Cain and Abel MALIGNITY, That is Enmity to Serious Godliness, That is, To an Holy and Heavenly State of Heart and Life: Lamented, Described, Detected, and unan­answerably proved, to be the Devilish Nature, and the Militia of the Devil against God, and Christ, and the Church and Kingdoms, and the surest sign of a state of damnation.

By Richard Baxter, or Gildas Salvianus, Who earnestly beseecheth all Enemies, Scorners, Opposers and Persecutors of serious Obedience to God, not to refuse so small a matter as the Read­ing this short undeniable Evidence, to save their Souls, while yet there is hope, from so dam­nable a state of Sin and Diabolism. Especially Magistrates and Clergy-men, who are Sacrilegious and Blasphemous, if in the name of Christ's Mini­sters, they turn those Sacred Offices against him.

LONDON, Printed for Tho Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns, at the lower end of Cheap­side, near Mercers Chapel. 1689.


THIS reprehensive Lamentation of English Malignity, or hatred, and scorn, and persecution of se­rious Godliness, by them who profess to believe in God, and to be Chri­stians, was written in prison (but without any provoking sense of my suffering) in Anno 1685. or 1686. And by one that was not wholly ignorant, how much of the Papists counsel and power, was causal in our change since the return of K. Ch. 2. 1660. And therefore it grateth so much upon the Pa­pists, though they were professed Prote­stants who were the open Agents.

It was written by one who can remember, at least since 1627. that the serious practice of Godliness was the common scorn of the vulgar rabble; and he that did but read the Scripture, and Books of Piety, and pray in his family, and catechize Children or Servants, or hear a Sermon at the next Pa­rish [Page] Church from a Godly Conformist, when he had none at home; yea that did but seri­ously talk of Christ or Scripture, or the Life to come, or preparation for Death and Iudg­ment, went under the name of a Puritane, which was a reproach in the mouth of drunkards, swearers, fornicators, and all the sensual, worldly sort, both high and low. And that Conformable Ministers (yea and Gentlemen) that were but seriously Reli­gious, no more scap't this scorn than Non­conformists (who were then so few, that they were in most places unknown.) He sadly remembreth how greatly this malignant rabble triumphed in the Bishops Visitation Articles, and in the Preaching and Talk of many Priests, who sharpened their Sermons with Invectives against Puritans as dange­rous Hypocrites, though they had not a Nonconformist within many miles. He heard the Godly Conformable Ministers la­ment, that the Bishops and Ecclesiastical Courts by their jealousie and heat against the Nonconformable Puritans, became the strength and encouragement of this malig­nant vitious rabble; and that the young worldly Ministers took it for the way to [Page] preferment, to Preach against Puritans, while they treated the multitude of Pro­phane prayerless families that had no sa­vour of serious Religion, as their good and peaceable Flocks. He lived to see the Godly Learned Conformists, so grieved for this, that they long'd for a Reformation; and many Conformists (as Bishop Robert Abbot, Bishop Downame, & divers others published their Reproof and Lamentation for it: And good Robert Bolton (in his Directions for walking with God) thinks that since Malice entred into the heart of man, there was never a word tossed with more Malice in the mouths of drunkards and prophane men, than the word [Puri­tan.] Hundreds and thousands of these wicked scorners of Religion, were either admitted (or driven) to the Sacrament, or lived quietly in great Parishes while they despised it, while these poor Puritans were strictly hunted after! And if they fasted and prayed with a dying or sick friend, without getting a License for it from the Bishop, the Church-warden must enter them into their Inquisition, or be forsworn.

These Puritans having the greatest [Page] averseness to Popery, in some things were too suspicious of all that they thought smell'd of it: And when they heard that in Ire­land the Papists had most barbarously mur­dered the Protestants (two hundred thou­sand) and that they boasted that they rose by the King's Commission, and threatned to invade England, and that the English Papists were against the Parliament; this made them think that the Protestant Reli­gion was not safe, but in the Parliaments part and care: Upon which the next year when our odious Civil War began, many of them went into the Parliaments Armies: But the generality would fain have lived quietly at home, but the debauched rabble and their Patrons would not suffer them: But they turned the name Puritan into [Roundhead] and [Down with the Roundheads,] was the common Cry. I have my self by the Cry been in present danger, in passing through a City where no man knew me, because I wore not long Hair. If their Neighbours did but pray, and sing a Psalm in their houses, the rabble would (like the Sodomites at the door of Lot) set up a Cry against them in the [Page] streets, and say, [Down with the Roundheads] the Rebels, a Gowry, a Conspiracy, &c.] Even where I lived they assembled with weapons, and sought my life, and knockt down (mortally by the issue) even strangers in the streets that medled not with them, because they were accounted friends to the Puritans. By this means the Parliaments Garrisons and Ar­mies were fill'd with Religious men, that were forced to flie from their houses by the malignant, ignorant drunkards, to save their lives: And this, even this was the ruine of K. Charles, and his Army, and of the persecuting Bishops and Clergy. Necessity made thousands to be Souldiers that could not live at home: And most were moved by an Argument, that was not cogent, still saying, [We cannot believe that God would suffer the generality of the most Religious to chuse the wrong side, and the generality of the Papists and igno­rant drunkards and malignants to be in the right.]

O what shame and pity is it that the Antipuritan Clergy no better remembred from 1660. till now, by what means they [Page] fell; and that they no more understood, nor yet understand, what a torrent of sin, of danger, and of shame, is come upon them, by their strengthning themselves by sheltring (to say no worse) the sensual irreligious malignant rabble (Rich and Poor) that they may tread down the Puritans, that by their own doings are brought into a dislike of them. Will God ever bless a prophane rabble (or Gentry) to be the honour and strength of the Church, against the Religious that desire a Reformation?

It is not their new foolish names and scorns, (as Whigs, Trimmers, Presbyte­rians, &c.) that will prove that it is not serious Piety that they hate: As long as the most filthy wicked livers are the Ene­mies and Accusers, and in their own Party and Companions, the vilest de­bauchery passeth for sufferable, and a small disgrace, and thousands of such live at ease, when preaching the Gospel, and praying without their Fetters or Book, must cost men ruine, and imprisonment, and scorn. And Sulpitius Severus his sharp Invective against Ithacius, Idacius, and the rest of the Bishops in their Synod was, [Page] that in prosecuting the Priscillian Gno­sticks, they brought the matter to that pass, that if Godly men did but fast, and pray, and read Scripture, the Bishops made them suspected as Priscillianists (even St. Martin himself.) Woe to them that turn the sacred Offices of Magistracy and Ministry against God that did ordain them, to be used as in his name, and in some representation of himself, sacrilegiously blaspheming him as an Enemy to himself. Shall the Throne of Iniquity have fellowship with God, that frameth mischief by a Law, to make sin common and allowed?

By this the Reader may see that there is a double History needful to the full understand­ing of this Book; and of the nature and cau­ses of Malignity; that is, 1. The History of Adam's fall, and the great depravation of humane nature thence arising; and the true meaning of the Enmity thence put between the Womans and the Serpents seed, exem­plified in the two first Brothers born into the world; as also in Ishmael and Isaac, Esau and Jacob; and frequently mentioned by Christ and his Apostles.

2. The History of the advantages that [Page] Malignity hath got in England since the Reformation; and especially since the return of Charles the second. This must contain the sad differences begun at Frankford in Q. Marys days; the errours and extreams of both the differing Parties; the by assing determinations of Q. Elizabeth; the diffe­rence between the first Bishops that had been exiles, and their Successors; the Presbyte­rians provocations by over-opposing Episco­pacy, and the Bishops design to root them out; and the making of the Canons to that end: The rise of a new sort of Bishops, be­gun in Laud, Neile, Howson, Corbet and Buckeridge, with Mountague, and their growth under Buckingham against the old Churchmen: The design of a Coalition with Rome, and the French and English at­tempts thereto: The interruption of this de­sign by the first Long Parliament, and the Wars: The Scots forcing the Parliament (that in their straits asked their help) to take their Covenant: The imposing that Covenant on the whole Ministry, and making it a dividing Engine on pretence of Unity▪ The Parliaments casting out (with a multitude of flagitious Ministers) some [Page] Doctors, for being against them, for the King, contrary to the desires of Peace-makers: The Presbyterians under Monk re­storing King Charles the second: The re­turn and preferment of his Doctors, and their revengeful resolutions: Their design to get all Church-power and Preferment, and Academick Rule into the hands of them that most hated Puritans, or would endeavour their extirpation, and would educate Youth in bit­ter prejudice and hatred of them: The vul­gar hatred of serious Godliness in Confor­mists and Nonconformists, under the name of Puritans: The power that a few returned Doctors had with the King and Chancellor in the dispose of Preferments, and thereby to over-rule the Parliament, and to procure the Acts of Uniformity, Corporation Oaths, Vestry and Militia Oaths, and the Acts for Banishments, Confinements, Imprisonments, Fining, Ejecting, Silencing and Ruining such whose Consciences pleaded Gods Law and Authority against any of their Oaths, Impositions, and silencing Prohibitions to preach the Gospel: The great difference in the Wars (I meddle not with the Cause) be­tween the Adherents and Souldiers of the [Page] K. (Ch. I.) and the Parliaments in point of Piety and Sobriety: The Animosity and implacable heat, by which the before Con­quered, and now Ruling Party, proceeded to­wards the ruine of those that they took for Enemies to the Cause Civil or Ecclesiastick, which they had owned: The unhappiness of the then present Ministry, that being young then, had never medled with Wars, that they must equally suffer as Enemies, for fearing the Imposed Oaths, Subscriptions, Covenants and Practices: The rejoycing of the com­mon sort of the luxurious, drunkards, whore­mongers and Infidels, that they had got so many of the Religious into contempt, and scorn, and ruine: The woful increase of Whoredom, Luxury, and Impiety and Saddu­cism hereupon: The great numbers of Reli­gious people, who before hoped for Peace and a pious Prelacy, that fell hereupon into an hatred of Prelacy, and a great disesteem of the Conforming Ministry; and so our Di­visions are grown to a fixed factious Enmi­ty; and malice and worldly interest will hear no motions or petitions for Peace; and yet madly plead all for Love and Peace, while they implacably fight against them, and ac­cuse [Page] those as the Enemies of Peace, who beg Peace of them, and cannot obtain it.

This is the sum of the doleful History which this Book presupposeth: But should I write it, the rage would be increased. The foregoing Narrative is as much as is fit for this brief Discourse, which, if you will, you may style Acris correptio, with Gildas; or Planctus Ecclesiae, with Alv. Pelag. Or the Groans of the Church, with a late Conformable Divine. It hath been cast by four years, at first because it would not be en­dured, and after in a vain hope that our Church Reformation would make such a complaint less necessary. But now I perceive the Devil will be the Devil, and Mankind will be born blind, sensual and malignant, till there be a new Heaven and Earth in which dwelleth Righteousness. Come Lord Iesus.

Chap. I. A Lamentation for the case of the Deluded, Malignant, Militant World.

§ 1. THE depraved and miserable condi­tion of Mankind, hath long been the astonishing wonder of the sober and inquisi­tive part of the world: Philosophers were puzzled with the difficult questions, whence it first came? and why it is no more remedied? Christians are taught by the sacred Scrip­tures how to answer both, by laying it on mans misusing of his free will, supposing Gods permission of his tryal and temptations; and on his resistance and rejection of remedying grace, in the degree that it is vouchsaft or offered. But still there are difficulties, and our understandings are dark, and hardly satis­fied. And whence ever it comes, the case is doleful, and we cannot but think of it with astonishment and lamentation. When we saw an hundred thousand made dead corps by the London Plague 1665. it did not take off the terrour to know how it begun. And when we saw the City on a dreadful flame, which none could stop, it cured not the general astonishment to conjecture how it was kindled or carried on: No doubt but Hell it self pro­claimeth that God is Holy, Wise and Iust, and [Page 2] Devils and Men are the cause of their own everlasting punishment. But yet if we had a sight of it, amazement and dread would over­whelm us. And, alas! what a Map of Hell is the greatest part of Earth? Hell is a place of Lying, Malignant and murderous, hurtful Spirits, miserable by and for their wickedness: And is not this in a lower degree, a true de­scription of most of the Earth?

§ 2. Nineteen parts in Thirty of the Earth are Idolaters and Heathens: And do I need to say, how ignorant, wicked and mise­rable they are? Many of them publickly wor­ship the Devil, as Witches do with us; and he deludeth them, and appeareth in divers shapes to them, and ruleth them as he doth Witches. And those that are more civil are strangers or enemies to Christ: Six parts of the thirty are Ignorant Mahometans, de­stroyers indeed of Heathenish Idolatry, and such as take Christ for a great and true Pro­phet, but know him not as a Saviour, but equal or prefer a gross Deceiver, and live un­der barbarous Tyrants who by violence keep them in the dark. The other five parts that are called Christians, alas! consist most of people bred up in lamentable Ignorance, mostly barbarous or debased by the oppres­sion of Tyrants; such as the Moscovites, most of the Greeks, the Abassines, Armenians, and many Eastern Sects and Nations. What Ig­norance the vulgar Papists are bred in, in [Page 3] Italy, Spain, Germany, Poland, France, and other Countreys, and what enmity to true Reformation prevaileth in Princes, Priests and People; and by what Lying and Cruelty they fight against Truth, and what Inquisi­tions, Murders and inhumane Massacres have been their powerful means, I need not use many words to tell.

And are the Protestant Reformed Churches free from fleshly, worldly, wicked men? from ignorant malignant cruel Ene­mies to Truth, and Piety, and Peace?

§ 3. Our Kings Dominions are the best and happiest Nations on Earth. Here is most Knowledge of the Truth, and most propor­tionably that truly Love it, and live in a holy obedience thereto, and fain would live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness, honesty and sobriety: But, alas! they must be con­tented with their own personal uprightness and reward, and the peace of their Consci­ences in Gods acceptance. But with men there seemeth to be no hopes of common Wisdom, Piety, Love and Peace.

We are all baptised with one Baptism; we all profess to be the servants of one God, and the faithful followers of one Christ, and to believe in one Holy sanctifying Spirit, and to believe the same Canonical Scriptures as the Word of God, indited by that Spirit; and to be of one Holy Catholick Church, which is all the Members of Christ on [Page 4] Earth; and to hold the Communion of Saints: We mostly in England and Scotland agree in the Protestant Reformed Doctrine, and Sa­craments; Our concord in profession is so great, that if some men had not devised some Oaths, Professions, Covenants, Practices and Knacks, and Engines of their own (which they dare not say, God made) to become the matter of our unavoidable dissent, they could hardly have known how to pretend any difference in religion among us, and hell would scarce have found any Cloak for malicious accusations, enmity and discord.

You shall scarce meet with a man that will not speak well of Love and Peace, and say that we must Love God above all, and our Neigh­bours as our selves, and do as we would have o­thers do to us. And yet is there any Enmi­ty or Disagreement? Alas how great, and how uncureable?

§ 4. Who would think that knew us not by our Profession, but only by our Actions, but that the three Kingdoms consisted of the deadliest Enemies to each other? Of Turks and Christians; of Wolves and Sheep, that I say not of Devils and Men? Yea Turks and Christians can live together in Hungary and all the Eastern Countreys; Orthodox and He­reticks can live together, in Poland, Helvetia▪ Holland, &c. But Protestants and Protestants cannot live together in Britain. Cities and Corporations, Countreys and Churches, i [...] [Page 5] not Families also, are distracted in enmity and more than mental feuds and war. Guelphes and Gibelines, party against party, studying Accusations against each other, as if they were Scholars daily exercised in the School of him that is the Accuser of the Brethren. All their Learning and Wit is called up, and poured out, to render others as odious as they are able. All their power, interest, friends and diligence are used to ruine and destroy each other. No lies or perjury with some seem unlawful to accomplish so desired an effect. In all companies, the discourse and converse that should be to edifie each other in Love, and comfort each other by the hopes of dwelling together in Heaven, is ta­ken up with slanders, backbitings, scorning, railing and plotting the overthrow of the best of their neighbours. Innocency never wants odious or scornful names: As if they were acting their part that called Christ and his Apostles, and the ancient Christians, De­ceivers, Blasphemers, Enemies to Caesar, Ring­leaders of Sedition, that taught men to worship God contrary to the Law. Every drunkard and wicked liver can as easily make his conscio­nable neighbour a Rogue, or a Traitor, or a Schismatick, or an Hypocrite, as he can open his mouth and speak. And to justifie all this malice is become a virtue; hating the most religious, is Zeal for Government and Order; destroying Christs Members, is standing up [Page 6] for the Church; hunting them as Dogs do Hares, or as Hawks do the lesser birds, is a meritorious work, of supererogation no doubt, and will not finally lose its reward: God is served by hating and scorning them that are serious in his service. It is Religion to make Religion odious, and call it Hypo­crisie, and to be for that which is uppermost, and befriends their worldly Interest, and to make him suspected of Disloyalty, who is for obedience to God. Conscience, and fear of sinning, and of damnation, is the mortal ene­my to be conquered or driven out of the Land; as if there were no quietness to be expected in mens minds, no concord in the Church, no obedience to the Clergy, or the Laws, no safety from Sedition, till Consci­ence be silenced or banished, and men give over fearing God; or as if Christ and Caesar could not both reign, but God or Princes must be dethroned.

And O that the sacred Tribe were inno­cent, and none of them were the leaders in such hypocritical malignity! Their Canons ipso facto excommunicate all (not excepting Princes, Parliaments or Judges) that do but say, that any of their Ceremonies, Liturgy, or Officers in Church Government, (not excepting the lowest or Lay-mens power of the Church Keys by decreeing Excommunications and Absolutions) are repugnant to the Word of God: And when they have ipso facto Excommuni­cated [Page 7] them all, they call them Separatists for not coming to their Communion: Think not the contradiction and hypocrisy incredible: read but the 5, 6, 7, and 8. Canons, and judge. They have a Law, and by their Law he is cut off from the Church or Christ, that doth but call any of these the Inventions of Pre­lates, sinful, or say that God forbids them; And the Jail must be his dwelling till he die there, who in ten cases remaineth Excom­municate, and doth not openly profess that he repenteth, and judgeth that to be sinless, which he is utterly unable so to judge. When we have preached seven and seven years, to perswade a Drunkard, a Liar, and Prophane swearer, an Atheist, to Repent, he liveth quietly out of the Jail though he repent not: But if a man repent not (when he cannot) of judging that God forbids such humane inventions and impositions in Reli­gion, take him Jaylor; He that will not be for our humane Offices, Ceremonies and Im­positions, shall not be of our Church; And when we have cast him out, we'll say, He separateth: and if he be not of our Church, he shall be in Jail; As if the Church and the Jail, would hold all the land, except his sin be such a Peccadillo as Atheism, Sadduceism, Bestiality, Hobbism, Popery, Man-slaugh­ter, Adultery, Drunkenness, Swearing, &c. not aggravated by the crimes of breaking the [Page 8] Canons in point of conformity; Or if many thousands cannot or will not come within the Doors of the Parish Church, so they will go to no unlicensed preacher, nor worship God in House or Church at all, they live quietly out of Prison. But if the mote of an Oath or Ceremony scrupled be in their eye, that eye must be pulled out (if the mote can­not) or else the whole body be cast into their Hell. And if the Preacher be but a Candi­date of Domination, his way is oft to call to the Magistrate to execute the Law upon such as dare presume to worship God openly, till they hold all such imposed Oaths, Covenants, Professions and Practices to be lawful: He is to make his auditory believe that such men are dangerous, intolerable persons, and that their meeting to worship God and learn their duty, is to cherish Sedition, Heresy and Schism, and that Rebellion is in their hearts; and that the Preachers that even to a thing indif­ferent are not of their mind and obedience, are deceivers, and factious, and it is no sacri­ledge, but a duty to forbid them to preach the Gospel. If the People dare not trust the Parson, Vicar or Curate of the Parish, (be he what he will, whom a—Patron choos­eth for them) with the Pastoral Ordinary conduct of their Souls, or if he Preach not at all, if they go to the next Parochial confor­mist for the Sacrament, he is to be driven home, and used as disobedient.

[Page 9] Through the great mercy of God while the Bible is Licensed, a Preacher in England knoweth not how to spend his hour, if he say not somewhat for Faith and Godliness, Love and Peace: And when they come down, none are so hated by some of them, as those that believe and do to their utmost what they for fashion sake perswaded them to believe and do. Their neighbours who have not a word with the Priest of any thing but this World, nor read a chapter or put up a prayer in their families, these are good and quiet neighbours; But if any seriously pre­pare for their everlasting state, and mind their Salvation above the World, especially if he pray without-book, and dislike the ig­norance and scandalous lives of sorry Priests, these are the dangerous troublers of the land, away with them, and give us those that trouble us not with the talk of God and of death, and Heaven or Hell, of Scripture or of Consci­ence, and that scruple nothing that we would have them say or do. If such pray, it is but in hypocrisy; If they go to hear any other Preacher, it is in faction. If they speak any words to God which are not written down for them to read, they sawcily prate to God and speak but nonsence; If they be earnest as knowing what they pray for, they do but whine and cut faces, and speak through the Nose, or are a pack of groaning Hypocrites. It is confest that the spirit of Adoption and [Page 10] Supplication is Gods Gift; and that this Spirit taught the Bishops and Convocation in what words to pray to God: But if the most holy or learned man besides them pretend to it, and think that any may pray by the Spirits help but the Convocation, there are reverend men that will deride that Spirit or that prayer. I would at least they would let men pray by reason and the sense of their Souls necessities (as a Child will beg pardon of an offended Father,) if they will not give them leave to pray by that Spirit (which all must live by that will be saved.)

