The Right Hon ble S r Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam Viscount of S t Albans L d High Chancellor of England

BACONIANA. Or Certain Genuine REMAINS OF S R. Francis Bacon, Baron of VERULAM, AND Viscount of St. ALBANS;

In Arguments Civil and Moral, Natural, Medical, Theological, and Bibliographi­cal; Now the First time faithfully Pub­lished.

An ACCOUNT of these Remains, and of all his Lordship's other Works, is given by the Publisher, in a Discourse by way of INTRODUCTION.

LONDON, Printed by I. D. for Richard Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1679.

A TABLE OF THE Contents.

Baconiana Politico-moralia. Under this Head are Contained,
  • 1. SIR Francis Bacon 's Charge against Frances Countess of Somerset, a­bout poysoning of Sir Tho. Overbury. p. 3.
  • 2. His Charge against Robert, Earl of So­merset, touching the same matter. p. 14.
  • 3. His Letter to the Vniversity of Cambridg, when he was sworn Privy-Counsellor. In Latine, p. 37. In English, p. 39.
  • 4. His Letter to King James, touching the Chancellor's Place. p. 41.
  • [Page]5. His Letter to King James, for the Relief of his Estate. p. 45.
  • 6. His Remaining Apothegms. p. 53.
  • 7. A Supply of his Ornamenta Rationalia, or Judicious Sentences.
    • 1. Out of the Mimi of Publius, in Latine and English. p. 60.
    • 2. Out of his own Writings. p. 65.
Baconiana Physiologica, Containing
  • I. A Fragment of his Abecedarium Naturae, in Latine, p. 77. and English, p. 84.
  • II. His Inquisition, touching the Compound­ing of Metals. p. 92.
  • III. His Articles of Questions, touching Mi­nerals.
    • 1. Concerning the Incorporation and Uni­on of Metals. p. 104.
    • 2. Dr. Meveril's Answers to them. p. 110.
    • 3. Concerning the Separation of Metals and Minerals. p. 114.
    • 4. Dr. Meverel's Answers to them. p. 116.
    • 5. Concerning the Variation of Metals and Minerals. p. 118.
    • 6. Dr. Meverel's Answers. p. 123.
    • 7. Concerning the Restitution of Me­tals. p. 127.
    • [Page] 8. Dr. Meverel's Answer. p. 128.
  • IV. The Lord Bacon's Inquisition, concern­ing the Versions, Transmutations, Multi­plications and Effections of Bodies. p. 129.
  • V. His Speech about the Recovery of Drown'd Mineral Works. p. 131.
  • VI. His Experiments about Weight in Air and Water. p. 134.
  • VII. His Experiments for Profit. p. 138.
  • VIII. His Experiments about the Commix [...]ure of Liquors, by Simple Composition only. p. 140.
  • IX. A Catalogue of Bodies Attractive and not Attractive, with Observations upon them, in Latine, p. 145. in English, p. 149.
Baconiana Medica. Under this Head are Contained,
  • 1. His Paper about Prolongation of Life, called by him Grains of Youth. p. 155.
  • 2. A Catalogue of Astringents, Openers, and Cordials, instrumental to long Life. p. 161.
  • 3. An Extract, by his Lordship, out of his Book of the Prolongation of Life, for his own use. p. 167.
  • [Page] 4. His Medical Receipts, against the Stone, &c. p. 171.
Baconiana Theologica. Under this Head are Contained,
  • 1. His Questions of the Lawfulness of a War, for the Propagation of Religion. p. 179.
  • 2. Two Prayers of his, one called the Stu­dents, the other the Writers Prayer. p. 181, 182.
Baconiana Bibliographica. Under this Head are Contained,
  • I. Papers (written by Himself) relating to his Books. As
    • 1. His Letter to the Queen of Bohemia, to whom he sent his Book of a War with Spain. p. 187.
    • 2. A Letter of the Lord Bacon's to the [Page] Vniversity of Cambridg, upon his send­ing to them his Book De Augm. Scient. in Latine, p. 189, in English, p. 190.
    • 3. His Letter to the same Vniversity, upon his sending to them his Novum Orga­num, in Latin, p. 191. in Engl. p. 192.
    • 4. His Letter to Trinity College in Cam­bridg, upon his sending to them his Book of the Advancement of Learning, in Latine, p. 193. in English, p. 194.
    • 5. His Letter to the Bishop of Lincoln, a­bout his Speeches, &c. p. 195.
    • 6. His Letter to Father Fulgentio, about all his Writings in English, p. 196.
    • 7. To Marquess Fiat (about his Essays) in French, p. 201. in English, p. 202.
    • 8. Part of his last Testament concerning his Writings. p. 203.
  • II. Papers (written by others) relating to his Books and Life. As
    • 1. A Letter to him from the Vniversity of Oxford (in Latine, p. 204. in Eng­lish, p. 206.) upon his having sent to them his Book De Augmentis Scien­tiarum.
    • 2. A Letter from Dr. Maynwaring to Dr. Rawley, about the Lord Bacon's Con­fession of Faith. p. 209.
    • 3. A Letter from Dr. Rawley to Mounsieur Aelius Deodate in Latine, p. 214. in [Page] English, p. 215. concerning his publish­ing the Lord Bacon's Works.
    • 4. Mounsieur Deodate's Answer, in La­tine, p. 217. and English, p. 219.
    • 5. Mr. Isaac Gruter's Three Letters to Dr. Rawley (in Latine, p. 221, 231, 238. in English, p. 225, 234, 240.) concerning the Lord Bacon's Works.
    • 6. An Account of the Life, and Writings of the Lord Bacon, by Sir W. Dugdale, together with Insertions by the Publisher. p. 242.
    • 7. A Character of the Lord Bacon, by Dr. Heylin. p. 263.
    • 8. A Character by Dr. Sprat. p. 264.
    • 9. A Character of his Philosophy, by Mr. Cowley. p. 267.

Liber cui Titulus (Baconiana, &c.)


Geo. Thorp, Rev mo. in C. P. & D. Dom. Gulielmo Archiep. Cant. a Sacris Do­mesticis.


In the Introduction.

PAge 6. Line 24. Read Sprang: P. 11. l. 12. r. Site. l. 28. for that, r. the. P. 13. Margent, l. 2. for with, r. inter. P. 15. l. 26. for to, r. and. P. 16 l. 9. for to, r. for. P. 24. l. 18. r. [...]nlarged. l. 25. for were, r. wear. P. 27. l. 23. for his, r. this. P. 40. l. 9. for precious, r consi­derable. P. 43. l. 29. r. compare them. P. 57. l. 13. for of, r. the. P. 59. l. 16. for Edward 3d. r. Edit. 3d. P. 60. l. 8. put a period after publish'd. P. 62. l. 19. r. Methodical. P. 71. l. 24. r. though they.

In the Book.

P. 20. l. 11. blot out but. P. 33. l. 4. for in, r. is. P. 37. l. 23. r. relictum. P. 61. l. 21. blot out even. P. 79. l. 24. blot out Add. P. 83. l. 12. r. vell [...]cationes. P. 85. l. 21. for Impossibility, r. in Possibility. P. 89. l. 20. for interspect, r. intersperse. P. 95. l. 19. r. it will. P. 119. l. 2. r. Arbore­scents. P. 125. l. 18. r. fittest. P. 132. l. 26, 27. for the whole Intellects, r. your noble Intellects. P. 135. l. 29. r. dif­fer. P. 139. l. 11. r. rawns. P. 146. l. 7. for hewed, r. [...]ea­ved. P. 148. l. 10. r. ipsam. P. 149. l. 10. for Sheaves, r. Shivers. P. 16. 2 l. 9. r. mullein. P. 165. l. 13. r. Cupparus. P. 167. l. 2. r. Puls. P. 168. l 28. for with juyce, r. which I use. P. 189. l. 16. r. legitimè. P. 192. l. 15. r. it is. P. 199. l. 19, 20. r. prodromi. P. [...]01. l. 4. for file, r. filz. l. 9. for non, r. mon. l. 23. for ex, r. et. P. 208. l. 9. blot out &c. P. 215. l. 3. r. generosissime Domine. l. 4. r. addictissimus. P. 218. l. 2. r. contriverim. P. 222. l. 23. for tum, r. Tu. P. 232. l. 23. r. vertit. P. 237. l. 4. r. would. P. 239. l. 4. r. [...]ne­rat. l. 12. r. consecrari. l. 14. r. segnescens. P. 249. l. 29, 30. for carried, r. varied. P. 250. l. 5. r. you to call. P. 253. l. 19. r. Courts. P. 254. Margent l. 1. for R. this, r. L. this. P. 257. Margent l. 1. for [...]Twas, r. they were. P. 259. l. 8, 9. after Nature, put a Semicolon; after parted, a Colon.



In which the Publisher en­deavoureth an Account of the PHILOSOPHY, MECHANIC INVENTIONS, and WRITINGS, of Sir FRANCIS BACON, Baron of Verulam, and Viscount of St. Albans; And particularly of these REMAINS now set forth by him under the Title of BACONIANA.

LONDON, Printed for R. C. at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1679.


IT is my purpose to give a true and plain Account, of the Designs and Labours of a very great Philosopher amongst us; and to offer to the World, in some tollerable Method, those Remains of his, which to that end, were put into my Hands.

Something of this hath been done alrea­dy by his Lordship himself; and something further hath been added by the Reverend Dr. Rawley: But their Remarks lay scat­tered in divers Places; and here they are [Page 4] put under one View, and have received very ample Enlargements.

In this last and most comprehensive Ac­count, I have, on purpose, used a loose and Asiatic Style, and wilfully committed that venial fault with which the Laconian (in Boccalini) is merrily taxed, who had said that in three words, which he might possibly have express'd in two. I hop'd, by this means, to serve the more effectual­ly, ordinary Readers, who stand chiefly in need of this Introduction; and whose Ca­pacities can be no more reach'd by a close and strict Discourse, than Game can be ta­ken by a Net unspread.

For any praise upon the account of this small Performance, it is not worth the while to be solicitous about it. Yet sometimes, mean Men get a stock of Reputation, by gathering up the Fragments of the Learned; as Beggars (they say) have gotten Estates by saving together the Alms of the Rich. If that falls not out here where it is not expected, it will be abundantly enough to me if the Inferiour Reader may have Bene­fit, and any Honour may be done to the Memory of his Lordship, whose more Ge­neral Encomium I shall first set down, and then annex a particular Narrative of those Designs and Labours of his, which may be [Page 5] said, not only to merit, buteven to exceed all my Commendations.

I begin (as I said) with his Lordship's Praise, in a more general way. And here I affirm, with good assurance (for Truth is bold) that amongst those few, who by the strength of their private Reason, have resisted popular Errors, and avanced real and useful Learning; there has not arisen a more Eminent Person, than the Lord High Chancellor Bacon. Such great Wits, are not the common Births of Time: And they, surely, intended to signifie so much who said of the Phoenix (though in Hy­perbole as well as Metaphor) that Nature gives the World that Individual Species, but once in five hundred Years.

It is true, There lived in part of the last, and this, Century, many memorable Ad­vancers of Philosophical Knowledg. I mean not here such as Patricius, or Telesius, Brunus, Severinus the Dane, or Campanella. These, indeed, departed from some Errors of the Ancients, but they did not frame any solid Hypothesis of their own. They only spun new Cobwebs, where they had brush'd down the old. Nay, I intend not, in this place, either de Chart, or Gassendi, They were, certainly, great Men, but they appeared somewhat later, and descended [Page 6] into the depths of Philosophy, after the Ice had been broken by others. And those I take to have been chiefly Copernicus, Fa­ther Paul the Venetian, Galileo, Harvey, Gil­bert, and the Philosopher before-remem­bred, Sir Francis Bacon, who, if all his Circumstances be duly weigh'd, may seem to excel them all. He was by Profession, a common Lawyer; by Office, in the Queen's time, one of the Clerks of the Council; in the Reign of King Iames, one of the King's Counsel Learned, then Solicitor Ge­neral, and one of the Iudges in the Knight-Marshals Court; then Attorney General, and one of the King's Privy-Council; then Lord-Keeper of the Great Seal, and during the Kings absence in Scotland, Lord Protector: And last of all, Lord High Chancellor of England. So that in such a Life as his, so thickly set with Business of such Height, it is a Miracle that all Seeds of Philosophy were not daily overdropped, and in a short time, quite choaked; and that any one of them sprung up to Maturity. And yet his prosper'd beyond those of the Philosophers before-mentioned, though they were not pressed on with such a crowd of secular Bu­siness.

For Copernicus, he concern'd himself espe­cially in the Revolutions of the Heavenly [Page 7] Bodies, in reviving and perfecting the ob­solete Doctrine of Philolaus, touching the motion of the Earth, and in setting free the Planets from those many Epicycles, Ec­centrics, and Concentries, in which Pto­lomy, and others had entrangled them. And he well understood the Course of the Stars, though he did not much study that natural motive Power which carries them about in their several Elliptics. The like Remark may be made concerning Mr. Gil­bert, who applied himself particularly to the consideration of Magnetic Powers; as also concerning Dr. Harvey, who inqui­red principally into the Generation of Ani­mals, and the motion of the Heart: Sub­jects in which he made great progress, though into the former, the help of Micro­scopes, would have given him further in­sight See Dr. High­more, of Generati­on, P. 70, 71.; and in both, he rather pursued the proofs of his Hypotheses, than the na­ture of the Mechanic force, which pro­duced those great Effects.

Father Paul, was a more general Philo­sopher, and the Head of a Meeting of Ver­tuosi in Venice. He excelled in Mechanics, in Mathematics of all kinds, in Philological Learning, in Anatomy. In his Anatomical Studies, he exercis'd such Sagacity, that he made further discoveries in the fabrick of [Page 8] the Eye, and taught Aqua-pendente, those new Speculations which he publish'd on that Subject; he found out (saith Fulgen­tio) the Valvulae in the Veins, and began the Doctrine of the Circulation of the Blood: Though there is reason to believe, that he receiv'd the hints of it from Sir Henry Wot­ton, who himself had taken them from Dr. Harvey Cartes diss. de Me­thodo. P. 46. Herveo laus [...]aec tribuenda est quò d primam in istâ materi [...] glac [...]em f [...]ege­rit, &c.. But, the present state of the Affairs of Venice so requiring, Fa­ther Paul bent his Studies to Ecclesiastical Polity, and chiefly employ'd his Pen in detecting the Usurpations and Corruptions of the Pa­pacy: Endeavouring (so far as Books could do it) to preserve the Neck of that Re­publick, from the Bondage of Paul the Fifth, who attempted to set his Foot up­on it.

Galileo further improv'd the Doctrine of Copernicus; discover'd by Telescopes, new Stars in the Heavens; wrote Dialogues con­cerning the System of the World, and touch­ing Local Motion; which latter is the Key that openeth Nature. But he descended not to the several Classes of Bodies in Na­ture, and the particulars contained in them, and their respective Motions, and Uses. Neither did he publish any thing till many [Page 9] Years had pass'd, since Mr. Bacon had form'd and modelled in his thoughts, his larger Idea of Experimental Knowledg. His Si­dereus Nuncius, came not forth till towards the midst of the Reign of King Iames. And King Charles had sate some Years on his Throne, er'e he publish'd his Dialogue of the System of the World. Whereas Mr. Bacon had not only publish'd two Books of his Advancement, in the beginning of K. Iames's Reign, but early in the Queen's time, (as from his Letter to Fulgentio, plainly appeareth) he had written his Temporis Partus Maximus. That Book (pompous in its Title, but solid in its Mat­ter; like a great Feather put sometimes on a good Head piece) contained in it, though in imperfect manner, and so far as the greenness of his Years permitted, the prin­cipal Rudiments of his Instauration. The work therefore of the Instauration, was an Original; and a Work so vast and com­prehensive in its design, that though others in that Age, might hew out this, or the other Pillar; yet of him alone it seemeth true, that he fram'd the whole Model of the House of Wisdom.

In those days in which he began his Studies, Aristotle was, in effect, the Pope in Philosophy. The Lectures, both in his [Page 10] private College, and in the publick Schools, were generally Expositions upon Aristotle's Text. And every Opinion, wrote by him as his own, was esteem'd as Authentick, as if it had been given under the Seal of the Fisher. It was, therefore, a very singular Felicity in a young Gentleman to see fur­ther into Nature, than that celebrated Phi­losopher, at whose feet he was plac'd. And it was as happy as it was extraordinary, that he took distaste betimes at the Vulgar Physicks. Use and Custome in that way, might have reconciled it to him, as it had done to others of great Learning. For a Philosopher is like a Vine, of which they say, It must be set of a Plant, and not of a Tree.

But, though there was bred in Mr. Bacon so early a dislike of the Physiologie of Ari­stotle, yet he did not despise him with that Pride and Haughtiness, with which Youth is wont to be puffed up. He had a just esteem of that great Master in Learning De Augm. Scient. l. 3. c. 4. Caeterum, de viro tam Eximio certè, &, ob acumen Ingenii, mirabili, Aristo­tele, &c▪, and grea­ter than that which Aristotle himself expressed towards the Philosophers that went before him. For he endeavour'd (some say) to stifle all their Labours; design­ing to himself an universal Monarchy over [Page 11] Opinions, as his Patron Alexander did over Men. Our Heröe owned what was excellent in him; but, in his Inquiries into Nature, he proceeded not upon his Principles. He began the Work a-new, and laid the foundation of Philosophick Theory in numerous Experiments.

By this Theory is not (as I conceive) so much to be understood, that most ab­stracted, and more narrow one, of the meer nature and definition of Matter, Motion, Place, Figure, Sight, Quantity, and the like, which a Man's Reason may find out, by a few common and daily Appearances in Nature, or Operations of Art: But we are to understand by it, a truer and fuller Knowledg, of the Systeme of the World, of the several Actions and Passions of Bo­dies in it, and of the divers Ways where­by, in themselves, or by the application of Art to them, they may be made ser­viceable to Humane Life.

Now this was a Work for a Man of a thousand Hands, and as many Eyes, and depended upon a distinct, and comprehen­sive, History of Nature. It was a way laborious and tedious, yet useful and ho­nourable, and in this, like that way of the Snail, which shineth though it is slow.

Such an useful and noble Philosophy did [Page 12] our Author design, instead of the Art of Disputation, which then generally prevail'd, and which he compar'd to the condition of Children who are apt for Talk, but not for Generation. And certainly, that Cha­racter was most due unto himself which he gave to Xenophanes, of whom he said, that he was a Man of a vast Conceit, and that minded nothing but Infinitum Hist. of Life & Death. p. 15..

Easie it is to add to things already in­vented; but to Invent, and to do it under Discouragement, when the World is pre­judiced against the Invention, and with loud Clamour hooteth at the Projector; this is not an Undertaking for Dulness, or Cowardize. To do this, argues an In­quisitive and Sagacious Wit; A mind free from slavish prepossession; a piercing Iudg­ment, able to see through the mists of Au­thority; a great Power in the Understand­ing, giving to a Man sufficient Courage to bear up the Head against the common Cur­rent of Philosophical Doctrines, and Force to beat out its own way in untravelled Places.

With such Intellectual Ability, was the Lord Verulam endow'd: And he stood on the old Paths, and perceiv'd, the unsound­ness of their Bottom; their intricate Wind­ings; their tendency to an useless End, or [Page 13] rather to endless Disputation; and the dai­ly Justlings and Rencounters of those who travail'd in them: And he looked atten­tively round about him, and he espied a new, and better, and larger, and safer way; and he journey'd far in it himself; and he left a Map of it for Posterity, who might further pursue it; and he has been happy in being follow'd, by Men of the ablest Understandings, with singular suc­cess; and the Societies for improving of Natural Knowledg, do not at this day, de­part from his Directions, though they tra­vel further than Death would suffer him to adventure.

I can, at present, call to remembrance but one Man, who hath undervalued his Lordship's Method; and it is the same Man who hath libell'd the Holy Scriptures them­selves; the Infidel Spinoza B. D. Spinoza in Ep. 2. ad H. Oldenburg. with op. Posth. p. 398, 399.. This Man objecteth against his Way, that it fail­eth in the very entrance of it, through a mistake about the Original of Error.

His Lordship's Opinion is the same with that which de Chart insisteth on, in his latter Philosophy. Both shew that therefore Man deceives himself, because his Will (being larger in its desires, than the Vnderstand­ing [Page 14] is in its Comprehensions; and hastning its opinion of such Objects as it covets to know, before it hath sufficiently attended to them, and obtain'd a clear and distinct perception of them) does cause it to yield a blind and rash, and therefore groundless Assent to insufficient Evidence.

His Lordship hath expressed it thus, af­ter his better way of saying things. ‘The Vnderstanding Nov. Organ. l. 1. Aph. 49. p. 44, 45. is not only made up of dry Light, but it receives an infusion from the Will and Affections: And that begets such Sciences as the Heart desireth. For a Man soonest believes that which he would have to be true. Wherefore he rejects difficult Truths, through impa­tience in inquiring; and sober Truths, be­cause they restrain his hope [or desire;] and the deeper Natural Truths, by reason of Superstition; and the Light of Experiments, by reason of Arrogance and Pride, lest the Mind should seem to be conversant in mean and transitory Things; and Paradoxes, out of respect to the opinion of the Vulgar. In sum, the Will seasons and infects the Mind, by innumerable Ways, and by such as are, sometimes, not at all perceived.’

Now, how, think you, doth Spinoza shew this opinion, to be a gross and fundamen­tal Mistake? Why, by denying that there [Page 15] is any such thing in Man as a Will: (as if that general name was ever used to signifie a particular Act, and not rather to express the general notion of that Power:) By telling us that all Volitions are particular Acts, and as fatally determin'd by a Chain of Physical Causes, as any effects whatsoever of Natural Bodies. So that we are like to learn well, from his Philosophy, how to a­mend our Erroneous Assent, whilst it teach­eth us that it is necessary, and not to be mend­ed, unless Men could have other Bodies, and there were another Scheme of Nature.

It must be confess'd, that the Lord I write of, was not without Infirmities, In­tellectual or Moral: And the latter of these have made the greater Noise from the greatness of his Fall. I do not, here, pre­tend to speak of an Angel, but of a Man: And no Man, great in Wit, and high in Office, can live free from suspicion of both kinds of Errors. For that Heat which is instrumental in making a great Wit, is apt to disorder the attention of the Mind, and the stability of the Temper. And High Place, because it giveth power to Oppor­tunity, though no Athority to offend, is ever look'd on with a jealous Eye: And corrupt Men who mete by their own Measures, think no Man can be Great, and Innocent too.

[Page 16] His Lordship own'd it under his Hand, In his Letter to King James, March 25. 1620. In the Cab. that, He was frail, and did partake of the Abuses of the Times: And, surely, he was a partaker of their Severities also; though they proved, by accident, happy Crosses and Misfortunes. Methinks they are resembled by those of Sir George Som­mers, who being bound, by his Employ­ment, to another Coast, was by Tempest, cast upon the Barmudas. And there, a Shipwrack'd Man made full discovery of a new temperate fruitful Region, which none had before inhabited; and which Mariners, who had only seen its Rocks, had esteemed an inaccessible and enchanted Place. The great cause of his Suffering, is to some, a secret. I leave them to find it out, by his words to King Iames See Mr. Bu­shels Ex­tract. p. 19., I wish (said he) that as I am the first, so I may be the last of Sacrifices in your Times. And when from private Appetite, it is re­solv'd, that a Creature shall be sacrific'd; it is easie to pick up sticks enough, from any Thicket whither it hath straid, to make a Fire to offer it with.

But whatsoever his Errors were, or the causes of his Misfortunes, they are over­ballanc'd by his Vertues, and will die with Time. His Errors were but as some Excres­cencies, which grow on those Trees that [Page 17] are fit to build the Palaces of Kings: For though they are not proper and natural Parts, yet they do not very much deprive the Body of its use and value. And, fur­ther, (to express my self by a more decent Image, a Comparison of his own;) ‘His Fall will be to Posterity, but as a little Picture of Night-work, remaining a­mongst the Fair and Excellent Tables of his Acts and Works Epist▪ to Bishop Andrew [...].’

These I distinguish, into two kinds,

His Mechanical Inventions, and his Wri­tings.

I doubt not but his Mechanical Inventi­ons were many. But I can call to mind but Three, at this time, and of them I can give but a very broken Account: And, for his Instruments and Ways in recovering deserted Mines, I can give no account at all; though certainly, without new Tools and peculiar Inventions, he would never have undertaken that new and hazardous Work. Of the three Inventions which come now to my Memory, the

First was an Engine representing the mo­tion of the Planets. Of this I can say no more than what I find, in his own words, in one of his Miscellany Papers in Manuscript. [Page 18] The words are these: ‘I did, once, cause to be represented to me, by Wires, the motion of some Planets, in fact as it is, without Theories of Orbs, &c. And it seemed a strange and extravagant Motion. One while, they moved in Spires for­wards; another while they did unwind themselves in Spires backwards: One while they made larger Circles, and higher; another while smaller Circles, and lower: One while they mov'd to the North, in their Spires, another while to the South, &c.

His Second Invention was a secret Curio­sity of Nature, whereby to know the Sea­son of every Hour of the Year, by a Phi­losophical Glass, placed (with a small propor­tion of Water) in a Chamber. This Inven­tion I describe in the words of him, from whom I had the notice of it, Mr. Thomas Bushel See his Ex­tract. p. 17., one of his Lordships Menial Servants; a Man skilful in discovering and opening of Mines, and famous for his curi­ous Water-Works, in Oxfordshire, by which he imitated Rain, Hail, the Rain-bow, Thun­der and Lightning.

This secret cannot be that Instrument which we call Vitrum Calendare, or the Weather-Glass, the Lord Bacon in his [Page 19] Writings Hist. of life and death, p. 22., speaking of that as a thing in ordinary use, and commending, not Water In For­m [...] Calid [...]. [...]. 24. p. 176. Org. but rectifi'd Spirit of Wine, in the use of it. Nor (being an Instrument made with Water) is it likely to have shewed changes of the Air with so much exactness, as the later Baroscope made with Mercury. And yet, it should seem to be a secret of high value by the Reward, it is said to have procured. For the Earl of Essex (as he in his Extract. pag. 17. reporteth) when Mr. Bacon had made a Present of it to him, was pleas'd to be very bountiful in his Thanks, and bestow upon his Twicknam-Park, and its Garden of Paradise, as a place for his Studies. I confess, I have not Faith enough to believe the whole of this Relation. And yet I believe the Earl of Essex was extremely Liberal, and free even to Profuseness; that he was a great lover of Learned Men, being, in some sort, one of them himself MS. Hist. of Q. Eli [...]. p. 39.; and that with singular Patronage, he cherish'd the hopeful Parts of Mr. Bacon, who also studied his For­tunes and Service. Yet Mr. Bacon him­self, where he professeth his unwillingness to be short, in the commemoration of the favours of that Earl; is, in this great one, perfectly silent Ba­con's Apol. conc. the Eaerl of Essex. p. 54, 55.. But there is, in his Apologie, another Story, which may seem [Page 20] to have given to Mr. Bushel, the occasion of his Mistake. ‘After the Queen had de­ny'd to Mr. Bacon, the Solicitor's Place, for the which the Earl of Essex had been a long and earnest suitor on his behalf, it pleased that Earl to come to him, from Richmond, to Twicknam-Park; and thus to break with him: Mr. Bacon [...] the Queen hath deny'd me the Place for you.— you fare ill, because you have chosen me for your Mean and Dependance: You have spent your thoughts and time in my Matters; I die—if I do not do somewhat towards your Fortune. You shall not deny to accept a piece of Land which I will bestow upon you.’ And it was, it seems, so large a piece, that he under-sold it for no less than Eighteen Hundred Pounds.

His Third Invention was, a kind of Me­chanical Index of the Mind. And of this, Mr. Bushel In his Ex­tract. p. 17, 18. hath given us the following Narrative and Description. ‘His Lord­ship presented to Prince Henry, Two Tri­angular Stones (as the First-fruits of his Philosophy) to imitate the Sympatheti­cal Motion of the Load-stone and Iron, although made up by the Compounds of Meteors (as Star-shot Jelly) and other like Magical Ingredients, with the reflect­ed [Page 21] Beams of the Sun, on purpose that the warmth distill'd into them through the moist heat of the Hand, might discover the affection of the Heart, by a visible sign of their Attraction and Appetite to each other, like the hand of a Watch, within ten Minutes after they are laid on a Marble Table, or the Theatre of a great Looking-Glass. I write not this as a feigned Story, but as a real Truth; for I was never quiet in my Mind, till I had procured these Jewels of my Lord's Phi­losophy from Mr. Archy Primrose, the Prince's Page.’

Of this I find nothing, either in his Lordship's Experiments Nat. Hist. Cent. 10. Exp. 939. &c. p. 205. touching Emissi­on, or Immateriate Virtues, from the Minds and Spirits of Men; or, in those concern­ing the secret Virtue of Sympathy and Anti­pathy Ibid. Exp. 960. &c. p. 211. Wherefore I forbear to speak further in an Argument about which I am so much in the dark.

I proceed to subjects upon which I can speak with much more assurance, his Inimi­table Writings.

Now, of the Works of the Lord Bacon, many are extant, and some are lost, in whole, or in part.

His Abecedarium Naturae, is in part lost, and there remaineth nothing of it besides [Page 22] the Fragment, lately retrieved, and now first publish'd. But this loss is the less to be lamented, because it is made up with advantage, in the second and better thoughts of the Author, in the two first Parts of his Instauration. The World hath sustain'd a much greater loss in his Historia Gravis & Levis, which (I fear) is wholly perished. It is true, he had gone no further than the general Delineation of this Work; but those Out-lines drawn by so great an Ar­tist, would have much directed others, in describing those important Phenomena of Nature.

Also his Collection of Wise and Acute Sentences, entituled by him, Ornamenta Rationalia; is either wholly lost; or, in some obscure place, committed to Moths and Cobwebs. But this is, here in some sort supplied, partly out of his own Works, and partly out of those of one of the An­cients.

Lost, likewise, is a Book which he wrote in his Youth, he call'd it [Temporis Partus Maximus] See the E [...]ist. to Fulgen. the Greatest Birth of Time: Or rather, Temporis Partus Mas­culus, the Masculine Birth of Time. For so Gruter found it call'd in some of the Papers of Sir William Boswel See the Page af [...]er the Title of Scripta Philoso­phica.. This was a kind of Embrio of the Instauration: [Page 23] and if it had been preserved, it might have delighted and profited Philosophical Rea­ders, who could then have seen the Gene­ration of that great Work, as it were from the first Egg of it.

Of those Works of the Lord Bacon's which are Extant, some he left imperfect, that he might pursue his Design in others; As the New Atlantis: Some he broke off on purpose, being contented to have set others on-wards in their way; as The Dia­logue of a Holy War. In some he was pre­vented by Death; as in the History of Henry the Eighth. Of some he despaired; as of the Philosophia Prima, of which he left but some few Axioms. And lastly, some he perfected; as some parts of the Great Instauration. And amongst all his Works, that of his Instauration, deserveth the first place. He thought so himself, saying to Dr. Andrews, then Lord Bishop of Win­chester In Epist. De­dic. before his Adver­tisement touching a holy War., ‘This is the Work, which, in my own judgment, (Si nunquam fallit Imago) I do most esteem.’

In this Work, he designed to take in pieces the former Model of Sciences; to lay aside the rotten Materials; to give it a new Form, and much Enlargement; and to found it, not upon Imagination, but Reason helped by Experience. This [Page 24] Great Instauration, was to consist of Six Parts.

The First Part proposed was, the Parti­tions of the Sciences: And this the Author perfected in that Golden Treatise of the Advancement of Learning, addressed to King Iames, a Labour which he termed In his Letter to Sir T. Bodley, p. 34. Resus. the comfort of his other Labours. This he first wrote in two Books, in the English Tongue, in which his Pen excelled. And of this First Edition that is to be meant, which, with some Truth, and more Mo­desty, he wrote to the Earl of Salisbury; telling him In a Letter in Resusc. p. 31., ‘That, in his Book, he was contented to awake better Spirits, being himself like a Bell-ringer, who is first up to call others to Church.’ Afterwards he enlargeth the Second of those Two Dis­courses, which contained especially the a­bovesaid Partition, and divided the Matter of it into Eight Books. And, knowing that this Work was desired beyond the Seas, and being also aware, that Books written in a modern Language, which receiveth much change in a few Years, were out of use; he caus'd that part of it which he had written in English, to be translated in­to the Latine Tongue, by Mr. Herbert, and some others, who were esteemed Masters in the Roman Eloquence. Notwithstand­ing [Page 25] which, he so suted the Style to his Conceptions, by a strict Castigation of the whole Work, that it may deservedly seem his own. The Translation of this Work (that is, of much of the Two Books writ­ten by him in English) he first com­mended to Dr. Playfer, a Professour of Divinity in the University of Cambridg; using, amongst others, these words to him. ‘The Col­lect. of Letters in Resusc. p. 33, 34. privateness of the Language consi­dered, wherein the Book is written, ex­cluding so many Readers; as, on the o­ther side, the obscurity of the Argument, in many parts of it, excludeth many o­thers; I must account it, a second Birth of that Work, if it might be translated into Latine, without manifest loss of the Sence, and Matter. For this purpose I could not represent to my self any Man, into whose hands I do more earnestly de­sire that Work should fall, than your Self: For, by that I have heard, and read, I know no Man a greater Master, in commanding Words to serve Mat­ter.’

The Doctor was willing to serve so Ex­cellent a Person, and so worthy a Design; and, within a while, sent him a Specimen of a Latine Translation. But Men, gene­rally, come short of themselves when they [Page 26] strive to out-doe themselves. They put a force upon their Natural Genius, and, by straining of it, crack and disable it. And so, it seems, it happened to that Worthy and Elegant Man. Upon this great Occa­sion, he would be over-accurate; and he sent a Specimen of such superfine Latinity, that the Lord Bacon did not encourage him to labour further in that Work, in the pen­ning of which, he desired not so much neat and polite, as clear Masculine, and apt Expression.

The whole of this Book was rendred into English by Dr. Gilbert Wats, of Oxford; and the Translation has been well received by many. But some there were, who wished that a Translation had been set forth, in which the Genius and Spirit of the Lord Bacon had more appeared. And I have seen a Letter, written by certain Gentlemen to Dr. Rawley, wherein they thus importune him for a more accurate Version, by his own Hand. ‘It is our humble sute to you, and we do earnestly solicit you,—to give your self the Trouble, to correct the too much defe­ctive Translation of de Augmentis Scientiarum, which Dr. Watts hath set forth. It is a thousand pities, that so worthy a Piece should lose its Grace [Page 27] and Credit by an ill Expositor; since those Persons, who read that Translati­on, taking it for Genuine, and upon that presumption not regarding the Latine Edition, are thereby robbed of that be­nefit which (if you would please to undertake the Business) they might re­ceive. This tendeth to the dishonour of that Noble Lord, and the hindrance of the Advancement of Learning.

This Work hath been also translated into French upon the motion of the Marquis Fiat. But in it there are many things wholly omitted, many things perfectly mis­taken, and some things (especially such as relate to Religion) wilfully perverted. Insomuch that, in in one place, he makes his Lordship to magnifie the Legend: A Book, sure of little Credit with him, when he thus began one of his Essays Essay of Athe­ism.; ‘I had rather believe all the Fables in the Le­gend, and the Talmud, and the Alco­ran, than that this Universal Frame is without a Mind.’

The fairest, and most correct Edition of this Book in Latine, is that in Folio, prin­ted at London, Anno 1623. And who­soever would understand the Lord Bacon's Cypher In l. 6. c. 1., let him consult that accurate Edition. For, in some other Editions [Page 28] which I have perused, the form of the Let­ters of the Alphabet, in which much of the Mysterie consisteth, is not observed: But the Roman and Italic shapes of them are confounded.

To this Book we may reduce the first four Chapters of that imperfect Treatise, published in Latine by Isaac Gruter Inter Scripta Philos. fol. 75., and called The Description of the Intellectual Globe; they being but a rude draught of the Partition of the Sciences, so accurately and methodically disposed, in this Book of the Advancement of Learning. To this Work, also, we may reduce, the Treatise called Thema Coeli, published like­wise in Latine, by Gruter. And it parti­cularly belongeth to the Fourth Chapter, and the Third Book of it; as being a Dis­course tending to an improvement of the System of the Heavens, which is treated of in that place, the Houses of which (had God granted him life) he would have understood as well almost as he did his own. For the same Reason, we may reduce, to the same place of the Advancement, the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Chapters, of the Descriptio Globi Intellectualis, above remembred See Verulam's Scripta Philos. p. 90, &c..

The Second Part of his Great Instaura­tion (and so considerable a part of it, that the Name of the whole is given to it) is [Page 29] his Novum Organum Scientiarum, written by himself in the Latine Tongue, and prin­ted also most beautifully and correctly in Folio, at London 1620. and in 2d [...] part Res. part of this Orga. is publ. in an Engl. Version.. This Work he De­dicated to King Iames, with the following Excuse; That, if he had stolen any time, for the Composure of it, from his Maje­stie's other Affairs, he had made some sort of Restitution, by doing Honour to his Name and his Reign. The King wrote to him, then Chancellor, a Letter of thanks, with his own Hand Dated Octob. 16. 1620. See Collect. of Letters in Resusc. p. 83.; and this was the first part of it. ‘My Lord, I have recei­ved your Letter, and your Book, than the which you could not have sent, a more acceptable Present, to me. How thankful I am for it, cannot better be expressed by me, than by a firm Resolu­tion I have taken; First, to read it through with Care and Attention; though I should steal some Hours from my Sleep; having, otherwise, as little spare Time to read it, as you had to write it: And then to use the liberty of a true Friend, in not sparing to ask you the question in any Point, whereof I stand in doubt, (Nam ejus est explicare, cujus est condere;) as, on the other part, I will willingly give a due commendation to such Places, as in my Opinion, shall [Page 30] deserve it. In the mean time, I can with comfort, assure you, that you could not have made choice of a Subject, more be­fitting your Place, and your Universal, and Methodical Knowledg.—’

Three Copies of this Organum, were sent by the Lord Bacon to Sir Henry Wotton, one who took a pride (as himself saith) in a certain Congeniality with his Lord­ship's Studies. And how very much he va­lued the Present, we may learn from his own words. ‘You Lordship (said he Sir H. Wotton' s Remains, p. 298, 299.) hath done a great and ever-living Benefit to all the Children of Nature, and to Na­ture her self in her uttermost extent of Latitude: Who, never before, had so noble, nor so true an Interpreter, or (as I am readier to style your Lordship) never so inward a Secretary of her Cabi­net. But of your Work (which came but this Week to my hands) I shall find occasion to speak more hereafter; ha­ving yet read only the First Book there­of, and a few Aphorisms of the Second. For it is not a Banquet that Men may su­perficially taste, and put up the rest in their Pockets; but, in truth, a solid Feast, which requireth due Mastication. Therefore, when I have once, my self, perused the whole, I determine to have [Page 31] it read, piece by piece, at certain Hours, in my Domestic College, as an Ancient Author: For I have learned thus much by it already, that we are extremely mis­taken in the Computation of Antiquity, by searching it backwards; because, in­deed, the first Times were the youngest; especially in points of Natural Discovery and Experience.—’

This Novum Organum containeth in it, Instructions concerning a better and more perfect use of Reason in our Inquisitions after things. And therefore the Second Title which he gave it was, Directions con­cerning Interpretations of Nature. And, by this Art, he designed a Logick more useful than the Vulgar, and an Organon apter to help the Intellectual Powers, than that of Aristotle. For he proposed here, not so much the Invention of Arguments, as of Arts; and in Demonstration, he used In­duction, more than Contentious Syllogism; and in his Induction, he did not straightway proceed from a few particular Sensible No­tions, to the most general of all; but rai­sed Axioms by degrees, designing the most general Notions for the last place; and in­sisting on such of them as are, not merely Notional, but, coming from Nature, do also lead to her.

[Page 32] This Book containeth Three Parts, The Preface; the Distribution of the Work of the Great Instauration; Aphorisms, gui­ding to the Interpretation of Nature.

The Preface considereth the present un­happy state of Learning, together with Counsels and Advices to advance and im­prove it. To this Preface therefore, are to be reduced the Indicia, and the Proem in Gruter Script. p. 285. & 479., concerning the Interpreta­tion of Nature; the First Book de Aug­mentis Scientiarum, which treateth gene­rally of their Dignity and Advancement; and his Lordship' s Cogitata & Visa Pub. by Gruter among the Scripta., written by him, in Latine, without Inten­tion of making them publick in that Form, and sent to Dr. Andrews Ann [...] 1607. see Resusc. p. 35., as likewise to Sir Thomas Bodely, with a desire to re­ceive their Censures and Emendations. The latter returned him a free and friendly Judg­ment of this Work, in a large and learned Letter, published in the Cabala, in the English Tongue, and by Gruter in the Latine Inter Scripta Philos. p. 62.. The like, perhaps, was done by the former, though his Answer be not extant.

To the Distribution, belongeth that La­tine Fragment in Gruter Inter Scripta. p. 293., called, The Delineation, and Argument, of the Se­cond Part of the Instauration. So doth that Pag. 208. of the Philosophy of Parmenides [Page 33] and Telesius, and (especially) Democritus. For (as he sheweth in the beginning of that Part) he designed first to consider the Learning of which the World was posses­sed; and then to perfect that; and that being done, to open new Ways to further Discoveries.

To the Aphorisms is reducible, his Letter to Sir Henry Savil, touching Helps for the Intellectual Powers, written by his Lord­ship in the English Re­usc. p 225, & [...] Tongue. A part of Knowledg then scarce broken [...] [...] late, S [...] ­noza on that Sub­ject., Men believing that Nature was here rather to be follow'd than guided by Art; and as necessary (in his Lordship's Opinion) as the grinding and whetting of an Instrument, or the quenching it, and giving it a stron­ger Temper.

Also there belong to this place, the Fragment, call'd Aphorismi & Consilia, de Auxiliis mentis. And Sententiae Duodecim de Interpretatione Naturae; both published by Gruter in the Latine Tongue, in which his Lordship wrote them See Script. p. 448, 451..

In the bringing this Labour to Maturity, he used great and deliberate Care; inso­much that Dr. D. R▪ in Life of Lord Ba­con. Rawley saith, he had seen Twelve Copies of it, revised Year by Year, one after another; and every Year alter'd and amended in the Frame thereof, till at [Page 34] last it came to the Model in which it was committed to the Press. It was like a migh­ty Pyramid, long in its Erection; and it will, probably, be like to it in its Conti­nuance.

Now he received from many parts be­yond the Seas, Testimonies touching this Work, such, as beyond which he could not (he saith, In Epi. to Bishop Andrews.) expect at the first, in so abstruse an Argument; yet nevertheless (he saith again) he had just cause to doubt that it flew too high over Mens Heads: He purpos'd therefore, (though he broke the order of Time) to draw it down to the sense by some Patterns, of Natural Story and Inquisition.

And so he proceeded to

The Third Part of the Instauration, which he called the Phaenomena of the Vniverse, or the History Natural and Experimental, subservient to the building of a true Philo­sophy.

This Work consisteth of several Secti­ons:

The First is his Parasceve, or Prepara­tory to the History Natural and Experi­mental. It is a short Discourse written in Latine, by the Author, and annexed to the Novum Organum Scientiarum. There is de­livered in it, in Ten Aphorisms, the gene­ral [Page 35] manner of framing a Natural History. After which followeth a Catalogue of par­ticular Histories, of Coelestial and Aereal Bodies, and of those in the Terrestrial Globe, with the Species of them: Such as Metals, Gems, Stones, Earths, Salts, Plants, Fishes, Fowls, Insects; Man, in his Body, and in his Inventions mechanic and liberal.

A late Pen has travelled in the Transla­tion of this little Description of Natural History; and it is extant in the Second Part of the Resuscitation.

To this Parasceve, it is proper to reduce the Fragment of the Abecedarium Naturae; and a short Discourse written in Latine by his Lordship, and published by Gruter Se [...]. Ver. [...] Phil. p. 323.: It being (what also its Title shews) a Preface to the Phaenomena of the Vniverse; or, The Natural History.

Neither do we, here, unfitly place the Fable of the New Atlantis: For it is the Model of a College to be Instituted by some King who philosophizeth, for the Interpreting of Nature, and the Improving of Arts. His Lordship did (it seems) think of finishing this Fable, by adding to it a Frame of Laws, or a kind of Vtopian Commonwealth; but he was diverted by his desire of Collecting the Natural Hi­story [Page 36] which was first in his esteem. This Supplement has been lately made by ano­ther Hand See R. H. con­tin. of N. Atlantis Octo. Lon. 1660.: A great and hardy Adven­ture, to finish a Piece after the Lord Veru­lam's Pencil. This Fable of the New At­lantis in the Latine Edition of it, and in the Franckfort Collection, goeth under the false and absurd Title of Novus Atlas: As if his Lordship had alluded to a Person, or a Mountain, and not to a great Island, which according to Plato, perished in the Ocean.

