Or, Severall Heavenly Comforts for all those who suffer any Worldly crosse or calamity.

By Simon Birckb [...]k, Bachelour of Divinity, sometime Fellow of Queenes Colledge in Oxford: And now Minister of Gods Word at gilling, in Rich­mundshire.

London, Printed for Richard Best, and are to be sold at his shop at Grayes Inne Gate. 1647.

To the Right Worshipful, Colonell Richard sbuttleworth of Galthrop, in the County of Lancaster, a Mem­ber of the Honourable House of Commons, in this pre­sent Parliament. 1646.


IT is too apparently visi­ble, how it hath plea­sed our only wise good God, to suffer this poi­sonously infected Cup of heart-dividing di­stractions, to be generally and strongly handed to most of this Kingdome, yea and the dreggs thereof to seize upon the vitals of many; which hath produced, even ve­ry dangerous and unexpressible epidemi­call Anxieties and Sinco [...]s. Upon seri­ous and frequent meditation therof, ray­sed through my owne sad experiences, e­ven in the midst of our greatest con­tinuing miseries, I heer have endeavoured to fit and prepare this discourse, as a Co [...] ­fectionary of spirituall Reliefe and Cordi­all Comfort for all such as may fa [...]le and faint under the heavy pressures of any of this worlds Afflictions; and now make bold to present them unto you, not as if [...] [Page] any necessity in you called upon any such advertisements: But that I very well know with what christian resolution and patience you have out passed the losse of [...] hopeful and valorous son, slain in the pub­like cause of Religion & Kingdomes, be­sides the danger of your own, hazard and wounds of divers other your sons, banish­mēt from your own house & family, plun­dering of your goods, and the continued want (even untill this time) of a part of your estate. These, I say, may suffici­ently testifie your proficiency in this more then Aesculapian Art: Yet howsoever in tender of my due observance to your selfe, hoping their shortnes may no way impedite your more serious imployments, now of publick concernment and present agitation: I dedicate this Cordiall, and offer the perusall thereof unto you: Desi­ring from my heart, as they are by me in­tended, they may strengthen the weake and feeble, be oyle of joy for mourning, and the garment of prayse for the spirit of hea­vinesse, and so safely to usher us along in uprightnesse and holinesse heere, that we all may receive eternall blisse and happi­nese hereafter; through Christ Jesus our Lord, which is the constant and fervent prayer of

Yours ever bounden,

The Contents.

  • The Preface, or Preparative to the Cordiall Pag. 1.
  • Sect. Sicknesse the ordinary Harbinger of Death p. 1.

SECT. I. Comforts for the sick-bed. 3

  • Sect. 1. Comfort from the Au­thor of sicknesse, that God hath a speciall hand in it 1
  • Sec. 2. How, and in what sense Affliction is good 7
  • Sect. 3. Tis some comfort that Health and Sicknesse come by courses 8
  • Sect. 4. How to serve God in [...] [Page] Sicknesse and Health 11
  • Sect. 5. The sweet fruit and effect of Affliction 12
  • Sect. 6. The benefit of Affli­ction, Affliction is medi­cinall 15
  • Sec. 7. Affliction is a Trier 18
  • Sect. 8. Affliction weaneth us from the World 21
  • Sect. 9. Whether Affliction be desirable. Of a three sold Affliction, Punishments, Chastisements, Trials 23
  • Sect. 10. We shall meete with Crosses, wee neede no selfe created Crosses 28
  • Sect. 11. God Corrects, but we put the rod into his hand 30


  • Cordials & Comforts gainst the loss [...] of our goods 34
  • Sect. We want, whose fault [...] [Page] is it 36
  • Sect. 1. Consider how litle sufficeth Nature 37
  • Sect. 2. The Godly destitute, not forsaken 39
  • Sect. 3. Consider the worst Condition of others 47
  • Sect. 4. Consider the benefit of a slender Condition 55
  • Sect. 5. The Cares that at­tend on wealth 57
  • Sect. 6. The Securitie of a small state 64
  • Sect. 7. The fickle nature of carthly goods 67
    • Sect. 1. Vncertainty of Riches, their staying with us 70
    • Sect. 2. Vncertainty of our staying with them 72
    • Sect. 3. Vncertaine, to whom we shall leave them 74
  • [Page] Sect. 8. Riches, they are not ours, but lent us 76
  • Sect. 9. Labour to be Content with a simple Condition, not depending upon many things 79
    • Sect. 1. The Benefit of an Independent Condition 83


  • Comforts against Imprison­ment 87
  • Sect. 1. We are free Priso­ners, the mind is at libertie 87
    • Sect. 1. The Saints Im­prisoned 88
    • Sect. 2. Imprisonment not strange; we are Im­prison'd in the wombe, the world, the Body, and the Grave ibid.
    • Sect. 3. Hell a feareful prison, the [...] no light, [...] [Page] no favour there, no de­liverie thence 89
    • Sect. 4. Pray, we never be delivered to that Prison 92


  • Comforts against Banish­ment 93
  • Sect. 1. We are all pilgrims, Heaven is our Home 93
    • Sect. 1. The benefit of Re­mooveall 95
    • Sect. 2. Abraham enjoyned to leave his owne Coun­trey 97
    • Sect. 3. We have Right in any Countrey, by the Lord's Title 98
    • Sect. 4. The Saints Ba­nisht ibid.
    • Sect. 5. God accompanieth His, even in Banish­ment 99


  • Comforts against publique Calamities 100
  • Sect. 1. Of the [...]series of a Civil warre 100
  • Sect. 2. Comfort from the sence and sympathic of common evils 104
  • Sect. 3. Comfort from the justice of Gods proceedings 110
    • Sect. 1. Personall Corrup­tions 111
    • Sect. 2. National sins com­mon and peculiar ibid.
    • Sect. 3. Warre the Malady, Repentance the Remed [...]e 118
  • Sect. 4. Comfort from Gods o­ver-ruling Providence 122
    • Sect. 1. Gods providence instanced in Ioseph 124
    • Sect. 2. To depend upon [...] [Page] Gods Providence 128
  • Sect. 5. The Remedye, our Particular and Generall Re­pentance 131


  • Of meanes to worke us to Patience under the Crosse 143
  • Sect. 1. Comforts from the greater sufferings of Holier men 144
  • Sect. 2. Our Sufferings short of our deserts 151
  • Sect. 3. Our Sufferings infe­vior to our Glory 152
  • Sect. 4. Looke on our Com­fort, as well as our Corra­five 156
  • Sect. 5. Compare our selves afflicted, with our selves at ease 158
  • Sect. 6. Our good dayes more than our evil dayes 160
  • [Page] Sect. 7. Of patience in suffer­ing 162
  • Sect. 8. God exchanges his blessings; denyes vs wealth peace and deliverance; and gives vs Conte [...]ment, Pa­tience, and Supportation 164
  • Sect. 9. We must be sitted for mercy, and then [...] 166
  • Sect. 10. The vse of patience, and the neede of it 169


  • Directions for the recovered Patient. 174
  • Sect. 1. Be thankfull after Recovery 174
  • Sect. 2. See whether Afflicti­on have bettered thee 176
  • Sect. 3. Take heed of Relapses they are dangerous 178
  • Sect. 4. Strive for a Blessing, Prayer will procure it 181

A Cordiall for a Heart­qualme.
The Preface or Prepara­tive to the Cordiall.

DEath (as Job. 18. 14. Job Sect. [...]. Sicknesse the ordi­nary Har­binger of Death. calleth him) is the King of terrours, who, (like some greate Commander) hath large quarters, and sends forth his Harbingers before him: Af­fliction is the ordinary fore­runner of Death, taking up his billet and lodging almost in every house. One crieth out, 2. Kin. 14. 18. My head, My head, [...] [Page 2] with the Shunamites sonne; another, 2. Mac 9. 5. my bowels, my bowels, as Antiochus; ano­ther, my feet, 1 Kin. 15. 2 [...]. my feet, as Asa; being troubled (as it is probable) with the gout. One complayneth of a Pal­sie, another of a burning Feaver, another of the Stone, or Strangury: and they that are not troubled with any of these, yet they are still under this King of Feare, lest hee should enlarge his quarters, and take in them too. But is there no Balme in Gilead? Yes, there be (God be bles­sed for it) Cordials, and Scripture-Comforts, appli­able to such as are cast on their Sick-bed, their Death­bed, their Grave-bed; for so Isai. 57. 2. Isaiah calleth it: they shall [...] [Page 3] rest in their beds: that is, their graves; every one wal­king in his uprightnes, where they shall securely sleepe in a bed of ease, till the morn­ing of the Resurrrection.

SECT. I. Comforts for the Sicke­bed.

COnsider with thy self Sect. I. Comfort from the Author of Sicknesse, that God hath a spe­ciall hand in it [...] dear Patient, and fel­low-labourer, under the Crosse of Christ; that God hath a speciall hand in thy visitation, even thy God the Father of Mercy, which chastiseth thee for thy good, and then thou wilt kisse both [...] [Page 4] the Rod, and hand that cor­recteth thee. For, as Job sayth, Job. 5. 6. Affliction comes not out of the duft. Sicknes and Affliction, that alights upon men, comes not either by casualty, or of it selfe, or meerely from the second causes, whether of men, or other creatures, or by distem pers of body onely, but it comes from above, and is inflicted by the divine hand of supreame and infinite Ju­stice, so as thou mayst say with the Psalmist, Psal. 119 75. I know o Lord, that thy judgements are right, and that of very faithfulnesse thou hast affli­cted me. It were not well with us, if these maladies came by chance, or were let loose to alight where they [...] [Page 5] list: it is our comfort they are swayed by the provident hand of a loving Father, who like a skilfull Physitian tem­pers the Dose and Receit ac­cording to the neede and strength of his Patient. 1. Cor 10.13. God is faithfull, who will not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able, but will with the temptation al­so, make a way to escape, that we may be able to beare it: He will give a happy issue out of it, and enable us to go through with it. He corrects his children, not out of mea­sure, [...]r. 46. 28. but in discretion; with the Rod of men, 2 Sam 7. 15. that is, moderately, and with compassion, in a fatherly ten­dernesse and love, for their good and amendment. He [...] [Page 6] knowes their strength is not the strength of stones, Job 6. 12. nor their flesh as brasse; his an­ger endures but for a mo­ment. Psal. 30.5. Look thē upon the Author of thy sicknesse, and how it is stinted, and under Commission; and this will worke thee an unmooved patience and humble sub­mission. And thus Ely when God foretold by Samuel the ruine of his house, quiets himselfe, 1. Sa. 3.18. It is the Lord, let him doe what seemeth him good. And thus the peo­ple of God, when Paul was resolved to goe to Hierusa­lem, submitted, saying, Act. 21, 14. the will of the Lord be done; a speech fit to proceed out of the heart, and mouth of a Christian.

[Page 7] It is true indeed, sicknesse Sect. II. How, and in what sence Af­ [...]ction is good. and affliction simply consi­dered, and in their owne na­ture, are not good; but con­sequents of sin; their use and fruit is a blessing of God, gi­ving us thereby a sight and sense of our sinnes; but that good, it is not wrought out of the nature of misery, but comes from them by acci­dent only. No chastning for the present seemes to be joy­ous, but grievous: Heb. 12. 11. Ne­verthelesse afterward it yeelds the peaceable fruit of righteousnesse unto them which are exercised there­by. As it is in these humane corrections, those chastise­ments, which were grievous unto us in our childhood, are afterwards allowed of us, as [...] [Page 8] profitable unto us: So is it in these afflictions from the hand of God; none of them are for the time pleasing, but grievous and irksome; yet af­terwards we find them to be exceeding beneficiall, by ta­ming, disciplining, and fit­ting us to an holy life, which bringeth peace of conscience after all the unquiet broiles and [...]mults of triall and temptation: Now blessed is that sicknesse, that prooves the cure of the soule: Oh welcome Feavers, that may quit our soule from everlast­ing burnings.

Thou complainest that Sect. III. 'Tis some comfort that helth and sick­nes come by courses now thou art sick, now thou art grievously pained; I ap­prehend it as such, and pity thee with all my soule: But [...] [Page 9] tell me, wert thou not before a long time healthfull? Canst thou not be content to take thy turnes, and let God have his intercourse of favours and crosses, health and sick­nesse? Can we looke for faire weather every day? As well may the day be without succession of night, as a mor­tall body, of so fraile and britle consistence, without fits of distemper. It was the answer Job 2. 10. where with that patterne of patience, Job, stopt the clamorous mouth of his tempting wife; shall we receive good at the hands of God, and shall wee not re­ceive evill? It was a memo­rable example B. Hall of Con­tentation. Sect. 15. of a wor­thy Christian, who had li­ved to his middle age in [...] [Page 10] much health and prosperity, and was now for his last two yeeres, miserably afflicted with the S [...]gury; who in the midst of his torments could say; Oh my Lord God! how gracious hast thou beene unto me? Thou hast given me eight and for­ty yeeres of health, and now but two yeeres of pain thou mig [...]st have caused me to [...]e in this torture all the daies of my life; and now thou hast carried me comfortably through the rest, and hast merci [...]lly taken up with this last parcell of my [...]ment; bl [...]d by thy name for thy mercy in fo [...]ng mee, and for thy justice in afflict­ing me.

[Page 11] Yea, but thou complain­est Sect. IIII. How to serve God in Sicknes and health of these fits and changes, that they interrupt thee, and breake off the workes of thy calling; it is that erstwhile thou hadst so much respite and breathing, as to follow thy vocation. This cessation and intermission, will upon thy recovery, make thee fall more freshly to thy taske. If the Lord be pleased to send thee a Writ of ease, a [...] est, to take thee off thy businesse by sicknesse, yet e­ven then thou hast time to serve God another way, to wit, by a selfe-resignation, and patient submitting to his will. If he meane to use thy service any further, hee will restore thee to thy health & strength, to doe the work he [...] [Page 12] sets thee about. For health is at his command, and sick­nesse stayes at his rebuke. In the interim, and meane, this time of sicknesse, is a pur­ging from that desilement, wee gathered in time of health, till wee come purer out; which should move us the rather willingly to abide Gods good ley sure.

