A SERMON OF Iudgement, Preached at Pauls before the Honorable Lord Maior and Alder­men of the City of London, Dec. 17. 1654. And now enlarged

By Rich. Baxter.

Rom. 14.12.

Every one of you shall give account of himself to God.

Iohn 5.28, 29.

The hour is coming in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth: They that have done good, to the Resurrection of Life, and they that have done evil, to the Resurrection of Damnation.

LONDON, Printed by R. W. for Nevil Simmons Bookseller in Kidderminster, 1655

TO The Right Honorable Christopher Pack, Lord Maior of London; with the Right worshipful Aldermen.

Right Honorable

BEeing desired to Preach before you at Pauls, I was fain to preach a Sermon, which I had preached once before to a poor ignorant Congregation in [Page] the Countrey, having little lei­sure for study in London. I was glad to see that the more curious stomacks of the Citizens did not nauseate our plain Countrey Doctrine, which I seemed to dis­cern in the diligent attention of the greatest Congregation that ever I saw met for such a work: But I little expected that you should have so far esteemed that discours, as to have thought it meet for the view of the world, as I understood by a Message from you, desiring it may be Printed. I readily obey your will, when it gives me the least intimation of the will of God. Its possible some others may afford it the like favour­able Acceptance and entertain­ment. [Page] I am sure the subject is as Necessa [...]y as common; and the Plainness makes it the fitter for the ignorant, who are the far greatest number, and have the greatest need. I have added the 9, 10, 11, and 12. Heads or Common-places, which I did not deliver to you for want of time, and because the rest are too briefly touched (as contrived for an hours work) I have enlarged these; though making them somewhat unsuitable to the rest, yet suitable to the use of those that they are now intended for: The Directions also in the end are added.

Blessed be the Father of Lights, who hath set up so ma­ny burning and shining lights [Page] in your City, and hath watered you so plenteously with the Ri­vers of his Sanctuary, that you have frequent opportunities for the refreshment of your souls, to the joy of your friends, the grief of your enemies, and the glory of that Providence which hath hitherto maintained them, in despight of Persecution, Here­sies and Hell! It was not al­wayes so in London: It is not so in all other places, or famous Cities in the world: Nor are you sure that it will be alway so with you. It doth me good to remem­ber what blessed Lights have shined among you, that now are more gloriously shining in a higher sphere: Preston, Sibbes, Stoughton, Tayl [...]r, [Page] Stock, Randal, Gouge, Ga­taker, with multitudes more that are now with Christ! It did me good to read in the Pre­face to Mr. Gatakers funeral Sermon, by one of your Reve­rend and faithful Guides, what a number of sound and unani­mous Labourers are yet close at work in that part of Christs Vineyard! And it did me good in that short experience and ob­servation while I was there, to hear and see so much of their Prudence, Unity and Fideli­ty.

Believe it, it is the Gospel of Christ that is your Glory: and if London be more honorable then other great and famous Cities of the earth, it is the [Page] light of Gods face, and the plen­ty and power of his Ordinances and spirit that doth advance and honour it. O know then the day of you visitation!

Three things I shall take leave to propound to your Con­sideration, which I am certain God requireth at your hands. The first is, that you grow in knowledge, humility, heavenly­ness and Vnity, according to the blessed means that you enjoy. In my eyes▪ it is the greatest shame to a people in the world, and a sign of barbarousness, or blockishness, when we can hear and read what famous, learned powerful Minister such a place, or such a place had, and yet see [Page] as much ignorance, ungodly­ness, unruliness, and sensuali­ty, as if the Gospel had scarce ever been there. I hope it is not thus with you: but I have found it so in too many places in England: We that never saw the faces of their Ministers, but have only read their holy La­bors, have been ready to think, sure there are but few igno­rant or ungodly ones in such a Congregation! Sure they are a people rich in Grace, and eminently qualified above their brethren, who have lived undersuch Teach­ing as this! At least, sure there can be none left that have an enmity to the fear of God! But when we have come [Page] to the Towns where such men spent their lives, and laid out their labours, we have found ignorant, sott [...]sh worldlings, un­profitable or giddy unstable Professors, and some haters of godliness among them. O what a shame is this to them in the eyes of wise men! and what a confounding aggravation of the [...]r sin before God! Thrive therefore and be fruitful in the Vineyard of the Lord, that it may not repent him that he hath planted and watered you.

The second is this; Improve your interest to the utmost, for the continuance of a faithful Ministery among you: and when any places are void, do what [Page] you can to get a supply of the most Able men. Your City is the Heart of the Nation: you cannot be sick but we shall all feel it. If you be infected with false Doctrines, the Countreys will ere long receive the Contagion. You have a very great influence on all the Land, for good or evil! And do you think the undermining enemies of the Church have not a special De­sign upon you in this point? and will not promote it as far as is in their power? Could they but get in Popish or Divi­ding Teachers among you, they know how many advantages they should gain at once! They would have some to grieve and trouble your faithful Guides▪ and [Page] hinder them in the work, and lessen that estimation which by their Vnity they would obtain: And every Deceiver will hope to catch some fish, that casteth his Net among such store. We beseech you, if there be Learn­ed, Holy, Judicious men in England, that can be had for supply on such occasions, let them be yours; that you may be fed with the Best, and Guided by the Wisest, and we may have all recourse to you for advice: and where there are most Op­posers and Seducers, there may be the most Powerful, Convin­cing helps at hand: Let us in the Countrey have the honest raw young Preachers, and see that you have the chief Fatherspunc; [Page] and Pillars in the Church. I speak it not for your sakes alone, but because we have all Depen­dance on you.

The third thing which I humbly Crave, is, that you will Know them which Labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admo­nish you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their works sake; and be at Peace among your selves. 1 Thes. 5.12, 13. And that you will instead of grieving or rejecting your Guides, Obey them that have the Rule over you, and submit yourselves; for they watch for your souls as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and [Page] not with grief, for that is un­profitable for you. Heb. 13.17.7. Encourage your Teachers, for their work is great, their spirits are weak they are but frail men; the enemy is more industrious against them then any men; & their discouragements are very many, and the difficulties which they must encounter are very great. Especially, Obey, Sub­mit and Encourage them in the work of Government and Exer­cise of Christs Discipline, and managing the Keyes of the Kingdom which he hath put in­to their hands. Do you not per­ceive what a strait your Teachers are in! The Lord Iesus requi­reth them to exercise his Disci­pline faithfully and impartial­ly: [Page] He giveth them not empty Titles of Rule, but layes upon them the burden of ruling: It is his work, more then their Honor that he intends: and if they will have the Honor, it must be by the work. The work is, as to Teach the ignorant, and convince the unbelieving and gainsaying, so to admonish the disorderly and scandalous, and to reject and cast out of the Communion of the Church the Obstinate and Impenitent; and to set by the Leprous, that they infect not the rest; and to sepa­rate thus the pretious from the vile, by Christs Discipline, that dividing separations, and soul-destroying Transgressions may be prevented or cured. This [Page] work Christ hath charged upon them, and will have it done whoever is against it. If they obey him and do it, what a tu­mult, what clamours and discontents will they raise! How many will be ready to rise up against them with hatred and scorn! though it be the undoubt­ed work of Christ, which even under persecution was perform­ed by the Church-Guides. When they do but keep a scandalous untractable sinner from the Communion of the Church in the Lords Supper, what repin­ings doth it raise! But, alas, this is a small part of the Dis­cipline: If all the apparently obstinate and impenitent were cast out, what a stir would they [Page] make! And if Christ be not obeyed, what a stir will consci­ence make? And it is not on­ly between Christ and men, but between men and men, that your Guides are put upon such streights. The Separatists re­proach them for suffering the Impenitent to continue mem­bers of their Churches, and make it the pretence of their separation from them; having little to say of any moment against the authorized way of Government; but only against our slackness in the Execution. And if we should set to the close exercise of it, as is meet, how would City and Countrey ring of it, and what Indignation should we raise in the multitude [Page] against us! O what need have your Guides of your Encourage­ment and best Assistance in this streight! God hath set them on a work so ungrateful and displeasing to flesh and blood, that they cannot be faithful in it, but twenty to one they will draw a world of Hatred upon themselves, if not mens fists about their ears. Festred sores will not be lancht and search with ease: Corrupted members are unwilling to be cut off, and cast aside: Especially if any of the great ones fall under the censure, who are big in the eyes of the world and in their own. And yet our Soveraign Lord must be obeyed; and his house must be swept, and the filth cast [Page] out, by what names or Titles soever it be dignified with men: He must be pleased, if all be displeased by it. VVithdraw not your help then from this needful work. It is by the Word, Spirit and Ministery, that Christ the King of his Church doth Govern it: Not separatedly, but joyntly, by all three: To disobey these, is to disobey Christ: and subjection to Christ is Essential to our Christianity. This well thought on might do much to recover the Unruly that are Recover­able. You may conjecture by the strange opposition that Church-Government meets with from all sorts of carnal and corrupt­ed minds, that there is some­what [Page] in it that is eminently of God. I sha [...]l say no more but this, that It is an Able, Judi­cious, Godly, Faithful mini­stery, not barely heard and applauded, but humbly and piously submitted to, and obeyed in the Lord, that musst be your truest present glory, and the means of your everlasting Peace and Joy.

So testifieth from the Lord, Your servant in the faith of Christ. Rich. Baxter.

To the Ignorant, or Careless Reader.

SEeing the Providence of God hath com­manded forth this plain Discourse, I shall hope (upon ex­perience of his dealing in the like cases, with me) that he hath some work for it to do in the world. Who knows but it was intended for the saving of thy soul by opening thine eyes and awaking thee from thy sin, who art now in Reading of it! Be it known to thee, it is the certain Truth of God, and of high concern­ment to thy soul that it treateth of; and therefore requireth thy most so­ber Consideration. Thou hast in it (how weakly soever it is managed [Page] by me) an advantage put into thy hand from God, to help thee in the greatest work in the world, even to prepare for the great approaching Judgement. In the name of Go [...], I require thee, cast not away this ad­vantage: Turn no away thine ears or heart from this warning that is sent to thee from the living God! Seeing all the world cannot keep thee from judgement, nor save thee in Iudgement: let not all the world be able to keep thee from a speedy and serious prepartion for it. Do it presently, lest God come before thou are ready! Do it seri­ously, lest the Temepter over-reach thee, and thou shouldest be found among the foolish self-deceivers, when it is too late to do it bttter. I intreat this of thee on the behalf of thy soul, and as thou tendrest thy everlasting Peace with God, that thou wouldest afford these matters thy deepest Consideration. [Page] Think on them, whether they are not True, and weighty: Think of them lying down and rising up. And seeing this small Book is faln into thy hands, all that I would beg of thee concerning it, is, that thou wouldest bestow now and then an hour to read it, and read it to thy family or friends as well as to thy self: and as you go▪ Consider what you read, and Pray the Lord to help it to thy heart, and to assist thee in the Practise, that it may not rise up in Judgement against thee. If thou have not leisure at other, take now and then an hour on the Lords dayes, or at a night to that purpose, and if any passage through brevity (specially neer the beginning) seem dark to thee, Read it again, and again, and ask the help of an Instructer, that thou maiest unders [...]and it. May it but help thee out of the snares of sin, and promote the saving of thy Im­mortal [Page] soul, and thy comfortable appearance at the great day of Christ, I have the thing which I intended and desired. The Lord open thy Heart, and accompany his Truth with the Blessing of his Spirit! Amen.

A SERMON Of Judgement, Preached at Pauls before the Ho­nourable Lord Maior and Al­dermen of the City London, Dec. 17. 1654

2 Cor. 5.10, 11.

For we must all Appear before the Judgement Seat of Christ, that every one may receive the things done in his body; according to that he hath done, whe­ther it be good or bad. Knowing therefore the terrors of the Lord we perswade men.

IT is not unlikely, that some of those wits that are taken more with things New then with things Necessary, will marvel that [Page 2] I choose so common a subject, and tell me that they all know this already▪ But I do it purposely upon these following Considerati­ons. 1. Because I well know, that it is these common Truths that are the great and necessary things which mens everlasting happiness or misery doth most Depend up­on. You may be ignorant of ma­ny Controversies and Inferiour points, without the danger of your souls, but so you cannot of these Fundamentals. 2. Because its ap­parent by the lives of men, that few know these Common Truths savingly, that think they know them. 3. Because there are seve­ral degrees of knowing the same Truths, and the best are imperfect in degree. The principal growth in knowledge that we should look af [...]er, is not to know more matters then we kne [...] before, but to know that better, and with a clearer light [Page 3] and firmer apprehension, which we darkly and sleightly knew be­fore. You may more safely be without any knowledge at all of many lower Truths, then without some further degree of the know­ledge of those which you already know. 4. Besides it is known by sad experience, that many perish who know the Truth, for want of the Consideration of it, and making use of what they know, and so their knowledge doth but condemn them. We have as much need therefore, to teach and help you to get these Truths which you know into your hearts and lives, as to tell you more. 5. And indeed, it is the impression of these great and master-Truths, wherein the vitals and essentials of Gods Image upon the soul of man doth consist: And it is these Truths that are the very Instru­ments of the great works that are [Page 4] to be done upon the heart, by the spirit and our selves. In the right use of these it is, that the Principal part of the skill and ho­ly wisdom of a Christian doth consist: and in the diligent and constant use of these lyeth the life and trade of Christianity. There is nothing amiss in mens hearts or lives, but it is for want of sound knowing and believing, or well using these fundamentals. 6. And moreover, me thinks, in this choice of my subject, I may expect this advantage with the hearers, that I may spare that labour that else would be necessary for the proof of my doctrine: and that I may also have easier access to your hearts, and have a fuller stroak at them, and with less resistance. If I came to tell you of any thing not Common, I know not how far I might expect belief from you. You might say, these things [Page 5] are uncertain to us, or all men are not of this mind: But when every hearer confesseth the Truth of my Doctrine, & no man can deny it, without denying Christianity it self, I hope I may expect that your hearts should the sooner re­ceive [...]he Impression of this Do­ctrine, and the sooner yield to the duties which it directs you to; and the easier let go the sins which from so certain a truth shall be discovered.

The words of my text, are the reason which the Apostle giveth both of his perswading other men to the fear of God, and his care to approve to God his own heart and life. They contain the Assertion and Description of the great Judgement, and one use which he makes of it. It assureth us, that Judged we must be; and who must be so Judged, and by whom, and about what, and on [Page 6] what terms, and to what end.

The meaning of the words, so far as is necessary, I shall give you briefly. We all, both we Apostles that Preach the Gospel, and you that hear it, must, willing or un­willing, there is no avoiding it, Appear, stand forth or make our appearance, and there have our hearts and wayes laid open, and appear as well as we. Before the Iudgement seat of Christ; i.e. before the redeemer of the world, to be Judged by him as our Rightful Lord. That every one, even of all mankind which are, were, or shall be, without excepti­on; May receive, that is, may receive his sentence adjudging him to his due; and then may re­ceive the execution of the sen­tence; and may go away from the barr with that Reward or Punishment that is his due ac­cording to the Law by which he [Page 7] is Judged. The things done in his body, that is, the due Reward of the works done in his body: or as some copies read it, The things proper to the body, i.e. due to the man, even body as well as soul. According to what he hath done, whether it be good or bad: i▪e. This is the cause to be tried and Judg­ed, whether men have done well or ill whiles they were in the flesh, and what is due to them ac­cording to their deeds. Knowing therefore, &c. i.e. Being certain therefore that these things are so, and that such a Terrible Judge­ment of Christ will come, we per­swade men to become Christians and live as such, that they may then speed well when others shall shall be destroyed: or as others, Knowing the fear of the Lord, that is, the true Religion, we perswade men.

Doct. 1. There will be a Judge­ment. [Page 8] Doct. 2. Christ will be the Judge. Doct. 3. All men shall there appear. Doct. 4. Men shall be then Judged according to the works that they did in the flesh, whether good or evil. Doct. 5. The end of Judgement is, that men may receive their final due by Sentence and Execution. Doct. 6. The knowledge and con­sideration of the terrible Judge­ment of God, should move us to perswade, and men to be per­swaded to careful preparati­on.

The ordinary method for the handling of this subject of Judge­ment should be this. 1. To shew you what Judgement is in the General, and what it doth con­tain: and that is, 1. The persons. 2. The cause. 3. The Actions. 1. The parties are, 1. the Accuser. 2. the Defendant. 3. Somtime Assistants. 4. The Judge. 2. The [Page 9] cause contains, 1. the Accusa­tion. 2. the Defence. 3. With the Evidence of both. 4. and the Merit. The Merit of the cause is, as it agreeth with the Law and Equity. 3. The Judicial Actions are, I. Introductory. 1. Citation. 2. Compulsion if need be. 3.Ap­pearance of the Accused. II. Of the Essence of Judgement, 1. De­bate by [...] the Accuser, 2. Defen­dant, called the Disceptation of the cause. 2. By the Judge. [...]. Ex:ploration. 2. Sentence. 3. To see to the Execution: But be­cause the Method is less suitable to your capacities; and hath something humane, I will reduce all to these following heads.

1. I will shew what Judgement is.

2. Who is the Judge; and why.

3. Who must be Judged.

4. Who is the Accuser.

[Page 10]5. How the citation, constraint and appearance will be.

6. What is the Law by which men shall be Judged.

7. What will be the cause of the day: what the Accusation, and what must be the just De­fence.

8. What will be the Evi­dence.

9. What are those frivolous insufficient excuses by which the unrighteous may think to e­scape.

10. What will be the sentence: who shall dye and shall live; and what the Reward and Pu­nishment is.

11. What are the Properties of the Sentence.

12. What and by whom the execution will be. In these particular heads we contain the whole doctrine of this Judgement, and in thi [...] more familiar method shall handle it.

1. FOR the first, Judgement as taken largely, compre­hendeth all the forementioned particulars; As taken more strictly for the Act of the Judge, it is the Tryal of a Controverted case. In our case not these things following.

1. Gods Judgement is not in­tended for any Discovery to him­self of what he knows not alrea­dy: he knoweth already what all men are; and what they have done; and what is their due. But it is to discover to others and to men themselves the ground of his sentence, that so his Judgement may attain its end; for the glori­fying his grace on the Righteous, and for the convincing the wicked of their sin and de [...]ert, and to shew to all the world the Righte­ousness of the Judge, and of his [Page 12] Sentence and Execution, Rom. 3.4.26. and Rom. 2.2.

2. It is not a Controversie therefore undecided in the mind of God that is there to be deci­ded; but onely one that is unde­cided, as to the knowledge and mind of creatures.

3. Yet is not this Judgement a bare Declaration, but a Decision, and so a Declaration thereupon: the cause will be then put out of controversie, and all further ex­pectation of Decision be at an end; and with the justified there will be no more Accusation, and with the condemned no more hope for ever.

II. FOR the second thing, who shall be the Judge, I answer, the Judge is God him­self by Iesus Christ.

[Page 13]1. Principally, God as Crea­tor.

2. As also, God as Redeemer; the humane nature of Jesus Christ having a derived subordinate power. God lost not his right to his creature either by mans fall, or the Redemption by Christ, but by the latter hath a new and fur­ther right: but it is in and by Christ that God Judgeth: For as meer Creator of innocent man, God judgeth none, but hath committed all Judgement to the Son, who hath procured this right by the redeeming of fallen man, John 5.22. But as the Son only doth it in the neerest sense, so the Fa­ther as Creator doth it remotely and principally.

1. In that the power of the Son is derived from the Father, and so standeth in subordination to him as Fountain or Efficient.

[Page 14]2. In that the Judgement of the Son (as also his whole Media­torship) to bring men to God their maker as their ultimate end, and recover them to him from whom they are faln, and so as a means to that end, the Judge­ment of the son is subordinate to the Father.

From hence you may see these following Truths worthy your consideration.

1. That all men are Gods crea­tures, and none are the workman­ship of themselves or any other; or else the Creator should not Judge them on that right.

2. That Christ dyed for All, and is the Redeemer of the world, and a sacrifice for All; or else he should not Judge them on that Right. For he will not Judge wicked men as he will do the Devils, as the meer enemies of his Redeemed ones, but as being [Page 15] themselves his subjects in the world, and being bought by him, and therefore become his own, who ought to have glorified him that bought them, 2 Cor. 5.14, 15. 2 Pet. 2.1. 1 Cor. 6. [...]9, 20. 1 Ioh. 2.2. Heb. 2.9. 1 Tim. 2.6, 7.

3. Hence it appeareth that all men were under some Law of Grace, and did partake of some of the Redeemers mercy. Though the Gospel came not to all, yet all had that mercy which could come from no other Fountain but his Blood, and which should have brought them neerer to Christ then they were, (though it were not sufficient to bring them to believe:) and which should have led them to Repen­tance. Rom. 2.4. For the neg­lecting of which they justly per­ish; and not meerly for sinning against the Law that was given [Page 16] man in innocency: Were that so, Christ would not Judge them as Redeemer, and that for the abuse or not-improvement of his Talents, as he tels us he will do, Mat. 25. per totum.

4. If God will be the Judge, then none can expect by any shifts or indirect means scape at that Day. For how should it be?

1. It is not possible that any should keep out of sight, or hide their sin and the evil of their acti­ons, and so delude the Judge: God will not be mocked now, nor deceived then, Gal. 6.7. they grossly deceive themselves that imagine any such thing: God must be Omniscient and All-see­ing, or he cannot be God. Should you hide your cause from men and from Devils, and be ignorant of it your selves, yet cannot you hide it from God. Never did [Page 17] there a thought pass thy a heart, or a word pass thy mouth, which God was not acquainted with: and as he knows them, so he doth observe them. He is not as Im­perfect man, taken up with other business, so that he cannot mind All. As easie is it with him to ob­serve every Thought, or Word, or Action of thine, as if he had but that one in the world to ob­serve: and as easie to observe each particular sinner, as if he had not another creature to look af­ter in the world. He is a fool in­deed that thinks now that God takes no notice of him, Ezek. 8.12. and 9.9. or, that thinketh then to escape in the croud: He that found out one Guest that had not on a wedding Garment, Mat. 22.12. will then find out every un­holy soul, and give him so sad a saluation as shall make him speechles, Job 11.11. For he [Page 18] noweth vain man; he seeth wickedness also, and will he not con­sider it?

2. It is not possible that any should scape at that Day by any Tricks of with and false Reasoning in their own Defence. God know­eth a sound Answer from an un­sound, and a Truth from a Lye. Righteousness may be perverted here on earth, by out-witting the Judge; but so will it not be then: To hope any of this, is to hope that God will not be God. It is in vain then for the unholy man to say he is holy; or extenuate his sin: To bring forth the coun­terfeit of any Grace, and plead with God any shells of hypocri­tical performances, and to think to prove a Title to heaven by any thing short of Gods Conditi­on; all these will be vain at­tempts.

[Page 19]3. And as impossible will it prove by fraud or flattery, by per­swasion or bribery, or by any other means, to pervert Justice, by turning the mind of God who is the Judge: Fraud and flattery, bribery and importunity may do much with weak men; but with God they will do nothing: Were he changable and partial, he were not God.

4. If God be Judge, you may see the Cavils of Infidels are foolish, when they ask, How long will God be in Trying and Judging so many persons, and taking an Ac­count of so many VVords, and Thoughts, and Deeds? Sure it will be a long time, and a difficult work. As if God were as man, that knoweth not things till he seek out their Evidence by particular signs. Let these fools understand, if they have any understanding, that the infinite God can shew to [Page 20] every man at once, all the thoughts, and words, and actions that ever he hath been guilty of. And in the twink of an eye, even at one view, can make all the world to see their wayes and their deservings. Causing their con­sciences and memories to present them all before them in such a sort, as shall be equivalent to a verbal debate, Psal. 50.21, 22. he will set them in Order before them.

5. If Jesus Christ be the Judge, then what a comfort must it needs be to his members, that he shall be Judge that loved them to the death, and whom they loved above their lives: and he who was their Rock of hope and strength, and the desire and de­light of their souls!