Physicians use their patients with some humanity, and will not say to him that saith, [My stomach cannot take down this Potion; I shall cast it up] You shall take it or die, or go to Prison: Or if one say, [This Pill is bigger than my Throat can swallow,] They will rather say, It shall be made less than they will cut his Throat wider to get it down. And sure the reason is because the Law doth make them Physicians to none but Volunteers, and give them no compelling power: If it did, I know not what inhumanity they might come to: For I will not believe that there is any thing in Divinity which tendeth to make men more inhumane than Physicians. I have seen Iews and others that will eat no swines flesh; And I have known many that a tast of Cheese would cast into a swound near death: And I never knew any say, you [Page 11] shall eat this, or die: Nor that ever motioned the making of a Law that all men should be imprisoned, or forbidden all other meat▪ who refused to eat Swines-flesh, for fear of tole­rating Jews.

But we have Priests too many, that will say, Take every Oath, Promise or Ceremony re­quired of you, or preach not, nor worship God openly at all: Take me for your Pastor, or you shall have none: Hear me, or hear no man: Receive the Communion from me, or from none: Deny not the lawfulness of a Ceremony, or be Excommunicate.

§ 4. And is it now any wonder that the people say as they are taught? And these are lessons easilier learnt than a Catechism, or the Creed, or the meaning of Baptism. How quickly can a man learn to call his Neigh­bour Whig, or Tory! Or to hate a Godly man, or in a Tavern or Ale-house to scorn them, or drink and curse to their confusion, and to say, I hope to see them all hang'd or banished out of the Land: As a Priest that knows not what Divinity or the Priestly Office is, may before he taketh many degrees, attain the ability learnedly to call his Godly Neighbours, Schismaticks, or Hypocrites or worse; So no doubt a few such Sermons, if not a Tavern, can quickly teach them that never knew what Religion is, yea that can scarce speak sense, to revile the wisest and best men, as if they were sinners against the [Page 12] true Religion, if they will be serious in any true Religion at all.

§ 5. O sinful! O miserable Land! Who kindled all the hellish flames of thy maligni­ty and mad divisions? And who continueth them, and for what? What cloven foot hath entred, and expelled concord? What Spi­rit ruleth thee? Were it the Spirit of Christ, it would be for healing, Love and Concord; It would set men on studying to promote Love to all, even unto enemies, but much more to the most holy. It would make men zealous of good works, and if it were possible as much as in them lieth to live peacebly with all men, to bless those that curse them, to pray for those that hate and persecute them, forbearing and forgiving one another, even as God for Christs sake forgiveth us. It would teach them while they have time to do good to all men, but especially to them of the houshold of Faith; Mens hearts would be constituted of Love: It would become a nature in them. Their Speech and Converse would be the Savoury breath of Love: Their dealings towards all men would be the works of Love: Their sharpest reproofs would be but to do the sinner good.

But alas another Spirit hath possessed thee which rageth and teareth thee; and is blind and deaf; It calleth for Fire from Heaven, and it kindleth a fire of Hell: And sure his name is Legion; for there are many. It [Page 13] passeth under the names of Wisdom, and Ha­tred of some evil: But it must needs be Earth­ly, Sensual and Devilish, for it is neither Pure, nor Peaceable, Gentle, or Merciful and Impartial, but foameth with bitter envy and strife, unto confusion and every evil work: And yet thou knowest not what manner of Spirit thou art of.

Is it God that setteth rulers and people a­gainst each other. Doth he divide his own Kingdom, against it self, when he tells us that the Devil will not do so by his. Is it God that sets the parts of the same body in a ha­tred and War against each other? As if it were the interest of the nobler and the Ser­vile parts to weaken or destroy each other? And it were an addition to the health and welfare of the one, which is gotten by Con­quest from the other? Is it God that mak­eth people despise or dishonour their lawful Governours, or any Rulers to hate the best Subjects, and desire more to be feared than to be loved, and rather to have power to do hurt, than actually to do good? Is it God that sets Corporations, and Churches and Neighbours and Families, in a state of Ma­lice, Vexation, Strife, and a kind of War against each other? Doth the Spirit of God indite the malicious Pamphlets, which exer­cise the utmost of Wit and Hatred, to de­stroy▪ Love, and to call the Nation into the Devils Camp, by mutual hatred to live as [Page 14] Enemies, and Fight against the Lord and the ways of Peace. And if any endeavour a re­conciling healing of our wounds, it's turned into scorn, and his healing motions are re­presented as the grand causes of division; and to beg for peace is heinous Schism, and next Rebellion against the Church, and a crime sufficient to forfeit that mans Peace and Reputation: And he that tells men of the only possible terms of Concord, is made the chiefest cause of discord. To serve and worship God no otherwise than Peter and Paul did, and than God prescribeth is enough to render us unworthy to live on English Earth? And if England may not suffer such, why should any other nation suffer them? There are men that keep holy days for St. Peter, and St. Paul, and dedicate Churches to them, and their bellies are maintained at Dives rates, and their Wealth and Revenues and Grandure held up, by that which is dedi­cated to these Churches, (and to alienate any of this superfluity from their flesh were worse Sacriledge than to cast out and silence a thou­sand faithful Preachers;) And yet if St. Paul were a Preacher now in France, Spain, Italy or England, and would worship God but as he did when he was on Earth, and would not swear, say and do as much more as the Bishops Canons bid him, I think we should again hear those words, Acts 22. 22. Away with such a fellow from the Earth, for it is not fit [Page 15] that he should live (here:) Unless he wrought miracles to convince men: And whether those would prevail is a doubtful case; or whether he would not pass for a Deceiver and Fanatick.

§ 6. As in times of War, all broken, beg­garly and idle fellows, turn Souldiers, as the easiest trade to live by, and are never after good for any other trade, but to kill and rob men; So the Love-killing Regiments, have for­saken other trades, and this is like to put down all. Booksellers complain that they can fell few Books but News and Scorning or Invective Libels. And what is the sub­ject of our (formerly weekly and now daily) News Books? Why, they tell us that such a City or Corporation are altogether by the Ears as Enemies, some choosing one Mayor and some another; Some called Whigs, and others Tories; Some seeking the ruine and Blood of others, and some hardly escaping the power of false Witnesses and Oaths! One Jury acquitting a man whose life is sought, and another condemning him▪ In such a Town or City so many find, and so many distreined on, and so many crowded into Jails, and such and such Preachers cast into Prison, and such a one dead there, for pray­ing to God and openly worshipping him without-book, or by no book but his own. In such and such a Country the people prose­cuting each other on such accounts, and [Page 16] some flying into other parts, and some into America to seek that peace among Savages and Wolves, and Serpents, in Wildernesses, which they could not have under sacred Pro­testant Prelates and their Clergy. In France the poor Protestants hunted like Hares, nei­ther suffered to live at home, nor to flie naked to beg their bread in other Lands; and all this for the concord and peace of the holy Catholick Church; a pattern so wor­thy of imitation, that even such excellent men as Grotius think, that it's worth all ha­zards, labour and cost, to reduce England and the Lutherans to the French-Church-Con­sistence, and to silence and ruine all as Cal­vinists that are against it. From Hungary we must read, how the persecuted Protestants, after their utmost suffering and patience, are fain to call in Turks to save them from the cruelties of Christians. And that those parts that are under the Turks have far more prosperity and freedom in Religion, than those that are under the Emperor & Papists.

And Protestants under them are kept in co [...]al fear, as knowing that it is their Law and Doctrine that Princes are bound to do their best to exterminate or destroy them, on pain of Excommunication, Depo­sition and Damnation [...] And remembring the Inquisitions, the Piedmont, French, Dutch, Irish, &c. Massacres: So that they are brought to this hard dilemma, Chuse whether [Page 17] you will be Dead men, or be proclaimed Rebels. If whole Countreys will not lie down and die patiently without self-defence, they are odi­ous Rebels.

These and such other are the subjects of our News-books, which have broken the poor Booksellers, who were wont to live by selling Books of Learning, and of practical Divinity. And too many Preachers are fain to be short as well as formal in their Ser­mons for Christian Love, because they spend so much time in Preaching up hatred and destruction. Were there but any Art that could devise any Engine that could reach the heart, and turn it into the hatred of those that never did them wrong (as they say some Philters and Charms will make men mad with Love;) Or if any Apothecary had an effectual Medicine against brotherly Love▪ I doubt these would become the most accu­stomed Shops and prosperous Trades in all the City: But for want of such, some Pul­pits, Printers Booksellers, Clubs, Drinking-houses, and Play-houses (to pass by fouler) must serve the turn. But if God have not mercy on the Land by restraining them, Gunpowder-makers, Gun-smiths, Sword­sellers, Souldiers, Swearers and Executio­ners, will swallow up most other Trades in the Land. It's worth enquiry whether in foresight of this, they set not their Sons to such Trades as these, or Apprentices to such [Page 18] Lawyers as are best at preparative Accusa­tions, and have learnt Tertullus's Art: Or to such Schools and Tutors as can teach them the Learning of Zedekiah, and the four hundred Prophets, 1 King. 22.

§ 7. And all this is the more unexcusable and lamentable, because they came but late­ly out of the fire, which this same malig­nant Spirit kindled; The very same causes cast the three Kingdoms into dreadful Flames and Blood. The Histories of the bloody murder of many hundred thousands called Albigenses, Waldenses and Bohemians, in Piedmont, Germany and elsewhere, and of the Netherland cruelties, the Spanish Inquisition and Invasions, the murder of thirty or forty thousand at once in France, and of two of their Kings, the Powder Plot here, as well as the Bonefires in Q Marys days, and much more their Councils and Doctors de­fending and commanding such usage of Pro­testants, did set all our Parliaments one af­ter another into a vehement unwillingness to be so used, and to fall into their hands that will do it if they can: And when the evil Spirit had raised cross interests and distrusts between King and Parliament, the Papists seeming to be for the War and King, and suddenly murdering in Ireland no fewer than two hundred thousand, and pretending the Kings Commission, and threatning the like in England, affrightned the People into the [Page 19] Army, after raised by the Parliament. And though I think all that War in England kill'd not the fourth part so many as the Papists had murdered in Ireland; yet so dismal and odious was it, and had so direful an end, as loudly told us how bad the causes and be­ginnings were. Few parts of the Land were free from spoil, plunder and poverty; yea or from terrible Sieges and fields of blood: English-men labouring to destroy each other, and some hiring Forreigners to help them: And Lads running from their Parents to be as Apprentices to the Man-killing Trade. Counties were against Counties, Cities against Cities, Neighbours against Neighbours, single persons flying from Men as from Bears and Tygers, as after in the Plague-time, afraid of almost all that they met. And at last the very Armies falling out among themselves: The first raised for the Parliament, were mastered by a second Party, that brought in (as Auxiliaries) a new Imposition; and that Party after mastered and cast down by a third that brought in a new Cause; and that pre­vailing, pulling down their Masters, an Usur­per odiously destroying the King, and setting up himself with another Title, and subduing and ruining those that were against it, even both the Parties that began the War: And yet when he was dead, to shew the World what divisions can do, that same Victorious, Rebellious Army, fell all into pieces by its [Page 20] own discord, and was totally dissolved as by a miracle, without one drop of blood that ever I could hear of; and the Victorious leaders many of them hang'd, drawn and quar­tered, and their heads and quarters hang'd up on the City Gates.

And would not one think that a Nation of men in their wits, should after so long and sad experience of the mischiefs of hatred and division, be willing of the reviving of Love and Concord, and hate all motions of dividing any more? But alas, they hate them that would heal our wounds; and if any one lay on a healing Plaister, there are hands too many both Lay and Clergy, ready with rage to pull it off, and yet it's all on pretence of healing us, that they will not suffer us to be healed; for the way of peace they have not known. Unhappy Surgeons, that know no Balsom but Corrosives and Distilled Vine­gar, yea no way of healing but by dismem­bring, even the usefullest members of the Body. Having learned of the Romish Leeches that live on blood, when they are for ex­hausting the vital Stock, and cast the King­dom into a Palsy or Marasmus, they tell you it was all but corrupt or haemorrhoidal blood, and the loss of it necessary to cure the mad­ness of the Land.

The beginning of some reconciliation be­tween the first contending Parties, began to flatter us with the hopes of Restored Love [Page 21] and Quietness: Secret consultations prepared the way: Lords, Knights and Gentlemen, Print their Protestations for Oblivion and Re­conciliation, and against Revenge. Hereupon those that by Land and Sea, in the three Kingdoms had fought against the King, re­store him: The land rejoyceth in the smiling hopes of reviving Charity and Concord: The King chiefly causeth these hopes by his Declarations and Act of Oblivion, and speci­ally his healing Gracious Declaration about Ecclesiastical Affairs. The house of Com­mons and the City Ministers give him thanks for it: Who would have thought now but such Experience, such Protestations, such Obligations, such Authorities should have put the whole Kingdom into a longing de­sire to perfect the work of Love and Peace? But it proved clean contrary: Some had other things in their Heads and Hearts; outlandish Fashions, especially French, have long been the Badge of English folly! There are men in Spain that trade much in the fire, and Queen Mary brought the trade into England: There are men in many other Forreign Lands, who are so devout that their Canons and Religion rule their appetites; And they love no meat like a Carbonado'd Protestant, nor are pleased with any Perfume or Incense so much as with the smell of a rosted Saint, first call'd a Heretick or Schismatick: Like the Roman Tyrant that gloried in the sweet­ness [Page 22] of the smell when he smelt the stink of the Carcasses which he had laid to dung the Field. And there were men abroad that learnt these Fashions, and Contracted such a familiarity and Love to Forreigners, as that for obtain­ing Union with them, all the Divisions, Distractions and Calamities of England and Scotland, are not thought too dear a Sacri­fice: And as some Sons of Nonconformists must be doubly virulent to expiate the guilt of their Original sin; So some English men must like Sampson and David, bring double Testimony of their real enmity to the Phi­listines, from their Skins, before they can be trusted abroad as real reconcilers: And they say that there are some things that will be closely united, by no cement so well as by humane blood. Doubtless the Gospel as used in English, and Preached by true Protestants, (such as the Pseudo-Bellamie in Philanax Anglicus hatefully calleth Protestants off Since­rity,) goeth not with many beyond Sea, for the same Gospel which they believe. And therefore no wonder if the Preachers of it be unpleasing to them; and he that will please them, and unite with them, must si­lence or oppose those that they would have to be silenced and disgraced. And some think that Union with many Kingdoms of Christi­ans, which call themselves the Catholick Church, is much to be preferred before the Love and Concord of a hated party in our [Page 23] Island. And as Dr. Saywell (the Master of a Colledge and Bishop Gunnings Chaplain) saith (to prove that there is a Universal Le­gislative and Judicial power in the Clergy, over Kingdoms as well Persons;) [If more persons or particular Churches give offence by Heresy, Schism, &c. The CHURCH UNI­VERSAL, or the rest of the Bishops may reprove them for it, and then there is no Reason why one man should be censured and many should go free, and consequently our Saviour hath established the Authority of his Church over all Christians as well particular Churches as private men: Churches of Kingdoms and Nations have a SOVE­RAIGNTY over them to which they must yield obedience, Isa. 60. 12. The Nation and Kingdom that will not serve thee, shall perish: yea those Nations shall be utterly wasted, pag. 343.’

Though Kings have no Civil Universal So­veraign over them but Christ, yet it seems all the world both Kings and Kingdoms have an Ecclesiastical Soveraignty over them all: Communion of equalls and Christian Counsel and Reproof is not enough, such as all Neigh­bour Princes may use towards one another; Nor the denial of such Communion to the uncapable! But all Kings and Kingdoms must be under one Church Soveraignty, which hath a Legislative & Judicial power over them all, to excommunicate, absolve them, &c. And how much more in ordine ad Spiritua [...]ia the com­mon exposition of Ecclesiastical Power tells [Page 24] you: As experience long told many Kingdoms what the Excommunicating of a King, and In­terdicting a Kingdom the worship of God, do signify towards their Dethroning or Invasion.

And all this must be done, not as for the Pope, but under the name of a General Council, and the poor Pope shall have no power but, say some, to call that Council, and call it General when there is no such thing, and preside in it, and rule us as chief Pa­triarch and St. Peters Successor, in the Inter­vals of General Councils (that is, continually) and that not Arbitrarily, but by the Laws of the Church or Councils, (and no mortal man can tell which those Authorized Legislative Councils are, among the hundreds of erro­neous or contradicting ones.) So that Po­pery in England is an abhorred thing; for it is nothing with some but the Popes absolute Government of the whole Church, as without or above Laws and Ecclesiastick Parliaments.

And can you reconcile all this to our Oath of Supremacy, and the Canons that establish it, renouncing all forreign Iurisdiction? Yes easily, we have been told it meaneth only forreign Civil Iurisdiction which belongs to the King, and not forreign Ecclesiastical Iuris­diction, (which is all that the sober Popes do claim, save indirectly in ordine ad Spiritualia) To Command a Nation on pain of Excom­munication and Damnation (according to di­vers Councils) to renounce their Allegiance [Page 25] to their Excommunicate Prince, and to de­pose him and set up another, is no act of Ci­vil, but of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, which yet hath dethroned Emperours and over­thrown Dominions.

And saith A. Bishop Laud (in Dr. Stil­lingfleet's defence of him, p. 540. [It doth not follow, because the Church may err, therefore She may not Govern. For the Church hath not only a PASTORAL Power, to Teach and Direct, but a PRETORIAN also, to controul and censure, &c. And for external obedience to General Councils when they err, [Consider whe­ther it be not fit to allow a General council that honour and priviledge which all other Great Courts have: Stillingfleet, p. 534.]

So that instead of a Council of equals for concord (as Princes use for peace with their neighbours,) We have an Vniversal Soveraign Court set up with Pretorian Power, to make bind­ing Laws, and pass Iudgment to all the Chri­stian World, and (say some) They are Schisma­ticks that obey not these Vniversal Laws, and obedience to them, and suppressing all forbidden As­semblies for Gods worship is the only way to Chri­stian concord.

And where this forreign Jurisdiction is made of such absolute necessity, that with­out subjection to it by Kings and Kingdoms, there is no concord to be had, nor any avoid­ing of the guilt of Schism, what wonder if some can wish that silencings, reproaches, [Page 26] ruines, and confusions may be thought no dear price to obtain an universal union; for which Christ and his Law are insufficient. They that have read Grotius, Cassander, Baldwin, Hoffmeister, Erasmus, A. Bishop Laud, Dr. Heylin of his Life, Bishop Sparrow, A. Bishop Bromhal and the Prefacer Bishop Par­ker, Thorndike, Bishop Gunning and his Chap­lain Dr. Saywell, and such others, and against them all have read Dr. Isaac Barrow of the Supremacy against Thorndike, &c. may under­stand where our difference and danger lyeth.

§ 8. And is Englands self destroying dis­ease uncureable! God hath in wonderful mercy given us peace from forreign Enemies? And is there no hope of prevailing with English men to live together in peace? Must that of Isa. 49. 36. be our case, to eat our own Flesh, and be drunken with our own Blood as with sweet Wine? Alas, no counsel, no petitions, no tears, no experience, no judgments of God by Plagues and Flames, have hitherto one jot prevailed; But the Ulcer of mens minds grows more and more putrid and malignant!

Two ways are by some proposed: First that all the Consciencious worshippers of God in the Kingdom, should bring their judgments to a full conformity, in every par­ticular to their rulers: Whenas first they cannot tell us who these must be: some say to the King or Law? Some say to the Bi­shops in a National Convocation: Others [Page 27] say, to the foresaid forreign universal Sove­raignty of General Councils, (with the Pa­triarchs.) If the first be the way, what King­doms must it be in? Is it no where but in Britain? Or also in France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Poland? And must there be as ma­ny Religions as Kings and Laws will make? And how far must this go? And where must we stop? Must Kings choose us a God? Or chuse whether we shall have any God, any Christ, any Bible, any worship of God, and so any Heaven?

If it be the Bishops that must be the common rule of our Religion, what Countreys and Ages doth this rule serve for? Was it the rule where Princes and Prelates were Arians, or Nesto­rians, or Eutychians, or Monothelites, or Pa­pists? Is it the rule now in France, Spain, Ita­ly, &c. Or was it so in the Popes Catholick Church, from An. 700 till the Reformation.

If it be General Councils, I am weary of re­peating the Proofs that there never was one, nor ever is like to be one, or ought to be. If it be an European Council, who shall call them, and who shall judge whether it be equal, and so far General? And are not the greater num­ber of European Bishops known Papists? And will they not then be the Major Vote? And so we must be as bad as they? And if the rest of the Christian world be not bound by them (in Greece, Ethiopia, Armenia, Sy­ria, &c.) Why are we? Is it the Council of [Page 28] Ariminum, Sirmium, Milane, &c. or of Ephe­sus 2, Nice 2d many at Constantinople, at the Laterane, at Lyons, at Florence, at Constance, at Basil, at Trent, that are our Rule! Must all that will be Catholicks and saved, hold all the Heresies, Contradictions, and Corrupti­ons that Councils have held, and obey all their load of Canons? If the Italians, French, English, &c. are all disagreed, how many and which Councils we must obey, can all poor people know which is in the right? And hath Christ left Religion so uncertain a thing? Or so mutable that General Councils of Pre­lates may be still increasing it? If he was the the maker of it, by himself and his Apostles, we may know more certainly where to find it: Most Christians may say, Christ we know, and Peter and Paul, &c. we know: But your Councils are too many, too voluminous, too uncertain, for us to know. But if they are such an absolutely necessary rule as you pretend, why do not teachers preach them to us daily as they do the Sacred Scriptures?

If any would come down to confine these universal Laws only to Things Indifferent, alas, must the world be confounded and divided a­bout things indifferent? Are not things in­different variable as Countreys and Ages are? And must the world have one Soveraignty to make Laws for them? Cannot we have Life, Liberty, Peace and Love without things indifferent? Or without agreeing in [Page 29] them. Are there any two in the whole world, that are not ignorant, and that differ not about many greater matters than things in­different? Doth he know himself, or know what a man is, that thinks all tolerated Christians must be so Skill'd in all things in­different, which men may impose, as to know them to be such? When it is so hard to teach the people things necessary, few and plain? Alas, Lord, why must the Churches be left in such hands?