The Lord seeth, that if Sect. V. [...]. the body bee not sicke, the soule would. Blessed is that sicknesse of the body, which procures the health of the [...]. Wee are best for the most part, when we are wea­kest: when we are Gods p [...]i­ioners, and cast on our sick­bed, then it appeares w [...] good proficients wee have beene in the time of health. [...] [Page 13] If there wee learned any good lesson, this is the time to practise it. This will put us to it, and make us, (if e­ver,) turne Confessants, Sup­plicants, Comprecants: doe we then, under Gods visita­tion, confesse our saults more fu [...]ly, then formerly? doe we sue for pardon more ear­nestly, and pray more fer­vently? This is a good sym­ptome and token of our spi­ri [...]ali state, if wee can pra­ [...] that in time of sicknes, wee learned in time of our health: Affliction indeed gives understanding, and we may thanke affliction for it: gramercy affliction, that now we are promising men, that now we promise amendment of life, that now wee are [...] [Page 14] peaceable men, as bring tied (as it were) to good behavi­our, that now wee are not catch [...] with those baytes of the world, 1 Joh. 2.16. the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, that is, with carnall lusts and concupi­scences, covetous desires, proud & ambitious thoughts and affectations, but that we can say, [...]. 12.2. I have now no pleasure in them. I was som­times alive to those sinfull courses, I relisht them: I was then in mine element, even there where I would have beene: now, I finde no more taste in them, then in the Job. 66. white of an egge: now I am dead to them, as 1 Sam 25. Abigail to dead Nabal. Gramercy affliction. And yet affliction, [...] [Page 15] as of it selfe, could not work us to any good, were it not that the Lord gave us a san­ctified use of Crosses, and sweetned these bitter waters of Marah to the Israel of God.

The Benefit of Affliction. Sect. VI. The bene­fit of Af­fliction. Affliction is Medi­cinall. Affliction is of a medicinall quality: 'tis a preparative to [...] for further trialls, and namely, for our last duell, our combat with Death. It is of a purgative nature also: when the Physition findes the body distempered, the blood fowle and [...]amed, he ordereth the opening of a v [...]inc, and the drawing out of so many ounces, as may leave the rest meet for cor­rection: Our spirituall Phy­sitian findes we have distem­pered [...] [Page 16] our selves by riot and surfets, and now he diets us with the bread and water of affliction, and ministers some bitter potion to take downe our foule body of sinne, to I sai. 1. 25. Dan. 11 35. refine and purifie his Pa­tients; wherein they lose nothing but drosse.

Affliction hath its altera­tive property; where it works kindly, it changeth and reformes the Patient. David drank of it, and found himselfe better after it, Psal. 119.67. Before I was afflicted, saith he, I went astray; but now I keepe thy word. Manasse was farre gone in a Lethargy of sinfullnesse, but this Anti­monian cup of Affliction re­covered him, When he was in Affliction, saith the story, [...] [Page 17] he 2 Chr. 33. 12. besought the Lord, and humbled himself great­ly before him. The Goale was a happier lodging to him than his Palace; Baby­lon schooled him better than Hierusalem. It changed him from an Idolatrous and mur­derous Manasse, to a Con­vert, and penitent Manasseh.

Affliction is a correctory for sinnes past; and thus the Lord awakened Jonah out of the sleepe of security, by casting him into the Sea: he cured Zachary of his Infide­lity of not beleeving the An­gels message, by striking him with dumbnesse. 'Tis a Defensative, a Preservative to prevent our future falling into sinne: Thus was Paul 2 Cor. 127. buffeted by the messen­ger [...] [Page 18] of Satan, and why? lest hee should be exalted a­bove measure: The Lord suffered Sathan to lay hard both at his faith and his sin­cerity, lest hee should bee puffed up with multitude of Visions, Revelations, and Angelicall Apparitions.

Affliction is a Trier. The Sect. VII. Affliction is a tryer. Lord afflicts us to prove us, whether we can endure the hammer and the test: What drosse of corruption, and what sound mettle of Faith, Love and Obedience is in us: he proves us, even as silver is tryed in the fire Psal. 66.10., when the Sea is calme, it lookes even and levell, let the winde rise, it rages and swells, and casts up wrack: Stirre the liquor in the [...] [Page 19] glasse, and the lees and dregs will appeare: in time of peace and prosperity many carry themselves moderate­ly towards God and Man; but if God lay, I say not his hand, but his little finger upon them, then they begin to murmur and grudge, and discover their hidden cor­ruptions: Yea the godly man would hardly thinke there were so much distrust, impatience, frowardnesse, faintheartednesse and love of the World, as he shall find in himselfe in the day of his affliction. D [...]. 82. Exod. 16. 4. Moses told the Israclices, that God ther­fore humbled them with want, to prove them, and to know what was in their heart; that is, to try them, [...] [Page 20] or make them knowne, no to himselfe, who knew them well enough before (with­out any experimental trial of them) but to make it known [...] to themselves, and others, whether afflictions or favors would worke them to obedi­ence. And thus the Lord prooved Abraham's obedi­ence in offering up his son, & Job's patience, upon the losse of his children & substance, albeit he knew what was in them, what was in man. Action quickens Gracelangui­shing, it manifests hidden and secret graces, and justifies a man's sincerity; & so it clea­red David, Job & Ezechiah [...] it cleared them from hypocri [...]sy, & justified their sincerity. Affliction reviveth Grace, [...] [Page 21] which otherwise would faint and languish for want of exercise and imploy­ment: were it not for assli­ction, there were not alto­gether that use of patience, nor of temperance, but for the many incentives and pro­vocations there are to riot and excesse: nor of christian valour, but that wee have spi­rituall enemies to encounter.

A [...]iction ferves to weane Sect. VIII A [...]iction weanes us from the World. our affections from the world: thus the Lord visits his children with crosses: as lo [...]e of friends, losse of goods, weakenesse of body, meannesse of estate, and the like; that in case they will delight in some sinfull course, and doate on things vaine and transitory: then [...] [Page 22] these corrasives and corre­ctions may vex and disquiet them as the Canaanites did the Israelites: as the Nurse weanes the childe, by laying some bitter herbe on her breast; so the Lord imbit­tereth the pleasures of this life, to make us long after that better life to come: for those whom he afflicts more feelingly, can part with the pleasures of sin more freely, and say with him in the Preacher Eccle. 12.1., I have no plea­sure in thee, nor thee, nor thee. My Soule (saith Da­vid Psal. 131.2. is even as a weaned childe. A childe that can­not want the teat for an houre or two, yet if it bee disused and weaned a while, seekes not after it: doe thus [...] [Page 23] with thy bosome sinne, thy Dalilah, thy Herodias, the sinne that hangs on thee more then the rest, be it chambering and wantonnes, surfetting and drunkennesse, or the like, single it out, doe to it as David did to his: I kept my self (saith he) from mine iniquity: I kept my selfe from following my corrupt affections to the sin I was most enclined unto.


If Affliction be (as is pre­tended) Sect. IX. Whether Affliction be de [...]ca­ble. Of a three fold Affli­ction. Punish­ments. Chastise­ments. Trials. such a benefit, why doe wee not give thankes for it? why doe we seeke by all meanes how to avoide it, how to come out of it?


Here the old distinction must be remembred. Of Af­flictions, [...] [Page 24] some are punish­ments [...] Punish­ments. properly so called, they bee such as proceede from God's vindictive Ju­stice, and are not matter or occasion of [...], but rather of deepe humilia­tion and trembling, unlesse the offendor repent: others [...] [...]. are chastisements, or fatherly Corrections; they differ from the former, not so much in the matter, as in their [...] and [...], and end: their Rise is from God's love (for whom he lo­veth, Prov. 3. 12. them he correcteth) and from his Fatherly care, willing thereby to reclaime us: they have their temper, measure, Esay 27. 8. and mitigati­on, according to the ability of the Patient: they tend to [...] [Page 25] make us partakers of the Hebr. 12. 11. quiet fruit of righteousnesse. Sicknesse and other scourges of God, which are punish­ments to the wicked, infli­cted upon them for their [...] Nocumen ta. Documen­ta. sinnes, are Fatherly cha­stisements of God's chil­dren for their instruction and amendment. In afflictions of this nature, in respect of their use and fruite, we have [...]. Triall [...]. cause of thankfulnesse: Cor­rections are instructions. Lastly, some are Trials, and trials of faith: whether by Sathan, as those of Job were, or by men that perse­cute others for righteous­nesse sake: In this sort wee finde great cause of thanke­fullnesse and rejoycing. Pe­ter and his fellowes Act. 5 [...] 41. rejoy­ced [...] [Page 26] therein, as in a great dig­nity; that they were coun­ted worthy to suffer for his name: Paul in his Epistle to the Philipians calls his crosse his Grace. phil [...]. 17. It seemeth say the lea [...]ned Annotators on the B [...]ble; that some of the Philippians were partakers with the Apostle in his bonds, which the Apostle was so farre from esteeming any disgrace or disparage­ment to him, that he ac­counted them a grace and an ornament to him. As also did the noble Martyr Baby­las, who gave charge at his death, that his bolts should not be knockt off his feet, but be buried with him. Now, how farre forth we may desire affliction, I con­ceive [...] [Page 27] it thus: Some things are desirable for themselves, as happinesse and holinesse; some things are desireable not for themselves, but as they make way to better things, being [...]ower and bit­ter to nature themselves; as Physick is desired not for it selfe, but for health; we desire health for it selfe and physick for health: and so is it in the case of affliction; we should hardly take down the bitter pills of Affliction, were it not for the good use, and quiet fruit of righteous­nesse that it yeeldeth.


Belike then if Crosses be so penall and afflictive, 'tis not fair [...] for us to call in Crosses.


We shall meet with cros­ses, Sect. X. We shall meet with Crosses, we neede no felfe­created Crosses. we need not create cros­ses. There bee some selfe created crosses, which wee have reason to beare, and be­waile, as having pulled them upon our owne heads, for want of forecast, unthrifty­nesse and rash suretyshippe, We fall into want; upon willfull distempers of drinke riot and surfets, into fevers, upon intemperances, and li­centiousnesse into consump­tions: There be other Cros­fes which are immediately God's hand-wo [...]ke: Shall there bee evill in a City, to wit, evill of paine and adver­sity, and the Lord hath not done Amos 3. 6. it? saith the Pro­phet Amos. There can be [...] [Page 29] no evill of punishment wherein God hath not an hand; but some evils are more immediat from a di­vine stroke. We must set our thoughts on worke or else like mil-stones wanting grist, they wil grate and wast one another. Yet take heede lest we spend our spi­rits with carking care of fore thought and future evils, which (haply) either fall not out at all, or not in our time; so as they need not trouble our heads. Some man is haunted with thoughtfullnesse, what shall becom of his child when he is gone; or least his wife marry after his departure; whereas they dye in the me [...] time, and he out-lives [...] [Page 30] his owne griefe: Another frettingly feares he shall be undone in a deare yeare, or in case there be some change in Religion; whereas he dies in the interim, and ends his daies in the same professa­on, in peace and plenty. A moderate care and fore­cast doth well, either for provision of things necessa­ry, or prevention of damma­ges and dangers; but not to antidate our misery by such fore-conceits of imaginary evills: Wee have our hands full already; Mat. 6.24. sufficient unto the day is the evill thereof. Wee complaine Sect. 11. God cor­rects, but we put the Rod into his hand. of crosses; and yet wee put the Rod into Gods hand, so as he is glad to deale with us, as wee do with frisking hor­ses [...] [Page 31] in a large pasture, which will not be taken, till they come to a strait gate: The Jer. 2. 24. wild Asse, that snuffes up the wind, to coole her heate, will not be taken, till she be in her moneths, till she be with foale, and loaden with her burden. Wee have growne wanton with ease and long peace and plenty; and if the Lord should not tame us with affliction, wee should run wild after the ex­cesse of riot with the world; there would be no rule with us. Wee are like unto Ephra­im; Jer. 31 18. 19. the Prophet saith of Ephraim, that, before he was chastised, he was like a bul­lock unaccustomed to the yoke, but after he was instru­cted, then he smote his thigh; [...] [Page 32] he was ashamed, yea, even confounded, because he did beare the reproach of his youth: As if he should say; Thou hast a [...]cted me O Lord, and I am humbled, I doe now bow my neck, and stoope under thy yoke; I was like an untamed Colt, but now the hand and rod of af­fliction hath broken me, now I smote upon my thigh, in to­ken of remorse, sname and detestation of my former wicked waies; I did beare the reproach of my youth, of mine excesses committed in my younger daies. Surely after that I was turned, I re­pented; after that thou hadst wrought upon me, and shew­ed me my sin, I repented. When he smote them, saith [...] [Page 33] the Psal. 78.34. Psalmist, then they sought him, yea, they sought him early; Hos. 5. 15. yea, then (saith the Lord) they will se [...]ke me diligently; early, and dili­gently. God that can draw light out of darkenesse, can give a good issue and successe of our a [...]ction; albeit they be harsh to flesh and blood; yet he can turne them to our good, to our profit. Metals are never so bright, as when they are scoured; Perfumes and spices never so redolent and savoury, as when they have felt the fire, and the p [...]. Affliction serves to scoure our earthen vessells of that soile and rust of corruption, that wee formerly contrac­ted. Wee may thinke it were well if wee escaped this scou­ring [...] [Page 34] and burnishing, but it is good for us to be thus afflic­ted; Psal. [...]1971. that now the Lord pricks the swelling of our pride, extracts the malignity of our humour; so as now wee give up the sweet mor­sels of sin that overcharged us, and pay deere for the stol­len pleasures of sin.

SECT. II. Cordials and Comforts a­gainst the losse of our goods.

HE [...], me thinkes, I heare the tender Pa­tient reply; It is not this present malady and in­firmity [...] [Page 35] afflicts me so much: this comes by the wise and orderly guidance of the good hand of God, and is layd upon me for my corre­ction and amendment, or for triall of my faith and pati­ence, and will (I trust) work for my good, if I make a san­ctified use of Gods visitation there, in my sicknesse, I fell into the hands of God, Sam [...] 24 14. whose mercies are great: heere I have lost my goods by Plunderers, and am fallen into the hands of men, into mine enemies hand, whose mercies oftimes are cruel­ties. I was but a little displea­sed with my people (saith the Lord) Za [...], 1.15. but they, to wit, the Chaldeans, their e­nemies, they helped forward [...] [Page 36] the affliction; and so have these sons of violence done. Indeede these be heavy pres­sures, and such as require more sovereigne Cordialls.

You complaine of want Sect. We want, whose fault is it? and poverty; but who ha [...] caused it? H [...]d it come through your owne negli­gence and lasinesse, your un­providence and unthristines­ses, your rash suretiship and engagements; then you had reason to have borne that burden you had drawne on your owne back; as women that marry husbands of their owne chusing against their friends consent, if they be ne­ver so ill used, yet you shall seldome see them com­plaine, but set a good face on it. Now that others have [...] [Page 37] spoiled you, you may beare your crosse more comforta­bly, as not being accessary thereto; And yet therein you may diserne, the rod of the Lords anger (as the Assi­rian is termed) Isai [...] 10 4. chastising you by their hands, as his in­struments; wherein yet you may rather be grieved at their wrong doing, and ill dealing, then at your owne innocent smart, and suffering.