6. And if Iesus Christ must be the Iudge, what confusion will it bring to the faces of his enemies, [Page 21] and of all that set light by him in the day of their visitation? to see Mercy turned against them, and he that dyed for them, now ready to condemn them: and that blood and grace which did Aggravate their sin, to be pleaded against them to the increase of their misery, how sad will this be!

7. If the God of Love, and Grace, and Truth be Judge, then no man need to fear any wrong. No subtilty of the Accuser, nor darkness of Evidence: no pre­judice, or partiality, or whatsoever else may be imagined, can there appear to the wrong of your cause. Get a good cause and fear nothing; and if your cause be bad, nothing can deliver you.

III. FOR the third point, Who are they that must be Judged?

Answ. All the rational crea­tures in this lower world. And it seems, Angels also, either all or some: But because their case is more darkly made known to us, and less concerns us, we will pass it by. Every man that hath been made or born on earth (except Christ, who is God and man, and is the Iudge) must be judged. If any foolish Infidel shall say, VVhere shall so great a number stand? I answer him; that he knoweth not the things invisible: either the nature of spirits, and spiritual bodies: nor what place containeth them, or how; but ea­sily he may know, that he that gave them all a Being, can sustain them all, and have room for them [Page 23] all, and can at once disclose the thoughts of all, as I said be­fore.

The first in Order to bejudged, are, the Saints, Mat. 25. and then with Christ they shall Judge the rest of the world, 1 Cor. 6.2, 3. not in an equal Authority and Commission with Christ, but as the present Approvers of his Righteous Iudgement. The Prin­ces of the earth shall stand then before Christ, even as the Pea­sants; and the honourable as the base; the rich and the poor shall meet together, and the Lord shall judge them all, Prov. 22.2. No man shall be excused from stand­ing at that Barr, and giving up their Account, and receiving their doom. Learned and unlearned; young and old; godly and un­godly; all must stand there. I know some have vainly ima­gined, that the righteous shall [Page 24] not have any of their sins menti­oned, but their graces and duties only; but they consider not, that things will not then be trans­acted by words as we do now but by clear discoveries by the infinite Light; and that if God should not discover to them their sins, he would not discover the Riches of his Grace in the pardon of all these sins: Even then must they be humbled in themselves, that they may be glorified; and for ever cry, Not unto us Lord, but unto thy name be the glory.

IV. FOR the fourth parti­cular; VVho will be the Accuser?

Answ. 1. Satan is called in Scripture the Accuser of the Bre­thren, Rev. 12.10. and we find in Iob 1. and other places, that now he doth Practice it even be­fore [Page 25] God, and therefore we judge it probable that he will do so then. But we would determine of nothing that Scripture hath not clearly determined.

2. Conscience will be an Ac­cuser, though especially of the wicked, yet in some sense of the righteous: for it will tell the truth to all: and therefore so far as men are faulty, it will tell them of their faults. The wicked it will accuse of unpardoned sin, and of sin unrepented of; the godly on­ly of sin repented of and pardo­ned. It will be a Glass wherein every man may see the face of his heart and former Life, Rom. 1.15.

3. The Judge himself will be the Principal Accuser; for it is he that is wronged, and he that prosecutes the cause, and will do Iustice on the wicked; God judgeth even the Righteous [Page 26] themselves to be sinners, or else they could not be pardoned sin­ners; But he judgeth the wicked to be impenitent, unbelieving, un­converted sinners. Remember what I said before, that it is not a verbal Accusation, but an open­ing of the Truth of the Cause to the view of our selves and others, that God will then perform.

Nor can any think it unworthy of God to be mens Accuser by such a disclosure, it being no dis­honour to the purest light to re­veal a dung-hill, or to the greatest Prince to Accuse a Traytor. Nor is it unmeet that God should be both Accuser and Judge; seeing he is both absolute Lord, and so far beyond all suspition of Inju­stice. His Law also doth virtual­ly accuse, Iohn 5.45. but of this by it self.

V. FOR the fifth particular, How will the sinners be cal­led to the Barr?

Answ. God will not stand to send them a Citation, nor require him to make his Voluntary Ap­pearance; but willing or unwilling he will bring them in.

1. Before each mans particular Judgement, he sendeth death to call away his soul: A surly Ser­jeant, that will have no Nay; How dear so ever this world may be to men, and how loth soever they are to depart, away they must, and come before the Lord that made them; Death will not be bribed. Every man that was set in the Vineyard in the morning of their lives, must be called out at evening to Receive according to what he hath done; then must [Page 28] the naked soul alone appear be­fore, its Judge, and be accomptible for all that was done in the body; and be sent before till the final Judgement, to remain in happi­ness or misery, till the body be raised again and joyned to it.

In this appearance of the soul before God, it seemeth by Scri­pture, that there is some Mini­stery of Angels; for Luk. 16.22. it is said, that the Angels carried Lazarus, that is, his soul, into Abrahams bosom: What local motion there is, or situation of souls, is no fit matter for the en­quiry of mortals; and what it is in this that the Angels will do, we cannot clearly under­stand as yet; But most certain it is, that as soon as ever the soul is out of the Body, it comes to its account before the God of Spi­rits.

[Page 29]2. At the end of the world the bodies of all men sha [...]l be raised from the earth, and jo [...]ned again to their souls; and the soul and body shall be judged to their end­less state; and this is the great and general Judgement, where all men shal at once appear. The same power of God that made men of nothing, will as easily then New make them by a Resurrection; by which he will add much more per­fection, even to the wicked in their Naturals, which will make them capable of the greater mi­sery; even they shall have im­mortal and incorruptible bodies, which may be the subjects of im­mortal woe, 1 Cor. 15.53 Iohn 5.28, 29.

Of this Resurrection, and our Appearance at Judgement, the Angels will be some way the Mi­nisters: As they shall come with Christ to Judgement, so they shall [Page 30] sound his Trumpet, 1 Thes. 4.16. and they shall gather the wicked out of Gods Kingdom; and they shall gather the Tares to burn them, Mat. 13.39▪40, 41. in the end of the world the Angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the Furnace of fire, Mat. 17.49, 50.

FOR the sixth particular, What Law is it that men shall be Iudged by?

Answ. That which was given them to live by: Gods Law is but the sign of his will, to teach us what shall be due from us and to us: Before we fell he gave us such a Law as was suitable to our perfe­ction: when we had sinned and turned from him, as we ceased not to be his creatures, nor he to be [Page 31] our Lord, so he destroyed not his Law, nor discharged or absolved us from the duty of our obedi­ence. But because we stood con­demned by that Law, and could not be Justified by it, having once Transgressed it, he was pleased to make a Law of Grace, even a new remedying Law, by which we might be saved from the deserved punishment of the Old. So we shall be tryed at Judgement upon both these Laws, but ultimatly up­on the Last. The first Law com­manded perfect Obedience, and threatned Death to us if ever we disobeyed; the second Law finding us under the Guilt of sin against the first, doth command us to Repent and Believe in Christ, and so to return to God by him▪ and promiseth us pardon of all our sins upon that Condition, and al­so if we persevere, everlasting Glory. So that in Judgement, [Page 32] though it must first be evinced that we are sinners, and have deserved Death according to the Law of pure nature; yet that is not the upshot of the Judgement. For the enquiry will be next, whether we have accepted the remedy, and so obeyed the Law of grace, and performed its Condition for par­don and salvation; and upon this our Life or Death will depend. It is both these Laws that condemn the wicked, but it is only the Law of grace that justifieth the righte­ous.

Obj. But how shall Heathens be judged by the Law of grace, that never did Receive it?

Answ. The express Gospel some of them had not, and there­fore shall not directly be judged by it; but much of the Redeemers mercy they did enjoy, which should have led them to repent and seek out after Recovery from their [Page 33] misery, and to come neerer Christ, and for the neglect and abuse of this, they shall be judged; and not meerly for sinning against the Law that was given us in pure in­nocency: So that Christ as Re­deemer shall judge them as well as others: though they had but one Talent, yet must they give an account of that to the Redeemer, from whom they received it. But if any be unsatisfied in this, let them remember, that as God hath left the state of such more dark to us, and the terms on which he will Iudge them; so doth it much more concern us to look to the terms of our own Iudgement.

Obj. But how shall Infants be judged by the Gospel, that were un­capable of it?

Answ. For ought I find in Scri­pture, they stand or fall with their parents, &c. on the same terms; but I leav each to their own thoughts.

VII. FOR the seventh Head, VVhat will be the cause of the day to be enquired after? VVhat the Accusation, and what the Defence?

Answ. This may be gathered from what was last said. The great Cause of the Day will be to en­quire and determine, who shall dye and who shall live; who ought to go to heaven, and who to hell for ever, according to the Law by which they must then be Iudged.

1. As there is a twofold Law by which they must be Iudged, so will there then be a twofold Ac­cusation. The first will be, that they were sinners, and so having violated the Law of God, they Deserve Everlasting Death ac­cording to that Law; If no de­fence [Page 35] could be made, this one Ac­cusation would condemn all the wo [...]ld; for it is most certain that all are sinners, and as certain that all sin deserveth Death. The only defence against this Accusation lyeth in this Plea: Confessing the charge, we must plead that Christ hath satisfied for sins, and upon that consideration God hath for­given us; and therefore being for­given, we ought not to be punished; To prove this we must shew the pardon under Gods hand in the Gospel. But because this pardoning Act of the Go­spel doth forgive none but those that Repent and Believe, and so return to God, and to sincere Obedience for the time to come; therefore the next Accusation will be, that we did not perform these Conditions of forgiveness; and therefore being Ʋnbelievers, Im­penitent and Rebels against the Re­deemer [Page 36] we have no right to pardon, but by the sentence of the Gospel, are lyable to a greater punishment, for this contempt of Christ and Grace. This Accusation is either true or false; where it is true, God and Conscience who speak the truth may well be said to be the Accusers: Where it is false, it can be only the work of Satan the malitious adversary; who, as we may see in Iobs case, will not stick to bring a false Accusati­on.

If any think that the Accuser will not do so vain a work, at least they may see that potentially, this is the Accusation that lyeth against us and which we must be justified against. For all Iustifica­tion implyeth an Actual or Poten­tial Accusation.

He that is truly accused of fi­nal Impenitency, or Unbelief, or Rebellion, hath no other Defence [Page 37] to make, but must needs be condemned.

He that is falsly accused of such non-performance of the conditi­on of Grace▪ must deny the Ac­cusation, and plead his own perso­nal Righteousness as against that Accusation, and produce that Faith, Repentance and sincere Obedience and Perseverance by which he fulfilled that Condition, and so is Evangelically Righteous in himself, and therefore hath part in the blood of Christ which is instead of a Legal righte­ousness to him▪ in all things else, as having procured him a pardon of all his sin, and a right to ever­lasting glory.

And thus we must then be Ju­stified by Christs satisfaction only, against the accusation of being sinners in general, and of deserve­ing Gods wrath for the Breach of the Law of works: But we [Page 38] must be justified by our faith, re­pentance and sincere Obedience it self, against the accusation of being Impenitent, Ʋnbelievers, and Rebels against Christ, and having not performed the Condition of the promise, and so having no part in Christ and his Bene­fits.

So that in summ you see, that the cause of the day will be to enquire, whether being all known sinners, we have accepted of Christ upon his terms, and so have right in him and his benefits, or not? Whether they have forsa­ken this vain world for him, and loved him so faithfully, that they have manifested it, in parting with these things at his Command. And this is the meaning of Mat. 25. Where the enquiry is made to be, whether they have fed and visited him in his members, or not? That is, whether they have [Page 39] so far loved him as their Re­deemer, and God by him, as that they have manifested this to his members according to Opportu­nity▪ though it cost them the ha­zard or loss of all: Seeing danger, and labor, and cost, are fitter to express Love by, then empty Complements and bare Professi­ons.

Whether it be particularly en­quired after, or only taken for granted that men are sinners, and have deserved Death according to the Law of works, and that Christ hath satisfied by his death, is all one as to the matter in hand, seeing Gods enquiry is but the Discovery and Conviction of us. But the last Question which must decide the Controversie will be, whether we have performed the condition of the Gospel?

I have the rather also said all this, to shew you in what sense [...] [Page 38] [...] [Page 39] [Page 40] these words are taken in the text, that Every man shall be Judged according to what he hath done in the flesh, whether it be good or bad. Though every man be Judged worthy of Death for sinning, yet every man shall not be Judged to dye for it: and no man shall be Judged worthy of Life for his good works: It is therefore ac­cording to the Gospel, as the rule of judgement, that this is meant. They that have Repented and Believed, and returned to true, though imperfect Obedience, shall be Iudged to everlasting Life, according to these works; not because these works Deserve it, but because the free Gift in the Gospel, through the blood of Christ, doth make these things the condition of our possessing it: They that have lived and dyed Impenitent, Unbelievers and Re­bels against Christ, shall be judg­ed [Page 41] to everlasting punishment, be­cause they have deserved it, both by their sin in general against the Law, and by these sins in special against the Gospel. This is cal­led the Merit of the Cause, that is, what is a mans due according to the true meaning of the Law; Though the due may be by free gift. And thus you see what will be the cavil of the Day, and the matter to be enquired after and decided, as to our Life or Death.

VIII. THE next point in our method, is, to shew you, What will be the Evi­dence of the Cause?

Answ. There is a five fold Evi­dence among men▪ 1. When the fact is notorious. 2. The know­ledge of an unsuspected Compe­tent [Page 42] Iudge. 3. The parties Con­fession. 4. Witness. 5. Instru­ments and visible effects of the action. All these Evidences will be at hand, and any one of them sufficient for the conviction of the guilty person at that day.

1. As the sins of all men; so the Impenitency and Rebellion of the wicked was notorious, or at least will be then. For though some play the hypocrites and hide the matter from the world and themselves, yet God shall open their hearts and former lives to themselves, and to the view of all the world. He shall set their sins in order before them so, that it shall be utterly in vain to deny or excuse them▪ If any men will then think to make their cause as good to God as they can now do to us, that are not able to see their hearts▪ they will be foully mista­ken. Now they can say they have [Page 34] as good hearts as the best: then God will bring them out in the light; and shew them to them­selves and all the world, whether they were good or bad. Now they will face us down that they do truly Repent, and they obey God as well as they can, but God that knoweth the Deceivers, will then undeceive them. We cannot now make men acquainted with their own unsanctified hearts, nor convince them that have not true Faith, Repentance or Obe­dience; but God will convince them of it; They can find shifts and false answers to put off a Mi­nister with; but God will not so be shifted off. Let us preach as plainly to them as we can and do all that ever we are able to ac­quaint them with the impeniten­cy and unholyness of their own heart, and the necessity of a new heart and life, yet we cannot do [Page 44] it; but they will Believe whether we will or not, that the old heart will serve the turn; But how easily will God make them know the contrary? We plead with them in the dark; for though we have the candle of the Gospel in our hands when we come to shew them their corruption, yet they shut their eyes, and are wilfully blind. But God will open their eyes whether they will or not, not by holy Illumination, but by for­ced conviction; and then he will plead with them as in the open light. See here thy own unholy soul, canst thou now say thou didst love me above all? canst thou deny but thou didst love this world before me? and serve thy flesh and lusts, though I told thee if thou didst so thou shouldst dye? Look upon thy own heart now, and see whether it be a holy or an unholy heart; a spi­ritual or a fleshly heart; a heavenly [Page 45] or an earthly heart? Look now up­on all the course of thy life, and see whether thou didst live to me, or to the world and thy flesh? Oh how easily will God convince men then of the very sins of their thoughts, and in their secret Clo­sets, when they thought that no witness could have disclosed them! Therefore its said, that the Books shall be opened, and the dead Iudged out of the books, Rev. 20.12. Dan. 7.10.

The second Evidence will be the knowledge of the Judge. If the sinner would not be convinced, yet it is sufficient that the Judge knoweth the Cause; God needeth no further witness; he saw thee committing adultery in secret, lying, stealing, forswearing in se­cret. If thou do not know thy own heart to be unholy, it is enough that God knoweth it. If you have the face to say, Lord, [Page 46] when did we see thee hungry? &c. Mat. 25.44. yet God will make good the charge against thee, and there needeth no more Testimony then his own. Can foolish sinners think to lie hid or escape at that day, that will now sin wilfully be­fore their Judge? that know every day that their Judge is looking on them while they forget him, and give up themselves to the world, and yet go on even under his eye, as if to his face they dared him to punish them?

3. The third Evidence will be, the sinners Confession. God will force their own Consciences to witness against them, and their own tongues to confess the Ac­cusation. If they do at first ex­cuse it, he will leave them speech­less, yea and condemning themselves before they have done.

Oh what a difference between [Page 47] their language now and then! Now we cannot tell them of their sin and misery, but they either tell us of our own faults, or bid us look to our selves, or deny or excuse their fault, or make light of it; but then their own tongues shall confess them, and cry out of the wilful folly that they commit­ted, and lay a heavyer charge up­on them then we can now do. Now if we tell them that we are afraid they are unregenerate, and least their hearts are not truly set upon God; they will tell us they hope to be saved with such hearts as they have; But then, Oh how they will confess the folly and falsness of their own hearts! You may see a little of their case even in despairing sinners on earth, how far they are from denying or excusing their sins. Judas crys out. I have sinned in betraying In­nocent blood, Mat. 27.4. out of [Page 48] their own mouth shall they be Judged. That very tongue that now excuseth their sin, will in their torments be their great Ac­cuser. For God will have it so to be.

4. The fourth Evididence will be the witness of others. Oh how many thousand witnesses might there be produced, were there need, to convince the guilty soul at that day!

1. All the Ministers of Christ that ever preached to them, or warned them, will be sufficient witnesses against them: we must needs testifie that we preached to them the truth of the Gospel, and they would not believe it. We preached to them the goodness of God, yet they set not their hearts upon him▪ we shewed them their sin, and they were not humbled. We told them of the danger of an unregenerate state, [Page 49] and they did not regard us: we acquainted them with the Ab­solute Necessity of holiness, but they made light of all: We let them know the deceitfulness of their hearts, and the need of a close and faithful examination, but they would not bestow an hour in such a work; nor scarce once be afraid of being mistaken and miscarrying. We let them know the vanity of this world, and yet they would not forsake it, no not for Christ and the hopes of glory: We told them of the everlasting felicity they might at­tain, but they would not set them­selves to seek it.

What we shall think of it then, the Lord knows; but surely it seemeth now to us a matter of ve­ry sad consideration, that we must be brought in as witnesses against the souls of our neighbors and friends in the flesh. Those whom [Page 50] we now unfeignedly love, and would do any thing that we were able to do for their good, whose well fare is dearer to us then all worldly enjoyments: Alas, that we must be forced to testifie to their faces for their condemnati­on! Ah Lord, with what a heart must a poor Minister study, when he considereth this, that all the words that he is studying must be brought in for a witness against many of his hearers! with what a heart must a Minister Preach, when he remembreth that all the words that he is speaking must condemn many, if not most of his hearers! Do we desire this sad fruit of our Labours? No: we may say with the Prophet, Jer. 17.16. I have not desired the woful day, thou knowest: No, if we desired it, we would not do so much to prevent it: we would not study, and preach, and pray, [Page 51] and intreat men, that if it were possible we might not be put on such a task▪ And doubtless it should make every honest Mini­ster study hard, and pray hard, and intreat hard, and stoop low to men, and be earnest with men in season and out of season, that if it may be, they may not be the con­demners of their peoples souls. But if men will not hear, and there be no remedy, who can help it? Christ himself came not into the world to condemn men, but to save them, and yet he will con­demn those that will not yield to his saving work: [...]od takes no pleasure in the death of a sinner, but rather that he repent, and re­turn, and live, Ezek. 18.23.32. and yet he will rejoyce over those to do them hurt, and destroy them that will not return, Deut. 28.63. And if we must be put on such work, he will make us; [Page 52] like-minded. The holy Ghost tels us, that the Saints shall Judge the world, 1 Cor. 6.2, 3. and if they must Judge, they will Judge as God Judgeth; you cannot blame us for it sinners: we now warn you of it before hand, and if you wil not prevent it blame not us, but your selves. Alas! we are not our own Masters. As we now speak not to you in our own names, so then we may not do what we list our selves, or if we might, our wills will be as Gods will. God will make us Judge you, & witness against you: Can we absolve you, when the righteous God will con­demn you? when God is against you, whose side would you have us be of? We must be either against God or you. And can you think that we should be for any one against our Maker and Re­deemer? We must either con­demn the Sentence of Jesus [Page 53] Christ, or condemn you: and is not there more reason to con­demn you then him? can we have any mercy on you, when he that made you will not save you, and he that formed you, will shew you no mercy? Isa. 27.11. Yea when he that dyed for you, will con­demn you, shall we be more merciful then God? But alas▪ If we should be so foolish and un­just, what good would it do you? If we would be false witnesses and partial Judges, it would not save you; we are not Justified if we Absolve our selves, 1 Cor. 4.4. how unable then shall we be against Gods Sentence to Justifie you? If all the world should say, you were holy and penitent, when God knows you were unho­ly and impenitent; it will do you no good. You pray every day that his will may be done, and it will be done: It will be done upon [Page 54] you, because it was not done by you. What would you have us say, if God ask us, Did you tell this sinner of the need of Christ, of the glory of the world to come, and the vanity of this? Should we lie, and say we did not? what should we say if he ask us, Did not you tell them the misery of their natural state; and what would become of them if they were not made new? would you have us lye to God, and say we did not? Why if we did not, your blood will be requi­red at our hands, Ezek. 33.6. and 3.18. and would you have us bring your blood upon our own heads by a lye? Yea, and to do you no good, when we know that lyes will not prevail with God? No, no, sinners; We must unavoid­ably, testifie to the confusion of your faces. If [...]od ask us, we must bear witness against you, and say; Lord, we did what we could [Page 55] according to our weak abilities, to reclaim them: Indeed our own thoughts of everlasting things were so low, and our own hearts so dull; that we must confess we did not fol­low them so close, nor speak so ear­nestly as we should have done: we did not cry so loud, nor lift up our voice as a Trumpet to awaken them, (Isa 58.1.) we confess we did not speak to them with such melting compassion, and with such streams of tears beseech them to re­gard, as a matter of such great con­cernment should have been spoken with; We did not fall on our knees to them, and so earnestly begg of them for the Lords sake, to have mercy upon their own souls▪ as we should have done. But yet we told them the Message of God: and we studyed to speak it to them as plain­ly and as peircingly as we could. Fain we would have convinced them of their sin and misery, but [Page 56] we could not: Fain we would have drawn them to the admiration of Christ, but they made light of it, Mat. 22.5. We would fain have brought them to the contempt of this vain world, and to set their mind on the world to come. but we could not: Some compassion thou knowest Lord we had to their souls▪ many a weeping or groaning hour we have had in secret, because they would not hear & obey; and some sad complaints we have made over them in publike: We told them that they must shortly dye and come to Judgement, and that this world would deceive them, and leave them in the dust; we told them that the time was at hand when nothing but Christ would do them good, and no­thing but the favour of God would he sufficient for their happiness; but we could never get them to lay it to heart. Many a time did we intreat them to think soberly of this life, [Page 57] and the life to come, and to com­pare them together with the Faith▪ of Christians, and the reason of men; but they would not do it: many a time did we intreat them, but to take now and then an hour in secret to consider who made them, and for what he made them, and why they were sent into this world; and what their business here is; and whether they are going, and how it wil go with them at their latter end; But we could never get most of them to spend one hour in serious thoughts of these weighty matters. Many a time did we intreat them to try whether they were Regene­rate or not? whether Christ and his Spirit were in them, or not? Whether their souls were brought back to God by Sanctification? but they would not try: We did beseech them to make sure work▪ and not leave such a matter as everlasting Joy or Torment to a bold and mad [Page 58] adventure: but we could not pre­vail: We intreated them to lay all other businesses aside a little while in the world, and to enquire by the direction of the word of God, what would become of them in the world to come; and to Judge themselves before God came to Judge them, seeing they had the Law and the rule of Judgement before them: but their minds were blinded, and their hearts were hardned and the profit, and pleasure, and honour of this world did e [...]ther stop their ears, or quickly steal away their hearts, so that we could never get them to a sober consideration, nor ever win their hearts to God.

