not assisting him who came into his House late in the night, when he was in his Bed, and three men with him, and asked him for strangers, (or such as they call Quakers) and required him to go with him (the said Marshal) to look after Quakers, (a most unnatural thing being his Friends and fellow Sufferers; which he refusing to do (as was right) he used much Violence to him, and halled him out of his Bed, and then accused him for Resisting him, or striking of him, which those in bed with him affirm to be a false Accusation. Nevertheless he to whom Violence was thus used, was Accused of Violence (who offered none) and fined for it, and for other things, as aforesaid, and the Goods found in the House and Corn (after he was gone away) thus taken, though Two men Justified to the Marshal that it was neither his Corn, nor Goods.
Edward Perry, whom they Deprived of—
l. | s. | d.
Edw. Perry. | |
Three Kine, two Heifers | 18 | 00 | 00 |
Six Hides, five half Hogsheads of Tarr | 09 | 10 | 00 |
A Hogshead of Feathers | 01 | 10 | 00 |
Five Cowes, and four Steers | 39 | 10 | 00 |
A two years and the Vantage Steer and Heifer | 06 | 00 | 00 |
His best Working Oxe | 06 | 00 | 00 |
Two Firkins of Butter | 02 | 18 | 00 |
A Box with Writings and Money in it | 06 | 10 | 00 |
89 | 18 | 00 |
[Page 142] Which the Cruel Marshal took from him for Meeting together, 10th Moneth, 1658. 1. Moneth, 1659. 4th. Moneth, 1659. 7th. Moneth, 1659. and refusing to Swear, &c. notwithstanding that when the Magistrates came to Sandwitch, to Convict those that Met together to wait upon the Lord, he was not at Home: Nevertheless thus they dealt with him, though not personally Convicted, and left him but one Cow, which the Marshal seized upon afterwards, and so wickedly he proceeded with him, that he would drive his Cattel from him, and pass by him with them as if they were not his, or that he were not concerned so much as to be taken notice of as to what he had done; One Ox he drove away and told him not of it till about a week after (see how the poor Innocent Lambs are put to it in their Patience) And his Beef he would take away out of his Tubb (about a Bushel at one time) and make merry with it with his Companions, Saying, It was the Countries Beef; And because he had killed a sat Cow ere the Marshal seized her, he made a great adoe about it, and as good a Cow was required of him that killed her, and John Alden the Treasurer, sent a Warrant to the Constable to apprehend the man, and bring him to Plimmouth, and deliver him to the Marshal, there to be kept till the first Month 1659. this being the ninth Moneth, 1658. (thinking thereby to constrain another Cow, so greedy were they) whither he was brought and bound by John Alden, and W. Collier, to let them have as good a Cow, and to answer it the next Court, though he was but as Servant to Edward Perry in what he did, and the Cow was not seized, before he had knockt her down. So another Cow was seized on of Edward Perry's, and two before, which made it three, for Five Pounds, worth Eleven. And when the Marshal had taken his Box, and Writings, and Money, and Plate therein, to hide his Theft he raised a Report, as if the Papers discovered some design to cut them off by the Morrow night (who were thus sought to be destroyed, who destroy none) and Men he would needs Press to secure Edward, when as it was no such thing; and this he did when he was so Drunk, that he could hardly forbear Vomiting in the bosome of him whom he pretended to Press. And so Vile and wicked was this Marshal, that when a friend of Edward Perry, (whom he took with him on Purpose) asked him, How he could wash his hands of the Box of Writings, and Plate, &c. which he had taken out of the said [Page 143] Edward's House without a VVarrant, and sought to Conceal (for he would not confess to the Particulars when Edward demanded the Particulars of him) He in a Scoffe said,— I will wash my Hands,—and so rubbed them one in another. And when Edward's friend Replied again,— Yea, George thou mayst wash thy Hands, but thou canst not wash thy Heart.—He Answered still laughing and jeering, and said,— Yes, One Dram of the Bottle will do it.—and clapt his hand on his Bosom. Unto which kind of washing (it seems) he is used to much, viz. to be Drunk, and then to be mad, and to beat his Wife and Children like a Mad man, and to throw the things of the House from one place to another. And yet this is the extraordinary Marshal of the Court of Plimmouth Patent, made on purpose for Three Townships, viz. Sandwitch, Barnstable and Yarmouth, to Vex, Rob, Spoil, and Undoe those Innocent People (whose heart was hard enough for that purpose, and his hands Bloody) and to hunt after their Meetings, which he useth to do up and down in the VVoods, Tracking them by the Print of their Feet, as Doggs do Beasts of Prey, and Disturbing them there, and haling and pulling them, when he finds them Meet, and treading Disturbances of Meetings by the Marshal George Barloe, and his Huntings after them. on their Feet, and turning up their Hatts, pretending he doth not know them, and threatning them with the Stocks, and smoaking Tobacco among them (he and his Companions, and sometimes summoning them in their Meetings to appear at Court (Fourteen he Summoned at one time as they were Met together waiting on the Lord on a First Day of the Week, to appear at Plimmouth (Twenty Miles distant) the next Day; where they were sined five Pounds a piece for refusing to Swear. At another time he summoned Ten more, to appear at the Eighth Moneth Court, 1658. at Plimmouth, to take the Oath of Fidelity, and this is part of the Disturbance the Innocent Lambs of Christ have had in their Peaceable Meetings, waiting on the Lord, by this Woolf, but in the Lord they have Peace) and asking their Names (on purpose to Molest them) though known to be of that Township; and then Presenting them for Meeting (whom in their Meetings he thus disturbed) and Executing the Fines on them for Meeting, in that Cruelty as is already, and shall be mentioned, and far more than here is room to express; Imprisoning them, and haling them to Prisons and their Friends, [Page 144] and Whipping of them, and Searching of their Houses by day, and by night; and when they are forth, prying into their Houses to see what they have there, and stealing away that which he should not. A Whoremonger, that abused an Indian Woman (on whom the Terrors of God fell, but he got off them, and so is hardned to the purpose) a Lyar, a False-Swearer, a Man of a Seared Conscience, without Remorse, a Member of their Church, a sit Person to Hunt and Vex the Servants of the Lord (which he used before he was chosen to that Office, and so was approved unto them before they took him in) and Samuel Nash, the Country Marshal, and Richard Cadwel his Assistant. He took a Horse that was none of Edward Perry's forceably away for Edward Perry's fine, which Edward Perry had the use of the Horse to carry a bag of Corn to one to whom he Owed it; which he finding at the door, forceably took it away as aforesaid, and one Edward Fish assisted him (but the Countrey would not, seeing it so manifestly unjust) and this he did, though Edward Perry often told him that the Horse was none of his.
Richard Kirby, and his Son Richard, Richard Kirby and his son Richard. 14th day 7th Month, 1659. from whom was taken—
l. | s. | d. | |
Eight Kine (one having a Bell about her neck as the Leading Cow for the rest of the Cattel) two Oxen, one Calf. | 47 | 00 | 00 |
Two Steers, three bushels of Corn | 07 | 12 | 00 |
One Steer and a Calf | 03 | 00 | 00 |
54 | 12 | 00 |
Also the Marshal seized all his Corn and said, if he would thresh it out for him the Week following, he would leave him enough to pay his Rent, and some to Eat. After which he took away the three Bushels of Wheat as aforesaid, and all this for not Swearing, (being fined Court after Court) and for Meetings, and refusing to go with the Marshal, to assist him in the search for Friends, for which Richard the Yonger was fined 20 s. (a most unreasonable thing, and betokening the height of Devilish wickedness) but as for the last Cow and Calf, they know not wherefore he took them away, for he had said before, that he had seized on as much as would satisfie the fine. [Page 145] George Allin, from whom they took— George Allin.
l. | s. | d. | |
One Cow; three Heifers | 11 | 10 | 00 |
Two Oxen, and two Calves | 14 | 05 | 00 |
25 | 15 | 00 |
For refusing to Swear, &c. though he had told them he had taken the Oath in England, &c.
William Allin, who was Robbed of—
l. | s. | d.
