THE ANSWER TO MR. Baxter's New Treatise, OF THE Kingdom of Christ, In Opposition to the Near Approaching distinct Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, as That Great Son of Man, for a Thousand Years: By me Asserted.
THE True way of Answering, and so of defending-Books, is in my esteem That; which is without the least Reflexion on Persons, Any Catching▪ at Expressions, that may seem doubtful, and Surmising some strange opinions in Reserve under Them, which the Author makes no open Profession of; or Finding out the Smaller Foiblees, or Faylures of speech, which signifie little in the main Pursuit of Truth, that ought to be every ones Aim. For who so speaks, as with the Tongue of Angels, as not to darken Counsel, even asJob. 38. 2 Job, though Right in the Main, by Words without Knowledge?
It is best therefore on both sides to proceed to the very merit of Things; Frankly and Immediately to own what is, and to disown what is not ones Sense, and so to Attack or defend; and to let All Circumstances Attend the main Chance, as those who strive not for the Mastery of little [Page 2] Concernment, but to Receive Greater Judgment; Wasting both Time, and Increasing the Expense of the Press, and not Attaining True Sense and Knowledge, which is every ones chief Interest.
There are also within All Grand Points, outlying Branches of Search and Enquiry; As appears even in the chief Articles of Faith, wherein All difficulties cannot be with Clearness, or Certainty Resolv'd; especially in this Atmosphere, this Gloomy State of Understanding, wherein we are; Under that double Apostasie, in which we now Grope, even as the Blind; the Apostasie of Humane nature, taking away the Glory of our First Cr [...]ation, and the Apostasie of Antichrist that hath so Eclips'd the Restitution design'd us by the Second Adam, until the 1260 Days of that Apostasie are Expir'd, (which as I Account shall be at 97.) Then the Light will be more, and more Precious or Clear, until the Bright Day of the 1000Zech. 14. 6. 7. Years Kingdom.
If therefore the main Pillars of any Point, can be Found to stand Firm, we must, as yet, be Content to be in doubt concerning many Particularities: And He that can Vindicate the Principals, may be excus'd, if when Conveniencies, and Advantages of doing the other, serve Him not; He pass over many such, in his defence of what He hath Asserted, when He is Encounter'd.
Now that which in my Judgment, I would elect and desire to do in these Fornam'd Things, I am under a necessity to do; Having a person to Treat with, whom I always Sincerely Lov'd and Honour'd; and I am perswaded nothing can, or shall Remove me from it; One, to whom God hath (especially in all Practical Knowledge) Given Five Talents, and He hath made them Ten; and shall, I am humbly Confident, be Ruler over Ten Cities in that Kingdom, which It is not yet Given to him to see. I am Bound therefore to Omit any passages wherein he may seem severe, For his very Reproofs to me are an Excellent Oyl.
My own Abasing Circumstances oblige me also to all the Modesty, and Awe of Insinuating the least of Diminution on any Person, much more towards one, to whom I Acknowledge my self on many Accounts oblig'd, and so I ever shall.
Lastly, The Charge of Printing Binds me to all the Frugality and Providence, both as to Paper, and the Labour of the [Page 3] Press, that I can, and Admonishes me to speak the most I can to the purpose in Little; So that though I do not make my Answer in Great as I would do, yet I hope it will be Accepted.
There are some Things yet, that I would give Account of in Relation to my own General Sentiments, that may be necessary to premise, but that would not be Considerable to be taken notice of, but as They may make, what I have further to say, more Acceptable, the Prejudices thence Arising, being Remov'd thereby.
1. Whereas I am suppos'd a Person, so Swoln with the Conceipt of Prophecying, that I would not be willing to Read a Confutation of My Self; I do declare I am no Enthusiast, nor pretend to Prophecy, but by Interpretation of Scripture Prophecy; which yet, if Rightly interpreted, I Affirm It is the Spirit of Prophecy, because it is the Testimony of Jesus; But every one hath the same Right to Search, and to Judge, that I dare pretend to, who will Separate himself through Desire to Inter-meddle with this Wisdom. I am I humbly Acknowledge to the Free Grace of God Assur'd, I have a True Scheme of Scripture Prophecy in all main parts, Relating to the Kingdom of Christ; Assur'd, I mean, by such a Symmetry, and Agreement of Scripture, with undoubted History, and Matter of Fact, and so am fully satisfied, I shall not be mistaken in that Great 97. This notwithstanding, I Avow to all the World, I have been always, since I set my mind to these Enquiries, most Inquisitive after all Contrary, or differing Apprehensions, that within my small Compass I could Reach, and to An [...]wer Them, especially to my self, as a most Rigorous Exacter of my own Satisfaction concerning all Objections; And I caa truly say, hitherto, Out of the Eater hath come forth Meat, and Sweetness out of the Strong, I mean out of the knottiest Objections, Confirmation.
And as I have diligently Read, and weighed the Arguings of the Reverend, and Penetrating Objecter I now deal with; So I Give him my most unfeigned Thanks for the pains He hath therein Taken, and do Acknowledge many of his Objections very close, and to the purpose, and that it is no other then I ought to expect, having seriously desir'd All to Convince me of Error; especially the Pastors and Doctors of the Evangelical Ministery.
2. Whereas the Note of Conformity is oft Imprinted upon me; (I do not believe it with any unkind Intention, but to press [Page 4] me the closer in Reasoning.) I do acknowledge, I have been of the not only most Moderate, but Wary and Abstemious Consormists, and that from my most native sense of Things in Religion: But since I have seen into Prophecy, I have still made the most Modest and Silent Recesses I could from Conformity, as seeing the Regimental and Synagogal Constitution of the Church of England, as it is distinguishingly, (but ought not so to be) stiled, to be under Prophetic Censure, as I have with all the Caution I could, yet Freely declar'd in the Reformation to be Reform'd; wherein I do indeed Deny the [...], or as we speak Clergy, to be peculiar; yet I acknowledge a Gospel-Eldership and Doctorate withal my Heart.
This I declare with all Reverence and godly Fear, and Attributing to many, very many Excelling Persons of the Conformity (with whom I confess my Self altogether Unworthy to be Nam'd, or once Thought of) All that is Due.
3. The boldness of the Censure of Dissenters from the Kingdom of Christ, as Semi-Sadduces of the Apostacy, I humbly Remonstrate to in these Particulars:
1. That as it stands in the Title-page of the Reverend Objector's Book, especially with the several Times mention of me, as a Conformist, I fear the Auth [...]r's Sense may by some unwarily be mistaken, as if I Branded the Body of Those, so generally call'd Dissenters. But the Book so clears that; I hope it will not be mistaken by Any, seeing there can be no Reason I should so charge Them.
2. I do solemnly declare, I Abhor so slanderous a Charge upon any persons whatever, holding the Resurrection according to the Scriptures, speaking only in the Abstract, viz. against the Semi-Sadducism if the Apostacy: And I think the Difference very Great; we are all in Adam's Apostacy, I do not think it fit therefore to call any person on that account Apostate; much of the Antichristian Apostacy, I have great Reason to fear, is upon us All, should therefore All be call'd Antichristians or Apostates! I do affirm, the Enmity to the Doctrine of the Kingdom of Christ is Antichristian Semi-Sadducism, (taking both in the Abstract) having set up that in Kingdom Counterfeit; God forbid▪ I should attribute this in the Concrete to any, especially Protestant. And if the One cannot be separated from the Other, I do most Humbly, with begging Pardon of All, Recall, Retract, and Recant that word.
[Page 5]3. I do boldly Avouch, the Reason of that Great Darkness, of the Great Contradiction, the Great Dis-inclination coneerning, and to this Great Doctrine of the Kingdom of Christ is, that the Sable Wings of the Antichristian Apostacy Hover over the Christian Profession, and as that began to Rise, so that Doctrine hath been growing under Disrepute till it was out of all Honour, but hath gradually Recover'd since the Reformation, and is Recovering, and will be in its Glory at the end of the Apostacy. viz. at, and from 1697.
3. I do most Humbly, but most Sincerely Appeal to God, I am not only Free from, but have a great Antipathy and Reluctancy, and even Horrour at those kind of Notions: The Reverend Objector makes common to me and Dr. Moor, and Mr. Turner; how they Explain them I have not so much as Applied my self to know; I even fly from those Notions of the Eternal Words uniting it self to the Prime Being, or to the Ʋnixersal Soul of the Creation, mention'd p. 2. Or of Ʋniversal Life, Ʋniversal Matter, Ʋniversal Body, mention'd p. 25. &c. Looking upon them as vain Philosophy, and resting wholly in Scripture Expressions, concerning all things of this Nature, and the Nicene and Athanasian Explanations concerning the Great Mediator's Person. I dare not once think of any Worlds before that, the Scripture, Genes. 1. gives us the History of the Creation of; Nor after the Kingdom delivered up; or any whatever, whereof the Eternal Word made Man, and according to the Flesh, the Son of Abraham, the Son of David is not the Head of; least the Great Analogy of Faith be Injur'd: I know no Expressions in the Sermon concerning Transubstantiation signifying any more than an Eternal and Ʋbiquitary Vertue of the Sacrifice of Christ, as Offer'd and Applied by the Eternal Spirit. Nor have I the least Approbation of Dr. Moore's Aiery Tryal; nor Mr. Medes Thoughts, that we shall not be sure of our Salvation till the Day of Judgment, any further than as the Apostle Peter says, The Time of Restitution will be the Illustrious and publick Blotting out of Sin. I use no cloudy nor misty Expressions with an Intention to hide any such suspected Doctrines, but own my self of the Faith and Judgment of the most sound Orthodox Protestant Divines, and more especially Those who are call'd Calvinists, although I make them no Standard of Faith, but as they agree with the Word of God; I do Entirely [Page 6] Love and Delight in all the Holy practical Discourses of Protestants, especially English Preachers of the Gospel? and more especially of Those (however called Puritants, or now Dissenters) even All alike, who come nearest to the Spirit of Scripture in Preaching and Prayer: Amongst whom I have a Singular Esteem for many Writings of the to Me truly Venerable Objector.
5. The Value I have for Dr. Crispe, is, Because I think God gave him an Extraordinary Talent in Setting out the Ʋnsearchable Riches of Christ; but do not Jurare in verba, tye my self to his Words or Phrases, or Sentiments in All Things; but am very clear He intended not any Dis-obligation, but highest Obligation to Holiness; and Comparing all Parts of Him together, am very well perswaded, He was Sound in the Faith, and of Excellent Ministerial Accomplishments; however if in some Parts divided from the rest, he may seem unwary: And in one Particular place, pag. 346. of the last Edition, He so allows the order of Calling, Conversion, Justification; as shews it is a differing manner of Apprehending Things as in the Eternity of God, and in the Actual Ransom for Sin paid by Christ, and not as He works in us; that gave him the Reasons of speaking of Justification, and Salvation from Eternity; and before Faith or Repentance.
I understand my self no otherwise to have spoken of Justification by the Essential Righteousness of God, than as the Sufferings and Obedience of Christ, by which we are Justified, receive Value from the Infinite Righteousness of the Eternal Word; to which all Scripture agrees, calling it the Righteousness of God, and Christ; Jehovah our Righteousness.
In a word, I know my self to agree Substantially in These Things with the Soundest Ministers of the Word; however we may seemingly differ in our manner of Explanation. And so I am fully satisfied Dr. Crisp did.
6. Whereas there is Doubt made, Whether I Acknowledge the Kingdum of Christ to have been a Kingdom all along to the Thousand Years: I do now Fully and Freely acknowledge Christ to have on his Head many Crowns; I acknowledge, the Man Christ Jesus by his Union to the Eternal Word, is a King without Beginning or End of Days; Even by that which we call a Communication of Properties: He is a King from Eternity to Eternity, as the Eternal Word is, even in the [Page 7] State of the Kingdom delivered up to God, and to the Father, All in All; And that our Eternal Enjoyment of God, and Ʋnion and Communion with Him is by the Eternal Word in Our Nature. And that This is that Kingdom of Eternity.
I Acknowledge further, That the Government of God in the World, and especially towards his Church, was by the Eternal Word; as to be Incarnate; and still the Manifestation hereof was Higher and Higher; the Types and Prophecy clearer, as his Appearance in Flesh drew nearer; so higher at his Incarnation, at his Baptism, higher at his Resurrection and Ascension; when in that Great Scene He received the Sealed Book as a Lamb newly slain, Rev. 5.
I Acknowledge further yet an Illustrious Appearing and Breaking out of that Kingdom in the Roman Pagan Empire Becoming Christian, call'd Rev. 12. the Kingdom of our God; and that at the Reformation, Christ set as it were his Right Foot on the Sea, and his Left Foot on the Earth, making a Challenge of an Ʋniversal Dominion and Kingdom, Rev. 10.