This will be the witness that many a hundred Ministers of the Gospel must give in against the souls of their people at that day. Alas, that ever you should cast this upon us! For the Lords sake, Sirs, pitty your poor Teachers, if you [Page 59] pitty not your selves. We had ra­ther go a 1000. miles for you; we had rather be scorned and abused for your sakes: we had rather lay our hands under your fe [...]t, and beseech you on our knees with tears were we able, then be put on such a work as this. It is you that will do it if it be done▪ We had rather follow you from house to house, and teach and ex­hort you, if you will but hear us, and accept of our exhortation. Your souls a [...]e precious in our eyes, for we know they were so in the eyes of Christ, and therefore we are loth to see this day; we were once in your case, and there­fore know what it is to be blind, and careless▪ and carnal as you are, and therefore would fain ob­tain your Deliverance. But if you will not hear, but we must accuse you and we must condemn you; The Lord Judge between [Page 60] you and us; For he can witness that it was full sore against our wills. We have been▪ faulty indeed in doing no more for you, and not following you with restless Importunity; (the Good Lord forgive us;) but yet we have not betrayed you by si­lence.

2. All those that fear God, that have lived among ungodly men, will also be sufficient wit­nesses against them. Alas! they must be put upon that same work which is very unpleasant to their thoughts, as Ministers are: They must witness before the Lord, that they did as friends and neigh­bors admonish them: that they gave them a good example, and endeavoured to walk in holyness before them; but alas! the most did but mock them, and call them Puritans and precise fools, and thought they made more ado [Page 61] then needs for their salvation: They must be forced to testifie, [Lord we would fain have drawn them with us to hear the word, and to read it, and to pray in their families, and to sanctifie thy holy day, and take such happy Op­portunities for their souls; But we could not get them to it; we did in our places what we were able, to give them the Example of a Godly Conversation, and they did but deride us; they were rea­dier to mark every slip of our lives, and to observe all our Infir­mities, and catch at any Accusati­on that was against us▪ then to follow us in any work of holy obedience, or care for our ever­lasting peace;] The [...]ord knows it is a most heavy thing to consi­der now, that poor neighbors must be fain to come in against those that they love so dearly and by their Testimony to Judge them [Page 62] to perdition▪ Oh heavy case to think of, that a master must wit­ness against his own servant. Yea a husband against his own wife, and a wife against her husband; yea parents against their own children, and say, [Lord, I taught them thy word, but they would not learn. I told them what would come on it, if they return­ed not to thee; I brought them to Sermons, and I prayed with them and for them. I frequently▪ minded them of these everlasting things▪ and of this dreadful day▪ which now they see. But youth­ful lusts and the temptations of the flesh and the Devil led them away, and I could never get them throughly and soundly to lay it to their hearts▪] Oh you that are parents, and friends, and neighbors, in the fear of God be­stir you now▪ that you may not be put to this at the day of Judge­ment▪ [Page 63] Oh give them no rest take no nay of them till you have per­swaded their heart from this▪ world to God, lest you be put to be their condemners: It must be now that you must prevent it, or else never; now while you are with them, while you and they are in the flesh together, which will be but a little while: Can you but now prevail with them, all will be well, and you may▪ meet them Joyfully before the Lord.

3. Another witness that will testifie against the ungodly at that day, will be their sinful compani­ons; those that drew them into sin, or were drawn by them, or joyned with them in it. Oh little do poor drunkards think, when they sit merrily in an Ale-house, that one of them must bear wit­ness against another, and condemn one another▪ If they thought of [Page 64] this, me thinks it should make them have less delight in that company: Those that now joyn with you in wickedness, shall then be forced to witness, [I confess Lord I did hear him swear and curse; I heard him deride those that feared the Lord, and make a jest of a holy life: I saw him in the Ale-house when he should be hearing the Word of God, or reading, or calling upon God, and preparing for this day: I joyned with him in fleshly de­lights, in abusing thy creature and our own bodies.] Sinners; look your companions in the face the next time you are with them, and remember this that I now say; that those men shall give in Evidence against you, that now are your associates in all your mirth: Little thinketh the forni­cator and lustful wanton, that their sinful mates must then bear [Page 65] witness of that which they thought the dark had concealed, and tell their shame before all the world. But this must be the fruit of sin. Its meet that they who encouraged one another in sin, should condemn one another for it. And marvail not at it; for they shall be forced to it whether they will or no; Light will not then be hid: They may think to have some ease to their consciences, by ac­cusing and condemning others. When Adam is questioned for his sin, he presently accuseth the wo­man, Gen. 3.12. when Judas his conscience was awakened, he runs to the Pharisees with the money that drew him to it, and they cast it back in his own face, and say, See thou to it, what is that to us? Mat. [...]7.4, 5, 6. Oh the cold comfort that sinners will have in one another at that day! and the little pleasure that they [Page 66] will find in remembring their evil waies! Now when a fornicator or a worldling, or a merry voluptuous man is grown old, and cannot act all his sin again, he takes pleasure in rem [...]mbring and telling others of his former folly; what he once was; and what he did; and the merry hours that he had; but then when sinners are come to themselves a little more, they will remember and tell one another of these things with another heart. Oh that they did but know now how these things will then affect them▪

4. Another witness that will then rise up against them, will be the very Devils that tempted them: They that did purposely draw them to sin, that they might draw them to Torment for sin: They can witness that you hark­ned to their Temptations, when [Page 67] you would not harken to Gods Exhortations; They can witness that you obeyed them in working Iniquity. But because you may think the Accusers Testimony is not to be taken, I will not stand on this. Though it is not nothing, where God knoweth it to be true.

5. The very Angels of God also may be witnesses against the wicked: Therefore are we advi­sed in Scripture, not to sin before them, Eccl. 5.6. 1 Cor. 11.10. 1 Tim. 5.21. I charge thee before the Elect Angels, &c. They can testifie that they would have been ministring Spirits for their good, when the wicked rather chose to be slaves to the Spirit of maliti­ousness. The holy Angels of God do many a time stand by you when▪ you are sinning▪ They see you, when you see not them. They are employed by God in some [Page 68] sort for your good, as well as we: And as it is the grief of Ministers, that their labors succeed not, so may we suppose that accord­ing to their state and nature it is theirs. For they that Rejoyce in heaven at the Conversion of one sinner, may be said to sorrow, or to lose those joyes, when you re­fuse to be converted. These noble Spirits, these Holy and Glorious attendants of Christ, that shall wait upon him to Judgement, will be Witnesses against Rebellious sinners, to their Confu [...]ion. Sirs, you have all in you naturally a fear of Spirits, and invisible pow­ers: Fear them aright: least hearkening to the deceiving Spi­rits, and refusing the help of the Angels of God, and wilfully sin­ning before their faces, you should cause them at that day, to the terrour of your souls, to stand forth as witnesses against you, [Page 69] to your Condemnation.

6. Conscience it self will be a most effectual witness against the wicked at that day. I before told you it will be a Discerner, and force them to a Confession: But a further office it hath, even to witness against them. If none else in the world had known of their secret sins, conscience will say, I was acquainted with them.

7. The Spirit of Christ can witness against the ungodly, that he oft moved them to Repent and Return, and they rejected his motions: that he spoke to their hearts in secret, and oft set in with the Minister, and often minded them of their case, and perswaded them to God; but they resisted, quenched and grieved the Spirit, Act. 7.51. As the Spirit wit­nesseth with the Spirits of the righteous that they are the chil­dren of God, Rom. 8.16. so doth [Page 70] he witness with the conscience of the wicked, that they were children of Rebellion, and therefore are justly children of wrath. This Spirit will not alway strive with men; at last being vexed, it will prove their enemy, and rise up against them, Gen. 6.3. Isa. 63.10. If you will needs Grieve it now, it will Grieve you then. Were it not a Spirit of Grace, and were it not free mercy that it came to offer you, the Repulse would not have been so condemning▪ nor the witness of this Spirit against you so heavy at the last. But it was the Spirit of Jesus, that came with recover­ing Grace, which you resisted: And though the wages of every sin is death, yet you will find that it will cost you somewhat more to Reject this salvation, than to break the Creators Law of works Kindness, and such Kindness, will not be rejected at easie rates.

[Page 71]Many a good motion is now made by the Spirit to the Heart of a sinner, which he doth not [...]o much as once obse [...]ve; and there­fore doth not now Remember them. But then they shall be brought to his Remembrance with a witness. Many a thousand secret motions to Repentance, to Faith, to a Holy Life, will be Then set before the eyes of the poor, unpardoned, trembling sinner, which he had quite for­gotten: And the Spirit of God shall testifie to his Confusion, [At such a Sermon I perswaded thy heart to Repent, and thou wouldest not; At such a time I shewed thee the evil of thy sin, and perswaded thee to have for­saken it, but thou wouldest not; I minded thee in thy secret thoughts, of the neerness of Judgement, and the Certainty and VVeight of everlasting things, of [Page 72] the need of Christ, and faith, and holyness, and of the Danger of sinning: but thou didst drown all my motions in the cares and plea­sures of the world▪ Thou harken­edst rather to the Devil than to me: The sensual inclinations of thy flesh did prevail against the strongest Arguments that I used: Though I shewed thee Reasons, undenyable Reasons, from thy Creator, from thy Redeemer, from nature, from grace, from heaven, and from hell, yet all would not so much as stop thee, much less turn thee, but thou wouldest go on; Thou wouldest follow thy flesh, and now let it pay thee the wages of thy folly; Thou wouldest be thy ovvn guide, and take thine ovvn Course▪ and novv take vvhat thou gettest by it.]

Poor sinners, I beseech you in the fear of God, the next time [Page 73] you have any such motions from the Spirit of God, to Repent, and Believe, and Break off your sins, and the Occasions of them, con­sider then what a mercy is set be­fore you; and how it will con­found you at the day of Judge­ment, to have all these motions brought in against you, and that the Spirit of Grace it self should be your Condemner! Alas, that men should choose their own De­struction, and wilfully choose it! and that the foreknowledge of these things should not move them to relent.

So much concerning the wit­ness that will be brought in a­gainst the sinner.

5. The fifth Evidence that will be given in against the sinner, will be, The Instruments and Effects. You know among men, if a man be found murthered by the high­way, and you are found standing [Page 74] by him with a bloody sword in your hand; especially if there were a former dissention between you, it will be an Evidence that will prove a strong presumption, that you were the Murderer: But if the fact be certain by other Evi­dence, then many such things may be brought for aggravation of the fault.

So a twofold Evidence will be brought against the sinner from these things. One to prove him guilty of the fact: the other to Aggravate the fault, and prove that his sin was very great.

For the former. 1. The very creatures which sinners abused to sin, may be brought in against them to their Conviction and Condemnation. For though these creatures shall be consumed with the last destroying Fire, which shall consume all the world, yet they shall have a Being in the [Page 75] memory of the sinner (an esse Cognitum.) The very Wine or Ale, or other liquor which was abused to drunkenness, may wit­ness aga [...]nst the Drunkard. The sweet morsels by which the Glut­ton did please his Appetite, and all the good creatures of God which he luxuriously devou [...]ed, may witness against him, Luke 16.19, 25. He that fared deliciously every day in this life, was told by Abrah [...]m when he was dead, and his soul in Hell, [Remember that thou in thy life time receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is com­forted, and thou art tormented.] Though their sweet morsels and cups are past, and gone, yet must they be Remembred at Judge­ment and in Hell. [Remember, Son] saith Abraham: Yea, and Remember he must, whether he will or no: Long was the Glutton [Page 76] in sinning, and many a pleasant bit did he taste: and so many Evi­dences of his sin will lie against him, and the sweetness will then be turned into gall.

The very cloathing, and orna­ments by which Proud persons did manifest their Pride, will be sufficient Evidence against them▪ as his being cloathed in Purple and fine linnen, is mentioned, Luk. 16.19.

The very lands, and goods and houses of worldlings, will be an Evidence against them: Their Gold and Silver, which the cove­tous do now prefer before the everlasting Riches with Christ, will be an Evidence against them, Jam. 5.1, 2, 3, 4. Go to now, ye Rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your Riches are corrupted, and your Garments moath-eaten; Your Gold and Silver is cankered, and [Page 77] the Rust of them shall be a Witness against you, and shall eat your flesh, as it were fire; Ye have heaped Treasure together for the Last daies. Behold the hire of the La­bourers, which have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, cryeth; and the cryes of them which have reaped, are en­tred into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. Ye have lived in Plea­sure on the Earth, and been wanton; Ye have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter. Oh that world­lings would well consid [...]r this one Text; and therein observe, whether a life of earthly pleasure, and fulness, of worldly Glory, and Gallantry, be as desirable as they imagine▪ and to what Time, and Purpose they now lay up their Treasures; and how they must hear of these Things here­after; and what effect the review of their Jovial daies will have [Page 78] upon their miserable condemned souls.

2. The very circumstances of Time, Place, and the like, may Evidence against a sinner to his Condemnation. The drunkard shall Remember, In such an Ale-house I was so oft drunk, and in such a Tavern I vvasted my time; The Adulterer and Fornicator shall Remember the very Time, the Place, the Room, the Bed, vvhere they committed vvicked­ness. The Thief and Deceiver vvill Remember the Time, Place, the persons they wronged, and the Things which they robbed or deceived them of. The worldling will Remember the business which he preferred before the ser­vice of God; the worldly mat­ters which had more of his heart than his Maker and Redeemer had: the work which he was do­ing when he should have been [Page 79] Praying, or Reading, or Cate­chizing his Family, or thinking soberly of his latter end. A thou­sand of these will then come into his mind, and be as so many Evi­dences against him to his Con­demnation.

3. The very effects also of mens sins will be an Evidence against them. The wife and children of a Drunkard are Impoverished by his sin: His family and the neighborhod is disquieted by him. These will be so many Evidences against him. So will the abuse of his own Reason: The enticing of others to the same sin, and hardening them by his ex­ample.

One covetous unmerciful Landlord doth keep a hundred, or many hundred persons or fa­milies in so great necessities, and care and labour, that they are tempted by it to overpass the ser­vice [Page 80] of God, as having scarce time for it, or any room for it in their troubled thoughts; All these miserable families, and persons, and all the souls that are undone by this Temptation, will be so many Evidences against such Op­pressors.

Yea, the poor whom they have neglected to relieve, when they might; the sick whom they have neglected to visit, when they might, will all witness then against the unmerciful, Matth. 25.

The many ignorant, worldly, careless sinners▪, that have perished under an idle, unfaithful Minister, will be so many witnesses against him to his Condemnation! They may then cry out against him to his face, [I was ignorant Lord, and he never did so much as teach me, catechize me, nor tell me of these Things; I was careless, and [Page 81] minded he world, and he let me go on quietly, and was as careless and worldly as I, and never plain­ly and faithfully warned me, to waken me from my security.] And so their blood will be requi­red at his hands, though them­selves also shall perish in their sin, Ezek. 33.7, 8.

2. And as these Evidences will convince men of sin, so there are many more which will convince them of the Greatness of their sin. And these are so many that it would too much lengthen my discourse to stand on them. A few I shall briefly touch.

1. The very mercy of God in Creating men, in giving and con­tinuing their Being to them, will be an Evidence for the Aggrava­tion of their sin against him. What? will you abuse him, by whom it is that you are men? will you speak to his dishonor, [Page 82] that giveth you your speech? will will you live to his dishonour who giveth you your Lives? will you wrong him by his own creatures? and neglect him without whom you cannot subsist?

2. The Redemption of men by the Lord Jesus Christ, will be an evidence to the exceeding Ag­gravation of their sins. You sin­ned against the Lord that bought you▪ 2 Pet. 2.1. When the Feast was prepared, and all things were Ready, you made light of it, and found excuses, and would not come, Mat. 22.4, 5, 6. Luk. 14.17, 18. Must Christ Redeem you by so dear a price from sin and misery, and yet will you continue the servants of sin, and prefer your slavery before your freedom, and choose to be Satans drudges, rather then to be the servants of God? The sorrows and sufferings that Christ underwent for you, [Page 83] will then prove the increase of your own sorrows. As a neglected Redeemer, it is that he will con­demn you. And then you would be glad that it were but true Do­ctrine, that Christ never d [...]ed for you, that you might not be con­demned for refusing a Redeemer, and sinning against him that shed his blood for you. How deeply will his wounds then wound your consciences! You will then Re­member, that to this end he both d [...]ed, rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the Dead and the Living? And that he therefore dyed for all, that they which live, should not henceforth live to themselves, but to him that dyed for them, and rose again; Rom. 14.9. 2 Cor. 5.14, 15. Matth. 28.18, 19, 20. 1 Pet. 1.17, 18. You will then understand that you were not your own, but were bought with a price, and [Page 84] therefore should have glorified him that Bought you, with your Bodies and Spirits, because they were His, 1 Cor. 6.19, 20. This one Aggravation of your sin will make you doubly and remedilesly miserable, that you Trod under foot the Son of God, and count­ed the blood of the Covenant, wherewith you were sanctified, an unholy thing, Heb. 10.26, 27, 28, 29. and crucified to your selves the Son of God a fresh, and put him to open shame, Heb. 6.5, 6.

3. Moreover; All the personal mercies which they received, will be so many Evidences for the condemnation of the ungodly. The very earth that bore them, and yielded them its fruits, while they themselves were unfruitful to God: The Aire which they breathed in: the food which nou­rished them▪ the cloaths which [Page 85] covered them, the houses which they dwelt in, the beasts that la­boured for them, and all the crea­tures that dyed for their use: All these may rise up against them to their condemnation. And the Judge may thus expostulate with them, [Did all these mercies de­serve no more Thanks? should you not have served him that so liberally maintained you? God thought not all these too good for you, and did you think your hearts and services too good for him? He served you with the wea­ry labours of your fellow-crea­tures: and should you have grudg­ed to bear his easie Yoak? They were your slaves and drudges, and you refused to be his free ser­vants and his sons? They suffered Death to feed your Bodies, and you would not suffer the short forbearance of a little forbidden fleshly pleasure, for the sake of [Page 86] him that made you and redeemed you.]

Oh how many thousand mer­cies of God will then be review­ed by those that neglected them to the horrour of their souls, when they shall be upbraided by the Judge with their base requi­tal! All the deliverances from sickness and from danger; all the honours, and priviledges, and other commodities, which so much contented them, will then be Gods Evidences to shame them and confound them. On this suppo­sition doth the Apostle reprove such, Rom. 2.4▪ 5, 6. Despisest thou the riches of his goodness, and forbearance, and long suffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to Repentance? But after thy hardness and impenitent heart, treasurest up unto thy self wrath against the day of wrath, and revelation of the righteous [Page 87] Judgement of God, who will ren­der to every man according to his Deeds.

4. Moreover, All the means which God used for the Recove­ry of sinners in the day of their visitation, will rise up against the Impenitent souls, in Judgement to their condemnation. You can hear Sermons carelessly and sleepily now; but O that you would con­sider, how the review of them will then awake you! You now make light of the warnings of God and man, and of all the wholsom advice that is given you: but God will not then make light of your contempt. Oh what cutting Que­stions will they be to the hearts of the ungodly, when all the means that were used for their good, are brought to their remembrance on one side, and the temptations that drew them to sin on the other side, and the Lord shall plead his [Page 88] cause with their consciences, and say, [Was I so hard a Master, or was my work so unreasonable, or was my wages so contemptible, that no perswasions could draw you into my service? was Satan so good a Master, or was his work so honest and profitable, or was his wages so desirable, that you would be so easily perswaded to do as he would have you? Was there more perswading Reason in his allurements and deceits, then in all my holy words, and all the powerful Sermons that you heard, or all the faithful admonitions you received, or all the good ex­amples of the righteous, or in all the works of God which you be­held? Was not a reason fetcht from the love of God, from the evil of sin, the blood of Christ, the Judgement to come, the glory promised, the torments threat­ned, as forcible with you; and as [Page 89] good in your eyes, to draw you to holiness, as a Reason from a little fleshly delight, or worldly gain, to draw you to be unho­ly?]

In the name of God, sinners, I intreat you to bethink your selves in time, how you will suffi­ciently answer such Questions as these. You should have seen God in every creature that you beheld, and have read your duty in all his works; what can you look upon above you, or below you, or round about you, which might not have shewed you so much of the wisdom, and goodness, and greatness of your Maker, as should have convinced you that it was your duty to be Devoted to his will? And yet you have his writ­ten word that speaks plainer then all these? And will you despise them all? will you not see so great a Light? will you not hear so [Page 90] loud and constant calls? shall God, and his Ministers speak in vain? And can you think that you shall not hear of this again, and pay for it one day? You have the Bible, and other good books by you: why do you not read them? You have Ministers at hand▪ why do you not go to them▪ and earnestly ask them▪ Sir, What must I do to be saved? and entreate them to teach you the way to life; You have some neighbors that fear God: why do you not go to them, and take their good advice, and imitate them in the fear of God, and in a holy diligence for your souls? Now is the time for you to bestir your selves; Life and Death are are before you. You have gales of Grace to further your voy­age: There are more for you then against you. God will help you: his Spirit will help you: his [Page 91] Ministers will help you: every good Christian will help you; the Angels themselves will help you, if you will but resolvedly set your selves to the work; And yet will you not stir? Patience is waiting on you; Mercies are enticing you; Scourges are driving you; Judge­ment stayeth for you; the Lights of God stand burning by you to direct you; And yet will you not stir, but lie in darkness? And do you think you shall not hear of this? Do you think this will not one day cost you dear?

IX. THE ninth part of our work, is to shew you, What are those frivolous excuses by which the unrighteous may then endeavour their defence?

Having already shewed you what the Defence must be, that must be sufficient to our Justifica­tion.

If any first demand, Whether the Evidence of their sin will not so overwhelm the sinner, that he will be speechless and past ex­cuse? I answ. Before God hath done with him, he will be so; But it seems, at first his dark under­standing, and partial corrupted conscience will set him upon a vain Defence. For Mat. 7.22, 23. Christ telleth us, that [Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name have [Page 93] cast out Devils, and in thy name have done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you, Depart from me, ye workers of Iniquity.] And in Mat. 25.11. The foolish Vir­gins cry, [Lord, Lord, open to us.] And vers. 44. [Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord when saw we thee an hungred, or thirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick▪ or in prison, and did not Minister unto thee?] And vers. 24, 25. They fear not to cast some of the cause of their neglect on God himself. [Then he which had received the one Talent came and said, Lord I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed; and I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth; lo, there thou hast that is thine.]

[Page 94]It is clear then, that Excuses they will be ready to make, and their full Conviction will be in or­der after these Excuses (at least as in their minds, if not in words); But what the particular excuses will be, we may partly know by these▪ Scriptures which recite them, and partly by hearing what the ungodly do now say for them­selves. And because it is for their present benefit that I now make mention of them, that they may see the vanity of all such Excuses, I will mention them as I now meet with them in the mouths of sinners in our ordinary discourse. And these Excuses are of several sorts; some by which they would Justifie their estate; some excuses of particular Actions; and that either in whole, or in part; some by which they would put by the penalty, though they confess the sin; some by which they lay the [Page 95] blame on other men; and in some they vvould cast it upon God himself. I must touch but some of them very briefly.

The first Excuse. I am not guil­ty of these things which I am ac­cused of. I did love God above All, and my Neighbor as my self; I did use the world but for Necessity, but God had my heart.