W. Allin. | |
Four Kine, one Steer, a Heifer | 20 | 00 | 00 |
Two Oxen, five Kine, two Calves | 38 | 10 | 00 |
One Mare, and halfe of a Horse | 19 | 10 | 00 |
About eight bushels of Corn and a Hogshead | 01 | 07 | 00 |
Three young Cattel, Vallued at | 06 | 00 | 00 |
Corn taken away, esteemed worth | 01 | 10 | 00 |
86 | 17 | 00 |
His Fines were Forty Pounds for having Twenty Meetings of the People called Quakers in his House. Four Pounds for being at Meetings abroad. Five Pounds for Entertaining those People, but he Entertained none. Twenty five Pounds for not Swearing (they Summon them three times a year, as oft as they have Courts for that purpose, and Fine them Five Pounds Each, so to make an end of them) They left him but one Cow, which they pretend is out of Pitty, but what their Pitty is more than a Robbers on the high way, that takes away all a man hath, and then gives him a Penny, I leave to be Judg'd. Also they took from William Allin, One brass Kettle worth twenty five Shillings, for twenty Shillings fine which the Governor put upon him for his Hat, though the Summons, or the Occasion was upon pretence that he should break into another Man's house (upon which pretence they also summoned others to have occasion against and to Reproach them, who were well known to be other manner of People) which was because he went (as did the others aforesaid) to see two Friends there in Prison, the door being open of which the man of the house cleared him, (as he did them all.)
[Page 146] Mathew Allin, from whose Family they Matth. Allin. 18th. of the 1st. Month. 1659. have pluckt—
l. | s. | d. | |
One Heifer, seven small Cattel | 13 | 00 | 00 |
Five Kine, two Oxen | 31 | 00 | 00 |
One Bull | 03 | 00 | 00 |
Corn unmeasured esteemed worth | 01 | 16 | 00 |
48 | 16 | 00 |
The Marshal left him but one Cow, who when he came from work with his Ox in his hand, and found the Marshal driving away his Corn in a Cart, he stept before the Oxen, and stopping them demanded their Order, and what they had to do to take away the Corn his Family should Eat? (for it is not there as in Old England, where a man may easily have what Corn he please, but every man in Summer provides for his Winter fare, of which being deprived, it may prove a hard matter for him to be supplied) whereupon the Marshal took away his Ox, but shewed no Order. And all this for refusing to Swear (for which he demanded of him ten Pounds, after that he and Samuel Nash (the Country Marshal aforesaid) had seized on three Cows in Consideration thereof) And for Meeting together to wait upon the Lord (for which they had marked seven Yearlings, and two Working Oxen (which were all the Working Oxen he had) three young Cows, and a Bull of three years old, (a parcel of them which he took out of the VVoods unknown to the said Matthew and drove them away) and then asked him for more, for that there was not enough to satisfie the fine. And when the said Matthew made up the Fence, which the Marshal had thrown down, that so the Cattel he had took from the said Matthew might eat up his hay, The Marshal asked him if he knew what he did? Adding moreover,— That the House and Ground was his, if he would,—(so what could he have more) and Richard Cadwel (his Companion in Cruelty as aforesaid) said VVe must suppress you, or you will go to Hell alive.—A Desperate speech, and as Desperate a Course, which is that, A Desperate speech, of R. Cadwel, one of the Marshal's Assistants. which they and (and you) take for the saving of their Souls as ye pretend, (put the case they were deceived, which they are not, but are in the Truth, out of which you out of which you are who take such courses to Convince as to Truth) by the destruction of their [Page 147] Bodies, and all that they have. Indeed were I to choose I should never love such a Religion, which would destroy my Body for my Conscience. Yet this is the Religion of New- England.
William Gifford, from whom they W. Gifford. 10th Moneth, 1658. 1st. Moneth, 1659. 8th. Moneth, 1659. have taken,—
l. | s. | d. | |
Four Steers, two Heifers, one Bull, | 25 | 05 | 00 |
Three Kine, and halfe a Horse, | 17 | 10 | 00 |
Five young Cattel, and half a Swine, | 15 | 04 | 00 |
57 | 19 | 00 |
For 10 l. Fine for refusing to Swear, the Marshal took 5. head of Cattel, (viz. Two Heifers and Three Steers) prized at 13 l. 04 s. 00 d. and a Calf, and a half Swine at 2 l. In all, 15 l. 04 s. And for coming to Meetings, he was Convict by the Magistrates (though properly so it cannot be called) when he was not there, and the Distress leavied by the Marshal, who came into his House, and into his Chambers, and viewed his Corn, and said that was not enough for them, he must abroad, and abroad he went (that is, into the Woods, where his Cattel were) and the said Nash, and Cadwel with him, and took of his Cattel what they pleased; and made use of such of them as he (the said Marshal) would at Plough and Cart. For, no other Cause (as I have said) but for Meeting (he and his wife) with the People of the Lord; and for that in Conscience to the Command of Christ he could not Swear.
Thomas Ewer, who was wronged of—
l. | s. | d.
Tho. Ewer. 17th. of the 10th. Month, 1658. | |
In Money which the said Cadwel owed him for his hard Labour and detained in his hand. | 07 | 13 | 00 |
In Money taken out of his House | 06 | 17 | 00 |
In a Chest, Cloathing, New Cloath with other Goods | 10 | 10 | 00 |
In another Chest Valued at | 00 | 08 | 00 |
25 | 08 | 00 |
For twenty Pounds, ten Shillings, for refusing to [Page 148] Swear, and for being at Meetings, which the Marshal and the said Cadwel took from him, viz. his Chest with 6 l. 17 s. in Money in it, a Suit of Cloaths even as good as New, a New Bed and Bolster Tick, ten yards of Canvas, a New Blanket, about 18 l. of Sugar, four yards of Kersey, a pair of Stuff Breeches, a yard and a half more of Stuff, about half a pound of Thred, four yards of Binding, three or four dozen of Buttons, with other small things, he knew not how much. The New Cloath the Marshal cut out, and put upon his Own Back, which Tho. Ewer seeing him have On in the Court, he asked them, Whether they owned George Barloe in wearing of his Cloath? (When they sent for him (the said Thomas) to take the Oath of Fidelity) The Governor Replied, —That if he could prove that George Barloe had wronged him he might seek his satisfaction.—And sentenc'd him (the said Thomas) to be laid neck and heels together, which was the Injustice he received at their hands in stead of Satisfaction: And the said Cadwel told him when he demanded his money aforesaid earned of him by his hard labor, viz. Seven Pounds thirteen Shillings. —That he was a Transgressor of the Law.—Cruel Men, who thus keep from him the Labourers hire, which crieth out against them, and because of which is the Woe, Spoken of by the Prophet, Mal. 3. 5. Even that the Lord will come near to judgement and be a swift Witness against those that Oppress the Hireling in his Wages, and fear not me saith the Lord of hosts. And, Thou shalt not defraud thy Neighbour neither Robb him; The wages of him that is hired, shall not abide with thee all night until the morning, Lev. 19. 13. Also his Axe was taken away with which he wrought, worth three Shillings, for ten Pence charge to the Countrey; and for another ten pence Rate to the Country, ThomasToby the Constable finding the said Thomas Ewers Bag of Corn at the Mill (what narrow Inquisition do they make, and what huntings are here even for the Bread of the Opprest, and the Instruments of their labor Bread Corn taken from the Mill, for their fines, and their working tools. by which they get their Bread? when as it is said, No man shall take the Nether or the Upper milstone to Pledge, for he taketh a mans Life to Pledge, Deut. 19. 16.) And it's said to be the standing Law of the Countrey; yet how is it gone against, and the very express Law of God, to Oppress and take from him (which is more than to Pledge) that which the Law of God [Page 149] saith is his Life?) took half a Bushel out of it, which was worth Eighteen Pence.
VVilliam Newland was Pillaged of—. W. Newland.
l. | s. | d. | |
One Mare, one Horse, two Kine, | 36 | 00 | 00 |
For not Swearing, and being at the Meetings, and for Entertaining of, being with, and adhearing to those People; and for these Things, he and his Brother Henry of the Town of Duxbury, Hen. Howland of Duxbury. were Disfranchized. They were summoned for this in the Eighth Moneth, 1659. and in the Record of their Disfrancizement, VVilliam (is said) to be Entred first, and then two others, who were so sentenc'd, the one for Drunkenness, the other for some evil of another kind, and Henry last. So numbring them among Transgressors.
Daniel VVing, from whom they took— Dan. Wing.
l. | s. | d. | |
Three Kine, | 12 | 00 | 00 |
For the Hat fined twenty Shillings and for not Swearing.
Ralph Allin the Younger, from whom they also took— Ralph Allin. the yonger.
l. | s. | d. | |
Four Cows, | 18 | 00 | 00 |
One Weather Sheep for 20. s. for the Hat.