The Second Section is, the History of Winds, written in Latine by the Au­thor, and by R. G. Gentleman, turned in­to English. It was Dedicated to King Charles, then Prince, as the First-fruits of his Lordship's Natural History; and as a grain of Mustard-seed, which was, by de­grees, to grow into a Tree of Experimen­tal Science. This was the Birth of the first of those Six Months, in which he deter­min'd (God assisting him) to write Six several Histories of Natural Things. To wit, of Dense and Rare Bodies, of Heavy and Light Bodies; of Sympathy and Antipathy; of Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury; of Life and Death; and (which he first perfected) that of Winds, which he calls the Wings by which Men flie on the Sea, and the [Page 37] Beesoms of the Air and Earth. And he, rightly, observeth concerning those Post­nati (for, as he saith, they are not a part of the Six Days Works, or Primary Creatures) that the Generation of them has not been well understood, because Men have been Ignorant of the Nature and Power of the Air, on which the Winds attend, as Aeolus on Iuno.

The English Translation of this Book of Winds, is printed in the Second Part of the Resuscitatio, as it is called, though im­properly enough; for it is rather a Colle­ction of Books already Printed, than a Resuscitation of any considerable Ones, which before slept in private Manuscript.

The Third Section is, the History of Den­sity and Rarity, and of the Expansion and Coition of Matter in Space. This Dis­course was written by his Lordship in La­tine; and was publish'd very imperfectly by Gruter, amongst other Treatises, to which he gave the Title of Impetus Philoso­phici See Verulamii Scripta, p. 336, 337, &c.; and very perfectly and correct­ly by Dr. Rawley, out of whose Hands none of his Lordship's Works came lame and ill shapen into the World.

In this Argument, his Lordship allow­ing that nothing is substracted, or added to the total Sum of Matter, does yet grant, [Page 38] that in the same Space there may be much more or less of Matter; and that (for In­stance sake) there is ten times more of Mat­ter in one Tun of Water, than in one of Air. By which his Lordship should seem to grant, what yet I do not find he does in any other place; either that there is a Vacuum in Nature, or Penetration of parts in Bodies.

The Third Section is, the History of Gra­vity and Levity, which (as before was said) was but design'd; and remaineth not (that I can hear of) so much as in the rude draught of its Designation. On­ly, there are published his Lordship's To­pics, or Articles of Inquisition, touching Gravity and Levity, in his Book of Ad­vancement De Augm. Scient. l. 5. [...]. 3. p 386.; and a brief Aditus to this History, annexed to the Historia Ventorum. In that Aditus, or Entrance, he rejecteth the Appetite of heavy Bodies to the Cen­ter of the Earth, as a Scholastic Fancy: He taketh it for a certain Truth, That Body does not suffer but from Body, or that there is any local motion which is not soli­cited, either from the parts of the Body it self which is moved; or from Bodies adjacent, either contiguously, or in the next Vicinity, or at least within the Orb of their Activity: And lastly, he commen­deth [Page 39] the Magnetic Virtues introduced by Gilbert, whom yet in this he disalloweth, that he made himself as 'twere a Magnet, and drew every thing to his Hypothesis.

The Fourth Section is, the History of Sym­pathy and Antipathy. Of this we have on­ly the Aditus annexed to that of Historia Gravis & Levis; and a few Instances in his Sylva Sylvarum See Exper. 95, 96, 97. 462, 480, to 498.. In this History he designed to avoid Magical Fancies, which raise the Mind, in these things, to an un­due height; and pretence of occultness of Quality, which layeth the Mind asleep, and preventeth further Inquiry into these useful secrets of Nature.

The Fifth Section is, the History of Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury, the three Principles of the common Chymists; of which three, he thought the first to be no primordial Body, but a Compound of the two others, knit together by an acid Spirit. The Aditus All these Adi­tus are transl. in­to Engl. by the Trans. of the Hi­story of Winds. to this is annexed to that of Historia Sym­pathiae & Antipathiae Rerum; but the Trea­tise it self was (I think) never written.

The Sixth Section is, the History of Life and Death; written by his Lordship in Latine; and first turn'd into English by an injudicious Translator; and rendred much better a second time, by an abler Pen, made [Page 40] abler still by the Advice and Assistance of Dr. Rawley.

This Work, though ranked last, amongst the Six Monthly Designations; yet was set forth in the second Place: His Lord­ship (as he saith) inverting the Order, in respect of the prime use of this Argu­ment, in which the least loss of time was, by him, esteemed very precious. The Subject of this Book (which Sir Henry Wotton Re­mains, p. 455. calleth, none of the least of his Lordship's Works) and the Argument of which, some had before undertaken Pan­sa de pro­pag. vitâ Octo. Lips. 1615.; but to much less purpose is the first of those, which he put in his Catalogue of the Magnalia Naturae. And doubless, his Lord­ship undertook both a great and a most desirable Work, of making Art short, and Life easie and long. ‘And it was his Lord­ship's wish, that the nobler sort of Phy­sicians might not employ their times wholly in the sordidness of Cures, nei­ther be honoured for necessity only; but become Coadjutors and Instruments of the Divine Omnipotence and Clemence, in prolonging and renewing the Life of Man: And in helping Christians who pant after the Land of Promise, so to journey through this World's Wilderness, as to have their Shoes and Garments, [Page 41] (these of their frail Bodies) little worn and impair'd.’

The Seventh and greatest Branch of the Third Part of the Instauration, is his Sylva Sylvarum, or Natural History; which con­taineth many Materials for the building of Philosophy, as the Organum doth Directi­ons for the Work. It is an History not on­ly of Nature freely moving in her Course, (as in the production of Meteors, Plants, Minerals); but also of Nature in con­straint, and vexed and tortur'd by Hu­mane Art and Experiment. And it is not an History of such things orderly ranged; but thrown into an Heap. For his Lord­ship, that he might not discourage other Collectors, did not cast this Book into ex­act Method; for which reason it hath the less Ornament, but not much the less Use.

In this Book are contain'd Experiments of Light, and Experiments of Use (as his Lordship was wont to distinguish); and amongst them some Extraordinary, and o­thers Common. He understood that what was Common in one Country, might be a Rarity in another: For which Reason, Dr. Caius, when in Italy, thought it worth his pains to make a large and Elegant De­scription of Our way of Brewing. His Lordship also knew well, that an Experiment mani­fest [Page 42] to the Vulgar, was a good ground for the Wise to build further upon. And him­self rendred Common ones, extraordinary by Admonitions, for further Trials and Im­provements. Hence his Lordship took oc­casion to say Nat. Hist. Cent. 1. p. 25. Exper. 93., that his writing of Syl­va Sylvarum, was (to speak properly) not a Natural History, but a high kind of Natural Magic: Because it was not only a description of Nature, but a breaking of Nature into great and strange Works.

This Book was written by his Lordship in the English Tongue, and translated by an obscure Interpreter, into French, and out of that Translation, into Latine, by Iames Gruter, in such ill manner, that they darkned his Lordship's Sence, and debased his Expression. Iames Gruter was sensible of his Miscarriage, being kindly adver­tised of it by Dr. Rawley: And he left be­hind him divers amendments, published by his Brother Isaac Gruter, in a second Edi­tion Am­stel. 1661. in 16 .. Yet still so many Errors have escaped, that the Work requireth a Third Hand.

Mounsieur Aelius Deodatus had once en­gaged an able Person in the translation of this Book; one who could have done his Lordship right, and oblig'd such Readers as understood not the English Original. He [Page 43] began, and went through the Three first Centuries, and then desisted; being desi­red by him who set him on work, to take his hand quite off from that Pen, with which he moved so slowly. His Transla­tion of the Third Century is now in my Hands; but that of the two first, I believe is lost.

His Lordship thus began that Third Cen­tury in English. ‘All Sounds (whatsoe­ver) move round; that is to say, on all sides; upwards, downwards, forwards, and backwards. This appeareth in all Instances.’

Sounds do not require to be convey­ed to the sense in a right Line, as Visibles do, but may be arched. Though it be true, they move strongest in a right Line; which nevertheless is not caused by the rightness of the Line, but by the short­ness of the Distance; Linea rect a brevis­sima. And therefore we see, if a Wall be between, and you speak on the one side, you hear it on the other; which is not because the Sound passeth through the Wall, but archeth over the Wall.

These words are thus turned, by Iames Gruter, in his last Edition; and tollera­bly well: Especially if we compare with some other places in his Translation.

[Page 44] Omnes soni, qualescun (que) sint, in circulum moventur; hoc est, in omnes partes, sursum, deorsum, antrorsum, retrorsum; quod omnes docent instantiae.

Soni non requirunt ut rectâ lineâ ad sensum devehantur, quemadmodum visibilia, sed po­test esse arcuata; quamvis verum sit, quòd fortissimè per rectam lineam moveant: Ne (que) tamen id lineae debetur rectitudini, sed mi­nori intervallo; Linea enim recta est brevis­sima. Hinc, si quis ab alterâ interjecti Pa­rietis parte vocem proferat, ab alterâ queat exaudiri; non quòd vox Parietem transeundo penetret, sed quòd arcuata ultra parietem ascendat.

But the Translator, employed by Moun­sieur Deodate, turned them after this better manner.

Omnes in universum Soni in Orbem ferun­tur: In omnem videlicet partem; sursum, de­orsum, antrorsum, & retrorsum. Hoc in om­nibus exemplis cernitur.

Soni non in rectâ tantùm lineâ ad sensum deferri necesse habent, quemadmodum visilia; sed & inflexa & arcuata devehi possunt: Quanquam in rectâ lineâ fortissimè movean­tur. Vbi tamen non hoc imputandum Recti­tudini Linae, sed brevitati Intervalli. Re­cta enim linea eadem brevissima est. Ita (que) experimur, muro interjecto vocem, ex adversâ [Page 45] parte muri exaudiri, quae ex alterâ ejus parte prolata fuerit. Auditur autem, non quòd per murum penetret, sed quòd eum transcendat motu flexuoso.

The Judicious Reader may discern by this little, how much this latter Translator excell'd the former, in comprehending and expressing his Lordship's Sence. And yet I cannot say, that throughout those Three Centuries in which he hath labour'd, he hath every where truly hit his Conceit. His Lordship had a very peculiar Vein with him; and I may resemble it to the singu­rity in the Face of Cardan, who tells us, in his own Life, that he set to Painters of di­vers Countries, yet could never have the Air of it taken by them.

Whilst I am speaking of this Work of his Lordship's, of Natural History, there comes to my mind a very Memorable Re­lation, reported by him who bare a part in it, the Reverend Dr. Rawley. One day, his Lordship was dictating to that Doctor, some of the Experiments in his Sylva. The same day, he had sent a Friend to Court, to receive for him a final Answer, touch­ing the effect of a Grant which had been made him by King Iames. He had hither­to, only hope of it, and hope deferr'd; and he was desirous to know the event of [Page 46] the Matter, and to be free'd, one way or other, from the suspence of his thoughts. His Friend returning, told him plainly, that he must thenceforth, despair of that Grant, how much soever his Fortunes need­ed it. Be it so, said his Lordship; and then he dismissed his Friend very chearful­ly, with thankful acknowledgments of his Service. His Friend being gone, he came straightway to Dr. Rawley, and said thus to him. Well Sir! Yon Business won't go on; let us go on with this, for this is in our Power. And then he dictated to him a­fresh, for some Hours, without the least he­sitancie of Speech, or discernible interrup­tion of Thought.

To this Work of Natural History, may be reduc'd his Lordship's Treatises, De Sono & Auditu, De Metallis & Mineralibus, De Magnete, De Versionibus, Transmutationibus, Multiplicationibus, & Effectionibus Corpo­rum, De Luce & Lumine The Paper De Luce & Lumine is also ex­tant a­mong the Scripta Philoso­phica, p. 485.. All pub­lish'd by Dr. Rawley, in the Collection call'd Opuscula Varia Posthuma Francisci Bacom.

We may likewise reduce to the same place, the Paper De Fluxu & Refluxu Maris, published by Isaac Gruter, amongst the Scripta Scripta Philosophica. p. 178. &c.; and that other De Ratione [Page 47] Inveniendi causas Fluxus & Refluxus Maris; See this (turn'd in­to English by R. G.) in Re­susc. Part 2. p. 90. See it in Latine at the end of the Tract. De Motu, an­nexed to the Histor. Ventor. p. 91. as also the Baconiana Physiologica and Medica, in these Remains.

There may be further added, his Cogitationes, De Naturâ Rerum; De Secti­one Corporum; Continuo & Vacuo; and the Fragment called Filum Labyrinthi sive Le­gitima Inquisitio de Motu: All publish'd by the same Mr. Gruter, in the same Book. Likewise the Treatises, De Motûs sive Vir­tutis activae variis Speciebus, & Historia Na­turalis & Experimentalis de Formâ Calidi; joyned to the Historia Ven­torum Hist. Vent. p. 129, 191. see Resusc. 2d Part. p. 53., and inserted al­so into the Organum Nov. Organ. De Mo­tu. p. 314. de Forma Calidi. p. 158.; and by R. G. made English.

For it was his Lordship's design Nov. Organ. in di­strib. Op. P. 13., not merely to exhibit an History of Bo­dies, but moreover to pro­cure a distinct and comparative one, of their Virtues, such as those of Density and Rarity; Consistency and Fluidity; Gra­vity and Levity; Heat and Cold.

Such a Collection of Natural History, was of necessity to be undertaken a-new. For the Collections, which were before in Mens Hands, were but a small and inconsidera­ble [Page 48] heap, when the Chaff and Fable were sifted from them; though the more consi­derable for that Separation. And further, as his Lordship noteth De Augment. Sc [...]en. l. z. c. 3. p. 135., too many of these Histories were at first framed rather for Delight, and Table-talk, than for Phi­losophy. Stories were feigned for the sake of their Morals; and they were frequently taken upon groundless Trust; and the la­ter Writers borrowed out of the more An­cient, and were not Experimenters, but Transcribers: And such a one was Pliny himself, both in his larger and lesser Work; I mean that of Solinus, who is but Pliny contracted.

There are who have accused the Lord Bacon himself, for taking Experiments too readily upon Trust, and without delibe­rate and discreet Choice. To such I will return Answer in his own words. ‘The Rejection Nat. Hist. Cent. 1. p. 6. Exper. 25. which I continually use; of Experiments (though it appeareth not) is infinite; but yet, if an Experi­ment be probable in the Work, and of great use I receive it, but deliver it as doubtful.’

The Fourth Part of the Instauration de­signed, was Scala Intellectû s.

To this there is some sort of entrance in his Lordship's distribution of the Novum [Page 49] Organum, and in a Page or two under that Title of Scala, published by Gruter See Scripta, p. 379.: But the Work it self passed not beyond the Model of it in the Head of the Noble Author.

That which he intended, was a particular Explication, and Application of the Se­cond Part of the Instauration, (which gi­veth general Rules for the Interpretation of Nature) by gradual Instances and Ex­amples.

He thought that his Rules, without some more sensible Explication, were like Dis­courses in Geometry, or Mechanics, with­out Figures, and Types of Engines. He therefore designed to select certain Sub­jects in Nature, or Art; and as it were, to draw to the Sense a certain Scheme of the beginning and progress of Philosophical Disquisition in them; shewing by degrees, where our consideration takes Root, and how it spreadeth and advanceth. And some such thing is done by those who, from the Cicatricula, or from the Punctum Sa­liens, observe and register all the Phaeno­mena of the Animal unto its Death, and after it also in the Medical, or Culinarie, or other use of its Body; together with all the train of the Thoughts occasioned [Page 50] by those Phaenomena, or by others in com­pare with them.

And because he intended to exhibit such Observations, as they gradually arise; therefore he gave to that Designed Work, the Title of the Scale, or Ladder of the Vn­derstanding. He also expressed the same Conceit by another Metaphor See Scriptae, p. 384., advi­sing Students to imitate Men, who by go­ing by degrees from several Eminencies of some very high Mountain, do at length ar­rive at the Top, or Pike of it.

The Fifth Part of the Instauration, design'd, was, what he call'd Prodromi sive Anticipa­tiones Philosophiae Secundae. To this we find a very brief Entrance, in the Organum In Distrib. Op. p. 17., and the Scripta, publish'd by Gruter Vi­rul. scrip. p. 385. Prodromi, &c.. And though his Lordship is not known to have composed any part of this Work by it self, yet something of it is to be Collect­ed from the Axioms, and greater Observa­tions interspersed in his Natural Histories, which are not pure but mixed Writings. The Anticipations he intended to pay down as Use, till he might furnish the World wit the Principal, in

The Sixth and last Part of his Instauration, designed, which was, Philosophia Secunda sive Scientia Activa. This General Philo­sophy, founded upon Sensible Nature, or [Page 51] Artificial Experiments, and built up by degrees in Observations and Axioms, he at length despaired of, and commended to Posterity. Time only can throughly finish what his Lordship began, and sufficiently commend his Diligence and Sagacity, who collected so many Materials, and dispos'd them into such Order; and made in so short a Time, and (for the most part) in the midst of Civil Business, such mighty Preparations towards the building of the House of Wisdom.

After having mentioned the several Parts of this great Work, which concern­eth, especially, Body Natural; we proceed to enumerate others of his Lordship's Writings, which concern Civil, or Religi­ous Matters. And though most of them are of a mixed nature, and History is sel­dom written without some Political Re­flections; yet to those who are not over Nice, the division of them into Historical and Political, may be passable.

His Historical Works are these:

The first, Is the History of Henry the Seventh Pub­lished first 1622., written Elegantly, by his Lordship in the English Tongue, and Ad­dressed to his Highness the Prince of Wales; and turned afterwards into Latine. An History which required such a Reporter: [Page 52] those Times being Times both of great Re­volution, and Settlement, through the Di­vision and Union of the Roses.

This was the First Book which he Com­pos'd after his Retirement from an Active Life See the Cat. of his Works then writ­ten in his Life, by D. R.. Upon which occasion he wrote thus to the Bishop of Winchester In Epist. bef. Dial of an holy War.. Being (as I am) no more able to do my Country Service, it remaineth unto me, to do it Honour: Which I have endeavoured to do in my Work, of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh.

The Second is, the Fragment of the Hi­story of Henry the Eighth, printed at the end of his Lordship's Miscellany Works, of which the best Edition is that in Quarto, in the Year 1629. This Work he under­took, upon the Motion of King Charles the First, but (a Greater King not lend­ing him time) he only began it; for that which we have of it, was (it seems) but one Mornings Work.

The Third is, a Memorial, intituled the Felicities of Queen Elizabeth See in the Re­susc. the Letter to Mr. Mat­thew. p. 37.. This was written by his Lordship, in Latine Publ. among his Opuscula. p. 177. only. A Person of more good Will, than Ability, translated it into English Anne 1651. in 16., and call'd it, in the singular, Her Felicity. But we have also a Version, much more Accurate and Judicious, performed by [Page 53] Doctor Rawley Publ. in Resusc. p. 181, &c., who was pleased to take that Labour upon him, because he un­derstood the value his Lordship put upon this Work; for it was such, that I find this Charge given concerning it, in his last Will and Testament. ‘In particular, I wish the Elogie which I writ, in Felicem Memo­riam Elizabethae, may be published.’

For the Occasion of it, his Lordship tel­leth it thus, in a Letter to Sir George Carey Re­susc. p. 45., then in France, to whom he sent it.— ‘Because one must begin, I thought to provoke your remembrance of me by a Letter: And thinking to fit it with somewhat besides Salutations, it came to my mind, that this last Summer-Vacation, by occasion of a factious Book that endeavour'd to verifie Misera Faemi­na, (the Addition of the Pope's Bull) upon Queen Elizabeth; I did write a few Lines in her Memorial, which I thought you would be pleased to reade, both for the Argument; and because you were wont to bear affection to my Pen. Ve­rum ut aliud ex alio: If it came handsome­ly to pass, I would be glad the President de Thua­nus. Thou (who hath written an History, as you know, of that Fame and Dili­gence) saw it: Chiefly, because I know not whether it may not serve him for [Page 54] some use in his Story: Wherein I would be glad he did right to the Truth, and to the Memory of that Lady; as I per­ceive by that he hath already written, he is well inclined to do.’

The Fourth is, the Beginning of the Histo­ry of Great Britain. This was an Essay, sent to King Iames, whose Times it consi­dered. A Work worthy his Pen, had he proceeded in it; seeing (as he See Collect. of Letters in Resusc. p. 30. Letter to King James. And p. 28, 29, 30. the Letter to the Lord Chancellor Egerton, concern­ing this Subject. saith) he should have written of Times, not only since he could remem­ber, but since he could ob­serve; and by way of In­troduction, of Times, (as he further no­teth) of strange Variety; the Reign of a Child; the offer of an Usurpation by the Lady Iane, though it were but as a Diary Ague; the Reign of a Lady married to a Forreigner, and the Reign of a Lady soli­tary and unmarried.

His Lordship, who had given such proof of his Skill in writing an History of Eng­land, leaving the World, to the unspeak­able loss of the learned part of it; his late Majesty, a great favourer of that Work, and wise in the choice of fit Workmen, encourag'd Sir Henry Wotton to endeavour it, by his Royal Invitation, and a Pension [Page 55] of 500 l. per annum. This Proposal was made to that Excellent Man, in his decli­ning Years; and he died after the finishing some short Characters of some few Kings; which Characters are publish'd in his Re­mains Re­liqu. Wot­ton. p. 100.. But this new Undertaking di­verted him from a Work, in which he had made some considerable Progress, the Life of Luther, and in it, the History of the Reformation, as it was begun and carried on in Germany: Of which Work, the Pa­pers (they say) are lost, and in a Current of Time of no great depth, sunk beyond all possible Recovery.

The Fifth is, the Imago Civilis Iulii Cae­saris.

The Sixt, Imago Civilis Augusti Caesaris. Both of them A­mong the Opuscula. p. 195. short personal Chara­cters, and not Histories of their Empire: And written by his Lordship in that Tongue, which in their Times, was at its height, and became the Language of the World. A while since, they were translated into English, and inserted into the First Part of the Resuscitation See Resusc. Edw. 3d. p. 214..

In the Seventh Place, I may reckon his Book De Sapientiâ Veterum, written by him in Latine See his Letter to Mr. Matthews in Resusc. p. 38., and set forth a second time with Enlargement; and translated into [Page 56] English by Sir Arthur Gorges This Translati­on is late­ly added to the Es­says, in Octavo.: A Book in which the Sages of former Times, are rendred more Wise than it may be they were, by so dextrous an Interpreter of their Fables. It is this Book which Mr. Sandys means, in those words which he hath put before his Notes, on the Meta­morphosis of Ovid Pag. 18.. ‘Of Modern Wri­ters, I have received the greatest Light from Geraldus, Pontanus, Ficinus, Vi­ves, Comes, Scaliger, Sabinus, Pierius, and the Crown of the latter, the Vicount of Saint Albans.

It is true, the design of this Book was, Instruction in Natural and Civil Matters, either couched by the Ancients under those Fictions, or rather made to seem to be so, by his Lordship's Wit, in the opening and applying of them. But because the first ground of it is Poetical Story, therefore let it have this place, till a fitter be found for it.

For his Lordship's Political Writings, they are such as relate, either to Ecclesi­astical, or Civil Polity. His Writings which relate to Ecclesiastical Polity, (for he was not willing See his Epistle to Bishop Andrews. that all his Labours should go into the City, and none into the Church) are the three following.

[Page 57] The First is a Discourse In Resusc. p. 233. it was publi­shed before without his Lord­ship's Name in Quarto, 1640. bearing the Title of Certain Considerations, touching the better Pacification and Edification of the Church of England; and dedicated to King Iames. The Second In Resusc. p. 162. is, an Adver­tisement, touching the Controversies of the Church of England. The Third is, a Dia­logue touching an Holy War: All written at first in English, by his Lordship. The First of these toucheth the Settlement of Doctrine: The Second, the Settlement of Discipline amongst the Christians in Eng­land: The Third, of Propagation of the Faith amongst Vnbelievers. In all which it is plain, that his Lordship dealt in the Affairs of the Church, as he was wont to do in Civil Matters, Suavibus Modis, and in the Mean. Accordingly he was wont to compare himself to the Miller of Gran­chester, a Village by Cambridg. Of him his Lordship telleth, that he was wont to pray for Peace among the Willows: For whilst the Winds blew, the Wind-mills wrought, and his Water-mill was less Cu­stom'd See Letter to Mr Mat­thew, in Resusc. p. 36.. His Lordship was for pacify­ing Disputes, knowing that Controversies of Religion, would hinder the Advancement of Sciences.

His Writings which relate to Civil Polity, are very considerable; and yet they fall [Page 58] much short of that which he had some­times in design. For he aimed at the com­plete Model of a Commonwealth, though he hath left only some preparation towards it in his Doctrine of Enlarging the bounds of Empire; and in a few Abhorisms con­cerning Vniversal Iustice In Augm. Scient. l. 8 c. 3. p. 668. to p. 690, &c.. He also made a Proposal to King Iames, of a Di­gest of the Laws of England. But other Studies, together with want of Time and Assistance, prevented the ripening of these Thoughts.

Now his Lordship's Writings in this Ar­gument of Civil Polity, are either more General, or such as have more Especial re­spect to the several Dominions of the King of England. His Political Writings of a more general Nature, are his Apothegms, and Essays, besides the Excerpta, out of the Ad­vancement above remembred. Both these contain much of that Matter which we usually call Moral, distinguishing it from that which is Civil: In the handling of which sort of Argument, his Lordship has been esteemed so far to excel, that he hath had a Comment written on him as on an Author in Ethics See V. Placcii Comment. in l. 7. Aug. Scient. de Philosophiâ Morali augendâ. in Octavo. Franc. an. 1677. and an Advancer of that most useful part of Learning. Not­withstanding [Page 59] which, I am bold to put these Books under this Head of Matter Political: Both because they contain a greater por­tion of that Matter; and because in true Philosophy, the Doctrine of Politics and Ethics, maketh up but one Body, and springeth from one Root, the End of God Almighty in the Government of the World.

The Apothegms (of which the first A­poth. prin­ted in Oct. Lon. 1625. is the best Edition) were (what he saith also See his Epistle to Bishop Andrews. of his Essays) but as the Recrea­tions of his other Studies. They were dic­tated one Morning, out of his Memory; and if they seem to any, a Birth too incon­siderable for the Brain of so great a Man; they may think with themselves how little a time he went with it, and from thence make some allowance. Besides, his Lord­ship hath receiv'd much Injury by late Edi­tions Even by that added (but not by Dr. Rawley) to the Re­suscitatio, [...]. 3d. of which some have much en­larged, but not at all enriched the Col­lection; stuffing it with Tales and Sayings, too infacetiou [...] for a Ploughman's Chimney-Corner. And particularly, in the Collecti­on not long since publish'd In Octavo. Lon. 1669., and call'd The Apothegms of King James, King Charles, the Marquess of Worcester, the Lord Bacon, and Sir Thomas Moor; his Lordship is dealt with very rudely. For, [Page 60] besides the addition of Insipid Tales, there are some put in which are Beastly and Im­moral Ex. gr. Apo­theg. 183, 184.: Such as were fitter to have been joyned to Aretine, or Aloysia, than to have polluted the chaste Labours of the Baron of Verulam.

To those Apothegms, may be referred these now publish'd▪ The Essays, or Coun­sels Civil and Moral, though a By-work al­so, do yet make up a Book of greater weight by far, than the Apothegms: And coming home to Men's Business and Bosomes, his Lordship entertain'd this persuasion con­cerning them See Epist. Ded. to the D. of Bucks., that the Latine Volume might last as long as Books should last. His Lordship wrote them in the English Tongue, and enlarged them as Occasion serv'd, and at last added to them the Colours of Good and Evil, which are likewise found in his Book De Augmentis Lib. 6. c. 3. p. 453.. The Latine Translation of them was a Work perform­ed by divers Hands; by those of Doctor Hacket (late Bishop of Lichfield) Mr. Benjamin Iohnson (the learned and judi­cious Poet) and some others, whose Names I once heard from Dr. Rawley; but I can­not now recal them. To this Latine Edi­tion, he gave the Title of Sermones Fi­deles, after the manner of the Iews, who call'd the words Adagies, or Observations [Page 61] of the Wise, Faithful Sayings; that is, cre­dible Propositious worthy of firm Assent, and ready Acceptance. And (as I think) he alluded more particularly, in this Title, to a passage in Ecclesiastes Eccles. 12. 10, 11., where the Preacher saith that he sought to find out Verba Delectabilia, (as Tremellius rendreth the Hebrew) pleasant Words, (that is, per­haps, his Book of Canticles); and Verba Fidelia (as the same Tremellius) Faithful Sayings; meaning, it may be, his Collecti­on of Proverbs. In the next Verse, he calls them Words of the Wise, and so many Goads and Nails given Ab eodem Pastore, from the same Shepherd [of the Flock of Israel.]

In a late Latine Edition of these Essays, there are subjoyned two Discourses, the one call'd De Negotiis, the other Faber Fortunae. But neither of these are Works newly publish'd, but Treatises taken out of the Book De Augmentis Lib. 8. c. 2. p. 585, &c..

To this Book of Essays may be annexed, that Fragment of an Essay of Fame, which is extant already in the Resuscitatio Re­susc. p. 281.

His Lordship's Political Writings of a more special Nature, as relating to the Po­lity, and various Affairs of the several Dominions of the King of England, are very many, though most of them short.

[Page 62] As First, a Discourse of the Union of England and Scotland In Resusc. p. 197..

Secondly, Articles and Considerations, touching the Union aforesaid Page 206..

Thirdly, Considerations touching the Plantation in Ireland Pag. 255..

Fourthly, Considerations touching the Queen's Service in Ireland P. 16. Of Coll. of Letters:.

Fifthly, Considerations touching a War with Spain Pub. in the Mis. works in Quarto, An. 1629. & reprin­ted in 2d. part of Resusc., then the Over-match in this part of the World; though now in meaner Condition.

Sixthly, His several Speeches; by which I mean not only those which go under that Name, but likewise his several Charges; they being much of the same Nature, though deliver'd ex Officio, which the o­ther were not always. These Speeches and Charges, are generally Methodically, Manly, Elegant, Pertinent, and full of Wise Observations; as those are wont to be which are made by Men of Parts and Business. And I shall not pass too great a Complement upon his Lordship, if I shall say, That 'twas well for Cicero, and the honour of his Orations, that the Lord Bacon compos'd his in another Language.

Now his Speeches and Charges are very many, and I set them down in the follow­ing Catalogue.

[Page 63] His Speeches in Parliament to the Lower House, are Eight.

The First, 39▪ Elizabeth, upon the Mo­tion of Subsidy Re­susc. p. 1. of D. R's Edition..

The Second, 5 Iacobi, concerning the Article of General Naturalization of the Scotish Nation P. 10..

The Third, concerning the Union of Laws P. 24..

The Fourth, 5 Iacobi, being a Report in the House of Commons, of the Earls of Salisbury, and Northampton, concerning the Grievances of the Merchants, occasi­oned by the Practice of Spain P. 29..

The Fifth, 7 Iacobi, persuading the House of Commons, to desist from further Question of receiving the King's Messages by their Speaker, and from the Body of the Council, as well as from the King's Person P. 45..

The Sixth, 7 Iacobi, in the end of the Session of Parliament, persuading some Supply to be given to his Majesty, which seemed then to stand upon doubtful Terms; and passed upon this Speech P. 47..

The Eighth, 12 Iacobi, when the House was in great Heat, and much troubled a­bout the Vndertakers, who were thought to be some able and forward Gentlemen, who were said to have undertaken that the [Page 64] King's Business should pass in that House, as his Majesty could wish P. 48..

His Speeches in the House of Lords, are Two.

The First, To the Lords, at a Confe­rence in the Parliament, 7 Iacobi, by him then Solicitor; moving them to joyn with the Commons, to obtain liberty to treat of a Composition with his Majesty, for Wards and Tenures P. 42..

The Second, (when he was Chancellor) to Mr. Serjeant Richardson, chosen then Speaker of the House of Commons; be­being a Reply to his Excuse aud Orati­on P. 94..

His Speeches to King Iames, were also Two.

The First, A Speech by him, chosen by the Commons, to present a Petition touch­ing Purveyors, deliver'd to his Majesty at White-Hall, in the second Year of his Reign P. 5..

The Second, a Speech used to the King, by him, then Solicitor, and chosen by the Com­mons for the presenting of the Instrument of their Grievances, in the Parliament 7 Iacobi P. 41..

His Speeches in the Chancery, are Two likewise.

[Page 65] The First, At the taking of his Place in Chancery, when made Lord-Keeper P. 79..

The Second, To Sir William Iones, up­on his calling to be Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, Anno 1617. P. 89..

In the Star-Chamber, he used a Speech to the Judges and others, before the Summer Circuits, being then Lord-Keeper, and al­so Lord-Protector; for his Majesty was at that time in Scotland, Anno 1617. P. 87..

In the Common-Pleas, he used a Speech to Justice Hutton, when he was called to be one of the Judges in the Common-Pleas. P. 93..

In the Exchequer-Chamber, he used a Speech to Sir Iohn Denham, when he was call'd to be one of the Barons of the Ex­chequer. P 91..

There also he used an Argument (being Solicitor General) in the Case of the Post­nati of Scotland Publ. first in 4 . Lon. 1641., before the Lord-Chancellor, and all the Judges of England [...] [...] in Resusc. part 2. p. 37.. The Question in this Case was, Whe­ther a Child born in Scotland since King Iames's coming to the Crown of England, was Naturaliz'd in England or no? His Lordship argued for the Affirmative.

For his Charges, they were these follow­ing.

[Page 66] First, His Charge at the Sessions, holden for the Verge in the Reign of King Iames, declaring the Latitude and Jurisdiction thereof Pub. in 4 . Lon. 1662. and reprinted in the 2d. part of Resusc..

By the Verge, is meant a Plat of twelve Miles round, laid to the King's settled Man­sion-House, subject to special exempted Ju­risdiction, depending upon his Person and great Officers. This his Lordship called an Half-pace, or Carpet spread about the King's Chair of Estate; and he judged that it ought to be cleared and void, more than other places of the Kingdom, that Offen­ces might not seem to be shrowded under the King's Wings.

Secondly, His Charge in the Star-Cham­ber against Duels See Resusc. 2d. Part. p. 1.; to which may be added the Decree of the Star-Chamber in the same Case In part 2. of Resusc. p. 9..

Thirdly, His Charge in the Star-Chamber against William Talbot, touching the Do­ctrine of Suarez, concerning the Deposing and Killing of Excommunicated Kings Res. 1 part. p. 53..

Fourthly, His Charge in the same Court against Mr. I. S. for Scandalizing and Tra­ducing in the Public Sessions, Letters sent from the Lords of the Council, touching the Benevolence P. 60..

Fifthly, His Charge in the same Court against M. L. S. W. and H. I. for Tradu­cing [Page 67] the King's Justice in the proceedings against Weston, one of the Instruments in the empoysoning of Sir Thomas Overbu­ry P. 72..

Sixthly, His Charge in the Kings-Bench against Owen, for affirming conditionally, That if the King were Excommunicated, it were lawful to kill him P. 68..

Seventhly, His Charge in the Kings-Bench against the Lord Sanquere In part 2. of Resusc. p. 15., a Scotish No­bleman, who in private Revenge, had sub­orned Robert Carlile to murther Iohn Tur­ner, a Master of Fence.

Eighthly, His Charge before the Lord High Steward, Lord Elesmere, and the Peers, against the Countess and Earl of Somerset Now first publ. at the be­ginning of these Re­mains..

His Lordship's Seventh Writing, touching Civil Policy in Special, is his Reading on the Statute of Vses Pub. in 4 . Lon. 1642..

The Eighth is call'd, Observations upon a Libel, publish'd Anno 1592, in Defamation of the Queen's Government Re­susc. p. 103.. In these Observations, his Lordship hath briefly set forth the present State of those Times; but he hath done the same thing more at large in his Memorial of Queen Elizabeth.

The Ninth is, A true Report of the Trea­son of Dr. Roderigo Lopez (a Spaniard, and a Physician attending upon the Person of [Page 68] the Queen; who was in Confederacy with certain Spanish Agents, and hired by the King of Spain, to poyson her Maje­sty Pag. 151..

The Tenth is, His Apologie touching the Earl of Essex, in which he cleareth himself of Ingratitude by the plain reasons of the Case, and doth not (as many others have done) increase the suspicion by the very Excuse Publ. in 4 Lon. 1642. and in 16 An. 1651. and reprinted in the 2d part of Resusc..

The Eleventh is, Advice to King Iames touching Mr. Sutton's Estate, in the settling of which, in the Hospital of the Char­treaux, the Event sheweth that his Lord­ship was mistaken, when he called it A Sacrifice without Salt Re­usc p 265.. He proposed four other Ends of that great heap of Alms to the King's Majesty. As first, The Ere­ction of a College for Controversies, for the encountring and refuting of Papists. Secondly, The Erection of a Receipt (for the word Seminary he refus'd to make use of) for Converts from the persuasions of Rome, to the Reformed Religion. Third­ly, A settlement of Stipends for Itinerary Preachers, in Places which needed them; as in Lancashire where such care had been taken by Queen Elizabeth. And lastly, An increase of Salary to the Professors in either University of this Land. Where­fore [Page 69] his Lordship manifesting himself, not against the Charity, but the manner of dis­posing it, it was not well done of those who have publickly defam'd him, by de­claring their jealousies of Bribery by the Heir.

The Twelfth is, A Proposition to King Iames, touching the Compiling and Amend­ment of the Laws of England, written by him when he was Attourney General, and one of the Privy-Council Pag. 271..

The Thirteenth is, An Offer to King Iames, of a Digest to be made of the Laws of England In the Misce­lan. Works. p. 137. & 2d part of Resusc..

The Fourteenth is, The Elements of the Common Laws of England, in a double Tract: The one of the Rules and Maxims of the Common Law, with their Latitude and Extent. The other, of the Vse of the Common Law, for the preservation of our Persons, Goods, and good Names In 4 . Anno 1639.. These he Dedicated to her Majesty, whose the Laws were, whilst the Collection was his.

The Fifteenth is, a Draught of an Act against an usurious shift of Gain See Resusc. part 2. p. 62., in de­livering Commodities in stead of Money.

Touching these latter Pieces, which may be termed Writings in Iuridical Polity, and which he wrote as a debtor to his Profes­sion; [Page 70] it is beyond my Skill, as well as out of the way of my Studies, to pass a spe­cial Judgment on them. Onely I may note it in the general, that if he reached not so far in the Common Law, as Sir Edward Cook, and some other Ornaments of the long Robe: the prepossession of his Mind by Philosophical Notions, and his regard to Matters of Estate, rather than to those of Law, may be assigned as the true Causes of it: For doubtless Parts were not want­ing. On this Subject it is, that he thus writeth to Sir Thomas Bodley Coll. of Letters in Resusc. p. 34.. ‘I think no Man may more truly say with the Psalm, multùm incola fuit Anima mea, than my self. For I do confess, since I was of any Understanding, my Mind hath, in effect, been absent from that I have done: And, in absence are many Errors, which I do willingly acknowledg, and amongst the rest this great one that led the rest; That knowing my self, by in­ward Calling, to be fitter to hold a Book than to play a Part, I have led my Life in civil Causes, for which I was not very fit by Nature, and more unfit by the pre­occupation of my Mind.’

To a like purpose is this, in a Manuscript Letter to the Lord Chancellor Egerton, which I have sometimes perus'd.

[Page 71]‘I am not M S. Letter of L. Bacons. so deceived in my self, but that I know very well, (and I think, your Lordship is major Corde, and in your Wisdom you note it more deep­ly than I can in my self) that in Practising the Law, I play not my best Game, which maketh me accept it with a nisi quid potius; as the best of my Fortune, and a thing better agreeable to better Gifts than mine, but not to mine.’

And it appeareth, by what he hath said in a Letter to the Earl of Essex Coll. in Resusc. p. III., that he once thought not to practise in his Pro­fession. ‘I am purposed (said he) not to follow the practice of the Law.—And my Reason is only, because it drinketh too much Time, which I have dedicated to better purposes.’

To this Head of Polity, relating to the Affairs of these Kingdoms, we may reduce most of his Lordship's Letters, published correctly in the Resuscitatio, and in these Remains, and from uncorrect Copies, in the Cabala. These they though often contain private Matters, yet commonly they have Matters of Estate intermingled with them. Thus, his Letter to the Lord-Treasurer Burghley P. 1., was writ in Excuse of his Speech in Parliament, against the Triple Subsidy. So, many of the Letters to the [Page 72] Earl of Essex Pag. [...], 5, 7., and Sir George Villiers P. 76., relate plainly to the Irish Affairs. So, some Letters to King Iames, relate to the Cases of Peacham P. 48, 51., Owen P. 55., and o­thers P. 58. I S.; to the Matter of his Revenue [...]. 57.; to the New Company P. 59, 61, 70., who un­dertook to Dye and Dress all the Cloaths of the Realm; to the Praemunire in the Kings-Bench, against the Chancery P. 66.. Most of the rest are a Miscellany, and not reducible to one certain Head.

Last of all, For his Lordship's Writings upon Pious Subjects, though for the Nature of the Argument, they deserve the first place; yet they being but few, and there appearing nothing so extraordinary in the composure of them, as is found in his Lord­ships other Labours; they have not obtain'd an earlier mention.

They are only these:

His Confession of Faith, written by him­self in English, and turn'd into Latine by Dr. Rawley Publ. in Engl. at the end of the Resus. and in [...] [...]ine in the O [...]scula, p. 207..

The Questions about an Holy War, and the Prayers, in these Remains. And a Translation of certain of David's Psalms, into English Verse. With this last Pious Exercise he diverted himself in the time of his Sickness, in the Year Twenty Five. When he sent it abroad into the World, [Page 73] 'Twas publ. in Lond. An. 1625. in 4 and has lately been put into the 2d part of Resusc., he made a Dedication of it to his good Friend, Mr. George Herbert: For he judged the Argument to be sutable to him in his double Quality, of a Divine, and a Poet. His Lordship had very great judg­ment in Poetry, as appeareth by his Dis­course In l. 2. de Augm. Scient. c. 13. about it; and he had some sort of Talent that way also. Hence, when the Queen had a purpose to Dine at his Lodging at Twicknam Park, he prepared a Sonnet See Apol. for the Earl of Essex. p. 73., tending to the Reconcile­ment of her Majesty to the Earl of Essex then in Disfavour. But it was very sel­dom that he courted these Muses, and therefore his Vein does not appear so Ele­gant and Happy, as Exercise might have made it. The truth is, 'tis one of the hard­est things in the World, to excel in Poetry; and to Attempt, and not to Excel, is to lose both Time and Reputation: For in this Art, Mediocrity will not pass for Ver­tue. In this squeamish Age, (as Mounsieur Rapine saith, in his Iudicious Reflections) Verses are Ridiculous, if they be not Ad­mirable. They are, it seems, like some Mo­dern Dishes, which if they have not an high taste, occasion Disgust.

Now of these several Works of his Lord­ship's already Publish'd (of which a great [Page 74] part See them in S. W. Dug­dale, at the [...]nd of these Re­mains. was written in that non ignobile Quinquennium, of his recess from Business) there is not yet made any exact Collection, either in Latine, or English; though some attempts have been made in both those Languages. The first Latine Collection was set forth accurately, for so much of it, by Dr. Rawley, under the Title of Opera Mo­ralia &Civilia Lon­dini, 1638. in Fol. see Dr. Raw­ley's Let­ter to M. Deodate, and his Answer.. But it contained only the History of Henry the Seventh [...] the Essaies; the Book of the Wisdom of the Ancients; the Dialogue of an Holy War; the New Atlan­tis; the Book de Augmentis; the History of Winds; the History of Life and Death. The second Latine Collection was lately publish'd Fran. ad Moe­num, 1665. in Fol. at Francfort on the Meyn. It pretend­eth, in the Title, to contain all his Lord­ship's Extant Works, whether Philosophi­cal, Moral, Political, or Historical: Al­though, besides the Books in the foremen­tion'd Collection, it containeth only his Lordship's Life (without any mention of Dr. Rawley, who wrote it); the Organon; the Scripta; the Sylva Sylvarum; the Feli­cities of Queen Elizabeth; the Images of Ju­lius, and Augustus Caesar; and the Epistle to Fulgentius, without the Opuscula, to which that Epistle is annexed. In this Collecti­on, the Nova Atlantis is (as I noted a while ago) most absurdly called Novus Atlas; [Page 75] and the other Books are most falsly Prin­ted. And yet the Stationer (who, I sup­pose by his performance, was both Corre­ctor and Publisher) does tell us of this Edition, that it was purged of all Faults. But his Collection cannot be so purged, unless the whole Volume be made one en­tire Blot. Posterity (I hope) will do his Lordship Honour, and Benefit to them­selves, in a larger and more accurate Col­lection of his Works. These Latine ones, as also the Miscellanies, and the two parts of the Resuscitatio, (which are the only attempt in English) being far short of per­fection.

Thus far I have travell'd in an Account, (such as it is) of those Genuine Writings of the Lord Bacon, which are already pub­lish'd; and which, being (like Medals of Gold) both rich in their Matter, and beau­tiful in their Form, have met with a very great, and well nigh, equal number of Pur­chasers and Admirers.

This general Acceptance of his Works, has expos'd him to that ill and unjust usage which is common to Eminent Writers. For on such are fathered, sometimes Spurious Treatises; sometimes most Corrupt Copies of good Originals; sometimes their Essays and first Thoughts upon good Subjects, [Page 76] though laid aside by them Unprosecuted and Uncorrected; and sometimes the very Toys of their Youth, written by them in trivial or loose Arguments, before they had arriv'd either at ripeness of Judgment, or sobriety of Temper.