Thou complainest thou Sect. I. Consider, how little sufficeth nature. hast lost thy goods; why, but hast thou not necessaries left? if so, then 'tis the A­postles Charge; having food and raiment, 1. Tim 6. 8. let us therewith be content: Other things serve for Ornaments, and Trappings of state; but that's most usefull, that nou­risheth [...] [Page 38] us within, and cove­reth us without. Nature is content with a small pit­tance, and Grace with lesse; they that have taken the measure of our throat, and o­ther instruments, say, that it is lesse then in other Crea­tures of answerable propor­tion; Qu [...] sunt multa quae [...]se non d [...]! Said So­crates. to teach us temperance, and to beware of sup [...] considering how little suffi­seth Nature. The Country­man expressed his content­ment, who comming into a Marchants Shop furnish't with great choice of com­modities; Oh, said he, how many things be heere, which I stand no need off? It was Agu [...]s wish, Prov. 30. 8. feed me with food convenient for me; and so wee have a competent [...] [Page 39] livelihood for our estate and charge; why should wee Martha-like, trouble our selves about many things? As our Saviour said in an o­ther case, one thing is need­full: Luk. 10.41.42. And if [...] be not so competently ministred to us; it may (haply) be good for us to be kept short for a time; and that God will make provision for us in the Mount, Gen. 22. 14. that is in extre­mity, when all other meanes faile us.

David saith, Psal. 37. 25. he never Sect. II. The god­ly desti­tute, not forsaken. see the righteous forsaken, nor their feed begging bread: Godly men in all Ages have beene put to want; but this poverty of theirs, came not through their owne lewd and wastfull course of Job. 30 1. 3. Psal. 59.15. life, [...] [Page 40] as it is with divers lasie and idle beggers, but from Gods visitation: Christ saith, Ma [...] 26. 11. wee shall have the poore al­waies with us, that so their poverty might exercise the rich man [...] charity: They have beene straitned with penury for the time, but it was not derived along from the needy Parents to their Children, but it was ere long supplied either to them­selves, or theirs: He might see them destitute, but not forsaken, not so forsaken, but there were ever some that re­leived them, or tooke com­passion on them: And thus the Israelits found favour in the eyes of the Aegyptians, and borrowed Jewels of them; so did Joseph wi [...] [Page 41] the Keeper of the Prison; Ruth was suffered for her re­liefe to gleane in B [...]z his field. J [...]mic being impri­soned was highly respected by the S [...]ward of the Kings household, Ebedmelech the Ae hyopian, as also by Ne­buzaredan the Captaine of the Guard; Paul and his Company were kindly in­treated by the Barbarians.

The Lord is my Sheep­heard (saith David) Psal. 23. 1. & 34. 10. I shall not want: and yet Da­vid was an hungred, and wanted bread; when Abia­thar was glad to releive him with the hollowed bread, [...]. Sam 21. 3 4. which none but the Priest might [...] off, unlesse (as this was) in case of necessity and charity, which dispence with [...] [Page 42] Ceremonies: He was thir­sty, and wanted drinke when he wished, that one would helpe him with drinke of the water of the Well of Beth­lem; 2 Sam. 23.15.16. 17. and when he saw it was purchased with the ha­zard of the lives of three of his Worthies or Colonels, he would not drinke of it, but poured it out as an Oblation, to testifie his thankfulnesse to God for preserving these men in this extreame danger. The Lord is our Shepheard, wee shall not want, he takes care of us, and ministreth things necessary to u [...], albeit wee may be pinched for the present: The Lord hath his appointed time of reliefe; it is seasonable with him to reach forth his hand, when [...] [Page 43] we are brought (as Master Calvin speakes) (h) in [...] ­mas Calvin. [...] Psa. 54. [...] angustias, to the last cast, then to helpe at a dead lif [...]. And if wee be stri [...] of all, wee be b [...] as wee were, and as wee shall be. For, wee brought nothing into the world, 1. [...]. 6. 7. neither shall wee carry any thing out: Wee are but as others have beene. Was not the victorious Osiand. Epi [...]. Cen. Eccles. Emperour, Henry the Fourth, who had fought fifty two pitch Fields (at last) compel­led to make suite in his old age, for a poore Prebend, in the Church of Spyra? And was not Bellisarius Carion-Chron. (some­time the only man for pro­wesse and honour) driven to that hard exigent, that ha­ving his eyes put out, and be­ing [...] [Page 44] led in a string to beg by the high way side, he cryed out to the passengers, Date obulum Be [...]isario, for God's sake bestow one halfe pen­ny on Bellisarius?

Thou art stript of all, and yet thou livest; the Prophet Jeremie Jer. 45.5. [...] comforts Ba­ruch the Scribe against the publike calamities of the time, that his life should be Save my life & take my goods. given unto him for a prey; as if he should say: tis not a time for thee now, in this common danger of all things, to be casting about for any great matters for thy selfe; thou maist think thy selfe well dealt with, if (what ever become of thy outward state) thou escap'st with thy life. If ones house [...] [Page 45] be fired, or plundered, he thinks it well, if he can save a brand, a desk, a trunk, a Cabinet or his Box of wri­tings: he that's in danger of sh [...]p-wrack, cast's his goods away, and is glad if himself come safe to the harbour. History of the [...] Ro­man Em­perours. The Emperour Conrade, third of that name, having beseiged Guelphe Duke of Bavaria, would yeeld to no milder conditions, but one­ly to suffer such Gentlewo­men as were with the Duke in the City, (their honour's safe) to issue the town a foot, with such things as they could carry about them: they resolved (neglecting all other riches, or Jew­els) to carry their husbands, children, and the Duke [...] [Page 46] himselfe on their backs. The Emperor perceiving the queintnesse of their device, tooke so great pleasure at it, that he wept for joy, and af­ter entreated the Duke and his with all favour. Is not the life more excellent than meat, and the Body more than raiment? Mat. 6 25.

It will not bee amisse Sect. III. Consider the worse condition of others. sometimes to step aside into the homely cottages of our poore neighbours, and there take an Inventory ('tis soone done) of their meane uten­sils, course fare, and hard lodgings, thereby to make us relish our owne condition the better: Wee are apt to complaine of our courser di [...]t, and thinner meales; and yet the Prophet Elijah was [...] [Page 47] fed by 1 King 17 4. Ravens, and one bit from their mouth, more pleasing to him than a whole table-full of Ahab's delicate dishes. Obadiah hid the Prophets of the Lord, by fif­ty in a Cave 1 King 18. 4., and fed them with bread and water: this was but poore feeding; yet in such a famin and drought as that was, bread and water was good fare, brown-bread and the Gospell are good cheere. When the Prophet Elijah was boorded with the widow of Sar [...]pta 1 King 17. 12., shee had not so much as a little Cake baked on the hearth, no bread at all baked in the Oven, nothing but a little meale in a barrell, and a little oyle in a cruse to entertayne him withall. Daniel Dan. 1. 12. 15. and [...] [Page 48] the captive children were fed with pulse and water, and yet were fatter and fay­rer than those that were di [...]ted at the Court. We finde John Baptist feeding on Lo­custs & wild hony, Mat. 3. 4. such as Bees made ordinarily in woods and clefts of the Rocks; he fed on such home ly and voluntary diet as that wilde place of his abode would affoord; a few barly loaves, Math. 14. 17. and some little fi­shes was all the provision was ready for our Saviours traine.

Do we complaine, that our Lodgings are homely, and unfurnish't? When the good Shunamite prepared a chamber for the Prophet E­lisha; 2 King. 4. 10. what other furni­ture [...] [Page 49] had it, save a Bed, a Table, a Stoole, and a Candlestick? these were such things as were fit for Study and Rest: the Pro­phet is not curious, so things be convenient. When the Sons of the Prophets were straitned for roome, they went to the banks of Jordan, 2 King 6.1. &c. and tooke thence every man a beame to build with­all: now one of them lets fall the head of his axe into the River, and makes his mone to Elisha, Alas Master, for it was borrowed: Elisha causeth the Iron to swim like Corke, and move towards the hand that lost it. Here was a building towards, none of the curiousest; here is no hyring of any curious [...] [Page 50] A [...]tificers, no procuring of some costly marble or cedal: every man is to hew, and square and frame his owne b [...]ame; they are their owne Carpenters, and their tooles are borrowed M [...]h. 8. 20.. The Foxes have holes, the Birds have nests, but the Son of man hath not whereon to lay his head. Hee doth not say, Kings have Palaces, but I have none; or, rich men have house and land, but I have none. He layes downe his Condition to be belowe the very [...] of the ayre, and the meanest beasts upon earth: In this humbled con­dition of his, hee did not so much as provide a set house­roome for himselfe and his family: the stable was his [...] [Page 51] Inne, the crach was his bed. The Disciple is not above his Master. St. Paul saith, 1. Cor. 4. 11. to this present houre, wee both hunger and thirst, and are naked, and have no cer­taine dwelling place.

Doe wee complaine that our attire is meane, our clo­thing home-spun? Elijah 2. Kin. 1. 8. was clad with a rough hairy coat (such as the Prophets used to weare) and girt about with a plaine girdle. John Baptist, as he came in the spirit of Elias, so he resem­bled him in his Habit: He wore a rough garment of Camels haire, and a leathern girdle, Matth. 3. 4. not as was usuall with those of the better sort in those parts, of finer stuffe. If some say his garment was [...] [Page 52] Chamblet, they speaken to Dr. Fulks Answer to the Rh [...]mists, in Matt. 3. of fine Chamblet, but of a rough and course cloth, made of the great, and hard haires of Camels; not of the fine and soft haires, called Camels wooll, whereof our Chamblet and Grograines are made. But what ever Johns garments were made off, or how course soever ours be, Freese or Russet, or as it comes off the sheepes back, without further [...]nc­ture or dye; wee finde that others, perhaps better deser­ving then our selves, have wandred in sheeps-skins, goat-skins, being destitute, afflicted and tormented. Hebr. 11. 37.

In a word: If I lie in a poore Cabbin: Those anci­ent Worthies, wee read of, [...] [Page 53] in the Church-story, they wandred in Desarts, and in Mountaines, and in Dens, and Caves Hebr. 11. 38. of the earth. If I live in a low-thatcht Cottage, the Prophet Jonah. 4. 5. Jo­nah had but a Lodge, or a Booth made of boughes, that he sate in. If I have a hard lodging; Jacobs. was har­der, when the earth was his bed, and a stone Gen. 28. 11. his pil­low. If I want money; so did Peter; silver and gold (saith he, Act. 3. 6. to him that asked him an A [...]me.) have I none. If I be but a day-labourer, and put to earne my living with my hands; so was that great Doctor of the Gentiles, Paul; he was a Tent-maker, Act. 18. 1. and stitcht up skins for his Tent­worke; a Trade which then [...] [Page 54] was much in use in those hot Countries, and by this meanes he maintained him­selfe. And to speake of later times, so did that learned writer, Musculus, [...]. who after his worthy service in the Ministry, was faine to get into a Weavers house, and learne to weave, to get bread for himselfe and his Family; and after thrust out of the house by his Master the Weaver, was forced to the common dich of the Towne, and worke with his spade to get his living. Why should I looke for Joseph's party-coloured coat, or Ben­jamin's five Messes? When as others of my brethren, deeper (happily) in Gods bookes, then my selfe, have [...] [Page 55] beene so homely entertai­ned. What am I that I should speed better then the mea­nest of these Patients? What had they done that they should fare worse then I? If I have little, others have lesse.

Consider the benefit, that Sect. IIII. Consider the bene­fit of a flender condition. accreweth (by accident, at least) out of a mean state and condition of life; and it will helpe to worke out our pre­sent discontentment. It is true, we want some former conveniences, & accommo­dation for our dier, lodging, attendance, and entertaine­ment: But if our allowance be shortned, our retinue must be reduced. Wee shall have courser fare, thinner meales, meaner utensils, homelier at­tire, [...] [Page 56] fewer attendants; but withall we shall have as qui­et rest, as found Sleeps, as safe security, a better appe­tite, freer merriment, fewer cares and feares, lesse danger of distemper by surfeits; wee shall not be so deepe charged in the Excise Office, but qui­etly enjoy such provision as nature, and honest earnings shall furnish our Table with­all. Wee cry up rich places, and great purchases; but are not those places attended with cares and emulation, and those purchases charged with secret encombrances? How often are their Masters [...]eep broken, and their beds disquieted with cares? What toile tooke wee in getting a little wealth, what care to [...] [Page] keepe it, what feare to lose it, what griefe [...]is to part with it? And now wee are ea­sed of our burthen, full sore indeed against our will, and yet we complaine.

What paines tooke wee Sect. V. The cares that at­tend on wealth. to digge into the bowels of the earth? Not as others doe, who search there for minerals, aud hidden trea­sures, to enrich themselves withall; but to hide some poore utensils, lest others should find them, and spoile us. What feare had wee then, lest somecurious eye should watch, & observe us, lest our owne trustee should betray us, or some casually fall upon our close Reserve? How ready were wee then to se­quester our owne state, to be [...] [Page] strangers at our owne home, and to goe into a kind of vo­luntary exile? Me thinks I heare what thoughtfull con­sultations wee had in those p'undering times. Shall we fly with David 1. Sam 23. 19. into the Wildernesse of Ziph? Why, the Ziphites (of whom Da­vid afterwards complaines, strangers are risen up against mee) Psal. [...]. 3. they will discover mee to Saul, to mine enemy. Shall I [...]e beholden to the futtlety of a woman for my shelter? For, even that weake Sexe hath of entimes saved the lives of Gods servants. Shall I goe to Rahab, J. [...]. 2.6 Hebr. 11. 31. who hid the Spies, and covered them with the stalkes of fl [...]xe, and is commended for it? Shall I hide my selfe on [...] [Page 59] her flat-roofed house? I feare the Terrase and Leads are too open; and exposed to the view of the enemy; the lum­ber there, were soone rifled, and remooved, and my selfe discovered. Shall I goe to the Well of Bahurim, 2. [...]. 17. 18. 19. where that good woman hid the messengers, that carried secret intelligence to David, of Absolons plot, and Achi­tophel's counsell? she cove­red the Well's mouth, and spread ground corne there­on. The suddaine wit of a woman hath choked the mouth of her Well with dri­ed corne, that it might not bewray the Priests Sons, the messengers. Is not this Well (being in an open Court) too well kowne to the neigh­bours [...] [Page 60] that repaire thither, so as some one false brother or other may give the searchers some notice of it? May not the corne thereon, and the covering thereof, serve for provender and provision for themselves and their horses? The well is uncovered, and I am discovered. I feare this Well is too shallow to hide me.