Peter Gaunt, from whom was taken— Peter Gaunt.
l. | s. | d. | |
Five Kine, two year Heifers | 30 | 00 | 00 |
One Mare, two three year Steers | 12 | 00 | 00 |
Eight Bushels of Pease (as some said) | 01 | 04 | 00 |
Four Bushels of Indian Corn, And Half a bushel of Wheat. | 00 | 10 | 06 |
43 | 14 | 06 |
For his, and his Wifes being at Meetings, and for having a Meeting in their House, and for Taxes to the Countrey, which he could not pay, viz. [Page 150] to maintain the Table of that Court which sat to make Laws against them, and to rob them of their Goods. And Barloe the bloody Marshal was hard at it again; and got two Men and threshed out his Pease, and took them, and Marked his Cattel, and let them run, till near the later end of the third Moneth, (which was some time) and then took them up; During which Interval of time, one of the Cows dying, the Marshal demanded the Hide, and also marked a living Cow, in the dead Cows stead, which he had marked, and not took away, but died in the time that he left the said Cow, and the rest of the Cattel that he had marked, a pretty space of time, on the said Peters hands.—And this they did to him though he had lived at Sandwitch about two and twenty Years; and was one of the first setters up of their Publick Church Worship; And a (sometime) Member of their Church, and never Excommunicated by them, but left them for Truth's sake, and One that had formerly taken the Oath of Fidelity: And for not Training (though he was a man of great years, and by reason thereof might require a Dismiss) they fined him 10. s. and Destrained Pewter for it as they pleased, with which sort of houshold Goods a man cannot easily be supplied again. Yea so unreasonably, and with Cruelty was he used, that they compelled this old man to appear before them at Plimmouth, (20 Miles distant) and there the Governor fined him 20. s. for not putting off his Hat, (and for this they Destrained a young beast worth 35. s.) Indeed Captain VVillet aforesaid, said to his Wife, that He took God to witness, that he desired not a farthing of their Goods, nor the aking of one of their singers;—but how he hath had to do with their Goods, in taking it from, and Impoverishing their Families, is more than manifest, and is hereafter Declared, and his falshood therein, and his being bold with the Lord, in taking him to witness, whose witness is against him, and he will know it is so when it rises up in him (and rise it will) a worm that will never die, and a fire that will never go out. For this man hath had more than a little share in the Sufferings of the Innocent, not onely in this Plantation, but in that of the Dutch, where Robert Hodson (and others) suffered the most unheard of Cruelties in the English Nation, and for which I must reckon with him anon, whose Father, and he, sled into Holland, and so to New England for Liberty of Conscience.
[Page 151] John Jenkins was plundered of
l. | s. | d.
John Jenkins. | |
Two Cows and one Steer | 11 | 10 | 00 |
Money attached in James Skiff's hands, (here's hard work indeed) | 08 | 00 | 00 |
19 | 10 | 00 |
Also of his Pot wherein he boyled his Victuals, being not able to get another, till about a Year and a half afterwards; and was forced to borrow during that space of time; which in Malice was done unto him, for his Wife threw down a New Piece of Cloath, double worth the sum; but nothing would satisfie but the Pot from him, who lived about Sixty Miles from the Market where he should supply himself again, and it was thus long ere he came to be supplyed. And this was for not Training: and though he had lived at Sandwitch about Ten years, and had Three Children; and though the very first year he came he was made a Free-man, and had his Vote in Town-meetings and Common-Priviledges; The Common Priviledge of Freemen denyed. yet he was denied his share in Whale-Oyl, which, as a Free-man, fell to him: And the Constable said, he must not speak, for he was no Free-man—And for not Swearing he was fined, and distrayned, as aforesaid: And for coming to Meetings, and for having a Meeting (or Meetings) at his house, Thomas Prince the Governor, Capt. VVillet, Thomas Hinckley, and Josiah Winslow, were the Men that came and sate at the House of Rich. Bourne, and fined him and others (to the number of Sixteen) the sum of Five pounds apiece, for refusing to Swear; and, because they did not presently depart the Court, the Governor cast Three of them into Prison, and there kept them several days in the Cold weather from their Families) the said Josiah (or Major) Winslow, (who for his Devilish Cruelty The Extream Madness of Major Winslow against them. to the People of the Lord gained this Promotion) shewing much Vehemency and fierceness of spirit against them, sometimes starting up and smiting the Table with his Stick (he would hardly stand to strike an Enemy so in the Field; these are brave Fellows (as the Proverb is) at a Cudgel or Trencher where no Enemy is) then with his Hand, then stamping with his Feer, like a Madman, saying— he could not bear it, and why? Because Robert Harper aforesaid desired to know, or that it might be made appear, that that was the Countries Cow that Edward Perry aforesaid had killed before she was attached by the [Page 152] Marshal. And because Thomas Ewer spake of the Marshal's wearing of his Cloathes, which he had upon his back: and because the Marshal was charged with robbing Edward Perry of his Goods, and with seizing on their Cattel, and taking them away, when the Owners were abroad, and saying nothing to them when they pass by to take them. And further he the said Winslow said,— Let them have the Strapado; who never knew (its like) what really belonged to Souldier. Yet such as these are the Cruel Executioners of the Innocent.
Michael Turner is the next, from whom they took, Mich. Turner.
l. | s. | d. | |
Nine Ewes | 13 | 10 | 00 |
And from John Newland, One Beast, worth | 02 | 06 | 00 |
These are part of the Sufferings of the Innocent, and of the John Newland Men of Sandwitch, and of the People of Plimmouth Patent Jurisdiction; which I have set down, to the End that all may see what they have suffered, and what are the Sufferings of the People of the Lord in that Colony. I have not set down all, nor is all come to my hands; but by what I have done as to the Inhabitants of one Town; and to some of them, and that in a short space of time the rest may be judged; and in what a Condition (as to Men) those Servants of the Lord, and the rest are, who and their Wives, Children and Families, lie under the Cruelty of such Oppressors, both as to their Persons and Estates; And how to be considered and tendred; Though as to their Inward man they are free in the Lord, and rejoyce that they have any thing to lose for the Lord, and for the sake of His Truth, who hath shewed unto them Mercy, and raised them out of their Graves, and given them Faith in God, through the Resurrection of the Dead. Whose is the Praise and the Glory, and the Dominion for ever, for this His visiting of His Inheritance, and giving them to be able to suffer for his Name.
Now (as I said) these are not all that might be brought into this Account: For, Thomas Johnson had his House and Land Tho Johnson. seized on; and the Marshal's daughter gathered the Fruits of his Orchard; and when he demanded her Order, she said her Father would bring it (but he brought none) and other words she said, viz.—That the Apples, and House and Land was not [Page 153] theirs; and when the Peaches were ripe, she would come and gather them also, (A sore Provocation, and enough to have put a Man on the Rack; but he was preserved quiet in the Will of the Lord, which to him was enough, and gave him Content, though he was a Cripple, and his Orchard and Garden, and the Fruits therein, was that which he made use of for the maintenance of him and his Family.) It was the 25th of the Sixth Month, 1659. that she came to gather the Fruits.
And, Arthur Howland (a man of near Seventy years of age, Arth. Howland who had waited for the Salvation of God) living in a Town called Marsfield in that Patent, and bearing Testimony against the Ministry of Man, now that the Son is come; They distrained his Iron Furniture belonging to his Draught, which quite disinabled him from making use of the same, and this for the Priest. And because he delivered not up Robert Hedgshone (a Servant of the Lord, who so barbarously suffered in the Dutch Plantation, as hereafter is to be exprest) to the Constable, who had no Warrant, they sined him Five pounds, and for that took away (the 28th of the 3d Month, 1658.) a Steer and a Bull, for 28th day, 3d Month, 1658. that which he conceived himself bound in Conscience to do, and the Instrument of O. P. (then in force) allowed to be done. Yet this would not satisfie them, but such was their Rage at the Old Man, that to Prison they would have, and to Prison they committed him in the depth of Winter, which as to men was as much as his Life, as was his coming thither, though he Appealed to the Chief Magistrate in England; for it was his An Appeal to England Denied. Life they sought, and his Life they would have had (through such hardships as these, if those hardships to him by reason of his Age would have done it, I speak as to men) had not his Brother and Friends (who could not bear it) entered into a Bond for him. Thus (as you) neither regarding the Old man, nor the Young; neither the Hoary head, nor him that leaneth on his staff by reason of Age.
I might also speak of Henry Howland of Duxbury aforesaid, Hen. Howland. who for having a Meeting of Friends in his House, and not Swearing to make him a Jury-man, was sined Thirty shillings, which was levied upon him.