The veriest Straws (like that of Father Garnet) are shewn to the World as admi­ral▪ Reliques, if the least stroaks of the Image of a celebrated Author, does but seem to be upon them.

The Press hath been injurious in this kind, to the Memory of Bishop Andrews, to whom it owed a deep and solemn Re­verence. It hath sent forth a Pamphlet upon an Idle Subject, under the venerable Name of that great Man, who (like the Grass in hot Countries, of which they are wont to say that it groweth Hay) was born Grave and Sober: And still, further to aggravate the Injury, it hath given to that Idle Subject, the idler Title of the Ex-ale-tation of Ale.

In such an unbecoming manner it hath dealt, long ago About the Year 1658., with the very Learned and Ingenious Author of the Vulgar Errors. It hath obtruded upon him, whilst alive, a dull and worthless Book stollen, for the most part out of the Physic's of Magirus, by a very Ignorant Person: A Plagiary so [Page 77] ignorant and so unskilful in his Rider, that not distinguishing betwixt Laevis and Levis, in the said Magirus, he hath told us of the Liver, that one part of it is gibbo [...]s, and the other light. And yet he had the confidence to call this Scribble, The Cabi­net of Nature unlocked: An arrogant and fanciful Title, of which his true Humility would no more have suffer'd him to have been the Father, than his great Learning could have permitted him to have been the Author of the Book. For I can assure the Reader upon my knowledg, that as he is a Philosopher very inward with Nature, so he is one who never boasts of his Ac­quaintance with her.

Neither hath the Lord Bacon gone with­out his share in this Injustice from the Press. He hath been ill dealt with in the Letters printed in the Cabala, and Scrinia, under his Name: For Dr. Rawley professed, that though they were not wholly False, yet they were very corrupt and embased Co­pies. This I believe the rather, having lately compar'd some Original Letters with the Copies in that Collection, and found them imperfect. And to make a particular Instance; in comparing the Letter of Sir Walter Raleigh to Sir Robert Car, of whom a Fame had gone that he had begg'd his [Page 78] Estate; I found no fewer then forty Dif­ferences, of which some were of moment.

Our Author hath been still worse dealt with, in a Pamphlet in Octavo, concern­ing the Trial of the Earl and Countess of Somerset: And likewise in one in Quarto, which beareth the Title of Bacon's Remains, though there cannot be spied in it, so much as the Ruines of his beautiful Ge­nius.

His Lordship, and other such memorable Writers, having formerly been subject to such Abuses; it is probable that many will, at first, suspect the faithfulness of this Col­lection; and look upon that as adulterate Ware, which is of such a sudden here brought forth to them, out of the Dark.

But let them first make trial, and then pass Sentence. And if they have suffici­ent knowledg of the peculiar Air of this Author, they will not only believe that these Remains are his, but also set a value upon them as none of his most useless and wast Papers. They say, the Feather of a Phoenix is of price: And here such will own, they have some little of the Body, as well as part of the Plumage.

It is difficult to imitate such great Au­thors, in so lively and exact a form, as without suspicion, to pass for them. They [Page 79] who are the most artificial Counterfeits in this way, do not resemble them as the Son does the Father, but at best, as the dead Picture does the living Person. And those who have true skill in the Works of the Lord Verulam, like great Masters in Paint­ing, can tell by the Design, the Strength, the way of Colouring, whether he was the Author of this or the other Piece, though his Name be not to it.

For the Reader, who has been less ver­sed in his Books, he may understand, that nothing is here offered to him as the La­bour of that Lord, which was not written either by his own Hand, or in Copies tran­scrib'd by the most faithful Pen of his Do­mestic Chaplain, Dr. William Rawley: A Person whom his Lordship chiefly us'd in his Life-time, in Writing down, Transcri­bing, Digesting, and Publishing his Com­posures; and to whom, at his death, he expressed his Favour, by bequeathing to him in Money, One Hundred Pounds, and in Books, the great Bibles of the King of Spain.

I refer him, who doubteth of my Vera­city in this Matter, to my worthy Friend Mr. Iohn Rawley, (the Executor of the said Reverend Doctor) by whose care most of these Papers have been preserved [Page 80] for the public Good; and who can bear me witness, (if occasion serveth) that I have not herein impos'd upon the World.

It is true, that Dr. Rawley, in his Pre­face to the Opuscula of his Lordship, hath forbidden us to expect any more of his R [...]mains in Latine, or English: He addeth in express Terms, that nothing further re­mained in his Hands. He meant, when he said this, that such Writings of his Lord­ship, were to be esteemed as not in being, which were not worthy to appear. This meaning of his, he more plainly deliver'd in his Preface to the Collection, called Re­suscitatio.

There he saith, ‘That he had left no­thing to a future hand, which he found to be of moment, or communicable to the pub­lic, save only some few Latine Works soon after to be publish'd.’ He deliver'd himself from the Obligation of that Promise in the Year fifty eight; publishing then, with all due care, those Latine Works Opus. Posth. Philos. Ci­vil. Theo­logica F. B. B. de Ver.. Soon after, he was accus'd by an obscure Prefacer, to a new Edition of the Essays, in Octavo, as one that had still concealed some of his Lordship's Philosophical Treasures. In vin­dication of himself from this Censure, I find him using these words in one of his papers, wherein he animadverteth on that [Page 81] preface. ‘I have publish'd all I thought fit, or a well advised Man would have thought fit to be publish'd by me.’ He judged some papers, touching Matters of Estate, to tread too near to the heels of Truth, and to the times of the Persons concerned, from which now they are fur­ther remov'd, by the distance of Twenty Years. He thought his Lord's Letters con­cerning his Fall, might be injurious to his Honour, and cause the old Wounds of it to bleed anew; whereas if the remem­brance of them had not been fresh in the Minds of many, and in the Books of some, the Collection of the Cabala, had revi­ved part of it in a corrupt Copy; and the matter of those Letters is of such a nature, (as afterwards I shall shew) that it rather cleareth his Lordship's Fame, than throws more dirt upon it. For the Philosophical Remains, he judged them unfit to be com­mitted to the Press, because they were but Fragments; and such too, as his Lordship's last Hand had not rendred Correct. The excess of Veneration which he had for his Lordship, inclin'd him to think nothing worthy to bear his Name, which was not a Masterpiece. And for this Rea­son, If Surreptitious Copies had not moved him to do his Lordship right by printing [Page 82] the true ones, we had wanted divers Pa­pers which the World now enjoys, and re­ceives with thankfulness. And where the substance is Gold, Men will readily accept it, though in the Ore and unrefined: Nor is it any disparagement to the Inventory of his Lordship's philosophical Goods, if there are numbred amongst them certain broken uncoined pieces of valuable Metal.

Some few imperfect Papers, about his Lordship's private Affairs, or of very lit­tle moment in Philosophy, are still kept where they ought to be, in private Hands. But those which have been judged worthy the Light, by those Learned and Prudent Men whom I have consulted, are now, with no small Labour, communicated to the World. For so blotted were some of the Papers, so torn, so disjoynted, so in­termixed in Contents of a different Na­ture; that the Sense, as it now stands, may seem like Mercury reduced to its proper Form, after its divers Shapes and Trans­mutations.

Now these Remains which I have been moved to publish, I have digested accord­ing to the nature of their Contents, and re­duc'd them to these several Heads of Ar­guments, Civil and Moral; Physiological; Medical; Theological; and Bibliographical.

[Page 83] Under the first Head of Remains, Civil and Moral, are contained these Papers.

The First is, His Charges against the Countess and Earl of Somerset, touching the death of Sir Thomas Overbury.

The proper place for these Charges was, in the first part of the Resuscitatio Re­susc. p. 7 [...], be­fore his Charge against three Persons for Scandal, and traducing of the King's Ju­stice, in the proceedings against Weston. But Dr. Rawley (as appeared by a Note of his, on the Margent of those papers) did at that time forbear the inserting of them, lest they should be offensive to some then alive. Now, more than Sixty Years have passed, since the end of that Tragedy; and the News of it was told in the Ears of the World; and the Story was made pub­lick and lasting by the Press, both before and after Se [...] it in Sir W. Dug­dale's Ba­ron. of Eng. Tome 2 [...]. P. 425. &c. the Doctor's death. And what Curtain soever our Prudence would draw; we could not conceal so public a Matter. Nor is it fitting we should. For thereby we should endeavour to hide from Men, one useful Memorial of Divine Ju­stice: A Memorial apt to deter Greatness from a Practice, which if it were common, there would be no safe eating or drinking, or breathing in Courts.

[Page 84] At the Trial, some Body, of bad Me­mory, and no better Pen, wrote down most imperfectly, a little of that which Mr. Attorney had spoken, largely and ele­gantly upon this solemn Occasion: And, in the Year fifty one, (a time of general Licence) this Scribble was publish'd In the Pam­phlet enti­tuled, [...] True and Historical Rel. of the Poyson of Sir Tho. Overbury in 12 .. The Publisher had the confidence to affirm, that the Narrative was Collected out of the Papers of Sir Francis Bacon 'Tis so said in the Title Page., which, by the Copies I set forth, 'tis manifest the Re­lator never had seen. But a good Name in the Title-page, was an useful Bush for the putting off the crude and unfined Mat­ter in the Book it self.

Little hath the Relator told of much which was said by Mr. Attorney; and that which he hath told, he hath repeated in such ill manner, that it is no longer Sir Francis Bacon's, but his own.

In one Place Pag. 107, 108., he introduceth Mr. Attorney, speaking thus. ‘This is the second time since the King's coming these thirteen Years, that any Peers have been Arraigned, and both these times your Grace hath had the Place of High Steward. The first was Grey, and Cobham; and though they were Convicted, yet Exe­cution follow'd not; no Noble Blood hath been spilt since his Majestie's Reign.’

[Page 85] ‘The first was Revenge, of Treason against Male-contents; and this of the particular offence to a private Subject, against those that have been so high in the King's Grace and Favour; and there­fore deserves to be written in a Sun­beam: but his being the best Master in in the World, hinders him not from be­ing the best King; for He can as well plain a Hill, as raise a Wall; a good Lesson to put to my Lords the Peers: He is Lieutenant to him who is no respecter of persons.’

Now how curtail'd, how incoherent, how mean and unelegant is this, in com­parison of that which Mr. Attorney spake? For he spake that which followeth.

‘In all this mean time, the King hath Reigned in his White Robe, not sprink­led with any one drop of Blood of any of his Nobles of this Kingdom: Nay, such have been the depths of his Mercy, as even those Noble-mens Bloods (against whom the proceeding was at Winchester) Cobham and Grey, were attainted and cor­rupted, but not spilt, or taken away; but that they remained rather Spectacles of Justice in their continual Imprison­ment, than Monuments of Justice in the memory of their Suffering.’

[Page 86] ‘It is true, that the Objects of his Ju­stice then, and now, were very diffe­ring: For then it was the Revenge of an Offence against his own Person and Crown, and upon Persons that were Male-contents, and Contraries to the State and Government: But now it is the the Revenge of the Blood and Death of a particular Subject, and the Cry of a Prisoner: It is upon Persons that were highly in his Favour, whereby his Ma­jesty, to his great Honour hath shewed to the World, as if it were written with a Sun-beam, that he is truly the Lieute­nant of him, with whom there is no re­spect of Persons; That his Affections Royal are above his Affections Private; That his Favours and Nearness about him are not like Popish Sanctuaries, to pri­vilege Malefactours; and that his being the best Master in the World, doth not let him from being the best King in the World. His People, on the other side, may say to themselves, I will lie down in peace; for God, and the King, and the Law, protect me against the great and small. It may be a Discipline also, to great Men, specially such as are swol­len in their Fortunes from small begin­nings; [Page 87] that The King is as well able to le­vel Mountains, as to fill Valleys, if such be their desert.

In another place Page 119. Of the Ar­raignment of the L. of Somer­set., he thrusteth into the Speech of Sir Edward Cook, a part of Sir Francis Bacon's, and (like the worser sort of Thieves) he does not only rob, but mangle him. Sir Francis Bacon spake on this manner: ‘My Lords! He is not the Hunter alone that lets slip the Dog upon the Deer; but he that lodges the Deer, or rouses him, or puts him out; or he that sets a Toyl that he cannot escape.’

Instead of which, the Relator hath sub­stituted this absurd Sentence. ‘It is not he only that slips the Dog, but he that loves the Toyl, that kills the Deer.’

This (I thought) was not unnecessary to be said in Vindication of Mr. Attorney's Honour, which is vilely traduc'd in this Pamphlet, where the Daw would personate the Orator.

The Second Paper is, his Letter to the University of Cambridg, (to whom he was of Counsel) upon occasion of his being Sworn of the Privy-Council to the King. This I judged fit to bear that other com­pany which is already printed Re­susc. Let­ters, p. 82, 83., and answereth to their Congratulation at his [Page 88] first coming to the Place of Lord-Keeper.

The Third is, his Letter to King Iames, touching the Place of Lord High Chan­cellour of England, upon the approaching death of the Chancellour Egerton.

The Fourth is, a Letter to the same Prince, for the relief of his Estate. This, with that other of Submission in the Cabala, seem to some to blemish his Lordship's Ho­nour; to others, to clear it: For in this, he appealeth to the King himself, whether he had not ever found him direct and ho­nest in his Service, so as not once to be re­buked by him, during Nineteen Years Em­ployment. He sheweth that his Fall was not the King's Act; and that the Prince was ready to reach out his Hand to stay him from falling. In the other he maketh this profession of his being free from malicious Injustice. ‘For the Bribery and Gifts wherewith I am charged, when the Books of Hearts shall be opened, I hope I shall not be found to have the troubled Foun­tain of a corrupt Heart, in a depraved habit of taking Rewards to pervert Ju­stice, howsoever I may be frail, and par­take of the abuses of the Times.’

The Fifth Paper is, a Collection of his remaining Apothegms, inferiour in number to those already published, but not in [Page 89] weight. Some of these he took from Emi­nent Persons, and some from meaner ones, having set it down from his Observation In Impet. Philosoph. p. 476. Ru­sticorum Proverbia nonnulla apposite ad verita­tatem di­cuntur Sus rostro, &c., that The Bolt of the Rustic, often hits the Mark; and that the Sow, in rooting, may describe the letter A, though she can­not write an entire Tragedy.

The Sixth is, a Supply of his Collection of Judicious and Elegant Sentences, cal­led by him Ornamenta Rationalia. He also gave to those Wise and Polite Sayings, the Title of Sententiae Stellares; either because they were Sentences which deserved to be pointed to by an Asterisc in the Margent; or because they much illustrated and beau­tify'd a Discourse, in which they were dis­posed in due place and order; as the Stars in the Firmament, are so many glorious Ornaments of it, and set off with their Lustre, the wider and less adorned Spaces.

This Collection is either wholly lost, or thrown into some obscure Corner; but I fear the first. I have now three Cata­logues in my Hands, of the unpublish'd Papers of Sir Francis Bacon; all written by Dr. Rawley himself. In every one of these appears the Title of Ornamenta Ratio­nalia, but in the Bundles which came with those Catalogues, there's not one of those Sentences to be found. I held my self ob­lig'd, [Page 90] in some sort, and as I was able, to supply this defect; it being once in my power to have preserved this Paper. For a Copy of it was long since, offer'd me by that Doctor's only Son, and my dear Friend (now with God) Mr. William Rawley, of whom, if I say no more, it is the greatness of my Grief for that irreparable loss, which causeth my Silence. I was the more negli­gent in taking a Copy, presuming I might, upon any occasion, command the Origi­nal; and because that was then in such good Hands. Now, there remains nothing with me, but a general Remembrance of the quality of that Collection. It consist­ed of divers short Sayings, aptly and smart­ly expressed, and containing in them much of good Sense in a little room.

These he either made, or took from o­thers, being moved so to do by the same Reason which caus'd him to gather toge­ther his Apothegms, which (he saith) he collected for his Recreation, his Lordship's Diversions being of more value than some Men's Labours. Nor do such Sentences and Apothegms, differ much in their Nature. For Apothegms are only somewhat longer, and fuller of Allusion, and tell the Author, and the occasion of the Wise Saying; and are but the same Kernel, with the Shell [Page 91] and Leaf about it. That which he faith of the one, is true of the other. ‘They are both Mucrones Verborum In Preface to his Apo­thegms., pointed Speeches, or Goads. Cicero (saith he) calleth them Salinas, Salt-pits, that you may extract Salt out of, and sprinkle it where you will. They serve to be in­terlaced in continued Speech: They serve to be recited, upon occasion, in them­selves.’

Such Ornaments have been noted in all Ages and Places, and in many Collected.

Amongst the Hebrews, they had (of old) the Proverbs of Agur, and Salomon.

In Times more Modern, there have been set forth the Pirke Avoth; and the Sen­tences, Proverbs, Apothegms, and Simili­tudes of the Hebrew Writers, Collected in the Florilegium Hebraicum of Buxtorf.

Amongst the Egyptians, we find such Aenigmatic Proverbial Forms as these; He hath a Wing of a Bat. That is, the Man is impotent, yet daring; and so like a Bat, which adventures to flie, though it has no Feathers. The Crab keeps the door of the Oyster. That is, his Friend destroys him. For the Crab (they say) puts in his Claw when the Oyster gapes, and eats it up.

Amongst the Arabians, we find the Pro­verbs [Page 92] of Lockman, or Aesop; and those Collected by Erpenius.

Amongst the Greeks, we find the Sen­tences of their Seven Wise Men, of Theognes, and Phocylides, and of divers others pre­served by Stobaeus. Pythagorus had his [...] See Salmas. in Simplic. in Epict. ad calc. p. 12., of which we should have known much more, if Time had not deni­ed us the Book of Aristotle [...]. Thence, 'tis thought, Laë r [...]ius, and Porphyrie, cite certain Pythogoric Sym­bols Vide Jonsium de Script. Hist. Phil. p. 54. Also p. 76. & Jamblich. de vit [...] Pythag. p. 131., in which among others, the Plei­ades are called the Harp of the Muses; and the Northern Bears, the Hands of Rhea. Which latter Symbol, is for such a Toy, pretty enough, if expounded of Matter fixed, and detained from the course of its Fluidity, by cold, or rest. But I pretend not so much intimacy with the Magical Pythagoras, as to be his Interpreter. To Henry Stephens, we owe a Collection of Greek Sentences, from the Comic Poets. The Monk Thalasius, wrote an Hundred Sentences concerning Charity and Conti­nence, after the way of the Cloyster, that is, in a pious, but less acute manner See them in the M [...] [...] p. 106..

Amongst the Romans, Iulius Caesar, and Macrobius wrote Collections of Apothegms; and the Sentences of Laberius, and also of Publius, (who was, indeed, by Birth a [Page 93] Syrian, but by Education and Privilege a Roman) are to this Day preserved.

Some, a-while ago, have gathered and amassed the Sentences of Cicero, and of both the Seneca's, though (I think) without much judgment, and as we gather Fishes in a Net, enclosing the good and bad to­gether. Last Year, the Sieur de Laval, did publish his Collection of the Sentences of St. Austin Sent. tirées des Oeuvres de S. Aug. A. Paris, 1677. in Octavo.. And it is not long since, Mounsieur Hache set forth a whole Folio of Sentences, Collected out of Twelve of the Tomes of the Bibliotheca Patrum Sent. ex 12. Bib. Patr. tomis selectae per Fr. Hache, An. 1666..

Among the Italians, Spaniards, French, Dutch, Turks, (which two last I put toge­ther, for the alike bluntness and coursness of their Sayings) there are divers Collec­tions of Apothegms and Proverbs.

Among our Selves, we have the like, and particularly the Wise Sayings by Mr. Camb­den, and the Iacula Prudentum, in Mr. Herbert; which latter some have been bold to accuse as having too much Feather, and too little Point. But the sense of that Metaphor, may be more truly apply'd to the Collection call'd Flores Edvardi Coci By Tho. Ash. Lon. 1617. in 16 .. Those Sayings, as they are represen­ted without the Context of that Eminent Lawyer, are like the Flowers in an Her­bal, of which no Man would put the Ge­nerality into his Garden.

[Page 94] The use of such little things, no Man knew better than Sir Francis Bacon, who could turn every saying to Advantage; and if it wanted Lustre in it self, he could by Art create it, and by setting it well.

His own Collection was (as I remem­ber) gathered partly out of his own Store, and partly from the Ancients, and accord­ingly 'tis supplied out of his own Works, and the Mimi of Publius.

Under the Second Head of Remains Phy­siological, or Natural, is contain'd in the First place,

A Fragment of his Lordship's Abeceda­rium Naturae. This is commonly said to be lost, and it is well nigh so, the latter part of it only remaining. But where the whole is good, each part is of value. And Antiquaries who travel in the Dominions of the Grand Signior, do not despise the ancient Statues which they find there, though Mahometan Superstition hath bro­ken off their Heads.

This Work is said to be a Metaphysical Piece; but it is not so, in the strictest sense. Its principal design is the Partition of things into their several Classes; a design which his Lordship brought to more per­fection in his Organon, and Book De Aug­mentis Scientiarum. And though in it were [Page 95] handled Condittons of Being, yet not ab­stractly from all Body, but with reference to it. And therefor his Lordship did not call it Abecedarium Hyperphysicum, but the Alphabet of Nature. And his Lordship gi­veth express Caution, in his Book of Ad­vancement De Augm. Scient. l. 3. c. 2. p. 228., that where he speaks of Conditions of Entities, which are cal­led Transcendental; (such as, Much, Lit­tle, The Same, Divers, Possible, Impossible) he be not interpreted in a Logical, but Physical Sense. His Lordship was much averse to high and useless Speculations, and he was wont to express that Aversness in the following Comparison. The Lark (said he) is an high flier, and in its flight does nothing but Sing: But the Hawk flies high, and thence descends and catches its Prey.

The Second Paper about Natural things, is his Lordship's Inquisition touching the Compounding of Metals.

Then follow, in the Third Place, his Articles of Questions, touching Minerals. Of these, the first inquireth about the same Subject with the foregoing Paper; but finding them distinguish'd by his Lordship, I have not joyn'd them together.

These Questions were turn'd into Latine, and in that Tongue, publish'd by Dr. Rawley, [Page 96] amongst his Lordship's Opuscula; but the English Originals are now, the first time set forth. And having by me three Copies, I publish them by that one on which his Lordship had endorsed with his own Hand, This is the clean Copy.

Now these Inquiries being in themselves Imperfect, and without much Solution of his Lordship's adjoyn'd; I have here ad­ded to them the several Answers of Dr. Me­verel, to whom they were proposed by his Lordship. It has not been in my power, as yet, to inform my self duly about this Doctor; but doubtless, he was a Chymist, as those Times went, of the first Order. It was his Lordship's manner, on divers mornings, to set down Inquiries for the fol­lowing Days, in some loose Papers. And in one of them, I find this, among other Memoranda. ‘To send to Dr. Meverel. Take Iron and dissolve it in Aqua Fortis, and put a Loadstone near it, and see whether it will extract the Iron: Put also a Loadstone into the Water, and see whether it will gather a Crust about it.’

After the Questions of his Lordship a­bout Minerals, and the Answers of Dr. Meverel, there follows, in the Fourth Place, an Inquisition concerning the Ver­sions, Transmutations, Multiplications, and [Page 97] Effections of Bodies, not hitherto publish'd in the English Tongue, in which his Lord­ship wrote it See D. R's. Translati­on among the Opus­cula..

Fifthly, There is annexed a certain Speech touching the recovery of Drowned Mineral Works, prepared, as Mr. Bushel saith, for that Parliament under which he fell. His Lordship, no doubt, had such a Project; and he might prepare a Speech al­so, for the Facilitating of it. But that this is a true Copy of that Speech, I dare not avouch. His Lordship's Speeches were wont to be digested into more Method; his Periods were more round, his Words more choice, his Allusions more frequent, and manag'd with more decorum. And as no Man had greater command of Words, for the illustration of Matter, than his Lord­ship; so here he had Matter which refus'd not to be cloth'd in the best Words.

The Sixth Paper about Natural Things, containeth certain Experiments about weight in Air and Water.

The Seventh containeth a few Proposals to the Country-Man, called Experiments for Profit. The Eighth, Experiments about the Commixture of Liquors. The Ninth, a Catalogue of Bodies Attractive and not At­tractive, with Experimental Observations about them.

[Page 98] Under the Third Head of Medical Re­mains, is contain'd in the First place, a Pa­per which he called Grains of Youth. In it he prescribeth divers things, as means to keep up the Body in its Vigour. Amongst these is the Receipt of the Methusalem Wa­ter, against the Driness of Age, which his Lordship valued and used.

Next follows a Catalogue of Astringents, Openers, and Cordials, Instrumental to Health. Then comes in the Third place, an Extract, by his Lordship, for his own use, out of the History of Life and Death, together with some new Advices in order to Health.

Last of all, there are added Four Medical Receipts.

The First is, his Lordship's Broth and Fomentation against the Stone, which I judg'd acceptable to the Public, seeing his Receipt against the Gout had been so, though it work­eth not an Infallible Cure. And here it may seem strange, that his Lordship does not mention Spirit of Nitre, which he so often used, and which a very ingenious Ex­perimenter Dr. Grew, in his Exper. of the Lu­ [...]tion a­rising from Affus. of Menstru­ums upon all sorts of Bodies. p. 10 [...]. hath noted, to be the best of Acids against the Stone.

The Second is, the Receipt of an Oynt­ment, called by his Lordship, Vnguentum Fragrans sive Romanum. By this he mean­eth an Unguent which consisteth of Astrin­gents, [Page 99] preventing excess of Transpiration; and Cordials comforting the Parts. And he called it (I suppose) the Roman Vn­guent, because that People did eminently make use of Baths and Anointings. ‘He himself held, that the anointing with Oyl, was one of the most potent Operations to long Life Hist. of Life & Death, of the Oper. upon Ex­clusion of Air. [...]. 21. P. 37.; and that it conduced to Health, both in Winter, by the exclu­sion of the cold Air; and in Summer, by detaining the Spirits within, and prohi­biting the resolution of them; and keep­ing of the force of the Air, which is then most predatory.’ Yet it was his Lordship's opinon, that it was best to anoint without Bathing, though he thought Bathing with­out Anointing bad.

The Third and Fourth, are Receipts to comfort the Stomach. One of them he cal­leth a Secret; and I suppose it might be communicated to him by Sir Henry Wotton. For Sir Henry speaks of his preparation of a certain Wood In Reliqu. Wotton. P. 473., as of a rare Receipt to Coroborate the Viscera, and to keep the Stomack in Tono.

Under the Fourth Head, of Theological Remains, are contain'd only a few Questions about the lawfulness of a Holy War; and two Prayers, one for a Philosophical Stu­dent, the other for a Writer. The sub­stance [Page 100] of these two Prayers is extant in La­tine, in the Organon Nov. Organum, p. 19. ad Calc. par­tis primae., and Scripta Scrip­ta Philos. P. 451. and after the Title-Page..

Under the Fifth Head of Bibliographical Remains, are contained some of his Lord­ship's own Papers concerning his Works, and likewise some Letters and Discourses of others upon the same Subject, together with a few interspersed Remarks concerning his Life.

His Lordship's Papers are these Six.

The First is, a Letter to Elizabeth, the Sister of King Charles the Martyr, and Wife to Frederic, Prince Palatine of the Rhine; a Princess who found so many Thorns in the Crown of Bohemia. She pleased to write to his Lordship, and he return'd Answer, and sent along with it as a Present, his Discourse of a War with Spain; though nei­ther came to her Hands, till after his Lord­ship's Death.

The Second is, a Letter to the Vniversity of Cambridg, when he sent them his Book of the Advancement of Learning.

The Third is, a Letter to the same Uni­versity, upon his sending to them his No­vum Organum: This he wrote in a loose sheet of paper; the former, in one of the spare leaves at the beginning of the Book.

The Fourth is, a Letter to Trinity College, in Cambridg (of which Society he had been a [Page 101] Member) upon his sending thither the a­foresaid Book De Augmentis Scientiarum.

The Fifth is, a Letter to the Bishop of Lincoln; in which I note the goodness of his Lordship's Nature, whilst he still main­taineth his Friendship with him, though he had succeeded him in his place of Lord-Keeper. For Envy hates every one that sits in that Chair from whence it self is fallen.

The Sixth is, a Letter to Father Fulgen­tio, a Divine (if I mistake not) of the Republic of Venice, and the same who wrote the Life of his Colleague, the excellent Fa­ther Paul.

The Seventh is, a Letter to the Marquess Fiat, then Embassadour from France, soon after the Marriage betwixt his late Majesty and Henrietta Maria, in the knitting of which he had been employ'd. This Mar­quess was the Person, who, impatient of seeing so Learned a Man, was admitted to his Lordship when he was very ill, and confin'd to his Bed; and who saluted him with this high Compliment: ‘Your Lord­ship hath been to me hitherto like the An­gels, of which I have often heard and read, but never saw them before.’ To which piece of Courtship, he return'd such answer, as became a Man in those Circum­stances. [Page 102] ‘Sir, the Charity of others, does liken me to an Angel, but my own Infirmities tell me I am a Man.’

The Eighth is, a Transcript out of his Lordship's Will, concerning his Writings. There, in particular manner, he commend­eth to the Press, the Felicities of Queen Elizabeth. This I noted before; and ob­serve it here again as an Argument of the Impartiality of his Lordship's Judgment and Affection. He was zealous in bearing testi­mony to the wise Administration of the Public Affairs in those Times, in which himself advanced little either in Profit, or Honour. For he was hindred from grow­ing at Court by a great Man, who knew the slenderness of his Purse, and also fear'd that if he grew, he might prove Taller than himself See his Lord­ship's Let­ter to Sir R. C. in C [...]ll. of Letters in 1st. part of Resusc. p. 87. and that in p. 110, 111.. The little Art used a­gainst him, was the representing of him as a Speculator; though it is plain, no Man dealt better, and with kinder ways, in pub­lic Business than himself: And it generally ripened under his Hands.

For the Papers written by others, touch­ing his Lordship and his Labours, they are these.

The First is, a Letter from the Univer­sity of Oxford, to his Lordship, upon his sending to them his Book of Advancement [Page 103] of Learning, in its second, and much en­larged Edition. It should seem by a Passage towards the end of this Letter, that the Let­ter which his Lordship sent to them, toge­ther with his Book, was written (like the first to the Vniversity of Cambridg) in one of the spare leaves of it, and contain'd some wholesome Admonitions in order to the pursuit of its Contents.

The Second is, a Letter from Dr. Mayn­waring, to Dr. Rawley, concering his Lord­ship's Confession of Faith. This is that Dr. Maynwaring, whose Sermon upon Eccles. 8. 2. &c. gave such high Offence, about One and Fifty Years ago.

For some Doctrines, which he noteth in his Lordship's Confession, the Reader ought to call to mind, the times in which his Lord­ship wrote them, and the distaste of that Court against the proceedings of Barnevelt, whose State-faction blemish'd his Creed.

The rest are, Letters of Dr. Rawley, Mounsieur Deodate, Isaac Gruter, touching the Edition of his Lordship's Works: An Account of his Lordship's Life and Writings, by Sir William Dugdale, together with some new Insertions: Characters of his Lordship, and his Philosophy, by Dr. Heylin, Dr. Sprat, and Mr. Abraham Cowley.

[Page 104] All these Papers I have put under the Title of Baconiana, in imitation of those, who of late, have publish'd some Remains of Learned Men, and called them, Thuana, Scaligerana, Perroniana.

These then are the particular Writings, in which I have labour'd, and in setting forth of which, I have undertaken the lower Of­fice of a Prefacer. And I think it more desireable to write a mean Preface to a good Book, than to be Author of a mean Book, though graced with a Preface from some excellent Pen: As it is more Honour, with a plain White Staff, to go before the King, than being an unpolish'd Magistrate of a mean and antiquated Corporation, to be usher'd forth with a Mace of Silver.

T. T.

The Lord Bacon's REMAINS, Civil and Moral.

The Charge Given May 24. 1616. by way of Evidence, by Sir Francis Bacon, his Majesties Attourney General, before the Lord High Stew­ard, The Lord Chancelor Egerton, Lord Elles­mere, and the Earl of Bridgwa­ter. and the Peers, against Frances Countess of Somerset, concerning the poysoning of Sir Thomas Overbury.

IT may please your Grace, my Lord High Steward of England, and you my Lords the Peers.

I am very glad to hear this unfortunate Lady doth take this Course, to confess fully, and freely, and thereby to give Glory to God, and to Justice. It is (as I may term it) the Nobleness of an Offen­der to confess; and therefore those meaner [Page 4] Persons, upon whom Justice passed before, confessed not, she doth. I know your Lordships cannot behold her without com­passion. Many things may move you, her Youth, her Person, her Sex, her noble Fa­mily, yea, her Provocations, (if I should enter into the Cause it self) and Furies a­bout her; but chiefly her Penitency and Confession. But Justice is the work of this Day; the Mercy-Seat was in the inner part of the Temple; the Throne is publick. But since this Lady hath by her Confession prevented my Evidence, and your Verdict; and that this Day's labour is eased; there resteth in the Legal Proceeding, but for me to pray that her Confession may be recor­ded, and Judgment thereupon.

But because your Lordships the Peers are met, and that this day and to morrow are the Days that crown all the former Justice; and that in these great Cases it hath been ever the manner to respect Honour and Satisfaction, as well as the ordinary Parts and Forms of Justice; the Occasion it self admonisheth me, to give your Lordships and the Hearers this Contentment, as to make Declaration of the Proceedings of this excellent Work of the King's Justice, from the beginning to the end.

It may please your Grace, my Lord High [Page 5] Steward of England, this is now the second time, within the space of thirteen years Reign of our Happy Sovereign, that this high Tribunal Seat (ordained for the Trial of Peers) hath been opened and erected, and that with a rare event, supplied and ex­ercised by one and the same Person, which is a great Honour unto you, my Lord Steward.

In all this mean time the King hath reigned in his white Robe, not sprinkled with any one Drop of the Blood of any of his Nobles of this Kingdom. Nay, such have been the Depths of his Mercy, as even those Noble-Mens Bloods, (against whom the Proceeding was at Winchester) Cobham and Grey, were attainted and corrupted, but not spilt or ta­ken away; but that they remained rather Spectacles of Iustice in their continual Im­prisonment, than Monuments of Iustice in the Memory of their Suffering.

It is true, that the Objects of his Justice then and now were very differing; for then it was the Revenge of an Offence against his own Person and Crown, and upon Persons that were Male-Contents, and Contraries to the State and Government; but now it is the Revenge of the Blood and Death of a particular Subject, and the Cry of a Prisoner; it is upon Persons that were highly in his Fa­vour; [Page 6] whereby his Majesty, to his great Honour, hath shewed to the World, as if it were written in a Sun-beam, that he is tru­ly the Lieutenant of him with whom there is no respect of Persons; that his Affections Royal are above his Affections private; that his Favours, and Nearness about him, are not like Popish Sanctuaries, to privilege Malefactors; and that his being the best Ma­ster in the World, doth not let him from being the best King in the World. His Peo­ple, on the other side, may say to themselves, I will lie down in Peace, for God, the King, and the Law, protect me against great and small. It may be a Discipline also to great Men, especially such as are swoln in their Fortunes from small beginnings, that the King is as well able to level Mountains, as to fill Vallies, if such be their desert.

But to come to the present Case, The great Frame of Justice (my Lords) in this present Action, hath a Vault, and hath a Stage: A Vault, wherein these Works of Darkness were contrived; and a Stage, with Steps, by which it was brought to Light.

For the former of these, I will not lead your Lordships into it, because I will engrieve nothing against a Penitent, neither will I open any thing against him that is absent. [Page 7] The one I will give to the Laws of Humani­ty, and the other to the Laws of Justice; for I shall always serve my Master with a good and sincere Conscience, and I know that he accepteth best. Therefore I will re­serve that till to morrow, and hold my self to that which I called the Stage or Theater, whereunto indeed it may be fitly compared: for that things were first contained within the Invisible Judgments of God, as within a Curtain, and after came forth, and were acted most worthily by the King, and right well by his Ministers.

Sir Thomas Overbury was murthered by Poison, Septemb. 15. 1613. This foul and cruel Murder did for a time cry secretly in the Ears of God; but God gave no answer to it, otherwise than by that Voice, (which sometime he useth) which is Vox Populi, the Speech of the People: For there went then a Murmur that Overbury was poisoned; and yet the same submiss and low Voice of God (the Speech of the Vulgar People) was not without a Counter-tenor or Coun­ter-blast of the Devil, who is the common Author both of Murder and Slander; for it was given out, that Overbury was dead of a foul Disease; and his Body (which they had made Corpus Iudaicum with their Poi­sons, so as it had no whole part) must be [Page 8] said to be leprosed with Vice, and so his Name poisoned as well as his Body. For as to Dissoluteness, I have not heard the Gentleman noted with it; his Faults were of Insolency, Turbulency, and the like of that kind.

Mean time there was some Industry used (of which I will not now speak) to lull a­sleep those that were the Revengers of the Blood, the Father and the Brother of the Murdered. And in these terms things stood by the space of two years, during which time God did so blind the two great Pro­curers, and dazle them with their Greatness, and blind and nail fast the Actors and In­struments with security upon their Protecti­on, as neither the one looked about them, nor the other stirred or fled, or were convey­ed away, but remained here still, as under a privy Arrest of God's Judgments; inso­much as Franklin, that should have been sent over to the Palsgrave with good store of Money, was by God's Providence, and the Accident of a Marriage of his, diverted and stayed.

But about the beginning of the Pro­gress the last Summer, God's Judgments began to come out of their depths. And as the revealing of Murder is commonly such as a Man said, à Domino hoc factum est; it [Page 9] is God's work, and it is marvellous in our eyes: so in this particular it was most admi­rable; for it came forth first by a Comple­ment, a matter of Courtesy. My Lord of Shrewsbury, that is now with God, recom­mended to a Councellor of State, (of spe­cial Trust by his place) the late Lieutenant Called in Sir H. Wotton 's Reliq. p. 413. Elvis In Sir A. Welden 's Court of K. Iames, p. 107. Elwaies. In Aulic. Coquin. p. 141. Ello­waies. In Sir W. Dugdales Baron. of Eng. Tom 2. p. 425. Elways. In Baker, Yelvis. p. 434. Helwisse, only for Acquaintance, as an ho­nest and worthy Gentleman, and desired him to know him, and to be acquainted with him. That Councellor answered him civil­ly, That my Lord did him a favour, and that he should embrace it willingly; but he must let his Lordship know, that there did lie a heavy imputation upon the Gentleman, Helwisse, for that Sir Tho. Overbury, his Pri­soner, was thought to have come to a violent and an untimely Death. When this Speech was reported back by my Lord of Shrews­bury to Helwisse, percussit ili [...]ò animum, he was strucken with it, and being a politick Man, and of likelihood doubting, that the matter would break forth at one time or o­ther, and that others might have the start of him, and thinking to make his own Case by his own Tale, resolved with himself upon this occasion, to discover unto my Lord of Shrewsbury, and that Councellor, that there was an Attempt (whereunto he was privy) to have poisoned Overbury, by the hands of [Page 10] his Underkeeper, Weston; but that he checked it, and put it by, and disswaded it. But then he left it thus, that it was but as an Attempt, or an untimely Birth, never exe­cuted; and as if his own Fault had been no more, but that he was honest in forbidding, but fearful of revealing, and impeaching or accusing great Persons. And so with this fine point thought to save himself.

But that Councellor of Estate wisely con­sidering, that by the Lieutenant's own Tale it could not be simply a Permission, or Weakness; for that Weston was never displa­ced by the Lieutenant, notwithstanding that Attempt; and coupling the Sequel by the be­ginning, thought it matter fit to be brought be­fore his Majesty, by whose appointment. Hel­wisse set down the like Declaration in writing.

Upon this Ground the King playeth Salo­mon's part, gloria Dei celare rem, & gloria Regis investigare rem, and sets down certain Papers of his own hand, which I might term to be Claves Iustitiae, Keys of Justice, and may serve both for a Precedent for Princes to imitate, and for a Direction for Iudges to follow. And his Majesty carried the Ballance with a constant and steady hand, evenly and without prejudice, whether it were a true Accusation of the one part, or a Practice and factious Scandal of the other. [Page 11] Which Writing, because I am not able to express according to the worth thereof, I will desire your Lordships anon to hear read.

This excellent Foundation of Justice being laid by his Majesties own hand, it was re­ferred unto some Councellors to examine further, who gained some Degrees of Light from Weston, but yet left it imperfect.

After it was referred to Sir Ed. Cook, Chief Justice of the Kings Bench, as a Person best practised in Legal Examinations, who took a great deal of indefatigable pains in it with­out intermission, having (as I have heard him say) taken at least three hundred Exa­minations in this Business.

But these things were not done in a Cor­ner, I need not speak of them. It is true, that my Lord Chief Justice, in the dawning and opening of the Light, finding the matter touched upon these great Persons, very dis­creetly became Suitor to the King, to have greater Persons than his own Rank joined with him; whereupon your Lordships, my Lord High Steward of England, my Lord Steward of the King's House, and my Lord Zouch, were joined with him.

Neither wanted there (this while) Pra­ctice to suppress Testimony, to deface Wri­tings, to weaken the Kings Resolution, to [Page 12] slander the Justice, and the like. Nay when it came to the first solemn Act of Justice, which was the Arraignment of Weston, he had his lesson to stand mute, which had ar­rested the whole Wheel of Justice: but this dumb Devil, by the means of some discreet Divines, and the potent Charm of Justice together, was cast out; neither did this poisonous Adder stop his Ear to these Charms, but relented, and yeilded to his Trial.

Then followed the other Proceedings of Justice against the other Offenders, Turnor, Helwisse, Franklin.

But all these being but the Organs and In­struments of this Fact, (the Actors, and not the Authors) Justice could not have been crowned without this last Act against these great Persons; else Weston's Censure or Pre­diction might have been verified, when he said, He hoped the small Flies should not be caught, and the greater escape. Wherein the King, being in great straits between the defa­cing of his Houour and of his Creature, hath (according as he useth to do) chosen the bet­ter part, reserving always Mercy to himself.

The time also of Justice hath had its true Motions. The time until this Ladies delive­rance was due unto Honour, Christianity, and Humanity, in respect of her great Belly. [Page 13] The time since was due to another kind of Deliverance too, which was, that some Causes of Estate which were in the Womb might likewise be brought forth, not for matter of Justice, but for Reason of State. Likewise this last Procrastination of Days had the like weighty Grounds and Causes.

But (my Lords) where I speak of a Stage, I doubt I hold you upon the Stage too long. But before I pray Judgment, I pray your Lordships to hear the Kings Pa­pers read, that you may see how well the King was inspired, and how nobly he carried it, that Innocency might not have so much as Aspersion.

Frances, Countess of Somerset, hath been indicted and arraigned, as acces­sary before the Fact, for the Murder and Impoisonment of Sir Tho. Overbury, and hath pleaded guilty, and confesseth the Indictment: I pray Judgment a­gainst the Prisoner.

The Charge of Sir Francis Bacon, his Majesties Attourney General, by way of Evidence, before the Lord High Steward, and the Peers, against Robert Earle of Somerset, concerning the poisoning of Overbury.

IT may please your Grace, my Lord High Steward of England, and you my Lords the Peers; You have here before you Robert Earl of Somerset, to be tried for his Life, concerning the procuring and con­senting to the Impoisonment of Sir Thomas Overbury, then the King's Prisoner in the Tower of London, as an Accessary before the Fact.

I know your Lordships cannot behold this Nobleman, but you must remember his great favour with the King, and the great Place that he hath had and born, and must be sensible that he is yet of your Number and Body, a Peer as you are; so as you cannot cut him off from your Body but with grief; and therefore that you will expect from us, that give in the [Page 15] King's Evidence, sound and sufficient matter of Proof, to satisfy your Honours and Con­sciences.

And for the manner of the Evidence also, the King our Master (who among his other Vertues, excelleth in that Vertue of the Im­perial Throne, which is Justice) hath given us Commandment that we should not expa­tiate, nor make Invectives, but materially pursue the Evidence, as it conduceth to the Point in question; a matter that (tho we are glad of so good a Warrant) yet we should have done of our selves; for far be it from us, by any strains of Wit or Art to seek to play Prizes, or to blazo [...] our Names in Blood, or to carry the Day otherwise than upon just Grounds. We shall carry the Lanthorn of Justice (which is the Evidence) before your Eyes upright, and be able to save it from being put out with any Winds of Evasions, or vain Defences, that is our part; not doubting at all, but that this Evidence in it self will carry that force, as it shall little need Vantages or Ag­gravations.

My Lords, The Course which I shall hold in delivering that which I shall say (for I love Order) is this,

[Page 16] First, I will speak somewhat of the nature and greatness of the Offence which is now to be tried, and that the King, however he might use this Gentleman heretofore, as the Signet upon his Finger (to use the Scripture Phrase) yet in this Case could not but put him off, and deliver him into the hands of Justice.

Secondly, I will use some few words tou­ching the Nature of the Proofs, which in such a Case are competent.

Thirdly, I will state the Proofs.

And lastly, I will produce the Proofs, either out of the Examinations and Matters in Writing, or Witnesses viva voce.