Answ. The All-seeing Judge doth know the contrary; and he will make thy conscience know it. Look back man, upon thy heart and Life Hovv seldom and hovv neglectfully didst thou think of God? hovv coldly didst thou vvorship him, or make any men­tion of him? hovv carelessly didst thou serve him? and think much of all that thou d [...]dst therein? Thou rather thoughtest that his service vvas making more ado than needs, and didst grudge at those that vvere more diligent [Page 96] than thy self; But for the world, How heartily, and how constant­ly didst thou seek and serve it. And yet wouldst thou now per­swade the Judge that thou didst Love God above all? He will shew thee thy naked Heart, and the course of thy former life, which shall convince thee of the contrary.

The second Excuse. I lived not in any Gross sin, but only in small Infirmities. I was no Murderer, or Adulterer, or Fornicator, or Thief; nor did I deceive or wrong any, or take any thing by violence.

Answ. Was it not a Gross sin, to love the world above God, and to neglect Christ that dyed for thee? and never do him one hours hearty service, but meerly to seek thy carnal self, and live to thy flesh? God will open thine eyes then, and shew thee a thousand Gross sins, which thou now for­gettest [Page 97] or makest light of. And it is not only Gross sins, but All sin, great or small that deserveth the wrath of God, and will certainly bring thee under it for ever, if thou have not part in Christ to re­lieve thee: wo to the man that ever he was born that must an­swer in his own name for his smallest offences.

The third Excuse. I did it Ig­norantly: I knew not that there was so much required to my salvation. I thought less ado might have ser­ved the turn: and that if I lookt to my body, God would take care of my soul: and that it was better to trust him what should become of me hereafter, then to trouble my mind so much about it. Had I known better, I would have done bet­ter.

Answ. If you knew not better, who was it long of but your self? Did God hide these things [Page 98] from you? Did he not tell them you in his word as plainly as the tongue of man can speak, That except you were Regenerate and born again, you should not enter into the Kingdom of God? John 3.3, 5. That without holy­ness none should see God, Heb. 12.14. That you must strive to enter in at the strait Gate; for many shall seek to enter, and shall not be able, Luke 13.24. That if you lived after the flesh you should dye; and if by the Spirit you mortified the deeds of the body▪ you should live, Rom. 8.13. That if any man have not the Spi­rit of Christ, the same is none of his, Rom. 8.9. And to be carnal­ly minded is death: but to be spi­ritually minded is life and peace, Rom. 8.9. That you must not lay up for your selves a treasure on earth, where rust and moths do corrupt, and thieves break [Page 99] through and steal, but must lay up for your selves a rreasure in heaven, where rust and moths do not corrupt, and thieves do not break through and steal, Mat. 6.19, 20. That you must seek first the Kingdom of God and the Righteousness thereof, Mat 6.23. and not Labour for the food that perisheth, but for the food that endureth to everlasting life, which Christ would have given you, John 6.27. That if you be risen with Christ, you must seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God▪ and not the things that are on earth, Col. 3.1, 2, 3. Yea your very Conversation should be in Heaven, Phil. 3.19.20, 21.

What say you, Did not God tell you all this and much more? and plainly tell it you? Turn to your Bibles, and see the words, [Page 100] and let them witness against you.

2. And could you think with any Reason, that your souls being so much more precious then your bodies, you should yet do so much more for your bodies then your souls? Could you think all the labour of your lives little enough for a frail body, that must he shortly in the dirt; and that your Immortal souls should be no more regarded? Could you think with any Reason, that you should do so much for a life of a few years continuance and do no more for a life that shall have no end?

3. And whereas you talk of trusting God with your souls, you did not trust him: You did but on that pretence, carelessly disre­gard them. If you trust God, shew any word of Promise that ever he gave you to trust upon, that ever an Impenitent, Carnal, Careless person shall be saved? [Page 101] No: he hath told you enough to the contrary And could you think that it was the will of God, that you should mind your bodies more then your souls, and this life more then that to come? Why, he hath bid you strive, and run, and fight, and labour, and care, and seek, and use violence, and all diligence for the safety of your souls, and for the life to come: But where hath he bid you do so for your bodies? No, he knew that you were prone to do too much for them; and therefore he hath bid you, [Care not, and Labour not] that is, Do it as if you did it not: and let your Care and Labour for earthly things be none in comparison of that for heavenly things. You know God can as well maintain your lives without your care and labour, as save your souls without it: And yet you see he will not, he doth [Page 102] not: You must plough, and sow, and reap, and thresh, for all Gods Love and Care of you, and not say, I will let all alone and trust God. And must you not much more use diligence in much grea­ter things? If you will [...]rust God, you must trust him in his own way, and in the use of his own means.

The fourth Excuse. I was ne­ver brought up to learning, I can­not so much as read: Nor did my Parents ever teach me any of these things, but only set me about my worldly business, and provide food and rayment for me: but never once told me that I had a soul to save or lose, and an everlasting life to provide and prepare for. And therefore I could not come to the knowledge of them.

Answ. The greater is their sin, who thus neglected you▪ But this is no sufficient Excuse for you. [Page 103] Heaven is not prepared for the Learned only: nor will Christ ask you at Judgement, whether you were good Scholars, or not, no nor so much as whether you could write or read. But consi­der well! was not Gods word so plainly written, that the un­learned might understand it? Did he not put it into the most fami­liar stile, though he knew it would be offensive to the proud Schol­lars of the world of purpose that he might fit it to the capacities of the ignorant? And if you could not read, yet tell me, Could not you have learned to read at 20, or 30 years of age, if you had been but willing to bestow now and then an hour to that end? Or at least, did you not live neer some that could Read? and could you not have procured them to read to you, or to help you? And did you not hear these things [Page 104] read to you in the Congregation by the Minister? or might have done if you would? And if your Parents did neglect you in your youth, yet when you came to a fuller use of Reason, and heard of the matters of salvation from Gods Word, did it not concern you to have looked to your selves; and to have redeemed that time which you lost in your youth▪ by doubling your diligence when you came to riper years? The Apostles gathered Churches among Heathens that never heard of Christ before; and con­verted many thousand souls that were never once told of a Savi­our, or the way to salvation, till they had past a great part of their lives. If you loitered till the lat­ter part of the day, it behoved you then to have bestirred your selves the more: and not to say, Through the fault of my Parents, [Page 105] I lost the beginning of my life, and therefore I will lose all: they taught me not then, and there­fore I will not learn now. Have you not seen some of your neigh­bors, who were as ill educated as your selves, attain to much know­ledge afterwards by their Indu­stry? And why might not you have done so, if you had been as industrious as they? May not God and Conscience witness, that it was because you cared not for knowledge, and would not be at the pains to get it, that you knew no more? Speak truth, man, in the presence of thy Judge, was thy heart and mind set upon it? Didst thou pray daily for it to God? Didst thou use all the means thou couldest to get it? Didst thou attend diligently on the word in publike, and think of what thou heardest when thou camest home? Didst thou go to [Page 106] the Minister, or to others that could teach thee, and intreat them to tell thee the way to salvation? Or didst thou not rather careles­ly neglect these matters; and hear a Sermon as a common tale, even when the minister was speak­ing of Heaven or Hell? It was not then thine unavoidable Igno­rance, but thy negligence.

Yea further, answer as in the presence of God: Didst thou Obey so far as thou d [...]dst know? Or didst thou not rather sin against that knowledge which thou hadst. Thou [...]newest that the soul was better then the bo­dy, and everlasting life more to be regarded, then this transitory life? But didst thou regard it ac­cordingly? Thou sure knewest that God was better then the world, and Heaven then earth; at least, thou wast told of it? But didst thou according [...]y value him, [Page 107] and love him more? Thou knew­est sure that there was no salvati­on without Faith, and Repen­tance, and newness of life, and yet they were neglected. In a word, many a thousand sins which were committed, and duties that were omitted, against thy own Knowledge and Conscience, will marr this Excuse.

The fifth Excuse. I lived not under a powerful Minister to tell me of these things; but where there was no Preaching at all.

Answ. And might you not have gone where a powerful Mi­nister was with a little pains? Yea did not the very plain word which you heard read, tell you of these things? And might you not have had a Bible your [...]elves, and found them there?

The sixth Excuse. I was a ser­vant, and had no time from my la­bour [Page 108] to mind these matters: I l [...]ved with a hard master, that required all his own work of me, but would allow me no time for the service of God. Or else, I was a poor man, and had a great charge to look af­ter, and with my hard labour had much ado to live, so that I had no time for heavenly things.

Answ. 1. Who should be first served? God or man? what should be first sought after, Heaven or Earth? Did not Christ tell thee, One thing is necessary, Luke 10.41, 42. was it not as needful to see that you escape Damnation, and get safe to Heaven when this life is ended, as to see that you had food and raiment for your selves, and yours?

2. Did you spend no time in Recreation, nor Idleness, nor vain talking? why might not that at least have been spent about heavenly things?

[Page 109]3. Could you have taken no time from your rest, or eating or at other intermissions? Mans bo­dy will not endure so great la­bours as have no Intermission? And why then might not godly­ness have been your ease and re­creation?

4. Or might you not have min­ded these things, even when you were about your labour, if you had but a heart to them?

5. At least you might have spent the Lords own Day in hearing, reading, and pondering of these matters, when you were forced to forbare your worldly labours, even by the wholsom Law of the Land: These therefore are all but vain Excuses: and God will shortly make thee speak out, and plainly confess, It was not so much for want of Time, or Helps, or warning, as for want of a heart to use them well. I should have [Page 110] found some Time, though it had been when I should have slept, if my heart had been but set upon it.

The seventh Excuse. Little did I think to have seen this Day: [...] did not Believe that ever God would be so severe: I thought his Threat­nings had been but to keep men in awe: and I suspected either that the Scripture was not his word, or else I thought he would be better than his word. I thought all that I heard of another life had been un­certain; and therefore was loth to let go a certainty for an uncertain­ty, and lose my present pleasures which I had in hand, for the hopes of that which I never did see.

Answ. He that will not know his misery by believing to pre­vent it, shall know it by feeling to endure it▪ You were told and told again what your unbelief [Page 111] would bring you to. Did Gods word make Heaven and Earth? Doth it support them, and secure them▪ And is not his word suffi­cient security for you to have trusted your souls upon? Did you know where was any better secu­rity to be had? and where was any surer ground for your con­fidence? And did you think so basely and blasphemously of God, that he would falsifie his word, lest such as you should suf­fer? and that he was fain to rule the world by a Lye? Did God make the world so easily? and can he not Govern it by true and righteous means▪ what need God to say that which he will not do, to awe sinners? Can he not Awe them by Truth? Is it not just that those should eternally perish, that will entertain such despe [...]ate thoughts of God, and then by such wicked imaginations, en­courage [Page 112] themselves in sin against him?

And for the Truth of Scripture, God did not bid you believe it without Evidence. He stamped on it the Image of his own Purity and Perfection, that you might know it by that Image and super­scription, if you had eyes to see them: He sealed it by uncon­trouled multitudes of Miracles: He delivered it down to your hands by Infallible witnesses: so that he left you no room for rati­onal Doubting.

And you knew that the matters of this world were not only un­certain, but certainly vain and transitory, and would shortly come to nothing and leave you in distress. If it had then been un­certain whether there were a Glo­ry and misery hereafter▪ (as it was not) should not Reason have taught you to prefer the least [Page 113] probabilities of an everlasting un­speakable happiness, before that which is certainly perishing and vain? These vain Excuses will but condemn you.

The eighth Excuse. I was so enticed and perswaded by sinners to do as they did, that I could not deny them. They would never let me rest.

Answ. 1. And were you not as earnestly perswaded by God to forsake sin and serve him, and yet that would not prevail with you? You could not deny the Devil and fools, but you could deny God and all his Messengers. Were not Ministers as earnest with you every week to repent and amend? What did men entice you with? with a little deluding fleshly plea­sure for a few daies? And what did God entice you with? with the Promise of endless uncon­ceivable felicity! And if this were [Page 114] a smaller matter in your eyes then the other, then you have had your choice, be content with it, and thank your selves. In your life time you had the good things which you chose, and preferred before heaven, and therefore can­not expect to have heaven be­sides.

The ninth Excuse. I lived among ungodly persons, that derided all that feared God; so that if I had not done as they did, but had made any more ado to be saved, I should have been the very scorn of the place where I lived.

Answ. And was not Heaven worth the enduring of a scorn? Is not he worthy to go without it that thinks so basely of it? D [...]d not Christ tell you, that if you were ashamed of him before men, he would be ashamed of you be­fore his Father and the Angels of heaven, Mark 8.38. He suffered [Page 115] more then scorns for you: and could not you suffer a scorn for him and your selves, seeing you chose rather to endure everlast­ing Torment, than a little deri­sion from ignorant men, take that which you made choice of. And seeing so small a matter would drive you from heaven, and part God and you as a mock, as the wind of a mans mouth, No won­der if you be commanded, to Depart from him into everlasting fire.

The tenth Excuse. I had un­godly persons to my Parents, or Masters, or Landlord, or Gover­nors, who threatned to undo me, if I had addicted my self to so strict a life, and if I would not believe and do as they did.

Answ. What if they threatned you with present Death? Did not God also threaten you with everlasting Death, if you were [Page 116] not ruled by him? And whose threatning should you have chief­ly feared? Is man more dread­ful than God? Is death more ter­rible then Hell? Did not Christ bid you▪ Fear not them that can kill the body, and after that can do no more; but fear him that is able to destroy both body and soul in hell fire; yea I say unto you, fear him. Mat. 10.28. Luke 12.4, 5. and Isa. 51.7. Fear ye not the Reproach of men, neither be afraid of their revilings: For the moth shall eat them up like a Garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool: but my Righteousness shall be for ever, and my salvation from Generation to Generation. Seeing therefore you have chosen rather to suffer from God for ever for your sin, then to suffer small matters for well-doing for a moment, you must even bear your own choice. Christ told you before hand, that [Page 117] if you could not forsake all the world and your own lives for him, you could not be his Disciples, Matth. 10.37, 38, 39. And seeing you thought his terms too hard, and would needs seek you out a better service, even take what you have chosen and found.

The eleventh Excuse. I saw so many follow their pleasures and their worldly business, and never look after these higher things, and so few go the other way, that I thought▪ sure God would not damn so great a part of the world; and therefore I ventured to do as the most did.

Answ. God will make good his word upon many or few. Did you doubt of his will, or of his power? For his will, he hath told it you in his word. For his power, he is as able to punish many as one man. What is all the world to him, but as a drop of a Bucket, [Page 118] as the dust of the ballance; He told you before hand that the gate was strait, and the way to heaven was narrow, and few did find it, and the gate to destructi­on was wide, and the way was broad, and many did enter in at it, Mat. 7.13, 14. And if you would not Believe him, you must bear what your unbelief hath brought you to. What if you had twenty children, or servants, or friends: and the greater part of them should prove false to you, and seek your destruction, or prove disobedient, and turn to your ene­my? would you think it a good excuse, if the rest should do the like, because of their example? will you therefore wrong God, because you see others wrong him? would you spit in the face of your own Father, if you saw others do so? God warned you, that you should not follow a mul­titude [Page 119] to do evil, Exod. 23.2. And if yet you will do as most do, you must even speed as most speed. You should not so much consider, who they be, as what they do, and whether they go, and who they forsake, and what they lose, and what strength is in the Reasons that move them to do this. And then you would find, It is God they forsake, it is sin they choose, it is heaven they lose, it is hell they run into, and it is no true reason, but Satans delusion, and sensual inclinations that lead them to it. And should men be imitated, be they many or be they few, in such a course as this?

The twelfth Excuse. I saw so many faults in those that were ac­counted Godly, and saw so much Division among them, that I thought they were as bad as others; and among so many opinions, I knew not what Religion to be of.

[Page 120] Answ. 1. A spot is soonest seen in the fairest cloth. And the ma­licious world useth to make such far worse then they are.

2. But suppose all were true that malice saith of some, you could not say the like by o­thers.

3. Or if you could, yet it was Gods Law, and not mens faults, that was made the Rule for you to live by: Will it excuse you that others are bad?

4. And for their diverse opini­ons, you should have taken coun­sel at Gods word, which was right: Did you first search the Scripture impartially, as willing to know the Truth, that you might obey it? and did you pray daily that God would lead you into the Truth? and did you obey as much as you knew? Did you joyn with the godly so far as they are all agreed? They are all agreed in the Fun­damental [Page 121] Articles of Christianity, and in all things absolutely neces­sary to a holy Life, and to salva­tion: that all known sin is to be forsaken, and all known du­ty to be done. Why did you not so far then agree with them? Alas, the imperfections of the godly, and the false Accusations of the malicious world, will prove but a poor cover for your wilful ungodliness, and Christ will con­vince you of the vanity of these Excuses.

The thirteenth Excuse. The Scriptures were so dark, that I could not understand them. And I saw the wisest men differ so much in the exposition of them, that I thought it was in vain for me to trouble my self about them. If God would have had us live according to the Scriptures, he would sure have writ­ten them plainly, that men might understand them.

[Page 122] Answ. 1. It is all plainly written according to the nature of the subject: But a prejudiced, dis­affected, yea or but untaught, dis­used soul cannot at first under­stand the plainest Teaching. The plainest Greek or Hebrew Gram­mer that can be written, will be utterly obscure to him that is but newly entred the English School: yea after many years time that he spends in learning. Did you stu­dy hard, and pray for Gods teaching, and enquire of others, and wait patiently in Christs School, that you might come to further knowledge by Degrees? and were you willing to know, even those Truths that called you out to self denyal, and that did put you on the hardest flesh dis­pleasing duties? Had you done thus▪ you would have admired the Light of the Holy Scripture, and now have rejoyced that ever you [Page 123] saw them, and not have quarreled at its seeming Darkness. This word might have made you wise to salvation, as it hath done others, Act. 20.32. 2 Tim. 3.15, 16, 17. This Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the Testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The sta­tutes of the Lord are Right, Re­joycing the heart: the Commande­ment of the Lord is pure, enlightning the eyes, Psal. 19.7, 8.

2. So much as is of Necessity to salvation, is as plain as you could desire. Yet if you be Judged by these, you will be con­demned: For you did not obey that which was most plain. What darkness is in such words as these, Except ye Repent, ye shall All pe­rish, Luk. 13.3, 5. Love not the world, nor the things in the world: if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him, 1 John [Page 124] 2.15. He that will come after me, let h [...]m deny himself, &c. Matth. 16.24.

3. If there had been nothing that seemed difficult to you, would you not have despised its simplicity, and have thought your selves wise enough at the first Reading and needed no more?

The fourteenth Excuse. There were so many seeming Contradicti­ons in the Scripture, and so many strange improbable things, that I could not believe it.

Answ. The contradictions were in your fancy, that did not understand the word which you read. Must the raw unexperien­ced Learner despise his book or Teacher, as oft as in his ignorance he thinks he meets with contra­dictions? Did you think God was no wiser then you, and un­derstood not himself, because you understood him not? Nor could [Page 125] reconcile his own words, because you could not reconcile them? You would needs be a Judge of the Law, instead of obeying it, and speak evil of it, rather then do it, Jam. 4.11.

2. And those things which you called improbable in the word, were the wonders of God, of pur­pose to confirm it. If it had not been confirmed by wonders, you would have thought it unproved: and yet now it is so confirmed, you will not believe the Doctrine, because the witness seems incre­dible. And that is, because they are matters above the power of man: As if they were therefore above the power of God! You shall at last have your eyes so far opened, as to see those seeming contradictions reconciled, and the certainty of those things which you accounted Improbable: that you may be forced to confess the [Page 126] folly of your Arrogancy and Un­belief: and then God will Judge you in Righteousness, who pre­sumed unrighteously to judge him and his word.

The fifteenth Excuse. It seemed so unlikely a thing to me, that the merciful God should damn most of tht World to everlasting fire, that I could not believe it.

Answ. 1. And did it not seem as unlikely to you, that his word should be false?

2. Should it not have seemed as unlikely that the Governor of the world should be unjust, and suffer his Laws to be unexecuted, and the worst to speed as well as the best! and to suffer vile sinful dust to despise his mercy, and abuse his patience, and turn all his Creatures against him, without due punishment?

3. Did you not feel pain and misery begin in this life?

[Page 127]4. You saw Toads and Serpents which had never sinned: And you would rather live in any to­lerable suffering, then to be a Toad. And is it not Reason, that it should go worse with contem­ptuous sinners, then with those creatures that never sinned?

5. Could you expect that those should come to heaven, that would not believe there was such a state, but refused it, and prefer­red the world before it? And to be out of heaven is to be out of all Happiness? and he that is so out of all happiness, and knows that he lost it by his own folly, must needs Torment himself with such Considerations, were there no other Torments. And as man is capable of greater felicity than bruits, so must he needs be ca­pable of more misery.

The sixteenth Excuse. The things which God promised in hea­ven, [Page 128] and threatned in Hell, were all out of my sight: and therefore I could not heartily believe them. Had I but once seen them, or spoke with one that had seen them, I should have been sati [...]fied, and have contemned the things, of the world.

Answ. W [...]ll you not believe till you see or feel? was not Gods word sufficient Evidence? would you have believed one from the dead that had told you he had seen such things? and would you not believe Stephen that saw them, Act. 7.5 [...]. Or Paul that heard and saw them, 2 Cor. 12.3, 4. Nor Christ that came pur­posely from heaven to reveal them? why flesh and blood can­not see them. You see not God: will you not therefore Believe that there is a God? Indeed, whatever you imagine, if you would not Believe Moses and the [Page 129] Prophets, Christ and his Apostles, neither would you have bel [...]ved though one had risen from the dead. For [...]ods word is more credible then a dead mans: and Christ did rise from the dead to attest it. Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet believed. Noah saw no rain when he was preparing the Ark: but because he believed, he made ready and escaped, Heb. 11.7. when the world that would not Bel [...]eve, did perish But seeing Gods word was of no more weight with you, and no knowledge would serve▪ your turn, but by seeing and feel­ing; you shall see and feel ever­lastingly to your sorrow.

The seventeenth Excuse▪ It was so strict a Law that God would have Ruled me by, and the way to Hea­ven was so strait and difficult, that I could not endure it. I was not able to deny my flesh, and live such a life.

[Page 130] Answ. 1. You were not Able, because you were not Willing. What was there but your own wicked hearts that should make such a life seem grievous to you? Every thing is hard and grievous to him who loaths it, and whose heart is against it. The chief thing that God called you to, was to Love him, and make him your Delight. And are Love and De­light such grievous things? It was not grievous to you to love your meat, or drink, or money: It was no hard matter to you to love a friend that loved you▪ no nor to love your sin, which was your ene­my: And what should make it seem hard to Love God, but a wicked heart? Is not he Better, and more Lovely then all these? And had you but Loved him, all the rest of his service would have seemed easie to you. To think of him, to speak of him, to pray to [Page 131] him▪ to praise him, yea, to deny all and suffer for him, would have been sweet and pleasant to you, so far as you had Loved him. It was not God therefore, but your own naughty hearts, that made his work seem grievous to you, and the way to heaven seem hard. He told you truly▪ that his yoak was easie, and his burden light, and his Commandments were not grievous▪ Mat. 11.29. 1 Joh. 5.3. They that tryed them, found them the very Joy and Delight of their souls, and why could not you do so?

2. But what if the way to hea­ven had been harder then it was? was not heaven worth your labor? were you afraid of being a loser by it? Could not God requite your labour or sufferings? Doth any Repent when they come to Heaven▪ that it cost them so dear to come thither? And is not hell [Page 132] worse then the hardest way to heaven? seeing you have chosen hell to save you a labour and suf­fering in this life, you must have your choice. And seeing you thought not everlasting life to be worth so much as God required, that is, the Accepting thankfully, and minding, and seeking, and preferring it before this life, you have none to blame for the loss of it but your selves.

The eighteenth Excuse. It was God that made me of a sensual na­ture: he gave me an Appetite to Meat, and Drink, and Ease, and Lust; He gave me that flesh which ruled me: How then can he con­demn me, for living according to the nature which he gave me?