Further I might go, and relate of those who bore Testimony to your Faces in your Courts, against your Unjust Proceedings, [Page 154] and oppressing of the Innocent, whom ye imprisoned; as Nicholas Davis, who being by at the Court in the 4th Month, 1659. Nich. Davis. when so many of the Friends of Truth were had before them, and sentenc'd for their refusing to swear in obedience to the Lord; and seeing how slight they made of the Marshal's Cruelty, and his wicked and unjust usages of them as aforesaid, and destroying their Cattel, and vexing of them; Spreading his Arms abroad, spake in the Testimony and Zeal of the Lord—That he was a Witness for the Lord against their Oppression—and would have declared wherein, but they suffered him not to speak, and for speaking what he did, committed him to Prison. About which time also you imprisoned Will. Leddra and Peter Pearson, Will. Leddra. Peter Pearson. and continued them Prisoners about Ten Months in Plimmouth.
But in these things (as I have said) I may not be too particular, lest these few Sheets of Paper (which are already thus many) should be encreased into a Volumn; There being so much, and of such varieties to speak, What I have said, being sufficient to evince to any sober men and of reasonable understandings, That never since the Earth was made, and the Foundations thereof laid, was there (all things considered) such Abominable VVickedness and Cruelty acted under the vizor of Religion.
And here I may not only be confined, but to the next Plantation Sufferings in New-haven Colony. I must passe, to wit, That of New-haven, and there account with you (sor through your Encouragement it was (as I have said) and by your Instigation, that these things have been done) for what was done in that Colony.
Humphry Norton, coming into Southhold in his way to the Dutch Plantation, whither he was going to visit the Seed of the Humph. Norton Lord, was that Evening apprehended, without being asked Apprehended, which way he travelled, or whither, and committed to the Committed, Marshal, and conveyed by Water to New-haven, and there cast into Prison, and chained to a Post, and kept night and day Cast into Prison, Chained to a Post. 12th Month, 1657. 11th day, first Month, 1658. for the space of Twenty Dayes, with great Weights of Iron in an Open Prison, without Fire or Candle, or any suffered to come to visit him, in the bitter cold Winter (being the 12th Month, 1657.) Enough (reasonably) to have starved him: And on the 11th of the first Month, 1658. was had before their Court, [Page 155] and there was their Priest John Davenport (to whom Humphry had sent some Queries) And this Priest spake as he pleased before the People, and that in Answer to the Queries. And H. A Key tyed athwart Hump. Nortons mouth whilest the Priest was speaking. The Priests Security. Norton endeavoured to make a Reply, but was not suffered so to do, but instead thereof, had a great Iron Key tied athwart his Mouth, till the Priest had done (see what shifts the Priests make to secure what they say) who then sled away. After this H. Norton was had to Prison, and there detained for the space of Ten dayes, and then sentenc'd to be severely whipt, and to be burnt in the hand with the Letter [H] for Heresie (who was convicted Sentenc'd to be severely whipt, and to be burnt in the hand &c. and Banisht. of none) and to be sent out of the Colony, and not to return upon pain of the Utmost Penalty they could inflict by Law; and to pay Ten pounds towards the Charge of the Court and Colony; And this to be done that Afternoon, as said the Judge. And the Drum was beat, and the People gathered, and he fetcht, and stript to the Waste, and set with his Back to the Magistrates, and given The Sentence Executed. (in their view) Thirty six cruel Stripes; and then turned, and his Face set to them, and his Hand made fast in the Stocks (where they had set his Body before) and burnt very deep with a Red hot Tron; And then let loose, and had to Prison again, and tendered his Liberty, upon paying of the Fine and Fees, and there kept, till paid by a Dutch man (whose face he never saw before) viz. Twenty Nobles, which he paid for his Fine and Fees, out of Bowels of Compassion, when they had none engaged unto them to pay (without his consent) and which they wickedly received, not any one else appearing with him, or for him (so great was their Cruelty) only the Marshal would have forced Salves upon him for the killing of the Fire in his Hand; the which he refused: whereupon the Marshal asked him the reason why? being much tormented (for he was a very wicked man)—He answered, I cannot suffer a Dog to lick my Sores—(besides, the Lord healed him) Am I a Dog then? said the Marshal. When they had whipt Humphry with that Cruelty as asoresaid, and burnt him in the Hand, and had let him loose from the Stocks, he kneeled down and prayed to the Lord, uttering his Voice towards Heaven; to the Astonishment of them all.
To this Colony also came William Brend (of whom I have Will. Brend, Mary Dyar. spoken) and divers other Servants of the Lord, as Mary Dyar, [Page 156] who coming thither, was forced away; being set on a Horse by them, she cryed out, Wo be unto you for Humphry Nortons sake, wo be unto you because of the Cruelty done to him! But they turned away the Ear, and would nothearken; Mary Weatherhead, and Mary Weatherhead & others. others: but they were not suffered to speak, or to discharge their Consciences, or to unburthen themselves of the Weight of the Word of the Lord, which lay upon them; but were threatned, and sent away in the nature of Banishment; and Mary Weatherhead finished her Work in the Sea, and returned not to the place from whence she came. A true Figure of the state of the What her sinking in the Sea signified. Men of this place, who refused the Loving-kindness of the Lord, and the Tender Visitation of his Love by his Messengers, whom he raises early and sends, whom they thus evil-entreat, and abuse; and so judge themselves unworthy of Eternal Life, and provoke the Wrath of the Lord to come upon them to the Uttermost. So the Lord is clear of their Blood, whether they will hear or forbear, and they shall know that his Prophets have been amongst them, in the Day wherein the Lord will judge the secrets of all hearts by the Man whom He hath ordained thereunto, whereof He hath given Assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised him from the Dead; who is King of kings, and Lord of lords; who only hath Immortality and Eternal Life; to whom be Glory, and Praise, and Dominion Everlasting: who cometh in Clouds, and every Eye shall see Him; those also who have pierced Him; and all Nations shall wail because of Him; even so Amen: Who is Alpha and Omega, the first and the last; He that was, and which is, and which is to come; the Lord God Almighty; who was dead, and is alive, and behold He lives for evermore, and hath the Keys of Hell and of Death; who will render to every man according to his Works, Amen, Hallelujah, Blessing, Honour, Glory and Power be unto Him that sitteth on the Throne, and to the Lamb for ever and ever.
So see where you are, and in what case, ye Blood-thirsty Enemies of God; Ye Men of Boston, of Plimmouth Patent and New-haven; Ye Rulers of Sodom and Inhabitants of Gomorrah, who are hardened against the hour of your Visitation; whose Day is over; who delight in Blood, in the Blood of the Saints of the Most High God; to whom Blood will be given, for ye are worthy; The Lord will come upon ye, you that put his Day afar [Page 157] off, and say, he delayes his coming: I say, He will come upon you in a day that ye think not of, and in an hour of which ye are not aware; and will cut you assunder, and appoint you your Portion with Hypocrites and Sinners, and ye shall be cast into the Lake that burneth with Fire and Brimstone, there to be tormented with the Devil and his Angels; which is the second death. It is so, it must be fulfilled; the Judgment is gone forth, it may not be revoked; Your Day is done, The Measure of your Iniquity is near at the full; The Deliverance of his People is at hand: You shall all of you receive according to your works: The Night is far spent, the Day is at hand, even the Day which shall not have an end, the Everlasting Day, the Day of the Lord, which will be Darkness unto you, and not Light; a Day of Gloominess and thick Darkness unto you; a Day of Sorrow and of the Shadow of Death: But a Day of Joy to the Righteous, and of Gladness of heart, a Day of Singing and of making Melody; a Day of Shouting, and of great Joy, which shall last for evermore, Amen; it is done. These Things are Faithful and True; the true sayings of God, who liveth for ever, who is Great and Terrible; whose Day is come, wherein He will be avenged on you, for the Blood of his Saints, and the Sufferings of his Servants, who have laid down their Lives, and suffered for his Name; who have the Testimony of Jesus, which is the Spirit of Prophecy; whom Ye have done Despight unto, and to their Message, and to Him that sent them; and shed their Blood, and have thought Ye could never do Enough against that Name; and have persecuted them from Town to Town, and from Colony to Colony, those who have born it; and evil-entreated them, and sought to have cut them off; (and have cut off some, He suffering ye so to do, that ye might shew what ye would do, and that it may appear that it is his Arm that stops ye, that suffered ye so to do) and their Name and their Remembrance from the Earth; and to leave them neither Name or Remnant; whom ye can never destroy (mind what I say) nor wear out, though ye have tryed it as ye could, and may be suffered yet a little longer to fill up your Measure: But then shall your Destruction come, and that in a Moment, and the Righteous shall have Dominion over you in the Morning; Everlasting Joy shall be upon their heads, and Sorrow and Sighing shall flee away. And this I testifie from [Page 158] the Mouth of the Lord, who hath moved me to speak, and to write this in his Name, that your Judgment ye may bear in this World, as well as in that which is to come; and be an Example of his Vengeance to the Ages to come, as ye have been in Wickedness and Oppressing the Just, and making sad the heart of the Righteous, whom the Lord hath not made sad; and destroying his Heritage, and laying waste his Pleasant Place in which he delights to dwell for ever and ever; by your Cruelty and Blood, and grinding of the faces of the Poor, and eating up the Needy, as one would eat Bread; The Lord God will come swiftly upon you, and will remove you, and overturn you, and be glorified in what He shall bring upon you, and ye shall know that He is the LORD, and that He hath done all these things unto you for your manifold Transgressions, and your mighty Sins; who afflict the Just, and hate him that reproveth in the Gate, and abhor him that speaketh uprightly; whose Treading is upon the Poor, and who take from him Burdens of Wheat, and turn aside the Poor in the Gate from their Right: I say, Ye shall know that He is the LORD, and that He is in these People, whom ye have set at nought and reviled, and abused and evil-entreated His Witnesses, and those He hath sent amongst ye to turn ye unto Him, who is Lord and King; and that there is Salvation in no other, nor any other Name under Heaven given among Men whereby we must be saved; who is the Light of the World, the true Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the World; who will judge ye for ever; whose Judgment is just; whose Judgment this is; who is King of Righteousness, and King of Peace; of the Increase of whose Government and Peace there shall be no end upon the Throne of David to order it, and stablish it with Judgment and with Justice, henceforth even for ever.