But I say, This Kingdom hath been hither to all along Administred by the Eternal Word, Ruling and Governing, as in the Name of himself as Son of Man, and since his Death; as styl'd the Lamb, and that it hath been Executed by a Divine Power in a Providential Sway of the World, and of all Things in it; and by his Spirit, and his word in an Evangelical and Spiritual Government on his Saints, and by Judiciary Acts of Leaving his Enemies to Themselves, to Hardness and Blindness of Heart; As also that the Judgment upon Spirits separated from Bodies, is Administred by Christ, Receiving the Spirits of his Saints to himself, and Condemning the Wicked to Remain Spirits in Prison to the Judgment of the Great Day when an Immediate Raising and Condemnation will Fall upon them, even a Being slain or condemn'd with the Sword of Christ's Mouth, and their Carcases seen a 1000 Years, and they shall not Live after the 1000 Years, but be Cast into the Lake: Thus All Judgment is Committed to the Son, and Angels and Saints see it, and Lost Spirits Believe and Tremble at it.
Further I Acknowledge, That even when the Kingdom is said to be deliver'd up, and the Son to be subject, and God and the Father to be All in All; Yet even then, God will, as the Worthy Opposer also Intimates, Govern that Kingdom by the Eternal Word, Shining out with the Fathers Glory in the [Page 8] Humane Nature to the Saints by Him united to the Father.
Of this I have heretofore made Confession in many Expressions, and most particularly in the Treatise, Entituled, The Kingdom of Christ Entring its Succession in 97. Page 8.
I further Acknowledge It cannot be otherwise in any moment; but that the Father, the VVord, and the Spirit, which Three One are the Kingternal, Immertal, Invisible, the Only wise God, must be All in All, in True and Strict Sense, and that in the same True and Strict Sense, the Son as man, is always subject.
Lastly I Acknowledge, That together with some Kingdom of Christ, Then shall be a New Heaven and a New Earth, wherein Righteousness shall dwell.
Thus far my Reverend Opponant and my Self are, so far, as I can Understand and Hope, perfectly Agreed concerning the Kingdom of Christ, and that we both agree with the Word of God.
But now I must come to the Things wherein I must make Confession I am at a very Great but most Unwilling Distance from him; and though the Distance be not in any Points of Necessity to Salvation, yet such as do so much Illustrate the Glory of Christianity, the Truth of Prophecy, so Ruinous and immmediately Destructive to Athism and Antichristianism; so chastising of all Protestant Formality, External Pomp, Grandieur, and of the Love of this present State and World, that I stand in humble Amazement, that God hath hid Them from his Servant Baxter.
And they are These Four, wherein we differ:
1. That there is besides all the Kingly State of Christ, wherein we are Agreed, a distinct Kingdom to Jesus Christ, as that Great Son of Man; To the highest Noontide Glory, of which God hath Assign'd a Thousand Years; and when it hath ut [...]erly Subdued All Enemies, it is to be deliver'd up to God and the Father, and the Son to be subject in that very Sense.
2. That the Prophecy of the Revelation, however it includes, and that very Eminently the Fall of Pagan Imperial Rome, yet it is chiefly prepar'd to the destruction of Antichristian Rome, in its yet Continuing State, and to set out the Glory that shall follow in that Kingdom of Christ.
3. That the New Heaven, and the New Earth are not design'd to the Eternal Kingdom of God by Jesus Christ, but to this 1000Y. Kingdom of Christ [...]. And They Fly away, when [Page 9] that Kingdom is deliver'd up, and the Wicked put down into the Lake, They being for the Saints above and below.
4. That there shall be a Glorious Restoration of the Twelve Tribes of Israel in the Kingdom of Christ, in Answer to All the Types, Prophesies, and Promises; in Love to the Fathers, and as especially to Jesus Christ, God over All, blessed for ever, who came of Them; but no such as should either mean a Restoration of the Levitical Frame, but in its Spiritual Completion, nor any such Dominion of them, as They and some Christians dream of over the Gentile Christians, but some Honourary Precedency, while All are [...], one Body with Them, even the Israel of God.
In all These, I will endeavour Two Things. First, to establish the Assertions upon so Fundamental Reasons, that though many Particularities can only probably, and not to Satisfaction of those who dissent, be defin'd, yet They must needs perswade the Main Truths. Secondly, I will Answer the most Material Objectious of the Reverend Opponent.
Three Things I must also necessarily premise, That whereas the Reverend Adversary Insinuates, an Adding to the Word of God in Teaching These Things; and Taking his Name in vain in Prayer for them; It ought to be consider'd on the other side, that there is the same danger in Taking away, that there is in Adding; But on neither side of us, I hope, does such danger lye; For where the word of God is sincerely waited upon, God is no more Severe upon his Servants, then upon Nathans mistake in Encouraging David to Build the Temple, but will Reveal in his Time, (at their Being with Christ, if not sooner, when They shall Hear all the Ʋnutterable Mysteries, much more whatever may now be utter'd,) even that unto Them. And as to their Prayers, The Spirit Helps their Infirmities, even when They Know not what to Pray for, as they ought; and makes Intercession according to the Will of God for Them, with Groans, that are not to be Ʋtter'd; And God who searcheth the Heart, Knows the Main Sense of the Mind of his Saints, to be the Mind of the Spirit, which is always according to the Will of God. So They who are so help'd, are Accepted in the Main, though on either side, They may err in particulars.
2. That which makes the Things pertaining to these points Exceoding difficult to be discours'd, and which lays Those, which discourse of Them, under so Great Prejudice and Disadvantage, [Page 10] is; Besides the yet continuing Darkness, and Gloomyness cast upon us from the Apostasie in the Atmosphere or Black Air of which, we yet continue; Besides this, I say, It is a very great difficulty to be Encounter'd, that seeing the Things are in the Wisdom of God, given only, here a Litte, and there a Little, Men without comparing, and laying Them together, will be subject to stumble concerning them, and without some Scheme of these Things, drawn from Scripture, Nay, without a Scheme considerably Full and Large, the Particulars cannot be seen, but at great disadvantage; As the parts of the Body beheld in a Mangled, or Torn Condition, or some words of the most Excellent Book without their Frame, Concatenation and Coherence; So discourse of the Symbols of Prophecy without their Contexture, seems Odd, Antick, Phantastick, Enthusiastick, as the very Images of Beasts, Horns, the Whore, that Prophecy makes use of; when the High Reason, Spirituality, Admirable Art, wherewith All Things are Couched, and put together, when duly compar'd, and Fitted out to the other, is not seen, nor conceiv'd.
And even They, who may have just Apprehensions of some parts of Prophecy, if They have not look'd to All parts, may thence Receive Greater Dissatisfaction from the different Judgment of Those, who have consider'd the whole, not only because They do not well Comprehend what is said, that They have not yet understood, and so are displeas'd at that, but much more because Their own Opinions are cross [...]d, and contradicted; This is, when Their Minds are not duly prepared, and Free; But this notwithstanding, I am oblig'd, having laid my Hand to this Plough of the Kingdom of God, not to Look back; And I am much Encourag'd, that besides Divine Help, I have Found heretofore very Great Favour, and Candor from my Reverend Adveasary; and doubt not, I shall again do so, and from all others in due Time.
3. I cannot but be aware, that the state of Christians is such; that They seem much unfitted to be Fed with Ought, but Milk; the Beginnings of the Doctrine of Christ, and the First Principles of the Oracles of God; and seem else to be Distracted, Puzzled, and Confounded, and not Edified; Also this makes many Holy Good Men, somewhat severe on such discourses. But notwithstanding this, saith the Apostle, we will go on to Perfection, if God permit: For as in his days, it was [Page 11] the only prevention of Apostasie, when it was in the Mystery of Iniquity, working forward; So it is the Great Instrument, prepar [...]d by God for Recovery out of it, now it is going off; and therefore even on so Great an Account, as the Dissatisfaction of such Good Men, and wherein They Intend well; It is not to be Forborn.
I come therefore to the first Point propos'd, and that is; That besides the Former most Agreed Representation of the Kingdom of Christ; There is yet a distinct Kingdom, That it is so distinct, as to be often in Scripture spoken of, as The Kingdom of Christ, as in some Respects, the most proper Kingdom of Christ; and his Kingdom, in a most peculiar way; and Christ and the Apostles often speaks of it in such an Eminency; That it is said to come; To be deliver'd up; and therefore it may be said to Begin, and to end, and it is no injury to the other Representations of his Kingdom before confess'd, and always to be confess'd; And it is a Kingdom so of the Designation, Approbation, and Delight of God and of his Presence in it, and with it, and so much to his Glory; that it is call'd by Christ, also the Kingdom of God, and of his Father, and so also very often in Scripture it is call'd; And to this the Types, the Prophesies the Promises, and Discourses of all kinds in Sacred Writings, have so Great a Regard, that it is the Key of All; and yet in the Admirable Wisdom of God for the Permission of the Apostasie it is least Receiv'd or Believ'd; but as it is either Providentially, or Spiritually, and Evangelically Administred before hand, or as it Issues into Eternity.
And this Kingdom may be describ'd to be a Supreme Oeconomy or Government, and dispensation of God towards the Family of Heaven, and Earth in the Fullness, not only of Time, as when Christ First came; but of Times, or of All Time; wherein Jesus Christ, as the Great Son of Man, or Lamb in the Humane Nature, who was First Humbled, and became a Sacrifice by the Death of the Cross visibly, as in the Face of Heaven and Earth, shall in the very same Nature be so Exalted, Far above Principalities and Powers, and every Name that is named in Heaven, and in Earth, to the Glory of God the Father. And as the Divinity of the Eternal Word, uniting to it self the Humane Nature, Retir'd its Glory, that that Humane Nature might be in a Humiliation, whereof the Divine was Infinitely Incapable, and yet in Regard of Personal Union, was [Page 12] said to Empty it self, and to Make it self of no Reputation; even so shall the Divine Person so Oeconomize and Model the Lustre of itt Glory, that the Humanity shall have a Glory as Singular to it Self, as the Humiliation was; and the Divinity of the Person of Christ be Glorified and Exalted in this Glory; even as it was Humbled, and became of no Reputation in the Humiliation of the Humane Nature.
Of which Oeconomy or Dispensation, the Rain-bow is an Eminent Symbol, whose Glories are received from the Sun, but yet it is obverted to the Sun, and hath its Glory distinct and distant, as in Ezekiel's Vision, c. 1. From which Vision as shewing the Glory of the Throne of the Great Son of Man, Ezekiel is ever after styl'd Son of man; so as (except Daniel only in a like Vision to Ezekiel's of the Sanctuary clean'd) no other particular person is so nam'd but Christ the True Son of Man. And the Rain-bow is ever after made an Emblem of this Kingdom of Christs, as so receiv'd from the Divinity, and yet so obverted and shining distinctly by it self, that every Eye shall see him.
In this Kingdom it is, That Jesus Christ as the Second Adam, the Lord from Heaven, and promised Seed of the Woman shall have a New Heaven, and a New Earth, and a Restored Creation, Freed from Vanity and Corruption, in a perfect Peace of the Creatures, the Lion and the Lamb, &c. And a World to come put into his Hand, with Full Power, and the Serpent and his Seed eating Dust, even all his Enemies at the Footstool of his Feet, and so Adorning his Triumph and Glory at the very Beginning of his Reign, and at the End put quite below his Feet into the Lake.
In this Kingdom it is, that Christ Inhabits the New Heaven with all his Saints of the first Resurrection, who will then have Died and Slept in and by Him; And then the Glory of Christ shines down and maintains continual Visiits to his Living Remaining Saints below as by a Jacob's Scale or Ladder, who are in the New Earth chang'd into Bodies of Paradise in a Moment, and at the same Moment in which the Saints Rise.
Of this Kingdom I affirm, it hath a Thousand Years duration of Glory and full Lustre▪ having besides Seventy five Years (from its Succession) of Preparation for its Glory, before it, and a little Time or Space after this Full G [...]ory, when its Beams shall be withdrawn from this Lower State; the Opportunity of which Satan and his Gog and Magog, all the [Page 13] Widked (that had been Rais'd, to lie at the Footstool of Christ from the very Beginning of the Thousand Years, being Loosed,) Take to make a bold and insolent Attempt on the Holy City, to draw it to Defection, and upon the Appearance of their Least Abatement of the former Fervors of Love and Obedience, and Desire of the Presence of Christ in his Glory and Kingdom; Christ that was the Security of his Church in that State, catches up his Saints to Himself, and to his Throne, and as with Flames from Heaven, Throws Satan and the Dead into the Lake of the second Death with Death it self. And thus the Last Enemy Death is subdued; As also by the Living Saints putting on Absolute Incorruption and Immortality. For as Adam was to have overcome the Possibility of Death by Obedience, so Christ did indeed by his Obedience and Death; and Death and Hell being Cast into the Lake, the Kingdom is resign'd up to God and the Father, that He may be All in All.
Now the Attempt of Satan was by Gog and Magog in the Four Corners of the Earth; By whom I understand the Dead, or the Lost Wicked, whose Carkasses are without and abroad: For They go forth to see Them, whose Worm dieth not, and their Fire is not quenched, and the Wine-press is trodden without the City, as Places of Execution are without the Gate, where they lie Captivated, even as Satan in the Abyss.