Answ. He gave that Appetite to be exercised moderately under the rule of reason, for the preser­vation and propagation of man­kind. [Page 133] But did he not also give you Reason to govern that Appetite? and the Revelation of his will to guide that Reason? He gave you your flesh, to be a servant, and not a master Your beast hath fleshly Appetite without reason; and therefore God hath put him under you who have Reason that you should Rule him. Will you let your beast do what he list▪ and madly run upon whom he list, and say, you do but let him live ac­cording to his nature, which [...]od hath given him? Why God that gave him such a nature did intend him to be Ruled by a higher na­ture, even by the Reason which he gave to you: And so he did also by your flesh, and sensual Ap­petite.

The ninteenth Excuse. But I lived among so many baits, which enticed this flesh, that I could not resist them. My meat was a snare [Page 134] to me, my drink a snare, my cloaths, my house, my land a snare, every beauty that I saw was a snare: and the better all these were the stronger was my snare. If God would not have had my heart ensnared and drawn from him, he should not have put so many baits in my way. Yea and they were so Neer to me, and Daily with me, that though I was resolved to forbeare them before, yet when they were brought to my hand, I could not forbeare.

Answ. Is this the thanks that God hath for his mercies? He s [...]nt you all these as favours from his own hand: He wrote his own name upon them, that in them you might see his power, and wis­dom, and goodness, and so be led up to the Consideration of him, that you might fall in love with himself, who was the fountain, the life, the end of all▪ And do you [Page 135] overlook God in the creature, and live as without him in the world, and dote upon that which should have drawn you to himself▪ and then lay the blame on God? If he send a Suitor to speak to you in his name, and write you a love Letter with his own hand, will you fall in Love with the Messenger, or the Letter, and neglect the Sender, and then blame him that wrote his letter on so fair a paper, or in so neat a hand, or that sent it by such a comely Messenger? Certainly, these Excuses are too gross, to take with the wise and righteous God, or to seem suffi [...]i­ent to a well-informed Consci­ence.

2. And whereas you speak of the power of these objects, was there not much more in God, in Christ, in the promised glory, to have drawn your heart another way? why then did not these take [Page 136] as much with you as the other? You could not choose, forsooth, but be enticed with such baits as were fitted to your sensual Appe­tite, and such things as a dog or a swine may enjoy as well as a man▪ But you could choose, when Christ and glory were offered you: yea you did choose to refuse the offer, and tread them under feet by your neglect! When Satan set your Cups, and your harlots, and your profits before you, on one side; did not God set his favour and everlasting happiness on the other side? And was it wise or equal dealing to pref [...]rr your lusts be­fore that glory?

3. Moreover, it was not in the power of any of those baits to force your will, or to necessitate you to chose them: They could be but Baits to entice you; and it was still in your own choice, whe­ther you would yield to the en­ticement, [Page 137] and choose them or not. Shall every man be false to God, that hath any bait to entice him from him? will you excuse your child or friend, if he would be false to you, upon as great enticements as these? If a cup of drink, or a where, or a little gain, could draw him more then all your love and interest, I do not think you would hold him excused.

4. And whereas you speak of the Ne [...]rness and Continuance of these allurements, I would fain know, was not God as Neer you, and Continually neer you, to draw you to himself? Faith might have seen him, though flesh and blood cannot. Did he not stand by you when you were in your cups, and lustful Pleasures? Did he not tell you of the danger, and offer you far better things, if you would obey him and despise those baits? But you would hearken to [Page 138] none of this; You should have re­membred that he stood over you, and was looking on you; and you should have said as Joseph, Gen. 39.9. How can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God? You had also Scripture neer you, and Reason neer you, and Conscience neer you, as well as the bait was neer you. And there­fore this is a vain Excuse.

The twentieth Excuse. It was God that let loose the Devil to Tempt me; and he was too subtile for me to deal with: and therefore what wonder if I sinned, and were overcome?

Answ. 1. He did not let loose the Devil to constrain you to sin. He could but entice, and you might choose whether you w [...]uld yield. The Devil could neither make you sin against your will, nor yet Necessitate you to be willing.

[Page 139]2. You were a sure friend to Christ that while, that would for­sake him as oft as you were tem­pted by the Devil. Is that a friend or a servant worthy to be regard­ed, that will disobey you, or be­tray you as oft as he is tempted to it?

3. Will you excuse your ser­vant, if he leave your work un­done, and follow cards, or dice, or the Ale-house, and say, I was tempted to it by one that was cuninger then I? shall every Mur­derer or Thief escape hanging, because the Devil was too cun­ning for him in his Temptations? would you have the Jury or the Judge to take this for a good ex­cuse?

4. And why did you not hear­ken to God that ent [...]ced you the other way? You forget what helps he afforded you to disco­ver the wiles of Satan, and to [Page] vanquish the Temptation? He told you it was an enemy that tempted you: and would you hearken to an enemy? He told you it was a dream, a shadow, a painted pleasure, a guilded car­kass, a lying promise, and deceit­ful vanity by which you were tempted; And yet would you regard it before your God? He told you that it was your God, your Saviour, your hopes, your everlasting happiness that the Tempter would begu [...]le you of▪ And yet would you be beguiled? He told you, and plainly, and of­ten told you, that the Tempter would lead you to eternal fire, and undo you everlastingly be­fore you were aware; and that a fatal hook was covered with that bait: And yet would you swal­low it?

5. It is plain by all th [...]s, that it was not your natural weakness [Page 141] of faculties that caused you to be overcome by the subtilties of the Devil, as a silly child is deceived by a crafty fellow that over­wits him: But it was your care­lesness, inconsiderateness, your sensual inclinations, and vicious disposition, that drew you to a wilful obeying of the tempter, and rejecting the wholsom advice of Christ. This therefore is a frivo­lous Excuse of your sin.

The one and twentieth Ex­cuse. But I hope you will not say that all men have Free Will! And if my will were not free, [...]ow could I choose but sin?

Answ. Your will was not free from Gods Rule and Go­vernment; nor was it free from its natural inclination to Good in general; for either of these were more properly slavery. 3. Nor was it free from the Influence of a dark understanding. 4. Nor free [Page 142] from its own contracted vitious Inclination. 5. Nor freed from the Temptations of the flesh, the world and the Devil.

But it was 1. Free from any na­tural Determination to evil, or to any thing that was doubtful. 2. And free from the Coaction or Violence of any. 3. And free from an irresistible Determina­tion of any exterior cause, at least, ordinarily. So that naturally, as men, you have the power or fa­culty of determining your own wills, and by your wills▪ of Ruling your inferiour Faculties in a great measure; yea of Ruling the sen­ses and the Phantasie it self, which doth so much to dispose of our Understanding. And if your wills which are naturally free, are yet so habitually vitious, that they en­cline you to do evil, that is not an excuse, but an Aggravation of your sin. But of this more, under the next.

[Page 143]The two and twentieth Excuse. But I have not Power of myself to do any thing that is good: What can the creature do? without Christ we can do nothing. It is God that must give me Ability, or I can have none: and if he had given it me, I had not been an Ʋnbeliever or Impenitent. I can no more Believe of my self, than I can fulfill the Law of my self.

Answ. 1. These are the vain Cavils of learned folly, which God will easily answer in a word. The word [Power] is taken in se­veral senses. Sometime, and most commonly and fitly, for a faculty or strength by which a man Can do his duty if he Will. This Phy­sical Power you have, and the worst of sinners have while they are men on earth. Were they Actually willing, they might Ac­ceptably perform sincere obedi­ence; And were they Dispositive­ly [Page 144] willing, they might Actually Believe and will. And thus the ungodly have Power to Be­lieve.

2. Sometime the word [Power] is taken for Authority, or Leave; for legal or civil Power. And thus you have all not only Power or Liberty to Believe; but also a Command, which makes it your Duty, and a Threatning adjoyn­ed, which will condemn you if you do not.

3. Sometime the word [Power] is taken Ethically and less proper­ly, for a Disposition, Inclination, Habit or Freedom from the con­trary habit or disposition. And in this sense, its true, that none but the effectually called have a Power to Believe. But then ob­serve, 1. That this is but a moral less proper, and not a Physical proper Impotency: And there­fore Austin chuseth rather to say, [Page 145] that all men have power to be­lieve, but all have not a Will, or Faith it self; because we use to difference Power from willingness; and willingness actuateth the Po­wer which we had before. And therefore our Divines choose ra­ther to call Grace a Habit, when they speak exactly, then a Power; and Dr. Twiss derides the Armi­nians for talking of a Power sub­jected in a Power. 2. Note that this Impotency is but the same thing with your unwillingness and wilful blindness, in another word. 3. Note that this Impo­tency is long of our selves as to the Original, and much more as to the not-curing and removing of it. Hath God given you no means towards the cure of this disability, which you have neg­lected? 4. Note that this Impo­tency is no just excuse, but an Aggravation of your sin. If you [Page 146] were willing to be the servant of Christ, and yet were not Able, either because he would not ac­cept you, or because of a want of natural faculties, or because of some other natural difficulty which the willingest mind could not overcome; this were some Ex­cuse: But to be Habitually wil­ful in refusing Grace, is worse then to be meerly Actually unwilling. If a man have so accustomed him­self to murder, drunkenness, stealing, or the like wickedness, so far that he cannot leave it, will you therefore forgive him, or will any Judge or Jury hold him ex­cused? Or rather think him the more unfit for mercy? 5. Note also that the want of a superna­tural Habit, no nor the presence of the contrary Habit, do not Efficiently determine the will to particular acts: much less take away its natural Freedom. 6. And [Page 147] that till Habits attain an utter predominancy, (at least) there is a Power remaining in the will to resist them, and use means against them. Though Eventu­ally the perverse Inclination may hinder the use of it.

The three and twentieth Ex­cuse. I have heard from learned men, that God doth determine all Actions Natural and Free, as the first efficient Physical Immediate Cause; or else nothing could Act. And then it was not long of me that I choose forbidden Objects, but of him that irresistibly moved me thereto, and whose Instrument I was.

Answ. This is a trick of that wisdom which is foolishness with God, and to be deceived by vain Philosophy.

1. The very principle it self is most likely to be false, and those that tell you this, to err. Much [Page 148] more, I think, may be said against it then for it.

2. I am sure it is either false, or reconcileable with Gods Holiness, and mans liberty and culpability; so that its a mad thing to deceive your selves with such Philosophi­cal uncertainties, when the Truth which you oppose by it is infalli­bly certain. That God is not the Author of sin, but man himself, who is justly condemned for it, is undoubtedly true: and would you obscure so clear a Truth, by searching into points beyond hu­mane reach, if not unsound, as you conclude them?

The four and twentieth Ex­cuse. But at least, those learned Divines among us that doubt of this, do yet say that the will is neces­sarily and infallibly Determined by the Practical Ʋnderstanding, and that is as much unresistibly necessi­tated by Objects: and therefore [Page 149] whatever act was done by my un­derstanding or will, was thus ne­cessitated, and I could not help it. They say, Liberty is but the Acting of the faculty agreeably to its na­ture: And it was God as Creator that gave Adam his faculties: and God by providential dispose, that presented all Objects to him, by which his understanding, and so his will were unavoidably necessi­tated.

Answ. This is of the same na­ture with the former; uncertain, if not certainly false. Were this true, for ought we can see, it would lay all the sin and misery of the world on God, as the un­resistable necessitating Cause; which because we know infallibly to be false, we have no reason to take such principles to be true, which infer it. The understanding doth not by a necessary efficiency Determine the will, but morally; [Page 150] or rather is regularly a Condition or necessary Antecedent, without which it may not Determine it self. Yea the will by commanding the sense and phantasie, doth much to determine the understan­ding. As the eye is not necessary to my going, but to my going right, so is not the Understandings Guidance, necessary to my willing (there the simple Apprehension may suf­fice) but to my Right willing. There are other wayes of Deter­mining the will. Or if the Under­standing did Determine the will Efficiently and Necessarily, it is not every act of the understand­ing that must do it▪ If it be so, when it saith, This must be don, & saith it importunatly; yet not when it only saith, This may be done, or you may venture on it; which is the common part which it hath in sin.

I am not pleased that these cu­rious Objections fall in the way, [Page 151] nor do I delight to put them into vulgar heads; but finding many young Schollars and others that have conversed with them, assaul­ted with these Temptations; I thought meet to give a touch, and and but a touch, to take them out of their way; As Mr. Fenner hath done more fully in the Preface to his Hidden Manna, on this last point, to which I refer you. I on­ly add this;

The will of man in its very Dominion doth be are Gods Image. It is a self Determining Power, though it be byassed by Habits, and needs a Guide. As the Heart and Vital Spirits by which it acteth, are to the rest of the Body, so is It to the soul. The Light of Nature hath taught all the world, to carry the Guilt of every crime to the will of man, and there to leave it; Upon this all Laws and Judgements are [Page 152] grounded. From Ignorance and Intellectual weakness, men com­monly fetch. Excuses for their faults; but from the Will they are Aggravated. If we think it strange that mans will should be the first cause, so much as of a sinful mode, and cannot answer all occuring Objections; It may suffice that we are certain the Holy Majesty is not the Author of sin; and he is able to make all this as plain as the Sun, and easily answer all these vain Excuses, though we should be unable. And if we be much ignorant of the frame and motions of our own souls, and es­pecially of that high self determi­ning principle, Free-Will, the great spring of our Actions, and the curious Engine by which God doth Sapientially Govern the world, it is no wonder; Consider­ing that the soul can know it self but by Reflexion, and God gave [Page 153] us a soul to use, rather than to know it self; and to know its qua­lities and operations, rather then its Essence.

The five and twentieth Excuse. No man can be saved, nor avoid any sin, nor believe in Christ, but those whom God hath predestinated thereto. I was under an irrever­sible Sentence before I was born: & therefore I do nothing but what I was predestinated to do, & if God decreed not to save me, how could I help it.

Answ. 1. Gods Judgements are more plain, but his Decrees▪ or secret purposes are mysterious; And to darken certainties, by ha­ving recourse to points obscure, is no part of Christian wisdom. God told you your Duty in his word, and on what terms you must be Judged to Life or Death; Hither should you have recourse for direction, and not to the un­searchable mysteries of his mind.

[Page 154]2. God decreeth not to Con­demn any but for sin. Sin, I say, as the Cause of that Condemna­tion, though not of his De­cree.

3. Gods Decrees are acts Im­manent in himself and make no change on you, and therefore do not necessitate you to sin, any more then his fore-knowledge doth. For both cause only a ne­cessity of Consequence, which is Logical, as the Divines on both sides do Confess. And therefore this no more caused you to sin, then if there had been no such Degree. And its a doubt whether that Decree be not negative; A willing suspending of the Divine will, as to evil; or at most▪ A pur­pose to permit it.

The six and twentieth Excuse. If it be no more, yet doth it make my perdition unavoidable; For even Gods foreknowledge doth so; [Page 155] For if he foreknow it, all the world cannot hinder it from coming to pass.

Answ. Must God either be Ig­norant of what you will do, or else be the cause of it? If you foreknow that the Sun will rise tomorrow, that doth not cause it to rise. If you foreknow that one man will murder another, you are not the cause of it by foreknow­ing it. So is it here.

The seven and twentieth Ex­cuse. God might have hindred my Sin and Damnation if he would▪

Answ. And will you wilfully sin, and think to scape because God doth not hinder you? The Prince that makes a Law against murder, could lock you up, and keep you from being a Murderer! But are you excusable if he do not? We are certain that God could have hindred all the sin and [Page 156] death, and confusion, and misery, that is in the world: And we are as certain that he doth not hin­der it, (but by forbidding it, and giving men means against it): And we are certain that he is Just, and Good, and Wise in all; and not bound to hinder it: And what his Reasons are, you may better know hereafter: In the mean time, you had been better have looked to your own Du­ty.

The eight and twentieth Ex­cuse. How could I be saved if Christ did not dye for me? He dyed but for his Elect: and none could be saved without his Death.

Answ. He did dye for you, and for more than his Elect, though he Absolutely purposed only their salvation. Your sins cru­cified him, and your debt lay up­on him; and he so far ransomed you, that nothing but your wilful [Page 157] refusal of the benefits could have condemned you.

The nine and twentieth Excuse. It was Adams sin that brought me into this Depravedness of will, which I can neither cure, nor could prevent.

Answ. 1. If Adam cast away his holiness, he could no more con­vey that to us which he cast away, then a Nobleman that is a Tray­tor, can convey his lost Inheri­tance or Honours to his son.

2. You perish not only for your Original sin, but for Reject­ing the Recovering mercy of the Redeemer: you might have had Christ and Life in him, for the Ac­cepting.

The thirtieth Excuse. God will require no more than [...]e gives. He gave me not Grace to Repent and Believe, and without his gifts I could not have it.

Answ. 1. God will justly re­quire [Page 158] more than he giveth; that is, The improvement of his G [...]fts, as Mat. 25. shews. He gave Adam but a Power to persevere, and not Actual perseverance: Yet did he justly punish him for want of the Act; even for not using by his own will, the Power which he had given him.

2. It is long of your self if God did not give you Grace to Be­lieve: It was because you wilful­ly refused some preparatory Grace. Christ found you at a great distance from him, and he gave you Grace sufficient, to have brought you neerer to him than you were; you had grace suffici­ent to have made you better than you were, and restrained many sins, and brought you to the means when you turned your back on them: Though this were n [...]t sufficient to cause you to Be­lieve, it, was sufficient to have [Page 159] brought you neerer to Believing; and through your own wilfulness, became not Effectual: Even as Adam had sufficient grace to have stood, which was not Effectu­al. So that you had not only Christ offered to you, if you would but Accept him; but you had dai­ly and precious helps and means, to have cured your wills, and caused you to Accept him: for neglect of which, and so for not believing, and so for all your other sins, you Justly pe­rish.

The one and thirtieth Excuse. Alas man is a worm, a dry leaf, Job 13.25 a silly foolish creature: and therefore his Actions be not regardable, nor deserve so great a punishment.

Answ. Though he be a worm, and as nothing to God, and foo­lish by sin, yet is he naturally so noble a creature, that the Image [Page 160] of God was on him, Gen. 1.26. and 5.1. Jam. 3.9▪ and the world made his servants, and Angels his attendants Heb. 1.14. so noble, that Christ dyed for him, God takes special care of him; He is capable of knowing and enjoying God; and heaven is not thought too good for him if he will obey. And he that is capable of so great Good, must be capable of as great Evil, and his waies not to be so overlooked by that God that hath undertaken to be his Gover­nor: When it tendeth to In­fidelity, the Devil will teach you to Debase man, even lower than God would do.

The two and thirtieth Excuse. Sin is no Being: and shall men be damned for that which is no­thing?

Answ. 1. It is such a mode as deformeth Gods creature. It is a moral Being, It is a Relation of [Page 161] our actions and hearts to Gods will and Law.

2. They that say, sin is nothing, say Pain and Loss is nothing too. You shall therefore be paid with one nothing for another. Make light of your misery, and say, It is nothing, as you did of your sin.

3. Will you take this for a good Excuse from your children or ser­vants, if they abuse you? Or from a Thief or Murderer? shall he escape by telling the Judge that his sin was Nothing? Or rather have death, which is nothing, as the just Reward of it?

The three and thirtieth Excuse. But sin is a Transient thing. At least it doth God no harm, and therefore why should he do us so much harm for it.

Answ. 1. It hurts not God, be­cause he is above hurt: No thanks to you, if he be out of your [Page 162] reach. 2. You may Wrong him, when you cannot Hurt him. And the wrong deserves as much as you can beare. If a Traytor en­deavour the death of the Prince, in vain, his endeavour deserves death, though he never hurt him. You despise Gods Law and Au­thority; you cause the Blasphe­ming of his name, Rom. 2.24. He calls it A pressing him as a Cart is pressed with sheaves, Amos 2.13. and a grieving of him.

3. And you wrong his Image, his Church, the publike good, and the souls of others.

The four and thirtieth Excuse. But Gods nature is so Good and Merciful, that sure he will not damn his own creature.

Answ. 1. A merciful Judge will hang a man for a fault against man: By proportion then what is due for sin against God?

2. All the death and calamity [Page 163] which you see in the world, comes from the anger of this merciful God: why then may not future misery come from it?

3. God knoweth his own mer­cy better then you do; and he hath told you how far it shall ex­tend.

4. He is infinitly merciful; but it is to the Heirs of mercy: Not to the final Rejecters of his mer­cy.

5. Hath not God been merci­ful to thee, in bearing with thee so long, and offering thee Grace in the blood of Christ, till thou didst wilfully reject it? Thou wilt confess to thy everlasting wo that [...]od was merciful; Had he not been so merciful, thou wouldst not have been so miserable for re­jecting it.

The five and thirtieth Excuse. I would not so Torment mine ene­my my self.

[Page 164] Answ. No reason you should. Is it all one to wrong you, and to wrong the God of Heaven? God is the only Judge of his own wrongs.

The six and thirtieth Excuse. All men are sinners; and I was but a sinner.

Answ. All were not Impeni­tent, Unbelieving, Rebellious sin­ners; and therefore all are not unpardoned condemned sinners. All did not live after the flesh, and refuse to the last, to be converted, as you did. God will teach you better to difference between sin­ners and sinners.

The seven and thirtieth Ex­cuse. But if Christ have satisfied for my sins, and dyed for me, then how can I justly suffer for the same sins? will God punish one sin twice?

Answ. 1. Christ suffered for man in the Nature of man; but [Page 165] not in your person, nor you in him: It was not you that provi­ded the price, but God himself; Christ was not mans Delegate in satisfying, and therefore received not his Instructions from us, nor did it on our terms, but his own. It was not the same thing which the Law threatned, that Christ un­derwent: for that was the Dam­nation of the sinner himself: and not the suffering of another for him, it cannot therefore be yours, but on Christs own terms. He dyed for thy sin, but with this intent, that for all that, if thou Refuse him, thou shalt dye thy self. It is therefore no wrong to thee to dye, for it was not thou that dyedst before: And Christ will take it for no wrong to him: For he will Judge thee to that Death. It is for refusing a Christ that dyed for thee, that thou must perish for ever.

[Page 166]The eight and thirtieth Ex­cuse. But I did not Refuse Christ. I believed a [...]d trusted in him to the l [...]st; and Repented of my sins, though I sometime was overtaken with them.

Answ. Had this been True, thy sin would not have condemn­ed thee. But there is no mocking God. He will shew thee then thy naked heart, and convince thou­sands that thought they Believed and Repented, that indeed they did not. By thy works also will this be discovered, that is, by the main bent and scope of thy life, as Matth. 25. throughout; and Jam. 2.

The nine and thirtieth Excuse. I did many Good Works; and I hope God will set those against my evil works.

Answ. Thy good works were thy sins, because indeed they were not good, being not done in sin­cerity [Page 167] of heart for God. The best mans works have some infirmity, which nothing can cleanse but the blood of Christ, which thou hast made light of, and therefore hast no part in. If all thy life had been spent in perfect works except one day, they would not make satis­faction for the sins of that day; For they are but part of thy Du­ty. Wo to him that hath no bet­ter a Saviour at Judgement, then his own good works.

The fourtieth Excuse. I lived in poverty and misery on earth, and therefore I hope I have had my suf­fering here, and shall not suffer in this world, and another too.

Answ. 1. By that Rule all poor men, and murderers, and thieves that are tormented and hanged, should be saved. But as Godly­ness hath the promise of this life and that to come, so Impenitency and Wickedness hath the Threat­ning [Page 168] of this life, and that to come.

2. The Devils and the damned have suffered much more than you already: and yet they are never the neerer a deliverance. When thou hast, suffered ten thousand years, thy pain will be never the neerer an end. How then can a little misery on earth prevent it? Alas poor soul, these are but the foretasts and be­ginnings of thy sorrow. Nothing but pardon through the blood of Christ could have prevented thy Condemnation, and that thou re­jectedst by Infidelity and Impeni­tency: His sufferings would have saved thee, if thou hadst not Re­fused him: But all thine own sufferings will yield thee no Re­lief.