And thus have I dealt with you together, and together wrapt ye up, like as ye have been folden together as Thorns, & drunk as Drunkards; and while ye be folden together as Thorns, & while ye are drunk as Drunkards, ye shall be overtaken, and your Day shall come upon you, and you shall fall, and rise no more, saith the Lord; and you shal leave your Name a Curse unto his Chosen, who shall dwell in the Land and inherit it; and He will be unto them a God, and they shall be to Him a People (those that ye have thus set at nought and abused, and sought to root out, and cared not [Page 159] what Cruelty ye caused them to undergo for that purpose, without Mercy, or Bowels or Compassion) And Judgment without Mercy ye shall have, that have shewed no Mercy; And the Lord God shall stay you, and call his Servants by another Name, And ye shall be for a Taunt, and a Reproach, and a Hissing, and a Proverb, and a perpetual Desolation, saith the Lord; and my Hand shall be stretched out against you, I will not spare you, nor pitty you (as ye have shewed none) nor will I have Mercy, but my Judgment shall take hold on you, and my Terror shall seize upon you, and Fear shall be round about you; Your young men shall fall by the Sword, your Wives shall be Widows, and your Children fatherless, they shall be continually Vagabonds, and beg, and seek their Bread also out of their Desolate places; and I will accomplish my Wrath upon you in your Destruction; and your Carkasses shall fall, and be as Dung on the face of the Earth; and the Worm shal be spread under ye, and the Worms shall cover you. They shall not say of you, Ah, Lord! nor, Ah! his Glory, but ye shall be cast forth without the Gates, and be buried with the Burial of an Asse, The Mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it. And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I have finished the Thoughts of my Heart upon you, and have laid you low, even in the Dust; and Men shall fear because of you, and what I will do unto you, saith the Lord: And mine Indignation shall smoak against you; and a fire shall be kindled in my Wrath, which shall burn to the nethermost Hell; and it shall devour you as Stubble fully dry; and your Iniquity shall lie upon your Bones, and you shall descend into the Pit, and there your Iniquity shall be visited upon you, saith the LORD, the Mighty God, the Holy One of Israel, and his King, who liveth for ever; to whom is the Glory, and the Praise, and the Dominion for ever. The Burden of New-England is ended.
Yet have I not done with you, but must have another Reckoning Sufferings of Friends in the Dutch Plantation by occasion of the New English. Rob. Hodgshone for what the Servants of the Lord have suffered by occasion of You, in other as well as these Plantations.
Robert Hodgshone, a Servant of the Lord being at Hempstead in the Dutch Plantation in America near to New-England, and waiting there for Friends coming together in a Meeting, as he was walking in the Orchard, an Officer came and violently laid hold on him, and brought him before one Gildersleave an English-man, [Page 160] and a Magistrate there, who committed him to Prison, and rode to the Dutch Governor and acquainted him therewith, and came from him with a Guard of Musquetiers, and the Fiscal, who laid hold of him and searched him, and took away his Knives and Papers, and Bible, and so pinioned him all the Night and the next Day, that he could hardly help or refresh himself any wayes; and made diligent Enquiry after those that had entertained him, and took into Custody Two Women upon occasion thereof; One of whom had two small Children, the one sucking at her Breast; and got a Cart and conveyed the Women away in it, and Robert also, whom they fastned to the hinder part of the Cart, pinioned, and so drew him and them through the Woods in the Night season, whereby he was much torn and abused: And at the Town called New-Amsterdam, loosed him, and led him by the Rope with which he was fastned to the Cart, to the Dungeon, into which he was Cast (a filthy, miry, unholsom place, and full of Vermin) and the Two Women to another place, and there continued them during their pleasures.
Their Court coming to sit, they called him before them, and took his Examination in writing, and committed him to the Dungeon again, and afterwards had him forth, and read this Sentence to him in their own Language, which the aforesaid Capt. Willet of Plimmouth Patent (who was much the occasion of his Sufferings, by incensing the Governor against him, and those People with Lyes and Falshoods, who before was moderate to them, and Robert was with him) which was to this Effect— It is the General's Pleasure that you work two years at the Wheel-barrow with a Negro, or pay, or cause to be paid Six hundred Gilders.—
To this he attempted to make his Defence in a sober Reply, but he was not suffered to speak, but was had away, and returned to the Dungeon again, and there kept; and no English suffered to come to him for several dayes. Then they took him out, and pinioned him, and set his Face towards the Court-Chamber, and took off his Hat, and read another Sentence to him in Dutch, which he understood not; but many of that Nation who heard it, shook their heads; and when it was done, cast him into the Dungeon again.
[Page 161] Out of which, after certain dayes, they drew him betimes in a Morning, and chained him to a Wheelbarrow, and commanded him to work— he answered, He was never brought up, nor used to that Work.—Upon which they caused a Negro to take a Pitch'd Rope, nigh four Inches about, and to beat him; Who beat him with it till Robert fell down. Then they took him up, and caused the Negro to beat him with the said Rope until he fell down the second time: It was judged that he received about One hundred blows with the Rope as aforesaid. Then they forced him up with the Barrow to the Fort before the Governors House, and complained to him, that they could not make him work; and continued him chained to the Barrow all that day till about the Seventh or Eighth hour at night (about the middle of which the Sun shining very hot, and his Body being much bruised, and swell'd with the Blows, and kept without Food, he was very faint, and sate upon the Ground, waiting on the Lord, who was near unto him, and refreshed him, and made him whole) and then they loosed him, and put him in the Dungeon until the Morning, and then had him forth about the 6th hour, at which time they lockt him to the Barrow, as before, and a Sentinel set over him, that none might come so much as to speak with him, and there kept till the 7th at night, and then had to the Dungeon, and the next day had forth and chained in like manner, and then loosed, and had before the Governor, who demanded of him to work, Otherwise (he said) he should be whipt every day. Robert asked the Governor, What Law he had broken? and called for his Accusers, that he might know his Transgression; and told him, that if he were called to that work of the Lord, he should not refuse it—Then he was chained to the Barrow again, and threatned, that if he spake to any one, he should be punished worse. Yet his Mouth was opened to such as came to him, as he found it of the Lord. Then they seeing that they could not keep him silent, put him into the Dungeon again, and kept him close there several dayes, and two nights, one day and a half of it, without Bread or Water.
After this they took him sorth very early in the Morning into a private Chamber, and stripped him to the waste, and hung him up by the Hands, and tyed a great Log of Wood to his Feet, so that he could not turn his Body, and set a strong Negro [Page 162] with Rods to whip him, who laid many stripes upon him both backwards and forwards, which cut his Flesh very much, and drew much Blood.
Then they let him down, and put him into the Dungeon (too bad a place for Swine, being a stinking hole, full of Vermin) not suffering any to come to him, or to wash his stripes.