For the Offence it self; it is of Crimes (next unto High-Treason) the greatest; it is the foulest of Fellonies. And take this Offence with the Circumstances, it hath three Degrees or Stages; that it is Murder; that it is Murder by Impoisonment; that it is Murder committed upon the Kings Pri­soner in the Tower: I might say, that it is Murder under the Colour of Friendship; but that is a Circumstance moral, I leave that to the Evidence it self.

For Murder, my Lords, the first Record of Justice which was in the World was a Judgment upon Murder, in the person of [Page 17] Adam's first born, Cain: And though it were not punished by Death, but with Ba­nishment and mark of Ignominy, in respect of the primogeniture, or of the populati­on of the World, or other points of God's secret Will, yet it was adjudged, and was (as I said) the first Record of Justice. So it appeareth likewise in Scripture, that the murder of Abner by Ioab, though it were by David respited in respect of great Ser­vices past, or Reason of State, yet it was not forgotten. But of this I will say no more. It was ever admitted, and so ranked in God's own Tables, that Murder is of offences between Man and Man (next to Treason and Disobedience of Authority, which some Divines have referred to the First Table, because of the Lieutenancy of God in Princes and Fathers) the greatest.

For Impoisonment, I am sorry it should be heard of in this Kingdom: It is not no­stri generis nec sanguinis; It is an Italian Crime fit for the Court of Rome, where that Person that intoxicateth the Kings of the Earth with his Cup of Poison in Here­tical Doctrine, is many times really and materially intoxicated and impoisoned him­self.

But it hath three Circumstances, which make it grievous beyond other Murders: [Page 18] Whereof the first is, That it takes a Man in full Peace; in God's and the King's Peace; He thinks no harm, but is comfor­ting Nature with Refection and Food: So that (as the Scripture saith) His Table is made a Snare.

The second is, That it is easily commit­ted, and easily concealed; and on the other side, hardly prevented, and hardly discovered: For Murder by violence Princes have Guards, and private Men have Houses, Attendants, and Arms: Nei­ther can such Murders be committed but cum sonitu, and with some overt and appa­rent Act, that may discover and trace the Offender. But for Poison, the said Cup it self of Princes will scarce serve, in regard of many Poisons, that neither discolour nor distast; and so passeth without noise or ob­servation.

And the last is, Because it containeth not only the destruction of the maliced Man, but of any other; Quis modo tutus erit? For many times the Poison is prepared for one, and is taken by another: So that Men die other Mens Deaths; Concidit infelix alieno vulnere: and it is as the Psalm cal­leth it, Sagitta nocte volans; The Arrow that flies by night, it hath no aim or certainty.

[Page 19] Now for the third Degree of this particu­lar Offence, which is, that it was commit­ted upon the King's Prisoner, who was out of his own Defence, and meerly in the King's protection, and for whom the King and State was a kind of Respondent, it is a thing that aggravates the Fault much. For certainly (my Lord of Somerset) let me tell you this, That Sir Tho. Overbury is the first Man that was murdered in the Tower of London, since the murder of the two young Princes.

For the Nature of the Proofs, your Lordships must consider, that Impoisonment, of Offences is the most secret: So secret, as if in all Cases of Impoisonment you should require Testimony, you were as good pro­claim Impunity. I will put Book-Exam­ples.

Who could have impeached Livia, by Testimony, of the impoisoning of the Figs upon the Tree, which her Husband was wont, for his pleasure, to gather with his own hands.

Who could have impeached Parisatis for the poisoning of one side of the Knife that she carved with, and keeping the other side clean; so that her self did eat of the same piece of Meat that the Lady did that she did impoison? The Cases are infinite, (and [Page 20] indeed not fit to be spoken of) of the se­crecy of Impoisonments; But wise Triers must take upon them, in these secret Cases, Solomon's Spirit, that where there could be no Witnesses, collected the Act by the Af­fection.

But yet we are not to come to one Case: For that which your Lordships are to try, is not the Act of Impoisonment (for that is done to your hand) all the World by Law is concluded, [...]t to say that Overbury was impoisoned by Weston. But the Question before you is of the procurement only, and of the abetting (as the Law termeth it) as accessary before the Fact: Which abetting is no more, but to do or use any Act or Means, which may aid or conduce unto the Impoisonment.

So that it is not the buying or making of the Poison, or the preparing, or confecting, or commixing of it, or the giving or send­ing, or laying the Poison, that are the on­ly Acts that do amount unto Abetment. But if there be any other Act or Means done or used, to give the opportunity of Impoisonment, or to facilitate the executi­on of it, or to stop or divert any impedi­ments that might hinder it, and this be with an intention, to accomplish and atchieve the Impoisonment; all these are Abetments, [Page 21] and Accessaries before the Fact. I will put you a familiar Example. Allow there be a Conspiracy to murder a Man as he jour­nies by the ways and it be one Man's part to draw him forth to that Journey by invi­tation, or by colour of some business; and another takes upon him to disswade some Friend of his, whom he had a purpose to take in his Company, that he be not too strong to make his defence: And another hath the part to go along with him, and to hold him in talk till the first blow be given. All these (my Lords) without scruple are Abetters to this Murder, though none of them give the Blow, nor assist to give the Blow.

My Lords, he is not the Hunter alone that lets slip the Dog upon the Deer, but he that lodges the Deer, or raises him, or puts him out, or he that sets a Toyle that he cannot escape, or the like.

But this (my Lords) little needeth in this present Case, where there is such a Chain of Acts of Impoisonment as hath been seldom seen, and could hardly have been expected, but that Greatness of For­tune maketh commonly Grossness in of­fending.

To descend to the Proofs themselves, I shall keep this course.

[Page 22] First, I will make a Narrative or De­claration of the Fact it self.

Secondly, I will break and distribute the Proofs, as they concern the Pri­soner.

And thirdly, according to that distribu­tion, I will produce them, and read them, or use them.

So that there is nothing that I shall say, but your Lordship (my Lord of Somer­set) shall have three thoughts or cogitati­ons to answer it: First, when I open it, you may take your aim: Secondly, when I distribute it, you may prepare your An­swers without confusion: And lastly, when I produce the Witnesses, or Examinations themselves, you may again ruminate and readvise how to make your defence. And this I do the rather, because your Memory or Understanding may not be oppressed or overladen with length of Evidence, or with confusion of order. Nay more, when your Lordship shall make your Answers in your time, I will put you in mind (when cause shall be) of your omissions.

First therefore, for the simple Narrative of the Fact. Sir Tho. Overbury, for a time was known to have had great Interest, and great Friendship with my Lord of Somer­set, both in his meaner Fortunes, and after: [Page 23] Insomuch as he was a kind of Oracle of Direction unto him; and if you will be­lieve his own vaunts (being of an insolent Thrasonical disposition) he took upon him, that the Fortune, Reputation, and Un­derstanding of this Gentleman (who is well known to have had a better Teacher) proceeded from his Company and Coun­sel.

And this Friendship rested not only in Conversation and Business of Court, but likewise in Communication of Secrets of Estate. For my Lord of Somerset, at that time, exercising (by his Majesties spe­cial favour and trust) the Office of the Se­cretary provisionally, did not forbear to ac­quaint Overbury with the King's Packets of Dispatches from all parts, Spain, France, the Low Countries, &c. And this not by glimpses, or now and then rounding in the Ear for a favour, but in a setled manner: Packets were sent, sometimes opened by my Lord, sometimes unbroken unto Over­bury, who perused them, copied, registred them, made Tables of them as he thought good: So that I will undertake, the time was, when Overbury knew more of the Se­crets of State, than the Council Table did. Nay, they were grown to such an inward­ness, as they made a Play of all the World [Page 24] besides themselves: So as they had Ciphers and Iargons for the King, the Queen, and all the great Men; things seldom used, but either by Princes, and their Embassadours and Ministers, or by such as work and practise against, or at least upon Prin­ces.

But understand me (my Lord) I shall not charge you this day with any Disloyal­ty; only I say this for a foundation, That there was a great communication of Se­crets between you and Overbury, and that it had relation to Matters of Estate, and the greatest Causes of this Kingdom.

But (my Lords) as it is a principle in Nature, that the best things are in their corruption the worst: And the sweetest Wine makes the sharpest Vinegar: So fell it out with them, that this excess (as I may term it) of Friendship, ended in mor­tal Hatred on my Lord of Somerset's part.

For it fell out, some twelve months be­fore Overbury's imprisonment in the Tower, that my Lord of Somerset was entred into an unlawful love towards his unfortunate Lady, then Countess of Essex; which went so far, as it was then secretly projected (chiefly between my Lord Privy Seal and my Lord of Somerset) to effect a Nullity [Page 25] in the Marriage with my Lord of Essex, and so to proceed to a Marriage with So­merset.

This Marriage and Purpose did Overbury mainly oppugn, under pretence to do the true part of a Friend (for that he counted her an unworthy Woman) but the truth was, that Overbury, who (to speak plainly) had little that was solid for Religion or Moral Vertue, but was a Man possessed with Am­bition and vain Glory, was loth to have any Partners in the favour of my Lord of Somerset, and specially not the House of the Howards, against whom he had always pro­fessed hatred and opposition. So all was but miserable Bargains of Ambition.

And (my Lords) that this is no sinister construction, will well appear unto you, when you shall hear that Overbury makes his brags to my Lord of Somerset, that he had won him the love of the Lady by his Letters and Industry: So far was he from Cases of Conscience in this Matter. And certainly (my Lords) howsoever the tra­gical misery of that poor Gentleman Over­bury ought somewhat to obliterate his Faults; yet because we are not now upon point of Civility, but to discover the Face of Truth to the Face of Justice: And that it is material to the true understanding of [Page 26] the state of this Cause, Overbury was nought and corrupt, the Ballades must be amended for that point,

But to proceed, When Overbury saw that he was like to be dispossessed of my Lord here, whom he had possessed so long, and by whose Greatness he had promised him­self to do wonders; and being a Man of an unbounded and impetuous spirit, he be­gan not only to disswade, but to deter him from that Love and Marriage; and finding him fixed, thought to try stronger Reme­dies, supposing that he had my Lord's Head under his Girdle, in respect of com­munication of Secrets of Estate, or (as he calls them himself in his Letters, Secrets of all Natures) and therefore dealt violently with him, to make him desist, with menaces of Discovery of Secrets, and the like.

Hereupon grew two streams of hatred upon Overbury; The one from the Lady, in respect that he crossed her Love, and abused her Name, which are Furies to Women; The other of a deeper and more Mineral Nature from my Lord of Somerset himself; who was afraid of Overbury's Nature, and that if he did break from him and fly out, he would mine into him, and trouble his whole Fortunes.

[Page 27] I might add a third stream from the Earl of Northampton's Ambition, who desires to be first in favour with my Lord of Somerset, and knowing Overbury's malice to himself, and his House, thought that Man must be removed and cut off. So it was amongst them resolved and decreed, that Overbury must die.

Hereupon they had variety of Devices. To send him beyond Sea, upon occasion of Employment, that was too weak; and they were so far from giving way to it, as they crost it. There rested but two ways, Quarrel or Assault, and Poison. For that of Assault, after some proposition and at­tempt, they passed from it; It was a thing too open, and subject to more variety of chances. That of Poison likewise was a hazardous thing, and subject to many pre­ventions and cautions, especially to such a jealous and working Brain as Overbury had, except he were first fast in their hands.

Therefore the way was first to get him into a Trap, and lay him up, and then they could not miss the Mark. Therefore in exe­cution of this Plot, it was devised, that Overbury should be designed to some ho­nourable Employment in Foreign Parts, and should under-hand by the Lord of So­merset be encouraged to refuse it; and so [Page 28] upon that contempt he should be laid Pri­soner in the Tower, and then they would look he should be close enough, and Death should be his Bail. Yet were they not at their end. For they considered, that if there was not a fit Lieutenant of the Tower for their purpose, and likewise a fit under-keeper of Overbury: First, They should meet with many Impediments in the giving and exhibiting the Poison: Se­condly, They should be exposed to note and observation, that might discover them: And thirdly, Overbury in the mean time might write clamorous and furious Letters to other his Friends, and so all might be disappointed. And therefore the next Link of the Chain, was to displace the then Lieutenant Waade, and to place Helwisse a principal Abetter in the Impoisonment: Again, to displace Cary, that was the under-Keeper in Waade's time, and to place We­ston, who was the principal Actor in the Impoisonment: And this was done in such a while (that it may appear to be done, as it were with one breath) as there were but fifteen days between the commitment of Overbury, the displacing of Waade, the pla­cing of Helwisse, the displacing of [...]ary the under-Keeper, the placing of Weston, and the first Poison given two days after.

[Page 29] Then when they had this poor Gentle­man in the Tower close Prisoner, where he could not escape nor stir, where he could not feed but by their Hands, where he could not speak nor write but through their Trunks; then was the time to execute the last Act of this Tragedy.

Then must Franklin be purveyour of the Poisons, and procure five, six, seven several Potions, to be sure to hit his Com­plexion. Then must Mris Turner be the Say-Mistris of the Poisons to try upon poor Beasts, what's present, and what works at distance of time! Then must Weston be the Tormenter, and chase him with Poison after Poison, Poison in Salts, Poison in Meats, Poison in Sweetmeats, Poison in Medicines and Vomits, until at last his Body was al­most come, by use of Poisons, to the state that Mithridate's Body was by the use of Treacle and Preservatives, that the force of the Poisons were blunted upon him: We­ston confessing, when he was chid for not dispatching him, that he had given him enough to poison twenty Men. Lastly, Be­cause all this asked time, courses were taken by Somerset, both to divert all means of Overbury's Delivery, and to entertain Over­bury by continual Letters, partly of Hopes and Projects for his Delivery, and partly [Page 30] of other Fables and Negotiations; some­what like some kind of Persons (which I will not name) which keep Men in talk of Fortune-telling, when they have a felloni­ous meaning.

And this is the true Narrative of this Act of Impoisonment, which I have summarily recited.

Now for the Distribution of the Proofs, there are four Heads of Proofs to prove you guilty (my Lord of Somerset) of this Impoisonment; whereof two are prece­dent to the Imprisonment, the third is pre­sent, and the fourth is following or subse­quent: For it is in Proofs, as it is in Lights; there is a direct Light, and there is a re­flexion of Light, or Back-Light.

The first Head or Proof thereof is, That there was a root of Bitterness, a mortal Malice or Hatred, mixed with deep and bottomless Fears, that you had towards Sir Thomas Overbury.

The second is, That you were the prin­cipal Actor, and had your hand in all those Acts, which did conduce to the Impoison­ment, and which gave opportunity and means to effect it; and without which the Impoisonment could never have been, and which could serve or tend to no other end, but to the Impoisonment.

[Page 31] The third is, That your hand was in the very Impoisonment it self, which is more than needs to be proved; that you did direct Poison, that you did deliver Poison, that you did continually hear­ken to the success of the Impoison­ment, and that you spurred it on, and cal­led for dispatch, when you thought it lin­gred.

And lastly, That you did all the things after the Impoisonment, which may detect a guilty Conscience for the smothering of it, and avoiding punishment for it, which can be but of three kinds. That you sup­pressed, as much as in you was, Testimony: That you did deface, and destroy, and clip, and misdate all Writings that might give light to the Impoisonment; and that you did fly to the Altar of Guiltiness, which is a Pardon, and a Pardon of Murder, and a Pardon for your Self, and not for your Lady.

In this (my Lord) I convert my speech to you, because I would have you attend the Points of your Charge, and so of your Defence the better. And two of these Heads I have taken to my self, and left the other two to the King's two Serje­ants.

For the first main part, which is the [Page 32] mortal Hatred coupled with Fear, that was in my Lord of Somerset towards Overbury, although he did palliate it with a great deal of hypocrisie and dissimulation even to the end; I shall prove it (my Lord Steward, and you my Lords and Peers) manifestly, by matter both of Oath and Writing. The root of this Hatred was that that hath cost many a Man's Life; that is, Fear of disco­vering Secrets. Secrets (I say) of a high and dangerous nature; wherein the course that I will hold shall be this.

First; I will shew that such a Breach and Malice was between my Lord and Over­bury, and that it burst forth into violent Menaces and Threats on both sides.

Secondly; That these Secrets were not light, but of a high nature, for I will give you the Elevation of the Pole. They were such as my Lord of Somerset for his part had made a Vow, That Overbury should neither live in Court nor Country. That he had likewise opened himself, and his own fears so far, that if Overbury ever came forth of the Tower, either Overbury or himself must die for it. And of Overbury's part, he had threatned my Lord, That whether he did live or die, my Lord's shame should never die, but he would leave him the most odious Man of the World. And farther [Page 33] that my Lord was like enough to repent it, in the place where Overbury wrote, which was the Tower of London. He was a true Prophet [...] that: So here in the height of the Secrets.

Thirdly; I will shew you, that all the King's Business was by my Lord put into Overbury's Hands: So as there is work enough for Secrets, whatsoever they were. And like Princes Confederates, they had their Ciphers and Iargons.

And lastly; I will shew you that it is but a Toy to say that the Malice was only in respect he spake dishonourbly of the La­dy; or for doubt of breaking the Marri­age: For that Overbury▪ was a Coadjutor to that Love, and the Lord of Somerset was as deep in speaking ill of the Lady, as Overbury. And again, it was too late for that Matter, for the Bargain of the Match was then made and past. And if it had been no more but to remove Overbury from disturbing of the Match, it had been an easy matter to have banded over Overbury beyond Seas, for which they had a fair way; but that would not serve their turn.

And lastly, Periculum periculo vincitur, to go so far as an Impoisonment, must have a deeper malice than flashes: For the Cause must bear a proportion to the Effect.

[Page 34] For the next general Head of Proofs, which consists in Acts preparatory to the middle Acts, they are in eight several points of the Compass, as I may term it.

First; That there were devices and pro­jects to dispatch Overbury, or to overthrow him, plotted between the Countess of Somerset, the Earl of Somerset, and the Earl of Northampton, before they fell upon the Impoisonment: For always before Men fix upon a course of Mischief, there be some rejections; but die he must one way or other.

Secondly; That my Lord of Somerset was principal Practicer (I must speak it) in a most perfidious manner, to set a Train or Trap for Overbury to get him into the Tower; without which they never durst have attempted the Impoisonment.

Thirdly; That the placing of the Lieute­nant Helwisse one of the Impoisoners, and the displacing of Waade, was by the means of my Lord of Somerset.

Fourthly; That the placing of Weston the under-Keeper, who was the principal Im­poisoner, and the displacing of Cary, and the doing of all this within fifteen days af­ter Overbury's Commitment, was by the means and countenance of my Lord of Somerset. And these two were the active [Page 35] Instruments of the Impoisonment: And this was a Business that the Ladies power could not reach unto.

Fifthly; That because there must be a time for the Tragedy to be acted, and chiefly because they would not have the Poisons work upon the sudden: And for that the strength of Overbury's Nature, or the very custom of receiving Poison into his Body, did overcome the Poisons that they wrought not so fast, therefore Over­bury must be held in the Tower. And as my Lord of Somerset got him into the Trap, so he kept him in, and abused him with continual hopes of Liberty; and di­verted all the true and effectual means of his Liberty, and made light of his Sickness and Extremities.

Sixthly; That not only the Plot of get­ting Overbury into the Tower, and the de­vices to hold him and keep him there, but the strange manner of his close keeping (being in but for a Contempt) was by the device and means of my Lord of So­merset, who denied his Father to see him, denied his Servants that offered to be shut up close Prisoners with him, and in effect handled it so, that he was close Prisoner to all his Friends, and open and exposed to all his Enemies.

[Page 36] Seventhly, That the Advertisement which my Lady received from time to time, from the Lievtenant or Weston, touching Overbu­ry's state of Body or Health, were ever sent up to the Court, though it were in Progress, and that from my Lady: such a thirst and listening this Lord had to hear that he was dispatched.

Lastly, There was a continual Negotia­tion to set Overbury's Head on work, that he should make some recognition to clear the honour of the Lady; and that he should become a good Instrument towards her and her Friends: All which was but entertain­ment: For your Lordships shall plainly see divers of my Lord of Northampton's Let­ters (whose hand was deep in this Business) written (I must say it) in dark Words and Clauses; That there was one thing pre­tended, and another intended; That there was a real Charge, and there was somewhat not real; a main drift and a dissimulation. Nay further, there be some passages which the Peers in their wisdom will discern to point directly at the Impoisonment.

After this Inducement followed the Evi­dence it self.

The Lord Bacon's Letter to the Univer­sity of Cambridg.
Rescriptum Procuratoris Regis Primarii, ad Academiam Cantabrigiensem, quan­do in Sanctius Regis Consilium cooptatus fuit.

GRatae mihi fuere Literae vestrae, atque Gratulationem vestram ipse mihi gratu­lor. Rem ipsam ita mihi Honori, & volup­tati fore duco, si in hâc mente maneam, ut Publicis Utilitatibus, studio indefesso, & perpetuis curis, & puro affectu, inserviam. Inter partes autem Reipublicae, nulla Animo meo charior est, quàm Academiae & Literae. Idque & vita mea anteacta declarat, & scripta. Itaque quicquid mihi accesserit, id etiam vobis accessisse existimare potestis. Neque vero Pa­crocinium meum vobis sublatum aut diminu­tum esse credere debetis. Nam & ea pars Pa­troni, quae ad consilium in causis exhibendum spectat, integra manet; Atque etiam (si quid gravius accideri [...]) ipsum perorandi Munus (licentiâ Regis obtentâ) relict [...]m est; Quod­que Iuris Patrocinio deerit, id auctiore pote­state [Page 38] compensabitur. Mihi in votis est, ut quemadmodum à privatorum & clientelarum negotiis, ad Gube [...]nacula Reipublicae translatus jam sum; Ita & postrema Aetatis meae pars (si vita suppetit) etiam à publicis curis ad otium & Literas devehi possit. Quinetiam saepius subit illa Cogitatio, ut etiam in tot & tantis Negotiis, tamen singulis annis aliquos dies apud vos deponam; Vt ex majore ve­strarum rerum notitiâ vestris utilitatibus meli­us consulere possim.

Amicus ves [...]er maximè Fidelis & Benevolus. Fr. Bacon.

The same in English by the Publisher.
The Answer of the Lord Bacon, then Attorney General, to the University of Cambridg, when he was sworn of the Privy Council to the King.

YOur Letters were very acceptable to me; and I give my self joy, upon your Congratulation. The thing it self will (I suppose) conduce to my Honour and Satisfaction, if I remain in the mind I now am in; by unwearied study, and perpetual watchfulness, and pure affection, to pro­mote the Publick Good. Now among the Parts of the Common-wealth, there are none dearer to me than the Vniversities, and Learning. And This, my manner of Life hitherto, and my Writings, do both declare. If therefore any good Fortune befalls me, you may look upon it as an accession to your selves. Neither are you to believe, that my Patronage is either quite removed from you, or so much as diminished. For, that part of an Advocate which concerneth the giving of Counsel in Causes, remaineth entire. Also (if any thing more weighty & urgent falleth out) the very Office of Pleading (the [Page 40] King's leave being obtained) is still allow'd me. And whatsoever shall be found wan­ting in my Juridical Patronage, will be com­pensated by my more ample Authority. My wishes are, that as I am translated from the Business of private Men, and particular Clients, to the Government of the Com­mon-wealth; so the latter part of my Age (if my Life be continued to me) may, from the Publick Cares, be translated to leisure and study.

Also this thought comes often into my mind, amidst so many Businesses, and of such moment, every year to lay aside some days to think on You: That so, having the greater insight into your Matters, I may the better consult your Advantage.

Your most faithful and kind Friend, Fr. Bacon.

Sir Francis Bacon's Letter to King Iames touching the Chancellors Place.

It may please Your most Excellent Majesty.

YOur worthy Chancellour Chaenc. Egerton. (I fear) goeth his last day. God hath hitherto used to weed out such Servants as grew not fit for Your Majesty. But now He hath gather'd to Himself one of the choicer Plants in Your Majesties Garden. But Your Majesties Service must not be mortal.

Upon this heavy Accident, I pray your Majesty, in all humbleness and sincerity, to give me leave to use a few words. I must never forget when I moved your Majesty for the Attorney's Place, that it was your own sole Act, and not my Lord of Somer­set's; who, when he knew your Majesty had resolv'd it, thrust himself into the Busi­ness to gain thanks. And therefore I have no reason to pray to Saints.

I shall now again make Oblation to your Majesty; first of my Heart; then of my Service; thirdly, of my Place of Attorney; and fourthly, of my Place in the Star-Chamber.

I hope I may be acquitted of Presump­tion, [Page 42] if I think of it; both because my Father had the Place, which is some civil inducement to my desire, (and I pray God your Majesty may have twenty no worse years than Queen Elizabeth had in her Model after my Father's placing) and chiefly because the Chancellor's place, after it went to the Law, was ever conferred upon some of the Learned Counsel, and never upon a Judg. For Audley was raised from King's Serjeant; my Father from Attorney of the Wards; Bromlie from Sollicitor; Pucke­ring from Queen's Serjeant; Egerton from Master of the Rolls, having newly left the Attorney's place.—

For my self, I can only present your Ma­jesty with Gloria in Obsequio; yet I dare promise, that if I sit in that Place, your Business shall not make such short turns up­on you as it doth; But when a Direction is once given, it shall be pursued and per­formed: And your Majesty shall only be troubled with the true Care of a King; which is to think what you would have done in chief; and not how for the Passa­ges.

I do presume also, in respect of my Fa­ther's Memory, and that I have been al­ways gracious in the Lower-House, I have some interest in the Gentlemen of England; [Page 43] and shall be able to do some good Effect in rectifying that Body of Parliament, which is Cardo Rerum. For, let me tell your Ma­jesty, That that part of the Chancellor's place, which is to judg in equity between Party and Party, that same Regnum Iudici­ale (which since my Father's time is but too much enlarged) concerneth your Majesty least, more than the acquitting of your Conscience for Justice. But it is the other Parts of a Moderator amongst your Council; of an Overseer over your Iudges; of a Planter of fit Iustices and Governors in the Country, that importeth your Affairs, and these Times, most.

I will add likewise, that I hope, by my Care, the Inventive Part of your Council will be strengthned; who, now common­ly, do exercise rather their Iudgments than their Inventions; and the Inventive Part cometh from Projectors, and Private Men; which cannot be so well: In which kind my Lord of Salisbury had a good Me­thod.—

To conclude; If I were the Man I would be, I should hope, that as your Majesty of late hath won Hearts by Depressing, you should in this lose no Hearts by Advan­cing. For I see your People can better skill of Concretum than Abstractum; and that [Page 44] the Waves of their Affection flow rather after Persons than Things. So that Acts of this nature (if this were one) do more good than twenty Bills of Grace.

If God call my Lord Chancellor, the Warrants and Commissions which are re­quisite for the taking of the Seal, and for working with it, and for reviving of Warrants under his Hand, which die with him, and the like, shall be in readiness. And in this Time presseth more, because it is the end of a Term, and almost the be­ginning of the Circuits; so that the Seal cannot stand still. But this may be done as heretofore, by Commission, till your Ma­jesty hath resolved on an Officer. God ever preserve your Majesty.

Your Majesties most humble Subject, and bounden Servant, F. Bacon.

A Letter written About a year and half after his Retire­ment. by the Lord Bacon to King James, for Relief of his Estate.

May it please your most Excellent Majesty.

IN the midst of my misery, which is ra­ther asswaged by Remembrance than by Hope; my chiefest worldly comfort is, to think, That since the time I had the first Vote of the Commons House of Parliament for Commissioner of the Union, until the time that I was this last Parliament, chosen by both Houses for their Messenger to your Majesty in the Petition of Religion, (which two were my first and last Services) I was ever more so happy as to have my poor Services graciously accepted by your Ma­jesty, and likewise not to have had any of them miscarry in my Hands. Neither of which points I can any ways take to my self, but ascribe the former to your Maje­stie's Goodness, and the latter to your pru­dent Directions; which I was ever careful to have and keep. For as I have often said to your Majesty, I was towards you but as a Bucket, and a Cistern, to draw forth and conserve, your self was the Fountain. [Page 40] Unto this comfort of nineteen years pro­sperity, there succeded a comfort even in my greatest adversity, somewhat of the same nature; which is, That in those of­fences wherewith I was charged, there was not any one that had special relation to your Majesty, or any your particular Com­mandments. For as, towards Almighty God, there are Offences against the first and second Table, and yet all against God. So with the Servants of Kings, there are Offences more immediate against the Sove­reign: Although all Offences against Law are also against the King. Unto which Comfort there is added this Circumstance, That as my Faults were not against your Majesty, otherwise than as all Faults are; so my Fall was not your Majesties Act, otherwise than as all Acts of Justice are yours. This I write not to insinuate with your Majesty, but as a most humble Ap­peal to your Majesties gracious remem­brance, how honest and direct you have ever found me in your Service; whereby I have an assured belief, that there is in your Majesties own Princely Thoughts, a great deal of serenity and clearness to me your Majesties now prostrate and cast-down Servant.

Neither (my most gracious Sovereign) [Page 47] do I by this mention of my Services, lay claim to your Princely Grace and Bounty, though the priviledg of Calamity doth bear that form of Petition. I know well, had they been much more, they had been but my bounden Duty. Nay, I must also confess, that they were from time to time, far above my merit, over and super-rewar­ded by your Majesties Benefits which you heaped upon me. Your Majesty was and is that Master to me, that raised and ad­vanced me nine times; thrice in Dignity, and six times in Office. The places indeed were the painfullest of all your Services; But then they had both Honour and Pro­fits: And the then Profits might have main­tained my now Honour, if I had been wise. Neither was your Majesties immedi­ate liberality wanting towards me in some Gifts, if I may hold them. All this I do most thankfully acknowledg, and do here­with conclude, That for any thing arising from my self to move your Eye of pity to­wards me, there is much more in my pre­sent Misery, than in my past Services; save that the same your Majesties Goodness, that may give relief to the one, may give value to the other.

And indeed, if it may please your Majesty, this Theme of my Misery is so plentiful, as [Page 48] it need not be coupled with any thing else. I have been some Body by your Majesties singular and undeserved favour, even the prime Officer of your Kingdom. Your Majesties Arm hath been over mine in Council, when you presided at the Table; so near I was: I have born your Majesties Image in Metal, much more in Heart: I was never in nineteen years Service chidden by your Majesty, but contrariwise often over­joyed, when your Majesty would sometimes say, I was a good Husband for you, though none for my self: sometimes, That I had a way to deal in Business suavibus modis, which was the way which was most according to your own Heart: And other most gracious speeches of Affection and Trust, which I feed on to this day. But why should I speak of these things which are now va­nished, but only the better to express the Downfal?

For now it is thus with me: I am a year and an half old in Misery; though I must ever acknowledg, not without some mix­ture of your Majesties Grace and Mercy; For I do not think it possible, that any you once loved should be totally miserable. Mine own Means, through mine own Im­providence are poor and weak, little bet­ter than my Father left me. The poor [Page 49] Things which I have had from your Maje­sty, are either in Question, or at Courtesy. My Dignities remain Marks of your Favour, but Burdens of my present Fortune. The poor Remnants which I had of my former Fortunes in Plate or Jewels, I have spread upon poor Men unto whom I owed, scarce leaving my self a convenient Subsistence. So as to conclude, I must pour out my Mi­sery before your Majesty, so far as to say, Si deseris tu, perimus.

But as I can offer to your Majesties com­passion little arising from my self to move you, except it be my extream Misery, which I have truly laid open; so looking up to your Majesty's own self, I should think I committed Cain's fault if I should despair. Your Majesty is a King, whose Heart is as unscrutable for secret motions of Goodness, as for depth of Wisdom. You are, Crea­tor-like, Factive, and not Destructive. You are the Prince, in whom hath been ever noted an aversation against any thing that savoured of an hard Heart; as, on the other side, your Princely Eye was wont to meet with any motion that was made on the relieving part. Therefore as one that hath had the happiness to know your Ma­jesty near hand, I have (most Gracious Sovereign) Faith enough for a Miracle, [Page 50] much more for a Grace, that your Majesty will not suffer your poor Creature to be ut­terly defaced, nor blot that Name quite out of your Book, upon which your Sa­cred Hand hath been so oft for new Or­naments and Additions.

Unto this degree of compassion, I hope God above, (of whose Mercy towards me, both in my Prosperity and Adversity I have had great Testimonies and Pledges, though mine own manifold and wretched unthankfulnesses might have averted them) will dispose your Princely Heart, already prepared to all Piety. And why should I not think, but that thrice Noble Prince, who would have pulled me out of the Fire of a Sentence, will help to pull me (if I may use that homely phrase) out of the Mire of an abject and sordid condition in my last days: And that excellent Favorite of yours, (the goodness of whose Nature contendeth with the greatness of his Fortune; and who counteth it a Prize, a second Prize, to be a good Friend, after that Prize which he carrieth to be a good Servant) will kiss your Hands with joy for any Work of Piety you shall do for me. And as all commiserable Persons (especially such as find their Hearts void of all malice) are apt to think that all Men pity them; I assure [Page 51] my self that the Lords of your Council, who out of their Wisdom and Nobleness, can­not but be sensible of humane Events, will in this way which I go for the Relief of my Estate, further and advance your Majesty's Goodness towards me: For there is, as I conceive, a kind of Fraternity between Great Men that are, and those that have been, being but the several Tenses of one Verb. Nay, I do further presume, that both Houses of Parliament will love their Justice the better, if it end not in my ruin. For I have been often told, by many of my Lords, as it were in excusing the seve­rity of the Sentence, that they knew they left me in good Hands. And your Majesty knoweth well, I have been all my life long acceptable to those Assemblies, not by flat­tery, but by moderation, and by honest expressing of a desire to have all things go fairly and well.

But if it may please your Majesty, (for Saints I shall give them Reverence, but no Adoration; my Address is to your Majesty the Fountain of Goodness) your Majesty shall, by the Grace of God, not feel that in Gift, which I shall extreamly feel in Help: For my Desires are moderate, and my Courses measured to a Life orderly and reserved, hoping still to do your Majesty [Page 52] honour in my way. Only I most humbly beseech your Majesty, to give me leave to conclude with those words which Necessity speaketh: Help me, (dear Sovereign Lord and Master) and pity me so far, as I that have born a Bag, be not now in my Age forced in effect to bear a Wallet; nor I that desire to live to study, may not be dri­ven to study to live. I most humbly crave pardon of a long Letter, after a long si­lence. God of Heaven ever bless, preserve, and prosper your Majesty.

Your Majesties poor ancient Servant and Beadsman, Fr. St. Alb.

Certain Apothegms of the Lord Bacon's, hitherto unpublished.

1. PLutarch said well, It is otherwise in a Common-wealth of Men than of Bees. The Hive of a City or Kingdom is in best condition, when there is least of noise or Buzze in it.

2. The same Plutarch said, of Men of weak Abilities set in Great Place, that they were like little Statues set on great Bases, made to appear the less by their Advance­ment.

3. He said again; Good Fame is like Fire. When you have kindled it, you may easily preserve it; but if once you extin­guish it, you will not easily kindle it again; at least, not make it burn as bright as it did.

4. The Answer of Apollonius to Vespasi­an, is full of excellent This Apo­thegm is also found in his Es­say of Em­pire, P. 107 Instruction: Ve­spasian asked him, What was Nero's over­throw? He answered, Nero could touch and tune the Harp well; but in Government, sometimes he used to wind the Pins too high, sometimes to let them down too low. And certain it is, that nothing destroyeth Au­thority [Page 54] so much as the unequal and untime­ly enterchange of Power pressed too far, and relaxed too much.

5. Queen Elizabeth seeing Sir Edward— in her Garden, look'd out at her Window, and asked him in Italian, What does a Man think of when he thinks of nothing? Sir Ed­ward (who had not had the effect of some of the Queen's Grants so soon as he had hop'd and desir'd) paused a little, and then made answer, Madam, He thinks of a Wo­man's Promise. The Queen shrunk in her Head, but was heard to say, Well, Sir Ed­ward, I must not confute you. Anger makes dull Men witty, but it keeps them poor.

6. When any Great Officer, Ecclesiasti­cal or Civil, was to be made, the Queen would enquire after the Piety, Integrity, Learning of the Man. And when she was satisfied in these Qualifications, she would consider of his Personage. And upon such an Occasion she pleas'd once to say to me, Bacon, How can the Magistrate main­tain his Authority when the Man is de­spis'd?

7. In Eighty Eight, when the Queen went from Temple-Bar along Fleetstreet, the Law­yers were rank'd on one side, and the Com­panies of the City on the other; said Ma­ster Bacon to a Lawyer that stood next him, [Page 55] do but observe the Courtiers. If they bow first to the Citizens, they are in Debt; if first to us, they are in Law.

8. King Iames was wont to be very ear­nest with the Country Gentlemen to go from London to their Country Houses. And sometimes he would say thus to them; Gentlemen, at London you are like Ships in a Sea, which show like nothing; but in your Country Villages, you are like Ships in a River, which look like great things.

9. Soon after the death of a great Offi­cer, who was judged no advancer of the King's Matters, the King said to his Sollici­tor Bacon, who was his Kinsman; Now tell me truly, what say you of your Cousin that is gone? Mr. Bacon answered, Sir, since your Majesty doth charge me, I'le e'ne deal plainly with you, and give you such a character of him, as if I were to write his Story. I do think he was no fit Counsellor to make your Affairs better; but yet he was fit to have kept them from growing worse. The King said, On my So'l, Man, in the first thou speakest like a True Man, and in the latter like a Kins­man.

10. King Iames, as he was a Prince of great Judgment, so he was a Prince of a marvel­lous pleasant humour; and there now come [Page 56] into my mind two instances of it.

As he was going through Lusen by Green­wich, he ask'd what Town it was? they said, Lusen. He ask'd a good while after, What Town is this we are now in? They said, still 'twas Lusen. On my So'l, said the King, I will be King of Lusen.

11. In some other of his Progresses, he ask'd how far 'twas to a Town whose name I have forgotten; they said, Six miles. Half an hour after he ask'd again; one said, Six miles and an half: The King alighted out of his Coach, and crept under the Shoulder of his Led Horse. And when some ask'd his Majesty what he meant; I must stalk, said he, for yonder Town is shie and flies me.

12. Count Gondomar sent a Complement to my Lord St. Albans, wishing him a good Easter. My Lord thank'd the Messenger, and said, He could not at present requite the Count better, than in returning him the like; That he wished his Lordship a good Passover.

13. My Lord Chancellor Elsmere, when he had read a Petition which he dislik'd, would say; What! you would have my hand to this now? And the Party answering, yes; He would say further; Well, so you shall. Nay, you shall have both my hands to't. And [Page 57] so would, with both his hands, tear it in pieces.

14. I knew a See this also in his Essay of Dispatch, p. 143. Wise Man, that had it for a by-word, when he saw Men hasten to a Conclusion; Stay a little that we may make an end the sooner.

15. Sir Francis Bacon was wont to say of an angry Man who suppressed his Passi­on, That he thought worse than he spake: and of an angry Man that would chide, That he spoke worse than he thought.

16. He was wont also to say, That Power in an ill Man, was like the Power of a black Witch; He could do hurt, but no good with it. And he would add, That the Ma­gicians could turn Water into Blood, but could not turn the Blood again to Water.

17. When Mr. Attourney Cook, in the Exchequer, gave high words to Sr. Francis Bacon, and stood much upon his higher Place; Sir Francis said to him, Mr. Attour­ney! The less you speak of your own great­ness, the more I shall think of it; and the more, the less.

18. Sir Francis Bacon coming into the Earl of Arundel's Garden, where there were a great number of Ancient Statues of na­ked Men and Women, made a stand, and as astonish'd, cryed out, The Resurrection.

19. Sir Francis Bacon (who was always [Page 58] for moderate Counsels) when one was speaking of such a Reformation of the Church of England, as would in effect make it no Church; said thus to him, Sir, The Subject we talk of is the Eye of England: And if there be a speck or two in the Eye, we endeavour to take them off; but he were a strange Oculist who would pull out the Eye.

20. The same Sir Francis Bacon was wont to say, That those who left useful Studies for useless Scholastic Speculations, were like the Olympic Gamsters, who ab­stain'd from necessary Labours, that they might be fit for such as were not so.

21. He likewise often used this Compa­rison. See the Substance of this in Nov. Org. Ed. Lugd. Bat. p. 105. & inter Cogitata & visa. p. 53. The Empirical Philosophers are like to Pismires; they only lay up and use their Store. The Rationalists are like to Spiders; they spin all out of their own Bowels. But give me a Philosopher, who like the Bee, hath a middle faculty, gathering from abroad, but digesting that which is gathered by his own virtue.

22. The Lord St. Alban, who was not overhasty to raise Theories, but proceeded slowly by Experiments, was wont to say to some Philosophers who would not go his Pace; Gentlemen! Nature is a Labyrinth, in which the very hast you move with will make you lose your way.

[Page 59] 23. The same Lord when he spoke of the Dutchmen, used to say, That we could not abandon them for our safety, nor keep them for our profit. And sometimes he would express the same sense on this manner; We hold the Belgic Lion by the Ears.

24. The same Lord, when a Gentleman seem'd not much to approve of his Libera­lity to his Retinue, said to him; Sir, I am all of a Piece; If the Head be lifted up, the infe­riour parts of the Body must too.

25. The Lord Bacon was wont to com­mend the Advice of the plain old Man at Buxton that sold Beesoms; A proud lazy young Fellow came to him for a Beesom up­on Trust; to whom the Old Man said; Friend! hast thou no Mony? borrow of thy Back, and borrow of thy Belly; they'l ne're ask thee again, I shall be dunning thee every day.

26. Solon See this in his Es­say of the true Greatness of King­doms. p. 171. said well to Craesus, (when in ostentation he shewed him his Gold) Sir, if any other come that has better Iron than you, he will be master of all this Gold.

27. Iack Weeks said of a great Man (just then dead) who pretended to some Religi­on, but was none of the best livers; Well, I hope he is in Heaven. Every Man thinks as he wishes; but if he be in Heaven, 'twere pity it were known.

Ornamenta Rationalia.
A supply (by the Publisher) of cer­tain weighty and elegant Sentences, some made, others collected, by the Lord Bacon; and by him put un­der the above-said Title; and at present not to be found.

A Collection of Sentences out of the Mimi of Publius; Englished by the Publisher.

1. A Leator, quantò in Arte est melior, tantò est nequior.

A Gamster, the greater Master he is in his Art, the worse Man he is.

2. Arcum, intensio frangit; Animum, re­missio.

Much bending breaks the Bow; much unbending, the Mind.

3. Bis vincit, qui se vincit in Victoriâ.

He conquers twice, who upon Victory overcomes himself.

[Page 61] 4. Cùm vitia prosint, peccat, Qui rectè facit.

If Vices were upon the whole matter profitable, the virtuous Man would be the sinner.

5. Benè dormit, qui non sentit, quòd malè dormiat.

He sleeps well, who feels not that he sleeps ill.

6. Deliberare utilia, mora est tutissima.

To deliberate about useful things, is the safest delay.

7. Dolor decrescit, ubi quò crescat non habet.

The flood of Grief decreaseth, when it can swell no higher.

8. Etiam Innocentes cogit mentiri dolor.

Pain makes even the Innocent Man a Lyar.

9. Etiam celeritas in desiderio, mora est.

[...] in desire, swiftness it self is delay.

10. Etiam capillus unus habet umbram suam.

The smallest Hair casts a shadow.

11. Fidem qui perdit, quò se servat in reliquum?

He that has lost his Faith, what has he left to live on?

12. Formosa Facies muta commendatio est.

A beautiful Face is a silent commendation.

[Page 62] 13. Fortuna nimium quem fovet, Stultum facit.

Fortune makes him a Fool, whom she makes her Darling.

14. Fortuna obesse nulli contenta est semel.

Fortune is not content to do a Man but one ill turn.

15. Facit gratum Fortuna, quam nemo videt.

The Fortune which no Body sees, makes a Man happy and unenvied.

16. Heu! quàm miserum est ab illo laedi, de quo non possis queri.

O! what a miserable thing 'tis to be hurt by such a one of whom 'tis in vain to com­plain.

17. Homo toties moritur quoties amit [...]it s [...]os.

A Man dies as often as he loses his Friends.

18. Haeredis fletus, sub personâ risus est.

The Tears of an Heir are laughter under a Vizard.

19. Iucundum nihil est, nisi quod reficit varietas.

Nothing is pleasant, to which variety do's not give a relish.

20. Invidiam ferre, aut fortis, aut foelix potest.

He may bear envy, who is either coura­gious or happy.

[Page 63] 21. In malis sperare bonum, nisi innocens, nemo potest.

None but a virtuous Man can hope well in ill circumstances.

22. In vindicando, criminosa est cele­ritas.

In taking revenge, the very haste we make is criminal.

23. In calamitoso risus etiam injuria est.

When Men are in calamity, if we do but laugh we offend.

24. Improbè Neptunum accusat, qui iterum Naufragium facit.

He accuseth Neptune unjustly, who makes Shipwrack a second time.

25. Multis minatur, qui uni facit inju­riam.

He that injures one, threatens an hun­dred.

26. Mora omnis ingrata est, sed facit sa­pientiam.

All delay is ungrateful, but we are not wise without it.

27. Mori est foelicis antequam Morte [...] invocet.

Happy he who dies e're he calls for Death to take him away.

28. Malus ubi bonum se simulat, tunc est pessimus.

An ill Man is always ill; but he is then [Page 64] worst of all when he pretends to be a Saint.