Shall I betake me to Mi­chals wile? When Davids house was beset with murde­rers, Michal 1 Sam. [...]., to gaine time for Davids escape, fay­ned that David was sick, and laid a statue in his bed, with a pillow of goates hayre for his bolster, as if it had beene Davids hayre, thereby delu­ding Saules men with hope [...] [Page 61] of taking him, till by this their stay David had time to escape out at a window: this was a queint device, but who but Michal, Saul's daughter, would have adventured to delude Saul's Messengers? This wile of hers, would in another have beene held a meere mockage and affront, and have enraged the pursu­ers: our searchers are not so tame as to bee couzned with a picture or a pillow, Michals wile is not for my safety. Well yet I remember Ra­chels device; shee was one could hide as close, and car­ry the matter as covertly as any of her sexe. When Ra­chel perceived that Laban made search for his Idols in the Tents, she tooke the Ima­ges [...] [Page 62] and put them in the Ca­mels litter Gen. 31 33. &c, or furniture, & she sate upon the Idols, and covered them with her coats pretending for her not rising to her Father, the necessitie of her present condition, (Levit. 15. 19.) according to her sexe, that the accusto­med infirmity of women was upon her, & therefore she desired to be excused, so La­ban searched all the tent, but found them not. This of Ra­chel's was subtle, but not warrantable. For, first she stole her Fathers Idols, and then she cloked her thest with a lye; yet this excuse of hers passed; it passed with a Father, but it would not now bee admited; the child-bed, the sick-bed, the [...] [Page 63] grave-bed, all are rifled and ransacked.

I will not balke any meanes that may make for the preservation of my life and my state; but I will not rely on any but that of Da­vid's, Psal. 119. 114. Lord, thou art my hiding place, my refuge and my sheild. The Lord hath his close Reserves; he provided a little Zoar for Lots entertainment, the land of Goshen for his Israelits, an Aegypt for Mary and the babe; the towne of Pella, for the Christians that quit­ted Hierusalem: he hath Caves and Rocks for David, and for Obadiah's hundred Prophets, and a basket for Paul, to let him downe the wall. Thou shalt hide them [...] [Page 64] in the secret of thy presence, Psal. 31.20. from the pride of man: thou shalt keepe them secret­ly in a pavilion, from the strife of tongues: It may be (saith the Prophet Zeph. 2.3. Wee shall be hid in the day of the Lords anger.

We have heard the com­plaint Sect. VI. The Secu­rity of a small e­state. & troubles of a full e­state, looke now upon a mean condition, and observe the better temper thereof; what an advantage is it to be freed of those cares that fret the owners heart, as a moth doth a garment? Arise (saith the Prophet) get ye up into (s) Jerem 49.31. the wealthy nation, or to a nation without eyther feare or care, a secure nation, as it is explaned by the words following, which have ney­ther [...] [Page 65] gates nor barres, which dwell alone. He meanes the Kedarens of Arabia, that dwelt without care in their Tents; without gates or barres. It you came to a mans house that hath neither lock nor key, neyther doore nor barre, you may well re­solve that he dwells securely and in safety: And if you come to a City that hath nei­ther gates nor barres, you may well say, eyther this Ci­ty hath no enemies, or else it feares none: A City with­out gates or barres, is the emblem of security; and such is the plundred man's character. Hee sleepes with his doores open, no dangers threaten him, no feares breake his rest: he starts not [...] [Page 66] out of his bed at midnight, and cries Theeves Theeves; there's none needes give him the warn-word, the watch­word. The Philistims be up­on thee Sampson; Sampson the Philistims be upon thee: Hee lookes the taker in the face, and siniles to think how hee is disappointed of his prey: Hee is not troubled with hiding his treasure, nor tortured for discovering of it. Hee is not served with a writ of Latitat, but makes his appearance upon any law full summons and occasions: He feares no rifling or pil­laging, for he can carry the choice of his wardrobe on his back, if any casualty be­fall his cottage hee takes it not to heart, as knowing that [...] [Page 67] a little labour and charges will make him another H [...]t He is like the Pine-tree, which (they say) if his barke be pulled off lasts long, else it rot [...]: He lives the longer and better for his losses. [...] August. [...]. 45. in [...]. necessit as quae in mel [...]ra com­pellit; well fare that want and necessity, which bettereth a man in the course of piety.

Thou complainest of the Sect. VI. The fickle nature of these car­thly goods suddaine and unexpected losse of thy goods; why doe but consider the fickle nature of these earthly commodi­ties, and it will helpe to allay thy griefe. Riches (as Prov. 23. 5. So­lomon saith) have wings, and what use is there of wings but to fly? Sometimes they fly of themselves, and some­times they must be set flying [...] [Page 68] to bring in more; and yet c­ven then, by trusting of ill customers, by the unfaith­fulnesse of facto, or the un­expected falls of Markets, they may (happily) come home with their feathers, and traine shorter, till they be imped againe. Some have erected a winged Statue in honour of the Lady Victoria, hoping thereby to have her more favourable and propi­tious to them; yet fearing lest she should desert them, and fly into the enemies Campe, they clipt her wings, to make her reside with them: If wee could pini [...]n the wings of our riches, and naile them fast downe to us, it were something; but We can have no steadenesse, no [...] [Page 69] certainty of them. The A­postle charges us not to trust in uncertaine riches, 1. Tun. 6. 17 in the uncertainety of riches; the very forme of money (tis Austin's conceit) Aug. in Psa. 83. a­greeth well with the condi­tion thereof; for it is stam­ped round, as being very apt to run from us; wee call it current, and our goods, mo­veables. If riches were cer­taine, how is it that they that trade most for them, are dri­ven to hazard, and put their goods continually in a ven­ture, Marchant Adventurers? If riches were certain, what neede such Bils and Bonds, and Assurances so strong as our learned Councell, and the wit of man can devise, and all to secure them? They [...] [Page 70] pretend it is because of mans mortality, but they meane many times, the mortality of his wealth, as well as of him­selfe, and yet if the man live, there be some will breake these bands asunder, as easily as Sampson did the seven withs, or cords, wherewith he was tied; even in security ther's uncertainty.

Ther's a double uncer­tainety Sect. I. Uncertain ty of riches, their staying with us. in riches; their stay­ing with us, and our staying with them; our parting cer­taine, their stay uncertaine. How many men have beene driven to an untimely want, by casualty of fire, inunda­tion of waters, violence of tempests, by robbery of theeves, negligence of ser­vants, or suretiship for [...] [Page 71] friends? By Pirates and R [...]vers by Sea, by Robers and Pillagers by Land? By pe­rils from strangers, and those of their owne houshold? Be­sides, if there fall an invasion, or some garboil in the State by forreine, or (as now) by Civill Wane, then if ever is Job's Simile verified, that Riches are like a Cob-web, Job. 8. 14. which is to day, and to morrow is swept away; that which a man shall be wea­ving all his life long, with great a doe and much tra­vell, there comes me a soul­dier, a barbarous souldier, a Plunderer, with his broome, and in the turning of a hand sweeps it cleane away. How many good men during these dangerous times have [...] [Page 72] tasted of this incertainty? As it is in a wheele, the spoke that is now upward, is by and by downeward; so comes it to passe, hee that is now rich, shortly becomes poore. Job was yesterday the richest man in the East, to day he is so needy that he is grown in­to a Proverb, As poor as Job: Bellisarius the great and fa­mous commander, to whom Rome owed her life twice at least, came to Date [...]buluns Belisario, one halfe penny to Belisarius. How many have gone to bed rich, and risen poore men in the morning?

But be it that they were Sect. II. Uncertain ty of our staying with riches. certaine to tarry with us, yet except wee our selves were sure to tarry with them also, it is as good as nothing. Now [...] [Page 73] wee are not certaine of our selves, we may have Leases of them for three lives, or one and thirty yeares, but they have no Leases of us for three houres. For when the grounds are stock'd and stored, and the barnes full; Hâc nocte, Luke 12.20. if God say but this night, it dasheth all. This night thy Soule shall be re­quired of thee; and then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided? here is another uncertainty; we may be outed of posses­sion: many (as the Prophet Hab­bak. 2.6. speakes) lade themselves with thick clay, that is, with earthly riches, the desire whereof is like a burthen that overcommeth and smo­thereth the bearer alive: but [...] [Page 72] [...] [Page 73] [...] [Page 74] as the question is there, How long? this [...]ading must be laid downe againe, and if the times proove dangerous, we have but a poore fruition and enjoying of that whereof we Sect. III. It's uncertaine to whom wee shall leave them. are possessed: Besides there's an uncertainty in the con­veighing them, and our lea­ving them, by reason of the danger of our childrens scattring of them. Whose shall those things be which thou hast provided? perhaps a strangers, perhaps some fals Executors, perhaps an Ene­mies. We may indeed with Zacharias call for writing ta­bles, and write his name John, but doe we not often [...]ee that men make heritages, but God makes Heires; that many sonnes roste not that [...] [Page 75] their fathers got in hunting? He heapes up riches, saith the Psal. 39. v. 6. & 49. [...]. Psalmist, and know­eth not who shall gather them, whether his children or strangers: I must leave them (saith the Preacher Eccl. [...]. 18.19. to the man that shall bee after me, to my successour, to the generation following, I can­not be sure to leave it to one that will use it well: Who knowes whether he shall bee a wise man or a foole, a good husband or not? The snowe in the Sunne never melted faster than some mens riches as soone as themselves bee gone. A moderate portion and provision doth well: A great estate left to an Heire, is as a lure to all the byrds of prey, round about, to seize [...] [Page 76] on him, if hee be not all the better educated and stabli­shed in yeares and judge­ment.

Besides, these riches, they Sect. VIII Riches, they are not ours, but lent us. are not ours, but lent us: wee may say of them, as the poore man of the hatchet, A­las Master, it is but borrow­ed King. 6. 5.: we have jus adrem not dominium in rem: right to these earthly things, not any Lordship over them, and but a right of favour, as Te­nants at the will of the Lord, the Proprietarie; and we must be accountable for them, and the greater our Receit, the greater will our reckoning be. Bernard saith, Serm. 4. de advent. these earthly riches, nec verae, nec vestrae sunt; they are neither true riches, nor [...] [Page 77] yet your owne. If they be yours, saith Gregorie; why doe you not take them with you, when you goe? By leaving them behind you to the world, you confesse they are not yours, but the worlds. Indeed they are the riches of this world, for here you get them, and here you may lose them; heere you get them, and here you must leave them. The very certaintie is, losing or lea­ving, that is, forgoing them; so the very certainty, is an Uncertainty. [...] 17. 18. 19. Leave them, or lose them we must: leave them when we dye, or lose them while we live. You must either leave them when you die, or they will leave you while you [...] [Page 78] live, this is certaine: but whether you them, or they you, this is uncertaine. Job tarried himselfe, his riches went. The rich mans riches [...], but he himself went, Luke 12. 20. One of these shalbe, we know, but which of them shall be, or when, or how, or how soone it shal be, that we know not, sayth that sweet singer of Israel. We have an usuall phrase among us, and it is a very proper one; When a rich man dies, (we say) he left a great estate, he leaves it indeed, for hee cannot carry it with him: he must go out naked, how wel clothed soever he was while he was heere. Well then, since these earthly goodes are of so fraile and brittle [...] [Page 79] consistence, let us according to our Saviours charge, Mu [...]h. 6. 20. lay up for our selves trea­sures in heaven, where ney­ther moth, (which builds in another mans possession) and [...]ust doth corrupt, and where theeves doe not breake tho­row and steale.

If wee seeke for content­ment Sect. IX. Labour to be con­tent with a simple condition, not de­pending on many things. (as who doth not?) We must not like Martha trouble our heads with many things, but some few necessaties; and reduce our affections to some short dependances. It is true wee have a body con­sisting of divers members, which have neede of severall helps and supplies, as aire, diet, houses, exercises, recre­ations; and wee are subject to much weaknesse, hurts, [...] [Page 80] losses, and hinderances: The See B. Hal of Con­tentation. best way for our convenien­cy and accommodation, will be to draw out minde into as narrow a boundary & com­passe as may be, like thrifty husbands that cash [...]ere un­profitable retainers; and not to depend upon many things: But taking the Lord for the portion of our Inheri­tance; Psa. 16 5. Content our selves with a simplicity of condition, not hankering up­on this, and that, and the o­ther changeable object, as if (forsooth) we could not live, nor subsist without it. As for example; some cannot live without sports and pleasure, and great meanes; another is all for a convenient house, and sociable company; take [...] [Page 81] any of these from him, you touch him in his free-hold, and he is (as it were) dead in the nest.


Why, you will say, may wee not use such things?


Yes, but with weaned af­fections, so using them as if wee used them not, 1. Cor. 7. 21. not abusing them by an inordi­nate use of them, or by too much doting on them, and cleaving unto them; not so, as if wee were wedded to them. You shall have some their hearts so glued to them, as they are like to breake, if their friends, estates, or cre­dit faile them, or they be hin­dred of their pleasures, and profits. Now he that enjoyes [...] [Page 82] these things so, as to set up his rest thereon, so as he ter­minates his comfort and contentment therein; such an one Idolizeth them, and committeth a kinde of Ido­latry with the Creature; in such sort as St. Paul calleth a covetous man an Idolater. Ephes. [...] [...]. The Idols of the Heathen (saith the Psalmist) are gold and silver, so are they of the covetous man: The one wor­shippeth the Image of gold and silver in the Church, the other of the Prince stampt upon his Coyne in his chest. And as the Idolater putteth his trust and confidence in his gods; so doth the cove­tous man in his goods, say­ing to the wedge of gold, [...]. thou art my hope, and confi­dence.

[Page 83] Give me now the man Sect. I. The be­nefit of an Indepen­dent con­dition. that can sit downe with a slendernesse of condition, that depends not on many things, and see how he hath taken out St. Paul's Lesson, and can say; I have learned in whatsoever estate I am, Phil. 4. [...] therewith to be content, that is, riches or not riches, honour or not honour, I can be happy with them, and without them: I can live by them, and without them, I can live without liberty, I can live without friends, I can live without sports and pleasures, without worldly credit and esteeme, without wife and children, without riches, without conveniency of aire, Gardens and Orch­yards: Yea, were he put into [...] [Page] a Country Towne far from all suitable acqu [...]intance; yea were he shut up in close pri­son, yet even there he could walke with God, and doe as Paul and Silas, have his heart filled with joy and peace through beleeving. And how so? because he fet­cheth comfort from God's All-sufficiency, so as come what will come, whatsoever condition he is put into, let him be up and downe (like the Spring-weather) some­times faire, sometimes foule, he hath a bottome of his owne to stand upon, he hath somewhat to comfort his heart.