Now when the Beams of the Glory of the Kingdom of Christ are withdrawn at the end of the Thousand Years, Both Satan, and Gog and Magog become loofed; and they make the Attempt before spoken of: And it is no more wonder then that Devils Believe and Tremble, and do All they can against God, that they who have seen the Glories of Christ a Thousand Years, should yet rise up against him, when the Chains, those Spiritual Chains of the Glory of Christ in his Kingdom that were about them, are loosed.
Nor is it any greater Wonder that the Living Remaining Saints should be so permitted to Abate in their Zeal for the Glory of Christ then that Angels in Heaven, and Adam in Paradise should Revolt from their Obedience and Loyalty to God; Or that Christ now about to put an end to all Church-state on Earth, should suffer that so just Occasion to do it, as it were spewing it out of his Mouth.
Thus I have given a general Delineation of the Kingdom of Christ, and as much as I could in so general a Draught, [Page 14] laid my Hand upon the Principal Objections in the Reverend Adversary's Opposition; and now proceed to the Arguments, wherein I must undergo the Disadvantage of being much Abridg'd in what I have to Say; because I shall neither find among Men an Allowance of Time to Read, nor of Thought, much less to, Consider what I Write; nor so much as of Those who will Receive what is Written, so far as to Recompence the Charge of Printing: So much do Men seek All Things, rather than the Things that pertain to this Kingdom of Jesus Christ: But so far as I can, I will give the Strength in short, of what would be much more Apparantly Strong in Large and full.
Argument 1. The Lamb is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords; King of Kings, &c. is a Title most Significant of a Great Kingdome and Ʋniversal Monarchy: It is given to God, 1 Tim. 6. 15. the onely Supream, Absolute, Independent, Paramount Monarch, and that as Introducing Christ into his Kingdom, not done at the Ascension of Christ, but in his proper Time; It is given to Nebuchadnezar in part; King of Kings, Dan. Chap. 2. 37. as the Golden Head of that Image of Ʋniversal Monarchy; Styled Dreadful and Terrible; which howevnr Opposite to that Kingdom of Christ, and in Delay of it; yet in regard of Ʋniversal Monarchy, had something Typical of it, and was a Calendar of Time to it: He hath also this Title, Revel. 19. written on his Vesture, and on his Thigh particularly, as most Significant of him, who descended from the Thigh of Abraham, and of David; In Honour of which Descent, was undoubtedly putting the Hand under the Thigh, in use in the Patriarchal Time of Abraham in Swearing. Now then both the Name the Lamb, and the Title on the Vesture and Thigh, are Expressions of the Humane Nature of the Mediator, so Innocent, so Spotless, and the Great Sacrifice; Therefore before the Mediatory Kingdome deliver'd up, while h [...] stands in the place of the Lamb in a Vesture on his Thigh, as the Son of Abraham Heir of the World, and on the Throne of David his Father; that is, as Mediator, he must be an Ʋniversal Monarch, which he hath not been yet; for he must overcome the Ten Kings, that he ma [...] appear such; and the Heavens must open to him, so that that Kingdom cannot have yet been; Nor can such strict Notions of the Humane Nature be fit to express the Eternal Kingdom, when God is All in All; so it must be a Kingdom yet to come, and not to continue [Page 15] in Eternity, that is so described; and must be therefore a Kingdom of a peculiar Oeconomy between this present Time and the state of Eternity.
Argument 2. The second Scripture I insist upon therefore is, 1 Cor. 15. 24. Then commeth the End, &c. Herein are several Things Asserted by the Apostle of undeniable Strength, for such a peculiar Kingdom, to which I shall have continual Recourse. At the present I urge Two Expressions. 1. The Son [...] shall be subject. 2. God shall be All in All. Now as the Learned Adversary says, What Time can there be, when the Son, viz. as Man, is not subject? That it should be said, He shall be subject. Or, when is not God All in All, in regard of the Son, that it should be said, He shall be All in All? Most True! Not when he was Here in his First Coming; For then He humbled himself; Not now in Heaven, for He is at the Right Hand of God, Sitting and Standing, which speaks Him subordinate, and God All in All; Nor in the Kingdom of Eternity; For then of all Times the Son is subject as to his Mediatory Kingdom, it having Aceomplish'd all it is to do: So that though the Humane Nature shall be All over Glorious with the Glory the Eternal Word had with the Father before the World began; and in the Everlasting Glory of his Accomplished Mediatorship, as having brought all his Saints to God and the Father; yet even This is under God All in All, and not a distinct Glory of the Humanity, according to the Apostle's express Doctrine, and in the very Reason of the Thing: There must be therefore some peculiar Oeconomy, wherein the Son is so distinctly Glorious in the Humanity; That it is as if God were not All in All, but had (as I may speak with Reverence) a Second; or as Scripture speaks, a Fellow in his Glory; and as if the Son was not subject, because his Kingdom is now a Distinct Kingdom, though United with the Fathers, as the Rain-bow with the Sun; and when this Oeconomy ceases, the Son returns to be subject, and God to be All in All.
Whereas therefore I find the Worthy Opponent, with other Excellent Men, giving this Account of the Son's Delivering up of the Kingdom, a [...]d of God being All in All; viz. That the Kingdom as it is now Administred by way of Conflict, and gradual Acquist, or Conquest, is upon the perfect Conquest Deliver'd up, and so God becomes All in All; when Sin, Death, Satan, and all Enemies are subdued; Christ hath then no more [Page 16] to do by way of Conquest; But God hath a peaceable Kingdom free from Enemies, and so Al [...] Flows into Fruition and Enjoyment of Christ as the Head and King in Humane Nature, and of his Saints United by himself to God and the Father, All in All.
Now the Truth of all This I do most Heartily and Fully Acknowledge in the Main; But that it satisfies the Apostle's Sense and Assertion, I cannot Agree.
Because I think such an Impropriety of Expression ought not without the most Absolute Necessity to be Charged upon the Apostle; viz. That when the Son is Truly said now to be in Action and Contest against Sin and Satan, and the Enemies of the Divine Kingdom on one side, and effectually working by his Spirit and Word in his Saints on Earth, and Interc [...]ding for Them in Heaven on the other side, in the highest Subordination and Subjection to the Father's pleasure, and the Kingdome but One; He should then be said Distinguishingly to Reign; and when All is Done, and all Opposition Conquer'd, and no more to Do, but to Enjoy; He should then be said to Deliver up the Kingdom, and to become subject.
This so Great Impropriety, and even Confusion of Language in the Apostle, I can by no means Subscribe to.
2ly, There appears no Absolute Necessity of such Impropriety; Because Scripture giving so Broad and Remarkable Descriptions of so peculiar a Glory and Kingdom to the Son of Man, as the Son of Man, that is to be between this present State of Things, and the State of Eternity; which Kingdom ceasing at its proper Time, is said to be Delivered up; The Oeconomy of this Kingdom will Admirably Agree with the Apostle's Expressions of the Son's Reigning, and of his Delivery up of the Kingdom, and becoming subject, and God being All in All; which He was pleased in an Oeconomy▪ not to Appear to be Alone, for the sake of the Glory and Kingdom of the Son of Man, till this Oeconomy shall cease. All this Admirably Agrees, but Nothing else can or will Agree; as we shall further shew.
I go on therefore to observe Scripture setting out this peculiar and distinct Kingdom of the Son of Man.
Argument 3. I Argue in the next place from that Scripture; As my Father hath appointed to Me a Kingdom; so I Appoint to You a Kingdom, that You may Eat and Drink with Me at my Table in my Kingdom; and Sit on Thrones Judging the Tribes of Israel: Luke 22. 29, 30.
Here are Three Things, which do assure us, the Kingdom of Christ is a Kingdom distinct to the Humane Nature of Christ, and disserent from the Sitting of Christ at the Right Hand of God in his Humane Nature.
3. That it is a Kingdom distinct to the Humane Nature, neither the Kingdom of the Eternal Word as in Himself, nor as the Humane Nature, is considered as United to the Eternal Word, is Evident; in that it is not a Natural Essential Kingdom, but a Constitutive Appointed Kingdom, Appointed by the Gracious Pleasure and Arbitrement of the Father, and of the same Positive Nature with the Kingdom of the Saints: For saith Christ, As the Father hath Appointed Me, so I Appoint You a Kingdom; But the Kingdom of the Eternal Word, and of the Humane Nature as United to the Eternal Word, and Communicating with it, is an Essential, and not a Constitutive Kingdom.
2. The Kingdom Christ speaks of, cannot on this Account also be the Kingdom, Christ hath now at the Right Hand of God: For his Saints do not yet sit on Thrones with Him, Judging the Twelve Tribes of Israel, as he promised in his Kingdom.
3. Christ calls it his Kingdom, as distinct from his Fathers, and uses those Familiar Expressions of Eating and Drinking in his Kingdom; which together with that of Judging the Twelve Tribes Assure, it is not the Kingdom of Eternity, when God shall be All in All.
Argument 4. I Argue from Revel. 3. 21. Christ distinguishes his Throne from his Fathers Throne; not only, by saying, My Thoone, and my Fathers Throne; but by a Distinction more Real, He overcame, and is Set down with his Father on his Throne. From whence it is Evident, the Thrones are two distinct Thrones; Christ was on his Fathers, He was not on his Own.
How Evident then is it, Christ had a Throne in his Eye, that was not his Fathers, but his Own, on which he knew he should Sit hereafter, but was not yet set down; And it was such a Throne as his Saints might sit down upon with him; but on his Fathers Throne, They could not sit down; He alone can sit on that, All being subject to him: So the Throne of Christ cannot be a Throne he hath yet; nor can it be the Throne of Eternity, because then the Son is subject, and hath not a distinct Throne, but as United to the Father, and by him All [Page 18] his Saints are with him so United, and so God is All in All, and Christ in the Glory he had with the Father before the World began; viz. As United with the Eternal Word, in regard of the Humane Nature.
Argum. 5. To sit at my Right Hand, and at my Left, in My Kingdom, saith our Lord, is not Mine to Giue; But it shall be Given to Them, for whom it is prepared of My Father. Mat. 20. 20. It is Evident, this is not the Kingdom of the Eternal Word; For neither is there any sitting on his Right Hand or Left, on that Throne of the Eternal Word; nor would he, as the Eternal VVord, Say, It is not Mine to give; Nor can it be the Kingly State, wherein Christ in his Humane Nature now Sits on the Right Hand of God; For There can be no Sitting on his Right, or on his Left Hand, as he Sits now; whoever should sit now on the Left Hand of Christ, must sit between Him, and the Father, on whos [...] Right Hand He sits Immediately, and none near Him: It must be therefore in the Kingdom the Father Appoints to Him, and is most distinct to Him; As in Humane Courts, the King's eldest Son hath a distinct▪ Court Appointed to Him, deriving yet All its Glory from the Kings Court, and wherein the King Appoints Supremely notwithstanding; So the Throne of God, as well as of the Lamb, is in that distinct Kingdom; Yet it is so Oeconomiz'd as to be distinct; and All Things are put under the Lamb, as so distinct in that his Kingdom, except he Alone who put All Things under Him, and who dwells in it, as in his Tahernacle, to Fill it with his Glory, and yet Gives it Leave to be distinct.
Argum. 6. I Argue from Innumerable Scriptures put together, wherein Christ speaks of his Kingdom as to come, and not yet come; So that w [...]en it is so come, It may very properly be said to Begin, as Mat: 19. 27. Christ tells Peter, and the other Disciples, You that have Followed me, shall in the Regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the Throne of his Glory, sit on Twelve Thrones, &c. Shewing plainly the Time of Sitting on the Throne of his Glory, was not to be till hereafter▪ Joyn this with Mat. 25. 31. When the Son of Man shall come in his Glory, and All his Holy Angels with Him, then shall he sit on the Throne of his Glory, And All shall be gather'd together before Him, &c. Here we have the Coming of Christ in his Glory, Joyn'd with this Sitting on the Throne of his Glory; and that design'd to be, not before All gather'd before Him at the Judgment, and when [Page 19] his Saints shall be in Glory; Again, 2 Tim. 4. 1. I charge thee before God, and our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall Judge the Quick and the Dead at his Kingdom, His Appearing, and His Judging the the Quick and the Dead, and his Kingdom are Joyn'd together: In the Parable of the Talents, Luke 19. 11. One Principal End, and Scope of it was to tell Them, who thought the Kingdom of God should Immediately Appear; that It should not Immediately Appear; But that he was to go into a Far Countrey to Receive a Kingdom, and to Return, viz. in his Kingdom: Now the end of a Parable is Argumentative, and Christ spake the Parable, as one Great End for this very purpose, to Teach this, and to Arrest the Thoughts of the Immediate Appearance of the Kingdom of Christ; For it is said, He Added that Parable, because he was Nigh to Jerusalem, whither he was G [...]ing to Receive a Fore▪ Representation of his Kingdom, in the spreading of Garments, the strowing of Palms, and Riding on the Foal of an Ass, as the King Fore-told by Zechary, and to Receive the Hosannahs [...]f the people. All which Ceremonies shew his Kingdom to be the Kingdom of the Son of Man. And it was, as i [...] Christ had been then immediately to Open his Kingdom: But he plainly Declares there would be Opportunity for his Servants to Improve Receiv'd Talents for a long Time first, and then to have their Reward Adjusted to Them in Ten or Five Cities; shewing also the Nature of his Kingdom to be Oeconomical under that other Emblem, and not the State of the Kingdom, when God shall be All in All.