§ 9. But some have found out another remedy for our divisions; and that is, That only the Bishops shall be engaged to a For­reign Jurisdiction, or profess the necessity of obeying them, (under the name of a Gene­ral Council, and in the intervals, of a Col­ledge of the Bishops of the whole world, as one Aristocracy;) And that this shall not be imposed on any Lay-Communicants, but their Consciences shall be left at liberty; Nor at the first on the inferior Clergy, till they are prepared to receive it: But only that the People obey the Priests and Prelates, and the Priests obey the Prelates and all their Governing Officers, and the Prelates only profess obedience to the Pretorian Court called, The Catholick Church. Bishop Gunnings Chaplain tells us that the Laity are not required in order to Communion to declare for General Councils. Whether they use the like Moderation in France, Spain, Germany, I [Page 30] know not, viz. For the Bishops only to Profess obedience to the Pope, and the Priests to the Bishops, and the people to the Priests and Bishops. I hear they go further.

And if Conventicles (as they will call them) are also suppressed, we need not fear Religious Vio­lence, Murder and Ruine, (upon a feared Roman Successour.) For saith the same Bishops Chap­lain, pag 283. [For matters may be so ordered, that all Officers, Ecclesiastical, Civil and Mili­tary, and all that are employed in Power or Au­thority of any kind, be persons both of known Loyalty to the Crown, and yet faithful Sons of the Church, and firm to the established Religion, and the Laws that they act by may be so explain­ed in the favour of those that conform to the pub­lick Worship, and the discouragement of all Dissen­ters, that we must reasonably be secure from all violence that the Papists can offer to force our submission: For when all our Bishops and Clergy are under strict obligations and Oaths, and the people are guided by them; and all Officers Civil and Military are firm to the same interest, and under severe penalties if they act any thing to the contrary; Then what probable danger can there be of any violence or disturbance to force us out of our Religion, when all things are thus secured, and the power of External Execution is gene­rally in the hands of men of our own perswasion.]

Ans. The Dr. says well: I am of his mind in this: When they have subdued and cast out all Dissenters (as they do in France) and [Page 31] the Bishops and Clergy are setled under a Forreign Church-Jurisdiction, and the People setled in Obedience to them, and all Offices Civil, Military and Ecclesiastick in their hands, I do not think they need to fear that the Papists will use violence to change their Religion, whoever reigneth.

But the Question is, whether this suppose an Vnion with all in England that are now against a Forreign Jurisdiction, or only the destruction of them, or else the forcing them to these terms? As to a destruction of them, or forcing them to such terms, surely Violence must do this. And what though the Subjects of For­reign Power fear no Violence, are all the rest (that is, the Protestants) of the Kingdom in­considerable? We suppose the old Church of England, and all our Parliaments since the Reformation, were against a Forreign Juris­diction: And will it be no loss to England to destroy so many, that is, the Body of the Land?

But the Question is, Whether they may not be thus brought to concord by consent? I answer, no, unless you suppose them to be men that indeed have no Religion, and there­fore can easily part with the bare name. For they are sworn by the Oath of Supremacy a­gainst all forreign Iurisdiction: And put the case that the Pope and a Council, or the King of France would bring the Emperours or the Kings Army to serve him, and be at [Page 32] his Command, and he would only desire that the General Officers and Colonels may be engaged to obey him, and the Captains and lower Officers to obey them, and the Soul­diers to obey the Officers; but the common Souldiers shall be bound to no more, than this obedience to their Officers. Query, Whether all these Souldiers be not Traitors to the King or Emperour? Cromwells com­mon Souldiers took no Commissions against King or Parliament; they did but obey their Officers that pulled down both! And were they therefore guiltless. Protestants will not thus follow such Prelates, against their Oaths, and against the known truth, and a­gainst their duty to God and the King.

§ 10. But though it be notorious that Do­mination and Jurisdiction be the things which cause the Papal Clergy to trouble and tear the Christian world, what is it that makes the Laity so mad, & getteth this Clergy such a mili­tant crowd against their own Tranquillity and Salvation? It's as visible as any moral thing, that the Churches Divisions and Wars, and Miseries have about a thousand years risen, from Sa­tans thrusting such worldly, fleshly, unholy men into holy Offices, who seek them but to serve their Pride and Covetousness, and Fleshly Appetites, and Ease, and who are Enemies at the heart to the serious obedi­ence to Christ, which formally they preach. Christs own Apostles in their time of igno­rance, [Page 33] began to strive which of them should be greatest; of which we have recorded his sharp rebuke; which St. Peter himself did after second, in 1 Pet. 5. 1, 2, 3. in words so plain, that if his pretended Successours had not first claimed a power (as the Church) to be the determining expounders of all the Bible, they had lain under the Condemnati­on of Christ and Peter, Naked, without a De­fence or Cloak: But this Church-expounding authority sets them above all the Word of God, which is now but what they please to make it, and an instrument to execute their wills: And indeed it is now rather the Pope and his Prelates and Councils than Christ, that are the Law-makers to the Church: For it is not he that maketh the words only that makes the Law, but he that giveth them their sense. The words are but as the body, and the sense is the Soul of the Law. The Mi­nisterial Church now scorn the name of Mi­nisters, and being become Pretorian and Ma­gisterial, they give Christ and his Spirit in the Apostles leave to make the words and body of the Scripture or Divine Law, as God formed Adams body of the dust, so that they may give it the breath of Life, and also may make far more Voluminous Laws of their own, and cut off and condemn all the Children of God, that cannot believe that it's lawful to obey them.

And though the Ignorant think that the [Page 34] claim of universal Legislation and Judgment, in the universal Church and General Councils, be no Service to the Domination of parti­cular Clergy men, no nor to any, seeing there will never be a General Council,] They understand not the mystery of iniquity, and mistake. We have English Writers that have told them, 1. That indeed Power is first given to the body, (fine doctrine for Royalists) but by the Body it is given to the Prelates to use for them. 2. That as a General Council hath the Supream power, so the Prelates under them have the Inferior Ruling power, and the executive in the intervals of Councils: 3. That as Coun­cils represent the Church in Soveraignty, so every Bishop is by his office, the true Re­presentative of the Clergy of his Diocess, and every Metropolitan the Representative of his Province, and every Patriarch of his Pa­triarchate; And then are not the Patriarchs (at least with the Metropolitans,) Univer­sal Rulers in such Intervals? 4. And the Pope is the Patriarch of the West, and hath a pri­macy in the Church universal, and must be confest to be principium unitatis Catholicae, and say some, to be the President of Councils. 5. To which others add, that it belongs only to the president to call Councils, and to Iudg which are Lawful, without whose call they are so far from binding us, that they are themselves but unlawful Routs. And what would you have more?

[Page 35] But what's all this to the poor Priests? What? Why, 7. The people know not what the volumes of Councils say, and it is the Priests (or no body) that must tell it them, (both what their exposition of Scripture is, and what their own additional Laws are) without which they cannot be obeyed: so that indeed the peoples Faith is ultimately resolvedly into the authority of the Priest, who tells them what the Bishop saith, who tells them what the Metropolitan and his Synod saith, who tells them what the Pa­triarch and his Synod saith, who tells them what the chief Patriarch and a General Coun­cil saith, who tell them determinatively what Christ and the Scripture saith and mean­eth.

But what's this to Councils when there are none? Yes, 8. Those that are past and gone, have left all those binding Laws by which the present Bishops as an Aristocracy must govern all the Christian World.

But are not they for Monarchy in the state? How come they then to plead for a Soveraign Aristocracy over the Catholick Church, and how come even the French Clergy to be for the power of a Church Parliament above the Pope? I cannot answer that; let the Pope and they debate it.

But I wonder that A. Bishop Laud should be for the derivation of all power from the Body, as Richard Hooker is: See Dr. Stillingfleets [Page 36] Defence of him p. 544. 545. &c. [No Body collective, whensoever it assembled it self, did ever give more power to the representing body of it, than a binding power upon it self and all par­ticulars; Nor ever did it give this power, other­wise, than with this Reservation in nature, that it would call again and reform, and if need were, abrogate any law or ordinances upon just cause made evident, that the representing Body had fail­ed in trust or truth. And this power no Body collective, Ecclesiastical or Civil, can put out of it self, or give away to a Parliament or Council, or call it what you will, that represents it—The power which a Council hath to order, settle and define differences arising concerning faith, it hath not by any immediate institution of Christ, but it was prudently taken up by the Church from the Apostles example.] See Dr. Stillingfleets De­fence.

I confess that the generality of Politicians and Lawyers, Heathens, Papists and Pro­testants go much this way, as to Civil Go­vernment, and say that the Majestas persona­lis is in the King or Senate, but the Ma­jestas realis in the Body which giveth the Or­ganical power, and on just cause may take it away. It is no honour to be singular in Po­liticks, and I have said enough of this else­where (Christ. Direct. p. 1.) But if it be the Body of the whole Church on Earth that must give Church Officers and Councils their power, and recal it when there is cause, if [Page 37] ever the whole Christian World meet toge­ther to vote it, when it cometh to Poling, we will give both the Monarchical and the Aristocratical Conciliar Papists three for one, to try who hath the power given by the Body. But while two or three parts do already dis­own almost all their Councils, the case is decid­ed. But if an old Councils Heresies, Errours or Tyranny can be invalidated only by a new one that is truly General, or a new one as Papal as the last, we confess that Trent Canons are like to be the Law, to the end of the World.

§ 11. But again, what is it that maketh so many of the Laity serve the Popish Prelates universal claim, or keep up the destructive enmity and divisions of the Christian World? A stranger would think that it were chiefly caused by some great contrariety of real In­terests, or that one party adhered to some principles or practices, which were really hurtful to the others rights? While both were serious for Christianity. But it is be­come by long experience notorious, that all the Christian Worlds calamitous divisions are principally from the old enmity between the Womans and the Serpents Seed, and that all is but the Prosecution of that which their first Patriarch Cain began: exemplified after in the discrimination of the Children of men and the Sons of God, and in Esau and Iacob, Ish­mael and Isaac, and so down to the days of the [Page 38] Apostles: And, saith Paul, As he that was born after the flesh, persecuted him that was born after the spirit; even so it is now. Among us it is notorious, that if we knew how to cure men of the radical Enmity of the flesh against the spirit, and of a carnal minds averseness to God and serious Godliness, the rest of our differences were never like to continue our Wounds and cruel Factions.

In Families you may hear that this is the fundamental difference. Husband and Wife, Parents and Children, Master and Servants, upon the meer account of serious Godliness, do live like Enemies, that are impatient of each other. If the Husband be ungodly, the Wife, Children or Servants that have but a care of their Salvation, are still under his restraints, or frowns, or scorns: This praying (especially if it be without Book) so much preaching and hearing; yea any serious talk of God, or Heaven, or Scripture, is a troublesom weariness to him; and he tells them, it is but Hypocrisie, or more ado than needs: If any compassionately tell him of the evil of his swearing, or tipling, or pro­phaneness, he tells them they are precise Puritanes or Fanaticks, and worse than he. If they will needs hear Sermons, he will have them go but to some cold or ignorant Preacher, or one that will please him with a calumny or scorn at Puritans, or that will say as he doth, that this stir for Salvation, [Page 39] and medling so much with Scripture and Re­ligion, is but proud, self-conceited Fanati­cism. In a word, it is serious Preaching, and Hearing, and Reading Gods Word, serious Praying, and Preparation for the Sacrament, serious Discourse of the state of their Souls, and Preparation for Death, Judgment and Eternity, serious fearing and avoiding sin, and speaking against the sin of others, that is the common eye-sore and trouble of the world, which they secretly hate, and cannot bear with in their Families, in their Neighbours, in Magistrates, in Ministers or People.

And because it easeth their minds by vent, and by keeping up some hopes that they may be saved without this serious Godliness themselves, they cherish a conceit that the persons that herein differ from them are as bad, if not much worse than others; and gladly hear those that slander and deride them: Such Company, such Pamphlets, such Sermons please them. And to make them odious, they have for them some contemp­tuous, scornful Nickname; which, though it be of no signification, is as effectual as the truest charge. Among the Roman Sects, do but call a man a Heretick, or Schismatick, a Lutheran, a Calvinist, a Zwinglian; and else­where do but call him a Sectary, a Schisma­tick, a Puritan, a Calvinist, a Nonconfor­mist, an Independant, a Presbyterian, a Round-head, a Fanatick, a Whig, and it serveth the [Page 40] turn as well as if you had proved him a proud Hypocrite, or a Rebel. And there be among the real Schismaticks also some persons, that if you do but call a man Episcopal, a Confor­mist, an Arminian, a Church of England man, that goeth to the Common-Prayer, they think that he must needs be a Temporizer, Graceless or Dangerously unsound.

And thus the miseries of the Land are continued and increased. But because the spirit of Cain is the Grand Incendiary, and the Enmity against serious Holiness through­out all the world, is the principal cause of Divisions, Hatred, Wars and Blood-shed, I will here annex many Reasons which, with men that have any Reason left them, should cure this Malignant Enmity to Holiness, if men will but soberly consider them.

I have said so much to such already, espe­cially in my Saints Rest; Now or Never; my Family Book; and a Saint or a Brute, that I cannot do this work again without repeat­ing much that's said. But seeing all that doth not serve, and the Ulcer breaketh out more dangerously than ever, till it come to a Noli me tangere, we must continue some hope and use of means; and if we lay on fresh Plaisters of the old materials, while only New Books are by such regarded, we are bound to do our best: It is but so much labour lost; and it is not utterly lost to our selves, while we have peace of Conscience in Gods acceptance.

[Page 41] But being sure to be misreported when I have done my best to be understood, that I be not guilty of it, I will first shew what I mean by serious Godliness, and next what I mean by Malignity or Enmity to serious God­liness.

Chap. II. Whom I mean by Godly Persons, and whom by Malignant Enemies to Godliness.

§ 1. BY GODLINESS I do not mean, 1. Any Superstition, or making Reli­gions, or Religious Duties which God never made, and extolling these, and the Party that are for them. God hath made us Religious work enough: Could we do that well, we need no more. Religion, so far as it is made by men, is no Religion, but a contradiction or equivocation; for Religion is our Obligation and Duty to God, and Conscience of it. Could I be for Superstition, or more Religion than God hath made us, I might be for all the New Religions of Rome, Franciscans, Domi­nicans, Carthusians, Jesuits, Oratorians, and all the rest: And I might be for their Works of Supererogation, their Massings, worship­ing Bread, Angels, dead Saints, Images, their Pilgrimages, Relicks, and all their pretended Traditions and Councils, their new made [Page 42] Church-Laws; and I should know no end.

§ 2. And 2. By Godliness I mean not any singular, odd Opinion differing from the Scripture, and making a Sect, or any Errour whatsoever; nor any Opinion which is con­trary to any thing which the whole Church on Earth did ever hold as necessary to Sal­vation or Communion.

§ 3. Nor 3. Do I mean any Truth or Duty of inferiour moment, which only makes to the well-being of a Christian, though this be an Inferiour part of Godliness; at least not that which a godly willing person knows not to be his duty.

§ 4. Much less 4. Do I mean any proud false conceit of a mans own Godliness, and becoming one of an unwarrantable Sect, that he may be conspicuous to others, or cherish this presumption in himself; and say to others, Stand by, I am holier than thou: Or as the Pharisee, I thank thee Lord that I am not as this Publican: (Though yet all that will be saved must greatly differ from the ungod­ly, and must with thankfulness own Gods grace.)

§ 5. Nor 5. Do I mean any unlawful pra­ctice, which on the pretence of Godliness may be done, whether unjust censures, back­biting, unwarrantable separations from others, divisions, disobedience to Authority, Sedi­tion, Rebellion, &c. These are all contrary [Page 43] to Godliness and true Religion. Christ is the strictest condemner of them, and Godliness the best cure. If any Godly or Religious person, be guilty of any one of these, 1. It cannot be as known and in a predominant degree; 2. And it is his Disease (as a Lepro­sie to a man) and not his Godliness.

§ 6. But by GODLINESS I mean only the serious Consent to, and Performance of the Covenant which we made with God in our Baptism: That we seriously believe that there is One only God, of most perfect Power, Knowledge and Goodness, our Creator, Main­tainer, Governour and End; whom we must Obey, and Serve, and Love above all Creatures whatsoever; and that he is the Rewarder of them that diligently seek him, and will give everlasting blessedness to the faithful, and everlastingly pu­nish the ungodly. That we seriously believe that Iesus Christ is the Redeemer and Saviour, who Teacheth, Ruleth, Pardoneth, Sanctifieth and Saveth all true penitent Believers; who is our In­tercessor, Head and Iudge. That we seriously be­lieve that the Holy Ghost indited and sealed by his Gifts and Miracles the Doctrine and Wri­tings of the Prophets and Apostles, now record­ed in the Scriptures, and that he is sent from the Father and the Son to Regenerate, Sanctifie, Comfort and Strengthen those that shall be saved.

And that we seriously consent to Love and Obey God our Father, Saviour and Sanctifier as [Page 44] his Creatures, Subjects and Children in these Re­lations, that we may be pardoned and saved by him. And that we be willing to forsake the Devil and his Works, and the World and Flesh, so far as they would tempt us to break this Cove­nant against God, and our Obedience and Sal­vation.

And lastly, That we seriously or sincerely (though not perfectly) endeavour in our lives to keep this Covenant, preferring God in our Love and Obedience, and our Hopes of Life ever­lasting before all the pleasures and treasures of this World, and resisting the temptations of the Devil, World and Flesh, which would turn us from him, and from our Obedience and Hope: And that we truly (though not perfectly) trust God and our Redeemer for the Heavenly Glory which he hath promised.

This is plainly, distinctly and fully what I mean by Godliness or Holiness: And such are the persons (though all imperfect, and of di­vers degrees) which I call Saints or Godly: He that feigneth me to mean any thing else, doth but abuse himself and me: If there be none such, there are no Christians, and all the Word of God is vain.

But every Duty commanded by God is a part of the matter of our Obedience and Re­ligion, viz. As according to the first Com­mandment to take God for our God, to be absolutely Obeyed, Loved and Trusted, and to renounce all Idols, and neither to Obey, [Page 45] Love or Trust our selves or any creature before him; So also according to the second Com­mandment, to renounce all scandalous symbo­lizing with Idolaters, in the outward wor­ship of God in their sinful way; especially by Images, and other apearances of Idolatry: And that we worship God, according to his Word.

And according to the third Command­ment, that we avoid all Prophanation of holy things; All Perjury, false Vows, and father­ing falshoods upon God or his Words, and rash Swearing and Unreverent using of Gods Name, and turning his worship into a life­less form.

And according to the fourth Command­ment, that we worship God publickly in so­lemn assemblies, and devote the Lords day to holy exercises; that we search the Scrip­tures, pray for what God hath promised, or commanded; Meditate and Confer of holy things, and celebrate the Sacraments in the Communion of Saints.

And so according to the second Table that we honour and obey our Parents, and (as far as their right of Government reacheth) all other that God sets over us: And dishonour them not, nor obey Civil, Ecclesiastical or Domestical Usurpers against them.

That we do our best to save our neigh­bours Life and Bodily welfare, against Mur­derers or Usurpers; and hurt no mans life or [Page 46] health either violently or by Iezabels pretence of Justice.

That we keep our Senses, Thoughs, Af­fections, Passions and Actions, from all un­chastity and immodest lasciviousness.

That we wrong no man in his estate, but to our power help them.

That we avoid all Injustice, Lying, false Witness, false Judgment and Oppressive, Un­righteous Government; And promote Truth and Justice to our power.

And lastly that we love our Neighbour as our selves, and take his welfare and his suffer­ings as our own, and do as we would have others do by us, and covet not to draw from him to our selves.

So that he that pretendeth to love God and Godliness, and obedience to Christ, and yet loveth not such a life as this, he lieth, or says he knows not what.

And he that hateth men or opposeth them, for any one of all these duties, (for reading or hearing Gods Word, for praying for things promised, for holy Conference and Medita­tion, for sanctifying the Lords day, for de­siring a Shepherd and not a Wolf; for ab­horring prophaneness, and other great sins) doth thereby declare that it is so much of Godliness or Obedience which he abhorreth; and it is through Ignorance doubtless if he seriously love and practise the rest of Gods Commands.

[Page 47] § 7. II. By Malignant Enemies of Godliness, 1. I do not mean every one that hath any backwardness to any duty, which he over­cometh in the practice: Nor every one that is guilty of some omissions: The spirit is willing, and the flesh is weak.

§ 8. 2. I mean not those that are Godly in the main so far as they can know, but through education or otherwise are ignorant of some Integral Truths or Duties, and have an op­posing contentious Zeal against them by mi­stake; and by factious company are taught therefore to speak evil falsly of those from whom they differ. I hear some revile all even with terms of enmity and unchristian threatnings, yea seeking their ruine, who do not swear, say and practise all that is requi­red to English Conformity. I do not con­clude them therefore Malignant Enemies of Godliness, if they live soberly, righteously and godlily in their way, and prefer God before Men, Heaven before Earth, the Soul before the Body, and a Holy life before the plea­sures and profits of the flesh. If they are un­charitable against all that are not for Dioce­sans, Lay-Chancellours Excommunications, Symbolical Crossing of Children as a Cove­nanting sign of Christianity, and all the rest; I wish them more Charity, but I call them not Malignant Enemies.