Within Two dayes after they had him forth again, and hung him up as before, and the Jaylor being very drunk, forced another Negro to lay many more stripes upon him, who seeing no End of their Cruelty, but in his Life, which they sought after, and being weary and faint; for it was hard to bear, but the Lord was near him, who suffered them not to take away his Life, which they drove at, and which was very near the taking away, He enabling him to bear, to see how far they would go; and being near, that it might not be taken away, gave him freedom to desire some time to consider, and to suffer some English to come at him; Which was granted, and an English Woman came, and washed his stripes; who seeing him brought so low in Body through those cruel Sufferings, was so in the sence thereof that she thought he would not live till the next morning, and so she told her Husband; which took such Impression upon him, that he went to the Fiscal, and proffered him a fat Ox to suffer him to be at his house until he was well: But the Fiscal would not, unless the whole Fine was paid; which many gladly would have done, but he could not suffer it. And within Three dayes after he was thus whipt, was he made whole, and as strong as ever, and free to labour.
This his freedom to labour was a great Torment to them on the other hand, whose Aim by their Cruelty, was to get Money; and a great Trouble it was to many both Dutch and English, that he could not Consent for the Fine to be paid (for they tendred his Sufferings) but rather would work, that he might not be burthensom to any; Nor could he eat the Governors Bread, except he Wrought for it; Notwithstanding that little besides was brought to him, being not suffered so to be; and that which he Wrought for was so course, that it troubled tender People that he should eat it, being such as they gave their Slaves; he chusing rather from a Contented Mind (being strong in the Lord, who had made him whole) so to do, than to put any to charge; [Page 163] being unfree so much as to receive of them to whom he ministred (the English that live there) because he saw how the Dutch sought to ensnare them; under whom they are in great Servitude, who went thither from the Plantations in New-England to enjoy their Consciences.
So his Life grew over them, and the Lord was with him; And after that he had accomplished the measure of his Sufferings for the Seeds sake there, which the Lord suffered them to inflict upon him, to try how far they would go, and to disappoint them in their End; in a very short time he was delivered out of Prison, contrary to the Expectation of his Enemies, without paying One Penny, or any One for him. In their wills be could not work, and suffered for it; in the Will of the Lord he wrought, and was delivered for his Faithfulness to Him: The Governors Sister was instrumental in his Liberty, whom his Sufferings took deep upon, and being very sad, he asked the Cause, which she told him, and he set him free. Nor was the said Willet without his sence, but it was the Guilt which was upon him, because he was the occasion of his Sufferings by Lyes and Wickedness to advance his Merchandize the better, who was there a Factor, and to get in with the Governor, and that he was guilty was well known to the People.
Much more might be said of the Sufferings of these People in the Dutch Plantation (who are too much enclining to Cruelty themselves) through your Encouragement: For the Governor was very moderate before, when Robert was with him, and his Sister was the Means in which the Lord moved to work his Liberty, as I have said: but this Willet it was of Plimmouth Patent (who had his hand so deep there in the Sufferings of the Innocent as aforesaid) that made him Wrath, and so incensed him, that he grew very fierce and into great Enmity against them, and made a Law (through Example of You) That those who received any of them into their Houses, should pay Fifty Pounds Sterling; one Third part to the Informer, who should be concealed (the better to Encourage them in their Wickedness) And that if any Vessel should bring any of them into that Jurisdiction, it should be forfeited with the Goods (a high Imbargo) And so set he was against Liberty of Conscience, that he said, —That the Liberty of his Brother Henry' s Conscience was in his [Page 164] Breast, striking his hand upon it; And if but One were Entertained, and that but One Night, it was Fifty pounds Sterling (a sore Imposition, and full of Cruelty, taught by You) Notwithstanding there were that entertained them willingly, for which some were imprisoned, and some sined; as John Tilton, and Joan Chatterton, and Henry Townsend, who was fined Five hundred John Tilton. Joan Chatterton. Hen. Townsend. 7th day, 6th Month, 1658. Tobias Foak. Edward Hart. Gilders, and threatned to be sent out of the Jurisdiction, about the Seventh of the Sixth Month, 1658. And Tobias Feak, and Edward Hart (English-men and Officers in the Town of Ulissing (or Flushing) in New-Netherlands, on Long Island) were cast into Prison, because they could not prosecute the Dutch Governors Orders against these People in that Town. And the said Henry Townsend being called before the Governor & Court, Hen. Townsend and demanded to pay the Fine, and he answering,—That his Person and Estate was under their hands, and they might take it if they would, but he could not pay the Fine. They suffered him not to speak any more, but forthwith cast him into Prison, even into a miry Dungeon in the Winter season, about the middle of the Eleventh Month, 1657. Nine days after which he wrote to the Governor and Fiscal,—That he could not pay the Money 11th March, 1657. upon that Account, although he lay in an Irkesom Prison, and was of a weak Constitution, and sickly; and prohibited his Wife and Friends from giving them any thing, Notwithstanding the Cry of her and her small Children, who could not bear his sore Sufferings. But the Season being so cold, and his Wife and Friends in such fear that he would by reason thereof there perish, and they apprehending such a Necessity of his Presence at home, they came under, and gave his Persecutors Two young Oxen and a Horse, (which was all he had) for his Liberty, who had it thereupon. And Mary Weatherhead, and Dorothy Waugh Mary Weatherhead. Dorothy Waugh (Two Maidens) who came out of England) for speaking in the Streets of New-Amsterdam, were cast into a Miry Dungeon, and there kept for the space of Eight dayes; In which it was supposed they could not have lived; And then were had through the Street to a Boat with Rods tyed at their Backs, and sent for Rhoad Island.
And this is the Entertainment which the Servants of the Lord met with in the Dutch Plantation, the New-Netherlands (as it is called) near New-England, when they went to Visit the Seed of God there, and which their Brethren, the English [Page 165] that resided there, who endure much servitude for their Conscience sake under them to enjoy it, and went thither formerly (as I have said) out of the New English to Enjoy it, who watch all Occasions against them, and took this for One, and so dealt with them through the Example of you, and the Instigation (in particular) of Captain Willet aforesaid, who were not content to bring them under Sufferings, in New-England, so as to force them to quit the Land to Enjoy their Conscience and Live with Strangers who came out of England with you to enjoy their Conscience, but followed them there, and incensed the Strangers against them, who before let them (and they might have so done to this day) live in peace, which hath produced the Effects aforesaid, for which you must Answer to the Lord in the Day which is near, wherein he will Judge every man according to his Works.
Yet a little more, and then I have done with You; for I am now coming back again, to your own doors, and there sealing up your summe in relation to the Sufferings of your own Jurisdiction, whom ye have caused to suffer since the time of your putting those to death, and to the Sufferings in the Colony of Canecticote, of which I have spoken.
Several of Salem Friends ye Committed and have continued Edw. Warton, Mary Trask. John Smith. Marg. Smith of Salem. Robert and Deborah, Harper. of Sandwitch. W. Christison. W. King. Marth. Standly. Mary Write. W. Ledra. Banished. them long Prisoners at Boston, as M. Trask, John Smith, Margaret Smith, Edward Wharton and others; Robert Harper also of Sandwitch, and Deborah, ye Committed likewise; And these were in your Prison the Thirtieth of the Tenth Moneth 1660. Several ye Banished upon pain of Death, as VVinlock Christison, and VVill. King of Salem, and Martha Standly, a Maid belonging to England, and Mary VVrite of Oyster Bay in Long Island; who gave her Testimony against You for your Cruelty in putting Mary Dier to Death, whose Blood ye also thirsted after because of it: Amongst which VVilliam Ledra is one (upon whom your Cruelry hath often Exceeded) he was then in your hands, as having returned into your Jurisdiction after Banishment; yet to try your Bloody Law as to Death, whom by a Chain ye have fastened to a Logg.