29. Magno cum periculo custoditur, quod multis placet.

Lock and Key will scarce keep that se­cure, which pleases every body.

30. Malè vivunt qui se semper victuros putant.

They think ill who think of living al­ways.

31. Malè secum agit Aeger, Medicum qui haeredem facit.

That sick Man do's ill for himself, who makes his Physician his Heir.

32. Multos timere▪ debet, quem multi ti­ment.

He of whom many are afraid, ought him­self to fear many.

33. Nulla tam bona est Fortuna, de quâ nil possis queri.

There's no Fortune so good but it bates an Ace.

34. Pars beneficii est, quod petitur, st bene neges.

'Tis part of the Gift, if you deny gentilely what is asked of you.

35. Timidus vocat se cautum, parcum sor­didus.

The Coward calls himself a wary Man; and the M [...]ser says he is frugal.

[Page 65] 36. O Vita! misero longa, foelici brevis.

O Life! an Age to him that is in misery, and to him that is happy, a moment.

A Collection of Sentences out of some of the Writings of the Lord Bacon.

1. IT is a strange desire which Men have, to seek Power and lose Liberty.

2. Children increase the cares of Life; but they mitigate the remembrance of Death.

3. Round dealing is the honour of Man's Nature; and a mixture of falshood is like allay in Gold and Silver, which may make the Metal work the better, but it embaseth it.

4. Death openeth the Gate to good Fame, and extinguisheth Envy.

5. Schism, in the Spiritual Body of the Church, is a greater scandal than a corrup­tion in Manners: As, in the natural Body, a Wound or Solution of Continuity, is worse than a corrupt Humour.

6. Revenge is a kind of wild Iustice, which the more a Man's Nature runs [Page 66] to, the more ought Law to weed it out.

7. He that studieth Revenge, keepeth his own Wounds green.

8. Revengeful Persons live and die like Witches. Their life is mischievous, and their end is unfortunate.

9. It was an high Speech of Seneca, ( after the manner of the Stoic's) That the good Things which belong to Prosperity, are to be wish'd; but the good things which belong to Adversity, are to be admir'd.

10. He that cannot see well, let him go softly.

11. If a Man be thought secret, itin­viteth discovery: as the more close Air suck­eth in the more open.

12. Keep your Authority wholly from your Children, not so your Purse.

13. Men of Noble Birth are noted to be envious towards new Men when they rise. For the distance is alter'd; and it is like a deceit of the Eye, that when others come on, they think themselves go back.

14. That Envy is most malignant which is like Cain's, who envyed his Brother, be­cause his Sacrifice was better accepted, when there was no body but God to look on.

15. The lovers of Great Place are im­patient of Privateness, even in Age which [Page 67] requires the Shadow: like old Townsmen that will be still sitting at their Street-Door, though there they offer Age to scorn.

16. In Evil, the best condition is, not to will; the next, not to can.

17. In great Place, ask counsel of both Times: of the Ancient Time, what is best; and of the latter Time, what is fittest.

18. As in Nature things move more vio­lently to their Place, and calmly in their Place: So Virtue in Ambition is violent; in Authority, setled and calm.

19. Boldness in civil Business, is like Pronuntiation in the Orator of Demosthenes; the first, second, and third thing.

20. Boldness is blind: wherefore 'tis ill in Counsel, but good in Execution. For in Counsel it is good to see dangers, in Exe­cution not to see them, except they be very great.

21. Without good Nature, Man is but a better kind of Vermin.

22. God never wrought Miracle to con­vince Atheism, because his ordinary Works convince it.

23. The great Atheists indeed are Hypo­crites, who are always handling Holy Things, but without feeling; so as they must needs be cauteriz'd in the end.

24. The Master of Superstition is the [Page 68] People. And in all Superstition, wise Men follow Fools.

25. In removing Superstitions, care would be had that (as it fareth in ill Purgings) the good be not taken away with the bad, which commonly is done, when the People is the Physician.

26. He that goeth into a Country be­fore he hath some entrance into the Lan­guage, goeth to School, and not to travel.

27. It is a miserable state of mind (and yet it is commonly the case of Kings) to have few things to desire, and many things to fear.

28. Depression of the Nobility may make a King more absolute, but less safe.

29. All Precepts concerning Kings, are, in effect, comprehended in these Remem­brances; Remember thou art a Man; Re­member thou art God's Vicegerent. The one bridleth their Power, and the other their Will.

30. Things will have their first or se­cond agitation. If they be not tossed up­on the Arguments of Counsel, they will be tossed upon the Waves of Fortune.

31. The true composition of a Counsel­lor, is rather to be skill'd in his Masters Bu­siness than his Nature; for then he is like to advise him, and not to feed his humour.

[Page 69] 32. Private Opinion is more free, but Opinion before others is more reverend.

33. Fortune is like a Market, where many times if you stay a little the price will fall.

34. Fortune sometimes turneth the han­dle of the Bottle, which is easie to be taken hold of; and after the belly, which is hard to grasp.

35. Generally it is good to commit the beginning of all great Actions, to Argus with an hundred Eyes; and the ends of them to Briareus with an hundred hands; first to watch, and then to speed.

36. There's great difference betwixt a cunning Man and a wise Man. There be that can pack the Cards, who yet can't play well; they are good in Canvasses and Facti­ons, and yet otherwise mean Men.

37. Extreme self-lovers will set a Man's House on fire, tho it were but to roast their Eggs.

38. New Things, like Strangers, are more admir'd, and less favour'd.

39. It were good that Men in their In­novations, would follow the Example of Time it self, which indeed innovateth greatly, but quietly; and by degrees scarce to be perceived.

40. They that reverence too much old [Page 70] Time, are but a scorn to the New.

41. The Spaniards and Spartans have been noted to be of small dispatch. Mi venga la muerte de Spagna; let my death come from Spain, for then it will be sure to be long a coming.

42. You had better take, for Business, a Man somewhat absurd, than overformal.

43. Those who want Friends to whom to open their Griefs, are Cannibals of their own Hearts.

44. Number it self importeth not much in Armies, where the People are of weak courage. For (as Virgil says) it never troubles a Wolf how many the Sheep be.

45. Let States, that aim at Greatness, take heed how their Nobility and Gentry multiply too fast. In Coppice Woods, if you leave your Staddles too thick, you shall ne­ver have clean Vnderwood, but Shrubs and Bushes.

46. A Civil War is like the heat of a Feaver; but a Forreign War is like the heat of Exercise, and serveth to keep the Body in health.

47. Suspicions among thoughts, are like Bats among Birds, They ever fly by twi­light.

48. Base Natures, if they find themselves once suspected, will never be true.

[Page 71] 49. Men ought to find the difference between saltness and bitterness. Certainly he that hath a Satyrical Vein, as he maketh others afraid of his Wit, so he had need be afraid of others Memory.

50. Discretion in Speech is more than Eloquence.

51. Men seem neither well to understand their Riches, nor their Strength: of the former they believe greater things than they should, and of the latter much less. And from hence certain fatal Pillars have boun­ded the progress of Learning.

52. Riches are the Baggage of Vertue; they can't be spar'd, nor left behind, but they hinder the march.

53. Great Riches have sold more Men than ever they have bought out.

54. Riches have Wings; and sometimes they fly away of themselves, and sometimes they must be set flying to bring in more.

55. He that defers his Charity 'till he is dead, is (if a Man weighs it rightly) rather liberal of another Man's, than of his own.

56. Ambition is like Choler; if it can move, it makes Men active; if it be stop'd, it becomes adust, and makes Men melan­choly.

57. To take a Souldier without Ambiti­on, is to pull off his Spurs.

[Page 72] 58. Some ambitious Men seem as Skreens to Princes in matters of Danger and Envy. For no Man will take such parts, except he be like the Seeld Dove, that mounts and mounts because he cannot see about him.

59. Princes and States should chuse such Ministers as are more sensible of Duty than Rising; and should discern a busy Nature from a willing Mind.

60. A Man's Nature runs either to Herbs or Weeds; Therefore let him seasonably water the one, and destroy the other.

61. If a Man look sharply and atten­tively, he shall see Fortune; for though she be blind, she is not invisible.

62. Vsury bringeth the Treasure of a Realm or State into few hands: For the Usurer being at certainties, and others at uncertainties; at the end of the Game, most of the Mony will be in the Box.

63. Beauty is best in a Body that hath rather dignity of Presence, than beauty of Aspect. The beautiful prove accomplish'd, but not of great Spirit; and study, for the most part, rather Behaviour than Vertue.

64. The best part of Beauty, is that which a Picture cannot express.

65. He who builds a fair House upon an ill Seat, commits himself to Prison.

66. If you will work on any Man, you [Page 73] must either know his Nature and Fashions, and so lead him; or his Ends, and so per­swade him; or his weaknesses [...]d disad­vantages, and so awe hi [...], or those that have interest in him, and so govern him.

67. Costly Followers (among whom we may reckon those who are importunate in Suits) are not to be liked; lest while a Man maketh his Train longer, he maketh his Wings shorter.

68. Fame is like a River that beareth up things light and swollen, and drowns things weighty and solid.

69. Seneca saith well, That Anger is like Rain, which breaks it self upon that it falls.

70. Excusations, Cessions, Modesty it self well govern'd, are but Arts of Osten­tation.

71. High Treason is not written in Ice; that when the Body relenteth, the Impression should go away.

72. The best Governments are always subject to be like the fairest Crystals; where­in every Isicle or Grain is seen; which, in a fouler Stone is never perceiv'd.

73. Hollow Church Papists are like the Roots of Nettles, which themselves sting not; but yet they bear all the stinging Leaves.

Baconiana Physiologica. Or, Certain REMAINS OF Sir Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, and Vis­count of St. Alban. IN ARGUMENTS Appertaining to Natural Philosophy.

LONDON, Printed for R. C. at the Rose a [...]d Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1679.

THE Lord Bacon's Physiological Remains.

Fragmentum Libri Verula­miani cui Titulus Abece­darium Naturae.

CVm tam multa producantur à Terrâ & Aquis, tam multa pertranseant Aerem, & ab eo excipiantur, tam multa mutentur, & solvantur ab Igne, minus perspicuae forent Inquisitiones caeterae, nisi Naturâ Massarum istarum quae toties occurrunt bene cognitâ, & explicatâ. His adjungimus Inquisitiones de Coelestibus & Meteoricis, cum & ipsae sint Massae Ma­jores, & ex Catholicis.

Mass. Maj.

Inquisitio sexagesima septima. Triplex Tau, sive de Terrâ.

Mass. Maj.

Inquisitio sexagesima octava. Triplex Upsilon, sive de Aquâ.

Mass. Maj.

Inquisitio sexagesima nona. Triplex Psy, sive de Aere.

Mass. Maj.

Inquisitio septuagesima. Triplex Chy, sive de Igne.

Mass. Maj.

Inquisitio septuagesima prima. Triplex Psi, sive de Coelestibus.

Mass. Maj.

Inquisitio septuagesima secunda. Triplex Omega, sive de Meteoricis.

Conditiones Entium.

Supersunt ad inquirendum in Abecedario Conditiones Entium, quae videntur esse tan­quam Transcendentia, & parùm stringunt de Corpore Naturae, tamen eo, quo utimur, in­quirendi modo, haud parum afferent Illustra­tionis ad reliqua. Primò igitur, cum optimè observatum fuerit à Democrito Naturam re­rum esse copiâ Materiae, & Individuorum va­rietate amplam, at (que) (ut ille vult) infinitam; Coitionibus verò & speciebus in tantum fini­tam, ut etiam angusta, & tanquam paupercu­la, videri possit. Quandoquidem tam paucae inveniantur species, quae sint aut esse possint, ut exercitum millenarium vix conficiant: Cum­que Negativa Affirmativis subjuncta, ad in­formationem Intellectus plurimum valeant; constituenda est Inquisitio de Ente, & non Ente. Ea ordine est septuagesima tertia, & qua [...] ­druplex Alpha numeratur.

Cond. Ent.

Quadruplex Alpha; sive de Ente & non Ente.

Ad Possibile & Impossibile, nil aliud est, qu [...]m Potentiale ad Ens, aut non Potentiale [Page 80] ad Ens. De eo Inquisitio septuagesima quarta consicitur; quae quadruplex Beta numeratur.

Cond. Ent.

Quadruplex Beta; sive de Possibili & Impossibili.

Etiam Multum, Paucum, Rarum, Con­suetum sunt potentialia ad Ens in Quanto. De iis Inquisitio septuagesima quinta esto, quae quadruplex Gamma numeretur.

Cond. Ent.

Quadruplex Gamma; sive de Multo & Pauco.

Durabile & Transitorium, Aeternum & Momentaneum, sunt potentialia ad Ens in Duratione. De illis septuagesima sexta In­quisitio esto, quae quadruplex Delta numeratur.

Cond. Ent.

Quadruplex Delta; sive de Durabili & Transitorio.

Naturale & Monstrosum, sunt potentia­lia ad Ens, per cursum Naturae, & per devia­ationes [Page 81] ejus. De iis Inquisitio septuagesima septima esto, quae quadruplex Epsilon numera­tur.

Cond. Ent.

Quadruplex Epsilon; sive de Naturali & Monstroso.

Naturale & Artificiale sunt potentialia ad Ens, sine Homine, & per Hominem. De iis Inquisitio septuagesima octava conficitor, quae quadruplex Zeta numeretur.

Cond. Ent.

Quadruplex Zeta; sive de Naturali & Artificiali.

Exempla in explicatione ordinis Abecedarij, non adjunximus, quia ipsae Inquisitiones con­tinent totas Acies Exemplorum.

Tituli secundùm quos Ordo Abecedarij est dispositus, nullo modo eam Authoritatem ha­bento, ut pro veris, & fixis rerum divisioni­bus recipiantur. Hoc enim esset profiteri scire nos quae inquirimus. Nam nemo res verè dispertit, qui non naturam ipsarum penitùs cognovit. Satis sit, si ad ordinem inquirendi (id quod nunc agitur) commodè se habeant.

Norma Abecedarij.

Abecedarium hoc modo conficimus & regimus. Historia & Experimenta, omnino primas par­tes tenent. Ea si enumerationem & seriem rerum particularium exhibeant, in Tabulas conficiuntur, aliter sparsim excipiuntur.

Cùm vero Historia & Experimenta saepis­simè nos deserant, praesertim Lucifera illa, & Instantiae Crucis, per quas, de veris rerum causis, Intellectui constare possit; Mandata damus de Experimentis novis. Haec sint tan­quam Historia Designata. Quid enim aliud nobis primò viam ingredientibus relinquitur?

Modum Experimenti subtilioris explicamus, ne error subsit, at (que) ut alios, ad meliores mo­dos excogitandos, excitemus.

Etiam Monita, &cautiones, de Rerum fallacijs & inveniendi erroribus, quae nobis occurrunt, aspergimus. Observationes nostras, super Historiam, & Experimenta, subteximus, ut Interpretatio Naturae magis sit in Procinctu.

Etiam Canones, sed tamen Mobiles, & Axiomata inchoata, qualia nobis inquirentibus, non prominciantibus, se offerunt constituimus. Vtiles enim sunt, si non prorsus verae.

Deni (que) tentament a quaedam Interpretationis quando (que) molimur, licè t prorsus humi repentia, & vero Interpretationis nomine, nullo modo [Page 83] (ut arbitramur) decoranda. Quid enim nobis supercilio opus est, aut impostura, cum toties pro­fiteamur, nec nobis Historiam & Experimenta, qualibus opus est, suppetere, nec abs (que) his, Inter­pretationem Naturae perfici posse, ideo (que) nobis satis esse, si initiis rerum non desimus.

Perspicuitatis autem, & Ordinis gratiâ, Aditus quosdam ad Inquisitiones, instar praefa­tionum, substernimus. Item Connexiones & Vincula, ne Inquisitiones sint magis abruptae, interponimus.

Ad usum vero vellication [...]s quasdam, de Practicâ suggerimus.

Etiam Optativa eorum, quae adhuc non ha­bentur, unâ cum proximis suis, ad erigendam humanam industriam, proponimus.

Ne (que) sumus nescii, Inquisitiones inter se, aliquando complicari, ita ut nonulla ex Inquisi­tis, in Titulos diversos incidant. Sed modum eum adhibebimus, ut & repetitionum fastidia, & rejectionum molestias, quantum fieri possit, vitemus; postponentes tamen hoc ipsum (quan­do necesse fuerit) perspiiuitati docendi, in Ar­gumento tam obscuro.

Haec est Abecedarii Norma & Regula. Deus Vniversi Conditor, Conservator, & Instaurator, Opus hoc & in Ascensione ad Gloriam suam, & in Descensione ad bonum humanum, pro suâ erga homines benevolentia & Misericordia pro­ [...]tegat & regat, per Filium suum unicum Nobis­cum Deum.

The same in English by the Publisher.
A Fragment of a Book written by the Lord Verulam, and Entituled, The Alphabet of Nature.

SEeing so many things are produc'd by the Earth, and Waters; so many things pass through the Air, and are received by it; so many things are chang'd and dissolv'd by Fire; other Inquisitions would be less perspicuous, unless the Nature of those Masses which so often occur, were well known and explain'd. To these we add Inquisitions concerning Celestial Bodies, and Meteors, seeing they are some of greater Masses, & of the number of Catholic Bodies. See the distributi­on, in l. 2. c. 3. de Augm. Scient. p. 234, 135, 136. Ed. Lugd. Bat. l 3. c. 4. p. 231. And c. 4. Globi In­tellect. p. 88, 89.

Greater Masses.

The 67th Inquisition. The three-fold Tau, or concerning the Earth.

The 68th Inquisition. The three-fold Vpsilon, or concerning the Water.

The 69th Inquisition. The three-fold Phi, or concerning the Air.

The 70th Inquisition. The three-fold Chi, or concerning the Fire.

[Page 85] The 71st Inquisition. The Three-fold Psi, or concerning Celestial Bodies.

The 72d Inquisition. The three-fold Omega, or concerning Meteors.

Conditions of Entities.

THere yet remain, as Subjects of our Inquiry, in our Alphabet, the Condi­tions of Beings, which seem, as it were, Transcendentals, and such as touch very lit­tle of the Body of Nature. Yet by that manner of Inquisition which we use, They will considerably illustrate the other Ob­jects.

First; Therefore seeing (as Democritus excellently observed) the Nature of Things is in the plenty of Matter, and variety of Individuals, large, and (as he affirmeth) Infinite; but in its Coitions and Species so Finite, that it may seem narrow and poor; seeing so few Species are found, either in actual Being, or Impossibility, that they scarce make up a muster of a Thousand; And seeing Negatives, subjoin'd to Affirmatives, conduce much to the Information of the Understanding: It is fit that an Inquisition be made concerning Being, and not Being. [Page 86] That is the 73d in order, and reckon'd the Four-fold Alpha.

Conditions of Beings.

The four-fold Alpha; or, concerning Being, and not Being.

Now Possible and Impossible, are nothing else but Conditions potential to Being, or not potential to Being. Of this the 74th In­quisition consists, and is accounted the four-fold Beta.

Conditions of Beings.

The four-fold Beta; or concerning Pos­sible and Impossible.

Also, Much, Little; Rare, Ordinary; are Conditions potential to Being in Quan­tity. Of them let the 75th Inquisition con­sist, and be accounted the four-fold Gamma.

Conditions of Beings.

The four-fold Gamma; or, concerning much and little.

[Page 87] Durable and Transitory, Eternal and Mo­mentary, are potential to Being in Duration. Of these let the 76th Inquisition consist, and be call'd the four-fold Delta.

Conditions of Beings.

The four-fold Delta; or, concerning Durable and Transitory.

Natural and Monstrous, are potential to Being, either by the course of Nature, or by its deviations from it. Of these let the 77th Inquisition consist, which is ac­counted the four-fold Epsilon.

Conditions of `Beings.

The four-fold Epsilon; or, concerning what is Natural or `Monstrous.

Natural and Artificial, are potential to Being, either with or without the Operation of Man. Of these let the 78th Inquisition consist, and be accounted the four-fold Zeta.

Conditions of Beings.

The four-fold Zeta; or, of that which is Natural and Artificial.

We have not subjoined Examples in the Explication of the Order of this our Al­phabet: for the Inquisitions themselves con­tain the whole Array of Examples.

It is by no means intended, that the Ti­tles, according to which the Order of this Alphabet is dispos'd, should have so much authority given to them, as to be taken for true and fixed partitions of Things. That were to profess we already knew the things after which we inquire; for no Man do's truly dispose of things into their several Classes, who do's not beforehand very well understand the Nature of them. It is suf­ficient, if these Titles be conveniently adap­ted to the Order of Inquiry; the thing which is at present design'd.

The Rule (or Form) of the Alpha [...]et.

After this manner we compose and dispose our Alphabet.

We begin solely with History and Expe­riments. [Page 89] These, if they exhibit an enume­ration and series of particular Things, are dispos'd into Tables; otherwise they are ta­ken seperately, and by themselves.

But seeing we are often at a loss for Hi­story and Experiments, especially such as are Luciferous [or Instructive] and [as we call See Nov. Organ. l. 2. Aph. 36. p. 254. Lugd. Bat. them] Instances of the Cross; by which the Understanding might be helped in the knowledg of the true Causes of Things: We propose the task of making new Expe­riments. These may serve as an History in Design. For what else is to be done by us who are but breaking the Ice?

For the mode of any more abstruse, Ex­periment, we explain it, lest any mistake arise about it; and to the intent also that we may excite others to excogitate better Methods.

Also we interspect certain Admonitions and Cautions concerning such Fallacies of Things, and Errors in Invention, as we meet with in our way.

We subjoin our Observations upon Histo­ry and Experiments, that the Interpretation of Nature may be the more in readiness and at hand.

Likewise we lay down Canons (but not such as are fixed and determin'd) and Axioms which are, as it were, in Embrio: [Page 90] Such as offer themselves to us in the quality of Inquirers, and not of Iudges. Such Ca­nons and Axioms are profitable, though they appear not yet manifestly, and upon all ac­counts true.

Lastly; We meditate sometimes certain Essays of Interpretation, though such as are low and of small advance, and by no means to be honour'd (in our opinion) with the very name of Interpretation.

For what need have we of Arrogance or Imposture, seeing we have so often pro­fessed, that we have not such a supply of History and Experiments as is needful; and that without these, the Interpretation of Nature cannot be brought to perfection. Wherefore it is enough for us, if we are not wanting to the beginning of Things.

Now, for the sake of Perspicuity, and Or­der, we prepare our way by Avenues, which are a kind of Prefaces to our In­quisitions. Likewise we interpose bonds of Connexion, that our Inquisitions may not seem abrupt and dis-jointed.

Also we suggest for use, some Hints of Practice. Furthermore, we propose wishes of such things as are hitherto only desired and not had, together with those things which border on them, for the exciting the Industry of Man's Mind.

[Page 91] Neither are we ignorant, that those In­quisitions are sometimes mutually entangled; so that some things of which we inquire [even the same things] belong to several Ti­tles. But we will observe such measure, that (as far as may be) we may shun both the nau­seousness of Repetition, and the trouble of Rejection, submitting notwithstanding to either of these, when in an Argument so obscure, there is necessity of so doing, in order to the more intelligible teaching of it.

This is the Form and Rule of our Alpha­bet.

May God, the Creator, Preserver, and Renewer of the Universe, protect and go­vern this Work, both in its ascent to his Glory, and in its descent to the Good of Mankind, for the sake of his Mercy and good Will to Men, through his only Son [Immanuel] God-with-us,

Inquisitions touching the Compounding of Metals, by Sir Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam.

TO make proof of the Incorporation of Iron with Flint, or other Stone. For if it can be incorporated without over-great charge, or other incommodity, the cheap­ness of the Flint or Stone, doth make the Compound Stuff profitable for divers Uses. The Doubts may be three in number.

First; Whether they will incorporate at all, otherwise than to a Body that will not hold well together but become brittle and uneven?

Secondly; Although it should incorpo­rate well, yet whether the Stuff will not be so stubborn as it will not work well with a Hammer, whereby the charge in working will overthrow the cheapness of the material?

Thirdly; Whether they will incorporate, except the Iron and Stone be first calcined into Pouder? And if not, Whether the charge of the Calcination will not eat out the cheapness of the material?

[Page 93] The Vses are most probable to be; First for the Implements of the Kitching; as Spits, Ranges, Cobirons, Pots, &c. then for the Wars, as Ordinance, Portcullasses, Grates, Chains, &c.

Note; The finer Works of Iron are not so probable to be served with such a Stuff; as Locks, Clocks, small Chains, &c. be­cause the Stuff is not like to be tough enough.

For the better use in comparison of Iron, it is like the Stuff will be far lighter; for the weight of Iron to Flint, is double and a third part; and, secondly, it is like to rust not so easily, but to be more clean.

The ways of tryal are two. First; By the Iron and Stone of themselves, wherein it must be inquired, What are the Stones that do easiliest melt. Secondly; With an Additament, wherein Brimstone is appro­ved to help to the melting of Iron or Steel. But then it must be considered, Whether the Charge of the Additament will not de­stroy the Profit.

It must be known also what proportion of the Stone the Iron will receive to incor­porate well with it, and that with once melting; for if either the proportion be too small, or that it cannot be received but peece-meal by several meltings, the Work cannot be of value.

[Page 94] To make proof of the incorporating of Iron and Brass. For the cheapness of the Iron in comparison of the Brass, if the Uses may be served, doth promise Profit. The Doubt will be, touching their incor­porating: for that it is approved, that Iron will not incorporate, neither with Brass nor other Metals of it self by simple fire: So as the inquiry must be upon the Calci­nation, and the Additament, and the charge of them.

The Vses will be for such things as are now made of Brass, and might be as well served by the compound Stuff; wherein the Doubts will be chiefly of the toughness and of the beauty.

First; Therefore, if Brass Ordinance could be made of the compound Stuff, in respect of the cheapness of the Iron, it would be of great use.

The Vantage which Brass Ordinance hath over Iron, is chiefly, as I suppose, because it will hold the blow, though it be driven far thinner than the Iron can be, whereby it saveth both in the quantity of the Mate­rial, and in the charge and commodity of mounting &carriage, in regard by reason of the thinness it beareth much less weight: there may be also somewhat in being not so easily overheated.

[Page 95] Secondly; For the Beauty; those things wherein the beauty or luster are esteemed, are, Andirons, and all manner of Images, and Statues, and Columns, and Tombs, and the like. So as the doubt will be double for the Beauty; the one whether the colour will please so well, because it will not be so like Gold as Brass? the other, whether it will pollish so well? Wherein for the latter it is probable it will; for Steel glosses are more resplendant than the like Plates of Brass would be; and so is the glittering of a Blade. And besides, I take it, Andiron Brass, which they call White Brass, hath some mixture of Tin to help the luster. And for the Golden Colour, it may be by some small mixture of Orpiment, such as they use to Brass in the Yellow Alchymy, will easily recover that which the Iron loseth. Of this the Eye must be the Judg upon proof made.

But now for Pans, Pots, Curfues, Coun­ters, and the like; the beauty will not be so much respected, so as the compound Stuff is like to pass.

For the better use of the compound Stuff, it will be sweeter and cleaner than Brass alone, which yieldeth a smell or soilness, and therefore may be better for the Vessels of the Kitchen and Brewing. It will also [Page 96] be harder than Brass where hardness may be required.

For the tryal, the Doubts will be two: First; The over-weight of Brass towards Iron, which will make Iron float on the top in the melting. This perhaps will be hol­pen with the Calaminar Stone, which con­senteth so well with Brass, and as I take it, is lighter than Iron. The other Doubt will be, the stiffness and driness of Iron to melt; which must be holpen either by moistning the Iron, or opening it. For the first, Per­haps some mixture of Lead will help. Which is as much more liquid than Brass, as Iron is less liquid. The opening may be holpen by some mixture of Sulphur, so as the trials would be with Brass, Iron, Cala­minar Stone, and Sulphur; and then again with the same composition, and an additi­on of some Lead; and in all this the Charge must be considered, whether it eat not out the Profit of the cheapness of Iron?

There be two Proofs to be made of incor­poration of Metals for magnificence and de­licacy. The one for the Eye, and the other for the Ear. Statua Metal, and Bell Me­tal, and Trumpet Metal, and String Me­tal; in all these, though the mixture of Brass or Copper, should be dearer than the [Page 97] Brass it self, yet the pleasure will advance the price to profit.

First; Therefore for Statua-Metal, see Pliny's Mixtures, which are almost forgot­ten, and consider the charge.

Try likewise the mixture of Tin in large proportion with Copper, and observe the Colour and Beauty, it bein [...] polished. But chiefly let proof be made of the incorpo­rating of Copper or Brass with Glass-Me­tal, for that is cheap, and is like to add a great glory and shining.

For Bell-Metal. First, It is to be known what is the Composition which is now in use. Secondly, It is probable that it is the driness of the Metal that doth help the clearness of the sound, and the moistness that dulleth it: and therefore the Mixtures that are probable are Steel, Tin, Glass-Metal.

For String-Metal, or Trumpet-Metal, it is the same reason; save that Glass-Metal may not be used, because it will make it too brittle; and trial may be made with mix­ture of Silver, it being but a delicacy with Iron or Brass.

To make proof of the Incorporation of Sil­ver and Tin, in equal quantity, or with two parts Silver, and one part Tin, and to ob­serve [Page 98] whether it be of equal beauty and luster with pure Silver; and also whether it yield no soiliness more than Silver? And again, whether it will indure the ordinary Fire, which belongeth to Chafing-dishes, Posnets, and such other Silver Vessels? And if it do not endure the Fire, yet whe­ther by some mixture of Iron it may not be made more fixt? For if it be in Beauty, and all the Uses aforesaid equal to Silver, it were a thing of singular profit to the State, and to all particular Persons, to change Silver Plate or Vessel into the Compound Stuff, being a kind of Silver Electre, and to turn the rest into Coin. It may be also questi­oned, Whether the Compound Stuff will receive gilding as well as Silver, and with equal luster? It is to be noted, That the common allay of Silver Coin is Brass, which doth discolour more, and is not so neat as Tin.

The Drownings of Metals within other Me­tals, in such sort as they can never rise again, is a thing of great profit. For if a quantity of Silver can be so buried in Gold, as it will never be reduced again, neither by Fire, nor parting Waters, nor other­ways; and also that it serve all Uses as well as pure Gold, it is in effect all one, as if so [Page 99] much Silver were turned into Gold; only the weight will discover it: but that taketh off but half of the profit; for Gold is not fully double weight to Silver, but Gold is twelve times price to Silver.

The burial must be by one of these two ways, either by the smallness of the propor­tion, as perhaps fifty to one, which will be but six pence gains in fifty shillings: or it must be holpen by somewhat which may fix the Silver, never to be restored or va­pour'd away, when it is incorporated into such a Mass of Gold; for the less quantity is ever the harder to sever; and for this purpose Iron is the likest, or Coppel Stuff, upon which the Fire hath no power of con­sumption.

The making of Gold seemeth a thing scarce­ly possible; because Gold is the heaviest of Metals, and to add Matter is impossible: and again, to drive Metals into a narrower room than their natural extent beareth, is a condensation hardly to be expected. But to make Silver seemeth more easy, because both Quick-silver and Lead are weightier than Silver; so as there needeth only fix­ing, and not condensing. The degree un­to this that is already known, is infusing of Quick-silver in a Parchment, or otherwise [Page 100] in the midst of molten Lead when it cool­eth; for this stupifieth the Quick-silver that it runneth no more. This trial is to be ad­vanced three ways. First, By iterating the melting of the Lead, to see whether it will not make the Quick-silver harder and harder. Secondly, To put Realgar hot in­to the midst of the Quick-silver, whereby it may be condensed, as well from within as without. Thirdly, To try it in the midst of Molten Iron or Molten Steel, which is a Body more likely to fix the Quick-silver than Lead. It may be also tried, by incor­porating Pouder of Steel, or Copple Dust, by pouncing into the Quick-silver, and so to proceed to the stupifying.

Vpon Glass, four things would be put in proof. The first, means to make the Glass more Crystalline. The second, to make it more strong for falls, and for fire, though it come not to the degree to be malleable. The third, to make it coloured by Tinctures, comparable or exceeding pre­tious Stones. The fourth, To make a com­pound Body of Glass and Galletyle; that is, to have the colour milkey like a Chalce­don, being a Stuff between a Procelane and a Glass.

For the first; It is good first to know [Page 101] exactly the several Materials, whereof the Glass in use is made; Window-glass, Nor­mandy and Burgundy, Alehouse-glass, Eng­lish drinking-Glass: and then thereupon to consider what the reason is of the coarseness or clearness; and from thence to rise to a consideration how to make some Addita­ments to the coarser Materials; to raise them to the whiteness and crystalline splen­dour of the finest.

For the second; We see Pebbles, and some other Stones will cut as fine as Cry­stal, which if they will melt, may be a mixture for Glass, and may make it more tough and more Crystalline. Besides, we see Metals will vitrify; and perhaps some portion of the Glass of Metal vitrified, mixed in the Pot of ordinary Glass-Metal, will make the whole Mass more tough.

For the third; It were good to have of coloured Window-Glass, such as is coloured in the Pot, and not by Colours— Here something is wantin [...] in the C [...] ­py.

[Page 102] It is to be known of what Stuff Galle­tyle is made, and how the Colours in it are varied; and thereupon to consider how to make the mixture of Glass-Metal and them, whereof I have seen the Example.

Inquire what be the Stones that do easili­est melt. Of them take half a pound, and of Iron a pound and a half, and an ounce of Brimstone, and see whether they will incorporate, being whole, with a strong fire. If not, try the same quantities calcined; and if they will incorporate, make a Plate of them, and burnish it as they do Iron.

Take a pound and a half of Brass, and half a pound of Iron; two ounces of the Calaminar Stone, an ounce and a half of Brimstone, an ounce of Lead; calcine them, and see what body they make; and if they incorporate, make a Plate of it bur­nished.

Take of Copper an ounce and a half, of Tin an ounce, and melt them together, and make a Plate of them burnished.

Take of Copper an ounce and a half, of Tin an ounce, of Glass-Metal half an ounce; stir them well in the boiling, and if they incorporate, make a Plate of them bur­nished.

Take of Copper a pound and a half, Tin four ounces, Brass two ounces; make [Page 103] a Plate of them burnished.

Take of Silver two ounces, Tin half an ounce; make a little Say-Cup of it, and burnish it.

To enquire of the Mater [...]als of every of the kind of Glasses, coarser and finer, and of the Proportions.

Take an equal quantity of Glass-Me­tal, of Stone calcined, and bring a Pat­tern.

Take an ounce of vitrified Metal, and a pound of ordinary Glass-Metal, and see whether they will incorporate; and bring a Pattern.

Bring Examples of all coloured Glasses, and learn the Ingredients whereby they are coloured.

Inquire of the substance of Galletyle.

Articles of Questions touching Mi­nerals; written originally in Eng­lish by the Lord Bacon, yet hither­to not published in that Language.

The Lord Bacon's Questions and Soluti­ons concerning the Compounding, Incor­porating, or Union of Metals or Mine­rals; which Subject is the first Letter of his Lordships Alphabet.

Q. WIth what Metals Gold will Incor­porate by simple Colliquefaction, and with what not? and in what quantity it will incorporate; and what kind of Bo­dy the Compound makes?

A. Gold with Silver, which was the An­cient Electrum.

  • Gold with Quicksilver.
  • Gold with Lead.
  • Gold with Copper.
  • Gold with Brass.
  • Gold with Iron.
  • Gold with Tin.

So likewise of Silver.

  • Silver with Quicksilver.
  • Silver with Lead.
  • Silver with Copper.
  • Silver with Brass.
  • Silver with Iron. (Plinius Secund. lib. 33. ix. miscuit denario Triumvir Antonius ferrum.)
  • Silver with Tin.

So likewise of Quicksilver.

  • Quicksilver with Lead.
  • Quicksilver with Copper.
  • Quicksilver with Brass.
  • Quicksilver with Iron.
  • Quicksilver with Tin.

So of Lead.

  • Lead with Copper.
  • Lead with Brass.
  • Lead with Iron.
  • Lead with Tin.
  • Pl. 34. ix.

So of Copper.

  • Copper with Brass.
  • [Page 106] Copper with Iron.
  • Copper with Tin.

So of Brass.

  • Brass with Iron.
  • Brass with Tin.

So of Iron.

  • Iron with Tin.

What be the Compound Metals that are common and known? and what are the proportions of their Mixtures? As,

LAtten of Brass, and the Calaminar Stone.

Pewter of Tin and Lead.

Bell-Metal of &c. and the counterfeit Plate, which they call Alchimy.

The Decompositees of three Metals or more, are too long to enquire of, except there be some Compositions of them al­ready observed.

It is also to be observed, whether any two Metals which will not mingle of themselves, will mingle with the help of an other; and what.

[Page 107] What Compounds will be made of Metal with Stone and other Fossiles; As Latten is made with Brass and the Calaminar Stone; As all the Metals incorporate with Vitriol; all with Iron poudered; all with Flint, &c.

Some few of these would be inquired of, to disclose the nature of the rest.

Whether Metals or other Fossiles will in­corporate with molten Glass, and what Bo­dy it makes?

The quantity in the mixture would be well considered; for some small quantity perhaps will incorporate, as in the Allays of Gold and Silver Coin.

Upon the Compound Body, three things are chiefly to be observed; The Colour; the Fragility or Pliantness; the Volatili­ty or Fixation, compared with the simple Bodies.

For present use or profit, this is the Rule: Consider the price of the two simple Bo­dies; consider again the dignity of the one above the other in use; then see if you can make a Compound that will save more in price than it will lose in dignity of the use.

As for Example; Consider the price of Brass-Ordnance; consider again the price of Iron-Ordnance, and then consider wherein the Brass-Ordnance doth excel the Iron-Ordnance [Page 108] in Use: Then if you can make a Compound of Brass and Iron that will be near as good in use, and much cheaper in price, then there is profit both to the Private, and the Common-wealth. So of Gold and Silver, the price is double of twelve: The dignity of Gold above Silver is not much, the splendor is a like, and more pleasing to some Eyes, as in Cloth of Sil­ver, silvered Rapiers, &c. The main dig­nity is, That Gold bears the Fire, which Silver doth not, but that is an excellency in Nature, but it is nothing at all in use; for any dignity in use I know none, but that silvering will fully and canker more than gilding; which if it might be corre­cted with a little mixture of Gold, there is profit: And I do somewhat marvel that the latter Ages have lost the Ancient Ele­ctrum, which was a mixture of Silver with Gold: whereof I conceive there may be much use, both in Coin, Plate, and Gild­ing.

It is to be noted, That there is in the version of Metals impossibility, or at least great difficulty, as in making of Gold, Sil­ver, Copper. On the other side, in the adulterating or counterfeiting of Metals, there is deceit and villany. But it should seem there is a middle way, and that is by [Page 109] new Compounds, if the ways of incorpo­rating were well known.

What Incorporation or Inbibition Metals will receive from Vegetables, without being dissolved in their Substance: As when the Armorers make their Steel more tough and pliant, by aspersion of Water or Juice of Herbs; when Gold being grown somewhat churlish by recovering, is made more pli­ant by throwing in shreds of tanned Lea­ther, or any Leather oiled.

Note; That in these and the like shews of Inbibition, it were good to try by the Weights whether the weight be increased or no; for if it be not, it is to be doubted that there is no inbibition of Substance, but only that the application of that other Body, doth dispose and invite the Metal to ano­ther posture of parts than of it self it would have taken.

After the Incorporation of Metals by simple Colliquefaction, for the better disco­very of the Nature, and Consents, and Dis­sents of Metals, it would be likewise tried by incorporating of their Dissolutions.

There is to be observed in those Disso­lutions which will not easily incorporate, what the Effects are: As the Bullition; the Precipitation to the bottom; the Ejacu­lation towards the top; the Suspension in the midst; and the like.

[Page 110] Note; That the dissents of the Men­strual or strong Waters, may hinder the in­corporation, as well as the dissents of the Metals themselves; Therefore where the Menstrua are the same, and yet the Incor­poration followeth not, you may conclude the Dissent is in the Metals; but where the Menstrua are several, not so certain.

Dr. Meverell's Answers to the Lord Ba­con's Questions, concerniug the Com­pounding, Incorporating, or Uni­on of Metals and Minerals.

GOld will incorporate with Silver in any proportion. Plin. lib. 33. cap. 4. Om­ni Auro inest Argentum vario pondere, alibi denâ, alibi nonâ, alibi octavâ parte—ubicun (que) quinta Argenti portio invenitur, Electrum vo­catur. The Body remains fixt, solid, and coloured, according to the proportion of the two Metals.

Gold with Quicksilver easily mixeth, but the product is imperfectly fixed; and so are all other Metals incorporate with Mer­cury.

[Page 111] Gold incorporates with Lead in any pro­portion.

Gold incorporates with Copper in any proportion, the common Allay.

Gold incorporates with Brass in any pro­portion. And what is said of Copper, is true of Brass, in the union of other Me­tals.

Gold will not incorporate with Iron.

Gold incorporates with Tin, the ancient Allay, Isa. 1. 25.

What was said of Gold and Quicksilver, may be said of Quicksilver and the rest of Metals.

Silver with Lead in any proportion.

Silver incorporates with Copper. Pliny mentions such a mixture; for triumphales Statuae, lib. 33. ix. miscentur Argento, ter­tia pars aeris Cyprii tenuissimi, quod coronari­um vocant, & Sulphuris vivi quantum Ar­genti. The same is true of Brass.

Silver incorporates not with Iron. Wherefore I wonder at that which Pliny hath lib. 33. ix. Miscuit denario Triumvir An­tonius ferrum. And what is said of this, is true in the rest, for Iron incorporateth with none of them.

Silver mixes with Tin.

[Page 112] Lead incorporates with Copper. Such a mixture was the Pot-Metal whereof Pli­ny speaks lib. 34. ix. Ternis aut quaternis li­bris plumbi Argentarii in centenas aeris ad­ditis.

Lead incorporates with Tin. The mix­ture of these two in equal proportions, is that which was anciently called Ptumbum Argentarium, Plin. 34. xvii.

Copper incorporates with Tin. Of such a mixture were the Mirrors of the Romans. Plin. atque ut omnia de speculis peragantur hoc loco, optima apud Majores erant Brundis [...] ­na, stanno & aere mistis. lib. 83. ix.

Compounded Metals now in use.

1. Fine Tin. The mixture is thus; Pure Tin a 1000 pound, temper 50 pound, Glass of Tin 3 pound.

2. Course Pewter is made of fine Tin and Lead. Temper is thus made; The dross of pure Tin four pound and a half, Copper half a pound.

3. Brass is made of Copper and Calami­naris.

4. Bell-Metal. Copper 1000 pound, Tin from 300 to 200 pound, Brass 150 pound.

[Page 113] 5. Pot-Metal, Copper and Lead.

6. White Alkimie is made of Pan-Brass, 1 pound, and Arsenicum, 3 ounces.

7. Red Alkimie is made of Copper and Auripigmen.

There be divers imperfect Minerals, which will incorporate with the Metals. Being indeed Metals inwardly, but clo­thed with Earths and Stones. As Pyritis, Calaminaris, Mysi, Chalcyti, Sory, Vitri­olum.

Metals incorporate not with Glass, ex­cept they be brought into the form of Glass.

Metals dissolved. The dissolution of Gold and Silver disagree, so that in their mixture, there is great Ebullition, Dark­ness, and in the end a precipitation of a black Pouder.

The mixture of Gold and Mercurie a­gree.

Gold agrees with Iron. In a word, the dissolution of Mercury and Iron agree with all the rest.

Silver and Copper disagree, and so do Silver and Lead. Silver and Tin agree.

The Lord Bacon's Articles of Inquiry concerning Minerals. The second Let­ter of the Cross-Row, touching the separation of Metals and Minerals.

SEparation is of three sorts; The First, is the separating of the pure Metal from the Ore, or Dross, which we call Refining. The Second, is the drawing one Metal or Mineral out of another, which we call Ex­tracting. The Third, Is the separating of any Metal into his Original, or Materia Pri­ma, or Element, or call them what you will; which Work we will call Principia­tion. For Refining, we are to enquire of it according to the several Metals; as Gold, Silver, &c. Incidently we are to inquire of the First Stone or Ore, or Marcasite of Metals severally, and what kind of Bodies they are, and of the degrees of Richness. Also we are to enquire of the means of Separating, whether by Fire, parting Wa­ters, or otherwise. Also for the manner of Refining, you are to see how you can multiply the heat, or hasten the opening, and so save charge in the Fining.

[Page 115] The means of this in Three manners, that is to say, In the Blast of the Fire; In the manner of the Furnace, to multiply Heat by Union, and Reflection; and by some Additament, or Medicines which will help the bodies to open them the sooner.

Note the Quickning of the Blast, and the Multiplying of the Heat in the Fur­nace, may be the same for all Metals; but the Additaments must be several, ac­cording to the Nature of the Metals. Note again, That if you think that the multi­plying of the Additaments in the same pro­portion, that you multiply the Ore, the Work will follow, you may be deceived: for quantity in the Passive will add more Resistance, than the same quantity in the Active will add force.

For Extracting, you are to enquire what Metals contain others, and likewise what not; As Lead, Silver; Copper, Silver, &c.

Note, Although the Charge of Extra­ction should excede the Worth, yet that is not the matter. For at least it will disco­ver Nature and Possibility, the other may be thought on afterwards.