Let our conver [...]ion (as the Apost. saith) Hebr. 23 [...] be with­out covetousnesse, and be [...] [Page 85] we content with such things as wee have. If wee have teg [...]menta, covering only for our nakednesse, and alimenta, food for our emptinesse, let us therewith be content, al­beit wee have not ornamen­ta, rich attire also for comli­nesse, and oblectamenta, deli­cious fare for daintinesse. If we have an easy saddle, what though wee want trappings? Rest is good, though it be betweene two panyers. Let us neither grudge at the lean­nesse of our owne portion, nor envy at the fatnesse of anothers lot. Far be it from us to deale with God herein, as Hiram did with Solomon. Solomon gave him twenty Gities in the Land of Gali­lee, 1. King 9. 11. 13. but because the [...] [Page 86] Countrey was low and deep (and so in all likelihood more fruitfull for that, wee say deepe riding, good abi­ding) they pleased him not: So as he said to Solomon, what Cities are these thou hast given mee? And he called them Cabul, that is to say, displeasing or dirty; or therfore displeasing, because dirty: Say rather with Da­vid, Psal. 16. 5. 6. The Lord is the por­tion of mine inheritance, the lines are fallen unto mee in a pleasant place; yea I have a goodly heritage.

SECT. III. Comforts against Im­prisonment.

THou complainest of Sect. I. Wee are free Pri­soners, the mind is at liberty. want, but it is want of liberty, that trou­bleth thee more. Indeed li­berty is a blessing wee prize next to our life; so deare, as many have lost their life, to purchase their liberty. But be not disheartned with this confinement: The outer man is restrained; the inner man, See Bp. Hall of the free Prisoner. the minde, is at liberty: Thou are thine enemies prisoner, and Gods free-man; thou art barred from the Country [...] [Page 88] thou wert borne in, not from the Countrey thou art borne for, borne to.

Thou art imprisoned, (see Sect. I. The Saints impriso­ned. thou suffer not for thine own fault, but for a good cause) thou art clapt up within foure walls; why thou hast wor­thy Precedents; so was Jo­seph, Michaiah, Jeremie, John Baptist, Peter, Paul and Silas, who sang like Nigh­tingales in their Cages.

What though I be coup [...] Sect. II. Imprison­ment not strange: we are im­prisoned in the womb, the world, the body, and the grave. up in prison? Why should that be so strange to mee? I was kept close prisoner nine moneths together in my mo­thers wombe, when I came into the world, I was put in­to a liber â custod â, a wider prison; my soule is now im­prisoned in my body, and [...] [Page 89] ere long I looke for an habe­as corpus to remoove me out of this place, to the Grave, the Land of darkenesse, as Job Job. 10 21. calleth it. But God, who hath all times in his hand, will in his good time send me my writ of ease, and give me my liberate, and thereby free both this body of mine, from these outward prison-walls, my soule from the prison of this body, and both body and soule from the Rom. 8 21. bondage of corrupti­on, and restore me to the glorious liberty of the Sons of God. Sect III. Hel a fear ful prison, thet's no light, no favour there, no delivery thence.

There is yet a terrible and fearfull prison, whence there is no redemption, no goale­delivery, without baile or mainprise, but this is our [...] [Page 90] comfort, the Lord hath the keyes of H [...]ll, Revel. 1. 18. so as he hath an absolute power over it, to deliver and discharge the penitent from the feare and danger thereof: He hath the keyes of death to unlock the graves, and the keyes of Hell, Revel. 20 3. to locke up the old Dragon, and his crew, into the bottomlesse pit,

When I was an Embryo in the da [...]ke Cell of the wombe, I was pen't up there as a close Reserve, and yet there I had a kinde and lo­ving keeper, my mother my midwife, and afterwards my nurse: But in that other p [...]ison, the keeper there is our 1 Pet. 5. 8. Adversary the Devill, who walkes about, as a roa­ring Lyon, seeking whom he [...] [Page 91] may devoure. In other pri­sons men have fou [...]d some favour and mitigation; Jo­seph was put in fetters, Gen. 39.21. but the Lord was with him, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison, but never any in that prison. Jeremie was in the dungeon, Jer. 38.7. yet he had E­bedmelech a Courtier to in­terceede for him to the King: But ther's none to so­licit for the prisoners there, as being extr à statum meren­di, without all capacity of fa­vours, and acts of grace. Acts 12.7. Peter was put into a darke prison, but the light shoone round about him, his fetters fell off from him, and the Angel led him foorth, and set him free. But in that o­ther [...] [Page 92] prison, ther's nothing but utter d [...]knes, no Angels there, but such as kept not their first estates, Jude 6. reserved in everlasting chaines under darkenesse, unto the Judgo­ment of the great day.

Now then as Jeremie Sect IIII. Pray, wee never bee delivered [...] that prison. prayed unto the King Z-de­chias, J [...]r. 37. 20. that he would not canse him to retu [...]ne to the house of Jonathan the Scribe (which was the prison) lest he dyed there. So let us put up our supplications to the Lord, that he would not send us into that eternall pri­son to die for ever.

SECT. IIII. Comforts against Ba­nishment.

THou complainest Sect. I. We are all Pilgr [...]ns, Heaven is our true home. that thou art banish'c out of thy Country; why, who is not? Wee are all of us Pilgrims and Stran­gers; 1 Per. 2.11. our conversation is in Heaven; Philip. 3.20. Zanchius translates it, our Burges-ship, our societie is in Heaven, we looke higher then the earth, wee set our affections upon the things that are above; wee carry our selves like fe [...] ­low-Citizens of Saints, there wee live according to the [...] [Page 94] Lawes of Heaven, and heere on earth in part enjoyes the priviledges of that heavenly Corporation, the new Hie­rusalem that is above. It was a gracious speech of a wor­thy Divine (d) upon his Dr. Pre­ [...]on. Death-bed that he should change his place, not his company: His conversation was now before-hand with his God, and his holy An­gels, and now he was going to a more free and full fruiti­on of the Lord of life, in that Region of glory above. Whil'st wee are at home in the body, wee are absent from the Lord, as St. Paul saith: 2 Cor. 5.6. This is not our true home, wee seeke for a better countrey, Hebr. 11.16. that is, an Hea­venly. There is our true [...] [Page 95] home, and were wee (as it is thought S [...]. John was) ba­nish'c into the Isle Patmos, Revel. 1.9. or the Archipelago, for the word of God, and the Test [...]mony of Jesus Christ; even there wee should find as ready a passage to Heaven in our addresses to God, as in our native soile. This Cen­ter of earth is equidistant, a­like distant from the glorious circumference of Heaven; as Hierom said of old to his Paulinus, De Hierosolymis & de Britanniâ aequaliter patet aul a caelestis, Heaven is as o­pen in Britaine as in Hierusa­lem.

It is Cyril's observation, Sect. I. The be­nefit of remoove­all. that Abraham whil'st he was in his owne Countrey, had never God appearing to [...] [Page 96] him save only to bid him go forth of his Countrey, Gen. 12. 1. his Kindred, and his Fathers house; but afterwards, when he was gone forth, he had frequent visions of his Ma­ker. Had Joseph beene ever so great, or had such trust in Potiphar's House, or Pha­raoh's Kingdome, if he had not beene sold into Aegypt? Had Daniel and his three companions of the captivity ever attained to that honour in their native Land? The­mistocles Plutar. in Themist. being banished from Athens, grew into great favour with the King of Persia, so as he was wont to say, my sonnes, we should have been undone, if we had not beene undone.

[Page 97] Art thou banish'c out of Sect. II. Abraham enjoyned to leave his owne Country. thy Countrey? Why, what other thing hath befallen thee then it pleased God to enjoyne Abraham the father of the faithfull? Saying to him, Gen. 12. 1. get thee out of thy Countrey, and from thy kin­dred, and from thy fathers house, to a Land that I will shew thee. He must goe from the place of his birth, and wonted abode, but he knoweth not whether, Hebr. 11.8.9. to a place he knew not, and to men that knew not him. He must sojourne Gen. 14.13. in a strange Countrey, where he is con­strained either to buy, or hire, or borrow both a place for his dwelling, as also a plot of ground, for the bi [...]i­all of his dead. [...]. 23.4. &c.

[Page 98] What though wee be Sect. III. We have right in a­ny Coun­try, by Gods title strangers at home? The Lord can provide us an home amongst strangers. Aegypt the slaughter-house of Gods people, the furnace of Israel's affliction; hath neverthelesse three severall times beene the Sanctuary and Harbour to preserve Gods Church, as namely; in Abraham, in Joseph, and in Christ. God oftentimes makes use of the world for the behoofe of his owne. The earth is the Lords, and all places are alike to the wise and [...]hfull. God that is e­very where, the same, makes all places alike to his.

In a word; am I banish't Sect. IV. The [...] from home I meet with many of whom the world [...] [Page 99] was not worthy, H [...]. 11.38. wand [...]ing about in sheeps-skins, in goats-skins, in Dasarts, and in mountaios, and in Dens, and in Caves of the earth. Why am I then discouraged or disheartned? There hath no temptation taken mee, 1. Cor 10.13. but such as is common to man: Ther's nothing hath befallen mee heerein, but what is incident to other men holier then my selfe; such as usually hath been in­cident to Gods dearest chil­dren; such as may be borne by man in this life, specially affisted by Gods grace, which is alwaies suffici [...]nt for his children. Sect. V. God ac­compani­eth his, e­ven in Ba­nishment.

B [...]sides, if I be east upon a forrein Coast, I shall have good company, For he [...] [Page 100] hath said, Hebr. 13.5. Jos. 1.5. who cannot faile, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee; which though it were spoken to Joshua, yet it belongeth to us: For even particular pro­mises may be generally ap­plied, specially when the thing promised appertaines unto all.

SECT. V. Comforts against pub­lique Calamities.

HE [...]e me thinkes I Sect. I. Of the mi series of a Civil war. heare the tender hearted Patient re­ply; It is not the want of health, or losse of goods, re­straint [...] [Page 101] at home, or exile a­broads, or the like personall grievances, that affect me so much, as the publique cala­mities; to see the Sword, the Famine, and Pestilence like the three bands, 1. Sam 13.17. or Companies of the Phili­stines, ready to wast the land of Israel. My heart bleeds to see the fearefull effects of this Civill Warre waged in the hands of our home-bred enemies. Many of our deare brethren are staine and fallen by the sword, their bloud hath beene spilt like water, and their bones have beene seattered, as when one clea­veth and cutteth wood upon the earth: what tumbling of garments, and weltring of the horse and his Rider in [...] [Page 102] their mingled bloud? The spoiled cry to us for bread, the sick and wounded for helpe and healing. Many Townes have beene plunde­red, many Matrons and Vir­gins have beene ravished, many Families have beene plunde­red, many Wives and Children deprived of their Husbands and Parents, left Widowes, and fatherlesse Children Many Parishes berese of faithfull Pastors, and some of our dwellings turned to ashes. What an unspeakeable misery is it, to heate the sh [...]ieks and hor­rour of some dying, to see the gashly rage of others kil­ling To see the streets and fields strewed with carkases, and the channels running [...] [Page 103] with streamos of bloud?

Indeede it is just with God, and our sinnes (perso­nall and national [...]) did well deserve it; that our plenty should be turned into want, and famine; our health into sicknesse; and our long peace ( [...]he Crowne of all these blessings, and the Envy of the Nations round about us) into the worst and most mi­serable of all warres, (for, it is ever a dangerous-fire thar begins in the bedstaw) a Ci­vill War, a War of Christi­an against C [...]ristian, Neighbours against Neighbours, Brethren against Brethren, a war of Ephraim against Ma­nassch, of Manasseh against Eph [...]aim, so as the Lords Ju­dah is endangered. O thou [...] [Page 104] of the Lord, how long wil ( [...]) Jer. 47 6. it be ere thou be quiet? Put up thy selfe into the scab­berd, rest and be still.

The Prophet complain­eth Sect. II. Comfort from the sense and sympathy of com­mon evils. ( [...]) Amos 6. 6. of Israel's wantonnesse, that they dranke wine in bowles, but were not grie­ved for the afflictions of Jo­seph: They let themselves loose to all intemperance and carnall pleasures, drin­king in measures without measure; and in the meane time were not sensible of the miserable condition of Gods wrongfully oppressed ser­vants. It is a dead member that is not sensible of the state of the body: You doe well to be touched with the sense of the common cala­mities of these wofull times; [...] [Page 105] by this your sympathy, and follow-feeling, you shew your selfe to be a member of the Church and State wherein you live; wee are not whole, and entire peeces, but as St. Paul saith, 1 Cor. 12. 26.27. members in part, members in particular, each one for his part, and in his place, so as wee share, and have commu­nity both in commodities and discommodities. If one member suffer, all the rest suffer with it: If there be a thorne in the foot, which is the lowest member, the head stoopes, the back boweth, the eye discovereth, the hand searcheth, and all are set a worke to relieve the en­gaged part: How much more if the whole body suf­fer?

[Page 106] It is a rule in Law, Reg. Juris. 29. ab omni­bus appro. b [...]ri debet Quod on [...]nes tangit, abomnibus [...] each one must take care of that, wherein all are alike concerned. Wee have each of us some [...] of commodi­ties [...] that com­mon vessell set foorth by the Church and State, so as we had need pray for a [...] gale to bring it [...] to harbour; for if that miscarry, what will become of our stock, of us passengers? God is pity­full, Jam. 5. 11. of many bowels, and of tender mercy: now as his bowels are tender, and yea [...] towards us, so should his people have rowling and tender bowels towards Him, his cause, his people, and his Church. A Christian, as he [...] [Page 107] must not be proud flesh, so neither must hee bee dead flesh, but feeling and sensi­ble, as of his owne sinsulnes, so also of the common ma­lady. Now the fruit of this sensiblenesse, is earnest pray­er to God. Melanchton said well; Si nil curarem, nilora­rem: If I cared for nothing, I would pray for nothing. There bee some that have hard bowels, hide-bound, such as take little care what becoms of Church or State, sinke or swim, so themselves may sleepe in a safe skin: but if the Publike suffer either in Church or State, no mans private pleasure, or profit, can stand firme unto him. And Cicero Lib. [...]. ep. 15. ad Attic. Qui amisiâ Re publicâ Piscinas suas fore Salvas Spe­rare vi­dentur. had reason enough to laugh at the folly [...] [Page 108] of those men, which in his time seemed to conceive such a windy hope, that their fish-ponds, and places of plea ure, should be safe, when the Common-wealth was lost.

When David would have gone to the field in person, his Worthies disswaded him from so doing, saying; the enemy, 2. Sam [...].3. they care not for us, but thou art worth ten thousand of us, their princi­pall aime is at thee; they had rather surprize thee our Generall, then thousands of us: so may wee say; wee are all interessed in the pub­lique, and should be more deepely affected, what befals it, then our owne private, as being of more value and con­cernment, [...] [Page 109] then our particu­lar. He is too wary, that hath more care of himselfe, then the cause of Christ, the Churches, and his owne Countrey. Old Eli was sor­ry to heare the newes of Is­raels discomfiture, and his sonnes death; but when he heard the report, that the Arke (the Testimony of Gods presence) was taken by the enemy, this struck 1. Sam 4.17.18. him dead. His Daughter in law, 1. Sam 4.20. &c. no sooner heard of that heavy newes, but she sell to her travell; and when the women that stood by her, bid her, feare not, for she had borne a sonne, she re­garding more the losse of the Arke; the common losse, then rejoycing at her new [...] [Page 110] sonne, she cal's her child I­chabod, that is, where is the glory? And with her last breath answers her selfe: The glory is departed from Isra­el, the Arke is taken.