I find Bishop Gunnings Chaplain thinks that he doth say well, when he saith, that [Not [Page 48] only Murderers, Adulterers, Drunkards, but such Schismaticks as disturb the peace, and weaken the authority of the Churches Discipline (theirs) are to be excommunicated and reckoned among Heathens and Publicans; and Enemies to the Gospel of Christ (if they preach it without a Diocesanes license.) p. 214. And that it is already our case, that it's a very difficult mat­ter to find a Iury and Witnesses especially a­mong the Dissenters, upon whose credit we may rely.) All this signifieth how little blind Faction is to be believed, and how far it conquereth even humane modesty and vera­city: But yet I difference it from the Enmity to Godliness which I speak of. And that you may see that he is no Papist, though for a Forreign Iurisdiction, he tells you of Cromwell that [There is too great, reason to suspect that he intended to settle Popery in the Nation, when matters had been ripe to go through with it.] I confess this is news to me: I have roundly told him to his face of his Disloyalty in de­posing our English Monarchy, and told the world then of his treacherous Usurpation, but it never came into my thoughts that he intended to settle Popery in the Nation. But if these words come from Clergy Truth and Modesty, they are very considerable. I hope the old Royalists will be against Popery the more if Cromwel was for it: And the Papists I hope will be no more angry with Dr. Moulin that answereth Philanax Anglicus, for mak­ing [Page 49] the Kings death to be caused and con­cluded by the Papists, if Cromwel was for them. But Faction will face men down, that Snow is black.

So on the other side, I hear some that are against Infant Baptism, sharply censure all that are not of their mind; And some over­sharply censure the Prelatists and Confor­mists; And almost all the Christian world is divided into parties, that too little stick at the injurious censuring of others; The Pa­pists, Greeks, Abassines, Armenians, Nesto­rians, Jacobites, &c. And among the Papists, the Dominicans and Molinists, and Janse­nians, &c. And among the Protestants, too many. This is no small sin, but it is not that enmity to Godliness it self which I mean.

§ 9. 3. And I mean not by malignity, mens Differences in Civil and Political Controver­sies. Though I take Popery to be half a Ci­vil Controversy, and to be unsufferable by such Princes and People whom they bind themselves to depose and destroy: And that to Subject all the Christian world to the Legislative, Judicial and Executive Govern­ment of one Pope, or one Pretorian Court, is no better than to proclaim such a Pope or Court, to be publick enemies and usurpers to all Christian Princes and States. But yet abundance of Political differences may con­sist with serious Piety: My reason is, because [Page 50] God hath not made Political Controversies so clear as that all good Christians can re­solve them. Neither the Light of Nature, nor the Bible▪ nor Tradition endeth them. Nor hath he put them into our Creed or the ten Commandments, nor laid mens Salva­tion on them, as he hath done on the Essen­tials of Religion: Nor commanded all men to be so well Skill'd in Statute Books and Common Law as to be able to know which party is in the right. And therefore I joyn not with those Clergy or Lay-Gentlemen, who damn all that are not of their mind and side, in differences of that nature.

I often hear some say that Kings and States do all receive their Authority from the Body of the Nation who are the chief seat of it. So Hooker, so Laud, and indeed as afore­said, so Heathen, Papist and Protestant Poli­ticks ordinarily hold: I call not all these ma­lignants, though I am fully satisfied, 1. That God is the Instituter of Magistracy in genere. 2. And that he hath so far specified it as to determine of its unchangeable Essentials (that they shall as his Officers promote o­bedience to the ten Commandments.) 3. And that he never gave this governing power to the people. 4. But that all that the people do is, 1. To specify it as to the number of persons (a Monarchy, Aristocracy or, mixt of these and some Democracy.) 2. To li­mit it by determining of the Degrees of [Page 51] power, about Property and Liberty, and all things which Gods Law hath left undeter­mined, and mutable. 3. And to determine of the persons and Families that shall receive the immutable power from God and the mu­table from men.

I often hear some most magnify Democra­cy, and some Aristocracy, and some Monar­chy, and some a mixture; and some English Clergy men are for a Civil Monarchy Sub­ject to a Catholick Clergy-Aristocracy: I call none Malignants for any such diffe­rences.

I find some Papists and Protestants Politick writers saying that when it proveth hurtful to the Common-wealth, the people may re­tract the power given the Prince, and change the Government, and Hooker saith, No doubt in such a case a Prince will part with it: And A. Bishop Laud, before cited, saith of the like, and abrogating Laws, This power no Body Collective Ecclesiastical or Civil, can put out of it self and give away, And I find many that ex­tol Hooker and Laud, call this a principle of Rebellion. It is neither of them that I call Malignants.

I find most writers of Politicks agreed that the Law of nature Alloweth and Command­eth Kingdoms and Commonwealths self-de­fence against any publick Enemies that seek to destroy them. And that no man on pretence of Right to a Crown hath any right to de­stroy [Page 52] the body of the people, or the Bonum publicum which is the Essentiating end of Go­vernment, nor can be simul rex & publicus hostis. I hear others take this for an un­christian doctrine of Rebellion, and say, that if a King would destroy all the people of a Kingdom (in revenge, or in siding with another Kingdom of his own or anothers,) they ought not to resist him, or any that he Commissioneth to do it: And that if he should Commission a few men to kill all the Parliament as they sit, or to burn the City, it is Rebellion to resist by self-defence. I hear Lawyers themselves at great difference on such matters, some for more power, and some for less: I find the great Defenders of Monarchy, such as Barclay and Grotius de Iure Belli, naming many cases in which Kings may be resisted, yea and forfeit all: And I find o­thers among us of a contrary mind. Yea I find the Conformable and Diocesane Pillars quite differ in such cases, Bishop Bilson naming many cases in which resistance is no rebelli­on, (To Subject his Kingdom to a Forreign Realm, or to change the form of the Common­wealth from Impery to Tyranny, or neglect the Laws Established by common consent of Prince and People, to execute his own pleasure; In these and other such cases which might be named, if the Nobles and Commons joyn together to defend their ancient and accustomed Liberty, Regiment & Laws, they may not well be counted Rebels, saith [Page 53] he, of Obedience, pag. 520.) But I hear many now say the contrary, and Condemn such Doctrine as disloyal.

I find some joyn with the Papists in accu­sing the Reformation as caused by Rebelli­ons, in Germany, Geneva, France, Belgi­um, &c. And I find Bishop Iewel, Bilson, and other Bishops defending the French defence, and Dr. Peter Moulin of Canterbury in his answer to Philanax Anglicus, Contradicting their accusers, as false in Point of History.

Abundance of such Political Controver­sies are now lately agitated, some charging their adversaries with Rebellion, and some with Tyranny: Some saying, they are guil­ty of Treason against the King; and others, They are Traitors against the Kingdom: And too ordinarily damning one another; as if these matters were Articles of our Creed.

What a dismal difference is there now a­bout those words in the Declaration in the Corporation Act; [There is no Obligation on me or any other person, from the Oath called the solemn League and Covenant: Some say there are none but Rebels will refuse it; And that if any obligation had been granted to things law­ful or necessary some would have extended it to Rebellion or Schism. And therefore all Obli­gation is to be renounced. Others say, that National perjury is a forerunner of Natio­nal Calamity or ruine; and that where Oaths bind not, there can be no Trust; and [Page 54] no Trust, no Commerce: And they think as Dr. Sanderson, and Casuists, Papists and Pro­testants do, that though an Oath or Vow be unlawfully Imposed and Sinfully taken, and part of the matter of it be unlawful, and the Imposers and Takers are bound to re­pent, and no one is bound by it to the un­lawful part, yet the taker is bound to that part of the matter which is lawful or neces­sary: And they take it to be lawful and ne­cessary to Repent of sin, to oppose Prophaneness, Schisms, Heresy and Popery, to defend the King, and therefore that it obligeth them to these.

I meddle not with the Roman opinion that it is the Henrician Heresy to say that Kings have a power of investing Bishops, and disobeying the Popes Excommunicati­on; and of such as Cardinal Perron that dare not question or deny the power of the Pope and Councils to Excommunicate and depose Kings, because then they must condemn ap­proved General Councils, which are their re­ligion itself, and (saith he) must grant that the Pope is Antichrist, and the Church erroneous that hath so long used this.

I name all these Political Controversies, 1. To tell you that it is not factious and passionate enmity to each other on such accounts, which I mean by enmity to Religion.

2. And to remember men, that if in so many and great points of Politicks and Go­vernment, [Page 55] the Learned and Christian World, have so great difference, what reason is there that we should Damn or Excommunicate, or hate each other about a hard opinion in Re­ligion, or a Ceremony.

3. And to tell the Popish Church, that if it were a good argument that there must be one Pretorian Court or Church, to oblige all the World by an universal determination in what sence to expound the Scripture, be­cause it is abused to errour by mens mistake, and there must be an end of Controversies; by the same reason there must be an universal Pretorian Court to expound all human Laws, and end the controversies of Lawyers; Yea and to master all mens Reason; for Scripture is no more commonly controverted and abu­sed than Law is; And not half so much as Reason is, which is pleaded for almost all the falshood and wickedness in the World.

§ 10. Moreover it is not personal feuds between Man and Man that I mean by En­mity to Godliness: No though any such be against an Innocent and Godly Man, where it is not for his Godliness, but some other difference.

§ 11. I will say more though some dislike it, it is not a Papist as such that I mean by a Malignant Enemy of Godliness; I know that Education, and Temptation, and want of hearing the confutation of their errours judiciously made, may cause Godly persons [Page 56] to think that the universal Church must be united in some humane Head or Soveraign power; and that there is no other way to end controversies and schisms, and that (as Dr. Saywell saith) there must be some over Kingdoms or National Churches, as well as over particular persons, that many may not escape while a few are punished: It is easy to be deceived by the pretences of Uni­ty and Concord, while men see the divisi­ons and discords of others: And the false pretences of Antiquity are so confidently uttered by their Clergy, that men unacquain­ted with the history may verily believe them: And the plea for an uninterrupted suc­cession of Ministerial ordination, and that a Superior must give power to the Inferiors, deceiveth many. If there must be a Dioce­sane to ordain and rule all Presbyters, and a Metropolitan to ordain or rule the Dioce­sanes, and a Patriarch to rule them, from whom shall the Patriarchs receive their power, or commands, but from a Pope? The poor reasoning which the French now use with the Protestants puzleth unskilful persons; viz. Was there any Church before your reformation? If yea, where was it? And had not you your Ministerial power from it? It was Rome or none: And if it was the true Church then, it is so now. We answer them, there was and is one only Catholick Church: Of this Christ only is the Head or Univer­sal [Page 57] governour, and no man or men; Of this all Lawful Pastors are his official guides in their several Provinces, as many Justices and Mayors of Corporations under one King: That all these having one King (Je­sus) and one Law (of Christ) and one Spi­rit, and one Faith and Hope, are to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, and to use Synods when needful to that end, but not as a Pretorian or Regent Aristocra­cy or Court. That the Church before Lu­ther was all over the World where ever there were Christians: in Ethiopia, Egypt, Syria, Armenia, Georgia, Circassia, Asia, and where ever the Greek Christianity is, in Moscovy, and in all Europe where there were true Christians. That the envious man hav­ing sowed Tares, this Church is unhappily fallen into many corruptions, diseases, and factious sects, almost all censuring one ano­ther: no part of it is perfect: That the Papal part is in Doctrine, Worship and Govern­ment one of the most corrupted parts! Yet so far as their diseases or errours nullify not their profession of Christianity, they are parts, though leprous. And therefore though they are the most uncharitable and schisma­tical part, as they cut off or unchurch all the Christian World save themselves, yet being as Christians united to the rest in the common faith, their Baptism & Ordinations are not nullities as they invest men in the [Page 58] Christian Society and Christian Ministry; though that part of them is a nullity which engageth men in a schism and in sin. That the Ministerial power is not the gift of Man, but only of Christ, who by the Charter of his recorded Word, giveth the power and the obligation to that person who is duely chosen and called thereto: As the Kings Charter giveth the power to the Mayor of a Corporation duly qualified and chosen: that the ordainers are but partly Judges of due qualification, and partly Ministerial In­vesters, and not at all the Donors of the Power: that ordination is for order sake needful, when it may be had to keep men from being Judgers of their own sufficiency: But order being only for the thing ordered, (as the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath) is not necessary against the end. That there is no necessity that a Superior must ordain: but as the Colledge of Physicians, Philosophers, &c. make Phy­sicians, Philosophers as approved, so may equals in the Ministry: Do not Bishops make or consecrate Bishops. If this were not so, who makes the Pope? If he did not pretend that his power is given him imme­diately from Christ, he must grant that there are some men above him to give it him, and so he is not the Soveraign. If they say that the power of Popes (and Kings) is given by the whole body (the Church) [Page 59] he is then no Pope: for it's known that three parts of the Christian World are against him. If he will say, None are the Church but those that are his party, any sect or re­bels may say the like, and appropriate au­thority to themselves.

Nothing more cheateth the ignorant, than ambiguous words, and confusion: And explaining those words, and needful plain distinction, would save the writing of many volumes, and would make truth easily meet the seeker, and unravel all the spider Webs of deceivers.

Do but well use these few distinctions and all Popery vanisheth into smoak. 1. Distin­guish between a Catholick Church as headed by Christ; (This we are all members of;) and a pretended Catholick Church, headed by the Pope or any men: This is another Church as to the denominating form, hav­ing another informing, unifying head: And this is it which we deny.

2. Distinguish visibility: Christs Church is so far visible as to have a Head who was visible on Earth, is visible in Heaven, and will visibly come to Judgment, and visibly reign for ever. It hath visible Laws, Pro­tection and Officers; The subjects bodies and their profession are visible; And it is no far­ther visible; no not as to the Souls or real faith of the subjects. The Papists Church hath an Usurping Visible Humane Head on earth.

[Page 60] 3. Distinguish of Baptism and Ordination as into Christs Catholick Church, and done by Papists as Christians; And as into the Popes Catholick Church and done by Pa­pists as Papists.

4. Distinguish of Subjection, and Commu­nion: We owe Communion when we owe no Subjection, and where men have no right to be our Governours.

5. Distinguish between Communion in Christianity, and that in Essentials, Integrals or Accidents; and Communion in errours and corruptions, or defects. We have Com­munion with Papists and all Christians in Christianity, (if they be Christians indeed:) But we renounce Communion in the errours and sins of them and all others, as far as we are able to avoid them. All Christians have Union and Communion in the Essentials of Christianity: No Christians have Union and Communion in all the Integrals (on Earth) all being imperfect: But the more such Union and Communion, the better. No Christians have, or ought to have Commu­nion in all the Accidents. All should avoid Communion in sin.

6. Distinguish between Communion of Hearts, Communion of Profession, and Com­munion in Local presence: We have Heart Communion in one Essential Faith, Hope and Love with all true Christians on Earth. We profess all one Faith in the Essentials: [Page 61] We have nearer Communion, or fuller with the Reformed Churches which are soundest in the Integrals, than we have with the more faulty and corrupt. But we have Lo­cal presence but in one place at once; and we ought to avoid Local presence where we cannot have it without sin, though we have Communion in Faith, Love and Pro­fession with the same men. If a Reformed Church will not admit our Local presence without subscribing some one untruth, we must be absent, when we may be present with a worse Church which excludeth us not by any such Imposition.

7. Accordingly distinguish of Separation: We separate not at all from Union or Com­munion with Papists as they are Christians, or as they hold any Truth: But 1. We separate from Subjection and Obedience to them, which we never owed them, or any other Church. 2. We separate from Com­munion with their Church, as it is a Policy informed by an Usurping Humane King or Head. 3. We separate from all their sins so far as we know them. 4. We deny Local presence in their Mass-worship, because of the sin imposed on us, both before it, and in it. 5. We are uncapable of Communion in all accidents, or mutable indifferent things.

Understand and use well these few plain distinctions, and you need little more to an­swer all the Papists.

[Page 62] And I fear not to add, that were the Pa­pists in my power (as I never did) I never would use any inhumanity or cruelty to­wards them; yea, I would use no Offensive, but only Defensive force against them; nor hurt one of them, further than they made it necessary for the Defence of the Land, or those whom they would hurt.

I knew not till a Book called The Liber­ties of England lately told me, how many very severe Laws are against them. I am no Judge of the times that they were made in, nor of their occasions: But I think that of late they have done more hurt than good: For 1. Some of them seem too severe. 2. Some I cannot prove to be justifiable; viz. Those which would compel them to come to our Sacramental Communion, when many a good Minister would not receive them if they came: And that which excommuni­cateth them that never were of our Com­munion: And that which layeth the Excom­municate as such in prison, &c. 3. It greatly tendeth to misinform Forreigners, who see­ing these Laws, think they are all put in Execution; and so believe those that tell them, that the Catholicks here are under constant Cruelties, and frequent Martyr­doms; whenas I never in all my life knew of one Papist that suffered so much for his Religion, as I have done my self, within these few years past, though my sufferings [Page 63] are so small as to be no meet matter of ve­ry great complaint. 4. These Laws being a continual danger to them (should there be Governours that would execute them) doth put them on continual plotting and striving against them. Sufferings, or great dangers, put men by fear upon self-defence, and the utmost endeavours for deliverance, who would be more quiet if they found them­selves in safety; and though their Clergy would be still plotting the recovery of the Papal power, to subject King and Kingdom to the Sacred King of Rome, yet the Laity would be less against the common Peace, when they found that it was their own Peace.

§ 12. I have told you what I mean not by Malignant Enmity to Godliness; I tell you now what I mean by it; viz.

When the blindness and ungodliness of cor­rupted Nature, increased by practice into Ser­pentine Enmity, and turning mens hearts by un­belief and disaffection from God and Heaven, doth possess them with a deep dislike of a holy, heavenly and spiritual life; first as to their own practices, and then as it is in others; and be­cause it is against their worldly hopes and fleshly lusts, they hate it, and reject it themselves, and then hate and maliciously oppose it in others; yea though Law, Custom, and worldly Interest draw them formally to profess Christianity and Obedience to Gods Laws, and to Vow that in Baptism, they hate the serious performance of [Page 64] their own Profession and Vows; and would be glad to drive it out of the world, and to set up Hypocrisie and Ceremony, or a Stage Religion and Mummery, or the toothless Mass and For­malities in its stead: And if custom or shame hinder them from persecuting or scorning Truth and Godliness in its proper name, they will shew their mind by these things following.

1. They will set up some worldly, fleshly Interest (like the Papal Kingdom) which is contrary to the Christian and holy Interest; and then they will persecute Christians not as Christians, nor as Godly in name, but as such indeed by pleading Conscience and Obedience to God, against their inconsistent interest and ways.

2. Among all that are against their car­nal false interest, they will cull out the more serious godly persons to afflict.

3. Among all the faithful, they will cull out those who do Christ most service in the world; because Christs service is it that is their disservice, and opposite to their sin.

4. They will make a scorn of their very Religious duties, and take up mimical deri­sions, to make them seem ridiculous or con­temptible.

5. When they can charge them with no crimes, they will purposely make Nets to catch them, as the Enemies of Daniel did by him, Dan. 6. And as the Spider makes her curious Webs to catch and kill the Flies.

[Page 65] 6. Yea they will make faults by slander, and lies, if not by perjuries, if they can find none.

7. Yea their virtue, piety and innocency shall be all called Hypocrisie; and when they cannot accuse their actions, they will accuse their hearts and secret thoughts, and judge them as if they had a Casement into their breasts.

8. Yea if their innocency cannot be so stained, they will hate them so much the more, because they cannot tread down their reputation.

9. They will search after, and aggravate all the failings of Religious people, and turn them into crimes.

10. If any one of them, or an Hypocrite, that's like them, be guilty of any notable fall, they will perswade men that all the rest of their lives is like that crime; yea and that all that profess much seriousness in God­liness, are as bad as they; that all the rest of the life of Noah, Lot, David, Solomon, &c. were as bad as the criminal part; and that all the Servants of Christ are Peter's, or Iudas's.

11. That it is not their sins, but their pie­ty which they hate, you will see in that they live in far greater sin themselves, and take it to be no great harm, but hate those that reprove them.

12. And they make light of the common [Page 66] crimes of others. They can bear with an Atheist, an Infidel, a Drunkard, a prophane Swearer, a derider of Godliness, yea a Per­secutor, a Fornicator, a man of no Religion, if he will but be for them, and serve their interest, and will not scruple Communion with such: But men never so sober, just and godly, that cross their wills and carnal ways, they cannot endure: And if they be such Clergy-men, as the world hath too many, such serious Godly men, for disliking their ungodliness, are made the common objects of their Pulpit and discoursing scorn or ac­cusations, and perhaps are excommunicate ipso facto, for dissenting from their Opi­nions or Wills.

13. Such usually in former ages have been the chief Instigators of Princes and Rulers, to hate men of serious Religion, and to stir up Persecution against them, and to render such odious to the world as Hereticks or intolerable Villains. O what difference is there between the true narratives of the Lives of Luther, Calvin, Beza, and abundance such, and the odious lies and defamations written of them by some others. Yea, those who commend Melancthon, Bucer, and many such for Learning and Moderation, hate their Doctrine of Reformation and serious Piety.

14. And you may note, that in any slan­der of a Godly man, they will sooner be­lieve one or two ignorant malicious Drun­kards [Page 67] against them, that never knew them, than the testimonies of hundreds of most faithful persons who praise and vindicate them, though they better knew them.

15. They seldom give the accused leave to speak for themselves before they believe Accusations against them; but conclude that they are as bad as back-biting malice report­eth them behind their backs.

16. They are glad to hear of any infamy of Religious persons, and loth to hear them praised without contradiction; and are glad to hear of any suffering which befals them.

17. If there be any publick differences in a Church, City or Land, they are usually against that side, which most favoureth se­rious Godliness, be they who they will. If the King, Parliament, and Bishops will be for the persons and ways of soberness, justice and serious Godliness, they would be on the other side. And they will cry up any that will cry them down, or would oppress them.