So much for the answering of the Vain Excuses which poor sin­ners are ready to make for them­selves. [Page 169] Wherein I have been so large, as that this part I confess is disproportionable to the rest: but it was for these two Rea­sons.

1. That poor careless souls might see the vanity of such De­fences; and consider, if such a worm as I can easily confute them, how easily and how terribly will they be all answered by their Judge?

2. I did it the rather, that godly Christians might the better understand how to deal with these vain Excuses when they meet with them; which will be daily, if they deal with men in this sad Condition.

X. WE have done with that part of the Judgement which consisteth in the exploration or tryal of the cause: we now come to that which is the Conclusion and Consummation of all: and that is, to shew you, What the Sen­tence will be, and on whom?

And for this, we must go strait to the word of God for our light, it being impossible for any man to have any particular knowledge of it, if Christ had not there re­vealed it unto us. Indeed almost all the world do acknowledge a life after this, where it shall go well with the good, and ill with the bad. But who shall be then accounted Righteous, and who Ʋnrighteous, and on what terms and grounds, by whom they shall be Judged, and to what Con­dition, they know not.

The Sentence in Judgement [Page 171] will be, 1. Either on those that never had means to know Christ. 2. Or on those that had.

1. For the former, as it less concerneth us to enquire of their case, so is it more obscurely re­vealed to us in the Scripture. [...]t is certain that they shall be Judg­ed according to their Use of the means which they had, Rom. 2.11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. and the Talents which they received, Mat. 25. But that it ever falleth out that he that hath but the One Talent of natural helps doth im­prove it to salvation, or that ever they who knew not Christ, are Justified and saved without that knowledge (being at age and use of reason) I find not in the Scri­ptures. I find indeed, that [As many as have sinned without Law, shall also perish without Law: and as many as have sin­ned in the Law, shall be Judged [Page 172] by the Law, Rom. 2.12. But not that any are justified by the works of nature, such as are here said to be without Law. I find also, that [They have the work of the Law written in their hearts, their con­science also bearing witness, and their Thoughts the mean while Accusing, or else Excusing one another, in the day when God shall Judge the secrets of men, by Jesus Christ, according to the Go­spel] Rom. 2.15, 16. And I be­lieve it is a just Excuse, and not an unjust which is here meant. But it will be but an Excuse so far as they were guiltless▪ and that will be but in tanto, and not in toto, in part only; and so not a full Justification. A Heathens con­science may excuse him from those sins which he was never guilty of; but not from all. But no more of them.

2. The case of those that have [Page 173] had the Gospel, is more plainly opened to us in Gods word. Their Sentence is opened in many places of Scripture, but most fully in Matth. 25. whence we will now collect it.

There we find that Jesus Christ the Redeemer, as King of the world, shall sit in Judgement on all men at the last; and shall separate them one from another, as a Shepherd divideth the Sheep from the Goats, and so shall pass the final Sentence. This Sentence is twofold, according to the diffe­rent Condition of them that are Judged. To them on the right hand, there is a Sentence of Ju­stification, and Adjudication to everlasting glory; To them on the left hand, here is a Sentence of Condemnation to everlasting Punishment.

The Sentence on each of these containeth, both the state which [Page 174] they are Judged to, and the rea­son or cause of the Judgement to that state. For as God will not Judge any to Life or Death, with­out just cause, so he will publish this cause in his sentence, as it is the manner of Judges to do; If you say, Christ will not use a voice; Let it satisfie, that though we know not the manner, yet if he do it but by mental discovery, as he shews men what shall everlast­ingly befall them, so he will shew them why it shall so befall them.

1. The Sentence on them on the Right hand, will contain, 1. Their Justification and Adju­dication to Blessedness, and that both as generally denominated, & as particularly determined and described. 2. And the cause of this Judgement.

1. In general they shall be pro­nounced Blessed. Satan would [Page 175] have had them cursed and mise­rable; the Law did curse them to misery; Many a fearful thought hath possessed their own brests, lest they should prove at last ac­cursed and miserable; But now they hear the contrary from their Judge. All the Promises in the Gospel could not perfectly over­come those their fears; all the comfortable words of the Mini­sters of the Gospel could not per­fectly subdue them; all the tender mercies of God in Christ did not perfectly subdue them; But now they are vanquished all for ever. He that once hath heard his Re­deemer in Judgement call him Blessed, will never fear being Cur­sed more. For he that Christ Blesseth, shall be Blessed in­deed.

The Description of their Bles­sedness followeth, Come inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the [Page 179] foundation of the world. And also they are called Blessed Of the Fa­ther. Here is the fountain of their Blessedness; The Father, and the state of their blessedness in Being the Fathers: For I suppose they are called the Blessed of the Father, both because the Father Blesseth them, that is, makes them Hap­py, and because these blessed ones are the Fathers own. And so Christ will publish it to the world in Judgement, that he came to glorifie the Father, and will pro­claim him the Principal Efficient and Ultimate end of his work of Redemption, and the blessedness of his Saints, and that himself is (as Mediator) but the way to the Father. It is the Father that pre­pared the Kingdom for them, and from the foundation of the world, prepared it: Both for [them] as chosen ones, and for them as future Believers, and Righteous ones. It [Page 177] is called a Kingdom, partly in re­spect to God the King, in whose glory we shall partake in our pla­ces: and partly Metaphorically from the Dignity of our Condi­tion. For so it is that our selves are said to be made Kings, Rev. 1.6. and 5.1. 1 Pet. 2.9. and not that we are properly Kings, for then we must have sub­jects who must be Governed by us.

Thus we see their Blessedness in the Fountain, end and state of Dignity: As to the Receptive Act on their part, it is expressed by two words; one signifying their first entrance on it, Come: the other their Possession, Inheri­tance: that is, possess it as given by the Father, and Redeemed by the Son, and hold it in this Te­nure for ever.

The true Believer was convin­ced in this life, that indeed there [Page 178] was no true Blessedness, but this enjoyment of God in the King­dom of heaven. The Lord re­vealed this to his heart by his Word and Spirit: And therefore he contemned the seeming Hap­piness on earth, and laid up for himself a Treasure in heaven, and made him friends with the Mam­mon of unrighteousness, and ven­tured all his hopes in this Vessel. And now he findeth the wisdom of that choice in a rich return▪ God made him so wise a Mer­chant as to sell All for this Pearl of greatest price: and therefore now he shall find the gain. As there Is no other true Happiness, but God in glory; so is there no­thing more suitable and welcome to the true Believer. O how wel­come will the face of that God be, whom he loved, whom he sought, whom he longed and wait­ed for! How welcome will that [Page 179] Kingdom be which he lived in Hope of! which he parted with All for! and suffered for▪ in the flesh! How glad will he be to see the Blessed face of his Re­deemer, who by his manifold Grace hath brought h [...]m unto this! I leave the believing soul to think of it, and to make it the daily matter of his Delightful Meditation. What an unconceiv­able Joy in one moment, this Sentence of Christ will fill his soul with. Undoubtedly it is now quite past our comprehension: though our imperfect fore­thoughts of it may well make our lives a continual Feast.

Were it but our Justification from the Accusations of Satan, who would have us Condemned either as sinners in general, or as Impenitent, Unbelieving Rebels, against him that Redeemed us, in special, it would lift up the heads [Page 180] of the Saints in that day: After all the fears of our own hearts, and the slanderous Accusations of Satan and the world, That we were either Impenitent Infidels, or Hypocrites, Christ will then Justifie us and pronounce us Righteous. So much for the Condition to which they are Judg­ed.

2. The Reason or Cause of this Justification of the Saints, is given us▪ both 1. In a general de­nomination, and 2. In a particu­lar Description. 1. In General, it is because they were Righteous, as is evident, Mat. 25.46. The righteous shall go into life Everlast­ing. And indeed it is the business of every just Judge, to justifie the righteous, and condemn the un­righteous. And shall not the Judge of all the earth judge righteously? Gen. 18.25. God makes men Righteous, before he [Page 181] Judges them so: and Judgeth them Righteous Because they are so. He that abominateth that man who saith to the Righteous, thou art wicked, or to the wicked, thou art Righteous, who Justifieth the wicked, and Condemneth the Righteous, will certainly never do so himself.

Indeed he will Justifie them that are sinners, but not against the Accusation they that are sin­ners: but against the Accusation, that they are guilty of Punishment for sin: but that is, because he first made them just; and so Justifi­able, by pardoning their sin through the blood of Christ.

And its true also, that he will Justifie those that were wicked, but not those that are wicked; But Judgement findeth them as Death leaveth them: and he will not take them for wicked, that are sanctified and cleansed of their [Page 182] former wickedness. So that Christ will first pardon them, before he justifie them against the charge of being sinners in general: and he will first give men Faith, Repen­tance and new Obedience, before he will Justifie them against the charge of being Impenitent, Infi­dels or Hypocrites, and conse­quently unpardoned, and doubly guilty of damnation. This two­fold righteousness, he will first Give men, and so constitute them Just; before he will Declare it, and Sentence them just.

2. The Reason of the Sentence, particularly Described, is from their Faith and [...]ove to Christ, ex­pressed in their Obedience, self-denyal and forsaking all for him. For I was hungry and ye fed me; I was thirsty and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger and ye took me in: Naked and ye cloa [...]hed me: I was sick and ye visited me; I was in [Page 183] prison and ye came to me: Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it to one of the least of these my Brethren, ye have done it unto me, Mat. 25.35. to 41. Here is 1. The causal conjunction for. 2. And the Cause or Reason it self.

Concerning both which, Ob­serve, 1. How it is that mans Obedience and self-denyal is The Reason and Cause of his Justifi­cation. 2. Why it is that God will have the Reason or Cause thus Declared in the Sen­tence.

For the first; observe, that Its one thing to give a Reason of the Sentence, and another thing to express the Cause of the Benefit, Given us by the promise, and Judged to us by the Sentence. Mans Obedience was no proper Cause why God did in this life Give pardon of sin to us, or a [Page 184] Right to glory: much less, of his Giving Christ to dye for us. And therefore as to our Constitutive Justification at our Conversion, we must not say or think that God doth Justifie us, For or Because of any works of our Obedience, Legal or Evangelical. But when God hath so Justified us, when he comes to give a Reason of his Sentence in Judgement, he may and will fetch that Reason, partly from our Obedience, or our per­formance of the Conditions of the New Covenant. For as in this life, we had a Righteousness consisting in free pardon of all sin through the blood of Christ, and a Righteousness consisting in our personal performance of the Con­ditions of the promise which gi­veth that pardon, and continueth it to us: so at Judgement we shall accordingly be justified And as our Evangelical personal Righte­ousness, [Page 185] commonly called Inhe­rent, was at first only in our Faith and Repentance, and Disposition to obey: but afterward in our Actual sincere Obedience, in which sense we are Constitutive­ly Justified or made Righteous here by our works, in James his sense, Jam. 2.24. so accordingly a double Reason will be assigned of our sentential Justification; One from our pardon by Christs blood and merits; which will prove our Right to Impunity and to Glory. The other from our own Faith and holy Obedience, which will prove our Right to that pardon through Christ, and to the free Gift of a Right to glory: and so this last is to be pleaded in subordination to the former. For Christ is become the Author of Eternal salvation to all them that Obey him, Heb. 5 9. He therefore that will be saved, [Page 186] must have a Christ to save him as the Author, and an Obedience to that Christ, as the Condition of that salvation; and consequent­ly both must be declared in the Judgement.

The Reason why the Judge doth mention our Good works, rather then our Believing, may be because those holy self-deny­ing expressions of Faith and Love to Christ, do contain or certainly imply Faith in them, as the life of the tree is in the fruit: but faith doth contain our works of Obe­dience but only as their cause. These works also are a part of the personal Righteousness which is to be enquired after, that is, we shall not be judged righteous, meerly because we have Believed, but also because we have added to our Faith vertue; and have im­proved our Talents, and have loved Christ to the hazard of all [Page 187] or his sake. For it is not only or principally for the goodness of the work considered in it self, or the good that is done by it to the poor: but it is as these works did express our Faith and Love to Christ, by doing him the most costly and hazardous service; that by Faith we could see Christ in a poor beggar or a prisoner; and could love Christ in These better then our worldly goods or liber­ties; which we must part with or hazard by the works that are here mentioned.

2. The Reasons why Christ will so publikely Declare the per­sonal righteousness of men, to be the Reason or Cause of his Justi­fying sentence, it is because It is the business of that day, not on­ly to glorifie Gods meer Love and Mercy, but eminently to glorifie his Remunerative Justice; and not only to express his love to the [Page 188] Elect as such, but to express his love to them as Faithful and Obe­dient, and such as have denyed all for Christ, and Loved God above all; And to shew his justice to the men, and faithfulness in ful­filling all his promises, and also his holinss in the high estimation of the holiness of his people. I shall express this in the words of a Learned Divine (Dr Twiss, against Mr. Cotton, pag. 40.) Was there no more in Gods inten­tion when he elected some, then the manifestation of the riches of his glorious grace? Did not God pur­pose also to manifest the Glory of his Remunerative Justice? Is it not undenyable that God will bestow salvation on all his Elect (of ripe years) by way of reward and Crown of Righteousness, which God the Righteous Judge will give? 2 Tim. 4. 2 Thes. 1. It is great pitty this is not considered, as usual­ly [Page 189] it is not: Especially for the mo­mentous Consequence thereof in my Judgement. So far he.

So much of the Sentence of Justification which shall be passed by Christ at Judgement upon the Righteous.

2. We are next to consider of the Sentence of Condemnation which shall then by Christ be pas­sed on the unrighteous. Which is delivered to us by Christ, Mat. 25. in the same order as the for­mer.

This Sentence containeth; 1. The Condemnation it self. 2. The Reason or Cause of it.

The Condemnation expresseth the misery which they are judged to. 1. Generally, in the Denomi­nation, Cursed. 2. Particularly by Description of their Cursed state.

To be cursed, is to be a People [Page 190] destinated and adjudged to utter unhappiness; to all kind of misery without remedy.

2. Their Cursed condition is described in the next words, De­part from me into Everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his An­gels.

1. Depart! From whom? from the God that made them in his Image. From the Redeemer that bought them by the price of his blood, and offered to save them freely, for all their unworthyness, and many a time intreated them to Accept his offer that their souls might live. From the Holy Ghost the Sanctifier and Com­forter of the faithful, who strove with their hearts, till they quench­ed and expelled him. O sad De­parting! who would not then choose rather to Depart from all the friends he had in the world, and from any thing Imaginable; [Page 191] from his life, from himself, if it were possible, then from Christ? Depart! from what? why, from the presence of the Judge; from all further Hopes of salvation for ever: from all possibility of ever being saved, and living in the joy­ful Inheritance of the Righte­ous. Depart! Not from Gods Essential presence, for that will be with them to their everlasting misery, but from the presence of his Grace, in that measure as they enjoyed it. Depart! Not from your fleshly pleasures, and ho­nours, and profits of the world: These were all gone and past al­ready: and there was no further need to bid them Depart from these: Houses and Lands were gone▪ Mirth and Recreations were gone. Their sweet morsels and cups were gone: All the Honor that men could give them was gone, before they were set at [Page 192] Christs barr to be Judged. But from all expectations of ever en­joying these again, or ever tasting their former delights; from these they must Depart: Not from their sin, for that will go with them: But the liberty of com­mitting that part of it which was sweet to them, as Gluttony, Drunkenness, Whoredom, Idle­ness, and all Voluptuousness; from these they must Depart. But this is Consequential: It is Christ and the Possibility of salvation, that they are Sentenced to Depart from.

But Whither must they Depart? 1. Into fire. 2. Into that fire which was prepared for the Devil and his Angels. 3. Into everlasting fire.

1. Not into a Purifying, but a Tormenting fire. Whether Ele­mentary or not; whether pro­perly or Metaphorically called [Page 193] sire, let us not vainly trouble our selves to enquire. It is enough to know, that as fire is one of the most grievous Tormentors of the flesh, so grievous will be those in­fernal Torments to the whole man, soul and body. Such as is most fitly represented to us under the notion of fire, and of burning. Its easie for a secure unbelieving soul to read and hear of it! but woe, and ten thousand woes to them that must endure it. In this life they had their good things, when it went harder as to the flesh with better men; but now they are tormented, when the Godly are comforted, as Luke 16.25.

2. But why is it called a fire prepared for the Devil and his An­gels? 1. What is this Divel that hath Angels? 2. Who are his Angels? 3. When was it pre­pared for them? 4. Was it not [Page 194] also prepared for wicked men? To these in order.

1. It seems by many passages in Scripture, that there is an Or­der among Spirits, both Good and Bad; and that there is one Devil that is the Prince over the rest.

2. It seems therefore that its the rest of the evil Spirits, that are called his Angels. And some think that the wicked who served him in this life, shall be numbered with his Angels in the life to come. Indeed the Apostle calls him, The God of this world, 2 Cor. 4.4. as is ordinarily Judged by Expositors: and the Prince of the power of the Aire, the Spirit that now worketh in the children of dis­obedience, Eph. 2.2. And he cal­leth false seducing Teachers, The Ministers of Satan, 2 Cor. 11.15. But that wicked men are here meant as part of his Angels, is not clear.

[Page 195]3. If it be the preparation of Gods Purpose that is here meant, then it was from Eternity; but if it be any Commination of God as Ruler of the Angels, than was this fire prepared for them Con­ditionally, from the beginning of that Commination, and was Due to them at their fall.

4. It seems that the Reason why here is no mention of pre­paring Hell-fire for the wicked, but only for the Devils, is not be­cause indeed it was not prepared also for the wicked; but to note, that it is the Torment which was first prepared for, or assigned to the Devils, thereby shewing the greatness of the misery of the wicked, that the Devil and his Angels must be their Compan [...] ­ons. Though some think, as is said before, that the reason why wicked men are not mentioned here, is because they are part of [Page 196] the Angels of the Devil, and so included. And some think it is purposely to manifest Gods [...]e­neral Love to mankind, that pre­pared not Hell for them, but they cast themselves into the Hell pre­pared for the Devils. But the first seems to be the true sense.

And how apparently Righte­ous are the Judgements of the Lord! that those men who would here entertain the Devil into their hearts, and daily familiarity, should be then entertained by him into his place of Torments, and there remain for ever in his society! Though few entertain­ed him into Visible familiarity with their bodies as Witches do, who so make him their Familiar; yet all wicked men do entertain him into more full and constant familiarity with their souls, then these witches do with their bo­dies, How familiar is he in their [Page 197] thoughts, to fill them with vani­ty, lust, or revenge▪ How fami­liar is he in their hearts to fill them with coveteousness, malice, pride or the like evils? and to banish all thoughts of returning to God, and to quench every mo­tion that tendeth to their recove­ry? How familiar is he with them▪ even when they seem to be worshipping God in the publike Assemblies; stealing the word out of their hearts, filling them with vain and wandering thoughts, blinding their minds that they cannot understand the plainest words that we are able to speak to them, and filling them with a proud rebellion against the Direction of their Teachers, and an obstinate refusal to be ruled by them, b [...] the matter never so ne­cessary to their own salvation? How familiar ar [...] these evil Spi­rits in their houses, filling them [Page 198] with ignorance, worldliness, and ungodliness, and turning out [...]ods service, so that they do not pray together once in a day, or perhaps at all? How familiarly doth Satan use their tongues, in cursing, swearing, lying, ribaldry, backbiting, or slandering? And is it not just with God to make these friends their familiars in Torment, with whom they enter­tained such familiarity in sin? As Christ with all the Blessed Angels and Saints will make but one Kingdom or family, and shall live altogether in perpetual De­lights: so the Devil and all his He [...]ish Angels and wicked men shall make but one house-hold, and shall live altogether in per­petual misery. O poor sinners! you are not troubled now at his presence▪ and power your hearts, but will you not then be troubled at his presence, and tormenting [Page 199] power? As long as you do not see him, let him do what he will with you, it grieves you little or nothing at all: but what will you say when you must see him, and abide with him for ever? Oh Sirs, his name is easily heard, but his company will be terrible to the stoutest heart alive. He sheweth you a smiling face when he tem­pteth you, but he hath a grimmer face to shew you, when tempta­tions have conquered you, and torments must succeed! As those that write of Witches, say▪ he ap­peareth at first to them in some comely tempting shape, till he have them fast tyed to him; and then he beats them, and affrights them, and seldom appears to them but in some ugly hew. Believe it, poor sinners, you do not hear or see the worst of him, when you are merry about your sinful Plea­sures, and Rejoycing in your [Page 200] Hopes of the Commodities or Preferments of the world: he hath another kind of Voice which you must hear, and another face to shew you, that will make you know a little better, whom you had to do with! You would be afraid now to meet him in the dark; what will you be to live with him in everlasting darkness? Then you will know who it was that you entertained and obeyed, and plaid with in your sins.

3. And as the Text tells us, that it is a fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels. So it telleth us, that is An everlasting fire. It had a beginning: but it shall have no end. If these wretches would have chosen the service of God, they would have met with no difficulty or trouble, but what would have had a speedy end: Poverty and Injuries would have had an end: scorns and abuses [Page 201] would have had an end; fasting, hu­miliation sorrow for sin, watching, and fighting against our spiritual enemies, would all have had an end. But to avoid these, they chose that ease▪ that pleasure, which hath brought them to that torment which never will have end. I have said so much of these things already in my Book called the Saints Rest, that I will now say but this much. It is one of the won­ders of the world, how men that do believe, or think they do be­lieve this word of Christ to be true, that the wicked shall go into Everlasting fire, can yet venture on sin so boldly▪ and live in it so fearlessly, or sleep quietly till they are out of this unspeakable Dan­ger! Only the Commonness of it, and the known wickedness of mans heart, doth make this less wonderful. And were there no­thing else to convince us, that sin­ners [Page 202] are Mad and Dead as to spi­ritual things, this were enough; That ever the greatest pleasures or profits of the world, or the most enticing baits that the De­vil can offer them, should once prevail with them to forget these endless things and draw them to reject an Everlasting Glory, and cast themselves desperately into Everlasting fire; Yea, and all this under daily warnings and Instru­ctions; and when its told them before hand by the God of Truth himself! For the Lords sake, Sirs, and for your souls sakes, if you care not what Ministers say, or what such as I say, yet will you soberly read now and then this 25. Chapter of Matthew, and Regard what is told you by him that must be your Judge! and now and then bethink your selves soberly whether these are matters for wise men to make light of? [Page 203] and what it is to be Everlastingly in Heaven or in Hell fire.

2. We have seen what is the Penalty contained in the sentence against the ungodly: The next thing that the Text directs us to▪ is the Cause or Reason of the Sentence▪ vers. 42, For I was hun­gry, and ye gave me no meat, &c. The Reason is not given expresly either for their sin against the Law of works, that is, Because they were sinners, and not perfectly Innocent: Nor yet from their un­belief, which is the great sin against the Law of Grace: But it is given from their not express­ing their Faith and Love to Christ in works of mercy and self-denyal. And why is this so?

1. We must not suppose that these words of Christ, do express the whole Judicial process in every point; but the chief parts. It is [Page 204] supposed that all men are convi­cted of being sinners against the perfect Law of the Creator, and that they are guilty of Death for that sin: and that there is no way but by Christ to obtain delive­rance. But because all this must be acknowledged by the righte­ous themselves, as well as by the wicked, therefore Christ doth not mention this, but that only which is the turning point or cause in the Judgement. For it is not all sinners that shall be finally Con­demned▪ but all Impenitent, Un­believing sinners, who have Re­belled finally against their Re­deemer.