Thou mournest for the Sect. III. Comfort from the justice of Gods pro­ceedings. common sufferings; Indeed these be wofull and distract­ed times, and much to be be­moaned; but as the Prophet saith, Lam. 3.39. wherefore doth a living man complaine, a man for the punishment of his sin? Why doth he complaine of Gods hand? He suffereth nothing but what he hath brought upon himselfe by his sin. Man sinneth, and God proceedeth to punish­ment; this is an Act of di­vine Justice; of corrective Justice; and shall not the [...] [Page 111] Judge of all the earth doe right? Gen. 18. 25. It cannot be de­nied, that our sinnes have reach't up to Heaven, and called downe these judge­ments.

For, besides those secret Sect. I. Personall corrupti­ons. personall corruptions, which are in every one of us, and whereunto every mans heart is privy; there be many pub­lique and nationall finnes, whereof the people of this Land are generally guilty; such as are abundantly suffi­cient ( [...] Gods actions were to be [...] [...] [...]nned) to justifie his dealing towards us, to acquit and cleere him when he is judged. Psal. 514. ect. II. Nationall fins, com­mon and peculiar.

[...] For besides the sinnes, common to us with other Nations, there be some pe­culiar [...] [Page 112] to us alone, as name­ly: our wretched unthank­fullnesse unto God, for the long continuance of his Gospell, and our Peace: our long peace bred us to se­curity, and we grew wanton with plenty: we ranne into Ryot and excesse (the noted proper sinne, of our Nation) and much intemperate abuse of the good creatures of God in our meats and drinks and disports, and other pro­visions and comforts of this life. The people of Israel re­quired meat for their lust, and the people of England nourish't their lust and appe­tite for their meate; so as we became a by-word to the neighbour nations for gluttony and belly-cheare. [...] [Page 113] And for Novelties, in fa­shion, in opinion; Athens Acts. 17. 21. it selfe was nothing so mad thereon, as our Eng­lish Nation; witnesse, our guises in apparrell so many times disguised; the people so Cameleon-like transfashi­oned into the Italian, Spa­nish, French, any forrein forme they had but seene in Countreyes where they traffiqued or travailed, so as one might thence conclude, Levity to be, after a sort, our Nationall sinne: and for no­velty in opinion it is too pal­pable, our wantonnesse and toyishnesse of understanding, hath almost corrupted the simplicity of our Christian Faith; we have troubled the peace of the Church with a [...] [Page 114] thousand nic [...]ties and novel­ties, and unnecessary w [...] ­lings in matters of Religion: we pitty the former Ages contending about leavened and unleavened bread, keep­ing of Easter, fasting on Sun­dayes, and the like. The fu­ture ages will doe the like for us, and our bickerings, a­bout gestures and postures, habits and attyres, rites and Ceremonies, and the like.

Now to these peculiars, may bee added, our carnall confidence and security, in our woodden and watry walls, our shipping. Wee were a wealthy and a care­lesse Nation; our deliveran­ces were great, wee dwelt a­lone without feare of evill, and were become the envy [...] [Page 115] of those that were round a­bout us. Looke into the Church, and there might bee [...] many, rather profes­sing the forme, then practi­sing the power of piety; our cheape and irreverent regard unto God's holy Ordinances of his Wo [...]d and Sacram [...] and Sabbaths and Ministers, our hearing of the Word, our partaking of the Sacra­ments, our praying and invo­cating God's sacred name, were become both in Pa­stor and People, for want of true devotion, and the in­ward guidance of the holy-Spirit, but as it were so many outward fashions, formes, and complements, Walke into the courts of Judicature and there behold corruption [...] [Page 116] by sale of offices and enhan­cing of fees; by making the petty penall Statutes like trappes to catch the weaker sort, and the more weighty and materiall Lawes, like Cobwebs, for the abler and mightier to breake; and passe thorow at their pleasure. Step aside into our shops and ware-houses, and see (though I confesse it is hard to disco­ver that mystery, and han­dy-crast) how our trades and traffique were become the practice of deceit; while we made our gaine by lying, and forswearing, by false lights, false weights, false measures, which are abomi­nation to the Lord. And (to reckon no more) our Incom­passion to our brethren mi­serably [...] [Page 117] wasted with war [...]e and famine in other parts of the World, and our heavy oppressions of our brethe­ren at home, in racking the Rents, and grinding the faces of the poore Esay. 3 15. Wee were (as the Prophet speaks Jer. 49 31. a wealthy nation, which dwelt alone; a secure people, as eyther having no Enemies, or fearing none: Peace was within our walls, and plenteousnesse within our Pallaces. But when wee had caten and were full, and had waxen fat, we rose up a­against the Lord our maker, who had done so great things for us; our heart was lifted up, and we forgat our God, and lightly esteemed the Rock of our Salvation, [...] [Page 118] wee loathed the Manna that rained downe upon us.

Therefore the Lord hath Sect. III. W [...]tre the malad [...]e, [...] [...]ance the remedy. recompenced our wayes up­on our heads, and suffered our destruction to proceede from our selves; our wicked­nesse doeth correct us; our backsliding doth reprove us, and our iniquity is become our ruine. The Lord hath broken us with a grie­vous breach, his anger hath divided us, and his fury hath dashed us one against a­nother. The sword is drunk with our bloud, and wee are numbred to the slaughter: the high wayes are unoccu­pied, Judg. 5.6.7. ther's not that com­merce and intercourse of tra­ding, because men dare not travell in the high wayes for [...] [Page 119] fear of enemies and robbers; they forsake the beaten roads to escape the enemy; the travellers walked through by-wayes, or crooked waies; the inhabiters of the villages ceased, the unwalled Towns lay wast, because the coun­try people durst not dwell in them, our goods are for a spoile, and our substance to the robbers. Now in all this, Ezek. 18.25. the way of the Lord, is it not equall? Is there any can taxe his actions with unju­stice? nay, are not our waies unequall? Shall I not visit for these things, saith the Lord? Jer. 5. 9. Shal not my soul be aven­ged on such a Nation? Lord, thou hast visited us, and that sharply: say to the destroy­ing sword, It is now euough. [...] [Page 120] Let our (m) sword blades be turned into plow-shares, and our speare-heads into Scithes, and our helmets into bee-hives. Peace is a Com­pendium of all prosperity, e­ven the prosperity of war is called peace. David de­mands of Uriah, how Joab the Captaine did? In the o­riginall it is, 2. Sam [...]. 7. how Joab's (o) Ps. 90. 13.14.15. peace did? and how the people did, and how the war prospered: As on the con­trary, war is the Master of all misery: the Hebrewes they call war Milchama, from eat­ing, because it devoureth all things. Returne, (O Lord) how long? And let it repent thee concerning thy ser­vants. O satisfie us early with thy mercy; that wee may [...] [Page 121] rejoyce and be glad all our daies. Make us glad accor­ding to the daies wherein thou hast afflicted us; and the yeares wherein wee have seene evill. But how shall we either remoove present, or prevent future judgements? There is no way under Hea­ven but this, to breake off our sinnes by a seasonable and serious repentance.

When the body is distem­pered, and the bloud infla­med, the Physitian orde­reth the opening of a veine, and the drawing out some ounces of bloud, for the pre­servation of the whole: The great Physitian of the State hath taken the like course with us; wee ran into riot and excesse, sinne was our [...] [Page 122] surseit, and war is our disease and now her's a deepe incisi on made in the maine body and it lies a bleeding: Ther' [...] no way to stanch and stop this issue, but by bewailing and abandoning our forme [...] wickednesse, and to diet our selves hereafter by absti­nence from sinne, lest other­wise our disease grow despe­rate.

Thou complainest of thes [...] Sect. IIII. Comfort from Gods o­ver-ruling Provi­dence. confused and tumultuar [...] courses; indeed they ar [...] lamentable and distracte [...] times: But he that sits i [...] Heaven orders these earthly affaires, according to the e­ternall counsell of his will: He sits at the sterne, and steeres this tossed vessell of Church and State; and how [...] [Page 123] ever the proud billowes a­rise, and threaten to over­turne it, yet he can tack a­ [...]out, and serve himselfe e­ven of contrary winds, to b [...]ing it safe to Harbour. God doth not put things in­to a frame, and then leave them to their owne motion, as wee doe clocks, after wee have once set them right, and ships after we have once built them, commit them to winde and waves; but as he made all things, and knowes all things, so (by a continued kind of Creation) he pre­serves all things in their be­ing and working, and go­vernes them to their ends. There is nothing so high, that is above his providence, nothing so low that is be­neath [...] [Page 104] it, nothing so large but is bounded by it, nothing so consused, but God can order it, nothing so bad, but he can draw good out of it; no­thing so wisely plotted, but God can disappoint it, as he did Achitophel's counsell, nothing so simply and unpo­litiquely carried, but he can give a prevailing issue unto it.

A notable precedent Sect. I. Gods pro­ [...]ence instanced in Joseph, Gen. 37.1. &c. hereof wee have in Joseph. Jacob sends Joseph to Do­than to visit his Brethren, his Brethren cast him into the Pit, Reuben relieves him, the Ishmaelitish Marchants buy him, and sell him to Poti­phar, his Mistresse accuseth him, his Master condemnes him, the Butler (after long [...] [Page 105] forgetfulnesse) recommends him, and Pharaoh exalts him. O what instruments were heere! how many hands a­bout this one poore man of God? How was he passed over from hand to hand, from his Brethren to the Ish­maelits, and from them to Potiphar? Never a one of them looking to that end which God had purposed unto him; yet the Lord con­trary to their intention, makes them all wo [...]ke together for Josephs advancement in Ae­gypt. It was not you that [...]ent me hither, saith Joseph [...]eu 45. 8. to his brethren, but God; yee thought evill against me, but God meant it unto good, to bring to passe, as it is this day, to save much people, to [...] [Page 126] wit, the Aegyptians, and o­ther people, who in the fa­mine were furnished with corne, by the store which Josephs providence had layd up in the yeeres of plenty. Joseph meant not to cleere his brethren from all fault, but to cheere them up in con­templation of Gods provi­dence, who turned their ma­lice and his misery, into a meanes of great mercy. And indeed God is so good, that out of the worst conspiracies and deeds of the wicked, he can worke the greatest well­fare; as from the bloudy counsells of Herod, Acts 4. 27. and Pilate, and many others a­gainst our Saviour, the salva­tion of the Elect. Ephe. [...]. 7. This may minister comfort, and [...] [Page 127] confidence against the plots, and attempts of the wicked; wherein though they meane nothing but mischiefe, God can by his omnipotent pro­vidence, bring forth quite contrary effects to that they intend; and as he brings light out of da [...]knesse, 2. Cor 4. 6. so he can bring peace out of warre, quiet and orderly go­vernment out of confused commotions. Gods good­nesse overmasters the malig­nity of men, turning their e­vill into good, ex viper â the­riacum, triacle out of the vi­per, and make a medicine of a poyson. He that is so infi­nitely wife to know the de­signes of his enemies before they are, could as well pre­vent them, that they might [...] [Page 128] not be; but he lets them run on their owne courses, that he may fetch glory to him­selfe out of their wickednes. This cannot but bring strong security to the soule, to know that in all conditions, and in all variety of changes, and intercourse of good and bad events, whatsoever befalls us: God and our good God, hath such a disposing hand.

If thou seest (saith the Sect. II. To depēd on Gods Provi­dence. Preacher) Eccles. 5. 8. the oppression of the poore, and violent perverting of Iudgement & Iustice in a Province, marvel not at the matter: for hee that is higher than the high­est, regardeth, and there bee higher than they. Stand not as it were at a bay, in a care­ful & combersome thought­fulnesse, [...] [Page 129] as if God did not see and regard these things below: bee not amazed and dismayd, as if all things were let loose: as if these earthly things were not or­derly swayed by a wise and most provident God, who in his good time will redresse these things, and therefore we must depend upon him: for wee are under a provi­dence that is above our own. That wise Moderatour of all things, that workes his will in us, loves so to doe it, as may be least with our fore­sight and acquaintance, and would have us fall under his decrees unawares, that wee may so much the more adore the depths of his provi­dence, which wee cannot [...] [Page 130] Every creature walks blind­fold, only he that dwells in light, sees whither they goe.

God is like to a skilfull Artisan, who out of a croo­ked and untoward piece, can frame an excellent worke: he can dispose of things con­fused and out of order, and even contrary to their nature turne them to good ends and uses. Where wee cannot t [...]ace him in the course of his providence, there wee ought with Saint Paul Rom. [...]. 33., to ad­mire and adore him, when we are in heaven, it will bee one part of our happinesse, to see the harmony of those things that seeme now con­sused unto us. All God's dealings will appeare beauti­full in their due seasons, [...] [Page 131] though wee for the present see not the contiguity and linking together of one thing Sect. V. The Re­medy our particular, and gene­rall Repen tance. with another. Thou com­playnest of these woefull times, thy Soule (thou say­est) mournes in secret, for the common maladies of this distempered State; thou dost well to mourne over such sinnes as the Land is gene­rally guilty of, but let mee tell thee, hast thou not rea­son so to doe? Hast thou not put thine hand to the wic­kednesse of the times? Hast thou not carried in some fu­ell to this common fire, and cast in thy mite to the com­mon shot? Though others be principall, yet thou art ac­cessary to the evill thereof. Hast thou not eyther com­manded [...] [Page 132] it, as Jezebel did to the Elders of Israel? Advi­sed it, as Jonadab did to Am­non? Consented to it, as Bathsheba did to David? Soothed it, as Zedekiah did to Ahab; Furthered it, as Joab did to David? For­borne to disswade it, as Hi­rah the Adullamite to Ju­dah? Not resisted it, as partiall Magistrates? Not revealed it, as treaeherous Confessaries? Thou hast not mourned for the corrup­tions of the time so feeling­ly, nor endeavored the refor mation of them to thy pow­er so faithfully as thour oughtest, and mightest have done. Thou shalt doe well to beginne at home, and to make thine owne composi­tion [...] [Page 133] and peace with God, for thy particular offences, and then to move for an Act of Oblivion, for a generall, a Nationall Pardon; so shall thou put out the brand which thy selfe cast in, and helpe to abate and quench the common slame. Indeed publique humiliations have ever beene thought, and so they are, proper remedies a­gainst publique Judgements: yet if every man would cleanse his own Front-stead, the whole City would soon be cleered. Let every one then returne to his owne heart, to know there (as Sa­lomon saith [...] 8. 38. his owne plague, even the sins where­with he hath grieved God, to be sorry for them, and [...] [Page 134] henceforth with the duty of repentance, and reall refor­mation, with more precise caution against spirituall Re­lapses; to betake himselfe more frequently to privat supplication, and to per­forme both that and the pub­lique with more sincerity and servency of affection: that so the God of Peace might bee pleased to put an end to these warres.