Joseph Nicholson and his Wife came in the Movings of the Joseph Nicholson and his Wife. Lord to Sojourn with you; and of you to Sojourn amongst ye they demanded it, as they in right might on as good terms as you [Page 166] came thither first to Inhabit, but it they could not have, but instead thereof were committed to Prison, and Banish't upon Pain of Death; (whose business from England was to Sojourn among you, and against whom you had nothing; yet so ye did unto them though she was great with Child, and her Condition such therewith, that she could not go forth of Prison, till the last day limited by you, nor he from her, she being in that Condition) after which day if found in your Jurisdiction, they were to die by your Law; after whom ye sent, and apprehended he was at Salem, whither he went that day with his Wife, who there fell in Travel, and suffered he was not to stay to see how it might be ordered as to his Wife, but had to Boston he was, in the way whereunto he was met with an Order sent on horseback, by your Deputy Governor, Richard Bellingham, to have him thither, and thither he was had, and there Committed, and his Wife with him after she was Delivered, and was come thither, and both of them ye had before you after ye had Condemned Mary Dier, the second time to Death, even that very Day, and in the time that ye had Mary Dier to the Execution, and in which she was Executed; ye had them both before ye again, to see if the terror that might have been in such a thing could have frighted them. But the Power of the Lord in them was above you all, and they feared not your Fears nor were afraid of your Threats, but boldly stood it out with you, in his Eternal Power (as did also Mary Dier first and last, as I have Declared) and bad you do it when ye told them of the thing, that is to say, of putting of them to Death, thinking to fear them; but yet ye could not do it, though fain ye would, and your Desire was so to do, and your Wills, (for which you shall Answer as if ye had shed their Blood, for it was in your heart so to do, and there ye Murdred them) but you feared the Consequence, they coming to Sojourn among you as Free-born English, and you denying of them their birthright, and instead of admitting them to live amongst ye (which you could not deny, they having not done any thing whereby to cut them off from such their Priviledge) having Imprisoned them, and Banish'd them upon Pain of Death as aforesaid, and in that Barbarous manner, & with the greatest hard-heartedness, halled him from his Wife, when she was in Travel, in Order to put him to Death, and which might have cost her (in that condition) [Page 167] according to men) her Life also, and of the Little One with which she was in Travel to bring it into the World. (Such Inhumanities as these, and Cruel Workings, England hath not heard of, to have been before done in any of her Jurisdictions, for to have destroyed them all ye thought, Father, Mother, and Infant, at once, but could not by this way, nor dared by the other because of your Own Necks, should ye have done it) So ye set them at Liberty, who over all your heads Departed your Jurisdiction in the Will of God, having tried you, to trie the rest, and to Plimmouth Patent they went (where VVinlock Christison Winlock Christison. had been Imprisoned, and Suffered twenty seven cruel Stripes on his naked body at one time, laid on with Deliberation (so was the word of the Magistrates, who stood to see it) in the Cold Winter season, who bad the Jaylor so to do, and to lay it on hard, who laid it on as hard as he could) and then Rob'd him of his Wastcoate (though in that Cold time of the year he was to pass through hardship in going through a Wilderness) and of his Bible, which the Jaylor took for Fees; Who came about Midnight, much in Drink, the night before, and had them away though his Demand was but five Shillings; (So Depriving him of the Scriptures, as your Jaylor did some of those that came to you, of which I have spoken) and then turned him out in the Morning in the Cold, having not Cloathes sufficient left him by you to keep him from it, after ye had kept him without food from the time of his said Cruel Whipping to his said turning out, (as he was five Days upon his first Commitment not suffering him to have any for his Money) nor letting others to supply him, but stopping up the very holes to hinder any supply, the Jaylor saying when he stopt them up, that at such places he might be supplied with Provisions; and keeping it so until he asked them, VVhether they meant to Starve him? And the Power of the Lord was in it, and constrained them to allow him Provisions of three Pence a day, for five weeks, such as the Jaylor would give him, who took away his Waste-coat and Bible as aforesaid, as Blood-thirsty Barloe rob'd him of his two other Coats, and Hat, and bag of Linen, worth upwards of four pounds, when he Apprehenden him at Sandwitch, a little after he came thither from your Prison in Boston, after ye had Banish'd him upon Pain of Death, and kept him fourteen Weeks and two Days there, in the coldest [Page 168] time of the Winter season, and committed his two Friends of Salem that came with him to Boston. And thus was he Whipt, and thus was he Rob'd, and thus was he turned out after that Tho. Prince the Governor and Magistrates, had caused him to be tied Neck and Heels for speaking for himself in the Court, (most Cruel Tyranny) who denied him Satisfaction for his Goods Robb'd by Barloe as aforesaid, when he was had to the Whipping Post, and with much adoe, had obtained so much Moderation of the Governour, as to hear him thereabouts (such was their Rage in Whipping of him) who said in Answer,—That he must first pay for his Preaching, (this is the Justice of the men of Plimmouth Patent, in place to do Justice, Theeves and Robbers, and Abettors of such; In stead of causing Satisfaction to be made, and causing the Innocent cruelly to suffer who demand Satisfaction, even by the hand of them who Commited it on them, which God will Reward who is near to render unto them according to their Deeds; and all this matter was but for coming into their Jurisdiction, when he was banished out of yours. Was ever the like hardheartedness heard of, or Barbarous Cruelty?) I say, Joseph Nicholson and his Wife being thus turned out of your Jurisdiction, and denied to Sojourn there, and dealt with as aforesaid, were to demand it of Plimmouth Patent; (This another Habitation of Cruelty, and Persecuting the Just) and thither they came, and Demanded to Sojourn in that Jurisdiction, but neither there could they be admitted, (the same Spirit ruling in Plimmouth Patent as in Boston) and so the Magistrates caused them to understand, when they told them, —That if they had turned them away at Boston, they would have nothing to do with them,—(how exactly do they Write after your Coppy?) And his Wife had much to do with them, and they threatened to Whip her, (if they had ever a Cage) and send her away; and One of them said, —That if she had not been a Witch, she could not have known that he that was with his son was a Priest,—whom by the Spirit of the Lord she knew to be such, and so spake to him, (thus doth the blind World judge of the Revelation of the Spirit, by which the Prophet Ahijah knew when the Wife of Jeroboam came in disguise to him, and he said, Come in thou Wife of Jeroboam, why feignest thou thy self to be another? And by which the Prophets knew and foretold [Page 169] things to come; and Jeroboam might have said, had not he been a Witch, he could not have told that it was his Wife when she came to him so disguised, on the very same ground as did this Magistrate; but these things I spare, being so plain and manifest) So they passed away in the Moving of the Lord to Rhoad Island, after they had been twenty four Weeks Prisoners in your Slaughter-House at Boston, that is to say, Joseph Nicholson, twenty four Weeks, and his Wife eighteen; And after they had received your Cruelty as to her Life, who might have perished in her Travil (as aforesaid) but this was the thing ye desired as to her and the rest, as your Words and Deeds have made manifest, so that it might be with safety to your selves, which was your wariness indeed, not that it was your Love to those People, whom ye sought to Destroy, but therein had not your Wills, though ye have been suffered to put some of them to Death, that what ye would do, and what was in your hearts might be made manifest. And eight more when Joseph and his Wife passed from Boston, were in Prison, who by Your bloody Law were in condition of Banishment upon Pain of Death, so to root them out; This being the often Expression of some of Dan. Denison aforesaid in Particular. you,—That they or you must give way, (and why can't ye Live together, seeing ye were made of One Blood, and to breath in one Ayre, and the Bishops might with as much Justice have used the same Argument as you.) And your M. General Denison often said in Court (as I have alledged) That they and you could not well live together, (Your minds are very great, that would swell bigger than the Ordinance of the God of Heaven, who hath made mankind to dwell on all the face of the Earth) and that at Present the Power was in your hands, (but Know ye how long it will be? Wisdom would have tought ye, had ye kearkened unto it, to have done by Men Whilst ye are in Power, as ye would have done to your selves when ye are Out, and as it was not done unto you when ye were under, who even now are under another Jurisdiction.) and the rest must fend off (as I have said) said he. So mind your State, and how ye have given Law against your selves; A Law making it death directly or indirectly, to seek the Alteration of the Government. You should have been absolute first, had ye been wise Men, and made your selves so, viz. Independant from England, as your Action bespoke your Mind in making it Death Directly or Indirectly to seek the Alteration of Your Government, which was [Page 170] upon the endeavouring of some by Petition to England, to have their Grievances redrest, before any of the People called Quakers came into Your Jurisdiction, whom You used at Your pleasure, and to prevent them, formed this Law, that all things might be secure in your hands; and so far ye proceeded further, That neither Oliver, nor his Son Richard were Proclaimed Protectors, not that Ye liked them not, but that ye thought them so much your Friends, as that by the Indulgence of them ye might get clear of England, though ye pretended something else, viz. the Danger of some Body, who which that some Body was, it may be judged; And One Rogers Priest of Rowley. One of your Priests said, by such as Endeavoured by Petition to England to have Redress, —That if they had their due they should be led up Windmil-Hill, that is, to the Gallows, in