2. And the reason why Faith it self is not expressed, is, 1. Be­cause it is clearly implyed, and so is Love to Christ as Redeemer: in that they should have Relieved Christ himself in his members: that is, as its expressed, Matth. [Page 205] 10.42. they should have received a Prophet in the name of a Pro­phet; and a Disciple in the name of a Disciple; All should be done for Christs sake: which could not be unless they Believed in him, and Loved h [...]m. 2. Also because that the bare Act of Believing is not all that Christ requireth to a mans final Justification and Sal­vation: But holy self-denying Obedience must be added. And therefore this is given as the Rea­son of their Condemnation, that they did not so obey.

We must observe also, that Christ here putteth the special for the general: that is, one way of self▪ denying Obedience, and ex­pression of Love, instead of such Obedience in general! For all men have not ability to relieve those in misery, being perhaps some of them poor themselves. But all have that Love and self-denyal, [Page 206] which will some way ex­press it self. And all have hearts and a Disposition to do thus, if they had ability; without such a Disposition, none can be sa­ved.

It is the fond conceit of some, that if they have any love to the godly or wish them well, it is enough to prove them happy. But Christ here purposely lets us know, that whoever doth not Love him at so high a rate, as that he can part with his substance or any thing in the world, to those uses which he shall require them, even to relieve his servants in want and sufferings for the ma­sters sake, that man is none of Christs Disciple, nor will be own­ed by him at the last.

XI. THE next point that we come to, is to shew you the Properties of this Sen­tence at Judgement.

When man had broken the Law of his Creator at the first, he was lyable to the Sentence of Death, and God presently sate in Judgement on him, and sentenced him to some part of the Punish­ment which he had deserved: But upon the Interposition of the Son, he forbore the rest, resolving on a way that might tend to his Recovery: And Death is due yet to every sinner for every sin which he commits, till a pardon do acquit him. But this Sentence which will pass on sinners at the last Judgement, doth much differ from that which was passed on the first sin, or which is Due ac­cording [Page 208] to the Law of wor [...]s alone: for,

1. As to the Penalty, called the Pain of Loss, the first Judgement did deprive man of the favour of his [...]reator; but the second will deprive him of the favour both of the Creator and Redeemer: [...]he first Judgement deprived him of the benefits of Innocency: The second deprived him of the Bene­fits of Redemption; The loss of his hopes and possibility of a par­don, of the Spirit, of Justification and Adoption, and of the benefits which Conditionally were promi­sed and offered him; these are the Punishments of the last Judge­ment, which the Law of work [...] did never threaten to the first man, or to any, as it stood alone.

Also the loss of Glory as Re­covered, is the proper penalty of the viol [...]ted Law of Grace: which [Page 209] is more than the first loss. As if a man should lose his Purse the se­cond time, when another hath once found it for him: Or rather as if a Traytor Redeemed by an­other, and having his life and ho­nours offered him, if he will Thankfully Accept it and come in, should by his Refusal and Obstinacy, lose this Recovered Life, which is offered him: which is an addition to his former pe­nalty.

Besides that the Higher degree of Glory will be lost, which Christ would bestow on him, more then was lost at first. The very work of the Saints in heaven▪ will be to Praise and Glorifie him that Redeemed them: and the Fa­ther in him: which would not have been the work of man if he had been innocent.

2. As to the Pain of sense, the last Judgement by the Redeemer▪ [Page 210] will Sentence them to a far sorer Punishment then would have be­faln them, if no Saviour had been offered them, Heb. 10.29. The conscience of Adam if he had not been Redeemed, would never have Tormented him for Rejecting a Redeemer, nor for refusing or abusing his gracious offers, and his mercies; nor for the forfeiting of a Recovered Happiness; nor for refusing the easie terms of the Gospel, which would have Given him Christ and salvation for the Accepting; nor for neglecting any means that tended to Recovery: No nor for refusing Repentance unto Life, nor for disobeying a Redeemer that bought him by his blood. As all these are the penalties of the Redeemers Law and Judge­ment, so is it a sorer penalty then Conscience would have inflicted meerly for not being perfectly In­nocent; [Page 211] and they will be far sorer gripings and gnawings of the never-dying worm for the abuse of these Talents, than if we had been never trusted with any after our first forfeiture. Yea and God himself will accordingly pro­portion his Punishments. So that you see that Privatively and Posi­tively, or as to their Loss and their Feeling, the Redeemer will pass on them a heavyer doom then the Creator did, or would have done according to the first Law to per­fect man.

3. Another Property of the Judgement of Christ, is, that It will be final, Peremptory, and Ex­cluding all further hopes or possibili­ties of a Remedy. So was not the first Judgement of the Creator upon faln man. Though the Law of pure Nature knew no Remedy, nor gave man any hope of a Re­deemer; yet did it not exclude [Page 212] a Remedy; nor put in any barr against one; but God was free to Recover his Creature if he p [...]eased. But in the Law of Grace he hath Resolved, that there shall be no more sacrifice for sin, but a fearful looking for of Judgement and fire which shall devoure the Adversary, Heb. 10. [...]6, 27. and that the fire shall be Everlasting, the worm sha [...]l not dye, and the fire shall not be quenched, Mat. 25. last, Mat. 13.42, 50. John 5.27. Mat. 5.26. Mat. 3.12. and Luke 3.17. Mark. 9.4 [...], 44, 45, 46, 48. He that now break­eth that pure Law that requir [...]th perfect innocency (as we have all done) may fly to the Promise of Grace in Christ, and Appeal to the Law of Liberty, or delive­rance, to be Judged bv that. But he that falls under the penalty of that Law which should have sa­ved him, as all final Unbelievers; [Page 213] and Impenitent, Ungodly persons do, hath no other to Appeal to. Christ would have been a San­ctuary and Refuge to thee from the Law of works, hadst thou but Come in to him: But who shall be a Refuge to thee from the wrath of Christ? The Gospel would have freed thee from the Curse of the Law of works, if thou hadst but believed and obey­ed it: But what shall free thee from the Condemnation of the Gospel? Had there no Accusa­tion lain against thee, but that thou wast in general a sinner, that is, that thou wast not perfectly In­nocent, Christ would have an­swered that charge by his blood. But seeing thou art also guilty of those special sins which he never shed his blood for, who shall de­liver thee from that Accusation? When Christ gave himself a ran­som for sinners, it was with this [Page 214] Resolution both in the Father and himself, that none should ever be Pardoned, Justified or Saved by that Ransom, that did not in the time of this life, sincere­ly return to God by Faith in the Redeemer, and live in sincere obedience to him and persevering herein. So that he plainly exce­pted final Infidelity, Impeniten­cy and Rebellion from pardon: He never dyed for the final non-performance of the Conditions of the New Covenant. So that his Judgement for these will be peremptory and remediless. If you say, Why cannot God find out a remedy for this sin, as well as he did for the first? I say, God cannot lye, Tit. 1.2. He must be True and Faithful, as necessarily as he must be God, because of the Absolute perfection of his na­ture; and he hath said and re­solved that there shall be no more remedy.

[Page 215]Many other Properties of Gods Judgement in general there are, as that Righteousness, Impar­tiality, Inflexibility, and the like, which because I would not make my Discourse too long, I will pass over, contenting my self with the mention of these which are Pro­per to the Judgement of the Re­deemer, according to his own Laws in special.

XII. THE twelfth and last thing which I pro­mised to unfold, is, The Execution of this Judgement. Here I should shew you both the Certainty of the Execution, and by whom it will be, and how; but having done all this already in the third Part of the foresaid Book of rest, I shall now only give this brief touch of it.

[Page 216]No sooner is the dreadful Sen­tence past, Go ye cursed into Ever­lasting fire, but away they must be gone: There is no delay; much less any Reprive to be ex­pected: and yet much less is there any hope of an Escape. If the Judge once say, Take him Jaylor; and if Christ say, Take him Devils, you that Ruled and Deceived him, now Torment him; all the world cannot rescue one such soul. It will be in vain to look about for help! Alas, there is none but Christ can help you, and he will not, because you refused his help: Nay we may say, He cannot: not for want of Power: but because he is True and Just; and therefore will make good that word which you believed not. It is in vain then to cry to hills to fall on you and the mountains to cover you from the presence of him that sitteth on the Throne. It will be [Page 217] in vain now to Repent, and wish you had not sleighted your salva­tion, nor sold it for a little plea­sure to your flesh. It will be then in vain to cry Lord, Lord, open to us; O spare us; O pitty us; O do not cast us into these hideous flames! Do not turn us among Devils! do not Torment thy Redeemed ones in this fire! All this will be then too late.

Poor sinner, whoever thou art that readest or hearest these lines, I beseech thee in Compassion to thy soul, Consider, How fearful the case of that man will be, that is newly doomed to the Everlast­ing fire; and is haled to the Exe­cution without Remedy! and what mad men are those that now do no more to prevent such a misery, when they might do it on such easie terms, and now have so fair an Opportunity in their hands?

[Page 218]The time was when Repen­tance might have done thee good: but Then all thy Repentings will be in vain. Now while the day of thy Visitation lasteth, hadst thou but a heart to pray and cry for mercy, in faith and fervency, through Christ thou mightest be heard. But then Praying, and Crying will do no good! shouldst thou roar out in the extremity of thy horror and amazement, and beseech the Lord Jesus but to forgive thee one sin, or to send thee on earth once more, and to try thee once again in the flesh, whe­ther thou wouldst not love him and lead a holy life, it would be all in vain. Shouldst thou be­seech him by all the mercifulness of his nature by all his sufferings and bloody death, by all the mer­ciful promises of his Gospel; it would be all in vain▪ Nay, shouldst thou beg but one dayes reprival, [Page 219] or to stay one hour before thou were cast into those flames, it would not be heard; it would do thee no good. How earnestly did a deceased Gentleman, Luk. 16.24. beg of Abraham for one drop of water from the tip of Lazarus's finger, to cool his tongue, because he was torment­ed in the flame! And what the better was he? He was sent to Remember that he had his Good things in this life; and that Re­membrance would torment him more. And do not wonder or think much at this, that Christ will not then be intreated by the ungodly. You shall then have a Remember too, from Christ or Conscience. He may soon stop thy mouth, and leave thee speech­less, and say, Remember, man, that I did one day send thee a Message of peace, and thou wouldst not hear it. I once did stoop to Beseech thee [Page 220] to return, and thou wouldst not hear. I besought thee by the tender mercies of God; I besought thee by all the Love that I had shewed thee; by my holy Life; by my curs­ed Death; by the Riches of my Grace; by the offers of my Glory; and I could not get thee to forsake the world, to deny thy flesh to leave one beloved sin, for all this! I be­sought thee over and over again! I sent many a Minister to thee in my name: I waited on thee many a day, and year; and all would not do; thou wouldst not Consider, Re­turn and Live: And now it is too late: my sentence is past, and can­not be recalled: Away from me, thou worker of Iniquity, Matth. 7.22, 23.

Ah Sirs, what a case then is the poor desperate sinner left in! How can I write this, or how can you that read or hear it without trembling once think of the Con­dition [Page 221] that such forlorn wretches will be in! When they look above them, and see the God that hath forsaken them, because they forsook him first; when they look about them, and see the Saints on one hand whom they despised, now sentenced unto Glory; and the wicked on the other hand, whom they accompanied and imi­tated, now Judged with them to everlasting misery; when they look below them, and see the flames that they must abide in, even for evermore; and when the Devils begin to hale them to the Execution; Oh poor souls! Now what would they give for a Christ, for a promise, for a time of Repentance, for a Sermon of mercy, which once they slept un­der, or made no account of! How is the case altered now with them! who would think that these are the same men, that made light of [Page 222] all this on earth, that so stoutly scorned the reproofs of the word, that would be worldly, and flesh­ly, and drunk, and proud, let Preachers say what they would; and perhaps hated those that did give them warning. Now they are of another mind; but all too late. Oh were there any place for Resistance, how would they draw back, and lay hold of any thing, before they would be dragged away into those flames! But there is no resisting; Satans Temptati­ons might have been Resisted, but his Executions cannot Gods Judgements might have been Pre­vented by Faith and Prayer, Re­pentance and a holy life; but they cannot be resisted when they are not prevented. Glad would the miserable sinner be, if he might but turn to nothing, and cease to be; or that he might be any thing rather than a reasonable crea­ture: [Page 223] but these wishes are all in vain. There is one Time, and one Way of a sinners Deliverance; If he fail in that one, he perisheth for ever: all the world cannot help him after that, 2 Cor. 6 2. I have heard thee in a time accepted; and in the day of salvation have I suc­coured thee: Behold now is the Ac­cepted time: behold now is the day of salvation. Now he saith, Rev. 3.20. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. But for the time to come hereafter, hear what he saith, Prov. 1.24, 25, 26. Because I have called, and ye Refused, I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; but ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my Reproof; I also will laugh at your Calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh: [Page 224] when your fear cometh as Desola­tion, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you; then shall they call upon me, but I will not Answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me; for that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord; They would none of my counsels; they despised all my Reproof▪ there­fore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices; for the Turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the Prosperity of fools shall de­stroy them; But who so hearkneth to me, shall dwel safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. I have recited all these words, that you may see and consider, whether I have spoke any other thing than God himself hath plainly told you of.

Having said this much of the [Page 225] Certainty of the Execution, I should next have spoke some­what of the manner and the In­struments, and have shewed how God will be for ever the Principal Cause, and Satan and their own Consciences the Instruments, in part; and in what manner Con­science will do its part, and how impossible it will be to quiet or resist it. But having spoke so much of all this already elsewhere, as is said before, I will forbear here to repeat it, leaving the Rea­der that desireth it, there to per­use it.

The Ʋses.

Ʋse 1.

BEloved hearers, it was not to fill your fancies with news that God sent me hither this day; nor to tell you of matters that nothing con­cern you; nor by some terrible words to bring you to an hours amazement and no more; But it is to tell you of things that your eyes shall see, and to foretell you of your danger while it may be prevented; that your pre­cious souls may be saved at the last, and you may stand before God with comfort at that day; But because this will not be every mans case, no nor the case of most, I must in the name of Christ desire you to make this day an enquiry into your own souls, and as in the presence of God let your [Page 227] hearts make answer to these few Questions which I shall propound and debate with you.

Qu. 1.

DO you soundly Be­lieve this Doctrine which I have preached to you? What say you Sirs? do you veri­ly Believe it as a most certain Truth, that you and I, and all the world must stand at Gods barr and be Judged to Everlasting Joy or Torment? I hope you do all in some sort Believe this: but blame me not if I be jealous whe­ther you soundly believe it, while we see in the world so little of the effect of such a Belief. I confess I am forced to think that there is more infidelity then faith among us, when I see more ungodliness then godliness among us: And I can hardly believe that man that will say or swear that he believeth [Page 228] these things, and yet liveth as carelesly and carnally as an Infi­del. I know that no man can love to be damned; yea I know that every man that hath a reasonable soul, hath naturally some love to himself, and a fear of a danger which he verily apprehendeth; he therefore that liveth without all fear▪ I must think liveth with­out all apprehension of his dan­ger. Custom hath taught men to hold these things as the Opinion of the Country; but if men soundly believed them, surely we should see stranger effects of such a faith, then in the most we do see. Doth the sleepy soul that liveth in security, and followeth this world as eagerly as if he had no greater matters to mind; that never once trembled at the thoughts of this great day; nor once asked his own soul in good sadness, My soul, How dost thou [Page 229] think then to escape? I say, doth this man Believe that he is going to this Judgement? Well, Sirs, whether you believe it or not, you will find it true; and believe it you must before you can be safe. For if you do not Believe it, you will never make ready. Let me therefore perswade you in the fear of God to consider, that it is a matter of undoubted Truth.

1. Consider that it is the ex­press word of the God of Truth; revealed in Scripture as plainly as you can desire. So that you can­not be unbelieving without de­nying Gods Word, or giving him the lye, Mat. 13.38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 49, 50. Mat. 25. through­out▪ Rom. 2.5▪ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, and 1.32. John 5.28, 29. The hour is coming in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth: they that have [Page 230] done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the Resurrection of damnation. Heb. 9.27. It is appointed to all men once to dye, and after this, the Judgement. Rom. 14.9.12. So then every one of us shall give Ac­count of himself to God. Rev. 20.12. And I saw the dead, small and great stand before God: and the Books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the Book of life: and the dead were Judged out of those things which were writ­ten in the Books, according to their works. Mat. 12.36, 37. But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, the shall give account thereof in the day of Judge­ment: For by thy words thou shalt be Justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Many more most express Texts of Scripture do put the Truth of this Judge­ment out of all question, to all [Page 231] that believe the Scripture, and will understand it. There is no place left for a Controversie in the point: It is made as sure to us as the Word of the living God can make it: And he that will question that, what will he Be­lieve? What say you Sirs? Dare you doubt of this which the God of Heaven hath so positively af­firmed? I hope you dare not.

2. Consider, it is a master-part of your faith, if you are Chri­stians, and a fundamental Article of your Creed, that Christ shall come again to Judge the quick and the dead. So that you must Believe it, or renounce your Christianity, and then you re­nounce Christ and all the hopes of mercy that you have in him. Its impossible that you should soundly Believe in Christ▪ and not believe his Judgement and Life Everlasting; because as he [Page 232] came to bring Life and Immor­tality to light in the Gospel, 2 Tim. 1.10. so it was the end of his Incarnation, Death and Re­surrection, to bring you thither; and its part of his honour and of­fice which he purchased with his blood, to be the Lord and Judge of all the world, Rom. 14.9. Joh. 5.22▪ If therefore you believe not heartily this Judgement; deal plainly and openly, and say you are Infidels and cast away the hy­pocritical vizor of Christianity, and let us know you, and take you as you are.

3. Consider that it is a Truth that is known by the very light of na­ture; that there shall be a hap­piness for the Righteous, and a misery for the wicked after this life: which is evident▪

1. In that we have undeny­able natural reason for it. 1. God is the Righteous governor of the [Page 233] world, and therefore must make a difference among his subjects, ac­cording to the nature of their waies; which we see is not done here, where the wicked prosper, and the good are afflicted; there­fore it must be hereafter.

2. We see there is a necessity that God should make promises and threatnings of everlasting happiness or misery, for the right governing of the world; for we certainly perceive that no lower things will keep men from de­stroying all humane society, and living worse then bruit beasts; and if there be a necessity of ma­king such threats and promises, then there is certainly a necessity of fulfilling them. For God need­eth no lye or means of deceiving, to rule the world.

2. And as we see it by Reason, so by certain experience, that this is discernable by the light of na­ture; [Page 234] for all the world, or almost all do believe it. Even those na­tions where the Gospel never came, and have nothing but what they have by nature even the most Barbarous Indians ac­knowledge some life after this▪ and a difference of men accord­ing as they are here: Therefore you must believe thus much, or renounce your common Reason and humanity, as well as your Christianity. Let me therefore perswade you all in the fear of God to confirm your souls in the belief of this, as if you had heard Christ or an Angel from heaven say to you, Oh man thou art hast­ing to Judgement.

Qu. 2.

MY next Question is, Whether you do ever soberly consider of this great day? Sirs, do you use when you are alone to think with your selves▪ how certain and how dreadful it will be? how fast it is coming on? and what you shall do? and what answer you mean to make at that day? are your minds taken up with these con­siderations? Tell me, is it so, or not?

Alas Sirs! Is this a matter to be forgotten? Is not that man even worse then mad▪ that is go­ing to Gods Judgement and ne­ver thinks of it? when if they were to be tryed for their lives at the next Assize, they would think of it, and think again, and cast 100 [Page 236] times which way to escape. Me thinks you should rather forget to go to bed at night, or to eat your meat, or do your work, then forget so great a matter as this.

Truly I have often in my se­rious thoughts been ready to wonder that men can think of al­most any thing else, when they have so great a thing to think of. What! forget that which you must remember for ever! forget that which should force remem­brance, yea and doth force it with some, whether they will or not! A poor despairing soul cannot forget it: He thinks which way ever he goes he is ready to be Judged. Oh therefore Beloved, Fix these thoughts as deep in your hearts as thoughts can go. Oh be like that holy man, that thought which way ever he went, he heard the Trumpet sound, and [Page 237] the voice of the Angel calling to the world, Arise ye dead, and come to Judgement, You have warning of it from God and man, to cause you to Remember it; do not then forget it. It will be a cold excuse another day, Lord, I forgate this day, or else I might have been ready: you dare not sure trust to such excuses.

Qu. 3.

MY next Question to you, is▪ How are you affected w [...]th the Considera­tion of this day? Barely to think of it will not serve: To think of such a day as this with a dull and senseless heart, is a sign of fearful stupidity. Did the knees of King Belshazzar knock together with trembling, when he saw the hand­writing on the wall? Da [...]. 5.6. How then should thy heart be affected that seeth the hand-writ­ing of God as a summons to his barr?

When I began to preach of these things long ago, I confess the matters seemed to me so ter­rible, that I was afraid that peo­ple would have run out of their wits w [...]th fear; but a little expe­rience [Page 239] shewed me, that many are like a dog that is bred up in a forge or furnace▪ that being used to it, can sleep though the ham­mers are beating, and the fire and hot Iron flaming about him▪ when another that had never seen it, would be amazed at the sight. When men have heard us 7 years together, yea 20 years, to talk of a day of Judgement, and they see it not, nor feel any hurt▪ they think it is but talk, and begin to make nothing of it. This is their thanks to God for his Patience: Because his Sentence is not execu­ted speedily therefore their hearts are set in them to do evil, Eccl. 8.11. As if God were slack of his Promise, as some men Account slackness, 2 Pet. 3.9. When one day with him is as a 1000. years, and a 1000. years as one day. What if we tell you 20 years to­gether that you must dye, will you [Page 240] not believe us, because you have lived so long and seen no death coming?

Three or four things there be should bring any matter to the heart. 1. If it be a matter of exceeding weight. 2. If it con­cern not others only, but our selves. 3. If it be certain. 4. If neer.

All these things are here to be found, and therefore how should your hearts be moved at the Consideration of this great day!

1. What matter can be men­tioned with the Tongue of man of greater moment? For the poor creature to stand before his Maker and Redeemer, to be Judged to Everlasting Joy or Torment? Alas! all the mat­ters of this world are playes, and toyes, and dreams to this: Mat­ters of profit or disprofit are no­thing [Page 241] to it: Matters of credit or discredit are unworthy to be named with it: Matters of tem­poral life or death are nothing to it. We see the poor bruit beasts go every day to the slaughter, and we make no great matter of it, though their life be as dear to them as ours to us. To be Judg­ed to an Everlasting death or tor­ment; this is the great danger, that one would think should shake the stoutest heart to con­sider it, and awake the dullest sin­ner to prevent it.

2. Its a matter that concern­eth every one of your selves, and every man or woman that ever lived upon the earth, or ever shall do: I am not speaking to you of the affairs of some far Countrey, that are nothing to you, but on­ly to marvail at; which you ne­ver saw, nor ever shall do: no; It is thy own self man or woman [Page 242] that hearest me this day, that shalt as surely appear before the Judgement-Seat of Christ, as the Lord liveth, and as he is true and faithful; and that is as sure as thou livest on this earth, or as the heaven is over thee. That man that heareth all this with the most careless blockish heart, shall be awakened and stand with the rest at that day; that man that never thought of it, but spent his time in worldly matters, shall leave all, and there appear; that man that will not believe these things to be true, but make a jest of them, shall see and feel what he would not Believe, and he also shall be there: The godly that waited in hope for that day, as the day of their full Deliverance and Coronation, they shall be there. Those that have lain in the dust these 5000. years, shall rise again and all stand there. Hearer, [Page 243] whoever thou art, believe it, thou mayest better think to live with­out meat, to see without light, to escape death, and abide for ever on earth, then to keep away from that Appearance. Willing or un­willing, thou shalt be there. And should not a matter then that so concerneth thy self, go neer to thy heart, and awake thee from thy security?