We are likewise to inquire what the dif­ferences are of those Metals which contain more or less other Metals, and how that agrees with the poorness or richness of [Page 116] the Metals or Ore in themselves. As the Lead that contains most Silver is accounted to be more brittle, and yet otherwise poor­er in it self.

For Principiation, I cannot affirm whether there be any such thing or not; and I think the Chymists make too much ado about it, but howsoever it be, be it Solu­tion, or Extraction, or a kind of Conver­sion by the Fire; it is diligently to be in­quired what Salts, Sulphur, Vitriol, Mer­cury, or the like Simple Bodies are to be found in the several Metals, and in what quantity.

Doctor Meverel's Answers to the Lord Bacon's Questions, touching the sepa­rations of Metals and Minerals.

1. FOr the means of Separating. After that the Ore is washed, or cleansed from the Earth, there is nothing simply ne­cessary, save only a Wind Furnace well framed, narrow above and at the Hearth, in shape Oval, sufficiently fed with Char­coal and Ore, in convenient proporti­ons.

[Page 117] For Additions in this First Separation, I have observed none; the Dross, the Mi­neral brings, being sufficient. The Refi­ners of Iron observe, that that Iron-Stone is hardest to melt, which is fullest of Me­tal, and that easiest which hath most Dross. But in Lead, and Tin, the contrary is no­ted. Yet in melting of Metals, when they have been calcined formerly by Fire, or Strong-Waters, there is good use of Addi­taments, as of Borax, Tartar, Armoniac, and Salt-Peter.

2. In Extracting of Metals. Note, That Lead and Tin contain Silver. Lead and Silver contain Gold. Iron contains Brass. Silver is best separated from Lead, by the Test. So Gold from Silver. Yet the best way for that is Aqua Regia.

3. For Principiation. I can truly and boldly affirm, that there are no such prin­ciples as Sal, Sulphur, and Mercury, which can be separated from any perfect Metals. For every part so separated, may easily be reduced into perfect Metal without Substi­tution of that, or those principles which Chymists imagin to be wanting. As sup­pose you take the Salt of Lead; this Salt, or, as some name it Sulphur, may be turn­ed into perfect Lead, by melting it with the like quantity of Lead which con­tains [Page 118] principles only for it self.

I acknowledg that there is Quick-Silver and Brimstone found in the imperfect Mi­nerals; but those are Nature's remote Ma­terials, and not the Chymists Principles. As if you dissolve Antimony by Aqua Re­gia, there will be real Brimstone swimming upon the Water; as appears by the colour of the Fire when it is burnt, and by the smell.

The Lord Bacon's Articles of Inquiry concerning Metals, and Minerals.

THe Third Letter of the Cross-Row, touching the Variation of Metals into several Shapes, Bodies, or Natures, the particulars whereof follow,

  • Tincture.
  • Turning to Rust.
  • Calcination.
  • Sublimation.
  • Precipitation.
  • Amalgamatizing, or Turning into a soft body.
  • Vitrification.
  • Opening or Dissolving into Liquor.
  • [Page 119] Sproutings, or Branchings, or Arbo­ress [...]s.
  • Induration and Mollification.
  • Making Tough or Brittle.
  • Volatility and Fixation.
  • Transmutation, or Version.

For Tincture; It is to be inquired how Metal may be tinged through and through, and with what, and into what Colours; As tinging Silver Yellow, tinging Cop­per White, and tinging Red, Green, Blew, especially with keeping the Lustre.

  • Item, Tincture of Glasses.
  • Item, Tincture of Marble, Flint, or other Stone.

For turning into Rust, two things are chiefly to be inquired; By what Corasives it is done, and into what Colours it turns; As Lead into White, which they call Cerus; Iron into Yellow, which they call Crocus Martis; Quicksilver into Vermilion; Brass into Green, which they call Verdigrease.

For Calcination, how every Metal is cal­cined, and into what kind of Body, and what is the exquisitest way of Calcination.

For Sublimation; To enquire the manner of Subliming, and what Metals indure Sub­liming, [Page 120] and what body the Sublimate makes.

For Precipitation likewise; by what strong Water every Metal will precipitate, and with what Additaments, and in what time, and into what body.

So for Amalgama, what Metals will en­dure it, what are the means to do it, and what is the manner of the body.

For Vitrification likewise; what Metals will endure it, what are the means to do it, into what Colour it turns, and further where the whole Metal is turned into Glass, and where the Metal doth but hang in the Glassy parts; Also what weight the Vitrifi­ed body bears, compared with the Crude body; Also because Vitrification is accoun­ted a kind of Death of Metals, what Vi­trification will admit of turning back again, and what not.

For Dissolution into Liquour, we are to enquire what is the proper Menstruum to dissolve any Metal, and in the Negative, what will touch upon the one, and not upon the other, and what several Menstrua will dissolve any Metal, and which most exactly. Item the Process or Motion of the Dissolution, the manner of rising, boyl­ing, vapouring more violent, or more gentle, causing much heat or less. Item [Page 121] the Quantity or Charge that the strong Water will bear, and then give over. Item the Colour into which the Liquor will turn. Above all it is to be enquired, whe­ther there be any Menstruum to dissolve any Metal that is not Fretting, or Corroding, and openeth the Body by Sympathie, and not by Mordacity, or violent Penetrati­on.

For Sprouting or Branching, though it be a thing but transitory, and a kind of Toy or Pleasure, yet there is a more serious use of it; for that it discovereth the delicate Motions of Spirits, when they put forth and cannot get forth, like unto that which is in Vegetables.

For Induration, or Mollification; It is to be enquired what will make Metals har­der and harder, and what will make them softer and softer. And this enquiry tendeth to two ends: First, for Use; As to make Iron soft by the Fire makes it Malleable. Secondly, Because Induration is a degree towards Fixation, and Mollification to­wards Volatility, and therefore the Enqui­ry of them will give light towards the other.

For Tough and Brittle, they are much of the same kind, but yet worthy of an En­quiry apart, especially to joyn Hardness [Page 122] with Toughness, as making Glass malleable, &c. and making Bl [...]des strong, to resist and pierce, and yet not easie to break.

For Volatility and Fixation. It is a Prin­cipal Branch to be enquired: The utmost degree of Fixation is that whereon no Fire will work, nor strong Water joyned with Fire, if there be any such Fixation possible. The next is when Fire simply will not work without strong Waters. The next is by the Test. The next is when it will indure Fire not blown, or such a strength of Fire. The next is when it will not indure, but yet is malleable. The next is when it is not malleable, but yet is not fluent, but stupified. So of Volatility, the utmost degree is when it will flie away without returning. The next is when it will flie up, but with ease return. The next is when it will flie upwards over the Helm by a kind of Exufflation without Vapouring. The next is when it will melt, though not rise. The next is when it will soften, though not melt. Of all these di­ligent Enquiry is to be made in several Metals, especially of the more extreme degrees.

For Transmutation, or Version. If it be real and true, it is the furthest part of Art, and would be well distinguished, [Page 123] from Extraction, from Restitution, and from Adulteration. I hear much of turn­ing Iron into Copper; I hear also of the growth of Lead in weight, which cannot be without a Conversion of some body in­to Lead: but whatsoever is of this kind, and well expressed, is diligently to be in­quired, and set down.

Doctor Meverel's Answers to the Lord Bacon's Questions, concerning the Va­riation of Metals and Minerals.

1. FOr Tinctures, there are none that I know, but that rich variety which springs from mixture of Metals with Me­tals, or imperfect Minerals.

2. The imperfect Metals are subject to rust, all of them except Mercury, which is made into Vermilion by Solution, or Calcination. The rest are rusted by any salt, sowr, or acid Water. Lead into a white body called Cerussa. Iron into a pale red called Ferrugo. Copper is turned into green, named Aerugo, Aes Viride. Tin into white. But this is not in use, nei­ther hath it obtained a name.

[Page 124] The Scriptures mention the rust of Gold, but that's in regard of the Allay.

3. Calcination. All Metals may be cal­cined by strong Waters, or by admixtion of Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury. The im­perfect Metals may be Calcined by conti­nuance of simple Fire; Iron thus calci­ned is called Crocus Martis.

And this is their best way. Gold and Silver are best calcined by Mercury. Their Colour is Gray. Lead calcined is very Red. Copper, duskie Red.

4. Metals are sublimed by joyning them with Mercury, or Salts. As Silver with Mercury, Gold with Sal Armoniac, Mer­cury with Vitriol.

5. Precipitation, is, when any Metal be­ing dissolved into a strong Water, is bea­ten down into a Powder by salt Water. The chiefest in this kind is Oyl of Tartar.

6. Amalgamation, is the joyning, or mix­ing of Mercury with any other of the Me­tals. The manner is this, in Gold, the rest are answerable: Take six parts of Mer­cury, make them hot in a Crusible, and pour them to one part of Gold made red­hot in another Crusible, stir these well together that they may incorporate; which done, cast the Mass into cold Water and wash it. This is called the Amalgama of Gold.

[Page 125] 7. For Vitrification. All the imperfect Metals may be turned by strong Fire into Glass, except Mercury; Iron into Green; Lead into Yellow; Brass into Blew; Tin into pale Yellow. For Gold and Silver, I have not known them Vitrified, except joyned with Antimony. These Glassie bo­dies may be reduced into the form of Mi­neral bodies.

8. Dissolution. All Metals, without ex­ception, may be dissolved.

1. Iron may be dissolved by any tart, [...]alt, or vitriolated Water, yea, by common Water, if it be first calcined with Sulphur. It dissolves in Aqua forti with great ebulli­tion and heat, into ared Liquor, so red as Blood.

2. Lead is fittiest dissolved in Vinegar, into a pale Yellow, making the Vinegar very sweet.

3. Tin is best dissolved with distilled Salt-water. It retains the colour of the Menstruum.

4. Copper dissolves as Iron doth, in the same Liquor, into a Blew.

5. Silver hath his proper Menstruum, which is Aqua fortis. The colour is Green, with great heat and ebullition.

6. Gold is dissolved with Aqua Regia, into a yellow Liquor, with little heat or ebullition.

[Page 126] 7. Mercury is dissolved with much heat and boyling, into the same Liquors which Gold and Silver are. It alters not the colour of the Menstruum.

Note. Strong Waters may be charged with half their weight of fixed Metals, and equal of Mercury; if the Workman be skilful.

9. Sprouting. This is an accident of dis­solution. For if the Menstruum be over­charged, then within short time the Metals will shoot into certain Crystals.

10. For Induration, or Mollification, they depend upon the quantity of fixed Mercury and Sulphur. I have observed little of them, neither of Toughness nor Bitterness.

11. The degrees of Fixation and Volatility I acknowledg, except the two utmost, which never were observed.

12. The Question of Transmutation is very doubtful. Wherefore I refer your Honour to the fourth Tome of Theatrum Chymicum: and there, to that Tract which is entituled Disquisitio Heliana; where you shall find full satisfaction.

The Lord Bacon's Inquiries concerning Metals and Minerals. The fourth Letter of the Cross-Row, touching Restitution.

FIrst, Therefore it is to be inquired in the Negative, what Bodies will never return, either by their extreme Fixings; as in some Vitrifications, or by extreme Volatility.

It is also to be inquired of the two means of Reduction; and first by the Fire, which is but by congregation of Homogenial parts.

The second is, by drawing them down by some Body that hath consent with them. As Iron draweth down Copper in Water; Gold draweth Quick-Silver in vapour; whatsoever is of this kind, is very diligent­ly to be inquired.

Also it is to be inquired what time, or age, will reduce without help of fire, or body.

Also it is to be inquired what gives im­pediment to Union, or Restitution, which is sometimes called Mortification; as when [Page 128] Quick-Silver is mortified with Turpentine, Spittle, or Butter.

Lastly, It is to be inquired how the Me­tal restored, differeth in any thing from the Metal rare; as whether it become not more churlish, altered in colour, or the like.

Doctor Meverel's Answers touching the Restitutions of Metals and Mine­rals.

REduction is chiefly effected by Fire, wherein if they stand and nele, the imperfect Metals vapour away, and so do all manner of Salts which separated them in minimas partes before.

Reduction is singularly holpen by joyn­ing store of Metal of the same nature with it in the melting.

Metals reduced are somewhat churlish, but not altered in colour.

The Lord Verulam's Inquisition concern­ing the Versions, Transmutations, Mul­tiplications, and Effections of Bodies, written by him originally in English, but not hitherto published in that Lan­guage.

EArth by Fire is turned into Brick, which is of the nature of a Stone, Quere the Manner. and serveth for Building as Stone doth: And the like of Tile.

Naphtha, which was the Bituminous Mortar, used in the Walls of Babylon, grows to an entire and very hard Matter like a Stone.

In Clay Countries, where there is Peb­ble and Gravel, you shall find great Stones, where you may see the Pebbles, or Gra­vel, and between them a Substance of Stone as hard, or harder than the Pebble it self.

There are some Springs of Water, where­in if you put Wood, it will turn into the nature of Stone: So as that within the Water shall be Stone, and that above the Water continue Wood.

[Page 130] The slime about the Reins and Bladder in Man's Body, turns into Stone: And Stone is likewise found often in the Gall; and sometimes, though rarely, in Venâ Portâ.

Quere what time the substance of Earth in Quarries, asketh to be turned into Stone?

Water, as it seems, turneth into Crystal, as is seen in divers Caves, where the Cry­stal hangs in Stillicidiis.

Try Wood, or the Stalk of Herbs, bu­ried in Quicksilver, whether it will not grow hard and stony?

They speak of a Stone engendred in a Toad's head.

There was a Gentleman, digging in his Moat, found an Egg turned into Stone, the White and the Yolk keeping their Co­lour, and the Shell glistring, like a Stone cut with corners.

Try somethings put into the bottom of a Well; As Wood, or some soft Substance: but let it not touch the Water, because it may not putrify.

They speak, that the White of an Egg, with lying long in the Sun will turn Stone.

Mud in Water turns into shells of Fishes, as in Horse-Muscles, in fresh Ponds, old [Page 131] and overgrown. And the substance is a wondrous fine substance, light and shi­ning.

A Speech touching the recovering of Drowned Mineral Works, prepared for the Parliament (as Mr. Bushel affirmed) by the Viscount of St. Albans, then Lord High Chancel­lor of England. See Mr. Bee's Extract. p. 18, 19.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

THe King, my Royal Master, was lately (graciously) pleased to move some Dis­course to me concerning Mr. Sutton's Hospital, and such like worthy Foundations of memo­rable Piety: Which humbly seconded by my self, drew his Majesty into a serious conside­ration of the Mineral Treasures of his own Territories, and the practical discoveries of them by way of my Philosophical Theory: Which he then so well resented, that, after­wards, upon a mature digestion of my whole Design, he commanded me to let your Lord­ships understand, how great an inclination He [...]ath to further so hopeful a Work, for the [Page 132] Honour of his Dominions, as the most proba­ble means to relieve all the Poor thereof with­out any other Stock or Benevolence, than that which Divine Bounty should confer on their own Industries and honest Labours, in reco­vering all such Drowned Mineral Works as have been, or shall be, therefore, deser­ted.

And, my Lords, All that is now desired of his Majesty and your Lordships, is no more than a gracious Act of this present Parliament to authorize Them herein, adding a Mercy to a Munificence, which is, the Persons of such strong and able Petty-Felons, who, in true penitence for their Crimes, shall implore his Majesty's Mercy and Permission to expiate their Offences by their Assiduous Labours, in so innocent and hopeful a Work.

For, by this unchangeable way (my Lords) have I proposed to erect the Academical Fa­bric of this Island's Salomon's House, mo­delled in my New Atlantis. And I can hope (my Lords) that my Midnight Studies to make our Countries flourish and outvy Euro­pean Neighbours in mysterious and beneficent Arts, have not so ingratefully affected [...] [...] Intellects, that you will delay or resist his Majesty's desires, and my humble Petition in this Benevolent, yea, Magnificent Affair; Since your Honourable Posterities may be in­riched [Page 133] thereby, and my Ends are only, to make the World my Heir, and the learned Fa­thers of my Salomon's House, the successive and sworn Trustees in the dispensation of this great Service, for God's Glory, my Prince's Magnificence, this Parliaments Honour, our Countries general Good, and the propagation of my own Memory.

And I may assure your Lordships, that all my Proposals in order to this great Architype, seemed so rational and feasable to my Royal Soveraign, our Christian Salomon, that I, thereby, prevailed with his Majesty to call this Honourable Parliament, to Confirm and Impower me in my own way of Mining, by an Act of the same, after his Majesty's more weighty Affairs were considered in your Wis­doms; both which he desires your Lordships, and you Gentlemen that are chosen as the Patriots of your respective Countries, to take speedy care of: Which done, I shall not then doubt the happy Issue of my Vndertakings in this Design, whereby concealed Treasures, which now seem utterly lost to Mankind, shall be confined to so universal a Piety, and brought into use by the industry of Converted Peni­tents, whose wretched Carcases the Impartial Laws have, or shall dedicate, as untimely Feasts, to the Worms of the Earth, in whose Womb those deserted mineral riches must ever [Page 134] lie buried as lost Abortments, unless those be made the active Midwives to deliver them. For, my Lords, I humbly conceive Them to be the fittest of all Men to effect this great Work, for the Ends and Causes which I have before expressed.

All which, my Lords, I humbly refer to your Grave and Solid Iudgments to conclude of, together with such other A [...]sistances to this Frame, as your own Oraculous Wisdom shall intimate for the Magnifying our Creator, in his inscrutable Providence, and admirable Works of Nature.

Certain Experiments made, by the Lord Bacon, about Weight in Air and Water.

A New Soveraign of equal Weight in the Air to the piece in Brass, over­weigheth in the Water 9 Grains. In three Soveraigns the difference in the Water is but 24 Grains.

The same Soveraign overweigheth an e­qual weight of Lead, 4 Grains in the Wa­ter, in Brass Grains for Gold. In three Soveraigns about 11 Grains.

The same Soveraign overweigheth an e­qual [Page 135] weight of Stones in the Air, at least 65 Grains in the Water. The Grains being for the weight of Gold, in Brass Metal.

A Glass filled with Water weighing, in Troy Weights, 13 ounces and 5 drams, the Glass and the Water together, weigh­eth severally, viz. The Water 9 ounces and a half, and the Glass 4 ounces and a dram.

A Bladder weighing 2 ounces 7 drams and a half, a Pebble layed upon the top of the Bladder makes 3 ounces 6 drams and a half, the Stone weigheth 7 drams.

The Bladder (as above) blown, and the same fallen, weigheth equal.

A Spunge dry weigheth 1 ounce, First Time. 26 grains: The same Spunge being wet, weigh­eth 14 ounces, 6 drams, and 3 quarters: the Water weigheth in several 11 ounces, one dram, and a half; and the Spunge 3 ounces, and a half, and 3 quarters of a dram.

The Spunge and Water together weigh 15 ounces, Second Time. and 7 drams: in several the Water weigheth 11 ounces, and 7 drams, and the Spunge 3 ounces, 7 drams and a half.

Three Soveraigns made equal to a weight in Silver in the Air, differeth in the Water.

[Page 136] For false Weights, one Beam long, the other thick.

The Stick and Thread weigh half a dram, and 20 grains, being laid in the Ballance.

The Stick tied to reach within half an inch of the end of the Beam, and so much from the Tongue, weigheth 28 grains; the difference is 22 grains.

The same Stick being tied to hang over the end of the Beam an inch and a half, weigheth half a dram, and 24 grains; ex­ceeding the weight of the said Stick in the Ballance by 4 grains.

The same Stick being hanged down be­neath the Thread as near the Tongue as is possible, weigheth only 8 grains.

Two weights of Gold being made equal in the Air, and weighing severally 7 drams; the one Ballance being put into the Wa­ter, and the other hanging in the Air, the Ballance in the Water weigheth only 5 drams and 3 grains, and abateth of the weight in the Air 1 dram, and a half, and 27 grains.

The same trial being made the second time, and more truly and exactly betwixt Gold and Gold, weighing severally (as above) and making a just and equal weight in the Air, the one Ballance being put in­to [Page 137] the Water, the depth of five inches, and the other hanging in the Air, the Bal­lance in the Water weigheth only 4 drams, and 55 grains, and abateth of the weight in the Air 2 drams, and 5 grains.

The trial being made betwixt Lead and Lead, weighing severally 7 drams in the Air, the Ballance in the Water weigheth only 4 drams, and 41 grains, and abateth of the weight in the Air 2 drams and 19 grains; the Ballance kept the same depth in the Water, as abovesaid.

The trial being made betwixt Silver and Silver, weighing severally 7 drams in the Air, the Ballance in the Water weigheth only 4 drams, and 25 grains. So it aba­teth 2 drams, and 35 grains; the same depth in the Water observed.

In Iron and Iron, weighing severally each Ballance, in the Air 7 drams, the Bal­lance in the Water weigheth only 4 drams and 18 grains; and abateth of the weight in the Air 2 drams, and 42 grains; the depth observe as above.

In Stone and Stone, the same weight of 7 drams, equally in the Air, the Ballance in the Water weigheth only 2 drams, and 22 grains, and abateth of the weight in the Air 4 drams, and 38 grains; the depth as above.

[Page 138] In Brass and Brass, the same weight of 7 drams, in each Ballance, equal in the Air, the Ballance in the Water weigheth only 4 drams, and 22 grains, and abateth in the Water 2 drams, and 38 grains; the depth observed.

The two Ballances being weighed in Air and Water, the Ballance in the Air overweigheth the other in the Water one dram, and 28 grains; the depth in the Wa­ter as aforesaid.

It is a profitable Experiment which shew­eth the weights of several Bodies in com­parison with Water. It is of use in lading of Ships, and other Bottoms, and may help to shew what Burthen, in the several kinds, they will bear.

Certain sudden Thoughts of the Lord Bacon's, set down, by him, under the Title of Experiments for Profit.

MUck of Leaves.

Muck of River, Earth, and Chalk.

Muck of Earth closed, both for Salt-Peter and Muck.

Setting of Wheat and Pease.

[Page 139] Mending of Crops by steeping of Seeds.

Making Pease, Cherries, and Straw­berries come early.

Strengthening of Earth for often returns of Radishes, Parsnips, Turnips, &c.

Making great Roots of Onions, Radishes, and other Esculent roots.

Sowing of Seeds of Trefoil.

Setting of Woad.

Setting of Tobacco, and taking away the [...].

Grafting upon Boughs of old Trees.

Making of a hasty Coppice.

Planting of Osiers in wet Grounds.

Making of Candles to last long.

Building of Chimneys, Furnaces, and Ovens, to give Heat with less Wood.

Fixing of Log-Wood.

Other means to make Yellow and Green fixed.

Conserving of Orenges, Limons, Citrons, Pomgranats, &c. all Summer.

Recovering of Pearl, Coral, Turchoise, Colour, by a Conservatory of Snow.

Sowing of Fennel.

Brewing with Hay, Haws, Trefoil, Broom, Heps, Bramble-Berries, Woodbines, wild Thime, instead of Hops, Thistles.

Multiplying and Dressing Artichokes.

Certain Experiments, of the Lord Ba­con's, about the Commixture of Liquors only, not Solids, without Heat or Agitation, but only by simple Composition, and Settling.

SPirit of Wine mingled with common Water, although it be much lighter than Oyl, yet so, as if the first fall be bro­ken, by means of a Sop, or otherwise, it stayeth above; and, if it be once min­gled, it severeth not again, as Oyl doth. Tried with Water coloured with Saffron.

Spirit of Wine, mingled with common Water, hath a kind of clouding, and mo­tion shewing no ready Commixture. Tried with Saffron.

A dram of Gold dissolved in Aqua Regis, with a dram of Copper in Aqua forti com­mixed, gave a Green Colour, but no vi­sible motion in the parts. Note, That the dissolution of the Gold, was twelve parts Water, to one part Body: And of the Copper was six parts Water, to one part Body.

[Page 141] Oyl of Almonds commixed with Spirit of Wine, severeth, and the Spirit of Wine remaineth on the top, and the Oyl in the bottom.

Gold dissolved commixed with Spirit of Wine, a dram of each, doth commix, and no other apparent alteration.

Quick-silver dissolved with Gold dissol­ved, a dram of each, doth turn to a moul­dy Liquor, black, and like Smith's water.

Note, The dissolution of the Gold was twelve parts Water, ut supra, and one part Metal: That of Water was two parts, and one part Metal.

Spirit of Wine, and Quick-silver com­mixed, a dram of each, at the first shew­ed a white Milky substance at the top, but soon after mingled.

Oyl of Vitriol commixed with Oyl of Cloves, a dram of each, turneth into a red dark Colour; and a substance thick, almost like Pitch: And upon the first mo­tion gathereth an extream Heat, not to be endured by touch.

Dissolution of Gold, and Oyl of Vitriol commixed, a dram of each, gathereth a great Heat at the first, and darkneth the Gold, and maketh a thick Yellow.

Spirit of Wine, and Oyl of Vitriol, a dram of each, hardly mingle; the Oyl [Page 142] of Vitrriol going to the bottom; and the Spirit of Wine lying above in a Milky sub­stance. It gathereth also a great Heat, and a sweetness in the Taste.

Oyl of Vitriol and dissolution of Quick­silver, a dram of each; maketh an extream strife, and casteth up a very gross fume, and after casteth down a white kind of Curds, or Sands; and on the top a slimish substance, and gathereth a great Heat.

Oyl of Sulphur, and Oyl of Cloves com­mixed, a dram of each, turn into a thick and red-coloured substance; but no such Heat, as appeared in the Commixture with the Oyl of Vitriol.

Oyl of Petroleum, and Spirit of Wine, a dram of each, intermingle otherwise than by Agitation, as Wine and Water do; and the Petroleum remaineth on the top.

Oyl of Vitriol, and Petroleum, a dram of each, turn into a mouldy Substance, and gathereth some warmth; there resi­ding a black cloud in the bottom, and a monstrous thick Oyl on the top.

Spirit of Wine, and Red-wine Vinegar, one ounce of each, at the first fall, one of them remaineth above, but by Agitation they mingle.

Oyl of Vitriol, and Oyl of Almonds, one ounce of each, mingle not; but the [Page 143] Oyl of Almonds remaineth above.

Spirit of Wine, and Vinegar, an ounce of each, commixed, do mingle, without a­ny apparent separation, which might be in respect of the Colour.

Dissolution of Iron, and Oyl of Vitriol, a dram of each, do first put a Milky sub­stance into the bottom; and after incorpo­rate into a mouldy Substance.

Spirit of Wine commixed with Milk, a third part Spirit of Wine, and two parts Milk, coagulateth little, but mingleth; and the Spirit swims not above.

Milk and Oyl of Almonds mingled, in equal portions, do hardly incorporate, but the Oyl cometh above, the Milk being poured in last; and the Milk appeareth in some drops, or bubbles.

Milk one ounce, Oyl of Vitriol a scru­ple, doth coagulate; the Milk at the bot­tom where the Vitriol goeth.

Dissolution of Gum Tragacanth, and Oyl of Sweet Almonds, do not commingle, the Oyl remaining on the top, till they be stir­red, and make the Muselates somewhat more liquid.

Dissolution of Gum Tragacanth, one ounce and a half, with half an ounce of Spirit of Wine, being commixed by Agita­tion, make the Muselates more thick.

[Page 144] The White of an Egg with Spirit of Wine, doth bake the Egg into Clots, as if it began to Poch.

One ounce of Blood, one ounce of Milk, do easily incorporate.

Spirit of Wine doth curdle the Blood.

One ounce of Whey unclarified, one ounce of Oyl of Vitriol, make no apparent alteration.

One ounce of Blood, one ounce of Oyl of Almonds, incorporate not, but the Oyl swims above.

Three quarters of an ounce of Wax, be­ing dissolved upon the Fire, and one ounce of Oyl of Almonds put together and stir­red, do not so incorporate, but that when it is cold, the Wax gathereth and swims up­on the top of the Oyl.

One ounce of Oyl of Almonds, cast into an ounce of Sugar seething, sever presently, the Sugar shooting towards the bottom.

A Catalogue of Bodies, Attractive, and not Attractive, made by the Lord Bacon, together with Expe­rimental Observations about At­traction.

These following Bodies, Draw.

AMber, Ieat, Diamond, Saphire, Carbun­cle, Iris, the Gem. Opale, Amethist, Bristollina, Crystal, Clear Glass, Glass of Antimony, divers Flowers from Mines, Sul­phur, Mastick, hard sealing Wax, the harder Rosin, Arsenic.

These following Bodies, do not Draw.

Smaragd, Achates, Corneolus, Pearl, Ia­spis, Chalcedononius, Alablaster, Porphyrie, Coral, Marble, Touch-Stone, Haematites, or Blood-stone, Sinyris, Ivory, Bones, Eben-Tree, Cedar, Cypress, Pitch, softer Rosin, Camphire, Galbanum, Ammoniac, Storax, Benjoin, Load-stone, The drawing of Iron ex­cepted. Asphaltum.

These Bodies, Gold, Silver, Brass, Iron, draw not, though never so finely polished.

[Page 146] In Winter, if the Air be sharp and clear, Sal Gemmeum, Rock Alum, and Lapis Spe­cularis will draw.

These following Bodies are apt to be Drawn, if the Mass of them be small.

Chaff, Woods, Leaves, Stones, all Metals [...], and in the Mine; Earth, Water, Oyl.

Si fiat versorium ex Metello aliquo, more Indicis Magnetici, & fini alteri apponatur succinum, lenitèr fricatum, versorium con­vertit se.

Succinum calefactum ab Igne, sive tepeat, sive ferveat, sive in [...]lammetur, non trahit.

Bacillum ferreum candens, Flamma, Can­dela ardens, Carbo ignitus, admota festucis aut versoriis, non trahunt.

Succinum in majore mole, si fuerit politum, allicit, licèt non fricatum; si in minore, aut impurius, sine frictione non trahit.

Crystallus, Lapis Specularis, Vitrum, Electrica cetera, si urantur, aut torreantur, non trahunt.

  • [Page 147]Pix.
  • Resina mollior.
  • Benjoin.
  • Asphaltum.
  • Camphora.
  • Galbanum.
  • Ammoniacum.
  • Storax.
  • Assa.
  • Haec coelo calidiore neutiquam prorsus tra­hunt; at tempore frigi­diore obscurè & inf [...]rmè trahunt.

Vapidus Aer succino, &c. afflatus, vel ab ore, vel ab Aere humidiore, virtutem trahendi suffocat.

Si charta aut linteum interponatur inter succinum & paleam, non fit motus aut At­tractio.

Succinum aut Electrica calefacta ex Radiis Solis, non expergefiunt ad trahendum, sicut ex Frictione.

Succinum fricatum, & Radiis Solis expo­situm diutius vires trahendi retinet, nec tam citò eas deponit ac si in umbra positum esset.

Fervor ex speculo comburente succino, &c. conciliatus, non juvat ad trahendum.

Sulphur accensum, & Cera dura inflam­mata, non trahunt.

Succinum cum citissimè à frictione, festucae vel versorio apponitur, optimè trahit.

Virtus Electrica viget in retentione ad tem­pus [Page 148] non minus quam in Attractione primâ.

Flamma apposito succino intra orbem Acti­vitatis non trahitur.

Gutta Aquae admoto succino trahitur in Conum. Electrica, si durius affricentur, im­peditur Attractio.

Quae aegrè alliciunt in claro coelo, in crasso non movent.

Aqua imposita succino virtutem trahendi suffocat, licet ipsum Aquam trahat.

Sarca ità succino circundatum, ut tan­gat, attractione tollit; sed interpositum ut non tangat, non omnino tollit.

Oleum succino appositum motum non impe­dit; nec succinum digito oleo madefacto fri­catum, vires trahendi perdit.

Firmius provocant, & diutius retinent Succinum, Gagates, & hujusmodi, etiam mi­nore cum frictione: Adamas Crystallum, Vitrum, diutius teri debent, ut manifestò in­calescant antequà m trahant.

Quae Flammae approximant, licèt propinquâ distantiâ, à succino non trahuntur.

Fumum extincta lucerna succinum, &c. trahit. Fumus ubi exit & crassus est, fortius trahit succinum; cum ascenderit, & rarior fit, debilius. Corpus ab Electricis attractum non manifestò alteratur, set tantùm incumbit.

The same in English by the Publisher.

IF there be made a Turn-Pin of any Me­tal, after the fashion of a Magnetic Needle, and Amber be applied to one end of it, after having been gently rubbed, the Pin will turn.

Amber heated by the Fire, be it warm­ish, hot, or set on fire, it does not draw.

A little Bar of Iron red hot, Flame, a lighted Candle, a hot Coal, put nigh Shea [...]s (or Straws) or Turn-Pins (or Compass-Needles) do not draw.

Amber, in a greater Mass, if it be Po­lite, draws, though not rubbed: In a les­ser quantity, and in a less polite Mass, it draws not without rubbing.

Crystal, Lapis Specularis, Glass, and other such Electric Bodies, if burnt, or scorch'd, draw not.

Pitch, the softer Rosin, Benjoin, Asphal­tum, Camphire, Galbanum, Ammoniac, Sto­rax, Assa, these draw not at all when the Air is hot: But when it is cooler, they draw weakly, and so that we can just perceive them to do so.

Reaking Air, blown upon Amber, &c. [Page 150] from the Mouth, or from a moister Atmo­sphere; choaketh the attractive Virtue.

If a Paper, or a piece of Linnen, be put between Amber and Chaff, there is no Mo­tion, or Attraction made.

Amber, or other Electrics, warmed by the Sun-beams, have not their attractive Virtue so awakened, as by Rubbing.

Amber rubb'd, and exposed to the Beams of the Sun, retains its attractive force the longer; and does not so soon lose it, as it would do in the shadow.

Heat deriv'd from a Burning-Glass to Am­ber, &c. does not help its Attraction.

Sulphur, and hard Wax, set on fire, do not draw.

Amber, when immediately after rub­bing, it is applied to a Shiver, or a Com­pass-Needle, draws best of all.

The Electric Virtue is as vigorous, for a time, in its Retention, as it was in its first Attraction.

Flame (Amber being put within the sphere of its Activity) is not drawn by it.

A drop of Water, Amber being applied towards it, is drawn into a Cone.

If Electric Bodies be rubbed too hard, their attraction is, thereby, hindred.

Those Bodies, which in a clear Skie do scarce draw, in a thick Air move not at all.

[Page 151] Water put upon Amber choaketh its at­tractive force, though it draweth the Wa­ter it self.

Fat For by Sarca, I suppose, he mean­eth Sarcia. so encompassing Amber, that it toucheth it, takes away its attraction; but being so put betwixt it and the Object to be drawn, as not to touch it, it doth not take it away.

Oyl put upon Amber, hinders not its mo­tion: Neither doth Amber, rubb'd with the Finger moistned with Oyl, lose its at­tractive Virtue.

Amber, Ieats, and the like, do more strongly excite, and longer retain the Ob­jects they draw, although the rubbing be but little. But Diamonds, Crystal, Glass, ought to be rubb'd longer, that they may appear hot, ere they be used for attraction.

Flames nigh to Amber, though the di­stance be very small, are not drawn by it.

Amber, &c. draw the smoke of a Lamp newly extinguish'd.

Amber draws Smoke more strongly when it comes forth, and is more gross; and more weakly, when it ascends and becomes thin­ner.

A Body drawn by Electric Bodies, is not manifestly alter'd, but only leans it self up­on them.

Baconiana Medica. OR, REMAINS OF Sir Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, and Vis­count St. Albans; Touching Medical Matters.

LONDON, Printed for R. C. at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1679.

THE Lord Bacon's Medical Remains.

A Medical Paper of the Lord Bacon's, to which he gave the Title of Grains of Youth.

Grains of Youth.

TAke of Nitre 4 grains, of Amber-Grease 3 grains, of Orris-pouder 2 grains, of white Poppy-Seed the fourth part of a grain, of Saffron half a grain, with Water of Orenge Flowers, and a little Tragacanth; make them into small grains, four in number. To be taken at four a Clock, or going to Bed.

Preserving Oyntments

Take of Deers-suet 1 ounce, of Myrrh 6 grains, of Saffron 5 grains, of Bay-salt 12 grains, of Canary-Wine of two Years old, a Spoonful and a half:

Spread it on the inside of your Shirt, and let it dry, and then put it on.

A Purge familiar for opening the Liver.

Take Rubarb 2 drams, Agaric, Trochis­cat 1 dram and a half, steep them in Claret Wine burnt with Mace: Take of Worm­wood 1 dram, steep it with the rest, and make a mass of Pills, with Syrup. Acetos. simplex.

But drink an opening Broth before it, with Succory, Fennel, and Smallage Roots, and a little of an Onion.

Wine for the Spirits.

Take Gold perfectly refined 3 ounces, quench it six or seven times in good Claret Wine: Add of Nitre 6 grains, for two Draughts. Add of Saffron prepared 3 grains, of Amber-grease 4 grains, pass it through an Hippocras Bag, wherein there [Page 157] is a dram of Cinamon gross beaten, or to avoid the dimming of the Colour, of Gin­ger. Take two Spoonfuls of this to a Draught of fresh Claret Wine.

The Preparing of Saffron.

Take 6 grains of Saffron, sleept in half parts of Wine and Rose-water, and a quar­ter part Vinegar; then dry it in the Sun.

Wine against Adverse Melancholy, preserving the Senses and the Reason.

Take the Roots of Bugloss, well scra­ped, and cleansed from their inner Pith, and cut them into small slices; steep them in Wine of Gold extinguished ut suprà, and add of Nitre 3 grains, and drink it ut su­prà, mixed with fresh Wine: The Roots must not continue steeped above a quarter of an Hour; and they must be changed thrice.

Breakfast-Preservative against the Gout and Rheumes.

To take once in the Month at least, and for two Days together, one grain of Ca­storei, in my ordinary Broth.

The Preparation of Garlick.

Take Garlick 4 ounces, boyl it upon a soft Fire, in Claret Wine, for half an Hour. Take it out, and steep it in Vinegar; whereto add 2 drams of Cloves, then take it forth, and keep it in a Glass for use.

The Artificial Preparation of Damask-Roses, for Smell.

Take Roses, pull their Leaves, then dry them in a clear Day, in the hot Sun; then their smell will be as gone. Then cram them into an Earthen Bottle, very dry and sweet, and stop it very close; they will remain in Smell and Colour both fresher, than those that are otherwise dried. Note, The first drying, and close keeping upon it, preventeth all Putrefaction, and the second Spirit cometh forth, made of the remaining Moisture not dissipated.

Sometimes to add to the Maceration, 3 grains of Tartar, and 2 of Enula, to cut the more heavy and viscous Humours; lest Rubarb work only upon the lightest.

To take sometimes the Oxymel before it, and sometimes the Spanish Hony simple.

A Restorative Drink.

Take of Indian Maiz half a pound, grind it not too small, but to the fineness of ordi­nary Meal, and then bolt and serce it, that all the husky part may be taken away. Take of Eringium Roots 3 ounces, of Dates as much, of Enula 2 drams, of Mace 3 drams, and brew them with Ten-shilling Beer, to the quantity of four Gallons: And this do, either by decocting them in a Pottle of Wort, to be after mingled with the Beer, being new tapped, or otherwise infuse it in the New Beer in a Bag.

Use this familiarly at Meals.

Against the waste of the Body by Heat.

Take sweet Pomgranates, and strain them lightly, not pressing the Kernel, into a Glass; where put some little of the Peel of a Citron, and two or three Cloves, and three grains of Amber-grease, and a pretty deal of fine Sugar. It is to be drunk every Morning whilst Pomgranates last.

Methusalem Water.
Against all Asperity and Torrefaction of Inward parts, and all Adustion of the Blood, and generally against the Driness of Age.

Take Crevises very new, q. s. boyl them well in Claret Wine; of them take only the shells, and rub them very clean, espe­cially on the inside, that they may be throughly cleansed from the Meat. Then wash them three or four times in fresh Cla­ret Wine, heated, still changing the Wine, till all the Fish-taste be quite taken away. But in the Wine wherein they are washed, steep some tops of green Rosemary; then dry the pure shell throughly, and bring them to an exquisite Pouder. Of this Pouder take 3 drams. Take also Pearl, and steep them in Vinegar twelve Hours, and dry off the Vinegar; of this Pouder also 3 drams. Then put the Shell Pouder, and Pearl Pouder together, and add to them of Ginger one scruple, and of white Poppy Seed half a scruple, and steep them in Spirit of Wine (wherein six grains of Saffron hath been dissolved) seven Hours. Then upon a gentle heat, vapour away all [Page 161] the Spirit of Wine, and dry the Pouder against the Sun without Fire. Add to it of Nitre one dram, of Amber-grease one scruple and a half; and so keep this Pouder for use, in a clean Glass. Then take a Pottle of Milk, and slice in it of fresh Cu­cumers, the inner Pith only (the Rind being pared off) four ounces, and draw forth a Water by Distillation. Take of Claret Wine a Pint, and quench Gold in it four times.

Of the Wine, and of the water of Milk, take of each three ounces, of the Pouder one scruple, and drink it in the Morning; stir up the Pouder when you drink, and walk upon it.

A Catalogue of Astringents, Ope­ners, and Cordials, instrumental to Health. Collected by Sir Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam.


REd Rose, Blackberry, Myrtle, Plan­tane, Flower of Pomegranate, Mint, Aloes well washed, Mirabolanes, Sloes, [Page 162] Agresta, Fraga, Mastich, Myrrh, Saffron, Leaves of Rosemary, Rubarb received by Infusion, Cloves, Service-Berries, Corna, Wormwood, Bole Armeniac, Sealed Earth, Cinque-foil, Tincture of Steel, Sanguis Draconis, Coral, Amber, Quinces, Spike­nard, Galls, Allum, Bloodstone, Mummy, Amomum, Galangal, Cypress, Ivy, Psyl­lum, Houseleek, Sallow, Mulleni, Vine, Oak-leaves, Lign-Aloes, Red Sanders, Mul­berrie, Medlers, Flowers of Peach-Trees, Pomegranates, Pears, Palmule, Pith of Kernels, Purslain, Acacia, Laudanum, Tra­gacanth, Thus Olibani, Comfrey, Shepherds­purse, Polygonium.

Astringents (both hot and cold) which cor­roborate the Parts, and which confirm, and refresh such of them as are loose, or languish­ing.

Rosemary, Mint, especially with Vine­gar, Cloves, Cinamon, Cardamom, Lign-Aloes, Rose, Myrtle, Red Sanders, Coto­nea, Red-Wine, Chalybeat-Wine, Five­finger-Grass, Plantane, Apples of Cypress, Barberries, Fraga, Service-Berries, Cor­neille's, Ribes, Sowr-Pears, Rambesia.

[Page 163] Astringents Styptic, which, by their Styptic Virtue, may stay Fluxes.

Sloes, Acacia, Rind of Pomegranates in­fused, at least three Hours, the Styptic Vir­tue not coming forth in lesser time. Alum, Galls, Iuice of Sallow, Syrup of unripe Quinces, `Balaustia, the Whites of Eggs boyl­ed hard in Vinegar.

Astringents which, by their cold and earthy Nature, may stay the motion of the Hu­mours tending to a Flux.

Sealed Earth, Sanguis Draconis, Coral, Pearls, the shell of the Fish Dactylus.

Astringents which, by the thickness of their substance, stuff as it were the thin Hu­mours, and thereby stay Fluxes.

Rice, Beans, Millet, Cauls, dry Cheese, fresh Goats-Milk.

Astringents which, by virtue of their Gluti­nous substance, restrain a Flux, and streng­then the looser Parts.

Karabe Perhap [...] he meant the fruit of Ka [...]obe., Mastich, Spodium, Harts-horn, [Page 164] Frankincense, dried Bulls Pistle, Gum Tragacanth.

Astringents Purgative, which, having by their purgative, or expulsive Power, thrust out the Humours, leave behind them of Astri­ctive Virtue.

Rubarb, especially that which is tosted against the Fire; Mirabolanes, Tartar, Ta­marinds, [an Indian Fruit like Green Da­masens].

Astringents which do very much suck and dry up the Humours, and thereby stay Fluxes.

Rust of Iron, Crocus Martis, Ashes of Spices.

Astringents, which by their Nature, do dull the Spirits, and lay asleep the Expulsive virtue, and take away the acrimony of all Humours.

Laudanum, Mithridate; Diascordium, Diacodium.

[Page 165] Astringents, which by cherishing the strength of the parts, do comfort and confirm their Retentive power.

A Stomacher of Scarlet Cloth.

Whelps, or young healthy Boys, appli­to the Stomach.

Hypocratic Wines, so they be made of austere Materials.


SUcchory, Endive, Betony, Liverwort, Petroselinum, Smallage, Asparagus, Roots of Grass, Dodder, Tamarisk, Jun­cus Odoratus, Lacca, Copparus, Worm­wood, Chamaepitis, Fumaria, Scurvy-grass, Eringo, Nettle, Ireos, Elder, Hyssop, Ari­stolochia, Gentian, Costus, Fennel-root, Maidenhair, Harts-tongue, Daffodilly, Asa­rum, Sarsaparilla, Sassafras, Acorns, Abre­tonum, Aloes, Agaric, Rubarb infused, Onions, Garlick, Bother, Squilla, Sow­bread, Indian Nard, Celtic Nard, Bark of Laurel-Tree, Bitter Almonds, Holy Thistle, Camomile, Gun-powder, Sows (Millipe­des) [Page 166] Ammoniac, Man's Urine, Rue, Park-Leaves (Vitex) Centaury, Lupines, Cha­maedris, Costum, Ammeas, Bistort, Cam­phire, Daucus Seed, Indian Balsam, Scor­dium, Sweet Cane, Galingal, Agrimony.