18. Lastly, The quality of the Enemies may help with the rest to tell what it is that they are against: when it is the genera­lity of worldlings, proud, ambitious men, sensual drunkards, gluttons, fornicators, pro­phane and irreligious, who hate Godliness so far, as to drive it from themselves and families, and rather venture on Hell fire, than be truly godly; it's easie to know what these hate in others.

[Page 68] I have told you who I mean by Malignant Enemies of Godliness, that the mistakers and slanderers of my words may have no excuse. Could we now but prevail against this Cainism, or Devilism, it would do much to recover the Peace of many Nations of the Earth: But Christ hath told us, that this En­mity between the seed of the Woman and the Serpent, of which Cain and Abel were the first specimen since the Fall, will never cease till Christ come, as is terribly descri­bed, 2 Thes. 1. 6, 10, 11, 12. and Matth. 25. But yet some Sauls may become Pauls, and for the hope of the recovery of such, I will adjoyn such Reasons as should convince any that have the use of Reason left.

Chap. III. Undeniable Reasons against Malignant Enmity to serious Godliness.

1. TO deny that there is a God who is the Supreme Governour of Man, is to be mad in despight of the whole world which proveth it: And it deposeth all Kings, who claim their Authority as given them by God, and as his Officers; for if there be no God, there's none to give them Authority: And to grant that there is a God, and yet deny him our love, honour and obedience, is to speak gross contradiction, or else profess [Page 69] open malice against God himself. If he be God, he is perfectly Wise; and should not perfect Wisdom govern us? If he be God, he is perfectly Good, and mans chief Bene­factor; and should he not then have our chiefest Love? If he be God, he is of abso­lute Power; and should he not then be obeyed? If he be God, he made us, and still maintaineth us, and we live continually by his will, and have all that we have of his bounty; and we, and all we have are whol­ly his own; and is not then all our thanks and service due to him? If he be God, he is our Judge, and will be just in punishing and rewarding; and should we not then serve him with the greatest fear, and with the highest hopes? These things are undeniable.

Dare any man that believeth there is a God, say, that man can Love him too much? or too much honour him, or obey him? Can we return him more than his due? It is therefore no less than practical Atheism, or else a rebellious defiance of God, to blame or hate men, for loving, honouring and ser­ving him to the very utmost of their power. And to deny God, or defie him, is a thou­sand fold more damnable sin and treason, than to deny and defie the King, or your own Parents.

2. God hath himself commanded man, to Love him with all his heart, and soul, and might; and to obey him with his [Page 70] greatest fidelity and diligence, and to fear him more than any creature, and to place our chiefest hopes on his promised rewards, and to seek first his Kingdom and Righte­ousness, and not to sin wilfully to save our lives, or gain all the world, Deut. 6. 5, 6, 7. & 10. 12. & 11, 12, 13, 14. Mat. 22. 37. Heb. 11. 6. 1 Cor. 15. 58. Luke 12. 4. Heb. 12. 28, 29. Mat. 10. 39, 42. & 16. 25, 26. & 6. 33. Luke 14. 26, 33. Mat. 5. 19, 20. And the Law of Nature speaks no less. And if God com­mand it, and you condemn it, do you not condemn God? If you command your Son, or Servant, or Subject any thing, he that blames him for obeying you, blames you more than him. If it be a fault of folly to love and serve God with all our heart, and mind, and might, the fault or folly would be Gods that requireth it, and not ours. And, is such a blasphemer meet for humane So­ciety, who will accuse his Maker? If God be blame-worthy, he is not perfect: And if he be not perfect, he is not God: And so to be against our utmost obedience, doth amount to no less than Blasphemy or Atheism.

3. Do you think that Man is a creature that needs to be blamed for loving or obey­ing God too much? Do you not know that Nature is vitiated by sin, and Man is now backward to God, and all that's good and holy? You may as well blame a lame man [Page 71] for running too fast, as a sinful man for o­beying God too much. It's more foolish than to blame a sick man for working or eating too much that can do neither? Or to hold a man in a Consumption from go­ing up the Hill too fast? Do you find your own hearts so forward to a holy life, as that you need pulling back or hinderance, when no exhortation or necessity will perswade you to it? And if you need no such reproof or stop, why should you think others need it? Do you not use to say that all men are sinners? And do sinners need to be blamed for obedience? Do you not daily confess that you have done the things which you ought not to have done, and left undone the things that you ought to have done, and there is no health in you; And yet will you blame men for too much Obedience? It seems then that your Confessions of sin are Professions of it; and while you tell what you have done, you do but tell what you mean to do, and what you would have all others do: or else you blame your selves for sinning, and hate your Neighbours for not sinning.

4. If you hate men for holiness and avoid­ing sin, you hate Jesus Christ most: for he was most holy, and free from all sin: And you hate the Angels and all in Heaven, for they are holy and void of all transgres­sion.

[Page 72] 5. Have you any better Master to serve than God? or any better work to do than he commandeth, or any better thing to seek and hope for than he hath promised? If not, should not the best be preferred. What do you love and seek your selves? Is money or fleshly pleasure better than God and Hea­ven? Is Sin and Sensuality a better employ­ment than his Service? Is your flesh and lust a better master? Compare them, and we are content that the best be preferred.

6. Why do you take on you to believe in Christ, if you be against holiness, and for sin? Christ came into the world to die for sin, to shew Gods hatred of it: And would you have us wilfully to commit it, and to despise his Blood? He came to destroy the works of the Devil; and will you plead for them? He came by his Doctrine, example and grace to bring man to holy obedience: And do you hate men for the same, and yet call your selves Christians?

7. How dangerously do you draw to­wards the sin against the Holy-Ghost, if you hate or blame men for being holy, or seeking to be such; when it is all the work of the Holy-Ghost on mens Souls to make them holy? It's a dangerous thing to hate the work of the Holy-Ghost; and as it were defy him, and do despite to him.

8. Are you not your selves in your bap­tism [Page 73] Vowed and Devoted to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, renouncing the world, the Flesh and the Devil? And do you hate men for being such as you have vowed to be your selves? And do you think that God will not severely reckon with you for such Perjury and base Perfidiousness.

9. Do you not in your daily hypocritical devotions condemn your selves by your own tongues? Do you not pray that the rest of your lives may be Pure and Holy? And at the same time hate Purity and Holiness? Do you not pray that Gods will may be done on Earth as it is done in Heaven? And can we have a higher, purer pattern? Do you know any that doth Gods will better than it's done in Heaven? Or is it not damnable hypocri­sy to pray for that which you hate, and hate all men that desire and endeavour it? When you say or hear all the ten Commandments, you pray, [Lord have mercy upon us and in­cline our hearts to keep this Law:] And do you hate men for endeavouring to keep it? If you come to the Lords Table, you confess your sins, and bind your selves in Covenant to forsake them, and to live a holy life, and you take the Sacrament upon it; And the Liturgy warneth you to take heed that you dissemble not, nor be hinderers of Gods holy word, lest the Devil enter into you as he did into Judas, and fill you with all unrighteousness. And if you hate or oppose that holy obedience to [Page 74] God which you profess, after all this, what must be the portion of such hypocrites? And in your Creed you profess to believe in God, the Father, Son and Holy-Ghost, and to hold a Holy Catholick Church, and the Communion of Saints; And yet do you hate Saints that obey the Father, Son and Holy-Ghost, and hate their Commu­nion?

10. Hath not God printed on mans nature such a sense of the difference between Good and Evil, as that all Laws and Government are founded in that sense? And no man loveth to be counted or called a bad or un­godly, or unconscionable man: A Lyar, a Knave, a Perjured man or a wicked man: And yet do you hate men for avoiding wick­edness?

11. Do not you use to accuse Religious men of some sin or other. (Truly or falsly) and think by that to make them odious? And yet do you accuse them, and hate them most for not sinning? To be Sober, Just and Godly is but to avoid sins of Omission and Commission. And do you at once accuse them as sinners and hate them for obeying God, and sinning no more?

12. Doth it never affright you to find the Devils nature in you, as hating the Divine or holy nature which is in faithful Godly men? And to think how openly you serve the Devil, and do his work? No man that [Page 75] believeth there are Devils can doubt, but that the hatred of God, as holy, and the ha­tred of his holy Word, and Work, and Ser­vants, is the Devils malignity, and the op­posing of them his work. If he were to write you his Commandments, they would be contrary to Gods, and the chief of them should be, [Thou shalt not Love God, nor serve him with all thy Heart, and Soul, and Might, nor Love those that do so; but hate, de­ride, oppose and persecute them. And is it honourable openly to serve the Devil? Christ tells such men, Ioh. 8. That the Devil is their Father, because they have his nature, and that his work they do, for he was from the beginning a Lyar, and a Malignant Mur­derer, and turned man from obeying God. And can you think that he loveth you, or that his Service against God is better than Gods; or his reward better?

13. Doth it never touch your Conscien­ces to consider that you are the Children and followers of cursed Cain; and how punctu­ally his case against Abel, and yours against Gods Servants is the same? By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his Gifts; and by it he being dead, yet speaketh, Heb. 11. 4. Cain hated him because God more accepted him and his offering; 1 Ioh. 3. 10, 11, 12. In this the Children of God are manifest, and the Chil­dren [Page 76] of the Devil: Whoever doth not righteous­ness is not of God, nor he that loveth not his Bro­ther: For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another: Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his Brother: And wherefore slew he him? because his own works were evil and his brothers righteous.

14. Is it possible that any man can unfeign­edly believe a Heaven as the reward of holy obedience, and yet think we can do too much to obtain it, or be too careful to make it sure? Is not everlasting glory worth the cost of a holy life? Or can it be too dearly bought?

15. Or is it possible to believe Gods Judgment, and Hells Punishment, and yet to hate those that do their best accord­ing to Gods own Counsel to escape it?

16. What monstrous cruelty is it in you to wish poor Souls to do that which God hath told us they shallbe damned for? God saith, Without holiness none shall see God, Heb. 12. 14. Except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, you shall in no wise enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, Mat. 5. 20. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God, Mat. 5. If ye live after the Flesh ye shall die, but if by the Spirit you mortify the deeds of the Body, ye shall live, Rom. 8. 7, 8. 13. What manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy [Page 77] Conversation and Godliness? 2 Pet. 3. 11. We receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved, let us serve God acceptably, with Reverence and Godly fear, for our God is a Consuming Fire, Heb. 12. 28, 29. Be stedfast, unmoveable always abounding in the work of the Lord, for asmuch as you know that your Labour is not in vain in the Lord, 1 Cor. 15. 58. This is the very tenor of the Gospel: And would you wish men to damn their Souls for nothing? To lose Heaven, and suffer Hell for ever, and all to avoid a pure and holy life? What a bloody motion is this? Worse than if you intreated us all to cut our own throats. Let us try first whether you will do far less at our request? Will you give the poor all your Lands and Estates? Will you run into Fire or Water, or set your own houses on fire when any will but desire it? It's like you have heard of the Woman who being tempted to adultery, desired the tempter first to hold his Finger in the Fire for her; Which when he refused, she told him, it was less reason she should burn in Hell to Satisfy his lust. If you will not part with your Life or Estate when another desires you, why should we part with Hea­ven for ever, and choose Hell at your de­sire?

Yea we see that you will not leave an ill-gotten gain, or a Sport, or a Whore, or a Drunken Cup, for all the Love of God, the [Page 78] blood of Christ, and the hope of Heaven; And shall we part with God, and Heaven, and Christ to humour you?

And what is it that you offer us instead of all that we must part with? And to ease the pain which we must undergo? Nothing, or worse than nothing. If we should re­nounce God and our hope of Heaven, you cannot give us health or wealth for it: Much less can you secure these or life to us till to morrow. And will any thing that you can give us, be better than Heaven to us? Or will it make Hell tollerable?

Will you undertake to answer for it at the bar of God, if we are charged with an ungodly, fleshly life, or omitting our necessa­ry duty? You cannot answer for your selves but by trembling confession: You cannot save your selves; Nor will all your wealth and honour get you one drop of Water to cool your tongues. And shall we trust that you can answer for us, or save us? When you would have any man wilfully to neglect that holy life which God enjoyneth, you would have him to be madder than one that would Burn his House, and Kill himself, if you did but require it. And what horrid cruelty is this? You are worse than man-eat­ing Cannibals? But the best is you cannot force us to it; And if you think to hire or flatter us into Hell, you must have some­what more to say, and to offer us than we [Page 79] yet ever heard of; Much less are we so much below Bedlams, as to forsake our Salvation, lest you should call us Precisians, or Puritans, or any such nick-name or word of scorn, as doth but shew the folly and mi­sery of the speaker. You will not be laught or mockt out of your Estates, or Lives; Nor we out of our Salvation. In short, Nature is not willing to lie in Hell, and Grace maketh us desire Heaven; And we never yet found that any thing else was more desireable.

17. And what is there amiss in the Word or Work of God, and in a serious godly life, that should make us be against it? Doth God make bad Laws? Are your wills and lusts and appetites a better law? Or could you have taught God to amend the Bible, or to govern better? God needs us not: His Laws are all made for our good? All his ways are pleasantness, and all his paths are peace. Speak true reason. Is it a better life to love a Whore, or to please Lust and Appetite, than to love God? What is there in Love and Obedience to God that should make it detestable, or make us miserable? Is it a greater trouble to live in hope of Heavenly Glory, than to live in the despair either of a Sadducee or a Rebel? You may wiselier tempt us to fall out with our food, or friends, or health. We know that Faith and Godliness, are not on­ly [Page 80] mans duty, but his interest, much more than health is to our bodies, food to our na­tures, and the converse of dearest friends to our delight.

18. We have had experience of both ways, and would you have us mad against our experience? We tryed the World and Sin too long, and found nothing in it but bru­tish pleasure and luscious Poyson: Nothing that will save Soul, life or health: And some tryal God in mercy hath given us of his love, and the life of obedient faith and hope: And the more we try it, the better we find it: Only we can reach to so small a degree as doth but tell us how good it is, and make us long for more. And whether the Devil would perswade, scorn or affright us from it, by his own mouth or by yours, we hope it shall be all in vain.

19. And who or what are you that would reason, mock or affright us from a life of obedience to God? Are you wiser than God, and dare you give him the lie, that we should believe you before him? Or are you better than God, that you can make a better choice for your selves and us? Are you more merciful than God, and would save us from some hurt that he would do us? Are you truer than God, and more to be believed? Are you greater than God, and more to be feared? Or are you not the most foolish, ignorant and damnably your selves [Page 81] deluded by the Devil: And shall the words or mocks of such, drive us to forsake our Souls and God? Should we obey you and lie in Hell for it for ever, it would be no small part of the torment of our Consciences, to think that we came thither by regarding the threats or scorns of worms and fools before all the Word, and Love of God and our Redeemer.

20. And before we change our Obedi­ence to God for another course, let us know what we shall change it for, and whether it be for something better: Hath your course made you better or happier than the faith­ful are? Do we not see and feel with sor­row, that the worldly, fleshly, ungodly sort, are in all Nations the Plagues of the Earth, and worse to mankind than Wolves and Serpents? They will not let the world live in peace; striving and fighting for dominion and mastership, and more of the world, they are like Dogs about their Carrion, worrying and tearing one another: They turn Man into a more odious creature than Swine or Toads, by filthy lusts, and horrid prophane­ness: They make their Countreys worse than Bedlam, raving against that which the God of Heaven hath commanded and made necessary to Salvation. And are these such good and pleasant fruits as should entice us to change our master, work and hopes, for this, and worse that followeth it?

[Page 82] And who shall be our Rule, if we forsake God and his Word? If Princes, how many minds are they of through the world? And are they all in the right? Or how shall we know which is right but by the Word of God? Or must all men be for the God and Religion of his King? If it were Prelates, of how many minds are they through the world, and how bitter in condemning one another? If it must be the major part, how shall obscure men know who those be that can have no just cognisance of the state of the Earth, whether Papists, Greeks, Jaco­bites, Nestorians, &c. be the major part? And how shall we know that the major part of the Clergy are the best and soundest, when we see that the major part of the Laity is usually the worst? Or is it certain that the Papists Bishops are sounder than our Protestant Bishops, because they are more? If we forsake our Concord in God and his Word, we can have none.

21. What mean you to do with Conscience, your own, and ours, and other mens? Con­science is Gods Officer in us, and judgeth of men and actions as they stand subject to God and his Judgment. To drive Conscience out of the world, and to drive all reverence and obedience to God out of the world, is all one. To subject Conscience to Lust or Man, is to subject God to Lust or Man in our esti­mation and practice. And is God so easily [Page 83] deposed? And will he give up his Scepter to a scorner, a drunkard, or a persecutor?

And what shift will you make at home to quiet Conscience in your selves? You little know how deep it biteth, and how hardly it is quieted, when it is awaked, as shortly and certainly it will be: Then Iudas will bring back his price, and say, I have sinned in be­traying innocent blood; and all the comfort his companions will give him is, See thou to that: What's that to us? And hanging or pre­cipitating himself is next. It's like he before thought as you do, that he could have better mastered his Conscience: But you may as wisely think to conquer pain and death.

But whatever you do with your own, if we should leave our obedience to God, to obey you, or any men, we know not what we should do with our own Consciences, nor how to quiet them. God hath brought us out of that Darkness and Lethargy which quieted them in sin heretofore: And we cannot now be ignorant of that duty to God, that self-interest, that danger to wilful sinners, and that evil of sin, which would be­gin Hell in us here: And are not your scorns and threatnings easier than this?

22. Do not most men at death see the madness not only of enmity, but of neglect of a holy life, and wish that they might die the death of the righteous, and that their last end might be like his? Had you rather [Page 84] die a Dives or a Herod, or a Lazarus or a Paul? Is it not a shame to your devilish cause and you, to see men live in one mind and die in another? And scorn, hate and persecute serious Godliness till the Sentence of death is past upon them, and then to wish they were such themselves. Or if you be more hardened to the last, you are the more hopeless: But how quickly did such another change his note, and cry, Father Abraham, send one to my five brethren to warn them, that they come not to this place of torment? If you mock at these words, you mock at Christ that spake them, and sure you look not to be saved by a derided Christ. And it's base Hypocrisy to deride him, and yet call your selves Christians, and go to Church as if you served him. Live as you would die and be judged, for you shall be judged as you live and die. Either hold to the mind that you will never change, or change it quickly before it be too late.

23. If you know what a man is, you know that his Soul is better than his corruptible flesh; And if you think your Throats and Guts and Fancies worth all the Cost and Care and Labour which you bestow on them in the world, shall not we think our Souls worth more? What Godly man that you think makes too much a do for Heaven, doth bestow more time, and words, and labour for it, than you do for the Flesh and World? [Page 85] Do we not see how men will labour at land, and venture through dangerous Seas, and Fight in Wars, and Plot against all that stand in their way▪ and this all day, from year to year, and all for Provision for Flesh and Fan­cy. And do those that you accuse do more for their Salvation? If you know not now, you will shortly know, which makes the better choice and bargain.

24 What harm doth Godliness and Con­science do you in other men? Had you not rather have a son that takes Disobedience, Whoredom, Gaming and Drunkenness for sin, than one that makes no Conscience of them? Had you not rather have a Wife whose Conscience restrains her from Scolding and Adultery, and a Servant that makes Conscience of robbing or deceiving you, than one that doth not? Sure unconsciona­ble Servants and Debtors are more trouble­som than they that fear God and believe that injustice is a damning sin? But the truth is, most wicked men are for so much Conscience and Religion in others, as re­strains them from wronging or hurting them; but no more, nor for that much in themselves which may restrain them from hurting others.

But if you resolve rather to be damned than to be Sober, Just and Godly, and obey God against the flesh; Why cannot you bear with other men that make a wiser choice? [Page 86] What hurt doth their praying do you; or their preaching, while they are responsible for any ill Doctrine? What if they be read­ing the Scripture, or hearing Directions for a holy life, while you are Drinking, or Gaming, or reading a Romance, or Rail­ing Libel, doth their Piety hurt you? What if they dare not Swear and Drink as you do, doth this do you any harm? What is it but the Serpentine enmity that maketh you hate those that never hurt you?

25. If you will believe God, it is for the sake of Godly men that God preserves the World from ruine: He would have saved Sodom had there been but ten such persons in it: He will not destroy the world, till he hath gathered all his chosen out of it: And do they deserve to be most hated?

26. How exceeding dear a love hath God and our Redeemer exprest, to all holy, obe­dient believers? God calls them his Jewels, his Treasure, in whom he delighteth; He gave Christ specially for them: He sealeth them to Salvation by his Spirit: he justifieth them, and will glorify them in Heaven: Christ calls them Flesh of his Flesh, his Friends, his Spouse, they are united to him, he washeth them in his blood, and feedeth them with his Flesh, and will make them equal to the Angels, and will condemn their Enemies: And are not you devilish enemies [Page 87] to God and Christ, who cull out those for your malice and Enmity, whom God choos­eth out to magnify the wonders of his Love on them for ever?

27. The Angels of Heaven rejoyce at the Conversion of a sinner, Luke 15. 10. And rejoyce to be Christ Servants for their de­fence continually: And is it not Devils then and their Servants and Souldiers that are against them? Take heed; Gods Angels that smote a Herod, may do execution on you ere long.

28. The Holy Ghost saith, 1 Cor. 6. That the Saints shall judge the world, and even the Angels, that is, the evil ones: Did you believe this, you would be afraid to hate and persecute them now.

29. Even Heathens are for much honour­ing and worshiping their Gods; yea many offer them too costly Sacrifice: What praises doth Iulian give to the Sun, and what strict­ness of life doth he Command his Priests? What great contempt of the Body and the World, did the Platonists, the Stoicks and the Cynicks profess? And shall profest Christi­ans hate those that are obedient to the true God yea to shew that the War between Good and Evil goeth on in all the World; even among Heathens those that were for true virtue were despised and hated by the sensual.