plain English to be Hanged; For on Windmil-Hill stood the Gallows at Bostow: And some of the said Petitioners were taken and Imprisoned, and Fined, in great summes of Mony for so doing. As Doctor Child, Samuel Maverick, David Yeal, Doctor Child. Sam. Miverick David Yeal, &c. Imprisoned for endeavouring to Petition to England, for redress of their grievances. This was before friends came to New-England▪ and those this Priest for so doing would have had hanged. and others that were Merchants, whom ye Sought to find out (viz. the Petitioners) by putting some to an Oath (in the Nature of that Ex Officio) to accuse any but themselves, which one of them resolving not to take, and yet afterwards doing, was so tormented in his Spirit, that he died miserable. And this is something of the Provision ye have made against your Dependency on England; and upon which none durst from that time upon their Lives Petition to England for Redress of any Grievance whatsoever; And this is the Tyranny under which doth lie the People of New-England, and upon Account of this, Appeals to England have been denied, of which I have spoken. Now this was upon a Petition wherein they desired to be ruled according to the Laws of England, and that they might have the Liberty of English men, or else they intended to Petition to Enland, which was put into the Court at Boston, where it kindled a great fire against the Petitioners, and most of the Pulpits rang of it (see how the Priests are in all Places the Trumpeters of Rebellion, whose Interest (as it appears) is to be severed from England) and to make some of them Examples (that is to hang them) the Magistrates were set on by the Priests, and the said Priest for One. So they made their Law as aforesaid; And Richard Bellingham, your Deputy Governor (who deserves not to be [Page 171] named amonst men; Who when in England, in that day of the Bishops, hid himself under a Bed for fear of an Appariter, but is now thus Cruel to the Innocent) said to the said Joseph and his Wife; after that ye had pronounced on them, the Sentence of Banishment upon Pain of Death.—That their Law was too strong R. Billinghams wicked speech. for them, and that they should be Hanged assuredly, (if they should be taken again after Banishment (in which he lied, for they were before you several times after their said Banishment, and the time Limited was expired, and yet they were not Hanged) as they were whom ye had already put to Death, (but the Lord delivered them out of your hands) and that they would take a Course with his wife hereafter, (which was after she should be delivered, for she was great with Child when she was Banisht, and this was said when ye Banisht her) And Your Goaler Rejoyced when he met Joseph, as he was in the Way to the Prison after his Banishment. The Jaylor rejoyced that Joseph was come again to be put to death The Beast of the Court. Telling him, —That he (viz. the said Joseph) was come again to see whether the Gallows would hold him; (as he rejoyced at the sight of some other Friends, who were sent to Prison for that purpose, of which I have spoken.) And it was boasted in Court, —That ye had men in Armes to maintain your Laws, and to defend your selves, (And what Laws are they? Against Conscience, or for Religion? and what Religion is it which Men in Armes must maintain? and against whom are your Armes? Those who do not resist you, and who are few in Number, a few Men and Women: What Defence is this? If Men in Armes should come to try you, Would you thus maintain it? I could never find that cruel men dare much to sight.)—Such a Generation of Blood-thirsty men, Ravening after the Prey, after Blood, the Blood of the Innocent, who have been Ancient in your Cruelty, and have long been filling up your measure, who as soon as you had escaped the hands of those you feared in England, & gotten large Farmes about you, you sat down at Rest, and then soon began to exrecise Dominion, & became Lords over the Faith of others, as your Cruel Dealings with Anne Hutcheson and that Company, stands as a perpetual Record before the Lord against you; Who, because they differed something from you, nothing would serve your turn, but presently to Devour them; Who after you had long Imprisoned her many Months, and set men to keep her: Did you not take away very much [Page 172] from her Husband, to pay the men wages, and then Banished several of them in the sore Cold Winter season, into the Wilderness, where was no Habitation, who some of them were forced to dig a Cave in the Ground on Rhoad Island, to preserve their Lives, the place then being not Inhabited; and did you not cruely deal with J. Collens, who because he differed from you in Principle, took him up as he passed through your Colony not medling with any, and Imprisoned him, and fined him 100. l. And when he went but to make his Defence in your Meeting, saying, Men, Brethren and Fathers, hear ye my Defence, &c. ye would not suffer him to speak further for himself, but had him to Prison; And after that some of your Patents endeavoured to get in that place (to wit, Rhoad Island) under some of your Governments, which occasioned some of their farther remove under the Dutch Government, where they (to wit) Anne Anne Hutcheson and others Murdered. Hutcheson and her Son Francis, and this Collens abovesaid, her Son in Law, with others, were Murdered by the Indians; The guilt and weight of whose Blood lies upon you, as done by you who were People of an honest Life and good behaviour, onely differing from you; And it's like Governor John Wintrope, Senior (who was an honest man, and had some hand in this being drawn to it by your Priests) was made sensible of it on his Death-bed, when old Dudly, a man of Blood, and the rest of you, sent to the said John Wintrope to set his hand to a Paper for the Banishment of one Matthews a Weltch Man, a Priest; which he refused, telling them he had his hand too much in such things already; but nothing of all this will work on you, who have more and more gone on in that Spirit, to the molesting, Whipping, Fining and Imprisoning many honest People, upon the account of Baptism, and the like: Whose dealings are and have been so Inhumane, so Barbarous, so Cruel, so Unmerciful, as the like hath not been heard of, nor can be Parallel'd by the Records of former Ages in this Nation; Whose Judgement shall be as are your Presidents. The Lord hath spoken it, who will fulfil it. Sufferings in Canect. Colony. J Copeland. John Rous. Will. Leddra. W. Brend. Sara Gibbens.
Now as to Canecticote, I have little to say, (as before I have intimated) onely John Copeland, John Rous were put under restraint, and not suffered to pass the Colony, W. Brend and W. Leddra were also there but not suffered to abide; Sarah Gibbens [Page 173] and Dorothy Waugh, at Hartford in that Colony (whitherto Doro Waugh. Joseph and Jane Nicholson New-haven Colony. they were moved of the Lord) were Imprisoned several dayes; and some of their Clothes sold to pay their Fees; and denied to sojourn there the said Joseph Nicholson and his Wife were; (who went thither from Rhoad Island, being moved of the Lord to place their Sojourning upon all the Colonies) and the Commissioners of the Four united Colonies were there, and D. Denison in particular, who denied them, (though the Governor was Moderate) as did those of Newhaven, any being amongst them.
And so I have done with you, and the other Colonies and roled ye up and down in the Blood of the Innocent, as ye have roled your selves up and down in Innocent Blood; and cloathed you with their Sufferings I have, as ye have had to do in their Sufferings. And the Cup I have filed to you, which ye have filled unto them, and have doubled it upon you, in the Word of the Lord, who will fullfil it upon you, and you shall not go haughtily for this time is Evil. For the Lord my God shall come and all his Saints with Him. A devouring fire shall go before him, and it shall be very Tempestuous round about him; He shall call to the Heavens-above, and to the Earth, that he may Judge his People, and the Heavens shall declare his Righteousness, for God is Judge himself, Selah. And he will Reprove you, and set your sins in Order before you, and will tear you in pieces, and there shall be none to Deliver you. So shall ye know that the Lord he is God, and that there is no other, that his Judgements are true and righteous altogether. That these are His People, and His Truth they Witness; That in all their Afflictions He hath been Afflicted with them, and that the Angel of His presence hath gone before them; That He hath seen their Afftiction, and heard their Cry, and is come to Deliver them. That you are Recompensed justly according to your Deeds; That the hour of your Visitation is over; That your night is come which shall never have end; That Depart ye Cursed into Everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels, Ye must Receive from the King when he comes in his Glory, and all the holy Angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his Glory, and all Nations shall be gathered before Him; and He shall separate them one from another, as a Shepherd doth his Seep from the Goats, and He shall set the Sheep on his right hand, but the Goats on the left. And the King shall say to them on his right hand, Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit [Page 174] the Kingdom prepared for you, from the Foundation of the VVorld. For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat, I was thirsty and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me in, naked, and ye cloathed me, I was sick, and ye Visited me, I was in Prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the Righteous Answer him saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred and fed thee? and thirsty, and gave thee drink? when saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked and cloathed thee? Or, when saw we thee sick or in Prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall Answer, and say unto them, Verily, I say unto you, in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my Brethren, ye have done it unto me. Then shall he say unto them on the left hand, Depart from me ye Cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil, and his Angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat, I was thirsty and ye gave me no drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; naked, and ye cloathed me not; sick and in prison, and ye Visited me not; Then shall they Answer him saying, Lord, VVhen saw we thee an hungred, or a thirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he Answer them, saying, Verily, I say unto you, in as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into Everlasting Punishment, but the righteous into Life Eternal. And so I have sealed up your Summe.