3. That it is a matter of un­questionable certainty, I have partly shewed you already, and more would do, if I were Preach­ing to known Infidels. If the care­less world had any just reason to think it were uncertain, their carelesness were more excusable. Me thinks a man should be affe­cted with that which he is certain shall come to pass, in a manner as if it were now in doing. 1 Thes. 5.2. Ye perfectly know that the day of the Lord so cometh, &c. [Page 244] saith the Apostle.

4. This day is not only certain, but it is neer; and therefore should affect you the more. I confess, if it were never so far of, yet seeing it will come at last, it should be carefully regarded: But when the Judge is at the door, Jam. 5.9. and we are al­most at the barr, and it is so short a time to this Assize, what soul that is not dead will be se­cure?

Alas Sirs! what is a little time when it is gone? how quickly shall you and I be all in another world, and our souls receive their parti­cular Judgement, and so wait till the body be raised and judged to the same Condition? It is not a 100. years in all likelyhood, till▪ every soul of us shall be in hea­ven or hell: and its like, not half or a quarter of that time, but it will be so with the greater part of [Page 245] us: and what is a year or two, or a 100? how speedily is it come? how many a soul that is now in heaven or hell, within a 1000 years dwelt in the places that you now dwell in, and sate in the seats you now sit in? And now their time is past, what is it? Alas; how quickly will it be so with us: You know not when you go to bed, but you may be Judged by the next morning: or when you rise, but you may be▪ judged before night: but certainly you know that shortly it will be; and should not this then be laid to heart? Yea the General Judgement will not be long: For certainly we live in the end of the world.

Qu. 4.

MY next Question is, Whether are you ready for this dreadful Judge­ment when it comes, or not? Seeing it is your selves that must be tried, I▪ think it concerns you to see that you be prepared. How often hath Christ warned us in the Gospel, that we be alwaies ready; because we know not the day or hour of his coming, Mat. 24.44.42. and 25.13. 1 Thes. 5.6. and told us how sad a time it will be to those that are unready, Mat. 25.11, 12. Did men but well know what a meeting and greeting there will be between Christ and an unready soul, it would sure startle them, and make them look about them. What say you Be­loved Hearers, are you ready for Judgement, or are you not! Me [Page 247] thinks a man that knoweth he shall be Judged, should ask himself the Question every day of his life; Am I ready to give up my Account to God! Do not you use to ask this of your own hearts? unless you be careless whether you be saved or damned, me thinks you should; and ask it seriously.

Qu. But who be they that are ready? how shall I know whether I be ready or not?

Answ. There is a twofold rea­diness. 1. When you are in a safe case. 2. When you are in a com­fortable case, in regard of that day. The latter is very desirable, but the first is of absolute necessi­ty: this therefore is it that you must principally enquire af­ter.

In General, all those, and only those are ready for Judgement, [Page 248] who shall be justified and saved, and not condemned when Judge­ment comes; They that have a good cause in a Gospel sense. It may be known before hand who these are; for Christ Judgeth, as I told you, by his Law. And there­fore find out whom it is that the Law of grace doth justifie or con­demn, and you may certainly know whom the Judge will Justi­fie or Condemn; for he Judgeth righteously.

If you further ask me who these are; remember that I told you be­fore, that every man that is per­sonally righteous by fulfilling the Condition of Salvation in the Gospel, shall be saved, and he that is found unrighteous, as having not fulfilled them, shall perish at that day.

Q1. Who are these?

Answ. I will tell you them in [Page 249] a few words, lest you should for­get, because it is a matter that your Salvation or Damnation de­pendeth upon.

1. The soul that unfeignedly repenteth of his former sinful course, and turneth from it in heart and life, and loveth the way of godliness which he hated, and hateth the way of sin which he loved, and is become throughly a New creature, being born again and sanctified by the Spirit of Christ, shall be Justified: but all others shall certainly be condem­ned.

Good news to repenting con­verted sinners, but sad to Impeni­tent, and him that knows not what this means.

2. That soul that feeling his misery under sin, and the power of Satan, and the wrath of God, doth believe what Christ hath [Page 250] done and suffered for mans Re­stauration and Salvation, and thankfully accepteth him as his only Saviour and Lord, on the terms that he is offered in the Gospel, and to those ends, even to Justifie him, and sanctifie and guide him, and bring him at last to everlasting glory; that soul shall be Justified at Judgement: and he that doth not, shall be con­demned.

Or in short, in Scripture phrase, He that believeth shall be saved, and he that Believeth not shall be condemned, Mar. 16.16.

3. The soul that hath had so much knowledge of the goodness of God, and his love to man in Creation, Redemption, and the following mercies, and hath had so much conviction of the vanity of all creatures, as thereupon to Love God more then all things [Page 251] below, so that he hath the chiefest room in the heart, and is prefer­ed before all creatures ordinari­ly in a time of tryal: that soul shall be Justified at Judgement, and all others shall be condemn­ed.

4. That soul that is so appre­hensive of the absolute Sove­raignty of God as Creator and Redeemer, and of the Righteous­ness of his Law, and the Good­ness of his holy way, as that he is firmly Resolved to obey him be­fore all others, and doth accord­ingly give up himself to study his will, of purpose that he may obey it, and doth walk in these holy waies, and hath so far morti­fied the flesh, and subdued the world and the Devil, that the Authority and Word of God can do more with him, then any other; and doth ordinarily pre­vail [Page 252] against all the perswasion and interest of the flesh, so that the main scope and bent of the heart and life is still for God; and when he sinneth, he riseth again by true Repentance; I say, that soul, and that only, shall be Justified in Judgement, and be saved.

5. That soul that hath such Be­lieving thoughts of the life to come, that he taketh the promi­sed blessedness for his portion, and is resolved to venture all else upon it, and in hope of this glory, doth set light comparatively by all things in this world, and waiteth for it as the end of his life, choo­sing any suffering that God shall call him to, rather then to lose his hopes of that felicity, and thus persevereth to the end: I say that soul, and none but that, shall be Justified in Judgement, and escape Damnation.

[Page 253]In these five marks I have told you truly and briefly, who shall be justified and saved, and who shall be condemned at the day of Judgement. And if you would have them all in five words, they are but the Description of these five Graces, Repentance, Faith, Love, Obedience, Hope.

But though I have laid these close together for your use, yet lest you should think that in so weighty a case I am too short in the proof of what I so determine of▪ I will tell you in the express words of many Scripture Texts, who shall be Justified, and who shall be condemned.

[ John 3.3. Except a man be born again, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, Heb. 12.14. Without holiness none shall see God. Luk. 13.3, 5. Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise pe­rish. [Page 254] Acts 26.18. I send thee to open their eyes, and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and an Inheritance among the sanctified by Faith that is in me. John 3.15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Whoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life: he that believeth on him, is not condemned; he that believ­eth not is condemned already, because he hath not Believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God: and this is the con­demnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather then light, because their deeds were evil, John 5.28, 29. The hour is coming in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth, they that have done good to the [Page 255] Resurrection of life, and they that have done evil to the Resur­rection of damnation. Mat. 25.30. Cast the unprofitable servant into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of Teeth, Luke 19.27. But those mine ene­mies, which would not that I should raign over them, bring hi­ther, and slay them before me. Mat. 22.12, 13. Friend, how camest▪ thou in hither, not having on a wedding garment? And he was speechless. Then said the King to the servants: Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, &c. Mat. 5.20. For I say unto you, that except your Righteous­ness exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no wise enter into the Kingdom of heaven. Mat. 7.21. Not eve­ry one that saith, Lord, Lord▪ [Page 256] shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doth the w [...]ll of my Father which is in Heaven. Heb. 5.9. He is become the Author of eternal salvation to all them that obey him. Rev. 22.14. Blessed are they that do his Commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in by the Gate in­to the City Rom 8.1, 13. There is then no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall dye: but if ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the body, ye shall live. Rom. 8.9. If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. Gal. 5.18. But if ye be Led of the Spirit, ye are not under the Law. Gal. 6.7, 8. Be not decei­ved: God is not mocked: for [Page 257] whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap for he that soweth to the flesh, shall of the flesh reap Corruption: but he that soweth to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life Everlast­ing. Matth. 6.21. For where your Treasure is, there will your heart be also.] Read Psal. 1. and many other Texts to this purpose, of which some are cited in my Directions for Peace of Conscience: Dir. 11. p. 115, 116.

And thus I have told you from Gods Word, how you may know whether you are Ready for Judgement; which is the fourth thing that I would advise you to enquire af­ter.

O Sirs, what shift do you make to keep your souls from Continual Terrours, as long [Page 258] as you remain unready for Judgement? How do you keep the Thoughts of it out of your mind, that they do not break your sleep, and meet you in your business, and haunt you every way you go, while Judgement is so neer, and you are so unready? But I shall proceed to my next Que­stion.

Qu. 5.

AND in the last place, to those of you that are not yet Ready, nor in a Condition wherein you may be safe at that day; my Question is, How are you resolved to prepare for Judgement for the time to come? Will you do no more than you have done hitherto? Or will you now set your selves with all your might, to make preparation for so great a day? me thinks you should be now past all demurrs, delays, or further doubtings about such a business; and by the con­sideration of what I have said already, you should be fully Re­solved to lose no more time, but presently to awake, and set upon [Page 260] the work. Me thinks you should all say, We will do any thing that the Lord shall Direct us to do, rather than we will be unready for the final doom! O that there were but such hearts in you, that you were trully willing to follow the gracious Guidance of the Lord, and to use but those sweet and reasonable means which he hath prescribed you in his Word, that you may be ready for that day! Alas, it is no hard matter for me to tell you, or my self, what it is that we must do, if we will be happy; and it is no very hard matter to Do it, so far as we are truly willing; but the diffi­culty is, to be truly and throughly willing to this work. If I shall tell you what you must do for preparation, shall I not lose my labour? Will you resolve and promise in the strength of Grace, [Page 261] that you will faithfully and spee­dily endeavour to practise it, whoever shall gainsay it? Upon hope of this I will set you down some brief Directions, which you must follow, if ever you will with comfort look the Lord Jesus in the face at the hour of Death, or in the Day of Judge­ment.

THE first Direction is this, See that your souls be sincere­ly established in the Belief of this Judgement and Everlasting life: For if you do not soundly believe it, you will not seriously prepare for it. If you have the Judge­ment and belief of an Infidel, you cannot have the Heart or the Life of a Christian. Unbelief shuts out the most of the world from heaven, see that it do not so by you! If you say, You cannot Believe what you would: I an­swer, Feed not your unbelief by wilfulness, or unreasonableness; Use Gods means to overcome it, and shut not your eyes against the light, and then try the issue, Heb. 3.12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.

THE second Direction. La­bour diligently to have a sound understanding of the nature of the Laws and Judgement of God. On what terms it is that he dealeth with mankind: and on what terms he will Judge them to Life or Death: and what the Re­ward and Punishment is▪ For if you know not the Law by which you must be Judged▪ you cannot know how to prepare for the Judgement. Study the Scripture therefore, and mark who they be that God promiseth to save, and who they be that he threateneth to Condemn. For according to that Word will the Judgement pass.

THE third Direction. See that you take it as the very busi­ness of your Lives, to make ready for that day. Understand that you have no other business in this world, but what doth necessarily depend on this. What else have you to do, but to provide for ever­lasting? and to use means to su­stain your own bodies and others, of purpose for this work, till it be happily done? Live therefore as men that make this the main scope and care of their Lives: and let all things else come in but on the by. Remember every morn­ing when you awake, that you must spend that day in preparati­on for your Account, and that God doth give it you for that [Page 265] end. When you go to bed, exa­mine your hearts, what you have done that day in preparation for your last Day: And take that time as lost which doth nothing to this end.

THE fourth Direction. Ʋse frequently to think of the Certainty, neerness and dreadful­ness of that day, to keep Life in your Affections and Endeavours; lest by Inconsiderateness your souls grow stupid and negligent. Otherwise, because it is out of sight, the heart will be apt to grow harden­ed and secure. And do not think of it sleightly as a common thing, but purposely set your selves to think of it, that it may rouze you up to such Affections and [Page 266] Endeavours as in some measure are answerable to the nature of the thing.

THE fifth Direction. La­bour to have a lively feeling on thy heart, of the evil and weight of that sin which thou art guilty of, and of the misery into which it hath brought thee, and would further bring thee if thou be not delivered, and so to feel the need of a Deliverer. This must prepare thee to partake of Christ now: and if thou par­take not of him now▪ thou canst not be saved by him Then. It is these souls that now make light of their sin and misery, that must then feel them so heavy, as to be pressed by them into the infernal flames. And those that now feel [Page 267] little need of a Saviour, they shall then have none to save them, when they feel their need.

THE sixth Direction. Ʋnder­stand and Believe the suffici­ency of that Ransom and Satisfa­ction to Justice, which Christ hath made for thy sins and for the world, and how freely and universally it is offered in the Gospel. Thy sin is not uncurable or unpardonable, nor thy misery remediless: God hath provided a remedy in his Son Christ, and brought it so neer thy hands, that nothing but thy neglecting, or willful refusing it, can deprive thee of the Benefit. Settle thy soul in this belief.

THE seventh Direction. Ʋn­derstand and Believe that for all Christs satisfaction, there is an Absolute Necessity of sound Faith and Repentance to be in thy own self, before thou canst be a Mem­ber of him, or be Pardoned, Ado­pted, or Justified by his blood. He dyed not for final Infidelity and Impenitency as predominant in any soul. As the Law of his Father which occasioned his suffering, required perfect Obedience, or suffering: So his own Law, which he hath made for the conveyance of his Benefits, doth require yet true Faith and Repentance of men themselves, before they shall be pardoned by him; and sin­cere [Page 269] Obedience and Perseverance before they shall be glorified.

THE eighth Direction. Rest not therefore in an unrenewed, unsanctified state; that is, till this Faith and Repentance be wrought on thy own soul, and thou be truly broken off from thy former sinful course, and from all things in this world: and art Dedicated, Devo­ted, and Resigned unto God. Seeing this change must be made, and these graces must be had, or thou must certainly perish: in the fear of God, see that thou give no ease to thy mind till thou art thus changed. Be content with nothing till this be done. Delay not ano­ther day. How canst thou live merrily, or sleep quietly in such a [Page 270] Condition, as if thou shouldst dye in it, thou shouldst perish for ever? Especially when thou art every hour uncertain whether thou shalt see another hour, and not be pre­sently snatch away by death? Me thinks while thou a [...]t in so sad a case, which way ever thou art go­ing, or what ever thou art doing, it should still come into thy thoughts, Oh what if I should Dye, before I be Regenerate, and have part in Christ!

THE ninth Direction. Let it be the daily care of thy soul, to mortifie thy fleshly desires, and overcome this world; and live as in a continual Conflict with Satan, which will not be ended till thy life do end. If any thing destroy thee [Page 271] by drawing away thy heart from God, it will be thy carnal self, thy fleshly desires, and the allure­ments of this world, which is the matter that they fed upon. This therefore must be the earnest work of thy life, to subdue this flesh and set light by this world, and resist the Devil, that by these would destroy thee. It is the common case of miserable hypo­crites, that at first they list them selves under Christ as for a fight, but they presently forget their state and work; and when they are once in their own conceit Re­generate, they think themselves so safe, that there is no further danger; and thereupon do lay down their Arms, and take that which they miscall their Christian Liberty, and indulge and please that flesh, which they promised to mortifie, and close with the [Page 272] world which they promised to contemn, and so give up them­selves to the Devil whom they promised to fight against. If once you apprehend that all your Re­ligion lyeth in meer Believing that all shall go well with you, and that the bitterness of death is past, and in a forbearance of some disgraceful sins, and being much in the Exercise of your Gifts, and in external wayes of Duty, and giving God a Cheap and plau­sible obedience in those things only which the Flesh can spare; you are then faln into that deceit­ful hypocrisie, which will as surely condemn you, as open pro­phanness, if you get not out of it. You must live as in a fight, or you cannot overcome. You must live loose from all things in this world, if you will be ready for another. You must not live after [Page 273] the flesh, but mortifie it by the Spirit, if you would not dye but live for ever. Rom. 8.13. These things are not indifferent, but of flat necessity.

THE tenth Direction. Do all your works as men that must be judged for them. It is not enough (at least in point of Du­ty and Comfort) that you Judge this preparation in General to be the main business of your lives, but you should also order your particular Actions by these Thoughts, and measure them by their Respects to this approaching day. Before you venture on them, enquire whether they will bear weight in Judgement, and be sweet or bitter when they are [Page 274] brought to tryal? Both for mat­ter and manner, this must be ob­served. Oh that you would Re­member this when Temptations are upon you. When you are Tempted to give up your minds to the world, and drown your selves in earthly cares, will you bethink you soberly whether you would hear of this at Judgement? and whether the world will be then as sweet as now? and whe­ther this be the best preparation for your Tryal? When you are Tempted to be Drunk or to spend your precious time in Ale-houses, or vain unprofitable company, or at Cards or Dice, or any sinful or needless sports; bethink you then, Whether this will be com­fortable at the Reckoning? and whether time be no more worth to one that is so neer eter­nity, and must make so strict an [Page 275] account of his Hours? and whe­ther there be not many better works before you, in which you might spend your time to your greater advantage, and to your greater comfort when it comes to a Review? When you are tem­pted to wantonness, fornication, or any other fleshly intemperance, bethink you soberly, with what face these Actions will appear at Judgement, and whether they will be then pleasant or displea­sant to you [...]? So when you are tempted to neglect the daily worshipping of God in your fa­milies, and the Catechizing and Teaching of your children or servants, especially on the Lords Day, bethink your selves then, what account you will give of this to Christ? when he that en­trusted you with the care of your children and servants, shall call [Page 276] you to a reckoning for the per­formance of that trust?

The like must be Remembred in the very manner of our Duties; How diligently should a Minister study? how earnestly should he perswade? how unwearyedly should he bear all oppositions and ungrateful returns? and how carefully should he watch over each particular soul of his charge (as far as is possible) when he Remembers that he must shortly be Accountable for all in Judge­ment? And how importunate should we all be with sinners for their Conversion, when we con­sider that themselves also must shortly be Judged? Can a man be cold and dead in prayer, that hath any true apprehension of that Judgement upon his mind, where he must be accountable for all his prayers and performances? [Page 277] O Remember, and seriously Re­member, when you stand before the Minister to hear the word, and when you are on your knees to God in prayer, in what a man­ner that same person, even your selves must shortly stand at the Barr of the dreadful God! Did these thoughts get throughly to mens hearts, they would waken them out of their sleepy Devo­tions, and acquaint them that it is a serious business to be a Christi­an. How careful should we be of our thoughts and words▪ if we believingly remembred that we must be accountable for them all! How carefully should we consi­der what we do with our Riches, and with all that God giveth us, and how much more largely should we expend it for his ser­vice, in works of Piety and Cha­rity, if we believingly remem­bred [Page 278] that we must be Judged ac­cording to what we have done, and give account of every Talent that we receive? Certainly the believing consideration of Judge­ment, might make us all better Christians then we are, and keep our lives in a more innocent and profitable frame.

THE eleventh Direction. As you will certainly renew your failings in this life, so be sure that you daily renew your Repentance, and fly daily to Christ for a renewed pardon, that no sin may leave its sting in your souls. It is not your first pardon that will serve the turn for your latter sins. Not that you must Purpose to sin, and [Page 279] Purpose to repent when you have done as a Remedy: for that is an hypocritical and wicked purpose of repenting, which is made a means to maintain us in our sins: But sin must be avoided as far as we can; and Repentance and Faith in the blood of Christ must remedy that which we could not avoid. The righteousness of par­don in Christs▪blood, is useful to us only so far as we are sinners; and cometh in where our Imper­fect Inherent Righteousness doth come short; but must not be pur­posely chosen before innocency: I mean, we must rather choose as far as we can, to obey and be in­nocent, than to sin and be pardo­ned, if we were sure of pardon.

THE twelfth Direction. In this vigilant, obedient, peni­tent course, with confi­dence upon God as a Father, Rest upon the Promise of Acce­ptance and Remission through the Merits and Intercession of him that Redeemed you: Look up in hope to the Glory that is before you, and believe that God will make good his Word, and the patient expectation of the righteous shall not be in vain: Cheerfully hold on in the work that you have begun: and as you serve a better master than you did before your change, so serve him with more willingness, glad­ness and delight. Do not enter­tain hard Thoughts of him or of [Page 281] his service, but rejoyce in your unspeakable happiness of being admitted into his family and fa­vour through Christ. Do not serve him in drooping dejection and discouragement, but with Love, and Joy, and filial fear. Keep in the Communion of his Saints, where he is cheerfully and faithfully praised and honoured, and where is the greatest visible similitude of heaven upon earth; especially in the celebration of the Sacrament of Christs Supper, where he seals up a Renewed pardon in his blood, and where unanimously we keep the Re­membrance of his Death until he come. Do not cast your selves out of the Communion of the Saints, from whom to be cast out by just Censure and Exclusion, is a dread­ful emblem and fore-runner of the Judgement to come, where [Page 282] the ungodly shall be cast of the presence of Christ and his Saints for ever.

I have now finished the Dire­ctions, which I tender to you for your preparation for the Day of the Lord: and withal my whole Discourse on this weighty point. What effect all this shall have up­on your hearts, the Lord knows; it is not in my power to deter­mine If you are so far blinded and hardened by sin and Satan, as to make light of all this, or coldly to commend the Doctrine, while you go on to the end in your carnal worldly condition as before; I can say no more, but tell thee again, that Judgement is ne [...]r, when thou wilt bitterly be­wail all this too late. And among all the rest of the Evidence that comes in against thee, this Book [Page 283] will be one, which shall testifie to thy face before Angels and men, that thou wast told of that Day, and intreated to prepare.

But if the Lord shall shew thee so much mercy as to open thy eyes, and break in upon thy heart, and by sober Considerati­on turn it to himself, and cause thee faithfully to take the war­ning that hath here been given thee, and to obey these Directi­ons, I dare assure thee from the word of the Lord, that this Judge­ment which will be so dreadful to the ungodly, and the beginning of their endless terror and mise­ry, will be as joyful to thee, and the beginning of thy glory. The Saviour that thou hast believed in and sincerly obeyed, will not condemn thee. Psal. 1.5, 6. Rom. 8.1. John 3.16. It is part of his business to Justifie thee before the [Page 284] world, and to glorifie his merits, his Kingly power, his holyness, and his rewarding Justice in thy Absolution and Salvation. He will account it a righteous thing to recompence Tribulation to thy Troublers, and Rest to thy self; when the Lord Jesus shall be re­vealed from heaven with his mighty Angels, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Je­sus Christ; who shall be punish­ed with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; Even then shall he come to be glorified in his Saints, and to be admired in all them that believe, in that day; Even because his servants Testimony, and his Spi­rits among them was believed, 2 Thes. 1.6, 7▪ 8, 9, 10. That [Page 285] day will be the great marriage of the Lamb, and the Reception of thee and all the Saints into the glory of thy beloved, to which they had a Right at their first Consent and Contract upon earth: And when the Bride­groom comes, thou who art Rea­dy shalt go in to the Marriage: when the door shall be shut against the sleepy negligent world; and though they Cry, Lord, Lord, open to us, they shall be repulsed with a Verily I know you not, Mat. 25.10, 11, 12, 13. For this day which others fear, maist thou long, and hope, and pray, and wait, and comfort thy self in all troubles with the remem­brance of it. 1 Cor. 15.55, 56, 57, 58. 1 Thes. 4.17, 18. If thou were ready to be offered to death for Christ, or when the time of thy departing is at hand, thou [Page 286] mais [...] look back on the good fight which thou ha [...]t fought, and on the course which thou hast fi­nished, and on the Faith which thou hast kept, and mai [...]t confi­dently conclude that henceforth there is laid up for thee a Crown of Righteousness, which The Lord the Righteous Judge shall give thee at that day: and not to thee only, but unto all them also that Love his Appearing. 2 Tim. 4.6, 7, 8. Even so, Come Lord Jesus. Rev. 22.20.


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