30. And is it not a self-condemning thing [Page 88] in those that accuse Gods Servants as mak­ing too much adoe in obeying the Law of God, and yet make (as the Church of Rome doth) abundance more Laws or Canons of their own, and require precise obedience to them all? Yea will burn men at a Stake for breaking their Laws; Doth God make too much work in the Judgment of them that think it not enough without much more, as if Gods Law were too narrow and insuffi­cient? Yea learn by the Church of England, whose Canons (5, 6, 7, 8.) ipso facto ex­communicate them that do but affirm any thing to be repugnant to Gods word in their Liturgy, Ceremonies or Church Governing Offices: And can you think that obeying God deserveth hatred, when disobeying men deserveth excommunication? Learn of our late Laws, which account all the Ministers of England worthy to be cast out and silenced if they dare not take the imposed Declarati­ons, Oaths and Subscriptions, and do what the Act of Uniformity imposeth; And do you think it worthy of reproach to be as strict in obeying Gods known Laws, as is required to the Act of Uniformity and the Canons?

31. Even the Church of Rome applaudeth great Rigor and Strictness of life, in such as will obey the Pope; And they have allow­ed Orders of Fryars whose rules tye them to great abstinence, to much praying, and some [Page 89] to much Preaching, so that Religion is all their calling. And shall the strict obeying of Gods known Laws render men odious a­mong professed Protestants? Yea the Pa­pists honour the very Bones and Relicks of their dead Saints? And you your selves keep holy days for many Saints: And will you at the same time hate and hurt those that endeavour to imitate them? Will you imitate those Pharisees whom Christ pro­nounceth Woe against, who at once honoured the dead Prophets with building them Mo­numents or Tombs, and murdered the liv­ing that succeeded them?

32. You can never come to Heaven, or be saved from Hell your selves, without serious Holiness, Justice and Sobriety: And will you hate that without which you cannot be saved?

33. Scarce any sin doth more certainly prove you to be ungodly, than hating godli­ness: What ever hope there may be of those that sin against Conscience, and wish to be better, and purpose Repentance, that man cannot be a truly Godly man, that is an Enemy to godliness, so that this is a dread­ful deaths mark on you.

34. You would extirpate the principle of self-love, which God hath made insepara­ble from us. There is somewhat in our na­ture which we cannot lay by, which makes us unwilling to be damned. If you that be­lieve [Page 90] no Hell, dare venture into it, we can­not do so, who do believe it. If you say, that it is our folly to believe that none shall be saved without Holiness, and mortifying the deeds of the body by the Spirit, bear with that folly which doth you no harm: It is not Men or Devils that we had it from, but the Holy Ghost in Scripture. If it be your wisdom to give God the lie, and be­lieve a Drunken sot, or the Devil, before him, it shall be none of ours: Speed as you choose, and let us speed as we choose: we shall meet your Souls shortly in another mind and tune. Strive not to make us choose damnation now our Eyes are open: We were once too easily befool'd: but cannot now so hate our selves.

35. Moreover, he that would not have a man live a life of holy obedience to God, would have him lay by that which he was made for, and that which God continueth his life for, and that which he hath his reason and all his daily mercies for. What else have we to do in the World? Have men going to the Grave and Eternity, nothing to do but Eat and Drink, and Laugh, and Play, and run up and down like Ants with sticks and straws, and then die, and call all vanity and vexation too late? If we may not spend our time in making sure of a better World, we had rather we had never been born, or had died in infancy, or that we had a dose [Page 91] of Opium that would make us sleep out the rest of our lives in quietness, rather than spend it as you do, and then give a sad ac­ [...]ount of all: we had rather we had been Birds or Beasts, Dogs or Swine than Men, were it not for that life which you hate, and the hopes which depend on it. It had been a greater kindness to us to have mur­dered us at the birth, than to tempt us to live for our damnation.

36. What do you think it is that is Gods Image on mans Soul, you know that it's said in Scripture that God made man at first in his own Image, and that Christ by his Spirit re­neweth them to that Image. What is it think you, God hath not hands and feet, and bodily parts as we have? It is the Soul that hath his Image. And do you think it is the love of Money, and Lust, and Sport, or Gluttony, or Drunkenness that is his Image? Scripture saith Eph. 4. 23, 24. Colos. 3. 10. it is Holiness: And this is called the Divine nature, as coming from God, and in­clining nature unto God. Either Holiness, Wisdom and Righteousness is Gods Image, or else there is none such on man; And then you make Gods Word to be false. And if this be it, and this it which you hate, are you not haters of God? And is not that to be devilish and hated by God?

37. While you are angry at them that say few are saved, or that none but Saints [Page 92] or serious godly obedient men are saved, you would sink all the World into utter des­pair, and make none or next none to be saved. One part of the haters of godliness believe no life to come; And these would have all men despair. For if there be none, there is none to be hoped for: and they that think men die but as Dogs & Swine do, must be expected to live like Dogs & Swine. The other part of you, labour by all means to make themselves and others believe that the profession of more godliness than world­ly carnal men have, is but hypocrisy, and that such are at the heart as bad as others: And if this be so, what is the consequence, but that none are saved? For unless you will give God the lie, or be saved in spite of him, you must believe that none are saved that are not sanctified by the Spirit of Christ, and live not after the Spirit, mortifying the flesh, Ioh. 3 3, 5. Heb. 12. 14. Rom. 8. 6, 7. 8, 9, 13. 2 Cor. 5. 17. And that no man can be saved that loveth the world more than God and Heaven, and fleshly pleasure more than holiness. And therefore if there be none such, then none are saved. Hypocrisy will not save men: God tells us that Drun­kards, Fornicators, Covetous, Thieves, Ex­tortioners, Revilers, Effeminate, Idolaters, cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, 1 Cor. 6. 9, 10. Eph. 5. 5. And if any man love the world (best) the love of the Father [Page 93] is not in him, 1 Ioh. 2. 5. And if all that pretend to be better are hypocrites, than none at all are saved.

It may be you have the kindness to ex­cept some few. But if those few be all that be not either carnal men (described Rom. 8. 5, 6, 7, 9.) or hypocrites, how few then do you make to be saved, if God be true?

38. Who do you think it is that Christ meaneth, when he saith, I send you as Lambs among Wolves? Ye shall be hated of all men for my names sakes; Blessed are they that suffer per­secution for righteousness sake? When they say all manner of evil of you falsly for my sake: The World will hate you as it hated me, because you are not of the World, but I have chosen you out of the World: Marvel not if the World hate you? As many as will live godly in Christ Iesus shall suffer Persecution, &c. Who do you think all this is spoken of? It is not of you, that are fleshly, worldly, ungodly men; Who Perse­cuteth you for righteousness sake? Who hateth, revileth or imprisoneth, or fineth you, for living godly in Christ Jesus? Do you suffer as much for reviling Preachers, as we have done for Preaching? What suffer you for all the Oaths that be sworn daily in Streets and Taverns, and the horrid pro­phaneness, Atheism, Sadduceism, Infidelity that men are guilty or? If you did suffer for Whoredom, Drunkenness, Blasphemy is that for Christ or righteousness? When [Page 94] the Holy Ghost saith, As he that was born after the Flesh persecuted him that was born af­ter the Spirit, even so it is now, is it such as you that he meaneth? When Peter saith, [They speak evil of you, and falsly accuse your good conversation in Christ, 1 Pet. 3. 16. whom meaneth he? When he saith, 1 Pet. 4. They think it strange that you run not with them to all excess of ryot (lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings and abominable idolatry) who do you think he meaneth? And when he saith, 1. Pet. 2. 9. Ye are a chosen Generation, a royal Priest-hood, a holy Nation, a peculiar People, that ye should shew forth the praises of him that hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light; who is it that he meaneth? You'll say, It is Christians: True: But is it Hypocrites? Is it those that will say at last, Lord we have Prophesied in thy Name, and Eat and Drunk in thy presence, to whom Christ will say, Depart from me, ye workers of Iniquity, I know you not? Sure false Christians are worse than Heathens.

39. The way which you take against Re­ligious persons doth shew who it is that sets you on work, and what it is that is the root of your enmity. As Gods Image is in the understanding, will and executive power of man, so is Satans; and he is accordingly described by Christ, to be 1. A Liar and Deceiver; 2. A Malignant, Hater of Goodness, or Ho­liness; and a cause of sin; 3. A hurtful [Page 95] murderer or destroyer. And these are the three ways by which Godly people are pro­secuted in the world. 1. Belying them is grown so common with their enemies, that there is nothing scarcely so notoriously false which they will not affirm of them, and it's well if some will not preach it, print it, or swear it: And they make one another easi­ly believe it. Till experience proved it, I did not think that humane nature had been liable to such impudent, monstrous lying.

2. The daily business of many is, by wit and diligence to draw men to hate Religi­ous men on false pretences: As plainly as Christ preacheth and urgeth Love, as his great Commandment; so plainly do these press and urge men to Hatred: But of this before.

3. And Hatred tends to Hurtfulness: What plotting and labouring is there in the world, to ruine and destroy each other? The malignant spirit is blood-thirsty. It's strange how the unclean Devils thirst to draw or suck some blood from Witches. Nothing more alienates me from the Papal Kingdom, than that it lives like Leeches up­on blood. To read over the History of the Inquisition, and of their Massacres, would make Men take Toads, and Adders, and mad Dogs, and Wolves, for harmless things in comparison of some Men. If any would requite them (or others) with the like, I hate it in Protestant or Papist. The Turks [Page 96] conquered the Greek Empire, partly by the mutinous divisions of the Christians, and partly by promising them Liberty of Reli­gion: And when the Christians thought they should have that, they yielded up the Empire with the less resistance. And that which was so advantageous to the Infidels, might, well used and limited, be more ad­vantageous to the Christian Truth and Church.

But though good things may be used in an ill cause, it is a sign of a bad cause which needeth bad means. That cause which is carried on by Lying, Perjury and Deceit, by malignant Love-killing, endeavours, and by cruelty, and hurtfulness, and blood, is there­by made suspicious to all wise men. It is a wonder of impudency in Baronius, Binnius and other Papists, to justifie Martin, a Ca­nonized Saint, for renouncing Communion to the death with the Synods and Bishops who perswaded the Emperor to draw the Sword against the Gnostick Priscillianists; and themselves to defend a thousand-fold greater cruelties and murders in their own Church on the account of Religion: But sin is mad self-contradiction.

4. I conclude with this great truth: They that hate and oppose Godly mens obedience to God, do seek to silence the chief Wit­ness of Christ, and to cast out Christianity from the Earth. Christianity cannot be pro­ved [Page 97] to be true, but by the Spirit, which is its Seal and Witness. This Witness of the Spirit was not only extraordinary in Lan­guages and numerous Miracles, but also or­dinary in the work of Sanctification. This Seal is set on all that shall be saved in all times and places. The Lord knoweth who are his: And let him that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. He re­deemed us to purifie to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works: Teaching us, that deny­ing ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world: Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Sa­viour Iesus Christ, Tit. 2. 12, 13, 14. By this healing work Christ is known to be indeed our Physician, the real Saviour that saveth his people from their sins. As man gene­rateth man, and the Father is known by the similitude of the Child; and as he is known to be a good Artist that can make others such. This is Christs standing Witness in all times and places. And when you would turn this into scorn, and cloud it with slan­ders, or the charge of Hypocrisie, and would have such judged an odious people, and have them driven out of the world, what do you in effect but spit in the face of Christ, and crown him with Thorns, and call him a Deceiver, and crucifie him afresh, and seek to expel Christianity from the [Page 98] Earth? What reasonable man could believe Christ to be Christ, the Saviour of the world, if he did not sanctifie men, and make them much better and fitter for Heaven than other men?

So that in this you directly militate for the Devil, the World and the Flesh, against God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, against the Holy Catholick Church, and the Com­munion of Saints, and the Hope of Resur­rection and life everlasting; which if you did openly under the name of Infidels or Heathens, or rather as the profest Souldiers of the Devil, it were less disingenuous and hypocritical, than to do it in the Church, and under Christs colours, and in the Chri­stian name.

And you must be sure that you are stron­ger than God and our Saviour, if you will prevail to the last. God hath undertaken the defence of the Just: Christ hath under­taken to present them triumphant before his Father, and cast their Enemies into Hell. Are you sure you can overcome him? Vile Worms that cannot fetch a breath without him! When began you to be stronger than God? Was it in the womb? or in Infancy when you could not go? Or was it when the Devil and the Flesh made you mad or drunken in ignorant malice? If so, the drun­ken fit will soon be over, and God will awake a tormenting Wit. If you can con­quer [Page 99] God, try your strength first on his works: Stop the Sun: change Night and Day: turn the Tide of the Sea: live with­out Meat or Air: resolve that you will ne­ver die: save all your Friends from death. Can you do none of this, and yet will you venture a War against God? Or do you think to fight against his Servants, and bribe him to be on your side, and forsake them to your rage? Did Christ take Mans Nature, and die to save them, and will he now turn on Satans side against them? He overcame the Devils temptation on Earth; yea called Peter Satan, Mat. 16. when he would have tempted him not to die for his chosen. Let Men or Devils go try him in his Glory, whether he will change his mind, and take your part against his own holy Truth and Servants.

Chap. IV. Objections and false Accusations answered.

BUT I know that as Christ and his Apostles were not hated, nor killed without pretended cause and reason, nor the Martyrs murdered without accusation; so none will now justifie the scorning or per­secuting an innocent person, or a Saint as such, but they will first make them odious, [Page 100] and seem worthy of all that is done against them. They will say, It is not godly men, but wicked Hypocrites that we hate and prosecute; a false and odious sort of persons, who are un­ruly, and set up their own wit and will against the Laws and Governours of the several King­doms where they live: They are the very worst of men.

Ans. If they are so indeed, they are none of the men that I am pleading for, nor you the men that I reprove. But before we come to particular Accusations, it is your wisdom to answer these few Questions.

1. Have you particular matter against them to make good this charge? Or is it only a general malicious Accusation?

2. Is it individual persons that you mean, by whom it's proved? or do you thus accuse whole companies of men? What if one said of Papists, Jews or Turks, They are Murderers, Adulterers, Perjured, &c. Do you think he were not an odious slanderer, to speak that of all or most, or the whole Party, which he can prove but by some few?

3. Do you know all the persons whom you accuse? And have you heard it proved? Or do you not say this of whole Congrega­tions assembled to worship God, of whom you know not one of many? If this be so, it's inhumane calumny.

4. Have the particular persons been heard [Page 101] speak for themselves, and give the reason of their actions? and were they proved insuffi­cient? Or were they condemned unheard? Or was Gods Word derided and taken for no reason?

5. Do you not know that the Devil is the great Accuser of the Brethren? and that he hath malice and craft enough to say as bad as you can say, by the best of men? and must he be believed?

6. Are you sure you can make God be­lieve you, that these men are as bad as you affirm? If not, and if he find a man in prison for obeying his word, and ask who laid him there, will you undertake to prove that he was laid there for some crime? If God own him, and say, he is my Servant, will you confute him, and say, No, but he is a Schisma­tick, God knoweth a Saint from a Schisma­tick better than you do. Sheep-steelers use to sheer the sheep and cut out the mark: But they have to do with men: Gods mark is where man cannot take it away; And the foundation of God standeth sure. The Lord knoweth who are his.

7. Know you not that Christ, and his A­postles and all the Martyrs were as deeply charged, and put to death as Malefactors? We must then have better proof than accu­sation.

8. If they prove faithful Christians whom you thus accuse, Christ hath undertaken [Page 102] their Justification: It is his office. And do you think to baffle him? Can he not answer you? Rom. 8. 32, 33, 35. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect? It is God that justifieth: Who is he that will condemn them?

9. Have you not greater sins your selves than those whom you accuse? If so, you condemn your selves. Would you have God judge of them as you do? If so, do you not tell him how to judge of you, and even crave him to condemn you?

10. Doubtless you know that you are sinners: And how think you to be justified at the Bar of God? Is there any but Christ to judge and justify you? And do you think he will justifie his Enemies, that hated, ac­cused and condemned his Servants?

11. Those that dwell near godly Chri­stians and should know them, are more un­excusable for their malice and slanders than forreigners and strangers are. Men of ano­ther land or age may be deceived by lying fame or history. But you that are their Neighbours are without excuse. I speak for none but persons fearing and obeying God: And you might easily have known that they are neither Fornicators, Drun­kards, Perjur'd, swearers, Liars, Oppressors, Thieves, nor suffer for any such crimes as these.

12. And if they are as wicked as you say, [Page 103] why do you not prosecute them for such wickedness? What are the French Pro­testants now prosecuted and ruin'd for? Have any Judicatures proved them guilty of any such crimes against God or Man? Or is it not only for worshiping God contrary to the Kings and Prelates Laws? And how is that? As Christs Apostles did: They refuse nothing in Gods worship which God com­manded, or any of Christs Apostles used, or any Churches in their days or long af­ter. And did the Apostles offer God so odious a worship as deserved hatred and de­struction? When Daniels Enemies designed his ruine, they said, Dan. 6. We shall find no matter against this Daniel except it be concern­ing the Law of his God; And so they got a Law made against praying to any God but the King for a certain time. Daniel must be cast to the Lions for breaking the Kings Law: The poor flies deserve death for coming into the Spiders Web: But did not the venomous Worm Spin it of purpose out of her own Bowels, or condensate air, to take and kill the flies by craft? In England there are many that worship God as the French Protestants do, and no better than Christs Apostles did: If this be their hor­rid wickedness that makes them unworthy to live out of Prison, say so, and pretend no other. But if it be Heresie, false Doctrine, Perjury, Fornication, Robbing, Treason, Se­dition [Page 104] or any other crime, why are they not accused of these before the Judges? And why are those charged with them that never were so accused and proved guilty? Will not all wise men take those persons for ma­licious Liars, who by their published accu­sations thus odiously charge multitudes, and never offer to prove it against them at the Judicatures? Their accusation shews they want not will, therefore their not prosecut­ing them for any such sort of crimes, shews that it is truth that is wanting.

13. And if they be such wicked persons, whence is it, that they are charged meerly with Hypocrisy, by such as say, that they live soberly and justly and demurely, but they are at the heart as bad as others. Their accusers commonly confess that they are most free from all immoralities, and have an outward shew of righteousness, but these heart-searchers see that their hearts are bad. And do they not by this confute their own accusations?

14. And why is it that they that know them best can see none of the wickedness which you accuse them of, (beyond those hu­mane infirmities of which they most accuse themselves). As I have oft done, I again solemnly profess, as one that cannot be far from my account before the judge of all the the World, that having now lived to the 68th year of my age, and been most familiar [Page 105] since the age of sixteen or seventeen, with that sort of men whom the Vulgar then cal­led Puritans (described by Mr. Bolton and such other Conformists) though I have met with many that had their mistakes and frail­ties, and troublesome differences in lesser things, and some Hypocrites intruded among them, yet I never knew any other sort of men comparable to them in Christian Know­ledge, Faith, Obedience to God, Hatred of sin, Care of their duty to God and man, So­briety, Temperance, Chastity, Truth, Hea­venly desires, endeavours and hopes: And that they so far excelled the rest of my acquaintance, as made their grace amiable to me, and confirmed my belief of the Sa­cred Scripture: Yea more, if I had not had the happiness of knowing such a sort of men that in holiness, Justice and Love excelled the rest of my acquaintance, or at least cre­dibly heard of such, I could not have be­lieved in Christ, as a Saviour of men whom he made no better than Turks and Infidels; Nor could I have believed a Heaven for men no better prepared for it. And that now near my end, I see so great a difference in Holiness, Justice and Charity, between those commonly reviled for worshiping God but as the Apostles did, and those that hate and persecute them, as greatly helps me in believing that there is a Saviour and Sancti­fier, and Heaven for the faithful, and a De­vil [Page 106] that deceives the rest, and a hell that will receive them; which is even visibly begun on Earth.

Accus. But (say they) it is not for their Godliness or Sobriety that we accuse them, but for their sin, and wickedness.

Ans. Still this is but General, and signifi­eth nothing. But, 1. What is that odious sin? 2. It's Gods merciful Providence that keeps sin in general under such shame, as that the actors of it speak against it, even in their slanders. 3. But if this be the true cause why do you cull out those that have least sin to fasten your accusations of sin up­on? If there be a conformable Minister that is more Holy, Charitable, and Zealous a­gainst sin than the rest, he is one of those that is called a Puritan and accused of sin? Why do we hear none of your furious charges against the common Drunkards Re­vellers, Gamesters, Whoremongers, Perse­cutors, Profane Blasphemers, Lyars, and the Families that call not upon God, shew no serious regard of any Religion at all? You can live among these, and Swear and Drink, and Play with them, and never cry out against them as bad men.

[Page 107] Accus. But religion, being the best thing, the Corrupters of that are worse than Drunkards, and Swearers, and Adulterers.

Ans. Such corrupters there may be as are worse indeed: But what is it that they cor­rupt Religion in? They subscribe to all the Bible, and the ancient Creeds? And if need be to the English Articles of Religion. Is not all that enough? Their many large pub­lished writings tell the world their Judg­ment in Religion; Such as Mr. Arthur Hil­dershams, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Greenhams, Dods, Anthony Burges, Richard Alleins, and a­bundance such: What errors are in these?

2. Why are they not these twenty years accused of Preaching false Doctrine, and proved guilty and punisht for it, if they are such?

3. If it be not in Doctrine what is it?

Accus. They worship God contrary to the Law; in not using the Common-Prayer book.

Ans. 1. Those that constantly joyn in the Parish Churches in the Common-Prayer are as much hated, Reviled and Prosecuted as the rest. Therefore this charge is but hy­pocrisy.