Lastly, Matth 16. 26, [...]7. Christ having said, The Son of Man shall come in the Glory of his Father, &c. Immediately Adds, There are some standing h [...]re who shall not Taste of Death, till they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom. Or as in Mark, Till the Kingdom of God cometh with Power. This he said, while his Thoughts were Vehement, Warm, and even Hot upon the Coming to Reward everyone according to his Works. He speaks with a Pathos, a great Earnestness Ver [...]ly I say unto you, &c. So that thereby he shews, his Kingdom shall be to Reward every one according to his Works The only Doubt is How Christ could say, There be some standing here, who shall not Taste D [...]ath, till then: The Answer is That Great Pre-Representation of his Kingdm, (which Peter, 2 Epist. 1. 16. in words so near Christ▪s, calls his Power and Coming; when, saith he, We were Eyewitnesse of his Majesty.) viz. the Transfiguration followed the Saying [Page 20] of Christ, [There be Some, &c.] in every of the Three Evangelists, who Record the Transfiguration; which shews the Transfiguration is a great Type of that distinct Kingdom of Christ, supplied with the Beams of Glory, from the Excellent Majesty, as with that Voice, This is my beloved Son, &c. And yet at a distance from the Glory of Christ, that it might not be outshin'd; but Christ as a Man be in visible Glory, and his Saints with Him; Both Those of the First Resurrection, as Moses and Elias, and Those of the Living remaining Saints, as Peter, James and John, who had yet but an Inferiour Share in that Glory.
There were yet the peculiar chosen Witnesses of that Appearance in Glory, and the Some pointed at by Christ, who should see it; and of that same Sort and Generation, (as [...] Imports) that they were of, There should be, viz. Saints, who shall not Die, or Taste of Death, but be changed, and so shall See the Son of Man come in his Kingdom, and the Kingdom of God come with Power; and be Witnesses of it.
Now let All These Scripturrs be laid together, and it will Appear, So Judicious an Adversary will have no Reason of Offence, that it is said, There is a Kingdom of Christ to Begin, although his Kingdom be Truly said to have been also from the Beginning; Nor that it shall End, seeing All the manner of speaking concerning it, shews it to be the Oecenomy of a Kingdome so proper to the Son of Man, that the Kingdom of the Father All in All cannot consist with; as shall be further shewn in the next Argument, and therefore that it must End, when the Kingdom is Deliver'd up, as to the Oeconomy; and yet in all Essentials of the Glory of Christ, and of his Saints▪ it continues for ever, as was Foretold of It.
Argum. 6. The yet Fullest and most Conclusive Argument of so Distinct a Kingdom that hath not yet been, and that must End and be Given up, when the State of Eternity enters, is, That the Spirit of God hath most certainly Fix▪d the Bounds, when this Distinct Kingdom can, and before which it cannot Begin; how long the State of it can Last, and when it must End, and be Given up, and that by one single Note of the subduing Enemies; and herein it is as Positive and Assertive as it is in any Article of Faith, for both the Beginning and the End.
Let us then observe Two Remarks to be Found in Scripture, concerning the Enemies of Christ being put under him; One is, [Page 21] The making the Enemies of Christ the Footstool of his Feet *. [...], and [...]. The Other is, The putting the Enemies of Christ Low under his Feet, expressed by the peculiar Force of the Word [...], viz To bring to the State of no Motion or Action. The First viz. the making the Enemies of Christ the Footstool of his Feet, we shall find peculiarly Fix'd as the Epoch, or Beginning of this distinct Kingdom of Christ, And it must continue until the Second, The putting Them quite under his Feet, by that perfect distinguishing Catargesis, or Evacuation of All Power, Motion or Action, which is to be Fixt at the Period or End of Christ's Kingdom.
Let us then look back on all those Scriptures that Joyn the Kingdom, and the Coming of Christ together so evidently, that there must be an Illustrious Kingdom of Christ at his coming. Now then the Time and Moment of his Coming is Determined by this very Note of his Enemies made the Footstool of his Feet; For so the Lord Jehovah said to our Adonai, our Lord the King, Psal. 110. 1▪ Sit Thou at my Right Hand, till I make Thy Eemies the Footstool of thy Feet. That is, I intend Thee a Great, a Distinct Kingdom; the Date of its Beginning shall be, not Immediately at thy Resurrection or Ascension, but at the Time I have Determined to make Thy Enemies Thy Footstool; Till then, Thou shalt Sit at my Right Hand. Observe then, when Christ Reigns, He Comes; while He Sits, He does not Come: He Sits and does not Come; and so does not Reign as a King, as that Great distinct King, the Son of David, till the Time the Divine Power Constitutes Him in Power, as by a Solemn Commission, to make his Enemies Crouch down as the Footstool of his Feet▪ He therefore Sits, as the Apostle speaks, Expecting, He Sits at the Right Hand of God; yet not at his Akme, not at his Highest Point▪ as Son of Man and Mediator; He Sits Expecting in Patience, called, The Patience of the Kingdom of Christ; till his Enemies are so Constituted his Footstool, for then He knows He shall Reign. In the mean time, though every Thing shall be put under Him, ere the End; yet we see Them not put under Him, saith the Apostle, though He be Ascended, Heb. 2▪ 5. 10. And because it may be Thought Christ is indeed in the Heavens, where All Things are in a State of Subjection to him. But we cannot see it by the Eye of Sense, howbeit we may see it by the Eye of Faith; No, saith the Apostle, The subjection of the World to come, [Page 22] whereof we speak; and the putting All Things under him, as the Second Adam, Lord of All; according to Psalm 8. Cannot be seen, as come to pass so much as by Faith; though as to Come, it may be so seen; For we see Him by Faith, Crown'd with Glory and Honour, which cannot be seen by Sense: But we do not yet see All Things put under him, so much as by Faith. All which put together, Admirably clears the First Part, that this Distinct Kingdom begins with the Enemies of Christ made his Footstool. Christ therefore waits till the Father, till God the Supream Jehovah give him Commission, and Delegate Power to Him, to bring down his Enemies; so as that They may be placed first as the Footstool of his Feet, that what hath been long given him by Decree, may be brought Actually to pass in his Kingdom beginning.
2. Tee Other or Second Remark upon the Kingdom of Christ, by his Enemies brought under him, is this, They must be brought quite under his Feet, as [...] may signifie; but is especially the [...], or utter Disannulling, so often mentioned; for when it is come to that, then the Kingdom in this Oeconomy is to End, and to be Delivered up; and therefore this very Expression is Applied to each Enemy,; [...]t is Applied to All Adversary Authority and Power; He shall put it down, particularly the Monarchick Power of Nebuchadnezar's Image; All shall before the Delivering up of the Kingdom be so brought to nought, as to be in no possibility of further Motion or Action, as shall be shewn; this is declar'd, 1 Cor. 15. 24. It is Applied yet most particularly to the Beast, to the Antichristian Power, that is Exemplarily and before the Rest so Annull'd, 2 Thes. 2. 8. It is Applied to the Devil, having the Power of Death, Heb. 2. 14. It is lastly Applied to Death it self, 1 Cor. 15. 27. To every one of these, who ever pleases to search shall find. [...], or Catargesis Applied; and this very last Catargesis, or Destroying Death, is plac'd the utmost Pillar of this Kingdom in Oeconomy; for then it is immediately Delivered up to God All in All, and the Son subject, as the Apostle most Peremptorily defines, v. [...]6.
There remains therefore the Consideration of the middle Space between the Beginning and the End of the Oecanomy. Now this Scripture hath, as to any Doctrinal part, that hath come to my Thoughts, left to the plain and undoubted Reason of the Thing; That at the Beginning of the Kingdom, [Page 23] and when Christ comes in it, All must be put under him, so as to be the Footstool of his Feet; And then All must be disannull'd, Ras'd out of all possibility of Contrary Action, or Motion at the End, and not till the End; They must needs be as the Footstool of his Feet, They must serve his State, and his Triumph all the Time of his Reign: And a Reign must be a space of Time, The very word Reign Implys a space, and as it is a Kingdom at the End of the Four Monarchies, it must be so, else It cannot Answer to them; and seeing he cannot begin to Reign, till his Enemies are his Footstool, nor can he cease to Reign, till They are so Evacuated; The State can neither go Backward nor Forward; Not Backward, because the Motion that is to be made, is Forward to Final disannulling; Not Forward till the End, for the Apostle hath Fix'd that Time for the Bringing all Enemy Power to Absolute nothing; whatever space of Reign therefore there is, The State must be the same, viz. the Enemies of Christ must be the Footstool of his Feet serving so, as Captive Princes, the Glory of the Triumph, and Victory of Christ, not utterly Remov'd, till the very last, that the Victory may not be Forgotten.
But though the Doctrinal Parts of Scripture have not Given us the space of this Kingdom but darkly, and Enigmatically; Yet Prophetical Scripture compar'd with Doctrinal, hath Fully declar'd it to be the space of the 1000 Years.
The Apostle Peter hath given a very notable, though Mysterious2 Pet. 3▪ 7, 8, 9. Intimation of it, by Applying on one side close to the mention of the Day of Judgment, that Great Remark that one Day with the Lord is as a 1000 Years, and with that Solemn Preface, usual in such Great Mysteries in Scripture; Let not this One Thing lye Hid from you, not meaning sure that Great Natural Principle of the Eternity of God, All are presum'd to Know, to which All Past, Present, and to Come is a Just now; But that the One Day of Judgment, the same with the Day of Christ's coming in his Kingdom, as we have seen, is with the Lord as a 1000 Yetrs, and on the other side a 1000. Years, viz. of past Time, is but as One day; From whence He Inferentially Goes on upon the Supposition, God hath design'd each 1000 Years past, to be as but One day of the Worlds Continuance from its Creation to its Renovation; Of this he presently Treats upon that Supposition; saith He, the Lord is not slack, &c. But though this might be more Advantagiously discours'd then [Page 24] is generally Apprehended, I have not Room for it now.
Nor can I stay yet on the mention of the 1000 Years, Rev. 20. as It shall be Abundantly shown; That They cannot possibly be understood of any past Time, but what I shall Endeavour, shall be by a Compare of Them with Doctrinal Scripture, to show, that They so Begin, They so Consist, They so End, as to demonstrate to any Wise Serious Considerer, They so Exactly Agree with the Beginning, with the middle space, with the End of the Kingdom of Christ in the Oeconomy hitherto discours'd in that Note of Enemies, as that They must be the very Space of that Kingdam.
1. These 1000 Years Begin with the Laying the Enemies of Christ, from the very Beginning, of his Kingdom, at his Feet; as the Footstool of his Feet, viz. All the Idolatrous Kings, and their Greats and their Smalls, as slain, that is, Condemn'd with the Sword of Christ's Mouth, lying as the Dead, Captiv [...]d, and Exil'd for the 1000 Years in the Four Corners of the Earth, and so the Trophies of the Victory, and Kingdom of Christ; For These Slain, or, as They are call'd also Dead, are only, as we speak, Dead in Law, or Condemn'd, Rais'd from their Sleep in the Dust, into a State of Contempt and Dishonour, to a State of Living Death, or Dying Life, who with Horror Behold the Glory of Christ, and of his Saints, and are the Spectacles, and Monuments of his Power, and Conquest before Angels, Saints, and one Another; and not Able, being so Fetter'd with the Rays of that Kingdom, Psal. 149. 8. as Persons in Strongest Gives of Iron, to stir or make the least Attempt against it, and as Captives not Slain, (as David said, Slay them not, least my People forget, &c.) but so Fetter'd, They are not Cast into the Lake, that They may be such Appearing Monuments, and Spectacles. 2. Sathan, with all the Hosts of Fallen Angels, is in same manner Bound, Chain'd, and Seal [...]d▪ up in the Abyss through the Potency of the Divine Kingdom, He cannot, as now Tempt and Deceive; Yet He is not Cast into the Lake neither, but is Forc'd as it were to a Quiet, though undoubtedly with Highest Rage and Horror; But it is now especially, that the Crutified Jesus Appearing in Glory, is seen to spoil Principalities and Powers, and to make a show of them openly for the 1000 Years, not denying it vertually done on his Cross.
The Antichristian State only is uader the Catargesis, or utter Final even Annihilation as to All Action; For it being the [Page 25] Counterfeit of the Kingdom of Christ, All its State, as it is most Exemplary in Punishment, so it is for ever destroy'd by this Glorious Appearance; or as the Apostle calls it, the Epiphaneia of Christ, and the so long Continuance of the True Kingdom of the Great High Priest, the Melchisedec, the Supreme Prophet; So the Beast and the False Prophet, and Antichristian Church, are all Cast into the Lake of an Eternal Burning, never to Rise any more; Rev: 14. 9. c. 19. 17. &c. All such pretences to Christ being for ever cut off, and whatever is now to be done, is to be done by Bare-fac'd, Hellish Malice, as in Gog and Magog.