How shall wee know when a man is cast downe and disquieted, otherwise then is befitting?


There is a threefold mis­carriage of inward trouble.

1. When the Soule is troubled for that it should [...] [Page 135] not be vexed for, as Ahab, 1 Kin. 21. when he was crost in his will for Naboths Vineyard.

II. In the measure and extent, when we trouble our selves (though not without cause) yet without bounds. Put the case a man be disqui­cted for sinne (for which not to bee disquieted is a sinne) yet we may looke too much and too long upon it: for the Soule hath a double eye, one to looke to sinne, another to looke up to God's mercy in Christ. Having two ob­jects to looke on, wee may sinne in looking too much on the one, with neglect of the other: Wee should so minde our griefe, as not to forget God's mercy. Saint Paul would have the Corin­thian [...] [Page 136] Delinquent, upon his unfayned tokens of Repen­tance, released of the censure and received againe into the Church, and comforted, lest hee be swallowed 2 Cor. 2.7. up in the gulph of despayre.

III. Thirdly (And this to our present case) there may bee a miscarriage in the ground of our trouble, as when we greive for that which is good, and for that which we should grieve for; but it is with too much re­flecting upon our owne par­ticular.

For instance sake; in these unhappy times, and dismall dayes, ther's great troubles both in Church and State; three Kingdomes in­volved in a blody unnaturall [...] [Page 137] warre, betwixt those who are brethren by nature, na­tion, and profession of Reli­gion; wherein what party soever gaines, the King­dome loseth many loyall subjects, and the Church many Christian professors; which causeth our enimies to insult; our selves and all good Christians to lament, and be deeply affected here­with. But now if we would deale truly with our owne hearts; what is it indeede that makes us take on so? Is it not because these troubles hinder the liberties of the flesh, and restraine the pride of life? Is it not because our liberty is abridged, our ease disquieted, our wealth pa­red with the razor of warre, [...] [Page 138] our attendants reduced, our recreations stopped, and our visits discontinued? Other things, (the common suffe­rings) may be pretended, but it seemeth it is our private sore that toucheth us, and if it be so, our respects are but private, and personall, selfe­respects. Men are usually grieved for publique mise­ries from a spirit of selfe­love only, or specially, be­cause their owne private is imbarqued in the publique. There is a depth of deceit of the heart in this matter.

If our trouble have no higher rise, it is but private and personall, but if we take to heart the wofull breaches that are made amongst us, for that by these troubles God [...] [Page 139] is dish [...]noured, the publike exercises of Religion hind­led, & the gathering of souls thereby stopped; that heer­by, the S [...]ates and Common­weal [...]hs, which should have been harbors of the Church are disturbed, lawlesse cour­ses and persons prevaile, Re­ligion and Justice is triu [...] ­phed over, and trodden un­der, this shewes that wee are men of publike spirit.

To discover this selfe-de­ceit, we may make this home ly triall. If we can be as hot as tostes in our owne private cause and quarrell, and yet as cold as ice, when most di­shonourable indignities and affronts are offered to the Lord, without our own im­peachment: then it is evi­dent, [...] [Page 140] that in those cases, where Gods and the com­mon cause are joyned toge­ther, our zeale was onely for our owne interest, and not for Gods, and the publicke good. Heere was the triall of Moses his meekenesse, and his passion. When the people murmured, & when Korah, Num. 16. Dathan and Abi­ram rebelled against him, heer was just cause of anger: but heer Gods cause and his owne were coupled. Let us therefore marke Moses be­haviour, when they were singled. When Miriam and Num. 12. 1. 3. Aaron spake against Moses, because of the Aethiopian Woman, whom he had mar­ried; and when they offered him this private injury, it is [...] [Page 141] sayd Moses his meckenesse was such, that he gave them not a word: inasmuch as hee is commended for the meek­est man that was upon the face of the earth. Look now upon him in another posture When the people had fallen to Idolatry, Ex. 32 and had made a Calfe, and Aaron had his hand therein. Heere Gods quarrell was severed from his own, and how carrieth he himselfe heere? Hee spares neither Aaron, nor the peo­ple, but in a godly fit of zeal takes on, and breaks the two Tables in peeces, being tran­sported with zeale (though for Gods glory) as hee some times spake unadvisedly with his lips, Psal. 106. 33. so he might now doe unadvisedly with his [...] [Page 142] hands, and so may bee a [...] example of mans imperfect sanctity, which hath a mix­ture of divine grace, and humane weakenesse even i [...] the b [...]st of Gods children however, hee was a meek [...] Lambe, and patient in his owne quarrell, and as fierce as a Lion in Gods cause, and the common cause of salva­tion. In the Lords service we should bee common men as well as private.

In a word, we complaine of these wofull times, that wee are the worse for them: but may not the times com­plain of us? Let us take heed wee bee not a part of the misery of the times, that they be not the worse for us.

SECT. VI. Of meanes to worke us to Patience under the Crosse.

VVE have seen what fruit the Crosse beares; our next care must be with Simon of Cyrene to beare it patiently, when we are put to it: For if wee be impatient in word, or beha­viour, wee shall afflict our selves the more, like the bird caught in the net, the more she struggles, the more she is entangled.


[Page 144] Thou complainest that S [...]ct.I. Comforts from the greater suff [...]rings of holier men. thy malady increaseth; I be­moane thy case, and wish I could give health and ease, as well as advice. Wee cry out, my body is troubled, my state is broken, my friends faile me; but all this while, there is not that care for the poore soule to settle that in peace. See that all be well within, and then all troubles from without, cannot much annoy us. Besides, holier men have suffered more. The Lord measures out affliction according to the ability 1. Cor 10. 13. of his children. Now our strength when it is at the best, is farre inferiour to the strength of Job, David, or Abraham; and the efore we must [...] trialls [...] [Page 145] and troubles are far shore of theirs. The Lord, lest a­ny should be discouraged, or faint under the weight of the Crosse, hath sampled out the sufferings of his Saints, men of our owne mould, and sub­ject to the like infirmities that wee are, that have gone before us in the hardest du­ties of affliction. What duty so harsh to flesh and bloud, as to take up the Crosse, and follow Christ? What Crosse can be named, which they have not borne, and comfortably endured to the end? It is hard, you will say, to part with our goods; yet there have beene they that have taken joyfully, the spoi­ling of their goods; Hebr. 10. 34. not that the losse of their goods, [...] [Page 146] was of it selfe, and its owne nature joyfull to them; but they were so farre from be­ing dejected, and disheartned with the afflictions they suf­fered for Christ, as they ac­counted them matter, or occasion of joy; and why? Both because they were counted worthy to suffer for the name of Christ; Act. 5. 41. as also because of the blessed fruit Heb. 12. 11. and issue of their af­fliction. Tribulation (as the Apostle saith) Rom. 5. 3. worketh patience. Tribulation ac­custometh us to patience, and patience assures us by experience of Gods merci­full sustentation and ayde; and this experience of Gods goodnesse, puts us in hope of his further mercy, and seaso­nable [...] [Page 147] deliverance: besides this experience under the Crosse, it confirmes and fa­stens this our Anchor-hope, and this hope deceiveth us not, it disappointeth us not, it being grounded on the love of Christ, shed abroad in our hearts. Tribulation then worketh patience, not, that of it selfe, and its owne nature it worketh so; for it often produceth contrary Job 3. 1. &c. Ps. 73. 12. Jer. 12. 1. effects both in the wicked, and the godly, as in Job, Da­vid, and Jeremie; but it doth so, when God gives us a sanctified use of Crosses, conforming Rom. [...] 8. 28. us thereby to our Head Christ Jesus.

It goes had to exchange hoped of advancement for rebukes, Heb [...]. 11. 16. and reproches; [...] [Page 148] and yet Moses chused it wil­lingly, and counted it an ho­nour to him: Moses was jee­red for marrying the Aethio­pian woman, Joseph was nick-named a Dreamer in scorne: This is the manner of ill minded men to set termes of reproach upon the religious; so Christ was called a Galilean by Julian; the Apostle Paul a babler Acts 17. 18. by prophane Phylosophers. This Age abounds with such abusive appellations cast up­on the best Christians, by such as are of an Hereticall Religion, or of no Religion at all, the practice of this kinde of contumelie is anci­ent, and the patience under it as ancient; which may make us both to looke for it, [...] [Page 149] and make light of it.

'Tis too much to leave Countrey and kindred and Fathers house, and yet A­braham did so. 'Tis hardest of all to leave our sweet life, especially by violent tor­ments: what death can wee thinke so full of shame and torture, but it hath beene en­dured H [...]er. 11. 37. by the Saints of God? by the Prophets, A­postles and Martyres: some of them have beene put on gridirons, others in boyling Cauldrons, some on the spits, others under the sawes, some in the flames, others crush­ed with the teeth of wilde Beasts, some on the racks, o­thers in fiery furnaces, most of them in such torments, as in comparison whereof, our [...] [Page 150] paines are but flea-bitings. We doe but taste and sip of that cup of affliction which Christ and his Saints dra [...]ke sheere off, as appeares by the Churches story, the Marty­rologies, the Acts and Mo­numents of the Saints. Why then doe wee grudge to wet our fee [...]e, where they wa­ded over the foord, even a red Sea of blood? Wee should looke to others as good as our selves (as well as to our selves) and then wee shal see it is not our own case only: who are we that wee should looke for an exemp­ted condition from those troubles which God's dea­rest children are addicted unto?

Comparison to this end is [...] [Page 151] very availeable. Compare Sect. I [...] O [...]r Sus [...] ­ings shorc of our de­serts. we our sufferings for Christ, with his sufferings Hebr. 12. 2. [...]or us: Compare we our momenta­ny afflictions of this life, with the endlesse torments of hell endured by others, and de­served by our sinnes, from which by those, as meanes, we are freed (for we are cha­stened of the Lord 1 Cor. 11. 32., that wee should not be condem­ned with the world.) Wee are mercifully chastened by the Lord, on purpose that we may escape that eternall con­demnation which befals the wicked of the world, and we shall finde that there is no proportion betwixt our suffe­rings and our deserts. Alas the wages of every sinne is Death, a double death; of the [...] [Page 152] body, and of the soule; both temporall and eternall: Any thing the Lord sends belowe this, is mercy. We must not [...]ke so much at what wee [...]ele, [...] what we have deser­ved to seele. What ever our crosses are, or may be, justly we are in them, our sinnes have deserved that, & more, so that we are to beaer Gods chastisement willingly, si [...]h wee have so sinned against him. I will beare the indig­nation of the Lord with pa­tience and humility, because I have sinned against him, saith the Prophet Micah Mich. 7. 9..

Compare wee our suffer­ings Sect. III. Our suffe­rings infe­rior to our glory. with our glory that shall be revealed: our suffering is but for a moment, our re­ward shall be great and glo­rious [...] [Page 153] farre aboue the pro­portion of all our service, or suffering for our light affli­ction, 2 [...]or. 4. 17. which is but for a moment, worketh for us a farre more exceeding and e­ternall weight of glory. The afflictions of the godly are not light in themselves, but Comparatively, to the infinite and eternall weight of heavenly glory, which our affliction worketh for us, not by any merit of ours, but out of Gods meere grace and mercy for Christ his sake. Rom. 8. 17. 18. or, they be called Light, be­cause God maketh them seeme light unto us by the strong support and comfort of his Spirit, Rom.8.37. I reckon (saith Saint Paul Rom; 8.18. [Page 154] that the sufferings of this pre­sent time, are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall bee revealed in us: word for word it is, the sufferings of this now season, whereby the Apostle inti­mates, that our tribulations and afflictions last but for a [...], that is a moment, in comparison. S [...]. Paul cal [...]s the afflictions of this life light, and but for a moment: Our sufferings, our sorrow shall have an end, [...]aec non d [...] ­rabunt atatem, as A [...]hanasius said of his troubles: For his anger endureth but a mo­ment Psal. 30. 5. Isai. 54.7. 8., his corrections last but a while, but his favour lasts all out life long, our joy shall have no end. St. Ber­nard Bern. Sermon 14 [...] Cantic [...] computing the time [...] [Page 155] of his owne assl [...]ction, and the Saints, reduceth it to an houres space or thereabouts, Opus meum vix unius est ho­rae, & siplus, prae amore non sentio; my worke and labor is but an houres taske: if it be more, I am scarce sensible thereof, by reason of the love I beare to my Saviour, who hath suffered so much for me. How gratiously hath the wisdome of our God thought fit to temper our afflictions, so contriving them, that if they bee sharpe, they are not long: if they be long, they are not over sharp? What a short moment is it that we can suffer? Yet a lit­tle while, and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry Hebr 10.37.. Let us waite a [...] [Page 156] while, and wee shall see the salvation of the Lord, Exod. 14. 13. Sect. IV. Look on cur Comfort, as well as our Cor­ [...]asive.

In all our grievances (saith an excellent D [...]vine, Dr. Sibbs of the Souls Conflict. pag. 171. 173. let us looke to somewhat that may comfort us, as well as discourage us. Look to that we enjoy, as well as that we want. God usually makes up that with some advantage in another kind, wherin we are inferiour to others. Others are in greater place, so they are in greater danger. Others be richer, so their cares and snares be greater: the poore in the world, (as St. James sayth J [...]m. [...] [...]. may bee richer in faith then they. Others are not so afflicted as wee; why then they have lesse experi­ence of Gods gracious pow­er [...] [Page 157] than we. Others may have more healthy bodies, but soules lesse weaned from the world. We would not have Nabals wealth, not Hamans preferment, nor change con­ditions with them, so as to have their spirits with their condition. For one halfe of our lives, the meanest are as happy and free from cares, as the greatest Monarch: that is, whilest both sleepe; and usually the sleepe of the one, is sweeter than the sleepe of the other. What is all that the earth can affoord us, if God deny health? And this a man in the meanest condi­tion may enjoy. That wher­in one man differs from ano­ther, is but Title, and but for a little time: death levelleth all.