FLowers of Basil Royal, Flores Caryophil­lati, Flowers of Bugloss and Borage, Rind of Citron, Orenge-Flowers, Rose­mary, and its Flowers, Saffron, Musk, Amber, Folium, [ i. e. Nardi Folium,] Balm-Gentle, Pimpernel, Gems, Gold, Generous Wines, Fragrant Apples, Rose, Rosa Moschata, Cloves, Lign-Aloes, Mace, Cinamon, Nutmeg, Cardamom, Galingal, Vinegar, Kermes-berry, Herba▪ Moschata, Betony, White Sanders, Camphire, Flow­ers of Heliotrope, Penny-royal, Scordium, Opium corrected, White Pepper, Nastur­tium, white and red Bean, Castum Dulce, Dactylus, Pine, Fig, Egg-shell, Vinum Mal­vaticum, Ginger, Kidneys, Oysters, Cre­vises (or River-Crabs) Seed of Nettle, Oyl of Sweet Almonds, Sesamium Oleum, Asparagus, Bulbous Roots, Onions, Gar­lick, Eruca, Daucus Seed, Eringo, Siler [Page 167] Montanus, the smell of Musk, Cynethi Odor, Caraway Seed, Flower of Pul [...]s, Anniseed, Pellitory, anointing of the Testicles with Oyl of Elder, in which Pellitory hath been boyl'd, Cloves with Goats-Milk, Oli­banum.

An Extract by the Lord Bacon, for his own use, out of the Book of the Pro­longation of Life, together with some new Advices in order to Health.

1. ONce in the Week, or at least in the Fornight, to take the Water of Mithridate distilled, with three parts to one, or Strawberry-water to allay it; and some grains of Nitre and Saffron, in the Morning between sleeps.

2. To continue my Broth with Nitre; but to interchange it every other two Days, with the Juyce of Pomgranates expressed, with a little Cloves, and Rind of Citron.

3. To order the taking of the Maceration, Viz. Of Rubarb infused into a draught of white Wine and Beer, mingled together, for the space of half an Hour, once in six or seven Days. See the Lord Bacon 's Life by Dr. Rawley, towards the end. as follow­eth.

To add to the Macerati­on, six grains of Cremor Tar­tari, and as much Enula.

[Page 168] To add to the Oxymel, some Infusion of Fennel-roots in the Vinegar, and four grains of Angelica-seed, and Juyce of Li­mons, a third part to the Vinegar.

To take it not so immediately before Sup­per; and to have the Broath specially made with Barley, Rosemary, Thyme, and Cresses.

4. To take once in the Month at least, and for two Days together, a grain and a half of Castor in my Broath, and Break­fast.

5. A Cooling Clyster to be used once a Month, after the working of the Macerati­on is settled.

Take of Barley-water, in which the Roots of Bugloss are boyled, three ounces, with two drams of Red-San­ders, and two ounces of Raisins of the Sun, and one ounce of Dactyles, and an ounce and a half of Fat Ca­rycks; let it be strained, and add to it an ounce and a half of Syrup of Vio­lets: Let a Clyster be made.

Let this be taken (with Veal) in the aforesaid Decoction.

6. To take every Morning, the Fume of Lign-Aloes, Rosemary and Bays dried, with Juyce; but once in a Week to add a little Tobacco, without otherwise taking it in a Pipe.

[Page 169] 7. To appoint every Day an Hour, ad Affectus Intentionales & sanos. Qu. de par­ticulari.

8. To remember Mastichatories for the Mouth.

9. And Orenge-flower Water to be smelt to, or snuffed up.

10. In the third Hour after the Sun is risen, to take in Air from some high and open Place, with a ventilation of Rosae Moschatae, and fresh Violets; and to stir the Earth, with infusion of Wine and Mint.

11. To use Ale with a little Enula Cam­pana, Cardu [...]s, Germander, Sage, Ange­lica Seed, Cresses of a middle age, to be­get a robust heat.

12. Mithridate thrice a Year.

13. A bit of Bread dipt in Vino Odorato, with Syrup of dry Roses, and a little Amber, at going to Bed.

14. Never to keep the Body in the same posture above half an Hour at a time.

15. Four Precepts. To break off Cu­stom. To shake off Spirits ill disposed. To meditate on Youth. To do nothing against a Man's Genius.

16. Syrup of Quinces for the Mouth of the Stomach. Enquire concerning other things useful in that kind.

[Page 170] 17. To use once during Supper time, Wine in which Gold is quenched.

18. To use anointing in the Morning lightly with Oyl of Almonds, with Salt and Saffron, and a gentle rubbing.

19. Ale of the second Infusion of the Vine of Oak.

20. Methusalem Water, of Pearls and Shells, of Crabs, and a little Chalk.

21. Ale of Raisins, Dactyles, Potatoes, Pistachios, Hony, Tragacanth, Mastich.

22. Wine with Swines-flesh, or Harts­flesh.

23. To drink the first Cup at Supper hot, and half an Hour before Supper, some­thing hot and Aromatiz'd.

24. Chalybeats, four times a Year.

25. Pilulae ex tribus, once in two Months, but after the Mass has been macerated in Oyl of Almonds.

26. Heroic Desires.

27. Bathing of the Feet once in a Month, with Lie ex Sale nigro, Camomile, sweet Marjoram, Fennel, Sage, and a lit­tle Aqua Vitae.

28. To provide always an apt Break­fast.

29. To beat the Flesh before Rosting of it.

30. Macerations in Pickles.

[Page 171] 31. Agitation of Beer by Ropes, or in Wheel-Barrows.

32. That Diet is good which makes Lean, and then Renews. Consider of the ways to effect it.

Medical Receipts of the Lord Bacon's.

The First Receipt, or his Lordship's Broath and Fomentation for the Stone.

The Broath.

TAke one dram of Eryngium Roots, cleansed and sliced; and boyl them together with a Chicken. In the end, add of Elder-Flowers, and Marigold-Flowers together, one pugil, of Angelica-Seed half a dram, of Raisins of the Sun stoned fif­teen, of Rosemary, Thyme, Mace, toge­ther, a little.

In six ounces of this Broath, or there­abouts, let there be dissolved of white Cre­mor Tartari three grains.

[Page 172] Every third or fourth Day, take a small Toast of Manchet, dipped in Oyl of Sweet Almonds new drawn, and sprinkled with a little Loaf-Sugar.

You may make the Broath for two Days, and take the one half every Day.

If you find the Stone to stir, forbear the Toast for a Course or two.

The Intention of this Broath, is, not to Void, but to Undermine the Quarry of the Stones in the Kidneys.

The Fomentation.

Take of Leaves of Violets, Mallows, Pellitory of the Wall, together, one Hand­ful. Of Flowers of Camomile and Mellilot, together one Pugil. The Root of Marsh-Mallows one ounce; of Annis and Fennel­seeds, together one ounce and a half, of Flax-seed two drams. Make a Decoction in Spring-water.

The Second Receipt, shewing the way of making a certain Oyntment, which his Lordship called, Unguentum Fra­grans sive Romanum; The Fra­grant, or Roman Unguent.

TAke of the Fat of a Deer, half a pound; of Oyl of Sweet Almonds two ounces. Let them be set upon a very gentle Fire, and stirr'd with a stick of Juniper, till they are melted.

Add of Root of Flower de Luce poudered, Damask Roses poudered, together, one dram; of Myrrh dissolved in Rose­water, half a dram; of Cloves, half a scruple; of Civet, four grains; of Musk, six grains; of Oyl of Mace ex­pressed, one drop; as much of Rose­water as sufficeth to keep the Un­guent from being too thick.

Let all these be put together in a Glass, and set upon the Embers, for the space of an Hour; and stirred with a stick of Juniper.

[Page 174] Note, That in the Confection of this Oyntment, there was not used above a quarter of a pound, and a tenth part of a quarter of Deers Suet: And that all the Ingredients, except the Oyl of Almonds, were doubled, when the Oyntment was half made, because the Fat things seemed to be too Predominant.

The Third Receipt. A Manus Christi for the Stomack.

TAke of the best Pearls very finely pul­veriz'd, one dram; of Sal Nitre, one scruple; of Tartar, two Scruples; of Gin­ger and Gallingal, together, one ounce and a half; of Calamus, Root of Enula Cam­pana, Nutmeg, together, one scruple and a half; of Amber, sixteen grains; of the best Musk, ten grains; with Rose-water, and the finest Sugar, let there be made a Ma­nus Christi.

The Fourth Receipt. A Secret for the Stomack.

TAke Lignum Aloes in gross shavings, steep them in Sack, or Alacant, chan­ged twice, half an Hour at a time, till the bitterness be drawn forth. Then take the Shavings forth and dry them in the shade, and beat them to an Excellent Pouder. Of that Pouder, with the Syrup of Ci­trons, make a small Pill, to be taken before Supper.

Baconiana Theologica: OR A FEW REMAINS OF THE Lord Bacon, Relating To Divine Matters.

LONDON, Printed for R. C. at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1679.

THE Lord Bacon's Theological Remains.

The Lord Bacon's Questions about the Lawfulness of a War for the Propa­gating of Religion.

Questions wherein I desire Opinion, joyn­ed with Arguments and Authorities.

WHether a War be lawful a­gainst Infidels, only for the Propagation of the Christian Faith, without other cause of Hostility?

Whether a War be lawful, to recover to the Church, Countries, which formerly have [Page 180] been Christian, though now Alienate, and Christians utterly extirped?

Whether a War be lawful, to free and deliver Christians that yet remain in Servi­tude, and subjection to Infidels?

Whether a War be lawful in Revenge, or Vindication, of Blasphemy and Re­proaches against the Deity and our Savi­our? or for the ancient effusion of Christian Blood, and Cruelties upon Christians?

Whether a War be lawful for the Resto­ring, and purging of the Holy Land, the Sepulchre, and other principal places of Adoration and Devotion?

Whether in the Cases aforesaid, it be not Obligatory to Christian Princes, to make such a War, and not permissive only?

Whether the making of a War against the Infidels, be not first in order of Digni­ty, and to be preferr'd before extirpations of Heresies, reconcilements of Schisms, re­formation of Manners, pursuits of just Temporal Quarrels, and the like Actions for the Publick Good, except there be ei­ther a more urgent Necessity, or a more evident Facility in those Inferior Actions or except they may both go on together in some Degree?

Two Prayers compos'd by Sir Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, and Viscount of St. Albans.

The First Prayer, called by his Lordship, The Student's Prayer.

TO God the Father, God the Word, God the Spirit, we pour forth most humble and hearty Supplications; that He, remembring the Calamities of Mankind, and the Pilgrimage of this our Life, in which we wear out Days few and evil; would please to open to us new Refreshments out of the Fountains of his Goodness, for the alleviating of our Miseries. This also, we humbly and earnestly beg, that Humane things, may not prejudice such as are Di­vine; neither that from the unlocking of the Gates of Sense, and the kindling of a greater Natural Light, any thing of Incre­dulity, or Intellectual Night, may arise in our Minds towards Divine Mysteries. But rather that by our Mind, throughly clean­sed and purged from Phancy and Vanities; and yet subject, and perfectly given up to [Page 182] the Divine Oracles, there may be given unto Faith, the things that are Faith's. Amen.

The Second Prayer, called by his Lord­ship, The Writer's Prayer.

THou, O Father! who gavest the Visible Light as the First-born of thy Crea­tures, and didst pour into Man the Intel­lectual Light, as the top and consummation of thy Workmanship; be pleased to pro­tect and govern this Work, which, com­ing from thy Goodness, returneth to thy Glory. Thou, after Thou hadst review'd the Works which thy Hands had made, beheldest that every Thing was very Good; and Thou didst rest with Complacencie in them. But Man, reflecting on the Works, which he had made, saw that all was Va­nity and vexation of Spirit, and could, by no means, acquiesee in them. Where­fore, if we labour in thy Works with the sweat of our Brows, Thou wilt make us partakers of thy Vision, and thy Sabbath. We humbly beg that this Mind may be stedfastly in us; and that Thou, by our Hands, and also by the Hands of others, on whom Thou shalt bestow the same Spi­rit, [Page 183] wilt please to conveigh a largeness of new Alms to thy Family of Mankind. These things we commend to Thy ever­lasting Love, by our Iesus, thy Christ, God with us. Amen.

Baconiana Bibliographica: OR CERTAIN REMAINS OF THE LORD BACON Concerning His Writings.

To these are added Letters and Discourses by others, upon the same Argument; In which also are contained some Remarks con­cerning his Life.

LONDON, Printed for R. C. at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1679.

Remains Bibliographical, Written by the Lord Bacon HIMSELF.

The Lord Chancellor Bacon's Letter to the Queen of Bohemia In [...]he year 1625. in Answer to one from her Majesty, and upon send­ing to her his Book about a War with Spain.

It may please your Majesty,

IHave received your Majesties Gracious Letter from Mr. Secretary Morton, who is now a Saint in Heaven. It was at a time, when the great Desolation of the Plague was in the City, and when my self [Page 188] was ill of a dangerous and tedious Sick­ness. The first time that I found any de­gree of Health, nothing came sooner to my Mind, than to acknowledg your Ma­jesties great Favour, by my most humble Thanks: And because I see your Majesty taketh delight in my Writings, (and to say truth, they are the best Fruits I now yield) I presume to send your Majesty a little Discourse of mine, touching a War with Spain, which I writ about two Years since; which the King your Brother liked well. It is written without Bitterness, or Inve­ctive, as Kings Affairs ought to be carried: But if I be not deceived, it hath Edge e­nough. I have yet some Spirits left, and remnant of Experience, which I consecrate to the King's Service, and your Majestie's; for whom I pour out my daily Prayers to God, that he would give your Majesty a Fortune worthy your rare Vertues: Which some good Spirit tells me, will be in the end. I do in all reverence kiss your Majestie's Hands, ever resting

Your Majestie's most humble and devoted Servant. Francis St. Alban.

A Letter of the Lord Bacon's to the University of Cambridg, upon his sending to their Public Library, his Book of the Advancement of Learning.
Franciscus Baro de Verulamio, Vicecomes Sancti Albani, Almae Matri inclytae Academiae Cantabrigiensi, Salutem.

DEbita Filii, qualia possum, persolvo. Quod verò facio, idem & [...]vos hortor; ut Augmentis Scientiarum strenuè incumbatis, & in Animi modesti [...] libertatem ingenii re­tineatis, neque Talentum à veteribus concre­ditum in sudario reponatis. Affuerit procul­dubiò & Affulserit divini Luminis Gratia, si humiliatâ, & submissâ Religioni Philosophiâ, Clavibus sensûs ligitimè, & dextrè utamini, & amoto omni contradictionis studio, quisque cum Alio, ac si ipse secum, disputet, Valete.

The same in English by the Publisher.
Francis, Baron of Verulam, and Vis­count of St. Albans, to the Indulgent Mother, the famous University of Cambridg, Health.

I Here repay you, according to my Abi­lity, the Debts of a Son. I exhort you also, to do the same thing with my self: That is, to bend your whole might towards the Advancement of the Sciences, and to retain freedom of Thought, together with humility of Mind; and not to suffer the Talent which the Ancients have deposited with you, to lie dead in a Napkin. Doubt­less, the favour of the Divine Light will be present and shine amongst you, if Phi­losophy being submitted to Religion, you lawfully and dextrously use the Keys of Sense; and if all study of Opposition being laid aside, every one of you so dispute with another, as if he were arguing with him­self.

Fare ye well.

A Letter of the Lord Bacon's, to the University of Cambridg, upon his sending to their public Library, his Novum Organum.
Almae Matri Academiae Cantabrigiensi.

CVm vester filius sim & Alumnus, vo­luptati mihi erit, Partum meum nuper editum vobis in gremium dare: Aliter enim velut pro exposito eum haberem. Nec vos mo­veat, quòd via nova sit. Necesse est enim talia per Aetatum, & seculorum circuitus evenire. Antiquis tamen suus constat honos; ingenij scilicet: Nam Fides verbo Dei, & experi­entiae tantùm debetur. Scientias autem, ad Experientiam retrahere, non conceditur: At easdem ab Experientiâ de integro excitare, operosum certè sed pervium. Deus vobis, & studiis vestris faveat.

Filius vester Amantissimus, Franc. Verulam, Cancel.

The same in English by the Publisher.

SEeing I am your Son, and your Disciple, it will much please me to repose in your Bosom, the Issue which I have lately brought forth into the World; for otherwise I should look upon it as an exposed Child. Let it not trouble you, that the Way in which I go is new: Such things will of necessity, happen in the Revolutions of several Ages. However, the Honour of the Ancients is secured: That, I mean, which is due to their Wit. For Faith is only due to the Word of God, and to Ex­perience. Now, for bringing back the Sciences to Experience, is not a thing to be done: But to raise them a-new from Experience, is indeed, a very difficult and laborious, but not a hopeless Undertaking. God prosper you and your Studies.

Your most loving Son, Francis Verulam, Chancel.

A Letter of the Lord Bacon's, writ­ten to Trinity College in Cambridg, up­on his sending to them his Book of the Advancement of Learning.
Franc. Baro de Verulamio, Vice-comes Sancti Albani percelebri Collegio Sanctae & Individuae Trinitatis in Cantabrigia, Salutem.

REs omnes earúmque progressus initiis suis debentur. Itaque cùm initia Scientia­rum, è fontibus vestris hauserim; incrementa ipsarum vobis rependenda existimavi. Spero itidem fore, ut haec nostra apud vos, tanquani in solio nativo, felicius succrescant. Quam­obrem & vos hortor, ut salvâ animi mode­stiâ, & ergà Veteres reverent [...], ipsi quoque scientiarum augmentis non desitis: Verùm ut post volumina sacra verbi Dei & Scriptura­rum, secundo loco volumen illud magnu [...] Operum Dei & Creaturarum, strenuè & prae omnibus Libris (qui pro Commentariis tan­tùm haberi debent) evolvatis.


The same in English by the Publisher.
Francis, Baron of Verulam, Viscount of St. Albans, to the most Famous College of the holy and undivided Tri­nity in Cambridg, Health.

THe progresses of Things, together with themselves, are to be ascribed to their Originals. Wherefore, seeing I have de­rived from your Fountains, my first begin­nings in the Sciences, I thought it fit to re­pay to you the Increases of them. I hope also, it may so happen, that these Things of ours may the more prosperously thrive among you, being replanted in their native Soil. Therefore, I likewise exhort you, that ye your selves, so far as is consistent with all due Modesty, and Reverence to the Ancients, be not wanting to the Advance­ment of the Sciences: But that, next to the study of those sacred Volumns of God, the holy Scriptures, ye turn over that great Volume of the Works of God, his Creatures, with the utmost diligence, and before all o­ther Books, which ought to be looked on on­ly as Commentaries on those Texts. Farewel.

The Lord Chancellour Bacon's Letter to Dr. Williams, then Lord Bishop of Lincoln, concerning his Speeches, &c.

MY very good Lord, I am much bound to your Lordship, for your Honoura­ble Promise to Dr. Rawley: He chuseth rather to depend upon the same in general, than to pitch upon any particular; which mode­sty of Choice I commend.

I find that the Ancients (as Cicero, Do­mesthenes, Plinius Secundus, and others) have preserved both their Orations and their Epistles. In imatation of whom, I have done the like to my own: Which ne­vertheless, I will not publish while I live: But I have been bold to bequeath them to your Lordship, and Mr. Chancellor of the Dutchy. My Speeches (perhaps) you will think fit to publish: The Letters, ma­ny of them; touch too much upon late Matters of State, to be published; yet I was willing, they should not be lost. I have also by my Will, erected two Lectures in Perpetuity, in either Univer­sity one; with an Endowment of 200 l▪ [Page 196] per Annum apiece. They to be for Natural Phylosophie, and the Sciences thereupon de­pending; which Foundations I have re­quired my Executors to order, by the ad­vice and direction of your Lordship, and my Lord Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. These be my thoughts now. I rest

Your Lordships most Affectionate to do you Service.

A Letter written in Latine, by the Lord Verulam, to Father Fulgentio, the Venetian, concerning his Writings; and now Translated into English by by the Publisher.

Most Reverend Father,

I Must confess my self to be a Letter in your Debt; but the Excuse which I have, is too too just. For I was kept from doing you right by a very sore Disease, from which I am not yet perfectly deliver­ed.

[Page 197] I am now desirous to communicate to your Fatherhood, the Designs I have touching those Writings which I form in my Head, and begin; not with hope of bringing them to Perfection, but out of desire to make Experiment, and because I am a Servant to Posterity: (For these things require some Ages for the ripening of them.)

I judg'd it most convenient to have them Translated in the Latine Tongue, and to divide them into certain Tomes.

The first Tome consisteth of the Books of the Advancement of Learning, which (as you understand) are already finish'd, and publish'd; and contain the Partition of Sci­ences, which is the First part of my Instauration.

The Novum Organum should have im­mediately follow'd. But I interpos'd my Moral and Political Writings, because they were more in Readiness.

And for them, they are these following. The first is, The History of Henry the 7th, King of England. Then follows that Book which you have call'd in your Tongue, Saggi Morali. But I give a graver name to that Book; and it is to go under the Title of Sermones Fideles, [Faithful Sayings,] or Interiora Rerum, [The Inside of Things.] Those Essayes will be increased in their [Page 198] number, and enlarged in the handling of them.

Also that Tome will contain the Book of the Wisdom of the Ancients. And this Tome (as I said) doth, as it were, inter­lope, and doth not stand in the Order of the Instauration.

After these, shall follow the Organum Novum, to which a second part is yet to be added, which I have already compriz'd and measur'd in the Idea of it. And thus, the Second Part of my Instauration, will be finished.

As for the Third Part of the Instaurati­on, that is to say, the Natural History, it is plainly a Work for a King, or a Pope; or for some College, or Order; and cannot be, by Personal Industry, performed as it ought.

Those Portions of it, which have already seen the Light (to wit, concerning Winds, and touching Life and Death). They are not pure History, by reason of the Axioms, and larger Observations, which are inter­posed. But they are a kind of mixed Wri­tings, composed of Natural History, and a rude and imperfect Instrument [or Help] of the Understanding.

And this is the Fourth Part of the In­stauration. Wherefore that Fourth Part [Page 199] shall follow, and shall contain many Ex­amples of that Instrument, more exact, and much more fitted to Rules of Induction.

Fifthly, There shall follow a Book, to be entitled by us, Prodromus Philosophiae Secundae, [The Fore-runner of Secondary Philosophy]. This shall contain our Inven­tions about new Axioms, to be raised from the Experiments themselves, that they, which were before as Pillars lying [use­lesly] along, may be raised up. And this we resolve on for the Fifth Part of our Instauration.

Lastly, There is yet behind, the Secon­dary Philosophy it self, which is the Sixth Part of the Instauration. Of the perfect­ing this, I have cast away all hopes; but in future Ages, perhaps, the Design may bud again. Notwithstanding, in our Pro­dromi [...], [or Prefatory Works,] (such I mean only, which touch, almost, the Vni­versals of Nature) there will be laid no in­considerable foundations of this Matter.

Our Meanness (you see) attempteth great Things; placing our hopes only in this, that they seem to proceed from the Provi­dence and Immense Goodness of God.

And I am, by two Arguments, thus per­suaded.

First, I think thus from that zeal and [Page 200] constancy of my Mind, which has not wax­ed old in this Design, nor after so many Years, grown cold and indifferent. I re­member, that about Forty Years ago, I com­pos'd a Iuvenile Work about these things, which with great Confidence, and a Pom­pous Title, I called Temporis Partum Maxi­mum, Or, it may [...]e, Masculum, as I find it [...]ead e [...]se­where. [or the most considerable Birth of Time.]

Secondly, I am thus persuaded, because of its infinite Vsefulness; for which reason it may be ascribed to Divine Encouragement.

I pray your Fatherhood, to commend me to that most Excellent Man, Signior Molines, to whose most delightful and prudent Let­ters I will return answer shortly, if God permit. Farewel, most Reverend Father.

Your Most assured Friend, Francis St. Alban.

A Letter of the Lord Bacon's, in French, to the Marquess Fiat, re­lating to his Essays.

Monsieur l' Ambassadeur mon Fil [...]z,

VOyant que vostre Excellence faict et traite Mariages, non seulement entre les Princes d' Angleterre et de France, mais aussi entre les Langues (puis que faictes traduire [...]on Liure de l' Advancement des Sciences en Francois) i' ai bien voulu vous envoyer mon Liure dernierement imprimé, que i' avois pourveu pour vous, mais i' estois en doubte, de le vous envoyer, pour ce qu' il estoit escrit en Anglois. Mais a' cest' Heure pour la raison susdicte ie le vous envoye. C' est un Recompilement de mes Essayes Morales et Civiles; mais telle­ment enlargiés et enrichiés, tant de Nom­bre que de Poix, que c' est de fait un Oeuvre nouveau. Ie vous baise les Mains, et reste,

Vostre tres Affectionée Ami, [...] tres humble Serviteur.

The same in English, by the Publisher.

My Lord Embassador, My Son,

SEeing that your Excellency makes, and treats of Marriages, not only betwixt the Princes of France and England, but also betwixt their Languages (for you have caus'd my Book of the Advancement of Learning, to be Translated into French) I was much inclin'd to make you a Present of the last Book which I published, and which I had in readiness for you.

I was sometimes in doubt, whether I ought to have sent it to you, because it was written in the English Tongue. But now, for that very Reason, I send it to you. It is a Recompilement of my Essaies Mo­ral, and Civil; but in such manner enlar­ged and enriched both in Number and Weight, that it is in effect, a new Work. I kiss your Hands, and remain

Your most Affectionate and most humble Servant, &c.

A Transcript (by the Publisher) out of the Lord Bacon's last Will, relating especially, to his Writings.

FIrst, I bequeath my Soul and Body, into the Hand of God, by the blessed Ob­lation of my Saviour; the one at the time of my Dissolution, the other at the time of my Resurrection.

For my Burial, I desire it may be at St. Michael's Church, near St. Albans. There was my Mother buried; and it is the Parish Church of my Mansion-House of Gorham­bury; and it is the only Christian Church within the Walls of Old Verulam. I would have the Charge of my Funeral not to ex­ceed 300 l. at most.

For my Name and Memory, I leave it to Foreign Nations, and to mine own Country-Men, after some Time be passed over.

But towards that durable part of Memo­ry, which consisteth in my Writings, I re­quire my Servant, Henry Percy, to deliver to my Brother Constable, all my Manuscript-Compositions, and the Fragments also of such as are not Finished; to the end that, [Page 204] if any of them be fit to be Published, he may accordingly dispose of them. And herein I desire him, to take the advice of Mr. Selden, and Mr. Herbert, of the Inner Temple, and to publish or suppress what shall be thought fit. In particular, I wish the Elegie, which I writ in felicem Memo­riam Elizabethae, may be Published.—

Papers written by others, concerning the Writings of the Lord Bacon.

A Letter from the University of Ox­ford, to the Lord Bacon, upon his sending to them his Book De Aug­mentis Scientiarum.

Praenobilis, & (quod in Nobilitate paenè miraculum est) Scientissime Vicecomes!

NIhil concinnius tribuere, Amplitudo ve­stra, nihil gratius accipere potuit Aca­demia, quàm Scientias: Scientias, quas prius inopes, exiguas, incultas emiserat, accepit tan­dem nitidas, proceras, Ingenii tui copiis (qui­bus [Page 205] unicè augeri potuerant) uberrimè dotatas. Grande ducit munus illud sibi à peregrino (si tamen peregrinus sit, tam propè consanguineus) auctius redire, quod Filiolis suis instar Patri­monii impendit; & libentèr agnoscit hic nasci Musas, alibi tamen quam domi suae crescere. Creverunt quidem, & sub Calamo tuo, qui tanquam strenuus literarum Alcides, Columnas tuas, Mundo immobiles, propriâ Manu in Orbe Scientiarum, plus ultrà statuisti. Euge exercitatissimum Athletam, qui in aliorum patrocinandis virtutibus occupatissimus, alios; in scriptis propriis, teipsum superâsti. Quippe in illo Honorum tuorum fastigio, viros tan­tùm literatos promovisti, nunc tandem (ô dulce prodigium!) etiam & literas. Onerat Clientes beneficii hujus augustior Munificentia; cujus in accipiendo Honor apud nos manet, in fruendo emolumentum transit us (que) in Posteros. Quin ergo si Gratiarum talioni impares sumus, juncto robore alterius saeculi Nepotes succur­rant, qui reliquum illud, quod tibi non pos­sunt, saltem nomini tuo persolvent. Felices illi, nos tamen quàm longè feliciores, quibus honorificè conscriptam tuâ manu Epistolam, quibus oculatissima lectitandi praecepta, & Studiorum Concordiam, in fronte voluminis demandâsti: Quasi parum esset Musas de tuâ penu locupletare, nisi ostenderes quo modo & ipsae discerent. Solenniori ita (que) Osculo acerrimum [Page 206] judicij tui Depositum excepit frequentissimus Purpuratorum Senatus; exceperunt pariter minoris ordinis Gentes; & quod omnes in publico Librorum Thesaurario, in Memoriâ singuli deposuerunt.

Dominations vestrae Studiosissima Academia Oxoniensis. E Domo nostrâ Con­gregationis, 20. Decem. 1623.

The Superscription was thus;

‘To the Right Honourable Francis, Baron of Verulam, and Vicount of St Alban, our very good Lord.’

The same Letter in English, by the Publisher.

Most Noble, and—most learned Viscount.

YOur Honour could have given nothing more agreeable, and the Vniversity could have received nothing more accepta­ble, than the Sciences. And those Sciences [Page 207] which She formerly sent forth, Poor, of low Stature, Unpolished; she hath recei­ved Elegant, Tall; and by the supplies of your Wit (by which alone they could have been Advanced) most rich in Dowry. She esteemeth it an extraordinary favour to have a return with Usury, made of that by a Stranger (if so near a Relation may be call'd a Stranger) which She bestows as a Patrimony, upon her Children: And She readily acknowledgeth, that though the Muses are born in Oxford, they grow elsewhere. Grown they are, and under your Pen, who, like some mighty Hercules in Learning, have by your own Hand, fur­ther advanced those Pillars in the Learned World, which by the rest of that World, were supposed immoveable.

We congratulate you, you most accom­plish'd Combatant, who by your most dili­gent Patronage of the Vertues of others, have overcome other Patrons, and, by your own Writings, your self. For by the emi­nent heighth of your Honour, you advan­ced only Learned Men; now at last (O ravishing Prodigie!) you have also advan­ced Learning it self.

The ample Munificence of this Gift, lays a Burthen upon your Clients, in the receiving of which, We have the Honour; but in [Page 208] the enjoying of it, the Emolument will de­scend to late Posterity. If therefore we are not able of our selves, to return sufficient and suitable Thanks, our Nephews of the next Age ought to give their Assistance, and pay the Remainder, if not to your Self, to the Honour of your Name. Hap­py they; but we how much more happy, &c. To whom you have pleas'd to do the honour of sending a Letter, written by no other than by your own Hand: To whom you have pleas'd to send the clearest In­structions, for reading [your Work] and for concord in our Studies, in the Front of your Book. As if it were a small thing for your Lordship to inrich the Muses out of your own Stock, unless you taught them also a Method of getting Wealth. Where­fore this most accurate Pledg of your Un­derstanding, has been with the most solemn Reverence, received in a very full Congre­gation, both by the Doctors and Masters; and that which the common Vote hath placed in our Public Library, every single Person has gratefully deposited in his Memory.

Your Lordships most devoted Servant, The Vniversity of Oxford.

A Letter written by Dr. Roger Mayn­waring, to Dr. Rawley, concern­ing the Lord Bacon's Confession of Faith.


I Have at your Command, surveigh'd this deep and devout Tract of your decea­sed Lord; and send back a few Notes up­on it.

In the first Page, Line 7, That is, in Re­suscit. p. 117. l. 8. to, for e­ver, in P. 118. are these words:

‘I believe, that God is so Holy, Pure, and Jealous, that it is impossible for Him to be pleased in any Creature, though the Work of his own Hands: So that nei­ther Angel, Man, nor World, could stand, or can stand, one moment in his Eyes, without beholding the same in the Face of a Mediator: And therefore, that before Him, with whom all things are present, the Lamb of God was slain be­fore all Worlds: Without which eternal Counsel of his, it was impossible for Him to have descended to any work of Crea­tion; but he should have enjoyed the [Page 210] blessed and individual Society of Three Persons in Godhead, only, for ever.’

This Point I have heard some Divines question, Whether God, without Christ, did pour his Love upon the Creature? And I had, sometimes, a Dispute with Dr. Sharp, The same (I think) who was committed to the Tower, having taught Hos­kins his Allusion to the Sici­lian Vespers. See Reliqu. Wotton. p. 434. of your Uni­versity, who held, that the Emanation of the Father's Love to the Creature, was Im­mediate. His Reason, amongst others, was taken from that Text, So God loved the World, that he gave his only begot­ten Son. Something of that Point, I have written amongst my Papers, which on the suddain, I cannot light upon. But I re­member that I held the Point in the Nega­tive, and that St. Austin, in his Comment on the Fifth Chapter to the Romans, ga­ther'd by Beda, is strong that way.

In Page 2, line the 9th to the 13th, That is, in Re­susc. p. 118. l. 9. to re­fer. are these words:

‘God, by the Reconcilement of the Mediator, turning his Countenance to­wards his Creatures, (though not in equal Light, and Degree) made way unto the Dispensation of his most holy and secret Will; whereby some of his Creatures might stand and keep their State; others might (possibly) fall, and be restored; and [Page 211] others might fall, and not be restored in their Estate, but yet remain in Being, though under Wrath and Corruption; all with respect to the Mediator: Which is the great Mystery, and perfect Center of all God's Ways with his Creatures; and unto which all his other Works and Wonders do but serve and refer.’

Here absolute Reprobation seems to be de­fended, in that the Will of God is made the Reason of the Not-restitution of some: At least-wise his Lordship seems to say, that 'twas God's will that some should fall: Un­less that may be meant of Voluntas Permis­siva [his will of Permission.]

In Page the 2d, at the end, That is, in Re­susc. p. 118. l. 24. &c. where he saith, [Amongst the Generations of Men, he Elected a small Flock,] if that were ad­ded [of fallen Men,] it would not be a­miss; lest any should conceive that his Lordship had meant, the Decree had pas­sed on Massa incorrupta, [on Mankind considered before the Fall.]

In Page the 4th, lines the 13th and 14th, That is, in Re­susc. p. 119. l. 36. &c. are these words.

‘Man made a total defection from God, presuming to imagine, that the Com­mandments and Prohibitions of God, were not the Rules of Good and Evil, but [Page 212] that Good and Evil had their own principles and beginnings.

Consider whether this be a Rule Vniver­sal, that the Commands and Prohibitions of God are the Rules of Good and Evil. For; as St. Austin saith, many things are Prohi­bita quia mala, [For that reason forbidden, because they are Evil:] As those Sins which the Schools call Specifical.

In Page 7, lines the 23d and 24th, That is, in p. 120. l. 40, 41, &c. are these words.

‘The three Heavenly Unities—ex­ceed all Natural Unities. That is to say, The Unity of the Three Persons in God­head; the Unity of God and Man in Christ; and the Unity of Christ and the Church; the Holy Ghost being the Worker of both these latter Vnities: For by the Holy Ghost, was Christ Inearnate, and quickened in Flesh; and by the Holy Ghost is Man Regenerate, and quickened in Spirit.

Here two of the Unities are ascribed to the Holy Ghost. The First seems exclu­ded; yet Divines say, that Spiritus Sanctus est Amor, & vinculum Patris & Filii, [The Holy Ghost is the Love, and the Bond of the Father and the Son.]

[Page 213] In Page 8, line the 13th, That is, in Re­susc. p. 121. l. 8, & 9. are these words.

‘Christ—accomplish'd the whole Work of the Redemption, and Restitution of Man, to a state Superiour to the Angels.

This [Superiour] seems to hit upon that place, [...] Luke 20. 36., which argues but Equality. Suarez (De Angelis lib. 1. cap. 1.) saith, that Angels are Superiour to Men, Quoad gradum Intellectualem, & quoad im­mediatam habitationem ad Deum: [Both in respect of the degree of their Intellectual Nature, and of the nearness of their habi­tation to God.] Yet St. Austin affirmeth, Naturam humanam in Christo perfectiorem esse Angelicâ. [That the Humane Nature in Christ, is more perfect than the Ange­lical.] Consider of this. And thus far, not as a Critick, or Corrector, but as a Learner. For

Corrigere, Res est tantò magis ardua, quantò
Magnus, Aristarcho, Major, Homerus erat.
In haste, Your Servant, Roger Maynwaring.

A Letter written by Dr. Rawley, to Monsieur Deodate, concerning his publishing of the Lord Bacon's Works.

Generosissime & Amicissime Domine,

RVri nunc demùm ago, Vere & Iejunio ineunte: Maestus, defuisse mihi facul­tatem teipsum invisendi, ante discessum: At Certus, nunquam defuturum me occasioni cui­cun (que), teipsum demerendi, & omni Officio, sive Amoris sive Observantiae, prosequendi. Curabo, prout vires suppetent, Impressionem Librorum Illustrissimi Herois, Cui olim in­servisse, at (que) etiamnum inservire, praecipuum mihi duco. Ne qua suspicio Fidei meae subo­riatur; quàm primùm commodum erit, prae­stabo. Cupio, Amicitiam, & Notitiam hanc inter Nos initam, perpetuam fore: Ac Lite­ris, ejusdem Tesseris & Fotricibus (si velis) subinde reflorescere, te vel Parisiis, Agente; Quas, si unquam mihi Felicitas tanta contin­gere possit, tui gratiâ etiam invisere sperabo. Neu credas me Verbis tantùm opulentum, Factis inopem; Quin potiùs negotia molestis­sima obfuisse, dum in Urbe praesens fueram. [Page 215] Reliquum erit, ut Te unicè colat, & reda­met, & Tibi semer optima precetur;

Generosissime, Dominationi tuae Servus addictimus & Ami­cus perpetuus, Guil. Rawley.

The same in English by the Publisher.

Most noble and dear Sir,

I Am now, at last, in the Country, the Spring and Lent coming on. I am sorry that I had not the opportunity of waiting on you before I left the Town: But, I am sure, I shall never be wanting in serving you upon all Occasions, and in perform­ing towards you all Offices, either of Friend­ship, or Observance.

I will (to the utmost of my Power) take care to publish the [remaining] La­bours of that Illustrious Heroe, [the Lord Verulam;] esteeming it my greatest happi­ness, to have formerly serv'd him, and still [Page 216] to do so. And that I may avoid all suspi­cion of being worse than my Word, I will perform my Promise with all convenient speed. I desire that this Friendship, and mutual Inwardness begun betwixt us, may always continue, and (if you please) live and flourish by Letters, the Badges and Nourishers of it, even when you are at Paris: A place, which (if ever I be so happy) I will see for your sake, as well as for other Reasons. Pray, think not that I am free of my Words, and frugal of my Deeds, but rather that my thick and very troublesome Occasions, whilst I was in the City, would not suffer me to kiss your Hands. It remains, that I heartily Honour you, and retaliate your Love, and wish you all the good in the World, as being

Your most faithful Servant, and constant Friend. William Rawley.

A Letter written by Monsieur Aelius Deodate, to Dr. Rawley, in answer to his of March the 9th, 1632. touching his publishing the Lord Bacon's Works.
Reverendo Viro Domino Gulielmo Rawley, sacrae Theologiae Doctori, & Regiae Majestatis Capellano, Ami­co colendissimo.

Reverende Vir, & Amicissime Domine,

PAucis abhinc diebus redditae sunt mihi gratissimae & exoptatissimae tuae literae, quibus pro solatiô suavissimae tuae consuetudinis, per improvisum tuum ex urbe discessum mihi ereptae, novam, arctae, & in perpetuum dura­turae amicitiae tuae fiduciam mihi spondes. Hoc munere (quod quidem omni mutui amo­ris & observantiae officio pro viribus demereri sedulò satagam) vix quicquam potuit mihi ob­tingere charius; adeò tua Virtus, & Illustris­simi Herois nostri (cujus afflatus Divinos in sinu foves) aeternùm colenda Memoria, mihi in precio est. Promptam ejus Operum [Page 218] Editionem, quam polliceris, tam avidè expe­cto, ut spe eam jam totam penè continuerim: Ne patere, quaeso, quovis casu, ullam huic de­siderio meo, moram injici: Cùm etiam (quod & agnoscis) multis nominibus, maximè tua intersit, eam quantò citius promoveri. Pa­rum foeliciter mihi cessit votum, pro versione Libri Experimentorum, ut percipies ex ejus specimine, quod ad te mitto: Ea propter illum, qui id laboris fuerat aggressus, rogavi, ut ab eo desisteret, cujus id solùm quod videbis pau­cis foliis exaratum, hactenus praestitit, cùm antè duos annos, perficiendum suscepisset. De tempore mei in Galliam reditûs, nondum sta­tui: Ejus te, ante discessum, faciam certio­rem, & tibi futurae nostrae, per literas, com­municationis internuncios indicabo. Vale.

Reverentiae tuae Obser­vantissimus Servus, Aelius Deodatus.

The same in English by the Publisher.
To the Reverend, his most Honoured Friend, William Rawley, Doctor of Divinity, and Chaplain to the King's Majesty.

Reverend and most dear Sir,

A Few Days ago, I received your most acceptable and most desired Letter, in which, to comfort me for the loss of your most agreeable Company (of which I was depriv'd by your sudden leaving the Town) you make me a new promise of a near and lasting Friendship. Nothing could have happened to me more pleasing, than this Kindness (which I shall diligently endeavour, to the utmost of my Power, by all ways of Love and Observance, to deserve); so much I value your own Worth, and the ever estimable Memory, of our most Illustrious Heroe, a portion of whose Spirit, resides in your Brest.

I so greedily expect the speedy Edition of his Works, which you have promised; that I have already almost devour'd the [Page 220] whole of it in my Hopes. Suffer not (I beseech you) any delay by any means, to obstruct this my earnest desire: Seeing, especially, it much concerns your self (as you confess) upon many accounts, to promote it with all Expedition.

My design of a Translation of the Natu­ral History, has not succeeded so happily as I could wish, as you will perceive by the Specimen which I send to you. Wherefore I desired him, who had undertaken the Work, to desist from it, he having done only that little which you will see in a few Leaves; whereas he undertook the doing of the whole, two Years ago. I am not yet resolv'd about the time of my return­ing into France. I will let you know it e're I go, and tell you by whom our Letters may be convey'd to one another. Farewel.

Reverend Sir,
Your most humble Servant, Aelius Deodate, Advocate.

The First Letter of Mr. Isaac Gruter, to Dr. Rawley, concerning the MSS of the Lord Bacon.
Reverendo Doctissimo (que) viro Guli­elmo Rawleio, S. P. D. Isaacus Gruterus.