And thus Jesut Christ, who had from his very Resurrection gone out, (as the Opposite Discourse says) Conquering, and to Conquer does in the End thus Conquer; Rev 6. 2 For it is ve [...] observable, he went out Conquering, so that there would still be a Reserve, that He still might Conquer: For though he conquer'd Paganism, yet still the Dragon Gave his Seat, Power, and Great Authority to the Beast; Christ sets his Right Foot on the Sea, and Left Foot on the Earth, in so much of Conquest, as Appear [...]d in the Reformation; But yet, till the Battel of Armageddon, till the Sword goes out of his Mouth; at the Feast of the Fowls, which will not be, however My Learned Adversary Interpret it, till Christ Appear King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and till his Enemies are made his Footstool, his Conquest will not be so, but that he may still Conquer.
But then All Enemies shall lye still in a Captive State, even as Sathan Bound; So Gog and Magog stir not during the 1000 Years: But then the Rays of Glory withdrawing, not so as that the Kingdom of Christ should End, but that it should give occasion to its highest Act of disannulling All Enemies, by such a short Suspension of its Beams, as here below; which Sathan and those Captiv'd Dead, not Thrown into the Lake, finding They make that their Brisk, but last Attempt; Out of which, the Assailed Saints are c [...]ught up by Christ, and out of a short Laodicean Abatement of Former Fervors; Christ spewing out any Further Church-State, even on the New Earth; So they are Caught up, I say, even They which Overcome, which are every one, not One of them Lost, to Sit down with Christ on his Throne; And then Fire, not as in a Second Conflagration, as is suppos'd against me, but in place of the Beams of the Glory of Christ in his Kingdom, that did before Fetter Sathan, and [Page 26] the Condemn'd, called the Dead, or Mystically and Prophetically, Gog and Magog, Now they become Lightnings of pure and perfect Fury and Justice prepared to Final Execution and Judgment, and Sweeping Them down into the Lake, even the Dead, whose Number is as the Sand of the Sea, Exil [...]d in the Four Corners of the Earth; So Satan is first Cast into the Lake, as long ago Condemn'd; And the Dead are, as by an Universal and Particular Judgment, and as by a Recollection and Recapitulation of the former Judgment, at the Beginning of the Thousand Years, and of all the Dead, from the several Receptacles of Death, from whence They came▪ then Judg'd, who are not Found in the Book of Life; by a most particular setting All their Works in order before them; and especially that Testimony against them, That They were not found written in the Book of Life, even of the first Resurrection of the Thousand Years: For on such the second Death can have no power; Then the Dead and all further power of Death and Destruction are shut up together with Satan, the Prince of the Power of Death in one Lake, Burning with Fire and Brimstone; And so as much as Divinest Words and Types can do, the Eternal Punishment of the wicked Angels and Mankind, even for ever and ever is Assur'd. For however I may be misdeem'd, I have not, I dare not Intimate the least Thought, as if the Punishment of the Wicked were not Eternal.
And now I have given the most Agreeable Paraphrase, according to my whole Prophetick Scheme, I submit it to every Considering Person's Acceptance; But I Appeal with all possible Confidence to Heaven and Earth, whether this Book of the Revelation in this last part of it, be not in a Prophetical Representation, as Admirably and Perfectly Compos'd, to set out in matter of Fact the Apostolical Doctrine in the forenamed Particulars, as can be given or expected, of the Enemier of Christ first made the Footstool of Christ, at the Thousand Years Beginning.
2. Of that Great Catargesis, or Bringing all that Adversary Power to a perfect Nullity at the end of the Thousand Years; even as at the Beginning of the Thousand Years The Antichristian City, Church, Beast, and false Prophets, were Destroyed out of all Appearance of Action and Motion, as hath been Declared.
3. Of the Posture, Enemies of Christ lying at the Feet of Christ, being the Footstool of Them, and not being able to stir, or [Page 27] Disturb the Peace of his Kingdom, during the Thousand Years.
Now as to the first part, viz. Laying the Enemies of Christ at his Feet, Christ first proceeds by the Voice of the Everlasting Gospel, to Invite to Repentance; then by the Seven Vials, Beating down the Impenitent of all Ages, when it had been first said, He that is filthy, let him be filthy still; and He that is Righteous, let him be Righteous still; shewing that there is no Change when once the Vials begin to play; (for thereunto these Words have especial Reference,) so we hear of nothing but Impenitency all along the Vials, even from the Preaching the everlasting Gospel, and its full Effect, to the end; compare Revel. 14. 6. Chap. 16. 9. 11. Chap. 21. 9. Chap. 22. 11.
And as thus, There shall be a Time before the Thousand Years Kingdom in Glory, even 75 years from its Succession to its Glory (by Daniel [...]s) (Chap. 12. 11. Accounts) of Preparation by the Voices, Revel. 14. and by the Vials, Revel. 16. So there shall be a Time after the Glory of the Thousand Years, wherein there is a Casting All into the Lake, which is exprest in Paul's Epistles, as in Exactest Agreement one with another, by the so often mentioned [...], in Preparation to the Delivering up of the Kingdom to God and the Father.
And so I have dispatch'd what I have Room for in this short Answer, concerning this Point; whereln if any Assertions seem bold, I desire, the Scriptures, to which I Refer in every Tittle, may be weigh'd one with another; and I hope they will not Appear so Bold, but Close searching of Scripture.
I come therefore to the Second Point proposed, viz. That the Prophecy of the Revelation, however it Includes, and that very Eminently, the Fall of Pagan Imperial Rome; yet it is chiefly prepar'd to the Destruction of Antichristian Rome, in its yet Continuing State, and to set out the Glory that shall follow in the Kingdom of Christ.
Now the Discussing of this will add Light to the former Point; For when it shall, as I hope it may Appear, that the Apocalyps, or as we Translate, Revelation, runs with a clear Current, and not only so, but with a strong Torrent unto this Great Distinct Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, as the Son of Man (or as that styles him) the Lamb; how will it add Belief to the Truth of that Kingdom of the Son of Man, seeing all Prophecies Center in this Prophecy, even the Mystery of God, Evangeliz'd [Page 28] by all his Servants the Prophets here Centers. Now herein I shall not be able in such Straitness of Room, to say the Tenth part of what is to be said; And what I do say, (though I will do what ever I can to Shade my much esteemed Adversary) yet the very Nature of the Thing that is to be spoken of, will require some Earnestness: The contrary Sentiment I am to oppose, so far as I can understand it, is; That the Apocalyps spends it self; except some share of Interest, that the Jews of those Times may have in it, in the change of Pagan Imperial Rome, from Pagan to Christian; and that this emploies the Seals, the Trumpets; the Vials; And that the Thousand Years of Satan Bound, are but the Description of the Happy State of the Church from Constantine to the Turkish Greatness of Power; and the New Jerusalem State of no other Importance but to speak the Christian Church in so happy a Change, wherein the Martyrs are Bless'd with Christ in their Spirits, and are in great Honour also here below; Except, as it may be also a Type, or an Emblem of the Glorious State of the Kingdom of God and of Christ in Eternity, in the New Heaven and Earth, suppos'd to continue to Eternity: All except this is suppos'd to describe the State here below.
In the mean time, Papal and Antihristian Rome, though it be not excus'd hereby from other Charges, yet the Weight, the main Stroke, the Hail, each Stone as a Talent that falls in this Prophecy, falls quite short of Papall Rome.
Now whithout any Aggravations of the portentousness of such a Sentiment, I shall use no other Remonstrance against it, but what will fall in with the Proof I shall give, that this Divine Book, wherein all the Wisdom, Ingeny, and Learuing of all Ages and Nations is Assembled, is assign'd to a much more Excellent Purpose; I shall give then in brief these Four, Arguments, which shall be all I will at this time make use of; but I have prepar'd by me a New Apocalyptical Key, that beginuing at the End, moves Baekward to the Beginning of this Prophecy, and shews, the Lamb hath from his Resurrection been Guiding and Conducting all Time, and the Events of it, according to the Types of the Prophecy given to that Kingdom, wherein he is to to be seen in the Glory of the Humane Nature; which as he Received from the Father, He will Return and Surrender up to the Father at the Time design'd in such a State, that the Kingdom of God All in All, may be without any▪ [Page 29] shade of an Enemy, and Himself and his Saints Inseparably United to the Father, and be as God was, and is from Eternity, in perfect Glory and Peace to Eternity.
Now it will be Found, that One very Conspicuous and Eminent part of this Prophecy is indeed taken up, in bringing the Pagan Empire to become Christian in Name and Proseffion, though it soon after Apostatized. This is allowed.
Argument 1. Seeing it hath pleased the Wisdom, the Grace, and Infintie Prescience of our God, to give a Prophecy peculiar to the New Testament, it cannot with Reverence and Honour to Him, be suppos'd, that a Prophecy so Admirable in its Frame and Contexture, so Rich, if I may be bold so to speak, in its▪ Devices, Emblems, and Figures, and so large in its Representations, that It should not Comprehend the State of the Christian Church to the very last, and to the winding up of Things; especially when it bears so great an Appearadce thae it does so; in not only Joyning, but Wreathing Events into the last End of Things.
For who can but say, that the Three last Chapters of the Revelation, carry a Wonderful Appearance of the Last End of All; and as we shall find the several Parts and Events of the Prophecy, do so Lock One into another, that if the End of All be at the Last, there must be some Events coming to pass one after anohter, from the Beginning to the End, without any▪ Gap between; Because the Beginning, the End, and the Middle Parts of the Prophecy are so enchain'd and enchas'd to and into One Another, as not to be possibly separated from One Another.
Seeing then, that no One, that Reads the End of the Revelation, can but think, it Describes the last End of All, it cannot indeed be otherwise, that so much plain Language can be otherwise understood. If that be so, then, I say, the Events of the Prophecy are so lincked, there must be a Line of them running strait-forward from the very Beginning to the End; and therefore the Prophecy cannot End at Constantine, nor leap over Events between, from Constantine to the Turks, about the Year 1300, and so to the very last End of Things, to the Heavenly State of the Saints in the New Heaven, and the New Earth, nor to the Destruction of Satan and the Wicked in the Lake, without the middle Events between. There must be therefore Antichristian Rome between Pagan [Page 30] Rome and the End, or some other great Event, as that, to support the Course of Time.
Object. And if it should be said, Prophecy does in its Eloquent way of speaking, make use of the highest Representations, on occasion of any very Remarkable Providence of Mercy or Judgment, taken either from the Glory and Hapness of Heaven, or from the Horrour and Wrath of Hell, as many Instances may seem to bear out, both in the Old and New Testament, and yet intend only some much less Things of this present World.
Answ. I Answer, Because there was Scripture still behind to sustain and make good All at last; even these last Chapters of the Revelation; the Objection may be Allowed in the Main; And what-ever hath been said before in any part of Scripture, or even in the Revelation it self, (as Chap. 6. ult.) that had not its Fulfilling in its Intention by the Divine Spirit, look'd to this last Issue, it look'd hither; For here it hath its just Fulness of Event, Measure shaken together, press'd down, and running over. I am perswaded that even John 21. 25. Looks no higher: No World but the World to come, could contain All Christ Did and Said. But if this last of Scripture-prophecy did not Accomplish All Things to the very heighth, and it Self also, Both the Prpophccies that went before it, and it Self, would lose the due glory of Truth; for all the swelling Rhetorick and seeming Hyperboles, either in describing Mercies or Judgmrnts, had but Party-fulfillings before, and look hither, to be perfectly fulfilled, that they may make good All, that was spoken heretofore to every lota of them.
For the Honour therefore of the Prophecy of the New Testament in all Considerations, it cannot be, but this Prophecy must draw a Line over the Christian Church, from the Resurrection to the End of All Things; And if it be, but granted, it Pourtrays the Last End, every Thing is so enterwoven, it must also give the Events before it.
Argum. 2. Seeing God hath given such a New Testament-Prophecy, and there hath been in the Judgment of all Protestants so great a Defection from the Truth and Purity of Christianity, that hath spread so far, and born up so long, it cannot be suppos'd, but that so Great a Prophecy should give notice of it, that the Servants of Christ by some Crevices of Light at all Times, as it hath in every Age come to pass, and [Page 31] by a Full, and Clear Light, e're the End, should know, that this Thing was Foretold before it came to pass, that when it comes to be Discover'd, and fully lay'd Open and Bare; There may be Adorings of the Infinite Wisdom, and Truth of God in Giving such a sure Word of Prophecy concerning it: Thus when the Barbarous Nations Rush'd in upon the Christian Empire, and its Ruin and End was Foreseen; There was a Stream of Light from this Propheey, that caus'd a General Sound in the Church at that Time, that Antichrist was Born; And it was so; He then according to this Prophecy Enter'd into his Succession; So about the Year 800, when Image Worship was establish'd, and so from Time to Time, till the Reformation, there have been Sneesings by a Power of God, as I may so express it, of this Prophecy, and Light breaking forth, that the Papacy and Catholick Rome were Antichrist, the Whore of Babylon; and Popes the Beast, that Carried Her. So that it is even Prodigious, that, as Men speak, at this Time of Day, so near the Fall of Babylon, and the Kingdom of Christ; Any of the Protestant Elders or Ministers, and, as I firmly Believe, of the Witnesses of Christ, should demur to this, whether the Revelation have describ'd the State of Papal Rome, or should once call it into doubt.