2. What do they that for matter or man­ner [Page 108] is positively contrary to Law in Gods worship: They read Scripture, Pray, Preach, Praise God with Psalms, Communicate in the Lords Supper: Doth the Law forbid any of this?

3. Not using the rest of the Liturgy is a Negation, and no Act at all, and therefore no act of worship, and therefore no unlaw­ful act, no more than silence is: He that is silent, and he that omits the rest of the Li­turgy, worships not God by using it; but he doth nothing contrary to it, or forbidden by it.

4. If Peter and Paul were unknown in England, and worshipt God but as they did on Earth, would you therefore call them Rogues or Rebels, or lay them in the jail? Did they worship God in an odious, intole­rable manner? Did the Holy-Ghost by them write an infallible Rule for all things neces­sary in Religion? and yet are they unsuffera­ble rogues that worship God but according to that rule?

5. Are they wiser men than they that have made us another rule or worship? or have they more of Gods Spirit, and more authori­ty in religion?

6. Do not the Imposers say that all which they add is no part of Religion, but things indif­ferent? And are they odious corrupters of Religion, who omit no part of Religion, but only humane indifferent things?

[Page 109] 7. Do you not reverence the Church for some hundred years after Christ, which im­posed no Liturgies, but left every Pastor to use his own Prayers?

8. Do you not harden the Papists that call our Religion new, and ask where it was two hundred years ago, if you make the Li­turgy as now formed and imposed, our Reli­gion, when it is not two hundred years old.

9. The Godly Bishops of England have ever owned the other Protestant Churches, and their Communion, who have none of our Liturgies, nor any like it.

10. If this be the odious crime, why do you never Revile or Prosecute the Atheists, Infidels, Sadduces, Hobbists, and those ma­ny thousands that seldom if ever go to any Church, or worship God publickly at all? Is the worship that Peter and Paul used worse than irreligiousness and infidelity?

11. Who can believe that you are sin­cerely zealous against misworshiping God, when you can ordinarily your selves be in a drinking house or playing house, at the time of publick worship? And when so few of you ever so much as worship God in your Families, by Prayer, or read the Scripture, or Catechise your families?

12. Is it not a strange thing to hear men accuse others for not using the Liturgy in Gods worship, and at the same time would [Page 110] have them that refuse it, to be forbidden all publick worshiping of God at all? Doth this signify any dislike of their omitting Gods worship? Which is the more ungodly omis­sion? to omit all worship of God and live like Atheists, or to omit only so much of the Liturgy as the Apostles used not? I have known many that could not eat cheese, as is said before (nor scarce smell it without danger of Death:) If you would have a Law made that such shall eat no other meat, few wisemen will believe that it is their health and life that you desire. If a man fail in paying his Landlord some odd act of Service, will you make a Law that he shall pay nothing at all? If a Subject neglect pay­ing some excise, or using Bow and Arrows, will you forbid him paying any thing, or serving the King at all? Sure they that for­bid men all publick worship, be offended at somewhat else than that men do not rightly worship God, unless they think that not to worship him at all is better than doing it without their Book.

Obj. But he shall be Compelled to better worship.

Ans. How? when he lieth in jail he can­not publickly worship God at all. Is that bet­ter worship? I know it is banishment which some would have executed. And will men worship God any better among Heathens or Infidels, or others? Or why should other [Page 111] Countries endure them, if they be not to be endured in their own?

Are not English-men that worship God only by their own Book, as much Noncon­formists when they are in other Lands, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Holland, &c. as those are here that do not use it: And are they there intolerable and worthy of ruine?

Did the Apostles or first Churches banish any on such accounts? Will Christ banish them from his Kingdom? Hath he made any such Laws? And is not he the absolute Soveraign? Hath he left his Servants to the will of man, to use them how they will, or cast out of his Church whom they will? Are you sure these are none of the number of whom Christ saith, I was hungry and ye fed me not, &c. In as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these my Brethren, you did it not to me, Mat. 25.

Accus. But they are Schismaticks, and Separate from the Church; and is not that a dam­nable sin?

Ans. 1. Being speaking only to malignant enemies of serious Godliness, I say; It is not only Separatists that you hate, but Godly Conformists yea perhaps most of all, because you are more restrained from hurting them. How oft hear we Curses and Revilings against [Page 112] Conforming Puritanes, or as some call them [Church Whigs.] If they are not haters of their brethren, but Friends to Love and Peace, you nickname them [Trimmers.] And cursing those whom Christ blesseth, when he saith, [Blessed be the Peace-makers, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven] You say, [Cursed be the Trimmers, and would the King­dom were rid of them.] It is any that are for a holy life, and obedience to God, that you abhor.

2. As I said before, you spare those that come to the Parish Churches no more than others: The old Nonconformists wrote more against Separation than any else in England did. And yet were hated as intole­rable. The reconcilers who are since made Nonconformists, did publickly offer to be Subject to Arch-Bishops and Bishops, to use the Liturgy themselves if reformed, and if it were not, yet never pleaded for se­paration: And yet are never the more en­dured.

2. But who is it that they separate from? Do they not profess Union and Commu­nion with the whole Catholick Church on Earth? What separation do you mean? Is it their Local absence? And are not you such Separatists from all the world, saving the Assembly where you meet? One cannot be in two places at once.

Or is it that they dislike somewhat in [Page 113] your Forms of Worship? so they may in others Forms, with whom yet they profess Communion: And in what is it that they shew dislike or separation? They hold Com­munion with you as Christians, and as re­formed from Popery: They separate not from Papists as Christians: And from you it is only for that which you say is no part of your Worship or Religion, but things in­different; which they think to be sin. And are those Separatists from your Church, who only separate from that which is no part of your Church or Worship?

3. Are the French and Dutch Churches in London Schismaticks or Separatists, who profess Communion with our Churches, though they use not our Oaths, Subscrip­tions or Liturgy? Liking their own mode better, and preferring it, is no Separation. If I like your Liturgy better than any in the Bibliotheca Patrum, is that separating from all Churches that use the rest?

4. Who are the Schismaticks in France, Italy, Poland, &c. Those that are called so, and persecuted as such; or those that im­pose on them the things which they judge sinful?

What if you were in a Presbyterian Land, where the Liturgy and Prelacy are forbidden, and another Form set up by Law; and you should contrary to that Law use the Liturgy and Ceremonies; or at least refuse [Page 114] subscribing against Prelacy, and for Lay Elders? If they excommunicated or ruined you for this, who do you think were guilty of the Schism?

5. Do they forsake the Assemblies be­fore they are excommunicated? Or is it not an odd thing for to excommunicate men first, and then accuse them for not coming to Church? I have known Ministers stop in the midst of Publick Worship, and refuse to go on, till an excommunicate person went out. The whole representative Church of England do in their 5, 6, 7, and 8 Canons ipso facto, without tryal or sentence, excom­municate all in England, who affirm any thing to be sinful or repugnant to Gods Word, in the Church Governing Offices whatsoever, in the Liturgy, Ceremonies or Articles. And shall they after this be called Separatists for not coming in? Doth not the Canon shew that the Church would not have them come in, when they cast them out?

Obj. But the Church and Canon bid them repent of that their wicked errour, and publickly confess it, and so come in.

Ans. 1. Is a mans Judgment absolutely in his power? Can a man believe a thing to be a wicked errour meerly because the Ca­non saith so? He that can believe what his list, believeth nothing truly. If this Belief be necessary to Church Communion, and to escape damning Schism, it is necessary to [Page 115] Salvation: Why then is it not in the Creed, Ten Commandments or Bible? Do you call them the things Indifferent, and then call it a wicked errour to hold them sinful? Is not this to make it necessary to Salvation or Communion, to have so much Learning or Knowledge, as to- know all Indifferent words and things in the world to be indifferent, which men will impose? I would all Church-Members with your and others knew all necessary things. Do you believe in your heart that all, or half the Parishio­ners do know these things to be lawful, or understand any more of them than those that think otherwise? when thousands can­not answer a necessary question of the Creed or Catechism; nor know who Christ is, and how he saveth us?

Why is there not a Catechism made con­taining the sound proof that Lay-Chancellors power of the Keys, and Diocesan Bishops that have no Bishops under them, and our present Court-Church discipline, and all the Rubrick, Ceremonies and Forms are lawful, if all must be excommunicate that think and say otherwise?

Obj. If they are so ignorant that they can­not know Church Orders to be lawful, they are not fit to communicate with the Church.

Ans. Make no Church Orders necessary to Communion, but what Christ and his Apostles have made necessary to it; and [Page 116] then cast out and spare not all as ignorant that refuse them.

2. But again, do you believe that most, or all that you keep in, are wiser and more knowing than those that you cast out? How shall such as I believe you, who know that in all the Parishes which my cohabitation allowed me to know, it is the most know­ing and religious part that most dissent, and the generality of the grosly ignorant that understand few Articles of the Creed, do conform. As ignorant as I am, and hun­dreds of my calling and mind, I would I were not only silenced and imprisoned, but put to death, on condition that all that you now receive as Members of the Church, had no more ignorance than we have. But it's our lot, to tire our selves with teach­ing poor people to understand their Bap­tism, Christianity, Creed, Lords Prayer, and Ten Commandments, and leave most igno­rant when all's done, and yet our selves af­ter our hardest and longest study, to be judged so ignorant about some Indifferent things, as to be unfit for Ministry or Com­munion.

Accus. If men will not obey Church Gover­nours and Laws, they are Rebels, and unfit for Christian Society. If every man shall follow his own fancy, what Order will there be? Do not [Page 117] all Churches require obedience to their Orders?

Ans. 1. The Church hath One Univer­sal King, who hath made Universal Laws for all; which must be first obeyed, and against which no man hath power. And yet his own Laws have things necessary to all, in which they must unite, and Integrals and Accidents which all know not, in which they must bear with one another. No man understandeth all the Bible: And are many Laws and Books more necessary than Gods?

2. Whoever depraveth the necessary points of Religion by his own fancies, should be rejected. But all men living err in ma­ny lesser things.

3. In what Countreys is it that your Rule holds, that Rulers must be thus far obeyed in Religion? Is it in China, or Pegu, or In­dostan, or Turky? Or is it in Italy, Spain, Po­land, Silesia, Bavaria, or France? Or is it at Geneva, Holland, or the Presbyterian Countreys? Or is it only in England, Scot­land and Ireland? And was it so here be­fore Henry the 8th. or only since? And how shall any know where it is, unless he try and judge his Rulers Commands by the Laws of God? Will you follow this Rule in France or Spain? Or shall all Subjects judge of Kings capacities?

[Page 118] Accus. But, they hold unlawful Assemblies of their own, and worship God contrary to Law, and yield not so much as Passive Obedience.

Ans. 1. You know the Ministers are forbidden their Office, unless they will take those Oaths, Subscriptions, Professions and Practices, which they dare not take, for fear of sin and damnation: And they would be thankful if their reasons may be heard, and if any will instruct them better: And they are confirmed in their Opinion by the answers, or no answers rather, made to the reasons already given in. And they are devoted or vowed to the sacred Mini­stry in their Ordination: And if there be such a sin as Sacriledge in the world, they are confident it were Sacriledge in them to alienate themselves from the Office which they have undertaken. As it is Apostacy from Christianity to violate our Baptismal Vow, though men should command it, they doubt not but it is perfidious Apostacy from the sa­cred Ministry, to violate the Ordination Vow, though Bishops silence them: As it is Adul­tery to violate the Conjugal Contract, though a Bishop should require it; seeing he that married them hath no power to unmarry them, unless they do it first themselves, and prove Desertors or Adulterers.

2. And the people that are excommuni­cate, [Page 119] or forbidden to worship God publick­ly, unless they will do that which they think is sin, are still under Gods command to wor­ship him, and not to forsake Church-assem­bling for his worship. What would you have these Ministers and People do? They study and pray to God to convince them, if they take these Oaths, Subscriptions, Professions and Practices to be sin, and they be no sin: They resolve to be ruled by Gods Word: They are willing to hear any thing that may better inform them: They wonder that men accuse them that have no more to say to change them. If they desert the Mi­nistry, they fear Gods vengeance: If these poor people give over all Gods Publick Worship, and live like Atheists, Conscience living or dying will torment them. If they do that which they are perswaded is sin, when the Imposers call it but Indifferent, Paul hath antidated their Sentence; He that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin, Rom. 14. Change their Judgment they can­not: sin they dare not: To give over wor­shiping God, is to renounce Salvation: Change the Law or Canon, men will not. It seems to me a strange penalty to forbid men to worship God at all, because they think some Subscriptions or Forms to be sin: More strange than to say, All that will not wear Crape shall go naked: Or, all that will [Page 120] not eat Anchovies shall eat nothing. If a man think the use of a Crucifix in Worship sin­ful, sure to give over all Worship is more sinful: But men have their ways.

3. What Worship is it that they offer God contrary to Law? They are willing to do all required in Scripture by Christ and his Apostles: And were they Rebels and Rogues? Or is their Worship intolerable?

4. What harm will it do their Neigh­bours, or any, if they only read the Scrip­ture, and praise God with Psalms, and preach and pray as God prescribeth, without Sub­scriptions or Ceremonies? Are any hurt by this? Doth the same Liberty to the Dutch here hurt any body, or break Peace? Doth the difference of Cathedral and Pa­rish Worship break Peace; or of those Churches that have Organs and Altars, and those that have none?

The Papists are the greatest pretenders to Unity, and most cry down Schism; and yet if all will but be Servants to the Pope, he will License multitudes of Orders that more differ from one another than we from you: Jesuits, Benedictines, Dominicans, Carthusians, and abundance more.

5. Dare any man of Self-knowledge and Conscience say, that all your Worship is not more faulty, than is the omission of a Form or Ceremony? Will not all the world be forbidden to worship God, if all as [Page 121] bad as this be forbidden? And how many worshippers of God, think you, will be left in England, if all must give over that have greater faults than the omission of a thing called but Indifferent?

6. As to what you talk of Passive Obe­dience, though the phrase be a contradiction, yet the thing meant is a meer cheat of one that hath devised that absurd phrase: And calls Omissive Obedience by the name of Pas­sive; Omitting an Action is not suffering. Da­niel was forbid to pray, and the Apostles to preach: They would not yield this Omissive Obedience, but they yielded that which is commonly called Passive. They patiently suffered.

7. Do you not know that about two hundred thousand in and near London cannot come within the doors of the Parish-Churches, (nor hundreds hear that can croud in;) shall all these be made Atheists, or ta­ken for Rebels if they will not forbear to worship God?

8. I suppose you know that many thou­sands stay at home in their Houses, Shops, Taverns, in sin or idleness: Are these thought worthy of a Jail or Banishment? Or is their course better than to worship God as Peter and Paul did? O the difference between Gods Judgment and some mens! But Gods Judgment shall determine all.

9. Are there no unfaithful and unskilful [Page 122] Ministers? Will no Patrons chuse such? Is not the Ministers skill and faithfulness of great importance to mens Salvation? What if Bishops or Laws imposed an unskilful or untrusty Physician on you, and forbad you to chuse a better, would you die obediently, or rather say, no one hath power so to betray my life? No nor your Soul nei­ther.

10. If you have the hearts of Christians consider this undeniable consequence: If you will have no union or concord among Christians till they agree in all things that are of no greater weight and evidence, than your forms and ceremonies are, you would have no concord in the world, no not between any two persons: And you may as well say, none shall be endured that are not just of the same visage and complexion: And then all the doubt will be, who is the man that will be the strongest and longest liver, to possess all England himself alone.

Accus. But they shew that they are Perjured, false, unconscionable Rogues, that took on them to scruple Oaths and our Church Communion till now, and now can do all rather than be out of places of trust.

Ans. 1. As to your Church communion, can you blind mens eyes, that they shall not read, what the old Nonconformists have [Page 123] written to perswade men to it? See Mr. Hildersham, Bradshaw, Gifford, Paget, Ball, and abundance more. And did not the pre­sent Nonconformists shew the same judg­ment 1660 and 1661 in their treaty? And do not many come to your assemblies? And would they not all that are Ministers Preach there if they could have leave? And have you not, as is afore proved, Excommunica­ted them by your Canons 5, 6, 7, 8. And is the Oxford Act (which imprisoneth them all six months if they be seen within five miles of a Corporation or any place where they have preached within 20 years) an invisible thing? Do you lay men in Jail by it, and yet think it must be unknown? And he that knows it knows that it Sentences all such to Jail if they be seen in your Churches? And is it the course of humane converse, to say, If you come into any Church within five miles &c. you shall lie in Iail six months; And if you do not, you are Rogues and shall lie in Iail for not coming? Just when the Ministers agreed to come more frequently than before, this act came out, and drove them back. You'll say, They can appear in their own assemblies.

Ans. 1. His Majesty encouraged them by granting them Liberty by his Declaration. 2. They have more hope there of escap­ing out of your hands, than they have in your own Churches.

And do you not see in Print what Mr. [Page 124] Tombes the Anabaptist wrote long ago to perswade his followers to your communion? And what Mr. Nye wrote to perswade the Independants to come to your Churches? what great change is here of their judgments?

Obj. But why did not the people do so all this while?

Ans. Because their own Teachers did, as they thought, more profit them. Many a man thinks it lawful to wear rags that yet had ra­ther wear whole and comely cloaths; and lawful to eat brown bread, and drink water, that will fare better when they can, and yet take these when they cannot. The people that had good houses before the fire, did without any change of their judgments, get into any poor rooms or cottages after it.

2. But suppose they lately change their judgments, (as many no doubt have) you that think it is for the better are strange Christians that reproach men for repenting and amending. Do you call them to Church and reproach them for not coming, and seek to ruin them for it, and now accuse them for coming? Doth not this shew that some men desired the present Imposi­tions, not for concord of all, but to drive some away, lest they should come in, and the land have concord? And doth not this shew what men we have to do with; and that it is somewhat else than non-conformi­ty which such men hate? Your Justice is [Page 125] [Come to Church, or lie in Iail as Schismaticks: And if you come you are perfidious rogues.] Whe­ther they do or do not, all's one to such judges: who have some other hateful mat­ter in their Eye.

Obj. But their doing it just now to keep their Charter, and keep from suffering, proveth that they are perfidious Rogues.

Ans. 1. I pray tell men of brains and sense, for what it is that you would have men Excommunicated, and laid in Jail or Fined, if they Conform not? Do you do all this without any purpose or hope to drive them to conformity? And do you do it only to make them perfidious Rogues. If suffer­ing may not alter them, why do you use it on them?

2. But who knows not that some things are lawful to avoid suffering which else would not be lawful. It is lawful to cast your goods into the Sea to save the Ship and mens lives; Which else were a sin: It's law­ful to give a Thief your purse to save your life, which else were unlawful: It's lawful to blow up neighbours houses to stop a fire; Christ proved it lawful to break the Sab­bath in cases of necessity; he withdrew into the Wilderness and far from Ierusalem, to avoid the pharisees persecution. And Paul was let down by the Wall in a basket; Which without danger of suffering, had not been lawful: Though no sin must be done [Page 126] to avoid suffering, yet that may and must be done, which self-preservation makes no sin, but a duty; To kill a man that assaults you in your own defence is not the same crime as unnecessarily to kill him.

But as to the other case of taking the Cor­poration Oath and Declaration, if you know the case (as you should do before you accuse men) you know that it is the true sence of them that is all the controversy: No body scruples swearing Loyalty, and renouncing Rebellion and Sedition, and all unlawful means of reformation: That which makes it difficult is that on one side, the proper universal sence of the words seems to them unlawful, and Oaths must be taken in the usual sence, unless our Rulers give another, yet on the other side, learned, sober Confor­mists profess that they take such words in the limited sence, or else they would not take them; And they argue subtilly to prove that to be the true sence; And our Law-makers to whom it belongs will not end the controversy by an exposition. And can you wonder here if men fluctuate in un­certainty? And a late writer having given subtiler arguments for the limited sence than were published before, did perswade many: And in that limited sence twenty Noncon­formist Ministers took the oath long ago in London at one time.

But I justify none that mistake in so [Page 127] great a matter. And doubtless if they sinned God will not bless it to their good; It will prove their snare: And I am glad that we are agreed that Perjury is a heinous sin: I beseech you then to consider, 1. Whether those men are fit to accuse them who drive them to it, and say to Ministers, Swear or lye in Iail: 2. Or those who are of the mind of Grotius, Bishop Taylor and such others, that Lying is Lawful when it saves our selves, and wrongs no other: And of those Divines that say, It's as lawful to defend my self from pernicious Imposers with my tongue as with my hands.

3. Let us all with fear (who believe there is a God) avoid the dreadful crime of perjuring the whole land. This whole King­dom is sworn against all Forreign Iurisdiction in the Oath of Supremacy; and against all endeavours to alter the Government of Church or State, by 1. the Corporation Act, 2. The Vestry Act, 3. The Militia Act, 4. The Oxford of Confinement. 5. And obliged by the Act of Uniformity. Is it not perjury than to endeavour any alteration of it? 1. What shall we then think of them that would bring in Popery? would they not per­jure the Kingdom? 2. What shall we say of them that write for a Forreign Church Ju­risdiction, under the name of General Coun­cils, or a Colledge of Bishops, or of For­reign Patriarchs, of whom the Pope is chief, [Page 128] and the Principium unitatis, to the universal Church. Is it no change of our Church Go­vernment to bring us under a forreign Ju­risdiction? Is it no change of State Govern­ment to make the King and Kingdom, Sub­ject to that forreign Jurisdiction, who may excommunicate him, and so bring on him all the evil which Excommunication infer­reth? And what man in his wits knoweth not that Prelates and Priests are much at the will and power of the Princes under whom they live? Doth not our King expect that his Bishops obey him? And those that must have this Universal Jurisdiction over our King and us, are the Subjects of other Princes, of which the far greatest part are Papists, Mahometans, Infidels, Heathens, or such as are called Hereticks; And if our King and we be made Subject to the Sub­jects of the Turk, the Pope, the Kings of Spain, France, Poland, the Emperor, the Moscovite, the Dukes of Bavaria, Tuscany, and such like, is he not made a Subject to their Lords and Masters, and much worse? Will not this project perjure Eng­land?