Vir Reverende,

FRatris mei cruda mors, cui latinam Natura­lis Historiae Verulamianae versionem debe­mus, perdiu me subsistere coegit in natali nobis Zelandia, dum mortualis familiae negotia ex­pedio. Domum reversus ad Batavos invenio li­teras tuas sane quàm gratissimas; sed quod do­lebam, serô responso ob sonticam ab Haganis absentiae causam, excipiendas. Veniam meretur qui peccat invitus, tarditatis (que) à fortuna im­positam necessitatem pensare conabitur affectûs studiô, nunquam post hac indormituro amicitiae obsequiis & offerenti se occasioni. Viri istius institutum, qui Baconi Historiam Natu­ralem, ut eam priores meae designarunt, Gal­licè dedit, paucis verbis comprehensum exhi­bent fratris mei prolegomena; quae velim vi­deas, & judicium de iis censoriàm (que), ubi la­borat [Page 222] fides, notam transmittas proximis literis. Editio ille Germani mei, quam cum voluptate summa inspexisse te scribis, mox emendatior prodibit ex secundis defuncti curis, cum au­ctuario ejusdem argumenti, expungendae At­lantidi substituendo. Quod non aliud futu­rum ab ista hominis Galli interpretatione, Latiô donandô, cum Anglice reperiri non queat unde sua vertit; nisi tu haec ut spuria & adul­terina damnaveris, ubi videre contigerit li­brum. Observationes tuas in male intellecta perperam (que) versa ex Anglico Historiae Na­turalis quod à té evulgatus legitur (qua­lia in primis conatibus interpretis non indige­nae, & indies tunc cum adolesceret aetate pro­ficientis haud pauca occurrere nemo mirabi­tur, qui noverit Physiologicam argumenti latè patentis varietatem, perplexi ex tot rerum con­gerie, sua non ubi (que) vocabula apud Antiquos habentium, Horat. & praesenti nota signandas ap­pellationes requirentium) velim mihi non invi­deas, conferendas cum [...] emenda­tionibus solicitè elaboratis; an & feliciter, tum cum paucis istarum elegantiarum intelligenti­bus disticies. Mitto indicem eorum, quae ex Boswelliani Musei scriniis chartaceis penes me exstant vel propria manu descripta, vel al­terius apud vos, sed Baconi manum & limam experta; ut Boswellus olim mihi, admisso ad interiores familiaritatis aditus, commemoravit [Page 223] In apographis meis (ut testabitur index hisce literis comes) reperies historiam Densi & Rari, sed imperfectam, opusculo licet longius­culè producto. De Gravi & Levi in mani­bus habui integrum & grande volumen, sed quod praeter nudam delineatae fabricae compa­gem ex titulis, materiam, prout eam concepe­rat illustris Baconus, absolventibus, nihil de­scriptionis continebat. Includitur hisce exem­plar contextûs, sola capitum lemmata complexi, & plenam ex ista [...] tractationem nunc frustra requirentis. De Denso & Raro quae asservas ab extrema Authoris incude, quae (que) in appendicem venient fragmenta, uti­nam cum ineditis Physiologicis Virulamei, in apographa per me redactis ex legato Boswellia­no, subjicere liceat prelo Batavo, sibi invi­cem commendationem, si junctius prodeant, praestitura. Agere jam caepi cum Typographo magnae in istis industriae & curiositatis; faxo nihil justè queri possis de fide nostra & can­dore, si editionem illam mihi permiseris, con­summandam non sine honorifica tui mentione. Sed utcun (que) constitues, nihil detractum volo amicitiae officiis, ulterius ab hoc ingressu qua­cun (que) occasione provehendae. Ludovicus El­sevirius Amstelodamo nuper ad me scripsit meditari se, fore brevi inchoandam, in quarto editionem eorum omnium, quae Bacono circum­feruntur Auth [...]e, vel Latinè vel Anglicè, sed [Page 224] haec in R [...]manum Sermonem vertenda, peti [...]t (que) à me eatenus consilium, & si quid è manu­scriptis & interpretatione conferre possem ad­miniculi, quo auctiora & quantum pote, or­natiora prodeant opera, diu faventissimis Eru­diti mundi praeconiis & applausu confestatissi­mo excepta. Tu si quid in mente aut manu habes unde affulgeat adjumenti spes in moli­tione tam celebri, & plurimum conciliatura exi­stimationis istam editionem procurantibus, fac intelligam, & habe me porro inter devotissi­mos Baconiani nominis & virtutum tuarum cultores. Vale. Exspecto quae tibi cognita de Verulamij majoribus, Nicolao Patre im­primis, de adolescentia nostri, studiis apud Cantabrigienses, peregrinationibus, honori­bus, Cancellariatu & exauthoratione, Parla­mentariae authoritatis decreto. Ista floridè & liberaliori in laudes meritissimas stylo, hoc ultimum cauto pertractando, suscipiam, ne hominibus calumniari aut probra serere natis praebeatur noxiae garrulitatis è mea Commenta­tione de viri longè Doctissimi vita & morte, materies.

The same, in English, by the Publisher.
To the Reverend, and most Learned, William Rawley, Isaac Gruter wisheth much Health.

Reverend Sir,

BY reason of the immature Death of my Brother, to whom we owe the Latine Translation of the Lord Bacon's Natural History, I have been forced to stay a long while in our Native Country of Zealand, in order to the settling of the Domestick Affairs of the Person deceased. Returning home to Holland, I found your Letter, which, I assure you, was most acceptable to me; yet at this I was concern'd, that my necessary absence from the Hague had occasioned so late an Answer to it. He de­serves pardon who offends against his will: And who will, endeavour to make amends for this involuntary delay, by the study of such kindness as shall be vigilant in Offi­ces of Friendship, as often as occasion shall be offer'd.

The Design of him, who translated in­to [Page 226] French, the Natural History of the Lord Bacon, (of which I gave account in my former Letters) is briefly exhibited in my Brother's Preface, which I desire you to peruse; as also, in your next Letter, to send me your Judgment concerning such Errors as may have been committed by him.

That Edition of my Brother's, of which you write, that you read it with a great deal of Pleasure, shall shortly be set forth with his Amendments, together with some Additions of the like Argument to be sub­stituted in the place of the New Atlantis, which shall be there omitted. These Ad­ditions will be the same with those in the Version of the formentioned Frenchman, put into Latine; seeing we could not find the English Originals from which he tran­slates them: Unless you, when you see the Book, shall condemn those Additions as adulterate.

For your Observations on those Places, either not rightly understood, or not ac­curately turned out of the English by you published, (which, from one not a Native, in his first Essay, and growing in Know­ledg together with his Years, if they be many, no Man needs wonder at it, who understands the Physiological variety of an [Page 227] Argument of such extent, and rendred difficult by such an heap of things of which it consists, and for the expressing of which there is not a supply of words from the Ancients, but some of a new stamp, and such as may serve for present use, are required) I intreat you not to deny me the sight of them: That so I may compare them with the Corrections which my Brother (now with God) did make with a very great deal of pains. But, whether the truth of them answers his diligence, will be best under­stood by your self, and those few others by whom such Elegancies can be rightly judged of.

I send you here a Catalogue of those writings These were the Papers which J. Gruter, afterwards publish'd, under the title of Scripta Philosophica. which I had, in MS. out of the study of Sir William Boswel, and which I now have by me, either written by the Lord Bacon himself, or by some English Amanu­ensis, but by him revised; as the same Sir Willam Boswel (who was pleased to admit me to a most intimate familiarity with him) did himself tell me. Among my Copies (as the Catalogue which comes with this Letter shews) you will find the History of rare and dense Bodies, but imperfect, though carried on to some length.

[Page 228]I had once in my hands, an entire and thick Volume concerning Heavy and Light Bodies, but consisting only of a na­ked delineation of the Model, which the Lord Bacon had framed in his Head, in titles of Matters, without any description of the Matters themselves. There is here enclosed, a Copy of that Contexture This Letter came to my hands without that Copy. See, in lieu of it, Topica de Gravi & Levi, in lib. 5. cap. 3. de Augm. Scien. containing only the Heads of the Chapters, and wanting a full handling from that rude Draught; which supplement I dispair of

For the Book of Dense and Rare Bodies, which you have by you, perfected by the Author's last Hand, as likewise the Frag­ments which are an Appendix to it, I could wish that they might be here publish'd in Holland, together with those hitherto unpub­lish'd Philosophical Papers copied by me, out of M S S. of Sir William Boswel; seeing, if they come out together, they will set off, and commend one another.

I have begun to deal with a Printer, who is a Man of great Diligence and Curi­osity. I will so order the matter, that you shall have no reason to complain of my Fidelity and Candor, if you leave that Edition to me. Care shall be taken by me, that it be not done without honourable men­tion [Page 229] of your self. But be it what it will you shall resolve upon, it shall abate no­thing of the offices of our Friendship, which, from this beginning of it, shall still further be promoted upon all occasions.

Lewis Elzevir, wrote me word lately, from Amsterdam, that he was designed to begin shortly, an Edition in Quarto, of all the Works of the Lord Bacon, in Latine, or English: But not of the English, with­out the Translation of them into Latine. And he desir'd my advice, and any assi­stance I could give him by Manuscripts, or Translations; to the end that, as far as pos­sible, those Works might come abroad with advantage, which have been long receiv'd with the kindest Elogies, and with the most attested Applause of the Learned World. If you have any thing in your Mind, or your Hands, whence we may hope for as­sistance in so famous a Design, and condu­cing so much to the Honour of those who are Instrumental in it, pray let me know it, and reckon me henceforth amongst the devout Honourers of the name of the Lord Bacon, and of your own Vertues.

[Page 230]I expect from you what you know, a­bout the Ancestors of the Lord Bacon, especially concerning his Father, Nicholas Bacon; concerning his Youth, his Studies in Cambridg, his Travels, his Honours, his Office of Chancellour, and his deposal from it by Sentence of Parliament. The former I will undertake in a more florid and free Style, expatiating in his just Praises; the latter, with a wary Pen, lest out of my Commentary of the Life of this most Learned Man, matter be offered of pernicious Pra­ting, to Slanderers, and Men of dishonest Tempers.

The second Letter of Mr. Isaac Gru­ter, to Dr. Rawley, concerning the Writings of the Lord Bacon.
V. R. Gulielmo Rawlejo, S. S. Theo­logiae Doctori S. P. D. Isaacus Gruterus.

Vir Reverende,

DE responsi tui tarditate queri non licet, cùm & difficultas trajectûs facile mo­ram injiciat ex anno in hiemem declivi dum tuas dares, at (que) abunde in iis inveniat quo se pascat desiderium; tantò uberiori accessione, quantò cunctantius ad manus nostras fortassis pervenisse dici potest. Et quamvis pauxillum erat quod praeter gratias proindiculo reponerem, ejus tamen id momenti visum est, ut suppri­mere diutius noluerim; praesertim cùm nefas mihi haberetur Smithum responso carere, virum ami­cissimum, & cujus in Res nostras studio quic­quid in me est curae debetur affectúsque, nihil imminuti parte, in quam sane non levem, Raw­leius venit, ut in Trigam, coäluisse dici queat optimè consentientes animos. Illustrissimi He­rois Verulamii quàm sancta apud me sit ex­istimatio, [Page 232] etsi perquam sollicitè ostendisse me putabam, faciam tamen ut in posterum religio­sius me operam dedisse quo hoc literato orbi inno­tesceret negari haud possit. Ne (que) enim procedet ista contrahendi omnia Baconiana in unum vo­lumen molitio, nisi te consulto, & ad symbolas tam insigni editione dignas invitato; ut lecto­ris jam pridem ex praevio eorum quae circumfe­runtur gustu, cupidi concilietur gratia ex illi­batâ auctarii non poenitendi novitate. Gallo interpreti, & qui sua nescio unde consarcina­vit centonés (que) consuit, locus non dabitur in magno Syngrammate. Ut autem separatim cum Historia Naturali excudatur exoticum opus per excerpta hinc inde corrogatum, & la­tinitate meâ donatum, spero à te impetrari pa­tieris. Interesse enim puto cum Verulamiana genuina Gallici Sermonis induta cultu passim prostent, ut sciat transmarinus lector è quibus filis contexta sit istius libri tela, & quàm verum sit quod Anonymus iste in prefatione ad Lectorem de te innominato scribit. Verba ejus frater meus B. M. Latinè [...] in primâ editione Historiae Naturalis, cùm de fide Au­thoris ignoti dubitaret. Ego in secundâ dabo, repetita & justis confossa notis, ut monean­tur in quorum manus perventurum sit istud o­pus, supposititium esse, a [...]t potius ex avulsis sparsim laciniis consutum, quicquid specioso Verulamii titulo munitum venditat Author. [Page 233] Nisi forte speciatim tuo nomine suggerere libet, isti loco inserenda in cautelam, & ne quid Gloriae celeberimi viri detrahat vel malignitas, vel inconsideratum studium. Virgil. Si me fata meis paterentur ducere vitam auspiciis, in An­gliam evolarem, ut quicquid Verulamianae officinae servas in scriniis tuis ineditum, co­ram inspicerem, & oculos saltem haberem ar­bitros, si possessio negetur mercis nondum pub­licae. Nunc vota impatientis desiderii susten­tabo spe aliquando videndi, quae fidis mandata latebris occasionem exspectant ut tutò in lucem educantur, non enecentur suffocato partu. Uti­nam interim videre liceat Apographum epistolae ad Henricum Savilium circa adjumenta fa­cultatum intellectualium; caetera enim La­tinae monetae persuadeor statione sua moveri non posse in temporarium usum. Vale.

The same in English, by the publisher.
To the Reverend William Rawley, D. D. Isaac Gruter wisheth much health.

Reverend Sir,

IT is not just to complain of the slow­ness of your Answer, seeing that the difficulty of the Passage, in the season in which you wrote, which was towards Winter, might easily cause it to come no faster: Seeing likewise, there is so much to be found in it which may gratifie Desire, and perhaps, so much the more, the long­er it was e're it came to my Hands. And although I had little to send back, besides my Thanks for the little Index, A Note of some Pa­pers of the Lord Bacon's in D. R's. hands. yet that seemed to me of such moment, that I would no longer suppress them; especially because I accounted it a Crime to have suffer'd Mr. Smith Of Christ's Colledg in Cambridg, and Keeper of the publick Library there. to have been without an Answer: Mr. Smith, my most kind Friend, and to whose care in my Matters, I owe all Re­gard [Page 235] and Affection, yet without diminution of that part (and that no small one nei­ther) in which Dr. Rawley hath place: So that the Souls of us Three so throughly a­greeing, may be aptly said to have united in a Triga.

Though I thought that I had already, sufficiently shew'd, what Veneration I had for the Illustrious Lord Verulam, yet I shall take such care for the future, that it may not possibly be deny'd, that I endeavour'd most zealously to make this thing known to the learned World.

But neither shall this Design, of setting forth in one Volume, all the Lord Bacon's Works, proceed without consulting you, and without inviting you to cast in your Symbol, worthy such an excellent Edition: That so the Appetite of the Reader, pro­voked already by his publish'd Works, may be further gratifi'd by the pure novelty of so considerable an Appendage.

For the French Interpreter, who patch'd together his Things I know not whence Certain spurious Pa­pers added to his Translation of the Advancement of Learn­ing., and tack'd that motley piece to him; they shall not have place in this great Collection. But yet, I hope, to obtain your leave to pub­lish apart, as an Appendix to the Natural [Page 236] History, that Exotick Work, gather'd toge­ther from this and the other place [of his Lordships Writings] and by me translated into Latine. For seeing the genuine Pieces of the Lord Bacon are already Extant, and in many Hands, it is necessary that the For­reign Reader be given to understand, of what Threds the Texture of that Book consists and how much of Truth there is in that, which that shameless person does in his Preface to the Reader, so stupidly write of you.

My Brother, of blessed Memory, turn'd his words into Latine, in the first Edition of the Natural History, having some suspi­tion of the Fidelity of an unknown Au­thor. I will, in the second Edition, repeat them, and with just severity, animadvert upon them: That they, into whose hands that Work comes, may know it to be sup­positious, or rather patch'd up of many distinct Pieces; how much soever the Au­thour bears himself upon the specious Title of Verulam.

Unless, perhaps, I should particularly suggest in your Name, that these words were there inserted, by way of Caution; and lest Malignity and Rashness should any way blemish the Fame of so eminent a Per­son.

[Page 237] Si me, Fata, meis, paterentur ducere vi­tam Auspiciis— (to use the words of Virgil.) If my Fate would permit me to live according to my Wishes, I wo [...]ud flie over into England, that I might behold whatsoever remaineth, in your Cabinet, of the Verulamian Workmanship, and at least make my Eyes witnesses of it, if the possession of the Merchandize be yet denied to the Publick.

At present I will support the Wishes of my impatient desire, with hope of seeing, one Day, those [Issues] which being committed to faithful Privacie, wait the time 'till they may safely see the Light, and not be stifled in their Birth.

I wish, in the mean time, I could have a sight of the Copy of the Epistle to Sir Henry Savil, concerning the Helps of the Intellectual Powers: For I am persuaded, as to the other Latine Remains, that I shall not obtain, for present use, the removal of them from the place in which they now are. Farewel.

The Third Letter written by Mr. Isaac Gruter, to Dr. Rawley, con­cerning the Writings of the Lord Bacon.
Reverendo, Doctissimo (que) viro Guli­elmo Rawleio, S. Theologiae Doctori S. P. D. Isaacus Gruterus.

Vir Reverende & amicissime,

QVanta in parte honoris deputarem missa Verulamii posthuma, quae è tuo non ita pridem Museo Latina prodiere, actae pro­tinus Gratiae significarunt, si curam amici, qui hìc operam suam non frustra requiri passus est, haud luserit fortuna trajectus, varia è causa saepe dubij. Nunc tantò majus mihi istud beneficium est, quantò insigniorem frugem prae­stitit lectio non ignava, & par cum quibusdam ex officina Baconiana à me editis collatio; au­cticrem enim tibi debemus Historiam densi & rari, sed & alia isto contenta Volumine prius­quam non conspecta. Vnum mirabar, non exstare ibi caeteris aggregatam Verulamii Epistolam ad Henricum Savilium, de adjumentis fa­cultatum Intellectualium, si ex literis olim [Page 239] tuis non vanè mihi recordanti subjicit Titulum appellata memoria, saltem inscriptione non longè dissimili. Si per oblivionem ibi forte non comparet, scriniis tamen vestris inerrat, optem videre Apographum, in cujus usu bonam fidem non desiderabis; nisi Anglicano Sermone scripta locum invenerit in majori opere, quod vernacula duntaxat complectitur. Id si nos scire patiaris, & an obtinendi Libri, in quo & Oratoria, fors & Epistolica, digeruntur, maternae Linguae partus, spes ex promisso fue­rit non immodesta, animo meo consecrari [...] tui memoriam, in cujus veneratione nunquam defatigabitur segnesce [...] alacritas obstrictis­simi affectus. Vale.

Trajecti ad Mosam, unde post duos trésve menses Novomagum migro, Batavis futurus propior. Per Smithaeum tamen transmittere ad me perges, si quid volueris.

The same in English, by the Publisher.
To the Reverend, and most Learned, William Rawley, D. D. Isaac Gruter wisheth much Health.

Reverend Sir, and my most dear Friend,

HOw much I hold my self honour'd by your Present of the Lord Bacon's Posthumous Works, published lately by you in Latine, my thanks immediately re­turn'd, had let you understand, if ill For­tune in the Passage (which is, for divers causes, uncertain) had not deluded the care of a Friend, who did here with much readiness, undertake the Conveyance of them.

Now, the Gift is by so much the greater, by how much the more benefit I reap'd by diligent reading of those Papers, and by comparing them with some of the Lord Bacon's Works, which I my self had for­merly published. For to you we owe the more enlarged History de Denso & Raro, as also many other things, contain'd in that Volume, which saw not the Light before. [Page 241] One Paper I wonder I saw not amongst them, the Epistle of the Lord Bacon to Sir Henry Savil, about the Helps of the Intelle­ctual Powers, spoken of long ago in your Letters, under that, or some such Title, if my Memory does not deceive me. If it was not forgotten, and remains among your private Papers, I should be glad to see a Copy of it, in the use of which, my Faithfulness shall not be wanting. But, perhaps, it is written in the English Tongue, and is a part of that greater Volume, which contains only his English Works. If you will please to let me understand so much, and likewise give me assurance of obtaining that Book, in which the Speeches, and it may be the Letters of the Lord Bacon, written by him in English, are digested; you will render your Memory sacred in my Mind, in the veneration of which, the chearfulness of a most devoted affection shall never be weary. Farewel.

From Maestricht, from whence, after two or three Months, I remove to Nim­meghen nigher to Holland. But you may convey to me, any thing you desire, by Mr. Smith.

A brief Account of the Life, and parti­cularly of the Writings of the Lord Bacon, written by that learned Anti­quarie, Sir William Dugdale, Nor­roy King of Arms, in the second Tome of his Book entituled, The Ba­ronage of England Pag. 437. 438, 439.; together with divers Insertions by the Publisher.
Francis, Lord Verulam, Vicount St. Alban.
[16 Iac.]

COnsidering that this Person was so Eminent for his Learning, and other great Abilities, as his Excellent Works will sufficiently manifest; though a short Nar­rative Impr. Lond. an. 1670. of his Life, is already set forth by Doctor William Rawley, his domestique Chaplain, I am not willing to omit the ta­king notice of such particulars, as are most memorable of him; and therefore shall briefly recount; partly from that Narra­tive, [Page 243] and partly from other Authorities, what I have observed in order thereto.

As to his Parentage, he was Ibid. the youn­gest of those two Male Children, which Sir Nicholas Bacon of Redgrave, in Com. Suff. Knight, had by Anne his Wife, one of the six Daughters of Sir Anthony Cook, of Giddy-Hall, in Com. Essex. Knight, (a per­son much honoured for his Learning, and being Tutor to King Edward the Sixth) all those Daughters being exquisitely skilled Annal. Eliz. per Cambd. in an. 1576. in the Greek and Latine Tongues.

Which Nicholas, having been a diligent Student of the Laws in Life of, &c. by Dr. Rawley. Grays-Inn, was made Pat. 38 H. 8. p. 6. the King's Attorney in the Court of Wards, in 38 H. 8. and upon the death of that King, (which soon after happened) had his Patent for the same trust, renewed Pat. 1 E. p. 3. m. 36. by his Son and Successor, King Edward the Sixth. In the sixth year of whose Reign, he was constituted Orig. Iu­crid. p. 298. Treasurer for that Noble Society of Grays-Inn, whereof he had been so long a Member. And be­ing grown famous for his Knowledg, was shortly after, viz. in 1 Eliz. made Pat. 1 [...]. p. 3. Lord Keeper of the great Seal of England, and Knighted, M. 6. in offic Arm. f. ib. 67. b. which Office in his time, was by Act of Parliament made equal in Au­thority with the Chancellours.

What I have otherwise observed of this [Page 244] Sir Nicholas Bacon, is, Annal. Eliz. ut supra in [...]n. 1564. that being no friend to the Queen of Scots, (then Pri­soner in England) he was Annal. Eliz. ut supra in [...]n. 1564. privy, and assenting to what Hales had publisht, in derogation to her Title, as next and law­ful Successor to Queen Elizabeth; asserting that of the House of Suffolk before it, for which, Hales suffered Ibid. Imprisonment, and had not Cecil stood his faithful friend, Ibid. so might he; nothing being more distast­ful to Queen Elizabeth, than a dispute up­on that point. Next, that in 14 Eliz. up­on those Proposals made by the Nobility of Scotland, for her enlargement, he op­posed Ibid. in an. 1571. it; alleadging, Ibid. in an. 1571. that no security could ballance the danger thereof. Lastly, That upon his death, which happened in April, An. 1579. (21 Eliz.) this Chara­cter Ib. in an. 1579. is given of him by the learned Camb­den, viz. that he was Vir praepinguis, in­genio acerrimo, singulari prudentia, summâ eloquentia, tenaci memoriâ, & sacris consiliis alterum columen: Of person very corpulent, most quick Wit, singular Prudence, admira­ble Eloquence, special Memory, and another Pillar to the Privy-Council.

Of his Death, this is said This Account is inserted by the Publisher, who took it out of a Paper of the Lord Bacon's. to be the occasion. ‘He had his Barber rubbing and com­bing his Head. And, because it [Page 245] was very hot, the Window was open to let in a fresh Wind. He fell asleep, and awaked all distemper'd, and in a great sweat, Said he to the Barber, Why did you let me sleep? Why, my Lord, said he, I durst not wake your Lordship. Why then, saith my Lord Keeper, you have killed me with Kindness. So he removed into his Bed-Chamber, and within a few days died.’

Whereupon, being Interred on the South-side of the Quire in St. Paul's Cathe­dral, within the City of London, he had a noble Monument, Hist. of St. Paul's Cath. p. 71. there erected to his Memory, with this Epitaph: ‘Hic Nicolaum ne Baconem conditum ex­istima illum, tam diu Britannici Regni se­cundum columen; Exitium malis, Bonis Asylum; caeca quem non extulit ad hunc honorem sors; sed Aequitas, Fides, Doctrina, Pietas, unica & Prudentia. Neu fortè raptum crede, qui unica brevi, vitâ perenni emerit duas, agit vitam se­cundam caelites inter animas. Fama implet orbem, vita quae illi tertia est. Hac positum in arâ est Corpus, olim a­nimi Domus, Ara dicata sempiternae Memoriae.’

[Page 246] That is, This Translati­on is done by the Publisher, for the be­nefit of the English Reader. Think not that this Shrine contains that Nicholas Bacon, who was so long the second Pillar of Great Britain; the Scourge of the Vicious, and the San­ctuary of the Good: Whom blind Fortune did not exalt to that height of Honour; but his Equity, Fidelity, Learning, Piety, singular Prudence. Neither believe him to be by chance snatch'd away, who, by one short Life, purchased two in Life Eter­nal. He lives his second Life among the Heavenly Spirits. His Fame filleth the World, which is his third Life. In this Al­tar is reposed his Body, sometime the House of his Soul; an Altar dedicated to his per­petual Memory.

Thus much touching the Parentage of this Francis; his Birth Li [...]e of, &c. by Dr. Rawley. being at York-House in the Strand, upon the twenty se­cond day of Ianuary, Anno 1560. (2 Eliz.) It is observed, Life of, &c. by Dr. Rawley. that in his tender Years, his Pregnancy was such, as gave great in­dication of his future high Accomplish­ments; in so much, as Queen Elizabeth took notice of him, and called him The young Lord-Keeper; also, that asking him, how old he was, though but a Boy, he answer­ed, that he was two years younger than her Majesties most happy Reign.

[Page 247] As to his Education, he was Ibid. of Trinity College, in Cambridg, under the tuition of Doctor Iohn Whitgift, then Master there, but afterwards the renowned Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. Where having with great proficiency, spent some time, he was sent Ibid. into France, with Sir Amias Paulet, her Majestie's Leiger Ambassador, and thence intrusted with a Message Ibid. to the Queen, which he performed with much approbati­on; and so returned.

After this, coming from Travail, and applying himself to the study of the Com­mon Law, he was seated Ibid. in Grays-Inn. Where in short time, he became so highly esteemed for his Abilities, as that in 30 Eliz. (being then but 28 years of Age) that honourable Society, chose Orig. Iurid. p. 295. a. him for their Lent Reader: And in 32 Eliz. was made Pat. 32 Eliz. p. 11. one of the Clerks of the Coun­cil.

In 42 Eliz. being Orig. Iu. 295. b. double Reader in that House, and affecting much the Orna­ment thereof, he caused Ib. 272. b. that beautiful Grove of Elms, to be planted in the Walks, which yet remain. And upon the 23 of Iuly, 1 Iac. was Knighted MS. in offic. Arm. at White-Hall. Shortly after which, viz. in 2 Iac. he was made Pat. 2 Jac. p. 12. one of the King's Council learned, having therewith a grant Pat. 2 Jac. p. 12. of forty Pounds [Page 248] per annum Fee; and in 5 Iac. constituted Pat. 11. Jac. p. 5. his Majestie's Solicitor General. In 9 Iac. he was made Pat. 9. Jac. p. joynt Judge with Sir Thomas Vavasor, then Knight Marshal, of the Knight Marshal's Court, then newly erected with­in the Verge of the King's House, and in 11 Iac. (27 Octob.) being made Pat. 5 Jac. p. 14. Attor­ney General, was sworn Annal. R. Jac. per Cambd. of the Privy Council.

In 14 Iac. he was constituted lb. in an. 1617. Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, (7 Martii) be­ing then fifty four years of Age.

An Insertion by the Pub­lisher. ‘It is said in a The Court of King James, p. 115, 116. Libel, (in which are many o­ther notorious Slanders,) that the Duke of Bucking­ham, to vex the very Soul of the Lord Chancellour Egerton, in his last Agony, did send Sir Francis Bacon to him for the Seals; and likewise that the dying Chancellor, did hate that Ba­con should be his Successor, and that his Spirit not brooking this usage, he sent the Seals by his Servant to the King, and shortly after, yielded his Soul to his Ma­ker.’ In which few words there are two palpable Untruths.

For first, The King himself sent for the Seal, not the Duke of Buckingham: And he sent for it, not by Sir Francis Ba­con, [Page 249] Auli­cus [...]cqui­nariae. p. 171. but by Secretary Winwood, with this Message, that himself would be his Under-Keeper, and not dispose of the Place of Chancellour while he lived▪ Nor did any receive the Seal out of the King's sight, till the Lord Egerton died; which soon fell out.

Next, The Lord Chancellour Egerton was willing that Master Attorney Bacon, should be his Successor; and ready to for­ward his Succession; So far was he from conceiving hatred against him, either upon that, or any other Account.

The Lord Egerton was his Friend in the Queen's time; and I find Mr. Bacon making his acknowledgements in a Letter to him, in these words, which I once transcribed from the unpublish'd Original. ‘For my placing, your Lordship best knoweth, that when I was most dejected with her Majestie's strange dealing to­wards me, it pleased you of your singu­lar favour, so far to comfort, and encou­rage me, as to hold me worthy to be ex­cited, to think of succeeding your Lord­ship in your second Place: Signifying, in your plainness, that no Man should better content your self. Which your exceeding favour you have not since car­ried from; both in pleading the like sig­nification [Page 250] into the hands of some of my best Friends; and also in an honourable and answerable Commendation of me, to her Majesty. Wherein I hope, your Lordship (if it please you call to mind) did find me, neither overweening, in presuming too much upon it, nor much deceived in my opinion of the Event, for the continuing of it still in your self; nor sleepy in doing some good Offices to the same purpose.’

This favour of the Lord Egerton's, which began so early, continued to the last. And thus much Sir Francis Bacon testified in a Letter to Sir George Villiers, of which this is a part. Re­suscit. p. 65. of the Collect. of Letters. ‘My Lord Chancellor told me, yesterday, in plain terms, that if the King would ask his opinion, touching the Person that he would commend to suc­ceed him, upon Death, or Disability; he would name me, for the fittest Man. You may advise, whether use may not be made of this Offer.’ And the like ap­pears by what Master Attorney wrote to King Iames, during the sickness of my Lord Chancellor. Amongst other things, he wrote this to the King. Ibid. p. 50. ‘It pleased my Lord Chancellor, out of his ancient and great Love to me, which many times, in Sickness, appeareth most; to admit me [Page 251] to a great deal of Speech with him this Afternoon; which, during these three Days, he hath scarcely done to any.’

In the same Court of K. James, p. 119. Libel, my Lord Bacon is reproach'd as a very necessitous Man, and one, for that Reason, made Keeper by the Duke, to serve such Turns, as Men of better Fortunes would never condescend to. And this, also, is a groundless and un­charitable Insinuation. He had now en­joy'd, a good while, many profitable Places, which preserv'd him from Indigence, though his great Mind did not permit him to swell his Purse by them, to any extraor­dinary Bigness. And, in the Queen's time, when he was in meaner Circumstances, he did not look upon himself as in that estate of Necessity, which tempteth generous Minds to vile things. Hear himself repre­senting his Condition; no Man knew it better, or could better express it. Thus he states his Case in the aforesaid unpub­lish'd Letter to the Lord Chancellor Eger­ton, of the whole of which, I sometime had the perusal, though now much of it is lost, and, as I believe, beyond all recovery. ‘My Estate (said he) I confess a truth to your Lordship, is weak, and Indebted, and needeth Comfort. For both my Fa­ther (though, I think, I had greatest [Page 252] part in his Love of all his Children) in his Wisdom served me in, as a last Comer: And my self, in mine own In­dustry, have rather referred, and aspired to Vertue, than to Gain; whereof I am not yet wise enough to repent me. But the while, whereas Salomon speaketh, That Want cometh first as a Wayfaring Man, and after as an Armed Man; I must acknow­ledg my self to be in primo gradu; for it stealeth upon me. But, for the second, that it should not be able to be resisted; I hope in God, I am not in that case. For the preventing whereof, as I do depend up­on God's Providence all in all; so in the same, his Providence I see, opened unto me, three not unlikely expectations of Help. The one, my Practice; the other, some proceeding in the Queen's Service; the third, the Place I have in Reversion, which as it standeth now unto me, is but like another Man's Ground buttalling upon my House, which may mend my Prospect, but it doth not fill my Barn.’

This Place he meaneth, was the Regi­sters Office in the Star-Chamber, which fell to him in the time of King Iames, and was worth about 1600 l. by the Year.

But to return from this Digression. When Sir Francis Bacon was constituted [Page 253] Lord-Keeper, the King admonisht him, that he should Seal nothing rashly; as also that he should Judg uprightly, and not ex­tend the Royal Prerogative too high. Af­ter which, viz. upon the seventh Day of May, (which was the first Day of Easter Term next ensuing) he made his solemn proceeding Ibid. to Westminster-Hall, in this order. First, The Writing Clerks and in­feriour Officers belonging to the Court of Chancery. Next the Students of the Law. Then the Gentlemen of his own Family. After them, the Sergeant at Arms, and bearer of the Great Seal, on foot. Then himself on Horsback, in a Gown of Pur­ple Satin, riding betwixt the Lord-Trea­surer, and Lord Privy-Seal. Next divers Earls, Barons, and Privy-Councellors. Then the Judges of the Courts at Westmin­ster, whose place in that proceeding, was assigned after the Privy-Councellors. And when he came into the Court, the Lord-Treasurer, and Lord Privy-Seal, gave him his Oath, the Clerk of the Crown read­ing it.

Upon the fourth of Ianuary, 16 Iac. he was made Lord Chancellor Claus. 16 Jac. in dorso. p. 15. of England. On the eleventh of Iuly next ensuing, created Pat. 16. Jac. p. 11. Lord Verulam, and on the 27th of Ianuary, 18 Iac. advanced Pat. 18 Jac. p. 4. to [Page 254] the dignity of Vicount St. Alban; his so­lemn Investiture Annal. R. Jac. in an. 1621. being then performed at Theobalds; his Robe carried before him by the Lord Carew, and his Coronet by the Lord Wentworth. Whereupon he gave the King sevenfold thanks; Annal. R. Jac. in an. 1621. first, for ma­king him his Solicitor; secondly, his Attor­ney; thirdly, one of his Privy Council; fourthly, Lord-Keeper of the Great Seal; fifthly, Lord-Chancellor; sixthly, Baron Ve­rulam; and lastly, Vicount St. Alban.

But long he enjoyed not that great Of­fice of Lord-Chancellor: for in Lent, 18 Iac. Corruption in the exercise thereof being objected Orig. Iu­rid. in Chr. p. 102. against him, (of which 'tis believed, his Servants were most guilty, and he himself not much accessory) the Great Seal was taken This is inserted by the Pub­lisher. from him.

This Fall Ibid. he foresaw, yet he made no shew of that base and mean Spirit, with which the Libel before remembred, does unworthily charge him Court of K. James, 122, 123.. The late King, of blessed Memory (then Prince) made a very differing observation upon him. ‘Returning from Hunting, Aul. Coqu. p. 174. he espied a Coach attended with a goodly Troop of Horsemen, who, it seems, were gather­ed together to wait upon the Chancellor to his House at Gorhambury, at the time of his Declension. The Prince smiling, [Page 255] said, Well! Do we what we can, this Man scorns to go out like a Snuff. And he com­mended his undaunted Spirit, and excel­lent Parts, not without some Regret, that such a Man should be falling off.’

It is true, that after the Seal was taken from him, he became a great example of Penitence and Submission. But it was a Submission which both manifested his just sense of his Fault, and the more Venial Nature of it, as arising from Negligence, rather than Avarice and Malice.

He shewed by it, that there was not in his Heart that stiffness of Pride, which openly denies or justifies those Crimes of which it self is secretly convinced: But it appeared not by any thing, during all the time of his Eclipse of Fortune, that there was any abjectness of Spirit in him. The many and great Works which he wrote, shew a mind in him, not distracted with Anxiety, nor depressed with Shame, nor slow for want of Encouragement, nor broken with Discontent. Such a Temper is inconsistent with such noble Thoughts and Designs, such strict Attention, such vigour of Conceit, such a Masculine Style, such quickness in Composition, as appeared in his learned Labours.

[Page 256] When the Great Seal was taken from him, it was committed to the Custody of Henry Vicount Mandevil, (at that time President of the Council) and certain o­ther Lords Commissioners: And upon the tenth of Iuly after, to Ib. p. 104. Doctor Iohn Wil­liams, Dean of Westminster, afterwards Bi­shop of Lincoln.

Towards his rising years, he married Life of, &c. by Dr. Rawley. Alice, one of the Daughters and Co-heirs to Benedict Barnham, Alderman of Lon­don, with whom he had an ample Portion; but by her had no Children, to perpetuate his Memory, which his learned Works, be­ing for the most part composed in the five last years of his Life, will amply supply, being then totally retired from all Civil Affairs, and applying himself daily to Con­templation and Study; the particulars were these, Ibid. viz.

¶The History of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh.
  • Abcedarium Naturae; or a Metaphysical piece now lost.
    Part of it is here retriev'd by the Pub­lisher.
  • Historia Ventorum.
  • Historia Vitae & Mortis.
  • Historia Densi & Rari, not yet Printed.
    'Twas Publisht at Lon­don, An. 1658.
  • Historia Gravis & Levis, which is also lost.
  • A Discourse of a War with Spain.
  • [Page 257] A Dialogue touching an Holy War.
  • The Fable of the New Atlantis.
  • A Preface to a Digest of the Laws of England.
The beginning of the History of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth.
  • ¶De Augmentis Scientiarum; or the Ad­vancement of Learning, put into Latine, with several Enrichments and Enlarge­ments.
  • ¶Councils Civil and Moral; Or his Book of Essays, likewise enriched and enlarged.
  • ¶The Conversion of certain Psalms into English Verse.
The Translation of the History of King Henry the Seventh, into Latine; as also of the Councils, Civil and Moral, and Dialogue of the Holy War.
  • ¶His Book de Sapientiâ Veterum, revised.
    Not Printed.
    'Twas Printed with the Book de Denso & Raro, 1658.
    • ¶Inquisitio de Magnete.
    • ¶Topica Inquisitionis de Luce & Lumine.
  • ¶Sylva Sylvarum, or his Natural History.

He departed Ibid. this Life, upon the ninth day of April, 1626, (being Easter-Day) in the sixty sixth year of his Age, at the Earl of Arundel's House in High-Gate, near London, to which place he casually repair­ed about a Week before; and was Buried Ibid. in the North-side of the Chancel in St. [Page 258] Michael's Church at St. Albans, according to the appointment by his last Will and Testament; because Ibid. the Body of his Mo­ther lay there Interred, it being the only Church remaining within the Precinct of Old Verulam, where he hath a Monument of White Marble, representing his full Bo­dy in a contemplative posture, sitting in a Chair; erected by Sir Thomas Meautys, Knight, formerly his Secretary, but after­wards Clerk of the Council to King Iames, and King Charles the First. On which is this following Epitaph, Composed by the Learned Sir Henry Wotton, Knight.

Franciscus Bacon, Baro de Verulam, S. Al­bani Vicecomes: Seu, notioribus titulis Scientiarum Lumen, facundiae Lex, sic sede­bat.

Qui, postquam omnia Naturalis sapientiae, & Civilis Arcana evolvisset, Naturae decre­tum explevit. Composita solvantur, Anno. Dom. MDCXXVI. Aetatis Lxvi.

Tanti viri memoriae Thomas Meautus super­stitis cultor; defuncti Admirator. H. P.

[Page 259] That is, Francis Bacon, Baron of Veru­lam, This is a Transla­tion of the Publishers. Vicount of St. Albans: Or in more conspicuous Titles;

The Light of the Sciences, the Law of Elo­quence, sate on this manner.

Who, after he had unfolded all the Myste­ries of Natural and Civil Wisdom, o­beyed the Decree of Nature▪

Let the Companions be parted: i. e. Soul and Body., in the Year of our Lord 1626, and the sixty sixth year of his Age.

Thomas Meautys, a Reverencer of him whilst Alive, and an Admirer of him now Dead, hath set up this to the Me­mory of so great a Man.



LONDON, Printed for R. C. at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1679.

Given by Dr. Peter Heylin, in his Life of Arch-Bishop Laud, Part 1. Pag. 64. Anno 1620.

THe Lord Chancellor Bacon, was a Man—of a most strong Brain, and a Chymical Head; designing his Endeavours to the perfecting of the Works of Nature; or rather improving Na­ture to the best Advantages of Life, and the common Benefit of Mankind. Pity it was, he was not entertain'd with some libe­ral Salary, abstracted from all Affairs both of Court and Judicature, and furnished with Sufficiency, both of Means and Helps, [Page 264] for the going on in his Design: Which had it been, he might have given us such a body of Natural Philosophy, and made it so subservient to the Publick Good, that nei­ther Aristotle, nor Theophrastus, amongst the Ancients; nor Paracelsus, or the rest of our latter Chymists, would have been con­siderable.

A Character of the Lord Bacon, given by Dr. Sprat, in his History of the Royal Society, Part 1. Sect. 16. Pag. 35, 36.

‘THe Third sort of New Philoso­phers have been those, who have not only disagreed from the Ancients, but have also propos'd to themselves the right Course of slow and sure Experi­menting: And have prosecuted it as far as the shortness of their own Lives, or the multiplicity of their other Affairs, or the narrowness of their Fortunes, have gi­ven them leave. Such as these, we are to expect to be but few: For they must devest themselves of many vain Concep­tions, and overcome a thousand false [Page 265] Images, which lie like Monsters in their way, before they can get as far this. And of these, I shall only mention one Great Man, who had the true Imagination of the whole extent of this Enterprize, as it is now set on foot; and that is, the Lord Bacon. In whose Books there are, every where scattered, the best Argu­ments that can be produc'd for the de­fence of Experimental Philosophy; and the best directions that are needful to promote it. All which he has, already adorn'd with so much Art; that if my desires could have prevail'd with some excellent Friends of mine, who engag'd me to this Work, there should have been no other Preface to the History of the Royal Society, but some of his Writings. But, methinks, in this one Man, I do at once find enough occasion, to admire the strength of Humane Wit, and to bewail the weakness of a Mortal Condition. For, is it not Wonderful, that he, who had run through all the degrees of that Pro­fession, which usually takes up Mens whole time; who had Studied, and Practised, and Governed the Common Law: Who had always liv'd in the Crowd, and born the greatest burden of Civil Business; Should yet find leisure enough for these [Page 266] retird Studies, to excel all those Men, who separate themselves for this very pur­pose? He was a Man of strong, clear, and powerful Imaginations: His Genius was searching, and inimitable: And of this I need give no other Proof, than his Style it self; which as, for the most part, it describes Men's minds, as well as Pi­ctures do their Bodies: So it did His, above all Men living. The Course of it Vigorous, and Majestical: The Wit bold and familiar: The Comparisons fetch'd out of the way, and yet the most easie: In all, expressing a Soul equally skill'd in Men, and Nature. All this, and much more, is true of him: But yet his Philoso­phical Works do shew, that a single and busie Hand, can never grasp all this whole Design, of which we treat. His Rules were admirable: Yet his History not so faithful as might have been wish'd in many places: He seems rather to take all that comes, than to choose; and to heap rather than to register. But I hope this Accusation of mine, can be no great injury to his Memo­ry; seeing, at the same time, that I say he had not the strength of a thousand Men, I do also allow him to have had as much as Twenty.

A Character of the Lord Bacon's Phi­losophy, by Mr. Abraham Cow­ley, in his Poem to the Royal So­ciety.

—SOme few exalted Spirits this latter
Age has shown,
That labour'd to assert the Liberty
(From Guardians, who were now Usur­pers Grown)
Of this Old Minor
Herbert in Aucto­rem In­staurati­on is—Scientia­rum, sub­pupillari statu Degenti­um olim, Emanci­pator.
still, Captiv'd Phi­losophy;
But 'twas Rebellion call'd, to Fight
For such a long oppressed Right.
Bacon at last, a mighty Man, arose,
Whom a Wise King and Nature chose
Lord-Chancellor of both their Laws,
And boldly undertook the injur'd Pupils Cause.
Authority, which did a Body boast,
Though 'twas but Air condens'd and stalk'd about,
Like some old Giant's more Gigantic Ghost,
To terrifie the learned Rout
[Page 268]With the plain Magic of true Reason's light,
He chac'd out of our sight,
Nor suffer'd Living Men to be misled
By the vain shadows of the Dead:
To Graves, from whence it rose, the con­quer'd Phantom fled;
He broke that Monstrous God, which stood
In midst of th' Orchard, and the whole did claim,
Which with a useless Sithe of Wood,
And something else not worth a Name,
(Both vast for shew, yet neither fit
Or to defend, or to beget;
Ridiculous and sensless Terror!) made
Children and superstitious Men afraid.
The Orchards open now, and free;
Bacon has broke that Scar-crow Deitie;
Come, enter, all that will,
Behold the rip'ned Fruit, come gather now your fill.
Yet still, methinks, we fain would be
Catching at the forbidden Tree,
We would be like the Deitie;
When Truth and Falshood, Good and Evil we,
Without the Senses aid within our selves would see:
For 'tis God only who can find
All Nature in his Mind.
From Words, which are but Pictures of the Thought,
(Though we our Thoughts from them per­versly drew)
To Things, the Minds right Object, he it brought,
Like foolish Birds to painted Grapes we flew;
He sought and gather'd for our use the true;
And when, on heaps, the chosen Bunches lay,
He prest them wisely the Mechanic way,
'Till all their Juice did, in one Vessel joyn,
Ferment into a nourishment Divine,
The thirsty Soul's refreshing Wine.
Who to the Life an exact Piece would make,
Must not from others Work a Copy take;
No, not from Reubens, or Vandike;
Much less content himself to make it like
Th' Ideas, and the Images which lie
In his own Fancy, or his Memory.
No, He, before his sight, must place
The natural and living Face;
The real Object must command
Each judgment of his Eye, and motion of his Hand.
From these, and all long Errors of the way,
In which our wandring Predecessors went,
And like th' old Hebrews many years did stray
In Deserts but of small extent,
Bacon, like Moses, led us forth at last,
The barren Wilderness he past,
Did on the very Border stand
Of the blest promis'd Land,
And, from the Mountains top of his exal­ted Wit,
Saw it himself, and shew'd us it.
But Life did never to one Man allow
Time to discover Worlds, and conquer too;
Nor can so short a Line sufficient be
To fadom the vast depths of Nature's Sea.
The work he did we ought t' admire,
And were unjust if we should more require
From his few years, divided 'twixt th' excess
Of low Affliction, and high Happiness:
For who on things remote can fix his sight,
That's always in a Triumph, or a Fight?

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