Argum. 3. It were Prodigy, if so Great a New Testament Prophecy, as the Apocalyps, or Revelation should so magnifie the Roman Pagan Empire, becoming Christian, because of the Cessation of Persecution, and the Grandieur of Temples, Monasteries, the Christian Hierarchy, as to date so Glorified a Milennium, or 1000 Years upon it, as is set out, Rev. 20. 1, &c. when at the same Door, that These Things came in, the Christian Purity, Humility, Mortification, Self-denial, Contempt of this World went out; and together with that Grandieur, came in Ambition, Avarice, Luxury, striving for Places, Dignities, Titles, in Regard of which, even the Christian Church hath been the Emporium, or Exchange for such Traffique; and so, notwithstanding the Reformation, continues to this day, besides the Idolatry, Superstition, Fopperies of all Kinds, that have Crowded, yea, Rush'd in as a Mighty Flood; on which Account there hath been, one may say, a 1000 Years Fair for All those Wares of that Bill of Merchandise; Rev. 18. 12, I say it might be call'd such a Milennial Fair, were it not that it hath continued so much above the 1000 [Page 32] Years, as to Grow now very near 1260. the Reformation it self suffering both in its Honour and Purity, by the Lengthning out of the Time of this Great Market or Fair, and some Retailings from it; The Trade of which, whoever offer'd to spoil, were Slaughter'd, even by Thousands; So that in the City or False Church, where this Fair was kept, is Found the Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus.
Shall we call this then the 1000 Years, in which, Judgment was Given to the Saints? Is this the 1000 Years Reign with Christ, and the Binding of Sathan to deceive the Nations no more, when Masses, Pardons, Indulgences, Purgatory Latine Services, Bodies, Souls of Men, Necks of Emperors have been in a perpetual Trade for this Worlds Wealth and State, and to provide the whole Mundus Muliebris of the Whore. For my Part, I separate, as mu [...]h as possible may be from Persons, who do not Act, I am sure, out of Malice; but I Dread to Think, how Great an Injury this is to the Divine Spirit; and how near it comes in the Matter of it to a Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, to Interpret his so Celebrated 1000 Years in this manner? For to Attribute to God the Works of the Devil, is the Reverse, or as it were the other side of Attributing the Works of God to Belzebub; what then, is it to make the 1260 Years of the Apostasie the 1000 Years Kingdom of Christ!
Besides, Was not Mahomets Venome Enforc'd by the Saracens within 300 Years from Constantine; How Contradictious is this Opinion then to it self!
The much Truer Oracle, then such an Interpretation of the 1000 Years, concerning the Christian Empire, and what Followed, was that Voice; Poyson is this day diffus'd into the Church.
The Almost Incredible Numbers of the Waldenses or Vaudois, Slaughter'd for keeping the Commandments of God, and Holding the Testimony of Jesus, One would Think, should Raise a Horror in Any Protestant Interpreter of the Thousand Years to Fix them so, that the time of that Slaughter should Fall within Them; And yet so it must be, if They lye from Constantine's Christian Empire, to the Year 1300.
It is indeed true, That the Change of the Empire from Pagan to Christian was a Stupendious Acquist of the Blood of the Lamb, of the Power of the Word of his Testimony, and of the Martydom of his Saints; As it was Recorded in Heaven; and as such it is Celebrated, Revel. 12. 10. And it Remains there as [Page 33] a sure Pledge of that Great Milennial Kingdom, but as on Earth, And that we might not be deceiv'd in it, It is said, That the Church immediately upon it Fled into the Wilderness, and the Devil came down on the Inhabitants of the Earth, as a great Woe, and with great Rage, dashing the several Parts of his own Kingdom one against another, Barbarians and Mahometans against Antichristians; and by the Beast, the great Antichrist, under the Name of the Vicar of Christ, making War against the Saints and Martyrs of Jesus: And thus it hath come to pass, as is very well known.
Argum. 4. There being then so great Evidence, the Thousand Years are a Blessed and Happy State of the Church; which without a very horrible Imputation to the Truth, Holiness or Wisdom of the Divine Spirit, cannot be supposed to be already Come and Past; we may be most Assured, by the Pinning of One Thing into Another, so Evidently, so Undeniably, that the Apocalyps hath drawn a Line over All Time from the Resurrection to the Thousand Years Kingdom of Christ.
This, I doubt not, were to be made out with great Satisfaction to every Judicious, Unprejudiced Person, that such a Concat [...]nated Line of Time is drawn by the Churches in Succession One to Another, and that they may be Parallell'd very Evidently with the successive Events of the Sealed Book of Visions, as I have already in several Intimations, in the Reformation Reform'd, and other Tracts made known; but shall now observe what every One may easily Try, that to each Church there is a Promise made that cannot be Fulfill'd, but in the New Jerusalem; for in the Description of that, the place of each Promise is to be found even to the very Last of Sitting Down on the Throne of Christ; for the Throne of the Lamb is said to be in the New Jerusalem, and when Christ will have long Sate on that Throne, (as the Father upon his Throne, before Christ Sate down on it,) the Laodicean Saints shall be caught up to Him to sit down with Him, and to Judge the Dead with Him, and so to be Deliver'd up with the Kingdom.
But further to Clear this, I have not Time now, and therefore shall observe, how the several Parts of the Sealed Book Prophecy are undoubtedly Linked, and in very brief. The Seals are Lock'd One to Another, in their being Seven and so following one upon another in their Events Opened; That the Trumpets follow on the Seals, is made plain by the Sealing [Page 34] of the Hundred forty four thousand in the Sixth Seal against the Danger of the Blasting Wind of the very First Trumpet hurting the Earth; and the Reference made in the first Woe Trumpet to that Sealing; It was Commanded the Locusts they should Hurt only the Men who had not the Name of God in their Foreheads. The close Connexion of the Scals and Trumpets, are further and fully Assur'd by the Angels, having the Seaven Trumpet given them, and making themselves ready to sound within the Seventh Seal. The seven Trumpets therefore being so Connext with the Seals, have their undoubted Sequence One upon Another. The Vision of Chap. 10. is Connext with the First Vision of the Book seal'd and gradually Open'd, by its being then held open in the Angel's Hand. The Vision of Chap. 11. is tied to the Sixth Trumpet by the Remark at the End of it, that the second Woe, viz. of that Sixth Trumpet was past, and the Third Woe coming quickly, and so the seventh Angel immediately Sounded; and the Vision of the Witnesses must Run so far Backward into the former Trumpets, as One thousand two hundred and sixty Days will carry Them; and that will be upon due Enquiry found to be to the First Trumpet. The Seventh Trumpet is also tied to the Vision of Chap. 10. by that pronunciation upon it there Found, that it was to Come; that when it was Come, it should Fintsh the whole Mystery; and so the Explanation of it shews, for it reaches even to the Time of the Dead being judged, of Reward given to the Servants of God, Small and Great; which is a further Demonstration that the Apolyptical Prophecy must Run its Course from the Resurrection to the very End of Things, even the Resurrection of Saints. The Vision Chap. 12. is tied to the Vision Chap. 11. by the Twelve hundred and sixty Days Found in both; But so, that the Vision Chap. 12. must be so far before that Chap. 11. As the Woman appearing cloathed with the Sun, &c. Bringing forth▪ the Manly Birth, &c. was before her Actual Flight. The Vision Chap. 13. of the Beast, is tied to Chap. 11. by the Beast making War the Saints, in both Visions; to Cap. 12. By the Dragon giving his Throne, Power, and great Authority to the Beast; Chap, 14, is tied to Chap. 7. by the 144000. Sealed with the Father▪s Name on their Forehead, a State Ovant; but Reserving Seals on their Foreheads, Chap. 7. As also to Chap. 10. by the Thunders open'd, by that Mystery God had Preach'd by all the Prophets, Carried through the midst of Heaven, by the Angels preaching the Everlasting Gospel, It is [Page 35] tied to Chap. 11. by the Denunciation against the Great City and the Beast, and to the Seventh Trumpet by the Voice conconcerning the Saints of God, that Died in the Lord; By the Harvest and the Vintage. The Vision of Chap 15. Chap. 16. are tied to Chap. 14. by the Vials being Filled out of the Wine-Press Trodden; by the often mentioning of the Beast. So running back up to Chap. 13. to Chap. 11, to Chap. 12. by the mention of the Dragon, Chap. 17 is tied to Chap 11. to Chap. 13. by both the Beast and the City, spoken of a like inboth, Chap. 18. is undoubtedly fast bound to Chap. 17. and so to whatever former Visions that Chap. 17. is joyn'd, and also to Chap. 16. as the Seventh Vial. by Great Babylon coming in Remembrance before God; Chap. 19. Adheres to Chap. 18. and so to Chap. 11. Chap. 16. By the City Babylon, coming in Remembrance, on which, Chap. 19 follow the Halalujahs on that Great Judgment, Vers. 1, &c. It is tied to Chap. 13, &c. by the Beast and false Prophet; called there the Other Beast. Again to Ch. 16. by the Preparation to, and Success of the Battel of Armaggedon, to Chap 14. by the Wine-press Trodden, by the Crown on the Head of him, to whom the Heavens open; even as the Lord of the Harvest coming, and all his Saints, as the Armies of Heaven with Him; Chap. 20, Chap 21, Chap. 22. to v. 6. are most Inhabitably joyned to One Another; and Chap. 20. to all that went before, by the mentions of the Dragon, the Beast, and to Chap. 19. The Slain by the Sword of Christ's Mouth; and the Gog and Magog, whose Number is as the Sand of the Sea, are the same under differing Representations. Lastly; They are tied to the Visions of the Churches, by the same Promises that make up the same Priviledges of that New Jerusalem.
These and innumerable more Instances may be given, and each One much more Enlarged upon; By which it will Appear, that the Great Prophecy of the Revelation is one entire Body, in a double Portraicture given; One is that of the Churches, Anorher is that of the Sealed Book opened, whose several Parts are so knit by Joynts and Sinews, and by the Symmetry of the whole, which begins at Christ's Resurrection when the Kingdom was the Right of Christ, and ends in the Glorious State of his Kingdom in full and peaceable Possession; that whoever Considers but the last Part, must needs Acknowledge it hath never yet been; except he be either grosly Ignorant, [Page 36] Heynously prejudic'd, or Deplorably mad, There being no part that can be divuls'd One from Another, but All Lying Close in a Line; If Rome in any State, or Time be once meant, as All Interpreters, Protestants, and Papals, and some Papals even to the Last Allow, It must be meant always, in one State or another; Till it Come to be Burnt, Sunk, as a Milstone; and then the Glorious, and Happy State Ensue, which Happy State can be no other, then this Great Kingdom of Christ; This is perfect Apocalyptical Demonstration.
And if Any one would set Himself seriously to consider it; He should Find the Figures, and Types of the Revelation, even to Admiration, to be Fitted to, not the Retired, and Secret; but (as becomes Prophecy) to the most known, and undeniable History of the State of the Roman Empire, from the very Resurrection, to this very Time, without any Haling, or Straining to bring Them to Agreement: Which Roman Monarchy, or Kingd [...]m, if Scripture Harmony may be taken, is undoubtedly the Fourth, and there is no Fifth Kingdom, much less a Sixth of that▪ Kind, as the Reverend Opponent Surmises, any more then Five, or Six Mettals in the Image, Dan. 2. or more then Four Beasts, c. 7. But that which follows the Four Mettals and Beasts, (Interpretatively Kingdoms, For the word Monarchy I stand not upon) is so Great a Kingdom of Christ, as never yet hath been; But it is never call'd the Fifth, nor ought to be so call'd, being of another King; any otherwise but as it Follows the Fourth; And because it hath not yet Followed, the Fourth Kingdom must yet be standing according to Prophecy; and to shew the Roman the Fourth, It is most visible still in the Papal Supremacy. All which, I cannot but Think, is to due Satisfaction, made out in that Treatise of the Kingdom of Christ; Nor need these Kingdoms be so universal, as of the World; (Such only, Christs shall be) but Great, and Illustrious Kingdoms in the Eye of the World, of History, and of Chronology, and in a Line of Succession, as a Calendar of Time; to which End, They are also Given, and are as in Arrest of the Expectation of Ezekiel's Throne, c. 43. 7, till They shall Expire; Soon after which Vision, the Vision of the Four Kingdoms in the Dream of Nebuchadnezzar, the then Towering Mouarch, Intrepreted by Daniel, was Given; and just before the End of the Captivity in Babylon, viz. the first year of [Page 37] the last King Belshazzar, whose Reign was very short, c 7. again Given in the Four Beasts, least, as I said, Ezekiel's Throne should be then expected, because of the Cessation of the Captivity; and again, least the Temple-State should be Expected by that Decree of Cyrus to Build it, to be the Fulfilling of Ezekiel's Visional Temple; There is another Vision in Belshazzar's Teird, (and according to Scripture-Register his Last) wherein 2300 Evens, Morns, are Given, e're the Sanctuary would be Justified or Atton'd, as Ezekiel also speaks, or as we Translate, Cleans'd.