3. Whether it be any alteration of Go­vernment by them that would change the Power and use of Parliaments, I leave to Lawyers.

4. But I would fain be satisfied of another case. These Kingdoms of England and Scot­land [Page 129] took a Covenant and Vow, some Vo­luntarily, some at their Compositions, who had been sequestred for the King: This Vow contained divers matters, of which some are notorious duties, as to repent of their sins, to oppose Popery, Schism, and Prophaneness, to defend the King, &c. It's not denied by most that I meet with, that this Oath or Vow was unlawfully imposed, and unlaw­fully taken, and many think some of the matter was unlawful, viz. to oppose Prela­cy, &c. But seeing Casuists are agreed, that an Oath unlawfully both imposed and taken, bindeth to that part of the matter which is lawful and necessary, notwithstanding the Conjunction of the rest. And the Corpora­tions of England are all formed by a Decla­ration taken by all in power and trust, that [There is no Obligation, (without the least exception) on me or any other person from the Oath called the Solemn League and Covenant; The doubt is whether every man may de­clare that, of all the thousands of three King­doms (whom he never knew,) no one is bound by that Oath, or Vow, to repent of his sins, or in his place and calling to oppose Schism, Popery, or Prophaneness, or to de­fend the King? and whether all may declare that the Londoners and Ministers, and the restored old Parliament, and General Monks Army who restored the King, as supposing they were bound to it by that Oath, were [Page 130] all deceived, and were under no such obli­gation thence? And whether I am not bound in charity to think that the sequestred Royalists put a good sence on it, when they took it? And so whether all the Corpora­tions of England are free from—And for what it is that God hath singled them out for Judgment?

If you be agreed with us (and with man­king) against so great a sin as Perjury, espe­cially national, let us help one another with Love and Patience to resolve such doubts.

Accus. But they have been guilty of Re­bellion in a Civil War, and therefore are justly suspected to Preach or hold Rebellious Doctrine.

Ans. 1 Are those men lovers of Love and Concord who purposely make use of pardoned acts to keep the Kingdoms wounds still open? Did not the King tell you in his Declarations and Act of Oblivion, that the putting up of all (save to the excepted persons) and closing for the future in mu­tual love, was the only way to the Nations peace? You would tempt men to think that you desire to see such days again, by trying whether destroying men will tempt nature to a self-defence.

2. But you have oft had it proved (by Henry Fowlis, Bishop Barlow and abundance more) that no Protestants come near the [Page 131] Principles and Practices of the Papists, as to King-killing and Rebellion. And if yet you know not that the War began between two parties of Episcopal conformists, here among the English, you are unfit to judge of that which you know not: And by reading Rush­worth, Whitlock or any true Histories of such times and matters, you may be better in­formed: As you may of their different principles if you read Iewel, Bishop Bilson, and Richard Hooker on one side, and Main­warning and Sibthorp on the other.

3. But how few men are alive that had any hand in those miserable Wars? You have oft been offered a thousand thanks if you will silence and hunt no other that are as innocent as you, and more than many of of their accusers. And shall thousands suffer for other mens deeds? 3. What will wise men think of such a sort of men, as charge multitudes in general with Rebellious and Seditious Doctrine, and have accused so few of any such these twenty years, that I know not of one publickly Accused, Tryed and Proved guilty, of all called Presbyteri­ans in all this Land? If they are guilty prove it, and let the guilty suffer, and not the innocent: Only had I my wish I would Bar Perjury, and Condemning men unheard.

Accus. They are an unpeaceable sort of people.

Ans. That's soon said. Who hath these [Page 132] 22 two years manifested most desires of Peace? They that have beg'd for it again and again: Pleaded and written for it: Offered their Oaths that they would obey any lawful Commands for it, and do any thing which they did not believe that God forbids? Or those Bishops that would not have one Form or Ceremony, or needless Subscription forborn, to save thousands of Ministers from being silenced and laid in Common jails, nor to save many thousand of the people from suffering, and to heal the divisions of the Church. One would think this should be as easie a Controversy, as when Soldiers are plundering the Country, and the people on their knees intreating for their goods and lives, to determine which of them is most against War.

Accus. But what need they make such a stir with their Religion: What need they any more than go to Church and live obediently and be quiet? Why will they be righteous over much; will not less ado bring men to Heaven? Why do they differ from their Neighbours, and judge all car­nal that be not as Scrupulous as they? God is merciful; and will he save none but Puritans, or precise zealots?

Ans. Now you come to the real matter of your distast: I did not meddle with the case of Nonconformity as it is a Controversy between Godly men, but only as you make [Page 133] a pretence of it, to exercise your enmity a­gainst serious Godliness, and a handle to lay hold on many whom Christ will justify and save. To all before said I add,

1. If you think they do too much, search the Scriptures, and see whether it be not less than God commandeth? And if so, is it not God whom you accuse and reproach?

2. If they do too much in obeying God, why do Canon-makers impose such abun­dance on them, as if God had not imposed enough?

3. Why do you never find fault with men for being too strong, too healthful, too rich, too great, but only for being too obe­dient to God? When Christ saith; If we did all that God commandeth we must say, we are unprofitable Servants, we have done no more than was our duty, and the best on Earth come short of duty. But this which is the Core I answered before. And conclude, that all that be in their right wits can easi­lier bear all your accusations and persecuti­ons of us, as if we did too much in obedience to God, than the accusation of Conscience and the displeasure of God for doing too little: Which alas when we have done our best would sink us into despair, had we not the merits of Christs suffering and perfect righteousness to trust to.

Chap. V. An humble Expostulation with the English Papists who by Information and Prosecution seek our ruine.

THough it be not Popery as such that I am here reasoning against, the course that many Papists take in seeking our de­struction, giveth me cause of this humble ex­postulation: And I speak now of no o­ther, but of them. I mean, 1. Those that write so hotly and ragingly to provoke Su­periors to ruine us. 2. Those that make a trade of being delators against us for wor­shiping God as we do. 3. Those of them that break in upon us with greatest haugh­tiness and fury, to take away all our goods, and seek our imprisonment. 4. Those that seek to ruine us by those Laws which were made against themselves. 5. Those that would make Superiors believe that our Doctrine is more rebellious than theirs. To these I offer a few modest questions.

Qu. 1. There are some among you that profess great Spirituality and strictness in Re­ligion: Serenus Cressy wrote to me (com­mending Baker's book which he published) that he forsook the Church of England be­cause he found no Spiritual contemplation and devotion among us. Such as Nerius, Sales, Kempis, Gerson Borromaeus, Renti, &c. are real­ly the chief honour of your Church. Much of that for which I am hated by the Enemies of [Page 135] serious godliness, I acknowledge to Gods praise, I was first chiefly awakened to by a book written by one whom Watson, and others of your party grievously accuse, I mean Parsons Book of Resolution corrected by Bunny. True Christianity and Godliness is the same thing in all that have it. Your Priest Mr. Hutchinson, alias Berry, writeth that the most of serious Godliness among Protestants is found among those called Puritans: So that I was fain to defend the Conformists against his charge: All this being so, is it the Spirit of God that engageth and enrageth you with the most destructive bitterness against those men whom you confess to be the most Reli­gious, meerly because they are stiffest against your Church Government and way of wor­ship? And do you not know that it tendeth more sensibly than disputes, to perswade the people whom you thus hate and prosecute, that your Religion is malignant, and enmity to real Godliness?

Qu. 2. Do you think it is prudent for you, as soon as ever you get up and before you dare openly own your name and cause, to begin with Malice, Rage and Cruelty, and that against the most religious (as you say?) Will not this perswade the people that all is true that is said of your intended cruelty, and make them fear you, as so many Leopards or Wolves? Will they not say, if the young Serpents can so easily sting, what will the [Page 136] old ones do? And if your infancy here be­gin with such destructive zeal, what will you do when you are at full growth?

Qu. 3. You cannot be ignorant what cause to accuse your Church with Cruelty and Blood, hath been given the world by your Church Laws and Practices: By the Council at the Laterane under Innocent 3d the Council for damning Henrician Here­ticks, even Kings that claim Investiture of Bishops, and those that decree the burning of all that you call Hereticks: By the mur­der of so many thousand Albigenses, Walden­ses, Bohemians, &c. By the Inquisitions more inhumane cruelties in Belgium and Spain, &c. By the Massacres in France, and the murder of Henry III. and IV. By Queen Maries flames; By the two hundred thousand mur­dered in Ireland: And there be many among you who disown all this, and say it is not from the principles of your Religion (when yet General Councils approved are your Religion it self.) This being copiously opened (as I said before by Henry Fowlis, Bishop Barlow, &c.) had it not been more prudent for you to have begun with Lenity and Love, to have drawn men to think that you are better minded, than to perswade them that you are of your rulers and fore­fathers mind, and mean to imitate them?

Qu. 4. Have you not observed that all par­ties have faln by forcing multitudes to be [Page 137] their enemies by seeking to destroy or hurt them? Most men love quietness, and will live in peace, if others will give them leave: But when they see that they must offend o­thers, or not defend themselves, it sets all their wit and power on work against their intolerable enemies: There are few crea­tures in the world that have not some power and inclination to hurt others for their own defence. The Bee hath a Sting to defend her Hive and Honey. And do you not re­member that your sufferings in England came most by Queen Maries flames, and the Spa­nish Invasion, and the many Treasons against Queen Elizabeth and by the Powder Plot? And how the French Massacre and Murders of Kings, and the horrid Inquisition set all our Parliaments against you? And how the Murder of 200000 in Ireland drove many thousands into the Parliaments Army that else would not have gone? And will you yet stir up all the Land to fear and hate you?

Qu. 5. Is it not both imprudent and un­righteous for you of all men to turn those Laws against us, which were made against you, and have so much slept, and little trou­bled you? You will by this call people to take notice of them, that did not before. For my own part, as I never hurt any of you, so I know not that any of the Ministers did, whose ruine you endeavour. We hear of none of your sufferings by any such. In­deed [Page 138] these late years many have died as for the Plot so much talkt of. But by whom did they die? Was it not by the accusation and witness of Papists? Were not Oats, Bed­low, Dugdale, Turbervile, Prance, Dangerfield, Ienison, Smith, alias Barry, the York-shire Witnesses, and the rest besides the Irish, all men of your selves, that came out of your own Bosoms? whether the men died justly or unjustly I leave to God; But sure it was men of your own selves that did it. And will you be revenged for this on such Protestants that medled not in it?

And you should remember that you and we have a Protestant King, who hath sworn all his Kingdom against all forreign juris­diction, and all endeavour of any alteration of Government in Church or state, and so much abhors Popery that he hath made a law severely to punish all that shall but raise any suspicion that he is a Papist. And you must in reason take heed of dishonouring and defaming him, by defaming Protestants in general.

And sure since Queen Elizabeths days we have had no Kings whom you can justly ac­cuse of cruelty towards you. No not King Iames when the Powder Plot had provoked him; if half be true that the Bishop of Ambrun saith of his conference with him, or that Rushworth and others say of the Oath of the King, Prince and Council for Toleration, [Page 139] you are disingenuous if you accuse them of cruelty or rigorous severity.

In you Philanax Anglicus (as formerly in the Image of both Churches) you make all cal­led Protestants of sincerity, to be of Rebelli­ous principles, and their Religion introdu­ced by it; and yet profess that you honour the King, as if you would have men doubt whe­ther he be a Protestant of sincerity, or else were as bad as you describe. Had the severe Laws been executed against you, especially for meer Religion, no one could wonder if you desired relief: But while you live quiet­ly, and Words and Paper hurt you not (that I hear of) to begin with so much hurtfulness to them that medled not with you, will disserve your cause.

Qu. 6. And is it consistent with reason­able modesty to go about to make the World believe that the Protestant Doctrine is less loyal than yours? Do you think your Books are invisible, & all your practices for­gotten: It is none of the business of this writ­ing to accuse you herein, of any thing but falsly accusing others, and seeking to destroy us on such accusation. Though you may thus deceive the ignorant that know no more of you than what you tell them, that will but turn to your dishonour at last. Are not your foresaid Council Canons which are your Religion, visible? Have not the forecited writers truly cited them and multitudes of [Page 140] your Doctors which may better inform men? Are all the Wars of Italy, Germany, &c. a­gainst Princes and Emperors, for the Pope, forgotten? Was it not a Council of your Bishops that decreed that all the carcasses of those Bishops that were for the Henrician He­resy (that is, for the Emperors power of investing Bishops and his exemption from being excommunicated and deposed by the Pope) should be digged out of their Graves, and Burnt? Was it not a council that de­posed Ludovicus Pius? How many more such acts have they done? And are not your most learned Doctors allowed to publish the justi­fication of the Popes power to excommuni­cate & depose Kings if they deserve it (in his judgment?) Do not your politick Writers, Casuists and Divines ordinarily hold that the people give Kings, their power, and may take it away when they forfeit it, and that tyran­ny is such a forfeiture? And that the people should not suffer a Heretick to reign? And that subjects may be absolved from their Oaths of Allegiance, according to the fore­said Laterane and Greg. 7. Roman Councils? But too much is said of this by many, and the case is past a modest denial.

Even those Protestants that were in Arms for the Parliament, and restored the King, were so far from thinking that their Oaths of Allegiance may be dispensed with, that if I knew any thing of those men and times, it [Page 141] was principally the Conscience of two Oaths (the Oath of Allegeance, and the Oath cal­led the Covenant) that by them overcame the opposition of the other Army, and brought home the King. It was this that engaged the Ministers of England against both Cromwel and a Common-wealth: and the Ministers were followed by most of the religious peo­ple of the land, which broke the adversaries strength: It was this that engaged the exclud­ed members of the (then) long Parliament: It was this that engaged the City of London: It seems it was this that engaged Gen. Monk's Army, when they say in their address to him, (see it, in Englands Triumph for K. Charles the 2d p. 85.) ‘[ We hope to evince to his Majesty and all the world, that we and all those that have been engaged in the Parliaments cause, are his Majesties best and most real subjects; and that your Excellency and the Armies un­der your command, have complied with the ob­ligations for which they were first raised, for the preservation of the true Protestant Religi­on, the Honour and Dignity of the King, the Priviledges of Parliament, the Liberty and Pro­perty of the Subjects, and the Fundamental Laws of the land.]

I am not justifying all that I recite; I doubt not but they were much mistaken. But if they had then been told that shortly all the Cor­poration Offices and Trusts in England shall be constituted by a personal Declaration of [Page 142] every one, that [There is no obligation on any person from the Oath called the Solemn Cove­nant] to restore the King, oppose Schism, or to any thing whatever, the effect would have been such, as makes me wonder that the Royalists (as then called) should be very eager to make all such declare, that all these Souldiers, Ministers, Parliament and Citizens that restored the King as bound to it by that Oath, were therein mistaken, and no such obligation thence was on them.

Qu. 7. I need not name to you the sorry fellows out of the Jails, where they lay for in­human villanies that have been our zealous, ranting, tearing, prosecuters? And do you think such actors are an honour to your cause? If it be good, use good men in it.

Qu. 8. Why do you play your game under board, and behind the Curtain? If you are not ashamed of your cause, openly own it. Is falshood, lying and dissembling beseeming them that say they are of a Church out of which none can be saved? I remember when Terret, alias Iohnson, had seduced the eldest Daughter of the Countess of Balcarres (whom they stole away and made a Nun in France,) and she was after askt, why she did so long go to our Churches, join in family worship, read Protestant Books, and talk against the Papists, and deride them, after she was a Pa­pist her self, she answered that they had leave to do all that as long as they did not openly [Page 143] Profess their Religion, and were not detected. But when once they were discovered and openly professed themselves Roman Catho­licks, they must then suffer any thing rather than conform to us.

Gods cause needeth not such jugling and lying.

Qu. 9. Why do you not ingenuously plead your cause against us, so as may satisfy an un­derstanding Conscience, before you seek our destruction? 1. Your arguings are common­ly fitted only to cheat the ignorant by am­biguities, and confusion, and equivocal terms; Your queries or methods to the French suf­ferers, are only a formed cheat, by confound­ing, 1. Subjection to Governours, and Com­munion with neighbour Churches. 2. Com­munion with your Church in Christianity and Communion with its sins. 3. A Catholick Church informed only by the soveraignty of Christ, and a pretended universal Church in­formed by the soveraignty of Man (a Monarch or a Church-Parliament.) 4. The office of keeping, delivering and teaching men Gods Laws, and an absolute power to Judge of their sence, and to make more as a supplement to their defects, obliging all the world on pain of Excommunication and Death: And more such.

2. Any writings which undeniably open your frauds, you take no notice of, nor vouch­safe to answer upon the importunity of Mr. [Page 144] Iohnson, and divers others; I have lately written; 1. A reply to Iohnson. 2. A small book in answer to one of your Papers, to prove that we have a certainty of Christianity without Popery.

3. In answer to another, a small Book called, Full and Easy satisfaction which is the true Religion. None of them will you answer, nor those before written: But instead of a sober investigation of the truth, some of you raise odious slanders of my life, and threat­en and seek my destruction. I never hurt any of you, as I said before, nor ever per­swaded any to severity against you. I have long ago publickly proposed terms on which we might live together as neighbours in peace. But destruction and misery are in your way (that I have observed) and the way of peace you have not known.

There are three things which alienate common Christians from you more than all other disputes. 1. That you can go so open­ly against the plainest words of God (as in blotting out the Second Commandment, in notorious contradicting 1 Cor. 12. and Rom. 14, and 15. about the terms of Church Uni­on and Communion; about Latin Prayers and Worship to the ignorant, denying the Cup to the Laity, denying sense in Tran­substantiation).

2. That you befriend Ignorance so much, by the said Latin Worship, forbidding most [Page 145] to read the Scripture translated, and accuse Gods Spirit of writing obscurely, to cover this.

3. That your Religion liveth by cruelty and blood, and cannot stand without it: Which at least in prudence you should hide as long as you can; Or at least not design to make the ignorant and vicious Protestants, your Proselytes and Agents conjunctly to ruin those whom your Consciences know to be the most Consciencious and seriously religious.

By which already the flock of Christ do (under your Sheeps cloathings) so judge of you by your fruites, that if any man that is called a Protestant▪ Clergy-man, do but Write and Preach for cruelty and ruin to­wards serious Conscionable Christians, peo­ple by this very mark do presently suspect that he is either a Papist or so near them as that he is ready to pass over to them, whom he so assisteth in destructive work.

Qu. What must be the cure of Maligni­ty?

Ans. When the heel of the holy seed is sufficiently bruised, the Serpents Head must be broken. 1. The War in Heaven which formerly cast down the Dragon, must break the supream Serpentine Head. II. Then his Heads military on Earth will be broken. I. The usurping universal Head called Ec­clesiastical: II. The national Serpentine [Page 146] Heads. I. Exterior; Mahometan and Hea­then. II. Interior; called falsly Christian: I. Serpentine Monarchs, that War against Christ. II. Serpentine Prelates and their Pa­trons, that fight against Christ as in his own name, and by his pretended commission.

And all this by Christ, and not by sinful means.

Reformation is begun à Minoritis at the lowest, for personal Salvation of the Elect: But a Majoritis, at the Heads for publick welfare: And God must raise Reforming Princes and Pastors to that end.


[Page] A Catalogue of Books Printed for, and Sold by Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside, near Mercers Chapel.

Mr. Baxter's Catholick Theology. Folio. A Third Volume of Sermons Preach­ed by the late Reverend and Learned Tho. Manton D. D. In two parts. Folio.

A Hundred Select Sermons on several Texts, of Fifty on the Old Testament, and Fifty on the New. Folio.

Choice and Practical Expositions on four Select Psalms. Folio. Both by the Reve­rend and Learned Tho. Horton D. D. late Minister of St. Hellens, London.

The true Prophecies and Prognostications of Michael Nostrodamus, Physician to Henry the Second, Francis the Second, and Charles the Ninth, Kings of France, and one of the Best Astronomers that ever were. Folio.

Sixty one Sermons, Preached mostly on publick occasions, whereof five formerly Printed by Adam Littleton D. D. Rector of Chelsea in Middlesex. Folio.

The Saints Everlasting Rest, or a Trea­tise of the Blessed State of the Saints in their Enjoyment of God in Glory. 4to.

The English Nonconformity, as under King Charles II. and King Iames II. Truly Stated and Argued, By Richard Baxter. 4to.

[Page] A Discourse concerning Liturgies. By the late Learned and Judicious Divine, Mr. David Clarkson. 8vo.

A Discourse of the Saving Grace of God. By the late Reverend and Learned David Clarkson Minister of the Gospel. 8vo.

The Vision of the Wheels seen by the Prophet Ezekiel; opened and applyed: Part­ly at the Merchants Lecture in Broad-street, and partly at Stepney, on Ianuary 31. 1689. Being the Day of Solemn Thanksgiving to God for the great Deliverance of this King­dom from Popery and Slavery, by His then Highness the most Illustrious Prince of O­range. Whom God raised up to be the glo­rious Instrument thereof. By Matthew Mead Pastor of a Church of Christ at Stepney. 4to.

The Life of Faith in every State. By Rich. Baxter. 4to.

Alderman Ashurst's Funeral Sermon. 4to.

A Key for Catholicks to open the Jug­lings of the Jesuits: The first part of an­swering all their common Sophisms: The second against the Soveraignty and necessity of General Councils. 4to.

Full and easy satisfaction, which is the true Religion: Transubstantiation shamed. 8vo.

Naked Popery: Answering Mr. Hutchin­son. 4to.


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