[Page 158] Wee have compared our Sect. V. Compare our selves afflicted, with our selves at ease. selves with others: compare we now our selves with our selves: our selves afflicted, with our selves at ease: how languishing in devotion, how inordinately walking, how secure and forgetfull of our God, did prosperity make us? Before I was afflicted, I went astray, Psal. 119. 67. I was a waive and stray, but now have I kept thy word, the use of Gods rods is to bring us home. To bee afflicted, and not to be purged by it, to be stricken with Gods rod, and not to be thereby corrected and amended, is an ill token. I will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried, saith the Lord: [...] [Page 159] Zach. 13. 9. Now if the wicked bee not plucked away, as the Pro­phet speaks, Jer 6. 29.30. that is, if our wickednesse be so tough that it will not bee wrought out of us in the Crucible of af­fliction, then it is a plaine token, that wee are but base mettall, drossie matter, and refuse silver: the bellowes are burnt, the Founder melt­eth in vaine; that is, all the paines and labour that hath been taken about refining of us, is lost. Fire makes met­talls pliable and malleable, so doe [...]h the sanctified use of affliction: it worketh the heart to be pliable and ready for all good impressions of holicos and obedience.

[Page 160] If wee looke into the Di­ary, Sect. VI. Our good dayes more then our evill dayes. or Journall booke of Gods dealing with us from our youth up to this present time; wee shall find, he hath sent us more faire Halcioni­an Halcion is a sea fowl betoke­ning a calme sea [...]on whiles [...]he hatch­eth her yong. Isi­dor. Etim. l. 12. c. 7. dayes, than foule weather. There is scarce any man, but the good he receives from God, is more than the ill he feeles, if our unthankefull hearts would suffer us to thinke so. Is not our health more then our sicknesse? Do wee not enjoy more then wee want, I meane, of the things that are necessary? are not our good dayes more then our evill? Joseph was a precedent of affliction, inso­much as the Prophet gives instance in him, Amos, 6.6. they were not grieved for the af­flictions [...] [Page 161] of Joseph; yet the yeeres of his affliction were but about thirteene, the yeeres of his honourable preeminence and principali­ty fourescore: So the Lord blessed the later end of Job Job 42. [...]2. more then his beginning: God made him twice so rich in cattell, as he was before, and gave him as many chil­dren, as he had taken from him, which may cheare up the hearts of the godly, though for a season they suf­fer under the prevailing po­wer, and spight of the un­godly; for they may assure themselves that God (if they suffer not as evill doers) will doe them right, and make them a full amends for all their wrongs. But wee would [...] [Page 162] have a velvet Gospell, wee would goe to Heaven upon Roses; and usually one crosse is more taken to heart, then an hundred blessings. So un­kindly wee deale with God. Is God indebted to us, doth he owe us any thing? Shall the River be beholding to him that drinkes of it, be­cause he comes and quench­eth his thirst? Or shall the Sun be beholding to him that hath the use of his light? Those that deserve nothing, Sect. VII. Of pati­ence in suffering. should be content with any thing.


Alas, I shall never get through such a Crosse.


But if God bring us into the Crosse, he will be with [...] [Page 163] us in the Crosse, and at length bring us out more refined. Wee shall lose nothing but drosse: of our owne strength wee cannot beare the least trouble, and by the spirits assistance wee can beare the greatest; the spirit will joyne his shoulders to helpe to beare our infirmities. The Lord will put his hand to heave us up; he will uphold Psal. 37. 24. us with his hand.


Wee have prayed for Peace and Prosperity, for Health and Deliverance; and yet the scre runs and ceaseth not; the sword is not shea­thed; wee are still exposed to dangers, and threatned with Famine and cleannesse of teeth; wee are like to [...] [Page 164] Issacha [...]'s Tribe, couching under two burthens: Gen. 49. 14. we undergoe the heavy burthens of Cesses, and Taxes, and o­ther oppressions.


In the midst of these un­supportable Sect. VIII God ex­changes his bles­sings: he denies us wealth, peace, and delive­rance, and gives us content­ment, pati­ence, and supporta­tion. pressures, 'tis our comfort, that God will grant us, either what wee pray for, or what he in more wisedome, sees more expe­dient for us, if wee faint not. The Lord sometimes in be­stowing his blessings at our request, deales by way of ex­change, and commutation; and tis well for us, for here­by he makes us, if not gai­ners, yet savers by the bar­gaine.

[Page 165] Doth the Lord deny wealth, and the peaceable possession of that stock and store, he hath bestowed on us? It is well for us, if he give us contentment. For godlinesse is great gaine, if a man be content with that he hath.

Doth he deny us delive­rance from dangers? 'Tis well if he give us supportati­on; if he give us grace to support, and beare up, like the Palme-tree, against the weighty pressures of these times; if he support us by grace, his grace is sufficient for us.

Doth he deny us Peace? 'Tis well if he give us Pati­ence, that how-ever we can­not keepe our goods with o­thers [...] [Page 166] patience, yet wee may possesse our owne soules in patience, Luk. 21. 19.


Yea, but wee lye long un­der the Crosse, and cry out, how long Lord? How long? Seaven yeeres is a mans age, a long time.


Comfort thy selfe with Sect. IX. We must be fitted for mercy, and then find it. this, it shall lie no longer on thee then there is neede, the plaister shall not lie a jot longer on thee then the sore is a healing; if it were sooner heased, it [...] fall off sooner, but then [...] [...] fall off alone. The Lord will [...] [Page 167] heare thee, but it may be, thou art not yet fit for the mercy; not because he doth not heare thy prayer, and tender thee in that case thou art in, but thou art not yet fit. Herein God deales with us as the Physitian with his Pa­tient; The Patient earnestly desires such and such things; the Physitian wants not will to give them him, but he re­solves to give them as soone as he is fit; and therefore he makes him stay till he have purged him, and made him fit for it, till he be fit for such a Cordiall, for such a Medicine. God heares the complaints of this our di­stressed Church and State: it may be, God staies us for this end; wee are not yet [...] [Page 168] (haply) in that capacity of mercy, as is fit. Twice was the Israelits, the better part foiled by the men of Benja­min, the lesse in number, and such as had the worse cause. The Israelits, Jud. 20 23.26.30. they wept, and fasted once or twice, and adventured upon the Benja­mits, but prevailed not till the third time: They were fitted and prepared when they fasted, and wept, and prayed three times. Tis to be feared wee are not yet fit, there is somewhat more that must be done; wee are not yet humbled enough. Some Colts are so untamed, they must needs be broken; so some corruptions are so un­ruly? that they will not be [...] [Page 169] wrought out without great afflictions.

Wee shall have neede of Sect. X. The use of Pati­ence and the neede of it. Patience, as the Apostle saith, Heb. 10.6. to endure these pe­nall and painfull evils. Ful­gentius, a godly Father, was often divers dayes before his (H) sURIUS IN VIL [...] Ful­gent death, heard to cry out; Do­mine da mihi modò patienti­am, & postea indulgentiam: Lord grant me patience heer and case heereafter. Lord give us patience to bear, and constancy to endure, what­soever it shall please thee to inflict. And since this evill of paine, this painfull evill, must come heere, or else­where, say we with S. Au­stin, Domine hic ure, hic seca, [Page 170] ut in aeternum parcas: Lord feare us, lance us heere, let us smart heere, so thou spare us hereafter.

And, yet since wee must suffer (for our sins have so deserved) 'tis our comfort, that wee are under the pro­tection of the highest, and guided by such a providence as stoupeth to the lowest, and wisely disposeth of whatsoever can befall us. Let us then lay our hands upon our mouthes, and command our soules an holy silence, not daring to yeeld to the least rising of our hearts a­gainst God. I was dumbe and opened not my mouth, because thou did'st it, saith David. Psal, 39.9. That which I [...] [Page 171] could not attaine to by rea­son, while I looked on the se­cond causes, now I have ob­tained by grace, looking up to thee, now I keepe silence. Thus Aaron when he had lost his two sonnes, both at once, and that by fire, and by fire from Heaven, which car­ried an evidence of Gods great displeasure with it, yet held his peace. Levit 10.1.2. In this silence and hope is our strength: Flesh and bloud is proane to expostulate with God, and to question his dealing as Gedeon Judg. 6.13. did; If the Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us But after some struggling betweene the flesh and the spirit, the conclusion will be, [...] [Page 172] yet howsoever matters goe, God is good to Israel. Psal. 73.1. Truely God is good to Isra­el, saith David; though God may seeme to favour bad men, because they prosper; De operibus Dei non est judicandum ante Actum Quintum. [...] and to hate good men, be­cause they are crossed; yet he assures himselfe, that God in the end would blesse the godly, and such as were not hypocrites. Hold out faith and patience then, and our worke will speedily be at an end; and, wee shall receive the end of our faith, 1 Pet. 1.9. even the salvation of our soules; and through faith and patience Hebr. 6.12. inherit the promise; If wee strive but a little wee shall be hap­py for ever.

[Page 173] Here it will (haply) be ex­pected that I should goe on, to make up other Cordials Jos. Hall. D.D. and B. N. for severall maladies, but this is done to my hand by a rare Confectioner, in his Balme of Gilead, to whose store­house I referre the Patient.

SECT. VII. Directions for the reco­vered Patient.

VVHen thou Sect. I. Be thank­full after recovery. art cased of the Crosse, be thankfull for thy recove­ry, bee not like the unthank­full Lepers Luke 17.17.18., or Pharaoh's cup-bearer Gen. 10. 23., who admi­red Joseph in the jayle, but forgat him in the Court. For­get not God in thine health and prosperity, whom thou pliedst with suites and pro­mises in thine adversity; e­ven the wicked can be som­what [...] [Page 175] good whiles they are under the crosse, and with Ahab hang downe the head like a bul-rush, and bee hum­bled: but take them off the rack, case their paine, and they run to their old Byas a­gaine: these are like Iron, which is soft, and will bow, as the workeman will, when it is in the fire, but soone af­ter it is drawne out, it returns to the old hardnesse, like hoggs that seldome looke towards heaven, but when they are cast to ground, and overturned, which if they be let goe, they begin to pore on the ground, and roote in the earth.

[Page 176] Try thy selfe, how the Crosse hath wrought with Sect. II. See whe­ther affli­ction have bettered thee. thee, whether it hath bette­red thee or no. Thou callest it a visitation, a correction, how is it so, if thou bee not corrected by it? If the met­tle bee put into the furnace and not refined, it is but re­fuse. If after thou hast been humbled under God's hand, thou grow more faithfull and Conscionable in thy calling than before, 'tis a good token; this is like Tri­acle out of the Viper, and with Sampson to taste sweet honey out of the sowre car­kasse of a dead Lion Judg. [...]., now that thou art recovered, and the Lord added to thy daies, [...] [Page 177] as he did to Ezekiah Esay 38. 5., doe thou add Repentance and Amendement of life to thy daies: as the Lord hath made thee young and lustie like an Eagle Psal. 103. 5., renuing thy youth and strength like an Eagles beake: doe thou like­wise renue thy Repentance, and pay Eccles. 5. 3. that now in thy health, which thou vowedst on thy sick-bed, to wit new­nesse of life. Sin no more John 5. 14. lest a worse thing come to thee, to wit death, naturall or spirituall. Returne not with the Dogge to his vo­mit 2 Pet. z 20. 22., or the Hogge that was washt, to wallow in the puddle of thy former un­cleannesse. Fall not to thine old diet, lest thou fall to [...] [Page 178] thine old disease; beware of a down-cast, and be more precisely cautionate a­gainst spirituall Relapses.

Take heede of a Relapse, Sect. III. Talre heed of reiap­ses, they are dan­gerous. Relapses are dangerous; when I fell sick, it was some comfort to me, that I was but in the common condition of mankind; now in my relapse, I am barred hereof. I charge the fault (and that juftly) vpon mine owne selfe, mine owne carelesnesse and disorder; I have pull'd downe a fal­ling house on mine owne head; I have marred, what Physitians and friends un­der God, had amended. At the first grudging of my [...] [Page 179] maladie, I had some strength and resisted it, now it falls upon me, like an e­nemy, that finding the countrey weakned and de­populated, over runs it; the Relapse proceedes without controll, now that my body is weakened, my spirits wa­sted and my forces spent. If Sathan bee outed of possessi­on, wee must be watchfull, lest he make a Re-entry, hee hath beene our old guest, and knowes every hole and cor­ner in the house. It is this reiterating, this redoubling of the crime, which the Lord takes so ill. How oft did they psa [...] 78.40. provoke me? How oft did they grieve me? Lord, by too lamentable ex­perience, [...] [Page 180] wee finde, how prone we are to recidivate and re­lapse, how hard it is to leave an ill custome. Lord if wee should (which God forbid) yet let not thy spirit of re­morse and compunction de­part from us. Thou that hast commanded us to par­don our trespassing Brother seaventy seaven times Math. 38.22,, that is many times, hast not limited thy selfe to any num­ber, yet farre bee it from us, to worke upon thy forbea­rance, and long sufferings. The bone that is once or twice broken may bee set to­gether again [...], but (haply) not so streight; or if it bee, yet it will afterwards ake and paine a man at certaine [...] [Page 181] seasons; a skarre still re­maines after the wound be healed.

Jacob wrestled with an Sect. IIII. Strive for a blessing, Prayer will get it. Angel, and had his thigh put out of joynt, Gen. 32 25.26. yet would he not let the Angel goe, ex­cept he blessed him, he lost a joynt, and won a blessing. Though by his hurt in his thigh, he was made more weake, yet was he strong, 2 Cor. 12. 10. so strong, as to wrestle againe for a blessing. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, Calar. 6. 12. that is, not against these alone; nor chiefely against these; for our principall enemy is Satan, who sets the world, and the men of this world, [...] [Page 182] Psal. 17. 14. and the flesh a­gainst us; and they serve, as it were under his banner; we grapple also with pressures and afflictions, private and publique, inward and out­ward; and in all these con­flicts wee receive some venies to humble us, and we feele the smart thereof, so as it makes us goe halting to Canaan. Yet, as the Prophet saith, Hos. 12.4. Jacob had power over the Angel, and prevai­led, he wept, and made sup­plication unto him; he pre­vailed by a most vehement wrestling with weeping and supplication, that's the sove­reigne Receit to procure a blessing. The power of pray­er is next to Almighty, and [...] [Page 183] by this sometimes are the hands of the Almighty as it were bound to peace, when he hath a quarrell with his people. Moses after a sort forceth the Lord, insomuch that he craves dimission, let me alone, Exod. 32.10. Deut. 9. 14. that I may con­sume them, let me alone; Domine quis te ligavit? Saith a Father, Greg. l. 2. moral. c. 12. Lord who staies thee? Surely Moses his in­stance and importunity. Ther's no way for us to pre­vaile with that Angel of the Covenant, as the Prophet Mal. 3.1. calleth him, but by an holy striving Rom, 15 30. with God by im portunity of prayer, for a blessing upon our Church and State; that the God of Peace would be pleased to [...] [Page 184] put an end to these our un­happy Warres, and to settle Peace and Truth amongst us; and to deliver us from every evill worke, 2 Tim 4. 18. and preserve us to his Heavenly Kingdome; whither, God the Father, who prepared it, and God the Son, who pur­chased it for us, and the Ho­ly Ghost, that giveth the li­very and seisin vouchsafe to bring us in his good and ap­pointed time. Amen.



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