And because the last of these Monarchies, viz. the Roman, would be the Longest; The New Testament History Remarks it continually; and the Prophecy from its Pagan, to its Christian, from its Christian to its Antichristian State, and during its Antichristian, to its utter Ruin depaints it, in an Agreement so Admirable, as never was in the World betwixt Emblem, Hieroglyphic, or Device, (so call'd) and the Thing Intended to be Represented, as between the Divine Apocalyptical Images, and History: As I presume to say, I have in several, published discourses made out, and too Long now to Recollect: And whether This can be so by the Mediation of either Chance, or Fancy, I Appeal to the Judicious Opposer, and even to all Mankind to decide.
Point 3 I therefore pass to the Third Point propos'd, viz. the deba [...]e of that Great Question; whether the New Heavens, and the New Earth, are to begin with, and to Remain to the Kingdom of Eternity, or are proper to the Kingdom of Christ, to Begin, and to End with that Oeconomy. And as in Appendage to this Point, a short Scheme of the Doctrine of the Resurrection will be necessary; and to Free it from some Doubts, Rais'd by the Objector. And herein I lay down Three Assertions, of which I will only in Strictest short Give the Arguments.
Assertion 1. That though I most Heartily Rejoyce in so much Agreement with my Reverend Adversary, as that the Kingdom of Christ shall have a New Heaven, and a New Earth; Yet under this Agreement, we herein exceedingly differ; That while He understands the Kingdom of Christ's Eternal Fruition; I Assert, the New Heaven, and the New Earth are only proper to that Oeconomical Kingdom of Christ, that is to begin at the 1000 Years, according as I have discours'd, even the Kingdom of the Great Son of Man.
Argum. 1. The World to come of the second Adam is described, Psal. 8. Even the Kingdom of Jehovah, Adon [...]inu, our Lord and King; when he hath All under him, He must have Heavens, Sun and Moon, and Stars, however their Light may be drowned; the Moon ashamed, and the Sun confounded, when He Reigns before his Ancients in Glory; and all the Great Kings Captive, as in a Pit under Him, Isa. 23. 23. till they are Visited, or loofed in Gog and Magog after many Days, but to endure so but a short Time: And an Earth Adorn'd with all its Creatures; So from the upper Regions must be Dislodg'd that Prince of the Power of the Air, those Spiritual wickednesses now in Heavenly places, and from the Lower Regions, Vanity, Corruption, the Curse, and that Enmity the Fruit of the Curse, and an Ʋniversal peace ensue. And all this is peculiar to the Son of Man, that is, to Christ our Lord; whose Name shall be Excellent in all the Earth; and so not proper to the Eteonal Word, though in our Nature, in his Kingdom of Eternity; when God is All in All.
Argum 2. The Prophet Esay Declaring the New Heaven, and the New Earth, at the same Time Declares a Kingdom of the New Jerusalem, Chap. 65. 17. and Chap. 66. 22, &c. to the end; He sets out the New Heaven, and New Earth, in such. Figures, as cannot fit the State of Eternity, but such a Kingdom as I have now set out: And to shew it a State that hath never been yet, he Describes the Misery of the Wicked in the Visibibility of it; They shall go forth and behold the Carkasses of them, &c. Which Two Things laid together, viz. A State so much a State of Creation▪ and yet such a View of the Misery of the Lost, Argue very pressingly to the Kingdom before spoken, and not the Kingdom of God All in All, when the Saints are so United to Him alone, and all the Lost in the Lake.
Argum. 3. The Apostle Peter Promulges the New Heaven, and the New Earth, together with the Day of Judgment, which hath been proved to be all at this Appearing Kingdom of Christ; And together with the mention of the Thousand Years, proved proper to that Kingdom, and to that Day; we find Intimation of so many Thousand Years, as but so many Days as the World will have then passed (upon the matter, Six) leading us to that Sabbatical Thousand.
Argum. 4. The Apostle John in the Revelation is most Express, That when He saw the New Jerusalem coming down from God, out of Heaven, He saw New Heavens, and a New Earth, and the Former passed away; the very word that the Apostle Peter used; and He that Sate on the Throme. said, Behold I Create All New. And These, as we shall see, were Peculiar to the Thousand Years.
Now in each of these Proofs I Rest not upon Them single, but as the Weight of Scripture in so many several Scriptures presses down mightily hereunto; And in the same manner I shall in what follows, Rest upon a Constellation of Scriptures shining out, and their Rays, as it were, Contracted in the Center of each Assertion, which Thing I desire should be exceedingly taken notice of.
Assert. 2. The New Heaven and the New Earth shall end with the O [...]conomy of the Kingdom of Christ, even as They began with it, and shall not continue to Etrrnity.
Argum. 1. The New Heaven and New Earth having been proved to be Proper and Peculiar to the Oeaonomy of the Kingdom of Christ, when ever that ceases, They must of Course and in the Nature of the Thing cease also.
Argum. 2. The Apostle John tells us, At the Appearance of Him that Sate on the Chrystal Throne, Revel. 20 11. Settng his Face, as it were, to the Resigning up the Kingdom to God and the Father, the Heaven and Earth Flew away, by an Efficacious Motion of Dissolution; I say, into the Divine Immensity, not as Parts of the Divine Being, which I acknowledge is Incomprehensible without all Parts; but which is so Infinite, that I Humbly Adore Him in the Mystery of Creation, as Individuating each Creature; so that it is not God but it Self, and so Capable of Sin, Ʋnhappiness; and yet the Divine Being is so Immense, that we Finite Creatures cannot understand how it is Possible there should be any Room, in regard of a Being Filling All even Imaginary Space, for (as we speak) Nothing, or for any Creature to be out of God [...]; But herein I have no Sentiment but with Scripture, and all sound Reason, and Orthodox Theology; observing only, the Apostle▪ does not say, That the Worlds were made of Nothing, but that Things that are seen, were not made of Things that do Appear, Heb. 1 si. 3. And that in Him we live, move, and have our beings: Now according to the manner of speaking, these Expressions lead [Page 40] to, I Endeavour to speak; but utterly disbelieve an Eternal Matter or Spirit, except the One Eternal Spirit God, or any Eternal Creature; A double Conflagration, I also know nothing of, nor believe any such: These Heavens and Earth that now are, I know from the Apostle Peter, are Reserv'd for Fire; Of the New: I Read, that They Fly away, even those of the 1000 Years; As the necessary Connexion, and Sequence of Things from the Beloved City, Rev. 20. 9. to the Heaven and Earth flying away, v. 11. Evince, though the Apostle Recapitulates, c. 21. 1. and being more full concerning Them, speaks of Them after the mention of their Flying away, as Created, according to usual Transposals of Scripture; and They so Flew away, that not only Themselves, but Their place, was no more Found; So that no other could Succeed, which Argues also, that they were the New Heaven, and the New Earth that were spoken of, and that they continue not to Eternity▪ and that no other can succeed them: Much to be observ'd!
Argum. 3. That Great Expression of the Apostle; That the Son shall Surrender up the Kingdom, and be Subject, and God be All in All, and those Expressions of that Great Prayer of Christ. John 17. 24, &c. That they may be one, as We are One, &c. That the Love, wherewith Thou hast Loved Me, may be in Them, and I in Them, that They may Behold my Glory, for Thou Loved'st me before the Foundation of the World, do so exceedingly sway with me; That though I am Far from any such Thoughts, as the Deification of the Saints, or that They are not proper Individual Persons in that Enjoyment; Yet I cannot think, but that All State since the Creation, is Free Oeconomy, or Government of the Family in Heaven, and Earth for the making Known to Angels and Saints, the Manifold Wisdom of God, and for the Preparing Them, till it Comes to this Union, wherein the Material Heaven and Earth can, though never so New, never so Pure, be of no use; For Their Great use in Declaring the Glory of God, will be at an End; There will be no moment of Time to look off from Beholding the Glory of the Father in the Eternal Word, conveying through his Humane Nature the Loue, and the Glory He had with the Father before the World began; Which Appears to me Absolutely to Discharge all Created Mirrors of Divine Glory, and that even the Humane Nature of Christ, shall not be the Object Saints look upon; but the Medium, or Conveyance [Page 41] of the Glory of the Father in the Eternal Word; For that is the Glory, Christ had with the Father before the World began. This is the best Explanation of God All in All, of which Glory, Christ in his Humane Nature is the Blessed, both Conveyance, and as united to the Divine Person, the Assurance and Security: Very Subordinate Mirrors, if so much, Saints may be to one Another of this Glory; But no Creatures of a Lower Degree, can be without Loss: For why should that be seen in the Reflex, that is so near in the Original to Saints in a State of union to it, and so the Sight Direct.
Nor can there be any need of other Things, as by way of Divertisement, when the Enjoyment, the Divine Being had of it self from Eternity, is the Saints Enjoyment, an Enjoyment always New, of Infinite Perfection, and so no need of Variety; For it self is All.
The need there may seem to be of the New Heaven, or a New Earth, as Mansions for the Saints Ile Speak of in the next Argument.
But here I would observe, as a full Explanation of Oeconomy, (of which I have, and shall still make use) the differences between Oeconomy, and the Eternal State.
1. Oeconomy is a Free, and Arbitrary Dispensation of the Father of the Family of Heaven and Earth in his Government of it, according to the Councel of his Will: The Eternal State is according to a Law so Essential to Divine Wisdom, and Supremacy, that God cannot deny Himself in it, and so He is in it, the King Invisible (but as in Christ) Eternal, Immortal, the Only Wise God, to whom be Honour and Glory, for ever and ever, Amen. 1 Tim. 1. 17.
2. An Oeconomy is for a Time, Time can Rise no higher then to Receive an Oeconomy; The highest Oeconomy Time Receives, is in its Fullnese of Times, viz. of All Time, Ephes 1. 10. There can be nothing to Time beyond the Fullness of Times, but Eternity: When Time shall have had Fullness of Times, Eternity Follows.
3. An Oeconomy is the shewing to Angels and Men the Manifold Wisdom of God, by way of Preparation; The Eternal State is Absolute Fullness, and Rest; To serve this End in the highest Oeconomy of Preparation, as Kings and Priests a 1000 Years is the Kingdom of Christ; And it is to Christ and his Saints, more then his Coming to Mere Judgment, No Loss on one side, [Page 42] nor on the other, because it Issues into Eternity. It being then declar [...]d, that God hath Freely, and according to the Good pleasure of his Grace, Predestinated to a Conformity to the Image of the Son the Eternal Word in Humane Nature, the Eternal Law of that Conformity, is according to the Essential Law of Divine Glory in the Kingdom of the King Eternal, &c. That He should be All in All, as before Explain'd; And even highest Oeconomy, and so New Heaven and New Earth cease in the Kingdom delivered up, as Scripture witnesses. For the Glory from Eternity, must be the Glory to Eternity. Whatever is Incapable of this flies away; whatever is Contrary to it, is in the Opposite Eternal State (to us an unfathomable Depth as yet) the Lake of the Second Death.
This Great Doctrine of God All in All, deriv'd from our Lord, John 17. and his Apostle, 1 Cor. 15. 24, &c. is so far from being [...], a Fundamental Errour, that it is to Me the [...], The Supream Truth.
Argum. 4. There shall be no use of the New Heoven and of the New Earth, as a Palace of Christ and of his Saints of the First Resurrection Above, or of the Living Remaining Saints Below; And therefore they shall fly away; For They Ascend up with Christ far above All Heavens, into the Glory He had with the Father befoee the World began, when there was no such Heaven, nor such Earth; And he hath prayed, Where He is, They may be also.
And here for the strengthning this Argument, I would offer by way of Appendage some brief proposals concerning the State of the Resurrection, Explaining and freeing from Objection my former Discourses concerning it.
Rropos. 1. The Glorious Bodies of the Resurrection, both of Christ the first Fruits, and Exemplar, and of his Saints Conform'd to him, are Both Specific of the Humane Nature; and Individuate, as we speak, or make most Distinct the Person of Christ in it, and of each Saint, and so according to utmost Scripture-Light, They continue for ever.
Propos. 2. The Resurrection is Absolutely Necessary to the Perfection of the Redemption, freeing the Body from the Curse upon Sin, viz. Death, and is therefore called the Redemption of our Bodies, and the Redemption of those who make up the [...], or Purchase; As if Christ had not, so if his Saints Rise not, we were yet in our Sins
Propos. 3. The Resurrection hath this Peculiar in it for the Kingdom of Christ; That it is for Appearance in Glory, even All the Low, Despised, Martyr'd Servants of Christ shall be seen in Glory, as the Wicked's Greatests here shall be seen in Contempt, Dishonour, and Misery. This is the Kingdom of that Magnificent Show, He who is the Absolute Potentate will give▪ There must be therefore Bodies of Glory to be seen in; when this Show shall be over, though the Glorious Bodies shall on the Account before nam [...]d, continue for ever; Yet as for the Happiness of Union, they are so Spiritualiz'd and Prepared to that State of High Spirituality of God All in All; That what the Apostle said of his Visional Exaltation, He knew not, whether in, or out of the Body shall be much more so, when Saints are Ʋnited to God All in All, and Drinking in the [...] of that State, the Body will be of smallest notice to Saints.
Propos. 4. That the Doctrine of the Resurrection hath a differing Respect to the Saints Dead in Christ, who are to be Rais'd, and to the Saints Living and Remaining, who are to be Chang'd, is agreed; and so in the Main, however differing in Circumstances, It is also plain, That the Dead are Rais'd, and the Living Chang'd in one and the same moment, at the Sound of one and the same Trumpet, I in this fully Agree; For the Force of that, viz. the Apocalyptick Seventh Trumpet Lasts till the Kingdom deliver'd up; But the Difference is, whether the Dead are Rais'd; the Living Chang'd and Caught up at the same Moment. This I deny, and Assert the Thousand Years come between the Raising and Changing, the first Acts, and being Caught up, the last Act of Christ's Kingdom, on these Reasons. 1 Cor. 15. 52. 1 Thes. 4. [...]7.
Reason 1. If the Word [...], Afterward, or Then, does no more, as the Case being Parallel, There is just Cause to think it does more; it unavoidably yet shews, there may be such a Space; Because it is used to signifie a Greater Space, xiz betwixt Christ [...]s Rising, and his Saints Rising at his Coming; Compare 1 Thes. 4. 17. 1 Cor. 15. 13.
Reas. 2. Because if th [...] Apostle intended no more by the Living Remaining, being Chang'd; then that Those who happen'd to be Alive at Christ [...]s Coming, which is sudden, and as a Thief, should not stay to Die, but be Changed with a Change equal to Dying; and being Rais'd; it had not Requir [...]d such a [Page 44] Preface, Behold, I shew you a Mystery; The Case would be Plain, and no Mystery▪
Reas. 3. Especially, when we consider, if the Apostle 1 Thes. 4. 13. had discours'd the Case of the Dead in Christ with Relation to the Resurrection, as it looks to the Kingdom of Eternity, and not to the Glorious Kingdom of the Thousand Years before Eternity, he had more justly plac'd his Care on the Saints that shall be Found Alive at the Coming of Christ, that They might not Fear, they should be Forgotten at that Time, then on the Dead Saints.
1. Because the Resurrection being so often call'd The Resurrection of the Dead: The Dead in Christ stand much Fairer than the Living for the Resurrection.
2. Because the Apostle calls the Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Dead, a Principle in the Foundation of the Doctrine of Christ, Heb. 6. 2. But he styles the Change of the Living who die not, a Mystery, 1 Cor. 15. 51.
But a Kingdom of Glorious Appearance before that of Eternity, the Living Saints seem'd Fairest for, and the Dead more like to stay for their Glorious Appearance, till the Kingdom of Eternity, which might be a just Reason of Mourning as without Hope of that State, on account of Dying Saints; Hither therefore the Apostle's▪ Consolatory Discourse bends it self, Guided by the All-knowing Spirit, who both knew that Thousand Years Kingdom, and that he would Reveal it by the Apostle John, and I may say Peter also; though Dividing to every one of his Penmen as he pleas'd, He made no mention of the Thousand Years by the Apostle Paul▪ This much Assures, the Apostle was carried both on the Dying Saints Rais'd, and the Living Chang'd for that Glorious Kingdom of the Thousand Years before the Kingdom of Eternity.
Propos. 5. The Security of the Rising, and also of the Living Saints from the Great Conflagration, may be understood by Lot in Zoar, Secur'd from Sodoms Flames; by the Three Worthies in the Furnace; much more by the Apostle Peter's. saying Vers. 3. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the Godly, 2 Pet. 2. 9. And lastly, By the Excellency of the Bodies, not only of the Resurrection, but of this Mysterious Change the Apostle speaks of.
Propos 6. It is to be readily Granted, that notwithstanding the Equality of the Love of Christ to all Saints, yet One Star differs [Page 45] from another in Glory; And the State of the Saints Above Excells, as Equal to the Angels, the State of the Saints Below; who, as Adam in Paradise, Marry and are Given in Marriage; but free from All the Imperfections of Marriage now, beyond all Comparison, for They came in by Sin and the Curse; But such a State became the Geat Redeemer to Restore, because Lost by Sin. But yet these differing States of Saints make but one New Jerusalem in the Heaven and Earth, Both being but the One World to come of the Second Adam whereof I speak.
Propos. 7. The Possibility of Dying even upon Adam, was to have been Overcome and Removed by his Obedience. In this Adam Failed and Died; The Second Adam the Quickning Spirit, The Lord from Heaven Overcame Death in this, by standing the Surety of his Living Saints, till They are Caught up, and cannot Die any more, as the Saints Risen Above cannot; Else Death were not subdued. The very Possibility of Dying is a Terror of the Great Enemy Death, and to be Subdued by Christ.
Thus, As Adam from a Paradisiac Body degenerated to a Vile Body by Sin; and shall be Exalted to a Glorified Body by Christ; So the Saints Alive at Christ's Coming, shall be Chang'd to Paradisiac from Vile Bodies, and at Last be Caught up to Bodies of perfect Glory with Christ: In all which, there is Great Beauty of Redemption, and nothing strange, as the Objector supposes.
Propos. 8. The Words, 1 Thes. 4. 17. Concerning being Caught up, are as in a Mystery mysteriously plac'd: Lay Those [Together with Them] to the words to Meet the Lord, viz. in a Rendezvouz, or General As [...]embly, at the Delivering up of the Kingdom, and All will be plain; And it is Evident, as the Word [...], Implies a Rescue, and may be fairly Applied to that Forenam'd Rescue from Gog and Magog and the Laodicean Lukewarmness; So it could not be Together with the Rising-Dead in Christ, that they are so caught up; for Christ Brings them with him, as the Apostle expresly says; So They are not caught up at all, therfore not Together with the Living Saints.
Propos. 9. I make no more than One Heaven or Hell, though Both are variously Modell'd: 1. In the State of Separate Spirits. 2. In Spirits Re-invested with Bodies, and during the Kingdom of Christ. 3. In the Kingdom delivered up, and in the Lake. So Scripture Teaches; Yet to shew it is All One Resurrection, [Page 46] however call'd the First, and One Death, however call'd the Second, Each is Set alike; as in Great Letters, and made most Remarkable: This is the First Resurrection that hath no Second Counter-distinguish'd to it, but the Second Death. This is the Second Death that hath no First Counter-distinguish▪d to it, but the First Resurrection; One of These Receives or Devours All Mankind as Principalls, or Participants; Each of These begin at the Beginning, and are Compleat at the End of the Kingdom of Christ. The First Resurrection begins in the Dead in Christ rising first, and the Living chang'd; but its not perfect till the changed Saints are caught up, and put on Ineorruption and Immortality, and Exalted to an Impossibility of Dying; Implying an Absolute Decree of God, and Effects of his Redemption concerning it; So our Lord speaks, Luke 20. 36. The Second Death begins in the Beast and false Prophet cast into the Lake; and the Great and Small of the Wicked Slain with the Sword of Christ's Mouth; but is not Filled up, till Satan, the Dead and Death are cast into the Lake; Then the last Enemy Death is quite subdued: Then that Song is Sung, O Death, where is thy Sting? O Grave, where is thy Victory?
But the more distinguishing Pillar of the Kingdom of Christ Begun, is the First Resurrection at his Coming. The more distinguishing Pillar of the End of the Kingdom of Christ, is the Second Death; For then the Kingdom of Christ is deliver'd up.
Point 4. I come now to the Last Point, viz. of an Illustrious Restoration, or as the Apostle calls it, Reception, Reconciliation, and [...], or Full Orb'd Light of Israel; which very words well weigh [...]d, enforce that Great Truth to be Asserted; That there is to be such a Reception oppos'd to their Rejection, such a Reconciliation oppos'd to their being Enemies, such a Fullness oppos'd to their Diminution, that was not, when the Apostle wrote nor should be, as all, he says, Implys, till the End: This being a General Perswasion of most Christians, and having such a Face of Prophecy in all the Old Testament, set towards it, needs less Proof: But I will just present Six Arguments from Rom. 11. as being New Testament Prophetical Doctrine, and Freest from possible Evasion.
Argum. 1. The Apostle in that Chap. 11 speaks of a [...], a Some Broken off, of Some Saved, and at last of a [...], Saved; The First enfolds the Generality in that State of Rejection Ever since; The Second Comprehends all the Saved, [Page 47] who whatever Numbers they may have been, are but Some, till it comes to All Israel sav'd; v. 17. v. 14. v. 26.
Argum. 2. The Root and First Fruits being holy, the Spread Tree of Branches, and the whole Lump, must Appear in that State; The Love of God to Christ, God over All, Blessed for ever, who Came of Them; The Love of God to the Fathers, His Gifts, and Calling, without Repentance Require this; And it must not be in part, but in whole; The Saviour must come on Mount Zion, and turn Ʋngodliness from Jacob; when God according to his Covenant takes away your Sin, v 16. v. 27. 28. even their Blindness, their Self-cursing, &c.
Argum. 3. The Good Olive is their Own Olive, God is able, He will, How much more, Graft them in, then the Branches of the Wild Olive, and yet them he hath, and will still Graft in v. 23, 24. In this the Power of God is much Engag'd, Ezek 37. 9. He will Beat for them▪ One by One, Isa. 27. 12. Sift for them, Amos. 9. 9.
Argum▪ 4. The time is set for this, when the Gentile Churches come out of the Eclips of the Apostasie, to their Full Orb of Light, to their time of Full Mercy; when the time for the Riches of the World comes, for Life from the Dead viz. of the First Resurrection of the Saints in the New Heaven Above, and of the Living Remaining Saints in their happy Change in the New Earth beneath, till then Conversions are Rare: All this hath not yet been, v 22▪ 25. 12. 15.
Argum. 5▪ As the Gentiles before Christ had a long time of Ʋnbelief, and of not Obtaining Mercy, from which they had a Rescue by Christ, so must the Jews have from their Ʋnbelief, and not Obtaining Mercy, v. 30, 31.
Argum. 6 This, both Doctrine and Providence, is a Mystery, Gentile Churches wise in their own Eyes Think there is no need of this Restoration of Israel, to their True Church Perfection: Such Excellent Persons, as the present Objector, may not see it, even because It is a Mystery, v. 25.
These Arguments well consider▪d, will Answer all the Material Objections I am now dealing with, and shew, that as the Patriarks, Prophets, and Apostles, Saints of the First Resurrection, shall have a Glory, particular to them in the New Heaven above, so of their Posterity, there shall be Living Remaining Saints; who shall in that State be so different, Freed from any of those Perplexing Doubts Fitted only to this present Earth, as to Illustrate the New Jerusalem State below.
And thus I have with the high Esteem of the Person, I have this debate with, for his Excellent Works sake in general, in the Gospel, and with that [...], the Verccundia, the Modesty, Sollemnity, Gravity, due to so Great a Subject, as the Kingdom of Christ Endeavour'd to discourse it; And with that Brevity, I am on all Accounts necessitated unto, but yet am not Conscious, that I have Baulked any Material Objection of the worthy Adversary; but that what I have said, will meet with it, with all the Resolution, and Satisfaction I am Able to give; And so I cannot but hope, that neither on one side, or on the other, such debates ar [...] Sin, but that the Truth of God hereby will be made manifest; and by Running to and fro, Knowledge be Increas'd; And I still make humble Offers by Conference, or Entercourse of Writing, to give All Satisfaction I c [...]n further; desiring only the Axe may be laid to the Roote, by shewing the Inconsistency of what I have Argu'd, with the Scriptures, from which I have Argued, or with any other Scriptures.
In the mean, I profess with meekness, and due Awe, my Assurance of the Truth of my Prophetic Doctrine; I own I Look upon my self, as a Voice, as a Forerunner to the Preaching of the Everlasting Gospel of this Kingdom, now near at Hand; I humbly expect the dawn of the Morning Star upon the Vaudois, and the French, the Witnesses of Christ yet in Sackcloth, and Death, even the next Summer; and I cannot but hope, by the Service of our present Soveraign to the Kingdom of Christ; And I do declare, had I not this hope in Scripture Prophecy, I were of All Men most Miserable. But Glory be to Free Grace, I shall not be Ashamed of my Hope.